VOI.I MK ;,V Ml. IWI i!asti.ansim;, \ii t eltlu-i III' Soviet t'li.on ,il ixtds Wirfop*nolo that "Immediate step* shall ho I draft, Zoiln suggested lh.lt the tin Goiig" He warned that If With the 4t» 'tal«ou \iian-Atn- Zorln's la*t-minute >ugae»- taken" to transfer power* to declaration iv colonialism lb-la . b< pi.• •d at ' colonial people* tllllti t N.n illspd .il t "pro Urn cold war t aging III U»al n giMiui ovei pnMHwaL fo: .1 tarn* for changes In the letter should tie ended bv the end of- UN devUiatnni aga.tM eoloiwai* •omplrted only Friday Vide .ml f. v African yoiin. country turn* into a fKit ©rut (UiMHisal. i , The group hit upon thai eoni- inU I When objection*. were inn mght. will Is# dealt with at the ... i, tin.I it-,.-if in tip- "Afilea and bin world Will promise wording after a di*a- raised in tin-, he changed it to Soviet fioputv • Ktqv-qhi Mmi»- gto-ip meeting He ha* askeit gnemeat broke out "without delay " ne wiii.ii now pre- among have no doubt whem t'» |>Uc© VaoMtau A toM •hat Me Asian-African proposal vail » t■"ii'... tei .Viui ha Guinea, winch wanted the dee- He also nought to hi the : Uie blame '* N'ki n "impl.i.iied blttei- memt>er* of t n powerful group *.ii inile|H*fi«tenee * ti a I I tm laration to *ay Indepeiuleiui ' group Venture too pi- I' li-giaui thai a. i"i.t II. aid in wa- addre-.tln^ an propo#aI r. ha* >ii h up granted to ail colonies "without should i»e grunted Immediately, that it lint eliminated ti the' »ubi«v: *r« unacceptable to-delay" somewhat a* the Soviet Nigeria, which wantrsl a dead- earllei vet Ion of lis pr«»| s.il at i.if'.imatutn, UN rrp- I "urgent reipuwl to all liiale- "MAl'BKTH." Till' SKl'OMl ma for prmlurthMi of hi# de I eg a u »n pro(v««al *avs It shall be grant- line of 19411, and others, which the est llt.ltn ■ in tin Congo had I pendent Alnean Slate# V» cou- ■ eilugestion of some of llr I *l*rr-.l \ thmlrr. oprn. WplitfMl.! in KalrrhiM He o pre*MUg for Change* i,i to rd forthwith " The Asian-Af* i wanted one of 19(12 or 19tl3 mem be i * ulmitte.l they coiilit no longer I sidei a a imllfei of Uio hlghi-xt thmtrr. >hown ih,.»r t. th.irlf. ( lofli i nid a note of extra urgency to otei Ii"n for the (Ilia pi mi d v Itu- eHtablishrnent of ar» »- MarMh and baesy staff j African high command, witalta ami Llndj Kohlhot „ |.4l(, Mailwth. the Am to Afin an pr\>po*.r. and polo- In make more like the one that I I die. j rtdlitarv pl.inniii j headquartcra Soviet IVemiei Rhiushchev pot ItliisU ('.ollcgc IVcsh Lilieraliftin Nkni.i.ah fired "ft his im'»- in a MiiUiide location in Africa ** Begin* Tue*du# ! forward m ihe A»e nl''.\ Sep'. • age talk h» llaminar skjold witfi Nathaniel Welbeek aftrj Thi rornniaml'a lie eonlinueii. wulil rt«oupre»# be SUpplie'l jJJJ , bv Afrieao (.tabs Uiemavlve*—• Conservatives Seek Preserve llib the gioup *eeno unhheiy Ghana-, charge d'affaires in to | the Congo, who expelled .i sbitement behevrd aunod al 'MacBethV Past 'to igrev tu w" the e'laitftes he wa . a ant. S» the 09-Na'.tou A-. aimv strong man Col. J oa¬ . sleinniing fears that th» prr>-« th M«»initti la-.t week. jecfed organization would j xemhiv may »itnvss the rate Ghana armed by Iron Curtaia coun- 1 *iHYtaele of a flour liuht tw- Our Civilization, Weaver Savs presiileiit said Congo • tries. it ween me ftuvsiaiu and the A>- Exciting. Somber I uru ■ The montmg and Afnean* group will meet ilt.ln am EST* this 'ho' "Tl'e h.itbe between liberal* to two major cause* basis foi the hldivulualx phd- lour killed The Ghana pirwidoot appeal- »'d I" llammai kjold to Insure | that Ihe United Nations mam- j tams ah'oluie Unpartiulity in •he many sponsor^ of It* fully I hdellccl- O-oplM n. \ %v i \M.IN pro- and eoiiscrvatives u now First, he *aid, t! «• ! jv>«ed I lill |.rrf'M manco of Ibl fanc- Mate \ew% Feature Wrllfr The beards that have l»een sprout my around campus : d»vlarnti.»n can * and the propo**! can ti ub 90111 joined, Hi lliehard Weaver ualx have said Tuesday in a talk betorejthe prevailing liberal senium nt been e rrrupted |>v Uncial . have lost interest In Maryland I •the lion* in the Coijpn, sddinf thai UN future depfrtvts to the t'N Sisretimi! to be Cir prun ipli according to Wrav Upon since U.