Serving MSU For 31 Viars VOLUME 52, No. 78 EAST LANSING MICHIGAN, MONDAY. OCTOBER 24. !»«<> I'KICE 5 CENTS Congolese Soldiers Rioting In Leopoldville Side Streets prv- t»a-red b> soldiers in an ug'- Defense Effort i^uggiur Kill Ten tense ol arm. scare aiC.l TllH,: ONI. VERSION sa.J tn t B<- tli." a iKa anioushed an annv pan »! Civilians •.no ha mi. V j.vl a.;.«ek< ,i if wot'' isws ai.;l Candidates Pledge r i women .in the torrif ;• t'-'arrows >.*^1 • clu!- 'and vrrs opened fire. Anolhe. stones uni.i In Suburbs t> » \-f v...-; sa d fhe troops went ni tl< .» lo rampage and tired m- Military Strength * V..' LEOPOLDVILLE. T II E « throw! -. <,.11,0 1 v at the .•over • • b a if crowd .i.ei.s m-'vei San.lay i m on •. the African '.W ro.MiO. i4*i Screaminii . , — threatened them dv of 300.000 With no officers WASHINGTON.

— Both pttwldantliil cnn.liilalr< an.l |„„U|, „f .-nntMlf.. soldiers The so dei> •SjKWHltxf '.> where , - sight. tne> »et up ami their'vice presidential running mutes Suml:i< pledged ssivase!* tMMf.r.: .. — . . 1KCllpi,.(t the African ipmrler ui bk»ek,s and heavily arum to take whatever steps are necessary to assure that Amer¬ ttie." r fies an i v their LejpnlilviJIe Sunday fo|. ident ty eard- pwtj-ols wh. . y ame nv>re and ica'* military mipht is second to none. lowing a suburban clash irr .no-.- unruly as tne stifling day All four agreed the nation ASSOC 111 III PRIss ; - on t which lo civilian^ were re¬ must spend whatever money is raphe He- F A n < •- Fee. hatref and anare l>* warning system and prevent ported killed ami many «... necessary to do the job. And the e>se.i one sue . scene ?• •-< ng< rngucd in fTw through "further delay'' in the construc¬ ithers Dcmocrtaie candidates. Sens. injured. .»v. was r< «.gh v, piisheii into tz»e :1a1* 1 some places tht John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. tion of Atlas 1 ng-range missile n- sii'ce» Ill nfie;-. jk»i1- wa- b:.'- e caim and da t:«: Joseph M 'butu with v. w "u e , bases Johnson, echoed again their control rioting tcoops s!io- to a cap¬ li.ic.i :■) ha,> 2 Be prepared !•< pay what¬ few campaign theme t!*at the coun¬ ,mig rapidly out of his hand-— ote. a < aI t: try's defense effort is tagging. ever u ureessat> to provide "at tr« v:eiou« a*>si pftm which remauis faithful fo tic- r-l patis>!s ' provincial jm1 Nixon did not reply personally, panded airlift and s.a u.»n>;*trt }H>s»si Jht-nuer K'a'.riee La pmoj- and Ghan.u in I n tr-d N di trunken soldiers. apparently but his news secretary. Herb* sufficient to back up initial al¬ ben: on b... announced that 10 members were ma revenge, terrorized the burn forces. ert G- Klein sen: a brief' letter population and put the provin¬ of a B itaka tribe commun.fv .n city after 6 p Johnson wrote a letter -jy ng on the vice president's behalf. cial g.nenimviUs civilian police a VLlage alKH.f 11.^ miles ee-t of It assured the reserve group of he agreed wt "The need to alert fl the city were killed last ruga it u> the American people to the M«*t Marv Rrrlcx. th* I960 Homp- Kant Rind Rapids, ska was aominaltd Nixon's "firm belief that the ,* clash with Mobutu's sold.ers i national security transcends all dangerous challenge Wl' face l\ f'llOVT r>f f"o African tine »*ld»er «1m» was rej»»rte incident Dr. Idzerda KLEIN **ll» Nixon will sup¬ wa» Inrafl Consul Sa\x port "to the utmost whatever programs, financial or otherwise, Talks on tlie a"e needed to maintain our de¬ Peace Through Cooperation fense*; and "He and ancy in seeking national would have security" no hesit¬ tax increases 'Third Sev should that become necessary Th<« many expectations Imraz- Rv JOV ftOKttTpl* stabilization of farm prices, thus •'Peace among the peoples ofjfor the nation's defense" uhlv placfsi upon the young Mate Neva ttUff Writer giving the Arab farmer a great- Israel must be based on reality | Henry Cabot t/xtge. the GOP M * er profit *mee they una .jnamly anid not by force," said Ramati.i vice presidential candidate, sen-t coed frustrates her uitlil she -Problems of r«*-» on ur.y Uml!r kb.r The Araha must realize the does not know- what her role in - - ;w1 he cooper,Hon." Mid ..^ An>h. unciwrtund the na-j* telegram saying he agree* ihx-ieiv said Dr. Stanley M- -noi Ramau. Consul «» Israel philcwphy of Ox national sts* eessity of peace and desire it. ["that all necessary funds be ap- The Arab support rf the Com-1 propnateii t> assure maximum j8. zerda. duet-tor of Honors Col¬ n CUM** Wednodsy aller- bu, Lh.T ,r, in th, „ru„|, munist lege. Thumiay nigh'.. nonn party is about 50 per; effectiveness for security of us Ramxti. apeaking at a coffee ^ „ j of evolving from the feudal »>•*-. cent, said Ramati, because this jand the free wrold." B.v the educators, he said, f e M d KamktL >->unc placed KGr given by the faculty and is the only party that is anti- Kennedy wrote a letter say- woman is ui c>> - Israel i' ihg ttte next president mu.-'t re- lege r-«- one,purpt>se—-to gam a . •tu-ients of the political acicnce educa*. siic may wot* U.- Dunns' * discussion. session vers* a trend of "our declining «n ■ icpartment, discussed the Arabs' which followed Ramati told of relative strength * European ■n Israel and their bearing on the right and re»ponaib;Utv of ;»i re-nf -. it.- •he future.' THE DEMOCRATIC pr<*i the Arab-; to serve in the Israel dentin I nominee said the nation icre for Under the democratic system; m iliary. Because of family ties • must: husi>an<. 1 government in Israel the Trips < amis* the border, many Arabs L Provide whatever money is > jK i haps. -■»! a hiii'i' r Arabs have equal rights with vciiica level.'" object to military Service • Jews, Hamati swki, "and; | necessary u» fly an airborne "If war should come I do not ^le.H «; long tw the T i • •a.d Idzerda. is w i • •* * are confident they will be- ; , president Offered quite know what to expect from deems »Mx«ess»ry, pitsh devetop- the oa.Civi Wi .is a d U.c v« • good citizens " bt HHf Arabs," Ramati i-mif » third .H'X,' un«rn»v- said. » mint of the ballistic missile ear- - Arabs in Israel are better otl \ ll>.- what ?iw» U >UPP'»M-1 *a» tt'L f enalTy than the Arabs in: Her parenti, l Jdzcrda. • Any siuqits'. faculty: sa a • ghbariag countries, he «id ih«* Loyalty Oath Necessary round .m iicijii.Tif, h'jpe tfi.T . . «v=oq»UMed by w "™*; h-'ieroud t>e.r daughter a ill gai;. # 1 trip to Europe summer tor.p tor e rxtuoatKDi :i a* in*a • fui.f should eimuct the eucc-a taachmg - certificate. Campus Unkm Board ties* in thtf Ujian'. concourse Uvrf week board been f Washington Editor Said rxpUsned coed .« jucky aod get engiigctl, *?>«* won'! have But if 'h<* U» younz Un^.M; «.** pee-1 Profe.««ors of colleyr, and unit mar¬ , • I Thun. isv t.ic • I Of the C onservative club were told TuenJav' nisl.t by L. ried, *a-d Sdzrixia. *nc i» sud¬ iirmn Ready Wheuxr !.»"■' « 'I prov.ue ilrent ISozell. M'aehinyioii editor of "National Review," in denly struck will) 'senior pan¬ ic." Heir she is re.vtv to grs.i- tvtiuumn* f.o llMt \V,l. r : u. , , .puch on "Loyalty Oath, and Academic Freedom" uav and she a still »v»t married. l,rr„v,l be,*, tod.v ,nd cntt. towrW** "*!