Tuesday, October 2.*., imd M I c 11 i <; a n st a t k n k w s pagij two Information Police School Three Charge* iAtbls Weaver Big Absentee I.I 'IlOII IN Nirill'M AHWI Nixon Aim Volley r| I I ION I , r.tl».nM»| I,'"""i A ,„w nn Itomnni ' ' TAt' HIOM A 7t.'Ui ji.ai, Tower j tiring added »« the rUftleuliim -,f Vole Forecast Of Jalrs at Jack ttooni, lUiton, for Wolverlr.e ,j(|> liirture*, iiiatrtitpf fallowing ln,||o»i and f'nhllr Hafetv with n- {j A til M# 0(1.1*1 lU.M'ANM „f Pntfee Adrtiloi.-t • n nirivHl of ttr. l-eon Weave «„ 1 »'l#! 11,.. l amgit" PENNSYLVANIA (/!•» - Vice Preitldent Nixon jabbed pin., ll'l Bnioa Weaver, a whli-ty r» ne.»..1 Americans Abroad 'lake hard nt Hen. John Kennedy with MtreefheH, statementa mill < II If IS II \ N '¥. OHfiAN- ruriaoltant in the area of l,..| telegram* Monday a* he plugged fof I'ennaylvanla a prize r/,ATION 7 |Mm., Htnall <'h«i» ||-|a| (||iui -ii-r control and di r. . package of it2 eleetoi'al votcn el, I'eogle'a ( hureh plana, and reynntly Chief of 1 Keen Flection Interest , Ttie Republican Presidential, """""" V ———•*■ XAIMM* I I.I It 7:15 p.m., M. diietinn of the fUtW .,f « • candidal* laiil down Il»l« barrage i p. listen to hi* public grot' l/nlmt lo-fctr.c ' |H,|P||ni, Mohlllra• Ion Kit PMi l.ONIMiN «J') Tlir Nivoo Keimeilv IVe-t«l*»nttrtl ronlest ayalnat hi. "• » ...u'tlttn, ... f»Y,.r ..' « bill«rii»-l jliKAlil AI r; JMI'.H ■ VAKHII'lVj !'iJJr'7wioV~iI«7i»ii ( IIHIKTIAN FKhMIW MilII' „f p,.- achool'r Imliiiii. tn In- ilet I'll 'I T«ieMilii>, Nov, X, tun ntirreil up the American pupiitiiti"|i in Fnrope t«» I lie extent that Mlmrtthrr voting T,r- a p.m. Hft, Union, Ml. larl will 1 K>,'uiiiy program, - - *« apeak on lluddhixin, aecotfl of The lndn»trial aeeurlty pri.jru. limy be lit all lilltliiie high ' I A charge ... ■ daleinrnt ff(rw ^ ,, a aerlea : will expand under Wrnvn ■. v"- F mini >V official* fI'ottl I t,,(V „f ||*,ii;.' ihrtuitt n-|*«t f»r '•win'- to Include added eto|dia>. NUa|| n|r<| (i|T illul|l#r ,rl„ PMOMI NAhl lfM Mil I T'VI. I M that the Kennedy ramp retorted; t.iiiii|"ii In Aiitiiiiii iifuil oil "" < •>) u -1 ti it u * 19 ■ "■<»»«' vI!j»I than f.r "distort hm, h.fiuend.i and ; ff)||n |#| K„,|(|l(|y #|M 0,, w,.rle,| ItOAlllt pro.. Wl tivru j, riih)M'|■ dealing wpii tin II II ll ilili M t ill 1111* I MI'Ipi'iVM 11 • 11 • l *> ~ 1 ir I'f'iri gOHFM'l MV « I.I It pit.. .nrit.y reajioualblMy of • •meal" In an »ttcr»i|it to ,,e»|.lott a ftfp, trlavi.lnn iadin de- III I fun ,1 I I In- nil ruler IiiiMmI- flu. ItiitfK" "t »h'i i* to Mp Ko»e*try t'ahln. Or. fieiui Av,,i.v. y',- iiidu*trl<-n for both -. the rrllifioM* Utne to i-olhllfy j j(-jr Mini.I .M.I ll Mil thwliile % «!••* I'miril •<#»««•-» f-.r lit . II m "I oli.Mhr. ». « -.'•IMl. T),, VI.. I'r«l.lri.t Ml.l ll. i<|i<-uki-r Vanrhook picture-'. u,uy und nun mllHory tlina . lnii.U ill M"i im it four yrar* li ROmrlhlng «>f . wear autta and tlci iireparednea*, affording - •». •< Hi. nil Mint (point H milium IMi- deepest concern t«i lb«»e* ri.t.1.1 mil u...l.n.i«...l frwn K.m An aaaertton in a telegram nedy'a reply fn hit wlta Hnnday HPAMTAN WOMAN'H I.KAfil !'• «.hoo!'i direcioi Arthui I5 i, Villi - III I lit" ('I'll «f ' be ; ftirr|r*M4 wbo Will accepted , **;«»»ti|. "-il.il- i" Mite I'v or rejected In oriAin *00 »n In Kennedy that the flenatne haa ' whether the Itemneratle eapdidate FXMT'TIVK IMtAltlt - I p m . *tatter. )>l ilni Imim I t ito 1- e• * "h the bust* nf ju«l whet that Image blundered badly in pronounce-' Hn-rpted Nltiin'n prnpo»*la tin ; I'll Htndent Hfcvke* — , inenta mi Cuba and that "Iha'imrh an fftfOilttter. AWH MM'MTMFM ATI\KM a ( AMKW CI4A8.SIFir.D i tufliig iiilli'l fi"Mi tin 11 Till* K'lra forth* ruining eogl , r» »!»'••«' i Cnltoil Rtatc* in theae crHU all p„i Nlxnn «ald b* at III wnuld p.ni. di!M Htmlent fiervh-ri IIK.II ltFAIi|rdtSHIP li.on 11 (' 1 I mi 11 nil ili-iint. lilt I'' ui.#r hi well a* the embassy nffl IIIIMF.H HI ritP.MN . do of tricky a*elgnmeni. timer (annul dhk a Prc-ldent who I |,e glad In hava hi* reprearpta- MOMII.i: .1 Mini O...II In i «n- 1, mf in a t I.I H twin p.m . H I liljy . . . Ski.I. . ttKN r lillMM' the S . iilli ii la ImU || H I.ANHFM • "rnrHail make« nilatnkea (if thi* tnagnl-i live, Umtei Hecretary of the SKY JOHN I KI NNFhV. Ml. ittttl Srit. Sttiarl tndi " j Cieaiury Fred Hcrlbner, meet j. .1 li III I • iiio'l I UI »•»•■». campaign.* That lathe hour whet. ..fit. CI t« ••• "■»|"»««thli- 11 American*, together with thru Sn mlngtott, fritter, listen us fm ttter I'rwWfBl' lldfry !i Itepeated tlUnata III ■pee«,h*~ " ith uu Kennedy 'a staff fo •" try to •'« •" Nl.MM.li (In III. imiiI'I me tin 11-' |-,ttfii|iaan frlciHlt, rfliru*! it Fed S. 'IT 11 «tnit seems to be giving ltd*Ire t« fbr Itrnm- at what Niton aaid wefr the Men work out Mitaiigemenla for Um j leiiinnn Willi Mm- 1 ir lit i 11 y A mi. r t.an newspapers, the (a at»ii'a ra*hne»* and lack of e*. fifth meeting, frulie nominee niter Kennedy bail addressed a crowd 11.1 mi >coi» agu km. linn) | ,1m, even the replay nf the Ni«t»(v llii-Mi I nt In-1 "'I. ! Ketnieily dclwlrr on felevl*l»»n. at Kansas City, t/l't Uiteplmln. |ierleme in foielgn alTalr* Vice I'ri-kidenl *nlil Kennedy hud Tha Till! VI. I: l-MMMirvr Will newsmen hi* own plana for the! I itha Americana ate ah«*ut a« "up" ahowit that "when Ihe chip* are final campaign week were aome. Ill I MIIS lime, *1' M authiiri on the auhjert a» If they were ai down" Kennedy vea* likely l«i !•• n 11 t-i. , i|ii« Interest il.j. peireniage iii ileal mme In I «uh|mii, lui- t'een eu I- huiind I" ' Imnie There tif American abroad 1* one big dlffrrrrur 'he free of !•*■! Jack Slaps Dick's I"main, mhlaki-n tlinl could lead In war or In** nf territory " Niton what- up In the air herau*e of the uncertainly over lha debate Ntami asked Sunday that a auppc'ed wIkii thai l.ha Senator fifth debate lie devoted largely j ..(til Mil »Hlll "l(ll|lll«-IMll «»f IIIItatlonn llr l» Ve*e-I t.» l»»ci | I- "the kind nf Mian (Nlkltal lo Tube and that tha Vice Presi¬ (il.«r..ue halhUn I.hU the eiiaildea are slauding up. I.. In- Si m ■ Mimti'il JmIui hrnnedv'a iM.li.alrn nt least notional, jjlohal filftinjw »«d »t * campaign thta level he derides how h» i- going to Vote Thera have ).Crn various *ff»it« Legislation Itcconl IKhriwhrhwv could make inline- meat of " dential nominee* also participate. In yesterday's telegram Niton NIXCS PI II Hi Fit a full effort «"gge*ted that Kennedy waa try¬ i'iiiiki, v nl( m•-'"ho ll I I VMS Sen, Jo|m I Kcnncdv stormed into lie- i to outdo even hi* prevloti* cam ing to back nut of tha Implica¬ j |„ |t«%|| AmerlrHKi in w»> '•* 1 hi»* imldican atrnngholih 111 • •'*»»!»»«l |lliin»i« Monday ttud arritscd i paign pace tn tlm rturial linal two tions of hia statement last Thurs¬ •••■< J"" (hale vutiiiK seotlmeola V..»»# Vitc Crcaldcnl llichunt Nixon of cvaditig »t vttnl vote on u-eek* day on Cuba. k.v* ■I-."" Homecoming Festivities .......J ... "ll... I" social a«*Clirit> AI llarrlahiitg. In- told a crowd Hut Nlaon said %irlua!!y all „,.M,lhw| nf about 12,twin to get. out and major newspapers were agreed "••I*,""1)...iictiialun* A I S.. olWciat c* .. I Iwluir Mi Nli»« h«i l.d |0 ni,|fH-p (lai'mrnl* In nlder work "a* you hava never worked tbat the Senator's comment clear¬ • leiiui n|< pin henne»ty aaulUtieut i plained the w ic kmy . (••« I "»i m.. iai lei pen|il|. In the hlili.t and tlie din- befnie" between now and Nov. K ly implied direct 11.M- government in \ HI |MM* iiiH|.nsl trend paltnc i*(alom) imt inncly In-, n a mi-ni M».l..|, and llo- me«*nie bet. S Irt.gc pmI of Fumpe't Aniei "lherf la no j hcran.e there »• n« *»., t. fhlng a* ta i of i( " Kcnnc.l v -aid m -|. (Km h iec.n.1 nf prr»gre*a ? Tbla i* Nil on'a first train tour support of anti-f'gatrn forces in Gall Far Oar I. alt rMpiilalK-n. estimated at he Ian j American rnmnito'.ii> »linw.l , Kennisty aim launled Nimn I'.n | li.i- h ciindidnle who I* going of the campaign, lie will be on Cuba, Kennedy Haa derlared ha never advaeated such direct In¬ I.mim situ,(Mill gud t|.IIMI,IMM», I" in' Fach la affeclmt or iertturi" ««.l in)rupning •"« the alugan, "you've t„ h.ad the I'm led Stale* ahead bia Ill-car apertal until Friday ^ 1.r 1 ina 111 piniil.i alu.ill I'luups plu* civilian" In* '.Mil lion their wav hi w K. 1 lie to ha.I Mr •Umimd t. * "I 1 i""»i 'he 1«.