" ■ r * " '4 # * N> T.'r r . m i'iw'* CM IHnrirji Shaw fiilrhrUI ThrU Chi Scr*inn MSI. Fur 51 Ymrn (Juoeii drowned VOM MI; NO. K;I CAST I.ANSINi;, MK IIKi'AN, MO\l>\\, IMTOIlKIl .11, llllin pun i,ci:nis Students View "1 Bacchanalia '•Half of California Team Itv t il \IM ui t l l»\l ION Bclravcri • »-'t'l>f'activities Stale New* Stall Writer arc over tor another vent nnd i Dies in Hauling Plane By (lustiuK !l,f ' 'id n main* of its aiqw-iuumc arc a few display* ami v\. mory. } 'rof.Klm. - r 'Dili rxirt-rt ■ SuihUii ty.iimnri! t1 u.uyh.r-iatiii. this year* Ilonimuntnjf rally was wit- . • , u .-/Mi" HKcU-r uf *lu IM'lumn Sa\s i iwi.icil uii-. k. "1 .i iilii.i.i uhirli »iii .i fUminir .Iruli. lr«|. ••>!- nriii1. hull Hi* 3ft tnrmlirr. «f .. Cillo" fimthai! 1 storing r m inw fraj, *,»riMt cf t nilR> 1 he ry»Uk'!a«- hall* ami men'.* t> i i Irani. f tiik-itAt lKrvu,)t l. i- ,|,ii,,. hull-, iiI'll- iii.tiji.i t>\ iiim \flrr lour Tim chsi't-i <- i t vlft-engn <• iv»l •" ». fl t.'» r»l',v nt'dinul,,,,, w«» |,u,u „( mjft t,f t»,I-.t, uririimltty, i im 11 ,. , (IT l(r|>llltlir Drat!: of I C4»l I |*utvJ«- •• <«hn f "i tin- ( 11 ley fstote tearo oi eenU»\tnMinl mi ral BJlfl/HIIlVir ftlul C«JU|HtC! i»k no\ i m» imi ii i « i ||l-H>j*Mj :l IV Sl*U?,Il \ 1*1*1 • . ,t 'H-cho UV\rt'SttKKI.-iM - tb# co-captains cf th» Wi-.hci, H.'ir announced ii.-i Ihd 1 im>I(will KTiHU-. Male M »» * M Former I'iiUan »e\uiuln>iv ;fl >x n». i Footballers ! .,-v1 , i'lit Vo < h t Ifl Till WIN MM. .topi*** »• ■ j- *tirtji m two an t : .11,1 Or ni\ Icaxli rx now that) ; Mourned Tlttll , pi *ny ♦fill f.a'l.t.--, -off:..; <>■.' ■ * only t\»i» wen* pn-cuU Delta T«u Delia, second plwee. t'uslro h:t* iH'truM'i! theni.l i'i-i . f of th»- 4'i oiu- .■ - hen uuiwo « arrived ! *t;tl wftj crowned with .Sigma Alpha Kpsilon, third. -or nritie*; Chi (hn»|i, hint - Alpha tor. told u Irving VfUittii. I'hicapo nli-j CAI.tr, i.Tv; '' « ?•> to-rctltv. Un-tn- t'anipti-x uudiemc! SAN Ll IS oltivpn f. I'VIOI . Oli'M iwt I*', mxhiu:; Kappa K.tppn l'uI v - ril.'x |/1*» -A stunned nw V»hu!> » X unct v lot- Gatmtta, thtrj. Thur»dn> uitrht r!i;.r linic l'oll»t;i- u»'»u! nod fm ;inl » V Hill %I*U b«*ll Wtimoi's trsiiiU*to« hall* tiii "\V»> thiHIItht h«* Welllril honrAt ' if; < r,f ■ .. •Ohio Senior, IKS list guvcmnwni, li»hd refcim, health; • li t. ('ampVrl! 'rr iiLme other t.Tiiijaii'1 vH'.l; AHK'tf, thiol; men's tout and e«iuiaticn program-, and fm ' crj'.'n, Sdi III! ' Sll-I- pnii(Wrty and do two halls, Wort Shaw, flr*t; eUvtmn*. \\> wr»c x*ifi.^," fm t-iur scnoui • 1 Oi Biggi* Mutm day I" • plfirw Jur turn- Pacific line plane Ituttcrftcld, second; East Shaw, | t»er I sMiii cabinet mini.iirrM tul-l ! it. i-»t, ■i..!!t to tiif Mft*«*mbUM »*;• TU'*l KrUlnv traddtrmully \ jti,. ^*eun a re'urn fitgn"* ,, i Dunnherty introduced third. I'llaum durutv; hi* sm inol.th tour juit-fomplvlel of tli# itUand j fest f v. homoeomwwj ;,;j 11omrevnttotf «] u « * tt, Mar y • ti**l':*»lLlsin. JYWUlIwi* Ih llov, her rtM.tl »t>i| th« 'r Kxrali- repubih'. "• prmorisl wrvit-i- of the : tn «!', lfl bar ptrtxj t * mt*t ut the tJoiim at I'rlauiit, bx-ginntng «» week a« j r'"1 »" '■mH were on I'titnt t» neon A'lH-iHHO I uiX i i- HH Kl« Jd Muff ; I with. !Ii# colli-;' " in n'xt'ioi iM*r Sainulisy w hei r they f.»rtc*«.l ■ a tot tot. »«:r u» the ataiciiuin Mnti- vmtt«>r u» MSI , HiUitcrned an j I Sill* i .»» Mil* <•-.1 'I •< fuefl * . ■' |H>li»ural by the ) n' Tolmlo E«|»r» A off * tn*' trf*." sa t *IIVUKt»\ SHI y n. w.v'hl* International Relations club. Hel¬ took 22 hve« Tw«ntx ■ ix M.oro nation rt»rt»agva tit.I with rihhcna j- S(jl 4Ui » lia.itcn. an assistant •- 'naUmi twnlrr dirvv an ta l'lu Kp*ilwi. and Al Sti. snutrhinir the sthottl rolora cf the Wen* snjoiod -www rritieaUy., rr*t»«Hise with her thy Ten univoraJty tucH reprv- "t I HA II NOB' controlled by Sunday th" mmsi wax deep! .... a„.„ ( u>! the plane started Jinr.irn . tr\nn man) of the atu- •rnw-l. j a siiiall clique who represent im B, i,-Vina Sumlir. ciiiiri-hsort. hl.D nj' ax it fjared dawn woro wthotwiso uium- Sntclimo in . . * > - r: «ph tee > proceeilinj:*. Itch I herhart »»«! his crvhestra prcvidut U;e nnwic for "Shade* of mAitiingV nrtivities Sunset." the Honiwcmitif iinnre deep-seated movement* or tdea* in t'ul.an life, and arc dragKmc their ncx* police state into the Con^o - 'i . prayrrs frnrn pulpi'ji f.ith.r., hil,li.ni' M:inv pnutrbr, rushoil pl»M Inn ' |t , rut)A.,y rul mtvipm ,n.l Mim» jo <■- CO fwt," uiil l*r i trumptrr l^sui* Nalrhmo Armstrong.' watcs l»uck In the Congolese •. in- Ii, I.I l.il^r ,11 ti„- *•«* tro'.a takeover, were the m«»*t Hialtav, SI. CaUtornu IV»:> IMKKMISSUIN mt hiKh- who greeted him on his arrival in l.errs stood l»e,*idr | that "it must be heard to be be¬ Afitnr itvi. Offev said ilje gener¬ /i . Trustees Sukniil Appropriation lieved." most Cubans lllaum met the airport control to*f-r *•'.7V. .v. WllX. .O-ViM ,h, .M »t« wivmbcry cf the al fmbng there resembled the said he cm Id not see the flame* iul M. N.*on believes c*>urt ivpitM-nUr.* the whool wne j this year were more friendly, hour* after a mining disaster. 440 van' away. \\eapor.s "wiwiUl utevit-: annouiu-tnl, t> o }l*c was dipjw*! j more anxious t«» help, and more Students, fnvnda und ridativ«.