S e r v in g M SI) F o r 5 1 Y vor» E«iabli-h«*d 1 9 1 0 V o l. 5 2 , N o. 1 1 2 Second Cías* P ostage 5 C ents Ka*t I-a n iin p . M ich ig a n , T h u rxd ay. January 1 2 . 1 9 6 1 6 Pag*** P aid a t E ast Lansing. Mich. Help Wantegl: Sugar Producers Cuban Workers Stand on Duty Uruguay Police Sieze — ' • k 13 Persons Believed •-H’.'ANA •P> — Cuban agen-i ... . for volu • , if*]p in :ugar and production, the eallup of thou* n cers laasin :: npHiced the Kiins on the tapste n r i “*VV^ K - °nVeS Vr st of Ha* ma be furti tb«» firing began and re once a Of Supporting Castro Ajrkers-m iliiiam en. A revolution dispiitch from Till: AIM = - nf women, children M< INTKYtn'h ), mía Ciare reported t)le death of API p..l,re *, i workers arc sought fee militiamen - two from i-it.h C ota gap while F id el Cas- REVOLUCION »* accidvntul iii.-»chariEie of vera­ nd n•< td iersrem ain" nlatches an ; ih • ns alivi the third in ci jeep ac* W ! • >r toiiav tiy I . • j against what he hrcat of invasion from Maj! E r n e s t o (Che) Guevara, Til • .'irn atroid -dS M tcs. y national bank prosi¡dent, con- j". ■ Tients indicated the fro mC o m n *nrtá ih'ilii i ‘iv*4*f •rig a funer- expected to work .--■••■ • . i- a contribution to v out .on. ft e gnrr i mmoned for militia It claimed on target. uraï! .n in Havana *hat Cuba’s .i.*h a t Verri fiero .\ "'\ a plane Filibuster Rules a Cuban ■. • ’ • vc wages from their d white ays ¡n , uniform. since Castro mo- ana Blocked bv Senate , , - ¡-land's best work* The l> - j farms and factor es a 1I !- Proposed Rille (iluiilge» Sent -s toe na'ur.il result h as been lQO-.sqiiii > .n ai. forms of produr* i n (.oiuniittee for Hearings vnrsfA ffl* an dradio- , -r ..., ; s h . i t m r c d arid s o m e r.siii:s-ta ¡¿w •>j0 r i o te r s su aftayofafalterin gecon om y THEN LEFTISTS gathered - i-.dh -scN eipm ation anfactoriesan al F ed erationof d Of Man in Space? OUTLINES HIS REPORT TO KENNEDY—Pro­ fessor Wilbur Cohen of the University of Michigan 1U i vote ■•: 30-4f>, proposed ! rule changes, which had cm- 1 orni > the sonato * *nt in* o f C o m m u n i s t h eadqua;*- An a n t i - C a s t r o partisan ,42-w jtVim m ork em ers, m b ersareond an yof w u h ose tyin talks to newsmen in New York Wednesday after out­ lining his report to president-elect Kennedy on health .1 Two MSI •ho a p p e a r e d ’wtmn the man died, the le f - was t.*eat«n u n - ciitiau n its, calledonall C u - W eM av. Says Space Force * , fled into the budding- t’o- ¡« ■s 'in jsa dch clu ild d in ren gretiredw ”tosignu ork pfor ( -• If Vie Don't Dive M ore Effort insurance for the aged. ( AI* Wire Photo! T H ISS W E P T mi n Officials (0 t>*>k up positions around ,♦* building with orders to ar- n erg en ryjob s. C an e-cu ttin g' t anvono who came out psta ng n rtedan vem m en dgrin tcon d in trol. gisu n - P i ia l A i lv L l M o s e B t E h A er C ii H ee .F to L A f r ., P ee ,i .— m a T n h n eU ed s nitedStatesw pa ce ve h ic l ei n illp too rob r l ii - t Four U. S. T6 Planes Aid India W e d n e s d a y morning a judge -derod t h e police into the A ere.J ,ofG ovem m cn t-op er-,arou uilding *.» search for the man’* ,•* •*textilem jtjn er.tof" illsan p n atrioicb ou n cedth rigad e n dtheearth.P es taskforcereportedW roident-eleot.Joh ednesday. nE .K ennedysspace Flv to Laotian Fronts * • a ,!r; aave illors. Among those arrested cere U* women political and la- duration • >T»r loaders Police said they •,-iu n eerw ork ers”toh elp V IE NT IA N E .L A O S . ,/p > — F m ir I’s.-tn ii»)«*T (i'ubser- •,: it in es­ 11no found small arms and *utj- ¡fu l th fieldinw ru st it Smuokler ivatin offW nplanes,arm ednesdayforthetw edw ithrocketsam om ainfrn im achineguns, tookm rft.softheluiotiancivil u i Mans i c h e r - t raining pro-jversive pamphlets. ndv CoHeiie of En- M airas and Poona n g » )v e rn m e n t council dom.* Cuban is?ue 'he n v - , ^ Europe Plane ;: been vtar. College .1 Poona.1 [i »-b d by roneervattvef. hs* been Seats Still said bvtwr arid To Speak No responsible offici r would say whether the plane--, donated Tickets Go 1er Even 1 ,^r.s field Dirk I) Hydrr f MSU’s cun uiltir.g with other L a tn i or American government*, jome <’ .avi ‘ad y hrek' .is part of t i e U S. military .-up- tá ' urn I Available Th *’ t s - k i ciftUUry as the pri'«1!? d competi On Nigeria •port program for Lao*, were on combat missions or -¡mplj mak­ ing » how of -trength On Sale ¡r Is m ajor;'v i .11 ( Ì dean TIIE COFNC II/S nine me:, hers are reported divided Fiv# if „ f i l i b u s t e r , h i ■MStr an i Nigeria" will be Laotian officers -aid thev f a v o r joint action against Cuba »Tig, disruptive »londay; Ja aunns are available for non Board chariered »"id from Europe, ac- n eed si for she topic discussed by Dr. Ralph Smurkler at the Faculty Folk uuxdmg Friday at 1:30 p.m .-in were sent to the »re» of Vang Vu-ng, an important relw! I>a-p lietwi-en Vientiane ind the * >val For Plav ~ vrr the ^ M o ­ l l e urged that eared f » r ! . i < rr urn \larvh ! make to s prr»jecti , i-a w ith o t h e r American F »r » r e -aid to be f>rc<*irv* ffl* Uriiituiv •.» mak« in immcdia'* nation* * Bob Keavy, president 'ho Union parlors. capital of Luang Prabang to th< Spíiíh a ff now oi; sslf* for ’ ho on o f dx* Kenn< Okinawa. King ,i break, i . I'crti a'l't the Unit<**t irganization. vv;uge I ij.irth, and the trategic st.igo vngAfiement of ' The pleas* pr* MSU proj? r a m s i st itcs have dnn.c, * irtrred Brit.sh Ovcr- jet-prop plane will T he Smuckier associate *|enn of plaine ib.- Ja il - .:i n irth ten* nr«* of His C o m p a n y c o m in g MANSFIEED* fn .im .i ('..iinn! I’rciidcn' Hem's N.ir- 1 hiv program ‘nckKit*s the work m S< y* >n High auditori­ i ■n •!y ' (innc rani “n* final dcciMon ma v York City <>n June ■•I I from ) la* two w e e k * off .* . return to th e .city currently tiemg .l'-ne by MSU K »d K» one » um Thursday-under the auspices $605,000 .it sonni ration i I n r e c e n t vrUb T h ia pro*- id .. on August 27. en ts and staff mcrr.- ** : ime ..rid ‘he ATniwr. ity of I>*nd.m .n idling Nigeria :•> esfiblish a tna ttackj porous inil p l a c i d country !.»' iK’iumo fee! to ground f ir Com - . have b een connected CM enai M i sacl ' ; ' » ri* . - r»nd KJ ,fi*in.-'i and t'a itro fojlow m . it" ..x month* prior to »* ì lent Tin’ ■ *rv»t. vi’i sot out ' » eligible. Applicants '»ted on a first come, Jérôme W SPECIAL C.TESTS fir t h e riceting wtll be Mrs. Oblabtsi ,n the air out ttic economy *>n a sour.d b . i * . i -n.ilto *ip for dsplo- ■ two ! 00- • m .vj Keavy. \ .