I M P a « $ E 3 !$ F M i , ScrriaR MSU F o r 5 8 Years ' f 0 a i ; East 1- f x M fchigaa, Mooday M orning, A pril 2 4 , 1 9 6 1 6 Pages w n u u n M iii, 5 Cents ExlaUfahnl 1 9 0 9 Vol. S 3 , No. 1 8 DnbedMua or Real Thing? Si President De Gaulle C a s t r o 9sT V Speech Casts M a n y Doubts Faces" Another PARIS, (¿^ -P resid en t Chas. th e insurgents in Algeria. Ra- step required to put into effect De G aulle assu m ed all pow ers dio Albiers, controlled by th e ] th e em ergency law granting KEY WEST, P rim e Min-1 The second, and even g ra v e r, of governm ent Sunday night to a rm y , refused to c a rry the ad- him b ro a d powers. I t was th e ister F idel C astro, in a radio- m iscalculation-w as the belief deal w ith th e m utinous F ren ch d ress. ! first tim e ft h ad been invoked television appearance f r o m ; th at the rebel mvaMon would A rm y in A lgeria. His firs t o r­ “ B e f o r e the m isfortune j si*10* J** p w e r - i n 1958. H avana, w as heard Saturday ! touch off m ass anti-C astro up- d e r under th is absolute rule th reaten in g the fath erlan d and i j j g OUTLAWED the m en at in s ram bling speech which ^ risings on the island, banned all dem onstrations in before th e m enace to the re- j y,e head 0f th e arm y revolt by ro am ed fa r afield from the spe- o rd e r to keep th e uprising public,“ th e P resid en t said, “ I declaring th a t only those civil­ cific them e of the recent in­ from spreading to F ran ce. have decided to p u t article 16 ian and m ilitary m en legally vasion. M onitors could" not t e l l w h eth er the speech was live or Drive for In a nationw ide television ad ­ d re ss th a t w as sim ple, short and* d irect, D e G aulle w arned of the constitution into effect.” appointed to "posts in A lgeria P THIS ARTICLE gives Hie have any rig h t to assum e re- resid en t full control of gov­ sponsibiiities th ere. tap ed . The ca m e ra showed an th a t “ all m ean s, I re p e a t all audience but t h e applause sounded artificial, and fa r dif­ f é r a s from the wild cheers Blood Set m eans, a re to be u sed ” to put down th e revolt. ern m en t w ithout recourse to norm al legal procedures. R adio A lgiers in a b ro a d c a s t. v he “ The insurgents a re ta rin g to prevent said. them from doing it,” which norm ally greet the Cu­ b an le a d e r's appearances. AT TIM ES C astro spoke of For Today THIS COULD MEAN mill- J m ade shortly a fte r De Gaulle j Then he spoke the words ta ry action ag a in st th e m en spoke, claim ed th e m ilitary ] which m ade him a virtual dic­ who seized power in A lgiers be­ com m ander of Bone, in ea ste rn j tato r: “ in v asion'’ in the future tense, The annual ROTC Spring fore daw n Sunday in a des­ Algeria, had gone ov er to the I “ S tarting today I will tak e d eclaring C uba’s intention to Blood drive will begin today a t p e ra te m ove to fo restall nego­ insurgents. The b ro ad cast said j all m easures-w hich I will judge re sist “ aggression.” “ If an tiations betw een F ra n c e and Gen. Jea n -M an e G ouraud had 1necessary to cope with the situ­ a tta c k occurs, w e’ll re sist in a 10 a.m . and-jcontinue until 2 KOCH PRESS CONFERENCE—B r. Leo F. Koch tatted to aewsmen Saturday th e lead ersh ip of th e A lgerian aligned him self w ith Gen. M au- j ation. - S, m an n er superior to w hat they p.m . F rid ay , sponsored by the j afternoon in the State News office. The coafereace was catted in the aftermath N ationalist R ebellion. T h e rice Challe, in su rg en t leader. m ilitary re b els w ere th e sam e “ I CONFIRM m yself in the think we a re capable of " Cas- ~ j A rm y ROTC in cooperation with j of a statement by P reside* Jotas A. Haaaah a a i a reference to the visiting T here w as no w ay to con­ F ren c h and republican legality tro said. ~ the A m erican R ed Cross. m en who b ro ught de G aulle to firm th is claim since Algeria' professor by the Conservative ctob. (State News photo by A lt Wieland.) pow er th re e y e a rs ago in th e rem ain s c u t off from th e re s t wMch w as conferred upon m e C astro said such a defense The A rm y and Air F orce by th e nation an d w hich I w ill would cost Cuba dearly in hu­ ROTC"units w ilt again be com ­ hope, now sh attered , th a t he of th ejw o rld . would keep "A lgeria forever m aintain no m a tte r w hat h ap ­ m an Jives and property and he peting for top honors. The A rm y hoped an attack would not has won th e p a st two y ea rs. In ruote F ren ch . Since tak in g o v er rad io Al- pens until th e end of m y term , g iers th e in surgents h ave d e - j ( £ j ess l ^ t t e m eans to do com e. 1959 th e A rm y achieved a p e r­ De G aulle showed m assive clared th a t th e m ilitary com ­ it, o r th e life.” It w as - still early in the centage of 97] according to the speech when he w as saying all rep o rt of Jo n Schuster, th at th is when he re ferred only in y e a r’s chairm an. p assing to a defect of “ an in­ T he goal foF MSU has been j Hannah Tells Conference contem pt fo r th e m ilitary ju n ­ m an d er of O ran, seap o rt city ta. He d eclared it had im peril­ to th e w est, had also throw n ed the strid es F ra n c e h as m ade in his lot with th e m ilitary since 1958, and endangered his junta. T h e 70-year-old P resid en t h ad conferred throughout th e day with officials on th e n eces­ sary prelim inary steps for this d irect attack of the im perial­ set a t 2,000 pints, a sm all p er­ ists.” C astro is known for Ms centage of the annual am ount m any hours-long speeches, and netted. he m ight have been w arm ing That Values Are A Challenge plans to settle the six-year-old A lgerian M o s l e m rebellion. The m ilitary coup, he said. w a rtim e B rig ad ier G eneral’s D w as “ an odious and stupid a d - uniform , spoke in a calm , de­ E GAULLE, dressed in his action. up to his subject g ra d u a lly ^ “ TH E ONE- PIN T of blood The whole history of m an ti ad m iratio n for things of th e new inform ation, the n e w v en tu re” which “ cannot hilt | lib erate, but indeniably firm But his use of the conditional you give is im portant. It can . kind can ^ described in term s intellect, and perception of sldlls and the new insights they lead to a national d isa ste r.” (voice. His face w as stem but Erich Fromm tense caused wonder. __ I be used f o r f ig h tin g m easles, J 0£ contin u al s e a r c tr for tru th . b eau ty . H annah said. acquire in th e univ ersity ,” he He seem ed to be —acutely not ip-im and in an address “ A g g-r e s s i o n ,” he said, | P®**?; hepatitis-: com bating liv er I fQJ. v a iues< would m ean the beginning of j®0 ® kidney deceases; rem forc- know ledge,” P resid en t Jo h n A. for th e perfect “ IN A SECOND category of said. “ And finally, th e - —• responsibil­ tan t. E th a t tim e w as im por­ th a t took little m ore th an a v ery hour th e arm y nine m inutes he assum ed full, Will Lecture th e end because the only ones I i**S hem ophiliacs a a d other H annah said F rid ay night. ity to lead and d irec t society rebels rem a in in pow er gives suprem e authority over th e who a re 'p la y in g a t w ar a n d jty p e ? of bleeders and fo r the responsibility w e would place H annah discussed “ Values: the obligation to b u ttress and as a whole in testin g its values them fu rth e r opportunity to G rench governm ent. by discovering new m ethods entrench them selves. But his ! H i s television app earan ce Tomorrow K ? i r e t b ^ t o iSfpSlaU j acridentsyand illness, according | a T t h e ^ e ^ t ? s h a k e r ! ^ ° rt ® ?er ° f ^ , and n e w p ro c ed u re s m ore speech failed to reach m ost of w as the final constitutional. One of the world’s outstand- I to D r. Joseph H. Vem er. of the j Big Ten R ^sidencV U all j « e ty . such a s th e hom e and valid and useful th a n those em ­ ” ’ ing psychologists and psycho- K CASTRO SAID Mexico, Bra- j R ed Cross, ! C o n feren ce 'at Kellogg ce n te r. ! church in p reserv in g a n d ployed for th e sam e purpose T T t f f *. ¿nf* i n . i» ^ an alysts, JErich F ro m m , a pro- zil and “ othar dem ocratic La- j “ ls actually a painless and “ Our responsibility a s x iti- j tra n sm ittin g th e valu es for in th e p a s t,” H an n ah *said. tin A m erican countries” sided h arm less process and will take zens of to d ay ’s w orld is to p u s h ; w hich they h ave a p rim a ry re- D iscussing h i g h e r educa­ Humphrey Hits at Middle ag ain st th e U nited S tates in th e only one h alf hour of your tim e, forw ard w ith th e se a rc h with sponsibittty,’ fee-said, Cuban situation. F rid ay B razil Joined with J*» - «**» . . aallllo uour r' stren streng th g th and genco in hope th a t we m ay and intelli- in telh -j - A th ird responsibility is to ues tion1 , Hamahraid: val The Ro3ul’ Foreign Policy Hail auditorium a t 7:30 p .m . 