V 1 an ><-r. StateNews iii(i >lfil hir .")l Vi nr. K.UfT I.AX.-ilNli. .MK'tll<>AX. Tllt'lJSIlA V, AI <.I HT i'». I»i I'lllch (JEM.S VOl.t'MK Su. .*,<■ Here Aug. 29 to Sept. 2 1,000 Mathematicians to Meet One o! thir moi*f imfsortatit anrtMal events In American ; »jyJ: v/,«. lioil hemaJjr • will take plaee Any. to .Sept. 2 at .M.St 4-HcrV Here ":>«• jtrovi • Mobile Home That' - 1 hen maiHernntietjoi1* from throu/ho'l' IH* si rt»i> u-v . ttiitjr.fi • j r»»nt »• • rat forei/n eounlrien will attend th<» Next Week rj,w.r Tic hi: of (ioitfcrenee Anu*r.< a eonfererje#* of titc the Mathematical A^aocitition of firj^aniziition,-* v»* TfU*l ■ <»f ' #J> 4-H f 4itl*rrr.' Held Here ft', n*-! n ''-n vh,' . ••'-*• a" '.n*' A.US D liftoJt foil? ' - V jthe h«l-A vid *»•«' '■ fi 4 ft. r. , fee Ci ! f)o Jk .r >• ic«- a mrr " '*• * pa v it ire. | s *-Jf r «*' 'i 1 to - dl-.'A er/.'e ] Aujpi«- 3fl .V-,*-'«>»*•: IIAWBV hdSllh nu.m iptaxcr f'.. ' Ov#r I'bOTf 4- f f C . ATTENDING Till. C .lf*r»arif Tjr R'hT'JV.- - j and ; z'r'. i }U t>r.r>r, *h» T-/A- :-5 ffa .?-»-♦ ,,f 'tor:' Mf !,»• ' -a . • , A • id A r-T.nx a *' : • • ?P*n ! /p. ' "fienmatr.i,-*' | the ft* • '< ' ■(»' ' '•* to' »•* r ! univcf't.'v unfiii ■ ■ and r.i i «•; - .■ • sfo ft' Manifold* " A .* ■ TWO OTIIIR Ay* ea.td.ru nil. tliou II\» lea « i • rojtiti/ft'. ^ft'e- | if* * h iff hi .*■. uf * triCTnim 'a/r, fir J'si. Ha.' * ! 4-rr ».;•.!v. .«•■ • »- til's Till I OSII.KI St I ?;n»v*Ti ' ft? Ch>:a■> vJ. T-.wry." ar.d Prh{oiKr* ?* ♦ •II m^hin-'.- • ;•< ' K <: .ft •-*.*. I*r.iv»rt.t/ ft? V rg - | srt-<»mpU nrn«>. (.iilicriiiihsriiil «. ». : it. "IftYft.yViftt » . \ if.t a chance : , /'• 'O' • vi; - AMatii ' island, njf a<*ni* -'<• '• f> ,r miiv- irtua. -. »rvd a • na.v r, ]* JI¬ l'(ii> |o Drlsiilc • r*.* •-.ft ' 4 X'/ pir'.-.paft'.j ft* "-ft vo.,.- - ■>* t»er* *•■# nee*. w.'h f' 4-Mr- . MS* 0-r..ftr • frn*n 0!W? part >U'c •uife WwJj.i i i . t* On Cliaiuicl M» .«• • ... • Si;*-, T.r pttptTt The if-torra) poohc i« invite , day ,.*,4.. "r* lift I la'.l- i ar«:at ft? app'.^l rr.;»••■- Jo attend *"<• v-»::.#u' * • ** a - fir i. '»n T .evl.i a-- • a^|»hfa. (tatifticf a i tiVlt;**«., S .r !. .e •». Ma* fi He • - ami l:»V.rti »,'i<".j y.lt.i.w-r . , *r»# mill -i MAIN f*»ahir«fi Iftd W'"- rvt-rnug n'.ugt-t't; .r ' Aud¬ elude ft ■ "a w- itl V M AI! itorium rtarinT wn.rn out mar**' ■ . ami Ja/f ftft^f*' .ft Cfti.-- '. yor* from *lse MA'.; iruc tncmTaer* w." k« rtcoxnixadI»n Tiv~.r.d;»y af -rre/.r., WH.XTV d v.v y ra4*iYer;-.4V.a: a.vi TV i .ft*-. pc pn v, .-a. uvcluda INt KRNHT VICTOR WOLFF •. dav: 4g'i?ft J0 v- «-.r» Heroa.ft R-ir/.r. ar.d Mar*.; -. ^ i-vr.ft 11 Sirs.nv*! ar.-. Kftjt, » .ft » t Arr. pap*.* on iu- According l» Atkin Survry Hep it.. • !'•» ft II Ills'* ar.d prooah .ty; Pt'/?ei* University MmiriiH fr-'.r J'."' r 'A' MS if J < * -.tof -HPi-fi :-<.anag' .• •o-a r 'ftt J H .V. r; " Horjt.ftg a.ftd P* Triti: a pa .- - Women Don't Know Bar«uiii!> Tft' p-'/pft-.'s; ft. •• 4*' »• e •'ftA.'/gy a.ftd pTftfsit^f Vi -I .ft ' •*!*• »hit.-la'-e: • .e Dr. Ernst Wolff Dies R ftje - * If Ocnrnke, a p»>* far.ft'.c 4fiiv»r - *• '* i.jjoori *'i : tehrvtai'Mi r-auoTs. Till. MATHEMATICAL Do *omm krsrv a barfain | Mis, turttiy of merchawJii* rwiurkshty k- Channe, JO ?ne r'.rr.* : A<- .Ota they aee «in-.-v iamt quality of produce. '.*'#*» tne fnarketo .-.vI * .*• IV. :.- WllJC-r. The -■•*: •»*.-.o of Amerxa a p#da- Kmwarit Atkuus Tt^y ranked the.r "ideaV" ;th« atuasr. •• tii Errnt Victor Wolff. t«- •inn, a ,Iir»«erina kid¬ Ht wa renowned for hi* In* No. * aay* %'rg. 4 ftTga.ft.M»*P*s pr.r.a*. ' p'vgiam* wvutd r#» -mhd*r atva:.* Vrris'.ionttJty famed mastei of ney a.limn'. Dr. Wolff had ®afc- prHr»t;»m of If-indel and wife, adver\*;nz lne.ru/-wtv# rec- lonermirket for ?.-.»• rear- - CilVEN ALMOST o - > a!»l«- to ah otmr Mkrs4fan !*;•* -of.-frned the teacnjsg -? ;.:a:.y-i.a! and routed »ne pftfe* and barpalcbord . -I1|V., ..... ^ ( ' for.ed Uaa- crlptiona of IlaodeVt »nUy Wan 4 lurvey of wom-jmaio^a worn- jm ***& s v»r|y var.f.y of er al«. aita. ;h-;ftIvi - s* *rea from ' • 4VI*'-*■?