EAST I.ANSINc;, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMIIEK 2, I960 PRICE ; CENTS Ike Says U. S. Will Defend Guaiitanamo Naval Base Agression Claims False Al>u-I)iul> - to PERLE STOMPS FOR DK'K—Prrle Mesla. Washing- 600 Pints Donated; Talk at linion ton party kmtrMN and one time alaunrh Democrat, is shown hare holding a giant campaign button a*, she adrewntd a San Francisco crowd today at a Ni\on for PrcnMant rally. The former Minister to Luxembourg Phi Sigs Give 100% CLOSING REMARKS IN RID FOR PENNSYLVA¬ NIA—Senator John F. Kennedy. Democratic presi¬ under President Harry Truman said she i* still a dential candidate, know-* he ha-* one real supporter Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity Democrat but declared that the country would soon behind him who will "bet hi- house" as he addre—ed reached 100 percent contribution f»,700 raters who paid $100 for their dinner and .1,500 be at war if Senator John F. Kennedy is elected, f AP Tuesday, to contribute to th* Wirepboto) wsond largest day on record fftr who came but did not eat. Kennedy delivered his clos¬ th«- Alpha Phi Omega blood drive, ing remark- at Philadelphia's Convention Hall, after in the fourth floor of the Pit ion. a one day tour of eastern Pennsylvania, in a bid for A total of 2K7 pint* were do¬ 32 electoral vote*. (AP Wirepboto) Nixon Slams nated' Tuesday, 110 mora than Jfyv **me tiiua Uat year. This makes a two clay total of 600 pints, leaving 1.441 needed to complete the Alpha Phi Omega goat of 2,041 pints. Purse Issue "What in the biggest factor in celling student* to donate," was a kel of John Hartman. APO apokccman, "Overcoming the psy¬ chological feeling," he said. "Thi« is th»- biggest reason that they don't donate. CirU espenally osm to think they'd be weak after¬ ward. So they're just plain, afraid," he *aid. "Or, lots of them will wait un¬ til the last day, Friday," he said. "They feel that they will have the weekend to recover. This > umpiis Visiting Professor To Discuss Genetics The If eat her PREPARES COR OPEN MIME — Dr. Colic,t •t Science ud Art*, check oat John Shaver, rcaident director of the the electron mirconconc io the renenrch new bioloty renenrch confer, and Dr. center before the ofm house Wedne*- Her nun King, aaointnnt denn nf the day and Thunday. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER t. ISSO_ I'OI.ITKAI. KEATI'RES CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS DEADLINES: I'M, Day Btfarr Publication for Tan.. W«d., That.*., aad FrL Ulllau. Deadline lor Moo. Edition: 1 pjn. Fri. AUTOMOTIVE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE BUSBOYS NECDFD TC but for WITH HOLIDAY E1AKMVS aha» FORD 1MT POUR-DOOR aMgji eals. Call Bob Waters, ED 7-1314 FOB YOUK CONVENIENCE rail EO I-Mio for Riwiiafcinf * eieht llMn, »harp, sacrifice. |W terations and custom l 9 p.« I rllrr» to thr Editor HOUSING LOST and FOUND PERSONAL rIal estate campus cLAssmne HIGH Btanaayiif PACK THREE yrnVESpAY. NOVEMBER 1 British Sub Base to U. S. ,ri\l>ON <*)—M"» *!"•«« new erosion #f Parliament in rogai splendor. posure to destruction Prime Minister retorted that a But the States. all**. Each sub carrios Id mis- Th# Queen outlined, in a speech Tu",d.y briuln will for- written for her by Ma.-miliar/* Polaris sub base would be lean an It to believed here that b. 1'r.it.d SUU.4 to-hr enemy target than would bomber ington is nurl«r «ubn»rl*« »n»«l cabinet, an eitensive Irfi>Utivt facilities • i. Polaris missile*. • program banes. base in MarmiiIan' said the i-iHmarine in th< Th, .ite i» I" a«»l*od. th* agreement Marmiilaii emphasised that one ,' :.' , h Of th. rlwr ,, ih. pl.niw-i dtu for Cljrdo. will '>r»» strengthen" the North Atlantic and U.S. submarines operating from the base will be on "routine patrol j£/ a'floating +*k Will Jyr.finill»rt'« A submarine tender Treaty Organisation I NATO)— an alliance the Q>;«en herself in peacetime" and that their real com characterize.! as vital annewtmeiit, mons to peace home port." will still be across labor party member* in Com¬ the Atlantic in the United States. (,nn Iml Feature,s UN Essay Topic Militia Directs Heavy Weapons immediately attacked the Of the decision to conclude such #irit urtth hostility by th# op- agreement with the United "The United Nations" is Jhe Indicating that the worker* rr.ili- r.tion nmmkm, came Marmilian plan, saying •.