EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4. I WO nv u\n% hoover I N ROUTE WITH KENNEDY " KENNKDV contended t' ofsv.-, made-up. in our television de¬ sl»lo Stuff Writer J* Sen. John V. Kenned* *c. poiic»e« urged I"1?- Nixon "would bates." he said, a* the crowd jlfv - «ha!'< wivnv with the frnteinitin* ami sorm-itm- ««v 1 President Rn-hard M extend and coin tin ue the extinction i Ni\.v. (>f »«r laughed, *'! would never accuse Anil the dorm* aren't ttoinir m> well either. Hut Greek per u*ir.g "the MacVmailei's of the family farm set in motion tac'.i. of distorted threats" in erght years ago by Ears Taft Mr. Nixon of bring bare-faced. contact * are especially ilown from last year. "Hut I think the American peo¬ WVr, „..t on las'- x t Thursday at lv.? Re- Benson." In the text s'v* CntVlf Hi- b 4 wL.-. ^ K. M,tOIvm. MM public,., fh.ir- y ihi» .1 Ihr bio, I «••• lying and who i« tell¬ • 1>c TV-r-.vrjstif president;*! *it -.* precisely because his oxxt, ing the truth," Kwnoly added. #it- \ v-.A'-.r candidate also hit at Nixon's program doe* net meet the farm¬ iyx $( He *awt, how-dver, that the Re¬ revivv' .of natural resource* tie- er*' ncxM* that Mr, Vxen h«» I - A. .1. J : • fallen hack on the blackmailer'* publican voting ltvotxi in (on- w vm ami SuVial Seevaux in giv-ss over the year* since tactic of distorted threats—of a Jxefoot) "Th.s is the Republican - x-.-* presidential running iv.oixS. Ho t Nixon I is stink w-ith of *i>v h tactics." Ke»neiiV added, t in t>.i« election. And no amount "is to foment hitteire-* a»d the farm eomnvur.it x." IN mOFNIV. \Rl7.. Kennedy «a*d three sw.n. "no rex* start*."* Fall Rush Hannah mv I-c memorials of l".( present administration to western power »!•-' water preiectx. He said *!*«' that in 1**51 Vium Smokers Praises had voted to kill the South- Western iNiwr and the Central Ariroua project. administration Saturday Rim: IN AIJHQIEKQIK. N.M. speaking before some 15.000 in the I diversity of New Mexico stadium, he jumped em Nixon for accusing hint of telling a "bate, faced lie" in saying the Repub¬ licans opposed Social Security. NAN NORTON. Ron Merman »"d Oehby Dtkker, "Having seen him close-up. and hraxe ihe winds 1o hand out "Lot's all vote** buttons. The distribution is sponsored the campus Circle K organisation. Brother Milton Resigns Animals WASHINGTON, Nov. ft ,4b— President Eisenhower's brother, Without Milton, handed in resignations from thive government advisory posts today. The chief executive Disease? I accepted two. Dr. Milton Eisenhower, presj- »dent of the John* Hopkins Uni¬ versity in Ba'iimore, wrote his, brother he had intended to re¬ sign before the end of the Presi¬ dent's second term and i* doing so now because doctor* have ad- v\*ed him recuperation from' a hack injury will require at least three more month* Ho asked to l>e relieved of membership, on the President's Advisory C ommittee on Govern¬ ment Organisation, the National Advisory Committee on Inter-1 American Affairs and the Board ef^Xisitors . f the United Stales Natal Academy. The President accepted the '• resignatjon from the first two j with "great reluctance.** He said that at-jthe suggestion of the Navy Lieparimeru and in accord¬ ance with a conversation brother, Milton Eisenhower will with his Arab Speaker Climaxes "M.tW STUDENTS have a continue on the board of visitors iw»K»gy He »*ice graduates. several resignations l*fore tha "The truth is, all MSU student* are regarded as residents of The ROTC h** been calle$ November election, for I wish it Ing¬ upon, in revert years, to supply understood that my present ar- ham county during their total up to M per cent of the officer* tion is in haimonT with what I stay at MSU, including vacations, ragu-.red by the Anr.y and Air doern to 1* good principle, and and as such, are eligible to re¬ Fo:re for both regular and re¬ is in no way chelated by partisan ceive blood anywhere in the serve service," he ntuL considerations." United States, because of toe Ingham County Red Cross set up. Israel Philharmonic Orchestra Performs the "All they need do is contact Red Cross, name and and give their address, place of em¬ ployment, or that of their parent, Under Substitute Conductor Garv Bertiui hospital, naine of doptor, and number of pints they used. There is not a charge for tha bee Greets pate S Cuban Policy Debate Slated "Should tha 17J. follow Ken- nedy's policy for Cuba" will be the subject ^of a debate between the Young Republicans and the Young Citisen* for Kennedy, it p.m. Sunday in the Union. Democratic debater* will he: Dave Itheubottom, I rinsing sen¬ ior; and Al iliefehl. St. Clair Shorv* griii) stmb-ut. Republican* include: David Cioysdalr, Jm h- md aophomore; and Thomas Ri«- I i tell, Jackson sophomore, Tha public is iavitad to attend. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER «, l»t;o M 1 G H l r, A \ STATU N K AA S ru.i: two T CAkn lT,"*Y 0B.IP Tlio Donkev Savs: The Elephant Says: n)t< RooaraoaflEReo" V •v Democrats Just Talk! Elephan I Blush i able U iwi u IVnovrhtu : plat.- there fbirin* the been T»«t mm* progre« J**t» m Sons.tor The parlv eewpfttft'fiinf *iih J«»ho*«»n throtreh the m«rt. the hy oiovinc !ht« finnetiwi to White Hmiw in the form of j of executive i t>e« ft-1 Vouih have WtoW the ilepohlt- n oeoly erx-Rtori eorooAitt.e on the fro -fi of civil right* ihar tti the '\nu Iter"t* in VtK parti** ljevshle PENX-.«W*AV«AsfTO The ro-"•••<. of ti e r.OP » realty when speak•■riR > the North of h year* arid the 20 previous year* the it *rren I own. took ofhee "it lunttat? 2c «-\»v«F;Vf t cor e* to ft< WOti, for iter" in oorroit'or « th ih< fs- 11 that tht UoiHihlfoeus have *omoth'rv the ivoi.n'-nts ?j»vv —W' Kit of IN-- "hvh R.|-.iWv a Negro co«W not In- served tn 7f MhJ l!'St •. of , n,-.*oi *.'* the while re* tan rant* of the rap- i. •.*. - i -«N»ir. n< «;or T> o,j» . t i»ik»vi *hoi»t t. .. . «, fhji>; «x iV-r.c to *»vf!>t. V ital he tild Pot »Wp in white 1 h* rvi- }•«»< r rrsfw.- Honrj Cabot Irfxigr* a coi pit I he* *ppetsr«il pt.'-tK-eh To• a* the Ih-n'iN vstv .-^nHNfjiTo' n.: ; hole?*, and he rflflM not *it *ith , #»!mmi*. of nook* age *»« attempt in* », • v> .a p-t>tilb!•!» r„-'thrr 1K- P« r»>o «hp Rould implooytMit »n,A ':;«•• »* hite» in mttiA rnotioa picture • fc'iJ.Mtoft whicb sought toke integration of th< fst met ,;hiK riv».M»'::tiej ••erxlitletc T1OF iiv' t proii'ttiAOh, a»v ear on! then l re*, \etion hy thi* Admin- fiOpOiiOri'tie* foi ith »»i the innocent fewer of % the We-Pav* iVt tih! eanrfWett '•• •in <}i*pee*jig popcorn to pi- tf-Jrt their pa*t perform* ves t»tr*t">«ti hotporf hrins a national he* voetT'Ofi pertti-plerh i,-vetin-ftt. th< \ > t w illint di*C*rr condoned h *i"hr Frirnbe* «*r A ixnn admin goons or a Bnrday afternoon OOiT-Ori nhh thi* j»sur to li-'v 1*vt'.;p»i p-ocre* \dmini»tral?on*.. to titration. fo rxanvfilr waited M'hat * tragedy. too. that the * before prc*rrtiiA£ it* In the Jnrt *o»*iolt of the vfth V' • n« )m >«•»:•» front personal prestire nf Pre*i- Whs is. that aftn-t S-fiSitol "The Editors Oirnrr" t htt* obvlion .j ear .Mil rich** dent Frienhe«er w* n, for naugM Vn.lor homer! do* on riAtl Kcnfiodx had an u'd imattwn fr< • 3 l"n.