Serving SISU For 51 Year* Utl.t mb 52. no. 96 EAST LANSING', MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17. I960 I'lllCE 5 CENTS r_--Tr; ; '■ y ... — StMrT:—-■ -r. ,. \—4 '> ■• ; 4-iV v' %. 1 •.'£ • - * • i- - / , .... i. - . a •. *V. ' r> v .-c *.••.* ••••.,'•',•. • / New Orleans Rioting Continues ..' ..-■JEJ'- -» ■ .'S-- ■ .. . . J- As Result of School Integration \i\on Gain* Lead Police Use DeGaulle Asks Vote 111 California Vote Q|j On Algerian Rule SAN t'.O.Kl \,Ydn. :\ Vt hit ANCtSt'O. absentee . .. . t v.. A Disturber' d.nt lt c. r l M Ni\o:i PARIS, A!'—President Charles DedatiHe annotineed U a.l for Wednesday he is going to submit to French voters a plan t i Stall- Sti"}!,'»l* that t V. . , for a new system of government for Rebellious Algeria. —— - . rv. I'i-i\al>' Srltool* The new sva tin- oi It i ti t ii si s <»iii.i:ans, ap— ilemonstrMtionx h siiosp»iac!!' v»»' >• t. Her IKt*. K.r«, ayuinst race mixintr in New Bedridden Je , a:rcacti.._ijroy trine "f sc'i-.tctc! t.uiomy {,<- Alg*'i'< mil .» app le.l .1 < • Aii- • M.V a./o t IV »■ r me, ''''' i ' Orleans schools a\d aKaitt ami broke up it vain Wednesday he the i I in i;s tmn itntbr the pressure of club- Bv Fracture hiitl Del I aulte's bt»;*n expected. Weill, itn,t 'her. t IV •p.; count, cue including bin x' police and hose.-. archinfr fire h ive been predi .• 111 - that any . Nov a.ntl'.ts and 1 More than 1.000 demonstra- LONDON. AP—Sir Win¬ referendum u u" the nay h • more th 1 l?0 00U absentees ta¬ • tors tni-! if them b-ardle'i ston Churchill lay prostrate wants it t.* But We.Uifsday tale. I th; pir wat N;xou 3,191.- from the High sc iools developments m:i> U>ueh in' 314 Kt n edy 3.189.612 jund in pain Wednesday with explosion- antiinc. Furope.m tat¬ fa; . t to reach the fehfMi! board o'f ee* in the center of down- I a broken bone in his back. tler* of Al'ttuu. who ward th • t ».v i New Drtean.s j Out of the 83-year-ul.l state- African tvrnior* t> remain putt Tiirer bun I red turbulent i mian'i sickro reassui - Nixon Slill »:n ca:ne of France i hjj news, but the nation re¬ t« o-acer* reformed after ho.-es Hre.ik;nii sonic of the secrecy mained an?;io»i< an t eiub.s drove them from the 'liou.Un: his deliberations ,>n There is no cause for anxi¬ the •tree!* and tried to charge into thorns problem, DvGaulle Gaining; On ety," said Anthony Mntitanue-. city had a few blocks away. j , Cji,!net meeting "at Browne, Churchill s secu lars Again mounted i»olicc and tfit* appropriate time" he will fire hoses xhattrrod the wall of ih. ADDED rhuchitl wilt a>k nation's approval of a screaming and drenched youths have to stay in tied "for a Id- tlPH, tic Churchilt stumbled and fcll fell Algeria. 0f government in .ph(.„m j ijsctf was asked Kennedy SKtiMfATS turned U> tiari"w ^tr^x^^ of the famed the as he came home Tuesday French quarter and wended draft the'text of this new night from n:i engagement. provisional constitution, and to WASHINGTON. AP—Son. | chanting ways under iron- Wednesday morning his back prepare for the referendum A John K. Kennedy'* popular la.*- baiconi.,. s.m« M-a,n< AFROTC tarpa sponsor* tlwttd this year are: Carol Payne and l*at Pordell. Bottom row from left hurt At hi« wife's insistence he ^spokesman sand it is up t > the vote margin was taken quietly in an •ainbul- t.a^inpt to j^qdc whether voters argin over Vice 1'reH- ,nd right: Jo Anne Stupe. Diane Anderton. Glenda t,»nt Uichard M Nixotl tlrott- lop row from left to right: Sharon Sandborn. Shar¬ to aace through London's buiy,ln ^,vua wl„ ak> ,m. ahlo t> dini uicnutu .m. *>»^n ..a, mid-afternoon. Arrests mounted to 58 by Simpkins and Gail Groom. AFROTC photo by Mark Many in- on Crissaaa, and Barbara Frost. Serond row from Irft to rifM: Barbara Schmidt, Nancy Simmons, hrastof. streets to 4 fpecialist for X- part;,..p.v.,. ,n thU referendum.'' raying. 0r whether Vw vote will be res- of the final count tn Morula P0'1 ajram <(M,aV. a.-* a [es.ult Jur' 1 were It showed a small bone in hi* trirteaorfl Sociologist t® laik^pad man was ordered to bod rJ"^^eremlu.n mid-.lwrnia 'ih**ni*e ballots' \*«™- M» Muriel Schneider, Kennedy Students Participate '• or \ j AKR TUEU: be las WeOnw- Ja" .JJ? /eltrcndum lor nMa , m early aftcrnonh the Demo- nu.thw of two. grabbed police v «»l on hi, hark, hrcanir; 'Thj',lr^u ot Alairr, were r"111' V'tof' »dvam.i)i- >t»l Sup,. Jowph Oiarruaao by th* !On "Marriage and i_ n ^ .. . th«t. 1, tho m*l comfort»bl9.hpavllv ,MtIwlh^ bv Kr,.„rh at 231.812. down by more than, trouaer log ami pleaded: 7,000 from a tabulation in car-: **Chief. help us, not the V. A. Travels to installment pianHln Business l,oni|ietitions position for him. riot Churchill took it all In fine men. many of them newly ar- spirit. Deapitn the dtaMmfort] rlvK) fr„m yr,n0,. police and mobile guards¬ i i ly morning That was despite a government' pickup ho had made in Indiana Tears streamed down her ' Pr. Ruth Hiii Fseeni, research he was experiencing, the house¬ „ m _. I where the official canvass cheek* Johnson's !con«uiunt of th»- sociology and! anthrojwjiojry department will; Ry rkV PKVSTASIt State N««* Staff Writer pjVl, graduate students recently part ici pa toil in the hold reported cheerful. Churchill was he was "quite in - bedroom proponent of Algeria's Integra »,ro»x,n,,nt ... ... "f Algeria* Integra- j jalitv t-» Tm~' be narrowed kvtv by more n50u vot|,, than earlier; orderly maner. but we ar^ r,r-T* (.lairu-M., If you do in;, >t in said «••• not FALM BEACIt. Fla.. AP 2^ «'r"4to«» trame* sponsored by International Hum- in the handsome house at ;s llvdr l>,rk liati', p ' two-story l|on into rr incc, sharply criti-, unofflcial tallies had indicated going to let you take over l>«.uHe» nollclc, In the i'renident - Elect John F. room | Machine*, corp. of in C hicago. his London home. Upwcl, Ui.thr Part, Lion, rlub h,nwslh,. w,.h r„un, „ (t.,v nationally - Whit, the uproar echoed Kennedy took off Wednes- "F.nj it now and ru>' fur it! t'mvermy The UtuetrMty of Michigan he said that if France lose* Al¬ stood Nixon 33.593.701, Kctinu- agamst the walls of the down- His wife Clementine ("Clem- tka T«««« r..mriij tn later, seems to tie the tr«n«i in in-i team placed first anJ a trophy geria. the area faces Russian dy. 33.825.313. : town buildings. V S Sen. Run- mie," he calls her) was with domination and added ;r., tL rhan^vS tott',.v.r..t,0.y.'»,,I Mr,. ... to ,h. Selineidcr New turn Outside in tin* narrow «t A'. that point 1.581 . f the «•!! Long fD-La ) stood before a"aaaxrj5.isr ' Wp will soon have °T!!ll Vtee President . Elect Lyn-,- -Ti..< in •whw «» «ny ra*r.!»«m> Sut. *•-,?• «— -> tniwr..,y «« .te- Vice President of elegant houses, near Pripcess Margaret's home at Kervsinghm r ■u'ki" doorstep '* launching pad* at our Nation's pri i'.net. wet. st.l! an infurta!c-op Council gathered. tecs were to be counted. Nixon', advantage had failed preme Court if my vote would ing to impeach the entire Su- surtiag U,t night. ,nd car- sanly th»,«e needed in ister life.; BRITON* GOT their most '*-ig through today, the men teams which were not ranked by The Ir.ter Cooperative Council, recent look at Churchill only Showdown Slated by 18.243 yesterday. do it " Mr*. arid speak on tha | the judge* Th»« Florida oflicial tally ac-! The senator virtually told the *r* p.edged to lea.-l Amcr- last week when he went to th" . ., ...... pro^m, involved in changes in Other team* participating were governing l«odr of the seven men's ^ # today's bigc«**t Legislature it was on its own. •..card to new lrontier* J" marriages ami the different need* i Northwestern t mveraity.leo.ops. elected a new vice presi- Harrow, an event he annual reunion of hi* old school,"| J|| f ,0||**[0 S'llllll^ ** counted for i "The situation in Washing- - 1960s were rarely. ** change, giving Nix<»n a : consultations i'ni-e s^nce Sj' 1 thev which #n ind,vi?hMlI Wi'.l haw- at Ohi-» State University. University der' Tue«dav night various stage* in hi* marriage. ; nf tVi»ron*in, University of Hit- week!v meeting held in Howland at their bi- misses. I UNITED NATIONS. N.Y <.pi wider by 18,455 votct than the ton." he said. "I* likely to get last week's election Mm. Ut't-em, on leave this term, ( noj#f «nd University of Chuagi He walked among cheering Th(. t;.