Number Please Weather Report State News has new telephaac Uses. For Today’s weather, mws desks ass w fo rta a MIS, Ml« «r States Weather I t e—, S B . For ifl advertising calls, Including a d cesL The high classified ads, «se extensions Mtt or a d the tow M. MM. r Established 1 9 0 9 Vol. 5 3 , No. 21 East Lansing, Michigan, T hursday M orning, A pril 2 7 , 1961 8 P ag e. «TS"£Än stm .r5 Cent« yes Confederation Boughton Tshombe Abandons Claims Campaign Popularity D rops Drive F o r COQUILHATVILLE, The Congo, LB—President Moise Student Voice In Tshombe of Katanga was dra­ Selection o f Dean matically arrested Wednesday after he scornfully walked out of a summit conference of Con­ By HOWARD HOLMES golese politicians. State New* Staff Writer - The leader of the Congo’s Petitions circulated winter richest province was seized by term requesting a faculty-stu- soldiers 'of the Leopoldville dent voice in selecting a new central government or Presi­ dean of students have been dent Joseph Kasavubu. He discontinued, Barry Boughton, was preparing to bout! »plane Lansing senior and organizer for Elisabethville, his capital. of the petitions said Wednesday« In Leopoldville, Congolese More than 15 petitions cir­ army authorities believed the culating collected over 1,000 arrest of Tshombe was an signatures, he said, but were emergency and a strictly tem ­ CARTOON SMASHES AT U.S.—This cartoon copied from an April 21 issue of the either lost or not returned af­ Havana newspaper Hoy depicts the Castro revolutionary government as smash* porary measure to prevent his ter spring vacation. quitting the conference. They ing with a riflebutt the hand of Uncle Sam for furnishing weapons to anti-Castro - BOUGHTON SAID htrdid-not forces which invaded Cuba. The title translated—They Came and Stayed. (AP were convinced the Katanga plan to continue the campaign leader soon will he released. Wirephoto) z - „ because he was graduating IN EUSABETHVILLE, Tsh- spring term and was not con­ ombe’s capital. Interior Secre­ cerned anymore about the se­ tary Victor Hgnee said he lection of the new dean. Should Investigate CIA The petition requested Pres­ ident John A. Hannah to con­ “ Opportunities Unlimited” is the theme of the 1M1 Career Carnival sponsora) by understood the Katanga Presi­ dent would return to Elisabeth- ville Thursday. A Katanga ra ­ sult faculty members and rep­ the Placement Boreau. The event will be in the Union on October 9 and 19. Stu­ dio broadcast said Tshombe Russia To Keep Promise resentatives of the stu d e n t body before appointing a new dean. The petition was in response to Dean of Students Tom King’s dents heading the committee are: front, Jerry Myers, Flint junior, General Chairman,Xarry Lindsley, Livonia Senior, ex-officio member, Nan Horton, Peoria, 111. sophomore. Executive Secretary; back« Judy Johnson, Muskegon junior, Banqaet, Pete Secchia, Demarest, N.J. junior, Staging, Gay Firth, Detroit junior, would be released Thursday morning. - Communications with hatville were disrupted retirement, to become effective Art, Bob Aadringa, Way land sophompre, Publicity, and advisor Jack Shingleton. after Tshombe’s arrest U NITED NATIONS, N.Y., UPL-Minister Fidel Castro. B ut he Asked if he saw any link be­ July l.. . ajg ... . .. was not possible Soviet D eputy F oreign Minis­ promised all necessary assist­ tw een peace in Laos an d peace It also asked that the next whether he still te r V alerian A. Zorin insisted ance. - in C u t» , he said aggressive dean “be a person fully In sym­ W ednesday th a t the Soviet Un­ Zorin expressed hope th a t a c ts ag a in st Cuba would have pathy with the educational ion would keep its prom ises to P resid en t K ennedy’s investiga­ an im p act on the state of af­ functions of the university”--• Heavy Fighting Continues tention. Tshombe stormed out of the help Cuba against attack. fa irs in Laos. meaning one who has been a conference after tongue lash­ tion of the C entral Intelligence ing other Congolese politicians Arms Liftto Laotians He w as asked a t a news con­ Agency “ will lead to com plete “ B ut,” he~ added, “ th a t does former faculty member. THIS WAS based on the ru­ a s bunglers interested more in ference if the Soviet Union was liquidation of the aggressive not m ean th ere is a d irect, one- their personal comfort than in com m itted to defend Cuba in aets which the CIA fostered, to-one correspondence, w here mor that King “ is not and solving the Congo’s problems. the sam e degree B ritain was p rep ared and, in the case of you push a button here and we never has been a faculty mem­ He bitterly denounced them com m itted to defend Poland Cuba, c a rried out.” push a button' th e re .” - ber.” He has, however, been an as “vassals of the United Na­ before World W'ar II. UNLESS CUBA is left free Zorin said he w as. convinced VIENTIANE, Laos, (4V-The and P rin ce Souphanouvong, P a ­ j stand rebel attack s until the tions.” As he left, Foreign “ The Soviet governm ent,” he to c h a rt its own- course, he th at the Com m unist P a th e t Lao assistant professor at MSU U. S. Air Force opened an arms th et Lao leader, accepted a | cease fire. O fficers who arriv ed Minister Justine Bomboko was replied, “ views problem s of as­ said, th ere will be “ serious ! faction would ad h ere to th e since 1933 and professor- 3irice airlift to government troops B ritish-Soviet cease-fire appeal with the C-130s a t V ientiane a ir­ announcing the central govern­ sistance in a m ore serious strife and conflict whose lim its agreem ent reached betw een 1941. He has spent more than Wednesday after Vientiane of­ Tuesday, but n either side pro­ port said th e a irlift had been ment’s agreement on a UN re­ light than the United Kingdom cannot be p red eterm in ed .” See RUSSIA P ag e 4 31 years with the university posed a d ate to lay down arm s. j scheduled, for a t least th ree turn to the key port of Matadi viewed its com m itm ent of as­ Teaching athletics, b-isiness ficials charged that pro-commu­ The stepped-up U.S. airlift j m ore days. sistance to Poland. law and acting as Dean of Stu- nist rebels had launched at­ w as viewed in V ien tian e a s evi­ . Two dozen se n d e e personnel and an end of the Congolese | dents. stranglehold on UN supply tacks on all fronts. dence th a t th e Kennedy adm in­ w ere rep o rted flown into Laos lines. “ IF THE Soviet Union says it -will extend assistance, it Army High The petition also requested a Despite talk of an imminent istration is concerned about the i to handle ground duties con­ A UN garrison of Sudanese I committee be formed of stu- cease-fire, a government com­ Royal A rm y’s-a b ility to with- n e c te d with th e airlift. will extend assistance. It will | dents and faculty to study the munique said that the Pathet troops was forced out of the not ac t like B ritain acted be­ fore th e w ar in respect to Po­ lan d .” B ritain declared w ar on G er­ D rive H its 1,5 5 6 organization and activities of Lao rebels had struck in five the dean’s office and to make areas, creating a grave situa­ recommendations for its future tion. Future Plans Require Congo river port more than I six weeks ago. More than 95 | per cent of UN-supplies enter- operation. I ed the Congo by way of Matadi. m any on Sept. 3,1939, two days Student groups a re com pet­ first; Second w as P h i Sigm a Although Boughton, the pe­ Royal troops north of Vien­ But even as toe Matadi a fte r G erm any declared w ar ing for high donor participation K appa and third, D elta Upsil- tition promoter, was an AUSG tiane have stopped a rebel on Poftmd. Zorin did not ex­ in the blood drive in which the on. representative, the petiions drive southward, i n f o r m e d ‘Value Realignments’ agreement held out prospects of a smoother course for Congo plain how anybody could be The percentages of the lead ­ were not and never have been sources said, and taken the of­ affairs, Tshombe’s arrest once m ore serious than th at. H e al­ total donation has reached 1556 ing -m en’s dorm s a r e . W est fensive on a limited scale. “ New V istas in H igher E du­ an education based on “ the more threatened fresh turmoil. so did not say ju st how the pints. backed by student government. Shaw 22, B utterfield 21, E m ­ The heaviest fighting was re­ catio n ’’ w as the subject of a philosophy of applied, specific. Twenty Congolese soldiers Soviet Union would help Cuba The Arm y ROTC tjrill unit m ons 18, E a s t Shaw 17, R a th e r ported at Muong Sai, the tinjr speech given by H erb ert Weis- an d _ p ractica l assistan ce ,” or surrounded Tshombe’s presi­ it th e United S tates attacked. has had close to 100 p S f c e n t 16. A rm strong 16. B ailey 15. L ast sum m er P rem ier Nikita | participation . putting them Walkout Hits town where the late Dr. Tho­ inger. professor of English in on th e tradition of hum anistic dential party in the airport W om en’s dorm s; N o r t h mas Dooley-set up his first hos­ a talk before the A m erican and th eo retical scholarship,” terminal building. Tshombe, K hrushchev threatened re ta lia ­ I ahead with a factor of 3 to 1~ Cam pbell 4, Van Hoosen 3, tion by rockets against the j over the Air Force,-W ednesday. South C am pbell 3, W est Mayo N. Y. Times pital. There about 1,000 govern­ Association of U niversity P ro ­ he sai, a poet-begger who Other acting roles will be list of credits to his nam e. i articles and review s. I on cam pus. _ A g raduate of the University As indicated by F ry m ire. becomes a waxir’s em ir through handled by Ruth Halstead, - ’-w G reer has been associated “ WKAR’s ‘Holland F estiv al his roguery, his poetic imagina­ Tom O'Brien. Ted Busch, Tho­ with the hum anities departm ent j of California. G reer entered the tion, and his pretense to the mas Patchet, Robert Winters, in a scries of-po!lsconductedbyL*Mstudent | ! W eek’ will provide the radio since 1947 and has been an ac­ j Air Force in World W ar II. Af- {listeners in this a re a w ith the ocult a rt of wizardry. Robert Moe, Allan Friedman, representativas in over 100 colleges throughout tive m em ber of the All College I te r the w ar he was chief of the unique opportunity of focusing Parallel with th«r rise toj Barbara Cohen and Dorothy E ducational R esearch com m it­4 air historical branch, w here he ! on the a rt and m usic of one power of the knavish beggar, is • Barrett. : ‘ -.. tee. the Education Policies becam e interested in the his- com m ittee, and is now ch a ir­ i tory of w arfare. m an of the University College A s advisor, tOiElswortfr^Co-op C urriculum com m ittee house, G reer has shown his in­ tere st in student affairs Though One of G re er’s interests out­ he has num erous interests tuch side 'th e classroom has been as m usic and sports, G reer th e history of w arfare, p artic­ finds his main satisfaction in u larly the developm ent of m ili­ teaching. ta ry doctrine in th e past half I SMALL' S Century. He h as co-authored the offi­ G ra d R e c ita l cial history of the Army Air Downtown, o f Course F o rces in World- W ar II, and has w ritten a m onograph on the Is Can c t le d developm ent of the Am erican The graduate recital sched- doctrine of a ir power. - I tiled to be given by Bcttv Crin­ At the present, G reer is work- g le this Friday night h as been L i g h t tip a n L* M , and answ er these questions. ing on two books, “ The History | canceled. _ of W estern Mam” and “ Franlc- | The re c ita l has, however,- Then compare your answers w ith those of 1,383 other college students ta t bottom of naze). P os.1t R av lin Roosevelt as an Internation­ been rescheduled for May 19. Question #1: Do you feel working wives can really have a happy, well- adjusted family life? _ à W  fÜ . i« Answer: Yes No — Question #2: How big a help to a college man is a car in building a success­ ful social life? Answer: The b ig te s t. P retty big N ot ao big— No help a t aiL Question #3: W hich of these fields do you believe provides the greatest opportunity for success, within ten years after entry into tailored smarter than the field? (c h e c k o n e ) 1 Poplin has ever been! Answer: Electronics Solid state physics A dvertising—— Politics Law « Business adm inistration-------- by Y o u n g - Chemical entineerint Industrial design Medicine Architecture Sales..—— Mathematics------ Psychiatry College teaching Biochemistry------ in - Question #4: Do you prefer a filter or a non-filter cigarette?, 60,000,000 tiines^ a day B uild* Answer: Filter Non-filter __ people get tfiat refreshing new feeling s. tsawTesiMi tw ft* de*. tra* ma* D M Campus Opinion Answers: T h e all-tim e champ of Answer, Quest ion *1: n n m w ^ ito d fabrics Yen 61% - No 39% is bock for another Answer, Question *2: fr a a t aaaaan, in a The biggest 7% - Pretty big 55% Not so big 32% - No help at all £% Answer, Queetion *3: C3%) and cotton ($5%). Electronics 14% - %>lid state physics 5% Y o fg la Dnfld cboigners Advertising 8% —Politics 1%—Law 7% t1® a t h m Popüfl io Its Business administration 12% Chemical engineering 8% Medicine 26% - Sales 4% Industrial design 1% - Architecture 3% Mathematics 2% —Psychiatry 5% College teaching 3%—Biochemistry 1% Answer, Queetion #4: Filter 73% - Non-filter 27% s m m drtmt o u t With ahaeet three M l of fear college student* new y n a f ta s J m . lath e filter camp, yea awe itt# yoaraelf ta try LAM, the filter cigarette that proaiiaea—and dalie er*— Get the flavor OfHy Saver. The friendly Savor of ripe, golden tohaeeaa . . . flavor that sever dries oat yoar taste. L‘ M u n l o « | Ì H I TS* UM Caaes* Ogiataii roil «a* tat** at avtr IM caUat*« «Sara UM hat tuet*- raeraaastattm, and aay «at ha a ttatUUcalfy MmCbc#°CbibOmmmvW randas aaUctUa at sH vndtfgradaaU jctacn. LA-SALLE COCA-GOLA BOTTLING COMPANY Iju n tas. Michigan T b em h y M onm g, April 27, 1961 B iid rfg f State Newt, E w t Ijn w ii^ MiASpm 3 Weisinger: MSU Future Planning Sabine Discusses New University Admission Policy ment and reputation of tts TfC^ ings and their plans, rather ulty, what we do here on our than making them all get into own campus, in the classrooms, lockstep to fit us,” he said. labs and library.” “Third, we all a re aware of Admitting that no one uni­ the wgy college admissions re­ versity can stand out in all quirements nationwide have fields, Weisinger said that moved higher and higher, and Michigan State must “style a of how th is race of restrictions place for itself in the field of has created perhaps the great­ academics if it wishes to gain est tension off all. . .,” Sabine recognition. said. HE POINTED out such uni­ “We have been concerned versities as Johns Hopkins and with this," Sabine said, “es­ its Germanic scholarship, Har­ pecially as Michigan State it­ vard for its humanities and Cal­ self has become noticeably ifornia for its physical sciences, more ¿elective and has attract­ as a means of showing how ed better and better students. other universities had “styled Our attempt at a solution is a place” for themselves. this: Y XM O m K 1 DOESN'THEHAVETOTHINK “Speaking out of my devotion “Fact number one:. . .We PEÈSBW j u s t And then trv to to this place and yet being as retained something over117 per M O K if tô r ir s DISCOVER 1/ÜHATITISTHAT honest as 1 can, I must say that cent of our beginning freshmen , sco*c V m k ?j 1 HE'5THOUGHT 7 j — to me at least Michigan State (last fall) despite the fact that is centrifugal, multiform and our faculty is grading with restless.” considerably more rigor than “These three adjectives point just a few terms ago. directly to the main malaise Ice Cream from which the rest of our dis­ satisfactions derive: the 'lack CASH & CARRY of a viable and inspiring cen­ ter to which we can all be com­ VtXifeELOOKINGATME WITHBLANKEVES» mitted, administration, faculty and student body alike.” Nominee for MILK Con-Con Post G a l. Grade A Homogenized Night editor, Mary Basing: copy editors, Bob Thaler, Sally Ward, Ann Brainard, Carol Wallen. 1201 E. G rand River East Lansing CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS 3 0 5 5 E. Mich. Just West o f Sears DEADLINES: 1 p.m. Day Before Publication for Túes., Wed., Thurs., and Fri. Editions. Deadline for Mon. Edition: 1 p.m. Fri. L M S M F J U N PM M H TSO O Phone ED 2-1511 Extensions 2643 and 2644 AUTOMOTIVE L05T and FOUND I AUSTIN HEALEY. "08*. W2-2 o v e r- LOST • BLACK FRAMED « lu * V drive, w ire wheels. 4 seater. Radio. se« In red case. Please caU ED if heater, whitewalls: >8 eoev a t . S1J550. 1601 STUDENT AND FACULTY 7-8711. Sandy - MO. 22 I ED 2-2879 after * P-m.____________24 BARGAINS •if >1851 CADILLAC COUPE De Ville Excellent condition. ABC C c « . 1715 REAL ESTATE Look for the twenty dollar gold pioeos—sign of savings! East Kalamazoo. CaQ IV M M . 21 C igarettes ____ _______ __ 24c pack INDIAN HILLS - OPEN Sunday 2-2 1953 POW ERGUX» CHEVROLET. Tennis baila-can ........... — 3 fo r 21-99 p.m. By owner, lovely location. 3 b e d ­ 2100 m otor ov er hauled Selline be­ room ranch. 3 c ar garage, excellent cause fa th e r-in -ta r c a t u s anurner Badm inton seta-co m p lete .91.99 floor plan, large lot, screened in ear. TU *-« 7 9 . _ »1 porch, fenced-in back yard. ED 7-7235. 1959 CHEVROLET cooverMWe. G olf balls, nam e brands, repaints .... Fuel infection. stick. In ex cellen t .............. ..................... ... ..... $2.99 doz. LEAVING MSU. M ust aeU older condition. CaU ED ask Bur Wilson golf b a ll s .................... «6 99 doz. hom e in Mason by Ju n e. Lots ot John. ** space; five rooms a n d b ath down, newly carpeted and tile; th ree 1960 CHEVROLET « t i v e r U b t e . « - Golf sets,. „ clubs, cart, bagComplete *49.65 rooms and b a th (or ap artm ent up). vate ow ner, must eeSL C m Boo M odernize and in very good, con­ Brown. ED M B W fa rth e r in fo r­ F ine golf shoes ..... ........... *9.95 p r. dition. N early new roof, 'g a s fu r­ m ation. n nace. d ry heated basem ent, large Gym shoes, heavy, w hite p rivate y a rd —w ith m atu re B ad e. Ì959 CORVETTE. 2 » -autom atic., Redwood fence, five block« from 1 1 0 , chic print and solid p o p lin .. . 22795. Phone ED 7-7*» a fte r 5 P.m. W hite canvas tennis shoes schools. A pproxim ately 313.000 Nei­ 2 ghbors w ho com m ute to MSU. IS Canvas casual p x fo r d s .......... *2 99 to 30 m inute drive. OB 7-25*2. 22 Hanes briefs & T -shirts 99c ea. EAST LANSING. 1 1 » Lilac. 3 b ed­ all brand new summer designs room home, full basem ent. B ra g * . H anes sw eat shirts - ..... 21.99 Red C edar School. 912900. call aw n- er. ED 2-6841.___________________ 28 Sun Tan pants .............. .'..93.98 full, pleated, and sheathed cottons OKEMOS CLOSE TO village. P rice M ilitary supplies for R.O.T.C. — Just reduced to 27000 w ith 2700 down. Cozy 4-room bungalow on deep lot Fishing gear-cut rate prices w ith beautiful trees. Cell Mrs. Rice. E p 3-4092. o r office ED 7-1041. 21 patterns, stripes, all lengths M ip boots ft w aist w aders . 20.99 up EAST LANSING. Cape Cod. 2 bed­ ‘Wall gloves 25.88 UP rooms. H i baths, 2 com partm ent fin­ ished basem ent, garage, w alking dis­ EVERYTHING FOR SPORTS t a n e M.S.U. 216.500 ED 3-0777,. 