» IM Adiou .M.XOII tklllH HM Kauri, for Kk«h ■1.4 KmmH, ichieran StateNews ScnriDg NSC For .11 Yttam sinI >#(##!* Mil* Landidat# ru»- VOLI/MK 52. No. 70 KAMT I.ANSIN.., MK.'IIKiAN. WEDNESDAY. DCTOBEH 12. I MO IjN Defies Mobutu; Lumumba Protected Angry Mr. K Warns U N h TOU lam. feat. I.KOPOIJlVIGGK, TIIK CONGO. , Jh- UN. rorri. vifMil ilefint it f'ofiEnlei>e fterruihil for nnrr*t)iU-r of I*nfrlri» To Talk Disarmament Lumumba Tuesday. Thn mllnif f>>ngu commlaalonera then hlUllon VS'ITM) NATION', ft y 'A' r. 1' v «/' 0* T "i» hrentaned mi uprising of troop- Ihroitf/hnut Ih«* Coriyo Premier Kbeu«Mh«v told ''*• r.e "'fe mil#*# the Nnilid Nation# permit* th« «tef*MdtJ premier to U,fl General A*f'fnOly Tietday '//As s b»t i* must either m.'/ve qukklr *'»- .'"'♦er-f/T ?r',"j '* he arrested, | 'v ward d.*,»o srr.'f/ cf.» r ►»'( a ,• Tbi. rom'i»t«*ion#r*, < p«r»llr.g j f*'# Ciniyi)!i>-.+ t,, Vrep 4 topply or r's., .1 *jf which he »*!/* '•»■ ro»'r.i'T In "i* ' Col. Joaepb Mobutu wid 11» fxiii from gotrir In tp/vii-f Uni'ta wJi fa- the 'or •b O.r ap'/rovs) of Jireildent I «W# *r# n/.f iiivftjne. we d'^'t T>." fViVlet leader «f y-'ed »;* I .. i * II b Kassvilhil Tuesday I i"»o| tu etervc him out," Horn- • >m wi'vkI so ultimatum on istiii said. H'/ff'ltl'ifl to bis demand f"» ' * ' ■ de»,,1. »,f 1 • tisarm- II ANVGNf. v -1* '• "1, Tumdo / | mt (ir'its#*'- *'e V5»- Thai ib - I'ti# j.a»^d wHh the' A* THE 1 F M. dsadiuu* im**- •i-i'i bret > that ~ f ' W-d ' i-ood Nation# ruling It*t Lu ! E"vernm#r»f rn»r«"»U#Uv*« • i - ' for oumar,t • imfM ■ a rot lUr If fl.e »•- ' *"• '• J «l« ftfi- ac.* r»'-» noil go 01 ■ f h;»« .mmunllyi fisvil. India /ifflror Mffrl -Iff lit V ,.... ara^o.ot ,mly p»H«m#tit| hr,"h ih" v u It?. *Alfi t'0 >*' ■ 'I* ■ ,,, (..jjf. j M- nt'• *'«l IIvi "• o.-.k>«»'d for fur- pfeJ i-ed i re >* . -J" • . O. f instruct bum when fbe Ul- Mil MMMiHi-.il . ,rd< ! by t'N anil 7*,TI f'ongo! "r ' 'IfiiOlffi w.>» served !».■<« Mifht 'llSfruiiaf^lold'i offlre 4'■ 'be , i-Hs m bl« villa «ai fhe hank* i ItnMi-d NstUms dr'Uned U» *ay •be ( tu" 1, a. 1 rn»u«/•*•»( Hftii* ■a bet tier ne*r bi«trM«"Ums had t,i* 'nte/ifibn* to •# i/c faiw- l'««n lesued But f«erv/t,* »• the QGBKN CANIHIMTKS — f andi- N.V. junkir, and Janet KoeUe. Hear- |]\cw Ticket 1 n* M.««lU-K...vubi, ,tn„'r^ N.V,.„,. '"n datra for hofneroMing t|tiren were the Andy Ifohtn*. Grand Kapld* eenior. of y,:w 1 t.», Kintent* nf the men of llelta Tau lleltii tuirn Junior, diMU** homeeoming with -fr-' "" " . .. nn IKrfi. •„ „„„i M l l.rt.iM,. Win, ... I.., fraternity at a dinner and informal get- lialla Tau Itelta. fHee Htory fare flan Deviled U|trl»iii4 av#l».*t the t.nited . a(|iiainted session MoimIhv. Here candi¬ Stale Nets a fholo liy frian Kcnned>. n NulftMtn •I.timI, >d of th* rommiasiiinrr rrnu;• JiMiii IVxnlck m" The UN i\v snnootu-emarvt turn-; 3 1, in ultbfft'un, date* Su*an Mitchell. IniIiIm Ferry, For Students t .11 ift'd with runing the rrtuntry, .1.0 tn« impliciituifi ttwit c,t,41m 11 not »«*t a *'nte lot l!S ton A'V r'. fnre-^/c B ri ' M «r. - UN and Moroccan (rtrun guarding I pHtttwc ll«* MUld Or la waging i umumba vmld resist any Ill MuMHuebuetlH »i& ../•> 4tmrF4f' si up a r«e" cfcrtrtbUfcrsd •,.» "ft 1IIP - r further wu'.l f/orn I log 'CTf.pt U* SCUM hwn. *. . V re's v, llarfifn*! rk Jo'd, U .V. HeCfttary- 1IIK I' N' refueul i'/hofe»c ih- wMil «f Professor Loses Morals Appeal iH-ttfal Ipil i '.'re t'HU# g<*r.-y« ll'»oiU»l <1 asserted C ongnlr - wsrrei,' stgned tir freideit Jo- MtHTIVr, '>' 2« ' ' » *«' Intend l'» arrest |,uniiiroOa K«*ftvub«i. ws« b«*e«| mi ^ '/f *1 H'j'r «>• i| i noMtMlbo SMirtrd Cmifu fu-MlametitsI i*w which serve* the I'imgtf. tcciipoisry crtfisti'ii mnufAMpf *.IC>. ' I T.vftirft fot hev r.r " * h-« troops Inuevled b» arrest T>*r' ifftrW- 'i-m The levir fi'l'llPi tha* p*r» 141 wfknlfh ( ofeswir Prnfes*#.r . < fulml court snu h I unaumha rensi-dirm of the U a , t 4--0*** Jff I V. 8. Satellites I.T'*.'*fii ff'.'i,* apimve any *».» T »- -J iv I'. • wu Flop rewitton. He «»l«t any Inter- .«•«'» ^ eifri-tw ruling weak . bd- N *> f t i CT| r-ifit for Uu? tfrmt of one of its • '» of h:- eonvk'Non for fecenre by Hie tJniU-d NaUor.s reieetad a defen*# it,Won *0 ^-✓5 1/ -r - f *.'5 r « rMr»ev*>»«i of fibw*-pr piriut • mild an attack pre - evMe-up Jn tltw ra»# he- 'tf *** '/ |)vy#l bad nte- rtgeti H*,,.,, ,• . Th.. 41-yesr-oid Huriior n' represent* f try Ho*.' t'» Congo and • wirUI »»r " } Hp* eselusivt *»r!*' s«bou| w*« h*'f liertj ilicgslly ^I'ji'no1 fvVr*» x *re» ientw#! I >a-e. / .'A* - ' Machine gunneis I tin ii.*?ri!P^nu Is*' flight if the Ghana j T> e wiu»j!' f was ur,» of three OM 'ri« f'rT ft' nt'i.' T jew* Mid! prffiVW i'rfi-.i g.TVOrll- g'.fil'y in Himi.ttllri- lu- Uortus . * !h* f#ft rontlnfervt «»f tr»o UJ1!. force* faculty mvmfiefs from fknith! *-f ft* We f'»' JMSbaaT » ♦ - ' *j.r tr. *jr# ir ,* Aa; Issued »i« utturisturn. fd.t)#ir coorl bv Jud;» August of h.p » •tea «CiS- I . »'»»d near the l^umiirrit.s rr*i- ftih't were cor.virt* J »,f mors:* TV#- 7V h t'P tr' * < r;'iSh- Sua, ; Tie UN 4inynnii *v 1 tit 11 wild Tftv«Mfj, fWnWnctny. »u dei«y- ur» of to- *-v 'lcrve u#ft'I sysint' p-Wi de.egned V, *- , «;-nce. No afforU were mad* by ( hsry » e/Ur '/ far/a Ul4t •^1 lint'I rp! IN so investigating j * ,fi T be rrufri»> the 'van* the* sue •. ^ * fWUlr»l M—ft.. • last month* llhllll HAII lei j w•* taken .n « r*Pi by » *•»•» ro/rrl *.-/• nw. c//-r» per* . lift I [eile.p nl f^rtsls. Uw Ututed fined . potavitftil «r," NmN/mhi «Ww/ iffeilp- tl.e «a««ldrra tl WW and »eoteft',*ed t<. ft ye«: ItNI. Of THE three, prof T prwu/'ir»t>bv rt«- j4 whi•> l»r / Morris v and TuewUiv TF# A «' '* •* ..*** ,1 v.# fieri iffiaf v. I ri». '* Cuba I* ftr*" " mu-..* w. ,« Uta I 1^., „ 'J'.'!" Newton Ar/td, tettlfrfd for the I Lonu* »«» out of iuv, w*til T/r - ar» br'saen arri the S#"fn reftiddtiref b Iim ...let- tlw- per- P'*4'*"! the finding and ws!vM pro»ectiMon Ttierday tie klm-j —— ft- -r«r • vice «d « waiiertt that m imX... .1 jury trial on the m*/U* of the! tjfied artiris. taken from Doriu. .. . . , t*n * ovar Thar., h-iftw «-'«k will « - * He t/» hwvr hi r«-*or*. s* urja. V# 7/- lr*#?y, Navy **"• ba»ft a* JJ74 yr r*r#«eai A*y*«» case ap-jnT,u. m » police raid Sep V /VClllf/f/ll (itl'l'l* Red Bane vebd * THE AMSOI'Nf EMr.VI «HH , ■-»l :•» foster til wmth />mut had j "M E THINK th:« w: ; e' m.r- and Fft-ariftd a*i5h {♦►arftd • reefer-. -**v- whw- H* f that |r,litM'iil fMtsrrm in t)ie nan- | Denmark Royally *'#• the ustt "r#«k «< ga g *n rgg,.r carrw word Exile Says «fty» M « trftl I'A-rirmtfi.x "have enjoyed „fg. ' THE MR Kit CI Nice Protests France's ■ vr-r-d Itftl* /Z'- .*■»•-• "7 *•, >/*-! firobttwe. of L'OKed NatiuiU WAfmrNWlN. (Ah—Pre: -I I: .*ftad M tha* #»r*» •*■,- wtthoirt envti'lrriha.-i fo j r*r •;' hr vftno ». * a rm' y w* , d-r,- had »/. *•". h/» '/wr. Till hETOVH * •-? MIAMI FLA., fAb—fomer where each je.Vftl in trie poUM-1 j corned tr,*» K ng *n»i traer ri >f |TF»»-r. ir. !'#',( r* wef* 'Operation Heave-Ho' ?',• r*MVc«i ■ ,*rrar. Prima Minister J«»»e Miro Car- rail m»a i/r U> reUlPsi U/ eech ; ! thnroH.». Tin-.',,: >! if 'h-r*- '.owed v* pr-eer>t m mar./ as A ■ F*Aftv-J '/.her" % 1 f'wi .. *m«hc. for tr- ■ ?',ur a". 4 t-— Ar»d P'« »'.iiis, first Cuban leader tn de- ■ ma ' * da/ or fry.-- >*•*-*•■ a. iw. pr—emr, m many r'Hinre the revolutum at mm- m —#d Wwi* w-t.- srr. / monistic, flew into esile Tue*. I .VICE. FRAHCE, — .Thi » U fi -J S*i'« ,r> XATO m #~»av rptf.4 i . eotord lv r.#d sr. Jjaergyft I« ry*— Frenoh A'urnw: Vvir.i h.o.-i lavr. u .- Prea*.- Munr. - day - with a warning that Fidel Energy Com ,n* to (astro Intends to shake up rnivvpjn fAKf.'i wants to dump Kliriinlirlirc Wis wh 'nr.gtd s w-r- trxrxtme.* of * !d.5'M» w^.r-d '.ruzi.i of rwlu^ nnfhboring Latin lands. W> "TODAT CUBA ts more or Was !. active sit., the MefUuer- S/min II ii/i Instill GGFh Mitchell s headquarters of communism." :rarie.»r.. [Soviet-* (.'oilId ha aaid. "with the Intention of j THE MICE M sr»mp«.f OavkII ia.threatamng UNITED NATION'S, NY. W» edmiriiitraA:v« fNftftnkrr KF»ruasv#e-r r#-»r!y had j Thii f'lrvjaF rr.ft / bin'pi F. T. ^ Due in Ijiisiiift Orliit Mail , interfering'In Central America.* • p,r d.grii i "... ' Mi m Cardona talked with ? strike T th. A EC get ahnf anodiar Clash with SpeniahL* adutlnst: ft'ir/n, wr.kcft ertii St-n+xy of , Labor s'wwnrn at Miami as he waited | with 'v^^rfttton henve-Fv. " m« r *M! tr m \*r*xg j ' T>w iwT/pUi #»f Cmrskw arc d«-i#gatton afv a bding speech i in moo'i v'lsrrwjrn *.T r* f-if a filer** in ft\|(av«s Aire* Kmenhr/w"/ m«t Ihr fwfl 'F • .'irvdft r as part of a thw- 'ft> j Tv»r»iU/fl»g > mm dwrmmtra- m the U.N. C«Mll kxftrnUly entft/t^Ri! vai' ♦ f V.'fa-gft' Far Iter in the day he ended Aif> b/m. 1 T g-»rlft; »'**• stay m tha Havana Ar- MVPITK THr.-hr.ds v from Khr-ia/ft^ft-v M ju*t j T» ey fW from" ' hi»g . '^^rd Miv h *" » r*g v- r'rw«i#r»d v» F# i-ntma Embassy, where ha said thrifts wtftii faer that th# see may w»#»ndj y^ jprewdent's persona.' pian# V'#» Brs'i-i i#.-- T.ft - add."-, be tnok refuge "after learning up ho vpswrh on rt.sarmar#*;? of ,y l.'0-r* ■*Jig ft "g *♦ »-r«*Vii ' r:.. -ft -.♦ 'rum iTesident Osvaldo Dortiens someday berrvyi# r-aitemme'sd end was wi.hm* hark to hu pert/, wi arr'r# or at iewtt than vacationers will I I',. w-y.s ! -ft*- .ft '"'♦*** ' n mself that Cuba was srat Whefl "Jrf Soviet >»ri»r rw- l.itlrn /or the liral Lansir-'g at IIJW ft rr. Th'yrw V • be afraid W flork to the sunny (M»d that Speenan wntoiiisOur, arvl pr.'