'^u ,,*U MKii.Stt.1M K VST I ANSIM;. Mldlir, V>. FRIDAY. OKCKVIBKR i. l!*i> PRICK J CKNTS Kennedy Cabinet Posts Rods End "<\v/'•«—>»n r« I Am Bids Rihicoff, Williams , In II inlrr summit If yiMir nm-., -Itfc thr 'rttrr Z., «-u pnttabl}- won't Released In HEW, Africa Jobs tv ttntwpP? ikSwi; wrolrr t,m For Dorm - mn«tr»t>nn twin... v.mi'11 U \SlU\l1TON. r> ~Jolui F Kennedy wlnrtetl furmiuc Parley t» «w .if th, fint m Kiw \ hiw eaUniet Thwrsdrty hy tniMdtij? fJov. Abmhain Ull»iet»ff.: I5rci«tr*ti.vi for »\ntrr trrm «i',I tvrm Tiirvisy, J»n 3. an
t .lav a »umm»rr of thr whdulr for thr j T«io|h*i« in imfil his Stvreiarx.nf Health. Fdiioalinn and Welfare.. Tn lob. the W-vear-old or roc'.troti.oi ■ ?h'-« To Mend Split W>M to Ta-Thoma frvnn 3 ::W a rn. to 11 • 4\ a Itt . Hon. A ww !Uf* "v', j.v doP»r wn- n «n..M r'x a k.'. r.-I- Ko-inr. "nr-r'a... tt.,t Kmnr.tr aim.- " S' r.'in.t. thr Atrwan tflw. t'o'lrrr M to Rm-R.«t front | fin. to 4 St» n m ,1. '■». tah-'net t.-r i-Mrnlr m- |v"' "» ,hr ... Nrw ,\s.*'U Sn rcljH y itf SUilc ... .ftVt , P—A 0.""*"rv.*i •*. , j itri* fftser to t-.ntstnh-tiot t'vi* ' «..v-. en,. for t'.ni.-totm to „ „.. r, (hr on Thnr. W " V 4 ' i of *2 * IP vv> genera! field "t* on a!! later he plans a brief »oiu of W b Swtrbrf to also oft en- . toy, ui'h the Aft.t » Itotweeu \c.% Vrar t day , „ t» *s»t want <»*v r-orntnt from S to U.4.V. ami >hort t mtrar to V Vm *mj,- J hm H t&JTJM w philosophy of an-1 Kennr.iy * inauguiatinn on N-nrnt u» Strata T.-s'dent-elfS't Krnnedv '' Thnrr.tav aftorn.v • amrttt-i wVf W,4ylet* If th*- Jan 2(1 f - 1 n *, .*•«* vd Mrm»w -the Tw W# it F.vrning r-itloirr followine K-hntar n. .. t rost.trr aoroniins to tltr fie. «4»ntoa! T o Ha'l Mtt.koso' sunpa 'trr — outgoing C»ov l» v>'»Wlinnrt parties ThmIm n • - 1 *':»«! h ,1 - -rn \V'.'i;atV4 of Michigan-. nor of Connoetleut He .new is it. mi pviii tttni nttkss .t: vsTTstrwa, i* heVved To S-Z from " ,to o m tit » | J be a*si«tanl Se.-retaiv of at the midpoint in h's second The Iii" m.'itt oI'nl'ilH! the trt'ccH, iMilk.i ibiMcd lio Inok •asm p at lift mo* tots! u -V* njii a f tpi-vear term, and sa-d he will I v- y. furhrtxated h.t su*wn Wad China »«,t Wntnrmta- SO.', t \ y o P--V>l,VtH. v*-!ks i« ip hi.* cabinet I'olixh or t:tik I ».i l.iflnmnijin in bis iintivn lun«*'c appointment v H >ade.ntod Oail that 'ho«e ftfvtro-* d v VOKX| \| | V. an »hsi*tant see- A- tlovortlor. IbbleotT draw* That acrt'utO, in pai I f 'r t}ov V-, .« •w-s'T# Com-rtunw-v p.m. nc'ode v.*■ ■' cjv- fitmtsh rii>, re;,ar* eonsuteied *!VWhl A* secretary of vi Meniu'i \V.M io. pnpularb' ■ i«n «n erly a vear v s-v 1 »s,, utwt •on-Ccri- •V-K from S:|i p.m. to 3 p.m. vi'r work *»•.< arch'?ocJ'.«r:»! - health, education and welfare hp among n,it:.'nibt v gi>'a'* *-i »ros.ttco"« who Chorus Slale newspapers, worked clerkrtl in an errand a boy •lore, and In announcing l.»- * hummer hr him-,!!' att.l «t'' make Che-r «« \*« SfMt rw» fxpecu- tn*y or..y npjrtstcr * :* h wowmmrii. would ti.fi ««Th 1 .srvrlllh term. Ww»« luudm t!t«t hi* o#n group, tlo«.« on the »**rd:nx of ctw# Itaeli (Iralorin | did road construction work Williams voire-1 a wis; work ; •«% I i\n% nil i H it itime growing out NOW III will, have the o.. of a soap and Witches Set Tone , fht\ Xh*rt Th - -co bail ;* ewoec'.ed to Mate hiew* Staff Writer ' poitur.itv v\i"i h-•• appointment V -N toiletries business. Hence the ; | - -f V-- -ur;* iMlwatMmi :n ho -c\J »ear I: will i nickname "Soapy " a* A M04ct.sc.".up v {■ Afri¬ WASHINGTON »* Gov '•• Uv» :e4 smmVdiitvb *pm of The music department will AiT.ii ■; '.n -the Kcnmsly ad- ■* roes* M Sol Olini «M i»V Under the circumstances, Wil- can Vc! a-', A HmkeMI.-r of Nc/- I v. r-T h v .an. Cut. I ae- Vork « I c"s.nf ,\n.n»«n Nuim ttw S""4'» :cme ci the ... . w ^ . ue>t n.-'c .. _.j__ -i of ihe Auditorium Sunday ... it 4a ' !ng a pay cut ...... As Michigan'* W.Mmiii also i- popular with -ec.ird Vive Pi e« irlcu' Hlvbaid ; ksnj iv. pmi Chestnut pm. directed bv C.omrr Jones, governor, his Mlarv i:2..N«fi » Negro \ •tcis in \1 ihtc m Tltey r i* \1 Nixon a< the a- tual leader of "N J?». •vsrsi# AssivuateT »f Battle professor of music conspiri him their friend, MNMUfW WW h * year. The assistant secretary'* j '* •.»„ ttepubliyau part . He • - M hfftmf «♦* Creek is handling cw *-eh:tec* The university rhorus and or* job pays The foyer nor made a point of a year ceucd only Uut Nixon is the from tie beg .nr., of She — inry «r tTa'w^*4 a« p'.s»ed *'urr ?i>r l< ***' *hitb wt'd be cheytra will perform part* I and. After his appointment wai making friend* and William* Uinta; leader TH «aly ace r e hv L*?kifa Koh'urfT. was n. ,e,. - •* sievilar aa*e eeotrr f-s Ointi, the new grad- jj r,f Christmas Oratorio h* ( annnunerd from the front porch j voter*- acton.- iv nority groups IbH'i.eiel.'M made lh" WWRt M MKV m''4 **' vivVeoce * cert from the moment Johann (larh The Christmas of the Kennedy home. William* j l ommented nnr om aide, mctiu ai frhc White Ifou^e after •» C •and Mvaee-y. uhbl the ;as* ar- ract,'io are planned for lA%i in Mich- tVj|tl,r> Prtnflin, csPrrs«mn of -aporting the green and white |. "" there I* anyone an a i >ru talk with President E^-. tee*e moment sr-en Marbe'.h w reared on stage and asked the "Students The Itv ng ur» '.* will pa-^-rtpanta in the «« W *h«rl> "«» Wr«n, ■ h». pnllltnl hallmark — want VlMa <■ dh y^1"' Siaiiv. V. ,.lh<- co in in r i n> .