KAKT I.ANHIMi. MICHIGAN, THIRHIIAY, NOVKMIIKR S, 11WI Ike Campaigns for Nixon Kennedy * ♦ Proposes Peace Corps SAN Fit AM ISIO. i/T>— ben. John F KcrimsJv jim- U cdnpwlnv night the rwtHblUhment of a Jinan- NEW YORK. A% \'r* corp* in which young men den! F,s•••!:?,bower-brought could nerve in underdcvcl* perform pr/iittcaf rr.arsr. v. ojk*1 nation* for three year* Richard M N '.Xh V, as instead of being drafted for pat/n here torte* military duty. ff* *i«*e */'' « J Warning thus ' .»■ enemy art* vancea now oy /)»n-mihtary method*." the presi* denta. candidate «*»d thi* roan* try must have rrprwrilativea aproad of greater latent ar.d training. especially in the nfw- ly-eroerging r>*t*on* that need •penalized help "We mil pur-h a button to eiart the wxt war but there it n/» push-button m;>s(tc to bring a ju«: and '.anting jmare," Ken* r.r 'v Mid ,n (i -"peecr, prepared />r dt i Vffv at ".be Cow Palace, The *.a!ic marked tog w-rpiup of Kenned^ , final 'wo-day bid ?«»r the 32 ♦o.wtoral votes of California, borne, t'.ate of hit ffeoah'i 'art opponent, Vice I'M h ot Hi tard M ' N.xon Rarl-er, Kennedy ac usert the K.renh'J* r j viernislf aiHwt of MAHAIJA JACKSON, famed go>- feature* aurk errata a» Enui* Arm¬ u*mg nit.ona! defense fund* for political ends and p'.edged. If pel ainfftr, h featured in the film senen strong. tirrrv .Mulligan, (iwrpe Shear* FORMER PRESIDENT Harry S. ion said elee?»*d. to puvh for J-peedf »C-j eons eat Wednesday that Tru¬ presentation of *\lau on a Summer's ing. Dinah Washington, Chic© Hamil¬ t.on on me.o.ures to rait# edu¬ Truman gets in on the halo act, am he is man. a Baptist, "ought to lie turned out Day," a color motion picture >hot at the ton. Anita Jack Teagarden and cational standard*. pictured with an electric light behind of hi* church anle-* he repent* hi* ma In hit speech here, Kennedy] Newport Jaxz Fotnal. The picture also 1 helonius 'Monk. him. The head of the southern Baptist and ill manner■•.** o?*/ photo. proposed that present effort* to' aid u rider developed areas of work! be supplemented by Affluent th« New Moo U Hall Named a corps of "talented young men In Third I)av willing and able to serve in countries in IMt faahtori for] Professor,' For Bessey, Botanist three years as an alternative peacetime selective service.** to] Blood Drive Falling Short lie laid the corps would be; Bv Adams open to women as well aa men *r»d that all tts me-nbers would bo orous el well in qualified through standards and well toe language, skills and' rig¬ train-j Of Jackson Prison's Goal custom* they would need to know. Fire De»tro}« Two I)i*|>la* » lire dc-troycd two homecoro. ing dopiayt during the weekend —one prior to Saturday'* judging and one Saturday night. The display at the Alpha Delta vr wort , Pi soronty house on Harrison lava, caught fire at- about 2wJND fetfjori— | Saturday met nirig. Ka*t Ironing toe department officials tailed the jml 'iilv fcia/* a prank and are not plan- luch' ning an invotigation. South WTniam*' duplay homed lIJU.Hl'V Saturday night at 10:30. Campus police, who are imctigatmg the «*u*r of the fre, »ay they b«- Ilieve it *»« «et deliberately. ! In both /ire* the damage was 'routined to the dixplajbi. American film Far FairrliiUI Aral, <*|M-ak* Tunixlil Fawr* Abtt-Diab, Arab ieforwa- t;w« ^/rector of. the Midwest, will The e&mmiltte convoca¬ ipeak tonight on m tion w.11 1* held tonight at h the Middle Eaif to the bsral pan. in the miuk building audi- chapter at the NAACP at d p.in. tonurn. in Zi Cnion. AH committee member* mu*t attend the convocation, said Jerry Myers, general chairman of the liW! J-Hup. The J-Hop;.executive commit¬ tee will meet af 6:30 p.m. tonight a the art room of the Vaum, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER .1. lBr.o MICHIGAN STATE NEWS PACE TWO II ay lie Jaeclicl The Spartan Spear- To Present Football Holds Surprises II innlirind Son^s The music dt'piisf ment preset)'< For Coach DaugheHy Wayne Jseckei, woodwind ■fn-t i«l. i#t, in a concert Tuesday tit .Hr JKHM MlkttMI.- 8 13 p.m. in Lie Muflc auditor- HimkI Kootliall fourh Hugh ' iiijf cxjM'rinnct'H," Dawrhcr- Jaeckel received his bachelor nf ty Haiti, M«ntl have had both music degree from State Tench- Duffy DkUgherty — the er's C'ollege. Wisconsin, in I :»:,'• j?oli-i. trophy-llnwl nffici* I! minute Iowa runaway." is in pur toil fulfillment of the ■• ami reminl-oiul a lit I Ii- bit. Dougherty, one •»( the boit quirements for a masters degrei*. Kita Fusxek is pianist for «»••• ' "I've hiul H lot of intefe.Ht. known football personalities in ! the country, feel* that we arc In" concert which opens with th< an cr.i where every game b» in- "Concerto No. I" for rlarim t umj ' teresting and that college fout- piano hy llaiuiel. Jseckei will then perform "Dm. Sculpture j hall is iit its highest level Ui j history. A veteran football plaxer and. Concertant for I'iaiio" hy Milhnud and will con. elude (he concert with Clarinet hi»I the Grows From coach, Daugherty ;.•» a 1940 grad¬ uate of the University of Hyra- .cu*e.in the jich'*»l of buxmrs^ "Sonata, Dp. 120, No. 2" by .1 «•• ha ii ties Brahms. The public is invited to attcin!. New Method I finance management ' An Outstanding college foot¬ ball nliiier. D'oigh« r'v :uv» plac¬ Paul and John ed hall for five years in the A n«'\v ivnpnct for wood, gtont* mid nuiny of the for- U. S. Army. After discharge in UM.'i. he Ih'hale Tonight re* of nnture ha* npurred a coached at Syracuse with Clar- Gubernatorial candidates !'. 1 ance fBiggic) Munn, n»»w Mich¬ II. Bagwell and l.t. Gov. John I:. rebirth of rennlMance in Swainson will debate tonight re igan State's athletic director. Hon. according to a Unlver- the major caiupaigii issue* m 7 The lure of MSU's bright ath¬ hity of Minnrnota profe* p.m. over WMSB. Channel 10, tie* letic future beckoned Dougher¬ *or. university television station. ty to this campus in 194t», where Bagwell is a former M8C pto- Thi* actual, rather than syn¬ he has remained since. feasor and is presently the dm* thetic, t-ehirth in sculpture, said "I ant very attached to thi* tor of scholarships of the net* ha* come straight out Magazine John Rood, university," l>nugherty -aid "I of the ground—out of the discov¬ versity. He is on leave while have received other npi*>ntum- ery and finding again of the vital¬ I Published by the Student# of campaigning for governor. "ITT ON THE OAS m nf llrial.v rrsirfrnls whm mask or have a cold. Stale News Hhoto "Sculptor* have begun to re¬ university is extremely bright,"; (through Friday, during the fall, Ihr «ind licirins la lilmv Ihr aonrfprs nf gain their respect for material* f weekly during the summer term. Mich. , hy Tom Arawlroag. he said. "Interest will increase JESS MAXWELL I Second das* postage paid at The Ohio Stete-MKtf font).. ! and to become acquainted with I lie Ki ll I isl.ir rlvrr Inwarils the d»r* material* hy working more and due to an attractive schedule in Feature Editor La»t Lansing. Michigiin. game will be shown on videotape., more with them," ha tald nearly •he toughest conference ©f ailj tomorrow .at 0 p.m. 250 at the 24th annual Midwest —the Big Ten Red Cedar's Odor Reaches College Art Conference held re. cently at the university. Born and raised lit Pennsy¬ lvania, Daugherty is married Peak —And Here's Reason Rood pointed out to the college and toe father of a boy and art tear hers and administrator* girl. The family midev w Eaat thot until some 30 or 40 years Lansing. CAMPUS DEADLINE#: 1 p.*. D«y Htforr I'ubliration for Turn.. Wed, Thura., CLASSIFIEDS ago, technical knowledge required Daugherty to a golfer and an) IU IdM.