Serving MSU Fur 51 Year* COLUMN Si. NO. 11 EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN. THI'KSIIAY. NOVKMHEK 10. I Mil PRICE 3 CENTS Democrats Take Over Nation and State Young Men Trend in Election Kennedy Acknowledges Win ("1,ov. C* awainsoii • l»»W2i53 tire votes, Bentnftr Also capturing Theodore lev I.543.S99, wai Jos- hi# five other state's runningtop mates into the administrative WASHINGTON (4*1— John F. popular vote edge «n» Kennedy Krim-ily. elcctwl j Kennedy, nln-lnl president prmidnnt in an, I»r pic of the nation have indicated ,h'l' K" f"rw"''1 *',h lh" Soiiris, who wa« ... exciting climax to a campaign of .. Nixon, taking the defeat leadership of the Democratic DETROIT t.l't -Ut. Gov. John """"nated by the Ilemorrat* to However, the results may very j • . , . . quiet fashion in ( alifnrnia. must ,■«!•# , , . >...n.on rl.nuun.1 a innlrom- . till a vacancy on the theoretically well have -pL the stage for more I unmatched rigor, railed on party.' n have wonderetl what he had left iNilitiril rareer by winning Mich- SouHs ilrfratoj t'irruit Jud t glint that has wracked state h,„„. iB„r.^r,v «ran-l .......... \Vc.i.i..„l:iy for « ...pmnin ^ h'n '.'•ni'i'i.l "hnvn '.l.w. i !T..rl "In move lhi» gov-; country nafcly Krnneily won bv doing « but lie igan'a office of (iovrnwr just six James R. Hrrakry oP Yp*dant'. vears after first being elected to Bitter words flew hack and emmrnt for years Republican.* grabbed Democrats : ; through the IthtOn." The .lender, Id-yenr-old l!n.ion inl.1 mnntli. »gi. he'd h«ve to do- On Congress tllk, hi>. 9tM»» ' M * t -«v eirisliitur " •••«* forth during the campaign for the house »eats in Oakland ami Mils- Democrnt, yuungtkt man «n,l I be rlu,i|„k. Nr„ V...k and Pennayl- PItESIIIKNT.ELECT John K. •wainson'a victory over Re pub- Governorship, with B a g w e 11 kegon counties while Democrats! only tatholic ever to be ele<*t»xl VMnjtt ; ran Paul D. Bagwell, a former charging that Swainson was "the picket up one held by Rep. Rob-! president, happily arkmmle.ige.1 Kennedy will hate a Cottgrexc of Al ,ht. Hyanni. Port armory, MSU speech professor, also came captive candidate of politicians in ert S. Gilbert ,„„lrn| „f t^th .r ln-.i-l .uh.taotia! approval, •ta* Lrk.t, fix, ad. In • .i.t.n'.nl, (irorg. Con., minlatmtiv. hoard p<.»t». Th, tiv, ' Miihinn Uflala- • •rt T. John Iu-ul>n. |»»« si t i»overnor; Sec retary of State ulnrtaon,. chairman of Ctii-n. for Micbiunn. 01- of « hoo! Financing—Wins by 466,000. his fi»#.1 public appearance after Ma*. 1.684 1.859 863.806 1.362.059 16 official tabulation. \V>o 673 023 09,551 50,880 3 U. Governor— Lesinski (D). by 7?M#» Iwing elected. Mich 5.074 5.071 1,616.741 t.OVriLNUB l*arge Kennedy buttons w ith > Minn 1.1I81,614 20 Total 166,083 157.621 12,309,56.8 32.705.642 185 338 Secretary of State - Hare (D), by 20S.*8H>. Their wait was not in vain a* 3,766 3.704 728.449 755.729 11 * Alabama Of the 11 leading Democratic the word "I Told You So" were Auditor Qgceral—Smith (D).by 132.000 Outs tale h av w 1 total it wa» the night imfoie In time Miss* 1.828 seen inside the armory even l»e-. 1,682 61.106 100,835 elector# 5 are pledged to Kennedy and 6 tin- Uterney General—A Precinct# Kuwrtoi 1.744 5.06P«l the ictigth of Imth aides 5lont 1,080 836 105,122 ator had won. 102,2 48 4 electors are leading. » Supreme Court—Sauria ID) by 217.000 S«ajn*on *D> 1.522 737. 1.6.;-. 1st of the street, h>#U*ndcr* were Bagwell fEl 407.1x6 1 •597,45.1 quiet , Eight college* and universities CongrtM thy districts)—1st—Machrowicz. D; and orderly, unlike the srdt press representative* to Hy¬ 2nd—Mender, R; 3rd—Johansen. R: 4th—Hoff¬ M-reaming. reatieM Veeiiagcm annis; llaivard, Princeton, Bos¬ man, R; JRh—Ford. It; 6th— Chamberlain. K. 7th—-O'Hara. D; 8th - Harvey, K; Fth—Gritfiu, R; tOth—< ederberg. R; Hth—Knox, R; 12th I Jt S4AATOR Pretinrt* Tuesday night. town M.ARI > ZOO HT A 1 F potter stood around talking and ton University. Dartmouth, Brown, Holy Cross, and Michigan state GOP\s Issue Concessions Bennntt, R; lOlh—Digg«, l>; 14th— Rabaut. D. University. Prectnrts Reported and waiting for Kennedy At The three MSU reporter# came future whether lie will retire - passed * out; enough hand* 15th—Idngell, I); 16th—Lesinski, D; 17th— Griftths, D; lAUv—BmomfteM. K. Mf Samara tD| a.m.. lh secret servicemen had the farthest. Nixon Savs... from public Iff,. Klein aaldf .hak.n- Wa» „rr,lhlna Beiitley f guard- EOS ANGKI. ES (At Vice answer because I wouldn't care I ng the new President -elect. President Nixon to guess." LaU: Returns Richard M. •'Al l. HAGM El.I., Republican . LJuietly talking among them¬ \\>dne*day formally conceded the i andidale un-liun i for governor believed selves and discussing the result* election to Sen. John F. Kennerly. did a* much a# anyone , of the election, the crowd lit* Associated pre** nationwide j tluded iiyanrns citizens who had return# at 7:17 P.M. EST from nouncement came at !i;17 a.m., c ene •>. *»it f«r their neigh- The dramatic concession an¬ Ihoiiii «d I66.6S.1 voting unit#: PHT, a few niinutcH after Ken- Lodge Suys... T!h'\ All he could do that "xy wa# wait till the NEW YORK Henry Cabot poll# closed and i ttrr High school boys and Uny' Kennedy (5t).2 per nedy haii rinrheii election by win¬ the election returns slaited to • Hiblrvri l^aigc, Repuhla an candniate fur wen- scattered aiuung feat). ning MinncHota'a II electoral Vice President, sent a telegram come in. ( thr adult audience. Nixon S3.669.665 (19.8 l»er votes. of congiatulations to Sen. John It was popular to skip school rent). Nixon sent this telegram to hi# Early in the evening over Tim F. Kennedy Wednesday en hi# , today. Several housewives taJk- Kennedy led in 25 state* with Democratic rival people gathered in the ballroom election a# President. of the Jack Tar Hotel. ing afiout tio- ejection said that 3.18 electoral vote*; Nixon in 21 M! want to repeat through thf« Lodge's message said: toffee and sandwiches were the)/were upset over t)»e results. dales with 185; needed to'win wire congratulation* and best Nearly everyone blamed the de- 269. wishes I extended to you on tele¬ "Mnieie congratulation* on available on a long table at one your election a< President of the end of the room, but some chose vision last night. I know yon will United Bute*. You have my very to organize their own have the united support of all private pai- (iastro I«tiioiT8 U. 8. Election; American^ a* you lead the natioh fof rarr.est and an nenuine good wishes tie* in their hotel administration IBM with watched the election returns, loom- a# they in the cause of peace #i.d freedom u-cful aid valuable accomplish Bagwell made hi* appearance Speak* oil (lul)un Problenie ip the next four years." nw.nt* for the American people NIXON, the Republican nomi- Now that the voters have spoken, rolled 11.30 p.m. across A red carpet the ballroom was for HAVANA. -Fide! ' astio'f ♦ SViiirh'i *t the president!*! pal- nee, had virtually conceded short- Americans should close rank* Bagwell to to the ros¬ . ero»* over govermncji* treated ate said th«'> knew of no plan lyifUrr midnight (PHT). lie,said and present a united front before trum. the America*. pre*uteiiti*l eiec- to message Cuba's official con- then that if "the present trend the world." After telling hi# audience that t»on pracUcallv a* though it giatulation* to Kennerjy. continues. 8rp. Kennedy will be it wa* too early and that the re¬ hadn't happened. The semiofficial newspaper. the neat President of the United turn# wetc too inclusive to make The bearded prime minister all Revolution headlined it* single- States." hot- ignored live election in a w.Junfn story .on U*e Kennedy's The concession telegram, sent Rairwt'll Yields any statements, he thanked all of his Campaign assistants. post-midnight *f»eech to a group victory a# "four years of a rich Kennedy at hi* home in Hyan- A# the hours went by, the last of lalair supporter*. He had a!-; illiterate." Havana's government- nis Port, Mas*., was read to news- By JOY F. SOK EITOt S State New * Staff W titer group of all-nighter* gathered in ready called Joi n K. Kennedy controlled pre** gave it scent at- men —and to a nationwide tele- and Richard M. Nixon a pair of ten''on and the radio covered the Bawgell's smoke filled suite to v'",on audience by Herbert G. What kind of day ««• It view the returns with him. "stupids.** results a* routine news. Kiein. Nixon's pre## zecretary. was not a nouns! day. It 1 the The reporters, anxious .to send Although lively attention una In his speech Castro drew a KREIN'S conference was held climax to month* of planning, in stories, . kept pressing for a paw! to the clo-e race, rubanq, bright picture of the roming shortly after Minnesota, after speech making ami cv). U-iii «*l more interest In (a*- Christmas and said Cubans would see-sawing all campaigning, statement. through the night. Tuesday was election day; the The old campaigner held .fast; t-V# 2S-hour ediflitting be able to.celebrate the holiday and morting, gave Kennedy its payoffs; the result- of joint cf- he w..d«f not i#»ue a statement Cuba i# suffering from many with plenty of potatoes now all electoral vote. That was enough fort# made by > many throughout until the last vole.