v. ast i-aNSTNaj, sunt*; an, wkianksia a v. maykmrfr \k« PKICK I CKNTS Turkey Time Is With Us ition Ahead for Students Thankmtfvmi; for *tk*m **»»• «v*v *->*8 Nt* |nv* and hi «'--■« ** agree • ane<*,,*i .fins- t Vi» ,<.AViA>U»>rN m*rt«g*ntrol«. (tr" \ ta ; mean * fAnr na> .ApVi*?* For !hr »W'V mimb -V'avo* meeting *»•' •' •*»**'» |-).A| lh* housing tf »V living' « til dewnshi'ft whfeh iHrmiKK' IV'wt the mttrraOArt besmv.om ^ Wedncvd.** va " n- • H'.vh, A n'lMO Ag ' " *IH* A>1 rtlT« i- »minlpvn»ptr«t meal Wt - the heal |we week* a?. fall term >WA«TWr, ihtwr final r!o*w loom wry' .w WednesdJVA Sts-'irtn* , 4|AA|>t!v A. ' I -A,' H.AllO.TAA AA ' tee -r ? -a* * :»• ee In n-i.Ni .* v Wed **«'«.•> .v. • Vvi . a , 4 t-> 6 »■*••• «• TV trill to Shaw hull »Ul t*c I'AT .1 «>1 JjAO.lA' Tb.-tr ia Pc*de« Av<»t ?0 000 nm»a-i»1'aao. »rv*hW\A JV Rotrf*tr$! \ «■%??;,-a !■* a rhti 'f of *1 V> (nt flran ho open e»«*h <1** from 8 t<> U rom^VA Tni*nOv 'V no AT'SIIA INSA-OVI IV MV-A* sta'AAAiAi; ' T*«ov •* im W»«i» *.ti «-A» ' .'A^H htlAV »'• ' ThV n\V«A aVAV«*I> IV J*»i-NVj 'TIS dining mvi HI-v.aOaN'A 8\ a1.a«IaV ' 8a1.1«a<4 !V»nrtt* Iaa AAt(1;At|fhl \Vt*0o«'s/8A TV \V. i Sh.AA« swa Kx-n JnivA rriVinc o!,W«»- tr NW. 24 throufb V a ?"• Kr-">ti H Sm-ih, «»:•.•«• an.i Thin aa no.l hv ) am will «wvt' Thanksgiving ''inner For tV brt5i fi Oia' an<4 S.stii-«4.^A rts%m i ? !.■» I JO \> m Thursday "aV* »»vt «amv»avs havt o'anr»A4 txlTWA.4.*A cw int p. n-AOina 'a lr'»A*r fm $\ NO I.un« a awt dl«n<-! .' v'u.lon'N Owrn ramfiiA hi lAOtthf caaii'O o»»kr « it *U«* \m> available .An Pridav A, rewKiomg will he h«*ld a« o*i»8l unb»«*-t*r»rh • tnsrrr.M hwi^nt ata IhrwiRhAAit thc The "Unon mr.ll pftmfAOK pc- ihc jnsmH'UTp *nFl the xmFtavte ■ GftdtmV rtr!!!A m h th'"!! •'vaiha' ;»n.1 Snlurda* SO '.A 8 SO frm Artd NA ,|l O.asI *! ?> J i n n 100 in ?O0 men arr r>- peeled !«"' remain 10 v A.Iv* h;. ,i - i«--ftve it'' t i a a I •"'» hair been made >, ..ntm.ilatwAAvs n West I « - 4/ORRt K. tJOKRI.F—l>n*inc the l%i»fikxci\"i»uf lurirv can Jm* C'«ur a »oh Krrv. sr. ) cp PtttflVKl upfrcA p*. of the JiirVe* that her moiher k he* inc Krtxijs* t.ee N the |*K* * e*r oWt dauchter •t r»t fciwi Jevvica PatterwAfi «f HO 1) Spartan \ itlace tSt*t« Phoios h* krt MieisMj rr nrCMWO Coiurolese Rampaging Against UN Officials :x.">?vw.mT*-x -- . k -fltv-A 'o his Leoporffv •<- Tocs.-».-r S t ?'. an cirtlcnc* and v»n-c* ••' ..V S- t A fnunc fightaiR: 'ate In frvene* •a thr ■ .Vr.i'Vr* S"T,a sf'.c- pr>IW*! t*A«f iteta Hwntinni IT. *? •w *e r>* 'Pt" : v mlrh' a? r;5; ' ft«ht henkr * *>- U* tr****. • s. I'-.AfiAiit.f a:-.-: foreign.; WMJi the C^iJWe ito atttwi:- '>£ the ©ffw.a, resAOcn<*' v.: tlHjina, the AiNnrlc ■♦TRaniwits.ir. hfKtcHi /*t it* ajedgr v- ivrotect :V diTAlomaiit wmip- v nf Chan*"* Cha^?r C ite/Ta.---. NsfSwr.ie; Wefheck. »r a' « ociv»«<«e P-e-s a"- put—..-r- Laire- urrha. WeJhe.S. f."* h*c:t> thv IMWftl on orncrs trtw. Motm/tom U'MMM!—1««1 TM»kwi»ifie fun. T*n t«r old KrinUai ler Put- after Ok ynwns colonr » jrrvrw; terww think* it* jiixt about the most fun she ha* ever had. Here hod f«!«c hi-n frrnr. the rc«;- oene* Chat te'te gx«r-xr t~x IV KriotM l-ee he4p* her mother. Je**ira. make pumpkin pie filling hy kchaRff the egg heaters. Foreign Student* Skeptical of Corp WEDNESDAY. NOVKMHKR 2.1, Hun rvr.K two M I C It I « A N ST \ T K N KW S Today's Driver Must Mexico City College Has Plan Hasten Arrival of Grades 9 To Adapt Driving Habits „,!! m»V. iinh"' iH.k • j »• if ih\" I'l.Mi t» "Ill W »,«M I" Ih» s»»l"ini >»M. r«rrit*«l ; |,||»lnoU tlmt there h«n Wen ,|.f. »lr thulty 1« "wurlnK the To Highway System of.! thr»Mi«h. ««»'» I" *' "I11 Vk llw ftvtn the pmfM««r» In tlnir 1" Pm*M | t. ■V"'1 M\ "MKXH'O CITY Callere, ti,rtr ■• IV. "f I IM. « !>>••'. ******* ufintf *r»mti•. who hft-ed thetr n.ltiin II". ttmr Itn.tl. .In.',1 AilHlllllllllllm ftmtl.llnit id- i fcT fttKV-lfi* I * >"1* v.( '«*>* bit r*«hr* o*« lv, hr *ahi Thi« pt»* l*v 1 >>■ Mnirltt, hr »'l 'ml I'hp." hlnnkk imlnl I.,, AW ft. ' A' *5 tv - Vtl'T rw imn.f, ipnrr .■( .In.l.-til! mil i miililplnly • n i( m>il.',> . s .• ' •< >11 »* - !>'•*•«< ^sH;* after hcv 8ftM | i%- v iH tnr to that innnrniit. lm. i»'i •!"•)-> 11" ip«l»lr»r» "«Wp al lr» i j B*e-d to; dual in* senior* etr- 1 HI MtMURN t\>r *m .— i ihjS* * ilf ! risHW Seuhont I..f..i. aprlntt trim r»e Iiimith l»furp «|Wlnii lm. I., ,...... •• --. * v.- yxinNe* •»'*«> v*rt» Msrj . k "ttftlttn: lM Of -,- * .-*v " • -*• w w ■ ••• '' wit! tw? eomj»)ir«t to in- . . - 'niotejit* , , ,rn I % .»•• V.:* *TV, A.v • ■£ ftute ■»« nil tranaertpt* me • *•* trvwh-Je »fvta Wfore Mnieh \%-K he *»i«t ] * . ,» » • I • - • »• • V<- *- -»*w. V--< Vi-.l* (Hi M«- It*. «U the tint'-j • .« >, »* ft* .*« T .»» thf Ntiaoi %y »v**. i>* -r>. - a'\W « v* tr? .-*r:i tSr-r t v*« U* (** Vw» wfirtpts !<« ftent t»t «tr |»iA : »e*istriv*i e'l iiintl *|wm int ik- |S » •/,. m .*• s-»{;s*r-t »'•.* *n*M» tc •-** •KV :!■**•> to the re«'*ttwi at MSl. Vft/HIKL ** INTO AN < -• v 1 >1 w«.r rirmiaiti hr EXCITING HOtlOAY ;•< »i .-•> * r • w.! t r! » »: H»i* u-v.! • a* ."■wiw *n ! •/•(>. to be ofHtml, «l««t SEASON LOOKING Sef.-r* yvwt Jwnrr-, Ik his. «* a. '•» •! 's* sf.t fsoiu ifftinntion to »n*t( •% »'•••• the;* — r\- ***.r .* >. * tk »' >'i* r**.«-<• ! Kv» vvAtr w.-'.r • the •VotWnt ' SsriK'tt' sfttU. .?**%.- -,V w.-x .**' ■••V* A-f !.-.•»« J KMf 14.%-1 o* ■' Ill I coe(«ri»tiott tivm uttt- | ;• .r: *»*o,-V : t J * . ■.•*■ . ; '*• • V ... at WaHocft'l (lamorout " *d «. f V***'.,»•'ft* .i «!*-»■•»''« V! « eV ttltclimi of oyowoor odd - » •<► ,w V •«»•» v* SV« ;*■.*#" *>-.• * {••«** -c f.« *'.•■,» Jt \KRtm: Mrn V • -V ? s 1-* K-. - ' . \*V • w 1 ( ■ ■< * KrfrKr \%%iirtlw to tho tooion'ft . V/ V-. .. • t • . ? ' - c 'v *«V •*» " ■>; h.^t! \ tone Hit IT' indet ondiontiMnt. E • • - T^r v fv /**'** -.v N • **•.. .• 5.1 • » A.» IVY Stunmer Tmm- ?>♦ f ." « t na award* Uft*t 1'tWa.v for '| l» ni outstao.lH'c jw'tformnnee j kvoi « Ui.mii th'« liwt aummer'a | *■ ta««e f . an-jitprnts. an>inlinjj ■: • • -i M« - I Ift'r'Tf A Power*. dl> . t - - <•' leu ieiship tmittinu •.,• c «V * > v Tht aw*io w. i |>rr*fMwl t«» Pift.fof' h> r ot William J, Vft-« l»av;r IKROTt «*«i*tant font- ■i. I ♦ • t ft *.* * -r VMY .v #%-•>. is tvw-ett rr«..