. w Akapo Fears Sit-Downs, SIiool-'Em-Ups B. nt HI.********!; - •: »w* < •«•* Mi- Vnttwt I't n • "high mir Km BWtt WH," .v., ,r,.j tv'«r« \V;nMna- lint iM-ntntthwi *t think Amrrhn t* big r?v-».'- '-'V ?•< hr>» 1m*»mi • —>' ■ to avemnodate »H l*\V-btddmu with Tlw* .|tr,.pi,tie ft-eM • IIPM? 'trtWtom*.* ebmmettteri Aklntwit ' r«wm«r*i»iBr tie*.!'••♦ ♦ fit-n "ttt iti<• Aknp-t i*f? NifvH*. "My cwM •>'«- \Ur ,»y- t wr-• 1p.-'i tniiMttit i- »m id-nred Hy hwk« up !b AmOrtrn and rip..' p»r **-» **ud* tr^gtxtr? v'•.■»• • ., „v -t,.,! ti.. •hunting her t»> tiv^'P to her r*i ?r« • ! art*4 fy'nn- »H:f' ?»rH *n «• ■ "H, ♦ ! > »*« tit »t pp-'t- "t . *' •• -1 '• •* '■>*> - l>H' - ♦•ft. • ' l*m of racial dlrcrimlnattnn." br U'r.- - « n> hv !tt !#«n \w in# ti"i >i.»U KM ( '*"• i-:**'.-<•«. Vp t •. wt*r* i«th Mi i'1 Akrtpo ha* been visit in it MSU b-irk ' *'•■* ■' i••*»•»« IH.'I,-' •• MiB' •! ' si n member of the International r** p K* f» litttfl. »n «•• \V t,..t »t, l Ir Iti-i ai|*>e t>f Cowperalfort administration. pari .,t, of thr Point four bwhnu-n! 9 ■* U» program. Since h<* I* the SO.ikHvit pa • •->*»» i«n relwti elpsnt in !CA. he win pp^tvt.iliy in 'h*4 ttntl«M S't'of by rcp'l.iont Fi^enivto »•» After a 'Pinester #t«*tyi»ia !••,»»*« in muni'v ttevptopmObt hi the tTn*. \'">n « Vpvsilv of Cs!ifV*mis. Akin" i< bpfinninn t\vo monlh« of tout-in# ind fiolii sttttiy. When ho toive* •**:*n*rd it «,!*r Pf: R««t tensing,- ho wtH eiMitlnno l-v t ,, , on to Jsmttirm itkt iWrtn Rto»* 1»4- VftK VOLt^fe 52, N«>. W FAST I.ANSlVt;. Mlt IIUiAN HH KS|»,\A . Jl IA 7. |!M*»o S|NM*ial Programs 4-11 Week Raise SeieneeV Stains Will (Jo Three *prv<:;' pcngum* de- . »t# *e* a* ourh m ',5 hn|uvvc thf u»t\H iO t'bioK Imbfoa. Iowa. Mh:h'#an. and "iilhmr? ;< br»-»M M'noe««o». OH»o. and^Wi^-wtsiw i-'oi-oign' ,.;?epfi ino««am* paHic.ipiMV- i- a h'gh !».' nvdiMi't- v tm-f #n i M i-ht-m;*' ■. . Teach .All lldtHk OUi-.iU,( •-• «•'• li X •! -,-r*»-A !•-- P In# foo Uu:«sl f»v flt lv#'i «'-hw! Ti»\*erh T» t»0!',30 sod roi'pgo teacheP* of *«Me,ice p' devoid \V Mac-', k <•"- and wath»-nvaM*s j . 'raMtte .w,|.»»ai.,» »»- *'»« T> avetlng a verirv of lectio e« an.! }4. I, -I,,' F*"»' he; p-Ogl.l'H P- I" ®o,MSf vctw'i*!* »-v| t•«»»». n i• «r • • >. n.'iiute U'»4»inu tmMnl>r of tin- MAT f,-,- high *vnd l*i *' 3' ! Wmw 1* ' < ,i , • of the Tor l'»c cccond »rn» MSU ha» f "• Mi#h and been designed a* «»ne o4 the oa- voile# *e*K"w" tiort'j four a IMttm; tute venter* to eondyct tit hijph fiudem* ia a g" 1 ravel ink Si'vienee teacher or>». griUH A wty|»! rammg pro- rertg* of k»t«»ibv m-Tnjwtf lev* tw^ea br leading MAP f'gim-v gvart for ?l tern l». i t- now \n tea*t»n, Hutltiy'i tw«lg , ■•«*,?» o ".tilde Twv-vr of the oa .-toan- ront»t..H «. *vd' « r ' ■£»»■«■■? , will lv uttUied in tic upeeif'-- ,4,0.1-- .r-v »o« iiif p|v isophy achnul **stem* which sic xpoo- aoring them in the training fr.». I'I! I Ki ll .1 VliSI OI, 1M P i i k. • I- ei . » gtd o The other twelve witl give domopsvirt'-on* during the c-vvn - it i, ||„.. . III'. Ill, 10.',III! , rcpre«en* Unitvf ! i'i*'.i ■'ii-1 . i •- . ( lii'e, I Jen - Ang»ic i» J »sch s r..I•* Staff AlemlM-r oitur, IN h' » . , . P \ csrolani Klvvlvil iMIvA I'rvw lirnmuiv. Ireland. IIu* W eatlier ( ■tin An- ln»iituic .Vanic* l i'. • »». if-j - *•.»! MSU ■ M< * ci, i-hI, N'rpiil, fPi-l turkey Norway. ; killed in (ii-iiftli -ic Hvn-v- f p J,i"h< M;t- in r» f'tiiir'-dav, nt the I'oivnsics I'roamius llciiin I n.>t<*!-t u ' »*,' !»?•• S' .'-ot-e and . tti. in.ith |.»» -i.i. i ' MI'I'T M fi> l_",_ l ank M l.i-ldl. Krtii. »' ..Hi i-iii. from Cmftlre* } rcscanh rhemi*!, died las' mi*. Ma hcrrwub - Tcachsng TOUT iu:>11 :iim , .<» i,.' set for nival . tH-. ■I' "VoUtll'# Totrr 'W* 1"» two-week Cfnm- , if'n an automobile accident in a:*-i I* r. #. M '*e r»j ti»v Uni - icut 11 r».