v.*' See 10 O'clock Sec 10 OVIwk Wrt'llon Edition ■ Jcrlion Edition For Return* For lli'liiriiM NwIiik MSI I For SI Yrwra \ Ol.l'MN M. NO. !Hi HAST I.AN'SINO. MICHIGAN. WHONKSOAV. NOVKMIIMI I'ltll'H .1 CKNTS Leads Nixon in Early Returns T!I\' Plot' Foiled, Doms Keep (lonlrol of Senate *• Mobutu Charges Swainson Heading (»ov. Han ti'AMIINOTlIN, I'l' Sin fit Uliil. K-on.dv had ID »-l«-4 Uort of eight «Imooi latn i.Koroi.ovu i r, Th.- I'oHK.*, i t'i t'til. Jii.t'i ill Mn1i.it it I MI UllM I" U I' > Ni*oi, Jiihii I heiiuedA nwheled to an -dill Tui-iIn.v he r»ilwl "A I'mlwl Nation* In in-i-iim ,.,H»»to* victoriei ■ t\vn Hi |il(lilu tif Ill his Tin right lln the Control.-*.- l'arllant<-ot ilurinii t>u> niiit'l iin.l hlipreiMvr |< ad TurmImi night in IhIiik «!<■■ have ultriiniil I >r preal I lie par'v would t***.*l I'rrml.-.- I'atri.-o tumuoilw Unl, li> |«nvri- hli |'Uvxlitnlit lid i nfill «C with Vln without Nrw V' i k > eh*. ; llM ;eo»t« the Mobutu Col,I >t liutlllv ton I'reddenl llithuid M NiKon vole* "llo'v wii , i;iv4*' inmm eft ho eontrol, Yvootl new* conference llu* t' N Ki'inn-(lv, m hi* hid In leluin in Mil,II anil llutlii'ifori Then 41 demoi'f ah' liolfl* Summon I'ongtt move t'ongolcse lo command stmt hi toy Inspired fighting between unit* fm Mit »\« the the White I lou Stain Ileinoi-iHtlc i. path ruptured New V«'k with it* gloat lil.uk id to ttu ■*.. , II Ihl I I. I, ' •o lit,II tin ' wav thr pupo1,11 itvm t held Jin of meaifwhllo 4etui'e seat*, eoh p til,* looked ill inldrilglit fUSf to illHNIIO till hi* force*. lei loial lie llpk I h foln. l» ( oopor Group lias i lole made gaili* Km.., in.ou'Mtht (Wi p" I \ official* ilt'm'i iltotl (In¬ ch Migv jt» "*hevr nott*Clt«e " olsewlo'if Ihat w ould Rpi II a lop¬ I <' v i tiffmit I' t m r (NJ». sided eleilotul noilgio If in* f4i*n 14,11113,713 (47 .ft pel iwih i liepilhl" «i . had i on, «• led the/ Mobutu Hut in h t him* over the could inaintalli the pare had 11 on.i to i|itnrr iKtiale Confidence »m •* « altered plot, Hi»t I i|t*lil»ri airly M nddnlglit II .Idl ton ( oil^rcwn eoldiol ill I tie e|. the f at 0 io»H»rtl ti meeting with the acting oaily lo dei'liiie Kouiiedi wit* a win- lillllw of tile tin It I ln-MK ■rata M ill, in I \ maigiit mU.-ion vhit'f, Italian ling mm. lint h niiirihel of sign-, point - 1 ('ufdUUffUl tleiooei filli ttu in the outgo • .ngie Rt WIN ri MR» K ludar Ju Rtkhye, to ibuu hi* ill* oil In wni of the Senate In tile MVlh even of ih< full I»rrn»ar»ti4 KM# Nr«« KU(f W riin j pleasure * '*• #taiiM where the "lilt SI oolcoiw gut* win a-Miied tonight .Sftlllllof e l«i lie -let ted wart- from IMIUNS Mho run Ilk rilOtl -- iVtmll * Ili'titoM* the I'nitr«| Sutton* here kit i'hIiii; the South hold KM Ihr ifTiii' of enthu*- Ttiew gave the Jb'in'HiH'- everything th#> eau lo bring total ht 'i and Ihev and confident anticipation Lutmtml>a tack to power hiiiIIiiiii Midi. MltTlions Director ta«m i -en w Tuesday night. the Congo into h soviet state," leading hi ill • if Hie nthi-r I i tm Sh atnsotv MriYnl si I he Hen- lie deviated, which return,, wen- w av.iilahn- rose Just after 10 pin ami wvAt "I »*m *'» unit t'ommuntst miu| 'flu- ItefHihln II.-public,an-, relumed an* duvctly h» a private suite proved it by expelling the Soviet After conferring with In* cant* nn'1 Fsecfijwissioii*. Never, never Forecasts Record Vote othet *.-n! w ith the vn t„ Mu.n iHchlii,»-U,t of the veteran 14r« hi Imuii manager, J.*- i\4lm». ami *'u lhrv ,lr (wtmilted to return v eretl kaKftiistuM fh q,i»• J-.in. P, other Democratic offnuaU. I »• Jong a* I am alter " OKTIUMT. i/l'i Mtrhipini vntera tiirtietl «»ut in |H»aaihly Keriiifolv'x hlg v«.te in th# Swainson left briefly tor a TV1 h» »'*•• *»•*«» off fpcoiil iiuinlmt'" Tucfulnv Ih^jdle ruin and eulti in iMJiiie |(i-|iuhlu an-- 'ait, noikiiig ii'atd •OPMraiKv ,1 WlmUit ui hi> IU.,*" :r'*,'\T ttmiM I hoy thronpod to the |m»Um. •in their iIhIiii that they would Michigan chowe a new gnvrt nor pick up house -oat* Th#-v had lAOWU. V. T at present in New link.. jDaval, rand other state nllleeholdei« while ThniifM* K. I few ev carried thia j gained three fiemorrutn w»iU. tr% BKTtftNING to the hotel, the; "1 never hniiI to meet this man ata'tc, where he once lived, by youthful gubernatorial candidate (•OINt; STHdMi ||v «» p.m., Ml permit of the rrsMrrrd jal«t.i or ti tiff pn ta\e« and voting in Jtfi.fKlO in lli'IK. I're* I den I, Kiaen-. Vermont, C.'iumet tp-ut and Indi¬ j again," he said, "lie has proved met with Michigan ami, national hia had faith with hi* report to — .the presidential race, lu.wer rolled up a margin of ana ami had lost none of thrjf vutrrM friim Kit*l l anding s precinct nnr hud rust thrir luillols, rittier j The enter turnout »»• so strung oW/ii fte|Hih!P-»m were Ahead n't uewsmou. .the general assembly." Mt Ihr Onlml Klrmrntgn mIhhiI |m»II «»p that. It hHHight at mid afterniH.n :i2I,IMM» votes in tilaL' and 0&4.04IO Hi other di4fl'iet* now The govcnnvf-elect speii I etec- MOHI TI' t ALI FD newsmen In almrntrr ha Hot. Alsnr, a III lU&li. represent- }a reeoid pr edict ion from Itohert ' ed hv lieniorrats, while l>«*rno- Yolttnlrrr unrkrr dr mount rut thr uhc or tlir uiliiti: machinr lo turn day touring Detroit suburban!'* ramp on the out M. Miuitguiiieiy, state riecthuis | PAHIISAN I.IM S separate r-rats werf leading tn Utreu lie-, Oakland hud Macomb counties •Vr*\ u' lipoid v tile to expose t«lrr», Stale Newt* I'holo h> |h»n Will. director. what be trrmni "A heavily I •• in n c r a 11 r Wa\tie pUUIltun distric ts, . more aa a spectator than cam¬ Citing against the republic," MOMMlMl.m forecast a county, where Itetrntt ts hwated. paigner. Mini the other h'.'. counties in the II IJi't-iioiiH and Later the lieutenant Governor Mrs. bwauiwm ami their Shaking with anger, be tdp wed them a trurkluad »»f more than 2**0 rides, machine guns ami other Nixon Jack Wails Nominees Vote, of belwcen 7t,"60,tHMl and ' IS.fdHi.OOO mh ennipared to the 1 record of ri,tiKii,.4i«(l, | slate, inn*I of which trad.tionully re Republican. In the Michigan guhern«tor:a! children and parents had a quiet j ( oiitpoiiii.ling the prnhlein of raee, Derii'H rati# candidate J„itr$ arms witii acorea «f ammuuitiou At Home Since 1U4M . •Miimr Rt ttwatnswn'c Plymouth home. _ ... boNet. lie said all had been taken from tKe^ "plotters" tu the early! Lunches Proleeletl ..y- Michigan had Trp.ll.llr.. I'resideiitial vole and another way - ,,, gone ,1. . •'i.'y.inp . gall eieetiou* iia* la-en the slow ... . ..ly irln,.,. In Ml. h, j Swiiitiwm l*ft his Republican ponent I'aul Hagwi'll The op¬ total TW prgamr.'Mtn h ,hf _ Confidently --Itemorratie—ill it* guberna¬ neaa in* laholalmg the Vtnyio- |! vote a> of midnight gave Swam- By Guards h«J thr*. (km of 'h. W-,u,rv; imuiity and lielrt.it rity vote jj, In Mexico 22.'»,4y7 vol son to flag well's hoUl. Vol. Ulll« K.miutu,' torial vole. Going into Tuesday's election i 217,.122. The count war, a total »-f «or. kri-l tu plt„l.u,m,mU prr.Hl.llt of thr the second fba»r batlrvwun. the BOSTON f/r» - Sen John F. the Itemoriata controlled | i^om^lville provincial govern. I ! 7(»3 precincts of 5 074 reporting. • every pres had the third lltwr, while. ateni, was the Kennedy waited ipiielly at houie j Mtutcw-ifh- elective ofliee. When Swatiuavt ami his staff waited strument tn Ignited Nations' in- j TIJl'ANA M \ X 1 CO, (4H-- ■ \VASIIINT.T(»N uV» - Tuesday for the verdict of the i While the nation awaited'the S. Viet nam Says {(•. Meniien Williams firnt wm The cumt/r-nt llcrnocratu- I'a? senatorial fi,- M' Narnra l*-rf R» . tiie^doi. Mobutu gave ; »•. ir.ia.nl Rlrh.nl M Nl.on, t Icr victory -»■ on 4W- * the fourth floor. *'—- this outime. ,(,rf rlow„t .... ..f thr I outrtimp of I III' I * r.-M ii l.-ll I in I j elected gnvernoi in 111 18 he wa-. iMiblican AH i. H«ntley hy a tdtm An army adjutant and '".wtrnl f"»« Ihr ,rr-kr.H- rl«lj.,||. H|HH|||I S'H',1'1 Srf (>eneva Covenaut I the lone t lemon at in the state ad¬ lead of IR0.44Q vote,, to 176.101 NJMKlATtt partisans spilb ministration. rvrr Into Ui« fin, floor lobby grant major of Kamitautu's Ham- Hfic tensions of the presidaotikl; Ufu||y engineered piesidrntml ildniU were waiting tno A total f»f S 7 precincts reportefi ami other arras of thr hotel. hala tiilar brought a M|uad of in- j campaign, slipped south «f tire campaigns in history. Hrokeu hv Ifeds Williams, while lending support a* of midnight (antt y ami thr arm* i<> the rrwly to jrive thr winnrr to Lt. Gov. John* Swaiii*on'« bid Kariy. in the evening J.w CoK I'arlia-J |M,np,r fPr lunch Tuesday during He looked supremely confident. immnliate arouiuUhc-ciock SAfGON, Vietnam (Ah -South governor, »pent most of the * # # lin. told Ihr prv*. Ih.! CO.' i'ulmiin U.'",-' I-'-hW. . u, ukt „vrr ,1.,, h,.