1*. ISM ?e' d«e< Ui yV' he re. PRICE 5 CENTS t key ((rir| "kins PreH In UN Commission m. May Go to the Congo vy»laredef h" he con. !H not »<-t te* to nifrt grnnt* U- | bly seats President Joseph Kits- ■ zed if they can mu>t;;ion of the Soviet hi»c n and part of the A oan-Af- mission Some moderates on the com- have suggested that, make ing in Lt'opoidvillp next Satur- ric:i group. unless every member goes to t\ N. "aid at a ncws conference enn°e re have tn. UNITED NATIONS. N.Y.. »!» Wachuku Of Niaerla. (r.;m i^qwldylllc'alrporl, wthrc t,mJe 0,on ,, rocommrnd.)- .r ka.avubu i, seated. (though some mem tiers are ab- jo's army commander and mil- tlon ot i!t nli i;. ,r They and others argue that! sent. They argue that so long newly elected chairman -f the tbv y 3re scheduled 1o arrive ■b'ry ruler, would not rupport ,ha, „ „,na d. ,f ?h«* ;>.s.scmbly recognizes Ku- as it has. a quorum. Its report 13-nation Asian-African Com- th.- week- this threat lie said, "it ia no ,, b . ,..,„..d„nt K; , avuou. their group then w.'.l cannot be challenged. misinn. thus defied a Congolese Talking with a reporter, he concern r»f mine. ' official's threat that 5.000 *!»•» cast doubt on speculation Wachuku. answering quo¬ troops tt-uM bar i'-. member.-, 'hat if the UN General As-em- tums by telephone from h.s Canadians Elect Officers New York hotel, said he wa* Millmi Adams Speaks not upset. "I go," he said. "I have book¬ to ed my passage and I go. I don't' MSU'* Canadian students will ten'> from *be Unit: \ States and defense integration later winter see any danger.'' Water - Limited Resource He explained that Nieeria had two battalions of soldiers °Mcf,r* a*, meeting for the an organization, new Canadian t..n zht at ■ v, . fir * various meeting Spring term, the group pr«>- participate in the Internationa! would and three battalions of police _ ua;"■',l Stale News Staff Mepater with the UN force in the Con- ' m 1 n "n gram p-- ibl.t.tic; wcrt- discuss- j Festival and en'ertain the Na- rd. Tbc-e :nciu i-d a reception tional Ballet of Canada when it By HANK BEEN STEIN g» and the force itself totaled * fho a'-"riT n. wh. h w,.l , h - Canadian flayers when performs here on May 9. Water Is a limited reaource which must tie Uted care. , around 20,000 men — quite!, unite the largest -ngte national- . f. nry pf'sei ".In!,us Ca.' ir" on J Dr. Alvin C. Glueck, assistant fully, according to Milton P. Adam... executive .ecretary of the Michijran Water resources Commission. j*n™'h ,0 thf wmm's-;[yJ™P. rTn-Li Z- an. 9, par' -ipa!inn in the MSU professor of history and direc- of the Canada seminar Opposition forces, he aaid.j bership of 12"» Canadrm-. and J Canada ■ i.Kus on Canadian tor pr>- Sneaking lx-fore a Thursday , . . . .. , ,, 7~~|must not be very well organi- will be open to interested ttji-1 f.,tk mu .ui i U S-Canadian! gram, will act as advisor for the Industries also add to the low : 1 : Canadian Students association. dinner meeting of the Commun¬ ity Services Council in Landing, dilution problem bv by pu'tin MSU faculty members of Can¬ Adams said that at the present waste and water" back into the adian orcin will he invited to rate'of growth, b»:h indu»trial- which U than ldr»- s 'he organ'zaton on ques- Last Performance a ind in wati-r resources pojtul;*!'. tn. e will reach thipr t'.S water •ie warmer water source. Adams point- »ns of interest in U S.-Canaci:an •'a!i .n- el ut The warmer materials limit between !»B0 arid Ray Iwanick. Manitoba fre*h- THE I.AST HI KUAII—Three scni.r cheerleader* n, •» lev - :i the oxygen content I^nsing is the largest c.*y -n said. m«n, June M. Donald, Ontario performed at I Heir last fnotlinll came la-l Saturday. •f the wa'er. Adam Michigan using an underground .phomore, assu ned rcsponsibi- AI • He bottom are Marpe lt»h«. and lloh HorirH. At water source and the day may itv f>r rontactrng other MSU IH» lap Hi Kitty Paul. (Stale Xe»n photo by Kim ct.mo when Lansing will have Canadian* at la>*- Wednesday'-* JamtH.) t» look for water source. Adams a lupplem-.mtary said. Carnival Among jiubier'e dijeussed at TIIE LOCAL WATER - J: the first tmvt.ng was the lack At Forum •nny havo to b«- supplemented by the Grand River, which i-1 now used for sewage disposal. (Hi airmen of information norrhern nei«hb«»rs which Amer¬ about their icans to have. Although (Cumberland, Shapiro stn-rn Adams *atd Following the lead •>f other Michigan cities, Lan¬ sing mav have to turn ' » *he Announced th Canadians are generally m '» taken for Americans he-e . re more readily accepted than and Debate Latin America Gcat I^akex as a supplement to its vCcll water, he said The amount of surface witter nival are riant f«r the ItHtl Water Car- under way, according to some foreign student*, they que:- tioned general ignorance of Can¬ flowing through Lansing var- Amie Roberta, general chairman. ada's form of government, its ,, •.»»•»» 'The tinted State?* I?* wapinjr a Cold War agailHt Latin ;PS With the season and rainfall. Rotw-rta announced the appoint- geography, and its varied cult¬ America," Dr. Samuel Shapiro, instructor at MSU-0 and Adam* said, but except f >r the nient «.f carnival chairmen and ural life. • Canad.an writer for the New Republic magazine announced iliirin)! Jnr n-' ron-«f( « j« , ,lt _ ' , . , , , . ^ » not too high i» o ,„h^K.,ra,.n Prwtuftions chamnnn FmOr. h fn-rry gest i\i n-.en student* forming ,» curling team, sug¬ * diKiuoira with Pr. Charles < umheriaml. pn.fe*sor of 1,10 ,r. a* secreury. Sub-chairmen are: v tiich rivals hockey in popular¬ daw •- — —.Adams said. This means that Paul Iturbage. police and *ecur- ity north of the border. Sh'.ivrn he fni* -ht Shan:ro. T '■> Yi'gflav 3 there is lees oxygen t<> work ities; Bob Mali, rule# and regula- The prthnunary arrangement* nresent itc ' ^a-. ^.i;, po .