Serving MSU For 51 Year* VOLUME 25. NO. 97 EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 19«n PRICE 5 CENTS Navy Rushes to Aid Latin American Neighbors Ike Orders Ex-Dishwasher Admits iUnits Into Illinois Park Slayings I Caribbean | At lit'STA. li. IIP— rrwiitrnt Kisfnhower has rushrti U.S. Navy OTTAWA. ILL., UP) — A thought was a purse. As he tore back into the cave. The death i «• irkv confessed >t from Mrs. Murphy, breaking ex-dishwasher fight took place Just outside. «ai>hip> and air units into posi¬ to defend revolt-threatened " ts.t k« Khidacnnod thrc* lhc straP' today that h i "w thal 11 wa* a W««cr wa» °!,c of thc first tion - camera. Then, he pleaded with persons questioned by invest!- tiuatemula and Nit aracua against women to death last spring in jncense(t women to go far- gators after bodies of the three any coninuinist-led attack. a canyon of Starved Rock State ther into the canyon and give women found March 16. were The vacation White House an- red the emergency action park. j him a chance to escape. They found some of the same n ours The slayings first were told They finally acceded to the kitchen twine used to tic the; Thursday in a clear warning to by Chester Otto Weger, 21, of stocky, tousle-haired Weger. victims in his pocket. i Cuba's Prime Minister Fidel Cas¬ nearby U Salle, In a semi-hv- Rut he stalked them, still intent, • I tro tokeep hands otf both Central sterical, sobbing confession, upon robbery. At the closest end ' 5°. s American .Republic*. Then afterward, allowing almost of the canyon. he menaced mo". 'or emp,oy" °' Till PRKSIHENT acted amid exuberant relief, he re-enacted them with a heavy piece of k'[chrn to use tne twine, and mounting tension 111 the Carib- t e killings of last March. i tree limb, then hcrdcvt them to ^hpr* aPm*. ~~ i^ar- after Guatemala and Nica¬ They happened, he said, be- a small cave and tied them to- they h.fdn t gotten rid of it ragua fought off anti-govenunent cmse his victims wouldn't co- zcther with twine he had taken SiUd uas "e * writing letters at the time the . revolt * and charged Castro with operate in his attempt to rob from the lodge kitchen, ' believed to have fieni. V Up to that point, Weger said. . women were helping the re be is. been slain. N Swiftly answering written an- In • series of swift moves to he had not thought of killing. He didn't have an alibi wit¬ * nd up the 8-month-old case. ^>cal* for heir. Kisenhower or. ness. He had a tresh cut on hi.s oered Fieri units, includ¬ Navy .ivdrac# M.init W.g.r «»« I Tir.n Turn -is thev would. chin. He said he nicked it with ing at least one airrrnft carriei, 1 to a grand Jury lata J't ,°"®w m'" J* ",d- "B"J to "seek out and prevent" any *^av Ms. Murphy decided to fight a razor. There were Apparently. «hc parted the i him. scores of possible outride invasion. AUTHORITIES RELA TED kitchen twine with her hands other leads, and investigators "Our ahips are now on the high I at the web of accusing cir- Tnen: found no * firm grounds on ¬ «*■« '' said Press Secretary .lames » jr*vstanc€s had been closing "When I started back, she which to hold Weger at the <• Hageitv wim reported Eisen¬ a-ound Weger slowly*for many came after me on the path." time hower's decision. xeek*. He hgi worked in the he said. "She hit me on the A be detector test administer-; The President's spokesman re¬ .Starved Rock State Park lodge back of the heal with toe bin- ed to a!i lodge employes was fused to identify the fWt units *■. the time of the slayings. oculars. I reached for tie club evaluated as inconclusive in •ent into the trouble area or to In rapid sequence, after Weg- as she hit me. and 1 turned Welter's case. Two months ago} pinpoint their exact locution, f* began to tell his story be- and struck her on the back of asecond test was administered' (IN WASHINGTON, the Navy Veen sob* at 1:4A am., he was the head by Stephen ,T. Kindig. of a ITS A SERIOUS BUSINESS—Prtparinit f»r th* trr, N.Y. Dr. Hans I .ant pi nill direct the orchestra saitl the carrier is the Shangri-La arraigned on three murderj He carried the unconscious Chicago lie detector operating first I nivrrxily ronrrrt of th* momhi Sundny in including an enlarged string section (TO violins, five, which with four destroyers from marge* and eight lesser charges woman back to the cave where office, involving other case* the other women, partly free of fatrrhilH Ihratrr arr lloris Mohlir. left, ronrcrt mi— eelli, and four siring basses) and a uiM»dwtnd and May port. Fla , is patrolling th«« * arthbean between Cuba and the Then, taken in chains to the the- bonds tned to fight him Irrss anil Ann UrYronane. hlim Mohlir was gradu¬ brass ensemble. Concert lime is I p.m. Slate News roavt nf Central America ) *'ve » park, he led authorities "One tried to scratch me I >ng St. Louis Canyon, re-en- don't know which one." Weger Traveler ate from thr Eastman Srhnnl nf Musir al iturhrs- Photo by Arl Wirland. U.S warship* often carry Ma¬ aboard. But Hagerty raid rine* acting the killing of Mrs Lit- said. "I'd laid the club down. the an ■ Oettinc. 50. Mrs. Mildred but I picked it up and hit them In Lansing warship* sent to help Gfiate- Undquut, 50, and Mrs. Francis so thev couldn't identify me. Murphy, 4". all wives of Y»u*;- They Jay hack. I kept striking r»*f* executives who lived in them ** For Weekend On Segrcgution Issue ( id 111 »1111^ •imiiiik: • 1 Ii\ U1 T thr warship* sent 1 ,m",a *ml s,rmim*"agua did not hava *nY Marine infant | them, *0 far infantry unita with as he far as he knew. Eisenhower porwonallv ordered J! vers id., Chlrara suburb Schools Ask 'Cool-off Period Debates ! • ..... the naval move late Wednesday, The three women had gone ** T MR*. Ml ■rill, bail >v,-.wr to th. park fra a bn.f 'W*»- «■« «P Vd.T on Mirrh It Aftra Main I™**' A world Neighbors, Dr. William S. traveler for World Har-| on Hagerty said, after an urgent telephone call from fsprretary of '■inch ,t th. they set ou' tr , hlko which look Hi em In ]'T'- J*' "»• in.t m. « i* th* hmnru- *<*•• ,ndK1"» "T mon, area will be in the ... Sunday. today through n by disorder.-* that Lanamg swept the city last night, NEW ORLEANS, arrested f.Ti—Shak- Put ice tnishcd cars tiiroughout a motion filed by Samuel Roe- enbm'k. t ie board's attorney „ Red China State Washington. Hertet Christian. A. hun Herter in to. r,nyon. . ,i«t. n.rr« de- «*"• he radd. I W.hrad m. Harmon ,|amMn ij ^rrftor of ,dml ^ director v. the Nr.s admin* throujh U... terue city.the New,nMr,|y 4,0.M.0n. t^o-fc'ore youths vuulh, for lor The motion d .1 not ask th,' (.uatemaia advised and that hotn 'f * in limestone strata at b.rwvu,ars and ciuooed ncr. s»ne the Orleans Soitool ard board tt»day today ' , , the Integra, inn order l»c v»c.»t- MSU UN w.d fiim't Nicaragua, utration of World , ... ww7«d» fe:: book. «» t I Mat her until of World Netfhbor,. UtraUun Inc. fcdrra, p.rm;Uilon "*!,t* n**-UTaw,n« ...l |; k(., t„ e»«r tern- .4'' and vo'.r alarmed at the possibility of ni"te 11 killed her." non-government, Inc . a non-government, non- jor a recrj,5 a non* integration of The school board's move to priA. t » work out .» solution to ■ o •• a im-1- iiili-goveinment Uprising, hid' WEGER* WHO has a wife and He told of feeling the pulses political and non-denomination- #Lubilc .,-iiooL. return to segregated schools un- the bitter d.spute between .wg- C' loaight at 8 in tne U S. iimvmI assistance. , _ he spotted the three women m thev were dead, and then, be- He is "" ichedulel students in New Orleans state can be ironed out came onider. . Cri" ; tx.;.r<.K«ri' Eisenhower then gave his in- the canyon on a foray to snatch cause te thought circlrvf at. tne Uniing Rotary club_ at. playH truanl todflV| ]im of a l)« i'4.i>« rwin^fntmi t .-arwe Mructions by phone to Defense tiie topic: "The nurse and gvt some money* plane he *3'A- atHisss the canyon iKion today total k,„„ white enrollment of 3U.- __ and German*-" nave area* »po- Srctvtary Thomas ,S. Gates at the He approached! the wtwnen •r.d made a grab for what he rtm might spot the crime, he Common Man and the Common -05 dragged the women's n'5 t>«li« Prutlrm-Wur'.d Atlrr tbM. from 4.13 to huj* A frm>inl bo,,,,., „f 3l rlr.'!. liU,. > U. S. Must Up Exports, ken at the Campus UN General Pentagon. Jntoki-atMl Red Chine**:, aiw tne r seating "°° lr7ln;* la.; Mrinda.jy ^ ,oout narhnl ha* )»*•*:n -upporttvl bv the Un-; Commerce Secretary Says DebateTearasTravel SXfa* i. At h i , - 3« pm. th* tr**trr Un. dt,ntl ' prM*r*i" u"'' l«0 this morning. Three white *tu- w#rM -N"*h- Fran;; ki.ik,:. nmw „ , WlnUm LINDA LOTRirN.i: P»rr-"; at w*k..; o,w,.,n4 HV ;UkI for Other and Su e aga.r** proportion. I960 Band at MdD^- ^'Opportunities are open in tonight, in cor{crer.-ce ac-i To I>ir* will hear and meet Har¬ sute News Staff Writer 'Europe a" well a l«itin Amef. tual pfi'icy of Nc* York UN Numbers Albion, Bradley nogh No 19 School iri >n ia the woman's parlor, Tie United States, in ordbr to km for the exjiorting of Amer- ct nj Pc liiles- church. The public is IKIWNTOW V New Orleans stimulate business and continue ican-madt* products," he said. in v. ted. tvent a Is >ut its workaday' bus- exiwnditures abroad, must THE f AMPI M I N ci>- 1e"- I-abate team* ar* traveling to Albion and Peoria, III., tlii* •erkend to participate in tournament,. Nmilay morning he wRl speak inPF* today, free of the roaming crvaso itc exports, id at both services of the Peoples masses of unruly teen-agers thai irk II. Mueller, in- MINCE THEME*countries want I Trula/1 United Clal^c K;i, h;i.l UN ttw wot meet in tne bsnjght to con- £riur7dr£f • ?, h,*5,r iiuni- V Saturday States has pad aider further* u>, irt. to call on fire commerce. f«»r, A tram of four .tudenU i, p.rticip.tin,r in the Mi.-bi.ran crease in exports during the mrmb.^ ,n : - c-: r»uv in- ..... nfrir.r. Mueller spoke WeUnesdav afl- r »' mwrbinf Iniercolleiriate Speech league debate tournament at Albion glng VM chrUtian Youth cr.»n. tarda Hut, the aftermalh of ernoon in the Union ballroom past decade, tr ma lionet oraaoixation FtIv b^nd will march for the last cil in Fellowship hall. Central yesterday s violence died slowly at a lecture sponsored by the "Therefore, an export pro- UN member nation* still have time th..* : :>wFri l!" tr.sic*. j ment u accompdnymg «r, l.,,;, Heart Failure Takes Actor tne gioup : Ivato businesses to help sell more good* abroad. 'In 1959, there was a Ifi per thc cent increase in commodities ex¬ ixation Indijj., »n at king the, brrs will be AvAcmfitv to H ' on record wi't b«* * resolution of formarx-e con-j Favorite I960 num- Sharon Shutty, Oak Park played. u • critic jud#e ported than the year* before," d(.,tl Por!u:su«te 'KingGable' Gr gov-f freshman, will give a twlrlin? In TRR TRAM Will* participate three one-hour debates afiainet team* from other Mich- uaa collates *tid unireraiUe*. La*t weekend a at debate team participated in a debate tourna- North western Purdue unireraity von and MSU f » >d : Mu'Hw MM- , j The secretary of commerce . | said that investment* by pri> Hollywood was slow in real-' v , DiesinHollytvootl , mwfflt ^nial of people, ••and th*- tllega! *-• » pol tirat nnUlUI* '.11 1'-- campetitiotu. V'1lip.-llUVl in Go*, the performance. She has won rights to its rhampionship* in international T « debates will center around place. Tie four students com- CWV. HOLLYWO'O. 6D—Clark. Mrs Gable was taken to the' «mrern* which the pri- ^ fKC.iiK,-. » i of terntorv that Included marching crack'-in, vo,,. 30 . fccM* ranrt w*rra *** W,. will t*» " questMMt whether of not a' the team were: George ,.H», . . . , — — M'iham- "Eing. Went the Strings of My huxky tst star had Yived for lua Last . face and ■ htilBi Stan roughiiewn iumA hv lh« ViMtnluixer mlmin. pujorr program Lansing Junior. arotgid lumber camps, Gable iwaenriuwer. admin- . .. _ . . rna'l Tou«>i. Irani »n graduate Heart," "St U«ui» Blues," and should be adopted by the Maneihia. Swartz Creek junior, frame became the aymWM of 23 years. titration. 