% i I H«,i> Klectrn 111*4* Crash Srrv iup AISIJ hir .*» 1 Win* Kills 51 VOI.l'Mi: Si, .%». *;» HAST I.ANSINL, MKTIHUN. WKIIKKSDAY. (HTOIIKH 8. I Ml I'Kici: r. hints I ilI'IMo Survive •x . l ull lull) • >sU>Y i. s >>U»r r.i1 • iivI'>»I{ !."» Marine 1'iuift »«'• llurlwir Ka-'tm $5 Million Domain Bid -A, A, Stage ...-an wiet d'l'u- tU'sltm hat- V! ☆ M , ☆ ☆ i • mb* • . c hrv lv , \ •• %f|. ' iJc «,»!| at police (TU U-rsm. ilitv'- police vAorati vns at the • ,i inlmunt of 51 !"•«'* pwi-4he More Privacy for 1,000 Students I T ( hil bodies There may be a new reMUlenee hull on the MSlr fmnpus S«r\w AkkneiateH of flnllle Creek C huiulhni! the itivhi- Iriilly loeuieil reereulioit uinl ilintiie iih'a jirv i'»r.i have kvu UH*- next fall. v teeturo of the new hull which v\tll he loeateil iminetlintely Uohin nrruniretnenl- will be Hiinilar to fh«»'«• hi Owen. | the new' irritiluate center, where there are private rather Itaml NT! >,i ,tr (V natv U.'M ontv Plans call for a new S.'i in ill ion ttu-eil utiiletArrailttale ball,1 xvoat of the secret practice foolball fiehl, Mouth of Shaw l)av v ,„■ about- the iiiie of Shaw, on south campu*. Hid* on tin* |»m-| Utile on the wn*l *i.lr of Che-diint, I'osh i *uid than coininiinity lavatory faeilitieM. - - i j jwt should bo open by about Nov. 15, nccordini? to Ktticry! .vuntsi 53 IkhI- Thptipw hull will lu>u*e nlijrhtjt tiiuiy than 1,000 student* explai"-1 Sat an lav ' v>M ut» There will be a bath lor each two room*, it wan n V4t.N V"> TUt Wt {t'*ostl,r' mo'wr oi dormitory and food amice*. it«\l *OI. , »•» four-ah-story wing*. Thi» residence hull will hiive a ecu eil. The bath is meant to serve I'mir el intent . ■IK i piano *a tried •» ptfiW*! More privaey nhoiihl also result from* smaller premru t- .,i .» *rviv p^Pw '■'• ken or living ti it it r>. There will be abuiil II student ■* per !»*"«; "er .ti'v» 'eav *M • •< harbor ,m the rt'Hwa.y i v.. K„ Mac linct. I'oiter sai»l. v.OSS. Kl t fl |iV Plan- for the in-w hall adiialh lieraii m M» a. when it Mve.ni said •' ft* hcaJu<»!«•• I'ir l'\V Achieve was niittntmeeH that the ol«l mariied h«»uemr n.»rnuk woiilii tie torn ilow n :1.1 ,\>-v lv»t M.J. iVI'vrtdv A slow tip "of enrollment put the plans hi mothbnlh on •P , ;rv» 'rash but M\ ».i A ltah Mot hi in*' til atiout three month" apo uheii it lieeame uppai'eul ttuil enrollments fipures wiRilil neee itate tuwre. lum ine n RRO-ntOt* AMI IOKK v> s,. , t*v ,• According to hon Hip .offlee ftvijre • • t In ie were "Vin-r K'1 uiviu-bi v ai».l tl" students liviiiy in university resnJemeOiidl- 'a- ot Septem takwi A in..: A ia! A.: iNime M m « H.ival.J Mtu'nt ' «i (a s i Tur-Aw U» mv vi I tier .'Ml. This i- tietjer than a IMI inrren e over the V. H1J Old Ka-;-\W»! tVmlAk on tC.'-i "e students reei-It-red in umvei Pv hon- ine duniiu tin .aim Klit \1 II II I I I Ml Nec.su' J .. J00 yard* off-Omre. jmr'i . i a c- w e *\m> period last y ear. - . . : • " . ■ M" I Iri-ikv ,m • ■« da-- - llnii-iny direei«n Thoiua Initcti -.ml On Mn.u tot.»I m ofiv»>r' A" fov a n»a- eludes •1.5(111 men and 1.1-10 women in the re .nleiiia halls, »-.!h - a: the . pene »" u'.J afUTw.ira the graduate center, and Van lino en . a', hivua'i thevtf were mis \rrt vkid •ha! ' CfM W8V a- Mvitlt'tiee of more ernvviled livittp enodPino i apparent vow, a,!' .vs.- U v i*.' He !ii\l nrw.-Mn it- be- ! in women's honsinj;, aecordinn tnTn ter. who aid tlw te\e.i «V S.i S.i.-e !r\ rvM-w ' • \ v - are 1,128 Women living ill tl.'ldl Spaces this year. 1,1 \ at \ pt sllie- ' This is rot I if Illy a difference of 8(I0, poster aid Kipure •' C- < >;ul M.i ;• show a differenee of f»oo in men's hon- iny. ; 'U«iy t,vn-*g;v Ikav-. • . AM.Pel V"'• ««i\i v » Accordiuw to the present pattern of fiousiny appheatton, AL .,.!jVv \ U'ver w ere t te A, % «.j van . . the new residence hall will lie used t«» house tmth tneij ami f> rtie avflt.v*11ie Caot .' iieO »at«- ami ' ".A m»U.\ aUo t'i*pat ch¬ m.i ■ women with p wooden partition separating the ventral din Mac: "SenCv dpiveu'et ' ttm area, Poster said ile,. i A ' !HI- n*e; iturmg iitm'Ui •e be ~a j If the enrollment of women student- eohtinue* at its 'he swill fCAumpttoii ■ talks by ' m- i I'tAVi-si d_<,v;si » :t'. f\peil>. ; present rate, the new hall will eventually become an all hu h p: .. * ' anv .unv H t our -nan* 1 women's dorm, Poster said wiV« T''c mil meet inf. IOIIS HI—III. vu.-n : A tm rN'jv!ie«.i by wail- saw! the llr !im that Eight Killed :ive ia^preision <1 'Ait wer- * »und Khmsnehev fet is is u»eic«s !n Iheti seats., Vo praas fv»r an Sum- t' \ nvi! pa:'.ey ir» l-' U «t Pirsidnit HUH reu-V» shvie K m 'Wswvv Jtiaai.i* m thv ?N«d>^ In Tenn. Blast ' rhturnes' * .» the Wh: e llM-. 4 v. » .. i 1 vr - \a the Uu Mar nCIaii aa i KhrvtMi- iarkjiv.vs vies- e. -ev b th itwrr or les-. ugieetl; .Afi.i .t'scuei s worked »n that p ni'w SunouJ' iruble a' >«»nve time Nci* . v. s hover tn if overhead I.II.IIHHT NOI.AN (I) rwtivM pi,- with Ihr hidhrNt nll-rnllrRr prndr-pnint A thiouieri.i, axploinou uvo: »<••. a tat« i any condilkitH, HiUKtell The Khrasheht-v - Mamullan vml ' *«-ond l r«l»rnil> lliiniirn llrnllw.1 in lirmrrdinu- in llnvid llrHUtniN, ll'C .via l t'Meiii;.-l1 o ei* C - I). S. Bcujk s.va 'o Airviv*»r»--i«i; nvoistm^ tvM>k plate in the Hnt- ♦Uiv kitbnjf .a Il v '.