II Sfrving .MsL For .11 War- MICHIGAN,THURSDAY, DKCKMISKIt i. |%0 PRICE i CENTS V0I.CMK 21. NO. 101 BAST LANSING, 1i^Sln*o Hr<[iin.t Lake M it'll iuan •Sorry — No Beer,' Grounded Ship Storm THAv>,\i;tsr. firv P hoard's powerful u*. Says Firm Smaii-ed h vh ! freigi». m .j Kn nc»u I,- fhi w »io I# «•-. Moi a/ -• u *. • ad i Uwciuin • »r»u Mackinaw ^nd 'he cutter* gcun from Cb< . Me»- Bay, W;-«4 the C - ' » Si-ide from ChdG"* The i jfx vsrun w Ifi , >r»* aooucl fougii! '•< •>'• h • H „1 campus fro.it h.a i out fu.iou. M 'jo.ga • /. wi-ft the tn- G-» - lira f..rd. Conn, paUiing H-nr..: ' . n N, , •urm Wt-lnesd. .vjesqiiiU', »n • iW«'*r to btfgln ni» col. I trie of tho-a ao-uid ' •- Mui.cf toward the AS/ ; . : in uaa-vetcrinary r»!r«J v. # a ground ,:1 . •« . i -i akc Of11>■ two south*;« to«» collocUng \! «ur I# TT • ;r,Tfa f -tsTc euglne# weFc Car; ' • ■ ' !>r •> naj j ... M.ch.gan. 'h? '.ap'ain* ;»• BG knot# ■ w.av «-r "■"/''rj.uv. the Junior trans- wife, an • x »'''w•.• rt.-.-'Mo II. OPERATION H were ■1M • from Southern Con- The I/ S Coa • Guard. VJI sate College receive t p0»- « , -ar.d re uc J-h.p »• the , our . kcUor Will long remain box of sou- v! , H ■ i/ * .-A h-dd would surv.v fl oft. out ,(.'h!'•.?y . . !(;»'- Union Board Pre •eiil' t il> >r5 Breweries •/.; ; £ n ,n tie State News Nov. an: v.,urling iflw s'.ori,. the brewery's use of Ju*t a leller and fwn beer labels in what Larry Italdelii received for f API I fll ARDO T ././ . Kmneriv label to announce his request of a hot lie of Tuhorg beer from Copenhagen, Denmark. , 1f»' president of the United fir*: -May Day" ldi*tre«« removed the Da ' Guard caii)| , ,s. «ent a letter tn the brew- (I'hoto by Ait Wieland.) wa! a,; -tat.no a' BAH p ro v oking them for one of their At M ida r ternoon W enw ■ n;»y ,'mrical name tagged bottle*, Mora/ah w a taking on u no- I Williams Sees Kennedy beer. -water .!. a'.I her h .l'i> but j f brr very answered in a, paftntty *■»- in no great darigei fr that .t i* against the law j de - it'- :nc continuing -. ,fnd alcoholic leverage.*: 7 .'(» Coast Guard fu'ter* u.h the mail. \l Ilarvanl i . a :d t w o helicopter i ,, -ead the brewery aent two and everncad. About Cabinet Position a circle i &o.-; laoels, one announcing wnedy's election and the oth- .jnifytog the name of the •w r:,1- y' "..n v The whc'o'T Cm--' • -. r Guard ' , i.-ff-i. a"''-.:' had ' » • » .»•- Alt I III K L. RNOM,AI < || Goldwater r'-ov" '.•!■ crew an j the ra.j'a.rth h;» inspires* 1 HOI I.DN T have been able WASHINGTON fMh — Pre* - of Secretary of Health. F," ica- "i Truman, ff m-n- •- crop¬ wjf«- bv hf -. to:4f > of Graduation Students r.«h said: appointments in the immediate He served a* Under Seer< :.»ry <•: » «' ' an i mo.» ardent Ket— H % VI I j TO 2^ f- v . *> John F Kennedy, 43, wa* ofTir.g. State as we!| »■ S»*retarv o? rt • - a ! •' - Oi'. !i ■•-in? d US, preaident on Nov. !W0. for a term of four The names of four men men- years! tioned prominently for cabinet Defense under l*ren'tent Harry • ne-fiy-for-Pres-dent tut <; eri .n U.K f'»t voo'.r: At'^ney He he- t *.e -. SCO gi - - ' the .■■■■'• : roe A., Tuesday f*n Jan. 20, IMf.** or sub-caoinct posts were post* • (i» . h. and f;>r mxt h-i- ice- ft field. Uaail rnig. get thr ta;; e *tryng A - dr*d« of thousands of bottle* named bv Friday. And the an-1 Kennedy Beer** to the mar* nouncrment of an appointment for some top post in the new, | btxteiiuy oi inuoa. ilo •» westerner and 'the puat usually a Cossi Guard, fa The Mora/an v:Ob4ii'y wa# Dr fpror.^u-iic4 A. Tt'o- I. oob-law). pre.- Knoblauch Notes Nov. I. westerner pum'ptng d"i of H e." Illinois Univc - | MSU go-. : . T; o- gar..;-, r This rundown came from •all.university queers. M i-* M>V: . of a canfv.r-r.re Tuwiav w,t.". ./a* :< jC' tr 1 ar. «• -»• —.....• . • ; A. Hannah ?h„ Kennedy's press secretary, Pier¬ and Homeromtrif qf-en. w»* President Ei ie lower on . , .. . d»vr«rs to the r-. . ... ■ - - •: Shorts re Salinger, on a day that found such assorted- problem* as min¬ passed Tuesday by rod «•»«! vote Kennedy giving attention to of the AWS Artiviti*** The board, in pasting tire reso¬ new. ■! _ smoothing m- <.r.ang'over from the old admi; istrat.on \o th* i.a,d BV . NIIIP-TO-silORF. gli* ' • ... ■-'■)!■). . -.v ..-n ocgjce tandidalei i.-aRdida'ev ;r.~.!ud«-# ' WW* ph-.r.e ('apt Tf-r./as w.i « TIG *tt lif VT*. ifl for Jack Jr. imum wage and school legis¬ lution. decided the rritenon f°r Kennedy ;» ng h - 3-ycar- j 'trv cfo-ct off.r'all* • •• * ,, TW YORK MV-TV Mutual lation, problem# of the trans¬ thi* limiUttor. « that the»e two old daughter Cai-d.m- ' • t * been riuv • st'r hi r i' examination >!» « ! fli'lh: bv '■mti wind* ar,d i «r adrastinf system said Wed- portation industry, unemploy¬ queen* ate the i ' Gc*»'i#'-.'* •; ho# '• r T:Ai ■ Nov, J J, dealing with Ribicoff of Connecticut, and still If held, out car.:«tj»t. - are d-« t-vra reporting 'o':- ■ d c.ng To Sla\ Auliilc . hfilt:, degree# from-Ha*- der • hany, birth. The Upe will Rep Stewart L. Udall, D-Anr. <- i ts« University o< y; 1#> he selected by member* of Car fine. f ' "" « r-lded reel, with an en- All four have figured in talk T: group ^ 0 F •- a number of v • ^ P-s's reading: "Ttiii is of cabinet or tubcabmet job*, sponsoring group. . nue : co.d we j~ .•>#.- .' - " .-.r Served in Michigan v • * must at il petition AH s ; p»-r- ■/,; teacher. r.r-gV. Fitzgerald and for the first time Salinger few ,da>» but l •( • vyitem# a* a tof.h, John <7 J r, Nov. 2$, I MO." was not saying that Kennedy mission to sponsor * quo (,aiii|>h«*ll WtM'hr;- {.houi.J ■.'■■o',. ■.il g ad- J and iui>rnntender. All queen candidate* nui.«t 1 «ve H" hasn't talked, with possible ap¬ T f -inpt!,»->- ©»•'.> O" V .» fc,s sca-Ti-md * ♦ * pointee* about possible appoint¬ a 2-0. *Jl-UPiver«it':' aver«i!e or Dr 'fpKi»H fessor of p*y' .'v.ogy a- North¬ ffui - 41 i. o- i ti.*iait •"nun. Will Oral ments this campu* Ths* stl western * • tnesk he Univemlfy of On- H first term (rrr-hme-i ami f«r " te^rr -.it for 14 yean, ar.d t Orm.ny OTJ — Thr listed for Break¬ 22 ami * Williams was nn R ewe arch r Natura' S >: • The -"i i" 'v w. 1 # • Gtmu c.bin.t dvrtitorf fast with the President-elect at transfer#. The l»«t of candidates e.*;e ■.»-• ■-> ^ deed of State College.'cf A-- Settings" at 4 p ?n '(-da ."i the 'be ;•>•* tomg i > >rii» • rwm, oagoUattoiM Kennedy'* three-story red brick for all candidate* must re sub¬ 2-h T *■ *.n i « ex- M wrnead, Minn., for three years Cvfwn-.? of ' fourth fic-r hiunge the e anout >• Communist mitted to the Women'# division Bast Germany home in Georgetown He ha* Fairer before being named to hi* pre- a' ' r whether a new been the subject of speculator) three day* before any conical i# hhrar ■ The talk ; being *pon- pected #Or"d oy D* 'a Kappa lV''a .fra- -A'- :>• , d.,-n".i.«n predicted * - ■ •» '.*> - yt Wctfem I.iin- s Uh- h L. S, Attempt • «r—menx can be r«#hed. in connection with the position Held. crn.'v and Pt Chi sorority. ■r■ KPtrf n 1954 m 15 I To Orbit Two ingestion Blamed Sutcllilr* Fail rraflSc Problems for Police Itisc *» urn couju been used to give ideas for im¬ a m./re M#t n*>* - - "lie « M"« >i"t, M Wrttor r.Jih ? -ur provement# in trafl.c circulation Parking hi- a-*4. i * nroblema have faced in U>e future problen*-according A ■ - 'r. ♦ * . State police de- It is ho»**d thst aomeday a The w»f*t am ior ; •' '* - * 1-1 m?Je the increased e^er num- bridge will continue across the arownt the E-iiM-a: ba.iihw?.. A •icvclcs river on Bogue »t- and that Park -jz Is inadeuu*'" a: wa.-wf and conceation the S'uder' v.-rv.s;i: Wilding '*'* 4* Chestnut will be running di¬ . Intersection* on cam- rectly ;o the campu* to permit and Morrill ha¬ *=cxdmg to Ll Aflen H. ir . aza.nrt unsverrity rul« t • oark csrv over-*igh* ti some Aaarf- said that three de- park n-g !&•# because the Firemen ti aicr Men! • A,. -> are working toward* 4 - >und depar.'-TUHi- t an" Gear ■ • '.t 1 *5vhg the traffic snow in the morning* and eiio prooiem.j ■ w a J 40 c m. parking won h 'Z2?r- "*p!"'' Revive that ovrmigh; reduce parkmz Dr daily use be¬ '»••• ' * bel-ile tmi that could whlto-c , cause some car owners ■ ■' Pa *ed ,q vr ha, aprrAaim,,, ,1 b StllUC'Ilt^ >ave their car* in the parkin; Tran- ** . ' ; on it within a 5«- lot# for week* a? a time •- ; >*»-*;.-,•«! *"-1 M chigan State ha# aporox»- h:*l Th. f.« U-„.;S t rr A,,,.-- matejy 18.0M1 pork r.g spares n- • * a ^ sodd aeasurw s» student* with s • yet Farm lano ia' nknt revised two ciud.ng park.n; facU.tAfr* ^»sur-i i two lane street. oxygen Wednesday morning af- i !«!».•> j area* a* married housinf Feiv St-? iHt ! ter one of the students suffered Dunrh, ana »<• j . ^ studen** know that one »pa-m a . sport- :?jsss ,ri°!h"1 a parking tot cmt# over 9200. M rb esn State ha* V e m-'^t ir.:--. v ■ 'at orhit V'Sl'V#'hwmUthe Tb* f,r,'rn'n Surl*'-T paik ,t spaces compared ♦.» out¬ 21 *' «•» Jh« taTatoT ^h.s bis heioed eonsid- S^Miuab? student, from 48 Gilt- Havrn. Corn. er in verities. parking meter 1 have been T- " ■« i'-'-buru- -»i»Xy Office? . «»t a» problm of tha^f. "hfAh* ,u,<*rld * ytaiicd in parking Jo-* becauv ■ rorke: wnen •r an versus the vehicle I*;msld heart a.tack. tax ntobey is not aikme-d far., rfvet-qped - Sv. solved the rest of the ^ Tbe firemen then answered a the bttiMing of are parking * •'. et '"Age u.