. . t.r'mr chwk ynor Studrnl numbrr, AH MCthm* rinsed aumn (.ihmIIh finance- rnrnllmrnt rard. . , . addrrsN . . . rrs SUMMER SCHfKII, rrsistralinn lime and I'al Villiquette. Marshall sen¬ ior. confidently walks ii|i the a u d i I o r i u m step-, proud possessor of a pet- feel class schedule. Slate News I'holos lie Norm Hines. EAST I.ANSIN'C Ml( HlCAN—Tilt ItSDAV. JUNK 2!. tOfio Prustees Okay Budget Popping; $63 Millions Summer school retri-t niton on eampus hp a n« v\ hip It with student* enrolleii. Student Half Cms to Run An nrlilitional 0i» .students were enrolled .it .\!st «). It w is their first summer session Total enrollment for hoth schools was Fees l p UTIICR CHANGE* m :• f.. . Lamina E The K.ast Lunsuur total is more than 7">? a?»o\«' ' h, l!». • fitrure which was the previous hiirh for summer »ii-. . a.-:ure a um:. once a •tiimpus ela-'iM arc be .: p:rk up cx'ra Pie« a, • Hv . mer firm student fees because The additional fee foi v»t« - Staff heads o- 'tie State NY . . ISC !>ir; *; Mr ' ■ •ta.- v medicine student* was a > for summer .in- H i Pa-nvrlru - <159-60 whico ends un-enliect for financial bur.ten editor-in-chi< f. H ! Kidman '.>» ur.ive.-s.ty ' es:.» »n c.ne grouo of students. Pr« *- jews editor, A1 Kerdi. advertis¬ ivssif from s'udeni .dent H .nn:,h -at ing manager, an i Norm lime: - S'vfjcr:': taking ^.5 - stuff photographer - ompb-'.e n any eon em* «••!: in George Hough ill. j mni f .• • trie "future tw charge J >,» *.» M'-'trsdor, i - editorial ,««lv -••r • « fotver the <• of spe,.-;*! hand* the news staff. ling of their ex ami nan oris NEXT TEAR; 3 Student y required to some 4.»0 teachers and 50 visa¬ - I*;.i-ilities of the IM pool are ichigan resident* quarter more i»r 924 w.'.i take improvement course* w ill tie charged $13 for services Pool Open! i* jKm bi.nds Jo and students and their nus- wives and to faculty ing professors. Praetieall.v a I I department each r Hirsr. heads and members 'if profes¬ ar for tuition members arid their fami! -uf-state students wtii Students who have 'inadequate Time to Oct Wins ami husbands m.iv rav.m sional rank summer to are in residence tla..- give graduate and tuition on a sliding preparation should- pay I e v •' imdeigradunte work as well as >•95 to $195 a guar* of the improvement services., the board was told. Summer Tail < IIII DKI N of ' Vidi'ii: . fie¬ to assist those doing research. on iritei-national tinderstandin, ■ '■i.M of tuition for out* The $15 fee for improvement ld! y or staff, if they are 14 'The opportunities for gui¬ education in family fmaiuc, an "a'.e student* wi'? depend courses is expected fa yield Summer time is swim time at years or older, may swnn by dance and help from the staff MSU' presenting the ID card of toe are as great this nummrr as integrated sciece and maUierna' i -at rhe land grant college about S42.000 m ne>v income. • And the outdoor pool at the eligible member of foe family. during fail, winter, and spring '-Kr student's btwne slate MSU offers improvement 1M- building is just waning tor Younger children, right years qtiai tci.Dr Taylor said. ■ges Michigan ftudents. courses ;ri reading, writing, swimmers. of age or older, may swim dur- example, it a land grant speech, arithmetic and in En¬ ,i the family swimming hours glish as a foreign tanguarge. Westcoll _ T* a Ohio charged a Mich- r:udent $200 in out-of-state The pool will l»e open: Mmday through Thursday. Fridays if thev are accompanied hv a parent dressed for swim¬ to Play Training hi newspaper work, u«, then MSU will charge • p.m. Ohio student $200 for tic- Union KeeruilH Man to Friday. 13 noon t® !• p.m. ming. Uarillion Uoueect editing miHieographod paper , Regularly enrolled student yearbixik editing. TV - ran; i ttatarday, 19 ajn. t® • p.m. i ov.->f-jta*e students carry- \on Teaching pay no fee for swimming in the Have you evere heard Bach broadcasting, forensuM a:, i outdbor pool, but students not theater are being offered. N trsn to credits have played mi the enniion0 Both the OUbude pool and the enrolled for the summer session k 5 *109 m out-of-state tuition MSU Emplovc* Indoor pool will be open for and faculty and staff members If. not. Rtv<- a listen nt 4 inn, UNDER Till* pl.n, b. u mi smarter. Sunday, wnen university caf- so'.nxii students arc instructiv.l I M.ch-^aa students have paid family swimming Friday from are charged a 25 cent pool let A union for MSU non-teach¬ by Comrn Arts faculty men,- «:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. HKAH.OV TICKETS may tie njif incur Wendell Westcott be- p - quarter for tuition and ing employes is paining mem¬ twrs m one or more specialuvd *"'* *3 a quaner increase will ber* and has opened an office Male student* may tree the' in¬ purchased by students, faculty, gi?:« a series of recitals. staff and employes of the uni¬ ?' the nature of Ihe field*. r door pool at any tune during •-au'c .a <• '.la to Hi ar $279 for the in East Lansing. The institute pool hours. versity at'the J-M office. ju-Ti'inent 18 tons of bells is being offt .cd poof rear, The union, fhe Michigan State ^ ^ e.uas' d in Hcauniblit Tower in ihret* two-week ses*ions. JUr increase la fee® doe® not Mdents Employees Union Council 7, the c.nil i ran be heard far They run from June 20 to Juiy • attending the AFSCME. AFL-CJO. ha* opened I, July 5 to July 10. and July f' »;n the lower are i. But a p<>>- |P«*JW summer session. k branch office at 207 MAC it on several hundred fee! from IH to July 2'J I T"« Hoard of Trustees ap- avenue A siiniliar- institute for high the tower is best, according to s /ecommendation made The office will be "pen from sciiool students l» being offered ^ J7r;.den: Hannah that $125.- WtortcoV • 9 a nt. to 5 pan. weekdays. In uddltioii to a lections by by the music department r® << the increased income According to Robert Gros- Paeb. himday's rectal will m- F'3 "'-i.'.'m fees be set aside vermr, director of Council 7, <.»i»' '• music |»v Mendelssohn,' r[ to students who can- membership has grown faster m H'zri. Hero, Wveniawski and P 'he increased tuition th.y local union than In anv c'her he ha* helped organize T'c n'conJ mntal is ■- expected to range from Westcott ha* performed "n •'Fallen Angeles" is the s'ui • County and Municipal Employ¬ degrees betow • normal, carilUm* in Engleuu. Scotland, of two women who are tired of ees AFL-CJO, fot a charter. JtV't.ium and Hollat.d a ; well as married life and seek a change expect one-fourth to Meanwhile, according to in me U.S. He recently play ? with a Frenchman. The women "*f ; T" -ch of precipitauon in Grofvencr. the local is working the. dedicatory recital na the of scattered showers t.n a grievance procedure to «ic portrayed by Murte B<- ; • a~ 5crshowers throughout flew 77-belt Ciirillon at K.ik- nr. I Huzzi submit to the university, and u«-the-lii)ls in Bioonlfield iftl!-? Kend, according to the Tlie play is under the direc- ?lso is planning classes to train f >recase issued t:»»n of. Ruth Walworth. S<-', by the newly elected stewards. S'at« Weather Bureau. Officei« of the new local are manager is J. C. Howe. ""'J 'l"~'lperatures art fore- D-rrell DeFay, president. Hu- STUDENT CONGRESS f t'tday and Saturday. 