Hooter* Win Weather |v™« OKm I ..K. I'Mrtly ('Intuit l'nl«w«ilj llidt Tmtm KM TnnleM Nrrvtag MSU For St Yrnr- \ OH MK fit, NO. SI kast t.*ksin<;, michioan. thirsiuv. ih-toimsr j*. iwm I'HK'B S CRMS U.S. Prestige Report Nixon, Bentley, Bag wel1 Sealed From View I Women! Onssified Tour Michigan Today Secret Sax# 1 lagged V w AMirVnTDN V T-'•«* F n»lniimstmtKin, Campaign First Night Audience \v. v««Uy ftww public \i«v report which lVnt«- Bypasses,:, » prrvLVntitO esttriMstr .!«xhr 1" Kcm?«sK sax* sttp- Charmed hv 'Ilarrev* • io » hi# *v*ntwtltt°H that V ptv*tt>ro o\cr#<\i* hn« Flipped. j a a Heo*e fff«* •ecr-etxvv Lansing , tt*tl« Tito whltHni^itl qtiftlltl(a of Mmy Cltrtsn'a Uttlilrrr Prl'p oinnltitf plnv, "llstrvoy." pltnrtpml n antimwlml nppfnhrtt Ve w*ry rlFer* H*tv-:iy • tirwl (JOI* *lvo oppning tilt?lit nttdiritpp n( Falirhiltl Tltpnlro Inst nlg'ti s-t a pvrfMlreJ. from t:w, t» wftFitt Ore r.S information It. i* under* tocst ♦« ■>.•! Speaks in : itcrnoiT, i v vw pve*«d*nt jttftf it* limy onplttrod llroiwlwny. ivltprp the piny ivt»* fit s' protlitoiul in IHH OA**. 'iM lvpmt# ftf.m UMA; Del mil | Richaid VI Vivo .- »«. « to Vt.,h {iron today on the heil« of hi* Blood l)i •ivo Th of 'lltrvec', .A/vHioa to VitFFoM »hi« Itemivrnttc preaidential i t v n I, t >v chariot! PhiWghAMIV «•*« *"V-*tf#?i made hy Wee**el^ty of A Ttcrter *r-> ( ritwik $tnn«l ; 'the Sen. John I «t:ite'« bcnu»Hlv, to v»e electotal Vote*. fori To Bt^iit t» of the m»!d advert r,'«w»er *\'eevf«' \ . r . lit R,iim ^ mlhee T'c U.nu'h.HH pie-M#>itinl perpe* ii "»• Inelv •*• **;.1 We %*e#AHw-4 «*»?« a-# "Wnd#T po?w*#« *ff*r« . / i nominee «HI t»ace t '-uie l Ken- I nmly rover* .I •• • i' enrlh ttip r On 'HIoiitla> C'l haru|lea » . rsvm.it r TVr*«4ert periaimns te R« oo\ PFMM w to Mhhtgau. Kennedy • « n n ir :r Han CeP'c CM *nd iiw F \ KIN*. |»A J| ss II WAV I I I «*k! *>-or4rirc ram 1 e* the ithrotieh *rx»*ral |tet.i«ut area ctt Mute Vr»»« Feature I'dltnr ) *•* hrannh pf *Ve yftY*rn t« SPFVIAL TO STATKj « tmlny Al'eit Kepke pl*v« foe atmuv- Nixon will enter Michigan Ihla 11m Vtpha I'hl Omega fall: t em pared, kind Mr Ibiwd wPh .vf •***.* ti*;y tvf \\v;te NKW S — Sttbtirtaft IVtnMt- Mood drive will begin Monday In morning at Monioe and awing a great deal of warmth and pe- - * «r*Ve«m*n underm-ored»^ vt»vs( in th<» r,nn \V(*I- mr: -tNAasitw.it" r vrbit, n*t- SSo*n Ufi In HtSI »r* Rnh Rrnlll (llnr- a. ro** the *outhem part of the the fourth floor of the Union. re» »u*l charm ll# never exagije F-.erFew diaacmee. share- atate. Hell viait seven ritlea dur¬ port* Maurice Oberg, pnhliclty \A h*AV Senator jARn j . ahnKisI up M thf t'nmn (h» «lh*l vn), Wnrhnin Rlrk *nd t.lHdn Kirk. rate* hi* leltiHnnahtp with 'he «» -v K*-*"»rdT'« ro»it*on ing a li hour atay. | chairman. Ktrnwdr say We Prp*iA<*ni j rf*j. pmmntlnit Si, pla> "ll«r> f<." Slilr Nn« I'hnln hr ttrlnn Kennedy, All atudeuta, faculty member* ichleyoti* "p«v«ka," but apeak* ♦w»- T* S ■F** oFFcd The Nivon campalau train will ami maident* of the Fast I analog in htm ea*|1y and ttalttrallv Kioh.xni Xiviw is either j * " ,t "# atop at Monroe. Ann Arbor, Jack* Atr «M1H \l. It t> t R S earT;er. area are a*V»d to participate in ••fully nninf'ermeii nr un- At (.IVIC i.OIllOI' •on, Wattle Creek, Kalnma*«?o, Krpkr'. *>k.if I fill comic limine V*wy err*fed « • > *.. V*•T,•, thit *Fe ••?**-.*■ * -» "afraid to tell the y««>» Urtllitig in tell the truth"! fttwnt the t'nite.1 Stafp* Tn-j ■ ■ ■ ... ' !UN Orders CI mod Rapid* and Mu*kegiui. AT RACN RTOT. NUon will ♦be drive wbirh will rontinne through* Friday, Nov. 4, aaid Oherg. and maaterfu! recovery ntidlence'a l.ttigh* afe the hlg » lights in the handting of h * af'r* f;r the truth " "T* i« Fad e^tench to tv* r.-rth aFoot fnvrrew*e-t ror awpptVM fArm pell. at km Acom*y frestijre j Judd Blasts si|o«rOut TeD deliver an addreaa. Party afltriala •aid'Niimn will h# aerompanlel hy Rep. Alvln M. Itentley, Hepuh- The dtlvo I* held under the di¬ rection of the Ingham County fnlc. Vela f,nMl*e, F,lanvtd'a hen ', foreiea aid e*reT*d*trrp« K***+ »ut*ly portrayed hy l^la Martin U oon.-e*' »-a»te or ^odWeitey 'aho|Aptri; .ent«r « mi ', t«M 900 pint* of blood p» r month to With the advantage of a strong ise *ror%e,** Ken**o«tr *» 4 in * n-ateHoevrd etvad that the gul*etnatorial candidate local hoapital*. 1 r-*ef*a-ed for d«div**rT on'ahvh Nixott «VatTt»« t*t The State New# wilHiave com¬ fir*f afage en'rancn, the flenfle* plete coverage of the event a* Scout national Alpha y\\\ Omega i* a Hoy F « «' !