Give a Pint Weather Kail Htaad Drive Scattered Shower*. CoWrr .Need* Year llilth ..IT Low — 3-I Serving JISU For 51 Year* YULCUS*St. NO. Kl KAST LANSING, MICHIGAN. TI ESDAY. NOVEMBER I. ISfin PRICE 5 CENTS 313 Pints Donated ' ' .. . " . Jfl-a Eisenhower to Speak In Drive's 1st Dav A total of ttl.'I |>intv of ' tood wore i!on«iteil Motuiav iriiitr tho tir.ot ila.y of the Alpha Phi Ometro hlood drive. V In Undecided Cities T ux amount wax equal to the ".1.1 pint total donated on the tirxt day laxt fall, hi; donora were rejected after the preliminary tv>t. Blood donating is vei v simolr a vet> The first step consists simple To Aid Nixon Efforts i ickiotr up' end filling out an ipoiftttptrt rod parent consent >.-!h- development probably will qui'..' \.k\-.y with Clevclan.t a d I'.1...— bv visited Hn >*:i Monday b ith citie* pr week in help an in- biy Friday Richard da. bu'. p Sahir- Both reecpoot;- •:«•* •• >ave N.xw. jj'Ver. a u aril hi* - ! M. Nikon win un- presidency C eveiand a.ixi Ptttoburgn are Democratic presidential oppon- where they aie presented to Red ok .NTts-between th«* representatives.-Mnirle «tu- aiivi of 1* and For Office Tne While ll.iuw «e.-cr:be*S; am tne i.h <: citie- v.\ Set. John F Kcnneoy > ' EISENHOWER. Nx hi an J -.1 -hould have the cards turned Itv JOY SOKKITOI S Republican strateg.*'4 Catholic, e'ric.' England parent or cuardian. • a When the card is presented, the State News Staff Writer u.K'- vi :h.ngs over for more than •,,\ hour- at f.c Wh^te H.-ure • i..H.pective donor is interviewed. Paul Bairwell, in Macomb' • fH-d, and checked lot henio- .•iolitn. temperature, pulse, and County today, started hi* i4*> -1 The pressure student is then recorded final county-by-county cam- psujrn . for the povcrnor s Churches Meet :v.t »! •:•••: v- <■( them, F.-.nh.wci bo* Jan., ;>:e * ; ' r his livirg unit, and gives hi* neat. onterbury will uo . I.ONIKIN. i-P,—The Archbixhnp «f i.oit of Mood- * ~ He started the day by on-wre- Afterward1 Eiseniumei a. i Tne donation process takes to ins question* phones! into WBRB Iviait Pope John \-\Ulut the A'uriican next month. It will Nixon went t>> the. President. •notes, and the complete opera- radio program "Sound-ojf." m THE NIXON'S MEET MISS AMER¬ horn, for homecoming celebration. Nix¬ ; la- the first such meeting since the l hurch of England nun takes only 4-1 minutes. H is Mt. Clemens. This type of inter- ! split from Rome four centime- ago. to be photographed. Can - ICA — Nancy Ann Fleming of Mont¬ on »a* winding up a W-city campaign i f amen on hand reported tna' painless sU simple. view has never been tried before. >Iks America of 1%U meet-. Vice Announcement of the forth- "" the president laughingly urge' ague. tnur of Michigan. They met In hold. An adult body contain* 10 to When asked how he would ft pint* of blood. Oue pint is! bring a new job, Harwell said, President and Mrs. Nixon in Muskegon. i.J'i Hire I'hoto. •; coming visit was issued Mon¬ j Nixon to smile, and mat tin* 1 Vice president at one point rr- taken during the donation. The "We must first create a new idy completely replaces this image of this state. This is known | as the stat, that ha« gone "t roh« Miss Fleming was in Muskegon to go day—A'! Siunts Day—by Gcof- ; fre> F.>hc -. ArvhbL*hop of Can¬ terbury and spiritual leader of Kennedy •v i marked which regarding he t> just eight days off- election | "It doesn't seem like it's on v jHWC^I°r He{he -aid welfare state." Challenges li the Oure1 of Knalaml H.. week away" that a* governor to .Nixon Wind- up Campaign '••foef.r-g w. i 4ov hea.i of the , , It wa- Hagerty who uiktd w.utj nrcmaist tu,, (ore. - ' 1 { Roman .'at . »!.c ciiurx h i* plan- I of pre>.(i(>nti.,; trips. 10 Cieve- form b;s» l»ii*ine*«« of the a«ivai President ' tud our in.: a stojMVcr i Jtome !"»nri and tag* of i-*tabU#hij5»r piant - Pittsburgh a? strx.g Senatorial Candidates Clash - pew- in Michigan D« 1-1 • t;ie v\.. h-mic from baoillties. He declmed to g*> At a luncheon in High Twelve into detail of strategy fur the Cluh in Sit. iTrno-r., T • anwumfmt'n: from the campaign „ n,. MMKXAItn Mot f >|f ILADCLPH1A ! AfMt he railed h.s. ' ant - d I ji- vf'b- aU-t.e i<\ Mr. l Ai\"hbis:iiu» re».- apoke to nm biothvr iva.-fn- on IIAGLRTY LIKEWISE refus¬ F K' Vie M eechofuy. »• what Muhiga i ha* and wb-t it Vie,' Pv . iw ILvhard pro- ending i^cord' gj'i - until .1 ra that .tenre. IvSUH»etll Paiutv. des- ed to relay any word on hov :.V Senate y*iden' tor the past s:i • ne€'i*- t".bcd the Vdi.-i'T I'UiS.r-it as F/.-t nhower feels- about the pv j NiVVi «-:*> Y>: V,.' wind up hi- ^ rr.e H< publicm j'.,;; profii^rr Hacrwcll and hi* pait-. nt-nt •« X»ar> u vi.*;*. of courtesy " l.M-nhew-xr Vie. lh «**.!• with an e,tvtr>n eve voui t ".«• I j.-ertive -iUteome «-f Uie election, the t'hryaltr Plant in Warren in H a Hacked what he called rr N *en one w«*ck fr »m today. jpp-'raJKf m next Moo¬ MxNi-Tura l 1 ALTIIOI'Ctll tn aiMiHince- the afttrnoon to #hake uc:.u* ard Kennedy's: vlj"n thf the Unit- ff'h telev:*n I fYb.'r H.iwi-ver ds mt'M did not mention ;* pi n- for th4* pre>i- hard out iUu«trated brourher* t .i h;ati < is in a I uhlv vulner¬ !i -xe.'-.N ;.-B*-u-'»'i ««ie Kennef'x v th. ■ Nixon w!?I r.dp in ?.Trtii«an der* t o make addit; «r-. * and (conn.* hooka* able t>:.'*iUon mil t«riiv in rcla* i">UU mat it i.u 10 pric Ukeiy tofvrr id conversation .» a Su id^y rally m Anch w- ' tile eturn nicai council ca'lei by. sjm-* ■ . 4;. Cleveland an I At t'nn Detroit E4i*on Plar.t ai :..n to iuc s I'liicn.** putts. -,crcam cmitrir mine all* of ,nd o?h, > , Pitui arali. w<.kiM undersu 5 p.m. Bagwell and Aiv n Bentk) ate. Ai*~k* Athrr h « -ptwar- the ue prut ably f »r 1962 — Un verslty. ee Cvhitryi.5 wt rr rc«HJved. every- ?, • m Di-t:o.', he -*.d f.y ' RtSTUY ( ALUII wti la'k rite th>* v '.r toip-rtahee being ,». - •fX/kv to hcveryl hundred em¬ Avmikf hi^py • and pnii* a* a step toward bringing the that Woh.r.2 '. - falsti an.j «aia .it. -rodki dfiuore- "U'hxI to and Pennsyvar ployees about tiivir nUMl" «« r-:a- , pVlviu." v.aisou* C b r i> : 1 * n »-nua*v- ■ » New i.i aitr; wit,-: five other %-**< jor i**ue«, then answeixd que*- Vio prcv..;»vus;a. runftihg triiiti • fire the Amenca.i pi* p.e On. She spm;i NT\»:iiata dose- together. Menry Cab»A i*>dgr. wad make ««>■. -New Y'ork. iiiimw^. IRciuga tionfl from the nudtenc s4id. !.«it Th ' F. - *• ' ' t'lrthoilbX Church p. , w.«4-.| cause ■ ngiii I e \ ar»ti Cit Jifoj-nia Bagwell again evplauie»l hi* > cu: *;•■•"!*''t'Wa-iOto broad- iUiiUv^ pilft-.a r . be .« coivsiilcrevJ more open to un-. h faitues.-, ta ps'iXiuce 4 ■ h i: ca>" MnOrisv night a "miscalevi! lion. more, but TNcm •even ty-ti states toge'h- plan to hrmg in new mdu *, Hi* y wi>uldn"t raise. eomuiviptjo", itv appeals from the Vutics'id K.