FiukIm talcs Wcallier Dodging Sf« !»•*» 1 iffan State News Mrrvin« MSIJ For AI Year* f Seen or Utile Main Wwkfnd, Cooler Vol.l'ME 62, No. 54 KAST I,AN\SlNG. MI( llI(;AN~T1IUKSI)AY AC'/i Celebrated Next Week ratsdav at held Monday Kellogg Center through Kconomic Hi *ut» JO-AN KIJiVM.MttKh News staff Writer !, end others Thieves Loot *.»!«• campus to the boundary• of 'he ■vi> publteatiniis from school* -"tales participated in W orksho|i • + ,' ; ' A i! *■'. i.'l the ad . top fUs r of the *''//J uop otram. It was designed to Forest Akers . .is'.' •, ration WKAR ' ?• Kiiflinir • i more effcvtiv«• r imioon- ■ k. through college end uri- Stk'h'.gai ' 'VKATl !. pubheations Clubhouse ■ Th .r, u ■ if-; •ri22 na- if:* , ■■■• tvn'.ifiuow opera: •>. ... I! Dcnlson. MSU .»>- A two-week r the president and di- workshop in eco¬ ASSOCI II I. |'rofe**or E nomic education Will end tomdr- ■ f university relation . |{('fl (T(h* « ' I' l': V ' !/' g.- i,.1 41 Michigan teacher., »it, the group on "The jh • NVa »z-f*r • !9>' I j* . ;■ > out Its Publication" Th- and rupcrintendent- let pants have tieen ron- Itloml Dritr Mere r.irp -a-r l»M. Ill Till hig dig;. ui . ! renin* was a citsrovkion ,n which c« oM'in.ic Th" frihim rniint- Ite-l ( ni» teniiiv bv trie editorial eoncep: «■ a n hi included rhanler ita>» ^nrtouii*»tj illveon- • ■f Populai Phot, .graph ■ iioui'f.Hu- grade, .tnd'fub- tinuation uf IiI'hkI doner puk- 5' If •»; ;•! r«. 2 * ne They "suggested step jrr- within the curriculum. up«* on t'lntpu- . ea't r.. • afccf 3', oa;u 1 the reviUlizaiion of cnl- Activities have included l«- |and th* KraMtit for haitirig tin- driy* TM- fta■:. • Reader hi* vc- uhlu-Htions in the photo- tiire« . panel di;-,cu*;Moms movie-, i on rrm|iu> w** poor *tudent re- n U»3b. Aitrj **i'.o-. - Sam H/kito, WKAR utadio milimr, la*. Tfcfai marhin, I.} minute ■ and design area- and filnv. A pajwr is also re-J ran rnpv » kpon«*e. arr«irdini to Red t n»o B»T !.a ar-'-rvre a.»o - I/me! I Treaster hearted a quired, done either individually' oprralm the lap. duplicating appara- pnutram in a minute anri n half. flffkbli. Only four ttudrnt don¬ e !'alr, • ri.' delegation froin the MSU or by a group, er* were poked un dnrihj tie ! p*At BI T WKAR r an e ' * •.•runt "f Information rej- 11,1. WD |;. TRATWM K. four da»» the dri\e w** In t,per .. ithou: Treadier is director of the mtanr dean of the College of Acrer I inlrrrslimalr the I'mcrr at ion !9.*»i-lt»Cr.r, • ; ., * •ant. llUsine arcl thi rr Wl A It 1 %UII b»dl» III nerd * public service, olIil.Ks I ROM the depart - th*- workshop director. He alsoi • p.*,. e of blood ' Mrs Idalielli- It'irg- , . attending were Rowland, university ri <»f |*i©r nrsvei rail IV 4 ;t' I arid David Pullman, a-soci- McK;nne\ ^>w„-Uiw profes-or in ' lr*v*'^',nK Ameru a - hdfhwuys. ration pr*/graiT'-, and !»*- • (; «■ media .. if the• Jd'ir-, university pubhea- a. n.uu: r..* an f finance; latmord j ..-ill coiuiuctetf by •?k;ng '*>f-. * c . wt-ting ttos week at Ke. ■>%* ta the field* "f officer! and artists James Mr- .J l.oki:, 'i.-sistant protesHfir «»f Center to plan * campaign to • X|KT?- tf.'u police er to , iire. Don Cad ties, and liar- '.cache-p - 'he confer em Fust Schools Villi i..« Brown. It.*,!, economic* professor, eollot|uiun* on drive,- i.- • wlil ai u b«. devoted '»:«• MSt'TfKl censing improvement t..» 'I ; Other t lif . staff personnel inefud- Paul Deusfhmann, diree- D Alfred I. Sreive. dean of the eoiiege of no ineis and pub-' brou^J'' tuU*v ctntftnen i of the e'v f enter. 31 Ncu Teacher^ l<» Stall r of the MSU Communication, Itc tp-fH-p. moderated a panel em ' ®hd national officers of the arrh center; Dr. Ramrmtl N "Th» Michigan Financial k rlean Optomctric association. rg education, college of *■<•- ARTIft It M AI ( If. agricol- Tills WOMEN S or gam/ate n (loiiini Art* D". Virgil Scott , hu" '»*« mtwatrii in driver Are You Good at Math? Faculty o. tural fv*n». . prolevso., . :v Tr-.'w of English department Dr Mas- agricultural rev»ur!f prtifeseor in re- licensing. Here i. i» puzzle that require . only the nmplpM aritttmet.- (lonlereiu-e r.t,:»au-. eniW-ge <»f dWnmuni- «ourre deveiopmen:, dmcussef Officer** of the Women* Aux- But it you ran solve it, you might make a g*. H rratmrrriii'-.c.aa The;. < *i ar?- ConM-rvation -lu" consided that there c- according to Dr, Marvin L. Ton,fxr. a*stJUnt proft »vj[ r.f maihem*- K \DDITI»VAI* discussion l*-art- Participants in panel on 4 disturbing lack t)f uniforinHy t vent ** rtrawft from various •The it- e t.« # Jrr: of the Cutuunifi in:" i«ccnnng pmNurr. among He puts the problem thi* way a mai III amid ian. Ae- haui colleges and univer- ou- Economy included Lucili- tb** |U' magazmr field and Ketchu.-n. a<-*;i?'taf3: proffitor in ! V ctirckTli>*fTl ha, ->' | plain.,I. a roach, a J. 1"!.'* U o m a n i Auxiliary ,, . . r'*M "" " Su|>:Much *., Un. on a homo roanngrmefit and child {,b'"ks that thi- is a situation .i eudiCi the me- two arc removed lw, w|))rtl ,,k>, c\en the j i which : development, an 1 Ru",scii concern* everv citizen , ; communication. the Kieis. from th*- Uwird, r>up from Uw-; (,f1 Hera use of the great mobility' of • ^ tiwt r a-jMw-l profc*j>«»r lower right wtwr and tme from i and design of publi- teacher education. the American tx-ople, the ».e art of writing, ana unf't drivt.-r.-i from the lax sta'.e* the up|K-r f-f: ( -truer. . R'-r on wh>, THI. KEIAOTi: a t re w •NOW Hirhlki; you have are freed i<» menarf ctriver.1- t( nut in ur <1 Page pmw: ii vrk b- ItuiM-. f K Hun, «.«. • A i iw-fican Coilcgf Pubi •* rruttvc officer of/.he Ibduj'tiiai and pedefitriant frot tber jI domim*-, which are exactly the : 41 l-irslff MM asftoctntKdi sponsored state:; size of two squawf on th*. \ ltc'.»tt«mr. center at the L'niver- Can the board, • • k«iw»p. in cooperation silv of Chicago He *-{ajke on j Till. Al-XIMARY • 1"thi k,-ri...,i ' f • removed from Sichert to \i»it • A' mi nami g • i * - >tSt' department of a Mjur A'.*-:' u tm umlcr- "» of Muiuianl, pubiuho i . AM a:, i FM - r'ir^ . . ec u services, the* college '.hr American Asiociatiou of 1 H I hy \taikiki '(lollcjic' . , , - t gr I'/ tf } .