«« , TSi« of Inlrmtatr St (I'JR. 1ft) M»rrn l.in«ini nn.l lirnn.l ■■■*• i!.*-.W'mE hi* rtni u> the K.ipiiU I- * part of Ihp ftSO milo. «f r\pi*«»»a.<« IfOftlh op*i»r.i in • .4 te ate {»•• i VSl cani|*u« last week. . -* . M* Mk-hitan I" IPn.i Ihftf Kill •* a 100 mile- nplxnrk iwimtia; all Rec*'* ny the ooaoratiofis wehe: % r ill irv. * v Parvi t Harmon, ^adrt wtntf v» lkf> w '• v .4nre.an.ter. t'«J. KonaUi E. Holtx; :*■* !-w: 5 '. t'o» Jame* K Cl«r>, 111: l.t. torilin I / ft ■■ i *r *** . Riv-ieti l» Net?; Lt. lei. Kieh- . ... ««£. fl?tlM»ft' Wr? v i * 4 /I f.V .>* .'» 'ft (* K\uiuine I ratlilioii" r'.o: »-•' t Pe-*h n*ke: Major Rodney . *i«m •■T--T9. — . • ' « vr ■*•*.»» J V> .--ft- I las liirtluhiy } E h*ri. M*;or t'harlr-* G. tiur»t a a r t tairMi *y» 1 la•» Snoopers Snoot School Ma-. Ruharif (. Ihraudrv Soviet ft - - • 19?' -K-1 ft. » - C »»" ft ante*. Mae la* rftrelleat t e I e e- .-a mm efiner M- 'i»« at It ;.** »{t .■ ' *v j?. . ?, e*T**" HKKK iumim; :...- lAVNPAS i' ■■ K .'»«'*?' ■*A» « teaehe-r. I JaRt nee »ny , ftwded* llktd Hamt-'lvft A-'« srEt.iAi. ' ■' i ? ^'Vi 'f'. -v-'- H-- ya ' • aw *n * v'-uncvr Hey k*ri«{ to; wanl \vct."' rharufol ifee K I ink* hit a rompli Ir Aa ' r±C i : **i■- *•* T N* • » . » . ■ t 1. *v rwrta-w a*tv..:* fw another. I ; <»- Yet of them h»»- wtrfliftn al n r r\ wiiwtioss , - -ft*} . —»* *• Iftk* hwtlk '• •..•.a A ftheuhl h« il» wUrer way I most anotfc b>j «- 1 ?". -.*o .; l iu .•■■■» T"e* IH AeidwauYted' wlv- the Hfltvshj**;The riftJXor* inm- . hr»i f,v*u-ri o.t l>rrr Kiflr Krntals TH» *1 * »>r- H % * I " They »av< i?» '.'.S .S '■ ruler*a WALLACE OPTICIANS »r>iV.*r ,.«r.-.t.~wh»ek* with a T-. '* *»-v J • * S* ;> A u .-A' iA u * <" f'rrwt Wf \ A A»*♦*•*)4./ nr.', rmlf-tko Ru*»;*n ft*ld.1 ft.-hwi ; opwdw* they ftVAtW" *r ,' _»U W fte-r-.-vT ',h de^rad'-fti "* i ft all-ri* f pT*.rvi?»«; >*.JL.i«5fraJ * * \ A Bv*5rv» wi » M th thti A»k*d hi* take hark many »»W»* fro- Link's Sperl Shop >||> liar .Ornwir »randan Pbaar H' •-5Y74 tain. asa*?-*r At ft tea-;*rjtrftC '■■*■"•:«(• V/Titor# to x» * .V thrv-us'i the a**.* iftfAvi limtHiMUi irl 107 iY Hiu/iiuft'ton,, Ph. IV S-II7S K. A-T. 1 tsjfi WW r * *1 H But. v ;! e ftWHi-heti 'f t}7 Wan St. 1,. Uniisi la 'v-.'.*, w*» R-.'k" ■• a»d nsevt #otn* rat it* ?W> •: fd- m. fw-J* i**vi'.n.fcT «au' **an T': •* -* * ffiS-yw,?1* WVtf- : At woe r. t*. LA —. nr*«# ;.T t^e 'v. W*» 4 ,n.4 A - .*•» ^ . " IW t*e toy * here WW d*- j lte\>« n ♦ ,V *■*•> drift * * "" I Kfcftftift.- ft «ja..' * •• **•»•.■ 1 !. • Hajt?i . tftv *i.p+r Tho State News w-iw*» whewe frfuSftsatew We Pu^Uahrd hy the Studenu cf' i nhs-kew a*ai ''•e »?i P,V. S-a'.e Is- ! ■■ » W*••' riftvv. \!.v;.iay Filters for ■ ..ft- X-- v. -5 *"*v * f-s yr%r- v;-_^.^.fY Pr..o.--i .-' r.s -.he Jallj Tjoe vr.f ye^efTfr V* > I-*...:* on w(*i-k r da:-: 4 "->.<• r.loi tofill j eadnNr bey »w .- p-vtttAj* pa.4 at j T%r\,*{k a- •" !*-• A'e«. IW*: Laaal:^. M.c ; atecae ;o«S Ret. ,y In m*n*t l»r oiftcttj flavor I-.;*,,; a>*vd • hoauwwa f WWrr lla.tr.- .j- |-«i s'u-ae:-.: Srrvw,-** b».:.:-s • .Ar^vin-.w.nt - S?i » { :■ '" " M.vh.tis sstate Va.v*tai:»v,. > t tan laftAi-ri. M chiiAa. ti S.i*nss-..T4 Hannah to Ho*t (»rj«U Wi r'-rn Mx.i au&Kripitoas iMyaoie fc? -finest flavor by far! ruatri- a T4 t•*—i A- * ^o*—. jf-a«jat—tdt x . .»" v an.o far ooe Seem. ft ...vne 14.;cr*.::t r»"v* ,1 t rnm %.o& *: -: p»r fXitf. is. ■■■■■■■ »«-: Sviiurrm Price: . C T*«ssWM*"-.*- "* .-5 P-Vv. • W-ti.a* *+ 1 •»*«-«» • »ui» i>: h-.*« a » v-, . H*" v..- 1^4 \lAXi&^es. Al i'-.-nli; • « C *vrr.\ Irrith. ' Sj - ic« Ua-iagyT, Faoi Lee^- j ft* a . » f ? Frw ; k,r 1 ♦ ;i S4« ^ M- S 4 ' ECJJTS# ** ' - .:«eac-» >•« «4> SwfcA --J »4," ■ 'u-w t rv- .i a It 0*ie 4»r*i?VS. .* A-.-3? a. t "* ft** a-j.r. j 14 X.t ,Jf s€ « J. t. * '« fc.-'.- ftJSBS .*•. tar .*• ' 9i 1. n 4^ '- w:. art X COMMUNITY is. -..sw34 a: r-fL -i a. r..* ar t Ka-r* d bay a £ : w. St > ?4.-t« » L*" creaawrw a *M 2 THANKSGIVING ;* ; r.xr.-«. h— t* • r JS • oii».«-i?'4 r S,: river* 2t Jt's?v*4aaa SERVICES 1s~L-—T7T- r a *ac»S«er rr*" -^r— B f3»ac tw WED.. DOV.21-8 P.O. t=r* tj M :v .-t S3. .BMT&tftMKNbi- e* .n- r w-jra PEOPLES CHUSCH to5 " » ?*a«3 . ** **' i" Cvierrri 'tia W. I*rsn4 Kiver S Ba^ai* tT—~*r*_" taetsy: t B S."3£gy»tan Pmther Re*, ttt&tcv Robeflsofi f - -4> c ">*"t ■ti ItrifiiJ Offtrm? f©? CJBLOjT. »*. est •* MK9M m Sntfcw • Dmlm Rurni (hcfsei* Prog. I r— r iwKr^ - •» . ftf tTTJ Miwa TRUSS. NOV. 24-10 Ul. MERE S HOW THE DUAL FILTER DOCS IT: Tarry ton has the taste— THIS OTTER IS ftOKIH IRHVERSin LUTHERAN 6HURCH L It cenftntj feffflttm j iwqut njner filtor a ACTRMB Dual Filter to mu tin Int. Id ^ -Qr ipo A» Mr«l 2. mtii > pure ntnte ou^r fator. TcctWor Dap aM aft TO* AJLO TOL'R VEST HAIRCLT AT I tne tinor eiemenu m the mokt. Tariyton't f : College Manor lieaulv" Salon 221 ABBUTT ROAD ED 2-3UJ Preothfr . (Mftrmo In Kind Kf». John Porttr does it! you ttt D«tt tout a t)w bnt tobtccM. TdTCVtOTl Clamour at Honor Kith UftjiMd B«L .csrUbU-v fruit*, elt.) BARBARA BOX A.VD ADVANCED STYLISTS for faaiiiie. in thr srralrr I^uimik orta NEWWAL FILTER THIS OfTEH EXFtKES NOVEMBER 10 *WwT tj - ^—j ~ *>"**»" dAr.«w wkdnkmoav, novkmukh is. two MICHIGAN.HTATK NKWS PAGE THRER Close Vote Refuses Importance of Genes Revealed Genes play a very Important three main ♦atcgorSes of this con¬ carry the same genes, marry. UN Seal for China pall III effecting human' popula¬ cept, In* said. tion, according t«» Dr. Jame* F. "The *egfi-ifMtlon load Involves Crow said. If the human "I would he happier population emrld Crow, chairman of the 'dcpatl- a siriyht cell trait nod «su ie|| the cut its mutation rale down to T h f People'* Republic of Norway alutainnd from lite v<»t r.eio." nient of rnedlmt yeni-tli* at the est.ent to which n popolnlion can inn narrowly ml Mod tng University of Wisconsin, he Impair.d hy this trait," Crow The ineompntihility load arises to the vampu* UN Friday The for the Suvlrl night. The voto.lMl, with two Union mid delegations from the Crow, spenklng at the second said "If genes of this type »an in the mixture of wrong Mood abstention* wa* only two vote* progrnm in the ltlgt< dl (Sci¬ j he eliminated it will create a led- groups. There is a strong **»«• ,h»»rt of tho two-thirds voto other Soviet Republic* wort* not iter welfare to population." r.vsxary for admission. proton t,. ences lecture series Tuesday night | ristion Itelween certain Mood on a lecture entitled "Human Pop¬ Ij newThrough mutations, he said, groups ami diseases making sonic The resolution submlttod by Secretary General Moham- genes arise that have trPI»« iv«tt Orlffler of tho Unitarian ulation Genetics. sai>l: people more susceptible to certain mnl Tous«i mM that ho know | eliminated for they can bring ,location called for the seat "fine of the most useful con J about fatal results to the troll- i d!