| „tj„, from Mtihultl t" T,„ llr |nn,«hr,1 of ,hi., ),r k«,l won protertiutt. Vietnam charged Tueaday that! campaign Working for tt»c na- The Keivice wald. I«s! week it rommiiiiist North Vietnam has I tional democratic ticket, Bagwell Awaits ,hr hl, „ cnargrf of DcmtHratu election c roguianties were not surpru- fused to he KU#riiing the building re-! bustling biggest city of Hnja i that he ia heado-g for at least was setting up two detachment* Tif at'.iut violated the Geneva agreement by i 1 T» men each which "direct aggression" against South in sharp contrast to tiie national The campaign in Michigan wa* Tallies in Lansing trirkeii, and disarmetl « ■ tin* -squad ithout a shot taring j California by calling him from a a sub-taiitia! »ict«»ry »»vei \ n «- wouid go to work a* mkiii as the Vietnam in an invasion that was: picture. Here the republicans! Hv JOY SOKMTAI S r„taurant and inviting him over Fmaident Knhard M. Nixon ami ele* lion Collins said wimUr reports outcome wan determined- bloodily repulsed. j hammered on the theme that it State News Staff Writer at most a Hoo»evelt-t> pe land¬ cunco^ning KetHiblwan irrcgulax-, for lunch. tlne detail was in Washington, Tin- charge was made by Hep- kAMITATI' disclaimed kaowl- slide. where Vice President Richard uty defense Secretary Nguyen J candidates pointed to the record j is time for a change, liemoeratie I) Bagwell and his «a:e iLes had been arriving at Deinsr-1edge of the plot. Hut he ha* The Republican presidential cratic headquarters since early never made any secret of his candidate flew to Una lie 'voted Tuesday at H a.m. Nixop auaiteii election returns Ilinh Thuan at a news conference of their party's work while in mate awaited ; administration bi»arrl — running Angeles Kennedy said he was "hopeful" at election rctun,- at the Sheraton Park hotel. The held at the Vietnamese a line, I | office, Tuesday. devotion to Lumumba. He ha» t.Mr|y Tuesday after winding up a* be emerged from a voting the Jack Tarr Hotel in lAtutmn other wa* in the area of llyamiiH' forces headquarters. L'MwbMIr pm-mcl wprkrr. rrp,.Wily c.llr,l .n U«il«l w, yir„. hou„_ booth of the third precinct, fith port, Mass.. where Sen. John F. Thtiaii saiil that the commu¬ j la.'it night of both parties h-oi - become Nations to retimvene the Parlia {voted in his native Whitlier. ward, located in the west end j Kennedy spent election night, nist.* hud now turned to direct \lurncr to Serve ! Over 700 guests cbi»*.ered under elcc- ment. susp^ndtd by Mobutu nearly i * oA-ernithustasuc" branch public library near mar the 1 aNiurtd tado re televuums tha*. Uon prrnurr >months ago, in which a ma- j switched from Innousine to a aggression by coming from North apartment he maintains tn Bos¬ win: ir is known which Vietnam I were placed around the ball¬ Early yrporu cu, thr pra)«ct Jorlt> !>«• cwuMWiilly f.,„r„l white convertible and hit thc ton. candidate i» ciei U-d, the two dc- ; border by way of the Laotian On (povcriiiiiciit room, arid WH'ctied the national repurt toU! by 30,000 voters due Lumumtia. road. Hi* manner reflected outward tail* will metge to give the f'rvai- \ He said the simultaneous at¬ "It is I, and not the l\N*„ who | and state tabulations. to bad weather. Collins said this would "definitely hurt Swain* will decide when Farliament is Apparently, crossing the border confidence in the outcome al¬ dcnt-elwt a protective foice of' though he looked « hit tired from aluoit !I0 agent*. tacks on Kontum. I'leiku and An¬ j il he Oct 21 were aimed at isolat¬ Agency lVogruiu ! The research department tabu- son." but he Memo1 confident to meet again," Mobutu declared. was » aparoif-the-inomcnt deei- hi* coast-to-coast, day-and-higbt V ' I; Itaughman, chief of the lb. Arthur K Warner, direc¬ J bit eel election return*, a* the.: tor #if the mnsicr of business ) figures came «>ver Uie mass of "Befora that hapi>ens, the I'arlia- sion. Nixon's aides raid it was u campaigning. Secret Service, was not a member ! ing a major part of the territory that this would not mean di>as- the Victimm-Lao* border in admini«tratmn program, ha* been j telephone, on ntent must liecome more re pre- "I suppose 1 am t»re«l. hut I of either detail. l<,r* surt^ise to them; . an attempt to control thict area ! A small hand played over tha EARLY {scntative than it is at present. Miyor Xirotrarall U,.» Al,.1 H"-1 K»n'l f«tl.»l." k-tiiH-y laid In HOtt the late James J Ms and later move southward U»- appointed a memler of the higher pessimsMn about Mobutu said h.% lrarnc«l that loney. a* chief of the Service, w-Mrds ctlucation advisory committee to j run fusion of the crowded bali- man said later: "it was nut a date, newsmen. Wayne cv»unty was reverse! Lumumba, entrenched In the of- Word was the densely populated room as telcvi ,(ot>s blared and took charge of the detail which the Hou-vmg and Home Finance . when It apptarrd that 19.000, final premier's residence behind that the sent to mc in my office Jacqueline h,*,l only • , • coastal Areas in central Vietnam. wn« standing by with Republican j Agency of the federal govern¬ rxire votes would bo cast Uvan a double I'nifn! Nations and t on- i in 1'fM. { , e.«rd . | pl.nn.ns to fly ^ , ,, vice president of I'nilcd States was at the Haidel- "Kb f},« j »nda to vote, the cand.datr aU>ul , , | mw>,m* Th«. K. ) Afti'r | |prr, 'The enemy, with a strength of I„„|h„„, IHH, ment. IgiiesAs enjoyed refreshments. Hagwall Boost#'T| art.) Other ter# furnished entertAiO- The appointment, was vnade1 *UW In tV ballroom nervc-ccnter i secretly to Beirut later this week, ,„uU ,,w ||>vp , l-.r-ulr.,. Tiuiii.1i lr,m „Urk(1| „lir border' THr merit, and pot on rORiicik 9*:'$, come over for lunch- It was u , ti,.n. yl.li.M. y ... ri plm-nl by • Nov. I by Norman I' Mason, ad¬ centered on three TV i "Just lrt him try." Mobutu great honor.** ■* a aswa • „ K„,,,u |t„„lul. ministrator of the agency. After ftiaxing a stwrt «ta>- rOO(|»all MdYIF Ikluyhnt.i) rhu f of tbr S., vir,. . »-ei* being ing good news for added. "Well take care of him." A few on the street* in this AS VMT» I'KLSIIiLNT, Nixon from the laiotiaii border," Thuin .......,f The committee, which i* made rncfit to the pres.*. Bagw#-il mod# ■ ITemwiau from every' Miction of city of l&O.OOO recognised the'vice' A color movie of the MSI*, has had Seeiet-Service protection,: said. up of university professor* and his first appearance at 11.30 p.m.- . the natwn. scholars, serve* as an advisory "On the ba.-.v of the present president, and waved. Gamblers Favor .Purdue football game will he for the past eight years. Agent* The lunch wa* quick am! by'shown Wc.tn..«lu> at th. Cniun have Hut, he added. South Vietnam's group to the agem-y. The agency returns the figures an to*> i;.- , uccumffuriied him on all hi* j troop* repelled the attackrrs ini- itself i« re*(Kin*i hie for the ad¬ lomplctc to n.aac ai;> prvd«-w 37 Dif in Equailor IJ:4i» Nixon—at the wheel him-1ballroom, The movie, whu.ii will eairtpaign tup*. Ha«ev«r{ a Vice 1 mediately and forced them to A* Plane Craalu-a Kenucdv, 9 to e 7 eelf, this time —was back across tie shown at *,uo p.m. i* nartiiteti IV idei t doe- nuf rate a* large ' move back, leaving behind M ministration of the various hous¬ uwu" ing polities which have been en- He also *asd that h« was en* the border and vn route to NEW YORK.