Tile Wi'rttlliT I'nflly rlnwlv. lllilh 70 Oiw . .45 Hrrvln* MMII t'ltr .11 Vrnri I. A Nfll N(f, MICMIO A N—W KI > N KM I > A V. MAV 2ft. JIt»» I'lUCK ft CKNT3 1'i'iiiltm for tUmrt Brief? Big Four Line Up in UN •, IV .. . n It'll* :)U «n* a \n\ f'»' hV'« nil fVudonl voltnblf* In I hp Ifnhm fnflrty thmtigh T»i"»- fiill-Hlftr llfidi'i'gntd- !grrt.lll- Truffle To Battle Russ Complaint ii l« »"fv H|f|ilv k R R Mature Senale • •'fxlMlUjJ f"t .1- M'»" • h »' To PfoIh* - will rinse l'i- Rampant ■ .1- tivnilfhip hi ih# Union, ! „• »t*M(it'H*. tlpljf'e, flV- . publicity, |id»grtiro*, imp- phi»|>hv. gi|p*' him) 112 Caw . . : , . .»»«. m< M!«* MRl' himI pithll • 'I in Hip fa" IVtllWMliMH will b# In (Utile I imiih II S|m'iili« r« AAA Ou r UMMi P. ii.1 I il«. S.il. llll.'. tiillitllhlll iM-n-Irr Mount- I Mil Ii SAIIONM V V \ijt'iw Lambda I. »*•!»«, fit'"i- i/1¥i ISrllMit. (.ml yittw* biMVMitiy Mil) ANTIAIitt. I t.itr. !.1'| ... i i'. unniinl inltlMlnn Weft- ■ 1 "t.'BMM" frupl i.in« ...I.I.mI to lin.-'l ti|i lii-hfnil 'hi' I'nit»■■' l:r «» 5 in :M MH'I 35 Uiift'm Still"-. in Mtturkifi'.f the iim-mivc devnatftfiofi by > Utinhr Mm groan. mnniau. liie Soviet I'ihoii for hrittv- nf hump pf ntMinili *, ( cnrth'iMMkmt, fhhtl wnves nnd . ilig I tie •:jt' pliine Hsue in)»» iw'iik ItimGlblca in atiiitbriti Hiiln Hi" I \* >.ri»|r ed' - . i • m l«hu<<'graph y .ii*. tpntU editor, eugtaVlmH . Hide* editor, •enlnr* cd» cdlbu. rupv 11. S. Launches Midas Salcllilc < APl; i AN'AVFt)At., Ha «,!'• the data tinm the sstellltr i'l» '»f Santi. •, <>ti(Mfti*a'toh* editor. nrgm- The tlfiiU I HI nips' l»i|r», M d tiiitbt was hand fntopnted and ■■•u-. ct»t»> C»li'«W. *a|e* It'll!'* I I 1 tmhouiinr flmrr . •* personnel ninnagrt. office my pt|n>idhhmvtal ntidnl -j»v ••niclals annminird later that allf i»v . ,'jp* r»f I f *)•♦»( I ixljf laid before lb- s^lrlUtp into mtiit TiiP»dat. tftdas was In a near-rtri nlar I be bist llare will be flrrd on hu» and -vHti • c Annanft Hunter. director an extorted to provide com¬ mi no spewlne *mohe and Itn *i4t#ni#nt rlrrul4t#d 4* jn nfTtr- provide »loumt Instant warning piopyt dirrrtor. •'•) radio I srlher north. In f aulin Fro i.- 'ndiNttUng, ha* bprli nam- of h tinlllatlr missile attack tfiinstnitteM in the 22-fnot long plete and i mat,pit .ranmog «.r vlnre, i new voir* no storied Coeds Slav in School Ml f oil n# 11 rtwiimrnl the earth's Mpfao » W. 1 ' • I hp Advisory Committee I he satellite. Meet sf lt« kind pa« e messenger o>c working emUIInc a rolMmn of flame aod -#• tuw. - i • tow Educational Media, ad- flv Ha«hing ho* alarm of th* i In the wwrld. »h boosted atnft perfdetjv. •moke. ■,..#r l S, tr» the t'ommiMioncr and Office "f Education on from this mtaatle teat renter at I1:3Y p.m. IMTI by a power* Th»* erpiipped 'spy-in-the-sky" with an wa* ihfr«*red biHstotr.of enemy missiles, ttiev would give the United Stales 3ft minutes to prepare for nuc¬ noon A ftcw sbm»k earthquake this af'er- C|uiwhao in fhlN Education Lends Eicld 11 . |pr« relating id new tdu»a- tut RR tmt Atlas.Aaeaa racket n anning dtVkt* c»p»b'e of in* lear terrubardlTlfftf. V> IfAd fC- J'rov'tbee. t inal mcrt<«. A it if Two hours Inter, shnrlty nfler I'nited Nations reconvened to StahtaiU'oiia sjadting and reporf- ing of the lnunebbig of n bos laliatofy and f.i g.' rmketa persons ot| the mto shelter. way than Ti'li! waves *lw» I'Mfiwt 10ft to death at Aleta mm» Oh for Women Gradmiles the !f2 spy debate, the tile ballistic niKMle SI IHI Srholarnhlit* resume The launching is ilinnet cer* .Sunday Ah Fo'-re announced the mam Til- fi r«t test %ateltife w i - More than half of the eosiM who will Rrmiunle from MM' " in to make Its rni k In the Soother rresklne wall of stal¬ ih Delta Delhi ha* rhrwen moth MtdHHuaa spinning iroiih't aimed a' a coiose which w nild tfrptcd Nations, where ffip-ia er Ii feel kick encelfed Ike fhtM year will go right httrk into fhr* *rhoolroom, this tinm Alexander, Norway |r„ an I the earr'i take i' ovfi MtHua Its path r<»v- small seaside remtrl of Mekelo • ••• k . ioMderrinatlon of the Unit* M« teacher*. ^ » ' -Miii.' flugnirk, Detroit fr. m If was unable Immetlia'elv to er* Hit territory in degree- at 1 a.m. Teesdas. ert States «s an aggressor for Mekolii Is .•Mil's of xtnn scholarship* give the prw ise iKMiti«*'i in "■ - nortli and «»u'l» «»f the erpiator near (fweolen and to a bowl 'die «aF.dijca'»'»r., i>, fr». '» »♦ retorderl 'hi!' spying on Hoviot tcrrlt'iry with •M l/K-al Fund Award K#- hi! lHeau*e of a malfunction In Mrdar' practice mission is to test miles sowlk of Wanltoco. ♦•■her fie I. for MSf ». ert.hiflV.irt at, 'he . "''.it'w I»n«.•*•) on »rlin!»ti- tiHiking comniiters «l the satel¬ erjoipiwlil of giant ao»l not 1^3 plane ritr.voed on \tav- unTP America rlefcmb Whole village* have been IfSlidRt"*. fepr.rt* John K n gra/Juaton • • Kt.mding, rUifciwihtp an I lite te*t wing at hunnvvitte, ftsres !o lw ienderl at K'lwards for of plarr-rrierit ai necessary to swfq»t away t»y tidal wave* »< •ore. job #.ffrr» ' IH#r# »lir#rt An fan re H-i-e. «4i no m#nOon e,..r laid, ami tr»»- high 21 feet However, there are roam e » urea I f • military buildup a* in th# f mnril of Ih# I 4. irtinn # w # ii Curtain. ( 'her viJIige-i wjih srhx-h no retlent" oprairtuhitles ir# In ncreasing in tenrilng up * Wirl4a "If?-in contact has )»e«-n tfifial services, retailing, jo MRU e«lv with degf I rnilrtslii/i I'.ourtr liitssiiins Kelen-e Aincriraiis Midas ami a companion *a* ♦•itHw- system, SatTMH, will extend ■ have been made de«!r red |»v t.rtal m»y Jj. -r, 4f,d aorne other- field . •ic;encf» • Ih# that *fci" *iKh «it#llite. «4t#llit#a hot th# 'imH gath#r f441 waves lamUiide*. interior ner {Kunts out *k executive ■ fvijiion* f«»r !hp fall h. i m a^nal espionage further Utfo or Mpwruj, information was rais¬ • tcr^iip training t*uui*p arp ,n»if in Wihiiph'.b OlvUlon. hirrwl Down in (rorniativ -pace dated. ami make* U2 flight* out¬ mimsler Jaime S Iva tobl a news ♦ ofifrrem •• He note* thaf of the smne 1 .ftftft teacher# which State will cer¬ i'h large r-orporat • i ' c ',r*. Al ed h? »#v#r*| ipnkrri. tify this year. IFKI to 7fift Witt Or iw r.'hemica.' and other " s* i')«M»t Hitviitr until Tup*- 4 4 4 Two < kllean frelcbiers. Han- •V ASFUNGTON- v ~'A Wrr.SUAt)KN. (iermany iA*> the village of Kluc'/. about 10 women. Thev will move .rT' ♦ r fimt-t. Hip two riPdit cmirxf. llaso and El ( anelo. saok In Far "'in With unuMial bpccj and a rrpld miics inside the F.a*l Germati WASHINGTON bV) - A teaching ptti'ioti. -»t salaries Kinney explain* th r the i d;«"Tir. to# • •''I hv thr Cullrgr of P'.«l- racing sea* off Puerto Corral. If" rtComm.-re agreed ' •• and lican of Studi'iiU protest, tip Kussian* ftanday ft'gVicr rocket-ririinjr, |0*pmind park- No snrvltors wrre reported. • veraging about *4 500. ex bu*ir.»-: ■ ^ to dcvi'lop Iradpfahip ment Indicate that nearly 2 mil¬ ritdbw rl ay. strayed on n flight from Coped- hinis.mimed into a long, rope¬ to $4,200; executive secret or * fr i'ilxk do no- qualif, » • . lion people, or M percent of "ie The crew and passengers ha gen to Hamburg, west of fie like orange and yellow cloud and jrairnalists, both newt and In"" r,errat.r!. Krone' not*-', *h * * ♦ population in 11 southern pro- bright f D-Ark .< Ijcrngps even tne plane iUelf Iron Curtain. visible /or hundreds of miles. advertising, will have -ui'iog • trior* rthira'i cation a woman >. vlncee, may be homeless, effori lllitrli '.S' Hu*h were exptydi*d to reach West _ The retafively happy Ending CAmeras as far apart as An¬ * * * aaiarie* averaging $4,20ft. tfle more likr *he ».i to work '-very a Germany or Merlin shortly Kinney print* out that the to/cation the primary cor* X"#p po».'..CX ?,f 1 was signalled by a letter from drews Air Force Base, Md., and ■Ii-■ for Hlook ' S" riMiwni'- The battered old C4T had WASHINGTON (fr—The State Michigan teacher, roakr-frr* well c.deration for women in accept¬ d.tor inquiry %hich V.lt begn Soviet Col/Gen I I. Yakubov- North Carolina trained on the ' ;.n . »|U will br held bKnin - landed In a cow paaturc near Department said . Tuewlay the a* female. "U mainly a native ing a gph. Kmnev said, explain¬ with Secretary of State Chrtst.a-i s sky to Gen. Clyde Kddleman, cloud to record wind velocity, United State* would rush aid to lierier - *i.jj.it 7-0 III parlor A of commander of the If. H. Army ill Of Michigan who days home ' ing thev may choose a iocaUon wind direction and dispersion earthquake str.ken Chile as fast fiiion He extdains that even tn the i H.se to farplJy or friend* On After a showing of f>#morra- Europe. 