«,. Irum uaver. ( Th<- trac e pait is. said Idzc >- ir.nas. ,v Petition* Pvtiuun* ^ a-p avadab'e; sity-vwuiectcd pcop.c, accordutfi wrRUXUici .... . it..", when a vote of 400 fo 1 aga»n?t - I «»t ttuit educ*t»om»l ln»ututi«u da. th.>: rather fhan the Uniwi coocourse. Nine a loyalty oath is recorded by tlie gettipg a-i |^ ^ * ' * . *hou!4 be open forums tor the faculty." BuzeU continued. education and going <»ut into L e er.auTnanships »r«. avaiUble. ' "ra « know -.JUn . week ""VeUlK.; »( all al«. « mat TtlMMi TO the Ndlosul world to work, td»e ia more bfce- j !n,ti>, m*.r l*com* MANTOVANI SMILES « he -iins rapacity audience last Friday ly to grab anything in sigh'- said. *«<»' ov" it pw;, .re DefenM* near mtermtea —> Uxy EdueaUnn act, BomB II inner* tiled Btizell "However- She decide# marriage Li much may oottfy the officials of the: "r"f,r' said that congrwnjm were act- the autograph of an admirer in his the And. Honor MudcnU In natural Hr^-' 6r~*L Au*wi.y Orp ** » d.-.i jw forlor equal <"> >~™~ opposition Z, on hxn U.C dressing room. He appeared before a *Maier, said Idzert^ and is an . _. . of their decision. ..... opptMfo.^ ol .. easier oat than profeseiurul '» enca In 1MIMW who wpite Mi*** never occur." he added. ally oath and dieelauiwr affida- Appn.xama c cost of the Right ¥»t« were included. # I carper. , » nnrng «t,uyt in naturxi science *'ui b« honored today In partor would be *J50 to |3()0 Any ROME Fltor RUBOR* more persuasive, or one view- are "The act as a dffww act, and Plays Two Concerts But. he maintained, the c»uld try ' get U*' tHlueata-n p^ane taken must be filled. The the oath, are ^legitime*? C. t'nk.n at 4 p.m. pob»t enjoyj a majority of eup- tempts by congresann-Yi to at¬ i aouve all. Fur. he aatwrted, sua Thv.-e «tud«ota will receive plane may be taken at any time. Mantovani Draws Crowd pre- ' porter* on moat campuses. n later life wilt be the major of their «*&*?» which were I end from any place. ver.i disloyal ciUtens from re¬ r ien *Thi* is easily denwcMitraied on i »rce in educating her at the convocauuru All piam after arriving 5r. ceiving money available through chiidivn. the (Michigan Slate campus taxaUxi of ! and the husband, Europe must be made by the loyal citizens," he ManWvani played two Col*-. Play." which featured the 18 this piei-e usually heard ! If w choice were made, sut person himself, aaid Davis. UB said. Ihtrkroom Meeting -1AU.M ACADEMICIAN* certs at once in his appearance! P*4*** Violin fectkai- j bow*. This diftereni in Unit idzerda. education shiiuid Su T-).r» Will br a Mort. but im- ?.7t ^ Tickets Ready fulfill their refpoittibility of h«rr froioy night. JVrth Another "mvijuw the' /vwnrr receivins th 4 good audience reaction was Sar- j pia.Vefi pi/zieaui piece p«n* maiaUy heant furmipa u> t..r women. But j wnen the cioibct arises, wic tioo by expresaing helping college ntudents main audiionum and FawcT.ild < »«.-riant meeting for *11 fftafl the UB. Ms»t«V "?^pat4?ado," a vigorous; Probably the best reenvni drvjw out of college and g.«« respect fmr «b«r country and H* ihootre were #oid out (w ;x nugr*pher» of the student ittbrationa tonight For Game past bietory, know the value of hi',;Spanish dance song with vigor- selection of the evening ««; to work while i»er iaiaiiarHl cun- ousty accented rhythmic .varia¬ George Swift's ''Elfriede ' Swift,, tirnw-. it ?J0 in ' ' oiifts. and. gam in their know¬ performance. ' L" Student Service* darkroom. who T»w orchentm faced the and tion* if first trumpet in D'.e or-' So, man is «h» a major coc- * • R '* required that *U attend.* MSI Students A'hlaiM* Dunrtnr Bigpa Mum ledge about eommunirm. «r art doomed.'* Boxed eonriuded Marium audience, while the*# m FercuAsion on Parade** fea- rheatra, was textured v> his owtjlfiirtor. he aa:d He uncnnsctoiM- •arje». that gtudants make their F»lrchnd tlieatre had Escape Injury activity book coupon exchanges no later than Thursday aaanipg with seeing the fi«cks "f i atbUori of tJtr orchestra. The per the btrmg and percussion To** program was tprmkled»en'.s (if ie-1 eumuonist played 11 instruments with popular light pieces wich i* -ri a higher *ocir<- leve') and gets may sign* up for sor- Two ears coUalad aarfy 6un- due to the great dsmam! lor Block *S* ranging from vibes to wood a« "Gigi," La Vie r»< Rose," g«aed ■"» the yquftg coed en- ' day Abbott "Autumn Leaves," "April Love" :*y ruah any day this week Grandevening on The Fairehild audience often blocks J tickets to the Okh State p bfte finally dechdei rt t» tvd f "** t to 4 pm. in JO Stu- River mtaraeebon. The Tickets II fplmrted the mam aud¬ Jn I^wvsrd Bermtetr/t com¬ and others. the education she wants, but tho deta Servicea. car driven by Marc* Mack of The last p*re itorium audience, position "Tonight" the audience played was role of t?»e future housewife- Grand Rapids ran mio the side Biggie of another operated by lmren dents of the new plea ef tkket Available Manvjvanl and hi* 45 piece j diacovarad Maninvanis brass Strauss' Overture to "Die ITcd-( She may realize she should orchestra played • cexert of 20 secinei. T"^ was the first time ermaus." be Moraied, but she also rcai- I nke Your-Pick G. Qragoo at fieamount Both di*tnmAkm in effect this morn¬ Activity hooka may be turned mimtiers, plus two enc»r«9. The \ it w»s dominant over the atriztg After sterol minutes of *P- thai if she is two smart, aha identified a# students, were un¬ In to dorm Block "S" chairmen j theme of the performance was section nliue injured, but the cars ing. Ja order to facilitate tkket ii^rior chest ra played «out on the cbance of be- today only, according to B1U t "Mantovani acxi His New Mu«-, The first part *0f the program unt-urt-s. "Tama" and MSong coming mariuxi ;will be diitrmuicd sightly rfamif&L exchange, three .additional win¬ e doerfl*t quotas Other dorms wished to played MSorr;c Dwnaoted Eve- gram opend with a short gay some tkket holders did not ge*. have en-nizb tune to study, *"<» . ->nu can eidmac* cwpoa '•>' on, of v ' . > the two perform- 1nrinjj Pflmiim. of the Aiwrf- hove their own blocks. mog " piece. "Luxembourg Polka " \o their seat* on Un-.e Th.-s h*. * b- ;. friend And the ro e entermg the field •;««. Twkct, wilt he anilahle at can Uammtiw, fmid the third well received. The entke vio¬ patiently and wait for -|fae Mend keer . .Ute- not ki^wing if she really wan s Mojjoom, Cain. JUlmau a "Play, Gypsy, lin sectiuo played the aola, on cuiners to be seated. 