J» H B _____ «WMlMViiMWiJtt'nii '."IPfwSr ■ mm » » f i » 1^ Ê m È n m m w m m "7 - >*■“ '■•£* ■■■ ¿P I f c & llâ r e & G 9 s l5 r S I R ■ ! ^ S '!: ¿ ^ p§ i É£ I I 'i ffm lr r . P lw e g iK K r a S S fe fe » RM » New« la s k v tah p h iw Unes. For SUte News h Far new* dreh» n e extensions » 15, 1SM or asm M i i KM ar * n . Fer rit iéth K M m ealla, M m ü ik am . F a rd i classified ads, w a M f i a r i N I ar d ass m t . Tffjj m Wh Serving MSU For 52 Years Established 1909, V oLS3, No. 8 East Lansing, Michigan, Monday M orning, April 1 0 ,1 9 6 1 Budget Increase South Viet Nam’s fiFon’t Light Bessey Peacefully Re- Gov. John B. Swainson hast TONIGHT, PR ES. John A. Invited all state college and j Hannah has called a special university presidents and mem- m eeting of the MSU board of ■SAIGON, South Viet Nam . ® | D iem 's re-election for a five-| Some areas seem ed quite bcrs of Ml governing boards'to ¡trustees to consider legislative South V iet Nam ended its first year term a foregone conclu­ heavy for Diem . In others, it a m eeting in his office today a t I budget plans. sion. interest centered on how seem ed to be Closer, w ith his presidential election Sunday— 1.30 p.m . to discuss appropria­ The Senate finance com m it- successful t h e —Communists two opponents—Saigon busi- and m inutes after the polls would be in keeping the voters n essmnan an Nguyen ; Dinh Quat and tions. Jtee F riday recom m ended that t h e L egislature appropriate closed the governm ent claim ed at hom e and sabotaging the Chinese m edical doctor No I $29.677,219 for MSU for the fis- a m ajor victory over commu­ election process. Nhut Tan—m ustering many Ical year beginning July 1. nist rebel attem pts to Slock the votes. Mobutu This represents an increase of less than a quarter of a m il­ voting. GOVERNMENT officials es­ With President N go D ish tim ated about 70 per cent of the m elting tension. Voters stayed naAkm's 7 2 m illion voters turn­ In Saigon it was a day o f lion dollars over the universi­ ed out to cast ballots. In heav­ home for the first hours. But May Meet ty ’s $29,471,835 appropriate for ily guarded Saigon, they said, by 8 a.m ., after a lack of inci­ dents, they started flooding the the current fisca l year. | DR. HANNAH called the' Bombs Jar th e figure w as 80 per cent. THE LEVEL of .election day (Soils. Most had voted by 11 Top Rebet I appropriations proposed f o r j MSU “totally u nrealistic.” violence w as startlingly low— a.m Im . m ediately, after the polls “ The Senate finance com m it- LEOPOLDVILLE. The Congo jtee has recom m ended an In- French obviously th e result of an abrupt change of tactics by- the closed a m assive vote count- Viet Cong terrorists. ing program got under w ay. In Ofi—Gen. Joseph Mobutu flew ' crease in our appropriation to­ the heart of the city on streets north to Equator province Sun­ talling $205,384, out of which day on a m ystery m ission 4h at w e are expected next year to Cities No incidents w ere reported in Saigon during voting hours, between the National A ssem ­ fir s t reports from the country­ bly and city hall, three bands som e observers speculated m ay take care of an additional 4,100 MORTAR BOARD SECTION MEETING—A section meeting of the Mortar side including the troubled blared m usic into the setting lead to a m ilitary agreem en t students,” at E ast L ansing,” PARIS, i.-P!—Explosions o f south, listed oMjTone grenade sun. When asked w hat the cele­ Board was held Saturday on Campus. Seated left to right are Carole Dressel of plastic bombs—favorite w ea­ throwing and an ambush—with bration w as about, 'an official with the Stanleyville regim e Dr. Hannah said. MSU; Joan Coleman, Wayne State University president of Mortar Board; Mar- over the heads of the Congo’s MSUO also exp ects an in­ pon of right-w ingers—ee hoed no easutties. sm iled and said: crease of about 5 0 0 in enroll­ gert Foster, MSU section director and assistant director of woman’s division; through France's two largest bickering politicians. Mary Van'Wyfce from Hope College. Standing is Kay Thompson, Albion College Government officials said the “The re-election of the presi­ Commander-in-Chief Mobutu m ent next year, Dr. Hannah cities Saturday night in defi­ 1Com m unists had apparently dent, of course,” president of Moriar Board. (State News photo by Fred Bruflodt) " ance of a police crackdown or­ jchanged to peaceful tactics be- claim s he is going to m eet his said. Diem becam e this country’s Stanleyville counterpart, Rebel The university expects more dered by P resident Charles D e cau se efforts toward violence G aulle’s governm ent. T h e first president when it w as de­ arm y com m ander G en.'V ictor Lundula, on the border of Ori­ puThS^exffii"15 °n cam'|F ive Colleges G et Together in Saigon backfired or proved “ P lastiqueurs” also w ere busy effective. For exam ple, a hand clared a republic in 1956. ental province. Announced pur­ “THE AMOUNT of the pro- " in TIA lgeria. . . _ grenade aim ed at Am ericans pose of the m eeting would be posed increase w ill not pay for for negotiations on a m ilitary the heating, lighting and m ain­ truce between the rival regim es tenance of the new classroom j of Stanleyville .and Leopoldville. building (B essey H all) now un­ Mortar Board Role Discussed H eavy property dam age w as caused, but no one w as report­ ed 10 others. In addition the | ed injured in the continuing Com m unists had taken serious | barrage of disdain for De losses in m ajor clash es with j 3 V ietnam ese and wound­ Reds Block G aulle’s liberal policies aim ed Army and Civil Guard units in But there is considerable der construction that w ill be in ! doubt whether Lundula w ill be use there. Several high-level Leo­ Continued. He next fa suggested ll,” D the r. Hannah possibility At Two Day Conference at halting the Algerian' Nation­ the la st two w eeks. a list rebellion. “The Com m unists have lost D e G aulle gave up Ms usual face. They did not sabotage Laotian poldville politicians who have conferred by telephone with of continuing at lea st part of Lundula in recent days report th e package of nuisance taxes M M em bers and advisors of w ill tap outstanding junior wo­ organized~ta 1960. At that tim e, weekend in toe countryside to the election as they said they ichigan State’s M ortar Board m en here on M ay 1. A t the Saturday luncheon in two out-of-state chapters w ere prepare for a crucial week could do,” said one official. dropped and Section V becam e ahead. H is schedule includes Ceasefire the R ebel com m ander is em ­ presently scheduled to expire chapter w elcom ed representa­ phatically against negotiating this June. — tives of three other M ichigan th e Union building, the dele­ devoted to M ichigan chapters a new s conference ,a cabinet BUT IT IS generally felt th att MOSCOW, U ft —Indications of with Mobutu without the par­ “ IF THE issu e is .to continue chapters for th e spring section gates w ere addresses by M rsr alone. Hope college w as grant­ m eeting and a trip .through any setback if it is one—w ill de- j new stum bling Mocks to peace ed a charter in March ana w as southw estern France to te st ter V iet Cong only tem porarily. ticipation of political leaders. a tax on beer or tobacco or to m eeting here Friday and Sat­ John U seem , a M ortar B oard participating in its first Mor­ grass-root sentim ent on the A t forego aT easonable higher edu­ urday. - _ advisor and resident consultant It is still powerful, and "Still in Laos arose here Sunday. MOBUTU’S PARLEY with cation opportunity for our abl­ Present for the two day ses­ in th e departm ent of sociology tar Board activity. gerian question. w aging fierce war to overthrow ! There were no signs the Soviet Lundula originally w as to have e s t youth, the question is: sions w ere d elegates from and anthropology. D r. U seem ’ Arrangem ents for the m eet­ In Tunis, leaders of the re­ D iem ’s governm ent. Union is planning to accept coincided w ith m eetings be­ W hich should it be?” h e con­ W ayne State university, Albion has conducted extensive re­ ing w ere m ade by Jean “Mc­ bellion w eighed each of De There w as even som e specu- j western proposal for a cea se­ tw een Antoine Gixenga, leftist cluded. ' J co lleg e and Hope college.. The search on the place o f wom en Leod, E ast Lansing senior. Spe­ G aulle’s words which m av re ­ tatmn that the Communists fire. leader of the Stanleyville re­ - The university originally re ­ fifth chapter in th e section a t in con tem p orary-society, and cia l guests included M iss Fran­ 1er to the R ebel boycott of w ere m erely resting up on elec- Britisfa- Am bassador S i r gim e, and high-ranking Leo­ quested $37,586,732 to operate th e U niversity o f M ichigan w as she spoke on th is topic. c k D eL isle, director o f the p eace talks which had been tiou day for a new w ave of at­ poldville politicians. the university during the 1961- unable to send representatives, This w as the first m eeting wom en’s division of student scheduled to .begin last Friday ta c k s. Their spring-board pro* Frank Roberts has had no con­ But G izenga heard radio re­ 62 fisca l year. due to th eir spring recess. of the section since it w as re- affairs, M iss M argaret Foster, at E vians-L es-Bains. The Re- m utably would be charges that tact with the .Soviet govern- ports about Mobutu troop Governor Swainson trim m ed D iscussion centered around assistan t in the- wom en’s di­ bels balked at attending the the election w as rigged- and ¡m ent sice W ednesday, when-he m ovem ents and called off talks this to $31,509.000 in his budget the role of the M ortar Board vision and director o f the sec­ talks because of what they in­ that the governm ent had forced had a talk that led to a rash of scheduled for Sunday, fearful recom m endations to the L egis­ in prom oting scholarship, lead­ of his personal safety. He sug­ lature. ership and serv ice and in the Next Decade’s tion, M iss B etty McGuire and terpreted as French efforts to the people to vote. M rs. Stanley Ikenberry, Mor­ give a rival'n ation alist organ­ But correspondents touring optim istic reports. tar Board advisers,-M rs. Doro­ ization equal status in working toe c it y and rural areas report­ The British Em bassy said to­ gested that instead of a m eet­ THE UNIVERSITY’S Original orientation of new m em bers to ing on the border between Ori­ request included a net increase th ese id eals. M ortar Board, the ental and -Equator provinces oi $5,554,028 to cover; honor society for senior wom en, Problems thy in R the oss, assistan counseling t professor center and out an A lgerian settlem ent. ed orderly balloting . day there w as n a h in t of any quick resum ption of th e dis- they should have talks in an­ New staff, faculty, techni­ Discussed M rs. U seem . | cussions aim ed at resolving other city, either Stanleyville cian s, clerical and graduate as­ or (he Ethiopian capital of Ad­ sistants, $1,643,210. Ice Show Was Problem s facin g A m ericans Farm-Plan o f Freeman’s ¡east-w est differences and bring- | fire by Britain ana the Soviet dis Ababa. Salary adjustm ents of about In Stanleyville, six Canadian 10 per cent, $1,890.385. soldiers w ere reported beaten Supplies and services. $1,133,- Well Received, in the next decade w ill get the ateption o f M ichigan church Political Rally W ill Protect - ! tog about an appeal for a cease- Union. They would issue the ap- up last night by Congolese 927 and equipm ent. 8696,881. troops and M ilitary police. All Sm aller sum s fo r the retire­ Draws Big Crowd lead ers representing m any de­ nom inations at a M ichigan Scheduled WASHINGTON, ( 3 — S ecret» --ty subject to a referendum of IGeneva conference that gives j ry of Agriculture O rville Free- grow ers and a veto by Con- j Laos its independence from j peal as cochairm an of the 1954 w ere treated for minor injuries m ent fund, additional labor and More than 2,000 sp ectators State U niversity sem inar to­ IFrance. at the Canadian signals unit w age adjustm ents. Candidates fot* the presidensy Lman denied Sunday his farm . , , ; crowded into the Ice Arena last day. _ Of ASUG and othercanipus po- proposals would curtail to e Freem an said the legislation, headquarters there. The re- [ j Friday and Saturday nights ~to —“ G oals for M ichigan and litica l positions w ill appear at I P°.wer when subm itted to Congress, ! THE SOVIET governm ent Congress. And he w ill propose that there should and press have been silent but ports said the Canadians were j M ankind” w ill be the them e of kicked and struck with rifle buts and slashed across the! 11 Persons 4 see “ Silver B lades” featuring the eighth annual Churchmen’s an election rally at 7 p.m . Mon­ osaid, o id 9km n n n m tBobby M eCay, w ell known am a- Sem inar on State and N ational day in to e Brody m ovie room. protected under the program : Ion each producer com m ittee. m n the consum er would ber be a consum er representative newspapers gave the promi­ nence to a broadcast by Capt. body with web belts. They w ere i sitting in a hotel bar when the ] Involved in fteur from St. P aul Minn. A ffairs, which is expected to The purpose of the rally, 1 If the planjcurtails the power The tw o hour show had ap­ attract nearly 200 ’ M ichigan which k sponsored by the Men’s of anyone, Freem an said in a 1yon. w ill be protected and his trooper who led a L eftist coup proxim ately 214 people in jt and m inisters and laym en to Kel­ H ousing A ssociation, is to drum taped “The consum er. 1 can assure Kong Le, the Laotian para­ incident occurred. n _ *radio IB interview «MBS-; interest w ill be very much a to Vientianne la st sum m er. “ THE CONGOLESE appear­ Car Accident one num ber included 200 people logg Center. on the ice at one tim e. The up sp irit and create a m ore Reporters F eatured on the day-long pro­ rational interest in toe cam ­ of the secretary of agriculture. F t o . u . n d , u p t j t u of concern,” toe secre- Kong Le laid down demands _ that could snag hopes for a ed to take a distinct delight in L ansing Skating Chib am i the gram w ill be talks Jay Governor paign, said Bob G ustavson, “ It decentralizes and m oves jje rejected the criticism that quick cease-fire and a restora­ reducing our human dignity,” E leven persons w ere involved in a three-car accident that oc- Ice Arena M anagem ent spon­ John & -Sw ainson; Edward L. president of MHA. out and m akes m ore dem ocr*- p ^ n would lead to the m ost tion of peace . reported one Canadian. sored th e spectacular which Cushm an, vice-president for in­ A parade, band, and sound j tic grass roots the operation of rigid kind of governm ent con- Also in Stanleyville, p ress- . cured Saturday at 10:12 p.m . L eftist forces opposed to the at Harrison and Grand R iver. w as w ell received by the audi­ dustrial relations, Am erican truck w ill be included in th e !a farm program ,” Freem an trot ever im posed on agricul- pro-western governm ent o f ch ief Antoine Mandungu sa id , that for the tim e being there A -car driven by Frank E . ence. M otors corp; and the Rt. R ev. program , and the presidential I said, Prem ier Prince Bourn Oum w ill be no official direct nego -1 w as struck w hile m aking M ost of the participants w ere R ichard S. E m rich, Bishop, candidates w ill speak. The I His plan is to have farm er “This is a m ove away from have been scoring m ilitary MSU students. A ll of them w ere Protestant E piscopal D iocese speaking order w ill be d eter-]com m ittees draw up crop pro- a control and centralization su ccesses and there is consid­ tiations between S ta n leyv ille! * ^ 0 0 1£ 1T!?on ^ of am ateur standing. m ined by a drawing. j grants com m odity by com modi- and dictation by the govern­ erable belief in diplom atic cir­ and Leopoldville to end Congo- 1other car d n v e a * * C lem ens W. o f M ichigan. _ Dohgherty. Dohgherty w as tra- m ent or by the secretary of cles they m ay be stalling t o lese, political feuding. agnculture—mm ing out to the im prove their bargaining pow ­ j veling east on Grand R iver. The force of the collision State Police To Stop Showing Film producers th em selves,” Free- er at any international confer­ ence mi Laos. j sm ashed the Lamb car against man said. Four Fraternities i a third ca r driven by M atthew “I fe d very strongly that we T ass carried a statem ent by To Discuss Jam es Lueck, 1025 w est Grand *R iver, W illiam stan. Lueck w as :w aiting for signals on H arrison, Governor Calls Film Propaganda can neither develop a farm er the Pathet Lao radio laying program to W ashington alone— down stiff term s. T.. nor can it be adm inistered. Be­ Kong Le said both sides in Discrimination _ j- Seven people w ere treated a t ! Olin H ealth center. They are; Mare than 150 people gather­ “There k no question that the' showing the film because it m inisters who witnessed the cau se if w e’re going to try to Laos must get together and dis­ bring about som e harmony cuss a cease-fire and that “only R epresentatives of four frat- [ Clem ens W. Dohgherty, R oyal ed to debate the question of film k controverisal,” said Ro- w as dissolusioning. dem onstration. here be tween supply and de­ the lawful Laotian govern­ en tities w ill appear before th e , Oak. junior; E lisabeth Ohart, showing the film “Operation keach. “The only way one _ “ F alse security k the worst horror,” said R eed quoting the m and. ft’s going to require the ment headed by Prince Sou- “What w e w itnessed w as open hearing of the Student j G rosse Point, freshm an; Can- Abolition” m the pabUc schools can decide whether It k true or thing to giv e pur children,” he m inisters’ accounts of to es e- understanding o f the producers vanna Phouma has a right to Rights and W elfare com m ittee j dace C ollette; Frank E . Lam b, of Lansing at a Board of Edu­ fake k to use Ids own opinion— and th eir participation in order call a conference of parties said. to discuss discrim inatory claus­ Saugatuck, sophom ore; Linda cation meeting Thursday night. both sides must be shown.”, vent. “ It w as a sham eful dem- to m ake it w ork.” k little doubt thad Edward Boucher, 4928 D elray onsrtation against a duly Laos.” e s in their charters and the pos­ P askevich, Syracuse, N . Y ., The same day Gov. John B. But Freem an said his pro- concerned on a cease-fire in sible steps which can be taken junior; P atty C lever, H olt, jun­ Swainson, acting on the advice mo«t in America D rive, L ansing, who has work­ ganized body of CoopeM " . - N PaMcea» fat tte Souvanna, former neutralist to elim inate them . ior; and Jam es P . C allinicos, of his aides, ordered the Mich­ are anti said Ro- ed in 'Im m igration Services for The ministers felt the demon- ^T. problems of agriculture. Premier of Laos, fled the coun­ The hearings are designed to New York, junior. igan State Police to stop show­ keach. 