4wrt IBB. secretary. Ed Stri ng, Co»4er temperatures vice-president; k Winfred Hes¬ v and The summer interim cumru.i- Monday. Normal ter. recording sccrctarj. tee of student congress w;'l r,,'' ^ ueraturt range is 7$ grees Other executive board mem¬ meet 7.30 p.m.'next Wednesday and tht normal bers are John Zink. Mrs. Rose ' tanperafoct range U 54 to ia tlie Student Services buildm, Carpenter, and Mrs^largaret 9rgreei in Jatt. Jung. in the student services building. Ballard. J AS Truman Reminds Graduates and former I'.S. I'rrsidrnl Truman march throuch Spartan stadium to the speaker's stand where Truman latrr delivered ur. l.O the commencement address. Still later. Truman received his To Uphold Government System doctor of laws hood. After the ceremonies, parents took quick pictures of the tcraduates before they returned their caps and (owns. State News Photos hv Mike Itennv Discusses Politics, O-.e of America's m.oc* our world policy,' he said. • / Kennedy used a* much V pov er » - lU ? It lillA/IWO . s ■ 'r- the regulation green and whi'.o hi* eijmmencement address and not been * »r • ng.iished historians ha* some "Ttie summit collapse a'--'4 president. Decisions so- h .< 'he help •>' the band un form while others were Heri.n airlift state New* Miff Writer wm loudly epplkuded w hen he poih'ed comment* on the e- showed how vulnerable NAT J were a people of M'.chigar. he u ! !Slf gran'i-f a.l.tfl lfl 1 8l' R^Wn. added that See should all pray een* .-«>urte American affair* are , td Russia, which threatened to point in modern histoi ., C Hannah reminded the students r.iuRer said d - ! ' .:>> Till: i:\TIRi: audience r.xe f >r his safe return " faking destroy those ccuntric1 vhi *M 1 h.'.isg* of their, obliga'-on *o .-e *•/- r He He- S'eele Commager »av-» C-2 spy plme base* on "TRI MAN'S DOMFSTH >?h c i r.'t '•ncemor.' J.r.i i.' to feet and clapped loudly »« Mr. Truman departe.1 from * rv Truman •rn-ir soil." he added." ruim-tration seems l \c - '.'he ivt'iitticnrenien' .ui.i: tegrees .• »i- fon»cr President hi* prepared text, a discussion knowtrxlge fur «he sj-xwl of r* * - who .v.it cn carrvpu* June 12 ' f - r.-fiit .developments." Di"« t ti? the j>rore««ion Mr. Trti- number of times, laws degree a' MSI' 1.00*.h •oini«tration of former pre-ment • « punctual.ng higher education i-ir t w;»> .> •o ■). »• -r.t r,,.,. .1 room pan iivi hv presidenl « «mmen»?emenf exer H.irrv S. Truman, who rtx'c.v.d Commenting on err.:- t » talk with anecdotes about , wotlid follow * tier • honorary degree a- the sa a rv politics, Commaim; < , !!.■■• v..i* dignified tn cap the history of the off.ee and h * Or Commager. w:io teavhe* an Amh, \ • ynmencrment Harvard professors A" ,m ,t. | ( ati ! ^v.. but he could not u- own experiences' in the White AISO HONOR ID V A* • t * ,< »,Tu;tr. Jr.. and John Co. j. . ,i j.! i h* V r reeept on a. - House her *. Ma-. '. .. t the St-.'.- In all the bit thing.-. IW , ,,,, . . toencmient u.-ee • v.- MS':' ue Mipuoiting Senator K . o ar.d he waved ? e- President Hannah in a brief NY-,, . .w,v • • I Truman administration was direction the tremendously important In the a- 'a lilM-rai who ran \ , .« ,.s accorded anothtT • ailed for increased support for dency ha* taken d iring *he realm of fongn policy, Truman s* .uvt.r.g ovation he left t e MSU and for the cause of high¬ vear* F.'oeniowi - ha* otvup.vd Christian F !te-,kr :.'k i.'t ft.v .1 i ,im after the ee:em>n>- er education. Wh.'e Hou-e Minn. in. p. . - President Eisenhower !* "Our universities are the ba«- tinue of our to freedom. We must expand the education con¬ vp' Steel !)r iron M.n.ng !> Corp Charlr* N V •. <• • o. vy. t si. *- year- a HE the nat. Ar "• i. I K < .V h -.vr «e«-n the pa?!.a! deCru •- En 2.1.111 EXT. 2»n:. emht graduates and their parents that Macomb. IM '*» ;v»> «t -r. «f • u !•' *.'.*« o dependence <>f Tl! I lark I Broil*, all the people of Michigan eon- • refUlat-TV agerc.e* a« the Western I'.'ir,..., umver-. • u . den! trihuted taxation to their e>t Ft*de ^' Power Commission." a of MSI' ■ r. -.u • • • •• ea'. ion .x Mr Itn'h Kratt SV-'-.srhe.n. said. AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING B rtn.ngham. '27, cM.--f «..? pe-t - (^oltege islucation would, foe t-MCS, Ctr.» c- |lO*-p,,, . C«v . v.A„.-r sa d •: w V pr •oous *.] .'C Ht.ilOO tiers..-, band appeared TtlE 11 Hi Ml R -ten* many of -. u. have been be* rirl (•■'Tr-' ;<»«■■ iner .< have, for «*x- tr. 'he * ;»*h < I tea*- of Sp«: pre re* Mr* Wllham. T < T.orvy S* enforce BEECHAM 'ROOMS ior rent S c>-e wo. e pi t c - • s > t \ .i t dui mg the -cope of attainment had .' Pauf, M nn 35 dean of •> \v- a r » e fa.Yd ecu" t>c nn • . nturtent* One . itiinmer » rrirurv *chool a* the t"n;ver«,' v »;♦»»•:«ion* on such matter* A* T> - half milri frnm rimpuv }'* g ii.st.on of •:.# natural gas >n- t-«th and entrani-e fampu* v of M niirt-.iu 21«7 F Grand River Ok»n, v Tie ce.enton.es began a* ex- «i astr? KNIGHT a ;ly 4 Pre- .dent I «• •• hmvc and PRIVATE rooms fur rv« p . .. n tieritj. Two hUHk- (rom u< requirement* ' M>t"« e •; ». AO. /.fv .. -e *• i Y-. >• f ' ' he AUTO SALES • Ue emrance Tall CD Mil 'f rv • WMv. s i-;«-c.»u*e o, their Cum or on Saturdat TV. whl.'h *p:ev;.«xl eve*. ! fi . •: • « f<>r.Tti :»> C-2 >p» ' FOREIGN men stiident* a Fa, • e*tio» r> n ».• •. ' ig: "« < ve. the S vie* L'nior timwing. i.ne block n-f '•«* cernivvn.t'* feu set! p .»* t , . sj.d looking private phone a i trance IV *-l?H | m.gh: fail du'-.i g • f r . •• "Till COM tl'*r rorf.vme-1 mcncemnr. but. -.vent «;«■*.! (.RAWWATE RTt'DENT* "H M n-v w. h 'he mo*:.. - om'.i." « « f. ic jr. '•c\«;be_a*rf!.' • --■•a* Wt5 !>t.n>et lam- Di ; • • S M—r« d. i not u*r.: • • ' Huv'j at ai • i- • ..rking .11 els.', no . tall »D a.|?*3 • Mom. nuJn.gii' '.'•rr 'h. i a con» i ..i'i."( . , MEN; Single and doubie n. ». • • ampt.s Quiet, cor.venic Miclii"uii Slate New and mg comfortabte. Single. *3. Ideal fir »» double S3 Vi - lummtr u-h«Mi wvrka. ca > . Tubti-iied at Fa-I Un«i«| Michigan, street Phnne ED 2-31 IS m f «» days Mmuta* titmugn Frldav darit't tttit. wir.'.er miui uii "g tern * -eki* aoecial tume between summer a-xl tali # cuumg xuminer *e.-n. and a second ciaa« pttt.-tgc p»id a' Roi SALE Ka»t l an*. ng Mich THREE Redrooi<< fn , v - •454 CHIV3QUT i-miltvaped tot Near Marh - lllll I'amrrlrau Summer Editor t'r'^a* rm,-t S < EH A approved 5rt.'» *ueitc . ».D ?-."Wt3 on Kill Kitlman Saturday or Su- . N'fns Editor Al Errili LEAVING STATE — Large r..." Advrrtisin* Mur. divider, holds buok*. records. 4' 1 wiuipment: foam h^j« » fs Vol. 52. No. 17 ThurwUjr, Junr '.' I. I'.iflo l'aire Two «uum cleaner. Bulck. tablet . ri gs, children's fumtture gu « itss F0*0 'shed. etc. — 042 Chert Sell Cfosswoi'ii Puzzle Etuntri onnunn f» t«r> tee to*e »i*;tc*a' trfti dam. i*Jf SkcBctl Oft- b'-.e f-r >. Ai*»oif r.tm ie« <*»q» a-n r«R« *D FOR RENT 7-0002 RESERVATIONS BEING TAKT nnnck'i uoeddh >*'* food. — lur sunn- er and f.11 tern v 2? wr.ty COD:- =dhci ann ouire at University House. *U - TftADi AND FINANCING — '*r street. Have dne triple «n I (Uveal 23 Goes over nnrc 3Dcr: pdb Swap vat# bath. Also Singles and dm » 7 Step MAN* OTHER 13.1-aborer again □EBDnnir with private entrances. Ample p- » 41 Boy OUT) OCT Uliccro »•« Call at office 14. Trader , • MAKES AN0 MODELS 18. Volcano t « 43 Besot city * ntmnni uaoona THREE MEN SHARE hou* \ :-!l)DCC c,"i TO CHOOSE MOM 1< Small 5 04. Wickedne^s 71QQ taland var. 00. Negro of the Ci-iCk.kj^in;-: RHONE tV 2-0141 II Before Niger delta aurr i r::j. raun It Measure of 4t. First man 1130 I. MICHIGAN AVE. uoi1 ouk,»j aann paper 30 Large do g 30 Weary wiik SI. Signif* t?-uu» : nnunBO1 1*37 FORD Custom line Blue and dulinesr S3 Puffs up nnunrc u 'tdies' 11 White iourduor . Fuidamatir. radio. 