œ # ' - * « N no m N m kb e r F le w , i i*■— J> 1 0 P ig — M u ì a a u « * r t M . 5 Cents E rtablnhed 1 9 0 9 Vol. 5 3 , N o . 1 7 eu n ed y «■ e I i f / '■' • .' ‘ ,•— 1 ts o- * - ■ Î ± vt * IP ‘ ' ;V ' : V v > ' - , i ' C ..■'.:;v----.-: : v }: ; :v lo w er Taxes ®§ Kennedy Asks Btiiajn in Cease-fire Appeal f i r s t S te ^ r Tax Reform Says U. S. to Intervene Toward Laos If Reds Enter-Cuba WASHINGTON. (ffl — P resi­ d ent Kennedy asked Congress T hursday for broad tax c h a rg ­ c o m m itte e'w ill open bearings May 3 on the P resid en t’s pro­ posals Settlement To Protect Security of Nation es as weapons against ag*ng K ennedy’s key proposal w a sj LONDON, i f —B ritish factories, unem ploym ent, lax the tax incentive- for business! ,, L . t . ~V U. S. May Act Unilaterally ch eaters, expense account liv­ expansion an d m odernization, c re p o rted T hursday night _ ___. . R ussia h a s ag re e d to join Bri- ing. and the flow of gold over­ —UNDER IT . com panies could . . W A S H IN G T O N , (A*)— P re s id e n t K en n ed y serv ed no tice seas. su b tract from •their annual ta x j te in ta i a jo in t ap p eal for an im - on c o m m u n is t fo e s a n d n o n -c o m m u n ist frie n d s T h u rs d a y p a rt of the money they invested 1 m ediate ceasefire in Laos as H E CALLED his. requests “ a t h a t t h e U n ite d S ta te s w ill a c t on its ow n a g a in s t C u b a ’s in new or unproved plants and! the first step tow ard a peace first though urgent step” tow­ re d s if n e c e s s a ry f o r U .S . s e c u rity . a rd m ore thorough tax reform equipm ent th a t y ea r. I settlem ent. K e n n e d y d id n o t sp e c ify w h e n t h i s tim e m ig h t com e. B u t n ex t year. Kennedy said th e expansion j ’ A m bassador Sir F ra n k Ro- would m ean m ore fa c to ry jo b s ^ ^ meet witn Soviet in a sp e e c h d e liv e re d to a n e d ito rs ’ m e e tin g a m id n ew s o f T h at reform , the P resident and m ore work for construe- , . T 7 a ■■ a c r u s h in g d e f e a t f o r a n ti-C a s tro in v a d e rs , h e said said, could m ean a general in­ tion. lum ber, steel, cem ent, j ^ °reig n Minister Andrei Gro- com e tax cut fo r everyone. s o m b e r ly :• » . * and m achinery industries. myko to Moscow Friday to M eanwhile, his 6,300-w o rd •The in crease in jobs result- tackle unsettled points to a "C U B A M U ST N O T b e : special m essage to Congress ing from a full y e a r's operation three-step program designed askéd these m ajor changes: 1. A special tax incentive for of such an incentive is estim r.t- j to produce final agreement on a unified, n eu tra l a n d inde­ a b a n d o n e d to th e com m u- n is ts . A n d w e do n o t in te n d Guerrillas business to expand a n d m odern­ ed at about half a m illion.” fee [ pendent Laos. 1 ize. • 2. Withholding of taxes on said. — SOME BUSINESSMEN a t _ the The m ain difference facing two countries; to ja b a n d o n it e i t h e r . . , " A n y u n ila te ra l A m e ric a n j in te r v e n tio n , in t h e a b s e n c e | Continue dividends and interest:. .— ready have indicated opposition j S. R epeal of the special bene­ to K ennedy’s proposals, p re fer-1 B ritain, speaking for the fits given stockholders. ring an in crease in th e depre­ West, tru c e in is Laos insisting m ust be th a t any verified o f a n e x te r n a l a t t a c k u p o n { o u rs e lv e s o r a n ally , w ould ] h a v e b ee n c o n tr a r y to o u r ! Agitation - 4. Sharp lim ita tio n - of ex­ ciation allow ance. pense account deductions. B ut Kennedy said “I t is c le a r before a p ea ce parley is held. trad itio n s and to o ur in tern a­ MIAMI, F la., iff»—G uerrilla 5. E nding special trea tm e n t th a t th e tax c re d it would be R ussia h as accepted th is de­ tional obligations. in vaders of Cuba appeared for corporations th a t invest in m ore effective in ind'tving new j m and with som e qualifications "B u t let the reco rd s show T hu rsd ay night to be digging in com peting industrial nations. investm ent for th e sam e reve­ th a t would give h e r a so rt of th a t o u r re s tra in t is not inex* for a long hit-and-run w a r ? nue loss.” veto over any judgm ent th a t 4 RESIDENCE H & L CONFERENCE—Committee members for the Big-Ten 1h austible. — ag ain st th e C astro governm e it. KENNEDY SAID nis propos­ residence hall conference look over one of toe displays in "the Student Sendees 4 The P resid en t s a i d l u s pto-j th e tru c e h as in fa d > been IVhile t h e C uban regim e ed changes, when taken to­ posal for a withholding tax onj breached. building. Delegates from all Big-Ten schools will be at the weekend conference. "SHOULD IT E V E R ap p ear claim ed to h ave crushed th e gether, would not cut govern­ dividends and in terest, w h n h j i th a t th e inter-A m erican doc- O n _m ost o th er key issues, (State News Photo by Jack Beane). ■ ~ counter-revolution, rebels in ex­ m ent revenue. He said th at would affect m ore A m ericans ■; — — -------- -trin e of non-interference m ere- ile refu sed ,to ad m it defeat and how ever, B ritish officals said I ly conceals o r excuses a poticy insisted their m a in objective w hile his incentive to m odern­ than any of his o th er proposals . to e R ussians h av e accepted Chi WJ1M Radio of non-action—if th e nations of ize business would mean a #1.7 w ould bring in a n added #600 billion loss, the other changes m illion a y e a r. would bring to a t least #30 m il­ - Britain’s J . A joint plan. British Sovtot oeaac Big Ten this hemisphere should fail to was achieved. m e e t' t h e i r com m itm ents T hey s a id M onday’s landing Convenes Conservative Club- HE ESTIMATED th a t ta x ­ fire call a t once. 1ag ain st o u ts 1 d e communis: in th e B ahia d e Cochinos w as lion more than that. T h e m essage im m ediately p ay e rs now fall to re p o rt IS 2. An im m ediate m eeting to penetration—-then I w ant t not a full-scale invasion but ra n into R epublican criticism in m illion a y e a r in dividends an d N ew Delhi on th e Indian-Cana- j clearly understood t h a t th is only a supply operation. They will not h esitate in said it succeeded In bringing Tomorrow Attacks State News Congress. in terest. diafFPollsh tru c e control com ­ i governm ent R ep. B ruce A lger of T exas See TAX R EFO RM P ag e S m ission check th e which situation then in Laos. would - ! m eeting which a its re to p rim a ry obligations supplies and support to g u erril­ th e secu rity of our la units alre ad y en tren ch ed in called it “ a declaration of w ar the E sc a m b ra y M ountains. on A m erican free en terp rise.” 3. Invitations to a conference own n atio n .” And Rep. Steven B. Drouman Last Dav for ■ri I of 14 nations in G eneva M ay 5, v A rriving on cam pus today “ MSU cam pus new spaper money is involved in bringing I And should A m erica h av e to attac k s C onservative Club” w as \ him h ere? ' TH E R E B E L claim s w ere of New York term e d it “ hokum I w here negotiations would tak e for the Big Ten R esidence Hall go it alone, Kennedy ad ded—in backed by a radio station call­ and hyperbole.” Announcements I place to set up a neu tral, inde- Conference, delegates will h e a r t t ,. « ^ c « . r e . « * U- | rirJ > S obvious referen ce to th e Soviet ing itself "R adio E scam b ray 1pendent governm ent I n Laos. sued, by K a rl L ady, president it com es to investigating Com-. Union, "w e do not intend to be L i b r e ” (free E scam b ray ) DEMOCRATS LIK E Rep. Today is the last day seniors j In Moscow T hursday night a send-off ad d ress on "V alu es of th e C onservative Club and lectured on ’intervention’ by 1m unism on th e cam p u s, but those whose c h a ra c te r w as which w as h eard here. The Thnddeus M. M achrowicz of can o rd e r com m encem ent an ­ i a fte r talking with G rom yko at to R eason B y” by D r. John A. M ichigan praised the m essage nouncem ents- from th e Union re a d over W JIM R adio T hurs­ i when a stu d en t club trie s to en­ stam p ed for all tim e on the station said it w as broadcasting ; a K rem lin p a rty , R oberts H annah, p resid en t of the uni­ day. courage a re-dedication to our bloody streets of B udapest. from th e E scam b ray M ountains but said some of the proposals bookstore for all spring and : echoed the w ords of a foreign versity , a t 6:45 p.m . tonight. an d rep o rted th a t the g u errillas ¡A m erican H eritag e they only “ N or would we ex p ect o r a c ­ w ould have difficulty passing | sum m er grad u ates. A deposit i office - spokesm an th a t agree- Following th e ad d ress by D r. T he article challenged the ............................................................ \ w ant to know w here w e’re get- cep t th e sam e outcom e which had been joined by the sea- , Congress. of one-half the o rd er is re- i m ent on the ce ase fire call H a n n ah , th e delegates will to u r right, of th e S tate News, to p rin t ¿he m oney.” The House W ays and M eans quired. th e Student Services bldg:, a statem en t on th e source of this sm all b a n d of g allan t Cuba borne new com ers a fte r bloody | “ seem s very n e a r.” Sue P rice, Editor-in-Chief of refugees m ust h av e kiiown they fighting. w here th e v arious units of stu­ In W ashington, a U.S. State d en t governm ent will be intro­ th e clu b ’s funds. “ The question th e S tate N ew s, pointed out w ere chancing, d eterm ined as C astro ’s radio conceded th at Dept, spokesm an stated he was duced to -th e m by re p resen ta­ is: Why is t o e C onservative th a t th e “ investigation” arose they w ere ag ain st heavy odds som e elem ents of the invading Goal: Outdo Prison unable to say w hat grounds tives of each unit. Club being singled out for at- from s tu d e n t an d faculty in tack am ong the. m any s tu d e n t Merest in th e m ethods em ployed to p u rsu e th e ir courageous a t­ despite heavy casualties and force rem ain ed on Cuban soil, th ere m ight be for B ritish On S atu rd ay , th e conference organizations on cam pus? tem p t to regain th eir islands optim ism ; by th e club in financing its a c ­ freeilom .” the loss of_ equipm ent which Spring Blood Drive schedule begins w ith a b re a k ­ R ussia’s decision to go aiong fast in Brody Hall, w here toe "V arious o th er with the. m ain elem ents of the delegates a re to be housed for cam pus cu rren tly a re bringing ca re about th e source of the groups on tivities. The p ap er does not w as said to include Sherm an KENNEDY SPOKE for 13 heavy tan k s an d o th er United th e biology professor who w as m oney, Jtait only w anted to give m inutes in a nationally tele­ States-m adcf weapons. B ritish peace plan w as eon- the weekend. Will Begin Next Week j veyed to R oberts W ednesday. ! Im m ediately fired by th e U niversity of Illi­ public an sw er to th e m any in­ vised. address to a crowded At 8:15 a.m ., Dr. R uth nois la s t y e a r for defending qu iries it had received. afterw ard s, Useem re searc h consultant, so-’ free love fo r college students. As th e struggle wound up its luncheon gathering of nearly fourth day, this b eard ed Cuban L iberal speak ers, such as 1,060 m em bers of The A m erican P re m ie r rem ained, .o r contin­ how ever, the United States an­ ciology and anthropology, wil) "W hy is th is free-love advo­ N o rm an Thom as- and Linus Society of N ew spaper E ditors ued to be kept, in th e back­ - T i e , chairm en for this y e a r’s sors and four girls per hour, nounced a decision to c re a te a ad d ress th e d eleg ates in th e c a te p erm itted to be brought P au lin g w ere sponsored b y the and th eir guests. blood drive have been p rep ar- j donated by ■ the sororities of ground. At no tim e^since the I full-fledged A m erican m ilitary second g en eral m eeting, a fte r to th e cam p u s? And how m uch university d ep artm en ts. See K EN N EDY P ag e 7 m g fo r the annual Spring Blood j Pan-H ellenic, to assist in serv­ See GUERRILLAS Page 10 Drive, which will begin Mon­ ing,” said W alker. | advisory m ission to Laos, See BIG TEN Page 6 d ay. W ednesday night 1,500 letters w ere sent out to p a st donors by Calls It 'Primitive Training’ G eneral C hairm an L arry W alk­ e r a n d Publicity C hairm an Jim AHk en, E aton R apids junior and Ken Blood, W ilm ette, 111;, ju n io r a n d th eir com m ittee. V T rophies will be aw ard ed Koch Slaps ‘Ice Age’ Education th is y e a r instead of certificates These will go to each living By VIC RAUCH w ith th e notion th a t all chi’dren feelings tow ard infidelity after j He said he was willing to unit, fratern ity a n d sorority State News Staff Writer a re potential juvenile delin­ m a rria g e ? ” m a k e c e rtain com prom ises w ith th e highest donor p artici­ " I R E LIEV E they a re the Composed, calm-speaking Dr. u en ts,” he said, “ and college sam e as before m a rria g e ,” with society in o rd er to have a q pation. Leo Koch told 300 students su b ject th em to childish regu­ said Koch. " T h e m arriag e steady incom e. Handling dorm s is Leirnie Thursday that present-day edu­ latio n s.’