Mr. K Demands Independence For All Colonies; Britain Injects Mk Serving MSU For 51 Year* Issue of Soviet Control to UN VOLl'ME 2.1. NO. 102 EAST LAN'SINd, MICHIGAN. TUESDAY. NDVEMHEH 29. IMII I'll ICE 3 CENTS UNITED NATIONS, NY (.41 daio I', has served a watch- j anta, Estonia and Latvia," Injvcted the issue of dog for alt the world's depend- He charged that in province* <-\:c: polwiilwt Monday into ent territories. receiving reports of the Soviet Union itself near- •-e-al Assembly debate over from administrators and listen- !y million people were up- * r-" er Nikila Khrushchev s itig to complaints front the jko- l rooted from their homes and Army Troops Enter Caracas .• -rani for immediate inde- pie themselves j deported. •oen.e of a'.i people.* I:\ n- Zorin called on all peaee-!cv- ZORIN AND TWO other :xt colonial and UN trustee- tng nations to "render everv • members of the Soviet delegs- , .o systems assistance, moral and material, Hon thumped their desks to in- Tie move brought angry So- 'o the peoples tVt» for their terrupt Ormsby-Oore an J gain t .• charter tnat Brita.n was indetH-ruienee recognition from Frederick Bo- .14 into the interna', affa.r* !>%%ID OHMSRV • tiORK. iand of Ireland, the assembly '. , >s-e ,o : -if Soviet Union and resort- i to a cold war tactics. The marked the opening of de- expected to last for more week • British minister of state far for-; president. eign affairs, accused Zorin of using the assembly- "simply as another occasion fori fairs of the Soviet Union. He viUfvir.g my country and its a!- ' called Zorin protested that Ormsby- debate ' Gore was discussing internal at- this inadmissible, and To Smash Bloody Leftist Riots 1CT UKri'TY Foreign lies, and for carrying the cold; said if the speaker wanted to V ster Valerian Zorin assail- war into Africa, m the hope u»o cold war terminology he t's : v UN trusteeship system as that - >..rmoded aid an ineffective up to ;t, advantage " «*r.; ne.n; of the colonial pow- aid declared chaps it can be hotted would reply ui kind Ormsbv-Gorc said that since on each charge if must be* 193d about 500 million people, charge, , said he could not rule but and counter- a pealed to all Lumumba Flight Campus Fighting Results In Vast Damage r . *;• j-.ved. ■ formerly under British rule, had ' speakers to avoid inflammatory i From Congo Army > Notes Tvgether, with the infamous1 achieved freedom and inde-' language. , - m of cvMoma'ism. the var- pendence. Ormsbv-Gore replied that his o: the colon.a' regime* In that same period, he add- country had been hocused of v*r*n a» the trusteeship >>>• cd, the w ho c or part of »i\ robbery and carnage by Zorin. Marhelinu Talk IVesidenl Claim* Yiolenee h*s outlived itself." he de- .'courtrxs. wth a population ot but that he would go along . Threat of Civil War liaised » »w-d J3 mi Bum. have been forcibly Poland's TK.' Nations establish- .ncerpor.ited into the Un- delegate added it was obvious ruling The British! p iuI tl. Preyd, vice president j Ualiuehed hv ('.oniiuiuiists j | By Escape to Stanleyville t and director of marketing for . - the truste^hip system to re- >;• Thev mr'.udo tic world's the S-n-iet Union did not like 5 r o.o League of Nations man- three r-ewe-t colonies — l.ithu- ; discussion in the United Nations Batten, Barton. Durstinc, ami j " CARACAS. VENEZUELA. (-Mn.wn Streets of Caracas Monday army Monday was ordered to pursue and capture fugitive age" at 7:30 p.m. to smash bloody and destructive rioting ajrainst the I . S. Says YL Germany Portland State ev-Premier Patrice Lumumba before he can reach his po¬ the Kiva of the Education 'day.; night 1 ' government. litical stronghold of Stanleyville. His flipht raised the j building President Romulo Betancourl To Get Troops Free Youth Knifed threat of civil war in this troubled nation. Lumumba drove past sleepy |" • '' " it it * Parents • aid the svstematie waves of vi¬ olence were launched by Com¬ munist* and other leftists seek¬ Concnlfir toldlrm watchln* hl.«| Ulndula r»catwd army dotrn. Petition* I vailohle In Parked Car .J . ing to overthrow him and set up WASHINGTON. U*>—The White 1tnu«e dt: ar. A. b»>d; i 19-year-old youth in- While reports said Lumumba Tin: rOI'RTII Straight dav ef r A'.'.er would net be taken : :h wer said the m- >;de pretty gjrl companion. seemed far from reassured bv is traveling by automobile. Mo-' Anyrry white parenLs boy¬ hoodlum attacks, without let-up, believe with his promise to return within a I n*' si/tim/i* cotted two int« rirrated pub- prompted the moderate Social¬ ,.ii because "the Gcrmars arc *d been fu'. coot- wh«» pou wa* butu apparently beliew* he may conferences Kasavubu has pro¬ r prepared to discu*< .*. d mated 1 the S«*cn tar; him the time cf the slaying, 1h* going up the Congo River. Veterans' signups f.u t u-. lie kcbool.-* Monday, con* ist President B« t.mrourt to rail e.A» vanished and may be a mised to call a conference of out the army an dsuspend civil Ors a recent r.«:t to Bonn. Sc.*- SW„»v a- *-eti o> the Secretary ,-t kidnap victim all factions shortly, mou-t *, ar« rimming four Negro firM- . .... .f .vv Trea.-urv IKeitse ir, i had been made . l-P To 1 »x i guarantee:*. in advance to the West The body oi Larry Ralph KAMAVmi' and Mobutu grinier* towittual sr'ifivga- "We do not want, we will n/.t A erAon and under Sec re'.i ■ k: »: ti-7. Wednes.Ktx Bex ton. a stud net at Portland tion once again. tolerate and there will be tin Stat* *.* r. i'.'.ir c' W( Dillon br C German govvrnmen; ! da. siate college, was found Sun- night curled upon the wen» of astounded when the new* Lumumba's flight reached Gat holies * * * "You've got the whole school i civil war in Venezuela," Betan- e*irj».g *he cos: of keep-ng i<:,MKl-*v»aked front seat. There them at Brawaville, capital of to yourself now," yelled a wo¬ I eourt declared in a radio-TV ta Mrrln Toniulit broadcast from tank-guarde I trvpn lUtifHMd UMfr • '■ w** reject** 3 Th-< pro- First L li .« it ,t,b wotin.l. in thp ' «Kt mi» in '.no bark—all Wr»r frrnn Lrnpcldvlllr Cnn,o R.-publi.