Serving 1MSU For .11 Year* EAST I.ANNINU, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER II. I9fi0 (•KICK 5 CENTS IfYA WIS lYiftT MASS />• miM •*»«» m«w*.inet V- president-eie*-*. Jnhf. K Km- Kennedy's reT'^****''*- #*!/ q.i.»• ' 7 I'VUy !;v»sft/J ft * »'.> f of rU*#, a . n■/.•.»' o-i f*»f 4,.'T*i • • Wijtc/n B a.vl ».v/yw.. ir.F wft'• K,wnh»»-*.-«*r M' :v r"*.vry of &•■*'< o, arrsni:' «•'- orderly Utiultrr A llrrW *'»••• ft' • f» »?.'•: - ;>•«'.< • V# |T»W W|to Ker.ntd , I 'liv i»H 'h : •»' 4 • rw>i>»♦' for 'h*' fto/. Vi assure swift. r-(nn t") r»«-* "/f.ft-re,' - ? of, j#nticy. 4\ wr.i'.h i." ri3-f.fl (..ur* '«! WOi »r Kennedy V>i'l reporters <;;:ffo*d Wsr i.nftoo 4*y«:r, h<- no*. ready V, anrv/jnee his 'iw.»* vrT**~>t f '/f stake or ,t " - . vt- ' ' -f.oo.ty the' -f-f -.'-T*-•,■#■* of 12".*.-'. atoifl* .J Kifcir Itoovo, »or.f- *r »*.or, * '* . - •• ! fr!o, lf*» •►i'fnpfr-l Mr. f..*m » i fr /• • ;'**?oo +srt;t" •*.»» fc» i/nred for**?-* S V. dtrer; for 'ftA *..»v arfes-J'-'l to roo»- » if.' ♦ '•rv^wi r»*i ,#• ' mat t/sey t.'vtif que-a* H!» ?:.* * SIIKI'I'Altl, HTRl tlWU li iftrrt'- it- r y#bt o#-i ffi.f>■*+**•• t> pr't /teftt- "iVI.fiV off 7 - eofjor* *>'* Kt-nn^y ♦* d h*. ho?v».'t ,r*-nv'»n of I.irKoin, h'rO . A to "<'•*•* writo Mr F.. v'VEWf- Broadway Actors Star 'I • iTj.*'- r •' roi" if or2ar»!i itaon. • ' h.* victorious », fo? t r .,»• ,f Wathir/gv,-'. thr af»*' h-* i'rf- wi d-irtng N'nven »'.■) ftrr . - la 'J. IV Plav loni"hl A-: ov v-. ^ "... ?:t -o KF VVffiY Af.MV 1*3.". Iv* F U VAmorrrfw for .r,4th.a* ►- rr a vv 3.1 or to 0* ini«crjp4c t ,rr' . or' T-.ora'W* fo- f,^ f . J'/nvfl Qty, T«»», ,„tr., (,-.«* . ' i.ifr - ».'h Vn. I.*rrv1'»r, B ^ ta,„ ;-,oov,n b.» VM< piiu^ttnu «*,,. j t;V>,^/rn#k U. S. Wilis '*r^' o-.t. I wvitt lift to an K«r.n»*rtY P»/l'- hi-- 'nrV#'? v. h -• ;* ' ' '-4 *'>■• » pov • ' * of a Ar• r«rw P «->,vt - r* .*< Coiiso Seat •/> »rr>y Hav'trr of Sir. Fras-w .mm. V* Khruri*tir tiiwi ■; hit »r>frrf«ia *.»-•• o: tfM> ;Vhi> Hi Je Ita'.- K'^rtjit.r* Resolution . a***/ tf-- *.4»» ... tr,..; »ppom!rfM«)t «r<-' - *- "The m Sit rrys- sr a. * »y« to *.r.-- ,>"/:/r*ir •*) 4- - th*r. Do!-- » o-'.V.*r ""*■ !?irrrr*»ry of »*J»> f'*" iff'- - van *r.-J ".n* fcji •» »*«/ or. At cfe^f ^»?-eIi^rr.r? of.'^tsr H» wirf tin Hwrr Ik* rOPKJJHACFV DKffMARK. D tiiei, f-At hAd Uc£ sor/ir* n >*»•—THr- bff T".jrr>rj; Vwrr tjotfi Lwrr^wrr^t »f'h:r a mat sr • f Vxr« «ersf tan MmiAiiuat-otti, asvj v# nA«P»:*ui4B nature o# bo;-. F!. Lan- oUMCtf and ywr fondly and lor Slated Sunday Fralernily Tak<» : di of Xtw Y-or/ of Hi/riXf Law Kbx.. » »• .Vf-** bri i d-rUiae rf-ad/ o' ftdera! rt|« A rental of wntUi lor piano Children to Cianic a j.atrrf-y afar^.e* witft a -:ew v> and rolio will W p ream tad Sun¬ njtirsftUrtf a rr,r.*t )»▼ Dec li day at 4 p.m. by Prof. Jowph, or h.» rw»rr r»rr^o atr/m. Evan* and Prof. I^um Potter. K**.o*~"/ announced utat l*rf»ente.i on the program will . Wen ton wo*i;4 o* rut . ■ he a "Sonata in G Major" hy i at f-«t/ :*-.* Kmaat; Haeh, orinna.iy written lor the ( Ow-rfl rf '*«fl*tVr, Matt Viola da Gama. foiiowing with a" h.' apecal a»si*--.a:it. And he contemporary « o n a t a hy an md** a5>7.ntn>«:t cf Poerr Senior night will be he'd American compo-er, lxhman En-j ♦•at a|«r ♦. t* Mr pre** ie*rr»* Tuesday night from 9:30 un'-.i g«L j tar*. w:t-> Hrtcrar imfti'4 U at a local restaurant. Tickets The conelndinc eonata will he prwf yrrvta ry. arc 91 each and org available the "Sonata in E Minor" by, from Senior council members. St U apparesUr trrtr^ H h#s*t «A* *Wl4t rrr»J>avee« 37 '.a* f vior rampairi k«nned* tarl , « own el"** vsrViry war ta &a Engineers to Have p T+V.--4'■*'*'«5 of «;rrC \. «• p.rKner.' Rxhard M N t- * • oppnr.t r.t. <5* ©f tie Re- part; Lu} 1* w-aaii New Headquarters ry- *v\a;Kf * tackt 'I>-Wrxit &• > VI St': tHkt a RUltt' Map Marv- be uUiu» 1 A.<;*>'» a-i»4li'«r» in v.wn« aa- »7 UK DA COLLIER ~ ' HUM Km. Mi* Vriur ttcajncot. "1 HAVE n.t a crux* '9 EniUMilM Mjm will Mm U.* 10 >tr 5u«j " Ktnnedf » »w MMM* aOpM M Uwir lod a f«.;«2ticntr. T don7 bno-w "**» to U. tMar. yon arard- w.iat Sr V«!u(>eid miin'eiL to rn* K. Brjaa. mmmw, J -/> '.«•» hav <• a chance u> »*e .wrruin antoMrt. Mr Sixon MtactQ o»«r and Stow Laaa, mm of Anttory Jan -Jt.' •II, will-to tot uto of th* ww toitoifiK. rautrw- t».n u Mtodatod to (H uruiorw.) m Dmmtor IM1. THE Oops! Wroti|| Dutf KRW Rl'ILINKC win '""toin Tfe# CniverGtv Symphery or- abaat to labor.tonr.. M unikr the diractMmi of nsMraegM, and an auditorfom Haii« L-a-^ pl. 1^*1 I* preMmud a *"n a capacity af 26# M-.tw2ST«U rhpmiral. .nH •twit half M aitottkal mtov »»-ek *U-ad of Sunday as erroneously Sur>day. Nov. 20. in- •«, wlU to I. to. iww r*ported m the State Nt» 1 ye«- hutltonc terdaj. 1 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER II. IftfiO PACK TWO MICHIGAN STATE NEWS J "Some The Editor's Corner" Record Gate Count Day That Thing's Gonna Blow Up In My Face" Election Rumblings Could Be Blessing -BY SIJK PRICE. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF— r°M ONE week from tomorrow nfternoon MSU will play j p^«=S,II>ENT- ' MA hU two major opponent* Uwethrr. JOHN Fitzgerald Kennedy, senator from ilx final home football irniTK' of the 1 %0 aoaaon, thus elimaxhiK « year that will ko down hh the moat HUCct'Mnful ever in attendance. I J 0-~-O for vice — Massachusetts, is the president-elect of the United States; Hut the popular vote margin hy which , GROVER Cli'vd«nd'« two opponent ■ had more lotal vote* in 1R02 and Abraham Lincoln wan a minority president in IHfio For three straight home gamcm now fans have been fVtsiptM Mr. Kenmslv defeaterl Vice President The election of Benjamin IUrri*on In thf* pouring into Spartan Stadium in record setting droves. J Richard M. Nixon is slowly dwindling. It was Ironic Ihhsuac Harrison bed few, i Never was this truer than the near-77,000 that jammed their way in to see the Ohio State game Homecoming weekend. o—o has taken a long time for the results come in. considering the present-day meth- to iinputsr vote* lhan hi* opponent. President Cleveland. Cleveland I* the only president mis of counting and communication, and to have served interrupted terms. While the game was admittedly a dismal failure as far : in many ways this election has t»eeii one In 1HH0, there were less than 7,<100 vote as Spartan hopes for a victory went, there was, wc think, j of the strangest in history. much more optimistic trend in those gate figure* than lad ween the totals of James Garfield and a Hut what of elections earlier in this Winfleld llanrrs k. 1,'lyases Grant defeated the score of the game would indicate. i centurv and in the 10th century 7 Of course Horace Greelev in 1H72, and Greeley died One week previous to the Homecoming game tlie Uni-j this year's record vote far Pre" three weeks after the election. Chard versity of Michigan's Homecoming game wit h Minnesota, viotis voting records, and the metheak. in the! Ielectoral returns from Florida, South Car- est man to Ite elected to the office, but nni of increased athletic recognition. The 7lUMMbsent area ojina and l/iuisiana, as well as the ndurtis the younjrest president. Theodore Roos.. giant that was built on the south hanks of the Hod Cedar j veil was 42 when he Itccame president in 11)57 has now begun to prove its true worth. (from Oregon. The three Southern states had each sent, when McKinlcy died. ltnt [\hLi milestone is not the place to stop. i in two electoral vote ballot*: one Re pub. There have Item six presidents who With increased athletic recognition comes a subsequent-! ilican and one Democratic. The Oregon were in their forties when they entered Iv greater responsibility to increase the university's aca¬ electoral ballot was contested liecaiise one office: James Polk was 49: Franklin Pien t, demic reputation as well, A strong athletic program is i elector held a federal position and legally IK; Haves, 40; Garfield. 49: Cleveland. 17: use'ess in the eyes of the student, taxpayer and general (was not supi»osed to lie an elector. A f'on- Teddy Roosevelt, 42 Kennedy, a Roman ptih.'fc if it stands alone as the sole determinant of a uni¬ Catholic, briny* to 1] the number of re. versity's image. J gressional committee was apiiointed to WE have come a long way since the days when "Mickey (investigate the dispute and decide who litrions represented in the White House. was the winner. The committee, com|K»sed # • • Mouse" was the b.v-word ai MSU. There is every indica¬ tion that we will go even further. jof enrht Republicans and seven Ih-mocrats, WHILE burnintf the early mnrninc oil j voted along strict party lines and gave the Wc are, indeed, enthused that Spartan Stadium will set In the office Tuesday nlyht, or rather home attendance record this season. Hut! {contested votes to Hayes. The final elec¬ a new average toral vote was 185 for Haves, 181 for Wednesday morniny, many "quotable we are equally wary of any suggestion that this fact may quotes" were heard from reporters in tin: also l>ecloud our university's brilliant accomplishments in heller* lo the Kililor | Tilden. ortice and from those calling in from their the educational field during the year. THE House of Representatives elected assiynment. Mather than think of all these visitors as coming merely i line of lite die-hard Republicans hat Hits Communist Talks ul Thomas Jetrerson president over Aaron to see football games, we prefer to Indieve that they are Hurr in 1800, when t>oth candidate* re¬ coined a new name for a drink: "Amrri< i demonstrating in ever-increasing mimliers their faith in! ceived 7:'. electoral votes. The House again on the Rneks, a la Irish whiskey." Anoth¬ MSU'a growing reputation as a giant in the field of human i To thr Kiiitm tsaristjr continue ta deplore and1 the InifliHiu County chapter of the ' elected the president in 1821. This was er Repoldican still says she has not con¬ endeavor. llti Oct. 21 nil an limine article criticinr Iho-r aha slrcx* Ih# com-1 National Bed fro** in their fu- the first year a record of |s>pular Votes ceded the presidential election and won't, liy ail means, Co. State, Co! Hut not only on the football wiis printed on the front page ' mnnist danger. j turf- drive;-. was kept, and none of the four candidates, pay her la ts until the last vote ia counted. field. of the Stale New* entitled "Free-! What lhe*e mi«cuidid 'author-: l.a-l )rar, when the atudent* John ilnm of .Speech OK Here." lilira' fail to realize ia lhal the were requeued ta donate, there Henry Clay nor William Crawford, re¬ iluincy Adam*. Andrew Jackson, The most vehement Republican supporter was heard to cry, "What are you smilim: This article referred lo remarks > r»mntuni*t Parly, I SA. ia an in-'were no permiM«ion> needed from ceived a popular majority. for?" when the Vice President jravc his hy the Provost of thia university.' legral part of inlrrnatiunal com- a parent to yield. Kten though Spotlight on Cuba Dr. Paul \. Miller. The auhjert; miiniam." j their expectation* were not met.