•**' HrlloiiK rrnlrr Turwlm mwrninK. NiiIjiii xprrinl rvrnN rhnirnnin. Slntr Nr«s ■■i iMiaki Tler.an, and debn'«"'' - residtfiK ok h :»«»sh—« JJ-vl floor suite in Wahkvrf - Astoria T.nveis *»i» hnnnrrd an Ihr KmdiutlinK nmtor I'hnlii. 'init .injuring -motf thiju Ttie blast Pitltoeul »\ Twin Viclory e jwv,*re, etose V> Khnwhebfw it'.urwvl a call smftUvr ex'pjo . ■ • eioru* v, s.'iK.itt --.on and iia.d. »he Jiear.i saw U»e craft MacinilUtn Taurvday masts' Thai ear «v,v Us hau nuvtltifi lost | in t I'liliv EST It ».K. «;•« m ' 0(1 a t»e. T"< which III .Space Shot als»i houjkI up Ul vUMvlloi'K i tin |i. ' 'co hou«.' tin IL'v the v i Stadium Houses Massive i i.ijr in . Wv (III JkNXII i % i»o em •»« Cinndr. SrerrU Cool;. lilvlRNIVINT ijefvire .1 'wj.. tTin'n»Pe>i oi i ..»• vould Tiie I • •t so- f t. ■ • sa >* iM er»ff frtm the TtMMd«y s ta'.ks *< it did U.<\. m.eiuliiig «o n 1,1 f a sub- MRIMIN. •viilotir * itml illg t'r k» Tuesday. e.»< ii '' MM Of K.l-'ll K-ai.ik Corp •h1'_J w is-,k Khrusheivcv Uaugm-d! te.Ntui Umio. 'i'im ; lit tr.nt-b Mi- : ,r m ,j , a*« - ! i -t hv, novel with MaonuUa;: how j tH.INf of Johnson f.Activities Expresso' Tonight the wa'e,- s \ ru on I'm ii .»rd :'i area t;phe.»v<••••( on tie 4>»|C a space stHinv, t eput betw-esi U'f anchored i*> munve U«*Wet talk- «»m ( W. k draf's in tb< engin- A .^•e.;i:.«4 . pittnl w-Hone tf,!» bu 'd I toe Pre...... . "• y»:. h elube on the, Un wue. whu h were broken i- i1 nvi r 4IMI , ri". T' I »•»'«- Ceimg depart WM t From Cap- Canaveral, h < •-H' fchcvrr off last June ?7 when ttu» Sw- at h 'ii"k tin- ries of rnt'.pfl in v 'I' ll j Thor-* Abte-Stur i «rk * py th*n>; wj». »o»it w .vie «ets out of a lO-rva'.iuo The beatnik" wilt reiaa supreme tonight at cation and recreation" and liberal aiis Goi-ern-' blork area -f online but!'*.(ig< In • 1 < vi •' -i new magnetic brain" cmiuouti- he wat. i' conference in Geneva ing bodies, religious grr,ups. and pulitn .it and I where dyes ire irade "My first Imp. guess I mutina aetrTIHe into « bit. the I960 AcUviPcs Carnival, "AcUviUef Kxprct- The Soviet loader did in<1. V WWHINGTOk. th.- Civil'icate vnUKypess to conturuv res«iaji the be- I rive d. monstrations of the activities in which As a spoi fat feature. Buddy SpapgU r and hii< RELATIVES and trend* «>f ilK MAID tto .M> -hiiwlr«M. ... *-> iirip a: the wurirtwide hope for , they participate. ... band wsilt be on hand to furnbh carnival mood the workers watched with- shock thou,and." n(. itothinl wto i*f»tluplr< '.omruqjg* tot Toe oeveiopn#r.' thei as the victims wvte brought out • dows in buildings near 'he blast! detect uki of r-'-r- *it! "drive our univer** OrganiaaUons have been divided Into fO caie- liiUMC. nuclear expk^i. ftrort ds ngtr and tcn- five oeutrabrt aaitiona w.u> gones: agriculture, btuinrss and public service. 1 The carnival will bi* held from 7-to 1*0 p.m. wi itrptrbori. center. Ul .MNKie. a prapoaal u> '.V w* home economics, and biological and physical The. .atellf'.r Idu-j from Cap# with enU'rUinmcnt going on continuously. Ad- • ver uki ho waa acmfcty tor an Elaanhoarer- Cuitav < :a! carried a b.*uk of eoduif feis sciences, engineering, education, physical edu¬ fnission is free. y maatioc. What reeordcrY—a » had troua-mittuig%eq.ulp^ ' Mid. -th»l tor were appeal*,* to tor Anar- umni iai*»o!v of aywling eTurtj _ !* »"ca. i» berked h) • power ef ,a proplc.- African bine for aupoor*. hidiad'a Pnnw Una'rr Nrnru. a :..|lJ_t* fgfurr anvnt tor uru- 2nd Tire Alarm Hits Landon Olin Director, Dies inform atjr*l o». et>rfurwttiti TIIE SYSTEM cc*>totnpla*e< that a grjHKKl *taLon- .cm feed u traU. uid he totond.d to prww A fire alarm in Wat London j Tnetob/ eyenini> f:,e oc,-,rr«l ' conrmunlmf.y»r.a to the *.ewr*» hut', Tkiuf Dm* on *Tto tor plea. Xatmi a!» st T:IJ I Hope thi«. tenrh.-s an con¬ A fhrmcr director of Oljn, throat speciatist, wtta i» member aa It;- ,pa.t?4ai • overhead. Aa..»r pan. Tuesday brouaht Toe f-rcoi -n .-lid-the/ could cvrried our th.r. ..' ...d Noimann ■ - i-l K. v.a tor croup he found toUIIr fire enfines to toa: dorm for toe oof be -ure of 'he cauao of the j Hirer, head of SiJ.-ty S. rvice. Memorial h<»pital. Dr. Clifford of tiie American Academy of groun-i »tatrun, mites '«,. , r ITD NATIONS. NY (/Tl " "» Kn—dm LV propotod Eu- upoceptobir a move bf Auatraf- time in 24 hour?. ;4 hla/c "It i* probably just care- "Whenever anyum j li iVrrmti M«i2les, 58, of 734 IJnden *t. j Ophthainoiogy and OtoUryngn- _ died Ttn^itey M s local hospi-aT. j logy, a seteot group of ear, nose j metd; and pick up would trigger v » atxKling equ - , M The .cause tor the a'.arn/ was^'.'■'t'.-sTnevs." said en" of them, '•but {.regardIff* J »h- anmcunt .. ... .~<-CrD—-a! Dg Han.- eatwwer - Khruihehrr nm.r* dense wn ok; tnrbughbat t5tj.it these arn in^denta in a mal- the tlirw of day. he anuutd im- ftefare inking over aa head ot: and t-imot' apvtuaiislg," for more' as "the satcBiW ticar Id »M invited Turtoav i"" 1 lour-po..cr .jmrnit -at rionnltor>*, which firemen track-!'.clous chain. w<. wit! soon find {"mediately j Oi.n in Ncidember, 1953, Dr. rtbnn "25 >«:ar-. j —l.,., lotify the t.'