-»ohin# "♦ . pf ( i>n»n-; " Ho will j.f»4 • • dany btfch> of s«v-:i I'our Here I <»r •h • i n,k vi:.u\ w-ix'k A»u Institute otwhed w:r'i 212 high M-IhhiI j! M»A.ro. He wx« enpouie to Mcitr-' vendv «f Mnhigao iff V e«voi f the*c #re j .uv cent occur*I i M'.< Wc.«I and the ».»uple- tarv ha- and Mtved rvcoitdiiiy a" vlv-mn tpu-hci "( l.l'lt-WEEK delegates will «*nth hw'i ii«...1 ■ * or *eait«|vrt vh t.v.vv.i'-' 'wei v m»-s Kour pp.y,: ind^i • i -uotled in f.itfnsk# »n«l theatre I '.WO ciuidren were int . e,| i>> Killed (licr Itli Kperintpnitvul, voltcjiv " i»<>»» <-- r i- Mst muNcifm •: in | have a.chance t<» attend rarer weekend— iliiftii'j w r» "he d« - t uirsi - a«-tH*niing to l> Kred j acchient whtch apparently hap ' » , and ron»uilahl i»< ■* tiUMihv M>rmh'i» let! Sunday for l<.vi¬ chisscn in 25 diffrrent area* of vbitect*. an J v nrv «■ r- AiexaOoer of the speech depart- J pened tvhen West fo'l avicep at Ricbant t IVi.hm 2'V *>' '•• rollrgi v and Mi *(' • ' 4 vollvi-t Oil" ' i d rmploymrnt," said Jim# Wlik- ' meiit j the wi»ci I. Luding'On. u. k iied m a traf- ! insmt. assLstunt «tair 4-If loader. Of ui'tos.t platvm. and fin a d« -• i> lite habitat display K.ilk Kitiiiiilatioii • vndscape a-.-chiKctufv th * vuw A tshiuicm high mxc ' wr- f:v act,dent June 30. He was a PTl HINTX enrolled in foren- held fi^'r Mr. Went in Mexico MSP *;»»dent A*i president. Vescotitti mil for the in11V! " urn » o ' | "These session* are designed to hcttd a profpsjiunn!. Mi iiu/ tium ijoer nu % will take the United Nations Dr. Rol I in Baker, director of help the young people Like a Cite baturdav. Burial wan in Deur.ow was killed ins! a nil* of foiur 53.000 rdui.jtoi S-imIh SttHlritU fHII ARI W . n n-nn »> their discussion h»pu% accord- Mexico City. in a multipie vehicle accident Pr. Vescnlnni rvvtnvvd the nni-' iim. said he would be look at the career opportunities his .in mop,-line I In lyptlie C. Drew, available aiul to learn what pre¬ Ann Arb-M. Kugepr M utif sns t > Dr. Alexander. Survivors include his wife, while driving a truck near Pun. Al.A. from MSP In (ANivrnlloti« ■ot Atlanta, U... v;^ .Ki.k'oo The forensic students a it m- ati|l hi* dm or¬ h'ehntvian; Joint K- Greer, tiHrli- parations they will need to the former Dora Romero Guil¬ tlac. lie was working a* a con¬ ate from Columbi» ■ oi Loa Angrier. «io«i Bn»n t H;;/ed into groups and rieliate len, of Mexico City; two chil¬ servation officer mclrtii; Victor II Hogg, artist; make In order to enter the field during the The M.E A mmuuiiy awards Henry W. KHppell, designer; of their Interest." A P MSU (W«tty Mmbo and llackrtt. of Durham. Koalann learns and all will write an ori¬ , dren, Lupita and Hubert Ken¬ summer. vi&ht 1300 svholainhips f" Jun¬ Rudolph A. St heibner, graduate Career classes will b« con¬ 'w ».«lMre tttadmu «4U at* 1 &tch instructor takes ch.r tc ginal speech on "How the Uni¬ neth; ami hit parent*, Mr. and Funeral #ervkes wen? held ior* and senior* majoring in ed¬ both pomtcal comraathw- of one week of advanced Uatn- j ted Nations Can Be Strength* Mrs. Kenneth H. assistant; and- Thomas T. Slruh- ducted with the help of various West, Lansing July » a* Ludihgton. ucation. subject matter departments at " ntclpimti of P«k uttw- In the d«-|v»rtmcnt. „ ethyl ' snk.cr, graduate essistaul, nil from the tnuseulu staff. MSU. ! AMk'Mk was ura UI#WHI ALTMOiUtt. the forensic# Dr. Holiert G Dr. Ralph M o*> nrotaaaar oC political «ci* from MAU in 1653 an i from the fwogratn in U»e Institute is i»ri- ■ Firat Conevrt TnliMwUv Webb of the Uniyergity of Kansas will Join which Till; ANNUAL dress revue, Iri graduate school vA design »-* f maftlv for high »eht*il student*, j them. top winners are selected *&Ti ha* airrat^r tot I** Harvard university in 193? lie speech teachers are taking part, j to take part In t!»e final state ? and next Monday'# Ml nortn mho will attend the Ihiivcrss-v nf Mkfv.itan *> f orcnce Arak an aod -Mur- i I is a #4te planning consul!ant at Thcv may enroll for two speech i *""•*at democratic conwnUor. ; Ann Aibor and m\ in*>.ruct»ir at r:a*H?s and will ■ ps-sn. pal landwaoc arvhiux-1 In ! lute, according to Dr. Altx- work with the high school students during the Young Musician* To Perforin Almost 300 outstanding high cycle of uu' -v! H»*ve' jp.uv'it * " THTI TRUCK* of vamping 4-H show dress revue, will tak- and curaiorint equipment will place in the Auditorium at 1:43 be iHi-dL m the expedition, Tin «r.nip plan* to go firs! Thursday, July 14. In addition. 12 district ac- ™ erost ot New YocV Thomas m ; -v . • M*rtuv and A>* and. - Wendell WeatcuH. of !> MSU ■ ■ * r. 'fi k G i i Game Reserve in enlevement award winners will F>ay-five students are «n* aohool musician ■ arc slated to 5;.tvcfi*' Ot 'Oraaop. Jtohcri >.h a:.an! • Martini wa- THE TOTN'G niu*.cian- may facility, is in the proves* of or¬ Hi-; Hend National . • • Park in west¬ he sclccied from among noni- ot' torn-a. and Jenv It's;.- graduated irom toe University roik'ft in foren>ics «mJ another perform on campus this month. elect such o>u;>v* at conducting, gan./ing a group of eKnglUhf ern 'Texas. link*! Said. * Kfe*ua*. j luce* suggested by six extension <4 U :a\Y.* . > 1939 AS i'i theatre. Thg* theatre stu-. As pari of the summer Youth competing fnuaic, or pla>mg a, - hahdhcU ringers Thcv will he hunting for ail district. Pefsonaj interviews apd , 1144) i.m'ti kl.s dealing' Maunw and k*Wa Talk Kck:v> w present a" u^.etra* dents at* working under the df»' Music program, concert# will be rorr,»an,n>enU They may characteristic desert plants, ; evaluations of the nominees* re- ^•ur)on enable# political.-*c> 4 ted iectttre vm. "IV.vigjvfo" Liv¬ r»xn*on of Dan FlcisleUcher. 1 take private lessen* from and with music as a career, college! mule deer, j presented July 13 and 23. rodent,*, aikl other i tord- will determine the final . ^ ' eacber* and studcotn fo ing' Ju*> Ik pait "f «tc _Jack M. Fertuvky. aaatatant do ituembit work with the 43 requirements in the field, and small desert animal*. j selection, in be announced aX IN THE journaiiant arc3 stu- ■ pruressAr of music at MSU. is .mfructor* and allied topics will be presented | *• ?K"acth"»l political *cU\i» MSt K'.ee A.!• Ic*tiva!. pieet'krix leaden.' AFTER TWO week-, acv.rd- the Friday morning meeting * '■ \9bS. MSIT* poh:;cal dents ace enrolled for classes in director of the program, now :ri 23 from MSU and air reel from hy Dr. William bur, MSU pro-' HE H AS written .u.» l>-«ke ing to Baker, Hogg and Klippvlt J*' • department received a on «and»eape aivhitec tore ami piuvted and mime.- "■ vanced classes. hi Hairy Beg,an of Detroit i.< "THESE STUDENT* seri¬ *ar. CSUawaidiip; Ciearins partment uf town and country major piano, voice, org v. arc and because of tlic wide varia¬ xemblir v Nineteen are enrolled In mun- oand ous arvi hard-working," Perncc¬ tion in i r.xh theory, band, orchestra, or directing the Ardtht Peterson, 4-H recrea¬ • prcpam pj-osram< plar.mg a? the University ot topography. Baker said. •' Party day mnd LegUla- Durhgm eograpfr newspapers and 44 In chorus. There are also 10 h*rp Tie concert band ;« under the ky said. "Ttit-y study the music The men plan to return the tion specialist, announced plans ^-•-'f:.-»v to interest and train j' He u> a vt*r:,ng pn.>fc«u>r at yearbook editing. majors, "MSU is one of the lew tutelage of Chark-s 11.