♦-wd v» fh# <■ ijor t '/« d *'V g f—rr/.ft-i* )#■- f'#T -ft-r • toward communism * ftTfjears;*.# at ifce I vat Na-. •MWhure, r#* AEC says rt plana tired that Spanish ambaftftWD.r t'smso .nation*, n.t Are where h# w .i fy.M 1 /«i Tha fonMer University nf Ha¬ to begwi dumping the wee's- Don Jose . f*li* d« Lequerjcs wnteenct at 1J0 im. """" vana professor of criminal law moetly weakly native mewrwl La.tl*r*i^_ (♦Kl'A.ftAuftwJtan MrdaJ vi;i kM/m* im Iar^ *f,N Bk%tA , • » HBtoeem% a epted Argentine pmtactton Wgdawertk. eke kr ae aaia* '.her; 'J2t Et. ■ r» > from reactor laflbig system* — *•» *<-«'•' »" »» ( after resigning on July I bis ap* tear ateairiea, saggaated aw SMD dab « U4*. «, toward toe and of October. artU lata, iM* QM t— s,, —*•*■ ■'«'» ;-ointment as Ambassador to tha T" vjr'ijftftft-- «*ft Ten tkpi*ly sealed drums ar- Taeaday thai U.N. da legates «f *. vw. * IM ****"■ » ,r. United States ttod trie T*r—: rtved at amilj AUbaa a few mlgkt all Irara te Ikemp th# TMEEE DATS before, ha said, p«. f-r o-.., *"• » program:— fca, he went to Dorticift to straighten Bays ego. They were stored In toMe like jbfwt freatwr SAM : h» »m ii two * lt4:' ^ • shed for a Wet drop Friday 6! I-A.yr atone U#*2 h-.rg J Tbi ewt-o t f..'i astronactf ^ <• t pr«.blem« posed for the un¬ 4 farm a LA. ■ When toe member of Pre*.u— E^•*-»- #. ? b* powered .r. , *r.fry aj| sas.^a# trie v.r*r\ * - iversity by trrnds of revolution. about the A \i*rz*is~f roekat lorna *- *r« o#* ^.. »„ " Dortlcos told ma "we must I'M laabl.t ... ivwrer i cabinet a.i vrw *-m# v.* CM. . .n I to I he f.Al re-* wren W-.il* are v> e* erw, greaui," ha said. HreeriW't Fas bean in office. mske another revolution in Uw maM back by Ike fJI.. idftandtof iadvyrjnn .rwrno Serreff % .w : •niversity because it lias jet the tev• Ntumil#Ltfe la- feT-or ».-ggr«^#r .».t*».i 1 winter - p-int,** Mire Cardona said. "Oof* revolutionary view- He's A Socialist Worker tscencc pefikr- ■ en. buLdbng a 34tcs- «ng wvsw: - cos said tha soma applied to Eleclra's < the drov/T of tfc# Gwejc C . ♦ #■ w* ,jl* Cuban i Ms«yv* L.'gh* t*ntm at- CAPS C A.*AVE3l,4.l u-xtirsumd L^rtiooa aiAad. Judlrlaiy. They don't tba revolution," Won't Be Presidential Candidate Here Thursday yHjdUav.JIa, A *. f-» -i htdn CM*a- ' Li*—A- arsmir,'-e- AL-n. - tea *4«» «w. ■1 i.- 1-. '-«*•; x "This la lnhlilai ianlsm and vr.fi'. to -ft.' *'* i -.-r-N' If ftr**: f x * m J,- U-u are tba gi nManl <« the IW puM< of Cuba", Miro Cardomn Grounded dat# fir #UJL fcmator Mieftigjh. toey went to say how yvt*#, frorn t ebrrwd wtsh V«>is r^r*. a srr«t tr:c etri *rvr»- ' fce;»g 'toe mandf.rocket irte «»•#*. I rtf v» a « e farw '#« wrfe>i *- ®f u-s rocbag arm. v . tugh and art §etur~i better, ac- toe product of our Iwtxsr ahaU S**advoca?# **>* he iwi—Uilad. He mid BOSTON. WVA C&npraa#! eordtog to the Socialist Work- be wed They don't war.4 any ' AMERICAN w4wrr ire HOWEVER. M». »tlTi ' - i>at»coa qulppad "an what'" ' ' Wed SU'n » deterrruned; r* ' - srinet subcommittee investigat¬ art. Thar* have btn thousands pert of it d/atoad off by an >d> atarvtoct of »•> Miro Cardona was achedwled ing th# nraidi of an Eariern Air i of Hornet and school# built that unpo riucUv* ifunori?/ of pftr.- c -ht# 1: t- »■ THE *lk Hill |, - .. you mmrru- # fjt-fj be#* and #arly »#/'«-#»>** **• ••---,«"■» trft sadacar.^ CWji»il*«T Ml prr Um EJ*rtra -which killed fJ ddrtt eutat Mart m Cubs- ft.*u-N ir„4>j id luxury -w. ifftfir not what sou steal from H » • -r *• "mxm wcaid "un the «pere or t* o-» perrons a week «f\ a»d Tuaa- aatpenae. piaUaefr* V.re Tarrer Vvt Bre-.-n *ft-t th# no: •■-«-' van tf the A!--. ;#*<•*—#.♦ »sir? ,1 * Aim T, biiltat Md tor war »M .! w.-p— .(ant. v» Idiev a na rocket p~ TM' lor afenKW," Si I,/v. ,,.d "'*> —»r.t a 'j»I wnrrr «wr» to develop ♦ eonsiatans program twewaue, %r. «./ ' ire. drros -4 ", f Tta Wa, tal ia*, a.. *... mgrfc. i ft ooft*--—'-r a-'l to a»a «w *"d co*. to be pressurt 1 into Srw c-e^.rer *v wne. -r. wnliiHwry dlpMnat was - ' * *«. J— 4 tor to, 10 tour «•. M ttrr". m arwra ma ara tor- -train progrsac* because, of Sua- can orr-.-yf The — p. U. wM jtouad .. . fnjiar'a ata, la tba Argan- totn to/. Una a.Wa-1. rwl trwn toa r«l tone, ot Lf. t.jn effcaru. 'vwr?#-? - to# A'.srt The subcommittee headed by Tokyv wtero ha attandad a 1 bacaue# of the o>nr of ihr/ - '■ * THR EMI Ell VTATBT lcrg- wkt^i to Lnt-s ^ v- Aw- Enbmr. Homaa of 1Mb Rri>. Jur.fi Bell Williams. D- work! conference nauat atomic ACOOUMNG TO Uwelt th#i*k-r. M/t Weuii aeri man f r o7» manned space Bight pro- mwe« > .-%«*-• t-m- n» "E»an to tha childna'a Mui. wound up preliminary weapons. Earlier tbu year, he pprjblema «•? «jut »*my een be Both \Um We^ss and M-*. gr*r?u he said, i# pinned en the of n.s» m4.fwKt#« J_ ' Man Cantata buhl with Uta — war, MilMIni aft.r hearing betuod ck*wd duoni made an ertctMv* tour of Cuba ftoived only by the wrtsif Ouotn. who fca.ro Fieeei spoaksr-/ tt*ura rnekrf project b#isg d#- determttrt " a< t,t,„ Bell aatd the sutoroenmmee; u» study the rwkruUon lad, by icteM. m the emptoywrs are nyro «t «oflege'cempuaro s!I ov#r the ., , v« n-*..* % ha n|i Cantata atat Tidal Cu- found that the crash was caused by a power failure in one so- tiki tour, Dakka fit the only school Caatro. As a in—R'umn of ttm , revftiu'.xy. system. beowne eUmxl ^*|bhrfriiil unoer j". pnbl flbnd puop^g-1 In the.r party prug-wn, the, Crea»e ;n tftoerest among fU.- country; cnRuntmced on the in- '.on ot .he Aldbar.ft spec# ' " » tr>inf h> food the United fine and patty in a second. presidcaUal canifkids who sup- BtfiTaa. la new open *ryf ha.» j Socmhats hope to g,ve the voie eanCa of our foreign poLry. Cighf center. Aikrd if the day would ever - Prlilions Due h"^.ies mto taking kim ytiai €«um* of the power failure ports the Cuban revolution. real ecedm^ freedom, wrh sU-i(o lg-yew-oxu end in the The Sjcwiist Workers cemii- Aien t.-ft. IfJE and Bus-: Frnftk eepk Ctr; ps.Ti. tyea of Um> world. Ha Gen. Elword Qumada, heed of 1 volution has now giiat its umverskro and setung eurrtcu*| through a aetftcewl referendum : nvgl, will t* heard on radio end !»kjl to 117 5to- •» the "real Cubans — the « 0( jyj'em of r-.rH plans >*-i fe-r'ires. L'pen retaric vf the FAA, Mia.n testified t e be- j pecple a say about the soum of iwn l They want to wilhdraw All | TV on Thuridsy, Oat lA.- 'dOcT; p* space vehicles, Dr pftt.Uaa*,. totemuesr# -communis* anas — still frel Levct the crash came after a, their own destroy after doram- WHAT DO SicmlkM 1 iroopa from furetgn roil and Tha-riay. Oct. 20. a*. 7 pm, on Crs-n said some rooperatioo ,m *< f«- %r; tfr-i »»-; T* .. want? According to frusk Lo- diamecke- all injury bme* injatnuurfti WM1B-TV, UmsuwI 10 th.s Grid he# already been at- •u -. : Bob AMntga. roiro#. wH. Bmmro Wmkma Cwdl jpjii Iroda. Sand Am mi nana land WKAR rodro. »xup*mtoetiL 1 awr« cam ptwricziw WK0NE8PAY, OCTOBER 12. IKn diversity Is VlfA^t'lANK. I.AMR, 141 The pa • j-lant^ei.ratai') ' nffnlm. • I Ilk ('AI'ITAI. I* full of iu* \ N'oravait, • rahliPd meiuU, , what thr Utiitfil Hlntpi jlh« old rightl*t fovernniam g, N< Barrier' | «f gtota for t-'ar Kn-i'-in mure on rotivlrtlon I* I ^ 1 g r o wr n g among wesiam diptomaU hare Hi at tha Irwin I* Ilia AvMnnl Hi-cratnry j plan* »_ to do to harp U'l. - and j aagtad by tha neutrallet. in A.»- eiirliai*i d"e/v 11^w' hiMgc of mililoi) I avanliially the real i,f aoutlieaet j gil»t, ia tha thtr*i lag under chmgc of mititnry j rvaiilually lha ra«t i.f aoullieaet 'J 't""" "I'pphig Into the corn-1 «hnky stool of laio*' |nlam«| fK,|. 11.ree the next few day* "| Hannah Al Nigeria tVa. talk* opened lua.day U- a out U.S.nautrallet*iip|»orl forgovarnmant Nouvatinp-na I t»lr«.grlI.a0a haa !-*•„ r«K*kl«.tf I -, f|(|| (>f f((Mr all •unimrt , tw-aau tweau lanrcaentatlvaa of rrpraaanlsflva. i.r th.tl>» pow. ,j l«OR» t" avpeeiad heic mi I hill. I'hmima'a t...u tougll with the pathal I *••'"1 pal hat Uo | w|t|? lu for lb** rlgbt-wlng Ui - fo( „,r haid pnaead U (Iniversity Opening and a govarnmant roitimlttna •!•* otian government. ' pu.itlnrt of lien. I'hmiml No.»van.|«»r try to hnatrd by Internal alrlfa. Nsl KlvA, Niveiiii Ktliiriitloii must itfimFP rflfferencrH J. GK All AM IMRNONH and John M. Irwin, two top II.H. gov¬ in t • 111 nit- H ii* I en It ti rit I hiirkxTminti*, color, religion unci ernment nftblaU, air flying In t fin 111 i < • 11. I 'i'i* ^ 111** it I hr JjiIhi A lliiittmlt mmIiI liere tdiliiy from Wa*hingtmi at mfu today || I lif ii|m'h|i|)' III II ilew tftii> III this newly ili• "• - •Jh Han yi what II faai* may In- a rampaign *-u"K Gurop . , if the Kill German mU- miliar h hroail charter of r«» \lur agali twili aid in (email* |i|aptiiad fill H|Miiiml)Wiy mid authority »o ll JiifoiTiiation ill the Bedc' little rnhl the i*«rlated city a grpieere on il« with "'r.'Jrro'.'"' 'f'..". "f." ' . U '«" rt,l'""c "" •Ii-Iiv * i > til the opening mliVin'n may liava fraadont of fit**Utility the I mveiMly uf Nigi'tia lu inrat Ilia changing lined* of tha liade w ith I tie f'ominimi*! e«»t. * | \Vc*t Germati government, *»ile I IIniimnIi nImi ll rule i lined Ilia Ini M'TIIKHAN hTUDKNT AHMt) Other recent nteasurs* *g - inp devaluped with tha rliw* an- , (inrlanca nf a re**nri-h program "ANOTIIKH IIITI.Kir la hna K*li*lan w-aman ITATION 7 a.m., IJniverrdty the city'* frrailont by Comitum Victor .1 niinkmrIw ilrnrHml Sovlal I'rpmirr khrunh* . upiiaiiun uf iIn* univaiaity and *u Hut) tha onlvemity may tia it- l.iiiheran < huii bf Uonuimnion Ilia I'litvriMty nf Intuiun. »alf effectively to lien)* of tha plirv sltimn licrr tnlking with Rtijittrrvirwrr follow ami Breakfa*l Tilt' Mkhllfllll |rlntfm'ttt w ill |i|i|N*iir ill TIlUIMlliy'ii Stntv,Ka*l tieonany have a 1*0 h« i 1 In tuiua ic-pailj I ha Nlgan i ■oclaty It nerve*. in*t it til umi I- patterning- Mm If mi' n New York lelfvlwion whow, Jnnnlmrt* drfrclril A I.I'll A IMII OMKGA-7 Sludenl Service* p.m., Nl'WK. "• will nx.nl (mTltldll fixilnrc rl'.rlr. ill thr future, ll. m.