| Jackson actually received the most |sq>- Adams, with "thank yon" speech. Two male staff metr- Is-rs found they had lieen initiated into the of the article wis "Can MSU en- Thus. I aerioualy doubt if Dr. i there oa« mtnh re*pon*e to the tilar votes—155.872—hut 105,321 votes, was declared w inner by the Petticoat Press after drinking coffee from (aiban Lists Grievances tertnin a communist speaker on ' Niameyer it* campus?" or Director Hoover j plea. j would compiler ap|iearnurea of i lint now, only tho*e 21 years: House. the editor's rluh coffee cup. Finally, to The article reportrd that "Mil.! *'orotiimiiata on cnllejre campuses | of aire or over, or Dm-* who have1 There have been other presidents who paraphrase Huntley and Brinkley: the let aaid that he would like lo be-1 * v*''d example of "freedom .a signed permission by a parent,! have been elected without reviving a ma¬ numliers of votes we print are from re¬ Against Fidel's Regime II... Ihul pr«|tl, wilh rfiff.Hut "f '!"«*•" h..k,f nun*. rouM H, lavllH K.t, wtihunl |»r*|ndirr toward Ihrir I Stmt Wllkl.l, Irn Hwl -WW »" conlrlbuU. jority of the is»pular vote. Woodrow Wil¬ I fr.l thut • .lurt.nt ..f M. ,n- son, in 1012, did not receive as many votes ' r"""' in ,hi' Ph»'»'- ports from make the up. election boards. We didn't By RAMON VAI.D1 S pnlill. .1 hullrf,." I rally al>lr ami willing lo itonalr. I have been shocked to find several Castro Mipiwrtcrs Tim.. O. Ho mlihl. ... It may "11,,,nL *' fur llliuul "" Z'""'T't -Ciirbelonc CoinntenlM- ott this campus. „ , „ |HHiplr ,uppo*«1ly I'ducntcd, , . , . ■ M'rm, Provnat Millrr", umlrr.taml.: tttittHS JOTItiOIHt without liavn to * tr iro through .0 Mow thou* such a regime is Iteyond m.v undcrataiiiliity can embracejof lommuni-m i.„.ily'■ ,L. «... n""h re* Spartans?...Who Are They? aurh I hope thut after remling thio a* aa^MW.. him to think of It just being another political, Ms|, . timi We u> W auernaful. j*"* •» »""" ,hr went nut the window with Tiicstlsy's elec¬ Our point is this: if other universitir- 1) When the revolution trb Icommunication *y*lein. , j I'rovowt Miller nuiy spt'sk for; llue re.iutfea.enl. are al lea.l! rerrulaliuu. found on lh.. tion, wc have hit ujioti another likely vic¬ ran muster up enoutrh spirit without sit- Mtuphed, l idel Drummed to re in-1 The ,inil* in Culm are lllled to- the .IllllllfilSI Atlniiiu.Htrnttnn, of f.u.f-e ,i„|.„er, week. Kali drlrea1'•"'I'""- ln Particular I would elate the Con*titution of Itl40 day with upward* of . .. . . ... iniPMl, Ul IPIIISI', ' ■I.,JO 7" tim, inanimate and stistract though it msy tintr in Itlocks, why must we use thi* phonv M. AutLin lieu of a 400 to I vote hy1,id her irira ha.e fallea .hurl llk* 'o refer lo the nvulatMHia ' , which roneerratea the human cat prisoner*. Moat of theiti * . Iw. This target wu will call "S|iartan Spir¬ system of "tokrethernesa" to *ive us cx- iiiav'a. I do.,farulty acuiimt a loyally oath ,,f ,tht. ah-olnlr ntiniaium. So we',,n m#" • dr, •, for lura!., ulterance? riiihtb and representative type of not know why they have ,u Iwcn ia**111 . .. . . .. it" for want of a Itctlrr nsmt'. last year. I'ruvo.t Miller mav ereii h,s t„ j, „f „ur ua.l. The reaulath.n I icfer lo l« government. A* of today, the Con- \ jailed »litre mere ni'cu*Nlion 11 he .iM-ukuia fur the Karully at ,1M| The brickbats we intrnil to throw at uur.e. tu ulher aarl, "" »•" riouenon* Ihe chooe of etitiilion ha* not been re-in*tatrrl. antticient grottmla for contain- I ASIDE from the fact that It'* down¬ 2) On January fc, 1B39, Field intent. of thi. lerrilur) lit .afraaard aur fahrie. lu Iw wom. Spartan Spirit are not meant to encourage right tlankrerntl* tq *it in front of one of I aondrr, lua. ahelher h I. pu.eliue" Muadai Ihruaih Ihirrdai its dow nfall—only a chance in its format. protni*ed to celebrate free dec- Never before in the annul* of these slap-happy molts, it must not leat" tion* within IK months. He h*« Cuban hi*tory have political pri*- thia kiml uf kausledge rriardini _ This eaplalo, why we were aiak' *'* are reqairrd I, wear The Ohio State yante should hate con¬ a very trots I impression with outsider-, I ahleh petniil. Mime .hurt of nui.e. at lime., with rr rual. and lie. lu dinari. I ordu- vinced everyone of what we mean. . yrt to live up to thh .oner* been treated in «urh inhit difnilarie., ulher lhan Pro.,,.! .idling Ions line, ami oyer an' rnf fabrir. mat he aara aalj if _ The prime villain, as far as we can see, eijher. .1) On Augunt IS. 11159, the C«a-, mane fawbion. Forced labor, miaer- Millet, lu .peak of Fidel (..In. huur'. waitina • """" Pl'—nl. The itlea of throwing toilet paper roll* tro governinent promi*e»l before j able (' ?***' BUrh • viewpoint all 1 ». If we our »,■ eiii he cin be a-ofrd of Ihe ... or JoMrph Stalin a* "gtavd *a me Inch caliber lcader*hw for required, but one inu*t w».*r dress n,K" »«'•>»* r i«aoti*nip ioi w,l» '""V unit* and nurses for MSU i panta, <>" Friday mailt no coal, are no. . i pHir of corduroy » but• Irfr' have match- ious dorms are encoursired to sit together and whoop it up for their livinK unit. VYe think it should be abolished. wits once a novelty. Now it'* become *om« - thinir of modify that a crusade. The boxea of thi* com- are hauled in by enterprising stutlent* liefore each frame miyht better *mce hi* government doe* not *upportcra i* that tin l u, t . iv in *tark contr»«t to *tudcnts only. With thi* planning, and g tio not a THE M'trreRatiinr of students into liv. l>e Mopped at the Rate before thi* univer¬ Communism such a* Dr. tier- little extra apace, we will help ,nK jacket, fmler the reguia- t j revolutionist* operatichit meet the condition* which are in exile ink.' unit k'rou|m tends to create a Com¬ sity inherits a rather unpleasant nan-; < outlined in the Declaration. are a minority of rich h men men who who h"rl ^^ntcycr, I'rofeaaor of Fotil- y»i4 Uat the challenger*. ' tiona. it aeema leaaonnbie tu aiiow petitive spirit that never would exist were for itself. I) Fidel hue repudiated ical Science at Notre Dame, Jo-rpb Venire, U!,r P*ir tOT the ■ want to take over power ami in- If thi* sort of thing jroes much i Professor Nirmeyer state* that ! Medical Director, duroyv at least on Friday when it not done in the first place. Instead of further, treaty of Kio de Janeiro, a treaty ginvr the people again which provide* for reciprocal se¬ This i* absurd. "people often entertain the mis Bed Cro»* {jackets are n«»' rtajnUnl.. As ra- ertcouratrine S|nrtan Spirit, it engender* we wouldn't be surpriited to set the Agron¬ i conception that it i* another j lional a* it oeema, i was refused "Bryan Spirit." "Armstrong Spirit" or omy Club and Marketing Club flfhtintr it curity and assistance. 'Ihe DrmorratK Kevoktionary * * * : admittance. .1) He" ha* violated the Antl. movement, to which the author party, like the Kepublicnn or the "West Shaw Spirit." out for the supremacy of Section'15 at , Democratic Patty, But even when Communist Pact of Caracas by belong*, ba* in it* rank* men Cotnmuni*t* separating Cuba from the West¬ I mm all rank* of life, including , . participate In demo- j H I Y I||ernilSSIOII. fl o • Thi* i* mi contention: when 1 ii come III a Friday evening meal There were times durine the Ohio State game when the iunfcent bystander miyht the DetlWit frame. Wo*'t you join the fight to help stamp jcrntic processes, they do so. a* 'wearing a drr»* pair of rordu- ern bloc of the V N. ami subscrib- e\*Ca*tro awldier*, who have rral-;. / — .. well have been confusetl as to whom MSl" out blocks? f , | ill they thctnselve* admit, not from To the Editor: j ro>* whit b are neat in appear- ing to pohtieal and ivommiic lied that tbrv have been double . , . .. .. the A.P.O. a nee and fairly e\p«n*ive al-«. 1 students were suppnrtine. The s|stradir XDnrm presidents: address all jrripe' t° treatie* with the Soviet Bloc. rrwaaed by hie be*rde< FMrl. u . i any respect for these processes. \* everyone know* the State News office. Please—no tnreat- but in order to use democratic ; bloovt drive wa* concluded Frtvlay.. should not he refused admittance, toilet paper tiehts that bntke out amone 14) He ha* violate.! the Chart Today my country i» subju form* in order.better to manipu- Thi* national service fraternity A* anyone can plainly see,, the i: the opposing faction* protiably confusetl cnlmr phone calls.) ri ct Organization of American by the wurBt of the total lata people. They have no respect certainly deserve* much acclaim. regulation i* inconsistent and States, -a* far a* human right* i itarian system*, the Coininuiusts for democracy and have abolished for their untiring aid in this most edge* on being fo»ii«h, in my gm». Intensive ami intelligent propa- J) II. h., Mnl.t.d 1 ,.,„|. h.. tn.d. f«r",t,nr« W • f.« _,.