}er t1 A,i •> -tnalior bif! tti « nnpi-f^s and wore *P- .hn in ropll in « ,-,port,r". <"»>> . Jus narty or. evil riffhts, that' h« a new « ivil Right* division W- paitthc i* the fuel thoe ont* *i\ ok,., to.k.tk.-. ih, Trr-llV,,! ripkl. -.--.tor Jnkn.nn hp rot pAit Ih'ougl. a?t> leg -It. th<. tVpartrr.i ni of Jn*thv wa* i*«n 1 inp t"». have We initiated in «m- rht* hith :'-f other hand thr penvr k.-i ... oil.in* .» (*» Ik, South ">«"« "Wll »1ik ik, 1«S- «mi 1*M kr nn.,,riyl. I«n rt*tion wa* *«c- End -UA Si t: of die Line rRH'K. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF- 4ft p-von,! vf r>re!e« in the hand* pot heen pnooHratrtnir It apW'x nomirat ton that at arenrrnnj: crath cofijrressme-f ami S.-ru.tor* eeasfully immpIettHl b> the I'icr- of T*-o*I mir. when all Vo-eo* if he * elected TVesiderf if t.f T. *• p.' -r>i*»•'/ dviton that a evil ru-ht* hifl re«* sr. tht* * v*. 2. V«t»h*}»hed the first row- through ihe i'm : Right* Act of '»on spired""* opwwendatipti of *' Kveetff'f Order On the other hand, the p*1tot» dert N vm m wKu ill v* m*.. ti I»..« • inx hotnifte* arMevetrent of * Ve* v athlete the second hiffheet office in ihe TIP' S. Frtahltshed the first Corn- entertainer. h«:t nowhere doda land, if elected. ha* a rm-ord of anton on the part in tv. "ci-d apvak foi *t««lf drlxatr thmiffh tbr tisr pfitionnnl* tflfAnaton. >> ppp c»n Rrjnir th> vslnf of thr tlebfitpfi. no (inf cun drny o »r tree or. t"1 v*t1 Rirht* - -Fvecu Thi* i* important (e.g. Sen a tot of ihe Repnhlican* in past year*, r>*c .v. :* bo*' «s-;uuva-.-. to br.ng there appear a plan foi action five Ord< hthttk Item In t'ot!jrrv**man ,Tohnson'« posifon i if he should Here is what the (iOP ha* done •oa" pfv-t -c**, not • *1 promise* \Y,ni it b«* I>oon bciteftcinl to see how the rwctest It j* no eoiwrdenee that n^of \ vnr voted for a TJopphl•can- become this counttyV Ttevl A'tee* Quietly and w iihonl fanfare, hut va ' ' k with What *«wt of I'e 0ftt*b ojhcr> jn eivil niphts i» *> nnn> won* with sing'e.winded dedication, court n. * * thr pa,t> ot .f yt^ ^ ivfl> iiftpwtins' to ho*r ^hfit ra.1 re** sponsored antondmer'! to delete ■president lor before Jobnroti the Vi*enho*> er-Vivon adminis¬ a . The with 'iheral TVworratu leader -. "artmci to unlawful pn»ctt**es, jhe now}nation. W oh kkr,*,p. | inrtvir Tk, p.*. ^ ^ (<, lion, iki-o.! Kim T*r Hfbato, Sai, tration ha* achieved more in .he t* incry has shin Thi* i« true "n thr *tntr a in maktug a l»> Fmploywen* tained iwo c<»nces*tons fivm «?ohr. which, *'••<•» la or osmnaict. issue*, inoln.linr Co hrourht "«t many major oampaipn ■ level too for in lflRA unde- the field r»J civil right* than had Keen for a govern .. fa. «r Of P:>c;ices hill .meafttnr'c** leadership of flew erratic pmer Kettnedy. accomplished in the preceding the peopk Onomov-Mal-u ami pr>-«t;f qnoslious. Althoutn Co , Itew^In IhSI he sored acanist First ihe expense* '-nciirred in sears, . Thorn t halo- ha. o Ivo, rofativol. oalm ami Co first t*n vers u,- nor* . 1 r*r. ■ >•< irrv* . an ann-l* nrhmg amendment to ttl,*Bfre**fMl pre*idm truly .ioliatos. tho ans*-ors fivon five much f■ '• * ' «' Coiifhl . . tf'hT sponsored hi the .A «f rt foi'.'pi.hlr Fcal Onportiipiu ye«»o»d that Johnson, if elect trat'or. « a* thr first e vil nghta various stair V*-*tior.s. Tho 1-oa.iquartors of Co fit'* • -•( F.lMrt/l nl aw* o* puMle aetwr r «, ■ » m -*VK ' fc Employment KiH ed. wnvum be m charge of Ifltpie- leg-isiH.'on since IVTh Ti is re . . . -i . »b* It tk T"Tti'fir: p» .pflf t!ot ai» 1,-xh! to ret Repnhlican* to join The firat concession ta the Hem the Republican*, favoring the htlt ..-Ofl o- o>'- vion.tay Wil'ian-,.' hoafhjnartors will I* oovormi. AA'o *111 h»vo oor-. Vim **»xif«r se» pn«» ft! (V*»»i 1* x-e-Ficntr 'lis. v th a Pcrocrat >. attempt to pom is own huatnesa Hut the hv Setter that, h to t, whereas tkroug-n r> •-*• .-*. nj Co i.u n|rto oovoraco of tho return, Crouch Co Associ*lo.i Prr» t*a» ht. «f-\'ihl*.T'«-e if»flt?rr,-e. hi- Hr t»la.'f« Mart a cTvi: lig-ht* hill out of the *econd >» of v ital mipirtan.-e half of the TVmocrat* voting -"•*"* ' '■« tV ",T,""r f„ -»»« fts-e'H* Iftlftf and 4 l*W v-- postac, pad *t spm.al slat* wir* Tho ro,ti!ts will ho c*rrf*>1 in AVodnostiav's SUto Nc« aca'rst the hi J J so.- .-,-t l,of— Rule* Pomm iter for foot action, for Johnson a pemoi- whose roo- were ,s. (Sk ».*,»*■, iivt- nKlf p ot *«:■ •notv-M poiv Afr "r" £ *»• Whether this i« the Old ViVon f,r-i pver, Vorthe*T IVrrncraU d«- ai au**'«'*' ,»*. ». tr. i *o A!n«sae; the New Ntvon in action i» plore would he the vrn n:ar n 2. Ir Auru-t the Pre* fn Wn-'T.I'vu'nnca ««.«, AVo hopo to h*vo Co no>u!ts oomploto onottfh to announ.s I ho .triors, bnl time will I* tho factor in this. >.r dent cm*ted thf Committee on a '•;'-f •!> t»H*f •etf*. *«<: i"ri i.u-lear But whatew fw he charge of putting the OemocnMte ,-vvi..:< sav.n ku.1.1- - \ x ■ .- UJ »C- SfMater kr- W of'a pri-ff-re,; t/ pohuck it. the a *ea *f. *e» hi* time color* coming v» , .n*..r<-.v., oavakv in tho Amorican, Sitiinc Thi, Ono Out Toyothor (STlKV lAutafMinx Ma. mc be ba- pleili-er: tr gnre w ith the Administration no! » i-p rofus* to veto Ixcauso thev don't lik* tho HIS Tt'U" ft; \ •..k-■ /.r evil 'ig' ts hy withholding through afva-.-o - ono torn., s. fx "a- • nt . ns! veb tb. J ill! pevv> of i wv against dtaerur-watprv.- hi'-ing the« h'so-ing rtrrro«-rai* Alahama the CO torma, ««. far Usrao looms. heir and Tr Montgomery nndKialos . - v.. . K.. ' " O- : • - i nr ir\, or emplr.yfTTorj practices by feo- s s • the c en:' ;v*- r* to. lac* of p"Og-«'** p «. * I < v • announcing Johnson'* : eral contractor* V -frt's kabW •»i-1' Fa.tnr-.n.Ch'of. s.uann Pr>.m: - '•**• "»Vf, »)»(»!•* '-SI independent ei; See Elephant T 6 coming appeara'H-e pietumd the HOWnilMIVli. itraarv itav thoufh it *as from l'-s a Manager A1 Ferdi. - *vn:,So! of a roc*rer, enclosed hy S. The Th-csidcr t n V.'n Vanage>'. Paul Ie»sT- I' — fkther h1*rn,?p«>in1 filhi thf OUtW>W( Tl.a many alumni back to the campus. The display* built b . .. K. S . a U a. aaiHH.ia bf thf pRWlf. Kits'* /)l,nla,-a bpnuc ? ihe Right *' diMTifninatyor. in feder»l emplc the itvinp unit* drew much praise from viewer*, and tv# Suppression IS a (,anipaiffii Issue l.cltci> to the Editor jjudrea i 1 years. felt they were the irtvA*t colorful *een in nctr.t The stadium s»as filled to more than capacity and for * THF •.uryv-r*- • w- <»f : he I 'r-itH St^'fv Another r vampl* of mi*informal ion, J«hi)e a rreat deal of enthusian*j fr!*undft>thnflinc ami often gT.-ci* dj*tor- fans. However, nhen the parrr appeared lost several Un¬ V •' < S fct-g ilepKTRieut fllAfh'h1 tiofi. i* thf nitwit tor in Cuhi. \!o*t Amrr- Supports Vote for Clean River :•!*»■•*' i<"i dent croups decided to have "free-for-alls** in the stan;« -'ipbhti 5htiik'h i\ i*. ink ttihtorcumpfcipn kaffs and prohnhly mo*t *t«idents *1 tho • This was partieularty evident in the south end rone, txhe^e tjnirei>ity. don't knofi what i» pojrrfr or student* he-ran threvinr hats, tonet paper rolla and fr. I've'• :»s iv v, ?,«p IV pit it ment thif.fc* there, Hut dome hripht apot* in pubik in¬ : »A<; 4nifTkN,rt public wnn't imrterstiinrt the form at tor are Hppwtrtng iHc niiT/»- i»t?r ** *r ought M«t tr. *t*«d M.- wtv a* chai-art^rt/cd hv the era']?' anything close at hand, NU'njfN-kp.'t f». the rcfv»n t»r pprhHpw. p«r- lattv' week the nniversitv «-ii« fortunate v.