••.«'-h-cs than others, he said, of the IVtsplo'a Republic a ho particular reaann why they "Around I'V per rent of the cepta in studying genetic effects I Vidiisl total Chinese government tliil not attend (tip ROAtlon, on a population is through gene ' "It is hard In determine how iemhrjus fail to reach tha birth ■rut the one supported by the tie loads." I many r*«e»*ive gene# « person stage la-esure of some incompati- Chines* people to replace tho The segregation, mutation and may carry hut this Incomes dan , liility in the blood groups," Crow ..•osont delegation which "does¬ Incompatibility loads make up the grroil* when related people, who •aid. n't represent the Chinese poo Ford Scheme TNK tWTW» mn* 4*1*. attempted to amend the Will Jnr Halt resolution to retain the Nation* atlxt government of China on Formosa In the United Nations Of Gold Drain M.-iil.-imuiMfllr fottlnnfra tho fxritemrnt "It is not a human action to mvuie the nation of China," the WASHINGTON (*n-The gov¬ arid glamour of tho holidayx with a ernment's battle to stem the tra<| delegation argued. gold drain and reduce this «trikin# K"l«l brootuJn pump ... slctrk, A representative from Bul¬ Mvtehrr* I.r Ihr IT. S. «tete,»tinn la ranrrrrnrr af North Allnnlii- country's Iwlance of payments topcrcd tor* on u high MtanrFhwd. garia said that thousand* of deficit Will get a $307 million Trr»l> nrsanlMtkm parliamrtilarlms mrrt In Parla I hi. *rrk. In i runese were trying to get bark Added attraction: tintnhh* Jolt If the Find Motor Co. goes front. from Irft, nrr Sm. K«lr* Krfanvrr of Trnnnwrr. Srn. 1. W ( .m the mainland. "The Na- to match your through with its plan to buy l ulhrii'hl of Arknnaaa and Vlrr IVralrirnl-rlrrl gala tiotuliftt government wa« thrown Ford of Fug Ian. I l.yndnn inhn-in of c-u' by the Chinese people, but Tp\hm. Srn. John Shrrmnn t'ooprr of krnlurky I* snond from Irft In The gold drain stems directly I, kept up by warlords.'' hark it round. Nr*t In him la Srnalnr-rln I Maurrrn from the payments deficit, which Nrulwrgrr of Orr- represents tho difference be¬ lion. Illhrra nrr nnl idrnllflrd. rm: amendment was dr* ((A')Wlrrpholo) frated by a vote of 19-16, with tween the amount that Ameri¬ u\ abstention*. cans pay out nhro.14 and the Thaddeua Law of K -rea speaking for the Pakistan South amount received .sources. . As from foreign foreigner* collect more dollars than tliry pay out, Support for Troops delegation spoke against the resolution. they use some to buy America "Red China doesn't represent t.> |x»pulation," he said. people are more like slaves." The representative of Nigeria "The gold Ford of the United offering $96) million for com¬ plete control of its British af- States Is Ask Bonn Contribution llliate, Kurd Motor Co, Ltd. II S BONN*. GRRMANY, (AV-the cpiarler of the M00 million re¬ quest* from all NATO countries supported the resolution to scat Red China, adding that the na- Kurd already owns 55 jx-r cent I United States Tue.sdny asked quest and would prefer instead with troop* here. t v.v* should vote according to of the common stock of the Wr*t Germany for an immediate b» pay a larger share of the contribution of $60(1 million In¬ North Atlantic Treaty Although the Germans and their own eonaetence without British company. Organi¬ Americans rcatl/c that Bonn i* the influence of the major pow¬ If the deal goes through, most j ward |hr upkeepU.S. troops in sation (NATO) defense eosls, in¬ able to take over some of the ers. of the $.161 million will he paid ihis country The West German* formants said. burden of supporting western to foreigners since they own declined, and tlwr talk* were A GERMAN source reported: defense and foreign aid. HAVING RED China a mem¬ most of the shares which US deadlock rd, they Informed sources "it was doubtful at the outset ber of the United Nations would Ford wants to buy know any such West German ac¬ This would said. ! that agreement could be reached be easier than always fearing add directly tion would require budget funds to the payment Britain was also waiting to Jon such a difficult subject in a them outside, he aaid. deficit. from taxes. The "West German make n similar demand <>n the short On the flnaJ vote only Aus¬ Private American investors two-day meeting," lax burden is about as high a* prosperous Germans if the Un¬ tria. Colombia. Franco, Guata- own a 15 per rent Interest In The talks continue for anoth¬ the American. ited Stales is successful. nala. Canada, Spain, Italy, Ja¬ British Ford. The dollars they er day, and the U.S. team then But the lt,S negotiations point U.K. ECONOMIC negotiations pan, Pakistan, West Germany, would receive would not add to goo* on to Paris and London for to West German trade deals the United Kingdom and ln voted against the proposal money wouldn't leave the Unit Informants said the U.S. ex¬ duced a $'2 billion The Dominican foreign aid, which would not re¬ surplus in Republic and od Statrs Secre¬ Bonn's balance of lease dollar* to help the declin¬ perts, led by. Treasury payments. ing gold position of the U.S. tary Robert B. Anderson and German-gold and dollar reserves WKDNKSItAY HTfJRK II Ol It S . A .M. TO .VtJO P.M. Undersecretary of litate C. have shot up to almost $K bil¬ French Loan New Display treasury. I The Americans maintained that Douglas Dillon, reached "no lion, a little more than half of worthwhile meeting of minds" American reserves. Washington's balance of pay¬ The display on Alexis de Toque- to Bosch.'