♦*- per*. Stales, he said: an HAVANA DP)—Fid'-I Castro's - dicted for last Sunday when thou- j Castro told his militiamen the pl# of Scotland would merit ex- tgpic selected for this year's In¬ growing workers miTltia took i sands gathered to register for a' new weapon* are not to be carried tiH soon will take over many otW ,ft,.r Quwm EHaaboth 11 "It is in the tradition of Anglo- ternational Essay competition ovey n heavy weapons sector of reorganisation of the militia in! home—ostensibly for safety rea function* of his regualr "rebel American cooperation in joint de¬ sponsored by the Federal Trust Cuba'n defense Tuesday. the face of what Castro ha*.1 son*. He promised the volunteers arrny," the nucleus of which corn* s fense carried by successive Brit¬ for Education and Research. The Prime Minixter appealed called a coming invasion. would also receive instructions In from the day* of mount*ir. fight¬ rniniiitf Teadww ish government*.." > All persons under the age of for volunteers to handle antiair¬ But only a few select groups j fmng baxnokax, mortars and oth- ing against the Pulgencio Batista Marmilian withheld details of 3.1 aro eligible to enter. craft and antitank gtinx, u job got new weapons then. «er heavy infantry weapons, thus dictatorship. the arrangements at the McutLtoh Essays can deal with the Unit¬ normally performed by regular College of Education anchorage. But other sources said the agreement calls for U.S. per¬ sonnel to be stationed there to ed Nations in its current role, or what changes could be made in army batteries. The bearded leader told a con¬ inspection, disarmament or inter¬ centration of militiamen he need¬ submarine units of the nal structure. /lids Latin Schools serve ed volunteers under 30 to take American Elect Ballistic Missile The Federal Trust, group is not (KBM) task force, now coming affiliated with government or par¬ over thexe heavy guns. KXPANHION OF the militia Mister... into being. ties, hut dedicated tn the study Br VIC An.ri.on KhMtotolM | sultants in Guatemala by Amer¬ ican schools there, said lotUr. Two polans-ffring submarines ot putting an end to war by world of the force will atart patrolling government. into the specialised artillery field* raised the question of how soon you're going to wear [•antral America | fcolpod J According to Coetar. the train¬ the northern seas within the next Essays should be mailed to Mrs. the regular Cohan army would that shave all day! * i training ing program set up «ah the help three find Itiielf absorbed by citizen- , _ months. Eventually a force M. Thompson, International Essay J th* MSU College ef Education, of MSU is the first cf ita kind of in Mexico. 4a nuclear-powered uub- Competition, 6 Downshire Hill, soldier* loyal to Castro. H Jam* • w. Cos tar, aaaiatant marines is planned by the United London, N.W, 2. There have been frequent re¬ ior education In an in¬ Monterrey has two American port* of conflict* between the START WITH THIS NEW FORMULA ICFORC- | schools which joined the a twia- authority of the militiamen and to years ago, the American tion. Other member vn»« are . latiaaan Gjaaan SHAVS LOTION, %fop 4 o'clock fobbi# "c-M , „ regular troop*, a* well a*, between i »f Mexico City askatf MSU located in Torreon, (i'.oda ajara, Crossword Puzzle ■□uanarc WUiinuiu ruaic faaaC] a.iamaa CQD3 ana militiamen and the national' po¬ You coo 'hove b'ode-cfoio. o '-doy e'eon, rh- t roulJ help them develop Puebla. Pachuea. and I Grange lice. In most cases the militia Out "tordcriitrg" your faio, when you . SHiervire training program COSTAK SAID THAT Amen, urujn 3Gaij unu , 21.C appeared to have won. PrO'Elec'nc Before*$ho/e Lot on t» CQ«fz 'i ; their teachcra," aaid Cottar. can schools were begun originally LiaauG an S.QftiU for 23. Appropr lata THOME WHO an*wered Cas¬ ISOPHYl* fOQ'VoyOuf there' oi'fo g- de-po wfr ilSCK THEN, aaid CosUr, by the joint effort of Americans winding silk 24. Ward off □CQ 33U JQ30D tro's appeal were ordered to ap¬ irrn other American schools living in Mexico and interested j 4, Extra tire 23. Container canuun ^aanan ••rebothet you vr»?h fhot b"*.k, fc'OC-'-Q O-d ic*C4 Mexican citisenj or, a ^.nation¬ □□□an ana nan pear Tuesday to prepare for two r« joined in the program. 9 Gratuity »«. Bone weeks' intensive tc«ft 1 CO ro federol to« training with Th* in service training pro. al" basis. 12. Mimic 37. American an □□□□□ what are believed to be newly "In netting tip the*# school*."* 13 Black and general ana anaa anan nm works to furnish consult- 38. Sour delivered Cxech antiaircraft and blue nti and provide seminars for he said, "what they had in rr.iM aan uaan anion antitank gun*. If the gunners al¬ 14 I 39 Abstract Nrher* in the member schools. was offering an American educa¬ being aaaaaa aannaa streak ready have regular jobs, their In November, the eight schools tional ay a tern fer childre' of 111 40. In the dtrot* ur.innna nuaaan employers must pay half their Americans on assignment ir Met- pdrr the program formed the 1?. H .ghost tiouof salaries during the training peri¬ jioriatton of American Schools ico ami for Mexican children in mountain la 42. Vandal Solution Of Vstumor's f od and the atate will pay the real, trrested in attending such a the world 42. i Mexico. Castro said. •We are . "operating with them school. It Rodent Ml The American School ef Mex¬ 90. Land 47. Ana butterfUo* Reporting this, the government- si various types of croaa-cultural 1 Ungontlo- controlled measuro ■top newypapVr El Mundo war. it piojecta,** said CosUr. ico City has Children of many 49 Chinoa# manly follow 11 State ot 21. Morning- said: "All militiamen will receive nationalities because of the f->> Ul-humor In addition to helping conduct abbr dywoWy automatic rifles and machine guns durational surveys, the in-aotvice ♦ign"representatives living there, 22 Xwhf 90. lianas M. Near this week." raining program provides for said Coster truck Indian 10. Sun god l>R. KARL T. HEREFORD, as- 22. Sound of 82. Notay IIASM DISTRIBUTION of new ■srhmg credit courses, he said. 90 Delicate AS A RESULT of what's been ; aociate professor cf education at 21 Living weapons shipped here from Com¬ 13 Poultry munist countries had l^wn pre¬ ine in Mexico, interest has j MSU to working with the »uff product arvad to Central America," said I of the—Association of American 04.Undm 0*1* r, who juat returned from Schools in Mexico. 