- «cro«« the Claim Cuba The Uiter-(*«H»perativi* r «un- man i,T«l a- three jiiomvrs of in the slx-venr- Beep -Snath j mlraflore* palace. "•I.i,. I.*- a Iiur-inrb-lon, btn.i- Kt.avubu an.i Dobu'u h*A will bold then la-i mrefuit; scIumM interarntinn entered Mo-' Betaneourt Rpecifieally blam- IN % rORMB 'MVre". Plutw Flight The youth also suffered .a blow gone to Brarravi'le for that Re- »• 1 lA>n-umh No ill"school I ed Commnnist* and the Move- Communist the term tunight at 7 30 at *' - -At y, Pr«i der.: tt #er.h * veer . of -.v.. de»p;:e tli > rv/ection,. *' the h**«d wh eh caused a public's independence relebri- Hedriek house Toe mam busi¬ Sum r s. m.r.hall* u.hrrci of tho Itrvoluiloniry I*f sku": fracture. the |trio into MeDonouah and (Mill) for the disorders. They : ocu.AKoa con*j:bu.ed of : » rh a Payment Due IVxton had spent Saturday |0f tion*. But. they took advantage occasion to discus* Congo ness will be revision vf the ICC* cons'.itution. aceMding to Jerry three others eeeompanied the have resulted in 3 dead, mors ■fti-.tT s with Beverly Allen, 1».! unity with two dissident leaders, HAVANA, 1*i—Two Ho- Spungler. couueil president. iont< Negro girl who went in'o than 120 wounded and vast pro¬ i. auitr?'» u-Rfavora b - ba'anee Umver^ity eonnce'et person* <*• >'.*,■ T.« n«n'. w«»h * . jpr,.ldm, Mnl.b T«hm*iN- of Ks- man Catholic' prelate* have Spmigler »No announeed that ^jpinm . perty damage from vandalism r.i>Tnest» problem. Dcsisned who wish to take the Union ',a,"r* ' W"h'r«,oa '■* >*.i f> the betterment rf the board airpUar trip to Europe Un versitv at Puilman, Wash. un» Jl'i' tanca pmtnc ,n.t rr«id,n. provii met M<»U* house Fidel Castro'* renewed ball trophy and would receive had \xoil the foot- Ho'ting and jepriiiR anect.a- and sabotage. AT LEAST \(i persons were V S. SMlaace of payment* po*- **.:'!; have until 4 p.m. today t > Tr.v had *»""»' *' it from iv yco" winriOi' llcd- tors numbered about 100 nt Mc- injured in the latest outburst?, attack* on the church with pay the first installment cf $125. .Peyton's . home with - hu- ,, —. .»»!. In K»„l prnvlnw rick • j Dcnmtgh. but oniv about 13 wo- including six wounded by gun¬ .k.r-nr.g German jmpoMl* «m« About one-half of the tickets and then went out for the eve-1 Kasavubu rema ned in j declarations Implying hi* jn*cn at William Franz, the quiet- fire -1 pay tha*. government s to- tie airplane wer- reicrwl n.nj zaviUe. but Mobutu hurried revdiutifin is more Commu¬ j cvt * ,*hon| oncnuig since inter- EycM'i'nessrs said police were V * det*. ahead of schedule Mold I; . nicer to Mim The e»roner'« office said it! back to Leopoldvllle after or- era!ion l»e.»,'M two wi shot nt bv snipers on rooftops acf.v.:.e* hat ro* vet determined the #*- ! deriflg his army to trv to head nist than Christian. L-enh-iwer iuued his f 93,000 public school s'udents and leftist students holed up in - r~re:it after a long confer- - ni.t* t«* p.- c be'urvc the attack on the! Disquieting to the two pro-, zi t.Ij. .p tic Un- vou'.-i occurred sometime Sat- ] western Congolese leader* was j Archbishop Enrique Perez Se- w*rsoc and Dulon i-.r-: !>.' A r.i office v!J *.he accond • urday r.ight Tie youth may j the knowledge Lumumba's | ran tea of Santiago assailed the Areas Open who demonstrated violently; least temporarily, following the Stoenhowef sa^ **T believe So* Union 'have been alive but unconscious top lieutenants already are in revolution in statements read or week lie fore Inst. | appearance of army unita flown Before Finals . f>a* tie daacusaumg were m»t Taerv a ' b»* space on the, for several hours after the at- Stanleyville, Truancy and absence in tbe1 here from the interior. capital of oriental i distributed in two * provinces citv's white school* vaefuI,.. jC*-p! »pel»ev1 plane for 86 pas-> tack. Troops patrolled thickly pop- .oave New York Sheriff'* deputies, FBI agents province. They are said to be Sunday. droppc.l to nearly normal for a tainted working class section* m "AS A tenXT cf thi *.-• talk • seAger* !• w organizing an anU-wrstern re-i Four thousand additional 1 . Then the prime minister in, city Jurxe 21 t> London and re- and police fanned through the Monday, nplv II per rent in- western Caracas while riot po¬ '--ere it a greater acceptance A. gunr designed to restore Lu-]a Sunday speech that ran into "turfy urea- will Ik* available to from Paris tt* NYC Aug. timber and brush covered hills ' urn lice and national guardsmen the earlv hours Monday accused | *tUdent* preparing for final ex- j eluding Hie 99.9 per cent lyxy- -* United States view that 27. Monday in search of some trace mumba to power, guarded the central and eastern eoff of William Frantz and Meg ' ""-f in ->re muat be a baai.- improve- tbe. Utv.led Stales bal- People eligible for tie trip o.' Mit* Allen. flTANLEYVILLE n«« RTAXUTmu. «en cut hat been cm ( •-""me pries'; of preaching ' coun- | dent, "' b'edcl. Monday an,s* l3announced At S(. pre jjlttmotigh No 19. * sector*. M Alien had to Port- mu>: cf payments position a.? an el *•.:*, the un,v*rv.ty *% sfa¬ :n son*,e way be connect- ,'afil ■ > corne »PW d»x» far KtMvubu', unity j tfr-rnolmmn (nr pa.. exploded j | Th<< f|MCCJ >val|ah!l. I Normal •ibrrntepism f »r *.» Earlier, several hundred to spend the Thanksgiving off from the outside world in I Two noise bombs eaenual par*, of maintaining der. *, facul'v or staff, a*, least .-.oliday xv.rh the Peyton fam- recent days and there were j from 5 to 10:30 p ni today j enmnarnhle d.aj, Hie hoard said, youths, mostly teen-agers, roved no! noarby as Castro addressed through Thursday, from noon to i is 10 in small bands, battling police, • ftre* world's financial .*> *- i.x month? prior to the trip. Sheriff's Cap*. Gordon Au- communication* with the cjty nUy »t llavwwilnlvmu,—part. I0:^i pm; sundnv. ami Iron, .1 per* ren* 'nr. nepeadA3g as it does upon Also eligible wui i*. *pm*cs, j burn said. * of a ttricx of 19 or 20 touchod t.. 10:30 p.m. n.-xl Mouilay oipl ! School official* said 3,079 of smashing window* and burning Monday. ear* and buses. .