Serving MSU F o r 5 1 Year» S<*cofrtf Clsw Poslaj^ 5 O n t» E»tuhlitthnl 1 9 1 0 Vol. 5 2 , No. 1 1 0 Eaat Lan»ing, Mieliigan. Tiiexlay. Jan u ary 10. 1961 6 P age; pjii) ut East*. Mich. Sanction De Gaulle Plan For Self-Determination J-Hop *U;lKKS, ALGERIA. (A’)— President, ChaWi- s lh> E,)V« I 'dify o f self-determination for Alpena r MIt* * » Tickets Places Country i.tory on a wave of fear, hope and despair. i c e n t “yes" bal- thosc -voting in a surprising 65.4 in Algeria ?urpas?c:l t optim • ft: ! On Saie ong registered vot- f<»r the ' -r.t rv. even assured him suf- l-’ i million n i-iv »> ii?n* A ;n j to press ahead I.op.. reg;»t< r< i \ m t . ■ 1W81 ! Cuba Charges Invasion id floor ! ibstentions cut the iv >1 ratio to 54 per eke*.« • .-.tie As I . S. Carrier Lands . eligible voters ,n Fri Wednesday a! ri t.o second H WAV hi I ,S a ir c r a f t co rric i' F ra n k lin ib Algeria. De Gaulle ti"or f the Union and open - des i oil students begin to iia n iu tiuy M onday s e ttin g "1Ï nstehtidns would be v •>i votes, but Ely see T nurslay. In ;. «- * years -..iln m r .* i-iiTniticni in v asio n fro n t th e N o rth . in Paris called ' ' • both d isses have Peen held! 4 'u h a i- u n d e r th e ctp iiv a le n t ¡-I fr< m Sunday's ref- end Fitteci» hundred t.eketfi are I •ns .ai in Cuba, available at five dtrtìtin." hjcrl* Havana expected j endum simply a«W < - Vn,ted „.tween U S and Cuban ,il or rejection' of ' s Algerian policy - A':’ there -is n > apparent 3 ... ., . o ' Guantanamo area m ¡’out, juniors will i .. ¡.,1 ,Ah . ri 0 '<-d Cu- datille is free to go ■ . . ' . •• , 1, , 111-1 to his plan to let A!- •rn themselves in • through .* new - i:l parliament.-)r\ as- - 50 five ificate' will be THE EVES tilden': Hirehas- ! OM.V WHEN the six-yi'31- A.n" ..’I Nationalist rebel- wings .: ticket stubs will üvn.I, - 1 French rule, e n d • id - a’ the end of each B A iter, ans vote again to rie- and the winning numbers own future—inde- 1 :.<• announce i .n Friday’s ..ike mi i it! ta r P ré « J rj- •her inside or o u t- I *1 News. i ,f • Ministry of Defense > the French community. IVI cn married students buy ..k.-d nlKiut permit« for The «5 4 per cent ‘'Yes" vote I claimed m-arlv 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 .Ver. Tb K EN N ED Y M EETS W ITH TASK F O R F K — P re s id e n t -elect J o h n F . tngraphers after Frank Beat* tickets they may their ;* _ i — -.....— — most Europeans md ir r)V Iif fi— « and w in the price of a Kennedy, seated re n te r, is shown w ith m e m b e rs o f a sp e c ia l tn - k •iff Ifuj'etl Press International sitter fur the night of the! force which recommended S.11; billion e x tr a fu n d s fo r e d u c a tio n . ‘ . ’".ipher from Miami, was Seaed a t left is l)r. F re d e r ic k llo y d e . p r e s id e n t o f P u rd u e 1 n iv e r- ilv • t and accused of photo- udges •• Morrow and hi« Night I Orchestra will provide! e f >r Tara, the J-Hon, and head of th e ta s k fo rc e w h ich m et in N ew Y o rk . S e a le d n t ritfh l t> G o v , A braham Itib ic o ff o f C o n n e c tic u t, w h o w ill be -ecrei-ir> «if , ig defrmst* positions. The m . ud rye—permit* bad ued and he was unalt'.e health .ed u catio n and w e lfa re . S ln n d in » fro m b it a r e Dr A lvin I uri- *. onfer n o r , The dress is sem i-j i! although tuxes may b* F ord F oundation; B e n ja m in W illis, s u p e rin te n d e n t of C h icair« «.rhiwds; F rancis Keppel, d ir e c to r o f H a r v a r d sch o o l o f r d u r a f io n ; Itu -s e ll iv :t t h e y pnrt- m id i>e fi're.i I 'h r illgh lift* i' a'.l reserves of gaso- ■ ai Havana's two refificrics e peri f .r 2 30 have been t K ellogg cd women .student«. * ifance will be held from ! T hackrey, laind G rant C o lleg e A s s n .; J o h n G a rd n e r. ( a r n e g ie I o unrla- tion. (A P W ire P hoto) heir.a .v t drawn and hid- a precaution again'• •»lung attack Revolueion «a; I 12 pm . Jan. 2R in toe And, Michigan P robate and rfterreyolutionlsts were p! e Court Judges assoeia- .„I ;»i P l a n s M e e t i n g W i t h Ik«* i ;,i tiomb the refineries. ; i ¡;s annual conference : at Kellogg Center. bed 84 i*e judges from various .a Miehlgan pertieipa- Tab! at K ennedy Says Adm inistration Reorganised Uni'ssinn* 'rn jvidees' i - ymrr.t s y s t e m j u v e n i l e Settled Out Alpha Phi Sig lift i-.'i'e matters, and pr >- 5 « of ¡vcnile delinquency, ■cert 1. Drake, Ingham Of Court W ill Honor No Special Group met Meets Tuesday it'v probate jud;;e, began THE INITIAI. kr BOSTON, (A PI — President* But 1 e conference with a discus- g.inirrd Alpha r ~ ’ i nf rommitme'nt,». .'EW YORK fA P I S in g er 1 elect John F. Kennedy p r o m - lj^ j. mu«t a iv’ i;..r and s ' $1 393 333 hbel »»ed Monday night his a d m in is-' )o (0U meet Tuesday at Wii’ace Waalkes, and ion r . mI l 'mon v. jth new off)- • le'a.-h of c-n tract suit ’- ration will It« mortgaged to no ihl.n also particip at'd :n • ic Columbia Broad- iirijup—economic, r trial or even Mr, the ill's* day >,f the i :ig System was »withdrawn political. as prc^ldrnt i* Rhlahi ti Icdoral court Mondav with Be *amc home to Boston for ,i< preisure F ist lApxinf, r. Prospective change« m a top­ .greemerrt of both sides. hts first format »peerh as . v iment . am Miirttv major; vu*- s ' nd a discussion of ii-.s of 'be suit was an dent-elect. prepanH for delivery ■.¡verv ;»n i api. Frank Cohn, jmvile affairs was led bv John , [,. on Jan 10, 1957. bv Ma- '"•> the M anachusett, legislature ii-gislaturc. .„. j.,dg*d. Ar graduate N'ttdrn'; Catkin Philip. II. Miiche1! iteanwhilc, a second meeting ,f , ,,, , , , » bara Hendncksoi1 T rrc, New 5' irk Herald •rrrtary and Mit< ime* A. Henderson • bune television - radio col- between ween Kertnedy weimeny and aim Presitte..... affihati >ak'4 .n the conference. Ann A rl»r, tr«*a.