4 4*4 While House In routine terms, Yakubovskv ratea 190 miles above the earth. The sodium-cloud rocket war a; possible Press officer IJftcoln Whi'c f , is the nrwty- saw research station at 7.48 p ro- ' - • 1 vice chairman of the To Listen lie said Soviet fighters took "justified decisive action'* to EST. tals, blanket*, tents, water purl- fk a Hon materials and medical tio. he report*, is in line with the general makeup of the stu¬ ance. Ih# -senate Monday. A* Fulbrig,; outiroeri :h#ir., Michigan chapter nf the Watchers across tie street supplies. dent body, 80 per cent from »» the Senate hearings will last » Officers To s • • "f American Forester*. WASHINGTON lift — The force it down after repeated sig¬ from the White House in Wash¬ Meanwhile, the American Red •tale and 2ft per cent from out mauer of day* and will o« con¬ White Mouse Tuesday urged the nal* to land were ignored. The ington had a grand stand seat at Cross delivered to the depart¬ of state. ducted much iike the cefobra'ed Kremlin to let lire KuwUn pur¬ Soviet General askad Eddlevnan the sky show, which began with ment a check for $10,000 for the Iluniing Mallres» ple listen to hro'idcast* of Pre*!* dent Kiaenhower'a report tonight to "take measure* to such incidents In the future " exclude the movement of upward into the twilight sky. a bright light Chilean Red Cross to a!d relit*/ work. reAt demand w«u, r nrurti for women graduates, particular¬ Be Honored 5ienale probe nino years ago af¬ ter President Truman strippcrt ly in «pecial education such as Itringx :t Truck* on collapse of the Summit con* Tne-annual Officwrs* Oeassrt. Gen. Douglas MacArtrsur Korea war command. 4. hit To Rather Hull terencc Preu Secretary James Hag- I'rnapective Conleatanto Compelf 'i stnmg ; te- %ckl Ttjrsday in- Arm- at 7 p.m The yet**.-- T:uce erty, w*ho said he was making iss sponsored Hannah.- Receive answered a Water Carnival nre truck* oy management the appeal through American ; •' ii m. in refroonsc to a call Rj • Kather hall Tuesday at 'he switchboard. Schoeo, Ted Keen, and newsmen, aleft voiced hope that Savict Union newspapers will carry full accounts of the Presi¬ dent's address on television and Preliminary trials for water Trophies wtfl be awarded Sports Trials Started to ner tubes for each team, and agaro when the whistle is blown and the Women Council and the bid and new officers of toe women's residence hails. Inter-reside w-e' held to recognwu- -Graduating ( Ja»» Hundreds >f member» of the 100th graduirsr.g class at MSf K. ■ Wimmer had managed to radio. sports to be held during inter¬ winners. eadh contestant will have a hand Both canoes must'cross the fin¬ De«n Tom Krog will pntserU swarmed to Cowiea House Tut • (tuck thcmselve* out of their Eisenhower Is scheduled to mission of "The Sounds of Mu¬ In the centipede race, there paddle similar to a prog-pong ish line. Both canoers must pad¬ a trophy to the hall that had the day night for the annual sen. : l"kv|i Returning after dinner, speak from his While House of¬ are two men and one coed per paddle to propel the tub. The dle. and neither mav utand up hignest scholastic average for vineoptkms. tftfy ^ cllcd smoke coming out sic" at the 1060 Water Carnival fice Tor 30 minutes starting at 8 fa-.ioe with all three kneeling on coed will paddle her tub a before fie whistle is blown or tne year. The iirnt of the two recept." • "eir room, and called the began Tuesday and are contin¬ the canoe bottom. Hands may be ••*c p.m. EDT. specified distance using the hand at any other time during the Co-c: airmen Barbara Rrv-»- '.■Ms '-■rn given by Pres. J.-. -.board to get a police car In this country, the address uing through Thursday from 3- used on one or both sides of the paddies, reaching that Susan and upon race ume and Taylor report A Hanna.i \L Hanr.aa. '■o unlock the door. 'Will be carried live by CUS and 5 pm. at the canoe shelter. canoe, finalists will be selected point, her teammate will return Two men and one coed will be tha*. 'he guest speaker will ;>e an i roated by Senior couth : tVy mentioned that smoke ABC-TV networks and by all I*rovpective contestants who time busix in the start In his tub. On the on tlie standing br-roro" race Rose Langferman. who attended las' on a during prelimi¬ members, was attended by grad¬ aiming from the room, so major radio networks. NBC-TV have not filled out the necessary naries. night of the event, there will be team Contestant* will paddle the Wh.te House conference on uates tram the coileges of agr - T> operator called the fire de¬ will have a rebroadcast at 10 entry blanks art eligible for try- In the two teams selected previously o \ .with brooms ..n a kneeling or Children and Youth. Miss Lang¬ canoe gunwaling event, cuiturc, communication art . triment. outs if they report to the canoe stands a time basis. p.m. one contestant on the sitting position for a specified ferman wlH speak on Youth's science and arts, and veterinary A the firemen of | shelter at the designated time. arrived, so did Tie government's Voice gunwales In the stern of the The canoe switch requires four distance. Finalists will be se¬ R ie in Community's Citizenship medicine. v*r,eoae with a key. • •' Coeds needed for several of America radio plan* to beam are canoe- He must propel the boat men In two canoes for each lected on a time bauu. and Service. Students from the colleges The mattress was burning the talk around the world in the events. by bouncing on the gunwales team. Canoes will start about The tub-canoc race U a two Attending as special guetu business and public service, the bottom The switch and centi¬ up. Schoen—It English and 38 other languages. canoe and will be disqualified if hands ten fact apart At Cts whistle, man relay team Tne nerson in will be the BIHA Presidents, ucatibo, 'engineering, and h«>- ^ mattrea*—couldn't e*- Eisenhower will assets the pede race are scheduled for the touch the gunwales after the the bow men will change can** s. the tub wilt hand-paddle the members of Circle Honorary. econom.cs are invited to f.U.n this. • - $' * Jfne 2 performance of Water Summit wreckage and alao deal race has begun. Finalists will At the end of the specified dis¬ tub a specified distance using and the winners of the Inter-U final, reception Jonigh: fr > ' sy Srmwn Ihm It out the with the future goals of the Carnival; tub-canoe relay and be decided on a time basis. tance. paddicrs will reverse di¬ hand paddies, at- the end of that Smg, West London, who will 7.30-9:30. Wives and hu.sban.ii r.., poured «reter cm Hand United State# and free world standing broom race for June 3; Ii»~the tub race relay, one man rection without pivoting or distance, he^will climb into a present their winning "sougi of graduates receiving bachelors, nations in the light of the Paria and the tub relay and gunwal- and one coed compose a team. turning the caww around, then canoe on the river and paddle "Merry Month of Ma/" and masters or doctors !"«> threre. degrees ■ debacle. ing for the June 9 performance. Two tuba are placed in two in¬ return to the Mart, switching back to the finish line. ' Mountain Love Song ' also ronted. Vnfrp Too W>«1n.\Mhv. M«y 25. 10(10 • MAC Students in Old Days1 (ImHtols I^|» Vol 52, No. .10 For hmf hr»m hi?ie vincp lfi.1T. hni »i in MiiiHkui, N It, rtit'l tit* iin.Uil Davit t'ollege. BukvlHe. I|n tk'itx CAMPUS tlij1 tirnfeaiivr n.n lhi« tUrlmr Puhllnllon fur "I'Mf-.. VVfH., Thui«, ' • n>:.iv ». I p m Mo,, god the Unlvefglij of Chi hnvK In '■ otoi ••iaa*. ■nil Cri. Kdlllnna. Ilnrilinf fur linn. Kill Inn: I p.m. I'll. In let lei xvvdtcn hnnie to ,*.ign where he received hlxDh.lt Ililh l'«t*hlr N il nnd !■» Miindm Ihnuiitli I'rliln.v a "uii'if-i i ttl.Til. one yutlhg ntn He u a former presidetti and ♦ ruslee of the Mlchigsh ltlstoi* . . hi .t.-'-i' - ir-'.