Both Mum on Plans I ns Strength Test Against Iowa Saturday i VOLUME 52, No. 67 EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7. 19611 PRICE ."» CENTS of Bv BEN BURNS SUU Now* Sporth Editor The football aquad will have a real test atrrncth whan they meet Iowa Satur¬ season to the athletic directorship at Iowa. Both State and Iowa came through last week's contests in trood condition. Herb Adderly and Gary Ballman should Cuba Pursues 'Invasion Force' lie work Inn together for the first time this day afternoon at 1:30. In Eastern Mountain Area ■fall, -injuries have hampered the two half. Spartan fana are wonderiittr what new Iiacks. tricks Coach Duffy Dauarherty will come Thejtwo clubs are also tied for first place up with after practicing liehind closed in the Bitf 1(1 with their lone conference ItHtea Wedneaday afternoon. wins, so possess.on of the leajrue lead is a Evidently the Hawkeyp* are planning on possible added incentive for victory. cominir up with rome aurprises of their own liecauae report* from lima City say The winner is also sure to liecomr strontr choice for the conference title as Leader Killed* 24 Escape Coach Forest Evashevski hfls also yone Iowa is presently rated third and MSU 1,1th liehind closed doors for the first time this year. "l-~ in the Associated Press poll. Saturday will lie band day and some 35 Government Militia After Drucherty cauyht the .Michigan hiirh school bands numlieriny 2,600 players team by surprise with his hellv scries of offenshre plays, Evashevski will lie doublv will join the murchiny band in aituye half time show. ' (dihtro: 'Very Little importance;' wary. Guest director will lu- Col. William San- Cites L. S. As Military Supplier . -After readiuy accounts of the Iowa- telmann, retired leader of the U.S. Marine Northwestern (fame, 12-7. in favor of tin' Hand. llawkeyes. Daujrhertv said his team would . This will lie the fourth meeting between HAVANA. --Fidel Cmtro'a jrovernmeM ^claimed have to improve tremendously this week. Iowa and MSU. State won the lirst contest ThnrNtlav it- armed forms are in hot pur-tut o! 24 «ur- This will he the lirst time an Iowa team in tllol, but Iowa won the last two ynrues. vivtifs t»f n 27-man invasion force from the Litited States has played at Statrf. It will also lie the lirst Both Dauyherty and Evashevski have which la?tde»i near tin eastern tip of C ul>a. U.S. policy and last time for former Spartan assistant made comments or. the explosivcness of the I director- were blamed for the incursion. Forest Evashevski. to return to Spartan Iowa backlield, but it would seem that it A communique of the armcl stadium as a roach. is hardly |Hi**ible to lie any more explosive forces nnm* said militiamen He will retire at the end of the present than the U of M iiacktield last Saturday. aders soon .nfcrcepted the Campus after the landinf killed their leader and Nava* Bay. captured UN Wrangles Again Gets S100 'two others. Till; Letia. wa« LEADER. described A imentiwo a* a former For Confab ..captain in "the private army of On Red China Question THE, MSU SKt CLUB *tlr«ct«d prus- Shirley llerdcll (I) show skis lo Gerrv HAldent r....i.v avht t* . cor.gre** • voted Wed. aner-powerful . ,llin WtelJ !ex-Sen. Rolando Ma-ferrer, gei.cio gene -powerful figu ngure in the kui- Bati*U regime wh.. > now,r ta „„ , nl,„| .Sul,. pcclivc members at Activities carnival Oakla and Jack Day. (State News Phutu to help pay expense* of the ( am. A for th«- Frm c UNFTF.D NATIONS, N.Y.. 'Ah tin the Ujnted States, already ne** of. African* ajid Asian* over Wednesday niyhl. ilobart Wriyhl and by Richard-Stevens.) pu* United Nation* w hich will Minister's ofiW said-Fidel Ca«:ro. . —The U.N. General A*.«emhly j raised in the assembly by Premier U.S. fitaneuvering which defeated i hold it* annual conference on' **h° i» m Havana, regard* the landing as "of very little impoi- plunged Thursday into over the Red China * * rangle membership} j Khrushchev Saturday. The Communist hloc w»* . a neutralist expression of wak- for a t'.S.-Soviet summit, "hope Activity Carnival Honors (campus thi* he'»ruaf\. * The Mode)1 United Nation* ■■ill j tani e , NaTaT Bay i* on the north «hoie i-sue. The United States, aware line * determined hid to impress! In a new gesture to the African consist of delegate* who have j nf Orient# Province, the cradle <>f that it had aroused resentment in I the ligw African nations whose nation*. Soviet White Russia's the powerful Asian-African bloc, votes could nivan the difference a as confident of barring action, j on the China issue, lied bloc dele. Delegate, K. T. Mazurov, accused Union Board Beatniks' Win toen invite«l from the major uni- fCastroj, revolution, between tf.c. versitie* and rolleges from all ■ mining town of Moa and Baracoa, The Soviet bloc opened the de-j gates displayed an attitude of the United State* of "disgraceful" Nearly "Orampu* organization*1 "UB present* Hungary V." Using live "ct»ot" cats, Colored mice, and ov.r tne I'mwd >ut«. C.n.J., ,, *' V.U«*.M-i/«ui»i- ed the fir«t white settlement in hate wifh attack discrimination which he said de¬ went Bohemian Wednesday night the beatnik theme. I'B presented ; oiher animal*, M"W". a new on thej triumph over the turn of events Cub. in mi l.'. United States keyed to the theme at this session. Western dele- prives million* of Negroes of vot¬ at the 13th annual Activities car-j the U-Bet tea and Norm Duffy as; Judging was based upon draw- Representative* to the United of discrimination against Negroes ' gations were worried by bitter- ing rights. This was in reply to nival. Ba-ed upon a beatnik "Ac-: a ragtime piano player. ling attraction and popularity, use Nations in New. York have been'dozen j The communique men—including said thethree two tivities Espresso" theme, group* FLORICULTURE FOllHljof them* and construction, the U.S. contention that Red invited (o.speak or advire at the j American*—who elude.1 the mi .- displayed their talents and handed! placed second in the judging, j Many organization* provided' „ tiamen seized f>0 Cuban farmer* China's suppression of human out information in a giant mem-j Popular with the audience, the'movies, slides ami "way ©u!"••'MSU Model UN Lfere .ee. ♦ a* hostage* and hiked to an area No'Curfew Troubles yht« make* the Pciping regime [ bership drive and public relations! member* handed out. fiue corsages j unfit for membership. In the midst of iU continuing event. Union Board captured f\r*t! to viewer*. The American Veterinary Mcdi-, THE PROM EN AD LBS pit on' of MSU and AUJKJ support the , . i A KEVOLUTION that student* in that mountainous region called Nuevo Mundo (New- World). This group can not escape pur- in Ui. duploy cnt.-t f.ric.1 A policy debate, the assembly de¬ the second year in a row with its I place trophy with their display thn 'hml !k"'U""k",m,""'. d';,,l,5r' T *r,"'n of P""'"u "'ilh,rr>r n{ ,h. ,«0lutio„.ry ,rm, Here, Says Mason cided to up the question whether Communist China's claim _ - J | trick*. t»rfP U,fU 1 " ! W,yrie University in • ing the ban on Communist speak- i mtmiqu# ilecfmeU. Both political parties were rep- er» was to Uie Academic ' lift- an,j rurg|. militiamen," the com- 'l reported seizure of a large Ma*on hall, sister dormitory to buzzing the rooms for tiialc Abbot, ha* found it unnecessary j callers. to U.N. membership should be placed on the agenda for full de¬ Hannah Tells Educators: I resented a a members of the Young Affair* committee. Democrats ami Young Republi- j Congress passed a motion eon- American carbines in the American flag, a book on U.S., Army regulations and »eve * runs clubs were on hand to cam- renting the redistribution of foot- opening to force all men out of the living j Because of these problem*, all bate. unit at 10:30 p.m." According to i male* must be out of Abbot by Lola Sander*. Tekonsha sr., 10:30 p.m. Miss Lindsay said. Sonic U.N. circle* speculated that the United States maneu¬ Resist 'Elite' Pressures | pujgn for their suae and national hall tickeu. President Dan Ricijel j candidates. ? i* to aik Athletic Director Big clash. THE TWO prisoner* were iden¬ Mason hall has encountered none Two of these problems reported vers against- the neutralist sum¬ I Buddy Spangler and his corotm gie Munn to employ additional tified a« Enrique Torre* Pere>, of the problems which developed : by Abbot are nonexistent in mit resolution wouTJT cut «(own the SPECIAL To THE .STATE *U> are hi*toinail firn/ly; provided music to set a carnival police, lock *i«lc door*, or to u*c who w»« wounded. and'Arturo ir. Abbot as a result of the new i Mason, although the two units U.8. majority on it* proposal to NEWS—President John A. Han- and irrevocably committed to mood, any other method that will pre. Alvarez", a former Batista soldier A\VS ruling, whieh extknd* cur- nah Thursday told a meeting of mass education in thi* country." vcnl over anxious student* from a< cured of war crimes in threw j are of similar *Ue and stsucture. shelve the China debate. American . few to 11:30 for upperclaasraen According to Mis* Sander*, U.S. spokesmen conceded that educators to resist j President Hannah said. "In their j pushing their way into Jeni*on killings. and 10:30 fojr freshmen. 'there i* no added switehtiOMrd i the vote might be riowar thaj) he¬ pressure* which would create an proper zeal for excellence., inanv ji in front of tho#e v*ho have waited Exactly when the landing or- Abbot hallll President Mary" Jo ; problem in Mason since the new [ fore. But they said despite Asian educational elite in the United.: critic* overtook or ignore the Lindeey. Detroit jr.. said that ! mime. AVhilr th?re are a- many and African di«appointT»ient, they State*. Ipoiiit that we are determined to L-C Series patiently for their ticket*. Bill Hart wig. loanied bousing, curretl was cot made clea'. The •mnmmquv, which' was undatni three problems developed in her pb«>ne call* at 10:30 a* at 7, then-1 expected a majority to hold firm In a keynote address at a meet- hate both quality and quantity^' j Brute U*-man; East Shaw, and !but was handed U> Havana tiew- 1 Mtkr Pucher. Evan- N holare, j papers at 2 a.m. Thursday, said living unit when the new ruling went into effect. lv»s male caller* nrr> si. at the tnr Inter' ;tohind >«>• iHcrnr»i the me .vuk-ihrm uisi ij big stand that American ivanq of the American Council on j Therefore, thrswitbboarr' Red China does not meet the re- Education in Chicago, President elite. Dr. Hnnmih said, is extorted ; First, while the date* of the staff actually ha- less to' handb- quiremenU to apply for member, Hannah said that yielding to such in many devious way*, but all The pressure for creating To Present | were elected a» repre-entatives to | congress. Other appointment* j Reports circulated in Santiago, rarTif, ..a{ ds|rt.