I Michigan State News V — Q^' Srrvih)! MSI' For .11 Vmi< I Ml M. M>. »»5 CAST I.ANSINti. MICHIGAN. M I'HNKSHA V, MtVKMIIIIIt I ft. It ritN i: i I;I:MS Teenagers IMNK, i/1*> 1rn» \i UOlluio |'i uiil f mIimmI, llu* hil< |» iftlftd (i|»I i nit# i Uftftionlit . yr-tti imi I In* |oli, H|i|ii,iii'i| |o ikiiii "tin hmim. p«0u r V«».tt kulf pi t HtHI-tllrtl ll-AM m niHttiH£ Ihti t>..ll>ll»i Itl«> !,,« WIIM,,,,, |„ a. ,11,. l|i ft V »lt Hit it uiKprtft " foi TMliyiOit Thr tlilfl* lllllr Negro jrtila hud thr Ntiiinftphr/ii v. ft- On r i v »M pNrkfl nf 100 nii III • o0i« fmnOftlli* tlninjf H 1.1 irIt l»o-*i Ony t'olir* limoiitil I.T| pfllttilmflii • | hi MiHmiopli mol I t ui Irani/ Mini nuift'11 rhlMirn Ottnrimj I'MlflV he voillip-lrl - of both ■ and moillitl'il otllcin Hiooiot Mi hoy mol a H liltii |{li| •«! in mi Not otiil r ii lot I mr tt t H alighlly in nma i irii'i midlist i« o it v fiooi thr net I ugh mid afl*r Ihr Omt «i Oppoaltr i ol Iii-i 1 plftV inoir tlmn l.iHitl fot lliii I «y u I lir Irm lir* kril tin* Nflgtnea Itul. hftliiml thr fmrinlo iimi'li | VMM4 foot of poller loll «r> lo an'tempi to tlfltk Ho n lines ut-fllnl a | •• hnnU. pi ft- Mpprm mo r ililkrO tlrrp | r, | nl'otllVr «t trio pi to hlenk p.Ol.M. olt flit +10* iMn blmll" Altilintl the iplrntiulift, N|ipili nil I \ to ilrtri j 'I !••• utt nation w us ijnlrtrr »I ftlllltfUMltfl j llori htoiiioI Mrl'nnnvli l'» »i to.ol [ tl»ir»- »to» y pint* Itiiltdlhfl oii '.»u«V liilor lo»W fm «i• |ft Mio i'i) (hell n|i| . . 1*1 Hill/, M III'I It it 0 irriilMOi.it III I'Hl ll l: \ltltRM t I II <>t t«*n*l ; Ht t Utolr nvr I'liry alliiwed only,i• rut Inn h nd .i> ... , ... . ! inlliiii rintlilril polti • to rfTrrt Ivrlv |l prmiiiiftft tmlmllm* a Minnie gliL Iimvv Iimcm In pma ami nMigwl At \V lllinio* I' lanlr, thr «»•"». „,f r I, Him u illinul ; \\ tin till I In- tlHHll of I Ml iruling ' tn" hlot'li• t t -L~ moiiiol " thr- iirlplil.or — '*«—! Nipi'• ylll IntrpIiitnl • l"*- thr •ilMiiptinp nniniftl 11 ft lilt lint, in »-•> into M'liiai MUI. I.N I I KS \> III ri: M'lMHH. — \ Min.lt Negro mil. ottU-ri" "Hoi it ilrpiily »lirillT flooft H«mO lO'tuhhollHit Ht ItriOhi.1 pHM*h j MotIV ininntrft luln. ai'linol'i ft# «t III ftiin ml hv ulilr of rnMH(f NrroiMit >f m mot lir i,pill, whltr hi nIiIh tin* «i liofi-1, ti fti hrta pftlliri in piIm •nliiftlon in thr kliulei Retls Will o«vottt|iotic.l l»t hrr mnthci, ttml rsioiinl liy'l'.S. lh|Milv MiirwhnU, thr trrn uplift put Into tut Ion pnto r hiokr up » Unlit hlOM Mi« Dwrii pHitru roum rntri-x Mrlh'dogh l!l m himl at Nrtv t Menus, lot., Mnmldt In Moil pl«f®.«l »'iil ll«ir mrtviiiK MrMftiiun, h I... rtitriml liir n linol hrltn io.Oiollr.l nf t alk Willi thr hi.Km lilt million nl Iftlernl com t order in tlrliotur ol tlir klnltt Ire I«*ImI hi r. pmrnlft Mho •lioutr.i ihiiftlvrli «hOr trrn ntfrM l» blink* fmni to (ii*I hrr ilftiiplitrr'ft hnok. j \| |||| III It.HI nf lh» four nl* vrm nl.| N'rft-ro |?nl* rn t'hr ». hoot, tuMOliy tho prinri-Binii With thr | Wo wrir m nrpro \V \\irr|»ltolo. j | miihlr. ■ liunkv inftU H rft| iup n trir.l l«.. Mhltr ■. hooU f..i thrll ' *«•« "M ilownlo* n Nrw Oilrmift woutflu milt h vhtto wninati, up ) |tM hrlmrl nnriilftliy aaaift Ifttnl (.iliitiol INist lliitloil m-AOint iliiv of liOiftiwtrO I t ion. I hr polirr lormO | I'oilrr Mill Atlolpll Mftiriliftffrr ttlf I* *mit, "Hr'll htt hrift ft* liinp fiii ift hiirlnrftft pftirnlly thr UMitliriA nf tiir two with «oiiftti m I inn Wnrkrfft ttlliK thrrr t»M- no trftihrr plril Willi polirr «4 ttiry ttlftppril hlin off to tlift polirr Wiikom Kennedy lirt r.«iiry " IM»I< AIIIINN Hrrr, Mr. Mr 'I hr hlotnlr pill who tftll ftfool 1/NfTtn NATIONS NY, 'Th lit iiipPiiot, polirr mipt Jo-rpti Mftitu* nftlil, tliftl tin i Iftnnra wrr« i »f thr pnlirr waa t fti iylnif ft aign IVlor I'almrr to Thr Ifrit'in #apr»«ftr ' * H'ivw*! ^ fii,u i imin rioliti-l.'rrO Hm pullt r hrlnp hrbl In Krftntc arhnnl nt rrftillnp u/lllingnm* Ttiftftdav •'» mor IVaI n. •* - I «#> ".iti-iv to mflinlftln •ill I It* • until pifttlr flfttiflhtri. ; •.■*~>—^-* ■-• ■■■— - Into f.r(f',ti»ti'in«! oil thr to • ,tr «• : Itrlun ah, »«ii| milv two nf II | «»♦«•< - lf,S .I'l'iiifiP'rali-iii "f f'.l*n I r (.omiiulinn Itull I lf.it' lotrft tftlllllt H'rt* II Iftli llftV «h| N rift 1111 r m • - loit riiiiriit ion rgulfti Hiillr «tu<|ri-ta one thr In 11 It 11II u Performers Krnnrel*. 'l r in f.illl Weil hi • ffot I to dl«-ll'Trt im* ri* hrr.-t- to -1 fttooil look n holhiftl .Vrm lv y I'• till In nil I' I Iftl iii thr ti|t»« It I'r'r, |'. I * 11 i i. a . ,.t ' to-i tti ! ftli rt lionlft irpm t« t| llpt'l nitrmi mhr* of hi- inilri' rhownil up fliol Tlin alt n TV, 0 i :\'nv l criii i. I ' .It.*.- . tftVilt ..il t' fUl V K lior? i t'fllt'i i ■ t , h ill ptft* ft* tiir Hi- «■ (tftll Hlltlitlls n,0!t! i.iuoi! ft 'in R t-» li. I*.. mini till* loo tnlrp I fltni Mn lift.I •• t.o;.I totwl of fttonil roinfuit o lii Ir ' I lot. i I■ Mi Mniiil* *nol lir iHl.tr iii thr ftrhiMtt I'.Mrllr Umknnrt I. « ho flpprmrtl jy no ipnI, Uatlitt SlriUn 'M hfti .Soviet ASM ti.Ol i Vftln ho I»I ht 'iiti , A thr , hiU.J /.'II - t.'.N n U ' 'i*! • .r , t 1,4" At t i tiii-i tit It I H ilt - h* il I 11.11 I Hi' thr fooi \t>i|o l|p»rt ,.«»)!'.• ft. ^ K '»-• i.'f i-f I'ortnpi \ . i I'm \niiu 11 pot ir.i' n i.iil no| irir-i t lllloiin H !"• t«»l(|i*.| W it i I'ftl ttltoii nl* vnlt io(| .Ni. Ilolloph mol John f'irnmt vrm oht piin ■lb I'rfti tftiki whrrr hr elft*hr.| • I'i. t''f he! NKW VOltK i* of li i- otr » oiil11ft?j>t Hut by irft 'tni polii «* ftrivruiit tlt.ilihr.l thr l»p«l of M< Ihinoph in hi- g.ilr .lit r n* ,| W .i h ' n *n • * rM On i i»!u l •" I t t ■ the liir frtrr • inn t rutini mr' i .nl.inn I I'm ,i> in t, VftliAt' to t OH 1 > . in. l.a pUl i If ft I nit* ft '• »* of thr t l.'n i i ot In rlriti'iu app'rinter i,t »hr t'.-'M-fth'. • ,n an i* • I'fthnt ' . ft i.* M ton i «vr •I u oi.ihi.iUt Ipftiltliir fm ft'.Of «*..i ft f, Hi .t tVmi in- mliitin !.■» • to hi iiinth mol fioni thr .1 .1 »t vi'l i! j "»irihtr at ion . .• II ,1 ft «i nrn' 1, . . tnkr ..f pei .on.nit nit tin- " • • INfOiirm t!»*». John Mfl rtl i-i'i ■On nit print of mft.iiitftiiniH; ii vik«I' * , inv» iyiity •»'* »•'•«lilt-'*.I / 1 • | All ■ I i pit U'l'.* vision and m-J till f'l.ASII 2 (iirls AImIii<'Ic :' a: l'*r th»t «rft' I ifrpu1 •. nilv-ht to puiilii HK pnitv th«* i ur prr-.itlrnl , f i - i in Mi ,niM nt.- T■ ii , ui; ...ii j i in threw h - mori'i k. * noitin»n« W ft* UH.trl Sttoiul to hsvr ilnuM* hat i .our In to* known •»» hit ||. i n*: , ft «'i ikr of t ■; iwhiri-t ias* iliVti jrof -e i ATliiMi ivtrrri »o< ll1in- of Olllwrt. Mint!. hn.l hr#» »<»• i*t ici' tin agr»v I upon to rratli - i ru'iJuliou- ffia if 'u.ikr di ft-i.Hr nntl finripn policy apotn. j ^uirr's Hun. which Itu'hnirif somp nr«ola gul ftml ft 47*vchi-old rulttnl to SI Mftiv'a at .'i urn rttlrrucilt without a htlikc j moo of a lift. As Clount ('.onliiuics a Moth hrnnrilv an*I Ntxon wrir irptmrniril ft* «i|)|w«ftl to netting j of thr nation'*-fm*«t U«l! ' "o;?ia ! a in I ,i wmk ti t t'r Sir*' I'mi m h.opiuil rh«pUin ftccAnoot of kh|. gamr (jay fut trralmrnt of * i ai rio' w r - ' Hr nappun: hr' *pr rati tii rot i gout a ncivou* condition. Kalhrr Jhi- ArniA hi' ftimut III WW not spell 'ino, r» j * .n ' I: , tip an «. luM coalition govtrn- • M 1 •'•»*• ' Att.in'n- t'itv, N»".* Jci • * thr n ..to • i Tuf-.il.iy. dio!*, » innnlirr of thr noinan mm hrr »'ho, win k fo- Aftf . 7.111 111 Ifpr'rd fJir id'*.I if »• \«;n>N • • r \ . . • Pntmrr i« ft fiftduw.- of l» A 'V '*.lir» Ch "hohn (•„, |(l|,r ||,vmr Word M *aI.m. « I' • »" i NIU M-l.o-tHrviaW.ti, ,toi»'i. 1m.rot •, •;»V:u;' toe f/lTifrd At h« , * •*. i * .M , . i ' (• • .. *.. t ' N i niy dirw no pm ty Itnr* •Hying v..:e b*»'o: i -- *.ifit» of !{«•««III. OXonncl', A performer*' s'nkr pn ■ »" 1f«l tit* own dance U#h«t Af t; t famllv and rr«rivtd pn j tin and r. jabij-h "n,- ph-t'e■ •-•-'"irM Jo'i" r K«!* • ,t.fy * , tuispr 7 • ii' hr WHiilr.l "n inmistiy of the br«t would not have anylie ♦ 4» Co.'•.(%»»ma > traiiy t.MUKM ftUMMttrc* 1 t«* uiftiifthir tftlmt " lir ftfttd thr • f**r *rftdu«t»on ho crtvfld a »'» Hii*sii.c i*>no»* ahc left St Mary's fniftaion to take the fill for the aHlv mediate rffre» a* fa.* f lift - hai would ftnfth'r i» to n'pjtr- ' iianir'' bftn.t* i««pitftl a wrrk ft|'i to "go fur ft• :•! set* *i'!v a ft.»u»t'.«st A ti-H n'.ofr trtuiii tMk r.l of thr *ri%ic»« Of vftriou» Repuh t »u»h a* Ralph Maitenr in a I- » i. lr' with the Itev Iriwrencr Du link Municipal Judge Claude r.K.p- the «t»te kielnappmg Hon s viawrrs wrrr roncerned The networks piled up a t.a»k- j Thr Sov. » 1ri"{'»»r |^ I rornph-tr disartnao ill, ?:,t to an* m thr Kmom»v*!i and Tru i dltiun to wutkmg a* a «li*c j. ' Mis* O'i'o.inell. daughter «»f i* arrant naining Ihidlnk M«»n- '•»* Hhnel pre.geaup II- Jsh vmw of Wadvvor'Vs ipm.' uis t t.'.i p.r,";prt. V mi' A tor «' c- ' ever, the unum HaimM th»t •••(„, ro,,n ' dav. after »nthnrltiea wrre un- v ii»t» 111 *—■— "ji.n"""1 ,.i . OUht look for-Xftr f Sftft .