* were counted, SWAINSON AND WIFE VOTE^U. ## MS hi* shortages under his revolutionary; bait disappeared fronj the Cuban to put him over the top. His total the state and nation, Finally, at 6:45 a.m.. Bagwell government. He promised to em! i market—a nrl l«an«c along with, at that point was 272, with 26'J wtfa AMc* MUwIn IWcw* to toSkato !»• ««toa far SwatoaM (or Were the right thing* said to made hi* statement congratulate them jeith the help of importa apples and grapes Irani Csacho-. neeiled. .the right people: at tho right jing .Swainson on the baata of wa- r at Uair »■>■*■ W>—Uu WV «ifi|StH. from Caachoslovakia. slevakia. I As for Niaon'a plaaa for Usa time7 Was enough literature i official returns. II *-v, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 10. ISfiO PACK TWO MICHIGAN STATU NEWS TH11 Hunters Make Ready for Deer Qpening i B> Slate News DICK SFTCLIFFK Deer hiintinir students who are out-of-state residents Outdoor* Editor Where do the Hunters Hunt? 1 i and w ho are retristered as students In the state today i (tot a break from the Miehiiran conservation department. < j These ■ students ran obtain • j * "•' ' " ~ /i ■ resilient fleer license ami do not due to a fault in the weapon ' have to purchase an out-of-state jtself. j! license, said David H. Jenkins, iramt) bioloirist in the game di- ported deaths due to the person Last year there were four re¬ mmm&Si.'' vfsi j! vision of the Michigan depart- being mistaken for game, Jenkins ment «»f conservation." •said. Michigan's 1 !••'■(> deer season The 1050 deer season was noted open* Tuesday, w ith sonic 500,(IPO h.inters expected to partieipate. for the 'largest number of deer hunters to ever hunt in Michigan, 3 4. The estimated deer herd this the second largest total legal deer y«-ur N bet w e c n 700.000 and kill on record anil » buck kill that soo.onn, Jenkins said, with »!»• has only been exceeded 8 times in proximately an even split of the the last 25 years. herd between the Upper and Avcrag.? fiumb^r cf i buck Hunters per Lower Peninsula. Ill Mll'S NKKD not venture square tjiile fai fj-om this area to gel their fleer. In the southern Iml* of the Top Slaiis Ortt 35 1 mver Peninsula the hunter *ue- Ifss I« improving, Jenkins said. Perform to i? Uivi »ear -nine M.000 deer hunt- '3 TO M el- i >ok 3.350 eur. h« little The t'piwr Peninsula as well the Lower Peninsula reports change from last year re¬ ern tunes, "J. B." has earned for; it* author Archibald MacLeish his third Pulitzer Prize. 'Spartacus' Is Action, Poetry MacLeish ha* won theffulitizer **SPARTY,M ON' BOARD fur a university and its ideal*— watch¬ ing, waiting, with an e>e tu the future. garding the deer herd and other Prize twice before for his poetry. .mlition, important to th, ilw Thp play h„ „rm)y ,.i,hti,h,.l hunter. With Drama, MacLeish top-notch piay- Where is the best place to hunt wright. * opn-irg a« * stepping stone He. assumed a role and maintained it What are my chances of By IMIN R. PKMBFK fleer? "J. It." will feature Broadway iaodabie ir. t*n< pait and get* a- a positive contribution to the 3-Ton fSporty5 Made of Clay State New* Stall Writer i« getting a buck? The-e are com¬ veterans Sheppcrd Strudwlck (in everything mil of it which seen-1 picture. Thi* is a reflection on mon question* that the conserva¬ the title role), Frederic Worlock "When he began he *»« alone. >ri0't»*:tan Truroho put in it. | both the performer* and the tion department receive frequent- j scripting of Dalton Trumbo. (as God) and John Carradine (as like an animal. But w hen he died |m thc ba-o .of the lv. The answers depend on the the there were thousand* who would LAV GHTON PLAVS AN aging Trumbo, along with director By Jl Dlill PFASLFF 'statue is Did" in height. \ brn Devil). Stale News lea I lire Writer and concrete base, 5 1" high, *u| statu figures representing type of hunting desired, Jenkins Life magazine described "J. B." have gladly died in his place ' Roman i^enator. Gracchus, who sunJey Kubrick and Russell "The Spartan," better known ports "the Spartan." . at State. said. as a "great play, u great hit, a This is the story of "Sparta- attempts to foil Olivier in hi- MPtty, an artist with a motion n- "Sparty," was designed and "Spurty" re-'- the «ma It • e • Spartans" a> Some hunters prefer not to see Broadway triumph." New*week cus." remarkably told in an «• que**, for the empire with the pjcture camera, are the real produced by Leonartl D. Jung- (circle of ground that divide* !» given to tin . Michigan ...... State - . Col- other hunters around them ami magazine niwgwamw cm called it u "theatrical citing movie show now showing only weapo* he has left—his , heroes of the film, wuth of the Department of Art. road* leading to Markim Fieiu i,»ge athietir teams by Landing don t mind seeing only a few deer j ^Kunderbolt •» at the Madison Theatre in lbs- sharp »nc wt'v tongue. He also Kubrick, with only four pre- D i* on* of the largest free : and Jeniaon Gymnasium ami bm!d sportswrucra no April 2,. 192d each day just as long as they get j^aMn( ,hf Top ffe has directed »uch movies as gulr,.- and "Baby "Spartacus" is a spectacular, fashion which is ttrdescribaWe by ■ Working with Trumbe'a aotid as big and bold a* the best of word*. Ustinov makes the audi-1 „script, Kubrick get* every last fcr to hunt where there are many j |>0|j,»* them. Yet when th** final curtain ere* love Hatiatus in the end a* ,jr0p uut 0f eacy, „cenc am| |PfcVf hunter* to keep the deer moving, j Shepp<.r(j Strudwlck. the star comes down the audience wi!l re- much *« they de*pi*ed him in the the audience with taar* in their Of Top College Stalions Around It doesn't bother these hunters olh. r huntrra M. h d«y. —v.— on perhaps some 20 to 30 j siou figure"and ha* appeared in f the play, i* a familiar televi- member the film a* a well spurs beginning. story and not juet several thov*- sand feet of technicolor film. Jear SmiWf.ris ha* the female eyes as the film close*. lead, aM on y major feminine ne»s on Super Technirama 70 mm AND CAPTURING this rreat- j m,„y h,| play. rote, and proves after several pic- *' lis lv \ V t \ltsl I NS • i.e said. "I 1., hunt in an arra »h»rr Ihrtr Krv.l-ri- Worlock t. in hi, SMh film. Russell Metty displays hi* "SFARTACl S" IS the moving . :JP« *aich left a doubt that she Feature Writer radio annoumer n,n many hunt... to k«|. th. Male Nrws y„r „„ tha lUp. H. ha, a role starv- of an army of s aves at- l5 an acromp.i-he.1 actress, talent as one of Hollywood*! best, and d«td.d I da»r moving, it -ould b. w»a to |n thf movje- "Rpartacu. " cameramen. Metty ha* taken the The Michigan KdUcalioiial Aa- hunt in tha northaa.larn and lh, tempting an exodus from |ury |t pou t* during'the pic- _ Jluaic JIUlii lor lur "J. a*, B." an o. "•» rrpalv.l iirBwti large size of "Spartacus" and Blocked at every point by the va-t turT ^ Simmon*, as Varinia, School Bell was avvwrd- aster' " t * degree ' north-central part of j* jg * ~ bv I)av,d Aroram, a young New the Lowef Roman legions, the army i* final- wjt 0f used hi* camera to maka it inti¬ ( to umvcisi'y radio station in pemoline! guidance n »!•»; and peninsula, according to conserva- Vork musician who has compos composed iw.ks too pret- mate ami persona! and poignant. U K \K irceiitiv. rlimaxing a I-. now working on doctor* tion ofllctals. for Ameri can Shakespeare !y beaten in a climactic battle. t, jy , . g minor fault, how- Beside* the obvious spectacle, ever, for her performance has "Spartacua** i« a long movie— period "f gtowth under its man- About one-fourth of all Nlich-' Kwativwl Theatre production* in "* lf»f» nunute* including interims In JP4I ft •rpoint- igan deer hunters hunt above the Stratford, < onn. the rilm contain* *oli«l dramatic ssneritj. war-nub, and depth ag» i I airy Frymln-. ' aion. suh-tanee and intriguing charac¬ espexna'Uy ir the eliniaetic scene* I he ML A award i* for dUtin- ed progiit'ii dirccti UKAR. Straits 'and of th-s one quarter, tickets' arc available at the ter fortrayale. But it* length doe* not affect Do has !>«•« broa< The half In many scene* U;;xm i--attempting to win gui-hed interpretation and con¬ Radio Reading i irclc," "Head- of_these hunter* also live rn„„, ticket office or at the Far- there. The deer kill in the Upper amount News Shop in Lansing. the picture border** on sheer in¬ her mxt after crucifying hun- ita attractivenes* to the audience , , , ; .. * .l. j tinuous coveiagc "f *ptH.'ial re- l am! time move* quickly through¬ port>, sustai: line F.di'.i»t>,' -ports since peninsula »* relatively light be- timate, savage, or tender poetry itred* of captured slave* on wood¬ out the>film. *v l.«l i Hi has iraveirti around the cause of the luck of hunter* ami The cast is led by Kirk Ihmglas en cm.vr* a;t>ng the Appian Way" pi who portrays Bpartaeus. the Wad¬ Othrr portrayal* worth noting. "Spartacus" I* the turn total country to a spoils unh-nirnVr other determining factor* such as of a giant effort by seaWral thou¬ He htahu?