StvIwh MM' For 51 Vi ar< VOI I MK «. NO. «R EAST I.ANSINli. MU'HIti AN. TI'RSP VY. NOV EMHEH 22. !•*..» CHICK V CUNTS Attack In Effort to Seize mat Air Attache Asked iMolnitii To Leave U.S.S.R; DpihuimIs Fourth Su Ft Mouths Expelled WVIbaek Rroanno of Espionage Cliar«*ei. I \ Yieldn Vflcl MOSCOW,' Hour Itallic Aceuaevt of illegal intelligence activities, he i« the fourth I'.S. Kiplxtasv official to the expelled in lit mouth* on *nme I FOl'Kl KVII I I , Tilt: IV. Phillip M»v, form of espionage chaw. ~ : CONCH. 1V1—Thr president f.-*r finunc* and comptroller for Ihe Minister Ceun*eth'r Edward Artuv "f fol Jtweph Molm- tmftmfty. 4 call director, the dextc* Hell Telephone ro. of. tu nttnekpil the IN defend ficixL hope will replace snitch hoards. Hell communication* ronsttl- rreer* ws« called t.v th- Soviet |/AtftltA.|.. t»ntN Jerry Linden and IVnid Itart?. *hoH Ma> the inurnment. Fo'Tijm office t'-ts afternoon; |\{ Illlv 1II v ed (Ihana emlMtaxy resident o and toht that McDonald's prrs- • with machine pun* and nr (State Nr»* Photo by Art Mieland.) once in the Soviet Union was; ff"va • • 1 mnrrd cat* Monday nipht in no leave hmger desirable and he must: I an effort In «lwe a top dip- ' a« *>wu pvSMitvle. I toll Telephone to Install More Vte 51-vear-oUt otTieer from PtsrvHneetovviT, m»m, '* etv aLl»fr hp in the Ural mountain* and R7I4III W. *mm\ a (.Sf.rP»«GfNflNA Ioniat accuneil of conapiract ni'iind the (Vmpo repime. OIA* - otjveetevt hack Wednpsdw Thc-c woe uncounh-l n Private Lines Here \ext Fall Fhiev hei-c j!V \nr ! 21. ItuMian. he arrived wrh hi» PAI M PK Al 'H. H V . o? t . • J jf\ cw0 <1 r»«tw» 1.. . picliidin* S» 'tuiMi t . h.r» u » -O MlltS w .• .mni two ch.ldren In i!»,vi President-el»H*t John F Ken vv v, .w arded the U s m . How .« •,-JtVHv . t.v ,?.t to me wheth- „0,H expect * to u ine out t ho •- **«»* l.csr » • »**« me'-S fv wo'V vv.' v the Natiou- the underlined \rgrnline and Itrnxilian cilic* arc iv wa:.v? end diitvti wouUi wo»k v tf «ieteew»ne w*> t* • ! ' V C-,t to m th.-wc thptiti'v.-.»M* a' S.s'uritv asencv. a top.^eer*-; prnverfuI |n»*t of ««*i.*tant ih«r.f nhi«h 21 t nitrd Slatrv ptivrrnor* «n»l their • ■ -vt-rs M .'«r ;m- vS^.'w. i(#> .•Nfeiit thv «tu»iy ravuvmiinh'athwm out tit «;wvial- pwhlent and t»» «l«*h the wnr* will %i*!t on their tour of Ihe Smith XltiPilcttn N 1 >•*lust In w\t i»lns >n t* s :iod hareien rode*, White House ntaff ahandv. Weliv. k. expulib' • •'• SepremK* w« wager et" R''-> 1° orhort, visit ?m t ■ ie|>i»oen»e» the count rips', the o < .1*100 »«. Ihe anitunl pnteinm* con **-P —«*"*>«• m ils W ts TO! I) |M the ... Cong • ««"itohheant hy cull .itrector, H«mn»st>'« eniof Ui'-oo no- tereme. In the gmrrnora met in Florhla. R.'' chief of i've (areui'1 oiTice" »• **co «t*. •v the Sh».w *v»»h'-w • • ad-v. • Anseriran «eotlon tha* "o'miv- tpoftttai'lv mBed ' \ t < ** iee«t hv Mv l ernnnutntearioh rt*^«viit- .on. Clark CUfhwu. me • ;! V* ttv*n r -**-r Knc« to"t auPtovdics eatablithd th»t lined ihe gunflr<- in I t h* Sctialc Uujecls IMan •r.v v* Jrrii »;}.*•• •, ««-,i hnviil priwjwvi* i,» new-faun y>-\" *;. «-*H McDonald wa* eontinuing m- aft. .all-d.av *c>uot*« with the VV A * resumed ear'y ' «a (wtuwtvm »m- »1T<* 4" vwviv i Hb'I-. arc »vw armnfi'tnt confer- H number. I'D 2 \S\\ . i TO a r~ »Sii WHO' t TUtTWtv ewcc« w«:h other .fcjveflivier.t UcmU teliigemx* acioilio* itn-om|vaf- man who be the mxi en.. ih!1 w;rh the *tr»tua of an ac- 'lio'c battle **. vrNtr<- Mpnri^rrrow w'>i V fhkf r^W'i * i* t'Y rw;| di to *tu«ty tho trVpVne r.eevi* of oi-edtted executive. • *»t< ••*••*• to »witrus«mvr>i« ohwiuwS e*#l« l* \httr n-m'n to 4%iTV r»vi tor in the whreefv depbvtwer ■ ethe* each deiHrrttnent.. WtPSTM PI \NS call for .Irh- IUaI McfwrtaM ri.- dip'oma'u uo-ker s «m fl»nw »„ Cliffr. KP 2dStl. A small eon- t.vvv Ueiwrfments and agencies larv " of tki> cmrfiiPH'iii. t<» ;>."t in ll't* role o{ an Americun The I A' ctmmirm I i m«tall»thuvr. lie was ( \m * * e!u»v>ojire the nee.i f.M of tS* «rc.veTwitx Fa* »fieaw . •c> in*tniHient will W m«talM a Youthful, 32-year-*»ld prime minister. reiimt«»«| Motulav by it Senate proup the c'ongole-u? armv of \ to'*'-:'! warn.nt then, the offuMal said do re Sot en* i*tiff»ri sad hoonrvS* »r.a>v c*U« w '} «'..