*t September arc not heat tuck*. they are "Maebeth- I;ie latturq Of !t8 l*lane Crash Mirer:,. or ciliated' U> all dcicgaUim* tbr I on.*erv«ltve club j in our universities and college, •Atai lie thev don't Ilk fht.- Wfki* operation there T »e Aviembl* w ill convene' "The rontrrvtlivrn are the j "Moat student* come from pi- great big beautiful country oi mutiny ivi Ss'.urctey, ikv 3, "The government* of tb# I»v* hSI*fciSfl.'" the wvv*»d Tii.i- an hour l*tet to take up tm*. h>< aUdod upholder* of freedom TlH! eon- triotie homes, but liberalism ppxluctfon of 13t Ua;vrr»-.v Khrushchev' declaration Zorm •ervativs's are contending for j reigns at the university" ou|y' vei said tu Ugid op the ANNAIHH.IS i-f'i dr-iM*ndent #tat< * of Africa and Amu are determined to toturw The male segment of the cast 4I1 will speak on It . _ Ttmp tfie rival. , d'Hiiestic front mure effective- Foil! uu'ii we» 1 life f Sunday l neater,. will he presented Nov gg»4,wt tuUliUrian* of j that the Congo shall not rmrt f "Macbeth" hive been grow¬ Keeond, ti* saul "Thr farted 3d through Dec, 4, a*. Fxlnrtuld Asian-Afi ican deClaratiuu is to, j _ mil„ aim eurm-tly." when a tight of i ing the r own beard# for the ktrij*r or another," Weaver • n.l ll><- prr.. I.avr b.t-ll 'nrflel.l to eojoni.iiist sMtua and that ita irxutT MI S, pm. There u.;l be Introduced formally, prob- c»p- ...u.l lir a.kvil ....... takeoff from » small1 product i*»i to add additional j ^ ^ 9pok(l ,Ml ^ con¬ lurfrt by thr l.bcr,.. - i|UMlloo» ». "Do you believe aiill ri-M«hed into • wiMidvi in.leii area independence and territorial In¬ rraluun. servative Cause " "A* the term tegrity shall ever be maintain- . liberalism is Ui freedom?" •f a farm ilea hi if. j S-^akesiware wrote "Macbeth'* Weaver, a professor of Eng¬ u»«l lod,y.- Weaver laid. -It ed." in* asserted. Integration ia« a preaentation for tne court tof Km* James in the t"th Cen- Red Chinese lish cago. at said: the Univtrsily of Chi- n.ra.i. thr oppo,IW of »lia! meant 100 years ago II Tiien the l>us "n,,, otbrr .. liberals. I.u.lrtl Wravrr uuf aaaUnt Socialists "Cain. thr and a. JB. Police the William I' pilot, Kien.ifn <1 Kt-meth W Miller, 41, the \ ictims Lt both . Nkiurnafi alio told llammar- skfold that by seating Presi¬ tury. JauH-i. was entertaining his "Wp wish tn conserve West¬ liberal belle veil in free c-niei- C'ouununisls act a- if Ihe dent Joseph Kasavubu'a xn^rx Question . 'H'• ,,r Falgewater, Me., William orwher-in-iaw. King Christian IV of tVn.nark, and the plav Interviews ern civilisation, j American contribution including to tlie prise, it It dom Uii»*e/.faiie, and free¬ quo them " a conspiracy against Ward. :I3. of Mavn. Ml, and "adhering to ti»e fnttructiona cf the United Nations was not Charles W Player. 25. of the Security Council If ft did Flares tip • was spe, probably written for tfu* .;\c oeca.Mon. On Television j Weaver listed the spirit of. i .* being ! Uonal Communism " threatened by interna-^ ed "Today he advocates gfatlsm, and more interfei increas¬ said Other could ciuestiyiis be effectively wh'ch ti-ed fie Pi, ( 1024 W- - S'' ) Petri bll'ii. V.t'. not restore law and order in - T-ut th- piay U constructed rnce m the life of the mdivid- against the f'l.iver w is atiac-hed to a Hike th»* Lumumba government and opposition were, xitr ORLEANS, tr — A • 'around wI'ches and spirit! w A , n special 90*minute program free inquiry, the Hocnan genius. uaI. presumably for hi# own "Where- do you expect tu find ba-'- it ti'-arbv DavidsonvBl#- me Congo under the aeiis of a *wk of cairn,- the pue! j 0f j,w af1(j justice, the brother-, gmxi Liberalism contain* large freedom"" and "What I he |> v.r crashed, police ilh jwi iiaoicnt " school irttegrattefr quota SLSrr'V "T? ***^. "n j m Anted J"A'.Ch.our interview with l frw* enterprise as Vof j hood of man, and our system of. elements • of relativism, and aiperts of real for *v«pou.>mg ,, vote your *aid. v/.i'-'ti Lei* a I tempted lo He Nations railed upon live United to U that t ares agass here tJday w-."- a : witohcraf. He wrote a Unrk of j(-^v,u dims taken in our cultural heritage which the' can t conceive of any absolute cau* Like off from Le«- Airport, lo- legally constituted to the eyes or. a three-judge tevie: subject, "Daemoooiogie. . Communis*. China, and lateii on Maryland belwetn Riva parlianien* an anal. conservatives are trying to pre- reassemble# and function* a# ;:anef cew.de: whether W| \Uobeth * vxi# of CHou's com men is by a i>nd Edgewater, about lour mile# h.