KoIimihhi Win Memorial lull ^N. c Lean State News (lain llrtrnur Tnkr* 50.1 l.lvr* Amim-i IM> T.S. Traffic 328 Srr I'uite I MirhiKan 1.1 .Swing MSI Fur .11 Years \ oU'MF: 52. No. 12 HAST LANSING. MICHIGAN—TUESDAY^ MAY .11. IDUU I'll ICR 5 CENTS ft. Pasternak, Russian Poet, Cadets, Seniors Starting 'Big Week' R0TC CommissioiLs Novelist, Dies Preisikiited Todav MOSCOW oTi Boris Pasternak, noted Bil.Hsian port, ♦ ,• i»!i«.r fit' the eontrnver«inl novel "l>r. Zhivawo" and win- of the 1 l>r>S N't• be! IVi/v for literature, died in his sleep ('1.18* of '(if) in Swinjioiit Mi'MiiaY nit'ht, family IriemU reported, lie was 70. \* a result id' the novel--never published in the Soviet (leremoiis ;U Fuireliilil Toui«lil ! a but a beAt seller in Western countries—Pasternak u the center of world-wide uproar over freedom of Arin> anil Air I'ori'e UOTC cttniritisMiftiiiiiv' ccrcnhdiie , ueht and writing practices. The novel was judged both seniui' su inuoiit, wafer nirtivul. a conrerl in I he liamMuH literary merit and insights into t'ommnniat society. and vriailu.ilion everiise* will ciintuN 1 hi-- lerni'- aitivilie . . .a two \ f i "< of h:> l«fi- . .i ..lii- t In in. «\.r,n tI'Viin flglin ".( Iii'hiig the Dramatic . «. . . wn.te 1 •.hsupprovui if from p.vimc hi» 11 »v«' N - Fine Arls A* • iher mc, I'hie! general;, will b« of Si:.ft ;iti..» i i Awards Festival oiling : Oi.l CI iciiionw ('..lieu. Field. .»• i 2(1 tod a . . .. Hi. orp- of be.'Oje hi M.u 1 Presented . i on t • >11 talo Set in July p., •iinet house i: Perrde'- p. ah * ritcr'* eolom 20 nuies (•en. I.tmjii l.cmiiil/cr. Arm* . Moscow at the edge ■>. thief of staff, nill rtrlitrr the , m'iful forest. "ll«>t IVrfiirinanrc" Artists Id A|»|»ear commi**ioiiing aildrr** A *!'■»; with a heart ailment Second lieutenant \\ inner!, Yiimi'il In Siiilillier Fete roiinmi mi tiered from Sung cancel. ■s HI lie awarded !•» »l'» gliutu.d- MSP PROVIDIJl the lainsinc area with its first rnllefiate ealihre action on Grand River between the Olds plant and Wavrrlv Road ... 'i bleeding and other in- rowing regatta Katurds* at the first annual SlH|' Invitattonal Row- liig -enior' 53 unity and Hi AF- Hi t il SHKKRT \dditional storir^ and phoio> on page .V Male News I'hoto |i> I rir The Kmc Arls i\.il RGTC caifets iug Itegstta. shown here Is Wyandotte Host eluh's no. two crew win- Lund hers |||\ novel that won the big Uc.Hcribintr tho I'nivcrsiiv I n John A II cinah w II ning its heat. Many hundreds hraird threatening skies to watrh the will lw the iiiltiirc center of purr jw irdrd by the Sttfdhh Theater's 11)59-6(1 season as award the pre-ideal' Cup to tic- l ho ItM.o MUitjiner .st».*hi»iu .it V.ihrl ewmmiltrr told the »tor» oiitstandim* . udet the "best season in memory," .MSI -f character* who were not hap . The event will mine l" Jem- Big Three Convene Plan Strategy nlv absorbed In the life of ( 'mm- the five judges for the Theta Berlin ji* an oiliifatnin.il .*••11 field house in ..... of incle¬ muniMn. and passage* that I'MMiaunixt lead¬ contained many Alpha Phi Acting Awards had the "pleasant, but diffi¬ to C.'w oxiwrienco. the another first at .MSI', saiil festival is ment uealhei The four-year goal of gradua¬ er. dul not IMie. cult" task of selecting the WASHINGTON - T ti c Tin meeting of the Soul tie.* villi' It I l»r. ( lair Taylor, tlirei'tor of tion will also he in sight ton it I t Me had written It in 1948-53 western Hig Three open a po>t- An.i Treaty Organiaation's cinri'- senior* dun and ■' jnvJrlo KeltrineUi, a Milan* winners at the first annual next ami what tii. SV. should summer school ami ovenitijr u* rip. gown*, Siu imit meeting with Aauin al¬ e I of ministera i# scheduled to o • about ;t for a last nf'ciiil lour of campus awards banquet Wednesday jealuy if the ao:.>her, printed It in Rusxian lies today to plan defense stra¬ tun through Friday, with too The I'cdleue. in tiie 50-year-old tradition oF Bri"vn were reported n rap the aggre night. tegy for the coining month#: off.nala attending from Uw cignt eeruvnt wtih the Fretteh and It will feature cxpcit m the .senior Swinguut. The climax <»f the evening for field of fine ail* who will sod member eountrie.'. Ameriean* tha* .« wait-and-see Senior-: will congregate at 7 30 h'MH'kil nominee# aud interentisl President Eisenhower plan* .» the carnpii Jul> lK-'.'l * arice etiould lv taken before p.m. in front of thin \nno.< thcatcr-gocrs was the presenta¬ tion of the TheU Alpha Phi liitcriiational White H«»um- lunch for tin* visit- ni4 lea.I« :s after Vice Presiden* eotisidcring Hu- -a on a new the meeting with nohtical levc'. Africans Among Hubert Shaw, the artists will direetoi of the t>.» chooh and by class officii join leer il the .ion MSU ' ' d r a in a 11 c * honorary acting Hobert Hhuw Chorale and assi-,- Kkhiird Nixon addressee the awards presented to the leading actor and actress anil to the sup- Club Change o|»cnin;{ xesaion to The general I* S in' to stiffen the goal seemed !ive-year-old Musi Find tant condiu tor of Orchestra; Morris Kantm, pri/.e- the Clevelaod marching band I tie cei'eiuoui ,il conclud ♦ SEATO alliance so. that it will with an a tdicv- In Dr. lliiimah (•orlttig actor and actress who Auntraliaii |* r i tit e MinMrr vi limine painter, mid Mark An¬ gave the best performances in Aiiiiounced Kehert Mrnurs. Prime Minister Waller Nash anil New /ralanil ( tv in shape to withstand tanniumst undertaking any Leadership thony, dancer ami ehoreogruphi r lit officer Failctnld , or . the Un dr '60 lilts, IN rmum will nt lie major productions during the Heprescntlng the theater will elected then. international club, major lor- Thai. Pakistani and Philippine ★ it it lie Richard Griffith, curator f past season. By IMIN LMIKHII . The MM' eonc. rt baixi w I Ann C'ioffi, Allan Park soph. for fnreiin ministers head deten¬ MvJSUOW .-IN —Marsha' Hod- the Museum of Modern Art Film iim interchange between nre.ent n- final hjuid.-hcll co-i- was named best supporting act¬ MSl"> 4>>0 foreign studenu and tions from the lite Asian SLA ID ion Malinovsl-.r said M >n,i»y he Afric.i - two greste#! jnofiiivn# I.ibran in New York since IBM. «t i t of the season H'edncsd., has oixleml rocket strike at the tiHi.i v are race relations and how ress for her seiuitivr interpreta¬ tiieu American counterparts, i# members. "Mr dr sic tied (In* program in raoi'.l!v Africans will ♦.mvee.l oi night at 8 .10. tion of IAlba in Sidney King- to Mke.>:T base of any foreign order undergo a series of major (o afford an opporfunilv The sperf.icul.ir sludeuf Ualci The II.i: Tii e foreign mini-.. plane tha' heneef t!'i vrdate# a--nf*iilig their own Ie.i lei>hq». - ley 's "Darkness at Noon " She changes, aeoording to a com¬ lor our slndcnls In stud* and ( arnival. 'el's • Seei el v of Hi ate Uhr Dr Edwin Munge.- of the Amn- "Sound of .Musir" will was described by the judges as mittee rejsirt ptesented at it* - i.r >pa«e of the Soviet Union o perform under Ihrse artist*, w Im turn Herte Britain'-- Sclwyn cwn Umver.silu Field Staff told he presented lliursdav and Lri an actress who displays more K; uiay meeting i'v jWiuhuiuC pajtnci :'i tills s «ill he here for (lie summer." 1,1'id and France's Maurice H-lH.mb era. ,» * impu audience Thursday da» al 8:9(1 and Saturday at 9 maturity in each role she por¬ The changes, intended to en¬ Taylor said I'ejvc de MurviHi would Munjjer. fourth and final along the l(ed ( edar tray# courage greater participation by action l« fully The fits! da\ of the fe.stn • To prose that not only theater more foreign student#, w:!: a ve pori.it planning gtv. tn. j i ' lied, "the S»v.et fii i.e. .- Kpi akt r in this year's AUFS mu- The triuhtioiiid landfill N.g it SEATO allies flrs'hjnd strike nolitical evolution Monday. July IH. will open with tiono, majors arc t.dented actors, llob greater power to ten nationality j a.- M.niiter )e» !ared in .» sjMivh n ie--. on much women n ».in\"cation in Fairehild Thea¬ count of th-- Ill-suricd Par; *'»'• K ernim'# (irand Palace, and levoluii.in m Afnea II. i hedi, •d ' Snmla: night BORIS PASTERNAK Hrolii, Montclati. N J special clubs already existing within • ter where I'tcsid.hl John |Ia »- . Author of "Dr, Xhivatw" die* student, won the best supportmt Summit conference "'necausc we d » not kmw what t «!k was .sponsored bv Delta Phr H t'erciooiui w ill include a p, the International club, reported nah will mtriHluce Robert Sha./ Irvfoimants exnected. t«i<. that tne intruder platie Epsdon, foreign vi rv'ire profes¬ i . ion t.. (,'ow le house, 'a actor award for his powerful Vice President SanulUh Ku- may run Later tluit day. the department Soviet disapproval. and handling of Is anov, al«o in mai, Pakistani jr the Bin Three would have some it rna.v wr'i be ' a hydrogen sional fraternity, and bv t'«»u- of in -ing of *.vniboli Iigiited Ian became speech will give a concert k* soon a wndi- Darkness at Nin>n '* private dials, trying t.. figure bomb temporary |mih*s Forum. • from ..no cl, •s t" anoft, Nationality clubs now exud¬ leading of "A Touch of the pod" and Munger dr«ed kub-Salura i.. ogiution*of the f>D »nt!