i ong'Soundsof Tri • music -.ven! roun I and 9Features cisuMRevived t h o **»' -ound- harmonize Air of Gaiety into- r*» (ni the merry-g j-r"und Sun- tune*-, a* vi« wci by the P! Phis r the Campbell and Pi Ku;ip:i Pit!, c r of e ; floai, but instead winners of the 1990 Water Car¬ of fTiu-.«n springing out. a nival huge f t, ;• :m •'» 's,in Kanpn Kapn'i flamma and the Zeih* told of "Wrier" Dreams Tie .-! I el. hot Are Born" win second place. M : i n.» S '•»".!(• Tacki.r. wa* f Third place wertt to "Mit Mrtkin b-.ggt- '!:• —:z. ♦ ■ v dc* Mu.dk" by Fi Beta Phi and t-;l u>e w Ti ( irde i honorable m >-" •' iifui T t i.n! mi;!- t nnn »n for "Sophie Tucker." t.n • •' .i i 1 . n . .(1- The w nn'.n-s f'.uai wa. ,t bright red merry-go-round on which p , i-'ica: and »i . . - ua- Vi iun musical instrument* turned around. It was 'he final Th - a»m .u?. . T i : B.'av¬ float m the nagc-ant and carried er.-t.,in. M>k Wo - f and mr the g.mral theme. "Sounds Chuck ( .). v !•- i running iv Mil* c." t • uci fect'on i'e:«r Pan i '.t'p.I through t ie V. . a. K" .1.- M J. •■•* h . above the llojt on vvhr.h t >e W.i i C .• : v 1' Ho. * . ■ ' 'no h cne of lac Darling- wa- built anno':in: • . an i i i'.-J fh- eve¬ bv the Kappas and Z< Trie ning A.tfl ' - scene was .in two part* and in¬ Na- Sound. <»: Mu- ' »* ;r. cluded a double set. Rhythm of the River One Pine Ray ever,! of ? ie ;>»•' But ;o«-o -r-e* Mr of Capri German beer mugs from whicn <»f :! wit! '.'.Tiger a* 'ne the Chi Omega and Sigma Nu Sigma Kappa and Delia Chi musician* "sprang" told how tap eimival* We*f l.andon and Rather IIi-omcos Corraled (ioodhve Michigan StateNews Hall Team Takes N 'I'o All of \mi . ., J'iniiIt-, fi..", Good Luck See I'aK, I. Thi* Summer J Serving IlSIi For 51 Vi arv V OLUME 32. Nu. A6 EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—MONDAY, Jt'NE ti, I960 PRICE 5 CENTS Ill 11 lorfield I»' i res New Spy Continu ins> Education luridly Ajmlliv Service I minis (iontrols Topic of Merlin^ Courses (Iffared Butter'field Hall will prevent ! "> Miidem-i with award* for out¬ • Bit; l uul's vr.g c.» w.i: :qtii t ic *p ; t nun a top .th Proposed Graduating1 seniors, grnHuatn atudent* and other* Inter- e.-ttMl in continuing their education this summer can take ad¬ vantage of MSI.' extension courses offered in ail parts »f standing tory tonight at d Hall. service to the dormi¬ pi in Biodv President • • ' '.iw la.*' B an!:-MSl'" ; Spartan Spirit mcf. in-'.ifved t!»a! «p,ro tnucn of - Kifty senior women uerc honored at Igiutern Niuht Sun- ilny. The .iiimml eeremom Began with th«- proces>ioit around Arthur Hodgson Bermuda i iiordinalioii Alwnt I hu.-e i« reiving award* ,i»e Circle Drive. Igiter. in front of ( oule* IB»u*e. lighted lan¬ the state hy the Continuing Education Service. I w i- elected president f MSI' s Choi. Bloom field. N.J ; On 12. Juvit* Say* VI tic tha-i 100 gradua! un¬ \1 let I N f e the I9H0-61 :.«--.iit> ' r i- !.» >)«• in v -vuc tern- were passed from senior*, to freshmen. *> ndHiii/in^ D.u id KimOaU, Dewitt grad ; *» . . ,• <■!/«* instead u: brag about it-; rgraduate and i n f I demit* year a' the group * f;na tiie passing of know lei i pe and re*|.on*iiniit>. W ASHINGTON (Junior Clas-i were .ap¬ pointed t i head a committee ' , Excalibur icheduted to begin t^i-ougiiout , jr.. and P«ftV Others are Ray Jenkins, Or¬ M- \v«»rk out the detail f . organ- lane incident on what thee jr. Mamas Sine in«> summer xieo Hon. red won t o , chard laike Miph., Bub Johnson, izuig Block 'S died a lack of coordination Mnrmng, afteriuniti and eve- Succeeding Jorge Limat-nir. Detroit fr.; Hal Tatuin, Detroit Mexico m., as .loseptiuw Ana*. Lan.-nu J - ii tig.cliase- will be ottered !.» president, Hodg¬ : fop be povern|ient level*. HcptibitcHii. Set**rnmimmtn Ike Urges: t.- vacation in with students* summer plan* anil job rwi'fiffp* jr.; Thomas Tyler. Elma, N.Y. Jr.; Charles Lovelqnd, Way laud, N Y. son will preside at next vear'.i KOttcral astrrnbhr meeting* and §500 Short « Baa/. N'-n'h Ca:.>'j*bvl;, Btshup, Gamnm Ptji Be!a; y ,v t; - Members . of New York, predicted menti jr.. James Swanson, W«rr»u collaborate with newly re-elect¬ Blomqn -. S-vith Pi' bo a result all intelligence ':r* of the various agencies placed under one chief Need Youth nt>. Conr*e% in education. «ocio|- hu^inm. enginerrinc. art. *oph ; Jerry Perry. Cass City . :i i . - . it-e'ed weeki.v series of hour-long SOUTH BEND. Inn Pic.n- I'.it C ulhane, Delta Zct.i 3|.iri i •od«- of Washington, said the Provident and the National make- it clear that den". EiM iib'.wcr declared Sun- da> America's great need is more Enrollments ■ and including the pee pit i fir--', Aid Funds TV programs showing the mo", i igs in action, and a wintei - . N ne MSI We-' Africa V- .\o:k uident -ti'k.n.. • . i till Deturiler, PI Beta Phi; lien in Donmoyrr, Kappa Kappa !)• . II. ■ i. n. . ien • 19df., .>? a.- AC-* i: '••nil intercollegiate conference *'udv ttu- -anirner arc *'.i!l S.VM) Gamma; Joanne Drake. Alpha I' ipu. • Council, "in delegating talent in government in this act¬ i ia- sessiont at the C F. S. Iteg- B piosidciU of II.-ie ibility. lack the necessary ..ation of the departments ed certain world leaders who "brandish angrv epithets, slogans -• ar's Office. 308 Administra¬ tion Ridg. or at any of the Con¬ Increased • ••i the MSU campu> on United Nations affairs. T his.sj said. >".on of their fund goal, accord- rig to David lie- faculty co- ( hi Phillips Omega; vir.i Rritt Vurr, Kappa Del¬ EngHrom, V K« % »n Bob K* iv.. lines: C„. iMx. chains...-t prciid»Mi! of Tiv Secretary•(# e n e r a ! an¬ chairman of the campus commit ¬ • and satellites." tinuing Education Centers ,v ta: sue llarrigan. Phi 3lu. Jack¬ Amie R..- ' - nounced that Model UN had re¬ (Ctniiva + Addressing commencement ex- Benton Harbor. Grand Rapid*. UNITED NATIONS. N Y K-^n «aid Eisenhower. as personal erUMMie "t« • help the MSU -m ir var>' Alpena. Rattle Creek. Renton The Teehn i c a 1 Assistance a: East Lansing, that the two of tr.e n:ru i ten" elected 1«* i ivtra .loiiiiMin. W<- ' i, - v ( tt executive, mu.*t bear }H>litxal life of th» nation soar - • m<- Tod ; R. iiiing. %.,*•- llarhor, Rloomfield Hills. Camp fkiard (TAIli brought that out meeting< be scheduled jointly •from among 3b appInMn*-. \s n if. Virginia J ■» h n • -• u \ c ■ t Htnslbiliiy. he added that »- lugh a.«! human wisdom can pru.o.ient of !K( and Bob (lie- . Rlodxett. (amp Oakland. De¬ Sunday night in its annua! re¬ and concurrently. n'ribiiting an additional $300, Hoosen. Carole K"rzuck, Aipna i'i ndent make if < ■<" bungled in the troit, leorse. Escanaha. Flint. Toussi paid tribute to gradu¬ Omicron Pi. Carole iaica*. D< :a tavson, piendent o| tin* cb** of 'hat hu The President made mi aperilir port on the work of .spreading phi4 spending money, from per- representative.* Ilint-Mandeville. Grand Rapids. skills and knowledge from coun¬ ating semorv who heljied found Gamma; Nancy larttenton. Ixltu i ■*«;t mention of Soiiet Premier Nikita Min.il fund*. National sponsors i ch»t they said. The question is whether any- Khruslirhev and his campaign of Hartlaad-Ralden woods. Iron* try to country Campus UN lost fall. The assem¬ of Oiwration Crossmad* Africa" lielta Delta; Helen MacGrev . wood, Jackson. Kewadin. I.e- The report showed 79 govern¬ bly joinofl in a moment of si¬ Delta Gamma; Nanev McLuurm, . should have been said." vilification directed against Ei¬ senhower. In a talk Saturday land. MMl'-o. Ml. Clemen*. ments are cxix-eted to contribute lence in sympathy for victims of p: »v de the transportation U» and from Africa South Campbell. Kishi Firm he night at West Point. N'.Y.. the Nile*. Petosky. Saginaw. Haul! a record $33,400,000 in 19(10 to., the Chilean eartbquaks Fund.