< , s defied th rii—un Communists. ,n \ ,» M-wage which is dump- turn*; ami twl iMIroot, atnging. r .. f.irma'ion of the Canadian ar^ t' S S R. came crawling ed in to the water. The !es>en- CO^-hairmen of theme and eon- toward Latin America arc arou - group have been a service pro¬ Kri vi.-itvd ing of th" oxygen content r.- tinuity are Jody Howard and Gary ing widespread hatred of the" ject of the pledges of Delta Phi United States. Hf laid mcft peo¬ ^ while tioth were New creases !he bacteria content,! tllowvra. Connie SCekit is in charge Epsilnn, national professional ple who visit Latin America do (York for the UN. General As-J Adams said. of programs and publicity will be LOVELY CHUCK PFAFF, Detroit junior of Delta Tau Delta, is fraternity for the Foreign Scrv- not see the extreme poverty that bemb'y meeting, he added. j DURING THE AVERAGE directed by Jack 1'yle. crowned ()ueen of the I'owtler Puff Bowl by Arlyn Greifendorf. .co and International trade. The loss of American foreign I summer day. w hen the river Lloyd Wexler is chairman of exists there, low, the organic load carried the midway ami concessions. Thi* Chicago freshman and Delta Gamma. Watching: i* Joe Day. Saffinaw investments in Cuba will ulti by sewage and treated sewage year's midway will include games ".U*.1? i!^1 lla the United Steles, buttfi' the matcly be lurnvd to pro!,!. Mr surpasses the oxygen content of vkiil and entertainment, junior, (jueen Charlie's escort. The Dells have won the even! si\ out poor here c.n «et relief and us- uslly obtain enough food, sharp.r„ (J d ou.lon Th(. „r,s.onal needed for safe water in the ;hl. toU( value of Lansing area. Adam* said. Public relations will be super- vised by Jerry Lundy. Sub-chair-1 t of the last seven years. Meredith -n Cube when suxer la not har-, - tVhi.e; b owned Cuban property was Adams pointed out that men are: Larry Pontius, radio and I g|) I OHUUF 1 III##I _B -B . ftlOHl . ve ted many people starve. Cumberland and Shapiro agre¬ , bdlron dollars, h continued, groups such a* farmers and the television Linda Itaunier, new*, university lower the dilution paper*; Jllykc Roberta, magazines*j Sketches ! Camnia Phi's Over DC's, 13-12 -Special ed that the reform* Castro bad factor- of the local water sup- and Patti Coleman, speech, ply bv taking water directly Tom Finch and Nan Horton will instituted in Cuba were long cverdue, but Cumbreland felt ipine from it. rather than storing v a- direct the ticket committee and ter during the spring run-off ticket* promotion sub-committee, rt r»l. 1 »• Vlir IIIV 1','Tl'Vhril /• ■ -TV ft* ... TGIF party when the Delta IL K flamma phi Beta defeatvdj TIIF. WIN EXTENDED ( . that free thought ia cbacouraged by Castro's police-state method*. FRIR MBCTRRION is not Club Holds Pcr*od • reapeetivaly. Jim McNiR is chair-, mar, „f .it.r >|...ru an.l n.le-! .unjai ^arnma sorority in the ma powder Putt mJ Beta'; bowl record phi Beta's Phi How! i three consecutive win-; Gammas rolled up in ,i of c-invert.blc.j aero,} the street caravan; An evening of intimate sat'on »nd drama await* the *tu- eonver* tiifht--. llirreWr of |.ur.-ha.,nir i. tr,uch (,„.ba|| game ,,Iayt.d Sat- prohibited for the farmers co¬ IU'11 Fiavlwr Bru.-. Banrmft. Bill Alkred*, | Sharon Smith, Chicago sen- frorn the lb It home and began Hent* and public of Mast Lanoinr Meeting u„|ay ,m old Collcje field, ' operatives spend many hours will be flnaori.1 advisor b« tinanrial »ivi—>r to the en- i »r and Lynn Cartier. Grand h." cheer • ■ *'ben Rurgeaa Meredith perform* ^ large crowd of rpectatar d'SCussinf the administration of Rapids Jr .-.cored the touch- T e G.minia Phis and Doit* th*p auditorium tonight, the co-op and electing officers, On (jim/m* tir. tamival. comprised primarily of Greeks dovv All direct mail, newspaper and aad parent* who were on hand for Gamma Phi. Lz dreamed <,ui uf the bouse and Meredith, born and raised in The Philippine cluli of MSU Mndier. exchange student from I uack making the middle lR« lfto midwoat, mWwaat, i* an "open door according to Shapiro. The director of arbitral. >n progtam advertising for the showUor tne annual Dad's Day ftw- The United States, not Castro, observed Philippine-American Switzerland and CJitnda Sim- «-Itai i tivitiest. saw Gamma Phi over- pkin* Milan senior scored for land as both fore dheerod "tudenta of MSU to see a 'wrlori . riould be blamed for arousing d^v America, ,. . . , o('« lion rudMf, i> a: H««fc utkul ..iv.'tti.ine (r»- jcomc a 12-0 h r^!. ,, Utdla Gamma. back an.l brtn. great actor performing in great tte hatred of the Cuban people MSU today to speak to econo- lenity. »« squeeze out a scant 13-12 to . the Union The winning point carno on The DG •• ended the rally J contemporary pleys," Dr. Wilson **ainst th UA Shapiro said. 1 heme of the carnival will 1m* , victory over their rivals phJippine _ ^ American Day is mic* classes and a seminar. ,, ,, , , - pass from Sally Phinney, with a snake dance across th I'huI, director uf the Lecture-Con¬ The Brat step in patching observed' in acordance with! Fischer will discuss collective announced winter term. Rush for Gamma Phi s winning margin #t!iVOf o Sharon Smith. mt yard of the Delt house ceit serine, said. minutes ' j up the Cubap relations must be the laag - standing friendly bargaining, and the local work- committee* will, be held Tue*- came in the final of La ' *i* appear on the fcene was Although a "special" in the taken by the