-w* 'i<«-d a In tfijj 1*y a gWir» ttie MivhlgAu h hI S'K*lely and was prNkfdttt ill) 2-1:ill II XT. 21» I ;• t-. -Mi v s.-Miii;.i! c in l.mi uig for .if the HUtmlcat fku'lely nf 'HI K ill eater Lansing In 1W33 . . 1• Ita-^s Talking to furmer student* FOR SALE PERSONAL I tie h«i%* nlwrrxril Ihe old and faculty member* proved AUTOMOTIVE Hndlthm lli«l If a fell**** fnund KftNNV HAVIU l«n» MT' IIM beneficial In Dr. Hfihn lw hi* re- at AXON Alt I MICIX 1»x imr-H | AXtWRFTTA MOtlUt a red ear of rnflt. he enuld M«« X-iM'TFR •••) excelteiU r«»»x ■!l l.u M'H, «eareh. Dean fillrhrUI related Ihe till nf hi* chiller In Ihe ON caa ■tPA>a\ ring r»niillklS e*w Jt»l« •?**♦» teller llie *lndenl elalmrd thai huw Ihe llrla gntng In the ath « all IV * tWS M REAL ESTATE he ««mild list e tune fur Ihe te- letle field were repnlred to ! I T rtxnMAi '-•'f it wi»ns »«•« wear *klr4a aver their hlaamer*. M.4 til A»«*> t,(ber •'»»• tt dioi**' IV- WEATtlEWMEAITfi SfnMTXMi vr-.i-sirli, l» Kuhit WH-nt *e*- frethnienl* (file and milk i tel N. I'UT ami five 411 ( 1«>- ftTRT )»i» beautiful RuHtl l ay. -n - »!»«• erel ot.'K. >v Hi 1.he I* Hy.tr ilone In *ee Ihe tlrl*. t';ie coed* then removed the • •HUi.iH >11 f,.V4 1 Dalles a furmrt lUido'O ' kin* after I hey •reached the XX 4 t , k-,,ioi»gh |Xr Kuhn i(l*cm XI MAHWIRON f»N Rufitl Ina, held which resembled a giant SftUPNUt SHOP 15 OftIN? l>r.»re«v.r at \t \(* tMlfhig . .1 '.i: till b.vy* we.e aeriou1- JOHNSON ftUAl 0«t ilfr- fUrtUsbe'l cal'lH. 1ir«'« (towor garden made of cloth . AffU-uHurr t nhegrt. !• o i,..t Hid t'.ud'oii*. they had ) ruepisc* fiaxfi WeaHi*iii**.i I Van Abbot who later became t'n\r than- >>f fun. ton. FOt ft Ml or K» FROM He oMalued HUrlri of frttntri president kept a diary In which badrtntm ranch lmn»* rs., Ttie men of MVC fritjuenllt W« No* tit** Tt" ec atiident* and »n«lrurtoi* and he recorded the events of Wie fireplace Couple can .. - old Hrrapbooka nlth plelurea di tv titled the "men" « followed bv Dresldent Hltlev in im*«4 *4>». *Vv#fi»nt wwllUnn Vl' t iye women, the «ttident* dated r,x«tT I.ANRINfl NEAfl p.... old da**." when* he Invltdl students to hit >. ix*i» ♦«» DK Kt'HX MM > hlxlerUtt lh*uthif»Ilx teek* i»vrr I'm l„xtHdng giftt w-liich otm > office foe Informal Sunday eve¬ HOUSING furti»e lb- nwiirr. four- ••*•!• .«c»«. fi.iM'% Cape ClHl, •'»» •'«* M< ic ill *., , tt>no ithi.iod in hi* diarv hi'.I Hii^lt" meant tvgt to ihe el:\ pen TfitPMrM TW_J« rrmr. t i| aird srrapbtxoli* and ituitr. th.xi aided him in nHtlni hi* book ■ T l. . im»fe*<.u announcing a roiiOlttxn MM* MWI • •**' «nl*» fO« «lNt and rflnfng mil... Utvs hiln r»U»t> xt«t«» «•!! ill); r.tnni The llr*| Hundred \ e«t* ** jHilitiv* and the books of the day. ,< 'Michigan Mate t nh mlh (IIepl-.icea. lull t>a**mrtlc- 1111 r uo* rt>m> wrNi iixr l'..*4*r *»»*r»Pf fosvrnt- «H*«W4aU.- i»( v,*4i r to eighi i-MxatparUa We*ti'er-bea«1'a at MarrWnu «« Ftieplmr ATTMactive •riitfrr »irrm>',i tine* thai relaUves of former li«twmt**i'M« *i"l *»•* '•4(i>ef*(f Errnclr Mi»|e Ifmnr «i,,., In the men during rhe|te| hnni Into Seerets and hehavtom iludeni and professor* tiring In. g,««td i^ohIHIoo Tup »'*» '**« Tit hep uedroom mrxl'xr i. •.,»> (!'* 'Itc. 4(Vl XX' i lit .4 iu»f II, < 4 c MSI Buildings I nder lii'n k on manner* • » |» f-smi nflrr X C" 3™ >r *»»*»' < t-,i nmxmer adu'u CIcMcalin *. I«.nl (llafrh-l tf*a*>>ii .i ,. around ei»ed*. That meant no \« ihe jMeaent, he U doing re* Wtver, TvaiHsr A t* «« tt.-,,, . »(wi)n» ED f-nssx »i ( all Til 9.1131 (lac Fit Ml?,. nrrs.nviu:h i" a «mv»; more »|»!ttlng an the ftaar, and search oft the 1P32 elecUon* bv pisa ni.rw nxnnror i*«. ASAttMINtk ' fhtm »oiou« script* of national add slate pn« s^U;* * 4 , bend ii.,i( AbrxRixtrMi g n trotting dun secret* »if Uie allowed onlt He send the mill »i»|iill|« IV f*|S7* 41 t'N*vrruviASi» »n» room* »• • liOtng up ami (liirui man. t*• • •:• utllvenc (extdentlr. no xwtmmtng Mill*). Iflical leaders of the dav iirfii ( "'i h»m»» 144-nt Ih'rr l.ii'4 III# In flinnd ll.iliM I lev ft, - i 9 »n'm Atta^iiNl ' o !r'e*«Mtv*. roup 1A*4 dfiHN TWlVA-.i men » ••) «4U»4»»er *n,1 1*11 11ir»«c n» J» ** M ww»11 VI R 1 It 4% lO*«»'l4 c**'4 ■" M.Mki e.»*1 r.f I*ni|)|ii SCIS T-I4ST 41 ymmi«c* to extend man * vtlie P44V* ,ur*r IV * *«** *» EAST t.AN«ING NEAP f»00 MM' buiMinjr* i* Ibp Vti ^letl Prolecls I lea 11 li The .•{ mn • . ■ . \»r Ivil'.-.Ms* of m.lc* lnt»* siia.v APARTMENT* m>om« WITH liHIng II* mane*. Pun Pec - 1 •»v* rnrvmu rr »NVN\FilTtmi pNrktnw. 1«* •• In., tialfi* c*fre oxf nn imp !i»l» ».f :-\o «:•••;.n«, • * ; .ie|>«rtirrnt > f huiUUnjr* Atul ohohsgraphinfi great ialand« >• vi inxwrn gu.v to.,. u whiir «iii>n|i! c* i.' ma atMMUier rale* Ell l„nrlarat'cil ltd Carpeted xci,^ ll\ in* inull, ami riming riM»- stars t - .Iistant and dun to he *»HPP r»t t'ft.v: ,t.» fu'Meve (deplnce* full lt**#m*iH J' examined hv jvi-«ent moan* riirou^h lisoof Milk. Meal |'.4 svxfip roi-« !**•« llil\IX\ TUX HI ARE riilly fU*»t«l' (.,. I4«wl aarage Price 9ll Ann I i■ kiv SVi\V »? T..* supoi r>r * an e'«s trxv. . .r»|i»»»!*» W .if l4»»r uJin ' e,' 4e*rt'"C"t S-ci in * m«kr!'* (11.(1 (-.4*4(4.) X»! W.00 ».* luuiWiwI IN" i tone mag'.ifXlng l.ght '••' * (*' \ • , i.h'> 1 iHiiie-. nx j-t.m **♦ » o;s m » *«•=* »>. EX*T I ANxlNfl »TIS |pi ok« : »)♦#• T »« •». ta*i e degree ,\ faint image . >ng* ** I (Ml AVENt'E SD.IbMi x(, Kvervone ea?.* annual product* emptny vptennariang to detect . RrmtixoxiA i NtvrHsuix i ..I,.ni.,i Tiiin- Hedi(iiiiua | |.„ human c>»* ra¬ , \sv..h;e to i xx•» l»v-Oc.hIiic:* eve!> day Tin* disease* or any other condition* i.kvm IN«- ronviKii 4.{l»tr Uy "iHIMl-i mmplrlr-b l.u- lice* (mill■ in kill Pen Ic " nrrpu ise niaghS-rd era '* 20 (HlO.t-1' thai n.m'd nude! tlvm unfit I,*.- 4(»>- 4.-P ■ 4*4— I t»"t|,W •«-'l. .Ml! TX I'.'l •« 14. (< Ihcv are fl-Ml (I4tl* IPX IV * '•*'). An*ots ■ rrk |."44rt | t tHXerxllx. village II i- r.ige Oik hlm-k frunt graitr I'lt,me ,,V4 net fD *. I. near!* IP f-l-# doer* are wain w - .1 n taie guaixti'-.g the A me i • resp eixible for ice-eg that nrrut Tt IU»M nxfx.prntiooM apaii rxtr.M 4»ik S<>:d*:» ra frying t'-n- inji.x ciirviuttlT *i I mnHUii,! fencer)' tallied Fx llti* (AlX'tktdM," Mild !»an meat and hii'.k »uih'0 is p'oper'v gtaded and jnxrkct* V-v •tTXNb xnn r »oi. i*4«ernen! wiin an.gle tenial>lr PAST I.ANHINO iNPAII" M. *vww»*ac'. f.wut-tAS'.g Hi he cam-A sanitary, ti»n* •»»*n« « *11 III }-•■ cinilatuiKirarv tPiee-hnK are »«'• • lUmei Tie average cuitrll «»ve • fr« •* Hliliuea in* gnras* iiV an enemi c'.early . s the mitt M,-s« uwm cemptw )«•• rwupi* vt 144"-Hath ranch Manx- extras mk- itie f.x% t thai \ elermai lain Uhm a per*«o Italy« meat «l -■ I.all Near *. i . j n'.juknr-* of a moonir .IriMrvt a» x'tpervlwnx . ' »|i|if«n*il " veara »ld labeled "f' S. foivernfiieut In- iwjxsi wiinr tnrvnoi rt <*>n ' . v-—. i«- n «'•' i * the uoardian* of one .»f dhe SKNTttU't l — 44t» »..4fc*. 14I.4X* »,. »»ing %i|4*«*ir» a.'prtfalr rnlie"i»* rtf»: ,rdi«»t.iu* i the t'niten * peeled" |hl* mean* thai a «(*vri»s fall t'H «-»«"• 1" Ma" »«'!< bark |IX •-» Sin inn M V.-.-ic: >•.-• -i- -he human e* - !X (wwir* »,Mk i>»' nmnlli Ideal ««■ s; aa.d 1> tn-oige m»h»i< tbnrwugh ln*peclt«n ha* been SERVICE KX«*Tl oxini .MM.pir M t-klns *P*' * The defMrtwent of hmldim *i 4*( t--" the '.ai *c aii.nut made h* a qualified velerlnsrlan p, Irw«tr.-n Pln.er RJX ? rt> » Me* »nd ntOitie* u divided into n■" for Ihe federal governmeul. i»-nnr»m. and eventng* ?.■) apiairm MOVINL. CROSS COUNTS. Ve:ei;na v Medicine i.tv*r x n*r4>t n> xer IXv renting r.n.ti. an.l tr.ilM dixixlen* r»/h lie .'.hit ruietl li> moving. ' Ove. \L>.we said. "Several > car* ago t«M MAMIlt.KJt nxon IHH>K gj-<. *gp Mxi >*u t-e 9 Si'" "i l"V4T, with a vper iliv Pc*|x«n%fhiU-« a long in i-.»*! of time man's »»- Mexico ha-.t an epidemic of W*. UlHI4fc* ,1(1) l*4*.-b rerl»i AXAiliMe Jilt* 1 Oi4»- i,r iw„ « •>• i o (•'*. dome*' . animal- Hon? a'l.i Mouth disease . .•ndibPP •»*• » !' ."1114 *l«*r « n.i* be* eloped in them 4*erta'tx Through a net work bf check* > iflxr To i AMPt'ft AltrarHxe It.*41 U *• l*»s«- r«H*m* an' • Kn.'W. tii*easc* common ' » Ikv.! Re and a priygram developed h per rctni) II-VR IKW'R t»" •» nu luiih S«t includes «li utilttie. vc'n inariap.s the epidemic w.