•U!K 1. . . tv »«■*--. Uu* r. ii"'. :.'..K».i aide to I oi ate ei'h.-r of thr pfti- » '• long »'•" W> 1"' * "f !'vr to ft vpring riuoo ..f *'r lr. J. Chhh .lfii «aul that prelirnmai • TV and radio net**. ,rk «how* fernblv ori riiyarnisirjenf 'o ».<• ' vMti'-M.'t: ijy tnvr*:igfiti'iM indicated that "tiii» would l»r knocked off the ftit attended hv hea-tv o' '->'r Tt A FTH A \ »N~2J.o4l t«4. rfr f nitelv is a kidnapping " j The mam i**ue wa Soviet Union hm *• wn"•*•*5*• ■ t a * N " ' # * * ! demand for higm-r pav for prr demrr that '.he a***n*b-*' N.x • J gjIt" ' 'funnel* on "wild spot."--com- hf Id in fcuTop/t rr, ( ii.cftflo, olh—Chicago had it. fr>#» So.. t rnernal*. return on individual ftecoiid gr I abduction m f"ur stations. in/Ludr-g those owned Uni>n. '5 1t» K. ... day* Tuesday, but tor Ja'est and operated by the notworka. /ORIN VOM III h v* • 4? target r *«pod unharmed a* hrr Kenndy Mflministi'.'ion wo, . >i- N.\ • : ansa'nit attempted to rip off **Tiou*l> ponder • aid a . ,.u; i id a>c--.:ee Ku- hrr clot,'.ng in a serve nor'hwest of the city. fore*' pre¬ Tornarlo Hits the spring make agree-men* ion-n '*** on .*-' pylic* aoilfht to determine rnent posaibM #«*»■'y a-kd N»\ Kc nc.«> > wps • pf Wl's" If the latest anatching was link¬ Inn a Town; Wadiworth repi.ed tha* ' ' ed with the slaving Saturday of behfxivei Mr, Zoru. to la a ,' .- p**4 iher-.: gene: 9H , nhat the pr»«!t;rw of • •,« ne« •--* M SJAT.Tl? '.*• :« • 0-year-old or the (Horiii stilt unsolved kltln j Kowalewicr No Injuries U S government might at. ? *r N-ftpn-—cd*c #. Ihree Chicago boys five ycurn "Thm m not trie way in d . MANC'IIKSTTH lO'A'A 'T,.- $S» bu*ine«s. ___ and _ ,f HPHi.. regret tha- , T -e latent victim. Peggy Mr- a toi-n .do nit a narrow strip gv<< ll<>plrl;{ f,a, hen brought MilA Adopts ?seiv r.to: CartOv. 7. was pulled Into a car near her home on the northwest °f de*'rueft »n thr'.ug'i this jn f)ilt rommittee iiortheH*' Jowg ro-nmuni"/ ^ eommittee adjourned •»' s.de by ft mftn who drove up Tuesday No injuries were re- f).y^ p without Uft.-g lHr Campus Clws! land and asked her for direction* The girl, ho-ever. s!ipt>e t ported The b.'ark t • ter hi- the town votr . ' out of his grftM* in the fores' nf * !,n° persona ftbou- 3 li 't r »-pl*i'. r x.— '- ** *"• t"*"- j and ran to n hlf iwav where she i i». and Manchester press pub- Philippine-L\ S. S OA* •* yrj.a :'*u* ap- Cuti* fot ftoilcit. e* I lisher Jon Mot*1 win said "the ■ ' r-!atus N ft w* *>*'*"» dent i-f was s|x>tted by ft cab driver. :.rr donahor.ft to the WiJI dlftttibtttft ft«d UtftT «d-Jj The cab driver. John Craig.it*e"ple knew was here | *"Wt fumi drive at it* - «n*eb»fiw* for dotiHtJon* from look her to ft police station aridl"~y lP«ked up and there wjd rubbiflh ill through Day l» Friday : ti,b -we*-.k -ftccurUinv to tUk li md,vnSui*i ift ait « she later was ekamlfted in Folk (lance* and *lide* on the i ^ % MHA jmrnth'i.t. hoUfliilji U Ji ' i S ho*uitftl ftttd pronedtneed air," A nlorv frame Philippines will high-light tie ** wt it W** P«»" "I'lt. rn th 'hav«* n -i'1 ' ! " hat meet except'for a bruise thr'fe ware the ii'-fftn tor <«f th** in AS H A to o r ; ■ ' . we..ti. her th fb. hou,r"owVd~'by ' thT CcnV/ul •{ Ph'bpp.n-Amet• f;*s S. K*irt r, and lr»r*iv am.! ! aiiow t ft -pufl' I'V-t i»i«- Telephone Co. wa® demoliahed * . , . lL , , ... The program, sponsored by the rfHiiftnvri t" *tftv iwor-to- li»br„ »-.< Hun, »b..ui Ihs sr.,. ,.hlll P ft ,-lub. ^ dtK«r * JiniJ*--»>|ft* by-. I'i * •' b* *'" "■■>"' "»d Cu-Ktlilors for ° parlot. A as.! B .f th* V s p.m. in olveriuc Pi\ v.W"i a «*0 up-i.f-S saaf*'* "..**rr the -x-ti-i t *uth f'li.oc.ion .*<' roo'e prr led ot'icr hou*c« were heavily dam- off and ac veral Union. .Th, proclamation of Philm- if;-.«kRl» •-.'r '»-dir.:: to not 3 Nines! Lit'-rarv a>ipd ptee-American Day wa« inad» by IP ' - : trx :-~5 isr;:.*•; .'Attt?"s ftft-v? v i.^wer w v— .p. Ski Oood'vm ftftid the torpadn cu'. Philippine President Ramon' flag ■ *ft .: n site MH A IMa^a/.ine Named ( . jo Tower.. l'rp»>*. feprv | « strip about '•one-bouse wIdr ' s»y«ay in observance of the «trorc » *n -'Lve He "Pv JrftV-iST from the soiithwer' to the bond nf friendship and fnd mnfu*! t"r* ie«-»rv \n Tom McCHiane. Oro?* I'* •If V northevf part of town Utility s*»r»Unce that, exists between the p.r.^re •'* fteH«4itie r*»m or, flnd n*n F-nglJ*'*, U»n-. poj^s wjr# wrrt |0rn down, Philippine Republic and the t' ' it* flx.'idcd," rt-*- Jun'or. ser- reeen'tv nsm- ,lM th#r<»' were frpr.r'« Refreshments will he served. "" '• .Kar?t A'|vN» - fi Orr «.lknev **?!! h» "hed .1 ro.fSjinr, f! ih. n»f lilsrirj ,hll , ,,rm Jwlh of here was S-TcitfT - CO to 24 ytueb-r'ji. tad it m'»t»kine. TAQOT badly damaged. • - - CS. - S »1 »:U >>e >.J* to ftRftwet r«/ Business manager I* Marianne —! Mrxiran Sludnl In T rrlatine to the d.ivr. j -^4 and I»Uv« lit* on WI1-S Tonight ■ • Tags'. Detroit Junior. Tom Cat- SrlreL,r»n ef M'iic!U>r* a >H be Caulro Is Sulijrrl of Jen. Allegan «enU>r, wax named - r B.pv;' Sludnt'"; «*" living don- by the; drive r>-nrd and k t*'»- unit prr ident* fiction editor and Warfare' Mac- Union Forum Drlialt* 9:30 Guest* will on be WILS tonight »t Donncll, Montreal senior, was representatives • , rt'fi" f" 'ten • -?» f.40 i , , «ri«nt»ti-n. IWI- htu »t ft later dat^- named non-flctlon editor The Contemporary Issues For- from the IFC Panhel dance. • ■ f Studeai StwiwM Par.ih Parish -- S . will I* required Poc-tiy and art editors are &IU! um will sponsor a debate on Fi», Hlue Angel. Cornation ball, and ' • ■ »• S'.ucert! Assn. - 6t20 to attend or>* of Uiese. HO A DO VOl' 1)0! — Sir! Jam**. (Irun Ult jiin.ur, is inlruducfd undecided. ^ del Castro and his policies to-. Huth Smuns. a student from A -:,i jphj Omrjra, • i.3ft Fbi h.'pe that the new eystem la "ll*ri«aa" by Dr. RaUin H. Baktr. Sircclar af Iba'anivtraily ant-r¬ Contributors '—^should leave "night at 8:30 in 33 Union. | Mexico City, Mexico. * !:40 year's C»mpi;' their work in 210 Morrill .halt. Dr. Charles Cumberland, pro- Pat Fife, Houston. Texas, will make thi* Herman, a boa caaxlrklor, was fouad la tbe jungle rex ions nf » . um. S.rra - 9 ! Orxt drive ike mfrt sutce^ful MUthne.ll STsxiro by a museum expedition but summer and served as A #10 prize will be given for the fesor of history, will oppose junior, and Larry Pontius. Jack- : ' aeu Tau - 9 20 one * > far." *»' I Schauer. best ahoi i s'.t>.*y and the b H C- S'-j: im '•> * » .'.."lor, will .interview the .ui o*t Ibe tc.il af the lr.p. lie »~i li.ougbl hac:. It. Michi-aa " »-40 'Tlir.* Jur UiU ytwr't drive do i - poem in the first Issue. Tbe ^ tor at MSUO and writer for gue^is of the weekly campus * v . , .-•'-3 WirM . Ill XK>t rmludv the use ol cannisUrs Slate and balds tba haaar af being tbe mfly bit display in the muse¬ j prise money was given by an | New Republic ma«axine, will, highlights program spousored by "T Taut clul» - It i mr the apeaeorinjc of contests . um. State New nab, 'j Auac. ■' amaat tw* wtu.' H II wkiinkshay, november is, tmn r P\Gc TWO >1 ICIIIRAN S T A T V X K W S England Holds Election Soviet Revaluation of Currency! '^Zr^!riAhm ju>r ' canu'A .» uvesvec no btijvt\ 4 pack ot eiiurolU-s tu hi*; for that's the moite of a new trasiMstnr o$»« • ; e-. I .S. ;.n.rt \ *+ fVvV.vN ci.-vt .Ij « ff*t v • iv M V.v* Won't Affect West Savs •Kvke4. s.-n«*heiv tn the cttA. fwhteh ilevta?:v»!t in t'-e fuvnt fate; nuvit wactv for the marKcr Westinithottxo there iVrp. anmmtteed MiWta\ , K. e-'ec: O* * i" is UN'" v :t ■* j . , '* ,»f the it,vtv«r >. pjUent Ittstauf*' ""«'«•* ' V\i t£ y\ns will IV--.* M-." "a-? w \$»U\gcmn »* TV ' x \» '.v' "H'l-'i* --'i'v? M'lwe Ja'- ' '•* -'- • •«' \W»fln*h0U4«» sat-.l tt u' tiu'A p tehwt 4t.«, u Atjtuat -•',*» .k, K> T-.h ;*c -J .t.- -• «*» r» I ' l«».t »> fnviV the monitor ut the v%!;ct\t. »*— ta wja'a* •■V.r t*s*:» '«a,kvri.y • ' *<.■<.• v? a* vV •» ovv* tv s/ i-" o ■ 'fim, v4' ik^'a-v Jhe fev»k.i»tiw ' . . «m> • .V *VV«H A3C*''. »t4'J IP S'AV' Stf tb<> Uv:*t tV/ " .■»•••*,*■> N*»v v< . rv.,. % • .. • ; »V • * • . -v« at a ;•.'■> UU'SV than 4 to I "••tv ••.i'.S«'-Al •*•!* V s.M-'.y* ■o. - .A-js -a.t : tMt »iaits»«* *»' U* to I trv M.-awf »* t». j*. >:v *i Vv a.wvus# la* uru v*:\f >•' 'V 1'** WvrU; '* SENIORS 'Six d*\t S*'W VV WW* is. «Wtj 45 ttt* JV.'.s fv tNv ' i t .V- •v-iv*,*v w •■-.*•_,•-t-s. Vi.N V* T-Vuv w!m wUI SA'M m.' But iv w^,-; «K'-n,,v>* |-:v* ,»<«.! Jl >" A"ef"*V!l J-.;*rr-vtt H t4*aft*tVfl. U*fo'„'\v ".v *nac cvmr-i "., y su.'wJir * y . ViV, w vr#uy vNVfcsiitywevy \ ftroLy fistiSgb-* ^UV\v uvvtvt - t.K* crN"--"f ? '.-t^ev • •t ■f >e jv Aneuru* IW*ib Trvr >vya,v»•«. jver ' 'v «.V 4f • ni tw by"J. M. Roberts To Return Your Proofs i/x'M "4 * N»f i Ji' :'V \ •!< < ■ I a*-- V . » n re* ^ that .ha ;r;> «if hjjhtM i bwlv k, . A V > '.'SI - -■ '• *••!•.a: ..