* This exhibit presents with the German team, headed ments troubles can best be solv¬ villc, which is twine thown on the books on Flemish art in relation ed by a healthy German contri¬ by »economics minister Ludwig Erhard. second floor Library, was loaned to the exhibition on Flemish art bution to the annual $700 mil¬ •iL to the Library by the Office of tha Cultural Attache to the that is bring displayed at the De¬ troit Institute of Arts. lion cost of maintaining U.S. forces here on the edge of The talks are designed to re¬ the lieve the U.S. balance of pay¬ DISC SHOP I. ments deficit which reached This multi-million dollsr ex¬ Iron Curtain. an 323 Kant Grand River f trench Embassy inttaw York. annual rate of $4.3 • hibit in Detroit consist* of more All told, the Americans are said billion in the The tiUa of tha display is "de than 200 works of art from the to want (NEXT TO KEWrtE'N) nearly 31.5 billion from third quarter of 1960. Toquevilla and Hia Times." In- museums and churches of Bel¬ Bonn at once to pay for troops Informants said German argu¬ kn-l 1-ani.inp'n iluded in tho diaplay are photo¬ gium and from American private and aid the West's program to ments were bolstered with a re¬ graphs of aoiaa of his original and public collections. help underdeveloped countries. port that London also may ask Only Kxrlintive 1 The Detroit exhibit was first The Germans are offering about Bonn for more funds Inter ths taoten of manuscripts, akotrhaa of his fam¬ shown in Bruges, Belgium where toward Rrrord Shop •V ily and of tho $1 billion — spread over four maintaining 53.000 British troops ! poople who greatly attracted more than 100,000 influenced hit life and his work, it visitor* *during the summer of years. attached to NATO units in Ger¬ OPEN EVERY EVENING glittsr-in a great tw,*p of As for the 1)« Toqwrvillo to boat known in I960. It i* shown only in this troop costs, the Ger¬ many. The Germans now offered to pay about one- pect an avalanche of such re¬ cx-| mans taffota.. our bouffont ikirted cock¬ this country far kto two volumes country at the Detroit Institute of Art* and will be on display un¬ of "Dawoaracy to America." tha tail dross with its 6r*t being published in 1336. Thia til Dec. 3L > • • • • • droptd bodico The hooks injjie library display hook waa an immadiate success in have colorful F ranee and in England and point¬ reproduction* of ond port bow bock dartlts in some of the painting and sculp¬ ed out to tho poople of hia times ture that are being shown in De¬ that fwwaty waa irmisUbly omerold or rod 6-M sirts. troit with complete explanation ruing. w of each. On tha ivat floor of tho library 23.9* there is a diaplay on the "Master- ptecos of Ftonstoh Art: Van Eyck U.S. Launches "oxford occont".., Its Heaviest Detroit prints of distinction Atomic Sub 11:43 PJO. t:St pjo. 5:41 p.m. 1:11 pjb. the sport shirt that gives yoy that 3:43 pa. 3:41 P.m. crotoh. «■) - Thr 4:21 PJB. rugged masculine appeal , tfthaa i • new pr>nted in neat figures in uniquely <* Marte- whnurine,. trip fare 54.43 attractive colorings Well-cut col¬ •M ways Monday to lar style in classic button-down traditional ncnplion. I nes W'th bo* pleated bad lr tra- It Mm sm on unnxportod r»- Grand Kaput* di'toooily favored o*f©rd c'o't raption from pip pneUUto who 13:33 am 5:11pm $5 00 r -*oond ohanrd after the launch- 14tpm 3:13pm ay. 3:33 pas- 13:51 pm Tho craft, haatrtoot in the n«- rmutol trip 55.33 cum laude collection '•'«■« frowtac (net of nuclear- • (mm MiaoUe eubo. ' •# -i by lha of the Joint Ana Arbor by • ^Mefl id SteM m —- of • line toot wltt add araatly to United tXMC defence efloi Geo- Lyaue J. mate hit naatla to a trend of •MSam 13:41 WM 343 •4:33 pm 5:41am pm >••••• • * i • ••••*•• -ARROW- • • • •• •••••••«• % \ awut MM at teaaehln, cora- 1:33pm •3:4fpm r. »lM tor tho aaw Sthan Allen. nut trip 55.11 • 'thai •Telega A Jaefcaaa tfepar- oateaatefMe teat win be -"tipped te harl roloru rut. •-« UN adSa ar more. The UN Mjted pneUUu, un itectited bp aaate, rwun out to me craft Chtcago - Katoauxoo ia ten Battle Crock puliad teflaoehra* aboard . authentic... *;'-h tee ktetete Mil drapir 5:13 pm the craft. Iter van quick 1143am • 7:45 pm university sport shirts taten of hy tha Caaat Guard. 343 pm U.I3pm The ton Classic example of the casual tradition > pacHIM weee anor, (roup of elMt thai earlier woo from our Arrow Cum laud# collec¬ HM3iriptokalaauMll.ll ,,. prevented fraaa tefteelwf with tion. Tailored for the mon who prices Uuachtef SMI They had perfection of cut, #»♦ end cloth. Come in •r.'coded to raw teree amaU to see this superior group of "o*ford » lutoff " ka*a iMthef cmp«eaatcf "V IteaMM flAVB 13* M W wMtoto to ^W«»«»-aak».MM frmb data af parabaer. 1 WWNMPAV, NOVKMHru •, txi 1 Ml CHIC .IN STATUN R W!» rtcr tvt R Civil II fir Exhibit * Fa ire hi Id Audience Sees Sleek,1j'h®- Goes Ahuntinii j M HAN'V. vt *:«, UkW I't * muW*- Nijkvflut WhU Mr-. >»•' Uroif* l Professional Skill of Meredith «,-»£oU >'Vvi iU**Hrt Thur«4«¥, ht, i , ,* I j vv»UUW.v*Mc Vsw-vt-u, Wh«i» IttHMV M vh r v (hUHthv^ tjuatt tiXc *'* , i UMMSI Sstuthrrn gvwthnwv *«*»tKour« , ?*"•»». »iN|^ ,| x v*w»V»*xJ * •».< v? r* *V «* . *- i t »n...1 t *.>OtAv*»1f ' Vv-• I t,« *ri >UH«KI on f. , .Vtv.' Wl .vt »*.W* ""•"•J* """J",' *** v .•«*./** / i'V «\vW it* to*l> IV ^,-va * u* Vl.l v *f «s. ma* brut vw.n:.V >>•<.•" »\o«ftfy whtw ho ti-rivisl , ^ k*Nt it* ! A, J . i « . Ah f^rro I N/»« Wl«*' V4V -vt .v.- 9V fsAv * *•« Ollkj.HAl iv*( \ht UNUO.* of »UW «»Kt A*«« <»•»** W - *'» j. ,.m„ K„.^ or nftor « i».i MViitum.i/ tv •. r >.t.. vw •■: IV «»»■> 'Kr'loi »v.» lt««iuw. «•.«• kllvhw w, h»l #««» * >v\, fV" M* ■>•""■' »'« I'WMrtM 7"< «'"< ., A *-< * V «' -V •■■ ....... A.,,■..>• I.*vr.i IV nUlV* HWHKVM?. Ks»v*sMftT «««•»»! h - IV. «t V UrrublH »'i < !•■■>: V.t "I Utmt AHUMUk fHV •• v • -< ^ v.J t "VY <'■ v\»- v. fAAA t tMYttirttltlt »i vvi frite ftVD»StWtl M,,.... U't4'-> ' tioVVA 0* ih.i hAVT gtVTrt ■ Tt WTHttuM' t»U H# tliiMjr M(t »»«t . ■ •.■'•.•.*•/ « k • iV X# v*i -v , r-' r.Vv ««•"•* »«• h-t r-^« *rr 111 », A.AJOM. cvtHVM h.tr L I . It IkUt ...... «••«• •« ..'.null.'! UaUHtvt in« WHl kh«hi. v«ihc (*nt» Mr rtrw . >:• *v»v V i*.> '? | ,v''"V- ti. 4 » V» *'*•* ■"'* of a W- t**»0 ivr^A 4 4*.' »«Ai «»', t\M«t u« 4M iur.wi'*4'; no T^ •tit MtiV* no>'.» O'f fK'iUU wlV« Ai**y, tmtiA.wr.l , •. ■'" ' ,...i...is. ™ ,11vi huMitu M.t«« AH «**«.itr, It.