| II SIII'IMI \N rrratea an overload on the plant at ten in the morning, Raid of a professional sculptor wss •caaiona! fiaherman. He to an! and Kri. Edition*.. Deadlinr for Mon. Edition: 1 p.m. Fri. limited almost entirely to model¬ ardent spectator of football and and it laid * about .*10 dnva for the Patriarche. Nlnfr New* Feature Writer EXT. 2615 , 1 lie |{«il Ci-ilar river, n IradU plant to adjust itself to normal in the past years, many at¬ ing on elay and easting in plaster. track. F.D 2-1511 "The sculptor's subjert matter limuil hi'Htily sjini mi the univpr- mnditlons." tempts have been made to Im¬ A member of the MSU Men'sj was primarily tha human figure." *ily i Hnipua, has reused buirh ron- •The river ha# nothing to do prove the situation, said Patri¬ Club and American Legion, he' Rood reminded, "although ho had vi i-illinn in tbt' pMst ninnlh lie- with the odor Init the atmospheric arche, hut because the filtration "attends so many service club: to know *ometking about other tniiH,« ,.| the uii|ilrw*Hnt talor, conditions on some October even¬ and elimination process involves luncheons as a speaker'* that' AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE SERVICE animate ahspe*, such a* horses, M«•»V uf tin* t'umpliiinU have ings create heavier air and this the use of air in uncovered tank*, bird*, fish and dogs. he doesn't have tune to Join TYPING A Nil FOR babysitting • ••int* iu.hi the Uruily iliirmitorii's tends to keep the odor in one area, the problem has remained about IVS4 BL'IC'K. SPEC!At.. CLEAN #* FRIGIDAIftE ~ '! CWU CONDt- •our home. A»K for Emmet'* "Direct cutting in stone and thi« i«i an p*ca|lar.t car for - TION. S40. Call eu !*pw whiir tin? nihil has |itn»u Mm said Patriarch®. the same. 1 want students to know Hut traveling. Uwt olfrr. ED 2-42«b after - | ED 2-«T72 wood or casting in motal tended to annivirsart SALl ftiohiri- I, ps|HTittlly in the ruily \ below average amount of "Nature plays a big hand," said • 33 fall hy the wayside, and the art we appreciate the tremendous WITH HOLIDAY FEAHONS ahr • vrniur luuif a. rain-fall ran aggravate the situa- Patriarche, "when the certain at- TRftfMPII TR.1 SPORTS car frandors Stk OUR 5th j c..M r.t» 3-5210 for tlrrspfiinkms j of sculpture became insipid, spirit given to tbe team Uus lies — j trrs'lon* anil ruMjHt diaprry tvuf A. i ..i itiMv to John Patriiirclm, I lion, but is not responsible for the mospherie conditions and prevail¬ season," he said. Tnnneaii mvrr Bf«1i *n" rn«-n- empty and drained of vitality." r»i-eilent wndlUWi. SISO0 F.D 2-I3.T1 rlief11 quality. • I . lutiiiiu' i "f Kmst lutniMiiir, tin* j problem. pn.hlcm ncuaMy i xisla lUli iiiR the The present plant bus a three ing south west winds are present, the odor is evident." Rood maintained that the art Win or lose, the student body S5. GETS YOU Si. EXPERT THERM AND gener..' came alive because the younger will no doubt be bahmd Dough¬ .Ding Electric typewriter j#ev month of thtitbit. A new plant is expected to In¬ FORD !»37 rOUR-DOOIt cuxton 1 M Ht*i. JO ft*, C»« Se*" J' million gallon rapacity and when c«i> years r\nr''rr.i-»- One bl woisd < Nixon Wins • • ciiy of Kast Lansing. The plant is hi operation) location. It is estimated to cost got thoir hands dirty, whoso stu¬ dios ware more like parlors than AUSTIN HEALFY 1s54. 100 Roatl- 0-* Cavh PvfK Ka• "W'.hrn the student# arrive In twenty-four hours every day oft three million dollars and have a »trr rvtcllet f condition, new t<»n work rooms: and they also .ob¬ WM H. THOMPSON SpptnnlM r," said 1'atriarr'ie, "It the week and teaches a peak load I capacity of seven million gallons. paint, tnnnrau cover G««>.* Urea, new tune Call# Antmnaf Installed. served that neglected materials were lieginning to talk to thorn," Dorm Poll traneiator rm IMM OPFL III 2-3S-wi GOOD CONDITION 30 Your f»a*do» Jtwrier M#'| Ct. ftaado, lie declared. ... Phone MSI' c*» 33t*l Aftei i. TV Vice President Ku'hurd Nixon \f, \iurpht a: ron HALF • DOUBLE *pr-ng «b © nrk and oarts guaranteed. Nt it "At the same time," said Rood, tr*»* III' Phil . t .1 met 'IVIrv*m "aitist* genersily began to study won dectoive victory over Ar«u« t -3 0in.fr> can-rfa. Of i iwt» plymocth four DOOR «'• • Ibe work of the so-called primi¬ Senator John Keiutoiiy lax*. f**t tirr- Pru-ed f«»r quus »«ir le. Call tail nrtt-i r.\*!»•*• Mil |«r a.* 30 Phone IV • llii evrrung* 3, tive peoples. Cave drawings, Afri¬ night in a im»11 of But'.crfield t" Smytf4 ^ 30 TV • tut wiic Ifuona IV I can fetishes the archaic Greek ball men taken at the dinner ford im7 2 Dpon custom, v-s CLOTHING UAL- STUDENT «"•- (Unu^rif *Mft Priced I i seU. Va't ilia) M«/p: Mvrtlt'iul Iwi.t* sculpture and the early sculpture line. ED 1-IJAI J3 •tita i<*tn«-pmr «cited « >!l Ri» Putter 34: after S r.D 2 Mil spel IA l one t .ad I lis and spect for the basic character of to the Socteltst !T.>«rc-«dve —..client .nndumn ED *-Jpg • t ,.' 1 ,c.<*.•*<( and f.rpMmd »l «l WHY n r • that material." partv. - I K'Vh i V-40W0. 31 soft orneina Kvtiak i imi* film rev-i — Nixtin supporter, but even more so to the carver, — -- l iar 42 AV S3 2R p;«k .ml ^ >.|?r .. TVPING DONE IN mv SparU tiecause it is a history of the A dorm poll of this type Is I9M DODGE ROYAL. EOUR-Umtr *Tr. 4131 ,n|„r fl uf. rji.j KjW | VOUae Home ED 7-0703 Ssdai* V-S anil' al "* Prec< nnUoc a tilt indication of sentimenU - Sfed*'' v*" Autunu'tic. AuUwiwtic. rsdi't radm and' §1 •» Marek Mare# Prer.»iriUoc Centei SAVE up to 40 tree's growth. Unusual twists, a tujr muicai.on w _»».iumrBBlhww tx.ehe-M conditio*. F.n vlf■<••■'.. i*Thi imo.v AITIMIAT1C Goon rv!"7i!I.ui>''te.!'L iilSSJ1' Tburedc*. The some is true of stone, he pointed out. (irowth, as written \ss'2si,'irj:z.il?.r>v£ »« a. - ^ — • ... ..u. I TYPING ED 3-4a3U. TV AND RADIO service Sper into stone, is much slower—cover- iAg centuries or millenniums— hence the history of etone is even Offeral Sun. *ULT DA UPLINE iiMO nrt> Drfiitrt duiofi low itdlMc ,Jr~ST } . . *^'9 CI-4SS rtpt wiln ■ Jj»«* ral«» lo kiuden.v New ar u u.^-' *r •a'tt*»* D..*. the front TV wrU and antaimas Frer :« * A program of Idtk. ITth and ~ - . E0 roon» "* •• TV Tr.muusi to mysterious than that of tsth ISth Li.,™ 'fcW BORGWARI) T< MODE!., ex- - . r.i C Wu-fugaa. IV 7-3444. " more «rntur> total ami mstrumer- ceiVnt cowltUon J4 MPC ED JAbl ,/wr umrs m V" - wood. »re And when one works iu metals ta! music will he preeented Sun- M c.i^» wu?"/t . ^ee^'^lS* LEARNLmv TO Ra'es rt.Y «t gjeren - Three A*'"irtiir •lav at 4 p.m. in the Music audi* ij-" ■ ■ ■ ■ -- ■ ■ ■ Burtdm* and Abbott iisii rn with , Abbott plwnc ED a welding torch, he said, his¬ 1 2-4331. neur _ "oi wu • tory is written into the metal by Thi progi am will feature fac¬ PERSONAL the sculptor, himself. ulty and student* soUuat*. a* wall •TODorrat toms barber EMPLOYMENT No TYPIST ED Ami Brown. New pnor.e 2-»j«4 Electric Typewnh." Rood al»e revealed te the group Teim M Rtudant inatruaienteltoU and »h«*n 3MS Vid» Street I'imr hoflwra BURBOTS NEEDED TP b papers and theses. Also *e.i* station, began broadcasting (kt. 21. The hi audirart •( nvrr 3,000. Stale Ntwa that ho to constantly struck by tha pientr of parking we-t of Sear« , fm .tNP'n* chamber chorus. ««U. Call B«x» Watcn, ED 7-1314 forms which tha facets of no tart orroris (root National Food ;r station, broadcasting «»nl> during study I'hola by Tan Arawlroag. Th© program will ©pan with hours, plays "eits> listening" music. take. th© Choral a Aria "Wacb*t auf, rom the finest ,r. ©anc* HOUSING tt* Bud ©rangier. Don Smith, *.u« raft, una dio Summe." bp Tuader. Br*un. Boi>bv St» v, n« plus m*n« K>* ItNT .hnpc nf tir rvmu, ii, MMC rung bp Franca© Pavall, graduate others Phone Wit Bud-Mor Afencv. «*•»• for iu Mlllgro.kr u *. »*ixs lutu* Brody Radio Makes Debut, voica atadcni NICK TWO BEDROOM home '><» un Ink or ptncll, ko MM in n-.ue* north of E«*t Iu*i»>Jn( av*iUfl!.e Dr. Rant Lamp), director of tha KENNY DAVIS' OUCHES IRA- after Nov 10th. Must she msnerO . intrtgUng. CJ1 ID HIT* Ho atailM tkot tkoro I* • L'lhrtraitp Symphony Orchestra ,( FULL AMD PART Ww* tor We- >■ -re. 474 per month unhimi«> »">* tad Optra Workshop, will present References desired Call ED 3-D!' LiVAuu.