*• Ajt and Mrs. M a r i a i*d n this plan are KENNEDY i i c-sn bombing. S *‘X t • i- r decade* of welfare • i*.- juimdio*. 'The austort'.y . ;endent children and loan Ben- vj im in* poorer worker* ' university-connected fa muy h »nu* Do id Cook the smaii ■;** pl.»y . nd itudont* ard. Although * iren under 2 years ark, East 1—r.■ing, and K b.i- I .ra r on s , r.ddlo class t-a* boon un- deh ran for 'ree of charge. W: fams. Lam mg, MSU student* ■ »d way. ipjiy. it l a r g e l y -eoms w ttltnf ;p will cost $273 round a bu-'v ban- i. e Set m par*lcii>ated in the African eftist rebels of Capt. Kong Is His Cum- : ' * • , ■in* * *r ••»abiii/ation aftFf a **. u down payment of by F eb ru aryI._ which included delivery t o him of the space rcp^irt. - ossroari.i project last summer AN AFRICAN motif will be n 4he F*1.îme l)e«. Jarros area. The pro-W estern government •The Pleasure nv** *• hv S i I Taylor, and Sa- mi: M* but th em a Miss MSI _______ ■;....t <.f economic odjustmant The space task fc*rce said :*a- iose Happy T Board will provide only •„unal pres!.- f\ the i* pirtimtt* »lured at 'he tea hour follow*' >f Premier P n n re Botin '»urn ; » K * : had ‘ransportation to and ir'p e Those who go in which the Soviets have • >red heavily since the* juated '!*< "he meeting including a dis- iv if a-sorted Nigerian crafts, y») \ .t had the Soviet Un­ oad w fty. lie m tl.* Otiî si ■ u; < m obi 5 < > i-.a f. author tor* s Contestants Bridge Class s-vide foe themselves >• Mav. first satellite in ornit. prime consider ition m -pate a l o-i hairmen for the program e Mrs Charles Cutis and Mrs irhft 'ti K m K v K .” In Semi-finals Starts policy. And t ».'i Ifred D W /c Mr- W i l b u r A n y “It i* -wry un.mc.y that we Br iknvi-r, Faculty Folk presi- fgp eeted I board wtll begin Barronto Speak shall Ik* fu-st ,n piaung a man nt. will conduct the meeting. Mi ■rm f bridge instruí- . p a r i ■: A itionat A nursery for pre-.vcb»Kil chil- and • A tI esley Inquiry into orbit around 'he earth The official goal* f "it* tf.S cn will be available for m»*m- As*ar An nini* " Eliuirniaii awl it . -¡l|-»0fl H <*f h 1' •'■'■• •" Ci.rdin* i Uniiin. tonight *»n fourth flooi project Mercury ire a shori •rs of the Peoples Church. bu^d. -if ;tr.ng ‘ k- rommu poiifl» furr»s to *fif* local firc-idc. and ettle» Allument ('•ni* '-»rit. tia a «'(j j¡::^ t*f fu.$ «iuugh ter» r«?- S ■i Terry Da-vt . .: • v v. in - i H.gnnps *¡.1 be accepted from h nBarron, m od erator manned -pace f'izh: \,* .»circu m ven t th is On M e«li«*ul Bill» tiv....,'i •im p u , : v.t.g u n ;t f or | e n ou g ii i n te r e s t ed , t n e r e w ill are ti­ •he f irstsessionT h u rs- Th< re ha* been unofficial word Et ) 7 - (1252. Tu Ik«**»M «*»»ag«* t -viK-fK r mica vor* *<> rh irm *hc WASHfNGTGN. (API - Ttif th mirnaa«* to a man not his e th rec-p n »‘K *n n tcit i.»> ,.nad van ced class n -* ■ ' of*th eIn q u iryp ro- that the program is badly be­ On Luo» P«»»ition g iri w ithth < ?uTittni*** ßt à tripch'ai:man of the White llm.* Nunuav. T h i .¡»ri.iu" m d¡ih »! J 'ill. b eh eldj b rid getau gh t. n *oredby th eM eth od ist hind schedule S O V IET * Pres. Hannah 10 p m .' Today '.viil also t>e the !ju *. fou n d ation . THE have made no to *.ip;taU nt Eur jjc. *•:*. a <<4>»griN*mcnt '.Vr.irn *-i-i. j-i 'hi. Mu-,'' i Kim f the Union day to ignup for the billiard fina! * .!ag*.-i which ‘h etournament. T h e tournament »gramp lan n er;.a .dthe exact target date public But WASHINGTON^ ( AIM In- — •; - • ---------*— ^ t fí» . »f »'i. * d « d« * g3 Î C 4 » v et f V :*ntograd u ate^ tu d en ts Premier N i k i t a Khrushchev Gives Lecture d.a * Prime M .o .d o Ja» .n v ia l ( J w S h u Î |1 » U I I ,»i hills of older ;>«*op,tK a i.r.n e r * • .<■ ‘ ■■ .•. ! -• se- . ! i i r » ‘ irn e *. m e next w e e s . '•'.hers w an tin g to look *a.d m September they were .V nr;» rcpiiVu *pecaily w c in a - ■i from .even finalists will ¡and prizes will tie given to the -n tocu rren tissu es'* ready to launch a man -nto •lay* * »i> r«iid #n t làien lK w irff'i On Tclcvi»iun CiM.rmun K • >crt K» «ui. form- •»• ’ i d January 22 * th*. NtU- j winner* > *w ill b eh eldinth e space. There w«*re r e p o r t s In S. Dakota T n euu igip•* ffui^ layou tlin in gto r T New Jersey Ilcpublwon eon* pent S e r v ic e » biuni’i*. Signups w i ll » 1*0 be accepte.! it t n e grr ««mur;. m • to73 0pm . moving into tne Pacific, possibly I Pr< . I* nt John A Hannah w O t'ith crE j s — rccor’.k TT b u rsd av fii* *» i« "» dance instruction, which wi*i *21u seth eV an ceP aek - : r n missile shot. The task force said ‘he first *n Vermillion. S.D.. today » de- N vnrus rt- WMSB will do :» live k i n » ; M i IIH-i I I V i r g l i -eg.n at 7 pm . Tie*d»y Sigt»- ’ T h eW asiem .k er-," may have hvrr two lecture* Aejncemini iai•t*:> ub Anm In- .of Gov John B Swam* :asr*m * .* T r> un d M ercury' program not neves>-»uly the most import- civil r'.gh'j at Vie Charles Ha.'. •» an ert M: "tugan iejKla- > O f I k im b iiiR \I Ia r k t* T w H ^ f i* » * ■ s t» n s for th e m N éh r** T hi Utne a f in a. r>N*rX)N. AI’ 1U r lim am fh tw i‘1 tu io w tiichcosts so cents. ':r d though emphasis on the Government the S' a te Uni­ hand-deuvercd at \ tv Whit- hern mart* '»it tn te xharh will «üum " t á .% aPiUnd the (J 'm ad eb ycallin gE D2- Mercurv program may have versity •: South Dakota House m.iJda. P x t t u U f t « J - J^»hn Y K *1nm Hd i>a 1 will b* annnunc«ri i ..ry w ill-m eetw eek ly marie :*. appear - And It '-a.d president Hannah f.ew . Essenhower * tie .*" * t _ 'o a iU ire. d v4tu\ &**&**% f*d * -ma * for Vorm it tic Wednesdav after al­ A# hi* V*e t >u1i*d Ne h fa Ir*$t *.ftc Siktes wouid r a n b i** r 'io v tm o r i ’aik JCr-aü rrta-rie . <** K n ati■ » ;1W rclru »& dayn igh t. . )u i n s t ru ct io n a n d te r - M.chigail - Tt .MSB lifw to r Ron I) - rr v aim e r it. udo Instruction» tur»l C iniereiife dinner in K fl- !o*Ä Center. Ho will deliver rion-Comrr.un.it nation* ,n e f - , hey *>d intervwtw forts to preserve the mdepefid-j lor "ic.r reactions rrv re w legiilatCNr* legislators .,pp,,s.ng tarwls ,ng -hat C ongiej. enai Ijlameq ate Y rm -j ' r i f u g i from his .ron, mod- i ______________ Offered bym Club MSU Players , ne lecture *h.r r.orn.ng and the other ton.ght and then fly cnce of Laos by whatever meanai may ne ‘he most promising^ R r a m lx U ilI r r R rv irw H insurance 'ied ' • ■* ■: »"-i ;t«* v '•'« u nì) .1 -uie. or aw nts of I’r r c - V if* W |H .in I t o D i t w i n a United Arab * *rdo eiub is offering in* bd(K to EsftndUfi g o v et^Y wn« * » W u rL * n f T n k ln v Thr lettur^snip, Wh*ch if m ir'f.g h c o g ^ T e c n ^ p r o - c o ^ S o t t l h V i e l i M i n P r o j a r t *•'* » t uj judo to all interest- .Meet Tonight m ur.