(AT—Betting odd* Iah Angeles hotel his; by Hill Yeoman, olfensive bas the Fniadarean capital. of the committee in Washing¬ campaigners. That means anyone betting on, ing ' from the bottom of his heart/* Wreckage ef the plane, a twin Kennedy would have to put up ton later this month. The mem¬ turhapwp Fairchiki Craft of the F-rualarta&a Aerea co.. was found Tnoilap morr.ing on U.Crfoot Ataeaao mountain. The plane., . Monday, ap- f J Agmintt 4o fr«*m supp^Urs for Vice Preunient Nixon. T** "M* in NrW York Sut# alone w ere quoted a* three to one in favor of Kaimedy. Hyannis Bustles on Voting Day Hy KIT LRH hHON took an early morning trip to clcd with htm. Two it-present' It «a< reported hy a state bers of the conference w ill diwu* * the role of higher education in housing and urban affairs. Kfilzii- Drill The Kedzie chemistry labora¬ Tutlay Representative* , tory fire alarm will sound at 11:34 hareatly ran lata the mountain. Mate New a Slat Writer Boston"? west end where thef: pr«*s • services and one in from »'4» while approaching Quito for tOKWIN ,ei—John r. Km j trooper that secret sendee men a.m. today for five minutes. maintain residence to cast their the Chicago Sun. All of the have arrived, to take over thr Demonstration* of rescue and * nam from Ecuador imljr migi—d ••hot I to J hotting HYANNIS. Mom—Aa election votes. Mrs. Kennedy was driven j Kennedy clan with the exception } task of guarding Kennedy should On Televi*ion first aid are scheduled to be car¬ te tha capital. faTMlu with Bntian'. tinwfcl— returns begin to trkklo into tha j to Boston, hut returned by plane of the Senator and- his wife and he win the election. ried out hy graduate chemlatry The dead iac when polling hngmn Tom*?. little resort town of Representatives from Student Odds of t lo 4 wrra nssilahto town begins tn bustle with even Hyanni* the | with her husband. f Hobby's children are staying at On returning home a little after Joe Kennedy's house, The press is Kara ted In the Government, Cornation ball, and students at the north aide of tha armory at Ifyannis, some S75 the coaches of the Powder Puff , building. Ecu agninst RichnH U. SUon. greater than summer resort tee- j 10 a.rp. the Kennedy family Mrs. Kennedy said the children of them, Including television eam- bowl will appear on WILS at 9:30 The safety committee will con¬ tww Italian baAaaaMnen. Renxo tivity. ' (slipped behind the board fence couldn't come because there era crews and.more than a dozen pun. Wednesday. duct conipleth building evacua- Locai aad Mario Bodaochi. AU the Red, white and blu# bunting j erected after the Senator was weren't enough' bedrooms. believed to be Ecua- The Weather cover? the buildings and traffic nominated in July ami into their movie cameras. Twelve televi# The Senator's daughter, Caro-j sion sets, tuned to all the major Pat Fife, Houston. Tex., junior, and Larry Pontius, Jackson, sen- i tion during the test except where such evacuation will interfere Tfmpsrnturs. in th# I-.rv.inf- jams the streets. white summer house to await the line, who will be three on Nov. i networks, were to operate all ior, win interview th#- represen with research programs. Eut Loniinf in. dippod to • School children lost their bid result .of Tuesday's voting. j 2t», met her father in a blue | Tuesday night. tativec to find out details of these Members of the committee are Oak Date low of U dogiwas l*.t nighL Tha to have classes cancelled for the The road to the Hyanyis Port sweater outfit ami a.knit cap and The armory was decorated with coming events. , assigned hy floors to alort all wMthorman srnm. that it will ha day. although many were seen borne of the Senator, hi* brother posed for photographers. .Sen. red and white bunting and speak¬ The Campus Highlight program personnel before the alarm and among the crowds that gathered Hubert, and bis father, Joe Ken¬ Kennedy gave her a large stuffed er's stand has been set up for ,.TW Ibtonr ctak win Mt BMt »o.tiy cloudy and windy today, Mala street to watch the in- nedy, wait scale#! off to all, in¬ toy animal and reported that she Kennedy who will come to the ia a weekly event to keep the stu-! during evacuation. One group of T, aa iijprt tm tha nth .howtra rhuginr to light' dent* of MSU and the people of j students has been trained in first Stala Maw*. It wtt anl Novum- snow flurrv.,. T«np«r»UUM will flax of press and visitors. cluding the pre**. seemed pleased to have him home armory aa soon aa tha rsauita of Lansing informed about coming aid and another ia aawa^mm sum. isags la tha law dt'ti Ma wtfa A pool of three reporter* tzav- tha election art known. Ini WEDNESDAY. NOVKMRRR ft.lWO r vc.K THO Mil \ lo tftom.Wn.il. I'a I'llMrillNt'ologltl SpoiiMir (irad Team Enteral Dttnti l'i'«>»i*iiiu llolil flmrvli lla.HMr t','r Wi.ll'llli'l MH'iftftly <^f I lib liuilo.1 til*. Jo*i>h lo ftm-o.li'ii MvIin. pfofbftftOf of |.».yM,.loft> ft»»*l pbftMWfttoloftv, O'S itr» «tfl \»»v IVoob's tfcutrlt Hill ftpouioi • I.*« ftsowotl mi iitvit»iu.ii to »-«• Jii ^Business BOMT j „ -•♦'otn'ftt <•« r^twytnfMft tvAftftftWI flout ■' 10 ft H' *V» I 1* m Uifftft I bo lti*t l»»t«rtl»tift«»ftl »»hft«- •», « #.*,••» t , ,1 ,K ..ft. If..ft »tt ftli inv't i vtv "».» TlmtW-tx (nvwitlin# 1'hAtfttlfti ft! Iht* IWpWft rtuuvh, Mlttt-ollftlt IllOOtlllft ftt SUftkhollll# \ >.»'»• Auyiiftt v.*''' . '«* tv S \l k>t ' UV t»*ft %uK-H» I t*'1 lion * .'ot'ou* book*, toy«, ■ Sito ivii iii \nt \ a-. .11 a i»viH-ft! th'% I mM*nto j»«|h'i onlilloii T.o : : Scots \\ isli *»,*, «••. 1 .-vtMOUO;,., i' * -lo ■OiU.Mft UtHlftfl- HlWft iicrf»if.4 mlu mn.t i«uk tt^tl l It rot. * bout U.-»vbr» **fit tv *akl *1 Hvhwi III* ilft.t ftHtl ChftiiviiHtiloKUftl Control of Wlm Sos ioltoit " \ mn*0>t * ilLbo ftyftilftb.lft'/fiiir fkl |mi)h-i« pronontml «t tbft j. • vau-'v --•»»->i«"i| va»b. -. . lo Change -.• 1 Vil \ •'»** tWv»«l«tl U iv -.Kt,. it a ^ Vvo<»ft»o foi ft • , niiilion ftrlliW ibf IHIWUtft jft.ootiitft wilt W i»iibli*bftil tit •#• fttWtttl I bo bftftftftt vol unto by thft tiifttltuto ^-v- - i . N i t -.iM " Hi thf tft»r»» ■» Nuptial Iaiw Smi-hln O^svt . * > > ft'-.-i KvMftU ft* 111 K' EAT PIZZA! , - .is ft . *p,i « :;rn - vf s.t s nthtiiltbi', '•ft'.kVl »s»-. . . ■ »vl tilirv ,V«mih-.1»VI?*. ft«U ftUi-V-'H ftttj |«KH'itnrt II I'VtS AT rilK I'l/ZA PIT fttl! I'llH'ls Ittlllos IJIVKN IV»>-b. 1 » fs*i »-i r'ftvft (*♦ •ft .v .f K«;! |»tv4'ftiH will W AtVAY K.il'll tVKKK. ; j.ft .1 t-tvti (Siu|H>«- for t'KKK I'l// I in r.rr. I*>\ \rn% I'holojirophrr I Al l. »:n 2-oma lo Vililrr— ftlwlinj: ' V.. t\- *ml THE PIZZA PIT i»-. • .. i..' I nftft4*«'.t»* tie '« "t'lfJ lot I »»<*" V ! ft »Uft l«»u# ItfWhl P»s- iuro* O »U fu«vU (or the %t4r. th* fumU trft k»St»Mf l»i tr'f *lfsl 1*1 |'SoU» lt#r luwy SI H> h.ti tti tJw)tu> I N lt»r Its wtnlrr I* ftfivOMt* If MUOtttl *' » «V!X >,' »*> bft% !i Vvw* V\»t t Kr«»4 * UK»r tt» cdtitpux IV* • Hlif. Vit> •! of K K \M 'ari-t ftif ftikrU U t.*r> •*■«# - »t\.l SJwj hfti iv 'r i n-i«vtf ihf t» t*«fW tsfloc* Ihr V w( >t f IIMI* »V f *10 P-l" " *'• *" *-W—- '* '4 % „w«.-•*» < * n«. ' ' 4 .WBiM' 4 »* ***';» *ftli .» »ft •»„ W* ft"* ' '•' •••**•»,' w r-vw **».•>.., w/ , ,,t. . *ii Hannah \ltfnd- ioiifo. f'VU ft 1.4 10 IVr Ont-lm n-a-ir * * * Dorm \ • >, . .. , • / t" » '.'i * / SW-.-'t- Vvi. 4 CI • / >**1 . v* ft* ■•.***04* oUv«i TifakWrl JvS* •• \ fUiiftab U I# .V»t- •.».► ft ft*l.Kft ionfftriMH'O of I'ftt- . *. - irfftt t'.»«n*.u Wftt tn Mink- Mth )* Aaaiust Han Knrolliiiciit in Student . ft *4, ft «*«* Vi»* ^ , ..fiC"* 'f * *J> „\.I- -W '.- t't t»r lt»w«*b will 4W m* ft '/•*! Ilnr ft»» Mktm* Ji«puft«|if th« ^ ««l Wr* amwws t »** j.-ytw «.roofth* ft.'it wook"t »ttftO of 0*»r- »r. W- Jw--» HAM# «»* ■»***#- .-*•<,..•*.«.* ftW \t *-"»** C Of ft-* Insurance Plan Rises 4 f ll.m frvw^-v iK'-vf," Ikftlfoup Speakers *■' "' ***W«n9» iW *•»'*? t «wi IftdtRMftt *oi«UM fHU yr i .4 loVr »/' !»/*•** f "..I# tftftft W KHWtf #•*» i«**# V ik^w i.» ••• / .v ' ft ^ »»vr'.v,i: .•/«»• S (tWWML jipgj- « "H» .•»«•• »-.. V».m» # *rfb>.«l * tttsA vw otfxftvftfwW »'«# , - •» v.w,» « m • *. /i - Mr >« * »-.«•» -*-. .iv4v* 4 * —t _ . V* « \kr Invite Student ft* v»»t • •**> '•.< ' ••* M ** • '"—> -* «■+ "*» i*». *../»»,» '»r Vft •*» VU».; u >w sv-w-fwu ft* A MODEST PROPOSAL, •HJ v.f "4 • ft *« -*> ,"l» ftiftf) ■ ■>*. fu< '.■■>.* WW* **. |%.*•! f ft'. <\" ft W —'-nft W «-»->•• " ^ t hllff ActvlUtU -WX. -v •,..-•? *A 8. *"%» fun .->*1 *»'.'** **418 '• ''*-.*»? '-V A Utt'ioivymt ftiiftA-* ftluftkifif. st.ftrtli'v^ itHiipi'*-ft| — tl w **. Sf*| irn <**'" tu ft." **»• ft. W _ % r* ?' 1*0 i*. ^ ft.- ■* t k at ■'mm, •** 4*1-'- >, ../u »4 wwft.Wft :•> \um-n it: *. « 1'w ■ M'lto ii r i*> i4om tft itirrvftwninl oulkfo* I v U10 ftiiti(4o • *'-•* ••! •*' •* »H# »• vv •.« *• \wta ra w .•.'•4 Vi'ftcft >^Jl .# I *.**'•.. ft" "*-• ' ' * ' *1 % 1 # . 1 • • t» 4 •-* J R TOWNK dent «* micui f mtoirv4. fi to wontrii nt (mkmtkMvii ooiioa|»t i *• W t>w (* * v. t/ It w» *r*\Mpsl bv uroimftpntft if thw |*l»u Uot so t»ftU\ » oi»HU .-1 - • • '1 ft •l.-nnft' ''>• w''f *"1* ft).WWJ ft'V ; y- ft . / Orf •ll«*4 l.ftj' **WW1lV;» SUkfcMhA ft *W»V». • «*4tvvf tviucutttdi vs *{«\4utoly r»synt>«i he « itiftit. tsbilo it* - •* % ?* m* vi? 1'*- -■««. I'Wv.Nf » ^ ft V, V ■ U*3 7|{ -ft ft.Sft-t ,-««i «:SK-1..T v-oft »--A-.!