52"Cm. 5 Outs ~ì By HOWARD HOLMES m ittee b e com posed to fradu- State New s Staff Writer gjjjj ate various d a p « « of punish­ m ent. A recomm endatton that the The com m utar has a d yet weed “ autom atic" ha rem oved been fa te r a s i, R iedel. stod. from Has university liquor m at is to b e presented a t the Boerd THE O O M M m feB in ft* re­ o f T m stoe m eeting April 27. port to AUSG said they felt pun­ P resid e« John A, Hannah is ishm ent w as too sev tr e Jtar t o p e e « « the recom m endation 1drinking hi relation to penalties proposed by Dean of Students 1 for other infractions. . - \ :' 0 Tom King and Dnn R iedel, F o r exam ple, they said, (teiv- president of All-Unirereity Stu- iing an unregistered car on cam ­ dent Government and approved pus ; results in a I S fine; cheat* by the Faculty Com m ittee on tag—an F in th e coarse; drunk­ S tu d e« A ffairs and tiie F aculty 1en and disorderly conduct on C om m itteeoo Student Conduct. )ca m p u s-so cia l protrattesi. The recom m endation also stated “ suspension would still < T hese the com m ittee consid­ ered as serious as drinking, but 2 American Rebels be possible trader the rule, de­ asked why punishm ent w as pot pending upon circum stances. >a s severe a s for drinking. This decision would be made by S tu d e« Judiciary.” The “Alcohol and Advisory Staff” of the com m ittee states: Slain in Roundup “There are p ositively no ex ­ THE BOARD of Trustees ex- (ceptions to the alcohol ordi­ presed approval at its last ,nance. m eeting, at Hannah’s request, “ R esident advisors a r e . ex­ to investigate and study possi- .pected to report every case of UNITED NATIONS N .Y . (JV- trie revision of the rule. The Soviet cam paign seeking possession or consum ption of- UN condem nation o f the United The liqyor rule, as it stands, jalcohol on cam pus to the office States a s an aggressor in Cuba reads: of Dean of Students when the fell fla t W ednesday. Support “ Any stu d e« consum ing or guilty party is known . . . or mounted instead for a proposal having in his possession any unknown.” _ by Latin Am erican nations to alcoholic beverage including 1« them take the leading role beer on MSU property w ill auto­ in prom oting a peaceful settle­ m atically be suspended for one m ent o f the'Cuban situation. term from M ichigan State Uni- - versity.” Leo Koch Raul Roa, the Cuban Foreign M inister, reported to the UN po­ This rule has been in effect litica l com m ittee tiie downing eeince Oct. 23. 1857. when the State Board of Agriculture To Speak of a U.S. m ilitary plane after it had bombed Cuba and said this w as additional p ro « of “ flag­ (Board of T rustees) passed the ordinance. .The liquor ru*e was later ex­ On Morés rant O il. intervention.” But (testate R oa’s angry char­ tended to include all off cam pus ges and Soviet bloc denuncia­ Dr. Leo F. Koch (pronounc­ tions « the United S a te s the livin g units, fraternities and ed Cook) arived W ednesday to com m ittee appeared headed for sororities. speak four tim es today and F ri­ adoption « a m ildly worded KING SAID he believes there day. ' L a t i n * Am erican resolution are inequities in the present He w ill speak a t 4 p.m Thurs­ stressing th at the Cuban crisis BURN U . 8 . FLAG IN URUGUAY—Stadeats hold banting pieces « a replica liquor rule which the recom ­ day on th e ‘fourth flow* of the is strictly a w estern hem is­ of the United States flag (taring a pre-Castro dem onstration to M ontevideo, mendation would im prove. Library on “The Students as phere affair. - , P riso n « « ” 7:30 p.m . Thursday Thg resolution urges m em ­ Uruguay recently. P olice brake up the d em eM trattoaia the downtown thorough­ At present, the penalty nei­ fare. (U P Wirephoto.) ■V— ''" on “ Intellectual Freedom and bers « the O rganization:« the ther takes into consideration the Academ ic reality in 22 Union; A m erican States to help bring conditions or circum stances un­ der which the ordinance is vi­ 4 p.m . Friday on “E th ical Ed­ about a peaceful settlem ent of ucation” ip 31 Union ; and 8 U-S. - Cuban differences. Young Republicans Hear Bentley , ~ olated. p.m . Friday on “ Our Changing King says be b elieve! there Sfexual M ores" to 81 Union. ^ KUZMA Y . KISELEV, foreign is a difference betw een a plan­ ned and unplanned event. m inister « W hite R u stiarask ed ALREADY TH ERk has (too* the com m ittee to approve a Is a coed who receiv es a bot­ som e local reaction t o h is ar­ !S oviet resolution condem ning U. S. Cannot Let Rebels Fail tle of gin a s a birthday p ro se« rival. ' 3 r p “ ■ the United States and callin g on as guilty a s a stu d e« who take» According to M iss Janice Ful­ i l l uw m em m rs to w w e r «my a case of beer into h is dorm, ler, freshm an, secretary to D r. aid requested by P rim e Min: R oger W escott in African Lan­ ister F idel Castro to repel the be asked. If the recom m endation is ap­ guages, tiie received a phone invasion « Cuba. - —. ca ll f r o m an unidentified K iselev accused the United proved by the Board of Trus­ woman J*o f about 50” who said: States « w aging am undeclared tees, Student Judiciary would “ I suggest that w hile Koch w ar on Cuba—-as R oa h as also be able to give sentence to the is here tflht-he spend h is tim e charged. degree which the rule is viola­ in the pig pens and the bull p en s - The Communist bloc delegate ted. where he would encounter a c t d eclared. P r e tid e « K ennedy’s Under the present liquor rule, ivities on h is own m oral and pledges of non-intervention in according to Fred Henninger, intellectual lev el.” cuba w ere not sustained by U .S. ch ief ju stice of S tu d e« Judici­ Kock w as discharged from deeds. H e appealed to d elegates ary: his duties a s assistant professor of Latin Am erica, A sia and Af­ of biology at the U niversity of rica hot to let “the flam es ot “ THE STUDENT Judiciary Illinois June 14, 1960 because war, k in d iled-in Cuba be the finds the person either guilty of a tetter he wrote to the stu­ interventionists, becom e a fire or not guilty on the basis of the dent newspaper. D aily Illini, in which cannot be contained. evidence presented. The penal­ which he refused to denounce But Am bassador Mario Am* ty has already been decided if prem arital sex relations for: adeo of Argentina rejected such the person is gu ilty.” Soviet bloc charges as inter­ AUSG previously requested “ THOSE sufficiently mature ference that could only aggra­ Hannah to ask the board to re­ to en gage in (sexual inter­ vate existing tensions. - open study of the regulation. course) without violating their He expressed the hope com ­ The trustees said they did own codes « m orality or eth­ mon Sense would p revail and not disapprove of reopening the ic s .” “no new D anzig or Sarejevo study « t h e problem , with the Koch said W ednesday that w ill spark the flam es « a world understanding that carefully h is cause w as filed on March conflagration.” 3 , 1961 tty the Illinois D ivision H e appealed for support « thought-through recom m enda­ of the Am erican Civil Liberties tions designed to elim inate Union in the Superior Court « .the Latin-Am erican resolution som e of the undesirable fea­ Cook County, 111. as offering the m ost approp­ tures of the present rule would riate method for a settlem ent— “The U of 111. should file it’s negotiations in the forum of the be presented to them . answer to this com plaint "very The Students Rights and Wel­ shortly now ,” Koch said. See NEW PLAN, P age 4. fare Com m ittee of AUSG made BOTH THE university and the recom m endations in March the ACLU has publicly stated that the “ autom atic” be drop­ that they w ill appeal to the su- ped from the rule and a com - See KOCH P age t < My Favorite Things Green Splash wUl present its j Cooper, Sue E lies, Gretcben spring spectacular, “My Favor- Lechner. K arel M cC iiny, Mary ite T hings.” April 27-21 to the Kay P age, P « Potato, Mary new pool o f the W omen's Intra- .Stew art. Bonnie Voters and m ural buiMtog. Sally Pareto. Perform ances w ill be a t 8:15 Also on the program are Jean p.m . each day with a m atinee Campbell, Barbara B lshopr at 1:15, April 29. Cathy BrowneU. Ruth C hallis, The w ater baltet presented Judy W a ld , Jeanette Pfkaa, J. W. Knapp Co. w ill open its by the wom ea’r swim m ing hon- M ary Erickson, M arfa Gen- now $1.5 m illion E ast Lansing orary w ill b ta a d i School ater, P a t O D sy , Charlotte Gti- branch store today a t U a.m . D aze.” "Go T eam .” “ I Love a bert, Merri L ei Knapp. Caro- Loc ated at 230 M.A.C. ave., the P arade,” “Gone FUhin’,” “Car- tyn Bacon, Ctady Soverhill, ultra-m odern, fashion, acces­ ou sel,” “P eter P an ,” “ Good M arcia VaaderbeK, Linda sories and gift ¿center prom ises Stop Lollipop.” and tiie titia Shereton, Ken Larson, Sandy to be a noteworthy addition to b a u m b e r, “My Favorite Sweet and Dick B iasejew ski. the E ast Lansing business com ­ 'T h in gs.” Bette Argo, G ail B lam y, m unity. Directors « the baltet are Sheryl Luneke, E llen H ul, Knapp’s is designed for ond K atun Lucdtke. Judi Witucki, Juite Nachtm an, Jane Schaef- trip fam ily shopping, with all Lou Ana Gregor, Kirky R eig- er, D m Sm ith, Joan TonHeor, departm ents arranged for easy hard, Arlene W ierman, B on a« Cherry W an aa, D ianne W est- accessT So confident are they Blackport, Miki Worsfold « id heuser, Anita Wood. Kayda « su ccess, that the whole third G REEN SPLASH PR A C TiC ES-M em bers « the sw tairatog I resrary Joan T eaH est, K arri McCurray, Karen Laedtke, Mary Jean Campbell. floor « the beautiful pink sand Judy PtoUips. Zavitz, Kathy ItaMUtfian, Jo Other sw im m ers appearing Htadsworth and B etty Fox p ractice r e u tte « far f o e w ater s h e w , “ My Favorite Thing»”, t h e coeds Safe E ttes, G ail Blaasey a iti N ary Kay P age. brick building is reserved for toctedo J ob» Baatabte, Corky I com plete th e c a s t are frera lift to right G retehea Lechner, fora» Schaefer, L « A s« G regor, expansion. . n p f f l l I GroundsDepU I Starts When 1 Others Finish I By JAN W EBER j State W m E f fo r t Writer J If yaa drive w est on Shaw I tam e, cress th e railroad tracks I and turn left, you’ll com e t e a s j unostentatious building nam ed 1 Grounds M aintenance. A fter the