1{(' in (icl Mew ISlotu] Drive Emphasis IIKsl II III l.ii : Shi.!.- r..|N ;«• f uri?f»»'ly •i.ii.c .uv in agrii-ulU.iri' ever..' 'Mi H i i ».-• -aid this '.■•i iv tui .lie1. ail I |)ilh.'• ...pppill for help llvmj "i*i -. .. 1 r-v.epf er>i io-ii.i , ar. 1 i.ii uitv Mini .iff mrm-j i ,-.t\ s.-fi'iier, e:fgineer;iu .m i i cam pit.* • I ', hi i< or i..'ilie v« i 1! em * M t\-\w» pm»s wci'f donal-i MhUrs Si oner- 12« .».!,** .•;»! TiU Mf.IV. Uv sill- ; ..">1 All "ihp • Iih-i Dig fie.-diiie 1 ».i. outdo*i'O". , ,it M. -la • II. ■' - ■ , ill 13 j , i.i Wilt mm • \! . .... i of the In •- hm.,i«-ir• M.h" 1 !«"« I M.i - . V Ia » ! rill lii i, t.v i i Chapier- M ,1 Si'ieuee 120 -v mh ! . • V»i«ten!- -v '1 1 have coo i.l« '1 M : .1 Si I'lii-i- 120 A*I * » . - . :;imi p'tlci .ii« fMHitinrn •* ill M.» .... s wild phi : Mm.Um lllstorv IXi MIIU IIA* iK« : it , . h up pi OfcfMX*- j s; ; t 'iiiii nl': xliidentA n il 'iit-m to tin- : • ir.■ " Midliim .Seiriiee 121 i in i u *.u« n w tth n M ( ONU-VI AR ii.i . No Aop'l- ■ t ■ .• MI I I a \ • IPIH-C elds No ranntMl I ha I in Ihp *ad Munition tbi* mi niton r .1 t .1 leader ship lahomior • I . , IV. Hp !. M IH II' I (ll|! I'g idyllic M-Mtp I* mrrcl* a mrnion now t i n-.*u?. |,-on «> .« autoinohpe j ..mi i ih !»'im SliHJPIlU ttiii i,s|l» iUI'i a new iUmiinhii and oilier Itnildmc required thr <4« • iru. i!-.hi con-1 " 1 . .. r v pi ■ 1 v COUIHP ill of thr i.moe *hrllri . . . and Ihp* no hint;pi- tctil i.mtu . » 1..Pi¬ ..111 >• tin : 'hi.Miig area* f--> >ti pliOOlpii Ihp happy couple*. |Sl«|p New* Photo.4 - •• .1 n.-iii (> M tioliigv , in Construction Soo11 11 '< ! I IM «)•- ituhl.«r> Ni-ipiir* dppai" in-ill llr. Sliiii-l iaii^' ( liicn NewBuildiiigUnderu UIVII It II UM rtinlent* w .11 ii .up-iti-nil l ll'ir. MM .; .»,»« ! V u.i ,i, ,i .; T« piniuoip MSI aid lor Tiiitwm unhrmihr* 1 ,hm u'olt V L\. P m Military .Vtrnee 221 III! s| KV 1(1 iHi p.lv SiH-i u.i , < I.»» 1 . ill./ ..'.*'1 v « i.ph.ois in U-adersliip \\ ilIi ,1|SP (M'fieinl* i t '•« - i i ive -s 1 • l io- t.P -rv am' Ih- pl.tiT'd 011 the \ « »>. 1 ' S»-l till I" tv» ll«' uii.-ti •! , dutle*. and icsponsibi- v L!ioption of (ftp new : .1 IdiP' of :uiiioi Hadri- pi t • u- !«•*• «•* l«» T.-iUtar •• • Formosaii Discusses ♦ tHHi and tw'iuu •!'; • \ is 1 \ .an ,.;i. in 'r Auditorium *v» ; tw*g;--. ' all 11 i map *i ;j on# . Mutual Farm Aid Here i t-irhr* MSI' ... •« .rn staff mnn- A siiii|piu • -v 1:1 enroll in M;i v .^.sH'Uv \* j S * do bv -num tm i u .... ! .H.intK'Clt bl""«t S. ,. it.-e 222 spring tern. V.' ■.msiruetion v'.., «iu- MtP. i,» v M.i,- ..-u 1 u>, tui- in add>- A • nud noil change- air 'ifIN* loweM t'lvi ,• O.OMt O'h* pontine!* will not sprntl v* Enu carl* ii siph *»rr u: Ki«.dp!. matia,. r. * SludtMils IStuT \' u \ 1n.1v l»,,. . is . . IH'IMI w st! W Ih' tu ll nu t - In ed ueal"» SliMi-i.iang ft inn C'hien. Oofeil. Ci.eii. »»i. > ..»* nt NrttiotiailiM Tsowaii uiuvcim'v ptogium M t HI N I S must m Hi the addition advanced '» • u--'l nrv. week China am*sv m nutifieii. piogiam- and the. agriculture intcvTi iltonal progi (onf, Thmnn-j Aeeidenl- . ; . . work from thr following gctirr mUO\ B\tO\ and offhp boiUhif Mi. J.Hitlv i»; through the department (acuity. jCoW-dPli, ildrtii of the coJlegp «»f 1 Schedule a .-siaiant i aip.. - * effective communita- C , U. b.ei piH ;.iv»pn; offni astririiltun aii>t Hound Mr- # rvhP.ee? -aid. "Thr tJa.**- •» 'n'": i he 1 »ce cwnpiehens.or, *«d «*n.pp butldthg **;■! not (Hi:; •!'!; : ;• > . *1 4 I HAI. IlKIXr f Hil 111- ; I folly inofi-*, rf»i 01 agiTcultura1', n< 1 |■ v chwi.'gv, social m vp fresh and taw look of Km > W . >4 - m. v.' »».,nv the Hnl A v • -< . tliiM'tim yiy»|rry ! PIIUHlCfl !!! ' * s * budding «>w efhv: I*, will have The budding a | mm. ; * ouvc • ■ si u - ivfii' im.iui«*d Wtw ' ; in « lab- MSI' W lim*'* I'lii' (4UUH-r * l lll.v fiei hnu al lilst I HHt |» I I, Ji**isUutn» propH 1. uii- S Released ■Hftoag to Use campus " '.t* t» ■ c\i»i • »!• Ki'diiv hall,) llir «»lllll "lion 1 lirlirir dpi the • |»oti>4irshi|.» "f tiu' In - bu i l.f.g iVl\ IH- * Tfl-' M ii. ua?>\ i li!i«M f»'r 1 heir UMII.TltOH.il ftiopPI.itmil .Tdmllt- Ki-rmtt M. jsftutli MM Registration \ ' 1 ; one-fourth of the open v . everything >»u read." **a* urtvgrp : rcifHlmr, ha- reU'a- I the ci . i II I 1 . • c 1. % '.itMitmeni »nd lairr.' never *« Irnc ; ivtratioi. irtjjftM. «r. '..he pa! MM! were trwrn- T»IP pio.'i.ini W'll! ptovidp fi.'t lees ami holding *:ni AlliliU* I* «• a war la i imi atnr* lev isitf Hchr-ililit ' *:■£ - . 4 |irr*« - v,i' ; u. u-r*t for the IS c.»v * . -"if m:- >>.Uk the Hed reernil* said tli.il a Mm MSt ijMill". n. . to : . to 't'lliWil!: out «»f .tote ttttlpoi lor t li«' Pi*Heediires • - ' ' uiuida**. Si;,.: t ;; 1 ■ ' i.i • >\ uie tKotmusa1 h» unlit with the f.«* ».4c. The mwamu** . . • id j lejr-olil Indian dugout had «»! .H£ W BjtIH ■n.'s iv auvv,- made Iiahh : p-ii.itn\> of Naiumal T.itw.in u'i full term t f» v»;!t bp Jp-ttcsignc-' i \ Mm t lin n offeied l» M-Sl In the There *s a protMued hit is. M , ' iy«M-»itv and Tat-Chong iho- Kill '•?! • ' .>'!» '.. • ; a »pnnj and L. d;>- ki la ma ton rit* niuveimi. , u.-V" • tb »*; the budding construe- of the l^gawprtitu, Two MM'. bunding to the west skie « ' the jured in •• Siiui-rm ih,itear* eale heart »>perataai. Hcd t'ror* m r«" in¬ (jitAfltilir* of blond for a not thm" jti .vr.: Tu«wdav <• - Sh.aw pfov idr.i it the hoAf«t.'il m llie offer was made I TIIR TWO Taiwan universi- j dent, fro-n 39 4tJtcv hi pi week sumrner sevsion begin* lc- *. about 14 rare, and yowf; *ci brvn appiovisi bv the S a'c Sajic, dmx" ?muth «>f Spartan Ann A; t»»r because the Kihnuum mu- hie* will send five professors to; creum-d to $2i:. ■J.i for new «tudent> t;*v.e*. including one rare vri- Iwg.sia'.ure both c,i ab.hough hub- aeum alreadv had a dugout. MSI' work with the agrit .d- MCllC IAI arr. iigrnictil- !i.iu Student already enrolled »nav Also, n,*:: ,i t... ■•, i : r .