UA, Shapiro said. rejtiwrehip beltA'ccn Ux twoj Y>«. condiUotu _ c!»u» steel industry at g a.m. and 10! In «M|.onal careers or moving in- "Hamlet" with the Landau ftrnt- lor's degrees in less than three 'to graduate studies, during summer school. number of elementary, second-! IT-., wr, re hoed by MSU Prreident ford-on-Avnn drama group. John Hannah in a abort ad' years. The full program, cover-' The first trimester will begin Varner said students now en¬ ary and university faculty Ht5ri? VsOITlCS Tickets for th* performance b-matioaal ing 2 year* ami eight months, the Tuesday after Labor day rolled at MSU-O will not be members use the summer term, WCOAL viU dia-ldrere to the group. . # are on sale at the Union ticket defects Thoee attending the meeting will include eight trimester*, and end Dec. 20. the second expected to enroll during tho running from late June until ( H desk. Performance time is 8:15 The trimester system, recom- will run from Jan. 2 until 1962 spring torn, but will at¬ September, for additional study., VsllI A9E111419 m e,re ihown siidei of Manila id the Philippine bland, nar- mended by Durward B. Var- April 15; and the third from tend only fall and winter. They They said will graduate In lour yean. there wa* definite advantage in: for these reasons j Workmen will begin stringing p.m. by Hie Anselmo, a mem- n«r, chancellor of MSUO. will April 22 until Aug. 5. The btlanet keep the institution open 11 month from Aug. 5_j«t;l La- Students wbt BEtar -next fall, offering the trimester plan at! Christmas light* in the downtown fit debate har of the, club. The tour emphauzed West, months of the year, which, Var- bor day will be "vacation for will however, bo expectd to the branch university and the, Lansing area this week. Churches Probed ZT,55: * era influence, in -education, ar¬ ner says, will enable more ef- faculty and students. attend year-ronnd. 44 week four-quarter system in The light* are scheduled to be chitects. agriculture, aport^ /octive use of pny^jfi and Resident fees at MSU-O, Tho trimester plan ha* been East Lansing j turned on the day after Thanks- WASHINGTON—The Internal Dr. academic facilities. Varner proposed, will be set at studied by Provoel Paul Miller, The four-quarter system, in giving.- the traditional start of Revenue service said today it ia and language "We will also be able to ac- (140 per term. Out-of-state who endorsed the plan at. the addition, allow* those students the Christmas shopping season, investigating complaints that cer¬ Also included in the program World Board meeting. Although Miller who wish to work during the Decorations this year will be tain churches abused their tax were folk songs and dances commodate more students by fees will be a minimum of $325 Smucklar the trimester plan, because they per term, or one-half the an- laid the plan is experimental, summer to do so, as well as the same as last year, back to privileges by mixing In politics performed by members of the Wa " ta colorful native will be going through faster," nual out-of-state fees charged ha pointed out that ii had sev¬ giving students a vacation if [ back wreath* on street light poles during tha Varner *a.d. 'by the student's state land eral advantages and la daacrv- they desire one. isnd multicolored lights. campaign. MONDAY. NOVEMBER :i. nnioits undue prcponion of the 15v load and thus driMnjr business out of the state. The weight of evidence suggests thst in m-ist CA«e< t*xe« hit wot the major oon- sider*tk>n in thr location of industry. bat They have al«o a* id thr st.'.r. < 'vwr- that th<-> arr an important consider*!ion. spending" has led to an oppressive ta\ load Hi', ether 1V,;np-« bomjr equal. that is driving business out of the state Thus. today, as wr look at Michigan. vy and creating fiscal chaos frd laves or. business substantially higher than they my, for ex-ample. in Ohio. Hov - \ STl'PY conducted in 1 **'c hv W;";*m rver. when we consider our ot depends upon one'* viewpoint Tf. to determine thr degree of the «<•. We must a«*-o remember that sooner serted tax overburdening, «r measure the or 'ator thr populat'or ir. mt neighboring level of staT-hva1' tax roor-ipt' as a -v- elates is going to demand services or. a cert age of persona" ivftrrr rece'ved .ir thr par ** dh those ir M*cv;c*r Thr long*; A'ato o.rr of thr mom meaningful me*c tVir cor-ide-ratior i*. delayed. * be more < rf fTos« *>,\ "burdor" rr fwf that the- wiM oo%t ami the greater wdl V the Vvh;far *•*» Ved t h ,-t •••.»' «<.* among the s*''o according to If*?.? tax figures IN MfCHir.ty - the ' • .m, / tie However, Michigan ranked. twelf'h wart a fair distributton of thr tax We¬ among thr States ir par capita tax re¬ ther, it would seem that the only answru ceipt* .From % bore does the difference to tve reed for increas»vl state mvenur OAmr* From business, obviously, Thus, would be a rradnated income fax, tbu- ir- hrr-rvor, sVvdd not necessarily bo con* surine tax.nf of those with the creates; side**©-- hau abflitv to pa< TVrr i< p.vxf »*oftsor to bobrvr that Some v " sat tho-.:cV that tax-e* ir ,V/t favo« pa;.; by business frrr.s ir Vvbip»r statf are too h.pt already. W-hi-re. tKe i- "V somrn-hat hiphor than fbc.v am m. sha" wf reduce evpe*n«i;tnres* The ultra- T-mois. Indiana ard Ohio, state* ir which conservatives wi" •immediately Tvs.rt tr them ;< no major business lav corr.purab'e public welfare expenditure* and it i* a f.* Mh-Hifkn'n business activities tax or mistake annua! o-mporate pHvilecc fee Mxchirat-'* Welfare expenditures ir Vicbifan ac taxes are V.ipher than the income taxes of. count fop only «jx per cent of the S»t4pet. tl ten rellefw \, u ^ ork or Wisconsin or thr income Po" cardt* expenditures for welfare rank and fmnchi*f taves of Fernsvh-ar.ia the state t hint v.fount*-, in the nation Thus T t\r< \]\ bt tvx**e either by ie.y. baldly places Mtchirar in thr welfare state <».-? a* bii*ineas and industry The cue*- catepon Iv fact,, it max point out the 7>ee.i * :,r V»cc.«mes ..ne, then, r.r whether we. :r, for rYsif" rather than less expenditures Vi. bjo.n am saU.Tinc inf!iistr> with ar, it this area 1.otters to tho Kditor Hits Ami-NAACP Utter A.vep It Seems to Me fp: r«f»rd)ei \tri»- T>.v»i,i* ? -f wef a.V'Xirtes' with the s"»v o X"' « b-ar k »>e 1 n*e Tbttch r*~ x ho b.jo fo? mors thai a pear *r«Jt the Sh, i» if ar fc-tu %" tb be* farnib Atwi es*erY*one x So knows