2! Encount¬ 55 Cubvc fHwr r veers espefteme C i- f- OO.Type Ample irjm Bredy. Kg WW of^l, t parking ED 2-3712.^ 2 t' 41. Covers UNFURNISHED first floor apart- TAKfe A coolin& COtfit 02. Encourage mrnt lour rooms, prtvate Rath, prt- vate mtrance, 4.8. Large tubs laundry, garage. i>ne AT THE NEW thtld accepted IV 3-7?dJ g 40. Arrow pot*on ROOMS sru034ut shcf 47. Net so much S3. Correlate# SINGLE ROOX1. man —private » n*< tranca. tetepnone. shower AND &njoy those f r'c , - s of either Very ciean. 15* 5-1327 j KPeotbaU •JPBONUTS APPROVED rooms for men. tingle ard double for summer and fall. «*? 1H M. «. C. 10 7 W. Grand River, East Lansing. TF m Renew ICA Seminars Library Gift June 23, 196# MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Fate Tfirrt ! that Michigan State University- and working drawings are now \ i$ Grants, Gifts for MSU For MSU-0 Oakland will be able to keep the door open to the increasing being made. It is expected that bids can be let and the work begun by Sept. 1, Vatnfcr said. The Board of Truste.cs has ac¬ Near Half Million Total cepted a Krexge Foundation grant of $500,000 toward a re¬ numbers of college-age boys and girls in south-eastern Mich¬ igan It will be ready for use by Sept. 15. 1961. The sturcture will house ap¬ quested amount of $1,500,000 "THE KREAGE LIBRARY," he Gifts and grants of $424,760 23, » program to be directed by Di proximately 200,00.) volumes t'»r construction of a library said, "will be the dominant fea¬ Including $190,000 from the In¬ Frank R. Pea body ,n microbiol¬ and can be enlargen by the ad¬ ternational Cooperation Admini- building for Michigan State Un¬ ture of the campus, not only in dition of wings to three times ogy and public heath The pro¬ ftration to continue seminars in iversity-Oakland, • location, but in function It will its original size. When complet¬ ject concerns fundamental % and The $500,000 is to be made be the focu? for every communications for foreign applications cf bacteriology hi building_ ed the structure will accommo¬ available to permit start of con¬ and activity on the campus, be¬ trainees, were accepted Jur.e Id school science murx • date 110!) study desks, as com¬ struction this summer. The yond this we plan the library by Michigan State University's The B^ard alio arre-qrd pared with 150 in the present Board of Trustees. grants, totaling $14,265, to Krcsge trustees intend to con¬ as something significantly dif¬ be temporary library. More than 1.600 ICA trainees sider subsequent grants. ferent and of vital importance used for scholarship^ In business, government, Industry Stanley S Kresge. president to our efforts." . . CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . . and education from 61 foreign '■! the Foundation, said: Architectural plans for the . . . QUICK RESULTS . . . nations have participated since Olympic Team with "W> HAVE interest the been birth watching of this building have been completed . . . HIGH READERSHIP . . . the seminars started in Juno, rmi i i-tn i t w 11itn ti rni mm i n iiti 11 rri i rn ri en mm i rrrtrii in tirrnn i »i tn i itn 11 1956. To Train Here promising new university, with Million* of Americans now wear contact lenaes for normal ~ Under the new grant. 36 sc-** i - its emphasis on learning and its MStTs hew outdoor poo! w;H commitment to seek more ef¬ r vision with natural good look*. nars.will.be held for some 2.500 H The eontart lens enjoy ' ve the training * •<* of the I960 fective and more efficient ways wearer ran now participants. . . . U.5 mens O'jmvc of doing the university's job. keener vision wkler field of vl«ion DIRECTING the projec*' is Dr. swimming "We r eye protection all day wearing comfort r David K. Berlo. head of the de¬ tram, accordm,- • . MSU Ath- are making this commit¬ E natural appearance jz letjg Director Biggie Munn. ment. partly for these reasons broader sports actlvUlea r. partment of general communi¬ The find partly because thus library, cations arts. team tv.'I co.'isist of E Would you be Interested In discussing the possibilities of E about 30 of t.V nabens top the heart of any university. contact lenses and TOUR eyes The one-week ICA seminars ... ■ r consider how ICA trainees, who swimmers, and * 1'be in Fast mu.-t bo provided Immediately have been in this country from I anssng fr - A g 6 through if this new institution is to Dr. NaroM A. SfcsMsr I" Last year V.--' Un te i States grow." eight to 12 months on various I OPTOMETRIST s - Aroeri-an •-.*;< f, r both MSU-O Chancellor D H projects, can best utilize what IVanhne 2-1661 men and women vert* heid at Varner said the librarv gift "is E MaII Court they have learned when they re¬ Frandor Center Lansing, Michigan ~ M-U. the breakthrough that insures turn to their homeland. riiiiiiiiifiiTiiMiiiiriiiimruiiii.nminiiimiiHiiinfNriHiiiwHriHiMiHnniiiiir* More than 75 different faculty members, not only from Mich¬ igan State but from JfLotbtxJn- RALPH'S CAFETERIA stitutions, have taken part in the program, including specialists from the departments of speech, psychology, sociology and an¬ thropology, political science ad¬ 44 Truman lakes vertising and communications. The seminars are conducted at KEWPEE'S" Symington a lodge in West Virginia and will FINEST IN FOODS Krpnrlw* surrounded former President (ion, nhoul hi- choice. Sen. Symington. for move to Boyne Mountain, for the AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT summer. Harry S. Truman at a press conference on the Democratic nomination. hul dialled A $24,966 grant from the W. K. campus June 12. Mr. Truman parried ques- with reporters almut KOTC. Kellogg Foundation of Battle It's OsavsaisRl It's Fast It's I Creek was accepted by the Board decree to Dr. Commager said In 1929 he received the Her- for support of the recently form¬ Commagcr in • oar For \n.ir * influence on Ami- Hol American A. Adams hisforial award of the ar the Dcmw. .»?„.• erations. through your distin¬ Knight of the Order of Dannc- commission, consisting of six party in the November elect •or -:. guished teaching, (or your con¬ Colombian and three American tributions as author and editor borg. Denmark. On the* question of Kennedy'> members, is headed by Dr. Paul t o the understanding of ouf past, Commagcr has studied and rr'icion. Commager said: tough in Europe, Scandinavia, A. Miller, MSU Provost. for < -ur active pari n bringing •The drawbacks and advant¬ world England, and Israel. He has Leading scientists and mathe¬ aim ut understanding maticians from universities and ages of Kennedy's rehv.f-n w.ll written and edited more than among peoples, and for your industries will be made available ;• t to cancel each other out, a score cf books on American courageous defense of the prin¬ history and literature, includ¬ to Michigan's secondary schools Kennedy will sain in the north¬ ciples of American liberty, ern states which count, and will ing "The American Mind." under a $20,990 grant from the Michigan State University con¬ The Ideal Place 1w in the state which don'i fers upon you the degree of *582 "National Science Foundation. l» Meet Your OPEN TO SERVE YOU "1 count ** THE GRANT to the Michigan Comfnager ft'' re .»«*aab1y doctor of laws.' Two Win Plaops Academy of Science, Arti and Friend- Over A Snack or Jii-t Commager received his bach¬ certain that the southern ytares elor of philosophy, master of On School Board Letters will be administered in A 8 us. • 12 MMsHs Sir.-Thar. would go Democratic m Nov¬ ii.ts, and doctor of philosophv the MSU Science and Mathema¬ Cup of Coffee. "KEWPEES" A ember. tics Teaching center. The project Tlir CITATION which prr-.