.v de¬ Mvnzic.i had been director for f "ption imaged by the ed to a bascauJU ftorcroom ; -»nt about it. > partmcnt.** | III! A I. HO f>elungtd t.» the Hvliliunt _rie„tiiin toctta: in hon- i&sr&i XEWM ..WAS.jOto'iai bx Ptc»- ] Th'c chairs And .a sofa were —-■/ • • ' —- * - -.. - - ——— 20 years of the- Ford hospital id 1 American , Mod ma! aaaociation. Kftttly fur 'htm,f7 Khruohctiev. in Sulurno of Indaoana.! motished in the blare, with ad- Iron Mountain. j the M.chigan State Medn-al so- I want ALSO Seat, ' too ir.tet attack, on Kwame Nkncruh of Ghana,! Hc asked to be relieved of di- c«ty. the lngljam County Medi- ditional damage mulling fronv - "formed nurtn aald. Guraal Abde! N»s«f of. the! '*1 aid plan, to attend. Uhated Arah RepubLc — all co- crxor lnrtted Sec.-ocorr sponsors of the propusal — an»l ke and water'. Rejx.ried smoke was responsi¬ Radio Show Tonight roctor dbti<, ui August, but continued n- a ataff physi- j 1958, cat "society, the Journal club., j cian unill June, 1980 when lue' thp widow, Hcli-n. two daugh- Student Service* Dr. Mcn/.ies ig Stlrtivcd by gress sea'. ..re avu-Iacle ui 354 Petition^ far Student ,i.i:iy from 2 Con¬ ble for * first ?bfm, sounded Premier Sacb Salaam tX Leban¬ rpvigned because of ill health j tcrf, Wri. David F. Carpenu r, to T.'.r - uuist be Chratijn A Herter to on Monday night. Two trucks ar¬ Student Government will pres¬ They will also discuss the pur- p. m ft- m the appeal. Another spur., HIM HEAI.TH started to fail; Cleveland, C) . arnt Miss Mimly tunK-d by par.y tot Herter dc- Thui-.-day. E2eci-/:;j communist President rived, but firemen could not ent the second of Its weekly se¬ p<>^e and activities of the Agri¬ about two yours ago when he sor ww» tr^cc the smoke. cultural Council. j Mensms. a l/nivcrsity of Mich- Witt beJwlU IK" J3- Tito of Yugoslavia, who sailed ries of programs on WILS~ »f developed a heart condition ! ig.'ui studi-nt, a brother, Garnet Bade.f| Butec.'ield, Ea.,: t#« ri¬ : for heme today, prof ring him¬ EARLY TUESDAY sftemoon. Margueyfv* Tod*. Holly, junior, Which eventually led to his!of Victoria, Ik C.; and a sister, sing, K.u-- Utiiilun, Eo.it Ya#v second fir© caused g:30 tonight. self to be less opa Mary Belle Menricsi of Ot-' ley, Marked housing, Phil:.,.-., •N«i//» Recovers -- Pat Fife. Houston, Texas, ju¬ crat* Club, will air her organi¬ easing world tensions than cigarette left on a parlor chair. Graduated? from McGill rned- tawa. surwrltte- S'-Him Willi an >?] West when he arrived two weeks.ago. The source of the cigarette was nior, and Larry Pontius, Jack¬ zations plans for the coining ieai school, Montreal, Dr. Men- Funeral services wlU be held | SWuiiv. W-'St Yake'iw. Li.vi \U> *- if. VttdA. uuvcnlt7 Hae- proposal bad been re¬ also uniraced. Aftet carefully son, senior, will interview* var¬ election, zies interned at Lying-fit hospl-(at 2:30 pan. -Thursday at the ami Wc.-. XUyo e«.,-u 1mw . " -. reaun* et hia home ceived w*h Lttie enthusiasm by hosing down the chair, and then ious Pete Ma?Ph', j j»eaLi are open fnxn too „ _ Laru^j ■h i \\t:i»Nt: J? Mil I UinMiit, Miihiiuu ivit.r. nui N7 I T- TO V -tAlte. ...... itfKJUl! I fs "A.k. v -A--. 1 -vVt>^* Tito Endo UN Visit With i i .rAiir V VA'.sA."1 yv V i Sour Note On Void War trio \\ 4* CLASSIFIEDS , Pti'uvvr fVt < jv4* i* '*rvi CAMPUS MU VOKK i". \\.. • •.» »f Ut ... N-. . i Jt S V 4« » l'\ ♦ --IK t-s >4 I'rvi v V t- ii .» .1 ! M. I»l•; %|»| iSl.S: I (t.itt. Ihi> ItrfiMf l*t»Min»llwi for Thvn., Hrd.^ Thttiw. utul In. I tl.i....... hrnllit.r lor Slon. Kililimt: I |».nt. l-'n r.\T.i»hi <2 I I) 2-1.»ll- FOR SALE PERSONAL AUTOMOTIVE ' u-rd »«« ' KEN N \ OA VIA Otti ■ Hit '. 1 IN f oV naw an in t.iHI till \\ I *4 if*. VOIKWA 0:»»M ItOOD O'N •, lirW - ' i > U H»>. ..if \*it* i t»t \ 'i i . It '• « •'' *■ * :■ . » IV i U-4 R# I AVAI IKNS . fMNi fail* UL »I» i nt t 4t«r i i vmnn rot *01'* CONVllNlNCI O.i'M:-.a III >•■*. uriu i %NI ., . ......... »•. • *... • a >'« . ».|l »«■!•, La l I .M.aMtf C l» J SH . • vrvorsTv TOM H .■at.' S ntr Nil •el «... m, I .<*»!» . O.NW'no' DCH'Ilt ST 4MPS ON • It, hi. mi m WlONtSPA# , NatH4t.il » -(•mtluatf I'rtitioninif Itrains K t I' for a. H.V'I'I'I %L > tONiVKl H» IflPSAtl • . , , DIAMOND*' \N» WINGED SPARTANS *'«»'»■ OIK Mill. •' /• rosli-Sojih (* roil/is .Ml ill Fellowship • i al.f ir**«"inMiNi I •• >>'• III i t: *t WU M THOMPSON Depth. dolor O It Al l AN 'I'M ...» I# l»\»f I"' tlf-a'lM'l • NO'O »- Vt. ' Mai F'«»d.» Ct (•••'*» t-a'rfa. In/oriniihim lii Travelog It..*. ri» t-i'»i* I*lt VMS ru .lu .BE SURE TO ' ' *1 •„. P \\ ■ Of lliituzarv ..I I Ml \ A ' I N M M t»» t vtlV|t» t!l . t\\ »l t .> '.K'.tfl i t»V i' 1N . the Winged Spartan.'. * ialhl l. 'i' l *;'*! >.> booth at Activitiei Ca III • -t' v'il '«•' v« !,.» «•*■.*)! J■<£ ft» N UHlSt't' Villi nvlh ,M f •{■ ■ irf ciTiiNV nM .nlrisuum -rt n ink. n. nival. i U %4»1 Sit P». IV ,i ! tv. ,\" llu* t* MU >}•• T*i# IVvi'If of HuRliii r» •-rat rYYtf« - • f tr n.«i ntti u* up -4 4 ^ litl'UfV-' '.ncuf) ki«iuu* • »«i.t j'U 'N-'i • If t* *J inn v'i v. »nii77 N So is \nc Itword. »Unkvv-. Htl**:.-*. «4Tt> ... " 1ST Ml. 4 iimv M IKK t» "rr' itltl'V IV* « , 1 ' ,v"- ti *••!• I'M* »»'» " Si'lls a 70 Siur. t sal Texts . KO irrtii b.i tti-mMipc SERVICE W 4* immiViil WhMl> WiMViMI "" _ EMPLOYMENT r» x-a r ▼ -. . \ W S —d t Ht#a t «r i II;# i t; # |t'i.