•miration arts, and the 4 Russell A Swaney. vire prcw,- Mou.r V e h i c I. ' ">mpl, wvtre,! by >n C. , ■ . ■ a' r. •ifcsv-a*" r«Ut»» '.nu.rg Education service drnt tn charge of the Detroit DC., for drlvrr I «"<«»•- Why DR. I RI D v v •• 5-.1 r.i ' !<• uranch of the Chicag» federal cf-nr.fu .11 .Ulrv ! Th"; b""1""- Tomurr •»"' the Col leg*- - .p. old War' reserve bonk discussed the fed- They *!»> recommend a u..'™" b" «'mply w.ihool Art-, will leave for Hawaii .v .( • OHIIRV %iri.Nti|Nf, h MSU l*ubli*li<*<. * i ri - •ZHt".', a ireserve system. :,n„.r pr,.«r.m of -u^peuaui*.or "! ft tu s/tdrm the W . kikl Co." « „» * ■a- - >adca>: or T-- Tkie workshop dealt in iargc •„r l.rrnvr, of K->. Unvr, . >nd ""n" ">n" thJ" • lit Profit. Thu. "coilag*-' is jpon- j- Id re- « I port with such aspect* of econ¬ putting them through g thorough j 5 o«t Study of omic education as curriculum driver education courw tefoee «»> .whn " Wirwl by th" flibsaen iicfrigeraV'* division for it,, distributors, d«,.:- f Mr t inlsr. thir; AM sr.d an • - r.f I'M in «s set can thu* W>- both »a mf'bemon, . -. Stale's Srliuol* projects and community re¬ re,lor.n( the driver, to the r«d. m"k« » cr and «nl*rimen j «!,!•<• Mr* Fra- 'Aa cqn-Tt-ra.: recept-vc. Indicative of the mtere.t .nd,""- hf. ,h'"kln5 ' ' 's • -oar . • sources. Other subjects studied Siebert wtU rctur/. • M-»U r;, Mrs bt An, Ar-Jt,h«r WKAR. >e-rv»<* as the -vdl cost the people of included the roles of manage¬ concern in U,,, matter i. the "" mathematician, thmk. h< Sc»*t. 16. . - and diitra:. of fur" Vm". r?4h*h * /pes noted, . ,«.! about three-quaiU - ment and labor in our economy, fact that the conference i, fl-; rtlfLf* hr*' a. to T« r"v- • Wllkm dollars in collective bargaining federal I bancc-d by a grant from a lead- j ' ■ : j * or T*.. . K - Hlueate >ome I.ROO.OOO chii- politics, and •Ofifumcr ibg insurance company, juried -••< •• • ... j'■ atnr.f M Appt'uX;jria'e - ■n the public elemetarv IN' Pt'EfHTNf* a program "f %l j i t ' ... »-w r< - n rormai r»r- -erondary schools. , *i-[ r. if., This is the estimate of Dr. THtl T.»ri v t« ,i, L , ij- 4 if r .« . • Viniev K Heck^r, treuearch d.- Higher Education A Ea t iJUiMV.f J,it;.-jr high. miittaneuusJy lrwu «ee iran for the Michigan Edoca- the? , •• .... f. tr - \r* ta:/»-. A ' v-riinu.f program ca-- •i - i'.cia'ion. Ntev Am-jt. Englwh and u o* tramftcrred in leas than c* » IN % RECEST survey. ' -Your D j < v rb-n-ici. ■\wi nw»'h. mimde* or. thf «ta*.>n » Problem Discussed c&igkn School Coats," publiah- a*;d Mr (/•« l-'t t •*; >, MSU. Heekcr reveal* ' in «-;j for eaucativfiaJ pr«— ~nd how this money Is ft. • JV-iritoed ?0 .-f Cc.- }.r ave p* - :»«i, how It it. spent, bow ' a-J- it am# jo 'he „*•< ' the last >ear."r m»« f V ••Tvrg financial ability U me.a- By College Heads . HtfjtarMm, f.rvi grade; a»« k»y •: f. Said. '"•'H, and other current pnd>- Mr * J - - ..Th Sou, Jw Aha. - * a typicai week of ';»ring public education at 'A A slMflrt that iwvei* throughout Michigan. |- T-,-e East Mmsing public *■ reT?.:' -* I ■ tgit total itrxur* ■ *« -■*• t , hRlrAUV 4* pert of th. f, , hundred ami tif'r preal-' combute an apprrr.atiott of the b#,ffflM. >e»»l |? " ■* ' •* v.ed to re« •. u'ik*e i drru >n*«•» in: larilinfl . . ., prunjunif rluiial. «er,. - Hacker* guide to at Kellotj peranee. with the practical bus- j ; t i« ?* i,Micsl, and standards, take up - v ..,1a, • area net finance present* U»ue Ceuter. Monday and Tuefday. ute., of fetttn* thine, done Chri-lma* uralwn J T* :>*-r c*-,t « ? :« a:r tare thuu^ nds of Alichigan Th- tared,, conference *u ' Ie! each of u, take both per- lit. IS ui Jan. 3 PtCMigDI* IN agriculture will study this year in ,u.;.i 1„ f.en,, careful! attention .onel anrf collective reipona,bil. "fftiz nrjtMn Marsh ?• Is 11 *<: i hor.e making oerupy TO per •'■mp! to improve educa- on -.he vane"*— of problem, coo- ity for weu.« to i! that everyone MEA rsnlrnw* April Jg r#?" c;{ iff* heart on •oponunlUes. •ronunl eolieeea and umver- ecu the education which till Mrmmial Dai: Ma l 11 ed a, a workbook to in* ' jj)iM in t}le Held of pUonink ability iwr-nlti. lu, heart de- : ' ' ••'.r pY - in,\ u.f of initrueuonat faciii- .Ire., an.l h.« country, with ita ' uem in each local area ~+ financial situation m , itiual opportunity (or ait. ha, l.r.tnl (liven 1|»| dsstrkCti. the boiklet promisei.** •'c such principles neces- THE THEME of of thethe confer¬ confer- (.aiteer lie-earelt tseti&wJ Fsge NI|JJU(N m of Th"maa Jefferson? «j - financed .• ■if-itrri. t*e-.ow normal thorough and colleges in our country." 'hrtaugn an akiibisw1 r-.>nf.r>vi- ■; weekend, according so the zuaservaUon that. "If a nation * x- - - •' hool districts to suppor. THERE MUX be 2*6.000 re¬ ,*. -n ?;> support t;i.'-*iay extended forcast by tde , rngrams and wcU- h;vuf. cannot j pects what never was and never ; rpecwa: in addition :o - Financial studies show thati will be.' I think we in the I960 * according to our studies in the *»> .» Saiurday with tittle change n t'F.v 25 per cent of *r the school, the high- might add that if a nation ex- office of Education." Rork said. ii-us. '.perature S and ay. • - " cost per pupil. Therefore, pects to be ignorant and strong. Other sneakers included: John VMNWMiailtiilMMMnM Gmi, a Ik rami mmMt. tk, ; Rind- which She div;-: ;«.••- There v a patiOiliSf of a fe.v , ii.vlrict reorganization U it expects what neither will be Russell. New York university. kkihrr ahoat th* aaivcrxitv aaalm m- IMhwh iUM llu ■titfr-iti tfi»r •1 to nai^ic...,' c, • • -•»•*:> Thursday night or Frt- Elwin V, Stevens. University of I searf a i tiM. day. r.e Bureau said. ''''in urder to,provide at nor can be New York. Henry De Wit, Cal¬ pater apriap Uwir laar uf ntepa, hit ala*r»i«f lh» lUpabli,,, uImmuI run •- MSU sa-iyj distribute tne ,".101.• Normal high for this tune of able cost comprehensive IT 19 especially gratifying to college. Karl Hereford. MSU. i •ui Ccater, la glaaMs i* TnMrVM ttaliaa. — opportunities for all talk to educational administra¬ vin |t»v from the grant among some year is *3 to 84. Nc-nna! low is '--ngstcrs. tors, Williams said, because you and Harold Lautner, MSU, J L«, prwteiat •( th* aatiiaaJ aaaaWHr- i iO various fields' uf research. 