Mill >D ». N'O. IlHi CAST I.ANSIMi. MU'HKiAN. MONDAY. IICI CCMIICH A, l!MHi HOC C 1 I KNTS Titan mm / • Muurituiiiaii Hid ruriicd Douii IadIocICS 1 in Liiiih'Iht! \ \\Mf \nFIlti MR HHU tC Reds Veto.Membership ; \s» i At,IF. \V> InvcMisa I'NI I I D NATIONS • I'1 The » .».*.-•• Tu .i 11 find .pliiMit U» Anion if befoie- ■ .«\l thy scrttteuNt mini Soviet Union, with U» 'M*l vrio. iiavi Mhf mi-rit.I rttonlNT ■ ban.I h led Stabt • • Titan inU'jtHumiHMt- killed UN nifml»e.iT»|Ut» I u i cmiocH »l»il» fI I he Mnn- and r-iriofU»t , i«« ,|>pll< Mini mil I1 *i a , tn uhvmIc > ci*tvr»ls»y j MdUlltrtllla Sunday in o bill In (burial A nthiv |M*n,ilr < llei uiilie at a„.jMK »«-• . niin»fl«A Vl, nllh •• iMHt Mrtj' Yvln lUrinlM'ishlp fot I'linimiinul |,o .i ml.. II I'...!. • t to « miMiir the a ltd iliadltdakl- »een»iiH»i, tart Mmdirv H* UIIM- ttf Ihf » . , ./.I not be known Km* , ; r.iior Irnfii (t.w until (l.t'Mdtjj,- «t ; nl 10 Presidenis I fit in« me n* Big i . ,•!%■ >x fully iiwoihI 1 vein I'm \ ' Fniec r*»|HUted Mo j i-I Union ui . tO'l il* »|lokt'*' •',(!» vrtltl | I >vir»n ah- I,- vtut. not contain « : . HI msbl, Ml II'. r i i ,t .»e**tlc»n * «'.M»k»'*Ut«n oi.»t»at>tv will continue /N'rn.tlHl 1***10*1 of time i* jM'vH'voit at Ihw "! Studenl Ke«iiilalioii: i t t r.f hai god S Sit deiegi!.- tint! Ml- 9, ..••.1:11.1j the Titan. w hq«b.; hot I.-.file htle .t hi had a IrtUiu- ii i* | h« ioiis litter l and fa -f the h.ght i" M *VK»k*>»»MH *»ul. "Hm *la!r Seua *ta(t Writer «.r the .a the ne* r*1 »•? . .. i :C?UfcillrtJj r\CCl*C U.'t a t»iinkiiij* and tunning lejjien- c aittong « mint' ie- ' Hp >;5i»vh MiH'i aUon *• *i»d role of I Hon*. tin- student HI r vi,-.r »ot-hma Tltow-w he H.< IV of s^UWltU the 11I'M exidh-' •■ . IHp d," ,.|i of V po-O'g t.mancipation of the i mvr*' .»» f«o* AngvU*< colon* of Cb.a was tabled until i when pens ( H •.. ** ».„ h ; ip ';** 'v,.*m!o presumably \\ as ■ r •> .1 .or, in hn." '• f' d.nd a Portuguese icpic enbifive - i, < , •t on- it* elevator. yapahit* cmiM bp pir'sebf It pioiifeil $ ot • iM./a:. and n Tut. fav "t '0 110 ton Titan "into Ub.pMoan Arthur tl .dg-oo Mat I . onlr.i t- a "v«% # 'I < pa- .in v'd'-% r>n a .">• i »nat position in about in;'!'*, when the blast gallon to 'he Campus t'N but . penal .'»•% should b equ;'* c ' . ■ f uve.-ov nt u-2 • ;» -! M II i' lb 8 « ai»;>h' a- at 9 J,S ab'e with ivit prnaltiei. rST. a-sutned ils'*adopt. !| agrnila and ' s *,f that I bore w . i» i ' >i p.m. w ay a Jhirlugue*c I.'. X *»■;' \mlaulc liquid fuel *tin'eut on rani|iua Tie giopp also said the* l.-l: c lo U, teVnvne the ed»- i t >ii ' C' pu' .ng on Outer H V •; leaded „lntO the Wea- Nlrmn! Sln«ti of tb,i: ubiversiiv adinirih ir I, Ha l* Calt* M [o'.a Op the flrgt v'»le on:*' the tndiun . o: *. • Ru* '.rvmwtan* escaped in- dctejathMY »trokr supporting tfiw* arc generally not p, .iid>itioi»i»i. ^ c (iidc.oiici b\ thr ' < Sov »•' U «,rr and I* . and twsioe they were a rtsolut.on before the tabling but the* are required to enforce i »•■ we opposed Oil f f f rond, /• i 1 The col,cm of (Jo» in located •stale 'hw-s becHU'C The »"?e favored the • • »fi»v away "a* a routine of parents- i Pre ( rvioh nn6 Tunisia. er,vj vnar.v measure," gaid a on" Uif Mr la b«r ru».st of India, an t the • i*e legislature?. . un *r« nan and ruled by a dictator Tbi* T)t*ei inilnato! •• housing drew 1' , . ip .. . fin't-'i of r.ti considerable coTnunt from f••«• 1 -r 1' imu in which the e*pt»>- the only colonial power re* jp. 1". of rofh-je paps'ls delegates, fp tn:» field uolver- Reviews voumM. undated—on thr th.«o the rd;'<»r WITH HIS KAG(iEI) rnrdhnard rrwta Iti-hop llomer Tomhn-on amlng on the Vudian continent. • t\is< and 4t>«>ut four nulea Singh aald the problem on ■ ity poltrirs ranged from ol>* The delegatea »U<» t-aik a •f hci ijuarter*. was Imme- fiffhts for Ihe preMidrnr> of (he l ulled Stair* to odd lo lii» Kriminif (be was. "little known, but vious assistance in diacrinima- .Tatktl sg;t!.<•.«! cO'OpuUory POT'. • 'v 'si«d to all but ittve*- rolleclion of nation*, lie claim* to lie king of 1(1 nation*. potentially very dangerous '' torv policies, at Northwestern !.•' n-i 'car the pre»pnl rviem (State New* T v Titan, which may have photo b> Fred llruflodt.) In 1955 and 193H. Singh *aid,' C»,v»'rhdy. to tf»r llimo.s policy tinanmd Indians marched into which vylll not. permit atudrntt training grea' numiiers of men nvotved a great «iu!e of fund*, Druw High teat (Yred at Goa carrying only the Indian who do riot p'an to enter the early as next advanced program Attenriunee vk. I* flag They were met with beat* It was also even more powerful 'King' Seeks Presidency the ings and muss ariests. On Aug. felt the voluntary »v*tem would mothty AUa* ICHM. ' :m feneration of this coun- ile*.range missiles 1.1, 193.1. 22 Id the demonstra¬ tor* were thot and killed near King to Attend mean .urn „ut that 'hp program would on:. b,n, ..ff.ror, I ■ u„ Ap,.k.. „„r, V " is 155 feet the Indian border. e final a< tion of the groun 1 long, com- (!ollc£c, Work . , •"-m with tiie Titan's 97-foot A »t«uii little man w ith "a but- I India, he said, opposed the . rhl..r,r ,!,r ,rt,v,.,o. „t "> b».«r.rtY C'.l.ri- > niiro.011 said. T 11 pi omiacit to unite I !h' I- Portuguese occupation of Goa ■ f groups on the rampiues ; eourse* were very jkiPTessfpl. a« • bou»• UiHve, » pmk >ilk ioin and The bistiop .*..*s he ha- fn 1 * a * % iv the Titan i< ra* a gold rurdl>«»»«rd crown v^Ukcd formed many mirgctcs durtn. • lir n on b* placmg Kennedy, jon two counts First, because Conference a hirh attempt to further. politl-| < to Teh Andring r, Wiv. being launched within to jhe Union vieps Krid'.r.v hbt thm'-ycar campaign No Not dottnaon and I^Mga tn |ni'' colony ' is an inlcg' al part of .•4' activities 00 rampu* I ian-i oph >more and ptesident '•et of an alerl., second, DeU jatr* to the ronfetenre | noon, act down his leaking'pta>* "I'm gnutg to show the Uict tbe Portuguese j^ oi '!.e you some Dean of Student* Tom King rtrluded the sophomore yia - • tie world gtotw* and announced lbs | government is a dictatorship. (..Mowing SUident Ttie at'endanre miravlcs right now if y„»u ill parly, stands f»*r the use was heMe- Singh said the Indian* follow¬ III Hit,ml , . nil,,,, ** Pr,.lrt*nU M„h„l ucn N.H. 