Spittoon at Slake Weather SfirliM • Hwdtn t loud) and t old CM is Hitch SitanU; I.«« VOl.l'MK N«. T; EAST I.ANSIM;. MlflllCAN. MllllW. IKTOIIKK 21. I9WI I'ltICK r. CENTS Ike and K? Whore They? Mexican Hill People Say Nixon-Kennedy End TV Debate Thft* mv Indian trilv. In southern Mtxiro who know I'i'thinjr of Prwwiilont Eiaonhowor or 1'rrmirr Khru»h.-hev In Hour-Long Duel Tonight and show no indication of ever wanting to know, said I'r. % Mason E. Hale at a general botany seminar Wednesday. \rw VtiRK. >.e»—The f»'iirth man s.ud Nixon * represents-1 the ABC studio Kcnifedv. how-| ABC wilt iA>bfth|y the 1ft'-! Vfttlu*. tr-t- • live still 1* op pom I to a fifth |tver ftj#»»earc»r there |a*t v... c,'i»u,n tl«'!»al»' la 'wren the 'xv<» d« Irate and thai no date for any ! v hep he lobated Nixon, while except for three news photogra¬ v-h any etber euituie. tit1.r-.t-J only In lh-lr own T*-> *""]> •' am-luate studenU and rrw't' )irc*idcu«l»!i cftiidKlfttCs further discussions of the mat¬ • nc Vice President WilN phers and three reporters. , . t»»!T\.wt?l be lii'u'ci ui «>n«* ter U Ca forma «tudii Some 20b technician"- and TV ,,, »,„! in »»,.,»« rmp.. They .. "»!' ''wd «'or slide, to show h-.,. *et. Two small, two room coMages. j cameramen have been assigned **•>»«•>'» of his visit to southem hi cns Secretary Pierre Sal in- . . .ne.i a natrye Indian tongue . Tb -• j'.rvi'"' '-'«*d l.i'.c to the program, about t.-m* Kcnneitx, add-' complete down '•» such details ■ ac i* . i Sa.ynt teamed anv S,..n..h," M"U"» h« »">•" " N"-ten.-. Thiers day 'it « p-u.ix iitv iw- »d that the Masvirhusetl*' Sen- .i- .1 mail ihtx m front, will serve the number normally engaged in fiwHksiiatmit. m M*fttch of certain tu««**it a-' -nib «»l c'i .un. ul.i't" a panel show . - 11 -uor will miike a final effort. as divssing Kitnis for tin- two type* of too** ftnd liehon* found 415.1 !h.' .li'yVk.rRt. ball!v political rivu!-, at the btudlo. NIXON will oi»en 'hr '• « . tnuurmv, lo get Nixon tin that are* The iiue-Uon f. c ■. t>.'' »•! 'o I :.«• two co'.i ■ • were bu.lt In; yt'h an eirflil minute staVnu i agree to a fifth debate, b> j Freedom . *# I r«\ iita; far south Mexico City by car, he and hi« companion* trawlcxi •* the Guatemalan .T\ •4'-. i-i • Kcnnn't * |TVoi*kM- nnnihtcc J».':n f'='tv .h ;mu" a* c'o-c a» posiiblv n> ich' a ,i V trligc.iph.Urf ihe Vice president tin' studio to ensure privacy for ..Iter which Kcnncrlv w»i! 1** -* - formal clvallenge However, i t ie candidates pi tor t.» their j IWCd a'aimltar pei l«#t The next i hope that mpeai ance on U»v an K u-h c<»( - s dinger held ouk little half hour will be devoted t" i border. U» thf N»>\ 8 cli^ct Of Speech oquuqmd^wit!, desk.#, j Hon* and answer# fn»?u 'b' . Many of the village# they uw Nixon would accept. '*««• i., • were »o seldom visit est bv Ameri¬ \IXO\, hi- lit publican I'm u,' the day, Kennedy so'.i,, easy chair telr- j I'uuc-I—with each candidate n.k- that the native* lit-n:, (utnctl Kenncdv's profMu.nl "cedlcii Nixon for rejecting a phone# and wall-to-wall arpet- ii;: mmutes to rrplv *ivt can* continually C' OK Here •tared at them. "Keen after the oijxvn sugjicvtiiiK instead that to- tilth debate and raid: minute# to cominent on au f.fth day, hundreds of e>r* fid' n pht'* final debn'x- tn' extended ON Till; AIR. Nixon will stand epponent's answer lowed u* around." bv one houj, and that viewer# U> "II is W INTKRl sriNCi fact on the left and Kennedy on the The final ten minu'f# will l>- that he is willing to debate with r.i'ht of a fmit-high stage, #ach Cm MSt* entertain a ivmrriu- In one of the villajre#, he and a':. Uid t«» telephone questions divided equally between Ken¬ ^ mimeograpu niai hnie that per- r.v. speaker on its campus * hi# frtend* were surprised to find After t«»d:i>'s conference, it nuts only one side, but i* unwill-l j provided w Uh a podmm and nedy and Nixon tor clo*uirf 'a couple of Harvard student# lie- str«o|. statements, TV# question was asked to in* with the Indians to learn j wa> announced uv; to make Ni# answer# and! They will face a panel of four Nixon takes precedence over Trwwl r»u 1 A, Miller Thin* I their custom*. "1: iHv.i ue clear that, In the i large, in direct TV confront- j r>tdto-television newscasters— Kennedy in the fourth deo.v, *'»>"• i Hale said that mauv of the |t"oe involved, an acceptable j at mil with 7U million people John KdwiiM .»f AHt.. Walter because the Democratic car.i - The question c. whether a tw>]aUsJ tnhe, t 'ugram with public partlctpa- ' (or watching." could stwat on csm- , bnghtiy^ou-r^l ritdvna and lire- ol, VICE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON—A SAINT??? iio« in tfic questtontitjj of the | , j Tomorrow's appearance will, #er of Mutual, and John I'ronkite of CHS, Frank Smgi- date won ttie to## of a coin and cxiubsia'.es c«hiM not bo deve-1 Chan-. irncd «lid ciosc.i the lirxt de- i ... srss tieoujh: u? Ttiursdsy kale fleet, produced bv a lane hallimn lliwting in Ihr In- Nixon's fit st telecast from | ci-llor of NHC. Qutlicy llowe of a .<•»**! It was astvtNl tii.it on | b ite .'of Wayne Stile un.rrrs.ty: -ThcyTl svork for hours to earn -v fused to anew a communist; a little money, walk for six hodre haekcrmmd. gltn Richard Ni\nn that much -ought alter Kintav uigh". the* progrftnf should , uintlx look. The vice pre-uienl. totally esbli*inut In the lv» :h,. »»:ic-h»Hir ».»oKer on i*« e*npu« j to \!.;>rs personal pinion to ' ribbons arid Are-crackers as thejr frt to a town, buy a* many balloon or Ihr pholu«caphrr. eoneenlratr- on his speech. toreig i affair# a* program onamally on | , Alielii^aii In I lot lied of Campaign > question «i< that he dicini f*o andtnen return home to work lilrniuvl In AuKust." The debate will go .-«n the air * -.a w of any formal act# exclud- a communist CAirpu# «rUl Mtey *•»» *ffvrd another Inp V**"' Dick. Jack' Discuss .«• t» p.ni K.ST from the Amcrl- j Politics Boom as Nov. 8 IScars #••#•# ker. Much of the land in southern . »n llnMdcasttng Co.'* TV ren-1 West Stith Street, larg*'«t M"1"* ?"hami'*••«»« 1.1 on j c .Tf - MflMId would be mv.ted by msf*tws.b> to sa »Xi« that If . university, speaker he • " valley* ativi Uses by "huge. tropical forests of Vir¬ covered Men's Formal Attire s'udio in ttu* ciu It als«« will he Moftdcast and telcviseii, by NHC witii Michignn will tie pditical flclivi'y next week booming j running mate, will apiicur I D^tmlt Monday, in I Laming Thursday He & expected her« gin timber," Half said. wnd CHS. and broadcast by the as the Nov 8 cltvtlon cU'uw* Hep Walter Judd (H-Minn.),! On the state level, William ,,,vmete# as king a* '.he speaker NEW YORK, (—The men'* formal clothiiijr industry Mutual network. keynoter at tiie Hepublicnin con- j Kreger, Republican Candida'** competent. cWer. nil but split ltd seam* today over n profnuuti by Vive Presi¬ TodaV* nirilcimt announce-i ventinn, will be ip Lansing t for secretary of state, will ap**ak "t am ascluied to hoi eve that Vice Presulenl Richard -Nixon i « ni.-h mvifaiiow departments #x'ended by, and divisions j No Mow dent Nixon that the time-honored tailcoat be done away with. mvnt also aaid: "HI m» SI NTATIV1S of the and Senator John Kennedy will Tuesday, Arthur Flcmniing, nt Secretary I Sundav the leineoln center in Lanauig a! 4 p.m. be the main draw ing cards.' °r Health, Education and Wel-j James Hreakey, candidate «n this basis mould be ag-eeabl#; **V\w shame?'* cried * leading try just twvaua* of acme mo- ranrtidAies will give further con- | plans f "'°- wl" uk'' - tw" r'av tl»v ftwlngifor f"r Bupreme • *v university." Miller said, f M ile? said that he wou\f Uke j Politics nwnufaetutcr. "It's liable K» defeat him com¬ nicn'.arv lNvkiml duaMmfort" Herman ftiJcratiOd t'T 4 type of format Cohen, wiich would allow public par- Kfiuiodv tvu Untellve nl«n. for a whirl wind spres in troit ' 41 lwo ,n lv-|thr,iu«h Michigan Thursday wnd j apiwar Wednesday while jyjiKoU | Friday, hitting key cities of De-j memorial banquet Supreme C< C.Hir*. luMlro. w.'.l at the Zach Chandler 1 Tuejdijr to ;eve that people with dif- pletely—** far ** our industry is #ect etarv-treasurer of first nirfht- tiriiwition in the qur*Honing " has deflnately .M*heduled an-out- troil, ClraiMl Rapid:., Flint and I night .