**:n>rit tone of M»eh»ran. abortly after "Sraitrth,'* *a* ac- aervhw fraiernity. little woman endeari herself 1 FtMNH HV1I.F, TDK i'OXftO, two *tatf memheta, JAan Millar It ha* a'3 Tt i* far mow danr»rv.,« to'toal'y taken ta*t Atimt^t. and re V-^# th# truth aVoot o«ir yo«-t?on j aWo! 1 S military pmtif* at MUM) Hear (Innitiienls > tv The Catted Nation* cra#k«*«i and Kit Fiick*on, will tiavel with megihet* on ratnptta. tf o audience and never 1na«* hV- ; down t«vtnv i*n Col, Joteph Mo- the Nixon "Af'tl i* Iwitig a**i*ted hy the ctmo ntulienrn contact for Hi" •Vea/*--and fcide tl for fol-tioal "an a'l time Ion " paVty thtoughout the remainder of the* performince pr-eo«e*" *W> Vnen erov.fh al^oot the At ldtttsitig Dinner 1 Futu hero and o« KatangM Prea- day. (Spartan Woman'* l.caguo, which In mmpariaon with Hip moth* t.lenl Moi*o Tahomhe in * Wiaa- provide* the escort netYlet'." aaid Kennedy'anroed the pw««:fe V S. te,f.*rraation Acottey Roll of Wednesday Nixon aocuaed tilt Oherg. er. Myrtle Mae, the daughtet. Mhville, ieai*ting violeme in the Democrat* of ualng dlagraceful •or-—t ,« hei-.jr Vept fww the or.t pwattf-e os-eraea* to Anon Ha SHARON RORlSON •She plate and the threat of vio¬ and i» Oherg aaid that thia year * goal | very eligible for nt*rriae«\ «« r-**1 ta ynoted hia RernFJiean that one of the key QoeMion* tr Mat# N#w» Htaf AA'rtter responsible tactic* * in the ia 2.000 let* e in the other. pint* played by Shari Crowell. . r..,-frt, v«t PmWeot RvFaH late rot to Few we afood »* IWO campaign'* climactic day* b v Director of Athletic* ClNiwhr abvxer jn udaptiiig her«e!f '• <\tnsTcv*tnan Wsltpr H. Jtold, (B-Minn.), I.tmlmstcd tho The t'N command nrdeied Md> V, Vw\ »ha Fa* ir«<«tod X' S.' a* oompared to the S"* tet*. hot dowarating American preatige all huttt'a rampaging rongtde*# #o|. over the world ("Biggie'*! 'Moon I* (be dtHirmnn li.e rolo and th* audience. She **a«4>»t in th« world if at an *» h o n-o*iM l*e ahead in ll'C IVmocrnlic oonRMttFn IterN* T»u***U,\ niplit lifforo mt autli- of the Ingliaiii County Mood pro- . dlera to clear out of thia terrnriaed The Republican preahlential Hoc* effectively convey the rv »■'. r we hifh. Kernedy *aid Wedne«day rirht. pha-s* of over 1,000 RcpuhlicsnA at Hu» Zwch Chsndlor dinner capital aw«l atay in their harraeka. candidate told crowd* act**** Ohio gram. a*per«Unn cxncrlcnrcd hy * t I tp » the Wntorratue ea-.i T h r IVrrocnrt1.- preaidrrtial at th# Civic Center. | "' ' "" " 11 Mobutu apnt*it to the demand and Student* desiring to mnke ap¬ Whoso Roci.il lif# ia hindered t>/ »v» oeTna-Hfed that Viaon make ' candidate *aa« wet at Selfridge during a long day of vote-huntlng "In thia eawtpaiBrrt the A mead- j that the (Amnion romnmn people don't promiacd to help temove all bar- hy train that hi* opponent* ap¬ pointment* to give Flood should the rather queer and eccentric ax-atlaFie Ki*on FaaiAir Vorsw Fa*e. rear petn* t. at pick up appoint moid cardajta soon bcli.ivior of EIwinkI. y» v* ha« T*a oFWt'er. C js m. Fy yartr odViala Air Force can p«wjlr wtt*t dect.le * hat di- ' Judd • h1 ri'xw how to use money wiaely,' riera, civil and military. Impelling parently acired en tFo preatige aaid. "They would rather •mooth CN operation. «* posaible in the Union ton- teditn the country and theme hecauae "they ate running i During Scene II of Acl I ju ' m*r HIVF w"*** j «pend for prirat# not puhlie wrl- The I?N command at noil tip to out of i**ur* with nothing cl*e i course. wlnn the action hn* a tenderu v •- Vny^dea*t reperf* that thr ^ *OT\UH*AHK of 1.** o5>« ial | wtU take in the next four j year*, fBr#l •• a threat in Rliaahethville by aend- to talk about." Faculty member* sic scheduled Vi drag somewhat, the flnmbov- \ . > k *orvt.y red«wt* atronr he '"a"1 *"-i »ena of nrodVtal car* ; Judd aaid. if frierd'.v natie*-«-wf acco*nnanJo,i_K#wr«siy to apeeche* • JiFld aaid that t'aatro did ttusl ittf four truck•V,. load* of Moroccan j ,1 NIXON SIN IKK to generally to give Mood II a.m. to ft put on Monday from ntP apticaranco of Dr. Chum Icy. j„,ta M*,f national aecurttjr ami i thinga to ret tn power but now and Swedish „ but' student* i '?':.,ll'Th™l , the I H A... .t R... . »«* " ; r„,,,P,| wWt „n ,h, mntar haa other (oala in mind. 1-n.n.I. on hi. n.1.1 "• «* «»"« *«d ,f Ih. r,r,p.jp. wa* waiting for ua to loae our from It a.m. to 6 p.m. and Wed¬ the it age In utter confusion. T!"» temper ami alap him in th# face nesday and Thursday from 2 p.m. contrast between the overly in¬ *d he c«iu!ii become a hem for there. r "I* *' U" 1 N SfA.lqUArt»l* w'„ Kennedy'# ,,ro^„. 