-- pr?;i.i;tm» May-Sunk Up Carthy stviv *-ih*:f.«w t\'e» a->« Uomihy KilrabeaV Maltvr Min- It tv \, ry nice that a few livinr units yet Iarye Works «>>ti prtliMCH A"<"im.iiW'r»ilifiiiv i»r« hennt tf- have Irvine Pflimili of ihe Ameryran u*rvr Cmrny " «. ••< am ' B.gci " l>.k'm**fcth th*- chrK*. Von sahf* a*4 Hrrb- oryaniiod for each yame. However, when the entire hloci. \ niverhity Field wtitfT on eampu* to 4i»- TV., wartunr hsarftme# a" "f'«" e*agg*u*fiwl fear* a.-wi a Wh* are ^pmallv wot arm* for decides to disn.pt the y»me *llh childish antics, the p. !"' ■' ibi.e 1* fii'.jsf-—thft! rh«« FN Ct»w* the I'ulihn hitlFRtior rr.na; If thr Pott#- Sratr\rw» New* on r.D Mw-eb Mamh ti«n.a} t'cal «*nrlu*ioTA* er»nrrh< tbrr* '«•*, Il thrir lark M anv rsal rronnmtc lMt lid mt aav r~l jxKe of t he hi,X k. to shots additional spirit, is lost. eftfttrtbvtFon. Thev peer fi-Am be- RFCH K S has finally proven itself—the show this pa-! Mw.tft :hf py .y tir«e* the Phtimml NEXT v-rok Cutw kemiu «-n ho » mv.-or t*. »■ "•••* '•» *>«***<» f~_ « very-,..1 r-k-m rlmrd wiia nealh their r«* k» in threw their I'MA'l-v.tDl Ml bw* AC-: - b(.|( • ITli'nrmttl KC top.0 ir i. dotM.r, .V C. V-I.O, hotwoor -•«» i-'"-"> »f " R« J, ,'.W ""K""'- » whwh the block rn-,rnlml outliro, of pre ■N.n • k'i p b, u. i' h bttV or no rijrbt jo iiootor Ser-ur' bhsoiro of br M>. ii k.i.. " f. Charles t'umheriand of the vvhrw a-k«t what rauM W «*«w*eer»h»g <.m imi w.r'* reu Sit*-* thf camnix elect»**w Va* of usiny onh Hack ar»d white is the twst until the stuviv: ■' pr«>ft»»f fi.jpr'ifminp r*( our MSi histoid' department, a specialist in grim to remettv thf « tuanon. the f»ea*hte la Hite «te eel e»n*titiite beer. pt»ipened. Niven and Ledge become expert in Card stunts. ,'»»tv»t • ' h H I'li-ipfftrmofl mn- Latin American histon and a strony critic . anewer w»* than ahw»tntely nwtb- 'hr arehlem The bwac t* not wiii r>m h*vf. ihe epportunitv te. i -, Off". ft; the truth p-e- of the Cuban yovernmunl ing e*»uM be dam bv tbe depart where hr "*een«l*. hi* time ee produce that evet-whelming vu-- i hr .pif cfiuoot mtikt valid Opportunities for information stich as went tVSl Health and Sfc*etv Sunday mn-nmg t«-fry whxh *oii)o, prrFifcri*. ruffie vlUb.'trAftli fif- ; y QJiewfion h these still rixsl and shdukl H taken ad- Feptl eseem te let 'he legharr Thr rroh'.-m rathe- it thai hi* Uie Kenr-ed* atwketw ©r. tht efx-e Spotlight on Eulta THIN t* f*w«cu.l;y lPtixirti'.ul in a prcsi- HUlaiff ^ O* h\• even • citl/en P.u! ;«v, use ' —- Mi) >al« knew w»-»t ts han • hw. » h htr-ar,hi It* up te them |» wei. Kennedy pw that bihndiy he¬ ,-ia.m* author wa. 'he e.! if or .tar*,«h the uc' iia/ ciitnfRiijtrn puch hn thi* one wheffc- these opportunities stiil exist doe* not ap in tbr reiiidouji apher* dark tbe *t*f! Army Deserters May ... . , . . . , sometVine whoirt th* hitun covtrvy of thf iu»tiop at sukt mimi. we mu.t oew* our hfh. to no,, frd- )arl<>m ,„im, «HKn.,n.wnV . irwUj<1- l*ri vpTSTig the effi.twi VaUi-an The tuifl «f live Slate New*, Ih-mfK^HdA i-aunoi work if the people are. cnu povernment suppression Oj iiwornia- the governing bodie* of F.a«* nrw-stmrwr, **l.'0-*«'Fxatnre Ro- wifleritjy, pi*wni» a remarkabie not completely informed. tion.everv citizon has a ripht to know. |jj»»amp and Meridian Teanabtf*. roano.' stated thai ihe v'hurrh ha* rempjex oi .w.fus'on to the bap- ' 'have nnni wometb!ng about it Tbr **the right am: duty ui iptei-xeiw' pee-*tance vtsitef to their lair. 'next wove la up to the voter* nf th the poHturai held to guide its. The firttmg. *« r«i pi par-pi*e artiv- 'F,H*i Ion*.rig ftti November h Jwi. tty J w)ine*.«ed. rm doubt, ex- Spell Trouble {or Fidel *"H< rr lira .. 1 nleas they vote favorably ot a N*»»e a lea the rerrn? arti**e «I pkains tbe trmuUukt of typo- - By Raman A a hies ^ First fame the firing aq :* a»*d the sub«e ,M,» were aaaignad to army per | in the city, another mng delay- -laaee* ml pwi aad pre-est mier-1 liKMenly. a hy don'l we editor- u*:v of ** A thriMgbout tbe Wand {and wore pollution—ties ahead, fere aces «f the koman t atbolv laliie upon the eonsptcuooB lack ' " To tbe ordinary wan this »'* The Meridian Township Board hierarchy »a iH»m*cal affair* ro«M of Lypuor- fiatttes Johnson in our Bearded, ^morvanited and p-bat be had long'dm*wed of l* read* te go ahead with newer W riled fair slate" i, ^or one, would like sssnng filthy tawforms these wan now a be»-f>. Before he h* ! eattskruction to pick ur the new One Burt, nf eou-w*. recogniae to -** this ,N?vi! nghta libera!.*' m*" hailed e« fumes. Hew- been a row mop laborer an oo the baais al Aids bop* *'• /li« f i f arrr.y Bat bow many haute* had But thi* •Nrtopta*' "dkJn^ .*•: the r»var unmndmlc.N above cam-, thai , ai. v**u fc Kennogv no \*0 ^§41 if, thr a lieen et»g*r".. " TA^toahy. k-»»:. jpu*. spite ihe rncuiru nf h» church!*' _ only a few, |R hi® TA iprnrbf i. Fide! in This will alao provide aere«* for btorawhy. |T© th* Edrtm Tbey bad foatkt aratnst a do- trgirat^d tbe Idea of etxibaa ni- the- klentitat) Tewiu ami paws F4 for mdgtntmm Iha ibaa tbe "aae" the* wee* were pAaee# al alraiegk posts »'« 'tPent platti as. soot as th* servttt rloetatctiea! sywtetv. that has a*-t«i K* Obw» Mate football game, kchtmg for. la fart. Tram n the militias were formed contra . rah hr legally «irafxe th* , p«aa in other r«mirt»' j East Lansing vstnrt p essentia * Maphe* baa-* «* th. la* r of thr Natural Sri- fantrv ti | to the validity nf that pontract, .laifw-, *~w The wwm mUnin. who bad not risked tV j li if inroneetvahie that at:;. j»er- Z'~Z~ ZJZW C f-m» . ru",:';£. "J™1 wMh j -h«uni *«-*». bit r«— «•* iwbki -f-™-th,-S-S. TM. torw |*dii ropriai'tad wtth XSL. who ik n, M.r.r Ipd thr -k«m m th, ni th, »m,r th« nm. mi. i a rogistt -m vntv ir, Last Latv • fm^ht hh»l»i IMS pr>>* w thokty S -ip, trmr, * » «u th, w rm^r u. th, ipilitap la hm It app^ .' ' 1 the tesue r!*v?r4'*sr gaod pobliett* Nam tbe re »» *w «-»-w, crtpmir p«-w; i-t porter a, criminai*. Upr-r | V su-i for th» balint—rmpnwal » - | no. b—at the Last Lanamg polls thick Herblork jibe n* athletic daf i iityla ovoU aad tbe I »tiil beirria, s «>a th» or Nov f and vol* for a riaar *» • nty during tbe peaoeat aitaatton. ! r:ve- through tba campus To tbe EdiTo- Ha;* off to tbe on, hov. , " 11 *- . ♦_ •>' ,«h« PU-1" h*" 1 ono -"I W «» M-p». At th, umt. :M , p.) tk, eopptrr or shop or •" - /L,„ -fI >11 h_„ ' •* ®0hip.0t,.t '■—* *, OI up vo-Mtj for popMPonx ,P th, p.nantp.„, finvm tp th, - llou-'o - lion MUfOt , -,th Urn SftJ-u.n, herttiock He I* the perfect ex-. groumiK. -noon:., ™ r---, «,' i~, „ *0. «P^H- or PTP1V utot ..„C,'i Bat tbe Castro arm* on* LhfhpoT -■• *rf F.ST-1L » ». ■ *-«iiK # 'c ! onip— Ilemoerat, ant! 1 tnterwl quanerhack with JSLSO hiwisigbi of th. M..PO.V -.-p.-.c S-iih p., .T„ " tL» ^ an, a "HTV *"11 ^ *"* Mewl ri' -en- rnr hopnoil}. Hi. hiupt «ru».p „,k r«. .ot. STtT L-.. .W JT.lt Zt hZ Hoorvot. 1 on M-o, thai mnop Urty. ~ m m. Mtat STSt-■UllW 1 ***0—" thr. •" ,fc"'km,, m o—oum. h, mm M rm mrrnm —— • -I fW» Sj -r " '.PooSh-OhPh" f /I. l RlDAV. MW RMRKR t. tMO MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Friendly Bagwell HH Cokebrraks While Working (lives Comic'Bonks To the Workers Bagwell Busy as Campaign Ends •nmvn, fiv' nmin interest but lwMu>r t r!.