1 what is so alarm- the State D epartm ent, said he stration was obviously Commit-; try last December after Boon aid th e Student Congress in ing the film cm grounds that It tog 6 they are against fe lt it k an essential duty of nist controlled, said Reed, They | Ottm’s troops recaptured Vien­ was too distorted. Commifltom for the wrong rea- our sch ools to present a con­ supported the accuracy of the tiane. “ drawing up. a resolution which would cttil for the elim ination of Judo Club Has “Operation Abolition” is a 45- Bons.fr"1" ^ tra st to our w ay o f life. minute documentary film show­ To most of our youth Commu­ But he added that the film, in demonstration convinced of the, film and came away from th ej Janitor Fired; If Kong La’s demands are discrim inatory clau ses within backed up by the Soviet Union, a set period of tim e or face ing demonstrations against va nism k bad simply because It his opinion, was innacurate. necessity of continuing the« Now on Board they will introduce a new .note withdrawal of recognition as a Class Vacancies Home Un-American Activities mean* long haws and little Another university professor, HCUA. into the diplomatic maneuver­ in San Fran­ p » ,* Ik fio d ed . Dr. John Moore, of the natural Ted Rower, an economics cam pus organisation by th e uni­ The University Judo Club has subcommittee Rokeack volunteered to help science department, argued in teacher at Everett high scheal. OGLESBY, 111. LB-A man ing. —^ versity. begun classes for the spring cisco last May. present Hitt sides to the issue favbr of the film. said the youngsters _________ should bej who was fired after 30 years of THE SOVIET Unkm has al- According to Bill Unman, E. term. Meetings are held in Among those at the meeting when the film was shown. “AriFWf tofielieve the criti­ able to make'their own ded- janitor aervice in the OgJedty those actually fighting In Laos Lansing sophomore, chairman Jenison Field House on Monday voicing opposition to the film George Griffith, a Lansing cisms of pMMh who haven’t tkns. ochosl Syrian pasted the school ready told Britain it baheves of the committee, representa­ and Wednesday nights from 7 was Dr. Milton Rokeacfa, pro­ school tsacner, supported Ro- even ston tiff film, or are we r He explained that his stu­ board oecwftary in elections. should arrange truce condi­ tiv es will appear from Lambda to t:30, on the third floor in the fessor of psychology at the uni­ keach's argument, fading toe to boltoM mr security agen­ dents carried on a mannerly Frank Rolando. 51, was dis­ tions after the two powers is­ CM Alpha, Alpha Ten Omega, wrestling room. versity. film would fiave undesirable and intelligent debate after ow­ missed in June. I960. The board sue an appeal. But the Rus­ Sigm a Chi, Sigma N u, the cies, such # the-FBI, who are There art vacancies this Rokoach, a member oy. kl.fc.' P lfc S B H p ï$ a ^ P 1fWsiCtÿt^ÉÉlsÆ^iMM# ■éi><ï ^fy S■ l ^ p g i pSyMœi f j*.Sp^ » îslillì ppi I • IIÉ S -7 S iP P Œ 11 .;ïïÆ^m |S iI$ | ¡¡¡¡¡1 mm Æ i^ la a f e a its Michlpm State Ncim, E—l I w in g, MWAigm E D IT O R IA L Mareday Morning, April 1 0 ,1 9 6 1 riSr. lyMBS&gl ■$, HÉ' “Cuba Si, YanqniNyetS — Oop. - Editor’» Corner Trustees Okay Study Request Republican Party The Board of Trustees has approved a re­ At the board's recommendation a study quest by Pres. John A. Hannah to reopen a will be made into the preser/t regulation and study of the automatic suspension rule for students who violate the rate barring liquor suggestions for possible elimination of the undesirable features will be presented to Must Modernize on campus or in university controlled build­ the board. By CHUCK RICHARDS ings. We view this decision as a definate We suggest that the automatic suspen­ State Nows Staff Writer step towrads change in the archaic system sion rale be eliminated entirely and that pen­ of regulations for this problem. alties for consuming liquor on campus or in university controlled buildings be left to the The result of the last political bout in Since 1857, any student who possesses or Michigan produced little in the way of en­ consumes alcoholic beverages in university jurisdiction of the student judiciary. controlled areas has been subject to dismiss­ UNDER THE PRESENT regulation, a stu- thusiasm by voters but did serve as another - al from Michigan State. The situation has ednt is subject to suspension fo r consump­ less than a subtle slap at the Republicans. 'become more acute recently because all tion and 'or possession. There is a definate difference between thesis, two term s, and we The fact that virtually every candidate students arrested for violation of traffic bearing the label Republican was defeated rules, such as failure -to stop a t a stop sign,' would urge th a t this difference be noted in as well as those arrested for other violations a recommendation to the board. A student should have stirred the leadership of the are referred to the prosecuting attorney in may have an empty bottle of beer in his c a r,' party to question its attitudes and approach­ Lansing. '- bue he may not have consumed it, or if he es to the state’s problems. aid, he did not necessarily consume it on BECAUSE OF THS regulation, and ex­ campus. However, if he is drinking it wnen . tThis is an election where jthe only people tenuating circumstances whereby students apprehended, then he is clearly consuming it. who know the candidates are their wives— arrested for traffic violations have th eir Thirdly, we would urge th a t a committee and even then it’s doubtful how many of cars searched, many have become victims of of faculty and students be formed to study the good ladies know their hubbie’s politi­ circumstance. By this we mean th at an emp­ the situation. \ cal views. ty beer bottle, which the student may not Pres. Hannah^ Dean Tom King and Dan Jiave known was in the car, if found will Riedel, president of AUSG, have indicated Since it takes nothing short of 'in out­ cause the student to be suspended from they favor revision of tire rule. We agree right bribe to coax the reluctant voter to school. This we view as a ridiculous regula­ with them and urge th a t they consider our_ the poll in April it is not^difficult to im­ tion.. above proposals. — agine ho'w very little he knows about issues. ASSUMING THE ABOVE to be true, it Elections Rally Could be Beneficial should induce the GOP to question why vo­ ters pulled the lever under the Democratic party so frequently. Men’s Hall Association, in an 'e ffo rt to purely em otional appeal as it is f o r -a ratio n ­ al appeal. But the Republicans will probably fix stimulate rational interest in cam pus elec­ their blinders' firmly in place and insist that We encourage students to attend this rally, tions, is sponsoring an elections rally 'to ­ meet the candidates and m ake a carefully Walter Reuther Waved a magic wand from night a t Brody. The rally will begin w ith a thought-out choice a t election time,. In se­ the roof of Solidarity House and the ballots parade, followed with short speeches by each lecting a student leader, it is often too .easy all turned Democratic, candidate. to make a choice on the basis of a nice smile The biggest problem with the Republi­ or affiliation with a particular group, ra th e r cans, it appears, is that times-have changed We are pleased to see this effort on th e and they haven t. _ — than on-platform and'quatifications for the p art of MHA, and we hope the rally will office. Most of the Old Guard still are not con­ have the desired effect: a more deep-think­ We also encourage candidates to take full vinced that the New Deal became a reality ing and logical voter. But for such a public advantage of this rally, not as an emotional "and you will get