« 'AH .t< mi«* •» -V«- ^ •-ft* ft-.-rj 4 to • wouuu it is towrvly « |4nw, l luteHudo Wtftren ftilolfiH-opiw - •»»«.-%» 4 *%9rnn*a*.>t -ft*, v ***• }'■* iw«*at Wft^fAPvO ojhI bouMwUrr* l"Wr* » ftiiuply m l iwhu r«H*u*f both n*l It's Easy to Look Your Bust ,. • •».».»:. l,'o tmi wmiwu ui our ptffhiniftufil ixHiofm. th^rvforr, in sit kir* 'b*« IVtrj of .\obfl "• W"J. »-ftf " - #yv*4 .•'•* lb «**» *** __ ^ • *Sl'" wift.yfti »tftj ha** ur Whs imv.1 vi % ilrfjrr* thftti men, must *' * -.*» *".» • ' J •; ;* t * iftO * oftifvr «r* jvr'-.l thf f pift.rw. Criro M imtrr lit -**%ri.'.n 1=* f. C . ■ r «iVj4 •**-. V'v* Writ >ir. »boo I hmrd tv 1 t wns m* shorkM a.n.Ha • ». fc.'...>k .«v ft* "ft ft*"* «rv «* tKftt I x*| tijtl't »K*ftu *iu! bt ft AUrtUtfM. 1 »!»**» sit n weearn.l — tkt«n ftBd b*' 1 * Vly#i.s*M «{»o 1 »:u *<* olK**k^l. 1'hrrp to fW »< V»W Nv.^i •'v.* wittu-a *;w o-» timo, i*» ooivbtii o,%u> «s**l, no os'*to «Hrit il isn't a KMUtU »•*.* p*o*.- •• 1 A K.ft»«fft —•*** " * • * 0"4 L'« pt*e- pbimr loday for A* sxHd-ftbvp fral.r.e.iivn to wttle hock »mi hsir ft full-llavoml tlavkeruuu ialks ;A»U rwc*.**«# w «# *."*• •,*» HuAWfttftW rW-HWB » -n.f •%» 'i"OiWflOJuo r^*r* a** • • •- 5»t»* 0/ *■»— I he flncot ktrndrv »;"• kr - Mftrttwv, tie Hltvnxl ntiirKr with tlir untiltomi UM« ,• . - . ft -r. M. V U'i- n 1 !f ^ {.MWVi' * ft*ft >vxSf~.t ftr 4. ,fc swfi nr. -Muftw, the >T (ifttrluft — MoxiUeo. the prntudl «»f to ViUlU. N.H*ic4V r .•».«' vm « r ? n. A -1* rs« 4V!«."4/VM." '.A# vw-M '** « fttfif*.**' -ft. J*va ft t . . ti e uWv iiui» m\ *-XJUrivV*\»» my rvtutmrt, hftiru, hikI »uu< ft%,X f.-iwr wurnnr 'lAftftsf*. »•> ««."*», ftkVi'J 4 *.ft ISt>a3ft f .-r T-1---XJ »U'ki*r-» *1 vk Wrtxe. % ** *" Mwn«MI > -!>«• jft'JA *-THr-t* /* *,•»*», W A • ltft.1*#, \ ^ . «*-' S..V o.-*ft W'ft »•"' * • *' ft.: ' - • -ise 1 * . (ft- ' Well «ir. I «a! ■•■t uiv MaHS*to and thiuking rnrr the ft* f"M. ••!»•. k *1. W ,1 - *.> >t ai -v^n • .■». -sft- «*'sn A.-ifuftC'* » 4»«»;»».«••» i'l? 1-IAC 4 Vf Fk.i l f & Dras ftSHvkitif tsrv»t**v»l to kfftftfiftoiticaoutof L\*\i»dK*J«,*iHl U^nns ».»•/ atbftUUEO m"ht iavw :fa* tiPv-wo wW Tinjot u ««2» $ •• *■ » s;.' '-.»•♦ 'swcin \'ft*»"trf. SMI **■* Itrn * «xi eUur^r W it fth-wc OMMMWHI •••' - t ;;•* ipfArutly that anotWr *oiuiio«i tta ie uu,ikI. Ii il r mbnuUKift •*." -•*» ^c- ».,M! * ; ftou if4 10 «MM*;crwaWWd »*? b* tforiftd «# 01 noww . • • i i Maurttittf «kt> «w **.*;«««* •i.eu nauwa ftf* faumi trvwn ovd I «>•*.*4"*. * Lfti*f->. *U WiMI. *- ••'"' » "Nr.'*WOO Nti-ftW. > % sii i*vish h v top?:-, and mnl m> fannrnu ami take to my led 0 ? -I. S --.HAJT ULTVS^ca '»A!-*r».a wi-T-fti 1 t iwi .*. fbu iiHtMi win." -*.4*4* ft ft* n'UV..-. *•' ft! Mort'nf >? thftpi a " * >*"«xa, *SOi Ciouor «ad wsthftUit sftiptwe. lukr any otho* MariUen man, 1 teir »i»mnu !* H wow ?*«?** * HMrtif »w» VOunwit for 1 h»*» lie vn' t *s>i siHimi d thetu, tb* eut of their jilw, tlieir km#.* «1i» •» Sy;vceH*«t'» w . v n«4»il ttf ' ambft' '" Trf « •ws ft'tu i-IWitr**.-* 41' »w ♦ fti' x.r t kht Wl jm-cftte** t» v.Sa.-- ' l- >•,—■••n *t Skirt Liiulry brnitj aim cTftei". tSrir cuui^itijt bttk* ftfRteurU, tivrir ilei k -: 1 ftftSO* ACSki I*P«0* V''•••:.*»_ a'*-- -.* « Wr-v d tiy.r-, livdi-'\id> bMHs*rs t)»r»r aura and rSutmiD. Mon> •. » >. .** «i>o»w»«m *''* >* WM J*** ;-«*•-** Hftvi (vUlt f-.*c S***"*-S V P 43, evrr, t tnriy •»«. t that »bou 4 ivruo* to bmuipowoff, they can i. Lil-.- kx.* *4T t l.r»»4 K«. A(W< I rea jtudrtil S*r»icr« BaiU.af Sf'4*s f Uif. 0# W-t fix* th* ftirTtti* umu rarvift and -;ivh> *iwi bl| rasiao too. It would lv a fthwarv. a d.*t i* rrady *ttk a *.. ami it ju>t *0 bpfwM I Wo cc* -and a m«htr ineonmus tittle pian it w. if I My anmpM, l .*snted that riav«rgL*n wwtsare in short fupfilyynnd ftauted that naru ami -irxrW* exjf* tWn wun* n. 4 » »tiit a t oeiwawary t" f-**r wisesm Crau cv-Krv* Let them fo u> cviiefe but—Wee if the iwau'.j jwn ot oiy pin faal to i*rm f i« cmm? r»' « ' H# nr. i- tr.-s At W - 15 » ef - a iee, kx4 T 4 * u- *' •a sheet, they can io ar.ythin oxcrpt jn to j* ' W;i W - • C.ov "< Ba-^ tiwr* a :- frx-Jt. CAMPW CMMUIifclVi TV >vf maw mtADWwum*. !f Cnttliutlc , •¥*>.'Wvi | t'|» i?\v-V.- •«• vKWfmi ■• ; W * lilt it* Stmhmt b*«?ibi Fellowship '* f»v«| p*u *( siw .*<' ****1 • f V-< %.« i.'tf S>»»*rj Chant* AmmiiN . \-t ,•««» "••»■«« *•»*! i*v tU«t;' " vJ ib« ?w <'.•».• ..•«.••- -. i -. * ■*" I r»W'4'.f..» i J# >•»•»!, . K/vh *?Kvk *•*-** <\> V.»/«». * '♦■'* ► ' >•< b*? • vM» f» a$*| fet# f*rt «( '.»* ba'Vf H4, fj .* ■•»' '!*>< v ts'*a'V"*v» #'! ■..., .. t i • .«§- I'U.t '.&«:* h*J '«■> K» •H'*vd tv* f wfvt> . .•» \-4 V**»".. , v ' *• •* .*"v >v lfr'.w.v» ** ">'• " "• wlv*>. rrrry firmly mil <•*•«! trrvier ft>r iimiI E. fJrainl Rlvrr - Haul Imi'inn KHMW'l I'ho Itlorki lj«t of AbltOll llall %4 »t i • * "Mi l FRYER8 Hwii'daa' Will 2 Rtf. Im Mm rtzzi (I'Uttt th«r»r Vvhiilrtl) All M Alt Ik. Stptr H|M Alt lb. ItMb Stflt Nt.2pk|. lie lutJt w&SkAT "V* M< tW? U -Mft AT >.• S*v* Hsuk-h « n.lKSOAY. NOYKUIIKR », UNiO Ml I'll I CAN STATK N>:*VS IMCK FIVE the t'hnKtntiamua tiftval h«#e, r*i|iH'Spril«fivca front Antigua,' hago. on tho Island of Tahago, Information INotircs , oil*» * ^ * PW. II MM I'll II ? :«» p.m., UM liKH N II11 MIT 7 |.m., ?; U. S. to Withdraw m-.tr not ivk of Spuln, h.« given \ titer lien* will Tiinidad, will u|i altogether. The withdraw onlv Jamaica, tfanta l.tu ia, Trinidad, Tohago and iiaihados, Tl.e aerotid stage of (ho talks ! startmg Nov, J'.r, Suhsequenl j ineelluj* will held In Hanl<* Cue In, Antigua ami Jamaica, il.e , \ WCA, general ttu «v A'dlitn.V. dicl'l'MMUm of \|hS\: 1'Hjun, |h SlaiiTfy Will l.t- held in Trinidad and To i eommuui.|lie nnld. [ card I'Hit.v Call 5J 4MJ ttUHiihernhlp, \Vv»lv*ih.«t plv, J fclH-akri Ufrti- IUIVm'U* W»«J | turu*. C!( 11>*. IPAITAM • H lira fvi, NVulvninu |»lvluit-< Mr \ ION L OL M II. A M |«.in From Indies Bases ft out deaetivatad I ho one set'Uou which has heeu I .oodi>n conf#fence emia lor h-ajrsM Information TTPB .•iMStl itl'H ? .47* |mu, , | YilcinrrAN | NOW Qmmsu |* m 81 Union, election Y»f ortl I'M toll limt»uo MINIMIS' (AV-Thr l'nllr.1 Stall", agirr.1 uiuomliUon- the first stage of Megutiatioiis J %>ungv, Ut*h»tY, alld*a uf , ( \ CCf*.. smii'u's \ft koiillt, i »M> Tuoatloy to quiti* Ihti major part of its ftva Imso armi uvat tin- rilKMIKlIK 2ND YYKKK t, \\ vdVVt ill** )*WtUV*\% (*■* . |*KOMF>M>KNH 7 |.... . npeu i'll lull, aprakrr on Mi>i|icmi aij in thf I5.itish Wrat IntUoNp but aaid it ho)ha to ntny on in "Ii was ufiet'd that the aettnid dance, *15 clcsvd meeting, SI, Hill. KrfivaHmrnta Nornr t'oitanlorotl asMtntial lo Wanlarn tlrfritNo itagu of the «onfei cnce Would KK \ Sl4l IHU i I*»» turn ,.,r member* 0»ly. >'"•" MIy II \\ I Building, l\|CAl i W || I Mil mm I nun i \ssiHiirioN T'SO )MI| , 101 Krllu^t! 4't-ii- It the .lrl.'K*t#A In *Ain# ttino .Amorleftn thrf*-ili)wi rwttfvr- ■iwt Ctiimhni and ihe late I'ie«» consist of n set las of talk* to he held o. the liidlvidt.nl tel.Holies , <1*^ nnRis day rlx harrison john gavin „ ,><•»brunt***! practice fur « dent KoosevrU, I'inlet thb». Hill in lite We.I Indie, in which the 1*1. S»|*. ak iM *ii, i' i.Mtie.i liiitftin in iMttmisina: ■ NFFKS M |\ Fn s |».n«, Spat- j All W wiveted. *«*«»'» IN jfM^gda tan Village halt. Si-hniiilt, *Urr* tN»i' i»f Aiu*rir«n «Hot?y.itiii' aid t.» the Wnfti tintlra ain gate the A|..ertcans h«.e Culled Nlntea hold |.ases under Hv.trl uiAlitiitt si'MU VN \UOII N S I KUil K wraith »U»t» lsr.-t.mws irHlofftiMt- •■• T I' ll., SA I'mImb, MAkf up «t»t. aft. i that rnirrKitm fommon tights ill the \Nr-i Indiea until Maid. the year 5?O40 in retuin for Mi the agloenitint," the ...inu.uiit.pie The l-omitm Iniks were attend ■ m Jy CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS used deatioyrrt and othn mili ed show cHio, movie and tlfoion. hv rentesetdallves of the siiation \ t UMULMqt r Usutsl ftftfti Uiy ei|ui|.ntet.l a< h rtuetal time Culled Sulfa, |t. Unlit, the Fed n dte-dftv mifrrtnei »*nt all in the war against the Nutt* j ernhon of the Weal Indies and I » s i.i'l mil IS * *m N*l I'M.AM Hrr ".Midnight I.are" from the begin- The live hasea are one ea. h In . ii(M>I.INK: SS* K1" rua«l»» for Thm«rla\ paper. |v>UH iViilvi. ffttlhra »i i at»lr.l Vhe "ttasiv |*rin- Antigua, Jamaica and Sunt a blng In order lo fully rtijot Ihls suspense drama! Hllh patd'lr S I'J and l-J Momlav Ihrrxigb ins niniiniMiv siinisis ri|Nla that the \\>*t liulles, whan independent. Would have tha tight I.neta ami two In Tlihidad. »rkU). \SSIH I \ I ION . (tut 31 23.000 No One Mill Ho Admitted Itoilog the l.asl !