- ing inyluiiau. imiU lor student* In Eugene O'Neill. In the eve¬ t Pasternak told report- The fkiMrrn'i Theater pn»- • taiiding senior wotneii select* (irotip Studies Sentinieiil . from Africa, the Arab countries, Atrira as an area more llian a., ning. Gnirrtt Fckbo. distinguish¬ ed by Mortar Hoard accepted hla crowning rt- dueltwn mt "The Tmperw's New ' • lure time* the si*r of (he I'nil- China. India. Iran. Japan, Korea, ed landscape architect, will give i. the Nobel Prize, "Joyful- ( lathe*" pradueed Ike heal lead¬ t\ Hiding Pakistan, the Philippines, and rii Stairs, but containing about illustrated up tne spring event* lecture, "Design On Faculty-Staff Center an ing artre*s af the IMS-M aeaaan the total after the ordeal of final exam*, th • Latin-American cmnitrtcs. same population. This ("i laving "' '1a rreelve Uiia prtar MUa me in nnna Tlefenthal. Kalaaaasaa aii estimated 2,168 graduate* will The major structural change area contain* grrat wealth in A lecture on contemporary suh creat jojr and oho give* me fr. he awarded degrees at the lOOtii is createm of a new policy-mak¬ Should MSU |>rovide a faculty- popular specialty crop-, and un¬ painting will In given hi Kantm ttrat moral «npport.M ho told. resjtoiiie t • the questloruikiie by annual ing board of officers of the ten der doped mineral*, and "is free spring commencement But Soviet officialdom took Charles Ctofft. New York jrH staff center for it* employ»•»" faculty members on Tuesday in the Krc.*ge Ait of the mas*, grinding p»\erty exercise*. wh>* in Uie words of one of the nationality club- Under the This Jx one of the many ques¬ The que, tUmnaifr asks such Gallery. In the afternoon, a dis¬ or.?e as an affront in tot one liiul* in A*ia and other lornier judges. "»« convincing in any¬ guidance of a soon-ti>«bc-elected tion* confronttng faculty tmm- question, a- to what extent un- cussion on "Music m Film ari l Preodent H . . The w t$l* force of • ; was. drrdrv doped thing from » toga to a uniform," hoar.1 chairman. Kirmani said Im ts on a questionnaire sent by regions," Munger Television" will be held in the Truman will address hie tp -e Soviet btemry world w as di- rooao, if any. should be" ittclud- said. , received the outstanding leading this board wnll select an Inter¬ the Faculty-Facility Committee Ktva of the Education Building. iduig class a! 4 p.m. tti Sparta-. - ' againat the frail, iroa national club chairman who will of the The Africa specialist pointed Stadium June 12 grev hatred writer. actor award for his masterful department of institution¬ It also asks win* should be Uednesday's activities will sueveed tho al out ' uxt the languages for edu¬ Uacralauratc and advanced ,U- interpretation of Hector in "Tiger group's present research to MSU faculty mem- eligible lor membership and open with a paual discussion on lit cated Africans are European grecs will In? presented by Han- at the Gates." president. I V what dues would be set—uni¬ "Amrriran I'ainling since IWld" mainlv English and French Students In Art The Thcta Alpha Phi Achieve¬ ment Award was presented to Qualified f.ireign Student# interested or in American the new Prof The* committee, Kcnyon I'ayne, head headed by of form dees, or graduated dues ac¬ have been the vcmHcs for na- in (he Krrsgr Art Onlrr. Mary nnh. cording to farull) rank. Anthony and € ompany will give teniatmm and w.ff continue To Exhibit Work Dick Hrundle. Flint »r. lie also recvivtd special award as *.he toj» position may obtain further iniormaUon any afternoon thiw farm crop*. U seeking informa¬ tion on how interested facudv Other faculty member* cwmmiUee include or> th" i,iy® a certain mopic of unity" to to a Icclurr dcmonslrallon on eon- trmporarv dance al Lairchild Caiiipaign SlarlK a Evelyn Jor.c outgoing president of Thcta. week at the Union UN Lounge. meinlx-rs would be u» a wed- assistant professor of f<«/d» a id tne emerg.ng African < iinuion- Tlicalrr In the afternoon. At Kreage Center Michael Price, Chicago #r., re¬ Deadline for applications fur the planned, centially located faculty nutrition; M. laobel Blyth. A *peeiat reeejjtion ttu Kresge For Fund lo Aid ceived the R. G. Spelvin Hain club chairtjianship is 5 p.ni., Fri- center. tant piofeaaor of mathruutic Afrka wilt be increasingly iris The best work . Art Center will be held in the produced thia * *n bJ' MSU art students will Award for the but performance in an "off-Fa irchild theater" day Current President Mohammad mine The qprstt—iaire will drier- hew Many staff mrmli.r, and Dr Donald Bueli, profc*M»r of the »pe<«h department to rested ideas »n adopting European .and cnicejit , of change as evening with an exhibition < f American Painting since 19 by the without liberty" now. hut there '* - these graduating seniors rccriv«d the same bask goals and pur¬ kiy. by Wittru-MJai Im labuiat- ture on •» review of world film* been expelled from school : • f.a ntinf. ceramics, jewcl- committee will depend on the i« promise of special departmental award- pose* a* & the past ing renilU developing a r« akin g. jailed fur peaceful demon*'!.* • >k Ag and "The Contemporary induatrial design James Beaudoin, Romulus; DU k "I T» encourage fellowship healthy multi-party political tions Screen," in Fairehild Thcalrf against Mgrvgated *toi< * *' * '-S hem Hie. Munger said. Hrundle, Flint; Amy Lowell; and friendliness among foreign atari* lis fund' * Thi climax of the week will be drivq..Jijdav -» 5 "> ! In Spring Showing s-i.e.-. will conduct tin? university hang in the gallerir*. It Theta were alim ialrsdwrd at esowfher*. With eduvattott. Mir: •UuJen'; Murgie Clark, E L« - " * represented at the MSU catri- tudeut# arid faculty in the • reproduction* from the the banquet. They are: president. ger Miggcstcd. there will gr>, puc" Braliiu* "Requiem " unit ir . Dick Holme*. Lanf-o-w ■ porunt periods of Chi- Charles (inffl, New Varh (Uy ,e Jionjiibilitv we;: as a ' " Existing MSU world affairs, d' >- hi., and Ernent Green, l.r •• panting for the pan 1,200 Jr.: historian. Pat Ridge. Tren¬ era ligation of guvei nment po.'i- Any. student or faculty mem¬ group*, such a< Inter national ItcK-k. Ark. *oph. ■r* ton Msph.: vlee-president, Hldney Bright and colorful flower* of Aou rku Se.etUons, |iw ber wishing to lake pari In Ihr Relation^ Club. Model UN, Delta A number or organir.atiou • showing at tho Phillips. ( hartoUe Jr.: seeretarj. late spung bulb# atvl early ;« •- Tnu. mean* that rnany rose performance may audition June ** P . Epsilon (foreign service pro¬ Amer.c» and Eur^/e should and off campus have given their Ann liefft. Allan Park anph.: varieties about W be introduced 29 or 24. between 4 and 3 p.m. 'J- .* thea Walter Quirt Rr- Mv>.:,vc. fessional fratemtty). and _jhe enniabi' are bloom log -,n •:.< fbrner here be- bear in mirid, Munger -aid, that in Ihr Music Aud, Taylor said. support to the drive, Epper- »o traveling show and treasurer, Judy Levine. .may ?k- mn in within few *»•" o-'i under AUSG International Coopera¬ Horticutfurai Gardens located at f >re a years their whi The remainder of the Festival *aal. He listed. Wesley Found a Ford Founda- Pun liar snph. thiy arc uffered for vale to be tion committer. will also be con¬ the center of .the east circle pn ny; e UN VOiet for Af i Performance will consist of a •ion. Canterbury Club. Pr. >l>* -' ;«"» designed to afford sidered for inclusion within the the pub;.' Nearly 1.HK1 rose Hi rrt f'.r any ot.-.vr eon Uncut. ertan Student Foundation. I.n: ' b!:c opportunities to see Judges selecting the winners Ihe ."a/npus plant# of about 1 JO variebe# are program of contemporary dance . new, expanded International The impact of hii* bi.f he aaid. cran Sfudent* A.is*iciation, MsU were Dr. Stanley Id/crda, tread. ' . * (f established artists. T jcv arc used for .