'% - The Weather j.-. I Sport* Ear Th» weather fareeast for da * n «»o%Ur cloodv with is* I.MVM Mwt K«*hi rhsnce ml showers rlesHog hy I'OlKJ •lurskks Nigh tods* will he hi Itowl Clmlc )—Aril 1 it with s tow of P The tow for Iturtaf HmmcmbIbc IsHtiy was M. taking .I kn/rlu U.t jvj \ OI.ITNE W. NO; M EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2*. IM0 CWCE J CENTS lta'1 b/ Kennedy, Nixon Renew Tries Deadly Blast To Get State's Undecided Votes Miehlfin'i 20 electoral rote* have lured Nixon will visit seven Miehiran eitlM Levels Store l„||, Vice President Richard Nixon and Thursday, mlssinr Detroit entirely. He W„U» M.«. U. ta» r,, m .It—M. tl c.pturin, ttj. th« w -"-ft,5-Ham, sis K.lunuM. 1.3 Killed, Scores Injured aavtrlnif vote*. KENNEDY' W In Detroit today, his Grand Kapiris and Mnaltefon. IN ML'HKEGON Nixon will help offlel- In Windsor, Ont. Explosion WJNIlSOP.. Ort 'JV -A that, fourth appearance in Mlchitan durlny this ate In the dedication of Muskegon ata- t*Tir,y rjplo»s',r. rr.iJ»p»*d a hu*y 1 irtjve «a< fA.r.g ip«u :»d in ,,rrd'lential campaign. dium. department »t^fr >r- the dTwri- the \(/f-try,' Wide, t Ho will arrive from Chlcaro at 2 p.m. Nixon k closely following Kennedy'* fitof, heart '/ this C'snadiari W- b.jildi.'.g. Hn'.twri %vttetvi severe cut* a.'id tr.rrn. Ills »yend* includes four short speeches tour through the state Oct. 14. The vice d»r /sty T-seto-l*), ki!!sr.y a', least PAT MAGI IRE. W n 4 * o ' 't! per»'if:.« and tnpiHtig more, t*-f,,re hi* major address at the State president will hit nearly all the towns on h'J I i d »i g e'jf't TO - ft*t, *a:d tfcsr r.Z : Kiiryniund* coliseum at 8:.Y) tonight. the Kennedy route plus Muskegon, where Nl'.n br>dieg tonm r*rr/y*r**l "t>;ere i» every uS.snt,-/- " a lie will leave for New York at 10:30. Kennedy spoke labor day. f Oefer.ve * Other fH*r - • - HK COm.M.r.ll M!M sharp- Y.ett tiid tr,»r» it. i were s* ieftst. Aft ir irer** *d;?i*te' »♦ ma ted I attack* on hi* fiemorratie for,' lo ir, » r,f then, a b*by and ; tcere »•' i da»-Laye a* I '/*< •aping ftt Marietta that K»j»»iftn h*'?. <**> -vr f>* ,'Vlrry «'/ci.' 'Prestige * 'vi'.-isn eut Campaign Pr«mi*r Nikita Khrufhrhrv "would have *temp*d on" Ken¬ nedy if the Hrnator had repre- ij.n: troops I*aka dk in i.ko- ing a way from the ceremonial Hold in stadium to rommenorate parade I ni|ed 1 b-if-erj Per, i* if: et>, 17. »n »limbing th" » *■* r\ \ y /}e' ftte •>,; * 'C>, f r'/V !>»'rv fmr'it lletrto- PDI.DVII.I.K _ I aiteg N.I Mm. Irmp. jf tot!, the ha»em»r*'» WifV /. d*r- ' Story Still vented the IJ.fi. ftt last May'a summit conference in Paria. In devoting a major part of Survey Is from Gbaa* swing gown ntreel mi par. *g* in l.tgpuMvlll*. Ik* Congo, la.l Nation* Itay in The Congo Ghana soldier* of the I .V took capital. part in |jr*wi» depth* ta-.d any other* I trapped there. **r* d»s.'l \'C, V. ',*lher there mere other* "*0 t A pg/sitar (f .* ietle thorvighfare Are , v»w the On Islands Concealed' Tilthnday't! rprerh to Quemoy and week. Oogote*, Irnog* Del. 21 lerror- the ceremony, oT'j NVirephoto. r»v# ih, % ait \etyit-rO~i* rlearsr-.y M Maiau, Niton was hooking to ejt- iseg lop«lgvlll»'» pngulation into slay¬ | c.f * rev Way* i«m» of to1 -1 *♦.;! ploit an issue ho obviously fool* tr. fs!; ifi ha* given a lift to hw campaign. the-, f IV FNVATI Viro Pro»i. w.rker* '4« Md giart Richard M. Niion declared The- Vi«*o Proaidont rharge- Report of Deilinr a'cewlv f 4 '. »re»»x v» adr- »'e< Reds THE riR«T IDENTIFIED SHrug Congo Cost that Kennedy would abandon tho -.»-t. f/ - ,red two Tuesday nifh* Won. John T. Ken- ls Hidden—Keonrdy d»*»S •!<»' anadi ■adiae •' -a- Tw» after b*» l»»nu—? : a»* r,,)v vl, romplotoly wrong in J islands to tho Chinese Commit- ft* fhree injured ►d »* a en Rfty Fwii FT •taring that tho Eisenhower ad- j nists in a futile offort to appoaao IV ILLINOIS WITH ICS*- iM Mr» Ir* ret Fwu hftth %f Af.fHriNRO E o >* »n- ,» -y l.te ex;!ft*,v,.' share of the Congo rortt, and et teir.g proposed for U#41, came dir.-a the coir.: r year but toese were e*1:f.gu »r.ed and'of an assistant sorrotary of •fonoy. I'd th» fteeet *11 ;;t?e*#d to'.lh NIXON. IN *Ii irat nation- KENNEDY SAID tho odmfnU- accused HarntnarskjoM of violat¬ during a wide-rang«ng crilirum c; a! e»t,m^te« for r#l* yea rt Joeepr Jfa.'ford, 3!-year-o4d state, and that the testimony toy». p ,/tos a-.-; ier~r» Half a tlif toioriaod apaarh fram a Ro- tration "rofoaod to roloaa* It, ing General Assembly directives of Hammarskjofd's flsca! potirie* rnc.gr, bill have rarred from $1% manager of lie store. »a;d a gai d'.-ivn confirmed his statement tho c*r» parcel at the r»a* r(,hiM-*n rally ta tha raaipaign, In his conduct of the Congo op¬ Rose hi n sairf the Soviet trior/ tOiW.'m to tlV' m..kftT.. miMatration sought to oatrieaU I And tha roo»on it that thoy (tho i.*f.a.ih#d fat b7 fa! we re *g Urtrk up this thalimg*. amorting, eration. would forego payment for it* Harnrr.arslrjo.'d ha« rrd! lasted itaolf from tho otf-»horo ialanda. I findings) show Mr. Niton I* mia* | wreckage V> -d-vw* of a «♦ v,t "I «to flatty, catagartraiiy and ompnatiraily daay," hia appo* Hut .Niton insisted tonight "not' informod." In a speech to the yr-nation) service* ir, airlifting troops to budgetary committee, Soviet del¬ the f orgo. tha* the Congo operation iWnM be ^naneed by a*MMi«mer:ts on the Soviet Union |fr*-.t were fc.ft-wr, '/it. The stores cfto-rete fftcr *u Pont'i lUlanwt. only wtro ihtrt not sovoral mi*-1 The liomorratir protidontial egate A. A. Roeehin also asserted | Communist bloc delegate' have member nattooe in the same pro¬ •ion* for »uch a porpr**o— ihort J rondidato hammorod hia attark n ! bucked at tr*t fftet »-.tr*»ce a'4 Tho M.minoo Kopublicaa proaidontisl said Ua aaswtr was gtv* waa no auoh mission at all." that the I *»• motorwl through Htiaa and lag to "aCongo operation is lead-1 bitterly atuwksd the costly Congo eery serious ftnancial j operation in the com mi fee, and! portion a« thejr regular tary asseeerreeta. Tft» budge¬ United Writes Off • -. :*.» w.rvtvto.i were sceattenaf He said ho hod talked wi»h|t^« around Chkaft Tuesday. ■ trte the street. A j *d *a;r o »ftor ho had talhad hy Ulo* crisis which may have very sen-1 have announced they will not cor ; States' normal iteMimrf l t« I'bono with mOttarsr aad diplo- matjr loodora who had hooa tn Twining, with Adm. Arthur W. Radford, Twining's T>»« Ouottion of proaUgo of tho United States has hooa argued by •us political consequences " 1 tribute fund* to support what about 12 ' ptor-toftt Disarmament i.dft-''' Jay nea» a Mr. W |{ Mclevwe i-.a«ted rvj»,u-. a swre. Hammarskjold warned in th« they called the "dirty role" of b-it it may era-! up nspir.g for half aa haad of tho joiat chiefs, m4 gaudy aad Niaoa Mam their ter7 rn a bw spttatra m tho f ar Last far I It part that funds mark ad for tha 1 the United Nations in th« Congo, of the (rem go operator. VStTZD NATION5. N T '** — twn. others, aad had horn Paid thoro Am talwtaim dakaia. Niton mM ar,-ad;'A« r.g aawf « wars not teen any disrussiapi it la "at aa aU-thao high" whoyo. The So*dct L'riior. Tuesday vir¬ «jc > jitt after 2 p^r* (E*7i with CMang en ahandsnaioat if m Tim i|j mm Ml—r bm tually wrote of" V.N. (inrai- •the lirhte went a*d sve-y - (Juoiaoy aad Matau. Taaaday. fit throe whlsfls-step Snrpriaed That She Von inert* debate st ?Vvc Ur-e at I* ia d tha only way to r»- x»*- t> continued 'g f em if t&e Scu." fiie Thooo officials said: "Any dis¬ . 