• Mln! . , to for tit its own aUiattea* and to The relitntutiique *ani. 11 molt I'iittiro for Wulvrriii# I ll MM I EXT. S4IJ eottih.de s.teh artwematiU as it "The repiesentatives of the I'M.I'I.K IIKAI. lo h« takfo; IntuTT* m «\(>ol* Mrrllfi. wntiriuin^ thotiaht tit .egatdtng military t'nlied K t a t a • declared thrii TMK a- maims Kill! ha«ra on it. ■oil,'* readinaas to release uftcondltlon \IIMI \ I \MII|I\ MKI.T A T The anrtoiinrement thna spellad glly the major pail of the aira* STATK NKIVS IIAII.V a <;iikat rk.TUIti:! automotive real estate l» in . stiiutlf.l. aUo haytiiltf a dra.tie rrdaton of the historie which they ai present hold " , SMVOHIMV I'tni'vllnl. Mr MAHIftlS' UAIIU CRY 0. Mt SOUTH PACIflC! ..iftpsrwtr»J tunA»! >VH *At » v< t*»n Ktpimt I lit I afreeinent twtw«sn Sir Witi« IT W %S VNHFItStfmO thai Will Hell to Ei IS'Nil IHINK4K If ItlOVC , .it.vl evNMtcmUwt *1 *.v Mil oi tyiu 1 iHnthmm UIIXHMC 14' « Uii4i|»-*lY *(Hr I V'*' , •; »' mug Its ins l*v»«tl, with <\*m>. PHIMI'N* kttvheii with fHCphlvV IVr»liiit)j (It-it ACADCMV AWARDS I mcsi tsNiu (MMdsn f 11 4>l ai«« IV- balht, imutwM NT.MTINH NOV. II „„. UK wuwtutvr HI A. Mild i(i«i>Uv« iu r*v r«Nim. llrill \l Ktirl I'lhlfr v .' viiinl fi«tuy btiiil lit tvii-biMi'4* t f«ir c«< ,v. »:» W*l %IR »-**s. C HIVHOl 11 35 **>■ '»i .•*»! *#rt» Kt' »iV fall IV Stttlllilny loot»lnK, ihi- IV. shine Kulr* drpartrd front, 31 IIU'II *>f HUNTER oaviu ,u\ wMltf * Cv"UtHLW l»fiOfr.»tr*Uon httll lt» I1! luster; XI.A '♦- **•» •«■*»«(. 43 4 LOST dnd FOUND w,*11 iUv fti, - Rim 44 ^IH..: fi-Allit' t ivrk Th.» t« Iho r11<.t lfi(» lhi« tear i t riR>IIKMAN(KH ItAILV JANSSEN ... » SVIN »!* At V \KM»M eststns * v ... V, fK»tat»iv St.. AtVxMupan.vIng tho IVrshlMi Hi -, ? M r.M. A R I' M. It* DAMONEOWENS , . k (U* oatlol i wnv I tfir iMiniiMiVirs > , ,v , V ,.-. .r l»*v KIV V-* ti ©mil at>* IMS *' i: l .s, OXMUNArUVN Timr t\< in.".it't v«fl h*-n L.tttrory, IM> • j isa raw lair tUkfts fwr all pertermatters light up »« MICHIGAN Theitra .' «»., » »vt YY W lAWPihMullV N.wl Lt> HO -»h.l U.s»m 2*ii» M MM't.n n>nt—i «(>!. John : shew lima! War afflee apett dally I? (it It p nt. ' ,.. . rm.i. * M».%t*» *1* Kilh'vttoit, fariitty nu.MH l.AlMltjS' i.MI'KN wrtAt llir* amvoxl st Kt. Tustrr at N.tlMi i .«<«> \'t»«t tStit'.inslt alum iuhui put'" i*l*a»* ftviila- l Hall shout H a in ftttvf hrgan nririp" M VH \i«at* 4 r hi. (««« t »» U.9* GLADDER HOUSING Nee. A Mel Mat. i f M. , SENIORS i.-' \ Namuball >l» 3A (iiarat lit.' on s.juiitl Ivftttlr tlrilu with We4 A mi% Mais. I is I' M. II n >II i it* < Its' , si-Nfint roorltlton* Krom Ihrnr, •Mr Hi.... w. Thrulrr ' lh*y UtOYOil on to thf vht'W lllltf. vK'Al 111'I ST.' » tmv warn Ml»iSuT7^u^!rC«rr03ou7mnM aavslepe .vitj»i*l»ly furoiah- 1! ,. v |\int»>Utlll t-> If von liml yuiir si'iiiur |iirlurc tuki-i. it will In- in lln- , personal A" RMM'Ult'lt ftr *»»r ID *I..Li'ii|> ShuMiW INrtNIIIATION CALL ID l-UIT IV. J"1 Tl'TOntMi IN MRsr soj .ex-oiKt Crocnli'il \\ rilur-il.iT Yt iilvi-rinr. .xs- Aisv-ti'list is svs UMe For tie- ,'*CMLVS '. 4 ■!». Kl» 5-44A* 9t Mrs. I hunts Shush loin of Vivian rv.piovrrs t\TtHr>- Womtwani Product* witl pteaent Sf K HNV'M APAMrwr.NT »U" vvi»Mr\ tsll n. tskotg , ftt*ro\ nit.m'l four«e hrr If villi ri'tiirn yuiir |.riiufsO,ii.i ran'M'Irrt your piclnri¬ . v.- t'rUHws fuf ' "Makeup Showcase to all coin Jo. • Jeuett MuHtetlf-'' .,n,K»l v ,««. '..o«tft tv »mil at : !•>.<»»• .vniAi! M_: tivfttek Itxl cinsl. interrstel in leamtng howl ' * UA *U STCWLST^ T'uvs «;r or »*f» 7-iW.K at to apply makt-up affcchveljr v- al mi rliar^c to you! ! Il'fiiil, vvr will scli-rl il. So ... '.--I - CO to-NAle *',v*rt- tvit tup; rivrtr m dsne# miw.- night at ? iu .'to Union. t.. :■*». ea.lims »is* w . in ttMJ M'.u's'e' Uoo sooth, JSCS Mr*. Shu*htaitl will aelect one NixhU A Smi.—-ADmIU 90p—Hat. Mai. 65c ' Urn..*, Wehhv «»•♦*•.«. phis many ..j* C»'*»uN,v IV I41H aft-' girl from the audienc* and drroen- Return Your Proofs - . v'.hers PfUNos ths UvU«M%>r Afwne* . i-« W tv atrate the ctYrroct wav to apply FIRST SHOW 7 M. r.— COMK EARLY _ tf makeup. A movie will also ha ... NTVnr\Ts' ,i»." \ -eKtra*' TOM'S PARttrH I i'ur NtrSrts. shown LAST 2 • NIGHTS ' 1*U W A KM »LX»M phots ,.f iv.rktei. wast of Wesrs The program I* being sponsored Ituoin 40 Iliiimi •Ml! A ..JetfC IV S-SJW ja a> < a from Nstnaisi r.^wl tf by Spartan Women's I .ague, THE BEST IN FOREIt.N HITS j u .lit ST sal! KfNVY HAVH ORCTIKSTHA* Co.. 1U J.HT: ■|«nlnM, MSM , . . Miml, no altM Ulr. tf e nr> RTOItvVlM PAUACt. IN, M Ul- MM Mil, — s tf The following otjranttation* - for sale will meet in the Tower room of SERVICE the Union. 4ttt floor, hMnght taf "S - \ VAVVTM v1> AS have ti«e.r jocturea takru for the V't. I VI - Tw ' twit man's pants er ILFORNO PIZZA •raetunsata Good ev»- IStrt! Woivrntte Member* am • ks> n»U IV 1 ;tv.l »pyr # (.!" huoa* ti'.ik' cleaea.! ami pfe.vat\e tnes U-fore their scheduled pn'torc • f w a; tut. kuuh-cuaon a. p- ' ' • *v.''ste "i Aj ar*..- , nliom>'« • time. 1~'.» 1. pa WlNDROA-i * OiN t ACN'DRY AND v.f Uoed comti- »'• LHl—Home Ketniomic* Council OHV l lf VNfH- V ..a St-eet. *.tNfV>«T v- I -* » KXWV . i'HAUt UKC O*y* Usui mosy, 35 west el e; >eses st Irsit- > J0—i nn«tian Student Found¬ ation ."EXPHEBSOMMJ! in i mn is» numr llial mmlr 1'IZZA ftuiiuiis in Lansing" M.S.I'. Flayetii ■e ts?>s» pvrvh twnutura EO ' 54 : 7;00—Chi ('.pailon rCATI Kl AT 7:14 - S.JH AN ART JOHN N .NI C 7:2d—West Landon Nut D—ummended l or Children Oprii iluilv 5 p.m. lo 2 a.in. DRVM wi'a ' \«w srsccUted wtt5» 7:40—American Veterinarian I\v«4sm "N>nd:Uoa. EL) T-SJW* Now Oprn Suniliiv 12 Noon to Miilnilr - 34 Medical Aaaoviation " hheren IMtmauUt Vaiiant k: ?0—Alpha Zeta STAKTINt; FRIDAY AT 7 I'M. ! - VKVUCM IL.AZ.AAR * »)*>-* !• m CltU used W>* H. 4U—Abb#tt IU I 8.4® -Abbot Ila'l THE Ml'SIC OF iOHANN KTItAI SS TAKE OUT SERVICE - PHONE El) 7-1311 liothing f* chUOran 5J tSt V Kill, Mi««9, MldtlpA P :tKL—Waat Yakrly ■CAS ALL MM rAMUCK HITS > klN ATtON AM-FV. rawrds "V u •J :C®—ButterfieM alnut tirvp laaf tab;#. Mudents and Faculty S4.-T ua:*. chaat of drawors. L0;00—lh*cip!c Student Fcllot in "ETERNAL WALTZ" '-»r* Aror ip*. ins. Cspi'.-t •hip 1 it's «et re-sea aaia tad. >..a Wv-oei flour 54 A" v TV i^sssl w«ni-.og cnw- Cam# so sat U Ms.su soft tuK. (5) ro T-iam after « a •' vnuxr. RA4A. Dow Thesa - *--r» I da. Caa FO MM qi*\t rrv dvntf wric - Te,id : - » Fse l*rx'-w.Ts 4 U. T ttlece. IU* 4TI Jsck-w- Mii+.!.'«n «-4*C7 2o *SJOvY rLTCTRJi* GrTTAR ~Tk'PlNG rLECTinC TV pewrlt- M Mr. '.VsIUtil J-WV M -A. - TTKNT.MLX -WTM 4H- TTTIN'Ci* At t, KINDS < •: c,t. txt. an heme iv a-aaw » "» • WA.X v.vor It, «... cm. TYTIST AVAfUkPLF. !«JWM •aperten. v These, tvpin*. ■•cfwtartal V." •** e. rm—cum wort coUege jegree. alectnc type- wrtier. car. ID 3-5544 tf nxji wmt f ' >--tM - - - • « ivwm " nxsvre ram rau- RXFtRT THESIS AND genara! ! Kb a#e HacR aea arwm tywng Electr. • tvpewnter. Jevan« » cy Itea. C« Kltf. tif- v-»»-w rxw»nr» Owe bloc* ; ' *v4i Fre*r:»t:o- Center.' (mm hrwdr J-4545 tf . - ****3 alUvltUl >-( ftauw he—Frand * " STOW WADS m* tis-uny —3- psape IV 5-«a44, DOVE 5 w __ ^MPLOYMPff rJ2?^ be. ED *-<•« iLICI Iff*. OOCLO KM TYPING. ID 3-4i» , ; —' ALCOA kM mt SAVE •© to 4© on rozgn draft . .5 V'T wrvwit - PPW u wiocn «'»• Ouci.^unr. ' x-*« In „ -- | | --- ,„| jiH ID t-< Y-4M1. 541 TL Grand River. E. / ' "*• z*r « mcM-u ham T* f ' «srrt»w. Ca W> mite - . ^ SwL lAfuaag linuijht »t TYPLNG DONE IN IST ton-« tail -— * a m IV +4K3 after i ©m. u ■°°'Ol.m.V—CAMS. TV AND RADIO a«-trwe Speoal ./■'» -Wuna ,, mmty OA Q»a WMM bl, lew rates ta TV c.w1* 11*11 lawoyaaai w teOOWW^ Mi-H Sluiwu 1:34-S:30'7:S*9;SS •*HlGa UAQOSHIP... WtPWMPAY, XOVTMBER *. i PAGE SIX BVWNO TUK ItVi , MtrKlftn tf— Hi IN* ^ football maon it ptfiburgh. of MWi t» footha'.l Loach Bessone Spot Oil;lot Mil fifth timo l» Puthm for H» mnhaj to tho top 10 tun ,r, • »rtM that hat on both major »lr» ,tr, mi MSU win thorn ill, Leading Prospects Abbot 1st Rrlirtr what you will, Bui Cur nothing you frit Big 10 Standings « i t pit m or w t. t re 10 0 1HV (J K ? f f i» STUDY IN EUROPE ^ cusHiHj/hrti by IV. VV, C- Jt-NMA. »•'li11^«'*»»/ %■{" -■ <*?rv (Irxtrgrhnrn I . Pment$ •«r\r. %c.*wr\T* %r mbihxmv rid mix wv* ••mavbmm; tovr«.