%- General Assembly previous unofficial and mrmn- vorse. We simply do not have ,i the seclusion of JohrWon's row, of .Pft-collari-1 »ch««l- ■ how- pbte count on which he had al-'the vote* " has taught basic social science be-; Members of the team included Ccrhard Fkhneider. Fast Jjin- w,-dnr,d«y hi .idi-d for " revtv bci'ii cred.tct wah For- AND. Ill: suggested the 1^- IV ranch on the IVdoniaii> boys, supporting!f with - .. ,idr< h»r work in ,K- »o«logy.0,nr Mnrpl'. E»*1 Ur-m*. » . t r, Kennedy ami Johnson wn.or, »>•■! Howl.n.t hou.o cane, but looking thornujfhly J.01*". °?! ! * A! < Ida's 10 electoral vote Th« fin- gislature abandon public school* ,n.l nr.Uiropoloyy m«k,Ung and trnn,portnUo« »d- r.t r, —r.U'ivr „tc.vl John alert crt expected to try ehort.r.g He then seemed steadier ' ' the UnD' i.nrwounting *n.l fionnti,! ..iminu-, tum. But the old man ha* a long A session of the 99-nation \ Indiana «■ lectori! von - with ultuou* s«*— A five m . amongJhe As. i»- j lh*. K.attf tota;,. W(.rr N.vm 3,. nam Frantx school quietly for • r.:^,n met was in toe closure &»*««•» 4 12:10 lanciie-n in the Wisiey ,! LrV H,Mh«7"jrT proh had won the trophy. section of the new U.S 23 frc African nation* who oppor., 151.945, Kennedy 3.167.383. the third day with a^"«i!cnt business ad minis traUon, The FJswrorthkan maintained way will be opened to traffic \ Kaisvubu and favor dep-.c 1 There were • oouij'i abvnti-es'crowd of under 100 person* <•?, of ihe cnmp««n th,'. re- (oun. The « -M Only Special Function* town. Tension grew by the hour a* * - 'J3® Houac "fJam 20, Jo.m*.>n;d<) Nepa: several years ago * Method-st mis. -n work Uocre. ^ «Jr \^uhTm T" - police repelled the advances of teenagers and adults chanting ' « '■» «S MM powerful ro> Mjncltr Imdrr HlJ mJ. ir„,,. lr,d w;:1 „.j p( uw ,.tow- , vc rvidoncf No Regular Services in the Chapel "two, four, six. eight, we don't want to integrate/* After the worst of the dsy's •hwi- of t'.usive creature. . ,. , , ..... .l disorders apparently had sub¬ AS \ paster ml the lecisla- 111 - ; economy tn which the hypvtlwtt- •r nuu nrrni rivgton wart, then a'umni secretary, re-j Included in the hit of name* j tell of the higher aim* ot high- sided. eight Negroes attacked a ,CS corr panies wvge •y*ratu»f;VB faMr CMMbe ahzed that the university had er education, the history of cl- served as the "playing held." | no j was one person who had not vllition and MSU an t the story white man and shot him. **>*€ saga aiviea am the timing »fhr Km«Ki7 jjlwpiro. ' CumberUnd During the first day «f com- j j; you go So the Alumni Me- speeial place for religious ac-Jdied in military servh-e. lie was of faith, hop® and love White mem beat up four i petition, the MS!. u*m tivities since Old College hall S'ewart, the principal person Negroe* i:fn% tadhii to th, Drbatr on I J'lru ,5**^ morial chapel on rampu* Sunday And inside the chapel U a A group of whites stoned a j against Peiwi Stat# ami Iltiaeu. had crillapsrd in 1918. He also who had made the chapel a re- Dutch pipe organ which wa* do¬ OM)»incx. you're likely to miss Negro truck driver, who threw aarteiilttUT Tk' (ont«irr.-.r«y ImoHWf ,iw*iiln«lw|Wi«te,i, out oo church geivkea m to in¬ felt that there should be aomejslRy, He died, two years before nated by O. W. Mourer, in 1933. half bricks hack. Um — " «du-, Fonns wiU .por.or , .!. b,tn -1 ,nd ChkMtn memorial on campus jn memory the building of a chapel began And there Is a combination Police broke up the fight terrupt a wedding In' process of the i Fidel Cutto »ml hi, iK>iiri« to- i,y. tor there are no regularly held of students and alumni who. A unique part of the chapel is alter, which was donated by None was hurt. xi' n),h: it s-20 in 25 Union. \ service* there. had died in military service j the use of stones /rum 31 Eu- Mrs. Steward and her son. It During the height of the UJf Dr. Cktrlr, Cun-.WrUnd. P">- ! Instead the chape! i* u*cl Fjy Stewart received permission j rope an cathedrals which hud was designed after the alter* melee around the school board f..«sr rf hi.tory. will opp«r» C',^ : Ride llunler* S«* from the university and started. been bomber I the war. u*ed by priests, ministers and j office. Negro delivery boy students artd faculty for special " . S«.u.! stepc already are un« at MSLO and wr,t»r foe New 8h.pirO-|»^»j|j|jOI| Re-1 Bo-rd f#p services only, and or or^an re- citai*. lecture* on re:.gk>n, con¬ a program to collect donation*; for the future memorial-chapel the Wea'mfhHter Abbey and St. They included stones from rabbis during the war, The chapc] is open dally from ran afoul of the demonstrators. Some threw him to the side¬ *»y, m «oop4r»tioo With public magazine, will uefead the StoJ«r.u »ho vi'l b. 'Mok.rx 9 a.m. to 5 p.m Tuesday through walk. piled on him, hit him snd cert! by the music. iSepartmen!. combination. j Paui's cathedrals in J/undon; ' ■ Jtgoiag JUaaphqwer ad- Cuban leader, , ration, to bnag about the lor rides home during weekends teas, weddingj fovrr 70 a )ear) Over 5.000 alumni from a'l j and from Germany ..there were Friday, and from 1-3 p.m. Sat¬ kicked him. A policeman received a bloody over the world responded with stones the.Berlin Cathe- urdays and Sundays for stu¬ !1"-,)nir" Rrturn nose rescuing the Negro. Eli,k^inU, ulioTTn" «"«: « "xvntm, dunations of 3235,000 for the dral, Frankfurt Cathedral, the dents, alumni, and visitors who Evangelical Lutheran Cathedral are interested in seeing it. ™dj dou AUGUSTA. GA. V*-**- court€ Actual erecting of the Alumni non-sectarian chape!. Ilawkin» t—JTr if.* " , Ei«nho»-er tod,y orttorof la ardcr for the board to work ehapr! began In 1951 and was! • And in commemoration the in Luback and the Alexander Malcolm Dickinson, chapel lo Speak Protestant church in Speyer. The j sexton since the chapel's ded' Professor Carroll Hawkins effectively. Union board has asked dedicated in 1932 But planning names of 487 people were carved <«• ay^t^Ht K:Sfa3^ fromiW b,fin:"n! J"'1 "4"' "< VS- troop: that only studenta wliw will be d* the chapel began lung be- in stone on the chape! narthex. The earliest year represented stones were donated by officials ication, is at the char* ! at these from the.*c churches. times and is always ready to of t*c ,->>:#ra! science depart¬ ment, will discuss "Impressions ** Mm driving to put a card m the board., fur# this. „ -■ - m, TU, wrotion lbr-»d MMtim, »hroad «• »' p«2 " "t «*«T>:n< ■* '? and not those seeking rides. Plans were begun after the wa* 1861 and the most recent, The stained glass windows in show interested visitors through of Spain" Thursday at 4 p.m. ia *t o? the money president of the university The history of Michigan for its construction. Built to ac¬ w as instrumental in pievei • • ' State I'niversity is tolil re¬ commodate visitors and. at the the transfer of the school to \ Arbor and saving its Morrii! ';»• peatedly by the names yiven same time, serve as a hotel man¬ grant from extinction. to the various buildings on agement laboratory, the center Olds Hall of Engineering v. has nl*o furthered the movement . campus. Without the use of : for Continuing Eduction. the first privately-given bu lawk* and scholars, students Macklin Stadium wns named to to be built on campus. Ranso; are reminded by the build¬ ! honor John F. Macklin. one-time i Olds, Lansing automobile rr,. ' ings of the heritace piven to MSU football coach. » facturcr. gave $100,000 to ret them by the university. Kedzie Chemical !j*boratory t the old rrgiheering building Mori!! Hall, one of the oldest was built in memory f Robert strove*! by fire. building on campus today, was C. Kedzre, M.D., a Civil War sur¬ Berkey Hall was rime.: named in honor of Justin »S. Mor- geon who taught chemistry for honor William H. Berkey, o. ' ri! who authored the bill that es¬ several decade? at MAC. man of Michigan State's gov. tablished land-grant college*. The Krcsge Art Center was the gift irg body, the State Board of A.