«j»trunaJd Yates, al and demomitratuma purp u ri c i I for Christian Michigan climatic conditions > cultural Garden#, Saturday evenings in Fair- Work at MSU. members of i Taylor, professor of philosophy; Interviews will be held Thurs¬ Extending a little over two The area jkw covered by the Tr.e I960 Wolverine wd! U- child Theater, starring Loui* - and Df. Norman Kinzie, profes¬ Men's. Hail* Association l*;<- acre*, these gardens contain Hortarultura': Gardens was oiig- di«ttibutcd today through Mon¬ Armstrong, the Chico Hamilton h-rthip Petition* sor of humanities. day and Friday for the student about 600 vane'.tiei of .rtowenng stially part of a tield test phY. day, June t, Off-Campu* stu¬ Quintet and George Shearing #• dents' Council, £a»t Shaw. insurance representative Han¬ lUiiev Hall « the last day' to pick plant# Thty are divithxl into for horticuljtra! crops and grad- dents hiav pick up their i>ook < Trophy Atcunhil oi.nif claim payments for Hif- i. .st. rumbination, perennial, an- u*lty~"T'v -Iveirt bit» It* preaent fi.es: 20' of the JRuocnt l •ns for the 2 credit • room our I Petitions t'.urnivul c training of* ham, Neilson, WhiLridge and nua!, bulb and water garden IbrRia: devt; pnunt about 1941. Services Bldg. any day during Ticket^ course The scholarship improvement Reid. Call T re jluribunda ruse garden Additional flowering plant cs»l- distribution from 1-5 j>rn Dorm Pe'.uom for two utKiergiad- Sherry Nelson, ext. Water Carnival ctaop r - _ • '-he College of Educa- trophy and award for highest and the hybrid tea rose garden lecBnn* on display around cam¬ resident* may pick i^r their uatc seat* on Student Traffic Of Students 2651, for an appointment with tickets will be available i»* of- scholastic among fraternities was compri.se the larger of only two pus arc in the Beal-Gur.'lekl Bo¬ books from their dorm r»t>s. Court are available in the Un* try ~the ftrm's resident vice presi¬ . . »re available la presented to Farmhouse Thurs¬ public rose gardens in the state tanic Garden ond the annual Wednesday, Thursday and Fri¬ ion today. Any full-time under- day on'y frum noon u» 4 pn Student Services. day night at 1FC Sing, dent, Harold Bloomfleld. of Michigan accredited by Aii- flower a trial grounds. day. graduate may apply. Ure Union coiteour*e MiHiitfiin Stiilc Ncm> I,.'Iters to tile Ktlilor For Enrrdif Vihos told Yoor Cm OmWot CLASSIFIEDS publsuedal I .oi Lui»uu[ Mi "114 uil- wm'.'M .»,ut 1 Backs Passive Doctrine CAMPUS OK UM.INKS: I p.m. I lav Itrforr I'uhlicalion For T»**.. WO., Thur-. Vol. ,Y_\ No lu» Ttu-.Ko. M.i> U. 1MF.FI Tw t, to the Editor' supposed to he discriminated The evident attempt to treat ami Fri. KriilHHi-. HmSUm far Mm. KSIOm: I p.m. Fri. Ib-eem :> I 'ha\ -• against the most* keep lit their the commencement speakership Ililk I'av ahlf S-12 and 1-3 Mmday Ihrnaph FrMay political football I* not onl* . own groups, hut tho*e who wish as a to nils and almost all foreign in had taste but seems to con¬ l,D2i:»ll EXT. 2bl.» MSI! Should Walclt Indian students are accepted readily, tradict facts (was >lr. IMefen- gaining man* good friends. Itakrr a Republican «»r a Demo¬ . .-lie I i , r\- crat?* pMi.-uU-l the dooUirie «»' pas-we Some have gained offices in HOUSING LOST and FOUND AUTOMOTIVE Problem ol Bi^ncs?. resistance, «!•» not show »m, '.Me dorms because the guys re- 'Hie hint paragraph suggests «>'«vpMthy U> the ra. ial pr«g»lf.ii •specU\t t'-icrn and chase than that Mi Truman H-ived lis 1J*ST — HLACK l.E.ATHERE I FOR RENT in this country '.heir merits alone. Mast of • fAVONAHC PklCIS IooM»lraf alignment noteN K .•a Ch.iP " h i •' the Siwxtial Uom- x y In. or near Natural Vim,, iveFsttip* art* 1 U'U yorrv t o I entiivlv them are proud and 1 don't be¬ Itio".'.igati*' the \j- ON CAR REPAIRS MOl'SE FXMt RENT bv faculty turO room I2fl on Tuead.n Etc ; - THIlOIUollOl T th H;i t i» if. - Miemher September >3. IMO t,» Sept- tin n to or vail 110-3 Pbiilu■■ I( rt n«' a h '• in Kv ■ In F .n ts.• many would want to he !■• .>.{!.mi after he u ith thf lonicht'f • h .F t ♦•xiH-rinu-ntinp with way.-* other ii • ember' I. I Nil Eour-betlrtHrtn. Fur- chosen for i i\ reason ■.■*"d t*ret VS and near Ka»l tamclng Junior ttigii PERSONAL of cou'x" -not '.he ctt»e. - scfmoi CD J-omu froMi.; I'aii! M ir -'iri't-?- mure inilepeittlenl jtftttlv as he:«* jr elsewhere fices KENNY DAVIS ORt'lll's ' !* \ "tip rm-Hfi* I hi- .uioMiUmp «'*1 ■■■- i'1»taintnl fav«»r- The Indlin Murfent bu ll hmiip For the same reason, 1 doubt Moreover, of the many arts C*' W.> |i W) APARTMENTS Cull ED 3-1477. they would like to be In¬ performer during Mr. Truman's taiii'ht I»v c!«k«mI circuit IV, 1m»Mi i« srlive In ersdiralliii the rtglil that ;i I dp result* f"!'■ 'ii i e>»ur«p* JOHNSON RURE Oil CLOSE TO CAMPl'S at!r*e. KVVAST BAKERY pE.LfA'ERs the atrongl.v ternational Festival winners administration, it seems grooal* vuluailv decorated i.ikc rasle strurture and 10' l»> 0#*"d R •" at to** bu- | *t Pool two large room* jM in learnintr pitiyres.- nn-i student opinion. unfair for the State Newa to elte twelve for »2 30 Phone IV <•: prevalent untourhahilltv. Still next year because " . . none of McDi-axtf Pr»e« I* tile Firtth include* all uFllttle,. ED Uivrness i* an met liable re*ulC t»t" the irmwitij.* population. lore I t» m the Negro nations received art only the most deplorable of JflMkHI 43 Are do not achieve effective so¬ We New G<«e feiiip Stemp* More and niore e'ivu'le students neptl a eolleire education. lution for our own problem. award" last year. those acts and to fall to men¬ FURNISHED THREE. ROOMS a»ul TOM DONALDSON and ff BLANK E Fak» thu od tion such acts as the establish¬ IHJSt TUlUMPH Tin RADIO, tub-let June li to RepUrmbci The decision is up to tin- uni\el-sities to increase enrollment This idea of demonstrating U.S. talent should dominate beater, wire wheels, pverdrive. Iiar\(- balli t.> ?-r*M4 after « p m 4H Sirde New* office between ? the show, but this should be de¬ ment of the "rruman Doctrine" IS t all foi two free w-n I . t «• or tv» tiyhtee -t.tmi.ir>!- to the {mint where eliviMe station's ••!iii»athv is affiliateit with the i i|i He.! oflef o\er W" IV 5-l3t»: Drive-ln Bring I f* cided in trvouts prior to the and the "Point f our" program. are deprived "! an edoi'.it t "i oimciplee of morality VOMAN TO SIIARF fully imniah- There are two ideas on moral¬ showing Once the bill has been IWa NAMI UAMMl.Elt. REiLIN- r«l apartiiieii* lor numtttcr SiO ciontb- REAL ESTATE The aim o! MM' is not an educated ,»n>tocracv. 1 heir >le- !,et it l»e clear that t write l\ IV arter 1 pm Utilitie* One is to lie good arid the chosen, prises should be award¬ l.NCi seat, CikhI mechanic*! *x»» ly this letter not a.* a fervent ad¬ mtnoi tigi can r.ri 7-tva.v turntthed 43 •esjon is to take a mnliije road.increuseJo some extent, h it other W t» do good The first ed in accord with quallty-r-not e is superior and real moral- pity or color WANTED ioftt ISM IWVI VW APAlf'MENT FOR RENT June IV Richard Frank person interested in reporting CAU. arter • 30. TU s-nte-oNi 15 single ^ontitere'v FACULTY OWNER Ml - We think that «-ne w;iv to c«»nthat liiuness would he to •y The second one is only a which i.t accurate, hpnest. fair, furnlabed. Snartan Village Ef* 7-74R-it Rent I anaing he four se t means for attaining the etuis * # * JSST VOI.KHWAOON IJCATIIRN lokMl vard n,-.. . moilenme the \ -lent of ilmppinir students. The out- and as free a* possible from bias t'phdttfrj fiHuyal Radio White aiul jtudv and bu: A.uiLdi'e June t <\ dated honor point svstem retains many stintents for two \ ears who will tn ver he eoilcvo materia! ir. If «r practice thla Inner purification, one dav principle A Disservice1 and parti-.iiship and evolua'i.ms in the editorial U-e npiniotu Wall*. Very clean Phone EO ;-4h.« Hruce ViEN' CIT .V N rin FUHNTSHED APART- two adult* Ue.iversFti I KM HASr LANSNG THRE! or other others have to ropy It. ai>o-«.\ed PrtVgt# entrance uml - • column, rattier than using them LAMfthETTA IMT tW-D M01TO« IV 3- ir.rr after F* i» m.tin bungalow i.««or «h<> ,« . HKiNKSS in itself is not an ev il. it becomes (>ne only when (Mth I do not believe In selling my To the Fditor: * to d 1st art the news KCOUTtK ShI* car excellent run. caiivW, >iw ki'then. other imu; learn imr suffers luvnuse of P. We feel that enrollment idea* to others. It ta for them The Plate Newa article an¬ James Malta iting cn. "New—paint i<«b. th*' SEMI-PAHEMFNT FURNISHED men.^ Owner YD S-FWM IV 4-ITOI i» PRIVATE entrance Two r*xv» and should he increastsl only so lone as there are adequate facili¬ to choove what they need and nouncing the selection of Che ATTRAUTIVK TllltEE-BEDR- » bad No KH-klng, minfortabb'. c'e.m, how they practice. ISOjO commencement «peaker 1*M PLYMOUTH TWO-DOOll- caifirtrd French Style Hm . d ties, faculty members, and scholarship funds to handle the • v* We understand and are aware was a disservice to almuat state News reporter at the Uamag* D»«t oiler between 131 and oiilv Available June l« 3.0 rnonthi. GiencHirn iwhool dlettict Re««. i . additional student Est (•In- e n heat Clone to campus El* «»f the racial problems in tins everyone concerned Hoard meeting. However, the OS betoie June 4 ED g-OSM or 2-:C.