* i wh appointed a--ust*nt lark of road* to penetrate tome "f On- • \ution in I'.h'i'. ,,f the g»i«ugla* i* still the Kt^. forrn of «tati«n mai agn Frymne i- from « hirag.-. III. His wife.4r>h»iia, i* fiom (•layling. The average Upper Peninsula kill i* about Jl.tMMl hurks from Pa»e mainstay of the picture and does a goo«i job in his me«*iah-type Caesar wa* adequate but young Julius difficult to describe an outatand- ing achievement, since superia the stn- • in i i. pM-t twu \ cat f I^.UPd square miles of deer coun- not out- tivea have ro'** become ao common and !', ! I -'.miT Iim* mmi than doubled," They live in Ionising, and have uy, the department sai.1 This standing. JESS MAXWEI.I. The other heavyweight-. Ua cheap. i v nine said "The «tation pro- three chihlrtn. is about !'# bucks per square ihr amh,tiou* I mlurr Editor I. will simply say "Spartacus" Olivier. IVl.r I'.trn... ami • Dir. excellent on fhr j«»h train- Frymire - hobbie* iin Ju On Bed Cedar good. lb* fl2XNNM*k) shuffle. And this Hans eatry major, but cha uged LARKY I KVMIKi: piogtaui langc, too. square miles. Jl SKINS BHD THAT hunt¬ Olivier plays a sophisticate!! Roman general, Urasau*. bent or contrary to ruost »j>e« Ucularv. Lanipl i By MKRMK GIFI.DX controlling the entire empire and NO MATTER NOW LIMITED er*' habits don't change much. Stale New* Staff Writer see* the destruction of the slave large the role, each player Midland Architect Shows Work e or With better highway access 4o Cooler weather I* giving the the north country, and the Mack- men at Brody reason to believe Coneert Suudav tnae Bridge, there has been no they'll once again win the battle work Model* *■*»«! photographs of the Midland of th* aiehitect, • right color in noticeable pressure in the Fpp rhaugi hunting I eninsula, „.„j, -Ih, -j-j,,, battle is a perennial one. Hetl Cross Therapy Counn> The University Symphony or rhestra, under the direction of the oiD-rivation department Hans Lamp), will'play it* firrt i Each spring and fall, when tha 1 Allien B 18m the i* currently being all. th# ported 1 -H * I jeai. figures .-hewed that days are clam and humid, tha Ends With Great Results : concert of the y«ar Sunday---m FaiirhiM theater at 4:00 p.m. .*rwage dupo*al plant in that area ■ K n -ge lit «^1 ■ | p.xhibl- ill MU, utqildK.., o out »»f eve* y Hkt leer hunter* ^avi** an oiTtnatve odor By ROS.kJt >H»RM\N i The program will begin wit l hunl«vl almve the nil 6l> out A 11, ij w ot French punts on The men who live in the six Slate New# Feature Editor j Haydn's Symphony No. 01 in ' eeligiou* .*uhj«vi», on i.'Nii front ml of DK) hunted in the northern rchictv^ hajia that comprise the i minor. Thia genial rlaaaic com- Mn Lower Peninsula and that S out "I can do anything anyone eige can jK only I have to position i* followad by the co- - the MmthwuiiiD Institute, will ». km display le*. The first $ of the Lower Peninsula. Wedrie»day that the situation jias do it a different way*** imi Joluuty Morlock of l^iv-ing. temporary Suite No. 2 by Sti» Dow ha- i't»'vi.i maiq award*, improved' with Uie rFccnt cool an eight-year-old han^fcapped atudent * i*'»*ky, written in 1021. The « - *»j. je««, was The deer hunter'* success has iiulndlog the "D'plomn do Grand ! hiiimmVi. • quit, rumtXiit in lh, weather. >w.|, th, suto N,«, r,n Son of Mr. .ml Mr,. Vn-hirdhard , —r— ——-;rh,.lr. w,ll .too ,mrftorn th, 1,1 frean 4S U. W. Mud Mr*. YowRr,' ing pence Rythynu. Opua to. Prix." fur i»'*identia| aichiteeturp H.Utorop, Staff or* St • Jobo- »«r*r«to* «*. (m* Vw.' W W*UI««f*ri R>^**r. " in the United State*; U-.e Pari* 'I'" * ",.'T' " >,T*' KrS™ " 'S p*' .» "•»> »" U« WW .1 lh. Intel national Pxp, •-illon tif I hi?; -""V" I ,!nn»ul. hunt,r«.„|„r. Xwt ,wl, ny bom without legs and bad.y atwa te He degree the atudant • Tho remainder of tbt prtgrsr »rr .ti.l «(->., lh, ami an award <-f incut from the -Mubit Bl»it» in to 25 |.t c„,l ..( th, pr,,,rnt^i fi.rmed hajtai* »s an actieo^aH A woo bfikapjn 3. will be given te th* prnwilar >yr Fight h km''•■«! National Honor ;utd hunter* get their deer, the .1^. .... I -f,,r unlU u„ ,r„i.y . . . „ 9 ,h, ,m,|l student at Xl'alnut Street schooi Elm tbe first was giv. phony in D J0iwag9 hff Cos* \wif«d* (luoni .-f the \iu«-n,-an was unbearable," pre m-vording to for tho Juutdicappod. to. the iaatrwetors determined. WHO of 00 lioal lived leading paitiqtnt report*. Johnny was one of 20 children what Ua otwdent's abilities and i tni|Mlia fclnff ffkoaiw. The lo-titue «f Aiihttin* for IViw'i j Bailey hall president Gregory Gil- There arc many way* to get ■ jfnVor »»«'• m ii of thi Fi'*t Methodist- and adult* enrolled in the o«w> *titmUa wore, and the following i' . d„r in Ill, fmirr. Son,. pr,f,r i hurrh of Midland. „M lh„ ,hu> week water safety course for Um s leu ioi were geared in this man-, < for the m in I P i., . blind of ,n.u. f.,hl,.n „ h„ X student of Frank Mr»v<| „„lh u„„ t Ul, hatuhcapped completed Oct. CI in ner. AVright, Dow i« a speriatist f w. .ml ». I for Ih. .1,,. lo .-ora. lo ,„a h, p.. ,M^rH Pr^| ,n>. the women'* gym. At th* end nf the eour*e, tho h.n, Olhpr. pirfrr tp dm. th, in the use of color and one of lht,,g hp,, ,h„ The 1$ hour course wo# taught stuatente were given award|«for 5**r< up' .part (»f the Brody courtyard lan't one instructor for oath Americans are phyau II outlier S Daiuly Michigan State University, Is¬ sued on clavs da vs. Monday) AI.BTTH IRIW , jfet SOMK BktR HUNTERS pre- quite *o had. "talking. Thia method is "For the most part, w# are Th* staff of instructors li iIliad,cally Red Crwaa tetter safety umtrwi- thza aamher there are haaAcapped. la fotetkm to Cemmgl* May The weather yejierday was probably the moat exciting be-, only conscious of the odor when tore, phyekal therapisu. aariea. faw-ptogiaiaa. through Friday, during the fall,? weekly during the aanimer term u*t frie — for duck* i cause it use* the element of sur- 'we go out for meals," Silkey aaid. YtfCA trained instructor* and It te ap te the erne * ' prise flushing the deer out into' James Chandler, president of Boy Scouts. tiers*, mid Mr*. Young, ta* Second class p wtagc paid at; East Lansmg. Michigan. Grid 4*aiii<> Sal. u, Why, «t snowed, rained, hail- the open. F.mmona Hall, also reported an The director of the course was ine their mowm and dote JSdiktrial ar.d husinevi office* ed. spit frozen ra;n and the wind Jenkins said that the amount improvement during the past few Kv»n a: 341 Student Services build-j Aired Over WKAR blew all ver (he place, fogging *T *f*'idenU that happen while day*. E. H -Gewe" dteim* :ng, Michigan Suw Ua;vemity,} X\ K XK s. f bioadcaxt the foot- your glasses deer hunting is relatively low in "Along w-ith the cooler weather, line to bin. •old Mr*, of the play ulnffw jfiiHli • East U»n>;;;g, M chigan. j j; rained e: »u«h -to get mo* ; con,P*«'»son with the amount of th'c level of the river ha* gone Vvunc, tobnmtatrwti,* of trained * been asgsftellhff teMfe Ht* for itafoty M,.! •ultocripUJn, p»« in,"*'! *»m, h,t»„n Jlkb.s.o Stal, Jrra <)»:, Noahs* out ^un,ers ^otnla. up considerably," ,Chandler said, Ttofc»rfc tfor mm tfate* to plifhaie 'I, ,- I • •dvan.v for one torn. 13; far ,nj Noril ».,t,ni from Kv»n»Ui>. ;fwtr *n.- And it r wo.1 cnou/h ..' v„. buildin* ! ^ Some hunter* *. " .. A P *"* .. ~ fMwl ! u,mA ' . . ta* k*,'wd . . had two pur*o.„. tb. rlckta far tin play. i. '' ,, , , Th. procrw* fata lb. aitotontt r A, two terms, $4. for three terms, Th. Qrto Playwn wU b* trrt i'l*: nun..,,^ .ftomooo. —. *.. being The disposal plant, located di- a ikill and a famine af mn* ia th, hand, af a un(t. ymm, aucb yroup in Mkbi«** to pr»- $5 , . I for the w hite blanket Ed i tor-m-Chief. Suzann Price; Play by play anmuincmg, be- ImKUS to CiXirv blanket th»t Hit by * stray bullet. Jenkins tectly aero** the Red Ce»lar and pliahmcnt. nid Mm. Tour.,. hut in.trad .,nt th, kit play. IMT* " pointed out that the hazard of Kalamazoo street went of the Th, -rooml purpon,. toi4 Mr-. mar-T fact, rau-t br brought to- j A eg Manager. A. Fcrdi. rh' at 2.15 p.m.. wilt There's mm c > Th. Civic Player, an makirr You nit, wa, to IU. phj.ical thor- „t».r ouiin, nr., prm.u f th, Ka-on ticket, available for th» by Larry Frymire and Bob Shack ■i \ j :rutaUoU M,a,,vr. .taul U^.bUny ktvui, of WKAK's sports »UiU. 