1„ ,h. turnouta in the aame to H p.m. On Friday, Nov. 4, Mood telligent Dr. Chumlty, played area la*t week, even though It ' a raie-aoaked t>*e Fatnc the rente At o«^e point, satd that t^.e nation a armed the next 1,000 y#ara,** Judd aaid. Tim tO-ininutc display of .UN may bo given from II a.m. to II wilh fines* by Bob Brolli. and mining part of the time p.m. •*. * ?**.** ^ J * wa# Haworaha have been dowr.rrae. Kenmsiv atoppod the motoprade M The free cAuntriea of th# world armed might aeemed to iiuptv** Wilson, the ignorant muscle de¬ , j -c F 5 r-e*t*r# became theyi»*y hello to a mob of * ra de | *^iwnhower adminiatration ia ut- ar# alowly realmng that CaHro the Katangani. Wednesday. Trophies will be given to the partment of the clinic portrayed By far the biggest crowd to living units, fraternities, and so- by Neil Rosan, is strikingly fun¬ Hl "nothinit #'ee to talk aFewt." ecFoo»e-a "r!5" f»Ma*ttc. ia a "atAoge for Khrtiahchev," To end the terror spread in greet Nixon during the day wo* roritii* with the largest percent¬ » * ret merttoa tF# \ S\\ \t Vov.r.t Clemen* wher»K*or-j ji pp KNtVkFH lVmocratic according to Judd. Irf'opnldvtlle the pa*t four day* ny. at Columbu*, where he motor- age of contribution*. ooviy *nok# to a cis^d eatimated fw^Ull| candidate Kenne*iy "THK RKI»S make aure the hy unruly unit* of the 3.000-man coded from hi* train through The clever handling of role* v*5*eWtnr the dec.aton , at h*;f the *(* thcowtrd P^f"1*-' hy callir.f him a "younr«trr with UN decant work hy keeping the t'ongokae garrtaon, the UN head¬ thousand* of applauding w e 11 - by the supporting actors added i-'*r the re pen under wrap*, Hon of the city, he hlaated ■ hat perhapa a r«v*d future hut abort organisation crippled when the Jnetin quarter* tailed in Mohutu and withers on the atrreta at the noon the effectiveness of the com¬ hare- aaia Fa didr.T wart any h< R»puhl»ean fai'ure to flf y^Henc#." Bomhi^k i.'hrad of the pro- edy. - er*tane anarchy in l.«*>poldxille "will not said more th*n 75.0(H) eaw the lowered to the level of a gangster »l»e tolerated any longer." spector mntorrnde.' Plan Mock Lodge Says '* r^. »,...< \'- S.r IY.P- *rt Ml" *' ^ n " '" .r 1 " • i* . frrm th. IHfiHr The two' Congoleee leader In a statement issued at '»■> • ..t . th,PKi,y r pV 1 — itUT. b. f'j- \ „ . fib "In l.Tfl fur 'Thr K,.i* »r# *ft^r . i. tonM," * ■■■' J.n.i Ml.) **Th> II wh,t ^Earlhtfx' . .1^ .1^ l^VUnt*' Ju 11 so l 7 ikr 'l ****** trt 1lu< arm>' withdrawal Springfield, #\ixnn taunted Ken¬ Afl.r .orn. h-.iuu♦ <1Hm rm« u.rr.rt..-,int "U*. »f . Snrtit mH ef rnr- ™r wS»l. « .!! b» runmrc rr.ta, «m> „n-, p., th,ra Koit.. the candidacy of Rep. Charles E. Chamhertain. of Lanaing. out of I-eopoldxrtllc'a African arc- itig,that the Democratic nominee tor hy tomorrow. appeared te have quit mentioning Every time a national election Not Slipping rc,.nii „r G,n».nT." JuAd The Mobutu troup*—wild, un- it in recent speeches. From Lanaing Judd flew to lie. come* up, straw votes become »ui Anrnlmpant .nd nit I Uw l.ber RArkft »«i«l lor ,mk«, MlJ |tr, thfri th» lut troit Tuesday night and wa* to ..nni'iTdled^^ nftl^^i.i.nL 'Kr!^ Be said it could he Kennedy popular arm** the country. The PHILADELPHIA m - lien, y tbr In it ifti A mmrd At tb» r»tr of J »ii.« A !»»r "| Eck. ' liw,. " .rr.ar-nU.tl. AHiamaa, Big Ten universities are no ex- Cabot Lodge said Wednesday h* ♦ uim. m.ttitdmd r"ur ' KKNVKttV * " ,;*mm»d the ("stir n Out* .nd Qu.nuiy-MAt.il ^ >n,t lH..lirilf fri |)tJ"hAA»V th, .0»r«. ia *tu» A caption to other groups caught didn t think murh of,any repoi' urH.l. '""L^ „T| " IMI tb« Vnitrf Sum it pr.^nt m«iu«; <«:. iu ih, >rui' „ „,mp!r,. Judd uid lh» Rut- t,v,h.n.. Th, n„lj. Cat. Jud.i . ,pw,h „ ., in the frenty of elections. which contend* tha prestige of ' mi* the a tan.* of a Ittr, twi *V" dmriM be* ,h, t^-ur. A. . tk.ilful cast to aome 10 million Michigan «w#p» M,..,,,,- lhry K^J ,0 ra.k, ,r„r,h,.. »f . l The 7«' e»rr\y to th. .u»«. .Senator ha* denied previous Tuesday, all Big Ten universi¬ the United Btate* oversea* i* power and that ear h* "mold pit it ctuur Snn.l .-<■ •*vn :-fjaaa I ... . . i , uu.rtm-U.ik-pum.r >nd d«*F- Faafctt hat alius) i < te M •»- cvtty, th« c r c * d cfctnrd .p-jUl>n. viewera Tuesday night. Vo , , .VJAI coP ....rUon. th.t th. R.™.