* ranrd bv tne campus ■ Mid he agreed with Norma Marks. Flint: Marlene On Ike Visit . President did name Khrushchev Mte. Marie. M. (lair Share*. the program to primote use of t.nisi* e-wnmi'iet* ivnv total 'wj presented before the Memlet. Delta ZrU; Shirley Taw a* City and Travene Clt> technique- in agriculture, • • Foreign Relation* Com- and said his "ill-tempered ex¬ pressions" had made the Western . new industry arid public services. J lore to Address <2 073. He* turthrr ron:. 'aid ilmt.on* He add'- I that would iw 3licliellel«lei, West Laud on: kot week that the Socu- ti'uncil is Alliance stronger than ever. Specific information on course * That will be a retard annual .necrj!!v welcomed from com¬ Mary Sue $lill.s. Delta Zet.i; This Month h such difficulties in a jv because it unable to deal timely Eisenhower almost certainly had Khrushchev Irt mind in say¬ offerings, credit, meeting timey and dates can be obtained by increase nf I3.74MM frum 1959 —whan rnnlribnlinns drapped Gam/ms Audience munity ift . hearing one Of more of the orgahizalion* interested Marge Oliver, Xeta Tau Alpha: Shirley Pavka. Kappa Delta; Di- TOKYO HP) —Prime Mini■■■r spends too much Payne, Alpha Phi; DorU Tuesday A'if!Ill aue ing Sunday contacting Dr. L. A. Doyle at the IIJNJN fram a 1939 high in .students report .on their experi¬ Nobusuke Ki*iii is determined '<» on "problems that have not University Extension Office, 27 Kaineuen. Van llaaxen; Tom rn "• "The enemies of human dig¬ Ibe first slump dure the pro¬ ence*. an-t shoA • »)«i[ idides, .*tnnd firm on she decision to major importance."- Kellogg Center, Ext. 2319. Kobb. Alpha Omirron Pi: Jean nity lurk in a thousand places— gram started II years aga. Secretary of Stale Jamc M next fall. ttai p President Eisenhower vi*it sehueider. Van llooseu in governments that have be¬ In 1961 ami 1962 the program Hart., candidate for tie Demo¬ Japan June 19-22 and thbse Wto aifiich BalkMMi come spiritual wastelands, %and will shift from a yearly to a crat ie nomination for governor, in leaders that brandish angry New Building? two-year bauds—and then, the will talk to faetiltv memijer.s in Iloiel Holiday Sally S-hrndoiv Grand Rapid Mary Sue St . .«>»•:. Delta IK li,« oppoiw him are just a*, determin¬ ed to thwart the visit. epithets, slogans and satellites.'* report »yid. "a further increase Room 33 of the Co.on a; 8 p.m. "»Study Rays The mdift nrged America's At Gull Lake Comparable to that achieved this Tuesday. (iliooM s Fail Delta. Ann Hiatal ugh. Kappa Kaopa Gamma. Marlene Spara- Kishi chairman of the toUt MithUjiro Ishii. ruling Lib<*iai- 81!'. '.SWICK. c: «(*i — A yaaag people to get taftp polities year will be needed." Hi* appearance .'■* xpins-ied oink A'pha Xi Delta; Marv Demoncratie Party'* execuliv«• • s.r 50-feet in. diameter ami said the able have a That, it explained, is because by the MSU Teacher* for jtarc Dinner Theme Speck. Van Jfomen; Sue Sweet.. board, Sunday "no matter what r'-« the : began to move westward lower U.S. Sunday Ready to Use for those two year*, the aim is to spend $3,100,000 in eight, new Committee. Hare, who has been Secretary Tie Hotel llohday rnmriuthe East Yakclcy; Sand.v Strickland, Gamma Phi Ik*la; IK.-lore* Van may fast come" he intends in hold against demands to with¬ **'• "Neglect of our rivic responsi¬ countries being born only this of State since 1934, taught poli¬ ha* chosen a western the ne tor draw the invitation Mo the Presi¬ Several building* will be • varrying an 900-pound new Haia, Gamma Phi Beta; Doreon *k of nuclear emulsion bilities.'* he said, "will be a year—Cameroon, Congo, Cyprus, tical science at Wayne State i'h annual dinner next fail. dent plate* ready for use this summer at the Wood. Pi Beta Phi: Sharon Zim¬ o*v»rd cosmic greater danger to a free America tie Malagasy KcpubUc. Mali, University. He wn chairman o<* Two thousand dollar* has been merman. Aipna lK.Ua P His determination came aft« f rays. W. K. Kellogg Gull Lake Biologi¬ foreign threni can ever Nigeria. Somalia and Togo. the committee that nelped make Walloon held to an ahi- than any budgeted far the buffet, sched¬ icjHMts that thi powerful let t p9*c; but an enlightened, dedi¬ cal Station- The ( ailed ftlate*. which gives Wayne a «ta?c umversry. uled for November 12 in Kellogg wmg labor federation Sohy» . 114,000 feet 12 hours ill* visit do the MSU campus NATO Talks , *r ft was launched from the cated people, studiously and en¬ New building* will include 9b per rent nf what all "(hers Center's B.g 10 room with 3'i million members, n-i.i" • Naval Air Station here ergetically performing their poli¬ married housing, laboratories, a fivr. including the assisted coun¬ U largely to discus* in* views Chairmen include Frank greet the Prewident with di inoi a bear calm in the stratos- tical duties, will ensure us a tries. was iemmilled a* ef April on highe- euucat, »n w.'b mem¬ Bank*. East leasing sr ; Robert strators Wearing black mourning kfet it only 90 miles west h*"t f>t a point over Douglas, future of ever-rising standard* of spiritual, cultural and material dining hall and an auditorium. The biological station, a branch 3b In chip in II1.IIIJR in 1Mb ber* committee of the Tem per* h>> and other faculty Hare Chapman. East I^aating s^iph; Walt Lmdeboom, Oceanside. N.Y. Proposed ribbons and armbands and fly¬ ing funeral flags. 5 11 strength.'* of MSU. is located on the ahore Britain is pledged In pay three members, »o>ph., and John Demartino, East Ike's visit originally was bil* visible for miles in GREENCASTLE. Bid. (/P» — • * clear June sky. of Gull Lake, 12 miles north¬ ■Mian dellars. atabmt 12.29b.- Lansing jr. Prime Minister John cd as a K'mdwill trip to further DU-fen- bbb. The yearly tteviet cmrtribu- friendly relations a* part of cert • .1 him it i Reunion west of Battle Creek and 1$ miles Uan Is ene million dellars. BPS ConiM'il baker of Canada called Sunday m o ft f e * eommfnioratmg • J<» I'avi. MavWrtl northeast of Kalamazoo. Last report said, the Reds Rein force for a top-level meeting of the lOCth anniversary of Japan-l'.s. "fix Mai Brill Honors '10 Gaul* The station was etabli&hed program helped 102 countries EleetM President North Atlantic Treaty Organiza¬ relations Now it haf iiecomc in- there after W. K Kellogg gave and territories, giving a littlo I 'ormoso Siruil tion to examine worsening rela¬ iaf „'.ed in a ooliUca! cri*» *^xddn G i.c i out of miiiy titavte MSI* a 1 U m n :. including 20 member* of the gofiteh anniver¬ the Gull Lake estate (known a* more aid to Africa and a little been Uoyd prestgard. Clio jr., elected president of BPS tion* u itti the Soviet Union. Demonstration*, some viote ', sight Sunday Eagle Height*) to MSU is 1954. 1e«* to Initio America ani the TA!l«t.,rwift ~ The by radical atudrnis and If - dtow business guessed he sary class of 1910. returned to Council, coordinating organiza¬ Chinese Communist* have rein¬ In a *pct.ch to a DePauw Uni¬ The manrion of Middle Ea.-' wingers have been held : •' ,rjounce his engagement campus Saturday for ineir an¬ Kellogg was tion far 23 professional club* forced their garrison* oppr»site versity commencement audience. daily, climaxed -by- Saturdm * Swedish actress Mai nual -Spring reunion transformed into a women'i and fraternities, honorartes, and Formosa in the past 4 days with Diefenbaker said iu-adt of stain general strike involving scvei.u ' '"-s * wk The members of the class of dormitory, lounge and recreation* EitleiiKKoro Leads service groups in the College of lank units, the English-language among the NATO powers should million demonstrators and Being 1910 were initiated into MSU'i Business and Public Service. ** China News said Sunday v flew , here from facilities. Three other buildings get together to reassess what he up lrans|x>rtation for two hours A .« Saturday to an affec- Patriach'* club. serve aa men** dormitories. Bolivian Election Other officers are Chairman . The implication is -that tin* termed Premier Khrushchev* throughout Japan. tleome at the airport Lerov Smith, elass of 1909, ' Dan Pearaon, Mear* jr., and Communis Ik may be preparing Kyodo news service said th-- " The- greenhouse* and head bespectacled Negro eri- welcomed the golden anniver¬ 1*.A PAZ. Bolivia OP)—Former Coodinator Don Emerich, Lan¬ for an attack on the Nationalist- tactics of "the carrot and ,stick ' government ha.s decided to strc** a-nf.