'eau, doggone iu 'b)r on,*, own gun or by colUn, of ywr*. number •PI Iha auntanta ruf*d la ——* . opnniua rewmta an to b. ob-. rvmauwlar of thi atoaon for 15tad vlf 1 t • £j-.4 fcSjS tHUMPAT. WOVKMBCT It, 1M4 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS PAGE TIRES ■ a I k $f§8 I Dr. Roy Underwood Honored By Music Therapy Assoc. Dr. Hoy Underwood, director* music therapy curriculum In the by the respect accorded him by. Honorary Life Membership in the .V- of the Division of Fine Arts, was country at MSU. honored at the National Associa- i The citation is as follows: "For other j professional association* National Association for Music Dr. Roy L. Underwood is awarded ' Therapy, Inc." tion for Music Therapy at its ! his personal integrity and char¬ recent meeting in California. He acter, his contributions to the was awarded a life membership ; needs and goals of the National for his pioneering* efforts in this I Association for Music Therapy, field. his contributions to the cause k.1 Dr. f,fnderwood organized and : music therapy, and the honor he inaugurated the first four-year has brought to the Association Tho lily d Prune* Williams Would Take poddad bra curvai a naturally feminine ArehHsef* Cweeptleu of the School or Packaging:'* Proposed Building. Cabinet Post If Offered figure Wafer-thin By SAM MARTIXO any commitments yet. I'd be For (HaswooMiB and Research State News Staff Writer proud to serve in the cabinet," foam rubber cupi, Governor G. Mennen Williams he said. said Wednesday that he would be Williams" said that lie didn't Packaging School Seeks New Facilities proud to serve in newly elected think he or Kennedy should have covered with nylon Sen. John F. Kennedy's cabinet. discussed any cabinet positions Williams, after an all-night in June until Kennedy was .tricotand banlen facilities for classrooms The foundation is "a nonprofit j vigil at his TV set waiting for elected. New The goals of the foundation! be new facilities for larger ,-•1 research are being sought by corporation established- to pro-i are to assist in Tuesday's presidential returns, Before turning, in for some training more classes and more instructional said that there have been no sleep lie sent congratulatory mes¬ »:-h school of packaging. j vide financial assistance to the packaging personnel for the in¬ and research programs. commitments made as yet con¬ sages to Kennedy, newly elected | school of packaging. It is em- Industry has a great interest the school of packaging, ac- j I powered to accept tax exempt! dustry, provide for in-service At present the facilities of the cerning a cabinet post. ! governor John Swuinson and re- school of packaging are only ade¬ Sen. Kennedy in a pre-convcn-1 elected senator l'at McNamara. i-ording to Dr. A. J. Panshin, di- | contributions to be used to ex- i training and develop a research tion stop in Michigan in June j Williams also said that, be and rector. It upon demand of ■ pand instructional facilities and center. quate to accommodate an enroll¬ hinted that he might appoint j Mrs. Williams and their son Geri. industry that the school of pack- ! to support basic and applied post MITH THE GREAT demand ment of 100 students. Plans have arrz foundation, inc., was estab¬ ! graduate and special training of industry for university trained been drawn up for a new school j Williams as his Secretary of ; lit, would travel with other gov of packaging building on south Health, Welfare and Education if! ertiors to South America Satur- lished in 195T. programs." packaging specialists, there must lie was elected president. ' day for a goodwill tour into campus. Architect is Ralph A. Cal —}- ilder. Of course no one has made Brazil and Argentina. the designer of many of the new new-' Language cr buildings on campus. Panshin. who is also secretary of the foundation, said that the! Teachers GET OUT OF HERE!! building will cost approximately $2 million. SAVE 30c The foundation has received a j WITH THIS COUPON Meet Sat. number of gifts and grants from companies and a few j KKOGKK TOP QUALITY 4U various trade organizations, but they still i :t ih. Members of the Michigan chap¬ ter of the American Association have a long way to go to reach j their goal. GROUND BEEF Pke. 117 cf Teachers of Slavic and East THE FOUNDATION i. Coupon Good at Your Frandor K ROC Kit r°v-, huropean Languages will meet erned by an executive director! j Store Thru Sat. Nov, 12, 19A0 ysturdajr in .13 Union for a day and board of trustees. rf conferences and talks and to H. G. Walter, retired president S LIMIT: ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER elect new officers. of Girard Steel Strapping Co., Nikolai P. PoltoraUky. MSU Chicago, was appointed executive iiiitmMMiMhmuiiiiHMHimniHIiiimiiimmmn. associate profeObor of Russian, is director by the board of trustees., fresident of the organisation. Registration for tho meeting The boarff la made up of ap-' proximately 45 men from indus- VAIAJABLE COUPON \ v:l! begin at 10:30 a-m. and the try and three from the university, j will end with the election of University members are Philip J. • SAVE 30e r.fvr officers at 5 p.m. May, Dr. Milton E. Muelder and j WITH THIS COUPON Dr. Stanley R. Townaend, head Dr. A. J. Panshin. rf the foreign languages depart¬ KROGER FROZEN ment, will give the welcome ad- ti Park cress to chapter members in the afternoon. ORANGE JUICE 6 or. ran 89c s Other activities scheduled are discussion oP current enroll* USE THE HEART OF YOUR Coupon flood at Your Frandor KROGER mer.t in Russian and East Euro- Store Thru Sat. Nov. 12, mil frin schools in studies in colleges and high Michigan and a talk on "The Importance of the Lan¬ CAMPUS STEREO SYSTEM - LIMIT: ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER isssassssssssssaag guage Laboratory" by Sergey X. EICO STEREO AMP. \ndrtt*, director of the MSU language laboratories. c Here's a typewriter for yoi There will be comments on Rus- PREAMP . . . EASY and the whole family. It's •isn literature of by Vera C. Dun: Wayne State University, L rugged ROYAL a slim, trim a Tliiirvl.iv Stoic lloiir, *sm TO BUILD —• s XI a hi lu .') il) pjn and lecture "Some Problems mndel with full ilir Mandart A • on a Conducting a Study Tour to tne U.S.S.R." by Horace W. Dew¬ ssl| $tM6 Key beard. New distinctive type face .and It Is beauty-even ey. of the University of Michigan. S a . . . the rase is a new portfolio sisc s bill: AMAZING NEW Frosh-Sopli 1 ROYAUTK, TODAY Top Member F Yitur Complete Stereo Syuleni only 3" high $49« Selected weighs only 8 imunds only For Only $336.50 The outstanding member of last 1 Pint Tax t.Aiup. Preaaip. Turntable. Speaker. }ear's Froth-Soph councfC Linda •vhazrtz, Detroit soph more, was E Sm Tho ROYAL FUTUMMO Awarded a plaque at the Tuesday "ifht. meeting of the Kro»h-£oph ' Mis- Schwartz served en D UK RECORDING INDUSTRIES Junl Like The ROYAL OFFICE $ ■ ** •cr* "flurt social committee, which spoii- -Frosh-Soph and an AUSG Daze, coffee elections S • S335 E. MICH. npi'V Mnv SAT TIL NOON 0,0 ED 2UHi»7 Ty|ieuriler • In Portable Sute 109" rally. PIm Ten . Dr. Eldon Nonnamaker, advisor u.r council, was alto honored - r his service. Nonnamaker said We lavita Stadaat * ad Complete lypen riter enjoyed working srith the v5- • Charge ActuuaU -r.cil in promoting class pro- Servlre. Have Your PrenMt Type* riter [ONERS snd training camp— at aadcrs. Cleaned and Adjunled FRANOOR IV 4-774 f Term end co-ordhwtipa set* J. B. TOWNE CALLING are being pl*M»d by the •aral snd service committee in "rial science, humanities, and t'wmunication skills. Th« Frosh-Soph council office, •*1" Student Services, will be open Iron 5 t, t w, UMM, tor ' , rrtt lb. jrnr. Juliette Merglen's tenet te beeuty_ Delicioui on your lipt, delightful to t fascinating frugruncae and flaw to outworn foehion.Ven¬ en likt liquid silk, so smooth, swift, fight tured math linkod with on your lips...and tho colors stay oo lor polished gold or silver. hours! Moittwrisod Qrol Upslick XJO Adjvotoblff choUr. SjOO Matching Nail Graco MO Colour sot of both, gift boxed. X75 plus tax GedupinaOO Notdtowm tim-IWyw* Whweeewpm Hoop earrings. 440 Pricos plus tax THURSDAY. wm—bmi i», ismi michigan state news page four . CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . , More Men Than Women Visit Olin Each Year The main floor of Olin consists . . HIGH READERSHIP . . . asm tern ranked third with 4,790 rases, in Olin last month was longer HE ALSO SAID that in addi. By < LtlKKKN HAMILTON tion to student*. Olin traat* uni- of a clinic, examining rooms, staff than last year's daily average. ? State News Staff Writer including 3,728 mental hygiene Men patient* averaged 3.2 days veraity employee* with job-ra- offices, a dining room, a phar¬ Men students at MSU yearly eases w h i c h were trenter! by and women patients 3.1. lated illnesses or injuries that macy, a hospital kitchen, emer¬ hikry: last 2 days pay twice as many visits to Olin Olin's mental hygiene depart¬ fall within workmen's compensa¬ gency receiving room, and re¬ Memorial health center as wom¬ I.AST MONTH, 2.782 Injuries ind smash week! ment. tion and university visitors ception desk. t**unc in inrme: en students, nceording to the The remaining eases treated were treated 'At Olin, and about On the second floor are operat¬ center's annual report. brought to the campus by the 2,000 colds. Fach man enrolled in the uni¬ include diseases of the digestive Dr. James (}. Feurig, director university for a university ing rooms, a staff conference system, circulatory system, loco¬ project. room, a class room, and AO beds. versity paid an average of four motor system, metabolism, special of Olin, said that each fall term The third floor Fontaine the visits to Olin last year compared Feurig is assisted at Olin by the campus has a high rate of s to an average of two paid per senses, allergy, and communica¬ i x physicians, a psychiatrist, Department of Mental Hygiene colds about 10 day* after