- . . mccming Mi.«s G a r - : Etacnhower was arranged fo ri s., he praiscf ' Him A DeMano, state rep- f ht laawrrnen ’he conferei will charaétcrir»* on r*r> f rit men’ s eondu« t n H hi? personal saperi* •he w e r e c d nor to 1 0 davs In jail broadened to me hi mternpt of court. She members of b admin »tormv years that !,< lead n Vie! Nam. All lntt*r*i«‘- ■s T. Miles. Donald T ienti are rordially invite 1 I«« i Gì*er H. Smith, and Fr* the term in the Hudaon 'rations. Kenne-lv Monday ikc.l ilcmn 34-ycar-oid Chicago nd. '»id M Meehan. ■ jail -A Jerscv City eariy ! Kennedy made declaration of pnncip'.i * Newton N Minow fratrrm tv is engaged A« '• r.tcrence was «pon­ nirrnhcrship driv^ amor i forre contended that long-fam iliar ground, of th f rtiort con rover III«. 1 \- K ti 1 . Michigan Probate udcnt? of ihc Schoo! r,f n m m dm ent •> the! ° v ^ r and over n tbc hrti rrnm ent «iHffu *•* i Juvenile Court Judge« Admmistratton. J o h n »n uarante^in^ tree* be returnrd > >» < 1 Communication«« « *>m Mciatiiin snd thw school of Two years «.f c ?t, 1-17 Rasi .Shaw hall, nr p r « t. permitted her ,f ^dependence and integnt bee administration and public no s.r.- investigations 5041, rnav \>e contactc»! *ty. old confidential w u r c c i j ^ ‘ hoiior mortgaged gie individual or i jp ..nd jT(-f itiarp criticism f«rmatton c o n c r r n l n f ilhdrawat of Muu G ar- compromised by no privafr il>* S t a llin g ’elevisior ■jjf. mcmbcriship and fic a t ut was « nded with foe h r ’ iob or aim ■'li Dismissed wltlt Dl'RIJfG ’.ho 60 :« id without c >st to r.fiier ¿per.» putting his a ir i-li i- This removes anv p°’- to n logeUBr. b - ■i Uìh O n S h a n I mIIM’ f reinstatssnent of the been pressed to ni iv- fas’cr ..n i gams', the network, a also use more expedient ’> t . and wì am * sâid. .n his cito»res New Engineering First Decision Overruled Building Site Gears Georgia School to Integrate ;• r e . . 13 ivtro'Hns. ami «H nccs. tu.litor -.•** v. .ih art a->pr-tk.* 1 a- • 350 *c»img rapacity r% i-.:.g A I r;. tr.ikvc . -.filer* of t •• I .1 :p,j < y . . .! Engineering, includ- ANTA. ( KP)—Th# d ►-ò, *.he oart i„f tre •,g ■ .jean'* uffirg, will be . a \ ì- wb i ÏJP ITn iveri tty r.t eut *or nte- t admUsiom Monday «md . ' -• H-.:i . 'it- b -ig .m rrin g . civil c - > ..;*t-ned tÄ l a* nmcKÌv d fir ? • . i l applied mecttari- « ’. :•.«* i ’ , Ur* '•v Y rru .rd s A ‘ v i ' < ** * z ‘ % dran-at'..? *-.f é p k «‘ '» m r- v. ere «*.»- T,Ì#J NAAi'P iU im IH K M 1M H N G HTU. r - *.k *nc «:a*:ev . -»'c- cj*. aoou' a p ^ a b n a T¿jfttc _j ( ^ . ,-r ) - ■.rifi..* an J." »nape with a;>- Su* « -, ! I - k . w .c v 400 fee’. f r o n ! v m ii*. ac*:orr-'i-rcct 'o \ '« -d to ! vani H d ■i-ir’b :* . iu'h. Aa'imny F.r- l J a d g r W A B o b r a* prem e C ourt T h *y r>-* lath* t i iai another 400 feet on Shaw f.*aY**d onier ‘ i ,a<* g » mt.-» infere rie«* • -.a - , ,. . .«i » I i-s-ia , 200 irc i r ^ u : r .n i ih* Ufuwrtùtv admmn*trattoti ¡eader- I Fisi « ,• , -.»r ayn« A H u atrt, Al^orneyv iiid ac ippca, li«, ftild i’ !, : .- g ■ ,* mervoiir •T Ha.Tìi ■ffi F, liLTir«. ‘.he l.’ S Supi'cnjc t our* -* e.’, «i e-, . The building ■*..J have « cepiT.jt c'ì.t:’, ■ . 'ì . . a ••»cf ■ , . c.-e ‘ " »re f -179.000. whi i X : -A* *urs *atcr ,n AUaota, a tufi* T jttlF i and *»rca» .44.4.14 With a i- ir« ' t'oileg* of Edu- *J udgt tlbexx V Tilt tir* of tive ^ *uy eauld b# acU'd upon < i,.h 'hrcB bru et % PETITION f-ftri Circuit <4 A ppeaìs atvv m em à tr (4 ih « T rib u n a i.rsìpi Vrw» tT-nivfr «ity * F, i- tr ■*. .* ¡’h 164.000 square feel iV S Me Booti*'* ftay after H |h Q I K K' i f i I **/* thi? <2 - ear-ojd V*r - - r - .K - .i i- *' .r .t’ r u - .in i* » s p n -’r d » .1» -9rjfujTvnt* V.‘V attiirT»*v? !■*vncf iour*. ‘ f 1 .-iv# ■u.- •e«-'ed_ ; > j ’iun f ir t i c .Adirante- t h è rxc^ti ;.«*«*. F .j.-.'t ‘ o f me.« .,«*•«.•;*!< . • IHI 1 «RUI.K ELEVATOR I 1> - ,r • upancy dv Fa.l, - ,.{ cc.orvsj peopì* «egregatiao-m-nded legislature. vioyitiOft of no ¡aw», state or So», iimed *->»)• NTABTBD IN HIS ROOM— R « y « * < <’**• *•, h A bid ' ’ « . ¡he case with all n e w IT 19 MY c'irj*dered o p m - , con verno* f;»r a 40-d s r icssion, fe ie r.! Ali ic -ir- a n « know G s rlt T'---re -.-..*1 i>e tiro cie- lings. 1 ne .engineering com- l ia m tm m im m Rolkc «ay tk* fir« »U rt«d «aad ine w b iK -to im l TtsU h*d cneere^ wildly wlien U iidlthat in* federai cotirta ar# mov Ae jc -,:! -e* a f >r cj tyr* fu i • >*¿matrix 442..- .1 » J! have a cooling •rp a a e y haapMat (shortly before he »*a* U ken , . ie and stay d e- i r n i w r< aye caught between w;nv aid d.ctatorrhip • s- •«• .•...->-*■<*‘1 b&Aâr' ■I ’he remainder of I l— p— irtc ra aaP b t t k a l fo r ¡>n--ptcion o f federal nr der* f i r dmegregafiOB ' T7>e adm inistration at ffti» ,:vt bui. ling, w i l l be designed f .e riJ e d B o t i c i '.ry p rial. and a »*.a> law cutting «-ff r-«:o»» w - present for your iiv .. tiding will.f.-ir i r.ure ..nstaUment of coot* i w t r . *i f — v r m ; s a f ir re d from «moke, iahaja- ipStrugâistAt*1/ 50 'abuf* «ng »yatenu. 1« h a I t a l a ) ..t«!. id* of o-icniTuaaUua o u t fin d * to an y »atefrated acaool. icuruutortuan,” Vandiver aaad, vuni'.y. 2 - . _____________ Michigan State »w «. East Lannnjr. Michigan Tncsday, January 10. ]% ! p lio M « G o v e rn m e n t A p p ea l * *' Too Small To P liy House. Let’s Play School* Sides With Kennedy Supreme Court Strikes Down ' P«sf Cabinet Member Di\on-\ ates Damages Award -f* Supports Plan for Age WASHINGTON. (A P I—Press- eial Security ‘ax !*r.' Eisenhower** forme- Wo!