-. now sary members into membership house are used as laboratories president Victor Paz Estenssoro sing sr. The new officers arc. Held island outposts off the in * working at a Lon- The prime minister said there announcements and -'a .- ciuii. . vfv of the club. for the continuation of field took the lead Sunday night in respectively, presidents of the China mainland. Tension ha.y ments that the Pmddent will iw study. is an immediate need for more dropped this bit of In- The grad* were taken on guid¬ the first scattered, unofficial re¬ MSU Management club, Market¬ been heightened in the Formosa consultation among NAXO mem¬ thi guest of Emperor Hirohito— The branch is used primarily .^encp when introducing Miss ed tours around the campus and turns from Bolivia'* presidential ing club, and Delta Phi Epsilon, Strait area with the approach of nut a personal guest of Kishi—m bers to present a united front to ' to the audience: various classes held reunion din¬ (or the study ef biology, botany (lection. Voting was generally foreign servicb (BBUesional fra- President Eisenhower'* June 18- order to soften any political * te'il ue Jewish in and zoology. quiet. ternUy. 19 visit to Formosa. the bewildering Soviet tactics. a month." ners. plications. Letters to the Editor Our Readers Get in 'Last Licks' Before To the F.ditor: • T-' .uiiMiut the .S'Uifh. demon - Ix- ng 'alurr.ii: MSI*, it n.u-* insuring an aca¬ pearance for that of a inhabited by "animals". jungle above ber and being classified a* a num¬ express hij personal been For a many year*, ritual railed there iqppertien. has School Board Lansing. This election, in which Vacation election in East WWW Corrects Lctirr fr* America's concern over the *.- have ignored state laws i •ucentr.ite on spiI-polishing Die • This eBtaita demic a'mojjphcrc which *.v:t! in¬ The real solution to this prob¬ views. I shall be one of some five can¬ civil right* of a t n.' and c.t;. -r-imances which pro¬ shees. and having the fancy seetns apparent that *\e h.v.e f, test * (u.-'.ty of private prop¬ spire students '< a: tain *ucn lem lies not With the grounds On a campus a* large a* didates, is non-partisan. To the Editor: - buttons immaculate, and stra¬ . rrew or the service organizations MSU's this become* highly im¬ gotten that eiv:! right* do apo';- el ■« •; reserve to the propri- goals 1 urge thit all who are quali¬ • I wish to say that a tegically leeated. . t.» A LI. cit ren* the right '<» select his cus- This atmosphere e a p n n t he but with the individual student portant and I sincerely hope However, something new has fied vote. Absentee ballots can written by me. which a; n*ar- - cerned. cannot he obtained by individual. long way in keeping our campus a ration of Independence of *he behavior which is in violation of the W en a srutlrr.: >ga! age he should be :e- r.»* reached the beautiful one it is. Franris La Fare Iill) Time'? m In the future, l tan* education at our mandatory MSt/ may I'nitcd States. the basic rival rights of gnjr In¬ b" improved—with a B.V.D. in¬ In the*e documents, liberty i* recngnlred it the in- individual dividual—he he Negro or White. Furthermore, we believe that spon?ib!e to a .eivtl law and r. »: ♦ WW Te IB# Miter: "One of the main objective* >f spection! Charles t oad Michigan Stale News di*pen*»ble condition of ail ul¬ timate human values • -e arqu;<:t;on of civil rights-- with the civil la •. ".icn Law 'MSI' More Letters! ROTC is to make vou the lead¬ Michael Arlow Published at East Lansing. Michigan, on claw day* Monday throi.e »• he.-ng ia_p3rt a moral problem - The univers n .* i - >• :-.-v ers of the future.' WWW dij >ng tall, winter and *pnng term*: weekly during rammer »-a Rut individual Ubcr*-. ... hi »-t .-inn- t forcibly be obtained > Te the Miter: aoectal issue between wmmer and fall terms Second class postage paiti , jurwdjctUin over a F.uderit that Having lived at the university Drill gives the firs' and sec¬ Katt Lansing. Mich.. , . . I rfit-s , freedom "f choice, and »ugh the vwial engineering ' tijmn :n: Juiw I ale Mail subscriptions payable in advance for one term 13. two term* it tr-. . > • • ! the campus MSL* :« 'or a year, I've found that ond year student* 'he opportun¬ right of each ind:vdu.«. t > rv- f s.eai se.eMt.st>. political sc - terms.16. an in«t:tuti »n like any other I" only through such means as ity to see just what this train¬ f. ci.se persona! l:ivry Or professional agitator To the Editor: Monday, June 6, I960 Paw T" h. a presiden* an i a Ixsard •' your ' Letters to the Editor'' col¬ ing has done for the advanced Vol. 52. No. 46 j ordering of h.s •- revolutionary mean* howev* r laws ti-.a* arc valid • • make Therefore, in term* ' ' * :--il S a f »-•» it rr.ay take. fonstiution and govern-, et.*, i MSI* Conservative Club only on ;t« property. administration .must CLASSIFIEDS The # '.aw. "v it would appear eat to opeak of individual ' * " without. p'" •-* • MSI bin ' change its laws to dents an allow the atu- opportunity at learning CAMPUS sponsible ••c'.f-sie'er- ' self-disripline in an atmosphere UKAIM.INKS: I p.m. Ilay Kafnrr I'nhliration for Tues.. ffd. Thur«.. where they ran profit hy their Thus, however much we might and Kri. Kdili<»n«. Drarilin, for Sinn. Kdilion: I p.rt. Fri. belieie ill the rausr of •"sit- To the Iditor mistake*. This can be.<' he done by liv¬ Itills I'ayahl, fi-12 anil l-."> Monday Ihrnuuh Friday down" demonstration* or the • •nc a irsv.n- ing under civil law, ratiher than intecration of public school*. we do not belie*e that tbi* judr- . - »• >n i.. :* „• ■ adro.n- parental authority KD2i;»ll EXT. 261.» 4'hurk Kerman nient of our* should he Beth Kerman iilMin the people of the "Wth We b-. • ve ★ ★ ★ AUTOMOTIVE EMPLOYMENT HOUSING HOUSING REAL ESTATE •lemonatrat.or.s a:e cvvi! law and, Vheref • PiiIi-Icczp! RCASONAILE TRICiS home, BABY SITTER three days N'FF.DED per week In our Re¬ FOX RENT Int. THREE BEDROOM RANc 11 large utility room. atthCKr^ r i s o'ation of < v 1 : *' ' sge. Fenced in backyard $j.\ To the llditor: on CAE REPAIRS ferences and tranqujfUtion nece,. tu 'be i c.-puusib.e. ina- terms. For appointment CD i It frequent'.. ovc:.v*.*ei Once again Ri>rlng has sur¬ sarv. ED 7-l§M «« K4.< Spartan, > H r-'n ./cr.s «■? I .v' j'.'on — 4'c v'th ©-I cHanqs •M*t there demen t-a*. ■ rounded us with the natural FREE ROOM AND board in return ari l * ; proud of I R,v0- 47C.IS. tit 9S MALE GRAD STUDENT As sum¬ THREE ROOMS AND hath Intv- occur re* I on pr.vave projwr . ■ for night babv sitting for summer EAST LATvFNG — THR*T 1 beauties of ouj c a ni p u s. The mer advisor Ten week* Free room pletelv furnished Clone to ramftu* N.'r, $1? 9S p'lfi ti' a-d " seat « term. In Spartan Village. ED 2-406.1 room bungalow, r.'-ar «ch<. and kitchen privilege* FD 2-MB* 46 Parking §75 ED 2-7462 <8 «-am,.u«. n«iv kPChan. otlier many acres of lawn*, numerous r.r HUMMER FEMALE TO Share men., Owner FD 2-0415 gardens, and fine landscaping all - Wa- t .0 — SINGLE ROOMS TOR men For UVS-J..3 , contribute to its atmosphere, a- - FOR SALE rompletelv furnished apartmrt' summer end fell 4X8 Evergreen. F.D *"V Sri making it tlie finest m the coun¬ JOHNSON pupe OH Reasonable F.D 7-Mn:< . 48 2-.1614 after 6 pm. weekdays 46 SERVICE BED1* " i -c - kc:* s.