^ . Schaadt. Ann A rbor junior. E d cerem ony doesn’t m ean a god­ “ I ’m not.going to try to force cation ts tuned to the ice age. He said th a t dorm itory hour dam n thing.” He explained my way of doing things on oth­ H ecbt, E a s t Meadows. N .Y .. He described modern meth­ reguiations a re unnecessary -iL th at people who will practice e r people," he said. ■ He ex* junior, is coordinating th e com ­ ods as "saber-toothed tiger” students a re m atu re enough t o ; infidelity will do so with or tlained th at society, by refus- petition betw een th e off-cam pus training of mind more appro­ live w ithout-them . [ living units. Ron M escall, E a st without the m a rria g e cere- n g to accept v ary in g degrees priate to the primitive than of conform ity, forces non-ejn- Lansing senior, is in ch a rg e of contemporary period. — • "BUT PEOPLE not used to. mony. “ For every bigamist caught, form ists to be destructive. radio and TV. Thegreying former professor responsibility are not capable there are a t least 200 running T h e goal this spring is to beat Koch spoke of different val­ at the University ÒTIllinois ex- of taking responsibility," he around loose.” ues of happiness. the inmates of Southern Michi­ fdaindd that even after the said. “Foreign students h|Tve gan prison a t Jackson who con- “Fidelity la a wonderful threat of (he tiger had passed, had a chance to l e p how to thing for people who like it and THE "ORDINARY individu­ sistantly give well over 2,000 primitive p e o p I e continued behave. Americans continue al” is “inarticulately unhap­ pints. want it. Some people would he teaching youngsters how to de­ to be cbildrMumtil they are 40 better off in n monogamous re ­ py.” be said, whereas a ma­ ROTC cadets who desire to or 30 years old because tney give Mood on Monday may do fend themselves against it, lationship, and others in an- ture, thinking person may be so and obtain an excuse for since the principles-were such are treated like children.” other type. I would never "om- “vocally tfflhappy.” their drill period that week. “ sound ones.” The strict moral discipline mit adultery without my wife's “A mature, thinking person Ttds will euminato both drill IN AN AFTERNOON lecture in our society creates split per* permission,” he said. . ( can be happy if he has tntegri- and parade for them. These ex- n# the library, Koch attacked socialities which are fostered by Koch said attitudes toward tv and a ch an ce to express him ­ coses-should be saved end turn­ the “ordinary college curricu­ educati o n H e explained »hat sex are based on maturity. He self,” be said. “ The ordinary ed i n t o respective fimt ser­ lum” as bring archaic, and this split was intensified by the- explained that mature sexual person Is happy in quiet des­ geants at Uie next regularly arid that solutions to every so­ difference between preached expnipiMi is necessary ter peration.” . scheduled drill. ato m - mCH d a i problem require a new and actual moral standards in good physical and m e n t a l Koch plans to teach n t B lake Donors who are not among BLOOD n n r.iv n rn riim to ito < BmwSwV ■pRsBRi, kind of education. our society. health, and it makes people University in Texcoco. M ezico. the cadet drill groups may pass begli C u r a i Clalrman- Larry Walker, Via.; jmdor, ceed ; “A better sodai order comes He ridd education has good haunter. near Mexico CRy. The school through ahead of these group«. Haacfc. Escamaba,. jM lir a a i lagham Ceaaty hgr a training of the mind,” be intenttoae, but ‘tohe read to hell “ IT IS THE MOTIVE of the will s tre s a individual student ' “ Free coffee and doughnuts tor toe Meed drive has besa M W ptots arilI anytotog srid. "Education must help is paved With good intentions.” person which makes something responsibility for learning, it will he served to all donors e v e r 2¿ M t u rec+nl m v h d f fay th t l i l i jfaatlw a evert a ne» Immature urges." An Indian student in the audi­ moral or io u to td iN he .claim­ win be faculty owned and op- and th a n win ha corps *poo~ p râ o n a t " T h a miseitucation begins ence ; asked, "W hat a re ' your ed. ' ~ * .-s' ?M S’ ÍÉÍí ; The Native*' ' Abolition9 Film Distorti Value We disacra* with the dub's point of view, but do not deny the members the right to their view. Our editorial opinions are stated as oar point of view, ju st as the ConMTvm- tive Club states its poin t We adhere to Thomas Jefferson’s words : "No government ought to be without censors and while the press is free no one will.” WE HAVE GIVEN the club the oppor­ tunity to express its vitwSTin editorial columns and have given a great deal o f at­ tention in 'u&r~news space to the programs it sponsors. i The club spent »390 in State News ad­ vertisements, pius ads for the State Journal, plus fees for speakers. If the total chib dues soUected per year (based on »1 per term"(for each of the 26 members) are »7». and the club still hap »235 in the bank, they either have many alumni or some one is giving them money. 1 pig fig Again, regardless of the amount of money the club has, we merely'answered the.ques­ tions of our readers in telling that funds for university organisations do not have to be stated openly. We do not care from where the money comes or how much the club gets. IM Hours ews Published bp the rtudsntr e t Michigan »tate University. Issued en class days Monday through Friday.dùrtog the fall, winter aad spring quartern. Issued weejfly durine die summer term. Seceed class pseb ase oaid at East Lanata*. Midtisan. Ed K ial and e S K T a t m (kudsut Services building. Michigan State Utrtverstty, East Unsing, IttcWgan. Matt sabecrtptiesa payable in advanca for one term. 93; ter tern tanas, »1; three terms, H. _ ' Member ef the AgmrinteJ *m $. Inland Daily Press Associates w a r d& w w doom w o*3u~U L m m * W>w$W?w ‘•Æ&Sxp-na&tœn iH .jŒ m m m I W i S ^ ËgâaiBJHB ¡HHBPwftiiæs w ' ; ‘i I Épi I •*'.:*• ;•'... BKg&S|. Friday Mornings April 2 1 , 1961 ' :■■■:. .~': ' ■ - S , ■■■ : . ■ ...........................-. : . "!..';V'*';1'. .. ' m: Diaries, Ctoppin^ Picture» Shown flacei » Theft’ Shop Tonight *tU I ) 'M ichigan ’s R ô le inB cu re ivailu I C o p ^ffachiné Sto. 9:31 a.m. *tfl 1:31 p jn . drioaal at the Place-' Iw d - W ußam Takes Photos o f Pages m S. Washington, Lansing Monday lTuoou tfl 9 p ju . b alle tto lto -Clambering for library refer­ librarians, said Chapin, are the week-of April * * » : * j p g ence material thru» longer use- ’ less apt to discover pages cut f Michigan ivfbiMiits, and the tory” of the Union armies. The During the coming months, battles and campaigns in which makeup at the map will be the «HtMMMan will diSlsiaypie* to exhibition KJunfei High tebesl ihtert esairy, according to Dr. Rich­ from reference ntatanaf And members of the faculty should they fought, are the subject of changed from week to week to torlal representations of camp viewing Eagfish, JouraaBsm, ard Chapin, director of librar­ hear less complaints from stu­ the Civil War Centennial exhi­ show the various aspects of the life, military hospitals, prison social studies, Industrial aria, ies. f [ « g i f ■£’ dents unable to complete as­ bition ait flie University Mu­ military strategy employed by camp«.enlistment p o s t e r s , math, physics and general sci­ weapons, end uniforms. ence. Tlse university’s library now signments. seum. . *w.. "TX the North from the beginning of Chapin said th a t he expects the war to Us end. The theme of the next dis­ f o p s p h o t o c o p y i n g machine x. Michigan sent a total of 90 FldeUty Mutant Life lnsor- the new machine to be used infantry regiments and 11 cav­ At present, the map relates play, beginning May 20, will be company interviewing ail that phdtogrsph« pages fsom about 160,90$ times this year. alry regiments into battle be­ the early Union strategy which “Off to War.” majors from all cefieges* « encyclopedias, periodicals, or The proems of .photographing was based oh the beUefthat *he The Chril War exhibit Is the fore the war was ended, and war would be a rather pleasant original idea of Dr. Frenk B * Fttnt FriMfc Sthesis inter btolat for 9 cents an exposure, material, he said, takes about most of these units figured in “ outing” oL. short duration. tiot, now at Columbia Universi viewing elementary education d i p student m ay'use the senr- 40 seconds a page. several key. battles. secondary English, h i s t o r y , Ice. t The copying machine is lo­ Three p lu s were proposed ty. Victor Hogg, museum staff The machine, said Chapin, cated a t toe entrance of the » These battles will oe depicted by Union Raders in this first artist, David Drury, museum math, aciim cea, art, music, and 'through the use of prints, dia­ stage of the war. historian, and Jam es Van Hare, foreign languages, bootoueoeb- will serve the iinrary, students, first- floarstacks. rie s , pictures from books pub­ mics. add faculty members.' M ontgom ery B lair, a Mis­ who did the a rt work on the lished shortly after th e w ar, souri politician, w anted to as­ map, have contributed much Golden Stole Mutual Lifer In­ Photographed reference ma­ and clippings from new spapers of the times. ^ \r sem ble a huge force in Wash­ time and effort to this project ington, drive down to Richm ond surance Company interviewing terial all majors from all colleges. can be taken from the library. This, Chapin said, should reduce book stealing. Lee President THE KEY FEA TU RE o f the and th u s quickly end the w a r exhibit is a larg e m ap which B lair believed th a t if Richm ond shows the “ strategy for vie- fell, the C onfederacy would Schools Could Cel A braham * S in u s interview­ Chapin said titat he felt this ing all majors from the fCdk method of research would be leges of Business * Public m ere convenient for library- Of Hotel ' They*re W ashable fall. ‘Millions’ in Price- Service, Communication Arts users. Students can make any Association - Too! Austin To Go GEN. G EORGE M cClellan w anted to send a la rg e force Fix Damages Science and Arts. -* nuurks on the photographed Grass Lake Community (near pages, and spend less time i n F red e rick Lee, St. Ig n acej sweeping along th e northern Jackson, Michigan) interview­ the library. 5 To University border of th e C onfederacy from N ashville to Richm ond. M ichigan school d istricts and state-supported institutions ca n ing elementary education and Spanish-Eaghsh junior, w as elected p resident of th e MSU Hotel Association. T h e o th er officers a re: Of Delaware Gen. W infield Scott planned to sta rtle the South by cutting it in two with a-drive down the collect m oney “ conservatively u p to sev eral m illions of dol­ la r s ” if th ey c a n prove they Hallmark* Cards, Inc. inter­ viewing all majors. _ ■Brand Named Vice - p resid en t E ric W itt, E a s t L ansing ju n io r; sec retary w ere h u rt in a price-fling deal Dr. Ruben V. Austin, assist­ a n t dean and co-ordinator for, M ississippi R iver, an d then starv in g th e C onfederacy into on p ortable b leachers, says th e North B ursa Sehools tKLide, Michigan) interviewing junior Assistant Dean Ju d ith G erm an, M idland jun­ io r; tre a s u re r H ow ard A lbert­ th e overseas projects of the subm ission by blockading its attorney g en e ral’s office. high science o r math, seconda­ son, Abington, P ennsylvania college of Business and Public Service, h as been nam ed ch air­ ports. — E ventually th e N orth used Some 90 re p resen ta tiv e s of about 300 school d istricts m et ic ry physics and music. _ General Motors Corporation Of Bus. Seliool sophom ore; senior m em ber-at- la rg e P e t e r W erthm ann, m an o f t h e departm ent of eco- all th re e plans. G ra n t’s forces L ansing T hursday w ith th e a t­ torney g e n e ra l’s office. One interview ing a ll m a jo rs all col? A ppointm ent of D r. E dw ard Brooklyn, New Y ork junior. nom ics and business adm inis­ cap tu red th e M ississippi; th e re p resen tativ e, sta te attorn ey s leges. ' I k . B rand as assistan t dean of Ju n io r m em b er-at-large M ich­ tratio n a t the U niversity of Del­ A rm y of th e P otom ac trie d to explained, would re p resen t se­ R avenna P u b l i c Schools u n d erg rad u ates in B usiness and ael D ebelack, G aylord sopho­ aw are. c a p tu re —R ichm ond, S herm an Public S en d ee w as announced m o re; and sophom ore m em - Austin will organize v e ra l school d istricts. n e a r M uskegon) interview ing m arched to the sea, an d the Un­ elem en tary education, ju nior T hursday by th e B o ard of T ru s­ b ers-at-larg e Nelson B aines, for th e developm ent of an an ­ T he fed eral governm ent, said ion fleet blockaded southern Chief A ssistant A ttorney Gen­ high in d u strial a rts , m ath , busi­ tees. , " -• J Houston, T exas fresh m an and ticip ated school of business a t ports. e ra l Stanton S. F ayville, has n ess education, Spanish, E n g ­ B rand succeeds Leland E . R onald P ro v u s, H ighland P a rk , D elaw are. He will also adm in­ The exhibition also contains sta rte d both crim in al a n d civil lish, secondary m ath and social T rayw ick who will become Illinois ‘freshm an. iste r a g raduate pro g ram in a group of p rin ts which show litigation in M ilwaukee, Wis., studies. p resident of M issouri South- business adm inistration and the form al opening of the Civil direct the B ureau of Business ag a in st six firm s ch arg ed with 'w est S tate College in Septem ­ W ar, th e bom bardm ent of F t. b er. T rayw ick h a s been on and Econom ic R esearch. Sum ter on A pril 12, 1961. fixing th e p rice of portable leave of absence to serv e a s di­ D r. Austin h as assisted, in successfully developing Ih re e THIS CANNONADE resolved blfeachers.