^1* of of toe finest coinposvr/! middle of August. for an outstanding recreation :s. i.a the 'ithe Univemty of liiino v. A THIRD two-week sosskm •choots to otTer summer work j Fowlerv.l'.r Gerald Wmtcv# of '"If more people will come to! Baker said he hoped the d««s^ program, including a "fun night* poliUcaUrea- will follow th^ two-week aes- on this instrument," Pernccky i Holt is w ork.ng wnth the train- j listen to them, they will be more j ert life habitat to get all of the delegates ac¬ display would Answer 3 Alarms In 1'asl AVek SK»n that began Tuesday. The aaid. | *ngTHE band encouraged to play." be ready by next June, quainted the first evening. Other Institute will wind up its sum¬ In addition to actually playing N MUHCk orchestra The chorus and bands will ■ events will Include outdoor re* mer program July 2*. student must I i* under the direction of M it had present, an outdoor eoncert on I • ~ *c njr.j or singing, each »«, mtd» b, the ind i'lic tlrv »1 141 Co.. Ir.v St HIG LEAK creation of all sorts and a"#ock Prof. William Haight of the study theory and music litera¬ Butittzky otL Detroit the grounds of the music build- j . '**•-■[* «»«»<«> of ftt Eort Uv July 3 - bumpd-KMit ballad hop" «t the IM building begin¬ - IVpartownt »n the flight titaftsformct« at Morrill department of advertising is in ture in his chosen field Mr*. Treaa llaan of Grand. ings at 7 p.m.. Wednesday, July ; WILLIAMSBURG, Va tvPi~ ning at 7:30 on Thursday. .~y nA"V Jul., «. OrJj oor hall. Two truck* responded charge of the Institute which "This way." Pernecky taid, Rapids is in charge of the 130- 13 The. orchestra will partici¬ A leaking tank truck sprayed big tour# to the Capitol, _ «,» «. campui. July at city dump en during the six-weeks it run* "he studies about the composer voice rruxed eaorus. Mrs. Haan. pate In the summer school con¬ 3,000 gallons pf oil over 50 miles Oidsmoblle plant, John Deer • Lake road. will bring more than 473 high of the music, analyzes the music will select a few students to, vocation July 18. AH five groups of highway near here. It cost Uie company, and Sealtent plant i * d"1 **•*■ •-• Park :-iouta, tivm to Therr have been 73 rvns so far school students to the MSU in theory ciasac*. and finally a.ng under Robert Shaw at the < will perform in the band shell highway department 52,000 to • i^r«4 nun on • w>f. this year by the campus suuon. campus* plays it. There is a complete Fine Arte jHFaval. at 2 pan. on Saturday, July 23. lay sand over the oil wli^ b»* available to all pf the streak. delegates. »-sh be ** I'liup to the j,s :iU telephone , .n « when Alumhl s* a,n railing former mm- i*k for gifts to the development fund. ,«U0 of the most effec- ■■« canvassing methods, t- Toll, fund director, :^Ms of Increased effort The Msif gether r\T»y Promensdrr* get to¬ Wednesday eve¬ FIKST CHURCH Of 0 '. graduates is a "vital- .fP1 • made to the school ning front 7 to It p.m. at the v:umm»« who prefers to Women* Intramural Pudding, CHRIST, SCIENTIST anonymous room Si. for « real down to offered to donate earth, old fashioned hoe dowiv. ;he fund fot each full Fveiyonr is welcome ntr I lite »?e point of Increase admission is free .• tag per cent partiel- ■ U re of WM» The purpose of these Wedno*- tdion. for every gift of day night session* Is to promote •o average donated by and enjoy round end square >n H».V>. the challenger danefni The Pmmenndei* also ibute »? • me workers t« Mleh- train callers end teachers. 1 r.mvinitie* arc actually The sessions are colorful af¬ volunteer* trained b.v fairs, The women swing about gaily in bright equal dresses or irMtPERTK MNfcKiH • sANinviciics • knacKs f iinIiuIiini lisii v ana AM. i m ' describe the new full skirts, and the men comple¬ » )• P.M. titter a meeting of the „n Alumni Assn. July ment them in dark pants and tie* ftstuMsr 4 » J« A lilf-t •• P.M. Washington, DC. and long *|er\e shiits s MSl's third year with Members do their own ratling •i am Feeders in the ev- and music is pro* tiled b> i-e- arc "USD and the ond« v of tgmisvitle , , v* it work" The de During I he teat the Prmnenad- • office