-n»r: back/rounds oouki be in? \ M here without prejudice to¬ For Ezra cunrerneil," des-iaret amwher. NIXON started the aartrwua! coat ha* a e formal wear. Ltd.: "Tl»e tail¬ Thi«. seemed to 'rave the door rpeti for a possible fiflH debate state tour Thursday. ward thetr polikcal beliefs, v of ruue than tempteet lac* night when he ran 500 years. You don't aUdish However, a Kennedy spoke*- Tlhe Republican schedule includes ri*ecc»hes candidate 'Blue Angel9 Picl; Heads M. ier «aid that invitations Agriculture Secretary Kara who John F. Kennedy—his #e*i- *uch traditjiew lightly There is Taft Benson Mid Wednesday that i Ann Arbor, Jackson, Battle »-• not etterded by the agencies collearie and presidential a pr«x^" xnjr to dress for prop¬ Committee chairmen have hern j man. Chuck Kiene, Yonkers. N Y Creek. Kalamftroo, Grand Rap¬ chosen for the Panlfel-IFC dance Campus hi# duties to the Mormon Church , •'e un.ver*.tjr when It is the opponent—at a Waldorf-Aator- er oecasKwu. id# and Muskegon. Junior; ticket* »n fain propaganda from Kennedy w*« in a tuxedo and church in an old sports coa: He from 9 t« 12 p.m. | senior; and puhlirity rhairmen, m January. nody'a tour last Friday tiirough ." tieiieral rhftirmen are Bruce I Tom fc-i BsnKQ tok! newsmen before he addressevl 60t» Michigan farm¬ Nixon in the more formal tul- wouklnT coRt with »tiff-fn*ited sfurt and atson m go to hi# inagur* jufct any oUl thing, eitii-; Notes dominant Republican areas Plans for Kcnmxly'a Detroit Karen Kraus, Levrly, Drayton Flam* «oph- i llunoroft, Pontiac junior, and j omore, and Saiidra Boxung, Stow- ers at the Kellogg Center thut wfeKe tie. speech.are still unconfirmed by Ionising junior. Dthers include decorations jell junior 'I In* open dance will be held at Muilent Bike he would net be interested in tak¬ Ei-Jwr «•»» pn^ier attire f.e Arvl lr>»n Enwriue: B'm. (iirnitul I'e-liiioii. Dcmocratic h«\nIqunrters. chHirnmn, Bruce Curtis, Marion, I the Civic Center. Dinner ami fat • ing any political position if the U* orcMael but •» K«»l«ly!,.,.n of Wtt, jjjj t^hn ul Henry Cabot laulge, Nixon's N.Y. senior; entertainment chair-1 ulty mixers will precede the dance. Nickers Arrive > Kepuhiicftn# win the November spotted .Nixon tie greeted h*m| Manhattan: Petitioning for 1061 Water] with a "Hi, Dick" and then i •iev-tion. "Every man has h,.. chou-c Carruvwl ciMirmftnanifia U gin*; r.cgwtratton ef atudert bicy- ~! did rvct want to l>e SecreUry adkied' "t gues* Km iv>t very | Maybe Mr. N.x.m made that Moiukiy. Tlio annual carnival,! 'Need Ia-hh Polities' cclayed by an overdue ship- cf Agriculture when the offer »a» well drtxaxi. I gvM-*^*d w-rung ' quip becwuae he tnougti it wotffd •e;*tr>oied by the jwwior class, is; «flft ef stwker*, ha# begun at i maie ia but t.eneral Ki»en- "Well Jack," Nixon aniumgly. A>il!Kj furwiy or win him votes. •held „ each spring. '-rt police headquarters acconl- ho**r pet it pi the ba#i# ef #crv- i responded. "I'll make a deal. But I'm sun' that the way hej {vtiuom will be available in 5"c to U. Alien Andrew# ef the; • i *rtn»ert of public safety. ? to my country," he Mid. me- mdMrwtc* llanrr By SAM MARTINO jug to his critics. doesn't offer the farmers sound P-' »u#t register hi# bike a« ' "Now I am ready I# serve my tipper# It* ag »*•' re m thi* country, fired jU„. wl»r.h pracUwl to put a Tru,lo|iui' from the side of President Eisen¬ derisions. Kennedy's plan would rai># off » hut telegram to Nixon. I* tipper m front hower and have landed on Agri¬ The Republican farm ambassa¬ price* 25 per cent more than his bike. Student* being in Sorority Rush or elsewhere Kric Pavel, former .South Amer¬ ■ culture Secretary Fr/.ra Taft Ben¬ dor, who addressed the granger* Nixon's." t awing or Lansing skenld j "Maybe te ju»t dubs t w«x»r ican resident, will show the "Meir fit Alt trying toen-,^ right s.ze WrW' sa.d Jai'k "Three World# of Peru" as part son a* criticism for his farm at their 87th annual conference KENNEDY is campaigning for register their bicycles srith the local departments. "This ordinance wrriK bo an- To Begin courage people to wear white and tail# and loot night you aug- \j. U-viUn. vice , ^ eaward Saorwer* prcatdant Co. of of the World Travel #erie# Sat¬ urday at K p.m. in the auditorium. program. at the Kellogg center, reviewed the farmer# to receive a "Government controls and fixed his eight year# in office as agri- on their invested return capital which Utah regi#trntirm for all girta gested abolishing some For price* arc a failure. What farm¬ culturv secretary. is similar or comparable to earn¬ ers "want and need in not more, Like the Democrats, be was ing# in non-farm 'ZiTf Wrpda that is ridden piaonmj to K*in a n>rofitr win¬ shame? Please say it isn't so.' employment. <" thia eampua mast bar* a ter tarrr. will be held next week. To a reporter he further a~. Bubble W ill Hurst \ but les* government in the farm¬ highly rritiral. Benson called Kennedy'# meth¬ ing business—not more, but less He Mid Demoeratic pre«idential od control under • ker on it; either ours or one Oct. 24-28. » 12 S'.Jdatv. Serv¬ sorted: ""nv>u.«onfi# of people? parity a strait- jiolitics," states Benson in reply- nominee Sen. John F. Kennedy jacket over agriculture. ^ another poliee department." ice# depend oct Fie manufacture and Cold Price Increase. ■ u# ' tenant added. Folkes ing regi^ra;e>n is n»h distribution of full drew* wear: "It could turn many rural com¬ Fauure to comply srith the or- cooworjor. Nov 2, wxl fall munities into ghost town-. Virtu¬ c. *sce will fewuh in a IS ticket. tews, Nov. 5 and 8 | for their iireUbood. whole shouldn't slander a Denide#, one indus- ally no farm product would move Called Speculative into export without a large sub¬ sidy. Tariff wall# would have to During Summer Vacation WASHINGTON l-'.S. ofFi-jtions in the neighborhood-of $10 be raised sky high to foreign farm products.'* keep out "I call thi# a fantastic pro¬ rial. Ink tH, pwitum Thul-la» •" lik' gram." #»mply cannot b«-. maintained as Here's Chance See . , i Europe . .. , . . i.,t the feeta.'H- to targe in th« Uiarkct pn<« ef pold fMfJf rrprcxcnU a speculative bubble ^ buy ^ | al w, "IT IS a nightmare—the »mr*t farm program, bar none, that I have ev«r seen ad»•fated n,:rMt. A„v that i# wire t« burst The only ofTicial #tat»*-nicnt on responsible Un.j*~n, wwilT be aoproxima'cly person," Ren soil Board gflietaTx were t trcorn-od*:# 8* pw^etife.c*. ^ Yflrt r (HI * Sources close tn vartour fmnn- tho *ituR' Prescient e* a' tired p'*n« to £urop« aod any location in Europe, mod at fer# may e.'.hcr rancel the High! ■ io maintain th«» dollar at it* ex- Richard M. Nixon-'v propose4 act durjag tbo swmnioc vaca- any tima destrecl. or pay for the remaining seats PS# tr.-i would W ava-ab> New York Sugg^'cd **« • fukbt from arooag theiwivc#. London The trip would fee made by Kcllog; nt jintihg gold parity." j In other word*, the United j State* i», sticking tf» the ndirial farm policy sound and g»v<4. "Nixon will expand our riar-.. Wet* and give farmer* greater.'" Conferences ' r.'erested rtadenw. faew'-t* turning Jrcr* Pari#. Either place BO AC via a $33 price which ha* In-en main- freedom." jet-qr spelled pia->e. • f A-'f. and tbkir fwdllM. Coat may be altered, but"price# would the second fastest tained since 19-14. A*#u»niriir .it Benson said the greatest farx-i ' transporta¬ F.gM would b» approx:- fluctuate with the d.ff«mc« ia tion gong em>## #ea«. T.me om. e-n—», | continue* to do so, the «peculaUve problem confront tug tin- l'>. now akf thai «f a ««ular data^re. ; advance# have no vfleet dh the is the wheat surplq* would be approxtn.ately eight »> j average American. lie blame* congres* for not re¬ ffSCU *• flifNta may also be hours each way. ^^sal Motion far thU Mnriet changed. Suggested vara a surt- BHll-K TAKING a generally vising an obsolete and uneconom¬ v«7l drpaad on tiva— Ma Mac- mg date of June IT and a re¬ TVS T1IF will 1* 'ir*t claw ; optimistic view, official* ronraded ic program of price support and l irrxa Ua* >aiMiy-!TTI\C, THIS ONF OCT TOGETHER ( AFTOOTi i.« : t i » jfivei» for this new ultimatum, A W.5, seem tr directry v ueatiop tm a -- « mo .bort in »bi: b tbr irroap prndirtt^ t«»-or n. .• ity of the student tr think 'or h.f.se • mnr.nc f-.-nt tit haz&rd :«■ luck itf dirnt?> ""he »wk!y room check jr. the women s of r'iiribir votm wiU star awaj ,fwn poO» SPMmbrr t vh. i«sued thf m;ie art ramtMnrr-t"' 1,1 trrr propir a»ay fror TY*"u.r> dorms illustrates this thoupht n»r,?- e^TWOT i« re rirci^nstivnce-■ the poli. twaurr it fori- voter.tmw not be wW or ', rrnsiaenr.p , *;:*»*• of (iom resilient* has increased .hie?- a week, the house mother visits eu." whin •the rwof swerat- coed's room. checks the wxarehaskets. a*r- worthy cant haute s una pint farm j—the ©W ftihu ••*. the electorate this yeiLr " . nr v»r di!iwr hoe m> ve vol rhanpen to fv.'s and eaurtcrtop* tr make sure nv,i - arromniwtitte the hjereaa* As » -vsuh. & thing is ir. order. If not, she issues the Wh«r u press rrwiisf a»f this sort is received, tie -.• v >'h--«r to *'«? a: *t-4S mm* he if! ri-eaoed late minutes. And the room check • i^rv^resvwu' j*i ihu* it shoiud he disregarded and • realires the dht. • ,w», not just cuick piancir.p—it's thorough ;.wu Hcae'Yer or. second planer. one " l'.* ?v «i/*!ier •* *eem.- a V'ttt is .••♦ siv-% •»■ J4sk t.-.te! coec.s iv mart case- inherert in such philosophy as ofTered by ASTOO It that i roBece w-•mar's nvorr Tr ahstu -' *^m votinp t»ecuii*»f o^e feels the m, • " < «»e jt» minutes and act seems v.M . nhouic nr her pmvare husoes ar*; ***- parties do ix»t offpr h p-xs candicsatf or platform o .' THf- •••>• - • v-- rnedy s-- ftwwihihh• Nr *'n:c hrother* is ro.ee to ?K*Tvser.>< ir the \ nited tht-ri' arr mat j s In addition, neither the l»em\R*rat« nor R*-r •- • 11\ fir..,- •« -jie mnvlk of the rio'TR iNvucT her housekeepittp wner she cn»o parties ^ 'yif the case jr. point. uates c*u:> are imified parties: ea-. n has vRrittui WfTOCBts. eu„ T'»' v'iffif" » j •» l«mp come ocvt tr the SrVTl-kR h-.«.J mi-' e-v.r jrve •• * of wr»rh h&s rmnv very different ideas. limn w;» roc have n^ter sr.r or rm-drr tr the stuoerts ahiort to tho.ni» jo-s ASTOOT s-t-ms to fee' it is a new political partv V. m« srr the d!r:np r.—*e What which pmveT ramt'iis »f. hew cur ft >*elp to further jrovemroent when its memtr*-- .. V- -T v. • rhij." ?