-p»d» i< the ««*»T" ||t. av alu charged that the ad afternoon, lie told repoitci* be tervention. eoiialdeied ft Ihe beet way to "This la another ea*e of yeur Oaaplsts Services I the kind of tn»«l(»* pocwe* l(u- 1..1111HH pi.|iiilntl."i 1* -11 In ...fiat h i i-itof i..n ( miidatiatbm had fnile.1 h» fore- cover the key atatea of Feiinsyl- - peaking ftrst and thinktnff after- * I he people (U** l> now a thai Ihi. Kenlic.lv f'-l.tn .i.Iimw. i adoiM i>- K,,, etpboinna in Cuba and vania, Ohio, Michigan, and till wards a habit which la a very «...i .11 On ♦ - lillia.l.M' CAMPUS DRY CLEANERS **l'!i«ii the miiiv <* pipvailcl mm Jn.lv tJailan.l in elhou. f«m**(h.i w.lh «... • .»a' lialoo. ' i »• .- ■ ""h. mi.. .-Iin-n 1 \fnfM ||,. ipoit. ,| Niviin, bin. tmia in the cliMiactic- daya of the dangerous one for a man who la tight a cold and llv f 1 mui I.oii.l.-m population, an.l it .*(• t a( •*(! live ntwul ♦•-,>* e " Judy »aid ; name n* al horn* In fa«t. we a».»n»nt Ihe m. Slnle» had initiated a program of The litlp (ioiiiii.ee devoted nm*^ select him ai Commander-in-Chief aha w n 111 d dy l«» t rankfuilj think Ihu »tpin,...» 1- »K.ai • I 1 . t'ein <* . , pi »"■ i.M (ii i.-»l ja ,1 n.e in I.a* In America, of hi* attack on Kennedy to for¬ of all the Armed Forces of this .147 K. GRAM) HIVKIt Kit 7-07.V) Wadlirgilnv fin n couple i«f ap , free and i»Hinfluenced a> »>»u can .an ji.lt!. wh- 1 I.e. line -iihiln.. Mntiiil have tiera 00 t.'M- eign policy matteia hut he did nation," aaid Niion In hia lataat pea 1111*. c* at Viitie-I Folic*' ba-.c gt I ' liai 1 ' •"« I- fn Itriilil.onaiiy lie ' (to" tint neglect domealie affair*. telegram. TUX WCNTAI.K n».I Uui.w a pilch in fur "a \ i .| en the oil • » »i l# -d Ihe jMil.i.i .in 1 Of Afn.M, he raid He told hi* liatenera that, their Tha Vice President aaid Ken- f.len.l" kite w«« IccMUlcl, "he vlohe Hie oulioi'ie of !'•«■ I > t\ I'lOttl \ whi, I. i-.M r..1 "fin* admiuiatratinii did rod Vote* would Dot only determine nedy also had claimed that hia ONE IIOITR SKRVUT: • hhI. by the HrnNlm'a si«tri, Fat, I'rr■•hlrltt C.li el«S ti.Ml h»« k. .Nik .I |h i».N >a • , . mid n Know that Africa •stated until tha Hie leadership needed to keep the views orr tha Chinese National¬ KVKRYTHINO IN At.TUUATIO.NS win* 1 mail I.-.I to Hntiah Helm a topic l»f hill nil.g llltf|r»| iO I....M.I * K 1? ''.'V Ml ISU'MI tnaaaed t olign |t|«« Up " pear# In tha year* ahead, hut al*o ist*' off shore Island* of (Jiiemoy F. trc I i»w(.oil mo H parth'ulaOy »ti«# the >-f< >1 t*MMt "the price* you will pay and tha ami Matsu had been diatnrled. i -Mint I'd 111: Hkllt, a* he ha* oant 'e vlii-i* irlan.U ».f Ijiicoioi asnl Ma! hear h.i.i lOiHHi (pm*tt.in of your joha." till. MOM |» Fm... air 1 e lit 4. d ti .1.1.. IV prate.II.■. >r now *ee the Soviet ill he. tune a »"amp.-ufn •• 1 ■- , .CM I i||..i. . t Kennedy haa not challenged ilia i>'inll"g I he tele a- vatnahle en an MlltdiKM xpi-rcil Ml the null ' I iiion t)i»t on the moon, am) what $15 billion price tag put on Item- there ha* been w»r -is-ret P»*t ; . i. ttainmcnt for thn trnop*. A. in llllllMI* i- tm* nf outer apace t* true of nerallc platform pledge*. Niioff ting «»'• the nutrtHttv -- - *-»* JH .)• l.-.r t nix: ,< h i cnmpiiwiuug a» «u. h fin ,* * ( )|.-TI I1 I l every atca of national and inlet* •aid, and ha* not figured out how i *u e iiNinldi«e --f *• * ■- cilhci Kc- '.f ll m N n c |*»e»ulent 4 <">* f, n * in Kn. national government," "to escape from the bog hi* plat¬ hanocd in 1'>ui'»-j» V 'the •irn-tly * lii.-hatd Vl \ oil 1- talnsv „lri fluw in.*..1 .If than M hen ho repeated tlna ibarge fnl »« « an l.r tcaiUPtL rrri' menu •< form haa put him in on tha old Nil.;* S.-u v and \m t m.-e ate lt.uk fold at the titilvemty. there waa nttie.l tu t* hdve Keen pieC*»4 but • ■ < •2; >!"»• «»> N Ih'-Ht. . Ill ipieetiou of paying for what you • («-iit*t\ nh.mt It the\ even mca- a. I Mi booing ami clapping. The booing '(he it.liiiMii Inches ff spa. c l'*-! ' .nl.t* .'f . '• (*U4 a t ll I-,.- UiHVU- i .. Ml promt*#," KiV.ui lui**' heell giv»i P*iiim, k.-.- « .»( Nt*..I. hack, i ■ j * minded allgbtly imidei. lit l Ml i-ii I hl> IvI-pnhllCMM tt •" t w.iir ?•» t.iv*- . (».»*.! - H..I..C . ai i n-.l j Kenneily pauaed mnmriilarily, "Till: AMERICAN people tn v.KH'iali.- nominee"' .tail* tt.tii know, and. thay should know, that \ «*.»•- a< .i ...... i otheicj id then »nn| emphatically, "I tr .- im the ..i\n. orw*papci* 1.1 will itemize th.it ckatge " you can't conjure up $15 billion | 11 A* 1 I •)< !»:. . -1 Itla.j '(>< h hi. m |',» .i lut'.tn l.n'i' .e out 01 the Mi ' lie hated at length what be in a year with fUcal mirror*," the turning he hoc u m t r.ia.M in tfuiihb- • called the failure* «.f the aitmin- Vice Pre»i iiM'tuI iiilil-. lf mI i i* ant si Vim- 'So my oppoiu-iit find* hi* foot - \ evertlieie »• tie »!)( (if the i t*tiatiou to foreeeo aiul evaluate j \iHi,-.| Fmce* ha* tended lo caught in b I un. |„ the event* that took place around ! •-, Kcltirit to i a niteiK < any campan-»ii"«. a* it .t at «• .. it,1 in |he ftuhn**! popula : Kvl.-M-MV put In* • ulenant »n j the world >n the in*t eight year* he m< ,*»-.» i- H» eotilraaliw.1 Peeautent Frank Icy lo pay for bia iavi*h promise* by sharply increasing ta*r«; but} ' iniHat , an v«ul>e(M'>l *> li. ',h. tfici);i. Siii.c .at. cr tli-i Jiouucvci!'* i|Oet*ion to ap|iro' that can only check the economic j p, hair l. aiin'.t ion« ««.» ihe Vv.-.i.Mii ..f lak.-'V aide- >»• •» I'M Mit-hiiiaii • i \ true* poll *lmw. d t he „ S„, ii-adtng I jniaie 1 atom luthoii ' to ■inadi the growth he I* counting on; or hej with the Kiaenhower ad- could resort to deficient financing, MUM ... th« -c..fv\ of the bal S.v.m in it inn 74 pe» t»iini*t atioii i - not appropriating but that will step off inflation Mulligan will act aoo'iiv . t.. k again t« 4(i. .«• |>ct . money tn beat the liu«>iaua into over ...111 . HI Ultiapfrt it at K' New \»>ik 1 tin haimn- .ith the thinking of .i an.! tui- V^I' .. i. K-neu t Jt ... jwctn i»i vhnx* *|s*.-iitu»». W«i til.- ave.agf nut- of the politically Kennr.lv * nt w k H e i w itt •!»« He wiuu.it thwl the l.cplibtKOti* minded Amfitrail'tP fmeign serv ■(tend part ut the wvek in Mich had fought iwiti icgulaUon lui unit lirr . ik»" vcai. The argument a* to "who St von wdl cover the came ge*. Ami he j-wui I'inr Maff of ■ can deal heltri with Khntolkhrv, eial tetniorv a* nurint by K»'«- ! " kfter ft* i*y»n» the h.r p.c- r vphme.t thuuiglmiit the cam : iwdy on IVt. tt It - thud v»«d |ldrre Wayne count.** inctoding * rah. will meet with di*astorment liom at Mount Clemen*, *.• '.* to the Stat* Sew* trader* rvpre»*cd 1 cratic atva* . f M a t « m K and * *hoppmg tenten at Warren *• d n\m I M.V it I'rrMMiil W». in, i,M o gluMog -Molallioo- da-lgn. !o«piratt,.n far o aorar Id tkaai aaror o galfl tUmraadl* Havor, mlldoaaa, aod ralara.lM — all ai.hout uthaltng —ara atrwtly gala. ^ \ Me would wrhome an* *on»- Ko*cvytte, a dinner in downtown .1 it liirfi.idual llair M.lint *irdn,ht nt mnpaiatr*. •« Will thin rrturn women la kaodaga? \ (Mr aStakad H-oNd dtirt a( Mayba aot. But II w.U ha a Wart airr- nient* you mi. ha*e rotH'einint ivtioit and a (ally at Kcvwoc.- it ^ll.rr lU-nJitiK «sH Tippiim uaa al yaur aula yrtra,t.*, ... and the car rent election year or aiti- j aUdium >n lUmtn*m.k w.il h" gravrd flooorl. TO-l gl-aaaraWa u hoot. elf* written on the campaign*. | K.-pncdyT eight hour • w • r- g it MrndrrUinc tahlr lln KiyU. >0% »orl, ht kdd.e*< ymn letter* to (he j through the air* wjarssyxwywa&tMr State Sew* Political Id it or. Me! lodge, making b* ftrat cam- HAMILTON (Kr— lo Sahoi ( liMlrlr) Mld cola- gonad at rirgra re*et»* the tight to condense or ■ p»'gn *wtt t*» M-.g »- »- < 100% Mil. (nil.li irwrtte letlr«* to tit available tele lhftr.nl late Swr.i*. 'iigM STANDARD * Air (ondiliomd I... r r, I if.*I. MM. lio.o* npntr . Campaigning ail da. Mi-vn id DIVISION Of * Suolan Kaon. « are will he taken not to di*- tha iVlroit arow. he U «.* •« Hear tort yoat vrew* ia any way. Utty had. a »?.-h-■,* c*n UNITED EXPANSION- 1 n.ignrd Irlte.* will wot he ter at livon.a, a!'