- 4-rftrd- 'i s.nrl.1 .• 70. in hi. r.H- u... V :ft" ; ' . ' " ft . r* V»>u ... »... . I"'< rn.rkr-.ni VMvftr. *17 1» vat !..!«*-1 ito»n-dJty. lelndiw tspnftlm.lMXsm.- rty. p.ea.*anit v>»»«t » unpl«a»- -vftirh Ut ci.ft-j«c, A*«.e nugi-" * "<*'• „. *f-5« »*omen make tm-.r eh,'.. i M4 rr.ana.acr C4li.n»o f.'a .. e. ....eget ar.d aairtn.- .... hcene. «;ng hmi.' fitrmvd this wwi .. No-v'.vna . .V v.« IV NEW VORK he made his . ....... ff.g Although death struck the la*t town If.ill dels!r. »n 103d ami *i«00,. feaiiy know pr*c«. J ar.:,^ friemi.y ♦ urdfje.sdJy, and , *-v.n ae^.ar TAPE* Of Till. gnt.'hg tfte 1IAA m-c • flii A Jdo'A 1 he, and - Hedru-g .V-- ] food bad. Atkin »aid . o- ehord. Dr. WV.fr* many rcc ud- .tlau i(. tame on the con- sayi »** ^in' Atkin. "They in<"' ljunt JV *hink - »c*l reasons ms-i- . ...ft v r.gs J. CMrlri imttodi ' *» of t * v Then, on the tame aralw toe ' a icf.es ;ne mgs of tile clawica. his voi-*, or ok.-ii.M ... .cvrantr*' ii« iney know where the belt bar- Tbe/r choice u<«■-"•> -/n Ui-. ' . ,4e>' ft-.d' »d.a d I* • .v>..• «•'' »'»*- T uaw of prr«w».l «mn«n„cnt. A ,«dy re?* n»0 recorded "nan/ »««.. «•»< •■-*" ">* ' ■ ea'" .rnag<-- •4,a: -ir r Irr Iva.ft ?»;*»«-.. o* i Ttoe va«im mtctriwredjin :V «r«* Tne .apcrmcrt. > ,« B it he a- s a-- - " v -ft hi' rrmpo Iilon- for commcrcal •inw IMJ in ejjta ™ctont.h MSL .ludrnu. wUl , f , j(.„ 1>! inn^ ,„r r4 „ ,UTO. „ A «•! . -he ».JVW of r.ym.',JI *u,in ' e»t ««il7 h*<1 dcf-ieoo:. saTro-i-wd ul**al wrwpondM ' wft rfj a ft-*—ft w 'J ft. rr.« A*;-: aftd WKAR-FM v ." vers :r of Or»|x !!• t pirtu;«: .: d ;u nu'ft-oer t-.«ory ve on. I men* rue fund :r- h.- na:««. U no. puofthMl iourprcutionii'"* *npr«.ion. whi.-S. »v.r«i "Each r!o.«.y bought to ner o? her own store '.on ft- e%«-, »:■ A.f< / top ;.-,!erei*. to *. • Dr. Woltf «*< hooJ of pano|a!>i ^ of o ' pn.(M> co.l narptien-.nl |Offer*«l 'ft pr.cef But as being ;.-ig them, infisser.ee tn« dec A. u tervj orgin kaai ex pen ,;ve ions gf'.up if v a pane! (Jucau.. l»: Woifr h. l often wpcarerl'They COdMVf <|u/> pr.'cf from * /U a 1 u' -t V! y In tho school of niu.ic. A na-n the most 'good' t.say Atkin. For ?j.' tfwl Tc.e hi> of Abstract a of Oermany, he wai once called *ith t.ic umu Wmpbonr and .""« »»«» *' 7» •-» nect This was even th<' < eiernp.e. v - .*• or. I.-, rfttr.--ft.gu: Ci'- worn cent of Ine xift-rvr &•; have Acmacrsei in v.* world', i orcmwl harp-.-! Ill: MALIS' HAD it«d.rl ;r. „:,.ca .n rit.es throuchaut ••of r-*-.l>»r* '"«« ««« «-d>- there «'M tome evidence to th per '*•* 'if*-1 Tea.' .g o' \futnematics ' ■ .ordUI by • LontSon fritlc. He! t o: t:ri::.vl Sti *. f.-i t rKctvcdf Mkhifap a. well •• In Waah-)crri'jrhr-. y. another veyec said they -.te 'r pa •d "**ar4 ' contrary. "oecau*-- THE Uk It.TV for ; .J pertormeit in numerous too- n. pt. D from Harvard in 1913 , i.-.g-.o'i. Cleveland, Cntcaoo. Xia* Al TI AU.V H1H rr.f»: hen ronue a mar*?', of . tJV! i.-d • i>- . .r, ?;vftl'ial| to find lest than 21 INSTANCE, tr.ai an/1 App e-f Mather-.»-. • *••!"! hall* in EuFupe ' He fh.' i Cefmany (Jurfng Itie aa C'ftv, and SV l»uu. were aba MIR one iup*-- rradaag d4-.p-. fuo.,. • griiDoim in. imrr cams to iisu .»«.> ism; »i*n unit- r , to sr.- w.ft, a member of the A- per cent pr.ee difference be- \ market *a* farthe.*''a strong effec* on therr j. v/pp--"-3 I'ihaa su'b a -enftoers research organ.rut.or. drawn from, both ed;- - wr..*, tween markets or under 50 than the often from the apart-,behavia.* > the-. summer of 1017 m i 'iw*tf. He firtt lived in New j mi-rtean MuaichWgy aocipty, the — , and ;rA ait.*.; auesi leacter and remained *.♦] Vork a* » private •.c-c ner ofi KatkUAl Miwie Teachers »**oc- A market cUued by the cents on a 125 order. -saent development where the Weda«*day >• :.-eV d-vi i'.ft 1 T SlAil conference* j permanent member of the thR r „-u\ appeared iatiin, and the American A**oo j survey made The r.iu»orlty atarnps were g.v-.. a., - Xiiiiniiii- I'riiiiHslcil '.'