• is t.rjs actior the ramtuis housmp and cu.^c;. w net \eit" Tr.is ;s certainiy no way to pet met he.it j* aeem.s that d * re ur*t'e*> w» enacted into luv ;«:*pr •« tr train tr dpveki; rwsnon«!t*ie thourr: i.«d uot- •• GRtHTS UKF ASTWT * ■ ' ctmtinv.e to i-sue p- r *ace the outside wo-lf! as in its fctuderts r must fm-* a'' .-v trn-m _ panda One earned hopr to pain artUhinp by arpuu pv nk:ng peoric no: tr relieve the op^orrur.::^ "o- so •» rhnurvr .T»-o them and uttenrp vociferous statements. The on - v; -• -'-i- ••••sTvrsirvc thought latent, u^timatuir is reman 1 r.c if etc; te iiefeat such ar orpariratior is to pet out and vote : the ta!idid»te of your choice ' dictating their ir. es n trie in the nprt direct'as. • *.*»» With the electK-r on > » *ew weeks in the future T Lan car. .1* r».: mis nosts' national tCil". wt« • I Itlkai Lett*-r> to the Editor must iw presentee ana stampeu. throuphout the day frorr ? a r " 'i''- with a iU- per cent increase tr VOTING WUX be held ~*rv. n'-'ir trie n-vwu:« *»]. the fmmen- -aiur.rig '..he irement time *her jrcvuiu unti 5:5c p.m. A! baliot* wi'j t* tabulated be P ;..r. tmu> tu*v. S;o.-» '••- u:.»Ku«TJt rsm nr .M-Tuj—;me-n;, on-.;;rural* a tht pant tw * eam ma* example •?»- the I nrte-c Mc .es wnu*r vo-v;rr tanpuupe -et*u:- pest ' car pau.- ' tmertd. r n*tn-its h o :• e-t v-ouif wet .j.—.on.? v m ftoj* tr at Mutsuw a* -*H»e,e: F.iyrLsr is a.-me uotmnt mformR&rnr;.. Ar undertakuip such a« this :rvo?ve* s**n t» B-onerpr sia*e"v»^ the ,.•• •■ n> heip wir these wnmtrte* tiack tr our marv stjoents w^U t*e needed to he'p court ballots A i-wiw*'. amnk tur V rai*i«e ;has raiaa to be nr oae»:.iiin. however r this S4U« • Urr S T piaew * interested atuderts are urped to contact the State New - V >- ra»> z txt Muse l*?jmrtRien' tie a. ec li is a: >eHst encnamirinp tr know that iTt'erruttiOiat.', * * # Xame »ivhhrti «n«r eoawntt « • • • • ' uo-.uit' unti now ' the iiejm—.men: is ftiuv)1*- w.»h,*f +? pc t t t Tne-t hare twer. mart ;*eoph rruabhnp around rr.rr .& 11 *he fem*WMHy;'e or Hnmothinjr kiMtu* trie situatior. nnwever sirt.T the last ticket to Mantcnani wai piven out. Ko-t rf •areate rtininiRjnn* oi m - if us .?ta: nt part »i our ctt ta~h» • .hr M. ti,»l rr.O.v ;* "•»* r 3L- w-.ts *r* rr ^ e r«n».' J/ih« 'IfiiMtrthip' t*»e prumbunps run ir the same line: -Why didr/t :*• uer;•• ;■ .a» "i ' he *«•" exissemt of An fa? as rev«'»smiS3Rp the nmiaerp res. nitf haAf him two idphta* Why wercit more tickets alkn*- * cour: Ant i: is nan -or lis tr r. seem- that M>;» v a- a rear of the Mat* tHf R>*wr.»« Tp abr Betiter -**w-vtis?hf ■ ^.C UH tP IM-ri*S »WPJSt- .A# oft-, of v4'-rr "S* Neft-v student* "" inun: • *n.' "Tie ammrtment r mo: " **- liepamiroeir. m it* rstpiip or. tcr- MA*e—o- hriTiee- ■ism SSi fwlft-WiJ-T w »h.ut * I >#Saer Pw4ic*'" ^Se;-. 3f.. Ik*© WAVTOVAM appearinp for one lupht because * • ri»H»T o-'e- rn* '.ears that the.1 euci ittiiginures i o»*e-».ec » vp-* tour *fts. ;**>ked more than a year apo. IT. Wilaor r't-.. • M rB.:.;Sfc {J UB jkoc *\x. «ftl;p tbai toe ' Siou- ' t : i m c 1 u -ecop.:.te trus Then® row gee 2.'H^ >*tMne' » *■—%>" •K' Bs.turM t IX tm»Stmd. Xewa rw.c-v c* IT* TigRl la Bin director of Lecture-Concert, tried to have the perform* .juvjau-t ro,.-se- ?•"•> mak oy ofjwsr' *if. * macim * a!, mCic-% " two mphts. but was to»d this was impossible. In short, a* «ev* hr -mr jro'c-v- trie aenar-.nt^rt on* tV *'•* .a-r*1-' t" i h«e rwiiw ww—w ta*:«c aa.ruww ewessuyp Bewewwr. u?u> I au' v'*u truLy ft? are fortunate tr have Martovaiu a! ail arnirw eotirt*** w ho »* mts no: tar' uexukT*.merits :e th* naitior. Nesrr *•'ra¬ —;ii»t ta* » wf anU- a«*» • a-v. Ei<"» ngpertBBS m Eru-w>. s.' no: ware, tr raac stftf. vtrt reeerved fw>r students. In other words the riwp« B? n»*4*rw. a:;er,Sior frw tcesis arjc srrw of f* Suite atudent* pot ali the tickets for the performance mvoie* itoows nit So tiea- nr. ** l^tr pf the ,«• n*" iKYfrenc. • tap" * «WMr«IS«€ U- B»is 'VwtfeiT.- %?••- ■ #..0- »"»v«r cir a^aaturc Wrvi,e thta ieaves many students disappointed, the Le c".t"t»h .t"- wis*»es nir ir nc»" bnsrm for Mr". i.o,; ' tt^r rur-v ' rj* * a * s * jr mUme*** ture-t oncen office did it# best to rive as mar.y ttuaer 5 — o wr * . k* mverrrm ic lrdoim - W"« ft'. SI "tw i*« «ft laiBiBf. ;»•. ; -..-rarUfc. :h» TX jjatyr-* ne m* tr.. rw r*ewe if vnc tike., bd at jsjasiute the opportuzaty to attend ""•* o? A- htiv i»-—a liu «« 5w:»ra**' «wr "i tntam wr.t the leners I R»*e -{•otiiiht <»ti f^uha aurtftu-uw w< s« -itv of tr- srtmh: • wrioet **-rt J4; rtMg,L , « o»..*' »*h » CP* Lauds Tr ''rut Edltw. (■aiiifHtiiitt | Yes, Eleanor, There a I. A Mil A UU'! n- ft a** Hu' :Ii« n»»tr«««- a lW',n<*- v&rmjt- "or :» an^aeuaarr -» ivr your • arrsa up"* -n* '«•?*• aet-n*u %». Anaarw r. - •* » srt:;a.r' Nixon. Too! uw»r :r*» •-u .,- Bft-r* 4! -uiiftrtt c . ..a *ftH ,« •*)*.'!•# ?n;.«*Bu-*— ft#w a""svMW .!*♦«• . •unmucsat nn«!. OB* -**«»<;'" »a «• • - --M. «t w»* Air «>" V-F .'ftT.i . - p,. : ft* • *.w Ab "Wy.a- T - -ft ' W*W -tBTf a-r vpi; fir- ftEursrift Is a Vftr " bu-jKft tn* brws * Hie ' 4—.-ihim U* rt- tt*v Fab*' - nftiat (trwt aa a* we -e »wie> o*.i4r:;ec. tfaa -Ft L4KRT M1LLEK. Ldiwrftl Eftiw - }•-«»»**. •*hv, fwniM t r* *• ewe-^tir *:se i» aatadle*. ai •»> '**!«• ?'»lf * MIMIOW »••- •tun nu: ta* t"3* "•uhSftf* t* lli* >I*rf ; rftp'.t Mft-- - W v^tttn m tb* bar! of a .huiftl "l»t—»i*> t 'h»- » !m««r U3*r.. ff»W i vtmr Rftm-uiR b* *w »>!»•■ iN *MWI«>Kn. MlUi W>ft»u,ni U»r ■**«. i**s aa aara-- SI MX ia--. Friday"* \i* T u* John Kennecy there K* ift'ttst*" V tn»»w »a« Peer aocw comment liere and there that the State N» *'tt» wr trua «iacr. MS? 19)1: %hi> thr dC -rrBtrf devoted Too nurf n;«ace to the eandidate * riait- ir •"*• m^rh .jfTo-m. u**»r tiv sof-—: -*nr •„; m Tra-.iv" auC "Jtc: r fiaari* piasned that they hi vp been aeeiiif too uttift •N*J* tP?".* P^'IHIU-'V* .' imv*V- Aitfxvtunim: fbv. I mi i candiaaU'on tbene psgw ' in* IT uunprt af miiiitiw. 4»»t. SftU.T* :» In*' tfttttaCltfU:.?* tt\ ClW Th^truth of the matter*, aeerna t» Nutob Oar. paaeed thrtmph town a^t Inllnhe Kenr^"' tha" •' •' •• an- wiwwm;* >:*W1 peuiM* wn« t»a.r*vui: h- , *.jk c *«#3' a* tn* if*. *w. .«* am • fam- wou'tc prabap'y have repiettsred J, atcuiar ctaapm; » *»*/*" '.HWWWtC i" »'*,*- an*- Jh ,l (/wnrl.< Ketmeo'» viwt ma-aec the brat ever or a pre#»» *- fount ,haite»«Cr a!. Fttta; candkiake wr..»e ?>r n* rampairr :raii to the MSI car 'A- ' n**lWW" •• « - « *■««' rtunv* .«m* wa*n : tn» n^a* .«*»• Tfe» au«. *» iwuiars :rw« ajr-fuitutai' par- a tiM~ tiu«. 4ft»«*C SMBB i Vnit^r* * tpNK TourislA Movies Newspaper m*-r and pohtica. ana»**tf fr«a inrnupT^ the aatiot.aeconipaniec the cano*da,fe> official part1 5 ttUwTft BS'.nw L.tu* a.c thr* kfiow tea: " :.-F UU-Mflft Itt* «*- oi f hour the r; ** anc ea-f of irul.Kwt# mere fucw- PRW* im: ;* Bad prw;:.* en's Impression «nasp ■ • P'WFMni.uiiin; pj|S ft*. in* *.:nv La-t Ijmmz U«: *** USA .a. Utmaur ~»;;Uutii*i» ' mu, ton as a€riiftAi',ata; netarm In our book the irrportanoe of the occaakm ju • tfewaphv" in*y will any, Lwry-' Michigan State News T> u.» ftjAft uf rftuTUie*. TT.-e State eourria'. —* tr* I S 6*f awr. a«ji*n- at is* tr - *' 1 ft«* s*. trw*. Ataemaw.' Had th* rvMne's of that paper: neglected to Dei. "UN- Qu-vf »* «?rrtr** TKL Aftm—jom- awwrtea: «n a l.. ... -ir- .)■,*: bu^tnr. Frit, T» ;!>**, w* s«v» va&rtt* rwnfitc. «f •«,* jr.. hav* kao* r tn^t Kenaady had even uaea naar the Lans;*-i A: f*v SW"TA a. iwiatEa base: tiait i»SM« Ajwr-f.~» « .,A*. ane \t »U0» t*'; area. A.',."**.)U»i«ll ■" - at»c ta* 'turn ewemar efoewwe bf l ta* vnrnrnm imc irf The aiartsrp of ne* r of poHtjcal nnportaace it a (it hu! Irfo.-W Tftv—ta*rr e? tj» Rrsrlc niar •* ler*-. g^.r*. * ru u»ftjr *-» ie tft* for ary n~v«paper We jaauBaMy fe* that . "*«" ■->—-the gmtigv* rrjab»e practice Nrw* ha#* w* been puflty of (U- And a*T n*^" • a c-*» i-acfttMrtaarrW-eudnp nav-—; "P-.it •* fttiw fcftr.c €«:/«*• enp vrw 'srnxmiaim^ im a» BP* * . , ■• .- • '.. t - >:.«?* n • «r*:— "•«♦• tm- Oftt J AUkK7»**a T'bft 4MW* Mt . nt.-wes. WT-B »efe.a*,. " fhe da'- _ _ Richard Nixon ret§ withia a atom's thro* • a*.- '■•in - tftrcs^p, Truia. ttaraag to* tad «in«r- #«c «»ru^ r ift.:—. S»e-4* Asft*:>r»r. «t;o • jr. • . ■«-.# jraBfttrnfu kitnieKlwdj-^bw i*»..a*x iw;-.. ?'W*Tsi *;ar auaumcr term. Saws «m*» pssi- - i?#Mr " teraet; usear ?ww rut Tmi «aj. th*; Natoostea, take, heart! That -day may b|'i|—»HI »""" AA- ,:«»«•' a fcu.* "IftlittU-aiJ,. 3ti. luypw m» '.r '.Mr fee.j'.'Sf 'fta-v; *»'•«. MW< El* TttA * * *_ • ■ Stfssorak attc au*aie» .aS&caa «t Sit StuO«n£ San-«R« iHdtttttQ* \LTiK*«4i laernmr — tft. > ac^ia * Mf:i u Wit***.MStlCAttOC the Old yoke about tht SitraUT 0^*-"- iticaiitfaa Si*U t::.'-iv:s_-,r. La; Lammi,. itkb^M iwftic IS# tna/or ctnuar «f arsw-JL. * -"3 tr'ierprwt «*»*«• mrtrayai* i tot win hu ka '1)1 Ukt down*,- it ( Slat iiuwcrtpttKw wKtu^i* ifc Jar «w arrm,, |S;'hw twa a « trw af Lie is ' qm aimuor am this v—-w M fur Sboh1 aentta. J* a** Aausrv**. ' - .Wm -jrr-T."w .•''ijmxuk in. ?twk. Ajawciaiaic aad. afas JM. . •'•. ..... tanftr """T « »»««« of fttc ts» .•vwAauK. CuL«a* Pre*. Soarar Coats* Ldrtoe* BIT w'rtii 4 x'-ftwe »■' **•*• a*# km ruft* «c iftatasat" vv.