■•hp. tirght W.I Mil that oniv Nixon would We I- va #v; •ve-c J 'Ke4* •* s .pr idUKi 1 the S'*ake«resre mstcrpvccf-st*. "-make fhjek my blvd" umsi *mjs per precinct ;,K ab-'nj! 4> The-e will be **.ud(T the boat '* tli. ifc.;.udcii a - head of the p-" - | ». aeraa.iTr-4 uwswmtwea with ">e• TillRll. UK u v*as briefed for WIM.IAMfi. a milli -uau.. naa H tor !h« ntxt four year u«! tcagic slaepwalkuiig. bv Itaeh in IT34 fur the festival one of the most fast-moving and blith f»ir each two roomi and amfijt an hour bv the man he liwuv* had the money to in- •« i" ,HMf>oMa c4 ewch n .'liuhdc.i f hi.svuhowi i < suspense f;il intecppcur v.,- of awry nmlocated recreatwo and of Chr.stm.i cmnlrt. Or- .. c w"uwed the fucmt „ouM „.„r. i dtiigi ta-.lv fm foreign st.inii. . i approx for Nixon as *" Vfache! h * tha; ibe cvxlege and 1>e range of acting a-.Ti.r omtam. >[a a»vral, fan- vs-jp-A ,-f nsnwowpocwry ln- abtbty in dining areas „ry Joseph tary Joir,lh C. t- salterlhwait,. a i travel the leader, rtuckefcller said; audieoce can rata, f r p,r'.;m,ni-, on holv rarr,r mkpaiat* and £y,nnur..^ hope «m-,1 w.d, TV residence Haus is financed by « un.«r.,!» diploma! »ho h.,, srrn The "Soapy" tag comes from I wouldn't wan* to debate ■ '•*.* ' meremeet. ta the to see and vai.-erf Both John Herr - rta>« from C hrifinw* through extensive service the soap a'id toilet. ie; fortune wiih flic President on that suo- IVsp.'.e rhe fact that fe rv'- revenue bonds on alrea.i* raiki- Epiphanv (Jan 6th> Each can- n tht mutual atnao-* Williams declined to spell out -made by the Mennert aide <»f the ject Rarv^uo and Jon Broken shire as ing ha!>. it was explained a una eg peore. 4e- iaticated Amenca.n theatre gvr tata »* rcmnlcto in rttsrlf ; hi* ideas on what the United family t'-i111", tive Iridc' -1 y is wlnt Mac-iiuff were exceUer.'. Louu r na'jooal mAependeooe 4 no Kvigrr gu' ,?.e *c the tv*- Sa'imorse a* the young Malcolm The srtfoists arc member* of States should do in Africa - A* •• vmP . he travelled ex- the pa ty Hie'!". -tired Rixk- . and una!*»m*wik> en of wnU-SrraRa. the >k.!'..V Villa* •it MBi. -v-3.*v.ievi one of a fugh *ehool I'arty riantia*1114 alter the C b^ss.' understand, appreciate and fin- ; tive comh.it du'v on aircraf. • a-va senrtwps* pa rues iwe^vvru Mucded h h.-.c<■ i.,a«* .ne» an.1 »o irafto. Gean Green well. peer i,den Pal nomination 111 a t **' » " a?*e*i to the peo- fwr ir.1 Suvsn Free-ma i made v « rec;t-ng ihem Methods* atrntonta will- hold end John German tenor j ally supiwrt the great, many carriers during World War 11 Nixon \i"*i this vcru W «f the wiiftk wwrM. the.r egr?eiicxs a.mc*t bc .rvc- abr The tartadle ye*, practical jr.- their Chrtatma* tree-trim party Tho orrhostra ,i a student or- challenge! Africa oilers." ht I , recent years hi* thoughts Fcp.Pi iih,j. he i» a id that if the "Hit HXTMWH of a.! Bernard Tito as the k.Rg «-1 direetirg could Frutav night ,n the now fully* (MiUktim of .bnui «0 pl.ym "ji The ,l Michigan u _ Governor ap» , h,v, turnrd nwr, ,n.l mo,, lo international affairs, party is going to t-ev- p^ee m an at* oe seen or fed throughout themrnjieted The chorus all-univer«ity .row ;tiomrt, then it will need . Sk-oC.ar*A. "t>d clear .n has great Wesley Foundation i* an peared taken aback when a re-! Sure of !>»< support h, -oe-» -< rraierwal mendahia mo work of party leaders ill all office." lose* much of Dyncan'a piay The use of the entire oo '.d:ng, lit A S Harrtaon rd. organ htation Membership is ^ V * the fnendauon of the houw for the actors* entrance re Bu n s.ng c ami marrwd *tu- . , . J , , porter asked why he took this Michigan, he left state duties state- And he said he in- u,H-n to student,. ,taff. and the manly vato- and kang'v auture ^ |i|)cf ^ had ^ mpntlon. ! t)rhllK, t0 ,(Mll th,. Ur i.nt. Af. ends to eoneciitratc u» New r onnCT|>ka of Man* am the pre«enuijun of den to . - o-P »ad pnktanin diff in ha portray a: Much of hit the w/ches. and Macbrto carry- whtch wii) las: a2r.lu1!i!e,4.:',_ from *

ntrss«ar aetemunaixv-s to weak line delivers art voice ,1-n. l .na w*«...» m.tv,.o a..d 10. • .tn. atmg* " . tr— a t ee. s.udtn.i . 4.. 4-- ,n ^ *****' u,r univ"»'^ , "THIS WAR THE only job I South America - jday tor re-elect 1 on a, governor r^r* N rppewrarwe ©? un* grgjfewe. ha iftterpmatbm of morow _ . 7 . chorus has chorus has performed periornico wotki works if);was in j was offered and I was rhappy to. JTST AS IF he were sti'l a n j,,. ha4 nol Sd|U,| th, T.h*."- of G.x..» » 'h irtwt.fp, - , ^: 4o.t By Count Cuard l.ast three d »y.- April. W.".;ani» teyturing on f >reigh gpent May p'j'i-v tf Y-i't University " ^ o-raae -.1 ikin mi rt-1 M -nrtan tkit , tut irtl.1* inn,lull of h , ctu--- THAVERSE CITY (>!») --Court guardsmen Thursday made con¬ d'ill:4No ,s the prU'tica! Return 5-Ton [jj, V4.-^.h. -n'lhint po' Jinan tact with the -storm-battered Ite John F Space Ship <4 Sen K ;medv I ' ' • !u4 IM WUkf Mtau 4m C«nnn- •» U» OllflHI wp. o^t*nct3y AC, 1). Tlit'lii (.hi Liberian Morazan igan. freighter agruund in Uake Mich¬ Francisco as- •v t-fuo t •« • lid fbinocTi'ie " .!•' othc president'5®! e «•)>:■ * 115 5 MOSt" V *!.l'> AnutiiCi' h Mggntttvt un iec William* twu'ng his ■ ** 4' IQ»kcfen The skipper's wife, Mrs Ed- ' jtt'iUcd weight early and bet on Soviet space ship rarryiMg- i.v < • w _ ■ -> x-a'^a* eaottoa m To Highlight uardo Trivtzas, who is an ex¬ Kennedy all the way dugf wa> iiwkch I »nii» «ii'b 4 *• Red gnre lac pectant mother, was taken from I n o d;.% Preni.e K toru tu b. v r- Kpr«®aey, - .