- ties except Ohio State will par¬ slipping. **» i-^r TFw, RissnFiwit de* "Becouae of hi* aenaational key. S&d trr.tJ« pmctABi would c.u». A big ticipate in a mock election. Ohio "I know more about American » "1 Uf i i t ef the ls each of Ma apeechr*. the TAKING ANOTHER jah at note nddrvaa at th# national con - ' » tjunip in conaumer prices. State had ejection last week, in prestige than the US1A, United ventmn, Judd haa b#en tagged Nixon *aid he would le willing which Kirhiitd Nixon, tba Repub¬ State* Information Agency—he Irak" •enitor criticised N-xoa and the Senator Kennedy, Judd said that on# of the nation*# most dynamic i to attend a summit meeting with lican prcsidentiMl rumlidate, do* cause I spent eight year* in th# Ilagertr aaid that In RepuMawn* 'if certsin people would atoy in Alaskan iTTiir ____ Tcctual h^ir' th# Senat# ta And oat what i* Ed Wackm^re, (hau¬ »Russian I'rcmlcr Nikita Khrush-1 fcated John Kennedy, the Demo- place where it wan put to tho •-* r • r r k Eraenhewe? **' "Nixon ia th **naai .ng from hi* knew ledge af •f MtKiAk-r* HajQikc. Unoc-n.. pmns on. tlfr ,n«Mn1 gt.. Club praAhlrnt aaid. jchev early next ye«r if it would icrntic candidate, 4,063 to 2J1U.'{ test." the Republican candidate for Vice President told newsmen pro«luce an enforceable agreement votes. M lO »'J a»«M Wlint th. nwnUj- our ""fl ' > ftn, »n4 Mt jwt ftwn ll*..:, | to end atomic testing. The election on this (kmptit will on hi* arrival here from a tour »a~- «i- fcl.r -,St lofwnAAUOA whw. ■ • w imMU pamt o.,!y kMMdy. Iwt r**r»n* te* •» a h«i.f ttw." h. ..al r--' ^ ,u< h. «;w R,- -a- corap.ACKic., rtltef i*.' a h.d. MHl Ih. fed. t«i'l «M «*"». ■ hi* nrtonn, hit th», would h.; MrrT"1 »» ma.l.mrt. rtattiwj mia»aa|»1i,. miid tuww l»ti. Republican | Blood l>rivr Hlfriing include not only the two major of northeastern Penn*ylvania. lie preaidentihl candidate*, but «l#o wa* referring to his aervice in the the two gubernatorial and aena- United Nation*. * I-, p.'J> .f th, r»'% PAtJ- «f iavuiw^ to tAhl-it -h#"■ A meeting at living unit chair- I Wolverine Pix Missing •"■H torial candidate*. Voting will l»e Lodga had ben asked to com¬ > 5 IllAu Ll.tK Aav.hrr- ir.n-. rj-. Ami tA» p.rt.v fl >U10«' ph*. or ">"•»* hr WAnA Qu.- I men for fall term Flood drive will held in every sorority and fra¬ ment on what Sen. John F. Ken- < »» Sr.,-. F.M.m Rrtatum, no-T and M.an. be held in Pfrlor B, Union, at 1 *rr*~ ;>e haiw bee# ternity house, all dorm# and the nedy call* a UflfA report which trying tc ; Ksr.re. ; pronu**^ to do more Judd framed the pusert, ad- FAIRBANKS. AlwkA. >Jf. 7:30 p ni. Thursday. Explanation* Union. I support* the Democratic Presi¬ lrv*' *h# I S1A report cot into , al»out educaoon. He savi it »* «e*j min»tr»y®n for net "going over The of all materisls and procedures Balloting will b# from S a.m. dential candidate's contention that W rfcjv. nicrai'ie that 1 the brink" wkil# Reo# wore teat- following organiMtians ^ l-ve . L. McKlnloy, Republicsn will b# covered. . . until 5 p.m. in the Union: 11:15 U.S. prestige i* slipping. THIRTT-FIVE per cent of ear in* oar tempera. The admima- •Ul bar. taw h*tur. uken to- ItadMAtA for th, U.S. ..not, from "All chairmen are urgently re¬ a.m. until Lodge said Hennedy was con- Arichv-l hi*h , f h c 11 ttudAnu trmu.n Aaa not am* lA*an* it. Ai#ht. Thortar. Orttar 27, In £}"k'- ,w * * •*"*" quested to attend," said Harry 6:30 p.m. in12:30 p.m. and 5 to dorm* and Greek fused between prestige and popu* (asid. or wtpM word. o. fta Tamer (earn ef the Union. Wednesday on a flight from An- Olacn, blood drive chairman. - — - Blood Drive Slip# Aor.'t M* th. l»Kk ft A AAIW- »itr 6er4.~ Be fiiftnt 10 minute* before cherage. Alaska, to Fairbanks. houaei. Students may vote either larity. 3mii aIao piAni *ir. *mi- your picture is scheduled to Ft The federal aviation agency of. in the Union or living unit*. ID "We assume we are not gener¬ D.nwn IVtroit «' |*ta •H Local Stores flee here reported receiving a ra- Tttggurt Speak.* card* must be prenented and ally loved in the world," he saii. IrnA fn .la-oat .0 hour »k.r,: Ant Nixn for 7»ta* AlWte Ateed rases age from Mckinley's "No :ui. Sct.wq5- Mtorrwi. .«»pt ainfcuatia*a Ahraad trhu. Aor- Glen Taggart, dmn of Inter¬ •tamped before a student vote*. big power i*. But prestige Mary Mayo West-4:fl0 » light pingo this morning. The All ballot* will he counter! hy mean* mostly respert. And a'tta- v "ta hiAAd Arn* ithroort tf. bur. of th. ,,15 »t. hi. ni And "--.r* AKTVU..