| or IV S-J7i»5 *»• Call TU 3-4i.lt day*. ED J The number of teachers i< not erowme in proportion to The initial sentence of the ar¬ .M31 43 evening* country Passive resistance i« Dad that was used on the alorv the number of students at Ms! \ hid er calibre of student not an act of demonstration but ticle affords ground* for a waa that of the Associated imi *ADIII-AV- AM* i*3i mn FOR THE SUMMER Pen -•»<■ EAST LANSING. EOl'lt *•* « cod. five veara old *. • will mean little if there is not a sufficient number of vootl is a process Gandhijre was charge of falsa reporting, unless 3*1* 4J ajtariment. R weekl>. KD 7 - 7tt.V caiH* pehpg up and down, manv e .t • very cautious in using this in¬ your staff or reliable witnesses after 3 50 «» moving to Grand Hapid* f*wn-- } faculty members to teach them strument against the Hrltk&h actually aaw **the Democratic a-i rauuei. CAUhuurrou am* 3-3KFU The problem is not merely n fmanca! one; there are sim¬ O ahoukl know how to ron- majority on the MKU Hoard of /Vo Mare t eller* if*iufold set up From Ihtui fhevruJe? EAl.t TERM NEAR rampu* r Dick ilrudo, Ed T-STM 43 four room attractive furnitfted FAST I-AN SING NEAR ply not tmouvh tfotni college teachers available It would be tioi u before they use it. iHhe-- Trustee*" beaming as a rewult i»f No additional letters will he I ANTl.F' INT' rOKMEIt Stale ukartnient. Reeaonable F"er tour rv- baling 11 v <>woe> lour Nr.' ■ -oonaibla men Approve*!. *nmii*er- Im.i bath*, cape co«l. >>. • harmful academically to increase the t'ac'u'tv by -.tenficiiu; sv.se. would end up in eottfu- the announcement irrrpltd for the "I etters to ear*, whulesa:* pn lo achieve higher maxte ami couple Furniahe*!. Hea*o«able ED year on Momlat. June 6. anil e< •»non,» car* simile-* EAST LANSING - EOfft program of screening and hiring new teachers. In the see. education and (1) to footer bet¬ out a-i mechaniealt* Bargain 2-174# 47 end place, research at many universities shows that cl.n>s ter understanding between the Ike's Summit any letter* received after today orued b»r umck *jlr Rev will (Vnanut*ta" too countries The first one Is Sulci. Oft T-'SUl tr furiRahed m has little relationship to the learning progress of the aore*l 0*3 ED S- duality value* River to Tony Drive out Ej»* Coal., ta i. . students. As far as learning is concerntst, the quality of the BltAKRR d uo. Adjuatltieilt. a»»v lioo.1 aiv *3 and follow tne banner* K t' ae par'..vipote n ♦'e ra. r gu N» ai instructor seems the main factor Cltli'AiJvT (-m — a I « F i ml urea t'hammon tlrake Rellneia. Upper Realty Co ED 7-tTn; pr-.tn'fo'.* .ii •, count'> we n H.VISHXD APARTMENT AVA- SivviviMifv, v*.-.' ha* been throw* y'U*_V_Katamay^IV ,«;_<*Q '' vs Hi' ei'I V's i {«e defeating on: a.:ni «n4 i.'ig »han» uu'K'hiv at Fressdch INFORMATION EMPLOYMENT" It ARI F • Ii'ihK e» parking from June 13 Emir room*, For famit* Central School on]* uti'h- One ED 2* rancn LANSING El'Ll. baaemetit lairge lot DF.VONN'l three-'-e-. Priced lii luirlv la Study liars ! - • ,v • he e .'av K.veMhower, gaye Use hack Sunday hun a pat "u hattr s forth com mitt if FROM COLLEGE 2*71 FURNISHED tf *a!- Call owner TU 2-23 V,f •. - uric .* c> back i'ommenuitg on Ecrenhowei * ? p.m., 42 I'm,on. 10 CAREER lour I AS r LANSING. people for the autnmer. Garage SERVICE address lost week, he said XOT liaise (trade I'oint take at U«**t 42 )( -. they .# E»r- w.s-d.- a Nea- rampu* EI* J-M33 " auh CXUt Tllt: I relieved that the Fret- MOVING CtOSS COUVt (.■,». v,-t ' »r fu;:> uiuiersu.-ul; w u t» 4-» p_iu , J-d Student Serv- APARTMENT FURNISHED A ■ r.c hi U tv I»f a:ui .ti ident said that we rau3t continue three or four men. aummer and or Lo»e--' i*tr» -h i 4 !j '.he envtryftfoetu negotiatliMi with the Soviet fail Ample parking, near eampu* students are now In-ing reveivvc.l •- TlfK hours for .\\\n Rl FRI>» STATIC I h •* . women leader* and improve coulact be¬ ED 2-2T*3 7 iu * P "- U - uaiuv! and :?npraet'c 1! t;» bv \\\ S, governing Uxiy .«f women stutlents. \s the hunts t \ -• . ' f ie *''.uden's fr 'in ltulta tween our peoples " T SO p m , 3.!it bidden*. Serv - AVAILABLE FOR SIMMER it-e^ two throe-man apartment* Ad u(d- now stand, upperclaa* women with a 2-potnt average must : iMt-.-cipalf* ■\ rsci.il reU'. iti* T'acm. m what eeemed a light itie* Call ED 7-M.*« after J pm. Al» < christian Hctr.nrr. be in by 11 p in. Monday through Thursdav. All freshman L»vt; vvinjulh .5 afkirut .wv- Jab at Kisvnh*»vrer, he added: ■*'i' »« . gn.i-0 uiitfi one double and tingle 41 a'ltrtv* Jtrraett! WtUMV ' I hoi>e hi* bland corWHtesve orc.ani/ation *•» <*r »c*'vf a-"t*. * women and uppcrclass women below a 2-polnt all college .- —. «'1* - orn* , — ? ? pm, People* Chun n Cha- APARTMENTS. ROOMS WITH rvv-rt . uiav U'. whether it ts the that I he U S !' » done ever \ »wv. t1 •rd.e.h f»» wttnoot cooking parking two must observe a 10 p.m. curfew . i>c' block* to campus aummer rale* ED t \f.ua »r t he V SN 11 tron'g ;u.*t right .< shai«l bv o r - s . r-. ~y the '** e-yt c» < The purpose of the 1! pm hours w.»> to at low additional K. 1(*. KrUhua Murthy a.Ucs and the uncommitted na- At Tlliril H C AKM% kl *'• '*'» '• 4"' t* t 7 - •*>1 44 tune for studying, primarily at the library, The purpose of ♦ * * .'Us around the warid I «i* • Fl Hi ll IIA • ' . t ■ > • ? .. »♦ ^ •«««' APAfrrMENT I t'H RENT com. Oak K.sm-. frii pleielv lurnunrU TV bunk t»eu» the 10 p.m. curfew was to facilitate orientation of ftvsh- 4 • w.M'l 1 was aute that the* a e >•. • * t Pa •* f: se !»# Umveraitv VtlUgr i'.iles Festival . 3, '** a wee* w.th the Pre* «icm * rttAfi women to the university routine, with maicr emphasis satiafac'on! that our present poU on matilhng ginxl stodv habits. ic e* and conduct are adequate Mirliij.'.i>i Miilr >ch* male APARTMENT Foil two or biree atudeni*. available for nummei •** G er . p# t, tv « . ♦ To the ft.dltor However, upperetas* women must still leave the binary I would I ping and off tet p. I n# .UKlenu ■>< W crua Hi*'.* iMid S.Ni Evergreen ED 3-2XV' it Open all tuuuner ta provue , hv 10• 40 if They are to return to living units by closing Hut. shifting bark to com¬ the let'.or conccrn.ng ;,i« Inter- (■••'vcrs'tv publish tne Michigan typing and dupiicat,ng ««< the* Ht-s'V N*%»* witaeot titfwt iKuilv At • OOMS Plume A1 ' hours. This little additional time has helped raise the aver- ami fbcwia * • ;#»• let a . ' na*. 'iiai Festiva' mendation. he went on .! i.ssssxi'.i- »m *nanv STNor.BAPttrK SECRET Alt 1" te KD :«274 *1 STORING YOUR EURNITURF ' ia. k r^v.ai discrmunation. sured that the*ident Eisenhower Pr**» *' J Awoclgted CoUeg* Ttcso LK*W N"TOWN law offww. pleasant Ask via about our wareh..m.*e t • class of Til?; iMo for the class of TU V. Th true not only hks taken tita potttion with the*,# sormututuiga pem.anent 4oipkv> - TWO » ' TASANT. DOUBt.r ap- tie* Clean, modern »tof»*• - » on j\»is'r YKT reducing hours for freshman women, although it and .-n an adnumstrative lev»l i?i h.s party who want to keep Might Staff !-»«-•? 3 Il« eNioiiemv fnr aptsnmn.e'1- reyusred- Call IV «» provevt r.w.v. j«r meu tall near cainpua ED t-7ot» So "O'er or 44 *ale time airuvtuir* Headquarlgr* for "Wife for any ieng-.:: A may help orient them to dorm living if continued only one bu' j.»•..>. i :ie ki ts thentseive* *■*' da * to vho coafcrenc" \i|l*t iguar ttaoarg H«l*o coixr.cr men - yoc * »m **o» proved moving irrvlf#. Cad N ' Seme of the Negroe* twhe are TWO SINGLE ROOMS !». women .Amercvan Van Line* IN* s. term, has not helped raise the grade point average This ro-m* open" VmiUii Ktv i'rsm |fnis» Lv.* (umifrt u* roor tv wn aeiilitg Cultfo. • own division b.n-'- of •tudenfi. kAchen p**v'ege* pri¬ stree*. IV 4-1431 Agent* for -N-' >ear's freshman women hat! a --S average at the end of AAien us at the PUcamv vate bath. >p#cu< rate ed 3-1373 4t American Van L to**. Inc " winter term, as compared with '2 'It winter WJ for the pre¬ "Never Did Much llobaoltbiit" \t ith Him. Myncll" room FOR > fUMMW duet IJARC.E ncighbor,-,o.al frrvrd Re¬ TATING IN MY hone IV 4-d303 plea-e vious class. This would seem to indicate earlier closing bouts FOR SALE duced rent to atudent tnteieiie** m •nowtng lawn ED 1-JtHO 43 TYPING - TERM PAPUP have failed to improve the average. e* etc. in Spartan Village. T-i) - D\. OR DH'Ulti U'Nf, o v. Even though closing hours were extended for uppercU*s pHfc* urv suit. fUrbell *et IV ROOM AND BOARD avaiUble for %17» *i aummer uPwil Private Rt»u*e Home women, the hours men are permitted in living units were pnvikxb »' 4-9734 *5 MOVING * * : A"Ai 7 r ' n MOTOROLA TV THREE ftemer MSU aludert how u e« * - not extended. Tor example, if a coed and her date return to YEA us c«xv» esmht m Cat THREE APmOVED ROC VI*4 t-f i-ien atuda.r. k tcRen unvnegv* her living unit after IP 10 p.m. he is not j»ermitted to enter rt> 7-TJB* 42 Heal ED 2-9142 44 The purpose of this rule was to avoid confusion that might STUDENT FURNITURE BEDS EXPERT THESES AND filN F" K ■ d-aks. cheat*. For 12 atudenta Ava«i- rrVE-ROOM house in tail Lan- Ivoing Elertrtc lypewnfee S*ve-* result in the living unit lobbies because some women mu«t aht* end of aprmg (arm. ED 3-4335 WK vo-r.pkrteiv furniahed tr aum¬ vear* exwrwmce lAw b-** ':~ mer gr* monthty. ID T-aaae i4 HretH ED 2-0343 be In by 10 p.m. However, if those who have 10 p.m. hours aner,J pm at tire supposed to be study ing or at least out of the lobbies DECORATED CAKES DELIVER¬ MEN-WOVEN APPROVRD hn~i»- IJLARN TAT ELY af s>*ar*~ \ ** ED to vrwi foe partum. birtbd.»v» tnf at Spertatt Noll Bummer rate* .ti-wv. Low ratet. Davu oitpo ' " rr.ite* rwifh on Abbot K*' * why should any«coi\fusiou result? Viae* other «etir<-tu* paatrioo. Rate Doubte* ggia. lungtae ta One btm-k 2-0334 fpr. ED 7-dBH Bakery IV 4-47V.V « 'iuin ampv*« Special wing lee »•-- In the case of sorority houses there are few women who om 2:3 Inula. KD KVT«. 