« Lady *rr. syrve the parliament of the *usprzi4 the m;x actter. and pune! of experts will be pre- routh of here. Congo Meanwhile. the lefi'slatitre b... , - tMK- rvtttrt&isg to it* 3$-«Uy *pe$;ai ,v v*>pt«u t.) il-.o.r. w rnil u.i.v ,1 5:53 „r> , r *op> Too, |,v W MSB. .•.«■. IU. "But," he said, "1 along with those who say must find our chief rcl.ance in can't go wc Red China Wants Peace The wreckage wa# located in a ravine on the birm of Eugene nation. * EoaUikl .M :"rr» old ha«, " t hou , prc,urv.l an.»»r, lo ori raited to work on new -w"., tradition. We ytr have got to M. Child#, approximately 900, *•> trad.t.on lo seeset Not by Force of Arms; .... pn pnec v teat M-*beuh *ha-l lhe previously tubmiued que*- Tuaiwtn in the feder*I-*iate th.ng3 in their ultimate nature feet from 'he end of the rumyav j Skirmishes arc. ^ cLspute over race mixing m vLI'. Macbrtn iearns i«r,. that . , • h^-iUons put u him lj,t month m to be¬ IVipmg by Felix Green, a for- tmlv in the seuae that the Conservative# are traditionalisl ... onalist ® Cause *>f tin* crash was uh- j schools. come king k« not as difficult* As } determined^ The prime fccmxi awaited mer BBC official* conuun no value the power of tradition as LONDON, B . Ilcd China's remaining king. Duncan # mur¬ major surprises. China's belligerent foreign Anne Arundel County police! - from £be special federal court, der wtuch tnciudes US, Dt>- Judge mar.r Skellr Vngfct. is a U onlv mur.lers the beginning of necessary Macbeth to retain his ill fatten half a billion persons for frorn tlie The prugr.uT, taiort cimic. cif.v. no: „ representative ©f a j right." a great stabilizing force in go- tlie ll.nl erhilcr uf foreign minister wa* Sunday as saying hig country added: believes in peaceful eoexistancc quoted policy "mistaken." But he "The Chinese believe ttartiPortw' hearing a loud noise j Hrtt learned of the accident! about 1 a.m. when residents re- Reported calmly ute» between India goods charge* that China want* to meeting in Moscow over Uif- In Nation and Red China, and other ques- j equitably. nor distribute them extend Communism by war. fcrences on the inevitability of •• ed Sunday as this nation awaited a fateful answer from An interview with Chen Yl war with the west, I "The majority of Americans Senior Keeeption Uhnawtty stild baiierf ibe nation frwn Uv* weather Atlantic Fact The moderator of the panel-are on discussion .j H-»t>ert McKenzic, Most of them are the conservative side, friends, took up '-wo page# of the tab-j What the Chinese say is that loid Sunday Graphic. Its author capitalism and communism can-1 King Savang Vatthana. The king ha# given no hint ' * Canadian our j\l! students graduating Th a and a well known is Stuart Geider, a British M'.hem pUterougft fr ost o.'* < and arc not atheists mater- jour-j not coexrx*. and that communism [ term w!!! he honored at a re- far of hi# atiitude toward t Become - or BrtUah telqyuion moderator wh.i iaiist*. The man -n the street nalfst whom tin Graphic said ""-e east' Sunday, but a cc.,4. J a"*® J tf political sociologist at the, i* a pretty jM»lid citizen." j must hammer capitalism down, j caption given by President and j projected coalition tune:' , had a Jong interview with Cifl-n The Soviet stand is that com-1 »^wr storm developed in UHan; Lomkm School of Economics j Mr*. John A. lUnnah Wed- made up of rightist rebel*. p->- Wcavef attributed the domi- Colorado. Raia or aaow ir, Lgbt N uclear Pow er anj PoiiUcai Science. nance of tqe "liberal minority" Yi in Peiping last month and munism can triumph over reported that wc»ii*rn beliefs in iialiirn without conflict. cai>-j nenlay evening from 7:30 to 9 jeommu#i»t Pathet Lao and.neu- [at Cowlts buidSr — 1 'ralin elements, ar'-uctaj ' end^T^-T^ ff'l is Annxu \>* XnM! — WASHINGTON' 'V> — S»n. >ix-/car-old mil war. »M vru cf tv Bocv.r. Sen, J .... KuIWjh:. D-Ark. Much Depend* On Claaaniales f The proposal — prepared he -Hither* men t»5i w*n«etf ! ncutraltat Premier Prince ,.w, „ wmt ch,nr- -Xht rain. vsnna Ptmuma and hi* half-br. The United j ,h.; .