158-<62. THURSDAY, AUGUST II. IDGO'T r »/ PACE TWO MICHIGAN STATE NJffS Photography Art: f as New Exhibit at NOT shown the Kresge to do injustice to his ponj, ^ The Kiesgo art renter gallrrv i III! IIAs and to hia craft:'" ; Is pflhtter heln* .hsred this month by ,, and u-phnttigruiihcr .. pl(m. . ,triklM>! blirrrn StANCiA Logo, Italy. WAS BORN In 1932. From l!i»i |n "" andnnlthe *hown lehd" •' j The painter I. Donna Din- through 1953. he studied in Dp. j niond, an assistant instructor eM^;plalr —. j '—■»« «••-. »,au in <*mPt.v • larder Nor has he iwtmiiv which half-fibrings shown l the (resit. Since 1356, he has her i. » student here. A frequent e*t . i rently been awarded a Fill bright ! simple l»eiiiity soon-old faces. bitor, Seanga has received m 1 grant to study in Home. ' «in lies to these award In the I960 Michigan j Her oils are works of swelling i The moments passed un- which conimunicate j caught, and we arc presented nrtist's show, and a scholar hrilUnnre from the university # >ym . motion of life through nb- j with only the shadows on faces. Owen K j the — .g ►.tract representation of such lm-j 11 is .bay is ».«» incomplete a* '\ probable* .» rocky landscape* . and underseascapes. THE PIIOTOiJRAFIIER exhi¬ biting I* Italo Seanga, a master's CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS candidate. The subject matter of the greatet number of hi* IIKADI.INK: .XtOfl p.m. Tuesday for Thursday paper I prints Italian* are fare* Each of the faces is a did enigma, a story of soutlicrn wanting to splen¬ El) MSI I Kill* Friday. payable H-12 and 1-5 Monday through EXT. 261.'. 'ii \mL il tie- told Anil Scangu has used his black and white medium to the fullest By heightening the automotive HOUSING tonal contrast, he has accentu¬ relr •< table ••■?«• »"P ieXiiMtNtT ated the -tarkne*# of life in » |W7 fOltn Vrrv «m.ititl MANILA'S TMIINIMM apartment near campus. I'hoti* 3-Sttl. room 3* i||||M'.I|I laudable, yet he fall* short. Ik IMS VOLK0WACFK two romlittm Uumighmit lib Ami IS not. if we are to Judge hint u..t_ „# thr Imii.* of this exhibit, .* "h.Kll u« 0*^1 m|tr,„r hl'.'k rittitn xuih "<1 flrr, hen and K.n,*h' I'N'rttRNMHCD 4-roofp *p*r»rr.rn«, love niuI mfrigerator wotun... s.,I,-h nut l: Michigan A"- rh"Hie : funts ircfPlld flr»t fp. . artnt entrance ■•rate IV ; » tv 1-WI4I A- <»ne «ledicated to seeing I'nrtar, lainaing x an - i-i . . restive pnotography take i'* |M4 l lir.VRi-U.K1 four «»•">' Tlinrr-r.MTm. modern f aiitniMttii tianamwwnn 1*-^ ' nt 11 it .**—. private entrance an Augio'- ' place among the fine art*. I xxu ami ► 4»ei 1 «n.»lle»* f*«rleel »ne- j in* Two blocka to eampt tiy»:ti *.idih*i»e»i unit alarmed that . . naition Onr do e will ] M> 2-3IV7 . tin- exhibit i» preswued and re- cun» 1 nee vou lhaf U »« the best huv , lice, hem anil Khiatit | ROOMS J presented . In every a* ar: field of creation. 11,a moirv Auto *a»e. l.w K Mlrhifan Av». , kMMl ; lihimi1 TV 2-41141 AITROVED room* for men « | there are artists, and there ure and double for aummrr and !.< . craftanien The artlsta are those leraftsmen capable of transcrfid- arit im C HFVROUrr four door atanil- tranamlM.nn ronditton Mueh better than ftcechent and XV t.iand River. Kaat ROOXIS run Mrs Lan«ing aumme ^iirib Candidates l)od<(itl K *y-lth hoard and laundrv f«ir titui How pla ,ng 2-6141 Christian nieti aiodenls Ihtiri • An ohvjoiis alternative has been over'looked, however. 1 4 IIAil u. vi - It crafts which yti*regard the util- from* Twin beds. I'rl\a*e W hen our j.*o\errmt'bl ilor- t X* ll.'lt to tlo. it ,l\ of the r«>m|Mi*ltion It rV- rati, and phone F.Q X-llm hauU out it- wallet. .Wo t \»n. t hinv »t ntitt'e < ompul-orv and universal militarv training, but under a let.. clu.tes work- of rrcafivr gmiu- t h \im-n. an irf lev sxstetn unite different from those a I read v con-idered by ir VVIM LI) be unla iti field* w hich prt»du(v mainly FOR SALE SERVICE ii I milt this. Irrational n* d i-. lt» « plot. out I can cautuax . veal the osie-cts Amonr tho-e . i oagie- would -olvo not only the I'OTC ipiestiou. but u'.litariai) I'he governnteti! dot*" d. toumt* a •mail do it. itu)i|stri 'h<- ttmvo relrutferalof. . the xx••■ik nt brail and c-ro mo*! ilev.t 'laUliglx illghtC'l bv does It. nooks ill! i'. xonteliine*' e\en • mi and I do it -i \ end otln r problem* faring e-olle"' student* today . Mini ! , -*.»x away from thi* |i« raixfes Rj *»«> UP ys«*i,ina krr- lAKt A COOLING COHt the distinction is crpapxr piioto- ,-ed a' The nii lyte qf till- new plan 1- quite simple; lilt young tniilt ipte-niurdvr ,U a ma 11 hi 1. Hut Wee .?' * i Uil illlii' to let t lic¬ am nt "e\ en one It.- «icr graphx AT 7Ht NIW rb"*e wlai I bid paV MuT-ylr-'iir- 2-1434 men w ho .>ee phx-icailx fit xxoufd he iliaft«sl on turning' IH, it price.'' v'«»\ i in oui drahrVo wit it t hi ot her |mni|iIi'- of t he Hrre v* e have arli.«' • empiox- SRUONUT SHOF or upon graduation froin Inch -chool, whichever came later. Uaiyci ii'irreatutk will find 'hi- world itiv tbr b«»l» of an uiduJitry Hue iUMVER CARNIVAL OF VALUtS the Im-'' .if Mltrhoek * movies t«« IN.JOY TMOSt kt- I'ht \ w.. iM b. given a -erxie•» option, xvbeliever the ranks to the immense *i*e of the pho- It has Become e\ nleiit in the |wt lew \ eatr" thiit we dati ti»^iaohic Hnlusfx. th«- creativ. '►ruo'iuts o! the iu; l!er services had room, and they would In- given 1111- SIM'IAM artful' have Innight no one I ho-e allie- we still ha\e are with ,i artiat* within 11 a-suim a singii- .1 tenure option of two or three xeai vonstructed and - utu-ned and m m *. c. . herau-e we are the le-ner ot thetwoexi'- W e rati Ho lunger U:. y cnxiert by aiti>t- ..f the the y .hop!,1 work «* ••xev*p?*i'>ji44- con.-tnio I heir liar of hohlu vi-ni «<* liehef in the I'nited •Exemption- would i»e made tor those planning to studv i» giMid Sir.mice catiiiMa angiev claasi. media TYPINO— Eloetrhr tvpev •progri laxx. fiii tlu ine, or an\ o? IJ-01 ailed "critical" science*. I-41IWI Manai Ma ti¬ were tieqiieiltb emploxed to .BI T IIKT yyHST ili'liw.i- V' am time during their academic careers they dropped DO YOU Ntf.D r»»n«i Ir-. xtudx* i ll! the Infht of I hi- I'ai't. the loreien jmlirv platform- of pi.^pu-, «-enr eftrvt. ishes a ph •logiapn xvjlicb I.- ai . P.ivaie tutorlnc avattaMr Imt-r urve.