'Harvey' cussions that took plam ... re- laud only to tho deployment of Notionalist Chiaooe forces as be¬ spoor has, Kasnody raad graphs from a page eae story tn the Now York Timet. They mid that tha surety dioclemd almost para¬ New Queen Starts Busy Reign to'vt tha Easi-We'* deadlock /a to FoM a iprtia! Ger.eraJ Aa-: s» I rv-.'d. a^-rr.bty seyeicn nnt tpr.r.g "I KAN fKjUN UrcrytAmg *«• ribiy lyjiet. Yw 'v,..-Is-'? he* • f» lymmit level anytn -g fyr a *c..;* 7>»r pw>* « Opens In tween tho mam island of Taiwan unanimous belief among people Src/ Txzuiy F'rr.g-, V.r : vtarted to • 'a.*, of the tier*, fFormosa), tho Poocedor«s Is- in niat European and one Asian By CHARI/rm: DALTON. Excalibnr, »er.ior men * honorary.? Member* cf the court will V T" butt and laodk and tha off-shore islands vp.tie« and will to* Va>riar, A Z/-* * e.g. A litti* Hteta News Huff Writer A rer»e«r>a! anil 6e haid tn fg pre»er ted g~.* nations that the Sonet Union Is **' fic.o-e yoople of Quemoy and Matsu," tho Vim and rvprtMSt tr.e foliowtog Rig Ten ffta; unpens the Un ted State* rrytng. s»y Fairchild Friday afternoon "I ssna to snrpriaed I could¬ •taditmi Preaident said. stronger than tho United Rtetes. he will attend the rally, errooU O.o Steta. ■uener-up and its alhe* itcc y.r#t F*.'»- dcrnr. I*. w«. tcrrb*e awf-'" Tho surety also showed that they n't helieve it." was the reaction • p'P l/« H. ay a Ite/ fee- away llaccharusfia Friday night. Sue Taylor, lit. * »er, oc " -vr Kfrrushrr.ev j ©f Mary Berlei, East Grarul spnrr,»-ri o*i . helm** that the Russians wrj.ll th-i Mary* will rerejva her rro-eo Illinofe. ia^sre kftkietts, ffti-j desarmameo* "we *0 » Rapid* aophomore after learn¬ ire have rv- ■ "Hiney.- Ike first *f the I'ri- >»„ur Tbratr* .reUyrtMM,.. ISC Hearing hr»H that leed widen it and, perhaps, during the ne*t decade. ing »he had been cho»»»»n from Home-1 nueen Is»t year » llr-'ieromreg rag' Rrether. vo"itnfteM I'du1**, •^--wre: t-«fi * te .Ml fores'-adc/werc an tfatad Heiar tr, ra* m**» -to k.'« !<».» W »t stor* fft *.*d t *# fn.ek .1 the gentle, kink inebei- chance,** »he said- day at lh P.m. A 2'* inch traveling Gay Firth, I>»tr * eop*>'rr.ore -n.-e-i* noTcr** 0' 'n*f en-?-# helieyea and »hat tha farts ar*," ^ U*e•her*, be tekf, ■" r.ieenj P. Dawd, playwl ky Communists Kennedy sald- Mary is a transfer student from trophy Will be pre»ented.to Ea»t Mi»cw*ota.- sftc 0»em.NortHwett- . ... Grand Rap»d» Junior f'ollege and j Mayo •pon»or of the winning can- V.-Uag* w w-n La*irup ficn-iet bi<*< of 'he '"-sr. -~«rr,n t-«» at fti.-.r» tnan 24 pe r a o n t n« were Allen krpke. "If peopla Kara the idea that Ferry". or that p'.ate o« ;re oroate H* »a d it »»,! de Hk, MitrHe!!. IV. ■ she i* majoring in elementary ciementary daiate, I*-* fommc' an Mort fiah! will ap- New York Jjnx/f Ptar»? ■je. J.ii Knr-W---e, washington. <**—'t h * the Russians are tha strongest, w { es. fl!>*d with sroke »M Ktxvrr I* A Lao a awear* eduratton. i fte1 intenvat.r-raj Senate Intrrna! Semr'-ly Sub- how are me going to gat them t« an * • ea • d He u/. t/bcre, wtre aqtwoRJ ta ktveeU'. sister Veto Lenta*, Her reign »• dvren will begin pear briefly during the interim*- Veerhyn. St. J'""f »ftpfomcoe; work with ur and to follow us?" c e-nptete and total d .famtsmant. tv Sir. filairt by Lata Mastla. aad bee rummitiec T'ludav relaaeed tw¬ Thursday night •hen »he it guest •Mm program following hit 'now W:»c,r.» . 5'a-y 1-i.en Itavry. Zorn sccused t-e Ur.;v«S •PeopCe i-de" pgr* if assgbter Mfftta Mas, OM by ill Sal". Hay by a veteran Tb. awiuteu stated, •f honpc at a dinner given by •t the lainaing Civic i.'enier. Alma »opbo">ore. lubvmrv. barwugater Isehtsee,beem|*niail.-Tbta SUV* a-.d t.-r« pocen brrek. nw.»i« a^<: »?er be ag:d- •ban CrwaelL Veto LwUm's at of uting *rw c*tn.r- ' ee u a "fmiy t."c eg* ftf some *»fs rr»- lens to weny kjltb Mm to a lifting »* pwnmunj*t» many koy •*•. rirh M*ag *** wiir frmtastoi kg figures in Castro's regime. The witness, Aurfiin Silvft I/. S. Doesn't Hide Out ^ul« Gcts »7r.o>cesrreen t nu-fig trte for irsi « of w- gM*' "s-id i» • I «•'.*. t c-fttor Sfttor ssaey f drsggod out. Ts-»'» nssai iaia kn -peak Chance In UN bmiens- ir':- - been k - -i there." At taw* eveeS V* '-"-I aeraaa to aator • Willi him. H» iwHrtln) Cuban Florida Bomb To Accuse UjS. EJward. Talk, at kin ^ by Br. Chw f !• use it In the fullest l>r. Rsr A. E'/i, itt'i'a-t torta by M M, ftM Alum in the wtuBf be mM. ■toot to belmer tea ergw- miami beach. fla,'«ft-tbr Lnit-H Sists« h»s i Walter a edward*, dewity as- Ceeet aad laedkr O* atog ad profe*»or af temkstry at MRU", m not Ca*tr*> and his brother. taken into coftaMcrition tlw pMsibility that fidel Castro united nations n t. ct- | sis tent sorretary af eomnserre for terms *ni Us rest I pruewl papei- Im!, but Gutty art and a Cuban oammmust, Antonio Nuae* Jim- SccrvUry Of MMM Tnomaj a. batw Jf. lnoicrao iac^ Tpewiay arsel qojekiy to a f^i se the gum? .rewhe* af tae Man- iin«.' mwurr n (mMmv United Nate< ataTwag of Caoan agvrr.cn? risb toe.ight. The meet- i aft head. Calif. f{,« ,\o Tickets In u j " ' In raply to a now* feetferunee I tag will be : tho Kna «f tee w • ^~k gar m .flu " -r - *, , -tat "f-ar* Eaitis Botsim acd tote tte guestlion. Galen said the United j curop Jnats that tho Utvned wtiwattaon autejing at i. Nrtn4« " sMgfcgtaftM^M Wolverine Pix | State* "has wilitpry coutiugooey j A'cir 1'urt C'if v lor i States U prcpar-^g an juva'-xi plan* if *«m«Uua| like Ihift hap-' Cabto w^'rSw^Mwwgn'wWk I pan* " a tea snur ilaai as tin, 4, gtfa. lam> mm THE MANE ELAN. Gout mid. i applies to the I'A Naif ham at j Tic* dec>'« wat saaec *r.rfj- oppjsition focrapi Miiaatet Raul Boa a<- after Cuomo 55 Cal Pressmen Star, Oh* kM giea* was Gas-fas mo h; ta Cafca, -hitai! i cusei sen Jorin f. ICvnoedy ud toaoaairttaa to law rttoincton ta •osU ba liliafiil V Caatca Resign In Squabble tar PaiiUaar " ' sJMOta UIMk. )Vko-Prrw4rct R«h*d m. Nix*. •Hanrer" wto kg Earlier, ta a ■sink Wfara Ik* | act of ittofckiag Ctebs a «Mpo-| 8 Mil —HlltlM* af tfc* Past* V* US pro»»oeBba5? *in be a ■Mn af Axm. Ik* Wiw He emjsd lor wrtesij berkelzy, caut, —- ?»>»ris v-jumd *3 witflorf, IJO yrn. StaMMrr Palatal ib*t Ik* L'attta U-N. aettaoo. bWrti of ovary owtiTpus S..k-*r. of Btriteaty. bacd- — ••; »*• r*m» «1A"« ero»7 CVwrrs ' mum. -a-c Brar oe-»., e^r^e M 5^.. —™ In Auto Mishap crste? denua! and Ropvobcao ewodtaimos est pres.- cnotroi m— jrer defdvted; ftfty-Cnro atudoou. | Or* of Vie cw-*r-.:?tee^ enrr. sv^admg piatcKs ap»ja«-. s^vv W(M ^ m tftavr racont vmnanu at cam- & oinws mm«m to woC as aditona: ssmcmi etotert -w « fikffi inmlm editors of Bm daily papar. idt- dMaa Ho ttmipBd tho UVwted S*ate* «r«ry. bsmsor and mpasm' a "wo rer.gr- -•> bscps S«M t'ak*. vkfcfc ka* kaaa Is mm too mr tarter* ta Cw-|nsjamss and tho yoar .km ing tho atoten' riding map M Mifc Ik* naMka IM pa aa to Gtesteervaa m 1*1 TRm waJied off too jsfc. < to be ^SLabod " * ' ~ **-ven by asp f*r mr mm* mmmm amrn jam*, ho dccteiwd. Pad Posa Tho campus aquebbto arose vwwr. axvg eeUhmx. CappieUo w« used fMmoieeslv Py iCmansty Friday botwomi too Asaocte*-«d: "tenx* to 4M tkrir air ftlwiii aata auk* and Niwn in ortngsng tap «f>e j'jS-ttedmU Esocutive CommtStoe •"are s, p. • ****** ****** *f tfcair refusal and the 63» seamr , editor* of Social Worker Talk* ^ 1*11 Mull to unto III ail l M wilUacir *• tack a m#it aboard noacd over at Cacs-f US. Dstepr* Jamas W. Bareo too Dsuly Coliforrksn. The crjrs- Dr Myrt.e R. Re;.'