> Tim blare swept through the t ■ doyen'* in *cn- , tu the rx pi i-st niativa and she tuck j concerned about his impressions • w.ih RiUA.a, the New. her place Iwaide it. Mary lletlet j than an his phe-Castro visits to The university Board of Trus- now has 008 students and nextdoctorate* before the end. of of players on the ill-fa'd plane, ao-foot front je»rUon wdxere toes Friday asked the atoto leg- were like mining families afteri : r.i*"s rc;s>r*A>I Sunday. | wat crown«4 by la*t ywir's A^TI-U.S. year expert* 1,400. To accommo- JI he acaiiemie ye nr. Student* n^st ,-,f be ptr cent salary i printe tbexi* fee based on the per- T .<» D.-.rn of TVily, I)r ■X'- -*ki-x2 abd-lv ut an en- *R,J member* of her court. adjuslmoiit. MSI t) is asking for fw« ri-ar section. Most of the First, Castro and bis follower* * KXt %UBl K. senH>r mrn * hon- J year. i-mUie** of work completed pi lor Cl'-'de K .who. did much of the fiurviv«r« were in the rear ! are pictured *« the ftrst Latin The appropriation request, $94.00(1 for rcw b M>k« for the , to the start of w inter .-term. The j teletshontnx ov. r the state and ,««. t„ mm.«J- *r*r;. "rl-t»r ««>>-» in . American* with enough courage which will go to the state budget WM-to-be-tomfdcUHt library, a; fee will be collected in install urn notifying next of kin. K-ngst/m said the cause of the ! tragedy could not to stand up to I'nrls Saui, to defy director for study and to the gift frnpt the Krosge foundation.; menu. be deter- 'Kin. The new niembera are: Kill ^ . Keynohfs, «•! T.'oM "V" * "Z" f f.AA T"' "d aingia nua-, The eld slang term •fringe* operational eeets of MSU-O, co¬ proved a recomrrendation from (the building on S. Harrison, leased j nuians from Washington fjfl- Rm-r, OhiorTb^ck CiojB, .' ' or a ,. a y jervtee. . Kast lair.ain^, and Tom Wilson, which Pftaum said is roughly operative extension service, agri-1.the Counril of Deans to set" e to federal agenrie#, the Manly ^ \ ... , *|iahed sifting the wTechage. V.o« ^asideiU« vwwi rqusl to •greaser,'* is now roro- cultural experimr-nt station and spveial ,di-*ertation f"e c>f $300« Milco building. Miles was the first! '"1Jr ' • ^.Lapeer. " I. , . ., , '• .»L.,., t wvre in answer; Karmhoture fraternity was j*re- morly used in print to refer to |h* East Lansing campus. - j graduate students. The fee will *rn ntiil< profcasor of agriculture i v "."L' u'T f ar> *»• • a suknAksi by the ,„ilrj H;tij two achvUrship- true Americans. •tav iWK aavisnna BBEAKDOB N v ' of* co-t* t« lt* Tor tha thetii resvarrh ] In the nation, j h# gripped the back ot i e.udr \|\Q|| Il|f||f«|||f*f I ■i**n ..per, N.xwx'i detuoora'-r phn-s durir.e uttemiwwr Tl»e THE IA NAVAL BASE at # n xfoi* fwinytiru'. nniram ,„tulrrA ptogram roquircd tlkr for t>1„ the dot - In other Jirtif)r,t UoRr(, ap- i; and action, the Board -1 f,*ed:y o' the floor. 11 * i'-a'ai oppeoent, Se*% John fir*t tix-phj, spcm..»rtd by Sigrma Guantaname Bay, which Pftaum MSL-O. It.420.900; cooperative to torate Whkh shall be 1 in addition'proved . proposal to require all ' •' 1 t'" admm Mratkm1 MOSCOW. (4*—The Soviet ? k- wjio ak*o #tva«j Alpha Mu. was ysvt-n U Katrn- *aid t«. immensely valuable as a anjriequi'vd course fee*. , m .» riudrnt* to wake A $50 de-1 470-student cam-| Preys Sunday heeped ridicule extension. gt,2Kl>.40a; and agrieui The fee. rt-i-.eduie will: porit a# h. prequiaits tor has aof j house for havicir the pUl<|^e eh propaganda gimmick, is a con¬ turai experiment, $1,777.72'.' tieckuue new effective admb-jl>u-- "•vas calm and quiet. The on Vice 1're.sideit Nixon's carr.- w >---"w er*. th# Time* mtH With the burhe*t average, 2JW. stant subject for the Cuban press, The largest increase in the re¬ for all doc total winter rtudcry.i term Ni(»j«er t military «• • The second trophy t* sp^iaaied radio and TV. quest is fee th«e esmpne ex-j will be made within a specified i bright in contrast with tho ©car- j munist countries * of Eastern W. Baldwin, aaid by Alpha Gamma Kho and was Second, U.S. problems ia race tSS. The uaiveraity eigetf en- cept tandkiaUs who will corn- j period after the student is notified by worn, dry and mostly austorei Europe If he is fumed prw.- relations and isislsnf of racial pUrte their work end receive of admittance. I coastal hills. for undergraduate can a accommodate for the large sn- jorpartaf ttaCuhaa State Ness Staff Writer .7 ' S«n«ti and the Otf* rsttmest increase. Dm aaissssity No problems were solved at the Graduate Center; Osborne Parker, ML" hf said. suidenu," said May. ^ -* >u4 be is asking for appfepriutieas w A Men a in via ion of ., ®OME STUDENTS asked to Mati'. niviabm a# A fpot hridgs waa requested to Tko com plot# Blork "S- pro- ^ALSocbe THE k». cover salaries for 701 pew faculty joint, twe haur meeting of the Student .# g,* . Advisor, . Ante t «... r,. idiscontinue Affairs, JtiM Abe* ^**1 which include* making beds once . A the maid service, he built closer to ths derm. May pa woo ooob by tko TV oodi- of turning ever deads to new a«ak'rt, 105 gradupto assistants resident# ef the Owen Graduate * said that would have to wait till m, lofortii. Bill Kroro. joaior peasant owners are arranged as pnd lit .i>4 technic*! in dminiatrative tms, .Herident administrative sierioent A*#i*tant Owen ;.n A*si«iani uwtn ■„ week wrck ami and rjunt/i« durtipg flat surface*, we have a quarter million dollar* clerical , Magaldne' eliH m pmMnt. TockokaJ pubiicitr circus**. PSaam said tuporti of tko rord wctioa woro less than one per cent of the ex .H-uted by the students without Cuban people have been given TNIB LN'IVERHITY I* also ask-1 to l#ard at Ktva L ?