-A1 h t.t \t f tt \l W \ Ml \ A « SPECIAL HOURS :v,a,X « both *e -* »; • to h*'*e iV.ie'.Vvt !•!•« v.p Wh wi% ARRANGED \ ",-e S-.A - i the e\<\- v, i,» take 1 -5 p.m. 6-8 p.m. , •• 10-12 . I.-V ** -A<: ■ •■' '•>•* .: «J *iVt»ei"t a.m. -.V> \ A " \ Vte V v„-- ••,*■ '.. VV! h«U.. t» w t".'\e -IVnuvsUv *sj..»vA «iWi* bv thrw eout»* «*votry gr wwpvt ',he% AAV'.v i i'A' *<'.'4* •;-> 5v ' .- Se< . » • «■ - A/W nth Y at *■ ' Jtel 'A A t r*» «< th« -u-'a ROOM 10 - UNION CV *esdt-wg|4g Ccd« ,• 4 ■: ■ •• . • ele. '.:♦.*»• "iit; N h.i« < expe •.« • K »• »"'■• .' *" *. \* we" V at* e f. CQrtM' »'V!K*a*'.. *f.h- It is imperative that you • ... s . ■ rmiif '.V. r;-e v" v * C*c.?# return your proofs iiimir \ . •-"••< •■ • "4 »• NO OBLIGATION TO BUY eev ••«.»! T;> 4 "» » ■ »•*»•'. ' ■<• ■ •_• »• ■ Ss ♦ri. C0»0f • MS i*E •»•.- e > . -i r.- - Vf ©*♦? sf*j iH tJ t t\ lit thrvi. iNc^I c*8cr G*9+*. :**■ • '• * ••-•« e 'he a i.vsl brc»- or b-'cck SALE! ' inn*':-"! ->*%.• The ■ i v\h>.n;,;-txt Jk'ise- K"• - I' > !••»'• t 'tv' 8 -1* vi9%. 22.91 bondttand skirts 1 a ' rr ' h*-x .»f the >uv., "A* Sv a * My cvMiv i HerL # N\let is % stutdv UJ hf ninrteea •utr.mfr* * > *v we *11 iet iM.i Html recently, a laelv intellisenee ait-J e • '•■•• *..Ke ij,.'sk' e• ,.f the «c»» popwlor fo»j*.cn .*nf . m «■, st.ta£; -( an am jre*! lutun* lirfkw * iatiarr. Waiter O. Nyiet, isaarxerv- «>t*T ."VlHMlun *.v •.,» rrvB'.e.e •■ one kr-'w*. {w*:»ient et the Lif>t National Artif'u-taJ Cherry jVi-H All. k4 ' •«'/<"-, Thn-.-.-'-e t On- Cott ; onv. »vrW s law-t maker erf Wtineial eherriea (or Udw*' r a Kr ■ ■'"■ > '■ ' * »V•:«,-»-» h:y»' hat* I ••- e Waiter ba-1 treat t'Ur.i (or Herkic. l-a.»t >eax he • s-n-i ori-";a supt»»>rMfrs tif •ert Herk.e to the Marylar.ti Coiirte of Humanities, Sciervaw, wool, ilyiod wirs bc-i ire \ **:■ • or.-nen*«-r.*.. *•»• st ar : .Vn.tici.nl Cherrw, ard !ie intender *»» he f.ur.s to stay in college. *'I axn," wv?n^:ay night liers "a o>eai'.* r ot 0# I»«t»t Generation. 1 am gains ko Saa ttripot i« a ccwpi*'* tiKH N «tri_%.«n—6 r 1 nuc -i-o ana grow a heard. ' t nt:l nine W. i s.r, yea v%u uuagtue the commotion in the family •hen rang* of cdo'V- ••" - • • 1 y-< ■ • Herv'> «w.t Un'-pfting'oA' to San Erano^co' Cnde Waiter would WkVr- IM w uti 7-IS. iu»\e pwe A:\et h;nj and dragged hun Iwme, but unfortunately BL%DMl\TO\ (UK—* •• he- -»«r g- *, in the middle <•" the artaticwl eh^rry sea«vn. Aur.t . . a.C - :m -..V 1:-.t » cecildn t to en: er UvaiL*! c>f hoi uld leg Lrvutio. Kt\\D»*S—* rn. c.i-' ' OPOT Daace S . > p-rre. m^etX4. 34 Wi C • — mucx r rot c % —* 5.*-', r • -•••■?' - b'.d* »«i IXiaLafcedl b» r. S:ui«-r,:y t:< c-- I wrr! I v-tr*.: M Fracci'veo for «wk» befom I Mx-hi^afj Sil: u, v e/».; •.. I s« I Uti * i. ' v.-j£ atafef ti e awrki... Oce vtaii ha.%.<6 V' 4 ^c,< 1 'QX S£a.'.4f v«iAver*ijy, tm ttee for tiuuc* of We—iibe good tobacco, Uke ea^y-draauX Ei**. Lav.r.f M feitra Lke eettiir-g back and getting nnftft^bit aad enjoy- '■ Sail- »yfi»cn>5*i3«w is *d-»'A.-;-e f«* .►>* wrsn, L3 1.x it'S a nuioke One k, deeptte all ap(«arafic«e, ha«- sarm*. |4 tar tarma. ca.lv IttpfanaRKtivnted, fu^^onnt-duecteii, pieaeure-procc. 15 are yew duang asth ytairsetf?" I asked. " ileri,*, »hat IL* S«4C5in;y -pnev "I 6n4..'f.g asyseif, ' he replied. *"1 am tntisg a dovt! ra AiAfru'-ir-i A; -r«rf5i. the s*atth a |*«nt-ed etsek. I am cornprewng a fague ^ 'Cw-iauask P*d» taa'i;- o*» *t arei potuce a iusG*. I to sculpting ia expmactUai aaa- terjuA—Pke irafirfr " ' .Lad ■i-at and drark t*peOft a tiny stage- stood a poet reciting a (rre-focni work of his own oxupisitwea entitled Eietma: Tht <4 * fh-v while behind Una a ,au tr.o played 3d0 (hottW ILFORNO PIZZA ci Tin. B*tf Bis**. "Bcrkie.' said I. "ee-n* breae with rnetothe artificial ei*^ne•.', "No," said ihertoe, so sadly I went home to tell Uncle Waiter the bad m*e He was lees distressed than I had feared; It eeen-s ' Cccie Waiter has another sen, a quiet boy named Edvorta, about l/ie name that made PIZZ.V famous in Lousing" * font he had completely (orKot^n, and today Edvorts is in »tth t ode W'aiw r and Llerkie is beat ia San Tr%acUc<\ and everve-? i# happv, Open daily 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. »l • * * >o«r Open Sunday 12 Noon to Midnilr And gou too trill be hmpp^—ictlh hmrlborm, ar if »•« an un*if*r«f smoke, irtl/i Philip Morris. Try the hrmnd'iru- TAkEOLT SERVICE - PHONE ED 7-1311 Philip Morris king-size Commander—long, mild, and law mralg. Maea m Caw—adar ulciwi akmidl :> ' •Sl».\Y. NOVEMHKR 1«. 1M0 WHO BUT KROGER HAS SUCH CRACKLIN'-CRISP CALIFORNIA PASCAL Celery HEAD LETTUCE U. S. Government Inspected Oven-Ready Armour Star or Norbest BELTSVILLES * Reedy to roast 5*10 lb. Dubuque lean, meaty, Notion lutt ftyh Stuffed Turkeys Canned Ham .. *1 Pork Roast Froth 4-5 lb Roosting Country Club whole or shank portion Chickens Smoked Ham ">1 Sliced Bacon SOUTHfkN STAR I FEATURING THE BEST OF "HOLIDAY ON ICE" | | Thvrs., Nov. 17. .7:30-8:30 p. n. j , CHANNilS 8-10-7-4 Canned Hams Natural mat# any ma.I . . . Otaan Spray CRANBERRY SAUCE ... 2 " VjUfcM ®W ir Y . eiefisTSei? __ " Pumpkr Mmce Vanifle Cherry Chocolate Neopoliten flavor ef dp monA MILD, NUT-SWEET TOWN SQUARE FROZEN ALL FLAVORS COUNTRY CLUB Ice Cream None Such tSc off lobe? Syi mutt end fust with Heavy Duty REYNOLDS WRAP MINCE MEAT. SWEET POTATOES Kleenex FreahUe GARDEN SWEET PEAS TABLE NAPKINS Freshiike Crinkle Style SLICED BEETS SLICED PINEAPPLE DINNER ROLLS MUa Whoa Kariwl Dole Crushed. Tidbit or GOLDEN CORN CHUNK PINEAPPLE BROWN 'N SERVE ROLLS ^23/ KROGER SUORIEM.MI with this coupon and the with ttrn coupon and the | purchase el 1 King Site purchase ©I two 20 cz loaves Kroger - Coupon good at Kroger thru Coupon good at Kroger Hire Saturday, Nowambar 19. I960. Saturday, Nowambar IP. If40. LIMIT, una coupon par customer. LIMIT pna coupon per eleteaier WEDNESDAY. NOVKMREK t«. !» i M I 0 HI0 AS STATE SEWS p\ok roiR ! Iawi tor Service Prtijtosetl 1960 Census Results Mirror Shifts — . ..... Stthkut t\«**rwM witt tnM tvw;thc campus unlit th# atiuk- |: »ishi lo ittHcuss th* iva.xibUity uf ^ rwtwrjr »« print**!. The bi , . rsuMishUl* m 'j*..:f>.• a •,> ^reiv'.iUuvv's w.L! N* t\\ W\ at ivfu^ f> dntr;.e; w as 339 .i\V ; tPPtf. The nuiv.Nrr o, ™1V- ai-. .vu var* w .W- vvrwaaM. by r..TM;*n» ' #erv^v «|uvh would function (hif- j! ported busintao in* the ftr»t hn'.t of EfcU torn*. fHimMjrandfivw *■-•.. California Cains Alosl >•. . • OM F Tilt K-a. b.-wcxc: 2.7 71.303 Ncvadi VHt* n-rvw would asat-i .*tu- ; committer. headed !•> K< ; I on flutes *\tA a -A^u'a'. .«u oldent* in finding- Aether student.* on i W mner I Fast Shaw). •• .v:-» •'• ^ j ;xc 4UU,, ?•*,. ,uv J* *.* <■'. < » it - '■■*■> will hiw o.-«*a r.»a. -->■» «w •» J twr .v«. *> .*<»»• From Reapportionment •■<■ ,. Nil v km MW '!! a'taeuUIWn «t iN-ul ».ii m*l te-jTfce IN*. at IS. mMn I ;v;-u'»!:.>n i-vreor. Mr- V. «! 151 jwr ,v>.** Slipping Away V. : 't 'i J I , , , ..J. V H-. i-i »T4 ». ,-v ' i' A v f». ra. *• > J •" • ,t»:«*fVA With *V ercrv beauty ait! ami $errice for Unlay*s rot./| ■ v i Wh :.•> * 5v \.'VST% v r* Tr." • A'V • >.v>. ts» rr.-+-. 'l . A-.iersw. aK>.N'/'l,fv*A;*V- t»r • • S •ve-s W.* < ■••- r.*.r<-«AA< I?. !:i •i'.-J th.» ile.'u-.l Iw'tJ-'fi ur?J*r>pctYUrjr o,' S'.ax* f>vrv"i »«a Vtv.iV', l()(a K, t»rnii«l Hirer — K*»t l^in«iii^ "AS VI X* >jut* .,r.«.v " V.r -I Wf AM >;:uxt IMK'a. t» > »: tv Wf» nfe-> • .A* 'AM 4 f' " * vv '" ,,f,. , ,v« J4^. -«v Y-.' A «rtm»at o/hv- FOT-lKV) i S' »•' ' # v~ a-",-.. •••■•;» the I'S car r* OWW *--.1 cotttribut-f i»l* aty httcw n Itf tvUevc ■•*** •. -vv^Mi •■"»"si,-;. *:u m.'4 ir* v*.a t.» u-'Mcvv *;vx! UnS* >*--«tu'y '.Jul «w N-xsnS*^ We>i I 4br- ,i v.*»e . * .hi is. a - -.v. tt stvr.sti. THt TWO aammyrtralu*i Hems#a «vw.si\y shvuUt ktefray Uu Hlmlx Fast of Ahholt Hull rr ha'A 'a ' 'eaii-x J.«> • . < k i.» v« •* *.se •.« --.j'a•» *■ ••••<* a* the ox v.m- mwh'-cvt xv' a.-. ■* vv*-Ji» .«i Shir a a-'..I f. v-.-. n j*a*. -.jyt wwv »it divmutu a*. -,,c •» • ; ea: ef bv .-At Cff ixvattf h-e—e W ri-w-iii of V'S :n Offhuay. • x • •> i - -.% • vf i-i \ r V -. 4. y «.-•••.• *• - ,4 .! • : a;srll-od K-AX - a • .". t "• v wo«\1 vi: \» X* V ■ , a .I '.a- ■ •• V» tea v i M • tut wtiur •iu , •„■ ' .4.,, t* 3. * ;» XV. '.l ' ;-'v.-v-'v •• »ten,' •*« W He wloxi-trwat# a J • .*5 t-9 rati? u..' Np wav'.l Super Right > i> s; M AA 'V."' •■ vi.r a tor MMWI (•overuor Nanu's eouimUsiou Stall hv 1 ,-.i« t"S •it •■■• „• -•< »ni r-'vw-'--. r. i .• #k*x-,' * «*"■■ -f-'ecv.a.' i. ■• . - • vhe • krerc..t* V -A' «h .ft v.'iScvv vZ *.*" v. * YTJ «-.J '..V* Semi-Boneless-HAMS or Naif ♦ ' • " • ■ CX" -t >v i "A . . . ,• • •-..* rMSuctiMk A'I V» A" V. " « •V . A A .U *.vt Hiv i -,V av. ' .t n ha r\c cl -sv X "t * ' '» OtJ J .■*#•.< i 1"<>AV -.(v- e- • • \ vftK-a ».t .1 \l-CV4A1 * A. 'm. A: A. V ' dear he •■ • * r*f*vrt » ; v.- .•* E.'.w-v • *.*•■*' txt-jt# Vl'fil v'v'w Frask Frazaa t 69*. .s.' Leg-O-Lamb 69 lb. •x xv ^ i m tx • •-hs * c1- •— he ? l .