oc " XTiri< 4 T*e nk e-,er inoliadcC the l»er* ■fnam v ho ta»e* catmoi her death ir. & con- o«" *"1 *IA* cams As 'he hobtfd- «na«on. the tradftional ♦hf *n* rrvw'v-i;, apnroarhes we Atnen- cars tnich* tak* a ie«*o»r from little Anne. W'r rrirh* Of */■ mkevaUiate our "»>- tw.tu. p*..r»»f ir other l&nus, jm- .tv ;t • Vu lurui ami ever ourietve*. 7or mi.r, Atnenci.Tr* have fauer irso '. hi va*. •'»■ 'Tabeleraf then is toe. -mu h >.atf ;i AWerwk am; toe- mat.' t me* a d;t - *(.*».n.> it »fiea* ♦♦••tub to a finep-,,or.t.#*u dtr- tn is* wi me pftej 'is he' » i-'hf t* slipbtb ntdicak o" has ever onci ha.- radtcji! tennenctes. a mimmunis-" Cir wfc\ must a unjor; orrar.iner. n br i< work!Tip ^nr what bo thinks is nphi. be calter: a labor aritator* 'She'* a aoctalist," or "be's a burnt' er» ? It ear ma. «.r. tnat r«. or t*f-t irmtne Aaabrat JattA »r *f AwrvirC Thi* i« too prrvalent tociay. And after \v< lahei peoipm—we haU them. pot tnook io sift trcta from l?o« Support S'Aoirs UihniT Sown V. e hate the coitimuii1;irr Biut tsr Pw.idrtn ©J tm- ant. the i'uhana. f e hate net peop*e W*JT» are to hr oorr.rren.uv.. W e hate iNimocrrat* or Ilepublicar* Certainlv. much of the time iuit* is* 't Russians Cheer American > ioluiist jolf PkyMcs MI*ChW, *»•—A awrnt ' .^--e never f fi't «o.v. - *• nu.c coi^rr*- Ksauuni Baas tan audienee Bun«>«8eaa30is^ la m? file." **x the Thuktrt ..*•;&> of luiph rtuamx <*ne«t] r*jr£Jcvt* v TM»MS w: the rri ••«.*••■»« -»• »»•- vondertu v«»r.v... . , a t* wMitaUMO Muutan! PvcMal aPuxre afar re- «s.- -nt Masr-ao- Mum. HiMkr aeorot a stun- Nr¥ ^ orN . ..^ha?nvw..r O*. •r*«vser. unti. she !»ac piayec. 7 t;*** tuanuo in her Alewciu- cms- che-r-a. « Tnaktuf «. vmo-weHk Iwaiuit tumant PqM ♦u-'tsea ant, takrei, 2^ curtain' nut :•«: Frvrtay anc the new* nmrrrt tc»-uc cj tae Sosle; Ha- caua. :*nrmd nuk-ab* ©craqgh the ior.. Rirlrt of Way Bayiwc Michigan State News LdiUr-i»OiHi' _ Munaymy Editor movdat, seymww it. MICHIGAN ST AT K N K IV S rAr.K torix U.SHEliroiM%S!l01llcl linitoScOtI'1 ,e«'111 <>ii«rtK«*porlt* Calls !1 lst»,i Clinic . rati* ... 1 > < I. nis -• i* '. ai1 TAI.*. Pbn Af M*. |- . t.......m I fi»t-m*d at ">.* tliv l«M.,lli. hnollh tenier ar«l ..Attli P a Ry lYIHTIt rFAM.FV KleWsav :o ti-e tifoe.tie*!' »»•-. with «he «Af •• r •tandaH, 1^,..,., p.a|,K ,,tir.et cl l»W * '•*« «"• »«!•" '"Btate*Nesk' |>aiare m titer tury, «o«t. T'-eio are *. v«*->l which «*»• „ I . .. ~ ... Tre.lmre,. r,„n |.r ,b* phy.'- - "Ameaieans thould . iwuistT a \' t' •'ountrie* M'H r-v-t «|t •.> ■% IS"'test Fiiecpc. j .»iln«mi'i dnp'UAW*"! ±PmM new rsrarw* ,-f Tevli"* m*nati»me «a>tr pov- 1 foot t'-e p*rpu'atior -*f the vnriotts ftntea of Rniope" Th> •« :»> « vo. th-n it car ?li. ttc»kc« av 1 nriim" .cnntrie*. a-d the lark nint at Fa inch'M theotct. The be-in* impcrtiM front Sra'.v a-.i • < • •e*lrut*c . ee the ««e ef anefvh a*« in cornecttor nith RWlfcfll Italy t«t ttxi mi t»ev the IJVtOOI {.eetnre iVtnord mar fnctoHo* prt*«p*»rt» ia*rtn»i»e* he t « f > Ail t^e^e *ai.i Scott, Fittv.pean Major StoHarl in |{OT(, I lorn eerte*. On l*>.t t> e to ft'ioiw arv making for a «i**«ted Fttrcpc Ma.Nu iWglas H Si.-wAii • «»ty of Pm-dboic ||ie wifn Jov< R SmMi pointed cut tKsi *11 SmMt rlwewil that a ' .--ii* **,-»tt point**! evil fhut « unit*,! I'StI" I* »«« seeign*,) *!■•' sid »"'« |VV.em- '• Iiv#» vitli him through hi«t>My counttie> ' n\r ,vf the r a i t e v * emmtfe* »K F-ir**t*e #>!! 'e *o« d <■ r America M», hi**' SUM* l'«iv*r*i-v »i* „ \ „.i I T1t*ir h«m* i« t»te*i to nntte Fuivhh Rca-.e atarti,, r After the fall of Rrtnn. the t cafer, tier at lAr*-e ha* a-". i»v»t»n*e*l ra« He «a--i it h*. to ,-*wne if nvoir"-t *t*in»t ih* \ .,1 • Fr*n«-e. Spain. Rnjrland. acd later standard of living a» rd 1 '^ht- n i»o n ,inirii tre In M»le Vt ninge" fi**m Attu. in th* *••"* * ' 71 t'U-r rg Sitil,. » I«1 art,it Aof i , Mit-higan rhap Ho r*,'*Titly fumpblfti A tout : trr of ll o Air. ''.'»n |n«tit\|fo of All lime. Before ton Vrmrl I'lii, • Itf diftv a* A ••*?? «t|t#rsl!,'»'« of i IM.ditroi * will 1ii»M *" organ irn in S^iith Ruielip, Fm*j li»»)in! mri'tirc tonight at H p.fn. Tlianlk«|ii«iii^ lloliil.n, ll.in- jour II* *an,e.| a HA from tht Cni%*r- «*ri V ! llnir Hone Al CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS WOODEN" SHOE DANTE—Purmg — rkiNpino- \iUnd.) Fit M5II IAT. 2015 .,,1,1 Mnrtiii heeler At 1 "ion Ronnl Office Kverj Moiolaj ;u„l Tuexlaj • I'ermanenl, AUTOMOTIVE PERSONAL !•« KFNN'V for onlv Twelve-fifly ale- Afv-TIN' USAtrV 1«VI. rrtinililon. raw W-e.l- i n Ctll FO 2.14TT OAVII ORCHKKTRA Fjiropean Trip Payments Due If n«'»l tomwu mover f;,v„t f»r*< tiww- l- ,.,«|te.,f ra,11,4 FIT J-.IAt* 4.1 I.AVAt.trilH HFCOfWITtON for Ap|toinlmeiil, Call F.I) 7*1111 - t TINS I'ertv fav»i* The rent Khn" iims ronw ht and a no v-n fuioo a, n •* fr„ni aliane- ll„me gnnnomh« »UJ Call after I I'm ft) •.. ii nuilding FO f-stsj. f r • ir'fpfs^d in t*k;r.c knew oi K.