-•*»* M'-auwh'5*. i-»r- e- hav JOJ e.ce'.<»r,a! votes c' also tsdd the aoub n« v of ?i v net", Htvubiicaan fcentU'v -also M.d t's Dtmo- than the Wt- P for a sale- pa*'. s'orul catviidaiic Ryp. Aiv.n crats had madr nlla'.t-n a tru¬ ropfxjSingly. Even greater »w- 2fif» ?♦»«•••■ :<-• i f.j.- victory N.x- i-iiurchi- Truvciiny Bagweli ;.*r y. fVn«if Oiiwa, vepped th* election |Uum.-> would ri'vu;:, s.e ru'td. ' Tex a" and Cal-f- ly Before Dr Fisher other Kepubihcan ••ftrdidale* for t««ws week. n;« campr.jfhins Monday adopunt. a n-jtiuiwl platform REPUBLIC %N guhcfi: P pc. n« olftt-e: DaYul I'i i h « ; • SUt» .rh attarlcs his .Fo -iViwer .spoke at Phi lade'- . w oa oppoacnt, v-bicn he vii! 1 would add *eve- enndidate f'^ui 1) Bag we took odtix prei. ! f Hi JCMwi ^ F. Treasurer: John B to »«•«.■.*. ' -v. >* Patrick V. McNamara, ar.d rsi hundrcii ion do Ban to > & .1 a * Kr i.iv un»1 w : jo,., Mo t • Ply - Istanbul • campasgn . Ring f"*r Audit r-«.tiera: H-i r>. c JffW -ier.-.-a! csndi- if t-fi-'l sf over T ■v;": N.\ ' in big rally *,n 1 Ik* ' \h • mouth —th«* hi-nvc-t' of »h- u dcil M... I:i..rr. J- : F K- m •- t.< x" JO' .N* -v V *. k V.' v Wednesda Dmiocnuu- r;vai. L G v John tn* : WiiiMnj K fi"1 > if A Tties ' campaign in tteaxhr o*- '. >: > ers'.it Mv A mtfiT* Xf Nrfj?»ir« meanwhile !* S-cj.n.-if, He h:i* > >eilu'cd ir - confteen !!M Pr>u-.- SU,t . ' k'trr-ve u L. •; ' -•■ai ■' W. '<• - and Nassau c »un- addiUona! app<«ratu.t*s Tuesday t World Council <»f hu rche- Governor; Judge Jarnt? K. i-,,. u, the in Muskegon. Grand RapiA*. in Scoiand T*o C,itm 1 '.n way rally Breaker. «lr State i p/ e oi. Ewrvhowcr'.t other pre-eo-e- Painwe:: Kaiarruuoo, Jackson -■■ZQOrf attended Court. In the rver'itt' B«r*eil M.x>kc >Johnson Strikes at Nixon » .\nn Arbor. f H,vu-s:ipx on !;on engagement* nda« 1 »n H ..: the P<>*". tf I'OvIOiry IbCJiTt Andl -- lt i'-R t-'te Dunucmtir party na- »»«• k'*d * > receive the apirituo *»«>. .inn a rndi -TV 'jtlk to the Bagwrll left Detroit Jlrtfojwi- j .It ttorwilly * and Michigan offer* head of the Citurch of England in Knifieiv . *!,»*.•i »'j ; SPRING FIELD. MO. ;*veo he can explain away na'.-"! on election eve. Monday itan Airpurt kt 10 p.m. U* ty t« j the lie* : hope for full pioduc- Dr Fiaher himself recently 'JiLH jy 1 lauvhed 1m«^. U'h» -Scr. l^nhm n. .wuck h« Mm mrm«h m. - — 7Xk5l^T wrote In his diocesan mu2a?;n< Kennedy sa»( oi'.x fr ipec- . nerd « V..-C Prcs.4nt Rinurdi mrtt- , ., 1 ff „ , The Democratic gubernatorial (•iw<«muw.iaM. guimtuf that the oace of unified Chrl»t- a< * » another drh.rc, "th "" «**«"' tl..-rak * h».M_* Satm in ;wv M- h„ ^ut-r^an,. «—«f«more having mmhelp ftJ «»m uil '•""ku,« '* • e*c 1 I .vi':i wa.i, th- f irst Hit : »3 Pints ] will t id Rapid*, kalama- laon. j ark-OS.. Am* Arb»r. ami1 ta%i *P»war-nrv- V. -As . cah- tu*{ . ^the« return to Drtruit, for a'gtalf, •toulextnr* ' „ .r,fc rum a *"d«ig*i'«3us men'* and- a found tskc urvcnixns b-m , ar. I he lit . v.. j. li^en jiiiRiEn. rat on a .not tin . . . ... Jred tmproved fniucaUona! fan!- I • **<%;•*•» mre*t a {»pui ,t- for the age I . . , un.?\ "WE Ml'HT ENTER pf «^jrtr with B• . I sbyuld ,V41 Kcntu'dv fCluCURt." > chaJU-iiiir for ».a.v» * ,-v. n- m * " ;*d the panic ouUon Now M-l. T1 * lw h»* i- Ceth'iUv-," he wredr mm-r a * « • 11" Th** D-pocratk u-e pre*i-'a" the e'-age of tr>.n« anything p! jymre;t * tne ttrce' and Uaiua ,u! froi luivt'ise effect W olverine Fix Thlx art.c;e was c»t. Sororily Signup* ' >n« pint ha* n» The Kcitned.v vsctary rura- i inery wsmfuv.- r..f a 'u ir-stor;. *H». o«*.i?j»I nominee a.ppi>ed the and everything, no'matter how f-amiieth Plan- jn a an Imdy. van of bj&vie, Uterirv and •• •.'<*k iq, 14 doll* v«y All women tntttr*«t<*i] in »• ,m- • Ho«r« for the drive are today. "dangerous man" Jxbel to the absurd Wild charges fill the air the nw-'-iine '• ring f>»r sorority ni*h may nx ■. The oraaaiaaiwai* Republican presidential cundi* —lump callin? sports celebrities heads'for Ann * •»> tn 5 p.m.; Wednesday , . in soguc. Day The* ArchU •;!> .,i « •" 11 111 th«- Women** division, Inj ; Thuraday. U p.m. to k puu.; .ill lor ll»r iKiu. t.k.K !•- S.7. .s • mractt m ^ Joseph,[by- day *t* h ri«.re «f th«. rM | Artor and YpsiUnti to^i^y Rome • ettitudf toward Student Service*, fruip 9 a.m. ui.- i Friday; 11 a.m. to JUi'ra'Vf nnlvbTl'rit. 3 pu«. night. Tuewd*». >evtmhrr I, ta Mo, and in remark* prepared i N.xon " ' bpoil the eicctioti f> »rtitoe* of TfK*mas P Pay? < end o crun^jii; rapidly Sorority Te;o. • '1 I p.m. tmfaj. their pvtvefitagea of contri- 'h* T"': r~" rf PWa-e h* present ,k*.'tT' aiiaute- h*~ >•(.- rv:»r f*muvu»^ • * Democrat cjially herej In fcis St {jcrsona! j T«*** senator mtRtttd Nl«mi» Joseph speech, tn«" .Waf pet*- "count _>■ - 'should •*»'- umterestkruito iscan vuGftg record *nd whai he I I.i. Week ' and «xn.- » •<*"*. the ihallcr.fe and beat AIEKIRF 4-VO . V' ».b:Jk»«fo| iittt om ten Pi'r of I V.i- Nixon," J-rtvtstm. .said; "He. described a*. ttoubie-toMiing. ■ ftiijsi/f C.-f !. "t*ord ret by Jaek'- n priaor- The*,t A.pTui cooSfcterahlff talettts tor ere-'; "Thr «no»t dAnaer/«u*; TirLrta XntilaUlv 801 only «iid fail \U- Ka-r Shaw--*". h» . pu: «'.: 1# cnti-r into "ii -1 A < Thun year. Alpha Phi Omega; -•.jig dlussms *M tor llring^wu can .to ;s. *t.r, -x*Uon tn-i *■.>, TtfWp1s for «A« Evenipr u»;>. f,' |jj;.« ir»r»v'••!«*r.f *'» lea* arc !-•; toi l ' Trek for. 1. If ■ that all eligible student*' Ea*t Mary Mayo- 7 »aht Cntoii ;.iAai*We expUna'.iooi ka this us met* Yisreditl" NV» 71 w.ll CU"i can i u* a'l *'r;r< aii worm •> who -»i up for ;:<**« a date to save a fife." M.SU Vani ty LTuh—T-i* • F.»*t Yakelvy - a. implMW-.trc tacts, ut#* ftmr. " ;Juiir«j'pn tvM the Si. j ^ M #pit- nt % e.r»». in tin* -A clOi- Sign p.m t'lrey Co-op Houre—V:2fi ____ *'f* » -a-* ;«rd nn.ty bu* * » tied I-'j V It | -4G f I It hotter I.hum R Z '.MW p.m i:4ioma Dclto—krid ••i.iin-; ♦ xj.w-.r. ,* yr,.> .mnu^haie l:nimi -hoard Dffte.l ,PWUw*r uetiix* Or- Ru.f.f** ar«- <»• k< •! (•» is-if tin my elm-* ai;l Iran Celebrates Prince's Birth Rather Hall— Ifi Ob k - J- it.c d^vf ' iprnrnt - •' -tia will by fcptursd uxworr&i* >&«'» 1 at « lonigt.i in-trad of at i s H-iHl rush fee la ll.r nurctttig 'tbi at 9:15 as part ef the !>«-- Laredem of the PreMsy tetian, tocaure of llit.SOTl convoeatiutv Fall tMU wi.v' U- held eat, ar«j -vncvrt series in the Audl- -C"r>jrexationaU*u end Baptist Su«4. afternoon* Mock Election for TERkAV. Ira* tft . Owl' ^w. "H, f». • 1—1 try "A I TO l»r »fc» i« lo rarry — II- ". h< in Or S>ho*-! ctothe* ma;.' to worn. Tlicta Chi to Aitl T^« jwchvntra is iej by Josti F.rah M- ««* M— W. M pwtw. Bjy b. Since tkit: 1* the only tliaiac to * • TImmw* conductor. 