-jpexr- call at iod Journalism bmld.ng Jo's. Thr police depart rwtn.t -■-fTtj; time. *j ^ -raffic engineers have re-■ »t H.-20 a m. when Douglas St. t ried to >j the use of rr»'-*- >acer'.'y oceurred er» a fe>v years ago by try.it; A BI.l'RK...but IhUli hn» cmpu- Irafji/ link¬ traffic ctinditioBN on campu*. Gilbert -hot tht* pic¬ prepared a comprehcss- ! John suffered a fain-ting spell. stag?, ahnough '''^7 of the tftffic condi-i - Oxygen was given to both »tu- to increase the car registration ture of a car whtrlmj# pa>t him off of \.,rand River ed to SUI, .NewV ,h»lOKra,hrr Ikiu, l.ilbert W«J- a:»cement did nvt sa/J . fee to SI5 The student* refus¬ iU-lett before rueh hour. ^^-^ campua. Bew chart id^te before they were taken ed to pay tha sum. Mtidar Ml hi, aaMgawnt lo obUin a picture of ihr onto a a 4tf tlM tote I to Ottn Mth Mirter. I'.AfiK TilII MICHIGAN STATU N K W S THURSDAY. DECEMBER I. IHi • Sir Winston's Friends Help 'We're Almost Ready To Take Off Again" West Must Tighten Front Honor His 86lli Birthday {'huivhil!. LONDON f.'Th recovering - Ssr Wlnctnii.nl, h|K from a derby, his poodle hifuc. ' bricks and a trowel, end a hand- j I I Against World Communism N. I. M. anllUT, mmmlim.nl. h«. Imrtim, in- ly increased program above anything the Unit. ■« , tr km iionr m hit hark, rrle-> bell <>f freedom fr<»m America! Am-tMI.4 Pr*m *... A.all*l (,vl','.l-. tn ■" **"■ The qii-.li.ni now I, whrlhrr lions may do I* rrquirt j h tv -'rd hiA Brtth birthday quietly j -.nil in Irion, j Th, fr„ A.!'1 h,i. of ,Pfl ,[|[rti ^hovo hrcomc Hi italn still pr<»p*u.< i»i«- -11.»\ nii!| tit; family and Churchill'* eyes sparkled I . liolq-plu||liic iii 1 lh» -hi trr her effort* within tr rh w .mt- >f absent friends (when he snw it »,v,rat month. If II hop,, , un|,,q front—with rm.t.I rmmwealth, which artu#.! ( ti.iirti!'! g..t ii,» for lunch, I "Wonderful!" he sold 'maintain II. front agaln.l In-1 mohlll>allnn or private —1'r;. gender# eompetitton hetwr* i>u(T<-,| and then cent lie (IrrMrd it was loo good .1 ciR.ii tornallonal Communl.ni prl„ wotrh. aflrr all. has ih- dollar anil R.e pound .1 i"-. .at mcvs.iutc of thank: In In cut -for the time being, any Ona of the iroal Panarr. of h||(,.,t ,ukr In tha outcome Kffort* trt b. ruder) thr atil-uir-ln- the world ovri way iho pay I. a plathora of wlahful lives of NATt) and «x;» rt>. tfnllop Slat«. conpuolme fitee!iiu;«. and present* flood* tiilnklng that IPooln|lral Plvl.lnn I ,m all over the worl.t Coverage Will be ti . , 1 on the ag«d statesman In iho Communl.t .phom will wl|h nrvinj unw, ti not only Pari* this mouth. N.«* ,1 iv* man* ■ M*;it land? greeting President Kb - and a Venezuelan ronilt In a woahon-l with lo,.. attohtlon lo aaaault. I hoqinplitp to run .hort of mon- tei ests. especially in 11 aorloua|,y f„r lhr ,)Urpoaa. but will West Germany, wilt », nap. tn tho woatorn lino, • well" itn-vMigr- and »o did h-Vf mnrontrato a groat rt-.i! wuy. Rioting the Brick layer - Union More wishful thinking sur- more etT«»ft laitin Ameru Vet the gre.ite*: thing tjunii F> .Miie'ti (I was among | roumU .the idea that hv some (n0Wt ■ f the war remain# , , tie Weil 1* 1 »tie 1 • , and so was j strange miracle Ihe world can! i rani K A!kO the Ktifopean * for the allies b» • , . mo...-— .... td til. • bmiquet And neighbor ; IT IN QtlTfc likely that the the 'Caracas University where die- Noiisuuport in Congo hd.lrei dropped by • Comm it Mist-con trolled nation* !1 hand in then Uny 'haul leftist student* have car¬ • will come out of their Ideolig- ried on an armed uprising i leal singles! at Moscow purged the flu.* <>f against the moderate socialist ; of their difference* and deter- ITNITKD NATIONS. N fund* in-'e 11 of resorttn? penned hi* : government. The university had i mined on new coordinated «»• United Stale* declared meiei.il prbditu: ' been spared police intervention saults. —The of UN t- to alt a* a traditional academic sand- . » grateful As witness the new trade ve*triday the Soviet Union hoe «n kindlv sent I uai v. eintnlm'innk txpe«'tt',i agreement between Cuba ami doing all it can* to uiubrnu - >f g.>'d wlshe* for Group* of young student.* Red China, the Rod* have chon-. month# •thl for my kith sei/ed a technical school on the ^ on a haltlopolP wrhlrh .houlp ho V * I"'" o»aI* for en t from the fall 1$ dav* ago j that Communist* me behind 'he # rrv | A« the new war has progress-, Secretary-General Dag Ham- j Congo operation In m 1. h . !.e broke a small bone ' student violence, hoping ' * re- all-out' marskjoid can borrow from these s'ave off UN . 1 e<1, over-commitment, bankrupvv •n h-« hack j place his government with * re. Ite «pe it a hippy day," said glme tike Kldej Castro'# In Cuba t'•»» old mau's spokesman, "but Put holdout «tuden'» had it ml- .• ,af • e!e|i|a'ed hi* hlrUnLiy quiet.v than usual " O-ip "f the hlghspot* of Ihf lverMty d iv * H 'he deli* e: * of a I00» ! did not attend rlasse* Wedtie*. j breii receiving aid from other left wing colleagues tn the uni- Thr«r tatter student! Meyer Describes pound birthday cake soused In!day and gunfire ceased for a brandy drink* - one of hi# favorite J time Rioters, however, set two ! buses afire and tried to hum New Romania The rectangular u bite-iced i another l*nai«peaker* blare out itate The Romanian* seemed to 'radio broadcast# «'n the public have more TV set#, meatball#. tint rake wis surmounted hv At another trouble *pot hammer* drr»fccg/and similar commodities a horn of plenty from it (Vuv-; Caracas, centering in the w est-|*quaie, pneuumt, than Rip Pole# and Russian* did et cdib> item* that * emboli red ern slum district around Miguel drum «>n a construction project during In# visit two year# ago, >* fro-'v icing the legend of; Cam high school, government! and church bella ring through- he said World War II leader, troops used tear gas and armed jouCthe town . Rr-.tain'j Snv ig t u n we e the tnevtt* : car* to repel an attempt by riot This concert of sound* mm# Price* corresponded to Amer¬ .(.'■ip cigar, the N'obe! Pnr# meJ-'eis to storm a |H>ltce station. up the Romania •>{ loituv, ac¬ ican prices, he said, but the cording to Prof. Alfred G. Mey¬ wage rate I* much lower. A er who gave hi* flrsi-hind lm- semi-skilled worker might ix« prfftnm .'f the country In a pev t about $70 a month Cuban Underground .. siwech before the International There i# stiii much free en- Relation# club Tue»da> , terprise, licensed by the govern- Mc»rr went to Romania last , men! and heavily taxed Meyer ; summer as a delegate from MSI) jsaid he feel* if it only a matter Steps Up Sabotage the Vli&Ui—anniversary ecb f time until the number I# re¬ brali t'f the University duced Agriculture u largely .Am# collectivized Till. ROM AVIAN*. < e «4.d MOIH.RV I ITII-N are grow - ' \\ AN \ I Satsoteui s' p«»uer and wa'er installation# if* few Annual, and western ing np around too slums and nig blows and cut "IT electricity to tlie Eui.»pe.in« • To help counteract medieval castles of old Ro¬ Mpcrday In ventral eit\'» hu*ine< s district and many the CwnmuttM pmpgganda ma ma. be »aid Churches are in jKt Minister Fidel 1 •»*- ottier areas peaiking at tin* two-day «h#- high on the economic priority," mountain# They will urge cituen* mi route he said. Madlwiw (mi stmanicnt conference at Kellogg Fajardo. commanding rural to find alternative# to nuclear renter will 'e top turn from in- militia in Escambrav, .«•#* pur- war, their leader, Bradford Lyttle, Every minute of hi* stay in V-Neeh hllstrr Romania was carefully organ- fiu*tr>, gosrinmrnt. labor and suing ftse armed Cubans *3, of Chicago, said today. They iged and under othei areas w ho h*d fled Trinidad in * com- ; tight control. plan demonstration* at every mil- When he went on « four-day \ ||i>*iri*t front the Argonne *mandeered car \ itary installation they pas*. National Uhoiatoi*. William !'• trip not supervised by the gov-, The announcement *a d two of J.jttlc #»i plan to walk vtdon. * il discu-# {survival in t ie bve were captured and. in lo Angrlri and then New j ernmcnt. three carload* of po | lice followed "They wanted the Nuclear Age f!h« ,'onIu.M fin,,* m pur.a.l York, trym, ,o m.,nun. . p»c, nott.r, unr^.nMd lo KITON1 INfi « Negotiation* and Where We t"..rn«mr.l „| and three . ,h„a. of F.j.r.l,, hi* .... militiamen k.iiM of Sa ...il,. . ,1., ^M.rmMeyer# explained. f On June t th#- group will go tn bian»trt will be Edmund CiulUon, were wounded Th* Indicated London "If wP are denied en- long-term career diplomat and tajardo may have been shot by .trance to comnmnbt countrie* we deputy director of liie I*. S. Pi»* armament Administration, De¬ hi# own men. FAJARBO w as a rebel nilli- #re prepared to risk arrest by Johns Foot portment of btate, and E. Ray. !