WRATIIRR Slmpst The * ember force#•» ?»* ttrdnr*ri*r in rooter anil partly Klrnl rhoolv wilh a ibsorr of showers In the HflrrWHin llfgh Soo I'uluuin ( tor *.»> with a low •' *1 • ••* MHO For 51 Vmn (tor l««l r*mini «a< 11, UU.t'MK M. \«x 71 KAtrr I.ANSINti. MK'tlll.AN. WKHNRSIl W. IMTOIIIH 10. I HIM) piiick :»cents Yanks' Stengel l^ndge Foresees Fired, Retired? New Cabinet Ilouk Mttv He a Negro ^ (iiiltl lie Appoinletl NVm Manauer If Nixon Fleeted IVesulent SKW YOKK t *v *-CIHF*UNI TD-ytstntM C».»♦ |<»»-A«s**» owed a softer w*»rd Thursiluv Set !»•»*.; «.%H» WOJf i ft: -.ft I'l ?»'(l |M"i.l.-"' V \ . h !, I He ilwirt!. nUlWl" I "Itf repeated For n \isit t/Hlge, ttt-niUilioiMi so I i ;,»i-dirtun" ami t»otn! - It II ts vhU ta*i Ttwusit»\ I v'.rf i '.<• «».*.I other times, n ttroAiitoiU. a> •««•• •' ., t tisburgh thsi ike ivstv* * Krutinh. the j! ,, , • -10 i».,>«»:>:11,f lu made It i' I wit! •> ' . a*e! vetted baseball vehrran Tv\iA« the '»». WAtol AUvin .-<1 I w.J: «(•!>• on'- • •. a i*»« cenfnetve t« * Fifth up* yiiftt • at the %vrs*er ef haUmasoo ami Jl! Oh M K«nt»:vl. «urno* h-»tel suite Stengvl Kant . »H l.n . :»t T*rrmg\ **d l^t Webb, the tUfti*iw, l* one of the Vadtng «•*! }».- rt » m»'. - i»» *- iii*.I Hen' I mlftn ' i educational Utrtauui stntiun* In .'.her oraiwt, ga*v hi* age a* miM1 a riluiM'* >«■ »iu homocra! the a«initv i.V- reason. t«l ,MlV l:0 «- Othf. . 4?' ■ 111» H«" t\ t: YKUW. stvgviVY**. Mft»l\t< Will !•• ».> »<•!-ii«nir trtiiii; -thriuifih Mir .1 ihfV" u [>' iknp; ,'i VV .iti fm - »f r*ww tut»« !• w.tl >w* » In* r\ ill**? hi- iv t:- a -ki'.l l»> I'oMi- -rjwirt, I'i, !-».ik t*w (A-.h wi '.hi' <- »r*J >1 *nr*. *> Strut*: r*\iM I'M""' m i*hr«i.«l ... ....*•• ( iwnl 'Oi chiirgA-. that in' n .n i I.!,,' .in.to? p*-' .h-m''! ^ t,l>l I* licbl •»»> 11* "" lh,*> •I.Ul." •!>.. « "m»« giin:' iui roj».» !i «t puuigri In- or -n i'k' t for t tM»gr;i pi ' -••*.1 III* •kaHuw.'bn.i .•>*> «•)«»•-..>!> .-•««. ... Tl<* ^v»! a iM'gi" vcsiiikt U< ap|M'ini<-il ho- l1 iv 111 . t*i r Ho »!«■) I M»»Vpd-..known U wiU»««n« on the m the e*mevA>. taavu In im- ,»hm« 'tii.l tin- t»i II' ,n.. in ft-hi «-.• .» *v\t a->4 #rar !»<*%• tanw setrrn* tinhv a'.\A ph'iw w-,U & >«n t-ii'kr' win Mi.- NOVAOIM-. H a* a ffroat waaacrr TY*ppin« l.iv \ e«yf> oh r! mi I :• ipv. t flim't think » * a \ that under the rlyH |«*vrtt flit' MW> RlHIII n .vol hot tto ssA.it theio miah' ' • i"* a •I ,i r,i> - rehgnm or seHi-m 5>ari«.it aa4 leUrtnwnt f ro^mm, jerntrr ai WMSli The station is iwsgfii Wy* Uic i tlvihc-l IH'.'IVI-.I- I' nf inrlh x'miihl loir hint from Menrrl aoitld reeeiee j arrv«sl hv the As»viate«.t t'lw* w-ulfti ikr 'rii»tni.«u, r.Mwf fm .«'v • f /? «,hii'h he t|u.ii. tVt. 5t. Me ia under eentrart un- ami t'nttfst !*»>-*« totrrnational. ;> - ■ - t ' Nov. 1 Another »trj>aiU«ont is the film t'nth-ii Sin'os foreign relations t.'l" >HNi.l't, *d>tiou*!v hitter.irenter, ahioh • «•:. i• •■•■» to 4n m, **t was not nffemt a wow tull an.t motion jiirtuiv nork n -, acv" avMtini. "that it 1 h#t «— • horn, t «vu!d hnvre « antest errtatn • v.-a-. *rce« made. I never *»< a \x* and 1 Wit intend to W Mantovanti In Disarmament Issue HOMRCOUIM; RRAtTIRS—On* of lltc«« roodo will llortoo. Root firaa* RapMa aaphomorr; Jodho Kohomka. dednitev Hf ' \t said hu frlnnn erete not the rreaent tune 1 dent, 2nd L-C Event nll» »» *oi«ii of IIS1' > koowrowiioK aclivlllto, lacMtax lh* fool boll gimr with Ohio Slalr. Orl. 2D. Thr olhor, I'hteapo aaphomoro: Sandra (Say lirlh. Ilolroil junior; Suaan Taylor. Mount t'lomrno »*nior: Jill \rrnhui». H. First in U.N. Debate Jnorph aophomorr; (oralrdl Suaan \. Milrhrll. Holilot 1 SOW •v. a hat 1 wnuUt do if I had ; offer to manage another riuk" ; OServer* Wtieead that Ralph I Friday Night will br omhini of Iho qut*n'« rourl. Kiooli-I- nr. loft to richl: (oUodiiw) Mori Kllvn Hairy. Alma «o|iho- I'arry. N. V. junior: Kuthann llrlmrirh. Ilirminch.-im ooph, morr. and l.inda Kur llrrthrn, Soulhlirld Mipho- UNITED NATIONS. X The t* X litical eommittee ngreod Assembly's main V. • I' >ir»- i<» po-i first, ? tie- Nigerian delegate, Ja.la Tue«iiay ! Wachuku. *aiil ite would l»e satis- disarmainent taken up Mantovanti mill take to the aaora; Sana l>rrm. Ijithrup VillaKO oophoanorr; Mary i to MouV, Yankee Am hare reach, give disarmament top lulling j lied to have issue* related to *taipr *-ith his "New Muno" pru- its list of hot md-wrd issues i Africa drnppetl to second place s\si'd he offered the manager ioh. | gram Friday at S:1S in the uni- on for debate. ISA Mil \HH AlH)K James J | K-—- - I KKkrtS. Monday, were do- Radio-Ti Honorary To Film HIihhI Itri rr Ihir From ill I nil, , tinth tiie United State* and the W ad*worth expressed hope that Soviet course Union agieed to that Eisentiower's propOM) be placed but artuai pro*f»eet* re n high us posKilde on the com- uoidoted within a few hour*, • J loivm» urn' 4tho:i'd aj-»i«»int i mained dim for any immediate imltee c work schedule. Hut be ' Sudent ('•arrmmrnt Homecoming Fele In Color The tuany-etringrd orchestra of ! repn'xentjiivei for the Alph-i break in the long itandlng dead-) said the United State* liad *1- the famed London Recordings » HI Ditmm ROTC. • phi Omega fail bhvd.urivo im- l,M'k on actual disarmament nego-1 ready made clear in annembly d- - star will pre»ent music of both a sophisticated and light natuar. This year's Homecoming fes¬ two wceki after Homecoming. At Rho plans to have an MSt? linnl.otriv. rn»>rt* Il.irr, M 01- I'»" 11 K»»o ili-«rmom«nt top TU *0TC l*o*H wh.rh Included in Mantovanti'* pro¬ tivities will be recorded on film. This will also aid living unit* in movio every term. m-iv ..j..,on. I WTlUt I.ONK promlaral priority. Mlrrroi to a a-toct rammlto* for gram are such selections a* •'Some Alpha Kpsilon Rho. the national evaluating their displays with Men!her* elected to produce the ; l!,.pr,will n,r.