-Mr,l o donnled ttv moti hi iMi blood — U of (! Men Win ( .liein. Physics N obel A M art Is STOCKHOLM, its- Two California scientiM.* wor. lf»AQ Nobel Prises jreetenlny for sf|>ar»*e feuls in hanressinff- the atom to haul mysteries of ihc universe to hpht. - - 1>X- Wiliard !-. Ubhy. M. of the t nivennty of California at Lou Anro'os, a former member of the C.S. Atomic F.nrrtry Com¬ mission, was awarded the chem¬ istry {true for devising the atomic time clock. JACK SAVED HIS COMPANY HO,000 ON HIS FIRST ASSIGNMENT While J irk Traliert was in college he hftil opment program for "mark sensing"—a new some definite career ideai. He knew what he method for mechanized processing of long dis¬ warned —a job with a payoff for good judgment tance charges. and hard work. Today, Jack lias an important role in plan¬ With a Bib in Business Administration from ning and developing telephone facilities to keep the University of Nebraska, Jack knew he could pace with Omaha's ever-increasing need for long moat apdraaitta tha look ia many directions. And he did. He talked •ouch of nrliamnisrs distances services. aiaaaaaaa ta dw lice, to 3# edbipenies. And then in Auguat, 1957, Jack puts it this way—"If a guy can keep of British apparel .. joined Northwestern Bell, in Omaha, Nebraska. his average up, there are places to go in this wiiaoea this 3-piccs •oaeod eait of classic His chance to show what he could do was outfit. A man doesn't have to wait around for berria^aaadwi spmki ■otkng in coming. On his first assignment Jack opportunity to knock—he has all he can handlo runs up with answers that made it possible to right from the start." handle long distance calls made at night in the //you want a job in tchuli you're girtn a chance Omaha area with less force and equipment than lo thorn your slujf, and held strictly accountable jar wsa Ihoihd under the old system. This resulted your decisions, right from the start—then you'll in a 119,000 annual saving. want to titil your Placement Office Joe literature Not, Jack worked on a training and devel¬ and additional information. 'Our numbtr one aim it to hare in all management jobe the mott eilal, intel¬ ligent, poeitne and imaginative men InJfffUr we tan poeeiblg find." Fsaauct R. Kirnx, Pr,..d,-t Auwricsa Tmpl.il A Tslseispt Co. BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES. rtr.r rons Kfimfdv to Win Twenty wiiwrtw he *pert NTW YORK. tPt-TK* !«** at each tea. chatttn* with the a . Womeni Pope York D.3y !•**• ««UfM prtotw -..t* final i*«uS« of a natloo- 's-id# funr** pr*dirtln« Son. Uvea and houae* the w*Wi eif ; would likt to m« t t« for tli* tot «•** •( »i- . nhr. r. Konaodir *-sa *-'« to . r-oBdrecr ritfc IN doctoral nih, iriiick k*ftn» -sin Jiu i let to M atom*. I*. Tl» noaranaprr'a political an- Rfmi-tolwr to time — 1} > Ii'dlt, Tod Lda-ia, ptr Rfpub- Sonintaf alUnw, 1:40 Sun.- ,aa Vice Pr»*id*nt Richard corool utin, «t akdw all V. Xiacn 71 alatra with 1*1 electoral vc'ec loorii' run-ry r*pr*r*n;od to **tr ccmpoa.t* of a *cn*a of faction¬ tiriM I'M! al f.vocarta on Us* Nov. I *!oc- . k* Kf*, Sar'-naw ;vnior. to iV^ry 1 * V< - .-vn Se IV t ro ; *tr— T>e Jfewi hM «d;t«rN$gr es< >t»r ami Ke"« Thpi* P; Miwi doraed S'.xcvn ■ lArrorosat, V.fcf Omnd ?r,f «Vnr'nl. Fast Far>i4* After the Show . . 'r, •'••An.-:' f!ar.-dt* . .*'(■••• atv: TVita Hotr onW If ftv ■ >t. T». P*.-r?r 'TV-'-?*, .r.i«v, 1* TV'.--* Tbmce Ho rdma% 0/ Etiquette Drive Over to Gir'*. de yec lack cerf.ferre Hectare yimi're ret certain for what to de and To* to do it? Then DBLieieus the Spartan Women'* League has the anawer for jwu! THfST CLFVFJt COMPANION PITX-OVFRS. by Arrow, * SWT. Fa* a eet ef T5 colored w :h hand'.nrre hard chochet t>pc yokeA. are marie of 1W'« worstod woo! The rmart «hsw! coTJar? may ho worn bigfl for *!iaie* that will help ch?e co-ad* in protect on Af»T.yt winter winds or unbuttoned and rolled k>w on the ho*. wh*t and why of Hi- for comfort arramd the bonce Tbey are available ir. aoft wtnlcr qaetu or. the eoiVce campu*. whi te w *h cfi«lra*t:r.)t yoVe in a choice of told or olive, two There tlide*. which are suitable of the r«a*or • mod favored fajh.ws cohir? Pound "jart in time" for meeting* and d?*ca*«mna. ate to ~i »'f a.Oct h » w .th the ''h.rn> and hers* or. your Cnrntnus lift. available to ary cajr.jm* eryar.iaa- ton for *: PTrwernatiou of the *!>de» if hy two SWL member*. bet the group tilCl to Approve tionple Activities wiahinfr them nrart fatatA it* own nr«- c ■< ' s.r*» tfc»r*er-V hall*' ww-'ial « ;*»« for" oavw before the event *i» The length of the «bde« b an- ■room ;Vvh >t oder.t Service* R«iM- th** are a'temiec. hi itintert w- proTtlmateiy half an ho;:.: . TliMiiiheiiiiliin*! wl»i)Miiiw m<;.i Wondaj through Friday from Tf farther taf—at«m i» fh- ywtiK| ttm ImKm «f aAw(| CARROIS phf irm»t be tyjpstore^ with WiC ' £ to S p.m. « red. p'ea«e cor tact S3* Ftudetd Smirn textension C64i'i, LUCON HfiWBURGtRS EtiLtaupiiivnls {AST LANDING PHriJE 10 2-28(4 Information LATE SHOm Femita fe *V At t *s''v TOMTE A SAT. rv-i", sta at 9:45 p.m. t«r t fef WM rial—I I N • S-— A N ■ Ml « It u 1 I ' H! I, ? V %T1 T>! x*! AnwO t i Al H'X j , v n ver-» :- »rORK not RA 2»(HI K. SAGINAW tou Tin todw 11 IX. i. ii Frtoo uto toWiT il .m t^MtoMtht » l-M 11 l*il MUTlflV s«: Ti-tiay. h a m.. Vi r- ry J ounda- I'J itj cwkistiax snmvt roiv • -.-cia N'fy .'a-i F. r*. IHTIdX—Sur.M . » p.sr... I. Same- an« cme- „ i..I-.. •" »«TN..i* -• , M.r 1 • .. i He. rto.. RIU.IA—» ..sr.. H Nd ' fc*"e > Bosae, Bufet auptwr. In Kyr» . //7 A'eiv ForA- ALPH A 'Hi » >Jf A l,f Teu; wu sneak m. *t>un>>' Anr- i'majw- B.-m.i* •,»» •«•••- _ r''fcr' the girt of I xi FA IWAIHTION^. u ; e H ... '.•etn - daj. f wife.. lAewkj Fawidauan the THEATRE . fctr.t ; Sa.1. wr- * U Mr ;.n-t .-• Imr: <,-♦.£ r^« UM N1' XH14USTS fit h _ night is f* kV *•"««' • r-™. w vb*..: -»!. f~*. v. i.n. ImU' t'ta'to. Urr*. mil nmI a way of to-, h.r.-u*.., r ■>: "h,ra~ « -J" — Srnnmi Tilrn _ •: *1K-- !-«rp l.-w r.,.1. life. Ycu see * niTlTTx KTOOT IXlsO- N ATI RES PARADISE *BH*iTJ mi l * UTlllX^Sanu»y. 13. [ m. them at the Stow* INK* ObIt at *:4j :.-gei.ie Tret uu aor.li- I'tavervvr Lutheran Church. WTI.D WOMEN OF W'ONGO • -* tf fra^uats, ZnexikU hetMitrkwuj, *w* atuepumc Supper and fiTO£T«n» Hr, At.if Fury* Speaker, finest places- T«k* At «:3T • 11:14 svi* achwi., i h anxv\i, ml rrtv i'll- irtiiu they're ne v . OH MEN OH WOMEN STARLJTE • * '• rr«w -i j:y 3ti. : ipat liOWSKIP — Saouat £ y.m~ . Art Eacm. Vnmtv. dtacumtoon al 1:17 _ *l>lrt , , . . u IN. U.w lto.dto.s- «, to beautiful, -.X .J, - ' '-*+ —"-*-1^. >■ ..1 S1.« *•«" lulu. 1. I _ u "PiuTir. fcee 1'.. r,.m.. -T- high-fashioned, -toto ». Ito.lto, to.. IV., - :* Ito.|* (MM. well-dressed. • K ih to Vir liftman Imi j tire You'd never l! ns-- tor-.. „• (j Sli«w Scene of forties guess by 1 l.n..y, atot i»r*:i * ' '* ■- '*• 1 " u- u-l 1...cj1t looking - » rsi* «rwy «*y f arf tS Vrrori# *• •■■■*, i;e- : k-- » ;!. Me at them 1 ta ADILT ourd eat i. • :;i Lit .«* F WtoK'tui. IVTUTU&WCVT . .. fi t t*»',ha»c »' 't*.- ii.'- |m>. .tie ;r.r thv Miunc of mo.r*af i-har- uita w it,: Lw banc'. A-lpji* Firitia Pu wili renew *.tM JfM'm© ui' « vuhu* - ae*a* wiv tt>« ls«eia» r.Hipire w iier. taey u-—u.e,* iM,se-» a; a Jinn-ut a pin: !