buildings are buitt. I and sidew alks put in. the team j from grounds m aintenance goes ] to work. F ifty-six people and 1 31. trucks, ca rs, pick-ups. grad- j o n , street-sw eepers, lea f blow- j ers. m owers and insecticide j sprayers. S. - A Did you ever consider having to mow the university's law ns? j During th e h u h growth seasons j it tak es 10 days of constant < m owing, circulating around J cam pus w ith m ow ers . . . and AN EIGHTnIET Strategie Air Command B-52 heather, of « m a h n teas e f W T . A B-52 crew Is vteM agoa cam pus then you’re back righ t where carrying a “Hound Dog” m isste, lifts from the runway on this w eek, brieflag AFROTC cad ets on SAC’s m ission and yon started. role in tee aerospace age. 3 3 BOW ABOUT shoveling snow? a m ission. Costing $1 m illion, th e bom ber bus a pay-load It’s a ll a m atter o f tim ing. P-P-P-Playm ate e f foe month Jon! M atite, I» currently posteg for P a te r o ** When snow starts accum ulat­ ‘Peace Is Our Profession’ ing th e p olice contact grounds m aintenance m en, w hatever tiie J . B. Towne’s clothing store. She is appearing with Cntby D au flas.an oth er Play- m ate. Bet dog! , -. hour, and the plow s m ove out. SAC Jet Bomber Crew at MSU L itter is a problem , too. $15,000 is spent annually in pick­ ing up thing» lik e m ilk shake cartons, ham burger wrappers, and esp ecially cigarettes. More recep tacle, can s are being or- dered in high hopes of a neater < cam pus. Grounds m aintenance is one B y CURT RL NDELL o f the m any jobs th at th e stu­ State N ews Feature Writer dents are com pletely unaw are o f. But w hen a student or visi- If any girls are thinking of tor says. “ M y, isn ’t this a beau- 1becom ing professional m odels, tiful cam pus,” grounds m en iforget it. That is the advice of sm ile. They know it. Joni M attts, recently a “ Play- “Welcome Neighbor” Campbell's congratulate» KNAPP’S on their fine addition to our bustling community* Welcome Aboard! < CAM PBELL’S TH E STORE W ITH TH E RED DOOR :.« ? Hr SUBURBAN < SHOP A Box o f 50 Book Matches with every carton purchase of Sears Own Yorkshire Cigarettes The Finest Tobacco At Money Saving Prices Congratulations to Filter Kings 2.39 carton King Size .. 2.31 carton the Michigan State News Regular ...... 2.22 carton extends -its congratulations to KNAPP’S on its expansion On H e ir Move To . . '3- • #‘ ’ ' Regolar 50c Vinyl Set at 3 Square to - East Lansing. Another East Lansing Roll-Up Tobáceo Pouch Glass Ashtrkys • Regular H e SAVE l i e 7 0 feather in our community’s cap, Whan Tea Want To TRAVEL 8ns Us in . and 6 -in . Michigan State News COLLEGE TRAVEL OFFICE Satittactiofi guaranteed IM W. I M River ED 2-86*7 ~ "Æ i or your money back Wm* mam -“Wi Tfa-nrinj Wiielsg. April 20, 1961 m m Two WiH Talk Marine Trie W agftB® On Economic Try to Help am bodies ml k r > a ntoA H I beco tw H . pril;» and a search Out-ily MRT Difficulties Cuban FOR THAT A special panel discussion 09 NEW YORK UB—Three ex- economic problems St under­ Marines from Connecticut were Defeated and eoa survived whan a engtna UJ5. Air ‘F tactj crashed toto a frgH te „ “ took off from Hoag ‘ at f:87 p.m. and as circling Hong Sky Broncos OLDER O U T Hoag Kong hOlshtoAprfi 19. scenic harbor fat aa ef­ The Winged Spartans of Mlch- developed countries with gen­ turned down a s volunteers tor WASHINGTON m ~ Tbs t e ­ eral emphasis on Latin Amer­ the Cuban rebel forces Wednes­ s ts *"***4 President Kemtefy The U aboard tottatet ocr^ fortlo climb wbaa tt crashed. igan State University defeated ica, will be presented tonight at day because of their American n m ajor victory on his min­ vieemen’s dependents bending The adrpoxt nmwayj juts put toe Sky Broncos of Western 7:30 to Parlor C, Union. The citizenship. imum wage bill hMtor by ktt- back to Formosa from a holi­ toto B t e Kong harbor; Michigan University in a flying Search«« to r the wreckage meet held Saturday at Kala­ meeting is often to aD interest­ Convinced their military ex­ ed persons and is sponsored by perience can help the rebels, Delta Phi Epsilon, professional they said they would (hive to whittle down the now cover­ 5L“ amendment of Monroney, D-Okla., to Sen. A, S. day to vkdt here. * The sarvlvut, a' serviceman were hampered by steep tor- mazoo. M M wa« t e n d badly to* rain as well as fog and dark- The contest consisted of skill 13S2 N. LARCH ST, (LOOK FOR THE RED BOOSE) - fraternity for the Foreign Serv­ Miami and try to enlist there. age. tam d but conscious 30P foot up la s t . • ’ maneuvers to accuracy land­ A team from the UJS. Air ice and international trade. The Oklahoman proposed to to e slippery slopes of Jinuat f a e e j i M s t t C l i i l F h i d to toe ings n d bomb dropping. * IV 2 -I3 0 3 Harry A. Brainard, professor Failing that; they said, they’ll try to sneak into Cuba. strike from the fain provisions Parker five hours after the P h i^ p to es^ ia expected here Donald Derby, Haudett sen­ We have coed used 15 and 18 inch lire*» ' and acting head of economics, covering about 1,600,000 of too crash. From amid smoulder­ Thursday to investigate. ior, took honors of the day by will discuss the Latin Amer­ The brio, Wilbur McNaroee, 4,688,000 workers ft would bring ing wreckage two Catnfttc SPECIAL STUDENT DISCOUNTS making toe best scores in dem ican trade area, ami John M. 24, Glenn Harvey, 25, both of under the Wages and Hours priests potted tom to safety. * onstrating his flying ability, - V Hunter, professor of econom­ Stamford, and Paul Vanco, 28, A ct A DOCTOR reached his side j He was followed by John Weis- h. * ics, wifl speak on trade policy of Bridgeport, a t find told a I bruch, Benton Harbor sopho- IMlfii " ....■ ' expectations in underdeveloped recruiter they were brothers LAST AUGUST Kenendy tod two hours taster. Ho said the in­ and their m rther was Cuban. the fight against the same jured asm was in no condition : more, and Preston Britner, Bir countries. " mingham graduate student. I Brainard is the - author of The tale fell through. amendment os a Senator and to be jaavad dotim toe treach­ You Can Make B etter Grades Officials a t the recruiting of­ succeeded in beating it 80-48. erous rainslashecLslope before ‘ international Economics and daylight. THE BEST performance for With "Typewritten Papers! Public Policy. Hunter.has just fice said about 90 volunteers However, Congress.-did not in [ the day for Western Michigan returned from two years with were examined by doctors and the end enact that bill. A medical, team set tm a ‘ was turned to by Robert Keller, f the MSU Colombia Project ,and registered during the day. More Monroney did not seek to camp hospital on the hillside to Watervliet, freshman. Western Typewriter- Rentals has served with the MSU Viet than 300 were signed up Tues­ change toe provision which tend hhM Î^SSÿ' M icbign will be flying down to Nam P roject day. wonld raise the present 81 min- Thousands had combed the W A S H IN G T O N , (A-lfae Texas ACM next week to par­ $ 2;00 p er week or $ 6.00 per m onth ;mum wage to 11.25 by 1963. hillsides to a etartch for the White House insisted Wednesday ticipate in the National Inter­ Your Choice o f The Monroney ammendment wreckage. A teenage Chinese collegiate Flying Meet. that President Kennedy expects Gibson’s Book Store would have eliminated from toe lad was first to locate tt and >ill coverage for some workers take rescuers to the sceae. '•£ 1 every 'government agency to in the retail, service establish­ Pieces of wreckags were hold bade no information unless brought In the past, they have back several first ¡dace trophies. Portable or U pright Manual Models Joins the other long standing ment, laupdry, gasoline sto­ stream over a wide area. tt affects national security. New Machines Rem ington lon, and construction indus­ Among them were charred gift Press Secretary Pierre Sal- The Winged Spartans, whose • Royal gave that guarantee in re­ m erchants o f East la n s in g tries. • M ^&MÈʧâti packages, grim reminders of sponse io criticisms made by membership consists of twenty- five Michigan State students It would have done so by a sightseeing * n ì shopping holi­ toe freedom of information and faculty members, are ex­ Smith —Corona hardy W elcome to applying the general test that day that ended in tragedy. Committee of the American So­ pecting ' delivery next month an enterprise could be covered THE IDENTITY of toe dead ciety of Newspaper Editors. of a new Piper Colt 108 Super We a ls o repair your machines only if it did business In two Eugene S.,Pulliam, J r. man­ and injured waa withheld by Custom airplane. The club’s ’s or nqore states. retail store’s employes, for notification of next of kin. example, would be brought aging editor of the Indianapolis Under the administration bill, military authorities '"pending News and chairman of the com­ purpose is to provide flying lessons for beginning students mittee, inquired about nine sit­ a t a minimum of cost to mem­ All repairs handled by expert mechanics in o u r typewriter dept. uations in a letter to Salinger bers. under the act if the enterprise d ited Feb. 15. did a million dollars worth, of business annually. Meats Team Salinger replied in a 'le tte r addressed to Pulliam Tuesday oldOne of the most famous of the Campus Book Store CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS D EA D LIN ES: 1 p.m. D ay Before Publication fo r Tuccl, serve toe true meaning of the MONRONEY ARGUED that the two-state test would pre­ Attends -— the same day th a t the same silver colns w as the Roman group submitted a report charg­ demarius, which was worth ing the Kennedy Administration about 17 cents in modern ACROSS FROM UNION BLDG. had totted to live up to its pro­ money. «i Wed., Thurs., and F ri. Editions. Dead- interstate commerce clause of line fo r Mon. E dition: 1 p.m. F ri. the Constitution. It is this clause Loiiis Clinic mises. Pulliam said then that which gives Congress powers Salinger had failed to reply to P ho n e E D 2-1511 " E xtensions 2643 and 2644 Prospective candidates for his letter. to act In fields like wages and the animal husbandry depart­ Salinger told newsmen Wed- ; AUTOMOTIVE FOR RENT " 1 1 hours. The Oklahoman accused sup­ ment’s meats judging team at­ nesday morning that Pulliam's porters of the toll of “restor- tended aclinic for m eat animal statement was Inaccurate, that ng to Humpty-Dumpty defini­ and carcass evaluation a t St. he had responded to the com­ CAREFREE COMFORT tion of interstate commerce, by Louis Mo., April 12,13, and 14. mittee’s questions. 