» ! Kennedy Nixon They Battled in Michigan Mi .10 \ \ MM 1 Ml 1 Nhm* li 'l'ni at Mr»iHr«l» ?»*♦ *«.! mpt Mtr I"tt'ln! Itft* In J *Mst* N'e*« Ptstt M iMi-t I til* •peHdlnt piopi***!*. ,*|tot«m n«»ttn ittriil Vh o IVpaKUmiI Uichuhl M. NKntt tnm Michigan tTMYi!* Uf iU nstim*<*l <***d i.***. |l»it t'HnHtlt ftHr *r •»»•» In Inn jfegJLr . m Thttt«»ilm thai Ihc llclndilicnMK acc gidhg l«t Win Ihc ■»!»%t^! petlvtu-e in <*itai»« ntitilttnllVn "•» Mm B»trln| I'nlnn t*f Michigan nn N'mv, H * ««!*** we. •«•*♦ en ••*«* j *m | nr'»,i pnlttp |.» «l|r lit*! war "* lie made the MfttetnPMl? «« he wKM|*».*ttt|*|H»ii |•!»**.'' \u.m mi.i at if ttMf p'-i»»p v I Mm In •even Michigan cltiea In a 11 hnnc awprn Hccnaa the Mntr j Mi'HHy. '••• i-p»nn M- «■••*•♦ ! .<»•» j-» Til . , * Mv yri,. ftwttt « - • ' VT *\ ." " *1. < p.i».M..»0 «ol.l 11.,. jfb , «*tiN m!, in i"Hl fiii«m*« In In*1 ff** •»♦ V'o A •»•»»*■. «»« ,. ^ w»M ll'f •!<** Wfwt* Nut t.'Hlind "nmaji I* ftlmml nmr nil do«t*tn«4i* mm Ilinnlml lo.nmi Ittinp.t nut l.» «*«> hl« i!!*c«mfVWt M*Mtpil to tllMh ,••• ht'll» •finttft' tit.il .'(Ittfttlltttt fta Mill thett apmvhenotoo* .lip Mm tlPi'iiMlmti nntnlnnp |*ff** »W»« tu» ***• Infm-twod Pi* my***!* <*v»e t*ea* !* ' G* tew those appeatiM when in* Nlvtttt mote* Ttn 'mlntfltHt nfirr N»*-n im.i V i*.I ■ n n 11 «l«it ttHnntl If *c ef KrimnduN la Ms MWhlgrttt cade slatted firm* the ataMe** In «l»|'tm! ft !.« Ihn f »,*♦#....»» : »l..ti ♦ *)'!■ Ili«l| ttMiii-lli, «. ••■nllHi- enw*l*Al|)*« . the downtown aiva hp Warned Nlgnn In ftt*n» nf ll»n tUllcii, #t*»» *•♦•••»•!< Itnt'i t'lmntln* "1V» IVnt't Sunt* i M*nt. •••Mintinli.pt in Mm I t.Op.l «.,M / 'gj* \ *■ ■ rni mi i cmi viim \r *afh 1 motnna>t« »rattled dean SlMIN Mill, Itflnp lltn It lf*ilt«i.tt il'.i tlti' toe»l.|.>ttt cnlnnad audi! *rpoH« that he i« Inn n nl n «nnll'» |'ttm Cnn|dn'lnt I't-I 'I1"-! Mm »«i • • nn mSH «nninm I* tti<| tltl nllplt (if «t.>t|> p.*!!--) M'.'t.tO. I "it I.Mi't !.«, • w- "'<* • t*e*ty l-n»n«|nHn(n| thtoMgh Da h *«n« lo t» n cmn'tni nVft V«I')..D ,.*»« |n tt>n fr.U. ..I MUM I laaott Wnlln.t Moil Wrdoeffda* MM'Mi llllM* nvm t-Mwhn.1 ^nfotUUtPU' h*tl ' tn l>»ttt|f ♦ tl„ t.. t Mfttty Ihn If \tv*u* «*< t'otkn.-d he mi l»'|' t-.f Mm lntB«r« l|»ni |ti»«t nut nf I Sit milll.Mt itt<|itl>|iiiil l..t. .n.l In tl.f It nulnplr » ltl||y ta*r nn Initiation that M« inm Mm vncnrltna tnnMn'i l.p*. \n«»tl."t»t« • t iU>i.|»tMa nf !ln> 1*1. into fit.,' **(*«* na« !«*«(**«. lip appeared Ilu tn. itn.1 •« tlnnnlnnn Inlnt- M»nn •tlntllli'il tlt^t Mmtf wrtn M It lit- lit*. ttnttiU tltftn *nrntn»t r- ***««* rd h the wain* i»n»| l«ten,iti I mm i^.noMna. Mtlnpa ntnn« nlMt tf*U pnnnlt t t*t lltt ltm«| p*.| tto t'HtttHiinMln rtwwd th|i aathmrd «» depot*' • , *| nil.,. niii> |tt. Mrtt! dmytte a * nit! »*n Mimml tin*:! Innlhrt !>'t .'.it llrlmic • n "ll^ltl tllOttrliOti, nllltltt ||. !.,.«» i»,v „n. „» t;t«t.,| C'. ilt,. ptn*« pi nn WaVl'M In '•»!" nflntnntni **he»e Nl'VV NMliK, [,V\ \ Nalhmal MittadcasUnw ««• ie|n.r|»-» I »«tt• npp« «• |».t Itxllr ft.|l tinttr nn estimated uit.iMHt <>»>»«,.»t« novel lug Men. John IvoiiMPdv ie|n»tiet| Thiimdov HoM ?» lit*. lutoed nut In the «t)nnt«> atone |.|nM"tt.t jt.M n. Ntvi.it Imp«it fifth cadlo lelevlnlnn tlehale he!wren Kminedv and VI« o 11'.i It It tinu n.o f.*-fo.f Tltu (« the •t^m«t*nl.t Vf the lhptidonl Niiitit haa heen fenlallvetv we! for nenf Mtmdnv jtltiM Nititt. « «4 n*t mo nf ||m ill* Nennldt,.*** en*(* *♦* Ml, hit*** l» M \ I MO the Inn*.,. f 1 I'ho emtrt|n»nden!, I'elee HaeKe4, nwld !!»«» hittft liitol I". I.*1.i n 1 %' '■ •«*. , . I,,.. . .,„ v„,■ ,«**«»| .ft.Mt t(.. Mt«tt , n'ttnhl m !«lna!e fetnn I'ldladelphia and !!»•»! fom htpiea t» O.I r.x, I I I n t«. I ,ln»». !!«» i»u mat itMC \( ti,M»t,i j heen lenlallvelv eho«mi I'nha, 1'. M |t|-enllve tdo on.!. iiu ..... | v Mint. Vn.iH.. . It.t » . tnln mtnmlttnnntMnmf t-Un K iVpp niiuatmnd and niieleai* !e«!«, and 1? S ei tilinmlc »'»*titll!l«»tt HttMI'M tin.I ll.r n0««|..| it* llttt Ita.l I'rfn n«Hirn.tmt« The Market lejnn! cnnhl lad he emtflnnetl liinnetllalelv aittlntm ttflpt Knnnp«|« gmn j hp n clthev I ho Kennedy m: NUnit eaitt|i*. in- llallla |o(i> V | Pnsitkiiltnl CtiiitliilaVos | Go Hariislonniiig *t«ta >aaa W lm PaaiWa 1 ,!»v*a It In* apt nf tt«n |"ti»\ "WpwiWI WOlMa lltatr tenant W V'traaf «lm*r en mtik ««| r.l Itltt* It* tail Scrtlii# MSI I l-'nr !tl Yn.r« • ts*vn.i.*mnaf amwa.l Mm '"Ni lni'i !?.♦, lafallaa t It a \ m*ia», Htnfn.1 ItOn Hal'l etti nf Iha pi.- vot,tiMB w. MI. >4 i:,\HT I.ANSlNi;. Mil llli.'AN. i-HIII.it. IMTOIIKH JH. Iti.it I'lllCl; 6 CKNTH tiOa faaltWv* watrtiv . Kf.'in i^a»»*ap.|« ef |*a»' Kt-Htmtl* !,«M |Ua t»mwatO •!*» 1*1.1 . tt»ti .1 ftiaii . ti,-(, n i« I'.-t *t nan f • . vtt i,-.| iltmlat-v, •Meat.*, iN.«p ttti.t nm>* p>,.e«a«* atn| Campus Stage Set for Homecoming . #«.« pi-.nttnfa an e|mw em llt.Ma nlt.t **a«« »♦» «|*n.| •*tt pattO ***"'!* Impatti al.tpp Mm Mreala i--t f.u t^a nt*Ve ef epevnlrei m<,| al. a* a HMt.ln.o *i*Hl.« at' lm!f tnOtmn Mift i v rt^flMtl RUkanl M r a mntwt tn.oa ,,v . *-vin.l tl-a MaftdtlKmp Mh tt*.r«l wa« , . Imnt ' 11.. t'ha il.t. t Mil1 iVO a«Mma!a .. .i....... wm waOa A USG Hares KO Plan; ef ihmman.lv In K I tank IVVK t tiOilim v* . v I i an.o .■<■ than v iiti **«• MV.tVo avplmt.la,! lit IVallWl \>x fatv |.t MaVt't Uelmtl \Ya«tm*. l|a »at.l Mm latgaai »lpgta no**.! an evltmaitsl 9R0.IHV allan«la.| P,omniittee Asks Actum Oil Activity List lha jiaimrn* tOaiiltl *«!!>< Al'HM. vaa!lU*nat| It* |m*l|mn daet i'«*(*■ rata •ttairevls* . llitrrhnimliM. ulmntii, in// urn I "Shmlaa «*f SutiaM" iT«lm .--its'-* tIhiwwgh a *!at nr«oivf o o tn ft n I a a i v MtlTt, I l I hat tha lloard of I nnlssi .• .attntlv t i. tin' iruler «*f chii)|mm Allpnlion for lh«* not! l*vo iIrvp. Ynak. Ti*va an,! Watlimvtlay ntflit hy adi'i'Mpti a ! maka HOTt" r«»lnnta*y hepinninM It's Hotneroming weekend And the Afhwfiilo nf rvefd^ MihII'I • \.« asain ' in Mm fall of IPrtt a-'n-.i ta ""filt'li M»i» aatniMj raaolnliitn ».h mnnmnilinc Vnlttn 1 i' Thai tha I'nngrpM of I In {dniinml fur sludenla And returning |ffi»du»ile* iiidlenlp* . • i fanfwti.* taiv WOtf ! Vnllotl Klatri teviaw and ravl«a I hut the Irndltionnl rtiAtnni will !"• nbsprvwl with j»rt»firr . *« * m*«*m,Mh a rati,I al Urf Key MUhrtl tl"«-l lae-j| tha NaMonal iVfenva Art of ItMd fhtifniT sot-* ot 'ally In ManhaMan** i.u ae.l gal at* r Talks on , vinp i *t a * the ftpvt i.» ttmvn lint I i in o»*!rr lo ' .MHTtrM antatt.l lha K01V tavn Nan paia 7 lb.lt |,b«'i bs*t and bis srtltrilrs will c«»mIim! a l« piece free (am- Ma |lrrle» will fereiva I now., fiom l«*t year 's flomerom ling rpiren, Joan Kane during ii hrf 'vsmflwn a* Slalen i hit inn i.t |itnvl.!a ft»t a ralnin tit! ( lutilflit |»l Jeliln.HI fi.lblW C'llK I) | lerniiMlori reretnooies ai 10 *!• i a. a.tifrtl a V'jn leniahl w« tltmrn I\I'd ('hiiui n.tt*\)*tiU,t, y IIOIV if tha a.laanaa.l! pint]taut .it.I nnl ttsmiva 75 pet j Inc Its.. hnnalia, the rally Ilntneeom- Each loeodier of ibe | he presented with a fO'ift trophy. p n Wi.l Campaign • by nn'Mtifi .ei>t nf Mm tttimber nf advanaa*! lug pep , . a-'MMtaov en a Ntaten r\ mamhamhtf f.o i"nmmewml ,-adata in ll»eS! and lart.l a* It did I I l«ei bait ■' group will provide itnat ,\t a rally j in l-nU numb- for the Home, ouiing ilanre t.. «n*«t,,»i! tift,w tlelmte.i!'",Ki; Kap«. Itonahlnit and Tripp I Teh^vision Invades . . , , . , . ... Veal * vn»«tnn nf Saturday night | 11 aiming and hast I among I j licit v Keynbld" will tog sev ' ; qitrvttnned the haaaaalljr fat lha! eral of Ho* onheilrw's tu-li-riions "L(W.,X «™«.|Oi;- »: antrmlntrnl. t amine tha nhjaoltpn | r- ... • v-... iv.il .........1.1 Hi'" *•<» ; "I""*";'"" f" hi-.sjjiht la a alamUtM!.i Xltvlal VN .MTtiaoimiv aemmOlea. tha putpnva ef tha revnltitinn, m-W . «rt"-v l in On- that «noh a atausa mifht alfe. I Block W intigiog from "Thou Bwell" to "Vouni'M Mum Kpriiigriiuc " Tbr ori'liMlr* will aU>» play-two origi¬ To (lurry » » am* h thenaan.U eh.* ' ing for imprevamants in tha pro nal iiiiinber* by F.berbart vortlms in San-alan tieeajal Grid Tilt ■ "• • a -M f tha itmh. V.a, h giant The ptevi.lentlnl campaign will ■ M nha pi ma.I V 1'«no. Itatuati lliHiiefoiuiiur display* built hy >* 'i.vst lilt' AMIAIIMIAT proposal even Invade HpaitNn aladintn Sat- nft m* a «|*etM*'i aoat living liml» will Ite judged a» K,.'Ml t M k . i hm iM j g**tluaU tfutirnl In pm»* «m*av. sm drfeaiPi! hy a nearly'unani* unlay when Itlock "S" give* lis al lea^t era mrWhef af eaah tin la- n in Hatuidfiv and the winner will i Y ntotiv iota nf t nnatTS* Interpretation of the lomlffttf can¬ The MsL Ohio Mate foot ha 11 be anrioiiiiteil during the fuotbnll «•* th# Oqa a eta whed-1| (ration »* a riWtan ef Mm natma KMV ItKltl I, ASHMAN didates game, which will hegin at I; I", l wpwawla!, game othata **A'ra net, tK'asl M»a**> ipm«tiona.l VYarnrr Member* will Ravi* silhouettes f lb in 8 tale V mairhing band 'tomorrow afternoon, will he seen "Wa ha*a mate than 40 l*\ av in tha of Kit-hard Niton and John lien- n M|uara and again in' toutva and vatidilv of and Men's lilee < lob mil travel by no per cent of the nation's TV • : mamhar paiinn* *10! to tv rep • • »-«t, ftoHa* ltatnoa.it * i larnnm •iatamriila in tha t'ono nedy. Kparty, that Inimitable t" Ka*1 l.nnsing lo take part in audience ariording to American h- V ed, nr.| Raroatly *m i ivpaaiiteil.** Tt>tt«»t aai.!, ' *">! hnpa l**»ltea trport, |'all inlcmitsi atndentv mil >wi# candidate of MSI' students, will the a.llvjlir- The bund will If P.roadr-ii,ung Co, officials. Its s*4 »n lha (wry lar- Othn repravanlalivaa a ho limh atvo Ite vhown. given iipial lime wdh thai of Coverage will include thai Ba*'. • to Mm K«.t I'htt-.a tial*a»t' to ae# In it* final performance of the •:« »mm» wf larn aja part (n Mm da halo ueta Chris Mn bigaii Slate to present n show and Mulwe t i eur oi ganicatmn in action ** tuntnnnsi Katlry i, Mark lira vat year, the IdiH-k w ill show Geoige lieforn the game and during in The producers of the A BC pro . X-pWi nnMMlir lii.l kit THi: KHI I HINA quaaiian. and lo»h Mo*aid lltryan), JefT WavhiOHfon. Ahraham Idnrolll «'* termiasion.. gram me Ik with Hpaitan Spirit t fi.-ns that tha prr»t* ptopoaatl hy lha UuItfmttn t'iala- Mark (UuttarflaM), Kirk Malsall and Franklin P Itoosevelf, The Glee f. lub will hlajre « joint Hoard of Directors yesterday I" ; * •! "giva tha trnth to tha gatier.. *tll l»o daiilvratotl hy , (Katherl, Kan Main'a fKratami- The parties will he symbolised eonreil with M»bignn Slate's Afternoon. ?. * -,• tha tt-vOh it wVl.Wt dalypata* presanttng the artnal'j ties!. Mill Martaig iMarriatl by an elephant and a donkey. An group a' 7 .1 ft and it; lft Saturday Bill Myers. Junior Class vira "4 vh " riaapoinl* of I N ***an*l*ar na- j llousingl Arnold llotfinan (Kasl obscure minority party will ha*e - , lijght*in the Kivh. president, told of the pians if a* ha Mumped rf \avr Yo«k CiDf'a I N mmstons ftienmb eompiata lion* Almost all tha Nr* Yoilj l*nsingl. John 1.anga tl4*n«inK» its symbol shown, too .a play¬ Follow ing the foot bit 11 game ail; Block "B" which will lie in red v ~ After lha divcussion lha motion boy bunny. alumni will meet on the playing or black and white for the T\ , ■ hi v The of the ham me t-ad torts of I N speovhos for usa of j lo adopt Mm HalaeV onmmittaa'a winners living unit field around their respective rlasa coverage. I1 v' 'R # that tha KapuMaan MSM dalagate* j rasalnlton *•• gcoaptad by a rota competition for block 4,Jt" attend¬ stamiard* for class reunions'. Ismnard Falcone, band director, ■ ' .oraut • hat haan *V«w*- "Tha Kod t hwa question should ; of 27 far, 4 against, and 2 ab- ance will be anonunced this week¬ Mull Sh.irkleton will be MC for discussed the bands perfnrmame l^ms in soppTaaa antra* • that end. proreka ipacial contltnrarsy and | ataimng. the Homectiining d-incc, "Shades of con«tant movement. Norm Dan- 1"^ f<* f it*U«r» i* dropping add lo tba limoiinovs of our orlo- AMONG OTIIFR husinasv. Stu* i>.' Sunset" which Will be held In xik, Writ Shaw vice presider.