Serving MSU For 51 Year* VOLUME 25. NO. 103 KAST LANSING. MICHIGAN. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMRKK 30. ISbu I'BICE 5 CENTS Mothers Lose First Round in Boycott of Integrated Schools Kennedy Hints Posts NEW ORLEANS i.Vi -Eight- f ntr white children to attend ing-mad whitp mothers—rvowing; the school along with one Negro wished As they drove jiff, pick¬ ets beat and kicked the car in For Bowles and Hodges a boycott of Integrated schools girl. ! frustration to the finish—jousted with New .\ .quid of blockading moth- cabim t. member.- foid. -who is succeeding Hodge* WE'RE GOING to get the job : WASHINGTON V 1*1.-1 one 01 t\v it Orleans police Tuesday. The crs spied two in North Carolina, and with statu white mothers done." said one of the picketing } dent-Elect John F. Kennedy wilhlit the t u-xl few days. ±->' mothers lost. Democratic Chairman Bert Ben¬ who had taken their children liuM LI Reluctantly, amid yells and • into the school and swept down screams, the mothers broke j upon them. mothers A living >ciuadron of pickets even visited the home of one of \ 1 j dropped hirit> Tuesday that there 1 may be openings in the new ad- ministration f<»v Ghe*tei Bowie- of Hodges Gong 1e a S |S a t"com ret iring governor. ictiritig membef t oimcrticut, Both nett Jr. Kennedy e*rorted Bowle.1 t-» their mass picket line under: "They should beat her *t;l she the door aftei breakfast. He toM the mothers whose child was in- 1 nitd Gov. Luther II. 1 lodges of are I rat - p-essure from shoving police. A can't stand up." yelled one wo- side the school, trying to get her they didn't discuss tho North ('arotioh. Bowie* ha tig ur i in specula- newsmen young white Protestant minister man during, the arm-waving ar- to join the boycott, for S future of the man who once wa« < Bui Kennedy'- Pre** Seeretarj. t ion ry of State; escorted his five-year-oldjgunwnt that followed. The passing of the day did Ilodge* fo> Sc. taty of Goiu- ambassador to India, governor of daughter into school. •William THE LITTLE daughter of the Frantz Language became heated. The nothing to lessen tempers. Mr. besieged mothers shouted that Foreman spirited his child out j they had the right to take their a back door at noon**ime and I Pierre Salman. »aul: • "The talked ! him to be to president-elect a.ty person ha* not and asked llieive Bowie* was a breakfast 'guest Connecticut administrator. and a But he "WE WILL be mscussing it." fedeial fried added; a member of hi* cab at the Kennedy residence in Rev. Lloyd Foreman was one of I children into In the fi.', minutes they wcro any school they the mothers sent up a shout of • met " , Georgetown Tuesday morning. ' , ~~ — i derision after they spotted his Nevertheless, Kennedy natue- Later, the preMdeiil-elvct talked together. Kennedy -aid, they C0V- car driving a\Ch> I ally has been searching for peo¬ about Hodges with Terry San- srr KENNEDY Page 5 Dr. Soble Arrested A CATHOLIC priest, the Rvv< Father Jerome Drolet urban Kenner. walked through uf sub¬ ple to till the key post-, in the i government which assumes pow¬ Jan 20. He expect* to name JVlaebeth er For Wartime Spying ; the crowd at this time 'Drolet Foreman day. had into accompanied th*v school Father Mr., Mon¬ J f budget director shortly and1 Opening NEW YORK LP)—br. Robert The government said the doe- ist." A mother* .veiled: Another* shouted "Commun¬ The Bible 16 Dotal in At Fairchild Tonight >oble, a supervising psychiatrist' tor's. particular espionage target doesn't sty we have to mte- Hv NAN LANGIN dv .re* ail of these thing*. ata Mf »Ute mental fiospital. was'wa* America's World War II in. arrested Tuesdav on federal J*11'*"*"' Including the gr.\v " Father Drolet ignored the w •- -X— . - Is Jit Train-Bus Male News leature Writer "Maeoetn," the second major The setting f• »r '•Macbeth," de.signed by Edward Andreasert charge* of wartime _ - hush-hush Office of Strategic men. He chatted with police. pi " '.ni t !>r, 1,!' tin University of the department of speech, spying *orj Service* Soviet Russia. The government He called him a member of an e*pion- 1 with conspiring to obtain doeu- was He voiced the opinion the moth¬ specifically charged ers should not be allowed to more. lUNDLKI) l.T—Marjorie Knipp*. Gay lord sopho¬ took shelter from Old Man Winter ye*terda> and Smash aF theater, .1.1 formanee opens theater will tonight at 8 p.m. in Fair- 1'rr- through; bring, the play almost to tho front rnv of the audience, "Macbeth" promises an cve- block sidewalks or disturb the continue •f« fine headed by bis brother, ments, photographs and other peace donned her winter coat a* temperature* ranged in the Sonct r. Dee 4 There will be' mng of excitement from' tiid now imprisoned. data, particularly in the New middle 20'a all day. (State New* Photo b) I hut Will) } UN MONT. Alta DP'—Sixteen MAINLY, the boycott of ,1 manner on Saturday. Dec 3.; opening curtain until the B r¬ Dr. Soble, 6t>. whose legal name ! York city area, for transmission two integrated schools—William j hich school students died Tue*- at ■> pn\ nam Wood actually moves down !« "Soblen," is a brother of Jack,to the Soviet Union. Frant/ and McDonogh N > l» | stay as a fast moving freight ' Maeheth.' the best known of the aisles to Dunsiliane. Soble, ft?, serving a seven year: The indictment charged that held firm Two more white em7. prison sentence since 195? fori for almost 20 years Dr. Soble drcn entered William Frantz- — Dress Up Students! 1 train smashed into a school bus and dragged It a quarter mile Shakesoran '* of violence and plays, is s^ivagerv. a story Dun- ' —- —■ ■ • - espionage. Dr. Soble facts a pos- 'dealt with information ahout per- 3 total of four — against Mon- Unto this central Alberta town. can -, murder Is only the tir-t stble death penalty. " jsomiel. activities and orgariia- day's two Hut. a: McDouogh ■' lion of the OSS and other govern- No 19. for the second day Winter Is Upon U>s sons By police reckoning, 42 per¬ were aboard the yellow .'f commit many in inat order Macbeth to retain must the Governor jment intelligence arencie*. white children entered Du* when it w as .struck at a J crown he tore from Duncan» T^T I>r. Soble was arreted Tuesday Twenty-five j hr,,'i in- Will B* SHARON COADY crossing. were 'rf^ Rockland State hos- seriously.; The imagery of darkness Enter red tights, jured. 