'he wquld become preaidcm of have faith Now, shout' we want of tithe instead of rr; 111 than we expected and, fmm the a taxes, the ed a policy of non-violence but Personnel ..... no . to.,. Dan f»,_,i,. ftiedrl. MSU. the United Stales thunqih a miracles, wr want miracles," he. of toh.o'.intoxicants, not a* conference Dec II U .comments I've heard, the stu¬ Muemillan i an affront to national j„ James AfM-mlry. Minnesota; • dents miracle. sa..t nwrcottca, gambling and the un- dignity. New Vnrk City Dick »eerri lo have benefitted ' ' Kirshlierg. Northwestern, Bishop II o pi e r Tinnlinson, Tne crowd shouted but their of church and state. ... , from the u,k?..' Andringa raid. candidate "To ..rrvrnl ...ser (mm boil.1 "* " "" gioup- and fVkb Veatch, Pur*tu - of the Theocratic were no mtradev the crowd ahouted "Horn- I hope we can continue tn - > ing over," he said, "we request "tade op of repiwnUtives «»f eid- Others were Jerry Lute. I i»a Irbit rates party, told a jeering crowd «f 300 that he would win through an act of God m the Electoral A «fHrtator asked him bow he teli when student* jeered at him cr, the niost from coast to the world coast," the bishop In his flowing pink robe picked up his plastic ( Portugal assenvblv to show lege placement officers the world takes cogni- trial personnel men. anjl Indus v*ce f.' of president, Per K. \f vice president: O.urk program year* for The laiki by faculty members the real of the He-tier.. MSU AUSG speaker; A /• • college. Well." he sa.d. "I fcs-1 j aance of thut moral wrong." Conference member* will meet were sp-n ored by the cultoia. On • ' it i* world and adjusted hi* t*rd- B.y.i The a-ssrmbly voted 23-1 to again in May. this tune centering Plapp and Uirry Camp* /"m > a Tomlinson calls hin>elf gen* better for them to be happy and boa id crown close debate on the issue until their activities at b*'" MS!: vice president-. and committee of the rraj overseer of the Church of gay than u» riot listen at all. If He left campus saying, "My a later date. Michigan Stat..-, Frosh-S'sph council in cooper»- G u y Grimm. M nneAOta vice God and "King of all Nations of they listen, hut also visiting General -'NDON (4^—prime WThTs- Men.** He claims lie Ti"a> travel- minds. "At PrTncIon after I talk- 'they_.chan|c their wi.'e «tu»j»n't believe I'm a king. New rules of procedure were plant.* at Detroit, 'lent K iv W < rj d »- r ! 1 c. i tion sc-ewct, with the humanities, aorta? an.d comrnunicati'm $)m* hasn't enough faith." voted Northweitern president, i Harcld Maemillan ia ed to 101 nations and crowned ed for two hour*, the crowd was on by the 28 members (ollcjres represented mil in. vnr . ., , opemng Bui he hasn t given up hope present. »n.i They passed a rule to elude Georgia Institute of T«th- tlJy Wi... i -* *ia» on • major criais him-self king of 40. including Mhiet and thi.v """ asked m# to m ypite of this wifely failing. automatically suspend treasurer Sharon Oeorgi, Grossc Pun'-* 1 Soviet Russia any dele- nology, Dartmouth, Purdue. Au- -e. the coogtiuiuonal fu-i pray for them" ' With the prayers of his other gatton which so-ihomore. who arranged the - does -trnt attend burn, Mnssachusetts Institute of The traveling is to promote He claims 22.000 membeiN it followers, he • elatnu the iflec- two meetings in succession humanities ikession, m!rodu.^d f tia or Technology, luua State, Prmisyt- Central African Fed-; peace on e-rU'. the major plank Columbia University and 2,000 tora! cotiogc.will turn to him thrce Dr W.llum t Swe«-tland. as¬ o, t '-he slenderest threads; " f in the Theocratic platform, at Princeton U» 19. meeting in a year without vania State. Cornell, Puneeton. a vahd excuse. Indiana and Carnegie Tech TV Svrii's sistant head of the humaniti.-s department, to a etanding r»*>m only crowd of 210 student* Produced t:r ,1 in ••vlh'r"«Merer by ' r, •a • of Northern and * Tells Conference tne K va Tuesday night Dr Sweet lands talk."' com¬ Rhodesia and Nyasa- mented Judi Cone. x H.-.ia.n's biggest remaining U. S., Russia Should Safety Center ,n (nnore, "stressed Glcneoe, li,', the five '** • . " .Africa. T)J,(ULn I »( MSSKJWM d*ut »nd r,.l« lh» bwir world • w.r which will be I»riutte»- Co-exist; Help Poor Nations Hunll.'o( »ur Id«ol0(i«' Hollywood Isn't Where pirture* are made principal the wily place manit.c» and their rt'lationAhip.*. The Audio-VUudl department' help' me on the final but it waj- f don't know how much it will area* of study in hu- w. brl1>- td' U S must stop by the U. S he said together all ' art . equipment, sound booms, and [the different reading* and k''F more !-h«lr own territories. I»UDcal t >t'uoU,r. Im^e.idtd m Ttiey are on thr march, *?*-. regarding each other as con-' "We must beg n to de-empha a!! of the various equipment ■ p irpme s'resscd the goals, avoided." in this manner for some time." said day. he said. Meyer said. "Each should be ^Continuation on our present orvseni c;r themselves to driver* amis * >ri >urpjse.s of participation be-'Meyer said. » The U S ana Russia wii!, "Our modern industries are able to survive without trying.path will more than likely re- studying :,rU.n, the British gov-; However, there » no immcd- have to realize th^ and wiil very itmilar," said Meyer. "They to subjugate and -change the suit in annihilation of both'j every da v. * .social science," said Bob NagaJ, r-' "cpvonded The fllm# will be made avail- Detroit "He said' by announc-! late danger of a world war and have to came with it, he *aid. are similar in a growing trend other's way of life." sophomore. 'riooa; conferences, to run it is possible that it will navcr - -Right now this is a side show (toward bureaucracy. We share There U a large gap between | crate action but through some j sides, not necessarily by delib- able a to ic!ctrUion stations'that rirst term social scienee if w;th the main talks,!occur it Russia and the U. S. to the cold war." he said. "Butja throughout Michigan as well as i basically a study of the forces likeness in our education pat* the two countries in ideology. Itjinadvertaat - wia op« o«. 1*. I bruit their delusions of gran- j in time it wiil dominate #ur terns.* ia on# that misunderstanding, driver training classes in that affect ptrsooaUly may never ba'ha aaid. * acbuula. itiun.'* •) AH'N l»A\IWKCKMBKIl S. ruiK r«o Ml Cltl CAN ST A T K N K AV S I Has K\eryom* (lot One Of I Jlllo The EditorV Corner—— r Page of Opinions Hsurw Ami A Set Of 1'iiu Spartacade -BA SI K PRICK. KI>mW-IN • aV Suie V« ••V— »•••'. '"C'.v.rv fin- ih< »ml tltolnt'iitii'ti Tot "«'"«•> »»>! ■ \}..-vv; ■ v> * \.\l \ \va>r «vvi ;fe< 14 < > .r..'.v tor (hartlv. It on atmlrnt* for 4 ■ AM:r\VA "A*. CA-'iXV*, M m >*>•.<• Sc • .t-.V- Vs*v In Ihr |w*t \mn, the Wi\ . • t "v C '«* t\vtrr ,R.|vWN< ' V».