4B TVPtBT ANN BROW N Pv • ~ must be iu at 10 p.m. because there are no freshmen living AWf>l M KHCVr TWO SINGLE ROOMS, pmita 3-2MP. Electric typewntr- idmn m uaonb mob pera and Uumc AI*o geuer*. ! in these units. Most houses will not permit members to K,me appro*ed htwitrtng ceffea pn- v l*e«ea garage avaiUble Av*rr'-ier Hat U-t7.it move in if they do not have 2-points. Yet men and women « Devtbve LD Milt, EXT. I-JM TV AND RADIO aervK* Com piofp StltBkm after itva. ED 2-4343 ti must My. "goodnight** on front porches, in the middle of a 'Special Price* b w rate* la (folders* New a-"1" TV g»ta and antenna* rm* residential neighborhood. This does not present a favorable me Tom Jt»ha«r, Gvislutdr.it SINGLE room FOR maiT"- fall checking, tree parking. « er term C«R rnuming* or everunga b m daur. TV Teaba>cU< ■* v" Impression to the people who live in the area. ci^'fuscsi expert w&S be Te-e »rier 3 p m - er Two a.ngle* Alan rcortia bv »u»". one double UP r MtcbtgMt. IV 7-*53a WE WOIU* therefore, make the following suggestions SaturtUy, May Jl» tram 10 am Umbra. KD l-«749 43 •-TaRTAfT Mt'LTTIJr ' »•.» * |MH» • H emtcni ' to AWS: tvpiha geiytie Everv i—c a*., two-ROOM FURNISHED apert- rwd Mr* Goodwin CD !•*»* devign and special prats?> and kite.en te tub-let Bar g 1. Extend uppefttaas women's hours to ll:it0 p.m Mon¬ -e*i« Haajdeuna1 neigbber- rtu bumonb bom * * --e- rer^ day through Thursday in order to give maximum time for mfwoi STJUtFA ; wd Call' Buet. ED 2-3900 43 TRANSEORTATIO" studying at the library. Rcaccm Naw and Save SUMMER TERM - ROOM. Ti- ce. eflt baud parking let. foed 2. Retain 10 p.m. hours for freshmen women fall tenn HIMMH A catkm All tar H3 a week HowU s'j». 3W Ann (one block behind Only. fl UrtKXJt ED 3-0*2! 44 a. Allow men to enter living units until regular closing sHormo rixrii MaN Caart — IV MID ARGE CtXAN ~rOOL Maimer Waah..rg hours for all women students. room* fee men. Clone tn. perking, NEED RXDB9 TO C or peteta en route Lea-it-e MDTOHOL.A T V 27 INOFts" prrvate en'.-anve, mr.^wmr ggjo ar.4 i-«f June II. Aieo ridrr f«- ' Artenr-* ami toble Co aM» red.-ed *urr.mer ram*. ED t- 1m Aagete* about *ih •' . MRI M 1193 tf NORUXO EUKTRIC sh aver LARGE DOt'BX W ROOM3 for men %"**& Now. *54 30 Buy'* Rrg'v«h - - i Sheerer, petvate entrance park- kttehen. IV UUrt after WANTED B»ke, lite, d-awng aaju-j.?aaB*»t fr-r 9 or weekend* tf camp Com kumar, el* CKniRsmr 1 T-A»i *Ter 3 pm *S SLEEPING ROOvV W mi (mekiAg h>T •nb —— srtvtlege* a*vd pathmg for the *u»r- - e- ED I-vOW before % » tf - 3mm 13 Near ejsr.wt* 1 homo* AouiiU*. ED 3-»4"* K)t SAU WOULD LIKE TO Ur I> ** SLKX*5 «.% AS*- V- kcmmer . Three etner reaavc*. 1- V EATOt Tnt 7KS4CE? TRAiUtS trreared, cuntart Vik* BarV V HOUSE TRAILER - Mill my* LADY* WANTS TO fcKOfkw Ttodoe Hoove a. M H» «t« tve.*1 tatt Year* of IV t-M HOUSING LOSt and FOUND hike WANTED aut 7-1041 oner 4 * FOt ISRT , f4iSKpB6ttBliy\at meteiy twa montba age .1 I Reword. CD . . CAMPUS CLASSilik-L»- TintEE STUDENTS TO «* ...uu...a*--• k near casxpua., IT t-Wtm. 43 avr aalAdL" t Miv .11. 1%A MK IIK.AN STATK NEWS Pilflhrr# final Shell Convert Kmploves Union Schaffer Cites Food Problem Polilieal Science PritN Welle Hooks Annonncen II Scheduled TFednesda v * ■ MSII Meeting# "For the majority of Ike pop i^At.on in the world txtay trie "tr Nehaffvr. it f.*t» a Svietice seminar held In Laboratory aurvey teams Into underdevel¬ oped areas in the world to study ior# Two political have recently Hfienee profe*- published itic*." hi* ceived Svracuse ho f.mrth b%*i»»k AH and I'D t'niver*itv and w«« m He re¬ from Thursiiay aftcnumn, dikeusised the existing problem* of poor book* at the Holt. Ilinetiart and fi„. Concert Ham!. I.oonHrd Falcone, director, plays it* The Michigan State Employe* major ptoblem* are food and the problem* of the committee nutrition. Fulhrlght lecturrt a* the Uni¬ shelter, and silt'1 Winston, I tic publishing com¬ versity of Oslo during 193W-SQ , ..njuNhell concert of the year at 8:15 Wednesday. In Union Council 7. AFL-CtO, has not rocket* - . , developing proper feeding They (iirn help the«r proplr |»r.des«or Alait Crime*, on the • lite*,'' Sch Hn pany M.rain the concert will Ik* played in the au»U annul meed three meetings for said Dr A F o; t outi itiiiti .standard* througn- b* liuiu their medical peraoii- MSU st.iff nee tttlli, wrofe hon-teaching employes «»( MSU executive director of the I ; "• t woi !d. lhof. ssor (i.thidon sdfibert , dnor concert* by th;> The prom am* include a wide ni'l training in nulrilioii. xelttiig h.i- written ("onstitution«l Pol¬ •American political Thought" for today, to take action on departmental Committee on Nu- fine of the (M inarv misyioip. » acclaimed band are lip biochemical laboratories for s variety of mimic. from ponula" starting a union here immedi¬ tritutn for National IX fen*. w' the committee is t»* dueel >tudy and rearaich. , , mc>*t popular prcsen- medleys and overtuie* throu h ately • the music department. The uuHtings are set for 3 At present 23 .*«hoots and 130 Now OMrilttilfd by llow, I'rlfrnon & Co. musical nove'tiiM -» -t «tt t,»-v» P m. in 33 Union, and ti p.m. Tlieriiiometee Simh f.eU (iriinl pe«>plo are forking making nymphonle* and overt ires and 3 these surveys into toretgn coun- p.m. in the community {lock S The eahcer: wilt "ht ireh ,»>en v.th • e room of rhc Lansing fire station A recent $3.9dd the National science Founda > grant f tn •! 'he deVtcu»|«!Oeift jirogra I'n t- t.ie | S0CI0L0QY TEST QUESTIONS of the Pejo' a! of the program ; Thi- not only help-, other*, he Iolan'he to the Science and Math» i i'.t, by Anhui Stilbv.in will all shifts a •lev. low said. l)ii*. it also gives us an op¬ )i»eits$e >e ; • he.:. ,! Monday, called at the request of thermometer The new thyrmometer will < exist here m the -p.e'ode A" t . ' T . employe* to learn if there was l>- Frederic Duttman h« • 1 • •• • \ hie io an entire e';j The eonm i'.bv ci v»- to help .loin Your Frllou Students and »r r diWv'Ustied for Verd Science and MathemaUcs Te». -iti.i U i^. accurate eiioiiuh va'.k' In a- arrange f by -niTcient interest to proceed these countrte. *• help them- Instructor — Get Your Copy at S *u.l J-Mop at the ftis' Dr»c:o- F*'c»>tu\ L»l.».vci b» vrther with a union, we Were nig Center, and l)r W.iu t to '.«to comprehensive demo- siive* and to hcto them dis- tie •ooia: \i Taylor, profewor of th»* *«nn > on- involving rmall ten agi)eu!iural Your Hookstore SUM' ; Junior v'.Hined Wert- i) - .r Su.if" surprised bv the turnout.'* *a.d enver "..U'll potent¬ A chaspje oi.m i i nes u-t ;i It 'Pert (Jrosvcnor, director of department, will be co-dirye..-ts P' l «'..tre change-, {Xlttman s.it ials ■ no deflnde action Wuin.-r* 1 o . tve f-.-n '?ie union "Over 6d men and Tm* in and I> »:.!*• ' Thi.a a f»'- •vomen from various depart* : member* became ac- ' *>\y ' »>v ' \nt phony f.» r •went* of the University came m with jot*. rc*jH»n«ib»l- Wind- " tn Krv hlyv. "f n.ry ^n t almost all *tgnetl member* i next year* agend* from Symphony No t" in Ka1- vh:p cards St \va* one of tho * v of J-Council iwciqde :nmk.o . n i |r*r yj|ue * " bv post impressive turnouts that rieseio ue have ever experienced at an . , }lhcr*on, Uwali. prc«i- Two i-3'r e .-,i ,n- whrch o «! meeting in any state In- p Myer*. U*Mings, v»cc follow arc "Stinda* t)« • \»—- huition.** by • < Jarur Colt in#. Green*- R chard f"»u *1*a4 an i No fee* are charged to Join K iectetavy Mykc Mob- Tromb.n, * «n T !m -re. t hp- n i there will be no dues for V-< 'roa«urer. Jean - 'me time, until the new local y, \ t litrU, Va . .in t The •e.t c 'U. u.l,^ w cnoleffJv set up. >1* >ut- tr !^i nrho »m Tvijl.lt ■ . a'" c were t and by-laws told. establithed, When jjou mg vim r award ch»:- HM-.i.i Coady. Cedar . ; h If. ntbli.- relations; Ijrr* k-.>■« v W<*vd, F!* . Ka'iniaropub* U*i50t' 'WOLVERINE DISTRIBUTION choose " . Shsrt'.im. W elude, iTlini ASEits or a hi: iwo woi.vkrink can few# 'r'.'ei 1'ICK 11* T1IK1K nooks AT THK FOLLOWING , ' i.e. . Hap iJitv oi. Mar, I) u and Jerry Rhick S It ruby, co-chairmen, Myers, TIMKS: DOKMITOHILS — Tl'E. • I HI. FROM DORMITORY a (/iff for \ .