«« 1 thr *.l-ir -lut»on •m. end • en The t'.-irlier truce agreemertt n*. place Whv h operator* vv'i TV- R,i»«;an» pwi nivv had 1 f-i will tH-vme c .• -o Twf vrnv 1 av only to r ve in form alien" and e^w«N"tvd McDonald tie Mm t» w I..J The ■ I Ibe ("onto *oldler« r »ntin- with the tho dill JO■* 11 v»v handled t-v "• »tw ii"I filing p»-' midnight -»* i',# Idihor liCaders Demaiiti .a'- S- * not directed t.« a c -c -■ Co Fdwi- Ktr'-n of aiH»u: i v • 1 •jv-ciV number \ "«icT tk. P» i Ail. , C»Uf, U S. Air a'« of ":',ie ' iv a«>iAii»n! nh.'iishe.i t<» the i»,»-r •" rrc-i- 1* hi net ■ I1 eaee (iorps US' defending tr-wv. The UN ofTmi.i!-- fa I the' prc«ert system ill lache e* pel led Aug 10 The' den: V The (•.ingMlrre soldier-, were «»n' "f extcnviiMt Interests < v to a»"\ must Russians charged Kirton Inion Man in Eahinet tro. ortian- Clifford *»,d. howevt-r. • 'titrul and r«>rilsrf| to obev a throuch the univeraily switch- ired a . nteJlifience network Ih would rath* - n-n comment »m : phew »?•; ivco ! the Soviet ' h*S 1-e. >. "He-fire arranged vvi'h M >- Union and photo- whether S«'retwen v* ' fwveern- M ASinXCTON. r I ri-n . o ier* are S-ndic* en w ht.h departments pre*<- ve! have call d'-teeter * iiwtalle.1 graphivt military and industrial thr ranking obi«vtivet nn numerous trip* White House staff member of 'if V: » It »b MSI! Faeultv butu, the (Ningo'r strong man (Junflie rattled in a wide a-ei .^ewit he cenvpictrd by May el, \f* >e-k ' 1 • around Wellveck' besieged r"-- "p PrrxfdeUt-r'lecl John F Kennedy to put a union man OOMI.O MAS five 11 a The tit'e Kennt'dy h.» l:*»e-t Sh*w wud. warning at the i;me of Kirton h h"«ff . »d*i i-v-nrnitlt ■ T» IN • Mip* propoiMil eb-nee. It vv.m defended by 1»0 f>r Soren*et» that of special m 1 1—-—— ir. the cabinet. . The actual nhyawal rhafigwver expulsion, and Soviet auth wi- He could i.< wr" |V. A. .1. t John V. Kennedy Tunisian infantrymen and a International feci kc*" h:v ve ropr-*- w-U 'v cemplcte.1 by U*- l .September. • He* said »teik* would be taken again*; him ".( h? doc* no! vague unofficial with some very *"rt *»f i- e i> i« w a • f * 'tel. - V. t r»c*i bus 1 Mile ived vvith enndder rmoi"/ some f.otihv ?1, could v.x-.'srrpl.xVd by puii.tvjk one ' The embassy denied the charge> .Tgainst both -,ng to the role of Har v Ho,, w«»ritj rnmi^Tcrial *■?*-' - ihv I'f ini'.' ipentJ New« In a Iciiiii eao pus., lied. tin- Slate vicinity of the UN headquarter* building. On WKAR :v.v number .n a* Secretary Lai>v or ,n some other c*b,- Crowd Fills fin men. Washing ton. *tate depart- kin* i v the Ibweveif tra'tson #drrini< SwrrUry of £taf* C*feri«ti.Hn \ llrrtrr a*-d Mhsr Ac* •Midimr t<» reliable source INDIAN MtlG. Gen Inriai i • | men*. offieitJt were not >ur- Thmug'i the years. Sorwfen a p»»mn . f interested ' farully R'-khye, acting chiif of 'he U.N CxrU-d r W.v-i as-'-* Wvi -.Viat- emit*-? Fairchild for prised M.-rVnaM rv-ceived h They *aivl s that after r>r.d>ably wiming Kennedy ha* been than an. .enrr m- e»..*rr • - Jstkwn • romir-dt** Midorml lh» fMm! bu.i earhei *b<- yi«a». mem be bi t Wednrsiiny to inl Ir-vu*- i|i«- propoM-d corp* and i ion. was turned bark orue burst of Congolese aunlirr pnetewwe of acmcuitur^i ee- Oc ■ August his expulsion was re- *on?. in Hsrttr k»*rAf!. *a:«t tb«* Seer*- launching and helping when he tried to pr-s throu^ v* KAK •-TV the b Symphony u involvement with MSU, if any b»- t,uv of Slate «>>*».»'..! fee th«- offiria! ' »,u mtwr «• - <*'-■ "• • garde.t as a virtual certainty ) direct the carefully conceived the ring of Congolese soldier* «««Cratrvt" fNtna T«od*f >*>*«■ ■ m>' It was iuppi>5od here that wh« «liouM have "clear primacy" It ha* been further learned, to campaign that will put Krttne- get Welbeck out. *>' 2-30 mjm ibnly ;n 1M$ feat ;n pr . r earn- 1 McDona.d's cxpuUton was a tx- dy in the White House Jan. 2n in po'""?' «ie*<»wm affecting NTMi ho. that the faculty group will The Ghana embassy Ii on the Ry U IAVOI »«1 --Ml nrm "•» «» jtaiiation for the arrest of Igor Wilton Persona now t* the as- ltyefW J». . — l«».i • tr,K>rt of bank of the Congo river in an *■ m VlMiiA I'otaoUva Ih. ,'»ff II mini.lralyn ill rraur.l In lln- pro- tvrl m—(ran lh»ra. «nr" * ' 1 A tapw.