• if pint i>( prcr «»««. b o.xi However. Mr. I rank N. ture facultv Ihpu r whrreby rtudvut ♦ i "»U for Hip csMon Thursday ^.ap<>, ■ nr tudp tree, ,»<** ihcU haw Ihhhi Aid ' u v.-* un-t o der viliio wit- llioi cuialur «( history for !» Ch i n w i guest a' .1 re from id " ' pa* th« same fees Adding courM • bandleri U . prav three m*«noli*s» and •- I r the c*-*V.ng '•:■(• fw- v- : v * ('!i.i?£i' 'o the c< pfiiii lea Rrtda* afteriuwni ,1! charged tv •!.•»; un4j gian' » a e chesttwi: uvc,' Baron <>i( 1 \ the Msl museMMi. said he .. g..;ng fo the department office • ' i >1 fs-A was ,i h-itti' ' .1 exja-nse , ha* never received the oiler. KpilugB f'.-ntp; wia-ip he me* emit*. -.*r • 5 »>«- phi ti i oui 1 and gptting an ad f ...1 : i v ice- j With y arimis official# and a lh«-- in t f'*.o »2rr foi ' 1- ;.p onl then going to It.l A I- ** jynrl. 1 lie added that he wasn't Ml \MMLH that our "lb>fe ISilcv W ill IHIMIRS \R| ,. 1 i under sure whether ihe museum ttunibei of Cmm c stmjent.s 'im ■ ti« * ,.: 'nfta ..on • ,i!im lh'i*» '•1. -i .11 building where '-i# >f uver balanced bv benct.ts (•ulf I'iMiriiiiiiiriil • e rlVii CiO'.. uiait. eo iMTjvi. nt* would accept ihe oiler, if it I IIII N MtT vPii 011 the facu'ft* ■ •■o d »n , rlwrkwl and com # • ..ua' tree, or one of a car hi un< u > .<;> .mi are no! charged for was made, anyway. II seems of Nat on ui I |'i' 114 univc. ui? | M.nu«-. N« •» llam :«•« paid m4; re U*t. Rrv f U agi»rr. lie fled the mainland in ttltH Reerythins that fnstr a n • Iii.snd1.e5; * I'nic.v volunteer do*- j *>h som a <1 \. m ■ .«■' -.%» Studcot - •- the museum already lias a not enrolled in th" • - -e a*e.i ou->:de the fu- pt(y» "ioit* unu phajmfcvt io .v vation of .«' ., , .'.i iui pyeti during dugout and became profe -01 and dean | OTIII.R STATUS m 1 fii five week session are re- • -• • ««rc reiaute i i* and Bruce Riley were th» wm- and whip'.: ■ >* Jin vbi'm will ftf studies flt Taiwan univerfltv tb. agr* •. -.uef»t ar*.J ti.«- :«*e* Ui»s acre caoecd arc u» fgg*Ui!>- 1>-■ss h»lf-g«i: V A.iliv 2.VIpint• »'if uatnpjr? threwb Aga;lid . y»- WJfid -• i mId, . A \\ ind U§» IViinin that instilution • /on. 4 -.lt. «»!.«., 22-«. New Yu#k. *air Tticv then pay tiirir fee* at i bv the tie a gra4u.tr The - ftmahel w ith a bit avvt- CM:o dt'-MKtant* SAid ! uM>d every day in He icivivert his doctorate in Ti'.'l. * d *1. ■sftrc*' .. $22! the Ad building, and fill out ?h« r* s !• on Ik 4H Um. •tv ic 'rv "Sir - B."g*tr«im was trvattK.i k»t" mm ■ ...ijjaIs m ine area and V mal matches in the first turn-: chemistry from the Uhivcigity K*mt-i. is *»e '»ho aii lospttaiuco i* v ill t»i cOmpicted this! grccs from the NaUorral Titttf A Hiding wak* of lu - 1 paid departmental off.ice of each buUdlac indotto the Lew JkfcDtniei. w iih a 7! talJev Ihnii'; • to m: .- U-uf itict Mta.co lie, C'hien left Tuesday for [time Michigan r»-*-i«hmt» will f»»* that there t# room in the cla-s ' "* fkmerittf chert lev. atul drrrta teiirvd Uw tournament -a hi- Nl.t* fate for *.i--a and then go to the Ad .■i.i- iig.-un. nvbtre the enroll- *' aid., are filed. ^ K' .'letitt who have not atteotf- Knapp's Kasl Lansing • a* mo i Mnf before folio v. the steps ""lair' atarve. l»ut go first'to the f.tis off ii'*- in Hie Student I nder Consiruction S i I • < v. bu/tdiiig. ho ha p a!ii-rwhsl Ms<' j* 1' oid not it. > go duri :« ^ n "• a "»g !t-i' -tii'.! fir*t go ti»e tr>.:>!« began Tuesday «*kw*J 'h,*t Rart Larvattlf trroi i ••'fict at UKi Ad building * Ew*. Lansing branch prevwt* twr W. Kfvar'p depart.'.vent high cjuadyr (- J rtadii- - -r< ^ 1* - c ns» fee- ar» 1 to 1 »ron vr • * (-»> <;;j, t to 9, $yy; T''e »g"vr» «how«d that KM ' on dowar store tra 14- . fu ! '.b r-. i 12 and a? cjagftiiKted and open f m bk * Ur-;? potvPtigi, «*» in Fcbnaarv or L-' cwsvrmiauly growth Hi t*h», Out*'.. ■/• f.ir are .1 addi¬ dg-ch. according to Hv W ***n. Atmoat at! the tional |2.». 40. tfO. B3. ami toil Cirk-ne#, pgestdeet and i- erchzniw* vko in Hie cUy-aa- dollars, depending on the num- '• -.*na#er of the cv^n- »* » 5.r cruaiity Wwl be of crciits taken T»K BtfUHMi wiii have no T e elected kubjecta muct uc 'Hi n none wuwkw* L wt!! front for U2 W{.- •2 feel on Albert, one bioca 'u irr." M .w.i.t- curnculu a of floor space, during hi# (revivnian and sopho¬ ' north of Grind ILver. '* to :ae architect#. more years. »n,r> The buliding ha# been design¬ . iickwa. Wilson and ed for casual elegance" with 0/ Lansmg. the oviUwte wail# -of veflScgt-1 . Vein Sign 11> . ? » m piAim »rt tor Uw I*»: panel* in t».nk brick. f vient to feature men's, TUI OGKIKIL io-ti-a 'T A vptcrtas w ;l! atga im t *r M" • w4 children's fasfunn# •he Ha--- fv- xk ac >4 tiij CorystAic". on company. *' -.' - •• cii th : «.*;•. m lid . »AID Miifellftg plans Subcontractors for the work are Administration building accord¬ > TmZ%tri rurrer *2 ifikauTt consumer the United Piping and Erecting ing to the following schedule. in the Lansing company god the Larmng "ticv A through N, July 2f. * 3 «st Inaaicg area, which trie Motors company. O through x» Jul/ 29. i un mI THURSDAY, JULY 28, ' ACE TWO • _ Ml rim: A V S T A T K _N F. W X ... — — —7 Candidates Vie for Supjtorl in Primary Tuesday Contests for Every Job CAMPUS CLASSIFIED! East Lansini: Votes on OK \DI.INK: .V.IHI p.m. Ilill4>pu>uhlr *.