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Serviag 1C9U F o r 5 2 Years * Established 1 9 0 9 Vol. 5 3 , No. 20 East Lansing, Michigan, W ednesday M orning, A pril 2 6 , 1961 ft Pages anw’^awTîrnJaîsl'B»«**- 5 CfWts e r i a n s e s Hannah Rebels German Jews Relate Won’t Také Leave Eichmann Horrors Fee Raise Algiers JERUSALEM (JV-Witnesses who once faced him across an m ost of the tim e th at Cohn was Michigan State University PARIS, (A V -The general’s ■who knew Adolf Etcnm ann interrogation table. on the stand. trustees will not go along with 'revolt in A lgeria collapsed stood before him Tuesday an^ Dr. Benno Cohn, form er lead­ The next w itness w as Aaron a proposed increase in student Tuesday w ith th e surrender described him as a m aster of e r of the Jew ish com m unity in W alter L indenstrauss. form er fees, MSU-President John A. of Gen. M aurice Challe and G estapo te rro r who heaped B erlin" during the rise of the head of the em igration d ep art­ Hannah told the bouse Ways th e reported suicide of Gen. th re a ts and scathing abuse Nazis, was the first to tell the m ent o f- th e Jew ish-run G er­ and Means committee Tues­ m an P alestine office. day. Raoul Salan. The French upon them. court how it J'elt to subm it to an Eichm ann" sum m ons. L indenstrauss w as sum m on­ University of M i c h i g a n G overnm ent confirm ed Chal- E ichm ann’s face at tim es reflected a tw isted grin as he EICHMANN sat in the dock ed by E ichm ann e a rly in 1939 spokesmen are expected to de­ lfe’s su rrender b u t had no of­ confronted two G erm an Jew s with an expressionless face to com e from B erlin to Vienna, liver a similar message from ficial word on Satan’s suicide. w here defendant then w as head the U-M Board of Regents T he office, o f P resid en t- of the Nazi office fo r Jew ish Thursday as Hie state’s tax- C harles,D e Gaulle announc­ La rg e Tu rn o u t Sets em ig ra tio n in A ustria. LINDENSTRAUSS said the N azis-ad am an tly insisted th a t supported colleges and uni­ versities make a final plea to the legislature to restore the, higher education appropria­ ed th a t Challe had p u t him? self a t th e disposition o f th e Jew s em ig rate from G erm any French governm ent. B lo o d D rive Record and from A ustria in this p er­ iod. The situation w as desp er­ ate, he said. V isas and im m i­ tions cut from Gov. Swain- son’s proposed 1961-62 budget. Wayne State University rep­ Challe’s surrender spelled the end for the dramatic In­ surrection of paratroops arid A record of 700 pints w ere showing w ere Sigm a Nu, Sig­ g ration- certificates w ere al­ resentatives will appear today. dissident generals that began donated T uesday to bring the m a Chi, P hi K appa Sigma, m ost im possible to obtain (or —HANNAH told the committee Saturday. ROTC blood drive close to 1,- F arm house and Alpha Sigma the thousands of Jew s ordered that at least five of the trus­ Paratroops have pulled out of 100 pints. Phi to leave. tees said they would resist the Algiers, the test big Algerian “ With such trem endous sup­ A new group on cam pus, Phi When L indenstrauss reach ed fee increases suggested by the city held by the insurgents. port we are confident th at we Alpha also hit a high percent­ Vienna, he w as, ushered past senate earlier as a source of age m ark. - . TANK CAPTURES CIVILIANS’ INTEREST—A French tank holds the attention The insurrection ended with will, go over our goal of 2,000 steel-helm eted guards to E ich­ additional income for the insti­ of a group of civilians in front of the Grand Palais in Paris Monday. The tanks dramatic suddenness- -as it be­ p in ts,” said L arry W alker, c a ­ A lpha K appa Alpha and Sig­ m an n ’s office. tutions. m a —K appa o u td is ta n c e d th e were removed late yesterday when the rebellion in Algeria collapsed. (AP Wire- gan. _ det chairm an. “ In v ery r u d e _ language, The senate suggested raising T here w ere 20 nurses a n d 60 others in the sorority group. photo) — In the announcement from E ichm ann said he w as not fees 120 a year for Michigan volunteers on hand for Tues­ O thers w ere P hi Mu, D elta satisfied w ith th e Jew ish em ­ De Gaulle’s Elysee palace students and $150 a year for there was no mention of the d ay ’s drive. This w as an in­ Z eta, Alpha Epsilon P i and igration situation. He said out-of-state students.' other top generals involved— c re a se of 35 over Monday. IN THE RACE for the five Alpha P hi. — WOMEN’S DORMS w ere all things: m u st b e a c c e le ra te d .. . by all costs an d by a ll m eans. Hannah quoted trustees as saying they would n o t raise Minor Fights .Continue Andre Zeller and Edmond Jo- uhaud. trophies th ere a r e two close tied with a low percentage. I dem and th a t I receive 1,000- fees again since they were in­ contests in the m en’s living W est Shaw had 12 p er cen t to Jew ish p assp o rts every day. creased last year. DE GAULLE had already units. In the fratern ity league there a re th ree groups pushing the 100 p er cent m ark . Oflthe three. lead the m en’s dorm s and E m ­ m ons, B utterfield, A rm strong, E a s t Shaw and R ath er w ere tied for second with 11 p e r cent. E ichm ann w as told th a t this w as not possible b ecau se of the lack of visas an d im m ig ra­ tion certificates available.— - THAT MEANS you will cut yourself out of about $1 million for operating expenses,” warn­ ed Rep. Arnell Engstrom, R- Communists Accept , opened the legal proceedings that could result in death sen- | tences for all the insurgent I leaders. — Z eta B eta T au h as the edge F o r the Co-ops and profes- “ E ich m an n -said this did not As the announcement? were P i Sigm a K appa and D elta Upsilon are close behind. O thers who put in a strong sional fratern ities, B o w e r house w as f irs ts w ith 25 p er cent, E lsw orth second with 17 and Motts House w as th ird with 13. D elta Sigm a P i and P hi Mu concern him . H e ended th e In­ terview w ith th e w ords :_‘I in­ vited you h ere as- re p re se n ta ­ tives of G erm an Jew ry . You T r a v e r s e City, committee chairman. Michigan State asked for $37.5 million for operating ex­ penses in the next fiscal year. •fireLaos I made, the 70-year-old French president was closeted with j Prime Minister Michel Debre | in the heavily guarded presi- will be responsible for th e ex­ j dential palace in downtown Election Alpha each had 10 per cent. The clinic will open a t 8 a.m . ! today and continue until 4 p.m . ecution of m y orders. O ther­ wise, yoiTknow w hat your fate will b e .” Swainson trimmed it to $31.5 million and the senate cut it to $29.6 million with the fee in­ V IEN TIA N E, Laos, (A*)— A cease-fire w as accepted Tuesday by th e U.S.-backed P re m ie r Boun O um ’s govern­ m ent indicated a conference m ay b e necessary even to a r ­ site for a cease-fire Royal officials said fighting Paris. continues in north and south- __ Aides said there would be a cen tral Laos. But none of the series of official announce- e crease recommendation, Hannah predicted MSU en­ rollments would jump from governm ent and th e pro-com­ m unist P a th e t Lao rebels b u t ran g e a cease-fire. F o reign Ministe r Chao Sop- saisan a told new sm en a site clashes ap p eared serious to J ments. W estern observers. The government radio and A Failure lAPril Brings Increase in 22,500 this year to 25,300 in the fall. “ We are now as selective in _ it appeared fig h tin g will con­ tin u e fo r several days. N ei­ th e r side proposed a d ate for h as not been ag reed upon, but indicated he favored the royal cap ital of Luang P ra b a n g in Econom ic M inister Ngon Sa- ¡TV remained on the air to nanikone said rebel troops,'Tcarry the news to the French who. opened a strong drive ; people. It was just after mid- J a c k Shea, D etroit sopho­ m o re _and Chuck Silky, Mus-1 Number of Unemployed admissions as we dare be,” he said. Now we are turning -down some students we know troops in th e field to lay down th e ir arms? the North. N eu tralist ex -P rcm ier Sou- vanna P h o u m a proposed all southew ard over th e weekend, j night in Paris when the col- have been halted a t B an Vang, | lapse of the rebellion became 68 m iles n o rth oT V ientiane. apparent. kegon junior, failed Tuesday WASHINGTON. UP)—A p r i Ij C harleston. W. V a., with fur- could make the grade in col­ T he governm ent said it factions m eet F rid ay in Xieng HE SAID Vang Vieng. a key Radio Algiers first reported in an attem p t to call AUSG’s-*-- .... | brought an increase in the and related industries, and capsule which failed Tuesday covery system works. teak for tee capsule to para- miles away. ing subsistence payments. i Theatre, m&mttäam wmmmm Æi.y*-’* «-••-■■.