* ; " Chrirtmas Sing the stricken ship. Sue is being .«•' th • lrt.it -to 1 great v-i- bro ight to a hospital here exd 1! -p t m.lh\ tli .pt Cam pes UIN 4 . i The captain and 12 crewmen MiniMrrs Meet i Alp a *.*orAj >; remained aboard. 'to The .• Hu • • 1 ins nay try to te- arsd Taeta On fr»jer»ity will *eig Meanwhile, the Coast Guard 1Krllopp Today j j| j at tbe r>-n»tma« »'*»•»' >#r* the Ahrnm MemwnaJ chapel Air Station at Traverse Ctty Meets Tonh'lil ; ft ; rv the five-ton vehicle today follow thr pattern of last flew a Marino Engineer and a AugU'1, when they put two oth- * jj mimigiert, b«*day at i IS p.m Protection and Indemnity In¬ The Cam >u* Ue f 1 Nat inn* er ^dog*—Into sjMiee and brougiit t w22 mm** Ml Kri- : Kwry year »we !>*■*. TVu vestigator to the waler-logiied t vrdl hold it* i.irf m -i u; of tb« them back alive afi»»r 24 hours ■ —* !* ike an «w!. k" *•"" rt. vessel. ' terut tonlfbt if 1 f»o Union 1 loft a l«'e tnilleiiit said the . *•. —far f baf'ivjuru :d •?'- .wfixt be.ir-ng up uni-r th« * the fltnrtni» vexpe* *T*ir* t'jn the agenda for discumoft strvser of the voyage AF Snii-lliii- Alpha Gar-tea Dep*. la»t year's j is a resolulion bv the Indian Khrushchev mid ho did not ■ iw 1 «C fewrity S^g. will Fruginrnl- Hit (ulia delegation asking condemnation know if his teleatUtf *«ril| try "Som ml the SKepanT• INte" ar*d ? of Portugal for the.r artiona injtii return !h» »!«ce ship and tig . "X*H hrg G*H " , WASHINGTON lAI-Tb, Air Ufi b»i2 eawUae ta •'it ix Ukelv" tMt fradments' of f - 'o. r*,,, t-,. r.f i uurtl un- • tit r Cir metal which fe'l on Cuba were • " 't41" I'l—t: de •-h!y tb jy wHl." ho told '-•frrrace M apra to .Tt*ia CTi t-m* rro-rn ta ' r c from the ursuectwiful transit 3 ? t »n bv i:i1 • in 19.45, In- re..- <, i.-t. at a reception he gave * ■>. vouct to ataeod. a Frrt«rk cared. "l>r.' z a iterk xdtcllile Are t from Florida Wed¬ d'a broke off re'aHons after.the m t.'ie Kremlin for Prince Noro* •avd j Je-aaetto laahela* ard "See Tka: nesday—as Cuba claims. Portuguese •jecled Indian dem- dom Sihanouk, visiting Cambod* Usmgrxzty fan*^ytl»be .» the Mazerr," m Xegre This conclusion was reached onstrators , i ian chief of state. "But scientisto [s "e f n 11 iaafie hi »P'- '■ . by Die Air Force after compar- The problems of Goa recent- know better thsn I do. I have* ^ pH*a& ncfitt ! Chi srll ye-m to wnr AV^1 CaaassB'-belta and Tbefta Sixcaxcrs A CHIUHrMAS TKAIHTION—M««b*r, of Ike Lui- ing serial.numbers oh the frag- Jy came to the limfllght after n't t;«!kcd to anyone about it." ments, as reported by the Cuban the New York UN received a Ihie launch ng drew praise ■*. V • ^3 cpeaa 00 -Car-" "Taday I# Bom Istaami ^THe \mily chars, rckeint their part, (or >■ uaaal Chru.nu* coacort press, with numoers known to 'iropma! to admit a Portuguese from stfier.ii4s of East and West Ki7 4 -"-d Ttaseu* at Ml' bhraherda Fareaeu ta toe He have been oa sdme parts of Sbail I Fm: 1 rh»ial»< lor Sail) at 4 fuo. ia tha aaiitariaai. The rroop aid sia( th#|delegation Thor booster rocket used in the : cil. This proposal is opposed by to the Security Coun* assembled at the Pubwaah con- BarVa Chriataaw Oral aria, parts I aa* U, *iracta* hy Goarr Jaw. launching. jfcrence to discuss diMrmaaenl *the AXro-Asian aauou. »ia vho. nudeee «5b> A 'a,-hw ^'777** 7" M 1 C_H I (i V N S T A T F. MW5 ______ CnlllnpRMni F1«nr nmom \ RIV VVt y>:vcy A* p.-V'vf.-Vr f* At . t Thw |A *V tW^AT, nn\ WTpfcniz**K>?; ■V If. >1 M«f HwVf'-n*. rVtwVi t\v"iv - «-»* »♦,«*• A «•• >.':«. ftfc": fr>Ar*A V,; . 'V ft t* jkvaai « fwr rwmhtrship i«r'W • 1. - • v ; r ru- ■ : i* >, t. TAf»vrt • pr."f\y a* •?Yt a5" nrfiffv* • rtx*.' * • V AHA«. l-fnfvk. 'n» Tr T<*r ?''•*.' •»• * \ r*A !v t* hpr^^" Af > I,* 0 V«A AiT*r- v\!va nr»K"»V. the :7AtN*»r-v. >.i,s tf cv>'N*-. iv»n> *nd 3>wy* ■< K rijrH A( 'f- •' :i 'A* 4'** "N-A *«* Ms*py RA fTvtirvi.nf J* Iv.v* «'••. ••*■<• .* V .v- {■■ ♦ */ r,«00.^lf.'j <•'Vi trv»nf i* iVr,< inc rtrv *> ••■AAv-vf a-. :*v,-ts iV OAhyT .:1»;t >A* .> :v'ip*nj* rr- IT J* *>.* fAV'v>. ?,*• sv .«•* Arv-f i' -Nr • -w, onr *mv. m it fr*twnfty If AWWJWwwM aT JWftff; • V t • '* v ' A *f. : ' • .» v sfr.s - t *■•#••'V t hw» n bf *?«?«*! tfitwWt*. Wlri» iiftd ;V ;v-v** i>r?* ;f.'A t>v* hvt >'•■• Y aj >fV,«*v . ^ fr • i >ty /fit- • V(-«. 1>!A*f tf! iNWTTytft. M A* * * )NV,AV « K - y*r if. "TyA'f fc?¥ IVJAfvfr «-*tV A*. W-* Ni I tK»"\ y \ "'.A tr. "AAT,'N!»:Nbip " '*V *?*<• hAUtv. V> ^i*akpT*»l A* m*r;< t> :nc~v »• .1 i> nv ir.s «>'i ■•} ..•*",< '«• rr- cnmfr»AT, : H*mvc.v Nv*ifv# it *yii»W fri.w,": "(iV'iiiffiTift, * AfwniATS At » '.'<■* but' no* rvv«**M-. ••> ; <••< TnfciArftv 2> \\ A' ?/»?•»*»' it :V Via*i«f«.;•*>*. TV i.-'AAf ! V* -vtwwt .- i V' .••••,'• v . f >v^ nf * V,-M»rv" ?V UaOaa. <■'>• 'V,> dftfff'iS*# .ii c*«nNr f*f " >«w fvi -,Sf r'"A v'tlfe AJN'VtAr •» j c," • r- • '» • • t -» ftv»V tf> rw»r»v /• > ' • v, ti t hf !>•<» m-^r (,>••* *V .v-V fy*,*,;V >'>.<<■ > iViWAT If h#»*A*. AP f?w »tv *♦ t V ***** ' iWv- ' «r >.«•■ l-'K,-,vr- «>f vAr/Ui *?« A v> • /• ft^irtion* f, •jv^v.'vf, "Nvjmi«< f>", «-v»*t|yY M'* tHwyrMi tw® Ar»>r». -SA# Ar r^u'vv*- * •/*-< «iv»ni > f/-;-»> h* >.-*•.» **v ♦,* uMfTiw on* fAtnr Af ;S/ *,fV t( i A""*'*** ,-tfx;-*/ «,- (tf, K»* «x "•> tV cht,tw (Mi \\\( (•*>,mr o:n* '"(v % , i»*AfMit. •/»«. n,r»/ i»vH'V)nf JihrtPtws ■ VMVRTI X \T> \ \ V > -V f "*'Va * *m t/ ii* liw AAttV tin." bl<4» Atfrwf '> f\ '■*■' ff A^C'f- T.'?$-1 »»«•*.*! vf,''."A "'Vtf^ *nt?t tA r»i».v «* fi* fcn if- vitrnA, — ?