* H» i. t*. m Forensic* Union—4J0 national program*, will discuss 9:15 r^- : n4 nnb tor og- rush boar. * use?', abroad and ai .AK.1 ll MM. Anchornre dentist told the FAA Nigeria and'African independence p.m. and result* will he an¬ tion gain* respect if it* word i# •:«ta An an*aU, at "Vice State Newt (Advertising)— he wa* having difficulty deter¬ at an Academic Benefits seminar nounced in Wednesday'» State good and its ideal* noble." Ntaaneaday night, foUewtnf a 6:46 " f* ~t" mining the direction to Fairbanks. tonight, in the fourth floor faculty- New*. ffJ.thA IV.A, Cimpo, Drue, •"«*. Rrm* One. Col- pnvat# dinner with stare Damn* Lodge knows the . Fl Stoma Epaihw—7:00 ■ That was the la*t word heard The Big Ten newspaper* have erat teaOer#, Kcnnecy spoke m lounge of the library, at 7:30. Mason Hall—7:20 from him. It wa* believed Jfc- 7T •«*, K*n»V 'AM Sooth Hamtramck ana th« Michigan said. North Williams Ha»-7:40 Kinley Dean Taggart ha* spent recent arranged a conference telephone was about 75 mile* south month* in Nigeria working with call to discu** the mult* of the Veterans Sign-up state fair gTooads. plays at ft# UN of Anchorage when the message Kenrwdy !u% Detrmt metropol¬ them correctly.** Bryan HaD-A.-eo the development of their univer¬ election*, Several school* will PL fl.14 and P,L 530 Veteran* .* T.ji Alpha Cpsilea FK#S:20 waa heard. have fctate ticket*, but only prea¬ ;« fCTtk QmAU w «Ahn itan. a»rport for New York City JUDD ATTACKED Senator A Frontier Airways aircraft sity. will have only three day* to sign' « ' KoArat t. (hv MwQ. Sparton Chrtstlaa Fellowship idential result* will be compared. ap for first fall term checks. The at IX p-*R. un jnat'i .:0j- Kennedy for ^90 .searching for McKinley'a plane The election i* being sponsored alphabetical schedule ia a.* fol¬ ' ' ■» at.** u unumw: ■ry to inherit Fit frank Trinity foliepinto Followxhip reported sighting •something J.llop Comuiitlrr ion campus by the State New#, ' low s: - t-»r a. Jr. Ca—fit Mcrt» he s« sura he temra i 1 ta 4A •4dl red" en the Livengood highway, Junior council will meet which is Ml the gefftrai area where tonight in the Oak room. Union. for Kennedy. All ballot* will be at 9 Republican* and Young Citixen* A-H: Thuraday, Oct. 27 Tht 4-Sop AAAtai-A 1 Xtona Fhi Fpeilie may ab- ~ I-P: Friday, October 2S I# the plane erne believed to have Wolverine picture will bs taken tallied hy these three groups and ta wffl mm a a Utaa allM j W.CTW*.-, been flying. at 9:40 following the meeting. other volunteer atodent*. Q-Z: Monday, October 21 # Tin RS1UY. OOIHIKR r World's Music Featured By L-C Chorus Monday ;>» V7S IV OVJ *f ihr ^mc rnr.m% %i?rl» Tbm m#r?»M*e handled fcv tie nm |wwr(«r. ;■* Vr * •-...-'. * » ' :>•' ~ T. CLASSIFIEDS - A Tf'T* inA-TTWl>.•* i'T. ■ £.£££ jtrr mT,*tf C,~C-*\ *f *V\y. -. 41 ££ rr*vt :--?*■«» r* >£*U CAMPUS ,1 ihi* f*~ - - ——~ ;; I s.M- >1*' "»1«* roMxatx* for 1W. W«4. T»ot< ■r,in» : v '.iwtfrw^: *« ' ttmrt . -we-wina'. tNw» penuw and Fri. WilHtnv Pradhar for Mon. Edittw: 1 a.m. Fri v: . CVTC- 5*MC'Wi-'4KrsSsf ' tar--: ?rflfe3rm Hr %',?•:- -f-' f.; '. AS# ?.* i,r ~v' .'- " "'••* :V®* "'' *f v, ftirw* aw: *"< •* ' ' * **"* vW »vc. * -v? **»»-* - C*A ■*"*- «« ■ »-*c iWf te*.,*b>e Y iwTrusvK* ?r. AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING PERSONAL »* *•*;*<• t* ■% *>«■**.- •• Nf.r>j: *4«<^ t« ; rn- sxxmk** S.rv* :Vt "V ;-w rtf OCTV V» «- w -e .-•-•■ .v .jTwrn ini-rtti- uc tn* An -fcSf •• •■%-.-.—■*■■*. \: ir^.—ua*#» -?*r or i ?-h*nr- Ti «.-!» -mskV r-*.*"- '• " *" *?*»r •"?*.. eosac?*- i fcrhf.•'«.'' jiT.'vf-N-- ; :rirffuH rur*-^. ,-. ;*H i-mtwass i* ***&>■:■.&$ *■" ~ • , — -~r • ••:•* rrr : V - 4.-- 1 I'fcrm t.'i N».t U.,.i" r -: ■■• an.—-*.' n»> ■ «' ■it C~ wi .mu.-M. .■:»»• •■ •■»«* VTt. « —. ; fftmn uXiK*\-.m. - ^ *»*x--t" .*"?«*» Ti" frara i K'fpfK*. ?i»urw*4tjmi» h' fear*- « *■«■« s.n.2 erra: ! «r»s.o.T.< , t«r?v ^r-. ' »tr* «wr»r^r4 -?*-»—,« *?>.♦ , : tw uecmiTr.Tit 2- SJ* - f-** tir«".T4 i wri' rvnrrrrrKt.f' «r«^r war- *•« * - * >*'■*••• 5T r' S Vi- vr «u»ii5U«*arr-Tt v-O >** *■**■ »v*;*c ;r fc*^ j vVT**' hi *»f wncf JWftr#:; • Vr. : x.r ;T -JX« A afiSMr* i'lfti ' ■'«* * * fc * ?•?«.* ••'* =-:r A. • trirv • w ,-i.r Tv* »-. .«* » $+>'. ■'»* V *- ** u«p.'. tr lnrat-ne ;># rp^ ui :-" * s.-.- ' - 3^ irs.-;•s*■4r^■"'",*• tiwe ' tni ir fc-gr tiup?*>"« *-"> *«- suumu.'.' r*r*T* txrtitiae-x •* trwrr^- ^ ■frp^fe.rwwrN* «s£ j- ^ot fj.r. iv*~- ir.ir >i»ret. t?fl: Atp ra' «; ir» J pi---5jra» «rr- , * "-T iftww.s Mf ^ -*» r——-e ft' • ' •* i ••ijrp*r-T- pfur-sr"f.* r«- •#■»•*» ! nj s» wwciuiiia. "T"* 5»* ^ i TUT. tn-. t'. '*T fu-. *—• « } ftMpyhoti* W* t tp«E w« ."•-»«»£ «?* —D*r-i i r^j:. ■ owl "»-*r .ssae,* JBKT* depitn* 4 Thif L'ftI "CM' *-* -_aA- 5»«^ tar ; I tiilABtj to*w «• j:ni ^ ^ orrr fcs aa«f, a CCTV"" -] Trie: jrw % iifc » Tar \ix±jt»C. BBS 'iteegA** IAST ICTW. HAVE v> ?