* medical care for • H Sut-ir,. and by Sou'h- fare Secretary sided yesterday any evcst, *bo . lei by Euger.e A. Yates. President-elect John F which would fcav; il \ ki \sr> Kennedv .n support of a health creased to finance -. . .ffice New Y?rk insurance plan for the retired out of general rever * ♦ 3 - .r. Eur-pe, thus uii- that Eisenhower oppiises. pulsory also." The logical olar.” -s the way Folsom, a dare • ■ c *y of Memphis, Ter... . Marion 3. Folsom described er presiden* of Ea xaa a possible Kenn»dv'< plan to he'p elderly co . put himself shortage. refused to tak* people oav their medical bills from T.e Dixon-Yates through *ne S c .a! ‘he American Med sv*‘e tr . th- hower's Cabice*, from 1955 to They favor voljrr 1958. made h.s views known :.n health insuranc Men medical care cost ?: • a speech to the 2.500 delegates to the White H ojsc Conference by millions of retir- cm aging. r ar^ioaj M ' - ?he h.*h courrr Refu>vd A medical plan to help the r. ,nv>u.*!y to review *, lower deoüitan r*»qu;r:ng com- elder'»' pay their medical bills is a key question before ‘he con- Margaret, ferer. -e on i has brought e x ­ ; •:iesrAi;**>n of Delaware’« v *^u cominf fall. Th • plosive chjrges ar.-i counter- charges even \n advance of the ìImitanti Em »■anted » grade-a-yea r ^ *r 3 * tiie federt»! Ir e la n d I /,* An**»!* SHANVOX « I s / r i i. . fing tr.e warden of New City prlsort to rettir i j ¡kie Carbo, reputed under» • 5* P»« TDK \T O 'f |f •*ar nt iy-iXinz. io Las rmal! *j*. on employer art I a 10-day visit • .■ for 'r.a: “rap! >ye. a reasonable plan can h*r c*>mm hui C irbo n sccused of «tonspir- be financed without adverse ef- ArrT.stronff-J ->r?c; ; io f ito r l money from fiz- 'ect on the federal budge- and “ I will bo back si - with little if .ny adverse effect will look forward ■ rr. the prize fight business j ■ '/a; fmprisoned ;n New York ! ! n ;be economy.” Margaret told ■;- e - ■ m>z ’ * power j This is A-e firs*, public stand Philip McMahon ' « onviction an ch3rgr« of • rg u • baxmg prompter and ■.n favor of S'x-iai Security | Criminal Invcs'.ja- - f-d on ronfi.el- ¡health insurance taken by Fol- m ent. He hea led , . Chief Jusriee Ta m ager -a ¡•h'-rit a iicense. 1 som. While Welfare Secretary, bodyguard during ie r ifr. entecf *h.i* • he was called on twice to go The bodyguard ,v. INeutral Government : before Congress and oppose such the sis*er of the Q , a plan land from diehard 1 He said yesterday the Social who sftl! think the six Sepur.ty appro*on to paying of N orthern Ire'..;',* . /V»** - « 21 For Laotians? A CHARLESTON. S C , >. ; riA N K O K . T H A I I. W I * . F TS ■• ’ r.m a * rrn S^r.tor Margaret a n d A* excivrr.ont. nulled the • p:irish »• n g g v t! Cadet Richard Law. «-h of Col. rather than a jta te ba*i* ” wj*year-*>ia ran- \ a stack, ma«', «a'*.< and ‘ Also." he said, "a contribu­ J me* spent six davs lin in jr fa v o , in W e - 'e r n ca p and M-s Albert La v of Chenute tory system of this type would mother, *hg C o u f-w w ith w h ici bog’-i ,3 5 -vear ; sdew hoei to resem r{ A ' Force Base, !'! He took fit more naturally into tne and four L at.' 1- ,th Knot an d VV*-* - aid five. . pn. ean , 1 ¡ S tar of ‘ne West the role a Sum ter native. philosophy of our whole sys­ s;s*cr. I A-- the vessel parsed the can- George ij., »• h ? e T . \n.' ‘ t • i out aero« non a ding cadets, grenades were I grandson, t h e f‘»v W a ‘es atemmean» then would one based on test. p lacid-^C harles-' a Itoasedoverboard to give the ep - , Ha» rt* worth, l o r a Episcopal -Thg.-sperrr. wha.e. re-enactm ent <>tthe eonfederste . poarance of »hotlanding near- , ,,v.- w a 4 -, spectator Mon­ “T h e'e has been no eeriout only m ‘he Atlant,c, at*» k 10 y r»r. i f i Monday on \ by. i day object;-irt ¡n recent years to the oil which has little 't * Uni >n vessel S’ar of the. compulsory feature of the So- value. » •d Vne H et> Wi st V> abandon 1 The real ?,.-•• og took f.lae* at | iKA 1*le Mom« L 'a r t , an ov'T -i U« t / H fufldbar ?» m tie or só of? To Register hr rar ’ a "5" I-a ■'ip. bounh tt iu i Sumter, was , ' m .... . T T^JCear* ag-. L ng sideburns in the North There’ bee- '*'* f,r nj¡hti«tt The old .annona, loaned by a ! ' ■si*1 C$a ■r ' j i > i* fTiYT\ntT.¿ î*n «oiler‘or, performed well, firing IT* m .a n accurate rep lay . , of the »kirmidi th at preceded M’vfi* - cn4rgf !r »m nr ». TV»«T ac tu al boatilitiea b r only three I, ,, , ... montha. ui’e i u«'iv k r • i . w Burlap drapping No. 4 battery SE A I a n The p a w / \ . . , i r ‘^ - f*u*h* ,ir* •* on# *»»«t but <>n< , )v a n ta g r ¡nsenuenre .ii i,- vet» tt-r - *'M 'i«l«*ly eatinguuhad. SF a i THE KNOT* propelled huge pu'i* of white »moke and paper ■ rI U .uru of tiupt ranks with wadding out over the w ater and 4*4 .. arid cotton a m*K>i scattered screaming gull» from j ,tu .*rfai pr -Uuct of Virginia, the «rea. ,' 'I Í A4 ilf i.i « i ?t ’ ht v îd^rl •' i *.it « iff iprntnt ! frtriiC E« I . A . R . < j » ||s K r r r li ^ ill N |»rak For Severance \l >«»rtli Itdkolii Willi France Vern Freeh, c « t« i *•< ■ o.i » ; M*.‘ pr .gram ,n thr • f! , e CAIRO, wd m u y y— » M r c h lwg ttwbu # i iSancr and fYcnch. Freeh, wtto is on e o f our expert s ty lis ts . hra «wra slarad in tha compHlar s masnory in iwpama J'V?.* •>' 1\t for ¡'if t.*;r t/'Ffì âr»j> y u iîh mv*ra* WF1 JWÌ to lap i riaa. tha cawpular aaarcfwd «a mawery al atac- ^9¿isrh. Wia) íjF* ’í' •^K*y rr*iiitary u\fMrr*íi a n ( nine in and let us g iv e yo u a lre.*l . > fHrtiU)furu v avaUAbU* tT èîitA vtîaJvlfi’w *‘> twMc spaad and an mstruebons pandad ani dühar lih',1 fa s h io n look citations or ttw tuff «a*t of rolovont atatutos This «ns a- tb«' Unir'the the la.-? session of Congress. 