'tearing is New fork in the Todav Cancelled ,*•»—< «- _ . * . . , h» *"» - * —. ^ na»w-d after Cj*ma the Great, who ajpr*/ugh lh, PrMn Ew(H„ <„ Dr. Ernes* Payoe w* ail the houres, ruthcex arc „r !V iu;,^- u-..«. a*ktd to visit each boure \ olcrs in Need and Th. n.*k «i»rt*s, *— """T —* «*"* — -O » ■«■■■■ " —b. tJ«~l >n. »(ur tK „u;:or>«*l .(.In. to (.<•. hall U.t mi Un I»ra»l KhJ Ur l,«tay -» raiiiisi, ItmtiMl Ira,. H-. j Wra -In* Un MM -im*l Inr j A4'l f,Unr. « Ir-WBI) nral/y hnn. ' ' TIM*, Chi fraUrnity «ill ,r.. !«•": "ra— »■■ '» 'SnraA Dra. lI,.ll», l>|lllM is llMi-kMr »ko m««l tM tkram ,i— 1 Tm Artnbiy«,'i tin-- in (h- I II TaU,H - ,unll*t «nnU, t", lu.liiiuii, '""l' • "wnimrratiMi uh| Ui-v J£Z« uTrlmn-: -I»*. • My- iM is Amp,. MWH «h. INWerl Aynaaty c.ur,* of tosUn-l .r.-n V. ... . " """" U"""« " 1 *«. »Din to - .-rrat" !'«.*■. MJ -m lii. To, t-K»-i.v.n,nl . ..i, 11. j io in*. „to,. , „„^,v ,nd NrUPdullfll I Olliulll tol U»»t ir« oun, kw* d the' mMIHt 1 ■ Un ' 1... '* i-oolral Unit • tmlM n Sfi.ti', Ifcinl mmrriMar K.4 tlnl aio.-KMy my 11, In rrl.»nij I.T lh« toort pfco- y.. .re'.'io oo ni«l oat I'-—* limril —ill hoI4 a Utat / Ilduii., Sophamor,.^ Th, "'bfwi SiokaM wilt nn., iSSn- .t toaTn —11 W-lnM M Hi- T*~ xr,\r*r»i-! Fcacock throne, a rwtwt«t,. d%ck- *">' ■» fir b»a « daogHtor, Prwo*- He waa TSomtajr t-flk" horn m the Mother* . ■. * An«lo,n »<) Bom«j laUlroom. , »" 0- Ctfa* *hiwrri« TW on ll'.i,their n—I hurub r«io. can or h.v, call w: tu^>—mV^UiHlif ■* OTir wi!l?l5liw the sut* New* wiQ i haired crown yriac* weighing • j Sbahaag* by hi< ftret man tag* Aid Society charity j ruitomTand orore-! Th" •u4lt,on ^ k' the KI» 2;iDtl or ED 2-35*2. Avar 'r* No. E Hii in. hail i a roatit* «i tlw tlttrtH'f? hbuada. II ounces, Iraniaiw had jgp Prince* Fawaia of Egypt-■•bwt.j oneof«J»e repiul'a pddrvat cjuar-l^00 nf- J[ jCS V'8 talent file op th date, ex - will with two men. One *'m perform lioonraer'a • Svn- •'fiT* ' iooked forward to this event «wt »4*c - v- th*- throne in Urn' tors Th?4 instHuttor., *»< found- dum ,^ut t*w"y * 1,1 divided j,Hjy Itaker, »tu*l«*nt »erv- of th« men will aft With the rhii- k' 'r >' No. 2 for atrinwa. jf** i.' " . * i* the Shah thejf ruler in u«nn.h modem Pmitn. empire u wrjy; #sd"g-L i;.„ ed hy the Shah*- second wife, by #uc,[> great walla at the An- ^ chairman This rervu * pro- dren and the other will drive the . vKril» - *• - - - — •* *« . beautiful ? green-eyed Soriyi,. refusal to ^accept vWied by Cmon to>ard is used by < voter to the pulls and bock. Council Meet _ to "Th, tn*}' to*. 14* Un ShM," The Shah htmaalf „ba» u*\-x whom h« divorced tewrfuliy last M spir.tual head of the church campus organization*. Lansing; Around 60 men and 15 to 20 Anutardaai CtmtmX , ' »tol Hrait, Ummmr Dr. IiM, teen crwenaed. Me has passed up year after she bore no children. and the Catholic dogma that the cluba and throughout the state, jcar* will to available. The care Th, AcdRUr C«Kt'! T ^ .n** M1M. i Uw MfMMrtiM I* await the ar-jlt ia to to known in the future Pope is infallible in matters of Any kind of talent may audi- will to stationed In spot* ia the «uZg1-*****<»*• , ■Meg at 4 p#, todav in 21 uman. MM (k. rival of Mm Mr. « as Queen Farah'f hospital. faith and morals. Hon- [Lansing-East Lanaiag area. V ■■ TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 19f,n page two MICHIGAN STATE NEWS The Parties Positions: A Series in Six Parts Should U. S. Support Federal Aid to Education? The Young Republicans Say: (Editor'* Nate: This la the Plie Citizens for Kennedy Sav: first in a six part aeriea an the presidential eampalcn iaawea at presented by the ly to federal domination and Th Federal Governmen' To provide the fullest educa¬ a free nation; government to inn-can it* u«e- lt i« interesting to note that Young Repnblieans e T ■ orr 112th of earn pas control of our schools to which 1,-1. i*. educational system, fulness to education. we have had federal aid to PilGoa- and Yoang ClUsena far Ken¬ should assist in strengthening tional opportunities for every we are unalterably opposed. K.nlmnsr this most significant 2. Full Implementation of the ,tion for 1 50 years in the form of nedy. The artlelea were writ¬ education without Interfering American, the Republican party Education best fulfills its high fa !■ t. we cannot afford to have National Defense Education Act. the Northwe«t OrdinanA. the ten by these arganisatiana with the local control of the ha* pledged these actions. purpose when responsibility for ythmg l>ot the i»est education including the student loan and! Morrill Ac, the Smith-Hughes and are printed exactly as schools. The primary responsi¬ Federal support to the pri¬ education Is kept close to the 5. What is the sit- fellowship provisions. !Aet, and the National Defense they wanted them ta appear. bility for education must remain mary an i secondary schools by nation toda. A program of basic federal j Education Act. with the local community and. s people it serves—when It is They do not necessarily re¬ program of federal aid for rooted in the homes, nurtured The CJOR Secretary of Health, finanrial support for local public We also have federal school flect the views of the Mile the individual states. We, of school • construction—pacing it in the community and sustained education, and Welfare -aid in schools, without federal controls systems fur the children of sen'* j News. Welfare will be disc Ba¬ course, recognize the vital ne¬ to the real r.eed* of individual August. IMF "The numher of over teaching. icemen both in foreign lands and i sed in Wednesday's issoe.) cessity of having modern schools, school district.* in states and by a rich variety of public, pri¬ 4. A federally supported pro- in this country. Mr. Nixon's ig-' vate and individual resources. pupil* whose education i* being well "qualified and adequately territories requiring state approv¬ The bond linking home, school impaired in varying decrees by j pram of scholarships to help able noranee of history t« appalling, compensated teachers and of us. al and participation in order to ihe classroom shortage is about hut needy students acquire a col- What dues all this mean to ing the best possible teaching retain local responsibility and arid community—the respon¬ of each to needs of the Hi million." At the present rate | lege education. you? It means that if you want siveness ..f run*truction it will take Hi! \, ar> 5. A federal loan and grant adequate school facilities for your to catch up with today's' program to help colleges and uni- children with a sti ff of adequate- Army Builds techniques. Toward this goal and in line control of education. The Re¬ publican party