■ *oe " von Neuma.ftn L* fiiusle staff. He often rxpn>*>m oumerou tonc«f«,. . iaHon of tfnlvemity Profesaors. housewives n one of -the most j of hv»w**-w;ve* ra-ed it mure dis- favorite shopjiing da- tar t expensive offered what were tair But the hyu.urwive* who tamer* of stamo - h.^ft J /h*' Me?e a 1ISC a«mrni! pretuied ove rtfc.* ye« ft.- love far the Univcis»t>"« _ "* *— park-like cimpux. probably Um lowest prices in patrorared that market ranked stor** Friday i.yi by fur "the h*» been carsed munuggr of by Profemor L. V Ahifon. the area, lu unusual architec¬ it closest. choice of noo-tunnp store Shop- T'.rne Muguxme'l advertising fBarvard isnivertl^. Profesiof I!n death Sunday morning at Uft|l(, SilU*a* lUVS Atkin's reiearcnen found one pen. of offie- ;n Ciev -aad. An- ifirtiR Knuicai. of 517I IligilUnd Hignland ava~avt. East Lan- ,U n r"IIM 1V.0.0 ture. Atkin surmises, served to J ifin klcLat- 5 ur. veriity, aljo address create the "image" — or men¬ supermarket somewhat clutter-j Atkin fu-? .. Tie..-vecl mor» vertuing f>. tal picture — of a higher-priced ed. The majority of '-he house- effective u><* ' v mud'- >'. ch.e anno-'jnred today. , gr /up. Jialrhery \lrrt Johnson Accepts Post market. wires «mre/«d it tow on the tjie hai?-bni;o.i do;:u.*i spent Why did the women ehooae Iclaaa-dtrty scale. But the vo- annually on »:>p«"*r^rkc. advn-- iard faff s.,ve 1055. M-y.cr* : tfw* 4-;». maft-.emetic^ansi are.a - A mem:/' o? T e, Ckve- .r..Vr-r,c* offjr-au sa.d m-v;* certain supermarkets^ ;men who patrunixed thai market tu;ng -- and *..u rewgrcr. wa. prevmu* y u-.i-x.a^d *.tr -es t regtitered for the ? Sla Irt I 11i'H' The latex: in poultry vaccin¬ At American University MOST Of Ilk they said St ranked It cleanest. was because of low pneei. q-aul-i . .tools sti*n a.» tf.-it u'rfd in r.ia' Ctrurr.-ors Adve-Uting ro and iu, ennfereoce. and cel.eve tou Despite each housewife's d.s- pi.tot 'tudy are a key fo i/ev.er.. Curv.s f»:-;hhsh;ng co ir. Ch.cu^ . ' to* total wpwa^t may reac:. ity cf meat, convenient local- * ttoct feeling that her aupermar- meons of ififiajew.mg vfencfl .n He rer.de. at 2335 Berksn.rre 1JW Among she fortign na - ation program* will be aiudied D Die S Johnsm. Dimdorwas Council Member and Stew- km, clean lines i and ittraclivr-' ket was most ^good," Ihtft was their shopp^u behavior. Ruau, Cieveiaad Heights, Ohio, .mk- "•> be represented a* toe 'w. .j are Germany and l«- nZh'ry ZZX'cn- ,n,'h"' C^"~B " "" ! rue. ,.,J 15 u- >nitt»«K ni r». h« . Laa.md rburcb- He D a m»mb*r J, T- 'JfiC • - * /Oferanee. taut he id ac« .: ■£ M-rk,un« - * e campus .ii- 10.52. a a ir' ' • «***"» "« p-uu-u-y bu«- iucga will be presented "to mare m» o, ,v ,/;«■».»■ eom.r.-4.»g education the coi urge of science and l.**u -A •A- * u bu«t«Mr;*s adrth/iiAiratton at ■'.urn IM state halchery owners American u-.Ucr-Wishing- E» |.. A##«••-# and ope?aim a: the two-day ' lucationai. meeting a4 Kciiogs5 U»n. D. t . 4 uf Se;> mb..- 1. tlMIT lO AiWHu V- -Uiii|f !«• t enter. ON THE AGENDA are .top¬ > Johnson imnerl ?.he faculty of Horlimhurr Meet IValurr- lut<» Michigan Matt* tn ItsW and serv¬ ics related to poultry market¬ ed ;-r t.ju- y.-tfi as one u? a Tao MS IT borllcuiturutf wilt (V rr.»i:»T A.-*-./- f ing, the future of egg protfuc;- team'f?'if d*"'->r undsv an ICA prewnt papers to the .Americtn S umrr erfie?d a nr/ounced Su t.ar - »«i, producing startey p'ulic grant who '«•:?)< d establish tm*.: Society for Horticulture Scieoc* tu.:- ? /nbcosn-iag ' cwuact-:* and other- firs' xh-Kii of fxirtaeas ahi»r When it meets Augur*. 28 to 31 ' , u' ' a «-cen* emsir.easofaiLve (.linlcs Wsit yoMitkr aettruch. rtnflW 9, .f, . uniVervUy level ifif'sn the Oklahoma State uaivers- staiWp »sx-..-.ng the automat.*# Uv. A'i. r * -i m s... P.-W.,«» ft SOUy.Mf, OS. to- .hdait.-ft Th-' r. day #a> ,nt?4'■ lt , ft' : . -the marke ne - Administration ..in AfiantS-. • tng vf the Horticultural Society , Va'ioca. Autocr-->C:i« show ;n aT>,? MM- taught at ih* Chi-, and toe Amer^an Soc-cty for o.: j verity .p.