• >% ' hp»t r.fc!», .-,v f Mft "vhti- ir >.r rvvftfcT a rwi"'f »»Vi t ••fstini'A : ht.' *?-• t';vt h< ,-Kfir(tV • W; MA'f? ■»«■•- ■ " ^ An/ *->;Kai}', *r»r; nhfefv jhf »t'"V A* K'-^YaT: *"jT. Thin ?y ws, ft {nhftjiri* hi»riC*i»v hf mMi*. ,. !f Vvi MOVft l^llrr* In lltr Kfiilnr ; -r * fA 1 sfi 'K"X iv»-w**' ^ TV;?/•».«? ♦ tv* * n*trv> * tttir in Jt* a! ;»tf Kf»»» ,-i i i m>-s ,J.» ft-AAlftVt frt- invt*nAft. AAf fiK!V ftTflhimA • M '"^Hf tftft.i'nt Y-AMAWAi- a n< w A mwst fnt?r»*n'*Tvinc Ai»n;rwi» " J.V ;> »M ftTVti M? V< n i. 'hn |r T-'Y-Atv/ vn t» \f>V*\ t*.«mAt|»" nlut ;Vts.■ n»nrrirM>* tA f«r? t,* ptH if Anint' rlfc««*Anmi. i,nr trite inftfiv- ♦■try. hf ; «;•*» rtf : Hi* A\*r- >*V, . * ii aav h# ».Mr tr fifr t */ . •. y, fit It :--mt huvy. *th"AHf*hrtui ib aw ft^r I'astor hruvs S^rvzutionist Molt n, i.fcvir v - tA **t rtn S S*lr Tnt r»-»*H lh» M»w« Ml. IhMi rtni '» ~*ftT n. «: titatf »> littie la v*r« Itr Suzani: Th-rrv 'MttMurwr liidlr.tr Ttlanttpr- a l«rd. Cpyutotiet iUr.tcr" . I^u' IfCntwr En» Aonntt r. Wirngwr Su*r OiWentt- nt I? Trrm*j^ Pk;cJ«. aunm **l- **tnt#r «nt ftryint aanak^ nu-wv t?*- iwitr.mc: tsra- i«~em: iw.;- i^nstxtK HWttlgti feu*****, of! ire #' ,K: Stmfcwp. fwrvwan Jsuito®, — — -SkCnntv iU»w, ... 4 ?«*. ItlaCkrr J no- Jtmuan.- JtentMbTJat ^'Alimr-n- liit I on Those Overcoats— GOP Makes Vole Fraud Cheek. j tV (old. Getting Colder * But No Nixon Victory Sighted f/Vj „ Modern In* Asre* « r TV*. K< f-v« t* m" r*rVIWIM tVn c4e»•*»»«»•. llr v **»»«• *4* i**ed «-r ***»••: F«* w ••" arrvt •« CiS-V iV»'U I ' SS* adwvttWi *"Svncv |Vw,v»«»tw ' tV flMM .' J..Hr * r*v" -•• "' '"/• -'"V V »,• •". f-v. M-,> '' \ "V K i?or n.V,..v . ... .... .n • TV--««,«• n v,»»*,rn *(•.«■ , ,v . ' ' * , . . . . ... " ■ *» *>«•♦ n i i ■» V • «. ■ • *« ■ ."..v. ,»f « K.-v. . I .. ... * t ^ V < ' i .. *' *••.4 r.« r r •• «\r\r io Krwrrr si . *-•• * «»• r\x*s.*> • \«nm\nN t'V pnhto wVt V . ' .*«.«. » n-'.h ' \ ... • • « . I ;bl l ilMMItj! « »»•* i"*-1 *>*.»» .»•• 1 ,.,. .;.. -.,. ,..j *v « •* .. ,. ,. . ,v ,. , , M , , < iini. im III.I.c ,' ... ........... llm.nl >li..|i in T «Kn ... u ' • v'V 1 ' tV"r ♦« « t>Vil .»1 «* " ' *' in* iif wmH m »••«> \.'* s |• '•••■ ♦*«M\ 1 O* ♦trtlWl ivfllnl ' '.1 F»-*<-V;\ I .»««*. t i!i-n V.- M''" " ' •.« H«U,'> a * .y 1 ' ' " '* ' • • V.MtxV* ft »vwt ' » • !*-. * c • #1 V,. ».« •I'KVM 1N«" <'»•*•» ' f»v«« c-.- fs. « <»«.,: V-»« BNAwWdEMSy *>*• *« •«', > {.» *v» «-^unhM iv. 4 >. »f.i iv—... ^ ^'k *^0tr rr«| »• •** «« . *r»C4«si h ?* W" <»V %VI. « J 'l f.M I > / ^ ^ \ ft,«». Ik \)r,l(,v It ' v .4 « ft-n .'iiU . f V » ,v* rut,-. t.-*» i\ rnr isnn » \k TRAVERSE ».«<#. k ^ r l ▼ v tvo'\*• |«'nr*l'-v . ».r ^ I ■ T 111: srim—Or. ftt Ki-«n*»vn .-54.14T.V-:. rittil. m>l.r. MICHIGAN N i\on ,t.1 «HV '.n " j I>( lh» JftftM.il InlvM «uh HUlwm V- • %**• *'n t\t huftift , f .. r, # N-C* MorH."** \ l * "»■►« of Ihf rrMftivft loom. Tft» ftwft *r* r'«l »»l«Pift firm ."51 fttatr« 'ftr.l • f*" ' 0 5^' A»#.M -firml l« !•>» «»i«t •*!•»•.* Itio fti« oot iftl nr(uf-« f»vtn • '"*• C'o«f I* KV.ft.ot ihr .nat.cM N»*riw. »Vj\ |^| fi«s-n, t« o'.t ,4 • Sr#v nl !,>•#* |«W (V-4 \» K » **•""« . rfr'vi'i# M.ft; ■ • fnW^itfwN \*« . \c\ TWHSlfi *» r'**""*"* I*" RofuMu ftn i»\t ." * WUU OT ' • -, i: I niltr Netr Itcifinccrnrrif • fcci.R w*tr £mt |sr^ *v'- ' - $:*iS \S.TV rw -.x of f *"** t»~- S' i •* ; -w IV R m*R.« tr-r.f. ••• - .• . > 5V .t — •> * 'v * V*«FWrx jRVifo*-; '6* « ft v »fv -.. ;•■ V KKST VI K XNT AX I) CAKETEKI.V ,..;! jiu J0\3C!..^ir , yyv ' " , V"-"~. . "-•* s,rx -.'Wiftj- r.;M i: f ^ •. -• • • W .•••..sc ^ ^- *%rn*T than sV'* -e «•' ru-'" :v part* nr "it* hr.*»afM Aft :V hi\f iir^rAmpisj x-ft'frU.r- 10T K. r.RAXD RIVER r*'i- -■* fc.-v»r>or. Ptt «.«*••• ... i 1 *.r-. (niftd Homecooking per-. tfJ ;V *nrf* ;? t.v» • up f c *: "V rr.v- f. - ■*•" tftft",.-- *•> * «ic* -r. t.v» |^,t „ m-tiT , , .re. aA.-.*)V..r.x cfirr. Vrrr.ft SAX.AT. rw vr.l Abrahan A.if- tf in our nonesuch fashions .. .. ^ "*► .ft a '.••■ftfi-fem :v eiab firnf/rmrn t^Aw tcnulJ be imbued with 1a\h• Mol Team Firrs Match tunable dignity dthinf the koitduv* and after Saturday should fav a tint tn the fr.mi*U%Trr*r *r .at, *nri Cary Crtw^nri. Tr- px dropped to the generous persons iu their "># I'ETwrrrtr of W». cu*nivw. JtWK'T. *ftf i ta lives. m, i|_r-iftrt-.ftir w-O^C IIAtrt | >* tw tMieV tiirt tiwrK C*rt »a*jr.w>i4,a^ r*a» «*ch. ♦ OuwbcrikJ* »«• M»«r«Mftc TV SInW and Ual« fKiMttrlf fnlnw^ it II Karat C«aM «r uay itfflrr ^HP cjs~Z** s^a »«c-r-s 5*=* HA w. V'0#pS^sr* T««br»4 *• TMI HI Scvcv* AmnattrH Sar* Maaii 4 ;!«*•« .$mmmrgit ill W T« lour Oorr itowi Mr Grcrtarnt Certn GPBmbUI Ail hi i ; ialitf OinTa A*iHK* Sif« axcius a&sux rvANCisoo s-esi ATTENTION: Open 'till 9 p.m. on Friday this week: aitrl Tuesday fna ssuancNvnt »«.« J-vs wanaus avtoxio *M.M Wednewlav, ThurtMiav ami Fridav next week for CHRISTMAS RANNEY JEWELERS shopping. FRITHV. PFTTVPrx ogggggums* omen «< t S i 2*. * M *•». • Hides. Wades *ew Orleans Scene Dairy Association Honors Professor '/,'/ I / «-* 4.V m** **"•* IllZAtfTH rmon unmet NMvrr r Of Mothers* Wrath >>\r nvr» nomtnism ^ll.ATRSHOn ■,•»* Ffaarr I v. j ;; tonight: i^rr»wni!T THratrr '/Virfmi > I AST I ANSiNC, PH0N1 ID \i«;rrs a srv — am its ** s*t mat. sv ADCXT KNTOtTAlXMEVT nowsnoMiMt;• rr.msr att as.».« HKST snow : r.M. • sat. at ! r.M. **** KPIT MITM Fur, ..Jed adventurers •—OPMPfc* v k -e >T * TRA\I» >t Hiroshiina... ... fighting, laughing, brawling ell the way My Love from Seattle to Nome! : r> av> «t \r.