|K.rUiw. I" thunwlv. aflei Mu-hlgan Slala. Ainarh-a'a AM H AM INK rai* with MM). from I tie It.-ilhkii mill tin* itwhrii for fHililirMl naylom In HP P< »l( M i: I» I II It IS I IAS' K 1.1. llNMtiah pointa«| nut, tha Sludan' >. Hit* I\N, (i I'i \\ iiepliiilu) CLASSIFIEDS piunei-r laud giant unlvrrally. IONS Sill I- - 7 III) pill., I allege faculty and n-lminlat ratm* uf tha CAMPUS . M IIM. PIMM II* M. nf the II on »e nrw plihllr unlrrrally In Nlgei ii 7 .10 p m . Judg¬ Spy Bole ( iiivei»tlv uf Nigrria la a main ISA IIIV I I.I It Millet look upon thamarlvaa at Oldii'l Like Initiation of new l». uf lha MM Iieuiya M Jnhnauii. former dean fai iilly, Mr. plunaara, leading tha way in thr ing Pavilion uiemlMM*. I'lannnig of Tall IM'lAUI.IMiS: I pill. IPity Itrfirrr I'ublirallon for Tura., H«d., Ihura, ••I Howard I'nivaraityV law diaaa a and fin!.! again >1 Igruuanca, puvai ty, held lip ' mimI hi. MllHNia. Drudlinr for Mon. Mil km: I p.Rt. Kri. Msionian DclVrlor . . N InhiI and a niaiidiar of tha Pad prajudlra. VVOMKN'S I l-iNi l\t. I HAM • ri'il 4 nmittlaalof! mi < Ivll Itlyhta MSI' la hnnorrrl to hatra idnvcd a atnall part In hrlnglng tha I'm t p mi . IM tt nnien * I M EXT. 261.7 He aim M head nf Mlchlgail M AKKK 11 ng • l.l.'ll 7 p.m.. varsity of Nlgana Into halttf," I'mi lor ' I urny Mali a adviaars in Nigeria. Sec'ks 11. S. Asylum , Kdui at lull 11111*1 I'H.k only Hannah PinphaalXad "Tha chair CM I IV, r I' A H I t N> 7 HO l« tnati nf our llifntd nf Trualrt ■. 'chl.'. Men'* IM, t!r*t itidiarr FOR SALE LOST and FOUND Ilia individual a inlalllgaiii a and I»r, t'nnriur Snulh, haa cuina Iu-m a p in , meeting, npeir In all AUTOMOTIVE h" willingiiraa In u*a It," lliin with nia In testify hv hla praHcruc i.M.INLKKI V. I UI M il 7 Appt.ra awri r nnrn nirnm-1 « OET - MAN-a C*HWR' IIII.I piiinlid mil, adding lhat all mill Hint wa Indlrva in tha l'nivci*|iy N) W Vi »UK »'■ An l.-lMiiiiM wfpniiiii.-M iIpIitHh- front pm. Beading Braun, Old.* Hall i twain n ahio in. fre*h «•»*• *n4 olheir #re*h|t>rle »llh rhll4 * •••• an elm. fn4*v If fn.. ami nw'r'rt" •' l"1noliable ! 1 •►»» I"1"' t'hrarv nlhar facluia aia liirlevanl whan f Iliwtlw ..n v hl'e i nil* ll coined In deciding who ia In ra¬ uf Nlgana and «» atand icwdy i Nov ii I I'itmhi'I" I'hnialirlipx w own **1ii|». lim i'.iiltiku. Tiiph* I'BHMIA AUI BS p in . It H I 1'tleiiro »• .•Itei.t tiarl. > it.»» Rnr4«l4e Firm «•.«.' : rp '■»»• help hi any way «a can I^Mf'ng Arrii'iitu II" apjrl lip whn the lienvhla id an aduralmn Building Open dance, eloaed ire* rode* . «■' tal va "It to tha atarnnl radii nf ibi> Houglii (millii-jil it.*«vhint in PERSONAL Hannah helirvr* lhat tha land ia r lileeltrig lit H : t "» p in gianl idea nf admatimi aa tha Nigeiio a* II take* il* plnca in ft-il tip tivith -living ItilAnitt us n roitnrri|d civilian s|i> INHt'HT'RIAl. UKSIGNKBS IN VflTORWIKlTtR W rURHMAN •T hunt here ill Hi (*OMI1Jrrt 1 Ml • CARIlt'MATGR llACrilANAl tA A Mailt uf all uf thr* people call tl.a Intarnalluiial cuiiununity uf SI IT! I K 7 ■:«» pm, Kierge •,1'PEH I .ri. ' "Hied ru-iiliUnn jt. taao ■ f plenty, where I,. .1 ..ll*. ..* ri rati ED I*I*T4 •I up for *»y or mac,, lu fMevmlet rev cm • hinr equally wall in Nigeria aa nationa that una uf it* hi i «»rh Ail 1 enter. Slide* pertaiuiiig |t AH'i Mallory l|nllion Dicg Ib.u.nur j .. evriv hiiuiau lieing I* ir-|»fclril liter 4 0 or - ' I f) 1-1017 t» LAVAUKM RECOONtTtOs ll h«* in America. Hal ad* waa In upali thin rental hi huiiialrtal deaigu and auhi Th* f %iA S ami hai *elf iligully," declared hldh two OVFRTllill Full •rly fa1 Hannah rvplaineil that Ameil uf Irniulliu " tee tore will Ire show ti tnrni Broooinx •• •fight, hluiul \ tctm Jaanimet*, r,„t . ,.r rtiu *lwo rl'k'4 f*ME.Saa*»«i hue' • raalnue 1 kit ED Mill ran milage* and unlvar*ilia*. ha I II KM TI < It'll 7 P ml. Oak 4,V.i *♦••• 'I ?W'| iirP.» Rlvvr Drive 3 if-', urtci: Kiua1 -.lu. who |uinped the Brrlltkil ve« , .,1 i ig^relle* - f in a Michigan State waa founded IN M NMIIV.IOS Hie ,».»* Koom, t.uiun I'i |owii*end Ur'ini IV »• 4.171 ti •uier 5 .ia cart on Rhotg tit and Rifle : aTltOFNTV TOUR BARR»M tenia) and got or lunch Willi an itelU t0'< off 1 ■bail »*r» Vina Uroat I «-ur b*n ♦ • • n |n;»\ wrie faithful follnwara tin- ili-pariment *aul no deet»um will Hpeak. vntKNWVinN iwa 4.ihm> **on. KitulllNii refugee grm.p nf Hie huiupcan aducatiiinal tia ■IIIInn and wi tr imlllTrreMt to thr I'uiilino Bi.wks .Irtiinimei'- •aid lhat t"» three ha* lawn rearhrd on whether to HA I'M I NTH N t I I'll Sport* Arena, IM Building 7 Mil p.m., in I Ii IN While n.au I II 1 1441 wall* • all Hub riian- aller • r» ui ' 14 Gun Cum too up i i»Hui. «ci.k* from of parking . wout of M* Namaial F«*od yeai* he Miiughl an nppui (uiuly grant .liianiniei* aaytum, adding naail* nf lha people at laigc "lit* prr*ent *latu* '* that f ! ASSOCIATION OK OKI* t AM JAUt'Afl |'iSt*R -l*r«M ROAD-'i n»l I he land giant univrr*Hy Idea CoitU*m|»l of lu cm ape the » oUUllunnt uf In- ruler* Miuall Hallo homeland an alien who illegally jumped hi*"I I'UH NTUIIKNTM 7 p.m.. Ml bTl lt able l'«i ellrnl 1*11 »l«>. roodllluii room A-pi«i Halle1 c jftriilye thm tmg belt* erurD iw| WINDED SPARTANS evolved, lie *nid, due In Ihe plea* \\ In n «l came, it proved ah«uidly ■hip."' Union AlltiS rauipMigu rally IUII It tug need lu ilavi top the nation'* ! A 'nniniiic • niipli- lie merely *1 lulled to fire Valeri Kravrhewkn, a Soviet color *lnh on lb 1-a.o ID SAl l I DALPIIINt M»|l ttuntinff Pant* "• agrii-uitiMal and ecuimmn ia I R ilfllUI I-3^ d«im Cun l^albar i iiumla-i id' principle* which eno- j fusing lu mine the wituiHvi whu aouuding propaganda viiiurv fur *peakar on hnraign Alfaii* , |n„f„,r ril„ A l Gym hae* - ... t w FKEHliMAN HUME EtONOM Ji Hllrulc III the Ctmlinuilig •ucia*# I he'ped him Cireulale pelillruiA the fiir w oi Id a I, the *c»» P»"» Mu*ic Tcuchcr*' ttm IV 4.4aao ti MJ» Dlil Lollegr llall •■I I........... I...U ■>•,.! nilr,„.„ iu> ui it i* ti lull r bitter atiai k hv ICS t I.IIH — 7 I'm., 'J III"". A"AT1N-"rAt.CV oauIxi I Athletw Auppoftert 1 « L'nioa . »ll IC* hhiuduhcv in the name uf "niili Ee. Building a ru*4«i»t Juifi' "Ml tour *i»eeOM!S iulnulati-m (ionfcrciicr* Here IN'FUBMATIHN (AUHl ! ""xKD^'^MOAU4 Sweat pant* . 11# »",i. THf Aounam- "... ■rnui. .a Hi wi there mimt he ic Paulina h»M -41"'1 T'mmo J "Hi k. aiiulhi i If it i**» " Jauni IKS l.ut'll M ETH—lt p.m. 7« EacaUenl cwmlH.oii tl) 1-»<* SWeal »h«rt» | M rov ert ou' alffn ptaaao ralui : • peel fui all legitimate human ac Hold, ll-Comt, *itling a* a one* met* -aid ..I Khru-thclicv Ihe October 11*17 Kellogg t'entri "1 sweat (Wki '2 or iuu thai we e*n ftnlah paiaitee I' lt»nO Mlln'ommlMer of Ihe Scii- HoMI. MUNOMKS HETAtl.* .... tiMiuv wui Hi\ nf lha moat in. < ••ramaII luld nf bring forced into 1BV( hh.l.man tit fcKV waoon ' I N • i n.UH ts.30 p.m., 207 blow hhmii . .uuplluri Lallgblful l<» | ii »• v and infty m hnlaily alien-j ''•* iniermd Bectirlly vulnum- a <1 \ rule with utlux HuvieiJ!aih The ift purlance uf mu*ir in the Kiwi Abut Null . »,«.. . . ye tinu I n.illec OI >. MildlUp lutai ahiNi! curriculum wilt he Hume Eeonomle* «'■" * ! eriMMMlite*! *»•» Low Mown |»*v- "« Kawi pnlivh Kit* IM ANYONE. WHO PLAV1 kfKW va*. I, .. ,. welcome in rom# Co hMDMni of f .•ouviimed H-w tcpn M II a m w nntiun iikr Nigeria i* i "I " Kvet v Av'«'t *eatnan pla> •« »li«---rit at « Michigan Mu*ie K*i- NAAt r A p.m. 31 I ii Ion. „.r„, H..v cht«-*eii«m FoeJ tMie I amine >«v|pea and loan Enlll • n ginw ai d pin*pci." Hannah *. 1* would he vi*d«-1 igmoi the lolc uf Tliv -pv He mil t li*ok u«atoi«' t vnferamr hera Oct. H — .. . — . — \i*••.(* flrckaiil l-RKll is: Military lualgilia aiy We4n**4ac Ptav Oafi *t 7 •u'd, all Wtuk mint l« tlignifled' tiieiii try hia xulHtiinmiHec " i for militaiy ob|art». airdromi** 15 I'D* IIOHGWAni). Ts Motin. •*. j Military NIme* . IM arid *nd< kv to SO p m ami ic-pi*U»hie in the rye* of if* i When the Nuta-I IV'/i* win |aml other intelligence dalii that Some 127 nuuli' teacher* frtim Stale New* Ctllrnl rundiiion...;.* Mil. ED 1-EP.7 ! 13. I'.ratwi 73 FOR THE FtNg'tT tn danea re*".- • it "en- " j mug ch,*int*t ftnnlly wa* cjvcu*- ! can In* u*cful to Hie Soviet gov- Mwhigan puldie arhtmU will par¬ it* Hud 9M»*nctoe. Don Rmilb. lli- a I mi *aui a Iniul grant uni«-ci.' Innu the w-tlnrta k'.titii lute iu I eminent. Me look for these things ticipate in tha work*hnp *****iuiih PutilMhid bv the Students of ia.a V-rtAT MOliri. III*! like! K«me tag* .... . r» Mfnin, Pobbv imiM o»har* ktiMif lha Rwd-Mor Af«e- ptu* " ' vi-inty "cannot lt» piuvimial" If' th» flay. IVkht declined '«» pre- icvaiy lime we g.» u hi anv at lha Kellogg t enter fur Contin¬ ,, Mietiigan S'ain UmvariUy. I#- ... .< «wn'lill«m Ellia. 4*11 r«„ tvr ,, t,iv*g« TV MRU 1-MIM j Kin* t'iolllt . n IV JMRB4 0 ri|'«i» in *ervr Ihe need* of; u i t w hether P.uillltg might In purl. Me repmt anything new Education uing lumt «»n clau il4\ v, Motuiay . |E 1 00 ~KKNNV DAVIS ORCWBTR» •uvml»—He noted that while filed for contempt. 