-. | C-'a -i * branon of TV *aek." Tous** said. dant Congress approved tha ap¬ "(JIIEKN MARY* Krrlr. rthmrw, hrr pari as qurrn tin* Ilig Ten rmnn of Kellogg stated that. E. and W. Shaw wiii U V T.-.-!t S^iiara, biatonc aano* *\>tvra mho mania to This work, tha hftaonth anni- pointment of Pala Warner, Eaton rsmry of tha founding of tha Kapids jr., as chairman of the OSUMSU nf -erkrnd homrrvmiaK Iclirilirs hv dium with llrucr SlruMa .Suainaw srnior, and mrmlwr of rnlrrinK the sta¬ Center have the world's largest block of reaidenu from a single living - ' * r i, Kaanavlg aaid amly United Nation* at San Frartcmro. Committee for Voluntary ROTC, unit. 1,000 students. 1 ri-.K.toan laadara in this was marked btf a spat ial procla¬ and Norm Fishel, Kookvilla Cen¬ tha homcruminR rnmmitlrr. ■•wrt "(-a |r^>, r f.'4-mard-looknvg and mation hjr Gwtrwr H. Mennm ter. NJ. jr^ as chairman af Big Bands Mitchell Kappa Alpha Theta, Phi Kappa Psi and Butterfield hall will form Williams, which will be read at Al'SG Fuhlic Relations. human tunnels for the team. Tha resolution adopted hy stu- Rooaaralt — thay tonight's meeting. To Perform 40,000 Nixon Fans Explain* Ifrlleotioii Begins Monday Rush Rules Hull of Fame The M8U marching band and the Ohio State university band will blow their horna at each other Greet Campaign Train Deferred rush procedures for Picks Four •/ Biggie Predicts Big Blood Drive »' JESS SAX WELL Muder t Rurae's wr|wni*aUof ing other people in need of enter* when they meet in Spartan Sta¬ dium Saturday. The MSU band will present a pre-game show of auch tunea as llr JOY r. KOKKITOt H Stat. Nf»i Staff Writtr A trowel eatim'atwl by the police,at 40,000 prei-teil Vice Thursday night. (men were chell, IFC president, at the IFC rush convocation at Brody hall explained by Bill Mit¬ Americans President Richard M. Nixon at the railroad station in Jack- Talks explaining rush and the NEW YORK (/P;--The name, Ne«a Tea tare Hiitr "Begin the Beguine," "Jan Ma -PARTICIPATING m a blood gency." Munn said. fraternity system were given by of Thomas Alva Edison, Henry Blues." and "Across the Field," mm. Thwmby moroinr. J.1 <«■ uo Alph. drive is like belonging to a hloo.1 recruitment sejrotary for MRS. CAROLL BORGMAN. tha Ohio Stata school song. This When Nixotia train pulled into . . . by i, a»b"Ti Kld'in Nonnamaker, assistant di¬ David Thoreau and Edward Alex • team." Munn said "Tha drive rector of men'a division and ander MacDowell were added the atation the crowd was singing j I2L " *" a»- has a coach and leader, and the Ingham county, said that MiA- State's blood drives ara aa will be followad by the MSU Fight Sang and alma mater. "Here comes Nixon" to the tune •' ONLY A FEW Kennedy sign* George Hibbard, fraternity ad¬ Thursday night to the roster of IS. ""wm nt Athlotin contributor* are the members of igan asset to the community and A At half-time, tha band will pre¬ of Merrily We Roil Along. visor. appeared but they femained on A second convocation for the f:6 in the Hall of Fame for great |i ; ""'I Mows.rh.ir. the team " source of pride for tha school. sent g show entitled. "Tha Swing's Nixon was Introduced by Paul ***** Americans at .New York univer¬ I»*^- C*°*'T kto*4 Mum said that this year's goal -We are very hapgy to have tba Thing." It will consist of Bagwell, Republican candidate; Sow# of tha following remarks men of Fhaw hall will be heiJ Tuesday at. 9 in the lower sity in the Bronx. it tCVM pints. Last year, the 'Biggie' Mann a« the director familiar danca tunea with appro- m»J' hr «*» '*"'• p.m. Edison, an inventor: Thoreau, Ik" ' f "- LnJ" X* Liortior. APO drive collccte*! 1,04* pint* of this year," she aaid. priata routines, maneuver* and for (io.ernor. AFTER TELLING the people j»«' » know what it finds like Kiunge , of Shaw. All off campus a poet, essayist and philosopher, |.. ,L-J i>o«. Will hlocvi. Faculty members are scheduled constantly evolving patterns. Tha of his confidence in Bagwell as • sardine^ can. "I e*nt men are invited to attend. and MacDowell, a composer and I. ivwhwv FrtVtr. "Alorg with education, ore rf to donate blood on Monday from •elections include "Lover," "In¬ governor, Nixon continued, "This even get my hands up to clap." educator, were selected from the I -Ar. ': t '-msiWit. tha greatest thriila of life is help- It a.m.- to 5 p-tn, but atudenU termission Biff." "Mississippi is an appropriate place to pay Several groups throughout the WKAR lo Air Game I'J'.O hall of fame ballot contain¬ Iwi -"J*" VM oiwm,, Mud," and "Peanut Vendor," tribute to the Republican party, cj-owd yelled,' "WE want Pat." ing the names of 242 American* IS °* ***** mav still arrange appointmenU. blood may be given which will ba dona in true "Ken¬ which wae born here in Jackson PAT NIXON was presented Starting At 1:15 p.m. Saturday, nominated hy the public. |« ' ,**?■• » «v» 111 AlkCollegr Mixrr Tuesday from U aJn. ta S pJ». ton style." 1M years ago." with a large bouquet of red roses WKAR will broadcast the game Bronze busts of the winners Tha ISO piece 08U band will Fan* represented their presi¬ and Dick received a large decor¬ between the Spartans and the will bo en.* iW«LJSwo» ara invited ta attend. Thara i* organisations with tha largaet reception in tha Music building after the offices wore also present. DemocraU for Nixon ngna wart *hop and followed. tion, people came out of their Bob Shackieton and Larry Fry- versity. Selections art made aver/ mire, of tha WKAR sports staff. five years. aa charge. pencoataga of coatnbuUa—. •< . ,\f . . PHHIAV, iHTtillkli • i'ii.ii M II III <; A N" N I ,» T I! N K 11 H r\I.I mo "To Slum Thitl You're? Krnlly Kwljr, IIcihI Ov»-r —The Editor's Corner- l*ag(> Of fin ofions' Illicit word .Itml A Hit More" /d That Time Agtiin! WV HUE I'M ICE. EWTOgMKHiri (JET lh» hsmmer "*»r ... h«M nn in Ihs ehlrk..! ,i„ Homecoming Kcitlly 'Snows" I s! while I yet news «t»(il««... nh. nn, It's rslnlny, wlml wslrh "Ml. II * fsltlln* •» will We ih>, Ihe |*.lnl l< nmnir,,. Hi|nw» lion nfuMil. H ^ nrntli Im ■II nver Ihe ill«|iley I Hit firi'Mist. to*( ml'Mitr ,, uvi»-.». U»M< »• mule fc-lfnvMu poi- il«lo to rn Joi Hoiiin oHitHn no.I -Hit Ve«, It's lliinteenmlii* sselli eml llle htwlle en,I (bsi( i!»t*nmnini |iiichi1HH»h»ih t»t u»hh»vi»h\ ilriotr rnnniHi tiinr to tlm pinpiiilHt' fni of leal nilnnle wnrh nn Ihe ille(»lsy I,ifllllw* it-., i . .«».» ojijiin »nmH in pilil tn Hit. ntiuli in f hippi o to tun o llntii The »ininil nf h»mmerll>*. Ih# OhO «f vnhe. i„ u. t!-! I l»#i llHtinftllili nf Spat (ah )*«*ppei| up in ti»oim llti^ p'-P't no* It ■Ir, Ihe nmell nf peale eml |wlSl m* a ,,r''■« n'uiv.m mi! i* iodine (toil wh* (»»iimvl 1 *»^t t.lt Wil li, tlirir urir *« botluHnr proti I,illlil Ihe lieet illaptny — lhe»e eft M >*«Of Hnm« I 'i-A-ni; Exlm r«f n l«» i'ttlt It ntvoHict leuti thin \ mi I»«-» n u - «* of I tin fni t tluit Vel llnmei'iinilns meenv mlieh ISOI* then hiilMlng „ i l»mjv»r of Ihr "havi'to i riirfiTO ih>11«^ut» Hinr ntii olih four lioino rnuto" Tim iliitlritl" On-v uvnUoiH' not on vri i tnttnv nnh otlirv 'til mint tin uoul.l lmio Uun illapley, fur elnmnl II meen« s rhscee In felon, i„ iam-- i»t?n tlit* (on tl WttHir it in t I hill i nilir nil onlv tho ■'Mii.|.iie, «s ■ fiMilliell seme enil renew tneny nhl e,,I'mlni MuhnK slira.l* swliir of (be .toq.lUno tlitnl iiri K. o,l of the u nion eiirw, Knr ■Initenla, llnmeeiimlns l« s ehenee In 11„ gi» M«mh«v-niv.on: tl» .|0rii ■*, mil l»r up m»ihl Hut lion nhool nr\t \ out ereiU" eml In yet Juel e llllle mure spirit Inln rhmnliiy ,i lbs «. r 'ntjitiu' f»M hi iioutil trriu Hint *nhin ptmi ton "tinul.l f tii I he untjii iiilnnl nm l*r Hin.tr Hon foi tlir "lililrill n ho fiocli NOM Is lliimeenmln* merely e rhsnee Is selerl • Mi i, ' Ml ii tinppv hi S|vn^on!rtnit yi\P% of hit tttur nn.l rnrivi »u nnh thnt i ■ml eniirl nr In »njny e IrenienilniK pep roily. j»« f«i »»*' Itir nhitnni nif nni.vi urtl (be ptiitlml". V\ r)\. HIHI mM lliunoroHttto tur.i l«o the "un o-1 tt i- Thl» l« mil In «»y nnn» nf Ihe.e ihlnr* ere Inipoi.ni \ \ W ith tin i«•:»'inp mmlonu. tou« hu. • •- Wllhnul eny nf lhe«e intreillenla Hnhteeoiwlns wiiiilo not nnj;>i it i* he'iv th»( tmppi piifmv WJMH* . oniet n roi impon.lnniii tin i om .l rinphn lie Miimeeiiminy Mill It U lh» nmlerlylKS nvllve of Home t.» f?»t!c t*iii i|-i hi (lip t»"pon*ihlr ttuillUit on I In* Httl M ttttOI Nin o hi n tiot k til Oiit-I.lr tuition of hi tiino If uniiri Uti otti.uil- romhitf -• Ihe Mm lh«l »lum« return In hnpe* of fio,iiot i\"»ithsi, h " < I it jtfl Ifip Ihivsll nl fosti Hlltl Iho aplrll Ihey hml <1111 evlil»nl ~ thai mahea lloo,., •lit* potnp to I it, ht on Hu io»piii riuont t of Inw*,t vbiun lut« m H e fun*. .1 or t ol ttrn , uirtruhiiu, Ihi i inu- t nh o lonll «- loir what II t<, Anil It la li|i In lha altiitanta In ahoiv th,; Uvv - l»»»i)K:.v, I %vnpiitr jininnr If he np dm I mil h "r M» lit'' Honuvominn ■houM. ■pirll la allll hare. It'itt % lillV Irii Mian Hilliuii.nlit' ntsuil n honoi or potnihlo. ho ii'IipIiiIpiI ituitnt; *" thi* ll«»m«v»MiiinF hoMii**'*1* tn furl. II iv-hitiirU ' firr" (vi to.l-« In Iho lortn iH.i YtietiMo'1 tocm *•"■ .-!**•« \1 I i-:ll • tnlil iiit '• onthutinttir . thnt ilrtrn, , tlio •.tu.tout ' Vlf'af IliifVnal Imll, IliPII Mnilinnmiug . f. iiii|tiviruii'tlli innt'p ii tlHHlfli i'tjlilHi 's ? : ami tn-j*n»ii»Hi»»i tuOJIlll t i Hip 1'iilTiHnliOII Imll, itmtl AIIhu MliH, limit Eitttfiliai iing ey lint auJHtUt" to fVlohrf h«t HrVrt hoou . ii i-filn-f H o*.* iv jhm tvl'V l»non n to help nnionn tit Hoi enilnn when j...sill..11 MK in ii fnw fiMtonilly rnrttPMla on.I y.,„ ». r. not-.r KniA (W Honit imvn ti |ipt'(H'lHiil ruiilpaf. the mn tl in nn make* hi.« nmiuh nfth Holt . <>.»., .i Hdh. ll Ukoa limn ami watln « , , . , . lJp:oti.ii | fi »■... .... ..I tn...»i f,« «f iidri't •. With the thought in nuu.l mhhp tin ttiiiai nil thin iImip, Tim whiiiph muI»k'UmI rulicn for mm cvm. >. ' > !' .* ' ri M,« •'#.>* p.-itil, |p;»t ■ t» ,'f llt-p'-li t V 't ileufa h;iio hn.l to mhi Mini from HotiiO ittg nml Hiuh Hmir iimima mo fitrKtillpit Ami llmtn can ha fc H*s' I '• r i «,<: (>',» i!;,i in( ftlVMHtl t<>ihior pi-rp:iiattiMn thin irm W o ho|*r t jitMl fill IHiittV §»• ptIV cnprU. |>ai licularly whatt ntatii r ttitn \i on t hp thr i.to ftp mn iip\t * Pitt (uala hnvp n rule prohibiting mtyntm who hn* Imuo u i|uaau to *rc M'.Mhev Honirt'ommp, f.t* in Pttlrr, Many lllllvuiHitluH Imvn ilrcl.lnl to tin rt\V«y with 'jiiren Lilo Arrivals I'rrstMil I'roblriii Pllllrrlv t fnrl Ihh In gniitg n lillla 4m» fur. || wmihl Im ipwcb^liolfrr to rarotmMar ill Ihn fnnie.tr 11ll V. rii.i.ni W M,1" of tho uniioi-iti thio I*»«l.l on-5ill I.el lei's In lite Mililni* \vn Imvn nml rlnHfln ju*i wltlrh onnn nrn rPAlly.loipnrtan unpntiont Mnntoinm ivip nhrn llomiM-oming nml H«1 tho *. h., vri* hon r ii n- foivml to imuio wtnl Hrtit fur fVol > j^Inn MSlj will prolmlrly lio Urn only u« , • . kef lii>l»t< V. -tftOMUfli i n one .| in inin "i nifi ' iiiht in* vn then < Mk Ihn par Ha* nnnld gel an Ihn man iluprlvail of tha privilagn of nomlfmUliff ? Tha me iM-eil TJ?m niAtn nhono.l iHinntilornhlo a to nr t'nHMIienU" tnhutoi lea aid ; HiuiiiiI Tltrvt'! I ho not-*0 of i*ooplo setttnc up r.,nal npporinnld of having a nra Ihn mm* who normally any a woman la foorl tonkin? .. »v 1 .o the fi« i111 ing the amnuul nf space alienr.i | i>(Axt.lrnt of ihelr own in allernale 1 ;i ol in'. VI ; ,*• i Kvii-I. itouH ^lAirs ill.ntuihi liatonoin henneiii i« Nii"i» I had ln», i >■ ' I'.i Il>e Editor not, noil ivomuii imually rrmnrk atwiut a nian'n look* Wh i rlerlinna, nllhnnt am need for alt «v,.l Ptitot f filHOt *. A'tth }ri*l»r Ihnnght* iep»lil1inr lhr> j Mi IVmher ie*U ht« ca*e ttht not follow Ilu* rnuniiiiioir in n quaao ronlaat? tvv r.v.i or*, p i Ihe Ins* ahnnt election*! \ oinoit pl:iv, hvtm o or olhor similnr ape.-e atlpaed. rspctially i.'tiv f? Stale New a I w ith tw o abort * tho Mutton', v . pfimmenla nn the one aided eniet In.