-.y »u.1,ni.-e a: Fa.r-., iTli'll °' "" .IL"1"'1 "Sf,w'" h;"'1 11 ■ •" Sb*rro»n the ftr*« Ac**retafjr plan and said pci Among the casualties M ibutu's fecond in command. child theater Sunday showed - . in . J *1 uu .r, AFL-CIO Pr-«- hi. New York iplrtmrm Ocl. C..n«r«.:<• »urpn.,p md pi.-.-ur* t 28. i. iccumkI of Mpioaaa* and L „ *■0, ruaoi* nrk -*»k the - extraordinary performance of fcaes trial accrplod favora In return for •»* *• """ f' r * ""*»'?■ •> K.n.iodv m an .. m Nan the US command said, by a •''j*' the coaference a-ss arvn^jtw- he University in U.S. courts. favors. * " The pi* -dent ».f the I-rancieco on .Nov. 3. If enacted Tunisian machine gunner in ♦.* «• -pon M a itww«!UtiT» from Symphony or- - , ; United States . . rsiunt l»e re- by the new Kennedy adininistra- U.N force defending the Char.* . , -a of MAl'iWo pg.^rl, m 'd- " * •" --aaaioa « unonapijiv. fhra: lieve«t of .hi* burden* by supply- tion, the Peaee corps would inuke residence. s vm parts nf tfe* nwld menj problerr„«. But more uke- T e concert was the orchestral ins? him with * *dcp-i?y* to do it pncudble for selected younff men The exact numbers of casual¬ The rrwaiaiii i drinritM'^ ^ Will be a se*sim to work: 'first this year, and was conduc- what only he * an mo " to serv| with an American aid ties in the throe-hour battle * * "if I»'f5 k^J?! !r3 b Umi" ——— mission abroad ns aw alternative to the military draft. could not be determined immed¬ »• .-OK. 1ml t»u*r*. 1-l.ural » f.r . Tht I*"***" * eff «® « «>«* iately. Estimate, varied from Konaody on. or»ar.^y.i Ub..r ..J,; w ■. [.r pyrformonce of The corp*.. member* would l« ■ung orO h jr.on mtorrat fratuira ort o-.o I.fiiion dugff_ They war.t ?a make sure that .... Kydn l Symphony No. U in C Fowl Industry qualified by ritrornus examina¬ killed and 4 wounded. UN of¬ tion* and trained in languages, 7 killed and 7 wounded to 1 » oood. Minor. TTiruughout the first two ficials Mid two Congolese labor recommend* ;;or.r. on for- were >ititl i*. Hi m j|S veil domes tie ma'- movement* of this formal .. . . T. Leadership special skill* ami familiar with killed. the eust#hvR needed to wcirk in the «-.!». a WS^m'JSZ. .Jgylt. " «**'• « »■-'cn:h c<-n:ur» ;cr* ,hf vl22 - *'4- 4 b:t *r'^ countries in which they would Tkt UN command finally an¬ 4ni raooramcadouor., fir.m r.l-er Speech Topic Kennedy proposed that nounced It is bowing to Mobu¬ . K»o: Pr. IWiil C. MV'tyvky- • serve. • f Dr. Ut* ». MoooM. Tiruom. loctor. of Amor .ran l*fr. Toy - " • Mu*. '■*■* orrhrstro sramrH the eorp* work under the Inter¬ tu's demand for exputsion of in* D*. Dr.'IMN F. MrCoUy. To.- U»v (Unto- fra! they tore"" « *»^. in Bfr mm bruht national UmqierMtion Ghana charge d'affaires Nathan¬ * fial fr-CTM e* Vi f"" crflrf an *.moit a:: par* of in* !»it two mwmau. 'Deaderxhip In the Food In- - agency. iel Welbeck. He Is accused by LV |*ileauc'.;oM and Vivace duatry** will be tie ' tpu of a Mobutu of plotting to reinsta w * 1 ■ o «■ (Ira H. orraoot- The next sclectum; Stravin- ipa>>li hjr C- W. W (Tex) Cook, deposed premier Patrice Lu¬ VarU arad st nil to raoprrauor Nky'« Sui'-e No. 2, was a decided executive vice prevalent of Geo- Delta Upsilon to mumba. -a Dr. Gtoo laoarl Orao of i fXAT Needs Money . contrast mo-d, style, and per- { Mai Rytravcs atafn MYa« Galta ] ' taa jeral Foods Cofporatio-? a; 6:30 Welbeck had defied the ex¬ fru " lormance. The contemporary ? fciatliini mm frMR **A Cry Frta H» I ip.m. in Keliocg Ccn'«r Build New Houhr pulsion order, And the UN com¬ Cook, gues*. speaker for a mand—trying to remain neutral Fof C/OBt-S ; work conveyed a Mm pie, gay j banquet sponsored o* Ih S.gma^ i>#.|U Upailon fraternity, S34 in a bilateral i «n4 somewhat humorous mood. -:4JS^ mood,f * a W-* * m scrap between Epuion. torei distribution hon-| Evergreen, plan* to move into a t-xpaU Predict _. Ghana and Mobutu's Congo re¬ warn.