- • (' ra-cj P. a ' j-im FURNITURE, 5'iF AS, FURNISHED APARTMENT AVA- try. Our campus Is a fitting tri¬ • he«t« deslis. hnokstielve* Chair* APPROVED ROOMS FOR women — xsnv McD^a J» Or vf l- Il.ABl.E June 15 Four room*, ut.il- MOVING CROSS COUNT!rZ bute to the name of our achoo!. rugs. etc. ED 7-O.Vi3 after 7pm 4fi fie*. parking Clo-e in for summer and fall. ED Wr Now Gi»e Pottage Staaapi For family only One 2-213.5 *« La*est rates 6"»o-« -s. "ir-y W:.y then, docs a large paid of our student body constantly pc»- IS60 MOA. t-UAO RADIO. HEAT- HI-FI INSTALLATION. Tt'RN- Mock from Central School 2374 ED 2- " SINGLE AND DOUBLE room* bve Vat l «e» sJ'TI TABLE. twentv - watt - -smphfiei ! .v' in rnarnng and defacing our IK v.aiu Tonneau etc cover, <"§11 Dave, before June white side, three speaker* ir. i artridge, en«l«»*ure. a'ereo all for Sioo Must »e|) bv APARTMENT three or iot,r men, FVRNlSHFD summer and >>r available for summer and fall term* Private entrance, parking and close I V* campus? II ED <-I2M . 4$ tinals. leaving f«r F-orope IV 4-2237 fall Ample parking, near rainpu* to campu*. ED 2-3131 46 The number of trails rut across ED 2-2762 7 to V V n». -4« ' 'ig lawns by students who are too inconsiderate or just plain laay Uttt CHRYSI.ER Windsor. Rood tire*, battery, mufiler r'nmfoitable two owner car in.6 E!i rOt'R • DOOR FOR SALE REASONABLE. AVAILABLE 'so fhree-man hnartruent* FOR RUMMER All titll- DOUBLE Call after 7 pm ED 2-4WM OR SINGLE with cooking facilitie* If requested ROOMS «« !W !>e«k. Sofa, rheit r«-f; nrerator. »t»** is pathetic. Ulany students do 2-:wh.». 4*i and other furniture ED 2-Si 10. 42« llier Call ED 7-9656 after 5 pm Al*.» ROOM AND BOARD — *133 pn MvSEWltt? RiShT.lKV.. t>m if i becn riww N5o) (CHILE nuxsi I CAN YOU7KSESIOCKT? not aeem this problem to realiae how Is. It lakes a tre¬ serious STUDENT AND STAFF headquart¬ ers for foreign car and domestic ba'- Grove Street KEN MORE SUDS-sAVF.lt WASH¬ 44 ore double and single APARTMENT FOR two or three 47 term kupervilion Good food, free snack*, Call Real Co-op, telf- ED 44 Co i AmerirSn Re if summer and fall Two doubles for 3-3613 I'uist t^nilng Shell See the te—» fd csfy. IV V?;* damage students do. — TWO-ROOM FURNIS1IFD apart- summer Parking F.D 2-5164 46 vice *4 "~l tlCA~III 9 Vtmni gUMMICRON £ The grounds crew a' MSI' and Tent end kitchen to rub-let for AND snmm sun len* I^ewavtt A!-.« nitpmer term Re-idential APPROVED ROOMS FOR men WHY BOTHER' WE n «ertaln service organisations on 1957 RED FORD CONVEVPrtBt -F. neignbor- flortd condition II13D Call owner. Hi Graf lex I Strobe. Butter fit-Id Had hood. Call Burt. ED 2-330*, 46 Single and double for summer ami vour complete moving job lo- r.»mpU4 have tries! to solve these T-74ia 4* H-314 f fall 617 West Grand River 46 the "Wife-Approved" F FURNISHED THBEF. ROOMS and packing, transportation and problems by putting up fences MOPED MOTORBIKE.. 1§»«0 Mll.Es hatl» to sub-let June 15 to Seplcmtter MEN-WOMEN, APPROVED hom¬ uge facilities a always »\» ISM FORD CLUB COUP*: Fnrdo- and signs to remind student?. mattr. iuna fine. Bargain •' Loo. f.d §14*. Da* ben converts to double 15 Call 2-6946 after I p ir 44 ing at Spartan Rail. Summer rate- Pn»mpt. aafe service to ai>v tv 44 bed §35 Phore F.D 3-§1«i 44 DotibJes §3.30. single* 66 One block in the US. Canada. Alavka. These reminders have been com¬ ??J44 321 s HOMER — FURNISHED irom campus. Special jvtng for wo¬ fall North American Van .Line* .• pletely ignore 1 by (he studen's TWENTY - INCH MUNT7 TV aoarftr-enll Three room* and bath men 215 Louis. ED * May Street IV 4-1431. for free » VOLKSWACJON, I4M — TERTECT rotating stand "and antenirs. §*5. one block from Prandur mate Agents for An-run Pinnings and consequently our campus «s SHAPE. M.OOii n.de« AJ1 neN» tires. Parking Mr North fail IV 4-8'U'» or FD 2-;«6I. Da\e t«x> car* IV t-Mf 44 TWO SINGLE ROOMS private Van Lines Inc. i rapidly trading its beautiful ap- «»riglnal owner. !•*.'«. Call Jackson. Marrell 44 home, approved housing, cof'ee pri¬ STate 4-37WI 44 garage available. Summer. THAVEW CRtB AND mattress. f EAST LANSING ' FURNISHED vilege* « Daytime. ED X-1SII. EXT. 2-332 STUDENTS WlflT DEK1RFA -FOR SALE - Bl'ICK SpeHa! 1455 Poking Three-room apartment, keep child in her apartment io four-doolr Baby bugrt'. blond »tep-«in er d three or four men or women §73 F.D after five. F.D 2-438X tf I sni ai pma l.rsll.ox pi |*r champion, I'i hard top. Excellent con¬ tables, coffee table, desk and rhe-' 2-WM 16 ^ dition. govt Telephone ext. j-irtl CLEAN COOL summer S.vdelle Brand. Detroit f-e »r.» Alpha Or.urm FJ> 2-5414 48 LARGE. or F.D 2-4160 46 rooms for men Clone in. parking, EXPERIENCED THESIS r7PI - ti an, to C harlea Diamond. Cleve¬ Holmes. Komeo -cm,.'-. S..e With varied acRmtlfic backgrou i«M GUI A t ONVF.RTlliLE. BROWN* SUMMER SUIT private entrance, shower. §5.30 and land, Ohio, freshman PHI KAPPA SlCiMA 42 long, worn » time* §25 ED 2- 66 FD 2-1627 tf precision work at raasonablc ?••»> Rl.ACK. fan top lleadrettx. spenal MEN. FOR SUMMER and la.I ED 2-6MS Recently elected officers of the 4527. Nan. > Brag. I'mvcrsitv o? Mlciieltn X lire* special gas heater • Cooking, close to Post Office, spick APPROVED BUMMER AN!) fell kavta nn.1% Mtki Worsteld. tirand Ha is M singan utp'ownoie. t » Ren Iranian Club sic. president, As- oiigtnal co»t over 13.000 Four months old (tetter than new. Be«t ofiei »;i» 7'T HORSEPOWER OUTBOARD and Span Call ED 7-6566 46 room* in new home. Private en- WONCH typing and offset pr r * t Open all summer to provide n;» ' - Mrrland. M a s • m kopuumore; -aad Firou/uaii, Tehran. Iran, RUNS well. §33 liS'J Chrysler V-B Pence, tiled shower*, parking, avail¬ f-0210 44 *4 YOURS FOR SUMMER Cool dry u ping and duplicating of these- in¬ junior, to Larry l\»rvuus, Jack¬ Good car; §85 ED 2-0625 able reduced summer rates. ED 3- Car* 1 Ree-.i. t iios- e To.n'e Farms graduate student; vice president, (•a>enieiit. room near east rampuv 1161 tf ters and form* Phone A! or '* i son Junior and Beta Theta 1* Diana Capman. Marshall fresh* II o r in o /. Aliaadeh, liamadan, MC TD 1«55 GOOD condition BABYSITTER »- TWO SMALL t'ooKing privilege. Call FD 2-M73 46 Wonch. ED 7-6541. Across from &*■ Call afternoon. ED g-7»l» or 410 We-' Carol Reed, tinwise Fuinte jun¬ Iran, sophomore; secretary, Mrs. children In my home 12 -W — 4 Mon- LARGE DOUBLE ROOMS for men kev a man. t » Warrrn Irnllouten. Tra- Grand River 44 day thru Frida* Mu*t have o n EAST LANSING - ROOMS f.»r Shower, private entrance, park¬ ior to Joe 1 (iBo, B.n-kwo< t ju s- men for summer or fall Call F.D svise Cits junior. Nancy Ma.vhayekhi, Wlllianiston. 1955 PONT1AC — FOUR-DOOR car §1 per hour. ED 2-43*7 m 2-6M6 after § .*» or weekend* ing use of kitchen. IV 1-6.107 alter »r and I*hl K;»pp.» Sigmj, liaile MfiMA M New officer* of Green Helmet '.TARCH1F.F. llvdremettc. radio end 443 3 or weekend* tf ALLSTATE- PIAGOIO MOTOR- Grove street 44 Kerr. Pontiae Juniur. t > John It.- k . t'rwki":. Ka 1 ama?oo for tne 6U-61 school year arc: Ft aft r §470. tinanml difnlculi.* v BCOOTER Good condition ED 2- SLEEPING ROOMS WITH cooking MOVING* CA1X WALTER r«*» 'one student to i;cl| Nothing down, FOR RENT Burkhart. Pontiae junior • .d ! ore. to Stan %'rnne. F.s- president, David Foster, Kan¬ a«49. George Men student* one privilege* and parking for The sum¬ former MSU atuden' now sales m»r tile «• er GMAC pivnenh Ihrre single and two double rooms for arer for Fireproof mer ED 2-031X7 before 3 33. tf Storage Compare Psi Up*ilon. canaba. jun.or. sas City, Mo, freshman; vice All Sainta Churtn. ED t-1313 or FD USED LADIES HIKES with aide •ummer. also available tot fail term IV 4-4479. 2-fc64:' 46 ED 2-1638. 317 Cftarlr* at PI BI.TA Pill TRIANGLE president, Ronald Gervias, lanw haaketf. Call ED 2-3346 46 • KXPEirr THESES AND GENTRY Jen! Print*. Dctro *. * •..no- Judv-Surciuou. Grand Rapids fcing freshman; *^^•retarJ•, Ste¬ 1957 MG-A ROADSTER -- ISOOd DECORATED CAKES DELIVER¬ PRIVATE ROOMS FOR men stu¬ tvping. Electric typewriter .