- ; " -V- - ; r ' l | g | l Ü 1v ' « «fl I m m m m M id h lfin State News, E ist t n d i i i g , N ic Ii^ tB INI B b jj|J We dne s da y M orning, A pril 2 6 , 1 9 6 Ï The Revolution Goes On Editor’s Corner j Panel of Experts to Review ¡aas M ake Students Foreign Students’ Problems E arlier this month, the S tate News p r in ts th a t can be answ ered only by personal con­ Safe fo r Ideas' ed an editorial on th e need fo r understand* ta c t w ith one another. i’ By SUE PRICE ing between foreign and U nited S tates stu* Tonight a t 7:30 in 31 Union, a faculty S tate News Editor-in-Chief dents on eampus. panel will discuss problems of th e foreign stu d en t a t an American University and of “The university is not engaged in m aking “T he stu d en ts from other nations have th é Am erican stu d en t abroad. ideas safe for students. I t is engaged in- largely been a fo rg o tten -elem en t a t th is m aking students safe fo r ideas. ’H ius i t per­ university. T h e y /a re unknown and misun­ m its the fre e st expression of views before TH E MEMBERS of th e panel, Homer D. derstood by American students, and they are stu d en ts, tru stin g to th e ir good sense- in Higbee, Edw ard W. Weidner, and K arl T. in tu rn lacking in understanding of Ameri­ passing on these views. Only in th is way W right, are experts in foreign relations. can ideals and ideas," th e editorial said. can it best serve American democracy,” Clark Higbee is a ssistan t dean of International K err, president of the U niversity of Califor­ As pointed out, not only th e foreign stu ­ P rogram s and has conducted a study of for­ nia, said recently. dents are losing out by not being able to gain eign stu d en ts and advisors a t 50 universities. T h is should be th e aim of a university in th e friendship and understanding of Ameri­ educating its stu d en ts, because freedon and W eidner has spent m any years in India can students, b u t also th e Am erican students and P akistan, and as director o f M SlFs In­ responsibility m u st go hand in hand if free* a re losing because they are not grasping an stitu e fo r Overseas Research has studied dom is to survive. - •». ideal m anner to fu rth e r international good m any problems of A m erican stu dying over­ TH IS IS NOT to say th e university should will and understanding. seas. sanction all views. Some views, such as com­ WE KNOW VERY LITTLE about t h e ; as t W right has worked w ith th e MSU advi­ m unism espoused by a Comm unist, tend to of th e world. The foreigrr stu d en t knows vey sory group of th e U niversity of th e R yukyus subvert th e university internally. However, little about us, outside of w hat he has read and is presently studying th e problem of I see nothing w rong w ith a professor teaching in tex tb o o k s'an d newspapers. N ow he is a Asian stu d en ts in America. „ .I a course in communism, as is offeretfo n this stu d en t of th e university. H e see s f i r s t hand campus7 provided he gives the en tire picture I t is n o t o fte n t h a t m en o f su c h c a lib re of the Communistic theory ; th a t is, th e dan­ w hat American students look lik e and w h a t discuss to g eth er such a n im p o rtan t problem .. they say in clas.s T h e American stu d en t also gers of it as practiced by th e Soviets, as well We have a large num ber of foreign stu d en ts as th e original Ideology. learns th is about th e foreign student. on campus. M any of us m ay study abroad On th e o th e r hand, th e university also has W h at both are m issing, however, is the and do n o t know w h at problem s lie ahead. a j-esponsibilitey T o preserve and defend opportunity to find th e answ ers to m any Many o f us have been abroad and realize th è certain values held by society. I t is these questions. J u s t w h at is th is person? W hat problems we faced a Way from home. A dis­ views th a t P resident John A. H annah m en­ does he th in k ? W hat does he like? W hat cussion like th e one planned fo r to n ig h t will tioned recently in his com m ents on D r. Leo does he dislike? W hat does he know of my benefit foreign and A m erican stu d en ts alike. Koch. country? These are questions th a t cannot I t will n o t only give us a discussion by pro­ “T he preservation o f our social system and be answ ered_by looking a t á person o r by fessors, b u t it will give u s an opportunity to our form o f governm ent depends to a g reat being in class w ith him. These are questions m eet w ith stu d en ts from o th e r nations. degree-on th e in teg rity o f th e fam ily and th e san ctity .of th e m arriage vow. A ny atta c k upon them is an attack ag ain st one o f th e stro n g est" bulw arks of our social system ,” You Can Afford to Give $1 Wall Street Pick Up Predicted H annah said. ¡¡g WITH TH IS VIEW I agree. However, while . • J ■ on the Dow Jones average of 30 sume the advance next month. I vehem ently disagree w ith Koch’s state*, S e n io rs h a v e b een a sk e d b y S e n io r C ouncil, h a v e b e e n g iv e n a n d m e m o ria l b u ild in g s NEW YORK, UH-Some opti­ industrial stocks. “ I think the momentum gen­ m ents, I do not feel he attacked th e m oral c o n s tru c te d . mistic Wall Streeters expect the erated in March can carry it standards of A m ericans in general. H e said on b e h a lf o f th e D e v e lo p m e n t F u n d , to co n ­ “ And then,” he predicts, “it T h is y e a r , th e D e v e lo p m e n t F u n d h a s p ro ­ stock market to snap back like will go even higher.’’ to new highs,” he says. he disagreed w ith th e moral views of a t r i b u t e m o n ey f o r fu n d p ro je c ts. E a c h S en io r p o sed t h a t a p la n a ta r iu m ,to b e u sed fo r e d u ­ a rubber band. Lester Wyetzner of Bache A International tensions may be m a jo rity of the people, b u t did not deny is a s k e d to c o n trib u te th e tre m e n d o u s a m o u n t c a tio n a l p u rp o s e s f o r M SU a n d M ic h ig a n These brokers feel that Mon­ Co. considers, as, does Gilbert, a reason for some restraint to­ them th e rig h t to m aintain them . N onethe­ o f $1. day’s price tumble—deepest in that the slump was a one-day ward the market but some h ig h schools, b e b u ilt c o n n e c te d to th e m u ­ less, I believe H annah was' ju stified in dis­ T h e D e v elo p m en t F u n d , th ro u g h c o n tri-, seven months—was triggered extremity resulting from an­ stocks are entitled to correc­ seu m . "" — xiety over the Algerian, situa­ tions in any event, comments associating th e university from Koch’s sta te ­ b u tto n s o f a lu m n i a n d s t u d e n t s j i a s g iv en th e I t w ill ta k e s e v e ra l h u n d re d th o u s a n d dol- - almost entirely by the Algerian" tion idling atop the aftermath L. O. Hooper of W. E. Hutton k m ents, fo r his ideas are not th e university’s. u n iv e rs ity m a n y w o rth w h ile g ifts . E a c h y e a r la r s to b u ild "such a p r o je c t a n d i t is o n ly - crisis. of the Cuban fiasco. Co. Views as expressed by Koch are certainly 10 A lu m n i D is tin g u is h e d S c h o la rs h ip s , each th r o u g h c o n trib u tio n s t h a t i t c a n b ec o m e a And they believe Tuesday’s William R. White of Hom- “ In our opinion,” he adds, not compatible w ith th e views held by th e w o rth $1,000 a y e a r f o r fo u r y e a rs , a r e giv en re a lity . F u n d s re ceiv ed fro m t h i s y e a r ’s partial comeback demonstrates blower k Weeks says the m ar­ “this market is not off enough m ajority, but hearing them th e stu d en t can g iv en to -o u tsta n d in g e n te r in g fresh m en ."" the market’s strength. ket may need a week or 10 days - to be called weak or even soft. se n io rs w ill go to w a rd th e p la n a ta riu m . The worst thing one can say gain responsibility to uphold his own views. Martin Gilbert of Van Al- to complete its consolidation. This is p a rt of th e learning process in A m er­ I n addition, th r o u g h fu n d c o n trib u tio n s , ï.- rW e u rg e e a c h s e n io r to c o n trib u te h is d o l ­ styne, Noel k Co. says he looks He predicts the market will about it is that it is not as vig­ t h e A lu m n i M em o rial C h ap el a n d th e U nion, la r, so t h a t th e D e v e lo p m e n t F u n d c a n con­ for the market to test the re ­ test Monday’s level late this orous as it was a few weeks ica— it will, it is hoped, -make th e student w e re c o n s tru c te d . N u m e ro u s o th e r a w a rd s t i n u e i t s p ro je c ts . cently set historic high of 696.72 week or next week and then re­ ago. “ safe fo r ideas.” Only w hen a student has learned to m ake decisions— rational decisions— of w h at is Letters to the Editor good a n d jv h a t is bad for him, will h e be­ come educated. O n Cuban 9 e r,lP sb m oH U  C ColFreedom o f Expression leader of o j - pack? Do we lack achieve the same results that ceming the absence of" the eration Abolition” had no con­ “ progressive” democrats, soc­ How Much Will U. S. We Are to Blame the intellb#.nce to analyze and putting _ us in overcrowded questioning student. My an­ ception of civil liberties, who ialists and trade unionists with To the Editor: in terp ret what is said?" If Mr. R. W. Emerson were rooms will. If it is not apparent now by the few extra residents swer to your question, “ Who slipped the American student understand little of histoiyt. .7 attractive slogans. They then tired old men have lost faith move into universities, trade Spend in Space? Reminded once again about alive today, I am sure he would in each dorm that an over a mickey?” is a second ques­ in democracy and are trying unions, and other organizations The Kennedy Administration appears to be the suspension of Dr. Leo Koch sigh in dismay. Gan we not. crowded situation is not the tion. Who slipped the American - to tyranize America; . . . .semi­ in order to gain key positions, willing to let the American people decide whether from the University of Illinois, each of us, turn to ourselves best situation, it definitely instructor a mickey? literate demogogues and fear­ and have a chance to speak for they want to spend vast sums of money over a I find I am still asking-the sam e for the answers to such ques- will be next fail. It seems to me that students ful men want everything to the “ majority” of the citizens period of years on the possibility that this coun­ question: why? Why was it tionsT Why is it so necessary for stay as it is.” in the country being subverted. necessary for this action to take We are "hot all-perfect, and- are the products of their in­ Once this propaganda work try can send a man to the moon ahead of Soviet us to criticize someone else who there are a few of us suscept- structors, yet for 12 years of You claim to be the voice of Russia. place? What “wrong” had been has found his own answer. Why is done and Russia is capable committed? able mortals who yield to tem­ grade and high school I was the majority of Americans. to move in with force or other Lines for debate over it-are expected to be is it so difficult for us to knew ptation every now and"then by taught simply to memorize and It seems you have forgotten outside help, the “ peoples"- drawn soon. Did Dr. Koch say, “ It is all that what is right for someone making a little noise or other repeat, not to think. There was As one official put it, the technical ground­ right to engage in sexual inter­ that the committee you speak revolution occurs and the coun­ else may not be rightJor us? disturbing actions in the no time for the important of was formed by the U.S. Con­ try is betrayed. work for such a project is being laid; and the course?” No, he did not. Even No, Dr. Koch, I see no reason