9. MnJ KrMifJ*** Margin «m ^ • T • j** l-ilo F.lrcllon Rrlitrnx IL (he .Xsaasnild Nsst isisstH an State News VI I S a-S— Thr Male \rw« iltff Worketl lhrnu«ti .needy M Ntwa In t) state. »Hh in ■tueadav night lo •nmpllr rlrclton rrlurni .Irs-leewl istsw Nina ted ta M state, ana and report the outeomr of national anil lit rk—I '■»«"- Keaatdy had t*t arc •lair rlrrltan*. real 9i IE. I Scrxlnj; MSI) For 51 Year* UHl'MN M. MX »0 KASt I.AN8IM!, MirilK.AN, WKDNKSDAV, NOVKMItKIt », IMO I'ltlCi: 5 CENTS in Presidential Race; Democrats Continue Control of Congress Democratic Candidate! c Jtiire Miclii gaii \oting Turnout Exceeds 1956; Youiisosi Man Swaiiison Defeats Bagwell c1 DETROIT I Vrmvratw vrniMfhtnt***™-from prv.«ide>?t Elected to Post •*'v\;cK top >t*io othot*< *i>iH'ArvO tixtay to have swept in #« UHpfYOodcMoil ouUvurini: of vote.- Harwell Awaited Ki»lilA car l(c|»iililiraii llci^n Sc.- J oh a K. Kvnnetiv l«\i the entire ticket in his l»u! for ' * • oor^VtH'N. with more than half of the state > o.«>74 Tallies in l.iiisin<: I'diilcd In Senator's Victory jwirrts r^vrtme. * Paul |t. M*«well ewneeded »lr- X victory for the Mas.xaehusetts Senator would mark «vi\ the second time in the «i* \ears that Michigan feat tido at tf l? a m WASHINGTON i'Ti—Sen. John V. Kcnnoly, n , \nunjt tn.'iii will) a si.sioit of ;in Anu'i icii on llie move, Iht the ba%is •( unolfteial , » uHnvNtsi a iVmocrnth* presidential eandntate. re* w -A iwiwu the u*)cMtk*M»i mm k«v* Kenmti) tarn* it apparv that •en ha% wan a rlew Mr. s»im- >irU»r» IHIsIkmI llii'oiich to \ iotorv in tlie prcisith-nlial cli'i'- »- s( »K' t r;»: sv tion oiii'lv toilnv. "** .su-texl to tv. the which wi be Uitlwi Pat well wald V -v M nhain* after 12 }*«»-*. It iU»x' Joh II. Sw»-MM>n heU Rat well >»a% trailuu "iwaitt* | Tlio tli-.vour-olil M.issni'lnisi'tts Di'iniKTiit liam- * .-* • **variy «« wnte ever Republic*^- P*u' IV Hag**;.. M*n h» it POP vote* with only nuMTil down tile Wliitr Housi' nmliitions of Vic" , At i a.v. tcoay the race for gvvrmor ixx>ked !:kv th « we mt the »tales kilt precinct* ; ITvuidcnt Uiclmnl M. Nixon ami rewrote political IhiUtaU VI *> »♦ l\»ia* uncwunted r-irxTvcrs 3.5.10 1 I history in the process: II o'Tt \ - UrOKTIO • 2.*»U 5.^5 u.s l*« JtM M»KI HOt vi Kennedy became the lirst Unman Catholic and > I V \\ »l»> 74 7.si* »W,6M t tit Ml hiaie \ew% Maff Writer I the younjjest man ever to be elected to the shim- Klti WRLi iKi ?xh,fi4$ SMVixil t.3as.i»7* Paul D liaifwell atul ho Male Inieriny: tfoal of tbe nation's hiKhest olliee. ■ i - 'her key f#et&» UKuonent admiin»ti-atH»n K»ant running tn vnitt Nixon clutched »t hope. _ i^lrki V. >4c\aiwara eigrnt* *»es, lpvlod^nsr whether WiUtama that iiclatcil tallic, m ,urh vital N I or a Kepuhhvan uoivmaiexi male as\»ite»1 elect km j return* at j i victory »wr Ketv .t rw lem*- the Jack T*rr Hotel xtute.H nx Mlchiantt, Illinois, ami run! I'vinloii Johimon will have :t (. tat..re *a* rexiw»n»ik«*e fee tlx* in Latistn^ ' <»». ItroMarmU were last nifthl lux own t'ulifoiniH could swim? Ibniiocritii- t'oiiRic-, to work state s financial prvd*lenv» whteh * n alt five ,vi:ta«t» for poo.- things his whv l oi hi laM, »l with Never wr». ilo ic an instant reaohexi ir heaey defietta, a pav- Over 1W guest* etuslend . C«- oo the awxh»r* Sen; .