„ vVednc*oav. * fre«hm»n women had to leave at l«» 30 than during the ru*h, ship. were: Jim GiUan- viro chauman the Onriitr Provime capita! •*. } pressure* "would result in an are aimed at the mnrK of; Sjh ■ II - Gsl of Finance; Bill Hartwig. rhair the d«rm hw»10:30, it wa« difficult Mt 7. , The specific quciti.hi under de- abandonment of one of our most j gt eater selectivity in educational; fJgH|f*l. sDlilI*S mile* southwest of Nava* ftov, tt distinguish these men from the j It is not necessary for pajama- bate was whether the assembly ' precious and'priceless tradition* j services, j man man. ami Janet Rm.». »k-« , t air- that the landing wa- made »eve»ai of Student Right* ami Wei- dates of the uppcrtlassmen, who ,> clad fre«hmen t« pass through the would place the China representa-j—that educational opportunity j Lxampie* of these fucce* are One day and the clash with nit!;- were allowed to remain another ■ lobby in order to reach the grill.. tion question on it* agenda be available to all wh' can the population explo*i«n, the ex- of.the finest artist* in the fare; Marjone Chresl, chairman,_ tismrn developed * wjjj dame Tuesday w»ih. of Drganizatumr. Margot j Darrrll Voittk, view chairman ,A rumor in Santiago wa* that "American education, ..." Dr. quimqent.*, America'* worbl le- ^ the pursuit i* commanded p*rro" - Li>psin'i force*, to find a the pattern of bu»ifi«s« and in¬ ture-Uomert series. Erich From I I O 111 in 111 tio, the armed forces minister. ' already in pajamas, ha varum* Oriente area* Many upper* la«*men were still The housemother i* not TW>p«>n- frci'Ti 2 to5 pjn.ti'.it'I. Wednesday, j Dr. Hannah pointed out that increase in the prop-, Mi«* ."snqer* said. return of. the petition*. i U» the United State* and it* social increased demand* for adult edu¬ fir«t performed in 1*41 at the . landing. THE RWfTCHIMHRD STAFF cation. Dr. Hannah added, 4'aii* Academic Roy ale de Mu- t>r. Erich Frtaum. wwkJ-re- \ The invasion party—believed to | All checking i* done by the Fii».«h-Soph council I* comprised | ami political system. In Abbot found it impossible to RA's who cwmc to the loitby at; of three committee*, the economic, to to feared, | "Borne of those fort e*, , . , " siquc. > now. psyd - Cmiter- ing- apparently aimed t«> re.r,. violence to our fundamental con¬ choo«e certain area* for atten¬ Sadler* Well* Ballet) She wa* e'-.'f Moiut-ev * a) Tu«via> it' force in»urgeni« fighting in ren- cepts of educational propriety. tion to the neglect of other* trained by Datne N'neft# * t. j(n» college juvt h*) rebel* ate battling. (0*110 * f-»urweKif» are rxpec'ed troop*. (far* - TIIE RDVAt-'BALLET 1* cur- br.i* f rcn-u d;."Au'.va- Be Careful If You Peddle rentiy performing at U»« Metro •A J. • - UI \n: Edu- •'" % ... . -, , (politan tRxT* where It ha« lieen ca*.ia. of T^iay *ini« Sept. tl D.yi«ec-Margot D KAB to Air Ami Police Won't Meddle , jh*« ha.l rh. till. lx„. ... <«.■ •* wo: V. ••fllwioiw ' -Ui,d:r,." ,..i — —. Series of Folitieul By DON H. PEMflKK rthi» service, but student* wiM be. "t»i*flle." *"d■■ -—choauwiysw. ft*. was State New a I'alire KepoHer 'ticketed if they do not get the } "A* fw Margot Fonlejrr '** ' ifl ) rapVt.crv ""**ved WKAB will broadcji»t. a* a riage wa- even conceived b> man. , #rifJ . rpar t0fi^u,r ,f |t balienaa at the Met, "she never 4 * lw er * WM*«**tr » public service-IP the last week* Injm.o 6.1,.*. ».t. Mllmr „ r.dd.n .1 m»hl and each bike "»inr* on stage wittout creating fS-«cfrvanalytw Ins'duur a*vl ln- tofure eiexj'ion «ia>. a series of tbemseivf* all over the^euntr^ on D>yi^ for Sw*:w; Reiwarc^x. have a horn or a toll ! a rose anew no matter how; long v 'J twrn wheeled contraption* called A cvcliat mual ntoy a'l vehicle i *he ha- performed He uitnriew hui t*nfw director ■ five weeki^- hoiLJiour program* dealing »f ^ V- f" ar>4 as prafei- will togm Sunday at l p.m *oi... kik». *.rf pu-h-4 f on ,„h not as a "radiant anartment*' and a ' W*f of p*ychoi The program,, entctled "Michi¬ tork«rou!Ki— (or lkr« riJi at SHe th,„ ,br,„,t. M«at«liite* fh* ractehzaUon." gan Review t the D*ue»." will to ads of people. To top off all the must-nots 1 he Royal Ballet * towr is iU na> wr*ten a oumirer of import-j Children, roll.,. atudmU, ••Ml ,X.„ (, , Wh.n > htk. u sixth in the United State* Ml MOW. .d.nt -tK.p- Pr..., wntnr pnlMW. i-rk^, it must to parked 'Brought to thi* country by S. From Frw-i<*.\' -T»w An «• " And thw lead* u* to the proh- bteyrle 'rack. Hurok the company from Lon- Lmlne* »nJ -S.xmuiKl ftrua -. '"-'' """ -ijr.Hon rf.. m* t4 bike* Ml the caatptt#, a IF A BTrilKBT could get gf don's Royal Opera House. * ovent « f Dr. Press will interview auth- perennial dilRcuity here at the J «he lUnkc, of Florida SU'c Umvcr- •* the con-litutitinal convention* Ri-U«ht. .» h.., Irlr.i,r,l lh-.e wouM b, 1 Series A) hit. of informoUon for .tudoM u. pc^entation, the P„l,r. .nlicpot. • r,. .,r.l num- j pai.y perform "to toe com- D-s ^,^ thr tirobi^rt, of Xw*o pooel group* will ex- re«pj*ortionment ami the que*- "Col-jUn of uiabva on the first Uire.e | tor of bike registration.*, but hope Cygnes" ,1 Wednesday ia Serfctf ^ Admio«*axa Today." programs PIRAT, ALL MKEM must to [that all student* will follow the B. A spac-aJ performance to in- J Jnusmg to epaoeor Una eortdok. The fourth program wdl deal . a hi a* pa** !• wis Srto Ml. (State Nava Skate Ir registered. Starting October 11 rules and eliminate the usual con- wnll to green on Thwas- f'utng education event are : the with tne international scene and BSfiatration will begin at the cam- Igestion. day. All performances are in MSU Ot '. «• inpto thto mi-ia wit .arc Jwrjr Halm*.) vvc LK\»n of Stu- tne U*t one. two'day*-tofoi• aje* - I day. ^ pm police headquarters on south I hop# so too . I'm a podefh ihe iudrtoriuzTi and begin at tont# and tne , . , A*»^- j tion day, wilt survey national to am U (to MicUz Crnn There ia ae charge for 'trian. 1.15 fMU „ iCouaaeiurfc IMuea. . j MICHIGAN STATE SEWS PAGE TWO Jack-Dick to Debate Tonight major, op the Sop'embe ■ opening. NBC presidential nominee declared in j to, by hi* own party. The plan WASHINGTON, f,F)—tf their | TV network* | paid. a speech at a S100 a plate fund j wa* defeated, 12 b» fi, by the Sen- tactic* of the punt j week are any »*dio n®'*- In the wake of the fir^t meet TIIK I.AST DISCUSSION wa* raining dinner. ' ate committee. indication, the rival Democratic ing, many viewer* said Nivon a pretty polite affair, but trinre A* for Nixon4* role, Kennedy Kennedy said ♦!•»*. for the pres- and Republican presidential can¬ appeared wan and tired. Repub¬ then both men have been hittititr said tha Republican White Hou*e' ent "Cuba is gone" and that he harder on their stumping tour* candidate haa admitted that a know* no magic formula to bring didates will peel off the kief j»I?vo» lican national headquarter* said around the country. strong program of U.S. aid for It back from behind the iron cur- and slug in tonight's second round thi* «m hecauat of the lighting tain. of their national televised debate. an>l makeup. K'!,M minute* 1'or relnitlal eom- | niuy hear heavily on the dtvtsirtfts j land Nowaday. Each will question nedy ducks talking on this sub¬ voluntary sUto-operated program ject in tho South. Nixon said ho for modiral care in a speech at an Urfllt. million* of vtdeu in v.-hat i? i the candidates in turn, one ques- TIIE HOUR-LONG DEBATE 1 shaping up as a very elfsse eh tion at a time. himself talks the same way evening rally in this great lake north, oast, south and. west. city. _v.ill begin at 7:.'I0 p.m. (KDT) j tion. It !ia< been estimated more Kennedy Thursday Blamed nod will be carried by the three I than 7i| million person* tuned in i Niton ami tha Eisenhower ad- At Cleveland, Nixon gave this Earlier Nixon made a quick assessment of tho medical care dash to Nashville, Trim., for Seminar I ministration for policy failure* which "he said led to eaUblDh* mrnt Of a Militant Communist perfermanoe of Kennedy; another try at capturing some of "The program he talks of now tha Bouthern states. The fre SPARTAN WIVES net outride help Stanley. Sara C'arlwle, Mm. Sue Carl- Investigates was ro'ected earlier this year, quency of Nixon's Kouthcru visits { . i satellite in Cuba, in their rookie liakintf fair open him-c iind Mr*. Ilfthrl Slunk). (HUle "It i« tho party in power which IT, ta I, by tho committee in tho gives some indication of the Nr»* I'hi.lo by likhurd Slevcnn) ■ mutt accept full revponnibility House of RoprotonUtiqpa, This nopea ho and his supporters have I Monday night. Itaker* are (l-r) Karla committee waa controlled, II ta for pulling off this trick in what I University Faculties j for thie d.*a«Ur," tho Democratic once • waa tha solid Democratic : South. r» cent* each. Ml" Tim nrwl for r valuation of college faculties, the method* . (lounnpl In McCarthy Heart nan THR NASHVILLE rHOHIll /iimoiiiH'PHinils ■•e-haif of the to idec mi -t. be pit lil (bi n the order The MSU Cycling Club w • used, and the problems involved were the topic* of discus-j was not as demonstrative «s .. . . . Tuesday's session of the Seminar on Institutional those Nixon drww in New Jersey JIOIC Oil 31111' (111' 1 ("i""1 nt 2 p.m. Sunday at thi rion at Research (IK) at Hello## Center. Lawyer-Actor Welch Dies and tho thropg he attracted Philaiklyhla WcdnMday. II u I /•'#(// (irilllllllU'S ()iilt'i> for «M|"» i.l-o - ink,.,, .1 and gown- wn I through November 2* The The I'* ' destination • wilt . . WO'I' be rw. decided at Under the leader.-hip «»f Dr. ] " — iaiom IIY/N'N'IS. Mass., f/Pt—Joseph Recently he had been tha host they let loose a cheer when he Jbitio* Dot, .lire/ or of 1R St 'he which are used to collect data. far a televised mystery aeries. He aaid of Kennedy: tInters for fail term commence¬ jio*t for the rental of thc-c item*vthe meeting. University of Colorado and Dr. He explained-.-many of thee N. Welch, the Boston lawyer All interested cyclists msy a» alsa did several "Omnibus" pro¬ "I aay if he wants to he ment announcement* hum !«• James Saupe, assistant Trofes- forma and indicated that math- who*# dry wit and keen legal grams, explaining tha law and Its equated with the record of Hairy iciit* will he deliver. tend. The ftrrt regular mectir ! placed at the Union hook-tore be i #|( JvVo before, and t aps and r<-r of IR a' MSI*, the 20 mem¬ led* would v.irv «■ to ♦hc.mmd gained him nationwide workings in laymen's terms. He Truman he ran hava it tier a use will be at 7:dU p.m. Wedtievuiiy ber-. exchanged view* on the .-•re and fort October 2* The price /«»i , r,» four day * before torn- typo «.f institution* prominence In the televised Army also had delivered lecture* on the the American people don't want , in 2nd I M. problem. WANT or Tlt£*r forms re- McCarthy hearings six years ago. i United tiUtea Constitution, that record." | I amiotincemcnU iMiigc from 1A To i mcnccmcni. The three type* of research ct'Tr the faculty'member to in¬ died yesterday, lie would have' which can be m»de on faculty dicate thw number of hmirx been 70 Oct.. 22. input and output are types A, II which he spends 'r. clays prep- I.iving in retirement In hi* se¬ re,| C, Saupe arid. Claw A in a rati on, in research, and admin- cluded ('age t od home, lie wa* eludes the routm? records which I'tyation. Many members of the ho*pitalued early |a*t month for lev kept on * Da* faculty, while croup voiced concern over fa¬ a he«rt condition. His wife was HERE! THE GREATEST da-a II i* le.