„- ■•«* o«iien^*u. rnarar-: Left*** Sfcft-#CT*-u mrr*:* in*. S*-. walk* Mnr tOft n^wrtft «f tTICai £©Z1M«1 aHP buiktlTtp. which Sfl^doXW A cMi is pooR is the eievaior it*, of ak pitfares, thtwork1 ever, CtS' attisw vo».v «.*C, w arr. asaiare our reaaenF that this ieaY aseeasariHr ar* - - . ESsaisfsai E«n*r- ?■ —i-r* Anc Ma*e, Ray Pratt. JUrrr* VaaNe« w|Ut^ .aaUft- *•*"» a^skr-%. *-* t«r- .- .... -an •*« wyiumu« «wb We ftctwB o» to, caiiber of Ttoubit E~ wiijor, KiJiltir — . b#v burpm PivdU' tuiiun. — Oweti ._. JCts 1ndu&e* iac.iMa «• ftftc* A1 R. - ?* mn«M. ' v«»«r **s|ar.*ft» af Anw.-tcaite l^UBi '«® bh* f.ftr'urw'rf I —evem to*-. %&*-*■ R*"Vc* laraicm** iwh.^ Mubnc be w «•• *rjj orfca: a* waru ftection m> theBut buiidiBg. caliber zf a of "Doub* E" majors tiftwr domcT that inr.t: • f-a;uo Ed aor — Ut« dirt aae ] . W »*!*:•«• "a Edtur* Ldxoft Bauawar Jour. Sdtoetibrr ?a*v-*' as* *»ftwa. obar* »-• - Lac aa. tt**.. for «uwr^k. etie ar* crprcrw u »ftr-.- fVvijftU*.. Ciiy .StltajTjt Boo Chamjwr PvLiUcet BkUtnr J oar. Jfiiiksr stancas x wSacft* b? ,tbe amnatac. | uaac auiaa' y Wftr*» sa« .cisuiv- Si;i ti^Sa »:tnouift« t* ALONG the i • line. Uw b th» Utetr- Pas —«- Tots. of ?K>rr\* nr j RSjauraftrrsa aac trim rf Ecrap* awl Staafi .Aesier. mi* «*h Uack »wi pUH-.-r.: Ameeteasa ; u farRRC t Jtewfe Edrtac - L.naa Luir-as^ Ajamant AAvertmnt iUu^r Jerr? Luitc.* :h* icwmwsac «f ar»«r-. *»cr rsa—tx» mg^-crrx/errc ■mran*'. ti» Litrmry i«opA a*"- laCft* «ff lor luoni* tmfj a-» .tweun* airy mrw . „ . sniwr. Jar Vaiiiv^;^;. Katmual AdvaebM% r- JtiSui Murpry rrv*3~-#" *•#*****€ an «reat»ns as. Sent iUrtinn Pwc with PMMIt.'*, 'fcr^ime UK fciighteSt W |Ui the ||| ipTiIff T Ai-'-i CiasrttiTW Oalmr. St'',^art IxcasxftL Joey C'.AJisiIwd toiiw CBoaiai, Arr.i* Car-n^i I *-«w; JwpA'- Ci*iber*Eft#eN.IUai'< ^ 50 0a» u i'~J MMft a» - Au.ft Sioriftr.fta »f i»- pnvs. !*uu« Tat pi!t«c pi-4c aanc.t'g arc auuix ear EuwartL £, Tdurcfe Aavamauif HO MC tm m t7 K» mintr. OCTOBER tu mil MICHIGAN STATE NEWS I'AGE THREL Promises AI SG HrxHinr Ertrndrii j Oop$ ! Wrong Plane Women Wolverine editim have grouted S109C0W. {rP>-~M. Apr yet » Top Men In Grade* Football Ticket Lines End i ur extension to Friday for organ- ! durk hunter whose nhptptr. tsations wishing to aign tiictutr i i eontmrtE, ! LEXINGTON, Ky. (**►—* lot whet! his eoHege-agr son and' their final two venrr of college • brought down a small crop-dust- of average college men ask each daughter asked tin whys and liefore the#' tokv a Rood mental m n:# v>&* waRjh* to the wui j lines. ahhrr It voicing mp plane near Smolensk lust other why the women so often I wherefores. shun. ♦ *h-f«piwkar tvr Cmynvss, p&;;l tr>»* ( ontract application* Khnuiri l»e month, cot a 15 year prison sen. whale the tar out of them in rack- Tin.'- is- the wny Gladden - mump • *Ag he tk»Ii«»' sh.> hurl nothing to cio with the' made at the Wolverine office, Z»JU The men ulna take tougher rt-< - - tenet' Thurtdny I tip the battle of the 1CJV ttifr up hotter prades. I course-, that call for more study ri- ,^'r^I wd «7 the SUuara: ^ «* *«•* « twiKi He Mid that tim 1 Student Servicer; Bitig., from 2 fir originally rot K year* hut Now a scientist hie come tip For the hrst two years of eol-1 umi laboratory work, Communis: vrk not coming tn' to ?• pan. .ntrm n.rKJ-4 *rdiwd, r j ^ ^ ^ prime 525l> lor- apeak to students and thn: she 1 the Soviet Vniott's supreme' court with an answer. j though: that wn« too light, re- l»r. Jamm. W. Gladden, a Uni¬ lepr. women arc about otic and a half Gladden suyr women inuiuUy years more mature than the . attend college for a general edn- i -.Shi. „ the financing of Tom MT».*v». —ee new Ttrfce: booth* wi'J Bne it» ^ leaders of the nation*! CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . i ported the ncwspa|H!r Soviet Rus- versity of Kentucky sociologist, men 3tic*>- r*VcwetH-d a commercial croup | cation and take generalised »oec to atudoBtx maide .ten- . . H1C.H KHADERSHXP . . • ! am. liecatiit interested m the auhject Tiie men have to wait until courser r-rwcnym: of Africa, whr whei "I dont feel its a Violation of *'. f T-fT Itetfrt' "" ■t«i di«nhu?»n. ao tha. they Mara,., trrwtan.,- Qrri: ^ - lww n,. *a*cr •>"» ctotH-.- K .v .-lVKi K1i.-v. "* * v"uiltlr * cnmfr n!J Attend Church This t*w beiA hou* "ira-l Sunday ■. nr l* uno^ !hr w *.!•»' of »«■ e„nrf* -u*« *«** *a ** -•« ».«hr.. ..f -l» Ac.S«m.c B«-.- r''^' " "»"t , ...UOB 1» «*» «BW brtw: «o- fio d.vif.no a! C«pw, 1,'"n5 «k t.«w- •u s toat have jmnnaly beer __ f men: huti^y was utummtotudy far the distribution cvf ta- ttWUTTKlX or. atwised V rn- memborj; of tlu fnr the fames demit freetkim was passef. by j C\*i£"w>. T-oavl rjcpendituT'f o: the unrwemury jrnc Caiptn after lenfhty discus- tv budget unoutr. trf .,nxC » fKtinf larger every *lor- about has'mg GoOBmunbC A hill tv> optvrnr'iate 5475 far EAST LANSING CHURCHES upnc rlasmer and under- |rP«mkeTs or. univmurr aero- Bacchanalia the pep rally U'- . >-roen f»nd that their Mt5 a; puses. The > evolution pertains tc torr the homeeonuhf: game wttl - games have beer. fetunt •**' studeau- of this ua. venuc*,! Ohio Spbu whs referred to the greaBtoeb' weewc." he said through At'SG as tbe.r elected fmanc*1 c.wnmtttiN- repTvenur-ve! backing the Th= sc.or c.miP'. ncr rep.ir' nrsax. M® *ha* aft**r apeak- c:.iio:: of President Hilberrv uf or. R O.T.C war „ u> athlcbr cL-ector Bifgwr ITsyrw State tfaivenury ni lift- m»«n*!»er* a* fitudent- pasrd etf in gwcnmiw Houf (Do 0 on Measure Low? EAST IAKSM6 UMVOSITY LUTHERAN was decided that ttie . r~~ >At-s?a."toryw py to preven. s;N*«uit*r;: the Imr. on Connnrxu. an.; w.l tw disease;! a tlu "Tau mm in. wttteu ftraw • Tim peoples church .-tieru frers poshing ; miv.ing tm'X". week —• t«m I -. it, hMt to tar mx « TMNTY OUCH OiUKK Appointment* mode to ,tetns«r: :n front of others wu.* Con- ' 7*** ttm,i y *° nuKti that Hr • r u.-f of ropec passing the resolution or gr«.^ a-e aoadetmt freedom. » Commun-' Shaw . Gary Morgwt Maraaret Jandasek. E V e*** A* fce. Jaw* Chru! to dit 10 *Ood roo,mo««(.th H.a Imrmenomiiuitinnai AND STUDENT CENTER east mm Tlede also aa*c tr«. irt was thrown utf the Jo-o iniflHit tAarotu'totom Vuynt-' Mov.y Gloria Grcve. V Mayo.' - ITU Npartai. Aormir tor s: oner t so do fus part 'SfcA> camp of land Jolru Robaon. married huui» lot or iiennnuii.it ooul M hr ■*." |i«V. I. M C.IM WIIX1AMN Katinnj! l.lHhrtai: (nutirii rton iett-ng oL->r-» cut c t*K- Ohuct .. . H«rhej% Lan»itsg. uv Pa*tur 30ft Writ (iratid Itlver at MlotiiRan iMvuinn and Ann utwn, (.. I,. MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL (7 Miirki Kartti nf llerRpv Ibl'i l)j. WulUn itniirritni. Pastor ooaamr Ni.kori y Purnii pastor: Chatlr* kliiiktiik R;:U* I tl.On a.m lit. P Marion Htmnt* i,» o»e i*mhi a-kt' ueo ik> u «.a' Wit i«r ^ i« v DISC SHOP & STUDENT CENTER "tbi nmxi-in ai,\v coon, a ati \ C" (annul* anrtur' Ml*- rn 2-3371 or t:m~M2fi leeu Ruml lies, liov J ta'tiTunim HI" East Grand River Miwavi A d iirNun kvuad PVtitiAX W-UVICCN iviiT TO nwrn'M til 4li)mtt Koad 3 Blarkk V of I niou "I'ttPtmiNTK or a P ORTRT »:««. 14:13 A «:3o a.m NlMiAV BKAViCl ^ • Irfflrr • Labop (lanrt fur llniv*r«C» Htiiflem* a T a » .a >und«* Hwnihie Pehrdale R. III. ll;la a.m pr. A. Alrl inn aad 1 mpiei at I.1& pjn. t o am. Triaitv raiieriatr reimw- OKN EVBY EVBM6 Gamma Oelu-Madeao (tapper aad Program •Itlp auftet nnatmr Tlie PrORratn Art. Urrnrrt - sua n.m anite, lurnwr Cliurch Rchonl t ta I pjn t.ac a-m Weaneuii.it | vonin; Mar cam pit* paiinr »: iu a 11 :mi a.m Freridinc a ( ampas MiaMry far Married aad Matle Madrau Prayer and hlair Hind* »:i:. a.m inquiry L'IMU. Trih room tlirniiRli hltU si'loon ar« CMHSTIAN HUT OUCH OF SENIORS ST. JOHN SIUDENT NETHOINST CHURCH OF E0GEW00D STUDOfT OKOT, SCHmi PAHSH EAST LANSM6 rrpus. This! i< the last day to FOUnDATTOM 199 It. (>rul Pivot f r P. ihNvatiAuci and PEOPLES CHUKH b* ?r Jit M.A C. Annul have your WESLEY FOUNDATION liueriienonunaiioiial senior pictures taken. id a. nraMi tiv« 11 A.Al 7:3* - hunda* R-4A • Mm** l»« • 11:30 Wilson M Tounant. 4fi'i N, Uagadorn hunt (Baay uttmt at t:4S A Ooorgo 1. Aomin. <5 biocfct north of Grand Amor) Vo Charger-Sign Up Today c. A. r. »tu prnti at at imui is aja. : 10m Mam*) MIDIttiri; lirv Krv 7 mniun a Anhlnsot, Ci. Morrison. MUUsmt La|»n, Minister nk'i.r It ally Manor* 4:45 A *m a.m.. "w«i lakt C«ap aaapwt 12:1* |Ktw Rl'MlAT BRKVirr ' •niftLASTTNG rUVUHMrvf Pi3»» a.m. A 11 ;lMi Rnturunv KrIMi 4 SiUO a.m, UNION DESK a.m x zn.e:*Z 9 to 5 tM am. - t AMPli (Ifcflli ••tonww Ivomrr AWtmc I tM KINHAY HOI.SMII •TAP flNT. GAI.AT ISSUE" C oniouiotu Hatty ann am a k«. Wilson !Vt 1-IIII4H s the • aoadioc Alton ll" Truman a- Morrison c. c. a rtriANct ppooaam A .1" P.M. (after Poaari) 114 K. |lurri*nt> All 134 a. oraad Ptvor RaluOUv 4-llM A 1 JO-0^0 Clllirch Rehoo! P.M. f Le Cburrb Attrvlnmt B:4T 4 II:«» a.m. Mow. 4J0 a.m & it a.m tare Rat • aM • > pjn. 1:13 P.M. Rnnna* forum laem.* Wwary l»r hot». Rervme* Mob.. T»«, TRur»., a- (ri. 1 aai. ( rih room tiinoici .iuno>r Bigfe -» R.m arTfvmi.