^n U*.~v . fea«t txrc ves-s n- *1 bp exempt, ?v V' B.NirJ ^AC'rrc.i *-- wet*. •**« --.A- ,-. • aA erase '.-a- tR5; roup f-t'STOM >»• TWO. HOHOIUT1FS . . . -FHATFHM- Brwhares on planned tours of T1P"» NFFO ioipp *»•«,„» f-«r rhaf gfm-r V-* S-h-e r-p f*ll FO S-tST-1 Entrap* «r..i back, PATRICIAN t.:--t to* $ v-.. r.' *•• be ." * res *si ?\;-v-ne M-."- :*vv this term be firwnlec* * »'ii< firairoml et §|R/r«*"l- ea* f.-r flamM 43 15 lenctha. Fit- tie livery. FO Ml' tv f.rs' |r.«U)"~*-u N YHF. n*«T n* * - handed out. t'nior. N>ard mill iel| »M« ftlFVHOI rr TWO - tHlOH a.' toe UTS it*., •nnauiw- f is p*/d. arc' icantt m *y (vwide only for the ride to and , fa.'ii< beafn t>ien»rfll(fi> Very pcao.l — „ ,• I rtirnmc rnndtton 9i Itofc \c«vy. VB pf**wl**U ck up ap0Vcst.;on* far * F'un^pc. TVnons foing Call FO 3-MTI LOST and FOUND rc ?** first Nov. tfi and Hi? ~ r? f.1 u ' - h i ;v A-!-.,*;; -•-1 N'af-.a MAiHi iiinUl,-. it i irla«o4 i-i'mi 0*l»hl>« I.vnn . Mir « v •V r*ix*n BfTk*. »#N-'Vs . •-e-rv: Je. • There is % posribiifty of mtt- f»•-- fr.'-xi from tarn : a 4 Su?*s Any---'' «•?.! h»« ba.l s ' .All E. (.rami River-F.nlramv off i,i ooioorvT on rrn v-euei- haen^ Mlrhlean Call FO 7-»7.M. s seoo-d plane. <-:d Keavy, (tilj Parking l.ol No. 2 ■ entoH »i»m*.bre«d mrrrhimllw sr-.ai'.jv Tkv.tltion with..n the ' ' - there is enough demand. Aareptove v.'.l fee first • amwrai w* #!«• ,»i>nli»n,v dplirpred in factory riMwn lanrlr,, walrh- TRANSPORTAHON Julian OiMie'nin FO 2-4714 Tl*e«» ft*t nerved, AM -- •; to K**vy, - leet * warn* ,f not ir 42 WANTTO HIOFHS TO Ptttabureh. repxArss .? tltfv s:r T*avin» Nnvemher IP, rontart Jim HKL1, A NO IIOWFM. aiovle Cam. Perrae after I pm. al TO t-MM *1 tSr ".r.T-vst query" ,-.f net. j *ra *|lh 7o,m, Irm. el* m,»nthe ol,l WANTTO HIOFHS TO CaMfnml •. IV I4M Al'rr % nr- IV 41 nt>nx bkou ;■ Xlontwrav area, (ravine December I". T1IHFF rorKTAII. OHFSSK. elre t ,'iila, t Hour Arhlev bv Oecembrr f-$ mast be eevnnected with th* ! Easy way to do your new-car sampling— A Full dhirte,!. v*How tftrailol*" I IV S R141. Ext sail froin I I. 42 BS-TerK'sT ii spader.t, faculty re-:N« at staff at least $.x | uhue ami black. FO 2-Wt'J 411 WANTED HIDF. TO Albenv Pland New York. Will ehare nr f Jike FHFF FI1.M WITH ffovelnptna Drive Kodak n>oa*ip fflm r*?- and rlrlvtn# Can |ra\e December '» raetfc* pnar to the tr.p. Th;« Chevy once around, the block at your nnn'.mif $2 15 *22* .mv Hlack an,I while v m Call I II J.Mfl.i it lactate graduating ten sot* . $1 O color II tW $2"$ KI.O bit!). Ma* r it l'r*<< riptii ti rrntcr. NIOFHs WANTED TO Northei-t A.<* eligible will be Spoum,, >,ii* Hrxdli Ortig Store by Frand'r New Jprwv I oavin# noon. il/XIF" deaada.it children and parent* FO T-AI43 j I,eat to National tf _ « i-^i-eraty-Mraected penou. j the chartered BrfUh Oven**? Airirm c*>rp. jet-prooe'Vd plane *1; let** New York City June j | Chevrolet dealers one-stop shopping center! SHOP NOW •nd " M.v tVPINfl1. tnni SERVICE MANUSi mrfs tTif panrn. etc. Phone I'o : *-a w;3 return from Paris to I AVOID Tllf Rt'SH A~»' Vvk City Aug. 5?. Just drop in and take a drive in one of the 80 spanking new '61 models your Chevy dealer now offers Tvi'iNfi. rxrrmEN'CFo HFTAHV. nli k-ur» and tlrliverr, luw- sr<'- :ser.*..fic»tjoo waaect.:,; to* with *•» available rates. IV S-k.W4 after fi ;« n in 41 fersT -o the wfiirenc:* must be under the same roof. With eveiy drive, your dealer is giving away free Dinah Shore Christmas \ mas I AY-A-WAV ^mwT.rej upon f»rrt payment, TYI'INfi—THF.SFS AND farm pa- writ Printing—tn-me. puhUctty. Hir¬ mt Keavy. records while they last. So hurry! And you 11 find that here's the easy, DIAMOND BONUS STAMPS Wonch OIf»r' Duplicating. 5H one-stop way to shop for ers. F (eramt Hiver, Fa»t Lansing. ED nnc mLL W * stating T-TO'l. tf the car you want. There's a model to suit almost any taste or need—st s «»,%> .v m pAiwati.i ch.:- Cto uncer the ap» of 2 wiU be price to suit almost WM If THOMPSON TYPIST esperlrnre AVAILABLE. 1# YKARI Theees tvplnff. eacratari.il at# *" fo with set char i,» any budsret. There's a whole crew of new Chevy Corvairs. including four family-lovin' wagons. YOUR FHANDOH JFWrt.rn vork •.* nti r. rollrgr itrgree. electric typr- r.i ED 2-jSW if tr.p M-ii^ he first c.as.*, at New Biseavnes—the lowest priced full-sise Chevrolets. Popular Bel Airs. FXI'tin THESIS AND general ix<: tad the price of a rrtu;«; '■T"- *. Lh f.rst r!tn meals. Sumptuous lmpalas. i } ATTFNTION ■' v»ur JMiflAI. t HAtHMKN if,>riu or hI"< . And America's only true sports car—the Corvette. Come on in and "• fard Shoo fir*t Arrin- fio.n | from It rod v ED 3-5343. if * Wsace .imitators will be sr. pcamd» until toe tou! pick your Horn* Ec HuiUime ED 2-4;."«3 43 SPFCIAIe—Two nlain roats. nan's ATTFNTION FACULTV N P. W I or ladirs elaiks. cleaned and nreaerrt. new car the easy way—on a one of toe persons gaing is atop ahoppmg tour! | ktrbv. 5h e off with attachments, Call 1*1 mi suite, dresaes, 3-1 p m. ED 1-OU.l 42 pav more1 74 vears in bualnas*. I We coeta St 45. Wl-v put the enarkle in Spartan uniform* ) MAKE YOUR OWN Xmae pro,, WFNDROW'S COIN LAUNDRY AND j ruts i it) ~ etudetit diKcount on i >r* m\' CLEANERS. Mitt Vine Street, Maintenance *ut»nlirx amir-mosaic Aslitravs. kit-, '« block west of Sears at F ' mrture* table tope. h«'t parte I r»« Inetrurtion*. Kit, hei.e Inr 414 Fran- . Tk'PING DONE IN my rt«r Shnpnin* Center. IV 2-5434 4t Village Home ED T-C703. tf Men Clear TV lamrn. SECTIONAL DRAPES DAVENPORT^ bertriHjin furniture, Tl~ TYPING. ED 1-4320. f olrtures. loveaeat. rhaire. TYPING DONE IN any beNMb Call Winter Ice toole ptensiU. mtact'Uaneoue. aleo house. <11 N. D**t«-r TU 2-7BH2 IV after • pm. if 42 TV AND RADIO eerytce. Rperlal . MOVIE CAMERA — KODAK. low rates to students. New and u«ei Brownie. < mm. turret V/Zi Never 4*3 ti,MW *•■*;. uwd ro 7-area TV wet* and antennas. Free tube fefMj M 45 » r^-nc checking, free narking R am. to •» ■«»,—»H «^arr. pm. daily. TV Techniciana Co^ 3032 **•!