|2 and OS Tu*ml«y for Thprmlny p«i„r. Monday Ihrmi •!, Friday. TupmIav is printarv rUvtitm *l.t\ Kit MM I KXT. 2«I5 ' Voters in Kast Lansing it t'het will take time to wo !»». the polls—will choose: automotive housing Candidates for national, Mate, and local oft ice on the I h'niocratic and Uepuhlicati ticket-* inn fl»Hl) rrtt.iv tattle haul t"P Delegates to their parti'-- count\ cotoetilioti which will * Vf> B>H'«I . otulilkm Phon« t'Uj HOO-MS VOH MVN - wiht, f !Kl2t n he held in Attinist tall, rloae l» eaiii|m» Pnvtit . Cast l.unsinir residents will vote «l*" on three refereii-, CHKVROl.rT, IW rourdoor sedfi ' 1-WUR lan* imlcnre »utvv®rglh»e f U ll V ri» 1-IW7 i dttm quest ions. f(|Uit>|teil KW l.i let'l® "tat# * SPAHTAN IIAIJ.. S1.1 lam v I'olls in Cast Causing will he open from , a.m. until 8 ru i-yji T-—' Apptovrd ronnia for ntec am ru Single* M. lloublCn W So ; P tn., nceordinr to Mrs |»urolh\ Itoeileckei. citv clerk. JOHN rw VINSON jim mm employment iMinl rooms, vvaahhowl in c,t, s . r VI i », »(.*\III " loltliv wllll TV. Pat king gnu I . ■ PAH't I IAtt Tims- uiwninga l"r Uellitles Onv blink (mot ra Eu»l l-.ati«iita vtli-dinHiil ii'»". aues ft-KH lo **M>t ru Mm. I ,VU-stH.t,-, I A IJM |!r tuners! If Olio of These Will Become Governor it.3ti.tger ,,UwU.it' tain ,o.«i' flint 3-nOlt U» 2'» hour* |>et ..I »"» .""I del.tftiD* r»f«M«-Miv \ »■#"«• trrk> Traiwis.lla- ne«Kt«Kl Hnoo* «rr,n**w inlervtew .. « ru miu HOOM VOR Tllltrr in n*.i I., Toil *hnw»r. I*tIvmI« rnlram* .t tVugtum. iv!i.»u M> SINfJU: SI.REPINC roooiv a P«»m»v rooking privilege* and paikmg .'.ml \Vdo;f waitf -- ■.ii! n't! solve on TVPtwT WANTKIP Wife ef lord Scott. 7M W. Ciraml K , atwlenl »» «vr* o Musi Wrile For ivt 1 «tv.!!ji mrtul.pr ..» fa.h.-t® .1 of Itl'll (ll'lISS .-a m t,c>f hi in ii I * |M*u rilpr »UPPU**1 . SMVIP3 . 'It •I I \! f Itlff'iitt; vs .n I*** hi.'UI ft' | ,lf a.la i«H H» T*MWI » • (( 'Oimif.t ft out I'r.tfe t i lost and FOUND the' ettiiSM "I * the orrsrr nkwkpaTur »**«!* v"u"« un.t-o 14»> S HdiH»on I1 t,.»v iMvlf.lt and ((tniluHilh'D Alwetilee Ballot t i' I k. n nt * OoimI pav a ml tring» lwn«fit» 1X>ST—Diatn »mt enpaei i, r • i IV t-TlPH. Mr lifter « emerald cut wIIUti, l.osi -• v. 'i -tot.- ru-itl« mi». hniiii'i'K saiurdav, JoU "■> • M.r Ol T■ -M nvlii.: i.Hatioif eve WAnnrssrs. Miwntnr* r»»! nt- WARD Call coll tel. It. I ViiivieVr ten 1 the polU • IHVAU •*» -f M«t' No t. etlih'dlit irvva. rod I... • «'F varkr.ul Itr.i M-I72I . Softball Filial* ■ ■ ,. lot rtt Noith: i wa*®« and **"•»* eoiKtlUom *«r , IMiK.li- Xnntii Voightlander came lUvJ ft • e | "f ,UH i t i .me \ .• Srlit'diilril lonij-bl v .jinittf (IN AI res.'it fJABirs Apply in per*«n Inn cave, loat near Ihu.m I! II %KI KIMIMItlt M • , * i . „ Write Mm Judv Pollen if \ fatt'i'iH--. wbrt have t'i tr-aOS iii the fir t HUWIUMM '■>< I lam.ng ' ' I I .«n t t'h> 11 Will® Kiama Mom® ■ io t'ivvs serving m t.he »»' I'M ..iM.r Mi I > -4 m n t a I • 'ftli Pi Male Senate rv ^ ' '..i-. that Michigan dor* \ t I • fiWiMlinj I'M lurt 1T (J - K Spartan Vd'se vtaimK aK® personal ' A' <\V. I"a ill *»«Ulh of -"< to men and women e i ^ Witt t'O Iteioeeii Phlihps Hiill H.nt olaved clarinet in aihnol . .ie,. (iinrruar .'ate un est ij? '.- \ s%MH I KOt'll M« " . I t u'OMtn. .ailg III Chop (Jin!" •»■ i >Moir i i f '.he l.ionbei ),n k M-serving ,'\ »•;« \ t SM* i'M N I at f.1 "-I i .1 Viae have live,I Pt f..Mr c Stir am .• ,A f. v • i: m 4h »>i,e. .i la t ss-.-iojiv, a i t their «-nu!if lb I level In ftave liv ed i i t ' . 4h \t>\' .. at,vote, v j (.it N at 12 U.. No. I .! Ann Arfxn She hnan't bee.- ^ U-tee»mn \ -p»« ♦! *« " '• ' »'r j 13:10. N I at 12 ! .'• aitvl th- liei oivlher in lo vr.-p- la-., KrlMililliJii \ »f«at - over Mi- ( birth wen Ml'A PI F V ? W i »i, I •• ... ! i . a ; H«U» v it r»t. d'i i .. ti.%. 12 t TACT ajOTUICH, AT iy > .... _ • -ill !'i| ' • IP 'I" i ■ li".'.. •OOMS V< 1 . * . • • e ' a-iMvicti ' 'y.i •. have pIMgl.t'i' allea.u vine. • if, U-m *1(111 il It'.' rxrn.l IM SlMil Y ROOM "ed I'uv .tU etiiraO' < *"«' "'r- jeal estate l(r|iiv«riil.ilivt« , , i. i •. Hr»«.ipMr '-mone' 1 rt'« * FOR SALE lie public an AIHMIION \l ■ .... PRICKS RrnOCPU O V tine l.-i .'Olil i 1 I..'■ noon (JowMi' . in« *iv room, tbree Imhicoom . FOR sale .. i J! » tt V»H11'il - I . A.ia- • ' Sj»l.l . i lose In campua. I'afl Mr« it: , ( s. . •t.m.r \lSt .. :« III. OK ^lll ■-ar_ -- -- I IV s-7a3d, home. IV S.R.U3 Pre"- I III »® men One vear l«a*e. *R p< for f i '•< H o Call IV #.*»»/ Mfd^es fl.UlO ■ to hwie I'm to- iM:»';4ie.i!iv un Uh«-i couplf'* ft SUMMEK CAANIVAI OF VAtUtS IV i TWO lirOROOM flrep».u * • . V- ■■ ' Mdlng Th.e , ii»mf ft hea? Oar age l , "1 : p?\ e I rees Call on un l o ; roller , m-artiv I Otlllls -l|l| I .'Ml iv Hv .» t?-.i!i » ea-t f f service or ."un • Uivei a? . rs ss fEiot r.ia- i THOMPSONS IK.i vol* vr.CU Freni - i JEWELRY PtivaU' tutoring af nmiKtiuihle ral< avaduM. ! Male Seal, boy II StlKf I red it ( iiiiin Set* Her? l.elleo lo the i'dlilin* Kprpsak* 'I'N: S|MS'iiil Mci'iim: i v Vhoo Dinnioniis ^ * Trtv N VillagCM's • A %t»yvui iMiYl.ii: WM H THOMPSON JtWEtf* • l .s. kciiiilc Krpultlnau ., t Ma.U N W Sparlan Kluiii Walrhrs \Natfh »V Clock Hrprtiiinu* SFU0NU1 N. Of SRUDNs? TM05-C 1 SHOP Yiciiins ot ApalliyV \ '■ a: . ! •• "'a V '"4" 2t.\ m.a.t . %vk. ' AI-C HP( OHIIKU Revere Model ... .. r K , 1 ill! k\sr i.wsim; i .. * ru i-u.t • 775 M A' c •d>> CVs ORVrR uliv.iwt new iV i. sei CXPEItT TlltRlft'AKH iif'VTW His '>,•>«• , ;■ I dltor "kUte New » -u.u.'na!'4 sl.,.\* IO Apart»»ir«l-*tf« - IvpiM F nn irie u V N I . V . • t >. • »liive. (Is HonA.a •• nvaubufti-d w.'!» |*e>) %ri «x|«n*nee vie i)«v'- i4-id !'1.~ . i. orvute t. V. ,MisTS i t airs*. >; Fill *! fi.m Bro.1v KU S-M45 . .--il'-. im'j au. ' *1.! \ W J% svish 't u*c t-" vroRKUNK BUOOY *U CMM* | . po. wU>'i • «»*- F* tlieury MiUuig iHCfo THEN |H - •V isfth'. t the ln)i«jr; • loo! F-1 MolHsganr twin he*1si»au. j ■at i th* lie mucr ali« . \ ...age v'hihl Ht.V Anlutur walnut doyb!* bedstead. »» .f,f i^UDNUT SHOP Keputiiie in I n% AVI KemingU i Rd Pnone ID- Itacc children* *r Swiv'Tfl, » j.jftjj K pa ,e. r«tir*. t » ,-«a \ . ■ , l ft I'rvwevutifg Ami * J n Sjht 'an \ fti.