«atww*.vA &y *,rom the Streete orary, will he? accompanied by, hou*e next fail term, aeconl- gime — had previously refused A. E f.Art> Lstrkea, vice prrsi- i —*5ecretary-G«a«ral .Day Mans- jng. t0 jjm Held, Delta Opinion's to help Mobutu oust Welbeck. Istrfc* Deer Kill ; marskiold warned Monday Up ^ lelsurtlj ^ ^ - -< • through finds Foreign Film Series dent of MaxwzU Huux? Coffee housing rhnirman. diviswo, General Fc*>J.! The new building located on the ials to escort Welbeck from hia Initial efforts by UN offic¬ A karwm mt dw ta Un.ted Na"«r* must either prtv the Champ* - tlysee. Though Members of fh Sigma EpSi;o.i soulj,iPJ|a^ fi*er » *nOud far tlua taC comer of Grand River residence were met with a burst bjivioe the mooey xo pay for iU Hovinwry u very difficult fes . The mcmi pro!A.ib ef childrtn | firm pnpl. try to Ho what thay will also pity to Jonn A: an,j ]|a?B(|om will he dedicated of gunfire from Congolese - — withoot tooH ha ia explored; can for the*# unfortunate*. OnejLofa*. pressdent of National to th<. |af^ pon gue] profe!lj,or troops who apparently were un¬ ^ In . MMSR 'Prart » th» ^ j ^52*.^^ lit was, entertainingly in "A Cry from i i* a well^dueated welfare worker, Aaaoeiatior. nt Fool Chain* ar.d 0f >lw!kr.., M „ iaUa* to ua- j the Street*." in the last feature S played by Barbara Murray. The! Herbert Dkfe, European super-. uJty advi»or. and former DU fac¬ aware of the UN decision. *"^P— VJL Ciatni AaxsgdrfyN!' ISnan- oentBid, ezjieculiy in ifci* of the Foreign Film *erie*. i other i» a televi*ion repairman market pioneer ha^- glfl, will go • win kr" out mi "Ufc on the new Hi" new fee declared ih£ &:?, sumuJating p.ere. It will be shown tonight at 1 portrayed by Max Bygravw. Other truer** will be J C, building on Jan. 15, according to laHVlOr | , _ and it p.m. in Fairchild theater, OCOP08 52 I m faced by a crucial The h*gb point ir. the program, j Britain's "King of Comedy.'* ;Wa,«p. and J A Tqun., both j|ej4j_ Baaed on Elisabeth Cox head's J They have the same goal* %*P level S"«.s.x execute They A "modified colonial, the new ghua'unr. threaletucSihowever.- was the extremely ami. "The Friend in San Francisco. Nov. 20 OP)—• both its Coogo and j»rmal op- ?®d performance of Dance Ithy- Need," this j are drawn te each other, hut they : ar* h«« added on to an British film concerns the strug- find that their background* clash. of international education cen- Elgin Baylor «f the Los An¬ nttgis. i '-hrrr. by Wailrngford Riegger. gi« for a decent existence by the Winner of the Edinburgh Film 11*5"* ia cooperation w»th MSU. CJCiRt,nK structure which will be geles Lakers set a San Fran¬ _ He j* 1« it the U-V treasury Ab»oi#W taaonauag were the (feftim ,w hrataMSawa *rlte " -» U N"« "" " fca- ,zm lida hp :-KU^ta m— hia wife. Tickets for the picture are | The Ar»dexr.«: Couy.: w .1 facing tho Red Cedar river, and! tons 135-151 in a transplanted ** ' j meet at 4 jwa. Tuesday ia 21 a patio complete with charcoal National Basketball Association ^ I aoroea At tat auoeit. it«t la two different ways* two dif- available at the box office, I Uxuon, pitj,* 'game. - «nat !liM' fliPp lip -l'i| 1.J >i hil !llii;i| n-mr or. WTf*w» a. iw 'Moonmohilev Hiddin i u* the student* ft llegim Next Yetir Ilritain. U.S. Are Represented Vrh t,s>> ot* I f>'\ s'tfnfw«Hv. 'i- . ' «M d.*v«, M»id»r through Fridg». ditt-tad •>«. sMwhftryftM- ■ Ml< {>■«!« VnivergtiTr K*«t Ui'""u M'rhigfttt. t4.«t pte •tftPofH-V !» « ftatihee »Vi» Mi'l »iit«c.-r:f"vr« pflrftMe it! ilvvr-1 ■«■•»• tetltt. $1 f>*r fH*i F*»M*b vrPwod\ U t» ,1 iffv. «» ■*■ three term*. wti"| pf tv# t-PYtw *•»«< '»m,« <*>,- •*<<•£ (>«!»>•' f*> VT t«p»i- f**f n»,\»t *efVeaS**g thU*f •bout tfct* title (itw »« th*i t^e *vftlu rhftmpter in net Inftiiinnti* ABYII« * * tvwwon ff the tttli|m«hii# I UWIMt 'fir TV'w St«N«c*' ln«teftd. tt»* ptY- fur tnunt a»««I »« fttttrnlftte r».n>*N \\* Pill »»f Mtlf iltltrn l««l* Hi, net SIKMII Hi Mftt»Hlo ntwIN T'M« burr* vtkPVfttipn t« eh«it Anil Rnfimral RliVi fS»M'» ♦?