„sini. I r : i ... , " i power. «*» h.». nbtutunj worthy pnwtoUon. i However, their expectation* of upt.u.w Furthermore, the same people jlieve that what turn i» under- Michigan State News ^ ** 1 Moreover, in a recent repvu*! 2.tKh) pints is rertainly optimistic, who insist on *uch *trtngent dre*- by organizing armed exptdiUon* j going i* the product of a national- J. Edgar Hoover, Mr. Hoover My reason for making tin* pro- j regulations are content to iet *tu- againvt various UaUn American iktic revolution which aspire* to point* out that "It ia indeed appal- nations and creating dbturhauce* i elevate the Cuban people match- j digious assertion i» proposed only ' dent room* be kept tn the most ling that *«me member* of our tn ortfer help the AIH.)'* and slovenly fashion. If a man i* within the continent, |tally and spiritually "■ 1 " " "• •*1 • •• '• ' "" . L ■' "l"1'1 ■' 1 ■ {judged by what he wears.and. how : Editor-in-t'hicf — Suxsnn Price N) lie ha* suppreaied all pnliti- i 'However, I firmly beiieve thi* ral partie* in Cuba, with the ex- 1 i* a false assumption. mm A CV • I • ,0okj in "n'1 h* W**? ManairinK Editor Sharon Coadv tt i Counters Are Simling Over n"wwr h' k**!"h" Advertisimr Msnafrer Circulation Manajrer Al Ferdi Paul Leeher l"Vf -• fa In the fanatic rush to prove I960 llection Predictions \ztZ^ZZ\'X. Fubluhcd by the student* of Michigan State University. Issued claw day* Monday through Friday, during the fall, winter and xprin* on NEW YORK (.dK-PrtrffMitm.!,*, Nt«nn tK ..ul i put c-ut un- k?*''0''' " quarters, issued weekly during the summer term. Second class post¬ pollster*, %lmo*t to * nutn. could decided. Gallup *aid if the unde-: Stevew I reakel age paid at Ea*l Laaoiag, Michigan. h..k h,„ily tod.y In the knnwl- , r ' , . . ., C,U"I1 sampling """" showed '""T1' ,h':. ",n Kennedy Win-, • + + * www Editorial aod huornem office* at 341 Student Services building, Michigan State University; East Lansing. Michigan, th.y h,d forecut John ». nlng M.4# p,r , Mail subscriptions payable in advance for one term, »3; for two Ktniwdy', ,icUry. . Lvt wnkrml, Elmo Rupyi I»- CtMfO -VjlltOIUMtS term*. $4; for three terms* $5. It *h • far Try /rem 191*—* vi.fS an „rlirr prmitftttut »ttd : Member of «he Associated Pre**, Inland Daily Pre** Association and bUrk |«t la Um unit of poll r,i,«l Nnon to 49 pur font and To tk, Editor. the Associated College press. taktne. iKcnnwly to 4? with 4 per cat Moftt young girl* naturally want TV, ,rafw«l*e«l pel** takm. ,till uaJcktM. to lamk beautiful, but bow nany City Editor . Bob Chamberlain Assistant News Editors Paul Butler. tkelr crysUF ball* yacM *a*. I' tea Lahell *.tor,lie* MSU cvwda can claim ta ba bmati- Editorial Editor — : Larry Miller Charlotte Dai ton, Howard Hobnea, BUI Myer^, Ukete Mrs-* ia Ik, -ta* relhrte*. a in•*•„■« awnp" far k«w*y. fal? Assistant Editorial Editor . Ray Pratt Marcta Van Ness (Ml* laak back wltb aata* prate, i The John Kraft Poll pare 4!' 1 foal thai nmt yaaag mom at Sports Editor Ben Burn* Copy Editors . BUI Doerner, The papular to, *aa dee, aa* j per cat to Kennedy. 4* to Nixon MSU simply tolarata tho uao of Feature Editor , —... Jess Maxwell Anne Mayer ataal aal* It wwll* be. end 5 per cat undecided. mako-up. Rut toleration ha* it* Women * Editor - Marcta Baker Photo Editors Kit Iricksor, The Gallup Poll, conducted by The profesaionol pollster? haee UaUta. I am Mire of this when I politics^ Political Editor — Joan Millsr Owen King. Dave Knapp, Ron James, Al Royce Georst Gallup, director of tho: ben correct in tho past three tee tht yellow hair and black eye- Aaiutsnl City Editors' Annette Krause, . Darkroom Manager Tom Armstrong Aarerican Institute of Public j presidential elections. But tkotr beams am tome of our coed*. m Pat McCarty Assistant Adeerttsing Manager Jerry Lundy Opinion at Princeton, N.J., had, predictions went off in lypi when Maybe they're mutaUon* from j Sevn Editor* re— Jody Howard, National Advertising Manager .... John Murpn -' DTMlit'tPl! predicted Kpltnnlv Kennedy wntll.1 JU titulardnw llunav V! T...a..w .....ul ! r would get irut 41*, underdog Harry S. Truman upMt i fallout ? Linda Lbtridge, Sam Mortino, Jim WsUington , Chock Ihamely — I per cent. Vice President Richard' Thorns* K. Dewey. Tern Mitchell ■ MI ft „IIMV. S0VEMBKK1I. I%n MICHIGAN STATE NEWS I'Afif. THREE fackic Can'l Believe Kennedy Win H MSh Slimv To bwitim' 'A MSB will te'evife the pro- f.vne and A*«.atari* Itandsnwn Director' 'emhhng of the half-time thtrrt Boosts Stock Ihe'fl Be 1st Lady redure tr.?- university band fo!- William Moff!-* , the remainder Cif '•"« lo r» tn preparing a half-time The program wi. sh-. /• tc.e Market Buys »r,»w Or , (oniMll OK FrUU). biV| m)V .. my Thie climax wli! b* the sho of th'.- Enal prvlucl—the e • ■ ^.;,S PORT, MASK, m as President." «he explained ?- game role the b'i »ng today in the f.r»• clear- I h'TW'. .(Imltti-d t'l- of fin! lady as "taking can* of the presiding ' cut to S.-rj. John 1 .... 'iir ulra ilv !• »b"iil In reaction J' America-! first laely "slack must get month's rent Kennedy's . a narrow presidential! , ry unreal." or. else ht* won't be able to bo as ' 'ii-ally like any •'h'* *5'od a Pri.'BidcnV advised. | election victory , m'I." "lie mused at a AFTER AM., *h»? oiistrvod | An estimated ♦'* hdijon da.-; , r.mee In a my Ken- with a smile, "you can! ran- a j I'"fj wa? added to the quoted! near the rainswept car cndlf.vily without taking it | value of strike listevt on tne • to the shop' " ; .N'f-v Ynrfc'stock excbang<- r,j-. , ,, ,n.i Mrs. Kennedy, Apparently tb«* J»m-wio i'- ed Ih' on AfVirrated IT«* i V>- ... returns tn Washineton. elcc-t wa i tn agrn-mcot with t.i wife- f/.r h* ■ Mo'k averagi-, rve*tor» an -1 I '.<> i dlfferenlly. "hut I tf.rr.'.',.'r, v ,,K •• of t%u or jradicai ■ rle and happlne. s fur will b'* Hc-paraN'/j again by < rucrdtanci a ■» tin have* b changes ihe buiUMti climai#,! atnhand, and relief that the v ■< n for ho much of IU* 'la.n-. of key *:ock* ran from— t sard campeien ll uver "I dential campaign. presi¬ cen to *3 sr. I mor» •• happy." Ihe said. ;s Mr •. Kennedv aircraft *♦*•» mo- , a i never thought I would i 'C't-u/iiny; *o • Washington, Ij < , i/. *v> near nay doctor iiiiOM r ' -'k the at first lady—but of Jack ••'•-r-g- . t *f • HUE IS EXPECTING h grotipi a-corid child ahou? I>i t 1.1 ] ipoker*: w c- ■ t While her hroth' I • fi-ia ag',-. —O'. Tw'i.n^ 0 Star ft.. Iff-rt Kenne d-. • . . r-j cau-M -i ' • n;a-i -*{»*- , h* Id In- •.. Conic re.fii» in aj.-.fbi . room (,j ' f. • •;»•»>j'Je ,'»J, K- .OU e . ... - i r . ■ r-«fi.- _ .1', II r limn i Ihf lift. lag Flies j. for tn« I* ■ ncd y rrn * a .to 10 n .... ) ju Ut l'fH' ?,'a» p?••• including one lone male, rrpr.-- . senting the p iriday aftemnon only four KM after If had been flown •"f.e natjrn i capltol, July 4, nedy I »ng returns from She wa fjlsry unfurled before an enco as first lady-elect v.-i'f. s • •' i ' hf i-nfr civilian and mili- thoughtfulnej,* and charm. Vo • ... '"f In .t-nil in j, ?, -My A f't-r »h«* k . I h • BA , personnel repreaenting the wore a grey green w>oJ ri « • • . o . »t li* f j r}. *.»!, -if E'Pif a/t'ir.. i - "»> r-ii alvo served as a reminder AT ONE POINT, when !?,< for »■ • r. . ItMflKK MIMING to Hu*e. h* Veteran's D*y, today. meaning of ore- if her am we. ■rtf d fj'f. 'aught hijrfi >wh-.-"! i-, »'f.iorado -, rrM Engiand, of L*n- was a bit confusing. Mrs. i mit'i-f H'-ro * i'. fur a ?h'»r? p'-r.'- i 'omirie a civilian aid# to Sec. of the ncdy commented witn a smile; • - r.) , »»-.r*.»:/./j h«*f«* IT* IT. r.i* r« • ••might banc I ni#rr*il4 **••> I-' w«iv*ii 7 Wilbur Brurker, present- ■ ti.iv r< hirmarutiei. '■ •J* flag to the Army ?Phi/ ROTC^ ;r. *-•'•)»! 1h<- » . i-ftmer.t on behalf of See.; i*. rr«" ■ y.arft of Ai* ■. »r..'»f» r.a•• acted flit-ulri' ; .(? r. • ' ...If- ft i admsnNtraUve a- m the •Kcr. An honor guard eom- . . of rr.embers of the Per- acuvi- i. iRianitie* «icjact/nci.?. i R.fln ar.d nearly a hun- «•»*. - l)r. Hwcftiacd • mI K. wife live ^.Hay ieffler Hag railing unsformed cadets viewed ?/ a .rid . -.r tf» in K.1. t larift.fu'- 1r< y r.i.lj. children, thrc#- have four an-; r. n'.y. 'MACBETH' . - \S ia Tbc r eldest da ightcr plan- P> sruwer to Invitations by ft? ! hft-f enroll a: Stain tn the CaU. MerVm E. itunson, PM.S, I fill | m hi • ». 4*T OA4MI tn tR ON THK CAMTCt jalherin? Included lean-. i mayor, Kalph Crcgo; it King, Carlin, Ryder and. Commanders Werterroan, j ry, and McDowell, USN; le- u:h of American Legion j Kennedy w No. 12; Col. Munaon, PMS;; •. Rcbortson, USMC; PoAiers and Majors; Stewart, j ' turn* Selects y? and- numerous officers' por*» r» | • r.on-commisAiooed ! the Arrhy ROTC detach-1 person- ' Mir-pof'-r «.f tr-.- Hpartan * .. foot - Sal in per iA'<—Ctgar-chiorriping Pierre S.linger wbi /> 'he ~Jim ifag- Attention!! 2 Coeds MRS. KRNMCOT "1 wish I coui'l «;,'-;ik Chufch- | my Ibail team. arm;/ I Sr. i/i- h a* -f ff»m 11/«d to lt»tV -ervrd pir-i*ion for teaching by in "I gut the erty" of Pre .:d» r»t-etect Ken¬ nedy's admin:A?ra*ion Kttuicdy anrjciunced Wednes¬ v* .hosen illian pru •• t'i all ; t yo i ' Mrs. Kcnn«flv explain h»-r oah reactfuns ' > h- - CTfmw«g-f;rst Jan -.- - :.hc'i| h<* •: <• pre • -l *(„ II /v f/k' Airs day that S'll.r /er. h.r press sec¬ retary through t"**: arduous elec- i.oa campaig- would take over Hagerty's post as pruss secretary Fr eslunan Men or Ball third youngest tr.v nation ha? ever known. Election ir- > die wh.'e hou5 EORMI P. - NI.WHPAPEI- She said her fechngs vtvrv MAS h mse;:, S'll'nger ss known r ROTC advanced cadet* really ail for her hu -uar. i — llcsnll Sunday tr. r-t>>rt«-rs ft* an enerfe'-ic, vd fwclve coed ftnaliata to pride and happ;n»- Going Through Open Rush • ivddabi" and ;-r».!calate haum WAS SHE HAPPY frm "T'.f fyniL,- this year's honorary W'-<«K-ippct-; an bet Kennedy and '^e sclf? Mrs. Kennedv rmiif-* t' d ci." will :x* IM I- p.r of 'V'.ew- ths'mseives. rommenders Wednesday the Union. "yes I was — I think a wi.Vr. poirr • a'. 