*nre Khi.t* »♦* r* «M tosl fnsi-acxar «a Mmm,f • •-Caep«5^i *"-2 s* OIAVOUfey ; TDht* iCrrr S"«M»rrM r aor * i •• r.«rm r^nuBhri .inicliirt »«»: aa.ijm T*VP D***" C—JI«?«*33» *eiag i'iJ? «>•«• ms VM bin r _r •. '» .reZxisiun ;» thrf '*<■!%■ c.rvr~ ■ *.-•• **"•«» A./ ■'rv.-.uas *•«! fwerTr ta -it-SL.TttaS2i«. jiliC. t2~s~u*k '.'if i»" •. -w :' ?* rcifcSW.;: Vr. ?MC4'.* irjrr^.. v,J6 UJji'^K^r .nr. *iL >. acu^-at^e fc\ ;OCTT ts V IV. •>VTVTfrtU |ru!rsi«nr ;pMtor.l«ig i tript, vv^» Organ Reeital 'ae ttf >mnwwij»CT- v.t>- KM raoittON-r AI^JGATCMI E*."*>3: acamuttnr ant Immim.. p\pu.iuf «» To Feature rowutiWfc. tMu CD 11 r*w • 'HK learuii ':>.t' cliwixnr,. ia-am 0 tf'ffiuiuiii; jfinneir i»e!orr itit caunems Ti^Miirrt iJU s'iTirr: tasi *ta-' ,; ilwvte yha. "tan* ti^«K ^im; Kr :i> !• (,.of-*4 (A»i»Uu!s ■n a '*" Ve"'_ fc:ort ttar rtoa« c;.^( :U- Itr* m a-Ctr. tat IL» M»t I— ' "Ott-ti Ott* "**t* ^*C*wm+,\ " . "iriixiif. -g|l(|K« rtdmC j :» ma. Pha««Ma. »»»-» Iw 'in ww, iiwiin m * fr»- Tli>iljr. » »% —4 in: ' itp Sa«r.»m«;: «»• V«»-| .• r.,s »-.««, :•.. .-.-T r».» -Wtt r ".■■ ;ir a* ~t "* tuc9°*" *•"-"« It it. TV ;,irtata.,: •:-!«•• h*- - Vtvr at, Vie .. --v Vtn. -" 1 v J.,. Vac* ., ,;- •il.,.;^UtT -iw- ' »*« ' x "*= - *'- . iWo- *' . k ?w WJ4imusbBti. T.n,... ,- V C 5oa-- ".. : :ut 4,-j*. n m Volvo* all the mvigl virmoi The • ■• of1 the iVtMnUitYleatioti* Viewpoint-. « illustrated hi t'»r The l'rmrr*Vi ha* an intpi Itrlp for lllur \lli|rl ttnly KMIII.I.C national t-opiitatioa in the field t»f Vhpio i« atill room io< .oininit- Kt«MTk fywltf 1ntrre«M of the venter. mtmhtij foi Dhip Angel, the joint Itrroril Slioji .'ompiuntoatloos Th# lntrrnafioii to« \« a reMt'.t. a watpl'S ftvb of thr renter »' t oopoeat'oo \.!niint«t»atto»\ I'anhal IFl' danro. Atiyono inter ♦mi of Or Can' |V"t«.h*hato* «'i»o. i|«p« of thr%e tve«*asr* tor of the rental. «m a new« h 11 n t« tishturiar* from timlrr ' e»t«.l ahauld rail Brtte" Hancrtrft OPEN EVERY EVENING •ri«e->, he *awl • hefd'e he t\m«d to «tovoh»p«s| land* hoif fur fin t hoi «• Delta t hi, or Karon krau« at lit* m»'oe infrrv,» "•«<* • tn.it 1*ho t"i"linlrH|ii» then io yiphi 7i Dolt* The fon'ouiniPAthwiii Ne-eatvh traihing fp'-U t M the College of « ottt- tp tho »".-•* mem* partu'tilatly tmmkation \H» «■*• org* ni rod tuw *1»«ihu * v\ IP .Ml t«» *t\idy thr«e invhUnn* Dr David K P.-»V t. ptiinanly Vhe of the rente-i i* to en iptoro«te.i in *iu»i PROTECT YOUR BOWL ami tot.no . -«»n 'AMt'AtA t.ndcivtand a»ni develop ttu-nie alien although ho h»* n hotter .ooiwtumewDen, tVulavh- ha. kg vou<<>( in ta«J:o ami »atd IV, .Ihlava kmnt'i >Mjor- The rente v U t»" uanly eon. 0>.tod lit fho to* iologtenl iMHVtl reined with atudvtng the effect* Do ha* done re*e*t\h »?i »-to*» Buy A 1961 Leather Covered Pipe COLLEGE GRADUATES (mlv ^ 9« tl I'ucli Tap lirain «r«n art anver yrnhrlt tha flap Tha MaaN Still OiMpaiy iavitis Ian war ted briar Itowl from niol* a ml irratrhrt Saars Tnlrarro Hipirlmrnt fM ti iivuN|ili umr ippir- THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS! hniNis it nr ImNim Harbor Nm Cliaatrs rkf. i'HKK I'arkngr of Srnn • v "l> « Wiffci, Eiii Chicaio, Mim. hirlohirr Arinnulir nr . >» ""»»*•» >->aailM* **• IMM'UAT*^ |V*T of 22 4 Amii Nit. 7 Tnliiimi villi pur- i uiv» l oj.ir en tkAK MKMO PAIR ami REFILL 19c riniof nf tiny i tiltut rit I'uurll rs*»* *0 iv «• fVANBT •■r ItflC. -jc ut It I or up. r r •oil,. . l:x .#*-pcittw rm \VK AK iMarur* Aiwfjr npnsntilivis will hi oa Stwyr at ! fr\ Mayr rVvn 1 Barkar . , . .. till l»t Mlrhtion roono IV i-1UI "Satisfaction prvyrrmtn k«t, «"■".! hate Ft. lm*r rf.a«m. Ship * LUMWr I* fur wpt m Hivmbir 7th. piaranteejl CU ADC Li i-trv**. (««»(• I r rmiurr Fwli ?Uf. ne m (of ran ami Ml ol Mo I# eifOH or your money back OMRO ^."ZV.'^oYV' m. rriiff Do Not Include Sale* Tax C«K ia Ire- 2 SHOTS TO «*VT voir a-t.v.^Vy l9 .I rs-^vAK-'-lr'1. r*n» V.- »r* ♦*- •.,{ |* -,M«« VS« *i V'*si tMk««k»*nk'. T*\ toT "• . * * *<*- •»«.* * r4 r n t r < A- *»\hmn| «MVi »Mf r*v«ry« t*v*M 0a*-« Ihi' •Vl>**"S * « ••* !**.n \\\., j T»«*P \Vi!T(i\if» *"•! n * Vik'Mlkt-M^!* l,AAl*M4"k «'-»*it f\i*i I'm? t a*.•♦if j'.« j«n i'ii' V.•••• tt*r*v VM" **.> n*v.»'* » *«'n **• *i«V #••*. tv* »:>*••♦ l ** . .. v..». s* ' • . Mi, 1. HOT |t-»M. T'.*e*dj*v Mill w*'i| ».»ip ; T **•« l*i«| rvf^vfk-'Hi? ft-n'i* lnt\i- SOVTNLvM r.Vo-k «*t.{ ^V**v »Mf T>*«> (**«!>•*>*«• l»kUi*Ut W»"* TA** -*V V».*< » ♦* *e t*»a» W 4 \>* 41*» f**M4l«i « Vi» <« ^ ■ i K »' A • , •,*if ,u\\f (M 15? |, ! r"'A ■ f i t'll JM .MMU'M,} ph«jt|Vt* 1 .