-. c- t ••■»• Sep., C»m\>u< i'hr»t h»» >>rrn S»wil*r».lr. a r»rntv»l hr!,i winter Iron. S|v.rt»raitr t1-'" iMXH'nirvi fioni ono-thr,! \^fNHVWSfcVk* »NV- •• ' sx »'; a*.CM " "A - % '• •» M ' SV*:-- .X'" A !f * Sv*r\t sSt jtv>vr-w-. • 'vavn. omwlutlf of the animal ftm-U for Cannm* Cheat The fun,!, ivmr from lihlivtilual donation, ami IVnn* \ , A i v .1 v "ty*t . -:\vrv;*> '% JnvV \K* ?\A" ?V. SAS ^\ .*!«• A -iXktX i * .\W)W\W l>.*W4tKSi-t V\'1A'.-,'a *'*' !'.♦ •>.--• ;v SI'ART AC AUK »a. orirmallv planned to Iv tv!,-: C a •» • • •■•- • * ** v:r Vf V • • S ' A 1 %*..• \ W'vay IV. *S*» .•• 'winter, hut two tear* apv it wa» decidmt to hold t , . 5Ar. %A:'. tS-A n •. **\t :• «• _ '•-■*. .-*• > other \ear The la.t imninal wa. in tt».V». and our t> o(S, 11 s V \ V- -A v S:> .f .'rvH» ttv tv'. fv\;— .IV'a a* Mr ' * for .rhe»l«l*al for thh wintri S ;• * > •.•r*crVA!'-C a Thi. yoar.due to mnrh tail, amomr .tmlent. who f.n n. •> *?A'<"YYV*. * "<•• ( ' the event. Ii.inr unit, were naked to vote * "•• v- > XV * • >•* ••: *v . »Y ■ tW HMMI " '•*• ** ■*. cue their opinion, on whether thev wished to )wit>, t» » •• • -.»* -■ 1 ,V*. v.VJU v-.A. • ' •>.-* >'*V t;v 4'v.* •" a' a A aampjinc Note of the doriritorio. imlirate.1 that . . . • • v-:- V » -• • • • « v. ».v; AYir-A'tv »»xmvY.V — Av A,- 'ca« , . • t.v va-v.> .-.e !VY Wt * •> *•••'— ylvnp. favvmt |v.Miri;y.'.ton The .oonntie. atid I!■',*■■ S • » % V -X <'VV.N s .. '.VANC*i -•< •• a- tie. imlteatrvt the. would inther have aotne othei ,.r - Vl« **'■ • v'" t^.'A *A Vi W -A le.. time au.l work, or hair a .inular rv, ■ , • » ' '* Vi* »*rv . ,A* A? tvt-txv»<« I ivytuiriuc •> ;**•• W" • >V . 'V* »*.? '.WOf fyftrtrr l3Hr%e «vr.%»vv some other time of the year A ftVY IV < A* V N>** *"-•* *Yi The »ote among sororitie. *«» ehv.o: aevtm son ■ •*cr» - - vi,vnv :iv* V '--.V* »'/ V;4 >YY'••..* *V.V«'"4!v. ' Spartaeade and tt against it. the tiu - ! V "•«»,- f*,t WK t't'M, Vwvarr ' *' .•' v t >ties were less evenlv dtvi.Usi, mole than W house, .rn %** u „n MU vKrrtn A tw*p v.V"? m tW hr« i araoyst the ratmival However, mam h.nise. said i , • % • ■ " ' ' * V*» * X- ****"*»» '.^r '■ -v* s »v*-.fvr -,a - *. •'/ •«: •.* "• r v- •' . wonkt twrtiripatr it the others were inteVested. •» ' * « .V >■> ".■'V* sv* v'.tvrv.Y - »v • . a; V W w <:*:<■ IT IS NOT only living noil, that should make the ,V. • v A x* . N.u-.' *"*!***• t VA^- Cf*- '■ .• ■ "S.-'.t % * v NYY "** *v* ' A i ' *V • V - snoi on Spartarmte Mam,n or*ani«ation. e," *""V ■'».■•'» ; V XM A y t%.A- ,J*Y vi. ** ,1A.A V*\'C"A * *• V ' "'t' A'. A'.'V ■ iust a. easily prwmlit tyyths and art. as eon',' , . ' ..N- * *.% tJif ' • i ••• Vf %rfY*K'- . ' tttVWiN W % %" •_• . *iVv * vv ■ units, Hut if St>aiiaeade Is not favored hy featerntiie, • f • . • hsiOv'v.t fx >«'; t ,» 'V •- • *«v» V* tA,..C'"4". ■»? !V* a «•••.%• sororities, thi* .kws m»t mean it should not tv held, Tv '»*!•'.• dorms have a tnuvh laryvr rvpirsentatlon. and the. .w •' c V. *"•» A *• «C V*. , H •t'-'sr-A i-v n ■ -fAcV ?*.*•«."» '* H* Nvm-eiNaldy, present a program However, it wonhi V . •*•••»-. •• *t A'., nv •a ■ ,*y *•'•'*♦» ;>-rs •: I • •». ' movh better program if the entirv atudetit I. ■ .' ».*ii % ' v -V- i • v ,v» ivartietpate.'. i «: .1- * , * -w« ®S|r5t*f ■-• '.v.'Ctt • * •*Y\i *,,» .V'V-4*yf*> \ • W .T— *4 ft The State News would tike to learn the studen! . on Spartaea.te AAe wouM like to see il held, if emms ' f A "**' *Y V-.'JC •' '• A ••V*.Af.iY\* *" ".V-** H;nfsf ...... .. ;y.., ,Wl. • . * '"A •' A'i.f CV-'" V* ." *Y-a, ^ •{ y V !e~rst ts shown to guarantee a well-thought-out an, w > V-" tWi* * . •; * * *V *>;"• V» " > organue.1 earniva! If evidemv does not ptvve tha ' * -"y l«» I lie Kdilor A (Queenly Kevolution bv AW S I •t, i Mp v- Y#^k. A*V.,V.a f*: ; A :'.t ■■ rst' 1 'A \i »v. *.V •'VY^tr VftWA' >V.;vy''.* ' aY»- A.- V>1 * Vv isw , • £ *"•* : >» M .'.•"fA'.'h'i- ; 4 • * h* -m-'RVtA.4 »» >./r ,Vrif,A ^ •*+ • |.f » »' J ."NY• f- ftBl IfcV' VVTWlaNSM Nlsaaaet *rn»*r».*#» v -y H rt+ft ""*» .»-• tv ^•"•.Yk-A rv a- »**•*..x\w./ *,Nr cuya'xU?^ ♦ -v, *•«*'• *v t. .4-•-*.«; f fAAAitWI 7(|//n .".YA if wa'a V*Y'Y *»Y w"* »***•.'•■ *■. •. •» %W Nf • -• j, -v' MC irvS ?:V * "r N' ITT ».•: Id SMIV V «k Wt rA'*«*—1 ^ #w.Mh4 tht mM H>iam •; . , . l**Y Y , »T»« * 3^4 »s# hammg. t«««> hryvwvt v*s* ih*;,» i .• ,» «CN•- •.«* * "W V-AiRW Yh-AAT* V. N.V I «' »"Viryf 1\<1 W HC fVlwl'v »IT Vkf «• ? * •. "Y Sftf- - v RWfif "Wl I a ' (f Ah. r-tx-f" • V « 4Vt - A* N k "A* w A.V * ,-vW.rvm _»"f j...: »> J?•cvYtUi.di fg.AgrNA.; WMtl*» K«CA*' MM >WH— *• A«N gMMM v;,i,g. IMMMMM ruftt :• *•,' • Mew »,y, n Ya» •'.if ".C C**X' 't / ■« V, * .,NJ,,A(V SVAtftHHl \'»V|ArA '"4 ■ *\1 -ilf.s't •.'■.*/■ ty*' y t't flMAYVtv i.4maAA4 Ai , • 4 > . ., v . . - Nf* l »*>•».-*M<*M kt Mny.g t.v tMM lM«k »si Ml i»v »* ^»|f . i *»**'< il •.--• -niy ',AH« •r-tffYY i ., .V w M.TI uu sr 4 .a sv- Nw) sawn »s ama n. M . v-w* A -■ > * wNYstf Id i\n*n\ui . ^ -YW.W- .. *lV'*V'tk tSr rv-A- *,< *-•• mrx m-%1 -5U4- """"■ '"-111"' '■""»'■■■■ ■■., I I ■.■■ i u .11. II .1 II . — —■ ■ ■ ■ "S/ .X-" .X .- * V •- f AAfA w f , ff 3 I V AMY*;yl ti^it ■ mm #rr*rfeJ4 M.»yr..>,~ y V >.< UM s-V I . "A-v-v ,^K*ak» •* . |AV Al TV »wT.t J*S \ AN.X .•*-.» t'-V IV < ■»*"Yf V* {■:**■ .• * T' •• '* .. C -YV-' •»"" ;V .3 * V <» •VUthAk' " * -Vtfk- V* I■»!* ' 4y r.' Nf * riv*.*. .y "*Y»AVI . ■ v IrttWWl V'. ( •» | *MI|M » Irv * _ • y, V g v.—--Msfh Nfif- if ij> »-d. f « .ve-hi- JTh.i ff'V Wf»aer» .» ftw* It Seems to Me riht Y-.-drr 4*.» •. At** T$ «p «•*• \ W'aUU 9V4KMM' sf |n.'AAK-M. afcrc- Iy . -a'- a* Iw-vj •BN R riiV^iK- 1 *V*4 t* • . »>•** « ext • - f.ARYrYKtf-Y-' ' .Is" fYMt" ' -A*-A * . «•-' v>*r* > • »». t» tt tncYytste# •d.V " *Y j*. ,•* - ; c £VMfnr 7«rst .* »v* «9 - .;vx ■ rv , v.s. .»-•« > *>\* i MhNt starfM *Nfv i jsnt «r» '•-> "if -.t IVM fcfY Siu'tciAot: .4 tit cvr *».• ,;M •. sv- .*-J» NfV\ TAT ' m- ,XVT» •• . *rj. ,£' »'-V '.I »,AtVA- "A i ' It" .•tfcd'Y ; A wi.t T-V V ,-v -WT.4~:vi ftt«.s V • * t * UK 1;-C *. V "-•tr-jf * '"ft *Y :'V ' v i. ya' *.5vw- •*-WJ*JABlt. s* » -s <"_i Y *y. * T*» f.;-? v>« A'tr-X-to y -it x.. -v v ' t* * A ■». , ,-f YY4. ? • '»t f • trrv?d' Y-' ■ ■ ftCAfWYlr MfR ;-** . *--• £SY >vft• 41 -■ * V.; Mrj two* ; . YC'wk t - -rt' '• •■>• *S» at ,* aifcVY y sarr \ * * • A ' 5* > * \V-W~ MM A»f w* 'A » l'T' W - !W'- -V v? - e V V lYtMhttt I■•*.* *:•*.• >* . *4. '.C'." f*'y«'Y«• <*. fy MfiAWC v »v!ta». *m 4s*" «rv JAggy. Ms % » :• '■ # # * ■ si •' „• Tv \i,Y k.r:k'f > ti»t i ,'Yti / '# sVtsff". tt KtSgCi Racial Pnddcin V Hi 1 % 'A.- h I T - - '-.I- SwX.x.s. ftfm * -••'a «r*r* "*- Cfls ! •r* * V' A * .4c. -*«». M"~ "* **'•■ Y«r*« "4. "YAM*; v*r- • ' » 'Vs •,« } --ft' »*Y tv:*. . v.