-.g the I're* it let i tint nominee- -luuild strike every American the exempt curriculum, thex would immediatHv be d rafter I The only fault might U weak fion» oiir that i» not Mli l\ at reasonable rat. s Rrp'.y i r rr, I a, l.Mg t»'- Jain . lA igh She it*- To b«' authentq ari. a phbto- , Mate New* bo* 11 MAC with dread Exemptitui xvould 11 i-i 1 have to be made for those in- aptMar* from the action »ai.» giaph tnu»t be tno;e Uv.m mere TYPING - ED F-4»i Each i- ha-ini? hi" platform on the promise to nti jeinlni;* to make militarx -«rxn» a career who waiited n vlioiu i •.!)»• mil A «i..eumeiUauofi It shdu d in' 'ih TV anil RADIO RFC AIR i ompiotni-inr with th.e linl-. I here i- onh pe--uie men degree ill liiiiilarx eietue • "I t 11 - program would have to Im» -P qu'VK inearceration of an vino- j WM. H THOMPSON JIWILH •ludenl larw rales 313 S" tion of the real ipie-tion, that of hruu'im a hall to the under the mint admiriptration of the universitv and the TOW TIKKIVS. Johr, t .a. ill. tiomii encoumei It -houhl i»« IV 4-S7J" .It I Vera Miiea br n»\l lit i"n- graphic reprisentati«>n of a lupiil di-mti'ration of Atnerinm pie hye abroad mililarx rest rxe units, because then would lie too few mi EXPFRT TItERU AND GF-XTR V v.tii'ing. pcrtotmam v. Perkin-' xx hk Ck the pli«»- We have not lost our pre.-tige In heme he-led in Summit the program to xvoi nfnt full IC4) 11 faculties on every cam¬ • X |»»n«. Met trie -t* pew filer 1 tiavv lorneni «»f re- lee- sra • sapertenie. C >.« M •> t.igiaphvr »- a repartee, iioi u\er -p\ incideiitM. The-e are the ohxioi- pus. It could al.-o he -e* up in -itch a way that onlx a few w'ali.Ni o' s;..',e c'li-ixc brail' - r . m tbo b LU 2-ftfr4 r Ironf The important lo-se« ha\e inTurred on hundred- of schiHii- would otter the degiie. and t*chm»l- could Tli S»Miie y'Cjti. gi «.n« step f Ji - roil XAl r vn-2 speake- Itarn.oo - |U- THtM THf t". .-mailer front.-. «»n i--»a - that were eclipsed hy .summit- tlll^ II .'!»» tniifu thai U muC KardaMi 2l» a at' amp prei".r» Pu-her- maiiitain a military lacultv . yy>. the: Tnex in sr'rhiae imnai»WnU 12 J! have i ilMl.y in$ arm . Jki* cxmimunuatc ihl rexe' - vs and .-p\ mrideiit This program would solve many problem- I'rimarilv. it on rkieUet'l tondlUon. Phone FARTr TlMF — hCNtC ' ' ? II tHips in and xtit i' * y 'he vievxei ot tlw re|uexena Most ot lo-.-es can he atirihuted to tuijincie.-.-ftd would partially'alleviate the overcrowding of fre-hnuui >veth. pftfi, like that FAVORIIti thill. nt tempts to huy or hrihe, or to our un.-hakahle ronvicfion i clns-es hy a n.-.tura! 1 xcIu-pmi of who ktart college, J. O K FOR kAt.t l»W FORD re tomhn* I tH| S9UDNUT SH0F fall'Tllitv Contact A!. VV2 Abbgtt Road, piion*- ! that oui torm ot government i- the only in mm I and right with no intention ot finishing The.-e |>eople would no long-l M AN4.A HAS I All.IH by al Mn ED 2-244. * i both criteria in all but one of hi* 225 M. A. C. . 10 T 4M ie let- come, lavau.m\ when released from active duty at the BRAND NEW MFA14AT 6A» pro- Count the countries we have lo-t to the Eastern hide age of 'JO. thex would a&*>t want to return to dependence WKAK presently exhibited photy>graph* tcolor 1U» Aior AINUNI i-tran*.«- -G»:*a This one shows ;• group of tor radio ton Call Lm ED ?-t*M or MOVING CROSS COUNT!*2 T Ira tern ailice iPJ'i. Tlun 11\ to think of one we have won Then alter J year- of independence, nor would th$y want to (Cunlinuetl from-I'-jr 1) mourners by a coakrt Est 2S.X2 a men I '-nt rate* aa-aas ' o think of the iiiea-ures we have taken in an attempt to stop waste more tltne before starting thetr-carecr*. The re*t n? the Seanga face* progi "A*iM'ct» of American liiitorr y- Ft rcTRK" Sto** au lorrallv the*e lovsr.-. are xvy.riderfpl But tnxy aie. v a.liar 17 hlond TX' fy»t:«r> This k.vstem will also produce a more mature freshman— at 2 30 on Tuesday*, "(JrowtJi u( and band inowr ED J-WH finally. on!y face* U If your memory tails you. reflect for a while on the pres¬ 4»ne who will better know the value of the college educa¬ thx* Novel" tui Saturdav< »rT 3d I have seen these face- I •a tr.e V ent nit nut ion in Cuba We have not only lo-t t uh.i to com- and "Thi« Wet-, ui Michigan CI'XMXtAN EAGLE motor §*<».,Irr tion, and one who xxill better tie able to hi* curricu¬ on Thurxdoy* at 5 pm. luivr »e«n the rocky ground, the • VI' rn.Mtal estra a. rmafMl tye.l a U I munism. we were instrumental in forcing t uh,« to mnumi- lum. He will also Im» relieved of the threat of hi* ihIiich* "The Creative Method", Wed¬ bare dwellings, the straw lied*, ottar over *?i«i IV »-22V! _J.O Houm. n ism and the jobless for whom there f key sp» tion la* interrupted by the ilraft. nesday* at T 30, will feature C-ro MONTA.A W'e U'gati l»\ branding t"astro n rommtini«t when he in¬ X no work I know whit make;, «rt .aI M.miPvr 42VIR* Call I'D 2-9*41. bokxiB tuch iummarie* ax Norma n I A poMkible by-pixxtuct of the nystem i* that more young tuie-c face* sari, and lined, and fwyy.n IS I troduced siK'i«li-ni. Then, when we had convinced ourselves , .• Counun* on 7'tounatns or. eoiting editing; (August 101 ui' . — * lh the itory h. be was a lied, we tried to bribe him to do things oar wax by nu n might fini.-h high nchool. Phone who now quit nniijin(( suosberg on acting k*un 1 "iv* ) 1?" Vi ttnrnla T»l#rl*mt Valhtr »*• toppad #iy>1 uo-1 Ca A-»«-et6 0-J Rtd la' ««'- < ir threatening to drop our sustenance of the sugar prices, join the nervice might be tempted to stay the last year, (August J 21 >. A NEW RCRIKR of consider Seanga eou 1 hol«ietr«l Altaii labir-s t all ED 2-SCr S S*.r f ,,,r »a-f fa/X'tc be r »! mi).I k« in with their lri#nd«. MI VI t astro was forced to seek help or lose the independence he th< if* r- d pi t/. IV S-224'. ? able importance Is "Situation SO-VOLl'MF Calbert Enwclopedta i ■ bad fought for. The Soviets agreed to take his sugar and I'll, .dvxnt.tfi'- to th, »ervic,» nrr numerou*. The nutn Wanted." produced in cboper.< - l.rllrr ltfi. up-to-date auppiemani*. juAmm- ! •rr W claa«'ea e'.- h>*.