Srrvinf MSI For 51 V«*r» w>i rw sx vo «*uS? inrcr-t city M«>«d.w, WFKTON VI"VSON rtMicm'ttli'tK two ^ ■ i.:■,,?• (h,- . v \rm> ROTC coiici off »«•*»•>. t* r> a, -,' thet it is unlawful to chance « city's bound* ... ,. < .r,\ VA '• i v. U V-5 Wlrral Ms.r riven-h »t , Of* if- wr rid -of \>cro vww* lawHinc Philip V, ftvker. Vsiftnn. IU.. —■ mean*- \will haw a A-hareo to nroco in court, r'<' • n-.. Mrv B^A*i*r. Vimnnn Vrv Arriwrui*. N»»hor! IV V >- !v ' - y,u' • .• M.-i =•: n' A.'.t in I ouciana h,v 'hf Alabama liyefalatmr in tW»7 roAiofioo.i wjricc rocon«lniclion dhy« iiTinpioh, K. l*tn»int. :;> ., • mvm»u.,va' rtwiitw^s houmhmc-i to ptfwM thfn from gaining pds py. vt. '*f■»■ -1 i m nievr.nt i>»n tiul m>t develop ri.n* enhtro? of rhr- ci*.' : frsiuri i-st»•••.-v. a of sii.'c p«y,»«n nun working f»w the liiimimlia \sk> I \ The t*o**r"m»ndprvn$r of Ttt^kocoo'« Knundarios rontovmj --Nt^rs hut *h, ,« ;• Hi for.r or five of TwsWofrpc's \octo no whnv rcsidouta Titskrw, which S' \, ' i • 1 v r« > :hriv : i i;V("ve fhp vju*ini?v-mivpit fivm.U C v,»,s i h«a-«i fivm vc irhinc Vrfret'i echoexl jcrr- »■ »j- boon scimatp in w j,< n»somh1inc a soa dm ton rN> n*dr»iwin»vr.v,?- X r aonrovimafch »;»to» \ r-*ank'iin' w*»»rr white. 4Oft \octa Lonuneree - ••' 'v, Yf'-VWU ' iv , \ t».'wrp nnoiiatlftixi. the concttt'.don Secretary -n> ' i*> *uj%VA s»^.;,. ^«on.*hv»!,v, w in'.I he irrwHat:- - ■■.'*****:•?> ir. *nx> • :v ■ ft.-ir? this .the «*> M«l- « •■••• *•• t-v Cone • \,V A'»Kim« k« ktWMT. •?v wF a- i co\nrM vo'orr r>- •*.t,IhK his &r>- h\ 'enc nt Vefre eittppRs out [ • -v -ir hi- 'Hi, r—• • «a A." -4f» w as fi (Jm-vV to Hi1*- u.ic ;*•>%: #JS; *'"»,• AA-»\ ,*s. P'-.OnnPttWf • then* :n of town «r a- M deprive them Kiwtmto*: I'UvljTr. of theto ytoRodirijitiRt i- Mui'to-. Aoerr. '.*•••• ;:•••• H; X WtRN' -,nn*f -a- r A* . ix ;j «peak "•■ to an un-'ortmil^v w» urjrumenv a.r.v ist I'm pi mixer ' -* i*V Oberatlan to th>*. C-v-> ; other tunc*.•nr. A YKUOW CCNSUNGEKr Tkk Mf k. run Lusv-UTbC- n-.-iifr rts iswi-t that they »-iv wbtoh avX, 140 in She M.i ';>r twll' H «IV JU»* » destrned V>? 1-' > -ei - v ill V unpAlclnj? Id a *' s failure lwn«r hv TV Man inn. En,( iJiiKinc nrnior. * huh «. .e s tofter v Prnienck v tton'-si rifhts protected •wve ',H •: h.'11-r yt r c? <;»..•*«*oro.t by the m*cto his fSartww»nt- h JV< in.: .•>; A• the JA'.h arrw»n.^ht Thi<' ?h*ankfu"tpr tuaid Ala'hama ft-, M a* a rMHervmr at Ihr Hn'rl A« «-ihto m.iy d;*- vnkinl "" v ■ ' •? T.*A i»x-n?s~,' Awnh:*\ ri-n\*» pnnrrafft'P* asAortity: thp- aiMMT daanr. Car* mo ia iiT »rrr alw u-ivi in? ilmir. The hW: r deny "UN ehefgcw th«* tOiS..' fimims'r in wtinji Iwn&tf of sta'r-V Pr- fcwiU;nst »*?'»« cc tSf unhs:-icti'd power te aline tHr amine Tnhto. .r to his uppointmerpt «« r-.uioruk arc tr-".i£ tc t*«* '.H' Shi- r • op vfstor or e-eei • -u moos, if proved **would ahtrnd- WlfiVf SAW* r-,- submitted TeamlSy bv lr». thy rw- ' ... ~.r- ■ .»•• 3i m. - ar-.'.v e^tabJiah that Ac? !4n was it» P4i! «uhd! virion* Frankfurter said a l«B|T line Fire. Explosion Kills Li2 r-ih. -eb-w nre-.v !».»!» &'■ 'yrv of eommerer If'.'-f5- He since Kovem* h.'i.i prcviou*!v v; f"*v< . MAT.'hV-.' , ri tic ar ordlnar- peoffmohto of omes involvinu such thiiutS; • Tk-!» Ti; ■1. -V c.vr..- '•'.••' ff-n-e-h us L-.nt seerctarv of 'X; -* ■. antbatadnr :*X sa^a! ?«\vwni.'- Rat**hwr.i- •v.v'•1- '2 school children at a sp*»n-- -f »• i«, mainly in the *4 J thow alletritvnnK uoon « with tnunifinal rorporation* re~ t.' a-'r-s ftfiVir.,; ■';.i V) of small business. He was -t~ rtnubb?. ai shnwinr of an educational film Mond. v jr. the town f .' i. rrmuir. uneorvTra&toted or partili-Hs of conscQUenco?;H « F-,-.r Thr . jvV :'f sumv- a«-.«iiriat.4--,l with the Mueller Amnde, official* said Monrta' r-r-v U"%1, .1^ r;- - • *.,< Furniture eo.. in Grand Rapid* R wac de*A*rihod a« Syvsa's ~ t "stnct'ty -n. general partner from IS 14 Kennedy Calls on Nixon to Talk worst; fir* on disaster Noer'.y every family in Amude.' In the Turkish border 4(10 mrmon- m > State ^ s ^ risen I preo-fvr o**der '' TV-.-' \tcD-mr>.;h' 2 4.H vin in tv.rce rrr» X'-'f-i bv. [r-U- t,.- r . . picked . if* ' to IHA5. During the Wr.Ml yearii. Mueller served :'-n' and general War as manager IT prr*;- of Grand Crisis Stndieil Rapids *i! northeast of Damascus, loat a Industries, a On Transition, World child In the blaze. Y . fo?ne back to-I group of fifteen wood-working Affairs , - ,5.TTf .p the crowd j manufacturers - • •••.« Thr fire swept thr wooetor who used the.r' theater, building and burned or for hours After l)ee. it : ivt f - ••; to 4fiftschool clos- i facilities ' r. cars pulled 1 eomponents for national defense, in making aircraft About 2ft youths, acreamiry: a • He was also one of the or- >:r. fisom ha. I^VVSIN.. 4X—G ; t-r ' the weeks of -.eo-ous campa^m-italking on that subject Hut the In agony from bums, fought t-rr N Fran* • camws of the Civil Air Patro] " f K«.rt*d-- - . „ K.ti v-.triiv »' ' Kesaw*$y there v-a- a® . ' ' Jef* p?i W> beinr* Tuesday's election.- Prwnoer.t-ElecTt said 2. 30 ;.nd has * ^ he pre- tlK -r way outside. Fireftghtinj: * * • v'r 5- 1 .: erx ed as a group com- ttiweeedentec rail Mxv*s -t rv« ; or. for thr And it w* Kennedy, thr win- ierrrd to atand on his own units that ruahed to the semr •«* **n!» n a " a e;»r di'.'v n i v a lederat! matvier. x. bv be ckrfrated fsr V-f f>ne«Ajenc. in the new ao-.rfier. who came to see Nixon, the statement at Mueller has been very active b!