\T si \ it feeble nuuU ia the eeffn. her kxiac in the taabT - Poe STARLITC(c. r * * ALL COLOB - ALL HIT PBUCRAM♦ drive olt: meet volr eriem* vm bit all books at any time BOOKSTORE ftnuv. !«►.» r\«K FIVK ".vwii!■««.>■ /**-. 4 i Top Senior Will Horn \t tilelt .Uaril 1 "P\< CHRISTMAS MUSIC , x * a* ' W * (•••«* t>mi\ e»ot ,if"iPtence iWtw nhe has ftf \ ■ • ' ->* MSI' I* p: s ;< ?N' !4w« 'no«* «vHVP«*f\ifr tv^Wti^l v*ro- * •,".•1 o*'._ ' , r ■■ - " *>'■ • :■ •> •n'jrv" ;.P1 hi* field *"1'h T'te li " -i.-> jje \» ; - a,-YeveoN««%. either. acwdemu*. » wntWiu* \ .. \ -£ . >• aw ♦ ■ ; * e\tra- - J ttans.it''* ssatch WHMvi* >*v\ vvs Has- .4 • l|f< • ..•• entras-ipsi I." •—'»'*■ the Sis'**tbsn v • Ay..f■ ■'• h. i-.'i." . • of hSsCbi »'-jwileneet «t hufartities.** : tto'vos •• • w ;ti " '.-ner the me'.YM :« MM left 111j ef vie LONDONRECORDS tt 'r. v-* retvVt t ■.. .1},,. of ea.ft ttidiv-' 1 CHRISTMAS CAROLS , *esi ?• «'V." * .<>-•• .♦••.:* • •'♦.•••• ' ..I'o.ii Itcs.e sai.t the Hamtttoh iva-.tsth* '* v.-. •< Althoviah HhmVIWn Hoeii nol SW ,• t •;•.,• . ; - . • '■' '.- —v.' IV'sotf :•"» n <«♦«*!f'.o jniJU- $3.49 . r*T»# f < V -Ws * " - *. *, / f-;.-.. The w-jon.-- r . cn-er-.i is V * »;••.• »i *« t" r £ r»e is-r Mia.tr of . n sear*, that 3 the he «ld. it it »«• »w »r.t veowW he perovneiSl basjs " mono .:iSMo;'iiei"i "v* i« 'M r.-.e r • si's, award $4.49 sir s o n p#6' Ms. iY *** Vs.- »•* .r. » • •- ■•.j.-ii- :» ;j. ofMe.tettnined. he stereo l" A M I' It K. I I " S S I II l" II II A N S II O I* ■Mmy 2 MUSIC FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS v. - .• i lw Kriink I'liiirL.firlil i I.ill W im|>|mii^ lV t l« V Hint > ■""" 'W 4 OfThp rmi>lirr ll lliilr.. — mono $1.98 j . •* , liifl. tri' \V r.i|ipnl \V illi ^ .! •.»-«*. - *• tour ('Jiairi1 trnm I jtmplirir. STEREO $2.98 - 4 ollr.'tion Of lli-rinrliw'l\i|ii r. 3 CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS ALBUM A*'-* v ? y No t'h.rvr. Of I'nur.rl lw I Aril M.i|iln Will.) TIIE STORE WITH THE IIEH HOOK Pinninas Engagements Med W ives X V II II .1 II ll S S. 'I -I :i H .1 K V 3 c mono $1.98 MMRISTMAS CAROLS flVVI Pin WTT V e.-r v.vvC 'j*.: M"'X...' vtrn* r.wvi it no Plan Party • liy VnlmininliT AMk-v & Hurli l .lioir* Ha— 1 Vr."". Sinkw'r. O.VA »ct> j CMrrv »• *—» . I 5Lms OrtHinJ 1*1 "X SU\*r- KiUsur v This Sunday $1.98 ss BV - ft: .k Ir.- • -: >, I v.. T.~ v .-rvr- .- , > - v. * ~ rr --r A"*.;: a- rv- i i V,i«. • hiC: Jerry mono m rar.^* ar.4 P> V ;>. T leTv rtio.-o i, scr.; or. ".s Cu.iy , -n *. FUsr* The smfeer'* tussHary to the .. J vo- X tenter ar.d i-- 'i *; ."a • - Ar-er Onaa. Be; 4 -i". •- . -' •• .. • , . J ; 'a . Jerry \ .,.1x-r. Us y i ;Vrt;-.-n ■ stvnient \ chapter of eter.rary XI*^1 vine American assoetetion ' i mmstius Harms from . , _ u-.'* . V«rr. u ■i. Pf, CP".. I'd TV 4 ao j M'hvxr,-' ~e J - ; • - • *T. s% i hoU arrual Chnatmaa '* frll B.r—a-s . >t . . -v. ; > >. - -•-.rr LVtu TV it* | ■ ^s*r-* Voua;. A ? . - 1-! A:- ■ fv party. It .a (acuity trcra- j hy Will (Hah.- j- .. -i-t. Sir r Cre<* DCL-t.% ltf-1 C»asvr-u IV lu "hers and families, will be at Red $4.49 X.-n Marnn Ai.s - v t*i: rr's^ Dr-.-.t '-n ' Cedar school auditorium. '■*'* * v* •* ■« Kiv>u h^puju Prtartir - SETA Bi:T% TAT Gary .\deVman, Biy C: _____ mono MIT A Sit.MA nil ".i Sue Lee^.asr. Or.,a > t STI'X 0|X'n« ThnrMlar — - we «sa» ftad SnjFier Btl; B .. Bar:;. Kataas* ;ux S?.-.rr. Arrr.i-.-i UftLt TAt . • OMit.% Draw P4<' B j - ?rt. Al!*tlA XI DIT.T\ b a r a Sachre- Lrr a .. Jviuit w::i be open to buy , t testbixska Thursday, Friday., Saturday of exam week and; shreo $4.49 Oa* r*:a >•• pa^sacir*:.re *r.: fer. • Richard Yaaka. MSU from I p.m. to $ p.m. Off arts j T UMEL: KSSUH ■ SMHIIE a Ra-raar. Grv«r p- -;e v>«. ^-a.-.^ae frwn Rochester, N Y. lire *a 13 Students Services. OH 4 LPs Sir Adrian Boult roniluriinj: mono only $17.96 Filters for i una: khiin mnmrs Sir Adrian Boult flavor mono only $4.49 -finest flavor by far! 11 rsihil w lessor ud (Chriatma* Kvr Srn irr at King's Collrgr, Cambridge Universilv) mono $4d9 Tareyton 10 stereo $5.49 AD set to play Santa Claus? hy H.r«id sm.rt What you Med ia a red auK, white beard,1st and a pack lull of Eatarbrook Claaeic Pen and Pencil Seta. You can ha anyone'* favorite Santa if you give pillow,, mono $3.49 the wnoothet-looking, nniaalnat wiitina Chriataaaa pft Uua ade of tha North Pole. Your rhotoe of 6 boli> day colore and 32 thammhla pen point*, too. stereo MAII. ORDERS ACCEPTED • USE COUPON REI.OW $4.49 WE PAY THE POST ACE ANYWHERE IN THE U. S. SitaiwokSknt •4.M. ^ ^MGneUlm Ana*. ^ WJAL FILTER M LMHtaa. MtekiUa tNl«t A POINT CMOtCe l *v w*n n W omen's Greeks Celebrate Christmas «« tiVltaU c\**b in \V\r -*n- .- I'iip" rv .v' SMI 0»t—■«'«umi-4*< l(WM« f.'-r IV ?••>- Vw* TV TV AOIY* • AOIV. .. •>,«• y» , * Xllltb A»V*C. KAilw wv V.<1> tv.r ■> ' - jE?S,Tl«2?l. ' tjxv* *?.•; it . vVn.-v.. *r «w >** ' ■'* • iMirv CrxlA* mi n*. $ TV riiiM-en. *»*{ *« "*\ *f frvv^t ,w >,« wnfH "Mrs * ;t,> V rsi K*re® T»« * s gajnau Ektuaavnients *• n* Svt'a ;v. O'v.:* « -i V V,vV - >.x> - «k • •VY^x-.rt ,-«%*-.«:^.oA *: * N* t .V*' AV.**"i*v «',•' V^ *»th iv cv';»!t«s iv wrty. •»• Ve*e rn> *C rVYttfn* TV t*i truer* «nw»*vi rif- s*n? $., \\th\ *n;>n rat v,*;. Jr,»i r* .t", V," trMn .v- S-W.-t *r.i V?> Si v.; K» t* ***** ** >Wr. v latMt SV*rr: w*. v> S*.'s* r.u A>V O"*--. w r f.' -.x'-y'v »V ,*^.\trvA . iwrti M TV Vu<* f \ ».~ "V- - • a Vs.;- . Vr. *.. W--- •;.