►> A'iHat.r A.: ^ncr «(.It . Slow Students S*-s;c« Weather; lbcr Prince Souphanouvtmx. month* May Not Be So ruergr Ir-rs next Says Drews t-ureaa issued heavy head of the Pathet l~x* wt>w|SATO mrr* hf as a full-f.edgcd sent to the —. was mm**> **»»» "-'- wire- iv.«*T , King Thursday. Sntivjnna fold y Wr»!' inches K-1"-*- * . jRetornirg B,iJn,.r5 from !-*f , mr-l.hg -f The slow vttideot may a«t be ever. a mas* rally it rowr ew^pertr-i. Mlaeif NATO higS artada. Spits- parLam^rarians as, Afcnif »« be or his teacher pb»'h#d. On the other hand, she %»y anything." she ex- Ufiem wants to fx»lr," she says. be at least average J' "Ha train »l*1 t«Kh,r Matnlr, juiHfnl, I It It ii,cir«.insly HHMWil. j Ll".1,'*?? th*?.tf n*' p*r. . *h» chairman of this "low l-rl .'•.Ihil m.*'h "f wh«, 1 " " "-4'1 "«b ti tee ©ffteg, the* pureeu ta Dr. added, the , ,, , think* b superior ntudenU She emphasize* that the act¬ reading three or more grade*' ix said, for part# of tie cwrisl Senas# Fra» en RelaU-ms com¬ FJ.raheth M tsaoctgte monopolise the class dtSCtltr ual level of arhievemeift in below grade level end superior I superior aid rrtarcb*d -Midguts done in the education «>t ih*- ^ 0■ ctvif war between the and tee grmt Us" mittee said 'kts is a wry com¬ profemof ofeli sK»nx. nsey talk 10 time* as academic areas i# less import- students reading t» *it probaiily unfair to ic-tli "' j "**"#4 Leo »nd th# .regime of rebel' Gem Phoumi rtghte#i plex ?egj*Htfive, if ^o* ooast.* Much «naf depend on the much aa the typical alow stu¬ aat for slow students and re¬ Blajteeting agas' e? the ia- type four grades a bo vn the grade Barely u instruciion adjusted, f^bsavan ware tieud an* tog ttttspoal. probierr" and 'ex¬ of classmates he has eeys Dr.* dent lates less to their ultimate ad¬ ItveL ©r pressed doubt it can be solved "The alow student 1* to the abibty level of students. Most westerners her# see little Draws. so used justment to society and IMr However, many "slow" stu¬ she indicates. For example, she! hope Phoumi will agree lo serv# Freanaf w—thn chilled moat before tee NATO session begins ta beiog at the bottom of the «f tee Dakota I and Montana, contribution* aa cttiaaoa than da dents ar# not slow at all when found that tea reading ability i in the same imi A GIANT from the heed," Dr. Draws found, "that government as tha t miMN, temperatures Dec. If such traits a It comes to baste intelligence. and language skills of the ninth ; Pathet Lao, but with th# Lao- gener- UA Office of Education, she j many of teem aay they actually fufbnfht gave this estimate of group membership. Dr. Drewa reports, ahy were ibei normal. study of too ninth • feel comfortable there." graders tested ranged from the j Bans' traditional, penchant for to newsnnm shortly after good work habiU. willingness to She explained that by group first through the 14th grade1 compromise, there Is still hop# returned to Wa«h*ngton With; grade Enghsh student*. A com- MOMKYER. SHE found a participate and favorable atti- psriwn was made of '^aeh.ng marked difference in slow stu* tudes toward Imh the school j tests the studenta may have level. Yet one textbook Is often. sqnie solution may be worked Vice Fresidcnt-eierl Lyndon B. i been classified aa "alow," but used for all, she noted. Finals Ahead Johnson who beaded the U5. average, slow and supttior stu-!dents who are taught in class- dents by the usual method and be in classes where the * on their own level, alow, average or superior, pre- j t«r in ability but they had read- she would.not advocate it un-i N«tjU lh, ,Wi_e. ^ r- e C-met r-™ *" ** 0» i V ' v L ill Pt„|„„ that, tor ail practical purposes, only read more ar*d recited JQ and abiUties of the other? ing problem*. SINCE THESE alow students choice and made, aware of the less the studenl i. given his'^ fT01?