-hri «mt ImmAlntr , tt I'W,^ UvM: * 4>*T^rs\S.viVA', ' NV4i vHTfAlAt V.V M#V* ! ktuivtuv h*M * W»W» ftiji T aU« (Atvxvol! !>• U»v AufU«uth«r Hru«h»ts»vr«tsl i'-.'- v * v'XAVAx-hTWU^ * of !> ♦»»«> A< M. T '.V *'»»*» VS vlf-i ffv*\ Wl»h V**' .«•.•»'i\(j Vtt! J AI frntm "itv v0"' .WTV? ^\ .*wi»00 .1. v. «'•> t N*, IV Vv )\> O. ;' *A* t%t VHUtt'4*;- .'.»(<•• v-.i- (vw wmcwti! Aj v -- • \t*»"A'iX. I.!' fv \ *») IWitu I "1 . , .• ,'»V' t A M *' * M Md*\. 1 ' . - Ml (iolloiie .• •> rsf A»st '."si• tfv.1 C'AfV* U:AI:» fe« S-V *VW» of AV ij'i A Mv .•» von -* Vt 1 > / »*■ *#.*Jrtt, #»♦ •' ' VvV. »'■* S,' ht * •*• X*i * I --v * ». #v - Politicians \L* *»v * " l\ V .I-.- IXItlMMI ,'V.w l^Un \1'\ « vwt reil".. t.» 'Vnv;tv** VV-'»!, . ' 3iiSu •tdu. .^y «■» M ' -Avni'Vx I'.f '*.1 ' In Luisiiiif ' • 'M.'tvn ■* "> ' "4 — • "• % • ' • •■ ■>» »* .XVI'VY' 'A** *'-»»♦ < . .. > ^ t \ r \W.t s**«.v• I<\t A v«a Sb.' wt»1 AI ,'t W A'.* \4 WJ.'A 4A* »<•'• !S*. Crestmont * i i, Vtt • KMV * fvCi »C." wu- 4 VI f #t * t *N \l*"rv'. . f^v 11 A* -.-. v . ' N 4M«\»* AP SHEBERT . Ori«|« . #*" t*W* »'... ^ -j" ..• • >•.» *tf.i 59* **•4 'V ji-if •.? V* * ' 1 •• •>■> T* .. - ■ .v . „ .Hki-'S-v • *i tVr.vtt. : B«k •r . ' * V. ' • tvVtf, VortNMt IK M ^ N v l\ V ' v' «rv tvw ^ t A-••{,*' * . •* .M r» .o !0 »' v * A. lit. •*- -•{ ».V» »««» #*.•'• ¥ ,Ti Staffer* lo Join in "v .v» !'■/* — • \V . Viriur MiYtiuj; • V v • .• A" -* f v4 . *' fs'i*.. 1.%V . -»*•„ ■ x .»'• V.'|V«I Hl'> « '.3 t "A ti * H *•"»." S-» O •""# ♦' X kMw! »*0v, f.. i \f . S •'Xt •'• '*e 4.-- r-A * v' •* IV--tx-.r T**. tvvS?- ,.P H'v»\ |..,i • W ' ."A. $lS * ! SiM Brtniii jir 43' Nnit Baiter Kr V W...-4 H a .vf 1 v v maal L r 551 *• Am Pip 14 oi. SattMi light 2*37' .f .»•■»». — . *•• v«*> Cabinet Still I acant . as- \v< s • .torn »r VJ-.C.-B • v SA#. wU i VV* N- A S ' * MKlt TS.ft.Mi *VTl"i IIMnb Ms. Tim .Viv;.! W VI aJv;», cv\m> » ."s M*\ r < • - ; r s"' '.>0 JCVeKV BartteH . •>c HiKr> loaa ■***;»•*€ r*v4-v « i.MnfU 4 «99 ( 5"« 89' s ! • XI '.»**♦ W- < s-o f *V.lA\V* .... «t.« *.Vi*.0«'.2tT» *V r-" "T tT4s*ft*'T ftt- AB.-.< sv... n-.» ■•■ 4>rw*«vo v'v**svn-t fAi-s'V • A.V* •SVOV'', >."•4 SM-V« v\^&.XiN4 V* i Am Pap Hoz. i>r 35' Xf Vi.rv 10it INN *Ht« HNKt tttNs 16 or. KKMtM.IVN HKtTKH SMtVKK «M TmMo Smm (M SaaBariah SpcaaB l*rl k • *> tit k\ h tM»isr mmricATt: to l tM« S HlAtK >-T\»Kf • \f'. --A.'.' Your Choure l?» V.ltr'A--* »u AM i »}AW ht».f pr*Ar«l»tl vixvu^ * W»wd> 'to t t|V*«M» V- V riKH^vu Dai Maria StevaB Tamteas v » •• t i*#Kt »r«te«A. IWs A *««t i»if Ku-i |Vu>!if t>ur. IS •z V«^» to w* V *W> t)k t (tN fTMT • % «f«4 l« II az 4-89c IUrmttoM i-MAt I **Vf tm(v« yiw tlAAW • '■» « 4r««< M *.•-% W *1 V K-4 tu' * iV »Mk> N'A \wt -4» Mv*r« t« ttUfc lO •!». i VWIitMa At Mwi4U MAM» l«tff. IB •z A A P S«m) Palatets tltMMl Uw MMtM ««n I* «WB. *»«.• A*W •CAAAa't*. *.** ytJVf 14 az A A P Cat BrtM Asparigas v.»v* V# W j» *AU*t A ttwW i A w -r *o«TT • x«Su«tu',r VMtru t)f»«nwr II az ImMi imps •ft « •■A »:.! :«-"4 *it> M *«M « '<»;wa »»4 A«av~t 4 At t tm*m Im4 fiitTr r«A4ca»*»4» »**i >t %ri4 A» 00 r«4 4< ' » j.'A V . • ?. . A W.- wtWc »W ^UA»r» •. • -..• '-• •, -a ■iiKfr' *sV~f ,-JJ Mi 22•!. AC ( Yarina 3*29' -V s W ' 71 i» bnll. plibk.Uk •>».•% ■w f ':* .Mf O ..futi Vsv • •••» *' -:•? * SkinTiTvf^ ;»*" Coiffures UpM Briarpri m 43 Va»t. t la. «r- drpu.il T,v^S/ • V, W O >«» ' ;t ,'iV. b> sssti «AI \ tW '.wctr. » « •#'.> orsva- &kS*2S>ain> lielen itarresy iitn fywr. uuf isn.1 wrti.Y fmr ' ■ uyj ( Institute Issues Grant For Hereditv He*eareli 1W5 L l.ran.l Kiirr — Li>l LinMUj »,t49' 39 Ml LUMtvit c ^ 25c °rM<«6uffM Mt ^49 ' *4 \. -> it «. I. -.a- A.-.:*r^ ' ■' ■ so l Hloci.* 14.J of Vl>U«l IUI1 , tt* As.- ■'■it---' »o V -Ttt r-v -t. c ift. ( 'if 29 "19 TdaWBJs-T af 434 '?« S. ,V ' 4.1V • f-*> ?V \tiU4 }*»« . » >-T Patela fiUpi Ik -ViiB - . » ax 4 Vs. i: u is.-.jsw .. ^ . «r :■?•» *■ Our \^ish To You... £wr*r»>l r« •i wti .T j.fi . .1 .«*>• J ~* Wk.Ut Grt> ;«va-.* -- 'Oiff -Sir •wirta* *»v.'U :?ar tufiwaik* Cr. SStt&a s3i i. r;-' Saft't. Vv. aril - *:U3»;»> *.} "Sua* V-m? v;:t- j.; —nn tSf j-iVvit tSWIT #"K7*"~Srt«T''JL tir f*r* ai:ntc. a -«S "-a.^ «*«*■ J^rrrsrf^'. >: ty T\»2 VJ^-ta pSiYWCTBt.:- CMtmaTA IWI At > t » t v.t>J MAY /,. YOUR ' - Nafloy MargarHw SMrtrr. t lb cits 2.35' •': ' :r vt»\m m is**» imsf* s >i r..; *•.- - a * t - • •m "i» miums- 'jrmti ticw- ammiteu- tarw* t.-urrr AStV? #>; I*?-* .tf a ?ii5isaro*£$i8: ">* . **-i r.Arta Ssa Jfsa w— . :«?•>• J - j*.: .* :>*- .txii.-AK.-.-, -.' "tur fcvi v« 'trrs - at jovtui UPriwhWiW «'t:' " rt'J; : r*« >t. .'VI -:*4-: txa m*; Ymt Eat JAPS Efftdijr iAra*tA AM. Sm. MU m •■ ';.•»♦» -a am ....„ *»3E, t. fcHSaSCTXSSK. i. .■.~24%A30'K --T ?jc FLXX x- r rt.— rwgtawn «C- SIMUmUI » AJL U > PJL ■r»-:c .-5«r . .' xA*-xnl -^s&esoem aca£ : - •.•*£' w ts^C'X;4 .vtucxt. wc- rac%Jara» #j%rz? Ss« *-»• VT'^a 5«c*rv)f »K2L .t sno» WKDXKSD \Y, NOVKMItFH *1. i1- Mi'iu'ly |Mirtfnyo«l In n chll.l llieab'l wI It pn- mnl tin- uoolvib/od'" • M ifitorvli'iv \v|h llooi'if llortf Hlink-MSpeiiir ii»'-' tojcfufieil "THE IT.AV WI1.li end with «sl "The play wo written aMutj . V... ,t nll'oni, in cluii'gr'of ii'Mi-nrrn. limr in wilting "Mai'bcOi." bo mi ».siding a rut Itrutal ba'tio •I.-", I im I I i iT t i-iitiu v Fnillsnd. „ , 4 imIiicmIIoii mill okUdisiiMi in so III Vmi huff llii bloa bow •ctukc.," said RuUadge. ' Tbo IIHi whit'b f* e-'tiipMralde to Ihr VNI rt.- >. footl ifM'hnnltiKv Vik-j manv veer* linvo pasted l»o« ing aie». bo said I run go|i|g| 'I lll'tot4*«|l »!••• tint- of HIHI'lm, in *isv II.. ...nit II >» •"" »•" 1.1-ntM, Ml U>. i'Uf . |t««rg»litMii WMt it hit id < Ire 11) tin- p. ib» l -i,w.—-•!"■ hlmUt *jn i4io based, hi* , pl»V 7\\ i lit,Mm ft- Die MHitit )i"ltiO, aniite IllU-iVllifrtd i .ii fs.i, Biiid Not(edife King: nf U'iilrlt Ittlvi'l Wi'l »•"!>.<' lite . plti.li'til "f thD'iiittllMittil r«ln|lt»iia "THERE AMI. NO refereitrrs Ma. u w. is»..» ml.-.i Jli..i:«tid I.> InIti' tu'D" Of ihu era of no- in Cbi IsUrrnily "• »•> clvlUrodj fiorr« 10-40 10 .,. w»« a tH-no .- u vmIIiiI "ilccllidtnf pit-tlgt " thoMdhl In any pan ihr- 'M-n vulrrd kl'm rt" ' o'»"l bis For tits*imin t , In- plii>tvii«| ligtit'Du belli* »i'i ipt," Mid Hutledgt-. tain v«-*i> did be |jei-mnc tyran-l ll«ra • nu pi"iluM|..n « ill gait, puw- ' nli al .»nd fearful Nhake- jth tDmt iflil i»l liow llutre wrr I.