10 of them *s T*vs > Gone are the days of the trench coat. run* j throughout the play. The , pital at Orangeburg. N.Y on his way to lunch. FBI agents brought ., Russian muig green ami white striped mufflers ami that glorious, One student escaped injury Frank Butney, 27, a farmer I ders are committed in the mur- night Shorts him to New York, where he main¬ tains a medical office. invention of the shoe manufacturers—snow boots. Toe winter season began in { who drove the bus, was among j the survivors. Citizens living duff', family meeting then talc time trom Duncan's t,» Mac- Tax Tallx frmrgv LIT lAMtly •Keu* - « | Jack Soble. before he went to prison, fu! for his was described a* remorse- crime and anxious to Program earnest East p ra. as a cold Lansing Monday at Ram and thunder preccd- front passed'89 degrees a- 7 p.m. to a a: midnight. cool; nearby said he may have been at the hand of Macbeth. Around one to three inches ofJ he started his bu blinded by the morning sun as onto the Ladv "he director Frank Macbeth, according Rutleitgi of i islntivc session LANSING. t'Ti—A special will be called trjj- UNITED NATIONS. N Y. (At all he know about the —The Soviet Union demanded headed in' this atone for it by telling authorities spy ring ho; Is Tonight ed the front winds which up to 60 miles per hour >> _ _ brought' *m>w arp t'*P*cled to accumu- {crossing The bus made an in- late near Lake Michigan today i clmed approach to The cold" iur caught"*tudem*'bu' th" Lansing weather bureau j level rrossing reach the the department of speech. very nice person She 13 not as uut through the one cent sales cv.1 a* she ha* so often been -lax before the end of the year t.» country for 10» merease approved by the Tinsdsy an end ia to uir v»s. UN the vast expects under an inch Uie hu.s- year*. There wis no. explanation I The Russian club will give an and faculty unaware*. Monday | Canadian Nations Railways 'estimated its train—-two dic.*»l portrayed She urges her voters. Gov. Williams said operation in the Congo on the as to ^ why. therefore, three years all-Russian performance today 1 was a balmy day with tempera- E<«>t Lansing area hand on ix'causr she love him Tuesday grtmadi SocraUryj rrjamml Jt»i elapsed. , before the arrest of his at ? p m. in the Music and. as ture* m the low 60'*. Khaki was Snow flurries and rloudincm, engines and 27 car mov¬ deeply and believes he trill; William, said a date has not Haawtankjoid ha« ia?, Dr. Sohlr. Asst. U. S. members present a trie dominate color on campu* will continue through Thursday ing at about 50 miles an hour ye' In en *c" for the session. the United Nations in order to play, prose. Temper3'ure« are not expected Temperatures were below /no WdiMm.* said he and Gov- Atty. Morton S. Robson #ouWsay poetry ifld music. trench coat* wr.e haule i to above the mid-2ft'*- Uaiiipus pav for it. a: the time but visibility wit* eb-et John B. Swaihson w.irt Im The demand pa me in the UN! only Explanations m Kngllxn. wUl fr^f?' 1,1 T TRENl H °"1* J"1 «-'2- That means winter parapher¬ good. heck signals first with legisla¬ Assembly's budgetary comm.- Mueh of the credit in thi* rn»e prrxtde each performance. ]»4Ttl .sent nalia, from cozy cups and The teen-age students were i leaders nf both parties be- ..- .-j fee after the United States an¬ . must 1^ given . tho FBI. which A one-act comedy. "Maphous- 1!1 lh4* c!t>s,ci Monday wnew scarf*, to warm mittens, will be tn the 10th to 12th grades .1 tive Notes tie issuance of the formal tail nounced it will contnbute about ► has been conducting an intensive will star Lubov Kishenia.1 temperature 4ropH from n order to survive the long the high school in this farming i We wan' to make sur- investigation for several year*."' sophomore. Ronald • that *14 million more than its h k« * from the quonaets to town u' .1 few nor-j Eighteen other person* wore Kkx Kk""- Ka'- Unsing junior; Lar- hundred resi¬ i In'; agrc-eable t» all will be mal share of the Congo opera- t.on, and appealed to all UN rnmbn u. hrip .ftouldcr tat Sn>4' j named in an indictment with Dr. r-v Radick. v »-"n.rir.wr. in tn. L.cseiotte senior, Waldek, Lansing and lev Walks Berkev < OEDS GUT out tneir Let* of capital e>ty. ff*n *A!*h cars Tursdav in h northeast of the Edmonton They Dinner Tiekft* nil >.l!•' le.rlv . ca-e t ' . implement William* said t-. "We al- in- - . Want to tv sure th.s will noi financial buraen involved. ca*e. The indictment wa* opei^ed | A A. Sokolaky. a.^sistant aca- ,0Phbbie* of building* were Residents converged on >he Revel ale r students 'My time Is running loiter, Dr. Soble went before direct the play. own Sandra R 'ark. Garden City | jammed as students waited lor | imas'ied wreckage and placed at the rkrt ■ffice and out." added the Democratie gnv- LONDON OPT— Sir Witutoa Judge HcrUml* for a bail hearing Chupchil!, recovering from a and informed tlve e«nirt sophomore, will read her own poem in Ruaxian while Ztaiga Fall Victim ^ a r;Hc, N'» one winds waiting an available ' survivor | extra hair hour when a .friend car* lor , short trip privi the for fact log;; -latT Kv - enior .he end w-h-. gov. out of office at of the year back injurj*, skim met! over '"My legal name i« Soblen." I will be ( oonnc B - any mistatc Archer Memorial hospital To SwainMiri said he did nr.' f.t\ - Kuze, East Lansing junior, will thousands of happy-birthday Dr. Soble nth a Ift.tii Ramb'ier IVlllHMI* Dill' I Ollllt r^.1,-1 rTld'tw„ pura, bv Pl>lhk,n ; Snow nrvaUy MSU ,! er pin* heat- get »' all the injured and dead. >>r the sale tax increase durum ... messages Tuesday. He is 66 to- to telephone a lawyer pnd as he GaL and brought v the i iracbT was attached to part the (campaign but would itci ; day. left th4%ourtnmm, he a-ked Her- *»>phOfnore. P-«,ien>*f. Onvjew. Ill, Car owners had t > . w'iil rea«1 three fab- ra*ual»s of winter st«»p and if the wreckage and acetylene . Befit * f.. fie . tuderi* lea toe deei-ion of tne voier.t clear ,v; window. b ft ore driv- ore hut- weir applies Word leak.r.g 014; of his Lon-1lands; !