>ndt.; r*'et :* f Toe i* ho"- Nt»rin*l ? A?-.>'■* Sue* wffi iounr* if hw na'>. .!',«*■ w- the tmek|TT'i»«c»u «f '> all to •'..•-y.'upHoiWi W>UIM'i A.*, fctot. "*■ i ktji a * to*nu *mm u NA7TXVL isHOl LWS 2XD Cl'EST FEATIRE! WILD WOMEN OF mUK -Maati Asa-wr srTT S» Alton P.d 3RD FEATURE 2 OH MEN OH WOMEN XOVEMBgjt 4,1*W PAGE FIVE •T HV murwH (Ilk Mm 8M Wrtlrr nli-nt Richard M. Xixon ij favor.3 to «:'n the •onlinr to • P°" taken by journalism 403 stu- beautiful authentic NtwdewU r.i " ■j mA -vV.tr n^hrrt . .Vf indents Intervtew- i -*r «r>*. Trtn rrjr..«*r- IX STKIKIM! STYLES pp- cent were not. k»-,r m-1 *t*ff rwmhm '„f.' reentered voter*. , v. ,y*\ i ;V *-eu".d vote and ptr- were voting tn- Of tf-.e 11« stB- ;jjyr cert «ert umlec;- Fduca'ed with .i degree .» tough" ecutcade to* brought these luxurious, full-fashioned, M XZ--js.vr.rv. h»ng-sleove shirts. Carefully selected! ex¬ pressly for you, they'll provide lasting pleasure through many hours of active sport* and leisure. For style, for color and for price, you'll like them. i■mil 0£t,* A. 100% woo! knit shirt wittr UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM * long sleeves, button froel and 'Om MwlMONi 7:10 p.m. in assorted colors. Sues S-M-L. 919-99 FrL, SftL, N*r. 4 * 3 -j.. B. 100*', wool knit shirt with , front detail, kmc sleeves. Bum colors in size S^M-L* 919.91 MICHIGAN MIMHMli MOW Hkfcifi 9wubw •£• HELD OVER-2ND BIG WEEK * m'mutft ST&C*"*.. •. * . : EXTRA WARN DOUBLE BREASTED Genuine Loden Coat DETACHABLE HOOD WITH DRAWSTRING These genuine Loden coats are ■ popu¬ lar number any campus because of We*T on their styling, quality and durability. .'COUfANV You'll be snug and warm on the coldest days with the extra warmth a lodeh coat gives. Visit our store for men soon and see these imported coats from West Germany in olive green. Size* regular PtIISO TICK LAW f mmiTII: 34-46., long 33-42. . Thralrr _ Next! MHELL TO ETERNITY" with Mfrty HwUr TimnLaH e«vr4»»e. FRIDAY. NOVEMHER .. J MICHIGAN STATK NEWS ru.i: si\ M s tnf Forate ronsi«feta? on <"f the ' has fov.rd ptWv Uee of di'-crim* merit and the pre* Mctn t - ination. powerful tools for pat? " - \l ('.Mo Outer Concert Elephant Blushing? Continued from T ?. tire "« arrbtvi to the le* ;«U(ire Hon«e-pas^e.i civil riphts mr. bio in ! Here, then, are aome thirr* everyday reality Sewator Kenworfv himself ha* to remember when dertdtnf which principles interpreted - b«ih a revonj of# pm.iti*e anion candidate or party, to support in ill mad JamaVto 'Jazz- It Up* This hi tW Nh« *f the m«« ReftMirn Party trhir* limt the , machinery. Senator Johtmon, f«>r evamfle, time of Thaaimt 1—^»e» has h*« boe* rtroned by Titre mar- MMh a fetish af »«tit«tii»»)ir- trire as maVb-.r ro oompreTv.i*e* which im-tade*: ara'nrt lV 1^ Civil Kicht* f.li- this ebvtinr. But one can see the national interest, v ' \ ,.t mental difference which divides the parties--that concerns the however, is a member of » 1. Votir* to i-voke clotrre that theiv is really one funda¬ whose battle cry i? "si*. and whose em Mere is a W ] B? VI kt Kt vpiu d .'»i" "Pi.t \m For V. " by incTwu'.g *tk>. »ingle word* »: iwc it* aw* toe iwWTeeeere w-th his wuthem aud>T>e<'s re- buvter. tion marh. Thi> is Mr N \ & J. Vot r.r to rive the attorney role the peremmert should play record and bis party"1* r,-.v S ie \o»» Vc*tii-f Writer Arpe Records. TV. is won followed '•But N-m For Me." *Ti Could On the otber barsi, tVe IVfa.N. rar-iin* the yowr-rfr.'i JVmOoratK re-era! power t«i «nV i*h«netton in aohievir.p socially desirable In fact* this is his ptvhV ' close b \.\ the t"elea«< of "Ahmad Happen to Yep.*" and ""Ahmad* omtic oaMidates for the Pre«i- yua».V or. ev] rithts. TV.rther- • 1 orsi*. TW ; a "1 -C Ovv Center wtH Jam*. " Bine*." he has boor. T^Nrvted as to ptvte. t any civil r.fht, him try tefmn on it. dervv ard t^e V*oe ' TV«'.tetvy Tt is the party of Senator Ken-_ r *' »• * concert from the Both album* wore «e?v over at lb host renin* roeord* htm? album*, hits. ■. n.. a hem • ;«oe for t^f ri -• ce\ - tbn- dorm* *-iK - fftt-nc late minute* or h*v. ?,»- ?o j»t# yerrrb >r*»r yw*.-v, ft \s, for u \ levrr * high 4f. tH yv**-t EAST LANSING CHUREIIES jV'-pnlarHy :f both the ■ <■' s rtw; f«~ofv it ttporv* w .... Reclaim r fcv - •«> < V ** \/-* Yo*L, 's vftfo I,rr; IM*V.: Tr rpi-v-'l New Yet mgac-o- ■:*»•■«. » W fcttftrj**'. » *» ».» vec, vuvV or' • • FAST UR9U6 PEONES OMKH m* «A awodcow k Oar ao<—I %•»?*. CHURCH Oe «• aw* hifhar hwwt h t UMITT CHUKN Cod ccn ffe» f ym wsav Akaaf two EAST lAKSMG Y o-t be nr Hi" saoeS ood Pt* GWV pewr b pa Wt*Ps«*a»«MS/ AND StUDFNT COUtt PS Sm. s CotfN saw "••c 'Hi r ». > IS ttpansw *ww •oSoOn 'N(«4le4| • v*». v»Of W X'iDmiI lePni* CMSril S ewVis %r* S «W« a« MVl ni SM«*o aw4 A*« srml, f.. |s Wshpib (• HIN%« Wert* *4 PrcRe* Palp h«e wrpimirm *»w t »< * ? n*r(*a TW«TOf: OeeW* PPalrMft fir. p. Mtfiww •♦»**" MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL r » « It "M a.m. VMMAl> JAMAl. Ca Woftwe: A? ls« t*vM *wo4 Paw. »«e I. RsPree x *TPC»M TRAP A TH Wn wr«" m S-MTT «r Pit T-4HM (VRourkoIdcnlifictSelfyi ilh txilnn RVSrPAT tffOfT* & STUDENT CENTER tsa pm. «cm %vrr or «tm>r RNMT OWirWA •IMP AT mm -4rmv mwMT-vTAx wirt. r tea p it * it * ia. % Rloris \. of 1'nMn In Socking Congressional Cost III YhHott Road • w». jr. Mn. B»«awr »4» a m PwoOa* (M»wM tali w dm tt;» aa> 9 M a 11 -M m a» ' r-adtiate of the I'r.bwr* ;''.r M HoiH I Nnaaaie Ti bpiiwi IP f41!t Oaaoei par IMWetwP? R •worse iwpm. It. P.-.P, .H . VKVK1 »-N ■ ■ 'Tkr-'-ni la* acbool. V veteran, he Sr»»* M*f t* -iter pr««e • t !A 11:11 •-». t« pm. TMtRe felVftot* fdMr* yita'w * t il P m. mates hi* hnm% tr, T*lirt» , A*»ur; *. *'x .» a P* -nmisn %n irtpowwim i> MwiM W*f%NM of wunrr I M t 11 PR paw... do -i. Cnrsstwrt Pnnle l it t « vl d- • n F:.- .. * Ko •rto« 35 Pc'nt wt W nh'» ftf 5 A eon*-.4er- ?v? n-aV St Storr-MSd HKT CMD) OF n. «"Vift- 'r< l*r->np. < *batr bo "in in. sa>« M wtnewda* be ba? of >j»s' aS'e et*mP«* « Monk's S3» ««♦.-* *»* mailer: NHUOOCT OMKH Of eon '• He.» e«,»n-eN' t' la nor eve-r t.m» ,v. No? mar.w M Ha? n>r for. t>ch!v ofr-r» 15 Tod. tor touch food .MR Bumcn OKI, SOBfltST tAST UMSH6 wi'tryr- ?HntiH. He own; 14 **;lr HnffaVe r ?' *>uno- ~ * h^n -rtr>.r-t*vtifW anc, 15 >• e- 3S Tc*nii the IN f-Mt. iPe pint )e*l naut. He,'T OV tea. H»>-« «»ls nw tr 1 t« * tit* MB* '* -na- tn; pr»~-tips ir fwetpr , M-vs ba* de* ;nee tr the In*' 12JR pan »;pht s-*ar* * fi'pfm-ire *a«l. He aaaMar Me 111 IP a IP •*. t rtcsi-r tr *ep**e nt the MARIT trnPMIT! Hoiks Fomiph Afa'-s cotntrt'Ttcc RMtT mn* Can na i in fhtiM t ea P.M. * Pre. PRm M. P I f lf«m MB IMP 'the f JB PM fafmr Pmery> Uf » lUiTtMl «4 Pew. PaaiR A. M—m-w n-v t.p» ,i» fn*r:t*T mur *iete-r% ne *hf-h«" thr? Ill • Itisaa »nw Mrp" MR * TJMP P t ••••H. * :• rnwmt Rift iwtaat Rax* t lortt HtoWu, l« 4 11 PR ia w iL aupnon wCat the Ru*s»at», ( » 931 P.M. Paafl 1 pm. h» aomx «j[ so »v« - mt pat H othc* ' . »en>"--He- a* • r.