dorms. Try increasing the low questions. The teacher had to question is, “does the country_want it?” Presum­ if he had, so what? Dr. Koch gress. Congress is a body of The fellow travlers who help­ for your suspension. Further­ din we are now getting used to, aevote his free time to aiding men who represent the ma­ ed smile, but-not for long, for ably the decision will be based on reaction ex­ -merely expressed an opinion. . . more. 1 see no reason why you" by a ^ multiple of one extra the slow student, attending fac­ pressed to "Congress and the executive branch his own. Is that why he was jority of Americans. It seems they are the first to be liqui­ should be subjected to such crit­ faulty human per room. It ulty meetings, refereeing the that the will of the people is dated as dangerous free think­ after a period of trial ballooning. suspended? icism. It must be we, as college sure is going to help our study athletic contests, and all the A GUESS is that, the administration would Let us put the blame where it nearly expressed by these r e p belongs. It seems to me that students, who are to blame. We situation, isn’t-it? other time consuming elements _ resentatives of the people than ers and deviationists. like to have approval. were not ready for such riiLthe. And just think of that mis­ of public school education. by you. As you know, we re­ Myron Kuczmak The $125 million already added to the space we, as college students, are to words of Dr. Henry) offensive erable dinner line we have Then too, there was always development budget by the administration U to blame. Apparently, we lack the cently had an election, and Editor’s note: Article refer­ and repungent views.” What is now. It takes fifteen minutes the teacher who just didnt care. since this election, the Con­ be spent, according to official sources, on rocket maturity so necessary in the a college student? to get what you eat in five. Now i am in college where red to was a column, not an ed­ developments pertinent both to current programs reading of such articles. Dr. gress voted overwhelmingly to itorial. Reporter’s byline was Susan E. Williams With the additional students this situation isn’t supposed to maintain the committee.' an dto the moon attempt if it is decided upon. David D. Henry. President of we are at least going to have exist and suddenly, after 12 inadvertedly omitted. According to these sources, if such a project is the University of Illinois, has Our President said last week that many more people to talk years, I am expected to think-. that be will not tolerate Com­ k i t it to be attempted within the estimated time it will said . . and their public es­ to while we watt that much Even here- in th e . university, take Russia, it must be decided upon in time for munism in this hemisphere. pousals (that of the views) may be interpreted as encourage­ Happy Family longer. however, my interest many Do you belive President Ken­ Spring Fancy ~ provisions in the 1963 budget. The projects involves development by 1967 dr I am just wondering if that times has been squelched. nedy to be “tired old man who ment of immoral behavior.” To the Editor: maybe a little foresight would 1968 of the already researched Nova booster —First of all, each of us has MSU is a quick to expand When 1 o tte r e new class I has lost faith in democracy?” To the Editor: have prevented the prevailing usually try to meet my instruc­ It is apparent to the leaders of I see it’s “ blood letting lime” rocket, at extremely heavy cost, at a time when our own concepts of moral and organization. Next year at dilema. , the expense of the space program already wH) immoral. Shall Dr. Henry be State they expect to house 25,- tor and engage in some formal the United States; and all other on our campus once again. I Jeff Chandross discussion, but many times I free nations, that the Commu­ beltVe someone said, “ In the be passing $2 billion annually. Nova might double suspended for expressing his 000 of us, and we are all going it. own personal views? Surely not. to be one big happy fami y, k it k have found this a waste of nist party is only the vanguard springtime a young map’s fan­ time. A great number of pro­ of Soviet Russian imperialism. cy turns toward the blood THE QUESTION to be answered this year is* Then too, are we so “ spineless” just as the serf under the feu­ therefore, whether the public wants to go into fessors not only don't know bow One method of Communist bank.” I just wanted to thank as to be “ encouraged” to vio- - late what some of us may con­ dal system was, living In one big homey room. Golden Silence to discuss their beliefs on a infiltration is obvious" The the compulsory voluntary RO such a .project, primarily for the sake of scien­ tific exploration and in an effort to regain some sider to be “wrong?” No, actually there won’t be topic with an interested stu­ . small handful of Communist TC program for making that of the prestige lost to the Communist claim that To the Editor: dent, they don’t even know Are we all as unthinking ani­ 25.000 in one room, but there 1 am writing this in reply to revolutionaries appeal to ideal­ saying come true. the Soviet system is one which can produce tile mals looking to Dr. Koch as the might just as well be. It would what they believe. ists, liberals, social democrats. — N. C. Shuralcff II fastest scientific and economic advancement. your article on Friday, con- When an instructor can’t or won’t, discuss, or worse yet, when he ridicules tbe questions . NOT REALLY..,BUT I GET (0EU.Í THAT MAKES ME BV CREATING WORK, I AM M ichigan S tate N ew s of his students, he i* b ettin g for the silent class. I nave spent 13>Vi y e a n in the class­ FIFTEEN CENTS A U SK FOR FEEL KIND OF IMPORTANT.. FEEDING THE DOG.. h e l p in g to b o lste r : OUR ECONOMY.' Published by the students of Michigan State University. Issued on room and I have found that in tt T* class days Monday through Friday, during the fall, winter and spring many cases “ silence is gold­ -quarters. Issued weekly during the summer term. Second class post­ en.” - age paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Janice Steeps Editorial and business offices a t 341 Student Services building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. ★ ★ * Mail subscriptions payable in advance for.one term, $3; for two terms, $4: three terms, 95. Member of the Associated Press, Inland Daily Press Association HVACJor AH Y3U HAVE TO DtìECT M3UR YOU HAVE 10 TAKE SÛHESORT [ACE THERE ANY and the Associated College press. Te the Edltsr: THINKING...FOC INSTANCE, Of STAND..,4 ---- W alter N eller Co.. Realtors Brook­ , GRADUATE STUDENT approved. field Plaza. 21 process is toe relatively high many more. 1996 PLYMOUTH, EXCELLENT 13 room furnished apartm ent. P riv ate condition. TU 2-7273. 30 i bath. ED 7-7603. - 21 EAST LANSING!! 321.900 w ith 52.- levels of irradiation in the Or, m a y b e you’re 0 E T C u s h i o n e d In s o le 400 down will move you into this sterilizing processes w h i c h looking for something 1967 TRIUMPH. yeUow, food c*»- _ ATTRACTIVE 3 room s w ith Ule large 3 bedroom tri-level, carpeted unusual — chess sets, ditton. Radio, an d heater, overdrive. | bath. U nfurnished except refrigerator living room w ith fireplacer 34x50 have'caused flavor, color and w ire wheels- E xt. 2888 o r a fter 5 .! and stove. Adults. Close to campus. paneled fam ily room w ith fireplace. texture changes in some foods. pipe racks, and wooden E T F l e x i b l e a n d lig h tw e ig h t I D 7-2834. 22 i ED 2-4886. _ tf 17x11 fam ily kitchen w ith all th e built-ins. Attached 2-car garage. Call Schweigert said pasteuriza­ cigarette boxes. 1058 RENAULT, radio, electric I ROOMS R. J T r r tn k . TV 4-7759. IV 5-4170. or ED 3-6595. W alter Nefler Co.. Real­ tions, with lower levels of ir­ We have gifts that will Clutch. Call ED 2-9274 a fter 5 p m . 22 j _=______ tors, Brookfield Plaza. 50 radiation, is designed to de- please every man in 0 ^ C r e p e s o le T a n r u i m chudren. Only hi-A. P:A. system: draw tag-study i M I955 L o w down paym eo t CaU tab i» w ith llght. IV l «581 afte rH M R J Frtnk. IV 9-457% IV 4-7755. or year-old daughter w hile I attend claaaes from Ju n e 19 to A ugust 25 Dancing 9-12 $3.00 per couple U iitll Store Elver- Sreere o r $15 Proapsct S t Lansrag. 22 ED M K ì M k r NeUer Co. Raaftors Plaaaa w rite to Mre. Victor H. 22* S. Wash­ «rare MSU Care* P rudar. 3506 Losrell Road. Alpena. Brookfiakt F issa. —, 50 M ichigan. _ • ington pm- Operette ROLLIFLEX 7T* CAMERA—H a rd - I Next deer to H e m e Ee lv UéSd. SeUs new -for 5190. WiH ac- ! "CEAST LANSINC A MSU. J u s t ts n eept 8138. Alao S8mm MAMXYA! min u tai awa y - Beau tiful woodad tot Executive. Y ear old. É n d k s l Con- j wHh 3 bsdreen » bride ranch - f f TRANSPORTATION At S t John Student Center Penn ■—W allahy ditipn. Cast SHO new —525. Ateo t a r a ! h vtug r e m w tth flreplace. full bare- MOVIE cam era. Re vere, w tth t ntre n t ■ r e P riead rig b t a t FHA ao o rau al WANTED: RIDE TO N Y C . Leav­ 2en|. M an zin e loadmg. Cali TU 9-4553 . CaB Mrs. Rice ED 5-4559. or office ing anytim e A pril 17. Contact Bath. 95 ED I-UMI. B O n j K a Raaltara. 96 969 Phillip* HalL » #<ÌH s p i to||p mm m i m 1 n M ichjfa» Stale New», E—I Lanring, M idùgtn Wednesday Morning, Aprii 26» 1961 mm Placement Bureau Crossword Puzzle su o n an s a a o s n a n a so a n a a a ao az a u sa □□□□ Reclaim Your Form Will Study Problems of Ttasuhmlns at the Placa* ial studies, math, science, lan­ »M M * □ sa an a Unsold Books U. S., Italian Auto Workers Mot Banal meat Boreal M i Monday. Addition­ guages, business education, I. MM £ 31. Divine □□□ a s a a n j □ □ n o a o a san al taftrmatton in the Place* art, industrial arfi, music, 4. Jcstar 7. Not thaw % betas I (□ □ 3 3 713 J 3 3 3 0 Unsold STUN books will be roturaed to students Wednes­ be atatcked to the University by a grant from the National BMUt Bureau bulletin for the Weak of May 1*9: counseling, guidance. , General Misters OldsmoMle 13. Pw etndant » T h ick en » C o n tain er osa aaa-aaaua day and Thursday. Dr. William H. Form, asso­ ciate director of the Labor and of Turin and the University of Science Foundation. of Adam 34. Short visit □□□un a □□□ Public Schools Division interviewing mechani­ » L if t n in i n ao 3an Students who wish to reclaim Industrial Relations Center, Florence. Form is in change of re­ cal engineers. 