-Herman. IX>A ague. KEI'UESKNTATIVi: w :\t, . An. n.rtninjjham T«x Jack Kim*. P«'. OFF'CAMPl'S Tl'K. . JI NK i. IN RM. 20 OF STU* one of Prove Bander art. OKNT SKHVll'KS IILIHI. FROM 1-5 .* * at large Sir Isaac Nezvton is struck , ^ people... || FOR FATHER S DAY.,, by another great idea! A WEDDING... A GRADUATION... OR "BON VOYAOL." ITS WHATS m ^ - one of these books e theb perfect l/iripift! ITI I IHVt.'S TRAVEL Hni)E Til Ef'ROIT. Po.0- Till I.WV \M» llll FRUFIT8 l»v V North.m. UENERAI IfMIDS Kilt HEN'S ('DDK IIDDK A ei Fdifien bv 1'etiiplc I'Mdnu: The m«»*t »*»mplel»- I'.irkin-ou I.»*• - .ire the forgot in till* «U|M*rb »tM|uel hrand new nlea-over I.ihri recipes arranged in me.il UPFRONT rv\i*itm in 1 > \car* *»f ilw world'* npwt Htdc|\ u*ed t-. tlx Fr«»fe-*or * Iwsi •••lling #|H»of of organitnlioti*. situations biifb't*. children'# partie*. picnic*, etc. ir,i\»4 gunk Now oxer 11M> |vigc* longer, xet lighter I'irkm-on * Law Hi* li.irl*'.| attack on taxation Each di#l> tested hv one of the world'# l.irge*t food jii «i'ight An intli*|irti-.*bb> travel eontpamon p.n kotl and 1.|> penders i* munitiiMv llluvlratisl h> lloltcrl research center- lift lavi»hlv illustrated page#, lie* witlt vital inforinatinn »»n vtlu'r# to go what to lake, tblH.rn r.l i/inglv liinnv attack »Vcn York Timet flat when open: wa-hahle cover $1 95. deluxe f*lit|on what to do. Fulls indexed $")t>.». 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Cover* over 70 »pih*titiition* in dorena Wildlife Federation I,*a*t illui*ration*. hOO in lull IV required or recommended at evefV aclliall or college of recqie*, from the simplest di#he# to Hie n»»riUtF.<- at«' the other Feternon Onlv this Mi in.im \\ elwier is h.is«*| un the famou# uriou*. advise# on the late#t frorcn fiHul* and pre- f Juklea: they are hj.i. tspjipment for rvarv naiure unabridged Wehster's New International Dictioiiar lover. $4 «o cash, thcigt ton Mnflm $.'• thiimh iiclcveri $'• other* 75 to $15 Sferriam jiar»*l kitchen mixe# ami on I hue-wiving way* to u*»- morlern i*|uipruent $405. l ittle, Ihou n T1IE JOV Ol Ml SIC h*. bomH lUrnvtvin liern HOf.ETS INTERN MIDN \l IIILS NlltlS. Hie V\IV V VXItKltllll.rs C(l\|l'|.KTl'/IIIMIK OF 1.11- Mem I* an urti-t with word* a* veil a* inu*ir; ja/r mo#! i|M*-lul Word and pleas*1 Unik ever.it firo/*word* III KTTK Mi,rt. (liar. I Ihi, |„. aiwl flacb ahk«< let >u.- • I. ur aivl ent'Ttainlng under t" evpres# vour idea* Ha* improviil tin- work of date ea#v to use «o|npn heti»i'e guide to gr.M HMl* hi* literar l*at'»o |t», h»d«*l are wven ««f hi* Omnibw* lhoii«und*. h«lj*-rl tii«-in earn mo»»- and get lietter American living have l»-»n wdd to flate A foienee t •cri|4t, eipamb-t. |du* a collection of *»rin wittv loll* The un r*htiun with Amr-ruan ulang. co|J.o... authoritv .di*cus*e« courtship Diwl_j»rrldinf*. home ewwty*, pliotugfajd.- iliuatration* iuu*n.i! ♦x.niiplf* quialeMu* hu' lierb , f quotations from modern and enteitairnng. travel custom*, children # uuinner*. etc, and diagram- $S.|k'» Stmtm & Hrhwrtmr »I.n-ie author- n.- tliuinh uwlexitl $».}).'• froOf 11 7tg) pp 11 hi# v. 4) th.niil' indciisl Ail tfou hfediiy LOUR IRM *1 Kl.l FIXti COOK IMtOK llnde or THE AM Elf It NN till I.I 1.1. DICTIDN \l( Y. Corn buainraa girl. U'ginner or •*{«-rt will l«e dehght«*l t<> pih*l b% 155 evjMrt*. tbi* new It-rev iw*l dictioiiar- own una of America'* favorite enokUiok* Over TUUO contains up to date ih-Umtiou* of (gJ.INM) «i lentilie Tor the Perfect Gift reel pa* Idtdan twtwl by tlie faimm* C«, Unit. Ihnrhetrt and \Vwater;, fnt in oil I ahrikoul *7 .Vl e e I* wits, Newtoa luw w tlw *te limttlmn //ou*« THE LOOD VEAR* flaw 1»00 to the Kir-l World THE NEW I Mil A Losf* LTltjLF.TI F. Here is a But » hf n it comes down to a cially proteoses them for filter Mar by Walter la/rd A vivitl narrative of that r* traonhnarv trtm falter plumbing grvl lwf«»re taicv» coniptate guide to toiiav cable uuthori' "M Ann it# • etiquette, by an im|M>< in *«h nil uvige Iter advice really pleasurable filter ciga¬ smoking. The result: Filter- *len. even in time* *»f |*an».- iml di*a»t< r. Anu-rn an* i- l#i-etl on a totninoii-se')-*- appi^u ii to everv a»|M-« t procwaihel with unrpjemhaHieonfidetice tntlieir abil¬ of inorlcro life tlv working wife the maid Im» hou«w rette, it's w hat goes up— in front Blend up front of a modern fil¬ ity to reform the wicked, rebuild tlte ruin# ami *ul*lue hold Venage p'ohlem,-, inforiiul and formal mht- ' (the filter, that is—that makes ter. That's w hat make* Winston ilia tocrny. laivixWy ilJuatratwd $4 93. Hwptr Uftung, etc $■'"» !t"j h unk X WugnniU the difference! a cumphtt filter cigarette. And there's where Winston Filter-Blend also makes ad an inspired idea —Filter- Winston America's best-selling, Blend ! Winston specially selects thoice, mild tobaccos, then spe¬ best-tasting filter cigarette.Take it from Sir Isaac:' SPARTAN BOOK STORE "Ian dm'fkf.t n be hit in the head to kmv> that A SUPER MARKET FUR EDUCATION WMii tastat (todHkia dgantti sfeanMI GIFT WRAPPED AND WRAPPED FOR MAILING CORNER ANN & M.A.C. llktmui tNa:nck.ran»MsiM.*t S&E® .7 sm7"*««* o» ****** um Diamond Crew Gains Revenge Win; ~ . NEW YORK X-ra\s of Mick«-\ Mantle'* jaw wore M'he- (hilid Monday after the. N■ w The Yankee mob. dceribed spokesman as by a "t'o.n- "pletely uncontrollable," grabbed KANSAS errv out in the 11th innlnjr ning' run i/P>—lUrik Koiti**' ptncS .intflT With two scorn! Norm Siehurn with the win¬ Monday as the Kansas City AihVtk-s defeat.si the Score Early to Stop Detroit, 4-2 York Yartk.' f- nU'i fuldfr iun mobbed, mauled and belied -i Mantle's enp and mauled hmi as Dctmit Titters 7-fi in the first jrante of a dtviblehcader. 4 Kuna in 1st Enough for Win: he attempted to make Ins way !» Rud Daley, the last of the frfth ar,* ihrce in the sixth. iho chiii by youngsters and tec - a.^ci's \< ho broke out mi to the the dugout Mantle finally stiffTanned his pitchers used by the A's piekt^d -Every starter • except pitcher Major League Standings Sink* Hurl* 7-Hitter Again*! Tilan* field alter the Memorial Day up the victory, his sixth against Johnr.v K- - g<* at least one dmiblcheadcr with Washington. way through the crowd, taking two defeats. The left-handed h:*. Jerry Larr.pe hading with NATIONAL LEAOIT. blows on the faci and belting AMI ItlC.W LEAGUE Br JOHN SCHNnOH The youngsters converged ••••. knuckle-baller blanked theTigc.- three Tbe ei.;i *.:aJ was 16. SS L rrt. GB back W L Pit. GB HUtC NfWI AMfelf S*Mt> Mttor th hiyh-nruvd Yankee star >1- Ne-T C±r *>y led "the Tiger? •850 — nn three hits over the final four Pittsburgh 26 rrxet imb.ediatelv alter he haul¬ Ice parks were applied in 'lie with three t»'<. :nr»uding a home 24 15 .615 ' 634 i2 ,MSl"s lmsptiall rqusd scored four times In the fir.-l inni- eiiibhou.se, but Mantle had dif¬ struck S.i i) Francisco 26 ed in a fly by Julio Becquer tor innings and out *e\et> run r the fsr.-r ^ntiing good fur Cleveland 21 14 .600 1 Cincinnati 22 3J7 4'i and then coaeted to a 4-2 victory over Detroit Satunlav t. ficulty moving his jaw batter.. 3 hind the stellar pitching performance of Mickey Sink. ♦.he Dual out. r ao roii.? At Ka.'ino also drove New Y-»: k 19 lfi .543 .518 5'3 Bob Bruce, pitching in relet Milwaukee 10 ;r. 'to nsK>—Tr:*.h a double in Chicago 20 18 .526 3'jt .487 6>j of Hank Aguirre. took the !<> - x-Los Angeles 19 The victory lifted the Spartans the mpeonrt -nnirjg Detroit 17 17 .500 4'a .447 8 Dave DeBusshere \vc- stopped the A s from the six¬ x-S: Louis It He 17 22 436 7 to a Ifi-13 record for the season Kan*.l- t'.'y Chicago 13 382 10 distance for the Titans. He th through the IOth innings, but 14 22 .389 8'.- with one game remain*. The W.x-hing'oti Philadelphia 13 325 13 proved steadily after a < in the tith yielded a lead-off walk to Sir-burn, who moved '■< IH Schedule Boston 13 21 382 8'v x-PItiying nigh', game. MONDAY'S KFSI'l.TS victory enabled the Spartans to start and went for one f.\r third oo a sacrifice and an in¬ gain revenge for the 14-5 past¬ ing stretch without allow;:, 31. MdMltVS HKSl't.TS YVashincton 2. J; New York I. J field out. Then Folios, battcg SJ» Baltimore *. 3; Boston 3. II ing administer by the Titans a hit. I'litsburck *. Milwaukee 3. (tnd game Cleveland 4. »; Chicago I. I for Daley, poked a clean singe I—W wiu» 1 ii. « M»»w * week ago. i i«. » vi.aw i IMC. rum I I; PlillaHrlpliU «. S Kansas Cltv 7. N; Detroit «. 1 list Both Bob Ross and u to left. (»inlnn.«n 5. II inn.i : -t mmoH. i «« n <-h*« I ( hirago 4: Nan »'ranr|*ro I, 5 game Next Saturday, the Spartans Golden had their hittmg Detroit got off to a fa>*. start, ,1i I— \» R |(l l outs at I «»s Angeles, Inc. . J» St. TODAY'S ('.AMIS play host to Western Michigan ended during the game. G<\ picking U|» four runs in the fir -t * * * THIMY'S HAMKS Chicago iHohhie 3-€» at s.m Iran* thf" wmmIMWIs nt having in the season finale. inning and two more in the sec¬ to » New York iloril ?