-r^utoTh ami at Plant Physiologists. The paper Tae s-^asp. » ce pr.rftsd ,t Cooperative Extension service ,Jamestown coikge. Jamesfowa. will deal with plant mporues p.ue. * *.> designed by New Y/-* IS D where he served as Bus-to groibCh regulator?. artist Arnold J. Cope land- Sup¬ tarss Manager for ttamg'pggi*. Dr Jf II Tute>-, head of erimposed upon a cackgrouad Normal Heather , IN RECENT years Professor. 5-e department of horticulture. of the fc or-d are three Shattrat- Johaaoh has served as a busi- wilt be chalnnan of the joint ijfts eentofed in a ijauc r For Weekend consultant and supervisor meeting. iteer.rg »heel, fcasurtog a pa - of field research in retail.rig. DR. A. U UlRWORTMY Is tsertger car. a tractor and a Temperatures through the lie the ausw »} 4 vetera n^'t ' '.n n » gr. f-tr checks for t.ve »«•.- ca»t today or Friday and again and holds the degree of Doctor ticul vure staff, wUl attend the m H—mi ■»*." MM .IrcWid MM* Boron nid. "It will «nd five weeks during the week on Monday. of Phiiosupny from the Univer- ■wctin. in hi. capuitr u w rffin mlncM an Pari Ime have a »try awllau efferl. The baiMiac will beiunx lu Normal high for the season Isjsaty of Pittsburgh. IWt. reur/ - trawirir of the Amer¬ | of finik. August 20 to Sept. 2, ican Society See Horticulture! •on fro— . The HJIMW olrnriare the ««1>M." C.ialelten 4ate in m| for fall, 1961. According to tae VA ottxe cm '« to m Honn.1 low i. H to A mmb»r of the / M. Lutheran church. Dr. -»W Ml kits IS* Irak r«M ■ -- i campus. • .Wiyt./u ... - /o nam Iff THURSDAY, AUGUST 25. 1900 MIC II IRAN STATE NEWS 1 PARE TWO Hackcl Successful In __ , ,r.v Kniran ! „„v„ .vi.mmb I 'o niMiv War -h - p s J" • rcimc-U C(\ '■ • saii .i«l'To rial. Illmosl l«' Of Schools ltliJf ltl With the mivbt World War II ■ IIV«' - 111 f>< ' .. • trtl:/.;.' n "of m u'n timi- /Hiimhlcvii at Law Eoofereiicc Dr. ffontlrik ZwaiTn-deyn. »f ainJ Michigan State News *fecial Imie between summer and full terms. Second cl* *>•-• ?-in% «.f HHIV T'. RORK. .• ia : t a I .anuria, Mich i Each Blood Research en' l 01 East i-»nfinu»*'t itiah ■ ini; tl»? f.ifhi'm • lie! MStJ will participate Iri the !!7th ti.'ii Mail nubwripMnmt payable in advance lor on# term W. «w 'er*-* %\ \ «, i nv» rc'nwfli'ij fnlffgi 0:1,. V oi r. l.iraUl >n. W i h- annual emiferehtT ot f'ie Amer- three term* 15 at ll»r»0, Hathav. ; . tnifuv'ialor >'>• :" -.. in . ' > '' ie;iM HtisindAs I.aw HstwinMon Summer Kdilor ,» « Hill I'Him-rlriiu ... v i1i aeeiih Vermont, August. *A V I It \M t*I O ( . f ••ri'kiny jnr.ii. •<> • • • • ■. ' N*»» Edilur si' r V .'v . PRIOR TO I 23 to 2:» Hill Klelnwn . . r.i'uinal do.la: .. a'id Ma.I the I lit. Itll f'OXII'I.IC %TIO\ • • I , T»» tbi- end. o n •nr. i " poll i! r | - Adverthini: i|-r. !ha' -v 'til l ha\ born ,i- atrru •. Read (he ClaxxIflHl* Al I'frcli rumr flhoilt ' heft M - ' • a. •) Hiav manager* and prosi h ■ ' > KacilltiiM I' MM7-CI avcr- leitr.-. and itnivtMsiIi- Horn It!"'i a', . tin F.. i tounda- «•: nit I'ac • hat'- Hi* hi:.- A !•: | , !!»;»», an.I IQaV th» M and !» to lay pi an- to. t Attend Church 1 This Sunday I) f- ■ a MSI a avaiiali'. ha 'h. maiknt- itural c. !!h |«in • '.i Vuh-tant ai'v' rii r»it.■ a prnf , ► .lit* hi i| "f rOC ' ..k' Hatha CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS hr »uc • (II , hi.-' ha ■i . ' vr t>. - F x» » w ' IHiAlM.INI): 5:110 |i.tit. Tticsdaw f«»i Tt»ucsiln> paper. s-12 and I-•"» >| thrnuuli il III.»(!•'»I til'" p •: - "Ill" t - ItilU pat able I ridat. EAST LANSING CHURCHES Kl> J IM I l;\ l .2li|3 T'f . AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING ■■■.* leu :i If Uic !»