•«• lUp tftm i« "P tP * Vmpw hi^h d-sV *epe. •* «| in time, ftwd Wtth CALL IV 2-3375 no fPIYtofttniwg, hp UftiVati'pa tig'*t eber it iW W|w pu th»- fftmrrlenh TKT« -ft on t*«*«t\| hu- wer rr*uttiiwe«l f( t*hftpliw» not of M*Hm *«.« on ltepe Wo «|»\ of vo«t»o. woof » heut of quite fflmiltftr ohnrnotor*. ill •onmnMv hummed uf b> now* Wt fwentr people I V, «toi * l« A «fttr« of %■'£ nrtt.n V.d tofofhon bk ft »N'ppU Of thWftdt- 4W»P of tv"«A».0 Aft olKrt of fight .Heotfol intttgne fb*th of Vnwfulie ttHfttMln V»on ItVo tho«o •'»» MiMfil, iftLiv ynftrt m « in mn.i««irp lhnn«inrc> n*^t |fi;l »nti,loto« io thrtt "l#t-,lo«r M IVtrti* KK^lrr. KlUwntth c*ftHwnt# %t«i nh>,H #ovwf»niM «U flnnt. Itwnft fhn iik| in Ihn nrn Hiinmn Kntnc* He* }»Mftf'l< 0*MWt«" KYlft-gtll •,'*•««* MWh Ubn»ntnr> in Ihf Wnwwj'* |>| hniMinc. to »a. 1>»- I iptiin i 1'fthlo t« *o lAutffiftl-U UuehftHo thut wo lot''* ft low *1 »\|WVtO»l to t*V«» ft in • thti ff ftiwmt t *rii iImi (raturi' tv whatawhuo which jwovrdi ftnancmJ aid f.* (rr*du»ti> rtodr. Moat of th* awanii ar» oprn for rorr.jwtithm on * TTvitfr tflfrtui wwtht wntfru wK* jN*ftn r#w« in thi» i rotioral haaia IfTMwiii Rfitpapm trwi othpr «»••.*. »nrt frnt-i ic th* KU«tir ami Slrrlrli ]' ccMtotonrvfttv-. tw t .i -. « m th> A entwp • ( Jftfttivc 9A irnti*t» .Vrn I|||*IU »nt •«•». Vm»! Kt» v Vi-~ • U. Vt rMtVrti Mt-fral w*Vl So »t Kf * SYirf rri'.»ffsl to wtfiftin ihf aim fntnu ttt- v^ . , » »:ow ■•'fi t"*T*irT |>K h-11 ft- it britl. *»tr!!S» «yf c •>( tf p more r-. • »-» .-.Www T. nw, tr l>r nw. 1 r' n l"»t > * i-.g iv» rf* •»«ei'U?-a' «io- Troent My**.'** in phv-un, eSem- rt'«, i*n» f«r aaat-w.: it- >.r e» w-t > • t«lry, Mtrpnomv, Stoiog;., iMdii •-<— f W* tnrw l-ll a*. *»>■? « at. tw-'t '< "•v-r*- Tv# wytL-;,- e *nr:t!*r wsH 1* .4 holiday T Inia ttoia MWnlt. |Oo.**l rr » * fttwi other fteiewe.% he Mui. T>r rte«1 Yy fS# tehixti f kuv (im:p diKOMifm ^ith ihr fptftk-: j 1.-,--, Lin, rf chmI pumpmitm nr'* tn Tiltiml' nftiwn. tsfv rr a rra-.t f"em. the ei«. followj-g the r mr:e formal »-w w ar taitollin a-. *•— "t »' tw»l Vt mtrw MKSS.U.t: Naoor&l Semr.e footwJatKn. ar- Uik*, will he U e»»er.tjal part cf ».-wCt Mpat al torn* W'W .-miT.- . frwi'V Kr.f!i»a. rerdirtr to Pr Fred S. SmNrf. i th^ profra^ r~- H Illfi! - alato a»l »♦« rnw-V Canwit. Tt»Ji»n or r»n. 4mn of the Coliere r.f Communs , Although loft.i-.rf arirnro writ- f»n a ynomOl for inuaiili won' rftty.n! Am, ! er« wn!l iiw« aoiue of the proh. i- , artlM ahw* la""'" > E»tr" iwt V TMitrd - The p^rpo*# rf tS» aeminnr. !em* ol Ytvne>rg ertenre rewa to* r- - ~ | nwrnl nwtnWw « Viw»« m iw. 51 ■■! tV "■»■ •iM StoNrta anil be to improve ti e pohi ,. the ma n rmphaoia! ^arihwal laucr ar a«ar«>.-» rrw»c.-< ' ♦ rnr " * " 'k '•*' puh. r v-wJeretarkiJT'.c < t arterre wiii he on aoentjfir auhjert matter,, tvw s-uarti a KM mi aaa»»- ar * * * * •"*•-=-' -nil la■aatoad to D* ; hp oere»op«r.g t-Se arjenuiW hork-; and the e*#rnti*l role ef haaic r" f»rtr»r «ft. 11» Vanawu x.w, 111 a. r e- ci an ran am wmo- Information . — —** I~" - raasaroaranox cu. - : n^ri^rrzErsrw. i i aa a* faoan ^ caraouc m ncT oac. »> ■ h.i : zcm af Inaa, Bakwl 1« n I TOON — 4 i t, CaUwix TVS I mala la tha tafi <1 1K1 , Munt Caatar. Caf aa Kncr_ ■ hCWX EOtoiaV .- • • ttanoN-5 ctt>. S-^1 a.»r- w f a. Foatiif • Ousrc * ^fftcfti TWtrv SanrtT P- r (Taetft F» wajeh a MBflAXKAl .tltTL E>«»t- Ulan* aaoA ottoer roaptrmtrer NKt*"# WIVES—* r *r.. I r. Cjtoiito^. UTwett gfft nil one *«,- eeractr iwjtfierar, Chtrrfc, *•'" ftug ftoraal rua^rch is Am Stree-. ■ - hoifik. A.p»hfft Tiieit for tbe f>HtE>T*t Ctt * — " '< P ^ Men who face wind and weather Tha (wiiar abaatli in i r>*5 poor kifi—ix ifi-f K:. faemtrf Caw, ^pe***'. D*..- ii ^ Rug iwt tfce a*re fcy Pftc ; :• U«u* fce^. Vi.t', E*tftiia«* ■HHHM choose the protection of fluid will |wM)f,Nwly lo¬ afanxsMO t&4 Oil — No lmt'r th ionad with billowing slaavai tw: Umm mm? he Mo4 fnm w^k. rxxi oe^A a» wuC tor young, (bit aophiaticotion. - "h—^ ^ OAWITI ISTM-VAtHTT :-M aSS M—"-T^y fiiOTAV ruxr«»»Hir- SUak thoping arith o latin out- y , "'AIM.'