*-.Y,~ \sw ■ * v* n,--,. -.,rv> Sjtv.-Ju wrfr-M IV AvVf .bivtn« i«l **»U «.-. Attend Church This Sunday CHURCHES I CV«X£ Vt'hr^ Y>r«:erstf»r» &*■??'% n^r-is -r«fi tYe V»V* t* TV EAST IANSM6 t,f»h«fxir*e«r * V-Y V !>?.?>> ^i-ps'-AVf Vs J."Y iwmh. t# NAY HOMES (HUM CNUKK .. V»fc.: t nil; ' TV* t**r SY '-*A MdWi-TW, T T< * .•-r -itmw. Saw ** 4*re)*t**:JVtWtj TMNTY CHUKN Vf'*- .,v TV »V> M'f < . J ^ >V"IM «-T. ) T«/t- I". '-. rr iSf and mm com EAST IAKM6 ^ r.r» S-rv;•?».*,» ■'w» v Mr W am «W Aa % t U< i w - S.f:r >m Y^Sfte t* \r» ® iMtnr -Nft- »aWH M» fW MP ««A m »r> « imAf AHUM" VtMMtl IM»«*U Cmmm* A pwtMi M iSsI Am tam If* «f e%M» »x imIM 1*4 AM Hill. V I. r*f At *fv% m wm " nam # *• f? W(vA« Vw% 1 M« OH** r»~v» P|«» »>»rtn IMM Of' o*Om* o**m— r*«n -Hf T'.TT,*-,W MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL r» i naimt ».*► rur w V «•?»• Ar*e%m Vw t>rt» Iwrt IP KM!1 1 9* S4T* . V !.-v Tv» . .-V. I£e».n-rs. V & STUDENT CENTER Wummw M WVi—W ^rtmd ** mm HlTiSfXV A«* A *9 Ivw in>« MiiKK iptivr warn, mixu A IIII1IM ft r»f»s ittip ITH>> Uttixi* ;.A Slfttn-\ 7i*» «WVX»: M»«r f>» «■**< ii ll * Ml VWwN Rntd • .3 Hltwi> >. of I nion 9«AA«m wtr+mt A»«■« 11*9 »m. t* omi i\«nm Ai At •wwpi* aimn *-A* mm vmii iMWftl *f>MI !«*,- tor* OMWI PM **»»*" A V|l ( Phi Tan s t« tm Ma>* ■Amp »■*» i iwr »>•*•• itwr i js r» At« X A >A| Host Children IPITAT rftSSlXWV • t « TP f>« M*WI f JO A*. * ua I A aim m4 am »iwt* -. • i. ; ■% i ■ v« up/* ti * *. ■ .' v . S# 4',■*>:;* x Zhr ■ ;• -'■**• Tiu. »> * 5w" "OMili*' iV* 1 ST. JOHN STUDENT NETNOMST CMRQi Of « ". J""'' tv r»iv %t <-t--**st< ->f T-'iW ft- SAT -.a Tnes=;.^rr PAMSM EAST LARSM6 .'UA4» " "it ■> mft* TSir-f m r* a. AirwHhH h4 HOMES CMIKH v"r > *.r.: • th.**-rfv 0''..^^ r? *.Ac ami Sparkle (or Holidav f,.'& JlMmStflftd Sff r,r-;v.r'-" fcnt > WESLEY FOUNDATION { «•» -r. • . .■•/■ >i-n» v» aKISrer, 9.19 • IP • WAP - tt* *4 AMrlt AMI *r IjiSP-fS-'P > Hr. 9MY V-^1 U»« MM »t 9 « * -r -•• ;>H Ag^rngs^H-^aggt mm am.- (flivWwr. ■ HHM 6 UP* I**< aAi> Aw in a t.40 mm. T. .—j_ •"- ♦ • .*.:• • ._;• ' «- ea tm •rxMf ««**» s..-;v -• t- «y *k», «w«i' a«*i tin » »■*» *.m. 9 3* Am A lim# a* u- ?U;" aiw. f-S a-T.>- m»lt weaunr 9* m m M ■ a%x» »« .A.M. * »« »'«V4 l.'«4» V* JA, .apfn*»s I JA P H «A!W B««WP9t lit A NUIMA M ' t .. ? un. m -i.-. i :-.; t■■■■>>? ma m * ijm« PH. ■.-» tKmvu.;5mt Jwrwi «r hu.—- Vnw. »« < |p»«asf ft* tii.%& kOL ThPf :■ 4« Engagements Ill PA. 9«ti« rum pnr Met UM A awwii 9* i ifemtl •«! V- i-Y «8'". SiXfr- fcxtrftOl . €MjCKS2fX KU: :. Aip »• i • r --v . »■ « ^ArkPflt rmt "" -it n.as* ptwx •»ut»»v a- -»c» ;i. • rvv^.rtv. i_ ■ .r.n tc ?H«J ►. • lifti.; -. * IT tttf C i, s *«' •• •' ;r ?*.'•*- '• • A » pm i n t*a»ri tu^ . • Am. ••? u .? umMiTin PAM O I4P1 ll« Am Al ten ft ,wi.» «: £•-»!* TKSte .r«-. Sttl'iateaa H*f« —intu Satal*,.- JSKKtfc $&**** -- */• ' • *•'•■ JWth; .r.4» «; r»rc*n:; ttRvuf tK 5'"*-i' ^KSit «r- •~ ' 't* ' F r- -:.|.-^ * 17 4 V t*T* ') * *•' 4,f.c, :.i; .'•• t h.aacwa rm tn % BMBLY DOWNS , Mi".. jf 'U.t\g*r :!«♦ ...»* m < ti;*Trus".-:.. i%!-v. .-. iictaawt • . u i : r ( v CraBW all santo ti ... "4 *-- • 1Vf«■>.;? r- ?*.,frru .-.tfana*. t» SBtibaiC' ft#* mtuiaAE' trtj*- 42- ",rri« stusxx -x a ■OiO!M-- "*• . '>PY f« -"•» "S£:. C«KTicwm jgcaacw K.4V chlffat *&?-. TvttUiiB* uT C"Ys;-;« It r ' tr V.'vnv "f 8*t&-*».* Sy or t,' 5r" %'a*« > 'j. rttt IteJx ■■ (HKN Of n»«P A^^H* W AMHIVI modal onnkh r--t «m«. r 'vtw a mntr.TTKwaj T.i*m.a T t Wis® aVatt ^.«n—■-i -t- : -V-— --.r.- MKltl 1 or WAjmliml r»r-.-. .Vrt-f isRiam** c?*t "«6az$».;»Jrms ixns *uT :t icr." Twj ■'■Hi j* n r-f.v- i; i ■ T-".-: nUEMkS "r «c»r-ia. art Jnm: ais ;~uiti m - - tv 1 . -t-S-i.tj. -t™ , .nr< im ^.AT* eiikrs- £-?->v .;« ~ ^duti-ic : wL A K UU" I « JA-V taa. la iwriiv mrrrnt iftftiL 5 * BTfcuaUfct:?* T '-. .. -T ..; r- *Ii C -IT ".Irti .IX ' . zsn nrn. tat tt-iia -ng+»rJt. hi ■ t wiat m * ftttlasrttoj ig ?it- STXOAT i • .^s. yi$:ue*s$sg «m nf»- ' mrrs 43 wssfl-v xcsrUas- utv Itrti t».—u?nf xt Af * ns-vvu r~ " **tl T" aV*T mafftto «f Vnu* aSuwam «nr » ai :.r.twn''jfe ric.apRv--.— ** ■*"T sawtxpaBA snmttt- atu nn.u ts'tUiiM »X>X <0- ! -.r ttroauew rm., :.trji "Vt Sunet-^ ». 4 tn ■xvrnx*r it «•:- rr fi,:ft* "«*■ f : •»» -CorSte* *r ... recray (ICK3 1 8 u Hapit, % James Stewart in •FAR COUNTRY" <*00 PJL Fridav -•a # • ' Church With You - * Catholic Student Center .. riUIUr. IHKVMBRR 1 IMA MICHIGAN STAT* KIWI TACK BRVCN How Ca n Car Crossword Puzzle Block, Bridle Club Judging Contest Sunday Buyer Get I Yarn measure SF.Ftray n Fmall «sh 91 Ihxcs'xertxl MM a WMI* rluh «>U IK MMI Ml Mltiw nv.w.1 Judging cixur«es. A It .1.11 or or 433. who have tried «wit P*r live- annmincs-it Ratufdav night at the Hi intent-racutly Night prngraru, Luxury Plus Economy? I 94 Italian »h*-k Judging team. It is »lr*ign- which will honor Ihe top ten a Tmbettte MluMagr l« UW Ll««.™-k est for ntudetiis who lvtvt* t. ITovmee fixer only a winner* In each of the threo JJ, Tmactatcd IM pavUhw JWauw • V }t jr.* M i«do without any two units! maps Th»f» will W Iw* alaaa., ra.-k «l tx twua 5® Unclose want* ftrt whsoh arc M5» great f>r ?\* hrp ,tvv\r mxtol. o**ctty aV.kf," (Vlr addsvl I* IhMaae ^t tw.r rallW, -.w leeeHew in,1 tow vxtv-t* aha^» ami emine H* pradlctaxi that iho Intns. «o Wicket *tv, th«» itpprwixtfag a jvxt*- «i4 nr fbe IMli't ptacv «"i'i *H.v*tv bring out at No longer a#»ti«a) wUI he re¬ Attention -x n a foxsrf the market xvouM brina abet!' IS- Id# m rel o* wh i'.vr m.vu'!. warmth active r*.