«'•• FIRST CHUKH OF i AtARTMf f IT ST. JOHN CHURCH » • ! IMptlll- 1-. .. ' PEOPLES CHUKH to H IC I 11- 1» / Hi' • in:, ii \< hi i. & CATHOLIC STUDENT CHRIST, SCIENTIST EAST LANSING I. A... . • Mil- Ml I 'hit.. H i' h;i'-v;<> CENTfP Interdenominational Sir* E. Grand' Rivet IIS* \ (r mm srrnv i • »t i i:i ti I r. « K*» aiiauch. Fr 1 tlrliriift East Idinsrnf b!".. ! TOO West Grand fiber »l xiifhisan .. UNA : ii) XI X t %i»nu* llr I" MaMun Rl.nm* f hurvh fseriue tl * xi xuodi'. X|4**e« llei Hoy 4 Xrhrantm : ;•» ' li 10 On II I ) Sunday x«hiH»i II A M Mcuiimiiisl ■ - I. «.d. : IIN \ A" * P* ill ill' *11 till C ti a ii A Minister* I' III ihi tlMtrtl Kubjeet rekei'.t rh'i; V f|t mail • IVIU I in pad ftallv Xl-t.*r* « Ii. i *0 A It* \ d XI Ml XX SF'ltX 'l E CIIHIXT IW't 18 X XI. II h il ' i vr ..Mi In Of I'roitram I t»ril**.|..ii. I« I'M It.-tilt islier * Oit Hnntv) X XI & Wednesday Evening xieeiin* t I'M UNA limit I nr iVi.i nil'" b!m •< | Aaftir'Li l-)M A 7 TO- l «• I' M bit p XIXRION *lxiXIX ii.il bn'l.r, f>«-!'»t r 'In • < . IIKVMOI K I i t'ldiiiif IV t'riv j si. I' xi Aunflat Forum • X FOIIIVX OF IIEAVE*" Reading Kuom p.t i.i on : » 'he dttifU! S ,.i MM iuk-'if 1- I''" ,.*! II i--< .'".V ii.' III Xt. I.rand River At prr sriit. H u ki t ■ h "111»• in• > 1 tl I hnrrh xi Imoi -IM.UH -' i - - XT IMU ll *11 til M niti. XM- J;rv«v. *hr ,:iip.ii '.incr of • I jn .- , icsh l.Mip U W It I lo a m XII are wthome In attend i he h • r. I l • / X llll\ XII | IX M MI XV -d'»tI" .iiti'ihuti.ni- II- ' to » r fn.nv i vers net, and mil and »»•« tn« ,ii .»ilni>'i . MIT. .(! ?! i;, c. t cntrt V-H * «0 I'M dp|*t.inm n.r S' ,, l 1, lEilr- llatliu iV i.. H. « I .i • r I rri..',- f . Mm- f ' ' I'll ••» K'lieht A-. > v.,>- l;t>0 ' ion 'Ml If IT fltt 1.i• ' i: . h« -T -l I Mil,.! ♦•ft "f (i n ,-)i.4" • . A.. ft. i IV ,1 , : . : . sciriil:-.! who v. I «-X|mii Letter > • i oi.usMomi t EAST LADING METHODIST CHUKH OF EOGEWOOD ► know ti"' rtteniT .i! iim- <'• • • I . . • t V \ , T v .. tr. »N till I P\A (iii'oxyri- of f inn p V V V V hunoc'r.c .i. i - !.!ii,- ids: Tin • M i i. ' TRINITY CHURCH EAST LANSING > I w!) i I! -.- Uh.i. V -Mi l ' HlM. ® ml PEOPLES CHUKH ii.-- t.j lie tii.Titr. - .. r . , Fit Him vs. t'Oli I X A M.I I ll XI f ii! . . ii'iu.,1 i\.i .. . • I .-up " on'7 A N» . | I I I rp . Ii |*o I SmuIiii lli.ltl X . i"ito Mil FIXXIs WESLEY FOUNDATION till a r 4r iiomih* lional V f|4«ad»fii Road XX ilsnn XI I mil l til 1111. AHII.lt V of ft\ \ I'j .(oi hibft the aftiu-k «»T lib ; ' EMPLOYMENT George f Jordan iidork* north ot Grand Ruen UttHMIH ilHtK I > X|ia>«leiv on Illi bloo l i ell*. I»' 11 o k 1 .. tin • lll» *l Ml %1I*TI( * H F t I PTIOMN I for rl tXj)'..iiiie-U p.. i .-.i'r. ti-.r 'he if. Iff4a • I9.)ti iM'i.bl Ti- -.n: nt'-re •r • . i -. Mi .« i. I llei Robinson ♦. Lapp Minister 1;n f.icti• Iim • p.n • •», . r\.- . ...... mat t I ft. ■ w«. .. tf.e Ift.'ii to :TJ pen mI a .: ' Mil I III s 11N XII X n |r GUM Miindax Xtwrvhip t ft- *' •> mmil»r .;i '. ia'.i < ' , una I ' • t iiinpieU ii III.* 1 llAlii,-. .si" »ui .- • r|n • »|)f' l - i\ >-tm Id 1 *J Ml.MMIM " til |l .41 Miiy «ho »M' th.-i . .. UN A m 'I h«US i in » «i Red t i dal irhonl FAWN Willi.) VOf «)tA»Hffl . .re r moijoi p.« ' of ! : r II,. \! ■ S'i: * shmo • detain r Kraeeo Im i One lltiiib XXetl -of s llarttson llil Rev Rohinton li. lapg P.. M. • . i TV i . lit I ! «M>|Mirttillll s i I'oini. l< i in.i » appropr.atr -iiidret v \r Iriuu' - • ippft; ' n'oi Sour ihe fro-u DNA pilFt! j>-> / i fi i 41 Mi XX XI BX irt reducp the . »!" TP JdW I rt f B A : I i E *> X pr . k •- e XXl sFI X lllrl sf j ' II no UNA i iriutii • v Su-itp.r opr. Mil- "■ * t ie a ay nupph .•! ll I'jrh l.anr • iJnei of the pos sib.! dies NEW NKMlN He. I * Inhaling Inn ee,e IP.'iU. ! •;csh the ehemii j! pathv.nv ■ • .iclU- FOR RENT r: • re I't; I . p. >.u ■ . t>-. . : Nurseii for both Srisiin a. ' , i-rip-mi-t-i in.n. e 1." - It „ io ; . . u I HI K XIIIX If I * 1 hnrrh *« honl ' i A\ S • M.!> A ll ' f» '' f *» ' «: x.h'i'il * ]>t Hut kri s - s11pp.ii ' 'MS id REAL ESTATE I. a.in x.inda* 1 liurrta *i liiml to a »i> !!)4'f V i la**es for tni»»r*llv xtiidrUis M 1 A .pun; fio-r. the Nut. .<• l>" (> in VXrdm ».las Evening 1* n * in. All Age* Krd l rdai XA EI.IDXIE Si . lopiiiiii'.