1 v W hile'hns i medical care f< HE DOING?! ! The AMA accused G e o r g e Council on Medical Servie. president of the AFL- CIO. of try: rig to undermine the doing so he discussed the AMA's D(■legates to this conferenee oppositl, .1 to the bill One of Out-wajor opening < esentm medicine and many "Toe firs' attac h launched conference. Attd Meanv accused ,ther groups came here in a against it fmcdiral cart r ‘he speakers, fonrtev Secretary the AMA of spending two years pirrt of cooperation determined aged) echoed the old train Welfare Marion R. Folsom, eanie negative and hostile criti- *,» take realistic ac __tion to help thn? it w mid constitute 'an out for i SocialSecurity health 7 " i n S8#S 3 sod p roan m ra m m r • dica! care for the t-e . . . .. elder eitirens of this onun- try." Ludwig said. Meany. though his campaign — opening» wedge . . toward . medicine.''.’ Meanv said ...... d | Twi ‘ This cry of ‘w o lf' ’’ so over- of Ei nhowei's Cabinet h**n nc was a r ‘ da'emetit, .a omen., smear and hostility, is mak- years and so clearly unrelated 1955 ' to 1 H5H, Folsom was cade in almo * jocular manner, ngthis difficult, it is not im* to the factual issues, fell i l a t " on to go before Congress M> Praises Nixon a- a comment on accusations that the cor ' had been Staked by those pposed to “i f THIS conference fails, the Ludwig Internen such a plan. ■medical ea Lr Sportsmanship or the aged t i e d responsibility rests squarely up- PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL FD 3-5*17 Michigan Slate University fclSwTON, (A P )—Vice- ; —almost equalling K- Richard M. Nixon — .represented a ’’magnificent ■tri— Hg;v> hirthday yesterday— : bute to a young m LECTURE-CONCERT SERIES ”.^,,ce for sportsm an- -•> Republican in- » a' -, her political ac- Dirli ‘Spatial’ •vas busy in a N.X(Vl had p NIGHTS & SI N. — ADULTS «flic SAT. MAT. «5c ¡•publicans arose laud the man -iricncy fo Dem- Kennedy and • vate life — a’ Cl,?sj<)n nr , -,.rv .., .■[{,, w.i!- n Kv ADULT ENTERTAINM ENT ST ARTS 7 P M . - FEATURE AT 7:1« -9 :2 5 NOW - 1.AST TH R E E NIGHTS ERROLL GARNER “T he Rian for whom th e piano wax invented*’ on Jan. 20. eceded a b irth - bopn magt — Newsweek ge most part, but dp r. America , Student R ates: $2.00, SI 50, $1.00 Sen Mike Mansfield. t 3 { Democratic leader, a 'cep*, ng th e r STARTING FRIDAY AT 7 P.M. v ’riiiutes. press le n t Risenh >vcer i H On Sale a t Union Building Ticket Office I recalled that he PP*, he h a d been ’’invai • th in the House In ms letter of rcsig T K HOST with Nixon, and said Hagertv c a ’’**d E sen h o ., THE ice President Nixon “constant t e a c h e r m th e CMTtOVERSIM. F IR S T d grown in stature of govemmcnt FOREIGN M OTIONHCTVK PLANNED TRAINING PROGRAMS to start your career ilanding.” Trie exchange o f le tte r H IT or i T Wiley. R -W is. Jtvi- t • newsmen at the , \ will »» continue 4to" *• u 11 . ic,t Kv nJSMipi’r1v s i x v r. ■ contribution to H a g e r tv . h.mse... w a s ofm vim... IN OUR W IN TER York an t svas e x p e c te d --e n Aiken, » . v t j ^ u n e e there his ar-epta SEE IT rot FE ST IV A L O P A LL . . . in one of the nation's fastest growing industries ■fident the Vice ^ ence and in ^BC v ic e for new* and spec.»! eve pr vMRsan N EW FO R EIG N . ¡rare of the eoun- ■ ost to us ” C lhnrrhill Im p ro v in g 0. N. UNNEMCFS FILM S COME offered by Public Service Electric and Gas^Company , > Hogg'. R-Del . HMMCE x "vigorous lead- I/'ATViN. (A P I—S.r Wins EARLY . . . 3rd in revenues among LadyChaHedeysLowr r at ability,” and young but he t* act the challenge imestor-owned electric and p s utilities! M Dirksen of II- pr.ate Republican IMHOil BNHREai • 110 KM ■xn's popular vote A glim p s e of »raining activities Ca det En gine er Bob Lind ner — 59 lillan. Ikrd a Informal Visit >AP> —Prime M in * ik H a of Japan f L B ie iK IN G F O R oat cAMi neoiNeea TH E W AY? nfarmal exchanges plunl p Minuter MacMillan KMMMf of arranging an • the British leader it Inform ant, re- iar MaCMiiUn has •MhRhm »*•ohw re and intention he journey ’. > ’.her Asian capitals If vou’re looking for the way J CwahHNam i w r m ImmfMrf fm»«’ » gRpi «I Mmrmm inrertain in tem a- i has made .n im- '’".ter any firm x on a date for the to solve those extra assignment Uasiruemm r*r'-*« problems. . look no further! 1N4>C W\«aaH—! that after you purchase all of your V eri IMhrm t9»i regular textbooks you still get those extra assignments (usually out of hhm>r««4* I, problems —. see them today Now Jonoy. The Spartan Book Store PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND 6AS COMPANY • Hewirk, Hew larsay C o rn e r o f A n n & M A C - .E D 7- 11*0 r Michigan Slate News. East Irnsing. Michigan T u e s d a y , J a n u a ry Ifl^ J Gates submitted his resign*.- j ho-.vcr told Ca Convicts Attempt Final Break Out W'SU Coed'» Ike Pays Farewell Visit • in, effective when the n e w , he is Kennedy adm inistration ta k e s! States office, over the weekend. Eiscn-1 second convince has a to none ’ l’iULADF.LPHIA. (AP) * A sv.t:» e slTift knives. neither O suffered \V -odi b; a fi er th e vt J Body Found m- n m | WASHINGTON. (AP) — An I dertain steak, a.-paraguf, white ,id s >ldicr. Dwight D. E isen -j onions and mushrooms in what Cnmptis Classifieds b '.-i attempi by tuugh convict* o r . a« Your Key to Better Value* t ''n * r oldeit* prawn* V i. se* STATE ANI» CITY officia!, w N e a r P o r tla n d 1 how,-.-, paid a sentimental f a r e - was expected to be his final wei! call Monday on the na- ,vi4;t to the Pentagon as Chief cf. An Monday ’■> rea- r.ithf penitentiary. A> HILLSBORO, O re. (A P)— •ion’s m i l i t a r y headquarters Executive. The 14 r.tiZieadeis .nSon.lay the • Th - body of a g.r! identified a* where he worked on the road He sat between Gates and r. ght’s sensational o ff'ri are . -cap.- and to Pra >i m ssing 19- y e a r - o ld Beverly 1 that led to the Presidency. Deputy Defense Secretary James l i1 If tm 1 the rioting ;n ab--ut 4.» P.e.;! Cr 4 At the same time, Robert S White House staff secretary, her boy irk i McNamara, the new Kennedy >. ■ at une of the -.thcr seven fi ut.