-r esee ol Pur* , : fti ft : roR bAlJ' Twin bod*, two «1»*d> V I rl r»*nvf « • ih* S« f.<'v d*»*. »hc»«» of diawerx. amn- T *• •k 'YfttSS • couth elf Keith l.ihke f'D 7-«JW, Mi*? .-f' t hai c* K H aifK-.inl ;-f cot. roift«miMUh IHI SPUONUl SHOP { on^ri'%* a ; ■ " J^xtMU1 • INpK >t\i. tl-w - cu I'ivtxt here** Otf* is Htvok*, Ausun I. Krpublutit mm v* iU vy, Klhs M NVnnpr. |iU-. :■■■'iwr.her ? ffk housing o-r i.f * i.' t Cheitu ixrr wlHi i;, :nr ■* I. |*-.t.i.I"-« Hrv . 1. . X t'i - *f • sror in at TV ANl) RADIO irpasr J-.ts LHS'M U 'ii'-ru iiK v V\ N'-*i>v a??.; Ha v > » ,'«'!% |sy«5 " I'll. * Sumner ntuileiii IV *'9iU L«W Rate*. IIS • ,t< ■" . i.irnv? i.v Ha rit fbai t* I.h-'- MAIJC nVOWTT wan'* to Oiart i iMmwrilir ga.p" tNtUiil v Civ M H teururt I his IMper Welv*M«iey *1*4 *«• tradef remnirnU — II* Jewelry PAIGECRAFT an • POVR-ROOM aoarluicnt Call IV 4*31 <• After MfurnnM apart- 1 MOVING CROSS C0CN'»' Caaetl TAIM ♦** •? • n* I* i) llnW4Ac. of |Tj. iUkte« mt an« current etenl. j ment vtr»t fba-r private bath. en. t"dunt.> Fregnvrpr. ldiuc*nc* tram* Imam* accepted. 1911 Fwee* U't Ve . i. ■ liiiil.-i.oit-riior l» I'ftlAe' anil fr> the iekUliACofv; must (",lpui*aiHap » -m St . IV H-7'C-.i ttegfitvH of IVesta. V! » lt»il uLateincnt tUs-pia** a 1»* A of re- RrpuhUcan gait! for villager* on th* part of ; Uwtinalinu' optical dewign-maker KMPfiOYKD COUIJaGR sraduate HumphTe' femele w*»« rwwv mate t,» Oiare » HwW'.llsvR. Etc? tlra-n ' th* 5iia-*g*mcTt tn :"!«*»'. c*s<» -1 ts-iivn.' • • . sine* lh* kahrMfowcopc. No h»U of aparlmestt bear camptM. |*b«»ne KD- * M :».,u ij f. t L. Cii'.aha* t- atisu*H' w *nrvoy i:vg la | j J*«R3l room 5A • 50% r s» . - -i «' 4 > -v h -a . , v «iuv HAS MdR. MTUIM Ui y. t'lii-oiMfi'. IKx a-tii Jaii >. a •.n.« .a-** »i t iHiiv is aangcrv-os hv-i>* \tr nrv = s | off uUss no head*, hut Ih* world DF.UoirmTL *tudto a part tneni | and garage oil r«v*r tn Olwnw* One A fvpf'C a h*?nvv Su.VPVi I w h,»* rvvw-v hu ft'.uiaa*. h;< - • around von through a trlr^copic r two |«rftxn Call B 11 RiKtfie' | KB a-AVN* 7 h*vC«fja«t gs'>c;«»K ' «m.«. r**- •. mmi ".hti | I lew* and Ihrr* mirrors. Ca-i R*4 8> Srlrt tiun , tiritr ROOMS .-»ate »sv4 ?»v« t»-.a l.itillT! MOTION: FORM!* •..»•■*• of yi-r inw "< 4 New IWs i.a8t cii anck . . . . . . FAS F .HiUtMtfti SI UK rnfwr. < iarag* nr pnn'r pft-fUbv meals ftOMK Wi* Uf» **4 f; Ib'iv Ait Polling Places t v .«tmoed from tNig* 11 IVrfuiiip .■*14 *,«*** IV l-t?3g HUVATK ROOMS lor b en Avail* « MICK'S lAUM0«OUAf $22 for-on* to 'hre* credits-; ' fthfer to* Mxunvt me weeks. Two} 2102 i. MKZMI^AN C'ftil tV J-J441 j l*rpv»nct I—C entral S, llarrimMi iamiI. I'rwtnct I—Jumur High Sahook 810 Abbott .nwii. : tor wv*n to tunc JO or U crtriils. vved-itand. |Ti STILL ON! ~ jfne WOMFX'R^ATPROVEr< eon*-.*!" »x>? «nb vt duunncr. and fait ttli 'Mi wt otcuiai FWaktT •?"$ 0'-" in c«o' l.w CD 7-1IV- tf ! •UNW.IS W« S'uOIN"- Pmtncl I—IUil*> vhuol. 'OH IUik> siml. FO$T» or Tl ITION r.l fm IV . 4*t fo? r;v», n?«i .?:t Si? a week for rvawi* and brutrd SALE IVvcinrt 4—Marble School. N, Hagvdorn rtud. Fviv.-ent !»wl .udejm rrm' ti*i«g. part-lim* pivgra;tw v» " t* JAJ 1'trvinci Marbl* School. \. Ha|Mkim r*Mil i \<**c ta ■■ Ji.ywi. j iiuirl place to TYPING - rw**! cde; h«r oo* to* ' iit rmtiu, id tm r?«d Mow land tfouec, Xi Ann St •cvepted Call .tD » «** ripiuivi T—( ampus Fir* Malum. Slta* Un*. f.-wir ;« v.-x vivdit*. $131 for seven m J-CiT an* MncR behind Union» : TIIC&IH PRgPARATK' t . !'r*« incl k— Kni C rdar School. Sfvtr drit r. * "v rest ;«; and JlTg foe 1# typing, and nfteft dupfcea^r.( 4 1'irttmi .Uumor High School, MSI Abboll road c-rodils ' v AfTROVKO rooens for men, nngte Al Wonrh. Wonch Off**? J>- , >-uo', e.T> ard d.H.bie f«r aummer and fatl. 937 ID, Ml Ea»' >«r»< r:'«> ;s* id special it r.uari a Acnxa from Berk** ha i :a*,cx xiil aJifti pa* VodAg llourft • ps«|A>rt«3Mte AbuHini*. fo-r i*vs rhaa 12 cncdits. in t. r.BSND urn VFN S.rgle and douMe close to RADIOS RTPAIItrU «- BOOKS - PRINTS roiU will in- open io all prtoiirU front T a.m. to > p.m. i-ampvw «i\..el ,-orven*.nt. ilean MBtt etudent Work and pa • and evarftirtabie Ideal tor atudy* -- rate*. IrvM? •• Wtrr> in tin* at > p nt. will he permitted to vote, ac- nc Single »3. dottt-Je SJ AO eai-lt. itndmg to Michigan Ltvv. maimer avhoeS wwlt til Qrove • IIV »»«i*"a HI "MS* *u«K luuti street. Pbwse ro 3-*Tit ttc Mi* hi •ran Slate News i iMi-i »i tuiM tuanii *ja|jup 4t|| JO i)UW)U! x* to -iivk POSTERS p«a U!V *<0 *1 IJ«IU..J j. »•' at If"-' k-i # gftiv. e» vW« * VlMKUy t?\ro*Mrtll J» Jiml iu. JO nnt liivuodiui )M>ui ,i|j AT THE t • •i'-"4 *'■ j- • u*a 'tmtw meeftLv dvv: g luoirrr ; ♦ ■ -i * h .--dsn* ftei«*e«w •*.«■■■ m»» uU tef";*- Ae».-s*nd ilftvt enrtag*. *OHW-| u.iuo , « (UIIIJ -J—*!•) « y.t - .. 1 |!i!l I'.imrrlmtt ?S (Fa-" Lji'lsit* Vlti-.-- *-1 I pt'lnHi* **><*&* ■ «'?*«*■• (W *** Ift-m Mc.tw* 1*1-3)*, M ■ • - summer KditK f v,l KiirdiJi |iJ.|U,, « •a (wuim.i j v»i^ » CAMPUS BOOK-STORE .... &ei*l t« S««rjwet SckfteS? to f < w « itidsHt- b-iijn wsWig fttt«iN3."t kWBP v.