2*«»? A rgentina in a pledge to op- ] sed by the R ed Cross, typed and feaye the “£ l d a ,ittle b etter teac h stu d en ts how to te s t fa ir­ “ IT WORRIES college p res­ By SAM MARTINO pojiey in Cuba. He said th a t the i tom orrow . pose g r o w in g Com m unist pene- shipped to hospitals m this re - h f d it „ h id idents. . .to see h ig h er educa­ State N ews S taff W riter ! Cuban people w ant a revolution D r. F ro m m will also be on ly an d im personally values in­ {ration of the hem isphere. g‘on. The hospitals in tu rn , re- j uum tion slipping in ta o scale of ANN A R B O R -S e n a to r H u - 1 ° btaj n th e irfre e d o m and th e cam pus to lead a sem in ar for C astro heaped scorn on th e i distribute the_blood, free ofj “ THE REALIZATION th a t h erited from th e -p a st with the A m erican values—and this i s . . . . . ... _ . IT: U.S.,s ndespite o c n tfn m m uuch c h criticism p r itin tc m , g ffp raftn d unate ato students c tn n n n tc inin W4 Vi*BUII. psychol. U.S. C entral Intelligence Agen-1 charge, to those in need ; we cannot perfect a set of val- : not a n idle statem en t—higher b ert H um phrey, D*Mmnesota, wilF continue to identify itself ogy. He will ask th e question, cy, saying th a t now. before the j The only ch arg e m ade for Ues in our college y e a rs or ! education h as slipped quite asked 1,000 sp ectato rs here with people who w ant freedom .. ’ ’W here should higher educa­ I perceptibly in th e p ast dec- S aturday if th e U nited States ridicule of the world, it w as jthe blood is a m inor one for the j even in our lifetim es should by- seeking clem ency for captured c o s t of the transfusion. | no m eans discourage us 'fro m University I ad e.” _ should continue a middle-of-thc ner, K irk, in a m uch m ilder m an ­ tion aifn ?” . This topic will con­ alth o u g tm o t taking d irec t­ cern th e learn in g process and “ M any of o ur p riv ate insti- -road attitu d e on foreign policy ly about Cuba, said evolution stress objectivity, rationality, should hove - t o d . " g f f in Professors j tutions a re d esp erately h a rd put to find funds with which to being o r suffer run-down th e consequence of w as th e an sw er to the problem open-m indedness, and scientific clem ency fo rd h e cliUdren who V lr s f s S e “ s ^ M S l l a ™ : bU1,ie5 o t higl,cr es. had any real solution to a m em b er of th e W Waashington Second, students can receive w hich -might be term e d custo­ I icy tow ards Asia. A frica, and Some of his re m a rk s sound­ free "Flood anyw here, -even on dial in nature. W ithin th is j cuss ion a t th e m eeting of th e | H annah said. I L atin A m erica, answ ered the the land, social, ami political ! P sychonalytic Association and ed as if they could have been A ssociation of A m erican Uni- “ T here is som ething wrong I Senator w ith applause desig­ reform . — :the A m erican Anthropological the vacation, by contacting the Ing- categ o ry we would group th e j v ersity P ro fesso rs. T u e sd a y a t w ith o ur n ational system of bom bing of a ir passes in C u b a ! ^ c o u n t y center. Third, all values com m only recognized j n ating ap p aren tly m ore dtfin- "“ Revolution is ag ain st West- Association. He is also a fellow 7:30 p.m in P a rlo r A of th e j values when we a re willfiig-to ite action on U.S. foreign ! ernization. The em erging na- of th e New York A cadem y of la s t S aturday, o i even to w hat ¡b>°°d R e i v e d will be record- a s being within the special I Union. — | brorrow billions to build ex- policy. C astro h a s called “ economic — « ¡ J e d so th at you o r your fam ily province of higher education,” | tions a re n ’t concerned with the ¡Sciences and the W illiam Alan- can receive blood free in case T he pan el w ill include: p 1p re ss highw ays, an d quibble H um phrey was speaking on j slogan of the W est,” he said j son W hite In stitu te of Psych- aggression ” by t h e United H annah said. about m illions for classroom s npro m gira m with R ussell—-— K irk,,, \ “ POLITICS C A N T ,be. tra.n s - jia tr,y , P sychoanalysis and Psy* of Tneed. . . .. . . . . | These would include academ - v o s tP a u l A. M iller: H e rb ert A. a ram ___ ________— . , S tates, an d lab o ra to ries,” he said. ■editor of M odern Age, a c a n - ¡Planted to other countries, but'p h o lo g y . HE SAID, apparently - r e f e r ­ Living units will donate blood ic freedom , .integrity of schol- W eism ger, professor of E ng- iuw w — ------- rin g to th e U nited States, th a t J? a ,r *c? . capture, one of the arship, spirit of free inquiry, [lieshj Elizabeth Drews, assoc-1 T H E R E IS som ething seri- serv ativ e re v ie w .. 8r0'v oot of the cu ltu re- • ‘L « ' aggression w as prom pted “ by : ^1Yet P,ble?. ,a l.w b^. aw ar(i‘ dedication to the pursu it of iale p ro fesso r of education; and ously w ro n g w ith o ur scale of TH E HARD-HITTING ddirec- ire c -!,said. I M an for H im self, E scape its fascistic actions and by its ®d i° r the first tim e this y ear, no m a tte r w here it leads. [ ^ r - S am uel Shapiro, a ssistan t i values when we p reten d th a t Ilive of Senator H um phrey’s ] K irk and H um phrey both j from F reedom , and ‘The A rt. econom ic system which fo rc e s ], C am p b ells Suburban Shop 1 *— fesso r off history a t MSUO. 1j th e richest country in th e world ' brought m any students to q u e s -; agreed th at the United S ta tes]o f Loving” nm ong others he pro*------ th em to . . .provoke a series of Irving W. Knoblock, profes- ] cannot afford to support edu- 1tion him about our foreign p o l-1should not attem p t tp frana- j h as authore d and th re a ts of w ar in order to r of botany and p lan t patholo- catio n a t ev ery level, from the icy in Cuba. j the A m eiican im age to The m ain tain its econom ic situation is p resid en t o f th e MSU | kin d erg arten through th e g ra d -; H um phrey said th a t t h e r e em erging nations in Africa and Honors College, is open to the ^— - — - w hich is based on w ar _eeono-1 a p te r of th e AAUP. 1u ate school.” he added. was no lo n g er_ an y hands-off Asia. ______ public free of ch arg e. m y .” _ T h e m ore he talked, —the m .» - m m m ore C astro ’s speech had the sound of bits and pieces of previous speeches, including his re cen t l o n g economic Leo Koch Arouses Controversies 011 Lecture Tour By MARY BASING relatio n s for those sufficiently pendence and love. neurosis and psychosis arc from public exam ination. If s p e e c h .. clearly ap p a re n t.” we w ere to force it into the He dw elt a t length on C uba’s S tate News Staff Writer -m ature to* en g ag e in them with­ 2. W hereas body. - centered out violating th eir own ethic Sex is positively correlated KOCH R E F E R R E D to the open; if we could but discuss economy, which he said w as i based on a single .product, sug-1 D r. L#t> Koch wound up a a n d 'm o ra l codes. with such undesirable values Kinsey rep o rts on the Hum an it publicly, t h i s continual >ntrover sial tw o-day stay on source of corruption, b o t h a r. ■ tm pus w ith a new conference Speaking to cap acity crowds as guilt feelings, prostitution, F em ale. 1953. That th ere is no physical and m oral, would not on cam p u s T hu rsd ay and F ri­ u n w a n t e d - p r e g n a n c y , and justification for the double , M eanwhile, in W ashington ] itu rd a v in w hich he answ ered standerd biologically. H e said I survive th e 20th C en tu ry /] ad m inistration leaders f r o m ! day, Koch gave Ms last le c - ; w orst of all, ra p e ,” Koch said r te C onservative clu b 's ch arg - HOWEVER, of alf the m oral th at B ertran d R ussell's s ta te -! Koch predicted, Kennedy on down w ere clearly tu re F rid ay night in 31 Union .- i th a t h e w as a free love ad- codes concerning sex, he said meiii is “ probably closest t o ; R eactions from the audience dism ayed by the m ajo r intelli­ O v er 300 people filled the the tru th th at the ancient origin j w ere both favorable and un- scate. th at th e double stan d ard of gence e rro rs which kept the i P re sid e n t H annah issued a ch airs, sat on the floor and be­ m orality least correlates_w ith ot th e m ale-fem ale double favorable, usually interesting United States from vetoing the ¡atem ent at 5 p.m . F rid a y dis- hind Koch a t th e front of the d esirab le values, and highest stan d ard of m o rality reflects and occasionally indifferent. ill-fated C uban landing which isociating th e u n iversity from room , and stood about 12-deep with undesirable ones. nothing m ore than th é g re a te r At all four of his lectures, w as so quickly and easily oeh a n d his view s. T he com- in th e doorw ays to listen to his two T hursday and two F rid a y ,- sm ashed by the forces of i “ Without question, m uch of strength of m ale m uscles over . lete te x t of H an n ah ’s ta lk “ Our Changing Sexual people w ere com ing a n d going P rim e M inister F idel C astro. ! th e confusion, delusion and il­ fem ale m uscles.” m e a t is on p ag e 2. M ores.” T his s ta n d a rd holds the es­ during J h e lectures. K o c h FIRST OF these w as a gross the Coral Gables, F lash Clean-: ~--------:----------------- r — ------- lusion about sex in our society K och-said S atu rd ay to new s­ This speech lasted from 8 t o ! sence of the second aspect of spoke about an hour a t each underestim ation of the com- j ers, Lathrop P u re Oil and Van] r v n . . com es directly from th is dual m en from th e M ichigan Daily, about 9:30 p.m . w ith the fol­ set of duplicates wMch c h a r­ our sexual m ores in wMch lectu re and th en opened the petence of the C astro troops. D ervoorts Sport Shop have con- ] H y e r * O e i 11 1 C 11 tributed to this years drive. ^ ~v th e A ssociated P re s s and th e lowing discussion and ques­ acterizes th e sexual m ores of duplicity abounds, Koch said. floor for discussion. ] They h a v e donated the funds I D 3 C K O i l U l I l i p U S S tate Jo u rn a l, th a t H annah a p ­ tions lastin g until 11:45 p .m ._ w estern cu ltu re and probably “ It is sum m ed u p in th e WHAT IS THE purpose of Executive ¡which have been used for the p aren tly believes ‘in academ ic EXPLAINING th a t he did finds its m ost d eg en erate e x - ! pithy p h rase: Do as I say and sex, he w as asked. — A nswering a s a biologist, purchae of the five x 12 ■inch i R ichard D yer-B ennett. well . freedom b u t does, n o t p ractice | not advocate fre e love but pression in the United S ta te s /] n o t a s I do. . w hereas in pub- it.