« w*> a cvmmvrs r».V t\jf a rv.i'isnment of trsditi.mal; IS Mother. united »l th» «ailm»Bt«. rr»- Awerr 4« Palte of* pear l f - wari X, CW. a vi.v -v>;. "t> M»|T.- tVe «a4. "V American makes durtn* the nev' i II Tew I lew eh* .rnlatlon ,f oral iwaaon. will W- tl Crox'ktxl «»* 0«ma] M*hw« AM rr"t. Am»wg*x few xears. and a levetitvs btf of, 2! tVtiructive •a heal her fuvp!# want t.» Mvo f-»* manajprt *4 OcvivVt !Hot; oabo And eat It, Unv Ami huaj import sates, ■nsect 4* Spectral t.l Carrx wiih dlltt cutty ■lii at 13 Ml pm In 110 Anthony ] y-ef W*Ww Wpith#*i4y. * Si. Kind SS Spee«< hull. * I don.'t Mam# lh#m a tv' I\V* The autvxmotlx-* industry 1$ lit contests t: Tree aj Sorority Rusliees! ofduvk I'onlMtanH will bo »llowwl Htf »«> a *r innately the American automcw' an unusual transiticix period. " W Take IS lergekn f« Si Ourselves t.;-v «rcto< «PMi*.xtwj V< tv v,v<* >ndu«trv x'ole sstd It xs ill take three to mhd f.v>» 21 Colo. rn* anil «xne*hatf hour break. < \< pprpanM *?\t. IS fiaceef 33 Imitate J- 1 twit* artwS «( bu*;rvvs *1. w. ;nt to 'ft t!ww «V >u*t that**, four sears to see which way it bakwt clay >1 Parceixe Immediately foUetrlnf the e ?S Transmit r^jtrtUe*. i "• tn ontor to *At5»fj ibo cwiJtoaei by ftkyifig ?h*t xvr>o ST Onecfa I Ckwirtalla* :• lunch and begin preparing fhelr . demands, he -uni. a:X r*-yr« SpheH.il A-•mere** »**f Korrs "anjM inor*««:xa x Afirtv of WNtlK he behex-e* the smal!- northern rate dan oh«e.i reasons. prxxhiots In rr. more economical can are [\f w K«r» uivncrt c? *u«nt* trmxs «•* SS Due to Any student on caropua Is el¬ v -o. *VPWr*W, f\«no* here to #ta>. he does not extMs-' motion igible except thwe srhn have Thrrr will Ik* NO (Innvnrntinii in (hp Union r- *v *v\wm,y Tbc* w»M the grx\sc* them to Outsell the fuH-suo ■una wmm 'MiiJuiaH 39 I ament taken cither of the advance.'. cars loudIr I men: -,:o—H h.x< ronalhtvi I gv\ wiuVwii $ac« fic-.n* the abt'- 30 tetter " *tn efftv'.'" ho iliillrixuii • wild, fv *.• pf< iwt» frc-x t&t #t»\p A*wr.cAt T'?he •The fact rera« na that « ma- SI IHcay on XloniUy, 5. Thrrr WII.1. I s**, fa»V* h* a«KW. JuhxnH>bUe industry >i> <>\U> pr-\1\«»nnjs a ♦only of poH'Je In this country Si. Span Saul|ilurr Rrlurnrtl custom* still neevt a larfer. all pun>x»e S3. Shipworm mAd,> To I Iwitrr llalo Srangn Ih- •TUFT WAYT * w*:ter ,Mr " ,-*r 'or A'nw. cxoc* buy* **ar far the multitude cf duties SS Muairal ii Couniirliir (.onaiillnlinn Prriod on or. but At a jvtoe whrch only which the drama C'V M..t» W.N nv\ family car is called The ateel sculpture by lUlo x c!un«o »Vr"„t ^Ar poAjUbV." JT It mad f ** TAnjjvr, « tin s . t upon to perform. S»auga which was recently ta¬ •treat ahhr CVU^tfy.'* C»wW J notx otTrr.- 50 loparatp ^aswtxjtrr "And moc, Americans still en- SS Clenched ken front the (lattery Cxproaso ThuriNlny, Jim. from .'{ to 6 p.m. on thr i» eitoxt the Cwrvar M joy lu*ury. and fortunate lr hands has bftRS relumed to him Thr car *nd IS< truck m»xieU. In 40 Historical j a »twa5 luxury *> a many are even wi'Unf to pay sculpture ura« returned to Scan- | ix; !»• axvrtpto of tb « jvini'x i Ohrw i rofiu'ar car t n,« a!o-oc, for it," Cole said. periods ga by a friend te whom the •rrnml floor of liir Union. 41 Owns Tv \KV.ja ha.« « C*.W,AO jn'oi'. wc sa d. thcrv arc Jikt onS IculptuPe has! been returnetl by 43 Tmien *sju;jvxxcok cxxl.v. and trim. an anonymous party he *a!d. A- C*4UUk* hgrxtwarv water Rcauga thanks the K'ate News the V. nd cf xa .V Trrr lighling Sumlay AV.hxH&fh l>* C\WV» r }5 A-. 44 lobster *"TOt« for Its Wednesday story which rv-ctry Uae, ha mk*. Uv nvr* vu> • .v.er cho-.co xx hich xxvu'.d aU trap j The PelU Tau Delta ami Pt 45 Aperture publlctreil this theft. Srr yon ihrrr, •rpefuuve,. iuwrvMa M«xra :j !<** ChevTxxJr:, oxen if w# #*• in a needle rv-uUag mart thaa W r*r crat CJudM the A .VOfctonr JVXAS;hi'..tica, !V?a rtu Christmas tree lUfht- 49 Ferlame. r' tfm I Ml uw4«i Catva* At- to build ;*» ant iand canxlitvc will be held in I'anhrllrnir Uonncil n» ytarti output front of the Union at $ p.m. rM of about J.WiVOOO paaontn car»l Sunday n^iht. * pat rest ti mm Katharine Oibba Memorial SENIORS OF M EXTRA Scholarehips (. (. C. (. {. the : «> nu. TILL « MT. TILL T Caator KATHARINE eiees WOLVERINE wants to be FIXED UP! Now on •ngogatnant ring design SO distinctive- it is protected by a U. S. design polent'l This exclusive Aricorved "Evening Star" design drama-1 tizes the diamond as other rings can't do. Even a modest diamond appears impressively radiant and rich. Isn't this what you wont for your love? Then accept no low look for the name stomped in each ring. It it your assurance of o genuine "Evening Star" engagement ring by Artcarved. And only with Artcorved do you receive a written guarantee, for diamond quality—pi us the protection of .the-' nationwide Fermeesnl (Mm hen. CONTEMPORARY Graduation calls for moving and setting up house! mhm> me ekemeraew wee. m*— l LMM «I—Me,»wb«MiML «* M.N.T. Bi NX LET TOWN AND COUNTRY HELP DECORATE YOUR HOUSE OR APT. PINE FURNITURE MODERATELY PRICED —===»sa^Z3» cn»- UONt. Town and Country arved 9 MILES AMTB WEST OF LANSING ON US IT AND M-7A Belted iy indie jet mue than UJO year* (IttO-lMO) S4S - S HON. THKU FBI. SAT. 9:M • S JO ,A'> . - . . w.. v-Avn-s ctAsmtes Gvmnasts to Travel HKVII MAUWSNU' , Hockey Squad to Face Minnesota Hen Tu- TUf .A? .V: \iv.x *. V VWT v Vi» > S J » W -Jti - • > V'''*r~ t - - **»«* \«<*A «5j>* .V-- v»-.* '• iw ?