appoint* ahim-l ers hold many social activities oen in Michigan com- j They hold ice skating an. pledgi to pet - I j V advlson loum il lovst year, a spring workshop * Seul In was held with Flint .honor col¬ ,r. some 3..100 aHimm Senate - '■■aiievt More than one lege. which one of the serv few other schools that has a : trio pledged. . of the least group of this kind. During the •e evpen- j fall, the* attend the Flint Folk All* Si/e Orgitni/.il inn . io.it we have". Toil festival C»n lift Reduced sod we n* to bp one o! So how idkiot it. "Dosr.v-do &tifti«t«v ■*; productive .** I'rlcfM ItiilfM Ity Making M»» tmeun A. Mnfrisoa, vouF partner and evervhody nw • swing" at the Wednesday SOI* Henri v ;iltunh. Ph. I K !I-H2'il Mim* of the I'lonienadi rs. ■ \i I'rirr lliiv Kvrry Wril. \ V' '.;'v Ta'tv'l. executive P - ■ Nun»ry fop k»ei( S»rvtr»« « Huffh unsni ' -he American Univer- T.»rr llMrr.m I • O/irn Itaily, Aflvrnana anil Kirninu, ■ t • i S'di will speak on ( ■ SriMir* alt VJ» * m. J I h'iKli S' hnof 2.»' ClllllMI a" M St' \via> r -' • India and Dak- I J KxrriH Monilay % till sItllVII i1 "iree special <•«' r, • appear before - > Institute on Asia, peak at the Kivg at CLEARANCE • ■ The puchc is invited - o- ivgan Indian studies In :,i . 'd. r the auspires of the i s -f Current »• in then World Af-; he has spent India and Pakistan 0 n a. it. # it "Jack" * T'h.lllpr. !.afi- SALE • • gxmont? including • iling attorney, has aniiouiuHl *h» American llutver- hi i Candida* v for the Kepuhlf- can nomination for the state > sun * a non-pro- aenate from this district. He Her. Miih*rt L. 3for»Uh4. vimuier • iial Sis tlivlftt.m Itmi, K i. in MSU and nine • Ao4 1*4 r MOM t» says that "it is time for n new .',.13. 10-20. 12', "rKsties. and colleges and more-responsible atti¬ tMcgbans VP J-»;5» •j and final special tude to be injected into our July 14 will b- l)i state government at the legis¬ *" uutsUuditig Am- lative and executive levels .wrdv on Zen Hud- The stale of tidar stagnation cthcr aspects of Asian that has existed in the rapitol A Group of IS AM, Mtrnutg Pupf tf PUT during the pest (wo years — which bordered on govern BlouMto SoTW ' fmmnmlmm ae4 tfesnk IcSmI mental rigor mortis at timer, and was punctuated by erup¬ REDUCED TO $2.00 tions of political bickering at othrr times, — was and la All Jewelry — '/j Prire Inexcusable. 11 has eclipsed the inherent greatness of Michigan, which ran be re« h IIOKSK.lt VCK stored through better le«isla« RIIIIMi tion and administration.'' Mr. Phillips is a graduate it HI'Gr.Y RIDES of Michigan State University and the Wayne State Univer¬ it PICNICS sity Law Schdol He has practiced law in Lansing for Uic past six years. B ahMI nl. *"• bitting •■■■■■■■■■■■■a ■ ■■■■■■■■■ • nuni it C4|»iti>l iinrap wor«ide *»nrtm *t fe so Ml I KI.ER8 — T.VII. PIPES — EXHALST PIPES Villi UorriMiK, prrorBiHR SHIM**? Srrvlre* I": IsHES — WAXES — PAINTS — BKI SHES COMPLETE LINE OE ACCESSORIES Suits • Sport Coats • Slacks ("MPUT* ALTO Swim Wear • Bermudas • Claiu SPRING C.LASS SERVICE , l't Cm. Shirts • Sport & Dress Iiwm (Long & Short Sleeves) AUTO Take Someone To • tin. »Mi V*ilium V -I M» Mtrtn:in IWMrtwn. \V p^.i»r suuday srh s,i v;ii %.u PARTS CM urcIi Hi ill You VliirullK V.uth VVnr-hiR t-roop, v.# I II \ v*. A. JM % V|. P.M. >.unin« vrvts j p„M. VIIP-WVIN VIKVKi This Sunday. WLIiMiUVV T m PM. PHONE IV i-i.ru linJwiftg Shop • f r. >11 'c i iove-t -iitkllirti IV J-AllA fur •-.tving ri.ifisl ll'inie ') :s A.m. XhimIav 4 riife. tupii-t t hurdr 10 r*mp>'! M<;« ,u ri'tw lit tii'l' Inhied »m ffilMMtt On? lir'i aoon t» h,,ii !;«»» »»» hiorMhlnst mti'H u^>u *»r» Irthina ' "ff)'-". fc*iph«lot» ''"II . t'v- lillr4 T'» 1-1 Htl»»rl flow-' No ftlflhnr hi f,»i • Oval hm'v - ii «♦' thai* i-'tv- j.«»* di'i-Hht ' IfUftiUl-wl «p«M« art- I" bri , .4 ftr». -•* ♦» *»»' i r»».