~ lie o u r official code of m orali health, and as a hum anist, en­ Speaking Tonight plaques. j known folk singer, will sing THESE PLAQUES wife b e !p la y th e g u itar, and talk in- “ p erm issiveness “ I H OPE th a t univa*sity tio n ,” Koch (pronounced Cook) j y i t h affec­ Koch said. “ The ph rase, ’double-stand­ ty is 6exual ab stin en ce except joym ent, Koch said. -aid F rid ay night th a t p er­ a rd ,’ is used widely to desig- in m arriag e, the facts of life as If you a re not satisfied in R Conrad, Cooper,executive aw arded a t the end of th e blood I form ally w ith students today presid en ts m ight realize th a t _ _____ ithout affection nate the belief that male prom- revealed by scientists a re quite m arria g e with sex should you vice president of personnel ser- j drive to th e living units, in | an d tom orrow m ornings from I th e fu tu re secu rity a n d grow th m issiveness w dlffers in allowing sexual rela- j iscuity, by some hocus pocus,- differen t.” go outside of m arria g e, Koch vices fo r U nited States Steel th eir re s p e c tiv e groups._which 10 to 12 in p arlo r A of the Union. of any democratic so ciety de- If th e w eath er is nice. B ennett ] p ead s p rim a rily an the tatellec- tions for both sexes without js somehow morally superior KOCH SAID th a t th e la s t w as asked. will speak on “ Collective B a r-‘first donate a 100 percent, H e said h e would not recom ­ ganing in the S ixties" tonight! The five com peting groups will m eet w ith students a t j tu a l honesty and integrity of ethical emphasis. to female promiscuity. stronghold of chu rch authority “The social significance of “Any fool can see that the in m odern society is sex. m end th is but ra th e r ratio n al in the Kellogg C enter auditor- a r e :, fratern ities, sororities, B eaum ont tow er. its leaders especially the lead- woman in our society are get­ “ The double stan d ard of steps in education and counsel- him at 8 p.m . I m en’s dorm s, w om en’s dorm s M onday afternoon he will I or* of its educational institu- the distiphtian between person- Topics of discussion will in­ and co-ops and professional talk to g ra d u ate students of th e ] tions.'” ' Koch said. centered a n d body-centered ting a row deal; we are dis­ m orality for m ale and fem ale! ing th a t would lead to m ore clude the possibility of an in­ fratern ities. Professional fra t­ English dep artm en t in th e Li-; Koch is an ex-assistant pro- tex lies in: criminating against them even will not stand- scrutiny either understanding, cooperation and flation under the American col­ ernities have been placed with b ra ry . T uesday he will be in j lessor of hiotagy who. m s fired lr-The positive correlation of lore drastically than we are from a religious or a scientific happiness betw een those in­ person-centered sex with such against racial minorities,” he perspective. volved. *- lective bargaining system and co-ops this y e a r as they a re no the student lounge of th e M usic i from the University of Illinois “ I t re m a in s p opular p rim ari­ MANY O F -T H E questions whether or not a major steel ¡longer members of the Inner building from 3:30 until 5 00] for writing n letter discussing desirable values as pleamire, said. See KOCH Pago S strike is likely next year. Fraternity council. Lp.m . a n d advocating pre-marital sex security, respectability, inde- “ And the results in terms of ly becau se it rem ain s hidden ‘ mm m l is I • ..jjV IWÍf¿( H Shite N g w t K m CteM Í»f^lfinKlgCT ~t t i l H W H f AW« M w flq r M orning, A pril 2 4 , 1 9 6 1 ‘ /_ ^ ’ ' T ^ -- - ;V'"í'2á®’" '^ '.^3 .... 1 Give a Pint; It Really Doesn’t Hurt *** ; “If* So Goad To Get Away Front The World Like This” Hannah: T he a n m a l spring term blood drive spon­ sored by th e A rm y ROTC will begin today. T he Red C ross is handHng Hie drive. The blood th ey receive will be shipped to hospi­ Leo Koch's Views T h e sponsors have s e t th e ir goal a t 2,000 ta ls in th e Ingham C ounty a rm , and will be p in ts, h o t secretly asp ire to top th e 2,040 p in ts donated by Jackson Prison, available to needy persons and to students free o f charge .__ Show Bad Taste T he site o f donations will be D em onstra­ We encourage stu d en ts and faculty m em­ The following statem ent was released by tio n B all, which ia th e p a st has proved to be bers to tu rn o u t en m asse fo r th is Mood drive, th e f a s te s t and m ost efficient {dace fo r a and give a p in t and a h a lf hour of tim e to a President John A. Hannah at 5 p.m. Friday drive. In fa c t th e slogan o f th is term 's drive w o rth y cause. in regard te the visit of Dr. Leo Coch to MSU. is "Give a P in t o f Blood and a H alf H our of Don’t fo rg et, you will g et fre e doughnuts Tim e.” and coffee too. Among th e responsibilities entrusted to a university by society Is th a t of defending More Light on the Birch Society certain values, am ong them academic free­ dom and freedom of speech. Tradition and practices have gradually defined th e areas S ta te Sen. I^ n m O. F r e d s (R-Midland) draw n w idespread criticism fo r his claims w ithin which th e y m ay and should be exer­ disclosed S atu rd ay n ig h t over WNEM-TV th a t m any well known fig u res have Comma*, cised. th a t h e Is a m em ber o f th e controversial n is t affiliations. One of those he excuses Jo h n B irch society. wan fo rm er P resid en t Eisenhower. B u t a university has a responsibility to T he Republican floor leader also m ade th e I f Welch w ere only a single citizen profes­ preserve th e values o f society as well, and s ta te m e n t th a t th e re are a "dozen groups" sing his own views, he could be disregarded among these is th e r i g h t o f a society to de­ affiliated w ith th e society in Midland and as a crackpot. U n fortunately, he is th e head fend itself. '___ th a t "h a lf th e women in Midland belong." of w hat appears to be a large and pow erful W e a re confronted w ith a different situ­ I t comes a s no g re a t surprize th a t th e organization. ation, presented by th e appearance on this Jo h n B irch society is active in Michigan. Evidently, nobody knows exactly how U rge cam pus of Dr. Leo Koch a t th e invitation of However, i t is su rp risin g th a t th e organiza­ th e society is, b u t it is becoming ap p aren t th e T eachers Union and th re e student tion has such a stronghold'in one p articu lar th a t we find o u t before th e John B irch sm ear groups. area. cam paign does even m ore serious dam age to T he society’s president, R obert Welch, has th e rep utation of innocent citizens. In his addresses, he has reportedly a t­ tacked present-day m ethods and procedures Michigan Daily’s Pettiness Surprising in h ig h er education, and th is he is fre e to do, even though tre”iS ''p o t recognized as an a u th o rity on th e subject. P ress rep o rts are T he following editorial w as printed in th e from placing all these in one building except th a t in T hu rsd ay 's lecture, he w ent beyond Michigan Daily April 12. We are am azed th a t th e questionable one of keeping th e students th is area, however, attacked th e m oral stan ­ a university paper o f a supposedly "high in­ ■farther aw ay from th e rem ainder of th e cam ­ d ards held by a g re a t m ajo rity of th e A m eri­ tellectual level" could lo w er itself to such pus, th e tow n, and th e world th a n a t present. can people, and ridiculed th e concept of the p e tty criticism . N aturally, th is purpose will hardly be acieved san ctity o f m arriag e and th e in teg rity of OVERPROTECTED unless th e dorm is co-educational, and th is m ig h t be of considerable benefit. th e home. M ichigan S ta te U niversity's new closed- system dorm itory, planned to include class­ Of course, (on th e b en efit side?) stu d en ts T he preservation o f o u r social system and rooms and faculty q u arte rs in addition to th e won’t have/hs m uch chance o f being exposed our form o f governm ent depends to a great usual stu d en t living facilities seems to be go­ to th a t dangerous Com m unist propaganda degree on th e in te g rity o f th e fam ily and th e ing a little fo r w ith protecting th e stu d en t which m ig h t w arp and tw ist th e ir little san ctity o f th e m arriag e vow. A ny attack from th e world. minds. - ~ upon them is an attack ag ain st one of the T here would seem to be no benefit derived — ROBERT FA R R ELL stro n g est bulw arks o f our social system . W hile M ichigan S tate U niversity cannot Readers Protest and D efend H U A Le o K o ch reasonably be held responsible, fo r w hat every speaker on its cam pus may say, in th is instance it m u st specifically disavow D r. the effect that his organization K och’s com m ents and disassociate itself from utes to get to a class on a 19 it seems that rather than say 2. Fraternities have actively .would be crucial victories^ in 5 Point Plan minute break. Again, may I abolish it they would say RE­ demonstrated their readiness to the cold war, our state govern­ was being “picked on." _ his point of view. - say I love a beautiful, unmar­ FORM it. eliminate the discriminatory ment has decided not to give Mr. Lady then referred to the To the Editor: T he U niversity considers such views to red campus. But who can ' Of course this would hardlv clauses by actively working us the funds we request. appearance of Dr. Leo Koch On the subject of “cowpaths " rightfully blame students for with student government - It is a pathetic situation. upon our campus and asked, be repugnant, in bad ta ste , and inimical to be the plea o f the first two A university devoted to the un­ taking short cuts over the Ann Brainard "Why is this free-love advocate th e b est in terests of th e society i t serves. derstanding of mans phys'cal groups (Communists), Natural­ 3. The deadline of January, lawns in an effort to get to ly they want the HUAC com­ 1963 was not a concession. to A A A permitted to be brought to the surroundings might, on ocra- class on time? - pletely done away with. But campus, and how much money sum. devote some time to the fraternities, but rather the I’ve heard it said that the to those in the ultra-American feeling of a majority of con­ Protect Rights is involved in bringing him understanding of man as a psychological and emotional university puts out hundreds of dollars per y ear on reseeding. group (who advocate abolish­ ing an organization which is gress to be a fair date. To the Editor: here?” Speaking for my own organ­ Raise in Tuition Will being. In the search for truth 4. Fraternity representatives we might usefully ask rnr- selves: why do people desert It really doesn't seein as though the beauty of o u r campus fighting communism for us) Why don’t you change to a did act filibuster a t the meet­ Shea, ing. The so called fillibuster- the sidehas Our new columnist. Jack ization, Phi E ta Sigma, we placed himself on pledged $50 for Dr. Koch’s Bring Economic Elite would be terribly damaged if position of reforming the prac­ ' ing resulted in two dorm rep­ "evil”, or so he wrote of "good" and against -speaking appearance Thursday civilized concrete patbwavs to -some of that money were to be in his night. These speaking fees aie By ERIC M. FILSON ~ trod upon the virgin beauty oi tices yon consider un-Ameri­ resentatives feeling that the Stoto Newt Staff Writer cultured lawns? used to make gravel o