-cai.h into a ape* culty resistance to thr plan and at his bedside when dtaih came n fie problem, t larr C denotes Its effect upon faculty morale. unexpectedly in ('apf"Cod hos¬ M-ie»ieti on gercrJl problems Dr. Jams** Strauss of flrinell. pital. Saupe noted that the fn«t two Iowa, said that in small collages Until the Army-McCarthy hear¬ • re the most dften used and tiie dean should know their fa- ing* put hi* face and ever-present t'.jt the gr»ui> would spend cul'y ami thi* .should make bow tie on the nation's TV screens irost of it* time on thvtn. Questionnaires unnecessary. he wae little known outside legal SimONEDEtiK CHEVROUT Most of Tuesday was devoted Viny others in the group frank- circles—but was considered a to studies on the flcuUy mem¬ Iv stated that they had not ac¬ lawyer's lawyer. bers ability and the amount of In l!»r»9 he moved from the curately filled oj' »he forms v ork tliat no tributed Soup# dis¬ v.hen they were confronted with courtrwm to the movie lot, and stand irdiird forma •t cm. portrayed a judge in a film called ^ THR Drnirv of cooperation "Anatomy of a Murder." IDs act¬ would depend u;>on faculty" tra¬ ing earned him a nomination for (lonccrt Will ditions, D«»i said, .Hit he doubted an academy award. thit any trouble w »u1d be en¬ Ihn't *M me M* jh M and stsm—«lw waM, fsmmm 11 Ch**> ■ahl V, aiMiai anl Li an^MiMiMi ika countered if the dean ami pres¬ Feature Trio — v (dw wj www ident backed the plan. Henml i\umln'r wrtSU —M ■ btt (t, pn yet ntn inrkn Dr. John Fadenrecbt of Wheat- si dn«ii 1st parilag and Man-win,) The Beaux Arts Tria of New •«r. .Illinois, ju4tested that 'tho Iahp Licrme* " Init MvW -a 1-fl jos a Sill ataaaura ot York will be featured in tho music (acuity be informed of the plan department's concert series Sun¬ .tnd its purpose tef're »i u un- A rerord number af habitually Char, aafan. Dnor agaaia,a art a, day at 4 p.m. in the imuie audi¬ (iertaken. | irre»pon*jh1* Michigan motorists aawk a I iacbaa -Oar la giaa frai. kaaaa. torium, This conterenc- be»ng at- j had their driver liren*ea-eanrelled, •a* alWn* Ik, uwka^itaj ri^il of sty. The Beau* Art* Trio I* com- tended by 20 jfliculs fro.n lib¬ revoked, or *u>pet«dad last month. And ika — aaaf-rkair aaaM us » mu h posed of three famed concert art- eral arta coil ?<••• throughout the At the monthly meeting of the aa 11% Ms. Meimhem Pre»*l*r is pianist, Al drile West. It u devotesl o alt j Mirhlgan State Safety Cnmtnu- klpff—|uM ngkl 1st aanag. ,ua( Daniel Guilel, violinist, and Ber¬ phases of planning in the liberal sion, Jame* M Hare, secretary of rgkl lat auiag nard Greenhouse, cellist. cr»* colleges. frj«r building \ii- state, annouiii ed that 2.0P0 The trio first appeared at the One# jse'ss aWlM Mania )ntl'U kaia ihratiim to *Uff p ining. The driver* were "grounded" during Berkshire Festival in 1t>R5, where minar is oc'ieuulwl from Oct. i-eptrnilwr having "long and re- kigk set aid* fraaia for Owrrolai'a (fan ess dMMaainaa , th.:t bnng tnu a nfff mwMirs sf « Ttie entire teii'on wa* marie recklrw driving, operating a ve- in Europe "and Anteiica. puoslble by a grant from the hi. le while under the influence of ■ff»l aa aark aa I iaekra, aad ikm'a )wm thr rUftnot Chfues nj nil. Beethoven's movement* will be Li intoxicating liquor, speeding, im¬ My lindowmen* Inc. It is Mora lag roma, loo—front ami mrl. featured along with compositions ii.*d by Lhe # ,'ieo of ImtiUi- proper passing and other iqjsfbtf from the Impressionist and Ro¬ t *<"frn cf »ISU, I>r. violation*. Otsrj's ess trunk it nwrtking Oao thai mantic period*. According to Huie, 21.152 er¬ •ill jlssss jot kagal,—«kat wtk its Pftil Dressil, «!"irt^r. ring Qiotorist* have lost their daaf anil akapa and InaMfar loral inadin, driving pnvtlege so far thi* year it koldi Ikinga jse'ss essm hoaa aUa to Palace Worker# compared with IIJN during^the MSU Host* 3t first mna months of la*t year. "Accident and ronvictaon-prone gat la a Irani Mm. Ifi. giamyal, aadiard w tkia rat ia Threaten Strike motorist* "who commit moving I.ON DON. The men who ltaml* Sol. violations month after month arr •nk afacsoufnffi aad cifan-trkfd flf- ^ana, it kolda midfwil) la all Ikt tknfly. largely responaible for highway rolled the garboge from Bucking¬ dffaadakia nrtuaa Ckanaitl ka)W< kava ham palace and the House* of The Marching band Jhll plav fatalities,** Hare aaid, "Moat eiti. esses (a laka far yaatad. Taut daaiw'r Parliament threatened- today to host to 24 vtaiUng high school sen* and nearly all safety ex¬ hand* Satuisiay in its sixth an. perts believe that suspensions and Mm mm ta an for a! Ika dwwla strike. nual Band Day at Spartan s'.a- revocation* are the enly way to Their grievance i* that West¬ ium. The maased bards, consist¬ convince careless iwetorM* Chat minister cvty eouiutl, t!irlr em¬ driving ut a privilege which must ployer, has promoted a Jamaican ing of some 5,500 musicians, will be earned through responsible he. immigrant from dustman Igar- present a halftime program c*f havior on the highway*." three numtwra—"Might and Maj¬ bage votlector) to dustman-driver. All jiiher driver* in the city esty." "Marines Hymn" and the MSO Fight song. Vleatising an vice are white. Et. Col. William Kantelniann, Una Sflffiinn CoumIUo! Arthur Burton told former director of the U. S a Council meeting "It la intoler- aide that a man should he pre¬ Marine Rand in Washington, will Of hew Rrconl* vented by his color from driving conduct the "Marines Hymn" In Town — At At 11 30 the "Parade of Bands" one of out^refuse vehicles." Official* said the drivers will wilt begin a* each unit marches twr inert Saturday to decide whether into the stadium to present a two j to put then strike threat into' minute performance At P15 the MM' Rand will step onto tiie flvld to put on a 0U( SHOP Tkrra'a ami itoa • Irani Iii, * Mora! special pie-gam# »how. I; wsll 121 t. ttfiANB RIVER TW flnof'a latillid Mora tkan kail a include dull# ami dance steps new aad tka landing kaigkt a « mm a 10'a to *V*s, Nr. That * My Baby," Information "Begin the Begum#" and "Missis¬ mmimm i laaor. sippi Mud." *************** I'OLRRINQKH4-rp w ,Y House. iiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ 314 Evergreen, IRTMMCII6 TRI11CIIVY tt THlKW ATI DENT AMO* 2 Spartan's CIATION—10 p.m., UnKersity t.uiheran fhurvh, l*op corn Pbft). Illl.l t ts—fi p.m., Trof. .Krugvr's ;" BISCATNE6 the Isesrn farad /ULaaW Otny milk residence, 31" Jehn R. btreet. ' hukkoth Serviees, IIII.LtL—Saturday, 10 am, i-—- lei House, Sabltath Serv »c#s. Hit-1| '. j | \ HAMBURGER (far tsmftn at aaaff ia, ftust! Cbm'l an 11 Btacayaaa—6 • \"8— #ta )ou a fad Mtaiara of Cknrolat i gualitr, roomnraa aad porad taafara- LITNEKAN KTI DKNT kSSO- 414TION—Sunday, 6 30 p ni . 1 Inttersity Lutheran Church,; I Supper and Frog ram. j■| HEAVEN amf—)at tkra'r* pricfd doaa aitk anna can tkat prs jot a lot laoat Now 70a oaa kara mam) aad caafart, loo! M THF.KAN INQl IRY CLASS- ■ , NORTH OF SEARsLCLIPPERT ST. Sunday, if:l5 p.m., Uaivgrwlty! Lutheran Church. j* ACROSS FROM FRAN DOR MILLEL— .Sunday, fi p.m., llillsiila House, suptwr and mixer to ■ 1. Stt tht sew ChtmlH tan, Chery Curtain and the new Corvette at your local authorized Chevrolet inahe^t FEI.MiHSMII* OF RKLl4*IOl'S a LlHEKAl^L—Sunday, 7 Voii Expert I mrirty A You Get It •it rvoui, L'nwn. 1% a B.s a,■ ■ ■ a a ■ ■■■■■■■ I PAGK TMRKK •lent, applicant* must have pub¬ llVNikita Howard King, KAM Open lished w/m* «,f their work in ac¬ Campus Clamifitds , .. Low (><>'. ceptable publication*. Bentley Warns of Typographer, To Interested I'rojeetcd plan* for thi* fall in¬ To be at MSU Photo Majors clude a»-i*tir.jr in the instruction of photojournalism at the Utah School Journalism day to be held CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS 'Fat Little Man' Kappa Alpha Ma, national photojournalism honorary, con¬ at at MSI,', Oct. 15. A tlob pic-nk .*. tf .ouif.) Frda.. during Me fa!: pictures of the queens at ■! |r*nerwj o:?>.:> dur.njf the i.u'nrT - r jerm. publicity shot* of the weekend .•«- N. nd .rw>-ta;o- paHf a! handled by member?-. I*ho*oifr»ph- fca-s U;-. .-.g. M.c irj? of rarnpu- dance* i* another duty of the honorary. Membership in the Honorary is open "» all students wi-, have a *p<-«iai aptitude for photography, are of sophomore *'»'■.« and have a 2.U s'l collide average M'-mrd- ir>it to Norman limes, rlub proi- SERVICE jaccajc xky no a: ... . .e - . -c. • • rrj t-sn JK.Oti. M o rn s-o Your Key to Better Value a . . . r>» K«rn; Cam put Classified.*! . . . Low tVi it' "» UP"» * '" SHOW ON WORTH! .More .siia''!1... more spunk ami wapow. too Here'i the new IJje*v fVirvair for *61 awn a complete Ime tf complete thrift car* To atart with, every Cnrttif hit a tuiget- employment p (eating prrc* ug. Ami Aiorvtir g«»e» on Irorn there to hi* you even n»'fte. Win rttra Rule* per gaib n . , , tfuidieMban ever roldaUft warm up to ecu vU.'t atvirjr Kroprr . , , a new optc front '' • your luggage (*e»iar.» and cotif-e* base aJmott 12% morejpahia trunk •(•#' t|. WOMAN WA*T*D row '% rv ' Ami our new wajtoua? JWU htc tura.— TV *ewrv c«r in Anrrva- th* ( ORVAIR TOO Ltlii think they're the greatest that for m(KiD 4-HOOR STATION WAGGON. ftnilM aince boute*. I he l.akew agot^you're %>nr.t V* have t.» *ee —it give* you up to ITS.5 cubic fert of apace for you an 1 your Uune*-, real estate (anair'i whole thrifty lineup get* it* pro fr«««•" Vll»-»JS»1 «:Jwe-* SB*. No»*r? r»M* iMBMmwt la K> MTW ; > rmoAV ma auvci i Aft IT MiS* > UM» BOWiAUA COAT V#* jn yrwaffuia-d# CRFFNBRIFR coaomrr caw, rtcru -JTTRTS W \Ui\ *.:i UP wrwB.a*.- *w>(iis» i*r <*U(r •*e« TX" i-.a«r; I* e^|k P* fKwe ei «ucA A*»r- «« ortwaerv «aca>u (Ma/d >*-♦* PEMt.Vf.TOy fTAMURD CJt. personal TJtK. irwewrt'*-. i*> ~«eti. n» .- »wr*jiM at to Mas KODAK an_%r aar Ik« to ms.aacMA K«« MM AKT* «« mew* «f1 «» K-ea ** «ft*ar rrMmy., V«iMsi» Sm the mio Chemltt tan, Ckery Comtrs and the netc Corvette at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's r r^* •nr ■*.:»» vntJs I*- erwcTip» fra«W tAVESl CAT TUIAU. ,frwttMfci-i w*:. U j-aic. Kill l)A V, OCTORKK 7. I'viii: i in it MlCHlflA W 8 r ATI MBWs - _T. - - - \ I Sfflni of Ml«h«|i< simkrr Suli- A((iiIn Army ('ihIpIh del Half-H inft* At i.erenumy KKH' VO«K. 'V' t' Knginwrss Plan .Movr Cold Hip» Shakeri "ihN'iiin' will ntfftin l»«* the •'piril'* Ht H|milnii Sin- ru-wly enrolled Aduuu-i I Army HOTl' r:i l. In thr Arm;.) unJer Arn.y i-oritfBc*. la.;: u., i» eat J rail. 's selected were: second erfudi of |h;4 tvp«- To New Ituildin^ in "62 Invades ilium. Senior ruUfii'll will In* In# RmVfi umi wlilU? blinker* out.- their l.nif-wlru'n In the office j Capi&l « *-> Airpurt ... |} AlllnKl(-,n „f itHy. than thro® A-wk, .,n,i null* till- Himliiun hi'fort' thn I own of Col. M.-flmi-K Mitinon, pro-1 Completf** Mh.- fliUht train- . . ... of a Korlfu of it'uhgrii i v Aiime Snttinlny. urn fill ,.r triillliiy m-mw*. PWUp M. Merte* »M- J ii. » ■ ■: ■ \ pi.i »■ ,( : •■■*•«»« ii.y > ' 'ID' i- it »,.,!!•« hy tin' It'll ( t »'«• iiihahlv L ,.f .. a I;.... Inn t i III*'. • iii-i «♦-J• ilIM«r* hr Mllill il The 11!n• luiiiilu • t» mlleil far III tllilt Campus i'i'lllii flu Ii. CAMI'L'S t'liAHKIKIKIJH . • r.illri week " dl'AI.II YIVIS cadets mer* r* nlM's Hrcns* and inst'ires at-! 9*>ii, Ill; Joim L. Coiifh "f jneetrng. teftrthfice-. tifmn — entry — phyalcal and in e tt fa 11 duty a! t&e Army Aviation I Graff of letiuiinjj lr: artive j HaUle Creek and Thotnas U — p A t„»aj „t i klJU'il in thrnj prr-viou: |fl2 pern,. .Mill i*M It f > 11 • ll|ri'lll ("Mill* itl'll'V, . . Vi til Jiu-i'imJiiijf in Mi j i MM .11 KKADKKSIIII' craxhes. lt" *t»»(etnr«- iiii/iuil ii- Tlif i-iitiipii* i- •** nn I'nmjMifl CInfn .\, I;..- iiiiium nt I Of i: flu 1-r hji|iii» InlmiH , .I—-4i;«tMliIIIf lji- iiiiuii-.. niid nn : Series Set 'i wfi-k Ktii ii pi r» »• ntitu** n!•!•!. \rai. nfii-i I In In* "mil. iibinit one r.