- that problem, of, from neighboring towns .rescued - «udv of thr sute s t.w v p - " •• • arefiggney to d.wui- ai an mmistraUor itHvr, :r; the Vice Prexi- tranaitiotu and problems which M otherv_ gram^ before >n v^vk- h - - cat a n civic and service orgamra- «f edniiau. the In sepa-. epr-.ferencss den: termed "a it( orovri the *ions. He is part pre«idmt of the ,, .... ...Hi very grmcwus face this nation around the' Government officials were rr request a p idling r-*w. QPinienK of a •fWrwaru. ea-t auc. the umuv. art" world, were the subject matter'*!«**» to the are« along with a ifie*a s ' East Grand Rapids board of 2*5' ■*.mc and world efUir, c?»xi.j a nr. he;n?ui. "T.«. fact that be wanted aJ iec.siauir, w«.WJ in M. today i planeload of medical aid and a - ' * education and of Rutterwonh ,w * ♦ * r- au*e ir. a vil-.. wit IT KrWTDV who come ben, i tfunk." Nixao aaid. delaying; ' f id i Hospital. ' '» WNTN NIXON asked w'a'ri r,f dnr,,,r* Bnd *ltr,ror ' ' »1*mc of tow bit: outr.oc, made Cv owenunK fr- the » a vwry exeeitont exambie to % Kennedy had requested tha? The Victims were buried in a Swain* n. en asked to c • RATOV POt;r,F; fa. T-— He aim served fts president ^•■""neejy aca Vase Prwadcn: nmet>ng with ' m»c. Whom he the AnwricoB people and the ne play an active role is ths . ms,s funeral this afternoon 1 merit on a charge by Repu< The 1-■ Irrvlatvr- vi>- 1h<* Rotary Club and tV na X- JiaKsr. chatted for fuu.ruL over taw .-our. try is v.n-.v works bow our eysrtetn pew admiiustratoan, Nixon re- United Arab Repubar * can st*'* chiunnaa Lawn: •> .-■» ov. -v - *.v1 v M'mda.A Chamber of Commerce in Grand . .....I- — —■— works** :<■ y-r Or- 1 Hapids. Mueller was a past dis- ■ plied Syrian executive council so id Linnemer tnai the Deww»r**- ' ij05?c : • voted to open : ino i< maoe. trie mseung today , The counru announced ©ear- r.r* had approved an increase in - -U'''"V a - u .ids n*Cf>ived hl* Pub* ... notice to all the worio tberr :v 135 million has beer, ear-.'the sa i-a tax from Uirce p*: The key. me is-ire.. caXng ' f education. He frad. Troapg to Surrender v- ili he* no difJerenees we wiU 1 M,t 11 ®* wti '"»• ec oo personal —y —; con-siaerations IijL to hlect *-^m marked Amurie. for a relief operptioa in. ecr.t us '* •. ". Swaiaaon pointed - legi«.lat ve oper;»f--n; of the New j u»?«S «°m Michigan State IJjU* owl that no act-on can be uk- (toleiir-• :pdh-'to whoo's, won 24- ' versity in 1914. en on tr.s; matter ur/.J Dt-r B *2 ;w. ■ ;'* ;n the Senate end j ^UATOXJUUL «»■— >»s.- Tn •-rsmttr •. report ?hs'. Whiae there will be opposi-J Ybmstitutiana] amend me* ■- do *- ■ 8T-S4 ipproval in tht Miguel Ydtgysw dwgaarad- „sm. wtiicfe rvrmmec t.-* v.- policies with which the New Adviser « V,ocay tnag mceis, fc two uar Ac Puen- Fur «** airpor: a-.. Repualicatu ard destroyed »"• V and the iaaders of his disagree, Nixon Inu Liz in Bed MKR go feto after! art,; 36 day after they arc approved by lot M-ju.-c • T?.e three-pKr* program. *eft? -r.'-diat'!y to the Senate, wa% Nye to Speak v"w«®5ne Co-op Council, gov- a • towaa -'tSKsmadcr tb? bands . uv mrtfcM- . prwer-; any at- P"-v jo- tier opposition^ ^21 **provide consu-uc- body of tne seven men'r I/YNDON. ypl—Singer EH Tim GOVERNOR •£ Ltd ■ r-d r. re: 'wns calling Vfll On American AlflCriCflll urrr.r - e»^m>» a: MSU. will elect a rice FUher * «'*» tgrwot- ■ hep* ar. angui»Pcd v^.. w«r a nam- Hc .-sesK the . awn» «a_sa tara in- retau fwwetwtr, tba*. nugnt a iMow-t. j .-r - Catti" » THE TWO MEN new expect president. "■-•"I ««a«. «ni««>:j- CMimaa *t awir and memocrsmp! Monda- night by the sickbed of _. n ;>1 - , , ! member k«t. Ud Putting f entire in control 140- 1 J" Fiction Trends « ami» f^-. a: th.-.;* rVdigora.- maat- « nat.mwtde witoiB t»e,, in Wastung-; meeting tonight 'at 730 pin, to. couple were closeted at a Lor.- «H»Mktf||Ua wile Baahrtl Taylor. Toe jn^acul aiHua-, ir. ou of the $100 muiidn New Orleans --** j«g ^ deeuu.-m "Currcn? Developments In " LaaaporL oraaoratt Mm .* ciaiauns tow - ^ P-* up the taUu where H»*MDjeru> Swainaun public school system, tinier Amen van Fiction" - wsu me *rr*H -grrmm.; uastrr?-""'- *< rw-defeated • tn«r ten off Momiai oc the" The ICC also plans to disrusK queen v u\ curried writhing *n SSj4J teaeral court order*, five Nc- will be the ' Ir »I1 mini i a-rea^T"seektotg argo- quwtooaa « traositoor. ltd ck housing for winter term, agony Sunday night C r-l» »rt tcheouled w «- "'p'c " " u'k b" Dr- Ru,i'1 ■ " —Proaao w " nam. * i iimiai at Cesttrw. tiabotv w.lh ha gowenuswtr- forwgn poucy. Represenutives from acram the The star's dramatic collapse ... *; * ■ ■ r - ■ tr.-k- of two Now 'I Kyr- *"'* guagr-s 'i* divit",n •" lan- end literature, tonight Leaden of both Gar- K«m«y «w, tar. he Ctwt« States will iund a mod*; after s previous Utoies* p-wed a t ^ ^ Rut the «-ywr-aid pr«iom. iv: Kuwamaa. the other asm r* wouiu refuse u> deal «totoaitely expects u> meet with el UN meeting here Feb. 17- l*-ge question ma-k over her U y tf coSrolirr belo-e the r . #n' ^ * *. Manual o! Dr. J«n« schools today, ^ , at 7 30 in the Union ballroom. T.„ „ ;h, flri, tha «i0. y.A»- Castr: wtto* -traitor;" He said some Prwiden: Ejoaawr befose l» and tenative plans are to, future and over the fate of the'; ' RrtmoM >. •upm.wndont o! ■ r..-v Z~> N,.v. x%-h-vb ~"p 'a * FifWida vscstoon Nrw Orleans public schools and L.-teratu*'- seres Crm-.emt»firy w. t -- ----- ,n m w«. ovre:v- to» Jan. 16 iaauguaratoon , awpartj^ am reoeis- GuMU— - pause tne iwpr—anMtivas m eo* "Cleopatra** movie she came to mmU wmsmt fTbh. ne wiL be K a ops. fraternities end fonortties, linuin Sept 8 to make of lectures -.. .ii- st thr TT—imim town «c a— aef«ma.n^ cnr.iututo-jna. gm-ern- ume "comasuent for the ha.