r cinder can rather than abolishing the bill was discriminatory in it­ couraging to know that is column on April 14. It en­ at present Dr. Koch’s only some­ paths out of some of the most HUAC. self. source of-livelihood. You will Might we consider the "cow- frequently (and understand­ — _ Dan Murphy one is so sure which side is notice, Mr. Lady, that I didn't Since the Legislature refused the realistic de­ path" as contributing evidence It is the considered opinion which. ably) used paths. of the following AUGS repre­ mention any money spent in mands of MSU’s budget for nextyear, only one to the theory that “the shortest To m ake perm anent walks If one is a thinking democrat,' advertising. There was none. -distance between two points is sentatives that the .student solution is really apparent MSU must for the of these would save a lot of body at large should konw what and 1 use the term in a non­ But where did we get this a straight line." If we can ac­ first time stifle an increase in enrollment. At­ cept this theory, m ight we then money and worir-for the m ain­ tenance d ep artm en t in the long Responsibility really happened at Wednes­ partisan sense, then one must 950? We have a membership of tempting to accomodate 4.100 more students on show evidence o f our learning day’s congress meeting. We realize the necessity of pro­ 80, and our initiation fee. is 914. a budget increase of only 9205:384 would be very run. To the Editor: were there and ought to know. tecting, not supporting, all mi­ Surely you are capable of sim­ by paving these eow paths? Del Ragnick norities against- the tyranny of ple multiplication, Mr. Lady? detrimental to MSU’s growing status and rank­ If our concern is with the It seems that some students ■ w tm u ttm , _ A A A feel that since the university - — Tom BU**n the majority. Only in this way ing among institutions of higher learning. loss of the green color which Jim Gibson Now to take your first ques­ JPerbaps now would be a good time to consoli­ is here for their "convenience" MarrieS H nuitnf can our system remain truly tion. Since when is it necessary g r a s s sometimes provides, date and further raise entrance requirement might we then usé green con­ Reform IIVAC this gives them the right to do K ea H u m fratern ities p ic k W inters democratic and free. for a Ph. D. to be permitted to screening. It is unfortunate that MSU mustxlose crete. whatever they wish to. univer­ Lanstnc Behind the argument against speak to a college audience on the door of advanced education more and more Consider the results of this To the Editor: sity property. As a citizen of. Mark R. G raves — "Operation Abolition" and HU­ "Intellectual and Academic Of those who advocate aboli- this state the highways are for Bryan so that only an elite high school group can be action r AC is not support for the Com­ Freedom” or "The Student as admitted. But MSU has this choice or that of 1. We would, prove th at m an -tion of the-House Un-American my convenience. This does not ★ "A A munist cause, h u t the protec­ Prisoner"? raising tuition. can profit from the evidence Activities Committee there are give me the right to dig a hole tion of minority rights which Another tuition hike after the 924 hike of_ last Communists, Communist in­ in the middle of any street r the film, by its admitted disor- Was this not what Dr. Koch before him . 2. We would elim inate the fluenced and true America ns.- choose. _ Show Film tions fails to protect. lectured on Thursday, the day you made, your charges? But year serves only one purpose: that of stratify­ ing economic classes in our society. Supposedly problem of “ eow paths," m ore This is concerned only with As students we not only have The phrase used by Mr. Shea, you say you weren’t at these the University was founded to provide educa­ the third group — those who rights, but also responsibilities. Te the Editor: properly “ m en p ath s." claim to be solidly patriotic. One of these responsibilities is ~Mr. Shea, I read your "Point "undemocratic demonstration," .speeches. Perhaps thats just tion for_the "industrial and agricultural classes" 3. We could expedMe ped­ . As a whole, the appeal used to the people of Michigan who of View" article in Friday’* has the same conotation as “un- as well, for you might have so that opportunitjrwould be somewhat equaliz­ estrian traffic by this group (and also the pay large sums of money in State News. Your observations American activities," both are been "picked on." ed. Continuing tuition increases takes MSU fur­ 4. The w orld would becam e first two) is to bring-put how taxes, that we may attend on those who object to the film exteremely ambiguous terms Lastly, Mr. Lady^you called ther and further from one of her founding prin­ ciples. 4 “ _ m ore civilized because of the they think it is un-American MSU. P art of this money goes "Operation Abolition" are very which can be used by a major­ Dr. Koch a free-love advocate. addition of so m any yards of to back an organization which to support a large grounds de­ reasonable. I, too, hope the ity to attack both real subver- Thus I assume you read the Let us hope, Dr. Hannah, that those who call co ncrete pathways. is working to protect Ameri­ partment whose function it is film gets a lot more exposure. sivies with and any other minority which they have, a dis­ letter he wrote, as well as the you an "Emptfe Builder" will not be justified in their claims. They will be if you allow such an 5. I could keep mud off my Daaiel Morphy letter by the two Illini students feet as I traverse the campus ca. They take this stand be­ to keep this a beautiful campus agreement. increase in enrolment without -corresponding cause they believe the methods of which the people of Michi­ which prompted his reply. If appropriations. in inclement weather. Whether the power to judge not, sir, I suggest.you begin to O liver Osborne. which are sometimes used by gan can be.proud. As we hurry what is "un-American” should think over whether you are Why? Because MSU «111 be striving for size Assistant Professor the HUACr at times, injured between classes let us remem­ be given to a Congressional guilty of slander. Better yet, alone and following that old American miscon­ School of Norsing innocent people’s reputations. “ The idea that tne HI'AC, ber our responsibilities as well as our rights. Russian Victory o/ Committee, or should rest in Mr. Lady, why not look up the ception that quantity is quality. The quality of the education and progress as future alumni is A A A FBI and Federal government some other body more compe­ state statutes on "liabel." Beth Kerman To the Editor: tent to protect minority rights more important than a public image of MSU as Bad are infallible is unrealistic " To ♦ * ♦ A-Russian is the first man is the real question. . John M. Smokevltch President, Phi Eta Sigma the largest school in the country. quote from Monday’s State up in space; he goes-up and To the E titir : News. That is true. The courts It is the responsibility comes down safely in a-R us­ "ultra-liber/ds," and I hope this of the I join the chorus who love also have made mistakes and li e Were There sian ship designed by Russian includes many of us, to protect — A A A to hear the bells of Beaumont on Sunday. However, the li­ the polite at times have used more brutal methods, but I To the Editor: scientists. Here is yet another each other against tyranny victory for the USSR in a ma­ from tha right as well as from Thank You Lucy Falls on -Stage brary opens at 2 p.m. And the don’t think abolishing ‘ the In reference to Robert Henc- jor cold war battle. Beaumont serendate starts at courts and police force is the. ken's letter of Friday, April the left, for in either case the To the Editor: NEW YORK, Ufi—Lucjlle Ball fainted and fell I Again, as in tiw case oTSput- individual and minority rights the floor last night at the beginning of the secos 2 p.m. Wouldn’t it be feasablo answer. 21. we would like to state that nik I three years ago, the of each of us will be stamped ■ I wish to publicly thank to reschedule the bells for Neither do I think abolishing the letter contained the follow­ act of her hit musical "Wildcat." American people-, are asking out with a stamp reading "un- those who placed time and ef- A spokesman for the show said the comedienr something like 115 to 2 :00? the HUAC is the answer. If the ing gross inaccuracies: themselves . . . Why? One other thing. Since the true American advocates of - 1. Student government is cap- American" or "anti-revolution- fort into my campaign for the will be back tomorrow night in the show, wbic Here is a country sitting on try. Of — V Presidency of All - University has no Sunday performanc, campus is so spread out. it ’abolition of the HUAC are as able of tricing action in the its haunches among a rairiad Student Government. In any sometimes takes IS to 20 min­ truly American as They claim, area of discrimination. ~ is there really a difference? Doctors said Miss Ball, who has an extreme! of wealth, natural resources, Gordon K. Zenk campaign-effort a great deal active role in the musical, collapsed from fatigu television sets, chrome-cover­ Graduate -Student of initiative and work is re­ and the affects of a viral infection which hi ed cars, contact lenses and all quired. 1 deeply appreciate plagued her for months. M ichigan S tate N ew s the other "necessities’* of life. It is an trank situation to say the le a st A-' A A Guilty o f Libel and thank all my supporters for the many hours they put in. Published by the students of Michigan State University . Issued on Now, once again, we shall be I offer my sincerest congrat­ ulations to Larry Campbell Night Staff Class day* Monday through Friday, during the fall, winter and spring swamped with articles by wor- To the Editor: - and humbly urge not only my Night newt editor, Bill Doerner; assistant news quarters. Issued weekly during the summer term. Second class poct- ried Americans debating our In Thursday’s State News, supporters hut the campus as a f t natd at E ast Lansine. M ichigan editin’, Joe Harris; copy editor, Bob Chamber­ educational system and advo­ Karl Lady, president of the well to back him and AUSG this lain; assistant copy editors, Diana Zykofsky, Nan Editorial aad business offices at 341 Student Services building, cating young scientists to take campus Conservative Club, year in the projects they pur­ Michigan Slate University. East Lansing, Michigan. Langlin, Lois Goode, Eric Filson. up their books and slide rules made »public announcement to sue. Mau subscriptions payable in advance for one term, 93; for two and fight back. terms. 