***'. lull kirlaun Ne»» Kditar Acr»»» From I niun Buihling fchba •« SJ0. •VI iVrdi Adiertmwft Mcr.'J r i hf hrtb.tr Afpupfttiee cft'4 fife «itet I j sf'i tl I G| 1ii A X STATE, N K W_S_ t'Aci: riiKKi: t "Anyone who has seen demon- i eeniplaint in the dean's office OSU Hits Iloiisiiiii Dius , 'A Point Four Reality •.. stratum-, of lh« for education he m insatiable hunger Africa and Asia." said, "uiu'st accept' the fact Ohm State univ. i i'* h.i, Hie The pa | >or offices wift reported, ami wih invc tig,*1*-. A prevalent told the i »!.:«> State- thftt the manses are determined tlr,u, u„. offending. landlord that education he one of the first, spelled out a new fmlicy on off Stressed bv Hannah l^ntem that under ihe new . fron| thr approved rolls if He fruits of their newly born In¬ eauipie. housing d*<-n inim-iimn ptmro.iui*- a oig set up bv the j complaint has « basis in fad dependence winch will go into efr«. r •• .te.m; *,l ».,eii ,ind women, ans ; A student i»rgani?ation. the meitiatelv., aecrding to > i«-im»i! -ju-frnt who fi-el. that lie ha- ; Students for l.iheral Action, a; IN Ills Zurich speech. Dt in the university's -tudenr p.i- iw»-n discrmuiuteii againt 'on | p|,iui i »•-- o.il.'i-n.il i jytin" m.iv loilyc j (trad Oir ( hwlflril-. TofiriirvnamMiroen Mcailott Fount in has effect, had it the . « Point lfe»t-. not Koui plan onlv m, the undei'iev cIo|m if countries, From Fast lainsinjr to Switzerland and back in three but .iNo in ttie ttnitcd State "There h.n been a tit mention days is a quick trip, but President John A. Hannah made , it last week. dent th«- MSI - flew laiuti • wait t<> 1\-travelled presi¬ Zuruh l" address international confer- lernes mcot of that wilt of results only in tractors .urge of irifett-m foreign Ihm- permit asses-; gouges and a similar spurt of in- numbers; terest in the history and ruliures placed on the land., ,(u' Middle, Attend Church <, This Sunday 4-!.«v- fonodiiliiiO. *-i I he Green Meudovv ""lk I"'" l.as. ,1,' mimht-r. of nillN Iruvrllwl bv lht. (lrM ,V. |r|" r,n*.'t! iikimI Ihi.t f... EAST LANSING . in Hannah went at the invi¬ technical experts, number', of' suable scale. the college annl tation «>f Gottlieb Outtweik-i, wells dug. numbers of bags of universities are specifically pre¬ hiinfu^matv and founder »>f paring young men and women S.-A ji/i-i h»na'-; famed Miglos Co- I lee pieahu eit upri alive- 1'hiUvveilrr visited ANDREWS IS now the cxeni-''or t'rtrt'*'1 * 1,1 h'tngn service the famous m January U» r - live director of outional pi eject*.; THE MSI' pre-ulviit said in. i.hv MS! InieroaUonal Mai- in agricultural conmutnicationH. 'trip wa so short that it w.-s, ketmK Award SPE AK IM. ON "Point Kout ,l)i" Hannah said he sees edu- practical!* like going to Detroit j cation a the key to the solution for a cunfereiito He ic'gieted not" ST. JOHN CHURCH PEOPLES CHURCH FIRST CHURCH OF l.fea am* Heahlv." tit Hannah of problems in w hat we arc now j having time to visit more place J \aut a point of IllftUin between beginning to tail the developing in the viciiiUt, even tivougtt tie' A CATHOLIC STUDENT CHRIST, SCIENTIST the rsrmnvuni-t blue and the West countries. ■ has been in Zurich before EAST LANSING would t»e eliminated ir technical a^'i.-taol and economic develop¬ iiaaiaaaiai ■ % CENTEP if*1* I lifjnd III* ft Itiif-rdrntmurMlioiiAl ment pVoRi'anis ware 'lotted !i» CLEARANCE I I it K4*4H4ll(b, ll I MrllVYltt •on- r»-;».v »>l the I'mled I 4*1 » VV r»l <*r.ind lll*,r 41 V|lrht(4fi l.nistiig J '7 MAI V* ,ni»n Nd ' It'll • l'iun.1 Nations contiol would II* I* M4MOI* * .Mini I t*Mr«h Srivnr || V *1 a:--mi tab- nut. Ii of the compel!- niiimI.i* \l4«,r> i.te eieinen! in the situation to* Vi» 1:11 I0:«M II 10 Up* |l»v j Ailtrri.im SALE • - - tiimil* .schuiit || ,V VI. da>I he president said ilUhi kiilim: «i S l> A Minitlru * The Pour Four Idea of extend* IUINI lliMril SMlllPfl . technical and eeouonuc usm-- Dallv Mn»n • ♦». 1 tt A S 0«i v vi M Ml VV SI IHM| t.u..e to underdev i'to|Nst collll- i.iiv r cine of the wore popular tourist attractions on the hru- s hue t" stav. I)i Hannah PLEATED AK.NEL SHIRT'S i oiilrwlmi* DjIIv l« A VI 10 \ VI MSI' campus is this cow—and several other like her. •ji.tw-lii vc. but he noted that o.o lv .'husiasm for the program has 1 ie I'-VI. lillrr Mu*srvl A Brv May J. VUirilHOt, Wr.iii. ii)- tvrnlno Mmiin I I'M I he window in her side doesn't bother her a hit, MSI veterinarians maintain, and provides a peep* j oimuUshetl. UK. HAWAII reiMirted that Further Reduced To S3.98 XAlurday (..» jn x no-i on I* At. ' Itumanrr (if A IlltiovPty N IV I* VI. t*Md:«y Varum hole into bovine digest it r invsteries. With the cow Stante> Andrew.s, the second di- Mrnllli, lliMlltl rv-itor of Homt Four and now <;K(»i!i' or casiiai. & iiukssy i it hp* I* vrhwil ill vv brand Itr*rr Dr. I.. It. MniiU'onicrv of the Nctcrinarv colleue's ( AfllOI II N i l III N T Ollli AM m MSG (acuity member, 'n - Id 4 Ml department of medicine and (State News I 'hot o by Dob (Dunham) surgerv. .! .■ail's v. uh nostalgia ■ when success was evaluated in the da> a DRESSES / AriOX V|| I IN 2 m» I* VI Ml'Nl»AV ■ »mini ihrxiiili itifi|, ttltoiii VII arr Sprvil pn, wrlmmn 411*1 *4»n- In alirnd 4 tKl u»» Chufih I tin |' terms, of the numbers of people Plump lit T-n;,n Ilr4dins Itaoni wiped to tn lp themselves to bet- Service Given Vet '' ter. bv dig and better lives" •Andrews." Dr. Hannuh con* 1/t lu 1/2 OFF *ioutsf, "wnlesses to a feeling of Siiw 5-15, 111-20, l!'/i-22*'t School bv Holey (low iisitiu>iOnmcnt when he etpn- EAST LANSING METHODIST CHURCH OF EDGEWOOD | templates in how many instances programs are now designed in1 ,i:h a hoje ,-i he bmiicv to kill harmful bacteria I III.OIISES TO S.-..OK TRINITY'CHURCH EAST LANSING PEOPLES CHURCH ne.ng oiwrive.t i> Antdm»Ui-s, however, ui>.. kill j Reduced To S2.G0 and t>i suae Vetei iiiai s Mi t omnia! chruc .■ the digcstn ii auiirig bacteria. THE 'her* tore l«IFU. taken b.wtorta fr»i»i the **wi»* j is - PAIGE lV.ANIiri.il th> Hpirnn <%vr*iu« Al. WESLEY FOUNDATION Inlrrdriiomiii4tionat "hi ami-.tal h.i All JcHclry — '/j I'riri- W Umn M Tonnanl. ((•'t s llaaadoin lluid f;\ ' .in.*.*! ' and tn»n,sf«ered to CRAFT • - >c: cow tin. t miivr vviiliamn -a k i on ■ . I hi. • eii.ih'o !}ie v *.,•>»£*• | lnid.