- If th e ch arg es can be proved, Punchy Kangaroo re c to r of th e education division of th e C om m ittee for Econom ic schools of business adm inistra­ tion in B razil and a police and a trag ic m isunderstanding in A m erican history. U ntil th a t F a y v ille said, th e school dis­ tric ts -a n d others could collect Gels Boxing Milts D evelopm ent in New Y ork City. public adm inistration training hour the N orth h a d felt th a t the up to trip le dam ages. P rio r to his p re se n t appoint­ CHICAGO (H—P an sy , a tiny m ent B ran d w as a professor of j pro g ram in Viet N am . In his South w as using th e th re a t of k an g aro o evicted from h er work on foreign projects, he secession a s a political weapon, F ro m the 11th to th e 13th m o th er's pouch p rem atu rely m ark etin g and directo r of grad- ‘ h as trdveied extensively and the South h ad felt th a t the C ehturies, Chichen Itza w as th e an d who b arely ca n stand, uate adm issions in Business Latin Am erica. E urope and the N orth would not fight to p re­ m ost im p o rtan t city in the m uch less ju m p , now is w e a l­ and P ublic Service. F o r six F a r E a s t. serve the Union. Y ucatan peninsula of M exico. ing boxing gloves. y ea rs he served a s d irecto r of th e food distribution qurriculura A ttendants a t Lincoln P a rk in th e m ark etin g an d tran sp o r­ zoo fitted p ansy w ith hom e­ tatio n dep artm en t. m ad e boxing gloves, soft cloth CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS S tate a n d n ational food com ­ m itts ,.a f te r she w hacked h er­ panies a n d associations have self in th e eye. P a n sy lack s co­ frequently em ployed B rand_as ordination, atten d an ts said. Sim a consultant a n d re s e a rc h 'e x - D EA D LIN ES: 1 p.m. Day Before Publication fo r Tues., Wed., T hurs., w eighed ab o u t th re e pounds pgrtv . and F ri. Editions. Deadline fo r Mon. E d itio n : 1 p.m. F ri. when h e r m o ther, P tsa y , tossed B ran d is a native of Spooner, i h e r out of h e r pouch April 3, W isconsin and g ra d u ated with Phone ED 2-1511 ~ Extensions 2643 and 2644 1about six w eeks before kan­ a B. E d . degree from Wiscon­ garoos norm ally stop nursing sin S tate College; h e obtained th e ir young. his M.A. a n d doctorate degrees AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE FOR RENT P a n sy w as p u t in a n incuba­ from Iowa S ta te ‘U niversity. DIRECT DIAMOND IMPORTERS to r b u t h ad tro u b le s t a l l in g 1957 CHEVROLET convertible turbo- M.S.U. GRADUATION RINGS. See ROOMMATE NEEDED TO share The p ressed slag blocks which e r w e rtwtuM glide transmission. Power-oackeoT them a t th e Card Shop. Across from specious apartm en t tw o blocks off and would fall ag a in st th e glass com plete power. Excellent condition. Homo Ec. Building. ED 2-8733. 4« cam pus w ith veteran grad, student. sides. A ttendants p u t h e r in a p av e th e stree ts of E lisabeth- I G A j oPTicim Call ED 7-7315 a fte r 6 p m . 20 Phone ED 4*991« a fte r 5 p.m. 17 MATCHED SET- OP golf clubs. cardboard^ box inside th e in­ ville in the Congo contain cop- m SOUT HW AS H INGTON 1 9» MERCURY MONTEREY, 4 -door N ever used. 630. Call OX 4-0131. 21 to TEACHER W ISHER YOUNG ladv cu b a to r to cushion th e falls. share apartm ent, a ll ED 2-3941 p er. v • ~ I Sedan, radio, heater, whitewalls, two- after. 5 —n.m. - ‘ 16 tone point. Excellent condition, can Chuck Mlnkley a t ED 2-3381. 17 ATTRACTIVE 3 room* w ith Ml* IMS RENAULT DAUPHINE. 6495. 1001 STUDENT AND FACULTY bath. U nfurnished ex cep t refrigerator Will trad e. ED -7-0568. 17 and stove. Adulte. Close to canted*. BARGAINS ED 2-4886. tf EMPLOYMENT ROOMS Cigarettes ......... ...24c pack COMFORTABLE QUIET ROOM. MALE STUDENT to clean a p art­ Male graduate student. ED 2-5374. 17 m ent e v e rr 6 weeks. Contact Ray­ Tennis b a lls -c a n ............... 3 for $1.99 th« sh o w tr a n a shin* mond Roberson, piano tunar. IV UNAPPROVED DOUBLE ROOM, 7-36S1. « Badm inton seta-complete —.61.99 p re fer y e ar around students. Twin — PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT. Deliv­ Golf balls, name brands. repaints---- Berkev. ED 7-26». bed*, p rivate en tran ce, cooking, n ear IT. ch«st«rfi»ld \ ering free advertising gifts. 613 oer . ..$2.99 doZ. evening. C ar necessary. Cell ED 7-7530 6-9 p jn . — 17 Wilson golf b a ll s ............ 66.95 doz. LOST and FOUND Your favorite all-season fashion PART-TIME WORK to fit vour I Golf sets, clubs, cart, bag .. .649.» •chedule. -Married m ale 25 o r older | Complete chain LOST: PERSONALIZED w ittrT w o keys. Can JTetex ED KEY silhouette in a rich paisley stripe- w ith ear. Lansing area. Apply 515 E. 2-4487. - ~ : — 87 - Michigan Avanue. Lansing, anytime Fine golf shoes ............. 69.95 pr. durtRX- the-day._______________ 17 | water-repellent cotton, lit with a Gym shoes, heavy, w hite ..■ „ 64.96 PERSONAL K)R SALE White canvas tennis shoes 65 88 MARILYN PRATT and WILLIAM velveteen collar and buttons. In INTER-LOCKING ENGAGEMENT and wed din« rings. N ever worn. ED Canvas casual oxfords Hanes b riefs 6c T -shirts ....... 62.-99 E. COTE please come to th e S tate N ew t office. Room 347. S tudent Ser­ 99c ea. vices Bldg, for tw o free p asses to the . mustard tones with green. new - look weave- highlights ÎAB21. — 17 Hanes sweat shirts ............ ...8 1 » Crest D rive-1»,- — - M Junior sizes 7 to 15. ENGINE •& FUEL Injection system for 1936 Pontiac. R ebuilt for racing. Sun Tan pants ............ C ar to o carter. IV 0-6005. 17 — 63.96 RUMMAGE SALE: APRIL 15th. 9:30 a jn . to 5 » p.m . and A pril 26th 9 : » to 12:00 p.m. Oketnoe Com m unity suits of combed cotton in M ilitary supplies fo r R.O.T.C. Church. Social Hall. Oketnoe Roed. V MISCELLANEOUS FISHING eaulo- Okemoa. ________________ 17 m ent, jno Ssvaee amm unition, doc Fishing te a r-c u t rate prices Dan River’s New nail trim m ers, ex tra cite for 7 » gun. ED 7-0465- ____________ » Hip boots & waist wader* .. 68.99 up REAL ESTATE PAIR DRAPES. SUITABLE for col­ Ball gloves lege housing, folding baby basket. 2 CAPE COD. 3 BEDROOMS. It* ladies coats. ED 7-0485. —— *> baths, finished basem ent. 6 years old, large kitchen. Stele b y ow ner a t 41 PIECES matching Franciscan EVERYTHING FO R SPORTS 216.00* or re n t w ith ex cellent ootion­ w are dishes, travel iron. 4 cup elec­ tric percolator. ED 1*9830 a fte r 3:30. AND CAMPING AT to-b u y arrangem ent. 5 » Stoddard. ED 2-5983. EAST LANSING - BRAND NEW 17 “SH A DO frA N” FOX HOLE PX STORE and attractively decorated tot soft | a* 17.95 pastel colors, specious S bedroom ranch, w ith 23 ft. living room, effic­ KEEPSAKE d i a m o n d s AT FRANDOR ient built-in U tChM . 2 handsom e fireplaces, large 4-pe. ceram ic bath, plus h alf-bath. F ull basem ent, gas Elgin Watcher heat. a tt. garage. Can H n Rice. ED 2-4098. office ED 8-1641. H illey Inc.. PHÏLCO WHITE CLOCK-RADIO Realtors. IT w ith alarm. Good tone, practiJcaUv Available In These Size»: WATCH AND CLOCK new. IV 4-9681. SERVICE 36 37 38 39 40 42 44 46 „ le SAUE STARTS MAY 1. Phone REPAIRING . — IV 9-4384 fo r (rae o rd er blank now. M arak Rexall P rescriptio n Center, Short 1 1X 1X X I X _ C iippert a t v in e , bv S ean . 21 R egular ± x . X X T X * 1 x X f * TRAILERS Large X ; Xj X * 1* X 1* THOMPSON’S PRAIRIE SCHOONER I X W In expensive,living o r pleasant-vacation LEARN TO FLY. S oring la bar*, now’s a good tim e to s ta rt enjoying th is exciting y e t l eis siiu t sport. Drive cottage. FyJlv furnished. Many ex out for a n e e dem onstration ride. 2 SPORTSWEAR D an R iver’s new “ shadodan” cottons , . . . the fabric h it of JEWELRY tras. ED 7-1661 11 and 6 placa rental*. Reasonable rete». Sheren Aviation. N orth A bbot Reed. ED S-4XH. tf T961! P enney ’s tailo rs this distinctive w eave in U niversity . FOR RENT TYPIST ANN BROWN. New phone styles of course . . . with 3-button- co at and plain front 223 M.A.C. AVE. num ber. ED H W . Electric type­ slacks. The price? An unbelievably low $17.951 AH th e HASLETT, FACULTY « -bedroom, w riter Taras papar*-and t hsaes. also furnished. G as b est. 1 a- j r garage. fa n e ra i typing. ' tf fashion tones you w ant a re here, too , . . new willow, E ast Lansing N ear school, available S 8*a n t 1st. 2 r a n n . F E *-66». WONCK DUPLICATING M to 1 7 » E. Michigan. Lansing. TMMs - moved handsom e suntan, s m a rt d a rk olive. Also in light blue APARTMENTS baby cord cotton. L aundering’s a snap . . . they machine E r L S M r @ ■t d - .»~- a r *t f SKw'ni MACHINE KAUE. 3 w ash a t m edium settin g . M atching e x tra slacks a t only îru b le im ate sag w ork, n DOWNTOWN NEAR. Furnished A ambrodiery stil apartm ent. Appr oved fo r th ree men. TYPING. In m y h ome, b y secretar* $4.98. ''] r . M w w or M oer n XV I 9361 a fte r S p m. o r weok- w ith R n t t e u p s r lene* I V M R S »■DPHDBHDMDH6HIPHHDBD»BS»hJI Peaney’s Street Floor KX88 ta w i b» TRANSPORTATION Cote i A a h c t r k Coco- C te w ti m a • GROUND FLOOR, pleasant 5 rooms, Now0 «Lty-Awiy. . . H CosisMoMan! chino. 1 month*. «jï5 b ath, autom atic heat. Unfurnished, RIDE WANTED TO S y racuse o r Wml e*. eo-oo*. n garage. 6 » m onthly. 