™ f £*}WVf'X V wbicn were schedule! j iW^Uvl riCllgcD the slow students arc "silent more, they were more confident, {students were not too different' with reading problems do not! fact that hit class is slow. aver- sh,'ir forces souJr of Pakadm, . fir in the usual type of class-' liked Tnursday of last week willj „ .. v , . school better and were from their own. *«y much in •he points.age or superior.. Alfu. she aid- 100 miles cast of Vientiane. t»t art-, lloooar *aa -W KlJ"' PJ* more accepted socially and in- The studvntgpwere placed in out, "their only opportunity Ijc man mO nmt jmrrt lae^M al l . f are so overwhelmed by teiiectually. the various groups on a basis of; express themselves is on ~ writ- tojed. the teachers should have The Pathet Lao said Phoumi , special training, be wiiiuig to force* attacked and were routed, Tana**, Dee. C l p ^ £bc. '4, Itee qarfcroom for a abort nad* i made by ahe brighter Atlas ( "The slow student no longer achievement teat scores, general I ten teste and. of course, they do | teach such group* and have the; Savannakhet said exactly the pravtoue ecbuulloot du a» well as tety abould. uao of epecsal material*. 1 icveise. MPVTUr. NOVEMBER ;e PACE TWO It tent fi A N< T A TK N r ws The While House. You'll Kind. Castro's Red Aide Has llrnlv IX ("Inset Space!" I Jackie Plans Arty W hite House Maiulv in Havana t\ V h—Y: iel rv'i"v t»? N* kwj,*;**.f •'* rVre* jt^v-s^rs i'xi :•» '>> ;sv:&] in:v. — "A?" hStkWw *'■ »*••* ^r'v. kasaviibu Goes Home Only Lirhfiv Rtfwd Shop In Triumph mrnimm rv*i» tH'ilX a>' v. -*" Hfvi is. 'W'.v-* »( , ■« ' v-:.4 i "»S iv t'4 :>• » %tVt * , • M-* • # .*»?«? 5'4.» r-*y*.« -? v' Mar. who face wind and weather the protection of ■ h *•» I »,*<«*•♦ \ »o.ti.',T Jt, ; • «-».▼ "ilvji «ev«;n tv *.t v -" ■# ;wuin N»v rs».«» > AFTER SHAVE *flO MNIWy ■ ~"S.vr1 7a:r .v -ri:,'.:- *'u.l iwrvw .*rh> C-v«-C'.;..» a-M' ' rr> ALU AYS A ITX.V>1 RH LOTION ©ttseWN.'* 4 • t.•—« * te^i.w »*,Ai. «**» :■ Termer-.' ***'£» sHitmiFj TO >ERVE VOl tr' a rrjvtv sutrw.. . CS.JN- C'4&*n >»«s "t **» •-..'Mr vtf v.*.; •'•4 Vv-xr Ctl^«K e-**' n.wrwsa. •mm•.•••«. v'IX AN i.-v 7j «*-•«%«" "*• A-'T* •< i- ATvi .■*» .fivWe f*»rvrt*i- >.»:-» .*.hi j.** j?OU."V * r^-we -%*.♦ a r^--->cr ai ;-rv "Miss Polaroid" will l»e in our OR JIVT A NICE HOT PRINK store Momla\. Nov. 22J TODAY From I • I P. M. Denioitstralius the Al.L new ELECTRIC EYE POUROID FOR RALPH'S "KEWPEE" CAFETERLY east uvspursr.ooBTr MALMS A>D MEET1NC MVT "nothing equal: genuine Buy All Books Information At Anytime The Tog Shop »ov ran rtt QU • xit riu.: UHXIVXY. NOVRVRKK X I "HI governors Favor ACROSS SI (hSKt»C*»t Oxford Prof Toadies Dnnre TiekelsOn Sale Tues. Tick*!x f.u Hie annual l-« ! . out la I-a-.t yviu 13 minutes. ticknta were M»id Tickets will O .i it r tn e t ■« dinner dance, Arlmansliii> f in Radio - Pan-American Ties 1 tab*; t-xerb.«arxt txx llmite.1 to four per penon. "Twelve Night Revel," go oil 4 Center of * SI Elvvuttx-nnd Dinner, dance and entertain¬ whew! 94 I rut an aate at it a.m. Tuesday, a? the ment are all Included In the WW 10. RKAZ1U (IV- lV?nty**i|fht 1 ? ill P:'!*r J." OM piece of t.OMSOS ' Want to K- sou:, and anonym mis painting Union ticket office Tor students. ticket price of $5. «. S. jruvyr* o'olh Tills year's theme is based <«l IJ I'M - on- one-up i»n yxHii arty frtpndP i» name the painter. Faculty and .staff may pur¬ , Sumlay wound lip a vUit to ArjfYUtma ami Km.*-it,! poet 34 Newitxg Uvl "The reexMwt essentia.! is to tv chase ticket-, tn Ml Kellogg. old Tudor Knaland. Able t-« identify litlle-kuown . T-i'ty ivnvinml. n.< t«eorynA*4 Gov. S Krne*t VajHlivvr U MVU -lUi* 40 Mo'1.'fevl» eumbmed busi*a route ft-«ugs; \x:v>. vtwukcle.-., j eblgM-wi ** I «temr jt Kermer U SI ; Kxvv rtritisSi radio listeners a painting and blow it up Into Kills pn. «blr h«l Z ami 1.5 Monday ISraafh 44 Scattered t iVntaieuoh I short course in artnianship. ghtMNr'hg. 9Mgt«*»t*d row *»\.l ,x'vl. ■' V#/Hr s on something Important."1 ; X x'.*'flW:!lg f Thr«v present llo f\r»t showed bow a real Krlday. John ¥ ' The iovvtv-, x # Superlative "And the final and |>ertuipx wtwv t-nju-ysx- game Vt Ma- r.er ,t* a ti.rt.list endilifc' j art evpert gtvs alaxut duoover- the most aignltleant touch is to KDM5II EXT. MIS ;»\ the prv.*Movl t»v • . txsxutv the at He jo U»ve S.s»u-h itij; whether an old pantUnj; is n-et viand.*e M Angrv 3 PsaaiHtf make a gesture which suggests u'rvrt v-t ArgetiUPj, j v«»u n I ? >. .?v»tu»!-'K»usm*as of. 23 Oorros.on v rp vh H Conjunction ivnuim- The chance details, he that no reasons can he given a -.l j o'.vr la'.iu-Amer * xxx'rkc's ami evidence that .VI! J? Amer.oan *6 Nc ' 4 9 rSxaaesMsl H.sty of !? Close poet said, w ill #.hoxv th.