-oit The se ct rlu»..lt til IMIIMItlHIS I Al l. I ll • .KIT FOR SALE M'ltiie Special Sticker* If.. I Fit oMtidtM - ' ..lu'r- • • . ' r : 111" • « *. . . lo IliMilrlcd Net* S%.« M*W#1 !• N T'C-v- I'l SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH EASTMINSTER nut III W XXHIM.ID* XT XlfillRIS RIX IR DRIXI. E i. •. M M i -i.P' !>• SUMMf B CARNIVAL VAIUC' I XNslM. «:,»•. ».«•: • u» . HUP • : -peciui > • •;k:!» ..IC-. in-.': .Vin.Pi lurne-.md n>...,r - n,t PRESBYTERIAN T»V Pai« all IV ».;_* r'r* hi hiniii! Ablv licih.i! «cd !..»-KM Sur t'l-lf.' ■ i id i>lt. i VCtrru- .\i '■ : i n erwv- NOW SHOWING TIIRI SAT • CHURCH I« W X X| Hini.E *1 HDDf pi' IP.I tl.-Hh ' t'tuif th-s Mah.gau .i ia Vet- URSTSHOWT PfMT—HATTI'M" SERVICE tall (X '--'i*.' Iwr iranepwrtaiian Murntny a. It*nl«g 11 no * id I'll speaker nulls wti" po i -s in.iteri.t! nt- • Rev Roheri I. xioreland Xirniatei XCMill V.'FI) t!>(>»• ,'l ihi|Hici'.y fps antDnUU'tn n >: is¬ ir.-HlH" tMrkinwnJ Dr. iluward E. bngrtart. ra*i«r ■ \(1 .r.| • Ml Ualbridge Oritr I I. sued sCI'iui'i. mimuro .1 cerU! - w..rfc al rraiKin«l>>* rates v'.i " ic.ib*s f'ni fie p«'- -ona! u«c of tin* Ml J-MHA io iiAiHtiCBpiM'U pc;s n srSHAV PBOGRXXt F H b lAKt A COOlINf- COlFfC pP.y^ .Av't'lt: tt'.Vfc N. if - h» I ' E I Jr. lliah Arhonl. Stpb.' JA 'Ms \l Hurt* I his t'A; W.M, H, JHOMBSON, ilWEltN A■ Hi NfW BIX Abbott tut Mtfrker pelspecial pirkutg l«ANv. H SBU0NUT SHOB privilege* i.u fUglnnit Mn higun vtNTi - CENTRAL METHODIST .j AS.' tNcur IMOik Ctl vUi Among the Act that tc.N which t xcepf. m- pi >» rbc m SI N. _ MOS. — TI K. — ICR. 2S-29-30 m# ; c• j.'t — iv i-CJ** SPU0NUIS. - 9 19 A XI Worship and Chufth FIRST PRESBYTERIAN ' . Ml)col lor AH Grade and under parlUbK ft f :e i a ties i»r oh main HI 4(1 I ST IMl.ltiKMKST Of ItM'l HIT thufoughfaiTs w he i p their t<- "M CPS MM AN KAGl.F mo to- model, extrit upeassories. Jm*-' woote- m w. a. c. lo ? •«»! i M RAI AMI I T MIIIY CHUKH CHUKH heavy und aiennwrn IT. WINNKR OP • niorn.ng o««r over UOO IV It) TYHIKC-liKtrlc lyPYwracf bi- li) Ml .XIWrit si. I«40W> Wert at North Chert nut ouawa at capttof 1 Ottawa *11*1 M Ol lbo-i- . A ACADEMY lncluU.nu: AWAROSI IIFXIA.V akull. SS: Twn moho««nv ond tablr*. SB Hi-fi rafordf. full DO YOU NEED rremh lesarn.*' summer W or-hip her*Wo* at H •» C-OO. o.nt mattress, M: orifHut palnhiifs hv ISivate tutoring available immed- SERXIOV Minister: P Nile Harper oteltr at reasonable rate* R. pit in peaachm* "BEST PICTURE Hollldat: mrwehanaous bnoK*. Call IV 2*911)2. Var. uum aw*«|i*i. fc*i -BIJ -• but# New*, bo* »». MStT tf ♦THE W AX IbiTO 111E rani WornoM. IBM MCW OP THE YEAR I H» TV and HAWO RBPA1K b< XISf KINGDOM' Sondes Set me* stM.FK console ir-wir* machine. Student Low rutr. SIS No Hon ••• Sunday JGbool at IB a-M- urneiKh'd • nptl.pe n.m- IV 4-P7JB IB If |« a m mo (hurrb brhoml »IM rhalt. marbfr. topped \iet»nun vptcikn- I- vnv reacitat- dirssrr. antique pine end table, mar¬ ble topped end «uble. occasional iur them it the do.~ .n !ti:Mt a.m —» Wor«lifp Mrrxue. Ontial ti a Friendly CRurth UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN . chair. Call CD 2-01 S3 between 4 A r> Wua.d.e-l ve'.tia s add otlt - FARty time ficnic tim; tii-uiiled persons may: LAR8EST DISCOUNT IN TOWN ^ — •. i V ' ?ie Sprt ur Lnvhse S. ■ uon iA HOUSING fAVOHTES CHUKH '.he ' Mted.jpei l.H'pait:i.vii! State fo' mfoiitiu'.on and app.i- j -Ml tri.KHS — T.lll. PICKS — EXIIAl'ST PIPES FOB RENT THE SPUDNUT IHOB AND STUDENT CENTER OUVET BAPTIST v;i:p.n f.'