is aware of the others—is a precious asset of American education. with our philosophy of doing iversitles prepare their physical ly trained and paid teacher*, we Hut, 1.1 years hence elementary facilities to handle twice as many'will have to adopt federal aid to Drug Supply for the people (In*this case local fact that there ts a temporary shortage of classrooms for our government which is closest to elementary Pete Mr Pherven Jark Knirk enrollment will la? up 2<» percent students as they do now. I education. W A SIII NO TON, OP)—TO and secondary the people) what they cannot do arid high -chonl enrollment up ■'>«» J "The Republicans," according; Anything le*« would selling strengthen its defenses against schools in a limited number of for themselves we sponsored the states. But this shortage, due to percent. To put it another way. to Senator Kennedy, "in recent the welfare of our children, and now 'building* needed by higher1 year*, not only in the Inst 25 therefore our nation, to the fal- germ warfare, the Army is trip¬ it!' the m xt H* years years hut in i he last eight years, lucioua myth of federal contrul National Defense Education Act the which is vigilant- action of state leg¬ helping student* to islatures and local school board.*, QUANOT i ducat ion ling .the supplies of antibiotic , WITH I arc equivalent to the college have opposed federal aid to edu- and the halaiu*ed budget. wonder drugs which it keeps learn technical subjects and to ii not increasing, but is decreas¬ InMirancr Acenry • truejiircs hudt in the previous 'cmtion." As Senator Kennedy lies -o train teachers In order to meet ing. SQUARE or .jtH( v,.nl. 1 Far*: In the eighty-third Con- eloquently stated. "Americas available for quick use by troops. our local, national, and interna¬ We further believe that any Automnbile I.iahilitv to GRADUATE T-SQUARE C'oJ. W. D. T'.gertt *of the! Far mure important, however,jg-cm there wAs no federal aid!young people ate uur greatest tional responsibilities. large plan of tederal aid to ed¬ S1H.WI for yoang and than the lack of facilities is the ... «iucation bill. 1 resources for the future Eacli Army's Wallet Reed hospital ucation, such" a« direct contribu¬ of State driver* ,.(- VARSITY 4 1.1 II 7 p.m.. Towtr w ••durational system is to Wi reach t)ip |1*» .-ur strongest pillar of strength, then we must build more schools. prevented any vote upon a school and train more teachers which- hill, Farts In !96'.» a threatened veto Published by tiie Students of j mouth,' Michigan State University, Is- . TigerH made no ! ties of anubotio given by RiKim, Union. Wear "S" sweat- I ers for yearbook picture statement jj-lior PUBLICITY-4:30 p.m.. Mural Room, Union Qa bops Monday [ that the Army * action is proinp- Auikor cf't Wm « Tacn-opr thmf,» "Tht Mmy means that we will have to raise j pa,.|. in ijhIO the.House Re- gued Ku^/MV class days,.... . ... , , ..cher* salaries and expand our : puhMcni opposed the school bill J through Friday, during the fall, j ted by any evidence of an in- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORfi \N- 10ft» of bob* (Mil," die.) IZATION-7 p.m.. Small Chap¬ facilities of higher education. hy n vote of i'2 to 44. and the tkly during the summer term, (creased threat of germ war- then, do we meet thest* j &>|)ote Repuidieans opposed it by j Second • class postage paid ■Ijfarc. He did say-army doctors el. People's Church (.IkkctollaH ellegt wamm iff Ho (• awm n»r«M«M in ; a vote of 22 t< East Lansing, Michigan recognise "thorn is an* enemy 1.1 THKRAN STUDENT ASSO- la l»«» 1 appalling inadequacies t *»rv I t*l«l Wrtlr Call*** (In the local level the major; It is interesting to note that Editorial and business offices CIATION — 4 p.m., University alHMit ■ portal Conn- for Coll#*# capability of unknown magm- Lutheran Church Womon. AO lor OlbU* (ilRI.* AI TIIE PARTY WEEKEND: ITS CAUSE sources of revenue are property Nixon so id on one occasion, "I | at 341 Student Servile* buikl "Ituiie to induce Uiness in varying WORK- id tiie taxing regret that I cannot bring r.! . ?. .. LUTHERAN STUDENT ARSO- AND CURE v'unn"y-1 . . taxes. The nuasur V:ch'«"" nu„**r» "I through CTATIDN—Wednesday, 7 a.m.. ability of ft acliool ihstnct is th«* j ni«*re encouraging news assessed valuation of the proper prospects for the passag "of Mail aubscriptions payable in in «"r'u" University Lutheran Church. KATHARINE GIBBS With the se-.toon «»f party weekends aimo«t upon Uf, Bjr Bttil of iull for federal aid to school con¬ advance for one term, $3; fur Communion and Rreakfast MCMTAMAL I I. te ho* been fh ■ oitsi«ith queries from young inmotdM of women s t> in the distro t . The figure used to compare rel¬ struction . . Imsicaliy it must two terms, $4. for throe terms, ASAE—7:30 p.m.. Ay Engineer¬ bUSTOM IS. MAS*. coilrgt* wi-hing to km^w how one conduct* one'a self when ore ative ability "f school district' he iet;og!ii/ed that the School j $5 J-Coiineij Meets ing New YORK IT, J». V. Zt Marikorouch ktrrrl h.x« imitfi a young gentleman for a weekend, so let as today ... t pay for y„t .... education _ i« thr .Construction bill us of this mo-j Editor-tn-Chief. Suzann Price; Junior council will meet at BLOCK AND ItRIDI.E -• 7:30 - Ill Pprk Av«a»* take up tin* burning i«ue. nee anses-eil valuation per child, nient i* a casualty of the l»attle \ Advertising Manager, Al Ferdi. p.m., CliO Anthony WiXfCUIR, N. J. W ell, my dear girl-, the first thing to remember ia that your 1) rivmonta llrttl ;of the budget .... Everybody is j Circulation Manager. Paul Lesh- 0 30 p.m. today in the Art room, ALPHA PHI OMEUA-? p.m., pkiddknik. b. i . living in the distrn t young gentleman is far from home and frightened, hit him at In Mhliignn, this figure ranges ror ,.du»oti"ii, The question U.jcr, Union. Student Service* 114 Aftf'tl Urtel hw case. You . might, fur iMUnce, aurprise him by having hi* from $ 1.7(H) per child to $200.0001 Mn» xv» for it enough to do some mother sitting in a rocker un the station platform when he get * r child. The inequities are even J thing about it cS the (lain. Yft .he «;i«» the deciding vote greater across the nation. Next, what kind of corsage should you send your young gentle¬ are which hlnrkcd ceconsideratnm « f * Few states, h o w e V • man? Well, my beloved maiden*, orchid* are always acceptable, wealthy enough to equalize edu- u proposal to authorize increased bo, indeed, nre phhix and delphinium. In fact, moat any floM • ational opimrtunity. The aver-, nid for school construction on will urn. Do try, however, to avoid carnivorous plant*. nue u.coim in New York is twice j Fch. ;i, 10(1(1. Senator Kennedy what it is in Alahiumi. I voted for the propo«aI. If you find, my esteemed filiien, tliat your local flonut ha* run The number of ihildten peri It appear* that Mr. Nixon's in- out of -tock, do not l« dismayed.