- degrees from the University of Chicago. He also holds a • mast¬ Two MSU administrators were is designed to improve the status Name to Remember. 8 ads. -1 *J0 aas. Fri.-Sat, den! Hannah read In present¬ elected to the Okemos school of science and mathematics edu¬ ers of arts from Oxford uni¬ ing the honorary doctor of laws board June 14 in the annual cation in Michigan according to versity, t tj school board election. Dr. T. Wayne Taylor, director of IIEBERMANN'S They were Jaeweir Breslin, assistant dean for continuing ed¬ the program and associate pro¬ fessor in the center. ucation, College of Education. Forty teachers will be support¬ Breslin, who was appointed to ed in a five-week workshop on TRAVELER'S AIDS the hoard last year to fill out the term of Robert Darragh, elected to a four-year. family finance education under a 915,500 grant from the National USED was Committee for Education in lakt troafclt mI of travsl Hatch was elected for a three- Family Finanree, New York City. year term. This will he the fourth year for Lyman J. Bratzler, professor the program which is directed by of animal husbandry, is now Dr. Russell J. Kleis. associate serving a three-year term on professor in teacher education. the Okemos school board. His UNDERGRADUATES in vari¬ wash is term expires in 1962. ous fields will participate in re¬ search programs under four grants from the National Science Foundation. They include $16,270 to be used under the direction of Dr. Sherwood K. Haynes, head of phyaica and astronomy; $12,- •50 to Dr. Homer L. King, direc¬ tor of the division of biological science in Science and Arts; $4,17$ to Dr. Harold B. Store¬ house In soology and SIM to Dr. Dana Cederqulst, bead of foods and nutrition. NEW The National gdanca rounds- (ASA NOVA No. 2 til TEXTBOOKS Fias flnas Children's Books - Paperbounds INFLATABLE HANGER 61.00 FOR THE BEST BUY ... SHOP AT THE Trip.^ted aids that do so much to make any journey a joy. You'll want them yourself—and as gifts for vacationing friends. Wash n'Dri, compact towelettes pre-moistened with lotion; stretch clothes line hangs anywhere; travel soap in squeeze tube lathers in cold water; inflatable hanger takes no space and is great for drip-dri garments. SPARTAN BOOK STORE Tbs KIT INS tabes A SUPERMARKET FOR EDUCATION lf>7 8.W( 2M K. Gna* Rivtr Opcaat 5iOO p.n. CORNER OF ANN AND M.A.C. AVENUE LANSING EAST LANSING .u ,... , sstot... >v iV . r f, ■ ' iajmr -W V MTCWOAN STATS NSW8 JIM tt. IMS 'Brotherly Keepers' Help Kids physics and ••tronomv, Oct J, I960 to Aug. 31. 1961, Fond Trustees OK Appointments, Foundation fellowship in va; Xharlot W. Titkemeyer. as- aociate professor Aug. 13, I960 to Gene¬ of anatomy, Aug 15, 1962, We are our brother's keeper eight to 10 children end coiuut ol such things u dram,tics, the help of a group leader, Mim Dorothy Greene, YWCA eald Spicknall, Lincoln, Neb, grad¬ uate student. Some training in social physical education, novation, work, so says a group of adults who ataff merfiber and director of Promotions, Resignations hand crafta, carpentry, mualc. — JC-A. work in Tndonesia; Kmd- the club. or special education la detirabi,' ric J. Mortimore. coordinator, give of their time and talent to dancing, outdoor trips, and (or thoi, who wish to work help about 90 children with Several MSII atudenU are continuing education. .Sopt 16. sport* auch aa baiketball and with these children. Miss Green • their problems each Fiidny group leader*. Among them; professor of physics staff physician,. health service, 1960 to Sept. 15, 196'.. Carnegie wrestling. Albion Jr.: Roy. said. A vital internet in children Thtrty-one oppmntmcnts. 20 McManus, July 1. grant for study University of night at the Lansing YWCA, 217 The small group activities are Pattl Pickens, Is mandatory. (eg.) Harrold . ,v.l agronomy; John C Oallo- Town send street. mond Blade, leaves, seven promotion* and now SABBATICAL leaves of ab- Chicago, and Martha Soltow, planned by the children with \vav. p-ofe.w-- of art (MRU-O); librarian at the library, Aug. 1, The children arc fourth *t«!gnmcnL«. 14 miscellaneous through sixth graders. Ha. J Fromm, instructor of, * Agricultural engineering, July 1960 Uv Aug. 31, 1960, tr*p to changes and 23 rmigna* ins .^-d They are not delinquents. r. ksh i V.SL'-O) snd Donald 1. 1960 to Dec. 31, 1%0. UTtte New York state. tc'■■vnin*tion* ai MSU wore ap¬ Rather, they are children who, NEW VAN CLIBURN jVui W.l-.en.nk. instructor, t vbook; David G. Moore, promotions and new *s- proved June 16 by the Board of o.-Visual Center. ^ for one reason or another, have T.u<'ees. A . profesor and head of personnel aignmenta: difficulty in their relationships OT1IFR NEW appointments: and production, June 20. 1960 William Haight, from Instruc¬ v ith adults of their peer groups, NEW ArrOIXTMFVTR. cf- . S'einmue.ler. as- t.> Sept. 12. I960, revise a tor to assistant professor of ad¬ v, !i and who do not participate in fvtlve.Sept. 1. 1900. are as offM*.;. research devoU 1 » k Joseph A. Schlesinger, as- vertising ar»d designation as co¬ f 'lows: j usual group situations. v.. Vu 15; Burton K. s«viate professor of political ordinator for continuing edu¬ The parents of these children SCHUMAN PIANO CONCERTO ivvi ITymnn Berma \. »s-:s'ant u>.'>unt professor of cd- n- feasor and head of music, June Pakistan project a.< consultant, C, i,. '• ment of Lansing police. : snd finance; Don k. *v<:«tv.t prof. « r f' cl- F . -v ate athletics. July I: 13. 1961 to Sept. 10, 1961. study Pueblo, Mexico; Marcelle A. June 16 to Oct 15, 196a Milton Dickerson. profes> r and Lt. Young is chairman of the FRITZ REINER AND CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHETRA TVn.rjer *M.-tant wrcst- , in 11 tK>n: V lmfl7 T-'k vi. flvs C. Friday Night Club commitee, coa.-b.. July 3, Patrick K. Abel', assistant professor of head of business services, to the t ,t profes^ »r of t usi' 'Ml ' •g and is one of several persons --v. tor, radio f.mvgn languages, Oct. 1, 1960 Brazil project, June 16. I960 . j "leering; Beltv I Monroe, .«• I . , to March 31. 1961. study and to June 15, 1962; Richard M. responsible for its organization. br-uvtc "M .ng. J., v 1 The purpose of the club, she ->it profesor >>.' lev' lev, 20% travel in Paris, and Frederic *. p(; v ,1 a V';h an, manager Swen.son, assistant dean of agri¬ • ing snd rol.r'M , said, is to make the child's life ♦ WW.. \ »ion or vast. nt. R Wiokert profes-or of psy¬ culture, to the Colr husbandry, "The child is accepted for OFF » : ural rr.cnce i 71' ' -m i -g rt1ue.v..nn. Aug 1; Eh- in Toulouse, what he is and (progress is rich K Ed wards, librarian at OT11FR LEAVES! to the Colombia project in Pal- I ,n* Wolff, assoc.ate prof • T geared around him — his In¬ • Au,; 1: Donald H. mifa. July 1 to Aug. 31. 1960, Raphael, associate • Harold J. talents, abilities and , • r' tenguagr an i .'or. .» - terests, r A Vve» i • «»t 1 - H • J.n* 1 The.v) »re Luiif profesor of forest products, and Rowland R. Picrson, associ¬ speed," Lt Young said. ON HI-FI OR STEREO ate professor in the C«>unseling . Smith.- manager. BrMy group, 1. P>60 to Aug 31, 1960, The children are referred to 4 .in Dngua,:. ,-,h V A Aug Center, to the Ryukvus project ,t-, v 1; !f-.Sr-v, c 1 *nt. I, 1960 to June 10, 1961. ious agencies. The DISGSHOB ■, i and Glenn K. Groustra, tant pr.-*fes.vr of economics, Sept. Club membership is vflJun- 1. I960 to Aug. 31. 