«» I" t \ .l> \*r% 1: Vs»< fttn «Mt» M\ «. HOV i A I . . tar 14.V* . . >1 Sftxll u 1 .ft thru U'vt4v rx>: ai,.| *>KMtSh.i v'f IHA(i)'.Ullal tr'1 vr.MA w4.*b ' \Vf. u's |tU^ t?u» It OMAN WANKO ri'H l.:t owl l*t Ni l \ U» I'M\ A huesl }H .•« Vtf Ifvp 1' S" S'..* • ."M •** »t»tt'iN» "• K !• V.l Q V4 Wn'i' "N-nrtu v. Haw au«# Ihrv mat *#M iWl'ArtJtHMr. NN .»o> %v n> L-', * I « V~V"a» t team .« »v ■ a tHv tail 'ui h. A r r Kxtkt f.tr - jm # thrv vNHt tl mtrr Hunf*tv Hut fta-i . . h**#^»*.a-v... «■* • »• ; tV «*_ »atd «h* * 'f v T'» •I'.'Ati. tmv*- -11- ' •« ' *» • •» > *» »■ .\ m,»l. «t J»u*tUPtP ; ,"1 «n nr>iT HPS ITKAN "adtpv** *rr in.-r* m(;|. ikH'UllHWlUM * .ill • ntN't tmii. '.:i a t1' SUA than with i-th* *s«* IWM# l*. HoOjarv bT «n ' PAAT'tW* ... , r h*». . arvnuiJatlH Ob*n r.l 4h ..... N 1 1 . ^ \ « • r ,w...k * I I »!V • bua t I* N Araian VVaUuii aft •>'*'' • * I^VMAfA VWrM? lu, k|;Mti).( 14 ru-N mm! JSTfitSSOl"P'") . •* »• aow 1'Uv #•»>*"» iauM"! tit I r..'ttO 11 Vir« <%r • • t»4M *:■,» .t pa- Ivttit »■ >'• t# .4 'f" TMiiCh,.-.)! i».* trrm a , '• >» >M»arl. t » • • ,4"' v '• ^ 's nu rftt tiPNt -o - . b*' «' s • t»- : A g " I' ■ . atwl . v.* PWO ' i Mo, * vtt^ h.»< OUHl.k' M •V-Mftt '•V ^ I'ranihH 4n 4»v «;..' v# MVI »«» • nwrtarA M.- »•*■ a •. •* .4; -v 'K r r •-wk •' ■ .WI^auik: \>l» Hll 4N » I'' ' rt-. -a Vic a • i a.''"N4T ... ti NO*Ai. .-ft xtirir .1 It. r YLl'VU v »t' I ^ ^ ' • A : ' a 1-A.V'l n't X'St i pat'Kt . > j,iH a « » •tort *4H U'»4l/H *\>'» -M'l ' »»u rn .V • > i -» • '• MMIITAN OH' IIC4TH.I (Mil !%iUM>KOt atl NO> - .Ni.vo/i I lit i sis * rn I4HI 1 .Ji- t-'C all wMnilit I Mi- M. Si ' i in DantH'Mlic i .. . N.""* la«« In/uriuufinn lotiifl . *4* REAL ESTATE NOpON-ltRl' f.«r oi.i a, tar'a- bi-.r « 4.'-' IV ♦•>*->. r4M(IILIM( LOLM1I — I'rtqsrtini lVuf. in s|mmW moMl V 4IH K V— Mt "Si N- .AV" S«*, I » ,. , . . . „,w t M4*T LINCOLN IC» N 41 »l»\ U v . a.-* I ' J HUlOtlL. M . ;•—% .<• Al (|M( *N4lll|MI«illlll Ma.mU'.I A% ItVll/ CAfno .*' •••»•* ••! latlSvn CaU IV *■%?. ■ \ana«- :ia*« • A* (•.vWlll '• *t Nv.il tttllll I ft ID114IIOV HttROCIMNv) l OII'lN IVSIUM lUltai*. • T««ci«r «f Stag < Wt* fatvK' tk^C. lafc.4 A CV«*r*** C)r 1'tMU ca IS }|Ar* fW* t l-l 14—■" W -a. rj- , ^ Etlu- *•-* I' HM' r j. . * ,4a»>.a-* t '",v:uu * * Msl • v At' -t BU..J. .• aw a.v 4\. . tnai* fv» N. v , • , . :»w»l UTHva 0.' _ fN— S-taS^WCfl i'llv CV*t *£W , *-l ^ **'"** . .<• w rvo^umut itirnvr - a«mi- '-*•'. ID : ?T»f 4t%« l\«j -*« ' * ii\A V.-y .a .N • t'vt.-»i iw 't* .x-n .1 Jt'i w ■ I if ' • tr-. f HMta» Ah»|»|M«{ I MMtf . TV AND NAOHI v"t ' 1 . 4. TO . Av%t Itt -..» 'Jt. "I'N; »> *** -.• •' • '«***«» «M ftwutn a'^4 i\rr4i«-'-. t # Mir,« * i«;n lo \'t j. \"*v-">*rii»v VI M.v-A H. -vNfc»vO fm HI. 1% I \4HU»4 — . V rr ;S , .... ( »•-» s.. ■■ i * :- •» • a"i ^.trvaa ' tktt M M»- ll. ar I iKt' N . ... . s,.v v • •• -J tn'.t! 'csv ♦» WlttlH » \K i *U-& • * ■■ ' V " #-• -tv« AeA-Aalut*- *tht'\« . re* :>ar4uif 4 1\ T«.HM-a''* '.BTt *-/.! fe»tur♦ 4ITH4 1.4*1 HI* 4 _UII.TI- Vl> ?-MBl ./nW H'l iv*.— rv-— -K *■-'.* .-'•t-T-- r* * "•> • • V .«*!-* 4V M--a „A . • . \ . *.j • \«* ItNtv»-"t ;ti r\ne» U fx-tm •* lv - : •« , T'-v vr K.v*v„ I:...*;. Tl4 U*$ Puzzle "v: *• — VM --••• :*rwn Vewn j J- ^..„,um,iir *U>t w t AfVhrR!^ C>-t0^4J*i{ IN«UV. IN \t *rw ' --tf v.; V* » - T«mu. AI| r«'.A |M»«w > SMA«At#-C >' i *• I • fttafeA 'iittp .-•MfM* rtVS h- » i-'« Hv 'i a •• *>«♦»••- r»'«u # IV ?*#taiP Of IV * 41't »> - ./.vl-.vntt At AV* «K* l.'O erf iitliv € S> f* m.'i •-.rt* l-VM ' . rt* « Nii-M44.WT ?4*» lavt l.»'0 Kit'" V, ii itm |f4. r Co % flOltVUl >i«C *fcKfttMW'».-w;ar- OffioVV « ->•'* «T ♦*» * • iUA AI »A. . • N io • * • *- tfffiYiSl IJ..4RV TO nVit » Ma . ^ |vj^ Jwar RPW* R* cvKiUc*- Gym T P "W, IMCHBSt - a mi f!tm' Hit ■ » ^r- .► taru »u-— } ' 1. «<* XL*«n Tioi-irrrcl tw tD# j • ui «au(0«r mrfM- T?.-* nwVi «wi« coir • vs «« . a» % •*. n»tw«i hmho**. "A^vl - faa-t a. tw HbmUl a#nI i «rf'ornwt**i w >* |H it r.?xv Uot pfort.or far *11 atemMl ^ n, k-tOi i c i k ■ ^ ;? W, -.ia. t- • TlcT iva - - --- - ■ • ivMauiwt ttr «d4Ai. rs-* rtOUSINb Kxrurr r»pto;.-Ei --. - (-» ! 4* 4. t« » r a - TTl* 4 a - TIN Vfl DtLNT*— T f. IT, *-AiA pr=w4'a .* - "r .-«;Vv 't ■Ji. vi» A> O .. .e « •iti'-iAi -A.*- N'X* iMiirf L-A.T- ( 4--1 ■ .M. Y |» ?JT -Vt #N'.- iV..f* Inn. o<.«v Imh::. .-owm 4*-*. at - >* 1 M ' N 1 . .1 -AiV 4..-J0 MU vWli.Nca- . l.v AfVT bv w\ ,.i .r A t *.N oj «Ct*ANKnfU» JtUtS«r-' FOR SALE TT WT Ann |ln""t ' Vvsw — 1.4 E»*T <;t |v . M..» v -'t--L iiit.i w* •:* .*a ra*a •** > H*. v» V *« '*** -»• Nhk< »*t # * -'fSi > VSVa-4" llPfl Will ft— -T j» Uuko, • i.vk- #r» m. li'O f . r Ht1\"4 VCHttNN ' *— ""T- ■' 1« N Tt.-,.y I'D (ABM #„,| I f ■■ ♦fc(A>,v n t vi «f fv> ***v»| r#U> nj«K t#r li.T.IM . wiai.l**.-. |w Ca :» ll *1 TftltNn A #*41 • * a ' • v Vs ' ■ tl A.JM3 »r, t , r a> nurr luxtti «>«»XIRTAKI* Wi' »4~ ■» V T:-* •75" <1* w •?%.( iri. T> rt *♦. •v.m.ii'Nrri , •p.* or? MPT PRTYTI i<: t%. a *iv«»t'.h fhd *■ TV )*i#.V WAh 2 ttiabAwt r>'«« » |s«ur. ifcC-.i- If l-l, Put I Ktorn T2 v ..'-. < * .* N la i "4 ' .a*r.