%cr" %itb.ul%*c«: at Wt lantt StiasitfBi » »t imii j uj rismu •• hDanm u aw iiw* Ctur** Accvunts • J > * »rj JOHA DIU UIUCI: f ill MAMOKD. WOtWONP; GBOftGS WOCFV1 ««M <* irMrltU o' (•««• MM n l«V4 M MUM f poMMhlu t— >»"iuil • IMoPM. Cw f%n+1 ■'« teifwiMim fen vimpft t«n*" an/ Aervoorts 13 E. GRAND RIVER 3. K TO»"SE *»Ay. EuMMMt B.C. - EAST LANSING Ph. ED 3-2111 MICHIl.AN STATU JACKETS r - SALE! v' Wool-Fur Bland Skirts 9.90 Aiibm/ mit iffl—V M. *u««U»bM4toMaifcfc UWMiviUH'AMMIIIUW fjunuui Con tor-' Court Star Oxford* if prrftrt. 17.43 CONVERSE JMICK TAYLOR ALL STAR .BASKETBALL SHOL- >0* KMBKR ». IW> michigan state nk w s PACE SEVEN • Short*"™ V® (loaches Will Convene to Discuss Basketball ? it:\ x 1/ The Record! Two of the llig Ten's top hasketbnll coaches, Harry limm® play ttiodlfh'utiMtt*. Combe* of Illinois and h'orddy Amleraon of Michigan State, tpruhlaiu* twran i-r-.f in Fwnyth® m»hi thai tb«- qimtity iraim- BiMafwai*. -Hv (airt Kimtlcll — are the featured s|waken* at the eighth annual Ittiskethali 0' b*«k®th*M In th« rini. ., im '»v this MSP clink® Coaches clinic on Nov. IMP proving, lie said the Crutches m-l Is one of the best nu-aits for a 4 .! made «»»n»e utateniettU ruga tiling; Strong Interest in this yea»'- — come the opportunity to meet with nint h to he hroilght up to 'loir oil a :v. at th«* time, rn*h ami rlii". i. -v. 1. ..1 II,,., ' | other* III the profession In coin the latest thinking lit haski thnU,1* , .Jat That I thought the Michigan State state high sellout eouelie* linv*• nl paie notes ami seek solutions to h'orsylhe athled. , the U\«t in the country. The team ready registeied for the two-day K " 1 ,y v vante to St. t enia. 4 0. affair at Kellogg (Vntm and the •'.•rsl.ly Anderson, imputar Spar. Men's lutlWinural building ; »«'< •»«*»'• «»®eh, •" I'oginning bis aJjvttfver, the Spartan* have racked upi THIS iKXKS yliesl eotiell, seventh >r»u Hi MSI We enil phe> have won theirdast the games, j Harry Combea, ha* bad I I year* j ""I forget the M» team, led! «.;.te-aive at.vie ' ,me over Wheat on ;t-1. Then thev i of enabling expeinmee Iiois. Ills teams have nil with III! outstuud- |'V the anuwtin Johnny tin-en.; I he team fought it* way to the yV-'o V. UMi, Indiana Tevh. 7*-. CaUinj tug record of accomplishments,; "'g Ten title, and achieved Hie iv'niu t7-0. Was I so overly optimistic! Including three Itig Ten ehamplon. ! highest ratliig ever aeeorded a » i ship* and three thlnl-plaee tiliishe* ba>hcll.al| team, n vat no State had defeated Karihami in \* A A tournaments I" nwrs pf eoaching at tiV this irives the Spartan* an overall! Combes possesses a 217-80 won- Great lark. Peak. . Itradley. and — • ; Mlehigan State, Anderson's teaink • * .i'hi one U»aa for the season. They have! have won JH;t games, losing only 4.,i Aliened only nine against them. j Intramural I'JJ. .«out their opponents four times and have ASSISTING Anderson will he i'v enee- the only time, incidentally, that • Ihtiee Kossiim and Tom Itand, wtheir history. Again I ask. wasi memlwta of the MSP basket bull jiMk- after all * mvthrr subject, I noticed a letter in the | Schedules couching staff. The clinic opens at 0 a.m. Pri- FINIS! QUALITY GASOUNE duy Nov. II with registration, a that was rather severe in its criticism room vi i %AVt'i coach, lieno Kenney. l l»- *f.l Snili,, ItrM * is coffee houc, and a wrleonia by In . King J. Mct'ristal, ehairmaii j 94 + OCTANE ci players have conn* from foreign ' T. 11—t sis,%,k»t of the departmcut of health, phya- if the author of that letter ever won-1 • i lt- -l Ut.lo AIH * Terviifu talent comes from. Ihn-s he think • ik— V IS*. i.mIIK.usS. S la IIsUlla S IIMM IBMS leul reereatlon and education, Morning sessions will feature, I0I + OCTANE SUPER PREMIUM george kaimes ts«,S t trM ,.v,r untitthey come to Michigan State; • I*-Nit est IMt. l silk.is. r t 'niphe* speukllig on offensive j promoted for pis, against Punlur Contain liny Guartf ' They don't. They are recruited.' . T n Nsllhss*• Im«. — to . S lS-tstm Ir, I Istslst N-Htrnl. style and philosophy, and \ndet , jVihle for much of the recruiting done S IWI SM|>«. I sail OrrsM, t son speaking on the half shell For Quirk StnrN and Protection t; la— Hi*Ms I St- I ttsn. Is her point worth mentioning is the pr«»h- Ulfen-e, Against Gasoline | ree/e Fp«* * group of players who have diversified lVr|i;iro for INortliKCMlmi • t IS— V. M.O.I,, IV- A Hl . JnlMS M I Mil. I rr* SVl'lltUAV morning will be devoted to a discussion of special /the have such vast experience. (letting —' —- ■ • •. IS—X sis I \,s l«,Wi, | IssstlS Xl.tt. Mtuatioiia by < and a ie FILL-UP TODAY! ,? "hit 'nU!"of jihe also had tnanv foreign playars. all State h«- Gl'ldtlt'l'S Drill IlldoOI'S • I»-X,l. ||.|*lnsS*rs Alls,* HOW I IM, view by the eliliie staff of (opiea of interest to the- Commenting on coat lies. the pr*-regt*- ond Note Your Savings at the Pump i A -a A ». •State has still manage*! to heat' tration, Charles K. I •»»•»>■ the, slat® BILL BARN S SERVICE . , *..••,»» . . . . . • rsi i.smms x k, r» .: ittg how justllUble «uch criticism , iTrtlUni •it(.irti in.i.i.i ''••••'-" "'I""''«••«. .ml j.......... tn»it!e Jeniton FVU!ltt>u*r' v...it.....>... 11« in iIim mm., ,.m o,,lv thr DDI, thr pn*t tnt ynirv |lfhrnmu m.mm. -l»S M'klls, ~e y xi i-n est dim-tor of athletics for the Mich¬ igan High St hool Athletic associa¬ xoi.11 xiixi t. Tn.-I.v in |.r,|..,»tl..„ / unlay * irntiu with North western. Sal ,h, ,„v ixffrtudvr i i MM i tion, said that otic of the reusoiia EAST Mini. AVE. AT MARSHALL I unit renter Mnmlrm \xa. tumble for the early interest in the clinic - *■•*! USsir 7 IS 1 e Spartan*- went through Might Change -Till Xhas 4 • is due to the changes in high thru i.Uv «imi»ut „ dummy tn »,,w> du® to hu leg injury —Ksst as*. 7 I school ami collegiate rules for the -»Ml !»Ss» ! • x „ t , C *t)u*d in it reUtoely light •erim SAIMP'S promotion was ap¬ liHiO-Ql season, which will cause About Rose Bowl nmee trani >e«»i.tn Tin* wn« in eon. t.i i<«mt week"* heMvyfteitno parently baaed on hia perfotmanee - -XlMiltss, I * AiMsO.n, M RICHMANS magtng on both Monday and Tues¬ against Put due w here he led the just Alt It IX' 1 11 i MS day b> the timt two umti. Spaitans to their winning aeorr Intramural m:w shipment Armstrong, Minnesota athletic di- houses America's 'At* in the waning momenta of the Tt ISIMVS dritli. found the game, -{mimea 2771 ^•tpivfl the question of whether the defensive unit tuiektield running p-ranked Gophers would go to the Uo»e pUy» with the olTensive unit line. ami—quaitrrbaek NS tlaon drove W> yards for the Coriiroy Sails MJTf Rflriiu "i*>ne nmior change in the hirk- winning tally that eiased a 1.1-11 Purdue lead with less than three Highlights' RCVITMIIII' Vl'Ml too, » T tU ed ! p president of the t'niversify of held found l.eotgv Smniet nt the minutes remaining in the ball is* f (i n v»'.;.-n Oregon. Tlu« ®cqu«iTtt« him with .fuHhmk inwition and t'arl Charon game. C the Koae IW1. In V.t.V*, Otegon "<°*'hg to left halfback *lot. lh>n Tin: ANM At IM Tl'WKY Herb Adderly and Hob Suei will TAUT l% whiitulr for today «t Oily 24.15 iriT'.e and wa» beaten U»-7 by Ohio State, a b'lewnrt and Turn WiUon rounded BI X' AND NAVE AT he alternating at the left half- s p m. at Old College Field. , • » two-touehdown favorite. out the baiktield. back position now that Charon Team* will represent dormitor¬ s! ' ' ,*n ^r?' j Armstrong praised tiopher The injury Uat for State found has also been moved to that back- ies, fraternities, or Just any LEN KOSITCHEK'S * ■ n, Ten - j coa^ii Murray Watnmth, Dave Mandei* out of the hoapiUl. field slot. The three player a are group of four men. Any number * r T | .'| am xtly happy f,» him and but atill hobtdrd by an inflamed the offensive ami defensive units. of men ran run for one team. VARSITY SHOP ; » . ''h Suggestion*: East Umlnt, Mich. KI> KKAl'SK, Notre Paine ath- THE DAY CHRIST XX AS HORN pm whl I, ^ ■ R •hmildcr in la«t week*' game i^sner- ] director told the group that against Purdue. George Atar waa iii*,mi*s kg Jim Blilwg \ „.y W* "m CO",C I.. .«r. t„tr,le rvnnrtl, .Uh th, ,qu«J. sHhcufk — — .