14. Extends (Fremont, Michigan) inter­ subscription »T enne Enno n s3 aa3n their books must present re­ will study the occupational and The Italian portion of his search and planning service viewing later elementary edu­ Fraser Pahtte Schools (De­ 15. Mocks n aan a a n a a a o a ceipt or letter from STUN in social integration of automo­ work will be conducted as a here and has conducted a num­ cation, secondary English and troit Area) interviewing ele­ 14. Puff up ioaao n a u ti □□□ bile workers in both the United research fellow of the Social 17. Snug room Room 14 Student Services, 9 ber of -studies of automotive w att. mentary education, art, math, States add Italy. Science Research Council and workers in Michigan. He will taHUndtf t sM Íin edVsetardsy'» P e a te a.m. to 5 p.m. Form will be on sabbatical French-EngUsh and science. cymbals also under a Fulbright re­ compare the Michigan and Commnnity Schools Newaygo Board of Education 15. Stylo Books still unclaimed Thurs­ leave from June of this year search grant. Italian findings. “ Elementary edu- (Western, Michigan) interview­ of typo 3. Poem irm ju day a t 5 p.m. will he donated to June of 1962; He will, study ih, math, chemis­ 23. Phono. to the Asian student book the workers , in the Fiat* Com­ THE UNITED States phase Form has been on the MSU ing instrumental and vocal mu­ faculty since 1947. try, physics. junior high social sic. graph disks 41 »Barden drive. pany in Turin, Italy, and will of the studies will be supported ■tamos, ana instrumental mu­ »M iveria M u n d i* IL Pamele Athens Agricultural School Armenia 4 S a Ausar. sic. (Western Michigan) interview­ 37. Clock fees . Indien trtae » K in g with ing elementary education. » P e rio d a, 7. Molaèses the golden White dead Public School S . Small Æ 4 Telephone (Western Michigan)' interview- Grant Bo a r d ) of Education — draught mhitettcn ta n * (Western Michigan) interview­ »C oax ing majors from the college of ■■¡a mmm ing elementary education, ele­ » K itch en adncalhw and homo economics. •love mentary educational music, bi­ » B ey Lakovtew Public Schools inter- ology and vocal-instrumental mum u window mmm7T □ viewing home economics. music. 31. Kind of Dearborn School District 3 Troy Board of Education (Near Detroit) interviewing »W e* interviewing elementary phys­ ical education, vocal and in- ftmsMBtal music and Spanish. elementary education and vo­ cal-instrumental music. mmm lightly » K la g te »Fnoetioue » PstbeticaQy Summer Currency Saginaw Township Comma- » ■ ■ d e fitte SO. Strew ■My Schools interviewing ele- Night Staff ¡B W W « Bolle« mentary education, Junior high block, math, science, unified A sst News Editors; Jay Blis- mum toboccn » S ta n z a — brt, vocal music, French, phys­ sick, Jim Dengate; Copy Ed­ aww »D isch arp id » D estin y Fresh, young -^\gingham ical education, special educa­ itors; Lane Wick, Joe Harris, tion, senior high English, soc­ (Jerry Hinkley. *V liiww mum »M onkey 41. Play on ■ - . At aaaww awwaaaa » wu* 43. Fruit itone Soft food 44 Or. lottar check junior costume ^ HAMBURGER HEAVEN tan««* w 40. Dotado You expect variety • • • Most chemical elements are and you get it! metals. Only 20 of the 102 Fellowship WONDERFULLY LOW C lippert S tre e t — A cross From F ran d o r identified elements are definite­ ly nonmetallic. * Sends Hess BUDGET PRICE - To Denmark Charles F . Hess, a National Science Foundation-Coopera­ tive fellow in the department of geography, was recently awarded a Fulbright Fellow­ ship for study in Denmark dur­ ing 1961-62 academic year. th é The Fulbright award covers travel to and from Denmark as well as living expenses in Den­ m ark. Hess will do research on settlement patterns and pop­ Spring checks in for juniors in this sweet and saucy gingham check costume. Smart channel jacket with piping detail tops ulation characteristics of the a white pique “frosted” bodice with bare arms and jewel Germaa-Danish boundary as a neck. Self gingham insert and self sash. Slim fitted skirt to part of his doctoral thesis. He will work under the guidance set off the junior figure. Comes in red/white, black/white of Dr. Lawrence M. Sommers, head of the department of or brown/white. Sizes 9 to 15. geography. _ Hess received his BA with a JUNIOR DRESSES — STREET LEVEL, EAST LANSING m ajor in geography from Mich­ igan State In 1969. He received his MS from the University of Wisconsin under a Woodrow Wilson fellowship in spring of 196L Since then he has been working on his PhJD. a t Mich­ igan State. His major interest is political geography. Wf Sparkling Coats GuidesNeeded For July 11-14 T h e y s h in e even 4-H Meeting *Geting to Know You* will be in th e r a in I the them e of Michigan’s 4-H club week to be held here July 11-14 for 1200 teen-age dele­ SPECIAL 4-DAY SALE gates. 95 F ree room and board will be provided for twenty one 4-H alumni who wffl act as campus guides. Those interested may 17 contact H arriet Smith a t ED Elegant Evening Shoes 2-5061 or the State 4-H club of­ fice a t ED 2-1511, ext 3071 be­ fore April 26 for information. A sunny look , . . to cultivate on even tha rainiest day. Arthur Jay’s cotton poplin rain­ coats styled for juniors sparkles in sunny and A trenvendaus selection o f World at cloudy weather, unlimited with versatility, (a) Corduroy bands accent sailor collar, the A Glance patch pocket detailing. In gold, Iris, green or - nationally advertised brands By The Associated Press natural. 5-15. (b) Poplin with over collar, PARIS—DeGaulle, with wide slash pockets and trim lines. In gold, iris, military support, o r d e r e d French forces in Algeria to green and of course. . . natural. 5-15. ■ ■ ■ ■J slap down insurrection there, using force as necessary. Rebel COATS — STREET LEVEL. EAST LANSWO 69° ■ ALL W HITE ■ SATIN PUMPS ■ J generals, claiming they con­ trol most of the army, said they will call up Algerian youths to form a militia force. U TINTED FREE VIENTIANE — Pro-Western Laotian government accepted eeaae-fire appeal, saying it wffl meet with rebels any time t o set date for fighting to stop. Rebel leaders also were said to Have fashion-a-foot for the gala party season at tremendous savings. welcome cease-mire. An axeellent assortment of gay spring styles in high or mid heels. All WASHINGTON—Navy order­ are taken from our regular stock and reduced for your savings! We've ed attack carrier Shangri La back from Mediterranean to over a hundred colors to select from for tinting. Shop now while the cruise off Florida. High gov­ Savings last; ernment leders pondered slap­ ping Cuba with total trade em­ bargo. KMAPTS SHOE SALON — CARDEN LEVEL, EAST LANSING COQUBLHATVILLE, The Con­ go—Katanga President Moise EAST LANSING STORE OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9 P .M .; Tsbombe, accusing president EAST . LANSING STORE- IS O PEN TONIGHT TILL 9 :0 0 P.M. Joseph Kasavubu of son-out to THURSDAY STORE HOURS, 9 :3 0 A.M. • 5 :3 0 P.M. the (J.N., walked out of Congo political tenders’ parley in THURSDAY STORE HOURS . . . 9 :3 0 A.M. TO 5 :3 0 P.M. Mow to efforts toward Congo- test confederation. T m Wednesday Morning, April 26, 1961 Michigan S u te Newt, East f j n tiig , Michigan 'V Scholarship petitions Are Due Here are the scholarships dates for applications are fellowships are given, in the and fellowships whose deadline March 1 and September 1. Ap­ fields of the sciences as they dates occur during the months plications should be sent to: relate to the problem of nor­ of May, August and Septem­ National Vitamin Foundcta n, mal arid abnormal growth. ber. X 149 East 78th Street, New York Limited to U S. citizens only, American Philosophical So­ 21, N.Y. the stipend is individually de­ ciety — Grants for basic re­ Organization of American termined, and the deadline search in all fields of study, in­ States (OAS) Fellowship pro­ to persons (technicians) with­ out a university degree who cluding expenses incurred in gram — This program is appli­ EAST 8RAND RIVER AT HAMILTON ROM , OREMOS the collection of materials for cable to all fields relating to research. The amount of money ■furthering the understanding granted varies with the project among the member states of undertaken. For further infor­ th e Organization. Qualifica­ wish to specialize in work of dates for application are Sep­ tember 15, March 15 and De­ cember 15. PRICES ROOD AT OREMOS STORE ^ SUPER J FO O D Markets American Heart Assn. — The mation write: The American tions restrict the grants to in­ Philosophical Society, 194 South dividuals with a University de­ Fifth Street, Philadelphia 6, gree who wish to further their Association offers funds for the development of cardiovascular OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 ; EXCEPT SUNDAYS Pennsylvania. The 'deadline studies or to do research, and research and knowledge in the for application is May 1. an advanced nature. Deadline broad field of cardiovascular for application is September 1 DELICATESSEN D EPT. SPECIAL Rotary International — Un­ function and disease. To qual­ restricted as to field, this fel­ and- March 1. Applications lowship is limited to men and should be sent to: Technical ify, an applicant must bold the M.D., Ph.D., Sc.D., degree or COLE SLAW LB. 29c women between the ages of 20 Secretary, Organization of their equivalents. The dead­ and 28, inclusive, who hold col- American States Fellowship line for applications is Septem­ CABBAGE SALAD LB. 29c lege degrees and possess a Program, Pan American Un-. ber 15, and all correspondence F resh Made Daily good speaking knowledge of the | ion, Room 301, Washington 6s should be addressed to: The am language of the country in D C. Assistant Medical Director Famous which they propose to study. American Cancer society for Research, American Heart The deadline for application is Grants are provided for schol- Association. 