* RscncNrnov kind of pnttfy la all Ob. AM Ext. 3231. :*Ir» Tomlinaon. Serves Six Dormitories aad direct Um program. Tha usual pins Forty ut>i< Tha Car© Shop mans better ready to wear and dirartor of thaaa event* is Dr. TWO m £2 Bui ming. kd us) f22T « Lcotwa.u * t< ■ sport* wear. Good workin* condi¬ rent to HOUSES, FURNISHED »r# reliable couples Ga* he*' Murray Barbaar. wba it aa sab¬ Inouire jn? s# Francis or *>! L. • batical toara la Cartft. Mr NAMeTx BabBis BTUhama. For tions excellent salary plus Hy turn IIORTON tion and enjoyment of the stu¬ Rarhier said that WBRS playa »n MrtUat imslM meat ma at the eommu- Stair News Feature Writer dent* of ' Rsodyland'," Tbt pabUc isiavtted to attend. pop, and classical music. j «*n. Will train. Arplr t-iroa, Le* Brcdy. radio station, WBRS, .The station receives it* records Also featured am news, sports i tart'd its official broadcasting free from the major recording Shoo. 417 East Grand River. year. Oct 14. and weather coverage. The sta¬ companies in reciprocation for Station manager Ted Barbier noynal broadcast usage. tion can be heard at 600 on all During II* p.* t, snid I'm station hits been com¬ "The station started iir lhfifi by Brody radio dial*. aaiiMiiaiata DAM CONgTRUCTlON. oregon pletely* remodeled for this year's students who had an interest in This is Bar bier's first year as KulpKn. I, il*t a* Esaht year project Ton par. "Job T'lrndcasting, and is now serving radio broadcasting." Bathier said. station manager, lie was for¬ ur». form.rl, cmmM vJSfJJ"" «.*k" stamped er.volonc lOCO. Box ra. Medina Wash CAMPUS NEAR. IDEAL home ad six Brody dormitories. "At Jhat time the money and merly head engineer of the sta¬ •ulubl. natwr tor mbSm, * ueer deaion soon *• x 24 panel »<* me mm©* mcisuoo. librarv with fireplace as faculty Quiet rural env-tron-re 1 The station, which m run on a equipment was furnished by the tion. Priced at IRJCB Call Nema Su*S- COFFEE COUNTED HELP needed Three bearoo>ns Two baths T* • no.msr* iaumtiag tku tWt of from Sam to 19 am Mini be cheer ca' la rage ED 4-3744 i bi-vil :i»nit »uL>cription basis, student* on the station." < The only commercial* accepted Hit »»x • tn. ii 0*km kg tk* MUM llfclus»o*s 1N0 firearm deer.****- ed 4-Jtoi. Eiungcr Realty fuJ. reliable AdoIv m person at tn* - now broadcasting daily from At the present time each dorm on WBRS are those pertaining wind, aam Nov. IV ro«ct, c"r«" •*»'«»" » Saudnut Rhop. » MAC 3* AfAATMlNIS or th. v.jr flick.ring SJSF0-—transportation 4 p.m. to I a m. Uarbier said that pays 1UM a year to have the sta¬ to campus events. Anyone wish¬ .hndu.i nr. cut hi the near future the station In¬ tion broadcast into their dorm. ngcuat • Mm* WANTED . WOMAN INSTRUCTOR ing to have an announcement Mil. kc uid. JLTaRLSTC. ,L-» «" tend# to lengthen its hours, start- The station broadcasts fall, win¬ made about an upcoming vent -RmI VrMcncc* ku C,mc kuk big th»- broadcasting day at 1 ter and spring terms. p.m. and ending «t I a.m. The station now ha* 25 people, should bring it to the station, int. .culptura. Ik. Und of pro*. which is located in the south wing ,nc. tkot indicated individuni two^rttk hunt. P2S5LT5! SSHH Bin f icr said,, "The purpose of working on the staff, 15 of which! Newly mnnan —n. c«a to »-m» » of Brody hall, between 2> p.m. Vitnlitr. or t Uf. ct Ua ! ROOM FOR ONE male studer!. urn," ko dear will b» •lurvroud" Inn •' wm wanted TO Chido. m- _, IVBBS is to further the educa¬ aiw announcers, 1 and 6 p.m. ou weekdays. b*4 t t million. . ' lEiu*a*noos- *"■ en* cut id . . . HIGH . CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . vice A lit gv.rcr-.r- MADERSaiP ... I ,%»"****• "M> THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3. I MO MICWIC AN STATE NEWS PAGE THREE The Parties Positions Fraternity Council Traffic TraffW- Safety Sabbath Nov. 19 and 2(; j 5!abbath Safety. Kabhath will fall, moral responsibility of the indi rm«ad*of believe that so nr.d«r»funding the moral sponsibility of drivers is needed AS much as or more re¬ than eompre |9iv»dijal driver. Holds Convocation on the week-end of November heneion of «,e legal or technical Young Republicans Say Denis. w„.4 and in ti... aio trus >«-ar. ! t J"oe. M. Hare, Chairman of ,, , „ , , . ' reeponsibilitle*," Hare said. , , . . . . . f !>.»- Michigan State Safety i orn- TM« annual Inl-f fa.U, aafaty ,lW tut » tw.«la, Clergymen, who serve or. Mich¬ IFT Rnah Convocation wa* held Tuciutay niirht in Shaw program, developed a Stale- p«-nod whs selected this year to igan's Par.-,! Safety Councils, have hall for men interimted in fail amoker* and winter ruah. beer, largely responsible for initi¬ Pick Pockets for Government *r»d«- committee of Catholic, J'rot- enable faith* observing Saturday mil Mlwh.ll, pre.Wi.nt of ifc. ating tr.«- programs in communi¬ estsnt, and Jewish' el'fgy, is In- «* their ! abbalh to participate, w-trernad tha rroup and In.itad dlrretur «f m.n', dlTl„nn. ..id tended to focwi attention on the ' Sponsors of the Traffic Safety ties in rr any part* of the ffute. A general fear of the Impossible them to become members of what that many students come to col- The Republic»n jmrty firmly philosophy is soundly illustrated )<■!)«■ ves in the basic principles of by the performance'of our econ¬ price tag on the Democratic plat¬ he called "the most active frater¬ lege with a distorted view of fra¬ free enterprise economic ays omy these last eight Eisenhower form, has plunged the American stock markets to new nity system In the Midwest." ternity life. The fraternity image ENGINEERS * MATHEMATICIANS PHYSICAL SCIENTISTS * vbrrt th« antreprenaur l» Nixon years. An objective look lows; while Fell smokers and deferred ruah has changed drastically in the to allocate Ma www In at the genuine record will pull the abroad, the price of gold is soar¬ procedures were explained by Rob ing as jittery foreigners scrabte past few year*, he said; prewcr.t- to Uw rfaawnda of you rug from beneath the feet of the Lints, IFC rush chairman. ■.... 'T""" , I tht all-pawarful coMum.r. windy, empassioned Ivy Leaguer to unload the potentially vallate** "The smokers have h**n set up day fratenutie* emphasize leader¬ U.S. dollars. The "prestige" of to allow rushes* to see every ship, service and scholarship to a i. .. |'„mo. r.lk phllooophy I. to who rearfully berates, aado brat- the economic philosophy of the greater extent than they used to. k our pork'ta, In ard.r to food enly house on Time often , , understates, the achieve¬ campus. Democrats is unquestionably at hasn't allowed this during regular BUILD YOUR CAREER , ..ro ornl more monoy Into tho ments o'f the L'nited 8UU* and 1 an all time international low. ...rnrouo Kadatal (loyornmont; her citisens. fall rush," he said. , i;.