*. . > ,i,»«.«> ur- »JI own*' ; Nine tr* *«ci-ed rutin win. and i oa.vv i'.s afach iv.adr ht ve'ei inarians ha* draftsmen »tr rwnlo«ed I" (be «hme a gnrat dea' in Jiinhng p: evented fnsnx spreading t» th * tftia KXlUJRK rORLt ANftlA- MEN ONI S TWO apart mi i ntinrri.nt dtvtalon to |Xtrp*i* 4 u Ci for the** disrate*'1 vvuntry " dirtril. a. :.*4 'ixtm nr. mmfllnoi l*i «Wk«e "If d had not been for this W*IU 4 ail ».U J-JV'i N-V je-X t'Wh.n Rldf D» M O rt «n tor alteration. expanxiivi 44 Mi* It wa« Ja|>anese tailleet In the early >v*tcm of check* the epidemic ».:d expenar* (mind thraugh atndtea and In - v fiuVi have easily em**e>l into m* fimvM rw vrw voukkh ipeeylen* nf beef and dalty herd* APART AIT NT IOM REM •" Real Hair breaths hv veterinarian*, that rattle tn « country This could have rr*1uceil the rattle fxotuilatuvn to r«ivit*nl >(»*4(iariM-** r, t>i ,»k*, xt**lkll« fljti (*»* Ww*' I b (el» f(.rntfc<.ed Si- a *fd IV law I"Mix-eraM Vl',:**« buitt-H-'' 4>V Mill were fret) we nil* Infected with haif. sprlouvL hurting Amen- *' The merhamral di* mi an m », V \' .Upim ve or- tuberculoid*. ThU »• net a* hit (JRADl'ATIM. STVUEMS IUV hetiint. r.umbiiu v. ' wreat.-s canU con«umption of beef and MEN OM V TWO "iiH.ii. (iiinii.lt, etude* 4\ .. . i s * n*\4" ValJ.pvr <-t ri 4 wnwt'i fr.w, ch* '• -n ha - h-->. a problem tedax aa tl ha* been dairy prmiucts" »»Snau«hi»»«»4 IH44, M»k* first par e<4 atMkrtinent .xr»\ (lean, aliuwei litalion, at riding »»»d *heel 1 oi -• • \er • >i-te eni- .ixee "tie (4|.h h In nniu.i .. ! • -i a* In the pa*t. However, If rattle Motive v.xi.i. ' What the vdffi. t- »r>1 i«i A»i»i(»l *r **pi»".b*« W . iK A** s- '.ii-ip 13 I'cr appniulmfnt roe tat *pefi*lntt M"»l » SI m»i« .. u .. are titnnd to he tubercular thev I»*4 » *4,|ll4 i,l 4 < »Q.. ... . *JJK ri* j- - it nu*y mPdu-ine >choo'* need* * , •»: hum mam*. .\S milr* o! *rv 4l, -44rt |-4H1rf II! fbfM *14 4 I Vi- are condemned and the milk a ves'von who s a good siudeni «» ShatlflHii**** , tax v, »v (ifi vi era a nit thouvandt oi T.i vvrciUh* Have ••• eao BLAKE -rWANDOH NEXH XI-OAY" JITTERS' OlIR ' and meat can not he «old fur ,n?e vested in w-orkmg Xlnuerw aiMrimeni Huiktina I ntn'tf - are maintained b' ih«* *» * t\ u. v. -X.u 'v• M H» ,v>n---.1 and is ASRruvtd' wh lie paix resumption 411X14 ATM IMT'Hrvs *1 T»4ree ceramP- l.alb, am- •ci vins. ahuase take* all the «4,'. ..t I.:25.000 i«cr*. n*. with gti'imahi. If a student can IM» el. i-e) - Ianndi s paiking E"i .-. |1 X V On* ,>r 4 <.)>«-«• * -.' I- X-e cum en tetter mil «( >our .? ;g Any perstm who owns A Uecf meet thc>e quvlification- he *. onun'» car* Stxiilrvi mtui* June IS Call FT* .-0,.«2 41 tla\ Call in today Ii4r fre e*«(i i-e wiesii.'ss. wasur.nf three he. 1 or dairy lir.1' ami sc.i- won't have foo much trouble 'k «4iH A• l 1'iAhywgx luiui» HMXHR TP MM APART- Nnrtli Ametuan Van Line* ••'"'flil ») 11. *d icr qil'Ck (Mi!^ 4*ttt-frnarHe •' X'a4 M. |V 4I4?I Aseul* lor N 1 *.. • three oh a > n diameter •\x. -n 'tv mint have the He slid that salaries of thi« K* XTf-NTN Tsipie «.r dnplile Male ( all Ameriran Van Lint*. Im IV J-ilST l«» aRHiminwni to aer Lis . 'i . ven'.ua .» aang inside of a a.ni.maU icstiNi or.ee every tc.o year1* gt-gduabng scninjs are ranging com H.Ofid to 9.300 dol¬ WKAKE< covirtr*-r pruMNi; APARTMENT FOR NEED HUJU GENERA I '4;. i >i :i the- .vnter a T-.ey must l>e certified free from - (*»,> ,.r (hiee firm IMIWIV call IV a-*»TT Si? *a *144* UP .Xaj4!'tm*n» e*- male »iudert* avail«Ple |nr annum lars ' There aren't enough grad¬ p. uer-uvi IntiMniti snai !>•»■« te micro-organism tubercle i «rd t:rr-> 1'nlmM.m tXfah* H*li*w» lerr>4 telephone all n111,to Park • the v 'sv of S.ig.s. bact'lus. whidi i« the cftu. pre».dent owtttemned and '^?r field is w ide open for MOVING4 CALL WALTER » *• * r.^ni • of the lnicrn»ittiuai Fneadghie Today nnxst ct'ueg of any sire Rood men " APPROVED SVMMF.H AND i#ll former MSI' student now *«!e« n-i- suMMrm EMPLOYMENT i cau mm-, i-,. ne««- (here Prtvaie' en- v'orona As-n .* a.ipea'.ir.g now •iger fur Pireprtjof Sturage Cewpa- ir pt-kk K*ot T Luioer. s*>*« Maiiager l*r ♦ ren.e ahuecr parkins avail- IV 4-417? 10 Si jot more human hat? M**on Show*. IO fuwsi. a* e reduced aun.rner rales FD ? crnj uiozin a The i^ivuijve to i>*»t »|T>e*U es.l f».. as been aniAj.fXg to saj the Crossword Puzzle □3,v j nir.v* ncirl time, BABY ftlTTEW ajmiwr teen NEEDED in 4>ur - p*rt- a parr - PRIVATE Elect r»e T be «4er(niai dtxi*inn handle* aciaii ij -Duairu X4ALF ROOM air ■wri exi>erl«*H-e One blovk ■>-S i*cv.'.«••"■. . icav' he Aaid went' CaU ED 7-uwU *ix*r « 41 e-'xut,'. .or aiailable now. Parking n..»d. E4l I-5S4.X i«ntUu< l ei. and repair at ■4 !e»- t.Kter.j* and Cbvuiiy v'kujuna, * high school Ehg- ACBBM 12 Prohib-.t uacia coa COUNSELOft JOB TOR «»H JKmn R~«-»kU»t if deaired IV 2-7 »«S atier HANDBIl.lv. U' tr-tcel item*, including 13 mOr* 3»i iwKiKijrrs, I Smalt nad 33 Elevator juuan lauticuu C.onp P»rt«»4l>l\ 41 Jure 9* '*> 41 rr.RS. the*#* and > »t WMlergeecmd durktarnk and i.sn tsvaiHe:. »a.d the awivia- car typing , > Naiaetu 34 Piece left oann cinci.i JDJ August » 41 FOR Al'MVER APPROVED duullcating ing Phone AI Al or riMe. right mile* *•( extiheaci ; vMi hopes to complete fix e - VXonch ED T-SMI. across from be Ait'/if Staff an rvalh* by June SO. They will evtract over r-vr uaaair oa S TENOOR V 1*11 A H nJECBETAR •" fwecue for iTir" ?ran Beckrv )u*t Uiree minute* Private entrance, bath »m>i» erltitea. ?| mile* rf xtrrrl- be taken •> t c S.xUt Interna- •ttent.oa 33 Horn and □uu uaati uu55 - DOWNTOWN law of? tee. pte* , • fBwoe. walking. ED S-SIS7 m light cable and MH'I" flow-cent jg,,^ lwl« » Plk*sl _ buggy *l(••r»lur) StiK-rr.- sa-fvfif* Hum Lawsuafi ft far value MONTHLX plus *4 hoUrxt.io t* { - 13 Votutxl 14 Butter w.aileee* and harking for U>e «um- TV wta and antennas. ITee tube o«*r-,7g oudenta Write- Al OtW*. »; tndttWhei en rsan» rtm. f>* jtr (» <- '• 1-e hiMi ' 15 gk*4| V A- strd flr*a ath| UJ (iOl'INFT I LI B 129 Truitrichin ways eolloQ. 21 And UL APPROVED ROOMS FOR men — ssTiErsjSEWW." Cottcgtat* »" t * > vitamin C 31 Tank or tub: 22 Talk n- mexxm tram ea«t end of eampu* lor ft pro, Kv.oi&g Center. PriM . 12 Withdraw So FOR SALE »*mmer and tall term*, ED Idturdadlorf siiianw lh(4 PHIB I MON BOARD nCM€ Torrid %2 Venture 23 Pirtl garden » TRANSPORTATION .krUag Bumim-k* Manager 4 SO p.m.. m*v. dt Cnson S-?n 7* Womfc.p 33 English 24. Hesx-jr t\MHffllRL\t FOR SALE i Dimeter I'shI Leaber .n the ofl.ee 121, Darrp and river desperate • two GIRLS I * v.n ' string HiLNi BU3MWR ABOUT 1\ > SLI T rOI AU ATION dully 34 Net enact. 2ft. Chinese ride In Rochester, New York lAAJlltS . - iB Cushion Mix fS-TJ-M area. Fririav May ITth. Ca'i ing If—toy House Cfw* - , . '31 Color green M. Black dynasty Comnleh- Scl«*ti,*t» * *"*' room 210 : - - « » k- :• 27. Waste piece WOI *E TRATtT-R - * i 10 m •• can rubber iliamund expert, will be here fOMOl I R CU B 21 Slate of Saturday, May 2R, from 10 am. LOST and FOUND -ram.mf- t p i- . :>!■ >. Mert in eeettemtht t<» « tun. to assist in fustom B ug 30 S^id hill LOrr GAMMA PHI Beta pin 3t Tool for design and special prvxfc'.cn*. pieaee return to 233 CikhrUt. Br- d'Mtl \\ MOMI.VS LrACrC 4 SSft Studrh? Service drilling IBSR DIAMOND BUM* •_ X SOMEONE TO DRIVE * ' 33 Associate *.%VIXGft STAMP* — ONE WATER SOLONG «kl at Luke Is'* Angeles about 3SUt uf June '• liirtg Evccut:ve Boiiru 35. Secluded . rrceuv atlertunxi. Regard aiK-14 K«sictm Sow ami Save T jj.m.. Mm I^aunfe, Studex.t M Mm fD 1-1 ci* West. WANT TO SUB-LET two-be'- Se-viitig, Initiation, wear actress HilUain M. Tlwgpisa. Jeweler apartment in University Village ' LOST —- PAIR of gi*M*s, alumi¬ 3? Mother FRANBOB two months. Call ED 2-131L '^ num rim*, gtev case. Please call ED 2-07S W ATI R C \RM% AL JCDCK 30. Hiikdec sNorrtkG CRftfTCB 4 OMMITTfl 30. Went Mai Csart — IV 3-07I9 WANTED - RIDES TO ft p rr.. Art RiKWi. Union. swiftly 40. S4or\- »t CXDT. OAK DOl-RLE 1W1. irut- PERSONAL ol Colorado Share driving and «*pen»e» — Boulder - Denv L*£- iisHi.Rirs avd uiLiHiri: 41. Gael c • rrrv* iprtai;. gnod rowf-bi* Ma SANDY KLEIN and JIM from Jackaon June 1* Writ* F CiHlOrrM o-?d«*r rfunbe.' St» ED mary Kadlee. MMDtb. Box*. * 7 .SO f/n . Forestry Cabin. . 