.np POLISHES — 11 AXES — PAINTS — MUSIIES * TF.MPORARY arte 'all :. using tor 22S M. A. C. ED MlTi Imtd.ui and Ann Mreei. E. |., ALL SAINTS student* Housing ail sUidVi.f now i — — u blnrVs North «< B*rhev Hall» until regular «r*ai. n 0\e' 2S or ' SXPKRT THESIS AND GFNF.HAl COMPLETE LINE (IE. ACCESSORIES grail students trereaftr. eookin*. ' — typing. Ytertrl. tvpewnier Omjim TailorDonald v». Herb EPOCOPAl CHURCH j parsing iv 10: tee*» tea * experience-. block KUnkMrk MAREK i -- Resident Factor: I'harbt , tcm Brort* CD 3-45tV |,i XlADAV ED 2-33TI or ED 2-2MS (OMruvi ACTO New \ Kebuilt HOUSING HICKS LAUNDROMAT SERVllLS *.tt A M *1 Ml XV Moraine Worship » be X xi F si'MM; •STARTI 240: l. MICHIGAN Bad XbbwU Read En l-UU Mb* AM CLASS ABABTMENTS » and IB IX A *» — )H ? * jwtKHPltM (BUttj •OINtti X • nth Groan* sdkvici: DROP OFF RON SHF SEBviCI •»'VKL V Rei. John r. Tnrlrr • i'hapUin Exehiag lervite ' B.M |l»*ltlY VasUlirP •WATER MODERN THREE room npartirent Shrftt Firmed and C'v C.o Far Cars. xbid-Witk a tax i« i. Tracks. TUcUit Htaila % on Walt •cutciKaHi ! unFurn»»f»ed. Wlliiairjiton. «U X. Put- WE SBECIAllIE IN DROBOFF Key. Robert Gardner WtOMABAV Ida PM LANSING CENTRAL FREE man. Call WUSuimtut 130 10 Xlianlrr to Married Mndtaxt •UNDIES for students rrsacpoetatton muai laiarr.t II i en-1 ! IN HOLT. Upslairr» private !V Krv. Gordon ,M. Jonex, Rector •REXAU DRUGS AUTO tranve. 3 Furnished or unturniahed Call OX- 4*tm; rixvns. bath, utilities paid p. ' METHODIST CHUKH raU IY 2-R4I9 for a nde K Ihoeat RaprlM Charth in faiap ' TRANSPORTATION N '• ■ ■ KRAMER PARTS trance Ttuee tixim* UUlHics funudied Suitable hath. Private en- i WANTED — ride to San Francisco XX'aaliiugton at Jrl(er*on Lansing _ »t M» XX' bl'RX It E* .(Mend iNMIHWESTOFHMSj muple. loli w. Washtenaw. IV August T7. 2>. Share driving Prefer¬ ,Morning Worship -* 11 a.»u. I.H A H, H«Mv I nmmuniun Ii 2-5ABS Id _ ably female. Boa 44. Fiuliip* W Sunday Srhuel — ■ la a m, One bedr--*, ',;r» i-hed. .«it er lex • ' 5 X outh Service — F an p.m. Church M1CNWE SHOP SERVICE . Evening Worship — «:M RJM. r? tlsttvivi in'4 in« smokies pn- WANTED III j By FRANDOR j «'e entrance week. 2iC8 ' lijjrr yieeilng XVed. KtralBpb* * i: b. ED s.-y t® s 14 A-M. Xlornlng Trairr or Italy Er cry fhe CUurrh of the Ligtit and WANTFD — three or 4 room tur- and t;bared »Cliooi Life flour* ' Communioh Mill L. Iv ILA.lLl/OO ST. PHONE IV 1-1335 inree new twt. room and bath: nlshed apartment in F-ift Lansing or arvt:! I'-rns p-cntranx?c clean Okenias for two malr »tudept« II •• (lor Trampuiution t*U IX' B-Du*} Sunday "• ir" phone* *7a park'ng and utllitie«« 1 turning ■?! , ol \ %r IV 3* 1427. "id i ternouns. m m m ■■■■■■ THURSDAY. AUGUST 23. 19W MICHIGAN STATU NEWS PAGE THREE SSURU/tccKi -5 (AxD UALKIMty1 ««'« WALKVW! CHE'S Slate Fair Sels ID-Da* Schedule (CHAflS S^-VN'6 UAlMN6!SHEYUAllflNS! „ VuTTlESlSTtgU/ A fi. he format tMh TEAR. Dr. HaraM A. Shnider Dr. (. W. Hallberg orro.viiTRi«T» »f the M.v'.uar, H'-hu- Fur will »tdt« Fa.- cornmo' *n har fa- into r-ffV. ■ o,. ■ ■„ . orovert O-ne,., M»n.'.«er • E)en Examinril • Optical Repair* I, SA '.r. .1 proposal 'o h".u I OR 1 HI I IRST :ti H! -rt(. T' '.if'SAy K''' • (,la..e- I iticit • • ( ontact Ler-c- ••car*, ' «* S'.r» F: - program tSepleroie •' !• o' 'Ihr mict impurlimi part «f any pair 'if gh' ot-cn o;r ; - Grand Opf'.ni! pr«xcu-'if «•* ''« grandstand rla..c or cintart Icb.c* i* the nkill and • '.2 ;!a 10--i,v. run \-v- Fr.-Uy Th»-."« fore e^iix F..^ intrerity »f the doctiir. oefoie I- /"!- [)ay ,% down- • Sep* 2. v.: *ee O r- S'a,f MXI.L l Ot'RT rilMHIR lt.*ft* It 2-1*41 •'own IV pj.'a.je and r.&toti Fa . bejf.r. coTipie'4 «.;,e»nr.or: Open Mon Thar., fri. I.venint* til 9 i cutting cererr-onie* on that firs1 , for 10 ' i. J«'• . Friday rriorn.rig, T».;y result* The,-»• viil r>e ? "• adm.-*i >f» of the. to .the ground* for the gian-i ' fpj ed in h'.any fur.'t.«»n» m Thursda* ,r) 'Fair not s?e*t;ng fiiliy under way opernng Vjhi until Friday nof-n. r •• « • sT \KTIV; FRIDAY i-.ighi v"s V (As v snXOHI(frt'.il 1 win Hit Mios. TCTTC . lb- OU'~ ■A>T nanwo » ewowi «» »♦*«« • i vCV— Sal. Saa Kirk ItomU* Ihirii !»•» 1 Marilra Monre*1 .