-irisl rnlIon of -tio|iiid« I'oiilnrt • ifi-f a lartfi liii- fall "h'tulil Attend Church "lidll ll'O-'il : i I II 11 * I • I « l III Whuh Will (uolialily la-it nliout lit iiioie ilav . Bv WKAH in' iii'iuiod I'll 'I'lu-if nun" ■ Wul Tbil Infntlon in tiu» mmmun •f , , II'i . IV d fiy i! II- d.i'i I iiii-I immi H r»iTiTiM'-i i - ! 711 ill «f|ltlf.| 'rolil. lie *»ul, mid H not a Hll »*|»i deiiiu east lansing churches >..!•.i.»; i:.. -.u.i (*Jjii. Ihoiikih Imy. ii> no liio-iiT I In. • I I H V ■ - III-.I ffi- tn. a! flitin t* normal for mua Mini* of i i i inn at iuuiiii'i lit i' will liavf to Aiimriian* on fdiimtion will l»r y,.rtl< (,»• aid In- added mi laii-t. hr «md prnaented m .1 newly i-"in|ili'lei| ' '('lie aleire of mid'# which yearly I n la- I'mani ed - late f'iiul», f sfrn- "tlral K>"usuii Kiln ' Infeetn the I'limpili at Oil* time h UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN , fi" tinil<(11 « . ! • i, .1 h,. 1 doe to niiiiimitiily liviny, he -Hid EAST LANSING i i'ol '"ii' iv I he eomilHill cold if prevalent PEOPLES CHURCH ... I . f • , r, p,llK|„(, h thioiiulimit the I'piled .Slat _ Ih of CHURCH I 11 urn \ 11 oii|m 1' to a repolt 1 -ued hy Perhaps you've tried everything >u 1 e 'II •I». I h.. . . A I'll IT Will ill- I... lit ' ' ' ,1 rll :1 - r• ; l» I loll Nniuiiir 'll I • the Health In-iirMia-e Ill-Millie, in hut tti*t wh:ci» really i«tiif.r«. You <1 1MNITY (HUfiCH • I •• Ilu -mil h ■ ..f Shaw "■ • 0 tino a vea 1 \ lane there were lift mil¬ never know the true joy of living un' l EAST LANSING tin AND STUDENT CENTER 1 - f« if- at 1 1 I'tilled Nlntf* • I .me, |.. lwii-ii Anthony Hall ami »«>!'"hol lion 1 old- 111 the you try Gt*!. Hear stout Jetus thr.** I-1 per! ni' llteratii 111 e 1 a t ln!*rr*K«mlii:'liiifl>l tin- watei rr 1 1 in.1 Viol of \n rtK'u ' ' m • eve re eiionyh lo involve a re*trie. and His sslvttion at crnr Church th.s din a* mo, and tin- \ tla.'J. K -not f"' "f,!, ■ lion of in 1 ivily or lo require tnedi- Sunday "O f.ura and n>« ihaf tlw 1* SjMrisa A.«w » Intrt'dewmUnatioft*! \ < 11111 t till r I* "II, ...■ .1 >■( • .. 1 al ltl l ent loll. Lonl i* goto/. h/#v*e(/n the rrian that ftfetlunal »iitheran t'nonclt Rrt r 11 f.» Nf WO MAM* sen h>»i (.rand Hiver at Mir in. I-... The I lo million telalivt l\ sevrr« Iruateth m Him ' l**alm ?* t - I. ami Ann i»tre»t, f. I-. I ■. IHtl«l"ii - • vv.M I ... •- '• ' ■ mid- aid llm In li'nli. made up I! fclni-liv North of Ht-rhry Msllt^ Ilr Wtlhtf UotirrlM.n, p»«i., MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL of I . a laipe poll hoi of I lie .Ulx million Pinsli Pnlni CMil'i Klink-n * lit. I*. Marion ii.nim t !• hi id i I I a Ka il in ule ion.lit ion- which were in¬ Uk All ttnlio, J. hctiramm II W ;t t! put-led anioiuf Hie nalloii's civilian t If A It *4 * Si lempiia taorlifr: Ail** Teela Snn-1 Urv. Itov 1 • I • t u " . In 1,1 nlhei ' population p, ii'mi emlli'ii in June, I iliiriny Hie one vear & STUDENT CENTER (Missouri A H'ISORSIN Mvnrfd) -naniNfii «tn tni- nil «• III 2-tJTI of H»1-«d!9 ■ _r In addilooi in roliU. -7 million t sa am 0 1 \n nl -1 iriali"! iervhe. 9:Id, JP.lV It J# A W 1 ,,{ infeelOMiH aueti a* lone 11 t smiJHUi A (.HI At UIKI1 ' »t MlAV RIKV'C r linivcrsitif.H 11 eili" a liiih, were leported tuukltiK H tola! 111 \ltlinll Kiiail •.'{ Illock* N. of I Hion htudrni tta*s ll:l« am. \ti 1 '" '''1 t»:3» A l|ffl>d ant. ..I It- milln-: ijp|.t r I i--,iir.tiiry i I- t-uiliern Alnfnil A»t4«l4lu.n •itnfp sMtvurs W111. J. Itritton. Castor \\ ash' SpatT r r II.. illl. itl II I uuiMn-.l la If i Ah— , ,,f u|l|lrr htp'l A I'srsonagr Telephone l.ll "!-#77" M< im tu»«ic *ii|ipi*r • i J» p-m Till' HEART Hf l>t'R I Al I »t pitalioy 1oinlitnun .occurred to t ( Una tee I siofeat* Program - till pin Kev. Hoy J. hcliremm children under the aye of Id, the In ClassrtMMiis \|.io Ui ."-I'lirt'. i'| in i.nh- - II idler talk* I 11 ll fit hy In lit,tie icpotted, and in yeueial, Mintlar Oorshlp Hrheduie: ft, |0. and Vespers at 1:13 p m ||;IS a m I iv p.m. trtauy rajhruu yellow- ' Mil t; Attn* AMI RMH.I'tN IHA-v" IN lo wntut'iLJUwire than men. I luirih ii hu' l (.4IIUIIA IMta-Mtudents Mupprr and Croirain •h:> H-ffM wniw-i of |he i hrn !• \ Su-pi iMiot. I'ro vir Mohammed 1 ousel, (U'twral 5 3d a lt:»» a m uimli.; all,111 \, W ^ ofk 0 to 9 p.m. V SO p In Sol»»»4.i ItCBlBI aefretery ..r the !-uti» I >1 t»n (em- put. , t . i l i" In nt of (in ii- da- H.-I'M Malik.- ' -I' ! f ' he Salt I I \oinoill t i Un \ Idvn 1-llMit, H tif , Krifiade'* Officer'* frsvkliiii a I ampus Ministry for Married and single Mudenis Putu 4lit Hitlt sluUj I.U p.m. la.jturr llm. trib room ihrough high »>f _!• -(: ,Vf' '• " S. F !■-iti kill office f the J VV. iUilC, ... Nc »■' i'f ir ST. JOHN (HUKH 1 K. 1 1 [ ll, ... ,«l K. Ill ' Ill ! . 1 •• 1111. .1 *- • 1 tli-llc, lilt Al'!" Ktm'" (HRISTIAN FUST CHURCH OF METHODIST CHURCH OF EDGEWOOD h, ... 1.» i,. niTli' 11 nviiuiiiu >'-«• t"< *' .lice im .l.-s-.t |f| .yppninied 1 1 tlw-.r taiei- p4i.i. at...t . M MSI '^i- 1 «»l 1* v*4 **t tiiMi'i f », I !Pl(l-fij in iirlef STUDENT CHRIST, SCIENTIST 4 CATHOLIC STUDENT - ;t cm <«f l»t" . in-*r.:..|ii Mm. ", cm h un a EAST LANSING . M«ii V. ,1- „l l». C I'll; ' ' Mi lit"-.11 II. .1 II lift 11 IS II It." «,!,t i,f 1 »h" ( -'I'c •• 1 ii 1 q it a! -• . . . u »" tv.ll hr nf TP c'teliK'ted art Mem. Hail end PEOPLES CHURCH 1 1 ■: "i, of m-'i 1' i !.t^cp... '."ii lua- x " ' 1.1 . a miMUpnu If.-Ho: Charl-ni ( • I iHfl .V c! 1 placed FOUNDATION IAS e, Vriad Riser CENTER 1: til then i 1 1 ' V ll |. 1.4 WESLEY FOUNDATION fnterdeaomiaational . , . 1 iiu ' i-rt 1 ti¬ ' 1. I 111 nv • !(I-1, Cadet 1 .- Ititi ni (hr. eful.l without huihl ,i"' ■"*" ' (•• ugt Hiun. li't LauNag tr R Kisassugti H ! cl»i nwirL, a was »*»••*!•»• • I ""><• lt l .U.I '• 1 lu- \l.» I- • M 1 11 ml Yr lr'i do/1. Sea - lis W r.rand Riser Milton M. Tennaal. ■iti* v Hagadorn RoKd . I, trt M AC. Avenue S»i .0 IV !. \ \ 11 *. I hfim.H K S I Itled • Jt»«pl| A I'ii'Iei, MWlvIrl I, gnrden (hurrb Servtre it A M, I.esrge • 4 biixin north of lit and fi " ii.e. ti-nd «.» d Km . .1 , V\ iin.etka li'., 111 (i-1 A/ofieo II of *MSd«y Matses Mlatalert he I • i (halt email to: \ Rtv. Irunun A. Morrison. Miimt . il iit (i l }d pjMkXafter AM R»*»ftt A Urv. lit iilMin SI * »ljrrt»..n T*nn»nt Rd "8 ItTS Ml I f UIH ITII t »l M Rev. (rumen A. M»rri - i hoerh ftcboiif ,» , (oovi.ic tea- h lit - I It*' I're-idf id'- \ • » ■ • ' v UI t». (.r*wd Riser 14tarday MM * MM* I*At. Churrh Nervirev: 1:41 A li t* % m. I . t o oitiii t ! • i- iv- Widne-'iav uu't at lite Tl cla n* p.m. • (MsiPt'ft Yisrr.M .Anrsdry lor both berstaes f id a.m. £ II in t hi Hon I ll PN. isadsy l««s ■ Dr. NtllSee Knkerlson, ftpeahet Men. thru Set ft alb • i P«- Kl ll.l' tl.fl, ,li Crib roam through -Jiini»r Hit* III •• . o. M«n, Tift, lhitft. A Tri t p.m. ire chHUimut. »md the liou-e ttIK ItlMMLAITV oriNI. MIKIt CATHOUe «T» OROAM- .ft pot- uo»lher> ten will Itr ^ 'ill to I -o AMI lilt; HIMVIllSdfy ()P IHt thur.h actio-1 ettrndl TburrR *Atf(»* ftl'MPAV lUisic. Ki'iilon day atti'Mioep a- \\ \ . t <■ I ni<- \ .-.He! 'FC. ■ All e»e fterslrr*. »-elfsme Is and stall and u«s IM t M I M. »:h am. College ( llm Junior m-ni«.r dlgb Hi|b gdltoMShip Pellossthip 7 «e t'-s P* pm M-hrUUled fo, Nov. ! :• at Paoss tl» t-dTTl II .M a.m. All Ages I'In \ ill Civic i Reading Rsssi tin- i it i i nd»r, Kan. ', ji ra d Kiatiii'itv vva" iliAcu«"it j„,h| K e u ! » »: ST. ANDREWS EAST LANSING h. Mw I -ii --nsi t ivtc. t enter Monday v»c® pre*uirn- . a.iii-.ims; I atiye EASTMNQTER KMOERLY DOWNS AU SAINTS . <» : t. at " UNITY CHTER The -,.7i Os ' i ! '.I- hrit, , nvr. oil PRESBYTERIAN EASTERN—OtTHOOOX n W. (.rand Bt*rr te. ; H' ' II' I ..iniiiiiiiy h t .iri-li- CHURCH OF CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Roam (J. Miller, revte' bunder .Morning taorebtp II ' ' * ' -f It • • 11- -( the • lie I'Lorr- Cfesrnts CHURCH PARISH mi *aadee dabjet-f. irlwol ltd am ticl-a: lyo -1. v. . |-,*v u. _.a'j "tdr ll-MMt /sVli Al l -M." fader rnmurUiia (I armed if d mergft «f (he Rang- aea Aaaart Bead — »» t*tlU r.oiv -0euipusw ni p.* Uim * The ««•?." chitiMg the itilertpi>*:i»n. -.ttac'tattori in- at 131* Ahhoit Moid beet jst, abt II I t owing Congre- Res is** f. JTarter - tbeptaia STUDENT CENTER llonsld lirtMt — foim • detest CUrh - On an i t > I* Moreland. Sltaistef ■ 1 pet. tMMt-.K" *it<». The (irvrk Tragedy Rrv Robert Bee. Boaert Oardner Had* rlease* Monoat a tardof * - - 1 sua hit.'.. • •« v piu» piano, lit Mipliwlrv galloasl thipUt* ta Muted iiadeats Rfl * fist street leasing Bar evenings at g.da pm. 111 Hiltrtdc tirtvs AffUlatad with She .-:••! i* ms.'p ' ha-> s> i »;•.!!• Oct. 7. Ixt I auiint l ailv scjmmM aff CbrtstUr e p.m. Be*, deary garni, A*»t- SHaister "f t"e . .' de- leas mm ~ Orl. Ill p.m. ami temporartif atreiutf at Ul K**g- j'U ' ! " .« ' • StADAY IMVU T* Itivine' Citarg v J 3d Joe VV m% and' Ann Kichardn I or Krvrnillonv Call Ir. Nigh hthool. bait Hreet w ,1 » t»r festuird. Wdhanis, IV S-lftla »IS Abhslt Rd. • dd A M. Il*»y Cammuaioa ita fag)tsb> LANSING CENTRAL FREE si-- .« i:*»w *st:gi,-.g with Kant. > per Ml Student Kates i id a.m. C bared iebasl ai ABAY bfRAICI A Tnnimunity t trrle rU|thnu*e a Hh har-M, • "* M'S. pewnfiii h'...»» -cvci Krnuin, Ann . 117ft shrrkisUL and Adult blade. I tt«d ana. d.Jd A M tnaassMis. Morataj j»M Piixu « boh (aurtb VrhasA METHOOLST CHURCH Adalt Classes Moraine Worsbia Washing tan at Jeflermit t» to he feaiiirevl with her hu«- M:00 p.m. * i #t trenspartatiod reD R »hert fa« I. Tits (iaapel of Jobs Ml s m Id AM' darning rtu" or daly t. The frossstaa and PaliUrs end tbarrb icbm.1 i. Aa Inlradwrttsu to the t bar.b § *d p at- del ft? 8*I13t Morning taarslup — Vteniae Warshi,* « The ftiagftsm sf t.od suaday f * Id Id a m. flaesbip •t hie itcdy wllb esnUoolog Cbureb »rM for tgrdaesdtv •tea.-' lid AM Morn ng trsvrr or Hu(« > veamg Warship — ' ** t *iNmswd p m. IParra *fl.o«t Wed. Kven.r 1 STUDEiNt_ SPECIAL Surserv and erlbberv both boara _ laaul> service TMOilTMH ATK»* OP TKIt— gar traaspartatbt rait ID C AAIIBII RV CIA 8 Tba Charm of the Ufif" alteraat* WedaevdeT* R. 31 Cased Life Hour* lilHI'KL" Ms P.M. taagtx (alt I is :•*•! lor trenspsrtaliou III 1-iddd at ftl» *•»**• (far f ran 1 pat ta lie a Call IV * " ' 1 omasaai*a Meditation SUNDAY DINNER NUT PRESBYTERIAN OUVET BAPTIST .'"INI |i. 111. till H:U0 | FIRST WESLEYAN METHOOLST CHURCH CENTRAL METHOOGT CHURCH CORDUROY Verth .Mag notta Ave. at Rev. keerie g, dilsaa — ft. Michigan MliW'l «»d otust al dacth da*. Mb C. dorm or, DO. Chaslaat CHURCH AC A H AT A* 1.39 i. (J blRDAT *111*1 f CONVERTIBLE •r.r.; Onea» buaday icbaat - III A.M. f M A 11 «d ' Itwrb brhaol a^ Capitol % Crsbberv A .waraery provided Mere to 1 Worship « ll.gft AM. a fa a ti de iatftg Mrrvn Barvhip Aarvtcaa i.dS A UUi 4MB* f" "lil BOAD* eg TBAVrC TO* Daal fgarrivan. graudhlag A oardreba-ia-ttaalf? Natural* bftBiiri Ywtk IriUtr — d.-fd PA abuulJered Jackat ia lined tn aa (hutch ftchaal i u lu Uftl in v 1-Jft P « fputod on can.ptM *" MUX KEF Aei.tjua Pribl uitk matching ft roast-porket handkerchief. has Ittaisi borstea — 7Aft P~M ~ IV l-dilb ^ — utampo' ' till renter rant, backing pockets, Antiqud cradled mots] buttons FRIED CHICKEN Trim, laporad Padl-Orad alacka. Veat raveraaa ta matak jackal lin¬ SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH -BAY INCLUDES: ing and baadkarchirf. Knarkaut Kilt TW WAbdtVOTON AV MOOMi BIV1B WUVf HOLY Cnlfwiaw Snlitd. WhipiN'd 1'ol.ltnfs and aolorgj at the bait tampur'abbps. MNItffi CHURCH Rich llrovvn (inty, ll»»ntr mad® Roils 3 puis Nexerasbte rorf tatl-iirad Siatka Coatoeitble .... ft# Pi Ml HOWARD f. bVGDR*. D. lititaOVD j. MLU Assoc. PuM Raster ORTHODOX CHURCH Tesaparary »aa^la^,^' ..... Mi M dft AM. dfttl bCHsMM. 