*N*m»uv srpe «■*» -f'ossd a VI*.'1 Pwooa*. New f t.. * • fit-cure em;i-tr* o* a vice M fslln •<•«. ri-tKM-teni wHr v*. etnnec eve? tl Condetwd ■ • >» a*a*" , mniKurt O'COIT-K I nu. tujt tiaijana. » It, fawnr af «j>etnpio)"mer; -«tt w« U" pet r l*ose )us»? t fir *»k: b» tbrnka tb« Riser na Pour t -w iv.. „•■»*. Ntmjrjt^traLiW '* h*vt amvtsj eoom»mv- d<>vt: ihn 3h 4t Bauc* CUP* fonu» T AH • »•nuawHf prowtts c GuiAme "Se ;h»: Hw* r-otvajf. •wwt t -o»*-an U pa-;- S'dv» im Jam. prw. a OF tr*ta&' He saib "V. * eardi pay people ♦of not y'-adur;nr *' > : "I dor*: tmrk any an* mar rat , H-;n* Iftt.w* vdH u hlirhiran' pe aaio. Hsf*i is emlv aayttip e# win try to «k' ttua. OTUmrha i lie ralkoc tr» cut emp»ap T t. tare. nut *a?f. Hs U»«0|ftt tPat If TW (Satk mt Jf—» (Ml of I aw Hi* . las rou ahouu tw nade a* th» ;:m» If a tat cot eat H»' mage «.«)4 w Ah'u,,. p» a ;.»»» re- sftua. mmn* lew rat He? tr.t« a; frrrnrr Ssodr*. >>n»lin h. 14JO o.n. ttta- nf :t» f*>rporati«a. fa* tm oml 1:30 p.m. al IP Hiplint (it. ia trdtvsdua' a- mon likelt u. st»«rw attmulate our FjmI I —iim|t. :m «w«n*an. muncy am. IV» i «4i «l Giff Kioin of :UI UMNU,l4Rirf1A Uh- MiX ni NaVr » iD pmwtr. VmI «aU *■« pom: intnat u |««pwhi« f»'Jtt.lT4 VUiOKI * wwam «f rurbitit i«Hu* ra-bet Oat Cb >4C?4 Se t!al am 44* PA towf" verait. Hr «aia. Hut tt w* usetl r> interfere wrttii. UitMS, urj-aiuftiy r'R««*lu- saw. .via raw jmaferrat; the Pil. t»v Set. iveunady aoc ■SorwRKr Set.. }**»> ib-Nrw va. anitf that tha jMPcaa YorAi die Men of of 'thhl cwate i* -ewnioti Take nseswwi tiaan *«?•»■' eeruriry ehouk. mtilla' i=:- PocMe ttia; us- the «eJ -tivtut JeUJiJSW waa* »: UMMsa,. and .\LPHA EPSHON Pi a T«aU«ttc fv&Bn. B«- aaur iw atg- • — nat am p«'-tm tooemi mechnai ram for - iii* sum., wror** C?"3».«xirk' aau toe Hoped "ttoat ii w«( »e»U*tc Invite You iw* woua tw: i .eeaagnnat tr i,'i •3ifmw»> *t> tfca: rummtiios ctiair- tsm mux T.u- in at»w»»n*w. by to To re sa*u. wotilt; , *esr»uae of Uh seSocttws- of Aba aopswrnw* wp tw t» Church With You : -v«ai trn TV okmim. i-ac*i 1 *rmucrattr orjraiaaa-v?«". and tnat m! at their House li> a*i« n» tttourn: i: wouU i« c ' * c»»«» 0*2se«siK ii uaimaolh Ma«t na; tuMfttlw 343 (fcm si. Mwe—P RPR 1 This Sunday. waij. naiuJ^jtair- Pas. refunoc to j_ punier touttf-ra vritt L. Lou-iii£ ( D 2- lift* b n. Tit iv?e«.ie*- ho afier t* ue- tea n MM SWT ( 4 KiU, UuamiMertatu. rtmAT.xonaMwiim Graduate Office Offers Financial Help For Grad Study Through Fellowships " .nfuaw 0*0 atwfcate Rt.1 aee m HON nf Vriversty Wemen >a«-*eHatmn hr Jaty 1. 1*1. 1\S.'venitv w.-^e- T*e«e wt»mee applicants must be under 2* years IFFI.tr 4NTS met be I S Tve stipend i* W.tHifl to the abeut fencwsBy ami tMvtwhng to or,tor gv»^»te pre- Feilewships forVnmen to e-rv^.r- citi*ew*tp is regutrW for natter- w,„. }h. jhrwgh their ewrt of aye citS*c» and at the pre-«octoral university, f2,(HX) to univer*b>* RC^VV!.-Vf* ► rtwW» «t»R. grama at* -meiceme to forno to age a.franc*! stu.lv sr,i Tv.earvV al fell*w*hipa v Applications may be ob¬ for tuition fee* and other »* orbi* *r» —*• mrmmatimi between Ol^fOT afl4i«e-ui for r-at'ena! fe! I.tw¬ dcvn:c full time during the sum- IVadline for application* is Del, ether emi* man. College of Enfineetinf to For additional information, '« o^rpftitHMi •« * Batienal 11:00 a.m. daily. ' batv fuWled all the requimv.er.u trie* Orhe arc inamber* of the'»hips »f* ee it f*.«'*V: ?»mr at These applications must be in by tucr to a ivanovd «iicn*!?ic strniy b*fX tuf AMFRTl AN ASSaVI V- for the Ass-.*r*',e evceyt the dis - f l-tematbmal Feds'iaticn of l>,»- >4AV; tor *t f.tA*"1; «n.l twentr- j addres* inquiry to BTL FelUm. It*,. I, 11HW. or scientiflc wuk towarvi the doc¬ torate. j ship 1 Committee, Bell ^Telephone flw at t?AV-ff 5«V, Trtrrrat'rr- The National Science Fourda- i ebcratories, 4t>.1 West Street, Stipend is r<- week New York 14. N Y. AUSG Settles Pep Rally Debt >al feFewshir* ard fmnts: three : t ion Summer Fellowship* are America's I at «,SV. thirty at 91 ihht pin* tu'tion and fe«<« Applhratiou ; available for graduate atihlcnts forms which are For further information write 'who teach during tbe ■e*d*ntk| partmental ofhcea or at the tlrad- The following fellowship* and available in de¬ scholarship applications arc due ' jduring Nevftuher. Dr. R. Reettierer. director year u*te A)flh e must be submittc,i to Ford Foundation Foreign Area c. p, « for -c r*p B*«*cvar:aTia, the wRf. were ap- cause X euel AV«.l had TVe^-r rrom,«-.1 D*n t Married W- --g). fo*r»!al 'C?«v» tEa»t Marot. an,i Gtcri* Xetcest A At*W Feilowsbips ?401 Virprta A*e N W . TVocvam. j Wash- Applicant* may be graduate •« the graduate oflloo l-v IVc. 9. Training Fellowships: Nov. I. •istants. assistant in*tmctor« ot MM ' - I National Science Foundation rapport infton D t.' : 'ostructor* who devote eight or I The Bell Telephone l abora¬ Cooperative Graduate Fellow- r.-,-o! ater extensive debate r?w^ TVMir.c t?,o ¥u\, , -> a;v" )Vedr*aday night. y-2t to appropriate fund* t^io y.m A^orron *n4 I*tt liTodol R*:«l th«t tNy >,r,1 lt*^v^a*'*!lA t'oirtrr-tloo .'ort ! - * t'"'n M»-k I'.niiT, Corn mi r« (HrT»n>. K»-«> tHaifov), Satellite lVad'tre for applications: De¬ 'more hours a week dnring thej tories h«* a cember 1. IF** * ; academic year to teaching, lah- in oratory instruction, grading of' fellowship for study ' ship*- Nov. I. Communications Technology. 1 Dun forth Graduate Fellowship: FtUNDR> FOrCATIONAl. | papers or ether duties directly j Engineering oat of the Finance Oolhr.s tK*»t iJtr'.ivva), Janot and the Fhysical '(Nominations by Faculty duo tmtioation of Unawt*' *r,ppovt , ... v. „ Sciences. Applicant* must have Nov. 3.iV_) ,Y mith a f» vera No rec- Ko*» »Mason), Fl«, S« 5 ; ' t'\.v (>tr>fr-» worrN?-* .1 * spoalonc fSr ,K*thttr\ Rick Jtaltoli 1 relate*! to teaching responsduli- -r for tbe rot* of *V» Ho*ar«l Taylor —Kaplorvr V1U, America'* appltei to ea«t metals industry tie* for which they are tegularly ctunplctt i one or two ve*rs fo- John Hay B'hitney Opportunity t>»o WRolntton rrprr^frita. •'V. The paid* hy their institution. answot totmapbere today aa further [ C A M V HELL'S L-v v-'fT tho rally, bat it araRiS,,»,, WallK Jaok Knirlr iMo.t, to tho TNS'.I oail TOtO, eeideitea of V, R. profrma in Cn. { r*v ^ • fo!t bv tV rmaaor !«*'» Haltt, t>. k Wmtom tlar. ihvbinr tbe fnyateriea of space. Co- rr .■vr.f, for •v,t 'tbotv waa |M M promotioral b' ar«i Haltarc «Va—o.i, l*-c-r »'.«-• ' ¥1/ 1^ C I# Tbe j satellite FF-ponnd Npinmr.c top" toebeted into orbit atop s Like to Shop Around? #*-!RiflCV ?Kit arm* rot to ' Tbo«o otV/r mo^N-m «-vaVinc V? a Juno It buster early today. It* I Onljr Al 11 ARIA'S IVIir«tr*M-ii r* You Will ' -v .roma. : miaafo* is to make tbe most ex. Enjoy The Itrlnxnl *>TRbSK>TATIA*E IUrTT'ac«!r»t tHo aprropnation Tl_...v - )..• "Xt v - Cbairmar. I Chris Otrmrm'r.a ao,i t>n« Papa- Comriittoo. a>lr#s) UopmCos. (RaiVyV, Mark Orarrs "-Features j baaatfvo atudy eeer attempted of the ioneepbere, eereral layer* of FRESH HOMEMADE < Alino»|tlirro ul Hill Cjiin|iltpir-< appropriate iHoro j (Fryar I, at,i Jar.ct Ross tMa- c'eetrt^plly e b a r f r d parlxle* Italian RrM*-aa4 Rail. ' -Up Snv mill Sro Tho Goldman ( »,.., «v>,y sroi id be w*ei pr..' '. wbkb reflect radio ware* back to' Italian Suap ,,- v • tV a,-tral *et-e. a«ke4 that tbe ; tPattevfeV.t. rvj-R « l>aorapt)ti | tn the seres, "Miobifan Res tew* ir.y received from tbe sate"irc. k» 'eato»i, TNsirtir^ ort j tXonK Campbe',;). James B'aoob. • the ls»ne» " } It Tn nppirc around tbe jrlobe Frash Maria's Pizza > . ierery 112 minutes in an orbit } >a«i by all appeararve* j and an4 Cere lAm4«ert tRm- 0«eeta oo tbia aroek'* sbow arill w.