>kya*- SI4X FD- Jr. give him oil. When the American refineries in Culm re¬ Ur of truinexl rc-ervists would 1m* greatly multiplied. It i< tion won the Michigan Empi. • , lAUNOKOM.T III 14*1-C' Spartan VtlUc* » HICKS '"4k fused to procc-s the Russian oil, ( astro sie*e *IVl M- t6llk V ill iVi'.ililtin ~ « H. « hlrr#t ft- ,s.d ,sd t v ' H, until kuhstantud revisions ate made in our philosophy* of c*»rcer*. And it is a proven fact that the younger soldier*, imnv and explain' imp*>rian' | foreign policy. . .y hili- they ,nw.• the greater iliiycipline problems off-duty, trends and characteristics of th" ROTE Page lU'tr. .r Oil IV Sun#* I Wt SMCIAllli IN DKOS O" IUN0US SO* STUOtN-, '• Gefa. d *'■ t^jf .It makes little difference, finally, which of the two Pre* «i. easier to trail) becauie of their freater malleability. labor market. Ten station* m Dear Editor HOUSING IV ««.»' - t a -idential nominees is the more skillful at Summit repartee, I 'lose drafte.1 at IS yvlio intend to complete at least four Mich.gan and 42 e'.scxxhere xx, ' ' * laCai.'V. J c..ngTatulale te State Nexx* . ears of college inc.! lone only one year. It is carrv the series yet there is little doubt that each will receive n»any Votes possible even THE RT.Or has uvrra.Msi on !**'. week'* KOTC picture PERSONAL Pr ra». for any man on ncliye duty to complete his first year EA*T LAN XING. tuw-.'iMsm. moot- • Brurvo on ju*t that ba-U. it ...'college through the US Armed Force* Institute, off from seven full-tune employees p^ge. ! It ttrntliHl blw i 44* campux. H7 -V». ' FOUR FRESHMEN - *«**nr« '» *• Dir.ii! The question* I *sk are ui have we. the Ametu.m an to 22. The number of MSLT stu¬ I WIS ehpeeuUy p eaoeri by ttuiino-- p*»> riw-roony Mirn AOvaiw* tirtft* 22 VP . V.. allow has iftcrease.1 from 11 to 50 Cowncllv- IL- Why have we allowed the men who seek to hold the high expanded to the super-industrious student to jet in tench-HUT." Too often, it Is *a»fT t.r*t hx>' I*r»|f r rally. FD 3-lU.l flap Call lit*, ra*Mtoncv j aw* 3-JI7: Call 7Rr b are |««w t*K» cur? ■ ?;n ..'«./» . * a:, aged t. in De f ; • . Jusi a part bf The drawbacks are feu 3-014. g m wh - i e « >. «t:» A<***. T t * r« !> * •; y t ndricane *i tier: lit- It Nevrrthe!^. ^rtain numbjr of voung men woukt be resentful of being deprived of the «• th# |lat^ bul tkr bayound. a Cvald lUir.r C}, K« lira ft dodge that now exiatx for married men with children. ■ * tneir «ub)e<*' l»L Curriculum and ptctv»ra* n of v\(xer# two Others would argue that the service- are no large that they mm Ca* IkT ■ _ . . , aren't really needed, and that they could be of more value Eigia •« be Ok-here tis > * - . rtf >» v« be ; a the a-rarch - .-xer one red block square to the country if they were in college. UllClll^ftU 9IQ16 InCM ^ .•.tre-ve)I ; - u nett HAN* tr.albe- n- - e- thai wvrx* TCjS.m- —1 a, Em) Lannn,. Mi. S.f,n on tax aar, Mond.. t>ir—u,t> *( Reactionaries would proclaim this a facist movement, r-'i,. matii .an* f'*»m throughubt the r en-a wed • -,-i Therefore Ourlna f.n. mint.- ,nrt spnsg I..TI —.1. Sunn, —attn—r I.T'i l-adiea clubs would condemn it as lh< > saw their baby boys lO u-u. bas-n« Mid f.U t.m. S-c-atf tUr pnatv- ; Oa-."- < r,t here Ait* :**»- • - u-ark *xjuar^ V^irunani:aw at m Sept. ' * r national meet if a -»t e a: < red square* dragged off. Sl«jl .o^.ra.' s.,, p..,ba n »X,,s,« ew m una U. I—, M il A S, "l I. S,——Sck«l» •-AST t'*e A • *• 2 i i4# mie* have i'ccn Reader response V* thi«. alwi to all other editorials and urm* ** tte'.j. vtnaiical A- -'"; rfC will Stilt articles, is solicited. Address correspondence to: Kditor, harriug Editor IIs t-T s- . au.lH .wd,tt -a,}. iO.-S-, KSsel. of Amer a Sueielx f,. Induv- be o h'.ju k "! xre* !vf! which l;Sool ftt SJ0. tri«5 Michigan Ftate News. Student Services Building. NKMi News Editor an-i Appl.exi MaihemiLo xrv.i by one re- and Pi 51 u Cpa.lon. msln.: x irnnoio —Owen Kins Al Ftrdi . AdvertWag Mgr. f,. ts-ISr- -'o :-,:>sa H rtM afte I e«. "MM TIIL'USPAY, AUGUST II. 19C0 M I C III T. A N ST A T K N K \\ S _> PACK Tttttge Again*! Conformity conformity among brUtU tnem- t*#q* about the »eive-«. Himself a painter of Abstract e-rpr# .or. ••*,, wol ever rorr * i#ackw another >.*,er »*aed. t pictures to pu//!e the literal- opined, has run its gamut. j "The figure has never oe*H TA Interest In Painting minded. he said he regretted the mass" "Where does art go from eliminated*" aaid' K*flVrf. conformity of artists to iK-rt*" •.k«l • mrmbrr of tkt »•« the ideal of abstract ex pre** ion¬ v K*"'"r , id, ,rr'"u'1 " j Yoj ■* i«*ave •hem. yo-j come "It's £*5 b«t* ium ;r, , -f.ffMMit f'.rrr ~ e Has j umpetl - Kautor Till: BANGER is when a world's ar'ikts. "I am «>l '»-»« '<*■ •" trying to r *Ve A ,•:.«.•«• »r.» : a .jef,r,.V/f» of ' mass movement become* mas* make a breast I work wi'h >tract ex pre*'.. r».vm" did no' thinking." t«- nam Mind you, .figures," ta.rt «f from Ka'-tor s.Vi d'* . '. t eop'e. I'm not agd.n-v' ,* I m ,.ut rau- "IHI lOlf think *.'(• figure ;,*»• the v-m *-.>way .S.nrr World War II interrss art shows for over 'to year*, con¬ N in In American (Minting ha? "jus' ceded that «nt< ,r» art v. *v i i»ti jumped," ni \ k Morns Kantot, per haps rrioie ithu Mastic tn i This Sunday n He. the noted N' w York j»«inU'» gdme pa it* of I'uun'i v than wit * pd <•*[:• rhigan an who h-i been denr** here this summer arti**i- A 'if ail man with a big mus¬ tache and tremendous charm. in other*, find n at a -»o No, he mid whet he pac* ropohM question, he o:d not f rri tha sa.d. you Attend Church Kantor wa« one of the lec turers American ntoai irbtituhon, "X at the first Kmc Aria festival were confining f i ar';?t>. Hut aren't thru.- art:»M who EAST LANSING King fJulv 1R-23) "In rnv early day*,' he told a festival audience. New York say that AAiei.can conformity in Stirling then •»,«• question¬ CHURCHES had »ix galleries Now there are er penu*U''.i- S 200 or It AMOK; more who front iCima in 1911 and has '-ante "Oil VOI here over," raid Kane temptu«u* wav« f ' 'i '> j*e. hand a all coii-i. i per. •ugh exhibited hi* work in leading He did. ho/ i.: ■i r i/e ST. JOHN CHURCH PEOPLES CHURCH FIRST CHURCH OF A CATHOLIC STUDENT CHRIST, SCIENTIST EAST LANSING J- K0SITCHEKS CEHTEP " In l» i U«r,»l :** f out4 tint aarats^ViK v;v NEW fr K h*' jdeugk tt T M'D*»»U JSS K*»t Riso II ' »in i '{ JT1 M V.t Atsfiu* x>?ti|li in The lighting Is not elementary. says Dr. Walvional U»-w..,.e FOLLOWING A • 'of t* «>n the f %•)»«♦ 7 ItSsk 11 A ML. litikr fiuing n ii, i Ill) \lllllial .lllii g-rdenen ami nurm i>i Pft'* !