-* hall, which was built -? a dormi¬ of the S.S. Krcsge Foundation to culture. The hall was buii i h^use 3200 students in 50 r- tory for coeds, was called "The the university. _ Coop" by university men. prob- Wells Hall •replaced an earlier ' Bes«ey Hall was just re there. Fairehiiii Theater took its name ironically from George T. Fair- child. a man who would not attend WHO but PAXTEMI'O- the theater because of its im¬ coulJ possibly perfst: moral influences. He did, however, pants that fit like tailor- encourage a love of drama in his t Hi. I M»A. a panorama of jilass, people and noise, overtook* some of the finest football action in the.uorld. The pre** box pro- mades at an easy-to-tak, capacity as professor of English vide* fur member* of new >pa per : .taffs, television and radio stations, teletype crews, mo\ie photographers, and quests of the university. and the first librarian at the col¬ price! Personally pro- . lege. portioned to your heiuh-. Giltner Hall stand.? |n memory and contours, there's ti Press Box Busy During Football Games of Ward Giltner, Dean of the Gol- lege of Veterinary Medicine from 1923 to 194S. He added the fifth year to the vet. med. program. size to fit you withou- alterations . . , lineo completely from top-to. With the construction of Giltner 51.000 The pro*.* b«>\ wn« com- i This deck also include* 20 wired fact that the press bo* is not m toe . . . absolutely invo Hall, the anatomy arid surgery plctclv rebuilt to include unrkiiig Western I'mop position*, a UO i financial liability. It pays for its were joined. i!>!e closure with mira¬ pn-« ■>eat'» for 100 newspaper position te'ephoi twork oper- own wav and then some, he said.; building? - a! J T. >Ti,(on ,r,l ltd:, autions Anthonr H.ll b«r, th. n.m. of culous "SLY" hiddf u liter3, light radio booth* and a public addrt"* *y*t«»m. a d si.a. k bai* at en.U. p,v f.,r th. uh of th* pre.. L Aathonjr, prof—or of zipper. Tr>' them on . .. Macklin fie'd became .^nartan The lower de«"k is the photo¬ Subw ,.,J M, radio stations dairy aejetice end dean of ogrifu]. and live! stadium in 1 -1 7 ami with the ad- graph*!'* deck with posits' ' * f..r r.iv in elceaa of «t.«00 to rover a tur* <"r «»• *•»'!"- ditinti of the two tipper deck*, it aboi.t IPO i-a:; erami-n. Television, ean.,. Jentson Gymnasium and r .eld- ! house was constructed with funds reached it* present *eatinir cap o - movie and new*reel cameras are NEWSPAPERS, because it i? from the half-miUion-doliar estate ity of At thi« time the located here. f. :t they don't exploit the games'left to the university by Fred C. present pre** Inix was built be The idwer nd deck* booth f<>r oflU- ai gat-*t* . f the The present pre** box ha* th»ee«.-»•«, H> • e President John pny. voted team follower work;"if level * which face the \ Hani ah a'id other top 'eve t'.e field and two additional level* lo¬ !••»:* eii't i tain .{Wtitiguisbed Profits from the operation of pre** box go into a fund for Olin Memorial Health Center wa* named in honor of Richard SOLID PLAIDS of the general university tue, Stabiey. M. Olin, the first full-time campus cated below the stand*. c-e-r* university. THE TM* l»Kl K i* for radio * PHFSS I.M M.F, «*a?,i g .vj.i i physician. 12.98 • 14.98 and official game mot .r photo¬ about J 50 persons, is another step graphers. This dc- k include* 11 below the photographers' deck , radio booths, the f1»• id public a>i- a d i* out of sight of the field. Complete Optical ~~ dre*« system, scoreboard booths, Free pre-game hot lunches are team spotter booth*, ami a game *erved here for the press box staff Service | movie booth. and worker*. Subiev noted that 4u Michigan Beneath th* pre** lounge i* the jI radio stations va ry each Ms-hi- darkroom area containing *tx Cliiui gxn State home game, wh e only three-room photographic suites. ! lfi, and mostly northern stations,> These suites are equipped with Ho A* (carry each I'mversity of Michigan facilities for rapid development THE FOOTBALL ACTION i« going strong on the (home game. |and enlarging of pictures. They nut side, hut the prev* corps are cUm and reUiited- j Stabiey said three official game are occupied by various news- |movies are taken by MSI'' per-j papers and wire services. Pictures The original press box was dedi-j sonnel. One i* a hlark and white are sent direct on rational wires IOHkm •$: Oft. i. CkriiHi tad H. It^Titk, OfJiiMHiifs mat lan air. f »»> IIOB S'l t M Mil htat* New* Feature Writer ca'.-d in E'24 at rhe Michigan- J close up for use on Duffy l'augh- from these rooms to newspapers M.vh gan State game. The press erty's Sunday rve» :'ig te!evi*ion : ai.1 over the country. Michigan S'.-.t" I'nitiT*;! consisted of four poles sup- show- A second w le angle len* i Stab'ey said a photograph of • 1 as one the f.a.llm i porting a black and white movie is taker . key p,ay in the game can be taken, IMF UiiK 1935'**w the first for future *t ■;> a-d exchange develope*!, put on a wire and uata> pre?** -aid Fro: W. 1 X . ? •»,. v i is re i-1' many ri.»w additions to the stadium.' purposes wtth other B.g Ten • seatcxi 26.OO0 spectator*, school* A third movie, taken in. within 20 minutes be laying on the desk of a California or New CORAL CABLES' tor of *i»tiru information. si id the same time, the press box. color, is shown at special meetings York newspaper ready for the w glass inclosed, added such ira-; of clubs and organiiatior*. evening etiiUnr, heat and couple The middle level is the working ILFORNO ■ • >wf! »u '* as a "THE PRESS BOA has set its « of ratio boom*. pre** drk It has ltd fixed teat* : ;* let* addition rai*e«i the but by using a third row nf seats' 0svn rtvxn U. As far krww,'* Sub ey said, "xho Mich- seating capacity of MackUn field the deck can take care of over t;ie igin >..« e-Nt»'re Dime game at i i^on s'.a.iiURi's name I to 2U0 writer*. — |i S -*•'»- wa> um biggest, m*vst .cum- preht»n.i.vo coverage of any .. RESTAURANT.. {Single athletic event ever hcM.", II itches' Shir in f.Mncbctli" ! Four national ra.iio networks (broadcasted the game throughout the mime tluit mmlr PIZZA famout in I.outing i the country east of the Rocky \ V N I \\s not a; •'MACBETH'* IS piav cf mountain r The armed forces a ra : > network broadcasted 'the OPEN DAILY 5 P.M. - 2 A. >1. Sews i cat are VX 11 • • g p.ay", but brevity was re- darkness and uU-od. M d of t . ■1. ,;?•••( for pi ay a which were writ- , scenes take at night, the * ■* sh.--rt wave to armed for rr* over sea* It was the NT A A 'en for the court. King James j murders occur at night and they — AI-SO SPECIALIZING IN — w*« a pat on of fi.vakespeare. i are blixvly affairs. The wiuhe* college game of the week on TV, .Si.ast spvare has mixed fact i continually reinforce h * ambi- eight to fen m»>*;e* and news reels and t. with fivt.i'-n m "Macbeth.'* There turn in tie eight, time and the recorded the game on film, and * ITALIAN IIA—Ill * wax a h ng Macbeth who ruled to round cut th * coverage, a , gho*t* appear a*, a night meal I * i >. oilnnd from X'Ma to 1057. He Macbeth" i« a!«o a play «f heavy coilection of national press "VI* parti' id was k. i« d \ y the son --f the right- f.i; k:r.g he had murdered in or- f tr.a p»wr hun¬ bhakespcare showra Maclwth a», guilt. The imagery « f clothing QUANOT gry Ma* beta a v.-1 h:-* Udy and their tragic M!\KF>PIARE vr..t« the a dec ent man who ta tempted by ambition and cannot r»*i". He worn by Ma.leth do not quite gradually disintegrates through- j fit him , i» u?e*! to show that tilt garment.* In.uranre Acrncv BAR'B-Q-RIBS AuU>mobile I lahiltty la play for King Jame* for a court, •e play, lie has commited a i Macbeth" is prolukbly the most p.rrformatke. K u-.g James w as an *xpert on witchcraft w:,..-cb pr«b- mcrtgl he has dot« ie and abhors what | artistic of all »f '.Shakespeare's plays- , tor young aad out of Stale drivers Dinner* • Saark* • Sandairhr* • Pizza where there are men. ab;y arfcafiti for Jsh.