-{ Thursday night. Graduate Center; Thome* Dutch, -and »o rcdftcing the monthly rate*.' This second ineetiiig was called Director of Jiousing and Or. | what the Owen mi- Thomas Eteer, Safety dept. Suggestions wrre made to have partial refund* on th# rent charge, for such a project. OTIII.'R about the parking lot being across COMPLAINTS writ Wanned a I'.ate. Even thoojtH the stunt* were presented without narration, land so far. kg tor salary adjustment* of ap- darts termed poor facilities, jni.v- Fourth, the rommunising of proximateljr 10 per cent for pres¬ representation and their desire Daniels stated that the $'K) a ities were still incomplete. Cuba ii being described as the ent faculty member*. The appro¬ to break their bousing contracts. month la "an economic burden," Ql EMTION presented by while some of too housing facil¬ the street ratber than near Owen, the use of washers with opto X- vieweri reported that ail were May said that aay change In rather than n.M, Frvi.7 recogtucabie. reported Steve Hale, victory of a strictly Cuban na¬ priation asked for salary adjust¬ I'KEPABED Q( ESTIONS were and that amount is too much to policy could not be made during - mm |ul(| „ u. briak tionalist movement, led by a great ments, new staff salaries and re¬ presented by Fred DanicD, then pay for incomplete facilities. the meeting but should be ban¬ co-chairman. quate light bulbs. •■« rukluh • lituvT This yaar the block was work¬ nationalist hero. tirement and social security totals questions were received from the Many desired to break their died by a special committee, Bike rack* requested are al¬ ' ing on a syetem based on the •Cuba has to tarn to the So¬ n,7$sm audience. lll'l ALSO SAID that rent re¬ j housing contract*, saying, "We ready on order, outside lighting ««mxi« «in n«ui. UCLA eanf section. This fbethod viet Union for help, because it Other Increases in the budget Members of the administrative j entered the contract in good fuith duction duetion could could not not he he mademade under under will ho installed and the mail *mw» by ucinnMy .tu- ha* proved itaelf and wfllbe is the only power with the nerve, are for supplies and cervices,; board wen- Phillip J. May, Vice; bared on the brochure (on Owen I" the present system of service bo- ■ box will h« centrally located, S,y^ „ w,.. used in iho fiiture. * desire, ami strength to save the , equipment sunt additional labor in -president of Bosin**«' *».-•! Finance and the picture of the room which «■<•< frrra ta« art . ^ inner* of competition for.-the Cuban revolution from the Amer- • research and Inylrqc'io^rd uo- Tr«»?ury; Emery G. Foster, Man- appeared to be larger than it I*." it.- tffwima) obligation on the cnust^he university has to meet I'omplainto were made that . some of toe room? are allU with- *Kifh two-foot trophies will be an¬ iran government, which can only < partmepv agcr trf Dormitory and f ood hcrir-j May 3A8U-0 is asking for $$90,4M. Ices; Dr. Richard feyerrum. Ax- state* the room size to be 20 feet ject. quoted the brochure which $3,2bo,000 borrowed for the pro- out heat. May said that this will nounced later this week. Pictures see a threat to private property ; he corrected and that extra blan¬ »«aaU. for Hk to of this week's performance will j Cuban progress, " Pftaum said, additional income for the next} sixtant Provost; Lyle Thorburn, by 30 feet. "The only available •If enough people grant to break kets will be given ta people te U displayed ia tho Hoieo. iMpI IBmM year. The Oakland compel IM—ht I—ideace Halls. 'picture waa tho artist coemption, M»ir ; bousing csaliMU the dona those rooms, MONDAY. OCTOBER 31. N, ,M I 0 H 1 C A X -S T A T K X E * S "Faster, Dammit! nmons JgSiJ ions Fr.<*o**\ the wvrkl Cat? wf vr>-Hct this year's outecm* by Have Usued a ehs'.- !»«: vriir'-" the nvermf*.. 2,*W0 pint* s'udvnt btxty and v.yrv etch Ye!, kr- * :"C that the vjihMa & rr mv—it rave them Ratisfac- '• Arts" drive in jbcicrcr, in a T>ev %ere «v*p.nathet-ie with the "un- •said Campus Classifieds Your Key to Better Values °phc^. i SW!0* CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS DEADLINE: SKK> S-w. T»*W»t for TYwofcr (ujw Kill* pa»»hlr .-12 md 1-5 Mo^diT lhne B.JC--* ID t-cs» stvoent>' tovt# «s x> vim strt*:. f-v pitr>?r p*.-<;r2 »fs »f->t frcim n*local ft--.j ;■<* r.mh'th : door < o v- jjfr »* trwaU tn*-- rjKli- Leatyr roa tke rtstsr m <*.»•• awd eoatftQea, • ISA ** * A C n* Kui Swaa**tr Dm S- A.-**rtn»#ni * TN {•roua. H»eb? otbt r* ptmw the bui li, IakI K2LUU.1 Msn* K «"*.•*• 3" L.V :v hoi re tIE 3D''t#t} ,2 rteuf* *<••'■ K—w fttyc- #tsj (Mt*r bw> * 4 Sfl*f # 30 » ttt *T A ?*•#: ' piaymzirtj? l.otters to the Editor . % ... i*rr. PO.J» " > a# ch**ur.sr a# real estate ro rw'» p*;x?r i.a caw*, Arrtvncv yecfirssBOR- ;-'r . EN KFiiKKI* TO ■> * '• ' pvr>hsr! f " ch*«t- T..-. •. to '.lectio the c^mci I r.t%xf State# U^tuay Academy Communist Sjteakers Dangerous w* gbactoc< ranch an' *r*tir.* 14 tl. «n«M*r b f'TTil aVOLTta fMOOR. lair.i'- «.* bw^-emJ-v «fw^ Mt; litre'Mhe-i «o a-.ir-r p---c> of a':', axkufc'-naiiv. f->- tiw ««<« •-ti'-t :hls r«>oie3B «*rter*l years-aro. and ?• the £4:i-.«r cfomw .Nad an mterrst lb ptMii:- r,r v s:-oent* *vre e.vpeiied from On October J'- t» mr.x:^4 i-a. aftaurs. * ' Th-i* ttl* to be the beet meisure.. «r..-ri« *u pnatm .•* v-.« Sun ha vi two cars - mcst m»j »-<" Bdort iabeiin# ar--A.-r«r.c*r MCA 8wc»:.- »c-» »>f.. :r!T1"r'- ? dkMroftrtratHiB* Comroua^at, itirJs f'jfs'l*" »a:A v-l 1 >.» fy-rv-yc'.^ rotf* cms':-"' id a»c. lota or am wawi :>a tr* ruw • „• -r hiv, wra« ifjfrr'. »«=- CK «•" *'•.