- «♦**• more, to Chuck TufTiey, Detro,*. miles, wire wheels, white Wells, one ED to voti for uattir*. birthday* dents Two block* from Union Pri¬ TRAILERS * ear* exoenence. One bloc- freshman, and Alpha Chi Oine- phen BoMiller. Evansvilie, lnd., owner. IV 2-3t."4 46 Br adv. U) ' Mane other falldout pa-ttie« K«»d vate entrance Call ED 3-1441 after senior and |*ht Delta The a j..,. jo Hale Sturm, rigeon aen- Creahmisn; treasurer, Michael Bakerv IV 4-6765 tf 6 p.fn Or on Saturday THIRTY FOOT- SPACIOUS com¬ 46 AI.PI« % own RON PI W4 FORD 4 OVERDIUYK Cruiser IJLARN TO FLY at Sham A . PARMHOI Cooper, Evansvilie, lad ''ALL Steve Plato, at ED 7-0134 46 pletely modern Mon - O • thai. Low rates. Devis anmit tu.re* ONE SINGLE ROOM and traitor. With full bath, including Marge Swindlehurst, K ^e- IfcMina lahlberg. Mumcapohs, Recently elected officers of one miles north Abbflff H S'UDNUT SHOF IS OFfcf4I double room for men lor summer shower Hot water healer. G E Re¬ on Ht.ad buah freahinaii, to Mltrh Cleaalrr. Mmn, soph., to Mel Gruhn, lain-' Alpha Phi Sigma, police scieiwe SPMNG GRAUUATES. NEED a a.houl CD X-4748 46. frigerator tour-burner oven. Bottled i art 14§§ four-door Chevrolet, tlx gas. rookatove. two fan tanks and J.ake soi>hum<»re. Kajiyn Moci- »:ng jr. and Phi Kappa Sigma. honorary, are; president, Clif¬ t\ Under, etandard shift, radio, nea'- a a.«. iu 6 P." regulator, and long electric cable TYPIST ANN BROWN. Phous ROOM* FOR RENT With rooking 2-3630 Electric typewriter. Trr • r* ton Monroe, East Lansing aopn- er Mitchell 1-6446 44 included privilege* Two girls for summer §1366 with small down- hers and theses Alan genera! t: pu . wnore; vice president, Jiayes 1§M V-W t'OMBl STAT ION wagon term ED 3-16B6 66 payment. Finance balance to suit Ci*l □□HQ1 Lark ins, East Lansing junior; clean. RBI mile* your budget. See Wayne Rice at rossword Puzzle □□□11 secretary, Barbara liendnckson. new motor, venr Leaving country. Any resonable ot¬ 731 mac. •7 ROOMS FOR MEN Summer term. weekiv Kitchen. TV. privilege- Den O'ShtogkiMfl used cars 3121 TV AND RADIO Wrvwe » aaasti ter. ED 34273 alter 4 66 ED 3-6876 46 J low- rates to stndrnlt New and Dearborn j u n i 6 r; treasurer, Free • ji-* 37 Turf used , aaanaa Thomas McCreevey. Lu/t Lan- LANTEi" INC. FORMER Stale HOUSING MEN'S RUMMER ROOMS §50 all LOST and FOUND checking, fr as fuel * MAiLiSl i uoao car*, whole-ale price* A!m» *«nie p in dally. TV I |I. Beat marker amg junior. summer. 438 MAC ED 7-9766 46 E good trade tn* IV §.5663. AM Bridge Michigan IV 1-8138. | tahaaaba'l St Wearies jaaanatKi Newly elected officers of Pt Lansing 47 foi i (nt APPROVED BOOMS FOR men Stu¬ LOST - FLOWERED COAT with «l Paid aobr brown velvet collar Rtaeae call ext V 4 Originals S3 Attires uanao c-vraia Kappa phi are: president. Bub I''59 OOUATH EMPRESS SE¬ ' dent v tor summer term, double or tv SPARTAN ping service. M ULTtUTHI NT- Fvarv ANH I §. Bright □biiaanso 310^ DAN. tine of Germans'* (inert built ttLVBI IAKK. MEAB* Michigan. Single r.D 7-4H7# after • p m 46 gmal. Mrs Goodwin, ED 7-SM4. c*»pv »' * llJhiU af 44 Covers the Trumpfeller. Clearwater, 71a, Modern cottage for cent Acvom..- LOST PRESCRIPTION SUN¬ . , inaide 30OD QQQtan junior; secretary, Dick James. economy out. A-l car* Sootlm* inaide and mechanlcallv. Bargain datee si*. Few weeks Rentals avail¬ SUMMER TERM — ONE double - GLASSES Lost in virimtv of cam¬ 41 Gained the M 3DDU utii'il for uun-k aale will finance at able Call IV 4-CTtW after • 46 room §4 30 One single ruem Rhi pu* on June I, I860 I: > IT Drift 14 To ha able victory . ova □O0DOi.ia Castle Creek. N Y, sophomore; treasurer, Bill Gilbert, Birming¬ bank rale* iiale*. Mason. Itov t'hrl«*en*rn Ford OR 7-m-li ir OPENING FOR MALE student To Room lor one car tl» Hillcrert. KU 2-27SI 46 '! FD hWt Reward Plra-e TRANSPORTATION 47. The pieter.t II Stwini aaaauauj ham sophomore BR AKES share five-room Near Fiattdor t» IV §-23»» furn»«hert house 46 41 Sphere of □ 3EQ COM PI ETC REUSING MEN ONIA UNAPPROVED two RIDERS WANTED TO Nr 5 fir < Recently elected officers of §1?m and ud. Adjustment. «ei.- Good CUT. to-aviug early Frida). II. Lfht brown 9 strugg'e room fumisn4Mt apartment < Verv t-»ed fire* Champion Brake Uelinet*. THREE STUDENTS TO share «;ean! shower, private entrance Call Carole after 3 pm. FD T-tdu 17. Watchful * 11 Own Seiotien lu Iridil's Turtle Nigma Alpha Eta. national "fin V K.Uam.ifw* IV tr house near csmpu* IV §-u;i»5 KWAST One block to Union. Available June \ k.'IIBHV *>2 Des.t of jipeeCh and hearing fraternity, II. Leaa-to ( » burden aTaktmints 13. For appointment call ED 2-lk3b twelve ft RIDERS WANTED TO Chl. u , SI Avail ww*. 1 » J Lniyme n High are: president, Roger Hansen, EMPLOYMENT fore r Pun. • itlf of ' esplos.vt Milwaukee Leaving Juns iz> 1 3 W>t fooled Grand Rapids sophomore; vice BLAKE .FRANDOR NEAR' New¬ SUMMER RATES - SINGLE end Bill «T 3-42M Ram 1 II Bound DENTAL ASSISTANT PART bine president, Marilyn Moyer, To- er apartment building Furnished ihle rixyin Some with rooking U MCnpi 70 Holds ' Ea«t Unlinf Write, giving age. ex- tnree room*, ceramic hath, laundrv. Apartments. Parking ED 7-ttttB §4§ M»t' GRAOUATE. AGE >4 * levio, Ohio, junior; carrvsponding '« 31 Lower m penance, end qualifications to 333 parking For men or couple* CALL HAMJB STETVMAN and * JIM r-ale ndar to shore ospensss to > M. Sua fed secretary', Charon Jones. Toledo, white Hills Drive. oEat iBoaing I1D 7-4163. 46 BUTTON take thia ad to the Angeles or Son Fronciaco. Lea v slue Detroit Michigan. 46 LANSING. CLOSE IN — furoieh- Mate News office between 3-3 o.ra. Juno 11. Contact Gori R D«patr h S3 Arrange in O:uo, junior; treasurer, Mary COOL COMFORTABLE APART¬ e«? Very desirable Two bedroom* f«r two free Dyor. ir«T Clalrwood §< I Awareness parses to the Cre** SI. Ntap F'ucke, Sag.naw jsimor PROM C0LLIWI MENT for male «tudent* Available •)i oarkuig post of- Dmc-ln Bring ID folds pnvate. ne«r Michigan K Had Vfl Catchaght _ " :* Toe* bird Ne.v officer* of Alpha Lpailon TO CARD* summer term ED 3-112* tt :h c IV a-5306 46 H Wild aaunal , rf 34 Anc.ent Ti are president. Dennis Berk- ■•* -sf-e HEAL ESTATE NEED TWO RIDERS to U* * 4 DOWN p*e «c 3f • * ■ -s SCMJ-PASEME.VT FUR.,HHfcD ft Est RVATION'S BFJNG TAKEN irt. or points en route Taki> t Roman co.n owiU'. .Akron. Ohio, junior, vice PRI\ ATE entrance. Two rnar, and (>r kimmer and fall terms Inquire •R Leaving June 16 IV »-U" • ^ - A1 Style •* ^ 74 Soft leather bat!:. No ct-t king comfortabl '. clean, at Uuiverstty Uouae, 334 Center FART president, Richard Brown, Rego LANSING - FOUR nr. iu«i ft 3d Run 08 to 9 501 . dr*'. to' 1 for one men graduite s*r»et Have one triple with private ' omea. prices §31680 ta §33.180 All RIDERS WANTED"TO Sc.'./ marry Park, N.Y., sopiioniore; secre¬ B'***it r -M ?44t ' .» only. A.»'iable June ii §JS monti.U bain Ai*> singlea pod doublet with nave tnree bedrooms, r, ceramic California Leaving June t< 1 1 plus ga* 1-eat Hose to tempo* FD pnvate entrances Ample parking bath*, ••31. room 337. 27 Conveys ) tary, Bill Jacob*. Cleveland, I'-..:.J *(><•» two fireplaces. Outstanding 9-3X91 or IV 3-3705 46 t all at office 46 Quality values. Drive out East Grand property Ohio, freshman:. treasurer, Ar¬ River to Tony Coata. turn north RIDE WANTED TO Buff*: • ' 30 Consumed nold Goldman, Now York Citv ft® re:. INDIAN -HILLS STUDIO apart MEN - St UMMER X COOKING and follow the banners Kavwood York June It .after 3 *> Wi men! Available from June 13 thru '.•.tttoul. Clyse p*wt office. Call F.i peer Realty Co, ED 7-8701. little luggage space Call Barh «)*" 33. Attention - 46 A teurt *» Furn»*he«t 2'i room* (n- LD 46 R-..m aTto t-§71l 35 Dismiss < ludlng ulilite* §140 tor -ununet El) WAIXOON LAKE NEAR Petue- ?• Community from a "t to 3 p m or FD NEW K NOTTY PINE rooms. Fall, kev. Attractive ' modest SHARE DRIVING TX) MM three Private entrance anj cottage 1*1 sa Title 2-5136 after 5 pn* 46 men feet Wivoded lake front Fur two duv and Wednesday first ^ bath 1143 Abbot: Rood *6 in IV §-3636 after S 3" 4J 41 Ships Wagon INFORMATION '• ce Pjt o' P te ec'-e't FURNISHED S'.are with male student APARTMENT Back !«.» ONE SINGLE HOOM available ««r *»r three §a*_a seek ED 3-6814 people All recumerhenre* RIDER WANTED ON 7-ds;. tongues ! Yf RGIETN HIVES -* • .