-' t>~ th. ...moult,.1 K,*«i.bowrr propooori hi hlr ■«. will W qt-cuMod Knrhanted Evening," "(! i g i radio and television honorary, is. other*. film are: Uary Nugent, producer;! nwrruw at a' 77 30 pm jn 33 "Uh-' hower's African aid 3d pm Pre*"lent Ui-en- j sembiy apaacb on Sept. 22 tha» I- avnnotal at ll> program and' the United Nations consider a iay, CjT»y, Fiay," "Autumn [ planning to make a color film The film will be symbolised a* Gerald tjehl. dirvctof; Hud Span- * ,on tw di#-cux* tlw Oct. 31-Nov. •! , . . , .. . . , o: r." Mohw-Oay at f:J,< '"■h*r hoiWM mi lb* a«*aSa Leaves" and "Sweetheart Walts.' araa" ao.l "guootkoarl Walla ** footurinr ,11 tho kii-kliahtj oil 41... highlight* ..f of a "Spartie-Fox Production." A - gler and Gordon Gainer, writers; rtr.v,. „.J Vt<^ a mttv., ,h,r,, Ut thr M«»e*tior» of inde-.i enc-e broadntnl program for the independ Pat Fife and Hmi Spangler, pub¬ ,, . ' , Alpha Phi Omega h<»p*-.- t»> . : pemfence for Algeria development of the new- '' »un« aartuiiu la tb* m, VENICE • HORN Mantovanti Homecoming. "Spartie-Fox,'' in costume, will Agreement to put disarmament j iy independent African nation*. '> tiria almdilit irniwal was reared and educated in Eng. THEIR GOAL is to star as accompany tho filming crews dur¬ licity; Terry Arnold, Harry i?i^*r ?' thT.p00f.^".'r"* ^ -h.-l ..I rv.rythms ,1„ «kr> W.d.wortl, Mi,I tl» Unit.d land, where he lint earned his many student* as possible in the ing the shooting af tha movie. Bowes. Pat Fife, Kay Zcmkc, aa- MStT atudent* during last yc*ir'i Pt'-nation committee rime after States would ■',J«*i which will ha up for present a prelimin¬ fame. He is the son of an Italian Aim and to allow them to see IF THE project Is successful. aociata directors, spring blood drive, a surprise proposal from newly ary outline of ideas that might TV- maiMiao far violinist. themselves in the fnished prod independent Algeria that the l»e included in such a program. "-—.Ma wfl cam* wt «f rn-i He began recording in 194<\ uct. The movie will be about one ■ F.t-cnhowef program be given the He indicated other member* of and ha put to a tm* by bat it was not until 1S>M that hour long. N*< t spot. the committee, especially the Af¬ Ilk raaaiutna paataiaa be adopted "Charmawe" and the AK Rho encourages every liv¬ "Mw- that soon ing unit to plan a t Hut after the United States, rican representatives, would have U u, Uftiac dlkMn Cam- dreamy music second skit • the Soviet Union and a numhes to be consulted before definite R-isirf k. wu---..--. t mode him famo&s. for the Mm. according to Gary juf other nation* stressed the de> plans could be presented. H terry at VavaaiiaCmwr MANTOVANTI* •'Ntw Mu- Nugent, president, and a prise rt^ ^ j. ka* sold more than three will be given to the beet skits, million recordings in the United Every living unit will be included, io I Uit He was preeanted the Ivor Shaai Ramati. Cbeeul of Israel Nowilo Award < British radio's THE FILM will be shown about Exhibit in Library Tells w Ck*aga» wilt be a g»mst at a Oscari as "Musician of the Year" Leak Floods «•£•* bear bald hp the depart- j » 1957. He was Invited to appear of pelitka) ariesxe Tburs' at a Royal Command Perform- Story of Useful Atom st 4 p«. i« parlor A af the • anre before Queen Eliaabeth II |aad Prince PhiUip in 1»M. Aud Bridge By DICK 8UTCT.IFFE rnarily. different books ami pub¬ State New* Stag Writer lication* which the library ha* t»n A broken water main kep1 harrassed university mainte¬ Phot* on Page a |*bi« "ubjoct. Nixon To Bypass nance woe men working until -the small hour* of this morn¬ A special U. S. Atomic Energy CoOUl.iM.il,II hit.it. "Th, I Many new books and old h . ",J. z . „ on *sm* big ing. A tool." 1. on di.pluy th,, * ' " The main, which supplies wa¬ and next week in the main lobby] Area In Slate Tour ... , , M , , ter to the Education building, cf the lihrarv Gun*, duck decoy*, stuffed anf- broke sometime Tuesday night. WL. -Th, L-wful .1 Atom i, . _ r..m- mala and other hunting materia!* „ld w lh, ,h dU. '• The break was first discovered pact but informative display • P-r-ul*,! KM ». Xn " X.ion't Ti»i, will folio.Xy low ~ a» when Charles P. Adams Jit, presenting the principle* and j hrrwkUcw prwHtoatu. tb, two w*tb. th* ,.n*-d«y whi.- Tulkegre. Ala. Junior not-ccd . wffl whUtto-.top applications of nuclear energy. ■ tV( tour h ,„mocrotk water bubbling up through the EIGHT COLORFUL panels i r, pmtol'T.Uol 'ontoiot*. 