• Uc» have *o jr.aae such t 3 ■»+:* A.v« 'fi't I f r " '* «■ " a# n of ubi# by «ay d t eiamaur tetrr- iii demMuuraUor.a are not conj- employment L<%e2 lb !«>•:. i< * * U«l ptmnw at enee - , . . , bosial b»"'r cc .-j tomoui Brruiwt -.r.-k -.•?,» »»*» tsr» Uua«»m»ecnr. Krnoedr and NL*an easpdasif* vr.% wavttd cwutvnm rr>.<-^ •.%,•.-vj Die riiitr mi dm reap aaA w . Tv ♦Ji.- rv—t>m.v -V » rnmrr ,i». oYftr^l t» "»' mt»Uia*fit rf faiw entoarwr-* c?-..:- aAwaU aUt - tf r>rci*>» . . a a rr r.* i • ^ ^ ii, » »»^v, uie uMtiriduaJ la M t?. ,. ifv ram'*-! — oan-ur-o sat try ofttnotod, w-.'l (AaOtec b* e.^iod frr 5t* cf tre VS When we •>* «med-.-*r«rA wj» • c?wvo oiT.ms.1 b«t DV*1 < *iy.xi.-- be oe mvrt.j t *a-t *o*_a' lot*. far «e»iaw.aannt Tfe Reoa Datnba- vr si.-.\#tac?ia.:y curtailed. 4-r-srxls eouli t* icv.tei beri , ^ r>hfsrr marnteva disarmament. J Dope ce-.tnrr o! Wcivd«T «rj »K-«tciv : cr- . *,*e ♦ r- h.n!d Twwcjjt t» am. w.l iLtcnei A*»- rrr-llnc boiurvard a» tbe canCiort Predicts New Riot r:>. > . . . xr« *V- ar.. where T e recec: carr.puy appeararsce yhe 5: •w i- vf fxrmi ocotat. lyx-.i.„«; w..rk- two mociti rtUKtsiirD a* Confervnt't perhape i is ts.-y Firty prryj-senuai cand.daie, fyp-t T* npKro-ia*, GJ« beat ixhtt • s.*lvt* char si m* * r crea;.«d e-'cre cocf usij-n over ioo ysr*. s. i' r.» or *61 l»- Of V«Mt » n • - nsrtte. lansir-a jo at <. Bra art. Cab O M>'- a sr.- L.g^ar>A«aSfc?a fce repre- At MSI a^ibchach u«.rf the terra "so- r cA..-r*T Ji it tuii", _hv* SVP has OTT. Si-\OV.1— Anenrsa lR-tf r iiti-e' it cvifrav.a wrh: i> the. hate- yf CrmiNni Pvr r A-- parLes wf Westers £ur- StHarNwrwj *r '.be M'®T' 2- the new'.* crjauaed -eri>JL2Abc MCUUJt fTOUp* «f ' --"S-y «f B&brm** • s«a Pmi-. < a'.nu a*4 ajua. or 3> the Aiser- tc*.iS«uu.st Party-Sccial Dem- service ' octa'-c fecerauofi. the jsar'r «f * Eupm Deoa arvJ HocOLan TV« ARAI'M|«TS h'.w tk-tf part of the merte' «bfi not M? Mukku!ki Use «e3t* #«as eersu«r ..»« 0* fiiew-1 eible HuremfcaRA fifitt' aShyt ^be A4waasi* ami- )»e«n hro&ipwi.. T2u» m-4 i«asS a pie?. Stti a rw* *&or? Taday «neral h»t«2 uuhm Michigan State News kawy e«rWaa wrapwta ThaaneSi a# VaMi Mrt pewrrfial Lbaa Uw IHwrtw i type hma "max* roc* owv x- V- r-t*Sysr CiK-Tson- « The iap—ir/ie ^eopi* dw' sot *ACI w »«*, .**»A£er Wke e# rx& wcipnrn '• HCTS UONOSOW'T . * .-w-a -».* bar. er.-d try aron- 2*a t SMCHISAV dsos om 909 stLf ur*a S*--*5 fwv»hr# y-i C-*t' -'5 wt ssscuioi w ct^-c^ Motfi sot rvcf*" T» the IdtUrf-T (v~- t.-.y front ;a|» «f tft# Webwe4sy. Oct. 22 teM« «f LS# Sute New*. yM M aa niWde Urn SecdAiwi Party. if it it Tee qeeta aeveral laaliri of th.« party whe ara runxuac fee pubK* a/ftre, aa—f which *n CAtmrnemls Film < K «•» " Myra TaRner Wet»*. Se- rtalwl W erW* *pa«ty* **nui.iai« f«jr *>e 'prt.pxmM,*" Wu thi# a t4.s#UAe or ttid fMMi.Wtead U ti WAITED PAGE THREE MONDAY. OCTOBER 11. 1HO Trusters Announce Grants for Brazil, Nigeria By JOAN Mil I AH qrum- MI MI FOE PAKTIFV State NpnvaJP"''I L rtoM> any octamon a U>i belle: in. r.MTS Ol 3 TO T PUltS. rewl UIc than he dvs TV " Tf.DI> RAF OK(lfl>TKA. Yoi could hear Uut remark BOX i:i JACKSON. MIC M AfMNrted umr »tvi Ajfaui at STATE l-4«!! ever* ram Allium a Ion; N xon's crew*-stale tour through M.ch* iga.i Thursday i When you f.r.-- *ee "v v-.ce preside**, you are surprised at Complete Optical . ua rouuii- /;:•! vibra: t.y hand- Service *ww he rrally *s. Bui hv o far lii'Hi tn.n a-d !. a (are re! a ttealf-v sparkle. W"Or. he >»*• kc. Nixon con'.i m-r»ve crowd* m*o a #pei 1 *4 papf' »rout*i ;• - >r.ktvi. to, N \ • e ..llJ cao'ure a \ argu'vor? hi- o»-! p-.rH.rr or hwK .rr> ha-i made; and persuade his audience to acer-rf his »*■•■• vte-A Ai Arw Arbor Nixon meit- t oncd me? Kennedy said t"« federal g vemmeo: should •uend sjiend nvor* for eduea- Doc "I ;**wiM stand ut» here anl ■•»'{«• you the t u'M th.n;." N *• tn vald. "t>jr let he hones* ** m»w. m>v but to wlierv make 1 :a*b vou p-u- tr..nk Dance-Coers in#! »-v-| of money c.*ws frvn* Even txmjM we . seven Surprised: i\o Stops and Vv .Y-r • Pre?-i.lent had u» five scve1 .-tweenes. re More Tickets tifvi'r once used note# 1 "IV hat VJCK PRESIDENT NIXON happened was the be- .u •! via* a t-.ough he c^uii fee. tfe- mood of hj aui* jujlderei <»>• et many student- ence ant talk to them in a jrt< ru»* campus Friday when they uncovered that the Annual Home- Vav lh»' would hit b***ne Stale PAT NIXON Km Phwlo hv Kit I Hehsen At Ka ta r» to neuf Vxnn .mar(vi ojie the candidate appeared man be¬ the Psychologist Finds UJ i turning t Dame was sold out. John JShtngleton of the uunty Ingham Alumni Assn., which nor en! EAST LAN SIM or. Ps" k ' e- tea:n lecm pi i'form N.xon's talk, clapping with the the Simple Before Forty sponsors the aii-umversity dance, tuld the Mate News Friday that the 65b tickets were hold early Friday. I'.it and Martin proudly an- «.- w i btitffv he «ull atop Jshnigleton said that he was nounce the opening of their sort) that this happened hut due fo the limited conditions as K« !- new Beauty Salon. IMI.f. of¬ lor^ no more ticket* could he fer* the moot advanced meth¬ od. of beauty culture pin- j sold. ' lie said that he believed that Iho-r little refinement- of ,tF yioup had l>e*:i uenicd th< »e r\ ice . . . e, cry thin- you u»e of the And. this year and j X.*«, WW second lad;- thi need In make you more knely. heilorr facilities had to b- * .a.;>3. if campa-jniiig m used. Whether il i- fro-ling. lip l.