* cointn mntr .minor •^jpuanAvm AMP roLmc AI. Hi, I. p«|toW«bU> 4i*« (JB. All aoo wolromo to attend Ctiureh riTIV I'TltER WCIIKCNliAt (hurt |> There wilt l»r itat'ct* AcIiiniI no meetinr of Uit (•mm, aa« van and Senior Hlgli OUowsmn this wook. n*o um Cutuw I'oplan Shell tv«rvaa• pairooio 4:30 am, a nt. ( nllri* Phono l:i» 1*17,4 ii:im a.m. All Ar** Coturegatioual Meeting 2:14 a m IWi% Uwt Ortai Kit Latd •p Itiv Markiar Waah- ablr C«itr. • (Hot »r Natural Maw. M4( KMKKLY DOWNS AU SAINTS ST. ANOKW'S EAST LANSM6 Pnt* At J. B. To* ar UNITY CBfTER CHIRCH OF CHBST EASTERN ORTHODOX EPISCOPAL CHIRCH 4.73 Roaie V G (.rand plver Miller. Pasurf [>' ',,r PAHSH aad Minoev Mornmff n ur*bip ilpfi a.m *11.75 ....... 1MI Sllbieer ay a nwrger of the Wane- AICMI S Ol THE MM.HOW Bur a It Ron Aosfl — CD 3-131X at 1313 Sunn..' Sehnul 11:00 e W* I L. •at Cut Lanatnt C-ongro* Art. John F. Porwr - C-Rapiain STUDENT CENTER Ounaid firur Helen (lark — — *jn. huiind Or#auMl V* ► mm IUnu Mono** A Wo«M** T. trA Mi « day eventnp* 3427 N. atreel.. Latum £ at i:n p.m. ) r^* Arruiaiod or in- llbllT kuRonl of (hrisuanirv ther RUWAAT PWOGAAW s bumniH. Missouri «.. L Jr KCKP4T WhM Liturgy tfju a.m .hi.* • ttvec,' MllVICIt «:M A.M. Poly ' (la LnglliS > LANSMG CENTRAL FREE wa:"' 4:3a A.M. Rlomlng Prayot or Poly r:>*. 31:44 I s« (norcR Reboot METHODIST CHIRCH * nd* >45 i tar UantporUiUni) rait Ootrert fa. Washington at JrffsrsoB Worth,,, 444 | drl TV 2-iui lay ovoMMf A Pan-OrtnoOeJt J"* Eveniat W ur«lil|> — jm p.m. 4 burrh aritooi ifUiaum iin>uiifi fauUly kenne Wad (risni'T* ( AhTkAHt IV a-l R alter Bate Wadnesda** A, 34 *Tb# Cburn «,t u,e InlOR Ligni and 4«M I'.M blind** iolr Poor* TMriurt (Mmn (tor Transnoruoou : r»«*k" Can (V »4dM) W«ta Kftm BMrt M k wo,. • FRST PKSBYTEHAN OLIVET BAPTIST K» All.a Imr CENTKAL METHODIST CHIRCH E. Mirhasi, ijfplof- Post Otusi at Moatb Cbonont i that An*. Roto V RI MIIAT KCPVM'f.b Morreo, B.|i. CHIRCH Art. n lUiaib RIKPAT Martmoi., pasto• Rnaaar amooi — i c A.w • Jr d IliRa f.'hnrrh b«boo! bunds r be|i.M.i 4:45 A.M. I* A 11 PR Worsba Mmtri ((iioua at Capilul Momtru W wrsnm T»* " ,4 4a A M . A J Mom Ag W or saw — II m A M lis* AM. naattwi HP tan ATOMIC Aolsblp kervu eg 4,43 a 11:13 R.«|, fuiure Arv FollrtwtUn. , t CM (Aeninr bsrvirr !?£. 3 snsWt Sortsco — «A4 P.M. "tic cuu. >m on moli rn Paul Morrison, |>r**'*ni.44 to li«44 a.m. r hurvh Worfiundo* 7x1 P.M npem- bus rnuie-j „t> comnin ••<->. * lor CoopuI b A PfMbdiy Oboacb r. Vf cs" IV 3 •4411) lor a rido. SOUTH BAPTIST CNUICH , E>- MTl WMP1RCTOW A9 MOCBtl RIVE* PPfV IBMW HMT IMnT CKH flflPPV PPMP SEVBnN-MY work1 14R4PC r,. — novoa P MIMW* 4- WU-U, MCRTA. » Ann. ■ a. Paslor Part*" AOVBmST CHUKH nr.fc- Temporary aaaoMng at MTI < i mm. m. Putts* t'oivrrsiry Lutbsran Cbnacb Loorey, Pastor Jt«ra" S. ®0twttp 1'irtatoo at Am 4t- rs ■ " hshRath beho.it bjq ip. Aantio Training Unroo 4:14 >.m., • . OJi'-- r.vonmc Worwup 1M pjn Worship _» hum**? Hill am, in pan. - Aid Ml y i:> p.m . U;I44 an. J*me* A. Ward Pastor nr. - - •II EtnMlmr norvtrv 7 J4 pan - I If MM for Ires Btu aaovac# bonds* t *£'«» nsornutg A r*» Pbaast *4 14404 • A» MNP* MICHIGAN STATE NEW8 IFC Meeting Outlines Policy Last Call For Senior Photograph Tfc«M seaisrt whu ha^ The Wc!verine>at n»d# »pe- Tb« photographer* wi!l be or. their the fourth floor of the t>k»n Sat- pictures taken and h.'v • rial arrangements for photogra¬ urday morning from P to 12. cvived their proof# at* * . ... to return them as soon as pher* to remain one ettra day This is the last chance senior iihle to itnurt prompt ptnui, to take pictures of" «er.iors who picture* will be taken for the 1W1 return. Wolverine, have not yet been photographed. II ACADEMY AWi "Tootsall fun weekend, n0v.1z Rudner To Discuss Itrilisli Debate .am. Israel, a ill be on cam- The correct British defeat? over given special emphasis. Rudner •n••ay ' >r revr-jm.<# disarmament ari r= oriear wrap- sa.-l. lNCLt'DlNf' worksht ■::« *jj'l b* diwu-wii oy The cw«troversjr involve* ma- ticket, delute room, the [i\ ItK'hsrd * Tt■■>•. a*swate •.*« about Britain's I'hiiwM Uruncfa. _ c: ?u. a: * -tv vsu:,utv m's and ha* -.rrt- Write or phone for iVtai. :n i t'nion rortant inspltcattea.* fo- Arner- Thc -fpoe r,g *;*•*« f V-t* an foreign neftc? makers as rr-'.ze-w •"> • z ph-'voi r u* ! as tne course toe V. 5 »»r. i r«l and tabor party: taaes m its o»a 1 BOX OfTlcr. periods follow the lectures. Now! Limited Eaptgrmrnl 4 BT XUl Show Toai(ht At Mlkk I ML Progress In » pjuDanOpal p.m. 4mul im ml i:h Civil Right* hoi offm Ofm Daily 12 t* 9 pa Cited by Nixon Flunking Out? jr \rw YORK. >,**—'V *e Presi* GLADMER Theatre You Need Tlii* ed Righari M \txuc dec;ar- tf«rjght that the notice has r-'tie »r »-«• peogre## ' C;vi- Nett Manual -1 •. V - President Fn- .s- . Put lArmnrrane uc>- .. a t"i *n tu-w '.*» U*e a ; porwn* trs# prvSKHWy. of , thev *s have d~ms tw'.tet I gn-ss •hTtaaStateirwhrta and dis- •,' ••■r ?' * ..* or atniierm*. t. ct.'- -ns' an cfvti rights aad 12 !j'.. i.n Br'.t.r. asststa^t r' >—ief i*».gn ^ r ef ca; ral sc»#r-vv. ha* The I..- -jt ... . "' i' -#irw..w.e. sr s "wfute pap""' r*t the Ket«a-iy ca.'t:iM«r't farm • rt-r %»r imv tor* mitsna and • pr*.vt;wn %-rS.i S# wr *he aver¬ • NEIGHBOR* A FAY OR - |m NOT RtVCAL • age prce of a pc jr-1 of ne- '• from $Z «• '* to M cervj • 1141 EXCITING AND INt'il AL ENDING • N xm said an af-.ituis.urv oe- • OF "MIDNIGHT U(t " • ■ irrwv-*. ba ~*cr up tn C ' «: vver :>• Ken- MICHIGAN . •u - . far.i -'an w»>.,:d niewn an *t> u: 33 per cvr.t at ■ - Late l uiwflete ^oa- Tonite and A STORY OF TODAY'S SAVAGE ivrv.t m fam.....ar w.'h YOUNG SOPHISTICATES.. a»v.*« -wr«i:*-r«. having trav- isi thwgh 13 -.ii*" rv-arttrte* T04N C£rW(£N Tr£ U*C£ TO He « presac.'. y vriUr g a book. V'tiKMP • 10VT.. AND TP£ D£S/*£ TO H'JiTI PHMtl »t *K^C •» -CMAU -SMO uvto tM »as A».i- UF| CCNhtWNu' P*?KS" i * AN AVON FiCrutf T*s*S221f Susan George KOHNER HAMILTON -mrr*ro«» Ul S-. -wx nrw ^ wu-oi*3M«' Pearl BAILEY- JACK SUHASFi' • OMSLOW STF«06 *—*,R06EXTTH0tf ■ C»I iti»i«Umn*OCOtO* ^vwawmssw A PWORO S. BOMAN PredKUn A ( ampler Show* At — LUCON^ l:(.V3:10-S:M-T:30-9:«5 Kulur* >ho* ■ — 1:1JU USU :3S- 7: id-10 :M 1M* 1- rRTr>AT. OCTOMB 11,1W Soccer Team lo Play Bryan 6 and Emmons 2 ;V>- ; Powerful Wheaton Squad t» *>, . Spark Intramural Football I , rer THE M1CH1G\N team will i" •?" State soc-l pi aver, Whcatottj w ;;; start as inside right, moving N,ibrio Ventura over to B I. this Saturday without the scrv-j Jerry Herons outside right pos¬ bp \ t: \?d a short fiv< Heron, u bo w as injured In Kenney feeU that his foam; A rainy night mi a slippery Enred on a pas« tn bl.v ac,*on either. He is that Wheaton is always a rough A see no On'r one scoring thrcct was victors ran fifteen yards to score! the sceoni quarter from quar¬ suffering with a badly sprained ballrhib." he said "They play registered by Erttnoas 3 It i.x points of his own. and Ed j terback F. • Convey to Bob O'.- ankle an aggressive, b' Lou;k type of cimr is the fourth quarter on riontek jeered four points on ste!'. Minutes later. Convey was GENE KINNEY. Spartan soccer " ?a>- froni Jim Dennison to tw o safeties. abie to score on tn- «wn. a The only independent eoaen, plans v» start Bcrruc! Wheaton. the only team be¬ Cliff Have However, the con¬ Bryar.-6-Puk boat Bryan 1. game Cook, reserve inside right, in sides St Louis to ever beat version attempt was trussed- 25-12. as John Ryan outshone was pi; vet oetweeri the "Bud- Heron's center forward slut I State, enter* thia fame with a Quorterfcaek Ray Dt Shara, h^ rival in a scoring due!. docs'* and the 'W- T ** The Dave Christie, also a reserve1 2 win and 3 loss record like S'epfccn Your.* of Butur- Quarterback Ryan passed the ••Bulldogs ' bit hard, hurting the field f who played so brilliant- o:rskin deep to Bill Mclmus fori "Vef." 2>-6 C Lansing TODAY AND ijr earlier in fbe week against the first tally, ran ten yards for j Better weather is Butterfield 7, was the game's the second touchdown. thee for the remaining touch football expected PALMS IV 2-9212 • SATURDAY • outstanding performer. De Sha- f:red long and deep to Jhn Sto-i gamts scheduled for this week. -SEVEN THIEVES" -LAST PARADISE" rtOCl-UI IMOtMATION CALL CD t-MIT with Starts at ^Edward G. Robinwon A with 7 P.M. Rod Metier An All Native Fail HOME OF FOREIGN FILMS — XIGHTS A SfXPU FEATVRE AT 7:3:. & 9:10 API l.TS 90r SI N. - •BIT NOT FOR ME" MON. - Tl'E. ciNEMAscorr AN|» COLOR -III NCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME" C EM I.LSIVE LANSING AREAS SHOWING — AD11.TS ENTERTAIN with with ART HOWARD of Alto Michinn tries his hand at Exclusive I |—|U| Am 'Jhuuiux — Adult Entertainment (lark I.illi Gina Lollobrtciia "Pelrr Srllem U the »•*! A T thf foolhall paw rontrst. The ronte»t. shich U part brilliant lrvnir actor the Gable & 1'almer Anthony Qntnn H ef the Intramural program will run today and neat % «rek Monday thru Friday during the hours of 11-12 British aiure have produced .Nice Guin¬ t nr0p®f Pr°P°rt'0n H» watch for grand opening r ..nd 3-.". outside the IM building. ness "A major .an °[pdid their best of tort all new pa radish thlatri t'J A M P B EL L • S 8 VB T R BAN SHOP r. Ti1M M»»»W " 0 o b® Dw" ^iio op to her! nn Pipe Smokers *:w At Hill Camplx'IU Whiff ami Huff Bar. Von V. ill Find V V Nr On Chaps Nnfibton (Ataknecf"! Worn Tren-oor Ihrorf" wh lhnrf',"Tkc lit» A l+m* rf l^v falu . rCr $:h The l.arj;i -l Sflrrtion of *1-3 Imported I'ipe, ami Tobarro N k* home sweet homecoming' Mt in Ea«t Lansing. A fteat number i*f peejile lifirr heen nakinf me lately, "What is liuRMctiming?'" but I have teen au buey trying to had out u by my new eporta ear leaks that I haven't had tune tn answer. I am now pfoaned to report that 1 finally dmoovrred why my sports ear leaks—I have been driving it uptide down—and ao I am ready today to turn my attention to Homecoming PETER SELLERS * A I#t'a t*gin with definitions. Homecoming is a weekend when old grad* retrm to their aims mater* to watch a fnoti>aU game, MIEIT MOILEY • CMSTMCi CUMMIN6S ADDl l» visit old ckuHfoums and donnitorwe and inspect each other's J niANCEtS t*Jd spotk. theBftUeiftfcgSexes \\ ORLIl'* The arx kend Li marked by the singing of old song?, the slap¬ 4 THE STORE WITH THE RED DOOR ping of old hacks and the frequent exchange of such greetings a.