«r» divlor In the »«r j opeuh ami nonviolentiy seeking mood Wilson, Uongresslonal lob- 0«,tn 0.,ut.-r Fu!|— fnit—an J..)mfctuMt4*r. Coram*. NT. al lefislation A professor of eeenomie# from last summer '•r w-a* stricken by pneumo.ui •rmJTK^ «1S mbiot. who tl^pod oa Um mow boarding a FVUrt# nuclear sub- ravwod ,i,b> of Stuarat Sonr. The bombings in Havana were marine Columbia University, Emile.Re- r-M, -ill r.l.x -Your J-l. «q» • from th, »«i.i monies in Cennectieut during laut inrSig TuooHor. nporira thai ho wfftrM o pulM t-odon *4tr I',,rm,ni,nt" i, th, n,.r!)* IPO. hci-fc»h*» —l'h whirt, ,tju-C,i-! m hi, ,nh)» from th- f»!l AIUCIO .,4 rlh,r u,i.n '"J"1 »•«-. ^ #"• ' Howlaad Offkw Jt.'.n. a Stat, Notra aBort, bert present . rassing Havana for weeks vritar. waa laavin* ttuOon: Rounding out the pnsgram will j Tjj How-land house rwceaUy elect¬ Sarvwra thwtnt TMv'i lata' be a summary of "Labor's fdake ! ^ *uppofl» ed Arnold MummerL Brutus umrfoll to Mitam a Tn Tea re." b/fmil Mogay. UAWf*" ***** Msvana * m his Jipuor. as winter term manager; alanr whan ha altppad long campaign against Batista. Jon N'ord, Greenville Junior, as •rcieurytreasurer., Underground source* said they secreUr**; Charles Staton. Tra¬ The State Newa v.&ruMTX^irj;- ^tr ):.l,ti..n, «nl,r .nd.h, - verse City junior, as secretary, and Marshal! Green,; assistant . .. rf J|wh«,»-Wyr«, 8UI, ,v, R,, Nashville Junior, a* membership PubUshed by the Students of ATTENTION: Open "till 9 p.ni. on Thuradav and Friday this week: I niV,"»y In."tut, ,f Uho, ,M WM„r„ Cuh, . s chairman T- Michigan State University, Is* ,ik1 |n . Jn<) ,.h> r4 sue-i on class days, Monday ! .v, „ .r r"'!?. rr,?' wiu> »»«m« u» ™. through Friday, during tha fall, !7rt 10:""mi Mi.hi,.nK v"*1' ? t i* I'M ,rnm,n: .ninninc- SuliComnToTottn I mon. Council ,V .; United Auto : >ajd hut, „,H apv,rnm»„t wegkly during the summer tarm The SAECA Santa will be on:Second class postage paid at Tuesday, WeduCsday, Thursday and Fridav * next week for vour they #e;red documents link- hand at the. Coral Gabkes to- East Lansing. Michigan- j • TNorkers, Ai'L-t 10; United Steel (ng t»iP .-j mth a counter-rcvo- night at 7:.10 when the Vorker#. District 2l>, AKL-CI0, Society j Editorial and business offices (iutionaey movement, and a for the Advancement of Extra- at 341 student Services build- CHRISTMAS and L'uited Mine Boikcrs. Local District W, iC2ech-made machine gun atol- curiculaV Activities have theiritng, Michigan State I en fri>ni tlie Cuban amy. annual Cfciiaiuus pat's). UmvarMtjr, shopping. ' "? lEa*t Michigan. ,„iiisll.W. DECEMBER I, IMo MICHIGAN STATE NEWg PAGE THREE iKi eniiwrmental Elevator . East l^ansing High School !'r'"N r,h Marleua President lain# Life Interesting Plans Expansion Program Pre-Veferlr,xr7 Hub re* i»■ ■v « rj'^d «j p.of. Marter.r. I5*rk- Ml KRMRHWN Ir.'ll.stor tells vou that the i-li'va• Nr»» Mlaf MfrMer tor i« now mi floor four K»*t I.a r ing high sG-ool la fiv *r> eche/ljljnff ro'.rr.f I'iSe i-v j'JMOf i. president ftt indicating no low* than three hflseiuwjt* to pianniffif » i expansion program to JO'l |rffi'tit tit* aud »t w m • *iti' jr*ar wfamr ifttilir* c.iil nil'I tlit* .Nat urn I Keionce l.uildin.o. Y,-%. Jvrph Riley, In the next five year' at the cost Uwtcbi *•( it ■■ ■>•■»'■ tfiS' 20 to Zi , \ • wete ' button, nothing hap- t'loration the»<- , < i o*> »,c. „,,n of appro*innately one million dol¬ room' ■* ■. V. ,»U .■ofabomwc, viae- II, p.xir.iln, mMx * exlstsnt. ! I'ic.o " r • ' aiot I/j.'/o-*, IhllxUir, , »n*f * Joyous yrll»»w lar*. . ; T»*raUt'V ft# TilI- ii-if J tf,i-or-r; »ivl t> glad tWInfR "(Mr tllllm r I.nil elevator In j Proj'*rted «ludent enrollment* 1 hr ft'H.f / m. f-.y : ff-t ■ " *'• r . <* ■) \* kk»;. Lincoln, but it never does. a ftm,1 preen with a large flown j , thtouvh 1 'K',% *b»rw the need for W#-at •' " • ItOA'd uf i nm wrrr'sr/. . f! rt» , rll-vntor. It WfillM and m rinnll up buttoi presumably j Edu» h> am it:> irimrr. bay •«' ' • about 2d new cU»**roow» and ax* / , J.rf, «o .1 *el«Ct fH'tHOtlhfl, Inilir/itlripr n ftft-frn til l-. . tifi"! b'-ftor.- •*;*> */'' -'it* bo ,, . »,hrt> it wJ*h**, lenvrs Lack of no Interior floor indi* pHmnon of other facilities, accord¬ f - ' ♦-•'C ? "'* Yrif Is " *'■ *'•»-! of , v ; Rti'l generally tutor crentew confusion about i ing t»» East l.afietng high whool :>a> -v:..eh tifl- what rithi r > (».*■• "f." .-"l-J-r i plena**, floor you uc- on, Virology • U-S j Sufierintcndrrit Y. MBCIjouhU t, ,i i in}*.* !'■>' '■ ;■■■■ '' <•» ui'.fp ' congenial Itiooil* la up, Nursing, i* flown. I...-..- !>;J '■ Knrollrnefit* in the future vo > . > wait it tnfirlit arrive, The huh, hliie elevator of Ate predicted by I>* V. Kinney, fcacf Th" 00" take the linpleat hull exude* Joy. With a whlnin? U.f'harri «i; ■' 'V I %LIKfAMA AMI tiff. the lale professo "wheeee," it epcc>|« rtudenU down I.amurr/ high school prirutpal a* hs* already u--\ ' »*« - «' Ml st M HI TEACllt.Av . (M-itiv destinations, to the basement where the door* IWtlAt IfiW, 63 — 1.1R.V; : tiM»« f.t n»jrH'^*f r , «i« i Jonovr> and 1 el»- n it might not. sigh open »i if it loollicx to fininh \w,' r,:\ 1,2*>; VjCA-*A ISM; aoi.ualr, li... "• ru«r> '#p-ninx* All el»- the rid'1. lil s'.i.kot Services elevator, II.Z21; kti'i 1 Wt-&, *Jl • \fi- -li.!,- * » Hwl harnmijr? fi-ld«t - mi.ty of youth. After | Juvenile of the campii- in*, it nit owe The irter« «M-d enrollment i- a b-nbim:.' i* '.,•••(»«.' 5"-f •urlin.: -alsrl-* op W» i.utton iN pushed it slo- jrr«»u» !>>•''- hen-j off its youth to the old '. .aiding j .? rl'-riding whether or (by starting with u lureh, "peed-: re*u|t of fiie growth of M ' > f - 7 oao drp'ntiiue »m *«»!- ''"Ihi. :f.flu/ of student* rau'C* . ifsation* it-: gleardng Interior lug to it* destination and Mopping j j need tm P'.-V pr».f* P"r;» ! more *«or:; * n • v. i - f - I floor, When It with a stomach churning jerk, as I dettinntion it hesl- the doom rattle open. j move to East l.uoMin;' th .r 4 . I fuouiit-i-, tiiii" bringing roof •• 11A 1.1. 1 cafhcr- Aarnry * though welting for The two dink green elevator* | ldier. t', our high schoid. sod r Arl Wivlamli ror/n. o- fieed'- i for every 2> new MK I1II.IMAI KIN A' WVANISlTTE i. vou *<> patiently wait, floor in nine seconds, it* cohort Ktudeuit ," Kino j said. "W- mi .-.v.-.r not only pa«*e* you on the left t*ke:i ten. Discover the Fascixatiig fietftiently hlinka a happy at rii uatrhing closely in who Woe la-tide the luckless student ah»ent*mindrdly haaemenl button and find him- pretties the Graduate Fellowships Available AFROrC Award* Two Uiidelh (.el / dwi indicator wf the four Natural Sciama building ■elf in the middle of th- steam- ing,' buktling cafeteria kitr hen The -Graduate office hat In* provided for a full academic t* A- 'f,rT,,ali"" about fellowship* and ; year although shorter or longer 17W) J'.r riway, New York l'J, mi , Tfiorac;." Society, History cf Michigan r might diwovcr that the rye to *y« with n freshly baked ftt:htdarhip* which which provide!periods provld-- periods of of study, study, (from (from fiv- fiv- to!NY. to: If t o) Thome* I Hunt-it. Prof*> | financial alrl for graduate study, j pfteert monfhi; can probably be * i trying to summon la on apple pie, The'mmt spar urn* elevator in for "f *hc awards arc ojieri' arranged. In a Iron", all r»u <. Argonne National laboratory ■or of An Science, j,r<--/ r •« j AUtUTU flight "winir* to *";*«>«». UHh tho-e well writ leu fUuxt rated i(ju. farther confuaa matter*, a rlaRsroom buildiinr i* the beigo f"r competition r'>rrW?lMori ori a national1 Soviet authorities allow coupiei' Mcmmrr ami Une-I'ear App«*tnt- t.oJ. John k t»iig, Spring|#ort rivet on floor one the basiii. Th" office la open from wlthou rhildren t < go !- ino menl*. t si brightly-lit, 30-por*ou cur in thr . Y f.v r:i/, pot'-do'.- "f».io» xnd t.mlti Major < Ar*- * Lookeu at Spartan IV»c#k Sfore. a 'o H a rn. daily,,until Dec 6 USSR together, and, althougn loral re-carc»-, s-udont.*, gradu- Home Economic* buildinir. To Ilakcoro, Oki-rno* remor. T further enhance the interior it i* Kappa Kappa («amma: AwarrL? children are not permitted t » be a'a- an i afternoon for* j.-adeVgraduif/- s'.ud'-nt* m a group of ce*. open to women riti/en* of the'brought along, one v.mt between frecjuently rovernl with « num Appl;* an- n* "d not neresardy i> *5'^ ra*.eti -t" »»". *v i.i.it r.- lives United State. or Canada under j huaband and w.fe during the be t,'fi,n»] .Stater" ritiien* . - . - . bw ot tolwrful . . inltm, . For The ru/.n t,. r* » i » ni ♦*' in tm f i\ir. w.i ii m „ h„Min, , „,nrm,r ,tif riders to varied shindig*. { bachelor's «l>!fw-on -rrr." »*- i infofrna-i award.* for completion of nf* u, I D Willsms degree for grauate , been allowed Financial aid, de- t.o.U wn!< li I. A Turner, *o.o flush? in h Piper 'I r,-pace, THIS aristoerst of elevator* ? atudy aifroad. Award* arc for | termmed by the individual's I>-pti!y D.rer-',r Argopne Ns-CapiUi (jty xirpoH a* par* * tudy •eriri* an*ion* to let off «wn »IK) Um dou. .lid. it* en*. .p~.li. mum n...,-;1""" *r" du" b* J"> 1 lJr K' The maxi-' own ftnancal -situation, is ava.l- ","rn'1 " ,5"" Aw'"*- »1'1" «•< »" -•* «r ih« ttona! La nor,i lory. 