<> ImIIIoii |t"o|tlit In Ihn win Id lliwl ir kali. ■urrwundi-.l |» plnr*. slilrw.-ill.* nml kluilrnU. (Slain New* I'hnliM by Art W Inland) me t'oimiitttliiM (In- *nin« amount -l\ durmlturlrv I* Ihr "mitri" Inr mri ,'1,1MWt turn of calnrlea •■•< li «!»*>■ a« l« nimlhai K i «*ii|* nf only 2l' l iiillllon |ini|tl«t. New • Host Year Id ids BrodvGroupLargestMen'sUiiit prutailia •••naiiined makes the Otf- ore even mora alincklng," he said. "There are nnw Ihllllori par. aium who ato nuliHialltii; nil a to ton, LEACII re* 'or Moffit introduced an rn- leaner atgouttl nf |»l nteln I linn I- tirrly neW comwpt in frmthull i-itiiHiiineil hy the Dulled Blfit*'* Tim I-III plr-iT moi rtilnr Dotiit sli'tw., r«lliii| "Patteriia of 1,400 Callous of Milk. thtl in 111 ■••ii I'lllneiip." imlti.sI HUM Imml rloimil llm I'lit'tnitin on tlllilll that Ith luuit mcu.-iom with Not in i I 111-i aptdaii'lejl the bund at Imthj ' Appro*imab-iv 4'r'UlOO tlila gnp In fi»ml dialilliiillnn may ciuv'h gwnif. IC 3,600 Eggs I sc\« liutlniia Inn nnl the I lulled State! lb fee dirt* bus III ID history, tin-; ID «.%R\ IIOMO\ Pn"log -ii ntmuf 10 liriprs In tlir area nf fnml teihnnlngy, liiiiil being Pi of ta-uiuinl l-'aM wechlv in l*«ifrt»g routine and SUt» New* >>*tuir DitlM ItnlgalMiiil it well {|tiullftril in polio, MM! dlrecbn «if baud i.«• t f irming at gaitm*. the hand apeak. In addition «•» |tiihllaHing In IU hlstorrr Mu- band ha. piaverl •onre 30 iiilfvr«nl tunc* Urinly imutp iL*rtmnfrie> make up the men' mora than 120 nidrnline and laeh pei fm rucii (ui ftirep president.'. «ii,l pei fi l led over 40 different living; Unit At thv utm er*H\ lilrtil |in|»el", he liaa pohltnhrd a Theodore Ibniscvep. ||ert>ott' i oiitlnrs and additional tnantui* ■inn (tnge treatDe nn world fond Hoover aiul Fiuukllh 1) ftuuu- vet* Tht- group « '• nA? --. IIIANR RUTLKIKll; Clark S |lr\\D i 4 problem* entitled "Th» Earth v«ll. I' W'i* U|H»n special illVI ' The band performed at all, Our Destiny" tultriii from Herbert Hoover tha'j homr came* tills *eu*on of the •-.*••• st !u» •t l>tc«kf*vt tii'wiilra helug a niwnler of the the band played «t the Whitei tilt) Oldiriiobilo dlvlirofi of (Jen wiMij kCtVfHl >*'■ '• i L-v;- ' itf . f'en'ury tyjie of war was fought .\U J.', Swediah delegation In the ttoiled IInu•»•• iii hi* honor In Ifhih A'-l era| Motor-, sending I! 'o Notre with blunt. Indrumj-nla. club* U'jutiuf *" ' A£' ■ »• -.. K. v. f - •»•••' o« -r <" . ,*a> Nation* conference at l ake Bur- so llii'ludeil in ID Mcblevcnioul . Ilium- fndiiiiiu, and NoitiiA.-e | nod the JJkt They couldn't keep hr i ct'Mii on world natural resource* JUT the HIM and,, ill.dj Itos, ern. The former flip *va b.v Ml.) ,• ii.np < iigo on a eutung bed *'Vt flVWt *.«rvi-v- ■ •'. ' 1 •' :'W ».,»•! AttfftSl • *■ -. it Mv croup :knsni In 1H4D, he also heeded Hwediah Itnwl game*. and the remaining two by apci ( din big Do perl«)4" I'fAi! detegallnii" al several Interna ia I - W ail) I ■ nd, Itiitledge rame to ttil* earl* t"i ISM ii„sui'!.- : 'h*'.' WILLIAM MOIIIT ..f Ken w.v !hc Arv. - •. r,. tinnal fond and refrigeration run M»-i|.b"i* of tl>e miirctiing on /<•; ,l.v in the fall *»f I8Y» • . ton, Ohio, f. «*sislan! band (I in U*o U Hhi-t. * ■■ • greases In Heigeii, t.niidnn, Mo- build repfT*eiif upproKdrwilety from Obto HU"-. H* illrcctetl It -part.ciH- •< .»• drhl, I'arls and Home. 12 state* and nearly every conn ' "Tiger *• lhe-l*o lint"Goorga Bernard ticnltiiin ilrpartment, llnrgntrnm dip the linger.t tingle group, all v. -. "Man and Hofwrman," Yh*IU»*.\ IV* jt'U* tn feels thai the United Stales muM Wed. in lamping the schools on Un campu* are, It will im presented next AT t»i%r ma. *-u- . :>h . ..t p» expand Ms concept nf the other well ref»renented Kehruary 'f tv tpotird ft tr HISI'tTl'IIKK JON IMM. « xrninr from Chlrofo, Ilk nations of the world and fe-or- Tha 1 aiming f'lvb* Dlayers d«*nt» *«"v N»u**«t • i.iy »*| ,1^, >' fin atpet ttnidumi ku»: - rs ii »v#y jinn nftwdiof ■I|trrulra Ihr llnidy Kilrhrn ri.nlml Umrd that rmirdi- gaiiise Its export-Import prar Jivd 4>viA % .'U<« a j>'jtK'.k- . mot i«w "1 nalrs Ihr shlpmrnl of iwni In Ihr sl\ arrrloK linm, la lil'CS. Will pre*onl U»r Broadway corn- "As nf thirf year the United edy, "Bui Slop," tn West audi Tb* bull-L'sgs. «»r -•«"!!' •*. AlXIMHt 4* military h*rotta, t«*i WCt C UVitfsl hs'.t ft#*' tteiuts K »fet « !H i; Eyvew ;, t,V- m*m ivntuii tK»*tvt tin«j »-*, i ■ ,f i*4 \ ».si »i >cl • M,4 ,;t X tsv-tvi <4?i «rv ftitnt Ni'l 0* till*; litttiuttf-tuHl phWH'il tn from Ut.« I this way. srrunu ronaumrd. llnrs rrrror food ao foal an tt ia Stall-* is the greatest Importer tnrtum, nf protein in the world," he said nigiit run Imginnitig Wi-dne*- h«; <•-.« that V#» > ,iv i .»fdi!i4 raci*s. I hat illy think we enn ploy in be >«*-«' 4 -'5d cut* Idiinic these people for ie*entllig Civic JMoyrr* in their 32 yoaruj fcou»*» W V.Si - -T\ » ptvffriYd 'of ahow btisines.) 4«t this sort of thing." ID •ad Hry».'; th« ?a - .< » "t?M » R- itsfi i tHUi" hint Utlkitr D i* lire second presentation; Borgstrnui also dug up the In of the current theater «ra«on teresting fact that the 27 million byj EAT PIZZA! W\U w .load of passenger* stranded m, • VJ-.: t ho I entire Hty of Chicago: Araond »!»•■:■ * -tk t*V' CMM'K IIADIOS t.lVKN -•-11 ■ S - • *' M "It's now gotten to the point a rc/itnurant during a snow j in.|« noA- *!*n.r si.v Vt i-iijh- where one third of all the canned storm. A young eowboy «t-j AWAY KACII WIOKh. 8sh consumed in this country ia tempt* pursuit of a slightly tar¬ itlft »>»>*•;' A' rach ytudft'l !« IIM »• * • •••* Meat nished young iiils* The cowboy ! I nupniut en EmttuM*. It*'■«*>• -«1 A ~ StKlUilt done an hy rata," he said. finds out that you don't woo a fur I ItJ:1. 