* tr* w.rH. y-/4b*te..,Av v.X ' \ lal few HvWknd * HONVr IO.NN JLNOCLtXNT apaltmints " n^SS^Cfw SKIERS J4 k-V. A»4: JO wt'* A Or*, aw t» -«• ,,,n •ar-r *a.t iWiMWl Vw# \V" ■ < _ r r* I K« -• TV" (-*••' • 5 I *■ '• r 1# tt *irrw ra in < l- - — • — »4.STta C.JIAD Li*L ilvwii la - '.-•Sffi v.# ' * * 1 I '.iifttTS ■,p "<«; Set r \n Xftnnv, . tv-wv..' in ,r*. >a-« i< -w# 1 It f"i.P Sw» #-14* A Ak-rt bv RACOON coat, t\ < •*» s. *"U>TT_h -r« »wr»: u ,'t Msuf U *v «r *Z.'*4N.TA .. >* C*v . 4**1 m-.ib Ivi-KN tmat- frr.i Wf-g- t'ertt i 1 » •» 0*1* CM ri> -~i-53 or EQ ?- I ITU fAXTIpl v i :< '** • ' DNP IN AID SEE * IK** N tf.P- * Cj < R> Z.BAC Jvi-r I * - JJ v.ia » <#•' ..# ; s l r •• v> un*rtt »•' **0 JNOKKL.NO NFW imI. ro :a»tjr J 34 . - -»-A*w4 .V4fA.il Al V'iNATtobr. W KOflMrf "*!• > , s .71 \ v-1'..'AR l li't HI i t A^artow-n Latft|0l« Cul.tar* RcJi.lfW a t tfsr ' -if •wcurv.v* No »;ov« asi' <■ ■ THE SKI OUN MSPUY • K*4 wt* *m; A. v. • 1 - »»«^l • rtwvi.u--.- }4 -23 v • ; -« r i.kirr •. ■c iw :-•■*■• a «• A.% ntrrtt»r*wr .-r»«»r*law lit W4> P*rx~i* Pf«NM» w... WANTED T*t MM V* 'I S'* rt-1r, PS. r a tM ' P - Kvtrx us* wftmu^ti kuu 1 ' a ■ 4 c RAVTTO. roiVIL k: : • i r ^ w A "4 A .41 J>m9 tM W. *1, AACtONS AT THE ACTIVmES 8AMVAL -Si? J-JKAi. •: to iu r«» Drtarw I. "" ' IV V-V* AL W-Umttni M «' ; r t *4.VTEO T.4UN #06MS . j . j KODAK FILM Mw RAW Mi it W I- Ml JOv-'-r MSI 1 Ji 4 W K'K'w t—tly M C>' *- Ihr Malr .Vs% , 1.:* » '- •—« * >p ~4 ... K-1W tl t ftwa V-Lf l.-\31'-TT SIVOf\T. 7 wn iMM-futf .M nw !««&» i a.t a — 1 -V w- wfi f /j t* - •3' O-.Nr, * W !' *■' pitta tr"-* «rf' Va»«4 .. i C#«-.rr. rrtfciMO' _ 1 Hl^l W-X# r«vT I.UWV 3 f.jK a# IWrbMMl IV lAv: u u-Wa-rjractiiaTu hat't srti .ji ro- C4»df«kA 4\-»l tr •• ]'•* * ' r r, u« :, v 'l .t 1t. at <• L» .. . .J • 4. . >U A .J., V V.,.- *CU> I*. WANTED j........ • !u-rt -a - UCORD -DiUCTWI -INGTJt O* . DDUMJC KM ♦» P't ^ ** * "•v •**•**! t In littmAi #t fcJHWlt* «-4 •--» Fti. f in i *«: « NjgflAK Ha-, ill L w*» St*re? (V . V , hotx »- unrcu 'v t'j+ - tt# N.TA* * ... ;a r.v. . ! JOJ n^' ""tw • 4.V 1 d,t'om pt ro j ; "u n n#'v •li.it' *'UJ v -A. '.<711 SPARTAN BELL ." VAKT YXH'K OWN vmii *TW3*«! f. A.».At on I . ^ LOST and FOUND two Ttrfcrr* ron n >a •mta-.a ..fr-p, • x * ~«*r«r ittrtn; fc-rp* •*. A4U«-V kiX JN • fsM, TO i.mvi - •••••. i . •-; t 5«x a*■ w; • it p<^uUr perfM-mer- oa Kathek HaaMbelh) '•-"*» te»aR UfE .i4X K'4 .a- . •» M-vKix-wA Kiv -rPT. |.i» a:f Traitor* 1 OhT. PW1 KPliVOV IN fr*t«rw. b - vt. HAVE OPENINGS FOR BOTH *uaw.ftf VRtiWi- IV LJU *# «T M tD Utfi'X, MjO M " 4 V ** L. I* 1* W«alN» • >; * - * i : a- * ST-OCH r 1. Sen x*n -1 . 7- -H 'It \ lilt WOMEN VNOCKGRADIMTES johnscv :» nr LjQko tptwc ladv ii»nnr> ! ' •«4tl — pj« •p . *Lm 5 • V 'M Cto X"rp* " - rf;»ft4»a Sum V-.Vi-nirv. 11 «' '* -14 *- N-tU'Cav I,*., 1:1' ? *• "i 44> i 34 COflKptaMttt O*'. w- - si. Vl^y-4" #4 Nw.'. «»i Ctmiiiitie- itu-l haie preiwu- am-iral iraiaiac — *mx- .fitr noa. ,«»i m .'aiTTu r"""a *» i- ~ ' . . CAMPCS CXjtSSintr* ■ p/ • »•>-* t.-A-trto tin Rttl pilar tiw —- W| ♦ 1 •a j Njr . n-f u-r-r *J ?..-•» xrwti *sl tN».*. r a; r*a-«*MC>k OARX RIUMC-O C.LA«&ia i.-. u - ...... «.L. I y. sit* i M —— »-»V>. ■ , )i'«V»04* ill l ltt. IV S4M FOR INTERVIEW- , •n.-pfi tnrwp *d« SwRPi da ml F*xt*t I RHMPf .ViAifwV i AHfaKw c*«# » »n o» I-attimu ad vm or iwia tv C« fRtvuGat. in •• • HI0H J^AOIUSH I f: PU ►•.JM I# WiV I L It «| OLtJi.i P.Mi. - U 1-U14 4" ,.#LOWCOita • m m P\(.L TIIKKi: V CIINKSD VY. (X'TOItri! 5. loco - »»? JpO eiii.iliivtn m- tncnilva Ul | M'P emit nf MU ll.Kh. < t*» -l» in I Ci.. - i ■ na .• ,-.l T. . I«V ..I .-K.-' !:'U in."-,-' liOl,.. 1" : - Ir- «. I N-.i.VIigrv |> U. I'AW I"*i I»I|J ill*).!'. "a OeRfrni Eleeti'ip C Wnvkfis f#»i now i•••.»«< ' iik,-. \«v ••.'iuuiT.-. ir.nl lirnk-M •• r* j mi , «» i . ! .1 Uli; • a Jupi'Kt' ■ - Im-Ioi,. il't. iiitMnlM'i.. vurk '.I. plaMj!- "i two «;i'iv * o \ • oi.iiiii _ ___ __ t il l I 'i.*' .1 It,. Iio! A .. - i-'jlliOi A . . . T a >•' >• >».. iv-i p NUi.-i V* fi ll - \ . ; i!o. n, • iMI ■' t. i . • K.. ami s.i'an.i. ■ n:,-).' I'i.i- ta . i i ' • I • .S M''l . hv,- !• • Ml OM a* • illU' i.l "I n e , n *i - ,i,e.t ..I. i,. M-ltf1 A i*i t* «l< .. !i h kf'l "Via trims • Tim V t". mills .YMlrfi* cniwifi in-' ' • I*. "Hulihtf lohn v-'«'»• - J' *« .. 1 !■•- iTfl.itll' .1 >l|t 1 • !,t OiUtlli III I'l I Will .'I'D > (kill, |»r .oi ■ in.) r,lti"d .1' «.»'.!• i'i •UT - »n n-i I Ilia! t"A"' , tin ft I J- • . - • nil . . .i.-. Ii.ni' s.kjiiiNi n'oiii 1li'*l Sflrcliou IV i ia. i ii. a. '..iiiir \ t lOII'tM k. hi.hi . ... i Of New IliTUl'ih "':■ ^ ri ' ■ 1 4 ' t : ( ,. ,i i-' li»- In'. 11 i.i I!. it i.i i III I OAAII — Al \ ...ti ..f M.n h:-.! >' ,'iit .l ,, l yllll n I-; • •>.»; :n*. »•'!• AT'- , H'l.iV,; mill A.-iv iv.« ■ , |. 1)| ft i: li-Jl-. ' T II,- • .11.1 • , i j.v.'M'il ii.:)()'• in,'- "•<)»- 1".' : •• . -■> MM .TaUM a •')> 1' two NIOllI I .1 .1, . , I .< i' i i . . i'. .1 ' .' I\ .V| DISC SHOP ■a in. .K:; I f.llAMi ItlVFH in pitiaiu'ia in *»u41•-v in. i.I. "f .ifn ■" 1 ■ Wol I. having j'., . .i-s.lt .wimi.!," At I'hlirt n ijiti..!, .1 ,>i..k.-l. i-'iu « <1 to si v • -uli.I (JK J.,1%.- fHftie •- OPEN EVERY EVENING c 3fit' M i . Kit-. Jldui.t viM iiif 4 UAW A i • Ml ;! I'M . V . .. ,-i,i thvs .o i< I poJit,• eff"i * A ).n'iT i I. NjK-iiian AVM'.OHI list ill I!),.I. .111,1 hit,. „l.tln v V a. It. Jutui v ,i; Mi iiiU',1. i ,.1 , .