4 the education er the husband. r • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21. Ifliiit I'AOK TWO "What Happen* When They llun Oul Of Foreigners?" Letters to the Editor Incorrect Page of Opinions Conservative Story To,ht* Th. article on the Conscrva-1 conicrv. wUch^unllnil Jrm : . thrc club, October 17, was in j ^any prominent Democr.i Academic Freedom Grows part an journalism. Discussing the up- coming meeting of the Cwuerv- Irreeponsiblc piece of have urgod its abolition, I listened to the hearing- ' thu commitl* r«n,rdhou!d not be discussed at ail. They asserted that there is absolutely no choice ly not be required to express the opinions of the majority of citizens, though a ma¬ Cuntpus Classifieds between democracy and communism. But they have a rather warped sense of what jority of teachers will probably do so. A DLT.L uniformity of thought express¬ Your Key to Better Values . democracy really means. They seek to preserve democracy by ed by all university teachers is not only destroying one of its basic requisites. The undesirable, but also dangerous. V certain fact is that the majority of the citizens diversity of opinion among educators i> of ;t democratic society do If they do not, then that society have a choice. certainly essential to sound education. One of the great attractions of demo¬ CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS is not democratic. cracy is the weighing of arguments it al¬ DEADLINE: 5:00 p.m. Taemla.v for Thursday piper In state universities, like Michigan lows. The education of open minds to do Kills payable *12 and 1-5 Monday through state, rnaintainence of academic freedom this is the real job of American universi¬ Friday. is particularly difficult because many tax-' ties. As soon as censorship is imposed on El) 2-1511 EXT. 2615 pTfyers seem to think that since they pay the opinions of teachers, education, as n large part of the salary of the teachers Bertram! Russell has said, "ceases to ser-1 ve this purpose and tends ♦.» produce, in¬ AUTOMOTIVE PERSONAL thev can also say what the teachers may teach. stead of a nation of nun. a herd of fan¬ IH37 FORD FAIRLANE CONVER¬ FRATERNITIES' CAN YOt r a food home to an I >Rar ola. c. atical bigots," TIBLE Blaek. Fordamafic. power IM T WHEN we logically carry out this steering R. and 11. private owner Great Dar.e'* He is well mannv and S"od tempered. If »o, he s yo-. C*U ED 7-0T*i g Call IV I-MWI alter a p.m. I<*29 MODEL A SEDAN. good tir«, LAVAUERS - RECOGN1TU low mileage ***• Sre by appoint- Party favu* The Card - hy Can "t Joe College Read? PINS ll wdl. become a mecc.i f<»: men!. PO Bon 1001.Lansing4,Mich- »r rok* Building from ED S-S7Sa dome Ecoronn,- j «rlf to I'» fi» nmulii p**»'. tbiii W. i,ft-." versdv tn«d«oCritv Viiti-Bomli t RFNAITLT | X-l < *i-elleru condiUiKi. DACPMINF l«*> low miteage RED STUDENTS' TOMS BARP» lit l)ON It. •EMIILIt , Ail remarM <»ri the grammar Call ED 7-Kf* 23 •hop ju*>2 Vine Street Feurhar - ori**nl«i tur column will • b«- forwarded autnniAK I KM DOIXiE tr,insm.*uon r«>kS tirev I t\wh to put an end to.Mimctliiog about it. and h.tve not read enough pome secliona- as fv.* A O pd- r?v freshman vear commuOi radio, heater Best *y about nty last j first is simple for those K""v ar!' *"• "'n,i p», . * t»»nn ate reuuued ckdis instructor. . Wl FOR turn a-eti') ZJ o'umi , not afraid to Itrnk ar>»ujid. I. • toey hive never »ee?» Engitsh cahif t i>r learned Ck • 23. (Ah—-A three-day an- List w eek. I i-ritici/ed a talk j may hurt our egos and make us wutts m p; n". ven i»y Dr. Joseph RaCulom-1 Ik.iPolom- cringe tu think that a large uiu-' From *Tu' L-'cinenU of Style" »|,m wav Hot they must learn. ' Tlif Slalt* Ncwm ihti U from eight countries end¬ ribre for *12S<* or t>e-' reasonable ,ra, proU'sur and head of the vtTsity, "partim- st of political science,; enrollment, seems to be losing u Whitt growing in plant and by William S'-i'-usk* Jr. an-.t K : freshman year wi'h hope it will j be picked up along the way ed iDiiMi rally in Copenhagen. o;'er t;*U FD 7-!3*l. E*t 351 22 BACCHANALIA! Pu..;.9hed by Students o Suiuiav SpeAkers called for ixn- id dis|>o:e«l hw claim tliat our u-ademic effectiveness in basic ••Ch'.w g«.««d. Ukra pret- Alaru '< ■»• way. the instructors me EMPLOYMENT tliroad tv solid Dr. areas. " *.»■ girl should .l-ike has a!- -,viU siy they *?•-old have aot- Michigan S!u',c University, is media.e al>Tlitiori of nuclear )OR THE FINE3T in dan.e n sued on ciav? da vs. Monda? \v(*aix»n,s thixiughouA tfie world BAR TENDER WANTED Part-tun* Hud bpangirr Dun Smith j flut let's not sit on our thumbs ways b&m wide'v misuwHl bv' ten it m their freshman year i tt» ..JVif.iol-t: . publually through Friday during the f, The 40-miie march from the nieht Experi«n ne-«|71 «.:ners Phone tne Bud-Mot Agr i The f-il!'»A'ing lowing fragment... iiom >,anott»ing fiagnnMi!,-.. iiom: taken up bv the know.j^f ani tury thinking but. what happen* wetk.v during the summer term town of Ifoiback ended m IV :-W»24 Second class posugt* paid at stormy weather, but about 10,- Di Tlombara'x spec, h, a; Lil''s arc. And that gets us to the sec- the wvlt-informad, who find if ed to good old English coftij*>s-1 East Lansing, Michigan' bus BOY - LUNCH and dinner • ■■ I out of c.intext: * I ond problem; what eat) we d0; catch>. or tnwrstmg. and wh.» »u«t l and II? Isn't writing wart i 000 peruana joined the 2.000 Call Lee Schmidt ED 2-2517 2J Editotui and biuunctrs ofi ices I trwuvhers from Denmark, bwed- have done amazingly about It? , t use it AhpUg/V £'w* were uf the skill of oommunicati n" at 341 S'udent Services build¬ ati ." and It anv- A portion of this fwipac- slumm ■•i. If every *-wj oi <•- Or is .1 true that we don't have . FmUrui. Noijvay, Iceland, FULL-TIME BABYSITTER Five, ing. Michigan State University, day* a week Fumikh own tran»por- t nig. I t-ou'd suggest we have ,ty to would communicate can be vice urrency n-e or room for it" West Germany, Greece and Uiii.'i Call TU Z-«M44 a.'ter 7 p ir. East Lansing. Michigan 23 b en overly concerned with our- blemed on TV and Maduon were utl- sunp' « '«h'* g...tuhkH of pop* tune and try to make room for advance for one term, $3 for FOR SALE COLLEGE ROAD. A count! which our fellow countrymen mony: uiar;'\. tie language would be it* me two term*. S4.* for three term*,. isuburb tat*" Thi» beautitul completely • have Iteh iveti ahiotid " lUlph S. Graber, English m- as chaoi.ce a- a « twii game with Maybe »r should try to fuid . $5 No communists spoke at Kw Oern -even .toum home must time and try to make root^i although some joined the told Call Romaytie Hicka, bru . 1 M-vt my ca.c j struct or at Muhlenberg College, no t«»ui Ui.e," f r Eddor-m-Cbief, Suranu Price, i r IV a-WM or ED 2-2B4A. ... in F'ennsylvania, has gone on1 Hut the Uvgcst iiunt of ttie it. Inability to write coherently , Advertising Manager, A1 Feidav and chen large ln-inrroom with ri marketl increase in the number versity. The exodus of graduates who Jcivnc >. a trade union leader. flKln L.»u)l*l* varjpt-. Dvwount el. beaut ii ill fireplace fulj.baaen IhhjK was published of . CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . the Danish government ha* Call OX Broker Fu-d large lot. by owner. tll.Ogn ED 2- Engotd) write and speak English as vtvi stationing of Rtomic training a «hident at Michigan i wci,- a foreign language must . . . . . I BUY SELL KENT weapons in US bases. KODAK FILM Jw- B A vT" It.-.,,,1" t'h., Kudrt.tth, ii.. .uributm thu to the fact Sute i* required to expose hun-' be sU>pinsJ—now! Or thm um- - . . . . . tif.t movie t2 2A «05 K-I3R 1179 SERVICE F ie-cn. disturbed the Anwricon ■ . Free him with developing and print- in- Marrk Prewtiption Center bv people when he said our grade SAVE up to 40': on rough d IMUNICATIO MTV IA SATELLITES Fiandor w and high ,i- .• Eng -h skilN. reaiting, j ep*i Wednevatc e»cr.»;t Wilting, and even speaking' aatd R.00 e HICKS LAUNDROMAT la time, the people returned j to their tx>mplacent little tx)inei«' 7*0? i. MICHIGAN OOUIIE STAMRS ON ««(tii not much more was R«id PROoLCT- cro» of* pok silf sitvcr WI0NIS0AY S- H r - <».ti Do* Or* ■ KEiRSAKl DIAMONDS" WE SPECIALIZI IN DtOR-O1 graduated • UNDIIS FOR STUDfNTS nl and has come -«v leant to Mh'higan; fV ».