2 pm, Sunday over He iS -5 year# oi l. sffjeky. and • prls will be given their happiness does come when h( r WKAH a;way* on th»? go •rd honorary ranks at the husband i* happy." Ma;. John Barton, hort. wui vatior, PMS. Rail, in Kellogg Cen- J"'. 1 'i. by CoL Merlon E. or awe of her r«Jt? "No, " said i/r.itcd number of tkketa and her husband have had to Was ther" any feeling of fe/.r Mrs. Kennedy, rioting that hft'i#.* the Prof. Ralph Goldman or department science and I've?. John Craw- of j will meet . ford, head of the advertising tie- ! 1«11 Will b* n nil Krt- make **loU of adjustments'. i partnicnt of the school of inurn- I t vumM "I have every confidence." she ,ta4aati, w- alishr, with their Counselors .as gu»b». "f ta CoL Cm4 Andor- said, "that my husband will, be The- close ykioCy of Senator u.ttAt ".mmiwlfr. most magnificant" and give him¬ * John Kennedy whi be a-^u.**.ed '-.if.'.l 1, brlrwlc self completely to the y.-b vnj I -MUr, in OmoiuUBtion asume 1 won't fa . him in any 1 way," she pledged. honorary ramnond* Asked if she had g.ven any Arlyn Ur.ifra.lorf, thought to the problem of taking — N -«un Am Sproork, Tkrador. ZKhoriuon, Joonn, | her children in the lima-light, sh* b*. £;:.ron Frucr, Sandra said vfrhemently; at —■ J'-rifrr Unon. Solly -I'VE GIVEN more thought to Scholar dollars k fa«k Millar, JraA How- that than anything " travel iarther Landon Field Eugmia One of her greatest joys, she (Said, was to be with her children with SHERATON and ihe woulo rr-eke "a greater nlture* Talk Set effort to be with them more th*n HOTELS ever now." Mrs. Kennedy raid-she would Lfy :.l.kino, -ill yrofmor of do everything required of h?-r ricvtn ^oak today on iVt? as the nati n's White lUmM! HAMILTON DISCOONTS ^ auaitje* bttk U inoaaMaA X-^l in Xr*;—- " N^kan- for tha Scady of hostess, but. would devote the rest of the time to her children. STANDARD Save on the going price^ of going'4 at (Across from landon Hall) ky Alpha -I don't ward my young chil¬ Sheraton Hofcria. -WkakaU dren brought up by nurses and W'*."4."" • f—r |ik|Mj ' •• ,,,,4 la to Yaw SharaiM card gat* "kLIOy* . Secret Service men," she de¬ clared. UNITED f rate* AIRCRAFT room with one. two or three 1:00 P.M. f head* Owrrowft growp ratrt RU^ SMOKER arraagH for athktic fa—, chiho oad CoUego cLa* wuMismwoN tbogo. ILfIA PSI oa Scad focjroor SWatoa NOVEMBER 15- IS Student I D. Card or Faculty Gaaot Card with credit privileges. Fleaso tell conenrntnf scientific poaitiono in u* where you are a student SUNDAY NOV. 13, I960 Mavuka^t Space Syaten*, Elec- j or fuU-ume faculty i Saturday and Sunday iro.i Beam Technology and our whea you writ* to: 5t00 P.M. Heaearch Laboratory. 4HJ) COLLEGE HALL IN UNION BEPBESHMENTS :0R 'WWMA1TON CALL IV 9.«2#1 I VHIDAV, NOVE.WBFU l|. |,IM !> cam: miiti M I C III « AN ST A T K N K W S lit ' Grad Sludcii M The I'rice of Education ? ~ Fraternities Rush (,iven Knit.railv ruxh will uxh.r In a n»w era whra int.r- Army Important as Dollar Cost , t : Attitude as mini man mnl at landon HrM at I p.m. SalurZay "iFc! whlVh ix pkaxed wllh the operation of the new j Recognition Lt, James Robe it App!..i ruxh xyxlrm. eipeelx Ihe luraoul to he Urfe. K h. Maim I Y i: \K I if SlMtf \r»* Staff U rilrr ami tuition. '!.■ t. I .. in . 'itiiic miti.i'itil thai Saln» i ntil that tin- attitildinal t a I •• ih-titiiti.ih .'.I-1 I.f till- -i nf.'til was a grout charge*, up to a maximum of-one. fie said that the *todont John pioyided hy the plaeeptMil bureau. r.ititrarv to the Kor f.0 cents you can see If. of the greatest films of the nation) opinion of sponsored hy the foreign film The old ruxh x.vxlem of men vixiliop only a few houxex for xmokerx. will he reptaeed by a x.vxlem xim- I L'.H. Army Reserve, M i : ate student from Ralmdah. ! has rereivafl the Arim ' < . d"» Iof .barge ; e111ii i tg loil'i'i- unit develop the many, it hits heen found that ad -.•rieH, and the I'niversity Theater ilar to that followed by xororiliex. | flatiori with medal pcodi. ,, i, ,M, of the reholar-hifis ut tin Ulii brings you for .'Id cents an offer¬ The meo will meet wllh Ihelr rnxh eounellerx al The rihlmn was pre- - . Tin* »hat »- giver. bv Kit i. ' a' llii- ttfltvei nltiltnl. of .i pot .-on who H will- 1 Colonel Merton K. Mm Undon Held and will he xhnwn through xeven houxex " r h » ' T\ • Oil I I of til' Mil!, Ill dollar ihg til i.'Mi" • versity are used nnd have hene ing, four major plays, a musical, i fessnr of military *cie» .. taxpnyrn <.f Ihe M.-ili- >•( M-.b flte.l many who would not he aide three experimental play* and each day. Igui. in » t «.f t* » net. aiid atlit.i.t'ial a. "tine of 1 !..• price* tie student -evrn film classic*. . . . , While stationed at K. r.y5. that ioi'lni- I V Siihi in ill iiei.'l- to pay to get the lie t out to attend eolleajc without theru. All ftrxl Irrht frenhmen men muxl parliripale in ard-Wfaal, Mo., a* a mc. ii! m-r»iiy, ifm ' , This is the cost of your edu¬ l»f rnli«-j • I«m of the oil',, e of H'lliii*."- too. of college i- ihe willingness to "Two out of three aludeul- at cation. How you Use this cost, Ihix week'x ruxh lo he elipihle lo pledge winter Irrm. i the 3rd Training Regie .. The f. ..f the *tod«nt : f• holtii"h11. tmive the education in."-age," lending eollejfe here work part and time." Sabine said. twdh dollar ami nttitodirial, Is up f Appleton served as . , Mn higan »-«*-• ident- mi! ji tit it' i- I t,. II a! "I t run i-t*> of | ootu Midline Oiol to you, for you are the one who chief of tiie Genera! -u tio'iid ti. m hi tin The -tiidei I iiiiint la' willinir 10 Mint students who (to Work be¬ lit iin of 1for oul e.f • It.- d ? V'i.'i i" i Weekeml Ihirlies Committae. lie received • i, . ai benefit* or loses from it j tuition, |ieirotml part li'tpale and tuil merely -ll tween (It and 'itI bout.- a week, ili id . make u|» tl i- i|iff» t»*iii »• I" iiideii.i- I oil! , Sabine -aid that if the alumni ! mendation RIWkiii for o'its«ui ij twoonthiA $! ,'mhi i.f flip tavpay- tin n will \ar> n.-i ordtny j*a - ivt |y like a veyetnhle and eti- earn between ami ffilltf dur .•••«.tu of this university would think { service in thin capa. it>. nn.I the total average t»,.. per -or.'' and need*, peef the'o.r to tret all of tin' the regular Septemtuo -.lone j Alpha Gams to Be Gomie im • Minni v to • want hark and realise what college of¬ Lt. Appleton served , annua) ro-t i.f your cdm-nthm. and hook eovl the tiie-snpe aero-., he said arhool year. fered them, they might contrib¬ fantry and graduated fr«., • i; t ' ■ "! ! The uiitVrrwttv Iimi adopted a tr. i|iror»l artaitprtnet t ri'.it of state student-. This meat)* kIii.P i t' i- Tt.e n. t of hook- for the t a i v. dep.r i.ln, j' piii-nii'i will nl " I f a pto |ie. Ii\e .novel-il V «tll- 'he majot the dint tin- 'In in'eiliyen. «• and the ed Atiotber part, which i« inrlu.l- when you pay tuition, of the Km-ifieer- '.villinirne a to In arhieve hi* real or dollar eosf, is that of nine and growing to meet the , activities offered ute enough for one -brick in a building to keep this university The member* of Alpha C.ainma^ hy Bill Hart's hand, and favor* i the airlHirne and rangu • Kiiteiiainment will he provided | at Fort Bennlng, <#a. A rin.!. j of Wheat/in College, >■ .« that the Land Grant, erdlegf t tn and rheirn-trv litajoi . will pay edueution. that !"■ protiil.-e.l the on eamptis. Delta and their date* will shed will In- the .tu.lrn' i home .t-,'. nioie and edinalion ma ho- ui^y i irht to that hy t hie Included in your tuition are a pressing demand for more high¬ given to the date* of the . graduate work in cd , .. their collegiate garb and become . ' )! 1 ehitrge Michigan n 'iilciit. tiioti' pay i. - than .loo to ;«lnl» a vein, v, he -aid. numhet of pionrnitiM and events ly trained, capable individuals. comic strip character* at a cos¬ girl*. MSU. |" ■ I II.i.c $ I ft t., attend th,lf school-. whah i tt.e an raye no! pei 1 to- yuaialiti. for af ei|o« Mlioli which can help to make you a Will |u«y to the atvi\coi!v fur feet *ludent, I- fulfilled h> < holer-hip- and hy more widely rounded individual tume party Saturday night. ! The la*cti»rc-t onceft serie-, which briny- to the cninpo. I". Ie« toie-, and 2d world Winnings Comic scenes *trip* and different from the Minnie* will MICHIGAN - TODAY - .•oii' ert-, decorate the recreation r«w»ni at MLLTA I'l'KlLON tiavclny i. 'Alpha (Jam house, while en¬ 2 All of the Athletic events, J elf (irevn, Oakland, Calif., j the tertainment will he aquare danc¬ SUPER BARUAI1N DAY including tl different *port«. graduate, to Ruth Ann Thomas, j AM. HAY PEKYIEH' OF l-FEATCNEx tdll different recital* and mu¬ Okeiuos freshman; Chuck Mal¬ ing, "Motr Match" style, ami bob¬ bing for apple- sical program* from the .Music tese, Detroit senior, to Joyce Germany will lie the setting for Stevenson, Mouth Lyons senior, WHAT A nchool. i and Snyder hall; Ameriro Dean, the annual fall term party of the , - :: Kxhihition. hy h>rul and in¬ ternationally famed artists f/out j Hell River Out., senior, to Haib at the chapter house. | the Kre*ge Ail 'museum, and the l} (ialhraith, Duulon, Out., fresli- loir a /etas, who will entertain The Epic Marine Story ihat i Th« MZ'- will wear traditional i State New-, the atudent news¬ man, and (iainma I'tii Beta; Mike paper.' _ ! Bryant, Hell River, One, senior, German eoaf nines and will I*-' served refreshments from a keg. j to Bobbie Metiivein, ( hicbgo, HI., soft drinks, of course. GOES ALL THE WAY! I MEAL! senior and Van Hooeei,. Delta I'pstlon pledges will hold Engagements ■ AI.PIIA TO USI l. t Brian Lisner, Manitowoc. Wis., a Backward* party for the actives ami their date* this weekeml. Ml.1,1 \ IIKI.TA Mi l I \ junior, to Judy l alicki, Crand j All will In- required to wear Cared llackett, Ionia, Mich., ItajiidM sophomore and Mary ; their clothes backward*, and ■enmr, to Jim Attack, Niagara Mayo; Joe Magyar, Allen I'ark, j record* will provide the enter¬ KalM, Out., mnior; Marilyn