*. *•• Ml fic fli.i Ht'c jrtittimi'i I , . , » i ililr f'■>!» •» m er-!or<-*». lt«» *i,». M 4» njBj, t». I.miImtimih 'I'm !,»« m" -'Mils I'M! V W*th-h M • tI'Mi'vmI •••■' *"8 * | r*t»'l AWr'KJ Im'I In Snim *>|M IImM lifiv Uw • F '• |dHM"' *»n» 'IM ». I'lf«»« . "d "r' '* hi'-M ' Mi*» in* |M Mir " .1 • • «|»Mi '"iJ It ! i'r t|t». U« . MM'"- ill--. Ml ' , !»»vl n'lllitdc rl bicst buy ■ * I'M'" ■ ili*vn» v ♦w it n -' 1IM it i: tHii* »•»« *<■•» ft won* I ft \t ■: MM I'l'M till V ftil|M\» l"t» fi •» Mnnfla* 'I'll Im* In a "'» »|'1"MM|I flip I'Hvf# »1 » Mftt'l, slack sale LADY IIALTIMORK TtlC *•* >.'•» ^ it MP. mi M'** li".«. I »'»MI»I ( I'f Ov# (cil- || « imhiIs Fm» fcMtftlt truvnl Jlittfa* *T lisiH i .MM i»inn *' itl, * i -l 1 I I IV III Ml. I .'. Vllltl tMVMlMU" (ll'PI B'l.iH <(««• ftlidt 11111 n'• m'r'|iinM(> t vrtpsi .f»M»fi»liol|t»M» « iMt 1 \ I tu.M %» Iim *t»i"V •« »*• liM«> fflmtcci lirtiMft* P'iMt tt'tn* tT«v>» Sprrial Kdiicalion mA«* !>t t '(•'I L l.innil Kit rr 1(17 S. tt iiMltiiifti (•»!■ I.ANSIM. KA1CT I.ANSIM. W ookOlKscrvrd lien IIIIV NOW AND HAW: JACOBSON'S ! lilt- Will til Of I I'. first showing . • SM-- ,-i .t W Mf I.I IV T'lMMlV ill iM'li All'I IMttM IM'-I - >1 Nic'tHf OIF «. it -I'tLPiV Mi tV " lid in I In- Nitiiii! nelson classics STORE WIDE M.tnit. CLEARANCE m n .uiri s cuAssinr.n.s NOW IN PROGRESS! i 'Svrico . . OTMt K HESl'1 TH . . IvW . uu ,ii nrAnrnsiiD* . I.OTS OF RKADIM: KNJOYAIKM' 1 f ' J ■ i i; >|| I, .»I'' i t HiH| I? (| ft! j|)H t: i| ii)!^ SKI M TION OF IIHI TITI.IX • Million* oi \mi«i«in» »*« wrtt mntarl tonne* lor ovonnftl T- vdImi wuh noliiul t»*i»«l Imiln 1 l»r idrM'I ton* «Mtit ran now into* . FOR A m v... MHOI* AT Lwbm «»*i«wv w ill ft lieM «»f vlvliin ^ r*r |>iot»-ittMM All »lvy «i-aiui| rnmlml " nnfnral apprtianrp litwaArr *pn«u arllvllk* r Till. (IRIMM r»M* ^ - Mnttlrt ton It iiOvitn ol»*cnt«lw£ the (MkMthtlttirn off § e.ai^.tn ftwA l>r M;,vw*J»n Awo-! * note*! I lnn»ft ant \ |1| li r>u ... I.*? the 1M w.t nre two »s{ « »Uf*\ tSt tvtftvn jpiMVifttMMtft "tour Smprrmmrkri §mr Education .ft* tft thia j-o»i .« rvh^.vi. K*perta e*iijvi*Ae that *'n*rr ( ORM* ANN * MJLC. *rv trlwe*n S.VAV aiv.t | ttAtTOOft'.'.t It • .«fvd cfciWtren t* V neoA j OUR ENTIRK STOCK OF riftlTy trmiwsl Aeavhrt-*. !| Tn nv>vt U rft a- : mS cSftftMAwr.*# a* ftNiAr for the H truin.ng *j ijifte-fnt or\V- i n«!\v vi*>tos :V*r »rv ;| ftftn vS\m «««.-. K'lptS • | St MtIEK SLACKS Honr*-^-. fcn .ivaooQiiA.it r«i> :j ply <■', cmltf wS u««iwrv iv.c»r>* -I VAftt UXHiNftnA* of ehilrtront »ii: ,, net It *n nmvtriwnity l\ * ttsw > tvtuoa-! IwcA. i . |j TIM" MAS \:*a. .ii fstojs Timely savings on men's summer ?>- k was ■■'! sjTWAl ivtvioa--I (loUring! SUITS: Darren polyealvi- fcan, tooth ts?>£erfir»do*tc *nd \ fhyKcom afttft «1 worstOfL blends, wool tropical.-;, %rk tluXXC c-vstoa hrtan prtscrSw*^ \ *Ai*c*i.o-ri *»n u wash and wear dacron pnlyester- iwsdicft'.ioft lojui" rfc the w* touch in ft "rfs-t rVw-iUnrr f *X aac v\ the ti"*s' ?" rotton cords, poplin* and hop.sack- * Uumvknv o.r ;n « a^w.ti |j ing*. SIKtnT COATS Authentic en (4 p-iVrBurial room i'n.h.s ch,x-on nroft \ * Indian madras plaids, wash and *•4*1 oslwoJF on A leftcfnr o* ; -AnA»oayv»otl ptxr&xm* he kvwt N1 wear dacron p o I j* 11 c r-cotton checks. Sl-ACKS: All-wool tropic- tAiJfti-on wiuvi »n»Ti«o »ts! ' -Vf- ' s?VKSontt|! m with rv-"v :* iHo.-.r i>h\ si* ^ eonhdenrr fcl our ah^ti ta ala, dacron p o y 1 s t e r-wor»icst o«5 UmitfttKv'to *:si fii^n able #rt«in«| WVA the nejN-iT prcCT^t- blends, dacron p o I y »t e r-cotton t.Tis I) rc U rrwonahie vV''_. blends. Solids, check* and hup- iwhtham » ,n ..