w?, ;' i IS s f JPUN-' i P P i M H P l i ■W Ä P M P P S 1 i l i 111 ¡1 8 1 I mm ■ m 8M Ü H 8 Í I n SPBSBBs £|^'^p ìiie m * « ;■;n‘M gW :f 1 záM-mÍM; S ¿ i ^ 6Í l Serving MSU F o r 5 2 Years Üß V’iäb'V^* i- * Ï * ,w> * \ p _’ , V ' ** * *i ! . Established 1 9 0 9 VoL 5 3 , No. 2 2 E a t Leasing, M ichigan, Friday M orning, A pril 2 8 , 1 9 6 1 8 Page» SStW í ^ l l l l Trial Basis Situation - la i Termed y illS l M il Board Changes Serious V IEN TIAN E, Laos, (/P)— The governm ent T hursday proposed a cease-fire a t noon today as doubt spread th a t The rule providing for auto­ The groups expressed the its battered troops could hold matic suspension of students feeling that there is a definite out much longer. There was possessing or consuming alco­ difference in possession and no indication the pro-Com- holic beverages on campus or consumption ofalcohol and that munisjt rebels would agree in university-controlled build­ circumstances surrounding any to stop shooting. ings was revoked Thursday by incidents should be considered. W esterners e x p r e s s e d the Board of Trustees.----- The new regulation will be grave concern because, de­ The board agreed to strike the put into effect on a one-year spite increased U,S. aid, the word “automatic” from the trial basis, President John A. governm ent’s position and regulation and leave any dis- Hannah said. troop morale have worsened ipUnary action necessary for DEAN KING said hg feels the in the fact of successful rebel JOHN FUZAK , students consuming alcohol on new rule will become perman­ attacks launched during at­ campus to the discretion of the ent tempts to arrapge 'th e cease­ New Dean of Students student judiciary board. “There will be no trouble in fire. Under the new regulation, making decisions in any cases. “The Communists can break Replaces King students may stilTbe suspend­ ed'for drinking on campus, but Leaving the decision to student through and take any place they want — if they want to judiciary is the best way,’ he the circumstances involved in said. make enough of an effort,” one Fuzak Appointed " any such incidents will be giv4n serious consideration. “THIS IS'something we have informed source said. - MOST INFORMANTS doubt­ ed the rebel Pathet Lao com­ Dean of Students wanted to see done for many y ears. There is no reason a JFK Asks TSHOMBE PRIOR TO HIS ARREST—Katanga’s President Moise Tshombe, left, is shewn a t he attended the opening session of anti-Communist conferences of Conge leaders in Coqullhativille. He was arrested Wednesday as he scornfully mand would risk precipitating intervention b y neighboring student should Jbe automatically Thailand or U. S. forces with John A. Fuzak, professor and I mittee in the College of Edu- assistant dean of education, cation in 1952. suspended for having liquor on campus,” Dean of Students Tom For Rules walked out on the conference. (AP Wirephoto) T \ attacks on this administrative 'Capital or other major eastern centers. was appointed dean of Students A member of the National Ed- King said. ThuFsday by the Board of Trus ucation Assn. and- American tees. Vocational Assn, Fuzak is also “Under the automatic reg­ ulation, a student who had On Ethics Sends Protest Note But one notablly unexcitable source termed the situation rms liquor in his room or car, even serious and commented: “ I Fuzak succeds Dean Tom a member of Kappa Delta Pi King, who is retiring July 1. and Phi Delta Kappa education His appointment is -effective honoraries. if he didn’t drink it, had to be suspended,” he added. TTie change in the regulation WASHINGTON Wi-President Kennedy asked Congress Thurs­ day to join him in laying down R o a m o f Trustees would say we are closer to war now than ever before unless we get a quick cease-fire. It’s eith­ that date. He received his BS in 1939, Opposition to T ú ititio n Raise came after efforty by King, er that or run the risk of com­ The new dean of students is MS in 1941, Ed. M. in 1943 and clear guidlines against cor­ plete collapse.” - chairman of the Athletic Coun­ Ed.D. in 1948, all from the student government and—the Faculty Committee on Student ruption in government. He call- Reliable informants said reb­ cil and faculty representative University of Illinois. .ed for regulations t o ' “punish els captured Muong Sal, 55 to the Big Ten. He is also a Fuzak is married and lives in Affairs to remove the word venality and double-dealing, automatic. I By-RUE PRICE During flS t hearing, Jack Hannah said that at^present miles north of the royal capi­ member- of the research com­ East Lansing. and aet a general ethical tone state. News Editor-In-Chief I Breslin, board secretary and the university is spending only t a l of Luang Prabang, with a mittee of the American Indus­ for the conduct of public bus! The Board of Trustees Thurs-!liaison from the university, said 