-« Tne convicts ha î b*. Peyton. 19. of adm inistrat.on Secretary, of Dc- tj Eastern S t a t e p e n i ten* . a r y •1 Pra found .h the fc-nse. lunched quietly across the Eisenhower, who got his final n e a r l y t'-v o hour;. T:t- y ¡nned ] ;is car parked iii hail in another dining room. sr rit and polish m ilitary review !4 Eisenhower, a young M ajor in a: Fv Gordon, G a , Saturday, r.m e h o s ta g e ; oad at Portland’s sround iti the •he office of the Assistant Score- rt quested no fuss be made over Two guards .t• " - tary of War 3! years ago, show- . h s luncheon call today. vert' ,n. id up at the massive Pentagon Eisenhower has re-ason to be I CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS virtually unnoticed by any o i l s ' m ewhat sentim ental about the it* 31.000 employes. igi ant five-sided structure along A White House limousine tr e Potomac. After his work DEADLINE: 5:00 p.m. Tuesday for Thursday paper. B a n d I niforni*» Bin* drove him into the basem en t! ti ;tre in 1942 a* Chief of the Bills pavahle 8-12 and t-5 Monday through garage w here he was met by , War Plan* office he was picked m ir: hing ban-i member* G ates and escorted to an eleva- t as the general to lead American Friday. ■minded I i cheek in -th eir tor which took him to the Sec- ; force* in Europe during World ar.d march book; *e- retary ’s second floor dining War II. El» 2-1511 K \T . 2« I ; uT Ed- 4 and 0 p.m . Monday i room. thro ; Th irsday at room 2« Seated at a round table for g* ahd Music building. six, Eisenhower lunched on tcn- AUTOMOTIVE FOR RENT Hin* a Philadelphia store- Jan u ary Special! V O LK SW A G EN FANCTFR V fII ! » rvin* life! the elder is under iAffiitr# pri/r d ion. l:*'»#» Vd- - ROOM ro. of death A CA D EM Y A W A R D S MARY CHESS FRAGRANT ivagnn. rnrUillc blue whit«» u a l K ra d io an d h«*at**r. Will a c c e p t b«* t RfW. PN ANOTHER IN THE FRONT u oiler IV 5-8312 m 3 or.ns TÎO N . Caiiì fxctllf .nt to n d i - iinvTumï F rr> Z-81S« a fU r ' 4» t s j i (O n t i s Raymond’ P tilsa, Okla. ' Hv and thröe ot£- Wilson, 38- in clu d asi CREAM BODY MASSAGE nm 1053 FIA T Md - G O O D C O N D I- NEAR ' A /».,«, , men were convicted an i KST G IF T S IZ E 1 *° T IO V IV » * W 8 1933 S T t’DF.RAKFR -R A D IO * , r y r p -ytf « Mr . Lulu hr! Rouroan, a 76- flCTOtt 8 ounces —■Dispenser .75 H EA T. M ust M-iI at i .e. iT r n H r xV , v 1 \R( $1 4 9 93 25 mi )** r gai: ■•» F t) 5 - ... ‘ 1020 1954 riîF .V R O f J T FO U R DOOR 3 f• TOr* « y at Sight a ♦ r 51- »Süll 7 16) f?.W HURRY' F A M ILY S IZ E 300 P e l * A ir Ria* k n«*w firsts, radio FD 2 A 0 0 P.M. . LAST 2 DATS hiin A H oi.«. 2 P 51. t?.N 17 ounces in plastic bottle an d b e a te r D cluv t>wn#r I D ?-WS' RCK»M-s M ic h ig a n M h tln r r \%>d A SaX. M ats. 1:19 P.M. - 11^3 6U DM ER Wrd. < riild rrn m n d e r |? i . 90C Aft p fitfi plut fed. T il 1:3a P.M . T h e a te r TORD 19« VI(TOR IA G°°f> r » ' * c! If inn 211 B a lk y S tr re t F * ’ 1 rn- Aing after I r rn. 4* To ( in in I'** ClIRYSt.TIt rXfTM.FNT ! CONDITION. Must *ell' FD 3 PI.AfF FOI? ONT R evenue Superb hand and body lotion for prelecting M IE î v.f> V OLK 5 W AG O N . M W R O O F w ith whftowftU tire* I Iran . 11375 11* 2-5357 \>* 3 • • ■v»’ Î v. • DOC BCE Rr>Ci T.ANSIXG. AP everyinmg you ever wanted in a tender skin against drying and chapping . i*\' b e en w ell c a re d fo r. tie fs g *'a r ' ** rr.«r»i »..«r >n t - W ______i i y ,t|s ( AVN.I!ttowN , <100 f>00 _ EMPLOYMENT “ ^Al.vo ‘I . HT*rt g c tn ty p in g . tf id gh m l; »•x 7>*• . .- 1 to nffpct , M FD K ’/U r ^ T F i M N O IX kii S T “ F <)R A l.L K IN D S O F te w in g an d a!* ;m4 <>f dollar* in Gtmi-ral; e v e n in g work I ^ r a l htM pital, n e w fc ra tio n * fr.»m i a I ' o i k V cjv re a - M * r*. O brytlor and Kord «lock , M tx trato ry F a c e lle n t *4itarv a n d ► n a b t# f»!*s C eil F II 3 -6 1 8 5 C LEA R 6 « '" tk tn g co ndition«. C all IV ) • 5t3l - out and.-ng -ht- * ima nfogory. I F x t 258 1 A,s - i.d r tv >ul I order PA R T T1M F N TCD FN T etnn»oy • WANTED pr >er l.n -- -* n i- 'l .mmed.ately r m i W ork tw o e v en in g s a n d Safvir- ’ > ’ .1 i (vt- - bin pnrcet-d*. d a y s C ar n«*4‘c«varv K»»r In tc rv trv . WMCI 1.1 I IK F r» l 4 f.»r ps c o n ta c t Mr. l^>g»n in t»er«on. K ellogg «rhciider 111 mv Fast 1,. ng'hon Vnder M i-h ijin l a w , a i ! ; i e n te r, room 30 * a t • a n d I 30 p m i all FD 3 • 4597. nvutbv g«r* into t h e ’ *31 Stenorette* a u a rp F r id a y J a n . 13th only. 3 •¡tatf's »ohool fund. Property! TW O R n tlS (n * S FO R lu n c h a n d n tn n e r. C all CD I • 351V. L a* S ch m id t. I FOR SALE rominn under the e«cheata la w I 41 includet ( 1 ) death inteatate; (in i/ M . t ’R S t t I T ll c a r t. I » ( 2 ) ow ner mUsing for «even TOLL - T1MK W O M A N g ro c e ry I r.n *.»ii7 « a d d e r . C all In p e rtu ft. P rin c e B ro th - j year* w ith no known heira and C O M P A N IO N e*-* M irk s t * «! R tT H U lR R A1 M R W K S T l N U - (3 1 abandoned property. • ro< »T s e n -o n r-« ’, ?. irn rsr. r l r i t r l c » t« v r. t-c.niin* an o d r a p e . In yesterday'* u n a n i m o u s SAVE N O W AVAILABLE WITH F R E E REAL ESTATE All In flr«-.