Mc¬ Mich., sophomore, to Mary Llien tainment. Lean, tir.iHse I'ointe I'ark junior, (ireene, Jackson, Mich., junior : A Roaring 20'* party will be to Jack Sneller, /eelnmi, Mich., and Last Landon. hel l hv the Lambda Chi*. The up- senior, and Alfdia l.iimma l!ho. ALI'IIA DK1.TA I'l sta.M of the chapter house will Miane I'eterson, Crosse I'ointe Knren Lundie, Manama City, I.C decorated like a *peak easy, I'ark »eiu<»r, fo Mave Zuelke, Kla., senior, to Kirk Schulte, Ken- while the downstair* will ha liro*-e I'ointe senior, ami Sigma ton, Mirh., I'niversity of Illinois turned into a gambling hall. Alpha Kpsilon; Linda Murdock, graduiitH student and Mtu la It* Gilchrist hail will hold its fall Little Valley, N.Y., senior, to Hill Tau. term party, with the them* of Johatisen, Winchester, Mas*., sen¬ DLL! A IIKI.TA MKI.T A "Good Luck." ior, and Lamlala Chi Alpha. Matm ia F reeman. Hint, Mich., Decorations will be patterned Al I'll \ OMII HON I I senior, t<» iinry (iildner, Flint after the "Knrtunu," Mr. Lucky'* Mnr.'ia Maker, St. Louis, Mo.,, grad student, and Kappa Sigma. rivcrhoal, of television fame. ,Junior, to Mick Czerwinski, De¬ troit senior. IFC-Panllel The top quality U.S. Gnwt>4 hw.'t hanihu«a*ii Driv* nut t* our Do-• Munee to lie Held things In For ■ tally tnn.k Always plvnfy mf pmrkmf •ink# At Civic Outer NU.S.M'1 they BEVEHA3ES Hlue Angel, the lFT-l'an llel won FOOD dance, will he held Nov. lit in the tarqn. I* tl. small auditorium lit Lansing Civic UmI 3-Ml SImw Urn. 7k Hrahcrftrs . ISC* thi.h Shah at . . »0« center. Medals Coca Cola 109 A 159 Kntertaiument f«»r this etclu- (lim.iii|.ii I9C CoM** 109 stvely (Jreek dance will he pro¬ for? French friti IOC 104 vided by Jipbby MttVldson's 14 BLOMBB BAHlfloB . - Milk . \mh Drink • 104 A IJ4 piece orchestra. Those attending the event will h<> allowed two o'clock per mil- AND «OH:i no. II> J'MMI | S Alt IN AW sums.* Hint Ihtitstl.!* || a.m. lit II put ! Ulo.'ks West of I r4iid.ii Tickets are on sale in all fra¬ the things I toll* and *>Mlitttl.iy II a.m. lo I am ternity and sorority Ijousea for only $2.7f.. Anyone wishing further lm THEY formation about the dance may call Tom l.evrly at I'D 'J-btklS. NEVER WROTE ^fcooita u iiui>ii*iioitl -Late Show Information HOME FRIDAY. SOVKMBKK II ABOUT! I.I TIIKKAN 8TI DKNT AHStt. t IATICIN—10, University Lutheran Church I'op t'«>rn party. IIII I.ML 7 p.m.. ZBT House, P10 Gmbbi knew i eu. Grove, Mabbath Services. ( ATNOLIC WTCMINT ORGAN Sheila had l/ATION A pro. Catholic Student Center. Movie, "Fa¬ the quickest / . ther Brown Detective " boiling . I« ( A1HMLIC S1I MK.NT ORGAN* IZATION p.m., t'atholic 1 D Student Canter, Coffee Hour, CAC.r.or rvn. xhomv thii> at si; ■ m m point in t'ATIIOLIC RTIDFNT <»R(. \N- the islands! |K IZATHIN— Saturday, V p.m., t.'athulic Student Center, Dance. :D4 llArnt — &!■ IIILI.F.L Saturday. IU a.m., IIU- let House, Sabbath Services l.t TIIKHtV STI DKNT AHB0- UlATlON—'Sunday. 5.30 p.m., CajHWHBBH^I CD■RVRM Pete's 44-hour brawl I RS University Lutheran Church, Supper and Mrogram "Racial OMMfl LXJBU- shook Hawaii 0 ...tofw&SAiVuj. ! IIILLFI. Discrimination " Sunday, fi p.m., lhllel mmbebeurn as it's never UMBCR-TotMOR £oAt#uf emotumr iA> ; | House, Buffet supper, Uahbi I'hilip Frankal Will review "Th« been pi SOfXklt/u amd/toWM ! Affair" by C. I'. Snow. CHRISrI AN STI DKNT KOI N- aaaaCMNfORO shaken k?i ■ ' AuHXhAL poMiovu DATION Sunday, 7 p.m.. Col¬ MCTHtKN MCA YEN ASH HilLl. OSl'T AT !.-•> before f moteUnpa&diontcti--. lege House, International .Stu¬ ■ & dent Manel. tftoAA 40vt U>t£t fymd, ; I'llANMNG-MI KK AY IU> j LDWSIIIM- Sunday, 7 p.m., lOUOBJUfilMadMOfflMID i | 1 Art Room, Union. Post-Election discussion and business meet-; ing Siam*| JEFFREY DAVID VIC a*uLthbpBac&iA. FOI.K SINGERS Saturday. 7 AO p.m., "Y" House. ■ AKKIC \N HIGH I.IK K t I I It- Saturday, S p.m.. V N Lounge,! everyone welcome. HUNIER MNSBI-DMKK! r 4«. I anai fTyuriyjp n«RB-iiUUDI-MOI^ ff ' ^ mitlNQ NOV. I* UWlNo sessue hayakawa llMf Xl'.- (MlMUMBMefi NBKTKiTVMlUK! CO-FEATl'EE JVUSllSSM -«■— ! PtlFDM.UirO DULY -MIDNIGHT LACK" ! * SJ*. * I M. 1 Of(EIS DAY • BEX HUEWM - JOHN OAVI> AlillKIl M li.M. ( AKTiHlV • l.tttSCT NEWS . NKM6IN IhNb* THE U«T KAYX Of roMlfJI ONCE AT EU Lm hr — Ikni At 'Mr. Success' Swainson Docs It Again Here'* A newer; DETROIT. •• M^—Vetol -Mr. ftatement from Hagweti by the American F*d- twke-un.orreKfut Bagwell The Pdenu-d 12-ywr ♦ermrw. f »oj?n- ' »n> hope for . con*Smiing a What Makes Fingers Your Twitch? of il con¬ at J.I. Il ' *•', ye ' V funger pr rrjt ng athletic career. A , at g:42 » m "than IJeTujcrAtl" v,*, NEW YOKE ,1' Your brain there can he no electrical -from An rd e^r! long. Some of; in: nmvb V «:'<"> him Horn*- nwamton now wills* with a In a split second- travelllng.fant show how to make safer, better Acetylcholine natural bio* .u. v>!er#. a th *m started i of the Willia vote «r5 -i! '' - enough to cover four md"« In one local anesthetic* , «h it. the hsndwzme young a v etory par'; and s'vtms, minute. And th* findarnenta) fiodiog-' logic mhtmriai, is instantly re- amputee won the title early the evening, spirit* irthnit *mil(- :>rjd "i a"ra*Uvc ir'njr hi- ?•'' flcltt' limbs #o bvn- leased from pro'eir, ma'/rai in I But hbw? Eyarlly what hap could A;d research Into di*»a'es. f, verrior of Michigan in the wen high *? si'rf 20o of th*~n d!! - hirel. n'/tidlble lb#t' which it a sty/red and made . r.t.nljc per*-nH»"v ' - ■ j» 'pr-of to generate elertrielty ir: *uch a- 'baking p*D'/- multipic C'JfOnd (ip in froni of trrer- •*■!- I' acts upon ft receptor or re. .»»ir of hit Democratic }>m- he -i* ♦H®rr>. i nerve* which shoot uncounted seiero9/» ard rr;>astheru* grav.s. evinon a muscujif ',oi*»i tor-- * r- seta vnd a bjg tally frr- tfiJJ -vit'n' D- " ceivmg pro ten. which apparently . < arcer • r.f bior.d v-! , purril® Heart, t thou*an«D of mesnag'M back ar»«i in whi/h rerves go haywire brt»rn la-, along the wal! or rr.»rr.brar,« ,.o*/n finally claimed v;c- -i -■ r,'t citation, two The finding', made'largely with v ■ ,fcr an all-night vigil. He t **I feci life a »oMi#r In a fox- i:%Mr, a f./ • - • -r /i battle ■ ,v»d tiie Crni/. de J forth every day? elect»-;<• fr'u, some from Itr f>a .d of. the nerve o? axon ID- b,-;an ♦' ■litiouj earlier, although hoJr," S A'jinv.n 14d thCm a* -al r Oti ii- in 'hi European cam- j COM 'Mill \ I MVEIfMITV Na/hmar »ohr, ar.d staff the Ift.14 i a ' ♦*«• Ar'.--. jentisu Thursday de»crit»e'J r.-v. in »he wail developing what many the time, -j *no* h tr ,rj#* maker r.erv« more per- , as u-.te an-t r'-'-dv partrner' of r,euroi//gy a' t i- Jv- reau.lte from 20-year »tudie« which meahb* are .r*d a comfortable lead going ,o niv Jmmeo.atc a.-eo, wia marked fo o 'rr things A • • • :»r, Swa!ns'"n they think pretty we!! spell nut hia < co '/ge of phj/uiam* ami but • don't cp«h» if we n- off. hi* I!/publican rival, Paul v.,ji- ..v biA 'i1!r'v a',, • • from Dm- - ■ o"i- /.-tiDoo'i In the ha-ir mechanism ar d mystery surgeon* I'OHITIVHM ' If AUGF.D "d ell. nine the var " ; A tw/fi n|n« accident The re.ear, her* p:/♦.■,re I day be arrived at t^t- state cap- ' at They find that one vit«! rherru- r«■ "o ; o .o,'-* or ou'side the „'ivj.n-o h''.' me, ?!»*» t'.' vp' necrsedated »d- tran»rni»--, and for a concession after an unprc> < co--» ;,n•• f'rs• • r MI hD ntudiru. and f:».t just at nerve endings a* IT M'f \IfT.H when «rt7 stimulus ner/e. seiate, Swaln»ori in 1951 v..,, JOHN h\V % IN Hf|N' scientist.* had long Iwfieved mode permanent c' ...rma;i of III. Ki t IHVED h,- bavlA-.or They have isolate/1 h protein ori ■ e "Democrat:c * 'e e»rivn- la Governor .Elect wHi'h thi* chemical act- p, trig Pershing Rifles Team !.r. ff*• lost in tiOtS Jar, » I' '•« t. - v .,vr,ve «-*r>io»i-rs the ' r.n i •«- !• l*n y. I • 19 ' r i . ' 11;v J of North '' Ciro- h>« .-net Th HiWtwzy «■ Indianapolis .. ;• 2»o mil*: M ravnft ger off electrical currents. \ H I If Ih IS<, DIHt OV EICY i» .vai 1». Drills at Battle Creek a-:o "intan.- goll that J» ane»»hetjrs a>t h'-c-a France in 1 t lie wa'- ur ■ .it.;/- -t At ' '• Nf a se , inner of. ■»»,- p.Vb Infan'rv r . : T ' ' <• " Of rh -our*r they bind up this pro'em - Two Mile* MaUmnl of lantiin on >1-7* •'.»;on undr-f r;-ti r;- r-o- K. r n .- rr, r. f'eter and K'i - !*•»' o»i. Hwa."H',r, JVi - hint' lUDex Co. I.-'S went to Ft runter. an Air Force - it «,fi a '.n;» p„, [ feci . • near Battle f'reek, for in«tru< lion ami practical ex- on jupiftil battle tlrilJ, Saturiia ;»1 b:I.j a m | .Uemnem departed from I»«• , ' tot r-i'X fi: patroi ff.»- in were a wlii. h b< miv- k. Dd Three anu aiitii i. er.m pan- a fourth thr- rid.o^' o-i o r>»:*-ri Svi.f vr f-i t.j D'.*trophy - j i»' V. ayne rounty adVH ate r.« ar'ui. legal and of roun- Mu«- ha- the [ FRIDAY • SATURDAY tmM- FIRST • SUNDAY ^LinpiiiMt Talks ; hall wdh thi ' -»pt k< t ir commander. ' *»d»'t 4,1 egory. Plymouth •" •=. 7111 -; i' nt D ■ © 9 Ili-re Wednesday M-mur. in th*• faculty 'harjrp rapt. Edgvrton. h1vi*a»i, t*a» «i»«. DRIVE-IN SN0WIN6! a tnr,:> l'K«>GK \%l I .fOKMATION f Al.l. ED 2-MI7 Raven I. Me David Jr. taiil talk At Ur recc.nna.'Mfire tit jti.* 'It SHOWS AT 7 KM. - ik»r» nextsociety gt j, week to thedistort*. on MSI' Liri- M< David, a L'n»ver«ity of bfirf'd yrf-r.t f. h'-ai territory, 2nd I.f A I' I: lr.»- I^ir.-inir f-iafrx/r or- the? me-th't'l ICari junior, I.VITI I liur-il.i, fh. *:■ linguist, has done con- of attark trfr> a«lvanr»-d tin rno re«earrh into dia.rct* to !!,. *tU<* fH,.|!.iof. , . "Facta and I A »hort rritirjm b> ' apt rji .EA5T LANSING PHONE ED.2-2814 Ilirn NiniiLi't rveninga l,t: A ho'd American Dialer!* ft ft/ t *Mil hi- 'old T- . I r.guiitk aocietjr wiil ir,«»' lit tr- HOME Of THE BEST FOREIGN FILMS («.,!'•. ' i! !.