•>pm.iai*. eh.idren and parents Auburn said "all we know for Awaiting Lumumba in Stan¬ off in the biggest cOunlerrevo-1 Tuesday j 38.726 white public school pu- ed .with guns, They were arm¬ ' e dollar u a corners toe e " . L.senhower of MSU people. sure u that the boy-irdead and I pils failed to report Monday fire bomb* gnd %aid Anderson Identiftca'.Kon connecting the the girl is missing" leyville are hi* brother. LouU,, lulionary demonstration yet in ' Only B< rkey vx'ili be open stones. ,».*va Xfclio-, both in substance person t the university mast Pev ton's body was clad only > Antoine Gizenga. deputy pre¬ Havana. Neither casualties nor Sunday, but Berkey. Olds. Ki> r- j morn«ng WITH TEAR OAS and smoke A-3 and A-»i j Police cut down 'be number . ua presentaUoo, carried'out. be presented upon the :Ust pay- (in mud and blood smeared jeans mier in the regime ousted by injuriex were reported. tru-ai Hnntnecinu?, mingling in the city streets, Bet¬ • ..nstructioc*. *' ' an.i T-sh.r. M»«s Allen's biood- Mobutu in September, and Gen A statement from Archbishop! be open th»* other night* I r.f men t<» the two m-. • aneourt denounced the disorder* ^vwwljr taking nor* r! pub- Th«* installment for stamed coat found in- Victor Lundula. who command¬ Perez Serante* was critical of All room- no*. othei wjm» ' ami. rathrr than lur rc- icanx during the four-day nist party and the movement Renews Guessing On Secretary of State ! i abuse in the name of Jesus." search, he said, laid the archbisftop't circular. { "This i ; real evidence the un- r :*id in ail cl urchc* in Santiago t iveraily is interested in pr oud- Thanksgiving weekend -412 in of the revolutionary left." traffic tragedK". Michigan had 3» death* Four j "Cuba si, Yankee* no" hav* Shouts for Fidel Castro and and surrounding Oriente pro- ng the be«t possible facilities were mixceilaneous and 28 tr-if- :l . __ . , ,. ■ , marked., the demonstrations in *« A5HIXGTON i.P) — rres!- 1 Kennedy arranced an reporter* to speculate on the-Lnumf to improve. fur „ur^,srs. * Rj^lel sud tic tea tin i this capital of Latin America « Mrs. Kennedy's obstetrician, ' " --e^rt Jaoa F. Kennedy joaoo viiit with Dean Acbeson. i stgniJScancc. nrotesi oner-: "It*- now up to ail of u who The naison'1 toll was ju»t ; richest nation, once one of Cu- <- -re -red now jpeoLat.on over his of « sacreury «ffl, dr„ 442 443 431 the American owned rtfinene* t.-.ed ftp ClMtK D-. AifcM if tfec will, hiv, U> curuil h« Whit, Hoom|m, Saniugo Cath-iral when c.n- ,n,j K,-nn,!ii Rirtwrtl, or ihoif'ir- ,1. 31 70 54 there and turned to the Soviet 'What License?* ( Conn. h,» Mapcm tore«n,in mwet lewta, mWt_S»|»oci*l Ktiviiin ,o«ii»*h»t f«hi. ptiioral ietlor'i wa« bcinj]i.uiidln*., and ut.i.T.n dvpir!-jMI' .re the aliar aSaa Bab war Christmas Tree Saluigr? Mlrf he bsi no com-' J ; proeos *t silfSB Beta mrnt on the recommendations via vmltr A MkM of President Eisenhower'* com-! SHREWSBURY. England (A'i said Mrs Y Y Maya!!, wife of;or Leigh mean* clearing in PhotogH to Plaii ^be worts stopped the wwd- Lighting Sunday . _ tatty with Dmacntic 0>n, mal goola. In IWI ^Suppotera of the Southern j the present occupant, "and the 1 the 'woods Saturday. The gram had Tbe ,nOiMi Chr it™. tw# nar^lirt T#rry s-nford of report, mode public Sunday.1 Confederacy Monday far, une presidential commission of their bitterest moments since |(Bought of bu.lo.di of tu-o„l,' carne Tho alarmed orrupantaabout Hall b»- Winter Coverage of U.a southern --***» «m toUe 4mQ tbe Uf ttrrawcy , will t»ko Xoctt ChoLlu 1r.U»u; tltb- that tramping about, , , absolutely . , Mmlnl tSxiMi— J—J *-ai i_ni "Cere! of the DmocraUe _ _ a specialist in world ' want led the army of northern Vir¬ Mayalt told reporters. "In the for the State News or not. * a- ot niui BeUt" "Ced Bert Yc Kerry the place overrun by anonomio, for an Important job Southerner* celebrating next ginia. past we have welcomed histor¬ A training school Will be set tb. L-.,w diy wmiuat Genllewwn,- end Hoi/ h*UhCCB year's centennial of the out¬ In ancient language, there ians who have traeed the l**c up for any studMits xgho have ,-T.od flop tad %eu wot X*ht." from i*} his administration. But the r~J paper said ft could not learn break of the War Between the are several ways of spelling family back to this house and not had any pfc&tography ex- d Beer,one u —Tiled to )«rt Hoopiul that 1 what the post States. Lee-Lea and Leigh being just as we would be pleased tt) see pcuencr, according to Sharou ^Vy had not pUsaod a bon- j, wmbj ef the Yule Jacqueline, and hi, immediately members of the Lee family." Juuo F. Kanoedy it, an "This is quite a small house." acceptable as Lee. A Lee, Lea, toady, managing editor. to tbaj wool «• oae. kuoq uvonbi. . M I C H I C A X STATE NEWS Barracks Removal "Just Think—Some Day AII-American He Might Become Quarterback** Award Given 1960 Wolverine The I960 Wolverine, edited by Jennings T. Bird. Krioxville. Marks End of Era Tent?, graduate assistant, has received the highest possible national rating from the Asso¬ ciated Collegiate Pre v. The 488-page book in a bright green cover was one of the six yearbooks in its c!a«« to receive the coveted All Amer¬ ican award from the national association The Associate Collegiate Press conducts critical rating services yearly for college and university newspapers, year¬ books and "magazines. The pub¬ lications are judged in different classes according to the enroll¬ ment of each college. Michigan State is in the 7.000-plus group. Benjamin Allnutt. who judged the 1^0 Wolverine, praised the book for its use of color. He al-1 so commended the I960 Wolvc- CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS DEADLINES: 1 p.m. Day Bcfar* PaMkatim far Tata. WW- Than., and Fri. Editlaas. DaaSHaa far Man. ESttiaa: 1 Ma. Fri. F.D 2-1511 EXT. 26] AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING SERVICE I'}! PONTtAC. TH A VSPOHT A • TJon SPECIAL— run* ftv«d. »4J En 2-1244 43 MOUSE POR RENT. wtU accom¬ odate tour *tv*den'< Gee furnace t»53 CHEVROLET 4 POOR. • rvlin- heat. nice outet neighborhood. call dtr, standard, radio. heatr- Excel¬ EE MTU 43 lent condition. Will take trade. TV 2-3434 _ AT VERY MCE BUNGALOW house !