'iVOfi Sout'tl; thirty -"i* houf AFKOK Caw ave Argonn<, '..k instruction ptnvraoi. fv I It i' 11 Map MICHIGAN"* HIIHR MVf. »*A. IIM-IH4 II H l»oiH,n«hll, lh.«rl. .till "I-*- -" Inlorm.Uon writ,- rench ing towaol it* floor. ! formation formation write Gamma write: Kappa Kappa i Iriter-University committee Fraternity, 530 KastiTrsv*-! Grant. Ibix 70. Indians t-f Mieliigan by R. II. May bee Other elevatoiH have their own characterixties. the black walled Town fct. Columbus 16. Ohioi tlmineM A Professions I Ha* • University, Bbmmihgton, Applf-atiom must b«- Ind received • ; Glamour at Manor with Sew msp portant landmarks and set- denoting Im¬ rov«r»VATiov or W.vrf tupplemenfed library lift ari'l the on-agnin, men's Nundalion • The l^ns by Jan. 5. 19(51 Ailvanr.-.l hl.litl.i llernerita in Michigan since MK.IflOAN'4 NATt IU regular routine of h'iu*e* nff-again, front car own per ton¬ . ; ,.r' i this term by Lake karrest Fellowship land; start at isaulte Me, RUOllttf IIM study** alities of their own National Taber«-nlosi« Assn.:; 2 To promote research tn prob* Marie. Just 11.54 by 1. 1. Peterson f-mrh once etch week on ll.irl.arii ll..\ ... . , P.,Up. thl, .rl.,1, h.« l-.n ,„ml lm >rtinl „ builn,„ Through its medical section, the' S evening J '"*lh"- *'f *"■< I'1*" American Thoracic society, of-1 s. the first academic to rkl. th, Ht-Vhl-.r. in th, pr„i,«,,n.l »«n-n ,n.l t.. -n- ■ l .lilli lloii. M.r, i-.u-lv in ll-M> fen grants for research in tub- * -.dertaken by the wlver, ercuhms x '* V", UI ter difficult but !ur#' I . . , t of v. trk in which there it felt and other respiratory • < oi.ni'- WltM-luell I he supermarket For Edocation: It may also la? st least a partial A d;*eat' ? Grant* are awarded ; \(l jncrran" th* activities rumuUtin*. according lo explanation of why one State f/f w'imvn. Awards arc made for for medical and social research j • meirih»e« of the organi* News iejK»rter recently shocked j j SPARTAN BOOK STORE in these fields Jer. e B.*bee, 1110 Uni- the campus by spending one en¬ tire afternoon riding up and down obtained graduate work. Maximum sward 11,200 Information ran be by writing the founda¬ the grant year Applications for • beginning July j I. 1961, must be in by Dec. 15: \ 5 (jolU'gu Manor liranty Solan■ \ 221 AI1UOTT KOAIt < ; ■' V iiigi*. who has four Kl. Kit 2.111.1 2-1111 •• < £ on elevators. tion at 2012 Maxxachusetta ave., DiVUhm of Research U Statu- 1 f.'.UIIIIISiailKIUIMIUUMIIIIKIIUIIUIIUUlllllllllllllill' ( Olt.VKK ANN A M.AX. r; ani t>jby»its with two Mid. "I study all day long, NW. Washington fl, DC. Ap¬ fw! thj'. f have just a< plications should b<; forwarde-1 -r time at want to. do aome- anyone Death Count by Js.n 1, 19V) Atomic Knrrrr fommlxslan , - •■'■} :.M.v > Hpeelal fellowships In Nnclcar OCR CHRISTMAS enough you can And •■> ti it" I Hclence and Rnclneavtncr To IMPORTANT SAVINGS In Bus-Train i STORE HOURS lv IIK.RU: aqueexc* in j encourage promising scientific and engineering students, Unit- ARE OUR Study while ironing, Now 17 I! e l States* ciUrens, to pursue r,g and ' washing dishes, KEGLXAR HOURS seems like I'm do- graduate work science and engineering leading in nucleaf NEWS FOR MEN... • a;i day Jong," the DAILY I *'ep my words plaster- LAMON'T. Alt,. Wl Th«?|tf> th* master's and doctoral de¬ 9 St A.M. TO $ :30 P.M. gree Stipend Is from $IAO0 to •w - the sink* I vacuum death ■ teen-a^e ,irl yes'er $2,200 plus tuition, fees, limited WEDNESDAYS "»»k .n my hand, and day brought to 17 the number | aijTrwa'nce. i.VJiO 'ach for ■ Mg. I prop up my ot high school student* fatally SOON TO 9 P.M. -1 *pou«e and children- Deadline g.atiCc at it once in a tafUrcd Tuesday in the collision ; for application i* Jan. 1, 1961. PRE-H0LIDAY Pegrv Twiblinaon, 120« ct a (aat Ire.Ibl train and a " Village, works all school bus. -rher studying Twenty-four other school chil-jtute of .Nuclear Studiet, Oak £>' """rmauon wr.i-- Nudear [Science and Engineering fcl- lowihlp office, Oak Ridg»* lnsti- SALE ".ours. drcn and tho driver of the i Ridge, Tettn. V irtan Wives work, packed vehicle were injured in j Advanced Or ad a ate and f«at- cvvmng French class the crash at a crossing jun out- dortoral Stndy In U»efMvlet I n- -- >-i opportunity to get tide Lamont. Fifteen of the jinn: Spotuored by the Inter- SUITS TOPCOATS ' '"I and do something dea'l were girls. The youngest! University committee on Travel ■>'- the sam« time," wa* 15, the oldest 18 - ' -•-..naon said. j police made a visibility check' iren*. under 40. who are gradu¬ Grants, is open to American cit- * --*s n.t*!j qpe night a al the scene of the tragedy. A ate student* enrolled for an ad- * of the French class Royal Canadian Mounted Police j vanced degree, or post-doctoral officer said a driver could *ee j researcher* or young university Veronica Dewey, 1531 clearly for three miles along facully members* Applicants V;Uage, who is t-m- f-'i-time as a legal sec- each way of the railroad track. {from all field* of study will be 8 8 ■Mnti•. old aon. • also the mother of Dtwtv uid. -I And sun. After the crash there was spec- | considered. They must be will- ulatlon the bui driver may have j ing to undertake intensive sum- been bl.ndei by the morning mcr study in Russian if they do ' not know the Dnguage. Study Is 46 56 • tcftc.n French because I • * ruage and also like l *; the coUege and »dult : Wrc. Dewey is from ADDED TO A STEREO SYSTIH- EAR GREATER THAN >uiU and (opcnU NORMAL REDUCTIONS i on men. Irum our retular a loch! rhool went to a and Brit- studied II rm LKTDMM ( boos* Iran lb, wum'h nuai popular Inuh- «had». in second language. < H from Marygrove fianly tailored yrar round nnilu and topcoat,. Hriti-h <*- - Detroit wttn a major and dnnmlie fabficn. Snit,. incIodine many hand •»ni Spanish. ' -erm Spartan Wives lailnrsd modal,, are all-»ool *or-l«d. bopnacb,. plaid-, - ' Z to t-Jd French II, tbndw. harrincbaoa*. abariMfcin,. t«fcd- and aolid-. r •' * mg to their ex- of beginning Kim wool topcoat,: natoa.tn. Iwacda, cbaviot, and : and gym. ta«y To BaiM kit. miada... raclaa. act-in and aplit abnoldar modcK E<- capliaoal mld-acamn aavine, at far balo- raeular UXOts COLLEGE Of •* m ^TOUETBY ■3S$ mm ***--•< Qui imHgHI fa* '• fu OMM itasaiH r* ' «' — mmZE tbcUir ,f Tow for Miy SMM CM^MMOU: A^Pnmv. TwoUklkSKMlun. UK 8KNDIK6 IMH1STIK5 , OPEN HON. M 333S E. MICH. SAT TIL NOON ED 24M7 i m . if i r c> -. ^ PAGE TOTR MICHIGAN STATE NEWS THURSDAY. DECEMBER | H-V V INFORMATION NOTICES What About Atomic II SPABTAV rURIATlAV ► K.u.ntYsiiir i 1 m-mco hocvett 7 p m.. 35"1rnion. * MORTAR BOARD 7 p.m., 30 Union.- Watson Is Co-author of Book OMAHA (41 — The United The conference, (lr w. • Top-! CIBCLI tarot staff States' top military commanri- through Friday. nrthcl Manor Oh 7:30 p.m., Theraputic Horticulture ■ ! Revision of the ir: "Why Music." j 7'30 p.m. 314 Student ScrvfcM 7 30 p.m., Parlor A Union. erts flaw here last night for two get list — u conlinuo*i, HUSH 1 american baftvrt rtf - j days of talks about which paced by changing v. * forces should hit which strate- 7:30 p.m.. Foundry Bid# j lir.nt nitowwif BBC Hire* Monty and target value* V PACKAGING WIVES I 7 30 pm. Fellowship Ha ! Me- I/3VDON - Walter Broadenstinif Corp. raid yester¬ lliie delinquents and inmates id will be joined today by civilian T'ne target list has hci n 8 p.m. 1fi!fl-C, Spartan. V:T- f F nery—P*a!rrt an t F«*k M> day it ha* hired Field Marsha! ul'l P. Wetaon. professor of -horti- ' going revision over the ;u. penal institution* me being help'd hc-uls of tin services. Defense . Iru»c. Biudncfs inert ir;j and I sic. V mm' M . to take new Interest in ihe. Secretary Thomas Gates and his Mrs. Jane M r»l\ ZFTA HONOR%RY irame of Ilieminirhain wh* pul>- Strategic Target • .v party—jfu.-.t: j-wrkey—-fur Chriatnruu day only. ng Wy.itt. lished last week hy the Mncmillan Gardening, for example, ha* deputy, James Douglas, arc dye Joint Chiefs of staff 7 p.m . 103 Agricultural hall, j The 7j-yrar-old hero of been used as n treatment at the in the morning. l«atc today the MARKETING CM R TRI-DFTA World War II will Co. in New York. agency 1< based offu„ play a one- 7 Union. 'Speaker: 7 p.m.. 204 N'at S* The hook tells how growing of Metfhinrer Foundation in Topekn, secretaries of the Army, Navy power acting u-, its thief pm, h nr program of his favorite Hunting. I RONH-sorii rorsrii music, lie said It will Inelude plants ir used to give enrotimge- Kan., since il whs founded 3d and Air Force will arrive. Those who landed last night Willi 7 30 p m. Ur:>n BaHrivpn t ■ y-|.r.«5, war »ongx, dance music ment to persona who for various years ago. Todwy more thn • hull ONE IN SS3 tha patients take part in tlie i ur- at Offutt Air Force Base, site of QU.