*\ oy ToUtov and Am' Burke. John Scheie ukr. Coming. NY er tup iMiingM'.urse. educate Bo' William* and Swain.*.>u don home in Hyde Park gate is fhat Sir Winston ha* been deep- : tlemen?" "May I gay goodbye to the gen- H-,weU sophomore, will 'read *efiior, received u K„->7m'iokl|2* hom' To^fl.v aiternoon of work St the m ci The dead wen- moved fnwi 41. ..i due onlay a' Wwtii'i agreed the session should hi r. - three humorous stone* Igot -hjuries to h»* rig ■ .nkte v hen thr>' " "r b- truck. Hi! Studen: i vie.- ■ 'noted only »t-> considering ??■•- ly moved by the many expre*- "Who?" llerUnda irujuire«l. eebvl with Cuoo. S»»u)h Plauifield. N J . no dipped an i f<* „r, :nr ,ao»)J ^ *V" « arwiw A tragic . .• of paierii- snies tax inrrea*e. Republic.. nhorl cox-iTi-d step* In back of Stu- 'Ia of white a-ong of good will" ia s "The FBI gentlemen,'" Dr. .Soble .v'/phomor^ w; ; re 4 ° fi'M* "W* ^'ankl In spde of the cold, p» oplc* F.v'hc * and mother' w ho hear ! rnovi-l i • arid invi '.;u' n- *p,iiil s(m>k»-mien had suggested 'i*e :r» mtriwt. dent Service* Thursday night sesooll also be opened t > oa. - ««, t>*■..«• vk, , looked fiappy, . "Why" il.rl.n.i- »» rcpoit* or tn.- crash *rietl to the blv meeting dilation of the emergency tax N p. p.toraukv, club aca-; sea-; He was llt" w able to walk >*» O u> w-" ... _ . 30 Dead In Congu derm ic advisor, directed U,e where he was hovpttaUswf jieud- jiiatisif- all the scene and rushed in to check Phi Kappa program of nuisance taxes n • • "Well, they were nice enough," prose and poetry ■m in on ihe nmditiori of children. I'H'img will not due t>» expire until the Jury pieces, ^'4 examination ' 6f' the extent snivenng coed *aid a* »h,- walk- ., ELXSABBTHVILLE. The Cor- Dr. Soble said. : < Many came away iu icai.-. i I end of the fiscal Sergey Andretz. foreign lan-; <»f _h»-< injuries year. fto (AV-A UN company of 100 Hsriand* smile) and grarted. guage instructor. w.U direct the Schneuie-. •» « *»#•■.- «♦ •,j r-i—rtpr 1"" ' ... r„. r Ni#wiin aotdfer*. just threo permission, whereupon Dr. HcLIe: mtsascail selection* Stanley Stc!-Dor State New*, wa* leaving.| It " * The wind „„ '' " dtyg la KaUnga province, open- bo*H low from th# »»ut, «*v.>d nu-anmko. •ophomore.; xingnment to interview : . . ;'k * cold out 'H ' ' , make* Armv Restores Order ad Kp with deadly a ten guns show w heo geniklly to the G-men and wnd . «■:'! play the •ccorditn Club' hockey Cn»- h Anw Besson.- at! Tr^vf. ,.n'? as fi>; , ' the tribesmen tried to "Tkuik "Thank jrou vou *»rv much, ffenlic- will riinrlud* ih» nrn. I the ice r.ok the accident very much. g«mtie- r*'*~nl„--» member* Will conclude the pro-|th,? h-e rmk when ti e xccidcnt ( But . if* winter and who 4mbush them Monday. A Ka¬ Caracas Calm *• 'occured. After Rioting — gram with Russian songs. br-. tanga government spokesman I * *'■ Cbritimu* any- said M tribesmen were killed. , w ay? The scene ef the battle, with GARACAH, Venezuela (Ah Th«- t >!• viouii.i.-. ie«.p»-i't- j cupied the DrAspapet's pj« - warrior bows and arrows against hgh n-rtored relative rail irig il»*' u'IIxi i -it> '* autonomy. iiy.ui, powered weapon*, was JOft . fin ken Gnrai «« Tuesday lift*' \ lift 1st demob*trillion at INTERIOR minister Luis Di: mile* north of Katanga. Reports reaching here in central Eusebethyille Tuesday said only Snowstorm | night of bliKMiv rioting by leftist* Miguel I ; j accused of trying to impose a repot wi sieni pud of the nly aho was high ,*» hool in Ihf hue said the guurdsipDn found i iiiHihir.egnn and uther nfm* there | Gtjbttii-»t>ie i evolution ill \ crie- led. 'Several persons at the newspaper Is Dying A f-tur Nigerians were wounded. | zueln. Difill 'III I' gun* fell silent weir Ml Meted j But fi« the death toll rose to eoriy b'daj point- announced two . In finally breaking up the den.- i»ix from five day* of disorders,■ more rioter- had been filled, <>ns(ratio»s in the early moriun.' Freyd Gives Slow Death the government sent national' bringu the toll to aft dead in.hour*, police awl troops switthcl guardsmen into Uir big oil fold--the disorder* that iaguo Friday from tear gu* to a sickness gn- to gmr*l the vital industry from .night Another 10'J persona have that muses vomiting Almut 30 Speech Here rmiACO 1SS-A »n»w.t«rai that swept from the Great Plains , , ,t-- - «»ur,.M b, b«ll»l. »r ,, resident Rotnnlo Betancourt f jured bv 11 > trig rock a, pallce said. „p,rt,,| Betanrourt telephoned goverfN Wednesday into the Midwest ami took at least six lives centered it* Hie guardsmen to protect Troop* used automatic, waapon* or* i»» all state*. They rrportcd dyingi pwhptng installation* and refin at *mn» point* x* the night rioting ! that the sjtna4ion tn the intrrioi. energy i. the north rentr*I por-1,1 h"th *'h! »«-*tein , sp.ead from tli* d< .,*. !> furpulated wh re Betanroort haa Uemerpion. Paul R. Frtyd. vice president dirvcter of marketing, for lion of the nation Tuesday ; Venezuela after a m>.rmog ron-? working glaea fHstn.'-t* of »e*tefn support, i..« rain). Gold air and atropg westerly ! l''1**** •'•th the military com- < arara* tn the fashionable • a*tern j A hint that Rctancourt. » mml- Batten. Barton. Dumtin* and 0»- wind* overspread the MMwest at ' eroi. where mo-t fprrigner* live je»»le F*oriaBat, Is menaced from bora. Im^ New Yark advertising midday, but heavy snow flurries LEFTISTS still were arrive in i Shot* tang through the night a* the fight as well as th« left rams •gamy, wiU speak in the educa¬ tion bwMmc khra Wedoeeday al and squalls were dinunishing. Caracas* outlying diatricta despite | mob* burned buses, hurled gas«. j with dtarloaurt of the arreat of an f-Iost of the winds, which reached strict bans on demonstration*, the j fine bomb* at business hoatt* and 1M MB. ' j alleged courier for axiled follow- a peak of 7J nule* an hour, vigilance of the army and a heavy 'attacked the U. S. uwp*'d General;er* of depoaad dictator Marcos The rabjirt of Freyd'a talk will /wirM into the northern seetion* rain that discouraged trouble rTire factory. he "The Marketing Package." He I Perez Jirmneg. of l*ak» « Michigan and Kui»e>lor. makers in the heart of th>« TIIE MAIN battle wm lwtwecu[ I'olice said Argent* Gonzalez will outline marketing as an er- In New York harboi a tanker {capital. .