5 student, will>w. « came to the movie town in the dr- u»n "MSU Fight Song" F t teral Tom Steinfatt, Lxfismg soph-. ^,ncr:csn manhood to th- Sue had spent the entire time '20s to work as art extra. He- ALTHOUGH foreign trade veiopment* 10 prep^rab-*.* lor Graduating seniors will be Mr Carroll Hylton and Mr Tom RumutWR. accounts for a deficit if) the * w orld, has d ad of heart failure of his Ulness w ith him at Hoi-j recalled later: the intcrcoiJeg.alc Model UN to presented during the presents- T ibert Etnatie. speech depart* nrm soph. at .*i9 lywood Pre>byterian hospital "ETERY'RIHIY MAID, You'll budget because of the be held here next February. »lion of "MSU Shadows.H gradual# assistants will ac¬ He was king of the movie and had been certain of his re- never do anything in picture*;j fyortr<*rm ou^u^* of capital, ^ company the debate team as «*---c judge*. world from tlie moment he cover you're wt'handsome and "your ^ inereaae in exporting aids Bradley university at Peoria. Si. i» lb* draunauon .of Uw Clubs Flan (slapped Norma Shearer in "A I Free Sou!" in 1931 until death #w»d wishes He had been heartened by epr* are .too big.' I said, 'okay, in ^ struggle against Coinmun- from President maybe my ears won't look so »«n. i ... Gaiiuiia Phis to Defend came swiftly Wednesday night Eisenhrrwer and hundreds of big on the stage,* and went to * "The market \% Urge in Eur* « -r Mm. Mo Md «•«*• I I Ik IhlliCV ! fans. Wedneedsv had been lus New York " "Pe for American-made pro- Th, cravp will *wtKi«*<' '• -c-nt.ora, draw.. U* 1 ",U ; at 11. Thought to have been re- best dav since he fell ill. from a heart attack, I He had fair siiceeu on Broad- duct*, especially the unique NEWM OF GABLE** death way and was U.uring in "The but the competition is itiff ^Powder Puff Record interpretative readings. DkiiMioii» he hs1 eaten a g»»M dinner and drew a flood of sorrowful com- Last Had he-i Uk ng an evening menu from fe'low sfar* Mile'* when Hollywood "Mr dee ded to give him a chance. >r^ harrier* "Ber*u*e of the inrrca«ed m Gamma ftii l>ra • rrty —IM 'Folly Phn—.y. Monro, araior and t" *mment regulation of media. United State* policv m Tsl- nap. breathed two short He God, |*m terribly sorry." said B»g ears or no(. he was sought ^"tion between the govern- mtmi ,Mu Fat-rrW* .tjl'orol. M.blroo,. Uhnlrr »..• „u«Gm tot hoi* c.ra! .-v« »n1 -« n«-rtful of ,ctor, " r«-;v,nj w.r Fr.o, th. ray. P.IU fi.„. •vn iopics |or the oratory an AhL^LtTj^*-. grrau.'. b. tumnnoM fr—r, ,crr«, th. I^imrar. "A 0- , InkrpieUf reading difirion. h.d .1 lloliy.ood Pra,by.«i*n m*" raM M.nlyn Morro.. hi, Uracn.1 h>. II Ih.t r„bl. fir,! "T*. «. hi Uon^dollir. »r. I m,.r.,.r «A.ra.. - . r,f.ra. .r, mtvi , of b.,.h ...m. ,t .rT hmn.UI u,t ra-..»r .trurlr th. puhii. con-rlou-n.., Inv.ltwl yrarly by th. I'lvrn- Ih- .ni.u.l .... I ... ,h, I ^lu ( hoi... »h North ffuIaZkui Arab rluh. mnd ...n OAW*. h«*|f M*«. r.ABI.F- MS*. hrarl h.--'f « h.,11 -f M.r Ib.n I rah -llh • .-.l|-.lm-4 MtM* ,t lh. •"*"« •»*. b.illb... i, II, .•!»; II..,™,™) ^VKAR Rill Air M I*. Win.., mo Opm to *1! audon't. th. pat.raL l« ..... -rrs. f.v» moony prrn- (.ril »hAm „,d Vivi,n l.i«h. wilh hr ,tarr.d ia -Gone wiU, fir. of Norm, Shtarrr. in "A Invrnlim , an^ t.rbiKilOfl.,1 (rnbralm l—l Frr. Soul " It w,i , bold •(>- d.v.iopmrnti," h. raid i I Lou 1'oti.r. K«- • Loioor i A. • froin ax-MM «ttracli»n tm-boti th. t«o hm-ra -ill toninrt. mr—tin* U to b. ran Suodav nant -lib th. act-'. % uroarh In • m.-lium lh»t h,d AMtlN'AN WDfSTBV hra lor, gi*n.. flu .. M, l - -h f», louoh rorr on Old Coll.c- Sunday Concert at I pun. in 31 Vh*on. A arovi. on Braz . i n*» rap- child. Evra ha »a« ,.ncktn lb. W.nd * Hi, loo »„ a, kranlT felt by rerarayy trtatcd tra fcmal. accounted for tb. crowih in th. th. .haj|rac*r« d " B uteri f-» 1 . l-fuic th. Po-d.r. PulT Th* utaual fall coocart, pra- |,.i city, Brasil.a, and a f.lm'with coronary is'hced coach for the de/emting Highlight of the intermission " -4 by th# uolrarUty ayra- on th. Egyptian -ctor of tha day, a«o-two day, aftor com- .vary Am.rican could feel ofti But men and women alike In th. Umt«rl States during the j champion*. -will )>e judging of the' queen*, •. > r. y ordnm. will ha brood- UniMd Arah Bapubiic will t» picttsf hi, hut film — Gabl. clora tarma with Gabl. throuahj»f audj.ncn aarawd to b.; part f.w y«ar,. 1"'- °v*r WXAR and WXAK- rtoom. bad told hi* wife repeatedly: years of association with him'intrigued with the crisp-talk-; Mueller has been secretary of' Btttzen is **.»»*tci on by Each fraternity will he rcpre*rnt- An Arabic fu.'.ar »olo by Yf. "I feel terrible doing this to on the chreen. ... . • ' «ng, completely masculine ac-' commerce since August of 1959 _ ™ Bob CantreB, _ .WthfieldR.i'U— ;»jni',r ed bv one candidate who'i* * . — - j" ■4.?.-m:.Su0*y- Bcypt. and ""rawiw .. rklTn'd ^.'raby'"""' ~| ™Pc"rhao7'mor. than ,iny - other to?' - - — after rarvinz for 1 a "year —'«•«•' — tn.',ml on .I-'-.— d.f.n-, .. I. . -• Bmrara. Kipnibpr «tf the fratemity dressed - *— — '— »— - -- — h. Paumr -22IS.5? Trtt mLiLrOH.1 Laiii Wain. laat Urn-' Wtmn death came, Mr,. fi'm ,u*. ra pr.»jact«i , rant. M • stray over lh. female -as under M-ratar. of mmmere VV-ntn-S.-J.,... ■ a* a woman. A prise donated by Est.*!, larminc merchant will ~m ho fmtur. Gable -as msrtlotsad in Ls« of communication to movirao-. Cable's .took in undo M«n A r.ativ. of Grand Rapid-. Mucl. Dev. y.t I'• " a?; ,Z.Sr".rn-tk w'» •» tn~rtd I_ ta thr iKMian. IM on the"* ntrat', ac arm, of bar maid Uraisa. -ho ar.— not bv ratine, braaura he rnv.ed it Women d.sirad ,t. Mr ar.du.tcd from M.chinn Tb.tM t tl-rt N, ... ■ b«* awarded to the winning candi- muniturad to bar "Tou'r* if, ft). ww admitudiy »n» -M ■ammcuir actor.'And throurhout (rrat anvi.fnnu no »ir«s .... hi, — .... 30-yaar Stai* and* -*■"•* * -• — r rarv.d -** a member Oark. faim*- Park, Ohm :jo., dot. a, " of tha Bunt i in rW ta . ... .. ,, , . , Don't j but by the electric charge of, career Gable always won over j of the governing board for 13jioi" andNanry Martm. MuTadr.cin, ^ Aafiussjou to the -bowl game iHL gears. sophomore for Delta Gamma, ia Xrw FRIOAV. NOVEMBER 18, 19r,Q PACE TWO M I C H I G ji N STATE NEWS "There's Nothing Like A Good Smoke, Men' The Editor's Corner" Electoral College Faces Extinction WITH the state of California now swing- Inp into the Nixon camp at the time of essary at all. We not in its present think H isn't. At least form. Coed's Dilemma this writing, the distinct possibility that THE electoral college was originally set BY SUE PRICE, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF— President-Elect Kennedy may gain his up by our aristocratic friends. Alexander WITH the rapid growth of the university this fall, many office by a minority of the nation's votes Hamilton and John Adams. With an eye loom* steadily larger and larger. out for their Federalist-leaning contempo¬ problems have arisen over hours in worn ens' dorms. On- With scattered returns still to l>e heard I dorm has found it necessary to limit the hours men may raries, these people devised an ingenious from, it appears that the Vice President system whereby the more sovereign jwnv- j call for women tp 10:110 p.m.. the closing hour for fresh¬ stands a good possibility of garnering man and uppercStss women with less than a 2-point all ers in government could serve as a check more votes than his opponent, yet still against the whims of the uneducated peas¬ college, (tpperclass women above! 2-point have 11 :30 losing out in the so-called electoral college ants who made up a jrood proportion of 'hours.) Vo'e. the electorate at the time. | The reason given for the change in hours was that too V.'!iv is this? The answer is simple ! much confusion was caused by freshman women coming A quick glance at the educational stand¬ ei" ugh. ards of the electorate today serves to prove in at 10:30 and upperclass women leaving at 10:30. In Thfc crux of the Issue seems to stem from : short, no one could tell who was who and upperclass women how ridiculous this system is in our pres¬ the fact that when a man is elected presi¬ 1 wound up being deprived of having callers because of fresh- ent society. Although some pessimists dent his victory is inevitably made possible men who could not get out of the lobby on time or couldn't ' may disagree, the United States population localise he gained more electoral votes in I960 is relatively far superior in intel¬ j he trusted lo be in on time. than his opponent. Naturally, this fact ligence to its colonial ancestors when it ! Willi.E there does not not seem to be many complainu makes him extremely fond of the whole comes to grasping world and national prob¬ id; a. stemming from this action, the problem is, none-the-less lems. lone to be considered. THEItEFOItK. the presiding president Being the shrewd politician that he is, attempts to crush any erys of "foul" from First, one might say, ''What difference does an hour we have a feeling that Kennedy will give make? The women can go out at 10:30 and stay until the opposition during his administration. gt least token support to any Tnove to And because, of the relative power he 11:30." al>olish the "college" during his adminis¬ wields, the president has been successful However.'many students find they have to study until tration. 11 and need a half-hour break. Then, loo, wby should the every time clown through the years. Careful observation of the situation will SINCE he will have foun years to prove freshmen women have the privilege of having their dates his worth to the people that elected him, ;escort them into the dorms when the upperclass women, probably reveal the same thing happening earnestly hoj»e that he will allow these in the next four years. Republicans, who we [who have "earned" an extra hour, can come only to the same people to make a free, unhindered feel that they were cheated out of the j steps with their dates? Presidency,, w ill be crying "foul." And decision via a popular vote in the 1961 j Many universities and colleges have decided to institute Democrats, with Kennedy at the helm, will election. dormitories for freshmen, particularly coed living units. be shouting "sour grapes" with an equal If he has done a good job, he w ill have With a system like this, all problems of who is coming Volume. nothing to fear. If he has failed, the land who is leaving are solved. No one has to worry that All of this Is petty and serves to only possibility <»f another "Hfee oral victory" 'a freshman will try to keep upperclass hours. Upperclass disfigure the major issue — that being could weil sour our citizens into |*>liticai | women hold on to their right to have the later hours, too. w hether or not an electoral college is nec- apathy. j AN obvious question to a system like this is: "Don't it he freshmen women need some upperclass women for The Spartan Speaks [advice in the living unit?" Of course they do, but there is a simple solution to this. In the colleges that have tried the system,. Uppercla** ThumbsDown on Dorm Blocks women selected on an honor basis live in the freshman 1 dorms as resident advisors, much like the RA's in MSU [dorms. However, these women are selected for their lender- Be CATHIR MAHONKT Stata News Staff Writer | Still another viaw km taken by toilet paper l«»r sideline i Katharina Zimmarman. Home- "'"t" be quipped entertain- ship ability alone; they do not have to show financial need | in addition. In some schools the women receive room.and or When MSU .Wd.nt. III. fr,,hm.„. K.thl. fe,U Su',"!• 'T"r- (hoard in return for their services, but in most the women asked "On you think tha pr*#*nt . ' , . , , . . „ stated that she thought »• long want to have the position because it holds more honor. dorm 'block v system* promote#!th*1 th* on,y o{ ,p,r,t w a# there wa« someone cheering it .Spartan spirit?" it was aurpria-'to win tha prise offered for didn't matter whether it was THE idea of having seperate dorms is good scholastical!'