\DR||.y 7 p ni. F'Tc Tv Cabin. S;i (')-ordma*ir.g » he ha* efijoycf. mal life. Jening program. L I N C O b N, h "Horticulture FBNMGN'S who arp II or who .quarters, were members of 'he therapy is not a Pinochle player W. La-Ur.d i... time on their hands and who Joint Chiefs of Staff and chiefs ! j new therapy, but Olie whirh ran ! of the unified commands around says he's confident in: -4 l»e used to supplement already can be prompted to desire to know hapiHtn again "if I \ v. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS esfsting forms of therapy," Wat¬ son said. UKMICNKM to emphasise the_ more about the growth and do Velopmerit «»f plHnts, often moke ed Gen. the world. ' Gen. Thomas S- Power greet¬ Lyman L. Lcmnitser. great strides toward leading h chairman of the Joint Chiefs of ion " University of Nebik.ic4 k - IM*) A III.INKS: I p.ni. liny Itefore I'ulilicYiiion fur Tiirs., Wed., Thin-., cniatician.s ralcul.it, i >ha. J more happy life. signifl-anre of horticulture in the ; Staff, fieri. Thnovi' White. Air res pf drawing such u and Kri. Milions, llendli'.r for M«»n. Idfilion: | p.m. I'ri. field of iNirt of the success of trent- , har.-j therapy, this book pre¬ i Force Chief of Staff, and others. ono in H83 qusdrillioii •l, sents a year-round horticulture men t with horticulture therapy F,II 2-1.111 EXT. 2615 program to desrrihe how projerta results from the patient realism ; run l»e initiated, their benefits, that the plant' rt-quire« ids care. This gives the patient something purposes, and srope, as well as the types of disabilities to which to do and something to take DONALD P. WATSON pride AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING SERVICE they ran l«e adapted. . . I»ra-tori and other workers tre cnt phases of horticulture. 8uch Anyone who sends flowers to a' nv» Chevrolet. t noon a rvtin- TV ANI» RADIO srrvlic Spatial milking wide use of many differ-' widely divergent groups as the temporarily-ho.pitnlired friend is I tier. -tandurd, radio, hea'«-r F.*- therapy is being and can be used. I ml- r|,.-e ». t-M'tf is a- A 4AP »!• re • A record number of skiers Three new**ki areas will open II. Kr.-t.. rr. Drive Add- lit vrvDFows coin I At'Niirrv Ml'ST SKI.I ' »"'>•» HI.AlK Trtnmnh. . m. expect Ud to reach Michs- this winter to aceonimndatc and |»NY -TJtAVrfl* 20r wwh, 10. Till ex, client condition Wire «" A i' rondltiontd. Parkfround gan'i .ski kputi this winter. *«hei-U, r.«h,>. hejler Call Jay. Ext , timrr RO#VI rt rsi-hed *m»t Attendant fin dot' seekers of Mi^higsn'J fastest i )•«.. Alwnv. Authorities .•a:,a . 4a •.imolr'r h*l.|l, rt 2C SnfM-d Anoen waahera have estimated * J ,f H that this season's crowd will growing sfxirt. ' JAOI'AII l".H 3 4 AI'TOMATU ! •lie v. «.r n» t-am ta.i r,*>? vft |J2 «rrf u er >»r. cr ? aytrarfrr H«-anln< d»j>o it |»«\ k'trr hour, ex¬ Miehigiin will have a total of ■ HUN Hun r.rl,| er, -White ceed la t year's by 10 per cent. Wall- Vrrv clean FD 5-NIT" 411' College and university stu¬ 71 ski areas with the opening of TWO PARTt.V r't HNtsltro as-'l- VOI.KSWAMIS'. I MR DEI.UX SC. dents nre expected to make tip Alpine Valley on M-.19, 10 miles Mini »t.,U,,h war„n Radio. mrto , • v.i'e h»*"« and e-\'r*-.-- i>m the i iiktom rii"i"i r equipment option vitif Parks.'.f, Mttlit.M pud majority of the weekend wot of I'oiitiac, Grsndvlew Or 2-oie; crowds at Cabrrfae, Boyne chords Ski Area near Fenton and hI I i.w mileage ED 2-V.7H 4 1 Mountain, Crystal Mountain and ilirch Hills, six miles north of 1.2 MKIU I'HV RADIO AND h#a»- t I.O--F Tr» r AMO'i - r»«r- -Oed ' AI.A TV M.RV1CK rfl!1 mad# any Avalanche. Dig Itnpid-. er Run* *d ^ I •• J ■ lrehi.lt. all uMdie* Call III J-Xr-fl - t '.»4 At'NI IN IIRAI.KV. conn ron. 17 ' fur# Calls t! Antennst Installed. ciiinn. new t.innaaux paint Mu«t ncrifna »*cir, rarh I II t-WRi 47 si'ABTAN VTIXACr. ONE bad- i 4;j , ,,ri» end r ar'.a guaranteed. New r<*,m * ill euh-iel lor winter term mRCFD to NFI.t. Trtumnh ID 2-SBia >9! IMS with nvarUriv*. *i.«rrl»r,p. ratlin Mr franca tV >-t Mil nr IV S-5:m.1 . i „ TV'i lor Mte Phone IV S-09C4. 41 ins voi.kswaijon r;onn t on. tUTlON Ona owti#f. ID 1-0atl 44 SPARTAN iials. sij loctt »*M CIIRVRLFR TONVTRTintr fUU. powar, I An hp angina, fltv><| one block r*om * casoti i 'tndltltiu. »A*. 1 all Skip I D 7-1314 LEARN TO FLY at Rheren Avis- after * M • Low Re tee Three ml lee laror warm rooms, wash - WH r.n Abbott - phono ED I4B4 l«ww» KAIIMAN OMIA BOtmilT I" An*u't, muil »alt. I.tke Dew. fD bowl tn taar. laroc lorry :-NWi 4? TT'flST Ann Itrnwn. Naw phone with TV.. LAt'NDRY AND PARK- N'« |ra» PI.YMOtfTII. font DOON 3D 2-Aj»4 Electric Typewriter Ratlio Tens |M|irra end uu-m » AKe gen¬ and liaat-r fnnd rondlU„n ino rAcn.rrtEL docblc wm eral typing U l.ow pr»,a ( all altar 7 pm. ED 7-SBA4 41 sin'gij: fi M ED 1*2374. SPARTAN ORCHESTRA RERVICX ttNt OI.DS GOOD CONDITION Mu».c f«>r e!| miauuiw (Sen# Hell. IWit ollaf. Jtne M.igvaf ED S-14J7 ED 3-ODI. (I TYTlNfi DONE IN mv Rnertun • 14 MMIU-.AN AVLVt'E. URN- ilU.ce Hnnia El) 7-U70.1 1164 f MEVIIOLET rONVKRTlBI E. . it I l.A( K 34S angina, pnwargtlde. pnw- ISHED opertment. f r a-« nr tare : rr staartng. redio end hauler. Brad college hoj • Cliut.ee peid. pern Tilt MODERN • AIRS Dei* a Bend IV S-HS10 'Er,.»,» 3 to 10 pleta*. ED Emery. |V ( amphril. || 12S y.inmon* llelt. 40 * 4-u .4 tr Uiftl MO TD GOOD condition. Cell ROOM', I II 7-WT'OI | 40 jf FANCY AND BEAUTIFUL. Decor- eted cekae for waddlnge end ell no- ORADES AND STUDYING g» to- ' coaMone L0fge email and doll cakre. FOR SALE gather end • quiat rot 'n ta rnantal l,» h«.»h (let e good rnrm am. Kin- i hnmamade order, taken anyume Will deliver Mrs. fcrwin Hall. IV rla 00. nr double fl) f< f tti Man 4?0 Cirova 3 Mnrke t<* ra-ni-n phone empue ext 23?I. or Et» 7-2TJX 4> j MW- SO fklft »I» NOW TYPING. niG OR tmall. va do them ail Twu Iducke from cempu* • ind WINTER TERM APPROVED Bit- SD J-e.'»' rla mi War,n. csnnferteh^ Ce!I I It 3-41 IS mnrninu of e*enit g« eft- AVOID TDK RUSH ar 4 pm TYPING DONE IN my home. Cell M wUh I rv 4 ««fcu arte, e pr, t, APPROVED ROOM EOR »aen. j TV PI Or A V All.AMI. I Ift YEARS k Uhrn e«d TV pfteilega* Ijna-e ' exoenen. a 7hr«a« tvplng. secretarial . X-MAS LAV-A-VVAY furni«had. 00 V» |ar taoee ID 3-427* | ynrk. eollere degree, rlectilc type- i writer, car ID 2-i4l« tf DIAMOND HONII STAMrS . ROOM n/Kr TO fntverr.tr lot TYPING - MANL'SCmPTS THE mala «tudar.t. » ne-e Urruthad. ID Sis let m papers, et,. Phoni 3*3497 0$ WM fl THOMPSON EVERYTHING EVRNIRHID. VOt?R rHANDOR JEWEt-ER t-.ih a id *ti,i»rf In each unit t HUNTING SUITS |2'*» PLAIN tn ratnpne A1 e motel EE *-33M SKIRTS two f..r ft (k» WHY PAY DOI.EX « mm MOVIE CAMERA NOR** W yeaha in huetnrae. WK.N- lariatde ajw-d. E I * (in'Utmg tan* REAL ESTATE DHOWS COIN LAUNDRY AND like new, «7S V F. S-1750 ih DRY CLEANERS, fend Vine Strert. USED HEgRH, ERATO It, FAIR enn- »."•» KIPIJNG BLVD. NEAR feet S block we*t of f»ea;g at Frsndur. dlUniV ».V1 ( all ED J-awirt. I'aik «• l.unirig and transfer Three hod- r«m», Dd.n l°»loniel. I^rge liemg 10mm HOI.rX MOVIE CAMKR A room witn fireplace dining room, TYPING—Tlfl'srs AND term pa kil.han nlth breahfaet area Dee- pert. I't luting -ruv puhllritv. the t vi allai.t t nndiltcn »l VI Hi - fnlal.t pseel. diahwaak*r. acres wed porch. ere Ron,), () :..-» Duplualmr. M, .a MNl( auipliiiar >.1R VI) S-A.(.v« 40 I Gremt Rw.t. I', hatha, finished hoeemant ntth l»,t Lancing. ED I MHlsTM AS TREES Si OTCM f.replace In recreeti-tn room, meat tf pdie I ut \ .ur own. itrth n» the buUI-m runhoerdt Cervetr. drqpee. l>lant«iti»n \ i»nr chu'.,t lee *•« In ertnr .ni i ROY t r.N(,l.|s|| nil VCLE. one; CAMPt'R THREE RX (X KX Tco bedr.Htm ren»-h Off Seat; ut'lt, tear Kill, Ilka liev» E«. oil. he'd* rnnpi. no haaement Icar tar age i * 44"I 47 j double lot Ahimtnum eui-.-g, tuy foe EAfULTY MKMHFR WANTS tn iom than rent it SI)few on El*A AIM MI■IIH-CI F.ARANi t JiAt E. of i rem rer for W inter quartrr. c all T h.»w«. l, "«i ..If Choice of 44 how a. I tertre Oerna* FD 7-4t/«. a Dot s *» j Meyer." Ext Jfe2 g«nl ae tec Hon «»f arrows. Cekh or t .«da t..r -letting goods, full nr part- FLUTE GOOD condition Art- I iut\nodi. Ctatlr > Archer v- Mtmrae ■ i H I at Wavarly Md. Lansing 3<1 la j'jW"* ' """'t (etl DISiOUNT l RICES ON Kodak LOST MIVS GOLD w»t.N. awn ron (hristmas vacation Hi.,.* and white or color, elan washroom,. 4tn EWt-vel tngaxeer Want ground Dour rlaapmg room nr ,».< ic fire film with developing Ing Nsme I* on | » been, ED 7^10' , rma.'l apartment »n »^%t Leneing |:d , t printing Marak Rexall Prae- 'in',on t enter, by tears next to - r ,.. . „ .• ,,1 if LORT—OVE » AMFO rt-g *n t-e 1 transportation_ i 1«t floor »»l the i-ie*>« *, se'.roi—n ef « "RKTMAS TREES' RID P-ir, Darker ■«. |!»'.! ■< 0«* > ' »0 end tnruce. SI and im, to Witlie-n f ip». U E MI Hone Jrd h,->u«e watt t»f ; I or-rr. cn Cemetery entrance So u Tenn W AN TED - RIDE « nrulma, \araiwn. TO Memphis.' Will ahare RKtUIirCl. ft" MAHOGANY I LO*T Gt-ASSE*. WHITE V, •trentrt Can toot Satn Un G SO E S- »w Hail 'dV.MH-E TV, fl.mr lamp *41 Gun. j Vicinity Gra .d IL ,t» Street E.