22 solid and striped cotton k n i t s . . - . . , 40 WOODED ACRES NEAR MSU IPS, summer cool Dacron®-n-cotton w ith 3 m odern homes, b a m . rid ­ AND CAMPING AT ing 'a re a for ponies and horses. Call IV 5-6130. Jo h an n a Sargent. B roker. FOX HOLE PX STORE EAST LANSING-5 bedroom*. N ear : AT FRANDGR Senior High, cam pus a n d stores. T here’s stilt th e sm ell of fresh paint In th is 0 room hom e suitable fo r the 1st quality seamless, large fam ily o r income. O wners leav­ GOOD USED CLOTHING. G irls and ing country w ill consider 22,000 w om ens sw eaters, skirts, formal« down. Call Mrs. R im . ED 3-4002. etc: to size It. Boys and m ens suits, office. ED 7-164L HlUey I n c , R eal­ sh irts and etc. Evenings and w eek­ tors. 12 1907 TRIUMPH, reflow , food .con­ ends only. 310 South Clemons. Side EAST LANSING 11 NSAR1I Onlv dition. Radio, ro d b t f f f . door. 33 219902. See th is spacious Cane Cod. w ire wheels- E x t 32B m a fte r 5 40x34 ft. on th e foundation. Two 14x W alnut ED 7-304. 1958 RENAULT _ _ _ ___________ " HAMM ARI,UND HQ-102 commun­ ications receiver. Like flaw. B ruce radio-, ä e c b w T anner. » 4 W est Shaw HalL ED 12 ft. bedroom s on first floor. 30x12 foot bedroom on second floor. I and a half hatha. All now 15 foot fam ily SALAD BOWL 10%off onall d u tc h . CaU KP T4ÉW mtmt I » « • » 2-0221. 22 kitchen, 22 f t living room w ith fire­ 1982 TRIUMPH. T R 3_trow «*a>le. place. G as h e a t life c a r garage. Spa­ Beautiful burl walnut hand- g l fciationally new m ichetta X i r e 2342» See a t VINTAGE 1242. HILLMAN-MINX, sod shape. Also, Men*s bicycle re ­ cious screen ed »in natio. Look a t the y ard size. lOOxtoO f t H u r r r l H urry! rubbed to a lovely finish. on new j V an-Der Voorts 2 » E ari G rand Rf»W mit. Cali rV 5-4855 im m ediately. 22 I t w o n T l w t long. Call R. J . F rink. ED 2-2114. ___ ___________ IV 4-7720. IV 2-4572 o r ED 2-2292. It’» a gift she’ll use so Advertised’I SEWING MACHINE SALE. Stanar portable does zig a u f w ork, makes W alter N eller C o , R ealtors, B rook­ field Plaza. 31 proudly day after day. Costume EMPLOYMENT buttonholes f t om brodle i T stitches. Bras & Girdles* 247 .43 cash balance o r 2 8 .» p e r m onth E dardfs Dist. Company. Co-Ph IV 400 down will m ove you tato this EAST LANSING II 331.800 w ith 22,- Jewelry *wHh lb« o d - MALE IBM OPERATOR 2 m onths 2-2442. 21 large 3 bedroom tri-level, carpeted experience reouteed- f t r i t o t t or living room w ith fireplace. 24x20 sophom ore preferred._Ano** Room I I M S U GRADUATION RINGS. See paneled fam ily room w ith flrePiaeo.- Administration BMQ. a them a t th e Card Shop. Aeroas from 17x11 fam ily kitchen w ith all too Home Ec. Building. ED 2-4751. 42 built-ina. Attached 2-car garage. Call FULL TIM * WOMAN n w r r r - c a s h ­ R. J . F r.ftk .IV 4-7128, IV 3-4570. or ier. M ust be a n t and sto asn n t. .Call MATCHED SET OF golf d ubs. ED 2-2223. W alter N ailer C o , Real­ in person. P rince Broth«*» M aikyc N ever used. 230. C an OX 4-0131. 31 tors. Brookfield H a s s . 21 lc SALE STARTS MAT 1. Phone COLLEGE MEN WTTH c a r S85-SS0 IV 5-4355 fo r free o rd er b lank now. per evening; can w ork to ftt r o r M arek Rexall Preacrtptton Center. SERVICE schedule. Can Mr. Tegraaa E2» 7-31*5 C linoert a t Vine. bv Sears. 21 or IV 3-4042. ._______ » TYPING DONE in m y home. N eat trailers w ork, d m IV 4-4422. 21 PERFUME ALMA TRAILER 36* x 8* rood TYPING. ELECTRIC typew riter. condition. A ir-conditioned. Priced C a n -Sonia. IV 2-1128 a fte r 1:30. p ic k - up an d delivery If neceaaary. 2) SUSAN mwm to seB. ED 2-2044. 24 1957 SKYLINE. 42*. 2 bedroom«, TYPING DONE tn S partan Village 11” size fro n t kitchen, all extras. One m ils apartm ent. ED 7-0701, o r ED 7-2208. 30 WATT A M PU TIER G arrard tram campus. 22120. CaU ED 3-2780. tf turntable. 15" sn eak er in cabinet. 263 25. Call ED 3-0232 tortora U a m EXPERT THESES and general ty p ­ ing, electric ty pew rite r. 17 years Revolving tray for heFper- experience, one block from Brody. DRAPES. 3 PAIRS arte» »»lane«», ED 3-894».________._________ tf fume bottler Marble finish­ —apartm en t a n gas stove. 2 em aa FOR RENT; WHITE d in n er lacket drop leaf tab la* 1. t o s « e h a im with all accessories. (2 Chest size; LEARN TO FLY. S pring la hero, ed glass surface with gilt Choose a wardroU davenport. CaU IV 5 2212 JB 32: W aist size. 32. C an W arren. ED now 'a a good tim e to s ta rt enjoying 25 th is exciting y e t relaxing sp o rt Drive edge. dry cottons andImii ~ GRADUATING - MUST SELL; 2-3125. out for a n e e dem onstration ride. 3 1907 Zundapn Mete« cycle; 3» w att and 4 place rentals. Reasonable rate«. hi-fi. P A . mmtrn: d raw tag-riudv APARTMENTS Sheren Aviation. N orth A bbot Road. sheaths! P a * te l* rp r table w ith Ughi IV 4-2982 a lto r 7. ED 3-0234.________ tf . GRADUATE STUDENT ai 3 room furnished apartm ent, TYPIST ANN BROWN. New phone ROLUFLEX -T * CAMERA—H ard- hath. ED 7-7003. Iv used. Sails new to r «822. WUI ac- num ber. ED 3-0384. Electric type­ w rite r. T erm paper« and thine«, also We*11 gladly pack and c n P s R A lto R o n MAMIYA ATTRACTIVE 3 room s w ith Ule general typing. tf • V H p n in k fjp i i Executive. T e ar «M. BwSMtost con­ b ath. U nfurnished except refrigerator dition Coat 8212 new H I A lto warn an d riove. Adults. Close to campus. WONCH DUPLICATING > »hip your gift »election MOVIE M M H . Ito vere , w ith tn rront to 1730 E. M ichigan, Lansing, typing and duplica ting, com kHa| ttó» a | fir ROOMS art. typeeettlng. Call E x t 41 the spretai d iaeon t TWO SINGLE. COLLEGE bus. n e a r prices o» jew elry T raedor. Comfortable, clean, rood and foundations! bods, parking. Call a fte r 4. IV 3*3454. BABY EQUIPMENT an d d oth«* Ladies ri»» **»U summer, ta ta r o Beys sito t ED »-IBM. ff PERSONAL WANTED US DIVERS TANK a n d » '«trito regulator, vartona adber ta rin g *‘ìdbl»ttfcDif": ^ À SHi^GntoN" «i5 WANTED: G roupa to r w eek ends equipm ent. In encaB net * rom tia'i. CAROLYN PETERSON atea«« come to a t Stiver Birch to n (812.00 to r special 389 West M n a . 21 th e S tate K e t o r o n , Room 347. S tu­ pack a n t , includes svary th tag a li a MEN'S MCTÑXE, 3 tornita« o r i d ent Ser r ied* Bldg. tog tw o tra c nata e x tra s ! Walloon L ake. Mich- 21, LANSING EAST LANSING 3 speed. Call ED t- c S » » sas to th e C rest D rive-In. 417 EAST GRAND RIVER . WANTED - VISITING prof sseor and 107 S. Washington 209 E. Gnmd River KENMORE PORTABLE Washing HERBIE. YOUR PICTURE in fam uv need housing for lrinasM M k m achine w ith b an d rin g er. 83220 day*» State News w as sim ply an sum m er school. Call Adatos. ED 7-1227 Eft- 7-2884. » fuL W alt D iane/: 'Y - MM Michigan State New», East Lansing, Michigan Thursday Morning, April 27, 1961 Hope* io Return Crossword Puzzle a3aaaao nD 3s 3a tLii a r-rj uEG nai u u a a a a ia a a i Congo Cost of Living for March Unchanged failed to materialize and the Robert J. Meyers, deputy la­ Congolese Seek Dignity, L V« S. Jackdaw U M K Splash s a n n a * D 33EÜ 3Q I □ □ □ □ a n a a jc ie (Continued from JPage 1) ed along the palm-lined airport road Mopping all cars and WASHINGTON, (JV-Consum­ er prices „changes balanced out in March to leave living costs ice level kept steady, as it as for the past half year. bor statistics commission«*, said the price level ordinarily □ □ □ 3 3 D Ü 3 ÜHS unchanged at their record lev­ The labor department's con­ Says Reeent Missionary 1 Violant A lto r toft IftofPftww •To I*. Dó tu s Inna i c j a rtn u B 3 a a a i3 3 3 i3rJ U ' j a n a a s j tin a n 3 rounding up Belgian and Con- S leee members of Tshombe's legation. el of February. The government r e p o r t e d sumer price index remained a t 127.5 per cent of the 1947-49 av­ erage. This is 1.4 per cent high­ increases a hit in April but he foresaw a possible slight de­ cline this year for the month be­ aalltaicrr to Capital Only moments before, the Wednesday that a slight season­ " h i i p i r i M M is tha hope of However, there are less univer­ tl. Chill of Cuba (□ □ □ □ a □ □ □ a u 30 suave, Westernized Katanga al increase expected in March er than a year earlier. cause of current trends. O M M p h l a t e a Coogo" stat- sity graduates than anywhere K O «W iî O.OPM M aaaaa nuaaaas leader had posed on his knees «d D a d i Deer, m linw iw y to else in Africa. The emphasis keralSry an aircraft pr photographers mocking the t » a w lK i d L io p > ÍW fc. is on training through tbe fourth 19. Endures 47. Xncourage grade, but toe education is oot H. Oil ot to. Broached Solution of Veeterdojr'e Punis way he claims Kasavubu has lia r M to todepuVwre for a sow tfigntty, to pot an end QOKSgjBstHMweSUlB« want Oae freedom to make their «D u a «to IIm lO cy adapted to the Congolese en­ vironment. Some Congolese are now training to be teachers, t*. Caltic IS. Tkasa w to It. out asTupian BOWK U Daport- ^ It« * •¡Mat -'s lowed to tbe United Nations. TSHOMBE AND 280 other Congolese politicians came to RELAX AND ENJÖY IT! m ont abbr. i . Pispad earn mistakes. doctors, and preachers", said I t. A new Itta rr. of Cadwao SL Brood of A p art of battra (Mi sleepy Congo riverside Peer gave a slide presenta­ Deer. tMnyo Mkl capitsd'Of Eqpator Province to M. Walk In U.1 hi «tub« plans for a loose con- tion following an International THE CONGOLESE do have a N .B n r h S. ta rty d a r sodwi banquet sponsored by the Wes­ ley Foundation. He related some of his experiences while serious nutritional and agricul­ tural problem, Deer indicated. Not much has beep done in toe 17. Main, - channels St. Poer Oyafc Ukroinlaa S. A B . M. Malady ■S. Itawjan t poet. Apart Divert from lAIaaiah: abbr. f e d e r a t i o n o f independent states, a plan favored both by Tshombe and Kasavubu. TURKISH STYLE waiting in the Conge and some anBihar S. Ballavo aa. Batta* The leftist rebel government field of agriculture. The main of the characteristics of this region and its people. But