. mg to discover that eight out of;block representation. Spartan spirit «r the so-called j because the freshman definitely requires more study time (lie 10 informally polled were j Paul Knrlfht. a junior from dorm spurt until ho becomes oriented to the University program. When againat tha ayatrm that haa b«- Stuart, loo a. feeU that the pres. AUn favoring the new svtein upperclass students are coming into the dorm, just about come popular thi# year. jent plan result# in no improve. w«* Hetty Atgo. I'nntiar m>p<« : the time freshmen are settled down to study, confusion Ken f'eck, Hay City aophomora. j ment in aehmd spirit. more, who feels that the spirit of results. And let's face it—if you don't acquire good study «»id "Having many individual "MSU ha# a tradition of apathy the »tudcnt« in the Klorks pro habits in your freshman year, you never will. block# only defeat* tha purposa that just ran't seem to l»e broken, motes enthusiasm among tin* for which they were formed: to i And this competition between, other student* I .otters l«i the Kditor Freshman dorms for men would be a good idea for the last reason: promote school spirit. Instead jdorma doesn't help any," he *aid. "Naturally." Betty sai-l. "Utnr acquiring good study habits. If the freshme- then i# only residence hall apirit." j Margo Nelson, West Hranch are dorm* that are bound to excel I were in separate dorms they would not, in most cases lie went on to say that dorm sophomore, had still another atti- in spirit because ■>( their sme but •pint now Ts"me»ely each hall try- itude. ing to outdo the other without re- c id to cheering on tha tram. tbi« i« goocl !•*<-« um» they promote "The dorm-hlock system is only even more enthusiasm." |a mad rush for better seats by the Hut the general attitude toward Questions U. " '• • Election Set-up •' •••"" S. j [even think that upperclass students were out while they iwere trying to get through "nat sci" and social science, l'his might also help raise the all-university mens' '»l- "f p.""" l« produr.-d under j up to, or above, the all-university womens'. average Dave bhouh, t hirago aonior, j underclassmen," she said. the dorm-block svstem «j« well- T. lh« Editor I aUo felt that the new system is A junior from Koyal Oak. Jun represented hy I'rte IMIsrinn, the pre..,lent klw.y. rep- thai art .nlled, Ihea whyratllw. thi.Weaort get thi* sort of mth- [ can "competition between; Howell, sarcastically said: "t on- Milford junior: remit the majnrity vote! , h.« k katloMl #We«ioh and anile rarrely ary insight only by listening to.: dmma and do**n't reieet er pro-1 gratulatious to Hryan Hill for "Down with dorm hhnk# if the If you —r. t« a-k II" .v, tut't" for thi.. Ik. Ml Important dr. tnnlght only evaluating wry intelligently and hy li.l.mrutho** I 'Ciii-hstoiic Coiiinieiit*- mote the school spirit «n the starting aome enthusiasm at our block# continue t-> con-pete with I Stall', otizin Ik.■ qui. ctaloo Ik. AowritaO »«'" m.kC who believe' in thi# system, and. whole." I football games. Their spirit was one another." he »anl. "l et's have ti-n you would | f«t »n ' I km writing Ihi. l.ttir JIin th'a ex- nnt fr<"" tint.-* who arc slanted f . "The competition between j especially appreciated at the Ohio more group support with com ilonns is not only juvenile because 1 State kmiiio. During the second hined blotk-. if we must have of the throwing of toilet paper, half when the supporter# and ap- blub* at *11," affirmative .n.wit „ „ , „ «... U.t r'*J' kn»» hOW 'hope. tk.t other .ot.r. **-!*£« «•»" J*«" th» m"" •*Wt».q»«k in nur n.n k, A Comeback? ,k.. no M' «f -i-mocr-y .q., fr-dnn' " hut is is detrimental to the spec- patently the team- gave up tight- "Per««>nailje tontmued, "I'd p,e*ident is elected Snmt of you m.y ..y Ih.l ..v 'i,i, _ nn ,« thnt listening to another point of fr'",(,r'; —By I.ARRV MILLER. Editorial Editor- ^^ ^ . In Article II. Section I »f the one ha* cop- up with a better ^ ^ ^ ... th tatora in the lower stands," com- ing. Bi^an Hall gave the 7d,000:hke to *ce blot k# ti- ue away ^ ^ •I Judy Chiger, a freshman plus audience something to watch and a return to real ;*p*i tan spirit Constitution, the manner in which . way yet. Weil, must sometlitrg i ^ eru pieeting? A- anipu# organisation that al-1 "basic#" will, no doubt, thank l.a«-n. New Jersey. Fair l.awn. : and cheer for." cheerlea.ier# with jdjrectwi tby;• the rheerleaiier# {directed « president t* to he elected i# out-1 replace it ? ^ u Gary Warner J ' |iona|4 Syju'ons most di#f| spring seems to them wholeheartedly for this on "I don't think there i# any "I hope this Saturday »» ha*e all the student* t-heern ir for ti e |mVd. If you *ere to read this, * ★ * be making a strong bid for a j portunity to get important faet- * * * Sand concepts straightened out !•-, *ing to uut-yell ,„u eould *ee that the old saying comeback thi* term. *pn it." she concluded. ipow—-so «r eon't hare to ea*tt ■ each other." (-majority rulf." h.- «» . in the election of the Tre-ulent el il... U.-j./qf, ««ff« ««•••• ! UlSOgrCC! ^ We're speako g of Froth-Soph a qualified faculty member before Council, a group that ckme in for j the firing begins, more than a few nasty words on ' Othe r council plans call for Sr. j the I nited State,.1 hi. is because ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Mlt„r; S'lzkitiiik iii 'Gapitol I'laylioiiM-' ,..1 the electoral colleue. ... W hen Provost Millrr stat.vl; ... The I ommunista open In- the*e pages !a»t year when it ap- creased aid to the aoloful fre-h- I This marmer of voting for the hi| jn >,«. fAVored tent ion to overthrow si demo peared that they were accomplish- j man who is attending a large m ' president doe.*n t represent a ma-»)}ftinsr the Communist speaker cranes leave* no doubt about j ing nothing except occupying [ stitution of learning for the first (Nasty time, a* well a# a 10-cert tax «>.• Hllty ,.f th,- v. t. r, of II- «■»»«• tan, h. mo-t r.rttin!y did not which nation i# their numlH-r one i valuable office «pac ''Really BigSlietv'Back Again Ur\. It only represents each j individual^ Ameiua n^inlc of the Communist party a* objective, and the mo*t effective • i being **ju«t another party." In- j method for them is infiltrating the ; should uske up to this • n^jidhe r*elis««i that Communism schools of thut nation. rumor hud it at the time that the all incoming freshmen beginning Frosh-Soph officers were engage*! nest [ in a power struggle for pos.-e** year. This latter contribu¬ tion should put an end to lb- Hy iTIITH lilt II VHDS j ridicule and lampoon th* *ut« of past because of the di»i>eu*ion of . is the form of government that Judging from the past the Coni- | of tiitt one desk with the tcle- dreaded one dollar collection ths' State Newa t apitol It»porter ! .Michigai the two a»' gioup*. Many will say that "We have to ro|M OVft uj, p«opie on thi#; uium.*ta have no moral*. A Com- i phone i seniors have *een sprung on then But the Sei.ate is mote organ- «lo it tin* way. It's th* way | munist speaker on our campus | going But it look* a* if this year is. at registration in previous yea —r. rompl.t-l I Tl,« "" '• '"» isetl. It is !«»! by comedian Carlton forefathers set it up In the Con* | He also knows that Communism i would probably try to twist to be a different story, our j Faced with extinction, the organ¬ Though there may still be mm kl.nut k «—k ■(<• to «t.«. • r- <•«' •• Ihk K»nkt. Morri*. u ho ha* a nautical act stitution '' jig in direct-opposition to Democ- j thinking in every possible way. isation work to l>e done, Fro#h-Sm turn rnekk.llinnt of th- «,lh" ,he «"»• »' K'S ca! e»l "Torpeito that Income Tax " fo t' I* 1 *ay U;Mt the Constitu- racy, and in order for us to com- j What be wfiuTJ #ay could be *o For a change of pace, the ion can be and has been amended seems to be pulling itself the bootstraps by offering j council seems to be winning vaudeville troupe which took th*. resentattve*. A professional or j hat Una mighty force we must j riddled with half-truth* and lie* fight to stay on campus. They've state by storm last season. _jfamiation known a# the Kepuhii- Democrat# follow Morris' number m i. e past. Tlicr*'s no reason thoroughly understand it. (that one could readily have great j expanded programs nf assistance I done it with a supply of fr* Focal patrons of the theater cans boast# of a majority in b«»th with a satiiicai ditty entitled. "\V why t'ne entire electoral college i He maet sot only understand difficulty in discerning truth from ' for ti e 1'nivereity College student j idea# ami re-defined goal*, wr will be delighted to hear thai groups but another club, the Don t Gtv* a Daipn for the Use syst« m can't I* completely aboF Jta dortriaea, but we mu*t under- fiction, and thus draw wrong c«»n-1 at MSU. , . j even a dash bf concrete tctii the group, polished with a year's Democrat*, i# unly two shy in the Tax a tul the preswient chosen on Island bow the people who belie* r conclusions—those which the Foremost anwng these en | thrown in for good measure. F experience under their belt*, will {House. Both group*, incidentally, are the in*ity vote In it tkM and act. and wbat.Communists want us to draw deavors is their attempt to --age this we give them credit. return to treat observers to more . A new director. John $wain»on.. «e*king donor* to tiname their — — - ■ ' Tl»er*/ore. Iwm.'-g « omiuui i*t a "'brush-tjp" session'for student* . In fad, the whole thing seen hilarity and gay frivolity. ; has been named to attempt to lead gay and witty presentation. The j spcasers o i the MSI' campus for of social *cmtv* and humanttie# to l^e working out so well th Sessions will be held weeknight# them. But critics hav# theorued ti«a*urc w a* fud a few yaars ago thar denying in ti e Kiva of the Kuucation we're thinking of expanding c In the capitol building |th* cast that he probably will hav* no more but opera: mg expen-e* hare been Header \>k* Valdes no other j t'ommunism reason any opportunity to buiidtng Itefore final exam*. . j criticism to other csnipu# orgar bn* arranged, as usual, to take authont> than his predece.-soi, eiimhtnc |strengthen it# foothold i>, in Any student who is "clutched' nation# a* well. Let's see a four-day vacation once a weekt. Mennen Williams, who is cur- ' K«i*mg fund# would he simple j1 my'opinion, certainly Dsn justified. the thought of hi* her | who constructively att*« Generally, the format has not rently concentrating on greater but th* groups ate >« disagree- been changed. The group, known endeavor* in the theater ment over whether a l ake sale or Did American Tourists *t mere AJurphj fir*t final exam in ore of the*e I or next. can we as the Legislature, will conceh- j Tb* House present* an a»t a cat nival would raise tho money Slams .V 1.1(7' tiaie once more on its effort# to i which has been slip shod m the !•«-*! Clause Cuban Trouble? To the- Kditor: kresjtc Lxbibil* Areliitect'd Work In your isjuie Drawings ah.f moden* of the Dow has received Internal:* ♦ Th* folio* ing queatbm ImM b«*« Ibt iMiriata were to, blame, II* of November 14, you printed a letter from the j urchdeciure oS A.Jen Dow-. Mid* a! fame or his architecture and •ubmitted to our Cuban suff mude several radical change Michigan State News Suorn Trick writer. K«m«n Valdes. hy Angel* j scape arcbitecture aud Although he did not cl,»>c the Lucia. a*M*tant professor mt laud- cusiuoa. he put • curfew on their , chapter of the NA.XCP. m, lami anhjie*-., .# now beir.g which tbex pcml blank ' . Southern xtatc*. bar none, of re- accuse urbuu [ operation. Gwmbling *i« ma :# fu».tig to permit J miihon Nrgroea : gai.enes The display will . the . shown in .. K.rvs Art centers ha* ies won xre several award# Also on display in the galler¬ • Religious Subjects run Mcuern.Graphic Arts," a French IMiUir-in-Chif f . {planning: j illegal outside of approved place* 30 religious exhibit. Munuk-mit Kilitor . Shuron Cokily At* *e suffering a •l*t«rioration |ami curbs were placed on the "ml rea«on alone—their color. oni' j ut^i} AilvvrtUinit Mqii»,er Al IVrili [ in international relations with ; light1* .districts. Soon the wave —-Southerner# • - - realise- that every-: 1 irc.iilktiun Mannn'-r I'nul Lt-.hcr |Cuba because of th* fact that tpojof tourist#*declined. thing :n regards to racial matter# i IT* Wi.'SliALTOfeeONE | ... . ;man> of our cttiten# who visit**! However. on« * he haii roi.