-?> at Baltimore rlsro (Antonelli 3-1) night who had two for two at, ond But the A's tied it up with t>m'\ nre »?md* *» vi««n i|tiio< W the seventh inning. and a double in his nr.*t iv Mctff-mu iMctsrt* rirt thaw > cord held by nine different run¬ State scored all its runs in the bat on Saturday. BURT MJOREY LONDON ijP—Peter Radford, first inning. Ron Holmes was The Spartans found DtB.t Britain's 20-vear-old sprint star, UNUSe-HEFIIURN BULLETIN was told he may have equaled ners. "To be absolutely fair to hit by a pitch, and went to second on Dick Golden's single. schere an eary nun to s'cv Holmes had two thefts S: VMERICi\ (iunri the world record for the 100 o»ee 043 0.»x—B 9 I everybody, including the present After Mill Schudlich and John lich one and Sinks stole ' Rjm.« «H« yard dash and set a new mark All THAT IS MO OO* 0OO-! 7 2 world record holders, we stated Hendee went out Spartan's hit- when DeBusschere to< k a ■VtrMl for the 220 yards—all in fine day. , and Brr- Radford's .tune as 9 4. But I am ting sensation, pitrher-outfie'.d- windup in the eighth UNCOMUERAIU Iwdtrk nhIm i«i Reserve Squire Yarrow, who seeing the timekeepers later this er Bob Ross, slapped out a dou¬ The contest was loose.v t hrrrl. Kihta ■ I ar*en. (>ig- clocked Radford ht 9 4 seconds IN MAN...All in the 100 yard dash at a meet week to discuss it. and there is ble to score Holmes. Run Mar- ed. with five errors be.r-g fie i*». Koltm »7i and I'nilwv shall submit a latt then walked to load the miUed by the Titans, a- THAT IS H-r.icXM- «!-#•. t-Fo«Urk. in Wolverhampton last Saturday, a possibility we »l-4». said it was ti".v found that two time of 9 3 " bases and a run was forced home by State. Golden, consi-ier-d IINVANQUISHtO/ watches timed the run as 9 3. Officials of the meet had al¬ when the Titan catcher inter¬ of the outstanding f. Vf*me nun Kiikh City. Hef- W WOMAN ready said they would subm t fered with Bob Monczka's swing. shortstops in the Midwc>* t»t 4i». Ikrww»Mrrj » ' **Aa ikraiivs eietr Farruta l ilas Nt i • ■f •fijt put I Of ■—ic IMXi OTARTB TDt R- _ K»;» Daa'l Mi— Oar corruptioa. Tb» arbala to Uw VtoriaBtwic II. Itvr |{r*t! •bow Kayi on tkot torii- "HtiRr i a( -OiaMmui liaal romiplrd aurfare. ns urtiiy. Touchea the aiuiieal- wilh-a-eweeege etyle nt TONMNT - 7:30 P.M. Three Fenny Opern*** • M .aa'm V I r*a« sImsM 9 * 1' "The vtory of Ko'c- MEET AT YOUR SCHOOLS nwirv her n*e «u«i fall, tnakew fur a »tran«r ahaorhing and frequentlv oft beet, FOR THAT Jul TIN .11.ISM hum;. la^nnating umicrvmrkl ami CUM Ml Ml'ATION AIM S — uw« crust true-life n**v t»» Ali. II II I. AtiRHT I.TVRK - OLDS HAl.l. || "1 hf UK VtslOBtnMl b* TOUCH OF KM.INKKIIIM. |JL Blu b IW|M tonl profilf ate trratrd it (karinft in • HOME ECONOMICS — IIO.ME EC. HI.IN.. wwtical faree hat aw tn al EDI'CATION — MOKRII.L HAl.l. fa MEDIUM-! Ubr UaMAi taiwuBt Pari is Um ptaee to tot. HOM1KH COLLEl.K — MEET AT VOl K SCHOOL The thrills, the faa. the pteaaant wnaaaRan all ga to> i aa evening there as unforgettable expat late ★ IN CASE OF RAIN 00 TO FAIRCNUO THEATER B * "A MrBOiv ilrta »tn»«t « I Iranitmt twtrnn w.ha tuftn * »lh. M e»4 Cmun w- (b**tn«lt«r\ llv utirir thruot Lake Lansing ★ WEAR CAPS I OOWHS at the taillmMim' gmuirvt arc at *|wt «»r vhar-p. aitj ■B-flBIBO !1 Nadja Tiber i» everting * « »aw-X-r. V V Tmt* . Park ★ SEE YOU THERE! "A siunotog pjftorv tt »* the kxvOL'* OI'KX NIGHTLY EXCEPT MONDAY* f sartKin:»• to wy — V W* argt } •« <• —♦ ALE DAY WNDAY FRL AND SAT. • A DOL OF FLANDERS It Im (to toi"i»«] * Ecorse Wins in 1st MSI J Beatty Top U. S. Miler; i gatta State Elliot Cancels Tour Course NEW YORK t' —Iruimm* travel agency us nearby Com Might 'Spurts Mltnr the mile in 3:38 Saturday night to:;. Mid Elliot'., ihe world re- Record Set John Srhnelrtrr Jnittinl I.ind.i t.oiridce for an American citizens' ree- nrd holder, was told "There's " May 31. I960 Cage l ive ord. slender Jim- Beattv not only cure for the injury except res' By EMC LUNDBERG broke the four-minute mark for Elliot*, a house guest of Kir-- the first tunc but took ovei MSU lost Saturday to two woh1 ; since h .-i arrival In L eighth plflco among the great ,;ij»erior rowinjr teams in a Truckslrrs Take miters of all time Angeles two week- ago. was n immediately availably for cor^ m.ri termed "historical" by Herb Elliott of Australia holds I hirsts in AAl": the world record of 3:34.") If men: w ! r.iiik Heeman of the Intra- Elliott had been fit t > run Kirkwood quoted t.Uiali •rural department. II ostorn ( itfts against Beatty. Dyrol Dure I*. i Ecorse Boat club walked *) <>: Oregon and Laszl » Tabor., t saying: 4'A lot of people will ' saddened by this news of f with both freshman and KALAMAZOO »'• Western Hungarian refugee, in the C.t' - > — cancellation. Itut rest tuuri trophies in the MSU In- • forni.i relass" nule Saturday, t ie I in the saddest of all.'* Michigan ran off from the field • >n:il Rowing Regatta winning time might have been cral hundred spectators in the Michigan AAU Memorial close t » the world record. El¬ Burleson, who already has the Ecorse Olympic oarsmen day track meet, capturing nine liott had to withdraw before th 3:58 fi clocking to hi? credit, w • from behind in the final first Mvmd in 3:59 2 with Tabc places race at Modesto. Calif. becun-'c •• t.i set a new course record third in exactly 4 minutes. Times were ordinary on .i of a pulled tendon in his rigir >41. beating the Wvandotto Twenty-four miler* have Ji heavy track but Jerry Bocci ot knee t club by only four seconds. Western set a record in the six- the miie in less than four mi Elliott is canceling Ids Amer¬ mile run with a performance of utr- a total of 58 times*. Beat! The previous record, set nn- ican tour and returning to Aus¬ 31:50.8 It was the first time in Burleson and Don Bowdcfl ( tii.iri.illy last week by M»l\ Has tralia because of the leg injury, 3 33. for the mile. three years the event was on 5H.7), a California graduate, n a friend said Mond.it. tho program. The old record th.* only Americans who ha tSpartan freshman lost a was 31:19 8 Juck KirkwKKKl, manage: of beaten four minutes I t race to the Ecorse fresh- Curt Harper of the Northern tri after leading for most of the Michigan track club was the r distance. The Ecrose team Mftir I.ED MOST of the freshmen heal M were aaml mil In the nnarter of a length ahead of the Spartans. State News l*hoto by Eric only "double event winner, cap¬ mvith a slow 6.10, and bent stretch by a strong Ecorse club. Ecorse passed the finish line turing the shot put and the COMING TO CHICAOO only a il- > : , by only a quarter of a discus. FOR THE WEEKEND? Michigan State won four mt rulcer -if to Military Academy was participate in the re- Tankers Hold Porpoise Bust; Winning Speed: liiii.1! mpii! events. The University of De¬ troit won the mile relay when Students (men Families, Croups or women). on Couplet, Tour. ml . us scheduled because the Western was disqualified for v .-.! p.easlcs. was quarantined with the Braekett Gains Top Award Rat lima mi Wins MHV; cutting j lane. STAY AT THE • At Hi* VMCA HOTEL. Me- . rrfp* ti lt<» loop jjj* Hv SI'/rTTE RAMSEY !■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■• \V \ indottc won the first heat healing Ecorse with an elapsed time of 5:36. Kick Hruckett, distance frceatyler, received the highest recoimition u Spnrtnn swimmer can >ret as his teammates Ward A Close Second ■ ■ limv for ... ■ a. • * AuormvioHvtion, lot >,000 si so • »<« ml* voted him the recipient of the Hubert Gluski Memorial By TERRY LISKA , Rathmann won by less than • Far •MMVMtOiK, mtit* D-,* ***. is- the second heat. MSU lust ■ B?a Sowik Wobosh Ave Cbxag* 5. H», MID-WINTER I . INDIANAPOLIS lA'< -- J : n» 13 seconds over Ward, whoso . Ecorse Olympic tryout Award to the Outstanding Varsity Swimmer at tho annual after' leading for a quarter Rathmann, a second-place fin¬ 138.632 mph clocking aUo top- I'nrpoise Bust Saturday. Ecorse's winning time in Bracket*, also received the his 220-yard time by over four seconds and his 440 time six isher three times, fending champion Rodger Ward outfought de¬ pel the former record. LUBE fcB ■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I III" neat was 5:58. seconds. :n a huo-t»hu?> due- for the The huge crowd jammed * ■ meet, run on the Grand Clarke Scholes award for his • VALVE GRINDING • motor ti ne i p Cart Shaar. -ophomore main¬ la-*. 