'I IIIIIN'I Iikr thr* rule fur a« ^ A number of **»*» ill pro to* t in uug.'i Friday, during the fall, | r.i ID f.fi77 ; Michigan Stale» aci viea i* pri It will la* i ntatlci f« •' Hie long a* I have Wt-n working n* a •pecrfte problem* of riLTftcplum | ^ivklv during l|p> *nmmar term, EMPLOYMENT Sedita tbtaCki J-pr lot manly in the »late, it* eontrihu whole euninirttev iu ilevnlp when scuiiihI'. -Hue 1067, Since that ami m»tr notion in elementary, j ScvhikI cIaaa postage paid-at SFRVICE Tanker Jackets t w lion* arc heme carried aniuiid the review* tin* irciml." Dodd tuld time I have been planning to ev¬ junior and *enk«t high and tmdru* i ta*t Lansmg Michigan hu* Buys . I t'NC H »n.| dinner ' world through «u> h program* i.ew»mrn 'The record will en pc three long vear* " E.I'I.XI.I ..UI bxun.^ oilier.,J™:" ,1 Hankie* 10 for TYPING DONE. IN my hntwe IV 4-anoa .iftar f pm. technical a**i*tanca project* m speak f»>r tUelf" JaanimrtV story mh» told in fr RtRRUt, Hi it III s „ 1.., • s. \, Dai hi* C — ! Kblrla 3 Ut nine nation*. Dndd laid Hm lubciMcmtttca detail by the New York Jnuinal- re It Hairi*. of ihe MBIT depart. r ,ng :mg, Michigan ,viu nigari state University ».au i niviisity, ft)|>aU ,ow t>,( ov £A%*H HoU ri.h,uUrr, w-"1 L" tD ^ ,or Tt>14|4 MP "II IS IIOI'I H that thi* I'nh p.anv no flirtSn v|ur*tt<*t)iHg of American in a ropviighted atory. .merit of niunr, will in* heai.l in :■ East Lansing, Michigan IS rntviMiR rx Versity of Nigena will Ktume an Hauling, ,i protesMir .>» t'u* Cat- Earlier, the Hatty New* printed • concert on Friday evening.; Mail *ui»K*rlpliui»s payable tn tart TIME work in *dv»rtmng rducation leader foi \\ e * t, .for It la l»*tltiito o< T«ihnolmj>, the original flr*t paraun aceuunt Throughout the meeting, »pecial; advance for rare t4»rtn. $3. f«r *•«. «atev wiiti large Natu-ual firm Fraodar bhopplog renter Africa and in time will earn th" . i nlcw wnucthmv *'!»e conic* of Jaaiiimet*' e*cape to freedom mumc will l*e piovnled by univtr- j two trrms, 14; for tliriH* terms, *uh*u* aver aim SO 00 In Ebaoe IV 0«tei1 gjOi i>er ween rnf tntareww rail IV j g|of» kri ttao-Tkwv-fl ir*|»ei*t of tha- anltra ronUnant | t;p " j The immigration department aity and high school muate group*-! 5V > a>wi a A a pm. Monday thru Fr«* , a.* >M da. 1*1 AL $ TV MflVtCC "caB DIHViSa FULLae part-time j BfCYl'LBR VNGUfHf C*'*4 m*d» e*y t.we. C#"' 1* Crossword Puzzle MU't have fund driving neurit Mnh- Igan Lab Cianuany 7IS 'liver Pirwel . darn model IM Ml and •< rvire Wo dolivr wo Pidrt* Preo • Cycle Aptenae i mite'td e'l wod i'i f ACBOkt 30 Be jubilant THE Atiop nn Routh nf tarrlnf my limit, t * U S 127 Phono OX 4.dagl It ' IV 44)944. Nt« TV * far *a ' I Annex 31. Venetian 1 , REAL ESTATE KCNMORF AUTOMATIC WAKII- 7 Venture mag.ill ate INO martune At* >•»..* *14 Pud* SPARTAN DRriiraTRA SERVTi f SI Saucy FRATERNITIES tapt lansing* attractive Mvti and call ED I MOi altar • pm • Muale for on KOIIM. Gone Ii ' 4 II. Stir up grev aklngle ranch Two bedroom* II F.D 7 H M*n»-Latita tin 43 Hearv ( HFRTER Modal JT. Ringte *h«t. full «*>* no* maro* tabn. inMluWf DOWN 4 choke barrel. eireUwnt cond*- IS NeUur.g Compenta* IDEAL FACOTTY VOMT mutual po*t»r lion la* «•*!*. Three -iMrw-»m ranch Ming- thn. MS. ED S-IJM || more thai It IVwieei tl Tidier 1 An Apoat'.e I Oore ' Fouiyorate • Away from INVITE YOU , room. IP x IS natural fireplace. It Ahead et time ft s«4e«iheort tt I'm bod i* rrent* tt Stoat I Fractional eurrenev 4 Heireata windward f Tear i IfermtrR and lurv-n kitchen h*«e- rwnt. na'fhbenitwkl j erhooie fa* glnre* hea'. -calking r»re taree lot itnUivt alarm avaian- Etna to fOt rout CONVIININCK open Wrdnrtoey even-*}* , R- from I m pertiea, etc ' k«t»l RXO p.m. > N .c he It Conceal* ts Hecw* ndee tT Coa*ed \ color > Fr aummer lit Trifkv tl Rubber 14 Roui | TO . Sa> rtfira NA 1« DOOSLI STAMPS ON It Adrounr*a WIONISOAF :: spar NEAlTiFVL CM A PEL TRAIN, 13 ln:e-tw«*a Wa'chei It Theater bog an aluO Sua lO-ll Alan I Dera¬ a.»o epea Man. Ik«». ft.. M1 pjn, il «n> « halt anct_ |V »-*»7e It Indemnify IS IT I >etone t WM. H. THOMPSON efloita II C.i*u>d,.th»r More j)r«iimir.«rr Ml- «•»#)'/- sn'i »v b. *'•* ity. ' Traditionally, lh» annual din- Thirty-five women were pre.* • *' ■ ">rir h'/«* New Home kick-off for ovante •nt for th* dinner held at ft p.m :j, Warning Device nor MftM as a j ■,■ Ity TOM MMWVMt Michigan town want off with th«i MTAYH polo* station*. power i to impending danger. If the sys¬ I ate price, f/ffkials said th* Indoor . IMHMITTK, MICH,. (At sound of a swarm of angry !*■**.! rum pan y office* and Ml radio andi tem operate* rationally, it will system would tt* a supplement to ,l defense nfflrtali Tuesday That was th* signal for hous*-1 television stations aero** Mich I -; the multiple siren systems now tell him to turn on his radio to a . a dramatic demonstration of wives and husinesainen to release i gnu's lower peninsula also f»-» operating in many rommunities P»*.determined frequency for# a d* Mack tins that could m*an l.fiOO r*d or white gas filled • difference between lif* and loons In a visual response to the ■ bal.jreived tjj* signal, report Of* what to espeet, ' A f K|*ark Plug division of . Th* warning device, a M*> k . . M'l. for million* of Americans warning. | metal hot ahoot ihe six* of a "It ma*ic a n».i»e #that we mid t#eneral Motor* corp which man , tt 12 mlnt«t»« past noon f KMT), from th* 1 stage of f'harloti* j man's flat, alerts th* householder hear all tbrmigh th* bo^l■*.', said ufa'tured a limited nsmler of .A. Ho*gh, Nationsl f'ivil D». High Hchool auditorium, whert 1 "T1" , Mrs Itirhard hue- Near bases for test purposes, esti tuind, who works Mghte, was mated they coold t»e mass pro , director, pushed a button warning device facilities had heen activated sporial signal yen set up for hundreds of industrial- asleep. It woke hie. right up." dor*d for If# to 110 apiece, ha. h „ „t„r» on commercial |Miwer lines j hits, civil defense and other gov. Prince Killed IV AN UN KMT sir attack, th. tor'isumes ate,-it 6#> rents worth of Iliiitln Creek and Cirarwl Kaplds, ernment official*, floegfi pro. electricity a year. warning rystem he a/U- aIXTV HKCOMW later, warn ■ nounced the lest a success. "If It. Is pdt Into widespread ,1*vices plugged Into electrical use, this Will tie th* greatest During Fight vste*i from th* North Amervan Air I»efen»e > ommao-i I So rad J M AIN espensc would stem from Installation of between {'01 and ft'ki signal generatf«r« acro»* the| ,• •it» in I,f»00 homes, hnslneas warning system of any country J industries (u this central hi th" world," he said. With Rebels «f Colorado NKAU. a» »h* Mprtng*. ' olo. "* It form¬ fountry st a cost of aterut f/» mil ally known I for NaUreusI Emerg¬ lion dollars. Consumers Power A I. fit KbH, ('A',)—TV.ru-c ency Alarm Hepeater hystemf, si- Co Financed th* pilot project In Iv inning Sali; At IawI FrwtU'oU «it ohi aonofMl vm of tn* Krarifc, 2*».y**r- so has an "everyday us*," lloegh Michigan. of said If th* federal government, ro |*erl«, |'ietrrrAi'r *>, U,i Kr*s* -it ca« h* u»*«l to warn of op*ratir,g w.tt, rnanufacturers Coal Tar in Lipstick throne, was klllerl fig'nt.rig Al- natural d<«a*t*r* t-eh a* torna if'thMi Natirsuillst ret*-!.. Kshlx' Mountains Tuesday. the d»«es, t'eela or hurn/anes," he said. power companies aid rititenc. urd*rtakes a Individual crash gram, th* warning system could pro-1 THK miNrr.. ^ lieu. NBAIt i* teen a» the aatutiori b* tn full operation In one or two Under Restrictions tenant <>f » Mountain kn rrark ttm j»ara*r«*/ti f'hasseuri ffs-gimiTi'. trM neetuei Alpines tin to sn eight-year indoor that is attack »*ar*h warning t*$r system an years thorerughiy reliable ar.-J sentecl lloegh said Bastlll* of the test will he pre to Prtiidenf Hi sen bower WASHINGTON, W%—Th« lonif ilinpuh- over conl far <0ijy threw week* after fc- availain* to #*cryof,e at a rouder- and later to the National Kcrurtty cnior.a in lipntickfi wan m ttlmi Tiictriay whm the tfovnrn- turning to hU Uftlt lltHti that is thoroughly reliable and va CJounrtl, h* said. n.nnt impoMwl reatrirtlonH on their line. leave in Krarifi¬ The hunt and Drug Admini* ll Ls trely was token t » Tl/u ( Ms*mn ret levels at which it con. fhtr/ei, admbvss'ra'iv* »«-.'*.• of lets certain caal tar colors can hairy Judge* til •h«- of Kahylie snfl reg^Ni. hri wife Th* cs»unt' flew to' MUSK TO SUIT YOUR TASK ON t.< met I safely in coamatics and drugs. MSII Hank high Algeria immediate!/, 'Itie tolerance limits ara only Drtnce Krar*»«» wai th* ♦hird ♦.mporary, though, while wide* MKU'a student dairy cattle of tiWmflcr'i II children rad testing is undertaken. judging team rank«r| tenth in a and his oecfind son The count, WSWM • field of 27 teams at the Inter¬ wCc» lives Pi Trare*-, h ad«v* i li.\ MAID it will rail in in. collegiate flalry fat He Judging with ruyallet groupi elTeajgii „iry representatives and any contest at the National Dairy f !st. ( t^ncew of KiWnres ever restor- her interested parties, Oct 21 tie in Waterloo, • Iowa, congress Ifig th* M'Miarrhy are ger*er*Jly i,r don*. 'Iim'uss how this testing should earlier this week. Team members were John regardsfl a-, nil %? SATNBAY IMOE PARTY, Ihe agency acte«| today under The Prince was tc/rn in Hcf.' « >*w law signet! by President Huisjen, Fremont senior, l.ioyd glum, w>»*n» tii* fijral family \ 0:(Nt.