-t luuiaing, ED 3-2MM l/IST-LADTT* BLACK - fared t)( RIDE. WANTED Dec S or 9 ToWaihlngtrm Contact Jou VU- Bulcva xrsfrh m r»pp. Raaa-d hauer. 130 E. Shaw 43 SIAMfsE KITTENS. SEAL poin' Call J,^n. IV 3-4 7g a R week* -Id 015 ( all ED 3-2*01 5» i ! n end bov MATIRMTY HIRM AI , e cfeUiet to age 0. ID WARDROBE. other draeeae. R17E Rahv t-Uva LOST watch he'oa^t E LADIES' Reward. Judy SchuiD. ED 2-3>v0! CO! D Uito »-d Berks- rttntaei ^EMPLOYMENTDEPENDABLE. RESPON R1 B L ■ 41 GIRL. To work at d.itor r tuittinl. LOFT NOVEMBER »rd Rlactt Must he willing to learn. ED 3-4313. CLARINET tVETTE NEW. |'4S "Weak at a gtan.-a' s-mo.ntment Exvellrnt rendition SSS ED |-R«4* hook Urgen'lv needed Vi moo ef Union or Berkey Naff J>>re dues FART-TIME RECRETAJPY. Preflc- Mat at shorthand. 10 hour* per week, ho" is'ng •jarting noon Wedtmday. all gay Thursday, rrtday. Write Mr B. L PERSONAL Reek e»th. M N Larch, LansUig. for intemew. stating qualiftrotlona. 1 bewrty rate eapertrd. not 0 tempor- EOR THE FINEST Is dare* tswe* are job. 43 HOUSE FOR KENT bungalow type Ms Bug gssiigMi. Dm Smor. dare fj.-ki liM-ation tar three or four grad¬ hrxun. Bobby SSartn* Nw many other* Phewe «m DM Mar Afar MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST FOR uate n.rn or woman IV 4-4301 W IV 1-400 tf evening work Local hospital, new UNAPPROVED laboratory Excellent salary and i HOUSING FOR g-oup* m thma fit I nit eludent* STUDENTS' TOM S Ft yrser , -oadttjj tooditawu call IV 1440^ j KfC Neat l-ike Laiui- g Until June. Call EL 9*2213 a-.trr 7 |i m •Sod fe«3 Vina Street rrer Safher*. plciiD ft parking, treat .( Sear* r RiaOISTEI»I3>~NURftrs TNTERES- aornte from Natfenal fo.xl m FOR RENT Coil ED L1C KENNY DAVIS orchestra- •f TTD Personnel in MrtMMfyg care Dept. -Sparrow nurwng? Call Hospital.' UNFURNISHED DUPLEX S!X campus classifieds iv. • and AuhMtialic hath 111* hr*t, Eureka. Lad- near fehmdi, tn' ATTTS TTON AK ' reg f It ATS St »* Get a Me«- ; Bernard. Eagtt 1 quick results in - - i * ♦hupping and bus. »ou Call. IV i-ZUA man'h aid (rale Mu*t tsfrifnt Call I . . ailer i 3d LOW COST .. . fin, 40 ED 1nU70 «d«g f »m. 44 j ... nil I I 1HPMPAT, DECEMBER U tfiM MICHICAN STATE NEWS PACE FIVE fMacbeth' Stage Designer Beutler's Band Featured fCarries Play to Audience9 Ih \\V I.ANfilV * f IIF -II \< H»: f If • *-n.r,v ««m- Weekly at the 'Espresso Stole - If Ct'lT ItlVDELL^ Nrat fMlart Writer ,.v»n •>" baritone •«•>- Slslp New* Feature Writer *l«t . of pi*ttf6fm« SIxJ Th* in frn in jf tr*.' M'tf* ih giv»*» • »,!» t.„ .... *» Ih, .»! »M ed -rh. J,„ on Thiffday through Suadiv ; ,.yy ruXJ^r™- Baftflon. It f»»-iing *.f the \h* . „• -}.ng to Beth' sfi, I am trying to imre of th, r.'n«d •»»). The nigh*' a: the Gallery E«pre*'i. i vr•, the art works of etu¬ break the bond* of the jir'»*» i}.'.rr,<'> terminal* »;.» f.#i. is la.ning a great deal of y.♦ . -ten". and faculty .t,ember:, from Icenium arch and carry the f" ,h" brutality «.f if nu» ularit/, according to Ken B. - univ-r-.ty. nin, owner of to- gallery Ranr.or.. the boarded owner -f play into the audience," m»M (,r,*!'ry Headed by Al Brutltrts ?v.'- gallery. sa*4 that he wiil r/s Kduard Anclreascn. instmr- T'" »pp,.,t.h . rot ■ tor in Ih.. rtm-nt of j; man group, the workshop na* feav-ir.r.g i-arry Weifl, a flam- , - * *ion.», -its Ar irti't It i« »ltr> become a regiiar ?*a' ;r* at •-.« /m r,.ur:'"t or. Wednesday apecch and set rfeujrner for d|r, <|t f„mT,l#,,,v Mn.r,to ! ga.itry. It was started four the t niveraity theatre pro- furr||f»r of »r.* ..t from the weeki ag-i '.Vit.n, according to Ba.mco, j ductiona. artistic apptbarh." Aooear.'.g With Btullff I i appeared one right and atarte^i "M*f b*th" will !*■ preaentH at ffl tit-mfrnnu a »»».. ba*is arid i John Ma* -., trump*', and va . . p^ay Hp was gwi, SO Ban- ' | FaircMId theatre through Decern- important point* of drarnatu »r- .tromi)or.« Kenny Wat • - r.ori h.red "-m. ; tor I at H p.m. ( tioti ir. i»t to* considered. Sketches i j. dfjffii, a'.-. Fred AtwVrd. b'«- The Gal>*7 Espreoao began { "In 'Macbeth' w* art- the «rt- then made for th«* director's ' ; at"! : >•' Be-.tier plays toe a :•. lar Janoary. It hag« Elizabethan idea of staging." ■«:'! approval for both function and and bar.tor.e i Ha.-.r.on u.J the or.!/ "evpf«-- | j saxopr/.r.' j Andreaten. "We are going to u*< ar.thetir vai ic. '.orflplieated plat-i Be.'ler -.ai had a variety o! ?• -naeh.ne ..n the Lansing araa. the rurked stage generally used forming or mobile »«-t- are utu- tne of jsr./ A to** »: Chrtstmas art tfyr*t j in court theatre presentation* in ,He ajrpearcd the grtt **-o 'i; '+.r.: pla.-.r.ed far the gaLery. ally made into model-- to-fore any i the nth Century. It ri«e< grad- v. f- begins u the »hop. iNitre Darr.e ;»i* feat.gals '"7r- show* Banncn aaid, ually from the front to the bark "A dynamic play such u "Mar.; i At the ' festival he plive-d fea-jre i-r-• rather a* though you were gently tilt- both* require* three dimensional COWARD AmiAMF j a* a member of or.* of **.-• pens.v rtprtienutionil mg the Mag- to the audience can thinking," iai ces«:or.aL followed by "Glory V> , The concert, a university tra- it t" Feb. 2»l will play the part of one of Lord that the G!»e club i« especia:,y G'ei :n tr» H.gfuat" >y Wlllan. lMlu4' •>"""»'« Profaaenra Allen Lee pa arid and Lady Macduff* chitdnn in rAW4 for i'.« Cbntto*. .«;• Tk. 0». rlso »..i tiot mm Clifton Mt'Cheartey yent color "Macbeth.'" rhorml-einging between the two Ch.rr.Tr.at songs. aiid** of their work to the grou]» part* of the formal program. ftr judging. Loth received a The concert will feature a per¬ tmn;ttoe original* requeu' to Only J.V> hiidc- o r of ee« the Magazine formance of Lach's Oratorio, part* J and If, by toa Chriitma* Complete Optical over 3.0T|0 *abrr.itted DEAN OF THE Colin* of Arricoltur. Thnma- K. ("o*dfn i« a preliminary judging. parsed the 220-vatoe Univrrsity cborua and i Servicei llvioit ojrabol of th. univrrsily farm pr.icr.im I nd.r Cowdtn'a l.ad- .rshlp, the roll.*, ha. rxpanrlrtl its projrrts to inrlud. I.arhin^' of I'rof. Iv*fpa i* the author r,f the \i>>ok. "The Challenge of Mod¬ ern Art ' He «ae represented Page the tra. University Symphony orches¬ Soloist* will b* Ethel Arrr.ciir.g, studrala, atatr old. ttprrimi-ntalion and a farm rr.ans.Uini; «.nir» recently in the 22at Annual Jury JESS MAXWELL John Gorman and (itan Green- incrory county. (I'hnlo by lion W ill) Kxhibit of the Water Color Soci¬ E.alurc Editor well. ety of Alabama. The pablp: Is invite«J to attend. 'University Profile' Dr. Dickson Says Learning Growth of College of Agriculture Fundamental to Christianity Sparked by Dean 'Pom Cowden industrial ?; agricultural He Ry HOH STEWART State New* F cater* Writer Dickson believe* to experiment with nature with¬ man is tree ; sior of the fullness of truth and | neither the humanist* r.or mater- ' Br SZMH MAXWKM. the output of econmnics. out fear of violating eny reli¬ ialijt in himself hold* adequate .stole Newt tea tore Miter worker, ftp said. Interest in learning is fun- noluj a PhD from Cornell gious principles, because nature i information to explain tr.t truth Jican Of the College of Agri-| Much cf the rrei.t f*-: m- . no plar»- in the uni- leave college a- either material- Dickson said that a Christian And then he leaned back and the university, said th* ci.:-;,' Cowden taught at Purdue Un- v«r»ity-ft»r religion and believe 1st* or humanists. is in a position to be a good schol¬ recalled that agriculture has o? agriculture ha* expanded r.'o .vfriity for aeven year* and was religion if antagonistic to learn¬ The materialists, concerned ar because he is free from nar¬ made great changes m the past on" of the large**, m the world. •'.rector of research for the ing They *ay it appeal* to the with material rather than spir¬ rowness by encompassing both few years. •MSU gr. •'* mir*» misters f American Farm Bureau ta Chi- emotion-, rather than to objer- itual value*, hold the view that the materialist* and humanists "Food production ha ■■ inrrca. - and doc*oy* ■•r.'t agriral-jf ,o until 1313 tjv and rational thinking. mar. i« a physical victim cf cir¬ views through hi* field of study. | over 40 per cent In the i » ' ture U>r '.nan ary '-"»**:• He head of th* depart- U> l»i'kaon, theie' e ; ' • was A" ordt»;g cumstance, and that msn'j body 70 years—with les* (arm man¬ ir.-'c-i*. i country :.e -nt of tr **i atal eci- sprang from nature and his mind • people lack a mature Chrirtian • power In the field." Tho output of a farm worker has increased twice as fa t a* vai-J of Co*-' • sc.' n- • ' v- ' » mt. . -nks a* MSU oc fore becom-r.? of the college of agricui- vieu "The irony of tra* may be seen , from hi* body. But the material- iat i* handicapped. He cannot Vesper Service • in that our modern universities answer the question of man's «:>wde» : i.-vr, la married, hi. two and rtiidea ir. Ea>*. are art jaiiy ch'urrh." said Dickson. children of II*■ cited the; r^rio*ity, bis > hi* free will, dissatisfaction, or Sunday Night Book* in Review L »r.«.ng Ax dear. Cowden cvt-raeet a a* example?, the founding of j er THE HUM \MST.