-’ forcesih •',*Vitran d -'»t‘er '.M ' Ii’ ¡ Ja*.. T i toy. Russian noveii-t <*nu and faculty mem* n^niod for i piotxNM* kola »» or. ju d je and politi­ Dsi- th elitt.e govern men*, Asian k in gd om tn snou.d r f th e n ,* . . fp . ifirec- ,t he olicead - -vurif.ie. ... -*■ , i ,.^’.% ■ fr* War anrwl 00 »hw itrt Judo. 63 M SU players is sc h edu led for Diiloo'i wife. ¡ to an o u t m or e conference nigh*, t e r A lp t i a of * e c t **-•* *-*-dK .-.gtn erc* H Nvo. »i ’ip aU n g.* »'b ed iscu ssion wtU be bald on Moo- w interan d* Prm gterm wiii be » St.«'* New* i Wednesday nights from discussed. Mem beritu p require- .* ¡1! meet at 7.30 p. aceiui solution, -.vat ac-.vGy «d m !M5. asaisted the V iet-j older genera uun. »crrd arrest...» k v - be Dr. Nikolai Poltoratsky. ^ p m . on the third Hoor m en tsw ill also .be outlined for tfice, - Thursday n the State News explor.ng a Catnbodian proj.'isal rfitm nt government with prou- Tne ei.tir** .¡iferetw.e of /70*i •,». Yemeni official*, including »**r**tgn Iamguages, and Dr. ' I tw a s «$ lenianw Field a n ystu d en tsin terestedinjoin­ 341 Student Serv.ce» I for a it^Ration in tern atio n al, ¡cm* of public and police ad- j delegate.« will not vote on re- tne ,f,.r! oft/oiice, saying they ¡James Rust, English. Lt. Col. in gth eP layer*w hoatten d. 1conference on Laos. i in c iu trru o A IcudvnendaLons. :.a'i .’jiieridown on their jobs. John Barron is host. M ir h if tn S ta te ü m , . C M t Mh U gw ThnrU iv. Jinaarv J2. |'* | Y E A R END > M.. 4 D RESSES ’ 5 ‘ 10 *15 '2 0 25 orriM N v i.i .i * iT r". « .v r .; rh a u m t m e* t « a n k e r. Dr Phillip L au re of F am in e F*ff fn COCKTAIL DRESSES OF] r»fhf are Jodie RrpF>rie. m em bership r h a ir a u a : Jody Tom. a r th itir« 'G i - m i « : Sandy Nierol. frea.«.; Dr. L a u re ; Betty Seojl. m e pre- d e o f : Hilda /*an in d T f f « í H in # * * , f t v í * p r i u p f t ROBES Vi OFF 'h a i r m t a . \ r * * Ph*#o» b ? A ri \Vi*L*nd> SKIRTS 'i OFF Astronaut* Ready to Go. Seen \t MayoClinic* Irucr^rsling ita I!:;; • / &OCHZS 7TH Mian t KP by J M R o b trh Hiil Equipment Not Ready !-• J'-.y'. . - BLOUSES *2 4 ’6 8 ORIGINALLY S3.93 - $13.93 Unity Says SWEATERS % 1 8 REID I FART ORIGINALLY $9.95 • $12.95 FOR THAT OLDER GART PURSES Vi OFF % LIM CO A U TO PARTS JEWELR Y Vi OFF 1332 N. I.ARCH ST. Proml Father >MM>R POR TÜR R r i. HO» «F. IV 2-1303 I SHOES '4.90 '5.90 '7.90 SPECIAL STUDENT DISCOUNTS ‘9.90 '11.90 '13.90 ’14.90 vr* m A g ar.a« tr.fi i U se f v e fe m e |« i W 'h t.n r;x f i r rr. rn /. ; j h e v e if>*t f.-re Jfi E«t * ~i He exp+r-iß Complete 0; WOLVERI NES Servici Firem en R i *k|hhi(I l o T h re e I ¡minii* Utf M in A re S t a c k e d* rífe» 111«s. Utt<1i ti;' I*. »* to * i » » |> k «“ A l m m U l i f)1 ¡ - I' '■[ i H!'i* i • JACKETS íhe motor t-. overht r rHi ! * ft* _ l(ffp i.-t re rt ic * n t 1!. I ' •«« \ o u! w *.< »■•.-!»■ • SWEATERS A VfM0* »!* *| ?■ ,1! »'Wí t;1 * tfilt iOJ¿ ’ahlM ’ ?ii • f ».•. S tu d e n t S e r y |> m N. • SPORT SHIRTS fie riam«*«* * , ¡,T..ru.¡ __ O ffic ia ln M e r liv i H y /.e in lle ln I ni i M e m iie r » , . f 7 , f : i He:,* T .. . ’ fm t i r n u v e > « v l* | t h r .r « f f i . r r . • NECK WEAR f.>r ! 'i r .ci'inuiif * . ', i ,, r ch* y • «>i i.; » « 'o o rrt'ü í hi-ttoi r I ' . Hi5 BLANKET, J EVERTDBREAKTHE HAST 9 f HIM5S.F! HE'S AS WEAKA*.. A5...UM HE'S AS WEAJCAS 'ROTC instructor, has received a leaf clusters. Each oak leaf chis- ! promotion to Major, according to ter indicates another awar. mg i cnpt. Robert E. Swrt*; detach- of the same medal. ' rncnt infromation services of- j During the Korean war he v. ■• YOU ARE CHARLIEBRcWn! r. Crane’s Interests 4 Stupid per­ son 9 Mournful 39 Muff,n 4! Held a ses­ 12 Small round 43. Palm cock* sion If ; stationrd with an air refueling Major Perrv, as a navigator squadron, servicing aircraft of ion a H -17 during WW II, flew the Japanese Air Defense Force Imanv combat missions o v e r He has been Inst™«t," g A ' o ,.,,r of Humanities—a ! fo t—the .,lar/. Sm i e t y of West mark atoo , a poet—these are I Circle drive, .i uicot jazz o r-' 11 Scene of 45 Morn,rig 1 M U li — V -H Europe. was’ awarded the ¡Force cadets at MSU far combat abbr. ! Distinguished Flying Cross and I past year and a half. __ ,f the varied inter- !ganlz.ation. il . mi'plishmcnts I 47. Vrrv hot *include the ciar • ¡ite, piano,! 14 Prior in 49 Muscle .. featured member of and the sax op an m- tmte Solution of Veiterdsy'e Fugate C am pus Classified?- Y our Key to B etter V alues . . . Dr Maurice Crane, Iteresting sidelight. |>. v Palmer.! 15hors« Spirited 32 Dlseharg.ru: of a debt a master'5 degree in i who played on ; impus last term,, 17 Maple genus 55. Fortune DOWN 13 t !aborate from 'he University of . I Kind of it V.ody was a student (,f Dr Crane's a' 18 . Creek M Seed cover. ÿsh Crane continued his the University • f Ilimms. n a' the University of Crane is no doubt one of the , ,, -. h o a PhD in Eng- better known farol'; members! 23. Pincers 19 Keeps .k? 21 Fear , ing 38 t,ook 59. Corroded cheese 2. Inflamed ,3 Imprints lì Cninterest* K Show to be SHIRTWAIST SPECIALTY 25. About «0 Potato 4 Mother T :*v ?ht« V: the aao of 34, he has at State bv the Student Itodv 1 28 One of the masher 5 Mukn | . irvcn years of te»ch- ■He has spoken Kivi arts n: Miss West, suecc.te* ' 'tv it Ten, seven it the numnn r . mb . : eiinii 28 Mom mg actress 6 Memoran­ 63 Crony * v coin have been spent at MSU. ;and at May Morning S.ng: he; moisture., dum 2* Dr.nkifig , ¡are weekend," says was MC at the Sm Sing! 30 Jap out* 64 Armed 7. Individual t - w h e n my students aren't last year and perpetually c ast band 8 Spikenard 2 Smoloy» ,? home." Crane has de- heard and seen on the local ' 33 Ourselves 65 Pigpen 9 Placid ment 29 Tired , g unique relationship radio apd '■ levi students whereby they to partake in dis- CRANE, some1.e.v. .