regis, woman. ble diseases. three psychiatric social workers, and 64 beds. Infectious mononucleosis eases tration. nurses, x-ray, physiotherapy and In the basement are the depart¬ A total of 18,292 elinie calls, totaled 181. He also said that while there made by men students be- laboratory technicians, and a reg¬ ments of x-ray, physiotherapy; During the p»st month, nearly are more colds at that time and istered pharmacist. were .laboratory, and housekeeping. tween July I, 1960, and June 30, also during February and at the 3,(881 more clinic calls were made 15'f.O, as compared with 13,784 at Olin than for an a vera go end of March, colds are now calls made by women students. monttrof the 19.19 (10 year. quite evenly distributed through.1 HKMf'KXiiRISQN There were 12.80(1 men students enrolled in the university last KACH IMHTOR saw an aver¬ out the year. Michigan Slate Ulilvrmllv: age of 00 callers daily. He said that illness records of year and 0.428 women students. All average of over 400 clinic employees in industry also show Porportionutely more women calls were made each day at the a current tendency "for respira¬ LECTURE - CONCERT SERIES than men were hospitalized, how¬ m imtmm COWS health center, totaling 8,707 fur tory diseases to be distributed ever. During the year. 1,784 men the month. throughout the year, rather than students were confined as com- Three men students were only during the winter months.' pared to 1,220 women student*. treated for every woman student Spring term, Dr. Feurig said,, AN EVENING WITH ••• BE Rl'IK AND SEE Ill T THK AVKRACJK mimU-r U Olin's least busy period, and I treated. IT FROM THK MM3INNINO BURGESS MEREDITH of days each patient was retained The average number of days is also the time of the univcr*; Feature at- in Olin was higher for men than each hospitalized patient stayed site's lowest enrollment. 1 :H-l:f-l:»-7:2»-»35 women. The average for men was 3.2 days and for Women, 2.5 days. TOMORROW An average student was treat ed for one injury during the year. ZIOH PRODUCTS SUPER BARGAIN- loot year, 23,102 injuries were treated at Olin. Knrollment in DAY the university total 10,234. Only \l MARIA'S IVIiralcM'ii ALL MA* HREVIHV The total injuries also includes or J FtATLRES in juries treated for employee* and I RKSII HOMEMADE visitors to the campus. The largest number of diseases Italian ItrraH and ItolK treated at (dm wn« under the TNI TRttl MMINI ipic Italian SauMW. category of n.-piratory. which Of TM*SM»#ACIf1CI consists primarily of colds. l.asavna and Katinli SAMUEL M. LUREI.L. national polMrr. will he on \ total of 13,322 persons called at (din to have respiratory dis¬ I'irs. I'axtriM, and rumpus Thursday. Included in I he talk w ill he an an- eases treated. I h«*wak,. ,ih sis of (he Kennedy win. Ilisrisis OF Till: SKIN ranked second with 4,931 ease* Tonight in Kt-llogg Diseases of the nervous sya- Fresh Maria's Pizza Inportsd Cbssse sad Oaaaad flaada Political Analyst Lubell DISC SHOP OPEN DAILY To Discuss Election "2.1 East firaml Rivpr MARIA'S U«» elected a new President isrxT to Ea»t laiiising'* Drlicatc—x'ii 10 a.m. • 3 a.m. Hill I TiipmIhv to lead us through the I Inly Kirlnsivr Call IV e»»rs. Tonight Samuel»e|| will It'll it" wby «e *»>• llmiril Shop -SPECIAL' trhRMTY |e. ted bun. I.ubell, national known political , 3 Directors OPEN EVERY EVENING LAST NIGHT — "EXPRK8KO BONGO" . jirrttv analyst and n.tirtiHli-1, will speak 1 Three new students were elect- Cnivtntify Auditorium ^ _ ... lit S in Kellogg (Voter "it "Pies, ed to the L'nion board of direc- Monday, November 21. H:1S p.m. miman-um ntte 11 roup and the Flection" in. tors, announerd Hob Keavy, I'll »*vtci* the first lei ture of the I'.MiiMil 1 president, Wednesday. Renenod Soot.: Public: $,1:00.$2JiO.*2:tK) MMHH- I iit>i»r and lodustnal Kclntion* j Judy I^Pelle, Midland junior, MEMO I'M) and REFILL # Students: I2(00$I.50^I.(HI IWDIS MM. will replace (irrtchcn Wot he for . t 'enter l.c«tuie Sun Known for hi* objectivity, • his the publicity committee. Miss [ A ri T I AN -jIN G PHONE ( 0 On Sale: l'nion Ticket Office p..wl ele« tion analyse- of idections i Wothe will be student teaching since 191* and pre-election opin winter term, Burgs* Barikar NIGHTS AMI SEN. — ADULTS Wc ion reporting since 1!*.'J have! Sally Npiller, Riverside, HI , been wiilely «.t«pt««l by histoii- junior trill be replacing Mary a " anil political scientists a* the Hannah, Fact Lansing senior, as Shop THE WEST IX FOREIGN FILMS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN- eupriior inter pi elation of those chairman fur the forum commit- ? shop* to ffmvr. voir f|l( ton • ; tee, ami Jon Drolett, I .a using jun¬ ior, has been arlected tu «'irect 311 E. Orand River, E. Una. STARTING TOMORROW FRIDAY IIIIS Yl.\ll. according to the i'niOM Hoard Week, wbieh pub- 109 W. Kalamaaoo, tans. I lilt . Ins aitub. have appeared M(liv,t„< I'll, week AT 7 P.M. COME EARI.Y EOR SEATS i" »•"•« !' ot flu Model Htes" and "The Revolution i' UoiM Trade" and 'Ante: E*s »i i «m ic Pol icy .** \N hen he i« not rambling about t . country taking political pulses n dally II to » pa I.ubi'li settles down to hi* job j a- IHfctor of the Opinion Re- j Mailt* s p At. tsun. T..ia> .. *.'.aii BLADDER seait h Workshop of the Columbia ! sua Wr.1 * A iioi Sai. Mtti J »•. vt. a.'.ea Added Cartoon- And \|.«U. I U p M. *I*J \ nivetsity School of Journalism, "Romance In Transpvrtat)'»n"_ a post h» has held since 1958 I Miami lun.lrr 11) Mr I lit-ulrr I I 111 I I. ATM Mil l» night t-..l4r«**#d >um|>rd envelop# cla»M-s at 4'ity College of New ] N.ik ftoin 1927 to 1931, then r n t e r e il Columbia University's bchmd of Journalism and was graduated in 1933, Information It IIII H \N SI I Dl N 1 AH SO- IIATION p.m., Tnivei-ity Lutheran Church. International discuMton group. Ku ry HiurMlii v M Till It \\ HTI DFNT \SSO- t lATltiN s p in., I'luxTrsity thru Sumlay rvrning* Luthcian Church, tiihla study. AMFltlt W CIIF.MIC \l. S«MT- ll> (Hi t DtlVI SFFIII 111") -7:.'h» )r:m'.i 8X3 Kedaie, AMt.ltIf'AN H AI'TIMT Ml - in T. DF.NT rFI I.OWSHir - 7 3D p.m., Tkiptiit Fellowship Hall of Memorial Chapel. Dr. Ralph Atulcm showing slides of Musioua—Ala-ska. Alum-1 Jazz Workshop 8IDKTAK BOARD : "•» p m College Manor at 102 Albert. Apt, II. t'r«luriii|i lh«- \\ hsII —7;,to p.m^ Foundry Hudd. .11 B#ullrr Urou|> ri HSIIINt; R1FI.K.8 7 pm.i * Hallroom, Pem, llall. Nan ( orps SponsoM will be present¬ AilmiuiiMi 5(1 mil* ed. ulfwi Kuiwrtion, l'RI \ I I ( I.I H~-7:30 p.m. 104 (it It per.- Dr. Mostosky will liillrry F,|ir<» lU-rkry ll«ll) I telhstual Suicide?'' 2\t CLl'H 7:30 p.m.. Forestry LUC OH Feature 12:40 . 3:00 ' f'abin. Nortia Smith, Ionising j mifl'v: mb • Today 3:10 - 7:30 - 9:45 lumber j .. dealer, will speak. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 10.1KO mic hit. an state news pace rm: Profs Don't Just In Capitol 12 Years Campus Classified" Your Key to Better Value" . , Teach, Many Write Williams Ends Successful Era My SAM MARTINO his office—plaques, trophies, pic- i proud of the assistance they gave "ii-, ' Many students are under the portation administration have State New* Staff Writer tures, letters and other momen- j to Sen. Kennedy's election. On impression that a professor's en- written books on managerial mar¬ tos of his long,term of office in It's alt over today for Gov. his campaign visits here, he dem¬ ttre occupational Ufa la centered the capitol. around teaching and trading blue keting. industrial marketing bib- onstrated that he is an inspiring fit> M/ratlAetvtee... G. Mennen Williams. hoolr exams. lfography, a?■■«! principles of The powerful liberal northern ' That is, -the election ami hi* Democratic leader kept an all I leader. The twth la quite the eontrary, however. The fact is, most pro¬ I | transportation. Article* written by this depart¬ 1J years in office as governor of night wateh over his TV set 1 "His terms m« President will Michigan. Tuesday waiting for word tint' l*e marked with outstanding fessors spend only a fraction of ment include thore < n tnpermar- t'ntil it m« announced Wed- Kennedy had won the election. progress, 1 am confident," he their time teach inn. The major¬ keu, • g*rrr*r.: mnnufmturing, ne-daV that hi* successor to the A brief period of jubilation j said. ity of their time is taken up with >sale« fomstin;. ami automobile Capitol was Democrat John H. occurred at 6 'a.m., Wednesday, research and publication in their marketing. Swyiinsori. Williams remained when the TV blurted forth word respective fields. Purchasing management prin¬ tense over the possibility that hit that press sources had given In the College of llusines* and ciples, and the American social Public Service, for example, more one-time opponent for the gov- Michigan's 20 electoral votes to QUARDT |class are sense of the topic*-mem- than 664 items have been publish¬ jhers,of the department of ernor's seat. Paul Bagwell, might Kennedy. sneak info the capitol, Innurmnca Affcncv person- Confident that 'Michigan was ed during the past three years. nel and production administration AalawaMle Liability to Williams, who