„m they f««l thot wo con- How about the contention that What has this vocal junior sena¬ "The deferred rush plan was set. There'* Slill Time TO SUIT YOUR tor done to help build our econ¬ Up by IFC," Lints said, "to give ,„,r» ore too Irnoront to make we are a "second rate country" For (jtmpu* Politic* ,i„ i.ion. tkoy wont, whon we ami that "Russia is ahead ot, us omy in attempting to earn the men time to prove themselves a* TALENTS .[.end eor Inromr. and pulling away"? This is rub¬ 1180,00 of salary we have had students." It's not. to late for student* to The economic function of gov- bish! This very morning some 70 taken from our pockets to pay George llibbard, men's division AT participate m campus politic* him? At a frniooot I. to do thore thine. million Americans got up, afid merrier of the Joint advisor to fraternities, spoke on Both the Young Republican* . „h,.h ore noroooory for tho pub- went to work, to do any one of Economic Committee, he has not what to think about In selecting a rlub and the combined Citizen* ... I fore ond oofoly. «nd which hundreds attended even one of the 64 meet¬ fraternity. for Kennedy and Young Demo- ' of thousands of various ■ .it. or would not, bo under- ings and hearings since March '20, "In deciding whether or not to rrata rluba feel that student par¬ , ... jobs. I960—a period of mors than a join a particular takrii by tho prlvoto ooftor Their aggregate output of goods fraternity, keep ticipation in politics is essential. Our olm lo Inward minimum and services will have a value of I j year and a half. in mind that the foremost purpose tin election day both club* in. ...v.rnmont In tho oronomy, with more than a billion and a half • The last eight years speak of your college earecr Is scholar¬ tend to get the people out to vote :.,,mom oronomy In tho fooorn- dollars by the time the sun sets proudly for themselves. Ws re¬ ship. Fraternities are increas¬ by offering free rule service and J , ,,t Wo furthor behove, that It this evening. This vast fuse to trade a proven record for ingly placing emphasis on aca¬ baby sitting while voter* ar* at' output a hollow, unsound set of . .oiponmblhfy of eovorn- dues not characterize an economy windy demic achievement and the de¬ the poll*. „ . rt. throueh auunrf and hnno.t I that. I to cpiote tho mi*.informed) promises. Help keep our economy velopment of mature attitudes." Any student who wi*het to help and (fatal polWoa, to is "standing still" or "isn't «sfc, Bene, sod strong with the A color movie wes shown, de¬ ,„,to an atmoaphoro wlnrli will.[ ing ahead." , mov- | . 1 demonstrated ability of the Re- picting a student rushing, pledg¬ either club is urged to contact Dave Rheuhottom of the Citizen* THE ,...irafc private Initlatlvo and' The much vaunted Russians, by publican* policies. ing, being activated, and going for Kennedy at IV 2-6962 or Jack ; it,ic oipanvlon. Donald W. Riegle, Jr. through fraternity life. Knlrk ef the Yourg contrast, will produre this very Republican* lu Ilowovor wa are .rriliro not prepored : day less than half as much as we tomorrow'o economy I Americans ... if wo accept the Ji *• * Eldrm Monsiamaker, a»»UUnt at ed 5-bmi. CORP OR A fI 0 N I., abnormally arrrlerate ll.r Russian production figure*. Rut I IT today. W e will not tolrr- the New York Times on Kept. U, the pt iliwopby of our oppo- 1WJ0, less than two months ago. nreta which would die our children with an o«. diohonoatly in of a copyrighted story from one Russia's leading economists BENDIX REPRESENTATIVES WILL BE ON CAMPUS SENIORS! a.ar.'iir.tr load of Iremtndoua debt; i nt. Ureal Irrooponaihlllly that (Ktrumilin) tells us that actual Russian output is only atout .10 NOV. 10 it. liomocraU refute to fore up per cent of the official Russian In- thry lark tha Intopity to pay dev of production. • today'a l.ilU today. If THE If we adjust the Russian figure FEDERAL *ovem- we find that this very day the moot muat atoal Iho buying l«.w'r Russian economy will produce ; TO INTERVIEW GRADUATES AND GRADUATING ,f tomorrow*! dollar to flnonro about 11 per cant of what we Pulay'a ofioratloo, oo tho Ifcmo- Americans will produce here at ,.... advocate, wo fool that tuch home today. Let the Kennedy sup¬ SENIORS WITH THESE DEGREES: an economy will not, ond cannot, porters realize that we Americans remain hoollhy and atron*. In. will out-produce the Russians to¬ f.non, which dooa lu rroatoal day by_ 700 per cent and this is it-ioioM to Utooo who con afford the same Russia that their young i halt, muat be rrrornned, demagogue aaya, "is leaving us uidoratoud, romhattod, and con¬ behind." In 1990 I.E. • B.S; M.E. • • M.S. A.E. • • PHYSICS Ph.D. • MATH trolled. The Itopubllcano are ah. lo'uhly plodycil lo the mainte- that nine per rent of the IJJS. IN AGRICt.'LTL'RE we And FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS IN: , anca of a atablo dollar at an In- ii «pcij«sble means U> progress. \\ further roeognix* that we food labor force are farmers,\et they will produce over 60 per cent more V0U1L WANT A AVTOMATKM AMP CtMTWOtl UtTtAVMrCA MJCLIOMCl tmwss AMAL1& MVMAUUCS today than the Russian —iwifwitnos* *OtW ITATI WWTWCS COMAUjnOM •n»uuwv must continue to move ahead by farmers, who constitute over 60 PWOfULWOM COSITBOtt • ADA* tfivrwis tpcnsorinff economic progress, per cent of the Russian labor and we pledge to reviulite our at¬ force. tack on the economic trouble spots that now flirt, Recognising that fact (and even using the phony ,r economy is based upon eon- It happens to be an algebraic overstated Russian data) that tinuing change and Improvement, with our current respective base we hope to continue to generate levels of output, if Russia and the WOLVERINE Sro voter Mom—n obovt e ft—d > iefo*v«w g ro* o*s veohw to )'M» Mt. C. D. Ooecond.Tho ftoed.f C3»po»0'«•, AnAor of go iS*«. to* m 4o1mb «s Kaadeig. OoWgg 2,Akfc and maintain an economic atmos. U.S. continue their current, aver¬ phere that ran aliow us to acetler- age rates of economic growth, it stc our rate of growth. is mathematically impossible for Vet wo realise eur growth rate Russia—at any point in time—to TO SHOW VOW w.:: vary from year to year. And equal or exceed our output. noting that under the Eisenhower- How do our economic chances Nixon administration we rrew at look if the junior senator from j a rate of 7 per eent latt year in Massachusetts Is successful in j GRAND CHILDREN! \%'j, we are not prepared to turn buying the key to the White; hack time or progress, to accom- House? The current effect of his rodate the 5 per cent rate of rash mouthings about economics,i growth promised in the Demo- has Inn to plunge the financial j IN VOW LIVING WIT j .•atie platform. world (in the I'.S. and abroad) How has our economy per. into sincere panic. formed in eight Republican years beginning in ItM? Let us e*- amine i9m-w at affainat Uia pre- \.»ui cikht year, IHI-II In thii ,-riu.l from .rvtic year, tha Damo- af tha treat poat war iht krt nhr-cmU of lit yml U-.m, "real" (aka homo pay ta; ir.a od 3JI per cent. The pait Republican oitht yarn have eeen "roal" take home par l*r cent. We hottared tha Damaormtia rrrerd by aver SM par tant nnd t. haven't hnd ta aacrtica any Amrrican boyo In aoadiooa v ;r. f.rdor ta build that raaard. It tha Democratic yeart WW¬ 'S: the coat of livlnf rota (Infla¬ te) 47A par cent. Ihla t,t tho IMS WO 111 do" _ .-Ir worth HI ante who. Tre- r.a.-i was through orith it is WW. >rd tha Sip.hlli.nl wort tailed to the rescue. During the pikt tight Repub..