-Tte-xj talk toni^hl ».4 .• \ V *tj' vter A" • v •< K.. V ■v .!■■■'• ' I'S *.V~! ?# V*e f".t~ * P'-*" Sbriat-nal size COLD MEAT SALE ( lt.lliiMl \w;mlr»l t— ,K«n. -r Half 491 i • # • » • SoaVC'*' :«.T - ! • V.v Y A -aV. 4 »"• • Nov Crop . H i -,':Svr .« » -.v V- » <*t.. .caa 1 rctMK h » 5 49c -- e * i * T *»if a X .fvxc a -.,t t Vt-JOJ" the * ,'f Su« Ttw«c>. Florida Oranges and Grapefruit. u>.b*g f « i'- T X 1 SpraNt 2 ft. Sit Eaporor Srapos I Mb. pookoNo 29c EAT PIZZA! Yam 2 ft. 29c Not Nooso Toaotoos 31c lb. n r v\ v vr uu: ri//v rir l l IH K K\IMi»S i.l\ I \ SJ 5 -• Vf t: U H WEEK Am Fago Coke Mizos 0.1 Fnut I' «u«lt . .q 3.: . - * - rx.'Ant all..:* I'HfMki I w JKEE riW k « t*tr\ S»\ Wkito 4# ( 1 i H ■ s -- 3x*g*c:-~A* " :4'.aa ;v-«t — *x;*rx » iJ-; H S"r *a? ?.5. rf THE PIZZA PIT I \l I til 24WMAI YoNov. Noaoy Spico ^ 20pkflsoz. U#C 89, A A F Poapkin aas i *■ «<- 29. C'.wnax I Thai .-M !N frcac JHff FrooNag Mizos a jz '* nt«n HI J " eo** C-*c- .* U -V-V.iY 24 2t*$wetwl r Hrarvu» ; rw »u.cx-» ClioroUtr, faraul. V hitr 7 or. 2 hw 25c Fodgosicios 2 pk^. of Ci 49. hi > 4 • M. — 2; s •w * r. . » • 1 22. vve.-.ix A I F Wkolo Korool Cora 0mm 4«59< Spray 2a. :«l Caci as* 16 oz. t ^ V Craakorry Saaco 2 ran. 45c F T * V t »XP . ' ■ ■ NofiaMo Foot 4»59< CMS - Your Choice t 16 oi. LM Montr Sifwol Tonulocw F' 4 89( -•.**sa it - -tr* lf» oz. IVI Moutr IVjcIk- j ;* - • r ■- ?. Apmx* '4..aj>* 18 oz. A A P >»rrl I'oCatocw cans •* iy.v > "3 U f ' I t K W a.* 11 of. SUafUrin Orange. P|; Mr. ! J»- dj,. la i • v- ix.wmiant ♦ i ! !-1 1 •N -?»»« a Aim. I4 MORE aad MORE ... fc; SALE at Frazaa Moot Fiaa Ckiakaa. Boat, Takty g Wt ^ 4 ^ t.00 ISED B(X)KS Starta. Back Pabar I r* il. f ltr • ^Kjr Mat« f- Jaaa Parka t..'4rv* Slara Ffea • ia SSe Wbala Whaai Iraad - . . 4St* • aar I ft. lad 17c r'w Autrr At tr-i» *>-f SJnipk- la* Hinuof %f Her*** lit** - {.to SpopUuif fhtt fm wj m'u»ra . . - 1* cchrr s$o?iu£{ ^-2Jt <■.?»:»! Uata, «o Haritc. Canwr »f H*xadora aa4 East Orud R»«r A A P Soger Markets snitA X*% mhm i^a'r* ' ' I he >up*:r market for Education" iccicc4 ;2T 7t&tsasz*a.Z, Moff Hour. r ' >* tuw a i.xajv Cx4W? < % - U* II itm ■c IIU! KHUMI ililhr Uu* Sat aria. SPARTAN BOOK STORE lcei*a U-S.UU llX VCOLl HHTLINC lOMf OT d TV* C*a-Ca»a Cuma—| Mr 9 AM. U> 9 P.M. f Vtl.VG THE F AMOI S TRIANGLE :4i 4- mem TV^.'" ! 7'l r7hi'l'h''C; ,x!>|UV. NOVKMRKR It!, 1W0 MICHIGAN STATU N K XV S e.uii: i ivi: ii* Force Sharon and Dan j Rumor of \ irns, I>:kI iVelli lilameil for ers f ilm Slar's iMyslcry Illness Share Senior llomn Netv Plol I.. l.'i »N. (/!'> Ptl/ i be III JJISlllf n.liner ' n- It « •♦•■i j.livi- \ woman jtulyo i« a I'arilv In chief iitsluvs are women ' Sharon »lone* ran lull you thru- ttiiv mini hut how many In Aljrerla i t-t.k-fv All*. mi. in: i . ..xo TratVu* Appeal court. i • :!y» iS.!tTH !j» V •*.«•-! I till III -n,-.! I 1 :■ • ■ ' . ! ■ h,-t !>. . .., , i! t 14 4' ,1.4V'.- k'M.t t »a|^*»uW thai 1 Sharon, a »jwwh therapy ma 1'iv I .j . a ,.x fi• .in • Il< ft-. ! \ I i" . •-< %-t'htf ami' jor, it from Toledo. Ohio. She sophomore elm* wtnl l.teeii |l«-l «•!.-... ' 111 1 • ' »s :i ' Pi • . . . • . iMior IX l.'l !ln* I MX. .1 M. '• .5 -f«. j it ktioxxn at one of thr "euU from met, sophomore men's honorniv xx.ltt lx a I I . t x, • V "'iirtipna pro- p.i-f tv -c fnoiithv have up t*» , v,, t «ni»*lW! T»IaI«" .» hrr 1*1 -IM» Itil IMMOT ||, „ „ Hlnii,i „f lN,.»|it.„, | . . ... .. , ■ ' 11 * iv ! ..j 11 it, I hci medicai adviv- I'.' ' .,■> i ! vHK1 H'ilr tv»t ■ • id. ill D i • A • • .. to ; !.. .» »•>? .n .»• •• • ,| I , . M7. . . i • • ; en it* pad poll. I. -. •V i-n li> rt«* »ut lu I i > hotoo town iif Urookvillr 1 11. I .1 , Vx ill 1. . ' . ■ ■ r> d '• ' it ill. he i ! .if l.'l 41 I1V In itr,!- 31 ntUiM. t \ I HI l llINi; M|\! id « 1 tip •.••4 • is "ei.ee!> * to Ohio, I'm pluvr.l l»«tkrtlmll nml • 1 • 'I • ' • '•• I I -S. l-l ' M- 11'.' ' • • I |.:c ".•fits' t ' * bull* Sharon, itu-iudmy v.*\t> to the p litis , tlx vx h, - , . x • ' ' ' I'X ' • " \»M artivo in other athlrtu- en . :m..v •' " I U-iip.i'ra f-.» 20th .... ..s itlantv UUf.J dent I-1. One of her favo.Ue hoh Ullil-ru- I i,-.M Ml .' ••. -ilo ' i ' ' ' I deavoit. \t • . • alt. y.,4 MuIu»;hh State hr . fVVTHK the dt* toe* it eountuin the nun.bar of ; I icn.h I.. : it. , I I I'. F'• -.1 t wu.lo Pi." -y.-f *t a p»- s dayt until she !roet home. it famed in Sioopnt (iutwmut I Daullc I VI. liiv.i waiU-it, 1 " 1 Sharon's other fvM.'th«ll gaincn. ' Nuru. ••• ' M. Ti:*•. atulMii'in- 4" l*,lW mites a.tivtiiet In. i • x. 4 .• . • , p. Nx :;1 lv II XX .-I'.' J >4 It.- lieu- t I'Oflp.oti eltule reetirdittg the Senior eoun- t.x ted pt >l IF xx •• lb • • V v f.i flopait ION'S OIIH It art iv it \tm,' eoilld ;• ,.-*i eap«nlv eil mtm.tet, in her role a« "senior it- i,. I b 1 i f ela.tt deeietarv. She it alto a eattipus im-linlo beiny reioivl.tu' tiicd to i. it..- ftHUiHAtt l\Hll!M \tlll\ CAM. l it 2 ANI7 mUt nearby -e, . • ;i . t« member of t i ioa ttoarvl ami eeervtarv of bit fraternity, lit t.v , • « s« •trtrlrvru , **v^ Thcta l*i. pi.ll ! • and the lioaid of St.. I Fix I , . ■• »c«*rl Timber votary of Sigma Al|»ha Kta hon. lit,..; t ,■ i.v,;h,t.- ... r dellt Cnhlieation*. lie loi-rtved j TATE uu orary. • tier- xxill , ox. .ml. X. : V outttaiid.ng uinior award mull , witrj Sharon w»« eotre*i»on*lanee s* .• -Mi.- . f • . on . : foil In hit t ■ avr11 for Al'Stl. Oan • ' a Upc ic- cli.i rm.un of the l#5tl .\. tiv.tios X Stippitl I if.M • I 1 i attended the National Student Finn. .• .... I,... New On- lv, j hi xx iw i-« •, .»• the ,H»Uin< T j.u .1,,,1) *'.!' " J,|lt'''' in j! Mil yVlgtM • I f. . . \ ' . I ' , , wSINC- PHONE ED.2-2814 tv n- \*a» .\Kitcd A reetplent of an ,, outstanding, ! ».it. ki.1 Ik, Hi, T.m 1'rr.Ulrnl"' The I li'itl" • I I - txi'l. Tin: HOME (II I IIREIliN I'll.Ms % -m.jv. ... %•, demgnetf junior awarvi. Sharon (dans to assembly j successful sn t. '• • . Ix l,« . . When it comes to hohhles, : there xxh !;« NOW I.AKT - NIGHTS — V melect Km for pracdice speech therapy in Toledo > lp «i mm If., e I lis.- Dan's fraternity brothers say he reason AIM I IS x.O.- — I'll 1ST SHOW 7 I'M. , vcarried m» after graduation m June they i. Ued i ,m », v\t, SI. VKON JO\I:S likes "normal things '* Due of beeailio l».\\ ItlKDKI. The president of All I'niver- promt es • i t tdiuneou- IX -V - '** *;kc the** his favorite pastimes is confus f 'aat* in lali- •4-tv Student tlovertiment, l»*n nclmn in France fell iFt.-n I. tng people on whether he pro . THE I II E OK JOIIANN STKAI SS . v. •• .-v radmed *m liocht'l s I'iclnrcs lioartl Seeks Ulrslel ernment xx as formerly student gov¬ public relations director. tiouncea his last name Hee'del ,•■ »*• or Kee del*. "S * during all xl'AIIIS MIX I Ml. Of Mihhi ,, Mote After graduation Dan plans to . (trr (".rash (lause * .;"! rxrri't « Illiir.triu attend graduate school and con¬ ,s. . •. f .' ra'. -isl during re Neva mo *e In u I SSli Mas ' l oniglii hi TV Show A|i|M*ar- tinue his studies in peraotiuel pro¬ duction administration. • 10 PvmxtttM XNl, ■> OM.X! I ntmiw .•Wnul luuthJ Fvatf'h.' rx VXHI..V I!! X,eix V,.. , x M . ,X vl'x.ixr I i L . The Music of Johnnn Strauss... "IMl. fHUt DATflHlf.* 'ARTtSTS' lift" ,. • . , oally chat ced VAMl-V. rh!iiin>m«. .4"— tieil .1 - cutting »'jf i' V , !>:■ C.rne Bluestein, comtnun- \ *IM I '. t HfIM tML VI UNA WOOOT" \ i .mpur? tn»ar.i »«f senivi*. I* S \ an «•' 't; • i. ; « - . t .a \ oer» iv«i s«". up Tue<- icatmn skill* mstrux*tor. will ap- _ MANE "... I . Til rUUf.NMAtlV "IMPfRCW WAl ir* o. .Mueller In Spruit . \ ;!'V. SlIWTW fMniHE VuglL HI APtMIM Alt. ATR) MOIl W >**-= ■«■ ' by , > • . , held v* tvugh - -l\ : > v;vk the eaa4 kSlfllht |M*tx»l ■ ' i . t , , I v;..s-, th.it kiFtsI Kea: Adm um" Untight at ? p.m. over Frederick 11 Mueller, score immediate firing I. . i n MAI'RIf* • ^ Arthur V sprmg, his wife and, WMSlt, chjutnel 10. Ury of commerce, xvill speak ' tMEVflllfl!. t ••• «» - *■ m advance thr v. . ;•• n rw«v. •; J,j i ;our ns.h'.arv: men. Itluestem tvconli for INxlk- today at 2 30 p.m. in the Union and ceutu a v«a. v 1"he o.-.ith toll rwiched 10 ways Hcvvrdj and has appeared ballrxxvn. . r» t&at aewiupany t. U!Vi thf:! »!V w . a V S. Marine and tiiree on natiottal network sttoxva, in- He will talk oti "Opportuni¬ - - .•••.•.TV hot hold jw,* ne m'.nvme i died in cludwtg Dave liar noways "To- ties for American Business c-r.i>.*v of 4 iuacv^pter sent day" prograttt. Abroad." flu apeech is jurt of • a •„'•* weapon in t* ":•< The rwkrt t'.» look for the Ru.sj.utgj lit* numbera tonight uvhide a aerie* it*»i*A*re»l by tlio gra.i- 0/ •■ • <" desired after tm*es* "I Went to l*ollege" and • Did¬ uata School of DuaineM A.lnxui- MII.XVX AT 54J - 9.3.1 tras-*. i !■:■•.