1- renasvtvaan at Mar am and llultrr. and Coffer. ■9. Weaauagioa st Urn. IV. 4-aSM taivervMT Lathe ran Cha»'» nun r iraoot. covtrrt: ftlftM* I-easts g W- fglBaa lev r»). raster sunder fkhaal Ml e m OittaM al Ann *< rertobtrsul WatS* mf-oi* paster— Cell IV s-btau. (eg (re# ba« ears lea. Mara tat end evening vaadey bchaot: Jd-ad A.M. Momtag Warship lire* am teed JJcfch-l S.Oept.CA On use Litaiu: 1ft 3d AM. Beptlsg Tralarag lalaa (-.u pa- Jtshhalh irbaol . f Jd » «• MdMtb Sew. k 7 1. BBOlftft TO *OII.- Kraaiag Warahip 1 Jd pjm. Pagoda Restaurant a dd AM. "GOD Waeahia ta utdlpottrt father BenhtaAi* Karvory rgea al all urekei ,» dillerent tMits) lead $ J 50. 7:dft r.M. -WDKV COD Jl RlLPUi*'* taodaesdsy tvemaj Fraytr James T. Ward * f»"" RMWrlee 7 Jd pja. I>-*I K: MICHIGAN — LANSING » Jd r.M ADl'LT VOl Id gg.L«4>taadll» far Traasparftraa Call Aimtared with the aonrthera rhaaes Ji t 7-4414 - KO # Gaarga Teuerb KD 2-»U PACK FIVf FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7. I MO MICIIIOAN STATE NEWS, K»-f l-in-inv. Mirhifin Kn'w Art slum- | Engagenwnlfr *Y' POUM! Ituns l\ illi 1 uiiTiilt tit in «\MFKiu y *•» moo tnlfU*,. Plans Full ■ ■ *.**.>■.* Vie > J v. bor.', IZ 4A: sr/rt'/x. <*'V V.u , «4pn8Kff«. ri «rM rut Weekend ■ : wor*. Yf*7* tr'iti'M iU 'r,f /. «.»•. -,f tat K.'.r At'. Cm,- '«•*•••»/» «•».<•- lAJametui PcU^e J I.MIA IMI MKK AVOMKN - KDIT'Jft i/y.e nag*/.M » a / fag* Fall acce*f*orfp* accent the lateat In jewelry of the dangling type ami »hoe« THIS SUNDAY ttlrfl ya'j take #d*anUge tit oar dre*;wear. Judy (-fate. Detroit junior with long, long toe*. Matching color* I lie fir»t -annual MM ^_J_ru,yr laundry and and" Judy Hotter. lUiitie Creek junior, and textile* curry through the drr*s dry »leaning sm fcte try out their favorite dre**es bright* theme*. Pinninps tned h> hat*, the new skin tight glove*, forget that colored ho»t» are t.s» k JAZZ SESSION New "Fashion Accessories: 'TL*« >'«-ar\ phirr .mit' if i -de tr. iuv-, f?.«/ ?>j» t f< tilurift x tin» roof rhythm* nr«l y.-een CIcassr and coorageoojc Tin. li\f.llhl.O|{* Vital JPiirl of a Wardrobe - — For a fir.*! word tfe<- * f ««liion pioneering »*, a c*Lruiac*d Ts.'iO l». W. - FttKI. Shirt Laaadry - In to* word* of "'hi v toe own mil i,« true «sp»»ipljy AT 153 AKKOTT Rl». v. r.«n con3ider»n f i ».!*«■. Rome*h*r•• ' * »»fr" F. f.rand I(» Axrtt*- From Mudejs' Sertwe* Jiuildtng • •* "ftr too dinci" » *rat'i EVERYBODY INVITED , j far you * p. • • a; T» E P'eHT TASTE 6£V. J»t J fpl Viceroys got it... i J at both ends >: ■ * 7 T«£ ,;V «U» AWS Seeks .Mcmlier* for Uommittee tVVS Acti*vtie« tbvafd |n;h ,-' twni'l tiii* yea i- '•* . Aitt*' will he petitioning f» attend the SfceHey j T.«n program at the Lauamg . ■ 'enter Tue»4ia>. COTM. i* A • da »h<*»o regular hour* are •4 on weekday* will bo allowed N (ottefan of pyfot in worort remain out until 11:30 to at- ■ 4 the program if they aaaume a Watc h. Clock & Jewelry rampu* one weekend mght^ ;t.e next two weekend*. Repairing cSwtwtn^utxiMw U.f l-.-i. dcitKi, no^Mtt. m oi-»oc> BKODIK THOMPSON'S JEWELNY MbFfXERS 223 MAC Ave. Ka»t Lauio, "K*1 b-oitct s.tit 34^0. 7.N . EHXAUST AND l*»t f - 'co»-e- uocit in a>»» j. TAILPIPES --*-?1 Sr-£,. .-j •HOCK ABBORBKIH t-MOj. ttok«T 7-lJ i.:t) I.lit 9.M. 22.H I'lUNOS • AIRLIFTS' CLVRAATEEI) CAMPUS BOOK STOKE II \S FREE MEGAPHCMES TO AID TliE MSU VICTORY OVER IOWA. SWEATSHIRTS NEW COLORS NEW STYLES PENNANTS - ANIMALS MANY OTHER SOUVENIRS LOCATIONS ACROSS FROM THE UNION nmiAV. OCTOnRO 7. t0r,0 Ml t III fi A \ S T A T K NEWS " IV\GR SIX* mill Holm.- .Ill Tnlk I" It It; •!>•> h«.|i«l. «»l.l Tamiri.nd,j»ll)' "I Mflboiiriif, Auitmi,. prnlisblytti HrrHUTi 11 imtillr iprlurf iliirltix' MKI! Inlptnl. in Ininy ||„ . DiHctiNHiou ! Milm.-.' w.-ik ilny. Im.k t„ th. . ; IW"r» l« profrmor i f rmn.m • 17;,'wn1,^ ,",|'! *" ^ j <-<*i»ttiQ!lpf ahit *.|zi|a! Ho-.irnia- lias llh I'riii I ill" will >•»' tli.K'iniKi'il 8unil«y Kxpcii Bark I rim. Ill .ih.nri'i . It* will alio mHttf » video Up* fft'loloffy »'• (ht? Unlv,t»mlty oft A taalior- 'rtl H; 1p.m. nl St. . ' A '•-tii Tr «-ti ■ 1. n «>f .tolin' slmliM.t • of lift* in iio' mill.Hi- itpi'ii which North Ciirotliia, tho nuthor of l.'lj Uftinn T. Holm** ,lr„ ► , '7TK7JCS tft" 1..-.tS-.*.1 • «n"• jsW'i»« •tut y ( II V * H jptiii-li.- Il» Imp Thoiiuis I. Nun i will l.i- dbtributed iiHliotinlly tojhookii nnd the editor of five otherd , CAM PUB CTrASSIMKu IKUs , honiWmk i»v •' It. f Mnupmllo will In* f|n'nlo-r. Tlo*' mliMIr flfti'M lidevlnion PtRtioiiB, JputiHcatlonu. Ilo recently aai»« »• „ I Cli.icU-. Mint dl«Un* ' I'llurotional .< , -'_a2 ?: c , .ft a ■ o.» (imnuiCuim, |»r«»ft- - of n«i- li: • mil i- open in fin nil v, f.iiilt ituinlu'il vUiiiitK |»rof««|op |i«re j ! TownntMiii Mold. Townsemt nuld. Puihriaht lerturor «t the 1'niver.l . QUICK nESUT.Ts mS3s c *- f Muah'L jiu'iiHealth, fr •« H ox : V* JUr vjB^ctD|KaB "»N . I'lUi.'ioli v in id and .*1 mil* it in The (inntinl felruwl for nl! la'i full, will return to MHII Oct,I 11. .'I'-for'"ir-weok of special lecturcfi IfT* JJLM;1 It « The fJMVt.1! fr.T«».lt.1.«>k |»' > of Sflf, !/11 is{** . •Iftil-H lu'ptti' SiiioIh.v nl 7 :'i0 p.m. and film inakliiR- * ■ Sneak Pravtew ... will In* dnil> t Hi and \1qJSg7ii"'Nk !s ■ .1', fo >' [niliii.■!'< ■) >1 I" IH Scrvici'H nl ; do p.111. I'r I'ltul Frniilt will br Ur Mtiuiley I'. Tow-imcnd, head! S p.m. Tonight l! *a*4 is 1 u t Jw;ta nle IXflcJtiJ - VJ | Other M».i2 .cm. a.m.- )iul>!l>h»'.t in I I'll #'t(l ll)M'*tl'I" Iff.ii '..f tlif forelyn laniruMire depart*' "OCEAN'S II" fomr hrl«rrn 7:1.1, an4 f.M. and ... U - 1 V"» N ' '> Mil ;P 1 son J.1 * llir "SN..AK" plu« our rrtular fralurr! Y ju t It'sjvYjofeje MirilK.AN MT All'. M US A . natplrlr Srw Fraluir . . . !*"> * E- > > rQt;r,.t|>,; IIICII RKADKHNHII' . . . Michigan State UiivanHy Mill If /T.K: I ratik Sinatra SEE . . a No. Josl A l>w Hrror> ftrGBMUST BAND] U JAZZ FOREIGN FILM SERIES' Martin Peter l.aAvford It*, en Jo* a Major I'ir.urr IP will, a rail of Top Mar., ..... li i>. v. i: wmwkmmamm firfwenls Aiuie lOrktiioon '-TAN3 caizr- CANNES FIIM fCSTIVAL . i Stun Tor ('rmtriim C&tYtrx CAtkfc**'* Informatniit ,, ■ SUNDAY ; ' llial KENTON . . '•m'. T':: CP*S5H0PPER&. aptmou mw SUPER BARGAIN AI.I.-llAY PHEVI'E or TWO i eati uks DAY IV MAGKOtORHtT "THE t ItUWItEO SKA Count TQMf.H I : I n.. Od. I iiirchild I hratre ~'"OCEAN'S II" » « " 7 itml It A (I m Inn ion 50f j' i ' * ..A' . ■ 1 t-1 r i BASIE - > OfCK(i'r-} ■a ' r c' .» ■' i o JOC i i r. 1 ' t WILLIAMS ! • . -i ! ! i*- ■ • II * r in »■* r 4! H • M. m *t < 4f» M ■■ - ' «n s* 4- 47 OSdeNrct .1' SPECIAL •i» (TiHt' CI • ,V» H . ill CI . ft* hold ATTRACTION USI JA/ZOI Ii l ★ MINHAV with DANA ANDREWS I RHONDA FLEMING MIIOW Ar !l •V7:ftan Martin 1 in. un.iNs TltRI iw ON MAI.I' AT a II M . I M • t.7J • 5.5J • WIS hunday Khuwn "OCEAN'S II" Peter tawford a Ancie Dicktnon • C IVIC I K\TI K — I) AIITV On *»le al The l»l*c Khop. INJNtltl .1?3 I:, firand Rlvrr — • CAMri M MI MIC rENTU I'aramiNinl New* and COte I AST l ANMMi Center Row Office Phone Re«ter% at Inns 1 ' • n\0 MI MC MltlP JANE RUSSELL CAM. IV t-RH c ; - JEFF CHANDLER I R V \ IN>K A LAMil.NO - * ■, *v ■- '.4 6 ^ * 4v. ' ' -V-.W'".* » ' J - - rnVIIRK MH»«\ »l\t I U H! GLADMER STARTS U SUPRR BARGAIN DAY! All. BAT rmiin J ATK SHOW III- TM.» IMIIM AT 10 I'.M. SPACE IECLWES Ml IN UITN NiuwrumunMSWMM! AXMMSu ummsmfri moacam*I'—gwimw lUSf tOPI* Sen*♦*> »*SMMCM KCm *«M *»*w» fc " rctwH *w«acfc*c*.e*^?» • :*.♦.» LMM <**cwf»wd»hninuMA'» A 1CH0 PSOOlXTtfte M-iwTC*3SC0Pi Mtotw \r i :i. «u - i ;j . 11 i« 1*4.1 H: "lilt llft.N IIM» «« Ulll UltTIM! ' KHCCK3GBY, RKAM » '* P^WaD'lROOUMffgl TODAY AT 1-i lt-: HAT. AT I.BMI H PAf.K KKVfcV I'KinAY. OTTOBKK 7. I%» Mir hii; a s stat i: s i: ws l^ilior Party •» 4,f A. ^N'ortp AHanti/* Trea'y Sliiflerit* UVIemnetJ h|#arliin IVojrlr Slid Favor I . S. IRC .Sels ti«g*' ./a'.o V. *.' 'he 4>fg#;»e arg -frt'- ' o ;t T'o* i . fa*>-.rg u'.jI'O/i'i'. T>* ftpartah Vi;y«» * "•4 * Turns Aliout. • '*ren/1 * the ■ e-; * , l#a-'»Jre i go' 'he f ir.e fa» a «. r»«o:u'»«/r "»• *. 0? K>« 0*4*0 da fm-i b/;»# H'/o!*/ at d P '■* gr.. T> * v Conference > "»e>o#ne« "* I'V,#"' Professor '-Telia Si ory of Life ■■ I ,■ f i' >re rod of the par'; Th* 'N » hi -'. lAMJ-y end W ith*! \tJrrt, \ hr/r..«> W>.i \*rt.0 tt < • (iot's itiitlical' gate# •Mm 'rut jig '.f i) e ftrroVdug to orgfcM/ati'/f.#. they the .n th?* gfiw,! ye.*.# " ' itmec for th* grvoo On Asia AB?!F'i!*Mf FM.I A N|» : t , e •« ' " r 4pP'/f# I *0 *#"'• At Okinaivan University hi f»>*e rn»»» d»*aioed '• •redlth## »i a#»#i»h#l i-i Tie *«.- V# #»t# tin KoUtM*' A*:fl h» growing !.«»• MaKi., group * to proi iote If... »{e- tip di.go ■; •#g*„./ »tni '' n«i«'/ i • took merit of the I riivi'tai'.y u hfid >1 K4V »I"1 tl, B-'. •o /..<• p' or.'y W a 'New i4i I. -e - i e-4 '/.» I'.ferriational ftidaltonclliub I're# 1 eniranie evariK-, while only f>!0 iCynkyu# a# near;/ like fhe Am»< welfare program. ...... # ifpt-.tny 0*' a vj e >» h*j| The t'nivifMiy of~th* Myuky "♦ujd lie admlt'eif. ■'lent John f 'higienti and Advi«ar Agamet ai! the odd» !.aho» '* taken a »##-at!rg fr»;r« Left w.- ge Tuition at fhe Iran Iwr.d gr«r »».#•.«- id "#• »«•«!••# I on If found that owe iirlvrreif y i* >17 a year, and II## nutablc for their eoiel.tiO'. on W k ii.oint.t m 1.4 )e«'e#4U/ 'at -r. /■ii >< i| Jiipnrii-« it tiny b«-»i'l'|uar r " i'i <■«»(•» a t ■- Wright ra.d, pa/Ay'# annoal #«r.f« rev e into a>»o TI * A»;» roeeting Will InelrgJ# takir-g what arr oonte t#4 a revoiu- hare!# of the f.eotra. f fill. • lu'le'i- and fa«n|t/ .frie/rilrerv ' . when Okinawa wit* #»t,nlly for the Hyukyoft, if would i,f well lite i m epijon of th* Kng-'t-n ud U'HiHt / ktrt'le to the rgn' For from m Mldweet eoilege# and Ufit taken, in u vital and growing in- in rernemher that the per enfdta visor do no dire. I, ie»< hrr.g 'he f,r#t Urn* "he party 4j*f,» Italy i • tiilinn. ilH-onie 14 Of,!" fjv.", M year, and i'.uthei, »h« y I'.ei|> ' he (,!a>.r . eollege je \i-f* of the «-uri i'uloin.' ' !•#•*#, admin foreign po!n y in U;e region, Fi»he! t»»'a*" r/wnereb.p of ir.'I i»'ry: •aid. the d orf/e/etoi #rf #«»# a n* .'unomicH »"■! rerantjy returned «-4rp« r>vi\e here Wright al.-o men- i lraUoti. and re#ear#h odi-faT o i e An liven ini Oh»*>"Vef' from the Foreign hfc.lef t« ;nl of the MHt* advisory mi-don tioneiJi I liat th i» < »a»te-l i,f tea'hif:g, nov. wit well a« ntudefit v»»iV.r* fr'irn other f.r* at ' :a#« prtViieg* t., ■ ■ the OMniiwulit- as being very one permanent building ur d Ml lire Ameriean Arr4,y ha»«- •« »># i4 gior.-. of the MO-campo# Na Keeping firm grip o* n» par*)' "iiuliie and eongenial," arid stow #tudenl» \irw tp# eampu# has a home 4,f I lie udviior) |"'#l#jy I'.' • ional A«ar*'iaHori of fnterrig-. i many jrift i of native Iro #«.. rlnrm.'orie th# ■ offi'-M and WO'k ar•• • tr.# rem#., 'la.take.. *' navel tr.» tional f?ei*t|on# flub* . vat i- that he I *»« I veil on hi# d* net* «!h»-r -Hirn hiiilrlintH' i»MVer#ify liprury. A*ked whether da mental Atiar-ge .r. the jrtdfA P0*''fa 1 evhrhif* of A»ia»» art aim# aft# -• * t*n*:i * t ,♦:» • jiii rt tiff. »<» ir.ll #1 lojef;' , tie A met lean# Were . ',"'<»»• for dirplaj* r r■ ve ai. , t.r« i' l Ill •pile Mi## »ec#»ut HI tl AI <• friendly t.o The |,hv*iV*. He ev plained a .''hough Ihey f» »*it#a ■* p^ogre.' arrange.