- according to ICC pfWliliBt Jer- Jf»* *• — ar" ^"Samuel Rowmuerfjs atiorne) jomtly ^ ^ union «" Sne was striken at her pen- cr, iaj>" for .the Orleans Pamsh (noux.-' iltwrj! krid :rte £ngilhh Uepart- ^ luiamha, Whem they had m«t*" 4m: " I»«Laps -aarty Jan: ry Spangle- f-ouae apartment in a LsuhIo*. —W.:: recommend cunstr»c-j ?yj school b-^rd. mf.. 3m iiainiT as. iw m*1*' • a»°o^ The counnl will also discuss hotel Sunriav night witb what b<« W » Suprr-ne Cour t> a AuLh<»ruu*tjon for the Ho i N>e soid he will talk on trenis • -- a mmrnL Thi* s-»- *..•- - w-.u—rr. tnov wn,-. we- - *» «-* »fersnee to poMtniiito** for a m*w ICC ad-jwas described as a nerribtoj u*c in m* budget message to • speaker and * lieutenant gover* in recent novels and their atruc- . -v eao hf the apcisaftj. awenr*n. and who sullied-4m- t»«;y of bnagiag Be- vwer as Dr. George N. Motor.,: headache caurtng, unbelievable»hw la-g-»i«tXT n(W ln appoint as many asf in- ture, ideas and language. Some * p^amcat log teasasa. tnec us.tojrms. —nn»g out far ououcaa* into some nWnr. ar.agncururs! economics professor pam" — pointed on: that Mictagaii w. lhisiaLve serge#n*Ls-RL -jf tl»e author* to be dacussrd riliniii'iMi high: «o— tote y>ic o;' Castro and Khrush-.- «th« aip «P*he it * deaeetifb-l«riti retire in January. A virus fever was first, sus-. amhrt to enev'" b* of bt-portuamhip? Bbttr! Hotts is presently in lib t&fcrd, peeled. Doctor* ordered :t£n* at or.: 12 sta;" * TIIKHVUY, NOVNMtltill II. i%n - f "Public Relation* Board Aids Awards Granted Aid I nited Automobile Workers" j Journalism Students Packaging Society Formed uU» a«»usr U.IIVM Slid «S)V»HV i* C4ttp.« I'Ul |\>'W b#fc C t! Si'rV.' »tr**«»»vi <'»*! the t.' the ev*uos vo»i«fituth«i the ht -n It ha* h.-- tated !.» qne»!>>m ».*mc '.*> v»< ;»rv% iv .v\» T*««• m.»t troi*crtavm the nert of! * e V \W leadership for the tm-| ivvr:i't.c ( d,* jmxyu M »«•' foi'h »".<«•' the UnKM) * 1»»II r* '•{ ''•<• n \*rd« own T\vn f.;*r MiHMl repo- ♦. 0 .• Ni **«« v■«• Is. >b' 0 Re- » tVur.t Ka> helped to lv c Nv-«e 'A J h e u AW e*.tc t h e difference r.> bv mex no matter Cast Announced i*e:**en ■V vd A ?sc* K,VH-(! r>i*e 4'.1 be, wrlj a *d ru'.e by, Macbeth A <* and vwder !«w " TV ♦*•#.«• existenoe cf (V Rf N %>' UKOIX In l?i<* VaJ t»*lf «»• HHrtf Oeartvvn senior a< IVn- beneficial Kvard hi* had a im- j Mii# Mm Inter* Hrilrr »■? MiikctpiMir i powerful tf»«l« altvim. IVmaM Tat.*, Nkacnra v*,', oo the Union. according j Fall*. N V ninint n« IHinoati; ih# mtnd IT.- *»Me i*f imhitum, U C'hirle* ' • *>* tWr The John Allen. Funklin I*atk. Ill n il dux'iion »*f th# l'niv»r»i'.v Th«M* I'usfti. U*n# Isltn.l. N Y. •«■:»• KiNulAf .u r freshman a* SiwarJ; Louis Sal* Ir# •#«»»*«. his h#rn (IK u»r. im.4 will! ry treat*r cane .n tfvwvitdeflng at».' • •mono. ItcJ.nt. Wn frvvhman MicN'rh* w;!J h^ pr#«rnt«\i pli.vr i by lundi Kohl!u»f. Hut- vt'* * r vs# iptw!t ■ Malcolm, Howie l>ivis,« lllr- W* »•# f'.TV m! .*n N't»»wmh»p ?<» in,! ."») «n4 mmihim senior. minghim srtiuir a* llsi, Dick lV*vmbcr I, J, J, ir.l 4, «! Fair* Others tn the fi*t are Jack i';viV*J»;vc l-V.n Htf l'.*-.* ivViM Nii'iioln, Ionia sophomore as \l ThiMtr# ir R p.m. ttrrr, KaUmifivi gri.tuatc s'.u- «h.»t * ~1 *?unn!:.m u N>in| rranrr, John Itrokfiublrr, Cast ctn h# #s.*hin*t\4 this wtp\ rteni a« lianqvto; Oerahl M.** vv« •n#•-•-*« 1.* !V t» sf -h# «N*r«:;tu!,,*n »n,1 j I anting a* Macduff, ttarhara Kaplu*. Maplewnvtd. N J. junior a* U.t> Macduff 1 legislators Devoted Thr Ihrtv witches will be portrayed i»v Suaan Freeman, laniitvc »«uor. Norfo.f Halprr. Trentv»n. N J. frevhipan and Judy To Public Service itrv»ken.vh»re. Fast iaiiung. Alt* In the cast are Ted Hutch, IWsl Oak freshman, Donald lain. Haleyvtlie, Al* *i4.juA,t' student. Nancy Chei- av.n, IHvkv River, Ohio fresh¬ man. Jcrviine Cohen, Merrick N Y. freshman; Car. 1 Donald-* Information on Graduate son. ivatlac junior, Jill Hedges, Or and Rapid< Junior; Marty Kalb, New York City sophomore; Studv Awards Available J-n Klatt. Nor® Springs,. low a f.esSman; lnwcrence Koval, Rxkvil!«- Center. NY. fresh- man; Fatricia Lamb. Detroit freshman. larry Nicholson, Oke- moa freshman. Ken JVck. Hay T1*e Russian club will h>* I « City sophomore; Honnie Rice, meeting WednAaday a' 7 Laming sophomore and Roger In the Union to convmetr. . a Rower. Jackson junior. the 30th gnniversary of t <• the play u Frank death of the nwc.. t Rutledge of the department of Leo Tblstoy. speech Scheduled for the P' »*- are a talk en the life ami •*. - of Tol«toy,_diKusaion of Crossword Puzzle Out of Cash ? era criticiam of. hi* writ,:^, * talk on Tolatoy "as a thir. readings and a musical ovcrt^ Bureau Has by Tehaikovtky. Asaoc. Prof. Nikolai P"> * Sunt 11 L (HI IIS Ukv said all talks and rea i--i« will be given in English. Small Lean* bureau ef All- l*nit*rsity Student Government « rpen each afternoon Monday through f nday from 2 to 5 p.m. to i»»ue ioar.* up to fid for »tu- denta. Student* nest present their l.D. card tn order t» obtain the loan. Leant are available in Ijil Student Service* Students wh« leek tanas out between Oct. 21 and No*, i are also reminded that their loan* are due on Monday, Nov. J5, f ROME. (iP—Toga* are taboo I on Via VaoatOk where anything else goes. Six almost SALES MANAGEMENT toga-to«gc*d tounata— identified by police as five American.* and a Briton—d;s- coveted that Sundae night. Pol¬ ice ha', led their toga parade on the famous Roman Avenue though they aaid the..