«. on the oth¬ ! The annual Chriitma* Voaovr Harvard hv the Congregational- hand, hold that man through | ecrv.ee. sponsored by Tfteta Chi , > agr;cuilunt network which Coiufikbta by the Anglicans,, hi* u*e of reason, it the master | fraternity and Alpna Gamma Mailers Book Has Prose. • » :« -H-T- 2 0V) f.ude-.t and 2"1 people engas- . 411 and Northwestern by tk< Meth- of ail thing*. od»»t« The humanists glory in man's srtistic achieve¬ | Delta sororiU/. will bo held in ♦ the Alumr.i Manorial chapel it jftd if# 'fieir uTork MODERN* RCTKNTK. D.ckjon) ment*. They berome "culture Is Stark Autobiography I ', {*-,.• r To .itiidcre 1 ■ co'.of agriculture it world.' h« one of :h> best in tian *aid. owe- it* origin to the Chri"-! world. He feel* Christianity ! iiid "Tbe agri- encourage* the development of vulture*," according to Dickson. But man'- darkr,*** and sin* are 13:15 pjii. Sunday. . The service will be nor.-4e- nominational and will bo cen- tered primarily around religious j forgotten. The be*tial nature of . cuivural whidi «m» the »cienceirf and that man has ; nation.* i* overlooked. ! musk: to suit the occasion I'etiew* by Donald A. Yale-, an I of tea, if toe gradual land—ad- rror*. grid us toa of the col- barn put in charge of creation I The well educate.! man requ.res ' The sorority will sing "Noel instrnetor in Foreign language" miltediy—always literatei court¬ \ - .' very -*eii pl«V-ed with for I of the Shepherds." and "Noel . axparimcr.Ution at hu own a blending of both viewi, Dickson syr progranw.* Smg Good News." The frater¬ %dv*rtto*m*nU for Mv»elf." ing of th • baarr« faw mate< >«>;j ■ " will. •aid. He requires a cornprehen- T;.-* ror.ege of agriruiture eo- nity will sing "See Thai Babe," b> Nartona Mailer, Pntoam. IS. in the way that-the M»rpent fs--> 'orsisate* *.;>:■ c-.-^ueriGve ezten- "Whiio Shepherd* Watched Norman Mailer, author of the. nates the bird, then don't fad brilliant war novel, "The N'akel read "Kiss, Kiss.*." service., a firm .servto* or* Their Sheep," and "Bring a and the Deaii," and one of the ; w-.th office* r> every Torch, Jeanette, Daoelia." "Flapper* and Philosophers." i rou-4>* in the i'-ate. Trie two groups will combine mo*t fearfully talented young and "WU Talc* of thr Jaaa >«* "|* n re'jul eeuntof of loveliaU to l>e found between I..A to sing "Shepherd's Farewell to and Other jUorirs." by 1 ; yy iBfurmat-on." Cowden said. and Greenwich Village, has real- the Holy Family." "How Shall | itigerahl. Srribnrr*, *3-95 each. ' The wKole rate a <2°. but us <»n|» from the first "advertisement" to Kings.** ^ ally the er.ttre Uxiy of prow - ; "per cer. . •: f the total pru- The choruses will be led by the final page of a rhunk of h.« Abort stof m-v so) note.*—ujm- . | gi am,'* Carol Ruck, Westchester, I;:., vw unfinished novel—in which which I* ba-ed the fame of one cf The reliefe alto coordinato* junior. he reprints some of the heft and America's wr.tors of th - a- agricultural experiment *ta- A brief Chriitmas meditation worst of his work and freely com¬ 1320'%-kF .Scott FiUveiabi. ■ engaged in ttatewride farm will be given by Dr Walluce ments Jn between piece* on hi* The first book of ahort rcssearrh Over I4.0OU acres of Robertson, pastor of the Peoples art, his life, his doubts, his strug¬ published by flugerald, no** ,-e- lana- * he'.J by the t*»Uege Hi Church in East Lansing gle*, and his defeats. pTinted r its entirety, was "Flap¬ U different locitiooi CsenjIMfft- Congregational sing.ng of Thara are 3M individual prone Christmas car Is per* and I'hilosfophrr*" — out the aUto. w;U auto oe t'icctij faur poams, and—most in- eight stories niustly about trrrjfhi Moat nf the land is used for part cf the program. '♦. « sting of all—a total of 34 new farm and forestry research pro¬ , young people grappling with po»t- »'«tthe* of "advertisements" in adolcace orr problem*. Arthur jects Several other colleges and vhieh Mailer "toils all" in the \Lzer*r, W dato FiUgeraid s •«- department* of the unireruty Union Conference form of a long confession a 1. For iy biographer, has written an in¬ cooperate ua the program. •»e reader only faintly interested ■ Mailer's work, this volume is a troduction f «r Use pew ed• Tb«- second volume,' "Six Tak-a so The eoLeg" of ajneuiture al¬ port,cipates in ftrezgn pro- Often* Tomorrow and Otrer jwnv at CokMBbia. Okir-awa and "Survival, Disarmament and c-idmine of individualistic prase of the J»,2 . a id three more from his I 'ahl waa a anaoath sort of liter- third. "All the Sad Ytrnng Men" ibjectivr of the uhivertltjr—that sponsort-1 by the Labor and In¬ j <•■* iurrv.ee to people—enoat hot dustrial Relations center of the *ry charlatan. Smooth because oc lash" Cowden stotod. university. . one ha* to adiaire hia atyie and Here » a wsaer Fittgeraid. a Nearly half of the students in Among the guest speakers at iThnfcal artistry; charlatan be¬ mare accompliahed artist, in a the coi>jc of. agriculture are , the two-day conference are: cause he has built a reputation ! way a more serious writer. At xnroiied in the department* of Edmund Gulhon. director cf toe on the telling of flimsy little "pot- 'the tame time, however, one must conservation, forestry, and fish- US. Disarmament. Administra- boilere* that John Collier wouldn't observe that he had become fully cries and wildlife. Enrollment uon for toe Department of State, have touched and that 0. Henry aware cf the specific demands i-h those areas >adf all other Err.:! E Bencit. professor of eco¬ i Uly would have felt apologetic made by the weil-paying maga- uaivmitit*. nomics it toe University of j over had he ushered them into zjnes for tehien he wrote ttos fir- Tie college grazttojT more Michigan, and Emil Mazey. Sec- i " print { ' v tkm. oarhcior of science degrmt in retur;--Treasurer of the United | Yet DaU't previous 'collection In spite of evident charac¬ the cmicrvatton area lar. year Aa*-. Worker* of short atones "Someone Like teristic <1 purposely avoid the loan did any other university," The conference w being held w"»." wea much critical praise; term "siifknc**"), FiUgcr aid's Cowdec .-aid. for memoirs of varioui labor end without the slightest doubt, ability and. more, hi* talent abate* Tte wrorid ©f agricultural union - I' will bo directed at toe same fans are going to like through The author'* daughter, science—with its changing hori- the parti if each individual m .the eleven new stories here col- Mrs. France* Fitzgerald Lana- zw« • *vv *-«^u .*■ •*' «•*- M ir»«fytuv. Hopes Carried S|Kirtans W in Two v,*%«w~~4t?wn> rV )«.' VJtom UfamaVh .v*i M ** «rri VMtlvm >•'« tftfe. M V « «. n .-*«»\ » O-yAm AM Ihe ItvM* t4..n Viv^wviit^ .'»■• V V' IG SopllS X* , During Kaslorn Trip ,><%*■**: Ajfeefri-wx. ■■■ftnik ^iVpc • V ^A-vW't IV \\ fi« A A - o-Vv-Af'-.-"*,'- v».4« v»,*« V s *N*,nm j**-•*' f' w. 4U-«T^ cVfrA1. ;A 1. TW4*** XVa-M Vfrrt, ■* r^*vM ef IV \ \*e*X\V -*v. V * * *« v A"i' ' ,V» V r*s'<: t*v\v .*■* *v <• ■ ** ?Vr saw^I V efcw# * * \>«4>r \ •"»*. ... -p. T5*V"« " IV-* A V-A*rr 4t.tV W*ryA..'N ** A* 'V* e.v> A-M -■•,>• w.-. « f.*r,A Wwk* M tvijy V^L m +?fwr* ---"V -< A AM i-AV «■>>>*-.• ,* rV„ 4 -XA «*• ^ fM r-*f h tv r*«t ♦-• - A --V 'V«- - - A-—. •- • \ r^'- * v. av A'V;- *., A"- •y*V \: v< *v.M* AXVAW v* >»vrt V lx-i A '••A ",t e-vtirM •ftc-- — •••,-, >;*,«. te«% It-1- W .''Vr tV (WW IV- x . ( i*»l t\v • v'-vVx Vv< Nvx WV^ *•* n,v.> v ., ■ -. . V'^rr- V""V VAOYVrtX sM ry-^VvS #««hl IASI A ** VW V *><« TA Oaato* . . U* IVM » A*- -» V amNMVOTV -»« t'vv-A « >. •<«*. »•.« rv* 4-v >V»r AT. 'V.V • *» N • r.-A *** r*« A > "*< ".*»*> *N» ■ V*- At it or v \er \thi> n\ \>n karn vsv 7 vh-AV, 'V •*«>' <*-«—.* •••*» V . -, •*..>♦ - A'W • ?T *>-' W >**»'s «' v. -' * X fxV. e< #1 wV^'A V «-y. «Rmrrs n sr»v mkvhvi «•' P.-K ; "f'f- t . " .tV «. V •- V TV ^ nv« '>nv\A' It V *'•« e*v» >• • -::t. -.-fc~ V»..~-- "*« « % r-\ xWA *T^'» rms SI'MMKR «*t A'"-N •,.* -.\VN Vv»/. .*•>-'-> n* *•%, a* *,ix f-*,"' ,H. . 'v > «TT4A •- **<**»' T'*1» **.-*• .— Oa* ■ * -,v vmM\ nw ■ v • -v ' V - <•» -V 4r* "■«' t* M-,v- V ♦AT.v* ftV i'."A-v "v w?. .,. • ' IV T* . NAV • .. •', ~ . rt ?*V 'A. *,+- +*** *\T VAM" VA^T V«T r»/ N\y • V V*v "* Hr» * \ T'« k-VVvp> *r. ar>v>t« b."»ji ••M -v-*h M ^ t?r* *.V«»H* frv«* >v. •- >.* A' « a»*VX*» W In* A," v^r V*-**-A« As TO f**-. -• - T*sA »"• AK-W, ***.?, r*4>. *yp«*TA^» «<«—«*• *AT »Ae%»h.x IVAV. V. X , 4 "»• ■•«*«.» T.V J". NJV A+'V r. V — - >.• ;vv*^.x t'n« ^ «••*-- »->^t ,*va n-*'* v. <«o wwex' V« *e *r- ; • f\u. •" V^*. V '•W.j —40.. t 4 —+. V ••*»«• * 4-r V v-V>**>c ^•< >■'* ***• <* -V *U f.#•«. ► *"V "V V, V*' v» «TS, V — r** % «*«VM v*» *>ft «», ^ 4^.,,..^, rwr» fWhiAt cm* TV* ** ^ >***,* f**)' -,.V. A* jt'tvs ,» V* ."yt n *t V r,V"-* «r'Vr« > "vV > •-■«* ** H -A w X v. >v«* fv- m*' .,. .. **•*— Vt>"S**W TVq» . »W ... •V^*, .... ...v -*V. tV V« frw H f-1 H'sa-am »vv " t «-».vn* y sW- * ^ '*»• Sv4-N^X W,W',v*i ' V \VTV *« **• -xr ■■*«•-. ,>-r\ v T%*w *■* A*.* ?