44 East 23rd for Quality August 1, and the addi’efSsto ars, and post-doctoral research Street, New York 19, N.Y. be written is the applicant’s Since 1919 Rotary Club. Helen Hayes foundation — j Grants for research in rheu-; matic fever and rheumatic j SICK, SICK, SICK heart disease, the study of con- j OF THE FOOD, OF nective tissue and its disease, and biology. Any M.D. or Ph.D. WALKING TO CLASS. BUT up to the age of 35 who is scri-1 ously considering a career in ESPECIALLY SICK OF biological or medical research' THE WAY YOUR CLOTHES FARMER PE E 'T S related in some way to the slat- j ed purpose of the Foundation^ LOOK? FOR A LAUNDRY READY-TO-EAT is eligible. Die deadline for “applications is August 15, and JOB THAT LOOKS BETTER SMOKED HAMS applications should be sent t o : ‘ Die Helen Hayes Foundation. | 525 East 68th Street, New Yoik THAN EVEN MOM DOES T H E M .. Full Shank Half, lb. 21, N.Y. The National Vitamin foun­ dation — Fellowships are for research in the fields of health and medicine. They are limited Gleanerand BUTT PORTION lb. Only 4 9 c to post-doctoral candidates and Shirt Laantfry FA R M ER F E E T ’S 'are not regarded as st’pends, although assistance can be „ READY-TO-EAT CENTER HAM SLICES lb. 7 9 c given if needed. Deadline E. Grand River Acrosa from Student Service« Building W HOLE quick and easy — Smoked Hams CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS lb. 6 9 c N. Y. Times I Dial ED 2-3537 for Pick-up & Delivery U P G R A D E A 3 Vi TO 4 LB. AVERAGE Publisher ,b 49c o n ly FRESH ROASTING CHICKENS lb. 3 9 c Retires Try A New Hair Style NEW YORK, i*» — Arthur Hays Sulzberger, 69, retired today as publisher of the New York Times, a post he has helcT For That Special Term Party ¡TURKEY BROILERS SS£Sr*39.,‘j Fresh Frozen since 1935. He will continue as chairman of the board. Add an extra touch Sharp Pincorining Cheese lb. 69c Shrimp medium size 51b. Box $3.49 Elected to succeed Sulzber­ ~ H errud’s — _ ger as publisher was his son- of glamour with a in-law, Orvil E. Dryfoos, 48, new hair style de­ Boiled Ham, Thin Sliced lb. 89c . _ Skinless Franks (king size) lb. 49c who left Wall Street to join the Times and succeeded Sulzber­ s i g n e d especially ger as president of the news­ paper in 1957. far you! MORTON’S Sulzberger also announced t h e retirement of Charles Merz, since 1938 editor in charge of the Times editorial page. John B. Oakes, a mem­ Styling $ 2 .5 0 FROZEN^ 10cS a le ! ber of the editorial board of Sham poo & Set $ 2 .2 5 16 oz. Van Cam ps P o rk & Beans - the newspaper, was named to succeed Merz. DINNERS Heinz Tom ato Soup Some astronomers believe Elda-Diane Beauty Salon 12 oz. Libby’s Pineapple Juice m atter — in the form of hydrogen—simply materializes o ut of nothingness, then collects 210 Vi Abbot Road Phone ED 2-2416 E . Lansing Hours 9-6 Salisbury Steak — Fish D rom edary Corn Muffin Mix 6 0 ct. Charm in W hite Napkins nto clouds of dust to form stars. LOWEST PRICES EVER OFFERED Ready to Heat and Serve 39. 4 oz. C am pfire Marshmallows 6 oz. Heinz Cone. Tom ato Juice Libby’s Frozen • Chicken IN EAST LANSING-ALL ALBUMS RCA - CAPITOL p o t p ie s : • T urkey Beef 15 Each ■ Q c -> ■ 6 00 ORANGE JUICE Scaldswect A Frozen oz. Tins 1 UP TO 40% OFF OVER 2 0 0 TITLES FREE TO EX PECTA N T MOTHERS M inute Maid T angerine J u ic e M inute Maid Blended J u i c e ----------- Lady -Betty P ru n e J u ic e . . . . -------------- „... .. 6 oz. Tins, 2 fo r 45c 6 oz. Tins, 2 fo r 39c 4 0 oz. Can 59c R egular- NOW . . . A BEA U TIFU L Tfgr 11 U _ - INSTANT 6 oz jar M a x w e ll H o u s e coffee (D ea iP a ck ) 7 “ c Exodus —original sound track $ 4 .9 8 *147 Makeway —K ingston T rio 3 .9 8 2.47 BABY GIFT Jack F rost Sugar, Pow dered o r Brown, ................ 1-lb Pkg. 15c In P erson —Lim elighters 3 .9 8 247 Pillsbury F lo u r . . . . ......... ........................... . . . . 2 5 lb. Bag $ 1 .7 9 6-YEAR SIZE Schafer’s Sandwich Buns . . . . . . . . ........ 12 Pack 25c Swingy Session —Sinatra 4 .9 8 347 poccCCCX CHILDCROFT 347 S ooth Pacific —original sound track U nsinkable Mary Brown - original sound track 4 .9 8 5 .9 8 447 JUVENILE C m ICECREAM *pakh % Gal. 49c McDonald Dairy H alf and H a l f — — ...... P in t 19c f a n Can —original sound track 4 .9 8 347 Blue B onnet Oleo M argarine ...... 2 lbs. 4 9 c G. I. Bines - Elvis Pressley 4 .9 8 247 Complete With Y oung In H eart - P erry Como 3 .9 8 247 Sleeping B eauty H air Blown M attress S tr a w b e r r ie s C alifornia 3 P in ts 1 (a $00 V alue) 4 DAYS ONLY (Wed. through Sat) Fresh Sweet C orn - ... 6 E ara3 9 c Just Come In and Register Nothing to Buy—Nothing to Try M ich ig an Potatoes ....... -y----- ------ 1 0 lbs. 39c MUSIC CENTER ' .Ä* BANANAS Golden Ripe lb 10« (L ucoit block — across from Berkey H all) SCHMIDTS Guarantee Of Quality Always Protects YOU! 1 m ml r> -ri?* 18 •kWTfi dT"i • X'Wrt V ¡5r~* •*>.. a* *•- ' -t'.ï| ’■% . Wednesday Morning, April 26, 1961 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ( I ______________________________________ International Trade Problem Patterson Law Day U.S.A. Business School Makes Two New Appointments What’s Underdeveloped Nation? Receives Lawyers Celebrate total integration in the next ten The economic independence Fellowship Law Day U.S.A. will be cele-J to “foster a deeper respect for brated May 1 by students, fae-j law, encourage responsible cit­ T n appointments announc] ♦programs are sponsored by One prob’em complicating analysis of trends in interna­ years. Meanwhile, a free trade the new nations seek is gener­ A doctoral candidate in fi­ ulty and the Ingham County izenship and promote national «§ by Alfred L. Seelye, dean of Ithe graduate school of busi­ tional trade and economic de­ area has also been organized, ally a combination of sound nance administration, Harlan | Bar Assn. strength and unity ness administration. the gradaafee school of Business velopment is what constitutes including such important eco­ economic ideas and these pres­ R. (Pat) Patterson, has been | John R. Dethmers, chief jus­ The public is invited to attend Adastahtratio*. w e Dr. Ed­ an “ underdeveloped” country, nomic powers as Argentina, tige elements, Hunter said. awarded a Stonier Banking fel­ tice of the Michigan Supreme the naturalization ceremonies vard M Barnet as the new di- ; according to two MSU econo­ Brazil, Uruguay and Mexico, “They are spurred by the lowship for the academic year ICourt will speak on “The Role t and Dethmers speech The sen­ reefer «f graduate programs' leading to the degree of Mas- ; Old Recipes mists. Comparing a nation’s pres­ Brainard said. DR. HUNTER described sev- urge to develop, expand, raise their standards of living. . .but 1961-62." of the Courts” in Fairchild j ior classes of 13 high schools Patterson, a native of Cam- [ Theatre at 4 p.m. have been invited by Dr. Hen­ ter of Business Administration t also to move ouf of their den, Ohio, will receive $2,400 The day will begin with a ] drik Zwarensteyn, professor of and Dr. Arthur E. Warner to i the pant of director of pro-j Revived for ent situation with its resource potential is one sensible cri­ eial categories of economic de­ velopment activity favored by ‘colonial economic s t a t u s , ’ plus tuition and fees to com- j luncheon at the State Bar of j business law to hear Dethmers terion, Harry G. Brainerd, act­ the underdeveloped countries. which means being solely the pleto his doctoial dissertation. Michigan Building. Lansing. speak. grams for the doctoral degree j » . business administration 1700’s Dinner ing head of the department of economics, and John M: Hunt­ Some favor specific protec­ tion for so-called “ infan* in­ exporters of raw materials,” Hunter said. _ To qualify for the fellowship | Professor J. M. van Bemmelen an applicant must be a United | of Leiden University, Nether­ Barnett a nationally known An 18th century dinner pre­ er, professor of economics, dustries,” until these can sur­ AMERICAN policy should be States citizen in good health. lands, will speak on “Law a n d : marketing specialist, will con-1 pared from recipes found in told a campus audience last vive competition from foreign to encourage the new nations Patterson was one of three stu- j Justice in a Free Society.” thme as director of the Food cookbooks in the university li­ week at a meeting sponsored exporters. to become stronger, more in­ dents ih the country to receive-! Naturalization ceremonies i Martating Program and as a brary will be held tonight, said by Delta Phi Epsilon, profes­ “ Unfortunately, t h e s e in­ dependent, more diversified, he the award. for 25 persons will take place in ] marketing professor in the de-; lb-. Riqfiard Chapin, director of m i Inn at of Marketing and ] libraries. sional fraternity for the For­ eign Service and international fants too frequently have a way of never growing up,” so said. He must be a doctoral candi­ the Ingham County Circuit date in a United States uni-: Court at 2 p.m. Judge Marvin $ BUCI RIGHT S transportation Administration. that the artificial tariffs re­ The U.S. can expect “a re­ The event is spons »red by trade. duction in her exports of con­ versity in the filed of banking, Salmon will preside. BarVet earned his bachelor’s the Friends_0f_the Library, said ALTHOUGH BY this stand­ main indefinitely, Hunter said. sumer goods, but an increase finance or economics and h av e; Law Day was proclaimed in I and MBA degree from Har-j Chapin and w illt?ke place at ard even such wealthy coun­ A broader category which is ip s a l e s of ^manufactured demonstrated superior analyti- ! 