. iM'ita?! — «n-iM a 0r„ ^ m ^ _ wait Air Force ba* Tuesday ] eaDnd t* Cuban cturfa af rmttee trted to wart ad-Uac Dua prof«»>«r •octei wftrk. will give « amking an eenergeorv laod- sieged r.r»oa ptens fWBMOtee Srivor and c-j staff the keynote si-tree* <«- "Cawed • aaro to tha' US spy ptaae Tarident. FaiUnf to. <-ar. 5m'w, too Parrau" at the Bogieeal Ces^ »un wfaeex Gate* said "the signiflcaot ] ted- AH aboard were beiirved and "a cr/ar.-trote* . • He aa - k** gowmmeot «fifCi*dcc: govogDmeot fomaomoe fere&ro ef Latberas Charrhea. maurta Tie aek—l af Mlraia*. aktahjMtat" ta tkst "the CA4.R. ha, *• <* ltaioiuMd. - . the huge Prjne n.ec Fidel Castro hu voted a crULigt of hy-lawi pal- Tte roto un- 10 s.«. &r. Thursday at the BetA- Kng | at toitaM taaafauia taifiaaa ear gaarta. This, af caarac, totao to* ptaoc. onrouta froWf'iacktaaa ki supervwn. Under the | leaen Lut&eran ciuurch in . fTOptjl c. i'tot l —a will ass taa.- lUm fMiaa. anapptad to tead.ii taad. IUattad s-ea. rums ton motm nditoml' siag. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 2S, i I'A (IK TWO M I r III (I A N STATU VEWS The I'olitieal Soapbox Kciiluri'H Swainson: 'Where Was Bagwell?' JOAN MIM.AII— I'olitiml Kdilor Like Ailjui Says GOP Head Misses Action Foreign Students Ll. (iov. Has ~ rsr """""" llole iii Shoe Mr. Itairwell l«en the l««t two yearT 1.1. View U. S. Politics "Where ha- (iovernor John II. Sw.lneon mke.1 State Newn reporter, Foreign ktudontM on cnrnpii* worn iixkwl'fast week to HA IMtN I.MINK II DAN in a recent interview in Flint. rive their vii-WM of flu* Amerintn election rampiiipti now PI'.MHI.lt and OM'IN KINO -A# titular head of hb party, "*** in piok'ff'HM Mini to toll how it compare# to a campaign hi Air New* Staff Writer# tM. should have been present mUm staivlard wages fur t-, ft. When the Republican# in the i enl. He ha* nl#o urged teacher in their country. There . m enigma about legislature stalletl on bill* atfec-;BH well-informerl cltizerv ^ Students ipi.estinned were selected at random from the John Swaimiai, Democratic can¬ ting education. Where wa, he? , lllkl. B mora active role In poh. (ion foreign student#, who represent ahont t»0 countries. didate fur governor lie preM-tils Where was Mr. Bagwell when tic*. Their answers were a. fol¬ hi# party stallmt on utate civil ••The etotc's univtrfitie# w.,! | mailv fnees to rtie- public, all of low, Korea, a campaign la#t» only rights ItgkiUition?" b«% well advised to cen'i.i!i/r IftiRRRo PI A V fquedor: "I m,,n,h the people do' thorn youthful and vigorous h time to think 1 Hut thme .s'more to. the man, When the diseuxidon aliifted their fund-rabJng actlvitit;. • fc<. tTiTTiT rtrn+--4u_thi« countrv fin*1 n"l have very im b#ue of improving Mich¬ ■kid- randidiilr* and I There .s an aijra' of *"•:!staled to the pe igan'* genomic cllnuitc, Swain* "TbU is not necessarily r/ifh other'* opinion* In ii'iv coiirif Wui.lnimd thai Koiean politi jmltiMMMit (»»<• «« interviewer i# wil t t|»i- .implfM i«»»» thai lain Mild: live hat gaining, m lobbying, t., tiy during I In- In at election,, one rians toe iimi'e"lTtx~til**UU* than Irf: premature el# talk sense- The 100.000 rather greater coordinate kli candidate entered n town and J#J! th«*> do here, "W e have a paiTP" "^twa+uiuii so*m' • people were killed." Inmentai y »y«tein of yovei nnient wbuicm . — _ jot>* a year Mr. Bagwell say* cooperation." The unlversdy .s,. I'oiiii could not see a great dif and there m no potitie.il training W.- found room 41!I «»f .FlmtV he'll create won't come into be. come pr«»bleni will Uirrt-jxr- * f nrollment increase* ho said. fen-nee lief wren parties in tin* for the vote is or the |miIU retail-," Dui.int'hot.-l nl»oui 3 pin. more ing ju»t Ihcuum! he says #o." T: ■ Tinted In- added an "hour late for uiir ap- Swairwon went on to say that ff»r lymrdlnation !■ i Stale-, "In Ktpindor we have, for example, the I omnia I fa Mftiet, fiermaru : "W'e |io,nimfiil Tin large mfiii who he Ijclicvcv Michigan's economic1 ukely to go away if ignans!. have more paijie- and Die dif -i«Jf IOllW|OU« ...iniinjent UP"" WrIs, ,KocihIi«Ih, Idheral", and flllsWCKinl our (Uturr 1U I«. KWAINSON RAID h- <> fereneee .between tho par In- are ( on«erVMtiVe.," he sold kinii k * |M till ipivrrilor" '- in t'olh u'e students are the irrewter ►« we have a it renter t>,rticul,rty dUturhr-l ». politi- lha' win! ft. t.df ihim rnl leader# in Kquadoi*. Perm ffyht " German i ampairnei « d»ui't w- *"v'-rn-.to Mm v, b.. burl(„ tinted Mut' he found le*# interest tornoon ret. hut hi* would jikK. oi ll -e television. Ni'tut mi at. In polito" among university- stii- "More people take part m the S\VAINSIIN. who was m-rua* 1 Wr tun-.l , t'.UI rrvi-nue "r"*' wll','. rienl - lo o. In T'lti idor, o* eoul.rieded t«o enmpHU'ii." he noted, "I think Die Pit* had OV' l'lKMl d. lake time to Mfr for tl,r '-j" «" «*P"WI , the t'S vol hut iv iompulM«rv.but eoltlml hetWeen voter- and earidl ?o Soi> tali, I ud'i . on..' i e.iii fellows who (.intinulfiA n-f. this slate, not a one*#hot, limit- '"-Edttdrial vl»t». , dale' M gieuter in the t lut»«| i you iiiii«t l.«* literate In vnt« \|.oitt !K per rent of the popu . State, " ywtrly pmfr.nt " I "T..."' ,.TTJ" ." laiion n illiterate." Itolurt (lower*, t.reiit llrilntn: pfprWHUvt (tnubt ttl.t M . ' 0 ' ' W \1 ID htiadduri, Irni); "I1 "I think ttie Amerii'Sn eampaien ,n* uwfitl — ttuxnir —'tt—t could '1* ' *" *** ' . think the American campaign it | i# rouirhrr and more er»»r|feHe. srih l-T. OOVKRNOR HWAINSON Sh- whrrr (ho pholo or the famous Slrvrn- hn t*k,t, by ■ rofwlltuttfjnat con--, lh™ to „ vnjr wide and very energetic. t than a liritirh eampaiirn," »s n 1 holr In Ihr solr was lukrn In I9.">li UMMI H.. -1-.. ..id hp bp!,....; ;»1"" 411 ,ht •um7i 1 - ■ only wonder if after the eleetlnn "The American eiindidafe# are' Ye, .it OilUiktillg play* Ihr hoi* in bin Mhor. A block inri son i, w,t. o( pnrruy to put """ »' » the candidate* Will do what they put In a more tliorooyii tent hy the voter# than are lintiah eatidi- «»pl»n the eiassriwan abaal u.v in kimkI n>r joke.# Jit n hnir nul Ihr window to Swalmton'M Ipholn by Owrn Kind pponomtc probtenw to rptprpn-! .nltnoUB Thl- Reputlllrftn Ir,' me saying liiey will do. riiilit is Ihr Hint IMA auditorium 1 Swaln-on hot hp--n .j : ,< "Ill I I'M. hava never had njdate#. They have to an«wrr niotv aftstd, and we inanuj*ed turn posed "Tm: AVI.VRAfiK rittlpn f"*' havmu p-H-d ht- Rptiin. , . president ml clecllim," Khnddun spontaorou* nurgtiotm." mi fat net i« hi I didn't know it wjm there' UIII tnu. tOP vot.tut b.»'Ui Iw. t-»t. ponpnt, T'.ut B»|WP|! more fur Mud, "We hove a premier, who ma the leader of a popular revo¬ "I think, th« Vote in the eandidate than the Sw.tuison harked vounn parly in looked the jstcreot,v|K" of' *bc j I'd hove to wcatr » Pole clear up He Ih'tiutcml* Fail Candidate hud b.'pi'.. to thl- .ul. np mv kins- l.i l.rl It anyway." Calendar ai i ji v in I UBS." the vote i# more for the party." \t■nliM.il Av«-. ii<* Iraikert «ny- Howera'thouiriit Aineriean cam- During the |ft5(| ]*reftldefithi! To Hrl Air Time m«lt«r," hp Mid i "THAT I* JltKT Hp potnlp.1 out tint tt-- |p|t- >IKh tnridpnhc," hp M .l "We have eleetinna for Con- Uoim but a ituUeriwttorUil candi¬ rani|MiKO./ Adial Stevenson t Campaign schedules for the latum u «lrp»,lv «npowvr«d RietHinen. hut those election* fimiriier.# made promise# they dal.