- idea Wai "when in Rome etc." But Uwt Rome, police told •-hem. Ja hag foot. Today, mod¬ em Italian law- forbids wearing of togas or any other odd coat-; ume on the pubLc streets un-l lea* p police permit is obtained' m advance. PROCTOR & GAMBLE The group was herded to a police station and wanted aoi to do it aga.n. TUESDAY. NOVKMIIKIJ LV iW I C III fi A N S T A T K NEWS SVktiV. THREE V sVi.i Mv' H-wl/ ..v f,„ A N«t 1, I (f PON'T tVlN I'NOld V CotifcrenccH The State New* Mibllahed by 'he Mlod*f|t* '* .V.WNhK WKV! J t/(»lvaf*Hy, At MSU vlrob'v. ; of 1 Ol. h'a'o ciiiaa day*, Monday . HI iM - /'I sl'l i.. - ' . , AA I « by » Ale.ot If I fi tft.f* f 'or.ferenra of v/e* k! / of H',0 r/Hinol'iti from . through Friday, during Ih# t ouriW'lor., Kellogg '-'pori*or»*l V'»nd .:»,s p/<*ttagc paid "1 Mia ' ollegc HducatioO f'.si r.'ht/nMl 311 'luring the «UW»mef t..,ng, and ide»«« Mict.lgan IiiiiMmi off; -t H#rvi'#« bo..: j • ». t»«,*.l>! acrrrio gath«'f •*, etehange the «ta'a will ii.forma ing. M"(>M*ri Unlvtrt. r, y ., Ui. o.g, Mirhlgan t,..», «i„| h> apeak* a* i* h'»:i r ..■»« r ip'ior** payable » jrlvUf.'c for or-# torffl, 43. t'tf Belgian Likes U.S. Sociclv liil'orttiulioii j Nov j I |(. 17 Educational Madia • or.fei*--n* e, Kellogg. H. 17 Michigan (\f'l Horpitel t oo tor o.i, 4"* Jt for Ui/a# lir a.4, „ The A null'ml e.liu-nt lutinl ■!» t tiaeremynek tlefetid«d ameil He lm. formed \ •• o. lation Acoo' t.r g Work HI MUIV Hi II ■ p - i: Iflii ik*> »j!i-elNll**d thuii the 1 •'toll (Ilfallge alirON.1 '"Ihe llel uf M H t iin.t fi I • 1.1.1 M.I QUANDT t •i I' 'fi, Kellogg .ynteiH, mild a Molglmi fIw.ib feel veiy wailu hhd filmd vcfKlty ha* an « eel lent |> III or K \NM HHIMl I . |iM.|h»a«iiiNii ifi-ontly, '.o Ml I? P.m ,») ■ >•■ ,»,'v i or "Viuir 11(lientii.miiI ay«te»n t. ly tuwMld ttie (hilleil hlNten, lie gm.triaii « or 11« -ii" I Mil pi. net Iri' urnnrc Agrficy t niiMiifntlng fie • r.-i.-nee, Kellogg < ■aid. nr -.night veiv pini'ltiHl a ml fftlfieiit," .aid | Automobile f.laMlllr to HI I I t _ Vincent I. tiaereinytii k .aid, "I Hunk At I'll \ IHI I t 17 fiiduidnai Editor*' linPreinynck, of '/we • "In Itelplum, •«viiif.'itl.v l« veiy he ' on t :. |.ni|lr||«l..| In m fact thai children tnnn.d And Refoaed Rlaft* to tho II M , .aid he we. Inipremied 17 IH Motdpar. A lively "elect their own |>i*«s/ in |»| I BUI sit fv t l.t It Galls Voir Fraudulent i'micliN.liip i.*i.l Motfital. Mm. Afflllflll BfllllMHI, (h't, 30 1*1 Nov II, Ml Ittdl.ipjr Outer. with New Vnik City lien, "The luitliliei In w 1.1. h Aint-I have eluiplmi-d huiioehuld (iinl "wlthnut |.titriil.11 *|.m, children wouhl wab h u U> . p o. r> * l . t I". •; Bo.bin ,t i- Bui 1. • • »'.*• to. If i rv„, ...I call-IV 2-3375 vl.inli hii the linif," h* . orniiit'tol w.ll he K.,aat ap« poo.oie.1 I , Tin- llrlfiMi. (ieii|de, »«ld Ga»l»' luaha Iniprenneil tne veiy niiiiIi," 1 4 olleg.- of Mori.ten. CHICAGO, A1 *—Titi* rlli«ir»n;»i» «l (h«* |{«*|fmirty ttivnck, tfrl ii »luor |iei«ii||Ml bill he nald. (iaeremyiM k wan refei fd I I lilt MAN I I MIS | A' Hit Gafrcmynck nurpri.-id and I I \ I IMS I IP I'MVCI in rouii!v (Chlt'w.'tik Moiul.n himmmi'ii iIn* ('Mmtfn nlil|. In Ihe .1' H Mild renlife that illig to i lot hen wanlu-m and dl y *«» . au.urrd nf the Vlnilrr.l ..»• r,ty |,.*rt.. «an t },>u i h, I'.ihf. pi-MimTtttU' Bu»rltit»« id li'iiluu' tlii* llllnoh t'ri'Nitlciiliiil the futuien »if the two |teu|ib'k ate i em, vaeiiuin cleaner*, and dinh anil ituratl'di nf the Ari>fii>ni. , html; tied clunejy t.ipelhef, wanheia. r lis-1 ion. I t till M 4N *11 III; VI A HMO |i*.-• |.|. hiimi rlccll'.n SIvMORS . arti|.aH'n | rata l* Conntll •*»«! I »• mJ'lViWvkl llil lid III- lie van a*tolii.ti«d »' M.r . I I At IMS i. m , I ' |lrmi urn. id M .inlay i.r H Hoist lectures 6 Hours UHial remark* made b. k. i.n.<:. and Niin.n In the tel»v.«i*.n . Ntupxifrn I || t'hleago want* . nlrtln pterin.I. nr. .i piellmbl- mc rniicti rnuif rcti aim .1, ' »h.<| MM f t wd» *,! • fanixill rhiunt It Iran IIHt .ir-, , a II.UUII! « Gacrffnyiirk AMI MB 4N HO* it I S Ml 4(. foo friwlulrai vote* wte «• <..> Al.umW.hi lot III «.il for '"I tic Belgian lilt I | II If \l. I N'*IM I !M r-l III (It# Wli-ll he Ii.tniftl, -«M ..•-election pf them IhwncreU- ji a i I , 53,1 , j Mm voU» Ii v a I it? I»* llioip Hint Mow tiflcn Itnvc you lici'ii mi cm hiuiteil l»y 11 pnifcNNnr'K lecture tlint you ilcmnmlcd lie talk uti extra live bourh? Fiaeftbowt-r and llie I ' at b.< era of the fiee world " l.»- people .< .aid » i , it, p oi Program *v,|| h- M. Madd*-. , ID. A l.r.g To KpIuiti Your Proofs #lr«»ivi:luil«t> I If ft.ud liu*IIM*n. III. ti inter- ||p termed "incredible* Ih. •, -tc.l III huiiril He. lion* .il- Nevei* Well, Prof. W. W "Ttiey feel that. I'daetitiower ',>•« j from Ag<. t.n» » llelat found a pinup of atudenta "A aernnd to the niotlnii fi.l fared veil agiiui") I ' V,.». I'ept ftlgfl fitllrd *«|» •'» mm.Ivi have i unit United IIROiMI Ilia interlitoMoiitol gam.' J IIMP PI III.If in MS r \41 in of jtiti ward* for K« ivni.vrat tl-iitir! I' Waitl. *•»" , ni I \, fliMii.i' the Mifliiniii.ilv eiucllv that onthualaatie In Ire¬ land while a grant lecturer at h.w« which may ha equally long wild Violent," llidnt an el Itii Gwcii-fiiyro k continued Ha felt Moil the IJ J v.m- n.arl ! Mhl Pt a t | I « It jo ,, •'. P v.' I ... r,i I I • ■ "I SPECIAL HOURS ,iP?rutf.l Benjamin Ad*mi»w*kl ft.|».il.lnnii I.Mdfi. in Cook Ittah mlleyea thla |mat. year A retention parlnd umially fob J BMP MM MUM IMS- I MM trie incumbritt, lot 4**mk I'uun- « mil\ iiiivi- furiiifd •. N.K.rfi if- He tiryaii hln lecturea In Or- Iowa thla and, llalat nald, "A ing •.«l VII I | t t i. . ... I . - ARRANGED lv lllWMy •nut mm mi I lm- ,-iiut ..king Inher «f lant year in compara¬ Went-of-lraland audtenrn iloaa and warned thai KhruMuhc* .