1958 by President E.cenhower j sometimes found is the “ infant cal ability and competence in !ti| ________ vard. His Ph.D. he obtained] 6 30 p.m. in Kellogg. Center. tries as Canada and Venezuela goods, heavy machinery, and from Columbia University.' could be classified as under­ economy” where numerous in­ perhaps even raw materials,” written and oral expression. T B S _____ t ^ 1, , Dennis W. Brogan, author dustries are being started for His memberships in profcs- and professor of political developed, economic potential Hunter said. Patterson received his BA Tu h h zlL ? stonai organizations include h e 1science at Cambridge Univer­ American Marketing Associa­ sity will be the guest speaker. tion. American Academy of Brogan is a distinguished, visit­ is a sounder gage than “ pover­ ty ,” they said. Two other terms which some­ mutual support, all protected by tariffs. “The theory is that the workers in one industry, will buy the products of a sec­ “The evidence of our past experience with Europe shows that we need not fear the rise and MBA degrees at Miami university, Oxford, Ohio. K is m i oru reK C>NCmaScuWC 516 rows 6U SCALA M anagement American Econ­ ing professor of history on times cause confusion a r e of new industrialized nations. The Columbia River and its “common, m arket” and “free ond, and so forth,” he said. Shown Twice At 7:47-11:49 omics Association, and the fra­ campus this term. THERE ARE also “ prestige We have the ability to sur­ tributaries drain 259,000 square it* f o r ternities of Alpha Kappa Psi. Friends of the Library is an tiade area.” vive,” he said. miles. _ industries,” especially steel, Beta Gamma Sigma, and Pi organization that is interested Sigma Epsilon. in rare books, ja id Chapin, and A common market is a group of nations which abolish all re­ developed regardless of cost, Exhilarating — 2ND COLOR HIT — so long as some status feature CARY SOPHIA Warner, formerly the direct­ it raises money for the acquisi­ or of programs tor the masters tion of such books. strictions against one another, while setting up uniform tariffs is involved. Lack of Wage Increase GRANT • LOREN for imports from outside the MOMifUN U. S., Foreign May Hurt Employe Morale degree » business administra­ tion has written articles for group, Brainard said. A free trade area also has At Ho uriau* business journals and was editor of the “ Indiana 86 Cubans this feature of wiping out in­ ... Failure to resolve the prob­ son said. “This is a problem Extra Gross Ificn aeJ& x and Regu­ lations Publication. V Flee Castro, ternal tariffs, but allows mem­ bers to set up tariffs as they Student to Be lem of pay increases may re­ that concerns us all. ” sult in serious deterioration of Union leaders attending the Before joining the university please against outsiders. BRAINARD suggested the Discussed morale, according to Jack m eeting will be Robert Gros Thompson, president of the venor, director of the Michigan Charge. . . staff in 1953. Warner taught at jnrftana University. Land Here United States as an example of a common market, with Michigan S t a t e Employes State Employes union; Conrad Problems of the foreign stu­ Union, Local 1585. Quality Springer, area representative of For two years Warner serv­ MIAMI (AV-Eighty-six per­ trade moving freely and result­ dent at an American universi­ An emergency meeting of all thé union, and Charles Wilder- ed ® the development of busi­ sons, many of them refugees ing in a uniform internal -econ­ ty and of the U.S. student non-teaching employes of Mich- spin, representative of the ness administration .program s from Fidél Castro’s Cuba, ar­ omy. abroad will be discussed by aMgj;an State has been called to American Federation of State, in Sao Pauk». Brazil These rived here Tuesday to a heart rending reunion with loved Current economic blocs in­ faculty panel tonight a t 7:30'a t [discuss this problem. The meet­ County and Municipal Employ­ clude such examples as the 21 Union. ing is scheduled for 8 p.m. Wed- es, AEL-CIO. Houseboat f t CH*i(COi OK ones. The lips of-most of them sterling bloc, including Britain Participating in the panel are nesday in the Lansing Y.M.C.A. The meeting will also cover were sealed by fear. and most of her former colo­ Homer D. Higbee, assistant The attitude of the legisla- the issue of unemployment com- MARTHA H Y « The 86 persons were aboard nies; the west European six-- dean of International Pro­ ture in denying an increase in- pensât ion. Thompson said the a Pan American World Air­ nation common market and grams; Edward W. Weidner, appropriations sufficient even university does not participate Frandor Shopping Center Show« Once At 9:5t | Obe sophisticated ways plane which earlier Tues­ seven-nation free trade area; professor of political science; for a small increase in wages in unemployment compensa­ and the Soviet bloc, he said. MON. THRU FRI. TILL 9 day had taken 17 persons to and '.arLT. Wright, professor to keep up with the rising costs tion, yet has a large number SAT. TILL 7 - Load Your Car Up!] s wash and wear Havana in the; first U.S. com­ mercial flight from Miami to “The Soviet bloc is a politi­ of- cal grouping under- the very ¡cultural economics. of living is a m atter of great of layoffs every year due to Higoee has just completed a concern to our union,” Thomp­ seasonal "work of other causes. Cuba since the rebel invasion. strong compulsion of the Soviet study of foreign student pro­ \ clothing that Union, which is assuming the grams a t' 50 American uni­ Down Opea A large majority of the group character of a special trading versities, which included in­ 4th Week! G LA D M ER 12:45 p.m: M ICHIGAN Today & Thurs. were Cuban nationals who . ap­ V e stu re A t 1:40 - 4:20 • THTATRr - PHONf IV ? makes it smart to peared deathly afraid to be area,” Brainard said. tensive interviews with both 6:55 • 9:30 seen talking to American news- In Latin America, two im­ students and foreign student TMf At It F PHONf IV 7-7 VI» THE YEAR’S GREATEST STAR and FUN-FILLED MOVIE! portant blocs have developed- advisers. be comfortable... !, men. One woman, who pushed •_ in the last few years. A com­ OUT OF AFRICA’S CONGO COMES THE past newsmen, said, “it is hor* mon market is growing up in WEIDNER collaborated in MIGHTIEST STORY OF LOVE AND ADVENTURE! f rihle, it is horrible.” Central America, aiming for Higbee’s study, and as director of MSU’s Institute for Over­ H ASPEL Water Supply seas Research, conducted an exhaustive survey of American university overseas projects, B * HOWCOULDIT Out of the Congo Came A Great Love! 1 Conferences including t h e problems of ■^¿HAPPEN TO Rachel S IR (tripm! StiitfyTssc It Paclf^y Begin April 28 Americans studying abroad. - Wright was d i r e c t o r of MSU’s advisory group a t the University, of Ryukyus, Okina­ PRflCH ELGADE? C ade' TECHNICOLOR* ReooahdtorWARNCRBROS fell r i o Houwoär^“ wa, for two years, and is cur­ P E R IO R ' A U.S. Geological Survey rently especially concerned speaker will address civil en­ with graduate education in the gineers and geologists from United States for Asian stu­ Starring Angie Dickinson • Peter Finch • Roger Moore •-STA R TS FRI. • across the state at the Ground dents. — JK' UNIV. SUMMER SESSION W ater. Supply Conferences The program is open to all about a scrambiedegghead) April 28-29 and May 5, 6, 15 interested persons and is part RUBBER (the GOO that Flew) A G rand Filmed in 6 CREDITS and 16 at Kellogg-Center. of the Forum discussion series and FLYING FUYYERS! E n tertain m en t Cinemascope 63 DAYS Ä *549 John Ferris, from the Wash­ sponsored by the International ington office, will be among Relations club. A coffee hour T re a t F o r The Whole F am ily and Color Price includes: Sh ip outbound, Jet return: ca m pus dorm itory 15 speakers to appear. He will for the panelists following the eccom m odattons, beach d r a w ­ speak on “ Ground Water Hy­ program is being given in the ing room and lockars; extensiv# schedule of pertiot, dinner», e n­ tertainm ent, s o c ia l fu n ctio n s, sightseeing, sailing, beach activ­ draulics.” UN Lounge by Delta Phi Epsi­ Ground water, as opposed to lon, professional fraternity for surface water such as lakes the Foreign Service and inter­ CANIWRAS DmMfltitioaofAourefDhtWoriciIw80 P EP E ^ ities: ell n sce ssa ry tour services. and rivers, refers to under­ national trade. QWDAil# ‘"'SHIRLEYJONES—MAURICECHEVA»* BN8 CfiÖfflF W a ik ik i h o t e l-a p a r t m s n t a n d DAVE HEPBURN, graduate ground sources such as wells. other transportation at adjustod rates. Authorities are becoming in­ student in linguistics from the MICHAELGALIAN«BOBgiTDftRIN«SAMMYDAMSJt«JÜiMUFVDUMME creasingly concerned over the Bahamas, British West Indies, v looming inadequacy of water will present an MSU foreign supplies in the face of a fast- student viewpoint. He is grad­ OLSON-KEENANWYNNJOMMYKIRK w . s — w s n s s b .e m e n io . u Continuous Performance»: Show» At 1:64-3:354:29-9:19 Weekday Mat. $1.00 — Eve*. k San. $1.» — ChOdrea Sie ORIENT SAN FRANCISCO STATE COL growing population. uate assistant a t Rather hall. PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 8-5817 For Program InformationDial IV 2-3905 SUMMER SESSION LAST DAY! 6 CREDITS M DAYS:; *1892 * I I , Warn* * LUCON 7 as^ a wsin^ ^ T hon $ ip.^ay»L F e a tu re 1:30-3:30 5:35-7:40-9:45 Two Miles Southwest o f Lam ine mi M -7 t fiv e Pacific areas: Hawaii, Ja ­ E A S T L A N S I N G • PHONE ED.2-2814 \T A W J • EXCLUSIVE • FIRST • pan. F o rm o sa , M a n ila . H o n g HOME O F FO R EIG N FILM S Lee Remick — Yves M ontand — B rad Dillman I f U W ! LANSING • SHOWING • Kong. Pries includes: R oundtrip by sh ip and first c la ss s tr v ic ss EX CLU SIVE LANSING A REA SHOWING ashore— best hotels, all m sals, DarrjlFJZMUck Prothdims, he. prtwndt sightseeing, inland sea cruise, all tips’, full program of evening F IR ST SHOW 7 P.M. — ADULTS 90c WILLIAM FAULKNER’S THE iiJÜ* Sa n c t u a r y and special social events, plus LAST 2 NIGHTS all ne ce ssa ry tour services. You enjoy the Orient by participation, not o nly by se ein g it. N IW R W B B K - TRUE STORY Mnanf ACADEMY AWARD «» »Thai V irato Sp rin t* m A CxntmeScope P vturr jfck o r m e This it th e famous ALSO « Y fy w h o rn h— e* jj»9 * W IN N E R if STRANGEST] i f STARTS TOMORROW * SHt PERIOR by HAWMI-MPANTOUR * -a tfh n t Ho oM vrtnr-s asf i i l th lwe (|l o ÿ |» B EST FOREIGN RAME Ü HASPEL 75% Dacron* FILM OF IN THE i MET (poly ester) 25% C otton. 12 DAYSinly *1892 hl» afeli!» f «owbpiwi Mf TH E YEAR I ...- * WORLDOF 9 CREDITS m »no»— n t Wf* C o f f c t t ly wash and v ta v k M K b th e Hawaii program abovt com­ bined and followad by 21 innen to r e N M y ohm» r n v o m N .V .T M a R W - “ Dem m e* hno Whned CRIME! ■ day Japan Study Tour. ■j y u s AIoo Ko K *1-" -The Vteniw 5f W triplc-purpcve o f easy w ith orflnrreioo«» o f CO - FEATURE SHOWN AT 9:19 care, perfect com fort M. V. POOT- wnthlc Iwooner A ffiy : “ Extroordlnory an d sophisticated th o t to fnMy «—fn> svotoH vo In o fltiY • •. T W O YANK th e «old noHolon mod good looks. * 3 9 »* f r . It f r vnwrtnW. I ^ FOUR SI HOWARD TOURS There o re n e othor vletowen the» It lenveo th e v iew e r i t ewwoA.” 