1*1//. \ in ttrry lm\ Brndy kitchen*; And thia in a world that l» MttXKtg 4MUs V\- '.n f-lU '"•< TBTl with the same methods used 1l»A fh« thr v te At Brmlv starving for proteins." in roiling a steer. CALL LI I c»V*Yn*vt. l* > ' fi.vr br\-*'i. AH A POLITICAL reminder Tickets are on salt at the b*U- v^v-rc - B^k1> :ncd Imtttd t.i «mt- that that some the Comninnlnts are using Paramount New* Shop or at Un¬ of these fact* for propa¬ box office. THE PIZZA PIT *•*<1 «• hi nr «nd «ntn ganda purposes, llnrgstrpm noted TtO «MITM. tn * • tnadf hr*v*vl, that when the Red* took over Brotfj ^roup dk>rtn>. • > . - \ dorms have a wb . : vt'ry a eq. w J til China, the Brat thing they did j . tlttt pr ■•dusxv 1.80U Was to kill all the rountry'a dog* rooms. - a ' h*Hi: order to conserve the food .ittwusy* «■' y -The dorrns »nr . Ewit difhett arc wihtd s ' capacity o( the dor.v^ ^ 2.724 atudeoc#. but at \£u* '■tit ",s ther cU-ia*-' ana trayi whii? u>'>1 ♦•\eJuaiv«Iy for A I'rwfib' Letters Sent atudenta live ia- the jem-op., . o.*■•>■>. of the room* dcs«fft>t>.; Ur twa '"O'le of the , mi.'-v problem Cmilie Represents One HomcbvRadic m art occupsed by three mm and. A''" •* «wnmua*aii«'r» ' $aak of the tkree-ma • rooms' ■• '••• 1 }**1* S3^u?l w By KATE CARMTENS •re occupied by four, nr »a.d The total s>i4( of t.n, B «- •>«>" v •• ■"• '• i v -$r prt^ary conorrn to Of Many Foreign Students Biate New* Radio-TV Writer "The Voice of America," in con¬ uji as.ii' tju fjuiiisn >1- tnc i.aaciio. By ROGfcK 8HEKMAX junction with WKAR, the uni¬ Oc.Jn icvora.nj U S- Oi. H, addrd u>al tv aoiidinp •" W"'.™ Ur >*'d ^"^.uinu^fr^i ^ «m»uiau Iron. State Ktwi Kratwre Writer versity radio station, is prepared wlf-iajoJauit. All tor,.'.... non « t-*y »m wn " Michigan State ha* a large foreign ntudent enrollment to broadcast spoken letters from «d 4mwuu t«a.;f»V s. «)»»>l « repreaenting countrica and culture from all over the world. One teed a i* Augustus fmfcign student* to family at home. frreyda and inan !«., ,„h thr IWj «n~p r«Mk Coiao from Liberia. Africa. The "letters" will be tape re- He plana to fulfill the require¬ Mill MID tar .:.S tulMawr amken Coine Uroa with hi* wife. Esther, ment* for h« Ph D. in 10fl2. His cordi.'d nt WKAR and s»-nt to (onatracuar. ro»t o«sjt- d r , i MO «r» wnplo-rd in Univeroity village and at the disertation will bo written on the the Voice of America office in fifure* cm*, th atw«t fSUKW p«" part-time work- Si* full praaent time he is working cm reaction at an African group on \\ ashington to be transmitted to L*iuded w.iH *h.. uflr»o custodian* are emptoyed it) hi* Ph.D. in ontiiropulgy arid #< haii plans include either i cuts for lmk>nn aad The 27 year old graduate stu¬ The messages should not be Caine's future ioeihtars an the domi#. T-e ma.n 8 of BfOdy hall dent cotnc* from the town of Cape working in a teaching rapacity longer than four minuted, delud¬ AQ rooms are locaieti.-mi*es the offices Mount in Liberia. The population or employment with th* I.iberiar, ing the introduction. There arc .sT-njtory and f*d .4w t&>?m u> Br«>^y. education at NaethwasUm L'ni IT* * •» tha; lUKScoU veraity. United Natrons studying the ica. V of several «Ustao* at Sttadenu Students interested in having a 09*u0 n* WBRS. Brody student radio, Lain# received bis •truetiJT* of the Secretariate. VASELINE HAIR TONIC gree from NorthweaUrr in an¬ After the study, he made a 101 message broadcast should contact MARIAS' IRMBMW. Iwly occupy* two 5tudn» room* ia minute speech broadcast ta the Patrick Ford or Mia* Setsuko food i*r\x*i maoaj,er, atid. the building The rtat.vR u op. thropology and come to the uni¬ 1.500 jKHoad« of potato** and erated by r-'odehis and broad- versity hi 1M9 to work on hit people of Liberia on his iroprei-1 Nlnomiya at WKAR, Extension »• af tha United Nattena. I 227/. LBN **~uc* of ci-A ©»•' c*aU w a*i jbi'udjr domit 1 wthnrspav. XOVKMWK ix mi Information Torm Sot for First «vr I ,„j V»"tw» *T> Mm» Adw»C *«. '•* - of l.itorurv Maaa/inc l*tw« 2ml Action Hit tor.«>UAtUM* i> IV\\ O T»> *W'> '"N «. » \.WV* V A -i ' *<-• V« t S :> v i.\S \ :.r «. ,v* lAVmVTKVN Thunder Hwah RICHARD PENNING •BEVERLY GARLAND-Lia MnM CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS MICHIGAN J /»; t. »f. '■'JtNM1' '70 V>7--Nt/.».» w>^ flatlet Ms \0W SHO^lVt is m» i)wM: A.*«i *4 )Mi« Larva** yvr :•»• J Frrnrh Tour htan ti I l«l i t) ? Mi a M %m. In Travel Film Otut H iNf twf'i oiwl rWM»M-( Studies Hint ->l >KlSI AT O-AMPOBELUT %tnm l*.lt) t».l» *•« aaul » >• «•» I «WMI) Heart lh\{}Wts rrwr, Ik*. Of Turkeys Colonel IVntml* a in** to (jtlrl* HA INUTl.AR DEMAND! CLARK CABLE! MARILYN MONROE! BOTH ON THE SAME I'ROCR AM > ADYI. 73c ivhihcko* • TH AIJ. 3 • EH ATI RES IN tDLOR MORMV; Alt C AKTAW1V Hong Koso A W>*ED\ » E>"TT\ At ilM * w - On m.m MUTTS ANDSCV— AIH'ITS ** ruts* s»ow t p.m. — rt atvke at t STHIAL tumlhut INC. >HA»» TAVHQUtAtW AT t r.v CUVTTM AH S — CUMK EAKl V •mrcr i r*iaismnD mi. HX . M». A>D TIE. OXLY HAMBURGER HEAVEN I'ACiK RF.VICN t IS. i*v M I 0 III »J A N STATU N E W S MSlPs Hockey Season Opens; Faee Si. Ixtwrenee, CUirkson Michigan h««'K»v IMMI who return* tht* *eaum fOalar j Van NpvhHW'k In art a iifw Willi, rrioiil for aavrt ami goal* *c&r- ,»l«-itx It* tiirtO IMrtl *ra« a goalie Jim Whnlay, who In rai a year ago In the Wr»l4l'n |n!ar |y araaon practical "lookr.1 »■ gamr SKtilitl t'lnikatHt KiWlavj collegiate Hockey Impm Willi u gmal a. Itiin AII'Amarl.aii J'.,. dt(M ftHUh ttU' r.mvl nip Willi a : 4 IH-3 mafk, hope* lo Improve Srlliian." anonltng t«» coach match agatnal SI |.div< j II • irroril I hid iraaon 'Ilia spar* Am. ItciNonr, forward. CTamlr* iwu'o HaUmlav lan. will enter Ihr aea«un with a foil ma I and Ileal Turcollr. who top gitalin pro.part, an Impf'ivM In HI game. Ia«t aaa.oit ac«irc«l 'till HllMI Ml % «M »N fm Hid forward crops ami II lettermeu. I w|u«tl In-gU»t on Criitay '41 gonla, and htyr Ihr pntenltal however Ihr for forming « real aenring line. j ait.l Salutilav IVt-riiiht'i .'n. I alul UN IlKrKNMK. tut again*: tin- llhlvPl*tly «'f Kpailaiu wilt »*« liienpetlrncil Olhar. who will help th« M 4 The I on. through ginihiatloti of Spailan. ltd" araaon ar.i anptio- A tP4t 4i'i» i%- I .rtwrntrn won Itoti Not man ami Mai Chrlnlof morr drfrii»rinan Martin tjolrl; ttw» Tm State i hamplonaiilp, ami fri4on will hr illfUcull to make and Man Itnlry ami Ihr r.prt- urn! nmlrfralrd In league play. up tji.t y#ar* ilrfrnalvr aipiail Irncrd forward line nf »«nlor« Th* «Iho ha.t a top all-Ami Iran wa« Ihr Irani', wrakr.l pi Inl, Tom Mnatonrn, Andrr J^aCoalc, t-alulUlate in wUtg Tniy .Slater foiling gia,luate,| goalie Khtoii and Jim Alack. AU