- hand of the for the Judgment passed by the AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING ta m.-t* * -p. *•...'.•3 to vk«A ire l*iu*.* i Argentine*, r.eh or jNKxr. are hu"-x»r *t v: Storehouw Mohammedan in aster — «*r the imperfect connoisseur *' V \V thstan.1 IS1R11 sr.Nil.Mil VS1 I.1S111I «OOMl 73 Mtentien Vi i'ordexi eleth atrokex of an Imjs^xter !«.! j»v:s i«»i JK» Hx t»rth >* U » use ?4 Waver ni A ha'f-xv»«v*lr said, the irtijx.-.tct. the proff*. \xou2 l *m;!e be x-areful to or h:. subject Fried Chicken I TION Rf'ECIAl t-IWI ru»» gmnt »4 ' I I» IOII THE FINEST In dan em nine J\1 progress As we': as .. 1 tlx Mu.t spaiiRlri. Don HmlUi, Jar a » * |bx.sk Just like lasxnardo would FOR SALE Against the \ I/O Ilobby Rt4V4ix* plus many .e-vocravy llraun. 81.00 3* it:- '.C!'(-r o' Owninutusm ** i have tsnnted it. t»u' he would ..thrrs Phono Ilia »»ml-Mor Ag«ee\ , . " „ yr .V S3 Vine Tree inrr. run with o<-vni..p»(ig IV 3 IR13I tf lUtt ; probab'x- grow .-irrlexx when he Democrat. j *nit ixrliiiliiK Kudak movie I tint rre- a SS l'i*i>i»; jsnnt j got to tlngernaiU. EVERY MONDAY j iiIji MAY. »J ?r AO. Mark ami wtiil* STUDENTS t TOM'S BAIlllEII !. r ..t .n forward «vl America is ready to dogvrty | .hum Phi,, ti ' li "TT , II or. Pre., rletlo M 0J 141."LA. On tor. I ramt -r t •hop 30(13 Vine Street. Four fxarberx. I plobtv «'f paiklna. we-.t of beat ai r.xss from National Food. If ,w ^ the Kenmrd* adrvm#- ou* fwikxt !so-called oxnuiouvieurs who get ! i.eM to Nntlloial «( i »' U M KENNY DAVIS ORCHESTRA CIIIUhJ t pa-cyo WYdernuad the UA'.VN deo tared again e S*U-'..U> at y if 43 Tr rp-er 44 Proxero i pex'plo to buy imitation- j The ilrs'. thing ».ni have ' to Howard Johnsons | f til ED 2.1471. PARENTS BAHY AND child n«r «f ;.» it ties not 43 Fru t in when confronted by an ob- Unit* Inki"n In your Imtne Hi pir.it evervtvd.v I* gettiag a N A'.'ar. , J' T* i „ 4* Wade xnvln** 1.1*4*1 l'Iirl»tina» Clftti. f" yea*, xvi o'.oud nitier he Treaty or«an:3at. : to a IT allowance I 3-:il»48 after rt n in 4m v.: we V. faoe 'o.;"h -s'."-.- is-n-.-.- .-oVd e«>- 44 Inv te AVOID Till I HAVING A BIG dancer A awing- 1 •• ■•oo-ns many f.e'.d* ily r u-.; • V.-voo •-*«.:.• a do- •a 3d He/ore l Dim »»artv' H#iiieiiil»Mr lhat Me event x. liti « nli-ture of von and your d im ,, wvrw Mfd tofftv v.- w.«- o",' en *•• Trench I lor nimtotfrantiv m |t» beat, tall ED •i " - r; I nion Board's First ' gu ■ the V'rutext Statos; ' v i>: Pton ha t .-.'iiilu after it u m. 4«> \ i.A> A-WAY Ik l.jMix \lAs j i"; - 1-oups final day Inetud- -' •'iVx ,.f ee:u-n leader. MAMMY'S: TEE HER he.- tier- ,v { ts.;w to cane and ef K • .»d v.iu-stra _ t» *MOM» llOND.s STAMPS { XX itt-re t« the puil.llr? YouTa b.itklr.c o;v*. then the atari ' *• '• -n».- ".u - w« t up the xx-foog tree 41 European Flight * ' member countries w.:' make Sliiilt-nl I.<-;mI<*i> (lourM- in tinier LOST and FOUND tant v xu.i .1*1 im k ,v„. t'V to turn V'.;-oiv PtlDND I'ADI Of I ADD... New Or'eur..x a: J Jj -,h0 tu.in- d ant tV.egx* uf Fxiucat.'n \v'" x»ff»- Students xvh»» wish t.x partici* gl, I-.. New York at 7 50 am thu* dmx;rv.>i the da • or .* c'.ax, student 1 xM.tervi - ^xatc .n the .'.»«< mix submit i' ae* in I .on. lotuudriF.IJand Drv I D-un Payment Payable , , .» K latt xxrek call 3-4034. 41 v-a b-U'xx • UmtiM ; Trai:'..:ig .iumtg :he w -.ntcr term ; prntion-x the Womro's Divt- k.mw'mi''* '..-""iiii'... ,k-'i"nw.' »wni> mm r;i»Axn bauds . . • - V s7 tru mgrrvxi by «: Sta'c* -.istli are qu.'. fUtlk T'xe vn»u!>c i* de.x gncvt pre* j Men of Student Affairs. 101 S'.u- • • . .I, ' ,, High actmol cla»« ring near Kellogr - •' r* rN— .Vity-ncnhx»wer e. ..Vf". x xxa-'-. * • leud "he tig. government Les Gourmets Dinner Dance \ I 10 mnuli' »ii|.|.llt turei Axiitrax. kit- pi Table topa. lint pails Pre,. I., ■ , >1 •-WU3 ••-. *er"1 Danei*. etv. phiana ED 4i «* IV ,WK. Iwv! *>-•• tl Kitcnen- lm kt.tml. t,i:.,T"-....T.TT. 812a r.!r .v I'.POJ ...V "Vl i .'1 struct ions 4 in . J1 j Shopidilg _TV 'A. ^111 sFS AND t»nu "bee ibouted 'VuKi and "TWELFTH NIGHT REVELL" lentri IV 3-1*31. 41 pa ■ i* ,x • >.- n-, rac--* the brink* . . . Printing :•"--mi puhtlclty, the- vex* tx-' 13.1 dwplaye-d jtuch pc\. CHRISTMAS iowrn With tfv CinS T*e - pine i lit your own TREES. tree' Sl'OTCH tit the |j *'! * '•'•'"I Winn:u'Hixer.Ullie'fcait Duplicating. Eaiulug, ED All ... wn :«-.