-Uienlnity, one may ariloiialy evcAipi* font Mr la I'alom voo twWel h4v,t pl>ij51nH1 is to Iv 0H,h'>O»l hv nil tiokol hohh onahler the claim Of the pro# • si) t ■ . age nf ihe Male Jnuinal s, .. i i stsrt nirmlPU have t*ken » himself Inia s sper. lt- and then convict* 1 i>1*nl * pir«* AActvlary, too, for *( liirliMlniic (IoiiiiiiciiIm- 11 oi i nop spnfo.l nt purUin fliwp a Hi! iv- ! th* ortico of (ho prAaidenl ltAcau*o \ Utn oof ,1V «r riitrtiniHPtH Aland nf lien* alanikng ItiMt I, An important a*pe«i of the i ll* aeniua to have IIHile conalanl mm u- iptOi n pt their pn* HiniUPif son totl until I hp PiHlolusiuH of think •• llliviI deplorable I flank j % .11 1 »HHM itv.ptvt tho plMjjrnli! not because he i* nnt a Itepntdl propel use of the English lati \% rtn.t llAthl.it k very dieffiislmu fcuwre i* the ability to mideivlan.l prei i*ely what anothtn person i« ((«•». iali.mi iiilh the prcaidAiil'* 1 ; IVoik than anyone ala* ait.l hence | 4tul Now It's Here ran hut heiaiwe he aacrtftce* ti ulh saving, and it is thai ability Mi finolmbli i a "lielirr prepared"! and honeaty In make hi* point j thrtii a vice preaidriit by virtue -II) I..1NKY MII.I.F.K. editorial Mil... *|».,lli»lu nn t ill»a and he i* **» clever that I'm *me IVmbei' apjioais i>» la. k lie asset Is that It ta Ml t,a of hi* "eipeiience and iratiung" hitii(t*>nt. No i7tmPM AMI now it'a Micliiiran'a turn! ■ many pe**p!e dn lint leafise i)ua I'alom ha ra'a claim "that our pre*, I N Ithaigava Any lin|N« that ,',,ir atalo might lw> < jut rod fnim an .v ' Cubans Awakening, to Castro? t lige abroad is solid " llowevei I admit that there t« little pnlni ta ha«|e« ratt*NMi« h* a (sei-nn the citr.l ciccipl* ahoiV lhal Ihe r ti 4 4 (nlIn,tip tnmpalyn hofnro Iho Nnvambar S alact.,,., »" latin being luado la a different to hava potto nut tho window nil tho hocla of lha an ottu, ■ like Krf Manning nhete urn I II I * ft* •• *• ** A«*l he. " PVPlhiiAl'i'V high •ne cannnl help hut agree *ilh one that America** oversea* ha*e boon unduly erittnred. '.S/K'/ing' /.rriirs one# last Sunday. The*, ih* AsiAiiAii lefmm 111 even thnught e«pte**pd. hut To Editor .. *. • . . h «• . . V « Nai * tf-»ti llerhlnrh'p air mi dririti and *n Ihe Slate Nee*' report ef the the It was un lhat day lhat worahlppora of thrao Prn'r-'sr' t | 11 ■ • A i Kf ftinn I t.hA ha* »•»! tnllll |*CI* ■ a I c»t Ihc original «prei h "fated that Mr, I have l>e#n leceilrltig the Slate churchoa In Allopan found pamphlata (luck to tlieir win, Ahn«A iniClT.'t* A Alt hint rnnAtanlti Alantrd thr «ame **i h i INK.M »- MV»"•'**' en nhit h i a I'alooibaia tlrlwril lhat "I S, New* for over a year now and lh» lat arM int.* •Itr. t, that I ind them oh|e*tunable. ahlol.ls wlirn Ihoy rrturnml to their cars from Sund.iv sr . diplomat* and deielopment pet although, on tho whole, it u quite «• cn -a . tt ^ ♦. c- ,.>* * . tvimcC'l ie t .-v4 I ht % ...4v w fAia •• ?*:'.• r-'ti, f-%* t*krV; cue II Sai a*| Ail civet i fcimer ownAM If a nm tpaprr i« going f«» have j ■onnei abroad have done ama» j well pie*en|e.l. thero ia one item vices. 1.* keep MliAll j'tMpo'va nf Und A* , . "« fc-.i rutting, biting, hard hotuig . ai , incli well ronaideriog , ." Ihree I would like to draw to your *t* . Tho |>amphl»la montiotioil Senator John Kdnnodr h •p i hud hecn ptonuard. hilt hA» , , ,i » f'fP'.M' ••• • • V:* *lA»d *rt»A,i Ail the land And 'i *•# * -<1 Iff *'..p- then I think ft i* their duty in; word*. In rurrenilv r*i»iing ron- Why do you print so many • .. . a. . .nnpAvitnjf farm At)ii»|iniAnt. are that they use cartoon* thai j •lition., I Jv. oietaea* pet*onnr| glaring apelhng error*? would always put America flrat". \K t . . ,v»vrft It ha* ,Mealed, henvtct, a man- As maluro unlvaralty aludonta. tho majority nf n« w - V -H » f w .•' V >.t * are ju*t a* utrong, ahoning ihe were performiwg "amaaingly i 1 was not educated In iht* roun- , »'•<» Sc./ti M r* 'cpeiv thrvuth nhv,h all {irmliKti ether poaitmn. er at least that , well," not neie«%arity a* **ell aa'tiy and so many times ) apell no doubt, plvo lip aeryice to a rondamnation of luch guinj" joe mad# and »«*:«! hv th# INK A . ?««•.-* tc *v;*P**»Ti -A^ti are against bigotry, evil and vov. j possible. (uorda diifcrenlly from the com- oil. • It, * * r, *. t\K V c# p»«cr»li*ps k»«* fmhsl it has dPairnyed iha pnni'iplA of tuptnm, tret ju»t one political , .Mi.'I.a raiomlaia fuiliter aug- ]mun usage h^d, but wheq I rend 1«* PA»«l I fir »ttK«U»T»t APuUA* pi iata ennamhip gesi* "we hme been overly con 'an article atmut cyclistaN"|»ed- AMITIIKK sopment of atudenla will probably wi'hhoM t * , *4 fiitimt i*n»r* Wsni*< af I thr INK A and thr l.ahnr Mln- pattj. .cd with ourselves and with idling" itislaad «f padalling, and "» r\ lark lU*n *-» . i»t 1 At' p*i»MUr»il prAciieAUy all iIia way in which (u.r frlluw ciwin when I read an aditorial aiMtut condemnation, rhoalnp to hold (aat to fonulne reiifi" mpo |*!*kWA Ami A **f thr in-tnitjie* \n Cuha, a* wrll ^ + # ronvirliona that traditionally have queatloned the ilutinrt nrr • hr V*« n«i- #>» t r < Wi m Hymen have Whavcd abroad " American "hypoctacy" instead of t.*h #**»erv Vmk »f iAtV«P»f a»4 »atn»li** 0 ,thA trahajsiitAUtia and rum- in so doing, he ia not saying thai! hypocrisy, and the Kiffcl "Towar" ■operation of church and atate. briers e* iVf pAit #»f tt»* fAtiAcr* etna yrcmf M ik* tAIIatp A( the** tan mumrato-n iiMam* te thr svvrn.mrnt and hav» hern V.I A Aimc CJierr? Amertcaus abroad may not be inatead «>f Tow^r it make* me wonder about the educational sys- Tho remainder will accept such an occurence as mere; *»*.•;«*wi* 'Vaha-ifMa* i incised, but saying instead that 1# Irtp ' i» affiiinr* »* pi Mr*»l *i tk| rw*vpr,AtP.i under a vtriity of To the Editor; there ha* l^een mora of such cril^icni here. "tough luck" on the part of Senator Kennedy. • k ikat Kiwi,' *»f (aaj iA K WKa lW«* putrvt* In reply to Mis* Vallamier'a iciam than i* wnirantci Arc you not taught correct It la to this last jrroup that I would Ilk* to dircc' 'Pt N }. V jaw ih# n.A enfi v uha reeded an Asiar an re- liticfli, then, it •»»** lhat Air. spelling in your High Schools and following questions: rtiPf t k« k »,|ir letter in the tVtober 14 ia»ir* of M i« fartrr^* *pV 'veapAr* "" feirn, hut it «^itair,iy didn't need thr Mkhgian Mate Near concern la Pakuwhara I* affirming that Colleges ? Or are your article* ** « fct' * .*■'■** Ti e»t ;JS' ■ •* AT* HAr.CMlh> vhi» prvmetf.tatrd, v e.im;unnt-ln- mg apirit at the home fix :!»*.; the performance of Americana printed without being proof read? 1. IVith tho falo of our country hanging in the hs'snt' r * > , V*c*!~»., p » ».r '>',<*:•♦* a? 1>» |*p»»- f.trated r'*r> jramc*. wc wi«h to sac that *!■ abroad t* much more praiscwor- Una Ueraiaa .» 5X "lasi U Af '* »;NR k »',er*» i f'MwM 1 KTo* V^ai tie peep'e ef th than the "1 glj Amcrirgn" * # * why should citiiena be encouraged to pick their nor pro- a - vhough her inventions seem iahd, * 'Y'YP fc iScr l of thought helieies, al¬ dent on a purely emotional basis? What about for, }H '..i* • r.ff« '!'( A.-VAtiir '.VP* A.' ,Ar»d hecawse th#j a?c analrrtinc. cnticur.g iimf.umity and A;*o. though that performance la war Poster Satirises fairs, tho farm problem and segregation ? trn: :/>r* k*u«.jpp«» I hr «cie thr I'asUvx tegm-.A it the cheer. "KctaiM thrm; hrAdeti for smews irouh'r. retard] • II lhat he, Mr. Pemher, or mat v'-.t Jam,* »*sa Art tr...-a Ah.A %* |*nvt them; make thrm relnmuinh the j Americana might wiah, ]|e U in To the Editor: 2. Why has not tho President spoken out again'! tr ball " the "gray" area between the A good editorial 1# a credit to anti-Catholic literature? Being the divieive force tha •• Kirally. about conformity. What; hlaek" of the "I git American" any newspaper, and I have been it surely can not be for the good of our country's umi... ;a * TMt-g * Ah it " lie* and ihe "oh»te">f the ideal reading the editorials in the Michigan State News c? Nothing insofar a"» the amiKuh : of "solid pre#tigc." fumtiona ,cf aiviely are Con¬ cerned It t.* regrettable that lbs ten¬ of interest. dency to think in term* of "black" or "white** blind* Mr. I'emUr an "State Newt** with a great deal Thrte are time*, however, when ■T. On the other hand, why waa the Preeident so u ,,*» apeak out agains the "Liberty or Bigotry" slogan in trs UAW publication Wit week? Didn't he raalixe that the Suitn-i IV..* But let It* not make »or«e the and many in our unieeraity and inexperienced young editorial¬ ist will run to his typewriter at same thing was happening in reverse al! summer? shan.n i'oad. aituaUon. Our generation la society to th* contributions of VUr.Ag.nc iff thararterited hr look-, think*, those who take a position in the the slightest hint of what may A! K«\i; be good material and rattle of 4. if a Catholic is to be discriminated against in tl - o-T-u-t and act-ahkcncs*. It is not a p»vl Let!',.': "gray-- a desk pounding articlf without election, who's to aa.v that aaother minority group won't SU*rjkg.*T . kno*n fact thai frcahncs* and Jame* Waltl first making use of -hi* God-given idea* do no! rc«ull from Ihia? the victim next time? it if 'it poirer to THINK. : . -.*.#v h? xhr »•".«.if u v! M.v!*i&% S:i'f" V'r..vrr*.'p . lje.aed v*r. And »e are nut tiinahergian hen I. * Such was the rate, I an tare, 5. If religion IS auch a vital issue, why isn't Mr. Niton X.-~C\ f* :.3A*. tl ..r^ •.».* f*'V adxter and.'sjA--^ era nor do ne attempt to he. llils "fcrperienee' w t: trrnv Secwad cUss' pi t:- ia the Oct. 1? alary e a tit tod ftta- deat'a Greet tag," where tha pas- questioned ? By stretching na imaginative mind, couldn't t a-peki* Sx.i~.ri \hf ; The 'atviV guoUd cheer «i.« 14 -z at Ea#.i LtPlfcint, tor partraytag tha Ka Klat KUa also con* into conflMirith hUQunker church', tradit. ■ •*. : Tr. t.-cp? aad haisfm a; $*: Srudeat srrim t&ddirvg. presented by the "Kmryrof* nf To the Editor: Kmntor.a Ha51" at the lena game. In the coming presidertial elec¬ aid th# Qarnay gasatlsa waa da* loaning toward pacifism in time of war T X P.*v S-^'-c t'r.-i rrs Ea* L*r„vP4. NUiufifi- The aurrounding area, after a tions the issue of "evperience and -aaa ml Um Baal dla- Ms ■ na* li e ~r. » :. tric* i, ne trmv Id. for ;* e ~ ahort nhilr, began to ahare our training" ha» been raised hy Mr. Kaalla. *i|l.|. *n rrrratl) aa «. Won't all this engendered hatred only hasten the f' *i *. • -^wrwe Vcv~.a P enthusiasm ar.d wc were without Nixon who claim* ihe office of caaiaa*.- motion of political parties baaed on religious leaning', V'-' S-* ■;>; -,Tf Avavaled Pr-m. I: -aad' iu...v press atmuunk and douhl ore of the lenet apirited the president, rather solely on C.rUtrlf v, lack upon the ku A.w«-i :ec C*M<®C rather than political issue* ? griHipj pre «ent. W e also supjiort* hi* ."experience and training" Klut Klan with di.fuM, ami true, v .r* I^.wr E.: n Antri N>va tditon Paul Butler. | r*l the cheerleaders in each of (even though he doesn't have any it i, up to thi. feneration to help Will you be proud to say that jrou voted for Nixon t . r-i t T M. er v'har'.otlr DaItwn. Honar.i Holmes, Bill Myers. ' their cheers, bo for Una n« art worthwhile achievement.* to tec- rra.r it, tut tho (art romain. that Asszsi&r.x t-z-xtnai En . .... Bid XVxrncr.i Vndaunted, we will prcacrt two for the last eight year*. no way to aroao It, There will never be any way of knowing, but if ei:h cess >'iwM Anr.e Mayer j new cheers at the Homecoming This line of thinking gives rise M) hat foas off to tho arti.t Kennedy or Nixon, ia elected Ed.vir - Game. We urge all spirited and to a very simple and bright solu¬ who itrpartsd from tho mental in- entirely because of re'ig," W r-icr. * Ed r Marr^ Hakc-r Ph>v Pd.turt Kit Ernksv-n.! support, our country will spend a long time licking : r.*; twa. r-.- - .' vir. V.'