- Art B*e.o Tur«l*y'* Democratic *wer|»L Hi/eij* fur duii iti III v to hflp tive philology at tha ITilveralty how long exploiting the altuntiori to lh> J I Ml V II. « Hail. Ijvo the control of all *Ute t M llu of ( idlag*, Galway. pot rara It ataya aaklng •location*. I wan thare until 2;f|0 ijtnio.t. 10^ 12 a.m. 1-5 p.m. 6-8 p.m. U-.k I'OMIlt \ t H l.l ilk I'll Ileint'a aU hour talk WRI giv¬ rpptMHt of «evteUry of en larfor* the Giioluatea aanocia Ileiat aaid ha uaed In* year in Uiat .y |(f|iillill.aU talk of recount*, qur*ti<*ii Why Not I'lan N ow . . . For A (.nr.-cr Thai • There U Ireland rhhrfly fur hi* own edu¬ •Vr (the iVmocratU *U»le the CNwwwIl said till vm'prd.iv anv ti-..out **Ttir 'he |»re»ldi*n! v • 'ii.>mid lie nf Ireland on "llighvr Mutation of tiuii of the National tliuvrralty cation rather than for original Altrart- Many Men I'r.iiu Oilier I i. I.I-? ROOM 10 - UNION reecarrb, though ha did begin a work was d'Mip by professional ii.ii.-anl.- In-caiise f iif.tvv lle- in A met Ira." Want the rip|Hirtunlty to mak# high whit# r'ody ll.IV.IM.Ulf. aludy of tha kiatary of tha uaa Viiia thicviv. Ttiosa wi ll iifvor |»utili.aii piuialitu- The profaaaor deerrtlwd til nd- Ing at MSU? Many energetic student* rmv* «..rri»d to On Irlnh of lahguagaa (Iriah, Nora#, annual Income* with our r'tirnpanv m or It i» imperative thai \on "Hut we believe tha* through! drenn of audienca thla kind a* "quita nil axpari- French and Engliah) In Ireland A le« In Iraland, ba read a paper they could exfrert to at.hlev* <•..«:> »ri . lifetime of ttier a recount it will be |»m\tble to i.iirh Uh* r irrl'ii aiot thi- uvrf• Russia Seeks viict." at ttie flrat Intarnationul Congreaa of OlUr Studlea in I'ubbii in Iitisiriejs erripluyment W# do a uudilty buairi'iu in M.< l.f«- •' r.-i'i 'A return \c.ur proofs iiui.i.«li;itelv! anhttuHM ballot thuvfi who 1 he talk begin* around 11:30 or July nf laat year. maintain a continuing prdgiam of true ,u.g with myi rn s'uffed the ballot tn»*e. ai«t rr- iK-r'ad "l.Mdf l vote tallies" To Devalue 9 p.m., be aaal, ami ia ruatom- •rlly followed by a motion for Ihirtng I9M-59 Hatat al*n wa* away from MHU to work in galea aid* to make thi* possible. If your i taridar't* nr. high, NO OBLIGATION TO BL'Y and you arc enrolled a' MSU, v.'< . a vote of thank* —TJie ami quit# likely including ft vio¬ Soviet lent attack on hltn." Whila In Balglum ba worked on two baoka dealing with Iriah MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE Set Debate Huvi-mmerit. to devalue in the 8«»eklng AmerlrMi Nun Admiltril tw Bar? aainta and wrata two articlea, and calioctad materia la fur fur- thar atudiaa, ana of them tha 831 N. Ave., I.a»-i.i^ It S Monday night on IV 4-BH7 lV r,.1Jil0 easy anrwiunr- «r The Young Republic*^ will numjN, (O—Mc*h-f Koth lagand af tha IS aigna bafura , t a* 7 50 Friday m«h! in'esl « new exehaiijjf rate decUr- Mary doomaday. Stir—hy la lh« flrat nun In ; Jack Tar hotel in lumsing I uig 51 worth only will be drlwting and vot-|0j a rijhjr filne*tentha Irt.h history to b* admitted to as* the bar. on what the •aid do lor the government peoph ^,h<> uj(j ,,fj(Ciai raj4» was rul.hv. to the dollar but the Twenty achooli from all over realistic exrluingf lor Ameriran aclwNil. She studied law ftftor lour Mother llutit left for Tokyo Sunday to teach* in • coovont COMPARE! P.V.P. Michigan are eapect«*-l to be tuiinst. in ivad U-en 10 receiving her convent education. to recognize 1 i. i'r, said ivtcr McPherwn. rubifn tu the doll, However, she h*« no plana to You Ilnvc S.'ri. TIipm- J;.rk.'t» true diamond .*<[p atate ctwirman. The tot- An offirial S-.vii't govern- alue , practice law. \ gr-'up should hum In r well stati'nuMif, t»i-«.i't ■•»*t by 100. muhow »a'l.i» iimiouncing tfu- In Other Storm \t Ili^lifr I'rir.-, WOMEN | . PARROTS MKK r anrndtees w;il meet *' 7 30 , ... .. -...I the Soviet . n, a-id the general stfs&oid stav iMnkpurelMSitig price Women are said to excel in Now Sr*- Thrill At wli start at 8.30 lur gold will established at teaching parrot* to *p«ak, prob¬ There appears to be a liber- one ruble pur gram lr.»m Jan. ably hfcaune they And it oatiar a'.wMnservative light develop¬ ing with reapect to the party'a 1. to imitate voice* of women. J. B. T0WNE future platfonn." aaid McPher- um The group U aure to eom- ment, he added, on what kind 14)0% Cotton Your — . 1 • .• ifrahip it leeU the party I now have. All MSU re- Look »ut>;,can stodenu are invited ( ThirkM-t Corilurov Best For % — * Waal 4k Nflw Blanket Lined Wolverine Fix Wjgfi to*•; % Calara - Olive or Antelope T>.e following organi rations 1 Blue Angel HI*#* 58-48 C/cn the boldest con bacoma o bt Will have their picture taken to r.fht in the Tower Koom ol the IVilh a New Price a( i. B. Tawne btw '<3«rtd a»ne.t choosing o demand I'nionv i'lease be pre*mt 10 min¬ Hair do From enyjgemantrinfl Lee s.ons.deec*«on—in Silver iUondinc and Tipping weihnjt Yow ; »--ua Alpha Kta—7 VV' i crrine—7:20 Colton Poplin SIipII * "C« the hr.q yt>v choose wil o'mttyi vj Slrndrruin* labl* be ,v*t os beouMvL ius? cs vo>.cc e Arnold Air Society—7'.30 IN*. Deep Ovfaa fila Lined . (Frer to S*kw Ciitnttlc) on/where .n the U. S. A, Wumen's Glee Club—7:40 ... 1 mons Hall—8 ■it Air CondilHHicd Ilryttn ''rricrtm No—4:20 Is mna Delta Chi—8:40 it Suntoa Room Xara . OMvc ar Nataral 7k*ta Sigma Phi—9 Doat' Forcet — Stoaa 38-48 Block and Bridle—9:20 Human dub—9:40 Executive Committee¬ Price at J. B. Tawaa CO-ED SPECIAL DAYS s' £ Lambda Chi—10 gma MON, TUEa, AND WED. 11.75 Interejted in know ng more obov? Arftar**d r.