50 per cent as much for new heavy a t t a c k Wednesday. trial Arts Assn. ness.” day reiterated its stand against the members “were polite, but equipment as four years ago. Muong Sai, a trading center, liT 1953 and 1955 Fuzak re­ ceived the distinguished teacher award in the College of Edu­ HannahAppointsSmith In a special message to the raising in-state tuition next fall, I doubt that we earned a Senate and HoQse, Kennedy despite the action taken by the dime.” said venal conduct by public Senate in proposing^ appropria­ Breslin termed the prospects the letters sent by student gov­ was the site of the late Dr. Tom HANNAH- ALSO discussed Dooley’s first jungle hospital. The Muong Sai attack was of getting additional appropria­ ernment and the board to the one of five offensives the gov­ cation. He is past president of the American Council on In­ dustrial Arts Teacher Educa­ fPoet in Residence9 officials in this country has tions. been comparatively rare, but he added: — The Senate passed a bill giv­ tions “very blcak^’ ing Michigan State an increase Michigan parents of MSU stu­ ernment reported opened by dents. the rebels this week. No major tion. — PRESIDENT John A. Han­ “ I-don’t think the legislators fighting has been reported Dr. Arthur J. Mr Smith, pro- o u t s t a n d ing contemporary “ Nevertheless, in the past of $205,000 over this year. The appreciated the letters, but He was state chairman o: the j fessor 0f English, was appoint- poets. two decades, incidents have oc- bill is now being discussed in nah said that if no additional they at least helped increase since the town fell, reliable money is given the university, Curriculum Planning Co nmit ed poet in residence by Presi­ He received his undergradu­ cured to remind us that the the House Ways and Means three alternatives wili have to awareness of the problem,” he sources said. tee in Industrial Arts and chair- dent John A. "Hannah Wednes- ate;-m aster’s and an honorary laws and regulations governing Committee. be faced. said. ROYAL TROOPS have been marr of Dean’s Advisory com- degree from McGill University ethics in government are not THE BOARD agreed to send ’We will have to hold enroll- He added that the general at- fighting only defensive actions, in D. Litt., Montreal, Canada. adequate to the changed role a memorandum to the legisla­ ment down, eliminate sub^i titude now is that unless new the government said, and are He received his PhD from the of tiie federal govemmnt, or tu r e emphasizing its s t a n d stantial services and projects, taxes áre proposed, there will ready to lay down their arms University of Edinburgh, Scot­ to the changing conditions of against tuition raises, and in or consider deficit financing," be no more money for higher at any time. ’61 Blood land. HE HAS BEEN awarded the our society^” KENNEDY. MADE no spec­ addition said the following: . The Board has. an equal in­ be said. .education. The formal call for a cease­ fire was broadcast by the gov­ Drives Ends Harriet Monroe Memorial prize ific allusion to any of the in­ terest in this campus and and the Govemor-General’s vestigations involving Influence MUSO. Medal for Literature. which have enlivened congres­ Top priority must be given Applications Available ernm ent radio and transmitted to the British embassy for re­ lay to r e b e l commanders to continued development' of through the Russians. Western At 2 p.m. _ Smith has been the recipient sional hearings during the per­ theuniversity. of Rockefeller and Guggenheim fellowships and has studied iod he mentioned. The President noted that con­ 3. The other universities with Now fo r Peace Corps diplomats reported moves were, also under way to send the flict of interest laws date back whom Michigan State is com­ cease-fire proposal through The first person to donate a here on an All College research pint of blood tomorrow will be grant. 100 years or more. He said re­ petingfair are enjoying generally treatment by their legisla­ Peace Corps applications are-; tionnaire to the Peace Corps of­ normal Gen. diplomatic channels. Phoumi Nosavan, gov­ a record breaker. In this new_ position, he will cent studies have recommend tors, which Michigan State is now available at the Interna­ fice in Washington does not ernment military strongman On Thursday, 443 pints were teach classes in literature, de­ ed that “ our outmoted and not. tional Affairs Office, 403 Li­ constitute an obligation on the and deputy premier, earlier donated to bring the grand liver public lectures'on poetry, hodge-podge collection of stat­ brary, Homer Higbee, assistant part of the individual or the proposed meeting any tim e aft­ total for the first four days to and confer with students who utes and regulations be amend­ THE TRUSTEES included d e a n of international pro­ Peace Corps organization. It is er 8 a.m. today in