*«h rt«>t all "peachea and cream," i t'ulta recently have failed to con- Hated himself in power, tia-tro. . TUr5T.Mf0f MEARWIi** of Michigan Stale University; Issued on . Published hy the student* duct themselves Properly while in prekumably tinder order* from * ,! * . *^u oecawsf.tsardjirPRX ii * !"»>* days Monday through Friday, during the fall, u, vi and spring ti,., nqjntrj" tv.rn^l hk.lwtad ur> n out u-Mfrt , puhliciy '* stum, that rotor ' and and with¬ "* PftAIii lU^gET 70AT* ■" It quarters, issued weekly during the summer term Second i Isn. Havana, known during the Ba¬ ltic idolising people «>i (*«'m bc- terms. $4, for three terms, 0.'" P*i ha}v» the V A AIT h«d a pwl tista tyranny as the "hot spot of jlie#H bis absurd statement-, and reason for Member of the Associated Press, Inland Daily Press Association and failing to state that ^ the Associated College press. th. C.rnb«q,-- ...! .n ImS Ikrir telrH l»«..d th. 'thkl'thi ■,Ity. Amninit tMrttta. >t-|l«M Mn »• • t J p-t prohkbly nkd Paul Butler. Un-to-l y tho ttkt-.l-.-kk h»l!«. -til) .pMiickll) kl.ln-t th. tuur. „r City Editor .. Bob Chamberlain Assistant News* Ulitamt*. .kauM k£U, ILL BE! fO IT If. Kditonal Kditor Larry Miller Chktlott. Dklton. Huwkrd Holam, SUI H).rv — ( hutrl. »nd "t.-.i lirtt" .!-• ,•»'». no, v.„, u, n p.rmitt^l to vol., I uxtioex HOW A POT ATJ Assistant Editorial Editor Hay Pratt M.tvik Vkn N... [ Irut.. -.sV-^1 to IUv,n, hy th.! Th«i,forr. I b#li,v. that thf ,, j ,0u:J not h*ve -woo p.r.' CHIP SOT All THE dIM'W Sports Editor ........ Ben Hunt* Copy Editor. . BUI Doom,.-, hun.(r-al» They money lav. j prr.vnt d.trrioration h.t«wn thi. ■ nuttoJ to ,lo >i> m th.' hiffi FfOH WAZli? Feature Editor Jess Maxwell Ann# Mky«r."h1y -.hi!, l-uhar,. .yr. ftghtinc ' country krd Cuhk if not prim.rily .tat., alao. Women's Editor Marcit Baker Photo E-hlora ... . Kit Brtchk-n. 1 their --ountrymen in the -lu. to th. ccqtduet .vempiiSftl -n Thvre a poaaibility that, if! Political Editor Joan Millsr OWkii Kink. Div. Ktuttp, Ron Jkmn, Al Rayce •U.rte ith. "Ugly Ameriean." hut NAACP »..uld »r»r"'■ huweal paapla hoUev, that sutaa. I ISHhU Nam BitklnUl ■' I mt „„r- I HI DAY. NOVEMBER 18. I960 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS PAGE THREE t! \JAbrary Head Says Building Information Notices ! I Tatro A 153.400 graftt Rccpivgs 853,400 For Science from thg Na-? ternal loads. ials after they have been sub¬ W ill Be Outgroivn in 3 Years I by which jected to these pressures, t il I I S T I A N STUDENT CATHOLIC STUDENT ORG.— tional Science foundation was This Is a process, he m » OCNIIATION—S 30 p. m.. 9 p.m.. Catholic Student Cen¬ | received this fall by Dr. C. A certain materials such as steel, said. ! Tatro, professor of applied mec¬ iron or similar products arc- "We are attempting to de- Peoples Churoh. Square ter, Dance. Dance. hanic#. subjected to loads or pressure vt'sp new technique#, apparau# I5j HOB STEWART and total yearly -circulation Is CHRISTIAN STUDENT FOUN¬ The grant will 'last two years to determine how they behave and theories," Tatro said. paratus and BY APPLYING a steady pre?- 'the dcvci ipment of material? I | per year, I)r. Richard K. third of the student body uses ent, location in 195*5. Since 11*22 XHT.HZ"' H^f^n^Cn.WOJTNG'- j MI-MAY TO.. pay the wages of student help sur-:» called "creep" a materia} that are lighter, stronger and the library every day of the dinner «nd uapin. director of libraries, said it hud been located in the build- Program. ,,0»VSHIP—Sunday, 7 p.m.. for research concerning the tend.r-to stretch and by apply¬ that can be produced in smal¬ ";i jecent interview, "We will year, he said. Art Room, Union. Owen Brain- j acoustic emission from crystal-. ing an alternating pressure or ler than before. The I t,'.roW our present library in THE LIBRARY has individual j; The iris? which i* now the museum. ST. JOHN'S STUDENT PAR-! - Sine materials subjected to ex- original library *#; situated ISII—t p.m., ard, Asst. Prof, Dept. of Art, '•fatigue." it will fracture or more you know about the ma- I i I .. half years." study chairs to accommodate in what is now the Adininistra- Catholic Stu¬ "Humanistic Developments in break. Tatro said. teriak, the more efficient mach- J -t-j... library, with a total eupac- 2.125 students at one time. dent Center, Coffee Hour, 9, ! tion huit'Iing. lj Vf 1,000,000 volumes, now has "We will have to sacrifice this ' "We arc a service agency." HILLEL—7 Im)o. Chapin said. Circulation study space if we try to put more ! Chapin said, "and our purpose » p.m.. Movie and Mixer p.m., the Arts." SAM House, HILLEL—Sunday, 5:45 HiUel House, Buffet Supper p.m. i Republicans and Th ; an elce'ronie technique inc-. automob.ies, airplanes and does n >: destroy the mater-. .i.m.lar product# you can make-* Sabbath Services. II up '.0 per cent oyer last year than 1,000,000 volumes in the | to serve the student." 1 Chapin'* goal is to hsre avail¬ LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOC. and Social. Air Platform able for the student a copy of 8:30 p.m. University Lutheran Church Bowling party and i The future of the Republican every hook, document, and maga¬ zine ever printed. pizza at church. Daly Quits ARC. j platform will be debated by mem- ! bcrs of tho Young Republican club He ha* almost reached this ir.l GOrUMET*—Saturday *(. ] KKU- YORK-John Duly, .inc¬ i goal, for if the library't ur footbaU |1M, Cafe kel- Friday at 7 p.m. in the Union lil5., Vlre,nt ln Chan, r.f have a copy of the book, it can, i lounge. i«i« »'rif News, Speciul Event# and Public am Affair, for the Amrnran Hrn.d- jI wide The club will attend a »tate- , ,n in most rase*, borrow from an¬ other library, buy it from anoth¬ li b ,," cul.I o10 Sanbath Services. study convention at 7:30 JeMtinif comp.ny, h„ ,ubmitted p.m. in the Jack Tar hotel, Lan- er collection, or arrange to have LI TIIHR %N STUDENT ORG.— | hi# resignation in a "fundamental it photographed and the film sent ! sing. Sunday. 5 30 p.m.. University j difference on policy" with ABC to the university. Lutheran Church, Supper and 1 President Uonard Coldenson, it IF A BOOK is on reserve, or Program. [ was learned today. if certain passage* of a look must he copied Ur later use, the PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED i-MIT library has a Thermo-fax ma- chine which will copy any page. Chapin said the chare ■ of 10* a page is for the special paper which is require.:. More than 500 volumes and documents are :n the often stack?, readily available to every stu- dlT:!. HOME OK THE REST IN FOREIGN FILMS Tie library subscribes to 8.000 EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING special magazines and journal-. Through several exchange pro¬ FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. . ADULTS #oc grams. it has been afcic to ac¬ quire many from be- ENTIRE NEW SHOW TONIGHT hiryl th" Iron Curtain. Eriiart Brain Wear a chunky charm bracelet The library has a staff of 2»*A persons, Chapin suid this includes ANOTHER MlARfOOS COMECY Mr, Braun announre# the lor top fashion power everywhere! 41 professional librarians, who have a masters degree in ... from author of th* riotous opening of hi# new barber Library b'» cnce. and 175 students. "Doctor la tho hoaao" aorfoa! shop In Brook field Plaita. Here, textured gold links bangled "With the acquisition of more corner of US 14 and Haga- fund-. w<* have been able to com¬ with opaque RICHARD K. CIIAPIN plete the fourth door Urn year," tforn, I# now open for hu#l- and clear crystal nug¬ Director of Libraries Chapin said. wishe# io nil hi# | This floor now includes a far- ■oot, #ee gets, bareque pearls. XDOphis tax [ ulty lounge, a 150 seat auditori- ! friend# and patrons. Plenty i 115 faculty carrels. MV nvade ; urn. an A j Campus of free parking. rarrcl is a small room w ith a! i desk and book case. I* is as¬ signed for the c«e of faculty j For ; . ;.i Agriculture members for research projects, TO MAKE available copies cf j rare and deteriorated books, mag-! uver 600 hitfh school .student - will he on campus Satur- azines, and newspaper*, ami to to attend an open house entitled "A Look at Modern conserve storage space, the li¬ Iwriculture" in the College of Ajrricultuiv. brary uses micro-forms. Micro- j 1 * oudents are scholastically - — *—* ———I forms include microfilm reels, mi-! i.jtitaniiwir juniors and seniors erocanl?, and microyrit t on cards. The agriculture career oppor-' i m f-0 high schools In Michigan. C'hapm said 2 weeks cf the tomtit* in 15 field,# will be dis¬ New York Time# can be J ry are being brought by county put on ! cussed with the students. In- • one microfilm ml, *n issue cf | i i ch;:> agent*. vocational agn- ;rc instructors, counselors and structors and student# from the Newsweek on one 3 by 5 inch J Worth'* parent-, said Dick Arnold, chair- agriculture c.ilcge will be on micrornrd, and an arc;age book ] on an 8 by 5 inch microprint card, if the open house. i hand t<» answer questions on a j gift tot of "We are now acquiring on mi¬ personal bans. They will also, crofilm. a copy cf every book , |o ravlon* have an opportunity to tour the published in the United States) ' from l(k>.« to J82f>." Chapin said.' (I will return).. lennedvi * campus. "We want to point out to the • "A file of *00 foreign newspaper* the exquisite scent o! . are now on microfilm " high school stud* nts what is hap- j Chapin reo rganized tha library • : Nan for ! pening in agriculture today. The j in li'5^ t > inebjde four basic disri- ; I purpose of the open house is to ' smns. These division# are human- j promises fulfilled, ona- dies, education, ac.ence, and ao- COLOR by DC LUXE RlCHARO (t ounce perfume and two | broaden their h nzon* in this cial science. Holiday ( area," said Vern Freeh, faculty | coordinator of tin* program, Special facilities cf the library ; * include a reading r- oa for the IHHN PFGGY 00NAL0 u de cologne; made and The visitors will be welcomed ' GREGSON • CUMMINS • SINDEN • GRAY packaged in France, imported in . ■ blind which book# printed, | WASHINGTON, »-V> A on behalf of the student body by | in Braille plus tape-becorded ma- ... quiet Thanksgiving din- president of the Agriculture | „_~.MAU>?1CC DENHAM • RICHARD WATTB I quantity. S.00 plus tax tcrtal. a for Honors Col-t at home-plus a birthday council, BUI Harrison, Middieville lege students, and » reference ! *or*:ion-i* planned by Presi- oonkir. encyclopedias, RHOWN AT 7.1i-HI , k-t e.ect JoJhn F. Kennedy - Dr. Richard >wen«i». .Itrector indexes, and room graphics. 'i | STARTS RAT. 1 P.M. L.j ^ .V1fe i of resident instruction, will speak flan-dx will fly her* from on 1>« *»lu« of feinp on t.» hi»k»r K him Beach, m: vacation education xn.l will point ont a"tn, : WtdnoKiay to spen-1 Uje «1 the thinit, hspp-nme in «m- tiv in liis Georgetown culture t™lap. <, | The student# then will be | V'.d occasion will include! broken up into small groups to ) our SurctHil. Sir •o'a' three days early of, tour campus and will be able to ^.r.hday «yf his daughter, see sci.cntitie demonstrations with- ■aliti*, i In the college. is w asiiable, weatherproof I *~.;ne will be three years The program is being sponsor- \ -• 27. ; etl jointly by the Agriculture \\ ide-wale corduroy [TV. n-> information* council and tic Agriculture Kdu- p- K' . • • NOW! Come Up...All The Way Up top itylinr srith action comfort. smi 134.04 $29 00 Pint Taxr# to the MENTHOL MAGIC Olive, loden Mies 38 to 46. trreen or bark. (t oiKOOL! White Gold M4-00 39.95 I3I.H 1 $44-00 rius Taxes Ladle* Ring* Avalable In When your trs*.e tellx you Tellow Gold A White Gold . it's tme icr a change, Greek Letter* Encntoled remember: O1I7 Kod— for $2-00 no regular luier cigarette, HH DEPOSIT REQURED no other menthol cigarette— MEN'S SHOP WTTII ORDER gives you real Menthol Magic! RANNEY NEXT TO Jeoden 1 —• * — -n- -rinrra STATE THEATER II r' " * Friday, November u, i9w) MICHIGAN STATE NEWS r.xr.n roru VH Ikmer Canrrlli;l AFROTC. Officer Here for Visit Identity'-Nye The Union d.nw , .