-• * ted nn'rd deftM' The IH-niwats emrhod ei'tt- i':*r« rvwinc p*»wer were ptaxed around the ball* "If the piescot trend contin tniiuM c«i'»!ro| of vu- ..enate cn"v . Jadfe James R. Kteakey The makeup of the l.hM lefir- ; rtawri, anxt watched the naiumal \j•< r»c* to fill the »upre'»* ties, Senator Kenned), will he the" and »m il- I'lic. .vi-i.- sine t»M» lature appeared t.» he aN»ut the and state tabulation* v.ci so*: vacated he the r*>;k-- next I'icKtdcnl of the United .-I a vvid' thici<»n jcrliapH dlinin- same a» the currert one, althcufh The resrarvh department tabu- -•Una »i. J j»Ik* johr? Vweikei btate* " .riied margin over the 1101' in i at leant two upacta were »c**red fasted election return* a> the Hi* wife, I'nt. wept on TV he- ,|M Hon i ! is early rrturw. \ figures came over the of fore viewer* const to coast. »jlr» lax in Dttukl trass Some state" went for Kennedy I ', the House, where Kepubli* telephones At that instant, Nixon lu tunlh |,„| t,e.l Republican' tm -«rt» canx a«i Ihmuvtats wound up.in was ahead of Kenneth n the. a M.-'ot rx\>v*tm»\ to «wrea«e A small band played over the ,,, Ifovernoi Hie home slide an even *pht two year* ago, which fronH thiee per juftnlior of states won or Maasiiehuxetts dtil just tlud IWu..ir«. Xvk.p, tM<>u*>a 01 Uw '. tUU *aie* tat t IW.- I room as telcv lsnm* blared and (Ml.. jhe wax ieinlina hut not m the iriiudiPL' out i eomfoi'tahle ma- •.■- tour (till tea* m ttoubt, Kepuhhear, ue.veated Rep. ' number of vital '.Uvtoul votes joi ill for the Ih-miHuatir pi CM- * l "Yes** wtr Waive a Otarie* Kaap ([>•. Twin lake. guests enjoyed refreshment. tn.it (itvtdc the plCMtlrncy. And lieiitial noiiiin •r. reeleetlOff |{e- * {*■' Twv> at her bw AH rrv- iViuocrat* p:ckej ap a seat in Ba*wcll Boosterj - and other Kntiicdv hcfal oni- a slight cilge political l.everett SaMon- .• ^ x -oi.xennjc a hkeraltutieo Saginaw .-aunty * first district supporters furnished entertain* in the popul.i, nd'onwido vote tall, and replacing a ItcmociaL v*.* rr»ait»f and a m>W u- where W liiam \. Hoc* Jr beat *»>d put OO CWTIical skit*. ■ * J «; the millions o' Americans with a Ucpuhiuun m the slate *•* —appeared U he Arthur l . Hauffe in a race for . After making * snort sfaate* house. <*•* With "•!!' electoral votes need •taaera. the spot vacated by Rep. Robert went to the pres.*. Bagwell made \b* coesw-xxtoraJ'- races, S. tlilhert iRi, Sagtnaw. cd for victory, Jvininedy had jha* first appearance at 11:3u pjn. hogged oi wax ahcuil m lit rtales v*r-e eft? iio Mpaets hrewi»»c. *"-•» with HJJ.'i; Nixon had token oi was ««•?».»: .ineap#af 11 Repuh'.t- apt «e*e« Ihwu' *t* seemed to rerimue fer l*« next (v« Air of Confidence Hits leading in *tat.ea with 1HK. So, while the ouleouu- vxa> pu t¬ ty murh in the cards once die first Anti-Climax 2 TW-rs. auhrtontial returns rolled in, the t-e> - : vr. f' tfce officials sati expeetcd i*a! rote a prajec- Smtinson Headquarters result* W'jrre hy jaive, overpowering landslide for no mean ■ n inaa- Hits Hyamiis v»' "ii*a:exi the final rount Kennedy. *dii cxXBe «p to pre-ciec'.ive: of la miiUw is asy **«■>♦. tke record Mkh- It Male Mat Ma/f don PIMBIR Wnicr would *wv" hut "dcftnuclr he