WESTERN CtlNEERKNCK I*' plater* »lrr*, limn; c*«l#r, tirru l.irwon, Mlnnrwotn; back*. wlwlwl b» Thr AwHUtrJ IVrsi imlihlr; KmK Karl V ilbum lliWIU. low*; Tom Mnllr, Ohio Stulr; l arry *.. Jnr Ihr man ll'hit mm la Irear Ihr irru brut! Kaka*. Indiana. Elhrrl k»mtm»u>:h, Niurthurwlrnt; IViiiiiMin, limn, *n»l Hob iruuMm, Ohio Slulr. UcMm, Jgrn llraU'Ml. Puhiur; Jw ItuUenv lilt (i l'i \\ irrpholiO mk»; i«wnK, lorn lira* it, MutnruiU; Murk M.ut- "Al l. THAT <;FITTERS IS NOT COI.II" Squad Is Shaping Up — Forddy Till. »l,l mliiK,' wii. wrlllrn ninny yp«r. n|C<) Iml I. ju.l n. Irur Irnlny Vacation No Spai'tiuiN Lislcil oil Int. 2nd Tenuis —If not morn no—n. It wan when It wa. written. Whellicr It l»; i,\vChan»pii*n Iowa and Minn- tmh«n*. Northwr»lerit, t*ur« Games c\»»ta and powerful Ohio StAlo due and llltmnt Hmlrd one play¬ er each uhde Michigan. Michi¬ itominatc«t the Itttto All-I'ig Ten gan Slate ami Wisconsin were "fool* yolil"—or iinythinK el.c nm> In fiHill.ti rnoiiKh to nrcrpt for WiU TeU thr team named Tuc*da> by AxnH'Uitisf Thrss- shufout on thr ftrat tram. No Spat tafts were named l«» the aec- vnd II more than what ll rrally la—you tan !«• certain thai It la not ncrrn- low.. gruh'.HHt three bertha M m mtwmw Twai - whdr M nno.ota and t>hm St »tr Minnesota su.ud Tom llrown I rmvc fwitly Am.4rra.vi wit took" two Vice, each on tin- tram and Ihirdue tackle Jerr* l»ra- ba «v«m *»« "*S«p*.n| up nww. compdcvi ft.yn a nutvcv of Avio- ikmi* were the only unanimous sarily the IIEAI. Ihimrt b and hecvivrai h» J«#.• i-utevi l*re<* III : ^Trn f.»otoall choiceIllinois tackle Joe Hut- w riter > and the A IV'* region¬ g«'Uv was the lotte repeater from Aadanan tad 'J» t»4»w ma- al AU-Amcrtean board \ the 19SU team. S*r mtarrat .mtm k •wtw n*wp<- UU« m& k aakf he W! IV Quality can Im> Inimllaleil for lean—but not itiipllcatMt—an don't ho M-n«t during ChroUtiM rara- UM wwuld prwli* ampk Take A Souvenir mSle.l by prirc alone. Miulern technology has given ua many won¬ tuiuw toe the le*fr to «du*ai* bear «+U they wilt in ia the Em lloiiir iivi-r llir ll»liiluy Ten this ymt. Aadgfwm'a Mjen-nc?; t» IV derful things—inrluillng beautiful "finishes" ami alluring "pack¬ fu:urt% 1J Ughammk are ew- log hut »urr * accoea ig to P Miiriitoliiii* toe ipertan cverh "" I Ailull and Children) aging." Hut beneath these "dressings" exists reality—he it quality In • KTMwaga kst week toe vanity aUfptd kvti toe Imh. mwn apmi toat edged thee- * P Mll|!« or a cheap immitation. toe Tirniv met enmmiic by P IVmiaiii- LONNIE SANDERS Geniuses are rare In every walk of life—and are equally rare In the ap¬ P .Sin ffi ll Aiiiiniil- .flow fur KaaJ»eil*aII loco... P (lliii>*wuri' parel business. Improved methods and procedures which they in¬ ISom Tijjer Manager Bob troduce are soon adopted by idl the others, such is the pressure of St'lieffini! Sees No Miracles CAMPUS BOOK STORE comiietition. This "following the leader" is the great equalizer In Drm -IT lv_B«. Srtfffm. ■ tr** manager. "He n.nf ab.ni: a* highly fee- (ACROSS FROM THE t'NTON) j:r; . nt.' or* of tMsebalV# most American Industry and tends to give all the same advantage. cm rr> ended a< arty manager couicf dajpgerotw pr.*nAgtViA\ jobs w': c* Everyone we sp^ke to had a i j -^nW/TTI /> *M tm M; Su3*n Overeat w ;'to nc Ulumt he'll be fcigh regard for him " • tmm MMnbuuoe an cvrr-n.gM r- • ade pan Scheming ha» held risky jobs j ■Omim •' TV T:r": '• h-m h — Monday iwfore and auflered through dU- | «t t»« mJ Hence, you can be rattier certain that an item priced at tC.95 is their eighth manager api?o.ntrnent*. He was manager j|5: k-WU take time— of the Chicago Cubs fur three] perhaps revert yea r»—before jfagoog, quite probably worth 10.95—and that another priced at $4.95, but they raa chaocatge lor a pesi- nant * Tiger Pre-. John retoer fpoke which "looks the same," is most frequently worth exactly $4.95! We of hi* 'Veii ScheffiOg handiea S young pia.wrr fttwr raid be n \ Heodquorters t n pgUer*. enough to aaraJl their de- i eeiopment usually get exactly what we pay for! He broke a io.ng-rtanc.sg dub poLcy <■' one-year cor.tracU and CHICAGO * s^ped Seheff—g though 1M2. •He k2««» V* oeeeiop Ortanr economy minded . . . bona Our new collection of Sportshirts in fine cottons are excellent valuea youag U.ec: and toe man comfort ... ibpf'l why fhp t ■ bo cm a a-f jao I-f »».J tor Howl n Chk»po heodpuer- Tf jrr "H» imprMfra mc hit mt'trt tnp:.tch to at $0.00 to $11.00. Carefully tailored in authentic Natural Shoulder V.. Tit.'/. Mi- £-~ » l>*:; t>U>" bukMU •<* *»- 6f< Ma *f. tradition, for that "just right" fit, we offer for your pleasure: Tartan tknm. tmn m. FMEST DUALITY 0*«a«aw« i tm ym* — Ml« Plaids, Neat Prints, Rlaaer Stripes, snd Solid Colors in Oxfords, M* —y M M dw to a For Fosl SUrlinfi - For Top Wiater liCbi.sn Ifopsackings, Wovens and Broadcloths. Performance - FILL UP TODAY ! well Pwade op a perraoc* torn toe faxtt duar as itarti ea- You will like ihr rronomy i toe team »bca toe of BAY GASOLINE loo. laolefflrr IM Highlight* JMM MP -■ BILL BARR BAY SERVICE EAST OftAND EIVER ON THE CAMPUS «n are due as toe iatoaaura. 1621 Eau Michigan at Mawhall WinSBM»AY.WOY«MWK tx Ed *Rockv open every night EVnLCMRISTRVS "Kvvkv " K.vs», Ml. 3W jvctnd junior ftvm Ct>- t ?v t^Mt Sl«r?4« nv?K*M >irmlioiial ?YWV Wwf-'^viav t-vrni'-v a*. '.** »!♦••«*!* fwtbuH ; 'i, i'was Specials! f* ?K* t'* v/i V >."•<•' ir» W''nu *t« njw*«Ki •»»<■.<' vt'uJi- >.> >.<• e<* ?v *•.* •♦..» j vh sr»} >•/ W v v*j w- ' V v^ At • I"**- 4 1* •» <»*«w V '•'>«.• .•vS'rv.Jv'YvI «>!»! >?' ■» »*vU* v V** ».»>.* *\* O"'■*•*->* *tf "N? *W 0.i»* *»»••' *•*? •"** :.,'"¥t AV wV!y *••-< •< >•»--* '.»r *Ne *.*.♦» Vu tfO» ilS? ' S^*»X»r TN# iYK « >* O'A'Y'VY V J ! • I • A -w- vr '■>t S|MrUR (TMI tapum Yarsitv letter Winners EAT LOTS OF TURKEY Cashmere HAVE LOTS OF FUN Sweaters MEET ME iiiE UNION Lrtt qwolity, full fotfcionod imported cotfewore cordi- «om Hoc*. •*»«*. ptoh, hi*t. ON MONDAY bn^Vw 36-dO. # • Good Thins* ^- Fun-Things To Eat To Do Bowling lugramuied • Cafeteria I'm?!11 dooiis brooffod mbb q** ^ r nr.r • on** pa* fcmwy. AS ***^ Billiards Stadium Uuati t,++.*cm i. l«r Mr Uj-Aui U. N. Lounge ra a .. Retahias Ckwpt Arraaat fat a- Kntr a> Sj a aaatb. Mask Room