«- »i*«. r." I 7 pm. In the cer-ond roor that th- alta,- y w KXf'i.l HIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING "■ the I'hy«>r*-M*th build br»l first, I lour r-Wrdnaagay. had tMi-i he •*•*! ir jf Jazz Workshop A leadership Hmction coui • Do FIRST SHOW 7 IVM. — ADI'LTS Wir S»- a jrivci.. Wtiut »»•>•. men ■ campus a,Mlit ufitifr <~t,rditior-* After 'how thr- ca»!rt* rrt>irr>»*d , ALL NEW SHOW TONIGHT character: t«. rolD D'-m a» t ail ».U-d wren hot coffr< ar,.! "ALL THAT FAN IIE DESIRED: STk. \« mm,,., ,nd ir,ltai b. rnwtd Ink ,ti Imur .tMl 17 Bi.nut.. prnSiHtkaC I, ran —l,.il, Nik, I'Vuliiriii,! tin- Band Sets The Mitoic of JOIIANN STKAIUS ... Al lis-iitlrr Uri>ii|i N'Western "Thr Blue Danube" Tllci from th^ Vienna U'lrad*" * l.lfr" Ailini"ion GO rciilk ccieom/as i/TNaeft-,-MU-ac. "%t mrttmi i. m WK-I» >, W*MC>I "Die I ledermau»" "Kmgerar UalU ' Trip, Show n /l-MT. wese O-wwfwec^-anHCaca OMM| Gullm E«|»re«*« „Umn oyci* nuosea /« A T>V) WODOCTlOB »•*» e „ tu»^A VOL" HEAR THEM ALL AND MORE in Trvoaryryc ^ IMT NO. (2) NHOWS' AT I B — 11:15 1- M-l fiiarcl.inK l>and will; IT' 2 hranil River iravcl t<- Evanrton. III.. Raturda to p'tforr a* tr.*- State-North ■ , THE ETERNAL WALTZ' «•■«»ft: I* tr.- t f«y,tbaii g*tn*. Thi* will 'rd trip for >tnr,in( — IUKVMAKI, kICM • MOM (RAIIL (r>ia There, will be a 2 p.m. Wi can't beat them for I matinee along with the 8 p-m. fports, for travel, for com¬ \ performara e fort in any pursuit. Your umpus five has them! $150. Jockey SKANTV brief i liri-iiiia* BimiIs Sngge»li«nhs *7 £ McfJraw • Kilt l.nryiopcdia of Science ."snd tfchBokirv 11 VOLUMES l'rr-puh. I'fK*—1I.W.MQ * •f IIW. Ik. awl ni.nk.ti.'.' r.'.t.tu. »»tk r*1*. it* kIM In puMi'hin* Iii%uwt |i *ffrr« an- "Sv-i rivaled mrrsir and factual data in ihf f»#UD & of life uiewr, phyMcal worn**# earth acleuee. and engteeering. »v r- Vour razor ridet «•§/ «H the vvgy. Softgnt \ Special laviUlitici: the most stubborn b««rd instantly for a faster, Tortyton has the taste— r Lit corcmei i 'W* o4-ACT-VATC C-/f»C0*l... I5'. Vou welcomed to to and inspect closar shave, soothes and lubricates your are nm skin. Dual Filter fltlccet, i'Ttc lo c^k- tr< • «;> , -igy.;:, .Tiki w; . lh,M* MH pages, MNJM trued*, and »Jk IUs- X Extra-rich, extra-thick, puah-button quick. ^raumM. Aa eaeeilent 2- kitn » p.'« nnrt, eutff (Ior»tf»» !f«» w «• imj o,jnc» gruup fdl Regular or Mentholated, only 1.00 #. l.ifl Book Ht'a: does it! tM f/w >n tr.- urc- Tkrc/ton t *trr >imri j .n yen 0* best uste of tlx Otst toexcov. r<. rA- SPARTAN BOOK tTOREf Q/dcj/M S ml u Uri> Y4VC L. T O M SMOdTH SHAVE NEW DUAL FILTER Tareyton CORNER AX> A MAC J awm# /, the president-elect as a member ] inf to a world that ka* littlo time donesian obeerver expressed hope PrsaMent Chiang Kai-Shek con¬ of one of the United States' It J. Edgar to Run And His Election \ to loot." that more substantial aid will be gratulated Kennedy and Formosa extended to young and dereKgdng newspapers said they expected no richest fsmilies, who "always re¬ Various Cambodians expressed countries. basic change in Washington's ceived the support of the big FBI Once More hope that the United State* will Eastern monopoly groups." In Saigon, the English-langu¬ China policy. Foreign Countries Voice now show greater sympathy and HYANN1S PORT, M«M. ir Alj Across Formosa strait. Red In congratulations from 5!ani!a, understanding of the nation* that age Times of Vietnam said Ken¬ President-elect Kennedy want to remain^uncommitted in nedy's bold venture* in ^foreign China made clear that Kennedy's President Carlos P. Garcia said M "27 million Filipinos now eagerly nounced today he has asked .1 the cold war. policy open up new fields of hope, flection has not alerted it* Ijste- Edgar Hoover to remain a. fcegj for under-developed countries. America policy. look foiward to an even closer re¬ John Their Opinion of Kennedy Premier M. Chang of of the Federal Bureau of Inve*. South Korea said he-hopes for in¬ The Chinese Nationalists on The offirial New China New* lationship between your country and mine." tigation and Allan W. Dull*- X9 creased moral and economic aid Formosa, who had favored Vice agency described him and Nixon continue to serve director of tho from the incoming administra¬ President Richard 51. Nixon for as "birds of the same feather," Canadian newspaper* devoted thousands of words to largely Central Intelligence Ageticj. p, LONDON' t,V - Hopc.i for nmrc ' feuding over complex issues, such j "We have followed with ! eft for year* your declarations in inter-J tion. his stand on Quemoy and Matsu, making preparations for war. said both havo accepted. American money, sympathy or as the Palestine problem. In Jakarta, the independent In¬ accepted the outcome quietly. It contemptuously referred to laudatory editorial*. mora! support marked reaction in A sharp example whs provided the senate and during your dec-1 some smaller nation* Thursday to by Ferhat Abbas, premier of the j toral campaign on the problem* i Jolin F. Kennedy'* election. Algerian government, who wants of decolonization in Africa and! ! the liberation of Algeria. This Sunday Various commentators in the ; the t'nited States to side whole¬ Middle Fast, North Africa and South Asia took a "what's in it heartedly with the rebels in their for us?" approach, basing; this, on from France, America's oldest campaign pledges that helped ally. ' lem We hope to see the principles j six-year-old war for independence enttnviated by you on these prob- i - 1 ministration's become the basis of your ad- j international pol-j Attend Church Kennedy win the presidency. From TunL. the seat of his cx- ! icy " Some of these sources are on iled regime. Abbas sent Kennedy : There was comment along simi-! opposite sides of the fence in congratulations and the reminder: j: lar lines acres the Arab bloc, which officially supports the re- EAST LANSING CHURCHES I hellion. Mideast editorials reflected the Crossword Puzzle obi Arab-Israeli struggle. Israeli newspapers looking to '• j Kennedy for help in opening the! ACROSS 31. Disturb the i Suez ratail to Israel! shipping and j EAST LANSING UNIVERSITY LUTNOAN ^ A Notary Q{f Jovruyis" peace I. Dispensed j clearing the way to a peace set- with 12. Fith sauce ! Dement. PEOPLES CHURCH 1. Demons I J. Powerful 14. Spoken 39 System of In pro-western Jordan, acting! | Foreign Minister Jamil Tutunji | is how Will Rogers once (WribH America. TRINITY CHUKN CHURCH explosive drainage ! said in an interview "all we are 'Belonging'to a friendly group provide* need¬ EAST LANSING 14. Mum cf ♦0 Religious de* nominations ' interested in is to see that the ed fun and companionship. But an infinitely Intergenmala.itieaal AND STUDENT CENTER astronomy ] new American president fully urn greater experience is 'belonging' to God'* 19. Exist «2. Chalice 43. Noise | derstand* and supports our family. "At many at receiW Him (Chritl) Ft Spartan Avenua Cat tell It Design j causes . . . our conflict with Isrnel Rev. t- ELT.ENE WILLIAMS National Lntberaa 44 Charge f :>r to them gqrr //g to 6eromo th* «on« 349 Wert Grand Rtooff at Mtrbffta It ty Solution of Vootorday'o Pu**ia 'and the Algerian struggle for in* ptnrtr Pastor Dlvlrtaa and Ann Street, E. L. ♦h« use of It. Weight i dependence." of Hod" John 1.12 (1 blocks North of Bertey Ham Dr. wyiscn Bobertaon, Fatter money: abbr. VroBSRIP SFRilCE* allowance 45 Air: comb, DOWN 12. Cutting w it The Amman newspaper A1 Parish Pastor: Cfearlea RMnbrtefc Dr. F. Marian Bhnma I. Asserted Jihad expressed hope thHt Ken¬ MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL II Quantity per form 17. Sour f:34 A IIS a.m. Day. Boy J. Schramm Campus Warfcer; Mtsa Teela Sand unit of time 4? So African 2 Ha.r . 20 Bend out of nedy will review campaign Dr. N. A- Mefuuo, Fatter "THE NEW BIRTH* ED 3-3371 or ED 3-49M tlKeel-bUled ferrvboat ointment a straight line pledges of backing for Israel 3. Article 22 Alligator & STUDENT CENTER 44 Type which, it said, "he probably made 1M p.m. SUNDAY SERVICES measure 4 Mature pear to secure Jewish American votes." Crib «nd biddy 49 School book 5 Jap. outcast 24. Constellaticn ••UNITY AND USEFULNESS" 9:9*. 19:13 A 11:39 a.m. boop prorltei Cairo's a! Akbab warned that I A Wis finals Ryssd Special Moslc: 91 Earth: <5, Takes from 26 German the trend of I'.S.-Arab relations (Nursery available at all aervlee*) 111 AIiImiII Road *1 Blocks N. of Union " comb form Co-rpns.t.un river MIm Makell H.-rmon. Soprano SUNDAE 9ERYTCK • 51. Mand for t-voi ~ 28 Rhythmic will depend on Kennedy's under¬ Mr. N*t! Peik. Trombone SoloLt •to a.m. A llto am. 3 to p.m. Ceugretstteaal Meettsg 54 Scottish S. Sinned swing standing and respect of "the aims Wm. J. BrHtsn. Faster Lutheran Student Asmrtatten ••A LOOK AT LOYALlie comedian 9. Front 29. Establish¬ of our Arab policy." OTHER SEP Tier* 10. At home Dr. WaHgcs Hobertion ft* Firm and ments for Damascus newspapers called on Chapel St- Parsnsage Telephnwe CD 2-9779 9:4i a m. Sunday School Supper 3:3* p.m. strong 11. Climbing cutting logs Cburth School Kennedy to revise I'.S, Middle Sunday Warship Sehetfsle: 9. 19. HrlS i ts. riawea fee Ualverrtty Student* y pilot- perennials 33. Yarn Program - 4:13 pm. •to am. A 11 to a.m. measure Fast policy—meaning a switch to and Vesper* si 1:15 p.m. • 43 p.m. Trlaitv Cotter late Fellow- — the Arab position. ••RACIAL DISCRIMINATION" Friendly Dlblo Ctoe* 934 a. 1 4 l to " u 34. Willows fiantma Delts-fUsdeitts Supper and Program telp Buffet Sapper t If % 35 Substance used to curdle milk A Southenst Asian view came in the comment of neutralist f tn I p.m. PrnvMiitf s Campus MlnUtry far Married and single Mindent* 7.00 pm. Wedne*day Fvealng Larry V ray ah (MRU rtndent from Ghana) Gove more Room Fellowxlilp _^Uoogue 14 H g m. Cnmhodia's radio that Kennedy's Prater and Bikle Stady 9:15 p.m. Inqalry Clam. r J? 