independence brought food, manioc, contains very little vitamins and protons but 3S. Dsacusriaat I “ T" r~ §01 nnpwrof <ëmm M ïl ¡IB 7. Diroctioa «ABaamd J*. Had bail* t l Viper of Antoine Gizenga in Stanley­ ville was not represented, al­ though It was invited to send WATER PIPE no meal is complete without it. »ABtytoto trouble to some, Deer said. Assault of some of the mission­ This is supplemented by nuts F” IT ÌJ M ¡ ■ ■ to «■■Bl rr spaa iw f x tABatoUkwe delegates. From the start, Tshombe laid aries brought about the deci­ from a native palm and by meat. Not much game is avail­ iu □ to. Prior in tima down some stringent conditions 4 2 b sion to evacuate most of them from the Belgian Congo. able but there are some half- W ir ■/ '/ /fA i IT il 30. Pispan for his participation. He demanded Tuesday that mil i* í 4 St. Man's EVACUATION took place for domesticated goats which are i IH nr nicknama Kasavubu repudiate an agree­ • Provides a cool and mild smoke throe reasons: for the safety of toe missionaries, for the pro­ tection of the Congolese oho used for meat. Deer and his wife plan to re­ turn to their missionary work in the Congo when possible. jr IT ¡atol m JT IT w ■ ■ JT JT 33. Incarnation 33, Adaptable to. Bird: aatnb. form ment w itlf the United Nations; calling for all foreign advisers to quit the country unless they a Imparts clean sweet flavor to the smoke - • All harshness and Impurities absorbed were obligated to protect the missionaries, and to avoid com­ plications between the United Russia w npn 11 to to to im il■ 'T ’ 1 i f Is Wm M to. Poor acton: colloq, 41. Bordaron 41 elaborata were here a t the invitation of Kasavubu himself. - This agreement seemed aim­ ed directly at the Tshombe when smoke is drawn through water • Duet — two tubes and plug. Two can smoke together o r one alone. _ •T 4T *r tr States and Congolese govern­ ments. (Continued from Page 1. W 41 w « vi w ■ 43. malody Ktwoataop Barbar government, which is staffed with Belgian experts. The banquet, attended by about S3 persons, featured dish­ Britain and the Soviet Union last weekend calling for a HT Ü f t T » r ■ ff! - 43.0*rtnan B u t Kasavubu apparently stood firm and Tshombe pack­ THURSDAY, FRIDAY ARD SATURDAY SPECIALS es from India, France, Albania, cease-fire in Laos, an inter­ jp rivar w tr ed his bags. Mexico and Vietnam. national conference and a re­ 7T 43. Koal-btllad 25c Package o f Pipe Cleaners The Congo has been built up newal of the international con­ ili IN A FINAL sally, Tihombe W indproof or Standard new, Deer said. Leopoldville is claimed that everywhere he - PLUS - trol commission. Reg. 9 8c Lighters more modern than Brussels. But he predicted trouble if went he was acclaimed by the 25 c Bottle Liquid P ipe B racer Contrary to popular opinión, attempts were made to install people. ' A ssorted Styles “They know I am more in­ only one half of the Congo is tangle; furthermore is has more a pro-Western rather than a neutralist government in Laos. Dutch Orchestra Dan Reidel terested in reducing Hardship and Colors 6 9 'e . c h Both lo r 3 9 e hydroelectric potential than the He said “the whole -Laotian than is their own leader," he U.S. There are about 300 lan­ people" now were rallying be­ P lays Tonight W ill Speak said. “ If I arrived in Leopold­ S131 E. Michigan Phon* IV S-7SM Shop Mon. 12 Noon to » P. M. guages spoken in the Congo; hind Soviet-favored Prince Sou- ville today they would receive **Satisfaction guaranteed n i n a t ) O T h o n ., Frl. J:30 A. M. Io » P . » Bavarian-born Eugen Joch- me even better than here." or your money back” u J u A .i v i j Tues., Wed., Set. 9:30 A. M. to S;3* P. M. each is highly complicated and vanna Phouma a s ' the man difficult to learn. Tbe Congo literacy rate is who could bead a neutralist um will conduct the Concert- gebouw Orchestra of Amster­ At Workshop He claimed other Congolese leaders were jealous of him. Price« Do Not In d a« « government. 10 per cent. Dew pointed out. ZORIN SAID the UN mission dam a t 8:15 p.m. tonight in a Dan Reidel, p a tt pretident “For the last -10 months, that Secretary-General D a g Lecture-Concert series B per­ of AUSG, will speak a t the Wo­ while we (in Katanga) have Hammarskjöld sent to Laos in men's Inter-Residence Coon been working to build up our formance in the Auditorium. cU Officer's Workshop a t ' country, they have been loaf­ 1959 had been illegal from the HUAC Rioter beginning and should be liq­ uidated now that a settlement Jochum, co-director of the p.m. today in 81 Union. orchestra with Bernard Haitink Other m a k e r* will be Dr. with big cars and women,” he ing around-wasting their time On Trial was in sight The Soviet official said Haim- since 1959, studied a t the Augs­ Frances DeLisle, WIC advisor | asserted burg Conservatory and h a t been and head of Women’s Divi­ On thè Matadi agreement, marskjold’s p r e s t i g e had associated with the Berlin Ra­ sion, and Sharon Rios, WIC thè Congolese Commander In SAN FRANCISCO, (JV-The “dropped precipitately" and dio Symphony Orchestra, the president. Chief, Gen. Joseph Mobutu, defense Was blocked Wednes­ “he is just barely tolerated" State Opera and Philharmonic and turo UN officerà left Leo­ day ffom recalling a witness by “broad circles of dele­ Orchestra a t Hamburg and the Kruger National Park, South p o ld i Ile for thè port to pavé to tell about police conversa­ gates.” Radio Symphony Orchestra at Africa, was established in 1896 thè way for a return of UN per- tions regarding last May’s •r Zorin said many delegations Munich. p- n * • to preserve vanishing wildlife. sonnel. City Hall riots. * •* withheld support from the So­ Superior Judge Harry Neu- viet proposal to remove H**n- berth refused to permit John marskjold for fear there would B u f k e , Sacramento College be no machinery left to carry student, to taka the stand again out UN decisions. on the ground his testimony Zorin declared the Soviet Un­ would be hearsay. ion would strive to bring about Burba, who took pictures such a change. B ut when ask­ dating the tumult, testified ed how soon his delegation briefly Tuesday that a police­ would propose a UN charter m an told him Patrolman Ralph amendment for that purpose, E . Sefcgamleftel hurt his head he replied,, “w hen the Soviet in f fan. He couldn’t recall government will deem it neces the policeman’s name. sarv to do so.” •Whether you specialize in the Australian crawl or the dog paddle or Robert J . Meisenbach, 23, University of California stu­ just loll on the beach, you’re-in for compliments in a swim suit dent, is on trial on charges _of chosen from our ’61 collection. Figure-hugging, wonderfully flatter­ hitting Schaumleffel with his Last Chance! ing sheaths to the new blouse-on, romper-leg styles (see sketch) in own dub. Burke said be identified the solid colors, combinations and stunning prints. „ 1, , , officer Tuesday night after Watching t h e controversial film Operation Abolition. STUN is clearing it's '37 —'/Mr to '/w : B ut he couldn't tell about it Stacks hi co u rt The story came out only to arguments of Defense April 26 & 27 Attorney Jack Berman trying Room 14 - S tudent to recall his witness. Tbe riots grew out of dem­ S ervices.. _ onstrations against hearings 9 a.m. • 5 p.m. bora by the House Un-Ameri­ can Activities committee. "kiss mist ^ M « : » ‘ ORAL SPRA Y THE NEW SURE BREATH FRESHENER FOR PEOPLE WHO LIKE TO BE LIKED I in Commuter TROPICAL W EAVE. -New Lavoris Oral Spray. . . they call it “Kiss Mist” on campuses across W A SH AND W EAR the nation! “Kiss Mist”! Exciting new way to freshen your breath in­ RotUctiof too swriubls lawgo- stantly! Use it anytime, anywhere—after eating, drinking, smoking—when­ of rick **liBphal a mi HoJ,* bat ever you want to be close . . . stay close! — ~ Ow Mria story of Orné Dacron and Cotton* uria One spray does what breath gums and mints can’t do! New Lavoris k troo vaili ssd w oe «rkk J Oral Spray freshens breath-kills odor-causing germs on contact! Comes talasud construction. Colors Induri« now in a carry-it-with-you bottle, handy for pocket or purse. ~ putty papular CLAYTONfS*. $ 3 5 .0 0 > 290 sprays • Leas thin a penny e spray 69« ’.SMC* BL Kositchek f t Bro. ORAL SPRAY I* Thursday Morning, April 27, 1961 Michigan Stale News, East laiw hig, Michigan 5 P a rt o f 7‘Point Program Essay Contest Deadline Set Die deadline for the annual ed to turn in three copies of creative writing contest spon­ their works, along with a card Educational TV : Help sored by the English depart­ giving their name, address and ment will be S p.m. Friday, ac­ ibe title of their work. cording to Prof. Clara Laidlaw. Winners of the contest will chairman of. this year's contest. be announced before the end of Students entering essays, the term at a reception held Or Hindrance at MSU? poems or short stories are ask­ for the entrants.. EARN By UNDA HAGUE preparation and consultation • ed whether students would at- State News'StalT Writer Student opinion on the bene­ time, he said. | tend TV lectures. ANOTHER COED, an educa , . “Attention , and „ interest. would EXTRA MONEY fits of educational television tion major, said that education* | ver^ ° ° f coe<^ v8^.1 For Yoursolf for the university are varied. al surveys have shown that TV I “ 1" e n * s probab For Y o w O rganization - Some are violently for or ranks very low as an instru­ would not attend classes on TV against it; others are mildly ment in the leaning process. unless they were proctored.” interested; others are totally "TV was .tried in our high Only the most responsible apathetic. school as an experiment; and and capable, students would Coeds living in dormitories the