*Q$ ord fhf tmque Permanent Voiuc P an? See your Artcoc»#« jeweiac.oc^ V/n«« W> DISC SHOP J * Weotf 4 So«v !w %*jc, :*» I «*»« V M t. M. H 1. UNIVERSITY . far fftlpabW r.g* or- o.» -g ■■a East Grand Rhrer l«B no WWII BEAUTY SALON AtlOnvv F'1' Fatal Lunias'n Only Eidwive Record Shop (EAST LANSINGS 2 Doom Eanl of Lucon SIOST MODERN SALON) ED 2-1116 Ki ffl; ®0ll|UP A rtcarved OIAMONO AND WCOOINI MINOS OPBI EVHtY EVBW6 FREE PARKING Siocc I960 211 E. GRAND RIVER Beloved by brides for wore than 100 years {1850-1960) Tl'KSlVW. NOVEMIIKR II. two \\ otdd Like Secondary Students Receive Races Rased College Credits School V (Mot < rl x\» (JtrMiiiti* Hook Sngiienltoiist WASTE MAKERS hv V»nr* Par Kuril *1.50 rim it »>• iiiimiN rn«'«wi» .., Him *r»u * mkmrk. now »•• •*' ll lsll; M HOm Kt Vow. DmAuM Sir l»»kt at 1I» Ikraaaaraj Mr." anil trll. two the aatle nakrra ararh aa at. aa- drrmlar aar ralart. ratUairr aar lalarr- aiul what ar aaa *• ahaal IK Cifl Hook llrmliiunrlrr*: ' CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS * tv' VvvS V f m UIMAI* t.»r tSar>wt»> |Mp*r. U«VA.Xt\i Hj S vli 4'h( IG MshiJh thr\»u l \r Nii iO>T .rrd FOUND THE RIGHT PLACE TO GO .. RANSPORTATlON Talk About Business i»S«» V ki»p CfA, •!*.! ,■,**>*-. CrmtM Raptd*. •• is* r«e<*» «w3*fttw. (NEXT DOOR TO CASA NOVA) PERSONAL KiAims or ts* ra ni m. ii tim i t arroiNtsnNTs Aimuu — an 1*1111 IVsNWUI K*;:. airuuty I (HAIKU rot TOt-K convkniknck o'snfiMiw rf t-Sr Mvhion cf Kmeuf, #pj li*r* SCAUP AMI FACIAL MCSKAOC rtl Vitt i'wrrrrtfi^ SHOT shim: T>* ( w» »»« b) tit* SLstifi- AuKvutwa vt CPAX tS* CaOrfr cf £u«in««» •rJ PuKv JmxY inj lb* cw. MICHIGAN Upa.-* *4vcab«a Itmn. MICHIGAN HUNTER JANSSEN •Vic Properly CJrnird and laundered DAMONE I Jot lira Are Brllrr Looking PAT WO* and Last Lonpr. OWENS I'M Our iMaplrlc Ckaaiac ani Uaip Servici 547 K. ORAM) RIVER "statsi w.craa « '-«• For Your Convenience • • v-H* m j»w puf *" * an»r W«v« *"Nn v *®i rt * > A Drive.In Window < Mac -* r s *nTC*

AIM LT ENTERTAINMENT V#t» STARTS 7 PJH. . I'EATVRE AT ":IS - »:K EXCLISITE LANSING AREA SHOWING THK REST IN FOREIGN FILMS ILFORNO til ..RESTAURANT.. 'ike name that made PIZZA fmmamt ia Lanline' OPEN DAILY S P.M. - 2 A. M. * rnuiM in—in ★ i Aal'tN.. THIWsbAY »T ART)\(. ITU. AT T KM. STEAKS (HKKEM - SEAFOODS - \ ' Tn>'n\Y, NOVKMIIKR 15, tm:uv' »'ac.e nvn MIC IIM! AN STATU NKWS Pain Slate Snaps Slate's Four-Year I lit mm ii in I Liiashwcll PickoS IJraiulstatter Schedule* tlx H»\ tU KNN li tmd*af to All Ola'c fifwt ell H" A«W ACtklfl With Ui« vsr- Reign loCros Country Championship « iw» llrlts Alia •up taas CsAAIcScll I fallow wis ma I III - I'M - Nil Itmillet ItrllA I III fc«|a]a« l*-l N>w*' Art HIAIM NTHM SimiiIm Mltor lira ml* tatter is rthelcr fur plavn ti»«* *»f the Aiiht ban tfama .HtafT Mll-«taln t, hue.l. In in haakfthall fuothull in •mllAtty lawlmttHltl h'arn la*t ^"'1 hl«h with .Hi^rUn fjuaricrback ! Tommy Wil«<»n. N K\V YORK, AP I Vim Stnlo minpiUvl Michigan Slnlr'n hliNM %l|tha I fallow /Ml « Alf»p Ira wr*r*k iin hr tnHitrd thirra run- four-ycac relgu 111 U'lA Ci'tM-1 Country rlmmpi,.n. Moinlnv /Ml |»ll> I'lal t fatloii I «tail. A a I hi Vi'isinna fur thrnr nftfiii|)tr.| t.i mill Ivy Icngurr lloh law* of drown whipped homo in inml lllliil I hi M .A. *" TOWN Alawis WUta.a [mil. the gftnif* out for MS11 »'»»••»' IN DISCOUNT h :>f the |vu'k In IU.4 for llm liullvliliwl III|(- in the mile I'lM MsffA |*si llaaaa Mag II Mlatl • laaala 1*1 hhrv won 21-JJl , , LARGEST Munasu. ■ —" U rim • Id III andaUltrr lift* khkrd 15-18 I t /Ml - I'M llrlla Without n Kennedy In um-hor them, llm Sp.irtnin, «hn II |arII a I falloaa llrlls Hltna* Vt nltmnptfl nrnl Um "fir* w#a MITTT.ERS — TAll. 1'IIT.S — KXIIAIfST PIPES IlealaatieaioH Maaithlrk won llm Illy Tim IHU* lu«i ivn-l, hiul their 1 r<>ut>U-«. In Ift',". A foil a Airns ■ AM blinhed tirohr M* carnr flrM mil ISM 11 I'll IV Kriumilv fur Mielumtti Mute Anil I X f laaala ,a|,g Mit» Meilrt llsUata ,. el rcrnid when hf klf ltT.I his POI.ISIIKS — WAXES — PAINTS — IHUtSIIES Maallrt lie IA I until. Thf fitd ri^v»r»t w»« four fur llm 1'iiH llmm years lit.i hi.l I,roller, Crawford, im'iliiynl 1% Shew Ml a eta miailalll Hi andRlHttcr ia IcndiitK tram ('t)MPI.Eli; I.I.NE (IE ACCESSORIES lie event. Madmlplua. smiles 'tiring with .1(1 jntiiit* < if Ujrw % a tat at laaitg ■ » she w I hick Werner's Niltiun I I,.in placed limn- fir-t ilirim Hallari Italia s * wif«* fnun h Tommy Wd- It slaaw - Maillrlllrlal limn among llm firm III .mil lln.t ,||,| U I aiiiii.%i,a - Mm en Hinndatuttrf uriial in thr . feTR AI TO New & Krhttili Army win minnI I III I mini. I'urdue spiiiNi; •tTARTIRl while Michigan Slnle finished iliir.l gitmr. whiclt the Spur¬ I, I. ASS I IIMII I ef,P NIHAItaRI IN Mr*«i» I t ia n* won 17-1.1 SERVICE • MM PMIPI IViin State's victory win nn aurprlsr, however, Any of 1 mm Ma ten I M lllliil \ R I • Art ku kiil 12- til last pnaHinn ftw.rlly In.l.ll.d •miih mi *ire •i N ruua the lop three win considered capable „| winning, • Ml mmi.a,a I -» a nd art >i tnani rwrTrd W^tcn hf wait. Van * .It I mill 1 iNnitrd thr if IItIiI goat*. Mnnimi Writer, wrhn finishes! t AM I mm«n« I * Ilf eighth, Will ih'IIII Stale's Ik,i I am i nifwnna I t w .»* tJnid high wniT'f la*t v«*a • M Xlmallaang t I ith 23 point > Sjtarlans w mm»* Thou emtio Uctai.l N'.'t I tlAlallnHI » I AUTO KRAMER man. t»th; Slow M-HM'hwatl, HUM,, Turilir Held lUamlktatti*!, who ilnr-n all <>f • «M Mr it, I. h Mow I toil llitMirti t Varitori, 18th, «tt«i t ft MAwrp I lew mill hi* kuklfljl lefl-funtt-d Hki ■ IM Meal - Wnlla PARTS tal.tuel HmavoI!, 2.5th T; ,u h.I I Oil ill* to 70 119 ah»l Michigan Si ito ISO. \rmy ha I Practice ■ • IM tt Mall Hawks riiului 1 Mmlrtila "in h leant • Irlil Irnoi, IA XIII a • MKMO PAD nrnl Hill 1.1. MACHINE SHOP SERVICE • New lintel. 