- r-s-e j se'era"i s«eate on yenrt, the cost ef living hex irreMed «J per eent which >e*a I— <— B* I,,1*111.1 •nya p!a-n.nq! Bulity in netntl dolkr and cents m.ari terms we were live times more 1 ■** MtnaM* tHa ca^DOf.e-'s fcrirq a e'>ct;ve In halting the inf.ation than donkey party. We end the 'ytVW «M a Bdanr far, «a< kfow'tg nonchalaf.e knaiafcaa rnunf awn pffMmt tion with Republican Administm- more Americans at tc yc.' *a-drobe. MqaWa* Baa add Sib naot. eork, earning more, epending Casjaily r-an-e'ed more, saving more, investing *«■ la* el *a*ale aeiwel more, end producing more then •I** md yafm aMaf In a am card'3ars ar.d pu'lo/efs ■ ever before in the entire bietory of our country. A* l*A b Mp Miaa kanan ard woe's a-e „ THE REPUBLICAN economic IVaaVwai saftLy understated Russia Receives to complement, your campus way Tools From U. S. of Trfaaaaaaa. dressing. White Boston or—a Mutant »f 1 r»n ■aKiary fa tte 8tni. linranes, Ro,.llnd i |i,ir.rie.: aopiunmpa. uedy among tinivarsity ami ptio- •«-««•«». .»• ... -«»• , «•»*• •» Wednesday morning about . i on pie x it v of modern .society. u to stimulate the economy. Fin* g:mdn. j lie school teacher* in the Lansing • home economics; Milton Rokearh, class jrmiter expenditure for public j1 ally, last year, the Republicans San Diego Ray, an ardent dev¬ decided to ilo something hold. However, in 105# we hear, "The | professor of psychology; Charles olution supporter, whom he met ju-eds has been required. Soviet economy is growing fast A.* has been pointed out in pr They appointed Mr. Nixoi: . ,»i » .c I HI. MS THE .'in* niii work vuniminrc will IT committee j Cumberland, *»>»«■•,- . professor of - history; ' ' on his recent visit to Cuba. viou ' articles of thi* series, Re-J chair a committee to stud >' the 5J««n ours t and In respiins. to the ,.|OBl.|y with the Lansing and East Andraw Brimmer, assistant pro- **«rk€»#Vlf«-r Lep'.rt, .Vrxon "«»«1. | |jar,ll|ng Qtitena for Kennedy feasor of aeonomics; Paul J. Ray has fiocc fled Cuba. publican* have often been slow to (problem. The committee me RAY SMMGLW> arms into reeojrni/e the,e need- ANo they j Talked. They didn't bring down should set as our goal not jrommjttM>beaded by Thomas C.1 Deutsehmann. director of the _ lliVVe been uiiw iHing t , recognize prices op send the growth rate rate our the pr« uf growth t rate of growth of Wal«h of t,. ni. MePherson. , . and. Frank Mcpherson. rommunif.tlo'n, "'r«.Kh !; communications research "rMrtir; center; j Cub. whra It *'•» »tlll under -the nature of the govc nment role up. But they turned in a report, j ec. .my , but rather the "We need to put an end to the Ralph II. Rm.iekl.r, I control of Bnliti. The crime in the economy. The Washington I'ost called Mr. higher rate of five per cent." division of authority between the dean of international programs; was punishable by death, Aw public expenditure bus cx- Nixon's report one of the most Yet in September of this* year, President and Congress," llickok Joseph LaPalombara, head of the Pflaum said, VlfkU S P. *. (»■"• 1*)-#* the vice president said, "I would punded. it effe t « n growth of redundant, uninspired and gener- j say that my goal is a maximum said Monday. "With the world department of political aetenea. | Ray was thrown out of a nan. a Hal. S P. -V* Mats, t:M P." M.-H » three per cent, al unity."as it Is, we need nation- ll,r economy ha* become imi« h ally u*e|es* document* to come off We*. A III. growth rate j situation (tiMrra faMtr IJ) - Thfalrr more important. The government the government mimeogiaph ma¬ . . . four per cmt. anil in some in- ' Two factors arc Influencing us may pa> f"r a hospital or a typ< chines. The New- York Herald aavetop* writer, lull the.-e item- me prt>- .Tribune, a Republican paper, call* ihiced by fin- rntcrpf ie. \Y« I- ed it a high school type paper. stances five per cent." In view of those statements we to support Kennedy, llickok said. "First, foreign policy in which MioMgN SMo IMvonHy tkr* ha* can only judge by the actions of Kennedy has shown that he has fare traii-fn* payments give pc«- SENATOR proposed five KENNEDY point program: the past few years. As Senator the capacity for creative leader¬ IFU! pie purchasing power to buy a 1. Use the budget to stimulate Kennedy has explained, "We have ship. prnwnts •K goods produced by free enterprise. lioo.l education and improved growth during recession and us the mean* to put our house in order—to regain our position in "SECOND, the importance of "DMAr CORAL GABLES' highway* are resources that- mn- brake on inflation during full the world. It all cornea under the understanding and cooperation 'Ml tribufe to tbe strength of the | employment. between the legislative and exec¬ Adopt greater flexibility in heading of economic growth. "MUHOOK* ILFORNO • <-eoriom\ w Another way in which of interest rates rather than There is nothing cold or dull about utive branches of our federal gov¬ the government run influence the ri-e the meaning of growth. It means ernment. economy i* by the varied controls keeping them artificially high. of the central banking *y-tein F"Uibli-h a balanced nod CO* j | J°h and homes arid schools for ■liihlren." the "We feel that Kennedy offers greatest promise in both "iitUMNT policies u cltidK ••rdinated monetary and fiscal "ur The.se mom taiy AI Bkfeld the?C areas," llickok said. ali«* I. Open market npeiatUoi*. ". Regulation of reserv re- ; policy. 4. Work closely with labor and "ACIASSK" ..RESTAURANT.. qiiiremnt j management to develop wage and :i. I,oan >. . > 1 price policies consistent w-ilh rp»- sonable price" stability. "A MUST" 'the name that made PIZZA famou* in Laming llIESr*. IfMlI.S can lit d to FOR FREE - i'nreftilly examine the tax enu-e high int. i< -t rntes iu -1 thus k^r,„rder t'» clo«e any tax "MMTT MISS IT" discourage businessmen from b-.r- j |,M.ph„,,., Mn,| in or,j. r to develop - r » OPEN DAII.Y 5 P.M. - 2 A. M. rowing to .n.rea*e tbnr produc-, u% p),Uciet whlfh wl(| Annulate to.n. Abo thi* means the cost of tj, ♦UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM buying « b "< ..r a ear on time j- Wh((t ^ Mf. Nixon's view of the ♦Onr Showing Only: 7:30 p.m. — A I.SO HPECALIZING IN — i- greati«. On the other hand, in* j g0VI>fftment role in stimulating \ Frl.. Sat, No*. I & 3 Inert rates can be lowered ''V I thi» economy? monetaiy pob< j I hi* tend* to j own w„r,jg „n(j find the answer, in We turn to bis ! 2 Gallon of Ooko, A4miOHion: 50* ★ ITIUM SMHETT1 ★ t o-in. vs expansion and • ocmiii.i . jfhflrj|ct,.HMu. hard to, »n*iitll cut bu-iiik'. j ,|m,-over. Ill 1057 lie said. "There Rool Boor or Oroogo (• Dur to popolar dfmand.) Tb.- tuniuy f.„ goveirment ran obtain j ^ t(U> m(U |, „f m tendency in some public purp"**'< •'>' I busine taxes oi by selling bonds. Neithur ' quintet's to sny let the WHh 2 Hog. Oh Hon Pizza smits-aiaa-swoops ■ ) govi-rnmeut bail out the ccOn- of these means is inherently more I 0111,'." (Plain Uiff* Kxrludisl) desirable. The effect of cither d<*. Yet In 105# we he.tr from the pt'tuls i-ii the state uf the • iiiiidiiiy New York Tiroes that Nixon For Something Really Different—Try Out at any time. SoTue people tlaiiu that ■-itle «'f urged maximum federal aid to, Starts support the nation's economy. IkiiuIh ih bail ItrtniiM* it »a w- the j Every resource of the government tiatiun.il debt. any other extension of credit. Iluwiv! . the f |..nil» iiic 1.1.11, r.i. diilrii lit than j feonomv'o expansion. mu«t be mobilized to assure the 1 UN TIIB UtESI IUN of what VARSITY DRIVE IN FrMay! BARBQ-RIBS People who have money they wish rate of growth wo should expect, j ED 24617 to inve-t hum it to the represen Dinner* 0 Snack* 9 Sandwiche* 9 Pizza tnlive to of ail the people. It is used buy tbinv's that are the counti y. needed by In time* of unem- ICC Elects ! Delivery Sorvteo OdO ' ★ mm a mdii ★ pluymeiit such trimi* greatly rtiinulate gruvvth by fr>e enter S|i:ni!ilci' l*res.j pi Me. join. What eroniiiin This in turn ptovidea more ih The Inter the present state of the elected a new president and dis¬ * In August 0 0 percent cussed plat's for the year's mem- out Conperitive Council Till HSDAY. FRIDAY a Paradiw Thralre SATURDAY "Nature's 0DNPUTE TAKE DDT KIVIOE «.f the labor for The manufacturing ofwork.