-t -r .• -t".. ^%43w 9*J»i « ** ;T4 >v«rAir .;•»*>• .9 .*••• f\ * n.f *«Khf .1* iWWVMt. 4 -i .3W- • N. • •» ' ttsr — .*1 ♦ i- . .iih"! •- »Vl , * sisITiCs.N Oa*.' *'f»4 •* #u- -ir -YJg* 4C"»4 'iW oUhitf''^, 4i Aw- 'W- ? '-j **tftr? T "sfi y Y-S-vt '?*4 V; ;«f H'f'A.niiM T,;"iifWt» .lie: iT"* «Y ' -it* ** CdUTt" < t^Blrtk, ufc.'v 4-"VARU< *» ItM* * tt (kY^P®dt| SAif xiftutf if. . * •* 'v-wd.' iki.Si»*m -. ittK.'y irjvrtASl. rv»n. ->i &**"-% itor Sht^ Sk-v. "7s • » 1 > -v n.i.i ' > TM T*>-" '-•<■- r'-'V *» j v: v- » fvn h \» ' *.v y -rr 3 i4Y nins^tt: «C An# v*r *iSK «*L V*4ir5>.Ad» A X * ^vruK >i» aftkM'iui "yi~'**r«Ap » iax «»cym*,.e* ir»A -r ->*«■**. -. /Y >. -'.SIM 5V MVli 39t" i rjh* ?r Hp-rjfv *A4-** V** »|MPI * EM 9K4M. ,2 *•* Mt Ud *| *4«ti dUfSVfckS *f • tr-a't-E .?»■ ■' • '»Ti" nn.if- LYte*' "t > N -.««? M 4 «NM |»* n «* Mt* v*K*X**S -«s* \ ft -i.tsra*i*Y/nt», -v i tt rrru-f* . ,'?h *M*#. ' *m T**y> -4^*4, ^ s5» s> A. «m:5 * d» j* i-MMTMACfii « S'rwMiMi MS 2 x #»* f» r4s4iS«K». f» MXH3MW-* » »•".> x J M Ms M MM&Xt A• £f :»'£U. a.-v #mt '* **'•» **CdTY *>awt *M * MP* «**»> Yltll » *Y at Sfiit > *►• Clr^-ft^ i.1 9v f.w«r s* ?nv etirvw * K*t:x tawflf fi *. >*fua , • ■*.» duic jtagi o>22«r*u aut. -*** a- »rffM« * 4^w » ttiMUM »m* «uyi fMMtw. I km^ «apar»is Solid ifportunitios with solid ststo doviccs .w * n: itu'ltf '. v ro.i^fK M at >* is-iAjrvf.f,. H; nw «KY< fU."Y :vn MY .«««• YMT* tMMtl «&M£ tt "JM UJ. ; 4WXA i*"' '.lif w4U;H« | • vtmOBAi m ta.» Mtrj Smtiii—1 iif at MS Mt tta '—*i—i i'oc. ».* Mrx 49 I asft t&at. pw; ltaMP<*'. UWTtt ?V«t »r »*!*>>a»:tA -f*—T*-T wHfc^sc-atf iW *Y«M.Y of ir iiftTi—inriiBii *•*»? laaaftetxu f Uamtrz. smd mmdmodts.r Jmk* aC 5*m dcr* «E»3aM. ■ -- Stem MK9te«ft «MV! ! XtlTf *:)jul fc»* .Whswsr. voa * Ia* thr BeS S^ttrta ems tn fit'. JWYC'Y 42«*i T" "VY-hf MaMsrt AMnaMr 5 It nam I' pt r^t; »•'-wi.'aft.Y Jw pvs arm ***&•*& e< ir^y pn>- I > f?ArfriSMri . :.t4t Ewfitir MKH m**c f*MI •"'! sTJ^nTYti Aara:» jrniiY to (!* powt * V- "on •£*«, iYi*r t^fa* kiivai'% * a^**M <***-;-/rratMt kjKMS ttf tTftewuiro. V-- *rr a*r c— H rW MlaoaV »cr*"«* ii> -nwf T^r? tiUBA at siswtt ;- "7' idA\rv Top 11 sr»rv«. p*rpm« thuHw -xfoetfml ftiirx Am tour duao* to pL-. . ptr~:.MT i£ vnll .'arttKw:.'. 4«ht 2Y5J ?« tdhrt, * • *k;t » rs^utw&r-; W lio Started Trimester System?. rftpncJft «a rig* SbBI V; ptrtctst JJKJ tanUdb P*. pLa«* «* drvprrti tngtf»- t"t«N *» stiAirii eiectrm acMcrs *»o * bt( ""** fVsr • TT-Trf- '•■ttum-Y* *rr?4 wrtf >*A 4ft- BMflMPSm* #»rfl >.#-• pfei»a« v f®htrr otMnKttn ID 1L*b*4 Yf Ml *1: W I»2^tT*d:S.'* 3 Y»»"*Ni'":«s Mitt mi t i 'ur mi *iu t»; is* mt^tr^.ctas' '*•"• v TV y t. * C' iwm t. '7>* ?— ffr-u. v wnent. TUFT* » to s*use sr': 3 epr» cus*Y ju*fc Mt ty- . *u *•***, A i, wtws a? :£ur«*m» -3ac ««** 3k 1 ""Krii 9f *3* «* Sett vi2tt V *14 i i*."V >u«r^a tH Dti w^A .w Ma.-a "~no* rn'MY w. t .*» i«~»- «*S5v jc^a?waX4 3* a,-.? i , 'Vt(«TY s^ht « atcc £• II v \%D MICHIGAN 8TATK NKWS VMM TilRKB (henitions and Income * . . ■ •• IVavMick Heads New York j Senior (JcIh sr- ()f Student Government Kconomic KtliiCnliou I nil Scholarship p' . t>» I ,«>tr«»ni r Tmvwiek, lifM.lf-; the i.t»siMr»- riltii'dli-m William lleviodda. Hall. Out., t SEilekioiil for Sprint:' ■.MM! l|-OlU'*H .it-in lilt,I ir the Pill.Ill- College Nervier, of v; 11 i-li M»f iltiij en'Minitiff ii.ii, f'oliev it fiminiMlfr lir- BfUlur, ivm and Sella Hivni'lml lite |tw*lslna Poiinditlhot »eholnralil|i \ml Smniner Terms •4»k over !>" ember 1 n« IV It 11' It 1--II. . pnlli'V as flic ei'tnil inc. ntllislnltdlilM aetilnt !•* id ti llidtt Alpha Pal a f the |tu» f»'' •:•! dtv* ;imi ir.f m. 11: hit lun>< In lip.1 ,in,| j- vet mtieiil in. 11me hi MSP Thuotdm !■ the ('« imtnltfee tftli ne-■ Alt Aie t . ' • . i.'trkee, AllHCT tifNMttivr, shnteHt (?wv^ • l"M «.f no Jh x'eInteii Mtf . rinmlffee. rti lhtij Tin- uunnl tva-t fitouMdcd hv V.tV vMf P'SillUm* ! » StU.ho Colier*'** 1.1-t IMI, 11 m New YnvU Itnli.nd hnif. MSP iiliiniiiitA nttsl '..oitefhiii.; In Ihr natnie of > N • .> mjfkt, ?» hiitfo »tr urhan plnrtrreta, pill tm l ill lip* I te|(n|t i.ltice nf *1 is Ita-kilT Mild M . l':«vm. k w .. -i 1 4 vr ti '•■ , dh. line of I ho I.IIC gk? ev *•»■ , items t*\\ ever tke Uttvisv? nl! >yv:i»uv wltpv other f! Hiinlu-t port o' Jlte comiuiltce I etment.-» ■ W1M ■ the pouitlnti tp The 1 "niMiiiif'it I-, flmttued hy Stale fiiiilidmiioiw f'Oin Intrifsled 4* i.-,.fl .i,. prnffv ' tvr\- ,M«vi r» nw * r*» Ike VU t *it ' e. -• • 4 yr muMuH. 1 .i or lUisitiesi it It. I Politic Hi'I'VI -e rv .I, .in nf il.f V\y\f n. it, • !-• ■■. K \r.ii a ■ . Kuhi I nigh' hu . v i , .•lit .. fin.l Ptii.tii 1 ills • cuuiMMllii.' »H"li. in fjie de lUoMudc. > . 'V.N \a-x-«,v> *; , v.. . , :w.'t I'.nh, (irnml River 'ntftP. ,»r jrlll tldllslli f.t ,s Kit \t.*UtSv- - ' -s Tin- i.v no !■:, ... n» cAir veil-. He tfirli'f.l Jlli Pd l> (sr.*T Tii Kiwrrr.'Ki fr»trrt\ s ., u. - vv . in «. . JlfVfln 1■ » v "up oi hti' \ JY'vit'iV'A and M A fio„i MSP and to* un- n i'N'i,; M III.Itfll llnmulhMit ill. I'nitr I ft iMr: kJ a j . THRKK t'HKKKS AMI TWO RAIIS—i Inn nf ttnlhrr Nludfnls sh-tjii(idiiate th'rtipe ft.mi M e- l .llel I .lllllilllt'" ... . i„, Si- !.••)'), <1 it Sl.tfi". wlm. w,ok fo.;i fi»ei t.' fur- rv» • »•. \ M ijuetts' thrlvoi'dlv In Mihvaukc tf*•!»'. t»i> • tw ik1 »«n it n n In* t « tram nf Kntkrr K.A.t, itrnitunlv ml, Itnrs. nnd I lit- hrml thiM oioitoijiu. uu.toi'Htandiitit ht \V»s , I Inly llxrlinivr * '•) A f ||»- man led oitil Jut-, two ^ Hi '» ml.ivM In ,rslrr.U,'« Knlhrr |l»»l cnnr. lite PS nm; ♦ ■ , ... ,, t'nrr,Ihk Ihr kill U Jtilm Tit lor ROMs. Krroril Mliiip iit f.liieatiofi «rout> * « «.♦> n'f * c Oltrnhuni. K A, nf Kn,rnhill llmitr. frn'.ir*' t W 01 k . W lUt the Joint cniin. il ic-v »r *«•*! tn.l $ Jt\U Fu;*A * • (llwiijUfs ('.liararlfr nutle M'hnsd*. eiltie.ltlou If oho in works the puldie . . . 111(111 RIIADRHSIItp . tht' . t-i iw s* t'tdlejte I'mununltv lEBERMANN'S *;'-•• "■ linl Kdueation Hacks "5 Cfitf.M VvJtieh In iliM* ! -i-ix'i W JK» SM Ideology >ns Co-. •« s Ilton ttttsl e..lle«e Pi t Ki 'if"; . •- , t'.Wt-i' _ . Opril until S:tHI .rv ■s TV. t-i'.i. •' St'Virl ishit-Mtino i« taml llnUhrvil. WoaU." • — ptuhlentv INIWNTOWN wkt T> «KI V »nt two t \ys ard ,-j' s,.... ..f \ii* '.m ■. s .i' Vi M' u.-.; .'-I-'. S?4) • • < Jksw :s twihrii " 09 w:«7 authnilfx i'hA*r m it»» n.vnJi »M' i'»i* i'mp a "# fharwrter romplrlr trailing y *>( ihr S 'to I»i j.