- ,#|aike in the IMA hull, only a HAN FRAN'C'ISrO (AV IUdi© -imo-hinj hi « ipppph. . . «re fixed.'' didn't always fulfill where in Ill: MAS DRPSSID you nn bkxk from the Motel Ml which station kt'HS, oiieratrd hy the preoidential and virc presidential I#vy wh»t*v.r t.ip. it tenu fpm, , ypportpri notppad ,, candidate* for Wednesday and Salil h. Pa#, India: "In Amer¬ Dieat Itritain eandidatra ntiek to f)*(«ird urey null, ImU.ui «k»wn wo were tutting It was tiierc Columhia Ilroailcasting Kystem, H" »»a I- ht-llPVP, | p,ppr, ,et, ,,uMfd bv M. H* ica, Dot It pal l iet want the •>aio»« finrty politie# that are tradition sho t, blue rep t,,•. d*»rk «»cks|thiit an alert, Life |ilM»tofcaph©r Tuesday refused a Democratic re¬ Thursday; thp lpjl,Utur». wlitch h.t, •prPMim.|| or onp of hh tjpkp- .... . M'KDNKKDAY anal by different means, hut in ally earrhil out. for free broaden t time for to ttip ficti, abould d«td« fuel India, the goal# of the parties dif- Abraham Adrdire. Niferia! "I and blk ttic ftfiiiotw picture »»f the quest an answer to Hresident Kisenhow- Nixon—Middletown, Dayton, j' „nni rpcnjn,,, tt- y, u.j of vi«->r mid enUiuemmn. MOM. IN !»•«. a tneirdier «»f Lima, lJeschler and Toledo, Ohio. "They want different forms ©f i« about the aame in Nigeria a# Put the physical ca« t pn»vt-d; "he new generation #»f ikiiio- in qiiration "wa* designated hy opprtswi to * conatitutkmaf con-' govei tinient." it in here. Hut in Niffetia, we haw the M'hite House staff as non- Kennedy—Chicago and Detroit, "We have a prima minister #c- a parliamentary ayatem of gov- deceiving, the youthful ttnagei rraU," which Stevetwuui fiad laaige - HeUilehem ami Phila¬ ventlon, Swainson admitted it political." will In? empowered hi modern- leife.l from ID. mnjnrity party i erruneut ami have aevoral paitie# mibmerged when Im* -begun to-fostered, sat befoie u* with a Ifoger Krtil, California chair¬ delphia, Ha. Sac ra in en to, Calif., ire the stale government in rather than a president," Par j rather than just two." talk of hi* plan* fur Michigan, j hole In In* shoe. It who too food man for Sen. John K. Kennedy, and Johnson — areas regretfully dated. pointed | Sanaullah hirmani. Pakistan: Propping hw- feet on a chair,! to mU*- requested the* free time after hpokane, Wa*h. - t haus Kin, Korea: "The ram- "In Pakistan, election* ate al- Uie 1.1 (bwernnr leaned back charging that ('resident Kisen- THUH.SDAY Specifically mentioned were /\f m mm a / # # Mllll.I. Tin: CAMKRA was utru in America Irnvrs plenty of m(Dt festive, The market places and said: "Sh war i u j After a cfniplo of quirk jthnls. tin* country U lagging In-hind hind a woman's akirt* to ia. > will have dirtuulty finding ...ev- { hrre here "" 'the It governor moved to Wu* Kussia in eeanomie growth. No |\f*MA |w . . . t iYturf If eel; the most vicious underhand<-* legs, there . a huddU* Riaenliower's apeeeh before the dent Eisenhower will pass up Soapbox page will f. attire Haul Jackson hit in a atatemeri' »! t iti*»ns for Kennedy ; tl e Very youngest take pint, Mut I xv;'* fond of w*KHiwore on A* he Aid this, the sun tvd his Commonwealth club was desig¬ a newconference again thtej Bagwell, Repuhliean randHiate an assertion by Mr#. S t y i < ' Member# nf hi# group will i the kind of campaigning is almost j w'oou For a mmmwil, face «nd part of the yottng look nated by the White House *taff w-«mef1t Yet vunulu-d The strength of hi* a* non-poliucal, no time veil] Ik* The White Houae announcinc will l« articles fin some of senator from New Ilanip-r.: -, {-> and Pom the p..lis ; hut will al«o serve a# hnby- "In the I nited State#, everyone aciou#n«*> afrout his artificial ness was replaced by ipuitUDty dent" tbe dwllioft dale* in the Slate election. presidential candidate, "he- > nttei'H mi that Mom ami Pad can ran expres* hi* opinion, tell who leg", and certainly hoIiciUmI mi i An oUI-young-mah. very, very soft record on ton r-1 to vote without worry Ing lie likes ami why, but in 1U Salva¬ synipaf i \, muniam," He bceoma an enitrossen id the about the little Allies. dor,. h© can not." It was at that moment we r»o- "Onward, 'Christian* Soldiers" Addressing the Bedford. S H Rhfttbotlom, la"«tng senior, is ticcd the h-Ale m his ahoe. When j eon versa ttoo tlvil our |»hot<»- chnlrmnii of the rvrcutiva.com- »»• told huu about it he aaid: ; grapiier ha0V Ml'. SAID Hi: \v.»> sorry iu* atatcsuent about Mr Haul Bag¬ ord is soft." Jackson, calling thi* a vifiov* The romiuittee al«o appointed well (bis Heputdican foe) had* smear, said it waa a desperstio i no cvecutne ronmuttee of *tu I dents, to i-oordimitr thr activities! SeluN)l IUuii been viislorted Swamson'* con. ' effort to save Republics" pre*;* dental eandidata Richard M* N *• of btlliirnt* for Kennedy j men*, that fcngwcU's pixunUe of1 ScnjUor I'aittck V MfNamara, on from defeat. Most of the numit»cis of the' j 100,000 new jobs a year w»* He said it was fneonceivsh ♦ executive cuoic iiiicudedjftfhtlng hard fur re-election, hr# j phony pholvelii #, was twisted that Mrs. Bridges would »*'• th * NTS V dprmg tl simmer #'*v* lrt,t ««> an pdded burst of speed j until he was quoted pi the press! since his opponent* have started without clearing it with he- ! Rion, so the group was oi^anir^d Uv having called Bagwell a! and ready to begin activities wlien rumors that he is muie ready for hand, whem he called Nixon »tofl fall let in opened* Khriilmttoin a wiieetchair tlmn a Senate seat. | phony, according to the Dcmo-j strategist. i ciwtic candidate said The gray haired Irishman who Jackson asserted that thr A most an Ihiui alter we had ment was made directly «■»* Dui registration the rtun- j celebrated his sixty sixth birth- ! arrived at the Swainaon hotel Nixon had a secret eottftw* Htii up a hemtli outside of;day Oct, 4, never steps where ho TnuclwM to iinswn question# and leap, stride* everywhere at j itxmi. we left. with his former California •* • take names of' student Kennedy breakneck j*ace and rmph»y# a ■ i Be remembered our name*— paign manager, Murray V"ho' *■ »up|*oitei>. crvw of five just to make his ap¬ ja never failing aid to pnpular- He said Oiotiner'a technique Altlioiigh the group has no of pointment# and keep up with him.! | tiy--and aatd hc IjoimhI t») see us "frying Communism." in u*l mcmla"i'*hip. »t ha* a mail- Hi# view* catty as much fire | jI ag-UU- Jolm Aw ainwm — Democrat* "With defeat staring him H • !■ v lid of 1200 name.#, Khrubot- a* ever. face. Mr. Nixon is shedd; ' i rail him Miohigan'a nam for the and showing the true Nv1 . torn said. "The United State# w.ll nltt I mask As part of it# campaign activity matrly recogntre Rnl Chip»." the j WIN. IVkTRK K McNAMkRA . 60 s, We call him a nice gur. —the same aid Nixon «f the Young Citirgn# for Kennedy senate: stated, "hut thi* should j smear and the slur . . J*# not worried alniut He said his immediate action _ _ The Young Citiiraa for Kan* Sovte\ dominated mainland. federal government intervenUon ] would he to try to make money tiedy orgivnlKAtion is »n offshoot He oppoeed an increase in the , in the schools if such a program more readily available through of the national campaign for Ken¬ amount of money spent on na- ,» pointing ©ut that it i* f,-,Wral nwerve board reduction of:. nedy. Throughout the nation, ttonal defense. , up to the states to decide where, ef interest ratoa. It would take bu.,3 four organised group# are sup- several moittha for this action to Univtrii' porting the Democratic candidate. if it were properly spent," the The Army Corps ©f Engineers bring about any improvement These groups are as follows: aorwtor >u d "An incnew.se in doesn't tell us how to use their though, he cautioned. Citizens for Kennedy, Young Citi¬ armed forces can be done w-ithin highway*. It's a tued old argu¬ As chairman of the Senate zen* for Kennedy, Teens for Ken¬ the present appropriation." ment and Cm sick of it," he said. Subcommittee on Problems of the nedy. and Young Working People The prestige decline of the for Kennedy. t . . , i Tt" ,\h*n'jHSmltr •" •«">> Akv.1 md Arte th, 8,n.UrX -lit-* in th, pi*t f«w. ntn tn th, fot-.tn trillion, «.f tny.