1987 CHEVROUET convertible turbo- a p a r t m e n t s elide transmission. Pow er-packed, complete power. Excellent condition. GROUND FLOOR, pleasant 5 rooms, junking any rational view of Acordingto team coaich, Rob­ Late Wednesday he m ad e1 Phone ED 3-4314 a fte r S D.ra. 17 bath, autom atic heat. U nfurnished, ty ? * * - *•* m onthly. 317 Shepherd. its meaning, by asserting that ert Deans, toe clink: gave stu­ public the complete exchange^ if yours for 39 .5 0 1981 CORVAIR MONZA, 4 speed. 1 TV 5-0553. 17 the right of the federal govern­ dents a. chance to evalnate their between the two. In his reply. : m onth old. MI-4850 a fter 8 p m . 16 own judging abilities, besides Salinger agreed with Pulliam ROOMMATE NEEDED TO share ment to regulate business is 1959 MERC&RY -MONTEREY. 4 door spacious ap artm en t tw o blocks off Sedan, radio, heater, whitewalls, tw o- campu» w ith v eteran grad, stu d en t. unlimited.” serving as an excellent practice “that as much as possible m u st1 ...tho breeze-weighi, tone paint. Excellent condition, call Call ED 7-7918 a fte r 8 p m . 88 Administration lieutenants judging session. be made available to toe : Chuck M inkley a t ED 3-35*1. 17 TEACHER WISHES YOUNG lady contended, however, that a tog Students who took p art to the people.” ' wrinklo-rosistarit to sh a rs apartm ent, e ll ED 8-38(1 retail store obtaining goods clinic a w e Hobart Andersen, w • « er 8 pm . - R - I960 RENAULT DAUFHINE. F o rty from all over the nation and Walnut 111. junior; K. K. Ben- miles p er eallon. Like new condition. b ath . U nfurnished except refrigerator perhaps the world and making diuqn, Nepfai, Utah sopho­ ATTRACTIVE 8 rooms w ith tile comfort of our -Take over payments. OR 7-40*1 after •n d stove. A dults. Close to campus. sales across state lines obvious­ more; Larry Cotton, Portland * o.w: » ED 3-4886. tf LARRY ly is in interstate commerce, sophomore; Richard Forbush, EMPLOYMENT ' LOST a n d FOUND even though it is a single estab­ Inkster sojtoomore; tJam es wofh-ond-woor * lishment. They said the courts Franklin, Auburn N .Y more; Gordon Grossman, Man­ .' sopho­ S A Y S ... MAUI STUDENT to clean apart­ taining L b sT • A GOLD color w allet con­ had so held repeatedly. valuable paper*, m ent every 3. weeks. Contact Ray­ u ra l Science Bidg, o r on G rand River, n ear N at­ chester junior; Larry 'H am ­ dacron* and cotton m ond Roberson, piano tun er. IV Tuesday. Please retu rn . Sue. 848 mons, Ottawa Lake sophomore, .7-3381. « South Campbell. if and Stanley Hatter, Dundee, Give your car a. com­ PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT Dellv- LOST - K ey rin g .w ith ab o u t IS sophomore. fldlspwrposo s u i t _ #rin* free advertism e « l f t s ^ l j Per keys—raavbe tn vicinity of S partan eventnR. Car necessary. Call ED 7-7530 Village. CaU ED 7-0184 a fte r 4. 8-0 pan. 17 I n fo r m a t io n Also participating in toe clin­ plete ’‘Physical Check- ic were E arl Heller, Chelsea Up.” Come to today for PAAT-TIME WORK, to li t vour chain LOST: w ith PERSONALIZED tw o keys. Call JeHn. KEY ED this 7 point inspection. •T.tfae natural shoulder schedule. M arried male 25 or older 2-4457. w ith ear. Lanaing area. Apply 515 E. 17 Baptist Student Fellowship — sophomore; Ellis Kane, Detroit Michigan A venue. Lanaing, anytim e Baptist Student Center, 332 junior; Dave Larrison, East The few minutes yeu_ during the day. PERSONAL Oakbill, 7:30 p.m. Speaker: Lansing junior; Larry Martin, spend here may save you modal suit that is Greek Orthodox Priest, Fath­ Ovid sophomore; Gerald tytey* dollars to the future. FOR SALE COOKIE PUBXN and RICHARD B. STOLL please com* to th e State er Kouklakis. er, Richmond Va. sophomore: News office. Room 347. S tudent S er­ William Oliver, Ballston Spa as crisp and smart INTER-LOCKING ENGAGEMENT vices Bids, for tw o tre e peases to th e Men’s Cooperative Open Smok­ N.Y. Junior;- Ron Parlahgeli, V Complete Greasing sn d wedding ringi. N ever worn. ED C rest D rive-In. er — West Abbott, 8 p.m. " Flushing N.Y. junior; and Lur­ 7-0321. ~ ' ' 17 P I BETA PH I C ar wash. S aturday. Delta Phi EpsitoH — Panel Dis­ V OH Changed at business as it is ENGINE St FUEL injection system A pril 33. 343 H arrison. H ours 1-4 ry Weddle, E ast Lansing soph­ V Tires Cheeked fo r 1958 Pontiac. R ebuilt for racine. D m - 31 p e r car. 18 cussion: “ Economic Prob­ omore. C ar too carier. IV 9-4005. l e m s of Underdeveloped V Ignition Cheeked RUMMAGE SALE: APRIL 35th. The students wore accom­ in your social MISCELLANEOUS FISHING eouio- 9-30 a m. to 5 3 0 OJn. an d A pril 3 tth Countries.” 7:30 p.m., Parlor panied on the trip by Robert V Carburetor Adjusted tnent. 300 Savage amm unition, doe 9:30 to 13:00 p.m. Okemos Com m unity nail trim m ers, sottra d in for 780 Church. Social Hall. Okemos R oad Okemos.__________ , 17 C, Union. Deans, team coach, and Ratoh V Brakes Tested ED 7-0483. - Packaging Wives Society — 4th Morrow, animal husbandry in­ ~ PAIR DRAPES. SUIT ABLE for col­ V Mufflers Checked and lifo. Charcoal# lege hou ring-jS lding baby basket. 2 REAL ESTATE Floor Lounge MSU Library. structor. Musiness meeting to be fol­ Installed ladles coats. ED 7-0485. IT l A f f LA n k i n o - MWa R campus 41 PIECES m atchlnr Franciscan and all achootorG radoua fam ily home lowed with Hair Styling Show The Collahuaya Indians of oiiv# or brown cord w are dishea, travel ir o n - 4 cup elec- w ith 5 bedroom s and den. Lance, by Sprague Beauty Salon, 8 South America are known as - trie oercolater. ED 7-9530 after S31. cheerful hvtnjr room w ith invitine fieidstone fireelace. A ttractively dec­ p.m. orated kitchen. P in e panelled rec. Spartan Christian Fellowship— They m room. 114 -baths. P leasant hiss top the druggists of toe Amazon, medicine make i excellent cough from tree barks, a LARRY'S6ULF texturo. Navy pr lot w ith lovely trees a n d shrubbery. Bethel Manor, 803 E . Grand 504 W. MICHIGAN Call Mr*. Rice. RD 3-4403. office ED tonic from sarsaparilla roots A cto n from Bm I St. E atn a o e %EEPSAKE DIAMONDS 7-1641. HUley Inc. Realtors. ~ 14 River, 7:30 p.lh. —olivo smooth poplin. OWNER LEAVING- STATE. 3 bed' A.S.C.E. — 32 Union, 7 p.m. and a powerful poison, curare, E U t» "W atehfs rooms, b a th down, lanes room and from plants of the strychnos to C u v m d e n , 1> b ath upstairs, recreation roenv Election of Officers. ' - Green M a s h — Women’s IM family. 0»Ntei«testete ««Mm«« eDi«rare- 1 block from campus. 954 «fry l e n t . IS WAXCH AND CLOCK PooL Opening 4:15; pledges • p jn . REPAIRING SERVICE Precision Team— 9 p.m. EXPERT THESES and ««r.eral ty p ­ 2X4 C M — Forestry Cabin, ing, electric typ ew rit« '. 17 year* 7:30 p jn . - experience. one block trom B rode. ED 3-584». t t Phi G a n n a Na — 35 Union, 7 THOMPSON'S LEARN TO FLY. Bprtng” i* here, now*« a good tim e to s ta rt enjoyinj p.m. Required meeting, in­ spection, initiation, dress. thjg exciting y e t relaxing ( p o r t Drive o u t to r a n e e dem onstration ride. S MSU NAACP — Tower Room, JEWELHY and 4 olace rentals. Reasonable rates. Sheren Aviation. N orth A bbot Road. Union Bidg., 8 p.m. ED 2-0234. - tf G e n a a i C M — UN Lounge, ige, Union Bidg., 7:45 non. MEN’S SHOP 223 M.AX. AVK, TYPIST ANN BROWN. New phone num ber, ED M R t . Electric type­ Pre-Vet Ctab — 146 Giltner w riter. T erm papers an d th rssA u s e Hall, 7 JO p.m. Dr. Cairy will CONGRATULATES 21# Abbott Read East I »w«1!»* E ast Lansing coverai typln*. tf WONCH DUPLICAI speak on Pharmacology and to ITI» E. Michigan. : Physiology in Vet. MedT typing and duphcatti Taa Beta P i - 403 Oids Hall, SEWING MACHINE SALE. Singer art, types«tillig. Call actable does' sic sa c w ork, makes Uttonholas A em brodlerv stitches. 17.43 cask balance o r 85.13 p e r month Tri-Beta— 304 Natural Science, dardfa DUt. Company. Co-ph IV 7 p jn . i TRANSPORTATION EfiBW B333SSBSS3CRSMBB08flB005BHBB WANTED TO S m c u a i or Western New York. A w d s f o c Ì R E POR CASH • Contact 1 On their tow addition m ediate a fin 1 Stock Up Noto at Great Pre • season Savings/ Cola machine 'n a i a , m anósi Ideal te r IMI to East lA hong---A WANTED Good P h te to do business. BOX SALE OF MEN’S COOL SHORT Another afleitH e in the SLEEVE WHITE SUMMER SHIRTS J FOR J ROOMS growth «titer 10" # ■ . I ^ t Ä i mm. African Speaks fM | | | |¿ f t | * |I s ^ S Pros, Cons Missionary Claims Socialism Students Inspired by Castro March J . 2L ®nume Violates Moral Laws, Freedom OSHKOSH, Wit. HI Boms mtmism and tyrany,” said Rob­ m Oshkosh-State College stu­ ert Detjea of Kiel, WIs., one of dents who said they ward fe­ the won** npnpupnnidupnoulenders." • About Cuba . By DAVE KNAPP that decapitailization would said. Many at the world’s most stered by pro-communist, pro- Castro demonstrations else­ “For that reason we decided in shew that we nm opposed to SAN FRANCISCO UTb-A po­ lice-estimated crowd of 2,000 & the Playmates where staged a downtown dem­ fee suppression of democratic . State New* Staff Writer lead to more poverty. prominent thateflaes are es­ demonstrated Wednesday in pousing Socialist ideas. onstration Tuesday against freedoms.” iminn square, then marched to The progressive income tax, Communism and tee Cuban The students, carrying signs We can. an recognize the social security, and other so­ If the church leaders cannot and placards bearing such slo­ the federal building carrying WISH secular nature o# Commu­ cialist ideas take property away see the dangers of socialism, fectafor. ^ such pmccards as “ Yankee stay “We feel that organization gans as “anti-Castro and pro- nism, but we . must also be from individuals, often thiwi&h the layman and the child in the and demonstration are as much Cuba,”. paraded up and down out of Cuba.” . able to recognize the secular threat ot force, he saiid. Tnis is classroom cannot be expected A group of 70 hecklers against nature of creeping Socialism, a violation of moral law. s a id an AfricanInlastonary "Tuesday night. Ho said that the featherbed­ ding by unions mid