578 GRAND AVE. n i dure» Wen hl» o n d th ey o re oH FEATURE AT Ig P ^ IPM U HOLDEN-REID d iffe re n t.,/’ 7:30 — 9:35 16R— H as. thru Fri. OAKLAND l i t CALIF. COME EARLY GEORGESANDERSlMRIAMMllEY #»*•' * Hm n IB IS i 9 AJNL to 9 P-M- FRIDAY VI I ÉiMÉraHWflfiB I ‘ S a tu r d a y 9 AJL to 6 P-M. HOWARD “ BALLAD OF A SOLDIER” “The Incredible P etrified World” STUDY TO U R S P lus 2nd Science Fiction T hriller ! HOODLUM PRIEST SHOWN AT 7.45 - 11:15 I -i, •' ' * V *t fe ■ ' . ' ;■ ~ ■ , ■I ■• P*; •• . . ' • '■, f *- y í tí ^ ■' . -i- ** í«fcS»&MRÍvGh¿j4b* Mldiigm Surte N ew ,|m ïansiny, Midiigin S P O R T S Weàamêmy Mwfagi April 26, 1961 «t»\ MM Detroit Tigers Will Hold Ten One Home Sports Event This Week Spartan batsmen will be t e Friday, April S - Baseball. Track, Drake Relays at Dee : Tryout Camps This Summer only Michigan State team to work at home this weekend, as they take on Michigan in a Michigan at Ann Arbor Trade, Drake Relays at Dès Moines, Iowa Meines, lewa Golf, Northwestern and Wis­ consin at Evanstoe, HI- home series. Two other teams Saturday, April 28 • Baseball. 71m Detroit Tigers will con­ Rapids, East Detroit, West De-1 tryouts in cities where clubs of wffl take to t e road for action. Michigan (doubleheader) troit, Flint, Mt. Pleasant, Sault the Detroit m i n o r league sys- WASH N WEAR duct 10 trycat campi through­ Coach John Rob’s baseball at home, 1 p.m. out M irtiifit and Ohio this Ste. Marie and Toledo, Ohio,| tem >r* located __________ team faces arch-rival Mich­ summer, it was announced to­ before concentrating on the igan Friday at Ann Arbor and AND day by James A. Campbell, di­ metropolitan Detroit material |] ^ | S c h e d u l e then returns home for a doable- Advanced ROTC . My Osrfc rector of minor league opera­ in a series of trials at Butzelj header with the Wolverines the tions and scouting. Field. BOWUNG following day. Physicals Today Only 8 U 6 Scouts assigned to run the W cd n e* 4 * y . A v r i l H State’s track team will be From June 27 when the Baf­ Sas competing in the 52nd annual AH Army ROTC cadets who fle Creek area will be screened tryouts are Louie D’Annunzio, Alien have made applications for ad­ Len Kositchek’s l-ZI V l- Vate l_ ■ Jim Trew, Pat Mullin, Chuck 1-4 Vate I - D.S. Phi n - JJBUy iJ to ji Drake Relays at Des Moines. until Aug. 28 when the last in Iowa, on Friday and Saturday. vanced ROTC are reminded by a series of local trials will beCronin, Bob Stdfivan, Jack S-4 Skurski, Ray Meyers and Vin­ The Split* - S. Chi 7-4 Ä ther • The Spare* The Spartan golf team will Capt. Albert J. Gnoiott that Vanity Shop completed Tiger scouts will op­ so ftba ll be in Evanston. HI., for a tri­ they must report to Demonstra­ erate sessions continuously. ce Desmond. —-i— lit *- tion hall Wednesday at 6:88 228 ABBOTT RD. angular moat with Northwest­ F ie ld Following are the dates'and 1 BR 1 - 4 ern and Wisconsin. p.m. for their physical exam­ E . LANSING BOYS AND young men be­ 4*’er< • Vac. Tom’* Bay* tween the ages of 16 and 22 sites of the tryout camps: Cardinal* • Aalmal* The complete schedule: ination. are eligible to take part in the June 27-28 Battld Creek Post l i n r Daddy* - S. P hi Delt Field U ntourh. - That« Taua tryout. They will be given C a it r o ’i S - Tinkle* Terr. June 29-30. July 1 Grand Rap­ DM S - S thorough tests in all phases of Intasimi* - Phi Alpha fundamentals and will have ample opportunity UT perform competitively. ids Valley Field July 3-5 East Detroit—Manz F ie ld * Field - KM 1 - 1 I Veta H - P h i K. Sig. BE 1 • 3 S:S 4 m - DONT BE FOOLED “The purpose of the tryouts," July 6-7 West Detroit Butzel ■ ¡•I Campbell explained, “is to look ever all the boys who might July 10-11 Flint Atwood Sta­ dium BB t ( H I - 4 • T C.S.C, - A sher INVESTIGATE STORAGE OFFERS A.O.C.S. I I - lo t a ip h e r e * not ordinarily come to our at­ July 12-13 Mt. Pleasant Central EM « - 7 tention. We find this an excel-! Michigan Field ARM 4 - 7 _ lent way to clear up the key] July 14-15 Sault Ste. Marie j ----------- --------- areas." Clean and store your clothes with Memorial Field i--» , ,, * Similar camps have turned July 17-18-19 Toledo Scott Park! f | | f J i l i d l l i f f l l t S us NOW. Pick them up and pay a* up approximately 60 prospects July 22-29 Detroit Butzel Field *3 - 15 within the past lo u r years, Aug. 5-12-19-25 Detroit Butzel Thé fraternity tennis match­ needed in the fall Campbell reported. In addition Field es will be held this evening and DAN CURRIE to the youngsters sighed on the All tryouts will get under all participants should report . . . plays for okttimers . . . spot a greatjp m b er have been way at 10 o’clock in the morn­ to the IM office before playing.. Get an itemized receipt fo r your ticketed for follow-up obser­ vation by Detroit scouts. ing and run through the noon hour to 2 o’clock in the after­ All softball games cancelled Oldtimer Star garm ents — they are valuable to you. AFTER THE Battle Creek noon. _ Tuesday evening will be played tryouts the mobile scouting unit In addition to the regional Thursday. will set up camps at Grand camps the Tigers will conduct will be used. The same schedule Currie Returns to State Dan Currie will play in the old timers game. Dan, an All-American center- Stars defeated the 1957 {mo champion Detroit lions. - SEE US FIRST - Dan prepped at St. Anthony linebacker and Most Valuable High school in Detroit where Player of MSU’s 1957 team, he w o n All-American. All- COLD STORAGE CASH AND CARRY was a member of the team that State and All-City honors. won eight and lost one and ranked third in the nation. CURRIE majored in physical ALL WORK GUARANTEED AND INSURED DAN PLAYED guard his education at MSU. e r v o o r t ’s \ first two years, gaining a start­ The former Spartan star is ing berth midway through his now playing linebacker with 213 E. GRAND RIV ER the Green Bay Packers of the j sophomore season of 1955.- He EAST LANSING Z - Ph. ED 2-2114 was one of four sophs to start in the Rose Bowl game that year. He switched to center National Football League. C ollege C leaners - his senior year. Following graduation, Currie appeared in the North-South P A IG E 620 W. Michigan East Lansing -ED 24713 GOLF BAG Shrine and College All-Star games. He played a standout defensive game and served as CRAFI defensive captain as the AU- LUCKY STRIKE PRESENTS! fam ous Spalding,,W ilson and MacGregor Golf Bags D e § R -D fc P r2 0D : OR. BROOD'S TMOUOMT p o r Th« oAVi A little learning can at savings of be a dangerous thing—especially in a multiple-choice exam. 1 „ Éfaìiì ifir^: 20 to 50% Choose from an assortm ent of vinyl andl canvas bags. One group of canvas, fo ri DEAR DR. FROOD: I have been training our college mascot, a goat. He has learned how to open a pack of Luckies, take out a cigarette, light up and* smoke. Do you think I can get him on a TV show? - Animal Husbandry Major example, th a t regularly sellsL fo r $4.95 is| DEAR ANIMAL- I’mafraid n e t To make TV now- now only $2.00. adays, you've got to have an act that's ratify different. After all, there are millions of Lucky smokers. — ■BUBBnunBBUBBBnBUBUORBUBnBUSWBBOnOUBOBBBB^^ DEAR DR. FROOD: I am a full professor—and yet I stay awake nights worrying about my abil­ ity to teach today's bright young college stu­ dents. They ask questions I can’t answer. They 1 write essays I don’t understand. They use com­ plicated words that I’ve never heard before. How can I possibly hope to win the respect of DEAR DR. FROOD: I have calculated that if the population explosion students who are more teamed than I am? BILL REID continues atitsp resen t rate, there will be a person for every square Professor foot of earth by the year 2088. Whet do you think of that? — Statistics Major DEAR PROFESSOR: I always maintain that noth­ S ports D ep artm en t ing impresses a troublesome student Hke the SPECIAL! Needs W riters; H elp! DEAR STATISTICS: Wait, one thing's sura, that will finish ell the hula- sharp slap of a ruler across his outstretched The State News Sports De hoopers—once and for aH. palm. with sm art tapered toe! partment has openings for two night sports editors and also lawamaoRBMMpMBM AmmmHMBiiiWiinmrirwHnrr^- ..... . iri1——111 OKS needs several writers to cover LADES’ “RENOWN” TENNIS OXFORDS beats. Anyone interested see Ben Burns in the State News ■® ^ _-... -J office. — Exceptional savings on these com fortable oxfords by U. S. Rubber Go. W ith new tapered toe. th ey fe a tu re w ashable w hite Air Force ROTC canvas uppers, lined heel counter and freely O utshoots D etroit DEAR DR. FROOD: You can te# your readers ter me that cushioned arch and insole. Wide, narrow and collage is a wasta of time. My friands who didn't go to DEAR DR. FROOD: Could you give a word of m edium -w idths, Sizes 4*10. The MSU Air Force ROTC outshot the University of De collage ara making good monoy now. And me, adth my advice to « poor girt who, after four years at troit Army ROTC in a rifle nsw diplôme? I*m making paanutsl college, has failed to fW hfrsert match Saturday. Angry Grad invitad on a single d ate?