* Make a corsage out of papr I.(hh) wage eurners m Alabama | terest in education is vocal rather Hut pick gtol, »uff, durable paper-twenty dodar UUr, for is twice what it i* m New York than helpful. As a Congressman example. I he11 f>»ic the aliibly t«i siqqw»rt he opposed an increase in school- llcnietnher at all time*, my fond weoche*, to show your your.g • >!u«l educational opportunity in . lunch funds and supported a cut gentleman o.urtrsy and comideration. Open doora for bin, Snv York h four times what it m federal aid to school areas walk on the traffic sale of tiie path, aesist him to tiie punch Uwl, is in Alftt»ftM\n, i ov» rHu»'den«d l-y defense workers' up hw parka, light his Martboroa. (M'liat, you ask. if |>e doet-n t Since these inequities exist Itoth ; families, Mttuke Marif-T-' Ridiculous, mv preciuua nvmph*! Of oourv. at the local ami state level, the; (In Jiin. 15, U»«0 Ntxolt said, he smoke* Marihoroal DoaT you? Doo t I? Doean't federal government lias a legi'i ("Federal aid looks good on paper, mute toll- in n*~i*titig equal rdu 1 hut it won't work." This state- 1 tr wlio knows a Uwk from a hamkaw? What other every body cigarette c»ti»nal oppoitin ity for the did imnt raised such violent com nicnla thai the Vice President ex i; ' gives yoa such a kit to like? .*kseh wwy-daawing titration* Surii onhlterrd Uete? Such soft pack or ftp-top bog? No other, my >, i.etoi Kennedy ha* ptuposed piano d that he favored federal ■wwt muutee, no other. Marlboro stands alone, audi any man a live point progiam: aid hut only to states which would worthy of yoa, my eatimaUe damacla, ia bound to b« a Maiihoro I . Impiovcineiit in the federal I toky a pauper s oath, coed special at to days it- ( - EVKHY W EEK ()X If you wiU good laeaM. you wilft .. —* W WV. MHhwV.! * 'event admirer. There i* notl.u.? mute like a party weekend to promote nxumcr. I am in u..ou MDMIAY, I I ESDAY, ami WEDNESDAY to^^l«wtota1toUjWn»i0hia. ".7^7 V"'w. jtototottoW. rcwsBiiaaigaiut> SoUd opportmHits with soM stall dnices . a sopnawnra at ttua lamNnliH n • I ^ M( yv permanent the Joyce t ah ☆ haircut A U|| put o< Wr#m EWtrk-'i Job it to manulactum lb* minutun "nrw uti" fnodurt, Iho an chwftol Sm-KiriHY lor creative production ingiemlag. |oo»ll«Hnn atondnc. and inerthandulnf ineChmU. Olir job (or the W1 Sydrm fevafiaahod Z^fs^rsr±?A": .. a#H aamed (hfia fMwonMl, ip and bole*. school, but fhfnir tho hkh achooi drum •<( ruuiniuiik-atiiim. It', a fob wbirh ofrn >uu * ilulVnii- and the feeeiwarot hu mono In tke |vent wbrm w» arc nenr one el the sationi Tap 11* in indurtnal into. v style m* r»wr-o rhanre to pW> nrw mathoda iA uau jmaloc- '•'< nrT'impnntii| kimi, at tiamutori. fctnte licvon, Ami yoor chare* to play an impatant part ui our iutum Anyhow, lavlUtlop to Fafnir, and he. came, -rei iO. torowto bto «to tatotoi Ud cm«it our AUrahnrn ami LaontilaWi, Fa., Why to a Palrfir,? plants am davotni rarhmrrly to adtn| atotrao devxro. ami a big new plant ia win oooatnxOoo In Kaaaaa Or. Si ^c" Hie ueedi of the Bef Telephonr Sy Oem to them prarbal. I'm nor Simian Hanoi air inc rearln, daily ami oiD mnhiplv ere-moody with thr intnahirtam id EIhUooh: Ccllttal Ot&y ...Uilirei; rem- nranitc trial oprralHai. University lluwr rh-Mi-r, arr yhancmu tie u.ur at all our maitie (vrtnrtnj plant. thry go into the Battling new cmn- b a lb. totitorf totogtoMttotr. mnmcwtiotu prrxlmti deyylntwal by our aawxyatr, at Bell Beauty Salon Trlrphrwo Eiboratoriru Krum niK-row-ayr ',, ryfuipim-nt to ttibnunnr cable aiiipljbos, oor pnHluctl rail aa -a am« f"? 0 • "tototo «*» o SiantanMto (CAST I.A.VSI.NGS MOST MOIICRN SALON) tans Mwitferod 2 l)»nr* Ea«t of Ijimn El) 2-1116 t' v ,0 MadacMO, «r»i u ceriji. ia; tm, «. J.. It u. Ma-aaa>a. Mr Maatam to taailae. Pi;tamaSraw IC.M»It ore imre.- Una.. O-I'i Itu t -. v, ce.Wm a,a hiero C-|. ttia f, en. Maaea. 0 1 Tee.— Cneu,. Un a I", re FREE PARKING t"a trci. 1ft tea aw*, i'reve r-i"N'-:. tt-rr 0 SI t'n t* iwlaRgwi » It rial taaeii tiUnn-i IH Inatao. taa let r. I. V. s> -A '■* & . . •*- TI'ESPAV. NOVEMBER 1, I960 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS PAGE THREE k IJuu [iam°ri Defense Department Gives Board OK's ord Puzzle una I KllMO IN THE "6REAT ■anaLiu UBBBOOB WVPKiN*WTH£|®JVR0R >6. Concealed 3? Witness □□an Baoa uuuaunu aaaou OP MV PEINS! Bomlier Funds tn Air Force an duaua acoaa V WASHINGTON The Defense Department Monday reU-a«p>J 33 Exclamation 1155 million to the Air Force for expnnded development of the promotions . Hire commander 25 Wine vessel v. • Burton D. Frladman weight • About 28. Existed professor of agricultural engi¬ prufeaaor of education, 27. Keep sacred Wet neering.-as chief of party to the r j- r- P* TT rr W TT 7" .ir, (• Chuan-Taeng p- 29 Wait for trofeaaof ®f metallur. Taiwan project, September 15, 30. Seaweed Why Not Plan Now ... For A Carrrr Thai I" intmeerlsi, October I; .hnglemeyer, < libra- 1960 to September 14, 1962. MISCELLANEOUS CIIA N- T TT 7T w V 31 American humorist AltracU Many Men From Other Fields? STANLEY M. POWELL ~, • ararv. September 54 end GEK: S. a— wW ~ 1 m 33. Beverage 34. Error Want the opportunity to make high earnings while study¬ l-epi'lativr Counsel for Grady Peningcr, new title of van Daa. ipcd.lUt, assistant wrestling coach and as¬ if# ~ wr 36. Fleet animal ing at MB.U.? Many energetic atudents have earned higher annual incomes with our Company In only two years than Michigan Farm Itureau Bird Sanctuary, Nov- M 39. Poorly sistant professor of intercolle¬ I IT FEb m 40 Reachei they could expect to achieve yearly in a lifetime of oth»r giate athletics, July 1: Ben R. MMMUMU ■aUAHHidii acros- 41. Allowed to business employment. 'REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT ,»SRAT1CAL LEAVES OF Burmeister, associate professor i M M We do a quality business in the life insurance field. TV - u«erfi (research), transfer from pou!-' r_ r remain 42 Sute maintain a continuing program of training with modern aid Coi-Coa" , v, S. Fcx. associate pro- try science to microbiology and j ' arrictiltura! chemistry, public health, October 1; Roland j TT IT P EE E H positively 43. Course of sales aids to make this possible. If your standards are high, and you are enrolled at M.S.U., write or phone; % b Tuesday. November 1. 8 , • 1 'a December 31, 1M1, John Hidde, Jr., from assistnat ,M I'udy In the Soviet ir. health, physical education; j 1 (i 5T eT r fa% eating 43. Row of type James II. Pohl, Supervisor Ilooni 33. Union |>.tn. (M.S.U. '60) lluildin^ . Aucralia and Israel: Ru- and recreation and intramural j V Austn, asslaunt dein of athletics to assistant director of I 55" Fi h- IT %w TF E r F r- E 48. Paradise 47. Large Michigan Sale Lniversily . v'tt! a'ul public service. intramural snorts. September 1;; TT ir JT bundle S2.