« lk» WMw m4 HOUSING •j", *o4 Th« aapi! Mfrty j New '61 Chevrolet IMPMA SPORT SEDAN j New *61 Chevrolet 2 000R BEL AIR SEDAN F_ Michigan. IV 7-555* tf *« * •" Himlya* wttk in *M j Vwllan Jwnae^ia thaft ! TWn Inrtlfi M Aln. gami imt 4Wn Ik* thrtftimt ful]«r. |FOR RENT Was iipi I !■ : at *li- Thry'ra mom S Mm fm mamm mum Mmmkr f turwe student* j M ttav nmvtoki/ • WWeeMwMeiM WBklMt Majwi FUaWfOi* 1S-, hi(t»r Near Lake Louring until June. Call r.r four Wp Wh TOnr • *wt P i«eitMee(ft«»*«*HeeMteH*te»tetetMtM*M*etM»te»«tr«r»iii«t«Mii«r»«M*i TK D.23.-12 after 1pm tf A TED WITH SHE REN PLYMOUTH "J** >^-nam4au tl gromnc- HOUSE FOR RENT, will am-oml "atcwM, Wii Fan, aud ttes ortalr four btudentb Gas ftirnare VAUENT. 227 N. CEDAR. MASON, "**-* !■<> mm ur.» teat nice euiet neighborhood call FF. > av MICHIGAN. STUDENTS AND FA¬ AFARTMCNT j CULTY—LETS GET RE-ACQUAIN¬ *y 1" M auin -f mi FOR FAMILY-FULL Y furnished ~V< wmto, mti M i Two bedroom apartment, al! utilities TED COME ON OUT TO MASON ?*«"« imrfi luintsfted parking one block from Central Mhonl. ideal for ian.iiv with one child. MS p« r month. ED 2-tt?i AND VISIT. tf THREE ROOM FURNISHED unit Complete h New lower priced.'Sl New %l Corvair 700 IAKEW00D STATION WAGON -,ne or ,u„ K win- g two male sti.oenta. *12 fanlitiet for week- tion LEAHN TO FLY at Sheren Avia¬ Low Betes • Three »ntle» 'W J I. ED 2-UU22 tf north • on Abbott • phone ED 7-U2J X $$$% ' ' 3m mbat Carvwr'a r* m ma Ihwrt ram tar tlmoat •varythiat but untilwu in tiwn new m- VFRY NICE BUNGAIJ1W House tr for three four graduate •M** M aaariy 11% mm : rntmtr *e«MBW l«b»wnnil« And they're tbe only magoaa with or men or women, one hWk ea-.t of nortb TYPIST Ann Brown. New phone ■fM'i wmMt, too. «itk • ! ' MWb Mek aadar tin bMd. Be Mre t» am the mw Grwnbrwra, too. • I'ennsvlvania tail IV 4*4253 .',3 No. ED 2-LM4. Electric Typewriter. • Term papers and Uieses. Also fen- • eral typing. '••••eeeeeeeeeeeeeew•••••••••••••#•••#••#••##•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• tf VERY LARGE COMFORT ABLY SPARTAN ORCHESTRA SERVICE f.irulUied, oamlid bertaitting room. Music f»r alt occasions. Gene Halt. $'• ivwte bath. One black Irom c«m- ED 7-OIIi tf t" s. ED 2-2V1* 41 New *61 Chevrolet 2-DOOR BISCAYNE 6 THE MODERN - AIRS Dance Bar'h FURNISHED ROOM WITH orlvete From 3 to 10 pieces. ED Emery. IV 4-5*:,4 NOW—Bi|-Cer Comfort et Small-Car Prices entrance uate student. ar.d private bath tor grad¬ ED 7-U53I after * p m TYPING IN \n- HOME. Will on-k- ,f Then mw Kmufm •'■'—the leweet yriced full-eue ui> and deliver—very reasonable Ii OwltlW ht F*e «bfw —F hn bif way, yet give you ■ lull uwean at CWey'l mw room in—— «uch PERSONAL ."•» T^' '-W 43 Ii thiny, ea HOWLA.ND MOUSE INVITES EMPLOYMENT bifber amr abak aaata, tartar door opening,, more leg nen to a pie ard coffee hour Mop. all mm ■ imt, mora loot ma in tbe rear. dav. Nov. 21. 7-2 pm Learn how vou C*n MVI *1(10 on room and board NURSE. REGISTERED ervlsion and eener.il dutr. No rota¬ FOR aun- 323 Ann Street. ED 2-4521. 41 tion. eight paid holidays Liberal per- bonal policy Salary commenaurate EON THE F1NE3T In dance mure with experience phone ED 2-4ttb3 Us Bud Spangler. Don Smith. Jack between *-4 p.m. 43 Mr sun. Bobby Stav» ns plus m*r> o-Jier» Pnooe the Bud-Mor Agtncv. '•lit!. FOR NEW Real E»tate off- IV 2- oo> v.-i-.r.t ,o iv «--«» tv note, rt»r'< 04010 trtwrt Hnfb SM!id»y taort; 9p9»Wk tho (r»n»>- sn vbtrwkobio .n hit own ond- n»mo. A (a Fran The Jlreets" (Brit Mil Burner of Kdinhurth Fontiial A«anl nUrriac Bril»in'« "Kmt of Cooioifi" "Tho Ttarhnt of thr Cn; M\\ RYC.RAYE8 DANA WILSON FAIRCHIl.tl THEATRE T «>w. Nov, 22 — T ft I |>.m. AImMM: XOc t*r f!f»Of If' i'W S«< v ik * • TYiVVfA X»1l.Si">N SHOW'< • ht ho r« on Hod ooo of I ho —4tr- t- K. «r -r »•'. ♦ - • It. ! p wan r-r1* ik'^rt ;t '• r-u. r»:od ^unrrhnoit. in tho Jfic Ton. Hot* ho «»it» unlil ho t» aolwltt '.s.-Alot. tv'nv ho liiornh lo Horh Addorft «hn inot od for an 11 ynrd A»fc- Flal.ntaf:. irft ■ Thralor *nr ?mr yant« fcnr. trosrkricAr? ram at :ho >or.'*i.n» waliohotl tho I'n'VOTMti of IVtroit f.YlA. irhoto An ftttlwfeitatler kukec the • h» Rod Jamr> Malo N«»o rhotocraphor.) tr» paint A foul after she fnu.h qrwrT 'n-rpr Rr»nd*tatfer tr kk'k BOX OFFICE OCF.NS ff fmn. M? r*r and t nf 4) took the hall frr.rr. thfirr mm J*6 1/ *fn-r it } filar. or k ri.'tw c*u - End College Gridiron Careers ihe mrh* *ufc by Tstur halr*ha k. SOME J11* fihortnr. jshaTvahuT howtot ?? t WOMFA • vtra T«. mi V tiring; Ihr NEVF.R V IS-* fttate hopfwC tie*-*- the ncvt or* a time •.or*' pm thr hal. anc f< >i name .., Su • A kirk rs~»nh If ya*de JOST A U th» TitftX 4:. MMBER (•ecntt t/w>4. f pi* a** tr- pnwer thr !■' vara* mne hcnrr m n I* thr nctii ■ arc rur rvc*- siiH_ K' Quarterback Ihrk i*»rn-iK Ir at attemhi u na«d frrhshr Iwe T*nrl eorvrrsfor T W $n»fe>c to rut. r 11 a-oimr i^f r»«rht cm! upum uw. cfw r—--r thr ro-nc» u tie the pnmr FaurduM Tbairt Thr team* evrhwipe; tixri V. .;*or. hf ;Tii Two* *itir utM. Bod. Nov. .16 - Sau hoe. 4 at h pa Tiu**ec-a inng tow to v'»r. • hfc'or. Ah i>A Ak'S.h OfH'T. fleet tt i of I' Matuwo SaU Doe. S at 2:3d |a. — tcrritnrv hftrk TkAoii AroikMo: tr tmi*- or ttir wan fii* ^"iiBor w*v forcfK. u rut »»: FairrhiU Km Offiro wire, of tik A'urfi- tf tho r-i. Jfc lie thct u J w a: t*.hihd thr une |*wo tr lie-! Afweriy fnr tiw twt S5-U a: the hall Mi.