|46? hi'ie The number of partially !d« -1 O* Angus112th, I960. JFLtcM'vts at Golmtc WM. H. THOMPSON ! PILL HART ORCHESTRA etc siuiien',* ia* been muluply-i y©«» Fia^ao* j dance muMc w th Hart, cad ii.p at a phenomenal rate, California, tod to*d th» world's first transcontinental microwave meua- M«l| Ct l&U I'tHhiubUbly, many univer-j to bo fobyod by a poBM, artificial earth flaWEte, Thtt iabiiil w« V TYPING DONE IN HVY- tioms < Fdv nfftciaL will qucaUtin thi«{ s APPLES SW I.CT • IDCR pumo- , jv i..jb»u aitrr ipm. and a»k mm- Uf diwument 1 van '! 100 ft. plastic bauoad Echo I cubit trig oroOnd the CartK at an altitude of 1,000 r.tV-, ' fun trr*f\* ami vexcuale- it «g,-> «ac utiie* trc.ft i reasaoablc ■ "u-,'VT"io"*Mivr umTrv U H umrtii, but I gu to kvhoot hBadMdt Farm Maihet *ANT ^ ..j V ! 1 1 i-.M" petlpiv ' AprMeewdad statementby President E»nhaw«rwa'. je:«ived 2,3JO rr^ e. a*oy ; Otree miie» of l-*.i Lanw * an *T"ui! Rokwi J17 Rtudei l , s t A !« 4t OktTvw R.iJd « ]£** buliding to Mil *«.haX.- \ m-ent gjrfilua'.e \\ i\»te to a by sciontfcts cf tSp Bell Telephone Laboratories at Hafmaef, New Jene/t ... „ MAKE YOUR OWN xma* preset* . Uie Homecoming game ^ riven a commuwnn ef Kales." alaff memlHM' of thi. m!»oo1 rr- as c'oariy as any telephone cad, in a fraction of a second, It student d.scourt on C«r*rnlr-i. Wta dOs i per aAaker mW. Sig and maka 110 or SIS in Just a , queisiing he be ri-opped front tupoUe* Avb-tras*. KjU. wf hour. For deiaiU call Waft later h the course cf the Echo experiment, the scientists at Gaiditore end Ho.Vr.Je! Pi.-n taMe tr»p», (»m pade, Frew J >* h pubhcabtNi maiiiiig ii»L lit;. "fistructmns e* Kitchen* jnr . 43« Ftan- ED 2-WM i-eaavM). conducted 2-way voice communication off the balloon sot* uie, vr ^g_< er.ter, fV 21 TYPrHG. ED l~*S20 of "I have rtrrw tu the magailne another ropy therefore I OolshJbtsre transmit ting at 2»390 megacycle* cmd[Halmd«»l at 960- m*ga :'yc,V;.' ~LOST and FOUND TYPING - ED 1HT70S This successful experiment opens up vast new fields of development fRANSMlSSlON • v ,ii»t you lo ranrel my piewrip- RCCCPTION LOST • GOLD-PLATED BROOCH BPART AN ORCHESTRA AFR* ti»n. ffce IS M po*t«iK |hf» ti feo* o-'Mi-a open scroti desi*n l. «U the trivnlitie* in the j MWamiiewdi Emery IV <2*«»A«aUX !e:-. • he wa* getting front Ihf i HtwaWi HasU.S. tin > vert t», HOUSING .— . ... SPECIAL-*Turn pair men's per A '•er'ten»*o trvmi m uppfr- Plan Your Future with the Laadar In Spaca Scianca FOR RENT . tlavha. Vleanwd and p"' SI 06. Suit*, dretee*. coat* II C a r,a.-vnjui thema marw' » year* ui buaitv-u owoRTUNmts roe graduate stuoints in these pisldsi ATTRACmi TWO BEDROOM | p,jt ?>«e uparkle m Apartan nnif-w "NUrliag with the lowest de¬ ♦wsuaw Fumianed. pear campus, at- U END ROW 9 COIN LAUNDRY v tached ga age utl heat •***• 1 or * DRY tULANEBS. PM Vtr- »• *Wf*A.«iS* • C»i • MtCKJWAVf • SCtVCMLCHANrSMS mand, nrperation. He »h«wed the month* SI 25 pet mimth Aduita. ED S block went »f Sears gt Frarwl : toe* liable new* in the nature afa t COmwtt*** • uotria aho sold HtcruUiON • srtucniXES jg T-kM4. «h Moddard jy monarch repreaented hp !*»' is*;. CpiV.rr*' • .SStSCMfHIATiON • MAJHSMATICS iK AFA(TM|NTS and the palenttal RlfhhinRlMO BL.SOUOSJAU mmcs • CNOiKiinno MSCHANICS of the rw Ian tea MNpmt of •W.V" • 7KAKS.470SQftCUlTIf . *4' Parkin pewple frwm .nil .eanBlrtea." Techr.»i Wat? TTirte but a few of thoae before are me. 1 collected • diuen* w' e- tum LEARN TO FLY at Sferen A- • Low Ra'ea - Three.jr: IOOMS north on AbMtt - phone ED c't such example* in a few abort interview* with faculty mctn- CALtronNtA INBTITUTR op TCCMNOVOOY TY**tST Ann Brown. New bor*. JCT PROPULSION LABORATORY No ED 1-flM FWctrtc Type»r *ed fa. We .Ne» aeal Aaraee>n»t. and Term pwpwra and Uiaoaw Also I' There er* two problem* be¬ PAhAOCMA. CALIFOANIA eral f fore iuL Paramount is the never- .ssNje'-Mn a, «»ty Lo mxjgnize the- pungent ON CSMFUS INTEtVIFWS TRAiiCS R5R SAlt WANTED fact that many, far tod many, umversdy viudentg don't know! how to rear! or write their na¬ NOV. - 4 ' ' 5.,I. 52.7., vI2?™ r>1 All ALVST- i WAXTXD CI»l TO «T,rtr i MntanM IHMi.1 «I» MSI' V>, ' » tive language. i 7*.— ly^"1 •—1 "*m M.. I uw itutat nmt rmn nr. C^l 1<, MONDAY. OCTOBER 21, 1M0 PAGE THREE Democrats Sure to- Keep Swainson Stunt Squad Publicises Majority of Senate Seats Suggests Bacchanalia Homecoming Rally School Aid Michigan has tost" a number! of well known and excellent I professor* because of 3 failure to f provide them with adequate e- 'equipment and facilities Lt. Gov.1 J (Air, B. Swalnson. Democratic, nominee for governor, told a group «f educators Friday in' Dv'r:,i\ li" «aid an example wa Dr. Leu Goldberg, a noted a5?rono- J who vers ••• resigned from the Uni- of Michigan faculty be-; j cause of ill furnished labs and 1 lark of equipment "To combat t.-.<- I believe in pi.i *>> education," the candidate »'o v ' Ixca! and state a- well i> . iederal. ' Swainson presented a four- trey point program of eduea- *.' n.P. rt-fnr.; to cou" with the p» ocms of higher education as wf'] as tne crowd 1 ng Th« ahirtwaiit a" lack of teachers on the grade school and secondary levels. I (hack* in for a He advocated a statewide r - nirrum teachers' salary sch«»- now toaion. wi— with no; Jos than M.BOO Woihond-w«of New Whipped Cream fully qualified •1 year r»> all teachers. , An improvement in the state clon acrylic/roy- school aid formula must bo, Now On Market JANE BINGHAM AND TODD REt'MNG ma'ic, he said, to equalize the ; amount of money given to the cnviseoiowifhtSe look vs' ou* districts. yd hand el Seniors of the Week j W irik As it stand* now we arc try- to accomodate school needs ic'twooL Clastic tivKtcs. He is a recipient t . revenue," Swainson said He asked for an extension o' styling in red, olive of an outstanding junior award. ' t;,o state program to back local green, or black In the midst of every week bi nds for school construction day, Todd finds time to act as "We still have a li ng way to checks. Sizes 8-16. 1 " he said, after praising the a lunchroom supervisor at West 17.91 j'.arr on the reduction of its Junior High in Lansing. And he hI districts rt from 4,8u0 to, says he can't get over being Mr. .',2.1b." to aU the Tiie entire program, he said.) Todd became an authority on may be aided by fertcral sup¬ dir'.ing this summer. As he juts port of education, which would1 it, "I 1 >.«t 22 pounds and I'm • teachers* ra.?e salaries, make proud of if"* 5. .ble new construction Todd'* plans after and, graduation"* i civatc college scholarships for tiK-.iy .students. Complete Optical Service Plan OWc« at: Dn J. Chrn»'f and H leek with, i whipped cream utilizes < outter fat from skim and .<* Consumer advantages Citizen Hurl Honored By U JIM Radio fcaiiie WJIM honored Dr. Myr- k. kiioif assintant professor of al work. Thursday as Lansing '.zen of tfce Day." b' Kuel was featured on a '■ rervice progiam m-*rttly -.'