an argument over whether event to be successful, sincere effort is re­ play, bu t as an opportunity to make your or not the Detroit area is the most populous aims and ideas in the office fully known to in the state. quired both on the part of the voter and. on the p art of. the candidates. Such an open the voters. If handled correctly, this selec­ Letters to the Editor rally can be as much an opportunity for a tions rally could be of behefit to all concerned. AT A TIME when the state of Michigan Criticize HUAC Advertisement is being villified and humiliated throughout the nation, men like Don R. Pears (R., Bu­ Candidates List Qualifications WaitingArms there are r e a l Am ericans am ong the opponents of the HUAC- with real argum ents. Rebellion Good To the Editor: chanan), Speaker of the state House of Rep­ resentatives, is busy chasing the 11-year-old son of Gov. Swainson from the House cham­ E lections for A ll-U niversity MIKE SALTMAN, Flint, has “ I do not have a platform as To the E ditor: bers because he is “without official status.” such,” Cronkright states, “ be­ — Alan McKnight In reply to the interesting Student Government and cla ss worked as athletic director of The C onservative Club seem s Em m ons hall .and is now a cause of the restrictive nature statem ents m ade by Congress­ Pears is one of the leaders of a group of officers w ill be held Thursday. to consider no, expense too ★ ★ ★ In an effort to increase know­ m em ber of its executive and of a concrete outline. Instead great to their cam paign to con­ m an John H. Rouuselot with conservatives in the state legislature who enjoy opposing -everything that doeanot ledge Of the candidates and in­ terest in the elections, w e are general councils, as w ell a s a m em ber of the B ig 10 R esi­ to ideas ami problem s w ith I b elieve in a positive approach serve every u seless contraption o f the C ongressional publicity Host Program th e support of the M ichigan State Conservative Club, we measure up as “politically beneficiaL” publishing the qualifications of dence H all Conference. He is .th eir su ccess or solution hing­ hounds who rally behind th e " To the Editor: would like to present som e of Gov. Swainson had barely settled in the a ll cla ss officers and the plat­ a m em ber of Sigm a Alpha Mu ing on open m inded thinking, blind fear of liberalism . I read with interest your edi­ the v .ew i of Thomas Jefferson fraternity. not preconceived n o tio n s/’ executive chair before the group was making form s of candidates for -class The fact is that the HUAS has torial of April 3 on the interna­ which are perhaps to o often it quite plain th a t they would support none and AUSG president. Those Im proved com m unication be­ DICK W INTERS, L ansing, is very little chance of protecting tional students. Y oar explana­ forgotten In tins day of the candidates not listed here did tween Frosh-Soph council and a m em ber of AUSG and has us from com m unism when it tion of tills situation w as excel­ John Birch Society and Con­ of bis proposals short of a salary increase not turn the requested m ater­ the student body, and genera­ served on the Student Orga­ m anifests such oblivious ignor­ len t and your proposals sound. gressm an itou sselot. _ for themselves. ial in to the State N ew s. tion of more interest in -cla ss nizations com m ittee, Student ance of the com m unists’ funda­ Many people in the Lansihg- “ I hold that a little rebellion, "Probably one of- the most-useful of Re­ activities are the m ain planks R ights and W elfare com m ittee. E ast Lansing area have also ndw and then, is a good thing, of Saltman’s platform . m ental m ethods of operation. publican strategies during the last guber­ Sophom ore President Com m ittee on C om m ittees and It is all w ell and good to buy been aw are of the need to make and as n ecessary-in the politi­ natorial campaign was the constant harp­ Student-F a c u i t y R esource JAMIE BLANCHARD is a Sophom ore Vice Pres. an alm ost full-page ad to point the international students a cal world as storm s in the phy­ ing about businesses leaving the state. board . — out that com m unists jum p at part of com m unity life, and in sical. U nsuccessful rebellions^ pre-law m ajor from Ferndale. _ W inters is proposing a five Now.when Swainson offers a tax program H is cam pus activities include KAY LAURENCE, R iverdale, the opportunity to organize and the fall of 1960 the Lansing indeed, generally establish the HI., has a working knowledge point program : 0 Junior c la ss aggravate protests begun by World A ffairs Council estab­ encroachm ents on the rights of which includes business relief, the GOP mum­ m em bership in-U n ion Board, representation in AUSG (2) a l­ AUSG Student Congress and of parliam entary procedeure A m ericans against certain un­ lished a hospitality com m itteq the people, which have produc­ bles and grumbles with their usual indignant location of a per cent of the Student R ights and W elfare and is a" m em ber of the R us­ dem ocratic institutions w ithin to deal with tius problem . ed them . An observation of denouncings. AUSG tax to cla ss governm ent E very new student in the fall this truth should render honest com m ittee and Em m ons H all sian club and Alpha Gamma their-govem m ent, but this does ( 3 ) establishm ent of a bureau council. He is a m em ber of D elta sorority. not m ake said institutions dem ­ and w inter term w as assigned republican governors so m ild THESE ARE STRGTLY1 biased observa­ of polling to sam ple student to a host fam ily in the com m un-' in their punishm ent of rebel­ D elta Tau D elta fraternity. ocratic. FRANK THOMPSON. Tolédo, opinion and a id 'leg isla tio n (4) tions, of coti.se, but are ones which are aimed Blanchard is running on a Ohio, is a m em ber of the AUSG sponsor a program of lectures Com m unists naturally rush to tty. The fam ilies Invite the lion >, as not to discourage theni take advantage of any dem on­ students to their hom es, shovv too m uch. IF is a m edicine a t restoring a competitive two-paKy system platform calling for m ore cla ss Leadership Training Program to prom ote intellectual aw are­ identification through original com m ittee, the Judges com m it­ stration o f discontent am ong them the com m unity, entertain necessary for the sound health where a candidate must have a. brain instead ness and (5) im prove com m u­ of the governm ent. 4 i2. liam H artwig, E ast Lansing 10 real problem facin g a judge is W omen’s Inter-R esidence Coun­ tiv ities in the Union. He is al­ 4 unior. cil. so a m em ber of Senior Council 1989 MGA. WHITE WALL- wire ‘w lieeis. radio. 13,000 miles, one owner, excellent condition. ED 2-3227. SINGLE ROOM NEAR cam pus for what to*do with the individual tf m ale student. Comfortable. Parking. who com es before the bench. H er hobbies are m usic, read­ and A ll U niversity Student Gov­ Shirt Landry CaU ED 2-315. — 10 ing and dream ing about travel. ernm ent E xecutive Board. Paleontologists can deter­ I960 PEUGEOT, block, whitewalls. Kalam azoo has solved the Radio and heater, sunroof. Perfect FOR TWO MALE grad, students. problem partially by establish­ In keeping up w ith m usic, Ma­ In connection with his work mine the temperatures that D ia l E D 2 -3 5 3 7 f o r P ic k -u p & D e liv e r y condition, low mileage. Call ED9-3224 Clean, large room, linen furnished. ry has been a m em ber of the in ROTC, Bob w as nam ed a prevailed in oceans thousands a fter 5 p.m. 12 Co-op kitchen. P ark in g $6 each. IV ing a school for traffic viola- i t ’ s q u i c k a n d e a s y ^ - 5-6307 a fte r 5 p.m. o r w eek-ends. 8 m ixed Chorus and W omen’s distinguished m ilitary student. of years ago by measuring the 1956 PONTIAC, red and white. 2 Glee Club. H is hobbies are participation E. Grand River Across from Student Services Building ■ffoor hardtop, hvdrom atic, excellent LARGE ROOM FOR 2 male stu-1 This school, similar to the amount of oxygen stored in condition. *595 ID 2-3470 after 5 30 dents. One block from Berkey Ball, j Two years ago she flew alone 1in sports and tormenting his ; fossil shells. p.m. ■— 8 $.150 per week. ED 2V&323 after 5 p.ity (■one in Royal Oak, has been in RENAULT DAUPHINE I960 Four operation for nine years and door, fine condition I.uggqxr r.\«k ROOM FOR RENT - G irl w anted! only 3d per cent of the violators and cany a* 10.000 miles. H u rt css to share large double room - w ith { have returned for a second m ileage. Call ED 7-9256. after 5 p m working girl who is part-tim e st li­ — 11 tter.! P rivate half-bath. Call LID, time. 1*67 CUSHMAN MOTOR SCOOTER very good condition. Call 209 West Shaw. 10 2-8343. evenings. PERSONAL 0 Gty Clean-up Attire for Grassers Don’t Scalp EMPLOYMENT M.S.U. GRADUATION RINGS. See them a t Tha Card Shop. Across from Proposed Anyone! FOR SMALL BOYS CAMP, experi­ enced counselors needed. N ature, Hothe Ee. Building ED 2-6753. 