<•. Adriv ^x^etv'i M Carson.f n't the Lord Deliver Daniel " istration. the •j wander or V S Nave! fx wees STARTING KRIHAA AT 7 P.M. K \ the Philippines, diugnetl! NE III THE SEASONS NEW KE It rt Features c- the x v Eugene Mahcr »- acting ACADIMV AWARDS ATI'RES gttMY j)4. xmn ttmwm mrmrTfrr tvyrr ,wii-..evi»'r of Sub.c naval tviae rr t cr r. e> it nn fa. - ii'»»or» Art »; s dark de;- the •n i the Jed isuuilatix'n spring eom-j The ocoan rocks with roan whan vailed It's down to the sea In slipsI -•.r- p«i&tinff F'v ixvui-eitx-tu- Albatross 1 i h« w», x n .. o • Aftut A bra- Ampjubntv a Navv tvjtrel Ik'I'VVx » ''-dF, of act had taking the : TlicCwMn'sTahle :r •.arc tnvn fjt 'l»V II, w-,. 1' xiI Sangutf ih the Driiiorralir IVauul s ncs back t.> Subtx* from a NV a York ■ -..uy dvnner-datKi? in Man- Pusher I'av, Debt da wheel it flew into the side of | S . \ X- v. . CGLOn 4, or lU.e •' va.V:h will w:\sTPN-.s-vtr.v. sc. w a mountain ... • Dec. 3. com- —An e>c on bet w»> ivi^i of? Wreckage was f.Htnd 2.T00, is from 195« Was.- K res: co-egc > ester- feet up Mount Mariveles. on the! • - at \iaau « r. m. (Ma t Jt> Bk * of w*ve paiatings. djv and it vea* a iVnuxrra: who Bauan peninsula over F>ok.ing; — •> v rr.ViK cviF.ec- did the payinit Subic bay. ow. Wf* a a ItL Ma Mir. N. ML MM a IJt W. _ M..I1J* MM Hi Ki rs NOW ON .vtl.1. • —-" 5 •e ftvatr. ih# WNitney Larry Jamev c? Elkm. NC. The plane haJ measaged once ilMria fHw Ml, , , , tf- ■> Tkealer •non after taking off from Man- AT Till!*1(0X t»» I II F! Arencaa Art pecsjient o' the coFcge'.r Young Frl. A Sat. Matinee si '!"» re y L. - ——— a *ivrkj are in- Democrats, bet the lYvs.det.t- da on the 30-muuite flight U S — .permanent coliec* Hlect Jvvhn Kcnr.edv would Navy spokesmen said the plane Eve A Sun. Matinee-—Si 7". " _ ' ey. t*)e Mos- carry 35 <:v.e* He lost, and pa. t may have developed engine ( hi Id in-n AH 1'iTlorniam on Sgs ; A**., the Metro- off by tmd:rnc a peanut 2.000 trouble or hit a downdraft. . . . 9tie. ttve Art feet arou* i U>e campus plaxa JOHN PEGQf ~ OOatlD MADIA 5T ' J- r-f.. among oth- j« recently coo- with h:i n ee . x-AM PCS CLASSiriEDS . . MICHIGAN GKEGSON • CUMMINS • SINOEN • GRAY ' Actually, he pushed two pea-! •Ml IITHI OMONI IV I I III .,m.n«3 itaxto. icwow. — t es i JU.aed glass outs One o' :.-.m were out. . . Hir.H REAOCXSH1P . . . ' 'k> Loop Syraga- •-•a?a.*vxher Hat- iiis oea^rt can r -- ■ft DfWlUri Aft "ROOM AT THE TOP" n ^ to orkshop Attend FOR FREE British Film Acadrmv Winner -BEST P1CTLRB OK TIIK YEAK!" nUrriag SIMON E SIGNORET v Three ' ILveri r^-a..ed as sec- 12 fialloa of Oaka, -llcnl Koreign Aclr«w!" division of t-;e Root Bear Oraago . ""ve Ecoooci.cs or with ■*/ a: kvr aaracM- " art'.: trt- Thun., KH. — Nov. 17 A 18 ■ ch^ar. uaiver* 7 and » p.m. "rtohop. SSill i FROM THE HIGHEST •« vrrompatLed by ' VARSITY DRIVE IN ; SOe - •-'jet asistant CoUes- of ^mISIHGITTO r Fr Mentrer HURRY - LAST 2 HAYS! iooaJwr a*, the '-.otc of her ED 2-6517 MICHIGAN r»W, •« 1;M*4:M-C:40>9,10 • ' ' -'A "Sdacatioo '*ark~ and uci-eer- as 1 Dolivary Sonriaa 8JO ICORCBHM AS Mi USMMT UUIBINS! THE L SJST&R! DANCE IT MS 1LII SEAS OF THE tbe state wta ^ State rep- * be in charge x " wirttshop. Disvostcrs HNSOE! ACCLAIM HAS FEW 2h2 Lives & < Ui» hr, «nck Tb* Mtvdxw e* J»»E WILKIHSOH -PJRES QFTHIS-OR **-'■ ANY AGE I Luc ,04 CotB- dome scHiAf »r.r r.' " faUac ISS *- u ruv-em ..M- tecmnicolor* W«' J W8".t • •K rt. r u, • ., WAHNER BROS ■HI «- a, a h apeed-ag J ■> a iacal pas- Starts TOMORROW! _i". n'-i-dora eta!- Scene* *""*■ Priren Tliix EniMurmrnl Only! ?»gye ran.o *'• t ^--frad to oc tkej Brno,; Stay of the (etching tig^re. &ie m M.ilinrr* until 5:30 Evrninun K Sunday $E2J 90c ^ cap-^ v ^ o? the » , vj,;akoa f r fee craah.' cf ttecihei uustr* |AS, IX,• B.-U r i ( hllilr.n unilt-i' I- , . 25c ' fchooochiidrao: by aiiv. j eit i**- r*:~abl« S-II and t-3 Monday through Friday. EH Mill EXT. 261S automotive LOST and FOUND TW O - POOM COST - *c • >:> MX 'V-lNpyw rV NO VCNI e- fct- fvx rr * .• HAHtTTVP W HTTT PERSONAL r «■' Nr» s I*f« « J •-» 'fycr ■».*, kap '' |,r.T » '■* v'aU Hj' H-"> . V : . s.:*\.T OIVtVONAU l'»r* *»wy - »>m? Vy.NS Toy Or-vss Aiy.NA tV-»-«.e *> . ' j, .•••»•>«• tore \y - ' a'tYVvu vs -- ■ , J rd t.» v« ract *'* t'H- «4 rem HA«lO--OP tv evwv. ! - ♦ ' v •«»«• f-,- TP- CJ- - **! V •• T-r»« tw br «W • ' «*• ■' at ■•••■■• W N \pu. :*• TWO TW*R <1 ' *T 2L\AJ(M TH |OWOrt*St». ra.v MW • - HOUSING I VI K •* • 'if >.•■! •>?..» "t T' W».• " '» .•# :n J :• . • i * ••• *- - -•••_« *n*«r s.-t ttVT-. ;* • ?'v.t ■ *..' "* A {tiwi v :• >■-'. i » «- or- APUfMLsn K* A A'HvHrSTR.V T>!*T* tCHA'i I '.RN'NHCO ' • " _ ** rV »'.*.••" 1 »V~. :av«:»n *rci*:\mo* | tD I-4U31 PIN-A F*J"» '.*•> ' * "*"■* ■ .»"•! SH-'p ■-'CM", WINGED SPARTANS i w pirn T*:< ' MKKTIM; WKOMESUAY pr *«•. i "•••* • "«.'U'A."»V »■»«* -* ' MtillT 7 p.m. N,'* 1" I ' PO i Oii. a«M* • P Ni»m'nut ions for Officers. l~ -• ruiv S.X-M VIST I^An. r CTTVyARTAJStt f ja •' •«! ''f' ■ V* • • tut* O.A« fcacv* fr«em VERY IMPORTANT . . r A to I r I * MEETINCI. M* Li«S 6Ct SA.I •** two nrc:>- - n- " »• a «. Ofd College Hi!! vr •*'&* hf » t* •» *- ■ *P.i •*rwr»rr*n Or**r .. nnw -• « , ««*U! Vr.t * ,r* Fr«.->d *<» \|«WM. typing NtJuvT t avaiub; r ••a so j-«y" » •-' * d « TV MOT Of*1 H. A MA HvN • •» rvrivr ava.tab. i. i» tpars r-ao'»r •• *«• U-ny. U."f« »au«« Ham. to i-r-J IT PINO KO HM VMCX ■* t*'« i'ai $1- * TYPtNO DCN* tN MP tV sftcr I ? as a«* tty*» t23. 13 *•*'> TV AM) WAP TO mm lew "Mwrtal VYTOM amjucmto :N A * S Ba r# ttfkrt-.! M' -Pt *-»-»«» •—W- «U», rt'ra trt «tu4*nts N«w uwi Tf wta aad antenr*» t . r- •»-U at • t® W afT, ;"«li EO '•US ar»r 1 a»» » c.wi T-x ~^rSin* I • m. * 9 3J aa-ir TV Utt» JWJO AIT t> 1 IO« VX'I AL HAOMIN t V - a.«IA SV J-&VM W * f-Tur iJ-'fn N um »U* • Ca—t V-.ro f n*t A - iwa R-«r IX VWN TO FTY »( S.V»'»I1 Art*- ••r# If »...;4a-a FO 1-^*53 i •un - L."» Ra-ei • Thrr# -i. •» s.-fA M AStb.it • juscn# to l-CSU ffT-r*. VNtVTOUHTT trt'UWM «•««• D »i«t a-wcltfler Sr««r. • !.4'i»r, ft"3 to 1"»*M IT PUT Ann Bww. New pomi -Jfi N *> No. to S-409M. P'.eetm Tytwwr-.tef Verm < an4 U*-«««A A « f*r • Tf:-W PA.T-LTY NT'* •r»: '4 rj; ••*.n aitartnwlA C*ii tO T-409 *3 APASTAN OKCKKS^itA SSftVTci ■ r «4 Oe"e ha A". •' a XI . V' a - a •*-. r -a-W- EO T-4L4? U Ha rwari 5-*:h «f»«n •»*« *->ne .'•» f—r- J. to ;4 jjMs.ee. tO iV r>.U6»re »<■•«.•• tawraM Iff '*'» t-i»a ". ♦ •••r a«i-«rt. maitWaStaAne-ri t»te- f—aon «r a.veretwwa - *- n.ra an-.' ■i'.a'r-r .rriaui^* •nil CTtftetwxe® glFt eenatnai » <• •■* j j tro»w at- tn# ' ,u» gee tv* »r • » rr antJI »na «etwre».Y C»i4 Ks«» rn •-**> w WOtiXWSA* t"T RtfOPPYS • t.( « . iei.t .'f.me4S«te.» ite Ha X M ■ 4 ' ' wanted The entire Knapp store has again been transformed into a magical irvoiarnr wtp- v-'.'vo Christmas Wonderland. Only the great Silvestri* could craata auch en¬ »rw Jf I fti>M M i *-v f3 it> -wr Duewnitf A uVafe •TV Hou?* of Silver- chanting beauty and elegance for the people of Central Michigan to •rv. Art itftiSiOUn i4 enjoy at Christmas time. Knapp's presents with pride this 1960 edi¬ a.'V.ata Ar«d eculptuncrs h*»ae . .. . _ WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER t«. |<)«o MICHIGAN STATE NEWS PAGE SEVEN Navy Launches Nuclear Sub; i0*"v 7 i Farmers, Youth and Economy F/irm/)re V mil h /in/f "/J1 p/»i ussian New Era in Warfare By KATE C'ABHTKNH ciisngctl to the Ami. when a "They dont care i Opens Htals News Feature Writer larger than rapacity crowd ar- munism, hut about Hmall, privet* plots belonging lived. insuad. Tha classical precepts ef to tenant farmers produce half When Scott was making hi* Marxism and Lantaiam have ho* of ths footl for th* population of third trip through the Soviet ths Movlot Union, John 8cott, as¬ Union come a liUny of background am* CHARLESTON, S.C.. (V> |*or to attack the fret world this summer, n doxen that they learn hy rota." by J under the brlfht November sun-J monies on the deck before sail* remain a! sea for about (wo sistant publisher of Tims mags- sic The Navy sent the nuclear-pour- surprise." young men entered the dining To illustrate tho studsel'a fail¬ , red submarine Gwir Wash-. THE MUX. he said. ''will, per- »hine, then she was down. ! in* years before she will have to tins, said In a lecture In ths Aud. car of the train Scott wu* on.. ings about Commeniam, he 4 j Adm. Arlelgh A. Burke, chief, VICE ADM: Elton W. Otvn* be docked for a new reactor. Monday evening. They demanded to be allowed •ngtoa into the Atlantic Oraen | form a service to world peace I of Naval operations, told the fall. commander of aubmarlne s story circulated among A MUTER sub. the Patrick In Scott's discussion of collec¬ to purchase randy on the train, "Question: What la the dttfi Tuesday armed win 16 Werm©-{ worthy of th,. great American j rmv of 100 in a radio message forces. Atlantic, nottd that the Henry. Is expected to be deploy¬ tive farming In the USSR, ho although they weren't passengers, juolear-tlppedmissile*. The$110[names they bear.' expressed an opinion that thia because there was a shortage of between Communism and capital¬ they will have