- . * IS u.ed hut name, wilt W withheld j warek .eremc y in iVu. • a-vi AIRCRAFT CO-kll SCKCIAI. DAYS SALE STARTS It i eowealed. I *l*'t lUmtrapvck. Fa t itetioit Ha* d line for the follow mg j and South IW-M COSSOSATIOM MON, Tl'ES, AND * KU Medneaday ta Sunday. X p.m. Bofow 'eavirg Tn.a.i WEDNESDAY ... - Lodge w«U al*u pay a vi*»t at Will MTCRVKW ON rt*l » - V ' guhv inatonal <*T.«Ui*:r Pa«l fV I 111* yJlfllC IaCWS j Bagwell'* ti i county head.jwarter* on* WW . THI'IS. Javita Aill »p«ak at the Jew Oct. 26 6 27 t'ubUvhed bv the Michigan S:aie Univoisily, Is-j Monday ntg: i Studmis of; t*h CommutHty t enter audstortymt university (SI. HON. -TIL » gae-1 »»n claxa dgvt, Monday j Rwwrr. 'l «taited thf week* position* tn thn nigh Friday, dunng the fait, \y»xk!v dur.ng the summer term, Sei^Mvl rlaa.* postage juud at j in the f>etr»r,K p./rne preff/ |rff/^J •Iflfffhr, AAef- M'ife tof 'l «J/f.»»f * In • f«re>ml (W*/f, •i'.'I C/fJ'OYe/J. M'"*: Hlele >e»e Hint l>Hk • fcyf; mntf i>e pipiwnllnlly Afto«n»> "tcr,e.'!/( Ylte KeflU nf ike He.»«. i r,f i». ..rf.{/l7 t#r« lite mUff* for Ue ; rnfffrtetiU tofe fldir'nonet*/ Infer, Ar.-J mot* * ffte f -'7• J''*'" !»•'*•. «nen CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS "The |r/Ye hunprry WfyfM f.f t/f- | rl»jr'« »'ti»hlaf itmfe'l yMif.tr ffivl erM," m th» rnfr e tyf, (JrirflMi t,lerie til tiitimmieiy »Je*»fff|r It i«f» inemrli /t'« n BirM.* YV.e title |m(ii*eii tbtot *K.» fktl» ff<»> »f*>.er^ y e/rert, ar.'l h't« ' Arret,'*' fr iert ir vr*. m Vt toi! IHeeteer ? 7>• - f.ir *.ire traditl/yr. U.f,4 fleetflf / toeJ^rU, trr^yr Aeiier* UKAIfMKKs SitMt p.ai. Tamilay for Thuraday paprr. If, |« the pijlijew f of All the Flf»ejM.f*c«.r.E tod Vtolife* uf my yer.er»tin>n re»l!y! |.^ f RUlicrn, In »-< fnr the m *rh l/r o.» »J f.f pe er fv.he-i" Vfrc'.ey a t «f f eto'l ' f *' * HII2.ir.ll KXT. 2KI5 • fe; tfift If they're •rrfifsMy #Je i ' lre»>f* »»ry t'if>r y. ■r r,f 11 me |i, ♦*'» threir/, |«t fVI!»-fl, t>,e rh>f eVrk. h-r . MTEPfE'l if! 'hie puture, I totof.t fytfl t prtr^yer,,] fyryrn hi» f'/rV nf I., h;» • ft tffie*. fcC/r* f.f » *'/ A.wPf. ff, De/ h»A> w: I hto*e We're tftr».l; we're U/te«J U. he pror t/f pi fit h*r fj'cwf fe.'l ImpfrYe'l h*'| they K - * *"* * automotive EMPLOYMENT ftotfre rytir ptofer.t* Tetff.'t fe ». n< Th* r *'y/#7 U r*'t>r la-- fjerer » »cri|A. pntofry tot »e*«»leeri, frfily ♦/» f'i'> C'OUI'K, G'HJD Puerto KIWTTAC »• A HI TIME. WORK win, Walter,. I .| gaud Vr«t. Rffrl lf» Males ef.rj A riv»rt<»ir.tf |A-» • Wtoy ff'iTit it to I In * rtfipie r,f M»h» offer- ED *-*»« " Iter vreea *al»f eerfjnti »»f fnnnthm »i« tie W«'r» V'dffW Pi'l'liVBl phi a ar fi«>laf al.lfr if WMfly, bey tot»»e *e'*e h*'f »Jf.h»tof.- ... oi-rt.. » ero. nrrnwi yt/.j fffitalify f'e'| IV I-3VY* • fe I lu¬ py rhllflh/ffdw, »f.'l nur ptoren'-t ...1 ,,vwr ten! pfm •*« |wrm«fll«. IV t-4*1 » ••Aftlrif ll d'trt'l kf.nw twhtot'w kit f'.r •»» RScans 1961 MO'liOYM oil wtll/rte. Yh* f.dir E'f'lhK |f*'tplto efif.ya.Wi ' - fiieDR. rowR-iioo* IM'ft e-ui • a P iIMIh.k i,i ftaflln.r dltffifweyrk fell |7 H-«|Wt t/p If Marie, ftaal i-ir-tfi* typify Mr #et are Y;\+e W»f/»H, '»»'»ff !!■ IJt/in ton»l f"'t»to»i Kf K'f Cautioned l,r»» fl/ft. Call Chi i« E.fH-V»4 lite Wreelt fe^ -r/-, «ful-lre,. Rip ft-c«m fffrnet eaay |r» there rnftt iatir totea . VOI.KAWAIKIN. fi'ffHi rt,fo Mo.l ee II. '•'« »*"»' Wr ATTfH'f IOM fier'l W.TIJDr.Nr |#'»rf Difi.e rrMjftl#r toelp W|Vl»f >» fU»h» SVayner, h«phto/arrl!y hiu* | Inif In!'. hi» hnrn m> mr.fRinif.; HttowD, ''Win f»tol!y thir-k I Ret! JI'AN, I'-jertf/ It,".. The pf.rnton f *tn..l./ |:.*>-'f|f nf COLLEGE / GRADUATES ,.»»» r.u 1-iMl I'toi • i>»" -• li'M I to, if e ft Mtf*' he rheet- "ilv 11 id 11 wo . I'd el'il A|ipl* In pet af ' »/.'!*/ tot I'-tr-rVi ItUi w rfffAe»Mell<. |M.f»ef ; * „ B,„j || pfive'a tfWiiet , ri/l.fe-TIMK liAllYtolTTPIf five the heto'Difur at a ««tof ky '.r» | p .an f eth/.lic* »h-, t**f/ « p»». ■i an 7 'Aw W • weeh ftirnltti OMe IfAfiepn' Vf.ffc f-.yht #luh 7h;« *h/.fe I'Jeto i }^.l/ r ,f ,j f/(f ' oil l»l 2 r.,M a". » 7 f. r ?! ' • . Illinois HRrrrfRfy of Klul* I hnrlnn P, f arprfillrr, —»hi«y towarh aorthif.*,,^,, , /oriftle A iwaga ftNn HW1AM, ptarl ntet *e# I. jr epprtlnl' | PERSONAL lilfhl. »rr%EH up a liftyi*l for Ifnnry l.'nTiot IamIkp, ICr* #ff leMjr,py ji. 1»,\ a »e, 7f«'jr tif f, „u, ,,„.7 ..wW rt/tftrrtit IM' ».f, »,f flrp'iMff.f-nee ' The Inland Stall Company iivHas ,.i> if.r mil i»rmrtg i Mm- ! f »re-J lap, It pnrhapr th* fn'/at It. hup M-Mtofu, toft, ere nf I.AVAI.IENm IDiMir.in tlrr pr«^«iHnnli;tl f(in«tidjilp, «•( n noonllmn j at/ kefilr p ft r pef 1 t,f lie tUifj th* uD.'/fr ».f th* pa»»/fftol leDet to iamligafa tartar tfpar- ftYff »p.NArl.T DADRHINK W RED PIXH !'«iy f*e»i« *flie i lot iind If.-iiffln yi'i loirvlhrr of fllifioiH fiOl' mndidiies I They tnmry ton* nf Jeaiwiey fen yedtAffia/ In •'* # ath-Uf you v , ee.illrfil evMltDOfle I'l* ftiUeuf' e ■'•'A-'" Th-y throw whlefceyjp,, K'.mrtt < to' the livfriy r'/ffr/t miff • ' rr.et pf(*r,i» -iaryuar* r.e»tf.«- H,„y prif.U/J tr.e '»*•/•- frnrr: I:; r of. M'M*r wf ll,. | ar.fj writ* lip athf k Jt/Ye i uV» #tft fumrner.'. n.nflu*. mitt FOR SALE ' th* Uflrf»r.ni fjtrf.r »»a in an Oar rapraMtialivat will ba aa Kings Hollow Again earlier opt Man y!y*n t-y Ar»t.- . A;1 'he fhtofto/'eft, rrrtpt f'earl l/ibhnp Y a ffl e t Ifav.*, an/.'.i'f THOMMONE AI.UOATOM I Ita>•*>-, wh't f',m»* thfwufh with t.y." r nf '- e (.»»•/,t»| (*'.»/, »h'# iiellcnl f OfMlili'fft. W> ED n, i m uonr.uf* 'it- ;*/»'! th* Iftet to**k feili/r* year earn pat at Navaabar 7Ni. pwUifil Utter Wfubl n ti.'-fl to tn-luv" th»t .N'lkMa Khrnpfirhi'V wit) To Visit (laiii|Min if*.. i*i'l l'fj»rt/< |t/.rr. * n I aDs/fh' it tier wllil envcfel t*p»# |ir'»*.ok ta'tif a ED |wr.b-nnw l-RMft MU K-nUk fei»t.» 23 kilh the Itritith V '* 1'| f->» lie to * f If e. ' f.fuVlfn.h >*tor«, itf.Urto cf »>• k.'/T( «uff tofi'j f. H.'nr f 'f th-i l-tcar QntpMe vefte'Y fdiaft/J JUe.f ' I e-raa r.ll Ox A-«W. Ilreieer EfW t'lftrve *li btAirl up »« h*r • ' Ttfr.t*," it to/Jfie.J 3' j :Y« R m. I nMin Rwifti SI Of Effort f*fe^tir«» p,# * rn»y ll«fl •** fy.r/ ineirortle/n afpl irwf^/*. th* jrrfe^ar/eto in rryar-f t/r n'Mf ter- K*1M H' |!'l tnenrle » aw II2*. WAS film teltn ileYelnfilftf MOM- j rpmlnr lint' Ivrmday nlfhl try ftv'f the r*» Aff.ericm'. f'r»»» ■ li'/TT. faeilitl*« h*re rit/.nea, whyh %f» Uynf ! the East Chicago, ladiaaa Gen. btt'h ha« »erred •» fDElh ileaailor. ,t.nt to. fluirk;/ * |." "».u. to, . T.'NITF.Tl VATIONS, N. Y. * orpv j ^tadletfoo r-f t>.* ~l'u*rt:, far Iff m U-f.fi if at fee. '.*!) prup <4r rommtoiwier nn/e IVJ'e. Fr.-j H.*h/fi»to ».vi wh-*- find tfce?»- *| fop NatirmA otf ayaiitia itr-e w.-rve'lI li |t» »r,L t, .. . or t/» thito »»«rr, rr.er • fa f/rrr • j **; tea in crmftMtAneea out* «f,f FON fOUft CONVIlHINCI j rrUDENTnl TOM'* HAMHI.M DirtnOAy , frtl eavalr/ d»»i«ion. | f*r»rt frota th'n* of Puerto P./e--- ' I eh'Hi >e»7 Vine Ureal Fwr'taftoeu WfiHndfy f If I' K VOWM. hfiweyer, th*!. »Monrla>' fimM home nf the j pHnty »«f peffcinft. wet <out lUrlln a*. U.N. h*a'Jfj»j*rter«# Rerre. DOUtLI STAMPS OH | The eity i* th* fjrmbnl nf the tary-Ger.aral liar IfAoimmrmkyold WfONCSOAV tohnle un«etf!*•! German qqaition, j «aid tha rtrfftoniftation la wlill far an«l nf th* Any!" Ameriean cornwifrom 1U rharter aima. He pleaded in ' iffPSAEi DIAMOND- * 'ivntol ft*d G«**r» Wa,'H»i Affi Mo«, Thui. F'i. hi T p'*>. mititi*r.t to fj*f*ft'l we»t>torii Ku- j with tha world not ti» weaken in r'-T"- lUrlin if nut m*rely *n 1 it« vnited effort* t/« orvreofna tf;f- offtohor* it!and, or » matter of flrultiea tofid to'retifthvn tha itrw- prinripie. H*rhn and Watt Ger- {tore for pawre. - COMING - WM. M. THOMPSON „m Tire rtlcriT m a..,- »«y I ' ll«™»int,-y, ah* ha. haaa yeer Eraadar lawaUf liul npanftte' Da-t ftmlth, ly* ;ir.r no tha Oimmuniat »ph*re. qr^*r heavy pre from tha flowiet lirvun tuAiUy v«-/tn« Mart Ct fewdet toiod^ miny , th*ra4« no potodibility tnat it j at bloca tur hit Otfifi poiley, (poke ran ba furred without pfoductpf pro«rram in tha fianenU Aft- KENNY DAVIT OHCIHMT*A- • yenertol war. Khrutohrhev ma7 afyn Kit »epa- aambly chamber. Th-* hlua and white banner of Parade Past- Ail Lhiig r.n rr> a.iw '< r*t* pear* with Ea«t Garmary. tha U.N. F!eV at imoiated p<»«ta That in meaning!