£odium MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE • : te August 31, INI. Study Karl D. Bailey, to have honor- j _ symbol 831 N. All .MSI' StuHenls and the General Public . IT JT Washington Ave., Lansing . in Mexico: Cecil R. ary title of Tieid associate on the axx'.a'.e profesrer. •<•- staff of the university museum,! — — — aP Mm | _ LM tarn aaa >4 Plural ending IV 1-8117 or IV .3.1810 Are Cordially Invited as Guests iT< finance adminia- October 1: Wilfred Veencndhal, sat rwi viun. FREK ADMISSION j ; 't.'jan tire 1. 1N2 to June additional title of assistant di¬ :ie:: Carl L. Strong, asso- rector of the audio-visual cen- i i , t j-j prufessor business aervi- ter, September 1. I960 to Aug-|( centniting education. ust 31. 19G2. and Harold L. I lasxpsasivs Pals : tn September 10.-INI, Dahnkc, Jr. additional title east and , gys^tant d.rec'or of institutional; orj mi ard travel I'm* I States, 'research. November 1. TaMa Lamps • ■s ' . Narrj associate education. Apr.t profea- I t.i June Resignations and terminations; Howard W, Hovt, torturer, po¬ WE REPAIR LAMPS OP ALL MARES LIMITED TIME ONLY! • -Ml. >'Udv at MSU and tra- lice administration and public i fOTijn ccuntriea: Willitm (OPEN MONDAY RVAMINOS> sa'ety, September 23; Wiliam A. , - prefeasor ef music, Jan- Peterson, assistant professor, ho- J j'u. March .11, 1M1. study tel. restuarant and institutional | TIE UUiP SHOP ■ srrttir.g tn Fes'. Lansing -. ar.d Washington; John [ tteatoeht, isaoclate professor management, December Boyd C. Ring*, assistant profes- i for of civil eng.neering, 31; 1 August! 155 N. WASHINGTON IV T-3ITI PLAIN DRESSES • (LEANED AND PRESSED'.e!, Anrll 1 to-Aug- 31; Lung-chi Wu, assistant pro¬ ' ' :::, 1m:. s:urty In East Lnn- fessor (research) of btdanjr and! •[ sr.! Washington, and Lucy plant pathology, October 31; l iteaemsgy, assnciate profea. Myrtle Merrill. assistant profes- i • .' soc:s! science, January 1 1 Jure ». INI, study and tra- i a Ens.and and Europe. O'.ftcr leavi sor of music, October 31: Kath-! leen F. Fenn, secretary Vietnam , project, October 18; Helen E. j Higgs. secretary, Vietnam pro- BRING ON THE COLORS! 1.29 U(H Roger G Hvwen, professor, iectf '26 Kennc'h N. .vad of agiic.iltural chem- Ver Burg, coordinator, contin¬ :rr, October 21 to December uing education, November 8 and for US. public Hdklth Wiima Fae Kuns. paychomet- They're going lo be COLLEGE CLEANERS Thailand; Jeromo H. Hem- rist, counseling renter, October height and beautiful f, uistrucUr of mechanical 4. rguiwrinf. for an indefinite this fall. I Ovtr40 Years at MSU tr.j — Tla* 620 W. MICH. ED 2-4713 , > college of veterinary medi- southern city of Yaldivia, hard GALL a 24114 hit by last May's larthquakee, ,•«. November 2i to December was rocked by a strong temblor DROP BOX CASH AND CARRY I. Ar Foice consultant on tour u > u-2i pacific; and William at 6:lb a.m. .Monday. The quake lilum Gaaety Sales lasted 10 seconds but there were Tomlinson, pipgrim aaaoci- 2*1 ABBOT AFTS. STATE BANK BUILDING no reports of casualties or dam- r '.eisv.s.on broadcasting. Of- ."1 *j June 10, eenaultant S-zpne-4 Coilege. » # rtoHonoNS: k«r->n J. Turck, Jr, from in- |Trf.o: aaaistent penfeeaor t transfer from scauea to the College ot Ed- i-.- October 1; Ramchandra C irom instructor tn •»- ri professor of foreign stud- Oc^j. • l; and William T. Lu. from Assistant pirfi—r to OKca'4 prolaaaor at " «l tbe UNO FAD k thSa (km pa «0h a uB a! I -OsaasHahia*' ■ ■iaVs mm hihi-fumuM t laorx TO IRHYK TOO 01 r Gnmi Unr. L Uas. iw w. trr Las. Wnaa ai Sanaa ☆ MCFFLSSS — TAIL PIPER — EXHAUST PIPER I — WAXES — PAINTS — MUSHES COMPLETE LINE OP ACCES8QB1EB AUTO KRAMER PARTS M0 E. KALAMAZOO ST. PHONE IV 4-ISSS w ri'ESPAY. NOVEMBER l, 19, PAGE FOl'lt MICHIGAN STAT E NEWS GOPa to Meet Playwright's Trial Enacted \ Republican clj Placement Bureau The Young will meet at 8^50 tonight in ; ^ Displays Elegant Wit Union. j. 1 finnky nov, i. i960 majors (R) from ih# confers Co., inc. \:i ||\N\ COKI'OU\TION count;ng (Hi (MI majors internal auditors jx»silions. _ A' for; - j Wilde9 Club members are nrf«#.?j| canvassing four Ea.-t Uu,»h precincta for votes. »ii .Science X Arts, ( ommurica- turn \rt«. & Rustm-** & Fub- TIIK HK.RI I COMPANY—All majors HO .- agement trHitire position*. and Pahir ti\> ijevek'f'nu-nt program po- for *xccu- j j Wilde shocked Victorian England, into the spirit of the times, and j i* hit of over-acting. ^'ie olher dni But j Lansing this week is a marathon PERSON We must remember that bis w itty j there e . n .. ...wing project. Around the j jit i'roimision I.Alt - I «tU*,«r *. ID IT OK U.UHUITURI. satires were very much in vogue J the whole picture is in very gofcd World in *0 !»»)« «lKl *r5 I Wmotry »M» ho ma«»r*. S and Wilde himself had become' taste, a characteristic that most playing at the l.ucon. both of NolJrill KN Itl (.loN M CI • • M » HI) HO ninMath HO m u i << r « & K!«s * >9 \k« 11 I \»c. %c;tri« 1 1 ti . something of a literary matinee' dramatizations of the sensational which are top Academy Award . idol. Also, the accusations guth- 'arc wont to possess. winners and claim considerable Mi-rh.. Chnn.. & Civ.! iM» HO It tl CI ST %R( II STItVK K • red momentum as they richo-, The only weak spot in the success. K'gr*. f<»r senior r#-»'»mh *■?>- ( he-mt.rtry ma or* (organic, rheted off the rigid moral code of;script 'n the overattcntion to le- gincnririg position-. i.'ot' (»r- phy• ice:.'.*bk»-ch*iui «•try (natural ; hls day*. ' gal thoroughness, which makes liiiintos with advance* .b-gri--— pf••.tolls <»• > ; • ivtio H or* ' I cannot vouch for the histori. some of the trial slightly tedious, William Marshall r»fto Interview. Ht h "«•:iv-t' vi for re >li!t- I hat the ! ga • - •• - cal accuracy of the picture, but Oscar Wilde i« one of the few Monroe Fro-li. Die* t"i a-t . - r . ii traces the origin of the scandal, writers whose life will be remem- tin- 1 to! | he -vne.l a* •• IMRKK. it A* IS A < O ' h. mi-- to Wilde's entering into a friend-! l»ered for as long as the works William Marshall, IS, Monro* try • B» .Ml »>.,-•• t'<-t r. ship with Lord Alfred Queens-jit produced are. At o»e point in fft.liman. di«i Monday mornlnr ami'htnoi r.rtin; 11»;«- h aM- organic, the trial, he I. aeked If h. think. ; bury. Lord Alfred's father spread'" • ••ar> •; iconics coki'omrion ■ !<•»!_ awiJylT. a! or hi'whem- ho.'piUi a. a rumors that their relationship that turn thnuld live for happt- .