.rated by Radio WJiM in • -<■ ■* to salute citizen* who made nignihcant rorUribu- •r-' to the welfares? the com- M hundred plant,, mi a wliwid network of aala* otticw. N't ' Is has been a faculty member worth Ittminf alt you car, about a campan/ that mate* avar three ■ i She leaehe* course* thousand di.lorent products-chemcata. plastic,, fitera-with now and the family .and •man growth ami behavior onoa com >ti( along t*try yoar. Kuel i* active in workshop* Coma prepared la aak our intorviowor what you want to know: What mslitutea throughout the rclrarding marriage and the kin** at jafea? Which products? What opportunities tar advance¬ She also leads many work- for ment? Which tecattenl visiting teachers in the zan school system. "'"i« joining the MSII Jfacul- Dr, Hue! taught on the ele- atary level in several northern * n hool.*. She also worke d * J»rofej«#ion'al social worker - Michigan Children's Aid Ketl Cross (lives A'| italic LeuMJii* * American Red Cross is i? a swimming course for • handicapped in the new * •;; <-V Women's Gym from New Poller Officer* i l"'— '-> 8 30 pj?i, * count will offer the op- V1* 'unity for all those interest- __ T'-*»F*«t. Lan*ing policw de¬ ~ partment ha* -two uevr (Artn, working, with the handi- Cpl. John Flatu. record* tdflceT J, A ^ train under Mr. Evan of the department, announced p.^c»n. state representative ' 'v'*'er Tburs-ay/ safety and member of Robert Foster and George *r"' National Red Crow. Tucker have been appointed to Opemagt for eight interested the force as replacement*. The are still vacant. The number of men on the force will Prerequisite U that they not be increased. ^1 a degree .n Red Cross water However, Cpl. Platte said, there A future lot: ChowiaU, Chtniatry u-ev. are physical therapists, i» a need for more men, and there kUfQta, Engin—re (Ch—ucol, kUchanical, Beclncall ***"«*»• had are hopes that more men viU be comparable train-, II MONDAY. OCTOBER 21. isr.ii MICHIGAN STATE NEWS PACK FOUR 'IMHffflSS I Wolverine Pix vAMN mtch AND nm • Brake Talk Rhodes Scholar Will»P««bSpeak . TMSMCHTMCARUITHA I I'lnff will on hla #* Th» following r-H-i* •" acRwauonofc! ij Richard naff, a lUiodrs arJmlulM to h.v. thalr plrturr. Nl-holar «t Magdalen Colleg r jH-ilcnce* «t Oxford and that Raps Farm 1.5 rS A met jean 44 ROSS taken Monday, Ortnhkr J4. I.i I God of ln\ d rodent from 1W57 to Itl.Ml, will meet ell various fields of study open to Ih. Towrr Room, Union, B* oil 11 Indian 5. High card nurse male student* In- (diode* acboUrs.' time, >1 Bugle mil 37. Vegetable tcnvrtetl in a Hhodes m-holer- The aehoUsrahlp la for alngl«. 1? 13 Mountain Transported ;tft. Tissue 4<>. High mountain Programs ship today at 'i pm. in the Hon¬ mule student* «nd la tenable at or* College lounge, Library. Oxford University In England. Study may be In 4be human- Monday. Octoger 8 80 p.m. 24, llMkl Alpha Omlrron ft s, pa«» 14 Extent of 42 Take Agricultural programs Win* it lea, a«K'Uil ortencea, law aelanca, 0:20 p.m. Chi Oimim esreption Phi Mu surfarp I.S Arrow 4V Small 4W Eserristlu. lump! Advanced in answer t«» the na¬ tion's farm troubles are "sheer Info forestry or theology. Applieanta must be between IB and 25 and i:«0 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Moil, llouu poison Solution sf tatwrfiay'a PuuId 7:20 pm. Dvlt. Upallmi Junior otandlnf. . |h Low jarring Iierior powtr folly1* and "deatlned t«» failure." have at leant sound Ifl Wim-tfring 51 Roman emperor J frog • Elaborate solo the mailer of the Michigan Stale Monduy The meeting dt'iiUi who now or is open to »tu- later may be 7 to p.m. I 00 p.m. Alpha Chi Owpi Alpha liimmi Dalla 57. It««ter Arab f..1 Thing law .1 Of musical grange has charger!. FORESTRY CUtW— I'M P"> interested In the ar4iolarahlp 0:20 p.m. Alp'i' Ep'llon Phi ?0 Winged drama 10. Confined "Kffofta to solve the agricul¬ f.4 Metric unit forestry Cabin, Dr. Gene A- and to faculty advloora who 8 40 p.m. Dalla flamma 21. Iu»» 11. Wise f.1 Resound 4. Lieu tural problem have been hosed on 8.00 p.m. Alpha Phi 2?. Prang 17. Prohibition very - slides. Yearbook pic¬ have Interested advioees. 24 Anchor 5(1. Dutch 5 Lan.l pnlitlcnl expediency, personal ture, wear suits and tica. IndlvUtuuI appointment* may 0:20 p.m. flamma Phi Bala measure 14. Price Ucklt commune /unbition, are,i advantage, <»r the bo Arranged through the llonora 0:40 p.m. D«l-a Tao Dalla 57. « Gave a con* 23. Virginia 21 Proofrtad* willow desire for cheap food to offset I YI.RGRIPN Wives—tt pm. College office. 10 00 p.m. Ualia Chi DOWN trary order Forestry Cabin, Mr John A- 'i direction I'i 7 Shade trr# 24. Drinking inflationary trends In other seg¬ *?* Portico 1 Goddess >.f discord ft Highest veasel ments of the "economy," said rend, sfa-akcr- films. 2 Pull 25 Hits of . W111iisrt| J. Ursk.- of Lansing 1 r \ Pi I ir T " literature Brake : imke Wednesday at the I.I THER %S MTHORNT AMMO- * 27. Hiver duck MATRON—4 p.m.' Unlveralty 'it. Drinkers ItTili annual conference meeting > P • J 3d Single thing here Some 500 representatives Lutheran Church, Biblo study I 31 Turkish of the •»?«!*•'< membership on "Job". NIGHTS A SI'S.—ADIXTB SSf SAT. MAT. Bt officer 30.000 Attended the meeting In tits RAMTTIVi: HO%Rlft— •• it -! 3.1 Not artificial Kellogg renter . Union - Matlamoioelle .14 Food fish t .p.m., ADULT ENTERTAINMENT it .3 - .' '. , ;iM Make e He »aid the Grange favors, a Teu • '■1 10 n mistake program which It calls the "do¬ STARTS 7 P.M. - FEATURE AT 7l« • S:5.*. ■4 *» :u 41. Thrust concept,'' a com¬ GEOI.4K1Y WIVES—)t p.m, 710 parity EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWINt; mestic u M 42. Hamlet bination .»f programs apeclftcaly Ann St.- K. lam.sing, Mix 43 Hacchana* ban cry tailored to mcvt the individual Duane Gibson, speaker. THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS ti , 44/Turning needs of the comrmnlitics con- e •' •»/ •AG (ft •A 1 b |v pott for Roman races 4(1. ltaeteriolo- ccriied Several of these, are now in use and Drake said, working well, LUCON The gentlemen of The HY. Tims cheer "The Bottle Of The Soxes" — gut's wire " : 47. Historical tt perl.xlt hj 4ft. Indefinite number MICHIGAN PREMIERE ■s. soniY csomsii: "mis sums sails ' Hi. Anger DOWN THE AMMOANT RAHK Of MS SMU AND HIS - — NOW SHOWING TRULY SUPERIOR ANJIITY.WITN.THC.SUSIIETIES 01 THK WOMAN IN' Till: lAprrirnlrd But tirfma |) | I.ANHINO MIDNIGHT LACK . . . MICHIGAN taatara at I :•*->:w.|:00-7:tl -0:20 TALKING CORK0T." I'iTSiiV, Arir (d*)- Deputy I alms mi«hio*s TARGET TOR TEMP¬ ■. Lt ROUS: "TBI BATTU OflSC A'her! Pina breathed a TIIRATKK »v <-«» TATION . ,. OR TERRORS SEXES' IS COMEDY SPIRED WITS FASCE- A. <»! f rriu'f wltrn Infurtned his RUUIMOH Of WIT'A TONGUE • IN-CHEER , .md new I0>-pound a«n Turin* A T«-d«) • doing fine RIMING THAT CEEAVES TO THE SPIRIT OF-1 P; . waiting makes a father "lint Not For Me" THURMYS LAMPOON MR SEllERS* HUMOR IS* sM.u-i. he explained. l'tna now A BOTH VOCAL AND PHYSICAL A MAN WHO" !»•<• father t l .SUrU Thin. ALSO DANCERS WORLD' AI.MI of Rt J AND COLOR CARTOON Only Kxrluxm* "iNalteil llujii" I Nsan itrroril Sli»|i "Arsul Tks KtramiM ronmu PI.EASE COME EARLY FOR SEATS Willi World In Us Gardner A •a HajC I Kit la DAY la -MIDNIGHT Mil" STARTIX; FRIDAY "DSCAR WIUII " OPEN EVERY EVENING AnHmmiy IrssrloM-s Friday Ni Bacchanalia! ☆ ☆ Parade "Biggie" & "Duffy" r4, Tri-Captains 7:30 Olympic Run Seniors Rally Women's Glee Club ^ M Jazz Concert & Many Others ☆ ☆ $ ■.TAT" ☆ LANDON FIELD MONDAY, OCTOBER U, I MO michiganrtate news page ftvf. eo'f of f. ' ♦.