8.0. Job. ground. graphically describe the principal j C,« |*|? ? V Kennedy. Like Kennady, Nixoa na-1 lEVTATITEtf incluM ?i*ill m The water was cunung up nt* of the atom, the -•f*ry m An Arbor, jori otUo Ciutk. Kuhwutoo ' ; those concentrate his egarts in through the soft ground at the arte* of the» state which southeast and of tha Farm Lane tore of radiation and the use of radioactive isotopes in agricul-) Complains Cuba •---I may swing either way in the bridge. Adam* notified DonaH ore,' industry and medictne. UNITED NATIONS. V V. Imu uu itobr In additior to the panel display. •d '—Cabs -* MP W MiU MiMiluan. manager of Shaw tonight filed t a Wr • component activate*! by the •' not -''r iiit m VV# Pr.g- LINDtMER W.V8 coofiuent it Ilall complaint with the United Sa¬ c . iEET" kbe progress gf the campa.gr ItcBfilUan notified kwQtenues. i explain* the operation of: a nuclear power plant. This part, linas charging the United "Sa*" " ■*"' 1" r*!rf lt", NU.ntenance men antwad at v Mates with acta ef aggression toutuiT, KtwUal, — he said. "The Bagwell af the displajr describee the fusion | against its territory. '•he seene shortly after SJO p.m. process in which atoms pfjigbt' af^b^Re^I*** B*®tley racee are tight, andj to find the Farm Lane bridge element* are combined at high' The rem plaint was filed bv - -« 5u'to Cntnl h* • tto»-op right up to ih, flooded. Farm Lane wa* block¬ ' Umfieraturen to produce power, j Cuban Foreign Minister Raul '«»■ VlrE PnoMtont wiH " ■"".'lu^'lr «M fc. thought Krn- ed off from Aud;;c to Shaw L*ne and the men bc- A SCALE MODEL of ti e "N S. Skvannah." the nation's first! Roa with General -Assembly President Frederick H. Be¬ lwk "«> ^ ^ » *Mi "»>',n M!ch* began dg.ging for the leak. nuclear propelled merchant hind of Ireland. Boa rwgaested of th, ritic liovt tho bu lh"1 U b*J/""n. n" Digging operations were yes-] paign mota. I*\gp* that the senator had picked hammered by the' lade of an air *el L* also displayed showing a that the com plaint ha Inaladid the agenda af the General I). BagwvtT, Rspiihra an op strength irf the Stele. c-JOipreasor to bteat up the pave¬ cutaway section of the ship's nuclear power plant. oa Assembly. ment. ,* - ' - *■ "The Useful Atom" was pre¬ Gam* Film im Into* The The Cabaa UJf. delegation pared by the Museum Division of that the the Oak Ridge Institute of Nu« head repartedly aaked Bel a ad A Hra of tt» MSr-Notn 4 Studies, Oak Ridge, Ten- that the i—phjat he tedaded Dim footb*!! f*m< will b» iho-rn »: 1*0 taniihi ia it* t'r-on B*U- im Oattt tbt (eattaU nucha will aunt*. OOiitiwi i» Uf. ( .intliil.ilr* ill Mltinii Campaign OwntMils I lie Nmpnox s 17 States Iloap lliii Smoke. Nixon Says Fihm% Nalioiw * ■ (an't Deciile Qiianuitiiic (astro . \» i*',;'X. *VX Hut i\o Fire ^liisi Ki^l t'huia a l'htval >N v-v: *v »W> . U L U k .. ^ k. ii. iku .. ....kit tt.* *ft>ft*x* 4.1,W*. Y-x-V *xvt '..# *-4. *..* »xw-vftt . - v,v nt mix xml IK l:\KxM VV \V t\ **Kie ^ ,'VS.V V «.:v-r>* Vs*« nlHT %x**t \+w« W" HV'v *xx*< H»M*( W tv. .» •*■ A •* Ki-Vt^ ^ X«M« *4 -» (%"»•«-so iK»' tM«(*x* M Kenllev Virs \ ion **-,• *i \ • \ .« * K« v -.Vv-f-' Kv> t-V- iVffNN""»} Sv-vt-v vwv.•%••-'•♦.« IV WV*V^5 V*».\W 'v N--« Xftx»*'» (t WW* X* ^ jN v»...v •' i^t* <»» ,|.Xy,v „„...^|,n ^ v«i»M Mftftih** •«-! »«« r- r'.-.'r' . «... ---- ;,.%v» \< " ^y»* .V- • *: VA- tV WXN'X V* **.V ^ ,ft. v. V ^ .'..MwV'Nl ft.!'., ISV..1W. ».w«" , ~. ft .i..ft- »-.vM ;V «-.\v tv -A- -* v.- -. )>v>>swv ., ,V,,v ,.,W **'..«» »«•«»• »*» . ••- ■ •./,> , VvV'i-.i \ r-'^v* *»t miJ.'Hw MK ^ ■• '"■:•* * V~ •"<< <-"< flftHhft.! *. <> S-ft-ft «- '» •' ' ■ • ., ... S.-.WV (*«'"- MftlO.1 *»> t»»»l-> . • r *"V •• * i - *VMt • * IVm « * ft'*** .-r * ,w.v I « % r ;V.V-. kl v s',,- • tv%* * \V » ANN *• _ *• A": * V "X X¥»VV'V.,« p----. «v»»|M* < -(ftft-A• .•«■ «!•«••* , , .-.,1 -V, % ft.ftv "ft vo. ■Am S.'^vav Avtv . Xs\< w.xN *»K(vf H 'v*s ,. V4 M ^ »V \ w>- »*-• «■•■" V *VV.> * V V :•» * *v1 \">l \ t*C %\% *W «Vtv V>'"*Vft' >41' . * f»V*V4 a/ CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS ikft. * •'■* \rvv ,v V x •* txwtvx' V-v Y '.ftM f.\ »v f-ft'r'.'-x 4 V-V \ V.V* k^.4 \iU Just >. ; va*va • ' ts» ft'f vV ?V v*w( W . V*» 4 n AVN-tVS^I VV -.WVSVMV.V / V I* x< - *AX* r-x r Rft-X-Av V X |v~> • OKXOIIXft' x ix* l>■" 1X«H< (•« Tftw>k« |miv- Issues Irv \ x ... ft Vt»- V V-.1W *.t Ax» •< (V u«v N "41V M'*v* -.• »>-/ '*■•"* ll>lk.f*.«hWft U»>l l*i~Hik'* »'•>• V"* W S'.ftVftv riftU.*. V X V - VV $X.-'" t' VAX" "HV X ft^y iVy "ft ■ X t f iVft > •• v>( * Itmxuhint >.* xy.ft.~N Vf M v . ^i . 1N^» * i»*M4V Ol **•**>*•» * v » N ' -M tx rvvw *1 (V -Av* M (N» I'Mft .'iMi. M ovn**».r>« *.* • - * :v»>* m " .v rW ' * •'> t*'Vvv*.sw, - ft x-»4Mrvt X v.» • i- ?v4.» Vt*v "s^y ftXVv* V v.*« **hr>'.v-4~ftft- « ftUTOMOTIVt HOUSING * V ••.;• > n^-.-.-.v f? V\'iA( XV* tvV V v. V f V.v r.- *V 4\* r**». y*! *'4< v»\«1x .-»• »\X4 first W>* . H# va V *1 *"**'V ?v;v j\x<^kxw «yiNv?t t>yx a\». .y/lNPV'Xa -N.v .V.v N-ftS *»■* *"*••.* *ft tiv a Hi .•«'/' *. V C-w»v«v V(iVx^ ^wy*lv#. 4 » 4»V»"V .-4 «- lV-» Vvftftft. v ^ .... , W *vft-'«ft-H X'.' >t\*\NV V*«V* *k*YHXVVl -. . ft. \n*.1 .. *»>.* :* Vmvrxv, '- vrsV V *v (Jwnwr %#•-.