>*i (V Mm k* nuilh nl liund ItlVil) . >.; :.cs four »t«nw* lis cow. • ccnunue uonpa; , 1*4 Unr viin'tlii* lie* I rumpi* V Motiivni vitnitlpi . of her life, UK, M>r m (• I OK(»L the 11 Mtxue. pro- , department of sut- a. «wn uie. said the cow IJj .NSSWWUVWWVWVWVWVN.V CORAL GABLES' Ula tuii qskinccrcio II 0« won SIIIP "The JudcniPnt Mil* Ml** sr»l S 10 aund.it a in. Kn| Hniftlup (filar Srliool Hp* llotnumn spriuoii I.. Lapp. dv Vlinblri . . ly used for research *»r chrio" Ol*r HI"! It Rftl i»r H HarMtOU ltd II* t. Roltlittoil (< l. i|ip . -.eriotoffisD. ' 1:30 i'm. , On Srvpf |»r. are *Wed by certain •• ILFORHO "I'lidrP Nov* si miav srnVK t .n 'he digestion of then VlJii4*Pnifnl * hi i«J ■ s ii «* 4 ni vvrsu v hoi sr. '• 1*1 Moore xaid. Hacteri-ijk J(l Pal It 1.4lie 4 III. or lit it sinviris . removtU sample* frotti Xuiterv lor bull* ktiii, *, . .-a s stomach to study these s:|» a iii. niiiuijv NIihm.i • Itiiftli Srhdol ir- : This was done by re- •* • • HKSTAURANT • • tlawoo fur t'nlverUiy Xiudotno • 10 4 1(1, o. thr wmdow. J* (liuriii »rit*M»i * Ms( developed the idea and j *• 'the nam* that Marie t'IZZ.i famou* in l.nnuino* 0" |*ni. WPdHP»d41> l.vitli*; 10 1*1 VII 4 1 » Asp* Mod. Ortar leader in this reneatch. k"ivlr» Si llMil vvixco.vii; voraiuu to Dr. Mchwc, j , ar» a number of cows i CTBFEkrOiNxlKR^ • SAX Dairy trarn which are ; g ul«d fur thc.M» slu* i OPEN DAILY S P.M. -2 A.M. THE f'OW \?aterii»K to I'rivale BtifftU • liaiH|ueU EASTMINSTER SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH ts t>einfi kept m lb# | lOfTII WAslllMiliiV at VinOltlN ItlVf.K IIKIVfT, | 'uyt- animal clinic for a differ-} I.ANSlN'f, ; ?:■ • l iirppse. cows, which are cared'* ■ KATIISkKI J-KIt OPEN WED. THRU SAT. PRESBYTERIAN llovvAMI* I. SI KIIKN, ll. I», Pastor . Uva clinic, an* given antl- , lilstloMi J. Ill 1.1., Atao*. Pa slot CHURCH 10.00 A.M. •IHLR kCNOIII, tail IV MM! for transportation Mornlnc A Ivan log rfr. Hohprt fm Vloroland, Xialtlrr II 00 "Our l.itraalpa Will Fall-' MAN IT'S 5pi hmoi.in Mircot, i (• 1 (Mi P.M. "(lad Walromaa A Maro " i 10 I' m, Alit'l.t YOUTH rPM.nw simp ims! ( ssiiin AND WEI RENll WEN i s PINIIAV MtHiHMI r. i.. Jr. High mfiimt, COOL iis ahboo Mil FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CENTRAL METHODIST 0.20 irMifil AVI hit Wot bill* 611 mad* and and Ihuni* ni*d> r § CHURCH CHURCH 3 io p vi viMi.r stun Swadisii 111 Vilifil si Wrti u I la k a ai North ( Ursfnut Oilawa tl Capitol MEET ME AT THE Hal Dish Mais (•iiral Minirtir vitnislPi I Nile Harper ttunmer Worsltlp Servkrt a( 10 a it n. t Paul vi Muirrl Paul alorrUon, proarbing pntinhed hardwood top¬ Msi Phllomphy |n |*aitin»itt Sunday Ifivirn ped with cork to pro- Sunday WbOQl al 10 a Ml. tut her linens and in no * it* < nor* h srltuol UNION BOOKSTORE table tops Size- It" 10:00 an* - Wortli||> s*>*mp I>ati»t I* a lri»ndlr cimiclt UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN BARGAIN *5»" S» T - Uf ,1 CHURCH TABLE AND STUDENT (ENTER OLIVET BAPTIST a SHOP- \r* Tlic Liiiun RimiI Slur#- Hardwood Division and Ann turyt. I I. ALL SAINTS CHURCH ' 1 50%0 Nfw itein.. Of F • • • A I'-nl lk»k. MSI' T-Shirt«. S»«!.hirt. ,1c. Supplir. fur cU—ronm nerft- Caaapo Trays Walnut finished hard- woort with cork insi-rU', blurks I 4111|*0t Ke«id*'iil l |» Norlh Pastor f-iiTl or of fltllll: (IttlMliI W (had** KM (WOkP* -• llalli link Kllnfctick -'T1V EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev • "IV William M ( Michigan tlartmao. NMAV Pastor sundat sclimil | || \ y| SIKVIIM I In- (grill 't in- (aifi-lrria Sl MIAV each wrtk EAT- - The btiil food in town to hold glagfias «r cup * and io:l> A VI Ion VbboM (load - 111 Hit Mo* mili V « Milt Hoi suit* ii roups 9 an 11 M v vi s.jo AM. * p. vi. • >!uflfd animal. Atmosphere you tike *3 Rev John It** ( Itwkert Poriei ■ i.arilner (haplatn Etenint- «*rv*te Mill-WEEK sl.RVME j p,j| Set (if 4 WKMVRNDAV T on P.vi. A snack or a meat • *I>1 run LANSING CENTRAL FREE Yf«nt*i»r lo *lar»l»d students Ir nsporuiion (*••{141 House ■> in 4 in liavW( Inlrrtta- Suadat or Res i,union SI Jones. Ret-ior • lira, ■ all iv ;-siiy for 4 ride, • MSI? Napkin* ma Ml. pJ^/\Y- (omm! • Kiili.ml- • llo%*lino fun for all METHODIST CHURCH Washington at (iKiiwh ffinse.i iMpliti (burth m Campus) Luiini si ND.VY aMtVMIs. # A cool summer ^porf iltentl Vlotnina Worsliip Sunday Vrhwil — — tt an* to ant » o-i A vi (loly^c ommunion Youth fervice — * •*« p m (lilirrlt Evening wwrshii* — 7 mi p m. lee You At The Union - Today liiT S. Ma.hinalun LA.VSIM. 2r Leonard Prve w . come a staff ohvsieiaa at Oh.n IIOHTtMt'H for trie gathering are Miss Eastman. Miss Hann. Health center on An .not IS. I 5»'t><* A hv- pa.;»*«;• i-ovhi, Dr Ro- Training for new county home Miss Peek, and Mrs Miriam i He previously practiced sen- •: Mk'U- V - M than i ;r a ; iV.vAM ■ ' • .'•lilKt»v K ,r. \t . ' 'A •rovUie an m- .voncimv> extension chairmen J. Kel'ey. i oral medicine m Muskeaon •.*« hurt ( n -,»f "u h« .••np'.r.lii art . a .'! j-m* tw provided. This will Mrs. Kelley is tile assistant III! WII I rep :,ee l> t ford At M St* ?h Dr D. . Lreetecl by Marjori* Last- •» i f . ' 1 . n ■„ ■ ■ -** \vh<» resumtM June 30 aOHimistrativc assistant. direct.>r. in hutne economies, of ;,:rr,,! '* 111 IINIOI I * :• i, o-n-no* n-i .. , Meruit' ,vu!. VSl ' V ' v< the cooperative extension ser¬ tweau-e »f of U! ii! health, according • ..sst'C fratmn* p ' ?.* 1 * aml Fnrence Rami. protjvam vice. She w ill conclude the con¬ to Dr J time.' Ecu; -' vbeal J@uL . . ., •, • 4'iVi u>s!--.ant ip home economies. _ r ference with an address cm "Liv¬ director '4 - - ; • k -H-. its Wuu ing — with a Difference ' Price r« c- xt * . 1" ca' Or 1 1 u' .... • r c. A xpMIAL class *r> up * : ;.!U *i w ■' V "Cit-,;.- ; i \ «cit for those homenuker- and MD f - :•< the V ' mtxlical eoiicg v'h;- ighv." ' In- A u, j'.tend the conference for J t'hue.s « I... wk \ ■ •. A F e i.rit.% »<»» nil. -i • m > .•«< • Si ■ > • 'after* .. .jiu'e dav. This will involve a N»i Fires! cago e v .' i ;it».