students who took TV ever graduate, which is the and fraternity members inter­ courses scored lower on tests way college is supposed to EXOTIC viewed by the State News list­ at the end than other students work in the first place, coun­ Fresh ORCHID ed several pros and cons to who took the same courses in tered another student. A de­ the greater use of television in regular classes," a student gree would probably mean Corsages and Lcis for Prom* and teaching as proposed by Pres­ from Evansville, Ind., said. much more than it does now, other “Hawaiian thomo" socials ident John A. Hannah as part Some courses of low interest some said. a t unbaliovably low quantity prkos! of his first introduction of the levels require personal contact “As it is. now, students need Camilla Crtstman, senior from IlUon, N.Y., with one of the cows that she worked As the world's largest grower and shipper Seven Point Program. with an instructor if students someone pushing all the time. with for her degree In Dairy Production. ' ' — o f exotic Hawaiian vanda Orchids, we have de* “Why not do away with uni­ are to be inspired or interested, They are isolated from the i ve loped a unique plan enabling college students versities all-together,’’ remark­ h e s a id .' world in the sense that they’re ed one sophomore coed. “ Stu­ “ Others such as history, not ready to assume responsi­ Wins Ag Activities Award to purchase quality orchids at fantastic savings ) dents woulcf get just as much communication skills, and na­ bility when they finally get out an d you—or your organization—to make substan­ from watching classes on tele­ tural science could benefit on a job. tial profits. „ vision in their home living from TV,” said another stu­ dorms, and watching the same a flower can be shown in a “ IF NO -ONE pushed—and rooms as they will by living ia dent. “ For example, parts of students had to be their own Coed W ill Get D a iry Degree te a m how you may become our campus rep­ resentative and earn extra money this semester. classes on TV." TV close-up for everyone to bosses—only those who really W rite for full details and a free Orchid sales k it see at once that otherwise deserved a degree would sur­ An upstate New York coed feeds to n ew w ajs of figuring, the first time that a girl has now I A University of Michigan would require more time and vive to graduation,” a sopho­ will become a member of a farm income tali. won this award. Each year the student recently^ charged the equipment,” he continued. more coed added. unique group when she receives During her junior year in award goes to the student ORCHAWAH whole idea of a closed-system “ In communication skills and “ But what's to become of her diploma at graduation cere­ high school, Camilla managed studying agriculture who has ORCHIDS •» HAWAII, INC. dormitory with “ going a little history classes, which a r e Greek life if classes and pro­ monies in June. and operated the farm with | been able to combine scholas- far with protecting the student large and impersonal, many of fessors are in dorms?” some SOS Seventh Avenue, New Yerk 1, N. V. Camilla Cristman, a senior only occassional help from her Itic .work with a large number from the world." the instructors have a tenden­ fraternity_ members wondered. from Ilion, N.Y., will receive-a brothers. of campus activities. “ Is everyone going to be- degrée in dairy production and Nam e- .C lau o f. MOST OF those interviewed cy to go over the heads of a herded She said that this meant get­ After graduation. Miss Crist-j into a dorm?” one stu­ will become one of the few wo­ ting up a t 4 a.m. and working man plans on doing graduate agreed that isolation from the great number of students. If dent asked. SchooL world could not and would not the course were to be televised, men in recent years to do so. until she had to leave for school work in the field of animal genetics either here or at Cor­4 the instructors' would have to Several agreed that they dis­ She lives with her parents at 8 a.m. occur in this manner. — liked the regimentation of dor­ Address- “ In the first place students key their lectures to the aver­ mitories and would like ta see and two brothers on a 200-acre nell University . see the campus only while age level of comprehension,” some s o r t of arrangement farm which her iam ilyhas own­ school A F T E R —returning from Eventually she hopes to get a passing between classes; and another student said. ed since the American Revolu­ at 4 p.m., she usually worked out to keep the Greeks tion- Their remodled farmhouse would work until 10 p.m. fin­ university position which would they see the town even less. If SOME STUDENTS question- on campus if it comes to th a t was built in 1875. ishing tip the work around the combine research and some anything, after being inside a farm. „ - . teaching. She added that she dorm aU day, students would I _____ THE CRISTMAN family mov­ ed to the farm nine years ago Since that time, the family jw 40uid hke much to oper- feel even m ore like getting out . tvt * c r • j » has hired a full-time man to do I .fr / arm near her uni- into the w orld,” ~one student A t t n : I N a t . H C I . M l l C l e n t S when Camilla and her brothers sam# j .............. — .— . i persuaded her father to let the farm work for them. versity jo b if at all possible. them operate the farm. ~ Miss Cristman received the — TheMichigan Daily editorial further alleged that students would be protected from Com­ munistic influences. Urey Gives New Idea as _ - Neither of her brothers ex­ College of Agriculture’s activi- At the last telegraphy com- pect to return to the farm after ties award at the annual Ag petition in 1939, the champion college. One intends to follow Honors program winter term, I sent 74 words a minute. “With students and faculty constantly under the same root?” a coed asked. “ I was O f Solar System Origin his father and grandfather into the law field, while the other plans to follow a liberal arts Limey Says under the impression that the WASHINGTON, UP)— .A new them absorbed other „m oon­ program in college starting more intellectual one becomes, theory on formation of the sized objects. this fall. NEED A PART the more likely he is to turn solar system, including a novel 3. But our present moon was stayed “My dad has more or less m farming because my FOR TJJAT pink."" one of the objects- which es­ Student - .professor relations surmise on how the earth and caped collision, and also es­ brothers and I wanted him would be more compressed, al­ the moon came into being, was caped absorption by s o m e to,” said Miss Cristman. “ As - OLDER CAR?’ though what influence this advanced Wednesday by Nobel fledgling planet. long as he doesn’t have to put would have on student opinions prize winner Harold C. Urey. in a large investment, he will TRY Urey, in a report to the Na­ continue the operation. would depend on whose offices Dr. Urey, of the University tional Academy of Sciences, - “ If either my brothers or m y ­ were info rm faculty units, she added. of California, San Diego, theo­ amplified a t a news confer­ self went home, their we would rized that it all started from a ence, said he estimates that probably go into partnership the moon was thus formed with .him.” U N C O AUTO PARTS ASIDE FROM the opinion of 1 3 3 2 N. LARCH ST. U of M students, interviewees great formless glob of gas and about 100 million years before BUMMERS, she works at specified other advantages and dust—a theory on which most the earth was fully formedr home and usually exhibits her (LOOK FOR THE RED HOUSE) disadvantages to the system. scientists have long agreed. Eventually, he said, the moon cattle at seven county and IV 2-1 3 0 3 Many of the benefits of a col­ He differed from previous was captured into an orbital state fairs. She also has. work­ We have good used 15 and 16 inch tires lege education are brought theories in suggesting that, path around the earth when it ed part-time during the past about by the classroom situa­ subsequently, things went this meandered fairly, close to the three summers for. the Coop­ SPECIAL STUDENT DISCOUNTS“ tion in which the third dimen­ way: new planet. erative Extension Service in sion of personal contact oc- 1. Some 4*i> billion years Also, he figures the earth her home county. curs: questions may be raised -gg0( the original “ gas nebu- was formed -from perhaps 80 When home bn vacations, she when necessary, the pace is lae”—produced by the explo­ moon-like -m asses, including tries out many of the new ideas naturally less rapid, and the sion of a giant supernova star some that adhered together picked up in her agriculture atmosphere less stilted and some 500 million years pre­ and some that were first bro­ courses here at MSU. These PERFECT FOR JHEJW TD00RS formal, according to several viously—began separating into ken into smithereens, then ab­ ideas range all the way from coeds,__ many semi-solid objects each sorbed as fragments. the use of antibiotics iiTcattle FOR “DECK “On the other hand, it de­ about the size of our present pends on how TV is to be moon. A huge gas blob left used,'*-4Wfd a senior in The behind became the sun. School of Radio and TV. “ An Complete Optical MEN AND inter-com system can be used S. SOME OF THESE moon- Service whereby students can a s k sized objects touched one an­ If , WOMEN questions.” other rather^ gently, with two Education will in the long or more adhering together in 1 run be saved by educational different parts of the celestial) TV, according to the same ra- sphere, forming the basis of at Eyes Examined Glaaaea Fitted OXFORDS dio-TY major. On a quantity least some of the planets. Oth­ basis, fewer teachers can be ers crashed together violently, Um S c a n Ne Ap­ Easy pointment used to accommodate an incre­ breaking up into smaU, frag­ Payment Neceaaary ment in enrollment within the ments and producing debris Plan next few years, and the quality which later was picked up by of education will be improved the evolving planets. As the Offices of: Pr«. J. CkrisHt and H. Decfcwitti, Optometrist» as it will allow professors more planets grew, at least some of H Harmony 2 Service *P~lJiiity Greek Week 1961 NON-SKID May 7 --14 SUCTION SOLES I HEAVY WHITE DUCK WITH CUSHION MAY 7 IFC SING INSOLES FOR ALL (iíühsíins MAY 13 - DANCE A R O U N D CAMPUS MAY 11 FACULTY DINNER WEAR. MEN’S SIZES TO 12, WOMEN’S SIZES TO 1« MAY 13 GREEK FEAST MAY 14 - SORORITY FAMILY SING SHOE The season’s favorite sithowatfe in woter- MAY 13 COMMUNITY PROJECT repallent cotton poplin. Perfect shelter STORES in a shower..jtyle-smart when the day la S24 South Washington Ave. foir. Gray, rad, botga. 