-ikrepeare'* having used the will t « me that IVe Handle t anreiled there are he doe*, Jame* « auppveed aiso And Refused Kkfci Mill * to be tf the same liUSfr as Ban- quo tt the pUy. Cy/6w/iaflcw The eariivst written record of cut n Mtn •"Maclwrth** was obmt ItlO U» 1611 It dU tuil appear In print- MUTE TAKE MT SEfffl6t Mansmooth* Grip-Tab shirts ...100 cotton. needs ironing Plas sow tv ysur 0 I. > Mill. m BERMUDA College Week If »w Ire Oram & HEY! BRODY MEN! 1961 t ASH A CARRY Faah:<>na;'« aci practaCA: too. Nomord fotunf with studs tfc« Grip-Tab collar a&apa tc- biuer, busier, . fttfeer, with plenty cf roam for yoar tii. No better thai evei. mor« darit.g th« busiest day... Man- • a Informal Ih* fiw» t wwfctaBkiaf 4*OnO b» start lb) at ttw H**.h bwach party at Uh> ymr . the ! : tial. tirailr A Ilomogruurtl "Mild" date hattan Mara»i»Ui drici smooth, stays smooth and wrinkle-fre* ill day, thanks to cschwivu Kcaene Nixtmi1 * Check right you have enwvgh Manhattan MansmootJi Grip-Tab Ad-da* vru.o# to fin tori.- St, 39c • iW*l# liin»:.o.-n. CaSypso imva, shirts... dues any man? '— - • • It.rlHO 1 **niua Tuunawwmt C-Mlrg* \\ Mrk Coil C.xufWUtklW. SCQO • • Collaga Talent Bevu*. tf estival '' -oral groupa, *ith jaw * oxiImu 1201 K. Graatl Khrr k k • taaibna Ka-I Laa*ins • S«xh 'jwwxok • S-* -«• < "■:! aa.1 Tct!n«» Troph«*w 3035 K. Mich. A»i YCH.'RS AT Nt) CTtAHilK 4b%osltcheklros. Ju-t Wf»l of Srar* --BERMUDA Troda Davalopmaitt lesr* *;a hen. a.« . Y*ri to * r. UNSMt FIMINNNTS 80. WOLVERINE 113 N. WASHINGTON fnmSPAT, NOVEMBER IT. 19« 41. Tank tva I".. an t Sigma Theta Ep< - * , .jjvjay proclaimed Nov. 13, the governor's, rep-arks by Development fund toxn'<' One of the rew techH'iues be- Venus 43 Luxurious : r.».... ..I rd.. „ a. < ton-gh. ■ r.-_ Metr >du*t sptnic* ooror/y V rpxe-American day in pre*. J »h:i A. Hannah, and * ( »*»«w eowe 9^1 gifts total- ire u»*i . fund rai-irc i* the T Unite of fur H • .* a graduate c f the L'ru- &Ri !ralf rTi;.v. rapsc.'.y of the strong bonds show including slides of the'5®* Ittt4tt.l4 have been added teic^ canvass, developed 13 To lower m 45 \r •».* verity of lad.a and -* ____ ; - ,nd!y relations between Philippine Islands. a.-.i folk to the collection this 'par. I bp MSI* an, t-e fniv.-.-iity .•! ih.sei graduate work in aocia; studies „o eountr:e5. 's"ng,ar.d dances I TWi repeeaent. an ineraeae of Lojifv: c 14 Charm 4:'i B t of Pf*S i >-ne three year a 15 Cons-~ed 4.1 Ext ret M'or-ael worked •: a nuso-cr. ^laff to Jiff! G,"fv obae™ ^ : ' that -he .he observance .. e:i b> hv P,0pt™ " V * f 3W- soda! dancing ani r«. IMU.40J.IJ owe the fund «al a*. !« Ber staken f-ghtless t» • of the McthocLst churn .n J-Hep executive commit- relation is to continue1 freshment* are to be serve i. last year at this,fcu time. 1I .' ,ier th *' »*>.. .ystent. mm sre 13 The chosen b rd I ... and was a 19fiD delegate . I Last November, UK jI(u.eaned per-anar* by gnMuatea m, 13- Myself 4. T 50 N**e \ 'u irti Solution of Veete'day'e Pu*« e f. - : -l.i !# she MaUwdJt Go "» »"» 41 t"w» ,l Z) Eiectr .e c * Michigan State News totalise ITS J, ITbad bsan re- " lonim-,;' :ty who i.'ur.tier Lat na^e conference, the supreme 5.SO p ir. ieetvad. the service* to the fund. p:.rt.e'.e 2 Firmness of 11 Deprec.atidn 22 f! Twisted Campua Classifieds Low Cost I Perpetually . . . 1 Ksbert C. Toil, dirartor. says T'rf development office appoints, 23 Anrcy 54 Everpreen purpose 12 Cufc.c mors perssns mse hart been .Urn- ,lum'' <*l*":"r'i in Mtchsean and 23 Perer.r.ial 55 Chi'led 3 Toem meters nlatsd to Cite thi. year baeause "u'" f ,"K',e Hr*' IT'S SWEATER TIME 5* To leave 17 Staff ;"»• herb 4 Cr. letter of a -ehallsnce mff offer made "-r.,'r* 2" Sooner thin abandoned 5 Wmter £1 Diff cult CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS peftf 53 Setefn.r.e to fond chairmen in May. , ' >n th'" 21 Broad Rr.rj fiO Rejects a* .th ^ Sequence problem An alumnus, who eKooaes to re. Il»'h,r * " •*v" »*n* of t->- 3 ' Lor.f pincers 7 Note of th# 24 Your.| goat main anonymou*. hau prwniaed to ^ w'u,1;r:* te^in4; ' • thr' 32 tx *:> contempt scale 25 Barters for l.heek . ,. our terrific HEADLINE: 5:00 p.m. Tuesday for Thursday paper. give $1,000 for each fall pmnt- Jfund-lK' ch*' en,f,> °*er- «r<1 »u«- 33 Irr.ape DOWN' S Jap rice money Bills payable 9-12 and 1-5 Monday through 34 Fodder p.S 1. Ore if "The paste Friday. Sfs point alumni yartkipation in-1 pr'.'* ".* ro«sin.e Kirt amounts, creasta esar last ysar K. oru. sr. kept of tot rop. i 35 Type measure Twree Mus¬ keteers" 9 Govern 10 Alert * 25 Intervening: law Selection — ED Mill EXT. 2815 And for each alumni danor «"a,ljn. If nc-cary. r. lire re-! 29. Cut off whose gift at least aeualt the m)'1<" <*»ri;- "r>* "r-! to In-rsons . • • 4 4 ' 3! False ha.r |„ 4 * IMS areraee gift of II# TO. the * Resting them It - 3^ Shipsd.ary automotive housing challenger will give li.00. '*»•• •!»""*•' J ! ■■ 36 Make -sr. Jest Shawl Bulky Totals used to figure the chsT- «"<* ' ** More than half I I 3* Sweet potato fO* MNT longer * gift will be tboee of De- 'r*m v Ihe Nhawl Bulky U the , 3i Frighten# ]*., MCA • BEST OITER , .ember SI ' I960 "h * ore of the lea»t exper.*.ve 1 4. Decorates latest and the greatest in t:i«rr bcdroou tionrnx itr.eth..>d« »eh«Ac." Toll *AVi. " And .. mrt flaw.** « ran* n..»r:hw*9v' rear *.•,.<>;> uuf 42 uteres Rer.t <>r rur<.n,rf p-.ioa. n» . .... 1-TliT I oarte Sl»*i month Iv range* w.ii rent ! or p_ir,-na«e IV 5-«a>l *,> •Room At The ;" :o 8 Lv K'-' f 44 To w eigh down romlorubly collar i* warm featured shawl along \ JJ 47 Stubborn UNA PPHOVFD HOUSING FOR it 1 with the smart button, Top'Is Rarity I .H. Week person, 0 .'J FMO STANDARD \-3. GOOD : fr ua8 ,» L- elH,- a'.jdef* J' a 53 s;*J Ca-i after 1 pm. 4J N>^r lake Lansing until June Call '* R 1 colloq. front coat look An arras 5! Ocear. - V.*3~crsTOU •n-.-r-o »■' Ca.l ED t-nth TWO-: H-V** r " "Take *hat you want . and Features Sluuv N ri 53 One cf the of color*, including char- 42 ASAtTMENtS . . olive. : r Harold r«y for it.'* e* | 1 *• " • Islands aM CHIVROLTT. TWO - DOOR FOR FAMILY-FVLLY fuenaMaq In author John Brain's owr. Union Board weak i* coming 54 Instead of oc*«v-glide Very food T*1 "oori arartinenv ail uhr»e» worda, this is the sum ©f the fj si 2.or. hei'e: early The annua! t:i winter term. 2 66 Doctor cf . • 'V-'-g cJOdXVtr. Cad ED J-22D ^miahed p.riuJig one b.oa« i-w ntuch-hailad British nove! and L 41 i Centra; oc*h-*.-<. idea! for fam • v with neek will include preaeitatsors " " 't D vanity; OTHERS S7.93 to 19.95 » -•* 1 *** one ch.:id. 444 n.untn ED I-J5T4 film, "Room at the Top," to be cf art. talent, fashion*, jsu, a ,, •bbr *1 WNAUL* DAUFHLVE. SUN «een at Michigan today and to¬ variety show and dance. 5fl Huthemum roo ED S -0032 & TI.SFE ROO:: FURNISHED unit morrow at 7 and 9 P.M. in Fair- Aryone wishing to work on the symbcl C.iri-.a f f houvk.-eiM- g facilities • r ♦ PCNTTAC KAKDTOP WHITE a math younger man. Tim latter et* and program*. Theme cf the wish to have an 2»> E. GRAND RIVER activity listed on The calendar wil! be handed IHOCWS if portrayed by Laurence Harvey, •how will bo announced shortly, i winter term's Union board c*len- out *• r.yyioiTH TWO :>OOH V.« during registration. who received aa Academy Award —LI-? after 4 o m (3°S2i. c!a*oi-u!' -0 nomination for hit role. . But the atory dee* not atop at LATH .A, r«e>A; -: fVu W»F r Mpf R PfliU the right taste because for sale ;! very furoiafted. taxge paneUd comfortably twe bocsittir.* room an— faayla-Thtrt ia oamhor wma- a inenoer winwon aleiail t SEE W3U TUiA A k"V VA S'itJ " TUI OLD f rrf ia^. ED SI1L AND HOWELL mc\.e Cam- PORTABLE l-WI 44 { *"iv-te r.s ed a-jri -• -kg >»a*uEt$ FOR Sali bath one b.ucfc from .a, > . > com- 4i 'fcf ■miBer Sear*, wha ta Lhe vehkta cf th* ■aa'R awMtteiw to rue " 7. above hto daaa. Tha laaulf ed kAP0UT AiX' H ; T.x; Viceroys got it. »-i « vt Zoom 4ena. aix nv nina old S-4M4 After I p rtu IV e-*«£J 4l IWT 10 wide »r 3» •et up TWO n ghaded lot BEDROOM Eaceiler-t condition PALACE. See at D-l be- I hi* aaiag aae waiaan ta athtoee pergonal goal* whila at tha aaasa at both ends -y*H COCKTAIL D«IS&fcs. u hmd Popisr* Reauurpnt East Grand tgirted. veiVorn torquci*# H.vrr 837 V; of coarao, oathtag hat track. The • arl_0'*c* *D !