|Wr,hjp hiring rate program, Tuesday night ut MottS House. Paradise" was down. Manufacturers' new Jerry Spangler, Defiance, Ohio, orders trie*. IS were tll tS indicator* tieoige Slu down in most Indus of these and other said, in junior was elected to fill out the remainder of the term until next spring The fall term election was ne¬ | in IN PERSON!! The Wall Street a Journal on Sept. cessitated by the retirement of WMRCM# Calar P.i. "Much busim** comment Pat Smith, Owo*k> »«ninr. these days ceptei* on the question Mans to start a membership whether a recession is threatened. program fail term were rejected Actually, how ever, » recession j by the IP member group, Aa AM FMws bus been under way for some tune It was also mcptiotud that and th. iml question i> whin It Dedfick |(ou«e bad rrcetcd a xvjil rod." 1 Homecoming Display even though While economist* were warn the ICC had decided not to par¬ Jug of the arrival of another re ticipate us a group in the func¬ Far AM NMs cession, the vice president con. tion. ALSO Bpangler. a member of Ela- — timicd hii theme thiit "America luul it *.» good." Anyone j worth'IIouto, narrowly edged out who question* tin* t» laWled n i llotlsmi Hou-e s t.crry Schnei- duw ngiuding America or echoing t der. East Lansing aeruor, for the the Communist propaganda line, j presidency. ! JUNE ALL* rnoaaait mrauiAnoN call d wmt %/ Interest costs year mortguge have inci eased on a 110,000, 30 DAVID Mil $;t,:i00 since 10f»2. but Republicans j refused to polit y. c.t-c the tight moiil|r Resident itil construction is ■ disc shop HMRH«'MM.maH.i|l||Q iI ,T I AN '.INC PH0NI Itelow last year'* level. The pres¬ 323 East Grand River ent administration has been nut- (NEXT TO KEWrrr.'SI PLUS —Cartoon CanUval For The KIMite THE HOME OP FOREIGN FILMS able for two tinny*, high interest late* and bp service to the bal¬ l'ai-1 I Jin-iny'- LAST ■ ROBERT MORLET IN "OSCAR anced budget. It bit* failed to admit that the government must tliilv Exrluoivo NIGHT I WILDE" FIRST SHOW 7 PAL play a po-iuve rote in the econ¬ omy to h sure a pioper rate of, Urrnril Slni|i growth 1053,! \.t under the Tvuroan Iietween 1047 and a»lmin|straUon, OMR EVERY EVENING our average rate of growth was! , tor Program lufarmadon IV 219951 SEE ft HEAR THIS FAMOUS TRIO yy . i MICHIGAN NOW Nkhigin Pranian Milk PLAYING SUCH Hm AS t & WHOM; WAN TNK NIUUV Mft NACI.Vti VOM K 1 • BUT NOT TOR ME i IN TIIK NICiHT THAT THANOKD UER U»1 FROM 1 Ice Oeaui • POINCIABiAi HArflMKM TO TERROR? . | • TANGERINE - BILLY BOY CASH A CARRY O AND MANY MORE# !: Gal. Grade A Homogenised MONDAY • NOV. 7 39c Big 2-Hour Concert - Oat At 10 pm. Starp r in Esstmsn COLOR .^MVMUV« , 1201 E. Graud River ' LANSING CIVIC (MER 9. aUNII HMtSHd HT«M MM "Please da jaur frtaada. iai arlckhan a favar. Eael Lauainfi tmmwmmm CHOKE SEATS NOW ON SALE ATi Do not reveal the < 3055 E. Mich. c "EXPRESSOMW CAMPUS MUSIC SHOP af "Mldiiihl Uf." it No one still ] ID ltd II Mia. ■ Juet Weal of Sear* Features at 1:P« - J:H 1:15 • 7:25 - 9:55 SOOM 'ilLl.l, TO ETEHiMTY" UWf AT WAR! LANSMD FAIN MIDDUOTS DD. -RTF Bow rrrsr'' IN EAST LANSING A THE CIVIC CENTER DAILY MIS » LOVK! nt Smo* TlltTSDAT. NOVEMBER 8, IWO MICHIIiAS S T A T K NEWS PACE FIVE In Big 10 Plav 1M Intramural Highlight* Soccer Ohio Stale, Spartans Dorm ubTe tennis tournament Independent team badminton Schedules start* today at H tennis room of the p.m. in the table will begin tonight in the Sport* IM building. Arena of the IM building. All Calvin for Sixth Win FOOT# A I.I. All dorm teams should report at independent teams should report Offensive Co-Leaders *.<•—W, M-a» 7 '9 Pfiftirt Field this time. by 8 p.m. :7i— Kappa Hlgwia - Far»hpO«» • Mil Delta CHICAGO (ga-lf it's any com- ranked Iowa trill xttrry the big »:Vt—* TO - Delta I P»IHhi Michigan Slate aocrer ti-nm rnll«-«l on the defending hnlfbnc'.; and booted fort to Mlntimnta, the league's top »:!»— T K Flu - I'M Tap „„ Thr it- eixth victory .of the reaaon Wcd- the ball home with only ltd seconds left defensive team, nationally top. JO's third bent offensive record into their diamatic football clash • Twk PteM IP-Delia f'kl - F»l I Complete Optical tieaday hy beating Calvin College 5-0. in the game. Saturday. 7 :1S—*RT - The*a ( hi »:ia_FM Fel-Fhl K. PifWa • Triappl* - A 0 Fhi Service Tl,,. victory gave State a season record outstanding in the game were The figures, for whatever • A ». Fl • Siy«a I Si „f *iti wlna anil one loaa. Sparked by Mabrico Ventura'a two the two Spartan halfbacks Reinier (DutchI Kemeliag and Ken Graham. Weight I if ting they're worth, tab Ohio State and Michigan State hp offensive co- ienSwHl t'leM ' • IP—HAM . Hhp ThetP Fl 7»Ji—M I'hi >> - SipMa Np ■ :IP—Fhi «tr»a K • A K F.i „„als, the Spartana overcame near freev Kemeling. on two different occasions, saved goals in place of Ted Saunders, I Meet Saturday i leader*, with Iowa heat. On rfr- fenpe, Michigan and Northwest- A:SV— «.a Mill'e Her* • Here* Stiwipee t ill—Seeer • Mawtosd weather and a hnrd playing Calvin I ern—both out of the title chase— voi.i.a.vn Al.f, i ill rliib to breeze to an eaa.v victory. Spartan Goalie, when Saunders hail been The nolo Michigan State I. id-; M|p„ rtnj< ,head of Iowa, • :••—£. MSaar I ( op ft I - 7 the first quarter aaw only one pulled out of position to prevent prior; r" '.ty ,!* R!l, j oilio Ntate in the Big ffi, would cinch at! be the strongest Minnesota ha* make* maximum use of sire Imth |f*»' a piece of its third confer- j faced so far. up front and in the hackfield, ret titie in five years by win- 6. A reputation for winning Bandy Stephen*. Bill Mun*ey, r-.g. Minnesota, 3-0, 1* shooting | the big ones and the demonstrate Kog Hagherg, Jhn Rogers and br its first in 19 years. 'ed shrewdness of coach Forest Judge Dickson all are caps hie Tin; IIAWKIA K8 WILL OF-j Evashevski. Big 10 backs. rn; MINNESOTA CAN COI'NTEIt 5. The all-consuming incentive : Ti.'t'ring backfietd speed!WITH: of atonement for Minnesota flops DpreH-rtptl by Joe Williams,! fc. A splendid line that com- of the pact. Evtry. Thursday thru Sunday svpnings Jazz Workshop Featuring tha Al Bautlar Group Admwiisn SO csnti Galiary Espresso 547'/i Grand River. (oppoaXo Barkay Hall) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1960 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS PAGE SIX Information Campaign Buttons, Too Placement Bureau PERSHING RIFLES—T p.m., it NOV. 7, IWf FEDERAL AVIATION AGY.— THE IIELL SYSTEM. HELL [ engineering. engineering and production de¬ velopment. LABS. INC.