• : ,J(. ' If i m 4 J 4 i I “ s ? " 0 '•/W, to 31 Ri ver in No. Carolina 32 Anecdo­ FT. LAUDERDALE " “Great Books." I tlfTff* to wfito nuiiiff i es tic DIRECT • CHEAPEST •ri'ion, his honors in v a ri >j • ¿rn • •J ‘fi 'M IM 35.,Erode ell 7:30 until 12 Critique, vie., and An a n 37 Dress affec* I .r a v in e R o u n d T rip fro m I ju is in g M arch 2 0 t h - •V ÏÔ V sun-tay evenings to di„,- I speech magazines. , . ok a week deaftng with Currently, ? /f I % H tedly 40 She ¡f above lla c k .March 27 ( m o rn in g ) book, “Thè Idea of T a n àmii è É¿ • fireplace Meals - Tax inc— 110.00 complete Humanities. if IB ft r i 42. Subject« a Democratic is i ^ tXTEREST in students ; poetry so! cetons ;.r<-* ft w .H 1 wm 44. Revokes • F u rth e r Inform ation " hown this past sum- known but well wkfn a group of students ■poem, ‘'How Scarlet WO? is j IT 1, I If IS legacy 46 Myself CALL: J. LYONS. ED 7-13«! r 46 Breathing J.BARKHAM. ED 2-3.7S1 _ • over throughout the sum- Letter,*' is a ponu'ar pa • m sounds •5 and discuss various st 4.f ÀI O J iB 46 Hit ANN PURDY, ED 2-*2»i1 n 50 Or letter not f0 ft ft 51 Twist oul of i shape Ft li W M 53 T; ly *A. gh ! w P 1/ ft 54 Thrt e ''not 57 River Sp“ 61 Concern- CORAL GABLES' rr u il mg as Crr stich !SU. Sat fIMf 1! MtN AS Nt««fie'ertt C am pus Classified* I’U ILFORNO Information Y our Key to B etter V alues .. RESTAURANT.. nam e that made PIZZA fam ous in Lint sin it -KOREAN C IT R .•< m , Michigan Stale UnhrmHj |f 1 • ' i ik; ' . I'n," O PEN DAILY 5 P .M . . 12 NOON ON SUNDAY SPARTAN CHRISTIAN EEL«! LOW SHI P - 10 p.m.. liethcl LECTURE-OOMCERT SEMES Manor. — ALSO SPECIALIZING IN — PACKAOINO WIVES SOCIETY “ Spatial” 8 p ■• . 1208-L VI : 'y Vil­ ★ H A L IM SPM HETTI ★ lage. ERROLL GARNER DR MAURICE CRANE Regular meeting and bin >n. purely for the joy of ASCII—7 p.m . 32 Union STEAKS - CHICKEN - SEAFOODS ? His wife's cookies are LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSO­ ded attraction to the CIATION 8 43 p.m . Ur.iver.s- i*v I itheran church Bible "T he man for whom th e piano w as Invented ’ es .abe-iting a New .T* - 7 to p m , choir re­ — Newsweek ¡For S o m e t h i n g R e a l l y T H f f e r e n l —T r y l i u r ■ D m his hometown hearsal* o pm ., international |A'..j .'. • City—a renown jazz. -Crane has acquired a r. ! knowledge fur jazz. discussion hour. 12 10 pm ., graduate faculty luncheon. w ith B rass and Percussion Accompaniment BAR-BQ-RIBS NAACP 8 p m , 35 Union. . 'h n field resulted i tonment of a faculty DAIRY CLUB—7 30 p m , main UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM o vhich was featured dairy o a r n l showmanship (icmonstrT.nn an-l drawing of Dinner* • Snark* • Sandwiches • Pizza • ,>f M I’ep Rally •i the faeultv advisor TUESDAY, JANUARY IT AT R ill N R . ru t; im i o k w a s a s e n s v t i o n - - - Reserved S eals: $3.00, 12.50, $24)0 ★ H ttR E ED 7 - U H ★ S tudent R atest $2.00, $1-50, $14)0 KNAPP’S DRESSES • SECOND FLOOR HIE PICTURE A SUPER • SENSATION ! 0 H M E T E TAKE OUT SERVICE On Sale a t Union Building Ticket O f flee SHOP THURSDAY 0:10 A.M. TO 5:.T0 P.M. KISSIN YOU A AIN'T MOCH PAYMENT ■ FOR SPENDIN 4T 1961 J’Hop ■Jf SIX YEARS CHAINED UP Open Ticket Sales Today K —Tara — All The -Ai MONO Buddy Morrow Orchestra Temptations BURR MARTHA And Torments £ Of A Small Southern HYER JOAN Jan. 28 Tickets lownt BENNETT Semi-formal 85 per couple A iM n n - - - x H l l l 'W M ’ CmITiW R tU M IW l* C— - - Available at G L A D M E R Union Ticket Office and Berkey Hall FraMr* At Mil MM |:M . SHM - ! Thnmday. January 12. ] Michigan State News, East lam ing, Michigan O n e H u n d re d i'rc'in:iiiattr;ii w»»rk Volume on Attorneys Begin Last Fight Public Safety Gams Offirp The d e p a rtm e n t of P u b li c ; d e c o r a t io n s fo r v y - r v „. CnsH #250,000 J-H o p T ic k e !« J’AI.M REACH, K' <. (API — Accounting IAgainst Integration *Decrees An address bv l.t. Col (fict.) I.nuis J. Ciccoli, executive-secrc* Safety’* new .fire .,f„ i* nffieer safety nntcer ’be J - H o p , before y e* is Brian Langley, a MSI’ gradu 1,,-ngiey pa;d hr ■ Solfi F ir« ! W eek President-elect John F Ken* The Governor, before issuance , tary for Arnold Air Society ir >m ncrl.v's h e a d q u a r t e r s v tim .c*d Published MACON. O a . (A P )—Weary orneys for the state move f Bootle’s order, w a s -prepared Washington, D-C-. to members v< of the school of police admin-» a Vo!un'eers to for: mi-reseue and fir - im One Hundred J-Hnp 1i ek. Wednesdr.v it o ;'k into federal court at Ma* ¡ o close the university until |o f the AAS Tuesday nigh’. ")■ p irge of firr in- Students would be *ra*« t h e tirsi w ei-K " i debt-ridden Derm tic national A 11 ■ of Public con today for a last-ditch fish » ! next Monday. He said in t h e i eluded an invitation to the AAS' r(| n g to J e r r y Wvrr> . conimi It «e n v tv in cu.-.n.non , \ - Un ited against decrees which have ; interim the legislature could re- ' 12th annual Conclave, I nvestigntions. As f - t aid, rescue an! » -.-i r brought integration to the p re -jp e a l a section of law providing | The National conclave ih • he will approve techniques. Klint pi ir a ini c i - r h . i r r n a n of to fin a n c e the I—in a u g u r a l . in a series 1he e«*ei f Kennedy ' , vi-uis!vall-w hite University of 1that no state funds can be used Vlor will be held at the t ni- ,r m»rri< I .studenti ib!; bed by Ge, ,rgia ami w ritten new paues to o piate ati integrated eolb ge. verr-ity of Detroit, March 2J !■* Tin • I CíiM win price of ;i b a b y K M b ’ B Í • Business tor the history books. State officials p r e d i c t e d 25. In addition to meeting*-and IIKI.I) O VER! 3rtl Week « "e r f'' the J-ll'.u when th<> Eeoninni Research. Tiie lawyers headed by the Wednesday that a decision by „her activities, awards wiil_.be purch ft » heir tirk» By iign- h i:-, o b Dr. Jam es Don egregationist attorney general, B'lpfle to make the injunction *presrriiod to several persons, in- ■k for t ; 3( 1 8 - p a g e publiea- Koafise ,Cae*k, syll! plead with i ennanpnt would be coupled eluding Gen. Thomas D- White, be picked •I . of i- dire profess)>n t» th e p resen t Jud • - W. A. Bootle to dissolve with a derision that the state chief of staff, USAF. who w ¡11 a n _ J n j u n c t io n w h ic h kep* G«»v. lav E r n e s t V a n t i v e r fro m c lo s in g aw a vo id w ish . That move* iuld il receive the ‘'Hap” Arnold LU C 0N ;n my o p in io n , ;tb«* l? 5 * y e a i'- o ld u n i v e r s i t y a t it. I AST IÄ N S IN O • f H O N | |O j .W ! ? v : d o n a t e d b y loca fi n a tm g an d r e w a rd * |A * h c n * T u e s d a y u n til a c o n f lic t I W h ite th<* le g is la tiv e , c x c c u - D raw ings e end w ill each da b •oacling.” w r i t e s .Tohn . e x e c u t i v e d i r e c t o r o f th»* L. jije t w e e n s t a t e a n d f e d e r a l la w s tiv e a n d j u d i c i a l u p r o a r c o n t i n - j c o u ld b e ir o n e d o u t b y le g is la * j tied th*» t w o N e g r o e s a t w h o m "The hilarious in sid e s+or^y p r i n t e d in F r i d a y ' ionjri I n s t i t u t e o f C ^ f t if i e d I ti v e a c tio n . lit i* d i r e c t e d w ent q