. *— »•** •• * 4y.». ji I tw.- iunial. S,T- ..a a—.Ti Mas. llw Bnod icoop iwck and -attosai uhih la or ica'a um. rf » ^ double row iiALTM: fun n ttv aarmi i»" W-Ta' ol buttons. Royal, black, whita, •"-»-* a aoam af yraaai a TOIAC tm ilUCaA, — tit AFTER SHAVE -T-IT» tnwua aw" rav- » C baiga, blua. 5-15 aizta. JI.M ° '- *aa«al BaaJA. r««m ;.«or DPTOHTKINS - 6 LOTION ' j'BJ. ainilip ak: ^ *4 la^a ...^'J, -""w.*,***.~g~.*oof ncxrr ctmrrrti- -V - , - - ^Z. t AJS «ST»1 TWia I'TSK-S " "-nfAwaTr- trmraxi rmACvr a*^.. ;,t w a ——-— si- - I CiaT»V-t »ja- Caraar.-:: -. w arna to Hw -—'— Lataaraa Orards' hirfa Stsc- Sua pNWtMft. tkot M. OM Spree n irrnbe* gne K«»Utn. ptrdt Igamt the Im •! tiul ' .SkU Ttoljidii a • : am. *aaaaa0at- aanv •Lor RMMtne Feeh grtn. too. Btj-4. hroctsf. w.ih tia*t Uftgy Old Spice teem It ice$ term 1 'Trmbm aM Mia oma v Caenmow* ana ?-wrft-"- to ortrort if rW odeueerv hut whit red-Woed^f «-^ra mw .IB. Vaatar- toOWlX lOtoE* STT DENT moo oordR nflino RjwK pri'' li>0 ^ SMUIaTON »-5;. Cto< Trail 11 r. rui-:* am. 3 14 Saur TITSDAY. XOVTMBI'i: . -v 1 Jim Ma r~ rl •'• ,h„„ W.-V »ffU* «P-« ■»'»■ P '" * <•"■ RUMS! CAMPUS CLASSIFIED! fv«00 p m Tiipsday f«»r Th limit: RilK i«r\a Mr >-12 and 1«* Afonrfir Pup InfrrrunN f»fcpr t*T a 0** •*» »«W r. IP tic Friday. hiimnr In Ihr p»i»R. 'Mr fwW FAT j'minrwniMl {*»>> awl H«»h . . m ' KW (Ml. Slat# \r*v ?nw.»r MEMO PaP ami REFILI b> oiivrt. automotive PERSON. < A—-tv .If.!-, •*• •» »—*• u? utm w**A$rv!at, s*' N* Si Jrr, Owtj tf*im UMilne f»*r Inlttinfr .i^ fwRHaHk T|H»p L.V... -A, t»|j N>aw ph«*it> b> IVmki A»ilK#yi, «-AVr v«t> •;*-* BCW 0'!- »•' :3?->wiS pm' *■' fN? MNi? -W55 *•?* •"♦! #'»>- J t»*» Ft? -W VnatRr T**- . Al tnMi'j «h»iwr-;-*N! Vw." t>WA* A rvavs *A*#r KvtMHpwMr- ' «.-» ,1-r.r t~» IN T!N^\' JR. TWO. '• i»AKF*.-«5-.RAIT X- \''4 ««*.»■ Wn • frw. •.-«•«#.• •« j- NaTr* |»HR f%- »H..- ivMnr.",; «•■«*•.■ *,-??*- *'S .V x J-.- •• 42. C.?I-?■<.'.(' •>' - - ■■ ' ».*»** 4 ' iH« •->*)■• ti Ht» $*r»*-v4s r^*t';V'v. '■ *>r catr*» wiB>r,-nA'.ws r« n>«-^- 1X""> *f?v KaiiI frxH'.'.tr H *nr a ■t .»■ :«t PUM-TO. ! t: "AVTHC. A air «N- '«•••%». IVi-. A"1W»!WY«J, tS- VlT*.:.. HI »R«li *V" 5*- !»" :'N wInrvfV ijAltv^ar. whr WISW. AIR- Ml. ' * ■!' VJA" • wfifi ;t! 1n »«t tw«> *.H*. «rtaJnvl'*u b».s TST Fia- Grand RJnr WT TO irwmNi FjK I jitpinfi A OnK F.xrlionr t AST . AHiSlN: PW Rnvirtl Shop MOW Of THI HINT IA FORWGV FI1 IN YfM r* TRANSP0d'<.*! incnj^rvF. lanspig ARr.a showing, Flftsrr SHOW ? PM • AV»|TI.TS*u FIRST SHOW THWKSiJrvrSh. 1 rM w*vnto aim i "hw Nw »' •*- v »nd tfrHYtmr <"a* ft? £5M; Kb *»*3K anwo* «TAW»S Yi \; 14 TOOW^KflK UW»iMC£ K4BVO £PJJ)£ flStiit TP.Y.0P lh>0apMnlsTAi9 RAIMR FRAWIVia /FWTLFR ir>V AA.-'A{ er fHAtPYlfK W^i «•*■ <"v.' ®4«- Ar-w. fro,. PuikiiM *n ?-rr*i «, WJTTER^IHU) Tvmur, SFTAlii ' \i a *4 c %n7T»lJ?T AVAli.A" last two days r*i»#n«»n*r "THrt*-- • »«-r# «4xt#v. VoAnBhW a*v *.£) jkW I «•> - t'4 - » - * t» »*roer ok ion a j cuironv SIAITTS SI A. . -THE AfARTMEVT CORAL CABLES' HOUSING ratCE-A 7H»- rUMOClltX) IWI? ILFORNO -VI) THRILL HIT: irv*iHiK>vTO pT**s& *■ tnirw- *r**r I jnt* i^««1nw ur.tii FT A-SaC' 4*r» ' PE unimtxr, tr i-«r- ttoaAmu 'bum, c*H TOR t; (•amr N)(il«|iis ..RESTAURANT.. 7/i# i«##r»«# ino; mo/ii PIZZA inmitu.* m I amine ores daily s p.m. iz mma a* scvday Ki4h^3t Sua Uiiwiiia AUU> SPRCIAUZINC P» FOREiSfc FLM SEBIES *Icnis^ Inr >amunhmt R**Uy Ihfi+mit—Tn Viaw «'- Ea—«u» trntrtal.4«9M BARB-O-RIBS EMPLCYM i,-■•»: . .«•.•• " luri»r«; Is* tutu.' llmnrrv # Soarke • Stadwirha 9 • ■!.. ' : - liA.SA WILiUIK A ! AlRCUIUi TBEilBE Iww H — : A '• u.i3 LUCON Ups in NCAA Championship \K Nh«' i;«lfp K«Mrrn Sq»orr\ of « pM*(M* N/lf points p -u H*uw»n, rho*i indfyWun? JkV»r#> nf •-,■ (.no. V ■'}; rTf> tr- a? the fM«f o*»mr'orM with M The Stwtm*, * TOWINf, SERVICE W» won the Wc Capi. R«*h R«yiw»M« R» F r.tlMt L J'.m*hin a wnm* •ii'v v<«r» -•>*■■ jv. o nilf marker. i n nn«f wirt- ST p»\p'< attF W>ato*n AlvobiRWl W«> Jhci: #4 IMtah lAtll-V. » «\V •• 'ou;,- i os rs .*»• owi-v in ?* : frame# hrht hewvywifrhi the .'hh ■ tlnawut# n»/»n Civ-. j?„. of l/m.