-haplfr a litHlwin, mwltihutor of on ipiorent Sf*w! nlur«(M• r"..fn!iit ,»f Trnt'bo a'"vi- .for* not work. The nmtn Italian > N ' 1 o!!. 1 ohi.f'nrt I fivrt-tili. .If nfrt.iilr.l lou ,, .limotivrs wltuh l**iif *:w to :-»♦ s. I'lsini v tv >».i, i 'A' 1,1 nnf » u •. tmi, fot rtiitk'M twrrnly forth to thr itwroaatntj ninnlwr of' iOiiiA'i.lual* at I hp low or einj of' HURRICANE , > At? to rirwuV:1 V' 1 *»i m oc \0,1 • '• tmU> *i«'h th»* a.lrnintmtrattvp atvwotuiv nmk ws , V tv toiViiOtft S->.' r-'X*™ tn inv'mlr. ' r> • a ii.ii'"»-tii TtHnome* otiihal #* ft ainiiut nnpoa*il»lr to .loviafr; fmm u e'vrn plan without taklnp CLOSE »n« rrv« ... .« v-f *>o »*.*:«• > ;vv:-' "■'Tf',- U. I-ho»'k*. It «a latnnt t.> tho filllishlrin |*r«i. ('minis a«Uli-.i, is purely • t f tS.fv ' • m m.mi l II itnlhlnvvii m Ituly, n- ; "■ n-m! f foj'ir po'itval Hs- quoted ken in 11* sa> ' -0- -.>•• ' "'U. »- r M **'. «ot ins "tits' idea of thr aehool fuitr 1' IP * Imtli :tti'l I'limcs 1's Y.'avv niiv peoplr tionihtf out*ldo. politic* i« « he . I an.: a hypmrUv." And *0 it ts. In-iiimfuT--.tiiuli • of liiilliiint ml. >.-v Vtrv.y.-.x* of th« • i.nt-iotTV Ihf '.ir ' In *atd. that today the control of; - v t '.'W yellow, , • ,t\Pt\ ■ m iwr..J. • • -V »-y. A*i Wiv: w.-.r, - p t\ • •* ImU rnaf. »-.w x.i ^ Party --yr.i f«r a etsmpettir* jv Tilie ArIs ! ' r-. s Uo* : ■*« m Mtrfh ,< s» rtsiwiifrtstfit 1 - l.'WKHZfWV-'v SOUP WT-.V. fw tin- • tl X) . •, -',v: MiW,A:»v,. J J- ,\pp^c.*nts •** " ■.mpet^rvi *s,v> f; In which Lucky Strike's TUREEN * owu Tue«Ja>. J .-i..'* *-- gift to the arts selects «c?i-->i*rs*v;yw »> fa.,'?! i«xn "The World's Greatest $ JQOO . 1 v- v- an ara- ' Jar WW- uy- Tr- t .1. y.'iM.i.:-; oys- t«r»Jl ; Masterpieces' and Whistlers' Mother: This painting, by an unknown arltsf. ■'■w. J tv reveals all—in lact, depicts the housemother of a college sorority p.itiently more than all—that w.jit 1 ng for- a dance to break up in the next room Nole hVpfiru i f a ih:irmii!r: Frenrh mitffn;») found in an antique how the artist has captured the anguish and devotion of is known about each. shop IPs Khi/i'd in sparkling whltr to hiirninniai' with nny this lonely woman as she frets over her young charges Unifier ware l'-qt ra parity C'uniplrU' with platter and ladlr. (who were nicknamed "The Whistlers" because of the way in which they obtained dates). Carty Rembrandt. That Rembrandt *as The Venus de M1I0: Sculp born a genius •«$ conclusive^ proven by tured in the second cen tfus htt-e kno*n masterpiece This, his tury B.C. on behalf of a first known painting, astouncied critrcs Greek pencil manufac and maoe the name Bd'y Rembrandt fa turer, this great statue mcus throughout Europe. Beheve it or has won fame through not. Rembrandt created this master the aged as the symbol of P»ece when he was two years okf! beauty parlors bowling alleys, upholstery firms and reducing pills Today it is used primarily as a vivid warning to sfnall children who bite their Something th' V.ll • n the year around — w» decorative as fingernails. well a; usi'iul 2-qt. capacity. Choose copper or b«» ill black ir«»n stand. » sq Woman in Water: Here is the original of a great "lost" masterpiece which Walnut I was able to acquire for the ridicu¬ lously low price of $8,500 I mention _ this only to show what great bargains SALAO BOWL you can find tn art if you know your subject I determined the authenticity It was sad... of this priceless original by proving that the small slain, upper left, was made by Renoir's favorite cotfeq. Jg95 ' *a &« rrairin# mm dm ud tW tie TkiiMr What »s The Trenker thmk-- AT LEFT: "MASTER Of AIL MASTERPIECES"! "Here, in my opm on.'* 1-atWlrarath»«2kii)t«l:ip *11 »nf»This his been as baffling to scholars Servers 53.1)5 »»«--> id says Or. Frood, "is the greatest work of art. Note the bold, clean CocsCm. Th*'. « bra« .J as the n6dW of the spnmi and "Who s strokes in LUCKY STRIKE, conveying the wisdom and pride of the A fcrsth But now it can be revested iJ **" on '"'•** t« Coke to tke end. manufacturer. Note the perfect Fine walnut wood in satin-rubbed natural firu.di makes an No* tiere'. that this statue is actually a Roman cir^e, representing, of course, the perfect product inside. And in the product itself we find e truly meg* appetizing setting' for salads. 10'. i" diameter, TWf, 0» kjod el loyalty warrior who had been asked, "Remem- ntficewt oeproieion of quality, good taste, pleasure and contentment. '•» Mtat Ult. tke trad Uete of Coke be? ho* great c.garottes used to taste'' Surely, there is no work of art that, over the years, has brought more Wrwn he tailed to aiHwer. Uch*s stitf aesthetic pf oat only to all af us in tha art world, but to millions of J^g&etonanni kUa tkekfekraii. hove « Coke! do*." he was turned to stone. people in aN wMks of Me." K II.11T euiUiiU St idklfl Cde Cora't CHANGE TO LUCKIES and get some taste for a change! IKllVNTOWN 107 S. WASHINGTON a l',UU 1 , HTTUXG COJ.rA.NV fndn1 if J&dnummn Xlnm »y — i^ !• have conic in tlie wake of Sen L747.04fi vole* emit in m atatf iloonn't think th«r« i* an inch of John I'. Kennedy'* narrow••ipieak which i>lum|»l.| from Kennedy** column into recheck. FOR FINALS - PIZZA 87c EYEIY MMT, DECEMBER 1-12 I ITEM RENDU] SUE P1ZZI ONLY 87c Tin: pa era CHAMPIONS—'Thr /.IIT bnslin* Irani on throuch Ihrlr nflrr winning thi* IM frntrrnlly rhampionship. |,»ft In riuhl, Itirhard Cumn. link SiKrrman. Kd llrchl, Mel Saprrstrin. and THE PIZZA PIT Sluarl Mrmcardrn whn is iram rnplain. Absent from the phntn is OUl ED 2ON] FN OCLIYEOY Churk (lilts*. (Slate News photo h)' Ihiukl (iilherl) Check These Gift Ideas from Spartan Book Store PROTECT THAT CAMPUS ■ ntment created only rwt in fflfvm Thi FRIENDSHIP over the Christmas ; regional rad:o sti- "ed vara!ion. • sCs; it briefly newspaper. bu! ?;•- Surprise him or In-r Times-. 4;. •. a word on the an- *%itli out* of these M. S. U. Friendship ring". Sizes, from I to 12. Only$3.00 ANIMALS ALWAYS MAKE FINK GIFTS. Choose* from a big selection of stuffed animals at Spartan llook Store. All romr with the M. S. U. seal and are completely lioiuebroken. Michigan State LTL STINKER .WEE STINKER . - > It's not the MSU Sweatshirts • - T Shirts ■' "real things Take home an M. S. U. Sweatshirt or T-Shirl for little unless it's the brother or sister. They will really appreeiate this delightful genuine Artcarved LFL HERBIE present from you. Variety of Infant, Youth, and Adult sizes. Sweatshirts as low as $1.9.> — "'P'.Shirts start at A 1.00. U'L FRITZ.. 