-Ily roic h»« t»rii hr.r.i -f- ' Col lor lively, the group* fall un¬ ■M-N.m.m oH, J« der the organization of th* Na¬ fh«r*,.hl, to th, «halhnl ir>' I '"STtrn j th, R-public inf th, IVmocnU u.n ,|-(irdint , in wcurtty p.ym,nu for old «, tional CiUxvna for Kennedy. torn of lha Soviet Republic. Their IcxsnUxU," he aaid, "our ckwest1 niedical and hospital bills. B'gpyggPAY, OCTOBER 2*. IWiO MICHIGAN STATE NEWS CAGE THREE HE ATTENDED Sew York About Ambassador Information Elsenhower Back After 2 Neiv Officers Assigned university for a years study in meteorology under the Air Force Non Political Tour < To Air Force Detachment Institute of Te«hnoiogy's educa¬ Henry Cabot Lodge LUTHERAN RTUIIKNT AHMO- CIATION—2730 p.m., Univer¬ sity Lutheran Church, coffee tion program. Major John M. EngebreUon ha.x | Their home is In Seattle, V«'a«h- with a weather squadron support¬ In Korea he worked ■praad their kind of truth-corn* WASHINGTON (AV-President President Richard M. Nixon, the been ainigned to the Air E'orre j inyton. ing aircraft operations out of II, HAM MAHTIMI hour with Pastor Hall, campus Half Hlaff Writer ipuniani" throughout th«* world. pastor at Porto Alley re, Brazil Eisenhower came back to Wash- Republican candidate. Rf)TC detachment here after a I An*»ther r-'itr officer assigned to Seoul airport. ladcr, who ha* swung hard anil Presidential Press Secretary (the AFRfrTC detachment i« Capt.' After two years in the f'hihp- littroit -Hfnry Gabot M.H.C. HOTEL AHMOUIATION- inyton Tuesday apparently happy Jame* C. lour In southern France. r nnibnMaiior t«i the United p I Or k fx I Khtliahrhev hack on his Ilayerty was a»k*d, in f Donald I». Roll way. plre with a radio squadron he 7:30 p.m., 73, Kellogg, Wolver¬ While in E ranee, he Mirved with heel* many time* in the UN, told ahoul his 10-day trip to the west the light of these ( apt Hollway received hi' corn-' w» - a**ign*d to MHU as an in- SwiionA, 1* ft hvrv Monday (o ram- ine picture, 8:30, 4th floor Interpretation*, a crowd of 1,500 during hia D*- with a nonpolitical label. He whether he or any of the White s transport *qiiadroii a*4igne* on l*avr- communist*. J/ounye, Union. Kpeaker on Itespite the nonpolitical sticker would leave that to newsmen. his former UN^eadquarter* The Republican'* diplomatic "New ami Old Brazil," slides on the trip that ended Tuesday, Asked whether Eisenhower is headed an Inb'lligence Training f omoiar.d, for officer* and airmen, y.vw York a* ho dwelled on In- and political venture Into Jdichl- and Flamenco Guitar::I. some of the things Eisenhower "happy about It," llayerty replied t,. i notional affaire. ran was received as a roqueat SENIOR COUNCIL-d:4.1 p.m., said along the way -were inter- that, "he seems to be." at T/iwry AE'R, Colorado. In Ko¬ prctrt] widely as digs at D« mo- Rut he said that Eisenhower rea hf directed photo interpreta¬ 36, Union, pirtune for Wolver¬ ine at 7:40 p.m. era tic presidential nominee John doesn't begin making political tion operation* with the III. Air don't go oat Is Force. t'ROMEN ADKRK 7 p m.rSI, Wl F, Kennedy and plugs for Vied trips until Friday. Ir. W W If, Major Ergebret-er. Building, cloved mm-tiny 8:15 stationed n. E-ri/Und and REFORMER CIIBI HI IAN I'll.. I.OWHIIIP—7:31 p.m., College wa i worker! with the Royal Air ForN Sept. 21 en a charge of driving 44 K^nd of fur without a beenee. He pleaded 33. Er-anat.on o The bandstand skirl bUies guilty then but he told the court 33 Unit iff t-t-Bi-.-s-le-. wtr' electric.ty 35. tip foiutiah of Yesterday's Pwsal* Tuesday that be had no knowl¬ edge that he waa under a proba¬ EmI Chisago, Indiana its wey across every cempus 33. Interlock tionary aentence until advised of 37. Malignant t Effort to it three days ago. 44 Tropical gam support In Hie country! Our fnee- b.ru 1 Speed 34. Relieve fcO Nerve coritest tkimmer: wool flannel 10. Egg-shaped network 6L Secure DOWN ) Geddessof 11. Army meal If. Handle 21. Medieval ,' Swing In an array «f c colorful d.vcord money * St •oU>, tfrlpei, and plaids. XL immerse 23. Corpulent 26. Turmeric S-14 V.M Toppinq: 1960 saes. 27. Braoen of the seo 2i. refine a white bufty knit fwStHsecl 20 Tboreuffc* aanj«i diwiiBHiiB! mma t&mw late: abbe. 21. X Indian weight 22. Lever HOMECOMING DANCE pullover. 3640 sites. 10.VS aaMRBss*! anaaa flllK ttbd HRfiKdl idMdIffKfllR 22S7 OAlsetsp lb II diiidaBE^ dlK5'. 1 ☆Mr dnmm *wm in ftn aiii JHI JII «|lt Sat yna tt ftn< TICKETS ON SALE UNION TICKET OFFICE Hg Tan Barnn $4 Par Coaple P WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 2«, I'm.,, MICHIGAN STATE NEWS I'AflK I'Ot'K Dinner Scrip* Siari. » f'urddy "• Aijdchmn ** «*«» basket bnti. F'orddy Andc> on about Stilt*'* Noted Doctor Named to ,R;'» Ho,d Deferred rushing and the new Wh program will' be explained ,or Rn,h ISgSfiHSK p.m. at Brody ball. The second date fchedtiled is n-iMiyMich]i'h*ti win ~~ — ~~ The firat of a scriea k t.i'fnr 14, Bnrthrf.RMrr prae,,,. 111. I., nl .H-tinn .|| til, Amfrlr.fi -ill W M >" H»- dinner* 1 ■ ,.,n Tuesday, Nov. 1 at West Shaw Chtr/icl Soclrty — "potential- ballroom at *:» p.m. Tt.k. . roach, and Uoni«T«iininif irh«ftcc« Mary' UimImi, K. Grand Rapid* j Mi»s Herb-, will tell about this in lio«k«'thnll this yi'iir. HeatI Speech Clinic ! to interested freshman men at ' two IFF convocations, according at i» p.m. The agenda includes a movie iti.-./ »r Artiv.tiifi An«ly»l«" .t, iro now on aal, in the LN Lour,,, -:flp tr,flight in III Old,. 1,1 lh« I'nm • uphnmnrt- will guecl* on1 weekend'* event*. to Boh Gaatav«on, MHA pre«i- WII.S ton it; lit at '• t" ' Repr«-entative- from the Mood f'r. Herbert Oyer bus joined Oyer said he would like to see jdent. A proposal was passed by about fraternity life, an intro¬ I'jit !■' i f »•. Houston, j drive will I'll annul their una! fol" duction to fraternity and IFF F.mcei s the faculty of the speech depnrf- | laboratories instituted where de¬ I the MHA Monday night to famil¬ T»\ji . jutdor, mid Uuy Pontlu*. thl» f ill and the serviren it is Went till- year and ha* become tailed experimentation may he iarise prospective ru*hee* with officers, an explanation of rush .laik-oii, ' iii' i will interview for. the director of the *peceh arid : done with fine precision instru¬ ! the rush program. procedures, and an informal dis- SOCKING Sl'SCENSK DRAMA! hearing clinic. ment 4. | The firs.t of the two convoca¬ ruaion period following the meet¬ The Miter's Corner flyer previously held a split OVKIl IIAS IJKKN MKMwf'il position on the facility of Ohio : in..instituting a field,Of training tions will he on Thursday at 7 ing. State where he wn* an associate 1 for graduate students within a Queen Contest professor in the Medical school hosfi/ul setting working with MOST Ml Mi— "Ml. fkiim 1—4 (—4. hut «lut abort and speech department. adult correction. He obtained an ours?" While at Ohio State, Over was appr ipriation from the govern- ■ ||Y SI K I'ttlCE. i:ill'IOIM\ ( IIIKI - one of the men responsible for the research and development of j men! for such training. . In addition to working In the