250 mites Monday an.i ru l sround tne sun-dreftched two • CIIASHIS-IIBI :• net ween the Mt. Hope and performances, under the hardest ¬ Ml- • ACCESSORIES r - road bridges, had the circunuitance.s. li ^ times in the stay in the Matt Jho butterfly, received ed m with a record-urn ash and one-half mile •'Brickyard" I WHEEL BEARINGS Gil. CHANGE m • WHEEL ItALANC INI, \>r national* were Kaplan award for the triumph in the 500-jrule spcou- and moro tense at • springs : of near perfect weather cited by Coach swimmer making the greatest way race grew more riLTER C HEC K m • BRAKE SERVICE r. a s the first home contest « Charles McCaftree. In tho NCAA first Rathmann, 31. from Miami, improvement. Shaar's time went -ilridesmaid" Rath mam, ' B • TAII.riPE A MEFELER • Washing MSU. since the team was or- meet Bracket; cut down his fliS . Via, and then Ward, 39, from l,5tK)-me'er time by 53 seconds. down from 2:20 to 2:04 during ishist second in 1952. 1937 and the year. !939. He finally won in h: Indianapolis, nudged ahead of STOP IN, SERVICE 11th each other by a few car lengths. Shaar and Braekett were de¬ epeedway start, gpnning out a The lead in this second closest IS OCR PLEASl'RE clared w inners of the Bill Camp¬ record 138 768 mile-an-hour av¬ race in speedway history chang¬ FOB FAST lillA 11 SKUVH'K CALI. EI) T-9U16 " bell necktie award for their erage deftut::^ the nun w:i.> ed hands no few than 29 times, t t,itf performances in the Big 10 and edgevi him la*; year id — most r»f the swapping coming NCAA meets. More than ?(*}.<*«• hi ., ma between Rathmann and Ward. GULF SERVICE" The award for the outstanding the 20()-lap grind M« > >! bieui LARRY'S May SI. IM« MCKIOAS ,»TATt SCKH'M ho sit asij onacra uua 90() Fulbright Scholarships Programs C7 to Reinforce if Crossword Puzzle □EQ una nanou UEJ BDI3 uoqi i =i Available for Graduate Study □oqe uan rltiienship al time of School Science Faculty ACROSS 30. Indian About 91M) Fulbright scholar¬ 1. Female □BOt-ra anntiHun Ron. a barbetor'a degree ar Ha 32 Cvml dis¬ □□ aaUQQ UEulD ships for graduate study and * burro tillate predoctoral research in 30 coun¬ equivalent, a workable know I- 5 Franchise: □au Eociau elge of the host rountry and 33 Fail Hew er* tries will lie available for' the Traveling* science teacher program* provide 'visiting DEU'I C3UUU2, " Old Eng. 36. Surfaced a 1961-62 oc.-fdemlc year. good health. 6 Very small unaamao ana™ teachers' to re-inform high school science teachers, ami are -treet Scholarships for study In Lat¬ A gootl academic; record and quantities □uu urran Especially valuable in smaller, isolated school.-. 12 Excessive 40 Unrefined in America under the Intcr- demonstrated capacity for inde¬ Dr Dun«n t u.d the Graduate Seminar ♦n;> to th«x-: 13 Chalice 34 Penitent.al metal 41. Jumble* • r GLJBOO sou U3U 3Q3 annon use pagan 'J'J* Amerlcan Cultural are also offered. Convention pendent. study are also neces¬ sary. Preference is given appli¬ hi-fi and stereo LP's Honorary period mixture ■ UQU cants under 35 years of age who » V-'.ti 15 Winter 4.1 American The Fulbrights cover travel, the department of anatomy have never lived or studied month umvors.tv tuition. Ijooks and maintenance aid the Veterinary Medicine Solution In Friday's Panic abroad. cn»li. ia-: week High school Initiates 2.*> 17. Exhort 38 Com pin¬ 44 Onc-hnr-e carriag'." 56 Scouting 3 Cavalry for one academic year. IACC scholarships cover transporta¬ Application forms f'»r both 20% 46 Umbreila V-eparat. '-i f.»: college science point croup iuord tion, tuition and partial-to-full scholarships ard available from New Members off »rs wa- 'he topic under cs,-- 19 Conner part r< Egg d;«h Of. Allan Tucker, assistant dean 57. Verm.n maintenance. 20. Mai ku 4? Fell ■II-'- lt» Baked Don * 7 Elevator Both program* require I'. S. of Graduate School. * 21. Fcani clay M.v- I. • ,» •. '- 50 N;,:ht music carriage a. n.i'ior-.:, 23 Hue 1 Humble 25 Y.a' -of 52 Div.-.Me » Astringent 2 Broad then* by t ■.. ? Breakfast RENOWNED ARTISTS UKE: ivne's 1 V 26 Swan: s 5' Identical 54 Sv rctsop nughfare 3 Withdraw food WE NY 28 EJib't- 10 Betroth j]ar.mng ' > -tu-ly - ••..■- 55 Anarchi.-ti 4 Before long reptile 11. Cubic meter ?*v ,nicr». a gr» »• no-i : ■ CASH 16 Pine Tree he student ta!.'1ing "f 'he h to 2 . , •> • ■ .. - . ... State: ebbr, 20 Thong OALLAS GIESEKING s "".re and math in 12 22 Sooj.v r A -a. • . i J-npor:an\ -a •. ; i.'i matte. 24. Comple¬ FN ffpyuy giLELS ment of a bait .OA's ;>;ivNo didan-. KLEMPERER FISCHER • DIESKAU . 27 Statr* I.Mi'.w'i - f:.. .. , ir.i.jf . !a -• 29. Server BOOKS l:t ula'.ei and ' ■< in an. Thorna* An*. Mary-v. » 31. Silkworm a IT rl d to Mj-h Jo 1,. mere;,-'.- !-.• K.c rv La t3n.nu; -.:. C! . Do: - l.iavd. Aiiv.ri Lovclletn . 33. Attu.n .-ucccsx LAN00WSKA 0ISTRAKN 34 Made St JoH>|>h. Jud i IV»!ivk 1. N .p- \* well n»lnirtor«. as a lark of qualified HHirlrnrir* exist in erville. !" Kerin. \W.v<- ,15 a.rtight Tranqu.l ANYTIME KARAJAN BEECNAM Alt l';MM ,t. .11!.i Rain rt \V.«, .17 Abandrrt irililin and spare for adequate •fasxroomi and equipment, said Mi** Juda\ Ml S. T1...V H.Tti -ni. 18 Battle* 39 AbltO: BUT ESPECIALLY NOW NNLSSON SGNWARZKOPH Depree. II"!'at. i. Tumid* Doyle. 4" Aquat.c Dutton «'.r« • i • <• v.t! - Ikmsing; John Glotzback, Mu-k William fiurd. Grand Ran- mamn 42 Sea a! nymph AT KREISLER FARRELL &.«< problems concerning tnr eifon. 45 Write, •dequaeies of high * icw.: science . i . Howard Kah*. Philadelphhi. 4? Have be.ng m-r:eulum a " rcabivd and. a Jan.ci (dbuchiv.-ki. Grand Rap- V» Sward campus book store disc shop Ucat. dr.' of cfT . be :»4 I . Ilrth T.V. or. t.lnihwr«t. I 1 5! r !e f! ■ > through a ■ \ 1 ■ " Kreder ■ k T'homp *>n, Karinmp- the est timi ts WIN *»cart«. av summer ••.••rk yhi.«p« t at. J..h-i t 1 . IJ'iifT -1. I . 1 »'■ teacher-, * r.v.ivds .:>:pv.»v.:.ji a;a! IVtti Van K • ■ > k. Ai ' l«n I'tioiM and -<« vuvg problem- font 1 ACIlOSS FROM TIIF. MSU UNION r •* important f->r *' «• • indent Graduate in.',.»•.•> ; n 1 tui *» tinp.13 dwc.de up'Vfi ha. m.ii'"ir early. 1 tint'on tb- h . Daniel Delgro-so. George Oeeowe'-. pa-f 1,1! "tig rate a.; a CORAL GABLES' 323 K. Grun.l River EIJ T-0*Me> ho rather tu? t M-liniui tig and llobcrt Jon. . K.iuIku.a, W. anse Clemen* ;n college -< ,c.i •->. Hernar 1 K 1). ipn . 'hn OPEN EVENINGS ilforno . . !»• also mentioned the ditun Joseph Mririne, K ■ ' lav." jc^qgckqus - ?»« in training pr.'«peetive t» > Jam.', Mth'he!!. |,.tn-ing. Gene w teachers thorough'v en th> V'nnPclt, K.a t |.,t, ,-,c_ ;j.uj j,,. » »• e.l'e Whh • — • • It KSTAI.lt AM' • | LvV (4ww (C7 IT.I. PoKe rmMjf [hrarf\"Th4 Ttrn-oor fkn A/any « I'ntiUrl l.rn* I Lore* of Dohie Gilli*". Gilli*", He ) II111I iiiiiiIi- I'lf.Z I finnmi* in l.nimiiiii'; RCA Victor Stereo i.t oii v<»ur optnai tui' •//.#• iitmir .. f — NOW AI.SO NPMIAU/IVG IN — J WALLACE OPTICIANS TILL WE MEET AGAIN Kr-ih' sr.ir* in t ranilnri niakrr* of Marllmro and fhilip MorrU cigarette*. It has lieen rve rxaminatioiiH In (in N HAII.V most i.ii:-i3it I'alerinc - Private mv eustorp during the*e six years tb make no attempt to he l»r \V t Jriixrtt, regixtrrril iipt(tiiu-tn>>( 5 P.M. • i \ 31 Takr Out Orders Partirx-I.unrhron* funny in this final column, fl have achieved this ohjeetivt I'll. i\ 1 Ifiany time* thmng the year also, hut never on purpoea.) Tl»e J l iijm Sun.1.1. Iliiiii.'r in ll..' I(; not been the slightest hint c.{ censorship. TTiev liave never OPEN EVENINGS changed «o much a* one comma in my ropy. I wish t«» take this mea-ion to state puldiclv that I am forever grateful to these enlightened tobacconist* and I hereby nerve notice that if they find it in fhrir onfp«»mte l.«*art to engage me for another year you haven't of mlumning, 1 sliall require a md~tantial inerrH.-e in salary. The money is not what matters —not n* money, that is, hut Only a« a token. 1 want to l«e assuretl that they love me as much a* I love MarRioroand Philip Morris. And wliat, invleevl, i* not to love? Marlboro i« a rigarrtte which prove* beyond DIAMOND NEHN.ES conen your cavil that flavor did not go out when filter* came in. lliilip Morris i« a cigarette that i» (Mire mtldtirss from lip-end to tip- end. Roth of these estimable «t»vok«'* fli|vt«vp l*»x Neither 1* ever -ohl in t«u'k. »«>me jti soit-piuk or !5.95 ONE YEAN DOMLEMAIARTEE tickets yet THE disc shop for the 323 E. Grand Rivrr ED 7-0909 OPEN EVENLNGS i960 V * • ♦ w.i K 1, Th# *uuimer lies ahead. Tor i<9vd«-rvda**roee sumtuer *iU ty a hiatus, a hrrather in which to rr-tvi>- youfsvivr* for next water year's resumption i»f busy college b e. I or -ctiK>r» tTwrre will t* no mors colleim. V«>u must tru. b««wrver, .«-|*ur ami abande-n WESTMINSTER yx*unrtU to uib-nex*. There *rr iTiwr thirigs to do in the world t«Mde* going t" Isv-ket wcwv ing. ot example, or IwnUi- carnival uig l<*b m bottle*, or ptcku-g up Uni«.»l. or readir g A\ar and Peace ' Many graduate* iall into the erroneous Mitf that Ueir lives are oxer when they fcraxe college, Th» 1* not so, H \» aissiai hcowi puwsitJe |o make w.nte *.»rt of Ufe for yourself wilt* a hit of ingenuity . . or, u that fails, dye your hair, change your name, june 2-3-4 and run>11 at scene i.-tber Wliatrver the 'i.tv.rr h.Jvb 'or vest, 'eassuml that the n-fikee* MtHlnfD and Plidip \bt»v Vwy