| 'Novelists Desire Col. William J. Davitt, recent¬ He will present awards to dis¬ Saturdky night has bet. »,r.^ I tinguished air force cadets Fri¬ led beeaua# of conflicting d3ncfI V ly appointed AFROTC assistant day evening and will be given a by TFT:-Pan He! and Coinaunl the books may be written In commandant, will arrive Friday briefing on the operation of the Ball. 1 Ctrntfuipurury American novel-; to #*k tf.f r'-nder to linilcrst.n.l chronological order.*' from AFROTC headquarters at AFROTC cadet wing headquar¬ 1-t .0 « ..arch-both fo. ,»"'« »rmp.thL, with ch.ri.ctor. In line with this trend, hi* said, Maxwell A Fit, Ala. for a visit ters by Ihe beads of the vkrious rcrcoo.1 identity *■>.! fur run,, lit. I;mjk, i" NVI] stillbutmany judK« Ihcm. not to.uthor. now the recent novel often does not with Air Forte sUitf ofileem. departments. • have the finality or "ending" to it Th.'-r. -:.'or,ln,y to Dr. KiiMe! <]"'ir |.tirpo« In wrltta*. of the more traditional fiction. Nvc. net of the Inn- a« one of thc.r number put it, o Again, this "no climax" trend AT LAST IT'S gu»j: nit litornturc, ore two of' " >rf-unny H.fh of feeling is iri line with another trend, he the major theme out Ann <•> »" ',h"'c ™! Iran fiction. j. "Perhaps they n*k for sympa¬ huid a change in the view of HERK! thy mid not judgment or reform," looking at life itself, Nye spoke Tuesday night in the Union ballroom on current de¬ he raid, "because they either "The recent fiction writer gen- The most THE ENTUTAINMI VT don't sue much chance for reform rally seen life as filled with velopment** in American Art ion to or at EVENT OP m YEAR! nn estimated audience of 100 per- any rate do not think there' ambiguity, inconelualvenrxs and j desirable woman an- any good answers now to the! without any visible authority." MM amis in the I'nion ballroom. chaos and confusion around "Till' MAN* WHO Is Not with J in town "(Hit MAV NOVM.ISTS"! them." lit." by Herbert Gold, is a good j' j and the easiest Nye sHi.i, "le k.'Who am I, where! Nye pointed out, however, that jexample of this belief, Nye said, French net res Slmone Hlgnoret listens lo llrilish do I belong V 'I his is not a com- there are some exceptions to this j "A recent novelist has more slur laiurence Harvey in a scene from "Room at Ihe to find... pleteiy new theiuo iri fiction, hut and some authors c'o think they ] kinship with poets than his grand- j the search has become more fran-have found the answers. tie. j fathers," Nye said, "because AMONG Till? trends in novels 1 is integrating symbols more and j he i Tup." showing tonight at 8 and 9 p.m. In Fairehild Ihealrr as pari of the Foreign Film series. just call.. This is the first generation of j of the last decade or two, Nve'making ' wlnrv*.*' story language help tarry thej novelist* w ho have to live with : 11 j said, is to make the .story a I .anguine* is n-«d powerfully RUtterfield the idea of instant annihilation." I of moments." The other search, for cotnpas- "They tend to explore, not ar- in "Cutclu r in the Hye" by J. I>. 8 •». Nye said, leads the author i range," he explained, "although Salinger, be said. Nye said ho believes that "the level of contemporary fiction writ Salinger Topic For Viewpoint ing is amar-ingly high" and that "The Splendid Squalid World Salinger ia the author of "The Crossword Puzzle "there has not been such a for of J. I>. Salinger" will be dla- Catcher#in the Rye," and nient of fiction activity since the cussed on Viewpoint over WKAU short stories which have appeared several 1 trio's." Sunday by Prof. Sam Haakett of in the New Yorker. Among these ACBOIS 35. Feed to the He briefly listed some new au¬ the English dept., and Prof. Mau¬ I Curves full are "A Perfect Day for a Banana- thors which he said he feels are rice Crane of humanities. r Afrrth t> Artlrmstlv# votes H Eagle doing some of this noteworthy Maj. John liarron is tha pro- fish," and "For Kama—With Love and Squalor." 9 Siamese coin .19 Demol'ih 41 S American writing. Among them were Gold, Mark grant's host. BP*®'* , 12 IJ It Ail is mountains Harris, William Styron, James «UH0C01DW>NMA*[R.», iglMMM.;; I1| Frolic 43 Not tied up 14 Golf Purdy and John I'pdike. instructor or on 41 Self-satisfied The lecture was the first In a ACADEMY AWARDS 15 Prince An series of New Voices in Contem¬ 4.' liKiiiE msm fompai- drew't sisler sionale Solution of Yesterday's Punle porary Literature talks sponsored! lit ItarernrtAl- 41 Rudy twines j by the I'nioti boaid and the Kng- lic element i li-h department IE Rover's ■nURomst 52 Retort prefix 3:1 Crescent 2 K .cg Ar¬ thur slance 9 Genus of the honeybee | Next lectine in the "current developments in Anieri serin* is EtilDg H 70 Originate! shaped figure .1 Clash 10 Fa.thfui JOHN 0'HARAT. • PERFORMANCE* ONLY: can poetry" Jan. 17 by Professor Jl Compressed 54 Crisp cook.e 4 Central cyl¬ 11 Male TODAY - SAT. - Si N. | into bundles large 35 5* In what Kill w ay inder m stems and roots 5 Ir. h turkeys 17 Immerses llarard Adam*. ©unnmiaiFDiiiiBlUJ l PKBPORMANCC* DAILY | I 11 Gall 37 Covered 19 Kind of You ran buy tirkets for all perf ormanors right up to 24 Son of flela 25 Second • cer¬ tain food expletive a Person * cheese 21 "Good Pleas for show time! Box nffleo opeu Bally II l» • pn. 2:W PJf. A TM 27. Hastened addressed FrL A tel. Mallner — ICS I Queen — •" 31 Dre DOWN 7 Array for 22 Open court (!on4 A 1< -— '.'rt Vauntful MU,,ows sow I rt K>';1 W'.: - Promising go President Joseph ku«avu1>u ii laaMsr 124 »K Theater A moo i euwa noouciu. • ,«uwd-*».u 7- ' T~ r- A 4 .*9 Independent ; h 71 Ireland snid I Itui s.lay "It's absolutely in- dispensable" that the United Na¬ Whea orgevlag by mail ewrlo— —lf-»ggfwg Aiapl oaveloH- Seata will M>4 he number¬ will be a wui kS| 1* ed buk there /> V .10 Lairs 33 Pinpclled tions sent him in the General As¬ starts MONDAY MICHIGAN for every ticket up U» the owe'.- self in sembly ber.ui' it sends h political capacity tf the theatre. u at-r ronctlintiou commission to his Vital IV 3-3R0.t for program information 4 ft* to .16 Reputed count i >. BUY YOUB TICKET 4 NOW | r ¥■ 7r discoverer of lie sni,| that n plan f.-r the lo- NieMgaa State Iteivarstty v If t 71 1 " ii }9 . . 40 ReeJ covtrlngs nathui Asian-African commission to leave for the Congo Tuesday b V W V 42. Tend the was "vri> simply an imposition" Exelasivs Shawteg [RESTm stck because "we believe that our r pre-rnl- 11 W "c II 41. Exclamation agreement mint come first." II 8 4> <: 44 Human Tha coiimiis.«ion scheduled n Adult latertateMat tyrant meeting Thursday ufterfionti to 47 *4 j ■ P X •FV u) t 43 Waxed 4H Knitting ma¬ chine guide make plans for the trip. The ten¬ tative date was set last night by Pecretniy-geiienii Dag dammar- "ROOM AT THE TOP" THIATRE LaslFrsgransfSsssM 41 Character lit skjold's IS-natmn advisory com- HrllLsh Film Academy Winner f? Ji "The Faerie mittee on the Congo. Queene" "BEST riCTCRE OF THE YEAR!" it fr 30 Keck CAREER Gllll." 91. Secret agent Ktarrinr rae rase M MM e M 1 »!* SIMONE SIGNORET The Adventures of Shown once onli DISC SHOP "llent Foreixn Aclre*.!" at 10 p.m. All Ea|iReerii| StaAeats .".L'.t Kiift GranJ Itiver (NEXT TO KrVVrCK'N) I. VI HENCE HARVEY with HEATHER SEARS juke that WILKINS FALL TERM SMOKER l il-l I j.n-iliy'- FAIRCIIIM) THEATRE 4Siilv Exi-lii-io- PM-eii of • Tonlxht • Ri-t'or.l .s|i»|( Sigma Phi Delta Frl., Nov. IS — 7 & 9 p.m. (Interrational Sstcinl • I'ntfffsstonal OPEN EVERY EVENING Admbutton: 20c I ralernity of Kng inner*) in the Monday, Nov. 21, 7 p.m. Norm 21 I ninn Exclusive ill Behind-the I NOW SHOWING! A SERVING LUC ON m Feature 1'uiUy Scenes 1J0-4.05 A SECOND |AI1 i AMklNW •_ J7-1T1 •! m.TU «:44-9;4J Story of ONE OF TIIE YEAR'S GREATEST 1 AT the figure, I /■ DRIVE-IN —— • featuring § • | :! . i * 5 0mn9 JUNE WILKINSON a»mi»*k'n ; as t* mas e*e mm isffsl see 1# v>- a» u* mm una lee Is to* 90c BEUEVISO with CHARLES ROBERT KEANE r1 i! alto LISA BARWE'JOC SULLIVAN • CINDY AMES 1 H • - ■- Ti*to TIM M. M« Produced by More Frederic • Directed by "intl David 1 BnUnwd thru AST OR MCTUIUS, INC |:i; ( I kill* Uc B kmm m-is MO. Wit' IIM MCI I 1I y . III TECHNICOLOR* mill l DON HUE■ I ill MTtt ULV .uOOMSCMRX omunnf WAWNM BROS. - —2V"ST— ng M „ 2900 E. SAGINAW % Blocks Waal of I'randor C -- >t: Al Gilbert, At ClRtr Shores Pinningh freshman; Peter Van J,*er, East linking Junior, to Ann Mur¬ sophomore, Mik# Trsger, Benton Harbor' iroit senior and Sigrna Kappa; to Pat Anderson, Doug N..-or:, Ofcemos o/pho- senior, • to sophomore College Usrejr. Bunny StuecJum, 8IGMA ALPHA KPHILON ray. llprinffbdd. Maas., fresh¬ Greenwich, Conn, sophomore, mofr, ' Sue P' » Monro® Military, ■ : <-• t — Tom Wndris, Gross* Point, man; Mark Younghl iod,, Pleas¬ an I Alpha Chi Omega sophomore, to Lis Ohrt, Groat.- ant Hldge Junior, to Sue Frcis, Point# freshmsn; John Grlgg Battle Creek sophomore and p. "* Bill Hughes, Lew laton, N'Y PHI DELTA TMKTA . jopwnv :« and Alpha Phi, ALPHA OA MM A IIIIO T r en t Y , senior, Grosiie Point# sophomore Batsoo, ' Manha—»t, to DaaieU C«.~, an.1 Greeks PhiUJps Hall; Don Uslak, Bhei- . Farmlngton. 111., sophomore, to Beta I',i .ophomore, t<» Carol Caruso,; Harold Good*-'.!, Dowagiac hy senior, to Kay Amstuta, On- Miry Jo Sutton, Farmlr.gtori fto iry Hill College soptirenore, senior, ' Becky Fsrr, Rirming trsl Michigan ur.lventlty fmdor III.; Bud Toilette, Noenah, Wi Dia.l A Ml.MA l:i Buffalo, NVY.; John Dally, Way- rum frcnt.rna-. and G.Ichrist and Delta Z«U; Ed Brooks, Blu# thp IFC-Pan junior, to-Sue Sawyer, Birming¬ Gerald Ilvicock, Detroit jun¬ ia-.d freshman, to Karen Erk- Hall, Jim Clary, Lftkewood, Thrt- Rivers Junior, to Mary llri riancp, and the Coronation ham sophomore. ior, to Dai 041.1 DcCLrk, Grand i.irdt, Oak Park. .Ill, sopho¬ Ohio senior, v. Jl/r.n--, Griff, ths, Litchfield bait highlight this weekend's Ted Wasson, Bluff ton, Jnd. Rapid* • ophornorc i more; Larry Lirvfs'.ey, tAvorM Detroit sophomore and W. Yake- and Snyder ball. festivities. Many fraternities will be holding dinners before the semi-formal dances. Attend Church This Kajipa Delta sorority will bold its annual all-Greek open house, from 4 to Q p.m. on Sat¬ urday after the football game. Kntertalnment will be furnish¬ Sunday ed by Bill Hart ond his combo and rcferwihments will be serv¬ EAST LANSING CHURCHES ed. HKTA TIIET/% Pt will hold a "Saterlcal 60's" bundle par¬ ty Friday evening at the chap-' tor house. The Betas will ex¬ change bundles with their dates A No^evy Qfr EAST LANSING UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN *f?er dinner," and return dress- Jovrvc^s <- , i in tho imagination of their PEOPLES CHURCH date*. "IS THIS HIIOHT enough?" Connie Zeklt Is how Will itofrs onre dearrdie - over pastels, which are little ir. this year include velvet and tsf- « to • pJO. Speekee la. p.* Urn Hrtltou ids am. a nm ua etude pajamas covering t •• CW p m. We4ass#sf f renin $ Merun l.otnrir thoptl demand tgji: year. Shades like fet.i, cocktail dresses with waif Providing a Campus Ministry for Marrtod aad ftlacle htadeats "lusterou* pink' have been sweaters (some even have fur Prsysl so# fUMs stair t u pm incue*. Alpha Delta Pi will go K.r- combined Li wool and chiffon collar...', and silk organ/a, over Ma style to their house party t.» treab , tn'. • - new «f- printed skirts, which lends a Friday evening. Palm tree-, and an artificnl aquarium will fert in cocktail dresses. very pleasing effort. help ■ arry out the theme, "Fioanbi. FASHION >b\ Iiu;h preference ha* that way throughout probably stay the fail EDGEWOOD The Alpha Phi's father : w..l !