l*rr*rnlin|E Homecominir—tlie weekend when nil alumni. become j the "international language of the ; trailing fudjJ of speech and hear- nnstnlpic about the old alma mater—is thn weekend. And, air." The research wm done for ; ing correction. Oyer Hra worked An Krrniit|i Willi the air force. part-time research associate ' the senior class project has traditionally been to sponsor, OYKI! IS A I.SO director of the and doe. as a much feseareb of his MORT SAtll. "rLEA*E DO TIM rSICNBS AMP WWOW the Homecoming queen contest. speech arid hearing department own and A fAVOK _ DO MOT SKTSAL Til ntlllltl The planning behind the scenes this year was under the i.f the Ingham county rehabilita¬ lie has written a hook on lip- AMD IIM'U'AI, ENDING Of "WPNIOUT LOCI". job • direction of Jim Frink of Itochester, If was Jim * to tion center at. Sparrow hospital. reading soon to he published. The I Jmrlilrr. NO ONE WILL BE ADSSMTED DI EING work in cooperation with Starr Keesler. .senior class ad¬ Oyer raid he had many objec¬ THE 1.AAT I, MISnUI visor, to organize the judging for the contest. Jim abo: tives .toward broadening the scope • I", p.m. fta«ar4or. (VtaWr 2,. 1M# planned the various appearances of the queen, Mary I'erles,, of training in speech and hearing Si«ietl|i for Vrl» Umhn t lrtr CrfMr AMttNtam and her court. tvhieh lie hope- to nee fulfilled. Inntd w*l< —I,. .1 SI.!#. I.S*. t.M. *ad 1-3#. TMuk The senior members of the Homecoming queen commit¬ ''Speech nraf hearing science is CI. r,:tl nr..I CI, V,t,r»n« av.tUhl, at 14, prrf«>!■#, (imp— H—4 Mm. FRIDAY OCTOBER Zftth tee are: Hruce Nimble, Saginaw: Kathy Mef'ollouch. Sagi¬ mm h more than speech correction will have only three days to sign t. l-aiMlm. — ArKaiihV ft. Wa.4t.tt— An. La—la#. Ear Pr-ram lafan—U— DW IT t-SWS naw: and Diane Tillbtson, Ked Hank, N.J. hven though in the public school"." he said, up for first fall term cheeks. The t or reef ion j, only one aspect of the contest is a senior project, a sophomore frotil Demarest, alphabetical schedule is as fol¬ the. training field. Oyer said. He lows N.J.. I'ete Secehia, is on the committee. said he hopes to perform more A-lf: Thursday, The senior class has changed a few aspects of the experimental work in speech and 1-1': Friday. queen contest and awards this year. A new system of hearing within the range of those judging was used and each semi-finalist was personally i who haven't seriAu* difllcultie . Q-Z: Monday. interviewed bv the judges. In addition, a special ramp and BEEF CHUCK-3% platform for thv contestants to walk down was used. Senior council voted to award a traveling trophy to the living unit t|ie coed represents. This year. Fast Mayo. Miss Herles' dorm, will receive the trophy. Kueh member of the court will also receive a trophy. Miss Herles will be presented with a 17-inch trophy and Sue Taylor, the runner-up, will receive a 15-inch one. The other • members will be given smaller trophies. Senior council has also planned the personal appearances of the queen and her court. The women will he in the Bacchanalia parade Friday night and will he escorted into the stadium by members of F.xcalibur before the game. ROUND BONE CUT 49c a. ENGLISH CUT 59c lb. Mach woman will wear a corsage made of the colors of the Big Ten school she represents. Saturday evening the queen will he formally presented and will receive her tiara from Joan Kane, 19611 Home¬ coming queen. Sapar BigM The name of Homecoming queen was announced early because in the past she lias reigned for a single day. Thisj «1.139cib. year she will participate in activities and receive additional recognition. throughout the week ' |HH lili SKINLESS FRANKS 39c n>. WINNER a 4 ACAOCiiV OF AAmmN M —— mludiniKST nCIBRl a—f—f MICHIGAN All |ed sliced 39c b. Y—/nmstrrth> utmmvn M4MH^ MUlAMtWUpfiTT Sapar MgM 49c w. Jaaah Style siieed 2 lb. pkff. Slirr#l 89c (OMU 1KB EI —. HOME OP THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS llox office Opens |] N, I p.m. • Mall Or4#r# r«M EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING Mlhtt it I pro. • sun. T ie pat.). -..' — a ; t p.at*.- |:M p*. FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. - ADULTS 90r 4 h. We Wed. •_»«' . CORTUND APPLES 29, Children (under l;> all Mutes NOW aHHOWMNG LAST 2 IIAYS Now at Ilia 6LANER Theatre •*-* T'p e«re yp«TI have a Teler Keller* Ml fine time watrhlnt feter the ahandent range af hit Heller* ..." skill and his tmly •Mei'arten, The New Inrhcr ahllity ..." -Hwlry t ruwther. N.V. TlflM OPENING TONIGHT ! ! *cnnr sno vrm fms BRIISSEL SPROUn 2bsfw39c 25c fifi. Harvey |irrarnlol by JNly Fudge III. 4. fimnla aii WwVVWM S!|L SINTy PM- lUC Aart. Bavin 5 pkfiS. 29( INIVERSITY THEATRE K.rnint*: 91.75 Wrd.. Oct. 2G — Sun., Oct? 30 8 p.m. filarial Sunday Matin—: Sun., Or). 30 — 3:30 p.m. — 11.33 Naha fiMpa 1i.Nl 59( PaapUa Ha r 4fia Ticket, available at Fatrrhild Bus (Niter •naN I i. laaf «•* oE. tkm 19l M Si Ma Ifia Starts Natalia Waad • "AU Ttrn Flat T H GORGEOUS COLOR 2 final Academy Award by fca rnmpi iaari of Nab A & 9 Yovr Hebquirten for "WY FAIR LADY" WlMMn! Trick or Tml Halloween (mtfr e - . . ' - I ''l r: ' MICIAIL nars uhr mat Mr lap ETfacUoo thra 8aL OH. »U in ^8o eaf® l WdbaaWan Star*, and Al Flow I A afi DAVID NIVEN YEN X SSI imi CANTINFIAS Son ( lesue"caron ROBERT NEWTON V SHIRLEY MacLAINE futariai 44 tan##' - 1 • MAURICE CHEVALER LOUIS JOURDAN Monday Itn Sat ardor 9 AJLtotPJL Shown Thura. at 3:I(T. 8:30 Shown Thnfw. at 1:10 - 4:30 PACE FIVE WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 2«. I MO Textiles Topic of Teuton's Talk Campus CIaf>*ifit-rift . . . Cost SiprMMly SMfH r. Th, u played fimvl football game. rnan. Mei Sapertein and £4 Mto- One of the most traditional oenirrenees however, is ,t the Rpnrun aoecer Held at Six SoutbvMan Cmf'-r- shuff starred for ZBT. generally netrlected by the casual observer due to the larper I :!:oo p.m. t—mi, two Iran th. A' , and more extravagant happenintr.s yoinir on around it. OHIO ENTFR* the tame with ★ * Coaat Coof-voca, thre, fr, Alseit lrt a m. on Saturday morniny two teams will the Southwaat Ceafamm , s'|uare of! in the annual Shovel Bowl Hassle, at Old ^ Les Miller went out ahead in from tha'BIg Bfht and two the football throw control-with fepanfenta in m«nUoo--i lege Field. defeated Ptttaborgh M. 18 pointa. The TWO SQUADS are the All-I.niveraity Student t.ov-; Michliran State win go Into tha In addition to Wary »M «... In second place is Dick Golden ernment. "Stupid Goods" and that glorious group of publi * I game with n record of throe win* ilniulppi. they art Syrit_ with 17 point* followed by Bryan cations .stalwarts known as Lu/thwell Athletic Club, and one loss. Th»»ir only loss web Duke. Beytor, Florida, Ric,.« Ben not and Peter Stevens with eouri, Tennaate*. Alab.ami. a-. Linhw.ll Mnp a group that is primarily devotH to VT^f0. 15- kaneai, North Carolina Sv.v. hedonism and good apirifs Irj general, is in serious straights - ^ w -on ' " The contest will run II a.m.. 1 p.m. and 3-5 p.m. daily, through Kauai, Oaorgta and C this Reason. Tech. it seems that not a sinj.de member of the squad is over; TIIKSI'ARTA.NSalwilhfwtoi Friday. 