211 Sheoberd. W estern MOW York. A p ra I t 4P * t h . t-im . IV 6-0663. If C ontact BUL A317 R ather H alL~ li 4. M k ^ S u ttW ^ E .r tlln u l^ T H E " S O C IA L S f 'KNnE- Frid»r M ante». April 21, 1961 Window Wishes University Housing Discussed 7 Universities throughout the] The m ain effort of th e asso-1 T hree 1100 scholarships a re United SUtes ‘a re cooperating ciation is to provide scholar- granted each fall. This money True for Sewing Coeds to create a more effective liv­ ships for wom en students who j is raised a t the association s ing ami learning situation with- in thfcir housing units, accord­ ing to Emery G. Foster, pro­ funds for their education. I annual C hristm as bazaar. By DIANA BUCHMAN will be finished first and they ¡ individual's figure problem, m ake willing yarn ball rollers, likes and dislikes can also be fessor in management a n d manager of dormitory and food m m . FOUNDATION State Newt Women's Writer services. An industrious girl is the one ! incorporated into the p attern s. Foster, speaking on ‘‘Univer­ A re you faced with The pros- j found in the sewing room. She Lade of time is a college co­ sity Housing hi the U.S.A.” st pect of a gift for a boyfriend on m ay be working on a dress / o r ed’s problem. However, women the Faculty Women’s Associa­ F riday Evening Service* and Oneg S h a b b a t a t Hillel a bank-account that barely sur­ a Saturday night d an c e o r a | say they usually spend the time tion luncheon in the Union Sermon on “G erm any Today” _ vived spring registration? Or blouse for a hom e economics between dinner and quiet hours Wednesday, said that this is a perh aps a new skirt o r sw eater course. These coeds like mek- in gab sessions and knittiiig or healthy move for higher school S a tO T d a j^ g ri^ 9 is ju st the thing to perk up th at nig th e ir own clothes because sewing is the ideal way to be systems. tired spring w ardrobe. they have found th a t self-made sociable and productive at the S abbath Services, Kiddush and Öneg Shabbat at Why not join the growing g arm ents cost about one fourth sam e time. Study breaks are “ ACADEMIC PEOPLE all T he Hillel House n um ber of women on cam pus to one third the price of ready also a good timé to pursue such over th e country a re tak in g an who h ave discovered th a t do- to w ear ones. Quality is usually projects. Many feel that sewing in tere st in th e student living Sunday April 3 0 7 :0 0 P.M. it-yourself knitting o r sew ing is b e tte r as they can choose color- is a form of relaxation and one situ atio n ,” said F o ster. “ P re si­ th e m ost e c o n o m ic a i-w a y lo f fa st m aterial and a heavier woman reported that she knits d en t H annah h as given g re a t' FILM “ COMPULSION” acquiring new clothes—and m e type thread. A shrinkage con­ while she reads to keep her ncr- j em p h asis to it,” he addeo. Based on Loeb-Leopold Case. S tarrin g Orson Welle* m ost relaxing. ' trolled m ateria l m ay also be vous hands occupied. F o ste r said th a t MSU’s HALVES O F SOCKS and used. F o r those who a re unable to new est proposed dorm itory is a ROOM 31 UNION backs of sw eaters provide stiff BOTH KNITTERS and sew- knit o r sew th e re a re alw ays leading contribution to the Evervone Welcome —- No Admission Charge com petition for Elliot Ness and e rs feel th at self-made clothes coeds willing to sh are th eir a rtr m ove. I t w ill contain class­ th e Untouchables in so ro rity ! allow for individual creativity So if the budget is low o r th e room s and ad m in istrativ e of­ television rooms. Men occa- j By com bining' a pattern, fab- boyfriend is hinting of an ap ­ fices, a s well as housing facili­ sionally enter th eir steadies in j ric and trim m ings, thé coed can proaching birthday, why not ties. LATE SHOW TONITE & SAT. AT 1# P.M. contests to see w ho's sw eater i c re a te a cam pus original r The i try it? The U niversity of P ittsb u rg h " F eatu re Today h as also begun a housing plan to b e tte r Integrate new dorm i­ A«! M 1:39— 3:40 - 5:56 to ry ' resid en ts into th e total 8:95 • 19:29 student body. The unit will consist of th ree cylindrical 1AST tANIIWO »_PHOH| tow ers which will allow every student to have a room with an outside view. It will include THE HUSHED TRUTH ABOUT ad m in istrativ e offices, a cafe­ te ria and a dining room , sim ­ THE GOVERNORS DAUGHTER ila r to MSU’s proposed dorm i­ tory. „M D WHATHAPPENED THAl| Ann Fawley, Dearborn junior finishes a seam on the skirt she i r making in her spare time. Most women’s living FOSÍER A L S O co m pared dorm itory organization a n d NI6HT SHE WENT LOOKING units provide sewing facilities for the residents. residence h alls ra te s am ong FOR "KICKS ’- -IH A SHORT,I the Big Ten school». He pointed out th a t housing RED FRINGE D R E S S B H ra te s a t MSU a re th e lowest of Phizer Presents Awards the Big T e n on a pel*day_basis, and a re second low est only to Two Home Ec Students th e U niversity of M innesoU on a y early basis. He is a m em b er of th e N a­ Receive Scholarships tional Association of College and U niversity Housing Offi­ cers, and president-elect of the For-Outstanding Work R otary Club in Lansing. He -plans to attend the Interoatiom al R otary Club m eeting in J a ­ pan in M ay. - T w o M ichigan S tate hom e Im provem ent Jud g in g contest. econom ics m ajo rs received She h as received th e T rustee T i l ls ' WAS th e last of nine scholarships T uesday fo r th eir S cholarship and H inm an Schol­ luncheons given by the F aculty outstanding w o rk in 4-H. — arship, a cam p u s 4-H aw ard for W om en’s Association in this outstanding students. school y e a r. _ M alinda J . H erflicker, Toms On cam pus, M iss Z eigler is R i v e r .N .J ., junior, and M ari­ vice p resident of th e W omen’s lyn S. Zeigler, M orenci junior, In ter-residence Council, c le r­ Want to go w e re presented the aw ard s by Hie Chas. P fizer and Co., Inc. ical ch a irm an of th e Big Ten to Mar»? R esidence H a l l Conference in th e annual N ational E x ten ­ sion T raining C onference a t steerin g com m ittee, an d has . .»buy a held both th e tre a s u re r and »pace »hip P u rd u e U niversity, L afayette, p a rlia m e n ta ria n offices in C am ­ Ind. Want your Wm sIm as Innocent as she said...or did she pus 4-H. Miss H e rflick er h a s 'b e e n ac­ She plan s to en ter'4 -H Club taunt end tease —until it was too late? tiv e in 4-H w ork for 10 y ea rs. work a s an extension ag en t up­ Clothe» REALLY -E x tra Added M ary W i n , D etroit junior and Ja n e t Roebkef, D earborn junior have discover­ She served h er local clu b as on graduation. _ Clean? go to . . . HAS ed th at knitting is an ideal way to pass-the tim e while waiting for supper. president, vice president and T h e P fizer aw ard s w e r e -Color Cartoon ju nior le a d e r and also held of­ established to encourage young fices bn th e county council. «tófiíDlLLM AN people to seek c a re e rs in agri- Novelty & News Students Study Family Living In 1957, M iss H erflicker w as (cultural extension work, a delegate to th e N ational 4-H | To qualify, th e stu denC m ust Club C ongress a s a food p re p a r-1 have an outstanding scholastic 20, iation w inner. ¡record and be enrolled in PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5817 F o u r MSU women a re atten d ­ This brings the total to 101Home Econom ics here, ^ On cam pus, she is a m em b er ¡courses th a t will lead to an ex- ing th e M errill-P alm er school women since fall who have! Those studying a t M errill- Frandor shopping Center in .D e tro it this term to study at M errill-P alm er j P a lm e r this term are E m m a J® * -Itertsioir c a re e r. In all, 20 m en and women, MON. THRU FRI. TILL 9 hum an developm ent and fam ­ tor further study. The women ¡Reardon, D etroit junior; J u ^ t h jPus Econom ics cltd>, representing. 16 states, w ere SAT. TILL 7 ily life. a re" s tu d e n ts in the College of Weeks, Argo, 111., seniorrrJoy Kappa Phw Alpha l ^ n ^ a l ^ honored with scholarships. 1 ¡Sheridon, M arlette junior; and r® honorary and T ow er Guard C harlotte Thompson, E . L a n -i8®1^ 1®® honorary, sing junior. Miss Zeigler w as activ e in EAST LANSING BRAUR’S 4-H work for nine y e a rs and A lim ited num ber of women was a 1958 delegate to th e N a­ | a re selected each y ear from the S r r jn > NIGHTS & SU N . — ADULTS 9 0 c SAT. MAT. 65c 1861 HOUSE tional 4-H Club C ongress a s a hom e economics college. They hom e im provem ent w inner. In ADULT EN TERTAINM ENT A Tradition in Lansing F o r F ine Foods LANSING’S ORIGINAL : m ust have attained junior, sen- i ior, or graduate status in the j university. j The wom en apply to th e M er- 1957 she won th e state Hom e L A N S IN G D R /V E -/N TH EATEE STARTING TONIGHT 7 P.M. FEA TU RE AT 7:30 — 9:35 RATHSKELLER irill-P alm er school and a re se­ Weekend Parties • Candlelight Dining with lected according to scholarship. Soft D inner Music • P riv a te Rooms for P a rtie s ¡They a re accepted for adm is­ s io n upon the recom m endation Casual and Dressy j of Dean Thelm a P o rte r of th ei P i K appa P hi will hold a F R V S A T . ( 3 ) COLOR HITS HIT NO. (1) AT 7:45 HIT NO. (3) AT 11:55 ACADEMY AWARD • G erm an Food College of Home Econom ics. record dance a t th e house Sat- BEST FOREIGN FILM O F Specialities M errill-P alm er, a sp ecialized ! urday night. D ress will be And on top of the m ink— educational institution for the casual with berm udas p re fer­ THE YEAR — COME EARLY 1861 to 1961 100 Y ears of Hospitality coat and diam ond 1 ’pro­ ¡study of hum an -developm ent red. I wHèMâTÊt m ise to tak e you to the land fam ily life, offers a th re e ­ “ It M ight As Well Be Spring” RECOMMENDED BY Towne House every week fold p rogram : teaching a t the is th e them e of th e spring for­ %% %The V irg in Spring* DUNCAN HINES & AAA for one of th eir w onder­ coHege level, conducting re- m al sponsored by A sher House Jeff Davis and Abe Lincoln ful dinners. Isearch, and providing com m un- I for Women tonight from 6:30 to DON’T everyw here bears Rooms for p arties. „ ¿ f a r i dkssu root» for YOU/ !ity services in the field of hu- I m idnight in th e Centennial Y our host: jm an developm ent ! Room a t Kellogg Center. Bill MISS the m ark of its - MSU, the first university to j H a rt’s ban d will play for din- Stan B rau e r, Hotel A d.1919 Icooperate with the p ro g ram of i n er mood m usic and dancing. CRO W D» THIS director's astonishing free parking sM errill-P alm er, sent the first ;--------------- Downtown Lansing ¡six women in 1922 for a quar- E tiq u ette today no longer re- t e r ’s work to be credited to- ouires a w om an to rem ove h er H B K Y I TECHNICOLOR GREAT talents# his ability 21^ S. G rand w ard their degree. I gloves before snaking hands, HIT to summon up a PLEA SE sense of life more For the finest steaks anywhere ! com pletely than E m tm m tr n r n m m lo u r Hosl WithThe Mont" anyone now w orking HIT NO. (2) SHOWN ONCE AT 9:55 in film s." • N s v tw e s I JOHN WAYNE STEWART 6RANGEI digiiar m sm u rs The POPLARS Zieglers Charcoál House ERNIE KOVACS • FABIAN _ and fo r a bit o f Hawaii CHARCOAL HEARTH the BOOM BOOM EXTRA “ DIVIDED WORLD” & CARTOON U.S. 16 E. Landing ROOM STARTS SUN. • -B U T T E R F IE L D 8” at F ran d o r ADMISSION 75c BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 1-45 COMING — «»BALLAD O F A SOLDIER" i Friday Morning, April 21, 1961 7 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 5 ‘We Are All On Trial...’ I Young Denounces J Trial Records FogeVs Art Jo h n B irch Leaders To Be Shown P a n e l Discusses Le g a lity, WASHINGTON. Stephea M. Young. D-Ohio. | took the floor of the Senate — Sea. B u re a u c ra t An exhibition of paintings by Seymour Fogel, artist in resi­ Morality o f Eich m an n T ria l again Thursday to denounce dence, will open Sunday after­ leaders af the John Birch So- j JER U SA LEM . Uf) — In h i s , tion cam ps. E ichm ann said; killed. 17113 w as com pletely be­ noon at Kresge Art Center Gal­ , i ciety as “ a wide assortment of own m em oirs of the role he out-and-out crackpots.” i “ Such plans w ere never yond m y knowledge. ’ “ He concludes he provided lery. - The reception opening the napped E ichm ann from Argen­ Israeli te rrito ry I s r a e l i juris- Young said the Birch Society played in Nazi G erm an y ’s i m ade by m e. I had ad n< nothing to By BARBARA BURROUGHS for transportation to death show will run from 2 to 5 p.m. State News Staff Writer tina the jurisdiction over his diction is questionable. leadership ignores the Com-1 m ass m u rd er m achine, Adolf j do with such things.” cam ps of about 4,000 jewish Fogel has. had experience as le g a lity versus th e m oral person is questionable. Third,* a s to subject m a tte r. ironist threat from Soviet R u s - :-Eichm ann em erged today a s ! He adm itted th at he ran the children orphaned by reason of a painter, printmaker, writer*- justification of the E ichm ann A l s o because E ichm ann’s a questionable aspect arise s be- g{a an P M. Movie “ Tim e O ut” : 8:15 j beyond Ju n e 30, when som e a re p.m . A ttend " E lija h ” . scheduled to end or be reduced. A new ta x of 2. cents a gallon ★ ★ ★ All Air Science L eadership j on je t fuels and la te r ta x in­ STARTING TODAY BlLÜ(kw..w)W ltDER S L aboratory classes regularly creases on both je t and aviation scheduled for D em onstration fuel until they each re a c h 4‘A h all on F rid ay will m eet in the cento a gallon. M IC H IG A N T H E A T R E - P H O N E IV. 2 -7 3 1 1 SUPER BARGAIN DAY F u n n y -S a d C om edy A b o u t t t h e T ïc k u s h M usic, building auditorium a t An end to allowing business­ P red ica m en t- th e reg u larly scheduled class es to claim both ca p ita l gains tim es. A ttendance will -be an d depreciation allow ances on C A u a , U FE! i t / g n taken. - th eir property H e ll-s c r e a m in g a n d s te a m in g Friday th e- - - AND m a k e d v io le n c e ^ oB n en t IV M N T ^ t „ - . a mme* CMPMw n a a m a m ir m m i C ast ia n s in o - ** Saturday Jack Lèmma o f f i e r c e s t A f r ic a * t h e d a r k Shirley ÊÊacLêiac f GIANT 4 H IT COLOR PROGRAM | Fred MmMmray o f lo v e HIT NO. (2) SHOWN ONCE AT 10:10 PJM. - « COLOR CARTOONS SHOWN FIRST AT 7:45 . difgnhire! BUB HIM! W M f .W W K É iïr ESCORT WEST SHOWN 2ND AT S-.tt