~i\ 'Miy, The dance has been tradition ! ping. hleachinc. or an artfully ■ ber on t.n* fxratdetrial ally held at the Aud. for many j -haped hairalvle ... or the o' &jrwt * tafitf'Ue ycai'. but this Fall the I'niver- comfort of an air-conditioned '.-r-»uas Midufsn Tbur*- ( «ity Theater production "Harvey ' j tn.; bar hu>aao4 Dick. Re- l was staged that night. drytr. -. r. otwriinc* 1<*r Preside-.*.. All reservations for the use of who came Vi a»-e *ne Fairrhild and the Aud. aie ban-1 Put was tae ftar of tNe ; died hy the secretary of the l.'nl-! fa I is specially lr.*ntau*N, i request* are handled by a com-i about* of "We want1 j nuttee. The office of the aacretary vli be bear-! Tbty weoe ; a* well a* members of the com , ! mittoo refused to comment on the ttaaa fv»r the PATRICIAN . :,-vud - as •resident. ; situation. .v.ie the fnie»-n* train j nuUBfly lookinc bet HAIR FASHIONS •! ~ *. oes.g f »revrr rzwoous, - \ji remained and Extended rush aign-up for r.roujhout the day. women intereisted in rushing so¬ *111 E. GRAND RIVER » 4'reojoas. but oxc.ucj." rorities will be held this week. y *oo wi.4 in a apecul, Sign-up will be keM today in 13 ENTRANCE OFF CITY PARKING LOT NO. •todent services. /e union BOOK STORE 1960-61 Student Directory EAT PIZZA' Faculty Directory IT PAYS AT THE PIZZA PFT CLOCK RADIOS OVEN* AWAY EACH WEEK. Skirt Laundry •lupoo* for FREE PIZZA in etery l»v '/)«! LP 2 fill for Ptrk-l'f, & Urliuiy GET YOURS NOW!! CALL. LU 2-086T llrrrrt r.-.^(hnr::< E. Graod f(v. Acru** From Sladeol Service* Building WHILE THEY LAST!! MONDAY. OCTOBER 31. 1V..1 PEsccment Bureau Red China Under Discussion ¥•— * A«r. «B» «M» t>r-M Mrsu-mfr-t *<>r *• J nmM VN '.•: r k*. ■ "■ a «' «'ap?vv.>; Chie* »«*« *»•.:■.» Yr* * cht *t tlw, X.-nn'i try* m --i-'-n of thf . <,FM?R ll. KLEl TKIO CI*. }I>t" - lv"tfi.Xatf<33». MlKKETIXC TRAINING f Irving' P.- 2 C>"M» » r\ w»S PRtHiR \M — Vfcrirtirf (A!» *; v'ui -n 7 ' rvc & si*r trau* erl3't .«•?£#! 1c n*ocn:t®y atad; »r*-n>vtrr terry***"'' aH cvvrn- f.vr petition* m taunicj; P*'*- ~:-f* ? : " v ?!i.t J KTTKi, -vn-or t;*rrp.*»r said. nSn.r r«u k rreni litv; i> a» '* *• s h*t«rr **f • t>- Si — r.wn'rj iB' • .r VN : r.rvHt«Jt-* of T.-itctu*-. miwrr, ,?srior a.:« frrrr; tb* t'*rc Vrv».' >|-j.»? -n~ Mr'.... X Ck«T. r fpr ;i ••fl-'As! t'f v^nHf.'»t:ir ti'g Kf,r->. -3 t *.r heSBtla.ttd. nasi- TSOGKtM IWOSJUTIOS (AIL 10 Mil! •if eeri-iean- g ;x»fiAc- J '•" *• *. Eev*>o3""r* 5f-'sal3i f -."T Fntr •¥. .Mlm. P»e- f M. I ;! ' -r-.« rnfiuuM iBi • A Xi-M1*.•• r ttwKrr;:. k»H tsst wa i i ' w.» h r* i BI frwr. th* w?-»r«rr*h'.;» far Cfcnva Jeat roLV-jr* «f Bwcrt** & Yzbiic HF ST »V|> iR!> i'lt COH ttCTrrrted P«-srtir8*cT VP "Tt>ratll r iN > < f> H I •» RESEARCH 3« rv -.. «IW A Mar n :» rwraar-isrin trims&M.U.'" r/'i f?r *nrk »btH field* IIFJ'T; Cbetsanrv v>» m*.x»ra i r.'ta.iirir ' B» rra?i>n. far *c- - x-.: CWta' a) »!'» E-crs. fer HOME OK THE BEST FOREIGN FILM- t.rrlatr-i *c*t. A'2t«:- t.:V"f (B» curort far pos:U'.>r'.j> FIRST SHOW 7 I'.M- — ADFLTS P-c in rv.*l<*4 *r*it NOV. 3 A I. !>»» MICHIGAN NOW SHOWING COME EAIU.Y r R M M LOST A i l> ISCOR f-'KtTin ' • - - -T lf";.i IMOV C % R BI D E rORP - NOW SHOWING Pry*..-» (I)i tat^r?. Cbemnrtl (D» £ Cbrrrwtrr < Ar»- MICHIGAN PREMIERE !n.rrr«.5if. Ortwit, Nc- r.ff*-, rvT* va.! a SOCKING SUSPENSE oKMN'1 t.I. V« WORK**- A try» ->r* fVr pvs:Uc*> drama: ;» >■. crrt'vfrcp-j.A. ta*r- • , - V iN- 4 V« ir«? renMWutrfe. ratr-t*. l i**i* A Students (.InilleiiLied Mftirsre. ARMSTRONG CORK IO.-A ar~«;w iBt t'lHe X Mar rrr-'- In Blood Donation :- ■ •■ . fre« tKr rn»tt*g». of 4 f'w -' - St •* ■. •• fcr« i u * - #•••. t>-6r » 3larfc.rti»s» ffr t&-e* A:c«0BUrf * L-» ■ arcoue:**.'t» i«»* ••"ft. I »v« :«t*r BV'M 4 I'mm. < b' I-r fA. fir £ A I> * "'•» Ensr-$ ! - 4 ;-sd-i3tmi I'jraiiiM* 1 liralrr T 1# MIXITIV SOiWitilisG hLW — "33 EaM Gra-vi Riitr ININT TO H*rasl Su.ilh i HiisG "OifCERENT! |j«l Ij|i-in;'« SPECIAL LIMITED OhK Eirlu'iir Hcconl >b«[t SPECIAL HALLOWEEN ENGAGEMENT EARLY BIRO SNOW! ! COME EARLY! NOME EARLY! n.'.ir: Kov:H:a- ieib -a 4B CUOMER MWU 6 FERFORMANCES ONLY tmit TWitrr 4=lte ;a-.:h set el*»»iri»4 I PERFORMANCES DAILY 3:»9 P.M. . H:W P.M a s fhook M!E:;u(t catapult NOW ~ Vm Mir PnrlMw TktW-i * lltti* coll«f« tows lets LAST J DAYS' th« ia Arf» ur« )• SEE M| elty h«»dlla«*. — T"o l.:nl Acadcair k» lt'» m ea trial... Eraak Mm»tr» • >fciMmtlfmt A* lH W »»rr-. Xianrt Cbtia&T • I^wt Mkv. fii.'tst tiit V. J^4 ia COLE PORTES°S (Color l.r DoLato) ON A CCARANTEED SEAT B v>l D\>U» MTIi -.inain o.L.un rttxi iisiTit it STARTING THliLsDAY • —.MOLLY 6£E ew am?. EDGAR BUCHANAN l o k-T! i unfidoatial ivai T:iaco» omt AT All " MICHIGAN THEATRE I KItUV. OCTOBER 2k l>« __ VI Corp? m IBM*. thirty year* CAMPUS C LASSIE!LDS General Bush Europe's 'Gold Rush after his finst duty *-•ugr.mer t at . . . LOW COST . th« same post a« a second lieu¬ . HIGH READERSHIP . tenant in ltS>. Presents Purely Speculative ' D.MS Awards 1 It'* ahrenn a plenum i Students in the EOTC program ■ to trrre you v . find their cadet traininr val- jJ . table throughout their lifetimes., g ! ?erardle«a of the occupations they '■ choose or tht positions they hold, * '•aid Major General George II. g RALPH'S i Rush. commandir.p prncral of the ■ 1 l".S. Army* VI Corps (Reserve). ■ I i "The cadt t program teaches re-; ■ liability, orderliness. self-araur- '• nricc and clear thrrkinp." aaid J KEWPEE'S f Gen. Rush, who inspected the I ' A rniy ROTC detachment here laat Thumdaj g g g CAFHBIM "He said the MSV unit seemed g .nv.ani r an i that they had ■ ' maintained the excellence which ® '• i-lc-env.t during la;t year's ■ i inspection J (Duringferred his stay, Ger. Rush with Premuer.t eon- Hannah, g g met new member* of the Army ■ ROTC staff and the ?