'O 37. Nobleman B 18 Pungent election "will bring fresh think- T IT - ft ■ aromatic root 39. Comes in 41- Possessing flavor SOCIETY OF CHRISTIAN FIRST CHURCH OF ST. JOHN STUDENT METHODIST CHURCH Of OGEWOOO rr ^ ax u 46. Uncanny FRIENDS PARISH 93 47. Viral nam* CHRIST, SCIENTIST EAST LANSING IB V u K Pf h Jg 1 of an Oliver Wendell (QUAKERS) 5TUMNT Vr. R. Havanaach PEOPLES CHURCH IT Holmes 194 r. Grand River and 4% MEETING AT 10:15 A.M. 117 MAC. Aeeaue r character w 49 Patriotic organization; SUNDAY Fart Lanrtag Sunday Mas*e« WESUY FOUNDATION abbr FOUNDATION Cbarrh Service If A.M. 3:19 -141- 19to - 11:39 Wttaan M. Teaaaat, n . 50 Devour L'nd FIOOR. George I. Jordan 1r1 53. Chines* COt.I.EG E HOUSE OF *kaday Scbeel II A.M. (Baby gutter at 9:43 A Minister* f 1 r measure 55. Down; • .Saadav Irked 9ar I'alyeratty 19 to Manei t M I'EOIM.ES* CHURCH tit W. Grang River •taienta 9:14 a m. Daily Mataea 9:43 A ito am, prefix Jeaepk A. Portar, Mlnltter 13:19 pza. .M W W —1 Saturday Maaaea 9to A »to ana. ••MORTALS AND mMOHTALf* SUNDAY WORSHIP CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS A ielegatien «f c. 4, F 'era are Cantoartaaa Baity 9to A.M. A Rev. WHoon M. Ttsstol ittendtar C.CW.'a t'NlTRD St- fadaeaday Svialss ton Bag 9 PM TRRAT this weekend. Dr. Albert •to PM. (after Rnanry) 119 9. Harrteou Hd. T. Malte* »n of AteaaadrU. Vir¬ ginia 1* Um feaynste apaaker. Saturday 4-3 39 A 3:99-9*9 FN. DEADLINES: I p.m. Day Itrfnrr I'uhliraOon for Tun.. Wtd., Thar*.. Churcb Senrtoov: 9:43 A 1139 9 At rstnpaa 9:19 FX. Sunday Forum Nuraery for bote Soryleyd and Frl. Edition-. Ikadlinr for Mon. Edition: I p.m. Fri. Nay. IS, at 3:99 . . Men. tern Sat 9 an - I p.m. be a a indent I aura atlasal panel Man* That* Thara- A FrL I pm ED 2-1.311 EXT. 2613 ACYIWTIKB COUNCIL MRRT9 Ganrge Peawetrakepalaa Greeca RVFBY OTHER WEDNESDAY Cburcb Scbool Iiaman PblnaiaSan Jtgypi 9 to p-m. Jakn Tlng-cnnng Bhteh—Cklaa 9t43 a m. Collego CDsg EO 3-F77I automotive FOR SALE PERSONAL llto am. All ASM TWO TICKETS FOR Northwestern- ,T WAS COLD last night, but the Tl55 OLDS-TWO DOOR llOi.l- MSU football zaine. Call TL I-S038 j "lime Angel" the Phi Sigma HAY. tiree. All power Reasonable. equipment. EXT. 1231 or rcw FD — i Kappaa warm Kept EASTMOGTU AU SANns EAST 1AUN6 r-sop as; t«SI OF.SOTO. RADIO _ IIEATF.H. WANTED SERVICE CENTRAL HHHOOIST food tires. prt>-e I economical at EM contact R. R. MUliaan after 7 pm. ! ( STUDENTS' WIFF WOULD like j PKSBY1BHAN CHURCH OF CHRIST ED 3-3319. 37' to care for ren. in pre-who I child or child- j SPECIAL—Two her University Village Home I ladiei -lark*. cleaned and preaaed. pair men'* pant* or USIX'KL CHUKN k llto 1 , ■ i - FD 3-OM* 3* ; 91 T9C ** TV'i lor mJo. Phone IV ■to. loth C. Marrow. DA for sale personal" » llto W11 >lg Sarotaro ■■total Wsrohlp Mi • AJE. AJL A .... SMITH-CORONA SOCIAL SCIENCE DIVISIONAL Maentag Werteip Vonte Service * llMJbN. tto P.M. M BATTER OP THE PAST him ajE Someone Table model. Elite tjje Good condi¬ Vafore-Senior* Your attention la — AND ThE FUTUBE- tion. ED S-SSgy ai raited to the fact that you are oUg- hie te to«e the Pre*—tonal Qeui- TYPING. ED 9-4199. Evening Service — Tto PM WITH develooing ifu-atkm Tr«t fur employment by the _ Church bus runted .to on FJf. aampus ench . _ jrinung Kodak mmie Dim reg¬ ular S3 M. 93 SS. Mr Black and white .•!V 9133 color, 9199; 91 S3 KISS. N.itionat Security Agency. Applies- tn n must he made by 39 Nov. Ex¬ amination given Hi East Lansing 3 toping. Waned SAVE up to 40"V en rough draft Offset DimltcaLng. ED 1-S44L 941 E. Grand fcw. E. '■JtoT or roB IV 9-9H9 9s»a rids. To UTt. Proaiilptkul Center, Pt comber. AoollraUon blank and March your Rex all Drug Store by framlor t.ext to National. tf further PteceoMm Bureau information or available Divisional Off- at Lansing. If SONTH BAPTIST CNIRCN aagkssd wmsssmum TYPING DONS IN sty Damn. Con LANSING CRAFT Guild annual aale and show. This AND Hobby FOR THE FINEST In dance RltisV IV 4-9903 after • pro. U SOUTH HI—MR 10It AT 99HHHB9 HIYBH DRILL. LANSING HOLY TRUTY Church With You week tn the Civic Canter. Thursday. Ha Bud Spongier Don Smith. Java TV AND RADIO service. Special HOWARD F. SUODEN, D. D^ Partoe Friday and Saturda* from 13 noon Urxun, Bohhr SUvtn* plus many low rata* to student*. New and used 10 p.m. DESMOND J» HELL. Aaaae. Filial to Free Admission. Unusual other* Phone the Bud-Mor Agency. TV sets and antenna*. Free tube «ne of a kind gm Ideas. Bring a tf friend and browse ground. 33 chalking, frag Mtklng • am. to * THREE NEW WOODS, g iron, VTOOCMTSf shoo 3SS3 Vine Street Fcurherber*. I I Saily TVIVTbShalctoiH tinMichigan. 1-39M Co, 9931tf Morning Werteip llto a.m. redge. putter. Mother bag golf balls plenty of parking, west of "TBI BATTLE HAS HMMTtT* % *-'d glove. The wcod* all in A-I condition at a bargain price of g73 Call ED 3-3373 after 9 p m. H arr-xw (mat National Fi«>d DAVIS ORCHESTRA- LEARN TO FLY at Sherea Avia¬ tion • Low Rates - Three mile* north on Abbott - phone ED 3-U334 Evening Wat telp Ito pjn. This Sunday. Cull ED 3.1477. tf DINING TABLE. GREY FORMICA Admit Yanth AND lUJeu ite-1 4 ckalra. 9U. 9 I-AVAt.lEKs - RrCOGNITION TYPIST Ann Brexrn. New phone i »K dining chair*. |13 plastic upho). . PINS. Party fi*.! fri'j'i Horuv Eci«»omic« . Term papet * and thevc*. Also gen- 1-iWi. 33 Uuildirg. ED 3-4733 tf i eral typing. ti FRIDAY. XOVEMRER II. |9P(t M I C H I I! A N ST A T K X K \V S PACE SEVEN You See Heller liv Daylight . , , t' thing which the driver ran do if he finds himself in this .sit¬ the view of car. the This left ear "blind side spot" of Is Do sour headlights show rscryth'ng? Thi* ri:i>liuhl seme on :i uation is to brake, as' he loses not visible with 4.30 i> m. to cidents occurred during the 7:30 :i months of November and Dec¬ Chances arc. he drive? t<» ember. cias- or work, wiirtwy trav¬ Michigan had a sampling of eling both w.. in the dark this two woks ago when a rec¬ or scnu-darkneas. The student ord 98 deaths were recorded on travel ng home for the week- tha highways. end will al.v> stand n greater chance of driving in tv.v dark-! EXPERTS BLAME this high' rata upon many immediate T'ere ; re many dangers on causes, but Hildcbrand said that the rua i which clu-u* the driv¬ tot moat frequent underlying cauae is the failure of the driv¬ ers headlights. M «-? drivers to place t >•» much eo ifidcnce in er adjust to the coiuUuous their headlights and over-drive of tha road. Ground fog, rain, snow, and1 eleet occur at scattered inter-' vala In Michigan at this time of! ' the year; and it is not unus¬ ual for a driver to drive thru tone hazardou; situation amd i into another in a matter of minutes. Hildcbrand noted that the Junior fashion in average driver takes too long! to slow down and adjust to an cotton-rayon knit . . . unusual situation. Once he is out of it, he will accelerate to on ergyle-pleid a speed faster than his ori¬ sheath with solid color ginal speed. piping At this time of year the driv¬ at the jewel neckline, sleeve, er should pay particular atten-j tton to pavement condition. end pockets. Trim smartness With temperature crossing the freezing mark frequently, there for your "casual" agendo in are many times wijen the driv¬ er is on frozen pavement while gold, blue, lilac, or green. tie thinks he has a sure foot- ' 5-15 junior sixes. 14.98 Ing. Leaves with a coating of frost can be one of the worst haz¬ lludpel Dress Shup ards to the motorist and ore found on many road surfaces during November. A layer of leaves on a road surface set like a coat of ice. react to a skid on frozen roads by hit¬ ting brakes. According to re¬ sult* of teats made by the Traf¬ fic center, this is the worst pos¬ sible action a driver can take. The ratuKs of this experi- dutch bag EAT PIZZA! SDIERS. IN WHITE AND CCLCPS, FOR MEN AND WOMEN. AVAIUBLE AT IT PAYS AT TIIE I'IZZA ITT CLOCK RADIOS GIVEN 3 compartmonl* Ramsey's Mens Shop AWAY EACH WEEK. L'oupnou far FREE PIZZA in every box Sheppard'x Shoes WittnopaltiMbh CALL ED 2-0863 The Top Shop one foJd-ovor dutchl THE PIZZA PIT Roomy sntotiof, 1 coin todioi moot m aocicBfH? pocket! Block or navy THE RIBHT TASTE BECAUSE lalllo.- gold, silver, or V MceraySgottt_. osuW-pastoi hfocodot at both ends SAO plus toe % • FRIDAY. NOVEMBER It. ISM fAGE EIGHT MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Cadets to Engage Panthers Cross Country Squad Defends Titles r:'t*hurfh, t.Fh—Can the TMi Drtksler will definitely not ftee orer p*r.;hor» \~rv •*(rt:*rd'* ftpft.nrt the ftctwa Army gad that Or»npemen. stuck" Th.f u the K* P»ul Hod«e and Ret* CeuMsI- ' v: «sxr Ben Bc^yrftmrn-ft^der^i Mieheinwn Mtd. them Wf It wiil pep them up rather thar. Spartan Runners Sock to Win | qiirclidR :r. Satv.raft* 's cUsh be- 1ft c *tll net be \xp u> per: tnoeei rv*e two Efts tern foot- pur* Jote will fft3 to retemn bx'i powers ;n -GufirdO ir. B.ti *tftdium. PitV* oa«h te- Tom Brown fDie lurry Vlfritodi «r»d Bophomere cause added them to tot down" he "Amy U a atronf hard hi;- Big Ten. IC4A Championships] fo-i to the two linemen funk- Miohekwen e*pecu another ting team." It does not appear in£ the center. "This pocitMin ^ tough P#:w> *e» in a row." Miche- or a» f*r as strength fees.* - «, - Vc-rre Dam*. Ohio State. an:. the ' Army," said coach l«wii said. ' Wr''tinc usf to is in tine for • bowl bid A'- Frt-vf Academy Johnny KWekwu today. ;t" -.-/ . ^. - f> ir.-vt Indiana, the only Big .Tor,1! rirr* p«aM» have been rid- THE CADET* show a «-2 we-, if it can defeat Amy «*d Pern, ten it. h»» schoo! t/ wit. more cwftrwatSw i died by injuriw a" «ea<-.V -- it * fAv: lr the B*«t thf Ppr»«fcy> vciil V .-Vv-.en said guard John . hfcve to tm;s forth « mRVtftiwwi j V jv* V.r.r :• Nf.n. * R« ofort to rtf-ft r their lit If. Sivh j l nrtrr \«r V«m|rw»oil COntinuf A'. ft ITS ft r -C '•••• i 'Kf wrhooU TVtm Mnnhftt> | rvrr there tvr,- Tndaj ;>r; rr-es • * v - i fv a -•'••».-s - ?*r.. ft. John* ftoei Pirrsoaw who i hftof Hoc try/inp to. host S.-ftte for ] 1M HighlighU their .-h*tr.r-"»n«> * \1> m Bf?-* :" * F - * >•' "he-r ft- • the- oust few ye-ws Are mtrrinp r flTotip toi.iT.ft \otr* Thirr T.viftv is the laft day to take COLLEGE INN ehampion«hir >- * '.V v.-Ti he the or.h othor WKi-Wcftt- j ir ths Tlacekvk corteftt, Tr- restatoant and cafeteri a • <•'• ; • -part league tor y =•-«.?