7-15 sizas. I f.99 DONT . MISS GREEK WEEK! 108 North Washington Ave. Frauder Shopping Center rr l i l i « i M ie Ú |iB State News, Eart U n u n g , M ifh ip n U n rM k y M oraiog, April 2T, 1961 In West Virginia Contemporary For Regional Development Information Forum Meets Shippers Missing the Boat Greek Week PabHetty Everts —Unfern, 4 p.m. Food Stamp Program Begins Aa organization meeting of Contemporary Issues Forum Angel Flight-W est Yakeley, win be r t 7 30 p.m. in Parlor On St Lawrence Seaway ■ i n 7 p.m. Barttrt Stadert FcBowihip »332 OakhiQ, 7:98 p.m. The Rev. --0ß Aiding Jobless Coal Miners C, Union. Further meetings will consist at ducusskms of significant E. Eugene Williams will mean to open lakes and have j region.. The unity of supportj s j speak on Rationalisation in WELCH, W. VA.. «»—Jobless LEVY TOLD the state d e -) By 10:30 a m. 30 appttcarts current issues. Further information is avail­ By NORMA RUTKOSKEY partm ent of public assistance j had been interview ed and 138- able from Marty Kalb A-416 ~ State Newi Staff Writer we overcome the isolative j lacking. the life of a Christian. m m and some wives stood in characteristic of this area?” line Wednesday to get their interview er th a t m edical b ills , m ore w ere lined up outride the Hall or Shrikumar. He said the whole area hasn’t THE REGION HASN'T ma­ XAHB—Forestry Cabin, 7 p.m. names on the list for a new for him self and his wife, w h o ! building. — Poddar. 327 Hilcrest. The St. Lawrence Seaway, opened to international trade responded to the seaway as a tured politically and internally Jwater Council—Union-Old Col­ kind of governmentJielp in the h as ulcers, run $20 a month. in 1989, has only partially ful­ on economic policy, he said. lege Hall, 7 p.m. struggle to feed their families. And he has the added expense filled Its shipping capacity an­ “The seaway will have to ex­ Paa Orthodox Stadert Assoc- On the first day for applies- of b atteries for her hearing aid. ticipated by 1980. • -, pand progressively with the iatioo 94 Union, Y p m. tions, they were signing up for] It was determ ined th at the j 0PENIN6 SPECIAL I However. Or. John Hazard', Awards growth of commerce or it will Spartan Christian Fellowship— President Kennedy’s experi-| Levys should pay $38 a month J profegebr of marketing and transportation h! administrât on fall into functional obsoles­ Bethel Manor, 80S E. Grand cence as it always has in the River, 7:98 p.m. mental food stamp program. It j for food stam ps and receive j Is being tried out there in coal­ $48 w orth free each month. j D uring A pril Only „ $1 J O Badai ri Brils 1 far 7Sc W A Iris Coapos II hi the College of Business and 0 .(Continued from P age 1. past. Water Carnival executive com­ mining McDowell county and "B ut it is the inability of the seven other unemployment- They w ere barely within the j Putriic service, said the big R obert Brown cam e to this mittee, Galaxy room, Kellogg worry is not that the seaway ¡university in 1947. He received ¡region to a c t as a region th a t plagued localities in other j incom e ceiling. A fam ily of i Center; 8 p.m. states. two w i t h monthly income I Km U F rta lk Cleto Blek would fail to live up to its po­ I his B.A. a t the U niversity of \willhinder the success tential capacity. | W ashington, .-and his Ph.D. Igrowth of the c a n al.” and Management Clnb—4th floor, he said. T h e purpose is sim ply t o 'a s - ' above $100 is not eligible f o r ! Cleto Brick I “The danger lies,” he said, ; from the U niversity of Wlscou- j- - _________ Union, 9:30 p.m. su re needy fam ilies of enough ' the program . I “ In th a t industry and s h ip p e r s j •hi. He I s .a m em ber of the tc eat. The stam p s will be re ­ W earing work clothes and J deem ed a t stores for food, and ; with a g ray stubble of beard. PALOMAR GOLF RANGE I h ave not cooperated regionally A m erican H istorical Associa- to a ttra c t new foreign tra d e I thin, the M ississippi Valley Discuss Mutual Problems th e governm ent will reim b u rse! Levy was waiting outside the | 333S E . Michigan — í Black East of Fraador Lansing ED 7-3632 Í H istorical Association, and t h e ! th e grocers. application office an hour be­ markets.” HAZARD, ECONOMIC ex- M ichigan Academy. I. F o rest llu d d leso n has been ; p e rt on ¿he seaway, said th at with the staff since 1915. He re ­ Top Officials Talk S t a m p s distribution won’t fore it opened. He was escort­ s ta rt until June. What began ! ed into the interview office by W ednesday w as the screening Gov. W. W. B arron, one of PKOGBAM TNFOUCAT1QX CALL CD in view of our resources we ceived his B.S. degree a t O k la-, „have to go foreign in trade. hom a A. & M., an d . his M.S., T here , is no other escape „for D.V.M.', and Ph.D ., a t Michigan At Chamber Meeting process—determ ining w h o is several state and federal offi­ eligible and to w hat extent. SOME PERSONS will get cials who w ere here. BARRON STOOD by Levy the economy. enough stam p s i r e e to feed State. He is the author of two] P resid en t John A. H annah. cuss problem s of m utual in ter­ th eir fam ilies. O thers, wjih. through the first p a rt of his in­ “ R esource* have run rapidly books and m ore than 170 sci- through industries, particularly P rovost P au l A. M iller, and six e s t.” said Kullervo Louhi, as­ m ore ineom e, will be expected terview with DPA w orker Sam entific papers and bulletins. other top university officials so c ia te , dean of th e g rad u ate to pay for p a rt of th e ir m onthly Scordato. The interview over. in m etallic m inerals,” he said, j “ The' final im pact on iron r e - 1 Dr. Taylor joined the have been invited b y the G reat­ school of business ad m in istra allotm ents of stam ps. Levy asked Scordato “ You'll HOME OF TH E BEST IN FOREIGN FILM S ; sources is on th e iron ore re- j staff in 1946. He received his e r L ansing A rea C ham ber of tion. T ake th e d a y ’s first appli­ let me know w hereabouts I EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING serves a t the lake head,” he j B.A. and Ph.D. degrees a t Prin- C om m erce to speak at its din­ It is hoped th a t this will be can t, 48-year-old E d w ard Levy com e to get my stam p s?” said. ~ - 4 ston University in 1936 and ner m eeting T hursday evening th e first of a s e rie s of annual of nearby R oderfield. He w as FRST SHOW 7 P.M. — ADULTS 90c “ In open pit direct shipping 1940. He w as a fellow in the de­ a t the Civic Center. m eetings of th e two groups, a coal m in er but h asn ’t work­ fscooping the ore directly o h iP ® ^ ,nen^ a rt and archeolo- H annah will give a brief talk Lodhi said. N ext y e a r it is ed in five y ea rs because he is N. V. TIMES— the ground and shipping as iU there from 1941 to 1942, and about MSU and its future Mil- . hoped . th a t th e G re a te r Lan- disabled by a nervous condi­ “ Bergm an has filmed NIGHT stands) tonnage is expected t o !,’vl instructor in philosophy at 1er will speak briefly about the sing A rea C ham ber ¿will be the tion. ‘The Virgin Spring W rtw . LASTNI 7:30 with a .fierceness »f decline from 50 million tons ' U niversity of Pennsylvania, academ ic program and philoso- guest of th e U niversity h ere on “ I tak e m edicine every day. gothic im ager? 1:35 p er y e a r to 5 m illion tons,” he I® 1955 he spent a sabbatical phy of the U niversity. cam pus, h e, said. x My nerves w reck on m e if I th a t so (nil? states the cold passion and. Sf^SPBW G said ) leave doing . . . . a.rt and „ historical t. . S peaking hriefly about th e ] Following d in n er C ham ber try to w ork,” said .Levy. $ BUCK NIGHT $ violence th at It leave* the view er stnmsed.’- re searc h in Italy, F ran ce, Hoi- operation of th eir various sd- m em b ers will ad d ress questions He has a wife but no chil­ " T H E SEAWAY WILL"make land, Belgium and England m inistrative units will be: to the U niversity group. " dren. The Levys live in a four- itself felt in this resource p ro b le m /’ he said. ticip ated - 32 million tons by DR. TROUT has been prom- ! Gordon A. Sabine, v re -p re s - The failure to reach the an­ inent in the field of dairy pio- j ^ e n t ducts, their inspection and im -j Alfred specialjprojects. L. Seelye, dean-oi th e p p c I ------------------- --- i Y . a I ( „ f lf it room house which they re n t for $20 a m onth. T heir incom e is $98 a m onth which Levy gets the ( - STARTING FRIDAY! I College of. usiness 1980 can be attributed to some provem ent. He first joined t h e 1Service. of B usm ess and P ublic F C S U V d l Public , V d rtS lr un d er social security because of his disability. T u n n e l "O n e o f th é Y e ar’s B e st !” dairy dep artm en t in 1928, and • Nt« lor! fía . hwAptoto im m ediate causes, he said. "In p a rt, th e, failure can be assum ed his p resen t position4n ternational program s. 1941. He w as th e official U.S. Glen L. T ag g art, dean of in­ Rehearsal Set o f LO VE C iniva Scop E IThe be? Pjssan movie a ttrib u ted to the fact th at the 616 YOUNG GIÀ SCALA smce World War R steel-in d u stry was down to a delegate to the W orld’s D a:ry John D. R yder, dean of C ol-’ re h e a rsa l £ o r t he In ter- vehemently original, i, 50 to 55 p er cent capacity. Congresses a t Stockholm, 1949; ffow ardn RneNevUle directo r national F estiv al will be held Shown Twice At 7:47-11:40 -u-or^a sentimental journey 1 “ Also, the four week long^ The Hague, 1953; and Rome, of continuing education service, j )PEN 12:45 Suwtwc sanse of comedy.