11 Traditional Short Sleeve Shirts rtflerir. comping, archery, crafts. Will consider husband and wife, if wife _ PERSONAL Are you keeping E a st Lan­ is nurse. Minimum age 19. Writ# giv­ ing experience and background. Comp Flying Earfe. 1281 W eber Drive. Lan- sing. Michigan. 19 JUDITH RADZOM a n d JAMES S. HURD pMoaa come to th e State sin g d ean ? This w as t e topic of the ad­ Domestic Cotton Prints 3.95 Newa office. Room 247. S tudent Ser­ visory com m ittee o f the Cham­ vices Btdg. for tw o free passes to the MALE STUDENT to clean aoart- rnent every 2 weeks. Contact Ray­ Crest D rive-lh. ber of Com m erce which m et There’s no need to scalp mond Roberson, piano tuner. IV Thursday; in th e Goodspeed 7-3291. MAURICE'S WOMENS specialty tf * REAL ESTATE building. The com m ittee, under th e chairm anship of Harold Bleeding Indian Madras 7.95 anyone j u s t because yon shop in Lansing. has opening for an e x tra sales lady to work from Ha m, Like EAST LANSING!!! JU ST listed!!! Olds, suggested m any appro­ Tan’t find the textbooks yon new, < room Cane Cod. Spacious to 4 p.m.- dailv. P refer one who has had previous selling experience. kitchen, loads of closet and storage aches to Die ty p e -of clean-up need. Relax and take it easy. A pply in person or phone for appoint­ mother.2 ment. r v f-M U „ i 900 on easy terms. Please r0. Cali W avne Rice. ED 2-1511. now 's a good time, to sta rt enjoying soft-pedal approach so far, and Ext. 2361. 8-5 daily. 8 this exciting yet relaxing sport. Drive TRAILERS ALMA TRAILER. 36x8, good con­ out for a free dem onstration ride. 2 then you have to use som e kind and 4 place rentals. Reasonable rates. Sheren Aviation. N orth Abbot Rond. e f legal enforcem ent" ED 2-0224. - tf A lso on the docket w ere sug­ 25% Off We also have a large selection of paperbacks listed by sub­ dition. a ir conditioning, priced to sell. ED 2-0044. WILL BABYSIT MONDAY and gestions for student cooperat­ 9 W ednesday mornings: Tuesday a fte r­ ject. Stop in and see us today at onr convenient location across noon a fte r 11; all day TburscUv. A ny ion from the fraternities, so­ FOR RENT evening o r weekend. OL 5-2392. 8 rorities, and a ll living units on from Berkey hall. BABYSITTING IN MY U niversity the M ichigan State cam pus. KIPLING BLVD. 6 rooms, fireplace, Village apartm ent. Full tim e. Call guy heat, 9125. Phone IV 5-8128. • ED 9-441«. 8 Night Staff ARARTI*«NTS EAST SIDE. NEED 2 m ale students ED 7-M5L to share w ith 2 e th e r students in a S ‘x room apartm ent, Everything fur­ ; MUSIC • offer tw o successful years Ot th e CHORAL GABLES w ë fe rì qualified to m rvc you. Jim Benhai». W AN TED 11 N ight E ditor, B ill Doerner; A ssistant N ight E ditor, Mary Student Book Store nished. 99.75 weekly. O r will rent just rooms w ith tsu d y space, double $3,50 each or single. S7.00. Approved. Basing; A ssistant Cito Editor. Jim Hucka; Copy Editor, Bob (Across from Berkey hall) IV 5-4824 or IV 9-8915. » i EITHER SUBSTITUTE choking o r MALE STUDENT WANTED tomharo t tanca. IV 3 bedroom apartm ent, com pletely | furnished and Inctudod kitchen. ¡ 5 to I full time, référenças. v e a n of exper ... DANCE BAND for Cham berlain; A ssistant C o p y University Shop Free parking in large lot at rear of store . dinlnk room Jiving room . P rtv a ta 1 S w a iS ~ ¿ $ e 5 !jS » t . Contact » tr. Ru*- enarene* and parking area. IV 5-4211. I seU . Wing. C orunna High School. O t 81 between 1-8 pm. I t i Corunna, Michigan. f Monday Morning. April 10,W 6t] MieUgaaS w vlie n , E m H id iip o T SWL Meeting Wednesday Night I Colleges’ Problem: Educating su Crossword Puzzle m v tm Q ts o a J H 2313 30 3332 33 an a s Q 3D Q 3LÎ 3 3 33D 3 3 3D 3 3 I3 3 Q 3 n a n n a a ia a Woman’s LeaguT men's League it to »»vs the hold an open house onthe stodents and faculty of Mich­ Sun Porch of the Union Wednes­ igan State through activities '¡soananoas ago day, at 7 p.m.. Activities of the Urn studenf-facuflty teas, the 4.1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 G 3 I3 D Iffwnn will be discussed and organization for off-campus students and the showing of t. Poorly 1 3 3 □ □ □ a 3 3 1 G K 3 a samples of etiquet slides will etiquet slides around the cam­ I t Decay & □ □ □ 3 3 3 o a a be shown. ta. O hms» liT t t m r ic 001031103 3 3 D The purpose of Spartan Wo- pus. ‘ es in order to succeed at col­ Tintera’s comment pinpoints M k M aS rf 333333033 3 3 3 3 By SHARON COAOY has bees placed on the high 333 0333 a a a a State Newt Managing Editor college. When students flunk­ lage, he said. 7 the fact fbat high achoels dt not ed out, they could net spell, The MSU coed, talking with when they indicated no interest her instructor in his office, in­ in learning, it was the high "All research proves the con­ trary,” Waskins said. "Over the last 20 years colleges have always tell the truth their students have accomplish­ ed. ■ hi what ML ST. M ary temathinf Mm* 41. Anglo- fai 333 33aS_a3D D 18. Give tem­ FOR FREE sisted; school for student failures in reduced the number of specific > “A STUDENTS transcript 23. Scrimp porarily \u, GALLON OF COKE, ROOT BEER, OR ORANGE "The United States Constitu­ school’s fault. courses required for admission, may say three years ef mathe­ as. Tonna font 11. Belinda WITH 2 REG. ONE ITEM PIZZA tion never mentions the office Today, the em phasis has but the area is again being matics but when we bivestigmte 3*. Tit!« atvuhw i« IT.ToconSne (PLAIN CHEESE EXCLUDED) of president." changed- C olleges are-becom ­ muddied by national testing what he actually studied, we Si. I TX. ladina If.BaetbaH She is FRANK-SINATRA es who want students educated 5 :0 0 p .m . F o r re serv a tio n s NOW — 3RD. WEEK! DING alike. Y et local d istricts fight D o t i the ten o u i In dm rm I. C all E D 2-1511, E x t. 2160 to retain autonom y in deciding Featnre at 1:00-3:15- • • what and how they shall teach," S:3D • 7:50 • ID:2D p .m . on the i » i e m e of a bdt w te he said. b rille» comfort. Doobie-dart tai­ "We can’t have both," he loring in hack am m (n a g cm- PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED « 1 1 7 said. Paul D ressel, director of in­ stitutional research, em pha­ sized this point also. "I F E E L .w e alm ost need a Coor f t Half-belt g e t i l o wUh beNthcnee HMeriocklegootN hncfclr. Pea charter member io “Oub.“ the N annnt «tack* you’ve w e w onl DING P n I E * national curriculum . Now, ev­ EAST LANSING - PHONE ED.M8I4 ery high school is different. C olleges cannot equate them ," HOM E OF T H E B E ST IN FO R E IG N FILM S he said. — The differences in h i g h E X C L U SIV E L A N SIN G A R E A SHOW ING FIR ST SHOW 7 P.ML — A D U L T S 90c F IR S T SH O W ING — COME EA R L Y schools show up in college grades, D ressel said. Some schools, such as E a st Lansing, m ay send students to—MSU ■ Walt DttNBY*s e MW ALL-CARTOON PCATURtl FROM with C averages. The students FIR ST IN Ö U B SP R IN G F E ST IV A L consistently w ill earn a. B av­ f O n e H u n d iS d ? erage in college. OF FO R EIG N FILM H ITS - - - ' fMOTgng • m Om ■ Another school m ay send stu­ dents with A averages but who n0NE OF THE YEAR’S BIST. 99 are only capable of earning C’s at MSU, he said. —H.Z. fltfm — H r . NmN Ta tm m —N.T. WofU-Tthgrwm A f a t —fina Mogofinn ■PLUS — Tho No w Yorfcor " M W H Dm Ito M t" —Ct» ~r~. —N.r. M —N.r. LUC ON WALT DISNEY’S The Herse With The Flying Tall Shewn I:»4:50-7:1M:30 r e p r is e —Co» * 1:00 - 1:40 'Mt lo e 6:3D - 9:2D STARTS FRIDAY! y ____ - - - N Y . fa n NOW... Cdm FeW t ttoiy » “ t w ork o f p ow er mnio—ti tee m i a m COMPLETE t INTACT! comp t m m to Metcnm! “*D o *tf MwfQT iTb Grot Eitortanmt Skcvj NOW AT POPULAR PRICES! O a N a rR jK L . S I M A R O V B .R E •■ .»«M an «ossa« itn o M K tc i . tM w m tararne, at sum SHOWN AT 7:00 AND 9:35 STARTS LAURENCE OLIVIER 217 EAST GRAND RIVER ED. 2-1616 FRIDAY! * IN TH E ENTERTAINER' ESSI rr'V. US S i .J S ilp w ^ I P V m t f Æ K m i ■ ■ fr y K | ( § f 1 0 ,1 9 « Ü i « M M m « 1 m B m Ü1S s i * îtà $ L - . . ,->->;~3c»ri& ‘.ii ■'.'‘{■<■4 im m í!■'A^y. -Y ’»'V-.■■ ^-: % : rj:V< P--’ ‘;'v-v eats ~v ít *w .% : Win Two Baseball Open In Saturday HAMBURGHHEAVEN At Rain Clouded lift By ■ D O E FAMHCANT Sato Maws %arta Writer « You expect variety • • • and you get it l Cffepert Street— A ero« F ra« VHRiur WASHINGTON (I) - R a in ord of the exhibition season, at towtawd to wash out Mon* an airport reception. And they * «. ?