«<* î V rrv rr.iv .m - opinion, the high rourt rejected j ab l« . IV * - Itm i j Continental's claim that the laRaiy O a r gar vuiaad «1 $29 75. KAST UAStSTNtJ. r i V r r o o m , l.m t tites of the property Involved in timi, («nrod v.rd, (.raco. to MO - the *uit were not w llhia the j 8 a « « * 4 1 A * m w a « 4 k e e p r ig h t m »a« i f f a r " m i C .U KD 1 • « * FAniLTv noMR. r o r n M i m , s W lN T tR SALE lE W E lR T state of Michigan. T ram l a r o t a w ith t h e o a l y ■ a g a a f i e ta p e p o rt­ BntHaaNf Radaaad a n o d an . KIT 1 - AV-r « The opinion was w ritten by ’ a b le «H ctatinc m a c h in e th a t a c a « # a > ifih w i n it s •lustice I«rland W. C arr, w ith : ( A f m a te ! T o o d ic ta te n a y e a r C o o ip a fiio a m r.ART 1-AKSlVO NF.AR. 1»J7 FI»- •nly Justice Thomas M. K ava- < m Imm. H m J«!! T i i r « b o d rm n n ty m 11 »’on» ra n c h a lv i, iv a rti.ll» ftnuU iot naugh not taking iwrt. It said: th e fie ld . M i l t h e m a g a iin e a l a y e a r t i n f a r Iranarrifrtioa o n t h e a ts n d e r d S te n o r e tte . Drat*. Canal l a i Speaf Skats I I - «e m e n t 1 } m in u te * f fu n i cam nu* O w n er leav in g to w n C an in k « o v e r \ A lo an , tlt ouo. C^l Trdar.l ■!4J *I Thi* is !he state in which the greatest portion of the defend- .m-.'s prop, rfy is ! v ated, and in a fu'l» i'a-»n-oi'i*d To* a Um m T one « o p tion# Tor A m erica's o u ts ta n d in g f o o tw e a r reduced In price a t th e h eig h t of the which ft* major bus.ness opera« iruont DM So VO'O WO ■«donnowtag, ratoon » . . FOR RENT t are conducted ” Hmo otodod a U n t a 4 5 an n n t a i o I season when you w a n t th e m m ost. Black, n a v y , brown, green and tan It added that Continental a U m » * * Tope ot SranOO'd c o n tin o o a t d k t o tio n <‘<»mnlet# HOU8 R TOR re n t j W M . H . TH O M PSO N t a t tab le fo r th r e e o r f«*ur »tudrt. I never claimed that it had the O Ses Stono« awa a h w a i t t b y M e lo n s , in suedes, calfskin a n d kid. Pum ps and sandals in h igh and medium A vailable im m e d ia te tv W alk in g d»»- nght to the stock and its ac- « ThohboWow oporahoo r a d i o r g ao bi a b a tte r y * » i.e to ta m p u a . CD 3 • 0M3 a f r * * ’ V O U t FPA N D O P J l W E L t t 5pm j cum ulated div.dends, but onlv OMowgboot ’ tbtrdy c a m « * h e e ls . . - a so casuals, flats and mid-heels- disputed Michigan's right to « DvpiKOt* initrephooe rCMAtj: RTCDCVf OR aro rk m g « RFAMY W tttrr r i H fabric take them . control, lor «riT Twnc*«on« g ‘D to s n are «inapproyisd hm in W alking d n t a m r t*o « a« lip tu i aaw oa tv . *m|>m « ! tic would g .: the namelTTnTjht l*i—o .1 nrw ti gal problem • a « a I2 .M APARTMENTS rhe do, .»¿on ¿No was expect« A PA R TM EN TS A P P R O V I D ed~to result m a race between >• t ’F-RV Is F D O ne l*i«>, »» fu s t v.m lie to fite first w.-.h S ten o rette#-TD Canata * »ral G able« on t;r a m i R ive, r, h u e F re e p ack in g bu» line Kve t »g furrufthed h u t Imen« let ta» ’s decision upheld . a taaWet»w 4*r*+i**4 «e a a a a a M l p.iair to T«x'.w * M arke* R tmmii ifb ipawaf • ' 3 m en S re thvoe first • F i> j g b> Circuit Judge Noel a k for H b MOOUCTS 0lST*:|Ut(NC t Muskegon. The original F u ll* tr»u«iM .> «i*r»i f t . k «»( i h r - t h u m b tn irm p h o tte c o n ­ A T T R A C T IV X M T K V I.M I1 A m K T V K tt a b a r im e n i to Vx* «•bate • I ) Abbot* » c « * l o t la**«.«* ■.;*»t I i i e d Oct. 1 ft. 1 9.S6 by Jam«-» V S . h-*cncr, former Public Ad- t r o l le ts l u u d u i s p * . I ’t d u i j s i v , m i r * . it M T ung, « u w a» î o u M » it A G A I N . . a n d i f y o u *o* rig h t! E rro r-fre e Cataria . . . . 7.S0- MC •fh »me • r tu.i men $ ver» ' trator. sought to ivbt.un dicUtHMi w ith a S m a r r i t e m a k e » d e a s y f o r t r e m a n e * to **r camp i» 13» j {fig to : m ft>F *V v ! * l c o f î h c l' ii Q« ,k> r i r n i k m f t i t h t t h r i n i l i a a r ! A PA R TM EN T RiHIM FO R tb»ei* p rr v a t# en ttan « i p riv a te b a th . »*arh - •• mg iB irr o v n l Un»ui»#i viMrd f t i i i - M otor;.»« T ; .r u :» „ . ....... tv i o n m h r v A in s i a n V d- .lì gti«ck * • comi>any a r g u ii t h * l t H # ~**; TmalCartnr . 1JC-CJC 1m » tumudted r x t e r t light« IV' 3 * *5*3 4 KD 8 - h a « d i * ie » .timi t- • w *rugs ^ lit»!. run heKmg to th«* tRNauso a Virginia corpor* FOt fM DÉMONSTRATION...CAU m. A P P R O VCD TW O R lN lM S tu r- r.**bed utilltie«.»eld t»a» heg*, isin»- Mig* »»ne t»r Iw»» «iiulh UI4 1 Kata* LOST and FOUND s *»«Kk waj» not subjoet to irovittons of th* Michigan codi' of fSv'hfltl hmCnttb . CJC-CJC r *»w a i.ojkt bn c .r r% A ut tUk*ct» s Tail l'N A P P R O V r i) ON f ROOM a n a t t- in *v»CMt Cvervthing-turm%n«Ht oh 7 . \ a . 4 tiou t ü 3 **i*> gii irr > um lie » # Va« la»t U»i«fcxg Ut*rr î i ouuril Time (iign|r« • f f l t t RACHIRCS M h t f l i r M l f V H tm JL N lR H r D C LE A N T H U FF : The Academic Counci î w in r**o«n auaitnun! • t.tianc# Ufturxtiv n nkiirgr a* 60! R # rc b S ?r#rt Privale haib and Inguir# — ijtj PERSONAL meet »’« a nrw t.tne, 3 p m . U*% .ias. in 31 Union In the p»»t, H M M l b r i n g Company Ü » O C R ROOM S ta t n..OOH «»,» v» IO WE \ t ‘T I FI* l» j INI»» • *• • ; »*m • al* »i, ir» ti FO R If# t h e c o u n c i l ha.« m e t a : » . p m i i i n ( « 4 1 9 4V |«V € N t t » I? 2 î 2 I t A R«>ur CAinpu» tm« e tn ia ic c tU L ib li I K • - i m alte» • u m. * «*.»• xyî >WtMUc ptivti. O n campu» g1 t i) 2 • 09ft«-» I u :« e a n d c u n u u i a r c h a n g e s ^livliipan Sialo N o w , EasI L ansinf, M irh i|a n . SPORTS Ti»fwl>y, January 10, Dyas Campbell Set Gridiron Record , P i r r m 'K C H . W — H u g h ry nation,« m ajor *-e ^ m * :‘.o the record rsvk. I the old record held by Glenn Campbell, sophomore end trom k: -ked the moat field g'u!< in AVOXfi the other records, j Davis and Doc Blanchard of Washington SV'tc, ;,n.i F I Dvas nost attempts 224 out of P*~v - Atktns and Boh G aiters 1 Army. Gaiter also scored t h e Auburn’’- .ire placekieker, each 4 ;’ A new high of 3d ; * r c : Nt-w Mcx: S 'ate scored 225 most touchdowns by rushing broke four modern major college tti ided bv field goals also went r.:- bet»-« -m and broke ' (231. football record* during the l!»