«»; *r,p*sr»r.'* »rC r* •) e*l; the wer^/re, *7c - Placement Bureau h to Audicnri - • tff.r4 ' 4.K, M • ■,'//»; ief' favor.> par' v? tM pro- *'ag- —I . grs'n. t A vf admttted ha v*i!dr • Mantovani's Friendly Mien t/, f'"* !'A Worker a vo*^ped oct. m. *1 a m, ims majors for manufacturing op¬ OCT. tl. ti. ST, IMS dfflrr- -.ur.rt.Mt, ■/v/ ■*»*;. tf/myara tha Wi^j* motors corp^- . erations positions. general poking airplank co. — cr.j.1 and i-c *'ar«/ii an ad-l*. a id^ftk". M*h, FJeot., * Civil (»trtu> TRACTOR A IMPLEMENT . Accounting (B) (M) (liec. A A*.-' Dt; that; K*lf sr. hr/ur. ; Mar. grada ««r»)y) for trainee hires) Rngm . Applied M*«b- 1 DIVISION—Ag r. A Misli. Insures Concert Success *?!' t'-eir 'ill -/A'*/.! dr.". hav- kamrn * mnlri, MMH, A I»hyeWw majors Engr, for„product end man¬ position*. Chemical Engr*, 1'.#' /-a-n't Mi .'Just., stayed **~".»rS. *4uU • an a h' f,ir pnallkns In BAD. design, ufacturing engineering posi¬ (B) (M) for product ami pro¬ t;:. * **iti'*ri>> m product mold hold vr *"an the auditorium lls'-erarr* 'he musicians hf>weyirr, tha* A.l major* from the college of A Cluck Radio For All majors (H) (M) (!>••«• A Jt #•< '/fte#| from v. tall tf» WttII Of'-n he ..pjcare'l t/» te- lui/n- b»etJ( Mantovan) ar.d rut players jmsiomm end Public Bervlce cost, computer program, re- (I>sc. A Mar. grade only) foe Mar. grada «*»ly) In F'/od Dis¬ k.urcii, uetlgri develrrpment a'Al spillrd we; inUt the hear', ming the rr.'i'.dy and feeling so, fee J tre- aincerity of »r. audl- b'h of Tbiw Roome: tA.n positions. (Three hours tribution, Dmine** Adminis¬ rn;inufacluring, eutn- •if those who heard deep! t the ro!o JraStnimer,4. pari.; er./e accounting required. Therr tration, Accounting, Market¬ moUvr* A electrical produc*?.. fio/ie c»n«rtbg'jers broke Into I he teem ed b» a«*urr.e ttie play-! Mantbvan: turned a*.d sryi/e .'$.'11 E. Mav„. Itonnir Pebrwin ing, PcruMiritl A Production ApplM Mechanics (I)) rr.j- o, the a'id.enc* to roncluda the i, « 44 week on the Job train- t'/ru' j e; - sosition program.) Math (B) (M) Management, Economic* A Jors for »fib#mot)ve struct urea OlfiPh tapped their fe»-t There ware mora than 2'; evening. l:,;> Boh Omper majora for poaltlone as pm- Transportation for peltUm* and vlbrati/ma. CnemUtry The hanittome v;avy*haiTi u U'rr? fnytriirr.enft on tfe».tru a'id an accofdlan and guitar ir.' warm arid generous reception," Hew Culbm food product nu-rrtrfirwhftin#. c!ectr*» chemlatry renlllont, like * riiinf n,rp'.ration weav¬ addlti- o, utual of ne-.t.rai: h« sa.d "V/e have enjoyed corf; * Mar, grade only) • hri*e« „t elec- f«c»nti into one hurmmilfiu^ re- f" warmth ar.d generosity make it f.ft. NAVAL ordinance TJ.HT rtation — Chemical, housing A transportation. tronica lohsnr c The on b if tor • one fam'/n j delight ami pleasur* f'/r ui to. each week: MfchaitioaJ, Electrical Engr*, THE KROGER COMPANY— fN'T. 21, |H0 A J yrt there 9.3* tfe »lof*ei,v diacbrded the sery much " n,4)'»r« A Math (M) (D) ma- n for positlona fcn BAD, teat . gr„ Accounting, Marketing, Finance, Personnel A Pr«idac¬ CENTER—Merlianical A Elec¬ introdw'tioij of eycry M.'ettpm fir * two A- nun/to Paolo. trical ikigrti for pfeluct en¬ on the prfygranu Born ;n Venire Italy Vi-come ' The currmt toor T.ankAg.virig *"/ ap- will e? •: THE PIZZA PIT •„vl evaluation of rxperlmm- tion Management, A all others gineering, design, reM-arcfi A He t«am<-'d to enjoy waiting year a/o, he v/as raised m J/zfi- j.'aran'.e- a'. Hay/ York City. - CALL ED 2JH$/.:$ • . finance Items. from the college of Huxinesi deve»ot«).ent. Training pro¬ fttr the t'.ma 4 *,00 |>er»o( in dofi .i'.d r'.ij; resides there A Immediately af>r the ui*. en- » IIOOKKR CHEMICAL COItP. A Public Service (ID (Dec.' gram. . chemical (B) (M) Enjrri A A Mar. grids only) for j/nii- fil EE OIL CORPORATION— i>,«*mu.tey. (D) major* for tion* In production cupervia- Chemistry, Math, Physic* rna- pc/ductUm, sale* A research. ion. product devr iopmen', Trfi- )<*», Goology. (D) majors. OCT. » A 7111. TORD MOTOR COMPANY I \t.ineerino 21. IN« BCRCARCH duction planning, indutirlal rnallU-oMK i» A eupervkloit A accounting. Metallurgy (B) majors, Chemical A Electrical Engr* f'/r fcmitiraia in JtAli. A SHEPARD'S OFFICE—Mechanical A Elee- Bngrti, Math (M) lor *:tgintrrkig. test, design, re* •'■arrh A development. I1NANCR RTAFF—All majors m) (M) in ocrounting, Fi¬ CONSERVATIVE CLUB nance, Economic*, Suuetlrs; pmrillH and combined Engr. (II) with !::umpu (M) major* for pn*|- ng and m a3 phawf of account* financial arwtlysb. "OPERATION ABOLITION" Mac A Mar. grade only for A DocHmrnlar)' I'ilm Shnwine llnw * ommunitU - ail above ) Wtrr Ahlr To Inrilr CnllrKr StuilrnlH |JV(OLN - MKRf't'RY DIVIR- |ON—Mechanical A Chemi¬ Tn l(int AvniiMt I'hr cal Engrsy A Electrical (II) tlnu-r Cnmmilln- On I ji-Amrrican Aclivilir* (Ml fhgrs, for manufactur- operations, A production .:i£ tKifcitiona. (Following ere for Turwlay. OrlulH-r 2."i, H p.m. Dec. A Mar. gr*d.; only) . Hi,mil .'l.'t. I.iiimi Itliililini; Economies (11) (M> majors i for^aalee A marketing llirlli^uii Still. I ni\> . . . LfSOf»>A wurnth »n fa.-h$4/n-. highe-i «(>*» . , . ta ti* weaaum'g rm»T Jumbo SramiU dessired cokMr*. 1-ipbniWr. 110.9.1 ALASKANS b? KK K'ERI.NtH . ,. Ti* figaul *we«r tie Jumbu Scaniliu -torkiar" buut line with DoK'.LR km p> de^wwd U 4:— .Shawl Pullovrr. $13.95 csHirage fowi pet>piralc/«i and ].) nt ALASKA.V.S bi kJCKCRINOS ... >c»tapr>.®f tad ■uidew- Ul.Mj pr«A>f to »n*urr *u*fe Morafe «N«i aot .* o-e. Kuteved Jnokinj, rutrtred w«»rin? bifoit of Mm nil® uiHiut isnum Noli n *| Ihff tlilfll Kit 11' ytthlrf !'I J«WMI (half* III.m'»« ' 1 •• !|" Ilk" ' II i»tl j riuict'u fii»t tli'ivM «tf ll»*« 11.i111»■**s wM'i nei-iiiuU l«f» the m tine w*i Hint evrryoh® got ria.l 4n»M II ii i It illitmii I'lltimii'il mun li "f HutltlMa tallH* • .41 Ml I hi i » it (4> -I i It I In u flu* a»niiir frtllrf fH|»- in play " lie suih e***iM« >*»a*«« r* KM, I •"» al»ni| III! tl'.IUI i tin • lit | n#t-v»ltlu ItV lillrllllt? mill lit® «*"•' liniiiftteily tt»»vwil«*tl lil« **«*»•• * " ill iiliiirt'ijlurt | ;,,in« flnin »m* illlih iHl' i« it ei-full |i««Wl f'if '«l| v lit lis Pane* |Ml4*r»|Mr4 it , |,i |it»| |ivi fi»rmui»r« of 0t»* - hth* of the filtlir® fo? mI fill 4"UI 'hIii a If UdtilMU Bin*# • I* M v ■ |t.,I, ftm I nUilU-ll H'Mil t x II. Ton Hi .1 fii yurh-i "II nl* l-otttfe'l ilown Imllnild. .vim' olnllmmm I (mm (Mill lallnl Mil1 (Nil ||f MM (iNll |tll ' ' tiniiiM t.iitlii|t f*4»» •»! ho •' lil'litim | ■ Ml I lr , oil® I* flVO ytll'l |illlliy« J lot K.u»oi»s a *i)|ih ,n.i |..r n.uUu-1 |M» m "!.« ««»■ ! MM ..rMonh A »MM Ihmn.niH, l"" ' ^ iiiit i, | pi rh't',1 11+ gdma hull Willi Jh.lltm.i ehofipe.l #p«H, Malt I I ' . U.I i|i. M!ri 'ui >ii»- jwii furiituiU'i' Hlalti awuhn Uirehltif ha next Mll'-OdaN M (MM fBr*04tUtl»r • i it'.'Mil tjuiti li • iin !