-- T m ■--**— M St— IQ d B p B 5U H CW IIIW IW TO day’« opening game of the were eager to join in the ex­ piay toe rato of toa victor. The ton baseball aeason, tat thl citement of opening day, min­ Spartans, aaatoaa to creato *s CAMPBELL'S S U B U R B A N S HO P weatherman advised President gling at the old ball part with favorable an hapreataa as pos­ toi Kaaaody. the Washington Sen­ distinguished government lead­ sible to toe enriy season, pol­ o Visit the Whiff & Puff Bar ator! ana Chicago White Sex to ers brazenly playing hooky ished ell Atos Orihgt to both be ready for action. from their job. ends of a toda Mi Saturday, The forcaster said showers Except fw rookie J.C. Martin 7-1 and 7-2. at GMCalepe FiekL CQ For that started this afternoon at third base, the White sox would poor a half lncfTof moist­ win present a well-known line­ Most ef toe pribtag was done ta a carpe ef ta to hart­ Your Pipe Smoking Pleasure ure on the Capital before leav­ up of Louis Aparicio, Nellie era. Stariag the tardea equal­ English pipes By: in g toe area som e tim e in the Fox, Minnie Mlnoso, Roy S k r- ly , th e y tadtod Alma to rig h t morning. ers and colleagues who won s c a tte re d I r i s in toe opener and Comoy — Dunhill — G.B.D. Grounds-keepers at Griffith stadium spread a tarpaulin the pennant in 1959 but slipped seven in to e " f ^ T The 250 to choose from to third last year. Scots w ere ab le to w g id s r only ~ ' ALSO over the infield. But there was For W ashington, rookie R. C. one extra bane Mt to to e 18 imt- still a question—even if the Stevens is crowding old-tim er ] ing s played . Imported Tobaccos & Gadgets rain does stop in the forenoon D ale Long at first base. Man- j THE S f . l l l A ’8 put th e Ask for three B’s —whether the outfield would be ager M ickey Vernon hasn’t opener on ice beta* many of WAYNE FONTES, Spartan second baseman slides tame for a Spartan score soaked Jbeyond use. ( quite decided betw een them . the 508 —nfffcnaf) spectators la Saturday’s actios against Alma. MSU won both garnet ever toe Scots 7-1 aad GO Free Book on Pipes U it's too w et, Kennedy and Stevens w as batting 270 before were seated. Hay batted a- 7-2. Footes also playa end for the Spartan football squad. 80 h is fellow right handers'w ould today’s grapefruit league wind­ round in a fasa i n third fam­ GO have to postpone their cele­ up against Long’s .216, t a t Long ing fat which Ken Qay. Alma’s w as able to score a t a m ore* bration of Major League base­ b all’s 85th birthday until Tues­ d ay. The gam e then would be­ hits for distance and has a big starting and losing pitcher, iss­ edge in experience... Much de­ ued a banner and doable. pends on the condition of Long’s Don Lmnspargmr slashed a leisu rely pace. G eorge Azar, who had replaced W ade Cart­ w right behind the p late, doub­ 100: Turn Out For gin a t the hour set for tom or­ sore elbow. lead-off single to left A double led to le ft and m oved to third row—1:30 p.m . EST. N o other d u b s are scheduled to play be­ fore Tuesday anyway. ------ The Senators offer such. by Wayne Fridas, proceeded nam es as B illy K laus; Marty ; jjY Keough, Gene W oodling, Wil­ don H jartaas, d ram in the in­ ptoch M t a Gor- on a fielders choice only to ., ■core on a w ild pitch. A w alk, sin gle sacrifice fly and another Football Practice On either day, with all 27,419 lie Tasby and Danny O’Connell, itia l S tate n m s. safety accounted for toe final By JOHN SCHNEIDER anced line w ill give the Spart THE STORE WITH THE RED DOOR... seats sold out, the White Sox all with m ajor league back­ C trl' Charon hiftonm g Foo­ two runs. Associate Sports Editor ans training in alm ost exactly -Senators gam e w ill be televised tes in the ta ttin g o r d e r h it h it u. grounds ta t none in W ashington IT WASN’T until Ken Avery what they can expect during the C AMPBELL’S S U B U R B AN 8 H to the W ashington area only. first hom er a f to e season; -a Spring football practice be­ regalia. cam e on that Kob’s saw som e gins today w ith a “ fun”session gam e. Kennedy—at 43 the youngest blast that c leared th e 385 foot president to perform the hon­ The sight of a W ashington sign as le ft field . real pitching. He faced only B locking assignm ents also or—throw s out the first ball at uniform has never fazed Wynn M_____ ickey Srifcs, lim ited th e nine batters in h is three inning and a balanced line innovation w ill undergo a sligh t change 1:25 p.m . since he left tta o l i S en a to rs- j ^ in a trade, with ^ ^ T 9 e M U r^ h its stint to get credit for the Win, am ong the changes presented w ith only the guards “ pulling’’ w hile showing bow easy the to the 100 plus grid hopefuls by instead of three m en as w as The Michigan State Then E arly Wynn of Chicago , Vernon—in. . . .1949 . . . in to e three he haled. —a t 41 the oldest player in the The aged nghthander, U-1-rn jBob Rnn faltoved Sides to the job-can be done when it is' ap­ coach D uffy Daugherty and the previous practice. Am erican league— and Dick Donovan of W ashington assum e m ore decisive, pitching respon­ 1960, is aiming f°r hi* victory some time this season.; He takes 284 mto th eo p en er . j R oss fte Bride mmngs. proached property. U sing a his staff. wor^ variety of pitches, A very left With 26 letterm en returning, carried on the roster to 55 in­ fogs and three the Scots so bew ildered they there w ill be a b attle am ong the stead of the 60 and higher num­ The reduction of the. n u m b « Conservative Club 0 sib ilities. Donovan w as 6-1 m 1960 wm le vaik5 ^ ^ ^ failed to h it a fair ball out of incom ing sophom ores and non­ b er of the past is prim arity an Wynn and a east of veteran pitehing for none o th erth a n h is j M e4w teS e. ^ s u t e offen- the in field . lettering reserves to attain a econom ical m ove, since the proudly presents - W hite Sox begin the testr of White Sox enem ies of tom or- to &Ce again. D ave Cutting loose against lesser -position on next y ear’s squad, | boarding and room ing of play b aseb all's latest experim ent. = , ¡P eters held th e Spartans ab- m em bers, of M anager B ill w hich is tentatively set at a ers in the three w eeks prior to Spring Lecture Series T he new Senators, sim ilar to j sohitely in check tor two ian- Carr’s pitching staff in the fin­ m axim um of 55 on the roster. beginning of school in toe fall the Los A ngeles A ngels, are ! ings. But a j h e sixth aad sev- ale, the streaking Spartans Coach D augherty, announced exerts a great deal of financial 1. Rev. Francis E. Mahaffy, Missionary from . children in the N ational pas­ tim e. They w ere born just this season as the Am erican league Player j enth he w as tawdhed for three stretched their victory streak that during each practice ses­ pressure on the allhtm ents for I runs on four hats. to seven ’o v « both the regular sion during the spring and also football. With a eewrinriaM f lead , MSU and spring training cam paigns fit the fa ll, there would be a Eritrea, Africa, “Socialism — Spiritual or Secu­ lar?”, Tuesday, April 18. _ • 15 m inute “ do a s you p lease” 2. Rev. Edmund A. Opitz, staff member of Founda­ shifted the old Senators to Min- neapolis-St. Paul and expanded to 10 team s. Ahead In period in w hich each player could work on a sp eciality IM Schedule tion for Economic Education, “ConaarvaMou and the Moral Point of View," Tuesday, May t. H i I# w hich b e considers h im self pro­ How long w ill it take the cherub to m ature into genuine pennant contenders? Thats the Master’s ÉÈi W P K S S n S & j; I ! fic ie n t This would allow guards | to show their-w orth as a half­ F ield 1 ES 1-2 B ailey 1-3 F ield 6 BOTH EVENTS TAKE PLACE AT 8 P.M. problem before the sport, but AUGUSTA, Ga. W -L ea d er l back, and if any back so de­ F ield 2 B F ailey 4-5 ield 7 ROOM 33, UNION BUILDING" Capital fans couldn’t care less sired, he could work on line ES 3-4 on this special occasion. They Gary "Player of South Africa blocking assignm ents on the F ield 3 B ailey 6-7 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY continued to hold his 10-u n d er! ES 6-7 F ield 8 cheered the Senators, bearing I ' éffiSÊ ■' dum m ies. Ail MJ3.U. Students and the General Public •par pace through the first four I F ield 4 W.S. 1-2 the best Am erican leagu e rec- Another innovation expected holes of today’s concluding j to be utilized by D augherty and ES 8-9 F ield 9 Are Cordially'lnvited as Guests round in the 8100,000 m a ste rs; w ilf e staff this spring is the use of a F ield 5 W.S. 3 4 FREE ADMISSION golf tourney. Ex-Stars His closest pursuer, defend­ ing cham pion Arnold P a lm « , • i p b '■4pL, won- : ■ Balance lin e on offense. The un­ balanced line has been the M ickey M antle needs ju st 12 w hittled P layer’s lead to three tradem ark o f MSU since to e Back On strokes with a birdie lour on j the 555-yard second hole of rain j days of B iggie Munn, and w as to fen e b se. asis fo r-th e m ultiple of­ hom of e runs in 1961 to pass Hall Fam er Hank G reenberg An Open Invitation and wind sw ept Augusta Nat­ who is in 13th place with a CampUS ional course. P a lm er started about 30 min- { utes a fte r -P la y « , the 54-hoie The reason for use of the bal­ total of 331. Yogi Berra needs anced line is prim arily a s a d efensive m easure rather than 14 to p ass G