08 1 that explodv 29 Whiwr Rumiian Cluli Mi-pI, uxtrmala in connection with I At the present time, a credit violently 2C Attire if project. j course is being taught in Mexico 28 Beiongini The newly-founded Russian "In the three years since the 1 City and Guadaia;ara by Dr. Carl club will hold ita second meeting to the woman rntrrsn started, 20 staff m»m- ! H. Gross. prr-fe««<*r of evocation. 29 The Plague tonight from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in i!l f the College of Education American Schools ,n Mexico 2b Hat Union. Dr. Alex Panxhin will ate worked in Mexico and Cen- J include grades kindergarten 22 Cncountei speak and show slide* of his re¬ i America." through high school on the same 22 Mend cent tour of the Soviet U L. -r O N Union. Three ataff members /rom the | basis as schools in the United 98 Ptrtainun have been invitad as con* I State*. •oataii 90. Hot thorn 90 Harder. 41. Altornative 41 India* ■amity Members to Appear mulberry 44. Definite in 'Problems of Peace" Program article ♦ Move to andfrt Two faculty members will ap- Andrews eamw to MSU is 13S3 40 Tennia "Problems of Peace" after directing the nation's Point COMPARE! on a resram scheduled by the Dem- Four program for 14 months. 47 Not many . rratic women of Ingham county He served t.-r seven years as May at 1:15 p.m. in par- director of the Nations5 Project •1. Deport 1. C and D of the Lansing in Agricultural Comraurueatxr 2*.c Center. Today's prTram :s de¬ Dr. Stanley Andrews, consul* signed to attract undecided or you ham: seen these jackets «r/ *3 international programs, ! independent women voters, Mrs.' f i" Mrv, Bruce Smith, lecturer ; Lcuh. sa;J. k srienca, wilt review the "We're brca&ftg, u» iti'-o small in other stores at a higher policy record of both j groups so that everybody |tls a " tn ■rw according to Mrs. Kul- j chance t* tape fiuoir the pr.o- ienu of peace," *.ne sail prick. now see them at Louiu, chairman. J. B. TOWNE P.N.F. COMES TO — 1(H)'( (.otlou EAST LANSIX. Thirkwt Corduroy Wool A Nylon Hlank«t Lined Pat a«l Martin prowll? an- Color* Oli.* or Antoiop* asanca th* *r*ainc of their IBM* 36-46 new Banal? Salon. P.H.K. of- (*rs th* aant akvancMl nwth- Prirr At J. B. Town* •( hasatr caltar* »)*» Collon Poplin Shrll Ikaa* BUI* refhwaaeeu at 100':• I)**p Orion Pit* Lined #*r*k* . . . r»*rylhhNt yarn aniti BMh* ?M awr* to.fly. ComptoUIr Mochin* Waoh- Wh*th*r it to fraattaf. tia- ■bio Colon . Olive or Niloral ptoc. htaachtof. ar aa artfnlty Sum 36-16 for fall's fair ladies ahtoto* hakal?to . . . *r th* Pric* At J. B. Town* caafart at an air waOttoni* N'ete eyewear fashions *&*« latest with the newest i«fi taxi fur this Ranuto selection a r.d nauortof ^ . sahN a atanelnf comhaa- lovely aaoaea. WoUace'g you to u?-to-*Jve- M» pai latest stj>s Pat to 9*ctofr train** by L**a *f Graaa* C*int* ED 7-1114 11.75 "" Be t'alue If ue at Leu t.oit hf Of. W. C. HX%tS. npfrtd —temm* PATRICIAN WALLACE OPTICIANS HAIR FASHIONS Mto Vta, XL mtsrs. r) ea.fr sen* nr*ii» 311 E. GRAND RIVER 3L Sin** I960 ©otunv 211 E. GRAND RIVER ENTRANCE OFF CITY PARKING LOT NO. 2 0 WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 11,., PACE rnrrt JHI.CIIIGAN STATE NEWS " » Art Brandxtalter, Michigan 1191# booted IS axtra poln'i *,„< IIiiii Tno Soon Ol.l Kirkev Rlasts M'ala'x pljioe-hicking end, In |threw field goal*. Smz/.Im; And Too lair Hirli 0 Amer. laQigito Good, Rut Not Great MRI.IIOIIUNK, An HO Au.tr.li. Ml year-old Melbourne junk cidleutor, Huntly (iord»n Klimtt, Rickey NEW YORK Tuesday (/!•)• Branch aeeused tha Amer Iran .league of a "breach won 120,000 pounds ($2H0,(NM)) Ity Jim It iilliniiloii •Tuesday ill the Centenary Mel of giww| faith" for failing to ac¬ bourne Cup *w-repstaken with a cept the personnel of two Con¬ "Michigan State I* h good foot-1 • uIt tut'tied the hull under hi* ticket he forgot lie had laiught. tinental League groups in Its •ex¬ toil! tmni, but not a grunt one" arm 47 timea nud J«*i»it«*d it 10(1 After rummaging through pansion program That'll what huffy haugherty yanl* drawers full of old lottery ticket* Rickey, president of the drfunrt ■believe* of in I WO Spurt mis Morrnll averaged I IK yard* In Hod the winning one, the wid¬ Continental league, railed upon Statistic* ser in In prove him j gained everytlni# ho threw tho right Tho tI'Miii tins «!