•- , D/i-.v in College" was the ; and employee, attending. Weed control owners u .e object, the Horticultural gar- J dens wet e lighted at 9 p.m.; of Monday. The nubhc viewed the DEPARTMENT i* <« IJjily Mjmh (13, 9 M«sm i# A I S# A M a«*j*«.t *i m>vv itsvir sot I . of the Hth annual Nur-j sprays was considered by sev-j ui.spUy at that tune, aid landscape conference eralal different pane is Consul-! Several of Tuoda.v's meetings ; PROVIDES Onf*fion« tlsily 1 SS A M k (SAM Align 8 and If at Kclkigg ei able attention was also given! were devoted, to the* growing % M P I Pmntf) W * IhtiHun f s fgli'Slg* t f ISE.ftl Xt<»| t f x (to r« (OMPl.RTCI.r Sf.rABATI: IIIVISION or NATI - 1 15 P VI t«iig«y lontM KAL MIOI I.I1I.K ILOTIIIVO • Kt'lTH AM) TOP- immI Marketing P«i»»r bet k**4 *t t»"*5 Children's Clothes I OATH • OCR Bl'VKRH HAVI: ' IIK KI O Wltll I!I TAIL MTORCH ADJACENT TO LLADINO (.ULUfiU • (A1HOi.II ftfl-pfvr OflOANI. * »« (j« Pu»B# io :-sra ip ! bv the Jewel Tea ■ns ti lesa the 19W-61 aca- UK Bt. I.I I V I. ■ , wilt he awarded to uhu specifically apply out NEW DEPARTMENT the ?"ood Marketing Oil IRS MORI. IN AITHENTIC r AURIC S AM) III:- I EAST LANSING METHODIST CHURCH Of curriculum, a' TAILt.ll STYLING AT PRIC LS WITHIN Till. HI II- E0GEW00D • j 'liursnips provide up GET OP MR. AVLRAGE. THAN IS AVAILABLE IN 1 TRINITY CHURCH EAST LANSING xirr.tim of 11.500 j»er year THIS AREA. 1 PEOPLES CHURCH ,,.f; board and room. ivtvf.fur vi. *«« .tn i t»ooks, according Claaaar and Shirt Laasdry lad 'pJl'ia .Vvp'irjR Swah.-on, corn pay per- U> ran take thr rough and Yor ARE WELCOME TO BROWSE »tv i itqf vr vt nit v h WESLEY FOUNDATION 1 »t * » #• »»> au-,tetk*«el j.tit e t,. 'fie scholar- Wd-o-n M. Treeenl. 1st H HtpSsrs Ruf „ tumble look out of children- Sir. THE NEW ITEMS or SPORTS WEAR - TIIE e»»4o» 1o ov. le for a I l*r«iK ? lot he* find giv e them a neat LAST WORD IN VOI NG MENS HATS - TIIE NEW nomute itRiiu« IS Rvf.R #f tit»»4 «:v*fi hi Msr in .,.; to the stu- MlHUtf r« • in be u*ed for IHI.As |\ SHOES. TIES ANII IIRMSUINOS. ■ Treaiia A Mttf***, t1.e?M#c new ii «a appearance. „iaitaiu'tng 'he ■** k**ve»«ie O- Lepf, Nikittr **Th» ipiH ef NRtrtltUI' Mark» • • Management PICK UP A DEUVKItY s«»g*f n*r*iut hum M. Swai.son add-: PHONE El) 2-4021 l .J# p m. Bv 0 "I'1 T M a jr. f. »4*f V<*m! 4lJ4osifchek4ros. CALL BtrORi: a 2a "Inirt vlur V«itr niaryrlM* Oar ai^k Wt« *f |. aerri^a M Rrr. RsStatoa \r t. •program lit Fo'kI Mar- Q. Lapp BAC K BV 5 #a Oa l««r PL Management is a pilot- NRtior Irtt'-n* -tudv in nuddle tnnnage- ITa«t Grand Riser Arrows from *»iurfrnt Service Bldg. ii m em viiLrr not'ie lt»< ( *. ui've.Mpriient. according to Hi Perk l ee* ISepls t<* * ■ \>v Edward 'Barnet. OfHIK URVICri S'efMrr fur Mj lifmu •I - : not a mere exposure ' ;n fmut marketing bu*- 11.1 N. WASHINGTON • l> a tn SbASiy Ohmd * hvn a S'fe**! ,rr ' •"..dent to the entire business admtnt- ir- LAMEST DISCOUNT IN TOWN ^ Iltiwi hi I. nivfful) Uulitw (btiffk stfctevi » it i n e. be said, " s# pm- friiotAir !• IS sia. Ad Apt Pt4 (141 rsrpA feci honored a* the* is mi rn.KRs — tail pirns — exiiacst pipes Srkaut WELCOME tl#r " &*rui« *;-r*e thai the Jewel Tea ' r.« fcifi • v.\ has designated a *.pec»- 1'oi.isiies — waxes — paints — iiri'siies vc'.-.'v for some of their complete line op utessories wiMicrs." Dr Harm' Best buys in sturdy • • ' • EASTMINSTER SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH to I'm WAVHINOTOS AT NOOllll SllV Ik Pint. (WMPLtir. New A Rebuilt AI'TO LAMhb 'It-roily lurrraM-o SPKINC. glass •aTaaraaa PRESBYTERIAN 4 LOCKER TRUNKS • OI.NMtAlOII now van r. it'opit. n r> raster 1 j| ?ll SERVICE ' |lllHT-lli|> M»*niy in»uii-g -rcs.1, rinpi •wATta pvaipa PMXUVO 4. SILL, Ah*., Ps.Ur ED "r r«e ru*. Tracks, irakri »kU« Tea Welt •ciatci rum CHURCH it sa ax. an lb acaooL NTI'f b 4>:«a Kappa, a profes-1 t»u IV 2>nst fee trees»anauea Msrttti A IffWa traterr.ity for men m ed- ' «r. « recently ended its 1960 ;■■r'.gram with the initi- | ii m * Or i n rx. i**ikst W. n Ilken «*ua StmSra t.r—4 SsM* of 2T educators. •sjum T*MU|WU Waiur? * ;n. .j'.on ceremonies were) a A PM- AOI LT TOL TW ftlXOXIRtP ■a tr.e Ktva and were fol- ■ uiscission ABB aerarsavors t»y s banquet at the Char- HOUM. •• kfv peakcr was Dr. Qif-1 Kn.-km*n, dean of he col- ! f iMucatiuij. He discussed •• shoo and the ChangtSg THURSDAY, AUGUST li. 111,01 I'.VJK I olll M I V II Hi AN ST A I K N KWS t'eniiiiM riioorifled* To Show Now MSU Grill 'teams Voor Key to Metl *r VhIh"* , , . Harvester I'W Tomatoes Anion*; the Best tr. HaraM A. SkaMtr (irfOMKTMNTN Dr. (. W. Milter? Mst 'm lust art fiHitlmll to.itiH tTt»»k fifth • >»•» n?t • K)m KMimlnrd • llpllral Itrimii. lion's mii/hl.» gridiron power", Hcroi'dlug to an Axxochdud •—e- Filled • I'Mtarl la-n-r. I're fi |will. Tlir mie.1 important pari of aav pair nf Tin* Sf»i»rtiitiV have \vi»ii I 17 f/iiftioM while loaing f»tl over qia—r« ur rnfllml lfllnf» la lk« ah III ami lIn* hi-1 (punter retiturv. ' inlruril v of Ihr And or. | Oklnhoitiii Iiiih the lies I 2*i'year word of nil I'.S. team*, MAM.UHRT MANWOR C'KMTVC II t lu| Hint h followed Hourly hy Notre Maine. Horn Man.. Ttnn M. Kvaata*. 'III » MSI . OHIO STAII1!, nod Mirhlgao it re the only tennis from the Rig to listed filming tin* fofi 'JA tennis. Of these 27, nine are from the Sooth, with only five each from the .\|idue-l a III I Mil I SOUVENIRS Here ale the top III •w 1. r IVt. IT I'A (Ikhlhidli.i Is i.' .MINI IK 17 7 2II'!H Vol |'f 1 hitui' |MH 1.4 ut 7M!» %•>.** a I PUIU*^ ■**•(• 177 «.| ij 711 HIM7 2107 ,1 | Al m\ r»; '•7 17 7 III .7 x 2.111 VIP lilt; \\ M ATI! 1 IV .i in.' v\. ifkiiif; m On* *an»e nuniher of eon tests as Oklahoma, hot ends ti|» second h«..d\, pliiinliini! h.'p \t i Hi 'H*-11• i»* PiiO'i i a li wlift (In1 ^iiII»m> k ;t resit 11 of piltvillg fewer Contests. In that, period the Kin. I On ...I division; and end Km Irish have played the Okies four times, winning three of Mull (Mil I • I .1 I' »<««*•= Wnlks III On the duels. CAMPUS BOOK STORE Add. , I. .. .'