-**-T *v«r*- /w« i»r«fT»**A AN^NT Cfl AY A4*—* • "■Aw* r<- <*+ %■■ A- \ H A'^V <*(4V'- WAX Van^- *r «•*- #V» V -■* «•»-« h*1 •'XA 'X, -x *■•;?•• *cv*»~ * *r »,<**. .2.1- r-x*x.A ar -••<-*» T-%4..-* tT •> --.V. V«" •-■*»-' »*,"*• | W ■>**<»• %-«•.■* -'•ni «*t. *wi «aa«i iv wmrt* rvv, *im i.v ,*»»V *vv*--»s *K. MI6HT9-MMC, v X ■*'-Xf-i, >,* ' \ Kf VV A «,AA "l tVAM,1?1 «nir* w ? «*■**«%- AxaK<»«i winter a happy time 'OfcCnyti, 1 tWVisoVt 4 'V.>f V»K(hv X "*- -V*»V» " P^'-« «•*< "t »*"..;•*•»*(, n.;'t «**<••• ::rx:c;: * >FI> F1TTV* ;... \fl «.-T v-—.> rvy .** \>>nn^ *• ■v"M.v V - An< • X*-, ♦,V aW *V *A (Vl^'k »Sr 1 4^ »*" XAV»?*W W AW rVWRh . ILF0RN0 •X* •"."HA- V- '-» .•*«.••»■■. •«• M ~ J i\ ^.s, irul l\i$siiii: vv,- »X"«v»' i>-"-*-»•■<» nV V**M «V »V'T»I »Vlf* ,*• *-x*A "H-A ^ V-a» V—. i»»Sf . A\* *noi, •• yt v T* •?■». .V 1* fV %x* **•»» «0k**t«v> ttr, »V \ v ivy ^ M V v«s' «»> * •*»» *W pnM W* «*? %' i» '*-»*- .. R EST. Vt "RANT., Vv'" <«*-'••' •-" ♦-*'••' . .%»•* ■■• »>-♦! V ».*«W »Srx-# '•*» '* Vvf* *: rH-rw «v f ->■ "*\»i I tewpiuv: »3v«y ***•■ a !«•««(' |t c'v * -hp W V-I * V "* -i.s« .r**y- * x ' . ,Vy ,-H* V* v»* V> v .V. .A—-»-* NV «%4 -MtaTfcl* VN-^ *-Vv,-tjvp im. fr. <%." V n»4 cxjr*< M IkiWadk, " W"® yvx »w 'X—- Aw--- ?**• > x** r>- v ,-.-y\ r.y > .' r v . •: v,w an s;xtnT T-^-V rv'"' ^ • SX l\-W W V*% *-'- --fr*-x «;•-•** *SP- >H iwac s*« * >.v p~i»ty T-xH**. v.* tartaW «ma W» 4r- IVeker (V ff, V> *\fv» •• ••..■• r* ».. •. "lfi*s .v NV VA »»*Trw*AT * «k» *i* WPx*>*A' - < t.v- ;s, - w v» i rx «* ?va |i N^fmn i» ^ ^ «.*-.; I*t*: - •> ••> K- IVk* ITHU* »twill * • tAv f*4»*>*n-®vv . x * t*ivAyv*» rf mr-TvAKk ?'», »>•*.,-x vp- V v - RMi-nt« TP V* fK; ,"'«■-*I'— *». Ra-xketlvill X"V- i*-. ':. ^ .... cr ♦- -'.x mvVFt ,v.. —s«<- •ni.:A.«n4 ■*!.>.■ --x n, — • »'*"• 1* -!« • • ***--- tx SIUKS CHKKEN • SUfOOM - (M. «Ur >*,**:■ x*w< l'Xf*. -niT.,1^ vvVn » ~ * ' • -l '•' Vi»wt..a( Knnl-* ]\-**-»<•»■•— 7r* (X h,.%* Ar»P .yN»*»v-* v... —i -|m»i -]>. * nn. «• *->.<-«• m a* tr Antlr f«iA iw yYwwn VX.**- ly*. RVR-B-O-RIBS C WtOi'TVi.'V .v»- -v rmvh^v* ^ - •*» ;v ivs. ',- Intramural iVrfv'«r^ # >n#fis # VwS%*hp» • FSrra ■«":> *h- *■" »*nnt «*v V«,« «** X*»«V6 v *»t —*;v •**:* .Vhiyluk^ v«y yr» ?»**!.• C' '.V 'iXi. .«#.rn*~%»* ■»' —- ifDa,-.** . .»:««>» vp •■ *.s.."* —-a.v ST."- y 4,»4r , »iv. A? «rw;-*a *s> ertsr4*. v --i * r.\-» p-Hiv** a^Wr fcs* V* tv i ^ v n ■nwAWlfsyv-A ' fwt. I »xa t*-MT A-v»h*xU.-* * viS O^v- 5V T« r-'-xi it-nr v * ■ xiv *#•; V- A» WNABIW I«|R»*^ v*i> iv.' V /vaaV"*x, r>v «iv iy mc -Sec. l» IM». ikta Iaw »iir«w. ' f atam**" * *"*4, Wr *«>*" «£«i' v« artttbertilT *\X Nafi fwrr *%.»£ £ive. at fiiw*, la® «f ®am »s4 i "GCrtMwciNidv l^alMkaWiupe-tnTttttrlMslW* . I» «app«t uc k i —> > TW a» nmii ®H» MM •» "fc» f5ty ABC SWttPK Mbc CtttK Sal MAr«r«Ma.n nil ksIUT. MSCtMMH t. IW* M IC H I « A N #T A T r NUTS fAWR MtVKN •"•12 Wrestlers Get Ready -XMAS GIFTS GALORE'' nv to%tilw»roN ■fW» 3 { ?V4m' ir 'ii"i*■ 111 I'rrr Gift a rhirfr Amniwla N \\v* rapplnR , • p >Va». WV(»« w»o.-h "v'wdvxi * *vsi ex>n ih# "♦vttltui »t>*irw»y« wi' v a m «,x.«,»,ir» wtmwpxg Ati*ut IN? ♦ii'ii.w Ctvu' 0.'MM wt Hil. j H \ .».•■,x«,>. ,« i*|. , !»o*v * «v(|N| 'ivK CVUlm #*vt M»- I'HlVi* iv thy iff- «*v> *<» « t. W-Wif f*v#« ***%. ''V' - J'V.! *V«Mfcg*r »,;v with pi'Mtt.l «1\VI«KM1 whtfili M p? IV». x ,V' W**pl»tp. ,V •».*' xmjM.XHxfxt.x pm* tVyt* *♦ U\# *H4 in lh*» O'MHrivii.# ''•PI !»'vi S* »**y "llUHd f-.V !B#t «pxlv>\ 1 \ fsms- 1 wr-th'?-"- 1 nrt»n • \\ 1 ' J VC.KKTS 1.3** • •* 1M. rciiC t3T*p*n«fct neurit tVvfe i.„ vv \ lVpH.vn.Mp OV.1 44# foolmr i flw# eelrHto* oof WW- t*.''v *•• •'. *•« \M fc.it ♦. f 1 p j yp , S \ M1» a»-i>-."ipv »*i4- iiinU >"< A-*' -• *'*f •41 ,s-v * V.vi-a^ »n -fc.v-a. |t Hi* ,,4.1^,1 Ml |VH«, ,111 •»•■■, 11"' 1»fioM» Harm arias pile |»#h#to fM far »' . v •- ■.• M-# ;v»i 'wvn K*vi Iir.ni'1 u. mi i . 111.1 in.- iv * mi r,-i in a A""'f- i »m^»i $I3.95> 14.93 .»• v » i 1**3." '•''<• Ml! i'M'sH rnri >» T« • * .*♦.-•» ?•.■••■.•» v" Hi X " <••" • V* ,• *1 '• • \ <1 Twi* WVlfhH f»*iv ljiip*!i.»»i nurln .1»«Hi«'iiM f'ip I0MG COATS i-r-ivi'ti»ii< (In in.»«i« H Npiv »H'»*v »•« 1m,< i ii l'i* "it««p,4 $ till vr-41 «'* putiTfiilIv r\p«vi. io «»nl \iiviip 1H*"! i« At«*\ Vil'ivmi. i*ft i «.»P1I."1'.mv «li.i a'*.* plan f.*v*Hi:" tH» IPT pvim.lpv '**« Nvm «iivKl*i£ wi'H I'*# *dn|. t»"« «ah*».< «»"(•«* sriwdii ♦»»i"i 'ii»«sl r.iv \ amiiia m HKKSS SlIIHTS ♦»*»», \ iK'i'ivH ii ix 'wii.lmv* histi «v?iivl cliin'plw f-M \ a»i- *i»«« *"i«lisr»x'» ii'intUm ♦w»ni hftNthrr r3«i»pl»» of RMSVSMNI A Pf»*i sad \"dv rtn'i Mini* I (sine rswM rtltei alMtl* $\-

m» »»»,t «nv1 wis 1*7 al.x: tvii«rv"yrlv poiiiM diviiiops. »w*Hr. wil1*irr pUrlri «*Mi>l w pimI •111*. H»*lh pl«iK mil itltpp* Vv v*i*n « m %">i* hi-\w-.»!f m *b<- »M*n. .tA?m M.H'rav ivh.i u ji . I Decide College llule «*c'- ■ «*-,• «•• i ,VS'" ' Mf \t t*»r» > .n VlM'MV* ' A«; *•«••>' «r«E?M • C*li* M ««*l*«»*i U«1 i*»a», >iw4iii ♦.* h%\V na>tp.< d-'ii i 111# 177 vi*un.1 1 • • «Y!t4J& KV t « t «h *v ,*-vw tofcW f.* \ 't* '*• ^ « - .. .. . • *«. p ... \) *•* n 's ftMM .?*-nv H4f, t'-T *w«t w vv'rr* i* J*VS»H)|I1 Joli Ii \'M• Till' l 1o*( i !*» *•> Mi*Cray had 1o»* jphoi.1 of t«*v<>ti 1rf'»Mw1n i M Had n * ! t . . **}>*•• ' *.•«■•* * *'.*•• mjuM* M.'iif, H«v« in«%HtiO*X|( 1 wo. «*hd had «mi» -•'■»;** »« t »«••» *\ \»'\\ *rr«0tnf ,«r ,>*«ip#MHon i^malnlnc. drift <* tW*l *v*» iVa. t% •. r» & *.» *• > -* iv »-.«•?#" ii • StNiHan. «»« ha* glv»n ilp» iiMichea dcpih-fn*. .' .•>• »*•*-•**>At-.;** !«♦«►« 1w* "1 ■- r 'V VV«W* \.+Ai V r v M»v'' % ?'-••• 4 <*» ' n," ,• pe* r SIHIRT SII1RT.S Sarviai Yh ^ i* nrn. . .. ..--.v- *•*.4 •*. 'A,« •-> ' (x' mi» •"•»,• ». t"y W.UK*** «) » >.Y y*v4 •* iv **•*••"« «\»f *•>. • "s \s- va *v •« r.Ti*^:i * * r,' (*rN^Vih Waten UH*m. hapwrlhiif. Rentnf* WMh I Barters < \r,-'* ,-v • v .« * * ■ Ms»t* V'.-lt ..•;■{ ^ %«ivts •>;* f*" iu tow Mtarla, new tntoreetlnc dwaitno. Sigma i\u ' A • • . - . "*v > 'r* i-M#' *»s- : V- iV»,» •«* ivallaMr In alma taRiUii. V •.-! * '• . x\ « V f'vanpo "vh i« KV!'« DOHM'S BARBER SHOP Outseores *-,jM ".mva pAy* *?W ' w: •' i ' ••■•x- ?•••■'. «*p i $ v. ** V ;-** ynv'M >1 ••• «*%. Syracuse B-16 FttUDOR AYE. lamlNla C.hi h y\i -Tr-\- *W* r,»ixt4 i TtttHMiN - . Over l*istons9 Tl'FS. — SAT. S:(H» - *:.10 • '•■ X: '" *' A*«iv**l;o ' ** I MtT « U HI * • x»«i wp**» Hynrt' .n»?# ..-INK '• ttif V |Vi-*t-,xtPx-.l « F'xii iV-ir.Yf? 7 US to 126 < r~u ^ in! C-. i x- ■ ■' '< .iv"S-'x i * i r'>•. iiyc> * N •*-*- iM-TRihTT CM!*' i.-pft «3 ' * ••••* .> N".* *Pia.'i-',s »N>.l tJiri1 CA*'p" A FOR FREE * . O-I c«.VfS Vt;<-V p.#»>M *-i" "f "f S7»> x ". *".■•.)l M« VU»P N|7.17.»!« vm We faateirt a terrlfflr •olaHtea mi v "V,. Mi'arr. v *.VN* . • x-o' x" i* .t '»•* —*- • > 5, f* * N V- v wr' ♦># *>-« « »v.' iwHami an4 wash panto, alanf will ■*■*+"( *4 *V vM"V*. ?S ">* • >»d "i i ln: > H»wkf iwl P-iV Xfcx:.- V 7 *.*■»• • vJ'Mf-r J(, n tvp h*'f -f * Ni* t.V *«•'•• •-* Ite tlirit aaaltty panto mm4*. i»x •. *r.'*vfs1 — »• ' v.jt-p-o v s vr • *ry» ttvMi*' RaxVptM:-. Av.xv.«nc»i - .... «■ .. J x-„, v>.v." *»A Hi*. dx*«H>'p* «:,«yhn* • •*« vny-r—4 »•"•.>•. «•■*- >S ' ♦># *"• fw %# p»x.*d 3* *";CM«-4 T-p jr.-* i on r#*"p* wMiftht t2 IsNn if Otkt, $4.93 • 6.S0 "if • t- ;VM ' .ii "•p.- p.,c>"- *tr»ui-i . V « \v>'i Hi- vx-i- ; s. "" •■ «i-.-i --r\ n»--. •.;w r s- • t" r^rJW-1 IV 1 • (iviirlW t 'S-' Root Bttr «r Oraafs • » ■ "X - '■• - i • • - • Nl - P' U^VAJ"pd '."V- •• ■i-v." • . in v..1 -x--*. »P,ll ' "V «eiHV.,1 fll.MHllU" Othrrx — W or.tr.I Wool *"*.»p«,- j.' •* ,"V -P«" *iK11 K • • • * "» v.- • .x-.-.-.v. Y'i; ■ v"o.;*fp With 2 Rag* t» te» Pizza ■ trs*. v .-..: - o A a* S* nou-x i.-d '• « x'V • HSA". -vf V.XK *j *>*J» »fi m-t!* tv 1 V rrrut * *!' f**r «** !«1 f4.iir.rv4 $10.93 . 16.93 *■•• V-»r H TS V V " • * \. • e* -x ' A-.x'v* A»» { ,'x «#vii#vd r-.x-tAr* in I* m*n,f V vr*i » ■ I v.; V-IMMM *1* I -n S'«if TV 'I • «vv .. .v,« VVX A -.i * • *rxt or x -x »'\:h (I'Uin CJmw lIsrliiHril) f.v a pr.'AfW' . n* TT i*rr.c<» .3 tt ttivs w«. ••■8'x Nw .* • i•" r - •■ v . ... .v A'J*: fx4" UMWXt l K1 x-f-. I*.' v . T>P k*M *W Si LiHliS' l-V- • 4 v i-'.x'H * •> 4 » nfcxv v 1P5 * V - a»"» xVi X» f* » F^xiwit ~ ^-r «"*~f '*r7- iv ..v.. » -V a IT*. -:*•>•> ^o.c%mr» n.- , vn iv «tU7A H.cr-^.1 Vxi • VfVrir ,R | psw JV'-H •c*4 Aji-drre tc^i pivn- VHiir*. m II' pro VARSITY DRIVE IN SWEATERS **w .■v*r*. ' IV.*1 fyw Swiw w* mArr i iop* *.',•**■ !y for IN? *n *f *• R*5^7.r~. * •* v" v- t •» • 1%-i r A?*"** *«• V»-.-. — ak%.rv* x%r.Lr o-n* of h:S 10 24617 The parfrit fkrlatwaa (Ift Opt hte- * Ai XMl-i- \*- *-* ftft 'v> B;t V o*r* ah r- - - laaui full fMhtePHl iwralrri hm bmmn *'*3 rviiy-s: iv; i'<<■'*'■& *' 7.v,j itrvf-.E tn Oif .iww! ?»•!? tod' V "» P«sp; PT7.-* wN* »w pea- isa-^* '."<•> hav* (W1J «NSVi ;j pmasu M tv w»-m«r'» BaRvarf Sarvka IJO wpultllr knMIrd for pa In England— pA2R fMU» 7v* ««*♦& ■& v i »4j Var-J* r-vy'rx ■ t<*U; | the hopi* of fiuUtr, Pand-fraawd S-| \e *}MWt 7 5A I llAgl Af tv upc tw Nile. 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