•«.» VOLKSWAGON. SUNROOF*. for three or four graduate men or VERY clean. fail TV I-MT7 4! women. o»e Mock eaat et north Pennsylvania. Call TV 4-4333. AT MUST SELL? !W» BLACK Trutmph FOR RENT UNTIL April I. • TR3 excellent condition Wire room modern, furntshed homo to wheel*. radio, heater. Call Jay, E*t sa32 AS married couple 401 Latbrop At. Phono IV 4-«04. At FREE FILM WITH developing THREE ROOM niRNMHXO i-d printing Kodak movie film re*- Complete housrkeeri'.f fectlttt Couplet con tin tVrr ve in- lar 42 M. 42 24. **r Black and white one or two male atuoeeta. Ill 'Practitioner of Year Warv ■ *' the new b-. *k apar ret s v »t color. 41M: 42 04 KI3A. Iv ED I4IU II Marek Pnoacrtptlon Center thrjugn the summer of 14ji .•nur Re* all Drug Store be Frandor ATTRACTIVE. THREE ROOMS when the last of the oi l bar- AF e*t to N'attoral. tf witn tile bath Unfurnished esceet rei ngerator end stove Air-eondltien- ra-s dveK.-gt wis vacavi ed i'lone to camnus and AAP atore TVs vejr 4t»'ut o-e-tr rl c? MS'"* stu ••■•nt b-xiy eom.vj cf ma rr ed $tuden'.< Of Care-for-Aged Proposals SHOP NOW 123 Kenbcrrv Drive Adults. SPACE IN APARTMENT fee three men. parking ck»*e to campus. Four ED Aevnitfig t;» housing d.rwtor room« and bath. ED 4-3131. M T -n Du'.ca, many of these »:u- «i-- *.» '.-tw on campus m t'n - vervty V,. age. w.h h has 4 A . >- •<, Spartan V.iiage, 1.300 U-. v. and Cherry Ut-.e apart- ROOMS ROOMS FOR WW JIB term. Quiet neighborhood. 313 Albert. CaH ED 2-13*4 44 Tom PERSONAL 130 *Ho FOR THE FINEST In dance araffe It* Bud Spangle-. Don fciruth, Jar* Viet Br tun. Bobbv Steven* plus many r; tickets, Al 8125 Schramm. Buffai^, N Y.. aop So- more; and art J Sow. Dcxug Nel- ♦on. Okeir.oa junior. Any student, regari'.r s* if t Is on Union Board, may sign up. 9 - 4 2nd Floor Union (at the Union Board de»k m Utej j Union c >ccourse J he want* to j | work ea any og these conmit- In UB Office T1*K?T>AY. NOVEMBER ». \9M Board Reappoints Crossword Puzzle Ag Engineering Research Lowers Cost ACROSS Assoc Professors 91. Bowline I.To rifle club 4 Leaf of 4 9: Myaelf corolla 33. Portion • Carpenter'! 34 Meet an tool opponent !? Choler 33 Record* 13 Turkish highly decree 37 Artificial 14 Draw gam* 15 Animal Jelly SI. Dl virion cf 1? Make butter mankind 34 Platform IS Repretcnta* 40 rial I Political lion bottle rostrum 50 Stalk 43. Disparaged Si. Unyielding Ift Mar t 45 Aspire S3. Pounded 3. 7a ;e at true 11. Sma.:! tumor 28 Tottfri 48 Upright 16 Lanu 4 Mounts n> 2* Annrchen* 48 He under meature e peg s;on< obligation 5, Ireland til. Surrounds 28 Workout 4» Vw.l'ed «. Sunburn 20 Remove the 29 rre..-r. fahr.e 7. Busmets ©earn Ma or. V C .tier 21. Diss, act getter 30 Vtst* inters* > I Informal; ie talk 22. Griup* 23. Salty rropi (iuess Weight 24 proclamation 23vOne w >o re. Of IOCS Club ceives :? Hut. a an gift And Win Stereo skeleton 30. Piece vsci i.. P*IK.v Lundbn* backgammon 31. Intens- •motion ' 33. Billow j 34. Baxter 3d. Vagabond 37. Covenants 39 Pack of cards 40. Long way off 41 Be situated 42. Declaration: •bbr. 43. Female sheep 44. Emblem cf dawn 4?. Radium symbol Information University * Tl'NEUPS Beauty Salon * TOWING SERVICE (EAST LANSINGS MOST MODERN SALON) M> r. GRAND ft. 2 Doors East of Lucon ED 2-11] CD T-tllt FREE I'ARKINC Published by the Students cf Michigan State University, la- sued oa close day*. Moflday through Friday, Mag the toll, weekly during the summer term Second class postage paid at Ea.%! Lansing. Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 941 Student Services build¬ ing. Michigan State University, Bast Lansing. Michigan. Mail subscriptions payable in advance lor eoe term. $3; for tern tanas, 94; lor three terms, 93. « Why Not Plain Now ♦., , For A (iarrer Thai Attract* Many Men From Other Field*? Want the opportunity to make high earnings while study* ir.g at MS t»V* Many energetic students have earned higher annual incomes with our Company la only two years than they could expect to dthiev* yearly in a lifetime of other business employment.' We do a quality business in the life laagaari field. Wa maintain a continuing program of training wftth madam sales aids to make this possible. If your standards are high, and you are enrolled at M S.U, write or phone; JttMt H. Pohl, Superriaor MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE child rm. Cmm ia tarty lanrra* and check llxac tiiMly raJiM. at I ha 831 N. WooUaslM Ave., 1 earing oriddJt of Ika met. An txritiar buy lag opportunity! IV U8417 or 15' .V4810 DRESSES — COATS — SUITS SPORTSWEAR — KNIT DRESSES BLOUSES — SHOES Girls' Wear COATS AND DRESSES Sirm3 lo6x; 7 lo 14} end I'rrirrn Sim TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 29. ii,. PAGE FOUR » Houston anj New York • up a suitable amendment. . possi¬ having no part of a cempro- Washington Baseball men see little American leaguers appc.,- Spartans Eve bility of the National league's terminer to pu.—The new Washington c'ub of the Amer- t'cnal has voted to expand to Wednesday can shape the 10 clubs in 1962 by taking in future of baseball. i, • i ican league acquired its flr*t Campus Classifieds By PAI L sniMtr Your Key to Better Values state News Sports Writer . A p'evers Monday—Pitcher John The Michigan State caper*—»mine, spirited. and an¬ [c.-btvr and R,v Semproch—ai Bfe 11»-« maj"r< drafted 21 men from xious—have their eye on Saturday, t'"r that nivhrthey |H ■I J the min for ?447.POO. open their season ajraiu-t Butler I'nivorsitv in Jettison j 22n I man aSo was picked Fieldh«»n>e. ■1 j u. a debved draft by Bill Vecck * * * \< H B.i-k"'baT! C oa**h *8 ; president of t!ie Cncago White '^BH Sox bu: Commissioner Ford j x I ffl F"*.":i,iy \9.iejni' ■<*. .' . I Frick rul ' l the club alrca-Jv had Only I ico rz i•. c have no i.ica where f HS iW j the maximum 46 men on its ros- | ter. Frick said the roster was I frnscn N<>v. 7 with 36 players Ijetternwn „ I end Mon.UVt four drafts filled •hi- Snartans. lai-'t jit •••>. Wk di<-ented. v •« s•■*"«••• Washington was permitted two ; M ine* ons after the close of the (retuhir draft- It will get special, priority in Amrican league wil-J 'vers This indicated Washington; Theater NELS MARIN. Ijinslni freshman .