* •«. -♦ •->«> .r X4ft ^ ^ » v**'v.'v*pHM tVh# *»*V »xv. .. '■Vv./.l* '.•n.-'-. v A;s •v.*a ->v.'.« SVix \~%i *A* ; iV SB +■'■+«« fti x-«ft 4S.»ft • -I.»4 ' *.,< Vy !*N fs AV*X Avy ?i» IXnv;i> t w.„ ..... ft..- M*x *vx rTF4»« IV M»« »!,*'. r*iNxf rx»\x V ;♦ Iiv vr'ft -vsl >,« • H« • '.*« Vik^** »*'S J •**. *x** K \lrK., **y>-ft^*v.% ^ #>-'.v-AV t%.k? >-,% '.Vi*.'*x*** *»< *lww* * ftiuM S 'V ktf «*« w #..wV 1 tiXM -A.VW* »-Xftxr*WM AW v.sv.- ,x \A Av-iVv' -.Hftit.* -. 1\* *-v |X*'5 V *\V a A V-.wi*- 'ft .».«- v«»., \ ' . * I •' - " «x.. *w ft- »«*»■>. •»> • « V*v■ ft l,v." vx X t.» .V «•.*•>'«.* ,nv*x -^-y t V K«v! 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MJMWW . v.- k-.» M>:- ;H. >» . ',r,n„ H, KfMw. «- N.-vir. ?ra.rx w* k*** .4 ?*e9fwct ^ WAT* ,-Vi- -ft '.V .V.if *»- ymir% „ 4 W4C \rsjw4 r,v kf«x« r>*** tt« Ruf jj.-y Ar>i ' '•• • ■•■ */»•-, Vi -'.^T'. .-n.r* H.tfi; *M« Xft. ' -*v\ lrtiVi> WNH..-XYH V.v.%» VX ;v.x v^ft -f -4X.- w >» k-»•-** IX*'. ft* iV nn*M, «mw h<- ;» r^iu-a*, w »**» -f, tui- -.*«? ?V *W4*«. A' . V.'Amrm. *«»««% i*xi*y> .- iff- w : v lanMHfcfc&fft v* b* " *"■•■ x m.-x ss TM r »*il ctBdiftt D» frtt«d«!tfatcY si i* » »4AJM*yX4"» il*; .kwKrtraiA -Ci MC- ;• ' ' w-.-:-An i^Txiir-* *^X SERVICE ""*>ar IVrsAvsr *** Vxyt WtsVr" -J- u* JPYt *^1|*X* V*.•/.* 4- tfthiy* ^ftgttn Vott i""mWTWT XT- w*- fftftftHft* T*M« A*v* tM« WXWW1 | r ivixv TS» t-AT-f P j M\ (UAUBk • » v**ri;W •WftKSk.T* »*rs:T l tlw M■« 'm*Y»«4 ..H> trkffti IkiAMft iMfft*1! h*S>*eM-t tUAT**-. IwArci Sf ««tNk » #f»- -TV fif^l «4**v* 4Sft~ r.-vx4 ■*««*»- *TV f lwn Rrt BosneelI Stxaits Aetr Jtth _ " "*; •* **M* fcn mm sraw •**>-• • r» -firtMHi, •* Hi-x CfcAfft Nk4v' ■" "" ■j mma MA «t am w i arvwtrv'l VMjfY'wv v*x«wx -js RIVT*vM\*"T «Ml*H •». Kvi — . *«•***«,» kw« - irxk-tf: KLi HAMT A$ Michigan's Goienwr •W flw-r *.~rrt jvtVvt.-*.,. :'fc. i.-y U i-.-W -*Bk*s. IUJV. IJVI a-s* y »:• a-Miw* urn 4nx> Bar*. caxttv >-.« KWfrft k AV *ik * s--,v,v I.**««<■ *f rri*:».4 I"- A, kit,'* A T kS S W1 U)f •*?, fasfwrfr- •■ krT.-Mx.t3r atX'KfU-n * «A*-r*'fft- WAlOKSrv WXTKM.i VITUS • ■Vntr Vr4r» Sat V5. '••• «»• ?ftfm iii-tftf |b«fc *» t xtrar •i ♦. ».#♦ 14 fct Kf-.- ««n wt iwvcw w* „ C~t.TlA ;*€ rn.ms.imK a r*PC.T-4u«;» mm .VS ftW • *-»?;. fftftt . 4 - *"41- VvHtfirt. 'Thf ymu iwiwacri..- -- -i-. a k*rt fryrR «p»k?»rTT f«r * S4H CM ha* AaiMKi ta*-> ■ A I.fm.Hift-ttt ?w -i t-v ;i tftg.f-wmcA Min-> axr»; aaot 'pw* «BtastMHi RA Xmw tW *?*»jv-ra-t iv Vf-*, V ^ T«.N- «U . kisn «T-^ .w yriuU. "v rwa .«* a kumt sm*r* w.vwg 11 'i i n—n." tV aa- mn'ift. Mtssw .a.-cir M» vrx * *- *ki 1 f*wraai»r--. it< r-.-4>wktft4-* *c c-#At i* ;..V . X* jfjnr ax. tt* wRt.tr gu.T*. ,M «• «N.-«a- vn. £2 ^AT* :» ;i» knt -uirur ariif ttfu mm **-* «C. AltrtiirkT lityNiMft nknanik Iu4C»V. pmmtmt Xfm It. ^MK<_-rAr waHTk «t aac -f The Hate >r*s kiDKM« VI Art- ' "• ^' aa. cas 4>" s i t ' A.T» m ri'lnJWl X»' \ »"*1 UJ .la* - ■» **&■*' Ijft' Hnlilirtwf V TV AOmmc jiinw iiman n*'m aj ■! TITAO KLM Di rjr fea** TCi-'.-iiffaisi SUfc~e "v. - i cv H*f* ij a** a* Hkm xt i**m ,%att. a «* p• j »»ar easRa. * sap! ,*« :m* -CATV -«"*t w ^v* miv. rnr* T1 sht' lA**4il «*U 1MU* 4 ful »»«*», 3a«m «*f tut mm* » tmu*rx»ft. >—ir «na imp »■ in. jwmt a* •*•• "41 awn* xnau to* wilxwn atr-TR u* «nac*r atra. 21 nut rf tt* ; nra i» ?i xsi*, atxTAiii ij* ktsw* jauu', at. a AMtc **. * v m*u. "mm %* ip- ah *»«n swt\ kf«n a wv u> xrj una ^ » « mip w Siarc. '..AiSKtfifc IrcteRgt ,fe- .f . ■ 'Ihiimiiiirk jar. tS^s«r«i: tr..t .-ft^c^-si i^SLrw *r^ a t*^ *rtnr a rmbm%m*m.' IW lafTk « «m. Tt». *e HI S=u5«r* S*T*-JWE* ^e36-|*,aw* : -4 3U T*au. m a in —i Ha akin . 25»aac a >a«iar ^aer, r.j-, Tiftr- i?X HCft-r.^as. S=»ii Ts. mcw-Tr, «•m Wm^ j aAft-iRHi Saat " iftc-'; lA '; Mwi. im a I i» » i[9tar a* tta» mi *V- ,X-! *Sa«a^nza\( :i zi* * ntik.«r-i^ 4*icn< in h 44 T3tf rxr.i: TiinKK CAM ens CLAsaimn t . . Russian (hth I h tit Is Mvrlinp M>WCOHT..« Russia Convicts Tourist I" - fhp )|« r»l«t ««vih I.,'* "• ihmintx vtnh lit Op 111) If nun ' ""I w»u hul-U lotllthl flllttx "I NlMm l*«'i■■ • 11., V.mii tuppiinita pip |«tnmhpl I ■•> M11 k y a«M hp !„.|.r. II..I (,.f ..... ..f ll.. N.v.m , , l , .ii» • t 1 hp" , , mppiitipi ihp r ul ra«» i»4V« a . . !•!*• ■wife* a*a HtXuhx, tt.lvm i I.. Ihp t ilth, •ahl !MW AOCNA Researching for Book Ih- ia»tMi|» fmniPtl IwttttW : l""*!*'" ouittmoHiitnlltiif Ihtt NHh Ma.. Pft-1 *4 A A •|iii|pixt« pnktti( fin- it Mttl hpt-aiwo ' muilrotppt v t-f Ihp lira III of I|»p • kail Ihrtp l» now a mti-lpii# t»f 4lxttlvtt»« ■ |{moiai, *ntr> Tnlatny laklrxp o.ivBt-ioil ltxi«alati rmtlap* rixraa athri Itiiapimi iHatrtir-ium M..J -I •X'%. IVtl'M iitlrtiilptl lit )iti««lait 1 alll In If AilvUr Ihn rltth 'I'hrv .at»t«<«"4 *.\Vk * *h» - I *f w-* «•* < lit' rx>0 Ulfi (K«i iittiliM fh* hiiv'pi 'AISPIWV f#4» U lUKAiiUaUmtal «t. Vulttlu M,.kttl«kv An limit; I a I X*.«x(v«m IOHM **M VMM iVt t* lit „.v,\t U«< VS»»»*HIv>» It l' I-1 pit 'I thr* AI P ltt-1 tAk lint- mill hi: unit he I M»; N'itil .» .« i*ut hnmm*hv HihMiitml »*lhrr- t IWftU \-ltt who Wit ll |.»i.rim«m nI 704 "4 , ,, N, *«« ,v«vkhM x»Y t* "\'t V.1 )•-»•■<♦ I .MlltX *•■•• li» fikillk'l ||lA ht' l»»li HifwHWHlhlll XMI 1omm» fftttwih »»HJ Ihp InttiiXiatr 1 , v |V^ >'.