42 Open l-OTIKt *1 STY ER take this ad to the Colorado until June 1. or call •' State New* office between *-s t»m. PROMTSADRRs vessels win. ST 3-IWT3 after .June J 45. Br way ftTt,'DENT rVRXrrVRE BED-: Iff two tree tu.vt tx the Dm Chen dt'icc 7 putt C .osei of rt« «fc4. che«u For 12 x(u tf WOULD IJKE TO tour I«rael t 47. Flap :ik<'-iI S:!S y.-r. Women'* •able end <\j xpring terra ED I-tSXt KWAST BAKERY DELIVERS indl* Summer. Three other -fellow * 4ft Mountain; •Her 4 pjn. *4 (*rested, contact Mike Barbour • Intramura*. B'dg tomb, form XHJualtr d-^co»-ated cake nerving S-2E71 " twelve for S3 30 Ptmne IV 4-131? be- IIOTTl AHW. FXLCITIVE 41, Chest p:cvft DECORATED CAKE? DSTJXTp- BOARD ED to vpu tor outm. brrtbde** fwe lpm. tf LADY WANTS TO cook for 3* *I M«nv other del!L-iWu» .19*3tiiee. K»ut »tudenta nest tell. Yoor* eg HP"', 7.S& p./n, Kellogg. fa Tiwg n mm. Bakery. IV 4-dTSS. t: buy . . . sell . . ; rent ence IV 2-M4T eveningx. H M«r t»r twia sim anriAV at st» NFtv* r.i»Tiu»- Theater Habit (bail Alee (ininness (lomeily Should Arlisls 'IVacli Arl? i, mt students? The rpiestion tm-ew* t Shown lit loirehihl Tonight • Hftyiild artists or tearto i* Ik k. ,neinr«U bv M'cD" nxuoclntc pin fessnr of ai t Alien U«ep» In a rer'ent Of Campus Program Tf'flfMii runf»i mi*f ItiMirgadr Gcuhu. Artlt Th9*»» r*»»n nt«" the words o*ed to describe Gut- lev Jimsou. ween If !<• painter edition lec-pn of "College Aft .four'r comment1:. I *•'»-. t c«.Je of tfkc profe«*ional »i";t gated to be a* »• »v developed ha «'«fi fm. it, a teacik- understand th p rot k I em* an/1 techniques •' portrayed by Alee (*uinne«s in with the educator, hi* p« ThiMlrf-fOW* «rr wmlo, not bom. «n.v» Or. John OMrlrh the film "The Horse's Mouth " one tonal professional level of . lent hmg " jisl'. who h"!*'" to Itonln rroottoir ilrnmn xfirlonmlox liy „ humlrtslit ""'it full. nf community thentora, In which 19% More 'tike British nHpe.ty is IfHI^ shown a» « pari t»f the Foreign lainment should ehnplv »«• *t< on the degree of help be run gi . in Hi-Is Co In SelfrMte .fOinit b) D» Dietrich. Ho? Film Series tonight #♦ 7 and u »l ht* »tndents " Jobs Offcml v Dr. IWolt loh h-i' n terloiis Inter* eate a thrtit»r*|rtpf It Hie Fairehild llirater According to the MSt' ' ,.-f Angel flight mefnfliet'* .!»»$ him to •<> much guml »;«t, tt'i uf.ktd. Barb ttoyles nttd .line member. '"lire »rl Ion Iipi ■■ • Itever attain past Vis serf »n Josee • a**'s hr«C lauorn and HatnT Drill Tearo ' ho ,-au iM/utjure. "H we ever have llmtal theater tn fhls eoaalry'." ' a Irwlv na* . -* *• iii Jiiiic *f»0 selling navel, the wrreenptsv « as ikg*ted to be as )ttofesv4i»t 'I artist he i i*n IT, I» . mine ,,, 4 sponsor Itonfne Martin ,«r the department «d wrtllen bv finlnne** himself ,<>■('oo>p.4nie«l Hie Haiier Dri'l he aava. "II will Inrn an rellege t' S firms am looking for If! a high degree of drvclopnu at Michigan State for Tbe *l*»v rnneero* lb# wnnr 'Dam r»rt a tia*e visit hi Ret fridge and eammwnllv theaters " pi trent mine college gi nthiatcs In hi* own creative work, > i,.I thiolns life nf «nennvenllnn*l Poire Base last Saturday ;V a v-ear, he wm formerly ' Ihts .Iiiop than n year ago. nod artist aha live* In an a h»w*ehn*t the professional wi!M I' ol. 'a» T„.omt9l In Instilling phlln- In Dm far distant future ho air offering nverngr «ftlnrip«t t»f In ftudentx at Ohln can foresee a tide of* rot lege stu* and In* e* In paint plrlare* — ling i« month up from the tu*»fl , fn'vrt'tlly ami before that dents, atvust.micd t«» good thee* a\tvie J* I .on- don from the pnom and the wotklogmen's pubs to the ait SlAATOli events," notes |»i Dietrich, "but ». The Uulverattv Theater much of Hie theater we see Isn't ' n \ * * Ihr fiialn^*" l>av, Newsweek poln I I'd oiii f It ;t I Imslttp^s and grillei je* ami millionaires' homes ■ artd Oof ffie tendon u«nal.Jv CARLTON H. MORRIS nclase %*»H ewmpet*e faur worth watching" Ihrliicliv me seeking more and seen hv the tourist. ,I|WM .nH • me« lea I produced HI PI HID %\ f WDItlA 11 low (HIV I It NOR turn-srleiire girttlu-ile* A< tual pam'ings (•>' fbr fd>»t rppprt itlen with the depart As president nf Ihe Amerlean hiore % I ON*| ItV kJIVI tlltt nt I ItN-t ItN" Who iniinher almut 327,000 this were rlooe by .tnhn Bra'bv, lead Lmi ef mealr. three e*per»- I'ntinrll fur Belter Broadcast*, year er of England's klkhrn s»ok TUKSIRAV. MAY II 7;.1t» IVM. Mnt.i drama* ami aeveu merle a nnn-nrnftl nraanlsallnn thai - l*i mik Enilhutf, plat'emenl dl- S4>i"ot." S" railed her ant* jtv rnrrelale* Ihe eftnet* nf group* reelnt at Nfri'thwestero Univer- member* u«e ordinal v botise. Ill HIM 3.1 I MON HI II.IMNG ivtal effort# Will be made and Individual* In aeeure heller fcltv. who has pint completed hohl ob|e«is a* sutkjeet maUei. Mil MM. \N ST\TK I NIVMIKITY : incoming freshmen on Iho radio-TV fare, he I* already In IT'S GMAIM'ATtON TIME and wlvr* are gelling I heir degree* All t|H|i SI I III sm AMI ( ITIZENN OF * Miiveying 211 firms ll\ 2B stales Vagr Itv the time they are Ihe Ihlrlt of Ihe hallle, •on. H'. W. AruiNleail. Ilean of I'olleae of Velrrin*ry Mrillrlue. pre¬ I.Ill % 11 It FANSINf. Alt! ( OltDIAI.I.V In « sluitv of rmplovmrnt trend*, , and have.purchased sea- Am director of Heglort 9 of vent* Ihe "Puvhlng Vlubhy Through" degree hi Ann Bnnavrh. p**l reports flatly; "More firms want (iivi* 33 INVITED \H i.llsfH pre«ldenl pf Women'* Auvlllary In sludrid ehapler nf Amerlr*n i for four yeara. enn- ANI'A the American Nation¬ to hire more men at more mon- I HI I: ADMI*H|«»\ ..i, jv. Dietrich, a goodly al Theater and Academy - Dr. Veterinary Medtral A*«n. rv than ever before" •BUT Ih gre. M .tlni!wi of them should have Dietrich Is Interested In further¬ The report Indicated a ' frVn enough gmtd drama to be¬ ing the cause of all facets of the UllriiNoiiicH Under Study / t*i effort to get people f>»r ' Ihwhlng Huitbv Tirough'* de¬ ne devotee* (or life. American theater - professional, batiks, finance companies, instp - grees went hi 33 member* «»f >v.r t**te h»r drama should atiee, retail sales, ami merrhan Itie wotnet4'a ajixiiiary of the community and educational. ruit»abi!v eatetul Into gupport MSU* Russia Com/wit* filling" Acctmling to the tdrhor stuilent chapter «»f the Aoo-ro an IFC SING White ANTA is better known Doparlment, "the protdem i* Velrrinar* Mrdirai A**n M -n- for its New Ymk activities, tie that these fields Josl aren't dav night, points out that It.* nfTfces extend Ih'jsirtnients into regional theaters with its National Theater Service, pro¬ la Science of Soiiml glamorous enough for the top students, and the starting salar¬ |>ean W. W. Attn >'ea«| of Vet¬ erinary Mrxtirine sx-ate and pre¬ ies ate too h»w. Actually, this senter! the degree* at the an¬ To Present viding assUianco that ranges all the ""way from securing profes¬ Srienlisla nf MSU and HiimmIji nrn in "wHimr* rnmpetition, is Ihr short view. Salaries in all nual senior tea. 7:30 p.m. these fields eventually are high The program Included thrre sional stars to ap|M«ar with col¬ Allhouph iiltrnaonira baa tttitncroim prnctk'nl fippiicntioii.H irl lectures lege and community theaters to for defcttjM*, indimlry unci fnuiUcIno, 11m two innin projpcU rr lhao in IJie more glamorous oreiipatimui sut h an scieoce and selections f lub by the Men's and a skit by the Junior filer answering questions such a* "Where can l locate a mummy ilnvotod to it Ixmic tin«lor«UmIin|f of hiph frmpionry pound engineering " class wives while will le* welcome at . lecture* on art an.I tiler- case for "lite Man Who Came to wiivph nrn lipitifr otrrii'd out at MSU and tho lluxxlan Aca* he presented at MSU Dinner?'" ili'iny of Srienco in MoacoW* gruvnnnnnnJijutaftnJifiJinnju] t .. treeh Sound Is the means of com¬ Ihe we tivrfnrm," be aald. "Ihal hope this may lead l» signifi¬ THURSDAY IN THE [ \ Ipm Ktrvue •wrtmrnt. In tonight In the gallery Art Center, the art rooprritlnfl with Research t'o/wr munication tteneath the pes, but there Is still much to be learn¬ cant eonlrlhullon* In nnr know¬ ledge nf Ihe liquid and solid S _ V a a § nlxmt distortion of waves in ..•vx-s College, will present a Receives llomtrs ed liuuids and solids. stale of matter." The MSU research Is support¬ AUDITORIUM bv the llev. Dr. H fl* - .