-aimed students iodide the indua-' fleroandex was arrested when he' t'ty and-then diacue* packaging and a ferryboat collided. ;ri a DeiMOftsiraipi* tried to burn 4 trial school at University City and : tried «.» deliver a message from a* one of the important eompo- 'heavy fog that hampered tea. I^W* on Roosevelt avenue in the | national gusrifsmen. w«U af marketing. land and air traffic. j an exiled maj«^c m Peru to an The talk, f naaarel ky the j In some area*, that 24 hour* j despite order* to the army southern suburb of Gh*guaramo« Communist and other leftist | officgf »t the big Mummy army wheel af fKka«iag. ia apen to earlier tajetudanta fired on national guards-1 bate. They Mid the officei to hashed Art some of au- HANNAHS HOST MNKM BKCEPTtON—Mn J-fca Huuh and tomn's mildeet temperatures, the j"hoot such firebrands on eight. • men, who replied with long nia- f whom the message wai addressed Freyil tme served k»s presert Barton Rapfart. OiBaaaA II. aasiar. (1*0) ctoct the MlwriOi drappml from ftO to j Firemen 40- j saved the bin Social Christian chlnearun burst*, witness** said 1 refused to accept It mercury party ltudcnt? The night Edition of the «om- Aimed foree- leaders have caoacity.wiUi BBDO since March. huafc to«ued u call for revolution., authority* jft'ar Perez Jimenez* Freyd at-1 BM«t aaS fa apaaaanS hy Ito aaaiar caaadl aad Ito Haasato. (Suit to Utter 24-faelow jCarma* unlversty past commu- j National guardsmen, acting umler j supporters might try to take ad* Na*a Phato hy OMf CWart) a k rasei, Colo. aara pljnists atnke. trying to fqgre a student j Betanrourt'x emergency su*peri- j vantage of the leftist rioting ta Police and aoldiars did not sion of civil rights, promptly «o.-' *ugs a twup. PAGE TWO MICHIGAN STATE XEWS Rrrvr Give* Lecture Dr Frederic E Reeve, pro¬ COP Yells Published by the students of Michigan State University Issued on class fessor of communication skills, da vs. Monday through Friday, during the fall, winter Iwuod weekly during the summer term. Second class Lansing Michigan. and sprtrg quartern. postage paid at East will * the give goats a lecture explaining of Communication "Scandal* K-/WrG»B«w.BB»M ' vzm'si-ts «* The rime of th Editorial and business offices at 111 Student Services building. ,, . ..Iichtgan wwwo, * ,ow" Examinatio Bute University. E*»t Lansing. Michigan Mail subscriptions payable m for three terms, la advance (or one term. $3. f>r two terms fi. Skills ill at 7:30 tonight in the Union ballroom. In Illinois " WASHINGTON '/P>-Thc Re- CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS publican National' Committee's general counsel said Tuesday the disappearance of official elec- DEADLINES: I p.m. Day Before PaMeatiun for Tuev. Wed.. Thur-.. : t;on documents from Chicago and Fri. Edition*. Deadline for Moo. Edition: I p.m. Fri. i city hall is "dramatic evidence D 2-1511 EXT. 261 > o' a widening vote scandal in j Illinois." AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING SERVICE 1 Sayirg the documents appar¬ ently corn were stolen, Meade Al- declared this "promises to . Santa Says, ""DO IT 1*1 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR. 4 cylin¬ TYPING DONE IN der. gunSard, raflio. hcdttr lent condition 3-3t3t Excel¬ Will take tfedr. TU IT FOR RENT UNTIL April TV 4-O303 alter t pm. TV AND RADIO aervtce. Special low rates fo students. New and used hav* serious sions." national repercus¬ Your tune A e.\a?n YOURSELF ^ cp The GOP official noted that date If VOLKSWAGON. SUNROOF. room modem, furnuhed ho r. TV »et» and antennas fr-v tube VERY clem. Cat! TV S-MR *< named toujile 1 Latftrc cnecktnf. fr-e p»rkine Ham to 9 Pre«:dent-E!ect John F Kenne¬ Monday with a Link'* mosaic or Phone IV J-KM. nii. daily TV Tewnmaana Co.. *t-i dy said Monday night all indi¬ December 12 L. Michigan. IV 7-5o» tf 10 15-12 13 MUST FELL' 1959 BLACK Triumph. cations Kennedy received were Stonctte tile kit. Create TM. excellent condition. Wire UNFURNISHED DUPLEX. "HX Monday TYPIST AVAILABLE 10 YEARS j that the vote count so far had wheels, radio, hea'er Cat! I*y. Txl rooms "and sa'i Ith* Eureka. t-in- exo-rience The** p ping. secretarial, December 12 tUX « sin* Automatic heat, near schools, v-ork. college iter-* electric type-1 been accurate. your own «j»h tray*- wall •hopping and bus Wn Cail. IV 3-3343 writer car ED S-Wd'» * 11 Kennedy rolled up a b.g Wednesday JAGUAR PM 31 AUTOMATIC alter i JO ".4* fCDAN Gun metal era -White ptn. . • enough vote in Cook county to December 7 plaques and trivets in any Walla. Very clean ID J-JH70 4S _»1»-Ifl 00 overcome the downstate plur¬ Thursday number of beautiful style*. voucsv \gov iw nn ux DIAMOND BONUS STAMPS 17 SPARTAN VILLAGE ONE be* WM M THOMPSON fnom win sub-let for winter term YOVH FBANDOB JEWELER ED 2-WM4 wanted ROOMS SAVE AT MAP >— APPROWD ROOM FOR men. kitchen and TV privilege* Linens ON t'SLD NEW INO MACHINES— funushed- MM per ueek ID 3-47tn and Vacuum cleaner r- personal - ALSO - t'MD VACUUMS— FOR THE FINEST in dance mil«'< THE REVOLT OF MAMIE STOVER t UPRIGHT Citsners M lis Bud spangle'1 Don, Jaca Unun. Bobby Slsvnn rlua many * KEN WOKE — T»n« vaeuum •' others. Phone the Bud-Mor Agann PLUS 1 UWYT — Cant*ter vacuum ... "i WILL THE PERV7N uhn picked II I FILTER Qt LEN - saeuunt STUDENTS' TOM 5 BARBER UP my P A G.notrbty^k and library SURPRISE ATTRACTION ihop >W7 Vine Afreet Fcur h^rber*. book off af Ft- Bridge la.l Wed- ! 1 HOOVER unrffht 93t b1"1** parking. i*e*t of Sear* newfav at I p m pleaae return to ;. a«rou' home at er-»t wmn. Ideal Chrtatmaa eifta ED LSED FEW INO MACHLNt? :-JW* a"er I om M * SINGER ptrtakl# DEPENDABLE, HAV1VT; a RIG dance GIRL T» urnk , fLOVF^ ing bartv* Ren ember iha Mu*t be wiUn.g S ELECTRIC - portaKa »ith a airtuty n( ton ar»d » sr oftnt.>*T-*ssn' at ita b* t itrnmi - co*«aie . . :-J34* after a 0 m MANAGER WANTED 1 1 MNGER ALDF.N — „ t on.ole Cone-le RTERO-'ll-FI wwt Qrkiti Union today ana tomorrow 53c each at l-mgt. iut» Lxperien.e necim- «cekiy. i. Lynch, f.0 YOUR TEXTBOOKS 1 SINGER - Bkwg rcatfOle PART-TIME SECRETARY, prone- lent at ifi.