***, ninr* Soviet thronghout tha fonyo and C.N. LOST and FOUND rontrol there will r*enam un-1. i for re* trying to bring ord*r there „ f/VST 1*1 L'-'fOV ftamfrr P»:r ».f rhar-yed, un)e*« th* Gommimitot; para/led in UopoldVilk, Hut REAL ESTATE mn »>l l'h«l.i|* belong tr-f to NWT Jack- puppet* are ordered almo to block fir*" return 32 Allied arrtoh. And that i* ■«rm*- j thafe, d-o, the U N. wan under i vbarp oppoaition. Only nbout W> Type In r*e tern-torn ranch. delum* kit- . »fl# tha eitr in 194k, nnd Khnjah- inra af Katanga, aa Kliaahatfi !ar»« Hvlnfroom with dirwr-a rxrr.HT • '-'i iiif.il fireplace hill towm*'-' '/"ft***.""m ' r" chev undoubtedly rememberto. vtlle reception marking U.N, day »*'» lot. toy owner. ftAAM *D HIM - Alll-l 'l-l-TWloation ... -ate wpa boytettod by tha entire Ka- ,»vr. on w •- ' *"a .1... at ts. V, .ihinyum -aat)a« ffavenunent. A parade trf>tr,f wocfh Offftet lAitMtf ftUra. . . «i«itot*ea mim to tha Eti 7-«Y4i. *♦! t Grand *»v«r, E- f,f "ifreiyj »m»«tera pnor w HOUSING U»n«iny. U abortive Pnrtto tadWK in May. .— ' „ * iUther than faea tha fht tern- linn Wu«;, vtt.h >Urt, r»i rb down he would hava fottan than, l-lib] EI i h h ru* Or ha* hUrw ap tha catifar- i-oc-xr roR rent «r ww th**# •4. baawUfut |». acre*. On « mi u> rareat Acre* Ottf Cvutm TYWING DONE IN WE C*0 tn"* w-MonaWc TO MM. M r/ W4M3 toller • p rt W NOTtiI.SC WA.i rhmnlmi to 4 LXLAND tino him hop- th»t I— will /bi¬ ***"1 rtoftrh; !■■■. a* bb, hau-r MR uma. Bath IB# . -™ >—eufca lot. wm '' ! J, | 1,-•!?. hariaian about whtthar to M *'"■ Two AoSSl mnoM Khrathrhrr hara hit laawitMO" formnet at aX la thia. MaaflHliaa ☆ hi in) « aMMM i* iaa. will p'rofaably carry tha lay with canwap. r* * ah iminm mul hit an that aa —am mliti ^ttotoaw H pjn mtia Will ha craaM *Ma talht arc pcwhirr -r unter way. At to th- actual tahtiaan »,«« Oraanla etnBiae little cioeer torethcr aaan that o»l new. at. ID Pint before. Maellillan mm laaa ay ONE _ tiauatta that aaythia«' ran ha •wr . ts par man • km immm.' yaioah I hi ipt ti-a, tharahy -bt- t.a Kam ® 1 iny truer tha B-irie-n paeitioa. r>i ah'lMT hoeaa't Uhe that. . '•Alias KM MU Ha ate# think-, in all pntokal. sss ufuvn. iv t ini"' ■ pw Vr- NAACP to Give Halloween Par^r A HaUawaaa patty Ml la yiwan hy tha MlnnOp ahaytar of the SAACT. riMay, at tha Ka>t lAiwiDf AMftat Lagioa ; hall- Mu»ie wtU be provided by a V tuesday, october 2S. !■»,„ static nbws TI michi i'afik four ?ML "Aren't You Fellows A Little Early Slate Places Second Iii I). S. Soon Able to Place Man For Trick Or TreatT Debate Tournament On Mars and Keep Him Alive ttalnli nliout refueling technique* MSI! won Mcoml pise* In " ln.it FVM.V t.nrl Saturday. The limt to debate team, from nix debute OsiniMBmt h. l.l i, „ Kiw-ch departmoit mldwealern unlvorntle, h ; TEN (dl Dr. W-ln he won't hnv« * pla.e 'standing room j weekend, re|K.rtml Or. Murray Hewirlll, .llm-tor .,f f„, manned lunar surface mlsrions," Die I 'tilled Sillies so*hi Will V* only' on, lhi« planet," aai.l Yon MIMICS. | "THE DEBATE CO At III - . mi id the m-ientDt. Northwestern look firM place nl.le In put i» mini "ii Mm hi1.1 J hi nun \ ItN IIHAI N 1 II Alt I I It the . solved that tha Federal t,. 11 < |» Mm alive l**n^f-1 Mil: SI || Mis I fiddle -•• d and Purdue tonk third. The ment should instituU- a pr iliMi h slaps for tbfs tuition's space flight •rhools participating were |Caa» i'fsm t In- convention of (ho I lull-pend¬ unlive if I lie tropic* could'exist of compulsory health Insuisi,^," ent |VLr n- far# with ii Mife f el ill II c« p» td lit)1 j pound* Into low orhlt, and for . Holmes Tell r„r,„. the s I f.,r the in »» would ...pine s' in o I e demanding missions it "ewglll said. The var-Hy ing compulsory health i.i-i„-1li* made up of members b«v bft .df Hiiicl i.f nlioitt II! million - It >• ii Id he rapid.le of boosting ii ar.ro?" least one year's rxperln .. Of l.intoiislie I »' • md 1 i',,oiNhpound pa y loud along an en FRIDAY EACH TEAM pre¬ (debate team. A novli-a ■ "With pin epi hane Snlnm*! rape deplt it Hie trajectory and of tiiru-t of !«•• * thou 2 million landing 1,000 to 2,00(1 pounds pared a written report analysing open to beginners. j (tie topic. Haturday the teams Meuiheia of the eiuti M\|»erieiiees pounds, wb may ha obliged to safrly oil the moon defended their reports before a throughout the can tit i y f panel of Judges. hate*. Their expert:.. - I1M "Hmmiii. i- I iiiifuuy*" .Armiod Judging wa* handled hy the by tha university. the Um hi'" will bwtl.e subject of W pnblir talk hv Id. I' I bull T Contemporary Literature speech department and faculty representatives from each school. U. Holme* .11 in l.'njim. , Wednesday lit K p.m. Lectures Start Nov. 15 The topic of the debate was selected by debate coachca from AM. YOU CAN Kir Pi of tiuinre Mobnc*, pmfess.tr of Ho- l.niufunyew I (he t'nivil ID Itll.l# roTF. the school* earlier in tho year. This topic I* lo l»c used in every l'i«li I n ih H|l\ of North f'nroltiin, n Mate News Flalf Writer •Irtiete for tha remainder' of the 8 I.IK) dl-l ing uDb.'d line la I toll mm! ii ^ prefi • -."i "lit spile of Ml lite new liooka niul novelialH, moat writing of their own general Ion remain* of Mi myatery to year. I .liii-K.-ii w Mr Stanley It Townariul, hen.I young people." I ~ of the foreign lunyiiape depeit m. ut. *oid I elm. * will tell of l is That, said Pr John A Watte. J eratnia New Voices iii Contemporary Ml Prof Itenekc *. I NT.W Associate Professor of English, I* serlei nf lecture*. » e no ! evpn leon-s on visiting professor one of the*rra>om for this year's I Sponsored jointly hy the Colon at t'- I otver*tty of Melhouine, i hoard and the English depart To Show SlidcH In ll A i mini, tins pn-l »piiny and Invent, the aerie* will have ei* Navy G On Brazil siimiiui lie will nl«o speak on tic value Wolverine I'ix j lectures,Apiil ending starting 2b. Nov. If. and svsby Monday the with fol i;j ■of toman, e luligunr.e stud* ' Slide* on old and tlflw Hrar.il FIRST IN THE SERIES Will ri:»!l sol fallow lag «r esnlsaiinn* will be shown by Dr. Everett I-. addition to the public t»»lk.| The lie a talk on current development 1 I will have their pirtuir taken to- In A mei lean fiction which will lie Hrneke, prnfasaor of In.tany and Lit llolnu's |s n, bedub d to Iretuie to In liomloii plant pathology, R p.m. Wednes¬ guv* two m • Inasra t rench literature and to make in € 'Dan* < r hud one. j day at a Spanish club meeting in MICHIGAN r* if ii. Whoe tin- UN lounge, j In'tli,' unt.tn m'Viii. Gold Standard Fluctuates television him lite the | ml.ulM rink, fx A Mobile aires. on to pirlare I" i* Thrdulnt i,c I* •eprnoww to m bew Iskra '■""•Il W(||U m|<| ,„„h , p ,,1M Nov. 1.1 ||nimi If.! Fia«nrn<-a guitarist l.ui* AY. in, At I (at- U.« .lay "What Holme* doesn't know a 00 A*hff Sludrat lawwdatiaw ho(||i| Knfllsh depart¬ E«-t Lansing high adtool student, NOW HI - 9:10 - Ml h i fall the Middle «»re» isn't woith know ty uf speculator* eager to convert will play at the meeting which L'-I63. U>K," Town-mud said I W iiinra I ment felt that the eonteipporary LONDON. Ml-Tha gol.l rush bun presidential election and their dollar holding* Into gold. i* open to all • t u d e n t s and si-out I I lectine series eoubl help provide *• 211 AAeslry Fnondatlon started up again Monday on tha maybe beyond. Hut aome a a Id last week'* faculty. The 1 lun opportunity Mr more cultural li lit Alpha I.siiiInIs Pelt* London bullion market after a The price of gold when the frentied dealing* were obviously Hrneke recently returned front polaed (dim'clioii market rinsed was 27(1 shillings Hratil where lie did research on t»ue to a mi*undei*tamliitg, .Smith I sotplo-II 7:2(1 I a*t t.snilun 11*11 7 til) 'Ian Slum* I1 experiences outside tli#rls*srooin. "Too often," he sai.l, "it i* Jtut not possible with the available thre«-day respite. Financiers gloomily predicted fluctuation and (ft37.RO) per fine ounce. Th.« was a fall from the peak reached Mon¬ {time to diartiM the«a thing* '« uncertainty until after the Amer- ti n v morning of 2mii shilling* triggered by wore than Just flash in-lhe-pan speculation, and sug¬ fungus diseases under a fellow¬ gested that doubts about the ship of ihr Nations! He-car. h t ouncil l *«.,« vUdling pro- short ti dep'-' •' rrsfi in Monday'* State New* printed an a no Peo*h Soph I mini il tenslvrly in the classroom American economy might !