•v A research paper co-authored Great i>rogre*s along this lino ed bv contracts with lite Office ' ' Shoder, S. J., professor of has been reported bv one of the of Naval Research, Office of bv two MStJ professors an<1 two first men to point out Hie cngi- I»«!.-;d Colomblere ,« at literature and ef ivtrolt. grrhae- College, Un- General was Motor* metallurgists singled out for special hon¬ hrrrlng possibilities of ultra¬ Armv Ordnance Research and the* National Science Founda¬ PRESENTS sonics. Dr. Egnn llledemann. re¬ tion "The Varied Helen- ors at the 114th National Castings Congress and Exposition at Phil¬ search professor In physics at Projects at the university are r of Meg level Art." II will he MSU confined to basic research but livtritnl Willi original mine adelphia He notes that State has "ottlv Sharing honors as co-author* findings are made available 'o M" depicting the rleh diver- one serious competitor In this nf the pa|wr are: Dr Howard government and industry for < mil spiritual quality nf high field of research," and that is Womochel and Dr. Denton Mc- practical application. fcedtevtl art — Ita churches. the "well staffed ultrasonics la- pulHurr. need rarvhm. Ivertea. Grady of the MSU metallurgical tmrntnrv of the Hussian Aca¬ lumtnaled maw—fftpla. aUlned engineering department/ Carl deme of Science." geld and fUHIi. Iwingenberg of the Oldamoidle Division and Dr. Douglas Har¬ For Ihe ism! part, Dr. lllede¬ *r Rchoder was Fulbright mann explain*, work being cun- 3 •m*or of Greek Art gnd arch- vey of the research laboratories dueled In Rumla I* about par¬ wlogy at the Unlveraltv of In Warren. allel to that going on ol MRU. nttrgen, Net her lamia. 1936-57, However, Dr. llledemann i director of summer Caster Honored • was points out that while the Rus¬ ur«es in classical archaeology sians have studied sound of high f>e Vergltisn Society of Ame- Darwin Casler of East Lan¬ intensity very near the slunk c» « school at C'nmge, Naples, sing was honored as the out¬ wave region, "we have developed r ftvs seasons standing graduate of the Master a more sensitive method which Thursday at • p.m. In 31 Un- allows study of the low Inten¬ of Business Administration pro¬ the English department. in sity region, making it possible to gram at MSU Thursday. teration with the Honor* Compiling a perfect academic investigate the details of the • tee. will present Dr. Johan- record of all-A'a for the year's beginning changes in the sound h lirdberg, who will lecture on wave." '• work. Casler was one a group ir Ttrcent British Novels." > Hedberg, who has appeared of I Mi candidates vying for the "He bave mode such progress fcrr BBC with C.P. Snow dia- honor, In measuring the distortion of puig tienda in the British no- nd recrived his Hi. University in Sweden and D. front ITS MEAT FN A DATE! reviewed American and iuh bonks tor Scandinavian irtUons. OPEN BOWLING Uitliropologists o Meet in East STIAM LAMS i 1 SPARTAN LARES Tlw Soci«y lor *t»il«d An- sjyo: ■,» Wtn MA Hi usual »-••« m Pltttkurgk our Uw Michigan A Sailing ^'1 Day wnktnd. F>slci[«nta from 1I9U arr Theater f > t through \ '1 SENIORS ' R-xhtrd BuAaar, aaaoclala BW»- ED 2-2311 ■mot of pbUoMfky; Dr. Jo- |v i1!] - ' "aa! UJVombara, h*W of polM- v.rac, Dr. Oradar mak. profrMor t» mrilll IV 2-3238 V w /Summer: \ • • ■ • i> T' irf- -Cu^.ifd Dr Maraant Mmi. «a- visiting professor. ■ Free Perkiwg IJ U|ien 10 A.M. plaid and sailcloth' Attending typmr 8p*eM u»«i tab* Sail through Summer in A future as —ciNwf OS tha jal aga »ialf White Stay Calfakinneni in Milcloth with the unseen zipper,, tailoring. SWINGOUT too ba yours ... OS O hidden in a curvy pock¬ DN two AMumt mostittr et. size 8-20. |S.»3. A complementing shirt of cotton Trader Plaid, soft Pick up your in tone, with roll-al>lc TWA—Sm nation's leading airline —-ill Dain yo^at sleeves o r sleeveless, company enpense... and pay you while you tram! First on your flying schedutaa anil be interesting cities size 808 $4.95. The per¬ antM re r.J tmb«r in tha U. S.... later yau aaay *V U world famous citas ef four continentsjnts on on TWA*a 1 •m* i* am Mamational routes. i fect combination for your them Summer Kun. see today. Gip and Gown for TWA trainingnine classesclasses atprtji* > soon. Mere are the i Guy's trader, swim n" 20; heig*. 5'2" to 5*8"; qualifications: weight 100 to 135 Minimum age k: Minimum i Melon. 20/100 ^ ow better, cor. I color hair; dear play trunks $4.95. A full-line of Bermuda's at the starting at $3.95. — _ complexion; unmarried; 2 years collage or equivalent businesa experience. -•cr* t>rv MV/RI7S p.*' ouh'f I Jsc*> »Ag< WOMf HIBUKMB 3009-VINE Heal Of Frandor I Block North Of Michigan Union Book Store Open tUI 9 Mon . Thur. A rri. xtirntt.xv sr\ii mus 3 Records Sniushed, 1 Tied Mil) ?A, lf»Ml Page I our WHAT'S THAT PORPOISE DOING! Jesse Owens Immortal Track tjegend Created 25-Years Ago •f Ihri litt ,VP«<* sland'Og thai thrrr Hilfriritl mint Iitiiiii Isto " I'M* Include* t.ti v 'hi* n»'*l ond only broad lump of tjj.» iwlnv Uio tln>. calai*oHlna ?rt fool, ftTT I'hii i Manumit, now a roll ml r#eehled In the h,„ nmwiiiiji l srtmi- a en a On May ?.V ll».1>. Al the tftlU Inoho* tn break the world mark Ann Arhor businessman wh»» aw. mh mat Owen*- hM ment* ami dUdrarorohtt h**»* Mtdngan'i Fmry served a* bead timer at Ihr Hid !• t« Ink the veeerd he.* „ lllf thd diilwt plilfww move* up vr»*ilv or by more than half a b»oF . I uM. « vlrndcv Yinmu NVgrn HI* third ofT.n l w on a SO 3 Id meet that hlstoyle day, said •teweel 94 the three b» n„,i„, and down n:i"tr»l .IC-.-.0 Owona i«s-knt Iho there wa« no donbi about any mark, Ihr pledxc* all freshmen * * ohvklnR In the J'JO-v«rd do*h ea a new of tYvvrfi*' us iua.|s rrpi for *ei*hem«*re fiul John ftptn-i uorM whrn hr ttnslnvt In lhrre»trmlu of « *eeond under Owens, now «» to a c , tmbnte Mike Cwrttdsn. Hot' "tiro now WitoUl a io»s»r»ln tint The. previous record • \H ihioe ivrth'hos caught *.m Owens in the exact «ame time* dlso Jockey and aptnu «,,r IWmM* Mrl tl'.krl Me»e Huh l o.l a fnui'th. The mot of Iho crowtl i|trw tat for the Illinois \nu", t Intern it v a* each now reeoul for iho HMI and 320-viml di*h. ft. liaw ,tamte«en. Math latter Jn*l * ihjriir* In mission, said an ailing i..4,i Mf I rderer, hl( M»ft*en ilnm*. Ihrn wat announeiHl Tension ami os," pitinumd said "In fact, In man. rid ilhln SI air i«ph«»itiif rami the inn^vard event all three most kepi him out ni m, \w,t» Mlltrf. Ken Robert* Kon owlleojoot -roaehed cloMrifvIng end lhat only at the la*i m priini In hu ttr*t Ml* It trarh note Mod a fraction over 1*3 ^rhnaito and linn *»* eta i>n«M»rlion* a.*. Owen* lined i"» did he decide to enter mrrl narhrd nwrlit Marl* In seconds" Other* are Slnr Tat carl Hilt for hi* fourth event of iho day, Ianry Snyder, who ihr f?rt aaivl da*h and lew hwr tMamond explained lhat Mich- YXtHlam* Itikr XX eed Hill XXooat iho 22(l*yard tow hurdles, Ohio Slate'* track conch dlr* and Ihr hmad lamp whllr ♦a-tn traditionally ha* U«od a 11 at arr Smllh and !tm \bun» The "ohon.v snloh»i»e" r» served: hlai Ihr nnrld rrrnrd Iw Ihr ciioscrvaltve liming methml. bis- eejk XHOXI 111! MM I* Til.* retired ih«ihlop» fMI Hlllttlfl tl» «l>ondotl with his third suuld "Tiwre never was e« h.u tOO laid da*h. ed on when the lower portion of „f ihr XfN Xe»V Yankee* and Ihr Mini' IVriirr Wrrar. rhal ill r«viir,l of thr aftrrnmui a; In* nn\thiH|t like lhat peri," ■«, In *!»«'»t*eastlng Ihr Y ankee 4'ht*n% tantr ■haveit two-ltflh* of ■« *oct»nil a i tinner's botty cr*».*»es the ttn- Y inker Madtnm prlat m.noo ran* nalohnl In Owetis, combining an a - : rail* Ihr Yankee tanir* nhllr Ree*r doe* Ihr "flame of Ihr from rfir world mark with a t>h line, instead of Iho eheat Rtttenle >,i'.twn\i tH>l*r?u hurdle- and ,ta*h, -*" t H • '» . m the thr 440 Hr* ««ld* 'Crete Since tlic Start Take Part in Softlmll Tennis Closes Seasoi . ( ".,••. ,j ,t X .nilU! ;•» Iho three mot ha. fire, and thelt. Too of the oripfunl monitmr.H of the MSU rotvltttr te^im \ . a -on . r fr.vu |V Fake advantage of our h*- ivcv c'.vked «n -'At '» that Iwtf-ntt four \r«r* opo will l»e roncliullng' their ndlepe *1 oiace service tedax. :• :hr hiodic* race, under the enreern thm term, leaving the hope* that the team they CoihI intrttmnra! fpnttfa cttftip 1o An hntl this Week w |V*mptc *Undai*t of *2 2 The started will soon Invoiue a VWKtty »|H»rt. final* to Iw held next week with tht first player winnr ef .' t c#m.