*•*. p!j-. m cuke i l iilantattoii Your cltnlk-e MJMt ?(*>•! ' O-'i K-Jurvr.^ a'Ni -wctew.:-. I I. 1«H»1 ■ . \\l\> a sue ear f.r.«. : f-.-e J im. j College Road Upeo xxeehuaxx onlv I CiC".'." INN ice kee*. them . g.rned »:mp'x- at nxak:ng the 1f : TYPIST A VAII.AHLK. 10 YEAH 4 9-4 2nd Floor Union ex i .-rtri.. I- i hexe-i tvping aeerai.trliil } r> i iJ'-JKN-e from the gcv- » • o; ix,-,*n Tore re a .-ura. college degree, aiectrlo type ■ <*gA**.t;o ' vkf. and isuciear Kii.mii .VI krllo*,; (Vnler miicr. .ai ED J-A64II If r-wrvvj we— eff .-.a' weajxv. a.*er-a*.- V. x,im c.- j SAVE AT SEAR- EXPERT THESIS AND general at Argtmuna In UB Office • i *t*t > giar* ON USED SF.WING MACHINES ping Elect! t typewriter, fcex-ei » ■ K MM IlltkW \r'- NATO fnerab will, at the.- -tml.nl-. l.irnll. A Staff lien \ears experirni.-, Una blurt AND VACUUM CLEANER - (torn Hrody. ED 2.iAd.i. it of ;'J gktwwckhce from -own diw.ion. decide whether Tlwy gv; • n\i carpet w Kiw'.car w-capuavs Tirktw «n Nilr utNpil i\\ -. i (UN- EaTn-DRy"i- . DRY CLEANERs. 3yc xvasb. I Do dry Ah conditioned, barkgrnund piuvi, , Aitendnnt on dulv. Alxvavt clean. • spee.j Cjui-eii washers. 9 dryerx 3.1 lb* evtracfrM. AHcr houri dre i leaning (feimait box 5004 VineKtrerl . block west of Sent* at Frandm. MONDAY. NOVEMBER **. lwj PAGE SIX Placement Bureau NOVIMRU 3$ s. v V;\i':sh. Soanuh A French Colon Bog-Camp P»P*r rorp.: been d'» (M) MOSCOW ^—Pravd* charg- 1 cW m.i or> tor teaching oosi- | e- •>; Vatican yesterday w"<*.h support 11 \»n» '" •- V»ian- A?nean stepping up ns own propaganda Northrop Corp. N'orair DlvUien. t:oiw. I Dec A Mar. grads | Eivrn. and Forestry (BV (M) direct portanpaUon in subver- gr-.Hi;.'. That ctftr.ng a activities ta Afr.a V Phy sic* majors. Applied Ma'" vHsIy» major* for related work. Ac¬ ve i.'a :.e» against the Con- milder resolufio:: of own > Director I Patek n of : ie In¬ mayors. A Civil E'gr>. for U counting (B) majors for in¬ IValerford iwp. Schools: K'c- > - > Republic and worldwide Travel dec's: ed »t> per cent stitute for Afiicar M ad;e» a", A D po> t.o'is. dustrial accounting positions. Ed-..-. il»* majors for r;v;-. of "American imperial- .?( the me-1 "e %'.»*..* an $ 'h.e Acaden y of Sv ionce* *aid Nertronhrs-llleelronlm Glens Pall* lusurance Co.: All * sv*tr««* posit; oft#. S peec h Sa? ed W.-ngrega' -i : Propa- the institute »w'.: open new A Eqotpmewt DIvLian; l*ht»- tc u—.-g majors (Bi from all colleges of too > s. .i ha> been I'.vec'ei , R1. majors for re- (l\v A Mar. grads only) in- Soviet C.'mmuaisS Px-tv on handicapped. (Dec. A trainee program in Chicago «• *e rule Cuba. Argentina, Nartroalcs-Systems Support r-nrwa. Sotttlt Viet Nam and -w III K m R c-.vt.p-racie< Mi- jjravla only with assignments as special | Dept.: P*vv v. v -nj mv A • The National Cash Rejistrr t o.: agents, underwriters, claims ' !*«* *Td 1 •. v -..i :• vacua. bitter enemy of "Vre w.d. aga:-**. toe -3-* described the Vatican as freedom are ye •; b.«vhed." it -one -' m - the black Council * p>cd Math m.aj > A F. >•-.*. A. M-eh Er.gr* far R A l> pvv>.- Chenvs'r.v. 1 y, l*:vsic> A Math tb> ma)o« dt Chen. representatives auditor*. A inspector- Voats. \ D'. ra\.Ubcra'ion moves*rot trucks of Ca'bo':c father-s. Caa- Warrra H'oods Public SrheoU. F .-v. A Mtvh. (M' DECEMBER t v'. rvlomal i*x*s -RILING Citrus Of the Cr'-holie Church."* it »a:d. "have V.ous and arrogant. sly And dvx- i*. iftrwgh every cia-.x they J'P f -v:o; to 0O« Sponsors Ear!y_ E'.emrti.ary tier? major* f.«r tcsj "in w»w «'.'•« j-'.i S tvu E.y.x.at »n t g * for R A D position*. Ediwa* 1 >. PuMir Health Dept.: ATI A r r h e r-Dawela-MWHand re- vl?> M> from ad co!« Chemistry search, majors for technical sales and Co.: black priest*" aiwayj been malicious enem.es "he people* of Asli and A£- -To . irvv robe* remanoi whet the -oid- .a Reviews H» M'J "is •: •:■ vt rS w . !c:c* -Dec A Mar only 1 f.'i- positions grad* held serv.ee position*. Chem Engr engineering, and CHRISTMAS .: r pr.HiCN* **♦ .