*- 5«'.0T ! • . todM bnt' * )**.c terrr mntrari fnr hi* fi>*o?»»»;*,t *• -> a if I^OMviih wwW #»•- prnval h*vwj*t the It" v.^r-'i'lc athift# i» tnttimc fithrr ;n i n# | • ha» ww. ths« mw' itr. : trvvn- th»r. #r.- i«ho* achooi Ancmios or S^n r»'rc Th» Stsir'm noponc pSa.s •«'?■ pnet i«wwi« far ^avmonl HS .• » » tffr of fantntfi r$^h HM(■■ *>.r I*f *uch 'or St»-':ir. ha."- yr»»,r«. fcjiij. J npt >on* kit rv< r- n-'^ ? "N rt#M. fur the 1(,)U%xpg four vnsrv 0*x wiii a!«o riff if (MAT DOOR TO CASK NOVA> mrvs W» per prr.t at km fu'*'""#. nhi* ii%i«riT %rrmvT\ii \Ts availawf — rn I nil travrlmr and tmfnmp fvywn*os h 4 ii aik* for voi r rowrvirvrt Mr tndiratofi hr trnv *«lc Wo-id ! i |r h t h«mvrwp!f V? < humn-or M AI.P AM> I Afl Al. M ASSAf.E Arrhi# Woor* of Sun I Mop for SllOf smvt poarhtnr arrwirr* Intramural Schedules taHapV JRhMMK» \ «U#Y»mv:: *m » s 4 »»«t ' np- Frw*»«f ru Mwt am lam sr. iar. y*:', * t 1 * — Mi: to IhmI Boats nil u t v.s-- * ;f« m^wiwki nwi T'JS" of Coiorad' SUV ,i*r"c r':n■.-■" " i ii£?TtSiT »,j. OBMM Your.i o; (<| ^—1Trf •« IM mm fau. M and BU1--M. : : n u » Man no i of bo. -* nf .r.1 rr.r. . MR Wm. Uv Ttv - *' Tuiwrn. *rRf the ftrtx hciarta« „ M homor o> tour. Ynur.. uw « «fJMMB| -orMwt: unn.- O,-.. ....: ^ 5014 V ffr JUgPMAds. rapuic of the u«r. a»w to hM teat variitr cro- rountrr '^■u^^Rrrit «a radeaauhcQ lr Ulh place. Jur- r ^*^t|l t lar Clay*oir, Ware Uuuivtc ic r«m mm*' JHTFLBS — TAIL PIPES — EXHAI'S'T PIPES POUMBES — WAXES — PAINTS — MBt'SHES coBPunuKiflr irrwMiti AUTO Stair Uaivcnlt; Up front is I FIITlR-HJNPlanJ only Winston has it! PARTS Rich, golden tobaccos specially selected and specially procoawd for full flavor in filter smoking. PHONE IV OK Hi mures pjp? r'tr- •mrWK ** •' '> * m®! J' ' I nmanuo< 1 Space Capsule ■'.. »i. -v Kails Again •■•"-' » tnOisyiv Tv ■* « iw**« ■* '' In I ?m op»it> Personnel w .... t fe ;■' *.: -At ♦Ta'U —A"V'• rWM'WVu V* '*w nw.. • .- ■ TT\.* ■- ■- - 'V .-i-.-. «-.* «*-■ -*-• »,'v CT'T ,r »1n,- ftn**«x;.r ^ . v 'V., ,. ,«V ,.v ... . rw ,-•«>* ... fcv v. T-. > -v IV V*. v w A.. - r- Mv .K, *W~ .-,4 .. • -V V,,- tv. IV nv **%£ \'C?"U - v.-.-.- : «v »'■,.* .C'mo .V *v MVM-* ,*.■** tr. , Km- **tw !>»• '»* WW#., •« C~ Curriculum tx ■-- • >o'- "'• ,v • ....... v , »•",■ x .,,, •-. • . vww. . .. .v, N.,v ».• ... cv-' -•■» i»4 irmc m V M!». »• filiw. "> «W Wf' * **»* -v. ..... v. -- V, "4«'V •«'• »« «;W <0r^I. , ■ Mu*t Sires* Hit*- .!•• .... ...... ,N .... ■ ,v«v«'- I.- ««,«»• hi-m **ii -V 9r* K- . M... n A... - /•> Ml M>1\ *yx- l:-\ 'V *vV• iV"xJv Pif lerviico ' •**«.«S •V-K, S$>vv 7v 'K X ' K.3'*'*- '■' ' ''" v. W" ' tK>. Ni-Hv ". fxv^.-vr s-. '"'r ■•. «v.-n v «»K < i '-.i-'A • -x'V-- ♦ ^ (on«on.itix <> lyoailing in J*|»n *v N*.«V "*-V *- * " ' r"- „^.... >4"^- •■ •— -^vv.^ ■- 4>1W VM»'»r •■■•* w-v, '•I0IW—C » '#•«•• a«^- fmns ..... w; lav- H>. .. ^ ... v,. r.. ; v ; >. % *rr*»xToxi fi/v"K>i ' V^*?5»N Txxlk * Tn V » ^Wtsvn IV Vy Ly»w • fto t*; A.* V •, v,,, « ..... ^ «* <* •-' ^ « ,"'7 -w .....^ ,v A„w. v«.»„ ■ .... v v—*. T Jv-SV"-. »WB« in vufHvxrtIBofIV -w-v'"- Jarv ] IV VVO'-iV MWik' .. T--: .. . ... 1) .:■ V, V»- *v- -•- 'v" r:c--. ■»>: ^ 'V- v with th< ;* . fv ■jr^-vMVro fr>>ir*"* •- N- v« -V «^n-v V»*v». <»b -»••■ Tk^-is 'v"V "• t v'*-»v fwp*»»nnc.- v * !*■;.' tN -*-~ui •- •'■!> *^«*n »-s „___ : *» 1' ' '■-- ' •■ - *- ' - v » •».-■• * *»«.-* - «•_ v*"--;i • 'V- * •.- «V r >„ v.- nv./v -» « h. *ol rtan Xov . . lor I l«mr T>»*1 V' N. T« >V NfcV. A *'*-■. , 4 ' ♦#*. "-V: . Xflr*.-N Xlsn* M.'TI Kron. tXlhi-r FrrM»? o«jtv S»<,v vS|V . TV- V* •-•N-i- w> ia.-'m"-';- ?V C-V>.-•;<■.■>*• V -,VT -S.V T,' vvi^-.' i.v I' • - V V VxfV , Kf.v <«nrmN3 tsieho ; *v- »«' •':: »«.•'•.>- •'. "fr * •> • rw »v«* X'itv "M- 'i>«n.rv»T onh > ■" 'hi*r) ' i4>xvVi-4.v '-1..-■*r- *<■■:■+ v.r V *«Vr- H V* inv A'ho * <-,- ,!..., vx^,if,« A-V.X- • ' V*W "*«-rr> r r y. :: *V «. 11" v1/ fw.c'v .V-.* . •* A ' n- «{•*«****•-.-.:• wivA c- JWi %*o • 1 4 • —v " ;lv rv <« xv % civ > lstt*i*v»«x *vV*- • >»-.>- V"» ■ --. ■ s v*-r. *V nwxtie *»vi sK'v- «>-•• ATTWTT van T' --MV «»s^aM-x %TT Hulk. • «.