(c) won first plare in Ike In. j definitely expected to operate tramural (nil fenrinje championships held la.I week. Dick Rcaudry. |I in t)oherty's (Ml. drafts emphasized Wyandotte senior took second place and Eduardo Granda, Quito, ! the knottr problem facing the Ecuador sophomore plared third. The thrre ended in a tie (or first I majors in their expansion moves. and settled (he placing »ilh a fence off. I'hoto by Jerry Holmes. The American*' t^acue has COML GABLES9 nine clubs and wants to E® to 10 j I pv taking in Los Angeles, alsoj i for ' 1961 Cnnfmlartoner Frick i won't approve a second club in I Los Angeles until baseball's ter- ILFORNO 'Excellent Year for State ! ritortal rule has a "fair and I equitable" amendment. Frick has called league pres:- ..RESTAURANT.. coj.hcs especially was the fact,men Fred BoyKn. Oscar llahn dents J:e Cronin of the Ameri- t.nt boeauio of "down-to-the- and Mickey Walker, halfback ' can and Warren Giles of the Ni- •the name that marie PIZZA /amour in Lantinf' wire" battvs week after week ! Herb Adderley and dcfe&ive i ttonal to meet with him In New I they had virtually no opportua- specialist Ike Grtmsley. 'York Wednesday to try to draw lity to try anyone a*, quarter' , . OPEN DAILY 5 PAL 12 NOON ON SUNDAY i back other than senior Tommy' WiVwn played over 200 mm-' WwBE d~f KM!!! ALSO SPECIALIZING IN — "Wi — PaMMwie |have to start all over again in 8lHHUT IWilBlBlfc * ITALIAN SMMETT1 ★ developing *a quarterback to an«*iiai«i tensive and club. The ex- brilliant work done1 BB^fl^EB . PBH^B m«55o5 earned h.m the Gov- BD Out- yrar j BB Q|H[ Besides the ma- JHJ | For Something Really Different—Try Our Jason Harness, Interior Lne- ^ Dinners • Snack, • Sandwich** • Pint Starts COME EARLY FOR SEATS STARTING WEDNESDAY REQUEST RETURN ENGAGEMENT FOR THOSE WHO MISSED IT AND THOSE WHO WANT TO SEE IT AGAIN! MICHIGAN laae a.e am | > Nrosnma, my lovc DORIS DAY • LOUIS JOURDAN Intraniural 2nd Week BARRY SULLIVAN • FRANK LOVEJOY Sehedules 6waysto hypnotize men l>cr wonder why some of the pUmcM foh walk off with the 0V>4 . two year.;. prison sentences of 20 delegates j tion never should have been victions to the U.S. Supreme Mech. ii Civil (B) Engrs. for ture (Dec. A Mar. grads only) and West, reports the president ' S'.udcpt < acquiring fiu- .many students hen* taking Rus¬ an* to the 1>57 underworld eonven- started at all, the opinion held, Court. Ktis.van much qu:ck« r engineer-tn-trainlng program for sales training program of the Michigan chapter of the sian courses too v.- as there rrirv m t'on at Applaefun, NY. The adding: The 2i» were convicted a year for marketing operations, on- leading to an assigned terri¬ American Assn. of Teachers of i were four vear.s ago. -. t an previau.dv. say- polmrat- go\-ernmrnt- which had boasted "IX AMERICA, xe IliU rr. • a go under a conspiracy indict- gineering A plant distribution tory in the midwest. (Majors Slavic and East European Lan¬ Dr. Stanley R. Town-end.- .•);>. pointing out that emp.*ia>..» c: the convictions, was soundly ; men*, which the government positions. f-head of the department of for-, > m»w being placed on conver- ' spect the dignity of the individ¬ Accounting (B) from Business A Public Ser¬ guages. criticized for its handling of the ual. and even an hailed as a strong, new lever majors A all other majors vice should have The Michigan chapter, formed s!it:on. Important tools in this agricul¬ j eign languages, described to the , an unsavory char- against organized crime in this c-se from start to finish. i acter is not to be imprisoned (B) (Dec. A Mar. greds only) tural background.) a year ago. recently appraised ; country. The justice depart¬ from the college of Business the state's language programs at | tcachbrs.the basic principles un¬ ; sueh as the-recently r\- The three-man U.S. Circuit j except on definite proof of spec¬ ment at the time forecast that Vtektag Ce.: Chemistry derlying the university's lu:i- A Public Service (with ac¬ (B) the first j. iuded language laboratories a*. Court of Appeals, unanimously ific crime." working meeting held i "syndicated crime may soon counting or economics back¬ (M) majors and Chem. A here jguage program. M eh:gun Stat**. dismissing the convictions, call¬ |i Actually, the 20 defendants | have its death knell." ground) interested in training Mech. (B) (M) EngT*. for re¬ Re-elected to head the organ¬ TOWNSliNI) INDICATED t < Te. director "of the language ed the government'* have not been imprisoned. They search A case "a f have been THE GOVCBNWEVT offered positions in the treasury dept. development and ization for another year Was Dr the startling scientific advances ' : iheiMtor.i s, Sergey N. Andre'/. free on bail pending 1 engineering positions. boot-strap operation," based on 1 the appeal since they .were sen- a unique argument during the Nikolai P. Poltoratzky. associate ief the Russians an i the imprw- I Prof. Vera Dunham of tenced last January to federal J trial here. First, it assumed that j •'crash methods." DECK I S. IMS City ef Milwaukee: Civil (B) professor of foreign languages. led teaching techniques in f Wayne State university deiivei- The opinion, in effect' accused ; the gathering »*• Apalaehbt had! (M) Engrs. for varied mun¬ Teachers from high schools, eign language departments are » .i p »i" : : at tea- M cJugan State the government of setting up a j sentences ranging from three to a sinister motive—auch as carv- Smmmi Mobil ON Ca- lur- Mo¬ • universities j two reasons why students are assign¬ colleges and e-Lr.g. mc | five years on conspiracy charges, icipal engineering series of unproven assumptions, | ir.g up gangland territory and bil Cb—lial Co* f ahlm j There was* no immediate word 1 rackets. But the appeals court;j Labs.: Chomiatry ments. throughout Michigan, according i showing an increased interest in and then belaboring the defend- 'from (Analytical) to Poltoratzky, reported in¬ j Russian. Washington on whether I said: (D) majors for positions in Perhaps the most curious f inorganic A organic analyses. DECEMBER S. ma creased interest and emphasis i on It is now possible. Townsen ! Russian and similar lan 1 reports, to study Russian, a * PIZZA! 