-»•-« ♦"■••;».*•! «.••*<«• fc*«4«t»g • S« XHJ »''*Y A *-„• M * v.,- \»«r Quarterbacks Lead «*>•♦♦;* . *4*"* 4» •» U." '■■■■', lohri .Smuts 1 Goals; 'vnt • ■ \y ■3 IS.J \ >».s 1* |lr Iftllli'tsl :Vv«»>-.A W»." ♦." MSV W .•<• v-v TV * -v«i«|'iiii r>. ♦'ihhb . *4.1* »•* |•.**M v * w ii EAT PIZZA! Slate Kiuls Oluo Streak V**, ,%*♦ .>,,-,4. ....«„ »\ « ax:* , r,, "-r * '• t - • >•* Hiii 10 Total Offense v '«V* *('«.( * 4t " 4 ,..**'.1 !*-•- ♦ 1 T«i kkvtl l*»t »•« *k 'i»-»k .!»• U'l* IT PAYS «4-, A «... ♦ .,. ,.vi IT*| 4.1.1 I"» 0 ♦ k*4» 4 r.% it Ht M mm t i t' ***** H*1** *W<»« 14 ' r >**■ ;>»j %.'♦ «v-»**'- V-.'t I'tttCAitO tTt T.T'A.»» V MtM*"'1 »'t U1.. ! t,'|i|li'mi»ITk *'»» VI THE PI//A I'll. * '•<*'1. *'*«? ♦***•> rv-Vv** ftkU • « 'tiit V»a*t tl»ie ir i«mr*t \%% tt*«* t'ic tVn * 1< * h* «lt v VVVAT*"* Statv *" v •" •*•.. *♦«* *• AT*\ nf »Srer TiVtVrMv.t Mi* tsMat , fesm **v«rTVkt reiver- Avrn ynistriRv »«t % I** «itM !» * s * n .i j*»« A"-A» * *»•*'«. T> a «\amv ,a\ \%u\, msv Ty*" '' *Vf „«,.•» 4 |V'*»'A«*1 »t*U t*!w mcmKe. I OMNVN itir in I I •.'.«♦ *ku>!< in *•.* half. *■<• •«•,«» A 0 1*>U V'V *-■>». t,M«f ^ iy»v« .*yk ' tV*•«»' r** V pi// v * *» '«t »V'» .•*.1 tv.« «...*•***< »«',*. t «♦•••* ***ih **"> .-I •..., •-. \'* *v w,j „ ■, ~** '** tS«* v« v*^' ""'t * r*-* ' 1 CLOCK RADIOS E VCII WEEK . , ,,M MM ^ s|^ikV M'.- •,- kifi^f* M 'SU-M U,.•■•,» {..nn ".-A 'VI- - . » tvv -*« »* **•••' ** '** «■ • •. <*«i n. . V t Mii*n.t >*•* .•»• »>,- cv*: - . . .V;, J * | rf > V s*,A. «%*v -v.aW »>r VI»IH>I. - A «... . - • V^Maa* V»- n-*« •' J. ' ^ « " «* »•»••'* •* v* .I., r'-AA"-; . < •• *Jy '• »>' V V. .*'>» T».-4 '1* t . *•> : J. THE PIZZA PIT (HI.I. I D 2 0iw»:t "V nV »Vsvf#l"- *+#Yl«S* ^•.•4 >*■««•■ *- -A '.A.* r»., »t «*-. .*•,•*. .* v. » • . * ■ ♦ H# (lilclirist «•• ''■< •'* T *' k *•*•- VHt>s* ««.♦ }*"•* I ^kiA | J-M'i t Av*n» . ...'* «*■«., U.*'r-"« •***«! 5 „V.. ,,-.i ^ »N « . « <»-V ♦ * <»«»M •'.' * >»' \ «»*..,««..t '«*» « Cfl ♦*«•! d«. «tvsi V* HrVr«» \ » fuMiU \**•»•* ?*u* *n*>T«, A>*. 4**A»t . *■*., V vi«iV : tT««i*ekt * **«• « After Tko fiamt • - V M*> A»AX'»A ; \■• 1 W 1 K V *}t \HHH S V —4. <•»«■. 1 Viw>»t IN riAiSINk. vif^'tsWr- Ikf ,w.. .... , A< I."*'. *•« "«t MUK T in* H»«k«r. in ««.•« *.»•,>>; ^ .A^n *^Vr ■ t V*a• \V*«*4 ,. ? ... VJVvk \ A-AH»A»•■**«11.A*A AA"H rnil'*# '•«k.i»' VM*» Vk'li« *« lTn» r'AkVkkkkyklir*' tk«t !»*•* rk«kt»kttf •♦**! Nl**»'k « M •'•H tt," Slop in nt MARIA'S V >-S • a .nir"# M,\ tflMk. V CT of 4.1 r i A*lWt • j 1 f -■ V »Vy 55r,»H***.«' if-twA'' ; \\y . • k \»«A.« WAA»A IA |0 A» AA-A* ***«*.( f,*r * «'•** r«*Tv*»k4ike» IV«*«ctilitig Noolanranl and Dnliealotion fvr-r- \ Mutk-v TV** nM. Tkn« Uk* tT -* c «AA +t ■>** AVAII* vs-«- ■ Intramural « iv. •» "*A» r.*.--« A«1« F*»«k r*MMftHk*Mk f**kst»**»!kcf ** • ff *!1. k«-Wh Ilk1 ku I'* mini: k\ iili Hrlii'iili'i'iM ii I'ealurr* ■• 1— rv.sk AA * f „,, n i 1 -• a»«m -.' aa V.«1A»i >»>a .*'j f*,uwt« «l T '«•*,'* »*» tr*<'»-T*.T.*kk',i wllh. MOKT SMII Schedules 1«. >- "A * . , W.„ y, ... \x , . . »s»»»*5k'***4t th# *i'ikri«s •nil ZION PRODUCTS I »«.- • •.. \- \\ ., »n«4- %V* • V-,. | V 'Av*'tl 11 » • ->-.• 7 •■•■•, .»!*•• IV«n I Imrliii r« ■ 'v'.fll »'.**a**",a tath.« ! k (. .4 l* v M..fi T..>(1.||«> k* ilh *1».I Frnoh Mario's Pixza «* »' »i \* »■***«-;-s !'»•< t 4 •• •* *A as, r»«*n S***..iv »• f 4 Ml'Vlir.l kMli' mill »«♦ »■ .v «r • * - . •» ikAr*.* «nr* «« As**** ** -» k*nS I* ivt"l« r4. !* * A *» nv^#«,Uk% ivn^I t 4»**l'k( ( Ik lp (Viktrf tmHlwlnm » - A'fik'f 's lV « * ** * * ,v' v' *« -»%-—« 1 " ' ,.,"««•• It Ml .«T Ck" k Wit,** ***** w- s * *•*, l^i*- fy* |r,s V H ♦ k kil kl'lp *| «H? Pr*f"*kkk4»k.«" »»r III IlkP 4 kmfllk Hwk tlrtlf, nr.Skp* IUVVpm lk».| M ■ - v -V isi - «V , f t* ► .run,., • * ■ . • * »'*> •• .■*•■->• r** = »*iMA **■ •>''.•«*,! S* Kitrr* * *s y.si**u T1*..* Knrr* II." |Sy.» |r*>| ilk |l'p | takk«t*k(. «'r %*»**«*«♦* « s MiiHImlrn %*r , I kiwlm and Canaod Goods rik.»kkp Hfwnkllmik ... IV t-tftt. t*l f!* **.-•. r k * •« ^ TV* -% rws, % '.'k »' . 4lr*i.*".' « .'f J'4 • . »»>.( t ^ *•.•?*•*« \ 4. »>.** V >«« ». «» r>i «s, **»-A **n r*- » »-> *s I *»».»••■**, VIs . * > < p""|. ■ ***.l pkMk' "•til"" •♦'**»« hr* | OPEN D AILY MARIAS •>•*-« ft vMim t*4» '4 *•!*<> *Vk-«> 1*4««*!••, «AfvA ; My. »*T j - > r*. n.. • • ■ , . lt*llVv« 4 t " I? *k«A'H»ii' VM"' -|"(y TV* M'*rk*vA ISV »> «VC 4" i ||rn f| ti? • Ikk»-"!kk.t" Dm MtaMiaa IMi Drlirnlr«*rii 10 ii.mi. • .'I ii.nit i 4--.m »A -->*«• •.. ,«tM 1 y.tl'l »v»i*.»k>« ■ r-*" ;* . 5Vy»«• .• W y .' r *' a*^'.,,t' s*- \v*i IM »•. 1"** - V k •• k Sfc.