proved the de- *hip will be at tea during the ed within s few weeks. A doten ism ? Answer; Under t million tub, carrying the most Capt. James It. CVbom, 4J- I torrent value of their task only Christmas agricultural method will he con¬ sugar In that season, but expressed more Polaris subs have been part of the Ukraine. man exploits mi destructive war force in th* his¬ year-old Stockton Mo., native "if the need to fire your missiles th* tinued, although It has proven "Here WHI u shortage of sugar hope that because of its mis¬ authorised and by 1063, the to he "ths Soviet's Achilles heel," Communism it's just the tory of man, opened a new era and skipper of the vessel, stood never arises." in a part of tho Soviet Union, sion the annual Christmas thema Navy hopes to have 43 of the site." i:i warfare. on the conning tower, calmly for another Ion year* or mora where UK ADDED that if thr need of peace this year "may really $110 million undersea commun¬ they grow sugar, in a Scott concluded his address hp Before the powerful 380-foot puffing a cigar as he directed to' fire should bseouso It Is a part of tha Ideol¬ season arise, "your ship hay* a true significance" when there should hnvu ities. ogy of tho country. saying that ha would add to the sub slipped beneath the water, the big sub down the Cooper ri¬ arid the missile it been sugar," saiil Scott. lit* carries will While th* Navy would not dis¬ The present 1,100-mile range Scott's lecture, "Russia Ravla- blamed the Russian adage, "The Revelation President Eisenhower, vacation¬ ver in calm waters. contribute to th* salvation of close the duration of the Georg* shortage on poor serv¬ devours Us children." the wend* of the Polaris missile Is to be Had," was to bo originally in ice* and commodity distribution ing at Augusta, Ga., said: About 85 miles from Charlcs- civilization, for you man the "and the grandchildren mnp de¬ • The George Washington and | ton, the first Polaris missile sub¬ most Washington's mission, Indica¬ extended eventually to 3,500 Falrehlld theatar. but had to bo in the USSR. powerful weapons system tions wore that she is expected miles. vour the Revolution." tler following sister ships pos-1 marine to be deployed by the ever devised." "Th* Soviet Union's gross na¬ to meet her tender, the Proteus, The location of the Polaris tional pnwiuct Is only 4f» percent Hrott answered questions from »ess a power and relative lavul- Navy began to submerge. Her In another message, Navy Sec¬ in January or February. A new missile base here create a his¬ Slate'* Reoourcr* of the GNI' In the United States." the midirncs after concluding tor ability which will make su- j periscopes, snorkle equipment retary Gates said, "the sailing crew will be put aboard the sub¬ i.-Ida! any attempt by an aggrts-jand antenna cut a wake briefly of th* George toric coincidence, for It was in Tapir of Diacuanion Scott said, "hut much less of it "Russia Revisited." II* was In* Washington.., marine then. Charleeton harbor that the Con¬ goes tfodured by Dr. Stanley !dt*m» for services and much more dean of tho Honors college. opens a new era in naval war- The sub's submergence cap¬ federate submarine Hunley made Rob-rt K«!!r, meerch (Mlo- for commodities proportionately. far* and greatly enhances the ability u limited only by crew the first successful underwater (li! from th. MichUui iu» "There is virtually no taxi New First Lady Reveals overall capabilities of our armed endurance. Navy engineering attack on a warship during an iurv»y, will IP—k on th. r»- service ami a hair cut Is a home forces." The Navy has said the 18 officers expect her to b* able to IM4 Civil War engagement. .ouit—• of Michigan it S tonight In 407 Nituml Scl-nrr. joh." Scott found the young people SUIT (TOPCOAT Mews on Child-Rearing Polaris missiles in th* George Washington equal in destructive Gina and Plot Fall Flat Th, Ulk will follow Iho re¬ of the USSR quits to foreigner* and willing to Ulk even to -• com NEW YORK — Jacqueline power all of the bombs dropped flower arranging or flower pick¬ during World War II. gular mretin, of Sigma (iamnia Fpsilon, '.he earth science hon- crary. which itarti al 7:15 p m, , —- < l'*r* and criticixo their inatitu- CLEARANCE The crew received the Navy "The young people of th* So¬ Sigma Gamma Epsilon is com¬ Kennedy, the neat flrst lady, aaya ing, th* early introduction in the "It's never too soon to help the home of foreign language* all unit citation and their salty child to an appreciation of good as a stimulus to current enjoy¬ Missouri skipper was awarded In Current Film Feature posed primarily of geologists, grophysicista and related phy¬ viet Union, who are from colleges now, graduating hav* a well ltd WmI rounded education and arn be¬ literature, muale and art." ment and future learning, a legion of merit In gala cere- sical science students of above Hy DAVE CTKNY If the prospective viewer Is ginning to acquire an apprecia¬ Mrs. Kennedy, who is the moth¬ "Lor* of booka," writes Mrs. A movie which la Imported from liveragc ability, according to O Worried* er of •asking profundity, I would ad¬ vice tion for b*auty and gracafulnass," JH-year-oId daughter, Kennedy, "is th* best of all.'' a Caroline, and who is expecting Concerning her husband. Presi¬ Phouma Told Europe, billed as sensual and on* that itsr* Gina Loltohrigida is vise him to save his money. If, president Jim Burns, Mam- phis grad. student. he said. e IlerrinflboaD another child, said that in an dent-elect John F. Kennedy, Jac¬ bound to draw quit* a crowd of however, hs wishes to ba mildly Sharks kin* article she wrote for the Pee. 11 queline says: "My husband reads i»«us of the American Weekly. more than anyone ! know .,. Force Is Out srnaation-s*ekera. For these people, "Where the entertained with ths an lira kal- Flash •idoscops of ths dramatic world In rearing a child, she writes, "A sense of history and ability "most important, of course, is to learn from the past is of prime WASHINGTON, (th — The'^0* 1 Blows" will he, for the and wenta to see Gina Lollo- Heodquarl At No Extra Charge: most pari, disappointing. An off- t t to shut off the inquiring mind importance in any man in a post- State Department, in a strongly center combination of th* ele¬ brifftda, "Where th* Hot Wind Dependability $49J0 nrf $5SJ0 • • being impatient with its qucs-. turn of lcH child to do more acute lack of a script. ," the 'raising' would be more re-' Mrs. Kennedy also urges , . in-j j»rrs, officer Lincoln White,,played >h »uch apropos place* as warding all around—and infinite- in commenting on Phouma's an-l* death-bed scene, a sheep-wash- Perhaps this Is not a fair esti¬ VARSITY MOP mate of a story which Is told in t:eduction of painting to a child., ly more fun." noun.vm.nu thkt military force j'»« IwM-nt and •brutal b«tinc. a foreign tongue, but if my Im¬ Fried ar Shopping Coaler 228 Abbott R<1. U .11 L. u-,-1 to rcc»ui control A p«rticul.rly int.r-.tior »«. pression and tho subtitles agree, MON. THRU FBI. TILL 9 East Lansing, Mich. vmaamB/i mtiaiiDtriT \( VW 1 over th, royal cap.tal "Id: ofth. turc tow."mo.,. I "The ... th. (,m. of a groat deal was lost In tho trans¬ SAT. TILL 7 manomm » COLIC 6fT HE V- "It is problematical whether Usually played by lation. WRTMWfS/ ksa*E PE«Fjme: J Souvanna Phouma will resort I th* villagers in the local bar, th* game was a test of a man's abil¬ to the use of force in this In¬ \MtTHCXV..ry stance because one of the first ity t<> take abuse and mental punishment. The "boss" was Faculty Hold* "Chali" tenets he laid down was that chosen from among the group he wanted to put an end to the and Faculty members of the Col¬ he. In turn, rhose a deputy. lege of Hum* Economics will fighting of Loa with l»a. Between them they would try "It also seems to us that such to make the other players lose open their home* to home econ¬ omies students for "Fireside an open use of force would fur their collective tempers. This thcr exacerbate the situation, it i gam* was earrtad out into the Chats" today at 7:30 pen. "Fireside Chats" are an an¬ | would lead to further divisions village and made an essential part nual event of tho Home Ec club Northrop and mijjM fscUltite additional1of th. -ill»r- aoci.ty, with th. THAT'S A 6000 IJsA. I'U. /; DONMRkWATir "N eononunut rami" ln».n rom* t" j»'l or bunc aoti. 0:1 campus. Fourteen faculty errvou a bottle c? (•STHATMAkKMJSCiANS) U.S. oiUuU hav- felt thai »"/ oetreelied. members arc serving as hoataa- •FAD OS JCMPSOPE'! V50 5ARCA5TC.7J/ since an Aug. 9 coup overthrew) - scs this yesr. Five other faculty members will act as eo-hoatea- the pro-west em government of j jj-q meets— Laos, the new neutralist regime has bean subject to etrong pr*s-| Inter-fraternity Council will sure from the ti—nuiiBI ted Psthei Lao. iLr**«|I meetNutonight ma house. at 7:30 at the Sig- AEtcgcthfir 'representatives> Mc will visit JJJt