«? honored at a Dad's Day open been shown h»r the bouffant ori and winter season. CHRIST, SCIENTIST PARISH EAST LANSING • ouse from > 5:30 Saturday. 11 to 12:30, and 4 STUDENT P. Orta# Biter ft n. Kirtiuaih *8# PEOPLES CHURCH The Catholic Student renter SI. John's Slwlent Parish «f MJ4.C. Arsoas furnishing •crtainment for both MSt* and a variety of «■< - •aaOsy Maaase WESLEY FOUNDATION Detroit University students. preNcnU FOUNDATION Chars* terries it A.M. 1:M • IU • II* • It.M WUeon M. T*feaut, MsssSseo Boa# (BsSy stma« it 1(1 A Gearce f JarSaa (3 Modi Perth of Oram* Blrstv fKll>AV taoOay aehool U A M. evening, a Br.t: h IS as Mislater a Moaset) Iter Trurron A. Merrtsoa. irnedy, 'Doctor at Large." w... hanSsv -hown, followed by a dance. the "TITAN TWIRL" tit W. <.(*•« a««vr School •toOaase 9.U for VMsi-rUtr am. Daily .Ma*ass I II S »SO Br*. B'.hioaon G. Upp. MtPUSar The movie begins at f» pm.j A- fetter. Mlnlitrr Jt is pm. St'JV&AT SCRVtCB and admission is 25 cents foi Ilkjitt both. An AIMinivcrxily Dunru SalarSsy Moaasa l OS a ».*« am. f as am, one* am, •lOL'L AMI! WW St VOAT VCOKxnif* Sv John's Student parish 1 r<» RV»i« f'i TO Givr T«A5rgW* having a post game coffee hour; , r.txrti vasri.aa in pm. Csafeaatoaa DwJf S OS A.M. A Be* W Jm" If 1-aooat tSe#ac*#Sf^ f veaiag MesUac I P.M Tons 4 to 5 p.m., as well as .r frnluring BssSlas Boom IM PM. (after Boaary) lit S II *rr:»"5 K4 *«> Trtnaia a. MarrisaB «-pen hquse from 7 to 9 p .'.. "UBC A MIOBTT ABMY" 1M W. Of so# Blr Of SsturSav M M A T:Jt-l* PM rsarrh Sraoot "Titan Twirl," n stag or dra ; VI Nosal*# J:i//lrt Charrh irmcn » «•. * lips » oanre will be held at the CSO A rim wkidi uua u« tftr of a 141 P.M. iaaosy Serum * if a it Men. thru asi. * am - * pm. >artery far keth icrvwes a.m. a m. :>sturday evening from 9 to rootr»fatlon which took Its lalth Man., tar*., Than* A yrt 1 pai. ens roojo (femtk 4s»*or Sigh •s i.1. pm., with Al Noiaai's J a fi¬ haliirilav Nov. 19 swIsRsiy. pm. ACTVvima cotNcu Mf.rTt Junior let providing the entertainment Mich SrUouahip IM pm. All era wsicsms to su»n# Chareh gVIRY OTHIK H KDNESDAT A dmission Jo the dan re is 10 (harm SrSiAl ren's for members and 50 cent. STAC 01! DKAO 3i7 M. A.C. Bsrrtcse, so# visit aa# ass the S M pas. • « era. CsUrfs (U», Senior Mich peilsw a*ip TAS pm, - a*«ryko4y Welcome non-mrmhen. BcsSJnc Boom, Phase CD 7-PTTf II M SA». All At** TT*rroas Piicaae EASTMINSTER KIMBERLY DOWNS AU SAINTS EAST LANSING Imported - Distinctive PRES3YTER.AN CHURCH CHURCH OF CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH Boole UNITY CENTK m W. G G rand Blest Miller Sooday ^arntnr * arehtp li so PnaOot Ottawa «t Capitol onS Jed -I GIVt. IHAHRS* (Termed by a Mterirr nf the Rauc* SOS Abbott Read — CO 1-tJtl trrrun I U ft 11.13 Uft ftundar amool 11 S* am. hort St. on# gait I anatac Con ire- I">ui4 ( rrrie — ••mn Ber. lohn r. Parter • Ckapioio Pool Rev. Ratoert I,. Mare lead. .Minuter RarrliWO. yreactUng Helen CUro — Ortoow* goUani) Bsr. Robert Gardner Mud* tU»ui S4t Chorea Sch^i » U to li (3 om. M«H»ds* a ft WalSrMfs Dries day **enin float Laaslac Chaplain to Homed liutrntt p nu Affiliated wtth Centra.! U a »f1*a#gy C*«r«* Bsr. Henry Tufcol, Awt M»ni»(ef Lute Ociiool af (tniota.1 ItrVDAT PROGRAM Temporarily Meeting it ft* »t»nc- I.»* » bummtt, Miaoosr) I !,. o. High School, bsrt Street Iff Abhott R# StWDAT SERVICES LANSING CENTRAL FRS Christmas »:J0 eerv a.m. ond Chnrrh Srhoal, with Sor- Adult atu«y, otudenia lo- SIMMS' brnvitis »:•# AW. MoJy Cummsnion BETHANY BAPTIST M a wi War.thip, wttS esstta- Storning M'enhip 11*9 n m. 9 1S A.M. Merntn; I ••mm>,»!•>.•. and Pttfer or Hot* CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH (nufth Srhooi Cards •S jorten on# t tmr« i, School un«er Serai an for Biader- It! bir Ivennt study Wsrab*,* ♦ ('• am. I ft* pin. o ¥t r«oat>'• tut rt Liace* M sit •'« iv i •* »»y. Par*#* Maohtfitoo Moeetof Weranjp Uoamg at Jeffrrtoo — j| oat Hedne»4*y ***»«»« tbble ftiadr 11.-4# A il Horn i»< Prayer ti Mtlr Sunday orhooi * At * «a. Sunday Sehoot — it am Mvr* aath Serooce —. $ #4 pm. "THE Ptl.GBI.MS AS* tenmunioa, nermoa IM pm- Rirut; t BiM »t) pm. *"«w« Hforofcip — I* pm. iborm school » teniae w»r»ru» J 40 p ee X«ri»f» Semes We#, gventri- SUDtSTI WEUCOMB Tor tron«p«rlaUoM call ID MJM UATKSSLSr open •• »'< wnu*! (MR OritiUn -Tbe Chorra of a**«!-ng Prater t*o Utf. ool Call EG 2A2I far traaaporuUsn CD t-ISSS OP ED *•!»» «:M PJW Sunday »»n >,! * us par Ut Hoar4 Affiliate* »rf> me P-r> atfeera (foe I canxpaitoiSsn Csh TV V* Hapi.w ( FIRST WESIEYAN METHODIST CHURCH FIRST PRESBYTERIAN OLIVET BAPTIST Msrth MifnotD Ar* St f Mlrhlgao CHURCH CHURCH Modors and Ciassieal Re* Gsorgc |1. HIIms — M>iU>t*i JI.3 « Htftittik Wort Gtiowo at North CheTtwst Re*. Waiiam Martmoo. T»HM Ke» Seth C Morrow. D l> SrVDA* Desigas Sdndat School — 1 11 A u *«««». Msthuls Worship i DP* * t\ VM a m Someone * Slsrning W«nh

• *-ug r«e.,'od tttr j-u* es ■' <:M bands* tvt«l| CUrU Tor Unci# iv»m asaii* CIS* n Um-s IV 3 #») .♦ ,, - W To Box af 2B>$IJtt tiayirt * Hnrtn toiasciput! SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH SOim BtliLSblOS AT MOORCS RISE* OSIH. I, Ah SIM, HOLY TRINITY GRBK ALSO: Ira port" I W ra|i|iinp>, (liflbapx, Drcorali.c Ira.s, ' ' i.v' . HOWARD P. SVGDEM. D. I», DRSMOhb BILL. Amor. Viator Pastor ORTHODOX CHURCH Church H ith You Hi bis School am. CJiri»linai« Gill IIradi[iMrtrrx: §. Washington at Elm -THANHS IN THE STORM* I vetting WseMup TrSS pm. -DOES GOD DEPART PBI»M NATIOSS"" Snadar School: t#*t A M. DRriar Liturgy: DM A.M. This Sunday. Spartan Book Store • alhsr RoakUSU AdoH YasB PsilowoMp I N p in. WllrtaUai • CsU IV 2-MAI for free — osrxus Sunday mocnang A tfSpinf for Tranaportstlon (all f.eorge T'orm Til Mill FRIDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 1MO MICHIGAN STATE NEWS PAGE SIX i ROTC Rifles Rather 2 Defeats Rather 3 < N ». A third-down gamble paid off Schult?., who hgtl been passing 7 Open Fire with a pass from Rob Schult* to effectively ail evening, hit Petef. son flown, the middle and he Jim Peterson touchdown connect¬ for the raced only acore in the game. At Eastern ing to bring Rather J a rt-fl sud¬ Rather Two crossed the midfleid den death victory Wednesday stripe under ita own power only Michigan State Univeinity'* over Rather 2. four times and once did it pene. AFROTC rifle team will open its A scoreless four quarters saw trate the winners' 26 yard line. season Saturday In a two of the victor's touchdowns Hob SchulU, Jay Stephens A Co, nullified. Tied 0-0 with a dormi¬ repeatedly marched Inalde Rather match against Eastern Michigan tory block championship hanging Two's .territory. A keeper play University at Ypilanli, accord¬ in the balance, Rather .1 was faced ami a lateral from Barry Holme* ing to Sgt. Glenn Tracy, rifle team with a thlrd-down-and-30 situa¬ to Stephens wa« good for 30 roach. tion and 30 seconds remaining in yards. Rut the drlvo waa stalled Last year the team won the as the third period andod. the overtime. University of Illinois Pershing Rifles Invitational meet In compc- tlon with 11 other teams. They placed second In the year's f ntlrr Netv Management mutches Against II league teams and won second place in the an- Jerry Norman, S\e\e Mnnrhead and Herman Weber of Venn 'nunl League Tournament, j Firing against Eastern this COLLEGE INN i week-end will he Ronald llaugen, Stale hope I«» help Venn State duplicate Iheir ICS A victory this l.lerrold Nye, and John Lillcy, all RESTAURANT AND 'CAFETERIA .Monday at the NCAA championship here in Fast UnKine. j juniors; sophomores Rruce Itehr- i matin, Howard Ozeran, Robert 107 E. GRAND RIVER John Mar.v runnrr up In hut y«ara NCAA and Al jTomlinson and Dili (i reseo and lanrrnre winner of the mrrt but year will both be DOWNSTAIRS three.freshmen, Carl Itehne, Neil Top Harriers Gather for NCAA Meet : Vierson and Gary Link. hrrr this Monday to try and pull a repeat nf but year* ' 1 Major Morris Tague, tram • d- feat in thr NCAA. Holh run for the tlnlveralty of Good Homerooking A field of athletes Own Hoahon. wh « w n the 10i9 ti'w The meet has been conducted visor, and Sgt. Tracy will accom* the c«Mjr.ft colleges and univerMt><••< will !>:j Ki.t Landing every year pany the team. 'i» s'lrt in tiie race »# the h<- v.n.e'its Inception m 1038. The converge on Michigan S:. :> • Mich, '.in State w^n psmpio Monday for the tunning of the Nt'AA < ;• < : i< t dal of 44 point*. '•*» last >«ar d krw h-vt Spartan* have won m For the third straight week, it IIIG TEN Point* 1 Next rt line are Drake. Indiana Kvery seetion of the n,,';.»n Ifittr* l.nsrs (Jutncr as if the number one team MSU over Detroit IK will be repreMyitod In the tom- | ami IV: n State, with three each. looks Ohio State over Michigan 3 in the nation, as rated by national mlle rare for individual nr ! LIVERPOOL, En*, t&b tkmtb If Houston's Lawrence tx Illinois over Northwestern « turn honors. The hu :«• Afncnn Wrlterweiirht ' hampion ' *uce«.sful in his title defense, sportswritefs. will go flown to defeat Yup! You guessed it. Minnesota over Wisconsin 10 of runners will comprte on the Johnny H<«t hopr* f urninit he'll lie the fourth runner ever Iowa Notre Dame 10 ii : 1 <>(; itt the Hntish" Fmptre title : » w -i two titles in a row, ( Upset of the week—-KANSAS over bitty Forest Akers (i >lf i •• over MISSOURI. Purdue over Indiana 15 took a pounding t..right front the Ttv-.e who've turned in the feat layout, with race start:-.;: tin.t I-uly Mow* nf Tory Smith, 23- are Fte.t Feller, of Drake, in OTHERS •et for 11:30 a.nv MIC HIGAN' STATE moved In- Among the individual en¬ yc.-tr-. !d ernvedieg- r. tered in the championship i • is At Lawrence, 27-v« r - Smith. It4'», m local hoy. out Rhone 1 dan 1 State. 1!>4H ami t point., t Ifot. - 1tC.\. m .» 12 1 H>40 and Herb Semper, of Kan ; . 1944 and 1943; Robert lllgck, of 1 to *as a seventh place tie with this week ami is favored by Arkan- Syracuse over Miami (Fla.) Penn State over Pitt Duke over North Carolina to Junior from the Univrrv.v of rot: n.l bout at Liverpool stadium. vu 19Art. «n. 1951. IK points over Detroit. Kentucky over Tennessee I Kansas over Missouri fall term grads Refore the MSU game with j Detroit Saturday, the annual Arknnsns over Texas Tech ! Powder Puff bowl game will l»e Auburn oyer Florida State campus classifieds played In the morning at Old Col- ! lege field. The Delta Gammas should win, however one of their Ray lor over SMU Rico over TCP Colorado over Okla. Stafa RKADI.IMiS: 1 p.m. Day Before Publication for Tties,, Wed., Thur*.t and Fri. I'd ilium. Deadline fur Mon. Ldition: I p.m. Fri. , star players from last year, Cathie Viekerman, will he miss, Oklahoma over Nebraska California over Stanford • -Caps and Gowns a , ing from actiin. DGs over Gamma Wash, over W ash, State ed 2-lr>i 1 ext. 2615 Psi. UCLA over USC Kreerve yourn NOW If you intend l» |iartiei|Mle in graduation exerciw, AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING TRANSPORTATION : FOR RENT WANTFD nmrHS TO Pittsburgh Graduation Announcements JOSS PLYMOUTH. SIX f VI INHV1 Four-door automatic -h it. »:••••■ • » • riitmn Radio t-smi. r*t. 4*» and holer l .*11 I ' OKFMf 'S WILL U> i f RFVT (1-nuUeli fur • tea vine November 2.t. contait Jim Perr*« after ft p m at FD I-3MS. t,\ # - dp!g |ln«n> i. an.l WANT TRANSPORTATION FOR AUSTIN HKAl.rV 1 I. 1'* If ..»» I< or '-••• rh«-*i "1 drawer* - Wichita. Kansas I'irk yourn up if you have already ordered a'rr Excellent c-■ « • 'H'rll |>-C* I* are*, before Clifistmss Station Wa- i>aint, tonnrau co» *r Giuttl tit a-*. t- gnn or trut h FD 7-4Tt«. 4« tran»t*tur radio Kli 2-JHiH Limited quantity on Mule while they lu»t H AVTFD RHiF.RS TO California. mt roitn STANDAttn V-S I.o V. ; Miwi!e»ry area leawin* December 10. »1«3. fall atwr 3 um 1 ' f ootait I>ni( Ackley be December 7-2x1t 1 j I IV 5-Bltt. F.xt JPII frs.m a-5 41 jp5t door V-S ford. •ak for tlaroM "Issi* CUSTOM N-h a-r-p i all H» ai two - ihn»u 1 'I U' ■ '• ! ! i T II II F F i-.'m -!