Luang P ra­ 1,999 pints, one short of the of­ possess poetic talent to encour ed, revised and strengthened. the last statement because they grams, said Thursday. only an indication of interest.” ficial goal. _ age creativity in all areas of to take account of new prob­ felt that t h e representative ~H e urged all interested peo­ HE EMPHASIZED that it is bang with “the responsible - The record is 2,149 pints do­ the University. He will be the lems.” from Lansing, Harold W.Hun- ple to pick up their applications important jth at all interested chief of enemy forces” for nated during a drive in May, DR. A. J. M. SMITH school representative a t na Kennedy voiced firm confi gerford, has not shown concern as soon as possible. persons submit their applica­ cease-fire talks. He guaran­ “The main purpose of these- tions scon. teed the rebel leader’s safety. 1954. day at the Distinguished Facul- tional and intetrnational con­ dence in the integrity and ded­ over the MSU fiscal crisis. Almost all top government Tomorrow is the last day of tyJaward convocation. ferences of writers. ication of those who work for Hungerford did not attend apptications,” he said, “is to The questionnaire is quite leaders, including Gen. Rathi- the blood drive and it is r. short Smith, who has been on the The new university poet is the government, but said pub­ the heoring MSU had Tuesday discover how many persons are specific in the applicant’s back­ kone Ouane, armed forces chief one as the doors close at 2 p.m. faculty since 1936, has been well known for his publications lic oficiáis “ are not a group before the House Ways and interested in being lia the Peace ground in such areas as edu- of staff, are in Luang Prabang Two hundred pints of blood described as one of Canada’s -See HANNAH Page 6 - apart.’ Means Committee. Corps. Submitting this ques- See CORPS Page 8 for the cremation Saturday of must be taken in by that time the late King Sisavang Vong. to break the record. See LAOS Page t The average time taken .to be processed- ami to donate a pint of blood Thursday was 31 min­ utes, according to a survey Unlocks Cosmic Mysteries Legionnaires Ride taken by Robert Moody, Army ace O ff T o Oblivion* captain. “The added help of the coeds this year, especially the time donated by the sororities of PanHellenic council and Sno- caps has been a major factor U. S. Orbits ALGIERS if)-A proud for­ eign legion regiment Mew up its besieged camp outside Al­ giers Thursday and rode off Specific assignment of the to oblivion — the penalty fur in -reaching our goal,” Larry CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. Uh istration named the high-flying about the elements which make tacular. But American scien­ operate like the familiar tele­ W a l k e r , general chairman, observatory Explorer XL up the universe. tists believe this country is scopes through which man looks telescope was to count gamma insurrection against Presi­ --The United States Thursday rays and determine where they dent Charles de Gaulle. «aid. Drs. William Kraushaar and considerably ahead in the gath­ at the stars. fired into brbitThe world's first About 250 newsmen, the great-, ering of scientifc data from The front of the satellite is come from. Because gamma Some teugb legionnaires The Army ROTC is still George Clark of the Massach­ astronomical satellite-a “ space est number since the early usetts Institute of Technology, space. filled with instruments geared rays are not deflected or trap­ wept. AO defiantly shorted ahead of the Air Force in the contest to win top honors. telescope” designed to unlock American space efforts, witnes­ which developed the satellite, Exploring the secrets of the to sort out gamma rays from ped by magnetic fields, as are “ Algeria Is French!” Towns­ the mysteries of cosmic radi­ sed today’s launching. Meet emphasized the telescope would universe began with the earliest other space radiation such as electrically charged protons, people showered them with Several sororities advanced in the standings. They were, ation. are here to cover the attempt not “ lay bare the secrets of U.S. satellites. The first Explor­ protons and electrons. This their source in space can be flowers as their trucks roll­ Alpha Epsilon Phi, Sigma Kap­ The satellite is the 39th put to send a human astronaut on Urn universe, but is the begin­ ers and Vanguards measured data is relayed to earth to be easily determined. ed by the French soldiers pa, Kappa Delta, Delta Gam­ in orbit by U.S- scientists since a 115-mile-high suborbital n i n g ^ a long-range program radiation, cosmic dust and recorded in photographs of A major theory is that gam­ who had come to Camp Zer* ma and Alpha Chi Omega. Al­ Explorer I hurtled aloft 39 spaendde, expected next Tues­ designed to do so.” other space properties, laying wavy lines on an oscilloscope. ma