• 1"\ ■ ; the |t wmp|jratjon iriiinf Kl.T., chelrt.. & M 0 h . .It. •-try- 7'*-u-cv HO majors for : as something lees than plntnnie nesfs. He replies, "I believe thatjjw,k in the bloo«| Kegr». for trai'itne prtw-im n » t>• IV a*- . 'o in HO I'Mrma- run and Wilde was persuaded to tflkei man'a ptirfo.^ is to roalije him- i vessel 'rora trpassage tos the brain, said J !• to bnlu-tna? ami ."•■■<. «-t(. • hem.. . the "author himself is convicted pain." And when his o*vn happi- 5 \. 1'.'inline HO Mi A M« » HO (M» Krgrv f r I r«a:»»i- nnd sentenced to tw o years * in ' noss w as destroyed, O«oar Wilde fnr n u .1 i t iiKVI>I.1NK: 5:00 p.m. Tuesday far Thursday paper. ed him that is on trial. OfCXT TO KEWTETS) Hills pat able VI2 and 1*5 Monday through After his release Wilde had; ^ see s Bat Not For M« East Lanains'* .... ! lost the elegant wit that made i nconpmy minded (•ilHlavsou. Mood ward _ Fridat. , his plays such masterpieces, lie Only Exrluaivi* : comfort... fbofs why the Alter* S Poor Butterfly i n : 9511 i:\r :fiir. icould no longer ridicule the very' ton Hotel it Chicogo heodquor* Rrrorrf Shop • Billy Boy j morality wdiichThe thefew waslast basis of | ter* for mony school groups, OutstandingSeniors his dowmfall. dissi*| ■ad many more big hiti AUTOMOTIVE PERSONAL j pated years of his life were spent' OPEN EVERY EYHNN6 ! business ond professional ctu* i in Faris. j dent affairs, field trips, athletic RESERVE VOIR Bf i j Robert Morley gives mag-' I teams, debate teams, spooch ? rs«m - a SEATS EARIA: Head up Activities Paradise Theatre LAST DAY TO SEE clinics, tours, ate. For your own Chicogo sroek-end stay choose visit or the hotel Cboke f2.00-t2.30.L1.Ot f.nOiD t,.vr 's < anil i At J, .1 t \e W'-i • Bfb •iii"fav-.n ifn't freshmen and transfer student® (Formerly Th« Palms) dose to ovorything on mr. mv. 7 1 I HI »>• 271 I banging the gavel at the Men'* around campus this fall, for she fMichlgan Avonuo's Mogniflcont Mil# 8 P.M. Till 1# r.M. Ha'l a—•Hiatf'ti meet tig*, he's was chairman of the student callmg 'he Senior r«mn» :l !•» order guide steering committee 9 For Iti.b is presnh'ot •••* Mil A Ret • . a mend»er of Kappa Spocfol rotoo and the Senior H» Aipba Theta sorority, is a mem- o Antplo Mooicl* I SVI IHIIN K ROV At. • I' tt'Hf! - • REAL ESTATE Rob invaded the rsmi'ux la«* Is r of Tower (.uard, Mortar ^•Smtdaf CflflG RENTER >ear when he tr»n*f»rml from Hoard and Alpha l ambda Delia. •Wrimtar LOW or WAVtV room («r (he Wa\ne State I'nivewhere A mathematics major, she i- n'so k -U "i" '"i »-e ft I»1 he ua« sophomore cla«« president I active in Tan Sigma and Fi Mu • TICKETS NOW 0V I"5S TRlt'MPM TW3 W|T»| Mnl- «— >;UrV> -e »■ •*+ Iwdfws hflrfc ii titd nverrtrive « . >,«- j v-s'r ?» and -•Rial direr tor of the MenNj Epsiloti, science and math hon¬ With SALE AT Till IV >-.♦«! •• IV h ..,nvf V-. e salli •He is *» member ,,f Spartan Betsy was secretary of the liMSO Don't Miss This Ond i tuif n» 7 - »' 'fa f* in MM- «i( Un- Roundtable. Union R«>ard and Ail J Hop and the Spin-ters* IS III SSI 1. ittt V e«*. «MrhtHfft t-f If ! -at idico UK idM rm '*r »v ,» eci. ail IV or t*' University Student (*overnment Sp>n. She vrus also on AWS Ac¬ ■iiaitvl nmrtlih'iv one 0»t*f ,B Etfrittive lioaid. In addition Rob tivities hoard. *I1 r» 7-1*1. est 2« is on the Spartan Spirit hoard During the summer, Betay gets LOST and FOUND i of director* and has served a* a a vacation along with her job, I AM ff-VMOt'TIt S !M>OR • rvlin- for she bahy-sits for a family in Her w lutei* all lites r»ST »*• M A i red leather ide-". rt» M rri( W J.»o! luittee rhairman Beliaire. She enjoys water ski¬ Anartmrni I Kl .ser re%»«» Fit !•*'** i» Rob spent la*t summei in Ore¬ ing. although she says she isn't hurry: ton sat K I»u> Hit t M\S M-v tfn r»>; i v". nrwann tot re¬ gon keeping a sharp eye out for making t«a> much progress in this 4-tl,H.r arili't tte.-enU* tn ioor*ea run ft >'■*< k h'l?! • and 1-* «-»o- people playing with matches—he activity; she tried a "pyramid* » «t»n i«.icO •nilr. fir»t ma »un*e » \wol#» h«*l rrit rvriNr.. vr» w*n» ELEiTfiic # rn ■nrtwBt- 11 and has been to the 1'acifir coast three times. Honoraria* are another of Hob's FISH FRY Every Weil. A Fri, "^rfthelS^ ^ROdsfS (Plain umco# CnUtd) l iiintte S .Fram»l or SPI TTFIAT tVtn.ARD TFN »f«n activities. He is a member of .ftrun. tku* r wn«e The- . *«h retariel Kxralibur, Riuc Key and Xi Sig¬ All You Caa Eat mviD vivrv u k C»i f« der»» e»#»1rw t» pe- ma Pi, national forestry honorary VARSITY DRIVE II RAM II DVH1FX NF.AH MSI' • r rer n»t ti> J AM# ft •Hiiur nhuim: 1 no ln-tli n'm. t-ari»#teit Itv ui* After graduating Rob plans to' i itii firruUf# Z-FTfJ 31 | Betay Woodward helped get the tepin# Woov-n Offset thiol irotiP* apartments m T-*4L MI R Grand *i»«, T _____ laauri tl I ROOM APART*EKT N» AR f#«- cut No cooklDS R-s fall RU *FSCCt AL—Tw» rest man's panta ar ladin • a-ka cMwd and pTMard «»NF a?Ad IN A man anartn»#nt SI m Swtu. srNNa mat. *1 *1 SVWy Itii i *r «##h Tt'liti#* lurnuh#> ZrTTiAZZZru..i%-e • . wi*,! _ t' -n - !/-• K*'#« - Tk-## mil** rnvthn mmSi KODAK FU-M r. HAW 3a- BtkrtSi an Abtatl - plaan# FD blOt Pl.t nxwrse S2 Sf. »J«l K-1.U SI T* t !## film with OvrWylai and pnrt- t i- Mar#k Preiflptlon Center e* TVttT A -n ftn*wm N'rw pNw, N" » FI» Mat IVrtrv *1 T> MICHIGAN now I relurr XI 1.00 T»-m t-apar* a-A tAlma f#i»- II. a • Ual •■* Irtni WM Mr. Mmit, bC* YOU* CONVENIENCE •a Ktr aua •« >nuiif,\s ruuMiEHt: ... mnMi t*Mk u em- ■ . r Wr.i-. i tt, #>«"< *.*l wanted lutrUtm tkal rutr - w-eff «r - •r FN T' FX 1 FN CTD R A» Y St TT V R IrmtatT. Ntw M (1mm OOUltf StAMSS ON ! "til a-ri ! MFV WAVTVO OTFORrVNTTV N'T" Vrfyi r-S IStwm carT#ra. lt«Nt fitlfrn! to •*! an>»*#e MaUI!t#»nt 7 -r da-ft caa# t*Jur W t,* U3 m#n that an, or ■feaUv ^r pOoa m#*t, w*th * rhanrv n;—r»-e\l n p*r*-tj~r m Cttmtn COtOR 'Mr IV »•!!» •*#«»•** *«* •R»,-ie«t TO* Rroa Di»tn*u- starting friday at 7 p.m. • iiTHtNC xiALK STUDENT «»• tor I«r »*5? bp NaUkna telmtrav t ka- biarar ipunirMt. tv*ru- .. ndar a-iei WwSnr«ta> Turn, altu ir; •-it7is lavket. #tc Rtaaruiabic » Tw#a.L.* :a ana. tUl ilrtrtwu A**- rtie. LaoataM! XT «tas^SStSSm XSSjS-aaMMarawaSijIu ' "It's • kmey" FART TIVfT NATIONAL""ftrm W Picea# 0^ year frtrnda end nrtchbofN a fever. |N» E FRANCS-LLOYD NOUNNVt PF1SONAL via. hr## mm ami a -,n*rti.vna wtU Jiir, otU- N> inn Ik in OS kauri id ami rrvesl the rtrilin* and uatstl endinc ef "Mid- work .» t» »m Ovr mm •» #am- atlfra XrCOGMTlON m* and nop* mr wnak. una fa* "i Th# Card Sh»*p H.B6i»nlt:a (MtMk •-<* Irrm. Call NO ONE WILL UK AOMITTm Slartiac tu.