- • ■ -k • ' MK'i *» ■ ' J . A*»*" - ' 1 -'*•***< *y - l*iVIH. *t * M - *1 • *!•*.•■* ik V M. .A^U-lk M '*•••'■• . h tk»* Th'" conservative club liill IV «WI.-»2I IV 0..TI'll. \A ... ,v -.> \y* * '\ *w .viif-v *r«t •♦ *, v ifMni » W^. . r^-s- tUifc U Hit *•>< \h* *«»*,',*! vp<*r Ihnver Hucks I Irev. 13-(> t « (Ay w,-*. **t"f • V»*V» ■ M.»**,{*v \,«* ' », STANLEY M. POWELL t\HH\ * fur K*>^ w*(«k-k* **»': HH1 V » \»Kh nv I rgUlnlivi' I oiiiU.-I for k v» . to**.**, s , i» ■7 fMtiHil r>**v n\Vt^ \4!f*v t*\th k|irlii|tnn Kuril* lllirrmi . 1 - - t * tAkMvs. I.M xfrre r*»h»r;fT T ■*** tnc ^ S^iloi* I a # M.- \. \ • *.■*■ ^i*~,v; "■ ••« # y ,- ... 1*A *'• '.« *tv*l %v>v (AA N0V " *29?? ...... .y, t'%4-4 • -• V- « '•* ••»'*«. *.-*** * • f+1rt - :; 4 v.* **«*>''♦ r tv* A-v r>- •-•■«> '• -• • *• * i » ■* • A V V ! a* s*t* < «■• t V* * *v" -, * *.wp St**' kp".» ,?«•!* T\» t ,} r»,A1. I# .« IPP»* * liirxlm. Yiivrnilirr I. it |i.m. «-->•«*>,*■ -• .-v- v ■-•«*'. »;,* v - th* '•'•»•' 4 N *m * *K i *• liitoiu .'t;l. I ii ion lluiltliiij. 4 ' - ■ % * A# •• «.A - * ■ f K t\4 t.vntso tw""i •* ki Y|i|.|ii|tmi Sliilo l nikrr»(lv -- IkVl. it^tkli* Tkk,"". UkMKtrr. .-, - - x> * 4 A* . "•" • ** ' * 1 M *•*"•'» *•'.« ■ k ?'*m»kni:kkp Unin« h * * • * ♦*■•-.* •'« »> V * * * V ». k ,v rss. • - - -- V* \\>*«*' or ikSkV*# f*«r »t«»t«il« ...«■••• it* •»'*■ * All MSI" SlmlrnU Hn.l thr lirnmil l*nl.li« 1-A.fA* * iV «.<«*.•.- .. ^tv* «•.-* « ':t- V.',*- •■ ■■• ■ ■'* ' * * '• " -• «•' ■ **' ' a*.* f ,~ir •-. . «. HvV*' " C )x^llkl 15* * *•*«** «>-«••• ' I" J-10||NI, ktr I nrilikll. In.ilr.1 »• llunl. >• > • • It. k. if, *viv 'V <••«••«»* • I«#«t 44M ? I'M EE ADMISSION * • - vt fVAOMTV. X«W K • ir, ' ' "* ' -■{•• '■ -M k*+ t* "a .-.i * m*« *T»- '' wwfv/r=» - *S« H, *• *X - *■ U- 'Mr* IHi-V* .9S* *•**• I b*1 » «*tj • • * v-4'** •**5vh .tf>* at bargain prices! » ■.# IM MVws TNURSOAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY Sorvkg Too ■VvH| am! Ml KU# M* WMRi ► V. dohm'tbarber shop >•11 nunw IK. Mayin Inn Ms-*n n»o M> ■Mllmw* nickl UM*. raallr and rhanl. i.ihnm Inr Iwwr Mh aim alartrlr •!«*• TaMn — chain. — rtanrd daclnc flanr (a* rlr. BORDEN'S clc. GLACIER CLUB nt*. — SAT. SSSI • S:*.* 211« HAMILTON RD., OKFMOS Fraaior Skoppint Contor 1.1) 2-0091 IGE CREAM 49c HALF GALLON The •MTS Ins a GRANSTAND Lias of Party Foads Dialiacti.f ImRth Corduroy Sladium Coal, cm* akoirt. bulky kait collar, lartd aMercnls. m Itawd «ith thick Ankara *Uo with plaid OADE PREDICTS THE wool kkkrr — wanath and alylo coaibinrd. MSU SCORE. Old Gold aad Olive Shadea 11 G*L Gn4c V Hnmo>cmiar.l STOP IN AND CHECK Specially Priced at J.17.30 Mi 39c THE SCOREBOARD. FILL IT TODAY AND NOTE THE SAVINGS 1201 E. Gnwl Rikcr Mm L Mirk. 2514 L btamM 0 NMh . Micbiian Theater Buildiaa MM F OMIMlin IN UftM Jt4 IfS of Scan Nor lafcertiiy Village Two Eleven S. Wanhinxtoii Art karkirr- Nrar Lnivmily ViUagi* » 'X 0js$§ii V. V -.-:-^y.^ at, t«, „ t o»t French Pool Wins Nobel u>; fiv-mt M tK Prize for Literature 'fsv-Hv*. term's .• rfiv* »W r<*-* Cmphtt Optical ofrnw V* '• . yt i*. Vrt*** ' V>v,w^ Wlfnl W* \\t i-Mv '*•• v»'e.-r • t | §■** * ** * V* <*» «i ■• i«-r* vt * i o~4 «* n« i •'•« ■■»'* ->V t\""fcVr«« In « v UP «*•*< ♦* I*'." V*-ll»si «.-.-:v! jfYvn V-:' SENIOR MEN-WOMEN rVJfM v *\H - IC A (tftttt CHICAGO tMiivi ru ilmm; l ot uion IceV1*^ » At (r»* »*oM r-v's/W V«s-* I'V# t\ I HOI«'» * K *Nn tV« *l> ,v* IIMV1 «o> N OV<*»f* V^fc-4^v-" i.hwo Mirms. •e»-x »Ar fr^iey, >s,.,U^« * »V t*„~* * aM •*.>% fAW*< ywfc rlioVv rV •"v. xvs« »"*•* t'Mev-f" «••'«> In, PnV. %t r . leva nice fftvffnl 4* Vrvtup '* *"« IVUPM thinqs »e towM- 4s have se'e. !e «m .*>lr T -W» *rf * Vff f ir wWmrm wj IV >p*;1\n I»o.nW siorc is ri.fnie the crest el * glorious Re¬ volution. Il rra.lpr thai w«l w» nrachmt naSes winter a happy time is a rrt i« You will It no» new hnfhts irnm«diatr.\ (tun is a happ* new leadership in I he uinint lYO'lK- when you K U K RKVOl ITR1V thrr one third >s( all ear Jirhr* are |V!iinl with a pWitliln.lr .s{ titles am! suhice+s hewt publish, see them cd anil reprinted. that thev IV hllW hook ha» indeed cause*! a mator a.ls a nor in lilr- ate just tc ran aphteiemeiiK New at I he Mailenl'i ham! lie* a iwllcr1hrm>4 til i.lentify wish this ervnlulmu. We iuvile "»o« in visit nnr cemtnhutNvn U this exciting nmiunal. til paper hnumi boohs eon* inientb shnplavrvi hy Mahjert. IVn t wis. vnur free copy of rUYXHUh llbltl. TV new Sail evistion tncluiirs the .vOll nutiHaJia^ papilhai! The Suitennarket for Education •^.l osilchek f»ro: iU V u.Abhrvi,'Tfi\