« a- he \( on the event ,t.;n r* lor. Krankbn *r . «a* Hank and Trn*l a* a manaier fnnn ench Idoek eontpetinir. si. the IV'v* He,#* - ,',c nan rrsoonsttde for 'ho for- Mattv matches remain to be Kitty Paid, Kappa A graduation . trainee alter II I^v 440 the 461 he Iho Nsit club for Theta, over Jndv Drake. A :«•:(! on of A wood ptnnber of the ori reported tieforo Iho tdock win- . ti' meet he J@uL. •.( oi tho Re -•*- «>f thr club. •':c t ■*-«.{ there >rar* not* will lie determined How¬ XI TVlta, 6-1, 6-n iv. 'pv;us-,i on.) b* ilcofc,' Hot'., ctnal ctou remaining t* Sarlrh -e» 1 c uv only c.sscho.1 thr crew, ever. three coeds have won all Players). lUm.M- «ho **.*n in 46 I The Milan, Dnrolt sr. who ha* boon a'o > mwrd «- a memtw. • ' P.'.! their matches 4V(**u»'..- *40 -'.andsrd t* 47 6 T'v« \,. t ho ha« been able to captain of the squad for tho HMM'K 3 t*a*t tw,> vor.r* tn Hlock 3 (Hr Urth, Ma«on. Ke*n«*ld-. the junior ftem oevnto full time to coachtog had a long duel to win her HutidV Furlong, Pi Tlets V Milan also rowed for Iho t>o CltaMf mi Skirl Ltewky Gj,h. On: i*u*re srd Youth' from Bevk'c* Mich., have * Sopho Coach Tstoc u*» qU'-te «u ac- coniftb-iih.od r>'wcr brfoiv (Min¬ troit H,*fl, Club foi two year* block from Gall Sevmorr, Kap¬ over liouise Singer. Smith ho fore rotoing to MSI' and t»a* pa Alpha Theta. Their match liams, forfeit. te-.-u'*: tt-r the Spat I A* I lit And Khtr \ f t mm Mndrnl -rr, nr IIM« MICHIGAN tv.-n the t« - ."•ni'e n.n this sptrng er; .. Msl* f.n foot year* ho born stroking in the Nut posc went- three long sets, t'v*4, off, w.e, a M'rm.bor of the IVlml fl-3 HMM'K 4 In t?--e Hu '0 la-' SiSvui.n ttou thb year for the Spartan# lomng dub and %va* twice a tn Hlock 1 Handy FurUwtg. rt He* no'.ts e .-sect *,wn,t to Ken A Mechanical Engineering dudy Spalding, Nm"i \\ *«» ! • (Cw l«, .» I'.U. |4ro** n et l;iii«v.> running ff 21* ff nirni!"-, > ' the national ch«m- ma tor, Milan ts a member of Hcta IMtt. plavrd only one match liams, over Gall Chicore!, h - mon*h(p team. Ho aUo partict- and won her other two by for* 1^, Intel) \ he h.\« » bc»l of 9 16 out the American foundry s.vietr rr, forfeit, oated m the 1{>*al Canadian, fict. s.irin it •AT! ei.v* tht* * e. ■ Youth, plaeot and the American Society of Mr- *(>. I MKC It curly 'Icgatta three shears, and * * * I'HIUilr l|' third b* the c**n fere nee two mile, rhanieal Engineers. Ho wa* a Jndv Spalding. N'sfth Mtlllam* 7k iiHPIWCf l '.ho senior heav >**e!ght * Mil* (iikrr > sn effe:t of 123 3. and ha* resident assistant at llryan I'l.ttl ptavrr tn ttlsrk 5. wan all three Coed Softball team* * ** 1 -OIM IVtixvU to victiWT In Iho IDtHOUtl « 1060 NM ef 6 .V previous to this voar. •f her maehea. She t« the de¬ started to wane In thrir in vVuii « S;*tc* Heialta. >hewn at 1, 3 46. V74 Both w ere memlce;*. r.f State * Thr third center »n thr *nnad fending ehamp from taat year'a mural interest, last week 7 S*. M) * m U"*.\ ew*M count - ch-imi** : In aditlllen «•* k« realm I* Itrnr* Varaee*. a native ef tnlramnrala. teams forfeited their game 1**1 fa:' With Hevno'.dc the k arils lite* Tjrler t* a member Sidney, Anatmlta nhe t* reaht- weather took Its toll. al«.>, The winner* of Block* t and S OmrMan >i*th-pUce finisher and Young m ninth place Ihr e%reutlvr heard of hi* fra- lernits, l»ella Sigma l*ht and tnc In ITarhaten while tn thr I nlted Slate*. Tht* wa* Par have not yet been determined ruining on Tuesday and Th-.c day. because the dectdtnc mate he* In Havana . . CAMPCS CLASSIFIED* . . ha* hern vctisr Iw Intramural •port* II f t« a Iwtwas major aena'a Hnl year en the igaad, twt hr ha* ahewit a great deal ef have net Wen turned tn yet. The Pi Phi'* were the In the only two games r.o wii^fii* Tht$ must be done before the .-.Aire Ouioorss - . . . CV'ICK ilKAlXTS ... and plan* la wMV In Urn iMlwll penary** and ha* heeeme a tep end ef thr week during the whole week. Tl <-( SlUH I ShAH defeated Mason, 6-3, on M Burl hrro-MsurrcnO Har Matches turned m were? and West Yakely, 6-1, on V U nil Hanw^n* is a member of Hhi • iin an NOW SH01VIN0 HI.IM'K 1 •At* •AT Sigma Kappa fraternity and i* Ka* Clark. Alpha Phi. over nesday. . »mm«n. k—lUilrv ( Martini: I'KI.! I mlurt I :00 1:0) also a major in Mechanical En¬ Jane Wackerbarth, Beat I win- The weather ha# caused ir.i ' M.UlrfP gineering He has shown a great games to be rescheduled to *-~Nalhrr VOW ait IT ALL < Shown #:2S con. 6-2. 7-3 i-*r\in I amount of interest in sport* dur¬ week and, the beginning of nf is--Hone Aw UK M;« of INI Barbara Staht, tVlta 7.eta. week. Alpha Xi Delta ha< IM. *. ing his college career, basing Weal K.v»va aartM over Jane Wackerbarth. to postixme all of it's j* Br Mr,ft. | participated in bowltng, (ailing 3 HEW STARS ARE MM! and go!L- Parson'* Ian.ton, 6-1, 6-2. narl>ara Staht. Delta 7-eta. - thus far. S» far, two block win: ! -ttiiiierfl muer i post-graduate plana Madeline Christkmi Gd- . St IIxitit TrtHMMl. I.uana MIm and are to attend a law school over have been determined; IV Hf»4n 3 christ, 6-1, 6-2. Delta Delta Block 1 (.<-*(<■ lUmilinn in thoir onf«r**IUhl«- MSH will host a Hegatla on won HI.IM'K ? Alpha Delta P! won Block 3. Slml iml the plan' — l'rr(ormanrr> in (hr the Grand River starting a: the laming Boat Club on Siturdav Gav Firth. Mason, over San¬ In Block 2 Alpha Phi i ^ ^ Mtghlv Motion I'icturr! lwsmnsng at 2 p.m. MSG will dra Konrk, Phillips, 6-0. 6-2. South Williams are both us I'm mi the plantar row against Wyandotte and De¬ Gav Firth, Mason, over Gail frated and in Block 3, East tl „«i«oCO* ^ Bdr ii ot/rjMoc«t • c«r on «-or tin too*-i troit Boat clubs and Culver Mil¬ Scymore, Kappa Alpha Theta, don is undefeated. itary Academy. 6-4. 7-P. f-3. IT Beta Phi is undefc.del iril/i II nilan- Sunplasws •«>» P«P1 Block 4 but West Lanrinn t>r b.ik t#*tsw ta I4f mis are 6*UMt» e««*uaa Robert Eleanor I At • a chance to tie tn Thursdn game. M «ulip *»• |U«»t Take, far rxsasaV. A:IS ):U ret»rviw.» MITCHUMPARKER — $M Softball games scheduled ihf »>'• ku-lUa vi" by Hsaarb A lark II* — »1* the remainder of the week » If) a »>*» aeleeUMi ml ea*ar» ta ■*4>l *a«r *»r4- aasdcMcai* NOW SHOWING Today: Off Campus vv Abl «iik Ksj'tu *«*htt tnan Uut are Notnojr m rohr East London Vt. Snyder. Ki . . trrmmi-aad-patwibed Mi ewr*e far flawle** ticiwv. Kappa Gamma vs. Alpha 1 tall IV A-C774 for an ApfaHninaea: (H»nKmwfforttHMMtOH , Omega. M. » I JI-MV I.Mm( (>,»■■ III i (iSittSIOMI-UMNmR/ Thursday: West Landon v« Zeta vs. Sif XI Delta vs. WALLACE OPTICIANS MUST ATT. . HH TH> (0|| 11 trndai r**ar n FT'I : mhi, dnumtm*s *s IHf X. "K PA IT J-4ITT nor.ua nromiKM call to mbi MAC JOVT^ *.i- V'K T. VTXCX Keg lU CL!— ijsei" - _ Ever - takt m don' -STATE- Im'JT .AN'-IN .. t C . . £i typ« AIHTTS Tif a LAST 2 DAYS — STASIS 7 PJH 1R1> OF THE BEST FOREIGN FILMS -tl^AKKVEl). CANDID AND C*CEV-ewe (km WT PIZZA a M.llii»)i u aa4 Inu,: Mix 4**v r>nirKm. nproMM in aln—lnl* MNiot- -itk -Kociinc candar in (ht ■—1 pnnwfnl part vf (hi- (tlm *Kich rrnrr-*nt« a nriuM, arty .. . bMulUnll., pUini—karri la fatxel.** —BcwWy Crowther, N.Y. Tim« -AliOLUTI NC9QMOM WITH SHOCXII40.CAM9OI - Dee* studyag for exams ■ake you want te m u zz? Let safe M06z* alert you through study ead exams! :.k If 4ffttn»g f*ft maikm turn .#*«.' I'M :|mw£. A VLNkf 1 A»T« •»>' *cpt •■UWUMtntti if A * i*r St*-. 1*4 fc»S s-xmsk. 8««s Viysk f5tt.i*o«t Mn-h* . , »,•« . 'it* lit »»* lt.»h Vv-1 '• tmued the New Vmk Yankees V*U \ I'tM'Ki sj.ni* I liim ' I .»•», My m,«. qnme. I>l|l i'1 n , i?ati RM't Uetiuit, whlih «re the ntMVtliMll* the* .••en'M'id ('! I'll F.n AI Ken Khi|« - with a four-lilt shubail and - BE PREPARED v« 1 . « tv. «-• r->**•*» f->'be IT «,ill*r t t-v ,i.iM t • i !« Kit A' mi,I Jim fthamhavt ' f.-,Mh 4<< V- hive the S|*nHii«* Ohti.it t«- • Charlie MaxweU nppbed Mm , - IV! -M Htfltr'-. Irimi Irlt'i'lv ♦ Miehtnnh IM. dinl te vi'. lu !V ■ t ' 1 *»". Kit M I n- Kill THIS 1VKKKKM1 |m( »** < !'