-^thand, 14 hour* per week, 1 KLN MORE -Lata modal a* starting noon W»dne»day. all day Thursday, rnday Write Mr R L B*> kwitn. m N Larch. Lana ng. fag; M^RS. ROEBUCK WE PAY HIGHEST AND CO. .interview rtatmg qualifications, j h •Hirt* rata expected, not a tamper- { 3131 f- MICHIGAN AVE. transportation *ry jaB. 4J | PHCHK |V 1-fUl BiPIRS WANTED TO Souther* WltlK-At TITH-OIOCI-T-rt>i I evening week Local koepnaL now hpnneaota Minneapolis ->r tniernwd.- tabnratvry. ExceJlert salary and ' ta«e potnta leaving Doc tj. Cat! BOY S ENGU^M Bmr eaa working conditions CaU IV T44IL! v».' aM, ttka new fja ORchara a^444t 4; AR cheXS-CLEARANCE BALE of boas, 3-50 » aft CbOHa al a M»s t-*d selection of arrow*. CaaA or i-«je tor -tv-nuig goods, fun or port- oorm*frt Caaoey Armory- Moorea iii Ft at Waverty Rd Lasuiag w REAL ESTATE PRICES >'saoial high yulitjoi ■Mrt. Phc— in, of eo Kks of olive, charcoal. and cnpttoai National prtatiitg Cent" SEE US FIRST MAN VI HOUSING (ACB04S FROM THE LNIO.V) OVER N YEARS IX THE SAME L0CATI0X WEDNESDAY, NOVEMRER 30. I960 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS PAGE TIIREE University Skiers Grandfather Gets First Look Plan Pre Season MI^»ok.s great, looks other 24 to 43 hours. at John Jr. fine John Jr. He spent about 33 minutes with j WASHINGTON MV-Grandpa . . . Equipment Show ! Kennedy got his first pock Tues¬ j marvelous." day at his new grandson, John j was placed mediately Kennedy said his new grand¬ section birth, a in the incubator im¬ lh:s wife looking after through the his caesorcan i nursery window at the infant. The University Ski club, will ' precaution nor¬ As he left the hospital, .the F. Kennedy Jr. son looks so good "he might mal with premature babies. present Us pre-season ski show. president-elect told reporters And Joseph P. Kennedy's re- : start talking any time now." TV Broocks said the oxygen I his wife. Jacqueline, is "fine — Wednesday evening from 7ta 9. asked whether, incubator was shut oiT ! not much | action after teeing his 19:h I theReporters as in the news." His son, he in parlors A and B, second father of nine children, he Tuesday morning, but may bo t grandchild was what you'd ex- ; said, "looks about the same." floor. Union. i had any advice for John Jr.'s used again for a while to rest Grandfather Kennedy, a en- pcct a proud grandfather to A general Inspection cf ski jsay: dad. the president-elect the babv. He is being left in j troversial figure who has stave i clothes and equipment will be¬ "No. I think he's done* all. the incubator for warmth, the out of the public eye since hi» gin the show, with qualified Bums will provide a brief in- ■ right, don't you?" said Kennedy. doctor explained, adding: son started seeking the pre>:- personnel from Vandervoort's, i tcrmission, which will be fol¬ The elder Kennedy's visit Hv* "He's not comfortable if*we dency, arrived at the Kennedy"# the Scotch House and Larra- lowed by a ski movie, and time i cned the day for reporters keep¬ have to put covers on him." Georgetown residence in the bcc's available for information. for those who are interested to ing vigil at Georgetown Uni¬ Mrs. Kennedy goes each aft¬ afternoon. Mary Berles, the 1960 Home- brouse through the ski'displays. versity hospital, where the new¬ ernoon to look at the baby in Ho oven! l -» the hospital '.ess / cabling Queen, will act as com¬ Cider, "right from the keg." est Kennedy wa-' born last Fri¬ toe- irfcubaior in a nuhwry than an lour la'er Since the mentator during the style show will be served and valuable day. across the hali from her room. child's mother was asleep, hr. Her- •» investigate campaign expend¬ FID said he felt the committee bert Rudman. associate pr*rft;- itures, said after a closed mevt- should get an expression by > r of education and Major ;r.f that better mcms of flnanc- those interested on the length J->hn Barron, program host, wi.l .n • of the campaign, with special genoral elections also will discuss The challenge of Sov¬ be coftxidcred at the hearing*. attention given to the use of iet Education,' the title of Among the*' expected to be television and radio in modern Counts' book published several inv.ted a> w.tno, m,;„ CAGE FOl'R MICHIGAN STATE-NEWS I Massachusetts delegation u • Doctors Have Troubles policy-making house of d. Informatioii Notices Foreign Catholics, Seek rami LES GOrBMBTS 5KI *ki C'Ll en B b ^ gates offerees resolution urged that: No foreign medical graduate 8 p.m., Kellogg Cafe. t 7 pa., Parlors A & B, Union. WASHINGTON (V) — The end of this year. But the AMA groups took this Action after the who befan his post gra unwi v's I.EACt'E LEI COMMITS lllitllll SfARTAN WOMEN state department had voiced training in this country ,v. Protest of Films BOARD 7 p ut, 71 Kellogg. AOCS pm, Student Services. 7 50 p m . 41 Union * American Medical Association and several other medical groups \ea-e~-urged—Tuesday to help worked out a compromise pro¬ ! grant a two-year reprieve for' posal under which the doctors concern that the possible depor¬ before July 1, 19M, should hav' tation of so many fortlgn his current training pro2-a~, GREEN MUM doctors might have adverse ef¬ terminated before July j, • v.i rmo«n-*opH council some 2.500 foreign doctors could rrmain in this country WASHINGTON (rT*>—A com-, but earlier this month the Lo¬ 5:15 pm. Women's IM. Mt i working in American hospitals until at least next June—mean¬ fects on United States foreign or before completing three vCj- bers and group L pm. Union ballroom. relations. o'f training, whichever rn. ttee of Roman Catholic bis-1 gion of Decency report to the who face possible deportation while taking a second exami¬ WIVES ASSOCIATION h<>pa Tuesday called upon Cath- jbishops 'contained such com- BAD.MINTON CLUB nation. Tuesday, at the annual clini¬ first, "solely because of mar-i o.ics all over the United States ments on particular films as 8 pm.. IM Sports Area. t p-.rr.. Spartan ha!I. j f .r flunking a qualifying exami- cal meeting of the AMA* the .received on an examination" I KAPPA DELTA PI PHI BETA I. \MBDA f nation. * This proposal, however, is I to protest what they