•**flv* K«>"i-'*k« * iivni »■♦••'IVivtVi ,S«U»V»*K| •'» •. t\ M« *« ihat jti I'nlvptpil y t>( lhh«*rt lii IxXl** V'*»» *a»v «l* 4 iHltMH*. »4«IU» *'•'.) |»IMIV| lUII.M* ,...,• •- IM\Hh 4Hl«{|tlH^ V».l b>- .-twtvA ««.• w IU a.Mvest " tt»' ««1|| |l^»- •«)».(** | of liVnthMi*. HUHIHIV VAHH»« A»H) Lions Offor v . 0># fivjmt H-4* "1A.0 (Mi «t*t'HMivh i-Mtili. hrt»t ilrtatU «fc*k«v n*ii>l4. tV.V< IV*io W IM'O hvi's" Slmlriit Lruiil M«# , • n** MInim! • a04%ax" nlhlh»M WAillM NOVtl• * (OMPANV .,4 \ >«**,♦»« <%t«w 'fN »»*S,'.*v V'p-e *«v«>\) «f !*<«*,( IV ♦»-. HI t\s% \W VMIH II ' 1- llH't jMv fml ' imtxutilal wfw !'•»' o*p hi SIAIoU »V»«' I'W'll HIHMII Ihp n* %• ftrnr nmiiNtv DISC SHOP .. . ».. iv Mh>U-p M I l-'IV^I Wv»* i«* a«| ! Lnat tirHiift"IHvrr XI I'« I «• 4 S.-SS'. )'>t*X*»«, ****•»» *♦' »M,| If'Ain* !•> « foi ., >.* * «v*v»* kvax tv-Mly-r^v "t .i-.t Mk'l , «' »♦ <*>'i ftpi.-tkitig* l'l|f fct>*4i**« »o«P«. i»M pUxi M»IN»H»4I ilmi liaiu l.ii't'.tliM'/i Team I miaiti,- I loin tilth hmtoiiitK !»• | i\r\r ftt nitti'ii ri MPlt lloHOXIIl'Oil h4l*iiX'%Vy 4 1 * •a .»•• «v> x-b*»^a* V** Kv« ••»•» sKx \ \s"tfy%* *.• l»vil.M'4N*" |ifatr*t |l»# |'h.'(oi;u^« tlh.M I t'.-nit at. N««miatp ft" | lb# a*Hl*2S* n^tl Np »*k» "\ UM ,vhU, xlx..,,*tk • l«if K«m»VV*«>I »»«4rt ; l|-t «hi»t xUl« m* ihp IX <«1 IWllllpIl »|p» lhi« »M»I •••-! . Heeeives Utilities fpa«m Iif ooHtltllinii'llllHIl ukuit . V )»< H*v (K*t I tt«l £Vt(lt<£ H-titM-V, t%'f (| l»« 4 h*M Nwr *«u» Ih* \lh**it I' I i-nliav Ittlpr- | Litat l^iHallux's Only ItaHMPr IN **'"* Kvk - 1-4,1 »»nn • w«t'J *10HMM;'- "I ri|'Ui«isi t»* Ihp t{iX«4lii»i« MS|"« liPPAhH'k I lltln I ft». tpat't tmllnttal Hl»ltlp»l litatil Will hp) lh*l ^1 piV *144 wrlllixu « hi't'h wt«i hir't hutxitta al Ihp \ntiM Ivan .< aaattlpii t«» an HiilalntttUfxit f••« Lxrltlaivo Korotil Sliup jHirV tta fot lh« , ('1.144 X»f Hkl" p»r I,' rl^hl h»MM4 It tUy tbfolHlAltxHi. n«l i H i tn x»Ut«M' II»S *4»0 Ihov 4 JxtOt Itlfc pitltiral ItPl.l til Kaoani litai linn Ml th.< pttii'of I tip ». Itool . '.m l (AO> IMil M M tJ »"»' il»# flvm htm m«| I,- Hiilo I hp !h«i lht« Hp* not ihp «x>i( »'t I'll*. Mo., Salimit** ' ir»t Ojiru llvrry r.vruhig III fmli M Aip'tioa M-» t' O P hvl, j-ol hp utin'l ivrUlH *1*1 •pllvity a Iioimul tpxiHat niMxl.1 Tha tPam i-larp*! ihinl oxn all till' H'MW fi»t ihp at\ttiial | Senior Slants 'hp *V»M «h« itp«t m*«lv HOW 'it's Mif in vt* t ihi*»h i>h>m titiiK-r » iton't tlOt II l-.-l' im.lpi Stlt» Ihrx K'hi( hMHHi Ihp ami lv«« htal in Ittili:tttt; «hp«t|t, 1 Jk-'hO Ktanx won- mail* aVnUhhlo ttp^Mixl 4ix axviitp anil aixih in,by m» *t»Pttnm-tiA> .lottm Qt.a rtPI llolapa tHU of St Ipnltta 'thp xvitturi Mill hp wrlpflpd nix pa«-h ftvixi ih* Nrvlhi'rafi ht«|ii»a» , _——w\ hitk mtit'K. lihvoimn vmn ^ Ivtwi, ' h,- m-i M««,ip v|« HI x %4 .f ' I mtmt.'* tmw iitinat K«»il in rhllaitntrhU A rotnfoHim Thr (outoil und won tl»p i»»hu of ht« |tr*i(nui tprmil. hi lllliml* ' hi i ttmi'liwhtttphl* ami iipp.I hv a HUNDREDS OF YARDS I S Alltitury fin Ihp fwn-l h«« TV *«l»t d*M wwH yo*r u ih*» w>v»t (wivium x»««> of Thp Mm* IPhtll a 44 oti||||iitiOi| at liH'lti'tt i OtiMHittrp l*|<»>t<- »l|« of fxiap't |i« Hump thp Konxt*'* h*.-h f«i till x ail.I I tin-1 #wti»v v*N»r t« rtuis) with pf ,!ttp \nihpl i< .-..xfr'Ml*, t\vr I'tHtltP* apot.-t II lif« II..I.I l|rrliii{| FALL AND WINTER WOOLENS «>. . ♦m« or kipp Ih* livalimi i»f U» (oMiloil I. A1 lot! Ax llMliA aptxtol j vs< fvr thi* *u,«a «k«ih\ . , lotptyn Atxhlplila llltl-1 M|>|l)V , AN wufBUiiow in.I pppn lioln. ii.-piKlixailpp* Tp«4 rpl'pit U a liootjr (i.illioil, M-xiit*lp»i apnt,-i ' fot Ihp » mot l»rf.n»> I 1 HtV M J*K OF tF*<» of th*> wnUM*. w.-h wtr*K N Mtt> « m vtt) li »•■ I' ».■ «|»T mtanlinlliMX ** , *■•«•; viv*ont xvmwvrtiu »nuit llmuf-* tho chit* i« i'un« lOtghi fn»m s »,» |0 tn ^| I'iiuki I r»v | rhtiiAit. I'Iipupa a p xx x n r ;j \ 1*1*1 It" v f11vn i lilt vis .ah hp Mholl pn.t kamln«kv wrrp I poitrtiil Srhxiilrtfr. I'hi-Aatiiinf Ixihtninp'l frum Ihr Kmb( I »n«iim $2.95 Yd. 58" Wida .. .< .vs) At tbr Mttw It'tVH' «f m)U \ot»\sluov >*m to many Ms-moifil |«x lh\- V\tl' \ I'imi'iii ihp U(p«l (ti « prr(p« of Ahximu'PI' ppxtipt . aim) IHuiaM t'Aiak. Sholhy i l inn* I'Ulh, I'll |h«x ill.!, hit41 v'h of th* i*u*v Unnt«t> atrpplpit •• i|«lo» lhi« at*Mix". ItxdttIiixiaII), lUiak iahWimi i |aii*tti|f • . .-'tt \Vo*smi r»u?. iiuWtoi »«f it*p oinxmpi pflpt Ihp Irla' <«f )'.? I'iliil fwxtxlh itt oxxim ntt-l lonlti in j l bp wlnno'i namr wt'l hr on- : >r« .tillI .S,|«|< oil vimr full .lll.l Oilllrr elxtliillp -an^rst of tour *>auw« j;»ht \,% turtulwh %oWvt*si in tbr I Oi lilt* I'olWWM XI 111 'KiamMi ti«tx IVwrta mi p4|«Unt hotHx'i. ati.n x-hman |i|«x.p*l fnurlli I Kiavpti on h |tlm|up win. h will fa#* i'haifpa. Hen'* wear flunneh, ru.ilinp. — Suitings, - fNVAhtr«t of tho i-lA** t«. HoS |«M»tAVAlMt. VU*0 p1 thr in ahppyi ' luit^ in Iho t'N 111II!iX"i1 ?.:va- • !