• I kwvUI -> ■ h, down mtrthw'at. Rent or U CD ROOM pavmrnt ir pwi.hase *>'h *erv t.i MODERN scH>H-ta ami mmmitile SERVICE • -Special to Faculty citEVKoirr I, k«hv »!«.» nnmthiv ranee- will rent TVPINO - MANt'SCmPTS THf- If jtm fend studying anmetimew aofmrifw (and who doesn't?) the wort! It educed priren on Cop*. Gown?, liood. Vadlo. hratn. i>owerfUde V" i ' -r p.u. IV S-HWI AO Mt* term papers, etc. rhone Kit — ruivntng rbndliun. f ill FU • 44 to iw—iKf Is NoDOs#. ffnDot alerts yon with a soft snd sccurate after ipw 11 : I VAPPROVI II HOt'SINO FOR amount of cnlsnwi—ths asms refreshing stanuLnt "Twit POiThac hamut m' win: ! c Ni •* I of ke thr Ijiu-:nd # ' > r four until June l'i!i *tudent« typing. r.xrrotiFNern sre- Hiiy now and nave repealed rental fee* I K alter tf RKTAHY. olck-un and dclivcrF. low- in coffee snd lea. Yet non-helat forming fower ateerlp* ami ?•■»*».t i-t .k. • • |> m > e>t atailabl* raiea. IV J-abM after NuDoi is (aaler. handier, asore reliable. „ Four war *eat New hrskr* i > f M n m. 4| Perfect condition fi-~6 I; • Harrison. Alpha Tau «»' >•< » So lo keep perspicacious during study and •f FAMILY Fl'I tY furnuhed ! TATIKO—TtTLALS AND lerm pa- rums—and while drinng, too — "Tbsa Union Book Store foim hard -i P IN r .,m»ft-.;-« nt. alt utume* t>er* Printtng-tpubltctty. the- tlonal shape. V 1 au». iSl'C I i'.-trk. !»!•«'k lro-n <«■* U.Mich Off»»t DupllcaUnf, S4t •Ivaya keep NnDoe in protimily. - r out . radio See It at HI tfun:. '• ^ '•*! • i. utral t-tr famii* « it» V. Grand Rivet, F-art I-uim-s. £D rhitd. J-W |hr motttn ID I-CU tf IS* mW WW seeks MSW —• l!»7 Pl.YMfM'Tll TWO I tHMlR Y pouetfltte, ra»H». tu-jut aire 2.V, cti client c«>ndlt»iUl llr.i-oi .tl I - TMHF'fi '<■ RfHVM 11 KNISHFD u.-:t li.nivSt -vim g fa. iMe* ;-r , TYPING tan Y.Uasa • FD 3-miQ 19141 P Rpar- ^r-.crii yaaia acvicur- C A M V II K L I« • S ftv li U K It A N *S II O !• aiuootvU. tl) week- tal aspcncnce 40 r4 FOR SALE JO If fi t: ARK HAVING A i.RAUC ATF NTl*DENT'S - Three call TYPINO SEHVICF' I D Z-W71 afT « AV AUABI F Fop Tlie Man Who llut > PRE-TIIANKSGIVING p m. 4U VF-HY NK'F. llt'NCAl i.'W lieu «• } tveH -fumislicd private apart- for three nr f«llan.e*. teur iv. w u ' (•r the RMMi uks kai ssthini •a. etc. delivered in !*«:. <, ..yi,,-. , Julian Diwiaboe. I D J-4 -.3 I • "V O-ou-U-d t-e.s.tttrs r-m ,%n,r.JZ^ hww and wsita la gal aUrlsO leave name If nut r>. " YFAR iH D PORT API F- VM P- el Fl Mr sale. FD J-S2M •*<» Ft'RNISHKD ROOM WITH private J Pur* VICUNA fllllTll— Sweater to a-i4 pfiy te twatr- r -r arad- CLEARANCE cutrarsv* HE1.I. AND HOWELL mm ie Caw uatc student FD T-^331 after 6 pm ALs TV SERVICE raj made anv ara with Zoom lena. *lv n» " • . rv t-SMS. After 3 pm IV w-«*i'.t 41; to Natural MI SQL ASH Gfoea 35.00 TRAIL!RS FOR 5*l| THREE CXlCKTAIt. DREssF N. Mre j a R Full Wiirted. Mjouoiv ' srhtta and bU.k 11> - ' " 14*57 TWO RFD1HH>\| F' V'. ACF. Un # Call* |40S, Autettnaa luaUUfd 0' wide * v 3k' Exrstkmt rmdiUnn. j FREE FILM WITH itrvrtoptn* | ct "..t J1. ui. *h.. !.-,i h>l Vr at D-3 t^-j i ,r* Re«Uor,mt. Ea«t Grand ■ c OVKK 340 PAIRS OF •Ibd prmtlnr K»nlak rnuvl# |di>» m ular IS ai. SI M: Mk- M.nh KM w»ui# 1 aU wtd-k and parts (uaranirrd. New X ?ee |1 33 color. »11»< Krv. URE88 AND CASUAL |1 TB; Marrk Prcw r»ptl'«n Co '< PERSONAL !J • I » pour Retail Drug neat ki National Store by Kuml r, U TVs fo* M l ITume IV »-v*4. iJ I * SHOES REDUCED — "Hi" TV. MOTOROLA. MAHOGA¬ NY tonaol.'M new Si.-.brain' X mix maaier floor lamp, laua pu 39°.5W,7M Rowland pocor ivvrrrs ati furs. ED l-3W<» nen 1 > a r>ie and hoor M-n- j TYPING DONE IN m» RparUn 3m 5->. Nov 21. 7-» pm l^*-n ho-«e VJUce Home. ED T-GTOJ , If 'MV« i!ftt on r.vm and boanl i T *i Ann Sffoet FD 1-fCMt «i TYPING. TO »-ti* if HOW < THR STORK WITH THR KRO INMIK r. if THE FINr :r In d*r.-e mua*,- WINDROW « COIN LAUNDRY aad OTHERS TO 441 OFF and Pud so«.e>r I\w> So .in. Jars X1"* CLEANERS. JSc sok, ISr dry. vi't » b?-v 4*. 1.-1 i 'men*? *" reaSiUoaed. kackfrausa mdr. AVOID THE RUSH hrrs " —* Phone lh« Dud-Mor Actm i Attendeat on dsty. Always elas». FLYIXG MEFT ti.m 1JTAK.V TO PLY at Bbarvit AvU* - Lew Ra'.ea - Tbrvo milri BMtst. 51" hi*h. s-tth mattreav cvorth t-n Abbott - pho M ED I-U2S4 MS Twin laundry tub. L>. apelUwnt m.s.11. vs. riiuiiE tf - Dr. Kichard 31. Weaver •aa stove 125 ED 3 : TYPIST Ana Erawn. New phona ATTENTION ROCLU CHAD 4EN u n l*r*f. of Ea(U*h, I'alr. of Chkaaa For your dorm cr home . «-d*. «ec Nx ED 2-13*4. Electric Typvwrltar. Term paocr* and tbcora. Alao gvn- OUR EAST LANSING ths Card Shoo find from •rai typing U Mom* Ec. building ET) 2-S7M <3 STOKE ONLY W-rt:~"uNr\*FRsm* U SERVICE utni mmnm gagsr IDesker. John Courh 95 wvtt amplifier vsnaalptmn plsrrr, SITE ED S-c/f* < tn - «x H.-ceti i 40 j »■ 1 1 Gaaa HalL THE MODERN • AIMDum Baa*. DAVIS AIRPORT From J to 10 plocW tD Emsry. IV TaoodoT, N'ovmbor 22.8 *a. Room 32,1'akm BaOd. t ATTENTION FA' rt TV N7« lrt>y, 30* off with attachment*. C*U 4-3SM tf 1 P m. ED T-D4M 43 LAVAUER5 • Rf COGNITION PINE Party favjrs. Ths Card Shop EMPLOYMENT Michigan Stat* I'aUoraltjr ^YOtfR KEY TO amateur radio. ait'"** fr-m lioma Luaosuri llslllcrsftar'B 8-40B short wave and standard broadcRtt reevtvrr. Ctutom Ilutldinff. ED I-4I75J t| NVR.NE. REGtSTEEED. FOE suo- RttUt 3S watt transmitter. One J-38 snRORrnrj . -rRArtHvr. ervtalon and eeneral duty. No rata* All MSU StadMiU aal tko Gtiwral PnbUe Imilttsrv style) telnrraoh krv. One . . tkm. audit paid holidays Liberal per¬ Rhrrr plated TJFiJ NEED some w-cvxl fv«r that muitichanneled t'-le- sonal poller. Salary commensurate graph hry. I n err .up your cods krv f!rx-ptar*» Cut firewood at SlO/cprd- Are Cordially lavitrd aa GaooU 15" lengths. Ere# delivery. Call ED with experience. Phona ED 14*1 •F Warn cods with practice Cine between S-4 P.m. 42 2-3345. 42 tajfhlnv and oscillator. Complete Vth tipn Civntsrta from around the WAITERS FOR 'BUI ANGEL" traU The lot for finu at a wcrtflce, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS da:ire. SI pet hour. S-12 p.m. Sat, FREE ADMISSION separately. Call Kirby Nov l*h Cell John. ED 2-2177 nr . HIGH LEADERSHIP . Kara* 19 t-#MS. «S V LimV. NOVEMBER IB, 1X0 MICHIGANSTATE NEWS PAGE SEVEN I .ant Game for 9 Seniors Army, Navy Up Meet Next Week Gridders to Face U. of Detroit Annapolis, Md, (/T) — will b«* the best defensive team Arrnyj (Joaeh Wayn* Hardin *gre»4' "They don't hay* » breakaway that Navy's No ! problem for back Navy has facod this season and game 'will he f«tUng across •"Like Hob Anderson?*' be waa Br BEN B|'RN* a-t u.e Spartan'* fop ruahwjby Art Hrnndhtatti»r, Sr., why its only shortcoming* on offen-; thmr goal Imk." a.ked Stale Me%»» Sparta MHar with hi* 320 yards and ar» aver- triotcd thv spartan•> to a 7-« »«• is the lack of a breakaway I are of fl 1 yards |»er carry. ' win with hit extra point eon- runner. Navy scout I*hli Mon- fir.F f.S'MVM.V. Msmhts "fixe Joe Vs-W.M," The Spai-tan i said, Army guard AJ Var.drr- footbjll I'lmi «iaav SAM.MAN I, now «w-l venkin Will meet the u of D griddenL ahari reported today. ' bush is "as tough a linebacker replied with a grtn. on^ Jf| j,n(, 230 yard* and Thu» game will tilt tho fte«.;.'.o ;> Navy s trip tSX/tft for th«> first time in 20 years, Monahan, a Marine officer thi. Saturday at 1:30 In* Spartan' average of 0.2 per carry. j lime record in favo. of one or and former captain of Navy* i vou.: we ..n trie country ' He and ground gainer and na* ||uih Hatcher and Hailinan trie other of the two squad, ;» 'said the cadet' v/ere al-.-, famed 1054 "Team named De¬ ed off IT Vwcbdowr..-. ;n nine Stadium. The Titan* bring a strong 7*t ^ j broke away for long runt presently ».tand,»; at six wins sire." has scouted the cadet.* in strengthened defensively for trie gamer. • n:. *sym, ineluilittf a j pjjneh last weeks viotory over| apiece and one ue. Syracuse and Pitt game* by v,«- SKi-yard fur. aga.rat Virgin.s record into the contest wF>U«| f^ort^sweatcrn, 21-18, and fat- Several Spartan first team*11 nine of their games this *«»- turn of guard !/,*»• Ca »,i , Saturday. He -cored tr.rev the Spartan.? hold « 5-2-1 son who was fec-jtlfrl j^eir net rushing averages.j players will !>«■ playing their "ARMY 1* a bettor football yea-tor, and Injured earlier who plays 4he other Shi* tour od-» wr..i tne Cftota or . .or..; UrntU'tly Ifttg* A U**r thr;r tiu.rWrbKk Jorr, (irr»<. ter, but their sophomore* and 0- short.'* M'-.nahan v*:d 'He r,„ ,,)Um ,, h„ pu,n>> m" "mr "P "-cmd Mth hl, Hll.hOV, who h .i*, developed junior j.ft f,.,t and; Into a fine . came of age aga.nsl no per ceo* completions and' , \ f. lT\ ,TT.X^—Vre* . v.dth quarterback in hi* Syracuse and JMt and they will would be if his i .. "icr • John F. Kenned/ string to replace Hob Lusky, j ,n• squad to grad Monahan. currently an a *.u« day shot two- and held open-air (Jro** has the advantage of .... P0*1 *qoad due i .%fcK4.fl what would be he d.M OAsior, • wit.o Lyndon ll. Johr.- having a couple r.f fine ends. " The that hackfield coach at Naw. rest of BrandsUttcr* «»Ubn. tilACUsmd tne isrrviee claisic cadet's o.ggf:*. weak.':*-*.--, fv rr- or. farm ar.: other probiemt each k-3 In Larry Vargn and' lir(, ,,,r, r from hitting 3-5 Other* include Jav»n llanic er halfback Monahan repij "d faring the r»-»r admirutration. Steve Stonebreaser. I £rU1 t„a;% and ,m<. touchdown wh'' the Tli pa»* frorr, ciming up in Philadelphia Nov Stonebreaker ha tV 11 son to tie the f:r-t game of 20 a- the eighth-ranked Navy grabbed 21 frotn quarterback Tommy passes and scored two toucD-; WiHon. I the sev.on agairut P»U, 7-7. and football team formaly opened down, ind Varr> hi. caughl] 18 which were good for fouri j.jy,, :rh^' |„t tamo hc-lwcon tho i Jim Che.sney, Ike Grimalcy,-. practice following a four-day _ squads. In 1934, was ^on who intercepted a par.s an i ran layoff The team Is idic this Don't Delay! Act Today! 'it back for a score in the Notre -Saturday. touchdowns. GroM has pakied «r carried; Item* .21-0 win. . He indicated the battle xhafx-* Santo I'a.quiuci:, and Mie- up a. a rugged test of Arm yd Lucky Del the ball 142 time* for 1104 net yardage in the past four game*. key Walker also wiil graduate, defense against Navy's offense Take your clothe* This is the brst Titan mark in the past decade Albany. CaUf-. WV-The dally flRST ATBINCJ halfbacks'; double at Golden Gate Field* CALIFORNIA STYLED for quaJity eieaning Tim Shan a ha n, who leads in] paid 18.711.40, the largest in fa scoring with 38 points and Ted j California racing history. Karpowtcx is second with 30. Strongmen from tne interior paid 4220 20 to win. line include f>-3. 215-pound cen¬ captured the second at 444 Oriulo won the first: race and Covinan CORDUROY SLACKS I If Of. It SERVICE ter Frank Jackunas, and Tony Five $2 ticket* were sold on "STYLED BY AJAN" A her, a guard at 5-2 and 205- the winning combination. pounds. Ron Hatcher ha* taken over The payoff was largeat ever in racing history. the third RESULAK S5.96 VALUE! Powerful 6 ft. 212 pound back Ron Hatcher. $ Claaaar and |\» Northwestern Kiiqhm TKa Imm |mi *t th. Ink Rmm ONLY Limit 2 In a 395 (.mlnmrr Shirt Laaadry Dial ED 2-4024 for Puk Cp it DcUrer-f Ron Hatcher MSU Back LEN KOSITONEKS VARSIH SHOP thrre't no choree F< *Ule News Sport* nFRWOOD HAINES Writer g i joys with a little humoi'. He en-' listening to good jazz, and CAMPUS BOOK STORE 22ii AMioll Km-beliind victory over Wildest* last Saturday. in part years. This year three OattiMS, Yaar SMy Ms la different fullbacks wen' the! ItiVAU) IIATC 2b year big gainers •ani'.r from Carnegie Penn- garner. Charon had a field day; in four different The Fane Of Qarfa, PlaaHa Data •• ., ,1.1 ciiinc to MSU with the against Michigan and Sauries; -n nf a notorious power was the big gun in tne Purdue m high school. He piay-; game. la Raw Were The • ' school ball at Carn- Ron Hatcher came into hi* : ,> . 4't he captained hi* team own at Evanrton and that could Fleal Raah Starts. # ,v»ar he graduated. 