THIS OFFER IS WORTH gQc the campus} TOWARD YOl'R NEXT HAIRCUT AT College Manor Beauty' EDSalon 224 ABBOTT ROAD 2-3113 Glamour at Manor teilh NOVIMBIR 30 BARBARA BOX AND ADVANCED STYLISTS THLS OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 30 Ml aawaMaa- Deer Hunter to discuss Special! career opportunitiesi Visit the Engineering DEER RIFLES tor RENT n Starred for gala holiday Placement Office • Inontatod I'ndcrwcar II2.M iieir eyewear niahu . . . Iho' immediately and sign • 1 2.1* shoalh dram aad Ml- Tharwal L'ndorwoor • taenia led Alcoa Hals 4I.9S • fanhion right for you! rhing cant af gliatoning Hrocadod Rayon. Thoao the appointment sheet, Eyewear from Wallace's a dash of • gape? Kridhnr MUtows UN dnm fairly sing with tha look of the now mown. *o can think • IneaJnted Boots ! «ts.n •f no gift that rodd • Inanlalad Sacba - Tbamal Sachs delight hor More. • • Extra Henry Rod gwoatohirU Bock Lara • Band Wanaara • Ana aaitiaa aye nsminatkmo by Dr. W. C. JF.S$ES, reentered optometryf Northrop and Lkanaoo Northrop Corporation \ WALLACE OPTICIANS Poverty Hillo, California' LINK'S SPORT SHOP MM VIM St. (appaaiU Frander) Ph. IV S-2774 elm eftlot fxam at KT V. WaaMacfem. rh IV 2-1173 Open Wedaeeday Nfefcl* Dr. B. C. Jaaaa Dr. J. 0. «m. IhDihI OHimiIiIiIi 32: Am SI. PhMe ED 2-44IS E. Un-inz DOWNTOWN A MIT LANglNO tTOBg kit. » WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER I*. ISM PAGE EIGHT MICHIGAN STAT E N EVVS "Jim \Yallinglou'* ]>ISIJ Soccer Team Not in Playoffs ■« ct KT arxnru. I have a arced to pay the way ol shut out. It wxs the third time ftheir te.oiu should they win. they had txvn defeated. Snezzini? SlAle XfH* Sp»»rtA Writer There are two divisions i:t the Two of the three losses that The Mio iian S ale sivee: ream will not tv enfered in the | Mkt Wcu Canierence. Michi- State has suffereit in five years S.oi Slate is in the tkisleni dlv- of competition, hove N.mn at The Vrivors o? ?V'r- i ovo'vijarv «;•: N.'AA playoffs thU December. •_Voa a id St. Louis is iu tiie the hands of the St- L*»u>* team. • tv •: 'tiYiv invav'ioM K. «' ' > t • •{- ' r*r>f r.-.vtUn: Tiey failed to receive the in- Wonim division. v.l.it on 'uve>-.«r>' to enter Into Explaining the Spartac'a b^tw^pn Miohtv.'-' St.,*- Jtath State and St taniis to St. ta>uis, Gere Kenny. w*c,l Me eonu-et tion. The Titan* w'rv' •••• ••*•-••4* that were the champions of their so.d that he thmijth*. his team l; was known last week tha* I;;' >. divisions this year .Therefore. wasn't up to its usual fame aivt rin make thvrv. ■' w .-v .< >• t .n...s had recc.vevi the ber h tS* determinlnj: factor in de¬ that S: Louis was at thej available for the Mid That name j* Art ■ v-* • ciding who was to represent the sharjx'st. Wo; section They were unde- Mid VVe>t Conference was the ■Where St. Uw»ls was at *w r The last time the two Vrt Bmr.istatter m t-e Mrt» defeated 4*0 Is appears that the competition, • v-v.:> a". i kick- next year, will a fain be be- t i« the rvcv'ir K- •'••■•• t - *r via; Spart in-St l*x. < ?>me Lhat the ^ game marked the f rft tT?) on the-*;•••• winner would probably receive .., \pch:^an State's history twaxm St. Louis and M chifaa His kicking Kt< m.,; - MST -k>. '•» \ Conference would send a team AMERICA'S FINEST ts thrcc-jvint v» v. 1- to represent its berth Due ' ♦ t-e "heavy extxm.se in- inlay. votved m travel " j f-v»m the TRIPLE DECKER Art. Sr. w ^ • N,;;-'N MS' M. ■ west coast, u wa« doubtful that h:'"»'.icSafotv Ot".a!".v'' - the winning school would a^ree i.,. 4. 1 '6 Sparian te earn. t » a ->'•! VlhAmerican eamiuta:e win o\ er IV\. - -• A Ul * I to bear the cost TWO SC IIIHH S a • left in 49c contention f lh Brand>tatter> kick left footed. Art. Jr.. ha* kicked l.» of lt> extra full*, and Coodimwiu. Jits sroMert toe Ka* gi\on '1 c < i" hrs* point trie* thi* fall, plu* three fied ijoaU. lie aKo ha* scored one Tl>. ' wo seasons as a Spartan ' ; J7 evt ». :vn? kick* out oi £2 attempts. DISC SHOP n Playing for Fast !• : I! :h <-hook Vrt Jr wathcryx! such credential* as a-two-ye ier and All-American ,y v . • • h - r- '•••* -wcr vv,-.-. He was t.-e school grim¬ IMlino Is Not Only Navy Star 3C3 Ea. c:iv: -a '.o •Utstan*iinj? •pem''vr ' ■•.'■■••• ' • : '4 txxnis and he's been von the state class H ' *'V ,1 of Joe Be" •• '. Navv « sc.v>i center Frank V«*ted arid one or Ka-t lainaiii)!** j-''.-runni-r^ halfh.iok w-o has chosen a* t?«r outstaadlRf N»c* the other usually sets the press Since the '.is' mectv".' . v \\ *' v.!" u.iv every fame Navy Onlv K\rlu«iv«' •tj'.-.ervd all aieadtni* scoring n ivx vote a* outstanding line¬ ''.a five reed hev were tvrh *.' X, » Of John Hew;t*.* h.;v I'su to say abeut the starting position in the middle jop!x?ir»orv and OWN EVERY EVENING 1'oti f.'j/nv f t'orirty, nml Yiwi firt It. Saturilav * came i- 'he ' of h.a *v\t>cn • v f.'r rev' Wr r - Mori a " e \iw block / r hasn't been oat since. have sche*iu'e«i c. iv s v. • JVtl.no reels to g*t a start ..j - ..-y v„ V.ir-* aN ; 1 feasor. as any boo* dv« We've built ..A ■» '-o ve.«-;s evvrf.«re They'll be re' -c •••" S:v,rt 4- -v. ': m w -h seven else ho host about bun. our de'ei*se—-and everything: •traicht wins behvif. | •.s\a -Hvm ••..*> best U i-$.vu ?Kt vise—Around bat *11 we do *"v to it* horn to lb* hne cf Hut ptaymc * oh te -s »s IV. • ij uo t •> Man- e*. g:>.n,» I've ever seen,'" Hardm -r -'.mage and. turn him loose. Xavier am! V'flianova 'ake* -v" !-:* r eiT the I of l> ■ved wtlav as he po.d his annual ; rv* Army *am« v * • '.u • e New Hew tt 's the cn.e who fives him reevri the s;*rt. He ma.ie the key block V -rk. f-.x' o. 5 wn.c.n. "He's .rt But Dftroit will N«eom • .* 1 ,lv . me w - tw ,.Verv*>mc 90 ;vr .'f our tackle* and on that 90-yard run iftiMt V r- Here is the Tniniif ScbeMi •e» to ram (natier.e rronvc" '» a".4 •• 'u ■' 'e h'_'e oe v.v w o springs Bel- 4: a last Sa'urday ari en a the Spartans miceo •• r *h«» c- ••• Ta>".- no 'xx •u -m oi h;« runs" good many cf i"J ionc run*. He's toa ami && a #;arr.e in 'w• 1 p> c c ' reserves some THE LAST is rvcon— -r.dah m j'm tremendous oh defease. He >ust Ukes to h..t people* for Electric Caiet Ei|iiiirs tmictice. • enough in it-el*, ftoii-no _haa been f-xr Cuna up to ON DEJFEXbE. H<*;U aharcs CO If CI ttkiMNG MOUUR9 liilraititirnl Schedule PLANNED CVg-e« a* (He. 1 • euv. . s «. MVRDS TRAINING SCMIOOE Tftti.xf UMrtttrf Uectrc Gewrsbec :»*%xc t* • U Ifl I • » «• VKi II • Iak.B*t 1 » x • • • • SENSATIONAL PROGRAMS Pr*am*«» C 1 - * ■: T.C^< Cwatcn .••!•«•,....... 3 Itt famous Hrnrulf • «• t*%M» I»m»M - > *.Ml•" ' NechimcJl N**teoinct , jtl;«M* *:« ."""• * -\*hrr, Lrr, WaUiin^lon, Ct*f end Storrocr? t • «■ • i*. r»*?m CMt" 0»'»* lr.m. X. S.C -'. : Cotton* — »ool* — Conliiroy w;after* m • - s.. - o- offered by Public Service I — .1*)**'-) «3 .. >«..M .................. 2 s ; li^r rv« V- Krp C-.V'.I to .S1 * -t Join's ....; _;• I SJ4 ptay *M# i. s V-. • . c i . I hi* W rrk Onlv Electric and 6as Company s-t .'i 11 iWiw« .-a a.»r4,ti* |1|W ■/ ; a 4 S*««« C sa«i-« «laan 2 liaria 1 • fYt*, P«kic,. J $3.95 to $12.95 ...3rd in revenues CSrt rJ Suwjaa * OOiCf I y^r-i "r, r «- -a m m JnStost«Ex»vtr Thi* 5«alr At Our Xo- r«r* '-■'>«? !> ;-.» Wh. I*' V •' f- « N . - ' • niotipsovs among investor-owned .I'jrir.iuA I'iftr.'o Saiti J * r. J «x ta# ATvp-s.4: n.i 4am- ^ r |ji«l l^n.in^ Store Only n>i«i an cem. .v t&e - ; JEW EERY electric and gas utilities ('«»«tnw l .oi*.w s*a 1 «oi rtu Tx; * vrr ;_U M.A.f. l. r. ItsoatM li.ntnmt ad Wifiom oi tvs > VS •' 7 >•• ' HKOOIiFIELD PLAZA Spaa I "?* '* Tc - " E.i>t I .in.mc •MT «f '-M "-4 Ph.' &*•*«• • V--I.*.' K. Gd, Kivtr at liaaadorn lajiroot moot f bc-i anobbmK' I ■ C 09c» InVn Vcl >cjr—me ...v.. J (Ju.t ta.l of A A t't See our representative when he visits your college on KKEE — FREE — FREE Sa« — ayj CV» . .. I Sr.<» t^arr-a*- Son — M trj Carwia-ibtVKt. 1.4r ' *2,000 in Mcrchjmli*r JANUARY 17,1961 -x^y. rx Suar — h.i;o| M JLr la«taw| fft* itsmtjtm 2 Nolhinj to ltar — Ju>t Com. in and Krsl«:rr tknb|an|larani 1 ' Yav* .exry cbrcl* a copy, cf Cur brochure "Troiaimfr -Courses fcxr »fi uv •*cVj«»' l\snr1 Casual n rur for I i! Kaep Your Guard Up! Guys ami Gals a » * , 1 BAY G VSBUNF Contaiiw — HlHRS — " » RVY'd'ARD^r Quick Siarfx and MON. THROl'GH FRL - * A.M. "TIL 9 r.At. PWKtion afaaayt <;.