* "Harry, you oM polecat•" or "Ham-, you old porcupine?" •i i> h s s v a a or "Harry, you old rmwter?" or "Harry, you old wombat T! i a i < s . -i t a ii .i iv v j L As you can see, all old gruds are named Harry. It i* not just old grad* uho behave with such liveliness dunng bifciillll CJBIIQiBDIZIEB TODAY thru SI N. MICHIGAN the Gnat Imlwr PU) Braaibt lo Uir Sorrrn! Bark At The Tap Robert freatn Of t1m Stain Doroiby McGuire. tve Arden llomecoiiunr Ui*1 faculty also coui|R«rts iteelf with unacctt— tonMxi amnuition. lea« laugh and wnile and povmi hark- and keep xliouUng"Harry,yuu old Airedale?" This unschol&rly betiavKir i* carried on in the hof*' that old grad-, iu a iriu*N|s»rt '■» M«et kto-net »< Le-» ef »n m-7\ Tutor A Sat. feature at l;li-4 l5-2.tM»-?» «« of bmkomi* will endow a new geology buihiing 17i»* old grads, however, are seid«nu seduced.. By game time (3) Hits SSMAT. IS SUPER BAMAIN BAY I cn Ssturday their tweks are so sore, tlieir eyeballs so eroded, l'!T .1 AT-rW hit VO. at >u all day preview OF 2 FEATURES their extremities a* frayed, Uiat it is imporaiMe to get a kind word out of them, much W*w a oca- geology building. Ptayi Tm Kettut f iki j tin West *ro fur a qhms! A WrfY, ffl oil Even the for.tbaJI gvrie does nr«> Uiat piwww for f«s>Uadl today! Take a ks»k October 28 at Uiat bench—&0 suIntitules sitting Uiere. Why, m n«v day, there were 11 men on a team and that, was it. When you broke a leg, they slapped a piw e of tajie on it and you went rigid tew k In. Why, I rememU r tije biggariie against htnte Harry Siga-. forw, crtir stttf quarterUwk, «u killed ni the third quarter, f n«iU, by George?" Everything, say Uie Jin«hi wtaanO turhtFWW; be filled with U«* murmur of wing* and no man s liaad will be Parade - Run • ' hn* In 1A ta a otX'-C* «U fj-\ m Oil raMci against you. a rmm* co-hit: Robert Frraton At //ootecaniing time wr ang time try MarIkorw's unhl- tared emmpanto* eiparette—mUd. daeorlel ttulip Morris... Rally Dark At 11w Tap Bf The Stain Dorothy MrGulr* a* ' iUgulor tiztur king *i;e Command*r-m brandnnr endhappu im t m. ii «1 •spar is me insmahnp! UmraeCmmmemdar-uakumsekaard: J SOON ... doris DAY. rex HARRISON IN -MIDNIGHT LACK il; \ ,11 FRIDAY, OCTOWSR !l, mo XII C H I G A N STATE NEWS PAf.E SIX It-: CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS ARE EAGER WORKERS Spartans to Dedicate Stadium CAMPUS DEADLINES: I p.m. Day Refore Publication and Fri. Editions. Deadline for CLASSIFIEDS for Wii, Thur-.. Mon. Edition: 1 p.m. Fri. MSU Bv BIX B( RN< to team Play Hoosiers emerged from the Notre and a TD. He caught a pass forlner of the I 1950 the second touchdown. I when the old . Which State XewB Sport* Kditnr Dame 21—0 victory in good con¬ Michigan, EXT. 261:» The Old Brass Spittoon will came from one of I'D 2-1511 The Michigan State football dition. be up for grata in the #wne and early trading 9**$ 1 ■a first in. T.x* Hoosier squad will be has been awarded to the win-1 troduced. squad will journey to Indiana this Saturday for it's second jhurt by the .loss of starting quard Bob Vecchio. The 195-lb. : . If straight away game. TAILORING ALTERATIONS O.N TI¬ The game will be viewed by junior from Cleveland received - \V A X T F D • 4 MONTOVAM t!W7 FOHO 1'VinLANT. CON'VKR- KFNNY DAVIS ORC'HESTHA- CK EST S IV 5-091# ask for Tom 2ff N't- r.fn and women's clothing i Ttul.E. fti.ii k Ffrdamailr, power | C*H ED 2.1477 ' - - | >no*;voa! pr.res rn skirts and pants j what may be the biggest crowd a fractured wrist against Mar¬ f 20 Kite ring If and !(. private owner j— So- iarrti IV , ever la see a Hoosier home con¬ quette and is expected to be out FOR SALE PARTY IJVtSG AT =B IU>y test, as Indiana will dedicate for the rest of he season. ins Tniuvr«i D-rieam contluion TIU SPORTS tar , bud-, and enpine. Fx-; R»"lu< e I price. I'D |!S BABY BED $15 ..ik rilmng chair* K1RBY vacuum «I5; plastic Sir,-el F I^nsme des.rei student to do fcabvitttmg housework in return ter board fill FD2-0U25 ?e-ra.e and .U_nt rwjin arsl » ED SAVE typing Lannns. -s Woreh 7-a>*i, *a 51! 40 • F on Offset rough draft Duplicating. Grand River. F tl it's new stadium. One Michigan State nemisis, According to Spartan coach Earl Faisoo, 6-5. 235 lb. end, SENIORS Duffy Doughtertv, Indiana is will bo remembered by Spartan »'!»nt „, rocker $15; student desk $6; dog bed *»!' typewriter table call FD 20 HOUSING State's oldest foe among Big fans. 195# Vni.KSWACnV SUNROOF 2-1 *'3 m«c*'s uundtomat Ten teams next to Michigan. Faison, who has been picked RADIO, and m lining condition ED 7-0154 seat. Very jf • .1 j ; BARGAIN' GERMAN MADE v ide-J FOR KENT ?. michigan ALTHOl'fill the game won't for several all-American teamj Proofi For Senior Picture# anjle Inn-new Fits Kodak rcttma 0»0» OF# #0* SELF SEIYICE by pre-seas*m forecasters, beat 3C i-amra FD 3-2--12 count in the won-lort record of ! ri'BNSHED HOt'SE AT t^Sncwl S-f - ^ed n-d Dry Ceding Michigan__State two years ago lfs» DKW. 5000 MILES NEW r.rtdi- ; t'»n Fullv equipt-'l, ov.r.er nind *•> - i FJ FfTRO-VorrE speakers In n-J rent tn Christian couplo *M w;-.l . rare for property. Call IV < wf specialize in dhop-oee either team in the Big Tan, due by blocking a field goal attempt Must Be Returned A, Soon A# f<.r «. 1250 rw best reasonable enclosure Wholesale *!03 - asking to Indiana's being on probation, and running 92 yards with the ' r« r fall I'D 7-LW. Fx' : *«' W.idon tennis r.-rkct $12 50 FD after I pm -* •UN0i.ES eo« students n"er. - -- j 2-G31 20 N a.84±7 the Spartan squad is still work¬ free ball for the only score of ing for the win, said Daughter- Possible 4th Floor Union EMPLOYMENT MARRIED Older* now HOUSING COUPLES - bong t;iken for tne.M apartments ty. a 6-0 game. Faison repeated his perform¬ - » ORCHESTRA, for Indiana, won its first game BARTF.NDEH WANTED IMrt-tim uitivenes Mmtdav, Wednesday and TWO ROOM APARTMENT ' -f PILL HART Lh ance last year with four pass re¬ Ple.i- F'tonv ^'o-nptet^ vmr'v Discount men Approved. Oliaupervised hflW dr.-.-e r. * Hart. caR FD 21 • last week, against Marquette by no IT TODAY til-fit f x j•• call betv.eu 3-3 pn i.ye r.erew.r v Mitchell 3-bl.'l p see* fall OX 4-3f5t| Brower F«»od lug S*! a month for on# r an. fTd 2-53*33. ceptions good for 55 yards and 25 for two. Cooking far.alit.es tn &a>e- j a 34-8 score for a 1-3 record as I'roductt — - the only Hoosier score. men! All utilities paid Call Ken. ED TYPING DONE IN my hom#. Call compared to MSlTs 2-1-1 mark. The big Spartan star that day BUS ROY - t.t'N'Tf and dinner ; able KENMOFTE wa er HYDRO-SWIRL $So. fill after 5 port- pm ll' between »-7 pm 3 r. «-sK-2 after « pm tf Saturday's contest will be the was Gary Ball man, who carried fall Lee Schmidt FD 2-21.1.' .'1 F.D 7-024R 2»> STUDIO APARTMENT rtT?NISK- j WANT TO MAKE MONET*"*? 15th straight meeting between 14 times for 71 yards rushing ED l't»Utje« paid. v«re private para- i S-ign-.p In P»m 31T Student Ser¬ the two schools and he series PART-TI>#r WORK for ynung i KODAK FILM 50e DAW 3>- ; male students or cnupie I2i« vice# Building to i#II ••Shaker*" at lndy u*4rf*-,VM.-r cpertrnrw Fr-m | ieg. II am. »o I pan Applv In perimn , *2 PA movie »2*2*5 K-153 «! 79 Lilt Kalama.'«M» 20 t •'.# Homecoming game . Salesman (oeg back to 1922. Kr- e Mm with developing and print¬ v-.l! be given a comtniaalnn of ten The Spartan hold the edge in t olleee Dni^s 101 K»A Grand ing Marrk Prescription Center bv ROOMS cent# ilttrt per shaker sold. Sign up R vrr __ W Frandor If arid make 1)0 or $15 In Jutt a couple' the series with nine wins four FULL-TIME BABYSITTER Five. ONE DOUBLE ROOM avatlabl# of hc--.rv For details eall Walt John losses and one tie. BRAND NEW BICYCLES Full tire i »la s « unit Furnish own trin*p..r-| now - «.'» i»er week per r,«. On# ED I-«M The Michigan State squad ?♦; * Mens-Ladie* Special. Ml M Guar, TU 2-«H» efter ? pm 2.1; nian - 1*50 approved. ursup#re».«#d. tab,In f.,)» should go into the game ui good N E W antee'l for life. Gene'* Cvcl# Shop TYPING. FD l-iS3ft. THE w»! 702 West Barnes IV 4-n:«'.2 20 bousing. Call Ken ED 7--WO* b#'we#t» «-T pm. 3 TYPING • ED 7dlTfU. phypsioal condition $;nce the PERSONAL DANNY-ILL dream* 'cause honey It * cold outs j ou in fop youi CONVEINENCE « :"•••! tyrirf' <*•/ evr« rirv l trailers fO« 5*11 - «PARTAN ORCHESTRA SERVICE Minn# ft* nil ora*ion«. G#n# Hull rn 7-#HI ti I ' « SCO pm. l.bve, Charlie * NEW MOON r«S ALL ALUMI¬ THE "MODERN-AIRS'* from 3 to 1# a FRATERNITIES' CAN v-mkI home to an YOU i b Ar.ir old. f double stam$s on wednesday NUM# two water hecer bedri-iin. r#W el#ctrir Very g-xoil cieon con- pine*, jr.r «innre«. pnrtie*. etc. ED Emery. IV 4-Wtfv tf SPIRT 8BITS Great Da""1 lie i* well matimfd iflteion. IV 9-5lfJ 32 and good tempered. If so. lies >o i >KW >l«iiagriiirnl « ,!J IV a-fUWI after 3 p ■ keepsake d'amcnos' REAL ESTATE 1 ttADSmri COIN UimSRT una, I»if CLCANUU. 