•«« 43 younc man daaa pay far what ha rt£E ■1 ?r-i-.g Koda« movie film reg- FILM WITH developing • personal won to. i-SJ>* S2 2S *>c »;*<« and w*t»ite Aa a ftha, "Bama at tha Tapl ' GOT |; v r-iv-r St f« S3 .tt KIXS HOWLAND HOUSF INVITES •* Mare* Pre'eriotK** Center nen t * a pte a-ro imffee hour M< tha novel'• or- • at *»*»:; Drug More et I'rand >r f, v» Nattonal tf da'- rrnj rj No* can u\* kr.n Street 2l. 7 § pm. Learn how *l» en room and board ED I-*M1 41 gtnal eraatar dtolar** that it i*. to hit ha*wladh'. "tha hrat film 'i./uraov : ~Y MOTOROLA MAHOGA- veratea of a aavai aatmly to ..o»t Sunoeam AFTER LAST NIGHT the "Blue utufv the t rnr.v a (ia«r new. lamp, large p. • Angel' too. waata to try to Pe a D , \\USWCA Ai ■* ID I-2MI u to can give any that" -•"SOLA TV J?' CONSOLE FOR THE FINEST In dance more . oaer.-.*\iied Witt !?s Bud soangie- Doo Snutn. Ji S-. ■.-:«•« x-r small port-' Hrsun. Boebv **t»vsn» plus k. «;en anvtime after outers. Fhone the Bud-Mur >i 112,' I Svarun VL-a«-» IV 3-0*24 « STUDENT*' shop 3PC3 Vine Street pien»e rrf parxir* TOM'S weet of Read Campus Classifieds 9:S0 a.m. to 5:3(> p.m. acraae fro-n .National Fond an* BENNY DAVIS fctore Hourt A\U1D THE BUSH Catt ED X-14TL LAVALXSBS PINS. Perry tae>r» • RECOGNITION The Cord Everyday for Values ece> •• fr-m Haer.e Pu !<1;rf ED I-C51 X-MAS LAY-A-WAT vr> SONUS STAMPS SERVICE IIEBIINARR'S' TYPING THLSEA AND ter-i pe- i t*-» Pa fieri* -mi publicity, the- Carry extra shoes in * ■>! H THOMPSON < -i WnMn Offset IHip.^atta*. 0*1 71 f RAN DOR JEWELER , I " *" Grar.d Ri»er. Ea>*. Laoa-n*. ED tf a TYPING • ED t-«14 U.« B 1 »JSu> "RLE DICK U* VUle*e »e twir »" lat I II" SMART SHOE TOTE •* M*h. with mattrea* t* T»« umary tubs to. apartment TYPING SERVICE AVi - • ta ed bin «o rail ED POTT aCrr • pm. v* w-NE INTERESTED IN A E S * TVPIST AVAILABLE ie YEARS Hi-Fi and Srereo com- * * »t » . u to-y e pin*, ■ocresertal *22 •."*? J •orfe. ealiepe decree pm to wriur. car. ED MM* TSTICN SOCIAL CHAIRMEN ' • a rm or huoee cords. «ee EXPER- THESIS AND ajiliral • * 1 twwo tint Acmes trem typxn* Eleetrt.- ! - • h....4ui(. ED W7U U SS.C7,'£r!3S «-n. UNT m • aaual »•« SX — "■ aaeer, *17*. ED ! AL't TV aravjex an na mi FACULTY NEW "att ' *■' »« ED T-H33 *3 * RI^' TO amateu* red.o . t.T» CoLs *4 to Astenoae -» • «i-4CB Si-ort »nt and V* »n«tia receiver Cuat >— : %1" tranotuner. One J-5*. . . .■ - v-_ , ^ »T>;e teteprapft key Ore sG warn and pert* *ua ran teed New m*.9 ; "* maltwhen—ted W>- WWr wulo ®»1e .- -reeae wt'h your rude krv ■ carduray, Unad peortace Ut* , • ** • f*rU*atee. Comaie-e ; TVs Id* so-e. PNoee IV .'i-* t -facta frura around Ve for SIoo at a aocrifu'* with whito prion acrylic pile, » 4K. MPa/ateiy. Coil Kirtre at Saartan take that atom pair ... in N>o imorl junior tilhouettoi . TYPING DONE 15 ■* 7ui**e li-ilie. ED a-4'J3 real ESTATE tl aDaaa la oyt*... an a trip ... c TYPING. ED 3-413* Tnaa HaU Km- Tata hat a fun up lop iothion coverogo lor Comput -Atrf-s .foiEST HILLS'. Three - *-5 deo. ""typing done IN my I r.' 4-Ofcl *n*f 4 prv soon •venti or career schedule! T*.' AND RADIO senrj^e SpeAat km rates te aiudeti'.* New a»4 u-d TV m'.i and a.--.*rn,*f Free tut* left: Double breasted bock c.tee aw c f."* pa-' W* • *» *f * prr. o-... TV ftcw^iace IV I-44M L»- »■ W E M-tr-Xi." belted st)rle with convertible f iaIS TO FLY at Sfefea A*D- , tj-n • L-. w Ra'.aa - Three ***** e Plastic In Un or block patent TEUONOTAnON POP on AMw t - ph**-* hood-collar. Right-. Chin-collor •;:r»*ert - WlrtiU. ICanaes u *. •* v.b»i«tmaa Stauoa Wa- : . ' — • CO 3-4Ton a* eypjj- Ann *n«* Nee pfsace clonic with giant -r- .,.. ._ :**" 1 »,. in i4jH lectxss Ijfeint'X O Fabrics in block, not;, patch pocket!. mi -n Eoch in loden green, loupe, or SPECIAL—T eo pia.n toeu or ua~t r**J ^ST and FOUND *1*0. Salts, dreate*. pay ware* to yaara u* buome- «e^ w " fWe champagne. 5-15 sixoi. M.fJ put the aoarsle in Spartan unD.ieire^ W I>DA?I S COBUVMYAJ3 r» sav cUAxna. a*a via- atj«rf. •s:«» *<«, JAciorr • AC i H nmk »wl 1 ■—'> « rratant — ^ADTAB OaCWBKTKA anVTCT rivur THE MODERN A2BS Dance Bard Dowjrrowx in s. Washington • iv ED Emory. IV . Pram 1 ta 1* pa ees _ » EAST LANSING M» E. Graad Hirer C^'S CU1B>W)* '&0s BCADtaamr H BOUDAY .cell ED 3-3T* 1 tl . . . ... totoSOROB toto f THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 17. PAGE four MICHIGAN STATE NEWS I Alpha Kappa Alpha Sponsoring Food Drive H^r ! Eisenhower Calls NSC; Unemployment Drops In Michigan I Alpha Kappa Alpha ia spoil- j The purpose of tho f>r:'.p soring its annual Can-Can Drive. ■ to give Thanksgivcim} b^,. The number of unemployed in o:hcr d'.lcs showing eompar-. the November Issue of the Mich-, Robert Pu«s»h.srirrr. who re- dropped bv 7?.nrti to j stjvely Urge decreases i.i, un- iean Eccmomic Record. publLsh- today and Friday, from 9 of groceries to needy fv.; ■' Russia Hikes Ruble Value r. -.- rh. -an reived n ma-ter of arts degree -172.00(1 j,,' September, employment for the period are ed by the Michigan State Unt- a.m. until 4 p.m. in the con- in the Lansing-East L.t «_» course of the Un'.on building, iarca. from the unlver-ity in 1317, IPCO. The drop was eccompar.t.d Saginaw, front 10.4 per cent to versily Bureau of Business an:l AUGUSTA, fla.. AT—I'resilient Eisenhower summoned awarded a «s) ra-h award of by a decrease n the total labor 4 per cent; Bav City, from 130 Economic Bcs'ar|J' ' *j . . .. .... -i * i , , ... force of about 21,000 t> 8.3, and Detroit, from 9.8 to decrease in business activity,' his top National Security Council to his vacation head- merit at the Spnnsfield Art Mu-I Rfprwenling ,, |x,r CPPl [seasonally adjusted, for the: quartern today to reinforce a new drive to bolster the na- seum's loth annual art exhibition, | the s.a.c-5 total labor force, the 69 Additional data — appearing in! September, 1960, period. MiehigM Stole IMvenHy lion's trold and dollar resources, i currently showing in Springfield,' September unemployment fig- FOREION FILM SERIES Eisenhower cslierl fur 14 ad. 1 Mo. j '» identical with that of a ministration financial, military secretary sccr<.tary Thomas Thoma* S. Gates. The pri?e w awarded for, *vear a"0'eThe *!!£?? pmml, f-om '"wa!h!ngmnyt TS* eon'i- closed Afterward, Eisenhower dis- -Warrior.." a crramic reulptur. "''o'niy JPrhigon are. i)bw. FOR FREE he had Eisenhower Afterward. dcn*ia! miiit.uv aril foreign r'l>scd hr hjd approved approved aa ser- •.»! inch«-.« hijrh. ing an increase :n unemploy- rr irl ROOM AT THE TOP of sweeping directives *wecPlW directives or- Mr RU9,abarger is assistant ment for the August-September ;es P icv'leads to f'.v fam Wash- dcring l's cf .uveromen, „e„e.« .„d confidential re-] 1edT™"" the' prof„><>r «fof ,rl lt th, fntv,,-1 j^^iod f.iwr- peninsula ^which posted ^e aV>per tne rr»f«..r ington for a »ri st View of government economy departments to reduce » ^ . 5.1 amount of money they spend sity of Missouri. He is a nal've; percentage in September British Film Academy Winner fnoves he has decided to invoke abroad. ! of Corydon, Ind., received an A.B. j compared with 4.S per cent for, In advance of the cabinet- He also^Tjadg it clear Ander-' degree from Wittenberg College' August, "BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR!" level session. Eisenhower was to make public tonight a 2">00- son has his personal when he visits Wist Germany, uate work backing in Springfield, and has done grad-' yi;nt registered the largest in ceramic art and'warns in getting its workers t/2 Rtlloi of Coko, nlarrinK tvord "white paper" outlining emergency moves he hopes will British and French leaders next painting at week to ask them * > share Ohio State University.; fcack on the job as unemploy- ! ment dropped from 26.000 Noel Beer er Oraago SIMONE SIGNORET put the government on a strong-, of the Vnulti-billion dol- er financial footing. more August to 7.300 in September WHh 2 Reg. Oh Ron Pino "Bent Foreiim Aclrewl" ,ir cost Of rcnnoaiif aid to un- $rjrltc(. Fiction Show I960. Completion of the annual Eisenhower's action under¬ with derdeveloped areas. , model changeover in the nuio- scored the administration's: Anderson and Gates were due I PP*4PlltPfI 1)V llroilv mounting worry over the con-' to return for tomorrow morn¬ b.le industry probably account¬ (Plain Chersr Exrlurlnl) I.AI REXCE HARVEY HEATHER SEARS ed for the large gain. tinuing flight overseas of Amer¬ ing's meetjpg along with Sucre- Hrwiy radio is presenting a ican gold and dollars. FAtRCHII.D THEATRE ' • .rv of State Christian A. Her- special nix-part aerial th a week General Intelligence C ;of called "The Pay of the Triffida." VARSITY DRIVE IN TIIE GAP between what the -. Thurs^ Fri. — Nov. 17 & tS government spend.