«n football season, the NCAA • ■re- i t e bureau announced to d a y . A n o th e r r e c o r d lie d b y O va Was a m o n g la o t h e r m a r k s set o r e q u a le d b y te a m s a n d in d i- V id u a Is d u r i n g th e y e a r, i J o ilI, Campbell caught tit! p a s s e s » f o r 331 y a r d s , b o th r e c o r d s His e ig h t to u c h d o w n s « co red 0:1 p a « .-' s e s w a s a n e w h ig h t o r s o p h o ­ m o r e -. H e also is th e firs t p l a y ­ e r to c a tc h half o f h is te a m ’s c o m p ir* e d p a s s e s P Y A S , w h o le d th e w a y m a r e t u r n o f th e fie ld g o al to a p la c e o f r e s p e c ta b il i t y in c o lle g e f o o tb a ll, b o o te d t h e m o st t h r e e - p o in te r s in a s e a s o n (131, k ic k e d th e m o s t tio ld goal* in a c a r e e r ("171. w o n th e m o st g a m e s w ith f ie ld g o a ls (41 a n d s c o re d th e m o s t p o in ts b v k ic k in g in a s e a ­ so n ( a l l . T h e l a s t m a r k in c lu d e d «x tra -p o in ts . Ilyas' three field goals against Georgia Nov. 13 lie d a m a r k he'd by four players Tommy Wet's of Genre'a Tech s's,, k.ek­ ed three field goal« again«* Ki on Sen'. 34 ( » 0 'G o * C » ( j ! (12) IfMfkt lo r ;i receiver in th e Spartait-W inronnin llu tm e h iltn id e (21). J a c k I l»ellin-_- (H D . Dick Hall (.’12) SWEATER *>1 nl«o c e l in to a c tio n . \ \ i»consin won th e came. SALE When things get too close for comfort' BA Seeks nil Tending Ruling Regular $11.9.’« NOW $9.99 ’I ÿT I ori!». 1 l’- - - Arm- R egular S E Í5 m A.- litichi coach of |'a* the trilth.*’ your best friends wont tell you., e x c h a n g e w i th K e r - ¡ad^í'L : -ending by l*‘u • TIT! now w o r r 1 , 4 r o m p Ift inert ■vN dulc which a* NOW $6.99 but your opponents will! \V ■ Chamber* tin ,* p ’a v m g • la s t • Old Spice She! Oeodo*or>t bring* you sole, • ,« road — but 1:j .«' hy f rom the •m f , vc of the SPORT SHIRTS jure. oH-doy-prOececn e B elief R ice -c tl-o c * i*yi* si p v.: An h V*\ Hernia r 5.1.9.YA 519.1 e Belter fben spray* b-at d-’p • BeRer Ihoe «wrestling with Cleon's mot th a t • i'.,Vt’, NBA t'.vnei -.Pii «»n a ONLY $2.99 ore greoty end re s ti m set Fri I \ \ pi.pi a 5 MANN WASH N WEAR'S t o * MStAMT U tt ii? a C IIE V Y IMK)K STORE HOI KS accordine t o JU rr- P LY M O U TH „V * ) tr . if* ? c h 4! \l I OT.H4R I S ( \Rs vi t V. Wed. k :.TO to S p m. i»ad'y in n* ° ! S men 'and wom t ,, 1 1ROK inrt M \11 Rl %l — Al l 4 IV IU tl» T ue^. w;.*to lo 8 p.m- 1 »cult y m eni* ) RFT HR %Kf AII.M « T « IM play. f / i «o T hiir- 8;,10 to r.t.’lO interested in a 004 Mil.I « nr I W AR WRITTEN (.1 \RANTEE K a th e r in e * I <>K IMI I III o r 301 R BRAKES Fri. 8:.10 (o r»î30 o special rmph.t 2*110 K. K alam azoo Sul. 8:30 to 12:30 il have a praet. •I lo fi ilafh —8 l o .» Saturila* ¡nsm g Community rsfta y a t 8 p r n . ’ u a ry f th e 20th at 8 p.m. 41 IM b u l l d i n * . COED FRESH Intramural SPECIAL | * NEW SHIPMENTS Highlights DAYS“ | Î • * t,c a m i r i i i t * : for a ti rrrm bowling league.-, b a * k e lb .i; ! volleyball a n d « - * - EVERY WEEK | EVERY DAY -Cues today a t 7 30 in . t 'he IM building, OIS f r i l l l.a n d b e rt. "toall, bawling an pushing through* c 5plica; •h e I ’la.-c- 40 K eeps from a m a n n n g n a a s this week, announced Judy Ba­ 14 Bactenolo- ■ j creased in sire by 4 per cent j weapons systems. that of the top .scientists a n d ! technical projects. yielding F iïJ q q q c i o d q ker, UB student services chair­ gist's * re 44 Entrance f üilr jT ë ïïn tT W I K N I □ 3 0 ! during the past 10 years, the Rickpver, Known as the father engineers is wasted by adminis- | The m ain reason, r FRATT A WHITNEY AIR- 15 Burlesque man, Monday. 45 S u p p o rt for Census Bureau said Monday. {of this country's atomic na%-y, i trative fiat. Time and again! that Russia “Does CRAFT. D1V. OF UNITED 17 Pointless Bridge instruction will begi.i a column Solution of VootorOoy’» PftiT* Thursday on the fourth floor of i said Russia is advancing faster everyone must stop re g u la r, scribe to our quaint r AIRC’R \ l T CORFORATION. 18 Progress It said the average family ¡9 Sign of th e 46 Boy a tte n - e Union. Dr. Albert Drury ! in m ilitary technology than this work, and exhaust his energies j top management of : size in March 1980 was 3.68 ! country. in combatting adm inistrative a part-tim e chore i r 2 Two* t Evening ill again teach bridge this persons compared with 3.54 per­ 21 Man's nick- 47. A necdotage am ateurs.” 48 Moved with wheeled* party rm. sons in 1958. The figures were He blamed pver-administratio.n errors. nae-.e vehicle 9 Comemplete and bureaucracy, and the "un- "Thousands of hours . are lost great speed Dance instruction will begin b.ised on partial surveys and IV. R. CRAC E A CO.. CRYOVAf he* ! Fr:‘pt. 49 Second* 3 Persian poet 10. Small island | Jan. 17 on fourth floor, Union. more accurate data from the i willingness of the military to dealing with the avalanche of] DIVISION ! Me goddess 4 Deep gorge 11. English James Hilton will teach dancing 1960 census will be available ’ make room for the men who memoranda descending from j Fire'Equipm ent *2 P o p lar Pi »t>€- river c!a.s.<. later this year. ; alone can produce new weapons higher administrative levels. 5 P u t forth at 25 B e : 'r*.cs argument 16. Without j Billiard tournam ent signups In March 1959, the average i —the technical professionals.” “A SHORT WHILE AGO, j Dispatched Sunrlav Gr.tty par* . € Branches of teeth ¡are being taken until Jan. 12 in for each family was 366 per? IN A SPEECH prepared for every senior technical man i n , Fire equipment wi 3 n: 19. Decide the l t : »- of rock s learning value of the Union billiard room. P riit : sons. The increase in 1960 thus a dinner honoring Nobel Prize 'the group was doing paper work ! ft <;-r DOWN 7 BoJ on the 21. Mindanao will be given to the winners. was probably not significant. winners, Rickover said projects ordered from above: wo had ed twice Sunday by the JA M AR) l ì A 13. IMI !0\ Injects e* elid volcano Signups will be accepted at F at-one thing, comparisons were in missies, space vehicles and difficulty releasing one of thLm 1Lansing fire department, SAN DIEC.O t'N IflE D SCHOOL n is T itii t ■* ( j 1m ? 