1 f\ MnllMeat, For li of D I mil's t te-w • |« M.ahawka lislatlei Tills WAS tho f,!M tjnto thf t> X|..n|tahlnrt. • - ahnll Sirrah* Titer KCtUttllv ha . ha! tunes of j*, - yen. ihtntigh '» IM uffiit? f'M Ihrir match rt- MMtrrnifillnn and Sanitation (v'rawfor.i Kenned* • •into mark Nft la At you w.t. •t.-'K . port < Tho s>jit-.tvl, bui offi.'Mlly jtiatu) i a ' \ . l'ttvord NorthWi . ■iv ,o Untie Swrel of A'f'o.i \v • » ■ ste.t' e •' 1111 i' 11 CALIFORNIA STYLED h.ut btfen hot on hi* 11 » > ]k Iroit lei tor while ilun»u 'u a iti.t-l CORDUROY SLACKS ok on a tho fir*! 2 MUlrn. fo'.t twek bit'. I.mi>inn'* thlly titlhorliril llrnlrr tie manated w is a'K»ut to fmnh 80 v.t*.t mv > htfun.i .1 !>» striilKht j "STYl.EII BY AJAN" Ml. Austin Hillman l>»we at the Upe in 25 art H.tliri ami Dave M.ft- Morris Austin 11 en ley Sunl^sm vorxo o m (tot. v tstek id s.'rtmm.t • Svv.tst, who; JiUU* fifth. Hiiv injured :n the jire^amej Sl-ls. is the StaU' News' fool hull pliiirr of the week. "Sweet ran a u^*A race." warm up i t Northwestern, w.»: ONLY saat tfk* 140-poumi l,uvw fact, he turpnwrd mo in ktvji- few 5i falls In unable to play t«o' i t .1 K tme fi hoine- lie w ,11 COMING TO CHICAOO I.imit 2 In a CiiMlniurr BROOKS IMPORTED CARS ing <*» close alt thr w as " Itkb Mae* of Y.t «• f,n;*hc.i FOR TMI WEiKfNO? 5011 N. (.ruml Iliver f.xth attd i*>nn Uoniler Si.vphi of »t*o of too piayinjH IM th«' < i.y«t, ■ TAV AT TMt VMM MOTKL. CVaitrrll, by way of Nairobi, game for the J5par'sns arc TrWj Kenya* won the .S»miV fa^h- eapta Ms t rod H 'vlct., Kred Ar- I Al A* oAf* *1 At IMP man run in 15.23 9 anj jm-'iwn.t a»*f Herb Adivi'v, along • tllMM SENSATIONAL nortialcly was established »< Wth quartertMck Tom Wil.oti. one of the favorites ( »- next erd i i.'l 1U-. li 'ftMlsoOKMt • IIMII II M mm4 Ml year'# vanity gruid Maiwtat- Jim i .x juh v, i d# Ik. (jiiin- I • Of InmptipM, orht D.pi "»*, II* MM* Wdkmk An* Cka*«« S, M. tan won the frosh team cbam-:s!e\ and Hahn I tackle M,c- y.i*vvhip with t?3 fK»mU kel VI ain SbIGITI refreshes your taste Ij ^air-softens" every v.- A ^/r i— T—rMf puff .rnrMHr C Zeroing In on the future At C*n Tel, our jifti is t3 th« suptrcommuMc^ tions system that ofill be needed to meel INi demand* of tomorroAt Anii *3're constantly shooting new idea* at th«s target. CORDUROY In our 24 research laboratories, more than tists and engineers have their ».ght* set on ent.reiy new concepts in order to achieve these result*. 3S00 *cJ«o CONVERTIBLE I rampie trontcs a scte' task force of General tiits. working in electroluminescence and Te'ephone A> Efeo the uneapkxed area* of photoconductivity, have A mrSKka-iaanslli Nelnral- de/eloped an opcMt eg model of a seitchmg oewca akMlSmd jackal u Iim) in .n with no mo. ng purls, that may revolutionize te'ephona AalWae Frlal witk unb,>i knu-wekw lulmlnl. lu commumcat ons It is a thm wafer only 3 inches squera teatar aaal, kackma pock.),, that may someday connect and disconnect up to Aaii*aa eeaalaS autal katun.. 10,000 telephone nnes. lagaraS Paat^irU alacka. Vaa» raaaraaa to jackal Im- Meanwhile, this discovery holds promisa Of la> and kaadkanki,,. KnuCaul new having numerous aop. cat ;ns in other fields,including switch* catora; at tka beat mg and read out de* ces far eiectronic computer*. 1 e».<. Caaaarhkla .... jff JJ A, .arnti. aaal....... ,ii Research it. out one -J the many areas in which General rn-Un4 IkS. e a. Telephone & Electronics is thinking and working ahead -not only to meet today's communications needs, hut ____ * " OnM ►» —a 11 for cMi«rtuf 17" tomorrow 4 as we if. a 7H / pugjf.rts For the cool, fresh soft¬ GENERAL ness in Salem's s'moke is the very essence of springtime. This i IKMltllOl fTMll /-> , / moat refreshing cigarette of all is made even more so by Salem's apeciml High Porosity paper that "air-softens the • rich tobacco taste .. TELEPHONES ELECTRONICS^} J ~ smoke. Voa'U be delighted with Salem's springtime frtbhnesa , omodsni flltor, to» - its rich, tobacco tasta. Smoke refreshed... smoke Saleml^ r—•■•f-r—."Im.vN.-*.. . irKsntv, niivkmukn ii. iwh SI H' II 1 U A \ S r A T 1: AIMS ru-.R «\ ('nni|Hi» ri»»«lfl«u Your Krv In lift Iff Voliir* Plaivmrnl Umvau . (UitU'riiiu Ice Slum• Returns (ovou Splash 1 » IlK INiiur fur Yimr 'lVyonts lloltl >OVtM|)tK it X i* \+** X t>* A**Vi\h tMsi- .V m4 iisvu '>* v*( To Hollywood It ith \cic Star i.M, , HVUtK t K » t N I'i HI I i tkv |, \ **»•••. StM*-..V tloliiloy llMlr Siyk-A ... M UtH»l * N.s«. M,:V, \\W iiiy. M 8|*U»t», tv»*»»»*"!»» *>t» ; ,*11 t*t«,K*i » i «M • .-«r» ( n ; f% HA'i-tii j! IkititCl tfti*4t* * V ,t» .t v * < 1a'» It* «t 8 Xtt s\w ti ' l*v M\U\ \\t» V.'.. »lt,»i« i- ♦ £■.«» U .'..'.'A *.*j '.sV, II i> $i>n-iuli»r In ,K'i» |.«i ••.>»* >.*s (*<$!• tit*. X»- -.V tv> |'A*ij\*tn A ,*'.i»Ni .• • %\'n |.u ii *>*.i <»i,u»*nu( «*i» JHK't V. iV»', I .*u x t« ' 1 VI I Ylr * « {vM *l.«4 tf.'.KV'. • •< Ins nust 4t t|t\ Mil «tt »Hit>AV» IVfWHMOHl* I'ur III •>„ .*<•» U* , • » "1 » 1 5 \ At. 1 . V t»4tK\t\s IHVtMOS M-v, *» »n» ,w» *.»..**; •- .V v'n-n iHhM* *.»*•.* ivi tw\» t»s«n»t, tstvlmtliiv II*afc trim I, "1 ,..V».N fk ttf» vu-sUm*-!. tviiti M WHKM »«* Tyi** ii/ llulr. • VM> * ■* \ *• A IVs »•* ' • "< I'A-lH'. X >N«.''-|*lm*'l? *iv'"- iu« (.ritlthat* ****** .4* V *««t X Vr %*•' : ,»A, I'HSl". t Vlls'Ut* ** til A s'M- l -.t u( tW t'OiH' Tmmu • TINTINIl • I'MIISTIM: Mi \M K Hi Hi It «it HtMU ** •Oa'Kva iii tjsHst (mm, thv*^ »v t» iH) NOKtll IH HON MtUH»|d »|auia'aI *4*0*4*. V(|* v-*Ulin»s UtH.-t CALL ED 24314 IVuitt Tells As .1 V»- V'"a > } •■.;! «*» ,.,v, •> ,u I !