•«•!> ap- ■ pointed cade, brigade staff. and ■ :-re*entemanovirh Chorus. Incier the rirtc- Aud. the I*rael Philharmonic S* utphony ;• mure command Tbrv soeeti'.at.ir* hope that j will ec.nt-r.ce !•:< rvr » V«- '! 'Ughtoo an J. Keweenaw and thu* tw forced tn the n.> - r.c-. cflerrrt Ortabrr I r- f.tur* to ri!M the price cf K*4J5-«i' taweii, Fjw.ii Mad- ■.r.erwby deralairg the d«i- aoi; . M'h. • wa> transferred ne aadf. Trt > kivtj of ahaet^e were Wry it there a CWhHiBf drft- franted. TWey were. Across from the Home Ec Build ♦ n the t*. &. balance cf I ay- Mas Mary A. 1! Hardy «R.r^*y nierj*. hrri Thir ecooercc and military a.c o true. Odd v-. i ecjar. y. ••rspnr?» abroad are part cf the from, danuary 3 t> March ?o to tsu*«r." «y» Dr. Brimmer. "But d.v advanced eturiy a: Micfcicar j-vrs? would imcrest ttat S*.a»v *r. i Walter G Ktrkpat- *e*e rropram* be atoppe-d. It is nck. county eateasioD tLr*v:or >»-.t af tire price we muet pay if ia A.ntr. courj*y. to atudy far* *-• are ta contfnae to rtrrrethrr. em maikev-ng a U* aoutSier-, vm free world. On the t-ther har d, «ta - -. tree-. NceoMer 1 through ---feapi seme ©? our row prr-s- allie* in Europe could 1* Dfv'c-r.bcr T. y.vd U aha*t the border cf and erono-ae: dreeJcp- r' t rs>--f »v--4itab.y " ?.<- * . -list Bnauncr also w> rt# Wolverine Pi\ . -«kvr.t oecure in mot-t t' * rate* a* a farter in cr.v- T b • f<^ioermc orrar tcatior.* ~i asere tooney abroad, particu- W : hair the * p.-Jxre Uk»- t - •. *. U QP money turn:. IN THE TOWER ROOM a fvrejrone eoreiusw-n as' OF THE UNION. IW prtwert ju ■ - - le-e yoall invest your it**r»#y ibi-uu* before yocr picture i* rt'-v-ff rate in ilurot««, fsr »rbrcule to be taker.. f.. * .* five per rent cor pared t.* -ire* p»r cert in the L". S.," .Agricu'-tare Council—-C (E '** Bnaaer. Alpha IV u IV—6, - Ji' "• r.'. Br •miner believe* that the y.gma Kappa—6 if- t'a.-jsj hiate* 0:'.l hold hrm Pi lieu Fh£-7:W to it* 1 X-.'- .! B--a.»u r.Te the ; rue uf Phi Kappa Pw—T . ' P t at tM prr onwt » *«n«t that the aperuiatm Phi lw-,u Thru— " 4- . ; : -! i,- - W,"l bnr*t in tr-e very Tr.ar.t-* - »"tO - Ui) t Ur Ff T-M-: Kappa A-yha T* - - • • ■**, 1 b -i r that cot1- i'e t* 1*ta—o 4 s1 Utwt fr,-a K *e xt in the I >. -» **u.»r * to deter . Is the Krai ana^ tts. prodaeLve capacity of c k«m«i which rea'iy ; v recMfare which re- - have ia our dot- $15.00 li.TTES BOOTS 1 Oil M K.S . . . C omforUblt wirarth wit from durable material, «f lk« aeeaae* in mim ahar^wt rolnr*. BATES BOOTS KOK MEN . v. Tk» (mint *Wr ikr «**" boot, linad »iUi filhrr BOKO ntlon pilr nr grnuinr lamli. • not abcarilat dawgnad lo diMvuracc l«m pmatralm aad 117 a final thm KJ1EALLY eoards Arraaa from MSU Cjipmutt TV llumr |"c lluiMi*: C—an ... . Cp lZ£> MONDAY. OCTOBER «• n;r MICHIGAN STATE NEW? Soccer and Crosi B outers AUSG Politicians Forfeit DoWll Tech Kiisilv In ShovelBoicl Classic I JP.THK.T PAifaifi, Tu." H'M* arbml TV* V.!#" 'fiiStUimmii UT15I • ♦ ^ ^.arr-f-nu.i. *1>» w*m«t ".J • -•m S-ua. E'UT.atttPi n'fp w 3im< - "*n»i "* w ♦sk '-f 1 77.14 •' ".1 1-1 "I *-1 Pail Snwrr. Vilijff K/ • i.T»M«a -'iKfl " '• S.f.ii A~ at.ia mi v-j , 7>m!a.«a-t ;;a vi.-nMrmtf' 7rtn.lt,14 7 J tor Hilc n:>.* io»i f '.'"f "1.PA. WW ..1 •»T.m t« ' JUTTti: tSht'3 ! 1151 T|T>TVi< film *51 Tl'-'CTi.'.t'* ShTTl St/All •i'Miiii'woi 1-' "S-'iv iJm.Owi* buiAiTi -.u ».i * *.i»i". Vt *atu4 'a m • rtSMAT*W ".JltPjpMW T> ".14 K->rtn- tui' wan W-i ?-jp "^4 .3 Sb»«7f' (funteicttf buS/c* - Veen THIS WEEK'S SPEGM5 • - • *:«e •yj> •'' ai«m if Lap-lap- - >».•'. -»"M T -c \ Kite -w'A-5 ipmnwia. rSw -TIA.WI?. ">■•* "H'AT :irC *!S« t>e« aasi 1!-f m aat'jc if "im atfi? Tl«3 "14 . -,.'4 £*t,TI* -PMt .... i V;:.j •« V-A4* V.I.1T "Mtf •>»>.• .ma 14.1 TTI'I Ljh i-'U NNini Mw'i "in Cmittn .. birf/Ywati A.-.H&KW: Vmnx nnw. « is-iiC * it'.'.1?! lii t'sr'HOft tf 8*w-mi w.i •wrtwmi? !>M *-<7 *. 1 ' • a '««:•, tSn:/ T'ih tcTci* 'nt.p.tt -tit % • •fccliicjir HrHc.7itr v%"*c V: «7«i »*• 1 r».M« "W «i«iy ?r .' 'it '- &'*musite Stepmr "t. it ALL 'TtpniiT ; •<; -v M r-"i J' „>tj •*'»# ti "• >•» vt'-iC '&*•< i'PffW 'i' tn4 tiff 1 i « taairaai'i P'•'"-■• I N h ? ; 1 Sfi&rtrt. *1 't ' • 7.'• ;'A Otemn waoi'-itp..? -4 rriamri 'TII • -.p 7 -.aTver J > " Tbw ijlrt rnirfMic, *ine Wimnf 'nclwr- in. TW( 1 9b»i»/«r Tint Stl.sri *":«■*«{(l i. * t." Stpr-f». t." »/ ' I." • .-'MimiMft A.M ?'M '< I - f-AP M« UmPfi t tj ,"m' • ?n -i;'AU, Ti«f nfctaii, FUXX ;-in '»t.p:-.N M#**** "St Intraiuural 7%! 1 rTn •itlT.S TWtnC'VX fjii iifcnt'tNba.f * ' m ta.'7»r. wnsue A SINATRA LP's Schedules »R!EI» Tn-.-rti fv>4 "•OoOfu OFF CHICKEN M III YOA CAN EIT ' ♦ M ..! ONLY BELAFONTE k T .^1 r i 4 R V. V i n r f! .! 11 V r 11 1 Li. nj% 11 *»KT '.{ if •i»mi m ' •» « I n n.m» spi*r%\ HlRl'SKS ?: N it./ «Tr--v Vl*4mC '•'■m ** !" f* f».t '/t«f I 1«*ii/ m oj'satj. . I ll tudiiiilit 1.39 m tki .. vn rn >* f*V»i t* in * *tnt \f* + Vhff J >* '..1.I.* EVERY MONDAY ALL "W fclOHItt * . %r i.'.tta T*r* nxi .-•#i4/t|s«n » w» » >TT- -In Wit Howard Jotaww » t» Stttiun V-4 Harriers Roil Fast Irisii and Buckeye* HAASY ... I >» ' • v n a ■ » I I TiQPtflir * > ippm EOAmTE LTSi Vc# S|mt«» WFtntmr 4W:n«f in »«>•-. «;mu «l<' ttwci'i JtiU:* 20 - 30*0 OFF l'A.7- 'f'.- r 1,'ti - tii wirw 7»iMi««r ♦ A;.4 1 T limit uit» ••Ml .!