<* sackings. *"■' tsr hannioap^Tit i *.'v Jho wne as for normftj I itl.MPLKTK ASS41KTMKNTS i 1 M«llv ■ Nana.li | **>— Wi ^ould-bf Hrile *r tall: Wiirdprei L SnllrN l|!riH'i IN NmU Hw DAILY 9 AJL TO 0:M P.M. NORTH V EST i)|- SEARS SUNDAY « PJI. TO «:M P.M. IV t.1471 MICH MAN MI HI; NI \VM fuiB rrvie 20 Men Mow thr Ijiwii AliS(» Vole# ,, . (i,>. , i ■ffr m1' ■ Hep# Money i ■ w' ~ ■»•'?»* 'v>* » ' ' * n 0 i o i fhr Hani Work Keep* ( nmpns Itmiilitiil Alf » w- .. . r.-i' ;• R' "If- nffti' i1 j?ii. ^oiV'M.f? b> of H»r t»'''on Hi" romnrtM'M Pofirr A» f «»t P it» v • n ,.»,.-iffH i-...grr-^nioo p.r»n»P-AlfWl trM»'ir»f j Pt wMAROW MMHNHO* ,.|., . |ti li» ...i iitf nff'l »f1- i«# r. f'.f n«" In fnr.pl I iog J P*v»r ft*w* fioff «s< f»fi wonder' hwv IVilio M 't'T-m I m . Vft-.f If »♦,, .fi,fW.i Ol-J.O »mO- f i hoi/.rv ' MllOf l ' of MAU «t»nl#n1 go on • if Aft' r' .""n* tt'NO f'»r'h#e 41*-* jfiU-r mehttilifl* Mr t*r>u**V"o ,. 'f,r. cuMpif'r of On* ou«rl of a at i>*h n( Iho niO#f '»« • *,f ' rttv,, *.i,.f• in in0tor f>. #»#1lg»l0ig ,l»r rwt* of i „.Mi,.u,« in fit" tfnMM « ,1 hf *IRA foofnrrh'e ftr«OO^jtihlr fur »' esfrU hriHl'Mt U »'•« MW Mr* on 'r Vt-.Mi'rMi-irn (Vpni'iOenf n'"'" I'flir- -Millar V'4 '"ii of flwM •tor I A*M% 1^'iH "< • tiOlentev«. MiC'rii&AK ' »ni|H " of impiroHnrt and »»• I Jr.v.nrlit In adfll'MT to l.ei'tf o rifnn'rtr' rln«nfi»om for »»••> n.v tn t.M P.M. iPtifHifMf Iflfi'Urwpl'rg. !»"' Raw!... 2a4 Waak! (WRKKnAVHI ''MilMtUlillO Ill?r>lf hrefituHttre. #"T f'vrf^M* mttltifehdw" "m'-i m In', rim hi rn»fU~"' Walk'.§••*«, «!mth* *»«' , , f,!fiit«. afMrtir «r»n 'tv«>v. •noTe 0-rifon. removiil, and rubbish ' •' FAIKWAY Golf KANC;K ffir tiff If, Mimi»0< Iml. »•*#• IH.hftl nvi t>r The rampn* pfu# > Im-hi finri mowed i»-re* from of ?r*« I wipe *■""O-ir Miiii.'iliiir (.oil 1 Ifl f1#v« during 0 '• I'm - I, •♦Of" every •Ornmer «e*fofl, P>rrl« said I\ l/h/ fh» M wit#* of sidewalks i BO | •'V imim II. ri«» .<»• M.i IIM i« is 2fi wMf« 'if roii'M most l»# «w kit,i «tenr of unnw, iml •»<:. ■ ?IM|itllllHIII*IHI'"Mlilil|. I t|tHnnti.HM'l I It. I'll, ill .1 . .iHiii.-iM'. H»l i»iTnr*l year arwtod Yiimr arr I oio 4iff»..#.«« (•pries of shrub* and p'*' ■*< Rom* "1000 bees irip|l|'tp ?.WW MeM|M Stale Uaivcrsitf •lot?, atrnrding fo ferrls Appfoflmalely WW machine* FQRMN FILM SEMES valued #1 MW.WOO urnl 20 men nt* involved in keeping lb# gr-o,< tftii't'pff, Rerria said |iri-iri.|i tin fAart'ii i' '»• •»« i ion. appro* inkilelv If wot 10 energr of «c«* /-|(h '-or t m h, »>• «*id: THE WORLD OF APU , liulhm itrlM«« Ntiimlln Twtnre. pint* Mir Vole of AjMl'i Meik T"'»ln hied* ill' KntU men. with a* a com, I help. f India » iii in lIuvMpflyiill film "'Ihr WioM of Apo" which will on, a rp«|, t-ri'i fii'hing »»n i,«.|iomi» ni I tiiNhlifl Ihmlif I I Mil I iinii ShIiihIji) Ihr |„, o., »r.f tn I'ltplvfri 'Ihird fif The Triinify " Vparajiln - Mo gfii.fi nitipp. Pitlng for plen'o, rrmw- nim. MiImI «f n liih»ir> im«r»| on ihr novel Jilo," won m I \ytl W.II ».p lonely ; ,,,g inil rn'tnig rtr*** Hinnrr of lh» kMlkrrlAnil Award. I morion Film f>«liv*tl • OVIIM. A'I'fnAI 'fins thrhdayi ihr sulhrilniMi Moorif h( Mir I .notion I'ilni fe*IU«l » » Wall Oiiaaf 't 'Tlir Mnzi'lto* WMSH Iti-iKiili'iniN THERE'S A RUSH OH FI1ROMILO THEATRE IW n I m U»VM<1 • MM! IOMV lOVIr Ml. lf.Mll MflAD I .it TO MAMA TNM TO MO-ncaPT.t MPIR * MAtMTP MUf Fri., Sal., Jelf I, • • 7:30 p.m. V\l OilV. il.!! ♦tin 1. . "i M.v,m \ilini»iiiii: ."ill. VI Gm|O(»!* ,,h.oi I '/ Hit I' n. m.h Rurol A - -'•v i 'I li^ WMSM ».• M-I JUMP (tilmr n.ie'oo .-.ii'io* N' "> . m •« v .11 tip r,ii 11. .J nvio fill T "! I.n no t too sm,r :4-.11.1 no Aug '"Hl' 1 ' v j,,| i»rp' 4 airnrfllfif - lr-»n LA 1,1 . . W ' ■ ' • -• h< it n m ! [■SEE (V) HWCI.I, KKVn HKS Vf).if.jiSr| "LEAP A LITTLE" . » .,.«.>■ .)>«H|r \d Ml n.llll 11 . • ' I',. ;m I v. v . tin flfi'l • i ! • •: v. ;u *4« S A N |Hf',' f «t.f I*, rot • ;• 'IvtHl :lrm will flu R.'oiiM || jthwAt tw a (iiiwHrtii' t>im riiptl &«.-i11» Holnnil » pat TRIMPOIM OIHIER MW> 1 h i .'