-tj« hiltiiJi'ifl t'.l Many • l.u i . i.ii .- i an \ t ; -;!!«••. in '.in- t 'tiiu'il h m- s|ll»l%T*t KK l'lt I . TII.I Illdai simr.-ii |MOKl4in.u . ha a . i^-. w n»n ' . ,t : >»»,»•.? .«( l!|i'""', ai!.' • '.he i»toi;i,i! irik.- 1 UorriTtioii Future pilots . . . A r Fnrrr HOTC~~ cu*»-h ihVtmining program with lamru ••A' a f -sir Iwui 1 ' »v \.I w Mil- I at'--! ■ s'lM 1-. com wiuflt'iiCt bvqun Night training Monday I John tiily. ('hern* Culi*hur>, ' ». th» • |»rit .r«- ,< ' •' * ' - .-a v |\»ri' »w» .Or , >- t.l ii t.lUM Otl Mil))' HIM*.'Ill al Capitol ( it> airport. |*roh**»<>r of \ir n\ I t apt. Ted kiny. eo-onknator of the t loll Col. llmnni-u Parre l (It'll) du lit;!ii instruction program. " ,. ' j. «*» f .ht A Kin»IN lh. '>< ,i:\ .. > i . -, .- t' h. ' -i ■ ! i i .lu.Io : ..'1,1 _• 10 MI ! ikf n -.1 !! Sign lip for your senior !h pictures al the Union Board Desk, 912 |>l ip»C- - i »mj»h I» a u •; 'ivfl «'i Kennedy Charges COP Deficit *ii • , i. - i •! i' ■Hsu.'ion pro-,', on .. \\ VIW Js. I'- s • M!> 'hv' I ill- Sift' I- \ & 1-5 Monday through Friday. V K. IIII • ' • •» » 'iMr-v-'l,! V 1'ri s. a1t»n: K . *»a i M Nam , '' , . v! ;J li -1 1-a In..: •it'm • wi'iiki I lilt ) i IhiJttKTa! »>t •' oetween p'.i' tA Your picture will be in the 1961 Wol¬ iS*! eti4!' M*J., H' j-,,1 IH Ixlln n tf-put »»!•» eff.vv !*3a rn!e. , 'i : t'n- s:' El l > RKIMi tl.'iv ' I'Jin anv.wis- f^ure Hi. III.- J'ir.l lui.iii.l verine NO COST to you. •v ♦! a, i :a* *»-.l n •' ••».- «: the f«r;$Ijh':. .'i ' form ' tin* vv:' »*»>" M-keH. l«H.O M. >. I Pictures will be taken until Oct. 14 . OrtMc . . . x . "How mu?it they «m-! -i-.' v i noi i~* he >.i ! J;i//. Sruii.ll . '"f'x ' the taxpfiyee lor the flairs VJuvf :h ■ dc'li-,; -.ivruoo-; lt>»».™ th,. ,.u. m.,1- »,m sign this week. M-ci 'M a .ti.tl) only • J I'. fh-T... ' i li.un they did o a«m ihi'y shouU Smiit.iy — |>.in. ---so up 9h.,v«* ruin bui;-'"* ♦ . ;WV I it »Tt»moHV 4. J ptcpar.-.l f.ir a *100 I No sitting charge No obligation to tTitsark. •I--,- IV "V p«n, Ik-* nmr INI _ r * ■ i.jwi.uro IV runa-r*u«t< dinner i*--\ 'MM ■■!, ' H i i'f A t:-*»Vt Hh."H'Vi.- a .urn •• •v viivUreM, Hit* c -u ,;-i IV. -I Til! M'V't 'M.'iniv , ,- nut built? How van you mra- buy. * .i « •"*'•- uro tJa' v.»>: ->f ;;i, .'va-H'-! ju 1 j ! • • "'•I, : I :a>i, | Vfiule dclmqu * u / b.n.t 'T« .funt !iau a..- t hitii-1 *.!jey refused *,l) • I i-. a vv »n a up * ii t and. an hon. st doli.ii Ha- -! "How can >ai» u -- " , I-Utl. I.:k-a-i M unit do-n* ("iiy r v ' '.a 'heir leni; . aieO- ;fn: Tilt. La' 1.1 to egi'4 pt'V-O;, 4 . Mr- Alii- tie done* n.ed*" mi*. I-* HI t I •> ' h* « * - i.. The Democra ts nominee »p • e' J ' at a r • I vj-1 aaied a .••-SiM i i: •• i auscd «• > llt'cuii- iK ' .n\| •*(• t« truly Unto ft * a '■ A i ' > 11" iiet j'a. V "thl, -1 • r . .situ: t Hi • v. i-So n.»' Ii Vr Wni JR. FASHION CANDIOATSS in a smart butman * Oliloi AIiiiiiiiii.u You're Prepared for Fall Rails blua/graan/whita plaid. • .all wool seporatet, bound Uii-u lii (Colorado for a nor. itop campaign Ihtough every impoilant event on your W lifit your rainrual M>1 "coiuol'" calendar, giving jpecial lavor to the junior (,guie. '> i a .M i *■■ i*. w.ih r ri |)t lli'iil - u»unix rv, sv u'T a -i * !•-.,• —, A. Solid color blue croppedtard.gan jacket. 7-13 urn 10.98 ' -! ;-h 0,11 dtV;T. 4 S~4du».T .• * *' ! he t ra\ne*tle prm esA - .i ' -> M oL i t" e\tl«s»\f tn F«»>1 B. Plaid unprened pleat skirt with ioiIi belt. 513 sicei. 12.98 v t'.MUUfc. >TV . l^tn'urnjj-at ' ; S;*rr Koe-der, vi-.t-t*- j C Sleek, tapered plaid slacks with tide cip. 7-13 tires. 10.98 Alia ' Reus »ns *' MM' - v -v» -m;'- cidi-a.ni a.:; - - Cvd-trado Sfnrrjrt D. Slim-liM plaid skirt, also with sosh btlt. 7*13 sires. 9.9* Oai"'.UiC" \\W flakier Aeuz.f rem-, \ymtvl jyv.n Cleaaer aid * : HivK'wt hviog gxudu-ue of ea . June i»e-«t c > -> lis, He Mt» Y O i Shirt Lawdry to i *n tiiutnm, ♦ Juju* lih?! a n Dui FY| 2 UC4 ; fr Pk'k l'p &• DtLtrty ti-.** ktf. roctsved the thru » in* ttklfj.*' v' *ch!<»•'• llauiliuilU 9 jLuimiiiioii li.n kri. A Uir.U 9 Turprt & Field Arrow* "9 U iHil A Nylon Sural Snrk< 9 Sural Shirt. 9 I'Mldlrball. 227 Aun Si. Phone EI) 2-6lift Ea»l Un>in« -X X WEDNESDAY. OCTOIIKK *. Iscn >1 l(" II I (; a x s r v Te v ews \ r\fiE pons Can?pus Classifit'ds . . I-b?y Cost I SSn Slidc Slunvinjx Tonight n,,M l>"» vvfth Fi nil Clears MP's Dosittwvs TVtitkms Petitions f or for positions \ wjm NOW — .1 HH. WKKK w..ex tern. Dr. Mor- Qiws>us • Chest. tt»e only fund- rrutnw InfefeaelhM* IV S Mi'\Vkv»t ou utiit of An- orifaru/aticri on campus, Iratunt VP .... »:*» . \ . •• k\i • . • I .... <. is - r ' M> s.v t" • \tsr ntHcu-v w. . iH,.aVatUWr ut the I'nson M_>\ tOKK ...» • . "A - .... '. ,;hv > u 01' • v,-\ • !» '-"V'i! >: • V"XT • •fAT'r -of *^VCWIWttneriihtA xVT-T'it AUxi ilbaal > .-x ' I'Uf ;•! Vv»:*. a:Mac- \iw \7a.!io Carn;vat tonight. • 'v< " s'\ • -• " A X a v.* '• v it.''"' •' . • . • \V V •• tv; i. % .•: ,v .. The petitions should tx* fUled. fc- ■■ .<•• - • ••' • ■' *• Ivu* Alv.. a - x ,n* .> 'he :.>>>4x- v»u; unci ,ifturtw«t to tie box m • v.'