0 distinctive-— •' '» protected by o U S design patent*l This odusive Artcarved "Evening Stor" deiign drama- • :«i the diamond at other ringt can't-do. Even a r -see domond oppsart impressively rodiont and th. isn't this what t you wont for your love' Thsn e::eel no leu look fot_the name An-antd Cash for Used Textbooks stamped in each ring. H it your only ossuronce of be genuine "Evening Slor" engagement ring. And SELL IlEFORE VACATION AND GET Cft*V wHh AtStarved* do you receive a written guor- THE BEST PRICE OVYOl'R TEXTBOOK rv4«bH dut» 'o tit*.* Af»*'.«,si*rv.t back •* ' ■ rb'tr v\ s- a JtLfiM r*r iu -.virafiwo low a • tV m4>or kVMYra of OUn >Vun$, J.wv.o. 0' « .1 tbk# *«vX. t"vv Is Futile ?s* to *\v nV«r»- ."• \»"V Vv Vl"'.> .■* 4 t4>t- .v"t >-■:* •" by a jn.rswic* yrouy -» ! x : t.» *»** *.Se tnrtM f.-r .n« ;• j • ■• s rt>u4 *vhiS " Nf na ivon, * •..* Ew i»n».-n, L'« • R vt. Vri .. -u-'ior. aw*. SPECIAL PURCHASE! N.WCT • •rT"^»us I o *nj , Via! :• that Important littlo black >*f*r»".on *fv •t f*4«rra 'ovUvs V •AK.-k i'v-i » "vrj un*N«rs*".:4C4 t« TWO-PIECE ENSEMBLE .«n i»:vrvv.«i*.:•?«. *»-.*'.• SV (if! * VbviWV«*fl : yc.o 4»J '.V ?*\hM4i V*» Vtktf ti Vvt. -w helidojMhrpugh -»P"ng • Sa»e dollar! en our o.< < <*■ !S?u*tf*'.ve* r wo' i b v<».v •• \.,» junior ensemble cl block —col onel n,lan , ,%kv».vtiia.i '.%• v* omen tSrvw flannel. The lined skirl IJ I1'; toe* j' J v.JuX AS,i *s.ty S>ce*N*t c r -ith a bock kick pleat th« r »» shu w*m■■ y* ■ aS.v cc"ar' cove-ed burtons ■v> * »'*rv> *".> txx. « A \ ond ileek piping of 0 xSn\ rovon lotin. H S«'cei5tolJ. ont citristmas STORE H01T5S are on: REGI LAR HOl'KS DAILY A.M. TO 5:3t»PM. WEDNESDAYS NOON" W !> P M t.O SOt VH \«tt Nt; WKV—~tnnt fn-m I.erj j Sj, Ven writm* Vttcrs. u> Vst xee cnm-veuijic tte ferthevet- 'C i-H.'P. SSlJte ... SM Vs cu.nj . Before Yaealioa Southern l lienu A ER FEE'S " (afi'h'rin UTEfifflTT Sw 36«oK3. 14.91. v«»oci p.oc vodb- inw ue>a?4Xfa, kei jtt liSJ \A. PtfWBW Si I9W MICHIGAN STATE NEWS PARE SEVEN Mich. Reps. Meet; Plan '61 Campaign MiiiistcrWaiitsGhurehcsUnitecl SAN KKANCISCO 1 Vi An er« of many dennmltiaUons eon- formed, non-rilunlUtlo chPfne* ., xtr.tvipdinary tormulii wuh .id* vciu'it here ftotn actosa the na¬ terisitcR. .15, TW toted Pwa» } rw,- K I: fyym con*rrv»tivc Hi th# Rapid*, who worked on the Nixon Allhottch Itagwel! today reit¬ jvanced Sunday for a broad ie- tion ' A reunited ehurch b<* \> s• RtpwMkwit*. ?»r fmm ! * Agrved t,« \ ft IV*.! party^wwn a vwte af ronlWImra campaign team, ami Arthur Kl- erated bis determination not to union among American proli-U-. "(Hi separate organiraiitins both reformed and CAtholie," loi . tVi".rR«J Hthtck> In the 'u}r,,t *'wn «.* a.Mrv** the party's ;n a vrmdutuw adopted without Hott of I'leasant Ridge, Oakland run again for governor after two ants. M would combine chut cit¬ he declared. "t»tc*cnl .1 * c!#rti**®» •dthsi up cam-j ,ut«* wrtventv, V»b : 4 •»» IV-1 4 dissenting vote. ' es, both of "Catholic" and "re¬ Iim^ic.iMv diytdiHl church to .1 said, adding that the ultimate N„ county tlttl* Chairman Mjcces*i>c defeats, some ubaerv. formed" pvnUkr* and aJmnor*.t?,v: *~ J *»' ^ • (tnwt v. a Formal »upp#rt-wa* i»orn part* practices, on a ayope tt.»KK\rilv divided world ' objective 1* "the reunion of thff mjt {- arnl bt*wa th« : te»tw,.*»i #Tho eommittee laudesl r Nixon er* saw the advisdiv group «•• u heretofore unachieved in tin* He set forth a detailed bhie- whole of Christ's church " i !y a* a slap at San. John I*. •ml Henry t'alntt l.mlRe. his run- means of keeping hi* name be¬ country. pt iiit for tiMnging togethei the The move provided .1 dram* rk f»r t!w XHl ipr^< , .<•-{ un «* a.j,„orv commit. Smeehms, who railed yesterday nfhi mate, as "yreat national fore voters and party worker*. Ttm plaft, ,;*•< o- , *♦• t » ts-nv: fSu! l» lUcwrll. for lif.limi-r'u resignation. Tho leaders of whom the described ;r. his¬ t\v-1 tii.iin strands of protectant- atie prelude i<» the opening Sun¬ Republican ltagwell said he will reapply tory-making, p, !.-*!vr« radiated evhu*;.' drfratad t.OV was presented by imu -those ntalnlamlng agv-old day of the triennial general as¬ x candv^nt# far gvv* Coldwatvr Republican was sound- putty is justly proud." for reliistatemcut to- the Mich- Vie Rev. IV'. Kugettc Carson liiutgicil traditions ami sembly of the national Council -x> Ute tinmi of wirly anwr. and «ufc«r* n» i , ft,. ; K beaten when ha battled I .inde¬ Martin a*«atled critics who} eu-.- icon State 1'niveraity faculty in Itlake, of Vhliadclplua, a tend 1 "iu•. and those with more re¬ of Churches. . o-dntate*. mvmbrf* of th# tmv csmnatgr*. nt or fop tkv state chairman po*t have asserted their narrow de¬ . \|»til.„ lie said he will leave Ore, tor *•■«» Cmtt.1 r«.«n!M 4 ,v i.oi- two >c.*i« ago but indicated he feat indieatesl Uepuldieaua were j IJ on w monlli-long vacation in 1-.: .-:Vr» «k» M—kW f« Ik. i. m f.r 'would make another try far the followiny a "me-too" policy road j Mexico and Central America, ih,n f„„, I.--. <-■' »"*» «">' •'"V"1 vb m February that could lead only to continuous |. <-drr. Ik. ran- !>"•"- -*<•« . W; „ ... Undetner said he has not de- defeat at the poll*. £■•**«■ ! r*si 1 ruled whether to bid for another I.indemer MM he would name • v-K-fJ «m _.«rw! t*r «. I 1 „ term in the I?r>-pet working-day • chairman of the neav patty: Sl.t. Obimx l». ,t.v t„ J,,., rlf, a*-ignmeut, but friends said ha probably w otdJ—Tun. advisory committee, who in turn will Appoint committee members Information It is handy likely ttuTT ha front inside and outside the COl* !*.•,» -h' - - > would step down now when Re* Stat# Control Committee. spartan WITTS j oV'S-vrXn mibh-tan* came so close to going The group will advise party 7 p ni. Memorial Chapel. >'*»•• On- top in the last elec- leaders on policies, tlnancinit. ' ftuk*tnias party for under¬ Hoe," said John II A Martin of campaign* and strategy for privileged children. Crand Kanids ti O!' National flinging the patty platform to Committeeman. reality. Hagwell, Rep. Alvln M IVKIKRIKN WIVIls Others tvpoitetdy ready to step Rentley of Owesso, loser in the H p.m., Mrs. Steven.*' home. into the post if 1 indemer qnita \'.S. Senate race, ami ether can* Bring dolls for Christmas pro¬ «r- Jack U. Stiles of ilrand didatea will ho asked to join. ject. Don't Br Irft Out... Tried Nrxt Junimr\. Il»kr All A|»|mhiiIiiii-ii| Regular Now For Your Fir»t Of The Yrur Filter Hair Sivlo At Cigarettes? other Menthol Cigarettes? P.H.F. Ttic ,>fk' llouir of I'al Norflrrl oiiil NOW! Come Up... AH The Way Up Martin krrlrr. Kvrrv Monila,. uml " to the MENTHOL MAGIC TiirMlus...P«-riiiuni'iiln 011I1 Turlvc-fifo. of KOOL! for A|i|ioinlnirnl, Hall Kit 7-1111 When your tasle tells yon it's ttmo for a change, .you rui« remomber: Only Kool— new smoothness PATRICIAN no regular filter cigarctt'.-. S deep in tour thooati no other menthol clgarell-— «• V X.* N- •.; Stursfyrart \xi.r9 HAIR FASHIONS gives you real Menthol Magic! .°t 11 K. (iraml Kiwr-Kiitruiirr off Hily Parking l.ol No. 2 01*19. IIOWM • WIUMalOM I0I.CCO COirOMIlON I ih( m.i, or ou.nir im lqiacco riODVcrs » Sorority • Rushees: . Panhellenic Council would like to remind you that there will be NO Rush Convocation tonight. / • — ' Please remember that there will be a Counselor Consultation Period on Thursday, January 5 th, from i J 3-6 P. M., on the second floor of the Union. NwrY KttrmEir.\(; State Nftts *uff Writer . m'vsfvTf ' , wr A.v direhcd their hr» t Na':cnal Football L*k*u* d.vtw.vaa ti:te Illinois, la 11 ytars Sunday They bias¬ Two Spa-tan *ymturs turned • , :j,r mc:* experienced man ed the Si. Lou3 Carets.j a 20-y e,f *hv -'Kvtaov.'ae per'.-maaotj a* 1 Pa ir\orr k^otvw ««■•••*»,! * score :< :.ic ring* than Cooper touchdown pa.«sv* by _ oa two Sute \>*»s >perls Writer 'h :,n«a- ••« g.sal. M.nru1- w an v M:d *.Vcst Open Met; T" S3" a h g day f >r the' Spar¬ w ndrous Jforr. Van B."vk' rr «.-j --.-.r • . k J 4-t lead by Co cago during me wvewr, • tan gym:r •> s jts Chuch TT-xmp- and a pair o! tt id goal,* by Bob¬ '-.vk a *>,w*".h or the trampo- by W aljtoa :'e Bparttr* fm-shvd »■, - ccmvtg b.i*k w.fh thru* straight 1 .-. j-j Gaol. Brows* * •-< Tfe* ****«, to -posting their g ?.- * '- iyrvvg H -e s.'.mc period. 'a S\*v* 1 ' » Johns:'.-, a Jun.^r * * :' ..r • _>» a the fret excrvise straight triufciph after a J'b.:v>i.. .:h' sc.'i'Vv! .ate the v.n rynvvr Cc'.vnsS v tssak fir** eve ;•* • • $fiwn opening h\w to the Cleve¬ sw>nh oc": making t 4-i ; phice on the irampolme ' Hr.* pe<-r C.j..-, a graduate in land Browns. led all the way :r. "i :;r > -'v *ft. -d period Bo'h *« rmance ,n thts even* ti« *hr P—>' c.i Td-aca'.; >a placed fifth marked contrast to ?:ve of the.r «m< ss.-o-.-i s-ar:« n the ; 4 .v^n "n-'-re pfttn^r-ora: - -Nf'yrrV: isw and ninth m games in which they had to "■h.r-.i pei '•• cf :•:■;• c.m*e from beh nd to w.n hef 're the •* w9« hlj high fourth place finish *-e ^'.-3r.'.und Category Spartan., mnrts\"ei ' r ' * ■ m-»re *" In other %*•.?**. t'*> • ' • -.::mbl:p.g Jj.nrtsoo cvecat, t ••- v br >•* A, " of '*-3 to a* :ii' 'he game .:*to overtime a double hack summer-sauh Boy fftckfh routed 'ho C~ o.t- .v. g• .fto » .; Ky y £>• m- 'V» Beta «-** to climb tnto 'i . Fralay - ;ht 1.333 jpectators •.>»,* -sat* v become the ftrxt ra*ts *»" *hr '.r.?-ary to J:nt Pur- v.arched Mmneyou. after the gymha#*. in 'he 14 year h V.e D*-rtr« h'ifhcf, J:m took Sparta--.:* had d-minated •' •«.# sport at MSI* to perfof-a j . ff the h artronfal Par and cf "he first pefi«xl. gain the up- this stunt successfuily * j« - -.a sa'3factory shape to per hand in the second The other bri^n: ipe* for the rem net* r the meet. Thj was. inayft *oaU by Jerry Nor- Michigan State was m the it-.i to coach a v 5dy« man and ft -n C mstantine push* rmg* event. Dale C-ocper. a pu'a. y Jr :a expected to fill ■ 'he Gopher* -.nto i two goal freshman from North !f.-l!y- The spot vacated by Stan a'Mr-tjge fa*? to the second wixnJ. Ca!i?«snia, placed an im- Tarah-a. per .v; and ..-kit V nnc*u;a ia- me 'ead to f.ay 4-J The Spartans. cmtroCed moat « • 1 me ocoru 'i oer--cd of the { i j -m. J err a- Wed by. M.rmes-.-'a t Ter' .'nsetrtan oocftod up the scor- ,! -g. State beuaced *'gftt j ftj-A to t.V sc«.re «.n -jopfco- | .rw*v D;,-« J ftr»*•>{•.*'s spvl This Christina* • • • \*o- retrnvihg 1 oner, raw Hh-reu T-om Ma j » j •• Jnn A'Jc* i *.-• the Spar-, choose his srift with care tans the r -r. y Vad atamat 'ft* Men who face wind end weather .* 2-'. j Moi-ev Oscar Mat'e '* tflfdion of finr Expansion 1 x -g iHir »CN5h'.-f Vs second g,.-al 'ft* | chocse the protection cl g*-o i,n >ie t-..-d period of p.*ay - hronds trill drlithl your trlertion AL Target lv- *f* ft-'j: too Spartlfl.* «yms maul* their JR, a pass from i the gift worn with' T -si Bouefto- * • C'aao F-xirnel C phor t 1'i wvti ,1 .j -he Spartan /iridr and rWn with core 1 a c JW-!»'r cn had 24, AFTER SHAVE LOTION 0 >/torlswtfir by Md.rrp'r • Uimlun t»j ruin ten ■ r • Hats by Dobb", • Uimabta Sweaters • Jewelry by >«• auk • IVnr^jl Sportswear • thiterwror by /erst Kins I TN«icu o» ttu ass Cm ' swees - j: fljtn Ur« IWB.1 fcr m (artio C*T. Ur-x tn, eaimti ha, anjcaM a • at e .-c^ar JJ twun U1CI mid OS IL 'ittis tec. cf the grtwtrf asa, i, ttsr f3>*; err- ' Anj est it I'm Cr- Tu J .» • - CJ, to sneOs smK x- . :t a-2 c~, -if-it,, to ~*si in modar, cor™*'•■ co:-2-4 K_ TV» ,» or, S» 9a n>i m tn mkmi to ar>y t-t.-« and barter t» p% ephona Mr. ca for a ,'t» "i a-rrta-pruart art Ktwt. 4 GENERAL TELEPHONEi ELECTRONICS MONDAY. DECEMBER S. twin PAGE XINE Caeers Top Butler in Overtime, 77-71 -l- bv the taunts of Trunii Down IIoiiMoii DALLAS. TEX. (TV—Goaded quarterback Hunter EnL* Coach Hank ing pass¬ and the running of Abnee Havnes and Johnny Robinson ta Strom, who threatened $300 a 24-0 mud-spattered victory f;ne> for poor pity, the Pallas Spartans Travel to over Houston in the American Tescans followed second string FVv-batl League Sunday. Bowling Green T v JOHN SCHNEIDER route-!. * at* 3r«* Sport* Writer W dbatt! tS -col the » State's-—basketball phi;.. w t > f -*«t jmtip , which opened Its i the -t'mt srsswn, - a -'ws — f'-i r N.xVv- >cf.- Kshs came ... -- 4 T'T-T! overtim* n vt.-f \ e .i\ timely point* to d* s. will journey to Bcw!- he It' ti'r Spartar.s nail down the - ?-> evening lor' a gam# victory. , - RiaA Knight* Fahv Ar; S.-hwa»»v and Dick -»*>ed the way h* r v Ha ! t-rd fv- t£ honors for -* .* coach Ferddv \nA-r- •v,< • • u-s.' w't'- U wnts each. ' ,-r i>, »« wore unprediw S--En.r »«>• ictteromn on f- »i) .. "'*.',>0 Kah». N»a* also point of the ca'Vv qu'tc effect-ve defet-s'voL and on , : ■ A "viereor, hh, xh» the oaiM>, hreakivc up plays and :n the pulling dow !►'• let annul* during • • -->s>eei*ll$ by fntuue the » Ferguson'* £r>j two EIGHT \ gi/t from in s(Hiik\ *» SOPHOMORES * . saw . * > cv'Vce career put t' tirst s*-»i"eeiatc action during * • •-.»"* ahead to stay >» the the came V 'o: -f potential *as haxKrthnll M)iuit pre«*»> its atlnrk tJoqumtly «»/ your aftd'tron , . » *#».«sen. Ferguaor. fouled •hown player* .hnnnareTed William*'(.13). Dirk llall (32) by the youngsters.- although in of shwtinc. calmly due to :i .l;u s of exivfcVvv, fre- Saturday'* uamt-. amk Daie )ah> (12). (State New* photo b> Hon tliui ft (Mt'DK jo tulrtl'j youf of h:* shots to give qwrt emu* were ronti~.t in overtime. 