1961. con¬ NEW DESIGNATIONS and tiry. tinue work at Montcith College; changes in title and status: The methods of the club in¬ V'vmr.n H Martin, professor personnel and production. Sept. 1. I960 to March 31, 1961 *nd ciate professor of business ser¬ vices and education, head of the Department of Bus¬ to acting group are activities. The children encouraged to participate in July 1 1961 to July 31. 1961, both. Ml 1 1 1 I lls POl.tSIIES — — TAll. PIPES WAXES — — l'UNTS — HIM SUES EMI VEST PIPES *fu.iy of re->rgani7-atji>n of Corn Produces Company; Roi>ert H. Horw "r. aiMviatc professor of iness S«^r%'icos while Professor Dickerson is in Brazil. July 1; Herbert Kisch, from lecturer in eeonomfes to assistant professor Large group activities many of the sist of games Involve children and con¬ in the gymnasium open evenings pot: "■ enco. Sept. 1, 1960 and swimming. COMPI ETE I INK OE \ECESSOIMES *■> Dec 31. I960, study and of economies, Sept. 1. 1960 t.> Small group activities involve COMPUTE aito New & Rebuilt vv .\ng Sfuar: m Hon.-vhi'ij. . C '< i-we'H. associate Aug 31. 1961: George A. Hough, 111, from assistant instructor to instructor in journalism, July 1 Arthur T. W Vox. profesor, research development, associate 323 E. Grand River ID 7-0909 profesor of ,speech. Sept 1, 1960 spring glass • • ST ARTFR* «.t MRSIOKS to Aug 3:. 1961. s'udy at Un¬ 1; John M. Mason, associate Sep* 24; James T. Anderson, iversity of California; Malvern profes.ror of education, addition¬ professor of, mechanical engi¬ 11 II MIS SERVICE • Mil WITH riMM al designation of associate pro¬ neering. July 31; Burton Lam¬ • r*r»rtt» fw« 1*11*4 M l I'Tl'IV riu*Tt« Obrecht ass.v.ate professor, cn- at hii« Ten W»ll gmeer.ng (research). May 9, fessor in the division of bio¬ berts, instructor (research), 1960 to Mav 23. I960, trip to logical sciences in the College ehejnistry. May 31: Donald L, Germany; Samuel M Futral. Jr., of Science ami Arts, July 1, riermattel, instructor, surgery DIAMOND NEEDLES ji>> professor of mechan- 1960 to June 30, 1961. and medicine, July 17; George AITO cng.necnng. Sept 1, • 19*10 Lute Aionso, from assistant A Melanson, sp«v!ahst, Viet¬ KRAMER iwins to Aug 31, 1961, eontimie «tudv at C.T-e Institute; Faye Kinder, a'-'SiV ate prof«->ssof. foods and n.i'r: m. Sept, 1, H»60 to Dec. instructor to specialist in edu¬ cation, July 1; J. Sutherland Frame, professor and head of mathematics. Sept. 1; Richard nam Cole, project, June 30; David C. economist. Vietnam pro¬ ject, June 6; David G. Pease, instructor, Audio-Visual center. MACHINE SHOP SERVICE 31. i960 reyrs a b-v»k; Murrav .1 .• es, as s.x.a'.e professor of F. Chapin, director of libraries, additional title of professor of Sept 2; Dorothy G. Pardee, manager of Williams hall, July 1. I960 to Aug 31, Journalism, Ju'y 1; Homer D. 15; Stuart C. Chenoweth. asso¬ 6 5.95 art, Sep; SDO E. KM VMV/OO ST. P1IONE IV I IMS 1961. Fulbright grant lor study . Higbee, to assistant dc.in of ciate professor, speech, Aug. 31, in Japan. international prr^rama with tbe 1961. Joseph Ba 11am, professor of academic rank of associate pro¬ fessor, July 1; Ralph Smuckler, from assistant dean to associate dean of international programs, July 1. and Richard C. Fell, vo¬ cational educational adviser, ad¬ ditional designation of head of MORE ONF. YEAR DOUBLE GUARANTEE SAVE the advisory group at the Ua Ivors ity of the Rvkyus, July 1, TRANSFERS: BRING YOUR PHONO-WE'I.L CHANGE Roger W. Weseott, assodatt profesor^ of social scifnee, to associate professor, division of IT FOR YOU WH(LE YOU WAIT. language and literature, Sept. I: Malvern F. Obrecht. associ¬ ate professor in the division of engineering research, to asso- late professor of chemical en¬ ifrDISGSHOP MONEY gineering, July 1 and Ralph D. Harper, professor of veterinary pathology, to professor of sur¬ gery and medicine, July 1. RESIGNATIONS and termin¬ ations effective August 31, I960: Robert L. Kvani, assistant open evenings h 1 profess^xr, actsountmg and fin¬ ance; Dir.iftl R. Fiwfeld, associ¬ ate profesor, ecomwn icx; Robert ON economics and continuing edu- J. Wolfson, assistant profeasor, ratJon; John B. lough, instruc¬ 323 L Grand River ED 7-0909 tor, achool of hotel, restaurant and institutional management; Ward J. McDowell, associate S I J PL: IV k USED professor, tnarke' ng and trans¬ portation; .Tod H. Davis, assis¬ tant DRAKES professor. s;xcech. WESTMINSTER HI-FI Robert Mayberry, assistant E : M Y L professor of health, physical ed¬ ucation and recreation; Donald t ; K H. Hughes, associate professor, j 1 education. Ge.urge E, s i s i a r.! Keenv. as- professor, education; H Ralph W. Gilchrist, instructor, electrical engineering; H K. Kesavan. astictant prufewor, COMPLETE CATALOG BOOKS e«ectric»l engineering; Jiai.th L. Ikenberry, instruct .r, .home i manager:rr.t and child develop¬ ment, Jack M Pernecky. as- abunt profess -, music; Keitn G. lubke. instructor, veterinary Drake Reiiaen Stelae. k patnologv" v.nd Elmer-R. Munk- 111.1 !'. CimikI Rivrr HALF PRICE achy, manager. Br-dv group. U1IILR RESIGNATIONS *nj (A«k For Terry) ■termination* arc: AT CORAL BAILES' • ILFORNO • RESTAURANT • • i i ii* DISC SHOP II 'the name that made PI 17. A famotii in Lrw»frt|t*S a h COMPLETE DINNERS • SANDWICHES • SNACKS open evenings OPEN DAILY 5 P.M. • 2 A.M. UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE CiUrit to Private Parti—. > BuffrU > Bug arts (OtKR OF EVOOOEBI & GRAND HUB R.ATUSKELLER OPEN WED. THRU SAT. 323 E. Gtaad Rim ID 7-«fW ■* ...I... ■ ... m MICHIGAN STATE NMts t Rook Review Extensive Extension human be'ng«. which, a* time*. /Aiour wo, \ 1 V e$,ICANVno, I '][< M-em to be generally overlookeit. June 23, 1969 Page l ive [ CHAUCe J lASN£|_y\SEAU.Y M/ . Similarly, there are the inevita- report facet of one «>f pop¬ 1 on n Courses Offered in State Interesting Interns" ' > related problrr.,; to be faced ular fiction'* mo*t recurrent jiiSL the hospit,i/> permanent «uhJpot? - 'he medical piofcs- ■J iff. and Fro.io offer* few .* :• -n G:»juatlnf twlor». graduatt up to and including the first * a Handles (llosed Society , Donald A Ya'- s .mlrntl and other, Interwted class sessions at the C E S Re¬ insights into these a* well. continuing thalr education gistrar's Office. 308 Administra¬ A years' end holiday setting summer are taking advan- tion Bldg, or at any of the Con¬ noci TROT SNARL , . RIC'IIARO mt:m: effectively highlights the lone;.- , of MSU extemion coursn tinuing Education Centers at Ronton llarbor. Grand Rapids, --WL'-lhTvrihr— * in middle two-, a >ms of the interns whose status Fve te depicts as something com- ness and frustration whic i * .e ALEXANDRIA*. Va bf»-A \ml in all parti of the auto MAVY MX) HADA PHYSCAI author ob'-crvc* in the lives <-f Continuing Education Michigan State University- f I TlllNICItJOflfOSWEAi) roused some critical -n.' vi :»• • ? that Of an army re- hi_* peoj.e A.. "Entry F". ti. g trettmg across the bu«v Si"v tec. 100 graduate. Oakland, Saginaw and Traverse CHKkf-OP LATc.vr LTssettinsfatT/j 1058 with his first new-!. "Fr* E'. which examined ' r •.■■■■■ • .n basic training (but with pay—the unmarried doctors there .•• no •-. rkariy heroic (;gu: bk If. highway "\V •/'ingtoti set of? entrance a eha. i ••> to- v.re than City. Glorv .