- at 3 p m' ^ Uni0D - » f-«n>e(boomswith booms wth I • shorem en strik e and the ele­ 1956. In 1959 he served as spe­ P a u l L. D ressel, d irec to r of *ballroom . NOW ! 4TH W EEK ! — 2ND COLOR HIT — ar •■"'c ue omen lo Un* Í J m en t of risk and uncertainty cial adviser to the A m erican office of institutional re searc h . I All students, foreign o r A m er­ J of m ovem ent through^ the lake delegation to the C ongress at CARY SOPHIA “ T here has been a d e s ire for ican who a re in terested in p a r­ Continuous Performances A- œ r f ports account for the u n re a c h -1London. ed quota,” said H azard. som e tim e to have m em bers of ticip atin g in th e festival a re in­ He received the B.S. degree the U niversity adm inistration vited to attend. 1:00-3:35-6:20-9:18 LOREN dairy industry in 1923 and m eet with -m em bers of the The festival is scheduled for THAT FABlxots BUT, IIE SAID, th ere w as i FUN SHOW i M.S. degree in 1924, both C ham ber ó t C om m erce to d is -1M ay 13. m ore benind th e in h e r e s 'th a n ] th a t. ffrom Iowa State College. In 1935 he w as nam ed a Clinton Ballad.«To “ It is my belief we are still unprepared for the seaw ay,” DeW itt Smith Fellow a t Cornell U niversity, and received his The Michigan State Soldier a toeaf Shartu^srtunnw*pimelari »y ChiANqo he said. Ph.D. there *n 1”35. Before his The seaw ay, said H azard, represents a d ep a rtin g from doing business internally in M ichigan. Business is either M.S.U. appointm ent. P ro fesso r Trout served as instructor and assistant professor a t the Uni- apathetic o r ignorant about en. j versity of'W est Virginia, Conservative Club •A BOWL „OF CH ERRIES” A N D CARTOON -tering into foreign trade. The aw ards w ere presented p re s e n ts Starts l by P rovost P aul A. M iller, fol- Rev. Edmund A. Opitz Houseboat LUCON WHEN 238 one m illion dollar lowing the Centennial Review businesses w e r e questioned L ecture by Dr. John F.A. f a y ab out foreign trad e, over one- j lor, and brief rem ark s on “ The Staff M ember o f F oundation fo r TECHNICOLOR t« « * i MARTHA HYER ¿A S T LANSING • U t O k l » . . 1 * * * ! = TODAY half said they have never been F aculty and the M.S.U. Duvel- AMtAMOUM!kOUN in tra d e an d never expect to | opm ent F u n d .” by C hristian F. Econom ic Education Shown Once At 9:50. Hit No. I Shown 2:15 - 4:55 7:40 - 10:23 be. he said. B eukem a, president of the Ol- The b ase of the problem , he iver Iron Mining Division of said, is the ra t 2 stru ctu re as U.S. Steel in Du utli. Minn. “Conservatism and Mat. $1.00 - Sun. & Eve. $1.25 C hildren 50c Load Y our Car U pi a m eans for financing shipping. Seaw ay com m erce battles ra il­ ro ad rates in M ichigan to Mich­ the BEUKEMA, class of 1940. is 1961 C hairm an of the B oard Ethical Values” igan ports. The ra te s a re high of . T rustees of the M.S.U. De­ to lake ports and low to sea velopm ent. Fund. H e stressed Tuesday, May 2 , UK) p.m . 8 iM fC H IG A N LAST DAY„JÜSEÄ» I f Ml * l T P r D'Hflhl IV/ "7 K !I board ports. This is because th e necessity of a dedicatd p u r­ R oom 3 3 , U nion. B uilding intermediaries within our own pose of helping others to ach­ I THÉ CONGO DID « R A n ffT . Angie Dickinson area have not been establish- ieve a higher education. M ichigan State University I- SOMETHING TO ^ J P e te r Finch The platform com m ittee, All MSU S tu d en ts and th e G eneral Public j RACHEL CADE! CADE” R oger Moore “ B ack o f it a ll,” sa id H azard, dressed in caps and gowns, was A re Cordially Invited a s G uests "is th e question, do we really p resided over - by U niversity P resid en t John A. H annah. O ther m em bers included Vice FREE ADMISSION TOMORROW FRIDAY! History Glub presidents G o r d o n Sabine, P hillip M ay, and Hilton Muel- Ikefmnîesf <&seo*uy since bus*»*»-// d er, the B oard of T rustees, Elects Four H erb ert W eisinger, professor of - English and editor of the -Jeanne Farrish, Flint junior, “ Centennial R eview ,” and Ar­ has been elected president of th u r J . M. Smith, first poet in T w o M ile s gorta wa t o f the History Club. ___ ^ residence a t M.S.U. Other new officers a r e / vice- M em bers of the faculty, ad ­ RETURN ENGAGEMENT president, Joseph C. Teso, Ilion, m inistration, and th e B oard of STARTS TOMORROW K T K ^ ja r iM M t N.Y. freshman; secretary, Eliz­ T ru stees and th eir w ives attend­ abeth D’ Agostino, Hazel Park ed. sophomore and treasurer, Dan- A reception in the Centennial raffio SAKDERS R fl _____ na Pittman, Flint sophomore. Room followed the program . BARBARASHELLEY R JN N V -S a D c o m e d y «8 U niversity T h eatre presents a b o u t ih e t s c k l is h RîEDICAMENT- — Y iU A C íiE C a lle d UFE! (OFTHE S u m m e d the tcrtrnbM egitwsd ...» Dying Dover A Musical Arabian Night bptattneut ond FIUSSIR OtrtKk*>>/ Super cetossal.. . ” Jehu Chapman ja c k N.Y. Daily Newt All Seats S U r k y ÊÊÊoLaim MICHAEL M M,*snt> V • But hi last Saturday’s urn scrimmage between White Coach Duffy if we're going next fall a mid Green squads only three 3 Games Long Ball9 second coming with a man or base in the 10th inning and giving the New York Yankees Scrimmage freah were able to wangle start­ ing assignments, and aO made of ear bet­ a 13-11 triumph over the De­ Freshman standouts are no­ “ b e S S e T th e absence of ter team* of recent yean will o re s to b e ready for one of the Spertan batters have sudden­ tably absent from the Mich- veterans. ly lost the knack of hitting the Wolverine tilts. troit Tigers in h wild, marathon State Football acme as The trio were guard Den Un­ show they all got big lifts from Kobs is not positive of his contest marked by 31 base new players. long ball. Early .analysis of hits and seven errors. drills near the halfway derwood, of Dowagiac. half­ Michigan State’s 1961 baseball pitching assignments but a back Herman Johnson, of Plain­ “This freshman group was good guess would have Ross, The loss was Detroit's first n n r i i H one—there were only fortunes showed the Spartans Sinks and Ronberg ready in that since opening day and broke Thus far there are no young field, N.J., and tackle Ed 29 tenders issued—but we bad likely to be long on pitching order for the Wolverines. an eight-game winning streak, free such as the Daver Behr- Youngs. Absent vets were tack­ hopes that there was some good and short elsewhere, especially the Tigers' longest in n dozen mans, Gary Baltinans, Dan le Dave Behrman with a mi­ quality in i t We hope R will in hitting: The Spartan coach had hoped seasons. Curries, P a t Burkes. Don Cole­ nor injury, guard Tony Kumie- start showing up before the end It still holds true. The Spar­ to give several other members There were half a dozen mis- mans and Clarence Poaksee ga with the track team, guard of spring drills. tans found themselves buffet­ of nis staff some work hi a plays that could not be put of the previous years. These George Asar and halfback Carl Monday game against the De­ men bore die stamp of star­ ed twice Saturday by defend­ troit Titans. But the contest down as errors in the 3 hours ing Big Ten and NCAA champ­ was postponed because of rain and 30 minute fracas played in ion Minnesota, after barely 44 degree cold in Tiger Stadium. SPEC IA L edging Iowa Friday in a sin­ gle game, and & each case the pitching was adequate but Tom Riley (1.) and Don Livensparger (r.) are two sources of worry to State coach John Kobs. Riley is u doubtful starter against Michigan Saturday because of a turned and has been rescheduled for the U-D 'campus M ay 30. Despite the drop off in hit­ ting in the initial conference THE YANKS blew a B0 lead they {died up in the second ob­ IM Schedule SOFTBALL 3:M ' DISCOUNT ON ALL FREE the nits were few. ankle. Livensparger is sidlined with mononucleosis. tained against southpaw Don PARTS 20 m inute installation series, several of the'Spartans Moesi, a crafty veteran who FteM 1—A.E. n i • S.A.K. AND And now Coach John Kobs er ball if we’re to do anything,” mononucleosis, and ailing is still maintain some Impressive has beaten them 10 times in 14 Z—L.C.A. - r u D ril . „ ^ on guaranteed has to ready his club for a he said. regular first baseman Bill batting averages. Of the reg­ J—Phi Sta. s* » : - S-VM. ACCESSORIES tries in the last two seasons. 