*Uiui CD EcaUidic* IV >-tv* (an, ktvMVUai. fu««0aT. • p px pr«lf it DURING TltF. 1-k.ST 1# MIMTCS XeMi -From IIEI.I. TO ETEKMTV not u oniot no am itu nrrrac — bots LUCON THU1DAY ii&SA PACE FIVE '("ESSAY, NOVEMBER It 1W0 state news Intramural Dark framed Giant Manager SAN FRANCISCO 0P>—Alrin The 87-year-old Natiaaal Schedules Dark, former held captain of the League veteran player, with no Giants, Monday waa named the previous managerial experience, All intramural football and new San Francisco baseball man¬ succeeds Tom (Clancy) Shcahan -volleyball game* Originally ager and given a two year con¬ who took over from fired BUI Rig* scheduled for Tuesday have tract. ney last June 18. been cancelled. lorgiat Drops From Team The volleyball games will be nlsyed on Thursday, the foot- nail games will be rtatheduled. AH teams should contact the * * * 1 An angry Duffy Daughcrty juries adding to Saturday's list, • pick* on a few AII*American Hon- J intramural office. Oar WW AHsaHss MSBVMIWSS Bowline Carl Charon, defensive unit , or squads. 'Adderly hroko away j • S:3S ■ent hi# first two units through a rugged practice session Mon¬ j fullback, who wit- hospitalized ; for one long gainer and Baliman 1-2 slams rhl-a k P«t Spartans day following the Spartans' loss i Inst week for a strained knee ; drove through the defensive -quad }-• tu to Ohio State. .... hack in Ih, bn.pital I this week with a strep throat. He tor Ion, y,r.!.y«. 3-4 rill lltlto - Triangle DV-ret Sigma Kai»p.< Site 2nd . This was the first time In many ! 1-2 IbaMa Chi - P K Phi >?e that the offensive and ,|M hi. ankle wktlo „cc- . s"'n'" *" . 3-4 ramfeMif-MM 1 <*« ,ulb?fVi seasons J-4 AOR-MT defensive teams had scrimmaged iny I,ri,f action train,t Ohio. M Theta Chl-Slrn.a Nu PROMPT SERVICE HERE after-the first game of the season. Ron Hatcher, top Spartan ni,h. j "" H.tch.r. l av, ,r an,I p»a. catcher aaa.o.t ihr: Herman. ' —fhomorp. mnve.l u,, 639 E. Grand Rivrr ED 7-9178 >laver V It was a "no compliment" ses¬ sion, with all of the roaches free¬ Buck,ye., waa hfbl out of ,h, to «h. deffn.lve team at a ta.kk Rowi Leave* Texan* Monday scrimmage because of a P®"ition. i DALLAS. Tex. (**—Don Rossi, ly criticising every flaw they charley horse received in Satur¬ - - - - Another position change found TV Spartan football could pick out in each tram's per- day's action. junior end Wayne Pontes run- j general manager of the Dallas ja(l Inst their aeeond play- formanre. The hard-hitting scrims Oscar Hahn and Boh Swrnst nirg a right halfback on the al-1 Texan* of the American Football mage found bruises and in¬ Ijeagur. has left the club, hut no 0( the neaeon when end more were .1.0 injurr.1 .Saturday. Hahn <<™1' «"»<• CORAL GABLES' .... one will say whether he quit or in, Cortriat daopped from .„r.,.tc,i an ank.c injury and <"•«'» «« before changing to the , «-l season - end posi¬ was fired. Swast strained his right shoulder. , chool on Monday. Alums Top Coed During Monday's practice ses¬ All-State tion. Pontes came to MSU as an Rossi played football for Mich¬ quarterback in Canton, igan State and later was a' Na¬ apparently keenly die- ILFORNO Cortriat. sion, Don Stewart, a quarterback tional Football League official. Ohio. «t nnf mint nut e Hfnp hrine nble to certl. it wee Hockey Team ! candidate 1 drills and during h»*t spring's a halfback this fall, i ,1 trout the Dean of Men'e The women's field hockey team ran the defensive unit from ghat: lost their first try of the season j position against Tom Wilson and -1 ran imeyine thet Jim wee 2-0 Saturday at the annual home¬ i the offensive unit. upIKi,nt».i et not heine able i nlav," ateted Coach Duffy coming game with the alumna. I Stewart, Dave Mandera and They are scheduled to play F.rnie Clark suffered injuries dur-1 KEEP YOUR .. RESTAURANT.. Mfhrrty. "eithoufh there wee Western Michigan at Kalamazoo ing a full power scrimmage. ihe name thai made PIZZA famoui in Laneinrf u (notion between Jim end the next Wednesday. Stewart came up limping badly ] «th"" Other games set for the season after running the hall several ... o Earlier this season. ke,' ,«on one of the top punters on the OR PLAY. FEEI. STEAKS • (HltKEH ■ SEAFOODS ijurv. | The junior pre-dental major! squad and was noted for his tre¬ COMFORTABLE IN or« of the top defensive per- mendous desire. it CLEAN CLOTHES . For Something Really Different-Try Omr l'SE OI K Ws Ami to C OMPLETE CLEANING AND LAUNDRY SERVICE BARBQ-RIBS Plsass tins'* Only Authorized Dealer • • • >D; Austin - CAMPUS - Dinner- • Snack- • Sandwiche* • Pixu Morris Austin lleatey Sunbeam DRY CLEANERS SI7 K. Grind Rivrr Ki'e Jaguar Alfa • Romeo ED 7-07S9 ★ PHONE EO 7-1311 ★ VAN'S Sales & Service KVIRTHING IV ALTUMTIOVK MSU BARBER ove iiom wavirE MWPLETE TAKE OUT SERVIOE SHOP BROOKS IMPORTED CARS (Next Dear to Can Nova's i OUR SERVICES TO YOU SOl l Y Grand Rivrr (near nirport) • fcHOE SHINE • I CHAIR* FOR TOUR CONVENIENTII • HAIRCUT APPOINTMENT* AVAILABLE — ID 2-1119 ^ .V: .'./ =■' TUESDAY, HOranER 1. tun M I C II I (i A N ST A T K N BWS I PACK SIX If l:'. 1 Pal and Dick Tour State Stall' Newa Photos B,v KIT EKICKSON Two hopeful ftimfiitff* — Nl*on anil Roirwell Dyes in Jackson nml tomatoes In Grand Rapid* failrtl to dim the day as Vice. President l!ich«ril M. Nixon and his wife l'at, wound throuyh Michiyan on the Nixon s|icchil. At every atop Nixon Itlrls, Jn the Nixon blue and w;hite, met the vice-presi- dent and received apeeial souvenir menus that the train carried by the bulk. . Everywhere there were flowers, rosea presented by a sleepy little yirl in Mnn- roe. and fall iKiinpiets alontr the route. The surprise of the da.v was Ann Arbor where a tmiiqurt of red roses was presented by Miss Sue Kennedy, Souvenir hunters with uutnyraph honk* mobbed the train and one jrronp of yirts tisik turns toiirhiny the ylnves of a porter who said that he had once touch Mr. Nixon with his cloves on. The crowd in Grand Itapids. by far the la ryes t of the dnv broke nil police ]J lines mol'lnm; the motorcade until the Nixon.s were forced to abandon the car and I walk to the podicm. (hi the return ride to the train sis-ret service men advised Nixon to sit down i I' Inside the car after cnnveryiny mobs of people had broken the aerial from In* car. • . t . i? he mam-low r» c * 1 I i i r.-f 'vr; { ! ' f. Mb. wiAib • ' ' A 'V ■ f The Monroe welcome Pat shares her rosea I i, K t- t'i mm f ' "I «ec him! A la»t minute conference |j ** * 4 mm U ft V M Rfr»r iisxr to HRWI V Kj«>I I OwK Kxftnsjvr Rmvul Mh>|i ckn evot mm, SWEATERS REDUCED rm i i vr.-)\ Israel Mav Not Ask * Death for Eichniann Nioritif* Iwil. tir»df A In Discontinued ■ -'t t tvnt >hk* anil Color* Luxury Look » inww»j|'t» 4 m*>U; U for tb< vw ••• •* mmj KM w -> Uv yc*i'r+ *« $ocxJ cc~oa-y„.. Holiday Season i»-t* -^*ny etftor "*c«. .t yowr cow*# of ***'"v **'• can aa">a ygw aop^c- p-atr Ooc*-«t On Port, Room 2490-12 Sa — oyira Byvcfj. WOrr.noton ©6. O&COS HOLDEN£ R FRAMES