■ I'liuiMiy Wileuu,! for OliHt filth'. Tlif llliekryra M*ni. '•Iii h.i* i.i ii H» "ir la'Mill I- j A ft* r AM Hii»tid»la!l«»r lio«6» • fi'lihil i . : iUi inlllil (Himigli Mi® • .I lufc ni'i'iiiiil ®*tm point of hie Hi-. ml nil flu- iutHfil .1.' | Mini tin ty ItvjfMli lifting 4i M» HIy fft" H * nhnnye In III" »lntii* lit mn of lloiml MllMiei of 4101k mot aal.t I Ills W AS not nil imiiwnt wrpm* Sui St tile ImllrjirrliT rttntlilmt rmt ro l* pl.iv Utt- «•>•' ♦ Sh'lt- lieWllt'n rei»l|fBiil#ntlmt inovr* Cuirrliilil Tlirnlrr il41.u1 lot woiihl waatime the thillen tif i lii'liiitil kikh! i»IimI,ihij ihiHl* 111 I'..t.t«-r® fooh.atl, nfhf lie I .nil 1 or pirMileol, lie iirilny in ImlhtiM It-It tin* (nil lot it of Irfrrr nul.1 *1 the time otllv UN I lit |I «»••! ht.Y look over It." ilulh * of ||t lirl w| |iir*|.lr|tt, tlmt ImWarn nitimtlon wowl«l tw lilt. 2IW.T0 Mm S|wt»lrtM* nitithntr hMiiiIt. Ilrip •« the fli&t loniiitK'i tillimelf nwl itinile I *f- t-lmrtil up Inter. ■...i,; j j.i* .W'ooii tie lill mi aatitolnut to the prenhlrlit. Ailinlmlm, ■ uhI .his ,,f AH Aiitrritrtit p»<«- I5i» iVn liilraiiiural . .'I* fto.ti tto- A ■"» ii'ett t'lrn •* \ ♦1.7.1 Slantliii^s :■!: .1 ' I-. I I ... !.i|t |iii»i>d"ll ho® Up till* i ( Hinptin ClflanlflfiiU . . . I-pw Coat fl 9 t fttil it* wa hi i> » i t» it I e»* *i!ll iin I It I* Sfllhtllllt'S Kim,. *p ..n,« I Ml - "ivl Mt lhou. o " Navr; Atllt Jlili j MiMtr hi* h|M»rt 4'nr*i yam anlitf Im ael wnnnl *»t«r nnltufnetlitnt" 011 *« I ?• if M« fuilli* flrM 11i. It,ip M.llitn r, tv«« HUlr, l'ri-*ruliii|i *0j*f »s|»eiili| . , • Hrlion f Min- IiilHa. I III lit ruing Will, »AI«tiller Httiini Ha iti I %» lli»tli*rll»ia * IP!,, tv f'l liiH VMrtf. N«V* .%* lioiiotio una nun H a l l it • wn in i * Ot II..H. ilin.l 1 til HIT MAIII. • ,,i, San. Ilrl. .10 Su1 a tl -llulinlllol.l o i» On wiioil 1% |*tiin »t«.»l • iln.iuu* . ..Hi.ttore I'Oll c q|*>i< • Un tin I votllt! n in li.ilIrt tlr I.I i »• ntillrrllrltl A iVul.'t, »n.l t-ti'Y Vltfiiiih. I'il I ■ " * • * - ItlUI t P.. 1 1 .14 I'Jt 1 .mitit iiii.i and * in liui * ti. i« n »• w nitiw ia tlTtmi litl N\Vt 10 liVRlr.t * Admlwlnn Stiili* Nimvs ItlMlll'I S I ) » » tt M» it* I 11it** SiHt'hl .1 i* « ttlhtlii l * u ii I hi Mi i« n v* i (hot i( i.,*r lrfvuive .if Un M'l»e*l»»h»n. n 1.1 pm, Mntnrdny. B»r»«ltrr 3«. P»it« \\ liealon. H-l . Has 4!oiii|ilclt . lout.Kit ( lr lil l.nnMna I lit® Onter AuNII«Im»i ttaJiip.i. .* intra*tunning tin- ! • I* I Mi a iv I II I Mnu 4 II t«. I »•» ».M. n.»4 Lit |lrferl* llrltrU Aiailatrfn 1 1 I Min. It* I U It in • 1 1 hatfh.1. H, vin-iir-l fau.e Mr ten *4 nrntn nitlo. nl Hie MivhttfJPt V-ti.' »-»*-»• ! tvlta it fiw mn I laMmnttJ j p,uC nslriitp'< , Thmj he hit* u!*elle«t Vif j -., , .11 iiNtitm* i « hie AP to ntsul the prt' U' « »*«k Alarhsl lit" n.>w 'phu ty-n*mn «s»Urjje f.«»»UiH ' rn. tt. ,* heivi t*« u <1 uiH»il Nnvv I •mvv * j ft** ,4i*r t:»o Mtmrknivt rtfloi I I: |,«np, lj .11 «..r noip. -. cU-. leuitt - I >• nil tiliiikthir ho,M.-!..i. ....Mil nil ,u.t p., . ..f pi IV til I'..' til .1. ,MV„ mniUK* .1 »«' • ' > uitlM" The An ( 'I . it . ' P« iti-fen-i • r » 't «1-1 it. o" -n , )u : . i \\ n. > >11 . I.M.- t».i. k lo un(1,^1 1 «ss*r,U iiM.mipi the j : . • (, Ih-.lht.t I»it .lit fa.-t* the «* I l.«, hvl Oil* Imp.Ml- (tro mi, it.«wr\tM', In : [(,.,( |v.,if «,f the |»Ni*» m-a . . ■ hi' !,e 11 "V- I ihteie tWIfhltilUiW "•'l h» ut.hMi. „• M,e •,«...,• 1 1 An hi. , 1 i !■;, l.ifnl l«i nine in five ••lit * U»l ; _ p.,. n-HKiil-tl « tin »»'• | fyupAtv xhou .* I th® Urt ho til. I . "*t. * ii.fpio ' • • - t M»i n» tpmiior \\nn*t\ jluA;% ( , ,i, uul MivlSt,|'»j., Yi.:» ! .» M.'h•> ?l •' ppiiii i t.kl .V, I'll, in IN ill Id* M.thrU'o V ottltli t a.Mlist ♦'«*' I («| -Hi | ,» ,.t \. ii'!' . . • 1, !*■> im|tairl4llt !• . !,* u o h t t.l S|»'t|l M'l y-1 iut,h I.UUW ill I've .. : *t! Ni l ..rt ilefVll •' i* Prlilltil h.M !»« Tito Sit Tin \\ !Hi-' -.I of ' Mi*, I •,... 1 ■ r isitppt it niw of f.\ he-it np i fferise IHU hr'o n twn- l-O hi tt* ! |»,*tl«U>l tin' ,1 ., IN . Jo.tit t«*'u j |,.ai -V s.(» .1 Willi ■* Ufc'KiiwmlV® \i t I.O.. th ! I h* Ivvul,:,^ the Ihhtl ttutmin Tlve M ■ v - H. ' 1 t *\:l< Sl.i'o V'uh S!.1 lr -tti*l N. ■, M. I haw . • ' 1.., Nitv \ , t»-hn? N*vv pjaiei-.* who pi ttio,»T t h it St t o- lliv.i.:n lovw, iifc'Y.t out f.»r pprcud m»* l;. \V. .1., t. t II Mam tlVK - fimiio VN th't. : ,:t. Uiti, • ip. Utile full hi. k, Jo® Mntn- iitvr*Nt,it *• -I \\ r't , e A-. ht 1 *f Ilea:,:'. V.ho fli . I Unttio l adles Oro|i llniwiii '•V IV'li'tP'O MmhmpmUi, II tt V I • . i tV -«v<\ ItPllle.l rjkt\$ III th® ' n | Yule an.I Htiu*< ii •• i .tv$ Mni'hrr, r«(t n»ti1 ku-k- ,.'pt S' 1 '«• snptimt*' » nut il,KVni»\M». iTV Wirrat. nn.l Va. i.'i* Kilt ErcHut. ! i\.*h!»v WuUion liiSittHt A JH-lNlJitl ( -r f.ii.i li .. tl tunas Hi.i'uiu. .1 u A.i Ameiien noil 1»»' ventoo, h*« t>UiH 0 ' nit «•' NN i\ * %\ \« «pi*Mi "llillllil* ll»t»« lo i .l"l« in .. n \ n uiv-rtji •'•* nv».v'H i t Sui Ht.iv hi fi.vv the Phil ; h* up fiMui tit ptnuid* let i, t'*» Ho t ut.v I'touo f. '.N i iJ.'tphM 1'jtchv 4 Jl 2JI ViHoev ) ^ 'ipj k. x p> y ,, ♦, a l.v „<* MMt.tit weight Hfimji 1 tvni h*-.1 In Ml!,' Now* ivioil .0,1 *ft*« t leifhuht IliMii tw >" i,,u . t .ii.fMvt'" »«j n.-w .! .1 exricwiM Hn higgrr. . I an,I w-.ll* a»M M IS. ,.h<*f «»,t viler than t»ef,»ie« \ ■■ x trfm « h P., i h.Vv n ,.,w SJ , \,i, I ',.1 IHW • .'ohil Siv.i u il' M*m WW Is' .lr, ,k l.»!.» •: •n.I .me Svmt'tiv® plater *h« I inVpHtof \V . tun , .ot.t Ihe oXtH'o.v <"f vk'hirv «»i-.trvv.l . .t-i't S.-1 ihnt hn team! IV H'V , I'.!.»!Ot 1* '•.» IN V T--e ptMoM the ItrtiHPs. ..1 on ui'nvm.I x. . hnvfvit irpuhie tv-inning j npp*v«r «*!t ;V t'lk".. iHHil> n.: » ihnsl pUt.T m the Nnlhuwl | (u. j ^Xl) j,4 dU UsMfW i «visi, m ii'-i 43 •WSSu,.ii' h*rt. II. on. KA*nSiJVi iiVt n( iVKf nii'-tv ■!, «n.t the K-ttf !>•* lik nix I . Ixi,, finiuot Ititttin.l Sa'.w, • W>s«i»,t a JUTVI- ' &*r. IHi'tV Hi i* tilt* |V'»,thl*l\( ■IV* 45 hvm 1 >•;>«!> Hi - * ,1 • O .. -.o "V* V '•* N'f.vl »• '•!" i . Yp, h i til Sht"o, nhwh h.i« th> j r, v*r NM.i ; 1 * •"-. t,t »viv 1* .n-• .»••:« -A tnyjtsvnegi.ih* t• -v•.*t* ! tif M w t;'t» HT u, phio.y foui flt n the (860 J iif Irthivvnal |Ti«S.»s.-1 WWA tVii'.rtR I'- * 'P'-on* STU'S EXPLAINING HOW MACHINES WILL ■> The Touch That Counts SOME DAY "OUTTALK" PEOPLE I With by Cakes hi I'uizi: 2nd PRI7K 3rd Hil/K "Slu" Smith pniiluai.Hl frxm, Soiiih.'rn Cat With a powrrfu! yen lor excitement. Hi. kind of rtciUmrnt—Ihannming. lata Anne let area. Aa tranamuaion field Stu machinaa will aome a pioneer in thia new data predtcta data proo-v-ira .lay do more Long Dwlanca » Il i BRAND ROUND-UP (ONIEST lie rot he barfatned lor (and a little "talking" than people. £5" Ralph's "KEWPEE'S" (aleieria morvt wh. n he joined Pacific Telephon... One of Stu contacted 12 othit compamea before join¬ Open to all Tfwmnmm* i mvivvoti Stu'« early aiwirnment. m, to find out how eviatinc Lor* DtnUnrr nettewk. rould he uw.l ing Pacific Telephone. "I don't think therea any limit to whiTe a man can go in the telephone ¥ to pipeline hivh »|*«l "convertationa" between buainem today. Of course, thta isn't the place far WIN: computer* in d»tant ritie-i. a ruy looking for a soft touch. A man gets all the The fact that he did tine job did not opportunity he can handle right from the start. NOW: CoMad packagas af aay unnoticed. a jp, He a limited oqjy by how well and how fast be f. can cut it." of Nia Today, four year, after starting bia tele-, fadatiiac If phone career. Senior Ungineer Stuart Smith U Stu'I tatting atout Me (tad rdf»V.