the subsi­ to see than either, he haded. “Where are the nigged in­ dividualists who made our coun­ weapons of freedom and de­ mocracy as they art» of Cap* ■ ■ ■ a ■ « a-a a a a a O ib d i s main street, then re­ turned to classes. B■ ■ ■ M ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ the frniitting shouted “Reds get out of Cuba.” Reenforced squads of police Knapp’s “Socialism Is secular because dies by governments could be try great?” be asked. stood by. it denies the validity of the constructed as violations of the We seem to be losing our de­ A demonstration spokesman moral law,” said the Rev. Fran­ tenth commandment. sire for freedom in p. secular who identified himself as Tom cis E. Mahaffy, missionary Socialism is, even beginning from Eritrea, Africa. He spoke to have a profound influence society, be said, and we shall continue to do so unless were- Sanders, a student minister of the Star King School of Minis- continued on “Socialism! — Spiritual or on our churches, Mr. Mahaffy turn to Christian principles. try a t Berkeley, said many in Secular?” before the Conserva­ the crowd were from the Uni­ tive did). By the concentration of power versity of California. Stanford and San Francisco State. SUCCESS In central government, Social­ ism takes an unrealistic view­ Diploma! Shot N ew P la n A spokesman for the hecklers said the group was from San point on sin and the propensity Ftancisco State and the Uni­ of power to corrupt, according In Canada (Continued from Page 11 versity of San Francisco, ap­ pearing to prove “there are to Mr. Mahaffy. Organization of A m e r i c a n Socialists seem to think that OTTAWA~.'4'~~An Indian Dip­ '-they can take care of all of the lomat, K. Sankara Pillai, was intricate interplay between men slain Wednesday in the office of States;. y He expressed satisfaction at Kennedy's pledges and their still a few thinking college stu­ dents left.” P. Lorillard Contest and the distribution of goods, he the Indian High Commissioner. added. _ reiteration to the committee by U.S. Delegate Adali E. Steven­ Last Day to O rder en try deposit boxes a re located aU In doing so. Socialism denies Police »said a man walked son. He declared they upheld Announcements the validity of the moral law, into the office and shot f*illai ALEXANDER DRUG Contest the Latin-American principle of be said. By the amassing of with a rifle. The shooting was non-intervention. Friday is the last day seniors CAMPUS BOOK Closes At such power, the leaders seem reported a few minutes later Carlos Sosa Rodriguez of Ven­ can order commencement an­ CAMPUS DRUG !~ to forget that power feeds upon at a police station by a man M idnight, ezuela asked the committee to nouncements from' the Union STUDENT BOOK May 11,1961 itself and eventually destroys adopt the Latin-American reso­ bookstore, it was announced everyone including the person whom police detained. They re­ SPARTAN BOOK ported he had visited the In­ lution. He said his country re­ Thursday. They are available who created it. in three différait styles. Mr. Mahaffy said that while dian offices Tuesday. garded the present struggle •* one involving only Cubans and Socialism may not be complete­ The High Commissioner’s that the kind of government ly atheistic, ft denies the prin office is equivalent to an em- they wanted was for them to de­ cipals of God’s law and there4 bassy. Pillai, who was about 40. fore becomes practical atheism was first secretary of the office, cide. • __ Ambassador Adan Pachachi He said that the Socialists, naming him no. 2 man under of left-leaning Ira q charged UNITED TO think it is just to-redistribute j B. N. Chakravarty, the High goods, but they neglect the idea Commissioner. that the United States was op­ s tu d e n ts a n d that they may be taking goods \ — ---------------- posing Castro because it want­ fac u lty o f away from a person who has ed to regain U.S. interests in Cuba. THIS SCHOOL^ labored hard and may be giving CASTROITE8 PICKET AT UN—Supporters of Cohn’s to a person who is poor through his own fault. Folk-Songs, But Pachachi expressed no support for the Soviet resolu­ Fidel Castro walk o picket tine Tuesday across fee street tion. He endorsed instead a from fee UN headquarters in New York. (AP Wirephoto.) Socialists seem to think that their scbeme provides for more Pantomine Mexican proposal urgng all UN A N R C A V IC T O R » equality of wealth, he said. But members not to take any action that would promote civil war what they-don’t understand is Presented in Cuba, and calling for a Pope Has Cold As Talks to Farmers peaceful settlement in keeping A felk-song and pantomine, with the spirit of the UN char­ VATICAN CITY, (JV-Pope The voice of the 79-year-old Castro Bags one of the ancient Israel’s ter. dumb-show, will be presented John XXIII Wednesday show­ head of the Roman Catholic ed symptoms of a mild cold as Church was Hoarse, but he ap­ by the Dudaim. a well-known he spoke to 30,000 Italian farm­ peared in good spirits as he Non-Existent Jewish folk-song singer from NAACP to Elect New York, at 8 p.m. Monday, ers at a special audience in S t addressed the fanners. He is the son of a sharecropper. New O fficers P eter’s Basilica. Aviator April .24, in 31 Union. The program is sponsored by Officers of the NAAC for BOSTON MVxThe “North the Israeli students on campus 1961-82 will be elected at a American pilot” the Castro re­ to celebrate their 13th anni­ meeting to be in the Tower gime reported shot down in versary of Independence Day. room, Union at 8 p.m. Thurs­ Here is your Advaneed Copy ef America's Money-Saving Lew Cost European Adventures. : or Cuba Wednesday appears to be a man who never existed. The Castro account gave a The public is invited. day. OPENING SPECIAL * Date of Departure, Port June 20, Montreal -ship or AMBASSADOR BIG TEN Program other fabulous name and an address at 48 Beacon St. Boston. Nobody by Jnly 4, New York City -air that name was known there, - " , Daring April Only ' 'r~' and long time residents of the 75c with this Ad for $1 basket of balls Meet in Greenock and continue off to SCOTLAND, visit ENG­ apartm ent house said they ! couldnt recall an airplane pilot, as a resident. PALOMAR GOLF RANGE LAND/BELGIUM, HOLLAND, GERMANY, SW^ZERLAND, AUSTRIA, TRIESTE, ITALY, MONACO and FRANCE. Re; ta n by ship from Liverpool August a and arrive fe Montreal prizes SECONDLY, the Havana broadcast gave an aircraft op­ erator’s ljcense NKMBEH with a letter as part of a series of [ Ron LaFraagk Professional Cíete Bick Manager 1 Block East of Frandor 3335 E. Michigan August 29; or board your plane from Paris on August 21 for Round Trip ship 81201.00 Round Trip air 11218.00 Ship ever and plane return 01300.00 in ' m AMBASSADOR numbers. The Federal Aviation | Agency reported pilots’ licen­ ses are numbered—no letters. Lansing ED 7-2»E The vian NORWAY AMBASSADOR Tear is a continuation Into the Scandina­ countries where you will visit DENMARK, SWEDEN and and then you depart by ship from Leaden on Sept­ LORILLARD'S CAMPUS SWEEPSTAKES! Then the Havana broadcast said there was a social security ember 5 arriving in Montreal September 12 or leave London number found in the pilot's ef­ by plane on September 4 b a d to New York. fects, and they gave it as 014- 07-0921. The social security of-! DONALD S. DEER Round Trip ship 01519.00 Round Trip air 01517.00 Ship over and plane retara 81542.00 June 22, Montreal -«Up VIKING EXPLORER fice in Baltimore reported that - SPEAKER - number is assigned te a New; Jane 28, New York -air England man—but he was ; Visit ENGLAND, SAN MARIO, MONACO, SCOTLAND, NOR­ alive, and working at his job! Friday» April 21 Luncheon 1 1 :4 5 • 1 p.m . WAY, SWEDEN, DENMARK, HOLLAND, GERMANY, Wednesday, they said. The SWITZERLAND, UECHT1N8TEIN, AUSTRIA, ITALY and identy of the latter man was not i University L utheran C hurch FRANCE wife side trips to SPAIN and PORTUGAL. AaRCAhrtaMi disclosed. Board Empress of Britiaa Britten enon August 21 for Montreal or fly, A Royti PortiMo Typowritar • A Poliroid Lai Cmon The Havana report also said deporting Angui sgasi 22 teNow York. Storio Sot Mfefc 38 (Phone Reservations to ED 2-5571 by 5 p.m., Apr. 20) there was an auto registration Round n ip ■hip G1285J0 Round Trip air 81332JO certificate among the pilot's Ship to Eiinrope ana plane retan 81341.00 papers, listing an address a t' If yen taetode fee aide trips to SPAIN end PORTUGAL fee 100 Nashua St., Boston. That's ! 0 , - the Correct address of the Mas­ Sunday, - ' April 2 3 ★ 6 :3 0 j>.m. east, based on d ip to Europe and plane return Is 81407.00 Jane 20 Montreal -skip WAYFARER E n te r T o d a y ! Print your name sachusetts auto registry. «* . , Jnly 5 Nevf York-air and address on the back of a pack (or reason­ TRANSLATIONS of the Cu­ -U niversity Alumni Chapel Open to travelers of all ages, you arrive fe Liverpool and rail able facsimile—see rules) of any one at these 5 ban broadcast gave the name to London visit other parte of ENGLAND then go to HOL­ Lorillard products—and deposit it in the variously as Leo Francis Bell, LAND, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, AUSTRIA, ITALY, and or Leo Francis Berry. None by Mr. Deer is a representative of the National Student FRANCE. i Lorillard Sweepstakes entry boxed, located on Skip passengers depart Paris August 14 by rail and steamer and around campus. Enter aa many timea either name could be found in Christian Federatimi and has recently returned from the to heard the Empress ef England Aagast 15 arriving in Mon­ Ai RCA Trasfctor Boston. Clock Rali Wednesday night Cuban For­ Belgian Cenge. His visit at MJ.U. Is sponsored by Can­ treal August 22. Air passengers leave Paris Aagist 15 for aa you like. -, eign Minister Raul Roa said at terbury Club, Presbyterian Campas Fellowship, Chris­ New York. the United Nations that the tian Student Foundation and Lutheran Student Associa­ R ond Trip Ship S00M0 Bona* Trip air 8U32J9 Ship to Evope.retom by air is fVMMI RK961 f. tortilorti Co. flier’s name was Lee-Francis tion. — - - For a slight additional cost oa extended trip into SPAIN and READ COMPLETE SWEEPSTAKES RULES HERE: Berliss. - - y ■ PORTUGAL may be taken. A. Each entry muet consist of one empty pnekof eny Nobody, by that name hither. of