-Jurat fvtaie notec for hetr.r A fte.-one half hat rhila, prrfrc vrm lo fortt Satu-uav a* tt\ry pu«h*c Itetma at ewer thr ficlr. The T iuiith hac cotter; 7; ra^v» im ru*r.:zip to the frrrowi u. thr tart hal atw at the vertmci they hw- di ?■'- a t*ep»tiAF» mrcrmf* XT thai hf-uid. V usot cu Hmadatatter early it. the uitrc quarter for the wart B-on la' em TUlimat. qiarh a BOBCtanv- niruMt catrt nf WjUnr 'r LUCON ronw*rs i at tw«r and thr; aeon vat Si-I* for 5t»w Neither tean manac«f te dr Wttcs for thr rer, tt» tam! ant. v. vth< '*« Uir-aa !X7f»tMATTO\ m liranosaitir' faar h» Snt lept'- m-.tth mi«f at er cstra potoi «U ter.inV I'» kick **• «.*a»A ti the rurt-.t. The « tf.tt bra*T biK'B : P.M. - AWI-TS fn.: htewan. direct^ ttw- It. Ui mW' «; ilttci N' v riuir- t t-ATl Ki. >Hvl* \ AT l .Si • »:4i y»iun|w thnwurt; vat rent* 1: er«' New-mat s first A-or* *t » Y<* lJREIi -( a:RY OV MTtsfT Y(»l -notdfTTiatA .cam* .«t.cw.ar- stxestnnaa; t« pmm fnr BILL U» K -THL f Alt AIV> TABl.ir thr ctsnver«io} tutx h» uea ti. liuxiiii.. v.-hi.-u ira# natted Of K ti»» ait. *»a iivftsmpieU T»r gutty eitavii wik. thy bca*** 4.V1&. NANCY" aTCKWlBE PAl UNE FLANAGAN MUD DUMOCX sr''; JOTSrWWMYVEIO Captainis SUSMfOUVP IMHo I Jf • i* v IfilVIV' OUiTOOV r FfTTVd THlNDESOltK THANE-t week. R>frr Humharfer. Don Cattle, gle, the National Championship < . TVe Vst ... po-n-'nuvil 'enc.ns J?nd annual ' NCAA ehamm-'i-1 Oeorsc Tatu to bring home: of major eollege footba'l still is '» ' ,v, rt,, 'h Vnev Akert 'v.* eH*-nr.'>Rsh"m ri", I* ,nrttht,r ut!o, . C„vf ewMce n\ tt W up for |rat's new that the Vv I According t«t vsrytr.g report- the Scholars wore osing v , ton.,-. -<» A! Ta«rm^ of Houston wilt; trim in the Associated Hits* 10th A.1 I ,< as nunc *» four players that were not on their raster. An alert Tiger player had reported to an official that There will tv atmoat .'V rentretant-rntrmt in iter teur-l wr» reprweittlng owr M rot' tie re-:• iv teres n»J- "td utivrrsitirt ttkmg nina another Utle ^ ^efendmi his Individual tl-} ranking hi* been thumped— He i« 'he favorite for win-j and thumpd good—for the third : = ho h*d seen one of the Kv*n* Km* pl.vnr»c on another ' fer.eir.4t rvvvn * »><* I M tmiUU run 'p.vt m the jfrueHinf four-mile j John Maty of Houston run- consecutive Saturday , > Mis.muri went the way of first- team and the ir«a1 alsn tvcejrrired the cs! player. • nerup In this meet last year t Now it Vr*n Pitt rich 'he Cf r'l .' '•* *5** * pvwslble winner alona tow a and then Minnesota this scent* silly to n.«o player* that are denmtc'y TV* tow - rn^.l a.i,41fb*n tmtrna ... . „ v. scheduled for S CO pm t.wi.ch* h.vi >rs. A'.*4-t N • : t>f!*a Ch V< A'.oh a . ^ Un.t the ninth State ha< won more NCAA Jerry amp. Hob Lowe won by spartan champ of thrown University, the weekly AH poll—which de- As Km ore the Central Col¬ termlnes the national champ-' ^ \ >» Anniversary nan's to win and *or*.e don't -Mnd a legiate champ of Western, and ion in the final balloting—Kan- little illepility provided it get* them the desired victory. Ts.i tVimaa ideuhleAt v*ourt No ChampiiMwhip* than anv o?her Hillv Mill* the Bif Right champ s*s made g«*vt on the third tr\ v. h.s* 'um-ng on the *.v>xd I have no particular facts to Iwx up this stafevew, * rv a Tan Delta v* Alpha - of Billy Rrynold* rap in a ' big game" and tagged the i tain of the Spartan squad also Tigers 23-7 hut rumor*, front disjrmntied players from many teams claim that a front deal of mrlijr.Ko phi vers and such J I-tM- i-1, Alr*« v. AV> » »»* 0~'i.T' , Rj;N„ j ranks a* a high contender. That upset not only left the The blgge*: fght however No. 1 spot wide-open. w«th t"W.i SPECIAL EVENT . f T«j tVnn. («mw<. will be for the team title, with (S-U, * N r.ufli rM4 Mississippi t3-0-M, Min¬ iroes on it the intramural program S N.i vi SIC--..1 S♦-* Hr. *:i '--v Houston University ao the meet! nesota t#-lt. Navy l8-t! and .\* far a* I am concerned I fo*' Barn* V. Recman I favorite. Western Michigan i Missouri (f-l) all {utnt'r< a : H.V..1 ' ly K»«lw ?-•' could grab the title from the possible director ef the program is dome l.v behind the 1M > ar.«i works a vrrat hi-ru to p:\o jot He is rra'i- the students wvr ,0 ■ itv*a-Murs A up match rvp »rt eards O'ticf ^ ? a *0 Fmmors* Wr*t *•' 2-S t- popoular Trsans. Defending; choices, but coupled I champions MSI- and aim Big; State's surpri.ve S-0 defeat wi'h Utah onlv 3 davs left • - mmeaenmmm^ ' the lnrfest possible program 'v *.Xk offu-e «mmed*.av.A '■ i) 40 The'a V Ups! i Ten winner MSU can not be Utah It left New Mexico -0> u n and Yale (5»-0) the onty unbeat- x Howfr, I feel the tear s and «t;id«-n?> ?hvv"*v:\e> owins 'hr n-.a"ohw Jrnni*en J counted out, nor can IC4A 'ehamu* IVnn State or Artny en-untlfd teams in major col¬ . k < have abused the privilege ot particioatir j in this pro- rrutw rteld a 40 l-atecombr* - Wcvs , the Hexagonal winner*. lege play. fram to the extent that something should N* rharfesl. Fraternities have been warned because of cycc««.\cH * TS c.l'.ll.f. Mtvv.t!'- ? Mott* - J.oasphen v S l(t Rmil* Crew - i'**' | set The meet record of IS.2 3 was' Mississippi and Navy, bv Max Tmex running for1 idle this pa.«t week end,-wrap up both : REDUCTION OF S Sho'. ,*u e*k«-Fab4*r.,; Hell* S Armstrong 3 - Ha les " the University of Southern their regular -ra«.