4—Stam a No • S. Chi TO three-game „series with arch­ rival and top league champion­ ship contender Michigan. State Lack of punch was partic­ Schudlich, with a sore ankle. ulars, Schudlich leads with a ularly evident in the second game with Minnesota as the On the brighter side was .382 mark, followed by catcher Wade Cartwright a t .370, Riley The Tigers finally Went three L S r i a 't o U T i a - Beta Theta PI runs ahead with n five-run 1—BrU Sta«* Fhl - Ffcl T aat burst in the seventh, but Man­ 5— G «n*Uac»n - Cu G m u * _ Animal* • «Tara FACULTY AND MUFFLERS and the Wolverines meet in a Spartans could pick up but work of lefty Bob Ross, who .340 and ccnterfielder P at tle’s first home run tied the CM STUDENTS transm issions single game Friday at Ann Ar­ two singles in the losing effort. spun a steady four-hitter R Sartorius at .313. game in the eighth. -a. m otors — bor and clash Saturdays in two M U d t Al’a B oy. - A.K. Fai The physical condition of the beat Iowa, and that of soph The team record new- stands His winning clout, seventh of Z—Ac. Bern* • U t t M Shocks games at Old College Field in squad is another source of righthander Gary Ronberg, at 13 wins, four losses and one East Lansing starting at 1 p.m. ¡-the season, came off Hank 3— -Vets 1 • Sweatees* 4—Downer* - KJKA’i G enerators repaired • installed • exchanged worry to Kobs. Questionable who allowed but one earned tie. Friday’s opener with Mich­ Aguirre and made a winner (I —Max I n a i scholars - Owen Grail* ‘‘We need to do a better job for the Michigan series is reg­ run in the 3-0 loss to the Goph­ igan will mark the 129th time out of Luis Arroyo, fourth New 7—Beal-n ed rich A.C. - G e li In** Springs ~ T Custom of hitting to riay with Mich­ ular left fielder Tom Riley, ers. State's other starter last the two rivals will have met in York pitcher in the game. 6—BlaworUl - Howland | A.O.C.8. I - Integral* S ta rte rs igan," said Kobs. who turped an ankle „in the weekend, senior righthander baseball in a series that start- Mantle, whose winning homer PADDLEBALL SINGLES Carbs ~ Hi - Speed Iowa game. Definitely out Is Mickey Sinks—pitched strongly 1884. I t is the oldest cur­ CM “We collected 16 hits in the rent ^rivalry in MSU’s record broke in a three-game Yankee Tune-ups Equipm ent league games and'all were sin­ all-around infielder Don Liven- until a rash of Gopher hits losing streak, now has hit safe­ Cewrt . „ gles. We’ve got to hit the long- sparger, who’s sidelined by ousted him in the fifth. He fig- book's. ly in nine straight games. 1—Stew art - Fount el 2—Podio - Setae 3—H eron - A vry The Tigers remained in first 4—Kosieff - Clark __ Slonac, B u rke A lu m n i in O ld Tim ers T ilt place in the American League gam** despite the loss. Rained out Intram ural softball m ay he re a rte d n la d Jo r Frld»? night*. Chech Friéoy’s edition for KAMIN’S AUTO PARTS fu rth er inform ation. IV 4-4596 MANTLE’S first homer puL Reservations are n ew be In* 526 N. LARCH led the Yanks even 11-11 in for outdoor tenni» court« fo r , late afternoon and all woekonda. OPEN SUNDAY 9 TO 1 Spartan Heros of the 1950’s the eighth. Joe Grzenda, third The fratern ity tenni* tournam ent of five Detroit pitchers, gave Aprilw hich waa cancelled W ednesday < ts w in he played TneaSay. May up » sin g le to Richardson and » w ith th e tam e schedule______ B y JOHN SCHNEIDER a double to Kubek—the third Associate Sports Editor hit for each—before Jim Don­ ohue succeeded him. Donohue Evan Slonac, a fullback of the-Spartan’s famed “Pony Back- got Lopez on strides for the field” and P at Burke, captain of the high ranking 1957 gridders, second out before Mantle boom­ are among the alumni returning to battle the varsity in the an­ ed a tine shot into the upper right field seats. nual Old Timers game. Slonac was on the national championship team in 1952 and in the Rose Bowl contingent following the 1953 season. His ability SPECIAL Give your car a com­ in kicking field goals and extra points helped keep the Spartans plete “ Physical Check- from defeat or tie on several occasions. Most memorable were PURCHASE Up.” Come in today far. the two extra points against Michigan, the four against UCLA this 7 point inspection. in the Rose Bowl that for a time appeared to be the only différ­ ence in the contest, and the field goal in the last 15 seconds Oxford Cloth The few minutes yon spend here may save you against Oregon State which kept the MSU winning streak intact. Bitton Down dollars in the future. '* Weighing a mere 170 pounds. Slonac had a career rushing average of 5.4 yards per carry and scored eight touchdowns. He 3 Button - Placket V Complete Greasing also connected on 55 of 63 extra points. V Oil Changed Slonac majored in physical education from MSU and is now Short Sleeve V Tires Checked teaching and coaching in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. v Ignition Checked Burke was captain of the third ranked nationally 1957 team Reg. $ 3 .9 5 Value V Carburetor Adjusted that failed to make it to the Rose Bowl due to “fumbleitis” . V Brakes Tested Burke was on the 1956 Rose Bowl team and was a regular Oalj $2.96 V Mufflers Checked and throughout his varsity career. Installed - Buy and Save - During his senior year, he was .named to the first team All- Big 10 and played in the East-West Shrine game. His most memorable performance came during the Notre Dame game during his -senior year in which his outstanding play earned the Spartans a 34-6 victory and P at was awarded the game ball. Leu Kositchek[s Varsity Shop URRY'S GULF 504 W. MICHIGAN While at MSU, Burke was a pre-law major, and was president 228 A bbott Rd. Aerosi from Beni St. Entrano« W h y are some girls prouder of-both the senior class and Excalibur. He is presently engaged E a st Lansing, Mich. to Chmpui in sales work at Birmingham, Michigan. - o f their Tings than others ? You mc it in her eyes—but the reason» gren’t all roman- tic one«. Her diamond ring ia an Artcarved. Thia means RELAXING, BASKING, SWIMMING it meets rigid standards of excellence. In cut, carat weight, color and clarity. Nor is thia (imply a verbal promise. Artcarved’a written guarantee explain« how the exclusive Permanent Value . . . PAT BURKE . . . Plan let* you apply the full current retail price toward A top performer for Duffy Daugherty’s Spartans in the the purchase of a larger Artcarved anytime, at any middle 50’s. A regular for State throughout his career, you'll have more fun Artcarved jeweler throughout the country. You will bo proud, too, of Artcarved'« award-winning styling, Uko Burke’s greatest performance was in the 1957 Notre the Evening Star shown here. To be-*ure it’s an Art­ Dame game. ■ under the sun in ^ u r carved: Look for the name inside the ring, and ask for . your written Artcarved guarantee. colorful cabana sots Of course, being engaged is wonderful, but sealing tho SPECIAL FOR APRIL •.tw o-piece w ashable rayon engagement w ith'an Artcarved ring makes it more wonderful than eveir—forever! 75c ior $1.00 Basket of Balls a ceta te beachcom bers with fully-lined boxer trunks, A r t c a OI AMO fro AND W* DOI NO RI NOS r v e c f w ith th is a d and matching terry- J. R. W o o d & S o n * , In c , Dept. S P - t l lined, two-pocket, notch 216 E. 45th St, New York If, N. V. Fairway Golf Range | sleev e jocket. S,M,t,XL P l..* . tend me more fact* »bout ttowoed ring* end “Wedding Guide lor SriOa and Groom“. Alto nemo «I nearoot (or homo, town) Artew e d Jeweler. I am ancloalng Ufk French military past 104 to cower handling and pnstggs Jo h n Carsok, P ro . Namn_ (ytMng it* Alex Sinclair, P ro . - t)w n e r I print on white background. It m ixluiiy* Addrea*_ kWMMti —m . d l i w m f i Chy___ „County or Right: Seaweed o r s tra w , «nifi i toli wWNA M l -I, • • • ¡acquard patterned. ALSO: World’s Largest Each set, 1 2 .9 t Minature Golf I DANIEL’S JEWELRY 2 0 7 S. W ashington 3 5 c u n til 7 p.m . l | ) S III I1 ^ Y our H eadquarters fo r Fam ous Artcarved Diamonds and W edding Rings ^ “ 5 M inutes East o f MSU 210 Abbott Rd. — East Lansing MEN’S «SHOP * 1 ""I 1 Convenient terms available ~ on U.S. 1 6 V It takes some skill to get into one of these little rafts . . . A week aero Sheila Hulihan, a freshman shoot the rapids with- her and naturally from Flushing N. Y., got the urge that he consented. many of us g e t . . . to go over the rapids Their adventure began at 2:30 last Sun­ of the Red Cedar by the Electrical Engi­ day afternoon when they boarded the per- neering bridge. She decided to do it and headed for Fiandor-to get some sort of carious little craft above the rapids. As raft. She found a cheap surplus one-man they approached the rapids their confidence job that seemed to suit her purpose. Sheila seemed somewhat shaken but ¿11 went well planned the expedition very carefully, de­ and th ey -m a d e it th.ough. However, ciding that she did not'want to fall in thé downriver a short distance was an'over­ polluted Red Cedar if she could help it. So hanging branch that had not been planned she went to a spot above the rapids and on. They almost capsized but Sheila saved proceeded to test the currents by throwing the day and balanced the craft as Tony cereal boxes into the river. They were struggled to stay in and get under the weighted with stones so they would sink branch. Finally making it to shore safely somewhat and give a more accurate esti­ but somewhat wet, they both agreed that mation of the currents below the surface. it had been fun. The next step was to find a male compan­ When asked what she plans to with the ion to go along for the ride to help in case raft now, Sheila, who is a Fisheries and things did not go as planned. Tony Tam- Wildlife major, said she plans to paddle burello, Buffalo N.Y. freshman, who was up river later this spring and get a suntan curious about the cereal boxes being in solitude. She also plans to christen the thrown into the river, was standing near­ raft the “New Yorker'’. She may even by. Sheila casually asked if he wanted to shoot the rapids again. The pair found the one man raft to be a tight squeeze! There’s no turning back now. It looks kind «trough ahead . . . idHIPiSlllSiSP®®*1' look out! Where did that branch come frena . WcO at least we didn’t tip «ear e r a If we did get