reenberg. The nucleus of a pretty fair leader with 206. basketball team is enrolled at Rain soaked the par 72, 6, 980- m s a change in th e offensive egy. I b e unbalanced line w ill strat­ WASH N WEAR To All Men Formerly _ M ichigan State th is spring, if yard course, little m ore than still be utilized about 50 percent only Head Coach Forddy An­ an hour before the 41-piayer- rx»t. CfLUtON WAYNE FONTES of the tim e according to Dau­ Polished Cottons derson could keep it around and field began teeing off. put ft to use. H owever, the rain abated, ta t . . . faeteotan atar hi basatali game gherty. “The m ain thought la that AND Connected With Scouting _ John Green, H orace Walker a strong wind blew up ju st as and Lance Olson, stars of great player and his playing p a rtn « , the balanced lin e w ill help us Bafcy Cords with our d efem e” stated Duf­ Spartan team* of recent years, Paul H arney, teed off. Gusts MSU Golfers Win Easily Over U of D fy . He explained th at sin ce none Oaty $3,95 are back in school com pleting w ere so strong they knocked of the MSU opponents w ere ad­ th eir bachelors degree work. o v « m etal chairs bn the club­ The Spritsa frif tens picked at the Forest Akers course. State’s Marty Kleva won the vocates of the unbalanced Hne LEN KOSITCHEK’S Are you interested in: up an easy victory Saturday, medalist honors with a 74 in his and in the past State has been Green this p ast season played house law n. a prom inent role with the New H arney, who started six w inning fiv e and tyin g one match against Detroit’s BUI forced practiced defensively VARSITY SHOP 1. Fellowship, leadership and friendship ta g . York Knickerbockers of the strokes behind P layer, picked ^ U niversity Sample who recorded a 83. against th e unbalanced line. 228 Abbott Rd. N ational B asketball League. up a stroke with a birdie on the men of similar interests? I b is practicing against the bal- Walker and Olson played with second, ta t bogeyed the par 3, of D etroit to y tts t a > &-2 acoro Kleva woo, 3-0. 2. Enjoying the same casual brotherhood tnd tx* the Denver-Chicago Truckers, 220-yard fourth. one of the top AAU teams In Leading am ateur Charley periences that Scouting offered? the nation. Walker was the lead­ Coe, deadlocked a t 54 with Har­ P ut Yourself in the Picture ing scorer aad reboupder on ney, parred the first two holes. 3. Helping yield service to campus, community, the dtd>. The first two 72-hole finishers, The three cagers woe vital Dutch H arrison and W es E llis, m i MITTHEHARDWAYbyHa#: The : — and nation? (e e m m e m o o f dam êm hjff , th a t t sr J cogs in toe 1969 team which who teed off in a pouring rain, won the Big Ten title and went wound up far off to e pace with De M elilo to the semi-finals of too NCAA 75 and 80, respectively. W ày/ championships before losing to That gave Harrison a 301, 13 North Carolina In triple over­ over par for the distance, and Learn to step lively Then consider ALPHA PHI OMEGA time. E llis a 302. to the sw ing, cha-cha Both Green and Walker were P la y « and Harney started) 1. National Scoot Service Fraternity, All-Big Ten selections and 90 m inutes after toe first two and rumba, Green made All-America. players. « 2. Open to ALL race» aad religions. 3. Largest Greek Letter Fraternity la Nation. All is ONE Paperbound — 4. Projects in focal Scouting, Water Carnival, Save Our Grass, Public Opinion PoHs, etc. “Prospect for America” 5. Participation in social and fellowship activities. ■' The Rockefeller Panel Reports 6. No house, no hazing, minimum coûta. Can $1.45 iway for man: FITCH IV 2-2293 Flad Out How Easily i t o j i r i «r< ■ S r i may « 104 ridi m a n lu t a s s i i t a r i t a a w M w ta i, o u Today 18 a.m. 18 pan You Caa Get Started Opea pledge meeting will be held on April II and 12 Shop for Paperbounds l i t a swMuy ori rifa ■! Your hoir ta ta to ri- at 7:00 PJML in Room 314 Stndent Services H ftotog. at the You’ll enjoy our complimentary lesson (no charge, no You are cordially invited to attend to gala farther Spartan Book Store FITCH t a f t a k i r i h a» r i t r i t a i . U m obttgatkmj whether you're a beginner or interested fit a FfTCM P e u iiriS to ria t a “brush-up”- insight into ALPHA PHI OMEGA. No obH ftfon SH A M fO O cw i m k .b r la a o sr ia m e r s t a r i b r in i «muri. leasing's lowest rates at DeNellle’s for private or elase whatsoever. For traaosportatfoo call ED 7-0800 sr la p ycmtferir aui Mulp lessons. At DeMeBto’s you rig»» no tending contracts and ED 2-8851, Room 374. (hi the Triangle - Ann & M.A.C. SHAMPOO «t you hsni too d—coo ef your choice. —^ r K l f e ll But Ads Can Be Good Placement Bureau APO; Opens AOCS Clarifie» Election Stand Tom Rasmnsaon, president Mated that AOCS "rejects both Interviewing at the place­ cation, Science, Math, History, Save Ctnss McMahan Slaps at TV Ads ment Bureau Thursday, Addit­ English, Spanish, French, Phy­ ional information in the Place­ sical Education and Industrial Campaign of the board of the Association of Off Campos Stad—te, said Friday his organization would candktates" for AOCS offices. The rejection, as the story correctly reported, was voiced By JOE HARRIS the viewer to try a product, not is highly successful It is„ be­ ment Bureau Bulletin for the Arts; also Guidance for High not support, a boycotting of iby a member of the audience State N dn Staff Writer , to trick him into buying. "The cause the product Is essentially week of April 10 to 14. ^ School., Alpha Phi Omega, Scout Ser­ AUSG elections. at the AOCS meeting. It was commercials that are very very good. TV ads merely East OMe Gas Company in­ Uni— Carbide Consumer vice fraternity, will begin work A State News headline Fri­ Mt representing the AOCS or­ Harry W. McMahan, billed poor, and there are many, are bring the information «bbiif^r terviewing Home Economics Pi edicts Co. interviewing all as one of television advertis­ ones that employ all types of product and persuade people for home service representat­ majors fronr the colleges of for the term with a'“save our day morning bad erroneously ganization stand. ing’s most ardent critics, drew devices designed to trick the to try i t ” - _ ives. Communication Arts, science, grass campaign.” an audience Of some 250 per­ viewer4ate buying a product. Mr. McMahan cited good cre­ L.HL Field Ce., Allied Stem and Arts, and Business & Pub­ Charles D ay, West Grove, sons Wednesday Bight at Gilt- The food ones persuade him to ative advertising as a means Corp., interviewing all majors lic Service. Pa.,freshm an, president of A ner’s auditorium for his illus­ try a product.” *'~ of enhancing the production for executive positions. General'Motors Corfu, Chev- Phi O’s B eta B eta ch ap ter'said : trated lecture on “TV Adver­ tising at Work/* # ' ^N E OF THE great mis­ conceptions about an advertis­ aad sales of a product and of James Cum— Community rolet-Passenger Tramsmission forcing competitive companies Schools (Bath, Mich.) inter­ Plant, interviewing Accounting, that the fraternity w ill be en-j gaged in several service pro­ Complete Optical The billing he received could have been m isleading^ for al­ ing «»«mpaigw if that advertis­ to produce a higher quality viewing Elementary Education, Finance, and Statistics. product. jects. this term including clean­ Service though he did take several hu­ ing can sell a poor product,” he Speech Correction, English and Comstock Public S c h o o ls ing the' building direction signs said. "This is another cause “When advertising Is con­ Special Education. — ' (Mich, ^interviewing Elemen­ on cam pus,"ushering at Water Examinad morous slap« at present day ducted properly and creatively Lake Forest Public Schools tary Education, Elementary TV com m ercials, the m ajor for commercials which Insulta carnival and Senior Swing O ut.! viewer’s intelligence.” everyone is the winner,” he (Illinois) interviewing Elemen­ —The pledge cla ss w ill m ain-! Qlawaa portion of bis talk w as con­ "If an advertising cam paign «aid; "the sponsor, advertising, tary Education; Physical Edu­ Art, Music and Special Ed; Art, Math, and Chemistry-Physics tain a m essenger and catering Pittad cerned with -how g ood ih ey can the people who buy, the coun­ cation for grades 3-5. service for the second floor pa­ U tt S u n becom e rather than how bad A try's econdmy, and in the long GrsndvfQe Public Schools in­ for secondary. tients in Olin Health center. Easy pointaient they are now. Professor run, even a competitive prod- viewing Elementary and all Glencoe Public Schools (Illi* "A Phi O is the largest Greek Payment Necessary Mr. McMahan said, “ I could the audience who were contem­ Junior High majors. nois) interviewing all Elemen­ Plan letter fraternity in the U.S. and talk a ll night criticizing com ­ plating an advertising career to Algonac Community Schools tary Education. % m ercials. but rea lly _ wouldn’t! be