u ie tly C r WHAT G O t3 ON W H EN SCHOOL LLT*S r j - NOW SHOWING 19« I .1-11 , b eg t ;•k C a f •vi S K ) I,tiiin« A v a ila b le F * Ac c o iin tan ti?, in h is fo re * t i t h e p u b lic a tio n , ward«? is p r o f e s s o r a n d h e a d * V a n d iv e r a n d t h e - a t t o r n e y s j th ro u g h ^ t h e i r s c h e tlu le o f c la s s - 'j h a v e b f ^ n t h w a r t e d .at e v e r y I c-s. A few c a tc a lls a n d boos { tu r n f o r s ix day«? in t h e i r c r u * I g r e e te d th e m o n c a m p u s . B ut Th«* B o o k W a » A S c n s a t i o n - T h r P ic tu r e A S u p c r- 3 T pnt ( ’• >f th i* He p a r t m e n ! o f a c c o u n tin g I s a d e t o p r e s e r v e s e g r e g a tio n o r , I t h e r e a ls o w e r e f r i e n d l y h a n d * iijple. Th >\ m e M i n fI f i n a n r i a l a d m i n i s t r a t i o n a t ¡ ¡f p m u s t b e k ille d , l e t t h e s t a t e ' s h a k e s a n d g r e e t i n g s of “ I t ’s S c n u a tio n ! < 3 k Id J a ►a froi M sr F I: ; publications in t h e to th e k illin g . »n ic e to h a v e y o u .” n the A n d . no f- tinting field include te x t* ■; in elem entary and in te r « HIGH J?RADERSI n r iato "accounting .and p r o f e s - EN D R TO N IG H T — “SUDDEN LY LAST SUMMER’ . . LOW COST • • • il journal articles. PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL FD 2-5811 TOFMEhTAID CAMPUS C L A S S IF IE D S * 9 1 A A I C S nSFTATHW IN i m u DKADLtNtiH: I p.m. I ) n y lit * f o r e Publication f o r T u p s . , Wed., Thurs., E A S T LA N SIN G - PHONE ED.2 2814 SflÜtHtWI and Fri. Kdilions. Deadline f o r Mon. Kdillon: 1 p.m. Fri. HOME OF T H E BEST IN FOREIGN FILM S EXT. 2615 ADULTS Wlc — FIR ST S H O W T P.M. KD 2 -1 5 1 1 o tIrv*r ;- f t AUTOMOTIVE FOR RENT FOR SALE STARTS FRIDAY r o n 8 AT.I7 TWO F rie A*nnbIiftrrK, VOÎ.KSW AOON F A N r tF f? g .i rifU r prt/e p o K v e lo n . UCifl Volk*?« , APARTMENTS W it.1. ortitM T V th ree w atts each F , C al! FT) 3 - 0 »WI T H E FIRST IN OUR W I\T E R FESTIV A L OF w agon, nirfali* blue,w hite w a lls .; a fte r 4 n ro 5 radio i»nd Fieatrr. Willaccept best ■ A P P R O V F I) TWO ROf fur- I FOREIGN FILM HITS! COME EARLY IV %*S.TI2. 5n l- h f f l utilities» p a ir! fî t beat ear! H O V AL T Y I'FW R T T Ftt. PO RT - ine one fir iiflnlts l ?11 I K «I A 1U.F. with c u r v in g rase P ra c ttra l­ N» « . CONDlfE FRANCIS Ê fk ' toro RFNAÜLT D A tT H tN K . ONE i •. % ly new ?»<> F I) 1-2M even ings 7 » v* • '*’» r ' r»u nrr 7TH»0 actual rollen, radio, hrat- f; ; • J pm . 4P M F G . L a ll IV 2 • 2î>Hla f te r i VIN A U PPO V FO O N E I t o m i n m O - m in t K v c rv îh in - furuisbed . 71112 002 W I'ulum bta. Mason OH 7 - frO L F S F 1>2 -RU«’ (I t ! W ITH cart •M THE MOST 5 h •«wkJCE PtSIfíNW NFXT ATTRACTION , f 1'm7 A t'^ T IN -ltF A T FV . r- ’ d cop- ! Mu«t .i ; flue to t.vm lv andt- h A J'A K T M F N 1' FOU ri» -, -noto r*fvi.*hed. iirtvBt«* TtFN't tur- bath arifl entran• L . | , S>„....| m «r.,ilv N . rnnktng, "A vrry A ll! r i a f i' m m tu ln -.i W i ! I | , w , { „j k | UKW| m lln H i-a llv Co K.l> ulu li, very Added - Cartoon A Nr«»» t . i * tr a d e - in TU 2-34.14. | 2 -.'iÄfi,j -- - -~ ' Hj SEE IT FOR provaeullve. is m A u to m a tic tire s C all ED 2 - WM F r tn n fo u r.noon tra n s m is sio n . v - it j a t t r a c t i v e a p p r o v f o , it n p o w e r S P P K R V IS F I) a p a r tm e n t t •» sita re k tro rtn c .IR.OftO m iles N ew b ra k e » , n t |h (in<, f,r t n o •*> is e a r c am n tis ED 2 - 174« w e ck I v vonsan Ihnucht- rrestliui film, highly LATE SHOW SATURDAY II I’M . rr commend rd fP F V T tO I F T UNHt. K IX -R " COtM ’î* ! A P A R T M E N T FO R RF.NT A d u tt- vi .R ili.id s h ift w ith o v e rd riv e 1200 ! n r «»»<1 stu d n n t- tin tu rn labe«! e x ­ WM H TH O M RSCN 0 H UMKNCrS In the adult — Soon-: — FD it nr»pt ra n e e a n d r e f r tc r r do i M«»nern, MASTIRPHCL film-goer." j a rrro M tro m n m u u s . «702 R YO UR FR A N D O R JE W E L E R Walt llianey's tDfti FO R D CtTSTOM l.IN E . J u s t • ......... COc9»»»OC <\ e r h a u l e d fo rd * o * m atte, pow er I VNFUW N IS1IFU , c 1 I AN T «RTF SY«i«, Family RnhinMin « •eeitn « n e w tir e s E D 2 * 2UWI • ! ro o m a p n rtm e n t Privat* h a th a n d TWO sire 7 b a lle rin i len rh t for* ¡'xsz \ I e n tra n c e | .a»md’ v n n v ile g c s Inciutre mal# Or«t7 \iiRv ea» h t2«»H . t. 1'i5*t f l t r v n r u KT IM B AC A C’O N - j n t mu B - r r li S it w i P n lv e r titv V ilhiar ED 2 - k r * i aitei V FR T IR L E A u to m a tic triiw w b M o n , - V H m o to r o n e o w n e r v e ry c le a n . w h ite Ih R ed le a th e r f in u b IV I • 3340 . F O R D l«ft7. MO F A H fl.A N F F O U R - S FT FO U R R O OM S !«l F U X U I O a n jje . in s id e ! o r a r e m m e a n rts d c R O L 'M S m u c h ild a n c p t- m ie « - «“«h a f te r ti'• n11 m •” _______ 4 21‘ TV I M o to ro la C O N S O L E M A H O C JA N Y F lo u r la m p , d n u b k b e d - •MKUEMM0B-UI SEIM a nw a u n ta a . ERNO CaiSA aiiMiuma *i « Wanda Hancock's u»r v ic to r ia P o w e r * t e * r in * a n d U - ----------------------- « »read w it h d ra p e » a n d U im w - r u g « brake « F o rd m a tic e tc 30.00« m ile » , n ew tire s p lu s tw o »now . C a ll I V nos? — y- "- " — - ¿u ^ r r a - , • A T T R A C T IV E . O tH T T D O O M t i t E D 8 *1 0 *4 . ■a ir . i o f b e a u tifu l h om e s f»*r G ra d i ,. | » tu d e n t o r p ro le s M o ita l m a n . C a ll : F I ) M I7 R - i>- «•': ----- — ...... — ,, • ADDED • THIS IS FINNLAND & CARTOON JANUARY » •T M fO F » « EMPLOYMENT N FA H C A 'U M ’S ON F «»r fvvO bo* FRIDAY is— TUDAY and FRI.! Clearance Sale P r iv a te e n tr a m e am i b a t h 01« j * 4 d o u b le f i «m ele FD 2 - 3*W« t< i M ’l t. T1MF. W OM AN frn c e Today a t 1:35. 4:10. ..• b u r i ’aii m p e m rn . p r in c e Itro t »•i •« M a rk e t J! ‘ N icely A CRO SS ¡PftOM H Ä TH ER i • ATT j liirnlsthed r»H»m ! i iitimcrn FD 2 - 3475 N,i o th e r 1 « SUPER * 50. t:35 p.m. M 'S B O Y S W A N T ED F o r Inf* i c a » IV u u i« I«»' r ' v. E D ! PL A C E F O R O N F m a le s tu d e n t A p p ro v e d w ild enokinif V - |?**i C all ED « I BARBAD BAY! cX •ART TIM F AIO *Ä» WEEKLY ( w o ír h -u» t n ie n ti« fur tive FU R N IS H E D me and p,*rk ih- f.o ihtir ROOM W ITH cook- ’ lit.otuuej S«« 2 Feature«! COATS 78 « ru ilcn o iivih No r«i<- m c ie r c m c ] P im n e IV *i - 02i*4 day*', a n d e v e n in a j m m ' B C S IU iY R : W O R K F O R lu n c h and I V 3 - 1422 R M IC H IG A N « J W V I 8 8 D B d in n e r T w o wwekenrta o f f a te rm M A LE ST U D E N T H A L F o f l a r i » ¡ ^ ******** *^ i,ll Mai. m |.M M * d o u b le f r o n t rM FO R M A! F. s tu d e n t. 401 Dl- r * fï AT O Drastically c h d d in l^ n U e r* lty V tlla fa h o m e ED 3 * TY P1N G 8 —■ j vteton s tr e e t . E D S • 36UH • - • ■' ! C LEA N ROOM C O O K IN G fa o d t- TW O BLOC K S fro m : ttr-. Par k i n» g i v a t e -h ath , r a il a fte r p m V n ff JU; “ • FRFF FILM WTTH deve»>pind a m i 7V m in im u m Kwiak film COATS 20% Off L U A 1 a Reduced c am p ii» ED 2 - 4 3 » tí 3 p m E D 2 -8 3 7 5 . 