( rt, V.g, if a, ■ 'f./, ».w . '"KV" r^:- t«'1« ' HorUrtfA/i 1*1 w.d >.f, |".|if,«y» nf tl." fa;.at 1 All- j First Game W.nflrf-d ■ * '• " ■ Wan Kfai.'.#//| Wi 0VI IVf-1 7 4 rf44rr. fra. W'ffJ th ..., u..„ I.,., ... 7#£/*', - H'ffjt.'A/i. t'A.14 Jrtl- W» ih-tn-HM (MIM. AU fpff) fllo flfflej# jS » ..ef 1'4fW« : Ul un,,. g,. wWMWW run I ^ , Of Season 1|H Tin- iJatrmt. in t». «•« a.'l hiee.k*'! ' aif. j*(ln,|„y f(- fan f.,r n -f.J vi'V/,/ 'rv*-i out* f ainfio - Cla- tifM ? VhUf K»*/ t/f r Vtl'fk* » Wtitla Uut tUin g !• r/a» Ui« k*"*ul klTftlght Uai* ( OHTttOtT W'1 I" Mart*. Wnk.. »»i# 'HI iiffMiae and ^ Arri.'r i' an:- l /ri/rUd Jfl y»-.,/~',.d V*b-| all Ui«t »ea;J k'l yiu >lk "1 ' /»■' j.'-avi ^ •heif 10 ga'nr J*p*h f/fir II NnU»".al letgn ' *iifri|Hi.g»n. t»rr '0»«- tying fs/e' f»»!' M«r<« O, • w.«/ the' lii*f ifih'l reeii.^l JO It vii-t'iry «fv<' 'Ix- wn'UI' liaiUrn/wu j J4 „ f) }V <4 4he I'M- f ' I-* -/ •' IWUllWf" <'.M* With ffelr'Wt J y y ,4 ffan. 'fial a-.'l I fM.el.l;, I . h * j JtlOO f»e!.| g-enla '.f *1, 40 I>*1 Hi, vian.fn Of IVht tr, i.'l, Vi'l'.i. t.a'" 1/ < hal.Jf y mi'I* Myt»r« 4«! Ikd .farran « 'l • / ■< of '».«• ?.«-1 *1 niOr-.t.^ I .to » l» twn MarOn .'M.itlr. H-h, M»' M**r r y 32 three -m.ri'i'e aj.tfi !»«.- • .« t','1 Ii»m j 'a 1 a v. a.k - in n fro- t fiot-t# I'll . ./n kh k f af.'l «* » trnh r Tyef* Tij.g ./ Tan,- W, fh« final jiet «e1, hr« i»kir./ a M*1' -Motor h*iu>r J |.a-« fi'fU. ,a ■«./ i. ' ne.:»ie«1 rrv*i th< 1717 *1* with • ki'k frtmi *»l 1/iiiUi fMytir# kl«k. v« r »13 tlin' hit V»}| »'f th#> r»w#k,l 1 r n. lf»' -.'/.r filai',/. ki M ./i {. ayrfig if. .J IIAIXMAKK CARDS ti'te* In! nri'l lei'i/w*'! 'r/ri Ik'-Mi Mar' in S! I>^ Kr, II.- h.'.Wwd *:*< fmm Ma'tin 4' Iff* -l^r^ HO f.r, ti/ft lor hvrryniie On Vmir IJ.I 40 V4i'll kid •*' till1 "I', wl'i. 1l< /a 1,a.,.;. hf»/y.e ').» 0-0; J.oa# rt»I*Tf'4 jrlh', • I Mdft*|i tihn&oif With a '«• Ir> h«h| tir- in U.i fifth •*. an eif[» nf tl-' •ve-Ve-f/'?. '44 k./^4* ttl* l4rw*»«<-fc»y It--J r*» | by 'I iliiria 'VAtfil |.| hhfrrtatf/ji Ardr« fitrt- INDIANA luill-riirrler I* prouiilil I'mc'lusHy all the llwmirr yam nivere'l tie f»e#'hnl| w.'l M« i NKV/ YQflK. /A' -If'a.*'/, U'-is Arot/ .% y/aik WMit tinlilrnl if it-,I Spartan. tin k l» k»«! Uai f.rld v.,*- f/'4fii' '414 '*'! i,i an shml n* Hlnle triumphed, 3S-II. (fiwiiftriiia v f^ 1, fii a way »«h of tie* pU/t , W»r^44 f'air kNli^wl'iwn II^'/W# tiy *!»•• |4.l4r^-i_ fyr- 1 in tare j •> n#*-»l 44/m.: »,i«,an.f af.'l kf'ka'l H " M.hira */d •> * Fix up your lalile willi .1 lh. k ftfitfM Trt'h) !-n- Sti »ie ei'.u |4'/ir»'# W'f'.day as ».«• Mre« hai./io. ■*«, a 'la ♦ wi 4 #/n tf»* Ii f << i a'-i when f#»*•» Wrr?»»rd '*.* of fJrT.tte' !»••»•--*'* 1 A l.eia... li'.if i»- tig f»:J*w. '» if.' . "II \I.M)WF.KV renter [licre ami nn>l ran"! 1') f'.; »n u*w-1 »l*f«n»h d tJie New '/'irk Ti'an.: Af'e. •4 HI MilHltli J ft » t'n thr ",r *4!/ 0, y M*l* *urr wnirr | •'.« a |><*Uy HUidm' #«ld * 411. «• Vm li'l'i*n 42 2H in wt.41 e/a# n,'4ra likw ari 40 '»00 ae.'J Arr^,r -'a». inatrliing plrrn. 10,Ml killed of f lUM»w»rnt aerial —' — *H " ' ' " . ION Iff It II .8 fjUhr- If •'. Ulan *'nil'| |>4tn«fiui« from Vhan a far-g a' 'to Km ■»* ijesr, l*r« in the f.rwl t»», ff.i'.-j Karri*, , .11...'1.1 *111 U; lilt-. inthxiti 4 !,'"•* Hti t Inlci lf» th# «!#-iu*n. M.fn., 'i-an't rf*a/w{fea *f'/1-1 T'Ai. ■ I'* »i* li. aUm. When Mrtftci ijir-- tlnltM. wi.'i 'ft fWh, .» Un /, ' •'"'11 .if 1 thnrn Wight Hook' . hi In ti» gnff.e WttH tt.nikllfig f»**- f.n.M f« *.I tlaynt'irrl flkrty, hk't tak¬ ,r w.gM V" en M.e ' f t.ruiniig U,m (tlar.W t»i rne-e.1 feidiar* ghnvWig W/rr» ...1 h 1 a *,",0 n.ifmle |j,p tf» U.* Claaaar and CAMPUS BOOK STORE .••d-uniforr/.id irnyi artruhd in lh* rrfjtrr nf tlir !»rid lO.e, (, Ik ft Mid tl»4» fcky WW«]«t mr .11, « h ai »r. l hrigW and Shirt Laindry th„ Ait.'i vHn'ity *a* 2ff Aer«»i From .Vnion Huililing i»i ji ' The? te/ri|4rl «''ir* was 00- M |*Wgnu's plan win Ufid Full of Fun I.I) 2-Ut2\ for PUk-t'ji h l/iffir'o rrrr tiutrfff l)iUut firld ivaaiai / hr-ya e gdjuattfig my timen CampuA. MttA&S&op. and v/atfh ng tin- S.foaUf'Hji- It's Mm Ofh 12.0-IO M'lO,rr«r.r» «i hr 0'rr.r-l ha rfwn »trai> nn a ,r!l'iw <■•#%'» hrlinri - MANY Mfl'MKItSON (i), Iniliann fri hmon, and | a; 00 A-. Um* nil leiaft" « hmOe-d hijpirr the wind »ia*h#'i at I960 arn M.lllltlO. Slltlr N>H» hi,iff l.tllr f. 1i»lk OVl T Ihl* j T.y faiy ft'nn thr »ef»a 14 donf ■-nrre M'-4*hrn.»n wnuid l^g.n uittihulp juiriji ' - tun Iliiil MrlMirtMm frtfltlf into tht II'mmi- Innihall NlMilium an part uf deduallhii rrrr- hi* r»r»i «|»t I 'i * 1 to prn'ri-t frrrfn HOMECOMING THE BEST IF nunin. ' • wsnd hy fruiiing ni/ *iiawi- DANCE featuring: BROADWAY & HOLLYWOOD There's Always O Am of Man D Ouys and Itolls 0 Anatomy Of A Murder O ,Hi*h Society Bah iharinrt □ arrhjr it aMhltabel fj House Of f loser, C Kin* Aad I a Aroand The World fa ■ml hi—r □ Anal* Oet Your Oun *0 Days * c Clean Miller Story O Kismet IB piff. O At The Drop Of A □ Bells Are Rilfiif c Man Mith The D Ki", Me Kate Csldea Arm Orrhenlra Hst □ Ben Hur Q Mark Tnain Toniyht O Babes In Arm, c Oktahaau Can Can BaNy RayaaMa O Briaailaon □ My fair Udy □ Caraaaif- c Porry Aad Be»- Vorali*! in D Music Man □ Call Me Madam o Desert Son t c Pat Joey the hhriMv □ I'ajama Oamr c Eddy Duchm Story □ CaadMe □ The Kobe Style □ Soar Of Norway a FHe Pennies Sinry 0 Sowtk Pacific □ Cyrano De Bereerae I960 llomrroining Q Showtmat □ Olri PT St adeat Priac, □ Fmrella Vurrn D Sound Of M u-1 r D Ciaat O f'iaiaa's Kaintmw c Yiktate ■nil Her Coort 0 Oreat Caruso O f hewer Dram Boar D Threa Penny Opera G Wild Owe 0 Benav Qssdmin llonieroming D Oypny □ Want Side .Story' Story G Wiadjamawr Outplay Awards Plus Maay Other 1 aw LP. SATVRMY II SALE informal 20 - •„ 30% OFF ON THESE LP'S * . Carrots Drive-in <4 2900 E. SAGINAW 2 Blocks Want kaawar Tkra af Fraador laanday 11 am. W II am. IrMir aad Sstordar 11 aaa. la * Per Union Ticket iouplr Office CtMtpui. MadeShop- 4 * MONDAY. OCTfUir.ii :i, , ■ vr MICHIGAN STATE NEWS PACK EIGHT I$ ■) i Pi';' It's October 24 3 i ■ | « * WE'RE CELEBRATING OUR Here's ONE FULL YEAR'S THANKS to Ihe Students, Faculty, and Citizens of the Spartan Community for / V mak- ing the Spartan Book Store's first year an exciting period of growth. This week we wish to offer a special invitation to our old and new friends to help us celebrate our very special birthday. ☆ OLD BOOK SALE Now in Progress See why our unique "Supermarket for Education" is winning more new friends everyday. Anniversary Special ' MON. • TUES. - YVED. MSU Textbooks (Self Selection) Stationery Ghildern's Books (to good to miss) Sale Paperback Books (Displayed by Subj.) To kirkniff llir celebration »e'»r our adilnl l» romplrle Murk of Stativnrn, Writiur' Complete Educational Supplies pad», ami Typing paper. Chrrk our npreial ANNIVERSARY die- MSU Sportswear play tor all your nlalionery nrnb. fe lia»r paalrl colored paper and M.S.I. oral da- tionrry loo. $■ -tOb* Don't miaa your rhanrr to Mock up now during thi» ANNIVERSARY ulr. Il atari* today and will continue through Wedm— day. October 26. m "The Supermarket For Education99 Qa it if 3: •f # CORNER ANN AND MAC - FACING THE FAMOUS TRIANGLE