87c feature of this strange case Chemistry (Physical) (D) | major subject at Michigan Stat-.- WEDNESDAY - NOV, 30 Wall Street Jeurnal: Majors guages. Worst Storm of Seasoni •' the fact rears that after there is not a shred of legal evidence that the Apala¬ :< all these majors for basic, exploratory' it applied research on various (B) (M) from the college of Communication Arts ONE OF THE MO*T spectac¬ land steps arc bein^ taken t ■ (with ular general increases in the i develop .» master - program- in , PIZZA PIT aspects of catalysis of hydro¬ Russian program, he notes, Is the near future. He add; in;<: KM J-OSB.'l ehin gathering wa.« illegal or emphasis on Journalism) Hits Midwest With Snow even improper in either or fact." purpose carbon reactions. Polymer chemistry. Catalysis of potrol- •um chemical reactions. Me¬ (Dec. A Mar. grads only) for | on campus. positions as reporters and j Although many students still , 13 new courses will be* gradual¬ i copyreaders. CHIEF GETS THE BILL Secondly, the government as- chanism of lubricant additive | CHICAGO. WPv-—The worst storm, of tho season bit the turned—and the jury agreed— function. Chemistry (Organic) Pemdale Public Scbeelt: Ele¬ MADEL1A, Minn. (,1h—When ( midwest with numbing colli, drifting: snow and violent !;h*' Apalaehin delegates, (D) majors for Fstymsrs A mentary (B) Education maj¬ the damage was added up after ors and Jr. High Science (B) j Windt" Monde v. ) 1 knowing their gathering was U- plastics, synthesis of additives a fire at the Arthur Kurtz farm, j . " T^ie Stricken . area hai Deer. -pi.., rw,wbrKki M". rut their heads together for fuels A lubricants, physi¬ majors for teaching positions. the biggest loss went to Fire. srftenod up j • - far the Sunday- nesou. Kansas, Iowa and upper.dw;Ve future f^eral .♦<> Up a story that would cal organic studies of mechan¬ (Dec. A Mar. grads only). Chief Joe Marturano. and state ism of hydrocarbon oxidation. Kunz had the ftre out by the Maaday punch by *?me of the Michigan - fell victim to snow j investigators—a | DECEMBER I, IMP ; story that they Chemistry (Inorganic) (D) time the firemen arrived, and y10®* Think»fiy:r»s ho..- J an-j ice with its attendant haz-! gathered Nov. 14, IM7. at the majors for catalyst prepara¬ Lawrence Radiation Lab.: Math his new homo suffered only. day 1 •ther on record. arts, slippery or snow-drar.f i New York home of the tion studies, production of A Physics majors for theoret¬ smoke damage. ads, snapped utility and J*** Jo«*Ph Barbara Sr. only oil-soluble forms of metals ical A applied research posi¬ But Marturano's car went off, dangerous blowing. because he was III and they for additive functions. tions. Elcc. Engrs. and Mech. a gravel road en route to the Air Force All the Great Lakes given gale warnings. The worst j were wished to pay him their re- Barbara died June 17, I'M. Naval (M) (D) Engrs. for R A D scene, hit a pole and was dam- i . Lamina'* Only inlhoriznl Dmlrr positions. aged 1300 worth. winds were churning Lake Su- 4,,v tnryi Chemistry (D) major). Mil Austin llillm.-in Closes Down ponor Math K Physics majors and Met. Engrs. for RAD posi¬ Morris Austin Drain Sunlioani Huge waves pounded the har- \i%w Firfi! I nalv Three Base bor area of the twin cue* cf Duluth. Minn., and Superior, a i • r,rBI ■ » gw tions. Civil (B) Engrs. for de¬ sign-public works positions. LAMEST DISCOUNT IN TOWN ^ ltilr> JnKUiir Alfn - llnmeu W'.s. and the WASHINGTON (7*—-The A r I n ?rth shore. Gusts of 72 mph Lake Sjpencr AuVISPtl DV Dr. Elect, and Mech. Engrs. for halt's Sen in- research, design A develop¬ Force announced Monday the broke windows in the Duluth _ , _ f, ment pos. lions. Ml'FFLERS — TA11. PIPES — EXHACST PIPES | () |3K0 || complete dosing of three major ship canal lighthouse 40 feet ' POUSHES • WAXES PAINTS BRUSHES bases, the reduction fo a fourth above the normal base to a reserve status and a The wind also knocked out the water line WASHINGTON (/Ft—The new jady, Mrs. Jacqueline Ken- The (Hidden <*•.: Accounting (B) (M) majors for account¬ ing. auditing A credit peti¬ — — COMPLETE LINE OF ACCESSORIES — BROOKS IMPORTED CARS change of miss.or. for another radio direction finder and the r^y> hai been advised by her base. foghorn. ! doctor to curtail her social ac- tions. Majors (B) from the ."Oi l N. liraml Itivrr Tb* three ba.«cs scheduled to Highway 6! running along• tiv'.tie* in the White House and college of Busings* A Public (near oirpurl) be shut down by June arc: Mi!- the Lake Superior shore from • to take Service (Dec. A Mar. grads New tc Rebuilt the! Long Island, N Y. Chcn- Duluth ?«» Grand Mara is, Minn* things easy for the next only) with emphasis on Gen- SPRING •mmu nault at Lake Charles. La, and a stretch of about 100 miles,' six months, pr j0hn Walsh explained SERVICE LIIIMII}: I'll. IV 9 .".