>ti tin* tut hull, a team record ho hoi.Is with owed pensioner said: "What ran , ronrre*s to "protest major league I du with the money? | am too' expansion" le»* the high minor 1/2 Mm *f another fornior Spntlan spark¬ tin of Ktatiilirn in rvery g*w« tho Hint k of n Rood hull rh'lh. Ovrt plug, Tom Yowrrio. old." leagues ami any rhanees of a third major league in th# future Raol Bear *r tho Spnitun opponent* A man of I Ml poun.lt was the l»e doomed. Rag. On Rm Plua soiisnn have heen out gained t.'JtiO van's spark that triggered 'he Spartan* .Mi-ilun Invited l.t WHb 2 to |,02tl. Tho Spniltin* have rung into tho l'tf.4 lloso Howl Hint's 1.01 oy Hohlon stnglrhiindrdly won up nn average of SIM yard* u Speuk in Sweden (Plain Llirrar Kxrluded) gain# while tho otioiny hit* N "SM.K average two retinal games hy romping to thteo touchdowns in on. h of tho Mr. Joseph Meitas, professor of DISC SHOP wins over Minnesota f.'l it I ami physiology, raeently received an INl Not tho Spartan" hnvr n "so .123 K*»t Grand Rivrr VARSITY DRIVE no" nn«i disappointing ninth if OluoHtato (2H13I invitation to address th# first in¬ three wins, two |o*nO* un.l iittO tlr For the season Itot.irn, Michi¬ ternational I'harmaeolitgieal (NV.XT TO KEWm-N) for the season gan Slate'* most fammta pony Meeting at Htoukholm, Sweden in What i Imi king from this hall lunk, inn I ynr«ls nd senrod August. Li.»l IjniiRgV cluh" I'eihnps it I* n super *tnr; eight TP'* Meitas reported that h# I* pre- Only Kxrlnaivr n take-charge player, n Iradrt Tho Il»M» •mson holds anotlior paring a half hour paper on "Th# K.-vord E0 2-OIIT who could havo piovhlo.l the example of a -pntkplug carrying I'hartnncologkcal Control of pro¬ Shop spmk to turn tho Fittshiirgh lie! the i»nll oluh. All Aniorlran (trail lan in Hecretion." into viit. iy with a hour • tin or l.n«dt, who wasn't a pront sirohI- | rallrr, alnio*t led a mediocre team Ilia paper will l»# included in a Iniok composed of »|| th# paper* OPEN EVERY EVBNN6 DtHvary Sarviaa 140 pass at tho right moment. Homrooo is missing fiom the into tho HhlO Itoao fowl with his pr#a#nted at th# meeting. Mi. hignn State line up who won hi gr*at Irn.lership ipinlitirs. Fred Itoylrn. it ffrrnt nil-round nthlrlr in hitch nrhool, have led a second comeback The eui rent Spartan *qu*d has wit* (11*1 lineman of Ihr wrrk last year aflrr Ihr Mirhi- airnimt Iowa, or would have a number of pood porsnnnfI and (fan gantr. In high MrhtMil, hr vvaa "All Slalr" in lln*- helped step (>hio State advance* a pood and talented coaching at etiticul points. In the past this rtttrisl leader • NO luff Hut it ha* no sparkplug, and Hip P' championship inn and swimming, and an All Amrriran in Football. Sapar Right l a* lirrn around, r"penally in YluHlgatt .Stair's* two Rose llowl! Al Hover. Tiaverse t'ity Junior Tri-Capt. Fred Bovlen c moked Hams=39lb and State News photo editor, made It to tho big time, or at (*> iaiteii.rt.-V Kail Morrull, now Trit'aptain Freddy Itoylen, diff'* t'rew. lie played «n impor¬ if the Petiwit (.tons, threw the least olio of ht« photograph* did. »rniur frotA (.rand Itupnis, Mich tant part in stopping Notre Ham# tight pass Nt the right tune in Spoil* Illustrated printed Al's and Indiana goal drives on Ilia "parking 'he 1«M1 Spartans to phot.w: taph of soccer player j iyan, ia nn# of the most valuable MSI' one ymd line. Itoylrn saw the K.-«e Howl Koitv two of his (Yiitch Krmolinir kicking off in the Kitards and linrlutcker nil the minute* of action last year, eemplrtr.l, and MSP Iowa footl.all game. Al took team thia year. «'.< pas«c« w r it second fur any lineman nn Ih# (or n whopptiu; It yaid* the shot for Fnited Prr«* Inter Wl en In* long )«•**<• didn't get national, which ho works for part- lioylori, who ia tough, ilurahlo and an entremely aggressive play squad. Ho far this year Freddy ha* BaH Partial Ola Ik. Oaalar SNaa'a 00a h. er. is always in tho thick of hern the Spat tan* out of a hole, Moi time playing evcellent hall.. Ilia thing*, lettered in his sophomore he*t game up to date thia year lf»2 minutes of ia probably the AIHlt.lt of M •wi. kwwm year, lie saw Pork lain Sale loicu, Gophers to (lasli action. game "where lie made five key I.AST YKAlt Fred was one of tackle*, and hroke up thte# pas* play* of the Wolverine*. 29c with Fun- Fryers th# drfrnsiv# stalwart* |U lhe \**oriatr«l l*re«s Iowa'* rating as th* No. t rol ing# football team of the nation I will lie challenged Saturday at■ | The low* team, which rolled over Oregon State, North¬ westcin, Michigan State, W'isron- »in, I'urdiio ami Kansas fur sixj has SPECIAL OFFER wiwie n>. "r" £ »• Minneapolis when it mreta the strong Minnesota Irani which is straight victorirs, was a near unanimous clinic# In thia week'* i Tills COUPON IS WORTH Oil Op Frpara 33e Ik. Onlar OH Ohapa 70a Ik. ranked No 3 in the weekly Asso- poll uated Cress poll of a 4H nian Minnesota al o takes tmprea- TOWARD YOUR NEXT HAIRCUT AT •iv# credential* Into this vital I panel of sport* wrttoia and sport s« aster* clash for the Hl|f Ten lend. (.oUvgc Manor IIrani y Salon lahlaa Rips n Ibj* 25c SL 61 Six* 2 j* 25c 221 AIIIIOTT KOAII * Ell 2-3113 Bisaais ■npwnov WESTMINSTER RECORDS tiliimonr ul Mimiir irilli ILIRIIARA IUIX AND ADVANCED STYLISTS HU.FMICE I THIS DEFER EXPIRES NOVKMIIEH 30 SWAVWAVWWrtVVMVWrf ATTENTION WESTMI NSTER 111 IVKIIS : OI R STOi'K IS NOW AT IT'S RICHEST POINT. MWY'HAKII TO KIND ITEMS CAN HE FOUND IN OI R STOCK. OVER KOl'R IICNU 1DAIMO POFATI)ES 10 lb. bag 79c REII IHEEEHENT TITI.ES. COME IN AMI IIHOWSK — OPEN EVENINCS Tll.l. NINE. HAMILTON STANDARD Fraah Oraaa YaNaw the disc shop Diviaion of fl IraaaaN Large bandi 29c tat IIife.kn 39c 323 LAST UK AMI KIVKIt (NEXT TO KEWPEE'S) UNITID AMCKAPT COO. * OPEN EVENINGS will intirviewon Frash Aaa Fags 69c lb. (M. Jar 43c NOVEMBER 15. 