supported newly in Kennedy's camp, Williams These Itema range from complete have written a1**.?. elected president Sen. John F. sent congratulatory messages to books to papers read at profes¬ The department of economics Kennedy in his campaign, bucked Kennedy, Swainson and Senator eat af Mate Btlfata sional meetings. has" p»iM>*he»l artirb-a ranging Harwell force* the past Pat McNamara. two Publications by members of the .from minimum wage Dgi*lsti<,n weeks in We Handle Cancelled Michigan in support of Williams made his official an-; department of accounting and t«s industrial organisation in the ' Id. Gov. Swuinson. And I nouncement that he considered financial administration include Soviet t'nto". hooka on intermediate accounting Faculty members in the school and topics on the federal budget, of hotel arrestaurant manage¬ now "All that remains to be done is the moving," Mrs. Nancy Williams said Wednesday as she the state won for Kennedy des¬ pite the fact that nine per cent of the Michigan'* precinct votes BALL IV 24275 8595° the government corporation and ment have poMi>h«| articles rang, discussed the "house cleaning" were still being counted. to *75°° bigness, and the St. Lawrence ing from winter »jx*rt« in Michi¬ her husband must undertake in "Michigan Democrats are Seaway and Michigan. gan to those whk h concern the Members of the department of ; processing of food*. business services have published n variety of articles ranging from ( Articles « polue-^rismuiHty cooperation. *- training today,! business law by the case method and juvef; .It- delinquency have, "Completely Dressed wHh Test* to tranquilizer*. been published faculty mem* Faculty members in the depart¬ hers of the school >( poln »■ admin-, ; Our nataral ilmMcr lapaitMd* ment of marketing and trans¬ i htrotmn and pubis? safety. j with a wide variety af fabrtee and WATOMES PAtterns. Olive blende la Ptf and Milk brown* sited In fil JEWELRY SIFTS a * FOR FREE , . . short, reenter, * 1 extra tones Ire Cream , CASH & CARRY WATON Vi BaNea ef Sake, MB1 ■an* ** tisaAA* ■Hi 9r umgt 2 Gal. Grade A Homogenized 2 Rag. Baa Nan Pizza (Plain ( heev Exclude,!) 39c JEWELRY 223 m.a.c. ave. osllchekhros. east lansing VARSITY DRIVE IN 1201 E. Grand River 113 n. washington Ea*t Lanains 3033 E. Mich. ED 24517 Juki West of Sear* IMITBIfl FARM PBBBBBTS OB. YOU MAY RECEIVE A LIFE-SIZED, MIX 008® IflLii falraarr thru bark donr aalv! Open 7 p.m. la 10 p.m. AUTOGRAPHED PORTRAIT OF 1417 E. GRAND RIVER ON THE CAMPUS DuTMOD-UNLESS YOU ACT NOW! Ike It m< far •avtaft* that will mke ■ rW v/// //*/ Hurry! Rush out now and buy a pack of Luckies! Smoke Baylor fir hlead jcoei^apcooooeooocpod." Italian them quickly! Send the empty pack to Dr. Frood. If you inpertei swtAtm fcy Talbot do it now-Frood guarantees not to send you this photo. tapered slacks mM 6 •4 rtguisrly 119* wavMylti Braitifal wool Waraly liied dirts by Talbet viitrr coats —'5 •24 npgtolyll.M .nknuNN Tailored shirts Half slips Ipedel pwftlwtol v by P'»i»» J* 2 __ _ lity, Full fashioned aw eaters n wbdxpriaM ten II sell. llu|l in blnck, white, pink, blue and beige. O Z 2^*3 Ateftefdfan ^ Stent 34 to 40. Hurry in while they ioat ti*ir«i]ip«i»itpntari ^~ ^ | ||| •ufrANaw) tea# af 9 lam ..—_—o*oc*noooocono*onoo. Fall rolloi dresses f'r77 • *3 «5 <7 termbntey Stadium Coals '1 P-.» 3 „ 1" re falarly ta 14.91 •todurtuUIIASpr. Chanea • coot «F beauty ^ from this selected group by V I |U*»oo«c I OO90CZ # ' Ardae of California. Ircrn, beige or black m " P > - . Car Coats o *9.9*3- Fur Trimmed Goal* THH l» NO MEE THREAT! Or. riaWpartwWHWai—ntMranta«to«lnnimNwiiitorlS. t 9Q O * A bond picked group Only Mutants riwaMdu empty Lucky pack* trill to art*! TAKE NO CHANCES! Mail ttota from s68 our own stock, amply pacta tatoy. Sato Itom. a** yuur aaaM ant attruu. M Or. Frtat, Sat 2t»0. Grand Canlral g .Ajpnrimt fmrrtu—r: * new of • saaeotioool . Staton. tow tark 17, Htm far*. to»pfto.l«ryw«Kt «**.«•« T •5#00#ooc^ CHANGE TO LUCKIES and get some taste for a change! - m • ■ '' f \\\ jfS: I'uenar La.v.Awa.v ar Mevatotop Nu-'sei I»«» a. Iliile a. *3 a mwnifc? tj Jk K,y/mtuifmn Ui^iar^ywy — miJdli uuwe 4a r.o* m IJ oaf CAGE MX MICHIGAN STATE NEWS they bad had no communication bad reported and what count,h 1 in by lady Jontnnlists, nnd his! they represented, and generally bar* Peter, ■10. j w i t h Republican headquarter* Student Spends lNi^ht in Jail younger son, received contradictory answer., and intended to observe the trn- speaking into a telephone 'in » In his first appearance at th® live radio interview. ditional courtesies in the matter An MSlf senior spent elect ion . urnidu'iiid the crash when Hnrg"r of winner-loser statements. ballroom nerve center, he cttn. Throughout the evening, the! of the eonstnnlly tinned against premature conclu¬ night. In the f'nsl Knttaitig jail hit the Wall, Tin y Went to the Hemline . Hsvainson* displayed remarkable changing knot of-.well-wishers sions in his favor, as, the crowd ■ftcr he lost control of lus air j scent' and arrested the driver. Miniabilll), answering question* and question# r* which clung to roared for an outright declara¬ and rmnmod it into n stone wall ' and Hcceptii.g eongralulations, him, Swalnsori had little oppor*; tion of victory. ott Grand Rivet* nve. between Ab¬ patiently replying to the same (unity to gage accurately the. bot nnd Michigan nve, I'otiry l>y I'rrsr questions again and again f< r accumulating" mat gin of victory I W e Invite Hludenl tins radio station, or that TV Arthur J. Hnrgcr, ".'10 Shepanl Poetry of Saint-John Perse, which Michigan's voters had j interviewer. itiret, l.nnrtng, pled guilty \\««l I'.ulO \..hel literature prize win¬ given him. CharR* Armani* nrsdny In banning Township Ju• Tin: CAMHDA1 r and lis At one point he pulled a chair j tier Court to n chnrgo of dAink ; ner, will t»e read and d»scu«srd in over to a television set and | al party patiently refused hundreds driving'. a colloquium in Knglish today watched the state rundown in-• of reqtients from partisan* and J. II. TOWNE lie was fined 7f» dollars nnd from I to .'i p.m. In the |th floor ... make |FI1---FII«II to pressmen a bold victory I.lfli.," f. - 1. .... y tently. At other times, he asked. -. » will spend two days during a I.Unary lonnye. weekend, in order not to inlei j The iliHiii-e.iou i* vponsoted by 1lr. lnruli.1n, uyinit ly wh»l pirmitiitf, nf Hie prerlnrt. fere with classes, in Ingham the department j of foreign Ian County jail. u'uni-i i m conjunction with the Campus police said one of tin cars was in the immediate at llonms College. open to the puhlic. The session Is IMPORTED FOR YOU TO FIT YOUR P0CKETB00K. . . CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS FROM REDWOOD & ROSS DEADLINE: 5:00 p.m. Tnr-day f»r Thursday paprr. Hills paialdc 0-12 and 1-5 Mimiiiiy IhrniiKh Friday. TOPCOATS ED 2-1511 EXT. 2(115 Comfort and correctness distinguish anr natural shoulder topcoats. A mw»i for all slylh and hndgrt conscious young AUTOMOTIVE EMPLOYMENT men. These topcoats arc hand tailored with Imported English woolens hy HN'Ii K It INI PANT TIME, to skilled craftsmen, lull hem berg linings i ».vk itKt.Aiu h .-k In F.cU I ao. infl Moat have ftlU.KN white walla. Sued condition W»a MrCr**. 314 Evergreen, lomc e\|» -inii. v 10 l"ini»lif-epior ami by Skinner are also featured. weekdava. all its* Frt - Sun 3« vpouf si i'r «|ii.,lif eationa end ref- Un- "1057 CHEVROLET I'Ol'H latOlt ,„K, I . I" O Una 411.1, r..i»« 31 #.-»<>..-»0 - 69.50' 110 penra ■iitoinsllc IrsnsiMsMon »*AM\ TIMf I'ltnt.t't'r hoy. apply Radio, vrrv clean Call Ft) 7-DisJ an 1 pria'tn Prlnca Druthers, 333 1" irr s or Saturday. .no..I Riser 3® 1 .55 < i| pN IWO IMKUI lit H 1 HI s iiov TO work lunch and dln- DAY All power equipment, new .. 1 ... It) 2 3377, tttk for tires tteaaonabl#. I'.XT. 2731 or H» •-H0Xl_ _ •*" 1031 DEAOTO, RADIO. ItKATm LOST And FOUND food tlrra. price 1 economical «' *•"' Contact M It. aillllgan alter 7 |> o GOVERNOR JOHN It SWAINSON. when he »u aim U Gover¬ huii.iiiiM in j-:mmi!i as alanda with 10-jraarn.ld llna* I'eler, nna of Ih* two Swainwin , nor, tsaa ntficK. rxnct i.rNT RUN¬ Irt insr lit IK and glut* 1 ie DM 111 NATION Wsl I |iuu Oct 17th hoy*. Th* family wan watching the 1'V returns al Drlroil'n lleanne DIIDRTKI) ROIIAIR SCARVES NING condition Ovod trsi»»poi 1a- • . 34 1 hotel. Slat* Nfwa phnlu hv Dun l(. I'rmher. twn f79 rt> 9-4SS4 33 Nietl III F.|» -I Ml lltavm WH These scarves from Neotland were de¬ mi nii t-Aiur s liitrrn en.i ISM AURTIN IIKAI.Y. Monti, It Ni.It DemontfrNtlnn Hull signed and made especially for you fan-4. New tirra am; opli«U1cr». New jAtclt^psInt^t'turap KD ?-33."» 33 j i'io»>iuy «)fi-,>.9.» heal on hut l">«- I 111 .it the ll.ilrl llmiMt when' Tha this® room*. In I'hilto Krsnkcl reviews C. I* Snow s fly IKIV PKMRKR m4 troit voic is down 30,000 from family made their first Rscnitty only 3100 IV 2-4210 33 !he Aii.iir Supper menu Infiu'ln tmr I N KING appearance at the headquarters, huRet. c.'ieears. etc *" "" RTVEN ROOM IIOI'RR r.wit I»etl ti« folio' .11 Hint® New* Sisff Wfllcr* Hy U p.m.