the iollowtngbrands: Kent . . . Newport . . . June 22 New York -ship * PENNYWISE PRIVATEER Jnly 1 New York ah’ OM Goto Filter*. Straight! . . . Sprint OR—• plain piece ef paper which hes the “hand" drawn block Special sfedeat n B s g an fee S, S. Zriderkrnis arriving to letters ef nay ef these brands drawn in any sis*. Rotterdam and taking the night steamer to Leaden. Air pass­ Your name and address must be written on the back. Phi Kappa Tau engers else arrive Laotian and the lin t paint ef interest is to visit Stratford tad Oxford then go on y o n way to visit BEL­ GIUM, HOLLAND. DENMARK, SWEDEN, NORWAY, GER­ MANY, SWITZERLAND, LIECHTENSTEIN, AUSTRIA. ------ 2. Deposit your completed entry in the Lorillard Campus Sweepstakes entry bases. Closing time and date Indicated on campus pontees. There will be a random drawing in which the prise lif-r - . i t r *. MONACO and FRANGE. Oa Òa Aagast 14 afe passengers beeid 4 |B u p * will be selected te consecutiva eider. Draw- flMfe flight from Parto to New York, flagrai lg fe fee _ depar­ t i g * i l l be M i under Om rápemete« • / lbs eotlt f t KfiWT newspaper d o /. Enter at many thhae as you Ska. '._V invites tare date far strip pssasagari Angari 22. mgnrs who arrive tsM ontreal on is Montn fM p end pries par contestant. Entrant* need not be peasant at drawing to win. Reand Trip thip 8122IJ0 Reaad Trip afe fUMMI x Lorfflard Campus Sweepstakes is open to eB ttu- - the Men of Delta Sigma P in .... Ship over and reta» by afe 81170J0 dente, faculty had staff member* of this school 4» Lorillard Cempqs gweopetskeo in subject to ail These are all American Yeafe Ahsnad felpa far adulti under Federal State and LnealLawa, to a dunking in the Red Cedar * ‘ v? fe* agoni 39. More Ostatisi Bfeprarira and fruttar informa- tiea su fesse and sfeer trip hnrgtas: g . Students and (acuity whose immediate (amities are employed by the P. Lorillard Co. or its advertising onsncieesre pet riplhle P. LORILLARD C 0 M PM Y behind the Women’s Gym. Saturday, May 13, 1KI0 P.M. COLLEGE TRAVEL OEIICE Canteri Clases Midnight, May li, ISSI. Plref nrfWIUfrg Pfeee f C fe r a fe n FhrratiptiiQirrilerri R— ranfe ' ■# - 1 3 0 W . G rand R iver ED 2 3 6 6 7 111» » I J ¡tm É ifM b ■ H r a K lì.wfìjgg Foresees Death Italian President Mitchell Arrives in Brasil Wins J, Eichmami Portrays Sell As RIO DE JANEIRO, RrazB, un—President ttlsv m l Gron­ Primary chi at Bata «stood Wednesday tar plan* tram Montevideo tar • meeting with President Jsato botar*«, pet tortoise ambling WASHINGTON. («-Liberals Placement Bureau WgHftto far Quadro« of Brazil. f doors were hermetically seal­ dowa ib r iü r oro. They toko Wednesday halted James P. On week of April SMI: ed. Then I saw the most breath­ pete aerteusly la Britoia.PoBeo Mitchell’s nstnlnsdon for Gov* taking sight to my life. Corpses solved the problem by taking Harris Treat A Savings Baak ernor of New Jersey as demon­ were tossed out of the van like1the tortoise off to the station interviewing all majors from strating u candidate doesn't a n im als, . ■^ the College of Business A Pita* have to be u conservative to Be Service, communication > "I had to leave because it arts, and Science and Arti and win in u Republican primary. was tso much to stand. J went secretarial science. ' Sen. Jacob K. Javtts, R-N.Y:, back to Birbn. I told Moeller said Mitchell's victory over pri­ ‘it is horrible, It an indescrib­ Detroit Pabtic Schools into* mary opponents “ is an eloquent able inferno. 1 c a n t stand i t ’ " viewing Elementary Educa­ reply to those who would con* Eichmaan said he begged tion; Seedndary English, math, Mueller to send someone else «dances, history, music, art, -aiga toe Republican party to foreign languages and women's the never-oover land of ultra- for reports on the concentration camps but the request, was physical education. conservatism; or those In the pally trim contend that Repub­ turned down. Royal Oak School Dist. inter* licans will sit on their hands viewing elementary education; except for a conservative can­ jr. high social adenco and didate.’* Engttah, math. - apodal educa­ tion. Secondary biology, chem­ Sen. Barry Goldwater, R- SPECIAL Ariz., an avowed conservative, reported that Mitchell's victory with liberal support "proves Awarded istry, physics, Endian, foreign languages, geoeraf science and math. DISCOUNT ON ALL FREJE Ltaeohr High School inter* PARTS 20 minute tagtailntton nothing to the vast bulk of the Republican party that lies out­ side downtown New York and New Jersey.” _ . _' Fellowship viewing English, journalism, social studies, industrial arts, math, physics and general sci­ AND ACCESSORIES - TO on guaranteed ence. FACULTY - / ‘IF THEY couldn’t win in General Motors Csrporattou New Jersey, they couldn’t win AND interviewing metallurgical and -STUDENTS tm sm laslom - any place,” Goldwater said in (electrical engineers. a separate interview. "Chi the — motors — . other hand, conservative candi­ Shocks dates have had remarkable suc­ Generators repaired - installed - exchanged cess in the rest of the United States.” Complete Optical Springs Castoni Sen. John Sherman Cooper, R-Ky., who is classed as a lib­ Service Starters Garbs H i-Speed ' eral, said he thinks the New Tune-ups Equipment Jersey outcome “ is represen­ tative of the feeling that pre­ vails in many other states.”' Mitchell polled about 50,000 fewer votes than the total given to his two principal opponents State Sens. Walter H. Jones and Wayne Dumont, Jr. Jones and Dumont called themselves Eisenhower Repub­ licans. But whichever way Mit­ chell’s success was sliced, the result seemed in the minds of most Republicans to add up to increased party power for the liberals and increased political • • • 3 1 7 E- G rand River, East Lansing stature for Sen. Clifford P. Case, R-N.J. CASE, who went 'out on a .limb to suport Mitchell against regular organization c a n d i ­ dates. said he was pleased by the result. " I never seriously doubted that the Republican voters in New Jersey would pick the strongest possible can d id ate/ he said. "And I am confident that in November the voters will concur in the judgement that Jim Mitchell wtil make a distinguished governor«” • The November contest faced by Mitchell was uppermost in the mind of Senate Republican leader Everett M. Dirkson of Illinois. Mitchell wiU be op­ Knapp’s of East Lansing posed then by Richard J. Jlughes, a former judge, who won the Democratic nomination with little opposition. across from Berkey). D1RKSEN praised Mitchell as . a vigorous campaigner and said he had made “an-excellent re­ cord as Secretary of Labor” in the Eisenhower cabinet Extends the hand "If Republicans now join forces behind him we ought to be able to get a resounding Re­ publican victory in New Jersey of Friendship to in November,” Dirksen said. He avoided labelling Mitchell as liberal. "Let's just say he is a sound Republican,” said the New KNAPP’S ' 239 MJLC AVB* BAST LANSING Dirksen,-faimself regarded as a conservative. * of East Lansing Shepard's are most g ra te fu l, to GOP National C h a i rman Thruston B. Morton called Mit­ chell " a sure winner” in Nov­ ember. K n a p p 's fo r our Ea st La n sin g It is Shepard's hamble opinion that the entire community and surrounding area is to be blessed by knapifs isnfkirnrr in the fatare of E ast Lansing . . .S o we at Shepard's of E ast Lansing feel that toanavmr*« opening o f Knapp’s, E ast Lansing, will add completeness to the Quality and Friendly Service that East LansiagHes are so entitled to receive. 1 - S o t We R epeat,,.W elcom e Neighbor . . . S T O R Y O L D S M O B IL E 326 S. WASHINGTON AVE. 317 E. GRAND RIVER LANSING EAST LANSING Services This Car - As Well as All Makes and Models .A sk La About Day and Night , FREE PARKING STORY OLDSMOBILE W om en’s Children"* Shoes ^ EAST MICHIGAN AT FRANBOR -x I V 2-1311 KNAPP'S WELCOME KNAPP’S WELCOME KNAPP'S WELCOME KNAPP’S WELCOME KNAPB'S WELCOME KNAPP’S WELCOME KNAPP’S Map*!«m «^rsaß--* lin » » I mmmwm n yfpgaB l ' WM III ü* » - '- ' «* :..." « r . . . _ s _ / » — a.~.T". |K U r a n d a f M o r n in g , A p r il 2 0 , l Ä f f t rajij ÌÉÉìÌ pBSÌ mmm Ü5 Ifo, Mamie €ef Health Checkups 76 in Univ. College; Mak*t&$ C ro ssw o rd P u z z le □ 0 30 □□□□ J33| a a a a a a s a □ aaa a n a a o a a a 333; Kei GETTYSBURG, ,Pa., < * - be gqoe overnight, with Eisen­ Former Pfoetdent Dwight D. hower expected back kr Ms Seventy-six University Col­ mao; Margaret L Magee De- James C. rsM »*—** sffrtnsd • 15 «v- trait freshman; Roger 1er If. 1Mia*. eta, Penn., sophomore; Janice 1. Cut short i f :m m m \ f* $3 Outer gar. □ □ D O ¡9QSU3 3 0 *3 3 3 3 3 a a a a g 0 2 □□□DL! 2 3 3 3 S. Atlantic Eiimhowwr and Mrs. E3mo- Mrs. Gettysburg office today and Eisenhower, returning to bower went to Washington their farm home near hsrt, - 4, German □33 33303 333 erage lor winter term: Thomas R. Antals, Grosse Pt. sophomore; James D. Baft, eia, Detroit freshman. ^Aafts sophomore L. ; McClellan, Mary K. Taylor Melma», R Petersen, Letend soph* more; mont James R. Peterson, Fre­ freshman; Jane M. Phll- city TO ior 13. Boria« tael 17. Ascended 40. The 1 41. Adhesives 3 3 3 .1 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 3 3 3 2 IDCiH3ü£33 Cruise Off ’Wednesday for checkups at Mrs. Eisenhower suffered Walter Reed Hospital. from a throat infection during A spokesman emphasized the couple’s west coast vaca­ Cadar Springs freshman; Mar- t, Detroit sophomore; Daniel 3 3 3 3 □□□□ East Lansing freshman; Aftert J. Banes, Flint f r e s h m a n ; A McKim, Eator Rapida, John K. Beiaski, Wyandotte man: Unta* A. Meyer, Bronson Valerie - sophomore; B og« IvB erg, freshman: Valerie A. Middte- freshman; ton, Plttsford sophomore; fresh­ Rob­ r Rttey, Bloomfield; Eleanore L. Rothman, East Luring. Smitn, Chicago. 111., WfBtpm V. Steiner, 13. Okl yarn 14. Tint 1«. Hakte« w*H <1. «salassi 4S.AÜ0W . - . 47. Aaimsl dec. te r coiloq. - 33313303 3333 □33 3333 3330 3 3 3 Ü 33 3 3 3 33 - - -m-y n*|. _WASMINGTCnE («-President that the cbeckups were rou­ tion. from which they returned Kennedy Wednesday cancelled tine. He said the couple would only this week. plans to cruise aboard an air­ craft carrier off the Souui Palatine, 111., sophomore; Don IT. l a w n Atlantic coast this weekepd: Wrijht (Cay —'««elusive jewtU's «ire« 106! M. Blakeslee, Mltaand sopho­ ert M. Mitchell, Laaatag fresh- Towsen, Md. sophomore; Ger­ 15. Twitchinf ». The WMte House turned more. «, ■ik man; Allan C. Nickels, DeWttt ald R. Swenaen, Islington Out IS. Swiss rivar M. hgratelul ' sow n t. y u m tn w i aside questions as to whether sophomore; Joseph A. On*, Salt ario, Canadto.ireshman. 