•»!.X » .v to viVv IS wV, C"-.|l '» ->**> * *-"• V.- *>■»•». * ** ( oiiwiiltws Honor Cresswori Mg. .'ill ' > * so..- aoij o"<- (««'!«•: *" Wi ,l»m<* H. FoM. SnfHT-»T*«i Tolstoy •iH^ ?! "Etfv-n! n>*, •■ivi .'.Iv \ ^ 1 < VI * MITI AI. BENEFIT LIFE ■PMr n iv> v,-.. RSI N. XI »*Kincton Xvo.. larmni n v., » J Cli ♦» mi l «Yrr ] '4 1Vx*- ,Ti n - - - FX IT or FX S-IRFO 'Cr»^ x !»«*fVVir**T v;- »-• ft fS ^ '1 v c ^< U .v-v.-M- »v'- nhCVwmW?. 5*o.' MMq TIm N ft *•!'- •*<•• WHf, «r»l; It *' v-y»r* - iv-< r -vx»*n is ."y-.' • V *• *-* «*p»fV>- • *«•»«..• «?»;.. ywnrfhr ^'r W* inr • ~ »» •..,'ts.-4 ••• •*.„ :.». XH . PI*'* ***** >"" * -s Vl'iM." »«.*'A*n}-#». -l » f-.--A »*- ftWP^tap-, «rrit»rs n"**-sv X' f»~ • -• v-.-^ •• t*-• »•« - ■ »• XI **•«•-'» i.T^v «* " -vv-.- t ir-tor Kov-nrOivi .. -. . •; - . •< • v. . p*»y. N»*x ■ *•-? '»•> *->•• !'WVlaV *? CW • Tw-*"V- *1 ?-'•-• •••.-.- •' • f-M-S**' '■" • ' *- -•*• *«•**• '<••> ... 7XJU*' '.•Vs. --mi ■ * t*»r •*»■• •«*»" #*•«.. wir"- f v»s..r-*«*< * ' ». Kr-f,.v.-v*vi ... *y% v.*. MV; -*ri»«-v *.* • «mk nvt'.rvnx *iv «v««- «*-*' »• 1V c v, r ! \*i1 lj. ( w Our t'oaintr'r Clnmiac >M la—In ;V Jtjfnw* I'ttvmim*' /'f^AT^Us* -«> ^ -****«?*• x- t. ■ * *Ar +■trrm i iriu m /n- U" 3 CAMPUS DRY CUANOS **v,h<- 4- ' »"v ~ur x • ' - •:»- ;• V* VHSV-V —-•*+■•> ■ V ..-"••.-..VH- tw- flN.'-n. **•«.•. , Vn«i(,l!- •, »,, *,. ..>.....I.,.. «* H * ; V. r -fct •*- ■ *•-(.„ <>•>■>. <■*« IVw x»-;: 'XX ?>v s"*-iv #»*v tr ■ FV- : . . i - MT F, ..R xvp Rrx KR TP MT5« - v-v ij»-. »'■-'*.» - a- -v TV c-re-.-Tvr rv».f» A-" *'V- nw I..-- - m * *s »r.^ fx-; »«* r» &nn> "Ti it* »« fcft-rr «T>'. I [ or \ our I iMivriwim- • • ■ P "M- ;->w a;' -i .X"!' • * i-r.1 - .j" ■ . tr 2x «r*VM ">vn' »vr.r>4.,.»x. V tV. fifvr%im k.v ■xxr*'V5J« *•- *•« n«lf- .;..- %*• vu*d4. Shtw-i*"- «N» *n. *»« «avx«4« u-'r^rs I!• , I ? i.. * \ llrivr. I* FTMn* Mr; rrx- .^orr. -*x , *tr' .-.•*. *i* IMfc-TCK. -TiMfc* «!N^ *WJ'rtW» f*nn» %V- A*fc.- Twr'" * " -•:- >t- XMs/i ' f* T«?«ti,r <«••. imk itawirT •»-* - ' la j,..E mm \jftlcr. ■ .T»i- '■"x*- Tv^ * *t« rv. rrt+t*. " "** f* ■» ■ ■1,1 fi||..n* *-» r; 'V«4*s. XW.-AI*. tx-: *»-?.vsr» -mux T*4wrnar to* Tm\kSfMi\c '^fl'xn-Tasn »v «wx-.- a-v. Sf%'.»nw; -*P»r4f. IW; *- r■- i Sl7v> Z Srt'l: r-»^ « "r'.'»v * t trj" •"V4.*»«*-; * *■—-Tf-- »?v iv»a*r ^arw4. 6FV^Air* W«6. h *VT V* TO 4JJ. TBI' ^r>VTTT iXfrx X imH- r-R*-. f*»- www' i» WWti ' «ac ■ "1 . v« ,V — -«W';x'w?«aiT w - - **"'■*•. »■ *■•- ■ *»,«.**«»• * -■*- • f(P«(HJ,vJ. -»■ ' - v —• j»wi-*x?r V. ». •-.' X'v»v. r- i— R-.' ■ .;•> 1*' XI.- TX- «*. «o» wiifc-mt, . 7 ' •«* * ar»wrm,r ®N* TTtm.^> ft-- *n»: (• rv. Vv ♦• T'K-r-x. TWftwIlMW* tv ana xjxw»r ** U Of %m fh: irfx-v- t J»I v>y. * '>.—*r«r> iw». .««MK *«• v-rHh. rj-mc TCwmmp** " - ^ * anc lN*«v T*^* . juiwamk'' *A"T 'TV •M-fc 4*m-. *f ?'««r *n*i J*'*- SMF In w • tc %*•.> H .Wte t wwi--v «' tnwfe ftna£l>. Iifcr. *> ikd. £**ix. ?W&Bar Ua* h fcSwsJ*-. rv. T-?4*s?r.*#h u»*iEr- wiimHii TIUW I Tn. 'TliiHiii, niMwuiriii' xntr, tSN aWMfc' fAr-rnax. ' WA'-WO «rv-*r 4w aefs *m t*w~ «.T* ■ lev •Wfif'Wxi: mtiy.-irmm «*nx ToiU x«fWt te T>?i: «. W»« *T' HWlt'V «*w ix >11 TH»- *-.».■* i- ' W m. W« v J »! Mmtt," tJv -txi, >£a -.. ■*•»»»- *»•,* W»- »x- t. tfc «i». i --wwu. tilfc.1 a^wnma-Hw *-> ft *«-. unusual Ma InMHfi rnt,:T*T" to -si« *t«h- !»•» "'T 'Tl- ',HU ^ r" " Vk ■ KtWIIi'riiir; tin, •wmntr )<• i.u. t*rad—*ra (ran Oat tJ*>- WX-'-lXf"; v- V. nrmfct. at tbe IV On or *»vr ran: mountauti -k *-•!*?:• tvito wr » r-n* i«'w, • U»im» Lakamon—tkr omtti Jtevnim un.. ux %;•*, .;- i-v •• Kfc' :;.t« am. *ts*e. of tar Mr iati; prorTam i pturw* T a«" v »»x utik* m- ■#* •' *(*• luunwm>r' -xrc r*vi* «« *t- ■ jwr MMv ' fev-V wnwifc taivf."* OX DFCDOO t. RacotMir. «a£ rafnaw* .4F lb, 7 ai'ur *m x at, o»wA> in ia»«rr -. jMniHnuar tt» Amtrnsxn •#*■ »*• f - .mm** UOTUTOHT « H*. ?'»■■»>■> ai OaUianuc Kitun Salon (T.AST LA-Vsrsas. MOST MOUETV SALON"* ifciU'. K 4 fflWB KOIflNT- E' HKl imw 1 iurwr f«ai.n-; tfHWl., •» Mr T'-.T* 1,»H: -W0WW. -*a* t !■»«*«. 2 Ooor. L«t oi Laron E02-11H. . "lupm- iimti.- •< .SUA nwrn F*E£ PAUONT. -r