■ .V • t • • |\ ItlKt t» l> "AKen K •!tn;ck, r.'u* Union or 330 Student Sorv* rv,. '■ .-uv t AV hd.i 1M Ch! , - .. W|*t • professur »i -.coarapov »cev —— v« i^LKU .1 • • ■ Miehisaii State University Mill m ui\ t IK%t •u !N\t rii.lttON Till FOREIGN FILM SERIES z:*m vjm presents — «*'«)«> .1 '■ >. tf L"»V rr.,V.D F5::--CASNtSFILM FESTIVAL = A '•> ' • • \ & \ 'Tb g^sSSIOPPEIgsi, NfW ?r-x: > , v\» ??3*pto• wracEAwofiE-joofftSH:?; > [ ttpr.-»w **- gn Au&caiOfiMr IVinnrr' Plux (;OI,l>EN FISH Brxt Hteert Swh^i BtBffOSBY-FABIAN . Thurs,, Fri, — Oct, ti, 7 Pairrhild llheatre Andrews *" 7 and i» p.m. Admivsion 50c Sl \: I MKI KOWDKP 5»KY I'lemir); l\C •< RIM |\H»ll>l %TfO\ I %t L til J-JSIT TUESWWELO'KISCIS MAUTJTi! Govt c FRYERS ~27 * .W Ai. ST Aim 7. P.M. I iUl r .A . <. — Inspected !#lSlHal eXC*«M^ I ncvinun II IM . IK • s i. »i«- i vsr i»\a • - lb. ruiuuu LUC ON tr.turr I 3. • 33. Small mealy 31c lb. 9 « Cut Up Fryers 5 3. ■ 3 35 • tumk ;vy —7™~ X imi Mill ORIXJT Into thf liHUMK lulur.: Spare Ribs 39c ib. Frask Frazaa L-■ IM ■ iC * ** T> t»,%•*»•* if V"? »: * ) 39( ^ . f I-1-!? PS'Cn© Hind \ 'M! Turkeys 16 to 20 Ib. . * ST A IMS TOMORROW * (old Meal Liver Spictd Olive Cooked Salami ALL THE Sale \i;iIM; FKIRW M : P.M. YOUNG WGuiLiiJ FiWIt | Ik. pfcg. 59t WILL LOVE NJ loia uA HI.M> utmiDs IIKST" 'ALL THE YOUNG t*. % & jr MEN'! „<* Tokay Grape? Ate lb. TotiMvm . Frask Grata . *,""J KIABOVUHl X Ww y . L beads ZVt , )a. 2bMdus 29c .. . v YOU MUST SCI iimNBfliMi- 3 tb. bag 19t 4 Ik. bit 39c XII MIX ll\» Ol Till " "" * • j xi x*. x.iti xtnt iut»' ' '.XKX" X r A I P Frazaa Foods Mix or Malak Sola i lut Corn •• IVa* . Yaw Cksiss Mixrtl YrgrUbU** g -• ■ . -.V - Cut ur Frrnrh Fried I'oUlor* t'rrncb Mxit (itrrn llratix - ■ i 10 az. pk«s. $1.00 ^ Pfa mrf kt Grama ' ; TONIGHT Marvel Ice Cream gal. pkg. .49c vM rpMJrfni HOT mfjm TW aSSVll.. , —* '■ • •• - V Jaaa Parkar .. AM !• Pmfcw Plain or ii-fared af "Activities Expresso" Ciaaamaa kraad t ft. Loaf ,ZX ••fOa Ms pt el i Ij( Hz or hkk Sale dL 1 All / Kmhlikr — IVa» IVa» anil Carrot* ho. 303 can, 3 for LOO 0 tlT 1 ulfll Kmhlikc — torn, Sbolr krrnrl or Omni Nxlr 1202 ran Stadium Concourse Loner paaatioo aid at Roc. retail Aai Pago 1.00 ■*twS'T • , AA 7 to 10:30 r .. . ^ Park md Bom's 1 21 si. tm 5 i fc ob. -79c x AB Prices la Tkio Ad Your Ei>l I^HmiOi; A A I' Super Admission Free AUrkrl, l unwr ol HifiAorn and Elloctix* Tkrs. Sat. Ort. Sth la W ilbaaMaa Star*, aad All Fhrt Laaaiac A * P Sapor Market* Kant Gtud Rixcr storo Hours Mondjy thru. Soturday " 9 AJL la 9 l*_M. \ Mli'HItiAX STATU XKWS, K»M (.ah-Iaii. Mirltiitau i'\iiK MVI: \> KP.NKSHAV. OCTOHKK 5, IWrt- • ■, •Slat. J|ck K1 •1 - eoft.'h III A I' 1*4*11 i"» • • " )" v «*U *.'",n ' Yankees to Face Pirates . A t :C-- »I.H k' \ Syracuse Mows Back to 1st S» til. O,-* I t u« II ; \ I Mi-.-I,whipiH'ri \Vaih'.riyr*»i< • -i us i- .in- ;i\«m timylng .t» ihr *•»"«•» .>v 'Wk II tin v , ' II., HI . ril lu In Series Opener Today A'.mv .iM I'lVs • Ml 'I' i!' I. v.*%i, v* Mi *h kiiOi'kiM I'I'I N;u v A 1 I i J . TU*-m«.1V v, • . • *• •: \. • "nw'.i.'m I ' (i > ..I- "<■ _ IV11 .11 ' ■'' t I! . TTn 1. msjix. M..h. to Diu>o-.(r~'T t:fl! '"rt! I'll Ml''.:.'! S'i' ' «•. Ohio; IV It thf vx. ' W T'.r ili'iiill- -.MM.. . .1- ■ Sl.It. and liil.i It-. > .-• r»mmpai«n. 1st. si inv h -!*!••• -n- OXFORDS .. . . ;m.t Dili i i >v\ - -i» :'iv week, .ui.i On'-.Jut' un-j < v.iUM Us i - |.f • margin o\•••■• 1 ».\i> M.'-i- »p< !»•-.,4»r-i'. hijih-s Ml'iff. • thej K.ins.l;. ill I I : - ' '!"■ " ■ ' State News Ipe fllx' !«V ti' \ Il^ i!' I'll- Vfi'k- . n!v Miss '» !1 1.1 iK'in major t.'.i'll VrtU-t hasn't1 •v.iiiis 'villi -in''! - MHitl'.i il!l his - I| uidudink Ai F W ill Start oil Mount! M'lt'llil behind sv.4!U-to« UtktNsXS M - .niik--.i l '♦-« -• M Till' HI.) TIN' MtMTK* .. i ii.ib.-:.'. n K. ' -.i .1. **-.»i" ■ '• A »•'; pi.li'O.I .ti *. . ■ !:;■ In V A .. Utlllll- Ml ' hilfl'll ■ j i»-- 4:' I *«" tilt's. nil smiu.it. " -VOf IKI tiOINi. litvvu I I. r.l. I .tin • tiiirHW O'i «' ' ••' ki't.; 1 ,i S'.iti- N.i\>! Sv-.H'li-f • - of 1h- VOlvXVM.-'- "* ' v \ -.t ??v I >\ v M.i: - \i(ht I'dtiur • l'«n lltiiii. s* ito rho ti'hfi- f;r.!i »*;•. I ■. ii'diin"! v M.iufun |.( • m \ sii-h. I .'f '..kt- ..!» ::i 'hrOv Y- U Sol.thCtn M "i- I 'jt • _VJ•:« >'\ ' N"t - jj ' '"<• ••*«»* • *' .. st >*»« tafex . - the. - ,au... M ..A„j V4K1. '..U-Iuut*tl N IV., n"«. ■>. - Va . mi CI«'Miw.>n li.is n n.it.ri .^ti v v, • « ■ •- » s Pi'UVs *»<;.»•» "••• »•'- ,i v ; : » v. !h.- h.->t : .ah*. ok1: Ak.m-. : i-.'.'M .... K.i i V -ni.. ' j 'xn-'it a. MHTITt' ■■"'■-i Now Y vX i- Intrauuiral SjHtrts llrirfs . !. Sv.im. • us. 'M.i \i • \ .»• m V.n lui .'.ni-iM-fs to t ■ ! A.H.isih.M t 10 j •">! As.-. i t i.i'i' f i... !' I S:.*: • . tv>m U*.\. 4 M'i*. ,.,i UM .s io.iUf.1 , « IV .. .. . i IMS V i'vTs k'iYMv.n ; N.r'iwvi : . M . .• > .j.-: v.-.". l> ,-s i'.-iM* ! •« \ W.. t\\ C, ■■ 1H |io::r- Hisli lights " .,i:ii ..ts im-v *, s . •: .•» . i * uitttir. ' 'Syi.iru- • pin 'Jo's » u ..'i.i T* *|i! be l»ti "i Mot - w.vv winkm Sw ?: dtsf ; s'tirLM.,; ;•••.<•*•♦'! V. 1 '.-'W hV«S? bx ::hs.--s« V - U*l w,vk.'»v X >. v, w'- vi- h-'i Un\. .» Xvio>,k , M.i -n »n :» : X- , JM i .. • It S.... •• !" '• •?.