- “ Ocean Pool” The Air Force compiled a to­ Miss Miserable D unlop Max-Life tal of 1,398 points to win over DEAR ANQR* Yes, taet he* nrany sf year friande can de Men’s Nylon Armjt with 1,374 points. Whst you can de jnitaatty aatisfy t e l ovorpewering DEAR MISS: Meek? Tennis Balls Racing a n d Diving Air Force remains in first place in the league, with their craving tor a peanvt. Premiam.. grade» with ayton-wool- victory over Army. imiiiinioÉHi—*mm dacren cover. Save 2Sc on each Swim Trunks - High individual scorer was Ron Haugen; Grand Haven THE RECRUITERS ARE COMING! THE RECRUITERS ARE COMING! And haw’s Ftood to tell vacaam can of S. Papular sleek trucks In Black, Navy, you just how to handle te n r. These representatives of big business era, on the whole, junior, with 284. Neil Vierson, Royal, White and Green. Grand Rapids freshman, finish­ alert fellows. They may bo aware that college students smoke more Luckies than any other reg2.7S eaa of S *2.50 •th a n 1.95 to 2.75 can 3.95 p air ed second with 283, and Carl B e h n e , Bronson freshman placed third with 282, According to Sgt. Tracy of raguitr. Lai them know that you know what's up—ofier them a Lucky, then tap your cranium knowingly. Remember—today’s Lucky smoker could be tomorrow's Chairman of the Board. AFROTC, the next rifle match will be held Saturday with Uni­ CHANGE TO LUCKIES, and gef some taste h r a change! versity of Michigan Army RO­ Aodttd 4 tXC* dLnmpn J& jaiae & y s wy à sor midtit asm SHOP TONIGHT T IL 9 P.M. TC and Western Michigan Uni­ versity Army ROTC. i' ’*■- s^#tlpp§lsws3 j$i^ Sévira^'v*v w ii^ ^ P i * mm W ednesday M orning, A pril 2 6 , 1 9 6 1 M kjrfga» State flew», East L am ing, M ichigan « KKG’s WiU See - Beethoven, Mozart, p»?!5Ü“ New Campus Mag Needs Editor Fall Enrollment Abolition Film cepting stories, articles and .U THE “CHAFF’ will be pub­ University of Michigan may The new college magazine The film, “ Operation Aboli­ cartoons f r o m contributors. lished simultaneously on six reduce its enrollment for next “Chaff,” which will go on sale tion” will be shown Wednesday Stories and articles should be Big Ten campuses with a sep­ year, according to a story in in May, is now seeking a MSU at 7 p.m. at the Kappa Kappa the Michigan Daily reporting limited to 2,000 words. There is arate edition appearing on Gamma sorority house. Mem­ student to bead the local edi­ the action of the Board of Re­ no limit on subject m atter. each campqs. Material relat­ bers of Sigma Nu fraternity have been invited to attend. Advertising? Phone 2643. Music by the Masters gents. — The board said the reduction ami an operating deficit may result from the state’s failure tion. Applicants should have a background in both editorial and advertising and must be The magazine win be a pri­ vate publication and have no official connection with the uni­ versity. The publication, how­ ing only to Michigan State will appear in the MSU edition. Cartoons, short stories, jokes and satire having universal mnsfk,’’ In G major, K. 525, by tained its already-great musi­ to provide what U of M con­ planning to return to campus ever, will depend on student appeal will appear in all edi­ Music by the masters com­ siders an adequate operating tions of an issue. prises the program of the Coo* M o m t j i the second selection cal status, but gained new tri­ next year.. talent for all its material. for the evening. For a time, umphs « n tours abroad. The budget for 1961-1962. — A commission on both sales certgebouw Orchestra of Am­ University administrators A N U N P A ID sterdam when it makes an ap­ the manuscript of this popular orchestra’s first visit to the and circulation plus a percent­ will make a budget appeal to t PIZZA SALE pearance in the Lecture-Coor work was thought lost, but it U S. came in the 1954-55 season T E S T I M O N IA L with Van Beinum as conductor. the bouse appropriations com­ age of profits will be paid. cert series B Thursday. was rediscovered after World mittee Thursday. Interested persons s h o u l d The concert begins at *15 p.m. hi the University audi­ torium. W a rn . “Till Eulenspiegel’s Merry P ra s k k " Opus 28, the humor­ UPON VAN Befaum’t death in 1956, Jochum and Bernard U of M does not plan to in­ crease tuition or other student contact Chaff Magazine, P.O. Box 495, E. Lansing. 2 for Haitink were named co-direc­ fees at this time, said Dr Har­ t PIZZAS FOR THE PRICE OF I , Under the baton of Eugene ous, symphonic poem of Rich­ tors. Jochum came to the lan Hatcher, university presi­ THE “CHAFF* is also ac- ard Strauss, Is also included. VARSITY DRIVE-IN Joe hum, permanent co-director ConcertgeEbuw ^rom the Ba­ dent. — i ; • ,■, rr_.J^ . of the orchestra, the Coocert- The progr am c l o s e s with varian Radio Philharmonic, “Symphony No. 1,” in C minor, The original proposed budget gebouw will perform the “Leo- Which he founded. of $41.6 million was reduced by nore” Overture No. 2, Opus Opus 68, by Brahms. Gov. John B. Swainson and by 72a. This is th e third of four overtures w h i c h Beethoven Organized in 1888, the Con- certgebouw achieved increas­ The Concertgebouw, unlike most American orchestras, re­ the senate before it reached P A I G E ceives no financial support the bouse. O FFE R GOOD 5 - 8 P.M. wrote for his only opera, ing fame voder a long era of from private persons. It is The jsenate approved a 835.4 ED 2-4517 "Fidelio.” The first three over­ tures are usually performed on leadership by Willem Mengel- berg. In 1945 Eduard van managed by a non-profit-mak­ million figure. The appropri­ C R A F T Beimim succeeded Mengelberg ing foundation crested by the ation now faces house action. the concert stage rather than in the opera house. and, under this new guidance, Dutch government, the Munic­ “ EINE K L E I N E Nacbt- the orchestra not only main- ipality of Amsterdam, the own­ Richard the Lion-Hearted sajrs: ers of the Concertgebouw and the union of orchestra mem­ bers. Most of the income Govt. Inspected Whole Nation-wide Study comes from subsidies. Fifty per cent of the musicians’ sal­ 1 mouldneucr hai»e surrendered Career Questionnaires FiDed Out by Seniors aries, for example, is paid by the government. In a “ normal” season, the ensemble gives about 140 con­ certs, of which nearly 100 are F R Y E R S -2 5 c Inland in Amsterdam. . T h e government of The Netherlands and the Munici­ CUT-UP FRYERS - 29c lb. Why, when and how do col­ lege experience and career -...if i'd had lege seniors make their career aims and goals. plans? MSU seniors will be among pality of Amsterdam in con­ junction with The Netherlands These questions will be an­ 48,000 graduates a t 135 col­ America Foundation, Inc., are sponsors of the Concertge- Hi-Grade Small Lean - 73, swered during the next few leges ami universities through­ J o c k 0ewwmuo m bouw’s current U.S. tour. The Bologna Chubs 2n>79 Spare, Ribs 39 k weeks when seniors will be Iout the nation participating in asked to fill out questionnaires a study by the National Opin- orchestra’s schedule calls for covering various aspects of ion Research Center, an affili- a Japan tour in 1962. support their iutures. The research is expected to ate of University of Chicago. Field representative for the Cmon, Dick! You’re rationaliz­ yield important information on study is Dr. David Gottlieb, Last Chance! fresh ing. Jockey suppQttLmight never have secured you against the the relationship between col- assistant professor in the de­ partm ent of sociology and an­ Smoked & Fresh thropology. STUN Emperor*] But it certainly would have provided snug protection against the physical stresses and ■trains of your active life. Your In fo rm a tio n Gottlieb outlined the impor­ tance of each senior respond­ ing to the questionnaire. is clearing it’s S tacks Liver Sausage ib Smelt armorer never tailored a coat of “Each case which is not mail more knowingly than Jockey completed makes the finished A pril 26 & 27 tailors a brief—from 13 separate, body-conforming pieces. „ «mes less trustworthy as a Dairy Club—7.30 p.m., 126 An­ sample of all American stu­ Room 14 - S tudent fresh fresh J. Other "im itation'’ brief* ( copie* of the thony. dents,” he said. Services. “ We hope every senior will o rigin al J ockey brand) have no more Jockey support than a limp loin cloth. 2. Richard the Lion-Hearted, 1I5T-99. surrendered England and a huge ransom Spartan Women’s -League—7 p.m., 33 Union. be Rifle Club—6:30 p.m., base­ questionnaire.” - sure to return his filled-out 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Chicken Breasts 4 9 u> Chicken Legs to secure his release from Henry V i. ment of Dem Hall. International Relations Club— Sot tin mm/ thing. Look for tho nttmo JO C km j on tho worst bond 7:30 p.m., 31 Union, panel Florida Duncan discussion, “The Foreign Stu- J dent in the United States.“ 1 Amow* j Martin Luther Chapel—7:30 j p.m., Bible Class. Oranges 5 lb. bag Grapefruit 4!> size Winged Spartans—7:30 p.m., Oak Room, Union. IFC Presidents Assembly—7:30 p.m., Psi Upsilon house. Golden Ripe - Pascal H P#i Green Splash—6:30 p.m., Wo­ mi dk ■ ^ J o c k e y ' b r ie f s men’s IM pool, dress reher- sal. Circle Initiation—Kiva, 6:30 pro. Bananas 15k Celery large bunch Junior Pan-Helleaie—7 p.m., (00718 1, INC. KENOSHA, Wit. 338 Student Services. New ~ Cabbage large head ea. Potatoes 15 lb. ba A & P — O ur finest YOUR CHOICE Apple Sauce 4 16 oz. Cans 59' Peppers Cucumbers Green Onions J L v / ea. Silvertown Radishes - Cello bag Figbars 2 lb. P k g . 39' HI-C DRINKS - 4 6 - oz. Cans Daily O range, P ineapple O range G rape, F ru it P unch 3 fo r Sweet Pickle Slices qlJ*r 35' Jan e P ark er — plain o r poppyseed Jane P ark er VIENNA BREAD-2 Ib. loaves 35c_ 8inch - LEMON PIE - 39c GLAZED DONUTS dozen 33c SPANISH BAR CAKE 33c Banquet Meat Pies - beef-turkey-chic ken-mix or match-8 oz. pkgs. 5 for $1| O ta r tooosiwylook «to Kodt, but only U.S. KadsOcan *lvayou "tlwt ro o t l u f i l * »nrSinm Kech haw* a patented shockproofed arch cushion and iMurch Grape Drink -6 oz. can 10c ea. A&P chopped Broccoli 10oz.pkg.2-29c 1 laWonart inner sole. And because Keds -_ are but* over tested, scientific lasts, to fit .■ ___ _ aH feat perfectly, even narrow ones. Keds IQOK FOR THE BtllE LABEL All prices in th is ad effective through S aturday, are H0* for class, gym. tennis-court or Y our E. I rinsing A & P Super M arket, ÉXâéàfkâl : A pril 29, 1961, in WiUianmton Store and all five H am , htochint washable (and they even' ¡É l look food cteank His: Kads "Court Ktnf.” C orner of H agadorn & E. G rand River. L ansing A & P Super M arkets. _ _ Jmmm Here: Mads “ChampJon." CM your JI.3. Keds at food thoa or dapretreant atone. . AMMKAV W l t H WOO MTAItN. . . UNCI l*f* Botti** «tfWrity of Tiw C *c*O o i* Company Or *>■«*P.1 rw>meaw>i.»iiMwmwwr iiin.il>««r Store H ours — # S « p e r LA-SALLE COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY U n i t e d S t a t e s R a b b e t Uwd»I, M IA liu . a o c K c m u a «c m t c v m c w row i j a .*t w v o m > M onday th ru Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. I m s t t AM um m c A r a c r c h a _*_________