itemed hurt Swam* confident The senator simply scooped up states with more people and more in the Night J electoral votes, jp*t u* he hail *et * »A i-ii3kHkt t«TP*d the all-ume ;hat this would not mean disss• out to do DETROIT — Dctm-f* Henrwe itv kir titi< k«o\ "-* 4 ' *et "he pres. Ur However, tin- victory was ae Slate New* SUff Writer ^«a eiertien year of 1^. ; hotel wa* the moe of en thus-_ EA RLT peaaimoro aU^ut eomplished whatever its sue, it tliat y«ar, Dvig-ht D. Eiwn- »*sm and cohfidect anticipation Way;ie county was i'cv rrxod restored the White llouae to Bern- Wak* c*rr-e»l the state by more Tuesday night when :{ appeared that ;9'kkt oeraiie domain after eight IIYANNIS — The oxcit»i- Re- , . , , . Var ~X\i*X> votes. In 1*^1. h * Swauoon arrived at the Hru more voles would be cast than publican yeais — years in Which ''llUIlt 'if clt'Ctioil lilg'ht Cittnu ? was rotestis: after 10 p.m. ant went m i>sa. Kennedy said this country was to a sinldpti halt here early nprnl »» • p»:i- ;• ln u*. Ullrowm nrtyr-cTrtf standing still and losing prestige. *.»^hMiI ' .tar, saw bach prrsajmua! •"»' KrriK-X'IXG » (be twui, :l",.tlOTlwn rrnlrred on.Uirrf TV y-otilhful gubemaUirtaS candidate bringing g-»nd - new s for' The President-Elect : leaxt And it swept Nixon hack temporary and perhaps Wednesday a f t o r Senator Kennedy announced that hu 's-wtNakei waging: heavy ram- met with fjermatienf (MdHnil oblivion. was jromtr lo hed. Michigan ar.4 national Dcrrvocrai* frotn every scctma <»f ne» «rr will, will lie )!•«• Tor huu, it i* beck to private A uu'MHiijre from Senator k.w.i*e«|y made hrs first fonrw' v7** \ The g-yvertKir-eiect «j>er;t e!«v- Swamaon «a?d early Wedne*, ^ j lileNi.on in ,fr»nu}»i,v Kennedy was relayed to the luih«r Day is tVrtroit; ■'{."illi I'r.-i.linl «f lln I nil.-.I Slal<-» hIii-ii lie j, iimii^uml.-.l ill had piatebed Kennedy s 5- ' kis auywr cawpaigli lion day tevfiag Detroit suburban day. as job.lent Derrv*rat« con-1 irmory here where some ;JIR) in staging the liaiilcst, most aid- - - •* ■ afMrtl iM ■ l«r. Oakland and Macoma counties gr a tula ted hftn on h« electton 1 feel much lik? I did back I Jjiiiutry, — Nlalc N.-». I'liitlo l.y AI Ki.iit, ; uouc political campatgnx Amer¬ neWHincn had aet. up head-^ ■BL_ more as a *pr«tator tiun cam- V Mr ir. the infantry I know what is ica ever had seen. But he could- piarterM after a.m. hy City, to paigwr t! t male!, tiic no gn appea! of t'ierre Salinyer, Kennedy's L*gr the Lieutenant Gov ernor going on here in front of me, but i Mr Mrv Svuami and their I don't know it we are winning Both Hoiim- anil Senate ♦ i how r,'« C»l rneJitor, President Ei*fc»- chief aide. lllihlH i and pwer.u had a qu.et tbe w ar." The n»fi.-'Hge said* Mar at S»ai&».*ruag he had a t^grvnunduig ltd thrtt ftours of the-lto-*t«.r-' lead. swaisubon mud: Denis Clinch U. $. Congress t,„t limiiMi.irc, kmu*4>' ,v,it t..., t.t.iv., ti vklf—iv l,.„ arfI 'UTth(-r m»kl un"' from »" »»v« thi* \ "It* ?x4 m much my victory .l«iiir.-iuii.. I.. ,*< uiiy ili, „,il,r< I'ii ml".i Tin- S«ua,r liu« pun, Vote ttiton were kept m. WASHINGTON. (Jp) — Tilt -niuad cerv.r. to :idd to tm Oihgr .tu rm • ic-.