16 A WORN PR0R00RAPH IN0INm»-ns. MS. Ph D dt(TOM In EE. ME. MET for puuunJin, ctrrtr poutwu in MiilyTifii. tlni|n nod «k» I ft P Mix ar Malah Frazaa Faaft Sals RUMS RECORDS vck'pmcni .nnumrui^ % SC1SWTISTS—HS. MX PV D drffMk h PVTlkl. EE. MB Mixnl Vrgrtable* Baby Lhasa lor cluUcn,in, new oudy profranu kl Minis. * Sfwc |(p, , tnicmv Ukuoo Ucua IrtMiIng and our ' Gut Green Beana Cauliflower ft 1 Qfl DOES VOI R RECORD PLAYER SOUND AS UMSkki Freach Style Beaua French Fried Potaloea * * COOl) NOW AS IT DID WHEN YOU HOI CUT (9 oa.) IT? IK NOT. REPLACE YOUR WOIEN NEEDLE Leaarr Quantities *U at Rsgalar Men WITH A Wo *V M» 39c i (W E INSPECT NEEDLE FREE AT ALL TIMES) H*e eM wwheweeeol lySeiw «er Hw *70 boe*«s ■arprtM-Kn. 5l-h.php.79C tat 2 ft 9LI ALL TYPES IN STOCK H ' , „ IT) Perfect For That Deer to tot 4 (i ti. on 59c WpuM Mm4 M «. uo 19 ALL AT ONE LOW PRICE , m*.... a SINCLE b IHHTII.K TIP TIP 5.95 Hunting Trip M 12 sl as 39c ton M to 3 « 1.00 UNCONDITIONALLY b STEREO TIP GUARANTEED KOR HUNTING EQUIPMENT ONE KULL YEAR KROM UNITS Cart rider* I- 2 1% lb. j)( Wave* a.. BRING YOUR PHONOGRAPH AND WK'I.L ClIANGK THE NEEDLE llunlinj liaou LICENSES ■iBivai a a« tr. . »" 49c pfaaappla Via (* 39t EOK YOU WHILE YOU BROWSE ■afa php af IS Da THROUGH. TI1E BEST SEI.EATION HI CK l.URE OE RECORDS IN TOWN. CLOTHING la Thia Ad Y«ar Eul Laanar A * T Sato EUmir. SM.Ito.lla —* *-T Market. Carto »f Hacadan aad the DISC SHOP Otter Rifle Rentals EaM tiraad River Slats Itoi Air i 323 EAST GRAND RIVER NEXT TO KEWPEE'S) LINK'S SPORT SHOP Moaday tkra Salardav • AJL la • PJR. OPEN EVENINGS 227 Ann St. I'honr ED 2-tltfi E. - #„. ■. •L. ' ;-v . • . : v- -v- i- • . •#.> •.!>; ■ .•_ mm&m IVKDNK^fAV, NOVEMBER 2, mr.o M I 0 III <; A S STATE NEWS PAGE FIVE —Il-B Shot* Soccer Team to Face Calvin; I Corgiat Back, Azar Injured Homecoming ■ lly BEN lll'UN.S NCAA Berth Still At Stake j Jim tiro on »Wfi! fro«it pr»' Woi.«l»/ ar«| l.RVN «t«rt#d (tropWit prirwd jf»*. lieu/bar*y • t• He rerun | guard O.ory*. Aiur twitted h til I *irt»rod and ) prv*-»l ;r«" itfippd the dropout nIIxjw Mo wa« tak»ri to ih* h^*.- pital for A-rav* of tho injury, rwtumod t», pti»- Ttj»*d*jr »ri«i For tk« teaiw) *tr»ivr,'. 'J*/ lie rHHT MtJNIiH.I. grOKT* IIXimTBATEl) ,hml a French rartwniat. rin Th* two outatjindinf player* on • 'tW Kenney, ftpnrten co*«H, j worh»'» i»ut wi'h 4h* twair.. j th» friddof* w#r* drlliod hard M.'hlg»n A'ti'.r*. li.'- -m,„n I hit weekend to eketrh aceriea connected with HUie^ewtf Mperte Writer the Calvin team arc center for-j«*ki h" think* that Calvin rhnuid od that hwappwontSjr «n»appoir.t- mr A lor,/ with T'J*oday'i pra^tire i-rU/r H.y.K-" Mann h*\ '»•< fou!»l t.r.* h»jp th« Kiiat I.• riNifttr will be the fwfiw ward John lt.Vl« and <>••/ T.r- i'"* 1 | ondif't; ».p muter tha li/h's on T*- Vkiuau!#: V*r> nm,.,-„minir 'of ■* upromlnE eprewl in their mnyazine. of Hip Michigan HtetM'.ftlvtn Col¬ .. . .. . „ 1 tend* to »taet the aame eleven h» ta»fri durir/ *h» * f»tf* r*mr* tt.«- fk!«J twhtftd Fi*W "M'jv? iiJJ. The Frenchman, who had never rem a football came lege »orrer Haan, It,a ,»alla. Moat today. The team ia made up of Canadian* M|f w« of th.tr , p,„ of tho irlti/f fiir of Mf» iri- >,i.. pU yr in on an American unlverrlty campur, war quite gem* play irtir regular rarne,", )ur*d h»wi thai kopt him from ) (Jr.* If,Jury of undotTrMhH IO gum* will atari at % p.m.* .t,n with the atmoaphere of MSI), Thia will h# the Mpertent' leal player* j he raid, "we ahoutd do all right." 1 opara'.r.jf at full Urmtigtr,, taiko^ riouanwra raauPed from loMnJay'* a,, v n confured by the American form of funtlisll and hornw fame of the aeaaon. They r/v»r hi* fjwr»*^.n *D.*h »«.ar a Duffy i jifArti'# whrn offatitiva unit right BtUofo What aderiol If poaafbly there war more action in tin' urual arc going Into the yam* with e im„ ,n,| Saturday a waa out of the ordinary, Ihv wina and one loaa record for ACAOKMY AWARDS Yea Will I COMPLETELY agreed with hirn on thin wore iiu1 ♦" mwwns him that gi'mrally thoro h h lot mor»- UTATK IS rtill Starts Bit [REST®8 In roriutntlon pirit pxhlbitwl, hut no unit like* louing at their bnmrrrtm- for berth In t.hw a NCAA i-hem pionnhlp playoff*. They muat, For NolWvg "('dniwntiny on th« American iMMipIn a a whole thi* hmvevtr, win their three remain. i,l.,artt»onl«t hmW h* didn't think th«v w«*r« any noUicr tug irafru * Ui maintain their elig- MUS.K6'tAST IAMSI NO T H L AT RE Friday! Yov Bat? ban the French, but thiit they had midden burst* of frati- Ihility. f)f>i t <-r motion. I.a*l we*k they met and defeat. d two undefeated team* in Ohio lie wh1 quite taken with garb nome of our ro#orting a red kilt with black leotard and They , b*itt Ohio IJ, 10 0 and thay l«cat Indiana Tach. 7-2. afcnva Hw»' Hot rntry* mpmm dill) 12 U 0 p m k «l if a Scot would recognize hi* tartan. 