<«• an an A hgl AM INTEND 1(1 HIVE ($10.04), but a abgbt gain'over underlying factor f.-ssor through a program nf ihc iowl>err advertisement that claimed thai 0:20 Mate News (Editorial) an the opening price of 2i'.h shilling* idea of what's living written of Fire Organization of American fiUtM. lite contest sponsored by the Phil- ip Morris I n was open to |»nth M:io A el* t'llih I'm r sir» significance in this decade in fie* Destroys ($37.62). Highly placed market source* ar»» convinc*.| many of the gold day a* tton and poetry around the world,'* 1 HADING WAH fAHT and in¬ buyers ara Amerian*, speculating frateimii. ■« and *oiuriti«i* Tto* iHKiteHt m open to only the- Da tt.'d 0:10 liiivdi* ItoeiiifiM Phi .Alw Alph* The five other programs to he Tarpolin Beside tense during the morning. The market settled into uneasy calm —in effect—against their aw a n | I fllms MICNiaAH LAN RING grave* i' S dolcf in nit tcs 10:00 Imlnnesisn Student t lull given in tha series after the Nov. currency. g>(|vi <1 t lb lecture Include: American Service Garage as it retreated from the peak. ALL DF.AI.INr.fl ON tha mar- THEATKi: nrt-wit n»pi poetry hy Prof. lMrnrd Adam*, Dealers said the renewed ae* Vet are handled anonymously commitl f. « O S A fire Saturday afternoon at tivity showed thera are still pirn- Jan. 17; Canadian literature hy through broker*. *o this rsnnot "MST TIMK TODAY" Engitah, air «>>!£ Prof. A. J, M. Smith, Feb. 7; the seivha garage on tha east he iifhriaily established. tf.r xit; • si rMaVi? side of Spaitan Stadium destroy* There is widespread belief here sounded Japanese fiction hy i'rnf, C. David "But Not Cor Mt" ATROBV ?.i Fvclsmation s « I'.CI 'w| ■■» nliWf" Mead, Feb, 2H| French fiction hy ed 45 aquars feet of tarpoUn and Cuban Problem the next American government, A Tien i M .irk* Prof. Admin JatTo, April It; ami IS feet of timber. whether Republican or Democrat¬ reman* The department of public aaf* "ilunrhbork of *1 l'-:u.ii-r An pi> no».n ! ATfidsl. o,« Driti.-h fiction hy Prof, Sbiii S. Aired at Union ic. will have to increase federal enemy 1 5 tn 11 iinrnt.it s; Fut •hearing UNI T t I«,k i? Haskell, April 2 ■ ety, which answarrd the call at spending and thus aggravate the Noire Dooi," of Am*' ku.d sni.T-.d |r>rvcU W^SalnMi t Mi p.m., said tlte cause nf U>e Irving Pflaum, a mamber of current strains en the dollar. tftkrn ai 8 H«>m*ng''d 3H Muuvcd !•» damage was unknown, nltiioiifh it Continued determination shown WIU: OMK U.V OM.V Chrmi*! In S|M'sk the American University Field .1 »c^l utt t* pnxnlhla a bystander may hava r.T«,nd U[L I Staff will aptak on the AnP- by the 1J.S. treasury and presi¬ IS.Ddlvred 41 I* v'r M 0 1 o'f*N;«r On Arlirvulion Ainilvoi* thrmvti a vig.wetle Mito tlie n\wt- American feeling in Cuba October dential candidates to maintain the "I'mMMHiol, Suoimrr IS M. • 4-' \ * ismrnt .. •rial. gold price ha* not calmed theae »IUl c.- ids. (ei n 4J Compi.ii 27, at 7 20 p.m. tn *4-85 Union. pr. W. Wayne Meinke will The tarpolin and timber ware feara in Europe, whom weaken¬ U <."v.leut JM.nl The speech entitled "Cuba! Si - Oil V.IIM, is sumrv -:i 41 Achiuv.vl- spvsk to the MSP section »f the betng used to cover a garage door Yankee! No" la sponsored by ing of the dollar would have a A Selwt en of Yesterday's Futaljl A m « r i r a it Chemical Society opening in a construction area. to. . c,U;i' AIJSO and Delta Phi Kpeilon. chain reaction. M ,0,1,1.1, S*bUu.n t? il small t i .n..e» v ( Wednesday nt 7:.">tl p.m. in 111 Another fire, this time at Hrjran 1* )»- s rum Cti'p 4* Large cov- Jr- ; *'c v ''v Pr. Melnke»received hi* HA "Nskrd !ila]a" :»i v. .lcah.'>- ortth * ■ - T" v! i . -T |S " ' 1 ■ i • •- - •* " •c 4.; «.• •VI ' ' ;srr ** V — • • ' it »♦ 1; ' *9 ■ — * in inntmsn COLOR 14 ^wmw aiRMhl HMSNRi RAUS* NM) JONR HURW .RMH MDNlD A ROSS HUNTTIAMnN M00UCD0N • A URMtSAl-MTORlADOMl RfLCASC X ■ TLKASI do your fllKNPH AND nkkuttou A FAVOR — do not uveal tdk rxcttwg and unuhual ending op "midnit.nt lAir, NO one dill re admitted during the lant it m1nutkm! niCNWAN Tkaatr* Fri. Id. MR THIMPAY. OCTOBER U, Iwo 5.V. MICHIGAN STATE NEWS I'ACE SIV Crew Places Second 1'' f'l Iowa First, Sn-eer Plaxer San s: ImcIcs Siriril Injured Knee to Keep Tha Spartan ma aarond Warn toak plan la (ha aiuraal Datmlt Othar I In U>< Waatci MSI J Tenth Team rrpatta Hrlrt on tha Dattalt rtrar Charon From Ohio Tilt Aflar thia tMB-WP dinr «||| 1 Saturday.r DaaplU a bruk.n oarbrk that pa Indaara ta panaMaa Ht ti„. Its I I It r It I MKT I aprtnp pmrantad Daw Eaktn frtuu row. maata arhadulad aaaaun «Nh taatau,. In AP Poll Stale News Staff Writer Jleinte t'ook, outside right op bruise* Incurred; during the In¬ In? half tha. rani tha Hpartan craw Anlrhrd a a-ant on. and a hr P a r d „ .. Wayar Stata, Marrlatu an,I the Mlchl-H-' State soc.c r leiun, spuitc Wile high nutong tlisr r diana game. |>. saul Wayne 8taU. 'I'd (SctMHtil l'l.tr«- lacks the hustle and spirit re quin ■! of n good sOeei r team the Spurtiiit foothall aipind pro- 'pared for Mnturdny's Homoeoni- "Tlie team, ns u whole, lacks ing gnnm iigiiInst tlhio State. : 1' * One potential position shift wan noted by offensive baekfiehl roach •amnil Rill Yeoman with Kit "Rocky" tha Tlin •con,I MRU ahall Inllhrd In tryks a? S»a araw ah„ j | iin.|,llc thn (ncapcrtcnca of iTtoNpRw'di crcp. . By tftr Vm«I.iIiiI I'rr-s spiiit,*' aatd t'ook. "They won't Our Mack spot m the priietlco f Ryan moving to the fullback post go to meet th« hall, Instead they ! win. the nbr*eiiee of fail t'haroll, to h a e k up Hon Hatcher and Tin* unbeaten l<»w# HawKeyc? tightened lln ir gup <>rt (hn V». t wail for if to come to them." ! Spartan fullbnek who sprained i Salmes, Why Not Plan Nnw ... For A Carssr That Hi: MAIM that1 the present his right knee while seorlng Yeomnn alio indicated that the position hi «•«»11• • v*•' football ranks roaches were pleased with tha Monday in tin- weekly v•»11h»( training the 1'inii r undergoing State's fourth touchdown in tlio i Attractn Many Mm From Olhcr FiehkT n 4N-iniiii ; urn I >•( •jmit* wrifrr* should do n great deal to help :»r. u rout of IndlniiiiI Saturday. progress Hatcher was making. . "lie is running better and ' remedy the rdtiintlnii. • 'harmi is in the hospital and a Mini sportsi-n lofs in liif A *-»oru» Marking much more effectively," Want the opportunity ti» make high till I'l-ris |Ml|| "As a result of our present •j not expected to play ill this Week's ing at M S IT ? Many onerfetir studenU have toned higher limn. *vliii It in»i no-. I mil Vitt- ronditinning we should make a crucial hat tie with Ohio .State, ffated Yeomen. sUstppi fur first place it *r<-k ijr«*. better showing in the future," he ' The lo .< of Charon will cost This weekend's game will !•• annual income# with our Company In only two ytara than linn dot i-o t Iv .11 the Intent '>f»I Saul, "llilt the teams spirit will the Spa. tan* their lending scorer m battle of elimination for both they could expert to nehleko yearly in lifetime of other a loilitg Willi il lif t place- »"tr* still have to improve" and ground gainer, lie has piled •quad*. The eighth ranked nn business employment. • lii nilin f>n .croud pl.ii •• M'hia t'ook cornea from Williamson. i up "I points *o far this season (tonally Buckeyes will try to keep We do a quality business in the Bfe Insurant# field. We nippl and five <•* (hit.1 p I a »• f New York, lie is mnrib.1 and 'and ha - carried the ball 113 time# tholr llig 10 title hopea alive he- maintain a rontimilttg program of tralnlitg with modern Nyriiruxr has two ionn, Iteggie and Tom [ for If'Jl yards and a I' 7 yard aver- hind the running of Itoy Ferguson sale# aid# to make this possible. If your standarde fit# high, He played snercr io Idyll school : ng<- and the running and passing of mid you pre enrolled at M.8.U., wHte or phone; Tin' point Mini, Hiftirr*! thej ||||S| of 111 for n 11: «t pi;!.'1 Vo! v. before coining to State Charon was also one of tint Dave Mattie, who accounted for nun* for m-i oihI nml on. $ t*e this y i \ it t'ook has l«e.'ii stalwarts in the defensive hnek- that has been ipilte efTertlVO atl but 1,1 yard# of the :tiHI yard* gained on the ground by tha Buck Jnmr-n II. I'nhl, .Suprrvintir (M.S.U. *M)) limn 1,'S, Mi.