|:tNt a.m., Omni IH-nny firau, Dearborn Junior aiwl Milton h*t lived m esli* for ftt yswrr f Mihower on July 12. TcrVree, Holland senior. Duane t.oodman, lli-lo'*, lc« Brown... I' permits use of certain coal W lir.N ntANC >: rt-*V,r*,! the lleisler, Hpringport Junior wa» al- ur colors in eafc ipiantitlss. But female. Dr. Don MrGilliard of the family's rigti'. ss ciU|ano r»g ■ loir, use of any color additive MSU's dairy department was tMSSing ne-AT JrgisUVwi in 1PV>, if • osmetics, foods or drugs If team roach. Priwe Francois came to h.i *r*n ietioratory testa show any quart- In individual ranking, Huisjen country lor the first ttrric lie 7 :.KI • R:(MI p.m., rsrrpl .Sunday — The ( •v of it intiurea cancer in fast was twelfth in the entire contest, firKshssi his actejolmg near Par-' Music Man, West Side Story , Sound of animal*. in hr**d Judging, h* was second is or,/| I»i*r went Urr*cig>i agn-1 M>\ said that cut the basis of in Mu*ir. . . fluernsvys and fourth in Brown cultural cn.'l*g* *e-ff*rr Jomong j • *-■ .car animal tenia already con- Swiss. tie* army In the public Mrd 'M is not inconsistent with health" to allow the YRUR MYITATKM TO JAZZ, coMmued us* of 1.1 specific colors ».ilii'i the limits irapoeed. 7sOO>8:M) p.m., Sundays Dave Bru- lie lipsticks ran Into trouble bcrk. Mile* Itavi*, Stan kenton, Sonny • rider a prior law that raquirad aiming of any color dye that was Coiffures Rollins. .. ytnhlmtd tor fli'Mry '•.und to be harmful in any way. from \rr trtitUesr^hhig if TT.Ar.fi part*l to th* ' iril Right* Tapir of helen harre»y 11 ISO p.m., Wednesday — Victor Borge, for easy liMrning all day long it* tijUr.sT, xr.tr.y coin ' «f#ie and farm policies. bottom 'n«ath tfc» coiar. Ail w/jI fUnatl Be Sure Md Say "YES" WSWM in chart',a.', p i*.:/. XV.S*. When HE Asks YOU 99.1 me. on your FM radio dial TO THE HARVEST BALL - SHADES OF SUNSET Sat.'-October IS Sit SENIORS *4.00 Per Con pic (SsOO "Late Pan") TEN STAR SPECIAL! W Far Gnats sad Fabsfas ★ Usa's Hals sad Gaps ★ R> I Jt ★ $ SttaHsd Toys ★ Tkrear lags -W: " ★ % College -W ? Cleaners 8 V ' ED 34713 §• ^OWaMfeUpn V*.,' WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, in,, MICHIGAN STATU NBWS pack Forn Placement Bureau Moore, Jennings Write Dick Jabs As Jack Kennedy Rests OCT. II a ad If. ffff TPNNr.ttPirr vaijiv ai*TH ORITY—Mecfi |W» COflPANT-AU majors fit) from tha colleges of Com- (aiftmmrtlve TIIK fiKNFRAI. IIRKPRYKIK- rqitlon) fit) F.ngr. rnaprm for murilcatlon Arts, Muslnasi A Four Dr. David Magazine Articles Moore.and Dr. Kit* Moore la head of the personv| and proilurtUfi RdailnlatraUor, Nixon Hits - public Kervhe, A Kelfnre A gene Jennings of the Uollega of •> related v/nrlc. Kconmnlc# fM) Arts for Industrial aalrs pos¬ partmeat and hag haa.i a mem flnr. A Mar. grad* only) tna- Business and Pnhlk Hendea ara of the faculty alac#* 1»M. If.. hk, ition* (Prefer fpen with Some authors of a four-part aeries of had yeara of exparlenc,. ,„ r.,, Stand On Speaks In Jom for relaterl work. tin: RTot*rrt»ro«p.—iirim fit) majors it all other- fit) . part-time or Ptirronaf exper¬ ience. Training program# No travel involved ) Mech. fit) arlAk-s, "Keys to Kserulivw Hue- sonrwl planning ano ce**," lieglnnlfig In Die Detotwr work in private irulu«t.r-/ *,( i consultant for a number .,t ,, , New York majors from the rollego #»f "Nation's Business." a lUdO issua of Kngr, rriijois A Industrial'Arts tionally known Arms. Science »V Arts and Biistnexs THK PIRPORK of tha ar- <*>« lemoy NKW YflRK, W-K.i.- J"'". V. K,nn«ly M..d ll.» p." uf h'« PWIPT A ami Puhllo Karvlca tor trainee jK.sltloni (B) majors for positions In design god development. tie las. according to tha U H, Uhamlier of Commarca puhhsa- A M KM MIR of the staff , . IH4, Jennings taoeha* tt,. )„,„., relations^ approach P* ma,iyv , •.AN tMKMO.C.illf , f/P)~Vire« COMPANY RNOI- JOHN"WIV NKRVICK ('(».—All tion, is Pi provhle rradei* with ltvm.u-r,t.r pru.id.n.(,l r.m[..IV' nicmino iMiAini vicrr. Knglneerlng fit) rrtajois for useful insights into the varied ment, peraonoal and induatr |'i»• • i > p. iditnda i» Hi# mnif Mud ||e went to tha N#w Y«rk Time* number of firm*. If. ■«*,. jors tor firgaaie RAD fPoly¬ NQUARI- It COMPANY—- M«h ,.i# nation need#"! skilled esecu- a Mill ii ,.r tliKikiiif Ihf Truman admilUs- for a mnferanre wllh publlaher mer). Dairy Rcieme f|)> m*« tlvr* as it does Delay,H ad*ls tha hook, "An Anatomy of I A F.lett. fit) F.tigr. majors for used "when v.p blundered Arthur llavs Koltlwrger and al-«. ship," was puhbshe.i t,y u,lpw l.ntMin Jors for posltl.itis Iri research. application, engineering, sales, publication in Its foreword to tha into n Idund)' win' In K"t«''i " had a rhat at tha New York Post aer ies, and Rros, last March, . Nixon said Kennedy lias with Cditor .lames Warlialer, hid OCT. If, design, A manufacturing posi¬ |.a scheduled ho puhllo appear tions. tr»*-lfnt.lv forgotten Oils |utlnfiil PONTINRNTAh OIK CO — «.f history," in saying lliat anres. i.. I. nifONT nr NKMOIRN M'ANTFIl: All l^iy«l Haiti Haarchrr- . ctiemlatry. Math, Mat, Klaet., A CO, IttCVs-u.-hemUtry (n> in- NaHnnalM Chinese islands Ills I'HCMH -errelary, Pierre T« AllMld — «V C'hem, Kngr. majors t-f po- indefensible Mtid 11 • »* t the lli»** Salinger, said Kennedy had hh majors, Math (D) majors A on sltlori* In RAH. C'hem A Mw h ("hem., Mech, A Met. ({)) An Kmlai Wllh ..f «|«.| <*«>>«* niniiiiil I lit' ftifninnii- ruminant «m President K.Uenhow i i (bluer should l»a drawn hi er's first political hroadcast uf ffl)fM) majors for manufact¬ Kngr. majors for positions )o MOHT HAHI. I hi- »i-n nroiiti'l Formosa Itself, the campaign la-t night arrualng uring positions HAD anl SI M this nlroni'ly the liamocrats nf a "pie In the ORDINANCK RM FARC If LAN \|\l)\ I 'Ihr IJataliltr. mind. d city* w,,h lu """ ARNOI.II ADIIINON—Mali d. r< u-f sky" philosophy. Physics A F.lai-t. CMtfD) F.ngr. . iufi (mimics ami Us liuval l-u«f, OI'I'ONKNTS I'llUM IT IT — Ni-n. John Kfnnr.lv Kennedy, slaying at the Uarh for pusltlotiA lit HArD, KAM Hum Ifiin. Hll.t |,.tn•. Halyrilu., Ilrlvler 20, I0(.0 i n hup of his hardest attack* fe" ' isle lintel, floseled himself part CORP.—Met/. ..t shown Mfter Ihrir second Irlcvision de-loile* sppm In lie of the day with aides helping NV'NIINTRANII A Fleet I It) (Mi Kngr, majors Kappa Al|»lia Mu, ph'»to jmirn- I jiii-iii^' (li.ir Onlrr Aiiililoriuin hi'ttuady. Ni*nf) said, * liicnils litre. Sinn* (Hm cbiHjitnv e»f lunula I lie I mo hate him to prepare fur his third radio alisirt honorary, i.s holdmg a Rrwrr-a ar,l« .111. Pn... II.'M, I.M. 1.M >*4 1 IVII'V II lit W liltf III Hi# l'"r J TV debate Ihureday' night with for poaitiotis in design, produc¬ it open lush to a| H p.m In the iirkt.i. .m Mi, in r..l ua-a, ai N., I'aawaa *a»k am.. ..,0 ah alls . Inivii'K Queiitoy j hre-it |>oliliejil) "lililMllnjt'' riirli oilier. Kennedy Mill Vhe President lllchard M. Nixon, tion, project engineering, test- M,il arVrr — vM wllfc wll-iMnnH. mi,,a. ,a«,i,„. dackrornn. . Student H«*r vim d Mulmii In II.p limn y uf lb# j appear on nini|MiN I ritliiy itflerneMin. Wire photo j hi* Hepiihllran nppmiant. log A applications. In .%rl.»u«h'., M. HnKlRllan. taaala,- All ^^AiudHiits inleresUul In uicse communist*. Itnly two mura nf ilie mlglnnl RADIATION |NI\—Fleet A thing ho tan hp ill ad; Mech. (IDfM) Cngr majors ph#«to-Journalism ate invited lo (if oup four drhatrs ate sctnilulsd »mw for englrieerlng ieititu.ru aktetwl. Student* must Juive his W»id '•""""""'Cm, should Hip in lip In Party l. it Kennedy arinounced earlier (AMPH)II. aocr co.—ah «oi»homore v.i.iiubng. <• 2 f) all* ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I I B ■ ■ ■ aq, I..I.p him at lurnday that he had accepted .liftIon In favorable to his ran nn offer of two nf the networks Kfigineerlng (It) majors for cxillcge and « Knowl«d,|* <#f 15c Finest tlida* y " to mijke time available for a fifth leikltiOds ill a'aridardn dept., pte#tograptiy Mum hi mm a ■top at Albuquerque, Mm where hp s|inka seemed In put Hit* -r*+v strongly earlier in a N.M. That of what hr PlanningUnderivay debate TIIK eatlv In November. OKIT.R .a me from the Nationol Itrmuh fisting Uo. nml the Auiericiiii Itroadf a tilig < «». matntenama supervision, (iesigri. p.m. There b a busirwpui meeting manufacturing, production nnd for ail acUva m«nber« at 7.30 Spartan ! • ulla.l blundering Into \\ a i . tha Kmaan For Kennedy Visit Halinger said that *'» far as he knew Nixon ^ia« nut yat Indl- HAMBURGER \V AI.lirQtT.HQl l. Nixon •ittd, "I llally oppusa handing over , atrd whether ha would !.• willing I., meet In a fifth rlahuta ahortly ExaMiic Hair ttafitf I., Hie Cnntmuhlsta una Inch of 1-l.n.K f..r Srnulor John F. Kfnm*ly'« vHt l» MSI' arn before the Nnvetuher K elartlon AT TIIK r Uvnmlmr iii.iri- .l.-llnltn n< Friday approach.- fi«a tnidttiry. Tha senator dt* arriiTM " KpiiiipiIv will miiivi in l.ansinir, The Kennedy camp has felt all j along thill, with Hie la f dahata p.III. Mild ivi directly lo districts which Ho- iimiii wdl pats now set for lift. 21, too big a HEAVEN Niton rall'-d Kcnni-h '* position "•nothing syrup 11»Ik of Siurv Ho I iipilol lawn be greeted l»y through will trnvil pnit of tha time gap is l^ft before the elec¬ Hollv/fr Manor Iivuuly Salon log tluil it it a rlienp and easy ■ (.tivariior H Meneien Williams, dlstam'a with the Kanalm. tion and that the Republicans S2i Aiinorr aoAi* hast i.anhing NORTH OF HKARM-CMPFERT ST. v tv hi pl.M'-r | Afipr hit adder-a «t tha rapi- About si* cars will hrtng tha could finance a home atrvtcli- "W.