* and what it AIU-n W. Dulles ant Gen. earns overseas soared to a near man Lemnitaer, chairman.of I.y-'This aeienee-fiction drama is the given each night at 11:10 p.m. on DISC SHOP 7 and 9 p.m. record 54 3 billion annual rate joint chiefs of staff. ' the Gordie McCaw ihow. 323 East Grand River Admission: 50c In the July-September quarter. Russia's sudden hiking of the academy awards (NEXT TO KEWTEE'S) ED 2-6817 value of its ruble Monday add¬ ed a cold war flavor to what East lansin-'s previously had can problem in been an Ameri¬ the western (Inly Exrltisive DeNvery Service 8:30 AN EVINING WITH money markets. Record Shop BURGESS MEREDITH T. e white house in announc¬ ing today's NSC meeting sought to portray it as a normal get OPEN EVERY EVENING ENDS TONIGHT — "ETERNAL WALTZ" together of the presidcn"s top PIOOOAM INTOtNATION CALL ED 1-8817 advisors. But. in 2? trip* t» his favorite Y»u ran buy lirkrts tor all prrlormance* rich! up lo golfing retrea'. Eisenhower has show time! Box off lee open dally |* ta 9 pm. VI'ARTS TOMOBBOH convened only a few such top- I e pnrauuNcca onuti I level meetings. Nlchtx .1 l» M. fSun. 7J«) ... KM IIT. PAVED 'he way far It MA II. Sun. A Hoi. Mill 3 P. M. ._«.•# I >HW lm*4 leVMU' vestcrday bv discussing the ad¬ Oil PER* W>« A S it. SHU. 1:30 V. M. -11 23 ■ mm m iu awn enwio e«i«e (AST LANSING PHONE ED.2 2814 plight riu.r.u ministration's financial (hlltfrm (iindrr III Mt Thfalrr r w th Treasury Secretary Rob¬ HOME OF THE BEST FOREIGN FILMS A WW* PWRITT ert Id. Anderson and defense When «rd-»TnTTr^«!r7^nno»5^rn2!Inrt7Jni?S^ij1mpe* envelope. Plans in SmiTtjlkrUlKE ADULTS 90c _ FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. Swing CNEiiiit STARTS FRIDAY For Employee Christmas Party Joivw Although moot of us have not given Christmai much thought CapfairtsTaWe as yet. a large group of employ-, ,<«»* have been busy with plans Thei f .r an annual Christmas j*»rty f >r non-academic employees. Every Thursday Mrs. Norma Johnston And A Five Star Special J.m Culver are co-chairmen of thru Sunday evenings the party, which Is scheduled to be held Deeemt>er 13 in the, Highlighting the Greatest from Broadai; Vnion. dancing beginning et 9:30 There will be square "I'lysMa in Nichltown" to the music of Bill Click and In Musical Merri-Men and In James Joyce Jazz Workshop tlte ballroom. lt"»b Eberhart's "A Thnrber Carnival ' orchestra will provide music, j A variety show is scheduled James Thnrber lo be. held in the IsHinge, replac-j "Winterdkt" ing a floor show that has been; held previous years. Seating ar-1 Maxwell Anderson rangements have been worked: »>ut anil the show will lv? tele-i Featuring the "Under MUkwnnd" TIl'KKTI NOW ON MU vir. r C. Morrill* "Why Prey?*: 3r PAt K \(.1NG WIVES NOCIKTY i -fl H Cherry Lane. Gueet| PRICEA THI4 ENGAGEMENT ONLY MaUaeee will S M pm. M wtll he \fr*. Key Cromerty, do- \ ifarring IM m 5 ' mg holiday dreoretions. JUNE WILKINSON CbsMren ander It .33 C'ON TUMI* OK AMY ISSUES . vt: FORUM—S p.m.. 3.7 Union. >* CHARLES-ROBERT KEANE if E \ UT-4 p.m., .12 Union. Gen- \ *rnl busire** meeting; ell mem-! -li'SSS* bete muit be ^rteenL j M PARE FIVE n•• IM Foot hall fSU Second -■ R""",r"'"'"''"i,"; Molt Wins Pitt Coach Gels PITTSBURGH. <#) -- Indefinite Pact John ward Litchfield. He aided that Co-op Block apartans to Host Mieheloscn received a contract the indefinite contract "i* an ex¬ j f.-, to indefinitely as head: pression of faith in the job | 1 stay on 21-19, with the winning tally football coach at the University, Michelosen has' done." fsi Iota I Yards NCAA Harrier Run DAVE t PRIC.III State New* IM Writer Miehelosen's old contract ex¬ coming on the last play of the of Pittsburgh. No salary terms! Mo'.ts House, led by l-irry game. pire* at the end of this season. . were announced. In his nearly six years at Pitt, , Bidwc'd. defeated Beal House For Bower House, it was Sam "IBs job is just as permanent the 44-year-old coach has a 33- I i-0 Tuesday night to clinch Osbourn and Ji>hn Krogulecki mine," said Chancellor Ed¬ liiockiiiff by Offensive The host of the ration's as 23-5 record. collejri- tiold* arid Young have been tneir block championship. combining for all three touch¬ : ato cross country rurner* con¬ State's best thi* year. Young won Both team* found that the downs. Osbourn passed to Krn- verge on the Michigan State cam- the Big Ten title and placed third muddy field hindered them. The gulecki for the first two extra Line Very Important j pus next Monday (Nov. 21) for!- in the IC4A meet. the 22nd annual NCAA champion- j Entries for the meet have pour¬ | only scoring in the first half points. Tho last point after ornwoon h.unea \>u« Sport* Writer bawb.M 5qu.d thi. »princ Walker, wha will be piav n; ed in from all of IT" .thlrtr. from country, with San Francisco State sections of the came when Real's quarterback touchdown came on a pass from 'fumbled the ball In his own Osbourn to Dan Duncan. : end-zone for a safety. Jack Rink ran over the goal: PARTY ANYONE? college.* and m.iversitie* have the most distant representative. ' in his final collegiate game thus entered the four-mile race with From the Southwest beside* In the second, half House began to move. Undefeat-; j Molts line for Elsworth's first score. The second Elsworth tally j . n*\ State's foot ball Saturday, has been a standout Hointon'n A1 Lawrence back to Houston come Arkansas and ! ed. and only scored upon In one1 came when Bob Menzies pass¬ - |• inclf in a tie for who shifted from guard last defend his individual champion- Texas. From the Rocky Moun¬ game, they came "back strongly J ed to Dave Slater in the end-' OADES MAS A COMPLETE hip and the ho*t Spartans trying tain area come the Air Force ; Bidwell intercepted a Beal pass zone. ftlace in tatal offense in spring to bolster the tack.e for ft rep0at team win. Academy and Colorado State, anil ; and ran 33 yards dawn a slip¬ Their final score and extra n : lit statistic? rel&ased corps. He lettered in both hi! srtKUNC TIME on the For- from the South comes Ctemnon pery field far the first touch-' point were made on passes' LINE OF PARTY FOODS AND trailing Oitio State's sophom.uv and junior years at t.«t Aker* Coif course i* 11 :d0 College. Yale is a newcomer down. He then passed to Dave from Rink to Slater. the guard posit; n. a.m.. with the start and finish of among Eastern entries. —— Tenniswood for the extra point.! Tie third Elsworth TD came Spartans havo sained Mandors. considered . tivni- thl' ««• at a point just south of TIIE COMPLETE LISTING of Motts second touchdown was j set up by Bidwell's second in-1 with less than seemingly a minute to wrapping play,; the BEVERAGES. a-is on the around and Mu|ous bloi.kln. iUf, ho;d„ the course clubhou.c, schools entered: Alfred, Arkan¬ up Lawrence, tlje 19." 9 winner in sas Brown, Buffalo, Central Mich¬ j terception of the evening. Two game. However, Bower House ■ in the air. In com- down the ee'iuv pus- the time of 20:.'if«.7, looms a* the igan. Chicago. C'lemson, Colorado 'downs later Bidwell throw to' . obviously had other plans—a.