* iv*i Hontiux: Novvua stmith IA tit»AAumv rih! Snow Siiiiin^s Skirliii)-« yst.v;, J,MVM t* Wifr^Ut v V'-i* r"ou^vrA of tho OiHtuott Afv \u oh.Oor of N\ «trr l*ar» Plenty of remnant* ul rrilnrril prire* ••i*' Sotwi Swtucout. f*\ i'JuK iVwVpuiout Kutui. Homo ,vr- v;*"4,o'wnvt\t s o««vn (bnt^t, t^^utrut lUntuh'A m^rttotVA «uut Coiffures 1 vunl »kirl reinnunl* (511" whir) for only , iWr «>vwnn^ »rvau«v aouvuhm tbtvucb»u;t tho $1.94 14- aaimot niieht Vhrro Air aUo |mWk*ity rhait^ hy »• • vM mrmtvr^-At-Ui^r -lit inrli *kirl renin.int. (511" whir) (or only 0M» OF TMK foAtunM A%*ti\iilM of th*» wutvU sjsmv lielcn lmrrrsy 42.21 t ••••.: ! ?• c Srnior of tho \\ am) > . am",4 k* bo air tvt on vvunoi' ererv I trimly uiW unit trrrirr for Imloy't ronl 44 n-f »rA Sc- uor of thr Work ia tiHiosl an honor for raoh of tho whx» will bo rtnytrn from a h»tal claaa that haa HORNER WOOLEN MILLS i:-.w.\*.nutrH' 5»2vV mrmUu^ Thr hononsl aoiuois .nv llll.i E. Crmiil River — CrnK>r» of tho work air honor*) at a ilutnrr. EATON KAI'IIKX, MO HICAN Two Itlork* Eaal of Ahhtill Hull Hour* V - S :.X0 t ree I'arkine (•mt/iifllp" Kveepl Sunday t'hone 23.11 THE NEW Fellowship FREER LUCKY STRIKE PRESENTS: .Information- COIFFURES hiVPIIOh wii.siw St- DE9R.DRsTRS0D: V A thp ir^KtlH'a ijpa.ii ! * mu w f. v«phxr« ma! arh^ . tiomal ruxowwuc l\>l n- look jroun*,,, maka roil took youiurar . r«-y, maakw. «k* . , . . "*«*•* paiurai •«»! »* vwtvpv. •.vial ami .,. thry'ro jhortfr, li*hthr».l*.l but . ■. ... WW. W« .,a 4 ».r.f -:«fs>rmatipr | (taauaiw* ar» rrv»iwxliv* >ur*irn ..u-riM r;« IU.UOB .«a sh.'iv Into your hair in the way that flatter* privilrpetl rims is thr onr with mi/imitrtl nits. * i I^?<«(tili| AvumnP. roual MaKm2rxR*..-a!«nMaAapABBAPanMjmMMAPSttAtBnn?.>j(n' .r • r • ar.J rHiWnrM Apphvani* mu»i your own features most. W t\t **.: U vhp h'u.hr'X^t ml- PKQIO Itrit hw m'nv.namt by a faculty t?AK7 . - A-aa Ixach*r. ftaatauuxt iNpmKrr F'-irthrr infarmatHm run -» - ?' ;W Gtateiti Sfhsv*. net OKS43 tv chsamwsl frvft l»* KUA«< \>>. A .**»■. S* fp- 2*. ApfSvatita ar* • 'A*S ♦tPVAy«-"ppnl. Dr JACKSON'S BEAUTY SALON *■•5 an A 9 73 ■ rau! \ arc «* thp w..*t*rv up pan r-NORTHM AA864 >• f.v w-A-Pi! ;Mtpr« "■* •. w'Jl NU-V omWr t! thp nariM; et Uk Airadoalf piSv. Telephone Kit 2-2364 V J 1098 p. C C63 ivpau^a# for thMau»mv.i » tVt- 0 J985 > S 0 102 C- <*»•»»••*. Utrrrwn *4 3 u!0UTH_i PJ10972 ift/vi-aa Nr S4 hrfacv iW Oct. Z\ Sl. «"* >*. VomJvr* af tha hu'- * J 92 C7 0942 C«aitN mrv: l>r. Allan ?'*-vr. Oraiuaw Srtkvi p^cp. OA07 1M5; Cr. John IVrwy. pw- OrEX EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT UNTIL NINE a*KQ * xititv 4rpmnm#r-.. \ Dear Or. Fraad: Here is a controversial bridfe hand played at Vvy W."„ • it. 21 ST; |>r. IV«- a recent collate tournament. The contract was Pa no-trump. aa 0«u»5. afiwi a*. Soma soy declarer should have played the Fisklll Convention, T - " Sm^Pfit (mm #*L > WiHiaai UaA^utat. squeezing West wh.lo end piaying last Others, however, say a straight dummy revarsal and a trump coup would bring home Iho contract. What would you do with a hand tika this? Dear Dr. Fraud: How can o nica prl tell whathar f:*• N i. awr kaB. art. Jltt; .<-»•> brtl. kwiarr A'o Trump a boy it sincara—or just a wolf—whan ha asks w. » : *«-4 taC. «t. W OCM ISO trump: In aur club, suteasslul play would require lor a kiss? kllSHUX. KAOLAI- slapping tfea Jack, whittling at Mm Quaan and quickly saying Aire Girl m ^ rvHt taani ATT ~«r HMkum Obduun Fuzzy OuaMr" whan um ana-ayad King OCAR NCti Aak tb gM Ms XedUi. t AT MUTttA YMTEB- CT.ra: Twao* wwm* an «*- ia piayad. ■-. ah. m aii ran. "vij ta Awancaa ] rrsn ramiTr a uAZMnaHaezs .. Tt 2>. .t- rvit aabsnumurA' ■■ sasiaruwt1;1 4 andrr tW ' CI ' W in ia Daar Or. Fraud: Evtrybody laughad whan I brought my «I Ii|>inl or- : i-anaanfc, Si tar na pan' mother To the Homecoming Dance. What s so funny Vaa^i^An toHi WtojUk about that? ,. , xr vutoialalmiMd rre»hman '-c.tp ? fpas, APP&MUM " " •* Oct. si. OCAR rati I IMAM: She's prabtely e vary fanny woman. Tit rjttmMjr.f x-r~vxarus;.-!-; . " v. \ •* if-i LYT? ■MMNh Dear Or. Fraad: Like ovary normal collage man. I ^ T«k tmoka Lucluas. Tha othar day I mat this character who smokad somathing also. I want to know how a guy can bo stupid at that and still gal into ceilagu. Lucky Far. Bar Br. Fraud: I am 20 years aid and I am (bout to marry' • vary ales, wall-to-do man. Ha It 92 yaart old. Do you OCAR LUCKY: ObviauMy IbM the pp In our a gas will alloc t our happinaaa? " c your coMoga la nq raoy Fmncrr te set arts. III Ki Nut (te bag. . WVite, tah piak •* hwif# with pe^ty pattol «e PtiiM fUrol ,Tt--"-T -HranLnraWiHt W^rfUrdwe "IF TOU DONT SMOKE LUCMCS." MVS FB000, "YOU OUGHT TO HAVE YOUR HEAD EXAMINED!" And Frood ought to know. His Read has been examined «t iwt Ip* prkei SNdmp aop I* h*»« P"d «•*•! seventy three times. (And phrenoiogisU are still wondering where he got the good sense to smoke Luckies.). CHANGE TO LUCKIES and get some taste for a changeI •asf.tey /Wnrf tf iXt .HLwwi&raw^yey — jBdne u our middle *§mt . -:V,PX Ira --'Uw vrzmw. u«it|i lit fnHUM'MtU Oil* ItlM**! *tu>.( l.» l*k* *«Mnn tin W» n*»t abMuM Mi* »*•;»•« «*•»•# "'"I »• i , .»»« I'jvHIIOf |IM«ll*lt U'l.OttgU Ml* | VMloOfM \oa»l«l'h A OllWtli •!'» ■ lnlfrl»ln»r«. J-A*r» In.llr.l Irttnlihh t«f lil» |iMV*»nfMf»il'» |"»l i, v of >nntlnmi »***• PMMtr4l«tt« ' TMMMI.I «„l ,«*.!