« cnn'l run hark wards and | tol, hrtuirdy will rump In Hip Kenrif'ly dah-gatloii to rumpus at dtive TV hlitt the Itemftcrats n> 2-3113 ACROSS FROM FRAN DOR win over ("ummuiii*iM." Nixon •u j rauipua to speak wt Hip Union about f> tf» p.m could not match tilamour M Manor wi'l/i • ■ „'d Hp adiifd Hoit "« buttle fur West t'lirla illiva will It eh»|p•- will pot In* puffy In leading this iiody i'V I hut Uiptlal, atudant gov- of NIK. and AHU, Kennedy aaul tain, nation down a toad which I am prnment prrsidtent. ho hopes tha at bar networks convinced w ill • nd In ret rant, An pslimatpd dph-gation of 70 would join In making time avail¬ d• /Ill 's Itrixi.i *h. in.iimI**.l I.y i KKATEKNITICS the /.via Itrta Ihii lialPiiiity at j I mi it in. last Monday night after j hi* *hort ttppparam-p at the Union j II.1(1 hiiilditig Hn hiUil Silvprmnn. piTpidrul of IdO 7.i to Hi in I mi, formnlli mllialad Ih riinui inio the 1U tn Upslloit' t hapti'f*llprtnan *mu| that wnii watmly tomhed hy thp rrrp- he i KEN HANCE nomy ami wan honored hy bevoni-1 AM. THOHK tug an honorary menilwc. X.li.s.d. RKI'KF.SKM \l l\ V. ilviinau una given $ fraternity INTERESTED pin and sweatshirt hy the mem¬ ber* and was told that he would | ARE INVITED he welcome at any of thp 4St chap*. tare Huong hunt tha country | Hudda Bird Says "Buy Your YEARBOOK *#aa«w—weim MM In an(ina*rin|. acononiKI. math, ataaaaw lmiaa», aMM*Minpiai< l-fi anaoMM and ait tvihwi M«"»iac —II hi toncMtvu. and coMidl mmMkn lar aWMaa, tna " r'l MjlaM > 11 »u IM a ww■ altb a gMMtb company IBM WILL INTERVIEW MOV. I A 2 Mini IK AN STATE NEWS PACE FIAT r wroWWPAT. OCTOBER », 1M0 ArnolH Air Swlrlv Nixon UeatH 100 Triul , Candidate AlvinBentley Fears Ready To Kennedy ein RANT A MARA. f.llA f *' , Set, flair for Ball Rr NAM MARTINO ' Th* ar.'.ua' r oronatio.v For GOP Chances in Michigan Fight .Says 'Who will win the f>recirl#mtial •Itetlon nwly ? <— • Nuor» or Ken* Wire 'tb»*t raheU captured IVi i« the to fcray -r.'xuraUtru La*t week ,. Ra/a-n- ' - • / »ty t* betng or. by the Arrto,!'! A.r held »n Kelk»gg Hvrmiwr Iklh wit>, «Ut,' •. WOKBOC, MICH, WV-R-P In a M *Utero*ht dlrU»*d to now* (oat in th* Kopubllaan party i» not Truman Th,'* k fiioal M.d-nrf h«- que-'utn wh.t > irh'nu ',r A po- V/, >-e*rl4ant for.y-aight pereant ur, trial her* Lake yaeterday. f.' T j'in/ from f to 12 p.m. »a(4 they had a favorable lm-. •r«d BriTUh nreamen vf* f'Tialrmer. trr the event arc j. ^*aaion of Kennedy while 2k barrwl fr/um the courtt'nrr Atfia M. iaMtar, men after only about t dot^n . i corrected immediately, f cannot Bingham ;r;t v, Ifth of h»* noli- ileal 2'S> studcnli Tr^ Tribunal had a v. - j h'S.tJrf Kraft*, g*neral chaiman Richard riil»*rrAais, coehairriiA' ; tto taraaat far Ma •»»«'• poraona * hewed up for a moating I help but bo a»teo»naljr paaalmiatk — Korrfier percent fteted the oppnaite mew, WACO. TRX , . »«,«0' M-v' ot- , ton Tnitor. -**}» '"" I at the regarding th* party'a rbiW'M of Rtetldent Harry H. Trurrturt •♦! frcen prim* M>r-*'•/*.* i f'a.-.l Antdffot, pr'hitc\*7: David tJ. M, C, A, In downtown victory In Michigan thl* fall," TffF t'f I'DRS'T* -'heir .'wdenu aald ha/i not fldci Ctojtr', t// nrder Bri.'.g iixrrr.fit ticket* ar.d ptograrn, lot tto tbrakllmu ttaMM •( T;»-I'lay nfsjht raogloti* preju¬ t. lh*y ' , atoattoa rtatoff to MWrt«M Monro*. llantlay aaid. dice ha* !>"en Jnjcled Info th* reply Ti d.y v; prrrrr,' in f##ft.^f opinlno eoout */<:toad« back trk/i actir/r,. fr*a*» M,::*, lrtermia*fm; ar. It n*m* ♦/» have f,*#rt n fj'jMttlnri- II* aald h« wa* lwpfe**ed by p-etidenUai rtmpaign and "I'; favor o' ..t, 7T>e group la trie largest t g. 11'aul Vaattari, hand. ,S'n*. B. , , oy, v,»« pre*i- Nlncm after Fw flrat denete . Th# ctA|rf*Mln«n, f»OP and'Ariiwar *#*•!#»» with B*nf.ly Monro* county'* population t rr-nye* rr.e wan.' to fight find Ser.t Richard M Ntxm,. {while 70 of Kennedy'* /*. trial on wuntarrwvblat^/ba -/ t„, at fJemsprftUg H#i». f'hlrlrk on tin- Hand. Hpmmom of th* growth and it* rwMiltlng ImpW- j that I* what I'm doing." I Klngr.am arkc/i tb* afudenf* supporter* aeki they weren't rruarga* aimw Castro bxdc CAMKTH CLAHAintD . MrNtenere, declared h« would IHf-ftlng iilld H'llt Olit iffVlftol l'»fi*. taw* politically "The worat part of thl* an*' l» tia'r- the;/ prcfcrc * t',r i radtching aide* 21 rricntha a#/,. V .. I/>W COST . .. ,, N*>tr»m#ly pMSlmlftltr" If • lliiHiritokaman wui among "llut," ha 0Mld»*-t New Kind of History Savs ABC tr-r mail* are bolng fb/Mad with « rata The hate h'rrftturw that It full Of aei/i r*ey *err* fwmalping 32 p*re«;i Pimple Care . haiMmtha, Iriftucmdoo'* and 7 no tbAdW were aakeri to vkw rota. oput ratting Co. When aplit-jP rei-ri la uaad.J dorwnrlgM falaete-ad* -- all of . «*-»>*«• tTu»tr overt.'! image of the ran tolovUhm debet* Thura- ."Tfo-r* will Ik? nt variance in Nlx/m will appaor «*i too laf*.' them be.ng clavcrly contrived to , rar-'lid-iTe«. before ery! after in* right. Tro*' arouia reiiginua da/ tilgbt *j#twe«» th* prc»». tli* treatfTiefit afforded r;*r»tal caAdkfetO* Will he "the m«i," aai'l Mic-hatl Y* wkj prevented that tf»l* tima, lt*c**'d —Aesli—wlueii aorka It.nm llig Atlrartion* "All T},r Young Men' TRUMAN RAID tho** tupply- flfTY-THO rcfw/ of ♦>./ 77,* otovkotia rooanrt, ABC I provided here ar.d in Holly- at»i iavAa aavl they hwi a favor- wajrt u< totp Omr up ura- Plun ,'Nrvk („mnly llil... Ing mr/n*y for the K'erature lilal, la that Vloo Proaldont j w J(*m Y. Kennedy, will be In New York be Trie technical #/ie-ra'.,'ri trnm Hollyweaf, will Keccplion Friday tion because he u • Democrat." rhriitiin Srienltola thfrajfti w ntoiu, —a to, The Faculty Folk Club of Mich- He aaid Vice pretiden*. Rich* rUvrpml ttoa ... It Mat.. tit / wfior* a dlxot'tir will detmnkM ard M Hi a no, th* Republican To htont Spftkrr Lto afcui us. it Igan State l.'r.iveftlty will hold 111 mi,, . . . artrr • tCBtttt tldtf)k|UH hnrw ti»e kmagea will go out to have town uaod ©r»et-V»-*v«utt tt.e r»totV/n The prograr;. ntaria from 2 Vi I annual raccption and taa Friday p.m. in the parlor* p-etklenlia] In m/rr.inee, r.ol rvjacting 'r^- *i« rerr.ti* Elbert R. Flaughtrr of Daiia*. lupport of T*ra«. wdil «p*ak Tburaday In apptaa an iflttoto f.irn ,.t a'»,'WM.ifkuic TCC. a asm HuronIff la-hire, artl a mtwork official, at f. 30 p rn , BHT ' *11 tt*/iae who opp/jao Kamnedy th* l#ut never tn o program "with DIRECTOR Morabail Dukln of ».h* Union. On* of th* major function* of vi religi/rui ground* " Muaic bldg aud.tonum, under th* a i«pic*« ' »/,* MMU Chris¬ rrM.rmm dtmt that aU/a 'it th' akin and h.lpa firm ...i RJUBOKS the puUHfldl ctetftoUUuna of Oka Wiii dacido fr<«in rruenar.t Vj th* tea I* to Introduce the ap*cial *'Orie of the aaddrti? thing*, una" mronont wbothor vto-*r«4a w..l Interaat groupa and ta accept ABC U reeporwlbl* for hand'- get a full »ere«n ahft. of a can¬ mernhera into the varlou* gro ,p*. abteif thl* whole v.rry bu».in««*.' ha *aid, "U thart »om* of the ac- tian Mrjanc* organtMUon. 7 h* avallabihty of true fr** ptmpPa nil tor. AmiI to tottnr.tppnwt FUK dorn and harmony will ernpha- Ir.z Thumday'i debate, th* third didate or a apbi-arreen flhow- Th* large variety of aumtlfa jr. the candidate*' four-pro¬ j lfry b***h. I available thi* yaar tnriud* bce^k ',-.ity w carried on through otrr alt*d In Rlaughter'* ap*e*h, f* ,fe*tanf churrh,-. p/,:,- Thnttian w avuvj j,*,.ny ,ocorr»c. j TaaMf—a mil /vt tnat W.c ftrat, in Chtcafi. The aoe- jnotwork In any ra>..-, aaoh ran- rr.a, French, g »Jf. kaap-f.'. roo- t. x They give th* -.'.ney rhurche* ar.d a*k therr, to do b, Aoul'a luamurl luarr, u n,/. or*I, m WaahbtfUO), waa ar. dlda'e will g«< a a'eady View d#irr» dance, ,Sp*roih and awim* our ringed by Alio Ndlimtal IWowl* 'of the other on morutor aet-T mtng the dirty work for them." rraaar or May. a»t toa a Th#- nuraary at f'eoplaa Church Truman a*id* he v,-,uid have, rk uaf all if Uia lor Thrw rr.if.a as Aou) Features html llupiwninfis I leingham, Kit 2 \r,V* or Mr*. John Sew ma/, Kit 7-02.",-'. to h" elacte^l beoaua* ( w*» a Bap', at. j Fargal SonHilig? tffa'/r—r.u fctol m »*1 aatof a msnar- I ll< Th* ASM'nrvaratty Studaftt orary radio and teieviaion frator- juattLU. l.imrnmMit'1 < »mp.< llifhlijht I Km...« »«r «to .«».•». »'• Campu* (JJaasifieiJs # ♦. UtHJott ' , u.-.. program on Radio Station wILH * .;l Ugin a waakly run down on - ti-ii u I ''at K.fe, l!ou*ton, IrttA, junior, . , ... land Barry t'ontiux, Jarke.n, aen u0f< , MaiMas la Try NEW / -\ ^ Yam r«mpu« nawa atarting with thair i Sport', l*rtur* ouncert pro.1 OPEN t:B GLADMER «s* in t:« rnasmmauMovHimiews V program tonight. Tonight'* program th* fl«a flnaliata for gram*, «p*c«.h**, fa',Pu»n», alii featura j visitor* and other important hap Jlarva«t ball jpening* on eampu* will fe *p« aa&a-Kw-nwcs ■ AM Vista* rerduteO j» e//*f*ea// «»te uua prammunn *r*.m ADL'LT ENTEUTAINMCVT mShtffaTSS b* pmOM'd with cae»a*i emir M lee fetiweteg n>i «nurrs 7 p.m. . peattre at r-.vt ■ 9:s» EXCUJS1VE LANSING AREA SHOWING HXSfi ml. 1 lira. Itosator P'uia— 1'. tOI PON - ' THE REST IN FQOUSIGN FILMS ~Z Itaato. Ractttor >,» Pin»— 1"» ( (>( - 3 It (ton. luxator sua Pitu— In ( UtPU.N- Valid until H-r-mlwr I I. ItWl A»k ahnut Uaaklr Prize. I ' | t*ar> luth l.uupun an * I'izza Itolivrrr tu.« a Star— .ntitiiaf !