443 A b b o tt R oad! *t j t price« c o lo r and W KNDOW * CTtlN LA U N D R Y j- * "A h S.!», M tr e k R # * » l l anil DRY O .R A N F .R * |0<- w«*h. tiV ¡ VKHY N H t I.AMGK tiH>n Si1N) r r r , r ,>in.n t e n te r, h - F r a n d o r. t í e SKIRTS 1/s Um A ir itm iilllx n e d tla ik fru u n d *' 07 I'D 1.1 niv»i. A H en daiil on d u ty . A l—n v , [ A \c . I «nate IV I a n l i Mt caaO e-ani Nm Iw M m 0 » Iwireom! c le a n 3] S p e e d Q u e e n »a»l» e n tra d o r» - tle a u in q . defxosit box a.t.. Mo» A*ter k u exta »'f -a e<»«air,v. rFOR a e ^ R EN T PARK IN '! M ock fro m B e ik e v Pb» ^ MMOUY M IN * e BLOUSES 0lk>3 Garland T Y P IS T ANN B RO W N N ew p h o n e n u m b e r E D 3 - 8384 F l'-vlr.-' ty p e w rite r T erm p a p er* a n d th e a r* A lso g e n e ra l I\ p in e tt ¡ REAL ESTATE e SWEATERS 0 ’ I ■ \ s f ~ l ANSINC." F I V F r»M*n ALL KINDS OF sew ine am i al- feraiitm « fttmr pattern* V etv rc >• sonable r g itt Call ED 2 • 8185 8 ie.it fencett » sic» r e »sc 8 * ri ms t i'\ 1 1> . * N ) A R 12 « • Oaly 3 10 ■»toleutpted by ttw ether «Me el Ih* marital fence! e ROBES iiik-d H-isleti I , e beditHsn ^ LOST and FOUND * 1 / D RESSES E R O D U C T S D S’ R 0UT»Nc% P l u ; F ERAME j a s Cocktail. etc. OFF .*♦ l u t Lansm g K lm AbnoP Rond fa x t La**¡*<| ID M i l l WANTED A Sww *4 y«u »»-»j « t# % —is dedicated to ” " ' I GROUPS O F DRESSES WOUl I> L IK E I'D » r Aii ..» > Feast 1 ■ S3 t**-| tar»« #aly! lewe, liberty end the hespme** el pursuit! Prived For Quivk Clearance FOR RENT SIMMONS HIDE-A-BED Thin * alice 4 p m Ttr 2 ■8.VI q *5 ‘8 ‘12 '15 vi AX.F M e n » :MT SHAH I ( t i e IAl F >«•»>» * imti.hr «1 b■« \i-C ** •IHip front 813 N«» , ‘UOP LEAF FOLDING tin; i . - : - » Pytki«..-» f U» w ♦*■k 1X. IV » - ?*i or IV r* 0 .V» i f K .s l l t !1 B O U M ’drotoviX UvMv«- ilh t . 4 fdr<' M> t>e.t 8 mi itb, 0274 kit; 7 MR 0 T »(■.i ■ent A S ■ »varhì • t •.» *\ > 14 \ 1 * IRAiURS FOR SALC ED T - 7478 —knews that nrhen • ALL COSTUME JEWELRY 50% OFF »»4em *n K 1.V».-,’ Umwr.ie. I D : - FACUI I V the cat’s away—hfr'best friend can play! *'■* ; baili . -V. NEW MOON Ï» X 4b TWO CYRIL GIFFElJ» M l'E L Y EU R N lSH FD B U N r; 5 - 2 - i»î:;T bedroom* F»s»r piece t a l s ED 2 0 W boutw 1 or IhUN- fe‘UT Tib- bare ment Call IV 4 - 42àJ »• î a ii , r IV 0-^814.5 4 DtOr Hour»: op* PERSONAL Af ARì MLNTY A P A R T N ! NTS S I'P E H M n U » O ne A P P R O V ID r.« l IN .1 r> U 'T I M L FO R a it » u le « e* O n cam p u * ad M O B IL E H O M E 30 p.m . 40* X 10*, NO m p n e v d o w n , a ssu m e m o n th ly Pav­ •iUs KD 2 • 0280 o r NI 0 - *104 a fte r 0 THEGRASSIS GREENER « 9.M *jn W&nda «ikinfot « t u « ! Gahljis *>»\ G r u m i R iv e t Av* - w V M n t m s n i £ S P tC f O F ¿ 0 / £ ( Bue t4 .s u F ree twuku g, bus Une {»ir.Usiied bo.* Im e c * E very* No SIGM A P t 1VVBA», ■ to 5:3* p m • ümflRTUUKBH NitW n d te tr to T u n is M a rk e t R .m m fo r i C A M P U ’S C L A S S I F IE O S r a te n u tv , ijo iu .n c t*i» t«. 3 m en See these irrst* ED ! * U v J a n . n th at 387 IL . . H IG H READERSHIP . Abt>ou Road. Eäat t.iuU ug a.-k 1er Bob fl l i ) i ■& n f ü r - a Mde. M irliiaan Siali* N fw i^.aM Lam ing, M ichigan . s p o rts Thiinwlay. Jan n ar* 12, 1 9 6 1 .5 Giants' Sliaw Dealt , To Now NFL Team Conference Scorers CHICAHO, • 4 *' In d ia n i,' points .n '.he Buckeyes' lo re MIWK \V O ants as an alternate for .mo .»f the four teams to have conference «'art. a 9 1 -6 5 victory !>;'• Conerl.v I 'la y e d two conference hnskt't- OVPr ntinois. , by ■ t bar! t h u m b s t o p p e d h i m game* h.i** 'wo ¡v r. e: • .1- Other |padi*f.i who have i ves ‘* » 9 and Conefly was s'nl moni? 'ho Dii» 10a top 10 indivi- two fc»a#u«s games ificlud? No ! quarterback the end dual scorn*«. Iowa's Frank Allen with a 18 o- •he Ii^BO season, tirriiana's b:g Wnl* Bellamy iS' .,.ark for fifth spot, and three third :n official sfnti.sf.tcs roleas- Wisconsin plavtrs, Tom H ush­ ri y year» of p ro foot da 11 ivy h it f o r 515 c o m p ie * ion ed today with > two-game aver- ^anks. Dick Putrisse and Ken ••ice of 23.5 Hoosier Tom Boi- $it bel. ajj vvl*j| a 15-point aver- :i c o n n e c tin g o n 310 p a s ­ yard is for seventh w ith , w ti |l)l th r o w s for 4.489 y a r d s 1(5,o ' |___ i H3 to u c h d o w n « The conference pace-setter. fM s( H F I)M i. ìr.if s' t4»se d isc lo s e d tiff deal w ith after one game, is Purdue’s Ter- ' We hud G ants made rn advance _ nuchiniier, who scored 41 Ail basketball, bowling a n ! h?tr 21 draft points ip the Boilermaker^’ 79-volleyball routers are due by < ,,f' for ! I . opening triumph over North- p in. Friday. Teams failing » V.ki concentrate on a lop W (fgtm Monday night. j summit rosters by this time w‘ir If., i Next is O ho State's f a m e d be penalised one point in bloc* perry Lucas, like Disehmger, a competition for each day tt; * ..(• '• go u a +• mao Olvmpie cage ige star, star. with w i f h 35 35 roster is late. If. N\ • • >u T h a t s why w e ipoy lie able to draft 1978 ff.* • • ' *959. M a s o n .»f Tuiane as our J u Jv FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR FREE *2 Gallon of Coke, Strvl Shaft Badminton Rail Bear or Orange Rackets With 2 Rag. Oaa Ram Pizza %‘i .">« Pacing: Michignn S la te ’s wre-tlinir sqund I" an llolh al-o placed fir«f at the Purdue ntuidraneu* ») <*u. car I) spjiwin victory in the Hitf Ten cun/ci enee la r m eet last Saturdav. (P la in ( licc*c L x rlm ln l) mppt n ere <¡coree H«*l*l>- and Duane Wohltcrl. O p rn Dailv 11 a.in. lo 2 a. in. I la ml Rail l.ltiM"- VARSITY DRIVE IN 8 3 .19 8 1 .7 3 83.60 Ilisiul Hints Hot ¡m unit Hi.flV R3c Last Season for Reds ED 2-6517 OaKvarf Service 8:30 LINK’S SPORT SHOP ANN ST. Kl) 2-641« i.T’i sta i M ■f ., ... r.in n< ip trie »cam *.l doubt he vv¡l V tva y Tlie *uy loves *he ’V He • already started get- ivrr in IHfiC bu' n shape for ncx* neninm. I f rrnlv Vw; .