94; three terms, 95 •— It seems inconceiveable at Member of the Associated Press, Inland Daily Press Association this time when education will and the Associated College press. SHE 1 5 K G tm S 7 0 H i T , t i £ again 1m in tha spotlight, that U Ï T H ALARMS PREQÜEHCV! _ Editor-inOdef—5w aim Price Sports Editor_____ Ben Buri» the Michigan legislator* could Managing Editar .Sharon Coady Feature Editor’.....Jess Maxwell even contemplate cutting the C ity E d ito r — Marcia Van Ness Women's Editor ......._.... funds requested by the adminis­ - V w :: Charlotte Dalton tration to help support this in­ f c \ ^ New* Editor_______ Bill Cote. stitution. Adv. Manager J e rry Lundy Science Editor >.... .BID Small A s s t Adv. Mgr ...Larry Pontius Now a t a time when Russia Circolatine Mgr Pani Lesber Editorial Edtar-Jody Howard A set Adv. Mgr—Larry Walkèr Photo Editor.----------AI Royce is challenging « t o “ cw***h up” aad when Western scientific # 4 jÉ I F É f e *l* S U 1 a n d cultural achievements Michigan S ute News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday Morning, Apri 24, 1961 Crossword P u z z le r U M FUSUf Lf lRni araa oona ua___ ESL Koch Now Special Spring m atóse 34 Except □sa Suolo aasaa □□ana aaao (Continued from page 5) I. Kick stool* 38. Army of----- [ and much of the discussion ball Sear: abbr. isaua aauu □□□ : both Thursday and Friday Hair Styling Values S. Sanean • Acquire« 38. Jeo p ard y 42. Jewel .□aaaau „ m u raaaacia aaaaa ' night concerned abortion and IS. Elaborat« contraceptives. $ 1 .0 0 o ff Towards Y our Next melody ' 43. Petition 35JLÎU When naked if he thought IS. Do alona 44. DiaakauaiU a a a b o u li a a a ra abortion shoui 1 be legalized as Appointm ent, lim ite d Tim e 14. « ila 44. Pabblaa ^ _ ^ E B ! âÆ h j d o h u h . it is ia Japan and Sweden,'. 15. Ralatat 49. Dlaaaminata sa n a , g n au s s a it . s u m g o a g ra E o ia Koch said yes. that this would j ~ — '¡Year Specialists In 1 li. Pagoda ora* 30. Religious ’ do away with many of the u n -; amant sister tc u r a n a a a , healthy results created by U-i Hair Shapings, Body Waves, k Coloring IS. Limb' 51. Correlative legal abortion. SI. Small rivar of neither DOWN 10. teipaaaa Barbara Box Connie Wheelock 23 Initruman- 33. Awnings 1. Club 1 1. S to p { Asked if he considered this 1 Edith Hotis Jack Tisdale tallatt _ 57 Laconian 3. Saawaad IS. Obaarvad ! murder, Koch said that be did j ST. Covar subdivision 3. Lubricete not like to use the word m ur-! 28. Afflict 38. Accurate 4. Roll call 30. Immatura SS.X^ekad so. Christmas 5. L ike j der at all and asked in return '■ \ if the questioner thought that! College Manor Beauty Salon St. Exclama* 61. Contest ot S. Despoil tlono< «ir* nations 7.Bev*rafts [ destroying a one ceiled zygote Member el priia 62 Present th* 3. Carboy the same as destroying a hu- j 224 Abbott Road — ED 2*3113 NHCA b e . 33. Small Uland appearance S. Dtallked man being. / j 33. Itathar than S3. Persuade î/nswüiÿ HE SAID Thursday night that the health of the mother IL A tN M should not be divorced from 33. Surrounds j that of the child nor be sub- 34. First f*r- doa i ordinated to iC\ MOTH - ITUS 37. Gone 4 Koch said that a surprising 40. Intermedi. number of unmarried girls and ARE YOUR CLOTHES PREPARED — a ria s I young women who were preg- FOR THIS PLAGUE SOON TO 41. Tumultous | nant had not even tried to use disorder contraceptives and sometimes H IT EAST LANSING? 43. Silly blun­ didn’t know how to. Th« which Dr. Lucas experim ented. der W ITH SPRING BREEZE 49. Counter- He said thatTbe felt that ado­ parte lescents should be educated COME MOTHS NIBBLING about contraceptives at home AWAY AT YOUR FAVORITE i T h e G ia n t P u ffb a ll M ushroom 40. Crystallized rein and in school. IT.Bramwind WOOLS. PROTECT THEM. in stru m en t Koch «aid he definitely did not believe in unlimited 'free­ A TR IP TO LOUIS GIVES „ 40. Offended: D r. E. H. Lucas was a Mich­ This "p ro d u ct is called cal- diffusabie, basic m uco-proteih,! colloq. dom except intellectual free­ THEM STRENGTH TO WARD igan State University scientist vacin. J t is a highly refined a type of chem ical not yet tried { 53. Bitter herb dom. O FF THIS VICIOUS MENACE. e x tra c t of C alvatia gigantea, on hum an cancer. 54. Depreseed Also he said that this society who had confidence in 55. Supper t ic truth of m ost folklore. the giant, puffball', a m ush­ “ H owever,” said Dr. E v erett 56. S hrew d i is “so demoralized already Folk tales alleged th a t p er­ room-like fungus com m on in S. Beneke, who has been con­ 50. Type square that 1 can’t possibly do any­ sons who ate a type of m ush­ M ichigan. tinuing much of the MSU pro j­ thing but help it” by express- Cltaair n i room th a t grows in B avaria MSU, the N ational Institutes ect, ‘ only carefully controlled D r. L ucas began looking for a | ing personal views on contro­ versial and taboo issues. did not get cancer. E ight y ea rs of H ealth, A rm our & Co., and clinical studies over a . period sim ilar substance in a m old he “The more we understand Shirf Laundry ago, D r. L ucas began looking the Sloan-K ettering Institute for a can cer cure in this type for C ancer R esearch have de« of several y e a rs will - show could o btain in g re a te r quanti­ w hether o r not calvacin will oe ty. He found it in 1955 in the Information about biological organisms the of m ushroom. voted g re a t effort, top talen t effective ag ain st cancer. Hun-i g ia n t puffball. happier we will be,’’ Koch said. E. Grand River Across from Student Sendees Buildinr Now, thousands of preciousj and hundreds of thousands of dreds of o ther prom ising sub­ „“ Ib is does not mean some Through g ra n ts from NIH, AWS ACTIVITIES BOARD— unethical people will not abuse it’s quick and easy re searc h hours later, physi- j dollars to studying, producing, stances „ h a v e failed clinical D r. L ucas s ta rte d grow ing 4:30 p.m., Women’s Lounge, their freedom, but we should cian s in a New York hospital | refining and testing calvacin. tests. In this sense, the odds i giant puffball cu ltu res in his Union,- Executive Council. Dial ED 2-3537 for Pick-up & Delivery a r e preparing to tre a t several IT INHIBITS, they h a v e are ag ain st c a lv a cin .” * not restrict ourselves for the lab oratory. F ro m tests of these EAST LANSING TOASTMAS­ sake of the minority.” seriously ill can cer patients j found, 13 types of can cer in Still, success o r faiiurO r-the j cu ltu res by Sloan-Kettering, he TERS’ CLUB-7 p.m., 33 Un- j w ith an end product of D r.I m ice, hats and h am sters. They w ork invested in calvacin will learn ed th a t m any o f th em in­ ion. L u cas’ search.- define the substance as a_non- have been worthwhile, noted hibited tu m o rs in m ice. — • GREEN SPLASH—4:15 p.m., j the MSU professor of botany H e in terested A rm our & Co. Women’s IM pool, -Winter and an ex p ert on fungi. in th e gian t puffball’s poten­ Wonderland. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS DEA DLIN ES: I p.m. Day Before Publication lo r Tues., — Wed.. T-hurs., and F ri. Editions. Dead* “THE KNOWLEDGE gained t i a t e d saw th e com pany be­ TOWER GUARD - 9 p.m., j and th e te c h n iq u e s devised,” gin a detailed study of m eth­ I Beaumont j he explained, “ will be of g re at ods of producing a n d purifying [YOUNG SOCIALISTS CLUB— j value in the "developm ent of calvacin in qu an tity by grow ­ ] m ushroom s and o th er re la te d ing th e fungus in culture. 7 p.m., 35 Union, study and I discussion group meeting. — the BIG Book Sale line for Mon. E dition: 1 p.m. F ri. " fungi th a t now ap p e a r to be of Phone ED 2*1511 * Extensions 2643 and 2644 -potential m edical value. “ T here is also th e possibility, AUTOMOTIVE REAL ESTATE th a t th e giant puffball will have o th er m edical value. F o r American instance, cru d e e x tra c ts in­ I960 PEUGEOT. blsck. whitev.alli.' CAPE COD; 3 BEDROOMS, lVi ■unroof, radio and heater. T.ow mile­ baths, finished basem ent. 5 years age, perfect condition. ED 2-3224. old. large kitchen. Sale by ow ner at hibit polio virus in lab o rato ry te sts.” on the go... a fte r 5 tu n . AUSTIN HEALEY. 1958. 100*6 over­ ED 2-5963. drive. w ire wheels, 4 »eater. Radio, heater, w hitew all.: all extras. $1.850 ED 2-3678 after » p m .______ tlB.OOO o r ren t w ith excellent option- to-Duv arrangem ent. 539 Stoddard. EAST LANSING, 5 bedrooms. Near Ju n io r high. G racious fam ily home w ith the charm to m any older ones 17 H ad it not been for D r. L u­ c a s ’ long in tere st an d confi­ dence in folklore, it is unlikely th a t m uch would be known to- "day about the potential m edi­ In a M l year college program in Vienna. Sophomores! Juniors! Continues with -have. Large living room w ttn lire- EMPLOYMENT MALE IBM OPERATOR. 6 monihs lot place; cheerful dining room; re ­ decorated kitchen w ith adjacent b reakfast room or den; finished rec room, one an d a h alf baths. Pleasant cal pro p erties of th e giant puff­ ball an d o th er fungi, D r. Bene­ ke speculated. - Live and study !n Europe next year A thousands of Reference Books experience required. Freshm an or bery. bordered by tall trees and shrub­ Call Mrs. Rice. ED 2-4092. Of- T hrough th is in tere st in-folk­ Send coupon a* aophomore preferred. Apply Roorn 11, lice. ED 7-1641. HiUey. In c , Realtors. TODAYI U 9e And Up A dm inistration Blclc lore, D r. L ucas and D r. R ich­ FULL TIME WOMAN grocery cash­ EAST LANSING! INCOME. Only a r d . U. B yerrum , MSU profes­ ier. Must be n e a t and pleasant. Call $18.500. W ith term s. 5 bedroom spa­ sor of ch em istry an d a ssistan t in person. P rin c e Brother« M arket. m onth home. cious Too location. $215 per income' from stu d en t rentals. Home in excellsklt condition. Would provost a t MSU, learn ed th at, MALE STUDENT to clean ap a rt­ in keeping with legend, a B a­ m ent every 2 weeks. Contact Ray­ consider R. J. F tra d e for sm all home. CaU rink. IV 4-7759, IV 2-4570. or mond Roberson, piano tu n efr IV ED 2-6595. W alter NeUer Co . Real- v a ria n m ushroom , th e bolete, 7-3281. i tors. Brookfield Plaza. showed tum or-inhibiting ef­ EAST LANSING!! NEAR!! Only fects w hen tried on m ice. The FOR SALE SEWING MACHINE SALE. Singer portable does zig rag work, m akes $19300. See this spacious Caoe Cud, 40x24 ft. on the foundation. Two 14x 12 ft. bedroom s on first floor. 