.ii I. It h.ilflM I. . HI I| III llMII H III k III III E.oh vrai, d coat* the I'mn- ii »'f Phd.idilphiu iliiiiu*t» far tnolo motley in then for the fttteiupiv to Jam Iladin fierj • .utipi4I I 1 fill «» I III II (Ml. 1 ajil;t Europe ", t»utti lu'oadeaitft thaii ' Arronn Friini Imiuii lliiililing Ml F. t.» operate ltd en- ; fa it e'»*tA . f f. , , I Nil'. In li...! iiuiiMiid in 'i»r net *ntk Ml Mill lis (i| . \| . < .* . f .. <* .. ..-i .. . Hiltl .1 :i'• «■ r! 11.1,11 -Mj.; |Me Inn* riu.-i* ;i II.'I plaid nil' MUtklnf 0.1 iOlid I. «!l eonlemporarv « "< !,.■ n *> .1 \ \ Pallin.m in |»..||od I; did. 11 n: ul S 1., thr . 1 . >>.'> ilino |.| || pi i Si'l Field For Farm Hay Crops i d IM SoflKull hdlfi.d k l» .i lliin^f from liiglium County nil over Schedule fa FAIR iidi-ni .in ,i in 1 r.i-»•,.,nd i» i lii tl.nt* In.- oft Kftcoud hall aehedu't wt'.-k in the world |n..',i . n W an . breeding he, ' •* I llail | *,»n , . i. n M»a Augtl*d tl, (lid in.aid It It . N Ilia iionil 2. I, flu. Hr-e.iii M l'ryu,|a>ret V- \* to refleel Ahh.iM N Auh'ind la. HmnoMtd 21 ( •allies On dh !. ,.•> t.' N-. t Ahlsitl No 'i v*, ii l».l . your (County Fairgrounds, Mason) .! rh. lull' ;l»t«ipi»nd N.t 1'. PhUlyyi vj. win f." **Wlf *1.,-tin,tti,I No. .1. Ill,, ||». Tap F lillll leillld' M'dtdl i ui >dd> Vk UPS Alignd Hi Ih'amnnd impeeeuhle A H ■ ■ v ■ n «« I" -I \ I i'hemikti* *•- Math, Uu» AUGUST 15-20 i > I I" I " . l|»»UI I.I . , It I No * U i.. v v». Highway laate I UAllKK; eion '••*» * H OI" I I » Ml- t V . • '.oi!»; lliiinii'int No ;t, 1 o*t' - I hi Spa. tan* v* i i, hvi I - \ VVexlnetidii*, Augiod IT Ahbott No 2 U»a- 222 ABBOTI' KUAI) ! Prescription (enter . Giant Midway 4*11 and Open Class Displays I .*n «pd have Smed Up .» EAST EANSINt; ^aiot i iu«»iul No. I. Ilio He*earch v. Hon .onlerenee vla'c to pirnide AWw'tt No. I; Ummuuit No, 2. HA I H tMlilK K e «*-■ H t!*1 N-'l the< is M»» !»,>; ,«>!ov»*ii \* tl U.J UtuMiond Kan- rx K in s* Ma'e. North V\»*s| of .Sent , . . . . N'» ». i"I*ptogenn v«. HPS. . • UM'-.O ex,, in in Ihe r.'.a.t,!^ 1,.., N»*\t To Naltottid I ood Store l.n.r \.« M Free Parking MM IIOVII • ki;\ n i. luii'i. stohk r iis i*.t t .trimoil fieUlbouM' J THE x# BEST uicludiot; aTmxetinu Feh It 'with ■ mil I • 111 Hi » ni r M | Mar—m RidBg • WtA., Tfcwt., A FiL* ANmuwi«2M0 pw Ohio Stale, the detrntimg Jpg !mmMI • l>JM. iim.r«J Ten ehamphM) Siiiiiiiiii! * Korddr »t*rtmg his nrvvnth Aadersim will fea*o(( W a> • n>. - spmdan l»rsd »s»aeh, Andeuwin FMU.0UMUK had 10-11 tr*s*rd !a»t a T—a. Aftar— * OkHAraaa Uai PLACE TO SHOP • tut his SpartRtu pUred eighth in ih«i |tig Ten •s It a**« the fimt MSU f to.«'mg aewson Andonoit, who CLEARANCE The Union Book Store r SALE! eoaehed th« .Spartans to a tie for the eonfervneV"title in 19>7 •jk| nil-outfight Bin in urvp. • Nrwft UcrdBmIu TflK M NKHIIJ : won tun • SMppUm l>ec. S. Itutler at home. I>e.« h. Howling Green away: |hv. It, Vnlurx In Sl.cC • Glfli A SoiivHiirn Kamns aw a* Male , lh>*. 11, H.tmna Uj-r !J. Knva State ONLY SI4.M M—Aay - IM pjr.- at hic < three gaines' Jan. *. WOowtdn »t home,; Tan ^ Indiana awa», Jan 14,! SUMMER SUITS Vnlut- In nun Special- WhfcteiM Iowa away, Jan id, Michigan At at heme; Jan. 21. Northweateiit ? ONLY S2I.B9 Tilt* IllNlk TaaaAay - MO p«. - at home. Jan. 23, Mmneaot* away, Jan. 30 Hdn-ws away, N1Y NOW %MI HAVIi SUM* fVhv 4, Niwthem Michigan; •way, lYlv H, Notre Game avxav;, LEN KOSITCNEK'S tV> tl, OH'O State at home, j FiAv T V. Michigan »«*i FrH. ' VARSITY SHOP PUCE TO EAT WiAanNay - 7MO A DM M>< 'S, Min.'trwu at h*v*m. IVb 2d.; .'.'X A I.I-.I1 ltd. llUit*>i« at tirtn t'i Feb. 2'». 4ve - tiue away ; av*?*. March s. Matyh 6. Ink* at Iw iie- Sraies l,i-l Imn-inK The Union Cafeteria CSSNSNWSSSNNSSSSSSNXSSSSNV- 0 Cool Retnicf Alllin»|ilirrr TbarsAay - 7 JO lua, 9 Your lavoritr KimmI* Al Their II.--I GONAL SABLES' The Union Grill ILFORNO 9 A Siiurk or m Viral 0 V favorite IMarr lo Vlrrt FrMay-MOML- • • ItKSTAtitVM • • Uhr mi».r Ihnl «...rfr /'/// I /, in /.anting' PUCE TO PUY SahrAey-IZtSOpua, K'OMI'OrrK lilNNkKS • S VMIMU IIKS • SVU KS? Thr Houliua AUrv 'I'hr Rillianl Koom OI*K> n.vil.v .» P.M. - 2 A.VI. MOM*. TiirrinK 5 KATIISKKIJ.Kit OI'KN W I P. I IIKl SAT. In I'rlmTeTurilo • lliilfrl* • lUnqurt- | THE UNION Tmsswwaw\SSWASNWW\W.%\W.WSW* ^ !is THURSDAY, AUGUST U, IMS M l C III c; A N K T A T i: V E w s PACE PIVR | Swedish eitl**, they will f».« i'riivers,)'y of Michijtan in 1951 f A 5 f R H. W/o 6T' ~ Tw» Trip To -Kuropc ' untie nn to Mimia, Poland, and New (ioed llours Iteosoo (iris hi. f'-fA and a *'tA degree in Hurabr^ rnetider* of the Caste; Czechoslovakia. For Professor For Fall Term during hi» rurrr-n'. tour a? MHtX received 'raff^- ti*ket» on ♦.*,« ' The elUe# of (Urm*nv wuS Colonel Itars. Hi i f i cnmi'bAM'i Ibme wofk /.a/ hMM Inn a'panel diieo*- conclude the tour. The part/ wiJl *,r/r» for Junior high Kbonl svj- toward a I*hd. HclMirrkcr villi Hamburg and both Km-.' New hfAH for women t . o Is Iteussi^ned If" hak rm.'ifit yith hit wifr 'Jen'.* lijut Wim Merlin, i*for* return. t 'i f di »er t iv- br-en and three .daughters a' J3fk7 Hub/er t Of the ir,j{ to Michigan the middk of need Aug ot' 'i IteflWin, 1 Safewlr iviUg Miu M France* IM/ueeker, liorklngtiaf.o fd , HwU'U. . September. of fleer »tatl'X>ed y.ith the Itf/TC <"' * ** *fi#frirtr RflrUtant profwuaoi of v*ial ! This U the third Europe work, left lofti week for nn «•*» j trip In three ,ve*i* for *.tir ;« »■ • !■»?•» • 'i j.r r»-po deter hrr.efd. here, hn» irr-en pm- j»iiaiaaiaiii»aia>i»M>i»*»»^ tended trip throughout Km ope. ! Ilet/fiv kef t ! VI i,gi, fnoted to the gr.«';e o? i,' f'o!o« j (if)i l»,r.,«,*!» In tdottdon, Mt*« HeUnecker IN IIU, the WO! oft " *■ will join Mil* Wild* IP,II. 'fip/ Fftits;. and H«t . pro- factor emeritus of the achool of I j sited I/Mirdea IMgriinage and -»Uo Switzerland, the fthlne vi r» oidav -lo'llini- j* i an, Hun- No i.ef VI fig a* no u'.vr of- day's t.gti'kn time is ' ri / f,f the '' dermnerv under | BorlftJ Work, and two member* ; glon, and the ftivieiu *,J,> ' • iif the Michigan department of lt*l/nef. The t., , f.» », u- ■: yri'i ft.