-va he'!) he Hill,I he ii< Ca­ i. star Ail! iris is tic can rei l *o a PUBLIC SERVICE Electric and Gas Company n il mm .... J . Jj I, rc,)i ‘ Major I/- ¡ nm . ii idi 11111'in i uh iH iiiM ttiiiH iifiitiinwtiiiijf representative offering a lich Dickie K err \T md i> ' I m i F t U . . S a ’ u r d a v t i l l 6 p :n g PLANNED TRAINING PROGRAM nveripd Mu?tal her in’.. ia III Ml Jaiuiaiy (.learanee Sale Minnesota Leads \\(TIA: to graduates will be on campus • RKlHiTIONS up I» 2 6 ’ < anil >lore ilate Holds Sixth Place ME M innesota t.ophe»- v SUITS & TOPCOATS ieatiers in th e W e -' cjiiute H ockey A -so- TL( II l> IIM V M l r w o P A N T s s | IT S fit R W O I T A I J M to t» S JANUARY 17,1961 tccordinK to fijftires ■ W ed n esd ay . M ariueei's C rop h e !,.r.ido College two'« M , 1 NOW *49 59 SA W lo l^ ^ íá ! 9-6 a n d 4 -J 1 ■ - KM.I LARS - SHORTS - lO V f.s - FXTRA I.ONDS - S T fitT S Minne-oi i . 4-u -l/l^ tt ->« second a no i 9 . StdO. T h e Fitim-i r> - .re m WCHA ac- Get your name .*>eckrnd. ■has climbed into third ,KNS SPORT COATS •'> a (i-.l-t m ark for e < of 650. T h e W o lv e ri- Kegular }3.‘i to 100 Valoe** on the interview lis t... cd arch-rival Michigan M1CHIC.ANS ed" md NOW and hear the full story ill* Vmerica D ilk a 20 pnin i o.n ■ Wol- « ‘29’* '32“ ’69"’' of how your career lijins With B ears jsistis; Liarfy Bah. r,i..n:s S ize s ,TI to i t j vermes is 'i' ;‘ I v^.O, (A*).— Tito Chtca- or, 9 g .» »n i * am be enhanced T the National Toot- M-t'.igan boy. — • •- ie tignad tbeir No. 1 is »till pick, aQ-amartcan end Pascht *’• B- aa from th e University minute.. '•» 1 •r 44 5 MEN’S Ouality /All Wool SLACKS by working for a •urg. j George ■ --Coach G e o r g e H a i a s is t h e goaio* K eiju lar 11 1 ».'» to $.19..*>0 V alu e r growing company in one ■i*» 6-1 and weighing 228 average a ■ .ireed to term* w h e n for 10 games. K • p* ;i off in Chicago eo ; l o w e d IS goa,* NOW of America’s fastest ; rn Hawaii*! Hula Bowl B.li Rowe ' pe n vc r .htaa, 22. was voted the out- Michigan State *’ M. gan Tpcb hrt-v Alterations y t.g imeman in th e Gaaft and Michigan S.- >v-a. Coio- •'* Bowl victory over the rado Coliegv m •’ Nor'b n u ­ i a.t Sunday. Kota ‘h-* pa»t M •» ■ anci Tu*p>- . 1■ from Aliquippa. Pi ^day ,m r.oxt M n !.<> an*I Tues- • .'».INI to 25.00 Sport Shirt*» NOW .TW. 4.ÎH* lo l«.i«» : LOOK FOR TRE PUBLIC SERVICE OPPORTUNITY trpiete hi* pre-dcri’al x 0 1T * i to iO.hO Jacket- NOW 1 19.09 to TS.OO Pitt in June. Spring* RROCHURE DETAILING OUR TRAMINO PROCRAM . .. 0 x.ÿ.'i to 30.110 Swealern NOW 7.‘W, 10.IW to Jl.o*» YOU'LL FINO A COPT IN TOUR PLACEMENT OFFICE Don’t Qualify? 30 - 6 0 - 9 0 Day C harge Account - a rt you a young tuan PUBLIC SERVICE hbu uretk help with auto iiiMirauc»' i Man bat 5«avi rea# HOLDEN $ REID ELECTRIC AND CAS COMPANY Newark New Jersey 'Un Wilkinson u a». 1). Mitchell A M*>«**■<(¡J F KAN DOR SHOPPING CEN TER "Famous Hrand» to r Dud mod Lad" 'i: Abbott RM. Ea.it Innung: ED 2-1730 MAGAZINE The Spartan Spear Book« in Review ‘Constructive Ideas’ Off Box Office Failure Doesn't To MSU Administration Hurt Highest as Play .Ry JESS MAXWELL. stair New* Feature Editor In D t m aagx, schary by 'The Hlgheat Trrr" Aaron Is Influenced by W* *0B This colum n, known by Mime as “ The S p a rta n S p ear lend his reputation and hi* p k e d be «mbodiment of o . A play by Dorr Srhary, j and by o th ers m a space filler, usu ally dw ells on m at- Random nHouse. „ „ r . *2.95. 13# Pages. | remaining efforts In a campaign total force*, both social aaj j tors o f an objective n atu re, such as Biggis M unn’s R e v i e w e d by J o h n I Morgan j f0r the immediate cessation Of litlcal, to wbleh Aaron shs^ t i nuclear testing. The political log- evltably succumb, no*, h« fishing expeditions or Duffy D augherty’s coaching j Dorpgchary's new play of w hich are native Am-ri;- ____ -......... Dore , . . l i eic w which m u . rem ains __ Impervious Iexperiences. |i Highest Hivhest Tree.” Tree,” opi ow ned ned m New I!pvpn (acts, and against which Indifference and foo'.i h opt I Hut t>nce in a while this col Spear” will ¡.gain contain m a te r-|. York --------—-------- IUIK „„ on November. 4, 1939; -s c v -iAaron an(, his gon gha]j in futll ---------- lam. tunn will contain m aterial of .11I of a most serious nature, j entecn days later, it closed. If its ify align themselves, is seen In If w e a re to escape »h* ; humori nature—stuff that The topicfor discussion-will be jdram atic worth is measured in jt£e " character of Devereaux, sequences of this human 1 lot normally net in the the "Ten Commandments of Be- term termss ofof duration duration or or box box office, office, jAaron.sgovernmental project lemma, w e m ust awaken paper. and probably shouldn't, Good Roommate.” !hi« his nlav play was not a success, which ; ]pat|(,r> wj,0 nf,t only remains this Immoral atupor, this r; Thu- this week "The Spar- means, .otherwise stated. Brooks ¡¡(different to the threat of total ion, and acquaint O’tr s e i - an Spear'* will offer several im- Atkinson found fault, and said .devastation or mass mutation, w ith w hat is t o b o a . .~ p :. • "Ni Year's Resolu- then do it! Schary h -13atkMr.p- portai tion*v the *MSU admirtls- .Annual Purchase so (N.Y. Times, Nov. 5, 19*50. hut also scoffs at figures which -J H To the ------ l e s s sophisticated “^ . for example, an In* to dimmlnish the shock of c tralion tastes of someone who is.not yet crease in the frequency of leu­ aw akening through the - h . We ‘«trongly 'iiggcst that the Show Opens a perfectionist, however, the kemia by over three hundred of hi* art; w e must a.kr. i*',»- following steps be tnkf 1> by this play's artistic flaws are negli­ percent since the first Atom his concern lest our .Yp uni vci Mty: A t Kresge Art gible — especially if profundity bomb fell. eternal. i l l Correct the parking prob­ land consequence are considered lem on campus (several class­ Prints of all sorts lithographs j havin(j somP relevance in room buildings, such as Berkey serigraphs, etchings, wood blocks ¡ju(iRinB its total worth, hall, should I«* immediately rip­ and more are being displayed *!rharv fma * a k e n for hi SKI SALE Schary ped down and m ade into park­ in the galleries of the Kresge theme, the tentative future o Atr Center to .fan. 30. man, tentative, because whei ing lots). The prints date from IBM to ^ . t(.rms of a nucloar <2» Dam up the Red Cedar 1900. They are a special selec- ,, . . [river and flood the campus dur­ 'i.m made for the Kresge gal- war, or "peace/ and thelaccumui- ing zero w eather (thus, the stu- lories by the Rotcn collecUon i ' ati,'n ot -*'r»ntium ninety from I dents could skate to class, play of New York. Rouault, Picasso j nuc' car testing, e ■( r.n [hockey by the library and ice and Doga.s arc some of the w ell- j ^ ,rc connotes precious » ( ! tot. by the Union). ( 3 ) A llo w durk h u n t i n g o n th e known artists represented. The ('xhibttation will comprise ! meaning. »n course of his researi , Stock [R e d Cedar river (and goose part of the Kresge galleries’ I Aaron Cornish, a brilliant gov- j shooting from the bridge by the annual purchase show. When a 1 crnm cntal scientist, has contract - SU s -B n Is - lib rary ). -election has been made for the •*» leukemia. S u s p e c t , as the MI.M A D V IV H If I'.