'I ho Spartan*' win over Ohio I). Willi I. IIK watt nketching th«? homeeominjt display •erved to virtually eliminate the :« 7 V W 0P*0 South WilliamH hall he overheard ; one- xlightly Ohio erpiad from competition for unuiai »•< a **i «•»!•, imp m. airs Jr.'id'.r -h',»p,r r l *ni*r the NCAA berth. Ip.alum* dUciwAlng "gno«! ole MSG" and matle the »114. PI* * AIM TOD (**4rf in «M Tliralrr MOV Till K I SI TILL 1 The, according to a bulletin emark. HAT. TILL T "Vol know, I yet tired around four in the afternoon, ier from the N'at>onnl f'ol ley late Hoc-j *»»s *r«*iik( Br *Moi» < i»v»» A tt .snt.. 4 »n i»l»k» Champion «hip Aarriciallon, j |l nr. Knyliah weam out, I can't umlerttand a thing leave* only faur tearn* left in' jHople are Maying." fhf Frenchman waHn'i alone i»«iHU.«' I couldn't either I thev Were .«|mukiiig "inebriated Knglbh." contention for the berth. TIIMH H)l It tea,,,, a,.- , MirhiKan S'Jite, Akron, tliierlinj Paradise" m /IllSt TSSING the American itoiitical Hituation he raid and M. I.otn* .. had watched the IukI debate and thought they were h jpnal men, but he Uked Senator Kennedy better. Kluver I'ariy, rliamnan of the Cinemascope and Wiis-Eyed Color committee in charge of tlie *e|t lie said in Franc* they don't think very much about the H|1[d Ulhl ,hl. Wli, p. meriran political acene arid conaidercd it remote and of pi«-k<'I by Novvmhrr I'A -nor inicrcft. • ' V\V wufit t./ mukc th« »i»|i>ction Aa AMI Pietaro IhnjilayA which he sketched included: Sotylb Williams, «• cniiy a.« *» can." *aid Parry, "*o piai can he mad/- for the utferlield and Armstrong and peveral of the fraternities - fir*l rouii'l vain.- with th» kar 'Americatt (.m-tl.t tweni very bitter almut life t#» hirn and nonihrni if they weren't Mtrlving awfully hard. * Wi-u rvprvexntatrvc.' For Advil Minds Adult He aJoi wondered how much interext. th»? American |m*«»- f Al.VIN t DMRH into iha yamv ha\e in foreign happenings, and we decided that people with « four win, on»* lo**, and one KnlrrUmaiMtt . . . about the .same on thia laaue »n Ixjth France and the t'.S. i tie rvcord for thv »*a*on They It de|N>nda cm the locality and the background of the; EiitTpM'd their fific |oa« at the hund* of Indiana Tech. two week* rwtn m ijuextion, but hh a whole we are not overly excited -Not KrrmaawiMi.d foreign affairs. I'liruiliH'- Tltcaln lor I hildrro: STI'llKXT GOVERNMENT repreuentative.■{ are Up in I Uk» J 1.2U0.(i00 g»Uun. of * over I he Shovel Bowl CIahmIc football game Satunluv J water M fill Michigan State'* they claim one of our xtaff writer*. Luther Ardfarb,1 ou'.'U^r and indoor Men1* In- -eprcMimted the facta and wrote a fainty colored veraion ' ban urai p j.i'ni.g iwunmtng the game. 1 ■■ Thry claimed they really could tell the difference be- n a football and a purnpkm because pumpkins aren't uaiiy rtitched down one nide. WASH-N-WEAR She 5 beautiful enough The only anawer that l.uahwell could muster to thin large was that Student Government had the referee and FUNNELS THL'RNIIAY, FKII1 AY & HATUBUA4 Bo be a TrxxJet. chic enough U'h*i!l had Ardfarb. to be a debutante, desirable Special S4.83 enough to be a wife—and Intramural Schedule Olive S»ar* 2* • Oray — - 42 flrsun special enough to be none of these. She has no legal occu¬ IFIINFSDAY'S VOI.f.K V • • ' I 41- 0*iii*.| t t^M-w * VARSITY SHOP pation. But she lives on Park 411. *« htdui* will h« playtd i * «- *muim • •« I • IV—Arin«tt*fi« I I 22H Abbott ltd. Avenue end drips mink. Now you V I lilUtfMlrMl t I Fast Unninir, Midi. ■wtl fax) out how. where and why. 1:1 c>"f. *.r« r.!M .IT M.n- j »*• « '• bwaoM. of rain, and lait I ll-V.ii I . Kali* < r kfr*u»« of convrKaliun. 1 IV- A Ni N*IM*r. ANNE FRANCIS • LLOYD NOLAN W VEC-OPO.JOHN KERR l • i*- V.I, II . T•••*••« till— M«u. I It.. aowLthG • *• • i«»—£••! Mn* 7 - * MICHIGAN N40MIMOS • 1 ret r. * * ri nuu-i. A f • » u.l IhiI NOW Frtiiri At Slarl. lOMOHHOW : 1 ru >....•. t.c.A. IN-IIMJllll KERRY' LAST DAY MKHI6AN PREMKIE •AROl'ND THE WORLD IN *1 DAYS' JUNEALLYSONi SHOWN 2:l0.7:I.i ☆ ☆ ☆ IN mum [ M HIT! "GIGI" 12:20-5:01-10:00 —oaann saw M.k ■■aiNK.IVffll """ rnummmrm m HQ* k'Hiraei.i. »WM PLCS —Carlo** Carnival Far Th* KMAks •W I • 7 Vl-I •Mil »».. 