21 except for that ancient mold-encrusted center Walter j Pittsburgh score of 1-0. two wwki igo by "where's the church key" Squire. Gene Kenney. Spartan coach, The rest or" the pink cheeked outfit i- made up of John look* for a hard game. He feels "Reel" Schneider, "Jumbo" Jim Wallingtnn, "Sneaky" Sam that Ohio is a powerful »quad Martino, Ivnnhoe "Streak" Donaldson, Derwood "Woody" that. Is capable of beating the best George's : Haines and Owen Kinjr. of them. Another source of worry for Gene Kenny roach of HOWEVER. THE alumni, who will return to play in the Kenney is the possibility of not cessfal Spartan Soccer team. classic are expected to provide ample strength so that having the services of Cecil tne "HORN O-PLEM ) \ temporary coach Ren Hums can keep adequate strength Heron, his All-American center Last Saturday, however, the The Ntwcot ftaMhrkh tanatiM hi Lfemlnir on the field. That means seven males, who can walk. forward. Heron was injured In the St. Spartans met Wheaton without According to new wild card substitution rule it will l»c Louis ■Served ExeMveV at CHET8 KLOCK BESTAUK.wn■ game when he pulled some Heron's services and ^defeated possible to send in a new play after each down. tendons in his right foot attempt¬ ■ This should give the versatile Lushes a certain tactical ing to scora a tod. them by a score of 3-1. advantage. They were hampered in previous years by their "Ohio la a good team," i A MitUm Speeiml Brtmi tcrutp* arwmd ihr ■ IF HE DOES 81fK any action, Kenney. "The game would be inability to remember more than one play at a time. ttilnt nieeti md inedlre gm tmM LEADING THE politico'* will b<» Chuck'Herbert, who it will probably be limited in or¬ close even with Cecil, Without errr dream *te*f/ ; der to insure against any further should lend strength to the center of the line. him it's going to be a real chal The Lush attack hinges on the ability of returning let- injury. This will place a handi¬ Ivngn." termen Larry Gustin and I). Peter Walters, who guided the publications team to their miserable defeat last year. cap on bis teammates.. Klock Restaurant j At any rate if you want excitement folks, go to the MSU-OSL' football game and not the Lushwell-AUSG de¬ Archie Moore Loses Title CORNER OF KALAMAZOO AND CLIPPEM J llerli A nitrify, MSIJ Ilalfbark bacle on Old College Field. Home of Ibe Original CLEVELAND- (/IV-David Ott, defend his title against Eric frwident ft The National Box- Schoeppner of Germany or face 7/0RV. O PLEfmr SANDWICH Halfback Acldcrlcy Is Spartans' Top Receiver withdrawal of recognition. No ing A;u«ciation, today notified such match was held. Archie Moore the NBA has - The Association said elimina¬ Senior Herb Adder1/ teams | Adrfcrly i* the no. two ranking ther score. His 178 total yardage As a prep on a city champion withdrawn recognition of Moore tion matches will be held to de¬ J — Pizza and Complete Dinner* — J with Gary Baliman to civ I trainer for the Spartans led both teams. team at Northeast High School as At 6-0 and 193 pounds Adder- in Philadelphia, he made All- of the world- light heavyweight champion termine the new champion. lllllllllllllllllllllNIIIHIIIIHf ru.i Carj Charon, w.lh 157 Michigan State what could lw- ley Is no midget and he com- City and All-State, He was also Ott said In his leWrr the NBA s y:inil ga.n'Vl on 40 carries for xcry well the mo t explosive, i 2.9 average. Adderly, who is bin< , In one' dynamic package a track man v/Hh a recorded 9.8 toneral aasembly last Sept 7 fastrot and exciting halfback the no. ore man in the back- both power and great speed. seconds in the 100 yard dash. gave Moore 90 days In which to combination in the Uig IVn if field* K'A off to a Mow start this >' ir, but is now cofhing through not the nation. in great form scoring a touch* Ai the regular left halfback. down Jn the Notre Dame game if your date is Dorrow Returns an t setting up the Spartans for ♦heir first touchdown Jn the In¬ diana game. ervoort's To Action HUtlt IVIIO IS the leading receiver on the squad receiving O.T.L. 213 E. GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING NEW YORK. bP)—Al Dorow.j *,-vvh passes tor l?3 yards gam- Injured quarter IKick < f the Newj<• d, received various All-Big Ten York Titan*, Monday o. un-l < a l All American mention* last (out to lunch) Ph. ED 2-2114 the owner <»f the Amerieonj rc.tmmi. J!o Grounds £ddic!th<* top rusher with 419 yards I SKI Erdelatz'* Oakland team. jn- 'ted in 93 carries for a 4.5 IV- j Harry Wismrr, owner of- thcirrage, second best receiver to1 titans, said f>»row had euffcmlj Aral»anr 283 yards and two touch-! knee and un injured ankle in; clowns. BACCHANALIA! pre-season Sunday's ganm wi'» Ilotutbr. : ADDtm.Y IIAIt «n. of hU However, X-rays showed rv< be game-? against Ohio State shoot 'em down for broken bene* en-J Do row will bci last year. He compiled 72 yards at practice Wednesday nwmaug.) statistics, •I'd a touchdown in rushing • passes and also caught three tor 108 yards. Ho set up The Night of October 28 Michigan State holds the rcc- ..-firrt for Imp most consecutive 1 ts nun 11 yard TD run with a 1C4A cross cofillliy tluMnpioa*- ships, winning five'straight tit-. 14 yard blast off tackle, and combined with l>ran Te glrla who bbj«-et to wearing aUssca. Many of tbr-e *smr people have found contact lenaro a happ> solution to their problems. The tiny plastic lenses fit directly over the eornea and offer natural vLion ... even for active iIndents — FTF. r.XWtVUTW\S do girls go to Pit. IV, C. HISSES', rrgnfired optometrist Or do they joM ooT It w by-VoMiiM-Role Toole-«o4o for «en who uaa voter with their heir teate (end who doeeaf!) ,-Veeellae' BMP IMc'e 1(0% pure, WALLACE OPTICIANS lifht zroooust oil replacee oil that voter mooter. It will sot evaporate - trill stay clear ood cleoo. Tour hair looka (net, atoya neater looter, duet o little doee o toil Vine at Clippvrt - Opposite Sear* in Frandor • IV S277I lifUn .1 107 V. \\\uhtnfcn, ph, /V 2-1175 'n, 1%'f ' are moving toward tbetr ell* Iowa and Miss. Head List Tigers Consider Rigney 'Jim Wellington's rmartic clash Nov. Ivor, them fifth la the Frank ' Mcrtwell tradition when 12. Yaie's El B/o For Managerial Post Snezzing Collegiate Football Roundup Br The Aweeiated Prm INVw Mexico S'V.e, six «r:u?r.rvk* r^r Blanchard ran a blocked pu*'t back 99 yards »n a 30-14 victory automatically qualif-e* for over Colgate. Princeton cav"."d A., CP, Is Ex-Giant Manager You've heard of the Ail-American football hero who A freak play by a third-string f»ch, and Sy raru**. Minnesota, th* Gotton Bowi in Dallas,' *n on -V cor.vtrtions for a 21- h*ai | spent elyht year* trying to yet through college. He jould and a controversial .»st- Baior, Vale,arid Rutg*r*. f.vc. *h»pea up a* a two-team bat- 14 verdict over CorneiL fXUlfk-r. Bound for Detroit? run, kick and tackle, but he couldn't PASS. ga«tp field goa' saved the h.d"v Svra-J". the defending na- Ie he-*##-, "Baylor and Rica. ' r,f mighty Iowa and Mississippi'txw>»I champion, for the first it-'ior, No. 7 nationally- turned Michigan State haa a football player who can kick, run as 11 of th# nation's major col- a? job rkk hi.br and tackle. He intercept* and catcher paAae*. And it won't lege football teams passed the J time fbi* ; ear showed the marked get- 7*xw A AM into its f.fth (if'er*r.