-noiri'i .1; • *3-1 playing reserve outside nyht. lie fleld H>tt»fU"r There wn* »»■» in th<- , H»K\li: OM»K started la t week in the injured tins year. The Spartan defanaive t'eril Heron's renter forward slot harks have allowed only 311 per where he wa« tespon*ihlc for the cent rontpletion by their o|»po- r ARI. CHARON Move Manders wa« hospitalized eyes last Saturday against Wis musim The 10th ranked Hpartan#, once MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE ranking* ef tfir»t vw n t- i'vi It'll N. Wellington Avr., Ijinning , Navy was -'ill M.m'i w it'» | fit ft of fttate'a three goals. nents ami only one touchdown with a blood riot on tbe leg; beaten In conference competition, point*, follow..| I t Mi . n •;> Minnesota v.7 I1. . I. f'l Accplfralctl ' Cook seared five goal* last year. pan while Intercepting six. In I'.•:•* lie gained honorable men- According to defensive coach Snimes suffered a bruised left as is Ohio State, are gearing to knee; and several other players stop the Buck's runneis nod im IV -M1417 or IV 3wM10 Ohio State moved up « reg t • lion on t Its- Alb American team. |)nn Hnister, tlie Spartan backs limping during praetice from prove their chances for the title (ioiitx* Won't ' were eighth with IT:* point • und \V*«h lie is ni» Animal Husandry ma¬ will meet Hoir greatest test in the effects of the bumps and and higher national rankings. ington drop pnl I'tif phot* M ft t! jor. a veteran and he lettered in the next three games agnimt with 7t». Ton onlv »<<-•• f*-'1 t | ll'.'.t and 1t»M*. This in his last Ohio State, Purdue and North¬ the t«p tm «io Mt.l rcm M*ti (iliungr Draft season with the soccer team. western. with II point* in liHh plac fh« Muring Monday'# aerlmmage, ENGINEERING NOTICE Spartan. rrplarnl l*uMu». >—< M v \„Ck. nS» ~ TW Nn- Coach Maugherty played quarter¬ >l| l,y In»« |ltW \ |{<>1 I I l> up « "I •• l«-*-t f '* . ' « . . .riir JH ,11 nut rtiio, il«" nceelef fi-iif! 1<-w#rd pitr .-in Intramural back as be sbowred the team new variation# bn offense and defense. t*»»d • Tbe smiling Irishman bemoaned on Purdue hut had «ttaf t« liohl off the Boilermaker- The ft f .»o. Mil it'nit Win '.'I It loxsa's •"'I i »ti f ?* f V^.:. tit .?*•* e*»r r.'nwtiH« rolte-re ' educ l'« tr Uoreile ' Schedules the fact that be bad never bad a chance to play more than one game nf. quarterback. % The Miirtln Company i-.it rrprt-milall»t will the rampu* on No*. I, 2, .1, I, l!M>0 yard scoring ntnrrh after wwt»- All students signed up for the I.M't Saturday's game took the |ti( n fumble proved dr."»ve m | c»o'wf*-» ar»• v r*«n|«W te n four yenr t intra it I. worst week for Itijurica of the IjsiIii'i Only Authorised Dealer season. the wrnwon hy the nnrrow-t of ? ^ thr«»• t'tn-li»i, Cnnlarl your I'lanmml Officrr for ap¬ (irven'a ili.»put"l 3tf ynr.l tit ■ pr.^-1wi'.i nffo,*i our rulm, • ■ is II i ilffhihfta sb',i, HrkaUts T HlMfn Coed Swimmer* Morris Aunt In H»nl»> iron I on the hint pl.iv of t:"' r »•«♦( at t*»r *-r jnr»ml|f written," $ IS laktrlltlli point mmt and furlhtr ddaik with Arknnwia. Miwaitnlppi'i ortt K«n.&# «nvd. #,l hr l«o .1. di-flnitrly fllHM fbU HaabSt-l Its* Beat (Canadian* itlky Jl|W Alts rft.wt n p »>er m not oliRihle • IS rpponrnt .Situnley tw l.oni*i»"» 1*1 I rllkst -s t - AIM'* J^tnte, the Inst tra'tt ihut t»at M y it* rlnwn ha* prmlu- s is a ism rat immsii MSlT'i woman's awiinnting Salrs ft Smrirr tlnm in tU5U. '».f rW.d«*» not to finish Sit • IS N-Mlisiiboa llraaiK IbSMlk Nashsl I team defeated the team from the THE MMTK 0MPANY 8YKACI SK riNAI I V rhrkr.l ->•" * •* » ».r hn» n di irahas rail Cdiversity of Wv#tetn fbdnrio IIA I.Tl MORE J. MARVI.ANII BROOKS IMPORTED CARS r II StVi I I4». w ith It* full offre-ive str» nk*h. ' k "tl->wen»». n rluh irnina ml • is ko>|iiila.lirtttknunii< nt bomimi, tfutario fi'J to fid on I NlMtrkabl— l,u.pb,>.a t )< t,*V'J > ill muothrrit'ir \Y. *t Virutnm 4.Y d m MOW t INI, Hal . lliwailm — Klrrtrnnir Hyalrnm — Nurlrar - wnrm up f r Saturdnv • tr«f ' I*.that « player ia • ■IS llminie Itlackport took f\r> t in w ith Plttshuryh Krnir Ihivu an.| *'M ' < •>-* f' ♦ • diploma In fore alius tbe 100 yard freestyle and 76 In¬ Appliralionn — Advanced Spar, 1'ropranw 5014 N. Crnd Rlvrr Art linker mrh wooretl two lou« h '*■* '■'+ •"lywr-ti-j ri>, then it ran IS 1 4 PsTaaMaas Itslla I Si *1X1 I'Kl stgma hspt'S dividual inedlcy. Judy K w a I d (noar alrftO) il"wni in tlie romp. ' '■* * k • r»r..r m the draft," •O Itvlla I gatl.ia I'bi a ares t'*l placed first, in tbe fill yatd luick |lr*iirn?rn and Mannfarturrr- Navy tot another «trl!ar per K '" '* out. **Itut should IO 11 III hrls I lil a is stroke and Sandy 'Warner wo# Ph. IV 9-5.VWI formanee. from Joe Iteilmo m a . 1 •?** •*toert ' toanaretaw; diploma the then the i t >•1 feu* rar li.a Sigma Si first in diving competition. Idinaing 27-0 vietorv over Pennivltama team • m and he is eligible I S rat iM *bsa \ Karen Fudtke won the ayncbro- f »r 1U aixih ktrmaht. T m M. I- fa »e ds aft*s3 ly any team the nired stunt comprtttlmi. dies' next fi»r is Notre t>.»mo at yaat " Kwald, Kiln l.noiut*. Minnr 1'hil.i.Idlphia Sntuulny. M.e««in ff lie 4in4ri net to accelerate, WiwWicuaor, atuI J-UK* fkfubv I fsbMw fas which piny* Nebraska Sat then I* w.:i wl»y four years of • SB kmrnsM I » participated in the winning 200 piled, up 3 T4-H itiaruui f foitfcirtf hit colirfo ra- IN t Mas 1-4 l *S| >ard medley relay . J.nv« State without anr trxnib ' r»ee is* miw time as dors a atu- • as K. Mn I T Shafrr, Kwald, Black port, and Minnesota continued t.» roll on db"1! •* xxt «orvrntjonal four- f as g. atMv a.is Mnrgn (len#ler awam the 2(Kl yard • »S tolls? 1-1 tinhratrn, downing Michigan t,vd year csmmlum. • St tolksr • I frrestyla rvlay. on a touchdown, conversion-and field goal hy Jim Kogira, a »e«. end string fullback. Next in hee for Minnesota is Kansas State, already loser of five, 2nd Big Day ! OIIIO ST WK gained a littla ground by thumping Wisconsin III 7 with Tom Matte and l?ob Ferguson providing the big punch. \N ashington Just got past the. ★ 1960 ★ gen State .ld-2'.f, ahead to stay on istorgw finally pulling Firm First ANNIVERSARY HOMECOMING DANCE tng's ror\var»ion after a touch* down tit the final muuites. The Huskies, who have won five c»f nx, next play Oregon, Michigan State rolled up a 35- 0 score against Indiana, moving into the No. 10 *p«>t. Oh{j» State and Michigan State meet Satur. day in the only pairing of twe Saturday, October 29 ; . teams in the top Id ranking.*. The leaders with first place won lost-tied re*, votes, ords in a basis season parentheses \ points on a of lO-Edt-7-4* 4 3 *4): The Dream Night of the I, |MI it •» i» Big Fall Weekend H.-odqoortors ☆ hit \ n ll CHICAGO tV My RtynUi - Vanliti S§t t ■ I • • • i h ftt #rtriy Myte nwllrt".. Swf» ■ *» A*— NOtl b CMm** I •n M lor s«r "S**! ☆ IN m k ☆ m wpaf NVATII Kg 10 The Supermarket for Iter Yoar Tickrt now at ifae Union Ticket Office • ■It M. \ MICHIGAN KTAtK'NKWS PARK SEVEN Michigan Families of Ws Chicago Professor to Talk on Teaching •*T**c hinr Difred Children" will proem, a**o«'iat* prc/feaaor In the (tinjf up the home eeonomir* j t>»lleye of Home Kecmomka and! honors roller* projrram In Theme of Conference be the topic of * diirijMton when fir. C.ynt lloule, prof*s«or''of p«io-1 J memM r *#f the llon'/fa Colley j acrordin/ to Dr. Manor. Niecjer. iioard. While he here, he will i'y to meet ffoule Monday and ration at the University of Chi* j help evaluate the proyram. j disensa the proirram and h'/w its "Th* Michigan Family In th* Sixtta" will i* th* th*mo of th* 46th kuiuiki ertnfwnco of *thn Michigan \V«If»r« rayo, meet* with the fieultf of «»* students had the opportun- i ohp*tiv»v have t^en fulfilM. the C.'olleye of Home Keonomjr* League to fx- h*l»l on Tinowlay, WH new lay, aict ThurMflay kt th* I'lclc-Fort Hhclby hotel in iMr&IL today at I p.m.' UoijIm tw on rampii« to ma»t William A. fiuifi', ... i... prc.fIn fli#. department of n •ontology mid knthr'H,;\ogf, will i \M9*, I J)OCt MltCllCll II with *tud"fit< and faculty of tha; Collefre of Home KfOMRliO. Ilnuli was Inetrumental hi vet- , ir UMEST DISCOUNT IN TOWN ^ #||m tja« th* ami eecmccrril# Mt'KFI.KRH — TAII. PIPES — EXIIAI.ST HPES rffnt- df v.»',rnatinn «r> ImJuelriai, Worker*, ci.tfirnumticj, arid gfpri- I* lPlflif r"t rott'MMA • lUii'MrM* mr.w-j PMI.IHIIKS — WAXES — PAINTS — BRUSHES II'A I. rOKfrmAtlOM hUKVIIW I •u" WASHINGTON fA*l—Harretary llttt: fCilay. fjrO.tft U |WO COMPI.ETK USE "I ACCESSCilllES l»r. t.ur.ii* K liirtwr, aunrlau .,r Ul»„ J.,„r. M1M..II Morula? profe-eacr in Ms# of we-ial ft* »»ted avertlorn that a Negro OpnorlunitUHi avaliahl* in sic plants : wnrlt, will lr..