* when the crowd pressroom at midnight. Radio, completely furmsh- tottna. I'i hsth*. met Very near nfflpis. eonvenmnt «• > sih lAl. .vt >ta-Seidora Hi 1FNT K Your attention tUVlNIONAI. What sort of night wan it at of Kwainson supportcra had re¬ l« Governor-elect John D. Swsln- ally begun tp grow, th® black¬ TV, and newspaper reporters sur¬ rounded th® group at once. (flft) ®h"pplng. •VRlluhle for our ye-«.r t'lttl In I'i# fact 11 at you are etut- board Rot® hail been changed to Refinning |kc. >) RrusoouMu. II) e to Uir leal Ion Teat lor emplovment hv ihe U1..0.1I s.-curitv Aimtii y ihe pmfeanional Datil- son'a headquat let a ? Anullca- Krlcndi, campaign worlMra, 1 read "Wayne county returns now show 10,000 more votes than In A few minutes later, when the candidate tried to rather his rel¬ — COLLEGE — ReAtoooAsRofs CLOTHES — APART MINTS t« miut he made hv 2u N-'V. Id- and newsmen began arriving at atives for a group photograph, 205 E. GRAND RIVER given In ftil l.analng 3 1050." ninntiofi llotroil'a llcnroM >lot«l long h®- he found his wife Alice penned emiwr A hi a a alien blank and TNRRK ROOM ATAHTMf N'T. fur- ■ it o>er inforniatun. avnilnlde vl for® 10 p.m., Ih® tim® annnunrr.1 TIIF. KWAINRONH. iheir par nlr'ied or unfurnuhr.l t'tllltic* fur- tnts, their two sons, and the nuned. PJ per month IV .17 ,..cement llurt-uu i»r Divialnnal Off- .13 hs th® Itcginning of Ih® ®l®ctlon r night vigil. candidate's brother and sister ar¬ GIIADt'ATr ATt'DCNTI -TTiree j Tt roniMti IN riRsT and aecomt One of the hug® blackboard* rived at the Henrose shortly aft¬ private apart¬ 1 ,ti .3..•«».it'.»:iv? iv avatlaMe For »te- net up in the hotel ballroom, for er 10 p.m.* after a family dinner REELLY Verm. well-furnUhed ment. Uttlltiee. parkins ? >'» W !,»■!* FD 9-443' 34 central tallying of r®ttim». from for about 20 persons in Plymouth, Grand River, i^tnainj IV 9-51S4 an tvoMFf rstPiovrr* tNTrnpn-: Michigan's 5,074 preclncta, car¬ and wet® itiahid to a private er • p m. #° TFI> in taking « .h*.rni tvchool rourn* suite. iivm .in. Jewell iiiottelinc ttclVMil. j ried the not® "The projected Dc* ROOMS »'Mir .-.inl.tct M v Her rick KM j ru; er Ft) 7-tHVtG 34 \, COMrORTARt.R. WARM IUX>M FOIf TMS. FtN'F »T tn dance imi'V ! • 'A BIG!! ftr male •ludrnt P 4-47BS A3 t»v .Hud spanrler Don Smith. Jus! 0? .Ill, Ivotibv SI.VIIU plus m«n> ! . , .... IRAIURS FOR SAIL othrt-v Phone the IHid-Mor Agcncv ! mi 10" wide #.v two nrmtooM pai-ai r. Khiellent errndtlum. IV 9-DS34 If j AS FEATURED IN I t ft • - .U -vSiv ... >* STUDENTS! TDM S HAIillFR \ eet up on ahmtot lot Nrc at D-2 be¬ »r..»p .null Vine Street Pour harhnrm. hind IN.ploa liratauraiit fan tir.ud pUiti. o( parkin*, west of* ' jt'AlLj13.!T , ,, ■ » Crt.fn Nat tops I rood If REAL ESTATE I KENNY DAVIS OH CURST RA- I t iti ED 9.1 IT! tf KA»r LANSING. LIKE new Uiree | t AVAl.tKHS - RFCCKINrnON. he uranch, budl tna. gaimte. PINS Partw tav »a The Card Shop 1 earivef.W# 4r> 0 ir i.-mi va.'.ct .<> pim Home l.conoinl<» trntr US'Ml with »I4(S) down. Own* Ituttamg It) 5 « I • r rrual aril ED l-pwa -M HOt'KE FOR SAl.r or rent Klphns SERVICE Rlvd Owner an a una to nwe W . eril cr rent * brvlnnvm clotiul. 13 tt KNUR iWS i vH.N LAUNDRY and %2T living room With f.iepUtc- DKY l"l EWERS hv w.i*h, UN* dry aiming room, attractive kltcfien w uh A'i (oiutitiimevt. hscksroiimi miutic hreakfaat area, |l» l af > finihlo vl AttemDnl »n dvitvt. Always clean. haeement with tlrepl.ue In rev room, many built tn cupboard.. 1 car t o 32 -.p.- >.i Queen w aahers. • dryers ere. fenced yard $t3 n«U t«»* »kk» Vine Street * h'i.vk we»t «.< bears »t Frsndnr. FOR SALE QUALITY DANCE MUStC-Tedd hif i'i ra i in 7 pieces )V>* 471 k St 4-4029 3S KLSCTMOLUX VACUUM i 1> VN KR ntth all stUchmmta v».hmI > TVCtvn FIFCtmC TYPEWRIT- O it ion 111 Call IV 4-WH4 aOrr t \> V.H iValta.e F.l) I-4DM0 M TYFEWRITFH AMTTH-CORONA. V able model Elite type G-v>d cniidi- TA PIS r AVHtLAMJt. -IS YEARS tson. ED !->*» 33 rvuerte . m The >--« mum' .-ecretartsl v ,i!k. .«5T. ire ir^rre electric type* ^DAVENTORT 11IAIW LtKK new w .Her, i .» ED 9-M44 U fcetriferat". slevADt »»over cu'fee tables, pohti lurnttm* ID j FXPKHT T5IES1H AND general 9-1333 34 Irmng Fie-tru: uicwritcr Seven- t, en Hi-. One t'ln-H CONCERT ANART DRUM with 1 fr,«n i m1> TD tf OUnd Excellent cvoditlnn, ED 7-f-i" .14! , ' COMBINAITON AM-EM. record. | Ai.'t TV NOVICE c*U mad® ®ny^ Ond TV. Walnut «*ri*p tabJe. i mohngany Ub.'e. chest nf drawr<* gvrumage After 4 P n. >27 N C«p»* ' Avenue Second flouf TWO MAN MADE fur coats, C.rev, '< 2-1 | i time CalU |4f« Anlennai tnsUUed \IMCSHOREOASiCS THE NEW PAPERBACK flfaee >3 A 19. EM and 940 rr»i>ectiv<-- ; » ED t-9337 3* • all *crk and part* guaranteed. New org pod printtn* Mr 1199 odor #1 TV; Msrek FILM WITT! Kodak movie ftlm res- Slier gias. 19 9®. ace Black and white $109 develop*" < 99 03 KM ITv.i rlotton Center, TVs fur sale rbcce IV M®S4- niF: PRICELESS LOOK BOOK SECTION vour Res all Drug Store by Fran.l.T next to National tf ^•eo5mJ°rtt ^itPLsote "turn* TYPING DONE IN my Hoartan I3.9R • New and More Titles pod® - imiiini !•,*■ 'FT nnFin*, iwm- 1 V^toee ; Aoo rase. BeeUtthit PhrMmu pre- ! Home ED 7d»70^ U •ent IWn McCres. 914 Fve» green 12-4, I TYPING. ED 1-432® tl -Weebdsiv Alt day Tri. • Sun. 34 _ In chtti nr Tvund th« campus, MACSHORE S drip dry printed RAVE up to 4® - on rough drart t New and More Subjects LANStNi? CRArT AND llobbv j oxfoni shirt is an cye-catchi*r! Campus collar, roll up slcvvcs, Guild annual sale and show. This typtn* Woncli Offset DupUcaUng. week In the Civic Center Thureds* ' ED 7-9341, 941 %. Grand River. K tab front . . . Ideal accents far the "skirt % pants'* act! Gold/ Prtdev srut ftaturday from It noon j l-snatns, tf •» II em Tree Admission Unusual! ——e—— Brown or Pvwter/Grecti. Sues 30 to 3d. • New and Better References w of a kind gift Mess. Bring « TYPING DONE IN my homo. CsU 3* IV 4-0309 nf er Ipm U TV AND RADIO service Special TRANSPORTATION low rates to studenla New and used TV eeta and antennas Free tube RIDERS TO NEW Jersey Leave eneektng. Iree parking S em. to f Kooo ooo Nov. S3 Round Trip 319 to 914 ^m.Michigan. Oaiiv TVIVTechnicians 7-9A3S Traot .ten Aree. CaU ED 9-1437. Tom. .v.:, . LtARN TO FLY at Rberen Avia¬ tion - Low Hates • Thiee miles WANTED north on Abbott - phone ED 9-4B34 tf Ill H i in t; H k •TUDENTS' -WIFE WOULD like TYPIST Ann Drown. New phons •a ear# for No. |".D 9-S3S4. Electric Typewriter pre-sch.K 1 rhiM clUkt- j Term pa#M'ts and theses. Alee g*n- pn.^nj#ev VeiversHg Village Jleme. •rsl Qping. U THntaiMV. NOVEMBER lo. I Mo MICH 10 AW HTAVK NEWS PAGE HEVPsX Basketball Team Holds Gophers' Brown Mantle a Clooe Second Scrimmage Wednesday^"**T»P"«I ^ %/ Six-foot, 24ilatwtim.» ?t 21. named or, 2i II. By MKN UltftVtt Ul/M BI'UNH I — The varsity's big man, Teil Wll- j The frehhnien had several good j uable playar for IfffA edging HpMl* MB or I lianiH, t| 7 M«i(»h. from Mlr« ud*- j proeperta, including Have Will- Honored for Play in Iowa Liini<- New Yodi Yanktr teammate Umf Says Hn-ketball roach Knrddy An- burg, IV, tallied >11 (Miinta dur-lauer, Ht. ,loae|»h, IHvjek ami Mickey Mantle by U>ree votea. i iun his lw»ye through a ' inn Mm. scrimmage. iMrhwarx. The priae trad* acrpiiaiuon llon't ls-t 'I'hr "Ffffrin' ' Tom Brown, the big hut agile Danny lafbn", » standout ayairiM I, practice •erliMIW«r»<- \\ ...litcilay afternoon in the fM j Minnesota guard who aomehow j Colorado. from Kan*a* City rolleeted 225 Sramin"1 bet Your (jr (always manage* to top hi* past Per hap* the highest prals# for pointa in hi* fir*t #ea»».n with the llown! liiiinir-the ft re I. :.'n minute* of j performances, topped them all in Brown'* play ram* from lo* a'* le* v i* ehampions to Mantle s 222 .mimic, tlnf vnreify scored 17 j1 college fuothal! this pa»l Week- center. Bill Van fturen. "An of Result* of tha liailoting an¬ id Usad Parti It ii- - t •» the f rush's Hit. This indicate* thai the annual eiid and was named the A"*oeiat- I ed I'rs v Lineman of the Week, fetimve center doe*n't sv* muh nounced by lly HurwiU, sacra- Iff between the freahmen ami j It wa* Itrown. a 1-foot, titb- ehanee against him," said Van tary of the Baseball Writer* I pounder, who crashed through to B "He move, i., f;, „n »>.r ■ Asr-oeiation of Amrrua, w*re tha nrally thl* Friday at H p.m. LIMCO AUTO PARTS ,, i break bp inside play* ind rolled h»il that when you're get- 11.- IM Sport* Arena should I second rl*»se»t In the hi«tmy 'it ! Wide to stop sweeps line- ting off the »».ap, he'* barreling ;i close ronteet the award given annually s,»ve i backer defense against lowit in v .leraon '-alia the game, hio j ' on . rehearsal before the And if was Brown, a 2.1-year-old One of the key pluy* by Brown, l/fty hrovr was r.ame»j in IVII. 1.1.12 N. I.AKC.1I ST. of the season. "It gives! I senior after serving a« a Navy I who wa* a high aehord discus In 1VI7, Joe f>iMagg.o got tie .LOOK ros THK SEII UOllCl i . it. a chance to serlmntage on-1 rop. who cracked open the hole* j and shot put champ a* well a* a nod ovsr 7e»1 William*, 2fi2-2bJ liefoie the *ea*oft f on offense a* Minnesota whipped star swimmer in tfipneapoh*. |ire«< lire the llawkeye* 27-10 and replaced came when Iowa had advanced lo Baitimore'* slick-fielding th.rd IV 2-1303 he »aif|, ! Iowa as the No, I team in the the Minnesota ft. He barged baseman Brook* Robtnaon was tmletaon also advised "Indent* j i nation. through and knorked Hawkey.