>«• «U' '' H'iU- Illft- u n»f. » a** I tr-% >,ii :j :'•«• ":T».f inouHiti ••miI.' t I.-H.J >.o* , 4l.,f J ir •mi nunc iaxaajrg --.it Turs'iw** ••'«!•■ t>i». " *M»4. • -'TIM i»> Tts» » " " •In. iiw a'»"' -Ktirt "i«rw m -i n it WES Willi LFS .'At m n.M.* vr: * ' o 5.»i >v vtitf S'i» •» «itai.imnf"T 4 ,i.» iji ».r'. vitu ■ .T. -l > ~i»ik 'V ..Mi tout of * liimw Ml'.I.- no' If •■' t- • i". »l ' » - ir BCiMU IAM0SY . 'o ..# n* I.UT" jt»in.m«fnr :«IP nrfai miicim r*»f. Vi SV* III OWEN LP 1 •t*. a- f » -'i l.'.ti. >.(nil s.n.ai«m tint * wwt* .«. »n .« « « »siu W.. net "Tn Akr i ic i JLTAit- ★ «- : »<• I L. .« V.-JiUW"' ♦m v » jmxS tranitMmi. tAIX LIBEL-! I nheateus iiu.'iu i» Tina . ..iim im Miuii m Jin >utmii)ti.nnn >»»T *.i .. ui S'. Ci< n-ttt 1,-na a 1PIWI v*on .>•*«* «i* .'Ilinc-T 4HLH 5»r iiw vwt 1 ILotm 3w*»! j>!U.. •* C liMitm k.i»t Tilt* b Tlton mr 1# :;»« 20 - 30*, OFF Reduced Iaihwwi* '.In .. A turlt.Pi IHIlOi-'iDMUC *8 it-AOT ATM .•ami ».lil >H n Tim."! - ai^l.i tmoi'tr MA »»I? I-.W.uiuct a«ip *4 Iwm: a' " ..-ii ..tr-TT.ni j . ...% ,%rw Jia mm 1 ftuvd .Twin. nammmtr mime -if "¥*mn. nMCwt -.Ki» ynnp-'T • Mi CUSSC LI 1 S(." nwtmi/t lii THOUSANDS OF REFERBKE TEXTS V • > • ■ "1 in {.wmminat "Tiac. t ALL LABLM "2*« «c 1*4 wttajtii VT'i a «aiu hi,*:am )imi:i HJM-tfM, * ' ' ' ••••.» 31# 4T me at v: u *' .1 »n: Tifi in * iife ■*» \- . ? (I • . ( "• m t*?f"-n 4,4 tuiljMWf inn T.i-v i»Hnn*"nna'-.i hii^ hmii jutnaOiXf. it iaa A- MSALiiTnacnaa *mwmm rmu 20-30% OFF ■Cr%*t»rH imrt*«c * tmm'mr SnmM» «'n a' *-; ;'ir*m» «nl. "V Wtl- i: rf am M^«mrn:ait flw>«t inaiP»itt.? T BOOKS ADDED DAILY 1 «!•( iitt«3uii Aim it"a«» jmiw • •mit it* Tmua. Aim ana A » * 1 »y SUM^tri. MTiuPi C,irt5«n MitCf u:!*••«» maKHwr. J •-•-.mi.."wm.it 10 CSC Vlli ta- 1 A fowl'" swcttfii! SIP hinta 3*« r a ♦ ant a » .wtcnsi 11. » * UPE IT WnUSALE -mnnt, i* t f". ma? iQWMtn".t<( mutant, M «,T* . In ... .->» %'re %»* iiinj. "'in V SPECIAL LOT H> .. Morlin; . DISCOUNT PRICES it-' ,0" *N 'l» -I •tiiwi«.wm lat'f. n % nin^ ptni iimum pum * StaHttL* M •iin u:atirv"n *»«■ jwwr Sm?- j. %..t S?wft«r.vut a t i ATir^ji .Ullt I-.' !-»icrr J'Mmimp. unii fu» 1 riifin'Si tit T»T. **CiCiU » mmua* »iS m zt» zm-.n. imtttic U; «muti ^i»m. Irnxmaa. »uimnutM 5wi 4 \» ->*t f 2b?25( t-T- 4-. "* As- TW 1000 POCKT BOOKS • v !. t.'iiifli u a« iwMMADv CONSEBVATIVE (LUB • • i.»«i mti «H a " T.uumr -• 4..ui«ni7<. r«w» *Mif Wm :"'m 4 smf*" - I mt AIHL u«m » Ttp- wt: STANLEY >L POWTLL jiu iitMumu Apwn. » •t u •».- t tuiwitm* m*r 'h Li|i in " CmmI for T'V . ;.Mir;.HAt: « Wwhi»i« I" . ' " >.'•-/!»iit>? a k-t* -uiiu'U a.- t 'innrf.- imimiv iinv, sa.-O;; 'w4«i. )wt «a *»• mivnu' '?«« »«it .ahaatiic *ac?»» .. vifltt : ir r AC ?hvia*»- inu;a unin It TaMtfa*. Nftnu>r 1. S ^.B. itm tawiT n *a * «it »f Tan Jpymr K I'Mtt A1 L a.on Baii»fa>a "iiixt .".-!» .Ami -*£-'» ^ '.lilMlftBW#' H'V T. Jll^i -i:i*A ti&i* nCacM. * Matr BOOKSTORE v "vVjf Jnito- -«»' ;>.""t»»A, Sana "l-.i- pmtf -J» 4Ta 124 « I2S V. IUR AVE. 41JSVI4 Jt .AX. *;»AWPs 11 NSi StafeMfcaaA s.*» ..^nvrW ?Nau<- ;;t a> MO-tJl -jniiw ti ;in Cliir ijmm,-t mfiSt QW&xi -.i'.J* At m a T'tmaim 4lt.x KMsmgrni rmu St. lVfil rvTT »ITTN 111 C H IC AN STATE N E TV 5 OSU Drops MSU From Big 10 Race, 21-10 Bobbles Kill Uttmt fe*JK Hmr! I.M Highlight; l^st Hopes Officiating Makes ***-o Utrtamairtk ;,aiptfccit javrr-,; vtttzmz sajpsa sts£ I. Rifw • H frtcrr.- i.trrucEvrn. I.i,DO fw£. .'p-- ."I-fflir-nii I«im- Coaches I nhappv rtu.-iM. For State tjiiaj i. ~. t.i. r - : • vi:. :a 1 ?..rr. atii Trnrt ->*-;t-r: ymfHrnihr C fti'.ir f~nn 1—5 7-Jt. C. itl-r inirva rtr -urwr T"~mt Tt>' ?•*.. VLI :Cmta- "IIKIO'I TU- t HIM- • 71 u. furnta? iM^-ir lot cu* JI-UMH- : - 'I;X (•""•' •X C*Tt r.ir-»:■• .« swot *5 iuunaar ot 1 7ri»rzi:*« rut. -!•' * ." "f -* K»*Ar*r* (astim tXu.rv fm-tilkri KTurtrr- t:s Irtitmi mo? f nir xinie* xnfi aaio * ' n*t - -t f *• -PIMP v i»* r r.iriiiwi taiur tit? :x;~ t/ntif Snutic. Statnrf ** 'i.-ttni-! :mt * H'Uif ' . 'i.. r *»tvr: . y nji3 titrt-urt tinvi. Tru.iT ft ViiTti'? ;.! t?« Kits l Ctf " C't* n--i- trw.::- •eiSiraaiis v-m KV Ml>« •ra.. Twn" •: ra 5»wstfn^:. ZZ+tt 7ui::r. MTW8IC2 v.':. r* nlTV- Col< Mootiw miii* v i-.« x*** Sotwrn S4it.ur T'lO l-U • .it (Itt'HftUM v 1 » •' •< t-: T.V ; ;,vkv :irtf tia» totoi t*« 11UL.1L?. tP—r-nmifT Ctuu:? Tttrt: iptii.-t.fr'ilK'i "uri In V ■ MTfot '■" * i" '1M -«l Vrfwfc/ v.jr-wurr iC. rmssos tn' "„l Unci TU.»!'i«t in* Iml t'i.rut Liii in; * . •woto»!0n-if hi:- » -i fin lv-»."r "• :•>. ••"If* i,Ml iilir lilikMfi ill* iTTTT 22 , : :?* jCur-Li iwzzul "tin n Tiit tvi{»*{ -masrtu-* -i »■'<•■■'• TMIVll.'ieVrt-.J »;TIE MfO VJ KtmiH— fclrvH- i iSjirtflt* limit ,<.u rtlltlT IVMUtlOT 3i Htsr»cf i—• tirv *rr~rf- ?,.rtiai r M ma 2s*Ltemitr» CatXt ~ .a * 22*1$. SinrtiiT j,?.; imif'i'i*".1 t.it-nau iumi* tuwi* «t; T.T Mia IW U-Tt:!:: SctutufS •vuntiwi "41 a ftriio' rmliut Onv. W «< • I rt.rt Mi'TCTri -.410 ' i ;; lijtv". "•••IT !Wnl'-' J >* UlM lllllMlMli WBR ;iu*ir' *: tr.I :a r».m : 43 tt«* hr't ijrtT 1 i lu.mnju. J nrcw tiX: lw;v4. vs.» t in ift i .;i .".••• : mi Ma-t I Ci :>. 4 etu inert »C. lamrsa ri.no i' -Tit's. ■ » M'-v >'« • .. Inn utaw»»£ Ji: • C u r-'..i ;a «aaoiiii imisfiiwrrti't, t..i nnfivJ tt- r t fvn* Tiai i-rmic • m- rw ic'fHu ,-s mUH i , • » M :•: .: i. pURxi r «. ,«»t -=t»* T-t x«* airline Flea.! ■; cic ttniti;. '•,.••• t vii.im' vi • i.'vvi of j t Y ru . • r iTOiXj :C ila Sf fio 1"'h .ara tait ttw I! "Tlift U't-t «"l :t..'.t_ tViln" 1 ' )i»<:* Jin*;.. i«r KI ii. tv*j :i. rr" ..:.