(on mcruiun, i,, lh. lhu.,-u h„ fUww „.i, h«.,ily h.,ul A "reverential reewnalrwrtion" mf a t wver twfore agini. (>»car llahn, who sat out rmrial mam en I la the hiatorg at religion. * >eior«! think this area has the the Purdue game along with | finest high achoo! players and Mandvn, i» *l»o a doubtful player j I'Hbl^hfd (hi* month $3.50 * «•»•. (*tr * cx»aehc» around." he added. We in the -fvwrtl»w®»tern game. Ed| -x a-.'on eight of them on our varsity , Hyau is nursing a broken nose j Gift Book Hvodqaarttr*; isxe rnd ru'* on our ^f®»hman team ami that may keep hint out of action.! ** ^"1^ K*1 *bx»ut Ih Ileal SPARTAN BOOK STORE "» rrrs- ye*r 1 ON Till KSPAY of thin week, i t rabid "A* ^«>r coach Joe Kubarifh./oach Puffy Ib^igherty haa called rOSNEB ANN A N I C. "s- - the i h* is very happy at Notre Pame for a completely closes! praetiee V 1 am sure he will be happier scssiwr. No one hut the team and t'ver I • >*•«* I***" now " ,oa. he,> will be allowed at the These are the ailver wing* of • was' Ktwia® predicted • victory ovgr aession. U. S. Air Force Navigator. A» a Miatui in Kkoriila Satuntay night. Pave tkhrman'i 60-minute It would end a a.x-game losing "in»n man" p« rformaiu-® against SHEPARD'S flying officer on the Aerospace team, he ho* chosen a career of *l ,~ streak—ioug«»t in Noire Pauie Purdue last Saturday waa the first l|^ h,»u»ry. sue.1, stint by u Spartan player leadership, a career- that ha* meaning, rewards and executive opportunity. The Aviation Cadet Program is the gateway to tlii* career. To qualify for this rigorous and pro- fexMonal training, a high tchool j dipjoma i» required ; however, two j or more years of college are highly t desirable. Upon completion.flf the ! Apuche Mm, have a one- program the Air Force encourage* j piece uppec ami a hand aewn vamp .. . conform to. the mi new officer to earn hi* degree j he can better handle the rexjxon- j Richman's the natural ahape of the foot, huir the heel and give libilitie* of hi* position. Thi* in- j dudes full pav and allowance* I famous while taking off-duty course* un- more comfort than you've j ever known. der the Bootstrap education pro- grain. The Air Force will pay a *uhdantial part of all tuition cost*, i | FlairLine After having attained enough j credit* wj that he can complete j course work and residence require¬ topcoat ment, fur a college degree in 6 month* or lr**, he i* eligible to 3395 apply for temporary duty at the »chool of hi* choice. j If you think you have what it take* to earn the silver wing* of an Air Force Navigator, see jour local Air Force Recruiter. Ask him about Aviation Cadet Navi¬ Easy-going Elnirljne-perfectly gator training and the benefit* tailored by Kichman'a. which are available to a flying officer in the Air Force. Or fill-in j Exclusive raglan design features; and mail thi* coupon. roomy shoulders, flare back. Thrrt 't a plait far lomorraw'i' Is 100*. all wool tweeds. , traders an the -w -r y—. i Aerospace Team. I All lhi*-for only 33.90. Four pattern* , . . four co¬ ^ J lors ... four materials ... ■ one comfort APACHE quality . . . . mocs . . lonsr wear greatest ... ,. . of Air Force course .,. and only fifteen nan rmt tmmatmr iviKM r.m»t i®mmm '•* -- ; dollars. lO'.PT. r...have aome ehatttr. !*• •n nm, mrnnmm 4, *.C I rn 19 W4 ?*W, • trtimi •r IM U. t *04 • *.«• XtVOi! |r«4u4t* asd mp that real great Uate of Coke. Your ID is your Chargo-A-Plate —r**" 9* colls** r.«s»o m$ 8«tsw, Coca-Cola—but who wants to! 317 K. Grand WHT- >*5 >r- River—A BE REALLY REFRESHED MRU i cm—. B ROTH ERC !W w : I wSsf li* iiSya It* Cms-COo Corneal ■a K -: KM S. WASHINGTON LA.VSIN la-mux coca-cola bottunc comtant — WKPNOQtAY. NOVEMBER ... r\r.B EIGHT Nation Wondered Who'd Hoi Campaigns These Days (Governor in Three State* Are (lastly Projects {' wviv Xtivhigwn. threv »tatr» that h*M-th* ami KaW*a* | «. Mrwnwt ' running for William* kvvviih- » >• 4. * u or v.: *•< • yhirf ratkwa! intrrrst in guU-r* ig»" *,r ?■>,- notorial r'rvliw* Y\i**d*i War *« tt»i|»»wrrs!r- IS* .S-vm ha.< *■ I■ •d I". kat'*A«. Urol** iVvhing • two\v\ »<•-.. • who - 1m.So tw% *mr thr *r»l ' »wtr*rm*% William* r*:v ■ :K*;M that •• ' r | tVnuvr»l rvvr to l*r elrcteU gov- atni shifted hi* jvlitk;.*' [ rrmw of that *t*tr. w<» **rkm« ' * eoaMhlr |»l*v* in thr i» \wi to #HV 'in f a thirst two-yro-.- Iruu Hi* Kr» lit thr event of 4 nation* i*«r. kVu"\v *r->. 'H'h'v*- oeeov-t w*« Stat* v(alio vwlwy. 4»s «rv Alt* Urn. John Vnlo»»0" C?o Paul IV Hag**!!. * i hihitwvo>t J. J. Suvir at** w*> * strong raw agwuut \v rv»nm\g ! y**v* *** *•■■ U*V V*?IVC« I IW thr ftrwt tin** in 12 yrar*, Rr publican nowiimv I? . > j • - *E»tU* W'fllBfBt *»** 1.1. v tl. Snainaen, **hi* ha, ; »«etH»r«er* tn tWfi«iint f . It's (her: i h»* hrr»? uH>. *'f MSI' HllH-r !"i* \ . , l-i Otto K«" ••.- t iSotv Tliey .Ka-w 5 v ».iii y*Ht • It't o**t, To Suing TV A*Mf»H-*r iK'vi-.v Mw gvin? K?o»:t on the lVuu«ov»t \hhoU|(H tho Koeut' .- to thr poll* *tvi wovtrvi tk,r .C*th hotptrful of faring N; -4< rr**'.lr«t of thr t'fitod Statv*. Niruinia Hut thv* w-'l K- w- thry Ka*r ot m*i\t «•;«* • IVtUvH-rmt* *oor*M 4 ».«• . # nioH«Sr-v\t lofig hots-* for th* wvvf in iho !a>t tM.. i- «:*?-y thous*-HU vf W. r* tr**- Hiv .»'* in g governor*h. \ U K PRESIDENT Kxhra M. Nt\»vt. KrwtiNVan dauxMerv at their hi»»f in Wkittier, California folk**. rl«\f V both eamfviahM and suil- Ouber**aU*rt*l elwtioc* »-» < t'liWkial* t»r w.t> rtuni(<4 *uh h - and vntc the (vffdttxHUi of the campaign. !io?-» of wvrfs wS's h »*•* spi'kfti intoreat to }v.«i - , ,1 7M'' Never Wforr H.tie few- **vs t;Ox of -thi" fV«'.■ *0 w-vh to *0 .»i*R> in >o swahJ J ^d'ont pl*»v*. >i*ba for the party fa ih' v, IVixon Italian National Election Slums Sr nvrwi-'-g J.^h- Kennrii on toKi tbr pi v* tig* m> gw* *nh vktory- tU * -A' Votes lit l»;r to that 4mr-va- of tV jst*v»»g\N rmtaV So*Kt M-v El GOP Victory horn ».;S,pV'?*4 ai'vt that of oo«s- • •iigNStf California Ki *r »Vx::u a*v"d "»*«;• wh. > 'r*-,t to -.•»• 'r \ttirr- At the Polls ,-• i jwr vyrtS WsW* IAam . "> . SAN KK \\V:S« A ^ - C-M «**-£. tf.v* ; •■ « * ■'••4. ea»t rtP-M »:"•*. r»:n»'p m *•,» at'j-S trivi to ,--%tv»"*i:r rrwRLV m»w r Skh*nf M \ \ ,*e i-v*' a: K S?« XVnHvmft' T 4 Si S"r \hr brv.-i c«-* .lar'-i* »"0 r-ivo'.'-.-age w.-ivl vii Vnr tV-ode-tw. \ - ve.% .•< V* ' « Ca'.-'r-a- 4'"ho "• pa-^r-s* g f'^r :"** Ythp dvtator* that th;* "Ulioti >* week Henry IsV't laxigv ca-: '. M' *V" ••'< '•*-"* ■* t !•> fa..' of w* ' t*.?v>*ri*',vv. ar-4 habitant lot hero TtHMday Hiv. y • ;* 1.;^ Vr -tl <■ n lloe4^.? te ' v*'-'s **«%'*. S" W.WV« I**('*- i:v3, *.,V •"■'*■4 to Vr *'*»: ivwri rvtorv for the 4IOP i{• • -»vi '.•., •#**, aJtoe 4 • 'int.' -n i '* *IVtrv VvTr->- vJ w}» <*<>*■•> tin I tu'.rd Si*tr» strwMtth the ur*.--4 GV» 1 .i^ I »»4 hi* *»• v ,..,•* JVvh i».Wm A.;xi Se". J-.-Jsi v Tihf*sA*-r *,hs- ha . VS a«Aaohu*rtt* IVrnvc*! *.* i, "I '*• \ousi a: v'u*x* M.»n,w"v k* ..>. 'v. "vac *«* a.'s» a "si s%Hxm«£is*-\* lNN'.lW * A;v" * If. -4 IV I n>t«\\ S"..t'.«-« 1* row V * •;> .'*< YTfMjO -«j • \r .• • i'• '4V v'*?lv r».Mrf.* **a* 'I !-«.<• awatirj wM- V * . \ .VJ." »*» *■. ' J5S .s ?*r oral.. »ln>-g. o**i* • • , *< *t' -- S.-vv" MV. wx'iKi-ng x--. t ■#<<; r--"~ 1 I thr 'vsartY't N^. i w# mt*\i V, "-jv, and strahftr eoMvMX-al- *' h * A • v# fanwraia. chiixirvn. *>** tja hativi '.. £ -- •• " » Vd U*-a iJlN* a^' •; - »*. W4r«! di *u> aiittiM }.*»t.*aa *r- 1* VI h*t * *tvr< ta that thry *r* *S 7 .0 ;V VkS«:«» w*w : lum • » v m ** *' •M'"* Sea •,».*▼»«*•■ H» rvaasjv.-x, # >.< *»a* •rt-it. garttifg *trw.»c* r at-4 wr »:r '-A *- "V*?V-:.A A*.i -'sc «?»i* I't th* CmtM-tlnir a rnv** r' > '» ■ ;>:» av'K **»«'! ih»*«t v<«* *uatvh*'< »wH " r\"F- ■'! t«W A*C* .'H4«TN- th« flwln»i tW* ha**- ttVgr t«d4 " v . * *£ sh-:-4 it'* twi'c to he * • «Ct ( 4 "'J ..* *...' W -•.? vstwrt th# T'h.** bait tfti* >* thr Sr*t owintry a-vir* a »*«'* #*-<* -.•*,•*. S-^vt th*?» frv»% ! la I • $ sabeimuitc i'V • w • .- N«i> tfniJv-asW * !#"*** tfiw Pif ww m tfr wror d. that'* 4.1. It >* thr I oitv arrivrvt at th* * tl* • *<20T» .""ST ■' "tf Wi«* %«•** »***• at K* sxMrt a. ^ a iv-,'v* rwiTii j iMo;,"va. ■ *-*c **! »»W« tfc:« - WW -*** ■ j. »r \\ thrv a-vr t tw'S to •JW sn. vy yor cvni iwwi sartjvut I si M wmu«4 ta vote while 5,i?>v'm;r. * s w«v4, aivni*! pla.-f *w* ; 4/ **a«*rwa« *w . i»a-J» VP wits *■» tst *0 vrar*." ta iire aheai of Hm*» »f tS^. ■-V,, • w*. -.•%*».•.* iva,* * a v-apv-t ssr tv'-maaiat* rartwl, f it a " V.* Vyv.*A gwfe .;^£ -\. Atkni atv»;;t h:* fp g« arats :« . TH¥ *tsr\>\a» m a W tW -a'-- .•» \ hiw. .*T «-A- -ji «: «atr» *\Mi •w * • m^*t oivs,-'-**.< *v- a it «s tr»r* that the c«.wjMl!|rn '» o*v, l...>- »■:*, .. 1* w* 1>r it .-» >t 4,J ■**■:.' m -i'f *.>» mar** "j; ft V'aVhiv t»*» th* Chx-wiias tVlBNVT*^. ' SI" C .K?wn tiNf VastnJ St*t«* 4ll S-n, 'rwdvrrh.ip for the l>n«v *,4 i >Y ' ( -'.* ».< ,i.» •..