« I, a FREE PIZZA.'; _J PRIZES EACH WEEK! AOOOMMO Tba toaa'a toratotary raaai aa* to tka Weewa', Orrm.tr-. nam artor- «f tto aaat PIZZAS in a aaafc. Pru» (rran-atrry rnrlU'lntr Ihl* week—lad li aoercr and iltitiMiikvr, 211-ymr-oltl pollc« footluill. rhlof of Pnynitcvilln, W. V»., r 16*7 frrofil, Dutch was the lllli Spartan nil (lie field for two (if Mich- Koroifilit from (lie fight at ienti Slate's kick-off* In last Saturday'* heart breaking loss Prwdmn 11 n 11 will Id- tnrnrd otur til litis a. The trans-planted am-rer star twlee klrkesl the hall (u I ho KoiiRir CrtppM Children'* a hurt of his target -lieyoild the etui Wine. llOHpilltl. Tito IH-yrar old fighter Iir* won iilmoHt rvt ry Ullo nvailaM* In Iho IIIIW PAII riailil von laail n foot hull ln-rformlng la-fore RIIIRtOlir Arid. 7I.IHHI |asiple ami lifter playing a full name of aia-rer thai morning? campus ciaAssirir.ns Inlrnrniinil action ojmmkmI Sophomore Kemellnir una ilealInesl In la' thilty Hiiuirh- . fiiciii nr.XbRRHNtp. fast Monthly flight Ma U8 .Tiv's sis rel *eii|«tii iinislti-l Iowa. The .S|Mirtan eoarli had InnriH pol under \vny iltir- plaitmsl lo use Kemellnif and Cecil Heron, another soccer tin* fir I nitfht. placer, as a |isvrhologiral ahia-k. He wondereil how the llawkryes would reael when they aaw a alltrht aha|ie rind mg Throo (will* Jt'iilnnn; Iho helmet. Jeraey and if.vtn aliorta trot Onto nmr only in'a football Tom It lit lv Hr>nn .'I rm each iilut k gets into Ihr this week so he'll 1st prepared for the neat time the arid Art Ion. squad and the sorrrr team play In Kaat lamslny the same I«a*t night Ihr co-opt ruiI olhrr day. Independent- hlurka plnvinl thrlr i CTIICAOO, IKT. II. ((/I'M-*. Hmvovrr, «H fiawl* wil in And what of llrrnn? He is not pruclirinir footludl this lir*l irRinra of Iho irattou •ktUou it attornnv turht •< t'r *Hio rovlvml Ctilcago 14 Lark week Iter a use he wants to recover from a sore Icy that IMTM kMTKAl. ( Ok M< \f;P flrst-plarr Iiawk« <2-0-1) ptwcl In Ihr HIrIb Nrwa will hr Rtvom Hawks i*t 1f»o Nafch»n«l Ilockry is the rrsult of kickinir too many footballs. Vy - Uto Tornto Maplr 1/dfi, |ilmht'i| |ty Ihrrr writrra, flritrr IdMHiio play fur koojrt, ovi-u hi pRhrii'Hit, Piv« I 'ptitflil Riul Scot I jjixifllr*? Khrrk. Hi-.l J lay, *t.ir rontrr, auffm- A rc-tlinp ,tlrrliii|C It's time In close up shop mi predicting football game*. an/ lervoort's Our lo Ihr pimrnt policy of night ilfRilinict I he* SI n l it Nrwn ttl a g*»li imwlUeg 13 Thprs will le aM.iiw.l eweUncs Thi. prognosticalor scoceil only one right In last week's will pnhli.th Ihr arorrR hihI Mtorh'* «OMu*a hy Hull olul tan huddles to drop every gnme. 10 on lmlUu-d St. leatirrot in Tha Virility Club will hoh! an Ilow come you guys do the opposite of what ! pick you ;» .12 viotary over Ihr Now York Hut j;ers. Important tmwting tonight. Th# tima was ttot indicated. to do? Michigan State Armstrong .1, 4; 4, ft JACKET Armstrong ft, ft; f», ft Hatlry 2. 12; R A ■ With Gmuine llonrhulr Kailry 4. 14; 3. ft Hryan ft, 2ft; ft, ft Leather Sleeve* Ha dry ft, 7; ft, (I Htillarftrl.l ft. 1». ft. ft liuttrrllrld 2. 20; I, ft Intramural Schedules KAPPA SIGMA MAI'. Sweat Shirts Navy er While — «Tfi OPEN RUSH LADIES' KEMHJN TENNIS OXFORDS Dauglierty Aware UNION Of Irish PARLOR A \W;|)NKHDAY, OCTOBER 12, I (Mill PAGE SEVEN MICH Ifi AN STATE NEWS r- Soccer Shorts" Pirates Favored to Win; Soccer Team Ready Friend to Face Ford To Face St. Ixmis P f-TT 8 V. V ftdlf. Some h»i» TurUry vraa fUCfeeel th«tr gr»a* er/roenark after tea!l» Il'.li Krirr.t] will try l/t give Pitta- fo* 11 hi'* wM finally neevj»d irv^ Milwaukee 2-1 in famef, -By (iurt RiiihIpII h'ngh it* l1r»* workJ riiai»i|iem- ref.ef r^-ip from fiohtyy fPwntz i j>y r**4.umed to Milwaukee f'jf •hip »lO" I'/2f» Unn'nfiw whi-n ;ii the runth inr .ng of Gut bfp- die ajirth #!-ime with the fWasrea Th#.Wfc*f l{nRon I* well under way ami the SfMirlnn h« fMti•* tfu Nf V'ork Y*itk«". gifled »er/r.' i gfm* «H>nf a fine Job of nhowintr t h«- nation I hat Ic.d.hg 1-2 H'er.g i atarfwl ford lr> tlir »i<11 W'tfM gum1- • v.t># '/* dev.de between WiUi Oft; ' two da/i ret* ar/1 he v. play aomtlhlnif hyalite mid biixkMbidl here. ml apMflO'ie korltui fVlii H<- I,-; Ford with !h»ew dafk rtn' They have faced two Ana lenm*. Karlham ami 1'ltl <- pft.liHliI) .Mill im u p P 1 • r || k'ifij, Dtr vrtcrai. |«fl. ' M'V. ft i p.1'». I Off] and Iftft.rrg I»ail'|r| win kl.tlt vol UtC ll'i' " mid 1-0. 'bey f»,' .,!. ;;1«- «J.-|Ve-» fl a' th»V This week, however, I hey titiinf fare the totiyhvat to date, haluniay *Oi»r1i r Wil! »>e Mil rljptt f St. Loula. VY0**** yrt, the Spartan* will he faring them on A»'i'm«'1 l»i Oil ».w«. f»r/'r'M»'k Srlcliuil iit ktf it« 11 * V or r iif'.'i i» «r»r .'ile t-i pit'n a :-"r»e* */ht» hat Ihelr home ground. In Bunch dadlurn no tW'l I I Ittilhg lj»-f»Ht« in n «- *" rgen / ;ne |fj vi-.,r and !. e» Of New Rrrorili So far our hova have Item aide to handle iiitythiw that »>r»l «ri»| tiiinl ipitn, the »ir#tibj p.l'h m w.'h tf.'ee day* re-,* rumen along. It'* my l*t that they vvill I* aide to handle 1'iihl-f m< I o, I favor11»» Yo., a k f '. 'I aru? oe'll t-i'/ 'jrwa. III Town — At St. liOuia too. In *ni it al! The} e*r«l »>*»!* '**>• I ■ uf»' '•> tmi: The fact that thev have a Murtinp team that ronKinta Wtoir tiiuinpi lit till• tctt'lf . A«ked it n*» in.gm b*/ I,f tfii aophomorea out ftf eleven player* la mi*leadltiu. M-VVfl lfM#r|,HU *«rt«» •tin. ;r» toe fvumgai «aid Mont of the sophomore* have hem experienced vet era na for yearn, and they show it every linn- they get on a Held. HfKNM.I. *i9i|rf If I S T h fi ti • if k f rhe did Um* oii'i is ar*d woo k'.i.'ia you'd V* p»V ft DISC SHOP w Itr e'.tiir rhaiigra H hl» Take Kubena Kilizola for example, lie starts at the left • game'' 213 I, GRVfD gfVrt linrup. but frfunnl *t> "fntr right h«,thark slot and doesn't stop there. His handling of a r.til arut ray *o, It w»« •■/jrtctarl Interpreter* Of .S'er.g.i; eee soccer imsii brings to my mind Marrtts llnine*. former CHolm- that . Yijrt lh»rr» wouUl lw to Verk wei Id tlD* lr> rneari pitch Kord liKwrmrn he prooar,.y Ir OPEN EVERY EVENING trotter ace, and the way Haines imed to dribble constantly, Unidentified mm of llailey llall »ee art ion on flrat night of I.M hall left fl,kt kleitt howard lat'h 1971. wFiim the Yana* rruei'- nyardlesa of who waa trying to take it away from him. \ug and f 'Ptc l!o « rifi third )»»«*. Tin- i.«Ujit/ RvarNgeo «s»i •itijr Kilizola, prior to coming to State, had played aoceer for St. Andrew's Scots, runner-up in the l'.hVl National A ma¬ Felzer Takes (Umlrol of Detroit; g ng figut— for the Sr*' gumr-v ahowed roine rUirillne em- nor Cup match. Ih> you want more experience? Then take Ted Sounder*, nor goalie, who was the runner-up in the IU60 Olympic trial*. • DeiciU s Job in Jeopardy t,aat« arar# I.«•'» The Yank* i.a»l of AZI t/» Pltuhurgh'* .211, hit eight ratea' one, nod had •'•or»d XI a tearn »v hornef to the |'i. VARSITY DRIVE-IN 1227 L QraaN Rim «>r how alioutiean Ik>hri and Itrnicr (Hutch) Kemelinsr? run* to tfii- *«'iit,irrti»l l^ag'ieffa These two played as teamates on the Armed Forces team PET ROIt 'rt* if t tin t ij'ta. .*»* I'r Hii lot-./tiiftp if the dub if* r.t Hi'.l flrtt'lO during V'«r ,cn.*i'>i»>.i«# THrtr h»» ii*»H 17 ili>«*m, Yankee hitter* a)«o »tr>keot|l» 21 for the OPEN II kM to 2 UI. in Kurope. They also played together, along with Ken pr. piim ., .1) ■* t.. tslk Mniong ti/pt have Graham on the Milwaukee Serbians. In- ' •i.f, iftAmtw* th* IHw frfii Th, Ti#rr» fth- ffwaern buyinif tip thi l*«». Th* nrtly 'impiete rim' of him.—at 5 p.m. ((.'limed un Mon.) tw». Ihlt'l- O ♦ . uti on*. a, t»'t»v| e»t!( aftftr lw». 'tf IlkWIlVl tunUuri the aerie* iiat h»*n pltehei) by Iu case Kemeling'a name sounds familiar t»» some of you v*\nr fill ftr«» it I* I • two > • Mr a, IICLIVCKY SERVICE atarxltftg »l»j r k it m h**fi • at m mt timlrr hrsry •ba'k familiar I'ifrnn'ln gt I hen, of course, let's not forget the team's captain ami •umr t/tf pfWtftlii'i of Hit rluf. in »»>'! tif »>•/] cir;.ciu/|«wt * Sen fti.it. Ihr htswti • A'f J«>» •Uti. artfiUgTi t iev Vi»fJt two mi* »■- «|t|t«|»1krft torn* tint*" to final.** the a;*re»*. scoring, moat points scored in a season and most point* g" i>, f 'iri/e- F.e.d and '.i* rrf/re dia- ll » I, m * •• » ( alif'tfiita' 4P-.J rtllm of |h Wil!'i haiMtlinK of niMft' * if h the Uri-wn group scored in a single game. . Un* fei.'e:. are better ro.ted V. h ft «'I ' I h » «/.- ■/** w»W. « T i.a- mftrtlftg wn» »,-M*tnJft»I 1st ywar «• year re iff' a* Tiger preaidest (eel very aafe about It too. fit be r memfH" «f the Urowo *.oev w.r llring in yiwr latm- I.,..i> Thwt.,., l.»'.rg« - Noil Fluttering Nickname 'nlnnar *',«•' K "i. eorfmrate rrwftefthlp atill ha« Ui raf'ee* tflfnurrw be worked On! The sale price "• (Mr.naid to Uw ford 'izmed r»»rk *-ne P-- day and riualitv aervice. compare frsr i Hutloul Available for Students «ii not ate* with four h:U m* toe tnird I irrrsnuftoit. d« "^»»t oecansaa* of his Mi*«re*»iV' qe*s ' the apjielstiop H»*{/ 'ir." •. 'r,. O4J1 hke a Mr »rv Bt'K.N* ! ' ir»i»a, 'pig of suu km inn. Un... !ig»-r prrtnrr- or, r » prey " ex- I i iriiH IIIfi'clum |'dog" or I'krtsive titntki " »* uf'"J in a puuiM O- ... Oianaad's, Walalws I Class Niags Athletically Inclined atudcntv manor and th- petr»m fV-b Friend r failed "P*irYy *»rt nfered ft ftftiftua ehanct Mon. lllirlX Pitzgrralil ! i -♦ Utred !»» UMidiiy lor ridivuic or puult i* the Urge*, Pig" because of his portly figure, CltlBff ||| B» Ski Oft* r .'