—Math (M) ma- AMERICAN TELEPHONE A Political Cartoons Exhibited Dm. picture. Hail, W«a» uniform; SPARTAN WIRELESS CLl'B- Elect. (II) Engrs. for positipn* DICK 8UTCLIFFE F. O. Alexander, The Evening Pointer, Detroit News, and jors, Physics (M) majors, TELEGRAPH COMPANY — By 7:39 pm, fitly Buildin; in installation & modification. James N. Fieklcn. Dallas Morn- Civil (It) Kngrs. for positions Elect., A Mech. (It) (M) Engrs. Physics, Math (B) (M) major* State News Staff Writer A Sunday Bulletin, Philadel¬ LUTHERAN RTUDRNT ASSOC and Elect. & Mech. (B) (M) ing News. —8 p.m., tlntrcnttp Lutheran in construction, surveys, sur¬ for positions in U A D, design, Original drawings by domes¬ phia, Pa., and John R, Somer- With the political cartoon dis¬ veying, & inspection. production engineering, and Engrs. for management A styfl" ville, Atlanta Journal. Church . GENERAL DYNAMICS CORIN) production development.. training positions. tic and foreign award winning Also included are: Ross A. play there is a display case on SPARTAN [CHRISTIAN FKt.. CONTINENTAL CAN CO. the second floor which contains RATION. CONVAIR DIVI¬ MICH. IIELL TELEPHONE cartoonists arc now being dis¬ Lewis, Milwaukee Journal; LOW8HIP—7130 pm. Bethel SION—Math & Physics majors, COMP\NY-Physics A Math Chemistry A Physics (B) (M) Frank Williams, Detroit Free campaign buttons from the elec¬ A CHOCOLATE-CREAM AND Manor,' special meeting played in the west balls on the tion of 186R. when U. S. Grant A fRfNDLV PAT ON THE JACK Elect, and Mech. Kngrs. A En¬ (B) (M) majors and Electrical majors A Chem., Mech., A Met. first and second floor of the Press; Bruce 6hanks, Buffalo KAPPA PHI — 1 p.m., Wesley and Mechanical (It) (M) Engrs. (B) (M) Engrs., and Food defeated Horatio Seymour, up Foundation gineering majors with advanced News; William #S. Sanderson, until the degree in business for positions for management training posi¬ Technology (B) (M) majors library. present campaign. MORTAR BOARD—7 p.m., Mrs. Some of the major "newspa¬ The News Sentinel, Fort Wayne, in K A l>. design, engineering tions. for positions in R A D, A pro¬ Ikenberrya, 931 Ann Street, h. test A field engineering. WESTERN ELECTRIC CO., duction engineering A manu¬ pers of the U. S. and the world Ind.; Jim Dobbins, The Huston La ns. facturing. Packaging (B) (M) are represented by the cartoon¬ Traveler; Eldon Pletcher, Souix NOV. 7 A *. mo M\NUFACTURING DIV. — WB8H—7:30 pm, Foundry Build. City Journal; James Ivgy, San EASTMAN KODAK CO.—Chem¬ istry (Organic, Inorganic, Physics A Math (It) (M) ma¬ jors and Elect. & Mc*h. (R) majors for related work. (Dec. ists. A Mar. grads only) All majors With each political cartoon Francisco Examiner, and Glenn Machines ing PACKAGING WIVES SOCIETY (It) (M) (Dee. A Mar. grads the artist has included a small A. Bretthaven, The Miami Her¬ Physical, Analytical, Bioehem- ; voting procedures are followed. (HI* STITCHED aalea training positions. Chem¬ istry msjors for research and salea positions. Chem. (B) (M) * 101 + PLEATED Engrs. for engineering A sales WOOL training positions. Mechanical Mean Better Mileage and Engine (B) (M) Engrs. for plant engi- JI reering positions. Accounting Performance With 'Your Pint Tank Full. POWDER PUFF (It) (M) majors for related work. ni-W T00AY! PASTELS SECURITY FIRST—All majors (M) (D) from tha college of Business A Public Service and DARK SHADES (with emphasis on Finance, Note Your Saving*' Accounting and Economics) (Dec. A Mar. grads only) for management training positions. 2516 I Kalamazoo at Mifflin only INTERN ATION A L TELE- PHONE A TELEGRAPH COR- PORATION-Electrical Engrs. Near University Village WATGM $8.98 for positions in K A D, design, Art koehlrr • Manager production engineering, or field For A Who. I of In New York they're a way TNMKON'S Chanrr La* — Vrgan Try of life. You see them at NEW WEBWAY ALBUM JEWELRY UjGnd. IfUtd i the finest places-they're For Ex|iort l)ry for clips and photos 223 M.A.C. AVE. S III H R ! U) (, H R beautiful, high-fashioned EAST LANSING Cleaning • Thin well dressed. You'd never i» llir I'laro guess by looking at them. cjiuuMumummtiumimiomunmtrtTHUuuiuuiiiiiiuiiiiii 9 a.ai. to 9 p.m. Every Day Sit. 9 a.m. to g p.m. Cooler I Celebrating FRANDOR'S 6th Anniversary HON. THRU PRL TILL « BAT. TILL 7 Busses to Detroit: HOLDEN $ REID SALE ! from the widely | every page HES'S SUITS AMD TOPCOATS IDIM. 4 nam. discussed s II |t:4l am. pja, 960.00 75.00 VALVES I :tl p.m. • 41 pm. lilt an. 4.11 am. best-seller by Dr. Harold opens flat to petrolt >t«p a«lKI alom the route racept the at say Greenwald, "The Call Here's the neatest way to keep photos and clipping* NOW $49.95. 54.95 to 59.94 I .'I a m, Sraatiurr. = / Girl."- orderly and secure. Add as many pages as you naed. ANN ARBOR-1 rMLANTI yet it always opens flat. Sec-through pockets make OTHERS 980.00 to 155.00 •:44 a.m. 12:44 p.m. (Ffl4ay Mly) mounting easy. Flexible simulated leather covers in JJIf is. 2:U pm. • 41 a m. 4:34 a m. 4 Ham. ADULT a choice of colors. . , NOW $69.95, 89.95 to 129.85 ENTERTAINMENT... • W'-J for 3! j" x 3!," print*. BATTLE CRKKK-CHICAGO 10 pacts. Hold* 120 print* KALAMAZOO . MIT RM-OMMCNDCII (jon MEN1 SPORT COAT* Jtetalnrs . Short* - Loaf* I |« am. si# am ton CHILDREN • W:.| for 3<,~ x 41," print* sue u M.ao Valam — Extra Longs — Stoat* K M am. 7:45 a.m. 10 pafrs. Holds 120 prints 1:14 a.m. 11:1# am JjlMI MOB' IIB, 33.33 to tt.U (Sizes 34 to 54). • W-12 With Others I1M to N N !|— GRAND RAPIDB 8>i" x If pockets 412 am 10 pairs MEN'S QCAUTT SLACKS ^00 • Mam 14:34 am L11 am Regulars - Sheets - Lain 13.35 la 33.95 14: a m •:M a.m. Sim 31 la M • W-M with If X If packet* rUNT-BAGINAW ANNE FRANCIS • LLCffl) NOUN • W MEDfORD | 10 pact* MOW UJ3. 15.33 la IMS BAY CITY ..JOHN KERR. - J95 Free Alteratiena • :44S •nan. 30-M-M Day Charge Ac. 14:41 a 1:44 a m Added! Cartoon 4 .45 a I4.«)ja. Starts Taiafl HOLDEN TV LUUISM6 BUS DEPOT BOO W. GRAND RIVER LUCON m Novelty A Nona Feature Today 1:23-3:25-3:25 JZtfttmemtU. .$ REID FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER ED 2-2813 7:30-9:33 EAST LANSING . . . 209 E. Grand River IAIT lANIINR • # DOWNTOWN I0T 8. WASHINGTON "Foment Bronte tee Dot eat Lot" . t s I. INS MICHIGAN STATE NEWS PAGE SEVEN Di-RSnAY.NO; population basis, with no other -Class of '61- Luaua Farm Bureau Savs No Smykay □□U BtlDDE i-iaaao aoauLtuo □□u aaa ac • _ factors taken into consideration, could result from Con-Con. Powell said only eight states Senior Slants BY SUE PRICE. EDrrOR-IN-CHIEF- Speaks To part 4. H.fhljr 17. Place 39. Mournful 40. Warning signal - aac aaoti an aaan jua unciaaa as saa To Constitution Issue have constitutions younger than the Michigan Constitution which is shorter than tha£ of 30 states, • „f ,h» mitior project* eponnoml each year by the Executives satisfied t. Oriental dwelling 41 At an Inner point 43 Constructed □aaan bd aaa Mar.y hidden, drastic change* J distribution to school* and local in the rules and procedure* for government units is promoted. and concluded. "The most intelli¬ gent method of change is to han- L.n is the Senior of the Week contest. Seniors It now cofttn to get that 12 Indefinite 43 Glossy as ij-ri hLjt 0| calling a' constitutional conven¬ Kducation and highway groups ! die separate issues as individual amendments, one at a time." ^ jirt. c'hosen on the basis of scholarship, activities, new more coat or new car to you than quantity 13 Variety of fabric 41. Forward □□□ |6Va < tion are included in Proposal 3, will fight a change in the ear¬ said Stanley M. Powell, legisla¬ marking system which guarantees football 52 Maltreats aaa tive counsel for Michigan Farm funds for schools and highways. . wHoiis are made by a committee of Impartial seniors it doe* for the manufacturer to 14.MT 54 Cowboy's 2. Drastic reduction in the Young Cilizriu Meet oIitlnL' various trrouns on campus, including Union produce It, raid Dr. Edward W. 19. Lower rope Solution ef Veeterdey'i Suuk Bureau, Tuesday night before the Conservative club in the Union. number of counties or curtailment "Liberal and Conservative rpr senior council. All University Student Government Smykay, Marketing and Trans¬ 17.Partof the 85 Undeveb Views of the Election" wiU be foot oped flower During hi* analysis of the en¬ of the number or function of Miff I'ompu's Student organization. None of the stu- portation Professor at MSU( re¬ 2 Dillseed 11 Hawser 19. Mora, 86. Small tire Cor-Con issue, Powell said townships is desired. "Local gov¬ topic of speeches given before an 3. Legena 14 Srr.a i, «ho select the outstanding seniors petition for the cently. 