* .%• \ ■ ■ *• • ' • "i ' 1 H > V i 1A IX - iU» U t- ♦*"•( tII\i i.'* (lA'IH li« 141st* >11 'IV- '•» V \»A»»I tiliiU't *u*tAM atut (iMIII, AHUM m* till i„i mmir vim's. sr.ivK hank iiiiiuhni; i, \,U» y,.w.*- , ttX* V«I\Ia 4*4** IliiittiU* i«* Of Shuletils #! Nh'N t'XKtMpK tVKf 1\ \ N 1 * 4*1 N 4Ut»N XI \U VII* t »* A UIHHM. tit ii t i 1 ' 3*.t.Ill It'll U» II V*»M(A isll ******** a 4Kti*»\ i 4 V»- .1 A - • t lSttl s I ■•.■•... «,1 ?H*I aKillnriA" i* >tt W llVV«Mt* (s'l A V> , * U-cv., 'iiif.viV,! H .f W»- iN.*»r u>niv*tv«l i« VUx ,» V 1-Av. M..I tU'Mlsc ***n.iminc ts■ ,wlo ,11 *W Ullllll'ljC Allst ^AHst »Ill'li>; v.* * ••-.« • nxt* • uvi» AIVA'VV* V.W1 t .%• 'i AV>'IVV« \!t ** ,'Uii'ii li'lvtv*t»s! Ml ai* lm • •• •• V ' ' { w' A •I",' l«»:tl ItVVttl It I'll l!V*. UI \\*l IM|H K lv i+** .»"! • M • . ■ ■ • N.V.* I- • IS*. M.V ttri»s\l» **iH tw hvM N.>* S »M IN M KN \l Kt 4 IAI I M K4 Is ». OIIKAMI OIMKIA 1 A'f MS.* S.x v .V Ai.jA \\ (MMlhun > l\ >• • .*• >v»v W\M * i>f tts*im» INsoii»mi%» ^v» 4V ,v!V s\> A* xnn* c *.•*.•* ,"'S I a'-.U wKvit ' t*"st tilA'it 4\i('lV S A*'* **• * V-•» Is't \v» *» t"»-S • A >-.» ,"*;v; '. .'•) X ' ,-r »*.'•' 4'H Vi*0 AsMfiK^x |H» tm: .r*4HIX»H x t.\44t*tl f-U '.V • U v> «•* . .Vt •.' I '.'ca. x.'t <»;•.-,* * *V«. ' 44V |%%4KX |4 XI I tllMXI X 4*1 Ml Km HI 14'IN* i ■.* ny*".-..i i*. »*.■>» *,•-«> »-• A»U'' t - •♦s-v;''4 Asm -.t y» t It t lXTIR A X--.. . S «r- % axA,-, i 15» I1'*><•.-*. \ls*xkX 1%* V % • V , av •* ' vTT MX*"' ' .■•:■ A * - .A AXJ1 AIM.*'!*. !■•.? A'V," . K'» ' * «A • .v».t * '»:' ■ •* V< « tv.Viv vl X IVS V »V«r.«*\ 4i ysM'lwmt. 111* TNX . •- « ■ .'*• * v.'* «* v %4AK'X IS* No A s'.\"V A M t *_!» s V,, ■■" » ' X# " »,*.•• A V» A I* 4 t*t rrvr«?v*y. - *s ' X " a: t>;*.,*• •'. *• .« *»*<•■ vt" -( IN*.*- i% i\* »w<* 4 *-*,4 A.'.s,.'! W i .•• » % <*> wa« w C-vf «» I:*. M.s\ | XI I A v4 |?Tx. Xc.x '• 11; . s . \ . \i ' •»■ i' .• - * vx*. ,• ,r,AAV"'.' • ,\ ; \ V t * a »vt TMTAM : *'.-••• *.«4j »«•/* » : .-v .v:*'V«*^vU 4a* Wtl fWlW/"V ■t si.A a .*.' Kl.-.'siiV* S*«!H.'.£-1, fUMCTUATB MW FASMON *-,f ts-v. l»0\T Al l III. YOl ' •*.» :-w^. ',y< Nt*\ I X|HI K :i. i+>* j s* V V I* Uiy -Vfa" sWH'.IMs'U 'H >u wv V» v.*.'. -. t*i & tVrJS 4»-«r- f jn* XXII KK4N OKIUIIKtW * *4 X rrU{*\l iiirr stick • imiv k in WITH A OOtOm*oi*i * » V • » A a ' X N V. INt. X! v. X f* -s malctitd i*w*lty i*l with Itv* tparklt . . •*. * - . jvnr+*ji V/. V-4 y/ 4,-,, fWt'M *>4 I vi I t Tut# l> *•#» t « W» XI 'I 4 vs'*,:, y-.v- vv«v*tvv<» campus 4N * y I've XMMlh S4» T**.«rr * I of M \o.irls .AAV N, <»* AA . , -A KOIT^KS tvxirwv i\i\ K«l*Mltlt Vo» tVf IMAMMi' 0 cl iKntilonti, li>* ticKntu el met. s* ss.; : * •< *. v -Wa^V %'VvX "y.v!v, '.» :v« A>< 1 N■■•/.. 0'* |Xi* A character: 4 l»u«l«ot IiiaoIaa . yi. 4*r,v»x » 'ft V^V. V v t*l f.M finiih pvaili, ond lh» »*.* X° - s gractM b*pely **-'(» » .4 SltXI Xlilliou ■ Wff S# VHf-t A M « S.% '•• »»Wf 4:V*1 » VXH. NSi 'M |fVA? .•'a i-s m *• *o»txs'* A**«Vy** * * Ji rm' slio-i . v •.* 50 * J.A .-.••v* Vt.'. \ V « *'•*> \X-t'*4 : BUD'S cf l*ol thop«d goldvn-lon* Tiifonium.' *'Js# » . V--.W A#*Jf 'V* .•» i' l^yvol \X*%*w X tVA ■ti. V •. I Vvi K'*,< *?*<#•4 f'sNT rv*VAV\-X « ti v\ *wg vs.*.-* A,l uitobl* collar 3.00 Eo,ringi, 340 •-•?>»• * W1 " ■■ -• , x.,s- Hi *♦*•».* >i a»A 7^ .- V>tf s/ .v-., *"?«i ' I*"**- r*t4t-fx4* a lumit tx4. ■DDI. STATION fA;« ixittx V V ii -,V,V.>A« ,v, V'.'l VN A**W>,» si',A« '4**w.fc.; *SW»SH¥i4. ' 18HM) K^sfv, Ow«sv* Micli, X» .>**'••' »« ;>* • ■■'♦■- •* ii> ■» . '• » >«/s .. * J i v v 1M 4 • « -V -Nf Y«ur «IGw#oth«r coot, by Storm N«y# fvwt %ma*l v *«<.?•„ vyr hjJ" • -r^^p.' • .-•* N, ''fit • n I » Si fs * wrink!# *Kw*n wcct jorfty fo loom rvbbor woltrv IJNKB iJhr fcX-s IJto-...-.-inw -» Xw UN "W-M' • 1.1 XM fwt' /A * rg «nn#f •? tSN ».«"** .'.vv-fli*. s v«' foo»u»tt wKighthrSt wcm^H *trti clonic styling thot gooi t f» ?*■*"'« X, , i.'° X-.< *•• .1 ■« • :t4 5 •". -• < -;w " 'ik< ii* *: BiIM al •' Ia: c^vwhtro, on>tim# in vonohio latKion, .:•*>.; Sa *: vt'JV ? "V,f* N'tA- Hipl Boo? tc 8 16 liiot 25*00 £*.-» *. *:v •1 ..VO-A-y fO,S..'sN • •oci or * Vw ^ »riw*s ■i# '. N . «* fil 2 H In IM Kni BLACKSTONE 1 ftw't wm f'sm •j ' .1.' Vit trxiCTi . .••••.••.• Wrt (l*Uin liuAX UmIusWaO TORT m -- , VN »Ci»iV» .» AW TtUt *i »W Ut trXaai, «*K. 33»c hi Klifiteaivvi&f i-tts oh hi* v.»t * "lan. ■£>*» m* srwvH i >*«-'» **•■'"• VARSITY DRIVE IN •- K **T* N*IN tt* ^ . 3U{ A»V!i'. V i* r*»-"' -» *••«* <•'.!+». tt. :v» « H« i tA«-, S! Sli £*c *>^1 W > vv**.'*ru;w, w 'i.'.K i^inJNB-svf. wfc4 Wi. 4A..7 »*? * ««A* iAs ED 24117 jrVV.rmsf rt-lf A .M*y i.\Aru"« -.^45 ti*. *>kiZl fwrwvts* J* 5fCX»i Xi-asfi* b 'Vw- -Ji'tlWl'JlK Nhtrj Sank* IJO "•:lV 4.t*t i.w K-MAfV Jwc«> ■ i ~ .- iw ifl»i U. dtf-^dt |-»T* *r-'.'!a A S^r US «' •.vi-Sfc.vt w |A-t» « sv dt-i*"***- . an '%-fi \ f^JO-vJ { cv 'i.iK » S"*7«* '» tV V ;; i*b>» TEN STAR SPECIAL! Tv-WA jmiT Sw»fc.. >*•■. vaftif W-i, %aV* * uji w»v-* 7^'. 7**ers. S.-v4. A **>•* -.Mt , : .«-• I.-*.*! hm,v I. :J- Vv . • *,4.1- :. .* - T:.,r* Far l*ib jcdJ librim Ikuni ud blur.1 iiA^ci mimim/MiX «h.»';*WK» . Mr#'. ILtt» tad l'aj» Clin. New * Kiiarvvis. Hide llUT Rrptllrtil c Chairman * »-«!* Ami 1 ratbrr JarkrC* \Jockeii AT LjumirA Scmiof tTW-. Cn^ow T Car*., y&t y^rn briefs *4- Gtnn ^ Cowwri ac. ?- * • * Vuffcnd T»»a aj—nifTir 4up H*BKsra*r* Mm&exl . * IKtoa Ku»- "The yertxmx st ^va^afp .; * A!;mth«. ami Mrodrnt awe -joNAr-s**r,-» .t?cr ?.*i >« a i r^eczihsr H V>e. S2SC #u:? . /;* ] ★ ilu.T Krjvur. 3 jwor*. St jt Urn w.vr -sk! j COLLEGE CLEANERS Ca4 aed l am (CO W. *lifkijtan Lam Umi; LD 2-4713