« to f't «av>* i itomtn reejt front private entrance* 14, blocks fur fall Two double* fur aummer FAIT LANSING FOUB~bedriKen6 toward San rranctaco. Leavtr* 47 Mother A c®.wt'e'« frtu^i campus ED ?-§073. Call be¬ Parking ED 5-3164 . 46 cape cud, five yeait old. New car¬ h». stuns sxpenaaa. ED 3-SM* ^ k-\ . h.cksns S p.m, 3703 Waverl.v Hill* t-i -•'j cevns hr tween noon and I pin <6 peting up and down, many built-ins. 34§1 Drive, R A gentleman tn a quiet hath*, two-ear garage. large yard SI Broiew on June II- Call Tom Bacon t "5 ' 4» rooking facilities Tile abower. park¬ home Near campu* Fall term IV 4 < G. I mortage. Ul§80 Call looul- 3-8331 letter ing. daily room service Available f.n tv owner. ED 3-6768 MICHIGAN ISll TELEPHONE CO. 3-63b« after 6 P.m 46 46 S3 Eat the summer and fall term FJ> 2-6375 ar- evert.ng }• Bo.l on the meat iV%/H Staff FULL TIME WOMAN Cashier. FApertence oreferred, mutt be neat ter 4 SHARE 44j Abbott Road STUDIO APARTMENT 46 — ATTENTION MALE rooms with parking and kitchen facilities. Call FD 2-67t> after I J§ STUDENTS FACULTY" MEMBER TRA.VRVTR- ED. Must sacrifice throe bedroom house with l'« hatha, water soflner. WANT TO BUY. Giris Bike Call ED 7-om alter 5 NEED RIDE TO Universitv *"« .u. evel.d Ni«kt liiwr Bill Kielmaa and pleasant ■ 46 Apply at Prince ■ . with one man. rp 1st summer ses¬ gas mrtnerator. tendsraped lawn tgan. Three-the days a week AMIvURI BlU Mun Brother* Market - S? Ouiselvea . Ml Ea»t Grand sion 6.3« vegB'** Hher campu, ED -OO" *xn aoA*o. - ov-sm'> His work w.i4 , (,f 12 Stnrtry • Commencement Seniors and oMier outstand¬ Doyan, Judy Stevens. Mike BrtI- w ith the Dni'ed States, have in- -ted by- ' e Cittzensh'p ing members of the Catholic Stu¬ yan, Dick Schmidt, and Bili hi Spring Term ei idcd bi-igraphies of FrankSiu Faculty Meinbeis < i, ng'Hou-e. a nateinai civtc n revised final Eim btride. Sprirg Turn, 19M dent Organization were honored Saturday night at a dinner held Pawlak. Honorable mention Included: D. W. Brogan, world-fum i D R«k>,sevelt and Abraham Lin¬ coln. His controversial ro-cv.hi- Piihlisli lltMiklels rptifi overru--,-! organization p: .frs-or Herbert Garrink» ! - last »*' cl»'*ex f'»r Sprtn* Te-.n »* Mondav. June 6 AU final ex- ir.tt»n» >11 »•« X v.-n lr» a.it.rdsrtrr with »►* fr.«Wtng .vhrdule, «t the Catholic Student Center. Helen Mabarak. Joanne Ficht- British political scientist and his- the-C.S Civil War ;m- and L. J Fein, assistant instrtie- tima of the exninl'i'.tlon* In the P•> c C->ll'tt C-Hirs«» i* given below. Masters of ceremonies for the Jim Bridges, Ernie Jandron, - :,„ir(' O Iris-; d< • -erit ,-..i S'-of.,sh Fair 11 eprese n la tinn," a sum- \-j»fun»l Science Uvdneufciy. June X. Hi 15-12 15 Distinguished service awards Warren Ebby, Annette Sui(*rno. Pi -ifcssor Br>»gan's iKtok "The b.i •Br tied hegr-.-c* »:-.cial Science ~ T> ifjwlnjr. June «. in '5-12 15 if; . ,. , ; ; i v '»/ .irgurriontfi surrounding ilu'banitln Friday. June 10 IK IJ-IJ t$ went to Joe Stanarhar. Pat Mul- Dominic Buigarella, Lee Murray, American Character" ha- be. r» 11".**'. C, U O>. B I in', (ixt-ivri. • . eurrent issue of legislative l • -r>e of examination* m *.rUor- -ubnr than !Li*«n C%Hepe cm* see |* doon. Annette Lindscy and Liz Alice Bonomo. Jerry Fie itner, a "« x' in MSU c!asurs each »fk will tal:» piecedenc-e .. •> r rv.imWidton mheduled be the «iu*l« hour l-durr The ex-nnlna. be Arranged between the »'udmat and the department remitting ul ITS NIKAT Ft! 1 Mil! . . , .fieri;-1 achedullng of tu examination ,.i irue-tori haelng txan.lnatioo* fr-nr: 8-10 am and from 1 .M» p.m rranested '«* terminate :beir rxnmir.*!." >* pi > . p-iv «ime~ nmv h»- cleared fnr_thr errromaUon .period* which follow. VIORNINO CLASSES || AFTKftNOON CLASSES lh.»i -tinint. and OPEN BOWLING Begin¬ V-mr -*xam!| 1' y«»-ir e'n- Ymir e> ning ;*f •ne A fii •<• A- date f J SPARTAN UNES « Saturday— , vwr 1 viesd.iy STRANO LANES June II \ WIThF June T re Tui* *.lib-10 00 MTWThF 8 «0- Iff Cctne«da> TliuiHlav June X I 30-1 .'It Thuntdav "7W1 1Tb a «-io.4,o Fridov ' Tlieulrr /m\1 ED 2-2311 June I 20-5 M> t 2 30 June 10 s un-to on BMJI. .1 ' Ft Ida*- J»ii»e ill \f\*.*F m>r 3 no Thumdav June !♦ IV 212t» j 1 jn-4 .k» WTV.1l t 7 UU-ifM p\l III .^1 Tib 3 » Tue«.«l J i'ne 7 'll ;to June '» ♦ *' GO GREYHOUND i f l.i-i 15 DONT FAIL TO SEE •ATUF . 3 *-VO i 11 -ml Frdav Wedne«atu v If l argf 11-30 J..ne Id J 4.5-5 45 « ;ai June ft 3 13-5 U PAIGECRAFT TELF.IDOHCOPEN (]J\)\JV| (for out-of-this-wor/d savings!) t- 121*1 Saturdae •ised t> $15 A- I rnt •VT T n •» IJtxf Jon' '• 10.15-12 IS Saturday SESSIONS No, there's no Greyhound 12 .eft June II , . getting you down" *>'« fi Scenicruiser* Service to R«T 3 t-i-5 '5 I- outer space—yet. But if OUT A. -> - »• i'i between study scions rvENixo n V««es "tip-''/ I >iuf cl«*v meet* Y«.-:ir exgfi »»">♦ and dele t* and browse through Paig.-- you're rocketing home for COMPARE THESE I0W, v a it 5 » -d.-v ie 10 7-0 PM craft. Relieve the mind, ».i.w the holidays, there's no T TTh after 3 1 v J•.<;»* 7-S PM LOW FARES: the brain. Swap Cicero fur better way to got It costs \c VJV4 alter i Hedoeieiaj. J,;tie 8 -H I'M DETROIT « Ml ifter 3 Thor*da%. June «f 7-0 PM less than driving your own ceramics, Juvenal for jewel¬ fill \ \|» R \I»IIIS 31» HI FJNA|. EXAMINATION MAY HP GIVEN AT ANY TIME OTHfH W IMF. HKGI'tAKIA SC IIIUK I IO TIME EXCFIT EY FAtl l-TY ry. Special attention and jalopy, too. With this exchj ( lilt AGO M.I? rioN siveGreyhound Service, NEW IOKK SI.YII sympathy this week for tired, irritable students. Opet\ 9 30 you get more—pay l«$s •plU* t4* u-nt about their be' r*f-- \LVd !:!-:•* t-> n«l'v,-t right here ami n.»w that the ,o.*7 Persons r •i!«- : - j11. • if i -r./y i.-i-iitn idea was theory. In IHJ4I to 5:30 including Saturdays. Get in orbit.. goGreyhound. Ilia M \*«- i' a' yi.u, nsl * -us aa.)u: the ;»• ,v»-; -< « re Greyhound. Or. send your beior^m** by Gmyhound Package vicutti «f all other Unerages. The ■ -v antl toat the cart» wa- tlat Express. They arrive in hours and cost you lessl i #cifu OF^oTincTion going.along wi'h us. the suuner on Simisill I ;.c J "W plat n - v .a t.avr' i on i -he " H'» tuctf a com fori to toko the bus... on* teavo P-t 6n*mg to ut' swiimr you mart We'll both begin to get more out of life. v >rld ha. k to tne oj.ir hi re '.l! ,.l \t;ON V -Sa euel S*n- * on *tartf i from. :i ;s just like lie* TV. Gil. RIUR ■«• an mUf.-e-.ing " ruy w \.rii a.-oun i the idgt of the ;,w »:i '.nose pvip'e .* hj art cci missing from home and to th.nks they've calked off pa the y." he edgy m a v...*: from beyond which fb» man has eve. returned explained. "Beyond re barrier-* 3tt ABBOTT ROAD. EAST LANSING • ■ W ' ED ■ ED 3.2113 GRE^ND Battled jnder I. i *.au: t authority of The Coca-Cola Company by ill * i ill. % liol'I LING COMPANY LUIIMUS' Michigan edge of the world. Haw- -enton, i. ane* tji* a M-yea.-oH *.j;n free e> - 'er. is fccretary of the ln- :*ikinal SELL An-»rjca" Flat Earth Societ>. e says that if you keep walk- Tvn- in a straight line you ie to the edge of the world. >nd thu And i- behind a solid this ire bar- Kirrier wiil YOU CAN rkgrou 7 he the thousands of peop.e TEXTBOOKS hlc every year aie fi|K-rtel ng. •t'fieri; of the International Karn S»xi«ty are very *er- or '« • roro Be- YOU CAN - BE HIGHLY COMPETITIVE flR HM lie* nun- i i. BE BETTER MFNMIB •en Av»" JUST SELEQT PAPERSOUND FOR SUMMER «irt three toad, ri; r •hane *'■ SL TO Ter<- be¬ ll t;pu» JANENJBE,MWmiABUW. WEAR MIR 3 *' SPARTAN '/ IWn Expecting . TAKE A BBTTHMHJf MM, BAESSEB Wim i ION •4 Little One TNE MSU SEAL, FRR SUHMO TMK ACTIV¬ ., . You're ImM ITY THE To Kumpp'e Hem M ■>»?'* TMUIN - TAEE ALUM AI00E WRAPPEB M A SPAR- If to I ' U* ■ T.| TAN SWEATSHIRT PM THAT YOUNGSTER Gord-;- WYNNE* V RACE NOME >Uru TkarWiy TUB CAN - SELL YOUU OMRS ANN SHOP AT TNE J""* 2. 2 P.M. ^ftionxtratMNi «C '-O '■>' «< e Mr "Hi tar Mr SPARTAN BOOK STORE r$3b *»M trip to teg }u < '«< of , ut ' j*1* ■» nm iMIir rir.