31.1 1. E xclam a­ the fighting in Cuba bad any­ Martha C. Christian, Vicks­ Lake' City, Utah sophomore; Dolores C. Thomas. Almont I t la ti at t i o n * Sta- burg freshman; Marilyn A. Rolland J. Oselka, New Buffalo freshman; Barbara J. Thomp­ 3t.P w t.ta Seat tf U B jf thing to tarwjth the decision. Clark. Midland freftm aa; Den­ sophomore. tarara* m t IT. 2. Be indebted i t Shast letters "I would not point to . any i son, East Lansing freshman; -3. Noisy U-Lassa nis H. Collette, Wi Kathleeen R. Hetjens, Dear­ S t And net • j specific event as Jiavtag to do! T Com. -sophomore; Robert 4. Can forth w w ody p ir a ta born freshman; Dongas C. r a m t-Chees I f I ja itw l ! with the postponement, ■P ress! Cook, Grand Ledge sophomore Toppin, Harbor Beach sopho­ » te n ta n t « piece* II—^ - 1-. ! Secretary Pierre Salinger told j Donald E . Dickson, E ast Lan­ sing freshman; Justin G. Eng­ Man Rescued more. Mgrlin A. Vannice, Halsey, si. «h sap,h* its MRK • S candio*, v is a n s r r s tjv e {newsmen. Kennedy bad planned to fly j lish. Lansing sophomore. lew ■David L. Ewing, Okemds From Well Neb. freshman; Mary V. Wal- czyk, Keego Harbor freshman; mmm a n a i i i a 23. Alao on Saturday to Mayport, Fla., then travel by ship fo the Car-1 fresbmana; Ario W. Fast, Mel- vindale sophomore; Cecilia A. Gamble, East Lansing sopho­ After 6 Hours Charlotte A. Webb, Hale soph- pmore; Diane D. Welch, Davi­ son freshman; Joan K, Wester- m m m m m m m m m m ^^^m m m m a w ».C herry celar « t Bovine I 3S. Thin« law rier Independence off the Coast j of Florida. That afternoon andj night, he had been scheduled ; more; Clair D. Gardner, Har­ rison freshman; Jam es K- Gor­ _ of BIRMINGHAM, pain and fear Ala at'th e , i« - bottom A Jum p, Huntington Woods fresh­ man; Richard B. Westin, Ben­ don, Middleville freshman; Nel­ man was trapped in an agony ton Harbor freshman; Ina J. mmm mmm ü h ■ ■ ii. i 1 ai. Heldases- StCmpua to watch navy flight and anti- j submarine exercises. That part of the Atlantic is I SCU LPTU RED E L E G A N C E A drdmatic'hew diamond design by- son Hr Good, Dacatur fresh­ Axe sophomore; Arlyn J. Greif- hours Wednesday endorf, Chicago, • 111., sopho­ was rescued. — r . before be White, Schoolcraft freshman; m an; Robert J. Greene, Bad of a 52-foot well far more than John B. Wickstrom, Lansing six sophomore; Richard E. Wolff, '¡mmm■ ».Lcgum* ».Return . SA Annoyod kyfouttftnd several hundred miles from j Cuba, where anti-Castro rebels have launched an invasion Orange Blossom, especially for the young- at-heart . . . diamond engagement ring in I4< Bobby A l v i s , 24-year-old, East Umring sophomore; Carol more. Elaine G. Hamilton, Leslie came to the surface with a A. Work, Bronson freshman. Kayda N. Navit, Lansing ïiü n fof 41. Location » . Itane era aimed at overthowing the Fi­ del Castro regime. gold, 195.00. Matching weddmg band 30.00. Prie« include Federal tax sophomore; Una M. Harms, smile. freshman; Judith I. Zimmer, Dearborn sophomore: Jane A. He waved his good right arm East Lansing freshman; Nancy T r i ------ toA «.B erated Hultman, Glenview, 111., sopho­ —Ms left arm was injured by A. Zwart, Kalamazoo freshman. S IM i U iilH . plettarm !Sergeant York more; Donald W. Johansen, the concrete casing that pinned Whitehall sophomore; William him at the bottom—and said, Ü M Ü R ilü M B H ïlfl 40. By 4S. Cultivate SLMeceeete * Wrigli, Kay F. Johnson, Okemos soph­ "Thank the Good Lofd I am !!■ ■ ■ ■ Ü IH ¡IB B ICleared of 1500 Woodward, Detroit and Northland omore : Michael S. Jolly, Mt out of there at la s t” Clemens. A doctor said his only appar­ NarQdne K. Karinann, Dear­ ent injuries were a slash on Congress ill« « « 11« I IH R MBB 4-tO 14. Badai died ».W ork m it ; Tax Trouble WO 2-0500; Convenient accounts available born sophomore; Gary Kil- his left arm, a slight cut on his bom, Belding freshman; Rhoda forehead and a possible broken K. Kluge, Lakeview sopho­ wrist: Near O.K. WASHINGTON, (*—The gov- emment’s income tax claim more u-Richard R. Knight, Bay Two rescue workers, Roy Wil­ City freshman; Robert L. Koe- liams and Horace Davis, spent sis, East Lansing sophomore; almost four hours chipping at O f judges ‘Adjusted’ Polaris Is j against Sgt. Alvin C. York, j world War I hero, wa$ settled officially Wednesday. Kenneth E. Konop. Port Huron the concrete casing and digging S ' • • • freshman; the earth under it to free Alvis’ WASHINGTON, (* - T h e Karen R.- Krymis, Quincy pinned left arm. House Wednesday voted to add Fired—‘Record Improving Rep. J œ L. Evins, D-Tenn\ turned over to internal Re­ venue Commissioner Mortimer freshman; Irene M. Kuch. Un­ At one point they gave Alvis 70 judges to the federal, court ionville sophomore; Roger J. pain-relieving drugs. Liss, Bronx, N.Y. sophomore: Alvis was trying to move system, after rejecting two re­ CAPE CANAVERAL, F la. Ufi that 18 Polaris submarine fir­ C. —The atomic submarine Robert ings have been conducted, 10 of been tion Caplin <25,000 which had raised J>y public subscrip­ to wipe out York’s debt. ~ Is the Beginning! Don E. Livensparger. Holt some of the. concrete casing publican efforts to cut the E. Lee Wednesday fired a pol­ them successful. Since The pol­ Ine- m o n e y was raised sophomore; Dean R. Lockwood, when a portion of it shifted, number sharply. ari! missile more than 1,100 icy became effective, sources miles while gliding submerged report the firing of one Polaris, through the "Help Sergeant Coldwater freshman; Thomas fell on him and- pinned him to S. Lossing, East Leroy fresh- the floor of the welL The bill now goes back to the Senate, which has approved the creation of 73 new judge­ beneath the Atlantic Ocean 30 from the submarine Theodore York Committee" for whicb miles offshore. Roosevelt, which was a suc­ Evins was treasurer. a new boon to the An informed source reported cess. The claim-was based on in­ the TOG SHOP ships. GOP MEMBERS in t h e the missile successfully met all The shooting record of the come York received during objectives and that the Lee subs may be behind the secrecy 1942 and 1943 for a movie based East Lansing area---- House continuing their cries of soon will join two other polari»- lid. The Navy announced last on his life. politics, sw ing the Democrtic- firing submarines, tbe George week that the percentage is Welcomes controlled Congress w as creat­ ing more judgeships than were needed in order to provide pat­ Washington and Patrick Henry, expected to improve because of on combat patrol. Under a recently-adopted pol­ in to« missile. a relatively minor change made _ Polaris Tests a KNAPP’S Store ronage for President Kennedy. icy, the Defense Department However, Sen. Alien J. Exten­ The votes were split along party lines as the Republican did not announce whether Ine der, D-La., Tuesday questioned tori was successful! Depart­ Secretary of Defense McNa­ Satisfactory in East Lansing. moves to slash the number ment officials said they no long­ m ara about the poor submarine were rejected. ' er will report results of missile -launch showing. McNamara WASHINGTON («-Secretary F irst an amendment by Rep. launchings conducted "away said that despite the test fail­ of Defense Robert S. McNama­ William M. McCulloch, R-Ohio, from public view." ures, he has great confidence ra has told Senators Tuesday But Wednesday’S missilé was j in the Polaris-system. •— that despite several recent test the - - to. cut the total to 35 was shout­ i failures the pentagon has great clearly visable to shore ob­ ed down by voice vote. Then an amendment by Rep. John V. Lindsay, R-N.Y., to make servers as it climbed steadily ; above the horizon, shooting ai - * confidence i# the Polaris sub- | marine-launched missile. __, Spartan Book Store the total 58 lost to a 130-99 trail of white smoke from its ! V s » t V f o i l 14*111 p ( Sen. Allen J. Eflender, D- La. solid fuel engines. ▼CO # iv l.ty q iR X x R a a v ’ there have been eight fail- Ann and M.A.C. standing vote^ The 28-foot weapwrappeared I o „ g*n o . j - - ures out of 19 recent Polaris THE REPUBLICANS com­ to perform normally. The sec-! S t a l l , o t l i d c n t s trials, and asked: “Doesn’t to EAST LANSING plained ^ that under former President Dwight D. Eisen­ hower’s Administration t h e ond stage ignited about a min­ ute after launch and pushed a dummy warhead toward a ta r­ Go to Chicago that give you some concern?” "We’re very pleased with per­ formance of the Polaris,” the Welcomes KNAPP’S Democratic - controlled Con­ A Cooil Place to Live' gress failed to act on a bill to i create 35 judgeships. get more than l,150Thiles down range. ’ Under the information ban, | graduate students will present function satisfactorily-r-is func­ pentagon chief replied.”- we A University professor and have great confidence it will to East Lansing They said nothing had hap­ the Defense Department will papers in the field of veteri­ tioning satisfactorily.” pened since to justify doubling permit the Navy to report only nary medicine at a national The administration has asked the number of judgeships pro­ for an additional <1, 223,400,- meeting in Chicago April 23-27. 