20e «t,k. l*e dry.' INLY SIMS DOUBI.E DOUB! >' TOH, and trouble ftre burn and catibir. <• ' !k, * .,•••;*( . E' »- i ' Watrhtl 'dpi. COLLEGE ROAD. A country e*- j Air i ■■SiUini S. totliranS Mdc. kiunOM mm a«ty. Afwtyn eltu. Rwc niOm. I Sryern. NEW Drliriou- e YOU Will neve' (j-, ,.v v. p >• wm. thompson Lite' Thu beautiful rompi#i#tr mo- clern seven room ht-m# mast t« * 5 . After Sears dry dene- Hi tm Vtae Street H Uo>nlur»y Mark- to expe, t .it HAt (TIANAJ.I \ h. Yowt P'tedo' •••III Call Romjvn# Itu-ka, Mokrf 24 I i' . Mt of seir* M rraaeer. Rrriprr PINS !.AVAMK»I> Par", i. m ' RECOGNITlfVf Tlie Card .Mu-r> Mall Ct. Fraedor IV JMASS BORDERING or rjj 2-25HJ CAMPUS IMMED1-1 SMS AND RADIO nmrire. Rperlal .1 uie -«75.i Ecunotniet-s tf ATE orrupnncr. Cozy two bedrr-vr.' lev . . ra*e« u» otudmta. New and used j Krxulnr or Srlf llrlt NEW Motlrrn APPLES. RWFET CIDER, pump- ctone and aluminum rd.ng gao r« at. TV hU and antenna* Ere# tube. AND BACCHA.f. i'*>. Ire.it egm ana other tre«h garagr .11 cad*. Cad ITJ 3-ETSJ cneekxng. free furtMf • am. tn 9j Ttf'Ph ANOE i.i»« «nd veerUble* ot r*»*nruMe daity TV Termurtaas Co., 208 LEN KBSfTCHEK S IJAI too r m pru-ef. •« mile* Hoati-ulo ea it Fsrin Market. of East Lancing on I Mwtugan IV t-U» U { I'lra-unt Almn-phrrr STUDrNTs' TOM s BARBER Irt .It (>k<' no# Hn I'l U LOST and FOUND TO ET.Y at Bberew A via-1 shop plenty a*>2 of Vine Street Four barber*, parking, west of Scar* ■■ ■ ■ I/1ST- BLUE AND wNte framed - LEARN Con - Lot* Ra'ea • Three mile* I phone ED 2-4324 VMsmr shop .NEW Uh IVirrs RE SIAffRiHIoCiFETEBXI N.C ..rial p i .«1 If WANTED gla.-w* in a Whit# c««e Vinnitv of north on Abbott - ■SIX Abbot I Kd. rOff THE FINKiT In «l.ince rmi#v Berkey HaU. ED 2-3371, eat. S«i3-2 k* Hud Spongier, Don Smith, •»»<"* WANTED: GIRL TO »harn modern TTTST Ann Brown. New. phnra Ks-t Ijin-inr llroun. Hoi-by nine mi.ny furnished apartment with MS" grad¬ No ED J-43M. Fleetrte Typewriter o'her*. Phono Ilie Dud-*>]<>r Agcnrv uate student Near Frandor. fail IV LOAT BLACK R1MMFD CLASSES Term paper* ar.d 'letrt A.kO gen- IV 2-n62t tf 4-6123 alter 3 p.m. 31 In brown p«Mket caee ED 2-23:• M e-al hpi'g tf KNAPP'S Store for Men for eotertaioins • - - THE SWEATER LOOK FUR KALI.... BUD'S MOBIL SEBVIGE BUDGET PRICED GLASS (i.T'l II. (iranil Hi vrr Ell 7-917U Fust Lansing NECK HUGGING HIGH V-NECK SWEATERS HIMALAYA BULKY KNITS Huh on the fashion -erne this fall art I he hoik} kails. And high in tho collar are the acwtsl oar- willt their seck-kacxiac high V. We bar* Ibtot ia maw baadeoaw ihipE tea—" rich a ad warm as the soots thrauohoe. Jo-t tso front aor wide t irar crjstal servrrr in »tlr*etiv» »hap«« thnt .sealer collKlion; CO so sell with nny docor. Thcy'ro perfectly sit««l to fill many needs. THE HIMALAYA 8HAG.MUOK 3fohair and wool comlnne for the most nchly col¬ i':' ☆ I" RRVSTAL ItWLS ored Ions lialr you'll fin*!. The neck is V—the SET Or EIGHT stripe* are definite'y "u". In oxford fold, firepold V olive tts.00 'i? •" IESSCRT PUTIS »2'S t THE HIMALAYA OCTOPIS 1 this full. . ..look your SET OF EIGHT Handcabled wool pullover with it* m*h V neck /irrlticst, tee your best with and ribbed aleevee. Spiraliac daaigM acroea the cheat. In greet, finfold and doboaaat HUS CONTACT LENSES Ei«h( km toabler-. murrai Jlore and mere person* are thrilling !• U»v cant ml- •Wbl toahler- rnre and good look* of contact Lrntrt, Tiny plaatie ■M dm Jdn sin m mi )rn*e* are ground and poUahcd tat your tion, determined thmugh an eye examination by our prearHp- •ttnrtko Saadwatiaa «4» w doctors. Tbe lenaea fit dire* Uy over the cornea and fin- .J offer complete Batumi vtatoo. stop at either Hal# I are locaUoaa far the complete atory oa caaAaH I ■i —— Hi fP- WALLACE OPTICIANS Stmdemt Chmrge IMS VIM (Os»MlU Frs-Sort Ow IT Mil .t- * ' . Arm fnaitcd " ml*, ctth-rt ml 107 S. U milnn^nm, rv IV 2*11*5 EAST LANSING . 209 E. Graad KJrtr Dr. I. c. Jon,. u4 Or. J. I.Minn. biMwI i DOWNTOWN 10T S. WASHINGTON PJL L i pointV. OCTOBER 21,1*60 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS ^~~PAGE SEVEN Harriers Decker's Says Coach Agitation Film Bill Dewitt Resigns; Communist the U.S. agitation against government is the topic Picks Puckmen Make Comeback of film to be shown by the Mich¬ Prepare a to Fetzer in Control By TOM DECKER By LENORE KROT.MAN igan State Conservation cluh. The film, entitled "Operation 1 check, will be missed until then. squad because of his high scoring Abolition," will be shown Tuesday . j-n (Bill) OewiU mign- as president of the De- A prepared statement issued interference for his decision, For Foes La«t week, due to a copy mix Spartan hockey coach A mo Bessone is anticipating a strong Dan Daley, Boston soph., Joe ability. I at 8 p.m. in room 33 Union. The ' up and some tight pages on Fri¬ Pellnres, Leamington, Ont. soph., Pj<*ba!l Co. after declln- comeback after last year's unsuc¬ MORT an 4oev "Mr t*l I, affi*Uaa- . by the club, said: "He came to By IVANHOE DONALDSON day. Decker's Picks, our weekly Jim Kuska, Berwyn, 111. junior, cessful showing. . an offer by the club to be- the Tgcrs as president and had football forecast wasnt run. and Jim Bystom, Marquette, Mich, brini, Ik. imnpaper In kl, ! With much bench depth to rely instant to the president, ! The Michigan State cross j He picked 18 out of 20 games sophomore, will also add strength mouth, but Ik. UaMlaa 4m an all Mil- started a rebuilding program 1 upon. Coach Bessone and his squad had two years o go on the neen." country team will hold its sec- j. and even predicted such upsets should give hockey fans an excit- to squad's defense. '..^.vwr contrac ha paid which he must now relinquish ond btirasquad meet of the sea¬ as Purdue over Ohio State so Forwards Claude Fourne! and PRESENTING : ft»pored $50,000 annually. due to weeks j ing the consolidated sale of season. . this should make this Real Turcotte. two smart play- AN EVENING WITH son today at 4:30 on the Forest The Spartans will be stronger 1 rt^ignation came nine the club. He stated that the predictions especially interest¬ in nets this season with Jim makers from Montreal, will help j. r radio-television exe- necessity to install a new presi¬ Akers Golf Course. All spec-; ing. lead the Spartans on to victory Wherle.v taking over for the with their Vve j.vti E. rctzen, of Kal- dent was a natural consequence, tators are welcome. outstanding scoring ^ Mich., became major - but expressed the opinion that colder in the Detroit as assistant to the president he announced he would was no convinced tha the pro¬ Last year Jerry Young, as a1 soj | lomorv finished thud .n Bi; t»" MSI* over Indian* this meet behind the then sen¬ Mir ft ion over Mimtrvou graduated Eldon YanSpybrook. John Chandik. another outstand¬ ing goal tender, will become elig-; ability. HUSTLING ANDY La Cost*, . «S AM m Mori Sahl AND ible for play winter term. ope of last year's hardest work¬ -? prealdency. gram could be carreid forward iors Crawford Kennedy and Ohio sutr ovrr WlwMiia The defensemen to watch this ing Spartans, will aclti important Tha Ltaa Ultra rn/GER. a previous onc- according to his previous plans." Bob Lake. Billy Reynolds. Clay¬ Xorthnoirrn ovrr Notre Dm* season will be Marty Quirk, Bobi strength to the forward line. Amicable UUaoU ovrr Fran Mitt .j /.*-ner. because a two- settlement was ton Ward, Frank Weaver and ,'A vrer through stock pur- reached, a club statement said. Roger Humbarger all finished OUtrrt j|aK—npf. and Eddie Ozybku. Quirk, Tom Mustonen and Frank Silka. sophomore from Montreal, spe- two Detroit products, are looking 8:13 p.m., Saturday. October 29, 1960 Dewitt also had bqen genera within 40 seconds o? Young Nivy ovrr f»»« ! natives in fine offensive play. Bob forward to their biggest and best Lansing Civic Center Auditorium Dewitt will be paid manager, a job in which he re¬ i last year over the Fdur mile Reserved iwats only. Frteen: *1:30. 2.50. 180, and 129 next two years of his lieved Rick Farre'.l last spring course so todays meet array ovrr YilUnova j K*mpf proved to be one of last | season thus far. should Syrarws* over W»»i Virginia ; years most solid rearguards. Tom Lackey, forward winger Tickets: Campus Book Store. Mail arder — send with self, .ycract was a question not an- Dewitt had# FarrcU assistant to prove quit interesting. Duke over ClroMon : EDDIE OZYBKO. last years from Fault Stv, Marie, could he addressed, stamped, envelope to Arbaugh's, 8. Washington, mediately. the presictent. This years Squad is the smal- Missouri ovrr loo a SUIr outstanding defenseman, will not i a big help to the Spartan offense. , . Lansing. >. t has been under verbal j lest in MSU's history according Arluau, ovrr Mi»m*ippl j be eligible until winter term, j Bob Doyle, who does not become (Phone Reservation: IV 2-1411 Ext. 22S» frrv. the Tiger ownership The Michigan State' "Fight j to Coach Fran Dittrich. HoW- Fltt r'tr OkUkoma T.n. \ Ozybko, a smart hockey player 1 eligible until winter term, could *Ve American eLague sea¬ Song" was wrlten in 1916 by even Ohio State and Notre Trui ovrr ovrr ftirr Kumi State and possessor of a very hard body also be a big help to the Spartan led Oct. 2, with the Ti- student Irving Lankey, who lat¬ Dame are in rigorously training lolirvdii ovrr Xrbrvvka s:\'h place. They were er became one of the first Air for the meet against MSU next , Washington ovrr Oregon Slat* ... m 1959 Force casualties in World War i Saturday, October 29th. Keniuck v ovrr tirorgta I t LA ovrr staaiord The Michigan Stain You'll Look Naatar Later rir.lK OWNERS — Fetzer K_, them—criticized Dewitt t*e :-i'v I960 finsh and for . cjdden resignation of fiald -3;.