«decU«fi most powerful oflicc in ttying i tn h'* hb'iM and i» goiiig tu bcl ' _» r-x-i*>a floor ballroom, tfat: m that of a tot of othvr people _ Sent, fliihard time-, Kennedy's aide* thought that cuiHitd ct.ntrtM of •* the « u tfourl progi b rtusM-ii (D- pnni jik- third fw/or, wtvik In a damocratic vjc»c'.y ordy the I>eroocTitt« At that point the Repubiua. Gw i. v# r«"t Sattonstoil Buried, To.. sv»» any idea 'hat the turliefct .1 statement could 'i". iaair^A-. a^a p»n>.e vai rkcuooa." Lot.grea* cam today •> mount- bad 107 seat* tin land which rejected Catholic be expnted was JQ^a.rn utet km G.1 Mu i. kfgrgarct. Cha.xe Smith , foe victory ton the fifttrih floor Swgifutw »ii reluctant to congrt-s* onal returns gave Alfred K. Smith fur the White After the ptdls closed Tuesday km jmk \ pfHOft >T1f partisaaa cpffl- ctoms the victory that radio and them major> lies m both the along Rcpubiican* cwxedsti all 'R-Me.j. Alien .1 Lliender (d- ~ The Afv- 1 " House ,in H'-M i» a land that night the streets of Hyannis were . the; iiad no chance lojKa i, Styles Bridges (R-Nh,), over ssto nrrt floor tooo*, uheviaaaa newsmen were claim¬ House and wouW ne¥ffr a Catholic to .nearly deserted Most families £** u *to *•— "nign and other areas of the hotel. ing for bun before midnigji. Senate, take over the Senate where the T'lh-fi .u R'^ben c % v«rr Kerr /ruiku v ».. (D-Okla i), Bates it were at home »>Pf:ng i Given Dcmrwratie margin was MJ4 Krfauverx fD-Tenn.). and A. watching the early Early in the rveruag ice Ool* Tur*:*.' • budget of 43 holdover ! results i«i television. toM the pffcN* thai OOP -I »«■•( to rautton k.j ^ the Demo- There wire 43 hohtover Din.o- Willi* Robertson (D-Va ) FiIhumI It. illurrnw A crowd of some 400 visitor*, 1-uiJiilaiM T—(f- Chairman Lawrence Linda—r*i dueaae that r q i,'.k..> x. •.-■/. 23 R'.'publican.s. | Democrats were leading -In « VT, . a> ! townspeople, and teenagers . ^ „ charies of Democrabc eiectton highly pcevaUvit a few year* — br pMrkin^ up It of Uui 3. m, , *' ' ' In v;.t 24 SeioiU* rates d« id- "f the 11 undecided Senate races ^H*k 1 llll I llflllllOllia gathercai outside the armory af¬ . .,*"*** ^ r—IjV mrK- trouiar.ues were not wrpru- 5 —Oewey.ftia.- Swa rvwm said. ^ ,lr 0„ „a,. Ul„... NEW YOI1K. (/Pi-Cnmnmi: ter 0 p m. hoping u> catch a up for election with 3 still tin- », T feelfce D—a—Or ; Swairuan refused to make a party turnover.. Twenty tvyo of man leader* were re-elected, Uklor Eitvinad II. Man row w,.(''""P"' Krnnn.lv ><*■"' decided. Dcrrvxrals led in three the winners were incumber.: ■; i They were Speaker Satn i coOin, «ii umUr rrjnTJ rtctorr tuMntr^ »: 1 pan. nod Ray- strii k.n U«!»r with i. r • of thos*. They had a 6€-34 etigfe the fok* excepUon was p»»ui»>..n. i C"oiuW*r»bl« .nrntimi Iront . (in lOT.r.Iar- . *n Iwr 'Mr Claiborne^burn (D-Tex.i, chosen for hi* and wa, un.bl* to pari lrip.tr in IP"1"* »"« "'«»aar/ lo krrp in. in the last Senate. I\di (D-RJ.i who succeeds an-,25th straight term; John McCbr- IU0I b*1 bwr. »rrmet «! Drmo- *I» —«ld k, pfr^.,tur».- J» critic hcto *ril u tar lu »ice e— Kport wui *>.(>» \rx*rt Dim , you ooaX wis, preu-,Con*i' be lore the poiis had oi pneumonia." (loer home and twieetdurinn the m M mid Wa'aKM." 4—cjf, 'cliMd d m aooM,wealefn Mtee. I THIS NEW uam of Kennedy «5) See HXANNU fall • , - a.