-'- >4S » nrc4i| Vh*T. MR CORNER M.A.C. AVE. & ANN STREET i' *Mi aa| " balk ***m» uiman EAST LANSINC, MICHIGAN iittm rvoM Gives At Spartans Mlrmr.W STATE NEWS Pajr four Timely Hitting Jnni* c. ion# Majorr League. Leagu b« 26 Kvans TVprilV-Mx golfers prizes t;ir- Em u- v.rs tin Golf Prizes Won w<* Scholni Korn ' Jerry Painter -orie paced .the holo- followed by Hill Knapo, Don Hodnt>. Joe Scrramrk and JSaSWMES ■ 553P J NATIONAL l.r.AGl*i; 6-5 Triumph in Season's Finale In Army fcylf n k Prt GB t\ Pet. d»v ut r, , Ilitchry and Dayo Scott in th .622 20 16 .644 — His homer came in the fifth in¬ run in the third inning. Brnnro opposite field. After Schudh, The f their pii/t t«>d.iv brtiiTcn 1 and P..i ; tnn — . Pi'Sburs'i A double by pat Sartorius in - 'l"'i'* drive content. pitcher Gene (kmley walked and grounded out. Golden n •I p.m. the F'« .'.n> Scholar. .385 2 .San Francisco 2D 18 .617 1 the bottom of the innth inning ning and scored Sartorius ahead the plate on Ross' single with t! Army w In the women's division Marv V)fJ .1 Milwaukee 21 17 .533 4'a of him. The blast cleared the went to third when Western'* l.oiKf. :M:J l/iui.-i stm-t Chicago 4 >2 drove in the winning run as hitting star of the day. Mil Ran¬ third run of the inn in r l.rti.hod fn lo.v • CIMTN Julie.-! w..n Lou C'apple and Linda Thomas N.-v. York .524 Gincinna"; 23 24 480 7 MStT closed it- baseball season 365-foot mark in left field. . dall. pushed a bunt past first Western tied the srore m ■] A pine - i'U Other •vin:ir<-> in d ;fi low net with 73 • Detroit 488 6 Si. Louis 21 24 .467 8 with 6-5 win over Western Sinks had rough going during a baseman Mil Srhndlieh for a fifth. A single, an ertoi ami 1 M-11 inn 1. floug Mi!!arT Hurt Mrs. Main Fossurti won three Washington .42!# 81 a LjOs Angeles 21 25 .457 8's the entire game. In eight of the Army th •• Michigan Saturday single. Cooley then scored on sacrifice put a man on •> Green, C,h\'. Ariclma and Terry do oion» low gros.*, long- st Kansas I 422 !) 4 (*hicag«» 17 23 425 9'-. Sartorius' hit. his third of the nine innings, the lead off man Randall then hit a slo» bnun.- I.""A I dm«- and holt-in-one .366 11 16 30 .348 13«2 for Western reached ba-e. Sev¬ Frank Qnlllci's grounder to sec- JI• 1 N* R Philadelphia game, scored winning pitcher to shortstop Golden v. !v> firro f!nt hrtlfi Julion low Mr- Luev Hughes and Mrs SI Ml it s HDt l TS MMi.tYs RKSt'l.TX eral fielding lapses, including won cro-•. Mickey Sink- ft'ir-J bare. the plate. But catcher In >ttip(«. H i'-ol. Kru'dluinl. Mil- !*,:»: h Oillan took the high gross llr-trill J. «. (Ifvpl.ind i four Spartan errors helped keep The Spartans roared right back i., « I to .• liiitllinoir «. H'adilnnii riiliadrl|ihl.i 3. I: IMltsbiirtpi u. I Sinks had reaehed first when he lit# missed the tag. I.)!m \ i I'.ili S| it. honor- si l.onio •». San FfanrHro I Sinks in hot water. in the bottom of the third wjth .r New Vork .V. *; Ko»lon ». I was hit by a pitched hall. The second run scored i,vi: (hlraeu K-inoj* l'M% o, » t'hiraco I?. I.n* Angrlrr«> and went to second nil Sinks' and third and one out A groin had men on second and third dorado 1*1 > nislu IosSc.n. They had a conference sacrifice. Sartorius then slnn'i- linll was hit to third ba-mu' I'., r |)iti riilracn (IMrr.r #-.•) at N>w 4 nrh mark of 4-7, « »<.d enough for with no one out by virtue of a i ford 1-J > night med a 370-foot double off the Luminnski who fired i . wr,- I'lio wi (Only «amr Nrhrrtnlrd) hit batsman and a two base (Only I*me whrdnlrdl eighth place. left field fence, scoring Lumi¬ to force the xfirst base untie Rob Km -he- I the hitting error. Rut Sinks retired the side iliy >ix t anski. Sartorius also scored when The relay to first was too iHV. See it from I he honors for tiie game w ith a home without a run scoring. l.i i.ins Golden cracked a double to the double the batter? Schudlich run and a vingh m four at bats. Western brake through for a Corali Iteginnini; fired to the plate attempting • cut down the run but his thro- ' -. ('Ollll MGIIT .V SI V—AIM l/IS 7bc—HHMMICS 2th 1:00 - 5:10 - 5:20 Coed IM Title was short and Conlin > tungm FIIIST SHOW 7 P.M. TONIGHT K TIT;. (AST IANSING A • WWi Itrrathtakln* Susp*n*e 7:50 . 0:10 l'ack«T.W acquired la-1 week points to 216 points for second place Alpha Xi Delta. Third went tori us* deciding blow in the la —got his first for the Tribe. to Phillips and fourth to West of the ninth. In the first game. 28-year-old •ut his reiki Landon. Jim Banning went the distance. career with a perfect day afM Individual rhampions were Scattering six hits and striking Writ Yakeley in Volleyball, and al Ihr nate. He hsd a dmihi out four batters. The victory was a slnclr. two aarrlfiees and i Kappa Kappa Gamma in swim¬ his second against three losses. ming. Phillips bowling and Pi RBI for his day's work. fredASIAIREanthokyPERKINS Colavito, a former Indian, ac¬ counted for three Of Detroit's He Beta Phi softball. In softball Pi Phi defeated Al¬ Ross's hitting in the games gave the Spartans h.j seven runs in the opener. pha Phi for the championship. for a bit more hitting punch r;n contributed bis seventh four- The champions were also Block season. He closed the -•.wi bagger of the season along with 2 champs. Other block leaders with seven hits and a 3PJ bs: a double and a single in four were Delta Delta Delta (1). East ting average to lead the tear / times'at bat. I if, t»J n«.«» l»Ki /lk on.I Thn nthur Inn hntlir.. ' f Army9 Uncle Toms Lyman Frimodig Retires July 1 From Spartan Athlelk Scene After 41 Years; MSU Legend In IM Title Contest By JEKft MAXHTLI. athletic letters—four in basket¬ ness manager of athletic* in 1922.. An era has* ended—one where fiMxtbjll game was dedicated r<> Biggie" Munti at the game Ttctiring July 1 after over 41 ball, four in baseball and two in where he has remained In th:- Kiimodig ha?. seen a - nail col¬ Frimodig. He was honored a- Frimodig look* .back upon n. years with the • athletic depart¬ football. capicity, he has accumulated lege grow into a giant universi'v; Michigan State* sportsman f«n long association with MSU .j . ment is the business manager of As u basketball player, he once 175.000 miles In plane, train and where sport's' rpmain* both i 42 years by Athletic Director "very satisfying experience " Army and L'ncle Tom's l'ovs, Ixith Independent team*, athletics, Lyman Frimodig. scored 30 points In a single game, bus by accompanying tin foot- tradition and an attraction little for Ihe IXI itll-iillivorsily raft lint) championship to- Frimodig. a living legend of a record which stood for trior* ball team on road trips, The recent Varsity-Old Tmwi* Your Kov to Better Values ... ,lii\ at ">:-<• on diamond 4, IXI field. the vast Michigan State Univer¬ than. 23 years. The finalists moved into the finals with wins Friday. sity sports scene, leaves behind a In 1919. Frimodig returned to Campus Classifieds . . . Uijfli Refltlersbip ^__ distinguished record of both par¬ MSU as a freshman football, COMING TO CHICAGO Army squeezed by Isimbda Chi Alpha. Id',. Carlo Tom's ticipating in and managing Spar¬ basketball and baseball roach. I.rushed Bailey aside. i)-6. FOR THE WEEKEND? tan athletics. Ife later was promoted to a pro¬ \ pinch-hit homer by Marty quirk in the last inninir (rave A 1917 graduate of Michigan fessor of health, physical educa¬ Students (men *r womeni. Couples. Army the will. tion and recreation. BIG REDUCTION Agricultural College, a forerun¬ Families, Groups on Tour, I.i A lost despite a three-hitter by their pitcher. Gary ner of MSU, Frimodig earned 10 Frimodig was appointed busi- STAY AT THI VMCA HOTEL IPithriiff, and two homeruns hit by Itnthruff and Tom smpp. • At thd »df» •' ikt lo«r lohn X'anlwaarden mis the winninir pitcher, allmvlnir five kit«. HEDRICK HOUSE CO-OP * • 17 JO m*4 1 000 BANKRUPT STOCK Cncle Tom's survived a last inninir rally by Bailey to jrive m .1, r pitcher. Ilal Lel(feh, a four-hit win. • »•» writ* D*pr *»' lit S«wtH A v. €*»<•«• J. ill t he winners wrapped the fame up in the first inninir scor- j i,1L -is times. Bailey scored five times in its rally. I,i-inir pitcher Bill Xtnrrs shipped a triple. Coral Gables Vets won the IXI title last year with Bailey second. Pirates hull 2 IN MtlCTT It's like havir- an extra eloset... XX h,n > (m li-e our -toraqe SALE! LAMES COATS... MEN'S Stat* Times la I'll iIs nervier for your XX inler (iar- menln! Now SUP ON AND CARDIGAN / EO 2-OHI4 you'll hnvr lot* PHILADELPHIA.'