*ii re nee Olivier in Honrs Sell W ell \l S\» ilic Sliou C0LLE8E TRAVEL OFFICE "Y0IIR6 MAR "THE PRIRCE String inter. • ^ « llnnded Agent All Travel ( fin frr.nre (lift AM> uaA evident at rlu and ion sale Th< nd-up ■ WITNANORR" THE SHOW GIRL' of tested f>«tjiir from the Muhr- »«,•# u day All! — HAII. — STEAMSHIP — TOUR B R I G I T T E gai> Swine Evaluation vinMon MM < KI TSE — HOTEL — KESOKT — PASSI'OKTS STAHTI.X; WEDNESDAY BARDOT I'OKEIGN CARS tmiNMM"" Phone Informal ion. ltr*ervation*. Ticket* BOQLAttMbm' IV ».aa.n MEMIIEIt: American Sra-iety of Traiel Agent* mi ACTOR ^JlaSaSw! MIOHTY 1 130 U. (•rami Rivrr Of THf &LA0MEH T H f AT n E HI|!i'»iiiiiI 2-JtM.T YE-AR i m upeaueuet j Ton w mill fki! or.i i.>r».to Ka«l l-an-init. Alir-liijrmi ft' iuim mw OIM A l>ifi«twi of Central Mfrhi|in « Oldevt and Moil < ompl#t« ^imnoii. • HITUHUIKKS "PSYCHO" Travel Service. Mnsxaam ANTHONY I'EHKIXS — JANET I.EIGH Show* m 1:211. 3:13. .3:13. 7:211, 9:15 I'.M. STAKTIM. SATI HDAY! SOMEONE ELSE'S HUSBAND STARLITEI C . . 0 w A s ' ! 0 ( : Mile* **wHiwe«t ml La Mine mm M-71 AND SOMEONE ELSE S WIFE ..! NELO OVER! Till R. — THRI . BBIGITTE f ^ THUR. THRU. TUES. (2) FRIST RURS^| HATI RIITT till Ml. Ill I I* — LATk HIT NO. Hi AT I* P.M. BAUDOT > t * IIIT Ml. «l» hllOWN U Ml - %M> THE Female: ORIBMTAL VOL8AN let OIltKo .. andtho Flesh A CITY REVRING IN ITS SHAME AND DEGRADATION... ENGULFED IV THE FIRES OF HELL! . Hm bady of a Venw* Ih* imile of a tomptr*ii ... and a heart dripping with lory ond rovongo! -v f"UX the Last DAKS or CRfeTINA KAtJfFMAN BARBARA CAPRW.L2S BAUVi.NN "The 11 li'dlJl H »Htl;!»* »Nliv M • 'iUdli «*a u I'M *® Tl WICKED GO TO IIIT *0. (ti allOW\ OM'E At 10 P M mmlui wmimnous M|m' % > iOP rnZ'.ZTJZ'mZ'mZZm (•feNIVMNR HELL! ■Vila —. *or* roSTCW • PAT biA * Um.Vk a it nu Beth pirtww lain in EH6USH ADM. Hr THIN fcMi %«.L3CNT wh fh*M Sim i Feature § M. at f ?S *.2i lTr P M. miCrti KjrfKti UN-ION Book Store MtfeMeet WILL BUY E I1 PM r«Un ifetnl <1 I. 1:1*. 5:ii. YOUR ... nutO' Aion AS rKH IT H ll-IM» MilTIONi fic- ra-Manatf MYRNA I.OX 7:21. f:4* W. TIII4 IN ACtIXT USED BOOKS f FIRS' , WALTER MATTHAU ViRGiMIA BRUCE • KENT SMITH FOR CASH $ $ , HELEN' GALLAGHER-* ««.•«< Ow \i <•« a. i > t»vjd oo'Ki ««r-• r©v* ' j-HWL- $*ftS3p3 Qf 1?CiiAf}0 $Rjr?(l£ * *0? * : VA3. CO. OJI THURSDAY, AUGUST 25. 19C0 PAGE KOI It !'< IV.r.-.i I lore's I loir To .. !f .v IM Playoffs .. 01 aktfkbuks 10 - Vl> r»'- I) n O; To If I hil Unsl v . • r. 15j Puil llri^r Next Week From (lollies Dr.rk Cotton Dresses l'rr« I hi. Sliilc.l For Bark to School iH OSKQa Ni'Nl ft rflllrMlil. fHIIIHM'ltS Coach l>ulf> HI*11.11 llllAWN — Head limthall Hatmherly K known a- a Mlckler for ! > I'lT-- >thail -"-'I.' •. l)j\ ihi- A;isju-J f(».' I.»!: Vtiuh.J.MH S' will b - Wch- HI S- ■ tr':;i JEWELRY Keepsake <>B 10',a *22'3 having players report to fall praclire in condition and •i-;v wRl hi- I p. in Diamonds iif'i ' * h 'U with a minimum of excos poundage. The laboring I a*- -• 11 i i th*> fo«b»v». ion nvirnin* Mm Spartan grid performer* above will probably meet • i ■ t|.i i i "• > J.t i i- tin- Elgin batches Huffy 'h demands. They're uorkini; on heavy construe* f irtns f-»r :i an! picture-'a.< in.; lion on the expressway overpay* in't.raod Rapid*. t - i»n in Spartan *,.t(liuiT> Watch \ Clock Repairing M He th.iri .1 mm..re of new >!.*(,>- •:x\ M.A.I. AVK. For Karlv Drill.* a.i.t " . W.iu M»rvn-v, in.11. television rarnvriinii n reyuiai'iv CAST I. WSIMi at.cnd the affn. . Stale Invites Hack 78 (iriilders .WAV (dHirilinatcM ItMHTiUtI Funding iiiiiio. Fenliiriil 'Ihe name that made t'I'AX. I famous in f.unsinu' \ >i < tiiij ienti (MMPICTK DINNERS • SANDWICHES • SNACKS 1 four t< Aid *"> ida wcncc* Co»t v.uden FAIRWAY bolt RANGE CahrinK lo Pri.alr I'arlir. • llulfrU • lliiniiurt- m r r i uj t; h R . for ?t' thrt tfdits •ipopoe ALT '■iiUd, room i eupplie 1-y rc SEND US YOU LOOKING FOR FUN! Start FRESH iIiih Fall.. FWITOT WITH YOUR WARDROBE IN TIP TOP SHAPE LAKE LANSING PARK ' hut for f.iir|i' or Small (.'nw/u ■ ■ aw Ki/.t: oroanirationn can no rcdccm. wha. ■ ■ ON Rll.ls NT MARINO K.'.NERVATION* H ■ ■ ttoH I...I. ■ Aflfflom Ami fc.vrnliw - t..rr.l Mmd... J J l/o Price I »av Every Wril. J SELL YOUR USED TEXTS TO THE SPARTAN BOOK STORE 223-225 ANN STREET EAST LANSING ACROSS FROM THE UNION BLDG