THE U N W ED •’»"«mm M EFREMV ANDREW S»FLEMING 10HN ANNE M rhonw ZIMBAUST*»KERR»FRANCIS ■ ^ . KEENAN TROT . ?T! * $«■»»■- WYNN»DONAHUE ^ S c o 5 $ tm tU K tm i^ Crowded Sky 3rd At 10:05 Samson & Delilah At 11:50 oeanJAGGER-Arthur KENM SHREYJONES SUN.. MON., TUE. ACADEMY AWARD WINNER - BEST ACTRESS OF THE YEAR PATTI**PAGE rzz " RfCHAH)Í ¡'k».unta■ S moSMITH staffing ANGIE DICKINSON-PETER FINCH-ROGER MOORE TECMNJCOLC Presented by m moreprhb ro t m r t i RUY »dw t * -Eastm an COLOR- BOX OFFICE a rm Some w om en never give a nam e., ■4l*ajOW-nOOCfS71IOC£-A>V<>i *-U .S . j t. Incrustation 37 Indite □ IP □ iB lT ltll Dr. John F. A: Taylor, pro­ suited in the longest steel strike m ilitary m en in Laos T hursday 12. Dutch c o t - 30. Employer flation inevitable under the munc 40. Sour oaa ana Dr. F ran k Donahue, associ- MSU in 1948. his STD degree fessor of philosophy will con­ A m erican system of collective on record, 116 days. discarded all pretense of being i 13. Seaw eed As probable lead er of the | civilians and m ade ready to 44. Odd □ ate professor in the d epartm ent from St. F ran cis Sem inary in- of hu m an ities and religion, r t - l950 and his r»h D from MSU duct the th ird general m eeting bargaining? — 14. E xpectancy 4«. Breathe a a fte r which the delegates will These a re some of the ques 1962 negotiations for industry, e n te r froqt line com bat z o n e s, 15. Plunder heavily in □ □ f l H Q H C 3 0 i ceived an aw ard for Jialng an in 1954. In 1955 h e spent a sab- again break up into discussion tions which will be discussed by I Cooper will be in a position t o ; | 0 in stru ct hard-pressed royal I If.fruit Tropical ~ \ sleep outstanding teach er of adults groups. strongly influence collective j troops on tactics to use against 17. Metal-besr- 47. Liquid food Solution of Yeoterdoy's Putslo T hursday night at the 50th a n ­ hatical leave at the University Chancellor D. B. V arner, ~ -, bargaining and labor-m anage- pro-Com niunist rebels. niv ersary m eeting of the Mich­ of Athens, w here he conducted inc rocks 48. D eipJcable M ichigan State University-Oak- m ent relations. Brig. Gen. Andrew Jackson If. Malign 51. Was vic­ DOWN 7. Regal* igan Adult Education assn in sociological research for the la n d . will speak to the dete- The speech is a presentation Boyle of the U.S. A rm y, ebra-j 20. B lack snake torious 1. Untamed I. Foot-cov­ i Ann Arbor. 22. For fear U.S. D epartm ent of State. Of­ g ates Saturday night a t a ban­ in the Labor and Industrial R e -; m ander of the A m ericans, wore 52. Open court 2. Sun-dried ering D onahue is one of seven in­ fice of International Education that 53. Redact brick quet. and Dr. John T ruitt, di­ lations C enter lecture series. a crisp khaki uniform — not 9. Rust stru cto rs in the state receiving 23. Loathe ■ 54. Abstract 3. Pictorial 10. Imitate Donahue is a m em ber of the recto r, m en’s division, will his usual sports s h irt,— -as he 24. Kiln , being pussle the aw ard this y ear, foe first A m erican Association of Uni­ give a wrap-up address on Sun­ told an interview er bis m en will < 27. Harvest 11. Egypt, god 55. Armed con- 4. Become dim tim e it has been given. The versity P rofessors. Society for ¡Foreign Food, be assigned to units as sm all] 25. Round-up a s battalions a n d 'w iU go t o 1 31. Late A diets 5«. Radicals 5. Turkish ,, magistrate of pleasure 19. Scatter 21. Goddess of only other university professor the Psychological Study of So­ being honored is Dr. "Seymour cial Issues. A m erican P hilo­ day morning. At various tim es during the 34. Respectable 57. Color f . P e tty ty r a n t weekend th ere will be breaks P a x rtrfc lo ■I t U J f l L e Meet M « « ! I f i C 'C 'l . frontline action if necessary, But he said they win not r~ r~ r ~ r~B— r - r ~ y ] ar* r - agriculture 23. Head r o v e r , tog sophical Association and the M ichigan Academy of Arts, during which delegates may take cam pus tours. A dance is fight: "M ost of our* nien a r e ; At Banquet specialists. We a re h ere to ad ­ if” T“ w 25. Jap. coin 24. Small child L e tte rs and Science. scheduled S aturday night. 1 WWSVVVVVV^W A%%SW»,A f W A % W . W W W / r t V ÿ vise, not fight.'* _ | IT r\ “1 1r 28. Follow Foods and students from dif- BRITISH officials in London feren t ijands will mix S aturday! said the Soviet Union has JT“ p T ir 1 B JT a r r HW gg§ 1 30. Sea 31. Strike - sharply — I CORAL CABLES’ at the Ihternational b anauct a t I ag reed to join B ritain in an ap-1 HT -32. Night be­ vr the Wesley foundation. 1113 S. fp e a l for an im m ediate cease- H arrison rd. Food will be served from India. fire in Loas, and th a t S ir'F ran k j The banquet is open to_ any R oberts, the B ritish am b assa­ one .and .will begin at 6:30 p.m . dor in Moscow, would m eet w ith Soviet^ F oreign M inister Is 1 V IT* _ TT~ 9 P 1 ÉT wÜ P 3». Cut fore 33. Defeat 34. Beetle 38. Ridicule 4L Intimidated • ILFORNO • R E ST A U R A N T • • G erm any. L a t i n A m erica U Andrei G rontyko F ran ce and other countries. ’] iron out a few unsettled points. on A U. S. S tate D epartm ent F riday to jy — — I sr P — — B ar PPP 42. Satire 43. Thick 45. Poisonous 'the m im e H int marie P IZ Z A fam NOW O P E N D A IL Y A T 11 A .M , ou s in Lansing Following the m eal Donald spokesm an in W ashington said, w~ e r tree - R. CONRAD COOPER Deer, a m issionary in the Con­ how ever, th a t he did not know go for th ree y ea rs, will tell of on w hat grounds the B ritish I B i 07 00 P fe i r - 46/Puts in po­ sition Ip Ip 47. Carpen- For Somethin y Really Different—Try Oui R Conrad Cooper in his speech ! his experiences. based th e ir optim ism IT 7T" \ Û vr ter’r tool — T ickets are SI and m ay be P 48. Anglo. on “ Collective B argaining in] p u rch aseJ at the banquet. 1Moscow R adio ch arged th at the U nited S tates w as try in g to !T 1 7T~ § 1 r r Saxon mon«y 50. Cover BAR- B-Q- RIBS the Sixties” a t 8 p.m. Monday! The Wesley foundation bus keep the civil w a r in Laos alive | 0* thmihmtim 4-3» in Kellogg C enter Auditorium, i will pick up students for the and said the activities of G en., 9ms Mm« 19 bdmb. v- P H O N E ED 7 .1 3 1 1 * Cooper is executive vice p res­ banquet on the following sched­ B oyle's group w as a n interfer- ’ ident in charge of personnel) ule: Van Hoosen, 6 05 p.m.T | ence in L aotian internal af­ DR. FRANK DONAHUE services of the United States Shaw, 6:08: M ath - Physics, fa irs.) C O M PL E T E T A K E O U T SER V IC E R ekleir of W ayne State Uni-1 Steel corporation. He was chair-j 6:15: Y akeley, 6:20 and Brody. ■ Boyle com m ands 300 m en t m a n of the steel industry bar- ' 6:25 Safety Center Says: versity. _____ ' wfio. while d ressed in_ civilian j . “ Donahue ca rrie s a f u l l clothes, have in stru cted royal j D rin k in g Drivers teaching load in foe re sid e n tia lj troops in use of U.S. - supplied j ‘By Popular Demand’ j weapons. The ostensible civil- j p ro g ram of the u n iv ersity ,” I said D r. D uane L. Gibson, di- j T H E R E IS NOTHING IMAGINED IN THIS FILM! ' ¡an statu s w as m aintained to re cto r of th e L ib era l,A rts Ad- j Dyer-Bennett. Singer, com ply with a tre a ty th a t p e r - . m itted only F ran c e, fo rm er J. ru le r of Indochina, to keep un-j Cause Most Crashes j ult E ducation P ro g ra m . “ It is j for his work in connection, with : our p ro g ram , in addition to ; j ¡form ed troops in Laos. Here for Informal Shows B,ut W ednesday. Laos ap- I pealed for m ore foreign aid "an d \ By JOHN DANCER S tate News Staff W riter l to m a k e them a m enance to 'th is , th at 1 recom m ended him. ■ th e highw ays,” he added. “ In addition to his residen- j “ T hese a re th e .d riv e rs who I tial work, Donahue has tau g h t | ’ U.S. in stru cto rs. U.S. officials j _ R ichard Dyer-Bennett. folk] aid n ’t get a chance. I t ’s not th e d runk d riv e r but a re h a rd to sp ot,” h e said. j adult education classes on re - 1 w m * said the governm ent’s position singer and concert a rtis t, will B lair said fie hopes it will be in th e b a ttle with th e P ath et the d rinking d riv e r who is r e ­ “ They m ay look n o rm al physi­ ligion in G rand R apids, B attleI A GREAT PICTURE - N r rosr C reek and B irm ingham . The ! be on cam pus Monday and possible to a rra n g e fo r infor­ Lao j-ebels is very serious an d sponsible for th e m ajo rity of. ca lly , b u t m en tally , they a re accidents th a t happen, accord­ u n iv ersity has continuously re ­ A TRIUMPH I A picture m od* Tuesday for a series of infor­ m al m eetings between “ p er­ W ashington announced - the ing to N o rb e rt A. H ildebrand, handicapped and th e ir p ercep ­ ceived letters of com m endation | m al get-togethers with students. sonalities” and students a t TJriited S tates would form a head of inform ation services tion an d reactio n s a re slowed -from m em b ers of his c la sse s,” I outride the r u le s " - m m id uns Lyle B lair, director of the MSU le a st onQ&a term in the future. full-fledged m ilitary assistan ce dow n.” RAW an d REALISTIC"-- rm “ Students have requested it and and advisory g roup in Laos. fo r th e highw ay tra ffic safety according to Gibson. P re ss, announced. T he m ajo rity of Jthe people c e n te r._ r - D onahueTias been a m em b er j B lair said D yer-Bennett. who 1 am for it,” he said don’t seem to w ant to h e a r this,, appeared on cam pus winter D yer-B ennett will be in the “ T raffic accidents a re th e said H ildebrand, because they of the MSU staff since 1947. He I biggest social problem Lacing d o n >t t h i n k we a re talking to received his M.A. d eg ree a t j term as a p a rt of the Lecture- Union Monday and Tuesday C oncert Series, is being brought m o rn in g to sing, play th e gui- Ebbitt, Nye th e nation to d ay ,” said Hilde- brand. “ L ast y e a r o v er 40,000 th em . M ichigan State University back to cam pus by*-“ popular ta r and talk with students. “ B ut th e fact is,” he said, Moil., Tues. - April 24, 25 dem an d .” lie said th e re w ere Monday afternoon he will m eet j Edit New lost th e ir lives in traffic a c ­ “ M ost d rin k ers drive, creatin g cidents in the U.S. — 1,700 in a m en ace to safety .” Becking Wins FOREIGN FILM SERIES 7 & 9 p .m .- a num ber of students v ho w ant­ with g ra d u ate students of the F airchild T heatre ~ Admission: 50c M ichigan.” e d to talk to him before and English d ep artm en t in the Li­ b ra ry . T uesday h e will be ift English Text The g en eral public thinks the- T H E SECOND GROUP the Chemical Frat foe student lounge of the Mu­ solution to th e problem is to public feels is dangerous — th e 6 Profs sic Building from 3:30 until 5 p.m. R ecent publications in the isolate th e accid en t prone fine, H ildebrand said. E nglish d ep artm en t include a group of d riv ers, he added. “ speeder” , is difficult to de­ Annual Award | “ P E O P L E USUALLY think “ Who ca n say th a t a p erson B lair said th a t foe m eetings textbook edited by R ussel B. E rn e st A. Becking; B ad Axe j of the d ru n k afid th e speeder is speeding if he goes above a Receive scheduled for the Union would Nye, d irecto r of th e division il the w e a th e r is nice. He add­ g eth er w ith W ilm a R. E b b itt of said. of be m oved to B eaum ont Tow er language and lite ra tu re , to­ as failing into this g roup,” he — -certain sp eed ,” he said. autom “ Some obile people safely c a n a t handle 65 m an iles senior, n er of h as been darned th e win­ th e Annual Collegiate ed th at -he thought this setting th e U niversity of Chicago. The But th e fact is, d riv ers who A ward of Alpha Chi Sigm a, n a­ Grants would im prove tfie inform al a t­ book is “ S tructure in R eading a re intoxicated out of th eir m osphere and would be m ore and W riting” and has been senses cause few accidents an hour, while others a re go­ tional chem ical fratern ity , by j ing too fa s t a t 50 m iles an h o u r,” h e kidded. th e D etroit professional ch a p te r I enjoyable for both D yer-B en­ published bv Scott F o resm an & co m p ared to th e to tal, H ilde­ I n D etro it W ednesday. Six Michigan State University ; nett and the students. b ra n d said. IT D E PE N D S to a g re a t ex­ Co. ------ The aw ard , an en graved desk j faculty m em bers wiU receive < - D ver-B ennett’s visit to MSU T he tex t attem p ts to aid stu- “ D runks a re too easy to de­ te n t on th e individual’s c a p a ­ bilities, not n ecessarily the set, is m ade annually to a sen-| $1000 each a t the -annual Dis­ is sponsored by the MSU P ress I dents develop skills needed for te c t,” hq added. “ T heir condi­ ra te of speed, said H ildebrand. io r m em b er of the collegiate tinguished F aculty Aw ards Con­ and the office of th e P rovost. ! thorough—an d intelligent com - tion m ak es th em easy ta rg e ts The public is ag ain st “ speed­ ch ap ter a t M ichigan State Uni­ vocation, Wednesday a t 8 p.m. ___ __ _____ j prehension of reading m a tte r to spot an d pull off th e ro ad be­ v ersity , U niversity of M ichigan in th e Big 10 Room of Kellogg i ! and to help th em use these fore th e y ca u se a n accid en t.” ing” , h e said , but they don’t and W ayne S tate U niversity, skills to in cre ase com petence T he re a l d an g e r is not th e h av e an y concept of w hat the C enter. - T hrough th e aw ard , th e Al­ A w ards a re based on out­ standing contributions in teach­ Nelson Wins in w riting. d runk d riv e r b u t a d riv e r "who te rm re ally m ean s. D r. N ye also w rote the for­ h a s been drinking, he said. Consequently, he added, it pha Upsilon c h a p te r h e re gains w ard to “ T he D iary of Jam es would be im possible to single possession fo r one y e a r of the ing o r re s e a rc h or both. F inal | selections a re m ade by a fa­ Accounting J r S tr a n g .”