*'' - Thr of cliKrt space for your »um- la*t place Philadelphia Phillies SWEATERS... BATHING rocket! the National League TV. HI-FI, KITCHEN PRIVILEGES mer vvardrnhe. Why nol lake Sight *ports renter leading Pittsburgh Pirates Sun¬ adi aniline of thin convenient SUITS... SHORTS: 4lm Wellington day b.v sweeping both ends of a service today ? .Inn, t>. 1MI Pain llvt doublehender, 2-0. and. 4-1. bo- hind the brilliant pitching of LADIES SHIRTS... right-hartders Gene Conlcy and Two Firsts Jim Owens. "f.(Kir/ /.»/»■/.• on your fituil.i" At CCC Won Conlcy did not permit burgh runner to get ond base. beyond a Pitts- ' sec¬ BEST PIZZA AND SUBS ROBBIES - ll\ ■. mii.v Akapatu Akpata. MSU's aprlng- i trackman, won two first SOUTHWEST TEACHERS Agency IN TOWN J§uL HIS & 209 M.A.C. HEISHOT in the Central Collegiate 11*3 Central N. ft:. •ere nee track and field Cleaner ml Skirt Landry :,r,u.ionships held in Miwaukee sciiday. Albmiuerque. New Mexico Serving Southwest, CALL East Grand River Arrow From Htudfnt Service Ride. EAST LANSING fhe sophomore from Nigeria Entire West A Alaska u,4. the only double-victor in the meet. He leaped 47' 5" In the FREE REGISTRATION r.,. step and jump for a new t>-. • record, breaking the old n,uk of 44* 10" set last year. t. \kpata also won the broad i» with a leap of 23* 9'3M. Salaries lit** Member: N.A.T.A. up' ED 7-1668 .1 no Spartans Billy Reynold* finished fifth in the three mile m i r. inference Mike Kleinhans MSU's ontv Mm. tailed to place in champion, this sea - the pole ED 7-9841 the The .erahi Young failed to three-mile event. other State entry, place in FOR (ASH ioi YOUR BOOKS!! ILLINOIS COI.I.KGK OF OPTOMETRY FAST DELIVERY j annaumr* thai dmoxlnn to annlli aiDm* l»i it* fla**** hecinliinr • coffee break at vrplrmbrr S. I*S are Hon helnc r-rm*d. [ l-»Mf i minr Doctor of Optometry professional GALLERY ESI'RESSO . jj (ASA NOVA No. 2 HI 211 M.A.C. EAST LANSING 1. WE NEED YOUR OLD TEXT pi IPI SII NTS I OR INTKAMi; * Ujm I to Mm. hour* or mtiiv- | Unit qir. hoiiral i* tperifird 1th- BOOKS- ml arts and trienrr*. Woo f»r hullrlin to: HI- I (dsrR%R llimoo Collfg* of I J '(hi«4«o jti, Irhiga n Arenyr. UliNHit 2. WE WILL PAY YOU TOP PRICE :l FOR YOUR BOOKS- 3. PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE AT OUR BACK DOOR. 4. NO WAITING - NO WALKING - JUST BRING YOUR BOOKS AND TAKE OUR CASH!! 5. FREE CARDBOARD BOXES WHILE THEY LAST M When things gel too close for comfort * -I D R A t< i S your best friends won't tell you... JE ' k - but your opponents will! • • 0 6 Sp ce S' ck Deodoroe* b-.-gj you safe.;" M CAMPUS BOOK STORE sue, ali-jfcy protection • Bend t^on roH-ans too* dup • be :=jr t.-an !pr*£. f L ' '•! K. (.runil Rivi-r * h*l> i'ur Terry ) f . ■ l about everything. tJriffin: olherwi.se histrionically. tins. Pilate For film niaklnj; • A.« a maker of sper'-.n'les. VV li¬ flair, there Is the gorgcoiy color One reviewing organ sun- W'iit li \i ;n.n c-uivuvr of t.wenge ..n Me- .. « uit-n.iil h .» Ci "Ac-. tem Wyler stand- very well lit , there Is Charlton Heston who photography (on a 65 millimeter it up exactly in saying Film Fare-Ed Flovmoy Urn-Har Utrtiua >u,nremac>. .Dij fm.htu hif. mother and -i-- cidente are \ Tf Ommon. in the the late Cecil It. D< Mill's -toad. outdoeH himself to such an ex¬ print) tif Robert "King Solo¬ "Ben-Hur" is "A motion p;c.u e ' who he later di>c»vf:s have arena tent that this may prove to be th.^ tv\p.'" •»- ••i-cH-.uV. an i !rr In fact, with •Ben-Hur. he mon's Mines" Surtecg with a phenomenon even the ' .m , Hal W .. t A- i.v .-t;v if\- "\vi,; ii. ■ T» >-.an g'-v- ••v ••acted iopr-iv. and have be n The rave end. in victory for ho* bested any'h.ng Be\l;ll« the hlihUftht Of his career. Ste¬ sharpness and clarity such as must see." J.2.v«,ono \.rI •' ' ■< Va' .-v •>( ' • n. i'-H».r «iS.t ewdemea'. then- -- phen Hoy'd who has never been At present this feature ijui.- For have hcver seen before; a six • jj * r: ;» » ho .•* > - - B •,-Mu I ,v,.r. Ii«- finds hiv nin'Mor and sis. the ehar race ■*.... i n •>'»- >.i we!! cast and directed, dark h i n n e 1 stereouhonic sound playing'on a re.«erved-ic*»- . and th. • .pkmlraeu- Hawkins js Qiintu* Arius, ^ t II,. jifi.uj i.d i'v th. A . ab.y tin- mo*: track; a musical score aptly suit¬ as specially equipped '. ,. r. s.,:, k ; •• • W ilis' -u •> en-ed hn unuu-ee.vs- minutes on film. 1 pa'.li Martiia Sent', FJen-flur^ moth- in Michigan, the United a J in : t. ed to the film but scarcely re vent the eru i- . \l,...., J.? cmn i-i* game- fur.'. there is the eiacif.sni.. sruuenia' . . Cathy O'DonneU as his sister Theatre. DetroiL. worth having around for listen¬ ....' , j |; ,- , ,i f x.-ei As the film for humor, t.uv- ■ : ' humane liie late Ccnr^e Rerph as Tiber- MICHIOW AT ATI! \|Wr v-viU-JUMi.- • *vnr i "I*.>;s. he Ben-Hur and his I »ve Shiek creatively * 1 hv Hugh ;u•• and Frank Thr'ng as Pon-- ing pleasure. June «. I!H»6 T run <• In short, "Bcn-llur" has just PiUx, ,.iu--h i f days and nig. •• V, S v. a. . -he one way r,. F ' or l»<»k forward 10 a new i ': i hi, bu* W - ( c; have vengeance on Mt-.-ai.t era. Iiiimiiiuiimji l.ATIOXS CLASS OK I960 ■ n T f naV- g">! n - pw?v: d .« n I • COMdtA l l » :ViV »n.j h >ur- . - ■ H. . \ ... M.' li MurrkV I'rrM-riplion (Vntrr wishes all the member, ■ • x iv'ld life of the class "f 11"'" further sucress in the years to • i- }.,"«<• ' a • - comman-ii: whose " wolverine distribution CAN'T FIND THAT :.n; v. : bat: tl mm,. Marek's thunl.s you for your kindness in fre- ■ iiir a ' •' i «♦•.» ' .11: "«i'r a • >v. in j . .• • • • • n m .' . • \v\r i m • quentinu our slore durinq the year. J last oay today MAREK PRESCRIPTION TENTER Ik ".-H RECORD! . i i" ■" l.'sO - r v i.;r. - >' Hm.uno •' employment room 20 student services TRY :«0U . . • , \ ,i I-Vt"' i II" > ' 1 : ' a * • • opportunity 1-5 p.m. dc~u/>A A '3^?ad iiiiiiiMdiliiMMiimi l^ins r«|jtilkhrd xperialt* Aw ird Wive -i M. d - • .v • -lore utinoii time. retailiiic ♦- -eekiim who «ani* j pornuttf-nt po-itif>ii in Mu-t have an a|»- mature a full- LARGEST DISCOUNT IN TOWN [ BECAUSE OF SO MANY REQUESTS FOR RESERVATIONS THE | ANDRE'S r:-e ■ • ♦ • • lirerialiou of qualiti mer* Ml I I I.KHS — T III, I'IPKS — KXII VI ST PICKS '♦( un:-v-. Hr-.i-ll.ir a", i .f ,1 ;■ t .i - t- • c-ft*: .? ;••• • > 1. t rhandive and be rapalde of I'Ol,ISII ICS — WAXKS — IMIM'S — RRCSIIKS : CHARCOAL BALLET WIU BE ; FOR THE LAR8EST a—limine mpomihillb i .erupu!.-.It on a t COMPI.KTK I.INK Ol' ACTESSOIIIKS S OPEN JUNE 12 ; «e.nt back t> dc-u-aie.n Py to t all Ml'di for .i|ipoint- COLLEOTIBN OF e.uprror T'.'.vr.-.r t- gw.-n ' ; mcnt • . ' ' » - y ;i>U' .«• i'.r com ri i la Al'TO New K Rebuilt SPItlNti ii u.c.om: t.Kiitt i/>;s. HtARTr.RS RECORDS UNBER • 'here. til,ASS • (.IMRAIllRff SKUVU'K •n il. W % pmil's 11 It PI .MPS J suerltv Inslalkd • • CXLTCII PI.ATM FRIESIts & FAMILIES 0ACR0R-C0TT0N CORD SUITS. RE6. 34.50 Whilr A oil Halt ONE ROOF IN rIi MORI THAN CORDS. |\ % | |\|. \\ \s|| ON C LASSIC M M- v WLAIl AlITO MKNMAN L ] $2 7"ss ... M» or :s\ |1 \C RON W \-»ll V Ml %K lis V, . COTTON KRAMER PARTS CHARCOAL GALLEY 228 N. WASHINCTOX 1-7 NORTH WASHINGTON I.ANSING U ^ a«liA MI '• de* CAMPUS BOOK STORE <4-5 - ej -TI< CAMPUS BOOK STORE ISS ?2 4 ■u -*it tzi !v I ON GRAND RIVER AVE. ACROSS FROM THE UNION ON GRAND RIVER AVE. ACROSS FROM THE UNION Fi "oy an t'":.3- degr : 5 . nmi I : fa 1 L i :... = /