\- JJoe Gordon. Gordon • club a day after the CONSERVATIVE CLUB K You Act Now ended, despite a contract prevents through the 1951 sea- h - Gordon blamed front office J BRODIE BACCHANALIA! "OPERATION ABOLITioN" A Documentary Film Shnwintr How Communists Your Laundry and Dry Cleaning is expert- Iv done at Were Able To Ineile College Students MUFFLERS To Riol Against The EHXAUST AND House Committee On Un-American Activities Claauar aud I TAILPIPES SHOCK ABSORBERS IS BA CK Tuesday, October 23, A p.m. Room 33. Union Building; J§uL Shirt Laundry | SPRINGS • AIRLIFTS Michigan Slate University All MSU Students and Citizens of Michigan ALL FOUR HOUR SERVICE Are L'ordiall.v Invited As Guests GUARANTEED For INSTALLATION FREE LOW-LOW PUCES! Homecoming FREE ADMISSION E. Grand Rv. Across From Student Services Building .PHUL PUCES I, Vud.nl. A EMail, October 28, 7:30 3 LOCATIONS MITFLER CLINICS I , >' 1-3939 N. EAST o. lNo.2-120W.KMU Landon Field Ih. 3-4114 S. CEDAR liars' an sxtra uMtsurs of iisiiactiaa for tha man who nars a Jaeobsoa topcoat The season's most sophisticated shades and palters* ia oar light, m TIE ",U 1NEMCM" weight wool topcaoU iaspirr a feeling of fashion-confidence. A Delicious Hamburger Correctly Tailord for men of good taste, they Golden Brown Fries include a selec. tin af fin velours, hopsacks aad tweeds in patterns and solid Triple Thick Shakes tones. Here the "Witter" in checks or plaids, with, split shaulder styling aad Bat collar. Flat- ILL TWICE ni MLY taring in gray, hrowa ar «ii» e. no THAT'S A DEAL! Km driva-ia urHh tea arabat lOelloMldb i j RV. AVE. FEATURING fine hats by schoble OPEN TUX MIDNIGHT WEEKDAYS — I Ait PR1. A SAT. : * 1 Mil mm HI FRIDAY. OCTOBER ;i, "It PACE EIGHT MICH IRAN STATE NEWS MHA Paue* Ruling A IT'S to Hold Tei Four Language Meets Set Businessmen Must Be Pertaining to Ruth , AWS Activities hoard » According to • rev regulation sponsor a MademniPeiir T,.g ^ and. partiei- Rotating advisors should, he Radical, Bannow Says t Greater interest passed by the Men's Hall A««»- day in the Union sunpo I .-aid, introduce new ideas more nation at the Monday meeting, j pation are the keynote planned interested in pari • of.cn in*o a club. this year for the foreign lan¬ fraWrnit, m-n-.11 V* •" ! jn guage clubs' new coordinated You've got to lie n radical to be a businessman, accord¬ the dorms to msh cam.i«Jates. . onlv until 15 mi.ln.rM. ,rt •"i' "'""i r"0>-: ing to Rudolph F. Bannow, president of the National As¬ . • programs. Each of the four campus club* Edwards sociation of Manufacturers, and president of Bridgeport fraternity men per ru*bec. Rush awill be limited to two A reprr«entative f» . .n moiselle will be present f.,ra f'Suanish, French. German an.1 Machine, Inc. BanmrJr said that if we feet The MHA .1-. deciirf „ 5 r „u wl , ' Ru'sian) wi'l chirin-r the term, said Ohsrlrs M meet f »ur times Speaks at Bannow* spoke on Emergins* Problems of the AO's." the people shdGld got behind it. each dorm wanted its own block > #*The our free economy Is right we of 4°0 men. Block "S" support for "»tram-e proceedures. 8 , ^ the homecoming game will be Jim- ) to Judy budge, Activ:uej ited to Rather and Bryan halis.1 president. < :.-t-.>? the fw; m language Local Club Weftnesday afternoon at the Ed¬ ucation bldfe. Waitc A Edwards, deputy The main problem of the AO's, WKAR Panel - .v-in* domestic affairs secretary of commerce for in the U.S.. will Bannow said, concern free en¬ terprise, inflation, strikes, and ■ If Yn in bating This l>« the ciic^t speaker of the Man- tax laws. Will Discuss Yoa Will Wail To Come ac-mcnt ciub on Wednesday, Oe- Concerning free enterprise in; • * Thc meet inc. the Tivl c. which is wiil be in the Ktva of open t*» the stated United that States. free Bannow economy is Money Issues t ■ -. d e-.'ueatson building' at M p.m. right and worth working for. A Michigan's financial Issues K ' .ant- has held his present further understanding o? indus¬ BACCHANALIAS wilt be discussed at 1 p.m. Sun¬ plan.n.ng . i r • position since November, ly58. try is necessary now, Bannow Prior to hi« appointment, he added. day afternoon on WKAR's pan¬ Joint activ serveij'in several governmental Inflation can bo fought with el show, "Michigan Reviews the groups m c - resting and burnt management positions. new machinery and co-operation Issues." give sfuleri'- opportunity In l.'V.i he was the leader of the on the part of the world lo speak and Je.i- about a ian- force I>r. Werael C. Cline ar.d Dr. Government-Indue try Trade Mis- toward management, Bannow. guage." Canton of moo to Germany «i. Workers should be behind |Mlhon C. Tar!,-, profewors ana He attended Purdue and Indi¬ universities, graduating from industrialists, he continued!. economics, will compose the FAIRCK1LD BOX OFFICE NOW OPEN Takr Vour Pick the latter in 1 In commenting about strikes. panel moderated by Dr. Clwles Bannow said if the industrialist Students will have n choice lw- charged Edwards as wan a honorably dis¬ I.ieutenant-Com- payed his employet« the amount Press and of the political science continuing education de¬ Moiday tbroigh Friday tween the Brnnko KrjTto'th.~iui~^rn- mtt ratbor than central government. dOTrtly to He state government ha$ to later plead with the central govern- rnmt for the money said the central «"m'. Oct 5« <»~! Las: Reviews Ctarfinke! Sunday the a/wl «nd X-v. S. wiU *|th natwnal oral rntrr- nntional issues. Issues" "Michigan Herbert Leonard Fein, Harvey NO FRIDAY TICKETS LEFT i •pe- abbr. SI. Cut of? '*.'•*£Bt'»'' pip'oty Mr. Dunne Sprague of Sprague's \ shade at the hack of the head government calleeted in tuxes professors »f political science, • Quick to - 32 H« be.' C diactiMed aU'.e reapix*t learn a*« 'c.>7ms* r\ |MJm*cTH Salon of Hair iWiirn. at the se*-- [ to lighter shades toward the face, from the worker. 33 r,stent i*6*r-1 Tlltvi.9.V*"T problems. •I Particle ■ cmd meeting of the Veteran's 34 ftepet.t Ch ,. • t i i i u i ■ nM j HILLEL FOUNDATION ' . trsn»rr .tt.ng night. |4 Teareifer'l »Ul. M, eonunand 37. Drying c! ti Solution i Mr. Sprague and staff demon-1 i \vJ* strafed the newest trend ii) the 1 Pri/r Winning Film Missile - Tha TOP name In 15 Demonatrt* . i tionaf f principle 3? FV I sifesuAtd 40 r.wpin,. it 1 W* down g Nominate for member* it" n small head look with the lifted animated flow of hair directed • "PICNIC" i .,n \ *7 Mjuc I drama fc 42 |*r t ' \r; *t - 2 Fr oc -»rt rer. 9 Deputy 1(1 Through across the forehead. The fluid Slarrine Mm. llnMrn, Kim .Votak A Koulind KhnmII - —-— v. ' j j A3 Inertia! Galdonce-AC 19. Duty from control 3 Pre-ieter* 11 rera«t hang is very adaptable to every- ; JO U 31 r| \pubhrae - 'f V «• > j'u t V sr.- tc t..,:e IB F cat.at one and is in keeping with the tall hats that are this yvar's SUNDAYOtTTOBER 2.1. 7:00 P.M. < MARK MUG seeks tien • • i I ROOM 21 UNION 13 Pdice re¬ cord of .irf .', . fashion. The length of the hair tends EVERYONE WELCOME. NO ADMISSION CHARGE ftp talent! C « K .r.bl * • n .. . v 27 To cord .el fi.'cc aiiw. 31 F-v. . at MEN'S ALLWOOl ■ 2J. A hucker 1 3< KeAuced u> Angeles. l• r. Yoa can f-d o d,a:ien§« o*d opportunity for SUITS .V s Netherlands *iil speak on his z: ti '.'.vrf i; " i ' i. . .4 . eompany's cyclotron research Fri¬ tro"i at AC. Yea un-l be working on such pre *c*4 si day at 1 p in, in tha l'hyaics-3Uth " •; to "i t uit ctnferenr# room. J MACE, THCi. rOUt 5. M ..tra-ieph »f.co.d I'TiS '4 4*1 \ o .otah!# Dr. Veratrr, one of Europe'# fypem ond cvpe* Bombing Na»ifl0t'on Syite^t. s. .vntfijue most prominent cyclotron experts, •V < -"i iT'7-v' *- 4.1 i V '■ ' tfvni part has participated in ttte construc¬ tion of cyclotrons by Fhiiips a: a " "H [*t -a number of European laboratories AC c-a CM wt'l cu d your career progresi *"'* ^1 , He is presently touring L'mted AT A RECORD d v^v-ers.t.-s -n neo'ty 'X?' "l 1 r"i~H graoucre 9-jCf - - "1 States universities to uisruss cy. c 3, clotron Ucaign with American ex- perls. LOW, LOW PRICE! - R ^ ' 1 - obO^tcn, yea »• > f«-t on-tre-jCD ccvtrwt work on th-e opportunity to take e» the advanced state c=t > • i h These trc.'sv."^ programs®r« now ovoflat'e matmaiNG nocmm- cf ^ career a» a des gn end deveiop-nent cf inert-'3- g- "• tyipmf-*. A t recert coiiege grtKiuotes wpi 4^waopfh p-jgraai with fornr»oB*®d, ba-?-«J2f ** classroom instrue* o*u This inst-uCT-on wdt fce n »" -"*■ y»o« wth ro*otu>g oss»gn»«ents of e tw©-f-or*5 dws* a These Oii yv*a--*v. in Manutocturir^. le'icfc^tty a"- neerir»g o-eci, w:U provide a smocdt tra^s^'-'" '' ococeT.< Jccnm*rig cmw development. FIELD S4RV1CI PVOG«AM~ fowr-esocth c-asvcc-w Hwmmg op BMSS > merboi J*?"' and b©n-c»cj nc.--jc*-tr» xyFer-u After camps*' * I pvcgrc-nv aih-gnrntrf!* o*e to bc'n i and: fare-'gn- Vex.