•*rs of foreign invader* had ?» reorv-enta'Ao for l'l Pub- technical sales and service • IHv A Mi:' t '«•'* < The attack *n issued on the ;eave s-ome of these . Afr:can» Hva.th m Y-D control Fm*h-S:»ph council in eo- Grand Rapids PuWit Schools: positiotu. e. v Of a SCSSiOa of the I N Of g' JO. State Farm Insurance Co.: All M w hi- ;'«%» !tew*?a?er* uvrntion with the Tdiver¬ Tv-ninnofv Eduoat H Genera! Assembly tn Ne v Y • v. Texas Oil majors (Bi from all colleges LP BARGAINS rmj:., H "C E-v^v-c* 9 California Corp.: to consider Premier K" tod irua-u'tne* a •.* cno v.\i sity col'ece this week' is • 1* A'r oat x'athvMc*. . M mi-'.* i • : 4 ••'• - C-e.n A Mech (U* (Mi (Dec A JUar. grads only) (or chev's demand that a"' cole:; x' •• Cat bo ' i < ■. * j. •.* yaw been sjyinsorinjf a series of* Sn-v.sln \ Edyeat.vn - ?"'• •• N: • log -* '■•" ?sy;t oa> i:i Product m-office training program be given complete inde¬ .* ordin;ttintr sessions for three •• tf.ic * :g >.'» •'•»»!> rVvt-"- iowtt. Prxvess A Gett- tnon-sales) (including oftlcf pendence forthwith. Khrush- opeti to Ti n * *'-af? bu.ld era; Engitwenng and Elec¬ claims, underwriting A super¬ LVe A V I pel.:- of the basic courses , O m-v called fur thu action :n a op Ca'-h trade a*t. .•• >. la peer Public SehouS SSvo. .'* tronic Daia Pruccssms. vision!. ALL -:.-.wvh before the aurP'J;* part.es. etc " "Our purpose is Vo prw dc iwpL 21 The Rwu» haw \t me *a;r-e t. re ll wa* made s'udonis W.'.P a "'-'if V" '.M c.-rvepfion of ' "v*e oourso." according R >i> Anir ig.. Delta Zela. Theta ( hi Wavfan-i soph-.^vorc. rrcs.dorsl l'h<-1 IIRISTyi AS huliilat* i« unr of tho*<* 1 of the jopbnmor* cU*s Strikers are Dr '.V an E." liin*-- vhrti miu Haul lo look vour bot. Johnny Mathis Sponsor Cliristinas Party 1 Sweetland. assistant heavt of the | humanif.e* dotsartrncnt: Dr Santa Oaui will make an early appearance at ' I*redenc the Theta ; cvfnmun.-cat.vxi E- Reeve professor of and Dr At ► Kingston Trio TVvjli Cvf, *»soc'.a:e Saturvlay for the anrtUa! unviertrtvi'th^evi chikh fess «r ol socu! sctencc pro¬ t>; house t»n » "^•e f hrUtmas party. Oinitmw pa-v an »■-- , — ; er ~,;ir» *a d d l»* JWlITLtNO w e»r part* I Tuetday in the Kiva of '.he Ed-; j ucat m building tin- or- Four Freshmen V ~!c_er, TbeU Ciu'i vice-pres¬ J I T W pm Wednesday Dr 1 kerler. jour hair jjrl* the extra attention George Shearing Reeve •* " lecture on Cn-n .s- Spare Talk ident- Ac* ve# from bo'-'i groune { cat on Ss. , : ; .n the Ua.om thai add* hi uiitrh to vour beauty. IWidf game*, ftmush trans- : »g ' r-rtavoo carola. and $iag Cbnat-nuw Given Todav : SpeaA.ng '''' IV Con tv? e > Soc.at "v.-ence, schevfu-d '*> ISerj Monday anil Tuesday • Permanent, (Krjcularlv $3.98) *r - v 4: * 30 p •• Thursday lAOWrtHlUCIO . ire- .a ' v D» oc Ni r>.v-? i t u II wd be gtwn for only Twelve-fifty $ " Because of tse a-nowif of eream, candy, cookies *.xi g fu, ana. vu.srr .." Amtr.rga laid, of'.wt "ream ">tu- f *:'< for A|i|>oiutuirnt, t all ED 7-1111 v -e-e they really apr-rv r- * Dr ffd'S, ••*•..*., direcine cf 4n.,1 cm xv J '* - . > -vis.;.-?g Vie Christmaa party Other-* ae rt ->t the e,4'\: «c department oi 'anderly ng .tea wh.cn Lea UH#e c," them wvuaint have oce.* he Heo vx As J .o "A vVflK-Ml-'M. fa ", togethet " J PATRICIAN ».a A--" \S <.»'•»< rn the "'Through th»»-e Us« we S*pe L-svitaisuv# »;» ben -.t basrc f: t-v the Lansing area g \e -e -.'v *,Jd:e*H course* *nou\i -«• » ttuvL— •> v THAT % can '« T*h,« .-rs.. - oh A; man W 'he mere eifec-ivvy »rv:d* "h» r W »*ne *v \j I K":y- fl'i*'. added \ Parkin); lot No. 2 . «j".. ■ -r IV.'u Zeta t$ J.u;i tV*a- woc-'S.x • ot mechan¬ \"er - gj 31 I I!, t.raml River—Eulranre off I it* ''iAi ».-.sden*..* « ' ical e-g "«re c<-v." t>e sa d. i ' • each *Tbe .#oo,ai hovnter cJwurman ce-ecdifta the *■ T-c oi eprr-.ttars o,v '.-o* ate mecnan.cai engi¬ be.ng soy* be givnm to asa qacsftcn,*. Frank Sinatra Ni- ous committee* neer. p.g ietsartowst. 9 Jackie Gleason Complete Optical Service GO, MIA GO! . (RrguUrlv $4.98) M SALE 8 it TO THE u ALL N XMAS I REDUCED 0 20-30% BUYING!! N Broadway & Movie LP's REDUCED - BO OK STORE 20-30% BRING IN YOUR BOOKS BMOC V(u P« rir,-u-T» «u' R< • tr—ti» ju u Cmu. % U ce«.T» Li* ti*t. &> H WV, na jm'n !V tvmptta GO HOME WITH CASH!! t its!* taJ*rwrfht. IMMitW—ywi ■ m.c : Uit u b, i lutit] tore u> b, r • Jar iwt rwj on ti* foot •*•;« zl Cou. iv a I MU;! I c tonr.i\r TW C*u CM CI >■ | ky MEET ME AT THE WHON ( hut o