< . dotal in the firs'. It ion. He has been injured in favorite Pat Smith, who in turn, passed ' " again for the individual State. Connecticut, DePauw. East¬ they powered back to score.1 S'ite ha* averaged t;K' Paur- win. But the Spartans face seri¬ I back to Bidwell for the final Elsworth was hindered by the So. When You Slock L |» -' ' ern Michigan, Georgetown, Hous¬ . . den has been thrown or. hi* de- iscore. two minute ruling and were un¬ r.vs rushing per game ;v.n>;Vt» un an end STEREO SYSTEM ■ considerable amount of aveun tnrow the in the NCAA Wayne State. Western Michigan, To Caiii|iun Slio|i|iiii|>. meet last year, and from Jerry track team. Wichita, Wisconsin, Yale, and Brandstatter. t h leai.r- A*hn:orc, Western Michigan; Iowa. >. the back did tne score:- on the team. also hani- Robert Lowe, from Brown; Hilly Sou id Michigan State he suc¬ START WITH AN carrying, and lev 1 * offe ■-i\v ct Mill.*, from Kansas, and Billy cessful in it* title defense, it will PARTY GOERS uiul PARTY HI.CO STEREO AMP- ,,j revived credit for it in and ha- proved an able pass re- K»\v,nold* and herald Young, of be a winner for the ninth time in ^undav papers. No where cciver in recen: game- Munigan Mate. the history of the meet. No other PREAP, EASY TO 1IUILD THROWERS WILL l.OVE OADE'S. (i j a headline read ' Walker When you watch the Spartan* ASHMORL H AS WON Mid- school ha* won so many cham¬ tvo-A- •< key block a* Hatcher in the future, occas.onall> e.-n- American and CCC titles two pionships. Spartan wins have KIT ONLY P „r. ' touchdown." centrate on the wav the : n«- •- years running. Lowe won the come in 193V. I'.U.v 1949. 1V52, 4 T'-t , •, :fcn«ive line has a big doing their a**.gnment Without IC4A meet at New York last 195t». IVfa. and 19.VJ. Next in line ?i0. They have to clear ?h*m. the backs can do \vr> week; Mill* rank* at the top of are Drake, Indiana, and Venn 569.95 OADE IS PREDICTING MSli . r xv- for the plunging full-, the Big Eight picture, and Key- State, with three title* each. Jrt-ii a--, t the fleet footed half* Kansas is the top producer of SI .ORES RIGHT TO TIIE EM) - They have to be fleet individual champs in the meet, ev/ug-i • ' get downficld ahead >niC ball-carrier to eliminate Intramural Schedule with four titles Drake, Dame and Rhode Island each have Notre STOP IN AND CHECK Football Uvrnt H'dtuintun individual titles. »t pposition. They must be :nd Round won two veic and effective on trap- Prat lire Held l>aiib|p% HIS SCORE HOARD. """"•TKn ,[,» Af thf. 'hi* Phi l»e|t* *» I elibate* 7 H«ihrr v*. latl Shan p; a* b.ock.r.g. blockil _ The i«ze o. me 7;gi—u* v». short streak* lluttMlirid Br*an MEMO I'All and KEFILI. * i a bv the back is proportional size . 7f» flf we 0. the noie * n»—«.au\ir« »». iijM.r, provided. ,," Vv—M..«.nshmer* \«. I nbiano HnUrtl hole pnoiuia. %rm*trnn2 r$ »inilf< H*:h»r COMPLETE STEREO SYSTEM M_Hrv||| „ wtnn,r Bryan l-J Huttrrdrld *». Ilrun I'd to this week, yardage wa« Touch i»ei.i I'uKkkill Indrprndpnt OF ASSEMBLED COMPONENTS , ,r Af u, Northwestern, t ?-V—fhi P»i \% Hirta chi uV« * l*-Brv«ii * ** luvcr. Mr* 4i» !-1 ! Evan* lioublr* A Scholar, w Bill *>tnclc« Gtorgi's Barber — OADE'S GROCERY . , blocking . , Howrf.eid came * a—- \i lv.% Teams should report to the IM v.roiign and three long gams ' w—Tinv Tt«er»_%•». wtaaer Ecan* Jted Mhiilir-J S)uo|rs : office to up match cards. Shop Hf*i»nsible for much of the irnifon | Rav S ruit and Larry Ilirach- b ts custom-fit thanks to DONEGAL'S canny use of Acrylic AcriianTthe knit that won't shrink or stretch, needs practically no Ironing Finished «HN handfMM buttons, embr; o«red pocket crest...aia'fo t is itthan «v mmUL..\ •.. 3.93 DONEGAL H Biv »•» vnlvy* un»v»vll»i« 9*1#! for bMlfWM. Ifi. urn. pratmionif oteupoBon .. . ado find, d hjrd to »o»i«t »ny ch.ll.nat... yvu'm unuw.l opportundiM for p.tKXi.1 Mid DruncM *pt to diicowf uniqut vativftction tnd opportunty in Thar, .r* op—ting, throughout th* country in m ing of nm-n. or diract mi. Slacks If. dynwic f*td of vl.clrwiic 7h» mtrMinc proewng. of Mi pfOCOOting I***"' '» chillonging H yon on o candMoli tar o kodMnro or tnd f.tcinabng. Aft— compivhoinno Mfning. you wotk to . OUT*. M r..t-C»4> *r. tr».iti»*.tif «•»* mmagamont owcutivo. in dfvoffo Mtfuttrioo, rtudy Qev. (Ml IH.t, •IfUV f.r Ik.M UU«. Ufnt ft*, buontu Of K—ntiftc ptoMom., H«fO oof Bit oohi- WM -id —rang, tar «i Intarutan. H fan pratar. tail tat bM« ) .'->!* 1—4 . F— -»* TklW for! SMI. H--"1 V—' font by UM Of ■ to artta — uU m.: .■ - ■ .o. . ■.. ■ 1 ,, I olri 14—I *« su i*.rs—t CuttonMf In Otdling Wo ooMnno Mo Willi. iSw; s» • Am', at —S Iwctrenic da Mr. *. f. to—Duff, Branch Minn-. IBM Corp., di. Utw f— HAl W MAS. BOB B. TTll"' I* " In.. Untang 7. Mich.. IV 4-B3M ' putiundmg, tochnkolly tfOMwd noting SMALL'S SUPER ACRJLAN da lljr ALLEN DATA PftOClitlNa DIllS'ON '*» f'trm n. «Mhlag(«i 1 THl'RSDAV, NOVEMBER IT. I960 PAGE SIX MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Drunk New Yorker Cleared of Bombing* Reds May Free NEW YORK, WVA drunken * "" *to police, •" According he a!v Behind the Scenes at AUSG told them that "I blew up thi Two Yank Fliers unemployed metal polisher was Andrea Doria and I'm going grabbed by police today who blow up the U.S." MOSCOW, LTV—-Rumors in said he mumblingly indicated The t Iie Andrea Doria was MU118 ,, and not just the intellect,' ment is to represent forcefully must necessarily be ih* -accord' diplomatic circles here say the By JODY HOWARD and coordination of the activi- man a possible connection with New Italian "passenger liner , such a practice would be con-! and actively the student body with the gnat, and objective, of Sovi<_. L.nijn Joon miy frc* two State New* SUff Writer I t:es of all student organizations. the institution of which it is a York's recent bombing spree.[sank off Massachusetts thn§ trary to the educational pur¬ in its relations with the faculty (Ed-1 no;*: ThU is the first; and administration. pgj., j imprisoned American> as But he was soon cleared. ' years ago. j, jf'SG \,rr»»irv poses of AUSG. of a series of articles aimed at Such a practice would de-| Usually the biggest problem Such education is reciprocal^ goodwill gesture to Prgsldent- j informing the student body oft- While falling short-af-its sta- prive the government members: is the administration; this is an —Student Government pr°-j elect John F. Kennedy. They administration - dominated uni¬ vides this institution with in- The Michigan Slate ' the Burpo*. She structurc snd student Govern- of valuable educational exper¬ . snrlntf the functions of A'l-I niversi-_ ience in dealing with both stu¬ versity. formation relative to student *hot do*n lj>t 5pnn* ty Srudent Government.) nt scrvc" mi,nv neccawry dents and faculty members, in Barry Boughton. Congress Fi¬ objectives, desires and lntcrcsts,Lwhile flying an RB47 rcconna.s- The preamble of the AUSG and significant functions at 1 practical situations, experience . nance committee chairman: The and the institution provides ttu*jMRc£ piane near Soviet terri- Constitution sets forth the fol-. MSU. lowing purposes: to provide, f r full student representation Most of the administrative a textbook. a :'•< of AUSG could be hand- which can't be gleaned It would deprive the general from purpose of Student Government! dents with Opportunities for ed- ,orv is to promote the interests of j ucation in the students. It does not accom¬ classroom. areas outride the ' polder, t Eisenhower made the release of Capts. John had CONSERVATIVE CLUB all matters pertinent to student led by several full-time admin- student body of representative plish that purpose because there! Such reciprocal education con¬ R. McCone of Topeka, Kans . and affairs; to promote all thing* of :>-:rator«, in many cases more and collective communication is no meaningful communica¬ tributes greatly to the educa¬ Freeman 1*. Olmstead of Elmira, presents value and of general welfare to efficiently and at less expense, with the .administration on tion between AUSG and the' tional mission of the univer¬ N.Y.. a precondition for a new the students and the univer-u'y. Yet here, where emphasis is many significant issues. Al¬ student body. sity community. and to assist in the integration plied upon educating the whole though the majority of the stu¬ Why? Because Congress rep-1 summit meeting.