*u->n.n of our stake in the a"? t •. •iT.irv e\»ped world.. . There were no tires reported He w." smv....ft disorders at the lieaUl •-tiv.il Claaaar aai Shirt Lamiry in the last week. . on csmpu* 1 V D: j'h:" p> Foster, extension Tour Mimmrr rblhrt will be fresht-i fire run by the cam- . The !a>t i'varr-s" . a. in agricultural #Cor.» Lsicguards ..<■ A". and neater tonkin* with our expril «|r - P X v\ '' a ldrev.i tins Rn»ui>. pa- fire station was July IT N J resuce an aver-ig rleanin*. ShirU also ffel our extra rtrr He \ It te.»' with such problems Everybody's been careful.' swimmers each -u-i ■' P. e" ■ and keep (heir whape heller in our of ■wnat the hottemaker can do Sgt Sam Gingrich said crush-proof paek a«rv IMCK IT* DKUVKKV ' *ikw run: •*« • m r LAMEST DISCOUNT IN TOWN ^ PAIGE I'HONK Rl) 2-1021 ( ALL WErORC l:3o RACK BY SW I v'tfll -iV'-i !>'■ ' CRAFI • ir u it I tti Ml I I I Kits - Till. I'll'KS — KXIIAIST I'll'ES Did (imnd River Arrm% From Sludenl Service Ride •titer. H-.h.op POLISHES — W AXES - PAINTS — HIU SIIKS a t> "f the lie- ■b OF ACCESSORIES HORSEBACK RIDING . t OMPtKTK LINK t '.ire I t \ I • i ' ■ hi- •' r s held deal- w i'v«in'"■ txV«- (I %%«!<* IN ome extension V K.a; .«• , m traffic safe- I'OMftn* AUTO New & Rebuilt .. v breath ng SI'RIMCi . (iLASS SURVKL rtwnh m«un#« Kill III N r«r cm. •t Lt'TVU rum TnKfc*. ffactio • Whtia \on Watt Hospital IniUfitier !»'i niiltK from rampus Mstial 2 miles on M-T8 to AUTO It rile of or Onaka < all KRAMER PARTS l ake l an-ing then I' i mile to Road, l V ullcr- \i!« lir» NACNME SNOP SERVICE Triple R Ram h . till ItlMNli MM I'nir T«n- .• .'-i •« Mill E. K II. IMA/.OO ST. PHONE IV MTl.i l\ I I171 rate 11.50 per hour, i - . M . vr .• k i» i in: t.n \( i (pick up senile, "»"c added, K' K ItKTAIN llir Nrriici- «f a for no less than four riders.) •• V tR » D Proven Public Servant r i \ V ' • • i ELECT It I"*1« IN SUMMER TRIPLE-R RANCH LEO A. FARHAT 2Hi| LAKE I. VNSINtl KiMIl. PHONE EU M52J SPORT SHIRTS thosecuti.m; ATTOHNKY Itc-T A *l""» —MEPlBIJCAN— only s2.99 ( hief \mi«uoI R—hum • Inn rr artvein* AMoroer AMoroer Store Jao Fxperieoeed Trial Lawyer and .kdotlntaUator 1.1*57 Reaper led by Lawyen and Jwd*e« foe Owivundin* LEN KOSITCHEK'S kbilllr ii. II- H:. -I- VARSITY SHOP • Veteran World War It l.ife-Lon* Resident of In*ham County 2-8 Abbot I IM. Kl I IV I.RtVMlN Pruwarr Ueetioo Aufuat Sad — ' itr 'v H • • « - K..iw| l un-ing — a.v pa" ,-a;«- »a trtu* w Mr*. Mavme II Virtue. as>.s- tant iticriry general fur M h- • •gan, wlU tjbacuaa the rule her offico playv fn protecting one- aumerj from frauds, cheat*, and •harp practice*. L. J. TOtlX. of tho doivi-t- tr.ent of horticulture at MSI*/' w ill demcnatrato tho techn. qne» and principle* of flower ar- rangomer.L •RtCHEIt tag MR CLEPNAIT ACT r '• I Plfwoi aRti Ml aw k— | t :t f •Riftbssi brnxt {se«jibr=f J S VV i 1M S U !1 T S A E iifH WIRE ACT if! 4 4 > kdMSt Wav • • itt cf pa;t liWii '.Li?. Tks Opwxburyt K'RS#* iv :? a* -"- t CLOWN ACTS ivar ptwH * T* im» "0 Ih rjencv'e JANTZEN-ROSE MARIE REID-ROXANNE Cqtrs{ Csaises J t S I or: a! re r#dce* V ' —.. save from *4 to'10 I'lns a Itmt "' uthtr & en first quality »»im suit* from Ikes* Isesrs swi* suit ilrarh tii iyitt; ani r:b fiiklitt an!:.. oHltiJe makers.. .take advantage of this first price break ef Ike seMwer en . m the apru air. our sntir* swim suit stock, solid and patterned I asto*, canons end 10 SIDE SHOWS OH knits in svtry popular color of ths season. Sisas I te It. SIP ARTISTS! {MARFJx j PrtsrripiiM Center ■ | clioost from a collection of svsry ligurs typs: V#«f Ffandar Merchant Wi.il Afa* l« tpwairini • nv tatxpo* ■ • DRAPED SHEATHS • MAILLOTS The Greatest Shoir of V - p North Wwl of Sear* ■ J ♦ Bargains! ii I • Nevt To National • BOY LEG STYLES • TWO-PIECE SUITS DL'JUNC their I ; I J Food Store - Your New ■ f RFVAIX DRUG STUKF J J *tM» D till * AJd. TO 9:3d F.MJI SPORTSWEAR SUMMER CIRCUS OF VALUES! ■ \Y « P M. TO Fit r M ■ diiiiiianiT ir.:t I' vr.E FIVE 2,0.15 time I .return* M..s* of Ihr men re-t need.- i.eatei to th- Art Students Oil Fleiiiinh .Irt 4,000 New Students questing fall for filled rooms by m term I.StRf housing a k Shaw hall, already uppcrelawinen .pp^tmn Some ttegm." he IBa persons aid. have r» Disjduy Work Visiting lecturer in the his¬ tory department, Prof •Ferdin¬ .who term. reserved Dutch said quarters spiqng served hominjl uate center. It. in the can new ^r«n- aceomntoda'e Summer •session painting stu¬ and J. DeWaele. discussed "The dents are currently diapiavmg i.'ov of Flemish Monday in Detroit's Krrsge Art Painting' Want Housing Here A VFAV nndergt.Kiti.no denee hall will tie constructed 4715 Altogether the '.campus deneo hall, house between 'e» ».5tui their work in the lobby of Sftaw Lane and t- exp«*cte»f Center. on and «,00<) students, Dutch saic. Kresge w4-center. He i* on summer leave from M • • ihan 4.(100 fre-oitocn jr»%t • tu t'r- Arm«tm?'g in « M :.*• he cii'iiplettHl by fall. 19i» Although permission to build Wil l. TIIE campus be crown. Predotninantly abstract, *tu- the University of Ntmeguerv. ti'a'iM« student- haw applied residence halts arc t»«••»«»r- ha* been granted, it hasn't h< en i\i th.. fail'' 54 oil painting* represent »>!.:> li '!!and. where he »s a mem bet f«»r f.ii: term housing opened Jo freshmen and train-- 't.td.-.i whetiier the diucture "We won't really kn«»v un! i work d*»ne since early June f the department of literature t' » o ;ilO in,.re than last vem u-r student-. Dutch I after registration," Dutch **m. m . shoulit house men. women, or THE BIT* of the ex'uh.* lb; Itiii we've turned anyot.» • w at time, according to Ton. never M ulr> xv»m»- gia.tuate student a wing f. r both, Dutch said painted by students the um- lllroiG \N «rk-lni|i D <• • housing director Add;- (|i»fiiiitories a > ,•> because we couldn't find vcrsity's artUt-in-residence f>>! •i.-n.i' applications ate still U - •ir MILE depend o!