6 r"9 10 it ,4 22 Unit of elec­ tricity 23 Title ‘he Union Board desk in the Union concourse, up to the first night of instruction of bridge clouded Y>y the addition of nuclear propulsion ‘‘All suffer from his writing chores to deal overloaded incinerat r it Alaska and Hawaii as new | greviously from over-admm is- with an urgent technical pro- 33 Spartan Village w _ states. i tration.” blam. gated at 8:15 p.m. a: 1 a v H 24. Renown ind dance. Students may also O ther highlights of the report: ‘'Technically unqualified of- "We were scribbling instead of basket fire in 59 Sou* - Wi! 23 Mr Lincoln signup at the firs! meetiftg. tf 26 King The average w hite family last | ficers do not hesitate," he said. building nuclear ships; the Rus- was extinguished a* . .4 , ■■ ; There will be a small fee for March contained 3.61 persons 9 Arthur s lance G 27 Toper each of the instruction and tour­ compared with 4.39 person* for •t 30 Season nament classes. r.nn-white families. INSURANCE COMPANY’ OF NORTH AMERICA -All Ft wTT* ' W .'W A 3) W V '/¿fr: h 33 Cave a tang to 33 Grains to be Beverage* Rationed Families in the Northeast were the sm allest—3.61 persons on the average compared with Warmth and comfort a-foot in our groat fluff of slipper! Is yr~ ground Havana, UP)—Reports from V' fi 34 M 37 Bicycle pro­ peller Santiago Tuesday said beer and soft drinks are being rationed 3.79 in the South where they were largest. N on-white families in the Cuddly shoggy shearling, inside and out, for 19 J9 k 6.' wA Ik 4t 42 ir 40dary 38 Taboo var 39 Or legen­ hero Italian river there and elsewhere in Eastern Cuba because of a shortage of South averaged 4.68 .persons, compared w ith 3.36 pesons for the relaxing hours of the at-homer and smart 41 Portico bottle caps. w hite families there. collegian. Vivid blue, red, 5.98 4 Data Shows c si 42 Mountain lake 43 Vehicle on runners Jot We 99 so n St 43 Moccasin J -H o p Too Fast 8taff Positions Still Available NEW Y O R K . < m i Positions on the State News 1 ing and office work, ■r editorial stiff are still open, ac- | A meeting of new staff mem- o f s r e -b !3 rk rn * c l s h o w e d .Monday- A ir L in e s D C -8 vj ¡cording to Sharon C o a d y, bers will be held Thursday at is . managing editor. Johs include; 7.30 p.m. in the State New* of- Junior Ticket Sales t r a v e li n g , a t . a n h ig h y editing, rewriting, re p o rt-1fice, 341 Student Services. World Airlines su;*ercon:tcii.i- tion here Dec. 1«. ions. The collision k.lled 154 per- FT; LAUDERDALE DIRECT • CHEAPEST Today The flight c - *rder was re ­ Leaving Round T rip from la n a in g M arch 20th covered fr i.m the wreck of the Hark Mhrch 27 (m orning) UAL pione which f<■!; in Brook­ lyn Informati n obtained from Meals - Tax inc. — 110.00 complete $5 per couple F u rth e r Inform ation Civil Aeronautica Board inquiry C A LL: J. LYONS, ED 7-1301 T H F . REPORT the plani w.i- traveling al ap­ proxim ately 302 knoit tru e air t- fa il J.RARKHAM , ED 2-33*1' ANN PURDY, ED 2-8201 2nd Floor Union speed »! the iru tin t of collision and that t h i s w a s the lowest atr speed afer the pinne p i s - e d over Allentown, l ’. i , on Its fi.ght here. Earlier Monday Glenn A Al­ lred, UAL flight training m anag­ e r at Denver, said that t h e recommended speeds fur )• entering holding patterns v.v Another Student Special not to exceed 250 knots above from the L5(!o feet and n >■ p, exceed 180 knots below 1,500 f>et The réc r ier said the tndt- Cnlini attitude of tlie plane at the time of collision was at 5,175 to 5.2 *0 fee. Shortly before the collision the VAL i>• radioed that it w a s .. ; * >.» -unj: P u 'nu holding p at­ ín - , in New Jersey Dater in- lin ta iM n has indicateti, how­ ever. that it must have l*orn several mile» beyond the hold­ Campus Book Store ing pattern n; the time of t h e HOI l> l\t. patterns are arc r*\ * : w h ic h plane* i *, e m * a l t i t u d e s u n til th e y i r e «,, la n d . r red For 9 8 « you get all of these articles A U A L e le c tr ic a l e n g i t e s tif ie d c a r i l i : t h a t thi ■ported '.tr o u b le w d t, th e lonal Hid short’,y I-. F r e d fto o n e y . t h e U A L m a in te n a n c e K .- e a t e n g in e e r at • Skrip riter ball point pen with refill S a n F ra n c is e « , in s is te d t h a t d u - p l i c a t e r a d i o - n j v i g .i t i.>na, e q u i p ­ m e n t n a - ¡.'¡¡l a v a d a r l e t. th e (worth $2.49) Jutot. F oreign Service * • extra refill — worth 79c F ra tern ity lit H old First Rush Sm oker • plus a handwriting booklet P r e s id e n t F Ke o f lk it« p a i } a t t r a t e n * .t S e r v ic e a n d ui ! tal trad* Full retail value $3.28. Now for a VS, tfte$M«ly ft U tu.m Su» V Tho roia* a a m*n# a i limited time only 98c. Don’t miss it! iotnor »’d'u-'î Wit, Ik dis I by SI*».'òr K Tdwn languages and Ore ts J Joy. aux. professor ot Dog­ cd far**1*1 See us today! li «g* - M • t far the informai meeting, .pen to u t intere,!,w4 e di .tv nv* and faculty, w;L be 1» -i * t W. Urqu.di. lecturer in politic*! science a d a.tvisei to Delta I'm E ■ >n at MSI* Ti|e organ ration's president. Don tm, Lamm* sen.«! Campus Book Store •aid summaries of ihi iva,»- Corpa rophrl, released Monday & Grand River across from M.S.U. Union Bitig. ' by Kennedy's advisers, will be •vaüabie. at tin m ye'.dig.