| a rrauj. .rmlnar •••l.tanl Hrr,ri*ry r.f Utwr «.« r*e« Martinsville W V* , hnrt^rvro. ' toancn AUTO New At Rebuilt fi. Irftfc" r-ns*is« ha ' ort»'-« ' t rn-! ... -Uadeeaundint »>• v , rifo'l in !9f/H »n that f>#»rg« C. SPRING stTAitrai "" u«le* muld k* ti. , ftirtlsii, f.slif snd fiLAaSS •OESMtAlllCI (te.n th. jab. hartxna. tpwhw., Csriafls Thr*uah InalaliU (ruin Olhn "Th... .i.Umn.U ar* untrur," SERVICE •VI M. rijan •■••ctly in*tsn*4 • wttts ei.ssra far Cart. > MiUchvli amid. sf.LtaTI.H rutfct l>i»riplirt»a.M Producer* c.r heavy ini .sOiaJ »r.».r.■ Tiara*. In—a wails fna Wslt A radar ll-ar Will I- h-M at, l-»Ur. aon uf ltr|,..l,Hrai. Virr leal* fel# MCI ct.l-.clr.e r«u*tH Tkuradnr |„ ,h, t-.trl t•••"'•I'f'lel »hot lodge, '.ndidat. Il.nr, arhydroua Ulsmiif. vele immwiu C ' ieica< nlortde, other ehioWfta'ed t*x»k over an aaelsi- »'"J fnr mtnbtti «,f the MM. ac-bool >flt |Wr»Ury nf UUr when the- prod'p u A UTO KRAMER of t'- taJ wuik. Nrrro, J. Krneat Wllklna, f;h). Krr»#»t |i, Harper. hHooI c.f r»gn attorney, rrelgf.ed in No¬ torial work. ia chairman ».f a v»rriher, Jfi*/' The pf»al pay* SMfje. V|»M/T., ulaol layout «(.» «ito a'-.-'icJ«r ARTS panel di»ci(««inn, "A Roundup nrvi t2*0 a year I'Ptf/fi •c'> It* M> The Mfhlyan Welfare le»n» plana fur the farlbriMBtag all-uniaemll) puldirilv r»-rhalrmen. Stale New* Pho- Ji It-Mirh and by ml- U an a»»rwiatin'i of etjite and tjmniat. Drew, I'ear.'On, that Wil* . ft »m«»l f./igirwc; e»i A ,'4e<-c,ac.iral Ef.fmeec* li• 'A' fs^flr Jj > In* Mill K. h.M.AM A/IS) ST. PHONE IV 4-1335 ihmr. S,«l»d art Jerry M>rr» and lu hy Dirk Stevrnn. local ayenrie*, b«(tb publk and 'kin* had been rotpfwlied tc» quit (Justrul Knffineeri-. private-. to make a place for t»ec,»y«* Ixcdyi- FBI Reports Trespassing tv JI' H:| a"id id'i a AS' Puerto Rifo lA') ~ Monday it ia Invest- trorpan*trig incident at • Th. H'l .tr li IC'I t'» speculate The trespassing *t Porney and whether there wa« any rwnnrrtmn the i>c.rnhinirs at the I'onre and with the bonihioka and the tree-1 Mayagusz ronaulatea carna at pii'iing at Kamey. * tabout the varne time. CHESTERFIELD, L&M and OASIS invite you to the' Detroit - Michigan State v Air f'one ba«« fit tvaatarn « ki. o Daniel Prcfinan Jr., aahl . ..irniifud man entcrec) the sr. i "iherfl were report* of Tlu WaWtM SMt i.-.jf. but t*e don't know who TVs Kill I r port roinrWed with invntirationa of hmnfc Dominican fUpub CONSERVATIVE CLUB mivmys at nit tea in Panrv and May* pmwnla JUST PREDICT aipl jrrrnad# evpfoaion Game Contest ! ri»» a the home of tha Dominican THE SCORE wui m Han Juan. Tha Hiaat* iwl »lii(hi Film Shnwini; How CohimmM. Wert Abl, To Inrilr t'ollrrr SluSrnla ]f(orl to Increaac To Riot Acaioal Th. Houa. I'oaalllK On I n-Amtriran Arlivilin sine liriii" Male errs I i' sn».jmn run ago, theie «»4f# crest on ramptia. 'dually, they mysteriously dia- •sr#d; finally alt wero gone. U»i ipriny It r»vw g«s>ae wore 1'iirMlay, Orloltrr 2.1. tt Kmmi 13, Union Tlirhigan SUHr t'nivrroily BaiMing p.m. $300 FIRST PRIZE JACKPOT !K»luc«i. They are hciag kept "I MSU StuSml* and C itlwoa of Michigan si enrlosed area neat to th* Arr Cordwlly loiilad A» dotal* nenr th# Library, At pt*** ' time, the rff»o are t mated (n hopes of increas- •n«r tiiimiiep. Fit EE ADMISSION *150 SECOND PRIZE JACKPOT *50 *apj to..* . y 'j, ■■ / —- df ; " ti ■ • EE JACKPOT %Jt* FOR the students ano -'«p FACULTIES Of THf ABOVf ^ COMPETING COLLEGES ON! f •■d tab • crack at expecting the big game. If you are the only one to come np with the cornet half-time and tpctoe Jackpot ia ail jronra. If there are tiea, yon ahare the money. The aaae appliea to winners of the second and aa aftan as yon like... and to make It easy, osc th- bark a of packa* as your entry blanks. So such time yon ftaiah a attheUgaaooey! torw f».1 ** V-*f **ce pf m i MCntVf 'tTIN W.ISI W MAD THESE EASY HJLIS... *■ ',.mt >*^* to t »* -.o«« ttsr* L* *4 «*tot a# wi pwara Kcr/wf; ve i- » •*■/*» *c e*3 if aw scu jr<> HERTS Mi YOU DO TO HVN... 1. *#/.*. V» tM*a«»4rf .<4'f sr»to*.'i?-w Sc-wi set tiM tot as at «v» ol «M Wlcr L*U VCitiMJ iw*ri t* 0"t t*t si aancwv*"' I Cw-f KM KM V« I In* JKUf') H ertff a tefcdfi«#d S* MU *t Stoftf UtaffV, t* J«cs i3 «C*A* IFisSct tfcs flaal scan far asrfi taam. »»W m ed-lm*.. fc»«*a 9«ar>y. 2. u«d pBtfur* rt ..v.. . l«rvtt t Uy*rt if •** cd-t's-.l iw»»'M w Wnaaw www II 3. T»,1 tmhrf t»* c*- ■• T *.•;•<• 's>* K«df* JftHtwft tot ttotoj* 'er-Vf-f wwwi ¥ sv-«*cp| asltef« toy i-wj-cpewi pt-t |f. *#' " L«rl t Wf*?v »tsarxi luaovf to4 UVh*".aaf ajwjrs v**A «<«*« f^fse*. **r» A* |*iMV>d if t»4tofS« f.e* Avyt |'cj M W« -sJ vd 2. FnSct tbs ImK-ttM scsrs fw sscti turn. ra'.amt* By IM try }'« t* tfi H atone t**w rt ;t*n r. f*w ww* k.I l« v-'» t* «..« a* to/i n'W '•* euifcM totsMbMj •«» tit* r» swmc 4. it cdm st t ravi w aw «pi viw ma u »*) to4ry. WeaVe MAM anA ml M tcwtaderwl ••w/wri ma i* w». - *4 v» ***•! * amuMM ♦« x s»wwa i r-*> cu-* u mr~A4 #!. 3. Uss an snaty pack* as ywr entry Msnfc. VWtfto I I VtoWtod Mlf ad-K-nwa •WW** *> TW toi'W MM I 2.#ru^ fittt PW It'.VJ-Uf. StCCn") #V!2I ttCXttT-SItf; ■ e- '. , 9 Imt j. rttzi J«CKAoT>l>l. iw»| snr/wj n>4 M wwCcd »:.'*•« n 7. Tm «T*r! 1 -aW 'j p» tr* tod acto «ri tod ta^idtuat •sBUW|iitil(S|riaMtM«vww|M ^••MecVcratoau U/-** r-WM| C-AWWVi tod WVC OETtOfT ( ) Ws fwtsn to asr that «Ss to ths haat MICHIGAN STATE ( ) Mat ♦*•», *r?fy *v U«tf IT I WUX. #. • MX MA RVUMMIf A«ac<* an anerty &#<« *toc Kfeetstf* toukiiMutV* |M rvwVVi ft* IMf-, Cncitvli*<2 or Oavt c<««c*tt*c w.ts tfte* »r*ry. priced from jwt lg7S tntow* mwsf to* Nwc than motr^t No«w- aac 14,1 *>G. *.***1 ■ P.O. St cwcwvtoJ at tn« ifiov* hew for a trf medrugrt l*ov*ma«r li. I «0. | %okmO So 2Jw ©0 ai naay win •• yaa waal •* Mm bad* sf | Oil M jriat Hm Inm nm sM ■ Sim ISM | w " f"' wm ■■■' w» www m n caaa w* j titehpay. octobkit 25, michigan state news PARR RlfiHT Moranr bohnt imyi RufortlFi Bittnrr Nonrout, v., MV-Arti: Refugees Dim in Kellogg ■ tale* of tha eoasux: Mrs. [epynt Phyllis Hageu, UkiU| at a traUar park, .l J Of Hearl A llark 'at the daor-wfsmeof l'.cjl^T Trouble Kuford F. (Jack) Mttner, 4*. homes and wa« admittr.i monkey. * of Kenton ftarbor, died of an Si : Florida apparent heart attack at .1:45 p.m. Monday in Kellogg • Blttner waa attending Center. the an¬ MEMO PAD MHI Rehi J Ciihiins Seek nual Marketing Extension con¬ ference for 1SM50, He wan the di*- ilTK •mtp's lark*- y ■ Kiilriiiice to U.S. trlct marketing agent for Berrien and VanBuren counties. After attending the noon lunch¬ WASHINGTON* "i* for- eon, Blttner went up to hi* room •>"T t mart TO MIVK VOI I Jili, .*«11)>«*:tI«mI .Monday f<»r fed- to r»*t. Hi* roommate, Vernon Z^/ST\ *• lit I ii .• I p in hnridliuy' it* Hint, extension dlrertor for Kal- IrV^ III E. Onmt El in. L l.J horde of Cuban refugee*. At IM Mr. 'i . amar.oo county, fouml hi* body. BtX | the -ahn- lime, the White Blttner ha* been district mar¬ reaffirmed U.S. policy keting agent since 1061. He re¬ lOUJ xv* MkilM <"( -.tm.u., | of hnrhnrinfT such people hilt ceived hi* master* degree in mar- * t - keting here. ! frowning on revolutionary * In l!»r,.T he received the Di*tin-, flCt.iviteN hy I hem. guished Service Award pr*a*nt*d A presidential abb- reported hy the National Association of ( fit»o thht I on if lint"4 of * uban* still are forming »• 'he 1 S. mis¬ Agricultural Agent*. EXPERT DRY CLKAMNU - PLUS Surviving Blttner are hi* wife] sion in Havana seeking visa* to and three sons. Come to the United State*. Robert Merriam, deputy asabt- ' TIME (HIT FOR IIKIINiK — The nnd preuldenl^leet' nf Ihe men'* elnb; — clothing & jioseiiold goods HMl for interdepartmental affairs, men's htunxe In the I'nhin I* often the A**or. ITof. Kverelt R. Snyder of na¬ spoke lir m-wtnit n after a White tural nrlrnrr; I'rof. Roy E. Marahall of Former i'olice Officer flight of farnlt.v member* rela»lni{ nnd — stuffed toys Jlouie conference with Florida i'roiiiolcil lo In.troctnr i -IM-mlim; on hour plaving; bridife "ilh the horilrulture department; I'rof. Jus¬ State and local official# on what to do about ten* of thousand* of men from other department*. I'irlurr tin /inn, of Ihe geology department; A form.r MSU (k.iirr ..