-! r *hel *aot *",.d fir ta •*•.#'."» . , the t'.Jv lint Wright al#» ' ...» A ■#'* I I than /,»:»- fiVe.l hi the ha r at I e-.«r, t.. reo ii#* • I':.' ' ipatir.r. of ' M S*ate l>*. her n <' '*ar we spur# and pv #aid, "by arid iatgf they feel very -■ '.«*!.»/ Km. Vl h. 2-4 longed to 'he filfu •» ■ •».» • • partme't and th* t'K. Inforrna- friendly toward lha Jiipitnme." rt-t (•(, • li , iret-n Wuifk ar l many a»4e»af fu'e's*..^ • ., : . #'rf,e# »«'d ' 'he I i,|.Mji»tlral|y and culturally; the pi,' them among ')kuaw;,' Au Vet Met! Prof ■ • -• • • » iman ir-vo w t- <» people* me nearly Mentn n: '1 he»ltjr < p' ir.ary j. ■ r;.*< « ir; th* mm a I'- ■■( to the War Okinawa w; # u M. l Pa- i ii/F.'ra't •>« IM.S., .a. | Wright, . ' Vfbr otodenia interested ». ?»•"- .f«fi»rte#e "Mat." ' ..-* t«n.A, renewe(J fv«- -erv iee» for fhr t,» '' 'i • Attends (-on vo now r.g - • • , u «•rpferrn • a Ml The thtO.MMt inhaFTtan'* «-f H ' till-', Whe»•*!»>• B'lv.rory teartia go tie ufuvfrru'v h«» i.e# ft duir g fur i*M;pa/.a>tio.' a- v-' i *• ^ - . • ".mile-lung i J-itui have varied to liicn II W.I i#r; yeari, and hop** to ■ <<•,.. reeei r gn of it# Inter . h from I'.H, military ix-iuiprt- "Tie ohje.tiv# of th* advisory Oil Diseases Kom« UhhOti Okinawa',* «■<■ •*' , •?.«- group'* fire' fa!5 term, « I,ph>)e«f by the army, nt.d tin r > e'ir g Th jr#'!*>', I hlmer 'i aa.d. !;• .1 F f " Ahror# ' o.i*ge * • i« •■my r. standard u tie Hlghe»t Krdigiou First Studv S- • e li'.' r/ieetif.g, 0*t. 11. Ve'an/ary Medirir.e, #*»*•**/ •* Dr Jo»eph f^f'alombank, head of turned from t'rhara. I*.! »'•*» '» IIOWIIVKII, the emotional puii th* poli't#**! eeienie department, attended a rwifer#*'» ' * diet*#*'" .Japan i« ► •roflg, and *»-eirm tu /Ms Attend Classes • •«#.; : #{>#'ak development* Sr. illify tiie eeonomd* advantage of iiifKtn/yi to hurra' • »'•; * * r< pre»4-f!«gtion abroad • with the \\». Dr Wright a*»«,» fi* rente* fw r*»wa'' >.,»< hemming atrongei. INyc to Attciul fir fore ye. Pr» 1 'Hi»» ' Among the »Indent# of the fni- #p«ti I Thu ,« hm.'h". ■>f>it>' of the ftyukyua there an !«..f ft-A metit#4«ra took part in <# n k.'-o. arrordi few, MDlll & p«-r rent of >;»*•* i • g leadership work»r»'p ##»#-d to Wright thought more inter- ill politic# than *l. v-» u n'•*r>d#'i •he ' 1 f.ey *"rau#«« tniir. nrir. . j * h*.id of public hcahn ■ r th:* * 4 I.-Ill* 'n.ej' 1 ' K 14 I. W .- "M to!4« I V thf H* Of TIIF. > I TM'I In# university* importance Stlti j.»'jf*#» '/i .'.ff M fill Sl'F \H I It via# » a»a** <1 a •-» I !• ■ "•# *-f*'?" , Ih f .• # "m •» a'#«- *» r*t . u4~r* •>*-« arr.pb# >•»»#»•; '. of ' V -•!#'! travrI flm." "Hf.&rii.- IN !'.i-| th* group that college i f»a» ' g ' '.f V*t# t •' -*# S'# will I* the featur# m»- r»U'g-»wi# prot.iem# »tem frorn by last bmJ sba'a iy#ard# 'i '■*-a aid W-r L'.fi. F«b<>: Hea.'-f -tor#- at,-on by HI... k i during naif f aoe41 : r.»4 kgMHibd and the • • »l the foottoiil gam# Sat «#. i.#- »a<-< M'rtOiHif of l-nurrh »nt»M-#t »l"'Wts Som# of th* more '!'» i»t hot I #a#» ■ aff * hbmm \ or e iv mute introduction over . . loud speaker system hefo»< "i'l'l '• ill 1. i4-#« people ).* raid, ami a'lfJta-'-. »a ; Frr ?'-."m Off# will five a preview of "RAs m,e mil i»t«-» . ;»j!io»n d the *tU- J • block will fir-t form a pie. o -m ih, ' • j. i be I'iuni-t (.i»r# K'-iiIjI • ef S'nrrfv takinir off for h.» o. i'hea- -- ' ■ em !«■»*'■ • per# ■ «<+ boilt from tha ground op prnhlein# th~ri to ri'A'vriy fHi# : END A FOOTBALL DAY eider then i a make, elowly unwin«iii/ "But without a frtei.o ♦ »y ran a h*«ket, W|H r»preae»it tri-t. ' h#> aaid, "what a. A vtait to a littfe i-ahin n r'.n.pu tr i v 'in. Vj the troubled t#» do* 7 «ir'g jour*elv«* with even tne alienated. "* 11IF! KF.V. HARRISON railed Foreign Scrviee adju*tir.*r*. to community living a religion* problem. Hep Here Alomlav " Effect iv# Jiving with other# j meau* gentine tntrfeet in Mve» { A F'niWtJ St«tl Semper FNdeil#. the t'.S. Marine atudenta interested in the foreign **Alwayi Faithfal" motto, meana *• i viva Momiay and Tueadoy in more than loyalty to youraelf, the -•j ido»l ServKVi. miniater aaid. Batik Print* studanta interwted In the for# "And with thia rom*a the com¬ • *rn oerricn rtlllt mako an ap- mitment not to pUr God, or put in Jwfiwii colof«gs^,^ r» intn»en| W BMt th# fttnta Do- yovmif on a podeatal. hut to ♦* Mftnut »p>—fiivo. An# aoek to help the troubled in a r^ottanrti iMi N Ukan nt the •inrere, peraonal way." he aaid. 1 Thie talk by Mr. Harrieon wai ' tpnl eftelssd sse4ad pw*t of #Srnrkifc one in a aeriea of lecture* on col# londi ThewtNteMsdkmpro- Sere problem* icheduled in the vvde yo>4 w/d'Mrt O «w«- , ir# tnininy yrtfran will be course. — •vatlnklt nt Hw plnrwont bo# ka e la&t A/tom M bod r»H feau. CLAM WmrrTORS are Tha fmift wiliw fa aoeking Dr. Jahn W, Truitt, «|ire«toT, rWdenta witA niwetional back# men'a division of student affaire; lof 4'it v*. Mont# #,ocl ' grounds in Dr. France* DeLMe, director, *" ImgHn. ad mil women's division of student af¬ ram ra« am >'>d ii »p|>lk«tMw WB aha V# t#k#n dence hail*. M Mmj u4 ImW. AD ■*#!«*- fair* and Dr. Wayne F. Tink>, educational director, men's reei* It ia fer all advisory personnel *5.0« featuring cjm loude collection bona •kwM t» !« br Ort. U. A and resident aasiataata who are # ■•UtcMfcn tnt M ad*MH f#r l'«- I* a Mnit. starting their Aret year as ad¬ visers here. 20c -ARROW" 15c . STUDY IN EUROPE iwi batik print dossks in A/row and lady Arrow 10 c IP* • ( » the o * 'dtbcnof sN ffl of man s oral j * th bf r-e vwartrt pood ioou of # pioc«e?-hore snti frcn ObT Aro* C*"** • 1NSTITLT* OD codac^oa • n-wuNnu» = liM ^ • 2900 E. S.4CIN IV J. W. DtfP 00. • jm s. »\«Hixr.toN n»"i»« • IV ».4JJI * Z BOri. »M #f r r*M«>r •«•••• • • e a MAI e • • • • • #••»»## a eeee,sees KKIDAY. OCTOBKR 7. Ittui A KHillT M I C III <: A N ST A T i: N i: w s JM Sports Season to Begin Monday With Touch Football lw»*t year's 121 leant# partici¬ getting the Uftfd trophy. Each division fHamilton and Each member of the all btu- unnerup leant receives trophies, pated In the fall tport. All-uni- veslly rhumpbot team reeeiv. The lOftiMU Intramuiai vtislty honor! were lak.n last a sweater. | j '■ports sea>11'1 will literally In* year by 'he fraternity ehafnpUmi, This fall, besides f.a.thi. , kicked off Monday eveiiin| Itx 114 Tau l>"lt.. there will ■'* n'her t.M , when gralis heam for tin touch Besldes the fri ernily division events: how! I nit, |»addlebal|, bail, foOllNtll awards tu the top. h funtUiU proitram, minion, table tennis, 'Volleyball Mantle Punches Two Harris F Bwtnoo, chalrtniitt of the proyram, expects the dorinttories orgMiuiationa and have in.lejiendeut the.r end the annual Turkey Tr.d. tuwaitb ..f 100 teams 1,, vie 1 leagues. To Star in Slaughter f, r honor* 'hi* y.ct The ekaul : |.list year number won'i .a knowtt until ! rraiu, ftll-untvei»»tv runnerups, Uurie Tom*f Vet- liter tihlttv. Hertnaii htr'etl. be- i look down thx- m iependerit le.»- UN KOSITCHEX'S cau*.' many f >Untia I teams I ;pie trophy. Fas! Shaw was the See Serb** Kxciii'iT' haven't sutmii'Sil their eiititvs ! dormitory rhampmn VARSITY SHOP >r|. Touch foothill at MSt| t* Urn* SZH A I,la, II Kd. \s Turin (iniitrol* Bailie tied to all men who do. not par¬ te pate in M fanred IntereuJ- Ch.l Unxlai. Mlrli. .x-plai<- foot.nil fayen cannot I'lllSIU l.'i.ll, i l'i Mirk.-x Manila In fixa rim-1 New York 1 I xv...1 any ..pUpmcnt SKOIAL! \» 11 h two homers i'iif all awi-unito ettinsh owr tmd'ilJUrt wet. :bfil *teu'» I tin* ivnlt'i fi« !.l wall in a I> 1*11 ,sho» ki-.l I'ltisiilxn t h I'ii airs Thtir«ilav. It". I NYw % .»rk Yi»nk«;r« romp Itetiim to NL TIAMS tt»V"IM »'f ""i •srr 'lit- * ; men. with asu .'•> H? men utid a RAIN OR SHINE " i ■ lllll''1-* ! INol Kxpi'i'lcil marutfji ithree j on a . •I (ire*' Squad Ii'.h row, row, row your now for the Crrw Trnni. boat ow-lhr (iruml Hlvrr tMrmmmoif. 1 The liRlVt d t rills #d- \ j jarent t«* Jfetismi tl.ddhoose w ill i ia~n e w be the-site for tha game* frorn j COATS is ri"t » et.u'h to return <>» t. 4(1 pm ,|To Mold I'riielice I Louilermilli Joins t > H» 10 p in M0nd.1V Yi ik San;'-. • < On (u'antl Hirer Team the National league when the through Thill » I le.ijiue finally K'»e thonmh with XX : 11 be light Fifteen* piavx.l • > 1 »>•«!>•. . 1 1 v Ml .k • awt j d» plan for expansion, Warren il Colorado University • I fa ;v- The ci'tny te im is IndUtiiiR | Team* wPhld ihe three leu- i " V""" . i N' / (.lies, head of the rlrcult, said 1 n«ie# will par't among! Th# h.; %vu!l'laU praxluv *evlat« irtt the I ! Il.'w ur.l 1 > t it :t!t>I llavr hu Site ftr I Mine j Thursday. J themselves un* I rhampbms each dtVivtx'.i aie «i*termined, j of| The NL. pr.'slrteni tail a meet qult{tnilk'< UMter hy Hu Tutoa, Dau- i , . ' fair in I < itt it*; five > f.|| hfdal v Iierav lat-ixh'trnilk, Who ! Then, the champions engage m •n i.m ii The crew tv. I »>x* juaikti Kt^ tk'lhall at MSB 1.11 tvi'nx, ha* j i;hei*,v ?*!"> in* would Ih» bald m tan weeks, •I. the n«'"ul|d On* n'if ■ » ilr-.j' far a H«%aia at Dotrnd ».rtit lei-ty probably in I'hievgo discus* ' le'erm ne the ail- 1 n.verspy champ on Rkh< ;tt w-iUch tfio S|M»rfaitk w 'H cant-j, i titti* ii'il the wOi'iupt !•• in-ike !U> •dl.h The t\-Hp.»rtai uuarterlvtck, u. u,a, |uu. *.ouiiKster and, the eities to In* axided a* llo with the ail-univviity rHamphmf ardM'nW il..u'*:(« u* left trttrjl iM »r 1 ui: ihutatia j Stati* assistant r .tach who te- j pjU-j 4 chart, e la.u e luru. Tom ' ' evrtl the ineellUR wiU take for Krirud at t>i« At,a I <; Basis- i jo Ver ahead «» I had no chance 1 „jt ^ n,y unde'standing from ATTENTION ALL I'le-n Iwthate i iitte in i rftah! tstAiWrtUi Bruce Ntcltoa't-l tix.'lt to experiment. < what tntik place al Ilie expan- II Kl I V I I I T Turlrt < ln»iin et at.I fhn xv hitttis'. »kentett iVle l*v..i an.l f'taitk; Apparent]/ argrrvd by h,. -Tto-M- thin 1 happen, no VARSITY CLUB It.ihbx . nt hu! IK. . im { fiiMiblrl t.'iwklx: H-'wets are .1 v le- failure to phi>- ag,un*l Pi!'. enact* wsuh to hurt a l".v m\ """ | «, t hi- the n • • 11 Ktihek's r rat in I !a.r all en at Hi ail. Mike WiUx>li. Mean Ahltoll j l xuiduulk wilhxliev, from MSB ; squad B he had s'avcxi. I.e i-tgo Aug. 2 tha' we would ac- Mcl>aiig:»l.»\ sin >> la sha! I I, ft ' ami Bruce lltinl while Stu (hx>v>.i l >-i week Sham* canto at itn.1 I I km ray would twd hu chance' cept two of the eitfe* from the a ilanhli" plax b t ii t-.» end >n I it an.I Mati iatul mid MeutiU i'alleMe vltaic Uni.lermilk w ijt la- fore, d toj,„ pl-v Jt )ti ; wa.. 11 p..*-.1 le to (,.l||linfnltl| jMjMi group," said. the Berne !,' 1 t.. It • teh . x Man the bxivv' )to*aitutt. The leant is! tout tins xv... his iiinioi year.. Msr hint agiln.t I it ami X, .. - • (j.i,., -That itoMn'l neceuanly The 3} h»!« >ickM up ».v -.1 I fhutc ; cttplulnetl hv Bap Joy. »u* a bid w It be eligib w tv> pi ty nea! j | hope that l.erpy pivifie city " I-V ' hp S' I ait: 4 t'ardc alH* .atd ft xlfU'trl. s.hcilulrd fxti 3 1.1 put | Won A Xar»il) Ullrr i * 'luatebacV League last ■ J'.a'att l!C.I S.v,S, .,u *V! |i> Th.ent came i t Y,x :l Iterr I wo- j All fre*hfnan and uppercUksmcft ] l\' r%ll IVIJ TiilM' loot * Tht« America:* met Imimrlrd Kim X'omh.,1 15)18. The I'ai t* that ,lav ?