« «f r rtriayH arstil after jiitop*), AblrVe Melrtyre .|bo rpofewor Ralph CoMman, of 'above j ran finethefrom J.V» to 1,422 miles earth ^ h»i beeit aper-t in a-(Barbara Kov« trb,i!!ip»), . unempt to railroad itjKpirk a- i Gary Morran Jaok the fSSiitkal Rotetp-o riepartmert, "Data i« bcirc received from (West < ard Samoel KrSsliiv, a lecturer in I erven of the tbe eirbt experiments haportii Ckaata aad Oaaaad fioads . i' ii|.~aaa* • Shawl, Herrraire Bardin ami jpolitka! Reieroe, > -.v-v *hm lay atpenerea a j N"*n,-y Tern is (Sr.y.;er). Tat Bam- IhrofessoT UoWwan reoor.tly (in ' the paytoad." a spokesman said. MARIA'S -♦ Tbe eichth sra* pot to start fnnc- orEN DAILY r Aakely) S*"ty jiTash of Issnes.1* ! several satelhte* plannsst to probe the ionosphere, which evtenda Y h* t-- >oen it»tf and torn it jl.woa* and Kathy \ .,-kerrrar «S,> Broadra«t t;r. e \a 1 pn. Sun* from M to abt^ut 1,000 miles a".ti« THE STORE WITII TIIE RED DOOR ! port re-', Kr >U-o a-d Aneop I ,Uy. Nov. d, Call IV t or TV 0-31K. ' tude. -tlOM tS VECEIL • fradoate 1^-e>tte *t tbe lArfe. ard lb.-k Winter* flan-> tt X AR n oonyunotion with the • *«-« -e >.:! bad lew* Jrtttwjnmtl, dim l)ap if*«l leinaine),|Mvbiean State political acier.ee HOLE IN THE AIR' LATER)^rUPfOMv, ^ r -»e a»t mirata aras bo--dn Cibeon ami Ml Hartwxir I derartirert. THE RIGHT TIISTE BECAUSE kgaaai TMA^n 7f KHJ. NOO RlV WITH A CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS ^^UWIA ut A&M j^^^^AMAju wmotv'**-; flOfcMMTOU • Mlr:r Viceroys gotjt DKADUXES: I p.n. IV Before INiKIkition for Tif*. ^ed.. TRura. ■K^ytewiir^ou<»Mo»j: KTt^lVrtw j-m& at both ends and FrL Editions lVadhne fof Mod. Edition: 1 p.«k IVi. El) 2-1311 EXT. 2613 COT 1 THE AUTOMOTIVE FOR SERVICE SAIE= FUJiR. Ftl.AJX CKTVMCH .FT. KAMVCINT* ORGAN. OOVSOl-F TYmsT AVAILABLE trt ATARS «n> %- tr «r«Qa re.Td r» ils gverrvea. 13-« oTer 1*ke» W.-i U*» Vr*<* IV vtcs eePec* jegnt*. weetnc type¬ «-**-%• v tU 4*v F—- - Oan >« 3-aanf ** writer. cat ED 14W a. r,-»r.r* i d hwr eeii»w *w- rxK-.tOAtsr • *t GOOD OOMII- OA* WASH .VATVRDAY frnm « enema NUMI imMk TK* \ u>'- Can r» *-*":■ W am .« sn st Ijatt*"* Owf StaUr» rwd t» j ***. U>c »*tra f.v wtumsnuU. |Sc %m r-r*. fr btr %'•)«*. P-dt"1 UANXdt am — out »ik Used Book Sale Iitrtra sltJi no runrttase N a.-* .v TYPTNYJ AND DR Kur^nung wn- :«* r F.rr. x * * srrxiAU clean c*r *« for-- $5. GETS YOU $i Aoi# m vear Dom* Ask t.v Kmmeltr. i F.D t-CTT} »l Only PniaiM for voar thnafht.- ■Vvwiifig ikwc ttfi'vr rn :-im afre- « - TcK b-*. ? v."., Crs S»«v I' , e» U JTH HOUtZAT RCAOOV* i ... and yonr Eibran. It e',\-S»sr. lt#»r I i I es'l ID 1^1 IS fee en :w TKTV--H TSS SPC.RT* ear. j 1 " trratmn* are custom i * R.v*v (tr.a eng.--* ■ #.-» I Sp. iTt la Ce-t >'cv Excellent euol tv *Hi>« Uarala. a «Ur. M> Driakwiter ■ I*, w-H..t:-/a aiov. VO Ml> o- l ot 'n TV* One 12 1W rmMNT 1 TktokU,. InlN C. MUWr rXPERT TK1STS . . I«< A*« Ihan'~le*!v SvetrS^rj Tkt ♦vptng. ESsrtr MMnl riMn a ri-rwnl rraNm, K. M, ITr V KEAZJtr m \» lte*c- r><;; •- Se-*^ O^e &eee Or y tun swam cvpe-'cr.-e V - rowrtJti-v; «ew *-ttv ; • v. -n Rrslv. FD 1AM R» Art a LuMw. nrtnr Trad Ue W- - twawee eesvr C<"- t.rva. nt ■- O* C#> ftwaam. any la Nrw Eattaad. Ttirta, tern IK- i t«w.r . . raern. rn mm as; V»J. H. tmomKON Wlllm lllillll Mar, (MS. C. X. Hipliaai . 47, , ^ « C-TTL GOOO CClNUrnON Ite b»Hie )»»♦ »■ >Ma«a. ISr Mat? tern. On, latoa-MUIrr 4Tc p^» vxr ,Tt 3M:. ATtrr V TV AL1 TV sa .TCt rx l atO tap Mat Ct. h—4~ hundred* anre! V. A rwrtta PaUer. Wallrr Uiunn, . Tka OH Alia, Aiaall naaarti IV BI ntu. HAXD Fkateureokr ,1 Makt. r. C. OacbwlMi, If, * W»i1 *ee at ART* TW raiMnl teli t» WtUUa Urnrr nruaaual IV Tka lumaalliaal Clnimkr. 14. Hal *. xui >;« "The Supermarket for F.ihtralinn" Evary Thursday TtTDR DOVE IN mv rukn UMM. CO I-CTM • aorton a mm 11 SPARTAN BOOK STORE CORNER ANN'a SLAX'. • thru Sunday avtnings PERSONAL I |#« I f ■■■ ■ s - 5 arae \ "hi -- -••Wk- w Tola's Va-naai hog. nvy^f» BAUER Xtrwac. Fewr*wr*e-v »*.rK.;n£. WWW mi Drw imrXk. Jam Hmmrt U HOUSING SAVX usrt« up to K onc.fi 401 cn rough Craft Off«rt Dut»i>caUrc O :*«4X, MI E Grand JUvrr. t Security First Jazz Workshop National Bank I I ;• " - sxw* - - - -Z* Ue B<*-llnr »»af F*aturin9 tha I OA.H I -- c. l_:r- Al Bautlar Group | y j.-, Imn T>» c»» Southern California A-"* E> vaT anil have a Admission 50 cants * flee* :-w M— ^£Al ESTATE j Gallary Esprasso 5471/, Grand Rber (oppoaita Baddy Hall) "« ) a Idaal IMos * ^ .JL V»--NG LUCE He would like to iat«rri«w Graduate Studcals in Accounting, AilMjORIialiiini Eamomkt or J^N£»ORTAT)0N - -• -zr.r. Plcaaa nake oaccsury at your Placc- S£LL MSI Gridders Meet BoilermakersJoc Browu NBAs Boxer wf ,heMwnl11 Spartans. Purdue Try for 1st Division vtrr To a :V^m fe-r . *hi« hnner of Fnf-an.l EAT PIZZA! 3-*cx Ciai'dellA. *s'• * Co.. :■•» F'-^ku. fo- hi? win II rws AT THK ri77.A Pll rvrr A v>> e M ^ re, f-n,i .Torgr Ft* •? s r*iiv bating l>ar»ny (TOOK RAWOH OIVfiN inMiwvr. r<> V'V . AWAY BACK SVKKK. MiWRf **■ Ni\1 6f Ms T.'.nhN PtWTWv ' t-e*v \ we. CM T-.?v -/frtHmiPt K>\ 1 » ' i v to defend, ws« rated (\ll. K.H 2-OBM Archie hw wv-stfhms v. ( ov er • >e ela^i 1in\It ef 155 ; sn.1 in his defeat hv, Ki* Hit nanio i* Hohtiie ^ iltani* . • • OVK Or THE MOST fvcTlinr Both b*ve eveeDenl ii«" r«, ;v rv»v•-- ■ h*,v ► • ,• rtvnmd fume fteeratimr ©iatj tn*Ve« Ov HER INTIMATE. AUTHENTIC, A aelVnrt wrpt.-n t.He batOe Mswn tV •niKHv *f NV. of it ,006 w*,T 1 ranVM te«~. PERSONAL STORY-FROM THE iinsm4 for -5He eh*»»'V~ *V*fr-Arte «*%••• n . Hi- V'rxSftr r»r fhf 1 Te*». «M » |, Both ewr»11, Vww i? 4-e in 4be Bit 4-f) BESTmER-THE CALL GIRL1 : Ten fiM VI^'i S«n*. B?anr - \lor*\*tu' THifhe - Ti'evy ' up«r #>' the T*efV KewUi-tcj - ValwV'b;.''; . \J a-vauf: - OninrweJif Kan**- -Ne'-.-r-vV... T.rt - N nit- Tmrr-f "»ra- AAV «-S». ■ *. .vi •' • _____ Trva*. UBV.- Vwitj, Cw--Wasb. » Ikv.t fwetdhl Mister... 8«aatf V»»i ya. u» SHf^W *RSOKRt:i» d'P-ElKtric $.to*-St£,»t ioi on 1' »n«o« SPEINiiS • AIR1.ITTS ISO*W id B"»» vou- daw mate etao-paw mo- b-u< S'aciBj) Ou ipc• AU. i.i ajumijji Shawl Collar xacAT»o\> IWltt CUKKS MiaiOMI M»3»I.Eftn 2-a i. tm rmp it. xomm**yew Patterson To Meet Johansson NVW YORK. .TV-Hcavv. v eight Champion F'oyd F.xtter- *<*n Mid today a third title fight with Sweden'* thgemar Johsns* sen wn* "9rt tier cent *e;* f>>r *ume ttnw between n«\t Jan¬ uary And March. The likely are Mlbml CPimpic mnnar- f'ha promoters! didn't - think ! Va t 'ipht check on was going to win the second ji Frnla Rett far. an R A in the 1ANSIN0 ANPiBkCAST LANSING • - »•' reason Ha as stoji- f ght. \ thick tf 1 had a«Vcd for off-season, aaitght a 3d v-»id of TO or 91 sh»\v 3 to «t PM3 ■w-t o'i dow n to eight othfr wo to coma down. iict.Mv over F.a.vI Shavv 7 Wed¬ I wont coma down Thai* ■ VC A k CHJB-.- * * for iV * as von are nesday nigh' NiMing It00.000 of my monay T?