# |)r. Richard M. Weaver Jim Anderson, speaker pro Tie guess of some diplomats dents take little advantage of re^entatives don't make trc ne-; tern of Congress: Effective Stu¬ here is that if the two fliers are the representative voice offer¬ cessary effort, because the stu-! dent government serves a vari¬ I'rnf. of English. I'niv. of ChicsRn released, the Russians would 3000 Summer Jobs s L/rnlff ed them, it is important that this avenue for expression of dents don't to Congress for aid in solving their ety of functions which arc com¬ hold an unptiblieized trial, con¬ prob-j plementary to the classroom vict them of espionage as often opinion remain open to them for lems, and because the State, educational experiences of the "THE CONSERVATIVE CAUSE" jfVdventure such tupe as they feel a need News does not contain worth¬ student. threatened and then expel them in Europe r it. Also many present functions while articles that would faci¬ litate the communication Its most important function from the country. be¬ is to serve as a forum for the « l ur-day. November «. 8 p.m. Room 33,1 nion Build. .1. reedom * — and services would not exist at tween the students and AUSG. articulation and interaction of ASIS European SAFARI Student Govern¬ Fldon Nnnnamakrr. Asst. Di¬ ideas about issues of concern to ^ rrulturation all ment without sponsorship, since the ad¬ rector Men's Division: The pri¬ the student, both in his rule as i#lst ** Michigan Stale I'niversity ministration does not wish to be mary purpose of student self- a student and a, a cituien./ Write to: J Romance bothered with such things as government is educational, and AUSG also serves as a means |"vf *,n„al.rvnlivi»t» vFI VARUS* I vclllvt ^ All MSI" Student- and the General Public American Student Information Service the small loans, polio shots, stu¬ of communication of these ideas! dent health insurance, etc. , between students and faculty or Richard M. Weaver, pro- Are Cordially In* ited a- Gue-t* Jahnaiiaaaa 54a, Frankfurt/Main, Germany | nexpenalve AUSG, through committee i ID-A7 Aft VCU administration. feseor of English at the I niver- and C<>ngre>i< resolutions,' {/ *30i.V3 TO ctT .He work AUSG provides ita members, sit>* «f Chicago, will be the next KKHE ADMISSION has initiated several important If FwVpctTriWr with the opportunity to devel- speaker in the 1960-61 I.ecture all-university programs and op effective leadership abilities' Series sponsored by th.- Michigan changes. For example, they were and to develop a deeper under- State Conservative club. Me will Serving You j responsible for the name change from MNC to MSU and for the standing of the intricacies and' talk on "The Conservative rau«e" subtleties of the governmental! in room 3-1 of the Union building, I ROTC resolution of last year, j ZION PRODUCTS With 4 Barbers process. | Tuesday, at 8 p.m. He has contributed many ar- I Rrnl Irrnu Meal * * * j tides and reviews to various per- To- summarize, white the reali iodimls euch as National Review Only At M \RI.V*S Delirulewen DOHM'S BARBER SHOP | Unfortunately there ts a sub-j stantial discrepancy the ideal and the realized fun-' between; falls short of the ways, the and ideal in many real is still a valuable] necessary part of MSU.' and Modern Akp. Me is Associate Editor of the latter, Weaver is author of several FRESH IIOMKMADK (Cnnrnur-e) I ctinnj of AUSG. With more interest and respect books of which -Ideas Have Con- j Ideally Student Government! of students and ad-! sequences.** published in H»44, has Italian Bread and Koll- B-16 FRANDOR AVE. | is an organized political body,J «>n the part ministration, as well as govern-j appeared in several printings. Mis Italian Sau-ase I accomplishing by democratic TI'KS. — SAT. 8:00 . 5:30 land representative means, the ment members, Student Govern-, othrr books include ''The Ethics ment could overcome its faults;of Rhetoric" and "Composition: l.a-aena and Ravioli governing of students by atu- dents. and live up to its full potential!A Course in Writing and Khet- Pie-. Pa-trie-, and as an effective governing body, oric." In reality the organization Chee-eeahe. and representation fall short ! of this ideal, due to apathy onj i j the part of the general student body even more than to j government members. the ("THAT UUKNCeJZ _ PLAYTIME! Frtsh Maria's Pizza Ideally the policies and ac¬ l''ay Ca«l» for hapartafl Chtasa aid Caaaad loads tions are of students and by the Student respected and heeded Government adminis¬ by Y x-*«- Fun and Relaxation. OPEN DAILY tration In reality the student concep¬ MARIA'S tion of AUSG as a powerless KIM FUSTIC PUYNN CARDS Delicate*-en ID a.m. • 3 a.iu. body doea much to contribute to its present limited power. Jhe (all IV 9d).»21 or IV 9-1196 administration Is painfully ig¬ norant of the governing and ed¬ ConfptM — Bridgeport - ucational potential of AUSG. Yat the burden raata upon the Crown — Rnwrll Deluxe — students. If they would give 9 to 6 greater support to their repre¬ double dvki -11.69 up a.m. p.m. Every Day sentatives and to Congress res¬ olutions, the administration Sat. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. would in short order begin to I realize the significance of Stu¬ Bridge Tabic Coven — S2.9H up dent Government, Cribbage Board* — 91.00 up CALIFORNIA STYLED Ideally AUSG is a gathering of able leaders who sre think¬ Poker Chip- — 91.00 up Outstanding Styles ing first of siding the univer¬ * CORDUROY SLACKS sity, and only secondly of their own bitions. prestige and personal am¬ The State News Published by the Students of (Jin* Seta — $2.01) up for Actually too many of the Michigan State University, Is¬ "STYLED BY AJ VV government officers are inter-! sued eVe-i primarily in class days, Monday becoming through Friday, during the fall, Campus Career RE8ULAR S5.95 VALUE! t DMOCs. Elections are too oft-i en popularity contests, with lit¬ tle attentUwi paid to the cendi- East weekly during the summer term. I Second clssa postage paid at I0NERS MACHINCS. INC. $ Lansing, Michigan. ONLY Limit 2 lo a r Cti-lonnr'a ability. AUSG M ember* $ f'iew» The value end the aburtcom-1 at Editorial and 341 business Student Service* offices' build-! ing, Michigan State University, | East Lansing, Michigan. IV 4-7744 As man which the style searches departs from conscious for that the ings of AUSG are summed up! ordinary . . . refreshing:? | well in She following opinions J 00 LEN KOSITCHEKS VARSITY SNOP on the purposes of Student 81 00 different m style and fab¬ Government: ***** Barter! speaker ric pattern, yet reflecting of 22H IM. E. Ian»iii|! Oxigram: The primary respon¬ good taste, he turns to L' 00 r COOK BOOKS 1 / sibility of any student govern. Holden an-t Reid for his We Believe Our I'lpe Department Has the wlection of fine clothe*. o,uu**im rt„ w Tm fan/. M Pipe Knife Suit- and Top Coat* With The Pwthasn Of A 81 (Ml Ssa Osr Big lrt I^^^WPsMBnpB .V>.9.» to 153.IHI LORD WINDSOR Th# Mtrrit C hrmtmnn M Bnk It Sport Coal- j.1 4 SiMfl# Frtark C—ktry « $11 00 29.93 lo 90.00 PIPE Th# ARC of G#vn*#t Catkiry 91 1L a. Qnt#a of Hrarta Cook Hink At Th# ABC of CookUiU . »1 . Slaek* 13.93 lo 40.00 Th, ARC of Barbara, SI Saad la Hva,,. The ABC of Wiae Cuhn - SI laNar la Siaiple Italiaa Cookery si Short* . Recaiara . Law* • E\ Loac* The ABC •( Caaaae* SI The ARC of Chafing DL-h Cookery SI >uxn Raaaha I® - I I re* Altera!Imi* The Meltiac Pot (A cook beak of a|| aaUM■a) II 1MHMY. FRIDAY AND 39 . 611. so — Day Charge Aemaat- flilslan Bill is » A Fspaiar Pocket 5« - T Kaao M. Uf^^i^ (W ^IUSit tiBntuMS mm MMfuntrt: o Rale Irish tg h M a . 19 uck • Half sag Half • FHsre Albert • Km (Mm 69 oo HOLDEN • Velvet m REID "Satisfaction guaraniecl or your money Lack"' CC A D C uLaKj Price* Do Not Include Sttft* Sale, Tax »ui *. mw a**ni DM. M ka L U. I. I ML a mm air. x riMM it mu Spartan Book Store FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER Tan. ul la a. u.» ix r. h FACING THE FAMOUS TRIANGLE -Fmami Bread, Far Dad aad Imi"