>68 MacDill at Tampa. Fla. was closet! Monday that Mrs. Kennedy will .CLUTCH CLAIM Donaldson Air Force Base. Two traffic deaths, m Minne- hive to "cut down—not elimi- MEMO PAD REFILL Greenville, SC, will cea>e tunc- s>ta and North Dakota, were nate—some of the White House' t.onkif at a regular Afr Force blamed on blowing, drifting social activities facility by June: thereafter it snow. The death of an airplane wiH be used for reserve*. pilot in a Nebraska crash also. normal or Hunter Atr Force Base at Sa¬ •aa.; laid to the storm. He said "there U nothing ab-! ; condition." alarming about her1 I KRAMER AUTO - $2000.00 vannah, Ga. will lose its strate¬ gic air command mission m the tered At noon the storm was cen- in She is recovering southern Minnesota 1 from delivery of her son by a : normally; Ship PARTS soring, when tt wiU be trans¬ and w as expected to continue Caesarean section, "but ferred to the miLtary air trans¬ raging north-northeastward. As extra-j port command. it moved along the weather was the first ordinary demands are made on I lady." Walsh added, TOD MA0NME SHOP SERVICE The Air Force aa.i the study expected • improve ia its wake. The doctor, who attended Mrs. 111 E. Grand Blew. S. Laas which brought about these ma¬ The U.S. weather Iff W. bureau; Kennedy through the Caesarean «K) E. KALAMAZOO ST. I'llONE IV M335 jor rhangrn was made necessary posted heavy snow warnings birth ear.y Friday, no'M that it by the transition from manned with local blizzard conditions aircraft to a mixed fnrce of mis¬ f>r northern Minnesota and east-! cover from j takes any woman time to rr- having a baby siles and piloted airplanes. em parts of the Dakota*. i "The first lady has 10.000 Some 19 additional S x inches or rr. >re of new moves and conversions were a:- j snow appeare! bicelv to arc urn- j Mrs. Smith." he j more duties than the ordinary COMPARE! pointed out. a:t r over the area, drifting! So. Dr. WalSh has advised Air Force' personnel a: the urv.icr tvnrth to northwest winds j Mrs. Kennedy to eliminate non- major bases to be closed wi", ?>< 30 to 60 mph. j essentials when she moves into transferred to other acLve un.'s The drop in temperatures (the White House —"to a'.teruj' You have wrn iIicm- ilrui- activities cr The number cf avilians who seemed count sufficiently sharp to for cold ac- conditions | the major, necessary funeLons \ wave an J try to curtail the leaser In ollirr More* el a higlirr pricr. will loa* their jobs was estimat¬ in Iowa A hard freeze .was thing* t until ahe can handle j ed at IJ00 at Mltchel: Chan- forecast through Oklahoma and ) them." rault KM. MacDill 4<>\ and into northern Texas and north-! He said that period should be Now mx> litem at Docaldson 30*3. 'west Arkansas. 'about *ix months. J. B. TOWNE 100% Cotton TWHwet Corduroy •M * tnum DhM lm PrlM ,t I. B. Tmtb, 19.75 To Anyone' j Moving Tliis r? Triad Man Bagnlw . Only 2 Short Ieet! Yes that's right. S'J.000 reward, The alwive plcturpd man Qgazattas? Tlou»er Cord I'anN GrreimtMd will pit hit strength againnt ANVOM.. H« Is Mr. America. Here's all you have to do lo win $£,000. Mr. America will pay this amount to ANYONE who can Menthol CeMMreplfc Shell ( erriuror move Itim oniy two short feet. Il«- will give jou one free, rlean punch Into his midsection and If >ou move. Itim th<* Cigarettes? lasfUn — 29-2 f reiiuireri two feet YOU will win the $2,000. Come one. coin." H'alst Siiti — 2». id all, he sou a (ooth.ill player,- wrestler, boxer, chemist or what have you Intituling cheerleaders and dorm mothers, NOW! Come Up...All The Way Up "4.65 you can are eligible. Anyone interested in winning this money apply Wednesday, November 3«>th at ) p m, sharp In the main lobby of the Lansing CIVIC CENTER. Of those to the MENTHOL MAGIC NHNMtm. applying four M> will be selected to take one punch each. They wilt also be admitted free to the big ALL KtAK HRKHTLINf* MIOtV tomorrow night at the CIVIC CENTER ofKOOL! Remember though, to apply for the grand punch, you must be In the main lotib'y of the Lansing Civic Center at 5 11.75 *5.35 p.m. Sharp, Wednesday November 30th. Whn me nee MO* twj VeReeiaradMoqe. See "The" MR. AMERICAS etOnly Koel— match Ihelr -speed and skill against Tony Bailergdn and r ttor oq«r»e?. .WE ISVITE STUDENT CHARGE ACCOUNTS Luis Martinez in a tag. team match. Aim see % midget match between HUlv the Kid and The lit own Fanther plus two ro towr —Hfaol cig-n-M - •ther headline attraction*. I ir*t bout begin* promptly at qnw log ml M-ntbci • pjn, so you are out by J4 p m.1 M II- 25L (Enum aiace 1ISV 211 E. (.RAND RIVER BIG TIME WRESTLING Sponsored Ity V. I'. IV, Post 6132 ( I TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 19(10 PAGE SIX MICHIGAN STATE NEWS WHO'S WIONG Wayne Slate Enrollment CORTEZ,*Colo. VD—Roy Jack contest. One word kept him Michigan Auto Oub from having perfect acore: Crowson isn't so certain he be¬ Short of 1957 Record Tariff. lieves in book learning any Puzzled, he produced the book more. he was given to study for the Anticipates Trouble Wayne Stale University has . liberal .arts college, followed by He was competing for the contest The book came up with 3 719 in the college of education the word spelled "Turriff." • reported* a tall semester enroll¬ and 1.538 right to enter the state spelling in the engineering ment of 21.531. 36(1 short of the I college. More than two million calls for emergency road sendee university's 1957 registration re- will be sent out by stranded Michigan motorists during the cord. NoMoy lair next four months, Automobile Club of Michigan predicted University of Michigan The Dean Kriekson j Monday. previously reported a fall enroll¬ ment of 24.229. including all stu¬ ! Hylw 1 Thi* represents more than dents on its Ann Arbor, Flint Named lo 12-tlan MSU Gets 'half I of the annual total of break- downs, according to Robert C. • and j enrolled Dearborn campuses. MSU 1 23,373- including 908 at National Group 3^y ff'fc v let thermsh ijjBp *3* f) i N'isbet, Auto Club road service fMSUO. you lo a frootle? New Film ■ manager, who urged car owners to take special winterizing pre- Wayne's enrollment full-time Includes students and ;-of Dr Clifford I Erlcksort. dean education, h.45 been named to irenr # .. j cautions. 10,033 11.501 enrolled part-time Men a 12-man advisory committee Get a Sew Hair Style A projection of our records i on development of the Counsel- indicates that approximately outnumber women students i :ng and Guidance Institutes '—' • 2.161.000 Michigan drivers can 12.027 to 9.507. Program provided by the Na- and perk up. The Wayne student body In¬ i tional Defense Education Act. A r.ew film series, "Horizons', expect - to have some car trouble cludes 15.251 undergraduates. The institutes are conducted of Science.- has been place I m - .*!