«'. J tut v.ogle .sat^le p.i%t a liivi'ig CiriMt! mtercHiexl in rowing should .eon- \ c"litIk DrtUL'hr rtv vx .1 1 vV1> «l ndter-, month and approved expansion Wear >»ur sweater* or I'oplln KAINCOATS • .puling the record -ct t»v the t I Sk>ovroo x sx-oimg Mnt'e liict Frafrk Iteeman ct ttia 1M ■, vt-rrf- crlUrtj,,1 u, ., fell, r I , ' " " '"j' 1 M* I* ,u 10 ""n" ll"' »"• ( J«ckeU to the came and \»*W York ilwu'x YatiMrv an th!. 1 • .'I ! tin* tb.d finished iff l.abine Sm-(xiffice by lunm, IxHlav M'-ixTxttu'^r-.^,';, u"drr meet at the tunnel during Ue.iuUPUlxi lm« by Mow,ti',| and lln tnu'xKm j ■ klylea *. x j fuothAl' „rta4.w that'# W'hat we nesuexi. ; «j*te# decline.] to identify l «r him. He *aM (Hepiluleil bv the courtesy of}which cltica bo felt might law Dctroit Tunes) I the inahte track. He da 1 md even jriHctfy the nature af tie pro. half time. We are gntnr tu fnrm a *»rt«r* tunnel for Mie tram. I.rt's all I" to Ilartv I if txixx prtrrlittH. Ihex'll |iti il Mill pilfr' *12" Twelve Yanks went !,• ha! at f in <1 to ttie *inutb when thx'I n I he ivtpcrx ( ha'i l-rroy wa Out nxth mnmr. ComvharU I alley-ball C.lah there. I'm: tot'R cmciHr !Riesi UvauA« it night five » !' c great eat quarterback he had v'Ugle* by t'lrrtx-li and Burtwc 1 clue to U*e city or ciMm lie bail Fred Urrt'tr, i'U-m I .rhinv and • Me run and I'm nudh w tu n ' f'-r % ears evn tvtler than. (AM in mind. tleOrg# W:M Wlart? the I'trakt they x-,umt.'d tw-:.".' Darow, (Earl) M,,rrall and oih- To Hold Meet finally got them out ta fx,, In t'oe ninth pinch hit'er 4iv l)ir Sat unlay t ampanmtc'it •<.' »--mc mocking v hart a from the popuUxV t'luistcvloT * fx ' d bv « pitch "Tiie bov tufftred fre»t hu- j T'ne vnlley'*!! rlub w*5! h»! i ti lbatjon and hi* prtile was hurt' -t'a first meeMng *»f tt>e vear Iht* i \V :* one «« Wilkintburf ami Wrtlem Benu-Untramutal, !< la !!te .id-'" .'h To -x l 1 i After ,iur.'.r. s! sm, V, a be. i>xjue s itiiTxI.xv nHr rtumn. j sylvanu. The merlin,t w.I! l»e to ore t- • "•er ream,1 of ' » hoM b* ;'w- la c ix id ths oxv >v Hich inlsxtn let v, hen t!»'-v exeet the I'n vcPilvi "A li»t of folk# tinned up their ' t-j/r prtCtU-o *ct*rdu)e« and ai- M.tbe ttuft itiS't two bljtiA sb.iei so thx'V eolild »ec lormyjquajnt anyx»ne iafrested m th« Nelsxm sx'ue irien thud ■ f North Car«d•«'. i Rive him a t« 'el of 1* A i'i n H tmi IN* A ..tadiuf-i,' in r?!*apet 11,11, Nr j p' iv " J team, with ?be team members Micki \, . a'.u'hI -ant ait rtkrs hexx V i'i h A» Informal <»f Mrs. i^iudef* end the schedule of play. S.X- K ik.'if time ,r the e.wdevt j 'aire Wf.lit'»»•. struck out at •he 1 : t uat.'tjj Thurso• t':h meetiiig e I• s in of Cm inter-vecn, Mil rival*. 31%\Tl I M Kl < N at ac tt » The stai-U.' that Kulwu *\ • M>e h:R t\ h ftn ; v. K-'t '^ and exeupanx xx Iv jntvivM.-d' li.'Ctn Man* U.1-V :n the fifth ^ 4.x if t* 19 SI IS Jkih '* 'he one 'ha! will In- < The I rid* edjfel the Boleiniak- wash twa n-.- j e*« ir* fu-t xfoxxns. 17-T and Tacl' ♦» X) If x) J heth ii;:os r..imeil b;e same *- I I M,V' V * -.A ; bat ' « esxHiiu. x»t >«i i-, icx>n» rualung i V»| »,«jht-';an ■ ,\i K h N, >•. M nx and passing attwigt*- -SMI yard*, j (Met at in the it. At h.-rt S A-vea-lh. J he (i'.h- ve„< *ho x"a'v,.i li l>l itex x- * * t eti l*u; the final .-e > « was Jhudue j ,> £1, Nxxue Mame 14. _ *!»t s -tt.ft h\l h.*" t rwr At the game's end, the lrl*h I clvar f»•-!*♦ i * a o t i . :xX;i.t. M l UU M ' To err U human... -a f'-'A ho«ifs it the mwh- Max k, senior h*f' end, *M Jajiu ■ '■"* *5 aiH'eAS-Sl tm- nih - *'••• Ihxwcs, janmr tight etui, Ueh to erase, divine with * ♦ lag rnietfcrv w th 5'•.-■» v| tn sk .•> *j » r; euffetyd torn Ibfament.. «ud i<«-t» ii ranted xr i-.. XI* < civ thjx'ug** foe \hx *i i-xu*. » - cki JMJix'KV *er ■>.!*■.• d inr.A'y ! i t ha-ii tc uafnr- I* v" Sinriest «(.l rx !t in #fh.v XU-U The game briyulxMA: bv wi'l \x tu'.mtlaliy the American I eaton's corrxsable bond K»w *» * , x ? ami id* 'or the fhr^les. rhv tun POUhxxRti f\ a> i%a 3 Broadcast!tig curnpany. oe ,sus an.t tne fotrr cwnte Typewriter l'a|ier * . i Every Yankee .*t**rcr Fad a*. ■ lit >'*rie hit »*5.i vx-erx the two fun-wear... Try it? Jus! the tin I nf i| j infield rep'a.vnvents iy lley.i rt «tjj J.-e I Ve« »•*»',; x—e«ch had] fou Till.' tiik:.* [_ f ill" T" )*rnc*1 eraser unxl your ■ a hit, Bob;>v Snanta, whxx f-.rtssh^. typing rttnf» Are gone! If# hie magic! The special c-d x wr up far Tw got ac.rumv a" In '.he ntfxth ' « pi»n swing i.v FUrface of (autImIiIc Ikwii Kubek nnd Rjchau-sij on each l»d * f/u.xe« uu'^'ut a truce* Your three h*u *a,i ;hc nwt were well .-.vdviexi ' hrsl typing rlfurt-is the finished copy when Rl t OKlX w r;-e rr**hir\g a'! j 'C»rr.* v-v dnvthtf «* ove7Tuiu »a en#! Tins lum quality bond give# a hAUxBomo ganxe * ; tj»pearan«"e |o Before the r.:at« BniBjr gx*t j ail your wnrlu Saves lime tic >. a* out ;n the sixth, 12 men; #ml mxxi*< y, lo*»! Uttrd whom *cvxtv had hit*— s ErauM» CxvrSwW* I« axK*.l*bl« (A kgNt, m*4*ex K>M«T f-se ianf le*. a double and a I w*gw« aw# o»i»w>AiA.w>>a(miWaa# too •"•#! *>«;*•** triple. One ww u\- on at* and anoUier ttdyanxsvl «t-j en a! *»>« x»0 *^M0 •<*•« bona A BMxS-* 1»c*«e» tm* rwr guw4 ba'.',. / wpiaiiwi ii inMH my —>>«» i*m»i Nav. t>A<»»4 ay K« t«'OA FA-v«. »»!•*» iwlAHix *M : Cum Mo w ant, catehiaj ia. EATON'S COKRlSABLE BOM) "e tmeup ihakeup th^s- saw 'Y-'hCi Bern* ;,* Bit, corr'.ributeii Made only by Eaton • tr pif-mj a #!«2i# U* the big "mat lataar" , you're ready •'iiur.g and H.cbardKor* doubted { Tkm erv«a(**; mitV 'tx ON kawfic^ahr - : for anything in and ungled. MMTf tmits! ***' ** ***•&* f v*ysxatfitffl*. ap Stengel aunouncvd in the c'ubhouse that White* Fwrd *1*4 *•!** U-£» Wn, V tfie twwi tfx.-A* »t TXtf ai Wrtok. »»W w Ui ifi that tkry 101 I (12-S>, hi# veteran lefl-handey^ *• bfia .-.t »*c a»;t <• H» a? «!-■«» tc*- vou'd #l*rt against the rirat*-#: #tnk*oatnwf«*r*ei*aar Xix-ttrd CTW AWA* ;.n the ih-rj game Saturday at; YuAkee lUJ.xmi Tbrtv wtl] ]*#■ no gain** today, an cqwri date.' tuff# »#d iMxatbax; fts*-*t rt*t smbn her. f*t tw kv^ad i*tnn, jwdut au a4 cmeckx-xf and at:xw actiwticx CAMPUS BOOK STORE aOtOS, M WHITE AND COLORS, fOft MEN AND WOMCN, AVNUBIE AT \'.nrgar Bird Mirtil (14—8),! a youth.paw, v-tU pitch for \ m m i*4i ■ tm cuii ii mm m\ Ihtuburgh ' SI NO CHICK or MONEY OAOER TO: ijmu e. tun m When the Pira'cs surtrxl to l-=tk Rway at Tuiicv tn the ninth reSheee LAKI CINTRAl COMPANY 4x>r their *ccond ami third*runs. Se*x,f*r calar W ACROSS FROM UNION Stengel said he took hint out ua »C% *■' F. O.SOX 4* ', 1W Tec UN* "because he was tired." He did¬ amiiU (VANMON, lUUMMS n't *&y wheUrer he wo# Bred of FRIDAY. OCTOBER 7. IMA MimiC AN STATE NEWH, EaelUwIUf. Mlelilm FMBNim Duffy Borrows Soccer Players for Game m.-$• Heron, Kcnimcrling Bootsmen to Play Pitt •mootn aontna on ABBOTT BO. To Do Double Duly .*,? A, ■nlt-ff-ty . nutmmu The MHtf booUmen y.lli elaahl r»*b!e mm'Ion r,n l»*t >ear'»fu».fi.r Kemf.rr..r| and HjterfJ w'th PltUborgM, a team that a!-! AlUAmertcsn Irani, end iwojTillwl* Will Alternate Kickbff Cliorcn ■ I \ j ' way* prove* rough, Saturday at flnv fullback* in McNulty and T>e rr.*n M w»«h lg*.r. th * JAZZ k':%;rs.v, fit'MfSSw J week it Cecil Harm Zven After A.M. Job Ah Hooter* a iiaat rn, !«anaing, fJametime j* Ki l' >r» Crad i," Hagaid'.ng la»i v/eA-k'* win,\ though he » iookmg for more SESSION The*e two (t'litit hav# met | he *ald, "0»jr'».lu«i br/ked pretty *ror!hg frw h.c team-mate*. Cimrh Duffy Dmiirhprj v will nttt*ni|>l in |iut I In- f.».t lm> k 'wire Iiefora, In t»M and in l»5» 1 i'liri fOfmldiiririj '\n\ wa»!t#e wiii atill be tt-e trrwer player l„ f.M.ltmil SaturdH.v uyMlnnl limn liy lni|mitiiiK Inn MSI ! !!oth time* MHti Sea frarn.tff d 'o our fir.* gam a " He mjded Ua' cn the MbC. That l». if susday-SISO r playera for the jfU-'l the ian.'- tnroiigfi by One he waa more thin p!ae»rd with' it * not tod t!r#i from practuing , . r. ij *n All - Amu ri.-uii—— —— - .... - point, |»l and I-0 hTTlialfbac'k line f Ham Orahm, field fuel* . frii'ef fnrwetd eri'l * Itelnler] ||rr„l(, All-A Oi e I tea ft, All U>t week the |»|tt team w ar, (Dutch) Kammarllijf, a aopho* y||,jW£g|, g(.j,io» front the Bahama*.1 up*et by Ohio WfllvaraHy by a »r Imlfhiik, Will bf In tiniform gH w g„l(,j,i game uniting iwoidj hffire of 2-1, Thi» Wfi-lk Pitt i»,r (/nine ami will alien,atr |m1 Wrek ,(y „.orll,K ,u ^j, fhmiM *how ui» bxiklna clear ,u rhoiea for Ilia B|»ai- ,^lV, COME IN their record. lie ai*o hold* t|tr individual »ea. | Coach (Jena Kaiincy, bpartan: Iferon ami K*mmerlliiir #ll(| Hl|l|ll|( ,,,«M,| „f *,t i«.t 1 brain* tiehibd the urn*'1 coach,"; ' been working with tha this wal k on klckolT* ifrbl"j«j|t„ ami «• y fnrwutd i* noli i a pec'i the Pi'i team t«» n>me f,uj„ f#>r hi„ ,„.w r„,r up hare, "full of fira", lie in¬ tuM jfoaU IttUfherty. apparently 1pl,yi,r> w, v>lh lll(i, IHI|, tend* to meet iheffi with the j (.iea*i'1lA'lth lheir abilities stated, . Kemmnhity, mI ti' I" ami -' one starting tram h« u»cl ami Browse Around. You .are Ut they would alternate the m |I(lU||al booting aetivitle*. within the starting team it*el( salesman will breath down your neck. ' |b,th of the Honiara will employ • t standard soccer kick by using litie of the foot instead of Decker's Vantura will aw;UP to left and l/Utri will move dver 110 * t<.a in eontaii with the ball. to the ngnt slot. * V\* t», majority of their khkolta I>mI I he eml nine by using Picks "Pittsburgh he* a gmel strong hall club though.' ^ald K*nney Take a piece of candy from i,at method. "They have a great goalie in Ity TOM lil t KI'll AMI) kKUMKKI.INn Ocorg* Zaniropouiot, an h«>n- the barrel a* you 9 browse. Coeds ;, k II..I thie innov.linit wnul.l Having ww «f «>ir ,«■•> •'»»« .hallengr, •lihouih I*-' »™k. hit .m »li «» -t . .l-YearOld Horse will especially enjoy the distaff room. . that lli. »wrrr team ronir. il'« I,In I" n*""'» II' ri, - ! down on the top twenty game* ' We belong to the soccer team for Kalurday: Breaks Record ind we internl to atay with it,") »•«#!• krmmr,ll.ii, I LKXINQTON, Ky. (AV-E1alna . .! Nikr«i cunflerning SS'h^TJT.VllLT*.i their elipi- paigB. ... . ./ »u > Kodnry, owned by H. I*, and K ll.n.n that "I Ihli.k •••' »" • HUMaa of Eggtrtavilia. N Y. i i ,t ^,.(.,1 ,„ i IDMaai MO Male p« i aie already, oil the wll«tr»il»t>' «M»a« hih« .. Campbell's Suburban Shop ibm... i»»»hi i,»t Tbai'a wital Ilulfy told um." «»vnaa «.AMr.H ami _ driven by C'lirit Hmigin*. broke the world's record for J.Art of the defenaiva team will lo- •»*>» •••* r»aa emu year-old trotter* Thursday as she nornores. Ia»nnle Saii'kft ami | «o a«»ia tar«u«a won the filth Kentucky Kuturity Kin'.e t'Urk will be at end* on ho» wi CmII Hire in two straight heat*. De ■I Jm ilrffmite hanlrki at Wtntarfcll*^ ™ tackle., ami mh »■*•«. etai* Kirkinr l'r»f*r«bl« Quirk hong, runner-up in th» ■ r Urhrman at renter and will, ftnished second in burden of atopping w«*aotei«M eath heat and Hlaie Hanover, 1 ■■■ Knorr Leaves DeWitCs hear the vminted »pee«|*trrM. («!»■ h Daugherty put the arpiai) Wo*i.