000 to speed the Polaris pro­ LIEBERMANN'S posed except the political com- plextion. o f t h o executive branch. Professors Delbert E . Schoenhard, as­ gram with the aim of getting sociate professor of microbio­ 29 of the boats on station by the Week End - A WONDERFUL GIFT FOR The House MB would create 10 judgeships in the Circuit To Comment- logy and public health, and end of 1964. Lawrence E . Day, Richard B. MOTHER’S DAY! Court of Appeals and 60 in the District Courts. The biggest judgeship bill On Riot Film Dardas, Chester A. Hornbeck, William E. Inniss, and Roy W. Phone 2643 fo r want ads. SPECIAL Snyder, graduate students, win , EMworth H ow e ever passed by the House be­ fore was a 1954 measure add­ The film, "Operation Abo­ present their papers at the 61st OPEN SMOKER Thursday, Friday Saturday ing 30 judges. No judgeship lition” , will be shown at Edge- annual meeting of the Society TONIGHT wood Peoples Church,- 469 Hag-! of American Microbiologists. bill has been passed since then despite repeated attempts to adorn rd. at 12:20 p.m. Thurs­ Ten other members of the investigate Ce operative Special get do so. ■ day. department will also attend Living Two MSU faculty mem- the meeting. acquainted British bird lovers have, cho­ berg will comment on the sig­ offer sen the robin-as their national nificance of the film, following bird, through the correspond­ the showing. ence columns of the London They are Charles Larrowe, Times, The red grouse finished associate professor of econom­ second in the voting and the ics and Frederick Alexander, wren, third. associate professor of speech. iw m u d Milk CORNING ☆ W ARE from the & - _ o 1 qt. M ucr pan with r lra r «over College Cleaners Ice C ream _ CASH Sl CARRY Regularly $ 3 .9 5 a congratulatory Salute ": - W U t . British Tab Jacket V2 Cal. G rade A Homogenized Only *2 88 fr : :; ’ to . Tan 3 6 to 4 6 Dark Olive Reg. ft Longs offer .expires „May 13, 1961 KNAPP’S 37 ( 1201 K. Grand River East 1»aging Welcome to East V 3055 E. Mich. Ju st Went o f Sears College Clothes LANSfNG EAST LANSING » l l - Lansing; ‘;. u m s « « F u n m o w n n . 205 E. Gnuqf. River 197 S. W ashington 20« E. G rand River • Charge Account** As Usual mm ¿i&J'tù MNte&s §SM | ® i^JA' T im nim y M o m ta * A j j r t t Z O , » “ W&mk :;° <> w o m:¡r¡ iiB B ì Tiîi r AND ’ sense e f H ie m o r e B ^ arttm ent Id ! HURRY SSH H U E T H kstdLA U U L Wet the as innocent as aha sakl...or did «lia a n y o n e n o w w o rk in g F K £D I M H M I K i r taunt and taasa—until it teas too taka? in f ilm » /' HMPIHL Ü | ATMFJK. T I«Y B u m m N T I m m rua»« fo e 2 9% U M ' ■ ■ ■ Today Showa At 1:35 • G t M A R P O rsl 4:11 • f : i i - 9:4» F t M a y ^ S L A t 1:99 - /iiDm sm oK OPENS AT 6:19 Shown 12:00 • 4:00 • 8:0» Program luto. IV M W HE» ?iä.‘ -r-■ mMifcwWiiiii'-Mw«- ftÊ iS illâ à i ■Mm Éí . ìL Pi ’F r! \3 t* . h H r:- ' ; ■is^SS B J E ^ w - if>^ ÌfS '0^I P — - faJ ? t y 1 i i yS « ■ E ls m. I / . ww i w ‘^ p ...,^ Ä e fc y Loses io riy ta g m f P d m er fa» Renateli In 65thH ostonS(larathon P a lm e r Rem ains Favo rite ;. \ •. .• -i>w f 'jp-r, Okanen Fails bided Ms time, running on Me curb tide of Kelley whew sev­ eral thnes he unsnccesshdly marathon epic at Stockholm in 1866. Norris’ time then was » M rttl31:lS . In Houston G o lf Classic r\ xTo Lower Record 1tried to hrsek through. Oaksan- HOUSTON, Tex. UR — Gary The Play«-Palm er duel has on Memorial’s long fair ways 4 L,* /'* '- ■ ■ ■<, • en hurst In front at a widened P la y « and Arnold P a lm « re­ d o m i n a t e d pre-tournament have drawn cenaiiforabla sup­ BOSTON (it—Eiao Oksanen, a Hehaala detective charged p ert of the m id and had a 10 yard edge, in free from there, giving Fin­ Lucas & Ce. turn to the tournament trail-to­ speculation but three other port. day for an unofficial rematch stars who normally play well They are Borke, Souchuc and Julius Boros. " ' p todf mile r a n wen/fee 65th Bas­ te « kJL M craflm today. The trtam pk m e repeat of land her third straight champ­ ion and fifth in eight y e a s , A $• YEAlt OLD plainclothes- Stalled in in the $40,000 Houston classic. Palm er retained 7-2 odds for Welcome To East Lansing tiie $7,000 in top money Wed­ Oirt—e a 't victory o v e r Ameri­ man on the Htisfrtki squad as­ nesday despite taking a four- ca's Jsfan Refley here two year» signed to the criminal detail, over-par 74 in his first 18-bole ago except that the flying Finn Oksanen smartly used Kelley round since losing at Augusta. from the m anagem ent and m adeM s Md c la c « to the end. as a break«' against th a cross NEW YORK (»-^topped be­ Player, with practice rounds of wmouog by 25 yards in a thril­ winds which had caused the fore they could score a point, 70 and 88, was quoted at 5-1. staff o f Central M ichigan's ler. --'fr“ —v . Finnish champ considerable two talent-laden AAU Basket­ KeBey. upended by a stray worry just before the 20 n u a d , ball teams scheduled-to leave THE STARTING FIELD for finest T h e a tre . . . to Central mongrel I t stiles from the Ex­ eter t i l e d windup, recovered with little delay thanks to the 385 yard patriot’s day dasaic for a three-week exhibition tour had gotten underway from sub­ of Russia awaited word today urban Hopkinton. on prospects for making the Sinks, Ross the 72-hole attack on the 7,122- yard, par 35-35—70 Memorial Park course includes 107 pros M ichigan's Finest F actio n y s i w w S g assistance of and five amateurs. Included FngBihafsa Fred Norris, and M Oksanen from five yards I fed very good now,” Oks­ postponed trip. anen said a f t« the race, “but The 31-member group, head­ the cold almost got my legs so ed by two-time All-America Hurl Big 10 are all the 1961 tournament champions. Also included are Center to a wide stride until the two Bill Collins, t h e defending pnwnded down the odd, wind­ stiff I couldn’t run. ft was a Jerry Lucas of Ohio, was no­ much h a rd « race than the last tified yesterday two hours be­ Opener champion, and five other for­ swept pa vement some 700 yards from the windop.. time because it was very cold.” fore departing for the Soviet Kelley’s first words when he Union that the tour bad been in- OKSANEN WAS clocked in j o t into the dressing room definately postponed due to the BOB ROSS e r MICKEY SINKS mer winners of the classic — Palmer, Mike Souchak, Dave Douglas, Marty Furgol and Jack Rurke Jr. LUCON will j e t the ned from Coach JA S T l ANSIMO o P M 9 N I t P . J S : S : S to r what was unoffic­ were directed to Norris who outbreak of anti-American dis­ ially fisted as the second cold­ had fdlowed him. turbances in Moscow. JehaR ebe to open the 1M1 Big Collins and P a lm « a year est B A A . Marathon test and The announcement of the ago gave the classic its second Ten campaign against Iowa at straight playoff by finishing in the first in which snow flur­ “Fred, I don’t know how to trip’s delay was made by Dan Old College*Field Friday. Ross, IRamsey's ries dotted the hectic run. thank you. Did you get third? Ferris of the Amateur Athletic a tie at 290, eight under par for Kelley was timed in 2:23:54. I’m very glad.” Union, who said he had been a seasoned veteran Is sporting Memorial’s old par of 36-36— Oksanen, who had run away Norris has been British m ara­ advised by the state department an Impressive 1.58 E. R .A ., 72. Collins took the top money from Kelley a mile from the thon champ off and on for “that the USSR Basketball while Sinks follows wtth-a 2.83 of 85,300 with a playoff 69. end to win the traditional laurel years and was third to Russian Fédération had requested a de­ Palm er’s 71 boosted his six- average in his 27 innings ef year Houston income to $12,- wreath two years ago, still P o p o v’ s incredible 2:15:17 lay of a few days because of the disturbances. The riot» began after news work. 851.11 but prevented him from joining Burke and Cary Middle- University Shop reached Russia of the Rebel’s coff as the only two-time win­ invasion of Fidel Uastro’s Cuba, ners here. Louis Laundry and r A MOB OF about 2,000 at­ Little League Proclamation PLAYER has had only eight WELCOMES tacked the, American Embassy official rounds with four sub- Dry Cleaners wishes in Moscow, throwing rocks pars ranging from 69 to 71. He through the windows and splat­ WASHINGTON (»»The Little tion in 1959 requesting the pres­ was out of the money in 1959 tering the front of the yellow Leaguers are going to have ident to designate the week in but collected $1,800 last y e « to extend a hearty _ stuccô building with bottles of their week each year under a honor of small fry baseball with a 73-71-68-284. green and purple ink while presidential proclamation is­ players. P a lm « , was very relaxed welcome to K N A PPS chanting anti-American slo­ sued today. Kennedy said Little Leagues Tuesday despite the four-over gans. - have made it possible for thous­ 74. He joked and laughed with Ferris said the AAU group, President Kennedy désignai ands of young boys to take an and th eir fine new ed the week beginning the 2nd a large gallery from first tee. including a men’s and women’s active part in the national until he deliberately missed a team scheduled to play in-four Monday of June this year and ja m e of baseball. tap-in putt on the final green. addition to E. Lansing Russian cities against Soviet each-succeeding year as Nat­ all-star aggregations, would re­ ional Little League baseball main in new york pending fur­ ther word from Moscow week. Congress adopted a_resolu Major League Standings THINK BIG - and - THINK CLEAN American League National League — AND WHEN YOU THINK CLEAN Minnesota won lost p o t k t h M 5 1 .833 Cincinnati w on lost pet. behind .714 To Hie Community Detroit - 3 1 .750 1 Pittsburgh .62$ THINK O F LOUIS - HAMBURGER HEAVEN New York Cleveland Boston 2 1 J67 1H 3 2 J60 IV* 2 2 \500 1 X*St. Louis S n Francisco X-Los Angeles .571 1 .500 ] .500 ] Y o u a s p e c t v a r ie ty • . • Washington 2 3 .4M IH Chicago jm 1 J e s t Across from S tudent Services Los Angeles 1 2 .333 2V* Philadelphia .333 1 and you get it! Kansas City 1 2 .333 Milwaukee .250 i Clippert S tre e t — Across From F ran d o r Chicago 1 3 .250 3 X-Playing night ;ame Baltimore 1 4 .200 3Vs Today’s t j rrebable pitchers Today’s probable pitchers Chicago (Hobbleibble t#-!