>ns in classic roufh play and I have heard Pr. James Feurij: who is 9 40 Bryan t - Buttcrfield h ! Cahforn.A In tPXT • clashes IhU Soturda* ( in charjre of Olin Memorial hospital, had to attend one niffht'* fames in order to ascertain why so many injuries S were oocurrtnr I think there should be some elifihility concerning players, There clarification of rules and' are too many loop Laak Yaar Bast far TkaaksgiviRg 10 hole* in the present system. 1 am nor sure whether there is any concrete method ot checking players, but 1 do feel one should be established Id ha\ inj: Vour Another thing "is eligibility rules concentre member* aundrx and dry of varsity teams. Then1 should W .» distinction between ir.A.ior sport* and minor sport* j vlenniniT done There may he some carry over value from being a gvm- tmlay at on every suit nasi to playing basketball, but the carry around the rule that makes them ineiigib-, Naar Skirt Landry Another RIG problem in the intra *r»ort« \* *hc laaigM-7 la I pm. referees. Thev arc complete y pwudu-d .r. mar.v case* 323 Aaa Straal Dull to 2-1021 for Pick Up & Delivery stuck of fine worsted and have cost victories *ith their fum.t -r.gs ar.i jvr*.< there's no charge ally liberal interpretation of rule* ln,«i>li|Eali' Ciwip Livinj: (or One reporter told me of a pa*- play ir. which the in¬ K. Grand Kv. Acroxs From Student Services Building So in):- - Kr«poii»ihilily • IVIkm -hip tended receiver coudn't ^uite hold onto a ted it up in the air and the referee blew h> whistle pas*. ha?, fabrics and styles Another player from the opposnon intercepted the deflected pas* and ran for a touehdow But it didn't count because ot. our friend, the ret'* Quick whistle. In another more recent ea-e the iVIta Tau IVlta team Started a play in the semi-fir*!< agj»inst Sigma Na. The referee blew the whistle mid-way through the play., according to the IVits ar.d even though the play went' for a touchdown it didn't count—and the Dei:« lost I ks The rrf said he dropped hi« whistle and hadn't been able to pick it up to blow- ;t for the end of the the play already started. game until! Other complaints include cutting games short in or¬ der to get the ref's home earlier. These cases zcav be the exception, but h doubt it and Evan* Scholars ineligible player* may be an except- itn. but I doubt that .too. DISC SHOP SPECIAL 32S Ekrt Gnsd Hirer ihhlt to mwii PURCHASE WASH-X-WEAR Eart LaaMBf*- FLA.WELS Oaly Eidmivp Rcrord Shop ONLY $4.95 VAftsrrv shop Mmnv (TUT nmiiftii IVMMl m amon u> Celebrate with a Cake "FIND THE ANSWER, JIM-AND BRING IT BACK" When Jim Boardman took hi« B.S. in Eler- Six months later, Jim turned in his recom¬ IricJ Engineering at Colorado State, there wm mendations. His plan was accepted. one idea uppermost in hi, mind. He wanted a Kext stop: Colorado Springs. Here Jim job in which he could work hie way into man¬ worked out a plan to expand telephone facilities agement via the engineering route. Aa he puts for this burgeoning community. This plan, too, it, "1 didn't want to »tick with straight engi¬ is now in operation. neering all my lile." Today, at 24, Jim baa an important role in After talking to eight other organizations planning where, how much, and what kind of Jim joined The Mountain .States Telephone k telephone service is needed in the Denver area. Telegraph Company. He toon got the kind of Here's how Jim puts it: "We get tough assign¬ action he was looking (or. ments— but we also have the freeddni to take hold Shorts • Regulars . longs • extra bags and do a job. I think the future here ia unlimited. His first assignment: How best to jmprove If a man wants to do it-it's there to be done." widely scattered rural telephone service all over NO CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS Colorado—a sticky engineering challenge. He // you're a guy vkn tan "Find Ike a ana-r¬ was given a free hand to work out his own pro¬ end trint it fact"—you'll meal to ft tnik a torn- Cake» cedures. His boas simply said, "Find the answer, posy irkert you hare Ike rkanee. Vieil yaar Plate- Jim—and bring it back." mtnlOficeJot literature and additional information. jar Baked I* Order •*0»ff number one aim it la hats in all management job* the most tital, intelli¬ i The Tog Shop r gent, potU a e and imaginative men ue • — a can poeeiblg find." l.ueon Building • East Laaaiag ' f'urMttUX R. f»im, President Ralph s "KElfPEE f Cafeteria Au*rut*a. 7ti*j-1k>m 4 XftUfrapb Co- BELL'TELEPHONE COMPANIES east turning's oldest original ataru fur Ml MONDAY. NOVEMBER il. in.i . P A UK *1\ MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Seniors of the W eek (Gifts. Grants Total 8413.7&4 fJ^ST "Hrt» Wa* IV»u n*Wl ^4*^ 7*4 Vr*"v rWi'A *'•■■- V"f . tl WV_1VM_1. v •"*" ' f-n * G-i*ftft !>*■ *•-»• TV O'iirt \VVwm-« forrrv iv of NVt. KlWTHIl At RXGIrfFF.HINi, ,nv - f v --. •. * tro« for a ArocrBW t« Y p.,->v \v T%-aa v.,.4 r- AN** -v w nr +VFW-* fW- Ml SmpT-PAV tAR>T" T>f1 4- w v r - v* jv-. • -irtft rp;-..v ftv provft, < tare haa ,.4- ~**o- A'V- i ' iift iVr Mvoro-S" ! »cVnhs-, ■«*rr» TV- Tr.:«*o«'A ft >•"■ R.-vortoi l! INTFUNAnONAt WFl. \ . v, v r":■■ - «,-■ t.- frwrtA- W ft*. cn*?5«'totaK?v|t $&.&>$ <♦ ,w*^j WVn |».wn W >••-,;» "->*« •"" ^ »" K- ttstt-i >* rV c-" ~x~+"".t •~v•••«., V.v«-*>-r r'-.:T"Vc* Vr*on .C • /v r Mk>iii-ar £'*'<■. for tF*- *a.vw/( ??Wi tht -V TV. r-' afar, vn'i cor»ftvl a " vo - ♦>;To .*-T-t- r v- — -*. T^* ' -•-*» P" «*f ft*"** ft*' for tcBx Vrr^ of jcvr>rrB'. «.- f ;n«t;u:tr iJitriNU tv.< in «N>n-vJrvT>'>o. m 'v Use »-•* * :-••*- A.'S Fc AfrrBtivi i * AS ...I.tlo l.lrn.1 (or m|thi«tir»lr.l !T*rRrvft To OKore Discuss tr»uF'n'*r a- E*. - Afjft or*: *»c*e**.-c- tosvv<-ft f-v-e*. 'A- r:.—"-Ai. \T.v>r vT-t^- v So liit ttcr >>N»R*T fttW* ] tllte Rftvj.B tV T>?. 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