* kr Co.'f In M-achlng. Mo •> l>»atli«a-r orrnr from "A fry From Thr HlrrrN" of the A'rooo'.r.g ifid ' oti't ■. Krifobitrifh. V.nland. After v;- a iso tht field wo» k ruofitlnitf/f »*f-4.f ,?.g • he* a in t;<* *- :n" div.iion li 47 fofoba', ';rw siting Mon k holm and other for MRU graduate student# .» - khnwina in Falrrhlld Thralrr on Ihr Furrlxn Him 'he »*•»«• a- to: nth* - *omen fiairung M«f.'onftei; A.f For<« Sarin Friday and Saturday. Ilarhir <|lana UiU.n) and MII R I.MTI nr.*. " buhe Wi'-hiti, KiiotJii her l.rolhrr Tuny (Tnny linker) join happily in llir •arj l other l.'i.- veif.';. a'tlVi'iet % fillAfll'AII. of f en'er Mix STARLITE fun. ft .1 have oy.e-half h*»UI II,gh f o! ftenton re- • , jf to tfcaur not ! «e; ved a MA degree from ttie Film Fliml: 10. Of. '/* W I 0 i ■ Here Just WILD Almul 1 Mites UMilksnt »f Umiai Ndl m Iel"» I'lay al . . . 'Cry From Streets' Coming sLAKP: LANSING PARK ""'"■ *•"•"" '" ""N""" I IFAIRWAY (iwlf RANGE; To Fairchiltl This Weekend ; Hut oirriKiOH nv All the polgnanry and detper. I? ami Vj I'ririf llay Every W,-,l. THRILLS I 14' a'lofi of the child who Imk i pro- . MSI frizes To !er M patent.ii "A Ci v care i» From tf.e «mi! S'.hti-. ' m NEVER MINIATURE GOLF ! a AM M/l llf.fiANI/ATIOSH I AS ',11 ItW 'UI OS Piirts RI MARISO rcncivatiosa ri: «-li=i PPICM 'tin •urnmer f#»t nioVf tu film aeries. the Fainhild Itofunlln II inners ™ BEFORE JV if// SMINI tr.N '*r" ^'"M1 r.AST ~ III' MM' ON I N It ■ frpen flatty - After ana n And Kvening - fweft M*a4in - V/'hiUf of if.** l»nn annual UitiiHuHtdmnb !.i (ttn- !>*•*■. gfi from I.ake IxeUfMti )«*'. weekend Krhnhutgh • lived "-.ik of art in-it-ad >,u!lfjg M-y.iit.i re ON FILM! NQW SHOWING WLAkMb IV Mill Film Ft'aUval aw.ii 1. Tf.e movie of iWlTSBTTSiii TwIr-HII Show! i* based on F.H/alxth novrlr"Th» Friend In Need." (.Vtxhead'a' Marbara Murray, an j dedi¬ hy student i the traditional "loving cup.. Outstanding water colors done at the I xe la nan Lk9i ma i» I»M« iviiGHliCAri - 2 IpRFAT ATTRACTIONS RKTtfCN cated aoeial worker, find* ttiat Hummer Art iu-hoot of M5U x NOW • 2nd WEEK af LAUONS wrt SONGS! At,e nerd* more than a college were selected a*' prices for the fraturc ihsxn at I 45. t It, g.55, tVt KM. education to do her Job Sf.e aUo ' first five winners in the regat- &us 8@&n6i&M need* to lean on «omrone'» *hou!der. Ttie thoulder ahe find# lias belongs to Max n>'grave». who ;.ortra/« a televbior, repairman llospllal Insurance r.ny autre** Dana Wilton plays the daughter of n man who ha* j killed ht* wife, while Colin' Meters en acta as the *on of an KUKY CALHUUN alcoholic Though the movie end, hap¬ .* ro/OK pily for the protagonist a, it de¬ liberately end* unhappily f"< 'he manv other chlktren who Write ar t all never find the Jovo and guid¬ ance they need # ull,T» A|(«'liry 'A Cry from the Streets", IM s«alk Pl»» ouietly asks If the children1* home can offer the equivalent IV PI 171 of parental care and affection Hllhigia Slate Unvartity FOREIGN FNLM SERIES prrsrnl* "A CRY FROM THE STREETS!" (Hrlttah > An wifnritrlUMt drama fillad with i»v and lauihlrr, amllaa. and aa acraaioaal tear. H inner of Kdiabarili Film Ftallval Award Slarrina MAX HYGRAVF.S. Hum Uilaaa Fri, Sal. Admiaaioii: 50r JAIHIND COUMI PtLM or ISDf A mMRHMMl or INBU UMO.N BALL ROOM MJSOAY AUG. II. IKO H P.M. TK-sm i UH1 ATI mmm mM*n a «mm : LED6ES ■ PUYHOUU : ■ IXaenM Part. ■ i UrmdUtf S Nickllv lln May : ARB. IMS ! "love and! i in low : 6M* 111, nail, W w ■ »•»«• wka a in m la ■ m, INC CAST S l«la«w l;H. fcOn-ie a ■ U l-HM Mr .tllHIIIUIHIHf ( |»AGK SIX MICHIGAN STAT K N KWS THURSDAY. AUCUSTQ, l!)f,o Paul Pepp nttti Nnni'y SniH ili*»ru»s wHnnal rwiijiplillnil at llipsilvfr dnnrc I he "Talent on Ire"* schedule over, col . |iaii level, lets The couple recently ijualif*t*es off the girl*. Bright smiles and flashing skates characterize champion Nancy Meiss, AITI JIJ.V. the headline is misleading. JIM BltOWMNB. the 1.0),. graduate, is Only five MS I' student* are mem hers of front Indianapolis. Hi* fiancee. Janet Hur¬ the "Talent on |re" east. The sixth, Jim ley, 'JO. from Huntington Woods. will ^rrad* Browning, graduated in June with a de¬ Mate fhmt the school of education in IM- gree in landscape architecture cetnher. The couple recently. became the The third and final show of the summer Lake Krie international pairs champions. will he presented Wednesday by tin* par¬ W orld champion Carol Itcia* will lie on ticipants in the Lansing Skating club summer clinic. campus to participate in the final show. Carol. who married one of the fammit Jenkins brothers, will arrive Aug. It V\NCY IIKISS. Carol's younger sister, is a non-preference freshman. The l#-.vvar¬ olii champion hopes to compete in the I'.Mil JTIK CLINIC is staffed l»y a distinguish- nlvmpit s after graduation. Nancy was an id protessiona! faculty. Heading the list is Pierre !Irunet, celebrated oivmpic coach. Olympic world team member in 11)57, PJ5H. and 11151). Bos Ionian Montgomery Wilson,'Canadians Paul I'epp, *J". Ji sophomore from Mil Beryl Williamson and 1>«vmI Spaiildtng. wau'kee, is dividing his studies between and William Swallender. who operates a skating school m Detroit, complete the foreign language anil art. He and Nancy summer faculty. Scolt have ipiulified as mid western repre¬ sentatives in national competition at. the The clinic, now in its twelfth year, draws silver dunce pair level. skaters from all over the country. While the average student age is IS. there are NANCY SCOTT. a junior troin I Irvr- pre-schoolers and college graduates attend¬ ing. l.itul, ha* Iih'ii .kutlnir at llio rllnir fur elillil \i'ui'h. Tin- 'Jl-yiur-ulil fine arts major jiliini, to li'iirh after obtainiujr Iter. IN I'KKVIOI S rear*. the rlinir pri-u-nt. i d three alum* »t the i*nil of I he summer Ururcf. lion Pfenning. Ill, from Springfield, Vt., Ilv spreading nut thr «hi>w<, a* they have I- a malli ami phyaicul KClenee major, llr 1 hi< Klimuu'r. they are reaching a larger phut* to linrh mi a mcnmlnry Irvrl, I.lit auilience. In qualify uK a Kkiitinjr judge. J'liotojrrnpliK hv Norm llm. - Intenuliwul champion* Itrowninj; anil Hurley So, jump form. CLY*/i3 & IVQ.UD CUC?m SKATERS CAROL HEISS Wednesday, An*. 17 • 8.13 P.M. • Rnertfil Kinp-idr Scat* $2.00 • lluIrony InrtMianl 7.>c Ticket* Now AviihUr al Arena Box Office. , .. Day ft Night* Naney llei** examine* her blade edge. Though tfcey are tempered aleel, the blade* ami be uharp- awed frequently.