> » |) w Cardwell I m A ngle, ( O r t a H and O m i t • 4 ) at' P ittsb n rsk (O lbboa 1 4 H ) a t New York (T nrley and B aM te # 4 ) 1:11 a n . D ltm ar ( M ) I t ) I w p a t. SU Lout* (Simmon* * 4 ) a t Lo* A n. P o tto * ( t i n 1 4 ) a t Cleveland ■elee (William* |4 > I l p m . Cincinnati (O’Tool# 1-1) a t Sam Tareyton ( M l 0-1) 2 p m . Praoelaco (Meormlck 1-1) 4 p m . W aah tu to n (Wood »»hick 0 4 ) a t MUwaokee (B urdette * 4 e r spahn Chicago (W ynn M ) KM p a t. only t-1 ) a t Philadelphia (M ahaffev t-1 or fam e* achei' kedalad. * Short («4» >:W p m . Intramural TUX RENTAL Only 30.00 Oonplal« Schedules VARSITY SHOP » M a SotthoU 278 Abbott Rd. E. L. KM fg^$iäjw > U.C.A. S.A-E. s S-A.M. . M D e* 4 T rlaaclc - 8. Nu 1 H T . Z B.T. Congratulations • D.T.D. - 8. Chl 1 A-G.R. . A.T.O. | g . CM - A 8. Phi 5 P.K. Pat - P h i G anuna n e ld en to | Cncla A s. Econ. | i S • t . CCW - j f o t t h H N a .o .c .8. h . p .k . s u . iotaaphcTM • I i d W ‘1 • B**b**ao » U atoachable* KNATP’S f Thata T aa’i . Sncar Daddios I A.O C .I. f - C.S.C. from —- SOS - CeBdUPk 11 Larry Cushion I Steve Saloata . Boa BoWel . i Nerm Btrawa - Dcatua Clevetand S | S A hry . NeiaeNC gkt o h n I Don BlaMealee - P anl Borcdolt S porting Goods - Sun Madrassi . . . tins one is very big. Donegal's Son Madrassi S M R P Koasdfr • A rt Brow a Specializing in: • M H enry - S t V Hannon The doaailaa (or a n doraaltarr in the best of the button-down tradition. ~ Golf Equipment and Trophies S im , Fashion-Tapered sides, fuO length deadUaa for aU opea aofthall jeajpta. ap aa a â a ta a ra a a w a t, and (rat­ e rai ty t—nie teaai rosier*. shirt tails, center pleats, e ta fi cut from a fine cotton in the beautiful blended colorations the of madras. Sun M adras« is here for the summer in the sensational new pull-over style s*$PÌ>i s Book Store > endorsed from coast to coast by young men (an d men with young figures) for ks flattering fit through the t o n a Try k today..» m ü® wm m M . Welcomes you’ll agree, if s a k* of shirt for $ 5 . 0 0 H ere’s one filter cigarette that's really different! j R i r a w h ite to The difference is this: Tareyton*» Dual Filter gives you a outer filter unique inner fiber oi ACTIVATED CHARCOAL, (^finitely proved to ■ d e the taste of a cigarette mild and smooth. It works together with a pure while outer filter-to balance the flavor elements in the smoke. ACTIVATED CHARCOAL. inner fitter EAST LANSING SMALL'S I (Hog Downtown of Coarse DUALFILTER. O h A G ood U rn s to S h o p Two Eleven South Washington j *. ïF^iV §3RS581s&S*w.'tK M M i « î ^ M k , H H M WS H mm Wsm m m jpw t'ai* H « « iii April 30, 1 9 6 1 miyfe'Wfe Faculty Fofc Meet Attack illM U k Travel Guide* Reviewed Faculty Folk held a bridge P I S 4‘-¿«S ÉÜ ritings Q u a lity Representative fmSi dessert Wednesday, hi the Un­ ion Sun Parlor. Prises O lim s Dorm Ue;mu ■'991 TW given to the high, second ta d low. according to Mrs. Claire Employee The m Britannica Tas value oI S is — s t i liti ob national customsis, mots by the author. R is indeed, as -finity. Now, with “The Party Tsylor, chairman. O i p i by Damme« Davey, lies to iM erm eyw ’s to visit, and places to dine the whtofo suggests, a “ Pic­ at Cranton” he puts a large « 1 1 1 M » Edgewood. tLansing, ja riM i l UrtCNHMIft and shop. Some even give torial Encyclopedia of the Fies- -hunk of his reputation on toe The d u b m eets en the third Mrittlfc baric instruction in the lan­ ta de Toros of Spato ” The au- line. ; - ■; B to revive a heart attack victim 1784 Bing commentary en the deve- Tuesday of every month. Tuesday afternoon a t UMUril^ri^ 1km IfYiMUaKf A. guage of the respective country, thor has not allowed the ro­ This is an unusual novel in opraent ef toe literature of .the 1 took oar A » KfRCßt m m m Snyder-Phillips dormitory. The victim, Boffin Vogtt, 8 , Talee. WSMW, American experience a i d . to the final perspective 4» which tions. Numbers 1 through 10, manticized interpretations of ■Prepared by toe editors of the “corrida ’ « place Ip this both theme and technique. Its «I 218 Jackson s t , was seized This massivetwo-volume sel­ be guides toe ..reader. IBs Holiday Magazine, the guides definitive sfapfr. It is rather purpose is to examine a flam- T^ A ^ 5 a f i x a by a heart attack while at work demonstrate a considerable toe most detailed, fase mating, boyaat poet - te ach « named ection by America’s todefafr choice ef pieces is arbitrary stands up to fai the Sayder-Ph— ps kitchen. gable anthologist Louis Unter- and, inevitably open to attack. knowledge of the subject na­ and Illuminating examination Arthur Keith :Buchanan through v; Davey, another employee, meyer gees under the heating (How could he foil to include tions- Numbers 1 through 10, yet published on toe subject PI the mind of anotoer teacher. applied artificial respiration now available, deal with the this tratitional Spanish art. Richard Waithe, who to turn the busiest until the East Lansing f ir s t of “Grant American Writing” . No volume, ef coarse, of the at knot one story by F. Scott Fitzgerald?) ; following European areas: draws many of his observations Aid squad arrived. Britain, London, France, Paris, * ★ *3 through the screen of a third dimensions of toe present weak hottest The coroner pronounced Vogbt dead a t 3:30 p.m. An can live up to the promise ef Southern France and the Riviera, Italy; Rome, Florence The Party at Creates, by — academian named Shelby. And all of this occurs at a party the title, so there is, one may which brings together a samp­ autopsy will be performed. and the Hills Towns. Spain, summer day ' SHE «EPT 5KUFFÜN6 7HMUEH The body was taken to the be assured, much that is trivial and tocoaswiuential. Holiday M agazine Travel and Scandinavia (Denmark, ,W. Aldridge. McKay, I I » , ling of the faculty at Cranton, Gorsline-Runciman funeral i a d o m f l o a s e , I L tt Sweden, Norway). 33.30, i n pages. Reviewed by where the principal figures are LLTHOSE CAROSONHK DESK, I 5b THENSHED 4WWH0? INK home. 1 “ Representative” might be a Guides, Donald A. Yates. ~ • -A employed. — RW> BACKANORX7THANDSHE better term to suggest the most each. | T h e narrative technique. STAkPÊDpB»TÏW6 WSMHTÎ striking quality of this collec­ John W. Aldridge is known ¡which grows a bit tiresome, is Mansmooth* Mrs. Hannah tion of American prose aqd Holiday Magazine, in co- poetry which takes its first operation with Random House Aficionado!, by Vincent J-R primarily as a critic (author j that of a chain of interior wed- of “ After the Lost Generation” itations ascribed to Waithc. But piece from the time of the Vlr- publishers, is offering an excel- Kehoe, Hastings. House, $12.50. and “In Search of Heresy” ). In the bitter, brilliant insights into oxford batiste To Have ginia colonization and carries lent new selection of inexpen- This large, ^carefully docu­ these books he has skirted j academic existence which this through to • one of our good iers u s well as for day-dreanv conservatism and embraced-aniapproach permits go to make y o u n g contemporary poets, ers with cosmopolitan interests. mented study of .the art of bull­ iconoclastic faith for whi^h he ]a curiously arresting if not al- shirt • . Reception Richard Wilbur (National Book IThe books give historical and fighting is enhanced by 460 new has demonstrated a certain af*!together absorbing first novel« I FEEL THAFRR/CT LEAST Award, 1957). 1cultural ' backgrounds, include *revealing photographs taken 100% c o tto n ONE LÌ0RARIAN I HAVE MADE Mrs. John A. Hannah will "NATIONAL U0RARV L0£BC"A open Cowles house for an honor COMPLETESUCCESS.1 reception 7 to 9 p.m. Monday need n o À ro n in g for over 300 freshman coeds IT who have maintained a 3-point average or better a t the end of two terms. V1The reception is traditionally given each year by the wom­ en’s division of student serv­ ices, according to Miss Frances DeLisle, director. When malaria mosquitoes Any freshman coed ^qualified penetrated Greece in 400 B.C., to attend and who ha» not yet the brilliance of early Euro­ received an invitation may stop pean civilization began to dim. at the women's division to stu­ Records show that Greek farm­ dent services for an toyitation. ers fled from marshy regions, The receiving line will In­ How can you look as clude President and Mrs. Han­ fresh a t me end of cutting food shortages that con­ tributed to the decline of nab nah; Provost and Mrs. Paid the day as a t the start? Miller; Dean of Students and No trick! Wear —- tonal well-being. .t Mrs. Tom King; University Mansmooth sh irts. . • College Assistant Dean and no-iron 100% Mrs. John Winbume and Miss summerweight cotton with exclusive Thursday: DeLisle. Hostesses will include advis­ * “ r-" Reserve Neatness“ , ors to Alpha Xambda Delta, your assurance of lotting freshness. ' No wrinUes about it! Popular Bisks button down collar and half sleeves ED HENRY “ Songs from the Mortar Board and T o w e r Guard. Engagements A growing America BaileyTlaU complete the cool Daniel Berry, Standish sopho­ picture. American SceneV more, to Sandra Van Dyke, Fruitport. Wert Mayo Hall two com plete shows M argaret Breingan, Rose­ forests ville sophomore, to Rudy Mess- ner, Hesperia graduate student. 8 :3 0 and 1 0 :3 0 North Campbell Hall - Muriel Smith, Detroit fresh­ man, to Mike O’Mara, Eaton Coyer Charge —5 0 c Rapids junior. South Campbell HaD Evelyn Weckerly, Royal Oak H. Kositchek &Bros. the sophomore, to Paul Newman, E. Lansing graduate student. Phi Kappa Sigma 113 N. Washington GALLERY Dick Ash, East Lansing sen­ ior, to Lynne Thompson, Birm­ 547% E. G rand River ingham sophomore and Alpha Omicron PL N eed Som e " - ■ F A S T ' M oney? don’t let them go up in smokel Try A Speedy YOU will use a ton of timber this year. , made frqpn wood. , - ~~ T hat’s the present annual per-person consumption of products _ * And consumption is going up. " State News Classified Our grandchildren-in forty years—will be using some 488 million tons of tim b « a year. Clearly, every tree—every sapling—every peedling in our forests is precious. Forest fires must be stopped. And you can help d o i t It’s a f a c t - » . \ / / shameful one—th a t nine out o ften forest fins ate man-cauted, So be careful-alw ays. Follow Smokey Bear’s rales: J ln a k m a td m —cnuhtmoke»—be8UREaUflnudr9ouil Remember-onlyYOU can , I For Only 8 5 c... Yon can reach 10,000 ear owners, 2,000 faculty aril s ta ff over 20,000students with a single 8TATK NEWS daartfled. Lika other American business firms, we ballava that business Yob for eriy 85e you can ranch many, many k y m far thoae little bus u responsibility I» contributa le Hm pubMc.wetfmw. This used or not needed artidee. Tuna theee mwaateda Into Hot Ready CASH. urivarHaamonf It mesefese spansarad to ceepesuHen wHb The Thera IS somaaufc who would Uke what you want to sett. Try a STATE Adveslietng Cauncll and U. $. and Slato forasi Services by: NEWS classified Today! - ¿SPONSOR Call ED - 2 1 5 1 1 -Ext 2 6 4 3 or 2 6 4 4 :ï|i v - & 2 } ? . r ï \ S Î A Ê i i é ï . i’j . k >^ mmm*™