20x12 foot bedroom on second floor. 1 and a half baths. A ll new 15 foot fam ily tests w ere m ade fo r them by Sloan-K ettering in 1953. WHEN HE found he was coHeft New Titles Added Daily buttonholes Si em brodierv stitches. kitchen, 22 ft. living room w ith fire­ 847.43 cash balance or $5.12 per month place. Gas heat. I t s car garage. Spa­ able to grow the Bavarian mushroom in his laboratory, PLU S- E dardfs Dist. Company. Co-ph IV cious screened-in patio. Look a t the 8- 8448. ~ 21 y ard s u e , 100x200 ft. H urry! H urry! I t w o n 't last long- Call R. J . F rink. FOR CASH - ILLNESS forces im ­ IV 4-7759. IV 2-4570 o r ED 2-8595. m ediate sale.-U pright electric Coca- W alter NeUer C o , Realtors. Brook- Cola m achine. 8300. C igarette m a­ fysld Plaza. .._ chine, m anual used 2 m onths. 8275. Ideal fo r fraternities, co-ops. ED Home Ec. Building. ED 8-6753. EAST LANSING I! *21.900 w ith 82.- 7-1892. ________ -_________________ 19 400 down w ill m ove you Into this large 3 bedroom tri-level, carpeted, M.S.U. GRADUATION RINGS. See living room w ith fireplace. 24x20 them s t th e C ard Shop. Across from paneled fam ily room w ith fireplace. 46 17x11 fam ily k itch en w ith aU the built-tns. A ttached 2-car garage^CaU w ow r a Special lc Sale MATCHED SET O F golf d u b s R. J . F rink. IV 4-7759. IV 2-4570. or N ever used. *30. CaU OX 4-0131. NEW POLAROID L an d - Camera. 21 ED 2-6595. W aller N eller -o , Real­ Cost $76.85 Will sell for S49.93. CaU Sharp tors. Brookfield Plaza. EAST LANSING! ! Close to campus! 3 bedroom fam ily borne, extra- Was 4 Ever Phil Barker. ED 7-0192 large dining room, l ’i baths, dull Buy one package of 20 weight basemciht. attached garage, large ROLLXFLEX T - CAMERA—H ard­ feheed-in y a rd fo r children. Only ly-used. Sells new for $190. Will ac­ $12,000. Low down paym ent. aU R. cent. 8135. Also 35mm MAMILLA J . FrinTc. IV 2=4570. IV 4-7759. or Executive. Y ear old. Excellent con­ ED 2-6695. W alter N eller C o, Realtors, Surprised - typing paper for 95c..^ dition. Cost SI 10 new —$75. Also 8mm Brookfield Plaza. MOVIE camera. Rever. with to rre n t Get a second package for lc lens. Magazine loading. CaU TU 2-4023 EAST LANSINGtl Look m* over!! 6 veurs old Cape Cod. lu s t like new. GOLF BARGAIN—Set of Bouchard- Built for the large fam ily. 2 baths. Nichols (Eng.) m atched irons. I 32x12 recreation room, only 815.900. through 9. putter, stainless steel inu and the term s are right. Call H J. ~ with the ru st). McGregor woods. 1 and 2: also Frink for appointm ent. IV 4-7759. 3 special. Too grain leather bag^A ll IV 2-4570 o r ED 2-6595. W alter N eller In good condition. Can be seen a t C o , Realtors. BTuokiield Plaza. Billard Room, Union Bldg. EAST LANSING!! sSb.900. Spacious 3 bedroom all brick English Colonial. Fasf Results Buy one pac spiral paper for PH1LCO WHITE CLOCK-RADIO W alk-in ced ar closet. I 1,) baths, car­ w ith alarm . Good tone, practicalIv peted living and form al dining room. T v 65c new. IV 4-2691. 18 B reakfast room. Fireplace, finished recrcaUon room Well landscaped le SALE «TARTS MAY I. Phone large yard. "T errific term s." CaU R J . 5-4365 fo r free order blank now. F rink. IV 4-7759. IV 2-4570. ED 2-6595. I Got From Get a second pac for lc VLdarete ltsxall P rescription Center. W alter Neller C o , Realtors. Brook- C llppert a t Vine, by Scars. 21 Held Plaza. TRAILERS EAST LANSING! NEW listing!!! See this m aintenance free, all stone 3 bedroom ranch today! Large family kitchen w ith loads of birch cuoboarda. One all this and other close out specials PRAIRIE SCHOONER 8* x 30’ In - Cloae to campus. 88 loot living room, •H M fuhre ihrtng o r pleasant vacation covered patio fo r th a t sum m er living, at . ’ ’ cottage Fully furnished. Many ex - tra s/E D 7-1887. 18 -and car-o o rt Only 817JOB. CaU R. J. F rink. IV 2-4570. IV 4-7759. ED 2-6595. W riter NeUer C o , Realtors. Brook­ field Plaza. STATE NEWS FOR RENT APARTMENTS ARARTMENT FOR RENT airos» ing. SERVICE EXPERT THESES and general typ­ Classified from campus. Call ED 2-4312 19 electric typew riter. 17 years 1 experience, one block irom Brodv. ED 2-5545 tf ROOMMATE NEEDED TO share aoacious apartm en t two blocks off LEARN TO FLY. S p rin g e s here, campus w ith vet e ran grad, student. now’s a good tim e to start enjoying Yes, for only 85c you can reach many» m any buyers fo r those little Call ED 7-7915 a fte r t o.m 36 th is exciting y e t relaxing sport Drive out lo r a free dem onstration ride. 2) TEACHER WISHES YOUNG ladv and 4 place'rentals. Reasonable rates. used o r not needed articles. T urn these unwanted» into H ot Ready CASH. to snare apartm ent, all I D 2-3941 Sheren Aviation, N orth Abbot Road. 1 a fte r 5 p.m. ' 1» ED 2-022*. ; tf < ATTRACTIVE 3 -room s w ith Tile TYPIST ANN BROWN. New phone T h ere IS someone who would like w hat you w ant to sell. T ry a STATE bath . Unfurnished except refrigerator | num ber, ED 2-8384. Electric type­ 1 stove. Adults. Close to campus. w riter. Term papers and theses, also N EW S classified Today! 3-48*6. tf general typing.________ tf PERSONAL WQNCH DUPLICATING - mowed io 1720 E. Michigan, Lansing. Thesis typing and duplicating, commercia) BOOKSTORE RALPH EM LONG and DONNA L PETERSON p lease come to th e S tate j News .. - j office. Room 347. Student Serv­ art, typesetting. C a ll. Ext. 482 - 4865. TYPING. In m v home, by secretary H-es Bldg. -for tw o free posset to the w ith 16 y-ears’ experience. TV 2-8*38. tf Call ED 2-1511—Ext. 2643 or 2644 (In the People’s Church Block) C rest D rive-In. | If màÊiÊÊÉaÊÊ 1 llt p is wwmI SS85®$»'piP - ■■. -■■■■* WSmmBmm ¡ t il l IIMÂ%Mnfev , lÉÉ .zf&ÌP ;ï < <-- ! i ' . »'-/y.* ^Y*kk$£?t' 'h i? iA **â5r^'"î«J^ I J ;: - , ;, Ss Monday M orning, Apri 2 4 , 1 9 6 1 Uff2« h 11». ■«. E J# Big Te» Dorm Conference F o r M m W k 6 D w trr A Career In Life' Insurance Discusses Values, Problems le a d in g To Management! By LINDA HAGUE the delegates on “ The E xam in night’s banquet ìb Brody hall. , State New» Staff- Writer ed O f e .” Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Co.. of Detroit. Is THE CONFERENCE was di- Approximately TSO delegates Life unexam med is not vided into U discussion groups, interested in men who want'te commence a career tn O » ' m. v> . . . .. . an d discussi«) lead e rs from uni­ worth Hvjng. " according to D r ' each of which had a discussion ia life Insurance^ We arc primarily interested in v ersities in the Big Ten confer-. Taylor. ^ lead e r and one recorder enee m et h ere for the annual men for within the Detroit area. We will administer “ IN ANY reflection upon th e D elegates from the^_un:ver- residence hall confreer-ce last structure of hum an activity **ty m em bers of eith er an aptitude test and put yon under, a training wekend. there will be discovered som e W omen’« Inter-R esiderce Hall program. Aad, a regular salary will be paid yon for The them e of this y e a r’s em - things which sue valued a s Council fWIC). or M en’:; Hall ference, ‘'V alues to Reason ends, others which are valued Association i MHA i . at least two years. B y.” was used ah a fram ew ork as m ean s.” hc 'said ^ The delegates included: within which the delegates dis- “ The two a re related, since \ K aren Anderson. G rosse Iks Mr. E. H. (ftill) Meyen* J r. CX1J - G enerat A gent cussed related problem s and the value of any m ean s is de- freshm an: M arilyn B eattie, ideas especially^ im portant in te r mined by its usefulness in ‘ Kalam azoo sophom ore; B arb- xwill be on cam pus representing universitv cultures. the pursuit of some en d .” Dr. a r a Boyer. M anistee freshm an; P resident John A. Hannah Taylor said. Ja m e s C handler. Ann A rbor FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE gave t h e i e y i j o t e address Fri- “ Yet not all values can be fdpbom ore: E dw ard Engledow. day night in Kellogg C e n te r! justified by th eir usefulness. Indianapolis. Ind., sophom ore; Auditorium im m ediately folimy- for if nothing w ere valuable in i f 11** K aren Gilson, Deerfield INSURANCE CO. ilng a banquet. '^ t s \ o w n right a n d for its own freshm an '“ PLACEMENT CEN TER - APRIL 2«. 1961 ON SATURDAY, the delegates would ^ u s e f i l . ’^ D r t I S ° THER students attend- w ere addressed by Dr. R uth H .! said. ing the conference included: BU8INE8S MEETING—A group of. delegates talk over common aspects of resi- Useem , R esearch Consultant ; - R obert G ustavson. P ontiac deocC, hall Jlvtng. The meeting was held in Brody hall Saturday as part of the Feature at . . . in sociology and anthropology. : THE FINAL address w as j senior, president ofJVIHA: G er- She spoke on "L iberating Val­ given following a banquet S a t-; a b rn Jam eson, G rosse P o in te r Big Ten Residence Hall Conference. (State News photo by Mark K rastofi _ ______ ___________________________________________ MICHIGAN NOW 1:16-4:15-6:55-9:30 ues for College Students." urday night in Brody Hall by ' Vo« is sophom ore; Donald Me- C | p w a rt n p e lin p s In v ita tio n T HI AT p f OWHNf »V L ’V* “ The problem s which stu- Dr. D urw ard B V arner, chan- ?F a r,a n e - D etroit freshm an : | o l c W . ..................... a n U e C H U e S 111 V I t a l l O i l » F IE R C E A F R IC A ’S F IE R C E S T * d en ts face and the values bv IceIlor of Michigan State U n i-iJan J«s P erkins. Union City | ; ’ “ r --------------------- ------ ' Y ~ - and strangest story of our whole society-creative I men^ i , P" Koch Accuses Club of Libel Sharon Ries, R idgeway jun­ of Love and Adventure , . . shrieking~out of conform ity an dthe assum ption i “ Education should be viewed ior. p resident of WIC; G le n n , the kill-crazed IR a c h e l of responsibility, lim iting auth- as a public