«• Mm l*t In** I'iMWl** kftt* t'oHIIMMllUttl tf» ill.H,tn|t*Ml»U Vt'.o km nut tnnli'1 lr.li «uh ' lit,' tfltyloit, immIMIoii* *ii«| An tCtDiIni With IHnflfl — Owir* In lir lirt.l MM At t'.M.M A«t*«l l.'l \* .1*1" vrt.u' ,'f mi* i *om*h MONT K.MII. N.nit •Mint pni.l Mi* »n*»l ottl*f |>*tl|«t*, II !«•« Alt' *Hrt*li*»t' ll» III'1 •n4 nn N«, I}. no,.1.1 oof oo. .".*1 ifV I'* rlifo»v*,l, rift f.,i| ,( M.Hll.l (5»> info tvOMg 1*1 111# I .lm#lil#t • illl' Mi l MNM •tir*«i,'l Mi* llll« ,.M .1 o t MA. II mm k llll.t (1.111., >Mlnriln<, (Mi.Ih-i- i'l, I'M*) AAr ll ttrn y# |mrln#i Ik* I'lTMMrf lol.t iirtt niirii h* i<,Miitiu<< of "lt»«r|»n,»s r»>mw»»iUw «lll»trt. Mm- aiiIiaI of \ N AIuaiiiov, | Bolirtn got rllilllAlit of miiIiomaI Mftll w4»f — mnnI tHd A»tf;*44r*w4, iMnHi »kv»ki»* MM So, iff AtnlMf.aa.lol lo I NO* UMify woitM lotto l«t ".IivIai* M Arkn«ak,a. n. kHkiwlM. I ••«(•■ I III IKill St rti,tr»- *AIII* Attn,I ll'rlinrli.1 iM.I«'t»» MtlrMl i»f I'ttIM•< IMO.toIti,) f*AI1 lllAl kllMg ,1,* htoihmll *11.1 oM,*t infill tmgM li*t* Woo (»In»h,Iiib Niiotkttr NOW S1IONNIM. lAtllKf IIMMl#«lf »V: *. • o, * k'*-# int. I.RI It #RM%|t II M ri %N M'W t .•%, i \ • • I* v« •' i' * •- M\ till- Mlliv • r>t k**v tuf <*» si*v^ i. «>, ,• t •• •»-* 1* O T LANSING PHONL I D I J8I4 k.mti a"t a; t\,&*i\ *t*4 *mkk dw t •»• ***** ai »- »*»• «i&v *v» tkfiv i» * *M.rnM ,*V. iV-i» V.w-lv-ri Af iW W.'M't *Va .., ro - M *«M ,v VP** V»«* W-A-.wt*tTi«Sl * A .k fc,-< • «.*v • s* rr*«V. 1»W,< I#, km vjtin. WINNER OP 11.ACADEMY AWARDS RUUt\ 1 LAST 3 I1AYS raw. T«*V ISHAi LUCON iilKdMdl Kigta J«rk" rW Crrat V* Hit Effccti,* GLADMER Thntlrr a-tafcitftill wi'.llNtflM'AY. .. OCTOIIWt ID. |mui M I ('III G A !*, RT A T L N K W H I'AHV. MVt; ♦ SOCCt'T ,Short* ers Drill For 'l\ew Fra' All Wo Nml Is More Time M)rM«»fi Hlftf#'* MMHMI h#a Will t»o( mpoft Mlltii ftftfV lo fct I'll! I <• rial, p ft ,< p. i"» It, «I MT HI SMI 11 • hrit fli«t Ihrni. pnnla .Anoinataohir natant. Mhoiihl thi# hn|»|inM, krihwll McrtM Mf 4HU* IH. It.nl time if." Ppnilno* »nl oiiel • • I m.ie N#wa Hi»H Wtit## Mint# (M. II." fii«i i'»» miii.iir* of 1" #»♦"»•*# Ininonl for IM afmrtn Hollar, Howlittg h .->■ ihla w##k Hmf mmM Into whwt Th*. r#n( of thn yflih will I- on I'Al'Vf, th# Mlt'hltfwt* Hfftt« .,im1 , .... jrmrtft ##»» wrll l.n k«(iM#(I, ' Winilij Ilk" In Inkn I hi* oppnr I'mk fpfMj AM#nMN» mIM ft itf ho U*r lh#o I'l ha.i'a* Will '■!"•" I'. » a u™..'| ; , i r* ■ IrBtM IA '»♦•# I'f Ml" l»M#tl, ... tMiir iiM.il!.. I.tay Wh# pmlpipnia it. «P» I ,, .p, „..t Mi# h»»#»l, fl»H#ll" NM#"#! iii Mi# .' n piopiiaal lo ll.n Th#y *•# I IM ImihH Why iwi.'l Hirrr I.r n liitraiiiural fi.MirMdnr, y#nr m• |l«.|. i i follower* ll.li.k poaaihln," A'M* t na I lorlotl" I In v. f ok, fotwnr.l . VARSITY SHOP ■ J mi l.t/n-fl i'nrit'ly A You (*rt It #••' i.imiiv pi#n rot Ihla .mopo* a.it M.I.. Pall.. J'ilot lo Inci Innaoh, Ihr Mpnr p-tnr.l mi li-1, .from Wlppmoioa, ••n aiwl'il f i?i* i i 4n« „ I,. Mini' who w.miI.I like f to piny If ''J* Inn* wnrr In ll.r thl.k of llilW N'nv ft II g»mr'l ' Pria k'nrgMaoo, p.i#t>t lit « Innlll ll«'» III II* , II,, UlVrii Ihr OppoH.i. ltV *'tv at might Imgii# |wi.MNMI rhn*"*, from I no * log M*«toi» (fifth, for |„ Hulk N« B •llllMllh frtl.l I'll* trapiMioihlllty of pi.'-.ri.l Ianl*..n l laM l imy wop o tin (1(1# otilrlphl, Ward "oplnr f"»k flail, u ' I ' , r.Olltk NMfil # P»"Op rill iop Itirar ' Plana fin orw «poila Mi.aa ...a • .. I Imrn.l noothnr, no.I fti.ia|,".| lo from klaollowtx, Wl« »>»"! Ma. ..It N» * I f * III I of ploying , ■ ahool.l Ik with tin IM I OltlM.lMp. 1 • •I t. ll-.al.MA •mm.,... . .. | m. ( n an* nit.I p|#r« tin lh«« «th«l gr*'gor llay, 1 'I rni.tnr for - .ml I I III ok ll.nl I liny vri.i.l.l PuorOl »,tt from f'ntaloina, ' alif S E i\ I It S v »• I aim.... « »»»»■ in i naloit ii„ fo. i lhal our |.l»»yi i« have a»ml|y If (hey I.M.kn. H«l.. 11, la Mm»a. « o Pmm.-n. < _ t (ionnla t»nvn Cnha, f. 0 am lot (digihln lo Jwlp thn Ppaita. ■ 0 f.r*i iiml «'f lMit»y|.l»ml fcl.ilily Mtnllrt II.«W I two froiM M o i. r H n Wi* notl Art With Ihn alart of Ihn wiMar .pint ,1,., * g»«al it^^i til Hill IhfMi All Ihr I'rtiur of «#.. ... r of plavlhft ItHfathfl #* ' n» I Pry mo In aavrrnl ollin » ohm I ««H I I'iltal.iirgh, I'a | Art Umtnlat#t f'arllovlllr, fll ami ft t, for***rl lnvnliial.il • aa. , 0 train th. I.r. uinra orftatm prog (#**• *||.|I|||| hrenutr innir ami < IN HI I tills a I ploy.I ti n i.i n* » irnn. Ihn r lhi» ; l»\ peopp- f t.o. ifvi-i. I., (. vt'iiy Torn Wliaoll, from |.H|»nri lltnii.l Mi'higan (ttalr'a ftP.I eot.fr. h*|'|'**»" IIIH V l„a*l Ihr llliral Will !" nl.le In, ro|lnfct< fur.ri 'li.t liirir I. nn m. toftir (ooIImU »•>. . ri him! iK-I.U ll.oo Inm-lotli alntlnr no.I Wllaoit in ta nn kny rono of ll."' f<>»iPail aipin'l m.il et.e" alnlt Jnli, a« hn.lul# 1, With •f J| vao.n. » Wla*OMeii. «lur ill No ('.Itarge — Sign l j> Today Iran, I Hi" .oMMtly lirl.h . oinPiii.'