* * •npromscii, honor i* di A motorist Jammctl mi rgraduata and informal Classes will be offered at Al¬ provtuced in a group •* j ■ p i. k tin forty dollars a month). made re'at.ve. reward for serv¬ h brakes, five cars we: e are open in 27 Michigan pena, Rattle Creek. Benton Har¬ 4>oys by an lll-fate • he:r condition of chron c 1 Miles Southwe*t of Lansing an M-78 , business, engineering, art. Specific information en course ' by Richard Frede. deprivation tend* to drive many « nv -h. mathematics, history, ii-sphy. psychology and phil- are open to qualified offering*, credit, meeting t'mes and dates van be obtained bv contacting Dr I, A Doy'c. a* S!r> Random House. 372 page*.. M 95 which t\',-.ibjecta to positions from 'my fashion elaborate fri • sat • si n 0 (2) lilt; hits mg (the author makes the m«>t ' The*e *tracer * are de- HIT NO. tIt 'AT l?3t LMl . Ment*. the University Extension Office. • IIIr NO. (21 AT 19 30 f the several meanings th «•• •>»'ments will be accepted 27 Kellogg Canter. Ext 2418 « .« .rood n- t only ' ■> provide for term may have! at a setvuing's «viwtonal evasions of duty or typical metropolitan ihstitu'ion f> perilous sexual and criminal WALTER Special Mission Name Manager —here called New Norih sal Hosp.- •ia son* but serve to provide the /items with means • f a«erting HANNIBAL HRENNAN To Columbia For Atlilelie The story center* on the prob- ♦v. - >nd:Vidua!/v ar.d status a* IN and kit fantastic For the Provost Business Office "BOY MO i,ast :i hays: elaphmnt army Paul A.' Milter. MSU pro- '3ohn Tact?, a veteran of 10 that left Tuesday for a two- 'ear*' sendee in the MSU athle¬ Thr (Irral Mil* THE LAUSHIH6 • h stay in Columbia. South tic business office, becomes busi¬ ,Mtt UMim * THONI IP !•*** thbbend * erica will be tatrfftg pan in * ness manager of athletics July !» half the 000' !> His appointment to succeed m Study mission sponsored world!, me W. K. Kellogg round*- I.ymrn Frimodig, who retires at the end of this month after more than 40 years on MSU'l athletic KHi LATE r.t HT SHOW r'• I>r - Maurice Perkins. profe*- international agriculture, aiso a commission member. f,sr Columbia la?t week. staff, was approved June' 16 by the university's Board of Trus¬ tees. • s\n imrat attraction £52jEl BSl • 1 l«aeu», 39, is an MSU alumnus. .Titer wilt work with other -•embers of the commission. ... He studied commercial art and M JOY.RIPH AiLTHKWilYll JAS was active in this field from the -MiMMi,waii«acna»^ CRAIG \j-iy of higher education, cy- •«ior. « in ar.d research ;n agricui- Columbia end of World War II until 1949, when he came here a* an assis¬ L«Dd)btg Reynolds. IN tant in the athletic business of¬ TVv w ill later make recom- IT STARTED WITH A Rigs — -iat-ors for change* in the fice. He v as promoted to assis¬ IVICIORLMATURE -.'grant to.the rector of the Na- tant athletic director in 1958. "SHOST University of Columbia He served in the Nasal Air ntabt* urndat 2 honofru l IIIT^t rn- •.al Pogata. • is a srecir' Corps during World War If, see¬ ing sen ice in the Pacific theatre © MUM© OR LOCATION IN TMC NATS?ACT I ■ [ IlGC!! Tha com.mi" ion t group 'crmed outside P e of operations for two years. He mqmmMM nMOlK*«vMmU. .SuwCwaet DIVERS" was discharged as a lieutenant, •SU 'technical assistance Titwucotor W^WHlkOS.1 ■ in Columbia. From junior grade, early in 1948 Laetx is marries! and has four PWDOUNSI fewiWOOMI I l930 the MSU Cvlurobv • 5* i«et was f'Btnced by the In¬ eh/rirvn H> wife. Gerald i no. ternational Cooperation Admin¬ e'.-o is an MSU graduate. They \.Ss P^.V: istration. Since th-n it has been have four children, Thomas ■©»• whMrHuI musical advanlurc...R'a csOfuwi t anced by the Foundation. W. K. Kellogg J.-hn, 12: Marilyn, 9: Pamela. 3, and Amy, 2. 'Tff'WK WITH THE WBD'ffMTRi iffr VNb WRb Willi I Mil WNW Vi HH ■ IMWI* N-G Id R***•'"* A Csoqs fal on # 0«< Ipiiiii MSU (Geologists of MSU Seek New .Oil stantval untapped ol deposits, "A Fascinating Job!"-. twn thumb )m A err*' geologists w.i! t-v to study Oil and mineral which are hard to locate The schedule for the crew eepoeitj in Michigan's lower has them exploring Allegan, peninsula this summer by mea- Ottawa. Barry and Kent coun¬ 'Z gravity and magnetic ties from June 20 to 27; Ionia, TODAY anil FRI.! r>r. William Hinre, av- star/, Eaton, Clinton count.e* June 28 to and Ingham MICHIGAN I onllnacua Eram I P.M. July 4; and professor of geology and di¬ Shiawassee. Livingston. Genes* today al I, 3:0V 5:10, 7:29. 9:39 P.M. rect** of the project, said Mich¬ nv. Oakland and Lapeer coun¬ igan ia believed to have sub- ties, July 3 to 11. AIM SM.'BtS OF HUCKLEBERRY FiNN iHimiiKiiiiimmnNiiiiiiHi^ » . - » .. LETS ALL 00 TO . ■ T—irraw It - SUPER BM0IHIDIY! Lake Lansing Park! .MirhiEM Stale I'aivamily ali -day i'hkvi k — two features! FOREIGN FILM SERIES FAIRCHILD THEATRE Fri., SaU June 24, 25 7:30 p.n. Admiwion: Site FIR FOR ALL, NOW SHOWING KIDDIES GIADMER Ml.*, ,1 I N - l.U - 1:1, . 1:11 AND iaf Mr s«b! » ADULTS ~®i Circus I4 # ()/*■« \i PRICE DAY-EVEKY WEI). Daily, l/ifriiiNiti and Evening. Except Mondayt ■ ffl'BO'RROKSj n IHHIIMIIH TIIIRP RAN ON TIIL MOUNTAIN THICK AT 0:37 TBCMNtCOLOfl * M - LATE MfVHii • Erttia Rem berg t Vvonne Mmilaur — 2ND EEATI RK— nouu nrouunox cau. »i-ui; CCMHT! A DATE WITH DEATH • STARTING SAT.! • until he met the recklexs So er*oJ- Fortune who lived by the sword' ~ IL.i'.^w «ai iflj' i (i'i i», l p h □ n t > r . ; o - WALT DISNEY w«~ HgMiwi m.s—AIHMSihiLBUN w* GI NS OF TIIK TI.MBf R LAND ONCE AT 19:4! — 3RD FEATLRi: — HETL'RH 07 TRE FLY HTTII VINCENT PRICE — SHOW N LATE — .sTSTTriUU - THI K. JI NE 2(iTtHRirr^r yrMmte&r. ■— T»« Movn. THAT V.'as H»IUB PTTER F3CH • J.V.1ZS Mac-MTFL/ OtNauNCio-MBS Miuien BX/O 111 iy fbi's, co iiit: \ il a days araamc sex. jcne scth 1h 1960s btg bright romantic tiT:'.: f rwAOLsThe.Adventures 0f I James Garner Huckleberry Tirn ieWbod .TUESDAY! xUrrini Belly • Chariton Ueston • J as. Hie war I (THE gTOBY OF RUTH 1 ^ST^S^LJ 2ND HIT a IET OVER THE atlantic M i \ "ar-Mn <- r t'c Summer IM Has the tohn lUy Wk'tm-v }■ t on 'Oti \* »s s»!e *-.» •• f . J.on. "in io-> «>r oali^andip cent Sport for Everyone a-K\ Mr* tee relume 1 •t. An)Oi caii otHtfattdn " \ to then home in Ea«t Prpf I.-"" s live o; v. and pian to leave for and lough< at UnUo I wail pvrv > '•<> io.n : ,.l t i., ttu -uuvn-1 \f!\i\lt iiki>s *i.\i ks st.d; LEN KOSITCMEK'S VARSITY SHOP 22* \m«nr KIT I WOES ( AN Rl RENT 1.0 < -i»o the docks "' .o Farm lane and arrow '.Me river from fUio- •ation building Oitltien' in( Ann Street. I t Summer ice skating faoth'ies MSI! 1'iihlisllcs I? Aleck* North of Bcrfcry H*U» are located m TVm ball. tnndav School *t It • m Campus P#«ter: Penald II H* t» An open league soft ball m . Neu Edition of Rcsirtcai r»«i«T Charles htink >fc i* bring sponsored H» Mill or I II ?•?: u summer by the IM department, Voters (tiiide and anyone connected with 'he ,,p ve-«!'v ran participate Ro*- An ur-te-da'e fu.de to ef'e,- e- sheet* are available at • e IM office in 201 Mens IM. The live participat on n pel.,f-cat en m v deadline is- noon Tbv-r — party activities hat been pub- , % .1 ,ne 30 f;«->,ed recently bv the R,;-rsu of T'e IV office • ai«o aponso? - Vv;a' and Poi hcal research en .-u; student tennis tournament, cunapu* a!' rummer student* If there First published in 1#A5 under are « sfTh-irrd entre "Guide to Michigan Polities'' bv i>, Joseph I-vPalomhara, head EIGHT! I.N -IIOI.r. TOVRN A- of the political science depar'- It*.!* I.. Montini ttratno I NT c'f w 1 take pace at merit. i« mote than a voting .«• AVer* p'*\ed under the k• •« the -if'i kvs; sw im-uit on ?!:r ' -.ma* hand ap «>*»em A vt vfiiv mm;e%u •> . innase Nfatsea mr ROOM.I T •( . i - •. a f. be*t ball tpumfejuept ? vo l «s la.aa II at f t. Jr Mull as heel 119 Abt»«« R« Witch of col top, adds a doop-v Wck he ' r » for faeuHv and >iu. voter can ptrnopiti effective;-.