■* k»* it. «<-he*ril to r*oot thr FfiMcrr rfrTv—drrt and frsterrity ban- ICi.K rr, rt.*-. r/.ftters are due today by • wtT. Sr hoi/ /»• T' } sr \F7 AN- • newer*, ft The w V!.".r Pft-k {Tn. ~-a->r'ha7 rosters hare hrrr ettenced tc allow time for Dornr, ikkhi Homrrrxtlitif t their f.*?r .'f plarr>e\ ehftmTiie**«' >. Thr Sn*>™'' wrir, i lotft. /■: '£ c.' !*/•». am,** T SR.' TW ~t;r ** Anniversary Show ; i Bor 1"»*vi- Saho. i - v., forMwd-fuaro • and r.r the fw-rr M- eourvr i TOF1VF rurSHMB wfB Cortland? TVk ' dress for the game. They tnclude ! Team Jr-oHaMtr he the ?er cap? BiHr Rryp,-. *' iv c~ w ntittif -r*ft"n nft'otr pro- Dclts Boat R\SKFTR\I.t riOTW cninr tbrnugb mutinr ' F-iv- Thorn,a-.n. f-f. Ror. Thrieck. AJ., Pctr C-+r L. Rni SchwRrts aod inH*vVu»t' honor* it N- ' workool whito preparing for thr nomine *»«i«on and Da*-* W;' *o*r, whr stood out ir, B»R' A •error term placed «*-•m< v -r ■w .',t ' o-if-'.n».tof ATO. 36-14 thr iniranguad - meet today. Seen m thi* action are ' pra. *>.-v arr.mmages WOf-k through the Ter an/ s.wn. ir ?vi oor.trjn.-r>of with the Bill Schwartx. Jack 1 Jtmrrv. Ted BiHiamk Tow Rand's frosh team gave meet TV:u -ft- P---h* ho&r AfnSr QttNtr trwt ;*r; i-rt- i'e Hirhwfcv Trftffi.- ' and Fred Thomann, the fa-* ty a close race and ever, tut o'hotf j»s ik thnrskiftv imilWf i'-e'-aV Y> - j* rr >o--mr it« fifth •' pii. rd cot tc «m*'. >earts at times dr. ritmiat phi tut ClftVt/lT ? i*.",, t-1 h.rV '■• r..*•.->, -V hfaot frt«/r- • t »■ durnf a scrimmage held U e# Rett virtan TT-or fcl-rfc.-; ,1-jifti-nr fttir T^ioit«oC f woekh otrt •(**-«t*ro r* '"«T- Je fRth stri.rh fftoth*: " • :}f tr.- " room?! ;t» Basketball Squad Holds oak .r the Sport* arena W'-th tl-e hustle of S/he-arta *nw mibM vor. (e«al a fea«o:. »r-.. .'it T>~ao? -he T*r'** oc- s-c :he « re of Thomar.r. the Fri- Iutra-Sqiiad Tilt Today v-o.-tofi nr. f .w •>. :,I rvfi^o? fa: oay contest shouid prevt fITPDRT.'XY. - i-4 7*o.r ;s i:(t W;; he *t3.Tinr jrrerestirg. *•* ROphft Frank «. ;.«-!• "*h« Th.-a Ai.-Vwc v' v ATO Drohatle stattrrs: Or.U T.ogr- Htrniha-r*- ■ -wfcC OW <>thc A *;o- '.-»ur ATO i.v* the- p< ftr\ nrftv* cran guards Art BcVwarns and' Are- the urv' hi ' c Varsity Opr., JVum ftps is tftkinp hUM \rw* Sports Idiiiw i Dave Fah*. State's only return.tng . ..r fi'M-ft-l r»uff ftrt Sckaarwi ».*hT.m«ce r.f the s tunt nr. th-nv Sna^an haabsOwR fs-s will' totiermen. Boh Snam-r-r rW Dare Falw (G> ROTC Be.T efito* he > t. th n* ?/uirhar«-t5 f.stf of the rsr-e. Vst Kirs rjnr.'mr 'he hi.*' get ttip,'Jinn ta«rr of action Fri- only other ret£ pq„m. men flftv r ight at the annua; Intra-. p,,. Jack I am r i tFl Dwi Hall iFl .SUM h..l-,.S. t-"-' - th., M*ai>n (t> wri: ftonrad the A,T0*f f .nr. Snorts Arena of the Men's IM Rifle Team e. v K sr. rr'vO Tee *.-'i>rh!iovT( fremkmrr i r. • . Rs- ftUifU W - The j,. ^ out arn/.r.f the new romers to the rw m : *>:< ft* m-i> a rvAwi* *T0's ti-fM- «rn-of two FiiT) hrkvart (til VkAk TTV-—«• kukMh.!' r«.rf, Toriit '"i"cethers i.n« " "" "f ftW"- are Dirk Hall, f~? ar,c I *are I tDawr tt»> l Vw'« >«i ?wre r«<« frnrr. Many AnorrrnT tias p-edi.-teu * large Comjwtes '. i,TU. (<♦' >V - Ohi.-chei:. • t Rvfce ffr the OT>f to srut 7c Bot; fa? ftt't it. «ore.rr. "The v ;.hf Torr.r-.y ss; TO turnout sr neatinp it. will he paseoc out or, ft ftr.. wmi the arenaIwmers. i<-X. fnrwardv ferst , _ Other potemtiai starters -n- .s*< Ros Di' jafk Fete l*e«tt» Fred Tftawaa (O (Vl k. (Iraad rv. anw Ftmb StaAml Scrrftaa Th* A-r-ft B —r T. e -■ t..r the De;^ vm « oorr.biTifttior. AXDERSOV* U mar- rar* ty Ctt X'-S". wi ape* .t ■ «.'• I" ' frarr. ,rr Drsvw thn • sqisac cons-.ft* of 12 sophomores RARW)* the Rhet- Shorn V Urevfes- to Doug se there wil. h« maty new faces Ar To-re T;„-'T." Clwwusfto* the- Oft«*. rtTV»Tk Tht Avnr». ty wiii he "»od by vet. th.a futu-.tfi* h •" .I o*." •- tirrwrt". thi ftvrrkr* in; f*art ti- V mnt. ar-. tj*'! Jowoni. B »-* • --'r #r*viwr srho-^M rv.' -o« i.'.trr n.fcto* ; A hi ».no ' nu hfft pi the hfttonor w»w»* ft nfc v i ' v ith of COMPARE! rvt'-oho- trr. n<- Ba- •-? %' -• jpar un'vrr-. fw-a ,r.; ' -~-r. nroftonte the miL-- You Have Seen These Items In TH-,'rT»ti »• n-pcrfc, X' O* V. ATT» AtWi .-'to "'if*-- W.. A!* F.—or Jr A-- :v-' flft TT-.f «tfttlOt ;;e- of h"re.-ft Vt Now See Them At toarr v.i -ner,tv--te ;r t' the *V«rr» T"n«. HrT fn* J. B.TOWNE Ser-;re u-.r ' it' fTr i n. «? fem* n-rvTHu*- pr»-*e *T«t A-ee TOT AF.VT t!OTf - ' -ft' IT'! ».*-ftTrtrc t»uh m-*s The . Ir.-c-fto—--rt Irf-erno ewK-tje h*- the N* rousir w inner rr pew no;:tior v " ■ rithrr rniT-po? ^nr i« ■ - tc* Th lean e:*- r - 1 ii - - tht .iMtgite i *- - - . STUDY IN riOerriRi- frrr P.i»rr; nnrc *'h- «C e-» irie orwt ere- - rw»t nr oc ••.•'• f- ;t ■• *.c - ■ • . SOUTHERN BLAZERS iar rrrv—ior.T- ?'•*> jrit»Tc i/rr. maeto o - n • • FRUCE BUri f-vn-T rtfir ts-:. hiornHer- intn-r.; rarpe a ei* tr ' Itemna- *-'v > T'r-mrh. 1 anroAff *' Uaera-tnw olnr Navv t'Mtravt *M>t s26.75 ■«re ATSKfi V fWii,. A'JlXTi. tarmrmr SMtdtrs *11.75 k. Vt. hurrt Fu at I*»r !<'<*••- EmVtrsik oar T**.ir»v~ lo-v Kir*U-.—wi-. . A A \V Uori-ifd SlacA* lm Sh*ti. Pr a V-. •— »: |m jr TiPtrh?- Momuagi Ticket kfci JgKt* AmcYtitrs- » His H*ttf c ft? Waret IMk IJLr"l "TOHHSHAM" biil/oW SWEATERS . THE HIMALAYA >HAC.MOOR - .. *«»« fo* to» lo-j-ot- fxtcriTXTi ror Mum lat as arns cars, and p&otut "or ftimiui- u u» - ftmi u. xn i vattsmr> A Beaatifpii M-hair-W«nl Zi "l»r r—hianmt wnk Y N«i ■ u; m*»m u» 1 raruur tebet v-.;,. * vn-Ch-riidvihct V .-r* . v.: r.,.. v - *Mf.A taniot sui-urif %ct,- toatbRv Baidfft fa? an c-et ou».% ca-Qi a.n£ ptootog Mripga te tog cat. tm eti Rgsrlua, peer alxppsc iht. wtaec. »o. ncrond car. "-idRrfta. aau. iwo* ' -c ti*g aeruroc Twx srruiiiKr p-.*ck- d?vtacr • n. Sak't* tot>4 ho/C currenry Oxiart (foW, F irrroiii CMi*e 11.75 CORD PANTS HILLEL FOUNDATION iweyi mi", of — mat slxdai v»v. is o.-oo p.m. Pub-bed Co«hi(k- $3.00 • a7 7WL miUJi B(»l -L Hand Rnldied Cam hide 5.93 pim U£* .WELM ITE STl DE>T CHARGE ACCOISTS -17'PIJ; an: Uutlr: Suur- wil in- iuim - 7 uci n»». eajtei cnoe, rtt. (Aim gvjiiki>to rt rare itzzur? totUierrb. Be. falw R we a Lm Car 84.65 RABFtl Plifl.IP HUNM.L -ill n-,ibe ke*J tt li'T **7'HE AfTAlK" It* <_ I*. 2L 21- ©ouinp Mac* 1M» :il e. GRAND RIVER 85.35 EA>7 LANSING ...!»£. Grand River JUtoSt laisxi wit5 ifkti fwc' Dancing. t * erjtmt Vckvufie DOWNTOWN JOT S. WASHINGTON PARE NINE IOWA CITY. tow* <4V~fh« nationally-teleeiaad football frame Htlttnliv ami Whiv»-- the f®|. lewinp *ffk. Spartan$ Travel to Indiana He i* even more p|ra«ed with between Ohio State an*) Iowa Sat¬ Iowa* hcyti for Hope 'br performance that has been tim ed m by John fielmi*i. urday c*HiW| be billed a* a hull- en it* ability to *top the .Harp** of "Helmiai ia doitip a fine Job,'* f pht—with tbe Mawbeyea deinp quarterback T<*m Ma'tr and • ml Kenney ** 11«» ha* Ailed in S^-peaM fttllha. k Hok F»tpw«oe. the haitfnp and the Buekeyea who •hut** hall-curry **c , • v. i y well at left fnllbark «inre T playinp tbe role of Ibe bull. pui him in after the St. attRtal €tv-ln*ivri\ for t> Pv;rk Ohio State, tbe nation'* third- yame lie'* been e«pnrially atronc €}**> in hi.« ability to work in with ranked team, baa Meed tindt*- FtTfiinm in tKf lea d , .:»h,T In the conference with an averar* hrmeliiip. titabani and Grant*."' pui*ed power in ndlinp up a 7-1 TV.e pa me will l*o played at IA of 5.1 Jlliii per enrfj Matt** I* rtvotd. Iowa'* combination of a »n "n Indiana's aooeor field. second in the conference wit'*. * tiwl and flneaae baa reeulted in 5-yard atreray* *r »'*«■ > the Ihi. will be the Spartan*' fourth similar tocord and the No. 5 tame awav in the season and thu a top-rank pasvr w th 21 romp", a pot in the lateat Aeaoeiated Pr#M tion* in 85 at tempt*, although so, .mi *ti aipbt in two week*. poll. th« Rufkfjti tarcly take to t> > Both teama are atill Aphtinp for •ir. 5INF II \s contributed 25 the Bip Ten championship— but tjuai tetbsuk Wi!>*uni HpI!'« • ':ive* < (•> the annual the winner of tbe panic will need who wa« • topped in !••*»»'« (•««<* t, S»u;ne footbiilI games. an aaaist from Purdue or Wlacon- Minnesota l*«t w«e»». ?*ead« t*« ain to *hare the title. lUwkrji' att*»k and i* thitd loramr the Mich* I nheaten Minneaota. the na ranked Hie Ten m*Ktr with ar athletic nickname in tion'a top team, plava I'uniue avrrare of 4 5 yard*. EXTRA THE TALLY IS OUT! BRODIE MUFFLERS EXHAUST ANI) TAILPIPES SHOCK ABSORBERS SPRINGS - ALL AIRI.IFTS America Favorite GUARANTEED INSTALLATION FREE LOU-LOW rll(LM •PHIAL Hamburg Decker Pick: met, T. » *> 3 LOCATIONS ML'ITLER CLINICS w y—i IFU.I OPEN1 WEEKDAYS UNTIL MIDNIGHT Vtom mr Ctkiom* THE STORE WITH THE RED DOOR "r it iwi^i FRIDAY ft SATURDAY UNTIL 1 A.M. **4 tit* ■ ■ t»* Oo!W** of *o»fw«* r Ik ,%niot, •** W* cort>r, ort»c*tio« vn% wuirw* m o* <%- »* to y>ro*vk *n • )•« onfoorowrot -»«>Ty tv#?tiow to *nv>«p tv VromA$* trill vmfcV • ««T*oiti*or to t"K Ik W»t *■•• ht« v.jSoTvtrwttw Of^f Oin« »*- K VtTOT pO^WO Wftkt to ttw > mc NTVH HTtffc. 1 FTS HOTK — TM* |*m*. cany, ifW>Kfr> «f iKo C*fifAmfoi Sim# PatytorOm*- coT- '.* r>» » •"*• yforr»tft fili't" toe* ftvuhafl to*.w rrfrsfed. Iffiitc ww««l M Xht *1* «*'.• ' "Vf ,-*> *K> Vb* fw» <■*»**» rr-v Prwtr' vw\ *rr Ho.rf ( Hot «neh ^r*«" jnwaftwM • 4tv»;~ * • k'T V -.Wf *,»-*w " 4 -r VV^K* (>w TV" JlW*® «? <» r \>;**(V Wl» ft= 0*??f. M.V; OM»t> »K»- VR»i«f«»(i |* T W Team Travels Safelv » •*,*-#•* *Hr c~«*K Mfcl* On Established Airline 9 hninnooi> To Hoar Jolt Information Talks Yet. Governors Finance Mwlini Attract* J(ihn*.>n In. kitur * JIomwMt*. •o- of •rrownttnr Mti Mta'imtttmtMT,. *» »ttmn:ru. tS» Miwenrai Pnm»wi' Cawftfu^t . wtiir* »-. fwro* *oiii Thorwt#- tr* tarn-art Viw Hi*»» it Cmokh.. 3*to»:W 4RROJ4 fit »Umtai i friuiitiarm w> •vfntwr tvi wi Ttwrwtor .mo-nwc «t*»iwt*wr tn- i*t *©•*»■ 5S: IJW: Sn;»tf Eitw iVIT: T( KTtWET-S Ijk laiwmtV I LirhMfvr twnrt Sb»i> WALLACE OPTICIANS