•••! ; 1-1 ■ • > lor Ho x\A I» m\ casual, comfortable sIKI %KIN4« l\lll t-U'k. U« ' \ 14 %... ; . Octane .. v.. > fimtuaU always correct — • r . v .. , . . | .. .. ... „..N . plus . ... o" »' *Ht'. V". .ivV i .1 V IM I". -A *1- .1 u . t>- 22 J' the i1-o '.ho IItw- • f • • *•»*« ' ». s • • 1 Tin nitr dm* »hui dial * lirai) ,inlali<'iildrr- altnsr 11.r n •! tor loiip.rr, hrtlrr 1. t >v> 101 plus Super Premium l.'.ik.r- \%rjt II" innijur oxl.'fl «ri*r gi»»> tlir»4- ihm! li.r-. Ji i.i x PERSON • hiii- a ftfudied « a*ual 'it — ' a -.ill *1».«y»i I he umqio "til I.i |N-rt«*« linn" \ M. . M\ MlN l.nl'ti trtp. tiven HOT11 » 11 R> ' . THE FINEST QUALITY GASOLINES son .»•■ tak< *«»ur |n«k tiom wv *■" V- . a.e tNmi > a Bay Gasolines coatiaually checks KENDALL *»..•! i'.'. « lli# liar w- *ldr« Mri v.. W- liirls the at 84 + and 101 +. This is ♦no-I o\Utfr«H ■ MO »ar;x i--'- «*»..a i I Sit \\ . ih T II clioose careers • si" a- V toKt v ' v.}n I' M wn»,i. witli Du Pont • . ' it*, vMe «i\it i I:\I I II IfccK Stu-v. at : » voft ee a i . >' •» - : *« t: j : i:i i its ' si: v u \i v, \ » v -lh 41 Itir. I»l*e Xlll'jl. i-vs; A»«*ov.-t <• I up year, vewi.il lu!n»lu«J neu*• tolleeo 1'."' I (irtnri Ititrr . jii.iJuaie- ihooxc 1*414 IDOUIlt NrWs 4H«| ('iVir L)u f'pnl M.mv M.ixier- .tiul Pii.D - tlo. Uh< - v ." rtvs: e Wvuii i ( rtitn • Hox Olfire — - ' J'. :U-SA ami B ; V,.- I rorii lime i»» tuiu \w li-.mi Irom icecnt jiraduutcx'Uie ' f .i."»T«u I'lioitf llfirrulimn V-K- factors which let! li» ihetr di'Cisuin to jt»tn this compart) Vl ;i,- Tltcv •' • (•AU. IY ? w»i:i 'i • - A icf? - cilc niorc than h.»if a dozen rcut tw pute 30 H-iy. (2-0 • impotrrmt: OPPORTUNITY AND RfCOGNtTlON Thuv w«rp awara that coiiagc tramad bagmners go right la work with man wha have achiavad. l or etamnle. research chemists work with individuals who've thine successful research- New engineers work with pros, some of whom have ikSiJiird new plants, or tic vised new manufacturing methods, or distinguiahed them velvet in aome other way. And other graduate*, with B.A, or M.H.A. degrees, go to work with^TeaJti't who've been successful ,i» Saks or Advcrtiatng or Ireasurer's, dr • . another of IXi Port a many departments. * Ihev had been told- and "rightly—that DuPoot rewards indi-j xiilual achievement. And they were eager to Mart achieving., PfUAKH ytfATTS NlW PRODUCTS; NSW PRODUCTS CRSATi NSW JOBS un.wear... •Aan iika warfciitf tar • timny that haliavaf in • ' • ' r. rasakrah, aitaugh ta iamt in it...IN aullian a year! The fact is that important new products come from"f)uPont* LIhm .itorics and go to l>u Pont manufacturing plants with frequency. Here are but a few vince World War II: Dilon"* acrvlic fiber followed nylon (koon after the war). Ilien came "D.icron"* polv- csicr fiber. "Mylar"* pelves'* film, "Uicitc"' acrylic laatuei arni ' Dclnn'' * acvtal resin. I heve, an»l manv others, have created thousandiof new jobs... in research, manufacturing, vales,. .tn tact, in all Du Pont departments. DU PONT BACKS SMPLOYSiS WITH HUGS INVSSTMSNT New graduates taal that every facility is presided far daing the jab men. thit /all . . . 11ioli Minr Last year. DuPOnt's operating investment employee wax your lint uitli per lirrtlirtt, SlV.MH). Since much of this was expended to provide the most modern and Isest of equipment to work with, it further increaws M4 «mt MM at •* t «*•» km* m* cuMmI I—tts ~ the chance lor individual achievement i Ii.'s applies lcLmen in lab. plant ami utlke. H yu*** m ***" ***** - Mar* ta4 marr prriomi art Umlimt to ihr convert!- *Y mar' 1 •*''-* Qr*fr'9* R i » l«M' tnrr *n4 tead tmmkt mt contact Icnvcv. Tin* RUvtie DUPONT PROYIDSS STSADY SMPIOYMSNT trn*m grmminl »md Rnlivhed in tour prrM-rj|»- _ * TIWM jweatstw^s arc 1i«n. determined Unauib an rye examination by Cerate taakaes apprteiatt the importance of security. ■miTI iirnts — { *** h. t&t kc• - r-.*... *, *-« ii'jt our Today, the average annual turnover rate at DuPont rs lets, I til1* v(t iin* m. IH 0*r% if am* at OerhM* The Iratct fit directly evrr the rarara and than one-third that of industry national}). »3» J '*%■ Ttoej-arI sjyhMK **4 a» Yr »• »•' SNp •ffrr rueplrtr natural tivwin «up at ritlier Wal- * a^« fca-h hv? irAa-«4.:« - *§+* S;••Or «•- .lac# leratwDi l»r (be rompMr <»nU«l . vtory on T hcxe. and many «> mm fMiNcv rot wn»» uvmQ...tm»omcn cmmnrmr • »« *»"! 11 >'t fi ^ i$r4 WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER j. 'Gypsy* Tells Stripper Hard Road to: Success JESS -MAXWELL Frttvt Editor c* He.- tau-fr'*. Madssw So-? aipsis. «sU title wiyj Jwr itojMtf, Uxilse Caver •; Rase lee)- MSI CHORUS t(...imr L L. J<*r». Director) V.-'-i arxJ W f»t Ber'.a r-ffK W r-t *'<» ■ -» -efa-rd La.-* FWr ri i *»m- tnu^-t der-aa-d w" e the tear a* a? f-« m ' *e "*! * lie tn?n t tirUitT drv^ns the ct> la WVr"v-td -- the <4d f.er- r :» Re;fh%5AS ^cudr. ) rur's Drama Sc'lwtlulr KrliraroU: U nlnwljys "•') I lnir.il Kimiiu. Mn-ir Building ikl Wiiincliturs 8:15 P.M. Satvriay, October 29. I960 -f AT- «"MT Ptli t> MJ* * » * -#* %\S> UJM MMVMVU OlHt»W|TH -ill --f X» IN- turn to UMl c H- M»l in *mBM.TOY MV. THE IMVEKS1TY THEATK1 SEASON COUPON BOOK Gone!! ■iif BmI* Avtibblr: Fntn Steirm Saltxam EVENTS ( MM Tfckrt Offirr Offirr of iW Sprrcl. D. a* a. waj.bi.ngto: