Serving MSU For 51 Years ¿ah lfch ed 1 9 1 0 Voi 32, No. 109 East Lansing, Michigan, Monday Morning, January 9,1961 8 Pages Clat# Pottage 5 C e n ts Paid st East Lansing. Mich. irst Play if Year De Gaulle’s People Vote 4Yes’ onight ^.-•iiri'-Concrrt s'-re i In Referendum on Algeria • i;, fir«* play of the PARIS. (API President iffi-rm? ■* ’. when ‘he curtain Charles Dc Gauliu Sunday ;jp- neheve «5h alt espere'* Julius I pegged ix» holding a solid 78 to rirr per cent affirmative vote in the To • ■ahi eh will, h'- r»re- referendum «>n his Algerian j ’ » t, • t C inariian Players, i policy. -toirph . • ,1 touring company The figure was based on a Ai *r. -i-. vill «tart at 815 tally of nearly 6 milli *n votes, turnou ■it Ktir- Ami. Tickets can be It represented a comfortable *n ■»«*.!y the Paramount margin over the (55 per cent ive u I.ansing nr the .ffice for S3, « 5 0 C a s iro F le x e s M iiH e le s - i- , S'i 'ford festival, de- . , ftr'ioks Atkinson as finest c l a s s i c a l : it n V- in North i ihc starting point Cuban GovernmenSeises ■ ■ »-t.»n Players. : ,,n Players were being during tin Terrorists in Crackdown t.- ‘ '*>54 by Tom P attcr- HAVANA, ’s and rounded up sus- M» x icari and srL.ant actor-director. to the «farlmard .after running aground today on a reef in Honolulu ’pecH throughout Pinar Del Rio smattering Bus • players are now recogn,- j; :hf l e a d i n g t o u r i n g c o m - Harbor en.ranee. She was pulled free a fte r blocking all harbor traffic Province today in a crackdown •y**r ing c l a s s i c a l plavs, •he.- h a v e b e e n I n v i t e d t o - 5 a n n u a lly t o m a n y c i tie s, fur more than two hours- The P- A O. - O rient liner wan to dock here while enroule to Ausralia from West Coast ports w ith 1,182 passen* on opposition within Fidel Cas­ tro’s invMion-alerted land Military intelligence head* ‘Me; fv> diers and militia Speedy -a u n iv e r sitie s a n d c o l l e g e s •ithou; t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , tsnono t h e a t e r g o e r s h a v e «X» irer« .md crew aboard. No one was hurt and the ship apparently suf* fcred onl> minor damasten, ( AP Wire P hoto) quarters announced a raid on La Luisa Ranch in Cotorro, five miles south of Havana, and the A c Approvai r rf rrr a n e e s b y t h i s c e l e - ei group in t h e s i * s e a s o n s the Canadian Players first R e g i s t r a r R e p o r t s 2 2 .7 1 0 smashing of a bomh*making ring there. Th«» government *$id the ring Srr CUBA, I'w f • Predicted had link* with the U S Central •o the road. \SIIIN AP y, , rTm ver.e« will sit pi-n.tri Bashkirov on L e c t u r e - Con- also p r e a e n t MSU Has Largest Winter Intelligence Agency. The. 10 men set red there were identi­ fied as members of a counter­ revolutionary group headed by W JIM IlitN V ÌP W S ¡(1, Richard Dyer-Bennet. cnger, on Feb. 6 , the Pitts- . ij—.phony orchestra on t and the Jose IJm on dance Enrollment in History former public works minister Manuel Ray Under a new law die 10 are subject Vo execution One <>f Sam Shapiro Returns; ran» on Mar. 10. ?the Viand wax reported still at Cuban Trip (Irilici/cd dgeships ;v«*s, chemicals, fuses and radii* Iran »mi iter*. T h e explosivr. Hv B4 V Ifrall L-hiistorv MSU Ei*©'.- S tu v o f L a h o r Q u its — included*' quantities of TNT ■n erxUc *! Ar Y Be (cans) and dynamite .n gelatin form. A communique «4 »id the icter .nds bearinga on Kt«' - i Mitchell's Resignation egntoaivet are of tj $ manufac- ■u re .*n c! <-trnr^orl' ‘hat a ge n t s nom ination* w;*J beg. a dded connected with the CIA turn* MSI >\to Drug!** r* j ai Secretary n* th* Dillon TON, (A P ’ - T ic Effective Jan. 20 shed them Travelers from wesfemmfsat pinar Dm Rio Province said before tr.c Sena‘S . . . . * -tv - :» n n o • form* » •he Haute Judiciary • n (rn h there hsve picked r *pa«ed S u n d a y \P up 80 ’o 0 0 persons n v>*‘ »*! ;,kc.n .ff, ■ ,!«r ;0 H. new federal ju L)rp«i, - would add .«omc \ f 11 •«" ^-it •'i>-m ' - ■.-'•■¡car* .*’ * .il plum to P reti- j f’fiur© m 1h© F.ií ©n- na F. Kennedy a j (i* ¿a *urp 3^8©d by T'*v,Og© let*, ned at'* said to ■ sket. . j ,rd K of dud© _B©rnar [to Ron in. a Cuban ;*•! Ceiler. D-N Y , ¡ 9,736. Fé/n T if’ Rrr '»on ' !(H11If i© 1 3* d former U S Em* that would pro- 'er Gcnrr«t! Ari hur ‘>■.1*.' v© *©t>U?iy©, former f e d e r a l * judge* Cuban Suprrm«* C ■ r United State.. Luh A!I'm ito Rubio A 153 c.r - i Pr.- •* Nt»w* We ► bill became U’* . ermo Rodrigue* f^the judges w,n ** rk TV* prygri m F Ki : I.«**, y e a r a t a t j j n « d m - , ,n M S I Ar‘! tion* n*o 4 stttg!c out swmi and A ntw ertL Me ap p o in tiv e power ; ----- tinutP'd Vo broftdf^it pyrttxl}* fW Vfi3> < * ,*i Praatdnnt Eisec- j amor miWers wamingA of mmiflcnt inva'-. ■’ o< ai* quick- p iu x f# ? “A* you know, there» »* much oy Ya r3crt* ,m p»r i •’»ìi s m parti -f Kenr*#dy* i b,;i was expected to s: mpt attention from -iary Committee. Sellassie Miteheir * >u* hat remain* to be* d<»?x* m help» ng «ur »V** privileged citueiw pglt4rrfk ff (òA Cantiti «p*M I* rylwittd Ai'jfriF'Wha! Rush Dulr? " iffgram, *v.' i * fr »m RepubLear** ère *lav b© a few <»quibb.e* uch a* migratory farm work- •wi-d provide for 10 per* additional judge* tor C«¡xu of Appeal, « • new ToAnnounce and Eunpfihdwtf nsply. a err mac Whit© Houi# «k by th t • nine- t* f , n ' 1 :h 'M* w»«>. through no S lM U illll V i v r s auit < * h© und, *'b»jt wouidni •-o a Senat© nor • irr.xnTit District Judges, •aspotwrjr C ourt of Ap* Reform ub«l*ntiai period Thi-re need, • « , »* *ou Spartan w i v e * will holdopen n»« \jhd# riiv rfio t . . i .to hav© hii rake and **at yet he r>#»en jKMitponed -r\e Michig.»;. t DemfKT-t ' party if e ‘qua bbl e * OCCII*OT* didn’t * Judge, and four new Wary d.stnct judgeship«, j A B A, Airplane i.iy»- jwi oflen *ta*e't. to continue house tonight at8 p m in *h* , ,rk p.r tne advancement o f tjb ra ry auditorium * Wo w«/uld hUgge*? fhat o iati ai MSU fx>rrml Mr. acc^Tdir» ru*h ch tL, j IFC adt.’mn, three judgeslwp* ; ADDIS oual opportunity for all* Dr. Phillip Lange of I j n n n i shapir . *■ . e*erci*<* arcither Mduw » * are d* made perm anent.' temporery ( A P ) — E • - -* reas*. tf approved, pol.tiial rt. ; >* expected r Hiui O a é e s in : u it, regardie.t f race, c o l o r will «peak f,n -Childbirth ami ^ogre«- ha* ’ been m.i !e u *redn "* the largest single * • the judictnry in the monarch. * h*m marc Pijtt$l>urgh lit eight year* than ;n any ad* foreign language«, Sw««it«h gy-r. n nntratioh «¡m e Lincoln's ■* and bndge In sti iurnmg A' -4 >'.' « Go Through ®s h.uory. »a^d t *i.i ,n- ••ar «a.d practically all o f, Becon«*..ti Bvprwe-l new position* had •* neccs.ti PITTSBURGH, (AP>—A pUíie en r Hite from L . of Cneorgia Integration Initial Rush Libe-i ¿n?» .a hHUfdg ^jtnm ended last Senlem - - m ar ler t kUiing *St p»Ioi and Atou! SKW co©>? v tn tr r to rn ■'s* L>, States. -*ie evidence clearly « ■* the need tor the*« ;r>e Kmperi ■eiges,'1 Celler wud w u r t c 'ii *t>-cemr.x-r 1 -V aouri-e 'he v »<■' fPi rghj Tiro Bright Negro Honor Students .«"» rf:.3 Apf*«id According to J j «i ^ K*«ifm*r», Par.r.eüen.-r v^©-af©*»d©«? in fhgrg© •? ru»h T ' p *m- : s tor rus •* 8SJI>-»*,*« r .. x t ■*. r perori» a* W t aiHiut 45, of, d '..'V-tv • w .f'i -©,4 ThUfgcUy coup* . B /'jtrt Nu*ro’’fg, ’•r*© Um-'/a rrhPr : ,ooo The- Empff Bank. Mog* *n t f t t r3.g:bi© ‘,’3 fmìUCipé'f. 30.' onents •be Pr*T.e Ml rrembrr» able ” "V: ■ . a;*-> a mi an. -•n frrxn CtM* voung Atlsni# V» •ATLANTA, AP :*.i Tf-x Her mother. VJr« Althea ted Hunter, is * »ecre'-an for an fit i' *:‘.ub. t* A : TSur^iè? s r-'xtvticatjor«. r -3*1 - 1*4 . "4 <**5r'.4*ft© fd a ;r Rush«©« ported TSe v urce a f t e r coijAi* ariti! -hi* *: • 1 ■ •* * * , ;no, a fo u r * « * te r. to end 115 year, at ib* U ftivm il) of- Gvor .on Atlanta r,»¡ « ta te company **>• # Sb© i* a Catholic. H:< lathfff. («nt * Unn *. ,Ynt Ar'*' . i «bttft *«H « M o ♦* ii r* .,> *r<© . -,. 4’. ."il» to *: « q*'*©m t vèti/.*; «urbrisy ' B. : » to a w o o d e d , h illy p*Cff5U. K uands-U rund.,! igr f t Íhai • A tianta » H am ;, >n triJI b© 29 Atenta Hi* it Gtporg •.* Awe- ¿,¡''*©4 *Jj> it ' D© W '» « r. « 5 mdes « « : of © F *re Pr '>d'K ' Kivu Province re- ! pr. Jr»e l M' !• »•», i s l e a f t e r - p r m p r r -u# N e g r idi© f ats July 8. >ar.“©T ;n 'i She ,<»id n **v© *>♦j *©ti* 5i©rr;©t* t»g «»-Prem ier Pn- . ik ttiV "« • ' n- •he ornile» w e r e rc-rrm u n i t y . H© a- j* a Gavimat©* of M .* t t c h o o l i a n d «j -¡ A tb e n i “ «piuaSh* Ih m d e p o r t e d ] they * , ! b e j C b e rla y n e H tJhter » h© liuniar'« a t T u r n e r H i g h tfch oo t m g chiidrrn . •• «■*_ »,». r© i. i ©»4 vtf.: ^ìiL cnl app—enti to i Pr.-f» M " ¿mr I*t©dU of suburban Crof- y©ar* old in Feoruary. Sn© ©at © N rt b© ©** aia© an honor ©uitMMU \ e iiitOi S*tyfd»y «fKÍ Sw*.* ^ •*' »-rordiag to' ie - j «ngwerab « , 4 *>© r#c©.vncl 4 ea 3 from grao u a^d from T urner High *md©*it Hi* four »y©nr »chola«: . M .u Hunt, »;*>« *If I *J T*v to© ' Ttt '•'*«© of ru»*s *** ■ ng here S u n i i r ’ Y »t«rdny. - n - S.- .-. a: C f u r a g y afxrtit 12 3# S cb oo J in I M S She p r e ti-, » v e n i e i n r n g h sc h tm t w a s 1 M . p h o n e ,r¡*.erv.e* !r *m aO©t.r;J T - '■©:•to 'tog© of tu*J\ * '-•■«nng into Bkis Del* brau«! tneir C c -its' la K M • h a : h e a n d K u l n e r g w e r e d e n : « f t h e h o n o r t o e w t y , e d i - c q ita i •»» » t~ a v e r a g e o n a 10h* w h e r e t h e .* • rti.'g W»>- ’An 'rc v i .i y j. : 4 ThUTfdl/ Si till 1 ^ ‘e r t i t o r y tram otogh* mg ».- the Cop r r n a e r y t '•'» i * to P t t tsto u r tí» t o r - i n - r t u e f of t h e sc n o o i n e w * - . ¡w-rcentile seto*. State U m v r t j . t - th a t « • 'a rt «-¡Vi»: a or*. * *’ v f-^4.!* to ?'>wp." *• n .v j u id the new re - a radi.:», the**» " ST# m a » h a * * ~ a » u r p r i a e f o r p a p e r f o r t w o ye a r * , a s e t c . a t e H«r w a a a n s lfhe e h a n d | - h a s n ' t d - v e l o p e d any sam vtie* he 1*0 r fee; toraVt Tw-v i «r« n*r» *' -eeioblishpd j»«he.|uk4 «•••• Unpet ng *. :! work out rr.t a © 4 'Ua .' -i ©«eh btog©» L e e d , sa id S o u t h t o l d ; e d i t o r a t t h e y e a r b o o k , a m e m - c a p t a i n of t u a h i g h s c h o o l f o o t - y e t , b u t I 'm n o t « a y t n g th st I ‘r °t M u ra . {bodyguard, ijjo \jBL , ‘ . , r" L e - d * . S m . t h a n d K u l b e r g b e r o f t h e » fad ew t r o u n c i l a n d b a l l ' t e a m , a g u a r d a n d c a p U i n w o n ' t “ She p u n r.ed t o fly *■> ; *mc*reiy hi^pe a , 4 « *; * -Vito. Th© to*rd < U |f fssnsniUlt, tow «» in- j under srre*'. •teasel ■’■vet ■ t h e V a b e w i t& g e th « r « h e aw tg ist t h e sc h o o l eb oru* . O t h e b a a h e t b a i l t e a m a n d w a s A t l a n t a S u n d a y , an.1 I ' m .*» » - *** samstor to the Lu* jcoup lea .ter«. . (Carca-, W a r H e r f a t h e r is t o a j . C h a r! * * e l e c t e d p r e s i de n t a t j u n i o r a n d l a g h e r e w i t h definite p ia n » '->< ! infinitely :hir.k W .nvr ’**- •*' ggtivi!*e# ^ '• m tral gover n m e n t. | a n d e cee p te d N ■it pmg my race m r-uirruruu* * q to© p r iO r ttk i ' c s - .* » '« M d S m .th d i d n o t H u n t e r , a . U S A r m y c h a p U . a j a e n i o r eta*«**. storing." W w teg to have t o t o t o ¡Tht* b o d y g a - r d . .a u u a o e d a t P - Sam Houston. He was also • n i k i r a f l Miss Hunter ea.4 that *h< I n doins- ' jcsMT*. Jga. 17. p tv v in c i M U S S I , ' ' banded- Micl»i»Hn Sl'ilr \ ch*. Illusili". Michigan E ì i l T O R I A L . M om iiy Morning, January 9 ,1 9 6 1 2 Editor^ Corner Library Change Proposed “Move One To The Back Burner — One U p To The Front Burner — M Scars o f War A resolution wns introduced in Student students in locating liooks. and stijr*r«-stinj_r Congress last torni th a t would encourage thp adm inistration to pm pow er the direc­ altern ativ es to unavailable Imoks. In sum m ary, it would ap p e a r th at stu ­ dents would irain m ore'rapid- freedom of Still in £nro/»e to r of the library to establish a Central I t h as o ften beeii said th a t the Americ motion in the lib ra ry : the professional book check out system. s ta ff would have the o p p o rtu n ity to work living larg ely by h ab it and takin*r.for gr»( There were several reasons for the in­ as librarians, not as clerks. ed all he has, does not appreciate hi* pftf troduction of this resolution into Congress. As stated, this resolution was introduced sions. T h is point becam e clear t., me ditrj The present book check system is bother.^ in Student Congress, presenting it with an C hristm aa vacation when 1 visit .j Kni-’a some to students, who, while doing Research o p p o rtu n itv to use i’ influence in the stu ­ and took trip s to. P aris. Bruys- an(J A w ithin the library, find it necessary to dents behalf. The bill was referred to the sterdam . I realized all I did n<'t apprej carry library books fitom division to divi­ O rganizations t'om niittee. here sion in the library. This commit tee he s h o liM te in te re d A lthough E urope existed / The establishm ent of ’n central book f>r enthusiasm for the r dui ion, havinif A m erica, I had alw ays beli. .<( check would make it unnecessary for t h e s e m ade only a quieb visit to h>- litirary and would have liecome alm ost as mml-rn students to c ha rife, out hooks for tem porary while there fed ire' to soea \ !th* h r. Bich- United S tates. I expected to r:-„, research, and have their books checked each ard C hapin, director of ti lihrarv. business buildings, wide highu. v<, , tim e they go from division to division. . - l>r. Chapin, incidcntly, has indicated to app lian ces and o th e r convenicr.c.. ,ln , T here is al so an extra dividend in . this the S tate News his w holehearted support of so fo r g ran ted . And I did nm vpK.. elim ination.- the cen tral checkout «vsteni. years a fte r th e end of W orld War II. t, Trained professional librarians who are An editorial was nm F riday calling for many scars of w ar. flow occupied supervisinir student as-ds- studen* suuport " f A l’SC. I*er,. i if^op­ It did not take long fo r my \ n ■: t .’lilts at the main desk in each division a portunity for AI SC to show that it is re- rope as an area o f relative coprf'T* to at the book check, would he freed to a ssist spimsihle enough to merit this support. * 7 n E ngland, gasoline costs : r x tj, ly 70 cents a g allon— and wv q Basic FinaL Grading Prohlcm when the price nears walk an e x tra block from on»’ other, so we drive from place fi in. cent- \V. i The University Colleire r ha tiffed its *ysl< m just a s strong an elfi t in the opiw site d i­ E nglish, iK-caiise th e price of r-, fif grading basic finals this yenr, revert.jjig. reel inn. T h e stu d e n t c i n g into his basic |K*trol, as they call it, m ust walk ; back to a system used two years ago. exam with a I! knows th at lie-must drop all W hen A m ericans buy a new ... i- Originally when a stu d en t’s clans-graile tli«' way-down to a < on the exam in order w ant .nil the conveniences gas and fv: and his final exam grade were on the border­ to fall to a C for the course. This over-conli- city m ake possible. T he average Engl' line, ex. Iietween n B and a O I-, the student ilence could reduce incentive as much as hope fam ily does not have a w ashing mac hint, was Riven th e higher grafie. Two years ago. for a higher grade m ight Increase it. a drier, o r a re frig e ra to r, although tf in an effort to raise standards, the policy was A third suggested system of averaging may have a sm all ice box th at holds at' changed so th a t such cases were graded floivn class grades and exam grades would, we feel, supplies. ra th e r than up. m aintain incentive for all concerned. If s tu ­ They do have lau n d ro m ats. InT thw - Hut this year, the form er System was re ­ dents who raised th eir grade on th e final turned to, ami once more borderline students usually equipped w ith washer* and were given the benefit .of th e doubt, while are being given the. benefit of the doubt. th o se whose exam g ra d e s dropped were not. driers. And th e E nglish houses rarely t, hilp there is a logical reason for this policy all would work fo r a high final exam grade. cen tral heat, so it is extrem ely diff« -rus WAcH*xier-oxi T*>er- • get clothes dry. Because refrigerato change, the change, also carries with it some The final exam, a fte r all, is the te s t of what disadvantages which we feel should he the student has learned out of th e en tire a ra rity , th e E nglish m ust go to ? pointed out. course. If a student produces well on (he final, A ttiliid « ' a t M S I IQ sto res daily. Rear» Edward Carlin of U niversity College it is a good indication th at he has learned the Milk is expensive an d m any famiii gives th e unduly low grndes of* linden l.i'- necessary m aterial well and should he graded men fh basic courses as the reason for the change. When the.curved final exam grades accordingly. Conversely, if his grade falls on the final, it indicates th at his work has Pat-on-Rack Not the Answer only a pin t a day. Frozen food« nr now com ing into th e grocery -b.r- A m erican housew ife would not b w ere-averaged in w ith instruct m-swr-v I*« by slnekeooff since m id-term s, and th at he has (Renri m O .‘ ’.ir i Ob- pn Jt '.v-is ’he gene- 11 utide**- find the Student Center and having to buy all fresh vegetable th e form er system , few er students received liot learned all that is required for ;♦ specified Tver » r’andlng *h.T ‘he ,»rt and music sidewalks near the parking lot having to w ash and p re p are them Ini As and Hs as a term grade than were capable grade Many I’U» fit«? VVhd C”i- courses would be appreciation places (or kisning'’ »!Sod jfi >>».'»• of. ’’Vq» ant courses, nut history or the-rv The Russian department hi* ing. and deserving of them The new svsteni. lie Thus.yjvftij!hi r he i- interested in raising or cotir.sei But what hmipened'’ * !“nc< The number of ..nnouneed th.d in addition "* The co m plaints h eard ahow* -

-nin 'nlcn<*vvn norl IW .,nl 'ho en.t of *he *hev will require student* in increased incentive for the Underline s tu ­ M -!i III The Iasi v'f*vt* wuuk» have I'tiarier when professors discover orange ju ice is a m ust here. In Engl, fnrgei ahou* i w’f 11-deserved dent. Knowing th at it is quite isissjble fur Tile plan seem ’ wort In of a try. since it ip fn growing feeling »*f dis­ they have not covered a* much Chrlstma* vacation to return to one has heard o f frozen juice and "tv him to pull up his term grade with a good couragement and diaaatisfaciion • material a* they had hoped to schot and take an oral exramina- are im ported from South Africa Ti - would raise overall grades in University Col­ within the student bnriv. In most ease* this is at !»te 1t‘" t.» GtVf tion. tip v h at the Russian« t e r -1 Patrie« Lumumba] dcpo*i*d Pre- criticisms? Graduates cannot cnt from th e one p ictu red by Di Wer..* ’t pgai Manv students fee! 'hat the ItelfU n aggressi*»n against thr 'nief now ,i prisoner Co - be critical thinkers when ihev th e cities w ere gaily decorated ' r >’ r" have not been allowed ;«» tx* such repitition of material we had C*>ng<> 1** » Army Çhief i'o\ ,!•>>.* ph a under graduates as freshmen in some mursr* Humphrey h a u ls were not A tree is th e exception •-a*her' D ip lo m ile *»>urrc* *.» i th ev Mobutu, ‘.-»k over K>vU prov­ ne.-evsurv an.-t should 1 the ru le in m any a reas and greens £ fv p ee’e,! thè tl-n atio n ei'unc] ince Chri-stmas dav from M*- Students it'Og aht*.««t * • the future developthent of MSt‘0 a ted. J K k to I s e Ik e often seen on doors. W hile we 'ase *' take tip the fua'ter nomi* timi’ bu*u supporters th e ( „ ift »hot» of rjie inte-rnational a< a top-notch school w h e r e fo r g ra n te d fo r C h ristm as dinne- • T h l ’t'ii .A ra h R e p u b lic , ctuifH’i loyal to Mobutu used the Bei- *sa:o> o f *ht Tru->t T e rrito ry * * young intellectuals can -develop thai this unnecessary business WASHINGTON i API — Sen glish m ust reserve th e ir turkey« *«r to. the heights of their capaci­ hifs burdened us because p e w Hubert H. Humphrey , D-Minn ) preshlent (or J»nu»r\\ w a s K:aiT*aciminist«o*ed îrus• territory ‘.Reports arrivmg frv>m the vance and pay a g re at deal m '• • intuiting ftiher menibtMx on t-'f »»s a base f r an incursion m* » Congo, ’ Zorin went on, ’’indi* ties, but, it can t be done over- profeasors are not fam iliar with exnresseii hope Sundav • '"hat ex*.-* nate cat»' tha* *he aggfeasive g e tto n a nifih! In !o»>k;ng i»> the future, the freshmen students' back­ l’resident-elest John » Ken­ Am erica. C h ristm as, I feel, mear., Kivu province m an effort to nedy ean use the .services of The* r spem ’a'ion tho' lettore n «-»>*.!r*»l 1! of Rejgium aguihk! the Congo M Stro r.iti'l fi>rgpt ,!s present ground. They should not lie. to the English an d famNies try -r t ’ N Seorvtary - itenera! Difi were raptured « r beaten back h,,ve me ...iv o and that the Th<* rdpeatum al pru^ram ftpre It has !>os'n ‘ suggested” hv the P-esident Eisenhower and Vice- l>e to g eth er for th e holidays. !Ummftr*iuni. gont- is.un.: X.1-TW v a r y Dean of Students that AWS and president Richard M Nixon SC"C remain outside the Student Humphrey nade the • immen* When I think back on* my a *np to Africa and A*** and u I’» .: .«•) off;» »! ha i i»*’»n kdied basic punriplcs of ;h.’ psychulo* turn fot the debate i i thf*t*klrmi«h ng but order no\v lliimnMok; .id hmisrif com- gy of learning. Iristoad of sy*1 ting Government. Because he is -»*etr in »ins\A'i*ri^jj r»v Sot» E urope I. hope th aL lT l be at advisor's bs»s. many rtu d sn u re­ Kenneth I» Keating. K-N V ■. Sv*viet Deputy Foreign Mm has been rest*>mt The Mobulu p'.auu’d to B«vigtum ‘over the use g m!* which students can attain again soon, fo r d esp ite the thing.« Vr Valerian ? 7-orin ask (nr 'tv tr*H»pK flew i Ru>«tirta-lvruruil <>r Huanda-Urundi for transit of and gain some {«fling of gard this as « device to csintrnl on i TV program taped for ,.>c not h a v e 'th a t A m erica has, it i* .i t* ■n New York stations mooting in a letter to ft•**»{! Kisai province and moved the Mobutu troop' The . Anpii.xhinen' frniu luivtng done the effectiven**«» of student o r­ The Minnesota Democrat said ing place—and i t ta u g h t me to scpi light • * the C<>ng»‘Scese border in Ilei- reply w a s that the troop«- landed vi, goal.« arc Kept beyond the ganisation the retiring Republican chief much m ore w h at 1 have. / >rtn charged ?hnt Ite.g»*«*' u an 11 in k > hv the territory Ih fore Bel gut nt student's capabilities »not he is The role of an advisor has executive 'has the greatest onthontie* ip the l*N T iud In lus ir Per 7au»n si^l the hnew she> were coming and that never «¡lowed to feel that he been overateped In m a n y in­ reservoir of good -,v.ll of an* Territory of H uahta - Uruivb .lb igians in R u an d a-th undj had they were the'*. q»>»* «‘<1 t*' 1%mm* »¡as aooompiuhed o r mastered stance« bv the Assistant Dean American throughout .he world lust tas\ of the C o n g o ha! lent Mobutu s troops planes, uTuncH tiately '“(or she Congolese anything of Student« Member* of the or­ as great as anyone, any • “taken a hitvet part otgaun' stock* and nuhtarv «uni mu vue frontier " ganisation fee» that they can be way ’* Students feel t:ia: it unfair •hat prsiie’ssors' n a m e « arc not *ucce*»ful only if they are » 1- lowered to be self governing. Saying Eisenhower might be needed for future diplomatic Random Bloody Vioien»*»1Krujils in Algeria i.stesl on c l a s s -i-htHiuic« prmr Is it right that a student can * i registration They fail to s«nr lie called before the -Dean of h«»w- rag (»t rat ism can tar csMtipll- Students for picketing against mented: ..lid bv ih.v wtum ad sactiima- wtiat he consider, an inappro­ neg.eatiim*. Humphrey com­ ’’H# can lie of tremerdou» Thoughts AUMfcRS. Aigci .; ( \V > •r Min a w e . a’ k in -w n *' hav< itiiist 1« ;.:,ed answay It t* r t l l d priate use of v.ate budding* for help with cuotac: of our »¡¡¡es ~ H oihIv vioimc* etuptevl m rum ***n k !ed during s e 4 n ish on the part of professor« t<» meefmgs of « religious organ i- scv’tiowi of Adffna Sunday a five former Secretasies of VVhie th e year is .«till young >: A! the vii '.age «■:' T tv .;. f<< ‘ .atrtois would l>e a |Mpu- saUon? in the big cities tmvc-» s- a: .ty .onte»' Are they afraid A g ricu ltu re will appear on tha «itting around w aiting for the •e i a ¡efc:efutu n o\\ the c ‘.it'- ' •oii band of reoei Nat: nahsS Student* have bean repri­ tier, perhaps Liborais caa con*n of «ha', students flunk of :hem ’ manded on many occasion* for IWH farm ers' Week program at tr%*t future My nightfall, 20 •*t up i ;v !o,g piace wa Michigan State University. Sec­ solve th is paradox: dead and «cores wounded had as Tiarct Ov * »’uar ng that such a new holding hands an campus by retaries, Benson, Brsnnan, Wick- ■s»-»i ali hv French it »vus ’.»reti e»‘ut'tedL. I'» cUshee L .c- : »sanhti« . St iif, - were lulled aruf 30 u vumi un,ver».'tv ha- already acquired ber». Hut .what about husband ard, A m w m b and Waiiacv wi.l 1» A Liberal is a firm bebei votmg tiegau fnday Vhpc ami Ï re ft t o manv .n-urm ounubie pro- faculty sad administrative mem* d.wu**, - Agriculture ,n an Un­ rig h ts and individual liberty: V ' hicms There >.ymi t.» tie n.i way and wife tacuity teams who easy World” on E tb 1. racial equ ality ; he abhors the m to make any narige*. or at least this u w hat we are told cal form s of antbCommunism. he dom of speech should be invioi*'' Michigan State News by Dearu a n d heads- This U in direst conflict w :h the CMruviit of a umeerx.ty depart mont TMOdOOtKfiOODfiWP! lÜ ilM flftO N fie U M r (uLN M R A M Sft! vtaeed that the housing office is m ?> At the same time, a Libers “ vat is suspoae,! to aland for a FuMubMl by the Hudetm rf M .chn»n State Umvmitv change . to th e Organization Man and con: e!«M day, Mnmta.v thmu,h Fuilai. during the fall, wlnier un.l »prmj d o e e n o t want a corporation, « tn .«r* Student« are expected to .1 f.u -v. . re tune to listen to a t u d a n t term*. $♦, fur three term*. • -puiion. Students reeogruae the *ty. th e Uhera) often feels th a t ■ Member of the Auucietrd l*re. Inland Oatt) I’rv-> Viuoe'iation and eoiinonuc ImutaUona on t h • vest organization at them *■ tir e Ajiovialed CVIlege (ire.- * num ber of course* th at can ho eoo**gh- From civil righto and soct It -O ■ offered an d reatuo th a t more to TV A and aid to education, the U -*r*- ' c a n be added only w ith growth 0»at only ttta jnvernnmet con pr " rfe É lid itor-InChief Surgwn 1*n e la Ed. tor Ben Bur: of the university. However, they »»omic and^ogtlcal justice he fee Managing Sharon foiad.v Fei ire F.ilUr ■ Maawr feel t h a t t h . 0 i r preference« A tv Manager *sry for individual Uherty. T he : Jerry Lundy W eii’a Edit. Mauia Bax. rhnuld be 'alum into consider»- l ircttUtlon Mgr Paul Ln* . < X Adv M* la rr\ Vl’.t a- tn dendtng which unet eriU lieves j n both m en’s desire for ' r< City Editor IV.n I'erbbir Pil­ i Editor A K *: be offered first hi* need fo r o rg anim tien. E:tt!«r;a! Ed.tor Jody Howard Student* feet that several Is th is a parade» w ith in e v tu - «nurse* have been m itrepresent- W het is th e an sw er? \ ■JKS Wà Monday Morning. January 9,1961' l í e n l o Mew, Eaat ta m ing, Michigan Profs Travel ’Waste Makers’ Hit on Radio Science Needs Met Vance Packard’s thesis ad­ vanced in hi« latest book, “The. "There no question ’hi* sr-me *.f •he eritiotsms bo makes and advertising people,-for w a«1» and then deplores the attitudes Waste Makers." that American are valid one', but of those • ur nd values of consumers. McKee By New Program ¡marketers, advertising men an I auto makers ;,re waist-deep in Ivillany received loss than * advertising and marketing *x- eoutive-- ar*' well aware ’ he ad* i i t- d “the real villain mav no* r>" anyone of these groups but a more basic causa! factor, Tfi'e nation’s future scientific found urpri« ■warm reception from two MSU McK< •' th ok is intere«! in tii- professors Sunday, 1 •he underlying structure of as- ¿vplf'Trs will be in good hands fi olotry and PK «i„ . (• ? youth of Michigan neve a n y -! . , . . j Appearing on Viewpoint over narkft—the verv thing Packard umotions and values which ;%inr to say about it. In hrM»*'"* the latest in «d- jWKAR with l.t Col. John Bar­ ■ri'irm-: w.thout ■, ufficicn*- orient and direct the behavior Th is indication comes from Na- j ent'^ r information, teaching tw-h- ron, program host, Dr. James •• thought-out theme. He «aid '■ producers, distributors and tinnid Science foundation T ravel-: nique- and mstrartienM equip- j McKee, sociologist, ’ and Dr. hat the author provides tons *f cr-nrumers. * u-u .-Science teachers from MSI’ ! ment to the various schools, the ¡Frank Senger, associate profes- * .., «.'vmpf-ms of the basic val- McKee said Packard lacked"a~ riot in a two-day, mid-year | traveling teacher* include adem- jsor of adverti-'ing each found ic problem of an affluent, mr< - philosophical and social seienti- , • fcrcnee on campus. . onstration of heart and nerve ¡fault with the book. ndustrial ncletv—but neglects be framework as a tool for in­ T ■e 1v e teachers, especially 1 dynamics. “In his zeal to cry alarm over ti explore what lies behind the terpreting his own evidence a-.d trained at M S U ' s Science and ! McKindles emph :ed that it our world as he sees it “ Senger rvsnptorr.i. he failed to articulate the reie- Math- matica Teaching c c n t e r . ! is * important uragc stu- Jsaid, "Packard is often careless ■‘He hit* u * * ! ar I w:'h the vant lisues which his own evi- u;1j - .-it more than 3<10 high dents who -hr,« ;,n intere.-'t in ]with the facts and his cor,dr m- ymptoms and ru.-hes off to a rtencc po.nts to. Schools in a seven-state area, in - 1 the biningical «riere*- . for from inatmn of certain facets ( mir no riyiing Michigan, during the cur. •hi* group may eoi io doctors, ¡econpmy sometimes borders n diagnosis/' McKee sai d. The African motiwbird, shgh'- ic.: academic year. nurses and research rs for to." hysteria. Such carelessness ofttn Thg* sociologist cited as an « x- *.v larger tiian a sparrow, creeps The five teachers whose area morrow. • weakens what might otherwise ample the fact that Packard m - : rather than hops along tit« includes Michigan all reported a j l he s c i e n i e demonstrations be a good case. ciicts business, particularly sales ' branch of a tree. high degree of interest in science ' were ant to' run overtime at r.m only among boys but also the ' Alpena Catholic high school, re- p:r! students in Michigan, port* traveling -ciinre learher The traveling teachers a ! Richard K. .Scofield of I,udingt on. .! that the scientific interest He - cd the Alpena students were id localiced, hut apparently prevalent in the «mallei c|s in rural and suburban « a« it is hi metropolitan ph: 1 O' oiintef o reporte chich ■m< d tiiologv* the.7I ted the j In Need of Books? Ince you get these k’»1« in- 'tii ill science and math- nove-i into a i* Spartan Book Store ■•••. they go overboard," he 1 area, ! Clifford II. N'irman M«'Kindle* ! . lieh * Anse, whose territory as l.u*t 1.1 ■i* igh bool !mg science teacher include- vi-itillj I p|>er I’eninsula. entrai Mi chi gi as well as his colleagues. "It is not a in r tif In large ir «mall a eommunit •aid. "SCHEHERCADE"—A mmhrr «f the cant of "Holiday on ite" Engineers for I f ound ínteres rent high at »1! rd? 1 nave v i s i t i Includi**d irvhis Ii 't« of visits have f« r" performs hi ~Revoe de BkBetu". The ahow in appearing at the Laiwing Civic ( enter- State \ m photo by Doug Gilbert. now has available been schools in Blanchard* ( ar­ Elect Farrall non i'itv. Ashley añil F luth itti?. African People Fed Indication« are there may be ir W Farrall, professor a talented new crop *«f fnathema- ; id of the departm ent of tician« to Kelp till the back-lost in turai engineering, ;; thi« vital area, oh<**-rved Gilbert j H. K r b i « r h . who vuritingi Animals Provide Food late* - hoofed an.rr aU l*r Petrikfea t^lieve* re«eareh New and Used “ .t oe for president-elect .«cf nt« American Society if Ag- rTT Michigan and *» giraffe, V a- staii«**« ar«* badly needed in Af­ . Engtncery for 19fil Nu pi'* Indiar ebra • of Af rica ?« study the eeobogy and . a native of Nebra«- ! re< ejved h k bachelor's ile r■« there most attentive during dent- of tn;i aster's degrees with a on^t rat ions on mathematics. The ! tunitv digital and arming computer« and I accord uden iroteifi-httttgr people mifvagmefkt «*f the wild animals tinent a oppor with a view.toward their poffuble improve their *.;or» oomeft v at ton and protein-pro­ » l>r. George A Petri ducing potential. M.S. U. Textbooks .n agricultural engineer- m tnc University of Ne­ the ftbnctM are u*cd by the MSU in. 1955, the University traveling teacher“ to iilu«trate a gement, '■cKa gave him rn hm« the difference* i»efa**en binary He )p pie sor of wildlife man Traditmn, Dr. Pefridea pa:.i cnn rend tbit vrortd-fomdua Earner Arrrplh *• bool administrator« plays an la rd tnan »an be o b tain ed fr *m fista that only cattle, sheep and doily ntw«pop#r foe fho nevt «la YVREB Po*t important role in the «■«]«ce«p of c a ttle , frier tiftc program* <>ne of the most progre^Kive f i od <>«• th** m ain goat* a e table for producing ' riwsi^j f^f i î , jutt. botf th# an im al* now •;* #-d th e re f i t food on a large acale in Africa.* j raQu'or »ub»cr*ption rot#. at “The Supermarket of Education” Cet t:«p newt covemgt. f^foy dchoola along thi* line, he* pointed Most of the cort-í*- rn t i* either •pec'oi ftotuf#*» Chp for ff#r- • Arthur E Warner, It ree* out, t« Richmond Hitfh School. d e«ert or .•emi-arwi í,¿ad p oitab ie ? tie Masters of Business At thi* school, he *aid, the h! u* only far s*.i*onal grazing/’ ev- Forestr\r 9 ene# work. Send yyuf order t'vtoy* Enelot# tration program, has dent, gets biology in the ninth plainerl P etrid es rHe"k. er mein#y ord#r. Ut# cou» ! unpointed to the National grade, them»*try in the te n th .: Af Award» Sci f^zn bek?w Spartan Book Store *r*« better »•. In of Rea! E s t a t e phy.«ic* tn the eleventh and by acclj; '.at< „I ivirorment A «»w [-r'-crarn r'f f'svhm an ■t f rwrf*.*>n V •W'f# Mor'r’of r C# ommittee °n education the time he reachea the twelfth and 15, Mntf. ;sr A. J Pin*run, Vfr * . yjf nm.»n (‘hennirai j n Cm—e* i'ieS^r» □ fiKuiry v -Jihich would carry tu« al S iene# fòundati Anothei * Mo-nnhui. Tenn . FAQNG THE FAMOUS TRIANGLE 1F.B approval. the Traveling S< land * .Varner teaches a sequence program during thi T» » frerhtxner. ate to be se- 1 fil Kca- rapid r tr n *j > receive $300 I «tate courses in ‘be de- demif* *.ear •«ceiien t me ■V-’. When they bero-ne sopho-I OOM KR of MN M l M .A.C . ’“ of business services, roor*imat«rg thi ! te* h % •? • «..*! -ereiv# 4200 j Hone Slot# ( Rusiness and lbibii«- the university •*• .b r --Id W M nidi e are r i - TT-««- will !>e offered foci • *>1 «P* «< •#* Mt*)** o u t «• ff/op and Mat* "»g • kne«-? »m oi - 1 r-t «o e n te n n f fresSv-j V.u4r*■*, Ictfif •* É#i, 94 W*m 1 9 W. latic i T**acr,,rg -ien n the fan « f FMI. Y « traveling * t»ftcber* Frof, (»nrnham nr vî* tw, whi^h ire made f> •sputfl# from the Gela New Post *pec ifie «eh after ir # f ob* j day* ‘ Prof o . Frud Oum ham . of th# Thiw i« th »^ond year for th# of rh#mical tngl- Travtlmg Sei«(■nix t#»rh#r pro - 1 bai been elveed a msm- gram at MSI th* American laatitut# teacher# from MSI Ti«it#d 572 ! la s t y#ar th# ! 1961 J " Mbunf, Metallurgica!, end schools rivmir pr#«#ntat»on* " ,r^«w» r m m e ir i. h * wiu for# mor# than 300.000 student* *rf.Uat*d wtth thè Society of in Michirait, Illinois, Indiana, j ••'"“MI rnglni w , a conatituent I lowa, M i n n • a o t a , Okie and | «Oaaatiai et Wm tettate. Wisconsin. • .. : l e — T ara —" > FaOMuavie- La maker« I frcSMSIx plate • Kept m order Ik Inciden« II. nualMd Junior Ticket Sales 4 Thus (Let > 11 Cette* I CtsM rtw it tk 4 Pur peri t 7 FaatLh# part H S u d u t s f l rut (#m Tuesday I Cgy latee- • la a 4 M 4 « tret Turkey lee «au»!» 23 NVturna mammal 21 Sun ■» Heumful W Hunker 2k 1 s t toMier'r pay » Heel »1 Lcattpee- - «« »4 rW M l M Fens M h rts e M K«r*en#t- eerka m «# Kueaee mountain .. treat Saturday* Jan. 28 Tickets: 85 per couple ti. p t r s u i a i Hr tea 4k » 'H i r t faktir 4k Ttlaiataa 4k Sewed ed*# «7 S Nei 1e r Semi*formai Buddy Morrow Orchestra 4k Cut hev 7 Michigan Stale Newa, East Lansing, Michigan Monday Morning, January 9, Engineering ‘Drop Outs’ Thompson Shifted To State Departtnen WASHINGTON, UP) — Am­ cided to retain Thompson as am ­ while consulting in W iahlngtan Secretary, Piane Saling» .. bassador Llewellyn E. Thompson bassador to Russia and Charles v ith his incoming Secretary of the report. Salinger said he T Of Concern to Educators J r. la expected to be shifted from his present poet in Moscow to the sta te departm ent some time soon, diplomatic sources reported E. Bohlen as special state depart­ ment assistant on Soviet affairs. . The Times s a i d K e n n e d y reached the decision Saturday State, Dean Rusk. Kennedy returned to New York following t h o conference end newsmen questioned his Press no knowledge of it. .Thompson and B oM .r, President Eisenhower’s twoV cipsl advisers on Soviet mattr half of the ituHents 'platnH , "soon defect to other ina’ion on the pert of engineer- a more realistic evaluation III Sunday. who start programs in eng'nerr- !'<‘lds when they find that cn- j,)(, rdurators" to allow . engl- secondary schools as te w hat Fragrato In fa ra iä tln PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED *-5817 "'he move will not come im­ ing fail to complete them, the * > « « * "• ^ "<*« <>«** the «la- nrPrln , ttlrtcnts ,0 hiVf> th<, op. i engineering requires. For ex - m rtir In the disciplines where mediately afte r the inauguration nr t-stw Ameriean Association for the they built up their proficiencies.! ,!.'n OT a maj sr in mathematics, |,n ample, he pointed out th at aend- Advancement of Science was such as mathematics, physics physics or chemistry along with j rocket l§ IS peg cent engineer and chem istry" ¡their f g M teiUl# up ^ WUf t of President-elect John F. Ken­ nedy, who will aak Thompson to MICHIGAN told recently. their engineering courses. Ij ing, inf. designing, hull “ building, and The high cam ’ly rate Is one Fallon called for "more imag- He also stressed the need for operating the hardw are, rather •toy on In hi« present job for a 2MI w k.!S5ct«S:S0 of the principle concern* of cn- while, thee# sources said. tA S T LANSI NE E D .2 - 2 8 1 4 jrthocriTvi edufrttnps, reported ginowing educators, reported Richard T. Fallon of the rnci- Cuba There was no word on what assignment Thompson would get a fte r he returned home. mmnmmm Tkiy'rg fan peoplt. fRrviat NIGHTS A SUN. — ADULTS Me SAT. MAT. 6Se ADULT ENTERTAINMENT tirering department. Thompson, a Russian-speaking RMpla. Tb«y k m a trrmra- STARTS 7 P.M. • FEATURE AT 7 :10 - 9.2% Fallon, who participated In a ti ■."itim ed fr m Page 1) jsrattered throughout Cuba on , and a. woptan—w ere handling career diplomat, has spent almost dRRRRfga Ik kftpkfgathinf panel discussion before the cn- Castro The -big , govet nmertt* iltitla duty until Jan. IS—the final details of yesterday's four years in Moscow. Ho waa gineering section of the associa­ antrolled Confederation of Cu­ transferred to Russia from Vi­ tion, Is director of the Junior, an Workers announced a mass ate by whirh Castro says an j transfer of diplomatic and con* enna in the spring of 1057. Engineering Terhnlral socletjy larch on his I’trsidcntlal palace iv avion will come. jsular affairs to the Swiss Sm­ The man reported in Una to (JUTS), which has 7 4 ? chapters' lav a «u o th e r groups formed vigilante | bassy. vmmittecs. appealed for blood In Santiago harbor, around succeed him in Moscow is an­ In h;i,!i schools and junior col­ •d other Russian-speaking expert in lege# in a!) 50 states and several f 1'« ign countries. > k donors, promised to turn , the other aide of tho Island, a >jial centers into barracks or i Soviet cargo ship was unloading the s t a t e department, Foy D. Kohler, currently assistant sec­ JK H M F '•Engineering enrollment« have r*t ai < stations, and act as a 1 2,500 tons of Russian w h eat retary for European affair*. Mr guard for regular armed | The government news agency been meeting the bare need« of the economy during the past six years,” Fallon said Professors 11 ¡quoted Soviet Deputy Commerce M litiawvmen still ringed the j Minister Mikhail Zusmin, In a The New York Tinfes reported Sunday th a t Kanaady has de­ s Eo>b:t««y, an almost desert- | Moscow-dated dispatch, as say- He added that such enroll­ ments could be sufficient "if the students who started in en ­ At- « Asina s ' 1 building posted with signs ing the Soviet Union will assure v 0 « too Swiss government |C uban oil needs with >H tons pi ts it. The last Amer- jof petroleum products and M totoTN tsuvn TENNESSEE gineering remained in the fir'd and graduated with degree; However, he reported"thni about Conference va-i ais inside—two men 200,000 ton« of mineral fertiliser. LUCO N iUMMSI JOLT half (4R per cent) of the en­ W ËÊP& gineering students arc lost along ghe" wav for various reasons Til! |>rofp**or* will pnr- r White House t on- U’Hur to ho h* M in Ilnnnnh Goes to Florida Talks tit» - t i n . m i 7.4# . P:M ENOINFKWNO dr ip OHS t o d a y h trouoth f lYes John A Hannah will go j the commission was started In ? group*. to Tampa, F la. over the week- 1957. c ut to avrii.t a meeting of the i The commission has investi- Suddenly, last Porte Commis*,on on Civil R.ghts. \**\** Uw ?r°.b,e™ of d!*f ‘ “** ■■mm sr. Cathy nation against n tire n j bt .u se knew she was J'res dent Hannah i# the chair- (,j race, color, religion, or na- betas used for trnftirti? I rerom* of *he r mmission ..and has tional origin in regard to voting, something evil! r»f «winsr served in (h it capacity sincv education and housing. Tennessee Williams anther* ' 11 A CA D EM Y A W A R D S a story of strong w ants and strange needs, ef This Is one of it* GÜÎiBJOHNS-nmnnu flesh-and-M eed y e s n ouIsH wImu I includ*50 Feature a t 1:M. 4:1#. fartes and body- hits • you must •:»•. I :U p m aad-sonl loves. see it s in TECNMC010R* naB nnnsneWARNCR BROS. D l STARTING FRIDAY’ phm FostbwR HlghUghto C a r to n A N ew t starting Friday! THE FIR8T IN OUR WINTER FESTIVAL >r cf th. .1 TONIGHT v»*u ! r * u n i m San A H .1 «Sala I P * mas RSS GLADNER N e it Attract io« OF FOREIGN HITS s w r H, Wr4 A RaL Mals 1 » V «S II Î 1 EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING Theater g j j p H tto k t M lS re « ia n s » »> _ tir ENDS WED. ■ m s»*w w al « I K saaar ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’ Ill WHY : III KKY! LAST 3 DAYS! Th.# g •••'up. t.i*: ‘ v« ti >: hsv* thr prvf *IVsnV er .n tfve iw- c SoerMTt to bandir r-g . avririr eoufw i be ’ *xpU .tien Th.» COu 4. be tvmVdte.1 ,a pw'rl h< be.-evr*. c h - ' ; h r . to er.* or« ' f prv * • ' - t— ter sptitudr tr«-S:ng iv.i by , ■mg :*r » '.j- n'-r SHOP KNAPP S TODAY FROM 9 :3 0 A.M. TO 5 :3 0 P.M. at last! A T iti a n G IO Ì P •? »tu-Vfit# who p t i ot-'..' iS pr: cent t v - a Book Store with the Student io Mind. Pav Study • • The Student Book Now Rcadv (across from Berkey Hall) SPECIAL S and B stands for Student Bode Store SELLING! and Service and Bargains. We are now Racoon in full operation and have a complete fine Collared IV, v Storm Coats of bodes and supplies . . . and everything is priced with the student in mind, 82 9 JSTrMTi Take advantage of the bargains inside and Specially priced . . hand«ome tackle tw i’l br» ki II» coat w ith lavish racoon collar. A fleecy Orion • » « > !« pile lining to keep you m u ra the Free Parking at the rear of the store. as toast. Choose lb:» ever popular coat \iw w . In eith er b lack olive o r b eige. Sisea 8 to IS. The Navire* are so w o rth w h ile ., rig h t now when you rued it Î Make friends with the students’ friend. .. * • • I II i *• .«vit V ».-< fW ; . ' »*' i t . Si i# •. - v. "- ’kr -. -]£•£"• —. • The Student Book Store a'.r i i » *• U.ncs rat fr «r. t; .4 * : . ihr f.rrt h vr •. $j- f fa> • %M% vJ A.: n « r.,., » IV RN A F r * COATS • SECOND FLOOR 427 E. Grand River „„day Morning, January 9,1961 Michigan State Newa, East Lanting, Michigan S Communists Keep Pace S io » « H a h W M M M m I T w Voice of America Still when your coat Reaches Into Red Cuba I, rtciined th e C ravanette WASHINGTON'. (API — De- :n English—a program the V oice.S outh America. spite Cuba'« 'rift into the c im­ d a m , .< very popular. Moscow tell* its version of the w av e x c lu s iv e ly in muni«*. canto and the break in While lh.< Voice has no pro- truth through 24*j hours weekly gram n Portuguese, the state to South America and 14 hours VS.-Cuban relation«, '.he Vuiei.* controlled radii of Moscow, weekly ' to Central America, Bast Lansln* a t of America has no pians now to Petpins. pt-igne, an.* Bucharest Mexico, and the Caribbean area keep Amer image irvf >re too Cuban ;n" i •’ -re communist propaganda to ir. Snanish. and I*1* hours through special tha* torgu» to, large*! weekly n Portuguese—a total broadcast«. and most populous country of of .if! hours every week. This was learned Sunday from C lia ie r and government ..ireos At the same time, an analysis o S h irt L a n d r y available a* the state depart- men! showed the voice beams only 3 1 U I, ,u! s a week to Latin America, lev* han half in Span- Series to Honor Dial ED 2*4024 for Pick*! p & Delivery T here’s No Charge r. Grand River Aeraaa from student servire, Builrf in? There are no such U S. broadcast; in Portuguese, Bra- By compari the c^mmur. :$* State’s Henson bloc nation.« f* bombarding A*' a . Anvcr ?:?- Rational minister who come to Latin Amcr-ic •ith nn*re than u ^ d ;o Michigan*?*, r j i s * r\ th** new country in IRON and 174 hburg of •¡a! hroad casts " 1!) S#* Afrbni? \?hc *• * «ubier*,« 1 iv* I. the remainder r>f l i i 1 fe ¡»mpui C la s s ifie d s Y our K ey t o B e t t e r V a l u e s weekly ;n ¡»panish, Portuguese in 1 1 series' onn American An in MaMiichuselts, where he died and th e ir own languages, ap­ a rh o rs m 17215 parently intended í t eastern Dr r Hen ■i of the CnntemooTilfy author Andrew glish hag. L'y!le W 1'! b*"l* 3 CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS Europeans living 'here The assigned mission U S Informal Agency,which f P’ lepartmen' department written " e -he volume on Jnveph Kirkland Tw*-VBf 1 * ri* \ ™lum. ! e J 7 '¡V nvne', United States An- ~‘n ' ,b*' thf u„ , » ‘"I™' DEADLINE: StOO RBI. Tuesday for Thursday paper. . controls ihe V >{■••’* policy, is to «*,„r sertes, - , he |„ „ e d nv— municatmn skills faculty. Ex- B ilb payable 8-12 and 1-5 Monday through I keep this country's image before *>.•■n e x t i ur vcars hv wax nc f>erir»ncf*d a* an actor, farucicr ! the world, to . -erpret I' S life p ■liüher« > Ire nf Nt and editor. Lytle now teaehes F riday. York «• thè Un ivef si ty of Plorivi a Tlie US1A i.s-ued a rypoit ..n |>- yj tan Crabo an i Vir­ HI* books include “The Ve!* ED 2-1511 EXT. 2615 vet Iforn." a recent novel. and i l l years of communis* broad* g;njaRock of MSU w fai ¡casting worldwide, 1948-195», contributors to the *•*. for thè„ , collection, . _ **Ac , Nove!, a jsaying, Radi * propaganda .»wh .h ovrr %0 ......... ,___ hav< N'-vclla and Four Storn automotive FOR RENT ¡not {sapular i« iV.vt.n America." p an n ed .' j Heel broadc*»*!* to L a t i n - | m OLDS EXCELLENT CONDÎ- ph Kirkland*, family, says C o t l C C r t M a i i a g C r S ** (’all FD 2*8150 after 5 30 ROOMS (America, the icport said, Dr Henson, came 1o Michigan 3 oehind 'hose ‘ » any other major F X C F P T I O N ’ AL! V I ARC»F FIAT sw • G O O D CONDI* K O R T A HL Y i n m i g r a d i , 2 • RAM r rndefCOètBd. white w a ll P<’ n- to 'rftj hours in 3 « 1«™ ’* tncludM "Zurjr* and *The ) llr p aut .A.a, pipotrd to an un- uperiM- tf 'features Excellent ROOM FOR MMT Captatn of Company K ’ * im * ien-ed second term of t ! -, IIfv2.X FD 7 - 4W MI1 2 ¡«louages. A Colonial posrt. LI ward 120-member association of U S t h r y s l e r . EXCELLENT ... 4 ing the The -cpara-.e analysis, reflect- now, show* | Taylor, ia the subject f U p la n d Canadian concert managers situation................... Wtstfarfal Savings On jDITI ON M ust »til! E D 2 • 1*0 E 3 room s KOH MAI K - a , , that the Voice "p ro g ram s |4 ¡T w ay n e »erte* volume bv N«r* I , t the group’s annual meeting VOLKSWAOON. 8 UKROOP. , '-k'nif f t'niver*- i-, y m c Á '’•14 Fxprcfm hour> ;i wcok of news, fefttufcs (man Orabo of MSU s KnflLsh ^ ......... . « 50 « -------- - i tn d commentary in Spanish, Department. N«*w York from 14 hi COATS - SUITS ■DRESSES - BLOUSES ':f. - th whitcwali tire* ,, Very *•*> » .o-# Dilvilcftt ., $7 v.**«**! i ] 6 . His ter-n of office was *x- ^ pin, some music In addition, Taylor, who it generally com* tended so th a t significant proj- 1T4 F))RD EOUR-DOOR TU 2 • » 7 1 rt , 3 OKKMOX STAR NfED ,,n* «Tit- the U S beams 2 V * 8 rirrit *r» sF.^re r«Htni Aith ore other - hours daily pared to B tgU nd's metaphysl* I rets launched In I NO could V>e SPORTSWEAR LINGERIE ■R08ES - SHOES esn—-^TirnmlwSon p o w e r r ur,,,«MM TV <-«l| ri» I cat poets John D unne an d I continued under his leadership n* * * • mile* Mew brake«. ( «ili FD 2 - 8034 5 lff,.r ,r r n j . « * , .nn>, ln. , i * George H erbert, was a Congre- t in 1M1. HANDBAGS - JEWELRY - CLOVES and m *MF,vROLfT iM paua con* ^ IRLE Ahtomitk j ''i ï g x r n c e 'T Í t c K tA L t j l A l t Kennedy OHwr Accessories —CIh LS '. BOYS’ , rw!î r one owner, very cle#in ■_ Ò.V Red leather finish m*»<|e. — * nrt tien KI) HOME rOtfR hi i w SL A C K SA L E ! IVA- THA m R tN A irr d a u i -sP H IN E i t s .* - » vr% - celt «viaOwnertV-I «brok « FAST miren. H-.e!**tt LANSING 2 - Kl*7 NEAR 1177 FI»- i»|ett Three bedrfy>m bedroom nnch Meets With B c g v lg r 14.95 A 12.95 n o w 8 9 .9 9 2 fo r $ 1 8 .0 0 TODDLERS’ and INFANTS’ APPAREL » d*»l fcD . • Sta* after < pm ,trtn, ,-,nri, partlallr tlnwheO b«*cm »nt 15 m i n u t e ■Owner leavtnx town Can take over fro m e a rn o u t N.Y. Dems CHILDREN'S SHOES ARD 1^57 800 FAHfLANE FOUR* \ v a loan $13^0 C all Fktfra] 9 * Rccuhur 10.95 a 9.9S now 8 .9 5 2 fo r 1 6 .0 0 Power sUNniRff a n d ! jii»j t tm a ttc etc 8 8 .0 0 0 miles. NEW VORK, (A P I—President IIU. two m s . Cali IV j EAST LANSINO NEAR Sevan , j ,, Kennedy set out B tg y ia f 8.95 a 7.95 now 6 .9 5 2 fo r 1 2 .0 0 • ronm -„me on over acre lot At- ' - »'"•*» " i — J _ . , tractiv,- location near MSU far--, Sun-lav on U aertU» Of meeting* le y or Pleated Model* • S i a r * 3 0 t o 4 2 EM PLOYM ENT i 8STS. SEXT* 8 MO • dll Roether Realty Comoanv «'•¡Ht . . leaders in - a— Democrati« . . _____ vrpu w. TECHNouxtirr roR ------------- „ — - a - , , I Realtor, e d 1 - sow -------- . . ... j factional diapuw here. The two m m on bis appoint* Nationally Advertised Haggar Slack« Local honMttl. n#w f t .' »1 LOST and FOUND tit list were form er Sen Her- j Call IV T • 5451 -} - Htrt Hehmao, one of the lead* 2 lo s t ftcing riiAMi *u««e* ,.rs o f a group trying to unseat I o n K o s t t d w k 's V a n H v S h o p ? £ 2 *rr TtMF. s ttr - -’7a'—' w r-r e«*4oy-1 tacatíón™ elT i •‘ s i m ^ u r * ' vacation ( irm in e G. Dewpio M head of II U K H O T I t'S - 9 : A M. T «» •> :'3 0 P .M . a rk twn ntA liu i and Satur* ! jrrne y * Tammany Hall, and Joaeph :*r ru-unwary, m intawtaw, ; -a ri— 2 ^= Sharkey. Brooklyn Democratic Mr m pafton, Keltotir • i 2t*9 at 7 and 8 m p !»■ F ’ -iia.v J a n 13th onlv ; — .— PERSONAL hROYR FOR It*i C 0 M I9 9 0 T O C M IC A O O FD Z • 8517. Lee 901 THK W I I K I N D ? TIME WOMAN «r •i ocnon. Enne« Hr Glar , • a*. ■ ,c a * * vere aimed i t 't i g '.he co' i ' But after CLEARANCE ED N m M uu. O raip* Very r««* tedv -a .i New Yor a pol.UC* had a rot disrtused STAY m TN I Y M CA H O TBL OF HEN’S TINAIE amjPtWT OH working Tt-,r .meeting. Kennedy added, iu ta d p d l m vinapprwwd houaa with SERVICE »•i. "just a rail to p a r my r e - j n* vemngg or Must nava car Call ED end« ,1 ' Me said they -vere '»Idi FURNISHINGS 1ER DESIRE? -nendt f.'cr, -.en.-e davs and! rr. HOU.Rg - st'fTABt.E rhtl r unir ftude rt, ( «11 Ci> Et> Oft* - t i p m Walking dutan, * - -- ...... 3 _ -r rv p is r, ramati« ED * * m /u -v c ,,„rr . wt> h ip k s tr.irn I a !•. ‘. ««ten h.Ti s.nee the ! ^ i^, however, told new s- _ •» A AND SPORTSWEAR »irufNtS men-tha*. he "vo had spoken _______ I spgi’iAi, —kuiTuaae. aw ia TUW. ¡"Just a little" about the party ■aATT S f l l D I D POR j taf «pe whr Mr merer » rear* j battle here, and had uiao dU- id*. nfant. W knB. Eharw ? ._ . g t 9 ^ tha «oarxal in : cu^wd nitiOlUt ^hblfO ll. i m p o r t a n t s a v in g s o n CALUN6 ’rD>’T!, 7*i*r0,n vH rtin undom-« . w ENOrrwA «xiiN Kcr.nedy «aid it was possible ■ LAUNDRY ani> DRY «dXANPRS New York political situa- W INTER JACKETS - HOSIERY • KNIT SHIRTS I S r k l S ^ l T i l » • Vine «tree, trick wse, «» might -«»me up in hi* t.jk » ] s.«r« >t Fr.ndcr .with Sharkey. He Mid he hadn t 'R ROOM * l« t F L O O R — --- ------------ —-------------- seen the Brooklyn political ieed- SPORT SHIRTS • I VDERW EAR • PAJAMAS ^ K* fimpui, ant rMld k*- L TYPEST ANN BROWN New election * Ft) 3 - 818 $ after 8 p m t j ^ i n < . T T e m F'! M M r . ' 7 i ^ i i Barber Kennedy a t t e n d e d SENIOR UtAk* wongBN TWO IWM -e-«; w»wrai tn»t»4 u Maas at S t Patrick's Cathedral. SW EATERS • ROBES - SPORT COATS • SLACKS nW lurniahetf, parking H# arrived without public fwtice I WANTED »nd riu^-kir «kirted a «mai: ..A N S IN O . ETVT ro o m . rrowd 'bat had heen attracted -lrr m rr v E**t ler.^ri* rvrfne h r “he «;ght of police and pho- 4 CaU ED I • ♦»< •«iCripncrs. N m v ¡n / tr o fír r s s , . , MEN— AE. -'EVT BOOM EOB thiwe •rtw f*r»* , privata bath, pnrx* FOR SALE •*i. ^Buiwrviwd «utirt Ugiti Utih- ÍV 5 • v iv s r H E ^ T > Ft ■HNGIeC 20 — Pope Speaks on JAHOARV SALE OF 4 Gl’AGE H 1) R ‘ *•’ i !« fudffv 28 tcopr »Ü K D t * CltriHlian Famille» MOON. 18* % 4f TWO kft#r li* REFRIGERAT VATICAN CITY. iW — Pop# M ETS StflTS ARO T0P00AYS #1 '«Hkf mcc« bath ED 2 • r»i sr. » FO Jrtr.n XXIII rrr.pha.iied hur«la> I^ke to get in on the ground flow ®nd stay there? « *n a 1 r. f.uK-a t :V * 2i«» -MS *t 4 r*A*Mí- - •he iiBW-uiii' « and danger» Otn»- - art famdiea face m m o d e m Horry , we c a n ’t help you. But we do have Iota of - 46 SO ’00 mom for fir»t-rate -en son who want to get place» Vff? ««hatantéal a r l i f i * • th# o#mm o mmmí p tg ila r r t i r rftu ri »alto ■itnea. excellent food WINTft SALI JIWH 8 E The Pop* -poke from the win- fast in the roramunicatioaa industry. .Senior« with a ig l a p f l i Iiiw rlt# h u ir «NmI#« iii fta#lv UMtrtil »tilla mi 108*7 mrmmé vf) Atmoaphvr* High1 * *»1 far 8188 a i«m at j dose , f ht* *!udio ta 2*.Û4* psi- • flatr for scienee. etiginowing. huwnena. acrount- '**** m Ann At ED 2 » tftlfd fi. I»##!«, «trtgf» »»ímA« ah4 pAttvrm Fifia « «rt tifPM l* Uiat rr.m t in S» Peter'« H^uara oa ing. management and personnei work. 'Mnck bctwnd Union - 1 inrlvé# «aititiir». iu#rd* r h -tu tii anrt w lláa rtg U a »«4 »#1 *1» *l##»#o the oet-aai'-« of Hely Family da>. w e t ’* ONE »r tw ttoW* i il,, me,.*«-* »aa h|4 4 dd )ckntiod» ; Ntt of Cablai for m* 1 lay life. with you on Jan u ary 23, 1961 M 1|Mi!!,¡s^ ED I aRE, **k * EOE OME more *—-«* r i) - '--«oie mea» K ikM i pr>*>- WU H 'HOMPSON rOUB rgANPO* Jfw fii* Night Staff It’ll i 1 ' * - tl« I New* rsutor U ^ o Lotndge U A^.swii City fe8 )N —FaiÉ E rtiti -'r-'DEMT - M a lt ai large rBEAMY WHITE. W tlT B W I t l t l W C C W I MT '‘ 2 - katk »Miriti with FWi-lerdtf't ■II rin iwo f. ngn.Jw»U.n 19 Abb»«tt R4 — f jn t I jtAÁ.r: ¿ •• »4 4 s it ed * - »**e nam»« rv ) ■t í ' ÍHifté ? yMtri mi « to n ORE or two lo — ti TV ONAOL J/iffe.h# VlftMtif '* Oanet-d . r»rmn,x tue ' Wotor-A* EV».-r Dava Xnap» ,v*se entraîne SD g -lia» ¡ « t e i ».tu *t* $ L09V Roy t - ED * • RM -• « _________________________________ Michigan Stale \cw«. Ea«t lanniny. Michigan S P O R T S Monday Morning, January 9 . 1% 1 . . Swimmers Take Second Intramural Wrestlers Win In In Rig Ten Relays By RRt’C'E FABRIC ANT Slate New* staff Writer C oach Jim C o u n c ilm a n 's In d ia n a H onsicr* hat poly in c a p tu r in g six o f hflie e v e n ts Satnrd.-iy in Highlights Quadrangular Meet »r h. , v »Haay. A s tr o n p M SU w re s tlin g s q u a d ed p e d th e P u rd u e B oller- ic h" m a k e rs to w in a q u a d r a n p u la r m e e t a t E v a n s to n , II inoi ervoort 21.1 E. (¿RAND RIVER I 11 M in n e so ta w a s th ir d a n d N o rth w e s te rn f o u rth . EAST LANSIN<; a n n u a Rip T en In v ita tio n a l S w im m in p R elay s. U ÎI* \ h l b" The mam power for coach — —•..— Ph. ED 2-2114 f a n s a t th e M en’s I n tr a m u r a l Pool. ?o OT !y Fondley ColHtu’ matmen eame Pennsylvania state prop heavy- Mike Troy a n t Frank McKin­ from Okla Johnson, George "e ig h t titlist from Johnstown, ney, Gold Medal winners rr .Hobbs, Jerry Hoke, D u a n e Pn • ant^ Valeonoff was a siatc I! . me Olympic--. !., :•» I in G ym nasts • Wohlfert and Alex Valcanoff. champ at Lansing Eastern. Vj Each pinned both of their op- JOHNSON, also a U.S. Pan ana's power '.a ten «qti i t ! ■ .» \ rciay reenr i- and \ in! Maul 'ponents. Am ‘quad member, ran up a •Gary King. Merle Trebel and string of four consecutive state HEAD­ 30 Mike Sen 1g also won honors high school championships while helping to compile Stale's j Hoke, a 130-pound senior (len irai ¡it: point; by winning second >from Oklahoma City, O kla. re ­ places It was their first mat ' turned to MSU this year after a QUARTERS action of t h- season. tour of duty in the Marines. He (>-i paper State's I9«l wrest- 1« a former All-Marine titlist. 1 eg pr ispects iook good. They and has finished runncrup !■» for a ll have eight returning lettermen, two NAAU 135.5 champions He TIFO GOING in ven!, too yar i medtev lichigan State edged nut Mi re hen ncluding former U.S. wrestling loitered at State in 195« and team member Jerry Hoke, and 195? four blue-chip s o p h o m o r e s . Along with Johnson a n d PHYSICAL 1 In* THE F O tm NEW comers, all j Hoke, Collins has returning let- Track Manas«*!*» an f ir second piace '•i a strong f.rish- to.- vare Mtk ■ W >od W -v| hoi ?.r • ji f championship, according to (crmen George H o b b s <123 MSU mat coach Fondley Collins, pounds) and Norm Young (137! re heavyyveigtrt-Dave Hehrm.m ¡to give the Spartans their most EDUACATI0N . .i spec i.v 40 5 r! ’fk rii; n ■ ill >(£ of t h e m e d le y ■ee-ityjor Owen Klein-, hn ’ .Michigan. tu t of Dowagtae, 191 pounder ; powerful starting foursome in George Azafl, Alex V a l e o n o f f I m any-‘seasons. 1G7. and 115 pound whiz Okla ; Creek junior, finished Dig Ten Hobbs. Battle SUPPLIES ^ Indiana's quartet, •,« li -h Johnson of jfJorfolk. Va. j runncrup 3 t his weight last •nt'y had established ., r Behrmnn. a member of the year." meriean record, won the rv 19H US. Pan American team in Young, a Lansing senior, won 1959, A/.sr and Valeonoff were the Big Ten 130-pound tijle as MACGREGOR 'PEERLESS” BADMIHTOH1ÌÓ K C T St.*» 3 41T This was 13 - S /V P t I V MCI n t e Spartan football team la sophomore and finisher! sre- I! •am M fall. Azar is a former I ond in that division last vear. M ultiple ny Ion stru n g . . the iw i.l popular and , S*a!e. claimed its only victory? r.< most recommended racket for phys ed use. * ri the 500 ya d medley relay, p * Budget low price! B 1 Steuart ar ' his-team m ate Jeff Mattson. Mike W»od. an i J( Dick Brackett were timed in 4 23 4. a new meet, s hml. .in f p,"—r record j Here’s a brand new o th er Spauldintr. Wilson & MacGregor rackets 2.95 • 8.95 In the second leg of the event two former Olympian» were matched against each o‘her. , with Bill Steuart of Michigan , State hca ling Al Somers of tu ­ John Dar d as'. Special * CARLTOH SHUTTLECOCKS • plastic —19c # nylon —49c STEC ART, former B.g .Ten and N C A A , champion, pro. The same quality and dependability ADLER Ski sided the margin fop vi-* rv ,11 HANDBALL In liana was caught at 4 .’It "u_ The University of Michigan, shy of its usual power with W a v n , . B e r g ■!••—. p ! lì iwed bv 1 1. IH l.r COOPER, at a new low price] Now, all sweaters GLOVES S'. C. S D \ RENTAL Skin, Boots, Roles .. several swimmers still out of freshman, placed f M'hite *(w. (ioatskin sch'«>! after touring Europe foi- *‘. i r :*1j . i*vt'*?ì t ! 90'. wool. 10'; nt Ion Bmw-h. Du r ko padded o r unpadded lowing the Olympic games, won both the 200 Yard Free-Style i c cleaned for 5 9 c Don’t miss the —- 5.6.» — 95c pr. $ r r oo Relay and the Diving Relay. rumbl i*t D.vk Gi’iboi Mi’ ■’an 1 tVr.r f (a p esk in — .1.25 S tretch »ox. J . COMBINATION of Ron Jaco! Thomp >n had -, «¡.rnvh and Tom Francis of Michigan ’ event hr,- racked up 407 point,' in the div- and I » . . , t , .w »,¡ ..* :.u ,•■1 mu«, new bargain price. Handballs — 85c i assorted colors —- 95c pr. per weekend sng < g m p u - .•¡ri!¡»an Slair New». F.a«l«in». M irliip n SPO RTS MonHav Mornin». January 9« 1061 Wisconsin Slops Cagers, 74-71; MSU Sports Schedule th leles 'a te . The complete week4.« schedu’e: Monday—Wrestling with Indi* a ma:-.h exodus of East Lansm Inflict Big JO Defeat in Opener this week Five teams engage foe< eight different ©vents on enerr sites ranging from Columbi] Ohio, * Houghton. Mich . ana at home. Basketball with Indiana a4 Bloomington, Friday — Ice Hockey with M h : Indiana to ba*.tie a t ugh | If «»tier team. Game time ts 8 ! p.m ;*■ w ■.. a heartbreak ttume.” ■ tim t Ih- Im « u ililr il ;t m t o i u I i s* *• »* t . F >rddv Ander* • R arhrr Slittp for \m ir conVcnicncc. I lirucw »Imp io loratrri al ,-n took ' >• 1 !5-14. ' -■.*'* t »* ¡Binulf’s gonc .n ihn ! .»I I 1!. («rami Riv«*r Ave. -. « ' and never : iiquif'ied I • throughout the remainder o f! t formcrly G eorges llarlter Shop) PAT BALDWIN ( p i) \ISI '* so p h tu n o re r ig h t « in i'. d ri\e > on the • game, whj'.f* 9,065 fans Ohio I'nivrrsT T v goal in F r id a y 's g am e a t th e Ice \ r e n a . Baldwin watebfvi. F IG H T IN G F O R A R K R O l N D in S a tu rd a y « scored th r e e tim e s d u r in g th e e v e n in g to pick up h is firs t m llfrg ia le I tV IO g OC A Rn Schwarm gam e a g a in s (h e I'n iv e r s ity o f W isco n sin i» S p a r ­ S rrving voi* are: hat trick. T h e S p a r ta n s sw ep t th e w eek en d s e rie s fro m th e O hm cut». r>'.iv:r.g despite a pinched ttcrve tan Ted Williams (3 R ), W isc o n sin 's T om H u g h lm n k s 12-0 and 8-1. S ta te N e w P h o t o hy Bon Janies- .1 h.«- back, kent the Spartan« — <4.1 ) and an u n id e n tifie d MSI p la y e r W a tc h in g th e Rec«e. Ilo m rr. John and Bill. «* hail -.m p in the -'¡»oning action are Khdger T om G u y n ( 10) a n d S ta le 's Dick m * ; ' ■■ Schwarm p- " i red ,n 12 • H all (.12). S ta te N ew s P h o to Io Hon J a m e s . Ill Twice, 1-2-0. 8-1 e ' ><■'. 4- to give sta te a 14-13 lead S 51 WSU>re rent« r - f .rward ( ontiiuiing tlieir servire at thè State Hockey Team Trounces :> « Hi tv as .tt.e high p.'int man for the Spartans during the e V« r i n g with 18 points. Sports* Nets Is \\ riters V \RSITY BARBER SHOP ( Bclow thè Stylc Shop) * . vho «aw limited ac- - - :-e ..f *tie .ntttry and Ohio; Sophomores Star ¿ three fouls early in ' . game. iv-ts next high with are Dean, <.Iniek. Unii and Neil. —Shoe Sitine » hv Rubin ni cilhrr shop — IM TRIS W \ • ¡r4 • - ; f r*» i h :■ i t . . ' ’hi» -c-vircd if >4' «* ' 4! . . 4 • . n\v’ 111» < n 1» • - 7r. mainly -tr ;imp ■*'. and «*nd* I .1 «bustone re «srl ip -V *h 2-5 pp"iint» for th* duririì 1 •»vemng r>utrs*»r* prenm i» 1 ■n *j ' ,4-r>** :) was 12 pnint‘ University n V 4’.> • : f-onnoi : on ! enthusiasm. . ^ a ¿¡r,i;i:«*s H’.‘* 35 rvrr f*ent nf ,t« shots dur* i •he Spartan« r : X f« t*vTnittg as compared t© ¡ h.rd w a r < F î O fVr»f( » w 'ons:ft’A 45 per cent Both al Oh: . ' h-icv-s.iST-''e ■•••■h j led i-’Avn .n*out the i --ilidcrM i 4k c *' t «*•’,«» numi>er of reboyn-'is. 53 Dy » : ' ’; f n ï 'w. St"1 ** *nh 54 hv Badgers. Here is the Training Schedule ywr career - ¿ame, li >b T* *• î o .Sr*ir,;,n,i Picked jp added ! M arlin Qu rj'Z •- *’ «• ig*'- with Harotd for Gas Cadet Engineers ì u i .« in addi' tu«- • * Hr *kí*n< ’ b o o '- ’.ng c .g.v»le at . . * , i . , t!- f Frank 'Sdk-3 • - f ir {.he s i) t 7' • • *9 *”TC *• ■45*‘i«'-n? v)1’ •> r*-»» S!, 04 f. »'I i .-•> ihre« ♦ «■j n+9 f r 3 V, V fl. SCHf OUll IN Cat ft Nieten OfpartiiteeY k These Wonderful Bargains at Op^'a1 nindV* •♦-4'veff 0 *» it ............... 3 n' ‘"it -.»•*•••• *••«•*•«• 1 Redwood and Ross Cat Cond * " •£ <• C:-*••• - .< J4 i* ....................... 1 MutiR............... 1 2 all sweaters F ir- (U 4 ,|!PJ('CI cl t jet ¡5‘J r * f t ................... . .......... I I W if tlx c io n PfX’f j i « .............. . 1 on sale $4.88 to $13.88 Spfcai CUM 3 24 ( « KtMMiw ■- j-vi M( r*»*|«ica all sport shirts si - J f 'r i-'i Gv4» T ;f Mc'cn and <« m i UnV Muciam n w Ih r —>»n •f our bfochwfft, Tro>c- Iwtaork ln*r:tt ................. I U4*' .’lins« .iv y tiv t ....... .............. . tdiyi ioft Cour«« '<>»CoHog# suits were S79.50 & S65.00 C'odufttoi" ft* yftur ftlftCQwowt «Ac# IK by Mtfr s»S4y O I « met V.'vx1 p .......... Sl'Wt 0*ptr^trl Ic'vol ............................... 2 1 now S56.8S & S48.88 w iM g to kuft'ic it"«- ico. Roftm 2132a, »0 Cm Oœv.»'*—Hetf Stsvcn..,. I icjtfi^«*») : n -»«/ ............ . FUmm tâ |w « r ............................ I 'I t f t Port Placo, Nowork I, (MarfftMM npM| rnHct«« Now Jonoy. CftrnM* Contra! ............................................. .. ! Carrmoft Starmi ...................... 3 ttf t all top coats sport coats sale priced Ùalrtuum O nt» inf**# ........................... Ca r — lar— Cir m w ........................ . a I d , "one i tactic of the AMA is placement He urged delegates to the of AMA-eriented delegates in from the veiopment position*. Mech. (R)l sales trainee positions. Bar- j: White House conference on aging sufficient strength in certain work j I Engr*. for positions in auto-j tcriology