- third with 211 potnts, marking IMMH r*r HM-IU . .irne early If they want to •I *'■ Coach Murray Harrnath »1 guard Bill Dleindio into q«iarter U.e first time in th* laague'a MVP Sfinnesota said "Kverytime you ba« V Wilburn Holli* for • 5-yard Schwarm. Junior from him play what you think i»ilo*-. -.*7 to j se< f ti.xton, | ..... Ie«l the III.. "" varsity his greate-t game, he comes up' Ifarri". made eight twrkJe* in i., ■ fir-1 half lead with IP point*. Jm k Laniers, 1-1 soph forward that'* even hatter Arkansas' upset, assisted on jr, "And hi* play against Iowa war 'other* and intercepted a pas* at, hiinherly, NViaronaln, al*o ■ fas fine a* f have ever seen. the .'{ to halt Hire's main threat .,fi,f*reB"r K" Th"— biggest man on either squad • enter for the frenhmen, Minnesota, Ohio State up.'l of Navy; and Mliaourt'a IVtdl. IV12, IV91 »rut IV"2 OPERRUSH jcked up right point* on Top Big 10 Statistics „ .* and foul ahota. i REMEMBER? Tharaday, Rav. 10,8 Pll Skulls Top lilt Milt, fIowa'* Hawk ' Norfhwe»tern, despite a 1.1 ••• • -. jolted |«,t Saturday by the | Wron-los* record, rank* second de¬ I'l.MN ttKKSSEV ( I.F.ANFIt h g lb «tronir the laitecomcra Tue*duy. 27-10. retained no. I rating a* i* third in offense. Run- j In ii •Irir.r.ling rain at Touch the ne*«»ta Rig In'* top defensive team i nvrup in offense I* Michigan' Tha SaafaMa Naaaa* Field, the Skull* helped their ad- . With .i four-game average yield ' State, dropping in second place ! forget an early *ea«t»fi of only 5 J COLLEGE CLEANERS r»rfnt» points; J3J fir*t downs; j •Iter sharing first last week witii rirftat in four previou* game* by j and 321 Ohm State. I yard*. v.iittling the loner* with an alert •;p?sn«r The Skull* wer* unahle to rap- •20 W. MICH. ED 2-471* !A.i/e on their tight defenaa in '•f rtr*t half. Early In the *ec. lanrki Tw '■i 4 period Tony Hiller rambled yards on a delayed draw play ^iiiiiiiiruiiiimiiiimuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiSniiiiiMiiiiiiimuiiiiiittiiuiiii'i • i th« l-atecomers 20. Minute* DM 4 Mn 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Every Dsy «'*r the rtctora marched the .Sal. 9 a.m. lo fi p.m. ergth of the fleld on two pa**e" llafe. locatad U>» homa ofBaloit BEIOIT »-*iaa*f •*^faeasi J ♦*. OAK'S GROCERY HOLDEN d| REID "■CBS-. in tha hrart of tha Midaraat', laka and racraational MMft RUCNINI ifK-w, 1 •ce , "iiti - •— 3MMl i E. uummIALAHAZN IV MM iv FRAXDOR SHOPPING CKNTKR . Viae bee ami, fato* Wis, Near I'sncnily Village "'msai Brandt tar Dmd and Lad" MICHIGAN STATE NEWS PAGE EIGHT Wolverine Pix Bi-partisan Effort Will Ease New President's Assumption present administration, pruhuhly port ready for Kennady's piivn!« WASHINGTON Perhapa with the Hrooking* Institution, 0 wouldn't have nearly so many *nd confidential use rerammetulii,^ to the greatest degree in histary private research group. steps that have to h« taken t,. problems to fare as Kennedy an effort has been mad# to #a«# Shortly after the nominating would. But the study has sheen nssure sti orderly as*unipti«in „f NOVFMHKK It. mo presidential power. transition of executive powers convention*, a top-level advisory helpful, Cushman said, in listing committee headed by diplomat "President Klsenhower The following organ!ml Inns from President Klsenhower to problems any new administration Robert- U. Murphy was put to must faro. Staled publicly lie will offer fmi are scheduled to have their pic¬ the winner of today'a ballot con¬ work studying itoe transitional Getting to work on a budget, eoofierstion to whoever win- '• ture* taken tonight, ill the Tower test. problems of prior administra¬ for example, naming a new cabi¬ Clifford said. "I'm sura ha will : M. Nixon and Hen. John K. Ken¬ This is a detailed study of the — At: lilt nedy have cooperated. swttrhes from Presidents Taft to Mown, of Valao*" MSI? Players U.IU "We have made some valuable Wilson in HH2-I.1, Wilson to * M tmnk k, Ik* MUM* of TUr MAM IN . Chi Kpsilon • 7 preparations to avoid any delays Harding in 1920-21, Hoover to THK ORAT n.*NNM. *I'IT." !*••»• •» » * West I.itmlou 7:20 or difficulties in changing the Roosevelt in 19.12411, and Truman ■ alory- ■* • -MiwrtM- " * mlnMn t mm . reins of government,'* said 1»em- to Klsenhower in I9M-M. • 1*1, rVh. American Veterinarian Meiji octal I lark Clifford, 'represent* Clifford, one time While House cal Association 7 .■•10 ing Kennedy. Hepuhliran Itrlg. counsel to Truman, participated Alpha /.eta K:2<> Gen. Hubert K. Cushman Jr., rep- in the Rronking* studies in he- A tlmzly rhrlotmo* irifl. WOfl A IImII N in resenting Nixon, agreed. half /»f Kennedy. Gen, Cushman, GIG Hook H»«****rt»i>; 'The Idea of doing something Nixon's assistant for national \Vr-.t Yakeley !» Iluttelfichl t)'2« Hiseiple Student Fellowship— nhmit what ha* been railed the security matter*, dl^ the same interregnum, a' French word for the Vice President. meaning the period Involving a Cunhman says Nixon, since he's SPARTAN BOOK STORE • CAftNM ANN A M A C. in. change uf monarch#, originated 1 been closely associated with the well glunilv ualchcs the lair returns aitrly Wfdnpwlfly morning on TV. lie conceded (he election In his Urmocriitir opponent, John It. Swninson. at (1:12 o.nt. Ihigwell still holds his pimMion iim Mcholnrnhip director lor the university, (Stale News I'hoto by Doug (iilherl ) 3Boubb ANNOUNCES AN Defeat Conceded by Bagwell expansion sak f \nm.NG. i/IN mi the hiilliooni at li nt) lift nlgh», f until the statement was finally Cniil l» JJml1 well ronrnlnl def. ill Hie eiow.1 of over 7tH» ilw iiiille.l ' presented. V III III" lMll.lM Mipiilly. |.«tllt' With ht'MtOflttllC It- «•"* Friend* Mini n*«oe|(itei| ea n JMIIM It SwmiimmMI pnlgnei« went to their rootiis, to Burntell *nnl nftiM wutluiir tin watch «.lootioii returns bl ondes it 1.1 li I* II in Bit.I cllt'ikmg with' over 'I V. Jill HOUICCS I'll the ehvtloll If Mi-ml'in of th«* press gathered tut lis; hi (tagwell'* mhIo to tally Imth "On tin* basis uf litiofth uil i. VI * ami I 1*1 totals ami waited turns it appear* that Mr S«*". Mm liii« won a rloa* virion in TODAY tilt* election. 11hi*. I III. i« M till.IN ft! the |." • <•! miih that wi Mill '••■t CORAL CARLES' know with certainty until! »' c ■ i in. t« mii* in ami until Bi .it tabids! urn ts made t«» '■< thru- air no him lor rrtm ! ■ ILFORNO Exclusive Mens and Womens unofficial return " wi \sMH'iitti ! I'M •« ll trailing l»y slioui ' >Mt.s with only HlM> yf tl • AIJOW . t I < .. KlvSTAUKANT.. Sjjorts Wear I prenm-t* uiirolttit* 1 "HoWl'V if tin; • 1111 ' "" that uiiiilr I'l// I /niiioiiM in Limning' truly as tt now aihwoi I wish to congratulate Mi. sum o villi mill I I'M*)OS* t llf ll««|M* t'' m the liuiiir Odds and Ends from our Mackinaw Resort Store Michigan will «h» well no - •< stewardship of his ailnnm-tirti Hl'IMMII V.',l'.U.-2 A. VI. to meet i he many problems t«v«d by our people, vl.SH SPECIALIZING IN — Imported Ladir* Scottish ' "I W INT 40 thank to. . -.i d* Mint thliosaiuls of vol'lllt.'t ★ ITALIAN SMUNCTTI * winkers who lahoted so no v It v Kill* & Skirt* hi tity behalf ninl very newly All NW Villa*rr "liefeatotl the powerful ou hh i tton forever of my opposition grateful to them and '«» I will l-« STEAKS ■ CHICKEN - SEAFOODS Drraar* 20% OFF the moie than a mill ion ami a CORDS I a If people who expr<- '* their confidence for nw hy voting in »; i» election." for Something Really Different—Try Our PRINTS Hag well made hi* statement 139 »t;.-i sitting up until t« l.'» this DENIMS Importnl Fur Hlrml morning in his crowded. smoke* filled suite on the fifth floor BARBQ-RIBS ft OTHERS Swrilm Bulky Knit Pullover of the Jack Tar Hotel in lamnng. Valwa to $22.»:, Values at $14.93 Mild I'urdijran Sweater < All night he re fits "it to give it statement until the final votes I lilt tier* 0 Smirk* 0 Siiiil»ii-lu-*.0 I'ir/a Valued at fl7.9.'> were tubulated. TRAII.1NG margin, Hsgwell remained HY a derresamg hope- ★ PHONE ED 7-I3I I ★ iNOW*10.°° t NOW *6.'° lul all through the night. Bagwell's wife, Kdith. a slim. hs*ckj:>eil woman, appeared Cheerful throughout the duration. COMPLETE TAKE OUT SERVICE After Hag well's appesrsnra in It's Smart To Smoke A Corn (ob Pipe One Lot of Imported CORN COB CUSTOMS VALUES AT lVfiulnr I'ipr At Our (IMS lxiw low Price! .. NOW . Famous Imported Wool wily I each Bermudas VALUED AT $14.95 . • Finwt rolUhcd Bit NOW cots • Gold PUted Rjmd 8ty.90 * DBS • Aluminum Cleanrr MEN'S ft . * JBWKUtY WOMEN'S * COLOGNE THUMOAY, FRIDAY AND SAIWDAY SPECIALS! HANDKMT SKI 1'n» Parkatr, of |ii|>o rloaiior, with Fre* >1. Silver Knight Pip* with ixwk/t »i,r purchaw of Soor* |Mircha,« of one pound caniater of Yorkihire Tobacco Sear* Yorkshire Tobacco. Off Retail Price lieu. HIV 1 Reg. S.75 lloth For Only Both For Only " Satisfaction i'HONE • ED 74)371 ... wp h w mi a. *m»« >« r*M* iv t-tut or )our money luck LJl2