_ Clinton S. B urhans J r . in­ one “ ONE shot BOTTLE of liquor c of a n b e dull e r or th e out any g roup o f-d riv e rs and p erp etu al trophy which has say th ey w ere a m enace b e - ! been a t th e U niversity of Mich- culty com m ittee which selects senses of m an y persons enough ca u se of speed. ‘ igan for th e p a s t two y ea rs. th e recipients from nom ina­ tions made b y alum ni, faculty Fellowship stru cto r, h a s a n essa Old M an an d th e Sea: Hem ing- y “ The a n d students. „ . . - .. . . . w a y ’s -T ra g ic Vision of M an” A first place ranking in the- included in a new book on Funds for th e aw ards a re pro­ national selection of fellowship H em ingw ay edited by Carlos vided by contributions to the M ichigan State U niversity De­ velopm ent Fund. aw ards counting by the A Association MSU P resid en t John A. Han- ceived by Andrew Nelson, doc- m erican w as Ac­ r e ­ B aker. The book is called “ H em in g w ajran d H is C ritics.” P rof. George R. Price h as MAYNARD'S TEXACO SERVICE two recent publications, (hie nah will preside at the convoca- j tor a i candidate in the G raduate tion. Awards win be presented School of Business A dm inistra­ is a re p rin t from the Shake­ by Provost Paul A. Miller. sp ea re Quarterly entitled Hen­ 1 3 0 1 E. G R A N D R IV E R A T SPA R T A N KAREN KUPIEC tion;— ry V and Germanicus.” The Before foe awards are given, SO U T H F IE L D , FRESHM AN Nelson, one of 49 candidates o th er is Prof. Price’s “ Author­ John F. A. Taylor, professor of for fellowship aw ards, -obtain­ ship and Bibliography of ‘The E A ST LANSING philosophy, will deliver the Revenger’s Tragedy’” which MASON "Centennial Review” lecture, ed the unanim ous vote of the has been published by the Uni­ Fellow ship C om m ittee as the entitled "Politics and the Hu­ versity Press. Oxford top ranking applicant. man Covenant,” The boards of directors and KAREN FEEL S AS CA REFREE editors of the “Centennial R e­ view," a quarterly journal pub­ F or Men W ho Desire SPECIAL GET ACQUAINTED OFFER msm^s^mmsmsssmmmmsmss^ssmmmmsmsmsssmsss^mmmsssmmsmmssmxmmssmmmmsssssssssmsmmmsm AS SPRING ITSELF IN THIS lished by the College of Science and Arts, chose Taylor as the A C a re e r In L ife In su ra n c e WALSH, ORIGINALS. THE faculty member who best ex­ WASH, ORIGINALS. THE emplified the ideals of scholar- Leading T o M anagem ent ! • MARFAK LUBRICATION . . . 75c with the purchase of 7 atitp and disciplines represent­ BLOUSE IS A GAY PRINT ed by the board of editors. gallons o f gasoline Fidelity M utual Life Insurance Co.. of Detroit, is COTTON. TH E BURLAP SKIRT . Recipients will not be an­ nounced until the Awards are interested in men who want to commence a career made at the convocation. Mem­ • WASH JOB . . . DRY S I - W ET 50c with the purchase of IS LIN ED WITH THE SAME in Life Insurance. We are primarily interested in bers of the faculty, administra­ MATERIAL. THE PERFECT tion and Board of Trustees and men for within the Detroit area. We will administer 7 gallons o f gasoline their wives have been invited. an aptitude test and pot yon under a training OUTFIT FOR YOUR-PUNTIM E program. And, n regular salary will be paid yon for IN SPRINGTIM E. WASH N WEAR„ • Speeial W heel Pack and B r a k e A djustm ent _ 9 2 .0 0 at least, two years. Polished Cottois AND Mr. E. H. (B ill) M eytrs J r . CLU - General A gent 9 O ne Q uart o f Oil FREE with Oil Change Exclusively Yours At The Baby Cards will be on cam pus rep resen tin g Oily B U B FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE LEN KOSITCHEK’S VARSITY SiOP INSURANCE CO. ABOVE OFFERS GOOD UNTIL MAY 1 ÿrotrt? lUmiap 228 Abbott Rd. PLACEMENT CEN TER - APRIL 26,1964 CHARGE LAYAWAY i s Friday April 2 1 , 1961 MirhinnSutc Newi, E a t Luing, HHchlgn Republicans Join Democrats on Machine-Replace-Man Problem Almost at the same time the leck said, ‘i s that the Ui That theme was «trowed also WASHINGTON, « d e m o ­ order establishing aa ofltoa of by Goldberg t a dpnoanctag the crats bad Republicans botti automation aad monomer ta two Republican leaders of Con­ States must advance technolo­ gress, Sen. Everett M. Dirkeen gically, in fact keep ahead of Labor Deportment task force moved Thunder to establish the Labor Department. As Its end in a speech to state em­ study groups timed at axpler* director Goldbcn aslactod Sey­ of Illinois and Rep. Charles A. the world, but at the same time must do so without imposing ployment security administra­ tag ways to find Jobs for work-* mour Wolfbata, m, a dopato ne> Halleck of Indiana, announced tors aad employment service a n displaced by machines. plotoni secretary and the de­ they are establishing their own undue hardship on the working study group on the problem. men mid women of this coun­ directors freni an oectioao of Secretary of Labor Arthur J. partment’s top the country. Goldberg leaned an executive port. "The important thing," Hal­ try.” A ttend Church Sunday rv E A S T LA N S IN C CHURCHES A K YOU s u n EAST LANSING UNIVERSITY LUTHRAN PEOPLES CHURCH Me d a y by day n e t con* TRINITY CHURCH CHURCH EAST IANSMG ow n e d a è — t y e a r f c l — f O ayna pashkss^f baaur p e a osa g e e a g ta kiowmf fWinH mnpaa fhftfltlt_ Interdenom inational AND STUDENT CENTER PREPARING FOR SEA VOYAGE-SpasIsh-speakiig workmen paint rigging US Spartan A venue on the deck of a former U.S. Navy subchaser at a Miami dock. There is specula­ Yoaeaaba yaiiM y sues tadaja N attenal Lutheran Council tion that the craft may be used to aid the anti-Castro invaders. (AP Wirepboto) "Division and Ana Street, E. L. 354 West G rand Btver a t Michigan Bev. B. EUGENE WILLIAMS Pastor (2 blocks North of B erber Hall) *Por ffce wopss ei sfct b dbadk» tad Um §tl a# God b etmwd Dr. Wallace P arish P aster: Charles RUahsteh Nixon Briefed Bills Die in AUSG tt-ftmeBfcJssm CArht ear lord." BsrnamMt WORSHIP SERVICES Campa» W orker: Ml»« TeeU Send D r.'P . Marion Stmaaa Rev. Bey J. Schram m On- Problems MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL 114# a.m. ED I - S tlt e r ED 3-443« Dr. N. A. McCnae. P aster Emerita» From Lack of Quorum & STUDENT CENTER 744 p.m. -THE COEONATION OP CHRIST WORSHIP SERVICES 54«, 14:15. A 11:34 Rev. Jeoeph Porter By Kennedy. The last meeting of the tenth journment and must be rein­ M l m a r t A W ls u o a s ln S y a s d “ CHRISTIAN PRIORITIES" (N artery available a t all services) Sunday School 545 A 14:15 WORSHIP SERVICES _ 5:30 g U OTHER SERVICES LUTHERAN STUDENT WASHINGTON W v-President Student Congress ended on a troduced by the new Congress, ASSOCIATION Kennedy invited form er Vice sour note Wednesday. if it wants to enact legislation 444 A bbott R oad • 3 Blocks N. o f U nion f:4S a.m. Smaday School S ap p er 5:35 P-m. Program : -PROMISES AND PROBLEMS« Dr. Wallace E eh srtsea P resid en t R ichard M. Nixon to Congress was uhable to pass ffa . I. Britton. Faster — Claw fa r U niversity Student* Dr. Donald D eer. B>issh>narv la any of them because it lacked similar to tnat proposed. th e White House late T hursday T rinity Collegiate fellow ship the Congo. Speaks to L.SA. Can­ to bring him up to date on! a quorum. The only action taken by Con­ C hapel A P an saace T e le p h o n e ED f -Y T 7 * terbury, Christian Student F e a a - - Church School gress was the approval of Dick — Sunday W orship I M , 1545, HUS a.m. aad S:1S p m 1:45 - p m 5:30 M t A 11 M t Cuba and other problem s. Coeds' who had to return to dation. and P retb y teriaa Fellow­ Student# Sapper P ragraui ( • ta S P•■»■)• Mia# P ah eC Korea Crib room th reag h high Kennedy and Nixon conferred th eir residence units before Wells, Constantine sophomore, 141 p.m. W ednesday Evening "P ray er and Bible study ship a t CM p ja . la the Alumni age Providing Chapel. 11:30 p.m . left before a vote as a Traffic Appeals court jus­ a C a m p u s M in is try t o r M a rr ie d a n d S in g le S tn d c u ta in the p resident’s office for an hour and 15 m inutes. N either on the bills could be taken, tice. m ade any com m ent afterw ard. ] The issues discussed inelud- White H ouse P ress S ecretary ed a bill to elim inate discrim - P ie rre Salinger told new sm en ¡nation in the G reek system on CHRISTIAN FIRST CHURCH,OF ST. JOHN STUDENT METHODIST CHURCHOf EDGEWOOD Nixon asked him to say he) cam pus, the Congress budget would have no com m ent to for spring an d -su m m er term s, an appropriation to cover the EVERY CHRIST, SCIENTIST PARISH EAST IANSIHG PEOPLES CHURCH m ake, Nixon explained, Salinger cost of the em ergency letters COLLEGE STUDENT SH M A C . Aveane- Fr. R. K avaaaugh and said, th a t he was following his sent to parents last week a n d 3» MAC. p ractice of not com m enting on an am endm ent to the cu rren t conversations with the presi­ election ordinances. East Laastag ST. JOHN'S SUNDAY FORUM WESLEY FOUNDATION Bev. T rum an A. M orrtsoa dent. All the proposed legislation Salinger said that, since Nix­ died with the- m eetings ad- STUDENT FOUNDATION C har eh Servie« 11 A JL tu a d a y School 11 A.M. 1:15 p m . “RACE RELATIONS AND THE _ CATHOLIC CONSCIENCE” Wtlion M. Tennant. Rev. Hob lassa O. Lapp I a ti r i s a m ttn stto m l .J e r ry Coones on .w as in town, Kennedy invit­ ed him to the White House. When Salinger reported th at Swainson needs th is 1U W. Grand U v e f Joseph A. P a r tir . M inuter Sunday Seheoi to r U ulverttty Students l: H Sunday Masses I:JO - S:45 - 1040 • U N (B aby sitting a t 1:45 A G eorre I. Jordan M inisters 444 N. H sgadora R a d (5 Mocks n o rth a t O read h iv er) Kennedy brought his Republi­ can opponent in the 1960 presi- dential_election up to date on May Accept book S under, AarU i t ISdl — -PROBATION Subject A rm DEATH" 1*4« M anes) Daily Masses d:4S A S4S e.m * • <42:14 p.m. » » * * . lowance. terview prospective students in McMHlan may1 be made “ We sim ply could not get The fellowships are awarded th e P lacem en t B ureau. in Puerto Rico. along on th e $12.300 increase under the National Defense Ed- Both Punxsutawney, P a., and The A m erican Institute for we would realize in the senate ucation Act which. attwtiPis to gUQ p rairie wis., claim to be F oreign T rade is the only in­ appropriations bill for higher 'S M ^ 'b e i f S S the official residence of the stitution of its kind for the p ra c ­ tical training of young people Baha’ii Faith education,” said D urw ard B. V arner.,. im portance to th e n atio n ’s de- 1 ground hog. for jobs overseas. It provides a A nticipating a n enrollm ent nine-month post-graduate tra in ­ ing course in foreign languages, Discussed increase of a t le a st 900 next y ear, MSUO alre ad y has com ­ world a re a studies, an d the m itted itself to expenditures e x ­ “The place to Go*\ Hormoz Alizadeh, Iran ian p ractical techniques of foreign ceeding th e proposed budget by for flowers and gifts trad e. student, will discuss th e prin­ $201,700, be told th e House W ays ciples of the B ah a'ii religon, and M eans com m ittee. Barnes F lo ra l M ichigan S tate U niyersity g rad u ates ,who have attended Sunday a t 7:15 p.m . In the A rt M ost of th e in crease is re ­ the AI F T to ea rn a B achelor of Room of the Union. quired for new faculty m em ­ MEMBERS OF THE Strategic Air Command B-52 jet bomber crew visiting on H e will b e speaking before bers who h a v e alre ad y been campus will speak before three audiences at the Music