*H»et oo It t mm lei.a 1'**a winner of tha Ifarableloruan, was third in ea» h heat. 1' " i-^V | SyraruHf went t»j the top In Elaine I'.odney trotted the red ihrmigh a ahort light drill Thurt* tii- mill % thu w"« k Ttu Is -The Store With The Hed Door :£ Stains in CAoudy Tertns mila in l:bg 3/5 seconds bettering _ s«y at he finiahed preparation* hae nine ti am* In the top Twenty , 2/5th of a second the old record for l«w a I. for 3-yaar*old trotters held by; TEAMING WITH Heron ami V. VfiMH.i»yi Sawalar kroat. krrnmertiiig on the kiekolf team I. Ilkl* HUH PKpPiBUnOlf, r■<> V^ednesday in Detroit wham j the matter will probably coma •F OAHPOS IN • » *.wl C»i|,i Jf-S,'-, 'he 54«VA?ar..i,"i ^X'-i.utivM they1 v. a head. Among the order of ibe r piayere will be in-ju. *,«• v.(i 111 two gamra en Saturday. J jj» signed .♦ year to ago a Dme-year cntract oosmev* will >)n the raming of and p.v him off for | it new manager to'''succeed Gof- •RIND RIVER AVE. era lirat atringer* on the; the balance <:t thv agnoNnent. don whr> Wodnctday signed Bused on D» A'l't s A'iO on< sal¬ two-yoar contract to manage Sicimmers Hold 6tli Annual ary. the T.g'TN wuui'l pa.- htm fHlOftW have to *h*' Kansas City AlhleUs. , "Tbi.t ii tnv first time I've .1 liunni• Varxily-Fmsh Meet •.;'4rd »i»>u ' 8/1 Knorr, "I d'jti't kru Ajv/'v 'ft.'. rum >r start¬ ed. W« I ciuh !K»iicy ikir* Hi-din the SpsrUn ulumiti *111 try to prove *hat a 1 «iup meeting jt'"c i«ii I air*— «reat >« imminir herlteire they po«»e«, at Michigan Hate i*' liberty t > give out |h© n the fiih Annual Alumnl«Var«ity-Fre*hnien Swimminy dt tails " Kiwr win it feiTiug l'» th# Spatial IMS Meet on Oct. 8, at 11:00 in the Men'* Intramural HuiWiny. Mm M — It „ nf tlie ireeu *l MSU — " ti'.wi.i uf difvcl'ir'r meeting Ollee - Oesr • Brewg besid Here Tuesday in which «o *1|I Me* «UM aiam Mell W.l'» w.u reprweoi we < -he -wuwninf *»u.a rvportedly read, a bill of partk- ZMAhSKlM. uiais against DeWitt,.criticir4nf *■*,* ...III*. Oorltu. S.roni. *nd K T,-. -ntr hn narvdUn^ of U>c managerial »rcv. j.ino Duiecto"ftCAA B.a " puf" situation. > ciaiTip. He—e< PMer-tn. lor 21 crnu. . . v.—a, Sent Semkc *fy Cne-inek. Jkn CHmer... 1 rr»nk Mo—iAU , Ameri- ' NCAA Quell, will n«:p For shoit cuts, Irr.'. 1M Nlwi' tndjpwl b 'in fo T.w .* \.raiy .urn epct liaht wit: MSI! greet* •• jMir, J urged Mat, Bili FOR A TREAT N**l. Lack Bleijuw.k). Deck AtaamoAN- Imrtdt. Jan Ceme. MA. Cor- , end Den Jalmeeon- Other BEFORE OR AFIER J repeueeotauvee Witt m- sieve Teggari. Doug Wei. Jell Melteen, end Mel THE GAME. mas u« TOMMBS AIL IHEE OTRIftL NLY «a 1 IN. Ftl. i MI. Ne ewe I, kew l.le rev. ko r tw^weH leek tenw •he* jree tie >©" Cel. The ee». eo—weoi, koe freoe. miit Mm »e he* kken, awke. m> I—eel kl rev heod Keepi "o . «eo'. mi Mm —e mi* -*e ike boiga *. Tekei 1 gfc- JS—»e ^c^rSHOfCT CUT HANI --—♦ TWPAT, octow.R T, m AN HTATI Ngff» Typography Inglitun County Ballot Lab Gives Has 87 Candidal® Candidate* for *)*<« Experience Klghty-Hcvrii tiamt'H wilt iip|>t*i«p <»n th» InghniTi ballot when voters In tho HtjitoVfirnt loirlalitllv® dlatrlct ffl to tho polla Nnvrmlwr M. fdiinty fr*»m the |4th dlatrlct 8. King, iJMlaing, lV-n^ are M8U U for giving Paul C, Ymmge/, loiwmg, m Workers': W Clfford Itentlcy, Voters In itu* second legisla atufknu prgeUcal t*ptrl- Plcnuant llldfe, Horlaliat UbpfJ publican, and Lee W. J^^ live district, Intruding En Rtwin McCray ittardlan o( It. Johnson of Ti-x:ib head the Ki'hwai-t/, I'Mrult, HocialUt l.a* DcmiHTallc ticket, and Mar!* thto equipment and in«'ru*t«»r fjernocratie ticket fm i»h-blent tnu Alfred Itslstead, Kalamaroo. linger, Mmlng. and Harold in tvpi'graphv, »xplalncd tho and vice president, rfvpyrtlvely Prohibition, and llulreit P. Un¬ Hungerfotd, lanwing, on th*| function of thl* pha-.e of )ottrn- On the ftetMlfilban ticket are: publican state. derwood, Detroit. Independent altom and how th» laboratory Vice President Richard \1 Ninon Jante* R. Ilrefckey Jr., Y> Amet icmi. if. weed. f<»r president ami former tlndcd tantl, and Theodoi Candidates foe Attorney gen. When a dtidobt enroll* In Nations Antba*-;tdor Henry'('a* flrois* Pte-. oppo»" each other : eral are Paul I. Ada mis, East typography, ne will barn the lad l.odgc h»r vice . . a non-parttoan ballot It ju, history of type, t» e thrr-e mirjor P* '' ' i f .hiiftirig, Democrat, who pre*. lee of Ure Supreme Co>ut ▼ printing leoocanrn, plug tyfi; The S.»('i.'tlot Workei party . A Miles, Holland. Ilepuhllcan term will end December tlaxidf teat tan. nominated Emmc'I Dobbft of Ne " j Rite Shaw. Dt-'roil, 'SoclAllst 1907. Rolrert !«. Drake |» th#, York City, for president and TMK CAMNrtl In the l.ibor WoiAer . It rlph W Money, Ann |y candidate for coun y ^ Eric Has*, Nrvv York Clly. and j alory contain over thirty var- Mvia. Tanni r Wcb i for voe j j AcIhh', Socialist laihor; Alan of probate, lelicf of typ.-. l.allose, rilnt, Prohlbdlort, and IN fltMFR rcniy #•#-, prctldurit. Eric Haas, New York j On the w«»»k bank*, which 'nnk like ftmrll metjl rtralu- I'liy, M.I (*yy»r,l. Cw.lnl, Vl" " | v C».luw.kl. Drlroll. In- Delmur R. Smith, Lanaing, be ..utM, W,.. »,f Ih. r.iKl'd.l,., "i'P»«il»nt Amrr n.n oerat," and I^o farhat, Unw I ten'* table* ,»ver the cabinets, fjr II.. S.KI.IUI Siv. "HI.' ..•.'kri. ionsc..t Hartford. A h.,|» to Republican, ate running f-rp llrown, l.«n- tbe stu.Uots prepare type. secuting aflarney, Sheriff'« They learn *o select th* pro¬ Ear Half. Chicago, and It M 1 sing. Demucrat, In h^ bid for didate* Include lack D, Hmi per tyjre for advertieemenu, Miller, Arlington, Va, are run- re-elactioM as state treiisurcr. taiiNing, Democrat, and Ri headline*, anj th* body of the ning for the two-lop Afficc* on Tliey arc David It. Calhoun, neth I,. Preflinor? Lansing, | newspaper. the Tax Cut for 'tod and Atuei Huntington Woom. Republican: Harriet Talari, Detroit, Soclaftot publican. Thera are over 110 caires of b',. party, The final two chorees C It'K* llllllar I. Mmn, I type and MK'ray nay* Uie de¬ on the ballot are Rulherfurd I Workers'. Km'wtit V. Kellcy, publican, I* challenge 1 tnr | partment ha* new lyj>0 Valued Derker, K proof preim party, although represented in Eor auditor general, incum- INrker, Maaon, Repubho^ These reproduce the fy|ie on Other office* or) the ballot, ha.v Immm, Otn Smith, El lot, Demo- treaaurer. so th« student ran no -tiresld^ntidl i-andiitnte. ciat, will face John V, Clem- Candidate* for Trf-f* eerk. The leading contenders for Edith Gbur, Detroit, Socialist deed* art tlabel J. Fren. i Li prepares a pote- arefJohn IV Hwnlnum, Workers'; Albert Mill*, lltlca. •Ing, Democrat, and M« J I'ATTKII.VS ii» motion. (ft* new |»t»i>rinu of the L'nmp, ik well iih during MIMInf, Prof. f^nnard Fal« eutonknf fovernor from Socialist 1-abor; William J, Per- Humphrey, Maaon, Republi marching hnmf, will nenift l»r |»ir*ritlwl hy I he i»roti|» corn* in tlirn liM. —— —; m A field trip la taken during the Plymouth, on Ihe Democratic and Fcrrlii Caaemorc, Detroit, and preaent office-holder. Ok •I Ihr fool Im II game. I lie hand will pet form Irefore the teem to dpeaher Iff— A V* tWift, *rnd Paul D. llagwi ll of liHiependeiU American. If. Hurford, Le«lle, Demon as In Lansing. «mo of the lerg- Kaat lamslng, former director of and incumbent Oeta'd L Ci admtMiorift and scholarships at TWO IkriHUNTf w;l meet **st independent )*rtntjnf firms In the race f«»r United State* ham, Maion, Republican, ■n Michigan. This givea the itU- MAD. on the Republican slate, senator: Patrick MrNamara, I>e- opponoota for drain coma .7 trrus »4 hliinilion. issisliim r dents a look at a professional Othtr guberiMtorlnl can0 Kstenaioh agent* ticket, and It. H«.v Puraell. Ply- can. tWan John Ryder of the Coliegs montjk, Jndeperiucnt American Jerome F, ORourkc, Flint, From the Democratic paf.y lH»ke ()|t' IlllUW tWiiluvfut ami in adjttftl t» tlu-a rhangea.' o ut king fulltiine Itrthe'iUrttHtnd* •|»r» l« th* jw i-Mims »i *>»!»« *» of Koginerring attended the 2Hl.\ Dvuiocrxt; incumbent Char lea G. II. Burvidge, larking, lln KaUmtimt Srrvi.P «m lug party. M»« Hit • i I i l|U lent tlunij. li mi. h or putt (ommuuity. annual, meeting of tho Engineer- E Chamberlain, Ka»( l-ansing. Arthur Jew#tt, Mason. 1 to mi hot* n« hiMHr ,-rormnih'* rhiln. eraalwt In tt*l4 l>v Ihr Kednal t»» *f |t« uilittV Pi-»»* • There him nl* are a««i«t(d hy log t ouncd for Profs—Uwral Ik. ■UMNtMa for Ueu'enan' Republican, and Paul II. Kyburz, The final inamei »-n the ha finiith-l^vpr Art and Involved i j ? 'help fainitv member# to K.vlen«ion rpeeialiftlr; trained in- velopment In Montreal Teeaday governor ace T. John Ia->m»ki, taming. Prohibition, oppose are Raymond t. Orabto*. La fM»*H IV u_ i»!u1 ttppii'. t«t<> XiU'h ftiler a I ,*l«le audluini guvein- j dividUHl* oho specialise in a eer- ami We*lne*day. Detroit, Democratic; Cbircn.c each other In the bid for US. •in*. Democrat, and Wdliaq There »C* f v« nrt«> • - ' I n- people to ineulii, liriisv the iiafnv r«M»|»»ia- W m field such hi hmtteuiturv and The Engineering Institute of A. Reid, Detroit, Republican: repreacntatlve from the *i*Ui Berryman, Lansing, Repuoifl llVl. the S«IV-. r fit*.* | I.|»«»l nt oomimttiilv ulTau# work not only with county agent* t sna.l* w— ho*t for tho annual Evelyn Sell, Detroit, SociaJiU district. for I I onttuuttit« Kr-mirre xlr 1 he federal nllae of the t'o-' !'!• m V.», the «i i'>»titi»itl > hut Involve thcntocive* in fe- meeting. fvelopnwnt ■ - . s: bund «f. ;» in operative iA'eiiMm. Se*vun n>- aeanh on cempu* related to We*lne*day IWan Ryder at* t» r«t~fitv *tv»m •« .1 urdinate* and given liailerahip ta their • • lv> 1 ri ,'jn *irivn"«* «!ii. It Hon area of apeciallMtlon. •t-<» i'—\ ether« toe u.-i trncied the American society of tt>e l.\len»n>n 8eivnu m every .-M* >• Acr*»nt X' tional conference. v. > : gftme »Vu1 ti h mAt'rt iltnraua* It to a lutri of the U.K. from research done on campus T>.» »•' f .ii vrliipttM ut •£«*!Ote «■!*!. HMil Mi. •> n- tmiti't and Wtorl l>e|Miitment of Agriculture and I* work an applicant must ff higher qu&btv («»x! • « ' ; • p •« :< .1 by fjrttffi*' ~MKU provide* for a Cooperative Hachehir' v , ju-w (k hi.,1 jKp r man- IVxiension Servlc" '.n the (hliegu free** * training la required for many ea. li f.»s a htthrr f«*m »n »v<'mn I, I'lPJrrtmn, ImrvpfttiHg. of Aijrieultnr*, Arcoidtngly the tenaiou paaiUen*. wk e j'or r*rh famiiy. fot I pi.m »» ..V j»»,| market" * «if for- ltire*ti»r of Kxtenarun. Pr, Kw| afefMWfy in fiwii'S1 »• 'I m;.'.. . «t JUIVIIK t« m an Kttcnaiun IV Hntotoit, to renponftihlr to Imth 1*1--* <*"• Wl'-J >H.I A. Marketing *lnfi»rmatu>it ta the IKS Kevrotary of Agiiiultuiv •Sari*. •««! fm a l<1trr uroi*»*- pn>vn1r.) by airt-nt* The and MKU. »'f f»'Tu fireUmu thai .ma n j>ur|H>«p »»f Jhr E«£trr«u.i) All- hxteiiftion *mkrii are •f«vt mt)My i ; markrUng }ttngY«in t« 1«* hrlji faculty mendwm of MSI). i famgra* manager* uf marketing Their are Ts CooperaUra E*. S. T«»ia •« th* earn *«a* «f I ''Ajrw mn'« \ Ji TH* h,Atffi'n-.ij ?M jvh*«* h*i»^ Uai »♦*«»«!» 4 It COMING TO' CH;S» #n FOR INI WIKK1ND? • ?o»-a| !»■> «. --uivHtr amj ,i* ><*wt4j pi l«w*»H>tAn: iv»ui; Cit*a*n* k, ftwhif*. |k«#»dHn*fl» *rx« »!«• s tH» mo** t>»n ftftj thai l** h 4 H J, ftaiH Mnat is ih* « >n 1 Sar%K* WWWtNHl « H a jf.-t* t-» •> |.fa foi -Ma-n-.t'at* I'twr*.- a ».*r;»S* K1|» p*4iv!t> Vara W« us m«iAr* lH*u nmr, . tf> 1' (ov C Kalei' lu Gracious l'raisc My Cup T'lic Good Food They Serve Now bars At Get Yaar Rectpe Book at pistil ~m WALLACE OPTICIANS w* . ; /R E S T A tt Si I f — • C S J.t 9 E X IA « MM Via#Via, 81. O. ttkm *»—»■. (Wirae* IM (,.a.. mm K. Ui »*. 1. C. tmm Mi an i Ml ftaaiir) fi IV ftTHI Vm I m ik f* IV HITS CORNER OP ANN AND MACAVE. BtukSIm msmm