|( |,t. Col. John II. C raig highlights th e C nlvfr- sil\ World Travel series Saturday with his presentation of “ Across (4) Improve the quality of the food served in tho dormitories university’s perm anent collect- cause of his fatal condition, is ion, purchases may be made his work on a government nurle- OaatalSkii- the World and under th e Seas." The film -lcrttire featu res some unique from the show by the general ar project. Aaron’s son, Caleb, underw ater ser|iienees plus shots from atop (he sky srrap in g Tokyo (by serving said dueks and public. geese). jo geneticist, and, in his own field, quite as accomplished as Om M Boots- Tower. The program luwins at s p.m. in the C nlverslty auditorium . ..(5) AJIow men students to Laying hens require one-third his father, has become intimatc- throw snowballs at passing coeds pound more feed per month tO |ly concerned with the effects of by the Union (this sharpens the m aintain egg production in j radioactive fallout, both as the Polat-OarTop Exciting Talc of ‘Mr. Teacher’ e y e , cultivates th e brain — and cold w eather according to ex-[cau se of leukemia, and genetic strengthens the legs w hen they pcriments a t JltSU, tart chasing you). ' moutation. Garrian rw i \ •MSI Professors (6) O rder «11 instructors to t II at least three Jokes during *11 a lecture (for many classes, the jokes would be the only meaty SLACK SALE! Everything nni*i Rv Robrrt ViEiiilic-r** 1 Ù- lay. Thursday, arti! I A« * m / . >i ipter<; 1. ft, 9, It, 19. p a rt of the lecture). Ik*«old. . . State Ncuq St iff Writ«1 a ro o m 2 2 1 Morrill 2 1 . ind 11(5 in ‘What’* All the (7) Mov« «11 adm inistrative Regular 14.95 & 12.95 now 99.99 2 for &18.00 'i * ::ii tm Monday in 1 )f Union About Evolution?,’ officers Into tents and quonset T he fir t d a v ol d a de I',, i key Holt, 1 03-2 17 L mi tlif .v.signed reading. You huts and turn the adm inistrative We are wllinji i- i iv ill tiip ti..rifttmtl j W1|!II in> hold rr.yKinslblo for building Into a gambling raslno Regular 10.95 A 9.95 now 8.95 2 for 16.00 vends in a bustle of I•11 i In In th the m id- and bingo Joint. out our Ski Shop! in g -fin d in g , room - earcbin". 00 » dav at Kcwpcc's, •11 awt tho final. I'm sorry Regular 895* 7.95 now 6.95 2 for 12.00 f. il 1! uri' h ” (8) Allow drinking (naturally and tex tl look -Iniyinp, ! our scht diilo will allow only we mean butterm ilk) on campus Id*t rn ftt»{m■»*’ 1) a t*> i p u t­ il ‘.ik* 1 to jirriod for itiscii'istoA to stim ulate discussion and intel- Ivy or PlfalerfModrh • Sizes 30 to 12 jui»t fchottl to : t»ii \H firjet m - t ori (bat date I have a hand- lurtua) thought (o n why you I Nationally Aflvrrti**c»l llaggar Slarki ( ion. tact its cmmm-ieo this ;!ndv b ill tournam ent. Any que*- tiolV' " •* • Mr Teacher. T»*;n her. \v >u!d >*>Ui jhic-cup). 9) Question ’»**- •— ~ *11'\ s----------- •Indenti on " 22« \h b n tl LINK’S SPORT SHOP fobrrlv« al! Id iit .’ 11 r.u «•’-* Iv by the It mi The availa!»! »if i * ¿'t i*! D 1 ' 1(’ u M .ry ’ V»I I V .1 ¡1 "f Evolutionary idt .»?<• rep»*at the F. ’! tip with ft nth E li. ; / 1 1 g h ill- ¡ 'i. y Ttó . ,,ud ‘What’s Alley,.,- every classroom * ; dfFa hinehman* o r « forestry fn.g faces w ai ro o m f o r : ht? H uhi) Ata*ut Evoluì MW"’*I *1 “Ju st read the %ooka, eh? ¡major preparing for their big of her familiar b m fh l fjiln it ii: j *»v#. Vj . ,, •y Class dismissed, 1 have a hand- j*hindi|t). fUrrü. Anxiciv Ini ill • o - k Hi - j \mc<\ t i»adin g 1 hill name In five minutes.** I Next woejc. *'Tho Spartan dpnU Inform«» I’ M ll o u t r j ♦nid voit «v thlN g n y ht* lu stri th»»M before"*" “What k n d of U'-U do io arc it»a Hu; tlcalh r :i mu iÜÍHí î V Rent Rive?*' “ S a v \x it* tC < t h e f i n a l w ay?’* “The U it dav! What a id h;ivinu ;iìj finn mit* I 0 / -un fr SKIS-BOOTS SALE! break ” 1V d»M- ined The eonvf.M>/itio:i sur -Hofsk* 1 POLES IttrhH <>n a moro jum’íoiik n a voice i. It* vrd qoosti “ Did Jtrn take v«ni to the li theu w. •nnifi) for 1 tirad a y all aqaipw al STORMCOATS les lad nii'hr** I. fí, .e */.*t in ‘The Momentarily, slow -***,»d\ f Kvolli na rv T!»»'- brani m v •tvps approach the A l s o H a V r ( j i r - l t t p fjrrirr» ) AT THE HEIGHT OF THE tct w ill p •ut a •onccit in the Our stately man of let! r r s M u.*-II» M l .a 8:15 Tues- station- hirnself in *thi# front .‘ I’ ’1 i i n v n i g h t COLD WEATHER SEASON center of the ctass I!n.iiit ¡CCS uf the quintet . O ’L eary P i h ( S ta rt pi asses to a mon» proper teach­ Hu Kelt Friodcwald, flute, I'.ntl Frandor Contar IV 7-0284 ing position at the tip of hi* Hunter, otxic; Keith Stem, c'ar- vtose, rubs hts bean! and jw'ti t, E lg ar Kirk, basmxm; and • t the class. IVmgl.H i'limptx’tt. Kn>nvh hnrn. “ My name i< Mr J F Tea­ The WvHViwind ijiuntct i>* rec­ cher/* he announces. ' T F A - /* ognized »> one of the íincd Jf-E -R /* He writes his name m sin OI \viiiidwiijct ensembles m clear unmistakable Greek on tht univrrsitv c iceles toda> . blackboai vf “Mv tillu't' hours ít re V*.15.*» Inonil js; lo WKAH-FM J'ne j,eriorm.inee will be wsmti Milk W td a w a i t c a rd w re y , K n ad W llfl OHFyHs pNV| in two sw ie rt ¡u n io r if lh o u e ite s .. HILLEL FOUNDATION to p fo s b io n co u s r o QS f o r c a m p u s lli llr r r x t a t (¿ram i l i n e r A s v s n t s or c a r s s r tc b s d u is » , 1er Cream Sunday, January 1 5 * 6 :0 0 p.m. Ufb Doubis bfom tad hock- LASH A CARRY Sup|M’r ( 'lull bsltsd dyio with convsrtibts 1‘rof. Norman Abeles o f CounseltfA; ( ‘e n trr KO I hood coOor. Kghb Chin-coUar will d isfu w “ Probleinx n( S ludente” G al Grade A Homogenized clootie with giant patch pockets. 39c knxher Hot Dog Supper A Mixer Each in lodsn g r s s n , toupo. or F riday . Jan. 1 .1 -7 :10 p.m. Fri. evening Sohbath Servicen choagiogno. 5-15 sizos. S a tu r d a y , J a n u a r y l i lt) ti.m, — 1201 E. Grand River Csot Sskm S a b b a th Set vices A O n eg S habbat East Landing S a tu r d a y , J a n u a r y 1 1 s p.m . —• 3055 E. Mieh. .MarrnHi Students Gel T ogether Ju»t West of Sears l or Hides I’hone KD 2-llM4i u w u M m n —m i a