auditorium today at 8:15 F o reign T rade degree a re r 1 -^ of ' '... R ich ard H. B agnall, '56; R obert the C hanning-M urray Fellow ­ hired, he said. a ju ., 12:15 p.m., aud 1:15 p.m. Shown left to right to the picture are Maj. Jerry ship of R eligious L iberals V arn er pointed out th a t his Mulkey, electronics-warfare officer; Maj. Sidney Mtekelsoa, radar-navigator; M. Bielby, ‘57; • Sydney K. fledgling institution, opened a Capt. Frauk Kulhanek, navigator: Maj. Marty Speiser, co-pilot; and M lj.B ill East Lapsing Jack so n ’60; Q erald C. Klomp which is offering a serie s of y e a r and a half ago, cu rren tly We telegraph flowers ’60; and F red erick f^. W uerth, discussions on A siatic faiths. McCullough, aiitnraft-commander. offers th e first two y ea rs of ’60. Bielby grad u ated in F eb ­ B ah a’ii originated in Ira n 215 Ann E D 2-0871 college curriculum . N ext y ear, ru a ry , 1960 from A IFT and is but is now c e n te re d in Chicago. he said, this y e a r’s sophom ore class will req u ire m o re ad van c­ ed instruction an d a new fresh ­ Art Department Sponsors Jackie Won't Harold-Price, MSU Graduate, m an class will enroll, re q u ir­ Give Up Her To Sing Title Role in ‘Elijah’ ing additional faculty and facili­ ties . / W i '~-— MSUO asked for a $1.42 m il­ Special Summer Session Fox-Hunting ☆ LARGEST DISCOUNT IN TOWN ☆ lion budget, a $543,000 increase. P eople' w ith a rtistic "“talen t ity to concentrate on painting M UFFLERS — TAIL PIPE S — EXHAUOT P IP E S H arold P rice, will sing the Otto Herz, coach of th e g re a t It would have allow ed for a 500 ca n experience th e a r tis t’s way fo r six weeks. LONDON, (A1—A B ritish w rit­ title role in th e MSU Chorus basso W illiam W arfield. jum p in enrollm ent. of life through a su m m er a r t e r said Thursday M rs. Kennedy POLISHES — WAXES — PAIN TS — BRUSHES and O rc h estra's perform ance P ric e h as been re g u la r .solo­ Gov. Swainson aecom m ended LOCATED on the L eelenau p ro g ram offered by th e Uni­ P en in su la n e a r T ra v erse City, h as rejected th e P resid en t’s of M endelssohn’s “ E lija h ” in ist a t the A m sterdam P resb y ­ $1.15 m illion peggdd to a 300 in ­ v ersity a r t d ep artm en t. plea to stop for hunting. W riting COMPLETE LIN E OF ACCESSORIES th e A uditorium , 8:15 p.m , Sun­ te ria n Church in New Y ork cre a se i n enrollm ent. H is budg­ th e fishing village of L eeland T his su m m e r will m a rk th e in tiie Weekly Spectator, D. W. day. (whose m in ister is Dr. N orm an e t did not include $65,000 a sk ­ is f a r from th e d istractions and 20th session o fthe L eelanau interuptions found on .th e col­ B rogan, au th o r and professor A resident of Jackson and a Vincent P e a le ), a n d a t the ed to begin 9 tri-sem ester, S u m m er A rt School w hich is of political science said: COMPLETE AUTO New & Rebâtit fo rm er student a t MSU, he has M arble Collegiate Church. year-around operation next Sep­ presen ted a t Leland, M ichigan, lege cam p u s. "M rs. Kennedy, so it is a s­ SPRING • S ta rte n been b ass soloist both in New He has ap p eared a s solbist in tem ber. as a Continuing E ducation pro­ D r. B rau n e r said th a t two • G enerators serted, h a s asked th a t when she GLASS York an d in Europe. oratorios in New Y ork and V arn er w as~the first college ^ g ra m c re d it co u rses will b e offered, SERVICE • Fuel Pum ps He studied a t E dinburgh Un­ goes hunting (in the English Expertly Installed • W ater Pum ps Michigan, an d sang m any official to a p p e a r before th e P ro fesso r E rlin g B rau n er. of ¡a n d th a t experim entation and For C art, . iv ersity , Scotland, a t th e end sense riding to h o u n d s),'th e re -Trucks, Tractor# While You Walt « Clutch Plates yearn ago, a t L ansing’s Cen­ com m ittee i ir a m ove to re sto re th e a r t d ep artm en t, and Di- freedom of expression will be is to be no rep o rtin g of w hether j ) f World W ar U, giving re c it­ tra l M ethodist jC h u rc h with senate cuts to th e college and re c to r of tire p ro g ram fo r th e encouraged, als and singing leads with the th ere w as a k ill'o r not. G om er LI. Jones, to whom fie uinversity spending program s. p a s t seven y e a rs, ex p lain ed A g ra d u a te , of Cornell Uni B ach Society of Edinburgh. He how re tu rn s for the exacting R epresentatives of o th er insti­ th a t th e purpose of th e Sfchool v ersity , B rau n er will in stru ct “ F o r the" anti-blood sports also ap peared w ith th e Ingel- lobby h a s been bom barding the KRAMER Æ role of E lija h in th e MSU p er­ tutions a re scheduled to m ake is to 'g iv e g ra d u a te o r under- classes in A rt 353, com position stad t Symphony in A ustria. form ance. sim ilar req u ests n ext week. g ra d u ate students a n opportun- and p ainting; a n d -in A rt 800, White House w i t h protests In New York, .he w as a studio problem s. ag a in st M rs, K ennedy’s p artici­ scholarship student in voice pating in fox-hunting. of th e fam ous Louise von Zem linsky, and coached with 491 At MSU House Passes REGULAR academ ic cred it in p ainting w ill be given to “ I t is asse rted also th at the P resid en t h a s asked his wife to Leo Rosenik, who train e d or th o se stu dents m eeting the p re ­ stop hunting and th a t she has MACHINE SHOP SERVICE accom panied such “ g re a ts” as Lotte Lehm ann. ElizabethJ5ch-. More Foreign Students Kennedy B ill req uisites. F o r u n d erg rad u ates th is m ean s one te rm of oil p ainting o r d ep a rtm en t approv­ refu sed to change th e h abits of a sh o rt lifetim e m erely bocause a lot of vo ters object to fox 800 E . KALAMAZOO ST. PHONE IV 4-1335 um ann, R o b erta P eters and Leontine P rice. Attend U.S. Universities On Security al. F o r g ra d u a te s a n A.B. w ith a m a jo r o r a m in o r in a r t hunting. H e w as also,r-for a tim e, with W A S H I N G T O N , L B -The is req u ired , B rau n e r said. M ore foreign students — 47,- received a n d processed m ore House T hu rsd ay p assed P re s i­ He p o in ted -o u t th a t visitors Cuban Exiles 245, .to be e x a c t — study in the United States th a n anyw here than 28jMQ ap p licatio n s from d en t K ennedy” s program , for a r e w elcom e to re g is te r on a j young m en an d wom en in 70 liberalizing Social Security pro­ non-credit -basis for periods of. countries, 6,000 m ore th an the visions affecting n ea rly 4*4 mil- one o r m o re w eeks, and th a t Cheer JFK else, according to th e la te s t edition of “ B asic F a c ts and total enrollm ent in MSU. j lioo-persons. th ese applications a re su b ject -4 The roll call vote w as 399-14. to app ro v al becau se of the F ig u re s,” annual publication MIAMI, F la ., (JV-Thousands of th e U nited N ations E d u ca­ The legislation now goes to th e lim ited studio a re a . B rau n e r sa id th a t applica-j of Cubans shouted “ Viva Ken­ n ed y !” T hursday, hailing the tional, Scientific an d C ultural O rganization (UNESCO). 2 Professors S enate. T he house firs t re je cted by tions fo r adm ission and ques­ p resid en t’s statem en t th a t the T he next biggest attra ctio n voice vote a proposed R epubli­ tions about course content a re j U nited States is read y to act is F ran c e w ith 17,456 foreign Give Veterinary can substitute th a t would have being handled by th e a r t . de- alone to protect itself in the students, follow ed^ by W est o m itte d one of th e m o st contro- . p- a rtm e n t, The period . ___- „of. study j face o f the C uban situation. G erm any w ith 15;115. Medicine Papers v ersial K ennedy proposals—o p - ! e,*\en^ j 1’’? .. U" until The exiles cheered fo r the MSU had 491 foreign students tinnal p arlv re tire m e n t for m tional ea rly re tire m en t for m en. en. i Ju ly 29 of th is >ear. president in a m ass dem onstra­ by th e end of w inter te rm , in­ Two U niversity professors a t low er pensions. tion outside a hotel w here the cluding C anadians, re p resen t­ will p re sen t pap ers on v eter­ Kennedy, u rging C ongress to secretary -g en eral of the O rgan­ ing 71 different nationalities. in ary m edicine a t a national a c t prom ptly on th e bill as a , ization of A m erican S tates w as This figure is about 600 less m eeting in St. Louis, Mo., this key p a rt of his econom ic aid 1 being honored a t a banquet. The D em onstrators a 1 s 0 th an the to tal alien enrollm ent in U niversity, of M ichigan’s week. p ro g ram , counts on ea rly re -j D r. R obert G'. Schirttier, a s ­ tirem en t by m en from 62 to 641 W IE N YOU 11 shouted “ Cuba si. K hrushchev approxim ately 1,100. no” and bore p lacard s th a t re a d “ Down with Com m unism ” and The re co rd shows th a t th ere h as been a steady increase in sociate professor of su rg ery y e a rs old a s one w ay to reliev e j and m edicine and d irecto r of high p ersisten t unem ploym ent, ! the Sm all Anim al Clinic, and econom ic distress- to a re a s o f ) GBADOATE “ Vivar K ennedy.” The OAS secretary-general, the num ber of foreigners in D r. W ade O. B rinker, professor T he e x tra Social Security j 1 the U niversity since th e end an d h ead of su rg ery an d m edi­ benefits provided by th e b i l l.! Ï0. ■ % D r. Jo se A. M ora of U ruguay, of World W ar II. The num ber cine, will p resen t th e ir pap ers estim ated a t 670 m illion for th e i w as honored as 1960 m an of the has been quadrupled w ithin 16 a t th e annual m eeting of th e first y e a r a t its operation, j y e a r by th e In teram eric an Alli­ y ears. A m erican A nim al H ospital would be financed b y a n in -1 an ce Inc., a local organization. H ow ever, th is increasing Assn. April 17 through 21 — cre a se of % of one p e r cent of j D em onstrators i n c l u d e d r a te is still little m o re th a n 2 I the Social Security ta x paid by whole fam ilies, elderly m en and p er cent of th e to ta l student em ployers a n d em ployes.- wom en, and children. population on cam pus. Asked w hat th e purpose of In re cen t y e a rs, th e Soviet Night Staff If th e Senate p asses th e bill, th e dem onstration w as, they Union is also com peting with this ta x would go up J a n . 1 to [ A ssistant News E ditor, Vic 314 p e r cen t .each on em ployer consistently replied it w as to the United States in this field, seek OAS help to rid Cuba of an d is luring poor an d needy R auch; C opy E ditors, Jim an d em ploye, com puted on t i i e j com m unism . _ students into various colleges D engate, Sally D errickson, firs t 64,800 annual earnings of Police estim ated the crow d and universities throughout the B randon Brown. each em ploye.. .1 a t 5,000 • 6,000. Soviet Union. L ast y e a r, F riendship Uni­ THE WOHLD NOWON DECKI...0UR GREATEST COLLECTION OF IS YOURS A stronom ers speculate th a t versity, now called L um um ba th e planets Ju p iter.' S aturn, U ranus, N eptune and P luto m ay consist largely of solid hydro­ U niversity opened its doors to Moscow. I t will tra in 4,000 stu­ dents fro m Asia, A frica and S il W9RTHY SIA6RS gen. They a re known a s the Jo v ian planets. L atin A m erica each y e a r. As to all o th er Soviet schools, M tk T M a id P ro v id e d you h av e th e training to qualify yourself T h e s k ip p e r o f fhia estab lish m en t h as a w o rth y c re w o f slack s in m an y fa b rics, co lo rs a n d styles. A goodly n u m b e r a re b lu e The te rre stria l planets in our tuition a t th e U niversity Is free a s th e b rin y a n d w asK nobly w ell. G e t y o u rse lf a catch o f th e m ! for a position in America’s so lar system resem b le one and students a re given m ain­ an o th er to stru ctu re and prob­ ten an ce scholarships, dorm i­ Milk e v e r - e x p a n d i n g fo re ig n ably to chem ical composition. to ry accom m odations, a n d tra d e They a r e E a rth , M ercury, Ve­ traveling expenses. & nus an d Mars. The result: The university Ice Cream T H E AMERICAN IN STITU TE FOR Dacron & Rayon Dacron & Cotton CASH & CARRY F O R E IG N TRADE JUDO - AKIDO - KARATE Phoenix, Arizona W ash n W ear $11.00 W ash ’n W ear Cords $9.00 The art, science and phflosuphy of jnde, akido, and \ nut i C an provide you —— karate win be explained and demonstrated to th fie V2 Gal. G rade A Homogenized this training Dacron & W orsted W ash ’n Wear- exhibitions scheduled as follows: - Cotton Cords $6.50 Sign up for an interview Tropicals $15.00 Judo — Fri. 6 and II p.m. _ ~ Akido — S a t 6 aad U p.m. C Karate — Saa. 8:66 and 16:66 p ja . A representative will ■ . ' «. 