• ••?■ jarro^ i.rii Ki'llVI. - wfia. r?a itnurtoo* t4iV5»«P >li imam 5 rrt M/Tuatix vie*. si two itiniiC'^^C Ktaf U i.« iilsrt'S WWW* pswis un: n.rt :« as*chsu: *Vi *u»0i«* wvr* Tao rui.ur 'Ulff f Matt /'•••• riiti'? ,i 1 j,;1 > ;w luii »!»;•;«. .'mini. {•»!- Jul tct'. , 'inmi a xio fiat* ».♦ ait TV, ;*B «v not nftit.u. ri it ia«f aihsH fI" !'«:• .» -.1 V'l..1 ilu ^ .r.t i • v:o • r.' r n. r -erir't -*«• «rrr-» Nip I; JTiS'liri in?'. ! ' u.. ii!- L* 5iim:« T m. tin *10 •♦•j-v-. x*": is* Mm wtm mt. t ititoti -ottra-. if ?*s. ... i—tuna "r,v J .••.:• i.-r .; ••»,• | IptttWl £mun-.t «it 1 W-7*k-. n v i ntKi.it tin 21 vr.n 2nw ina .MS -luvt,! irtsniTufciiMi •mm..:.; «rir v" .1 tijir; tuoivtitiovr t • t 1 r xl« 5no. . .:••.£** and. 10t> Sac: *im utn: . -|4 TIM M n-1 wrwrt v ia r.liv rt •" •«.» on tor, ••jrvd Cim^tovr' ■tuaurs *-■' 5 I nut. Ttsnuit" , 2.1 V-tH'nVKii TflW-t'til fir .' -tiif 3>ruiii >' '■ • n m» * i i »u •:- t '.rnotc't I oi.-Mvr Z'U> rwr M-i.-'i- rtV.-.t:; rnnnrt > . ur ii* 2L. *v. t xu : mm i vw »•-. i,i • i i ; •• iuc-i tut " i«: -.r xuirt v;2 . ... - ••'•» * ion t.-f „»rI O t&t» rui.-if 1.111 fisHor1 i ftjumi.' i ot m • t: t.;, i.:>oi;o I.**? j.-roen* iTcrtmr asnf Am i*»m rianton**. *H xnif t wtrt Hsinrtl « pvKsi'-i: M r,unii ' .Cif tu..:,iuu*» . rju*fi«; irua SHK3K -. r? nfi|tu4C.;7,f VHM'1 -JJI .:• Si...♦ l-f t>a.<* so- «-r-7 vi via Wii# EjOrtHT via nr. •ira Vht itrmisia i.ai. aa«l i>wn? t:*. M ut« in.: I xmoH i.i it viiiiftr. in,.' irtu Irt«. Kir>rt«m«fri 5m: SPECIAL t,<«t „"!i ^.h torn. .-.vr of 5.IT "V mts uwctwr jonmsf ir-« f r*»i •iiv? viw jiiivv £»hi> '? '.j i vi t l J»- "arr i.: ■ T. i lai-sj, a ,two urifKt ' i i ixnii. t ^miHSiunvt tan Bk 10 •a«* CSC -titi? i** -irn *» Ti • x t fits vi tiu tiiMiiift vt ton- PURCHASE! n-c.-a IW-IMH tuu.*tv 1rtr. vjias-Hwaa a \8<3 I«i> U«:t tr-xita *0 rem «a i 1H.2?HI«:* i< vi«m vouu u .: • ruMin 'Vt.nr.a Mil fiuhnmk 5»iii J»r ve.',' Cuif-' «aut. "ftmr >taiuliiig? ♦ - ;tr V'frtf f-imwt in rut iia itutfhar*!.' *ir fvt Tin iat TI wir~ •f'M Til a,--..: . V n." ChitriiT "vis» a uift rm~ <, nuciwii wa? it via iwim: : ia rt-iv-n» i-'ti - on vttif )ii»:i i i.ivi. tut ti -vu tin, ii'» » H. intiMiru • I I f 1 UM • L.Wil KsiviJ SMitr ru:,—* • tr. nr» vi»r jwwml m-SJRT t^F '?X^>* ' " ' "wiinai i m-jimu «mi;o ii si<( iiifi n,Tii~i .•till N"4 ♦ s : t JT-F %■••.•* "en ?iru;a nHaH.fi ■ mirjuati i. ixt-icu AUM X mvMtHiit f1 vtet.iiMl' kf*iwr tw : :» J.MI Mr») Sab via '-.i •A i.i i km -t*r*r*wr~-t x in VM I' rnr.ti. X ;it,j; i rhnn rtiiios V'fa*, Tt-rt tan a n i iiiit".w:**iitw Uinom i : i -Sj;r i-'t ■ ihii< n.u ?5»;54 ~J- if. rsf-K nutw iliruna AX 1.- MS-V >»'w ftm. : : i j:-: - "VlW ttw tX «l»t S»Hi : *rt»; 3-' i»«H- 'rioir ir,|hrin vv *s» To Wvtvirvt • t t " J;;.I 1 -fC'ti-oili -r ■Sra»«{;-A'iTii'"trt?r'rfr •—IT..- •.' ■•:•' si-,. kinii'. i »ts!f -ipi'T f"o I'Mvrta : i 2M •f *4 MMrtliM t«4 us mm* a »**« «i0« ahtti-w :•!«• : ■l\ -"V* ' ■■"! JM-omij., rt'tpiu CI.M trjitm x imavrnm fr.MM till t I t Jim l».i*i. 10'. vis* XMumr &Urtv iifl tniiat wruu t<-Mf try*:- fs.na* i-t tut tmnm ti it am &* *»» i»a *.«.*£ s24" i>« -u /w"«mutt. niU-*» £ l-l-l !ur nrmi'Vi■•. 'i'lAir Iim0i0» roaj ,j rt '.-it mimead vmwi *. • • Q&V} 5T.lf % * f miJ - • "V ,-Hiit *W*rOM| ! I-I*.rt eo-ir. Ctfcjiju.' ii u«» MrfisffcnA-r* St«# S^ULruai* l««wt.'*MKas{ {!••( IHIlir'toll 4IMT, : ■ 111.; I HrtM** iinrrr* u. • - vj.% i% i uttiirttt v X i v iiifcvj t 51»* A.rar»Kj»mtt T own K<*i •in »*i V't.t-f , n«? to 'At^ttvn. lAtWi * £ 1 IT fcptie » ^ amU ji iRrCicnv* " . Kii:»rtt>K»;X-4 ,3»i*.?v ::»•» rm,. :i \ .s«Lrt. •» :.i via * liSKsU' a*!'". ?'«* 'iwwti * laici t*rn* H sort • f5*| _ V>1** -MbutmfT>,t t V-A'.-f •>'#*•* iivi 2«o *<«.-• .tuti-.i'0'i ,rt Vtt* V V>v »xx-.«;-Tit:-4 4a.i J*a* U*- t'TMCi* I? Kan. .'.iw-iN. ;-C;t?C 4 , ';(•# «f la ft.W. rtj.1 *.iu.i tut:* • t'» t r*w- • sw :' it'1 :•;? itKa i.centum ivnr'.iun- ai»m itfci^rtior j ukmji .a ;iia riiBOnn • : ja vtttir tl.:« IMP .T.r;f +*• i.i t:3 t i.tvirnx Itrmo .v in. rtf rj •jt ''.va;tv ?iar:tM—vn» •Vfit Via .»• Cs lane imtfcritito a-. *'>" ' rmn»»«'r.Kt *■" *rmss fas- ",Jt vti» «d&nr* 5Trf r» via 1-ir. «n».i4f T»frt ins -sr 3Mo SliatiM m Virta«£ ur*. -*H». «ifjN4s sinmif. V'l» AW-j u.-t '.,«■£ :1. .JT Vims * ■ '•* n« liMi «m' «»f w» JtiAf tiu; «asji,rt*: te't-: vrit i hmO>a uti£ i.nsc** i icwiutTA?IT -i.* :.t »•&■• tf :r*0«r tta ».f ftoaflKir *um Kaoto fcSAi?-* Sa« ; Vt wa>':m 1 * ; i Air** I'liulns By Al Koyrt* Ami Bon Jamr Preceding the queen in h- r tour aivaj. i The Hamecontiiig game anil bile convertible behind the nine member* the stadium were the nine court m» ♦ \-» Homecoming queen -you can't have of her court. tiers. Sue Taylor. Miss Ohio State and without the other, And Saturday She was escorted into the stadium by one runner-up, rode just before Miss Btr! . v.'.'t■» t.o exception. Boh tru.itav.Hon, senior, chi-* president. All th.» coeds were escorted by jren> .Many Berlin, this >>,»»•'* queo. umd • Jnn Frink, chairman o:' the Senior i;i 'H oXJKxcaliber, senior men's hemono council' homecoming queen committee, The courts. Kxcaldjer member arl h. r fir-t official appearance before the presented' Miss Berlc* with :: bouquet oi tSeir families sat*in a block on the 4« - game > arttd. In true%r« iml tradition, *hi« And then *-he smiled. made a grand entrance it a uvw Oldsrno- red rosea in the pre-game cercmono*. yard line at the gann. I U ■ ■ S. f11 £ ft B v' 7- • y ;.v ' : . : 1 _ : _ - ■ * V—