.ar 0»m K.rc. Da\ r Nrtapp, Hon James. Al Ko»w loyal studenta to join us. They tion for presidential elections: rrtnr** of "E.porionro Counts" Ar.ncre Krauve. Darkrvxvm Mar.axer Tom Armstrong are: * Brogrcs* the ball; progress la the fatare every vice-pre*. .or -A Tinto for (.roatnoM" and wounds. Unfortunately, It looks as if this will be the -*>-• AAsoia*.; C.fi . tf,e hall; it over the goal," idea, akuotd ftl tho aAro of tho produoo.1 a .atiru-,1 potior which It now looks as if our next President will 1* picked Pa; Mcvart* Assistar.; A>tver;;>.n^ Manager Jerry Lundy and afterdeposit » good defenaiye play, p.owldoat h, sirtao af his assn-.ohould r.u.r u« to wako'up to the Iwjiw N-«V Edisors of where he does or does not spend his tim-: hv •. JcsSy H eard, Jim WalUngtoii National Advertu^g Manager Salt** Manager . . John Murpftyj Chuck Shomel^- "Engage them; engage them; riotioas with tho warh af tho th, unfortunate realities that ax* Sunday morning. For THIS we should bo proud of Amt hinder their progress again." proudest ia pawor. osrop. thal.Ut, and THINK, Kyt* nmum ha waald ha rafalrad la cheats, Basil Eaatwaad leal .. i / rsuv. Tiinrr, IIIIIIAY. OfTOHKK 2", MO M If III U A N H T A T I! N II W It tnh' * Mori Salil in IIIh YIimmIh This Is Really My Life9: Sahl 3 A It I. I* Af f OMIMSII'lt Irt Mr I f* f Of f fl l» end | after iptielinp I he men personally,! trailed f'i ' •>>•» R|f MM»*l < Ofl'Y "f (ilri n's r» ih fbe fenr* hi. •'» !./ ftv* Mmeliybtefr, » |» ir '.I.Vi'.i. i h" fnee.l o.rrn ! Kl#f* '«*•• P.lwlf W rMfr* fct.'l says Va'll «*•#* • tetente'f »h'» l''* / 5? \ItI. rri frailly '.ft '«.•»' ! i.Tin.'.? »f It • r«t end wb*l »»fi ||,a a*"'* r, t.*r>jr» ■ f.'l I.As* v>r»l ». • Ft*. • htr>F-' I •« lr •.-'.If ippee, .1 ">« ' «vi? ? we »ri*f .lir»ft»fT'" They r»,f..er»l»4te un al'l ' I, ,• »• 4 I.fr ,r4; ... M-.r! , „ £«|IIM!ns »< « I |. ♦«» lr» ! •»*«'«# .r* «n e tf tusive interview •i»-lr« fbey spire «f» I" m«a* UaM ♦.! i A #»-..» Mi. »»i.■*> rente#* Jtr'.'ff'l the lit Mews. pwve.f be j lb* dam and* '.f m#«d*cr» sueiel f i iMr *i*.if* «p*M lb* whale j l»eew hi. business If* kt<*» <».•; 'if." baited fi"l I #*»#*•»♦ .ttt.it.g Ihcr-B.f.r *» '• •»»*»*•! »«*r I fi.,4.1 i/.r>. ..f »VMt? f- f i M-» >'t • .••.UnifA -»ho i?4».i ,,f»n »•!.«.! ...... t,1 <».* • >.«*» ,u.» •» f.'.o. k»•.».*•!v i'.i In U « .r»»'»nOjr »fl»l «p#.lf» ■ iff lf»»*»f.l« »i(h 'h. I.f f'.f »M" *}Ht ...... I, -• « • If.UIUfffttty W» All th« ! '"f 'h» hfflM »f» h»« h'- " ^ ' #|«fA|#rpwM ' r. ir If..i .... » ..f i ;» 1 he » e * t 't» " b* iw* «l/.f i»4 • »•..*(,»•.» 1 '• . ff'.M ir.f'i *"do m> l.iiflT'e* bA'.'l •iy. thing ebo-i' .lee k. J*. »• re ft '•»» »|o v».u' end lf«»V i.y. d'e># j Deadline Set you. tor deddy'" .-.bleicobe.l the p.eri'b o'tal sleetioo - private remedy; j For Miiropeuii Will vrt Milt I'tlt'Mi III % I !• ♦(.. • I ,(• fo keep Flifflil Trip ■be soother tfrbile four • If-, ..e erupt jf '» quipped for ehl bit t^.ti, • undid" tc for I'miJ.U • h'» 11.( i. la. b of buw.or ikniftiil l.llm ■'Kb.u.b. hev .. fbe only jesdef I Ifn'A'f ...HI . to fbe wi.l.l «l"l •met humor,"! tu.M' i.r •Oif be mid "Mr -frrf » t.e lr»M«l, *«M T' iv. I , ► our4 rhere be . going eod wtmrt he " ! |»,f«r**)*"l |*« '.|.to roar "•♦■♦S'f f.nb! Mtiolied onto the siege at Nfc'r^r. , ' u.e I . (of. I^.er>i '!»• V in •! « ' o»on 7 "'.fl p it\ dre.aed in bis "uniform" j ♦ 'tnortif «• Mm I H.hl'. * of gf.y *!e«k4, e .loppy yelbrw V j , . . . MM , ,, h( manv RMMMI* Tli» f»'|> • a»i be rnS'fe iveilei.i* lie. k « ..refer e> l s ' b.fe ivy i I.. jnOfM.ir't if'iiitMt fe»nitv end league abirt .u"" •' *be nerfc 1 »»wft «l »h*ir f «• '•> I a a p St.y fba.i tb» *v '.f f »• i III I Ml I ll IIIF «w.a»er an AltfiTiuii l^tTiaii f >4 iftMii i - e *i< e.lu'ale.l «or»u» y., >mr from hi* Me fou'bed .... t.eai iy all tide, Position I^r'.fde rbif.k f »• i* ).n* r ft.'/ 'f li* fWn br |itii*Mlo| I b» y * ''I pa I lone I top... ranging from the I»f». be obHffe»»d by e#|.»«-«•« h ihlrimcI now. •• -I t>m>* Nrlmirk S ill l.rry Prrsenlwl «fl l'e« h peot'le plane If wt'l amorernwlele the pier.ee ere not | 1'iiriil 1.11 rrrr i ulk I entirely filled., the peem l to Tlia Alp«'rlart*a finelllotl Ir» ' bo may eift.er rente I the flight. ! Ilr Richard M Mwenson. as II,. wnrlil'a nnly "hi.!" pa r ' I|,-y r"' "" • iefant dean of the f.ollege of *.i|ir>g th» » urn'ier »if reels i* ir»- j Agrl#ulto.e At Mffl , wiii ».* io Oil* Algerian fevull. will : ,.,m. ientl/ .ineil. be .eid • erviewed >(al'irday oo 4 oelworlr i^POn Campus |.r« -tenleij nest week f»n rnrrt. li .f I be trip would rn«» ! felevitiort program On "t»rrt>t «»f Off. Ill In Nov. f» iiy Ii't%, aebl Iisei». for Farm Hoy. fin rum bo.if half the roat of a rrg > *t Tb* If.|er»iew will be rar'.'d fstist In n series of |.rf»grnriis n,K#k» fy-., trip will be fir'' ' I#", «», aill elation Ml', network oo p|»firisf»ref| 1»7 the Inlefrm-1 v.a a Jrt pf-ijielled the Hs'urday ferrn program. C -S (Aui^ot ef"f W ts * T»* *1* t»***?', "TV Wf i traveling t*r o»id fa-feet going ' "Trelay new the Farm" «» 7 w fsft* tf /W.'e C I' •" r'r i tintiiil rtuts sarief the Aruh ^ ,44 If.r fK'i»». The f"igbl would Tha on young administrator a m has fifth. ti»> rornplefed In about eight lieen on« of tha nation s |ea,|e.» "The Week's main purpoae is houf • in a program to grrfusmf farm I" ir.fi«r»rt the Amerben pei.pie Itni j f he trip Wiil be provided A UtAT TO RFMF.MftF R reared l^igs of tha opportunities abnut the true situation in Al by I niort board, i.e *a»d. if 'he in industry and husinass refalod ge,,u." raid Walid Kharlduri. Ira«| aervUa i< adopted. A»iy plans to agrlrulhire F very v»sr s* »• ail kn/vw, the ftenarvdert or,.l Sr |ihriHiore( director of Algerian alter arrivi g .* up "» di tlT'lrf t,f f >■<>(.atr Fraterntties *wird« a b r'.iy err/*terl [.r tm f»e« k arret ion of the individual t/i the fraternity house wbtrb. »n , i4grt eni, Km dn 'bo T*'l features of tjf» week will The .bartered flights fot Uni first V. prorreite »n*l »r,i!«nee the frstefr.it t »i ; >i >.t» TVwo !»«■ a movie entitled "Algerian verri' y per.< »,nel i.aa tteen »n«d Flames" and a aerie, of Ulka by, B(.,j be.n.au'reaaful at neighbor Fawn Abu |»iab, mblwe.t direr to? of the Arab Informsti'm On-I . |f(< (4t,i'f»M,t,.a. Full ol Fun JiTiM tl.M yrsf e«f b». b .»v|r»d (Rigdl»' e puttf fr#s rn the f.ign* IT.i S'.'r.ir.g -fapter '4 'ue ^/,h, I«««/.*• f>d>ga r,f fhtitidfy m>t\ f>' 4 «tw/ if ler and former member of the Kthirteae delegation to the UN .Slmlciitn Wauled For an Enjoyablo Tha award this Ffgna IT,i v**r evep#...» r r H. fnr tea The movie, in color awl par. Nrifhmg I.eAi-e i* the er; • - .JH *,f s,i a frs'ernt'/ JOAN KANK. h.l r»r'< MMIl hmn. Iw klo Wr.aM.iy makf Mtrforauorr rated in Kngliah, shows tha Al ste.'ikl 1^ I*. u., f»r'', 'J ail, « i"r»'*i e v.u*e ph7*"-»P/. ••imlnK qMOTfl, talk. *lth Mori Mnhl of. In Ann Arlmr, gerlan revolutionaries' everyday Knr dMaycre1 Trip Evsniig The n«»te».le trails t/s tadtefuii/ wwered »:fh arr, »r,a. f?.,nnir.< life, training and combat with tha French. Arcarding to Khadurl the Tha MSI? Mayers ara t*r.U- ainng upT/#r ri/.r/ .4 % »,.< *,t>» a wsU>-9 lUte.'ed him has never been shown in the tlvely planning tws trips to lie. It's Iks r»»ry tl.rne feet M^.r^d 1/, M,e ti.,if,r.ty pr.t 4 f.fa/ Ze^ei.n. midwest before troit to eea "An Evening with For lloiiicr.oniino Abu-lriah will talk to the In¬ llelefonfe" Sftd "Five fmg-r Km IrsUs.tn, ^ rhapter r'e.rn IS f ,rr.,4».ed m Ys.rr.e-J rr.«;de t/vi NA ACT, let rising area eivlc and "An Fvenlfig with H'lefor-l.c" I960 With a dash r.f verve pr'*".der| by a esrr- ;/e.l 'r.r-e h>4n/lr»d f*e4 20,000 Alumni to Return thureh groups and make a tele- will \tm held at tU Fiviara Tb» rn dia/retef A wttervpre-it. r.w* fr'.m 'ir .renter rJ Me y/1 w.tea vision appwaranca during the aler on November Id an#l I'J St U«e F,r,userM.U.er ow tlet b.p week. Kbaduri vsplaire.i that {A VI pm j lit < If ARLOTTK 0AI.TON would holler Mrt'a do aomrthlng* lie hard pressed to find a ham on and you rouM hear It all over (.rand kJyrr to hum but It Is whllw Ab»j f>iab will discuss the; Tha "Fiva F.rrcr Fsmisa, rafugaa p rob lam, acgragafion and with Its or.guml Broadway '**f. ( HOMECOMING MemOrV Feds wb«eh r»e^r.« ar* gyvvma d»eapt#a/ .nt/. the » awl and tr* prrervlerl * th v.l - jefrr.a.venti/, farh fe«i . Mil# Nmi fluff WrM#r minority groups In Arab countries ! will I* aboan at the Hhuvrt •ten has a .jesk, a f.mf-.rterd* H.a.r. a r**: resd.ng lamp, and doubtful that this will roar any-j hi* main crfiphasia would ha on Theater on Saturday. November Trar»r wirl no rAcrpliou had an old barn »n what ia now • I..;: Nil CtllimllMl fcO.IKMI old liaiKpict. will be held in Kallogg "A display open to tha public both »*au« •Ferftapa mrsst feteh.ng !#«•..,r* -J t;. r.*v»j« »r» the packs I.rand lllirr a«e. After the Tha two trips *r# opan to all |»#'U Ivturu to thrlr «lin« inAtrr. Center »t 4 pm. Friday to honor will be set up in tha IJN lounge nf Marttef e -wkerJ .n tenja »bar»-r»r ur«e r ^e ft r,nm w*r*n gamr a vroup of ntodrnf. rot four prominent MMU graduates with pamphlets about tha yavolu- Students. Any student Inter*atad tthrn f|,r ruatoni fit lloln« toxrlher and Iturnrd the Ihing Ut settle t4wk a/^l er./rf a .''ill Sav.r-d «r.v,tr, .re: reerte vr.i 7 f rir.if.g a. tually i. k tiiAi- 'Ihey are: .Mrs. Clftdya 'lids tion for Intersatad atudanta," in either or l«o'h of tha tripe ran down. If *a« an old hullding obtain further ir formation 1 n te. reach Mit one I" •>' #om« Anderson, lansing; Tha Hon. Khadduri aa.d. t minting: * |«arH n ar.y irvino and pwk a pack / myatnry. Actofdituf and probably seeded hnrning, It..'.in 4" in tha Awl W. Ihr rarlirat aourrra, it iM'irnn Warren M. Iluff, My mouth, mem¬ Mar1Vdr#e* —snft jack *,r ft .vt/,p fc, t - a/w! make '«#'« set/ ven- but I to kilt Momeone had »»«•# If enough students show an In- « tiatiod «-•! whrn Ihr Alumni Aaa«>- enough to get ihr row out Irrtl." ber of MKIJ'a board of Trustees; lU'lut frw Kurupa's renf/ai John W. Rka, Haugkton, adilor OMK'om in Munich, Ci*rtnMny, tar as t, a sign-up list wiil ba postad Bok Ikorkarl f'gtafV »:th a ft.'ered cir.uer.te w.th an onAiterwf teate—that f...fifaniir.1 a* thr M.A.I'. Stu'leuU hNiay would probably tr.amph «d tr* ted.accr^.att s art, that fsarafw tef smrcww, w.aA Awviation And oprnrd mrmbcr- and publialwr «f Urn Hwsgkl— rig ilea SSOjOOO word* ad ami for thoaa definitely going. a«M «f ofaratteD. thai *mp«r^er nf tr. tvs - Marltetetri 0;p to all former atudrnta. daily Mining (iswtu and Mmm* and Information A day. Thia la and hi* AT ITS I'IKRT autumn mrot- an! J. Rtoddard, Kait Unainff, dona to toraak ttw Communist . t CAMFtfS CLASSIFIEDS « "r held on tha day of M.A.C.'a Now ScliolaHtic president tf tha Michigan Natiaa- informadlon monopoly kakind . . . LOW COST . . * IBpkr. |*m« with Otrrotr. the AaawiA- al Hank. tha iron Curtain. • . . HIGH READERSHIP . . • Orcteatra •liur.r.i «ie»lKnAted the ganir an gmme." Notre I»Am#'« Trophy Ar-tivut»'rl •ppraramr in 1DM ««« pu'lili- The Inter Co-op eounrl! «n- «it#«i •wroni- " a.« the "annual fall Home- nouiM-cd acholantic that it will retire trophy and activato a its "The Perfect Football Weather . lolly loyooMt I*man Inmodif, retired! new one. YoraliU in •"•inf.. af the ath- KUworth H<»u«e, which ha* ha'l j Companions" manager Whl te dsrrjf, the jrw tha Mtflhrrw. a.! snrthme *„> Ths# campus favorite 1st lined with ^"r*icc>i at#*- living unit, h gna fAj XotkiAg .{ \ fnierr.it/ lawid the by police who often ! a re*; z a fan \ fntemtj warm handaoma blanket pla.d. A ttra.y. celebrating atudrnta Humanities pro feasor. j ilomrroininK at mors than tetr^v, ,t h ue, pojte And : a ,ri the Thomas H. tlreei', the academic | smart bulky knit collar is abu department that htgna Hu ** Ai..<4 r-auby »h.rev. . ■a "Of romsE.- Frimodig aaid, adviser to KUworth House said j fesTilFed'to keep you comfortably Di.play Award# ®u tr. -i. tUya the atudent body this was the. first time to hi# j warm. Sign* ft# Nothing has among ;te m#mr^erv the k:rf*tf. ' rr ■'h »maller and more unit- knowledge that a men's living! BMiA'i 00 tlic entire rar.