investm ent—not as ority and shared authority.” a luxury,” V arner said. she said. _ W illiamson. P a rk R idge. 111., i , Education is a startlinglv pro- f freshm an; Ju d y W yman. „ _T o -1> In News Conference Saturday Congo like 10.000 drum s of death. ¡Cade ^æ ssss& M This is a task of our whole | d u ctiv e. capitol investm ent f o r ! em ba. P a rm a Heights. Ohio, ' academ ic com m unity but r e s - ' our society; it is crucial to the sophom ore: M arilyn Zeigler. By DAVE KNAPP taçted th ree tim es but declined tions exceed the bounds of pro- Starring Angie Dickinson • P e te r Finch • Rodger Moore idence h alls can play a crucial Preservation of dem ocracy it State News Staff W riter to invitation. priety because they, achieve the 1M orenci junior, vice-president p art. Dr. . Useem said. “ essential for our survival in of WIC. ... “ I have no desire to join in practical consequences of slan­ ~ the cold w ar and it provides a Dr. Leo F . Koch accused the S T A R T S F R ID A Y TO E UNIVERSITY advisors C onservative club of “ direct a news conference' with Mr. der even though they a re not “ IN ORDER to create the j trem endous re tu rn as a per- Koch.” S tew art said. to the conference w ere Miss legally or technically slander- s? kinds of experiences for slu- sonal investm ent, according to libelous a tta c k s ” and called for YOU'LL FLIP ' dents which-w ili help them to! Dr. V arner. M argaret Foster, of the Wo­ ... . Koch said th a t the club dem- ,,hs m en's division of student af­ tr «'y liberate those values j “ It is'hone too early for those fairs and W ayne Tinkle, educa­ *ference £ 55? T a rp ress r * Oristrated its ideological affinity neld satu ra av after- reactio n ary forces by la b e l “ But the C onservative club THE which I claim they already who a re involved With this con- noon. ZANIEST Le 'n r m us* ^ opened to ference to raise som e questions idence halls. tional d irecto r for m en 's re s ­ ing his ‘,‘h u m an istic-libertarian w ent beyond such indirect meth- The statem ents against th e!v ie w s” on sexual m orality as ods to reveal its ' reactionary COMEDY A b seiM p fef varieties of interpretation, she ¡of the role and value of th e in- club cam e a fte r the orgafliza-j “ free love.” ideology be resorting to direct .Î eARS! tt «• t- * rr> ; vestm ent in the educational u r. .John F A. Taylor, pro- i en terp rise," Dr. V arner told the i tion.. issued . . a release _ to WJIM _ “ These reactio n ary forces libelous attacks on me in its lessor of philosophy, addressed [delegates following S aturday Ag Missions rad io asKing: I “ Why is this free-love advo-1 a n d [such as the John B irch society th e anxiety to-divert attention from - a n t i-Communistitself.” he said. F or P ro g ram Inform ation Dial IV 3-3005 , cate p erm itted to be brought t o ! leagues, are characterized by To Interview the ca m p u s?” _ The clu b 's release w as actual-1 good lie said that it would seem to _ sm ear tactics to dam age the him th at a public apology was nam e and reputation of | jn or(je r un[ess (¡K; Conservative On Campus : ly in reply to a State News art- j th eir ideological opponents,” he j c |ut) wished to encourage t h e ! i icle on the club’s funds, but co n -! said. | conclusion, that it intended to THERE IS NOTHI88G IMAGINED IN THIS FILM! D r J .J . DeValois. represent- ! .C alling it “ birch - sm irch ” i slander him. and th ereb y ex-1 S ee r e la te d s to r ie s tactics, he said th a t it w as the pose itself to a leg al suit, ing A gricultural Mi&dons, will j be on cam pus T uesday to in­ on pp. 1 & 2 latest phase in th e “ continuing obsession ’ of th e followers of terview students in terested in ^aine(j a referen ce to Koch. The-jthe iate Sen. Jo e M cCarthy. his field. A gricultural M issions i s club asked who had paid for for “ These organizations^ a r e At No the fo rm ér biology professor’s^ spearheading th e h y steria in an international organization which assists in orienting young Koch, in a telephone call, to o ur society whieh leads to fa- Extra people into fields of foreign s e r­ S tate News F rid ay afternoon cist attitu d es and th e ir tactics < A GREAT n C T U tf“ - * r. t o n vice. DeValois has been in con­ called for a p ress conference a re subverting dem ocracy in ference with the adm inistration and-asked th a t the C onservative our society m ore-'seriously than Charge. . . 'A TRIUMPH! A ptefw* «MMte. in W ashington reg ard in g the club be invited to ,atten d . are the C om m unists th em sel­ ouUido tfc« r d u ' - M u i s m P e a c e Corps. The clu b ’s faculty advisor, v es,” he sSid. Dependability 'RAW m id REALISTIC'- m * ' His experience in agricultu re Daniel K. S tew art, w as eon-i He said th at th ese organiza- includes being h ead of the Kat- padi A gricultural In s titu te n e a r i f M adras in south India for m any years. W here ran you RELAXATION—Several of the delegates relax before a Interview's with D r. DeValo*s Michigan State University Mon., Tues. * April 24, 25 speech Saturday at the Big Ten R esidence Hall Conference, m ay be a rra n g e d with Miss get the best n i f i H FO REIG N FILM SER IES 7 4 9 pan. f.State News photo by Mark K rastof) P a tric ia R iley, 118 Ag. Hall, Fairchild Theatre Admission: 58f E xt. 3038 pizza in tow n? The Frandor Shopping Center -MON. THRU FRI. TILL » PIZZA PIT , o f course! IJ. of M. B and SAT. TILL 7 GLADMER University Theatre N O W 3R D W E E K ! “OPEN 12:45- Concert Successful FREE DELIVERY LAST 3 DAYS! presents “ G u a ra n te e d H o t” Continuous P erform ances That Fabulous AMMAN, Jo rd a n , (Ji —' T he and m em bers of th e diplom atic M ichigan U niversity band Sun­ corps. day . gave its first concert in Revelli a n d th e o rch estra a r ­ LUCON Fun Show! — £ Jo rd a n —a t the 2,000-year-old rived in A m m an S aturday R om an am p h ith eater in Am­ from C airo. T hey w in give an ­ PIZZA PIT 1: .10-1:30-5:30-7:35-9:40 WILLIAM FAULKNER'S CAM ‘ 'Y m an . - oth er co n c ert ia J e ru sa le m to- 2 0 3 M .A .C . (D o w n s ta irs ) E D 2-0863 Conductor W illiam R evelli day an d a th ird in B ethlehem and his 94 m usicians w ere en­ April 25. - ê thusiastically applauded by the A Musical Arabian Night PEPE audience of 4,000 sitting on ancient stone seats. The concert w as u n d er th e Mail O rders Bewlu Today DANDAJlBf— SHIRLEYJONES COLOR I patronage of the Jo rd a n ia n So­ cial A ffairs M inister and w as [ attended by th e U.S. am b assa -1 dor, several cab in et m inisters, < W arm ing trf th e e a rth h a s h ad 1 such a d ra m a tic effect on Spits-1 NEVER BEFORE SUCH, FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS L All Seats Reserved — $ 1 .7 5 " . . . e n te r ta in m e n t o f e n c h a n tm e n t.” Super Colossal. . ,r At 1:11 • 4:35« 8 :2 8 -1: N M at 8LM • Eve. & Sun. 81.25 jbergen, an A rctic island group. 400 m iles north of N orw ay, th a t j ae rial m aps m ade in th e 1990’s ! ALL CAPITOL ALBUMS! W illiam H o g an S a n F ra n c isc o C h ro n icle John C hapaun N.Y. Daily News C h M reu M e AB Times a re out of date. the Engineers of 25% OFF L« A. » Frank Sinatra • Nat Cole * Kingston Trio • Peggy Lee Sigma Phi Delta Tennessee Ernie Ford • Kay Starr • Jackie Gleason jf- 8:80 p.m. (PLUS...Original Cast Broadway Show Albums. . . 1 N.S.U. Ate. Professional Social Fraternity 'EVERY Capitol Popular and Classical Album! 4 C ia tm tS o fi fic h u » M xW CiPttffi t 3mI MAY f ncm tkm . hm. « ç» of Engineers _ HURRY! THIS SPECIAL OFFER IS LIMITED! S ta rts 25-27 THIJRS. Cordially invite you to their the. g w t m m » * n n i m i i » w m i i w m i t H H »i i i i i i i n w w w i i i i i | i iE scleeed 1« my cheek or money order (payable to M.S.U.) for ticket« for “KISMET’ at $1.75 each. OPEN RUSH SMOKER DISC SHOP May 25 ... May 28 May 27 ...... (indicate order of prefereace.) _____ Mata F lo o r.: Balcony ... HE / H R H April 24 » 7:00 PAL 1 3 2 S E A ST G R A N D R IV E R HRUET. Mail tat i\ CS m i l t y Tbeaiiw Name__ off Pa—rtMwWaf H ttrh I M I i h State VihwrUtr A ddnm ___ Room 33 Union - OPtff EVERM S - lu M lU te te l o t Liadai, MkMfH Phone ........ Î^ ‘■ ‘’■ î1■-’ • a '"-* J ' ' • 1' .— 'i % ’$ r l-i. V/ \r • ,• £ '- ■ ’ * *i--- ‘ Michigan State New», Efist Lanafag, Michigan Ì H R T S ■M o tJ iy M orning, A pril 2 4 , 1 9 6 1 Kobsmen Top Young Pace« Tracksters Smith Sparks Football Scrimmage; D ism a l W eather D u lls Eaton Sidelined for Spring Practice Iowa; Lose to O h io By JERRY ROBERTS Freshman John Parker run­ By ERNIE BOONE Stale Nows Sparta Writer Prospective quarterbacks got ripping off yardage in four and < THE SPARTANS will five yard chunks. , without the services of junior Sophomores Herman John­ halfback Jim Eaton for the rest ning aCCOUUt a d for Gophers Twice State News Sports Writer Dismal, rainy weather ac­ counting for a very sloppy trade and hazardous running thsTkridJhrst place hywianing the <00 yard run. I B s run iH fa f to the possibility of Parker as a future MSU star a chance to cfoiplay their pass­ ing arms Saturday as the Michigan State coaches took a big look at the Spartan “air power,” and a mixed offensive son and Sherman Lewis, along of the spring, Dr. Feurig re­ with Junior fullback George ported, Eaton suffered a Saimes gained consistently, der separation on a play from {»eking up the first downs scrimmage. when needed. Lewis was the conditions robbed the Spartans proved to be a bright point in big gun in the drive, covering unit downed a similar defen­ Over 1000 Trophies Ross Hurls 3-Hitter; of an outstanding showing la their maiden performance of this drairy afternoon. sive unit five touchdowns to the la st thirty-one yards on WASH N WEAR the 1961 spring season lari Sat­ “Considering the time we had to practice, the rainy two ia the spring’s second big twelve and seventeen yard jaunts before diving over from PoSshtd Cottons on display Sinks, Ronberg Defeated urday at the Ohio State Re­ lays. weather for the meet, and the terrible conditions of the track, scrimmage. “Pistol Pete” Smith wasted the three. AND In Stock Immediate Delivery^ By BRUCE FABRICANT S l o w times, disappointing we came along pretty good,” no time in either-showing off his arm , or taking the) team Stewart took to the air on their next scoring drive, con­ Baby Cords Professional Engraving State News 8perta Writer events, and a Spartan injury took much of the luster away stated Coach Dittrich. "There were some boys . who could down field, bitting Lonnie San­ necting five times for fifty-nine Only $3.95 Michigan State’s bosebaU team faced the champitms and from what could have been a have done better, and they ders for twelve yards, and Bob S ud for forty before handing yards before Lewis stepped off the right side for a five yard Larry Cnbioa cellar dwellers of the 1910 Big 10 campaign last weekend at Old CoUege field. Defending Big 10 and NCAA winner Minnesota day long to remember for the know who they are, but most to Ron Hatcher who carried score. * hen Kositchek's Sporting Goods thindads. The Injury, t h e times were quite good con­ over from the three. Pete was Sophomore D ouglas M iller S02I VINE took State in a twin UR Saturday after Iowa lost to the Spar­ tans Friday afternoon. _ - worst blow of the day, prevent' sidering the weather.