1938. He be just ,r .start for a real hard • :.icj All-Americon and driving fullback. Pennslyvanla honors, while school. t . at -h • *'i't expected of the big' when he came to Spar- i and he ha* done a good Delicious, creamy, triple - thick •i' fulfilling these expccta- COMPARE! ' v iuding the North west- p-r.h f Nov. 12, Ron has U- 'v - as the leading Spar- milk shakes... crisp : rather with 321 yards gain- ..•> 50 of his bull-like thrust - i tne for an average of, These Sweaters Wilh Th«»se yards per carry. 1 -'.aj grabbed six passes for You Have Seen In Other Stores, golden french fries..- - And an average of .13 6 per grab. Hatcher has two And You Will Agree - and a total of 12, tender, juicy all-beef '.en. " ovj .r. with the season a game They're The Best Buy In " \ XirHOMUKL Spartan, 212 pounds the, T0WNE |". :i ei : even six feet i and tall, play- { gained 75 yards.! Hamburger on toasted bun *c rri one touchdown, a yard slant around end' Notre Dame. Ron has eed and his coaches aay, CARDIGANS - > is an intense com pet i- who will keep on driving] regular and ' that extra yard. SHAWL COLLAR %9 f;cld. Ron is quiet: ** ^«' ved. He has a quick. «13.75 r-' once in a while he let* j BRODIE MUFFLERS EXHAUST AND TAILPIPES CREW NECKS - i shock A BLEND OF FINE aworbkks J. a TOWNE INVITES WOOL AND NOHAUL piUNGS - AlKUtTS Fast ebcerful STUDENT CHARGE ACCOUNTS eaurtcous ser>iee CLARANTEED Plenty of free parking installation ALSO - FREE L0» -LOW PUCKS! V-NECK SWEATERS $ "I "I *7C look for the drive • in SPECIAL Bind o( fiao Wool sod Mohair X Xo • O wilh the arebes. , '* S"S—I. PRICES A PwH, MoDomldk 3 i-ocations Be Futue Wise af Leu Ceet "hiler clinics ^4tl4S.(OAR ! 3437 R. EAST • OK 0L00K EAST OF OAiPOS N ORARD RIVER rVENUE Siace 1M0 U1 E. GNAND BIVEE open till midnight weekdays 1 a.m. frl a sat. ■2-120 W. — MICHIGAN STATE NEWS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER p». lMn| PAGE EIGHT Class of '61- Present System Outdated Musicians9 'House of Intellect' Senior Slants Conference May Be in Trouble? 'Need Social Security Qiauge' increased. Rut how doe* tr,l -BY SUE PRICE, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF- "President Franklin D. Roose¬ Social Security, as today it exista Carvlng Initial* in wet cement is a frivolity enjoyed by Attracts 2 State By VIC HAITI! Stall Writer velt wanted a social security plan in 125 nations. But certain key with built In safe-guards that personalities played an important plan .encourage security?" he rs-l marked. many children and oldster*. You cane your initials or t)r. Walter Hodgson, director The 'house of intellect' is in trouble," said Dr. David would eventually pay for itself, part in when and what we have F.D.R. was the great key fir,t name in the cement and when you come back years later, of the division of ftn. mtv sn.l G0HHeb, assistant professor of edueation, sociology', and which indicates that he was a now," Mr. Altmeyer announced. and with Frances Perkins * J there are the initials, cemented for posterity. Mr. Altmeyer reviewed his ex¬ Harry Hopkins pioneered in *, I Dr. Roy Underwood, head of the Rnthropolf>KV in „ sp0ech Tuesday afternoon in the Kiva small spender," Arthur J. Alt* But carving initials is not just a childish pastime, as school of music, will Httend the - , I... „r __———— meyer said to the conference com¬ perience witji congressional com¬ tablishing the present federal tvij annu.1 of ,hr Notional O^e College of members of each senior class prove when they gather to Association of gcho.,1. of Music Edu^tkjb' * ,Tir! can help or hinder. He said that his study showed memorating the 25th anniversary mittees on the problem of having tem of social security," he I of the Social Security Act at Kel¬ a flat rate program of social tinued. I rarve In an old oak table in Old College hall of the Union. which will he held st the Palmer ""d teorhrrs, Gott- would when members told a student he Each table is sanded and shellacked after the caning hoi,if in Chicago on Nov.. 25 torn "b «•" * '? be a irood researcher, the logg on Wednesday night. security payed by the government "The reason we did nnt »rt| s and graduate ptudent* that student was likely to become a Altmeyer is the former U.S. or the present program of con¬ standards for the states to m,n| is finished and the tables are hung on the walls of Old 'student* are being "pushed" into reeesrrher. And if he was told he Commissioner for Social Security, tributory insurance. to qualify for federal grnnt* f,-| Some 350 schools will be ropl'P- . . rrpenn-nrr, nnu 11 ne was win tic unemployment insurant j* n,,.! chairman of the Social Security j , College hall. "Bob Taft always felt there sented by the deans of the depart-1 re*^*'c i am 8 *■" ro™ /* would make a good teacher, he had difficulties with the il critics I T P studrots, hr ** *' often would change to rrsrarch Board, Director of the National was something intrinsically we ( n There are presently 7 tables on the walls of the hall, ments of music in unlvers in terms of their own grades rather than follow the advice. . Youth Administration. Chairman j wrong with a contributary pen¬ gress, the Supreme Court. which is located next to the grill. Included in the car¬ and college* and by Hclminlstru- and urging of faculty, go into re¬ of the American delegation to the , sion, and a flat rate program our own inexperience," he tive heads of music conserva¬ GOTTLIEB'S SPEECH was the vings are sayings as well as initials and names. Some stu¬ tories. search." first in a series to be presented Fifth Inter-American Conference would lie better. One flat rate ported. on Social Security, and chief of i program was geared to the rise "We must now fe-apprafre ?!»| dent* appear to have given John Hancock competition, The National Association nf I Thl. i< where.he ..Id 'ration, or the "house of intellect", th.tclu; ,,|.wkl ,„h term, p'rccnting the appliance division of NRA. and decline in the business cycle. present system and make *nn as when signed in five-inch high letters. Schools of Musie has been desig¬ runs into trouble. | research projects recently com This year he was chairman of When there is inflation, the rate changes, since what we have t.. nated by the National Commis¬ "BUSK A HUM IS essential, but J pleted. the Advisory Committee on So- ; of social security would he lower? day relates to the problem* ,,f -.-I The tahle for the c!a«s of "61 will la- rrady for caning sion on Accrediting a* the re¬ On Nov. 29, Dr. Ned Flanders is teaching." 'from the Univesrity of Minnesota rial legislation to the Democratic ed; during recessions, it would be years ago," he explained. the beginning of winter term. The can ing will lx> held in sponsible agency for the accredi¬ SO "People arc needed in both or is scheduled to apeak u u on research Platform Committee. Old College hall and will l>o limited strictly to seniors tation of alt music decree cur¬ these." of the teacher'a role in education. graduating by December. 1061. ricula with specialisation in the He re posted a feeling among MSU WAS chosen as the site j fields of applied music, music of the conference according to Old College hall, w hile not limited to seniors alone, has theory, composition, music ther¬ graduate students was that the Mr. Altmeyer, because it is one lower the number of teaching Theatre Schedule* traditionally been the meeting place of seniors. The hall apy, musicology, and music as a hours, the better the job. of the three best schools in the nation for social research and the ia named after one of the first three buildings on campus. major in liberal arts program*. Gottlieb, a young, dark haired 'Three Mutketeer*' Dr. Underwood is a member of variety of courses offered in So¬ • The present hall was built as part of the 1943 addition the Commission on Curricula divl-- man, did his graduate work at _ - . . M "The Three Musketeers," the cial Work. The U. of M. and to the Union, Supposedly, some of the original timbers ■ ion of NAHM. He has been a jUniversity of Chicago before film made from the famous Alex¬ Wayne State comprise the others. from the old hall are in the room. m-mtsT of NASM .in.-, 19.14. t"J":- . ander Dumas novel starring History as he lived it was the One of the general topics for H|S 8' M» JJtled „The Ar"' Fairbanks sr., will be picture Mr. Altmeyer presented in This year, seniors will find information on senior discussion at the convention, will out three ' FwMng, Place, to edu¬ Douglas variablc'harriers pointed shown at Anthony hall today at his speech. "It was Inevitable activities In the hall. The organization of Senior council be "Our Music Culture.' 7 and 9 p.m. that we have some program of cation of graduate students: will be shown in diagram and the agenda for the year One of the highlights of the 1. Finances. will be available for all to see. There will also be infor¬ convention is scheduled for Fri¬ 2. Fertility. day afternoon when the entire .•!. Faculty. mation on the Development Fund. group will attend a Chicago Sym¬ Gottlieb reported statistics phony orchestra performance as from each of these areas in a the guests of the Chicago Orches¬ tral asBft. study h* made of graduate stu¬ dents. SENIORS "At least 24 percent of those Italy, Sicily Arc receiving Ph.I) fegrees take a in salary when they go into cut the LAST DAY Travel Topics academic world," he said. While in school, he said, the Th. World Trsvvl «CTiM will l«rg,« .upport for grmdust. .tu- To Return Your Proofs prrspnl "Italy. Slcllv and S.,r- dnttvlt 'r''n' . , dinia" Saturday at 8 p.m. in th. ' 11 MANY ARK d,p,nd.nt Every Thursday Untv.rstty auditorium. on incom. from othar aoure... h., Carl II. Thoms.n will viewer on a «uld,d tak, the tour ol .lampl., Gottlieb found SPECIAL HOURS thru Sunday evenings Venice, the Isle of Capri. Sor¬ that a graduate student who in j children has rento. and the ".Tewel of Lake Maggoriort. Italy." married and has no a great advantage. The wife can ARRANGED beginning et 9:30 work, while the atudent studies. A trip into the crater of Ves¬ "Get married, don't have any visit to the ancient There's senvJetieu io this raincoat, uvius, a caves of Syracuse and a ride children, and send your wife out to work," he mused in advising 9-12 «.m. 1-5 pji. 6-Sp.m. total perfect ion. This deft water- ' its desir- through the Italian Alps In a in common with a _ Jazz Worbhop small airplane will be featured graduate students. ability is a at pattern al tspeest The second harrier, fertility, r-isy. in the film. artistic-minded, becomes a factor when there is a For the- Thomson will describe Rome, loss of income because a wife cannot work because aha has a ROOM 40 - UNION 35.00 the Wagnerian Music Festival at Ravello and the home of baby, be said. Featuring the THE RESULTING PROP of Italian composer Giuseppe Ver¬ di. income and increase in expenses II is imperative that you World traveler Thomson has may eause ths student much diffi- Al Beutter Group . prndurwl .tfht full-l«wth film- rulty hw.u.. h. m.y h.v. «» return your • proofs immediately! and has contributed to three begin full-time work, said Gott- Hollywood films—-Walt Disney's lish. lailefflrr Admission 50 cents The third barrier deals with "White Wilderness," Warner NO OBLIGATION TO BUY Brother's "Animal World," and ths affect of faculty upon the de¬ United Artiata "Challenge of cisions of graduate atudentp. Gallery Espresso the Wild." Faculty advice, said Gottlieb, 547 Vi Grand River (opposite Barkay Hall) Filters for flavor -finestflavor by fori Tareyton m,mtn masculine eyewear - - V _ Your rotor rtdee oooy all tha way. Softana • r>\ Tamton km tht Uiste- f ^ • uniqm tsat Mkr et ACTRMTtO CHARCOAL the moat atubborn beard inatantly for a faatar, cloaar ahavo. aoothaa and lubrieatas yaur afctry ETC EXAMlXATtONS H Eatra-rleh. oxtra-thick, puah-button qutck. Ragular or MoothoMod. only 14>0 Dual Filter M W. C 1S.VSCN, «*PM SMOOTH does it! WALLACE OPTICIANS SHAVE 904S Vim St. (eppaaite Fm*r) Ffc. IV S47I4 «i*» Hunt 4*1 Slows •< 107 .V. D'aHaii . IV NEW DUAL PILTER IV MI7f • M.U LTON ■ .. • Dr. D. C. kM mm* Dr. J. K. KtM. ■igklllll trim .1 II