1 • * "W«1.4 ket Plans ved Ahead IA'JT LAN'JINL, PH'JN! 10, 2 i MH1XOTON (AV-Th. tor- THE HOME OF FOREIGN FILMS Tunday t« .pMd prii.r.t of . mcWar* NOW LAST 2-NIGHTS — AHMAD ADL'LTS He FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. • i.urpl.n.ur, wM by — « «. t r,!; mlll«ry .Mp, Mtw.tl ArroMotin n4 "A Moat DiotjataiahaA Motion Pklart! ^m,ni.!r»Uon Hid Alwll to. W |k« mm HtotNMkw .1*1.1 la Ik. Ewtok Ma- * workint to- ,roj.ct Rnw, Mt«l.d JAMAL saao. a anaM, totoavatoO ina*k arOL. ailki mi toatofal Shu*.., mi a aaiMaM piiliitoi.il kr a.bul Morto,. oka *m > *.aii.d.a.ly aHatoi sortraM ti Triad Regular J" > pr.limuwrjr <—if, « tt. nuclw nckit ANN MM rAMOt * TWO Baa aa. . Tt.,. u uk 1 iifiim m- • Bat Not For Mc Filter Tried "nwnk Md **■ ' P" mil iMlMtf. Cig*xwttes? '« u>. A EC km mM • Poor Bottorfljr S • Billy Boy Menthol POMiU. I. tot. * «iw» by UN to mi mm*y mot. mf fciu Cigarette*? *M> to tetar- 7 *«d lunar * ** RESERVE VOCR Choke SEATS EARLY: ;WILDE i - mm to—r woiY. vmio mriiiMioR - | NOW! Come Up...All The Way Up &' | 'f 7 IdkMl I » 11 ■null I » to the MENTHOL MAGIC 8 P.M. Till 1* P.M. | Ear can In. wt nut Cum tartr STARTING FRIDAY oiKOOL! ^*Juroy Slack* CIVIC CENTER Whan ysur a*!» >il« you S5JS TICKET* NOW ON FLEASE BO TOtT U'i tat for * cfv4=pr. rWENO* AND NEJOM- ' _ •'Mli SALE AT THE BOE* A EATOB. BO NOT lacycjueT. Or-'f Kooi— CIVIC CENTER EEVEALfilE EXCTT1NO BO rog-iir fcitrr naroan BOS orncc -or*!* DAILV AND IM'SI AL OP -MIDNIGHT LACE " ENDING no other rr.*rJlxA cqaretto— , 10 AJf. TILL • r.M " y- i r»ji M«-ahcJ Magic! y ': IhM Aha AnMH NO ONE WILL DE . "« ^AWtoll ^ Lmim. MktL At dm Uoi. MO ADMITTED DL'EINO Dsa't Mm Tti* Qm! THE LAST I* MINUTES. COME EAILY fOI SEATS BI..L .10 .. a .WMloa one;, tOmuT«a 1 ~v~ wednesday. november I, |,C, ' if IV i PACK SIX mic ii10 AN STATE news h'i p-. K %«£,■ Navy Researchers Reveal t:.; Modern fRags-to-Riches' Story Frozen Blood Experiments WARHINliTON W)—It'i P-*" tion of MillUry Surgeons ef United Rtatea. tu Centers Around MSU Student >-T V> ,IM« that in lh» fulur. Hin'tnra The doetprs made It clear, may take some of your blond, ever, that the new pri«erv*il,m itnre It for several yearn and technique la by n«» mean i limited then give it bark to you when you to storing a person's hloo.J for U|< m IMVPN KING Marketing n*#»irintioii, nn> piaRtn, : i ! graph uhirh Is unerl by t'olum- eopirs of the Constitution which "I fee| the Democratic party Is from a newly announced tech¬ at low temperature ami then i> ',""'l. «>!•! itu«l# in t «» • ' « f li |„(l university's Pnlltlrnl Science the Chicago Institute of Art. ap¬ nique for preserving and storing constituting them after h.ng m,u> ilrti.lnl fh •r selling ) u.-jnlomy, actually more favorable for capi¬ blood for long as four years. age. he r* lie.l. praised at $lfd) each. Aiming pri¬ talism than the Republican party as f.«i l'ii. i J],, n|reflijy hns chosen pet marily at the Institutional mar¬ This compares with only 21 days The ability to store a p« .1 r.l. r • i rhfiriiif* to support, iitrluding the although it really doesn't make MiwmI in large volume for self II Off h"i ket, (larger» plans to sell all under the best previous methrrds. That « • • Ml iiiynn Colleges foundation. I(5.000 at the price r« t hy the much difference," he said. ThF advantages of a person be¬ the diwtors said, would Diminsta (hint- • li t I''' ' •1 Ami he w«« given it key to the Chicago institute. Arthur J. Ilarger la a lesson, ing his own Mood donor were de¬ any possibility of ineompatibia Ifiti I'II |t!t. ' u: in. ! plnylmy cluhs by "I'll.yhoy" edi- reartions, aueh HalherstMill Ar Company oper¬ fellow students. tailed by Capts. William C. Tur- as ean ocru, i all » ' oi* fltul only , ,,t ,! , hurtu-lot ■. degree n! ! j |(>r l,„Kh ||Pfl»m.r. ates through media advertising, Granted he's rather extraordi¬ ville and le-wh !,. Ilaynes of you accidentally reerivc nvvity fr I'' I busy two years. operation is a separately man¬ ran he tagged "How to Huieeed at the convention of the Associa¬ fusion.* II,. „ pufih 1 .-! " • "II."- The ID-year-tild senior and IhhI- aged advertising concern. Without Trying," or "You Can i trade j V It III It.:- IM. 4 l:« VI. V .ii ding tycoon, who eiill lives with When the need arose, I larger [to This Too." i hi» parents at 1 fto Shcpntd St., |»l|l»l 11"I • formed Me ma di no Advertising. This guy is a whig, and he's II.." mwl* II i- lllfl.'l rtji r pmu. mi it'iv.iii »|i..-* ,.f pe> I" "If an executive can't solve his \rwi problems himself, then he isn't a •rt« to ; v«-iy good executive," he said, Klcmentnry (.Hiiguayo (Frenrh and< or Spanish I (HI (M) ma¬ jors, dr. High Industrial Arts Chemistry (H) majors for re- search a rut training program. Mech. ('hem. Fngrs., and Fleet. lielcn harrcsy Paper Bound Bock Boom ' Cuba are reported to hm more! I larger, bluck haired and medi (It-Mi major*. A Jr. High (H) (M) Fngr*. for positions in development, design, A pro¬ • ^ in our liaHi-iiirnl hlor<* oilOt ' f Ked-|Uni sue, wears expensive clothes Home Kconomica (Hi fM> ma¬ than doiihh-d the made weapon* a dtrti U- to T'i«* I mill an apologetic facade which jors f o r teaching positions. duction management Gaining crcrv hraiily aiil ami terrirr for IimIuj'i cord t'lirrr art- pioil till,"- inrlllilint: f.-r hi* armed | he controls tightly: it drops away (Dec. A Mar. grads only). program. v mier Fidel Cn-ti (FN I'll \ I IN n II IGF Nt F INI.AND STFFI. CO.—Account¬ OI TI.INES roveriii)! many ari-a- I when he starts selling whether force*. ing (B) (M) majora for related Western diplomntic I'fn.-tnl* a product, an idea, er himself AGKNt'Y Kconoiulcs and Ag¬ work. t hem. (H) (M), Elect. 