1 21. Aftersonf 22. flower candle 81 American 4 Beloved mounu*ni tpi»l a "no" vote is a must by ernment would suffer a serious open meeting sponsored by the On the average, only 41 cent* t8 Water .n* any voter who is dissatisfied with blow with accompanying increase Young Citizen* for Kennedy to¬ Indian ;'\.,j„.is are made after the committee reviews the out of every dollar pays for the 34. Article 35 Telephone 80. Partook ef 6. Rurt.c place any of these specific changes: in centralization," Powell con¬ night at 8 in 32 Union. •Sis from interested seniors. In addition, letters are! product itself. The other 69 cent* salutation solid food 6. Kin* of 30 Boy 23 Kind of 1. Selection of delegates would tended. Chuck Herbert, speaker of stu¬ each department head asking for recommendations i pay* for di*trihutirig the product, 29. Dowry 60. American 7. Polynesian occur on the basis of population 3. Revamping of provisions dent congress, will present the Dr. Smykay said. lettuce oniv. This device would very defi¬ relative to legislative districting literal point of view and Roy Gil¬ able seniors of the week. Dr. Smykay addressed a group 30. Copy general •1. Strike yatr. 35 Jump 33 Third divi¬ nitely insure Wayne, Macomb, and apportionment so thMl repre. bert, president of the conservative Iier,, „f the committee are: Claireen Hamilton, chair- sion of a gently 8- Unit of force 86. Australia of transportation executive*, 8. Explode d Oakland counties of 41 G of *ertation in both branchc* of the club will speak on the conserva¬ Marshall: Nancy Sarow, Saginaw; Judy Hoofnagle. member* of Delta N'u Alpha, pro¬ ruminant's DO WW with a louc bird 37. Distance the delegate*, and could lead to Legislature would be solely on a tive point of view. 'rini'ngton; Nancy Hodgins. Farmington; and Jack Mil- fessional transportation frater¬ atomach 35 Assert* 1. Repair chair seats report 10. Seasoned from the labor domination of a Con-Con. j nity, at Arden House in Harri- equator Just a simple majority of »rtfclc"and pictures about the seniors of the week are man, New York. The executive* 25 B.g and tho.-«* voting on the convention j ted each week in the State News and are posted in' were drawn from major indus¬ tries throughout the New York strong 31. By question in April, 1961. could en-. Lkaey Says dor*o a convention. This mean* 32 Superi*i.vt ' i seniors chosen for the honor will be honored at a metropolitan area. In the last few years Smykay end.ng similar Con-Con vote in 1958! WHY PAY MORE? pec iii the spring and presented with certificates. They | has 34. Queen of the would have been approved by automatically tie nominated for the outstanding senior and done considerable research writing on distribution. fairies 36. Cemmumaa slightly voting on over 30'r of the people, the issue. fiat Usad ni RtMR Ufll "Distribution management is a table The U. S. Constitution and (There are two outstanding senior awards given each! relatively new concept which is j r at Swingout. A coed and male student are selected1 rapidly gaining recognition from 36 Duet 42. Brown.e many organization constitutions Parts Far Yoar Car At can be changed only upon a two-, 44. Recess in t the honors. , , » top management," he said. "Be- the shore third* support of amendments.j LIMCO AUTO PARTI cause distribution costs are ao 45. Anc:ent We should have at least a major-; ■Four members of the senior class were tapped into large and because of increased kingdom of ity of those Voting in an election ,'n.ur Saturday night, to bring the membership to its competition from both national Arab.a showing Interest in change a* a J 46. Border on ■ijekv" capacity of 18. New members are: Bill Mitch-, and international producers, top is beginning to real¬ 47. Clears above requirement for change," said i 13.12 N. LARCH ST. I"Rocky River, Ohio: Charles CiofTi. East I,ansing: Tom management ise the importance of efficient dis¬ expenses Powell. (LOOK FOB THE RED HOUSE) 3. Changes in the whole time j I'.'I i.a|)eer: and Bill Reynolds. Gait, Ont. tribution management." 40. Tumultuous table of election* will he effected Itltrhell is president of Inter-Fraternity council. Rey- "Many companies have dramat¬ disorder 50. Facts by approval of Con-Con next IV 2.1.103 . captain of the track and cross country team. Cioffi ically reduced distribution coata 51. Halt week. Special nominating and • OUR LOW OVERHEAD GIVES YOU |;r. .ailing male actor in University theatre and Wilson by careful investigation of dis¬ 53. Pouch general elections would be re¬ LOW PRICES I, jarur-back of the footlwll team. tribution elements, including 57. Italian rivor quired to select delegate*. F.lec- ! plant location, warehouse loca¬ lion* and delegate work would in- j tion, inventory control and trans¬ volve over three million dollars in Undecided In Oregon Poll portation selection" Smykay expenses. stated. Also removal of protection of IprINKVILLE. Ore. a< there were for either can-' registered, and 16 aaid they would j vote for neither candidate. •e Oregonian in Portland The central Oregon county hat tall- t'» 297 persons picked voted with the winner in every [ random from the telephone presidential election since it was formed in 1882. It ha* 2,768 r*g- •w were 93 voters for Sen. iiitered Democrats and 1,722 Re¬ F. Kennedy, Democratic publicans. THE SHIRT VOU LIVE IN the Men of alien TRIANGLE invite the you're really Engineer* ol living i SIGMA PHI DELTA to the second annual "SLIDE RULE" Bowl Game OADE SAYS: I "GOOD LUCK ii SPARTANS, BEAT PURDUE!" full up I chair and till to Vie men from Connif (they'll be Ne-est of the ancient Scots, the OIPTRKT CHICK on campus soon), team scout the many ether chairs at Our lour ma,or operating divisions parting to to filled by young taw, up phtre den plaids left off. As alppys-OOHPIPL engineers and scientists. REMEMBER: We are the nation's most diversified aerospace company, uses ONlt authentic trattemt end faithful color reproductions, and thereby endows a usual producing eKercontmnotal and tactical missiles, electronic OADE HAS ALL sport shirt aith a rare fashion authority. Cid to fit thp systems, commercial jet aircraft, ali-nea'Jier jet intercep¬ tors, ted Strategic bombers. More advanced programs 00NIPAL apy, tarn a trash and sraar cotton aith a KINDS OF PARTY GOODIES. I < aide range of technology ... from nuclear neper, sorter hand, IMshsd wth permanent-star l to space communication and eiploratian. CHOOSE FROM A COMPLETE collar, and custonMiratchsd patterns, OOHCPALY And per continuing policy ef purposeful diversification LINE OF-PARTY FOODS OlpTltCT CHICK fcr fall is tsactly ripht for Mara itobility and challenge for years to come. AND BEVERAGES. ft* piM U pel pp t dtoir mi tafe to Ike men irom Comeif the men ehs rnstinctively nrahas a twtt ...Oap1 Hpfcaap the apperteeily to Skusi our company fashion his m °ade Warners msu scores, J lee atia m. i MHr 1 top*? PM yet. Whether you are ae undergraduate, graduate, or IHMthlt. dKtoral candidate, chancel top there's p chad tor you at iHP" MiMMmcs • ran wtns # nmmu • sm hub *5.95 CONVAIR GENERAL DYNAMICS 4lJ4osifchekfiros. Ill N. WASHINGTON i'viVh * .',r> **