.ilU . loVPI b i nliuoli in Ihr rii'P of a vhiii .ii lit y , nitciiu I ,1.1 wh« hH'1 I»a.not « im.rp glfiioOl • • MfA plftllf of tlf l .'lf UVM • thi mr*Q* lf„j|ot»eHeon«ahl ■ • : hickf'r" ami ronfi. tiro flrivrr's I, m flmounto I '.-ii to 'M l , ( iMf'/TM -• '*;•> i' spvt j.-hivp; it- rntiin i>w» * an rrppor* ' ,Mst slartiag SATURDAY! > • I.KHSONH IIV (|DAMriKI> PKRSII.N.NKI. ■ loinp thrniiHti BlHiar '< > ni,, u'.pli/.iiiuto; n lie I) ( • HKMBBVATIDN'H ACCKITKII *J)i. I. King Of Ttir WorM Mafia.' Who (« It-'ik. a tophiAtiriti'd. MON. . HAT.. 1011 HUN. 12:1.1-11 I liirf Of T hr Hlarkhaml In Anrriri? p»«iwlo*fjobi1il> j I I1I I. I.HAMI KIVKK KD 7-7077 "•'k, piavml by llnry VKXT TO TA.HTKK > Ht.V./. IMMPWW TWN r. • IT - I.AT* L t.i a Damon Hnnyon 't'uifi portrayed by Dull Now Showing 'I'ifl folmiul vliinettioi VUrli fniyiv. ft.. I..i - • Hr ;:. STARLITC nrid J. , r (l«IAIX t«t in, I -J : r. w .» ""JOlt 11'* in*! I" » lltllTlllilH' • im 'It iti 11 "i IIWHW* I" •*» "»»• '••• «■»•'•« ' Hunk ITpnIini i'|«> \\ iia Of IJfW ft HIM Nltllhl >r 'ff> •!■»»«# iltlfl «•«'* •""" •til *'tr ' ' • i.i. Itiiw Htii IliM tl« lilt" « t""» •'•" ••>""»« "-•J < lh»» MlM "1 hxm ' «•» •i.'.«»l. IM c in ii" ••'»« M nn. , i'(tm|nt* l'lN« !>» J'tf. ♦'#»»- #*4> Mt'NA OilA Mama *».«» «. »••*»•« »»*.*<•» IN M >na- H IN»I Mmiiil MIAIM* v<"vf Wr ! JHiNitpHf MN» «- IN fM »N IINMIN* -; IN .Uv nnVnl *»«•) «H>»IINM n» Wl' MMVXn w fw* fa riA in ♦ ANN >NN « *>»»•■ N«(f IjNtvn' N^i'il Wil »•(*!.. t It*.... !»•.<« N« .miMnn | »v» i> W MN r i IVnnx Ufl, V ANyvnAi*. ttHfAM (miX% Umf A»M fnhi MA'-H Xiri *iim ,N(I . ... ,,NftA AM.I K'1 M»*' »■»*»•) i v» Voiill 'iliT** « t'»It |Hn»N|Al< I In >< NN«N»»'j VIN v* iMA oJHWjNii* fW A Air IVWN '«H)N|1 *'«««•» n» I'N «h»-N» If' U W|l fHMiN»>«%i».nA \n<* An*»iintr >n *A*VA»ftiv*f*N SI *1 » \»NA* fiN^Ni,. ,i f. .N.'i AMviiNiNlnf llA N»>N'V *•!<( N AMNM M|A «»•« I'lN" M«N IINAV Tlif* |l|i»lr«, I'll I I'll ' 1 Bu//iii 'Koul Mt'A-'f iIN. NH H rintM'Ct. MYf ln-m 'NN»A> ,< lU NN (iVl I'lVAUM" Ml*'A m\\ NN *!»> 1.1 IAS. CttlSSWftltl PttHll \ 'UlllllVil JHS •IN NN IN IN NN MNn-I |H'iN|MP flip I*IH"1 » f»M1N fVN» iNlfM N*t U'UNHV* Jtei i five (it**' : COIN STORK % ,.' >•«• HVAII, MNAA nMuA». INMt ■ '(•; "* • »NNA" |W*« III'.! NNNN* If" NN r - ,, tNN.f - \ ,J»'Nt.NNf, 1NN.I Asi',V.<(' \ ))•. '•'-Nt-.N ". IN--'■■•*■• -y ir.^ nnvmA LI .V(N«;!»NA \ NVaN'NIn -A IN N^ffNH' <«'»•«!» 111 i|l1» j NtNi.l.AUt M A NJ> NN »' ; ,i J-.<"><• SMA'A V.N 5 V-A i W-f*''.* & » •'• I-fcn.i S • ' IV. :,i. .'■■■ T't-A r»VAv IV ilt'fNi n»;"' n.'tt «AA Ivlt-N 1INI ifN*!iMl I'lflNT .( \lNNN \ N NMNJ NANHllifp 1 Munk , 'N%,V« N NSNiNNjSN*. ' i .. •* Nil1 I' . I'.fiNl* 11 'n* it »•' NN »" »,N '••MM 1 •-N.i i-V%1*»N'Nfi ' j NN W i I IN f I NN A'N.si I NtSltMN A • I HN.N*|. AN«MN|Nlr AA iNllUf JN*H«< I'I'IN V'N N* ,• NY AY lit *M«f .1 M{ 'NNN . ,VN. ' NN 'N : (NNMl «»f N''^ |Mt.N»'V '1 *''»» N N N'N Nt,s Vn-.Miii . f III' I N,i ii . . ' S I NI-. ' • «N< Yl«r IvM *1 0"vi'.NfMN iin* *u X>t* .vvpM V" An s • I-. .t.11 tAAOtiAinft ' ,* \>n -fc f.v ISNI-'.NNP NlNViNV .> V»K. "N NN-, '.Vlk -.1. A'1 «NV X sia a -*t-y JS*n *\a»wn-i».,-'\ i M- *'.N. i''''«-t Imam An jnv*Ai- At AiVt.tv'.VA |V*- . » '.A ,AA«*\X •"A «VNVN*. X\.l S*f. !N'».f Nf«|wilf •« n ' ». "n.4 • ft 'V N'V.*,*m# Anoi n n,: i n ^A»NA- *HI' • UmmhwiK NV-N N 'I % N *tr*A I lltn NN uti hrs r« iv'^a« nn| (t l/./.K/n ESMESSO N* a), h A I kk Urfuiii ma H III .h|n*i»uv livm IWiNtr. \ «.1 M.A.I. AVK. KANT I.NNSIMi I'lTMtili rjll't M rrk VHilimidMH I'MIMX HKA1TIM.S. \M» JUIUKA IIA MICIIAKO Cl'VMMtH %A| Summer Clothing - (X)NVENIENT SERVICE l>KY (TT.AMM. ®a.H *«r Mil An*r Milk n»,r #v^i ir\ t)rc t NIX MtMU * M ^ *I h# thi »»wn uhct fwrf f.v ii v.Jt ff»# bt4T tin AT v« vrM Htfflrr : ' A r'hi i ieg CAMPUS BOOK STORE Aroma Front I u».mi lUtiMinf