77-71. Stale Jamr*) hMuhtttied ] :»-?! lea'.. got hi UtsU'. » "The. >si t-r.-w \v tbc «*id t' ONE hMNT du-Vi'^ the about sai • Anderson, **vr •-» • MSI' i*ad or th<- ocmpo-ed entirely of did -ot lose court that with the pressure po»- o - :: the kids Pott Wins Golf Horntiug Sets i points in <\i 33•attempts, an**tvv:- 13 ftvld goals. Hutsons reo- La*- XVI, m vp ir .-■ !lornung led corms with the 94 points. ■ h was at this pomt ord included 17 touchdown;., 3t f«.ur more ■ han Pat'bummerall «. Andersen went on. to note that ■ - Spartan Wad. *•"*-)) had B .;:!<■ •!*.♦ a good passing hall 12 points at ore t'nte clu;' and that he Tournament NFL Record j extra p*nnU and one field *oa!. > ' Nop V wa« impressed ■ hr»t half. becan to K: ''1 w»\ the BuHdogs hustled WT5ST PALM REACH. F!a (■** ' CHICAGO «l^riul llornuns Bef ore coach A».-v3 *ne- hahmd — Job nay Pott, a nerve:e>s 23- • *;* wore | of Green D.ty se: a National experienced i .sa T""» llmkie summed up year-old ;ram Shitvrport, La . j ywtba:'. League season scoring You're Al Your -• the ball s*me. Bui¬ the prospects ?.-• the «ra*M for emerged from the bridesmaid's Sparkling Best _ .t v (record as he sct>red 23 's.' .vonci U straight print.* t. !>«i-rtiv-ned that points role with a waling 4-undcr-p*r Sumtay in the Packers* 41-13 :*Sen a three point lead, "W. • • '• a\\ to scram for tkl on the final round Sunday vctv>ry eve *hc Chicago Bears. fen seesawed back and '!:* OU of the season.** and won the $11090 West Talm He scored two . the remainder of the f". «vr* touchdown*, Beach Open Golf Tournament two field g-aal* anvi five extra RE11 Pr with a total of 17$. points. TP 2 4 The tall, handsome former Horr.uns's 23 points gave him when you have > our ie 3 14 Loutsana State reliefian. over¬ a total of 152 poitfci. bettering Uunrirv and dry cleaning I- :» 10 came •' three-atroke lead by the •he 1942 mark of 133 points of 4 4 14 vrneraiMe Mm sneact. w m> stag- j Don Hutspn, also of Green Bay. done NOW — before the 1*4 a 14 gered to a 74 and barely edged Horaung's record came in his k * 5 10 • Ma- 10th game of the season. Hut- Holidays). 4 i 7 nor. Pa^ for the runner-up spo* son made hi* mark la 11 games « ' e i Sr.ead finished with 291. Wait The former Notre Dame star |4 0 with 2t3. still ha< two games left to ex¬ Ih his last two tournaments. tend his scoring record. Pott finished weond, two strokes Horn una now has scored 1» wvb»nd the leader. touchdown*, kicked 3i extra Cleaner and Shirt Laindry Complete Optical * •? 'i^'.N a ■ Service Dwl LP 2-P»2l t,>r M r,i k Pelainj .j- jChrveJanki > showed t.-.c utv; *•«> y'v ».»n. r V-. . ■ V..nave -jx search reportedly , thi r<-1 n<- »Ik»S>- PT ATTINTION: Open 'til 9 p.m. Tuesday .Wednesday. I Thi Thursday and Friday for your CHRIHTMAH shopping. o; : > ' Lu* C3i"- : E. Grand Kv. Arm*. I mm Stuclrnt Srrvirr* Ituildini; ■» th\:. sen: Hrvyv • * -j\ a:i m m>* in La fry G.ants ■." return. a 29-yrar-oio;» , , Aaioneili %«*;* hanger w-s hid an 14-13 rec- Ma A* * i"- -r.l ..i:*. sea so::. » ' FrssX Lane, C.ex-c- therv *er*- rumors that the .• rjr.age:. xni H- r- A-.'-:ca.n Lea guv cr.impiors v. - ram, owner of the r s:ve up lefiy veteran ' Offices eft in. L C*»«n end H. Ieck»»tfc, 0$tamtfmH WE'RE " hsv« proved draws can Whitey F-.:«*d to jet Jackson. LOOKIN fo r USED BOOKS WE PAY Hs whets iefaffltHief counts Up front is fFlUWR'tLiNP \and only Winston has it! Rtch. golden tobaccos specially selected and specially Winston processed for full flavor in filter tastes good like smoking. a cigarette should' UNION BOOK STORE MONDAY. DECEMBER s, [, PAliE TEN M rCMIG A X STATE NEWS , Grading System s- Students Disapprove of • " • 7 • >. ; V- 'y "V-;i,>- V . V,r '' •As u*Ua! a' i he end of the should be revised She said, "the titude. attendance i^nd person- i Even, many'' educator*^ who depict students' term, student concert) v about present grading system reduces ality." feel negatively towards our in courses. Jinof grades is prevalent. Although Mattie Henderson, t grading system." Mi** Zimmer¬ "We do not get a true r- '. students4 incentive to team and Students who have to cram Muskegon Height*, junior, said man said, "have a tendency to of actual comprehen* Increases competitive fetjllng*." she believes the present grading during final week- arc often dis¬ our letter-grade sys'er- y Crude* may be obtained by system is the only workable sys¬ place considerable emphasis on appointed when they receive JubenvtUe said, "beeaux* ■ it." • • Pnrir grades, and quits' often the other mean* than actual com- tem. she said, "incorporated in grading system is blamed for prehension o£ the material. Mis* our grading'system t* favorit¬ "I would like to see a point s t k» great * range be- • , utLsat'.^factory marks . -Hunt said, such a.-cheating, ob¬ ism. and instructors subjective system replace our present grad¬ grades, and too mm within tb«< range that j . Amid the apprehension and taining exams through illegal opinion of students'* ing system." said laudra Jub- > may fall." anxieties «t study;pg for final channels, crammfng* and using Kayo Zimmerman. Ecktrman erivtlle. Detroit jun.or ex?rn*. the ??.'.'owing students other students* papers (ram pet* freshman, sa d too much empha¬ If exams were graded «»n an Berntce Logan. [V n> _ h.»w exn •essed their opinion of viiKi* '-Vru*.' sis is placed on the meaning of absolute scale ranging from a omore. said' she felt x gr:uf;-g vv>i.e;n ""used at "Grades do not represent act¬ grades, and because of this em¬ t point to a 4 point, final grade*, grading system .> v- ... \! T g in s- He, ual learning," *a d Monteval phasis student* work more for which would be an aceumu'.a- and, this is good bee* ■ • ' petition prevalent f Janice Hunt. Detroit senior, Hayes. Willow Run junior the grade than for the sake of •;-a t the point grade- receiv¬ an individual's life. ■ is : ■ They arc a combination of at¬ learning. ed m ail couiM.-. would better • believe* the grading system u WfM.fcVS nHfllNMNG—Construction is well"undenrty on the •i Fppiev graduate hu>tne-* center at the corner of Shaw lane and Hotrue -ireet. It i- -cheduied to he completed ne\t September. To t onlniti 1'mo Paris SHEPARD'S i Opposite the Home Ec Building I i? >» Eppley Center for Graduate It Studies to lie Ready'Next Fall \ < w *>f * P..---. ),'•••••« «■ are in Vv be to. tnkke tjichteu*- Sf.iV wwp'fh future '«« !'v nsir.teW in both building and faculty area-'. he HIS ANI) HERS! • * '• ' " rr FOR FREE - 5 r i • i i ■ > i l?.\ v. k > i l 4 if,-..