*> Une Kreeif I ps, SAT. - '9 A.M. TIL b P.M. i FILL*UP TODAY! and Note Your Savin.:* at the Tump < ' ik- SI6 E. KALAMAZOO ai MIFFLIN 'Ai Near t'niversity Village SINCE 190S Art Koehler • Manager ALSO AT 3009 VINE — LANSING mr W KllX ESPAY. NOVEMBER IS. I Mil MICHIGAN STATE NEWS I'AGK NINE "Skiing in the Blood/ Says MSU Researcher Skiing gets into people'* blood and ataya there, acmrdina cent were bet wane 21 and 25. Richards found that about BO to a tourist and resort researcher at Michiiran State Uni¬ "He moves around front one per cent of the skiers had taken versity. * 1 ■' " ■ 1 ■ ■ area to another. In fact, our instruction at one time or an¬ 'average akler' visited five dif¬ other. Most were well pleased Thomas Richards, a research ...s-.sunt III hotel m.mi«pment.l|n life «nd [ "He oftrn Marts *kiing early ferent resorts during the year with certified instructors and »top« Ut». Thoo. In. before the study, Hut he tends available ski school/*-. surveyi'rt 300 skiers Inst winter! .it a iv.sort near Harbor Springs. , terviewod ranged front 15 to to stay in one place after join¬ Many skiers pleaded for moro years of age. About 70 per ing n ski club." timely, accurate snow reports. Hubert Mcintosh, MSU extrn-;^ «ion tourist and resort special-! and Robert Furlong, dir-i cot or t'ouneit, *>f the Michigan Tourist' helped design the Abbot Hall Coeds Win IM Stvim; stud V After analyring the question-! iiin»s, Richards painted this twvr- Bonnie Blackport Takes Honors trail of the average skier at: 11 alitor Springs. Most features, The Abbot hall coeds accum-, her 14 5 time and Abbot cut 3.71 moots were Miss Norma Staf¬ probably wouUt apply through¬ ulatcd 54 points to win the fin- tenths of a second from the 100, ford head judge, Miss Dorothy out the state, al meet of the 1960 Women'* vard free style relay mark with! Kerth, Miss Jean Mrlntyre, Miss lie or she skis 17 to 18 days, Swimming Intermurals, held: 57.0. Virginia Schuencrmmn, Miss a v ear-mostly on weekends. I Monday night. West Mayo trail-: West Mayo set a record In; Jane Rider, Mrs. Anna Gaming Only about one fourth of the! «M by II points with 43 to hold the medley relay With ii 44 2 and Miss Pauline Ellis. group skied during the week. I down second place. Third, place mark a* compared with the old Miss Helen Hughes and Bon¬ "III: SAVES money in sum-1 went to Kappa Kappa Gamma 44*5 mark. nie Blackport were the chair¬ KMinvatcd cost per with 33 points and Gilchrist The judge's for the men of the intramural this year. mer. trip i took fourth with 31 points, $35 50 {hi single person,j $58 40 per married couple. | INDIVIDUAL honors went Spartan- half hark Ear* Kill man manutrrx hi* way Ihrnuith Ihr North- ••He is willing 1*» travel. Bonnie Blackport and Ohris «r»lrr line, hrhind Ihr rirrllrnt blocking of thr Slatr linr for his 72 yard Average pound trip to Harbor Kluter with 16 Spring- was 580 miles—quite a point* each. If Yon Care Moat Yoar Woolens touchdown run. Kkwking for llallman arr tirorvr Saimrs (III). Ed**ard Martha Kurt had 1U* and weekend jaunt. About 54 per Gretchen Ixvhncr had lluddr (?>), Hrrh Addrrrl* (2t>) and Tom Wilson (2S). llallman No. 11 is 12. cent .of the skiers came front Kluter broke two records carrying Ihr l*all. • Detroit and Chicago areas, an¬ One in the 50 yard freestyle other 12 per cent from around with a time of 26.3 and in the Cincinnati, Dayton and Toledo. 25 yard backstroke, with her you'll wnnl In lake llockev Team Beats Western Army Rifle Team He usually continues skiing after marriage. About one third 13.1 time. Ihrm for rwreful dry 3IAMI.V AITKFN shaved Willi. Muteli of those we interviewed were three tenths of a second off the I 4 VUG KROTM W married. Over one fourth had old 25 yard butterfly mark with rleanliiK In poMtums, and Dick Johnstone at : suffer •from lack of experience. ehtldreti. Mate >rw« Sports Writer center proved to be one of the tins Hendnrkson showed his Against U of I) "Ho put* his youngsters on hi < comhi'ittt toils on the ice. scoring and skating ability, while •-.kis as soon as jKwsible. More Michigan State H ohen K,.,.,, evi*t'> Quirk. Ho'- kctnpl imeuting with Marty Dan Daily, ; prospect, displayed tine defensive form. team fired and won league match against the Urn* its first than half of the parents study said their children skied. In the FISH FRY Almost all said their youngsters .-vied the Western M* lie - Itendi ivksor. Frank S'lka. Rob Kempf proved his sound Every Wrd. A Kri. Cleaner and 4 '.faiii a harsh heatuu., a".: V t'heci-o ter the formation defensive style, while Ed Oxybko, j versitv of Detroit ROTV rifle would if facilities were avail-, last for very young children, j . of first, second and third defen¬ who will not become eligible until team Saturday at toe in¬ able All You Can Eat v .wrg fine form the Spnr vfe Western Michigan heme sive units, said that he feit the winter term, played an excellent door range of Demonstration "HE COMES from any walk Shirt Laundry sense much needed prac- sophomore defensenien did not : game. hall at MSU. Final result* of life. Professional people made • 1MH LsflHTK oeene.! the showed MSU ahead with of possible 1409 up about one third of the sam- 1500 points with pie White collar worker* no- ! $1.00 Vial ED 2-40:1 /or rick-V,, t, Delicery j counted for another one third. ^ in the first few minute-, with a slap shot that MueKav Advances in Tennis Detroit scoring 1329 point*. 1 Teacher*, housewives and sales¬ thrrrs no r/irtrpo - Western Michigan vi no goal tend chance on. Tom Mun¬ flYDXF.Y, Australia —Two The team coaches, Capt. Joe men each totaled over 5 4-6, 6-2 in their quarter finals Y*. Pope and M/Sgt. L. T Stin¬ cent. per Howard Johnsoas E. Grand Hv. Arrom From Studrnl S«r* icro llulMIn, of the last three Americans in match. nett, exprewod great satisfaction assisted- other Spartan snippers tim New- South Wales tennis However, Aussie Boh Hewitt, with the results of the first Kr; Thomas Real Turcot, championships were eliminated with « booming first service, match of the season. eliminated Earl (Dutch) Btieh- iFiftliiiig l.iretiM-* Quirk, Gua llejuincksor, today, hut powerful Barry Mae. Participant^ on the MSU team For Ire Filling ' i «. holt of St, Louis 6-4, 6-3, 5-7, 5-7, . Foumejr, Dickie Johnstone. kay of Dayton. Ohio defeated 6-4. were Arkell Cook. of Grand Australian Uo> Emerson in a The conservation- department Doyle, ami AI Vhecw. Rapids, aeoring a 286. Alfred thrilling, five-sit match. In another quarter-final. 19- Stock i, Detroit. 281 Fletcher aay* fishermen who didn't get THE STRENGTH cf the Sj ■ - Markay, playing extremely wet! v ear-old Chuck McKinely of St. Monmngh, Lansing, 280; Roger a license this summer, but plan • * • v; car* Jim pj play potential. He*! Turcot. Tom Boucher, and Wherly m ttle chance to prove the considering this i* hi* first tour, IjOui* was trounced 6-3, 6-3, 6-3 his namert An Australia this season, by Wimbledon champion Neale eliminated Emerson 7-5, 4-6, 6-1, Eraser of Australia. Northrop, Wayne, Denn., 280; to get into the swing for the and Leo E polowy, of Buflalo, winter ice-fishing season, can N.Y. with a 279 score. | do it on their 1961 license. ervoort's 213 E. GRAND IIIVEK The next matches are schcd Tim department mall* 1,500,* ' o . i Fournel, composing the h Line." expected by Coach ulcs for Jan. 21. .against East 000 licenses fa 4.200 dealer! * v | EAST LANSING h --."e to be tops proved it* pyemia! m scoring | MSU Sport Shorts ern Michigan Univer*ity. The about mid-November, the li- meet will be held at MSU, ac¬ I censes will be valid from Dec. Ph. ED 2-2114 - gth in the early minute# of ■ cording to coach Dope. 1, 1960 to Dec. 31, 1961. >-.**■ Michigan State's I960 football • Sanders was an all-city football, BeH Doyle, a top pro*revt for team reeoroed a *1-1? victory j basketball and track selection r* c*i the "French Line." m*- over Northwestern in the only j during his prep career at Detroit ? some fine offensive play, appearance the Spartans have \ Pershing High school. Be Sure to second forward line con- " aife at Dyrhe. Stadium, f • ever it it * ■ g of sophomores Art Them Evan#u>n. a:* aid Tom Lockvy at the flank Michigan country State'* team won I960 cm*" a sixth ASK SANTA |il<-nty of ItiR M\> Slr.te soccer team straight Rig Ten championship -gar. s Nationally Advertised ' Kichartlf* Sijjsn^ ■ t*ccn upon only S3 for the Spartan*. Fur -ki Imryuiii* time« i:i 40 games aince achiev¬ ★ * * rruiuiii in our lu/; MtTIMORE. iJN-Fau! Ri.-b- ing var*:t\ status in 1956. • - American League manager lirr-wauin Michigan State'# 1961 football *' tfte '•wit year, to Tuesday signed continue managing a Michigan ^ * State * end Lonnie schedule features game* with seven Big Ten opponent*. WATCH SKI SALE :*;Umore Oriole* until lt»63 .** .--era; manager, mode the ar- MacPharl. Oriole president, ( liri-tina- Itook Sigymliuii*: BANDS Iflok over laymray nine! Ihr nrw »hipnirnls Tfmsat at a press conference The three-year contract i*. in '.I frflxir citoLhook in a glamor format** StylM far Mrn of nrw IWil Ski Equipmrnt arriving' daily. ' - * two-year extension cf the LADIES HOME JOl'KNAL COOKBOOK mod * *■»«*•; agreement. Last year r.ards edited by Carol Trwax •. signed a two-year con. < and it had another season Juvt published — »• »$ til C brt*4f* S'~ • thumb indexed edition 95.95) Thi« wonderful book about planning and CbrUlmaa. The Weather prepartax fond vrtJI cool a dollar more after Benervr yaur ropy today: ED 7-IIM More cloudy weather is forc- for today w.th showers Gift llook lira