1 2 0 1 E. G rand River Cover charge — 75c stogie 81 per couple East Lansing visit the Director of the Gallery ’ 3 0 5 5 E. Mich. Ju st W est o f Sears Placement oa Monday, ftau Se ffle t April 24, at 6 a.m. CUSTOM SHOP 547 H E . G rand R iver LANSM6 FARM PRODUCTS GO. li ^ _ , • '„£2' 7\ f-,.'.'':-"'.- - ■ ' ; "V '' ' ' I ‘ , ' ‘■ - ' ^ M ichigan S u tc New», East Lansing, M ichigan _ S PO R T S Friday M orning, A pril 311, 1 9 6 1 0 Iowa, XÆ ÊL ers Wigers Trounce Cleveland, 1L4 CLEVELAND, covering. ' Michigan S t a t e opens its Stan Drobac figures Jo start the .Howland S, Motto 4 B ry an I II. B ryan 7 S Lacking the long ball hitters borne tennis schedule t h i s same line-up be used last Satur­ BEmmons ryan 1-2 (tie) 4 I t. Emmon* 3 2 last year, Kobs’s ’61 edition weekend, hosting Notre Dame day against Ohio State. Emm S 7. Emm 6 4 has used the home run weapon and Detroit on successive after It was Capt. Brian Eisner at B ryan 3 6. B ryan 4 3 ■ . ... the No. 1 singles position, fob Uncle Toma over Animala (forfeit) with great abandon. Hitting noons. B ather 4 13, R ather 3 12 only 11 last year, the Spartans Notre Dame arrives today lowed in order by sophomore B ather S 7. R ather < d - — TWO 5-WEEK SUMMER SESSIONS have already shattered that for a 2:30 p.m. match, and Sat­ Dick.Hall, senior Roger Pla- DAY A EVENING mark. Going into conference urday the Spartans play Detroit genhoef, junior Ron Henry, JUNI 34» to JULY 2Mi-lUtr 31st Is SIFT, lit play their total of U isindica- at 1:30 p.m. sophomore Jack Damson and junior Bill Lau. SPECIAL C. W. Post Callao# offars unexcelled facilities tive of their all around power. MSU, winner of its last four for a rich educational, cultural, recreational Iowa defeated Bradley 44) at outings, goes into the weekend Eisner and Hall play the No. Iowa City in its last outing. twin bill with a 6-2 won-lost 1 doubles spot, while the Pla- PURCHASE and social life. Superbly situated in a serene, rural setting an the historic North Shore of __ However, last year the Hawk- record ovhr-all. genhoef-Damson a n d Henry- Long Island, the traditional 126-acre campus is |ust one hpw front New York City's theatres, museum«, concerto and other nor cultural eyes finished In the cellar of the conference with a record Lau combinations play No. 2 Last week at Columbus, O., and No. 3 doubles, respectively. Oxford Cloth and recreational activities. of 3-8. the Sparthns opened their regu­ Damson currently holds the Nearby are famous beaches, sailing dubs* * rT When Minchigan State faces lar season campaign with a 9-0 best individual record on the _ Button Com summer stock theatres, parks. Coif courses, i On-campus facilities include a swimming pool, ridingIstaffed1 ••. \ Stable, I Minnesota it will be almost a victory over Ohio State. team, having won seven of i outdoor plays and concerts. - — complete change since last A year ago MSU split against eight matches. «. 3 Button - Plackot ACCELERATE YOUR DEGREE PROGRAM V * ' year. Gone from the defending Notre Dame and Detroit, shut COURSE OFFERINGS indudo undergraduate studies in Aril and I960 National Champions are ting out the Titans, 9-0, during Short Slews Sciences, Pre-Professional, Pre-Engineering, Business and Its catcher, double play com­ a 16-match winning streak and bination and centerfialder. Also losing to the Irish, 54, late in Golf Team Education. APPLY NOW,,, Admission open to high school graduates and , ~ missing from the squad are the season. — Reg, $ 3 .9 5 Value VISltlNG STUDENTS from other accredited colleges. JAMES GREEN five of the eight-man pitching staff. This week Spartan Coach Battles Only $2.95 r ~ Per aOUmenal information, summer bulletin and senilesttsn. phene MAyfalr S-J300 or mail coupon. _ * . outstanding track prospect. . . AAU C ontingent- Hillsdale D ire cto r o f S u m m e r School, C. W. Pe st C o lit e * — Buy and Save P . O . O reenvsle, L. I„ N. Y. ( At Columbus Faculty (Grid Leaves for Russia Michigan State’s promising W, , P le a se se n d m e the inform ation bulletin d e scrib in g C . W. Po st C o l i t i s 's su m m e r program . golf team, headed by Gene Len Kositchek’s □ Residence H oll Inform etion U Reservations NEW YORK, (tfv-The Ama­ Hunt, the Michigan amateur If v isitin g student, from w hich co lle ge r.................. , 7 , , , -'g 26 Thinclads Enter Holders of Facntty-Employee Football reservations for the teur Athletic Union basketball tram s left by air Thursday for champion last year, will en­ g ag e Hillsdale in an 18-hole match over the ■Forest Akers Varsity Shop 228 A bbott Rd. Neme ! ........................ A d d r e s s ...................................... ! ! their Russian tour after a de­ course tomorrow. E ast Lansing, Mich. City-—. . . ........................ ....7 ... Ststo -Ohio State Relays 1961 season win receive renew­ al application and authorization forms through the matt during the week of April 24-28. These lay due to disturbed conditions in Moscow. The Russian Federation of — The tee off will be at 9 a.m . Medal play will be followed. Hunt will play the No. 1 posi­ Phono r r r . . By JERRY ROBERTS ~ jump, and Bill Alcorn in the Sports, which had suggested tion for State on-the basis of State JNews Sports Writer pole vault. Akpata has already forms are to be re tam ed by his team leading 74.75 stroke May 12 together with remit­ the delay, this morning tele­ “They’re off and running!" jumped over 24 feet and Alcorn phoned Dan Ferris, honorary per round average thus far this M Cries such as this will be in holds a 13’8” vadlt mark both tance if the holder is to retain spring. The Flint youngster’s th e same or improved seating secretary of the AAU, asking the air tomorrow as Coach Dit- set inside.-Thus, chances are how soon the party of 31 could scores have been coming down trich and a victory-hungry excellent that these marks will location for the 1961 season. steadily. Complete information regard­ leave. -— - _ track squad travels down to he improved. The other Spartans will go in Ohio State to participate in the At any rate, these relays will ing renewal of these tickets will “ I said the teams could leave this order: Tad Schmidt 774.8 Ohio -State Relay«—-the first probably contain some of the be included with the renewal immediately!” Ferris said, average), Marty Kleva (75.25), meet of Spring. finest runners the Spartans will forms. “and I notified the state de­ Buddy Badger (76.75), Larry However, it will be a tooth- face all year. It looks like an The sale of the Faculty-Em- partment of our plans. The McMillan (76.9), C. A. Smith and-nail fight right down to the excellent beginning for a tough ployee tickets will open May players had been getting edgy (77.64) and Don Cochran (77- -wire for the fleet-footed Spar­ spring campaign for Coach Dit- 1st. Faculty and employees marking time at a hotel, and .71). tans. Powerhouses represent- trich and his squad. not hoMlag-reservations for the ware pleased to have the situ­ The eighth starter is in - ing such school as Indiana, Pur­ 1961 season m ast obtain author­ ation cleared up. doubt, said Coach John Brotz- due, University ot- Michigan, ization forms from their de­ The Russian Federation orig­ mann. ~ mimi% and Western Michigan just to partment hoods before applying inally had suggested the de­ name a few will be participat­ Baseball for tickets at the Athletic ticket office in Jenison Gymnasium. lay in departure after mobs had surrounded the United State now has a 4-2 won-lost mark in matches this spring. ing along with MSU. Twenty- The linksmen opened their six thinclads wiU make the journey for Miehigan State, Scores _ The price for 1961 wfll be 814.M per book with sales limited to States embassy in Moscow pro­ testing against any interven­ home action last Saturday with a whopping 16-2 win_ over usu­ p ii w. among which are a few of Dit- the employee and Ms or her tion in the Cuban uprising. ally strong Detroit. trich’s outstanding freshmen. „ (day games only) spouse. If betSFare employees American League of the university, the solo Is 'm m m SINCE THIS MEET is strict­ New York 7, Los Angeles S limited to one for each person, ly an individual effort, the Detroit 11, Cleveland 4 not two. stress upon victory will lie with Chicago 6, Washington 1 Complete information will ap­ each man. Therefore, keen National Lragae pear in the staff bulletin for competition could quite possibly San Francisco 2, Cincinnati 1 April 28. see quite a few records shat­ tered. Heading the Spartan ef­ forts will be a very powerful distance medley team made up The Brothers of McDonald) ppg&fKt 1 of Green, Humbarger, Ward, (h o d r iv e - in w ith t h e a r c h e s and Young. These boys figure to be an important element In State’s 1961 outdoor season and appear as favorites to come back to East Lansing Wijh a victory tomorrow. "a e it Strong optimism also pre­ vails for Sophomore Bill Mann Cordially Invite all greek* in the 120-yard high hurdles. Sonny Akpata in the broad to a ■¡■M g m m t¡¡¡^ SWIM SUITS BOXER OR STRETCH “Limbo” Contest ta s ty f o o d ...th r if ty a rlc s s MHIRNlP only $3.95 April 22,1961 Css Blsek East of Grapes Lett Kositchek’s 8 p.m . to 12 p.m . ehest Vanity Shop t 228 ABBOTT RD. E, LANSING 3 4 3 A lb ert,S treet 4708 8. Offer - 2128 8. Lsrek WiPs Friday M orning, April 2 1 , 1 9 6 1 Free Roses Upemng ot spacious iM Knapp’s Draws Crowd trl|l«al t l M f T o r t i Pacific LOS ANGELES. Ufr-Los An­ geles county jail Thursdays loi^ j its two b est known p riso n ers: | D r. R. B ern ard Finch and C ar­ ole Tregoff. Miss Tregoff left with te a rs j 1 in h er eyes, n e a r collapse. UNIV. SUMMERSESSION D r. F inch w as processed -so 6 CREDITS 63 DAYS S, *549 quickly new sm en didn’t even c a tc tr a glim pse of- his dep ar­ tu re. e ric * include*: S h ip outbound. The defendants w ere convict­ Jet return; c a m p u * dorm itory accom m odation*; beach d re ss­ ed, a fte r th ree trials, of the 1959 in g room and locker*; extensive m u rd er of the doctor’s wife, schedule of parties, dinners, en­ B a rb a ra , 36. They had' been tertainm ent. s o c ia l fu n c tio n s, sightseeing, sailing, peach activ­ prisoners a t the jail for m ore ities; all necessary tour services. th an a year. W a ik ik i h o te l-a p a r tm e n t a n d Miss Tregoff refused to an­ other transportation at adiusted sw er questions as she left. She rates. — m et each query with a sob and shake of h er head. E ach defendant was sen­ tenced to life im prisonment They won’t be considered fo r i possible parole until 1968. SAN FRANCISCO STATE COL Miss Tregoff, 24. was taken j SUMMER SESSION by a "sh e riff’s vehicle to the! State W om en's prison at Cor-1 6 CREDITS M DAYS:; *1892 new ona. Dr. Finch. 43, was driven to the California institution for m en at Chino, from where he! Five Pacific areas: Hawaii. Ja­ pan, F o rm o sa . M a n ila , H o n g m ay be tran sferred -to -an o ih er j Kong. Price includes: Poundtrip facility. B a h prisons arc in by sh ip and first d e s s services southern California. ashore-—be st hotels, ell meals, sightseeing, inland se a cruise, ell tips, full program of evening end special social events, p lu s all necessary tôür services. You It was wonderful of you to come and join us in our gala grand enioy the Orient by participation, not only by seein g it. i Continued from P age 1. opening of our new East Lansing store. You’re wonderful!. . . and ALSO s ta rt of the crisis h as he beeni heard on thc_£uban radio. TWO COMMUNIQUES osten-| we want to go on record g? saying so right now! It is Our V; . - \ ”'% \ v sibly signed by Fidel C astro | 82 DAYSonly*W32 have been broadcast, but both w ere read b y unidentified an­ 9 CREDITS sincerest wish that you will return again and again. But for nouncers. W ednesday’s state­ Hawaii program above com­ m ent claim ing the downing of bined and followed by 21 a North Am erican airc raft w as day Japan Study Tour. now, all we can say is...T hank you! signed by the m ilita ry com ­ m and and not the P rem ier. While speculation m puntcd j th a t C astro m ay bave been re ­ placed by either the arm ed forces or bis Com m unist allies, th e governm ent called for a HOWARD TOURS m ass rally at the U niversity of 570 GRAND AVE. H avana T hursday nigbt. Radio announcem ents of the rally did OAKLAND 10, CALIF not mention his nam e. :iX a jQ I| Meanwhile the reign of te rro r j continued in Cuba, F iring mwmm . squads in La C abana fortress in H avana cut down seven alleged terro rists, including H um berto Sori M arin, one-time C astro m ilitary aide and M inister of LANSING- 3 0 0 S. WASHINGTON EAST 1ANS1NG —2 3 0 M A C . AYE. A griculture.