“ even more effective on the m ad e his bid for the signal Varsity Shop • block north of Mlchifsn Ave. ed one, of MSU’s top young next drive, getting five com­ calling job, passing tw ice for Ia the conference opener, John Kob s squad brought down prospects, Bill Mann, from 228 ABBOTT RD. West of Sean ophers, 5 to 3 and pletions including n seven yard sixty y a rd s in one effort, and E. LANSING Iowa, 3-2, only to lose a pair against the Gophi 3 to 0, in delayed windblown encounters. completing his hurdling events “ Bill’s injury along with Highlights scoring heave to Art Brand- hitting G ary B allm an fo r 35 d in in g ano th er series which - State served notice to the rest of the league that they may statter. prove to be the team to beat in the short conference season in Johnson’s (another State hurd­ so ftba ll THE DEFEN8E took over ended with a one y a rd plunge M M eu r, AnrU 24 is win overJow a. Senior left-hander Bob Ross scattered three ler who w as injured last week) rifu VM afterwards, and drove eighty b y fullback Ron H atcher. R onj; hits while his mates put together a four-hit, three run seventh leaves us strained in this st E. S. M BA t - i \ ’ yards for a TD. For the first Rubic, another sophom ore, was event,” said Coach Dittrich. BAM time, the Spartan attack was oh th e leg endLof M iller’s fifty inning to clinch the game. AT THE OUTSET, Ross had his troubles. A single by Joe Reddington, followed by Paul Bonstead’s line home run to STILL, WITH the various mishaps, Michigan State made BV 1-4 BV 2-8 BV 5-7 *. S. 1-4 on the ground as quarterback Ed Stewart deftly engineered his team across the stripes y a rd e r, and shook loose for a seventeen y a rd touchdown on th e n e x t play. A WORK OF ART, right accounted tot Iowa’s total output a strong showing as they woo ABM 5-8 a h a u n t i n g , m e m o r a b l e n o v e l'* three events, set one relay VOLLEYBALL Despite a two run lead, however, Iowa s pitcher'Bob Reifert Monday. April 24 was to have his difficulties, too. After pitching brilliantly for record, placed in several oth­ C «v(t 1 ers, and had a number of säs “Contrasting and sometimes six Inning«, he suddenly cracked in the seventh. Nudged into M u i k t m - B rans B A . action, the Spartans who had been shut out responded with a p l e a s i n g performances by SOS conflicting ways of life of the Mexicans some of the other members on V stm fcl • A X N t cluster of three runs. . . . . ________ S - lim am i and the Anglos are skillfully Reifert’s collapse in the seventh came with such swiftness that the squad. C ourt S BAS revealed irTthis penetrating novel. Iowa coach Otto Vogel was scarcely prepared for i t since the Gerald Young paced the Hawaiian* - STer* Spartan efforts as h e won the ...M r. Bime, who now lives in Paris righty had skirted through the first seven frames neatly enough. VAS An «w«*M single by Wade Cartwright started the rush. A fter 3,000 meter steeplechase in n Btdrlck - Vali I ---- with his French-born wife and son, P a t Sartorins filed out, Ron Henderson singled sharply to cen­ record-breaking time of 9:30.6 ' has turned out a haunting, memorable ter sending Cartwright to second. A broken bat single by Tom This m ark shattered the ok n o v el....H e has the skill to fuse Riley, which centerfielder Gene Motley miscued on, scored record tim e of 9:38.6. IM Schedule what might have been a mere problem Cartwright Sonny Akpata also proved to s IM HIGHLIGHTS PESE UP novel into a work of art." WITH RUNERS on second and third Sam Calderone punches be a stalwart for the team by —WAYNE GAUD, a safety between short and third in the drawn in infield scoring taking the broad jump event The I.M. Office is now accept in ing rosters for the Fraternity N . Y . Tim es B ook R eview $4.95 with a distance of 22’11 both runners. ~ C alderone ‘s two singles along with Riley s pair paced the Dormitory, and Independent Team Golf Tournament. A $4-00 com p u s b y H e n ry B in t* Spartan attack, The victory taking only one hour and 58 min­ utes was Ross’s third. He increased his strikeout total to 40 in Weekend Scores Green Fee must accompany each roster. the 33 innings he has worked. The Open Softball League will W A IT WEEKEND Winning Streak Sopped Tennis begin Tuesday night, 6:30 p.m., A fter the U niversity of M ichigan defeated M innesota F rid ay MSU 9, Detroit • on Old CoUege Field. All teams entered in this league should G«od«mM who tabs pride in their wens weethcr 5 to 3, the G ophers invaded E agt L ansing to sweep a tw in bill MSU 8, Notre Dame 1 ■ppeereene will wmet to owe thete dacron end from MSU and h alt the S partans winning stre a k at ten. Golf ,check Tuesday’s State News for ■an tPi avita which the akipper aaaorea to be cool SATURDAY, Kob’s Spartans looked more inept than tiiey had MSU 13, Hillsdale 5 'schedule. I *e wilting despite high-rising temper»- FO R TH E NEW a t any time during this_ rather amazing spring campaingn. A pair of righthanders, Clyde Nelson ana Glen Holzemar, baffled State in the abbreviated double-header .~In the process of limiting MSU to eight singles in the two games, the Gophers Complete Optical set out in defense of w eir Big 10 and NCAA crowns. Minnesota won the opener, 5-3, on two home runs by third Service Minnesota wo nthe opener, 5-3, on two home runs by third baseman Bruce Evans .In the finale, a seven hit attack account­ ed for the Gophers three runs, as Holzemar blanked State on just two hits. « ¿ O m im S lu m Pimd la g Heffler Spartan Book Store CUSTOM SHOP Ann and M.A.C. MICHIGAN STATE w ent ahead in th e opener, when a hit Um Seen f jf Ho Ap> b atsm an ,two consecutive singles, wild pitch and sacrifice fly tu y I A a -Æ '■ aeMmaat drove in two ru n s in the first inning. g. Payment V --------- J V . -V f N icw iw y W ayne F ontes w as hit bv a pitch and then Ron Henderson singled inside th ird base. Bill Schudlich laced a single to cen ter to load the bases. A wild pitch by Nelson scored Fontes. Then rig h t hand hitting P a t S artorius followed w ith a sacrifice-fly to deep left to p u sh across S tate’s second ru n of the inning. When M innesota rig h t fielder D ave F ritz singled in the fifth State h u rler M ickey Sinks h a d re tire d ten b a tte rs in a row . It Offices of: Drs. J. Christie end H. tecfcwHfc, Optometrists HILLEL FOUNDATION cigarette CAMEL w as th en th a t he ra n into deep trouble. EVANS FOLLOWED with a drive th a t cleared the 340 m ark in left field to knot the gam e at th re e apiece. Sinks who had coasted a fte r a rocky first inning began to tire. M onday, A pril 2 4 8 :0 0 P.M . M uch the sam e happenectln th e sixth when he was belted for th ree hits .including a double. However, only one ru n resulted R oom 3 1 , U nion _ from this foray since a double play erased any fu rth e r th re a t. J a c k N utter replaced Sinks in th e seventh fram e. E v an s g re e t­ ed "N utter with nis second four b ag g er of the gam e an d th e “THE DUDAIM” te a m ’s 16th of the season. . — State Blanked With 2 Hits Group of Israeli Performers N elson’s credible perform ance in the first gam e left the S partans so bew ildered th a t they failed to tak e notice of the Songs, Instrumental Music, Pantomimes right-hander who followed him ._ __ _ GLEN HOLZEMAR gave up second and fourth innings singles In Celebration of Israel Independence Day to State reliables Schudlich and S artorius which accounted for M ichigan S tate’s only attac k of th e g a m o The 3-0 win w as EVERYONE WELCOME — NO ADMISSION CHARGE llo lz em ar’s th ird of th e season. ' — Scoring tim e cam e for M innesota in the^third. Steve W alley _ opened with a single. H olzem ar ad v an ced the ru n n e r w ith a perfect sacrifice. The Gopher strateg y w orked w hen Dick Alford PROFESSIONAL SKIN DIVER singled between first and second scoring W alley. Kob’s hitting attack was stalled com pletely. Only in th e second fram e w ere they able to advance a m an a s fa r as second base. At th at, H olzem ar perm itted MSU to hit th e ball out of the in­ field on th ree accasions. - — Ronberg Scored Upon - When Walley scored the first M innesota run, it m ark ed th e first tim e this season thae G ary R onberg had been scored upon. In 15 previous innings, facing 55 b atters, th e sophom ore fire- b ailer had not given up a score. MAYNARD’S TEXACO SERVICE 1301 E. Grand River East i a —b»y SPECIAL GET ACQUAINTED O FFER • MARFAK Lubrication. . . 75c with the Purchase of 7 gallons of Gasoline. A m an w ith Alopochi UtdvoraaWa* ~ • Wash Job „ . DRY U — WET 5 0 c. . . with the doesn 't need «M s doodorant Purchase o f 7 gallons o f Gasoline. He could use a woman’s roll-on with impunity. Manner Spray • Special Wheel Pack and Brake Adjustm ent. . . $2 made for the man who wants a deodorant ha knows wifl gel through to the skin. . . whore perspiration stmts. • One Quart o f oil FREE with oil change Mermen Spray Deodorant does just that. R gats through to the skin. And it works. AH day. More men use Merman Spray titan any BLENÙ ABOVE OFFERS GOOD UNTIL MAY 1 other deodorant. Have you triad it yet? «4# and 91.00 ptae tax Th e best tobacco makes the best sm oke! « ¡I - iin «Camptote h e n «1 t e b h r t . »■< l— m H l s l B e s t e l f c U w . s w u m . b i n m . ll