- • . - in election* itib fitimi at i ts a ,--cv . h one faculty *nep*ce- and vide at raps for flattery H.O.V Electoral rho-cev have o* te aa Miwii :(f thee «• idr-'« n ea-.4> Ret John F Cwriee » ghaplain •cant connection n»uf.h publ.c' Bail* Masses III. T:M 4? IR AM bee onr entire collection, now at t rihterv and NartWy pmtidra no!icy. according In LaPalom- 1* ia a m. IS'otshijt bara Rrr. * Rohetl Gardner it* peak in vanetv . . . cot tops, A hti.M vg * id fact! ' With rnntiniiinc I htirth *rhn^t ?!>• Michigan population and po? - Minuter in Married arndrnts -tided for student Use third grade and under km!*, iaMev; «o!td and patterned *r st-iKlcntg to use them t ea! district* are described n • udent i* welcome to u*e ore section of the booklet Other aiRMON -muo TO sravi' sheatli". I vox iejr*. drape*. maiHot*. >or? area* during in* >f chapter* deal w.th poU'.cal p«~- .nr« 'he build.ng is open • e«. factmns. elections, ar.4 f nltnnea h* arnnnd-hreahinr '«• skirted style*, two-pjece and bikini ru'es for eampai|fn;ng < hnrrh hnildini at Ui.V Shtjan TIIE HOTRN AR1 Road For the novice, there « Mips. 10 to 20 size*. 10.95 to 29.95 M -rday through Thucvdv* A~cte Information or registering arituNTs ttiroMC m to k p.m.; Friday, tO a to vote a* i a« diagrams on Call fa Wilt for tranaeortat'fa • A p.m. Saturday, 10 a r-v. how to properly mark the ballot. v: , and" Surk'fisy, t p.m. Everest groups, a bvgevrran to r-;-.v citjetn* are described n «tc -« ANOTHIR r%A1rHl.IT cu. • iishe-.i by the same MSI' -e. search bureau ana.yres the c m. Hate* ?tv* coming cveptf Ms it rw announced tn the Stale News troversial t*.«ue o* appointment th«» week bef.tre ihs event. in Michigan. "Fair Repreaentatuont A C— » yen's Guide to l«eg;a at.ve Ap- po^tJonmen• in Michigan." tv Hddtvert GarfiRkel a~d T* 3. Win. present* both sides the reeppertxwtment prrblem. Garfirke! It an aaav ita pre- festar «nd Fdn «n tnstnactor in the bureau of serial and politi¬ cs] research. Mr*. Brodv Died June 1 •. Mrs. Marts c' %. Bnxi*. v fe *>? Clark L Br.xiy . former MSU I Uun f«r l'af**r»Ky trustee, died June. 17. S.'ve was im' pum. . Wilw Miy ftrmwi T| years old and had been ill •etvlcr for jkvme time. They were- married :*i URN? when Brody was St- Clair coun¬ ty agricultural agent in port Huron. The family moved to the "Lan- sm* area in 1921 sehen Bmdy juvved the Michigan Farm Bu¬ reau fiaff. He later became a member of the university's gov¬ erning board, serving 3d yea-- XHMIV Xihmii The Brody group of dorm: tor res MvrnlMt W»r*Kte Is named after him Funeral wtrv ces wr-e held Saiurriar a: the Es:e«-Treadle'■ Colnnial chapel' The Rev. N A McCune. nastor emenlvs of peo- T-'e* Church, and 'he Rev Paul Mo-~;jw»n of Central Meth-odi* * Church, officiated. Bur a], was tr Evergreen cemeterv Pal,bearers included Karl H NEXT TO RCMTATVON McDone!. secretary of the MSI' board of trustee*, phi'lvp J May, xhee president for business and f inance, and Thomas K Cox - den. dean of the College of Agrieulture- JI'VT % JOMI SAN DIEGO. Cah! F \ real estate sign on a down town street reads; |gCW DOWN OWNER IN. MitiiiGW *T%Ti; vr.us a ^ Y Don tttipll llrouiilit Glamor June 23. I8fi0 Page Seten Of ItiiHuhvay to the (^t mi his Dhnal.l A) Burl!, M, usi-vri. -Mr Broadway" and f* "Mr MEET ME AT THE • s.ty speech and drani.i pru'e-— Theatr*-. ' s »r wde*e pu*>i.»' talk*. :.id. . In IP.i* he inaugurated .♦ »- an t *e'.evo i-"i p; • • v >gram. Curt a o u t o. ,Aei MSI' <•*!;..>« WK.V; bh'i.o' lirut.J, v •» e.m - v ng "VWyV* and review , pus. dt. i June I . ».•. .i .- i.li wav plays. Tile pr*2>'i ■ men* . ft ou» 1 uniil 10A4 when lie boM .«• .»! Iij'4 was expanded to ijeeome » ha" Kedz_e dr. .n Ka-t l^tts ng Fas - our «vow on Michigan Sfa*. e-- x- sv* " • e . e" i Su • ) . • 'ov - on station. W'MSli Ju -. 11 K -I..o i ^ Go • ■ ■ . - During !h.• year* he refulot •. ' . . H i Bu iti w a* 111 I.. *- s •{ Od Broa.lway a put- m u • •. N V O he , vatev * - < rT> " So: \ 'r- i'ii V £ ,1.- 'A : . *m- , I! ir » « •' made Mr Buell a popuio Huo:', I -imnapui.-. Ind speaker for dubs and groups PI. WXI> MB. mill wii* "4 .\e Of for 'hroughout Michigan. .lanesvdie. \V * He joined the Tn tn.M he wa« named winner .Yetr Mathematics Head MM' fd.oi v graduate !M3T He « t HaoGuie l'n ve; - 'v a> a • u.ut »f a diatinguithed teacher used hi* $300 award a^« a pr re * n s Ban!. Main . and tei-ervett ■O establish an hisfcrlea? - vsi"* drparirreiit .tf tuathr- •i :i*di- y. dt'i'ee from Vs.. t on of t'iea'er a ' at the r- Stendhal Film Refreshment Relaxation Recreation ,> w ill have a new head b«- un vers,'* versity lhrar> The collect.";'' \ it Sept .isniiig direction * iH be l>« 1. . Before b'.ait. he eommg taugh* •<> tpee.-h Mu:v:»i and n.4* stn.-e hern expanded by 'he MSt development fond Tie - - .1 i* Sutherland WolU He frame wet \\ a* h > Opens MSU theater Nebraska a -- In a 1938 t'n.ver- he attended > . MTl.on k m i on a college campus .n the the ojilv one >f Nadnt the department t,.; Film Series I'nlversltx .! l.ondon for a country For Fast Action It's... THE BILLIARD ROOM cii »o in speeih an t n Ifl.'tH he The . >«t IT year*. collection n >w p.. ide* eondiie'ed a world tour of fore¬ niore than ."SO out.sfanding photo, France will *tcp down .-.i T ie Minutu r film se; ie« will ign theater* and universities graph* of *0ire 30 out sand i; g .in requert to *pf-:d mm. go: u'l.Ur w.iv lh:« werkexl Don Bue'l was widely known Broadway productions <) writing and nexearch- w '!i "•»* > • ng of the French • Well* b«v bevn a member* fk»n't •■tax behind the eight hall, lie! energrltr tut the-right pticlxet. four P. n "The P 1 and the Black ' . mathematics faculty vtnee T Kseiv ti'hr. :■> be shown billiard and two ••nimhcr table-.. •38 He is oo-iUthor of a b«vk Fnda\ <• i >i Sa'urdav in Fair- Let's ALL <;«> T<4 Tlie 't Crrential Equation*" and ha> eh.!d .v one of *;< to •• po*t-doctoral research and be shown • summer flour*: 1 - - H:!HI Mnn. Iltrti Fri. Broun UnlxersBv ant GAUERY ESPRESSO i at i ,-ornia institute of Technol- 'he the Amerioin- Citwrd on 1hc weekend rr\»vii»ced !*,,• on a Summer D«v. an . -'he-spot filming V. MSI* he ha* been eonneet- v v n *h * arSous mathematieal re- project* for the govem- of N'ow po • ,t <*7 the i r^r .ationaUy festival, and ' T«- famous I'pMair*. Across From Berkey n g We Smg.**—4wi«ed on the V - .1 Frame i* author <»f Geometry" and co-anthoi General MathematuV* ami * rhnr of numermi« artu a booh ■ « • l ie of S.d et h■ Based i N. 'he .>n i-.v B'a k" Hurok the povrt S'endhal, "The Bed .« one of Rouge the .Summer Coolers. Spiei'd W itli Imagination For Pleasure & Knowledge .v - i ?.on« to eme-ge fcsstonal Journal* He ho! v « F: • "•••'* Studio ■.•egrt»c* from Harvard u ■ •v Kappa and ix a member of I" lV*n. t > van, .«• Hoi Gerard Bh.lipe and foiix, r.velved ENTERTAINMENT - Sometime ■ ■ . • v a u\ "best aclre^H ' • * performance* News- l our Seniors . » - ... n . — > i 'i,-' Ooro'hv f'lm • K:'- fbe • o W » T e Wind' of art Honored at Graduation -f • . starring M ' N dek.i Takamine, •■/-drdi'v t ,v .1 pan ati.i 2 dr- f LONDON RECORDS » riep-f'-iig Japanese l.fe • wl • : s *. presents (he # New and Used Texl Btioks Wo. i of A in an In- .t : • i"• • f.. July RidMiaad-Talefeakaa Series •i • - Lake. Me t bath, K .jr t.an-mg. G; rem ' >; h and P. " ■ Dav V a ,i !<>. T. ".la?; T2 and rt . .* Wo K.