said was; thest-; an alarming increase in objec-! ' Strangers When We Meet"— 6:30 p m, 3* Union. Ptefttfat Sim 119 Cenrer.St. j More than 3.300 other foreign subject to the establishment of doctors passed the test. an educational program in hos¬ timable films from Hollywood, j glamorizes adultery. It «:M and T HMl ili- CYrLIN<; OPARTANS low, with Dr. Cole,, 2 3 ' .V Those foreign doctors who pitals where the doctors now The bishop- said such film*) "Happy Anniversary"—makes . p m . failed originally had faced thej arc stationed. haw created a national crisis, a sordid joke yf premarital re- speaking. PROMCN ADER *» GBEEN I " p.j. 34 W I Ciased meet- possibility of deportation at the The AMA and the other and called lor reform of what j iatiooship and demonstration team they termed the "presently in-1 "Psycho'* — characterized by, 7 p.m., 35 Union. PHI BETA LAMBDA i trrouu. # | effective" .Hollywood production pornographic sadism The call for action was Issued 7 30 p m.. 319 Ce«>r Sl tin E C LI B code administration, an arrange- **" COMINO TO CHICAGO ment for self-regulation of the by the Episcopal committee for J.ffOP DECOBATION* f 5Ci pji;. Dem. hail basement. ir I wtry mo" >n pictures, radio and tele¬ (foyer mi liiinoh TRENCH CI.I B FOR THi WIIKIND? 7 pan., 42 Union. 7 p.m.. ,32 Union. The bishops cited figures from vision. SIV^Mt. IM, H MM,), C»,fl,«. the Legion of Decency—a Cj'h- It was signed" by Bishops fmm*i«,• ftfMf, M TMK. ' • organization for evaluating James McNulty of Pate-son, films. The Legion recently re- NJ.: John Mussio of Stru- p rtr.l that this year objection' benvi'le. Oh. Lawrence J. She- Moms, Tots Goinjr Home STAY AT TMK VMCA HOTEL aS'e films increased from about [han of Br.dgeport. Conn : James 1;. p.-- rent ?o ab"U? 23 per cent V. Ca«- - v. J L:nr>:n, Neb : A'- SHANNON. Iretani if* — A strryr ' n^er.gers carer flown » At tfcft ftdfft «f Aw leap AIMER home going airlift of III i»*b-; *cr -- tne At'antiw »n one plane, • Aw t>f H dlywood's output. Men J Be'!, auxillar;. ' • Jam Mcln'.vre tor-' and 83 infant-.-, dependentf A t re 187 aboard, in- TIIE BISHOPS nan! a change Kr.i noi* Cardinal ' _ -.f U S- forces stationed .a Ger- iciua.--s 12 crew members. . • a*w«: SI M mm* mm Theater Angfie-. • * • i in empha is in the films con- '_ , | many, wis undeP way Tbeidi*. One crewm;in .<«••?! :t was the to*, f. 9U Sot* Willi Av^* •ertioi* M'terel objectionable was of; , A Swiss jet airliner flew taem a~ • f-P • ever made. even deeper concern than the j iere tn route to New York. -At ' • ' .»• wailing infants d.->wrei out the noise it increase in number. The timable films now objec-j often are' V. S. ft The mothers believed tee/' ilm • land the children are tee first -f * • engine?.." he said. Idependents withdrawn frors F-. - hrwte*s»v were kept 4 maj r thev sa.d. Rallywood productions, ! Europe under President E-ses- :>u' v-m-.n-r bottles and Sre MgH \ The bishops named no films, j Russian's >wer's economy directive. uyr.i! supply of diapers was 'Swiss a.r officials sard the' taken aboard on a stopover in 35* rx'8 was carrying the, greatest Z. - rh Plane■s Travels If 1 May Be Safer ; out CHICAGO trawl J restrictions Tuesday ' >r N-itrr.s T'—Living a were worked employee who is j accused of .spy i fig on the United St.»*es ail Russian Ur.- Smoked Picnics The ground rule* were set for TF.TKRBORO. NJ »• - A ti-'w aircraft device to enable a ; j to Ig'»r V Chicago Me'ekh, 47. who came from New York, Rivt. inpiiM Us 69 lb P\ >t to determine where he i; whore wis arrested last •fspriag e during every moment of flight month on espionage charges. FRYERS - 29 w.v demonstrated here Tuesday. Melrkh is free on bond. CallM the "VOnTAC P»rtor- Attorneys reached an agree¬ i.i! Display," the device consists ment that cf a J2-tnch diameter map car- i Melekh may go to New York u l .,1 in the cockpit of .1 plane by,,nd wl ' which a pilot may continually starts at plot hi* position. a date to be net later. He may live in New York CUSTOM SttVId ... (cckntnf Scott Cat ap 33b lb tor H* The device was designed by in¬ but he must stay in Manhattan. ... Departure Tailored la Your ternational Telephone and Tele¬ He must not enter embassies or graph Corp. At its Nutley Isb- other places outside the US. t ratoriea for integration with the SckftA-e...Courteeut Attendants ^||| Government's jurisdiction. He Sr LOS ANGELES fWMSA.N FRANCISCO J2 19; The display unit holds a.» ing and did not set a new ope. bat many as 20 Individual maps which are stored in sequential! A hearing for Willie Hirsch, 52, who was arrested In New SEATTLE SMJJ DENVER JIS.62 HEAD LETTUCE Fmh 1 MiTtSAN ANTONIO *51.01 59; order according to the point-to- DALLAS York in the same case, was de¬ po:nt flight plan. layed until Thursday. After inserting the maps in a Hirsch told the court he hasj Biatnalia— Caatact: «•» I 39 logical sequence that meets his For lafaraaliN A no lawyer but that his wife Is. ••Ha fi,ght plan, the pilot tunes in the VORTAC station servicing his over to departure area and takes off. lie seeking one. His hearing was put: Thursday. JERRY IV 5-IW SNOW-APPLES bat switches from map to map •* needed for the area over Which BIO SAM AND NIB SEATTLK PALACE DOLL! * Ctltnio ik. 'lie plane :» traveling. ITT said that when Visibility' controller ran Hi mm ■— —^ ^ hriRoifW "AimdI" wnpi wm as ■ Ht Sm W for hw...Md Unt'1 ahaa tbt MM iooifta for vw in# hit oartRD MtfcaUNone. at o said the d.*p!ay nuke it easier for 17 az Oraoa Stylo Can 8 No $1.00 p.lots of nonscheduled aircraft to av td bu y' i*ir tratftc lanes, II az Taaiatoa greatly reducing the danger of t'ollumns. . 303 on Pilots ran fly more directly II az Nat And reduce a!r mileage and fuel consumption* ITT said. IIVz m M Rnaa 1mm Sm, d M — na Lanacr QaaatRiaa Said at lafkhrlaUil W/i sz W Wax DISC SHOP .123 Lut Grand River txext to iswrtrw b«l I Jiieing*. 