(TW.r h., ■ — throw rugs Unban* who have tied t«> Florida. nre (rhx-k wI.e. xlnrtIn* at left) Jame* and I'rof. Owen Reed of Ihe mualr de¬ received an appointment a* in- j M Fit It I %M AMI FI.ORIDA structor In the school of police | II. lleniKon, a**t*lanl (o Ihe I'renident partment. State Newa Engraving. complete laundry service f}ov. lyroy Collin* announcod — admini*tration and public safety plan* to net up a federal-slat#- recently. / lorn I committee to deal wt'h the Third Floor Union Capt. K.arle It. Rotten* joine«i problem and .expressed confidence tbe school'* *talf Oct. t, after that Prcaident Eisenhower would having nerved over nine year# college cleaners Faculty Men Relax in Lounge give hia okay after he return* to with the dept. of public safety Wa-hinpton today. here. The U.S. Immigration service. j Which tn*dt part With other fed¬ Robert* first rame to MSU •« i Our 40 Year* at MSII a student in 1341*. He joined the eral agencies at the White House The Men's Faculty Loungt on anrrpling of itutlrurtma arid pro- Tho cluh was lie gun In IB2B. campus force in 11*51 a* a patrol¬ gathering, figured that .'12,500 r» f- the third floor, Union, shield* foarwiro front other oollop* ami Its first 'proxident waa R«»hert 8. man and moved up through the ogee* have come to the United 020 W. MICII. El) 2-1713 behind its wall* a s«vu»e wlucti department*. Shaw, the late president t»f the rank* of sergeant and lieutenant State* from Cuba since Premier: to berome captain earlier this The iTwtt of thA club 1 Kir lid- university. Fidel ("astro took over In Jariu-i student* seldom, if tVFr\*ee. ary, U»6t». It estimated hit per¬ It is a place Where faculty imlw in many kocUiI m-tivities The dull is open to any male year. He will Instruct c)a««*t in po DROP BOX CASH AND CARRY cent of these are concent rated in each term# raigmg from triiw faculty or staff number. For the Her records and art a# liaison he- mm may get away from their - the Miami area to tndiLstrie# i*t holiling Social women faculty who may feel I ween Ihe office* and tho claaatouiil to a left out, there Is alio a women's t^-hool and Michigan 'I he proposed federal-"date local i dance#. law enforcement agenciv-. commit tee i* to gather further { quiet Informal getting wtiere Includeil In their oetivitiea an»; lounge down the hall. facts on the need* of the refugee* j they may eat luncheon, play bil¬ trip* to away fmrtball game*. A • ml to help ill their education,! liards or Jom i»i a gamo of small group and their wive* re¬ ii i Welfare and employment. Collin* .anid the burden m too great Florida to handle alone. fur | bridge. Tho Jmmge U the focal point of the men's club. Over 500 fac¬ cently journeyed to the Notre Curiam Artieitin fJania game. They also bold in- Hrmllined by fl'IC Union Book Store formal dinners and - d-nwe*. MFItKI \M S\l|» oine of the; ulty men 'oolong to the rlub, ac¬ One of their weekly event* Is Heading the list of Women's Cuban* are heir without pc>mit. cording to it* president, Prof wilier*' permit* have expired andi llcrmett Ssndcfur of the geology wt her US. immigration role* are ( depart mart. a Junchcon every Tuesday noon frter-Resldence Council activi¬ with giM'Nt speakore. Kpoakers ties for the year are Ihe ro-ordi- at the lieing technically violated. Rut j I'i F c louotft*. men are pro¬ have ranged from Republican n it ion of. homecoming displays, the I S policy i* ■ e-'t to foi. i vided Die opportunity to meat a ewndidalw for governor, Paul exchange dinners nnd rcgiifdr- them to return Ui t'ui>;i lie MI 'I •hi* i* ha ed on hnmanene-- ami; loi.gitandieg Us poll- y of n-y Bagwell 1o Duffy Daughterly. tional trljw do the Upjohn fac¬ iny social activities In women«' They have also taken educa¬ dormitories. WIC, romposetl of rrpresen* SALE! SALE! SALE! Spartan Women'* ( |um f »r the-e dicing then home¬ tory and the salt mim-* tn De¬ tativei frotn each dorm, will si¬ land for political reason*. He portrayed t!>e * vmni fori laraguc Welcome* troit, On schedule for this year, ne Apomtor a Big_lh residence said Sandefur, ia a trip to Dow hall conference, Christmas pro¬ Room Bcautificr* lor Office, Home and Room the Cuban" a* « symbol of I S., Chemical In Midland. ' jects for the dorm* and the help "for refugee# from any kind j New Instructor* The lounge was recently re¬ Spartan Ambassador program. # Full Color •f tyranny." carpiding, In conjunction with the Men* Giant Size f Custom Finished modeled with new Merriam said the State Depart tnent reported large numb, is of New faculty member* are being furniture upholstering. welcomed on ratnpu* for the *ee- dining tables, new light* new llatl Association, WIC promote* f Cuban* are applying for vt-n at and activities between the men and ond year by atudepl amba«aador» women residence hals. panel partitions. the U.S. consulate r. id that »o far Finishod, Full Color , 4'astrn has not the flow. cracked down on through tiie Spartan Women's Ueague'* "Spartan III Wagon." SALE! Giant-Sin, Custom The prog l am i# designed to ac¬ However, the Havana regime quaint the new faculty with tha Fa* limited those who get exit rumpus ami foster better atudent- Wky StHI* Far Lass, Wb** B*Mit-SiMb permit* to $5.00 in the amount facuity relation*. of money they can take to the Name* of new faculty member* i United State* and tin# ad«t* to the problem of taking cat* of the refugee*. •re secured and an appointment H made to visit them. Th* am- hanMulora inform them about rami pus activities and aenricea avail* Yo* Caa Nnr. ART PRINTS able. According to Joyca'Kinney, Broad Education Us*exvillc senior, publicity chair' man of SW1* the amhaaaadora are Needed ill Police equipped with inapa and pampk- Admini*tratiou •IlroM w—> " let* from local civic orgahumtion* *ii they ran provide any In forma* turn needed. The ambassRdor* were selected BACCHANALIA! f b\ MMUi.1 f.-r th—~V.'|I Ir.mO from BW U WIC, IFO. AW8 and PAN-HKL on the kaei* of peti¬ fwllru gdmmlitr.tflr.- M(d ISot. tions and Interviews. According Krwtn JWtUugluu. U»t Mon^V to Mis* Kinney they receive some FiUi,M. a, 1M M. Mm FM Bight. training before they greet new BrlUlKhaul. Pr"'- faculty. fwu. of f.nor.1 f.*omunici- Dr. David Ralph, associate pro¬ (ton «*(«. mod, hi. •'«"« «• fessor of speech, who ha* bold A . (h. Alph. rttl S.gnt* pot"1"* workshop with the student* ex¬ plained that tho training they re* i^'mdhmd tor IV r«"'P ceive is to help them analyse their CORAL GABLES' m- "I th' cvtmmunlc.tiiin pfoh audience and prevent embarrass- meht through role taking ia mock loot. rncuHttt"-! hy <'>• '" 't" situation*. A—vi.ll'"> ' > ILFORNO tl.tlottll nf Polim (IACP1 in th. r Ir.tn- f Ini progranTi lm' ofiim* »ni for- »ign aa*»«nnimts. The IACP ha>t a»k >♦ MS'' . t0 DISC SHOP Belp lit*providing * program, he Mid. whuh will enabie thr«e .123 Eut Grand River ..RESTAURANT.. police •dmiotsteaiotw coo# inkxt to siwrcra) With the diverse - conditions 'tha mame that made FIZZA famout in Lmuimg W'hirfi they lihrly to find in Ea*t Lawn*'" other countr v* The difference In laws and Oaljr ExeUnivc OPEN DAILY* P.M.-2 A. M. In concept of justice have "often Rrrord Shop mmmmmmmmmmmrnrnrn. out an adequate frame of refer-; ence when faced with condition* i —ALSO 8PBCIUSING IN - which do not occur in thia coun- j try, he aaid. . Color Magic Far Your Hair. Per IiasAhi RnaUy Di//arant Try it'r Sgaeialur in Blrorhing, BAR-B-Q-RIBS ' Tili/iing, Frotting. \^l-J Diuaera • Saark# • Sut»lihi • Pi*M and C.omplrlr C.olorrhmmgr. 24314 a win ★ Bawdy 2(U AIIIHIT APTS. STATE BANK BUILDING mwute Tin an tuan 'v.* T-V,.