^aw ^ u»«t A*th Laa.,ra C-ategv -4 « **>artan98 15c»-.s IS ag up. TVien th*»« ia at eight Bat wkgr go o«? You ean srw PUaJ*. aOo ^an irv* pecaoa ir. Ijt armpiU. Tl'.en thrre * ktipk Twsfstew, srk* mm na*J what a ifletvitti btincft or' ehapa HAMBURGER j titeVe m m -rign* Phi Nothing, and when >r.« ueazl • • ♦ Sign* Pki J NORTH OF SEARS-CUPPERT ST. " <1> know how to keep you warm. Couple And white n'rt charring, haw a tour * AimmA far (to aw. * ACROSS FROM FRANDOR ■ l_.r 4.95 Union Ticket •of OMSiter of fhr Maritorw Umtlg o/ Iw rigarrffa*— uradi- a 2#5 E. GRAND RIVER IIRpm . r \ V *• MMX HointToinini:. Halloween h VOtrntMJ Pao ** '«*** • ' Vi Parties Feature \\ eekeml ♦ »*u •a* »«*«** TVV »»v.. •">! K- .n< ; t\HV KM \tVK *HWt*\n f tvtxw; 5 V,v*^ v»e*n vi*** II ohvriue (irsianizwl Iltd Staffers 1/ II t»r/» Have a Carrols llomeeamin TONIGHT! KV* ?AV;H^ |«|v% • U. \».< \l* • »\w K-- 5 ",#« "'.» • > tv* tw ***** s*v«-v V,t > -,*% KKStXW UMK vj. UN | \Kl \ ivw *:.AA **>**> WELCOME *. #. .V»J> *>*J . *H »■«*», V»«-* 'ivfc*. t(»W *rN»» '•* •» A V/*tiv *i»M»v n « *' N * %'W .V»» Khir ««•.»». f( «m»-»'.**»» »W -. * n«*w ,W if , K*<- •* ?»•»»»■•• ;b««» URSMfi Vvw >•»!•<«• «' •%»«♦. '♦ '<*W %***» -Kb. ennc ceitir - .,»,■«■ • ». *i\ w« o> * «#%,« -f •*,-■♦.1 « '(»<«.!» K V ^ nc V#»«f > *'w # IV./ vl\» a Ky ;tv mwi.m tno-MW mtu ' »*D^ \\\\ flit. ».»,«*- v»»t WivVlHslNl-tf H*l. *«. K" * * r h ?» -N- t ">, . .. «<■ . <*N4 *>»' vtwiaMbfc «,'"(»». >vrt» wiwvi' *»« i. t 'vt|»>V » •■.,>/ * ?tl m»n*. • *««a. ftn i. H0MC0NM6 DUKl m\ »ut mi ti r * tawrt® *•* «i IVni r l-.» * AtM »•»,. * »««* V-^» "V #1W■ -Sfiwv.#^ Irt't *Vb»lMAHV <♦ /*•- v. g »#« ♦ bfc'MiWf >*• '"»* V"w"" «'!f> ^#V*r ff f*-t ,» !.t Make Believe rt«*l* *si/1 •')<***» fMtu «s ^ It «*t«h Whw »wi " *** >«. _ •-<■•< » «*v/ r*n ur>s • >.fc' If »it IV»M M hSl«(lM>M .^.!> (» » KV r" • ^ ' »'«■» rti«»lnt »S« mm ,*•.■ "h. •',«. 1*1 .. VI '•■«■ tutiU • , . , . . a ktti?V «,» m4 *■» •«•»»• *».*<«« *t'-' V 'ir hw X'.rc« V a*W «n*t. MICHIGAN PREMIERE jy' «*•» K^JMV. J»V. *.}!-*hau V tJlh-- A v AlttVA*avM! \« *.? «n;«vv-tBtt f>«r "Vtitwmw X'V.ir laitKurljv .V» *■ * IHWI wc^.1* imow «■ *C hm*'' *tr. *■ *u»t.T rnnt 3v- tW+trmlhCmehmtli* t/ +jmsw&ivit* *-vr-t» THE UNION CAFETERIA ram* i VIT. tr-.i'. THE mos BOOK STORE SIX. AtfX A r.TS P*l - RvLLO*TF> 3«lia 5Aina»AY HUtVlUVT »P0T itt TCMWH ?Wi... •*:i \>~2 rv#"« it-, tn.'HVKtxi* vst is. iw M l»' il Hi in sv i rit n i; n I'Atii: nvi: ,\fl« Pall Ton* I T' lotto'* Students Annie r \ivlmo«»h»^i«Ml Sltul* ftll ,li|.'VUm.lnf ... lt>«*«t»l I »"•' i"1*' fall t«4ft for ftoioillf infth t all j ftlAtiuna ' « l**«t |l« "ImiUi (■•in n.oftl ai„n op hy 4 |i m, to'lajr ' to .-t-h-oftlft" lft» lt"«» Over (livil Ritflits Plan Eskimos Erase Out* ErofEimh In II MtinUnt N*nvh |M\ \\ lip I* |t»«« *• • HH'il Hrftfto i Iti,i " ho r«i«laiM4il \V. K*»wv*> **iif\vr*i|> irt*H|uu t Hi.tr!* ft.'.rotr.t tlftOftitft MiftWtH ffttftW ha* ioiuA hi Ml of A-.I h'« **t ft»*d *K,»m>*4 IDttoV M 4v<'VY4 t*phm Mtv. hft |*i*4*ftV * i tl* th». *10411 tool* oil loan fldUl tho " IftV'it *A«1S> 4 K**»s* »«l I »■„.» tu t I O.M tf « i ...I t>ta. ,.„v „,.,Trt Vatioi.al Mi.taHifi (.f i ahaiIa from ,ft# f AV »ftv.h#n(ft »kv« i , r«vv>iv^ ♦*•"»'* %•»■'. )•** !».•»• V ,,„ *ft'\ U» *1. .'.mm, f.*,».| *VM(, y\ ftt tl'.l "|l llt«> iv«.f.*' *!*»*♦ it*l ftftll* *V'i i •ft*. floMft I,.* r ftt tt.O ft.oftft ,|(* till* aft.initial them to t anatia aft«t '« I • l|< tl* ((ill I at«»( (ft alM.lv, Utf Kv«MV\i »*|J I »n lUftttlyF* n( • Oft»4lft.{ H.'l IK( lAH.i 1*1 ««ttfV ft•! V«H.y«, »«!.<•♦ *•» .j."' i».. . a.,VM-.I 1. rt„. t\. '»«•..• * « • ># tVkfcHs'f •<* tl S'A,». »•**!« ft ffM fY*i' * * f-.i v-M. 4 ft| IV (.*..». 4'l.t M-tf *•( ; | *•)« •«»•» »•••. v.. * «..-m *vsMv ,M>- k*»<»#fttv, 4 hi'HUi# 4»j >•*» *»l*«l i" . ft* ftft (MO to l ft,...ft tl'O MO. th tilftH.i* to I • ft ft'Otft I .ft ...t AH.I ft,.(II WKAIt Si.lf* thp A**"tl.- V<»yI# M.*iIS t*f I tNftlft int.. ftftOlth 04 tfttn « AKA.Iftl \Wu< «v*M|*tft *.f h«t>**l«Y.i Policy Talk I -. >wt , ft(»»ini»Mr». ft PYA1* «(.. l*» KltftftftHtoCY l*l*wl AM.I »• II. At I. •>»,.! Ill, «•■,* *'«.! l l»* |t| M.»ft4«i '• Mil l«» i.lfr*- Aon (lull m * ,«.ws M^M «!>•' !'*«. 'v vv»"v *eL* Mft.it. In ftMlhlvft*..!,.*; ft lt..H, : »ft .. Mfttft. ' ,1 I.U t'.Mrift)u (ftallrv !• th# to|»io »f w to. MtMe Inn to • r MM »l itftH to«U ft V 1 HI M Moo •»o# CLAOMER ah.I 4 MwHfthrft pf tN MMtftrrl*ilft ««».-»* • »'-*«-• ou* mu «•,! trim that km tie «• N'.v ih«» ".'Utivi. \t h* T "Mlihigaii lUili-m IV wv' • tlAftMPtl »YftPl*A»l !!»•« #S*>• i'l*«••«*♦* »!>.* tl a ft »■ I.m « ,.„t,M,.| folioftft , .! lift# a».| |,411,.*," U h Alt SiiHitav PHI nil 1 bilAlftft iwMdat *i, •"i llirntrr lo SUnlv oil of tUft (4*tltMHM.t lift tllolt lift ft tsi'l Iftftftlllft |»|Wi»hlvl, »l* at I U0 (• hi UMMil » »* •• '% 1 • ' -'»*% «!'•»>« 1 r «t AfHft v t it# * t»i a C1 ..|n tVHftn ftWltlni Aft (Mail »«»l«i« Mil *MnM** at inftQei paftalor*- liitftHl * \.« tivt.A.,.!. .;VAt t-A t hailr, t». t*lA((, aaaiatahl |ft»V \'i>\ |S»ft«tv.( At ('** * «>• 4M.I ,4.1 t*>4 !«'• ..f t ftAlolft* (ilftHt I •»»*!, II ftoW'i 1'f |..«l 11 lft'41 arioiM* AH.i * «'M«V,V.» (».,', * «« .i th«l t .'tftOltUu.l In* >*i.l H ..ill.| ll.ftlft Vlriea ' »T ('MS' v »*<.•<*•( " **• tight* tftftftftftftftY UtftH.I, K#ltfcW«*a» T»» I« Iftil I»*, "* h«VO l«o*ui »o(ft.t.l.-ft4lft! ft fft.fttt,. If 4, |.,-,l f Ift.HI 4' |.,HHl (I. to (( anhimi t Hialtai i|ftAo(aliit In th# oiitiiiiiiii^ B.iomiioift *01 *ii •, Hill io..,U-iai, iho |**i.g 1 am htill It ta Nftttf • indent* ivitv.l h.#. h 41 | . I'Hft li'4 !*•** hftlli, |««.»*l**h».l thought «n.I KlWft,iift*rift (tftfti'i t>MVr *lsh \ v»v s '. '« 4 -y« I A<|V t*v |h«* N a( M*».al lliiwui'i »»f t'ftift .Ift.ftif III .1 {.ft |l|AJtaiA All illflMIHA.I IW **»• ' v.| |h*( *»V Hr«.i itil«-.l I'll A JftOto -ilftg • 4ft. i« 1*4 ,**. I !•** M4 ft**#!".', tft *!«• aim l.n ale ...» *-•** *•>**»♦ * 'k".'W e«v»» 4>t<.«U NyU.uv'Mt* t*» UUn.l it.* i. .«tl».i'ft UiiH.I I hi A') «■ »tl. M'| rt« f' *''4i .VUMV.v 4 iUHftHftftl Nl.o tio'l'* to W K AK Mania th* |n 1 hi 11* to i|« *;./ .ynj «( «V>M »t\» W h»..»* fVlft I'.t t'VY* | itur on of I'M MfttWftll Mfti tl.o o»N |h# I'mtft.llfti* «lftltr.| 4*t»o.ti !•"• 1 . 40 »*!aH I th* 1" *•«•!» h*at.ft 111 ftft •• O 11* ft. KlU Oft «« iftUii I it,«.lr »iihil l. Mat | ftftlft Al J (tftp ( l on , an ia«o* hoi ftiat I ha ftotcia ntiial oii.lri «tai.it th* iaftito HUAV • - SUNDAY : i Kai'illlV c ti(i * I • HtiOft* ftahl* of > •*« t ft'l ftt*.| th# iftlttft ft.fttfftl M».|* H?(*t U. Mi I ,'vH*' »>*AT«t,*>i Wit Hr'1 *t .|ft.at«4* to »Uto I' k I EXCLUSIVE - FIRST * ft. to iiiti-iral i«lal* iliiAft'tlv to th* |hii \ . "4* A tanvtoAil f ASA' \M\.\ HUM ft litftH.t tmitil I*4ft ft I .-, ft »)*-.»! I'tiviftift'io an.I tha t«a«U at |l«itlt» I ho |tit «* A Hi 1,1ftft l«» IFhWft flv'lft* ft.»*ft«ft. I II %\V • s1 11 5' " \» lUUMIA IftH.t ti» tHft VftiHiiMfttii I t trawling inr NO in MIOWN *ri i-"im u p«T |»,V» flv«J»« *?»A «' 4«* I H«.* , utlvilftf "" v 'M»I4 141 a N» A''**.*" »»f VMilMf fWiW *1 1 »U»»J "Wo .Kvt.lol It nut ho I tftrtiof ' ... .. • AA"K*4. » . *»!t «4".i »,* jv»w«: vviiv •« *N»'. »">! il > iMihftii'u I" "«•" |S- tv'v, I **|Nv AIVI'V .I I .-f r4*t««<. t'»m *>♦» ... i |*i>.tvnV> »vl.•* ***1 *'| l»»»>l !•» (N ftiroUftH. " 4 I*'4o«i« iH#H nfth (iim* 4N0.1t A*f.l, |s» I t». 4 |'i» !•«»*, -I| j ; fi/Mirhm's | f~) (. I'incsl I SAtvV t'l'VM " •••. • • «i*t« ■ | « ■< »«« »•*' tw>m»rU#J or*! for hftitittlfttf until tho 1,-hi <>--*<*» * »w'» 'A *!V4k ,-VMtV< *V« v'wK »\-l *■# • '• *l*V .1 • \\ *>«-< <\S'A if i INtv.'kH IN fesvMMtl' WM'IVX* *»»tv m l «.M.f I' «1 |i» *■'*' 1 NUN^HNQMI7A\*.Au N.VA> |*ftifttftttft lift 7 ftt lvl» " VI»»m,'*Na *Ai.t. "tNft* Joft »n,l , < « • »4wr> *f «hVMMMt<4| *4il N# y»v .'•*».#*- *s» «»»!» 11a Vfc/n *v W>n IVi *»tlA v«"i IV'tH H>» •»«Wt4»Vi I •» lh»v |HM«i, l.» I IN«- " NSAMMiKVAMM.1 TTt km! ooftvt ifi-rtiili j %l*lft« HOftft ivlutnut »K» Hoi In pTY't fft.-t. tl*r • wall tN >| ' HEAVEN >1." «•( »V>'*'' I'lfttvwiftil tl'.ft forwot ' 413 "t 1- 4l hurt J Ntlin il Of SIMMS t I ll'I'KU r s r. ( t't'tf wvt* hvltulttN'* ft'f I h*n**H*ft Mldto. AtttVr 'I ltattleil ill Mioliiiiau N X UHMtftta ftAftt Ivt'ft >t*«-4» M*o*l I AfMOSS I'MOM t KAMXIK v fV*MH IHx ' I I f.vf VwJvi't ftV 1»4 W|* ^ 4 Ivwt all l't9 .L '•-« ">•■!" V»\«» I Mi.) IHr to**!* ft,i-rr , Von F. »t t » 4 >'* • *«*N»«r l« V!**VY<\ « TKI. «l»* II'4 I I» *>4 Ii»w 1 tilth * : k.>*■ TO.VU* ,i"-. .Nfttrttti th# pfttlft Ijth rviitui) «-(h ' I tllftiV MM k*4 VI* ,s\ A.AStWKS ■•••••••iillliiiiiiii **« ***f4 ftfV • <♦>* W*.i V . ,v4Ht( r «*|ltW4il WuN (WftWt VvMV'V A ■ » a- *.,»Vv» INI i-\"" "V. *V«'« Vl* K." « 1*4* '"M%rc-*Ar mok* *V *v'W ^• - hvn »'• 'i, t'v. • ftUix-'i > J'* - EARLY (JRIAIN FOR HOMECOMING PASTY GOERS- t-m ••»*» I'm* *A 1 e*Y ti*iw.!.Hift wtilitav* u M.\u U n- * *« * »«*.! INVtW*' .' »tT> ".fith »*? e** i r*»>. A^n *iA»AN'A4*» «s* V nt**s| MftlY* ft" .1 Wftftwi i UN vnr*A >(•(!) •w-vvsji » VAMA '« il t v *• t liflWMMjf'A WWW' «'.f A'« * »««W* t «m «t»l»4> v » »•« ft ^ .•* 'V,'J iUA"W>rv I»1N M\g <■>*•• * »• u fth*»|-t*vWfm<4 Hv>*. -It,N* ftftt ftlS lmM# |\wl ftt w t * »••* s th# K' .rvft.U T I* *v • tS'V *H»U||h f p«um«Hx! &£jr WANTED! All Kiic-lirmls M|iiarr-limil., rniiiiil-liraih, Iilnrklirnil., AIIM. 90c IlOX OFFICE OPENS AT 11:1(1 n« *»">• Itt"' HS-JlfTERWSE.TXATK.' i**'i I H« .? I# |K»4»4ft»t( #1*4 . » .»il ft*4*4 MttUlw " &* I « •-.* « 4 w" * Kf iluiiil.hcaiU, Iftriilnirk., {i.lkmi'kr, iiiIiIIiuIIn, frnl fixxlrn., *pn »■•.* -■ # ep*v\. \>v. t .. . „ •%- € ttt-.f ft* '«T<* ah' ' •» *• * P ••l«c itri.iiinl *• » «#*#*• »»• ' WNt » •> f t%v **' * • . IN* *« •* , . *N ftxftjAM- I V.» *** TOMOIIKOW NIGHT 11)11 I » V4, -- Ha i* . »•*" ^ |tw * ft'Nhi.S'vft ftifc»* it »Y*i4'iA W Y«* *H#'. iht J.ftrl, » '. * VY* fft. '.S.V* ftwt'.T ftivut '.{ ihft nuaiM •*( IH*..'. i*v»lif*"* ft-# 1 lv v**'4 •* ft / MHEATRL » •"' tf'Wtvw;* *4 ftt4 IW is» * »,*ft. An Ertiiig With FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ADM. 7Sc > •' \ft«* fft* Kftftl*^* |H**lft»* N.V« ft44ft4 lW< Wvftt"** »«!* ftYPM »l ftl** 1W1 ilr EXCLUSIVE i-lin-SIIOWING ? » -A-V», A > W »»,Y »V4'i Yvl Kv»v wfcttWr ;i> k'»*Y It'-* »»» ft\,,pi #1 |Sfi ft«t IKikI f»»ft ,\,\. I fjVA.l.SKtt ftft.V M*«hfttYH- »hpi* Uwj ftTY MORTSAHL FROM THE TERRACE with V..«'*T » *vit.n*Tr ir^-.ng i.» • ami tY VP. « .■ ■* (!%'•* t># fc«ti4» vf l^ft lVWAVVftUj Paul Newman * • > ft • Joanne Woodward , tsw AwYT*v®a |Ys>. ; W th » Htfti ftf t 4 -^vjv « *;wh f Ml * • M i ttAft » W4 w#r« • WWUI'"M< 1. twft r»Uj 1* Alu>k»jpcw N * SS3 Ejot Oram! River The Limeltters -mow the Ttnnfti r - nnowN awe oni* at i s? ' SVttt U*Y CW«.L * M* «M«p«t*4 • «*yw Mwkttivn! — INU COLOR IUT — i , (xr\T th *«»T*rs> t* 1 sin m iv AN m»iiiftt* ky 11 rvr.ft a • »*•» rft»ri.«ft« nwH- j haul UniM(V Uasiig Civic Center AnOHoriim SPDKERTRACYI Only Eulusiftr Sat. It:I.% |i.in. ROMTWMM 1 {token L.iiko CHICLE fUYERS Kixx.nl Nlioji rust vr Knrncd Scat Ticket* On Sale At IVrfuruiancc orai tvav mm PHONE RESERVATION - IV 2-1 III, EXT. 226: IV 5-7110 DRACULA Mom mwi TWTCT AT AM AHA MM IU PKATVU cncu ruftXAoi s - iw Mraiovs «i — — UMlftb NO ADVANCE IN PRICES! >ST M AM rj*. •XT. » — — T-J* VXD l» s» rj* SIM M*tinn* until 5:30 p.m. ftflc ivr. m — j j» r* ftUHl.MON Evening* & Sunday 90c .XT U — AM rx CHOM IV OftftM M GORGEOUS COLOR — lAOWN OWCi AT M*> — by the composer* of Extn 4th Hit - Cartoon FarthraF~ ■WY FAIR LADY" - Shown Twice at 6:80 aad Late - Sunday and Monday Early Bird Show! fahl EN,! e or m assr pokucn ruacs NOT ISCOIOfKMMU) FOR CHILDREN T PJL— ADIXT9 »0c Caboose Tia Wllft at " A Mart OwapkM wn MOLLY BEE MoUm Pktar*: BEN COOPER JMftf Aftl rt a E06AR BUCHANAN OAVIO NIVEN >521 1 CANTWfiAS. PidiMra Aw«rdt notcirr NCWTON LESLIE »CAR0N AMI WwWAVM* IKI A KINBIV MPORT SHIRLEY MecUWat MAURICE CHEVAUER liffEi LOUIS JOURDAN TA# Picture I'mi Hare GIRL OF TMt N / Oft* T ) WILDE Been i'aiMf foe • -! mm&i !