-railed * (log" b»- day afternoon to oarn, a vareity Hut that isn't *o among tint « ulrh. (ilork ft Jrwrlrv ANN Altuon. Muh.. Oct. II, caua*. he iuu i.k* */r*c and Die* letter while they are In achool. Ijl't- A virus infection, apparently Pittsburgh Pirate*.* These nofi- huart i* called "tP-okey'* be¬ Skirl Laaadry Eenriny reach CHftrlo Schmitcr ! brought on by fatigu*. wiil ro*t flattsiirik' bitknarae,' arc uwd cause, according tr. Oldia. "you R«-|.airin|; wrii out a call tor any trealvnon Mirhtgan the eervP e* of hulfbark ;affertionfteiv and the affec*«d d« n't kr .» wha* t going to or kophomora who la InArrcatod fiennia Fit/geiald for Saturday's individual, don't mind it a bite do r«ex'. " DuJ ID 2-T/24 h' tvl-'-'v i DtUtrry . fenonf. i clash with Northwestern *n fart, they love it — aii e*<.ep« Mai Smith I* railed "book** THOMPSONS JEWELRY thrrf't w> charge I Dr. A. M t o*on. i«-«ni physi- one. . aera.ua* of tr«e abbormai sue of ^iiwtrrwi KMpNAsizF-n 223 MAC Ave. Cant ? »• previeua experience, al- j clan, said Kitagerald's illn»-s«t may Forreat (Smoky) Burt** dhc h*s tktui l/iii-inp E. Grind Rv. Arn— f ram Student vn im Buildn( Ui'sirh helpful, ia pot pecaaaary. | he infectious mononucleosis, but Pirate-' usually good-natured )a complete dioirmi'ia will not l* catcher, do* ..t >.k« to b» caiied Thi« means that atudenta who , made for «t |eM»t another day. v; hi- other nr.*.. «*;; « - t>*4/" played major aporta in hifh a,-hor»| Kittgeraid. who almost killed ; •*■» weren't and he *hr« aur.rd ♦.» hit any- » » food enough to "TNEWMTYMIDetT Salem refreshes your taste . the Spartan's hope* witt, hi- 5#P on*' who b;r». th.#! the -'itied« down here, may yard run in the MSt' l of M The irti of the f duift t •nCWk'.T AD ie al.lr to letter in fenrinc. game will pioiiahi) be replaced •>> >ei-m *,» mind' ft'.-a hickaamm. The Spartan coach 'cited the '•** of ) re*| . aophomore Dave lUuuey not I ,»-r manager L>*tuiy Mur- freiheit, who ia now j • itn the merhankftl enfirieering taufh who i • cafled ' i>*d in-ty" P'partmept, N. Y. Titan Star bv Im play,tv Wby 'Dad _"air-softens" every puff fio*l v'"* "EKflllKIT, who came out for "Well, aquad as a freahman, m»de Dies After (•aiiie reserve just a* him " grinned catrhrr |t'»n Oldis. point¬ Aififfrrenre during hia senior IIOUSTt gfl, TF.X * -/Ft—A ing i/i the sh*»rt. tquart figure »d . )*»' aaid Schmitter doctor sa.d Tueaday t»a' pto- Murt-iugri. vtauoi.'ig Wii} m few \ithough his teem ha* hoi a fcaptnal footuaii p'ayys Howird feet awaa CM,,, incidentally, a ''■jple of had acaaona, Bchmitter Giaon. 24, of tip- New York Ti- th* originator of many of tr»e »ay* h# thinks the pro,pert# look taov died of * br«»ktm accfc y«r ntckoan.* a The other chief *»ry promising considering the »'» material coming up. jterday. name-given ta thirt tsaaemgn j kl kotlac, an epeeiat haa're- j Me cxpUlned that aa » r*»uit Don Moak. who ia called -tufer" f-rnad to school fvean the military i of the fiecture. jagged t«t* of wnire and ia bone evordually levered the spi¬ expected to bolaur nal cord of Glenu, who ' fc io- Nt.m liter. 'pre squad according to ijured a few hours earlier tn an Iks fM- *r tarajixleAcera returning American Foadbail League gerrie J* ti.e -q*»d include Dirk 'T'ifer" I but wen the Ttiara and ti»e lioua- Uele.,. ra|)t. h f#i| J|w ckry ton Oilers. *1' mck Sehmitirr H jr. in epec. I i Gk*m, MfNamam, foil, Don John- Miss., who aW» had iiverl m a naiive of 1/ouavliie. CONSERVATIVE CLUB •" »aher and Carl Knight, epee VancHiver, Wash. »a« taken u» "r.er eiparionced fencor* re- X hospital in * cm.)-afuv icav- W.r.g. j ing the game in the second half. FILL UM OB t. Mr. L. Brat BomII WmfemcUw iSitor of NA¬ TIONAL REVIEW. Orlohtr I*. -LOYALTY Thursday, Oct 13 Is OATH AND ACADKMM freedom." Mr. Bwtll in M mill—Sit h»»e ud —thor. ELECTION DAY 2. Ok—Mary FUai: "OPERTION ABOIJTK.N." Ortahar 2S. Mo—llaf attiUtno h> faa—yawl* twr roawval of Haa— C—i—ok — Ua-Aawric— FOR Activity Kobao iMa flha a aiaoi. 3. Mr. SI—lay M- reooU. U|Withi C«io il for Mfchit— rana Baraa. Koxaihtr 1. -REPRE¬ SENTATIVE GOVERNMENT AND CON-CON". representatives to congress Mr. PowtU wtB pr—I the ran— *by —m>. lira an oppoooft to Pnpnal 2. STUDENT BIGHT AND 4. Dr. RkharS ML Woara. Fnfow of Eo(l-h. TO VOTE. loinmit.v of CW«—I, No,—Ok 22. -THE CON¬ SERVATIVE CAUSE". Dr. Www b aolhor of Uw book. IDEAS RVE CONSEQI ENCES. AR Event# WIR Take Plan at 8:00 P.M. Jerry 0. Elder, in Room 33, Union Building Michigan Stale L'niveriity ' CANDIDATE FOR atsc REPRESENTATIVE FROM All MSL Studrnto and Citi—no of Midiigin a umnthol frssk /*At «./bitf Ym. thr rool nnoko of Arc Cordially Invited — Oncol* Solcm reffeibm your taotc juit u tpruigUmc rafrnhn FRATERNITIES • rich tobacco taata you. And ipeciil High Pflrooity paper "ojr^of teni" every puff. Get acquainted with the ipringtime-fresh amoke of Sal—» and ita rich tobacco taata! Smoke rafraahad... anoko Robai I WEIJNESIMY. OCTOBER i PACE EIGHT tt (CWNS CMI68TW C,rtulimle MllPIDANICCfeM OrACXOMOgW*. Fellowship Many Steps Lead to Even First Stages of Construction at MSU Students do not realise the and the architect sends plans una these lew student ■time arid energy fftat goes Into and specifications to the com¬ Tims '2? wk»> mittee for approval. Then the ,, .. k new building. The university " Tim# <1 yr» r#g $ 7 """* *' '\ i • building committee controls >11 architect aends bids to the con¬ ♦ T.m# - J yr»» .... I •' tractor. ♦ t.ir# 121 t»k»i -; * planning, construction, specifi¬ ♦""! t.1»# (1 yrt re* |SCS Ji cations and change orders, Construction begins after the known. ♦ I.IH «* yrvi ~~ , * •■\Vc have fn tv* aVa.J of the # T'l«vhf>v I Nov.-pin# i "t! "otte operation may not Fid Is given t<» a contractor. Uni- * Playboy II Vf» re* H i * money". H "t *»id. he pinpointed,** said Donald O. torsity inspection engineers arc k*, " [ " * 1 IIOiMtrsierl (» employed durng thlu period to A building r*>»y be In the # tllualmlerl IS , j Jlo«x.' Supervising Architect planning \x*tt f«»- the pcrii>d "I w 1 Mrntrl* tlluv i| yrl r»rs7J «. He *ald that people don't make sure the Job is complete. • ; Inrlunr <1 yrl r#s tin iv> Even after the building la anvwh'Te between threm and • Mouse A Home (J vn r*e Vi Interpreting The News ( n know the long process thot goes completed,- gunranteea mud be right yrarr It takes thu bc- S Arrh Forum ft jrr» rpp tSM j«. into planning a new building. T he New Yorker tf| n, » , f c'.iu.t »»f money, rfuftfti in jwr- . checked with th»« contractor Saturday Review <| vri rtt 17 The first step is a meeting of s-Mtnri, ami to bring depaitcrient All.anllr Monthly rS m>.»| -4 the building committee called by '.Hero Is ftime ImiMtrfeetiori In Heprl*. the building (nmmitlw, Harper's St..nth »l vn r-rM 1% by*J. M. Roberts President Hannah, The commlt- u.e materials used for the build¬ architevtu. »n«f Ue- contractor The ft#porter 110 ttw ► r,#w, ''"'New ftefnihhr f?.t vki) uy, "j,J decides on the priority of ing __ ♦w *"ientif»r Amertran "♦ m«i' filFTM, ItONI* Issues, tefis- t'hnnsins Timet iR moa-nro-i -» buildings. The committee t.»- MR New K Wr imwki-rowi.if. «»dher with tht administration ChrMlan Krj Man 11 mi,•) "< head determines the spans peer I- P»m«H it vr» pe« til7j Realities It vp» pes tn f[,« «• I tn the building. firaphlt IS miwl rep Its _ j «- The committee Is called to¬ Fat evening Pott n look •« mm I ", m It ted with comment from the M or tar Hoard chapters will po jbton, Nofth»«>>n "A'ayr.e State, Eeptiire IS m#.«i . j ^ y. department head. The committee ticipate in a Mortar Board state I Bni| t:r,,yer»»«y «.f M* n.rati chap- feeder's Digest IB mm| j* mokes sugg<*sti«Mvs and recom¬ " Coronet (7 inrrt I p*,' d.,;(iloria K.I,I Kor. lh„ t™. U. fc. i.ammon, president of t„.wlil m„, h,,, ,„^u.. tJ,h " Pageant H yrl rep »l3n _ j'4 mendations until both the com- Medemotaelle 'I yri r»y {} _ yM\ m it tee and department heart a- thl, untmr.il,'« Mnrlur Ho,r.|; •* """ ,r,.trni.r • Clamour 11 Harper's yrl p»g It viauar • I j-#! gree. chapter, -Mill r»pr,»,ntatl,r, IpKar. ,n uniwrai*. rampu—*.* •, Vogue (I yri peg MVi vr1 re* $.» _ j * sirj The architect is. selected by Mr^'slf's (It wot'dei' 1 the president of the building ' f.nrd Mntiaekeeping (7 yr*i „ J Parties'Home Journal it •< .:«. ; remittee and given a program to " ladies* Home Jrnimal MS n:»l porta back to the committee and American Home 129 mi#; *3| the committee revises the sket¬ ll'HM# A fSerden (lynrrgl) • »! Ihilidav (15 mml . 3 •> I ches until satisfactory. I'mmlar SJerhanh » (JO mre» | THE COMMITTEE m,6e«t A I'rorlamalion i—unl l.y llir («.f I jf M.etern f'ledog M yr| re|. _ Jrl TV Guide l44wk*( . jjl the department head's approval ilinal and Straw l<> llit- II of Jov I»«— # Order now, publisher wi t M • -.«I later srrnrvr wrrnFrRirno*. ^re'.-yt I Frnah BaakHbaR vim* rhallrngrs I lie Kni-lil- of I li <• I'.i 2i?.3 NunrwMl hi la>* 1, \ Calif. Frnhman ha,kctiu>ll rnarh Tmn Rand aant out a general call for Lpailon ehii'ld to mortal i oiiiIkiI. i h< i.r-wi $ s#r OR. W. C. UMUK aim ( w-ma ••pa rt-te turn It* haa It'a wiSfoMbtenlnnaM mt af rack r— Thru wanal to trap pad It — mil i* kterkrd. WALLACE OPTICIANS Laak aC water -fir- aukra Cra 131-133 E. Grmad Rivrr S*Mte( lord. If tm tn (olnr WN»: at rump ra. it *.,n« «• a to whp not kring a IV-ral- ACROSS FROM UNION kw aaa fall -loop. Thirl, or fort, afw aagm di.alaa- 1 107 V U.uuacton. Ik. IV 1-117, DU. R. C. JONES and DR- J. R. NIXON, Reg. Optomelruis