*""li Nisbet. "Cold, damp weather 402 i.n the medical school. 381 at colleges and universities to Bill a 1 MSU's audio visual center library vnom i in the law school and 5,500 in improve the professional quali- * the motorist's number one enemy, and w'll te made available to neat ions of secondary school Even so. modern cars, given pro- f graduate school. Ii ! I , schools, civic groups and other 'counselors and teachers tram- 1 per care, can go through the sc- 1 Wayne reported its largest en interested organiza*:- n- ling to be counselors. The set of 10 different 16 mm, vcrcst winter mechanical failure " without a single' jrellmeat, 7.818 students, in the Since the NDEA was passed 201 ARDOT APTS. STATE BANK BUILDING scientific films were placed in 60 1 two years ago, more than 0,200 t major audio-visual centcrsj R ASING Ills forecast on past i .SorMnli To Steel 'persons have taken par? in 133 •summer and 28 regular session w throughout the country under a rxperienre, the Auto Club road ! KAMI I.Y M A N—President -eleet John F. Kenned v The Young Socialists club cjswjitutes.. About 3.400 will at¬ grant from the United States service expert said that 75 per' v »i 14 5'eel foundation. Jrv- j cent of all calls to garages for J gives g helping hand to his t hree-v ear-old daughter. The color films will he made j assistance will result from bat- j available on a loan basis on tory and electrical system fail¬ ■ Caroline, as she sets out from her (Jeorgetowa home for a 'ct"r" '"""ll,* * serlbM a loo.ono-f.ot trip into lM .t.m,nal connections are! ,^ak visits are sponsored by the En¬ at a gineers Joint Council and the 1/2 BaHee of Otke, AND LAUNDERED spare, and other films are con-j tight Bjerhammar will speak at a American Society of Civil Engi¬ remed with such fields aa atom- j «*l engineering department neers through a grant from the Roof leer or Oraago i.- research, computers, history | 3 fgmtlon system — Have on thf [°ur'h J National Science Foundation. of the earth, and the universe. I distributor points, ignition coil, |J"» .J-E'ectro On''- WMh 2 Rog. too Km Pizza While bh, film, are of special con,Ion,.,r. spark plug,, genera-1 HJ» ^n^ M^uur^ ^ I'se Our ( ompkif ( Inning and Landry Scrvica Interest to high school studenls. '-or. and lal ignition wiring in-' Thl, s.A.crt,,k professor is well (I'lain Cheese Excluded) Dr. Page points out they are also! «pect«d by a competent man. knoA n in international survey¬ DISC SHOP ed general Interest and suitable for adult groups. 1 Cooling System sufficient Check for, anti-freeze, see that all in^ circles. 11c his specialized in optical and electronic meai- 323 East Grand River (AHPUS DRY CLEANERS VARSITY DRIVE IN The audio visual center h-is! ra(i,atof am* hcater hoscs tnd,uring devices, paralyx triangu- inore than 8 000 sound film*' c"nn*'ctiwn» are 'n condition I ution automat.c mapping and (NEXT TO HEW FEE'S) 547 K. GRAND RIVF.R ED 7-D75J available fir loan off and on and fan ProPerl3r ■djuateit. application* of the calculus of East l-anainR** campus. Films and catalogs are avail¬ MY POP Only Exclusive TUX RENTALS FOR able on request from the audio¬ Kcconl Shop £0 2-0617 visual center. BETS BoRvory Sorrieo OdO HOLIDAY FESTIWTES OPEN EVERY EVB0H6 CM Man to Sfteak Edward N. Cole, vice presi¬ dent of General Motors, and HIS HAIRCUTS general manager of the Chevro¬ campus LUCKY STRIKE PRESENTS: let division, will speak in the character: . graduate school of business ad¬ AT VAN'S seiLHRsnadD: ministration lecture series in tha Union ballroom at 3 10 p.m Wedneniuy HSU BARBER SHOP (NEXT DOOR TO CASA NOVA) TMt mv "Life ain't all Iwer nntl skittles," a* the my ing goes PIZZA! 87c lltlRCTT APPOINTMENT* AVAILABLE ED t-HII on. roooot TWOMtHt oou enough students got together, maybe skittles could make a big comeback. — —but if WEDNESDAY. NOV. 30 I CHAIRS FOE VOCE CONVENIENT PIZZA PIT SCALP AND FACIAL MASSAC.I Iv"J" ■' •nmaHMMM) El) 2-0863 SHOE RHINE D«.r Or. Fread: I don't toaak Iron ptrsoiul eiper—nce. but I und«r>und an tn» mw in this coi«(« are aoim. What do you think a revpectao1. cr' lik. me — unth a food old taahionad up- bringma—ahou'd do about this Situation ? Strait Laced OtMt strait Ore* your hanUmtRiat. NEED CASH? 1 'jV . We BLACKSTONI TORT tar Or. FratdiWhan I antared coiiaga at a frastunan (Ma tall, my tathar gav. ma a trery largt sum ol monay to com room, baard. tuition, books and all othar tipansas tor tour lull yuars ol epilogs. FvMu uf tha law nhoM. Bocms* ol i Bin Mas ta yaar lacb wlB ibiapi. hraad brief* while preparing tear Mired m. for a data. I »m mtullif.nt USED TEXTBOOKS hi* brief*. Eadurivt Jockey and MSy to I— .long with Cncioaad is my tailoring givas hue a Umu* of comfort he get* ia m other snapshot. What do you thmk it wrong' underwear. Fine Jockey Left Oat com bad cotton ia bkw ab- I tfT. - , mma danna taa nmkta use 1. mouw coouowwg on poomo •orbent,*moothorOtuag.bxv. To look your beat, feef your aaan angla. I can awty candaOa that beat, take a tig Horn Tut. US-It Always lariat — Juukuy brand briria. 113k Tour | L» r,c-matv'i iinigli Hm kaatkam now! tar Dr. I read: According to my Igarev SELL NOW m oner nmaty tire per cant of tha stuitonts hare are baicw arerag*. WTut it wmng* Daw Or. Fread: Do you think it it tata for a girt la walk homa alona from a collsns ^Jockey Mailt V./or (tonca? Get Beat Returns Sanaa* dub math Vau are to a on your textbook briefs investment before r reMitf's. i aa - .uAMauk.Aia«fjiwuMnMr«i)i: Christmas Vacation DON'T DBCAH TRADITION. UABNS FDOOOt Ona of tha praudast traditions an tha Areahcan campus, reports Dr. Frood. is smoAmg Luckiat. Today coflag* ttudants treoAa mora Luckias than any othor regular. According to Dr. Fread. "Any stwdant who breaks tore tradRon not only "The Supermarket of Edtteation;" rotis tumsah ol tha toll pressure at smoking—but also could, cancairebly. bring tha Curs, at Freed down upon tha entire stixMnt body.' Spartan Book Store FACING THE FAMOIS TRIANGLE CHANGE TO LUCKIES and get some taste for a change! - Asrfwttf iSf bfinrea. jEGaw6yay- jSGwwurarwdddltaww