«»• •j* SflV " ' , t*w> Qw"«»» Offcrr*!s«i> ' M t JV^wL M W UU*W " ■'•*'*' " «m I,. Vl* WkV^> ^yVVj, ivi\lUV»\M» UtttVoO *'««» v' < M:u f ww «t>> *«* < ihi. n« £\\ ,i »0»|v«uU->| »vm- w* ... \i iv» to l i>' i»«»» ,. \ \ » « *wvw# *tH W fv*r »ll .» t Ka«UUV* v.t rvmtittiht boi*«o UHIH*K Wol *y*t'Vt £«utr« IVt lM*'l Af* )»«• Kr*H»i, Kl* t N1W1 MH II I V OK KK1KM1S Oil \K»K»> MARTIN LUTHER CHAPF.I mhvim: AT II> »> \ M SIAIUV & STUDENT CENTER J»J HOOK. III IMmll R, o« •* ' >•« . '»■•/ *»«** j; " V ,* J-4'.'v I J.UH1 I- f'/wf. CST FOl'ND »VM>W aiovii Church Wiih This Sunday want® I ,,;linV. HCTOUKtl J*. I»«n M I C II A N KT A T K \ K W M I-AGE SEVEN Michigan Kliiifi NeW« IUSG Re/torlFavors Voluntary Training Tht I'lnnnlflnilo W«M(m Stall , , , l.iivv (hill M, um no* *N»I »U> Mf JwWrt f#H that ttMV »M(M limit*! Mlmil, ABSISIhiM Hn'r^- liei'ekaii f f((( m iri|i|l|i*i| hgaln tvllh nnni|m|«m»y lioTt' were heltri l>e di>vnl«n| In On.Inn inure xn». \c*« lMat WlMef pie* ram which «|tpii** Ijliy nf I lie Atltiy f»« Mnitt«u4tri IMngiant. nnmllnlred l«y the rmnnililre u|i|un[i>la|« In a nnlvm.lty it'NM »*Ust vewmltlMi »»W ,.,V Ai.tmiittai a t*|mft fa mm IVi'S lad AtmlttfeHlay »-M t<» *ll aiml*|tl« mitkl hw jUBlilU'.l. nit.I WiillMwl If th* ItH'l'l' program ha* oil' It V*iy mill 44 the |te*rivn Kmrnn, rlnlitm tlmi it limit I tie I i'i|nllt>tl |i«*lr i nniae, Army I'mitllH inert the tn|i«) that II' Ideal, nf HKIM II h the Atmy'a nlalin miMliulaury Holt Im Mlaled The rumimUmy im ug i a in, IIik Iin.il rraonn ilm inminlltrr •'talined the rnininlltee. i meiea advamrd *.« einnmny, 'Ihe eMf CONSERVATIVE CLUB (talih»lUm, aartlitre, and an Imagr nf (he mtlveinUv an a nul Minytam, II i-laimed, In # .l.mtigra dcV*l4«pm*iil» jushn.'rtilxii HIMMI t'nmrlliMe iilttrei' «ei|M(iv arrvtre In thnae vvhn tali* It. - It aervant nf (tm null.nial yiivern miiiti fnl and iik|ien«|ye, klnre le«k Ohio Mfalr, lllitmi*, Oklahoma, nirnt» merit, raltirr than a free iindllM | lliMii r. |iuireiil nf UinMi nlildrid* STANLEY M. POWELL lil'IV »ltW*tMMV , nald that a Mmtefit In Ho'l't' I. tb.v iwmMfau pa—ed hv nti.l 11|»» (fail *i ally i«f I nlif.iiuln, lilt: miim | t OMMITTKK tint Itereapattly any mine Mailt Hon (alilrig ilm reijnlred tiekl* rmn.e , » f»«*ira« tt4*l )Mf, V*H 44 hit* limy hav* m«| InKi'ii a klami •nlil Itml I tie llefrime |le|%mt«iieiit «lIn than M. mat* rla*.mate elm t SOI lit II l(|: AMOS i« that ever III live Itieir n-n-ive ruin ;, ti|< ih* t'f IM either iIIiih Uuti, niv |'NI«sflllly linn (tie Jientri |iein|i«n11 may rn.t 11 MO 1 liilnnlulin IrKlalllllvi- I illllllal'l lor !;«•!%lh*» local and I kindylng i lull la Hi' ci.'tiininn the It tint* |iln|>lelH, ami !<• Ir-ynllv Al.n fltts riMMIItUlr* itimhlrd Iti«» hi lltiaiil and drdh nled MidiVld • *NS itli iIihom iitiikidmaliuiia In MHfa»* h*k (hanged Kith I !»• te*«- (f llivv 1111*4*1 th* III-lulu l»f ami mltitmlly hImiv* the Army value nf )•*•!.' ||OTt' In IU nala vim rhuiine In niiiull *! ulliri mind, the nele. I i nminlOee rnuld 4|ii-lii||uii I uriii lluri-ioi till* tiling , l»i*l«ni I iin-iii rlaltneil ileVelnMmelit nf dt.i'lMllne iii.OtMllnti. 4»liei* military train j ore im reaanti f»l n»d iiiMklng rt «vhafirick *■» gt'inmd-, ,,,miM h*« Urn III I-II i«tii»*i I Nl\l 11*11II Iminl, Imvt* Iimi4J H |.„ ill* In (tie tight nf it*i'etn|ititeiiU mnt nltnliea, I tin** mu| hi In-1 'I'hey .aid that "the dl^'l|d|ne liiti I" nul rer|itlted llOit viiltinlary imnrrdlaiely H "REPRESENTATIVE 80VERNMERT , , ami nrriteil In a demnrrary |. aelf |h« mu.t aiifiillti attt |tuint nf Itrged the Ituaid nf 'fiiMlwn tn 4.Ui«M (•« Mu.lvMl %)»»* i*» Ihp lltHV . 4 Wiiv.l .iliiiiloi llii'iusclvti* in fiivm y t'nM; mm Aim.mih Himii nf n In*, mi** nf at intent itr inmnl fnr n li-nrnr.l iiiveallgallmi, Iti* arlert i|l.,-lMllne ail.lna fmm a rnmtnltl- (Iteiit til I tin highe.l Value, nf all. .aid tin- enmmlttre,' l« lhal |{OT« 4*a#led thn urdnimruled deiluie tlu.i, l.t'ti ilniilitf In the fall nf Itllll, l(i»| I Mill I (Willi.a mi Cor-Ooii" ;• >. rwl IfHi'UtMt ««f MSI"| nil' Minn*)*!'!!*, WjtMinalii, tliif ' rnliimlttr* fnela that the Ittt'ft' mankind, nut lit* klavi.h anh attidriil.' tllhe, IliHe that luiyhl ■ vnlmiiao t j;, > 5 \ 4-»|«»vUlly rntn. UM'K'10, fViui fMnli', Kiitl ; i|U*atlnli IMliat again lm aiihmlttett I tnl.alnti |u Mldrr that hirak* dnen I IM *.III,. Ni.M M.I.... I. it |l.lll. Sr kit TVlA'*, «'*» I'OHI C'mMfU . tn t'niiglrna for (filial uaaliitl ^flnt ! Intn tmrttly hehavlm krcnjrc Hosts Art I'Aliiliilion , . a. .nun a. IIoomi .T.T, tlliion II.III.I...;• v, \iiii ** V. I commm**, tii.Mlmr MtniilWniit ili'Vi'li'M | leannlyaU nf Ha Htiwj |ne«aing the rklemal anthuilty o re , ,llVl| i m»nt Menii»»»< »m« lh»» MMl' ItO'l't' |tinhleina tuuvml." 111. Iiip.nt .Stitlr |liii,rr«il. 't he i-nmmlttee, t (•**«" vliai'M** fitted th* l't«»tj«'4*Mi I* tin* I1 N lirfoiixt) |H* j %aitli hale Wat Aa tn the attfiimeht that ItOTt4 A nnlvri.ily atalt e*hil.l | liMllrrv huur. aie fimn « am .. .. •'<>- h*d fat im M«i tininil'a Mltti inl nlninl mi llm ' net at i hall man, maite »*. nnt U haalthfnl and "hutlda InnUe.," lion 44lit he held ihnmgh NuV. fi MH|| | tn fi (n hi|(iful«t*lV |<(«>tiinMi, 4i lil.'li in I iiirintnttniia nn the fuliiiwintf the inmntlltee Ml 4IS|! SIii.lrttl« .....I Ihr l.rfirn.1 I'..1.1.. |t«lntei| nut that till! summer, tha firmly lUniiirliUnllv 4»i»|«»h«I In I «|lira|lntla thin ftimllnn la enrellently |»rn i: ,,1»."i Ml i;iMi thr l»»*t«nitinriit nf lltr Amity "" t htmntil mm* ratal? t'hn I amtlm-.a a. nl|diiM-, and, (illliln , ... , t Arr l.ir.llull. Iini.nl n« l.iir.l.. t, . , With 4»lh- ! Vlded fn| tit atmlhet de|iartfnent «... iilVIM »H»*« l»M (jM |»*A»t» nmiir litiiim tmit U»ut»«. inniinllte* unmitmimaly felt that nf thf tinlver.lly, I 1(1.1. AllMIHHIOV - I AiHainM Mn inlmv nf Itrfnusr Ith'I't' la caaeiitial In uMI* natlmiat nn dU|ilay, Imditdlntj '/.uihaian'. j l*ry O el«n npen tnenday rv* Olhnr teaantta /nr d.nng aivaf vliiun nf HI. Anthmiy ' »dnj|« frum 0 |> m I" " l»»" rvu. f 4U>(4*r*ity eOhUU said t'timlrn fliui.-niin »n«.l. "Ill iM'ilrl' amurlty, ami atmntit .lennltely he I ?.0 , i'IMMMIWM V |M«*H»hi WS« fn| thi* lU-toiia.i |li)|>ni liiii-iil |>* «nntlMneil. ,..,Ml-«l 1* fa» WMlMt'a 4V*tfa|<»i *M}t I'M it n rmliMulainy |Ht||i»y, n i'. la rnmi'tiUnry IthTt! tier- ... j ... . :,-mir«Upy III th* ae*. iMllitmy iirml nlmiitil »*lnt. 'I'|l« eaaary? What healing ilnea a .... .m<» ft th* univeraMy,. iKMiMuUiiiy Imnir HOTt', l»nw r'nntimlanry inhgtam tiavn nu ot»r iM,,- >».h«H»U, h««44 vVrl. ft*l|« rtrn. U lint n«*«s|i*.| f%• mrrl • li«t natlmiat aernilty? Th* i-ninmlt I ,. 44ht-ir nf a> they ,'iislitalUMt *ln »u|t|dlra, i' ortci «, tiliatclH that e>.V-,ig: th* l'OIU|'tDllOII df jnn pnten ami trnriranii* of: *■. -. frit tun 4'f KOTf tak* * iJOTC tn rnitfnuu to lhn««* A tiiftU'ining the aliidrnta, far- loom thn fuMhjon horizon, Mako uj» your own reeljds with i.'.r M'»«'r nf M f«>|iMtiOtMt gfoalit ult y and jHihllc nf the ailiia • glh nf time r«*»|UH*d irtv - (date all inatrurtinn nun ttnn; ilicho yummy iiaah l inuttih-maicH of Butony wool* .* .a the Armed Sr44U*r«, tdrlrly military tn nature It. kne|titig thn Uvnrv alive W *; •; ih* niiittary hrad* nf intn the aummrr ramj», in- foir the ktmlrnla, faculty from fiulifoniui. Ml Imuutifully tnilorml nnd fault- and 'he favulty rnuin-rate I'lmilni; everything |»ertam- and ptihlie; l'« iT->t(«mi«timi ef thn KUTt* ine In untforiiia, dull am) C. ronrdmatmg ktmlrut, fa,* hmaly colormj \o mntnh. You'll rnftrvcl over the ver- I }'«^?»ni to roil farm tn luiUtary enurtt - tnnf* Itexihle thr time allow ■ puhlif groupa who dearie *CIW, *sl for dn»*i«tnn ami entering the ahova change*, KNtrrs NromkHiAR - HMOMI HOOK llOMlli 4 0l.lt SI'KCIAL OCCASION . . . Glitter for Glamour A KRESS WITH SOFT BARENESS Mil' SI.KKVE AND DOME SKIRT A Bulky Botany wool *11 paver vwcafar with Italian neck line" In coral-honcv- lilae-mlntrbluo. Sirey 36 to 40 SlS.Jt.'i B. Tapered Batony wool slack*. (Jive you perfect fit in (corffl-honey•lilat- Btcturod u a jawel tatin mint-blue. MUftis jiizes $12.03 C. Roll-up aim v«* blouse in 63% d.irrnn bodice with faahkxiable iWf-IJI •Polyeater / 35% cotton. Washable in fti *U dome akirt in pink or white, mint - coral - honey - lilac - blue. Mis**? sicea «»—* W-»-5 only one from our ftbulou* D. Four button vest in 100% Botany collection. VUit KagpO* wool. Colors in mint-coral-honey-libr- blue. Misses iute* . - fT.S'i soon and aolect the Ideal E. Straight 100% B<»torn* wool akirt with dram for your apodal oc- lined aeat. Colors in mint-coral-honey- lilac-blue. Misses sizes MM caoiOQ from our darxling . . ...... . E' Short sleeve slip-over sweater in "5% collection. wool and 23% angora rabbit hair. In mint-coral-honcy-liiac-bluo. G. Stitched down pleated skirt. 100% Bo tony wool. Colors in mint-coral-ho- ney-lilac-blue.'.Misses sizes ........ 117.15 H. 100% worsted wool jersey top. Cowei neck with short sleeves. In brown and butter atripes. and blue with gutter stripes.-Missm zizes I$.S5 sxAPrs I. Tapered slacks m 100% worsted wool jersey. In blue and butter. Misses ISCON9 rUKNt Sizes ... If.fS or TANDOlf, J, Short aieeve top in 100% worsted wool jersey. Jewel neck-line, fn shades of butter or blue. Misses sizes MM M. Pleated skirt in 100% worsted wool y jersey. In butter or blue, misses aiara .• »1«JS fmdaTi ocronn sn. IKifl nr.r i:u;nt M I C n I c: A N ST A T K NfWS it tends Seminar Veterinary Study 3lay . I dams In Denmark On Earn Reduce Disease Spread • • « Befriend an Animal . ' '■ f'\MM \S«* SPARTAN xW b-- \l. • ••« t**' >* Kv •. Jk* V \\ i> ' r *V.";V.**.?KN, A"".-*' '."(VV v^'^- wl'v *■•»» y t*r. d*%kv*, V NmVxIM #•» t «»-J* iKW'Sr!' V'f t'T l'.'" (. -•,» mny of »oa»o of Vvi »ysr*».l Jh '« ?v '.«■<• W nv'ri tuwuU Both «iv \V^i«ipSa>, u*M Or M!f bi 1V« a* m • From the Kennels of BOOK ■ V v" of !S" >'• "> U* A •: X >.»*«*•*•**■* at- S'„y»"» * ,1 ifc-NV .»»!•< «»•*• » o'oe»- .«!' \vtvniwi.A %>. - • a a v."' .tr tt* . • • -* .« - - 't •• V. IV - .-A * -,M» •>•• * «'"%• IM \X r■ >'v Or \ v.- < y»v* fy*»V k » t*!*Vi -0 VX *•'. '-A t »•>«(** STORE * ' 1 K > V , JS , N A «*- • > v •• 1 • m ' A «*«•*<•, •'-*■ «»'t IVu Honor* "ill J Sf4Af bvr * "•»! » » r«** t*., * • • tv * • -> ** * K-."< S • ' > « «•■«• A — »-?Vn \ik u x* iviA o • :?*t e ,v on; (fntvr jsj K''.S o"'" ' News Call. . a ..-A v". •1 O'A «V • 0 Ha •ouiijjr l*-'.ii» Mas . v. S.-.. ..." »'<>* For l.ens ,, : v\. "t ' i , v • .1 Mr I a • A... _ ■ • • > - " is.- W.o- M-.' f >1 -..Inf. W*U' Hermits : A v I AAA*- asa ST S-*»v «>a ok# *!»•*.!* *• >.l .•••'<• "a* .♦.« 5-» »Sr 5 't v '.W >v»- i-'r-w { <0 etttv lh» m*,:nr* *.-• f Ht U»t XI XX»<1 .1.0(1 j|i >\«1* \*«A X nVA O- • -AAA - * .' A ■ y*v>- - » • « W H X »a r«f- ,•.«» • ■ •'r»f ■.iv,*- • Or 1'inploAi-r* Hiirii rooriiiF.jK. »• ' —• /■ ' V " r ■ » ' * - * • - v • .-A** yfco-. -.k a ♦ r*r ••'" V v.." * a XI 'V . if. A ' * »« * 1 f 'I ' A * •. !• •.• •• • V«-t . a'. ■ • „ . •. ' «'■ * { ... SV® .-Jsr. Whv ■-.• .*1 Nr fU-.' . *;•-*<• S*A S*v" • 'n !»■-■ I - *.< c #•- • . » 1 ? NfA> • • .A' P*** i» l'.5Mf'.4»*»r- 1 •!-- .• o r. » ?•*:* * -v u.M* *' • I'Sr y 'an t. » -'.w'".. } »»>• *•»' •;■ » 0*" ' r V* Sl» ^«rr a t*n war w ,>-• f » a'# f'\A*n f - t,» 5- J»*> U till (lie Murm *|iiril of llono- d a-^i tnv* \ . *« '.*♦ i H p » # r » »•-? or* t' r tAtu\»hah a 5 f .wl .•(i W LrL STINKER $2.00 ...»! ^ Wa rat# »a • -* * romiiif;. or know aoii will want In ! of rn* -••.••♦ 's'wii--. * -s . ••* *' »»> ». * of v* «r4.*■«. ft4 t ravevi tVi* AfvpHvw,*hrs- s x ' • » «\ *» •-..... ■• . ?'* ■? f. 1 %r \rv »•» *•» * ' 1 C A M r K I' 1 I • S S r I! I K II l A < II 0 P find a home for I li r»r and many WEE STINKER $.1.(NI K< "-?«*•.• .'.in-wa n • : --y -■/ -•» • A.'V -• » .. s *l ?,>. ,<'.»* rwf* Si " . » t . f•r •■•*1 '** AI'VA*- 5 oilirr fatorilr animal*. Farli will t { "-r»; .17 Vm- Sfj.% ■' * . ~r-*r«.7 v7 . _••• t* • ■-*.■••.• r-i .v' . tk-sj ,M- TIIK DISTAFF Koom > 1 if. «v -1 "♦ .* vtrr.' .*;• \ .* T'-*'r- »JC>. 7—** ■• «#* ■**• f nitikr a |»rrfrrl dorm or l«on*r pel. V>- .f »* ft p.-./- u t. a.."*Jw v "M >\ 'w »i "Sf .'*4, f* ?»' . ( * *" ;■»!»! *« -*- » hi . 