.l a I'lJiH.UI Ms IN I ilia direction i« : If itlvoi i.nlf no oppoiioiilly,- •i.aad) fvlilHit, fit. I .nil I a miii'ml ao.tr i .....I.I luttii Oil iiri. to III. IjVI lli^lili^lib For IP.Mirrnn.ii.K, ll'» UNION DESK 9 to 5 lluUerfield Sparks fM'1'..itur.il wi I (wot «vi-:-Uiii«r throwing titfougli BACCHANALIA! mil U." irvt lit Wt * work ami til' Par-Mile -/;• Intramural boat ball red „r nem we«h dutlhft the ipmrr ..f II 12 •I-.,| We 'll. ;.i„ , 1 ,1-ft Tmwday 1 wlMMOf* Will It" yv " Km., -fg i/m«ii. li'm k Sl#|»hi'ii •\inlny of hark proved lo In .. vtinl ««t hi m'"i. nn. i M, rii.ItKlay » p.ijtnr vV Hally 'lx ti:|ieiDrl.| «i ri.flti#rl#t ervoort's A I. iuii.n n nn ml* |o ftvr liiffril ilt Rhn'v ft Iwfatlin III" vtrior, IH 14 Will at' #i«l#mMt#f n.gnr.1 am. ami then inn nVrr tip* ftoul A i mat long I outahnnn At iii- Up f"i 'I tide TeWil* p>n«" r*>- : 7:30 I'.M, 11. fin two ninn* point* Mii.rli* •Iioojf I, H ", li. th" oiiiy'itilutr I'.f t. the |M Itiiiidlnft today n*« n hiiitnllnllMft ilrfml for inUrpppdnrit tmi.li fooiPnll aim. i. . pi*. The flrat and am-ontl H .tlnfirM I. 1? 14. »t»n I will Is* 2IT K. MIASD IllVI,II prlltim. r phiyml Pa.lgh' N»>! I.. t«r i.iliahoMe, If.initei J.*.'. I'lv.i. VVftJkrr of flutter firl.l I.A-T I.ANKING i ! a.-l t.MiiiO'l • >.«.I («•> no loMrlnioWM opptiainK hilfi.n.k |.n**r* Why IM* A Ohnktr To Clou? Ph. I.H 2-2111 ami »..nr for n nafrly. I., . . Ilttilri ftrj.l i! m-nrnl flr«t on n Qot A Now 28" Biko f..,t, jai.l If*** from Vatilltf to J» II.-kni n (I M il almont ilupli HU'UT! I.MUhs' ULSOl S .**"•!, t»i»ty yar.ia Nmrvrr, on a from Walker to llnfi |»a«« of *34.88 A-.trrmm, rival, from tilo nam# TENNIS OXFORDS GENE'S CYCLE SHOP ii»i m. kavt Sham ft Won a »i|iirnkrr Haiubl* white **nvn upfKrt with frrr- r*rr >a*t Shaw .1. Jrrry l.ieht tn milir.i for 1.1 (miriM for hi* 702 W. IIAH.NKS. LANSING ' h i aghmrt"! arrft *atf in*a.i# l.innft haal »*»ur>lar In vnta tr«m, an I l'ar>l t'atioon |»aaar.| IV *-03«2 maftiam Br.ft nnrrt#« width* inn Ml 1 r 12 point*, a* aarh quartvr- 8999 m pr. NiehifM Stale BLANKETS W* wool, 10 avion MrM* kr Marwrv Kwl» NUK arlaa Main a liug.aan Ouu. Gn*% •H eM wilh a lirii IMurk whit# rhrmllr Ubonaoryand acrtad a EndWoH. *12.95 and Yortdown, aawTothi'BMMM*. Vinaad; UTnglon. Kan- tucbr Saw fast. Cdlitonua; oad Roc has tar, transparent plastic fM Ttiii is a uniqu* opportuBily to IM M Wn* Mianaaet*. Ilaadguartari a locsM a Haw tha nuny cam. opaortunrtwt" ••#. Th* IBM Yorti CMy wrth i*aa and sarnca athem in IM $2.95 rapr.MnUtm can ditcuuanthyou Itpaai Mb*, aaior WM ttnaMaal da UnNad Saao. vinous trsinlnc programs, chaaca* lor ad- vancad education. hnancM laamrda. aad com¬ Th* AccM aoalh* ladhddoal: No a pany banalits—all important lacSora that aMoct lyp* a* wort, a pans* dMP at IBM. h* a Mvan yourhltura. ' *M Ha laipoaaiWity la a «M* a handle, and aHtha support ho aas MkW{u State SOME MCTS ABOUT Ml naat N by nan. An Unuauai Growth Story: IBM hao hod gpe W JACKETS *io ovcoptionai growth fa*ao la MmWy. B hao Tbn mha In aMch IBM to anawM haw an un- boon a plonnad growth, botod ad Moo and BndM IMto. Th* a your appertuniiy to And Hith fftfivin# Horsfthult pmducta having on ahant MaBo gpflMiia aul abM Bat hrtui* bw to aBw yw. Leather SteevcH M) our modarn ocoaomy- cm *r atop a at yarn pliumil eMc* to ae Djvacao and Important Pradocti: IBM dovolopa, r»n*a an appdmtmanl with tha IBM rapoaant, Late w w *nnta . ab4 manulactuiaa and mathota a wM rang# of liva tot Da daa above. U you cannot altand an ewtor, m*> hgaftmhobcl/ ttjled products in IhodMpMOMhlB klM. IBM coat- intanww. wrtto o» cab Ba manage, ot tha naa.- with 2i-«uM* >#arUn Grwa putan and allM praWMi PM a «B# IMP to sat IBM ones : w#w4 body wHh »lr«Te of eoft / bonnbidr. Mr, B. r. MacOud. Branch Manager .Nytoa Un«d la ill M*ra. 18.1 IM M.S.V. SWEAT SHIRTS 8 IVanbaa 4-S314 Navy or White — 18.95 amaMTiowu. ausincss maomho *2'89 SHOP TONIGHT TIL 9 P.M. • I is-im c-- I ;i'i Eisenhower knoeks Kennedy Hwwfc, WaUlm « 01m Mik In [Son'Politienl Country Tour * alrh, tfork * Jrwrlrv Mr|>nlrhi|t TNOiPIMt JEWELRY 22.1 MAC A*r. Ea»l I.MM«lnn m'MU I*\»AAIKIIA ■ v-1» «.»4 x*v»»U» KUr- k, % AVi*w» A WvA o>ai» Shirt Uaadry Ihul 1.0 i in. I (,>i l'*i I »• A Oth mi ihtrrl ilunili V. t.iiiml liv Al lies I tom Slurirnt Sri * »'»* Iknhliaf t ip*"* I Hmr *A<*>«.nf »>itrr li^ond • '• 1 ipfins • F.*r ih* fit * *S» »r»r Ikr |\*ttu ai't presents an outstanding *s Va-» SUM. TRIM «tvi SKNSATIONAL i* going back-to-school **> It TUI 1 t-rrv'» atwolatrV thr kutfr*:. U V«t c\v'a:j.'-i w r'\ r rvrr showt* Prrctwii ahIw 'litnttr I hunts • utWvmi ia IwtbtMofl wwlm» In »otUI 4 VStVrt KOA " I \»T I l\»l\t. I i fc» Uf NUr» t%*r*«M «vVr», »tr;*r«. (tvneria nr.! floral*. u '*'V4 o* ^ %. KU 2^Ul:i RrtUu&t »tv%! tulvlirM c\v.-r cutshiaatMia* A)«Mt — HAIKVIA !k'\ favnr. I"rvr\l for ntty bwtrrt. SEMOIiS fwi For xtti>*r Fulurv* THIS WEEK AT THE UNION Wa*.' IV K* tun*- *i V* Vu>n V |\*wl>W - lih I W«**r I moti Wednesday - 8 PM Union Ball Boom GAME MOVIES - MSU vs ND Thursday - 7 PM 2ml Floor Union BRIDGE TOURNAMENT Saturday ■ 9-12 PM Union Ball Rooiu UNION BOARD DANCE UNION No. 1 MSU SCARF ROOK Wool — Joat Right far tW G«or> only *315 masculine eyewear STORE No. 2 MSU SCRAPBOO Big Capority for 1W "Special Mworol FEATURES WALLACE OPTICIANS IS COPIES —.THE PUCE SYSTEM AM) Jfu IteSOwtt - Oh*>:< J Frmif - IV I-K7I WANTED RESOURCE ALLOCATION'" Bv Lrftwidi Wr'U PAY 3.35 rarfa « I.ANSINf." ata jrm i.UM af S* A - ■Av-" /V A' 2-H'S