> j up-and-go which '.raight vKtim 14-0 while R.ce, Ailtut Bill Rifmey. who managed the San Francisco Giant* to take him eight yearn to matriculate through MSU. season'* halfway mark Satur-j 1959 conquest* The "" Orara«rrr>*--i. which ha* dropped only an s Int. two consecutive third place finishes before he uhh dia He'« Michigan State'* J*ck-of-a!l trade*. Bob Sud. the ;d«»y with unspoiled records. | ranked third n»tior>ally, mauled ■-pener. t/> outside Georgia Tech, K*. tu , «ni«ed" —> .. • l**t June, ' may jioon^ " be named manager -A of the! junior halfback, who*# throwing ability hain't been tested Except for the* two pate- Writ Virginia 4t-0 »n prepar- humfc.ed Tcxai 7-0. two ir,. Iietroft Tiger*, the Associated Pre** learned Tuewiav. yet thi* *«a*on. Aettirxj giants. No*. I and 2 in;a'.ion for it* meet.nx Saturday Wa^h -ngton, with a No. I »*d. Rimer. «*• win Iw <1 yrar-:—-—■-— national ranking*, moat of with oi*c and v>ugh P.ttsburg'. ranking despite a !o« to Navy, »M Mis. ,M nut Saturday, it expeeted to' MM* . the big boys came through rath- which tmM."d the wm« team continues ?/> s.*/Ud»fy iu jma.- BOB IS PROBABLY the most worked Spartan. He does 3yr»cit ■ ... jot> bofarr ts» major. ITllllIlPSOlU the team'* panting. He run* with the first team defense. er handily, form wa* the key- 42-0 'J".e v/eek before Fvt m»' •;on a« probable R->e Bofai r r.ir Iraiw winter meeting * wr.e. V.'*e various confer'-nce have be#m look.rig »?v-ad when H a*.. TT'rf' hjiki*s fought back lee, M. . His number i* called frequently on offense to carry the on Nit W. races and early bow! pictures K t:*d Texas Chriatian 7-7 Sat- f.-'O a 0-12 deficit and whip¬ ma, A-- I SVJV, Itotroit hu Seen without a man* %g*r since early tbi« month when Rose Bowl football. And the former Grand Blanc High School all-starter wcra brrnigbt into warper lor-i* IOWA *'« its fifth stra.K .1 urdav. ped Or'-gon S'ate 30-29 in *h* Fourth-r^.ked Navy,, v.e-red feature game on the Pacific Cewg i Jo# flaiisH reeirwd and severel seem* to enjoy and thrive on hia work load. game with a 21-14 vic*ory over «<. prime R '• Ro-»; ms'erla! 'coa it. ■ria'.-s later rigiwd a tw»-year mn- mil ■ ' i-vt tn pilot the Kansas. City Athletics, Gordon'• two-par con¬ tract Btill hod another jtmr to Prospect At least hi* statistics show it. As a punter he has booted Purdue—and the cmwnir.g Wot# «mothered the ball 753 yard* in 20 kick* for a 37.fi average. Bob is the team's top ground gainer, percentage wi»e. was an 24-yard scoring run v,jth Miivxin, No * fumble by a lowly sophomore | the top perafr*- perm*vIvan.a 2T*0 ™f There are no bowl worries ir 5.^».h.ch Irmka I;ke the Ivy leragje where unbeater the B.g E.gJ-.t Ya.e arid improving Prlncetot MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 24, '/TV— — .. A. . „ 4. *. . . . * sub, Dayton Perry 1 ronf*-*"ve, won *a. y o%-*r a "wr.NET. .to .pen, hi. entire Murray Wa.mt.th of Mia- major leairu. eareer in th« Na-oevb.'. unbeaten Oophm, mer-J*™ » ™n. ^ thetoB 13 t.mes, he has ga.ned 134 yard, for .even ,, .. .. MuHiwppi. edged out of top ipot in the Avoe.ated press an .!•■/*•* SUte 34-? * th the ».d of a.-l puttt re* irr. by r><-- : t ral league, no* ha. his own "Ir s.bestepped a raaiu program in Ouhlanb. He ap. about Roan (Vrwl prospects. rjjevjnn One of those carries accounted for *n ll-yard touchdown standings last week by lowa.in.# Smith. ?»ljane*ota. No 2 »r.d against Indiana last Saturday. After the score Boh caught squeezed out a 10-7 tr. i.-r. or. » jrpr.-*• of tr«e P*.g Ten, van i*4 DISC SHOP piisd far the Dttrmt job dunr.g In hii weekly appearance be- Tom Wilson'* pas* in the end zone for a two-point con- over Arkansas at Little Rock on ht>e brown jug cU-n .gif., 10-0. a P.igney. succeeded Leo Duro-her Quarterback club. Wormath was Green which barely beat the I>aorma* of "the oonfererure threat, Only EtrluMie a for two yean •<* manag-r of the oppnaition by tne school', ad- It wa* a defensive play in 1353 that first brought the his tearn wa* robbed. He said Thev tackle lora Nov. 5 in a Record vi rneapalii club ia the Amencan min-cratem p, a.g Ten mvoivu- 0-9, I7fi-pound gridder to the attention of football fans, fre kick mLvaed the upr.gbtl 'game vkch alvy^.1 br.ng tick Shop the d-os-ration. ■ ^rr,. m Ln» posueoson game. 1 He intercepted a Michigan pass on the three-yard line and Tbe Ole Ma* cr»arh, Johnny - only the championship but a despite siith place fir.i.He, in | !. - nrat two >*•". Rigney prove.! ,.Jm , Warmatn ( AVT mwf,T uuw quet. returned it 93 yards for a score. It wa* the longest pass in- VauRht, and Green both rv-,s- • fat bf-wi bit to the -a »r.ner OPEN EVERY EVENING siid. -because terception return in the conference last season. ted It ww good. JV» MmUsipp*.'*' N:nth-rarrited Ohio Sta'e con- Hr-r liorueo Suodtut'taokTis f!r'' o! *" rau'vt b« in-' |n the Notre D»me game two week* ago he pilfered an ooe. •ixtb v.ctory fcecame a ta.n'cd1 t.nucs a factor. part.c*iiar:y »ft- er it* deensivo 34-7 victory over i, acts to Son Fraariaea after th., v';'u: '. i Irinh aerial and returned it 52 yards. ST i lr.1T soosan. Rlgaejr caatinu'd a. ""'' J*'. T!j I»n Boisturc. the defensive hackfield tutor, said Suci THE OTHER urvbeaten-untied r.*ne teams with W. - or,° r. r*c*j:dj ar* THE SOITHW'EAT rOVFER- n : "theciaww were , strung1'^ e^ tf cm defensively, on both pass coverage and tackling. Navy, Missouri. Utah Stale and' ENCE RACE, In w+.ich the win- STUDY IN EUROPE 1- ;rd lb Uieir first y«r ,n th. Tr>« " ! He is part aof defense which ha* allowed only tt.i md*d its Row1 pkHH and 39 percent ox the opponent a paaaea to be com¬ one TD spring semester i'jcl »i W»tt roMti. Rirncy bad th* guir.u in vienna en Uip through most of the lt*S!> Bowl P«c: las, year Itidividuul pleted. 5pmi past rmt wphnm** nt rampairn hut a last-morth .hirnp members endd aicep, an kn- fun»or war erf tnta as eiov a o. opped the team into third place vitaruon f u were offered a AGAINST OHIO STATE in Saturday'* homecoming l»«5rt AjaerzfSJi rrocram ia A usfr:*. a .1 the finish. Minnesota aceeounee would re- Bob's job on defense will be tougher than any time Yoa will lr*t eieh Vmaew ftcv ■■■■* a juinebom stuck with Rigoey is veru the uthool. a'^suig pol- Bdl W*S Klto ,l.r^ " WARMMATH previoullly thU MtM,n. Another top-notch defensive b*ck, SHARON SHUTTY K ties, wetvd courv* at rmm.ee the Ea*li*h-t*4R.w rmse IKS fariiir** L'ai**rt ia., K>dng booeuw of j roilad dead, out of bouodi or into the end zone, r,ar*csri with O...UM m>ck of -tenth ther. Aarmt. In that rtrwi. J.mmy Tom Bomrn. u» Gopnor.'Jto-I | |ow punt return figure 1* the result of hia high. ♦ brae, -ent to th. Iu4-u. and pound AU-AmWKmn gyching kick* which allow linemen enough time to cover Octobtr 2t, 7 JO |ur. th( oppo^u' punt receivers. Gordon came to Detroit. t»T4. plorto tramondou*}| tremendous r&aight MEN'S ALL-WOOL shutout* and S< point* acored in! LM Schedule two Bob flrure. that tha Spartan, haven't; FiaM routine.** "bu*tad looae" yat thia ncaaon. ranuu The Gophers whipped Michi¬ He hopaa that Saturday ia the day. gan. Warms th said, by hemrrang m tbe Wolverines' speedy haif- Haw a real cigaretta-have a CAMEL SUITS bscjes. by putt.ng a Jsmng rush on qusrtcrtjark I>ave Glmka, crvermg Michugar.'s pass pat¬ terns and by hard tackling that t to Mas 1Mb Ha bejped produce five fumbles which Minnesota recovered. * to t.a ■M 1-1 "Like moet of our games this year," he said, "this is one that AT A RECORD a u was won by the defense LOW, LOW PRICE! MADE TO SELL For 849.93 & 833.00 / all wool flannel all wool hopsack1ng all wool tweeds • ' UNQUESTIONABLY THE BEET CLOTH- ING VALUE ANYWHERE ...M|y MUltM MO Umm MtU CM yoo fatty mnilili tto tukmhm fiha affartd ia thia tola. TkM tad M|AM to Mfoctumjritb way haart atylad la tha Aa array af lb* I pattern* aad abr brhA a4 abaa tor an art yoaag aa Ra- ; abarta aart laaga. USE OCR LAYAWAY PLAN A Sana Dtpaail Will Hoirt Your Martin* Len KosMcfcek's Varsity Shap 238 Ahott Bd. Eaat Laming '» i i Ccis ;tf i*