11111 iternary S/iecial: M.S.U. Sweatshirts 25% OFF! ir ALL STYLES it ALL COLORS ir ALL SIZES . -INFANTS -YOUTH -ADULT P0PLLXK SHAWtrV-NECK SWEATSIIIIil other* «- —IteW S2A4 * $1.95 up See Our Special Homecoming Tareitci rxj the Window Display Dual Filter t- "4* » (■* ew lanr Nwn n a* v*om. !*»)•» 1 flwwAatwct (in wwr ficw. Tif>ewf r-*r »«ct «* sair^t does it! )a» At tMt tan ¥ M itt: taticcn. SPARTAN BOOK STORE NEW DUAL FILTER TOTCVtOTl ~ FBIDAT, OCTMMW ««. im — MICHIGAN STAT K N K W H page mm: KIihI (tolilins Work lYloniikI govei mmichL* toiitrol ami rlinti (UNM >:t I Onto i|j«eis*e* «rr*'« I Ion IniiM- lliiln AllM'll. Mil buy 'ilnl rill'' I'M I her* of < hiltlrcll Mini •Mini enirt tMpSlllitf ill I Nl' hl V Vr f "lull gefir S nllppll** to children ntfect nf 'I I Irk iii Tlwil will rllif; (liiai io( l.y IIo.hI,, eei thqumke t, Mini hflli Mli,tiny nl^'hl In gntbci famine "treats'* i»f nilrin t.. h. l|. r.ntiiut \ o,.oC An.Ml. iili. ringing door tint iti-it-iiii-r ninl iiinimil rlitot* of hn|U lluf luilnv. -II for l.'NK I I tiffily rhihlifn miimiimI the? globs*, will not be looking for perarmnl Tun yew* ngn »i-vi*n»l Htmtlny gootlie*, hut nmiitty to li**l|< mil ti'huill chlhlri'li iloiiuli'il ttii'ii ; lloo. of Miiilrf|iflVllegrd children Trick -111 Trent |Mliliic<*, lih'kiU vising casta of production pra¬ (aus pushed it *lon(«o the parade "And whila unemployment Is which today tops import! by aver ced# potting tha item on tha mar¬ walk, quick dry, coloffalt shirt coroot toulii continaa. higher than wu like to —o it," four billion doilara at an annual ket?" ha asked in tha speech. After that ft waa fetirad, he' said, "those in tk« ranks of rate." We need mora efficient machin¬ in lh« latest colors .fronch bluo, corns!, Thr rejuvanatad fire track it the unemployed were fewer by Housing starts have been a lit¬ ery and personnel to achieve row being used hy the Sigma 400,000 in .September than in tle disappointing, said Edwards, higher purchasing power, Ed¬ olive, chionti, Chi's for atirrtnr up Homecoming but the total of »mw construction or white August." wards aaid in reply to his quee- iririt. So far it baa picked up l or the first time in twenty has climbed steadily sine# Janu¬ tion, not constant wage increasea <\*is from aaroritiaa for tiot years, said Kdwards, businessmen ary. that become coat increases. •T««tur«d nylon vhorolate, aetad as. a bus and find themselves in a new environ¬ "I have sincerely attempted to "AND THIS MEANS a step- K^sraUy caused confusion. Picking up atudanta at Kerkey plng-up in the rate of invest¬ U;i Wrdneaday afternoon, the f.rt truck rahied them to the Latin President Ousted ment," added Edwarda, "for which a general overhaul of tax policy U an obvioua means." •pposite emi of rampus. Stu- cent* with classes in Berkey hall A nix-mau junta srizft power today from l'rf-iiifnt "It is our greatest economic •rre then brought back on the Jus,* Maria Lcmus ami lent him fleeing to neighboring asset," Edwards said, "because ed at Leniua' house this awrainc hatter than any system ever de¬ mum trip. Guatemala. The capital and the hintcrlnndi and dracged him tut svsa before vised, it motivates and rewards MEN'S SHOP af thia raalUat aatuui ia he eeaid gwt dreseef.) hard work« Individual Initiative, Proofs for altar tha Hfhtaiac aOlitanr The Jaata ■and again* Lias at g am aad tha humaa desire far a hotter life.* It MWtnil rati of D Informed sourcee said tha Jaata Wolverine demonstration, against ths na. was oapoctad to lsstw a dscrss Inn's social and economic in- dissolving Concrass, tha gapnm. Due Saturday sgnnlitics. Ltmu* had retaliated Court, und uutlinu its reasons far with a policn crackdown, 'ins overthrowing Lemus, whose tana lalrndor Unirtraitr fsculijr ne wai not schedulsd ta ezptra ua- Tl. WolrniM kaaaada mrlil caaad tha polics of braulity and tsl Sept. 14, Ittt. inart.mmu (or aMbat Mart lint down the school for a time. El Salvader ban Ina la fer- *> t&l all tktr af mmfm atu- Ths Jaata that sslisd control it awnt far t. ntaia (Mb af (Mr compossd af thrnn drilunt and •erior picture* laMay, thiaa military awn. torn* tie •f Latin , X " th, n>ud^a WUHaaw *iU ■ants af ths military wrrs be people here. Lemua i mooing » fourlk Imt al Uw lierwt alarmrd at the rxtent of to contain them sternly and ind block blocl 11 .B, ruom 40, Inm It aJL Lomus' measure, to stop arita- any uprising inspired by Fidel " J »■«'• to arnpt praali. tion. which hs |>lame.l on com. Castro's Cuba. " V"J *«t la snbr yirtons montats. f U, yactura yaa want la A EBPORT to the Intcr-Amcrl- i 11 'Ferine umpluiiiiw this U can Press Association this mhnth \y tr y Saturday that it ran be ..... Lnmus had prohibited the from, reporting the 1 If rroofs are aet lultauei the t->'JRGATf fkotovrrapher reaenraa the (Reports outside tha cauatnr ""' JKiockaMaad ' - U aeeeeal awaAer. ef th. «al- roikation In tfm eadacaaa Matioaal Guard pUUUIIIMHMHn 8 | HOBN-O-PLENTY" S-T-t-f-T-C-M DMSSKIN OLOVB Seoulifui Koyser slips, .avished with lace or embroider), i The Nawrat SaaEwkh sraaiipra m uan. now in lull autemn color..smort shortio Sorted Exr)«hr«~L » — - 1 . ~ • - Pisaa and Complete Dinners - THE CAJMATf KULE CO. CMIWIWI.-' ^ C-i Syracuse Spartan Harriers to Test Strength , *»nh ■but a» •» * t»n, and S«wr Shorts—~ •easo-V* wrJ o/jv.*na>!»'•"< £* '■** •-» i .»,<* ha* tkvnwi' .t ! .v th» at! their other »|*tp p.'a.vod* berth 4(*v ^myiwi con* To Face Pittsburgh Against Ohio U and Notre Dame l:. IV IVlltir IMW II.IMON Hon llirwrv. who w»« lTih In OHIO KT.ITK wlt|-»»«» W OHIO state ing k» «*»■ , w»k- UtTf a lain acainet the Jtpartama Team J»ck Kno • due to their !«m to Ohio I'nimr. *Uy last week. James Nlasaey wilt W the I*** MSI lu (buteutiou tetter for Ohkv Jam*# Davi#. ,|Jv Curl Huudell- u -v. v tK.:cof w•• .»• im - *>-• wm'oi i s»\. hnlutra V ^ t*he* k v.. * e vor v. >'jc 4*m«*. t*. ''m' a real c?o*o or.o o k-c!v - kit. itnii*:** IWh ■» umMYatoii No !r«m can havo such a morvi liitraiiuiral ;t?orv».l State 'w'wvi \\w couklr'f ' e Watai. coutiouo to |h sv such ntn» wtr Hinhliizlil- •avo to teartu U*c I Italian a Ttvh. iifir eyetceur Decker Pick • faxhion right for fall »mm IM WsllaM'a i«* • ta> •» tliMur to roar fall warAroW. HMraM i* •! v.va -i ; rn% »t»» I1** S?art»?t fca^-er*. * --o hjvt here U Hariewwia't MOSAIC . a« Mllnh tow '-•»* J* *'VC i•") {Xs""*1* Jtfatir-atrij erv«> ev^ntrjr ts-v^ah- P»* .!.» *•: til 4* 1 ?'±~0 •♦•* '.• .t ve nati-wn for the van f.-w »wn, have *••»» more H e Ten With Hfverwible Vwt .-v.,-: ry Saturday f Km* #*w f.w f. 5 e« Witt a^sy «i>.er t«ra:a at l*sc ««»V» pmdktnMt* fn:-d f i MSI .'U? c-vs'.al b*-l r'af'»5 14 tax*' c'.i M;vh etn S;ate'4 rrmt eou«trf 4*t«i r.'wr t,Pre ta«; ******* • f \ a . j ! tl MI4 \"4t ' t«*'n «»o a"i reorder:ted rtva r;,e hj D*- VA". C $ESSHSt nfufntil ppftimWil '~y re*wrd t» rtm-ne Wu*»'« a"J Iwrr San- •'*» eifkti dsfi-ntxtn fit 20* V. A\'mhu»glil Spartan ba»4*tSaa aquad. BEFORE OR AFTER THE GAME nUOAT. OCTOEEE », IMP MIC III r. AN STATE NEWS I'AEE ELEVEN Richards orRigney to Pilot Tigers ? I'ress as 0 likely Riicresstir to manage Italtimor* next aeason In DETROIT, Oct, 27 m Th* Detroit Ft** l*>«•«« wnIiI tonight (tortlon, who quit Detroit t«» lie- ext-hanga for a lush flve-yaar pact thni the Detroit Titr«*r» were try- romr Kansas t'lty matmger at at Detroit." the eiol of the ilAO American Richards owns property In I Ilk! Ill slk'll I'hoI llli-llNlllil US III Wll l.engnc Seaaon. Phoenix. mh***i of the Hub to repine* the tle- The Detroit News, however, pltltril Jim* (iortloil. •aid Harry. M. Kieaon, Executive Smith said Ferrt-ll and Camp* lUt-hnnl* is nuMiager of the bell "aitpped out of Detroit Vice I'reaiilent. of the Tlgera, llitltlllloie Oriole* Mint tuts a I toil riaimeti no one hail been pit Iced quietly. They didn't even tall colt tract.' where their wives they wero Mar lie r lot la,v. the Detroit >ct fur the job, adding HImwi headed Nor did they tell anyone "tier la red that there was no truth Tittles mi ill i' hail Icnrneil that at Rrigga Stadium (home of tha Hill Uigney former matiairer of in a report that . . . Iligney . . , had lieen aignrd for the Detroit Tigers. > the San Kntmtarn (ilanU, wmtlil "Hut I discovered that they flew he natiieil to marintre the Tlgera. Job." from her« i»» < hicago and then Till: TIMES SAID confirtna I. Y A I.I. SMITH, Detroit Free left-O'llaro flehl for Phoenix. Hon of Rejfiiey'i selection at Press .Sports Editor, aaid that "They do not own property 1*10,000 u year would ronte khnrtly (tick Kerr ell, a/tiny Tiger (»*n there. But limy hope to have a fituii John I . l-'et/.er, who owns rial Manager, and James Camp¬ vjiiytthle 61-yeat old piece of base- controlling Iqlcrcat lit the lie- bell, a club Vice president have ball merchandise signed, sealed trolt I In >• hull I o. left Detroit for Phoenix, Ariz., aipt wrapped up for IJiGl delivery Rigiiey- prrvioualy had been "to try to woo Paul Uichardn into at the lot at hall park. Richard*, atrppuiK out of his contract lit THE FIVE MEN etmdtag above will b* part af tha Mnalvi Saturday. Lalt to right lha ahava an ara Howard Mudd, Jamee and •riawnivr nlte MSI will br eroding agalnel Ohio SUIa thin Kanlcki, Jim llohhilt, Dave liahrman and (ieorge Axar. Unanimous favorite Title Contending Spartans Clash With Ohio Stale Ohii* State and Michigan State, Stat* Si. Ohio State 20. 1951 team which will b* sub-par phyal- Arhanas. Junior end Art Bratuf- The game will he the Home¬ t* • iiationally-tnlad cluba a**kmg Michigan State 28, Ohio State 1.1, rally for th* first tiro* this fall. statter kicked a field goal and coming Day feature at Michigan A atamJ-oul nttrec. n» stav in contention for the Pug 1050 Ohio State 10, Michigan State. lion at any aportui* Charon, tha three straight extra points. - Fullback Carl To title, clash at Easb Lanning State 21 team's leading rusher and scorer, event... (hit cordu¬ hsturday in what could be on* of MOKE OP the same kind of is a doubtful participant. A roy stadium coat villi t <- great frames of th* year. rousing, even Stephen action U sprained knee which he suffered TSe kn kotT will b* at I :S0 p ro, considered a certainty. blanket-plaid lining tst Stars are ax numerous as it a A setlout crowd of over 76,000 Broadway "First uight." in th* Indiana game nay keep him on th* aidelines. Another You Still Have Time and heavy-knit collar will heap e ep-ctator fullback, Gwrga Saimes, also nay peaceably enmlnrt— {« vrtually aaaared. BlCKKYK fullback Bob Fergu¬ be beld to limiWd action due to Th* gomm will b* th* NCAA son. a 210-pound bulldoter, is on# a bruised knee. bie hi any weather. gam* of th* day on tolevuion to of the brightest. Ju*t last week Th* Spartans will look to quar¬ • ever* in tha Eastern and Mid* he led the Rucks crushing assault terback Tommy Wilaon, a veteran V citern aroaa of th* country. which resulted in a 31-7 rout of to look your brut at player who has found hia way to The winner will stay in cloo* Wisconsin by personally scoring stardom in the last several games, f : * suit of front-running Iowa and twice. This same Ferguson was to the came tomorrow pace the attack. Just last Sat¬ Vmnrsota for th* Western Con* a sharp thorn in Michigan State's frrerce championship and could side last year. urday he completed seven of 11 passes for two touchdowns take the laurels should they stum* Quarterback Tom Matte has de¬ Mcaiust Indiana, and did a mag* The loser will drop into the veloped into one of the best any* luiieent field t iridii'e t*f th* pack anj relinquish where. He took a big step in that general's job. KOYIR'HOYIK SERVICE Heavy responsibility will fstl a v title chance*. direction by tossing three touch* on junior fullback Ron Hatcher T1IE RlTliEVES have won j down passes m the Rucks' t m the possible absence of Charon, f and hist one. including two } victory over Michigan State, t'p lie has been the offensive team «' ♦»>.»** In loop play. front ,rr MK-h l,.,. h.rol. ». t»rk!« J ,uUb„k „hU, Charon hev hrr-u 35.00 " c £partan« have three win.