>e louettdoun pis* came with fnvn tha second fight tn ascrow only two second* rcuMining ui AT 1383 E. GRAND RIVER Pen in net * iiinev Pioketl tf tha tha.v don't nant to 50 par cent. I won't gisc ma fight the game Pr.vmc' 0. winners of four straight fM game*, scot l\ IIKOIIKriFI.il I'l.AZA and the* can Warn tha money as ji sr wkst or iiioainmin mi. ed first Assistant ink M anairer a imota my forfait. Hut thay won't pro- | Ttia MSP frvehal! dapirtment hAs eoma up with ano*'w-r bro- ('milsort w p 1 Hocsrd hp pan dh a TP par* Tha I-Vftlttrini! nextfighU antra point tnado !'Vr \ TVan t/nvk's kid bro- iva* on a Uto 3ltn»l ( otuplolo ( lollies I'm* MY YPRK <-fA_Rsr Hamey. TM CONVWKKT thai (FSlt pA-M from ttogard to tVtoplMl. j trter, Ttvuce is one of the throe f»uym At t.nU in Onlntl Micltienn Coach s,< ms.-XJM.M George Wfs*. ffi. a* General Manager of the New iv t! see it my way.* ha said Tha I quAVterliack* en this year's nagtlita Fug a ?. v and t"Attar«on fre«hman team. ' th*ccinct 7 came back, con- on » t»Av« from ttilt laui to A1 Dawson ! TV aatia point - - - -• • - •- 5«nk Yankee* ton.- a* the l»t- It Atamans war# made after Rruee, like hi* brother, is a failed when ttrucc Raa broke wp , ' 3 youth movement Floyd w*j»< presented with Ring graduate , ..... c-- V i ■ e ••* 1 jdavo- — of Iakmiij Floret t through t«» nail Paivson ■ eoaeh , '♦•At prevhxisly resulted m the MAga?tne'g •chamnaorship belt . i .. >« grwr \ <*o. /* t - *» •*'-<" ,r.i high scho.it nhcia t"a played fi'-.ng v" "rt-year-oid mana^ar for hia return fight fifth nmnd #*** r-~ ngc- ***•.; -*ed the r.*« '-.m knockout of Johansson at the I weighs m at 173 | his position f- r three y eatv tie G»»e* Stengel pound* and »* ,v**k sSmt «•• .Tppr of 1993 af*e«- ten • -n ■ •' " a. -..-•.g c.:vV* j Hank Pultough. frenhman •n a *eAr-to.ve*f b«f » at hi« |»itrer«en on % third round TK(h coach, say* that the younger ■ r • S's'c *an« **;• JV-'.-.cf or. - - *o M'0h;gap 'ow~i pe^ijcfi. \o terms were d»s- cn .Tune 21, I HI. at Yankee Sta¬ J.ook is » hardwnrker who will - ••• * foot-bad gv—.e s *•.«• honor • of be - g 1 i cloeed THJI Hamey was beljesw.! dium mAke a ftn«* (vntrioution to ,w,'s* *-*•*'> *'ikit|t(WKl« ! "■* • aee tM'.t gwe-, *"**•;*•- -« ' • Have seti-te-d for somewhat Feature Rp.ir«.s promoted the Sfiartan football in future years *■•-'. H.s ScPcvV"; W-estling • •• L i r • * than Wei**' reported second fight and holds tha cotf- Hank also prtinicd out tha' ftruce v*«TP <*' "Kt-.x to d*-e C-x*.-- • \L> fTmcs C;t* i gtiki rtfid salsri. traci* for tha thtrd runs tike his older brother i •-•• v have score*! lS]*Ok'a i HiS*.* School wa*' Tvvpmg s.v.d Jack Wh ir. Gem- Patterson left aftar tha tunch- This 4g quite u tribute to o -. v*« c*:jy fline *cor**i fh-of • r,"f wrosthng era' n inager *• eoo to hwik m-ar poaaibta train¬ TN-- Richmond, yearling. Dean »?' one of the They beve ah.it eharr ■>- ma* runner-up would be w.-h th. Yank- ,n 1991 ing campa at Bethat and Newton. Stiartan's star .running backs in i * ■ e^.\v>era§ three law- *t n r. « n vc r dura'icn. • '•••-' i bin did not xii'ine his duties Conn. Ha »aid ha weighed 193. 1937. 1933 and 1959. In his se- -wv trans fcrml ' hv, —A t W l#Hi i with aucccss.** v d Hamey. mho the second Johansson fight, and from hi* position at halfback ■ • "ye «-*»—.-< d.-mrr- |\ ITU R ->*•*;•* of tVergpad- ' spent 19 **f bo 39 year* in base- planrse^t to atirf training within; to quartertiai k Ftohi this posi- ( . ■ • - T-f op Satar-*»tte -co..-*i *,■*• .in+'i-m+ri vrpi- < • fex'.l sr. the Yankee oi conization a few day*. (ton. Dean wen* on io make w Caha Col- V-w • .'M ,* • , AAV G-ao* 1H. (MhTi, wr u.tend to inten¬ gmcral AU-Amertcan teams *' - tfAhnesday. A'm; ><• * .-h H;* titles sify our effort.* n the proour- body seems to think. We will 1m and lead the Spaitans to a suc¬ ;yc «vye yswn* #i»tSJigsk :?wtuded \A» chamoionshii-W mcn; of raw talent. v * You cant active in the field trying to get cessful season. - - have received 79*5 •*»'- .• -'•* *; •. was in '■'« hep on wnnnir,; i*enn*nts by as good a pitcher as we can af¬ Dean is now one of the fresh- ' -t piaying t^rrn hs*i scT.v.'i 19<". *t 115, making trade* You must devel¬ ford to trade for." men coachc*. wot king primarily ■"». Rjoe.-w r-e- jwmav-■- H* vs. nmnee-cp pi i op yvur own. Although Hemry Mid no deal.-* w ith the backs. LoiUA,'-. rtv 1944 VAAT nef*. and in the ■ . . "Th.^ ,* a young ball club. now being conaklenrd appeared State's most lcoeiit brother *l>Tt w-:.- a;lvo run* 19*? W A \ .-n*~pkmshtps We certa.r.'y not going to certain, to be made, it was act is Ktilt active. Tommy Wil¬ "H*a «5Jgv*d Wftic-'- Per.. ■ vrrr >no Gi'c Y k'.w, li e trade away our voung players. known that the Yanks are try¬ son, number one signal cailer ( by h.i* ateity to' coa^h mho - -v . the aswaUnt;\ There is r»o aecrrt that we coukl » v • 1 ing to pel Johnny AntoneiU, a for this year* i squad was pre—j * ban ahead ef tt* >e the Y.SU athV,.,- d.rector.' u* aarne pitching r-r tea? s de*ens#ei playesm. ? were ttatmaitei ,-c. the IHJ-44 although our left-handed pitcher, tram the ceded by two brothers. Both ; ataff may be better than every- quarterbacks. amce iw hm bem Tuifa i'Okla.l Webster High v the ferwwrd line has Schox m-restUng tear, kmi « the chief eet-ur man Pmfnjjer graduates from Ok- ► p«a •* Yer.tura and laabn- iafc.r- a A AM. the sane alma * s -*»f»a «.-reed in the last: at pnrMtient '•.! the Oklahoma (jgarvllro for America'si h- ra-rr-s wbfch the Spar*.. Wm-.iing Aswwiattoa^ ^ "vp "a-'Ard k« SI'"*" - 1 -The new isaiUm was born in Macular ... 2.IS C'artoa . ..VVf ha."- Wcdetia. Oka, A^rl r. 1927. (Dutdh) Ktfsejnf He a mtmed. and ha and his kin, mh ....'US Carlaa arabaan have couasa* wife. Wanda, have twa children FUtcr kfaiKH 2.36 Carlaa Favorite ligara • Box of 50 laviadblaa ... 3.42 Hamburger Cabiaala Balradara* 4.37 5.72 at Hie drive-in with 'Sniffacwm ONE BLOCK EAST OF CAMPUS ON GRAND RIVER AVE. F.'.vk "S" v-f«. v* mftst fruvw*fyA year. *?* •*.?,r,% T.* SHAY Vvh»«». KK>k "S" eo-obfir.fr»fc*. t a' r.-;-4 «*i «» »<".* v ('IftS# >:;V, Thinking ft' ; Se <**»h /,f fV< Kij: h'-'V-V ■" **,.*}••. H*» kv-r f. •- Politics. Too COTTON KNIT SHUT byAlTRfO A tW#v» oft wothcfe}# tMrt v :;N **»brclde<"*d le«c#r , f£■* ce^ar pNM r» rv>\ k cmrv **» v •-•>» < r." «:/n V h t I C^d P0(U» i« mcl tom. v>m. .tvvtok n,\ss \hf rRrsi- f fcW ccten ef e-'ve m NT. r-i*prtK the TO/vk "S" tropM t* Svlty rkbor of ball Not pM-lurod k bor cr h'cf bs^s JVMfirk. Bn fifi bftP *w» the trophy for tW wsw»V hulk. yVvm eo-rbatryocn are frWirjt TO*»*e *nd TV»« MoCoOoch T-v»r»V tr*- mere pn*<4*ii*pfl for tvM dr. *m :'«r. N> ftUrnt tbr bWvk fSctwr** M tbf bkvk #*-f ir> tbe A nmn. V**t (*nn4 Ww NHIA iM VT n> *rWTfT v\ Fa*l I dinging** Onlv I'.vclnMVf viwti » imt %rr K coord >bop fVW-M Car- ..... V,' S.n "A «Nv ft u.i - ■S*4 . ■'■»*■ -*,%.•* 4ta£S CPE* EYRY EVENING i'li V» .*, A »tyr V >V C<:p- i-VAvrtitv <>" T"OS«•OAC'ft'teT/IV* • vjt Krv r* T1" u:>A;. nMUSMMON «r-» ft-- - '-*■ tV SSArrS* »*v, 1-.A-. i. * • tff R?V*f)W»- I rr/lrr \/* UrmrrcrmMH "V '*■" rlfWJ'/*- %<'"r fM'- {{.!<♦*"» MWf *1 M»«»l f vf fW'" *if v-Tv'S... ^ f% <^ **& . A: ri>TAl"RAVT A\ft CATTTEKU »TI e< STAIK< r1.* pM'W iKOod cf 19tc l^*i /l«n»wl.wf L cc—*" ^-dulk ♦otlv.C''. ^■jjl Imlv brec«M. K00 r.s, V00 tomngt, MO P«« ptut Va j.intiNUl Fulbrieht V. Challenges Ike's Claim f*A«rt c..Jtrr ihA t> *f h--.| HftrA TV rornstv.: :.!«•. f. u-- s?« Tm o-Wi.T.v^;.n«;'.••>!» -w . »**v, *-+%mvi km&Vimt' In' MMX*: Wandariui voiu* isr eery oi- hoiw or oon* Ir wT Ko»-v' A 3-pioec co*»cm Fionr-o' OOMkir ftennfr! bold mascriwe eyewear r-r txtvpKoinrws * w. w t ti:\SLK, ****—£ WALLACE OPTICIANS