2b. ph| 39< Isi-phl 10c Only Eulmivr Hrrord Shop OPEN IYHY iVBMNG PINEAPPLE PIE iu 39c Angel Food Cake iSf 39' ATM EXTRA »' lUOKHT K 4*. • 2 H? 3S. •A MOTr SMUOOCtST AH Prim Id Ah AS 'T" JOHN IR MWM M»TM MCKftCUHJK BMMB Year Eaat Laaciac ASP Saptr Effactiva tbraagh Sal. Dae. M la aad AS rival aaaiag Market. Canrr at Hacadem aad A APSap Eaat Graad River KUr UIT DAY ( MlSw * Lm Stare Houn b "llut" tn.MS. Erandor .Rbepptng t enter Moodav thru Salurdat Sod Ha Deborah Kerr in MOV THRU IRE TILL • » A.M. to 9 P„M. TL4 ANR sUfUHU ItM I D I.U Mt. TILL 7 WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER to, l%o Look! Lowest Price In Years! LOVIN'. CARED-FOR WHOLE FRYERS CUT-UP TRAY-PACKED a 29* treat!*, legs & Thighs or Drumsticks We ihe FRYER PARTS reserve right »e limit quantities . no RING BOLOGNA M or Croon SALAD LETTUCE ^ 19/ PEPPERS Seled towl favor it# CUCUMBERS 2 19/ RADISHES PUSH CRACtaiN'.CRISP HEAD PACKER'S FINE QUAUTY Lettuce BANQUET FROZEN Chicken, Pot P ies Turkey Seef or AIL NEW CUSTOM INJECTOR Applesauce 7 ru feii^ea MILD CHEESE ARMOUR TREET 2u~««l9/ Kroger lew Price MEDIUM CHEESE MANOR HOUSE COFFEE a 75/ I 100 IXTRA I I 50 IXTRA I I 50 IXTRA I I . MEET |Taf VakaStaefsiI | Tap Valii Staaps |I | Tap Valet Staaps j | m Mia eeuMe e#* the mnhM m witti Nut cowpoa §#1 t*># pur (Ha* m wttfc tfcs caueen and the pwtkase ■ a Clark Roust* YOUR* nUENDLY FRANDOR KROGER STORE MGR. CUrt tHMMlt GtUMTtlH Your Frandor Kroger Store PURE VEGETABLE EATMORE Is a WideWonderful Margarine 2u*.25c ,§| Wonderland of Food! §§ Open 9 'lU 9 Monday Urn FHday aaaasaaiaaa-maaya»aiaaaaaaaaa»aaaa aaaI§ Op«l 9'ill 7 SstBfdty! WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER SO, 1»«0 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS PAGE SEVEN NBA Title at Stake Giant* Still Hope 1 sr.W YORK WV-Th. V.-» Fullmer, Robinson LOR ANGELES (X>) - Quiet, ness he dislikes so much. I want to • fifth Clash round knockout over him ' York Giant*, with only flickir-n/ Frtpet* '.f winning a th#*d ctraipht Lantern Title in the National 1 Football I>-*eue, utill aren't con- business-like One Fullmer, r*r. j to retire him, to do him a big for the title in 11*57 but Robin, «ceding a thing, coach Jim Lee Ognitfd in most nf the world as ! favor." son's Howeil indicated today. the middleweight champion, is Robinson, at 39 seeking to subsequent boast that he , re¬ ! The Giant* are 24 rare- h*. after more than just a win in gain the title for an unprcedent-! sent "a message and Fullmer got ! *-;nd t.';e fir»t place Philadeiphi» his next fight. e«» sixth time, wound up his heavy • it." The 29-year-oM chureh elder drills at Oilman Hot Springs, j forhagfe>. and tied with Cleveland from West Jordan, Utah, fer¬ j Fullmer's usually even-tem¬ gecond place, with on}/ three seme <0 miles east of Los An- ; pered manager, Marvin Jensen, r»m»« in play. The Ear.*- also vently hopes to send Sugar Ray geles. irked over past business dealings r.ave three t'. play and a victory Robinson into permanent retire¬ The New Yorker's workout was ! with the Robinson camp, declared: :r arj en- of them, or a Giarr.-.' ment in their 15-round bout for planned as M* last serious one ' "I'm not the type to carry e!im:natef the New Yorker.. Gene's National Boxing Associa¬ . and he appeared in good rondi- • grudges but I don't' like either tion crown. tion. Robinson or his manager, George "I want to beat him and beat But Robinson admitted that (jainsford. and Gene feels tha WASH-N-WEAK him bad," said Fullmer. training is now a "drudgery" and same way about it." The match is scheduled for claimed that he is making this Jensen related that he opposed FLANNELS Saturday night at the big sports fight only to satisfy his pride. giving Pobinson the title chance arena. It will be nationally tele, "I'd like to quit with a cham¬ simply because he didn't want Special S4.93 vised, Vith Southern California pionship," he declared. him to make any money. Man tl - 12 blacked out. Fullmer has built up a per¬ "But Gene was determined to' Olive • Gray • Brown "All I want to do." One said, sonal resentment for Robinson. It make up for that knockout," Jen¬ "is get Robinson out of the busi¬ stems not only from Sugar Kay's sen ex,lained. led kqsitcnek's varsity shop Gophers National Champions MINNEAPOLIS <*»- Minne- "We came back by avoiding the Frank Brixius, 265 pound tar. GOING IIP!—Maintenance engineer* erect Ihe baafcetball floor in Jeniaon gymnasium in prepara- lion for Ihe I960 • 41 Spartan haakethall opener with Bailer Ihis Saturday. (Photo hy Al Rovce) 22* Abbott Rd. Eavt Lansing. Mich. sota proudly accepted the national mistakes that cost us a losing sea¬ kle, credited the Nebraska opener college football title banner today son in 1969, by having a great with touching off the Gophers. with a vow to prove its right to lineman like Tom Brown with as "We scored Id points in a short it in the Rose Bowl against Wash, all season, by playing a fine de¬ SHEP ARD'S... time against a team that rated ington. fensive game, and by making very high. That wan an important Oppoiite the Home Ec Building "We're going out as No. 1," touchdowns every time we got in¬ day for us. From then on ws said Dave Mulholland, halfback. side the 20," Warmath said. drove harder aach week." "It's what we wanted. It's a great honor but a terrific chal¬ lenge, too. But Washington isn't going to be seared by it, of course." "We're as glad for the coach as Oar Sales "MM" Is ttqly This: PRE-HOLIDAY SPECIAL PURCHASE we are for ouraelve.-," Mid Joe Falcm. reaerva quarterback, refer- ring to Minnesota's spectacular drive from last place in the Big 10 in 1969 to national supremacy MEN! MEN! MEN this season by being voted No. 1 in the final Associated press poll.. for quality laundry Coach Murray Warmsth had been the target of ouster cam- gad dry cleaning plan paigns by alumni and others after a Minnesota record of 20 defeats font nervice — try: in 24 games prior to this season. Warmath, in Buffalo, N.Y.. for a speaking engagement when the No. 1 ranking was announced, sent congratulations to the team. "Thfb is the greatest experience ef my life but 1 want to say that all the credit goes to the guys who worked their hearts out this year ShM Landry after all their disappointments in the past," Warmath said. Dial ED 2-4024 for M-Vp k Delieevj there's no charge Heisman * E. Grand It. ^rroao Fim gladrat Sen-teas Betiding HAND SEWN Award for CRAFTSMANSHIP AT Bellino Friday Only NEW YORK ( You will like Ike economy Eaot LaaaiagStore.,, —« I form tSllHlH I »• • M— of BAY GASOLINE loo. glare • 124 8. WasbJagtaa vollcyOall lull aM MmUltaula will M played to. •TIT E. t.raad River Neit dour to Peony* building. .urtmg at t in tlx IM . Mis L UOMim tf wfui Acran front MSL" I * rattling ehaoiptooitap will continue. DtB MtfaMI tenia ariBba teld tanhte at Mt to the IM t.i WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBEH SO. Wfl u cage eight M I (* «4-G A X STATE NEWS I Steel Sculpture Stolen Nit Graft in Road Says • .