-, '-t it,.....'i* r**'-it* .4 '» » < or** thr wwr-M S"r-V *%> t*« .-»'.- -MM*O a*tn.-» »»t *••• hi an (itrewr iy c» <•! t«j WihtwnM 1 ;*.« ao4i«»4 lama *t Va*r rrmohril ou* Rnrt •!•*?« * rrrH omt aJ A>t * r-iVTSK-v# *-ai tw.".! a-. retxTt irx Mititrf? WV< 1* Vre wha liisje/*!*- •« 3*^*.* ?» trn« %r V.X * v4.aai »la'.* smkts a*k »»rvB* vvwrr ef thr iS» " >is* 1 •: ,-t - -^nff-f a-nvffii ""t* a **. a^j * SA Ah-- i xiwc-at* mt-vi-vo a •.< • iVapxxnatx t>r A-irrvw p*vt > for g-ratrr cy: he Snarm Polls IT*** -"- » "Y-Y «Na.?j' tarm i,ir4 da rr say a . C** « , nwrr V 'ivi-« * Nffl .>* ♦apwcsan* u •*.•• » iaaiiiMjim *:.v^ ** VI*fr-fa HM*S, rlfo-t. and .a4*n*rr»-' w ho ane i* aaprtiNd* or r*.*S . • y*.:» .•»v Saai'.'Ed V -tr,. 1 - 1 ':£» .*» +*»*'?.• 3 »•*< *V"1»».. U WjMtt l* I'wWNfcy Antrrva »,-vt rf »la i"N* . ♦ fvt 4 *v-r t« J f »4 »■* K#|S*S-5 «m » ?r »-4 L«v<* a--,t nenhrr* <*( h *'% -*• * • 0 rt a r Tlw a< Sa. >©» *»:* *rr T^r Rrpchlban dr- C^.«n '.r*—As 'W ' •--■ . ■ soav—rr ily.wui rty hy pmile r a t •V.: "•!« tarn W t-i: * t ^V. *i »CT"br4 Kvr.~r»iv w*l!-fntw- that • .un..» :■ vy t». 1 »•« Oj1W»W*S YW vrvutm»v»l »*<* t.V* I? n isaxw rn « "i- s*« < •♦' -as,-* ;'UT cv**r*v4f *i:uat.»Ms- a k-s«| of s'li khr\t*h '■* . T-a* • r«iv La** Harvff £»*«» Rrp;.Cv s a • RaeaA •".•*.• f x-ii 12 A. cv«BJ>* nrc Hwr w- :: rr-xie m;:>.voir*t out ef » far m x* ' Sivftjar'J V S \ >n ;i *«■'. ^ w 4 » t- 114 ".A.* t' Vr- .H a jr^atr. ... .•»*•. r-. » -.• lami «**>• '■■■' iw >u« a a» "Thr rrai not w ho can H »:•-•*• it '.** WOK- N " •:*«<■ CV^vm- '.e swwxw rw - •ai iVsiwrfi fc-r-sa U? IVXMvrmS V Pv.,r.t* A^.t 8tari|*»w» tmdstjw- www* « 4 .aaaan. iw-*: s? to Kh'w*.vh<* w to* * j. ^t'* I" -taT &*-yu.0LiM3 r . .-wsaws* »*■« *!• s ta Ka**»-j\!«*r »4j > Sr^S •»."* :**'- * ..-r VM ■ *r *»i S-vifcrtCTt Itf N ,.X'.T3 -iwukvi. mar. a i ii H nm 9*tos**y » «r wvs, *5» : ;'M V* • tW«« TSer .Isjfci* * \ a 15-#' I«.. hwa« •««* ;« r*f>>:!*« -.it W W- s:»*$ a.r* • •» 15 -reer-a arw sm.®«4>- wV imltii*." .-a" V+i *«a? thrrwtf • «i Krrrw*-it sai-i ""Thr Predicted In ^jtmaa .x-t! -^rur. ».t*««'iaiitw ai-4.tit.jkj. m*"w.iw»sa wniia «*wsc-^ TTH *14 Ut •Nhrwsimc* Vrl.S *1*%T rr«l !«.«* » wV rws atard u? Penn's Wood I » :- -s -. ;r«WK'* ■ , « <-"■*'■ K»» "*»*» m 'ii* .:t ««»*• j a»4 Aawrywi Wl r*- * "4ai»a.r» * J4--C*r;« ft sllw "*^7^ i *w «--.w<*a. 0n*> 3d- -wnr f x kd- iV'.X r*"».;- iatr* asrrrrJ that *r l-i- - ••v.'.ii ,v Sa Swi r» K4 ' ajrtvasian* swrgw*: to '..*•■ r*'- _ . — *■*•:. *>J v-*; ■>- V t A'wv »j*ow»"4 M jro to a susuw i mrrt- Trvvfi Ruoabrm Tur*.-» 1 wJ sua wappwr*. it; "• wwmr ua raw -urir#» '<-*** Nmcneo fff **K *rrw v»- .r-—&nr. JoJtK fcat H.r*. h*na*.fr anr* M.fi Oar wrathrr and i>- •• r^a; vt» •rMvn» 3Ur~ .*># aaswBsrw.Tvr that *ewt#» l rf • M-S-Mf - with it* S-: ... tw a»* • m * jta'r •a. * L« *' 'a .'«•• -a.v „L .,*«■<• an «y -?# hi* cnr«ai gdWff-tr* " • Th-.I*. 15? itorf. wj srar sr.^nl «,r?» t;wetwrw{ voir* comtr •' -T-4.W ' —- .Vr rv'WZ avs 1 •.**» v'sRfefcdd Ssa.id-*. % \t MUX fr* » a wr thw rwolry wftrm • thr outpuMirinjt that **« »t -♦■ hr*» ».> SNT*, »-fJt h.:» «J«« 4#c» v;> th* 3»*mK €&t* *..«rW hy a sw* rd to frfc-h nrr w.. %i-BTBg G£*t •' •■v ' » 4 Vxx. .» — W 'VK »Ti*r '*• S"*.' w..f# "Wu'w/iirj sjNetd.-d.xd* «.-» x*Th*ijie»- ariliraw# S pjn. (EST) rw3 rV r." mm- '* '•"*.*■ Inr is *"b« a# 1 5ui'-«* IhPt W.K *?» 41-»jf a *>-■ "1? W TWE> *w v«v -a-vj -uar j«£ *v. hwigwit. X •««.,. .->.>.•« • k*T'y far 3^*■-«.«* rwf the ayptwraar* Moc-***? ttsgrhS, «t a Nixon Voles. Thr turoout 4K*ut Sk ywT wit of if* " *"* s«.: n.i .S-C^ v.A 4, •:*-* ti«{« •/*»; 1%. W »•.. riifMr to *^»r and «-•.•-*•• |*wy *•-- ■f r*W| * -**« ^ lime. -RiJ. • 'i>w»»mrias.v ..<«* .4-..* ST. - ®« >/ *d HV-ntm-r** r—»»•« s..—-.• tr-r*** . • Relaxes by |NrwttM»« rwml of «V ' w ho cait l»B*U i- * -1 ,,.. w • : thr So T prr c*r.t '.V .• "ti-rtl ; M I .M J who 'u'" ■ v .'.fv,Urt .?« :. ; n —* Taking Drive » ' ^ **' ' *•""'* "" "* ' " V • X • ; "r mW „ ••V-d. '.r g » 41*.-.• '.". • » iw IWderi F * • •• *5- ,K?#«.sn» INrr. i* Sewk thr ktalr fww t^s- - f ' •'n» ?w-a» with tUMfe. ICS AXCEIIS n* Ail! St*«*Byw in V " v- 5 X. ,V,tM caot i * bwUlot a half Thr hoc* T«Hr r*v* ' »?» • -^i. .-* m 4rwem w "a Ik*- I a»t« \ ot«- * -r- - *•* 5*4 >»**? *«t »we»3N$Sy «f *** V-. *.V»"lw nw ..-4 -faaw afirr tar fwila opr«wd T«e*. «f thr eatcwee. * are v-- ' '•> •g ttfe( • i A r"'i» •'.»-•*"* Issii "i-* ***** -- ;a yjui.«ns- ?wrt h*a*. 5iS* vrtftrrt** 3&* day rs kz* srwrt-y kwtrr u*s of tipaiwi to h# ckwr Ih-_> t's.-g# *a* .jmsiwr*.^ - bor \. I*. \ivm .-*. vi t»£ -*.*>--■•; t.jwa *«-: r«4 m ami -Jt**a ***4 4 ttrxrr hri4 a rr-px»tmtk*5 naff* < » sww^^aasaSltfMrer xr*-» s J?' awes- (librf tiir Parllk wrrwa. / TW Wry wr.*'- . ..-}»( *i .ta 4n#a« "*W » . .;V.-r W*A&!*|| IMMMB.. A Srwet Srrvi-r .agsf t W?*--' «mwi i» rrrry #rrUu-.a *tl' * ai&rau ,*-te.-*5g* ~ An '••;»*-'■ \ v wnff *;r«f .owas^r-ws. a t-V *WT f to*K ?virow * atatr. • -'-w S.a» a IwtAew ItStfm ■fck^aa^-. tte* Xjjcm By *#w|.' HI f» tmi ** ^ « -- "vms *.•*« * jmiSw* Shat, |*»t w«Btc<| to 4n*r auerg Ur l.tftgAir. |i#4 fWtHJli 4*. taw* ■ cm -i.r.vS TSf f setWt a*M%i«ra v«oe » An Ann—i*nt "U *n away tnm it a3 t*»s l*w "3* .'iV 44 '« :..2T*fv. far a LttJr wkj3r." Thr»r *tat»w*iw ofcr-e* 3r-Tn*ry mgaamik L. K. Juija-.ni loir. fi«r 'A« S«-3*ur- »» «.v-?t*sn*d. t-Vj w«*« «^una^nNd--4i:jc* Hr •** etpwtry to ewntr kwrk [ *wrt bora* r**U*i<< a* *'« ' - -' yvwa •»* »7 .,. v.-- 9r this afWrmwm >*.'•'* • •:**£ • a » ■mf -JNMR- »s."cr*as*f f liny,. ».«-t Vd -*.-Caf*d ".W.J. E Jte'-w'n "* 5i H..-'.3S n Gmr**' sm. %*. .?» j a*rm;t tJ» e*$M«'a *wr#ct oe V *• ■ ?-■*■*>*&!*■' avCV TVt r-*«si»tss»sar- --a micr*fcf»S»*Bk' TV SNw^pNUm' ;* meem* "J»* H»4 -as. Jj*o& «d irf .had far thr rr**«irc«fT Mats. .i*JT»i.;*iakai • —- .nix v-L-im a "<«» •-♦ -• a-..---- AnxCr "v" smaitmit a »». wft,. > At the ?»•* .Vrxm. lo<4 C j**Im>»« f, # "C«tty'> - J .'-WJatMW* T^-vU. X-.: n"L.v. T*ns *A*T*w--4* -1 ?v-.. -:£* *%*' a»rf'?*rsrwf 3f*m K'lltt ** —**—'» W bwhrmd J«to F. Mwrt. waa wf IN " aw. ftrr w* ,'»•»*-■ - 's?d^i# 4a rr S v 7»s* j^fcasae* wii* r*v---^ Isasvwr'r. yjr I#wa*crmtac prawi-1 rati. ■ *-m - • « jwr£»- a* *wt*r Na. rJ t *-K3'*g 5w»»i:av .jjjr.jiNr. "W4*r^ar;5.ae.w :'. 4*Rts*i rawumatr, "o atrowfwot ^ • >1* -aw *aend. TWrw w*ne jjidfcifT'e* * *jNil-*J j»-w faraaw PNw-orni S*rr* T-m- iemn*** stejer-i a fww «wr#» tn Va wf« ® Eart hut INw sot rwer*4-; PMwIeipfca tarewsf- L*»*y J'-tti w.fw .ef wnr»v y ' 1. w-w td.,4 S3 »;.* ttaa •***£ Mtt T>o» ** S. *Wwgt Swfwm aj* fssdend sis* jwn'-ts-* Wt^f ks# «■* a«y »tar#. «* *j»t awwt ahwut ft prr crrt- It »»' «a4» Vim&mgg mar, •** i-.-'Wr rrs; «f '4«|. IK? %y 1 'Jf* curiaua- ,'Mtavw* frww. tW Xsdwwat a»d tia* PamnTwu h«efwd_ *:*J» .3. :ar*i3'ct 5-taao« flmtr _ .... ..... _ « » -» » C*2Jfar»a» ••*. '"1 Jast «X9£*^mnI ta ■ H» 5«jth- Thwoa ar*.: thr crwcml Bet - . ■•' ? .Sa» *..w "•-•#-««; a a;., amt «•* • Shy 4 *'.Cd SJOT.3-«t ;*•*£ • ixar ii«r* ««* < pw#-K»a swhwrhr, *Wr* 'J* * -rf--«s ?«*• '* TV? tSwt awfewwi t* tiac*a SstaeaatikRaZ *.*?* ' Afhrr harag tfca pCag plan. Aa«, rtt mamr!, % ?i }*h..—ryg *S»«er . eafcr y ■ ■> . pv-r f..T tV -*.r fceny J'4rht l« itjrmrrr* P*rt. Nat?* rwttchrd fr«w hi* klarh 's !•■!«•: v **«* vmoa *>••■-- tr, hueai r» gyeet Kp*iu?*« to a whirr mrrrrtihir. kS\MPT Li^WosaSfviRM*- K« • , " 1* C- Nhon «>12 v .** d-firt*** T-- - * • .« 'itf-'itrf.y.'ftrr it I '•Mtf-d r«W174fl*r.. «*?S2®«Hfcas «R *»«- B# 4rwr< *df .-with *7sk*i .-•-.rvii.vi f*ww?r m airw-s ,0- twev* «*et.T ■- ova. Eji-n -tay -TO3«ff3 *.*vi w-iat-r-r-**'-*. F* *mii : f5s«m *n S. Ear-. P*i»- XCiCTNT W .4 J, H t X w t ft X : Nmurty 5^-'i*SniTaJMa, «r-jjapwBit J&MM&ay Might* rwm.vrmfct «p tktem* iv-..* knar V*.v*- vP-—Tt...» SfcrtosJt&r*. fcill#. h»4 fcsem. 'urw^ctS w "J»* a.ryl*s* for TV' Tha k »«•:;«« a Cti*4r»«aa. fjtwss ;?■•*-tse^nt Vdrm Wwr* Ts^Var grnr* 13 -m*» ta g-vw: a»a.^«n7:y s-.-mgrnasa%..ms «* * :# cast- Smv. . ••* i iU. *-*u r* -.73. •* Hvarr V,m ;«« L'4n X. Si- -rasww rm4r. emsm^rrni -r. - » inwarasm 3'Siiir.r^i a lay a m #s2 Man "r y Tw tx'd •»•-. ; .am 'JS* soil 12 N* tVrn**-rmJae ntaL «a «»*.. «3w! ••je'satl.|tfa» tac* Tjewiay. 1 xsmrrn V* aril - ta» -yafTf ^""T^mjanr* Rxari*—at. $*n. F Netsamiv. A tr>*al «#i* rmrr* frwnt a **«$ wS> «4cwf » SB 1-8 ii^ila 44 -."1 ^ .mfc»c ' TV* «*wity nurm*I- la 1J5# N > «*faer,jtrma. Vg ?, 4 Ns.^-t E»«iit*anrr S ft ** *444 nr-i *'T ai *«(*> *a4 4 r at 5la*i ia 4> • "Wtum Sataai?^ w y<*4r iau rmwja