accom plishing much and To Speak strive ior honesty and above all interviewing Elementary _Edu­ Lever Brothers Co. inter­ creativity. is open to anybody who has form erly be.en a Cub Scout. Boy would be doing my audience a cation and Elementary Music; view ing a ll men from the col­ Scout or E xplorer Scout and He said, "When the people Social Science tot Junior High leges of Business & Public Ser­ d is-service.” About France who inhabit the advertising and English and Business for v ice, Science & Arts, and Com- ununication Arts. _ h as a scholastic average of 2.0 or better,” Day said. “ TELEVISION is still very world honestly and. zealously High School. “ Alpha Phi O m ega’s purpose young,, give it a chance,” he said. "Television advertising is on the threshold of an excit­ Mrs. M arcelle Abell of the foreign language departm ent w ill speak on “France Today” W ednesday a f 4 p.m . in the strive for the ultim ate ends of Sutherland Dtv., KVP-Suther­ Burroughs Corp. creative advertising r a t h e-r land Paper, interviewing Ac­ ing Acounting and all others than a "quick buck,” the tele­ counting, Marketing, and Pack­ from the colleges of Business interview ­ is to assem ble college men in the fellowship of the Scout oath and law , to develop friendship, - Teachers To Be - ing future, and good things are vision view er, who now w atch­ & Public Service, cience & Arts, aging. and to promote service to «hu­ com ing along more and m ore.” He showed film s of som e of fourth* floor lounge of the library. es an average of 420 com m er­ General Motors Corporation, and Communication Arts. cials per week, w ill no longer Chevrolet-Flint Assem., inter­ Galesburg-Angnsta Commun­ m anity, he said. Shop O ur. the new techniques that are be­ R ecently returned from a six feel that Ids intelligence is be­ viewing Accounting, and all ity Schools interview ing all A Phi O has an office on the in g introduced into advertising including the new French pro­ months v isit to France, Mrs. Abell w ill relate observations in g insulted ¿very tim e a pro­ from the colleges of Commun­ E lem entary and Elem entary gram is interrupted for a word ication Arts, Science and Arts, Special Education; English-Vo­ third floor of the Student Ser­ v ices building. Children's Book Dept, cess of coupling an electronic about her native country’s eco­ from the sponsor.” nom ic, political, and cultural and Business-& Public Service. ca l M usic for Junior HighT Eng­ sound track with anim ation di­ rectly upon processed film . The position. _ Shell Oil Company, Products lis h lo r High School. Pipe Lines, interviewing Ac­ Dow Chemical Co. interview ­ for Project Materials resu lts w ere both Interesting and stim ulating. While in France she inter­ view ed literary figures and Propaganda J counting and all from the col­ ing Chem ical E ngineers, Chem­ lege of Business'S: Public Ser­ istry, All Engineering. Information As an advertising consultant Mr. McMahan said he is "con­ vinced that m y b iggest job is to convince advertising agen­ studied current French dram a, in addition< to securing up-to- date inform ation for a course in French Civilization that she From Cuba vice. Remington Rand Uuivac in­ Oscoda Area Schools (M tch.) terview ing Purchasing, General interviewing Elementary Edu- B usiness, and Accounting: YOUNG SOCIALIST CLUB—7 to 8:30 p.m ., 35 Union. Spartan Book Store cies that the average view er is m uch sm arter than he w as fif­ teaches. The public is invited to at­ Attacks U. S. GREEN SPLA SH -4:15_ p.m., Women’s IM Pool. Winter* On the Triangle — Ann & M.A.C. teen years ago.” - “ And h e js sm arter,” he said: tend the lecture. HAVANA, u n —*Cuban new s­ paper s _ a n d radios charged Bauge Wins Contest Held Wonderland. — “ The people in advertising who realize this produce outstand­ 16 AFROTC Thursday the U .S. decision to open a guerilla training cam p Lutheran _ For Music TENNIS ARCHERY GOLF ing results, not only fo rth e peo­ ple they represent, but for them selves a lso .” Cadets Take in the Panam a Canal Zone con­ stitutes "undéclared w ar” a- gainst Cuba. Fellowship Scholarships H e said that the m ain func: u cti” Over Command The U .S. Army announced Kenneth L. B auge, graduate E ntries for the fourth ann­ W ednesday a training center student, Spartan V illage, is one ual F .E . Olds and Son’s-"Schol­ HE APPEALED to those in Sixteen Air F orce ROTC would be set up at F t. Gulick of 19 Lutheran educators grant­ tion of ad vertisin g-is to coax junior cadets took over operat­ to train m ilitary personnel ed Lutheran Brotherhood F ac­ arships in M usic” contest m ay • BALLS • ARROWS • BALLS ion of the cadet wing head­ from Latin Am erican countries' be subm itted from April 15 to ulty Fellow ships th is year. quarters and the com mand o f • RACKETS • ARM GUARDS • CLUBS Petitioning 1,700 cadets at cerem onies Tuesday afternoon a s senior in anti-guerilla w arfare. It em phasized the training w ill be designed for no sp ecific coun­ F aculty Fellow ships are grant­ ed by the Lutheran Brother­ hood to a ssist teach ers in Lu­ June 15. —’ A ll juniors, seniors and grad­ uate students in m usic are elig­ RESTRINGING • GLOVES SHAG BAGS For 161 I Club cadets relinquished their com ­ mands. The new AFROTC com mand­ try, apparently to quiet Cuban fears. * . theran colleges and sem inaries throughout the country on the ible to com pete for scholar­ ships of $500, $350 and $200. f .. . But Cuban propaganda ham ­ b asis of recom m endations of T hèses, term papers and art­ Petitioning for ‘61 Club m em ­ bership w ill begin Monday and continue through Saturday, A pril 15. Petitions w ill be avail­ ers include Paul Vanston, wing com m ander; Radford W. Jones, deputy wing com m ander; Rob­ ert Soutter, executive; Paul m ered aw ay at the operation. P ress and radio coupled their attacks on the United States with announcem ent of new éxe­ the N ational Lutheran Educa­ tional Conference, W ashington, D.C. icles on subjects related to instrum ental m usic m ay be entered Judging w ill be based on originality, sound research Link’s Sports Shop able in the Union concourse B auge, who is working on Armour, w ing inspector; Craig cutions, the roundup of m ore and objectivity. Award money and Senior Council O ffice, 317 Hutzler, personnel officer and h is doctorate degree in econ­ m ay be applied towards tuitipn 227 Ann St. ED 2-6416 rebel bands and sabotage to om ics, instructed and assisted Student S ervices. — Robert Riem an, adm inistration Cuba's vital su g a r industry. costs of further study. in research a t Augustana Col­ Selection of the outstanding officer. At the sam e tim e President lege and Iowa State College. 61 m em bers of the senior class Also appointed w ere: Charles Osvaldo Dorticos in a nation­ w ill be m ade by an im partial W ebber, m ateriel; Ken Thom­ w ide broadcast declared the Student Loan Have a real cigarette-havea C A M EL com m ittee headed, by Jane as, operations! Paul Burbage, State D epartm ent’s w hite pa­ Bingham , G ainesville, F la., com ptroller and John W olcott, per on Cuba this w eek w as senior. Selections w ill be based on. the petitions and recom ­ inform ation services. A ssigned to group com mand “another step ” in plans of the United States to destroy the Office Hours m endations from faculty. positions for drill session s w ere Cuban revolution. The sm all loans division of The traditional club, which Jerry N ye, Larry H arvey, Ed­ He said the docum ent w as A ll-U niversity Student Govern­ selects as m any seniors as the ward A llis, Dean M ills, Ron "interventionist” and a fter a m ent is open every afternoon year of graduation indicates Haugen and M ichael Brickner. thorough study of its contents M onday-Friday from 2 to 5 —■61 for 1961—form s the nuc­ "there can be no doubt 'im ­ p.m . Undergraduate fulltim e leu s for future alum ni activi­ Tailor ants are able to bind perialism plans to use a ll its students are eligib le to apply ties, such as planning cla ss re­ leaves together into nestsrusing resources to exterm inate the for a loan of $10 or less. Ap­ unions and heading fund drives threads of sticky silk exuded by Cuban revolution in a short plicants m ust have their ID for the university. ant l«rva. tim e.” card to receive a loan. onjoy the outdoors in our M E N ’S W A S H A B LE G O L F JACKETS • icnit insorti fo r fro» »w ing action • ragion shouldors fo r oasy comfort • sm art canvortiblo stand-up collars • carofroo quick* d ry w ashability Left: Oyster or bon# cotton poplin. Knit undorarm action insorts, elastic sido bottom insets, zip front, adjustable button cuffs. 36 to 46. 10.98 Rights Oyster cotton poplin pullover. Underarm knit inserts, knit bottom, zipper placket and chest pocket, adjustable cuffs. 36 to 46. 10.98 MEN’S SHOP 21$ Abbott Rd. - E. L. The best tobacco makes the best smoke! a. W M »M a.S .C m iL