( them housing Phyllis \>hon. of the Edge- Women may be -*k. t to \n.u-* the summer, Morris Kantor. in.. jie.vt'ssiM, he saiit. m three- if ne,«>*..•■ n. wihkI Peoples church. F.«-t l»m- i.«n>s . 't<«|tlt4tItHHM44ttflt(||tMI|Mtl||t!l!|IttJf||tf|Jtl|||Mlt!«||||init||||im»l4!lir*> During the regular academic -rig. was one of four Tainsing Till III; Is .in- ,'"'1 year. Kantor teaches in New •uea church officials who took •Sms Ihlli-n lifs Play ul , , , York City at the Cooper Union SO I'll. m. part m the church mu.-ic work¬ ents and facidlv for and the Art Student .- league. mem- women h*w K-e-n received. shop July IT to 22 FAIRWAY Gulf RANGE bets 'ban an* t college m Dutch -aid l-t.-' v.ar a' th.s -TIIE REACTION to Karfoi Others were Gladys Betifirld. the county, h using ha • t* siRlUfd ha* been enthusiastic We feel Seventh-Day Advent -t. Oke- Tt . coinmo«iate moie iiiiuer- ?«• l.tido mo*. James H Jenning.-. Mvtho. his visit has been enornuwsjy ' dot church. Holt,, and Mrs anil successful."* salt >|owa r d Richard Klausli, Plymouth Con¬ Church, head of the art depart¬ ment The tinue -h 9 o through which will con¬ July 31, i- sup¬ gregational church, lousing. RICHMOND. Va. tV S 1 >11< lilts AN I MVIRSITY STATE THE VIOIIMT PASSION OF A WOMAN FAIRCHILD THEATRE M f MINIATURE COIF ''r" ^'"'l' ~ la'asons plemented t>> an exhibit ol Pradbury pulled his new auto- "4*k i MIXI TTS EAST OK MSI' ON I'S if, jewelry, ceramics, painting, and mobile license plates from the FOR THE MAN SHE AD0RE0! etching, the work of Ailcne Wa- I envelope and a note fell out. j ;'i">iniiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiitiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiii>; toncn. "Help, it said, "I'm being held j A anu tu*o "wxrei TNI Mlll-WlMMIMO OtWtN UNOl tCt »u« Miss Watonen's collection is i a miiMi»»tni*» m« sc DONA Jt'ANA, Spain's mad queen, plavrd hv Au¬ prisioner at 500 Spring A rora Hautbla. in the Spanish film "Thr Mad Queen" presented in partial fulfillment | Street." That's the address of the Fhomt :mmd TORMINTtD WW »hirh will he shown at Fairrhild thratrr Friday and for her master of arts degree. tag* are made. WHO BITTID NCR 9* IV 2*7311 .Saturday. ENOURINO IOVI Scoiitx Hold AOAINfT TNI ivSiCHi^Ar* NOW! 65c to 5 • Child 30c ('.amp at .MSI1 \i ve thai) >'•» l.jtnsi-4 .Ir« j •v . Scouts and Explore:* *ta*vd •hree-tlav comparer a' MSI' v*r the weekend. The ocoui*. from Chief Oke- counctl, BSA. arrived Fn- -«* nt*h*. and set up camp off u-stnut St. three block* -muth Shaw Ur»e. TIIK BOYS planned the.: wn iua. did their own geok.ng. had to • police" the;r camp- > "es Mary had elaborate diyplavs scoutcraft. tnctuvttRi lr*g din- , sets, rustic tenet*, knot ty- and .Mjfnal towers Internationalism was a feature rr eamporee, wi'li 4» Can- .m scouts froe; \ValiacePui<. * ia?aria, attending. \ C OI VTY coit»ervatic>n fair presented Saturday by ie* >ent4»,ve* t»f the conservation trimer.!, who gave pictorial t practical demonstrations of att <-on*ervatiun. fish life cx- p. nmenu. and wild life. need*. *>■.* -gnu'* were review is? "> hi ay by Major General Ron- McDcmald of the Michigan '• kraal Guard. PAIGE CRAFT 2-9331 ■ THE WHOLE FAMLY IS 80IN0 TO • ©LABiviiR jLAKE LANSING PARKj wroi —mmM 01011011 4 onliniMMiE Mm K . niiW o Innn | PJR. * W® li P ' NATS'IT GIBE NHOUN THICK AT •:!: AMI 11:31 FOR OUTDOOR FI X 2ND IIIT • TIIK ATflHlV: SI HHAKINi; — wIIOWN ONCK AT 10:13 — 11 Price Day E» i-r* W etl. FttlllAY AM) .SATURDAY #.1 FLATLRLS ■ , . teM ■ ■ Wl KtBC ORCiAMZATBJSS CAS OCT RI HI ( ED Fill 14 J S ON MMB NT MAKIXf. UdCBVATIOXS FT 1-0331 | MOWN AT Awl CvcMtac • twH NMRIFI t:«S AND I. ATT BBNNNNNNNNNNNBNNNNJJ o S •rifcnrise-wise! The Goodbye, Charlie!' • MMUCM COMMIFIT MEUxurcx SttMMO ■rlumt HouRsj UNA TURNER1 LATE MtOADWAY HIT CUMEDV r Jack Lehhmd N lllU T*.» ».-'•* Arfctti THE OALI.ANT HOLES TWICE AT HI f - I 1! ANTHONY OOINN By a harc>n Smith, of landing. aenl to them later in the summer. Left to l-'or en sit student I.ail Olin. »d \d.». Minn *e\title. rompaM noies on their respective curricula I hex we»e among some iMH) high drama student Lines! smith, nt liorku«/«»-! school student* on campus m July. and louinalisni student Carotin Lett, of I S v.-,- ;i hundr d high -Tv. 11'.i\» < .::»1 I S tonu.'lTpW ■' • conference and the » ommunk OYb til MIL ; u jm'uriali-m courses offers tide ilr »u I t ,i f i.t.e {uivnt \ '.oiopraphH' experience. Three of tha utores itn this pare were taken by Joan Wil¬ I > It • • |\ W r . es. t in drama. for - in-'r.iict; >n on at ins stable camera s. lei. i i - Hin, iH'Wjipaper and ytvi'i ■ - La- h d '»•,!• Hue- i oninfiinie.ition Arts* diu i»: ai't.v. . ' completed <; ,■ -.homuure.s on their like* I HI, Mil III Ml >|< , • , >iisi.ke• m? curricula. Is\iug conditions, and ,vp« it- 17th y.,,1. T t>ii -• i,:»r.' - p..ru patod in the Conference program* of orch* m i ink si uiient* expressed enthusiasm for . i Moral train my. • miei».tion.«l rains an ' !' - kind tt - ■ . a » r complained of being worked too hard • -s ;■'*. >.»<■•: ;:, 7 e, . itn id and bre.t Itii c> <■ Hut the 10 p.m. curfew drew blistering fire. t am' i The girls resented being locked in an hour lie- tore the university women. The boy a were of- Drama students Nancy Hanfield. left. from .rehears* for the second session play. Drama The majors. of the .student* have ■ Miciuui lender.!*, but the institute K. 1 ended at being locked in at all. Norway, Mich., and Stephanie Burns of Holly, student* rehearse dally. ,„s* • r Trie. Sin. anphytc (hrla Slwk.ll (aha. r) trie, lo make MM of the director'. cwMik. Dr. Henry Veld*. (at right) vinliax prufmmr tor Youth Mu-ic. dkruv*va «cor* with Carat* lamaa. of Ortoa.ille. Dr. Vrldr is a incmhrr of Ihr music faculty of Aaxaotaaa CoUrtr. Risk Island. 111. of a Stale Journal liauiy pc.