•«• ''"I. "l •" ; ff * \ t «•* n ■• > m»e t eve i fi*» > I M. Mm ;,v, . (." I he . ■ home run imiwim^ iiL Detroit"- 4-It game* >(<»**'a* ■' i'-r t* |».'i n ! •mil in ? •m. \ Kt Vivtni V Tue ilttv oigbt ^tiefnre • , •.• , I,I ,'tf> 'Villi fl tint 11 n in' I '■ , the IthlYvr*'-. .«•' IV»- : ' I $1*1(1,111* villi! a itniibte S. ) :tt.Villi ajiecfa'nt • IICII111 II IS \ in.it K i> » .unit !t»n Out* W • ... ..fa,! f,M *v11' ifietrmt ?.-» »••. >k b.vV hrmtei with the Willed 'Met wi" The eiif'v li'Mhabder. CiitM itf i -' K 'i-a Ick who hf'Y l» Hi • 'il !» . h,.,, i.,u* , Kl. ni. Hi ,« (hp w ie PWIwh-I again*! » ' M.iifl the riprher, ?'t #thl tnvhitf .he cci'i. n ii Mh ope t ory l»n!l • IIK.K'H C0MIIKIIS Ml t».>„ hi- AM I'Vl*! H(#i' "VI" i in 11, ,M.|, .1 t,H|>h«tmute. uh > Is ihffrrptd Michigan h*d.«i i* I * >»U.-«v !h iitiihfvtu*. It.S .-i.iM.t ars., atmihei, allnwed only two . Jllll v. n iim.iMu thv |Vhhet* •I" Imii Kieid *;« *•* i >i The ic n»« ♦»« in -1 ,-n fv: f 1 ,ie »y,ii I btt^e II wa . • IMIAT NKCKS •»k hi,i . the mIji* ct Mhi' lii*1. bpvii 'tie .* -U * •. • Mm nvei m,T. ah,1 has , Tt» Tit**** *nit**hr«! > •' trr nf tNherini Ihelr thtril l«* '* n lost »,u ii'vuvd vici.rv " VVlilM V»t tin Ini'k I"f HIM. Il.t. « v, ..n in a i fc • IIATIIINn SUITS tl,f the* ***V It** «*M 1." Mil tn <:.) Mi. tt;< * Sink In lit| «r»*»n ilwe It»i4. Mole** I t»l. k (inhli'M I i i|tlv: .,.•1 b. ' , of th'-m i»!». •HMlih MaX'.v'M. restored In the line 1>Ais Van Set.-**. jut t f.ur f'I'iir* Sink* t»a.. the* ««< «' tti'tf ran «HAf> t MltMt.h- f,., m«fp. I It If. In • scaur st 11 iits IVn iv*«.smi K< •• \*-**i a'-,,w.r.| , (,,(„• «rvi'ii HIIUI .Tint >ire«li The nnl* tn«ln« »mmim ■ iii'in II. u.i. Itiinwuty • r, *.1111.lav aflet a 10-day bench- Intdiipd •«' v« in , ).«* !i**t two '•( the fitin In the nimtrtn era were In f!»4> in' 1-1 Mil,hi.t ball Sa'ttisliii ,» o wi, ked three ton bnine a • HI'OKT II0SK Banu>«. , ftC'fe rjftemje • . lit. |». .i < If 141 And lt.%1 «II*IY). I |»t..baUli .01 In Mm fifth intimu off r* MtttU'ft** !•'. V-ti.-'tf .t t 111(1 iIIJl, t 'tt, t.'A* • •' iillny MSt' II KIAIV II MIASHM t,> M '.IMIMM U'.1 IMltllV. n»ic nf t)»e m»t*l«ivliMH t»lin 1 bn. n„ will h ive Itill Hvliti-tlii b ! Dilke Mn.i= It WA* Mfl-X • • COI.F SIIOHTS 11 e||'< sri "Jid home ton In '.wo "lb** were real hi'l In Ihflt MtrtiitfTM in»ine« '*« eft ,»n the (*hl|i« i.<«trr i' « *oiih- • ' f> I...V, I Inline* 4t hiding 'or.'. • COI.r SLACKS J?®*?" y. r«trher«flr*t liimemiih Major League *'an«t wr uhl I *irh Nrrr fluwrf •»Ml* »mi t«hn k"h« I . »l !• I .'llr It iM-f.n* W\iVtU» Sta'e Kiel I Ctrl' f:t-sh fi >M) « cfflo>'i< tlnv brnthrr of M81I'* M't'Oll,!, i .nlilfu ,tl ibnil. Jv IV I 11,,>i ,ntk( ;lt thii<| nhfl It.i|» Stat* Drtrnil c-.iev'ed seven h.'« "i««mi lf»m pmMrm •! trnlnj Tu« mI^v Chttu M.nv Iiiivi* Tlir •rhioi mitfteUtrr Hon H.iv •-!•«»»' • Mninvit.1 .-ah'tilm? In 'be ni|l» fogaitistfo'i* New York plfrher*. Standings wen had t»r* tn«r *te«rr«| I Heir* «• :i ft It te.'i.ttt, which t« « 3 »t li.tttihtf «vera tie »n (n « > !.'. J..In. Ibn.tre will lie m 41 wi'inlnif |t« third in auei'e«*lon and it* nl.Mb lo the la«t l.'l IIVV ASH SAVK AT . the ha*e« Im4wI In h«ie l.tcMhfttl with the Hpnt> thia araatni. vrniei, 'rum Hiirv in nulit ami the Mr*| mm «(HVr i»«l." !v . 14 l3 i*.'M«hnt m«t-k. 'Otilvil has «n etcrllvm \V ».l» t .mViiabt m let I. jouoes I.KS MISITCIIKK'S ^ •.►.Mil I. TY MM' TKACK . iKtch Kran DM- VI K. 1*1*4 (.n VARSITY SHOP Triple Piny lies/ Shaw / Kf-at nilddlr «D Helps tr'oli and-in- * - 111 11 V»l M«hl ajtnfl* *,III,If lauve nlar, Willie Aflerbeny, IT 13 ftMH Jim tValllHRieii Imlh propped al llrlinit K>n*hAl| 228 AI.Im.II IM. Ala* Itifiti I'.ijr l ive IN 13 ..MD v., 11lull S'lmnl e tft 13 Mrt 3 Mi.s'k sn4 ,'cri" ba" '* ,vn •truvU nut five abat w'alkM etip HaulYhihwtrtiff'a Ihree-tim 14 14 .Mh» 3 tihet »!i..nin.l the IV ...ritv,' At«m in Halle* . |*t»vinv» J v'nb- iiiTUit clont in Ibe fli-al inmmi mauni 13 IT 414 ft»* all Armv tieeileil to bike *che»birr n yarn*'* Tu*'««l4* iwn t jipeeiticl ti. 7-2, un II hit* was ruv u :»70 11 10 10 .4(1(1 « It' • •i»n Mill i»«»e ait-e* b'.fk 5sJ»» fil?» Wfit S!,a« bfu»«* whn n • p»4v \V«t Sha* t.. Mick Maiison two hits an,I struck out 10 bai¬ , lr,rUn iTrnv t-l! m (IPtfoll THr Mthei Wr SSan )•!.- I. 1.■»»■-1w1.fi. ?. n n In,del' h* P'*h DI*on paced Kan- m ,nr« *-J» |Mtr««U «•(> At '4 I'itl'U V* 4* Well I.M jVr« ,* ! .-ir.' % 5 j.j, 4 Mi « * <.Ja . iraih* wrre b-'iniiiji the lmll W ith 'lie w»u «n both motia .'* in a 1 A-.1 romp over Km- nmns 1 Dixon also doubled. ,n tun t il i%I*M4«wamaH# **41 •' **«• 1<* ' 4" m the t-n* el the fifth ii.ia g*ttinu Mint* hit* mill the lo Hut her battles, pieciuct 7 ok wi! llMWI WI BaN 49. ... III* »iMieli-he»i a tO »»!!* In-era 10 KitiI Thompson w*a won over "2", 13-0, and "ft" winnrn H,.m„sI.mi iKtwhPV 0 »1 at Cine I anil I Per** J-D nit I" Hull t.frrne. the wtnntnc (hi winnin* pllfhfi downed "I", ia-« tiitrher, hit • ran p*wt»ftm WTIOVM. 11*4.11 A itrtMhlr In |hr winning inn. Portioa *r«»rr l w i* rn. (•II :*•, A: s I meUort *3 nt; f\ivr IbiKr* Chin ke.t 4 »i- COMING TO CHICAOO hitter wh.ih afs.WiV IW»!iei *> ;,*!» 33 «:ni FOR THI WlfKIND? heat 011'- lUitc* t rn a hoitJe for 14 AT 7 3 liikei Super Rifhf All Maal Smoked aad Fresh 43c lb. IN .vm f. the trf.»rni title. 4-0 !!«tkrv IMK mt wmwaI, Cawpl,*. tit 4.»i « • hnlllai. Or*up. *n T*wr. Skialau Fraaki Liver Saatage Big 10 Standings 39db. lleD r 14 4 4 It 3HJ « »T«V ST THI VMCA HOTCL illUi 13 333 10 w 1 rc« Small Leaa aad 39c lb. . *111,i.r *..i« » in • At the *4f« 9I ikt |**p rt iMiii * 1MI* NnHh»»*tPf R II «?1 *n«rlr« t, f»ll*hi»r«l» ' inmlira 4. |*l«ll4itrl|ilu i 0 • •I.IA I'.mlNr ilia « 4 4 4 WW .WW • 4a*ia.«w4ai>Mi Im 1.0** Spar* Ribs Leoaa Boloaga ,l«*,,..••• J, 1* BavT laspeeted Whola . Mm a,,ran it fiend *-tl nlflit im 1 TAi>r«*en iMrlennlfA »-?» «t l'tii|*,(rl|«lil« tltwkerta |-4) ni«te •»*« Mil 1 4 • 1 It* XI Camplelely Cleaaed ukpf iAfHtten t*l or Wurdetre Frying Chickens CalUpJT . . : 33c lb. Liachton Maal Sala JF tflk Salomi, Piekle A Piamalo, Old Fasiaaad Spiced Laaclmoa I lb. Pkg. J/( BoMaaMpa ^ 7Q Coliforaia PA Baaaaas S Poillids/PC Oranges 113 sizo 3 #C dOZ. Hoaio Grown w Paseol Aoparagas L Pounds ii,^ A .V P Su|mt llarkfl In Williaaulon Store And All Kit e Lan»in* A A P Safer Corner of llagailoru and Ea.| Grand River blarkeU Store Hours Monday thru Saturday !l A.M. tn 9 P.M. ..lull V-t*. MAm »*H mm* \ >\ ». m< ittn Mm I'Vtw . . -.i uitH.-. i.' «»•>(»• H». t i. mrVM • ,!•. .<1 «'.» « . X\ ' ..••■ « ** ilV i>S*y.ulU , „ • , iii ii UP t.VrtHSt Hi -tm >n,- , »hH1»i , •'...• *»« *••.! ,M»y*|it*i,w. .«•« , « , />.•.':*!>,*\\< Mu\ tt*. wUlM thl« »»f Om r>. . .?. *> • mrni |i In il% r ♦•♦* aImA*!*! Mtllnt ii «m ill ilifMMlO H|H'« M <|tl*lltl«1M Owt Kilt* ilW 1»H tin In in«n mi»*****U *... n( *lt*ii** • 1***1*1**111 )•« •«'M In Mi*- A*»|***» t'.*!H*P. t-f Ap« 1. Mt*M* • If... tnt'MH nf lli* •!***» nM »*H*r»*. MAM n*« tU* MnMiHM »*mi, • • !>•» Il*f»m MM il.M *r»»«rMvr tnlH. tlirnM«\ MvAiMfc *»».! t'U n<—Mm rtiMtn v **!»»• Hirtt i ft>tii.i» tin «t»i»»|*M* •I. t*»t« w| "irti V wrtvlMnilUltn |t.i|t«tr« ttiilimt. Mi lwM*» t*t .*.-r*1m *t. iflllm MrhnMnr* Ortlil I*!#*-. Irtfiiln • i irt-MlInt ili'irlinwtiiil l*tM»M*«» l»|»v* n| VAlrtl*** i-usTTSvlM ifi* mi llU|.tn ll«1**M#lli«Ml Mr VtmtlH 1 1*H»»'I1*»*** 1111 IH't'f hi"" n?m*lHva. Hi tV.U ;l»«ivi» .*wi«itnmi' I, It;*** mt-l :1« nt>tl« A . «r»tl *t rut l*rt»i • ii 1**1*1*' i ||ll<* I IWntwi «».* r****U» f-» *>*# . 1*.^ *«*4 IW * «*W *, -•<«. V.I.* ***AV1. . I*v* M» *> *I*.*M1*IH« *|W.V l"t •*< • in r» »»*f (wft.t #4 tW rlfl"* I1*l» Ii ***1 i'iMHWI* In lit*-*** Hi»»* tidal Uvmnvnltl* hra.l 1 l*» inmii II IkmiATp, Mt\it «rt ktiM mwt* PRICES SLASHED! • td 4tww i OOW* AAA M «*• H*l P«* A »**• rtM' iVw* 1 ** r**«l l.« *«*•«!> I'lrMi* «d m(« wiImi tfll I tmitfil qtHtnltiNH MPh SAlf PCtC t D Ml lypt Wyli* C1i»mpl»n O 70-15 (I Ntw 1H0 CMS ' • I f ' snow 7.10-1S i 7.00-1B j a .oo-16 i Mttitl ^--"•VWUrtlML * *>-* nc y*ngrm *'i SKOAL! ' :Jk * «&hm* i ^ l--> Ju ***$ m i C A»NwW «Ml OUNot* '^TtD V-".*,iassfe| ' WITH PUtCHASK , •« tr OF "■*'» Can ia 8 G ALUMiS OK ,s" iq ADDRESS SHELL GASOLINE '' C-aiH as, ao miM NO. h, *=4a aaljr ytf. cik aa-Me