*, Jim Tyivr. ami guards Don Young the No.'I defensive unit fullback. Clsmsr and J§uL ***• kws and one lie, including one » * and one loss in th* Big Ten. j and (>abc llai tman. The Spartan line, led by such Both teams have strong, pro- men sx Fred Boylen, Mickey Tfc* Buckeyes and Spat tans! ducttve offenses and stingy tie* im met four tines before, s'.l of rfrnses. Michigan Stale ha* scored have a Walker and Dave Bchrman will Shirt Lasndry nnijor test in trying to , at Columbus, and every one j l *.' point* in five games, while contain the Buckeye power. sf thera has hern a barn-burner.; giving up 51. Ohio State ha* reg- The Spartans will have back; pin! ED 2-4(1-1 for Flrk-Vp & Delltcnj Th# very ciose score- tell the j i*tcr# 1912—Michigan State, The Spartans will v»«k to roun- Hgatimt the Buckeyes last year. *1* r.i State 2d. lyjl— Michigan ter thi» powerful combine with a E. I.ratul Kv. Arrow From Student Services lluildme They are touchdown scorer* tlary llailman, llrrb Adderley and Fred Powerful Lushes Play LUCKY STRIKE' PRESENTS*: Puny Politicians By LITHE! ARDFAKR Mate News Lnah Writer Acrording to inride spy reports from Lushwvll men in Student Government, the politic tans have LOOKING FOR DeHLDRiFRSOD: on. mooo'i thouoht pon Ttto o»*i Early to bed and Saturday morning Lush** from • » • 1 across r ave-t at the country f.'t lbs annual Shovel Bowl t'la.«* will .an** London Field been worrying a I week. Uooh leaders Ihin Kisdrl Chuck Herbert tried and several ma¬ SOMETHING — . .—ii-i:.-.. early to rise is .... an excellent way to avoid people. -.Hinrrnj\M i mil iMiiiiinrjjaiata...^. t a parity cr«»wd» are expected neuver* *o gsin an early lead over f r th* trtg gam* and temporary th* Lushes but they- were rui*d coach, athletic director, star cad out of order by Burn* according TO'SPARK'YOUR and «»t*rboy Ben Burns said in to Lushwcll version of parlia¬ an exclusive interview at t*m- mentary .procedure. : LoshweU Headquarter*. Herbert in a desperation g»»- rxry J! iKw.ald'x Drive-ln, "w,» rtard ture even tried to insist that the LOCAL AOVERTISIIfi s good chance of winning th.* lioob- get to furnish one of the ;r*r " »*f*. The Lushes didn't consider Dear Dr. Fraad: Don't you agrae that every collage »V# have bought apms ref*i**s this proposal sensible enough to man haa th* right. In tact, the duty, to ttand up and ( and t}»e NCAA hasn't been waU-h- consider. and INCREASE SALES? speak out tar Dm things he believes in? Tomorrow • r our recnutiag procedure and So for the student* who would I am Dak* atraight to the college president and *' art several definite praspweta like to sec their government in tall hktt, painty bul firmly, what it wrong hera- •r -.be LuahwaU All-Aawrican action can .come out to Landon Drar Or. Frtrd: What should I look for first whsn I svsrd «. Field Saturday morning and find the Intorlor toacMng. tha second-rate accommoda- look for'- mlr? V -ceding lo ether high sUnd- out why constructive legislation \ ttoua, tha bad tood. My friends think I am wrong to irg LuphweU oActalt the reason Searching never gets passed. do thie. What do yau trunk? V- '-easporary headquarters i* at According to Lush veterans it MAR KARCHINC: H-r husbsnd. Determined aid's U because vary tmm it interesting to watch govern¬ FOR BORE EFFECTIVE ADS, USE i I applaud your spirit young «f the new regime are tl. ment officials throw off filibueUr- . \ K*k Lush has been formed ing tactics for one hour and get •si t* ready ha stags a demon* organised enough to play a foot¬ 0—r Dr. Froad: Our son has b—n In collrf* thrar i-ri . -vj if the Stupid Coot*. p<»p- ball game. STAMPSdMHNARFS TOF-FUCHT months, and we haven ! heard a word Irom him. - - utli of Student Covern- When faring a well groomed Not avert e post card. I don't want him to think I am TRCMT-rrnBEW Srv -.-CJ : ?hcuid by soma freak ac- athletic machine like Lush well it too demanding or overprotadiva. but frankly I am "»t get ahead. is said to be extremely ludicrous. HEWSFAFEI ABVERTtSMI SERVNSE < worried, What should I do? Hurried Mother mar worried : Why worry attar ealy thraa m WELCOME la caDage? He's still lasralm haw te write. A.%* n» wUIm J-k > rttolhr <-■. 4wa'l iknn kuln -at Ik* r Dr. Fmad: I am puzzled by the Lucky Strike. Ma-tar." H tauta IM I- Mm M-mIUm mImum * Ihta —r. "Remember how great cigarette! used to BACK Mm H4 mm —k- mi Um ,i», atap. tark u4 mi taeto? Luckiae allU do." I've loan sitting ham tar baum. thhddag. thinking, thinking, but tor tha lift Ik* —laitr —frtkut'i ik I—! Ttal'i why prim -ta— Ot Rto I cant mmambar. What ahouid I de ahetR l U ctfrcttvr -illllM MtltaP" I*! CHADS Bum roRorrruL: i aug- Far getjot Boar Dr. Fmad: I am aktloat Dap. MBiiaadi. It take |Hi n gmtya-laaN back. mtai. handsome, tamwd, mutdad, a good alhtato. Dat I aad D*RaR*URky Strike. can't gatataagwithertabacpua-laaRMuarthink tEvWalli ot anything to aay. What da you auggntf Bus Sine , -aa M- «pa<* Km. frato IK. Unit Honors a "v«ANt Axat* »>f I-.' VUM.KH wts IV U't . *iM p*'!»i-.»»iN iiutpAkf IM \vStnl ti Hi.lilh*. ah'tV Maa{ rtf lf'1'.c iHtfi! and African iff- lur platfurm uf Ki« Inll durinf a wKi.ll.-.lop l.ur »( Mrklttn. rotc Men ,\t if* hhU »4J»v»»va IVIIm Odrf *«*fu* V. limy nffS.fi'fH Ihvvr has* boon ArtoaM -Air BeHatjr awar.W) Hkl M.. ef IK. HI' .pUll.lW '■ TV* Wft. Wt» Kit. M.'t A AViS'.L* In A-X '.»*•» i.*:' S V4 » # ahuo *\Mu«ss m-1 »»«r > Mil* cirl aftar >triki*( * bluo and gold ibmMir eWU u> kkilb I'Oan rallraad .iyn.l p«l. tnj IK. «• IT Air Fwn ROTO «aJ(t plodfr* N v.-'kr.: bkm. i'a:u(K* fw r«;vni c? wSat towo -.1 J-','«»!» Iv»t iflv Html* ,v«". SvsOfc AfrwaS "S\*n- •CVUNSM l*» ■»!«:%• ifO-fW-! * I fcwv Svnnlt Aft k a a v^p./h4. vh ui.,1 HlMll. Kit * >1*1. truopar. wK« Wrama uambara ,Wadna*.is. V rat U» a.• A W lf-v ,;'aw .U'VfcC «•!' a ik? aVut |\ »».*b\sii Tbroo mU- ! tiHW Knflo, * TV r.n.r*M* night* TVs n * »«• • •<* s»f .r.Ai'ital trwKV ivvu*-t .v N'>".< Ji«»i« U» fur WIIXTV. Jnk«'». mM •»- • aV feapiv V,» !'.»»» *•«• attir*. t»' ♦'.-.'MAA «C\»'A' •h'v-h a's a* iNp B. TtsBUWM K 'WVN •' f/t HO" v V..MN.T I" »V *i .»<• Utvp >>s tS'N {\x tsv-J t-UdisI an4 1 lay IK. platfarai »K.r» IK. *a- otw^ A. fwai. Awrtor of lr%.v. v*,li to.1 ■ \-.nJ V-.H"-'* ,*r nhxak'-'i .»» .•-< tS* ntAt.ilT tSa'tn A* a: •. TV cc*k»!*v.« i*a"!utf«> putdtran prundantial randidata •Rir traintefi M. Kngvhrtt AK SSV IKLat k'dkT tN* .xH >>! .»u! w apaaking. m, dtraclar af adtMathni *,. • Of thf »*.i«l K'AUtifu! INNL j w-n' :»'vvr\k-p.« tbr c\»N-» n a'-v fJiiiv iKr iciif |*tv •' tbi.A .'xUllHl* TVs brt.-na j Nlaun fa». a. .I«a af autW-lof tan, dirartar al aducatkm *1,4 •-••• -v.: • * H-l i te»,v»a: »Sa»-tc ihi a'lh ft »»k*itbar t*» Ac whites >■," tv» Vh» j IK. larM.nl Itowfta* U. Manr^ Raaic-pn N. arrMl. war. ma.la, Cray grant (wrttMtor. h:A» " I'.' vnck-! :Sv iip.uu'C. % »«!*•' ■ - V- ■, , ' • Ha-.'iu t'c.t aiff to# pivu ' '•.* w ** •' A— :• •» •- vie a"it> act al* UK' ««*>.:•({ JkK'iSN* Ob hand far Un frtaawtatU 1 » "•* in! »•? i-va.'s*1 roiati^n* oat-1 Mid. a-' * N *» It* Ml* s ha A \ hr ki.acovof JT »•? Ih>s t friday'a InrMMt »»■ IK. Mr- vara Cat TWaai J. H.rmi »f» n'v^.a * aKt* aApswrora ftv»a* ? .ad laautring IK* praaidanllal fAA, Majwr Barmard J. It*.*, MISS KkTHKK HALL Ikia taar h aaaaw wHkka Ralkar ara, knek ran: randldllM In IK. put naak. asst. director of •duration. Vfr S-.v • Raj Js-wa a"Av.-AN,i v t^r ..is* t-.»r S*;v» »t*" »a«' •!«»•*at v a.; »»4 ■ (>/// Oil* VatVj'al ! 1 1 *2f? tha Kivcic act ontlasBod N avi'i ' * I'alll I'ulrm.a. I'ilt.harf, l"a. ~'pK(>- Jill Marklav, Iliana lUrdnar, Mian C*l*- man and Nanav Oaaanaiak; fnat mnr. Nlloa'n IHiautratK- .ppun.nl, Cap*. iVultl IL McCluro, a.lvi», Sanat.r Juha K Kannady, *ul • for AAA. miirr, hark ru» third (mm lafl. Shu. an. ►mi a » 'a* v. - j-.»t fc.vj a^U'.ltW* tiS.lt and. hi a* k Tbfs did 'Wt j Sua t'nnnatl. Sua)* A damn, Pann v Waa- v >%VVI ~"v '•>*'. V-'-.s: t.4 fN»iu»«»»t |A# a-i !A\' TV'S ; | What l)i(l tvi.jch tbr iMviisI lM »' i 111 |N»9^S« t»r lh« tb« flvb'MiiOft 'i an rlrmrnlari rdmalh* m*h'r and IKrl la IVIla IKrlla. IMhrr* w»i«< aa Kuu.. «rr and KU Cami an.. Hf \ -* •*.'a was fsleodai t.* ls>cU*fn at! aa«* 4 t^ a^tvjMrr Sx-. 'N A?T',-a-> a *vit »•>- | 1 Yon Say? ftlMMkOa .>? '.aw wa« «»<«».* bite*. In furt.Vr BtrotigthoiMhi !t tb« ALL THE FAMILY ■■ — a a' new pp-riahiv* or in- i».4t a ■•'»« Irs is* a ?Ui tiu» | NTW \vAR\ .** A v* hp*- doc*nt acta arrvaa tf»» oois»r Iisml baa TV* •nES'Wvi pauKaJiy ul a*«an »*a'a -n p' Sa* «W»ar Uknl KwAard M N'Xvmt UJ IS WELCOME AT N»«-' n rsxioii «tvt *• K- T>uradU* "l asn last a valura* »j jk> a*1*" 1 vr/sat * ft al'a. can Savi tv rv • •» a a *>.*.»- rwa • a , JN^'.VV .AM * ' ToinuttN's On a tipni v MS t*tw uk'O ■ L.P » fa* For Dirk !•*•«»• >•' Ku, . lu.liWa.t- town <" "» w-ld .\i« a-.'.«va' WdktW f\»k*r«»*c-t Wt v*. h# 4ws«wh Pi; • »» i 4 t* i* 1 piut t1** RarTfhl at Vko !*r*«iJ«ftk U- ,'»r *,MOT o? WfTdM OfNKkOk'vtlKI V-Tk tv ,v» -I.'f* tir *.U S^ltK* ' ^fca.t KU. 1 ... nana* Ml M. ^ " % h» fxsMf tarowgH a turging \-rvw\l ri\K POOD AND A COXTWCTKXT 1st • • v-* Krsiri'.Nn , AorsvsV *•>.' 1 * A iS*i 1* tho i # wp-.iU»4v*Ja l> a rw'fy t*s tho "IT «WrvW. tXat On-* **» »! rwhv."t .'X ft* Wtrs'Uk'^ AUU CirathJ K»P>I t pic .sp *u»*vff* CAP ILJ fcc.-c, V»cW f-'fl i»x tbo T»»dL» ( 1 •\V V i»;vr N* •1 sV hist I ttahcc I'TU.'Tt Nix-^i jtvian »or tot' I V«d.t •a'.fo to to. M ito was 2, • jovMsvr or BomcowNG. cacaat rw.-Ktoi-MB.-ka HA W t* A U-i to ;NSV • — • «vat, vvs# o Kxn a"..» *;».',*ttorvcl »;»*A!!O.YSI X .-•* *•* .v car a-sJ a»%*;i!ior f*'| tV y4 iVrssdol MjlsU KitoaCn® A^AV. »a ftsf » — w-s .t'-ti li4 against af a: tba car avl aa>*tbor to'i ; 'As s>o rwo ft t!to itsMl | lato tt. ac«" st t>» *.y *v'( »TA *1 ttoJvr .* pss£ito.*al Lfv,' U«vt ivtrr, a Crarwi RapUi* NO RESERVATIONS h* vV . vh*•«fwrw^orif Sl?*-■ *>.* * f'Vf V#or WW nv • toluvwan who iu ruo,"'-o< tmt ES)VVM. skA-vT -W Vtsi XtPf to ' A* tbo ri ... v, . , , u.J , «(•»- na.-"i« V m w fj danlk ,-»<«>.. MiJ Iu . v.. - ..-.a ui ' »•'- ,tn\k 1 »rvcl tv^ lV "!Nr« Pbvi Hfrw^s«p todihg in a trvci #/ to- w• 1 sv xn,. *M.-Vrs * * • tot en vec wartss-sjiwft? t»v:t- : WAWdW iBVKt-nS ' IM w to Wrv • v.cv ^.v«fi s\'*., ^ X?vot of tNw Mioo car. Oac •.«» CS-UL'.^- Pagoda Restaurant Aia»#o? ,. BUM* TW n *mr l«» E. MICHIGAN - LANSING t !??«.> .if V 1 TV ».-.<• i BMkSi. doc m VA * . C C. tSkV »w«6ua» 'co w LA Ml pra..| w Pac '\o OORO-N ev Trot it. Makes your haircut fit your head! tv s-isn NrAsinuAr.cr* jvJ wrv.'u tV Papers Say ■ v*s rt.-ua | t-j .. .M torarwnl Vr Hn.1 . is* to'.ovbod >«••■•>• ,.W(r MU aaaatma a ^ cftJ43w v ^ ^ |tw A trtor.v.k .N-.I .a VSS anotval • !Ws>Vf Ms» t»d M >»* «« lAf poor h»t td-r«fK M kafv Suoi* Cd*. Thi) BOW. MKfMD Vd RTOHSS fW*. wakoe >«v hotvl M ywr I. S. linage »ia.t'.a Tl-.» tuJ J».a •m .> ..r. v m. a 434 aavVaai M .._^irro it H < t , ecot xnt* a tV ho-jd. LP*?» Mm WAI. #V Vp» coVLhaw r?«rf »co> wo >a «-3> Sh.- |tw» »u 4-i IV V- jj a, Ittoi 2 kkoVl (M a to* W^ «o* - aj and v-*. «Uy C ■ Blurring te*. * "-**'* S.aunt ktai^arasto ntal n* . m. Taay tovVni w* iXy anna and na dau :i ... SHORT CUT STUDENTS *S •* H.XUM, "-IX -1-uV.i |o mum Sy lalacv:.- NTW TP Ml »t_ r%u ».«»- ' VrV,., ttwui _ »lA f-.j ,.rv n-UOK. .JMT WM. f.r P**c- m* a V *1 taiortoaava teat^ ^a aw-na Oc* lu-x-N v\i r*s-*f«*i gat» HAI8 OROOM i V V to T O V adfvw-y •-•»** aVwwv - S f rwd~ »v. ftcn Co crow tygo ta Mr--*-* awd FYaJHW fio» ' • - " ' .maniJi'-m. * ■. . . .... — ........ *.V *2 rs.*.»- .83 *• t* »> 1 Ftorw JK*A v*r Tbo Now > ..sri T '"w aad tS» to aaJua* jw f Ml . o. wJ IV I'j"**.* 'a TN , * JJ s cvi; Xx'.'if.s. fV T'a?oi», w>; .1 VitS k-tol t.Nd Bring in your family S*tt» s« u \Nr T-nos sAowod K"*»- Ojb a TV acwsws* ioa do* tvoit '•jwi !?«•-«*• and friends Saturday • * to see our large dis¬ play of MJS.U. souve- nirs including: dL aa anew*". T Blankets TSo T'w* Wwd •* a.% u* W — I m. — MOlUt MITFLEXS EXHAUST AND tailpipes shock ahkhmm STBXNGS - AIBURS ALL GUARANTEED INSTALLATION 3 LOCATIONS | KITTLES CLINICS ■a. 3-4114 S. CBai . •9 bLf.JM9l.fiia la. 2-129 W. MIA