11115 K. (Iruml Itivrr — b«l IJiioin^ of hluily. The mail order company, Hnl- ricultural Kconomics iiia jort who reported tin" today said "hip herstadt A Company the name for training program for in¬ (II), Mech. (ID. A Met. Fngrs. inents in the l * ' two month* form positions in It A D, qual¬ ED7-1639 AI.SU SEE from of Germany telligence agency. (Dec. & Mar. alone including HeM tank*, field chosen « map for its dignified and established grads only). ity control, galvanixing, elec- artillery, mortar', troop carrier A llala (iiiiilr. trucks, nth * «"•' machine gun* sound, deals mainly in Imported IKAVFI.FItH INSt'K ANCP trieal, tnd. hygiene, power, Two IllurkN Eaol of Aliltoll llall goods for the luxury, market, COMPANY — Accounting (It) steam, A combustion. Hie fur Iwyotrd r'uha's defensive majors, ami majors (Hi from 8YI.Y \NI \ FI.Ft TKIC PKOll- # IVrioilic Cliarln of lln- (" "• nl- from f'Jtf tape recorders to U.ftOO peed*. , the college of Hu sine as A Pub¬ I (IS. INC. Chemistry TIIR vm.it: «f the arm*. h1 clocks. lic Service (with emphasis on (Physical / Inorganic), Math, (walli-l nizc) I larger recently closed a ileal most all t serh niede. is estimat .1- Rfonomico, Insur¬ A Physics majors, and Elect., cd to total more t!i«»i $which will grross JIalherstarit Marketing. ance tit Personnel Adm.) (Dec. Met., t hem. Kngrs. A Mech. _• Oul.iili- |{i-ailiii|!N author ities -J — lion. 1'rcv i*Jy. 4 Mar. grads only) for posi¬ (ID (M) Kngrs. for positions liiforniutioii tions in sales ami administra¬ tive training program* tn in¬ in It A D, design, product en¬ gineering, production, industri¬ My frimfc, Vote Km "CImm" TMmI All Al , i lion. Some 3t'<> or more (rthh mill ... ItADMlNTDN CLI II 8 p.ii surance. al engineering, sales and pro¬ CAMPUS BOOK STORE MIDI.AND IKISS CORIV M'R- gramming. taiy techno urn* and instructor' Sports Arena FACF COMyUMTION IHYI- R\Y ITIFON COMPANY-Phys- SIll'ThT v'1'".. iASiU I. FMIUIT- " » m, SKIN - Mech. Flei t. Civil, Chemical, and Met. (II) Fngrs. ii-s majors and Elect. A Mech. Engrs. for engineering and re¬ Our PUIform: THE UNION I,,m Ill- ' Itefore Sept j,',' ' Hi'UiKN'Vs*ISMISli INTRA- for positions in related work. search in radar, missile sys¬ 1. Oualilv laundry and ACROSS FROM mindM-r of I Ml II AI S V2 p.m., entries PITTSIU HGII IT.ATF. C.I.ASS tems. microwave electronics, shipments begin, h »* mncv.d to | due; 7:1ft p.m. Meet slnrts. COMPANY, II. F. KOIII.HAM- electron tube technology, solid smli technician* war he .15 to 1»V Women's IM I'oel NIFK Accounting (Hi (M) state, sonar, communications dry rlranina. , , '..u- . v ^ |. ASH — 4:15 p.m., A data processing. Some Chinese in nvdian clothe* ; (•IIFr.N SI majors for controller's training Wmncn's Gym 2. Fail, rfficirnt wnirr have I ..An seen, too, but it »* not known whether they nic military technicians or »«. involved in rilllMK\ADKHS 7 p.m., open dutree, H p.m., dosed meeting, What every trade and cultural program* set MAKKKTING Fl I II 7 p.m.. fit. 34. W | Illdg CONTEST WHMEHS! pp to help the t u-tlO regime I'AIUYt I I.AMI V disturbing «n the newest batch of weapon . dip Dmon. Mr. dnck Siittigeiton will speak on the I'hieeniont YYKKK OF OCT. IP-t« EACH OF THFKi; ROOMS WIN A CLOCK RADIO; WALT IH lUt Kl college man lomatic. so.-i,. * say, >* the vast j quantity ..f r«.•den t".h " mn. SKI « I.I U h :;«» p.m., .32, Union Huieiiu Abo two executives from Foul Motor t o.. GS« WEST Nil AW — Tl'AHIO LAMIA should rifies and machine gun-, (a tin lit HI I. ASSDt IATIDN KXKf. TLII ANSTAt (ill MARILYNNt; BROW SMrllawMry fori •-« could ii * e -uch ligt t wrap on* m guerilla t>pe attack* and; IIIV i: Iter AMD Cafe, Kellogg t'enter 7:30 p.m., Hll NNYDER —• IRIINET RANTI: JEAN W ALRF.II Vial fl) 2-4H21 for rick- V,\ & Ddictrj know invasions again-1 other t aiihi^n Sl'Altl \\ WOMINS I FAG I K ^ NEW WINNERS EACH WEEK — C OUPONS |\ EVERY BOX time's no chafge countries. The State Department i* nti j derstopd to have a detailed report j 7 p.m., 3ft, Union THE PIZZA PIT E0 2-0883 K. (.rand Rv. Arrow Front Student Service* Building about on the ami* deliveries, and may. make public it * finding - in the next l« w das - to demonstrate the mounting i »*tr»» reliance on t ««« diamonds munoi natr ' - Lucky man—yun'vr *t>a ( ,\S I ID * ha . .ought to k. eo tin- qirl. Next qursiinn— the aims ,Uiiv.ii< * ing ship* in out-'- 1 • '-• ,v" '\ we present the distinctive t what of the diamond ria;f aft« r *»'aii"g mens front outride1". M« LORD JIFF SWEATER COLLECTION How bi(»? How much ' U5 ' rncnt h,»" »on «• ^n t"C cat (Vital style? Wlut qn.»» ' Wfighing » p t • • HANDSOMIIY STYUO1007. W r;. ttf • »•••") far, no Soviet Mlt* figh.t' t3 psrrani Atkanrd ^ivrs the .in--' ' been spotted, but it »* ; l\ri.UDlN« n*«ervptl seat some of tliCM' will U» pr-vi UHij It. kct. deluxe room, theater, • PRH-MOVINO COMFOST along with t te,h fiyirg inatruc- j t'hamiwgne Itrunch. • With an Arlmtwl Write or phone lor details. u... • r ASHION-RIOMT OH AILS enqagenu-nl ring you tnl Some emit flying icdtvielor? arc already icpoiied > n the *>« nc ^-^xior<^ Hoiino n. wown»s. ck.ibfa t, in. be sure you are gettin • train Culwo pd.-t* in the u'C to of Soviet-made iwiieoptcr*. : flnnM