«KV ♦-Vfc Uc Sjmtu^ U IV yoraXV. *»■: H v-i— U>; •*"'* tsw. TV >'.* "•<* i* *i» >n«t *;rrw ». • •'. *.* -Jfe •"*-*<' .*'.♦ • .*.••.• * >■<,. »•'. .'* # * f !^SNV«r. l4«J NT V CNs> r.v.-.-. «?•-. }V.> v"iv-4 M*' 5>.*rr V.wrvV-t .* .*"»*.■ • v.V VS# *.-.*-»• V* tfcf Vf«f. 'V 54." f« :-V '-V tv-t-f >.w «.w t Wi» tt; -t* „v, ,•* : W4<•< IVW* t'.v RjrO.r4Kj.tt, M.H-4r» V 4 v ." r-V '.'4- ^ Wo*** IV " "W V *4 V*** Wfr* ... -.U't. *V~.**ns.HV . t:...* V > *v- .••J..;" .H :V >■*.?■ C<«-V=* i«AVN J ♦*• *•":v 0v.NV.2J tfA VtttJU 4 Me $mm Wfcs v, ^ f.» •; «W j> . . ««.*•.>. '.V. . • fcri's. ;"8C .',1. \i> 2J« 2 " ...... ,.v-w fv- ...» wsimav! "TsV '' ' , 1 < " " -.v *t~t «J >• «*r«ai s»i yr-.-w a i-rti *4. ' • . .w ".••••—■ ■«"—'• ,w.£ » .,v- Mm JZrj «}«•( Intramural .'• ' ': . ""„• ^ —v • • «■*.'. SM«* ' *.*—*- • * -> ., . . r* ,vw Scheduler \L «.♦ *rf 17* ?.,£ Tw fc'-v v r-T*W-\.A- . Q»w h.v cr*«t^..r s?-v.-m* wKM# * VA«' -?.»* Sf »Vl\• -.-.\~ -.V- ■••»« .•<: rs# Vf^.v c.w 4 •• 5^J.^ ' mm r*-*«\.i. >.ir-fctaaiw* ^ A I 9s»\Hrv-* -A TTH.r-i.-v' t\» *.N>.r. M»V « fj Tracknifii \i>ticc Ejrtry TWiday CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS i" V:v TV»"f "c-Nri *• • " ",w ^ t.v -ici t?2 Wi"J Man tfcm Sunday »van««S« aiiMi.i »m * rr C'lV" t- *".n/ >,?r. trar*, 1#r *"nr. f.f itsti. Faatunraj the Al BautW Swi» t*«iai>u U.'-Bi |MaOml b< tW Vil.» 41NT" CJUTtCH of Ej4 c FREE COFFEE Variety of Delicious Baked Treats PLUS-A SPEOAL GlIST; Mrs. Daffy" Daugbem Gridiroa Cookery rciPAv, mcwiua t I*M I'Af.K NINK MICHIOAN STATU N KWI Probable Ijnenp* lotapheres Over 6()crs. 19-13 \ |'\HS ftfm Vt>*l* Uowa* t<» l»»|» for tho |ut««|i(|#rw -f'htirk f»»%.• I .vVwo»»t mn.lc tho "cord I t>»H*vi» of tlio HU'rrw iw»il«* * t< •• Thrti liotdl IlimUn* Ihrrw ' *rt*«l dlrfimalvn f>lny which k«*|»t t«« t'Wk lt*v|,.|» to nrako •** t Phil Shlnn, ami John tlrrtrh, Km Fm»o«o (ti \y John UyNvi t«..|i 4 *rt\ Jehnaen t»'. .1t l>hi |A t) I nrry Ramey |M0l Italian Mr mil anil ItolU Italian HaihAitr laiMiinn ami Itaiioli l*aatrir*>, ami i'htaaaraltr. Fraah Maria'* Piixa Importad Chaasa aid Oaaaad Goads MARIA'S °,,EN nA,LY llfliriilwu 10 u.iii. • 3 a.m. AST SCHWAKM pyv Call IV "W1.121 or IV «fc31% Spartans to Face Butler iiKonn: MUFFLERS E\ll:\l!ST AM) TAILPIPES SHOCK ARSORBKRS SPRINGS • AIRLIFTS ALL GUARANTEED in st.uXat'ion' FREE tOH-l OW rilCFV »kcul r*n» * I. vml.BU A I .mil. LOCATIONS Ml'FFLER CLINICS Orfml with Bultollll Mjilir*. (Jirrk*. Solid*, •r Jab Collar in Solid. aud Stripe*. Pop Over or Try an ''All American" at Button Front. McDonald'*.,. 1IH)% Pure Beef Hamlmrpcr. only 15c...ricli, creamy, Iriplc-ihick Milk Shake*, only 20c.., rri»p, deliciou* French Oxford Popov er Frie*, only 10c... a pleamrc Dren* Shirt Solid* Onh everyone can afford. ME HOQ EAST Of CAMPUS M CRAM) MVS AVENUE I.S. SToiune Open TiB Midnight Weekday. -1 AAL Fri. & Sal. UN Delegates Ask Council Seats EHM Barron Sets Retirement ft* rv>W%vit ' •. I' \ »>« VV-' It* w* 1*«* tewiht CaivW. ti» s»*kh(M »» U fcU i" •< *t wi ■v,•.*•*.*!•.« >» ii tV *'( AvtwW »h lltlU t»t*n» («•»■ whl it« t'V.i »^| «vo ■>•*->! *v I M«H« lUmni H*»* in KmI »«tv K* *w»W M V A«»v*» ft* } laMahttf with K»« %lt* CW|M* MM hW **•< nun-h ♦»» tUy »l MSI! Nvtmt«. IVtlMH' »"»»< * ♦ tV «f WSV »>»s |v»a* t\*tl»», Its nnj ii * mrwWr t»t i 1("V («»>!!» IVh.I|I1£ liprit do barium by >A«ni •"Ha moil § lamoroui gilt M VX>« tURKOY Ml MVS ««im\ .,.«., IhtHHTalio Parlv *m •...■■>* I'.-Wak»«» ^v-iflrv i"w* Viv; C%'-*v<« *i .» Vn >rv->- a* ■ Wv \v*t> !• ( ;IIHIHUIO i» * w limn iw />! ' V "m* yovwr" ■» »WV* ^iVit ¥■*•»< V^vvo-J ; i if Kxjnvt* 'Mirarlo' <***• *4» ««v OwHImoi cofctliow of TV "k •/ 74—. t *\ -.-a•>,'- *\*t- i'% v»k*v' - -. -vf Auttriw cut cryttd rHinotlOMvt. f| M ,VVl V, Vjrw'.V.;.-.'-- W*i* * vn> v»» »S»aW in*W anti 1W Vwv -• iVnt ■• |fi Jfc. G5**»»«a ai'H to ipvi hoWiy ® > V >7 to At ••!'■» *-*" « inktffi wi»A « lytlt** toocK, Widt W» *&■ - ■ 'W* *•».» i'"-av »*•**■* . V# Wv«*nw| "SV.VVJ? \ ?".**►; *-»a * ouortmont of *d>uiUU« MockUc»», *v*i\ .|«wwvt >wWs .•*«.'•*« 7 H> >«f JS»f* K*-'V> VOlli f»«iblo brociWH, o !* A,/-. V*.-, fe'TOJ » •; l-^aa , •jtMumw .** $ 5**1 • *» | UMPM Srcwwe txjwNrt* v*» *\>c v« d op, or contour Civo hor Iht moit bioulifut iproy ol oil... ;'V «•'•'••■ '•'#«•£ »• -7s**.'W "i»" »Vi* V>-» »av- -ei, *•/••"•» v at v oorringt. A »w •.«•*» v>* " *AAl \s*"••*>#'i*» f ^ Fobofyo'i •«clif«vo no-cop lingortip tptoy, a fen****** S»*'» »: „ *-•»* Sv»r- r^-r m « KN w r*w» a-«v !-«•,, v*n^; MO My i Fod. hu -: •* y 5"H* *^'S N«w* ftth-M* wf*."y» ,fsv'" >4 #< tNr W.'fii* -m ,a krt« y* u» •#»■•* i'«ve .v«ar «S f.t- wi.- • ivlto-Qt %at> ami • tnfH|»^3f S**» Kf-'f i"w .. v ... ****»>:HMXh v <*>«! *&** 't : -•»•* _>..v »•; *' *•.*•-« *wi» at»jr».*4' MSV TW Podo>l pvdo, «on3a. tmo ico. bua»f pocen. bonona. twgor biuo, iheokany *» pink ko-dotcioyi no" «• <■'••« colon to nU or oto*c*> to' unci betday »*"«■ Cyotgo lambi»ooi fur H ooton, am 3670. Tyoor invert color cuod Mporatoa «« 8-IS. A. tgio plotut iloon •■•otoi. IM8 Wool fMxi >*"♦. ynprouod piocdv IH.O 8 l».'*od Vnk i ■ ootor. W.H fib Tcporod yod fur ftioclv I7.60 Information Notice? ■6 C Is oog* corAgo*. M-98 UTIUiX mv >noei-fur afreet tkki W»H ClrkfM^A 5«ttW8b» f ?4| I.M.. Z. ' .ar.tftri' Mcnvdr 'I»tora 4«-- s 50 !». «. T'W . mri ym-^ jm,. 'SSHpsa «c 'A }i4fc. \»m ■*. c.i"v *».c >n j«I>T aBLkir*^ . y.;n.. C-.»€>«a " tttcur •*-«»• r-jjKWiwc ,w^r I 4..«c •vHimarj. * CiH tlipport far firooido camfartt A Gut