- g i a Summer July. # Novels # Biographies a> B.t.l Khc-w\ T -v; S an:s 1 p,,» ,.-n of "The el Dictionaries # Kneyelopedias i V.tg.n a ThraK. Worlhtng- M ut cjuet n' w iii iw »m*n Ju'.v # :m *nd 30 Gedm.in fbm "Keep- ked V g-»." Auku-' V and » of ! .cade pom* o ri - k Br -. \ Cr' Aug ->• fr«-n . '? an d!3 the S'.eets,** # Reference Books • Travel Books Sfl ren's §1.49 S' r; mt*«e«.i mak.- . * S.na> ad.n.--.on s* * - or ad A a i 't wo t ek.' - t. the etgh- iWl it s H **•»:«» •• Ms\' "T a \ . \ f V i - o \ - be i-e.,.. §... .•h*.-c,1 for V.1 . T.?4> mm i' Large Selection of ^!Vl . « e »• 4 * 7he 0(ti 7mi£^ PAPERBOUNDS t. -v\ shi i ' o *' '• '■^nguage a no i-'e- <• llNlhovrn Third Symphnn. "Ernir»"—Erirh Klrihrr • I'n.veiMtv «»f A.s-Mo F. ;>r.c- Academic Kr«lival Oxrrturr (Hrahm-) 'A • no ns ma e i Hcrthnvrn Seventh Svmphont — 2 M of Hd~«, Th » > ,t> V CimrertKehnuw Orchentra UNION BOOK STORE .« ph\*tf* major who » 4 P49 vra.de avers ye Capriccn Eapain.il (Rim-kv-Kor*akov) Anaermrt ••'h!fd a ■>'ats..r„'d S- - Tristan and Isolde I'relude and l.ieheslod 5 • ■.c.drt';- n fellow-h p f "All i». ie people want for ixmdon I'hilharmnnir sfudv tviH ■ any attenn their birthrias ia not ta he re> . n I'niversitc next vear winded af it." Mendehawhn: Violin t'oncerlo—l.ondon I'hilharmnnir Your Union llook Slorr has a complete line of Issiks, supplies, and souvenir ommlttw af the'r r'as*. Canaea and l.'Arlesienne Suites (Hizet) Items. It is open from R:.W a.m. lo 3:30 p.m., Monday Ihru Friday. Service ?-.d faeults .i criH is Vbrftn a Thrall, a d Jen- Kour Seasaaa (Vivaldi)—Munchinarr . . i« rapid in this self-service styled stole. Caps and (towns, special orders R■ •i, the senior® of th« MICE TIUR WAT TO handled. Slop in soon, even if you jusl Intend lo hrowse around. New World Symphony (Dvorak) -rn-te Thrait earhed ar serving Boaid. national hon- a* » ST av. - pref-.dent POPULARITY Hrahai, VMia t'oncerlo—Ricci Romeo and Juliet Kaatasy (kertare Heethoveu Fifth Symphony—Vienna Philharmonic Books Bought & Sold . . . See Us First 'or »a»w» wini-n. and a- Till SIMMER direct.>r of orientau-'ii. Rachmaaiaofr Piano loncrrto No. 2—Julius kalchen ;-ad - 2 ST Averagm He A C.RI AT CM A NCI to become 0 ' or ot the I3r»0 Wdtver- popular dancer quickly, eaaily Saraa Lako Suite and Peer Dynt Suite No. I • id hi* ttther cam pun < -by acting right now! An Hrahms liuucarian 4lancr- have includs-u o esideno Arthur Murray expert will show you in one trial leiaoft Beethoven Violin Concerto—Adrian Baull IT's FUN TO IQWL tratermty, Aipfia Gamma the may to new fun. new popu¬ Beethoven Symphony No. S—Rrkh KMber larity. Hur¬ Finland ia (SIMius) ry in for Aeir ImmIhni this great Brahma Symphony No; 2—Furtwanaler Special Peer Cynt Suites No. I and Nn. 2 M Gfit-v r,'siting CamwU renninger. a highly Oder— The Rite of Sprint (Stravtamky)—Anoermel Hrahms Thrd Symphony—Keilherth * * mwl • fhil prep wre.-tUnc coach Franrh Symphony in D Minor—Munch "OlOi.. ha* Hrahms Symphony No. 1 > mounted urntir.: -h. acwdtog to Fend- wfe ♦- Tchaikov sky Piano Concerto No. i the imwn cafeteria tllinga, lead wrcstlm* litpui ma la air i laMtUaarg with gtoMnl horrouiol Sixteen alleys with fully automatic open bowlirx iw. . w. •'• ISI2 (Ivertere (Tchaikovsky)—Adrian lioult tag* *"4 faari priff*. ^ Mmn thru I rt 11:1$ - 1:1$. $ - ? available from 12 • H:3ft Mon. thru Fri. "ger'f aptKintmeot takes Nutcracker Suite (Tchaikovsky) 1 v ct a rational •vat 11:3* -!,$-: - estUni champion, Pci- Caprircio Italirn (Tchaikovsky ) Nun 13 - $ ^ vt, has-carhegj « no.itbr Peter and theWolf (Prokofiev ) 4. ',1 I2SH E. MirMgaa Ay*. t" gone 'anau.g wre* tiers who stamoruy r.n to college and PImnic IV S-7J91 jL_m-j.j_.i- The Pines and fountains of Rome (Respighi) Tchaikovsky Symphony No, 6—Munch 'sociable THE toppelia-S)lvia Italic! Suites—(Delibe-) I.U lagrthrr with the gang UNION BARBER al aiip of thp popular irrn Pelrushka (Stravinsky I—Ansermel at thp l'aivpr*ltv. nerving j lrxAi bhith Waltzes, of Johann Strauss—keilherth hrealkfaxt*. light lunrhea. and xnirhi. BEEP NEAT Polovtsian llaares (llorodin) * Old Colege Hall, off the AND H1LLEL FOUNDATION and many moir north wing of the grill, ipt rearrvrd for roffre tntv hour* or meeting*. Mon. - Sat. 7:15 • 10:30 Lifhl rhair ahop. Hour*: M .00 Sun. 10:00 - 10:30 a.m. la 5:30 p.m Monday- disc shop , . Friday, and t:00 a.m. to 12:fto the UNION MILL noon on Saturday. StNDAV.JL'hE 26.8:00 P.M. SIS HII.U KKST COH.NEK r.KAXII BIVEH ALSO Mores Mn... Maia Laiaga-Browsiag Roam-Masia Ream KVEKVONE CORMAL4.Y INVITED 323 E. 4.rami River El) T-OV4I9 Tabla Taaois - ami areay aoivaoiaooas for yoar Plaasore Mtt lWlW STATr Nths IK^S- STATU t.OVKHNOU. Ilill llnllimd. Allilnn. »l left. June it, IfNIt fete T.U h t :i political pop t*ll> »l "" n""* *,tt' "Hivoitllon of Iho Nationalist part) at lln)*' Stair this orrk. Alhrt than I ooo ((donate* to the mythical .Hat slate *pent a wrrk on Mr*. Walle d Joes Other candidates for no*ernorshtp alao the MSI campo*. haranuord dclciate*. In liuhl photo Alike Slarldrr. «on of To (Witt Aswmlil* Neil Staehler. state Iteniwiatlc chairman, aildrraars the Mrs. Esther, Wiklte, East I . i'ederalist contention. Stale Nens I'hotoa h* Ilill Callahan. sing, will be oitfytil Michia delegate* at the iWmocraHc N \w.1 .,> ut operate '-he hcw- t tonal coiivcntion lit \m Ana- org.mixed state, it.i io ;- Activities on Tuesday and July 11 K ■<. Mrs. W,tite,« on assistant eti , ., Wednesday included a heavy K * juris schedule, campus tour*. ip the. Uuieau of Business i ■ n v, • C I-Sis and ctinie* in govern¬ Economrc Reserach, is a mi . iimtr. ment and operation of tire gov¬ her of the Democratic Sm ernment offices of the 31st state i «-:v ii' Thi- morning Urc 1,045 boys Central committee. w:;: make limit traditional mas- Her vole is pledged to v, A ' S.-r John F, Kennedy of Massac mired on t e capitol where setts. Mrs. Waite told the s thr H vyill !m: a.nvwk govern- News. i session, Sao said she l« hot ready riti* afternoon there Will be i e T,ris..,>sf-mbU as the clos- predict the outcome of th< . vention nor gwss the nmw ceremony to the 11**0 Hoys' of ballots nK-pssary to nomir •. (• and tile mythical 31st gtatc . S \* '.. puie'.ly go out of existence. a presidential candidate. Ml. rtyiotnt a*c *1 Pvt C'-rdlmi Hf.vp pre-^rrgyn; ne-Vatim rwrinfcp* i**- March On Slate Capitol For Complete f t dmg c t -f» rf funest mesv preWsSkJMt si-'?. yw ten him we fill veur SERVICE p-asriptws, b* 1 v*' v Clinia\es 60 Ro>** Stale ray f-eir ;N> wdh romr'ete fcmMt net ft our aH'tv to \ • :rr\ r*V>P. pr-v^t- Ij iM it mmdk DHU6S PRESCRIPTtONS Dry (leaning-laundry - PICK UP & DELIVERY BABY HEEDS - PHOTO NEEDS * At I IUTORK * .1(1 HAl h HA 1 '«> COSNETICS BY BEVLQN. ETC. i* »»■**■** fr »•-*« (T)AtlM.ETK ASSORTMENTS I IIAIIEK PRESCRIPTION I) All.A CENTER o A.M. TO *:.10 IMI. Cleaner and Shirt laindry ■T FMMM NK\T TO NATtONA! SI NOAV H I' M. TO9:10 P.M. 1 fl «.rand Rmrr \crn*«% ! mm Student Sets tec Hid*. Vi NEW-USED TEXTBOOKS- SCHOOL SUPPLIES for Authorized MSU Courses Assigned Kcailini! v •• - V — Check The Famous Outlines — Study Aids in SHEAFFER'S Student * Pen Special QQ Paper Round Bookroom only yoc its 6000 Titles ALSO MAKE C.B.S. YOUR SUMMER SOUVENIR HEADQUARTERS EH SEND THE FRIENDS AT HOME THE STATE COLORS \..... m THE CAMPUS BOOK STORE 131 -133 EAST GRAND RIVER AVBIUE n ! EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN p.. . PHONE ED 2-4413 OPES FOR VOI R CONVENIENCE *:30 - S:» MON.. FRL MKIA. TILL »:(¥> l\M, CI.OSKO SAT. AT NOON