« . " <: - From Gallery Espresso WASHINGTON < \TIIII! V \IIOM.Y Stair Vm Staff Writer Kraft, had been found in foreign equipment. required ... in the foreseeable Joint Coffee floor aid financing of the big new He told of one man, not iden¬ future." Italo Sniriira. Kn*t I .fluxing tified by name, who had receiv¬ He also said lightjng amine,. A gruduHte student, deaigTMMl » *teel 1 Folloics 'Macbeth' j road program In Viet Nam. ed "certain Income not Identifi¬ His statements were in a re¬ able with known sources," Hor- ments on two bridges in thk pru- arufffture last year for u«e in the Thetn Alpha Phi. the honorary ! Master'* Show to he held in port to Ren, Mike Mansfield, 1J- tei said an Inquiry into that case jject were In the luxury rlnss »n i is continuing, the Internal rev¬ i "could ' dramatic organization ami "thej iinve been dispense t Mont., ehnirmaq of « senate Mnrth, HHJi. lloecnti). the work | MRU Players will eo-UpmiBor a , foreign relations display #t the (Inllery I coffee hour In thd scene shop of j which investigated subcommittee enue service joining in the study ■ with " was on allegationsVif Herter's report was in two Herter sail the lnvestigati.«n K«|ir«"s.*o and two weeks ago it I Kalrehild theatre following the I showed foreign aid official, n lax management and possible volumns, one, made public by a was stolen. j openittit -night performance «»f J wrongdoing in the foreign aid Mansfield and one suppressed identified bv name, who h .- The welded ateel arulpture, ! "Macbeth." Member* of the audi- ! tier a ii e it contains material which Rranga had not yet named, j enre will meet the east and crew. [ program in Viet Nam. | deeply involved In planning tl - stands ahout 10 inches hi h on a "Macbeth" will open tonight i Herter said an Inspector gen¬ | classified secret by*Herter. J project "was not a profession.d n> a r b I «• base. Areordinjf to and play through Sunday, fur- ! eral's investigation showed poor Herter's report said the it*— engineer and was working ou'- Scanea, the work resemble* "a tain is at K p.m., with a special planning caused long delays in • potior general has found that , side the area of his little h«u» standing on one leg." matinee Saturday at SliKi p.m. construction of a radio network the three highways being built ! competence." Scanga. a One arts trwtjor, Tickets for all perform* nee n are peed* the srulpture for his entry available at the Fairrhild box MtifiL V* in the Masters' Show. This is a "•one man show" m which ar! student* -h-plny their woik; it office. . JCwsiJ takes the place o.* a written the-i*. &3»". Thin setilpture rould not he val¬ uable to any one el*e. Shi nun would like very much y. to have hi* work returned.- He M*k* that the |»er»on who tosik ■ .. •11 i' from the Espresso' to return {aw.,*'.' ".. •£* • '•• It either to the Espresso or t<» the State New-, no question*, ■ f. . •••* -T' ' v. • v. .■ asked. * ' -V # » V» ,» .W. ,'#* iHilV ; " }fr vb« *£ V ' 1 ■ .»g ■* i.»'i r ^sKiA IP >■■■'})$ " I V '.'''• V' lln\r you sfrn this sculpture? 21 Selected to Sludv USAF Sends Officers to State tn entire East co^.i*. j Lt. Colonel Leonard If. Ritch- " Tue t-nited Rit'e* An .n*' research. commendation mesiaia for *Ucn i-1av acquire knowledge of mon The standard* I n the group feats a*—«*mnothing 'be admm- efficient and nnnUrn buf-me-s art tire same as f->r regular l.vt'afmn of rhp Congo airlift, mauagernc-n: lumpa- |te- graduate students working for ■rgani/mg and directing a fillan. liiu-e mtlir of e-nploM-'. ,mJ \llt.\ cia! evaluation group, and nt»g- prcHlllcti* ate utillve-t by the tn (. II.I o r \t .lom-s. .»"-•>■ 'm.itimj t n« w method f>»r tram- I'SAF, effective btisiiu nian- . iate prole-sor of accounting in Air E'»rcy accounting clerks agrmeut i> «»t extreme import. and financial administration, i- Ma) John tl li-uiek Sr . Ma) the aeadeioii' advi-<»r for the J flnhard Ma) Arthur Ints program of ,m'\ - group rtu local IIOTC »• • - !*ros*er Jr. ami Cap? Nile* A rat civilian in it»on.«l pro- -Mm.: m cotirdiuatiug military Sori'tpum Were the other officer* a-i-s which ISA F Ma* nia.1 b'i.- I honored •t ibltsheit lor tt«' special edu- on of selected group* of «it- tjcei.s However, it is the only piogiam m the controlling or I-ihiiicsi manilgems'nt area FOR FREE Ttus pel 5'h| of instruction, wnich began fall term, will terminate at ''»** end of the sec- o:id su^nmer session. lliKl However, it i* fX|Wcil to tn- a continuing program wiili a new group of officers next Septem- bei Hanking from captain to. Ueu- 12 Gallon of Cnkt, tenant coWiiU'l, tlu*e cincer of- . iners have spent an average or Root BMr or Qrango t.» years active duty m Cm* t'SAF They were selected from With 2 Reg. Ooo Hon Pizza applicant# at base* tiuoughou' the Uniifsi State.* and owtm-.i- alter extensive screening «ud (I'laiii (du-c-o Cvlmlrtl) examination by the t'SAE The mlijority of these itM cr* served at command levels W'.th¬ ai ness ttie various management I'SAF.* of the busi¬ For example, one member was function in VARSITY DRIVE IN eomptrtffler in thy Strategic ED 2-6517 a Air Command, another, an audit- supervisor wukiug with civil¬ contractors for supplies, and ian another was in charge of I'SAK Delivery Service IJO accounting ami auditing aciv:- k • TEN STAR SPECIAL! 1 i ★ 1 iir (loiil- unit t'.iliric- (.li-am-il unit (.I.i/mI I: ★ Ui-n'k llul- unit Cay- ★ llaiiif-oal* Mailt* ft alrr ltr|H'll<*nt ★ Nih-iU* ami la-allicr Jai-krl* ★ l .iiiiiilr, Srr»i«-t* ★ (.ln»r« ★ Slu (feii Toys ★ Throw Kui:- ★ Allrrulion- and Vlrmling ★ Minor l(«-|iair. COLLEGE CLEANERS Ca-li and Carry (•20W. i lhi»t l^tiiMiig E02-I71:.