rays result from the inter­ alda to take them away far a pha Kappa Alpha still holds the months ago and is further dra­ day. This is the first time since the groundwork for more com­ The whole package tumbles action of cosmic rays with breakup of their regiment. lead. matic evidence of this nation’s The mission of the 7Vt foot Explorer I that the United prehensive probes. end over end 10 times a minute massive clouds of ionized gas West Shaw is high in the progress in space in proving telescope was to peer into mill- States has reached the one-s­ Other American satellites are to allow the telescope to scan which flow through space. If men’s dorm race for the trophy the riddles of space. lions of miles of space in a mooth satellite average. pioneering methods of using the entire sky around i t Offic­ this is true, some scientists con with 33 per cent. Butterfield is A four-stage Juno II rocket, search for gamma rays—high- Russia has sent into orbit 14 space l o help man in his every­ ials, who reported d e a r signals tend, knowing the direction Veteran Sign Up Close behind with 30. East performing with drill-like pre­ energy particles which stream satellites, inciudnig the historic day life. These include space were being received, said the from which gamma rays come Shaw and Emmons ate tied for cision; blasted the 95-pound tele­ out from cosmic sources such manned space flight of Yuri for communication, device will enable man for the would help locate the origin of To Begin at ‘M* third with 29 per cent each. scope info an orbit ranging as the Milky Way and other Gagarin on April 12. weather forcasting and nav*- first time to make astronomical cosmic radiation. This, in turn Rather has 29, Armstrong 27, from about 300 to 750 miles star-cluster galaxies. Soviet space «(forts, achieved gation. studies above the distorting in­ would tell researchers much Veteran sign up schedule for and Bailey 26. This is an all above the earth. The National Scientists believe these rays with more powerful rockets, Explorer XI is shaped much fluence of the earth’s atmos­ abort the stars or galaxies P.L. 634 and P.L. 550 for today 8ee BLOOD Page I Aeronautics ~and Space Admin­ may be the keys to information generally have b e n more spec­ ttke a telescope but does not phere. whkh produce the cosmic rays is from “m” to “x.” Michigan State News, East Laasfing, M idugaa Friday M am iagi ^ 28, 1961 High Tuition Heresy Too Many Outside Activities fv Low Tuition Part Harm Learning, ve O f American Way MSU has over 200 organizations duly reg­ sororities and fraternities that demand their istered with AUSG. Uow many unregistered members have “three activities a week.” activities exist is beyond knowing. Each of Pledges scurry to sign up for Water Carni­ val, two hours a week on Union Board, two Basinets.” these groups exercises a strong pull on stu­ dents in bids to be bigger, better, more active. hours a week here, one hour a week there. It is unfortunate that so much of the discussion They join organizations, not because th e / of how large a share of the cost of college aduca- U nfortunately, m ost students seem to h it tw o extrerhes in participating in these ac­ have any special interest or talent in a par­ a dispute over m ochantes of paym ent, as tivities. A t one end is-thex apathetic club ticular organization, but because they are it h ad alread y been decided th a t he should pay dodger w hose'tm ly extra-curricular function forged to join. — a fa r la rg e r sh are. Fundam entally, this is a phil­ is a weekend trip to a local th e a te r to see This is not the way to build good campus osophical Issue,Tiot a problem in economics. Sophia Loren’s latest movie. These kind of leaders. Certainly, such leaders should be Public colleges and- universities cam e into being well-rounded with much varied experience, as a m ajority of th e Am erican people realized people are not an asset to th e university. th a t existing .Institutions w ere failing in two but just as it is impossible to lead in every We have repeatedly stated, and we do so field, it is impossible to serve in every field.' resp ects to s e r v e th eir needs: here again, th a t a stu d en t’s prim ary pur­ Student Congress members do not need a 1. They were accessible to too snutil a per* pose h ere is to educate him self along th e centage of young people, by reason of we costs Wolverine job to prove that they are good imposed by reason of other arbitrary barriers, traditibnal academic lines. However, college congressmen. They can prove it much better n a y also broaden a person in o th er ways. . . . by giving more af their time to Congress. 2. They were not Interested in teaching subject Through working w ith -o th er people and as­ sum ing responsibility, a person can improve THE GREATEST HARM, however, comes matter of the kind needed hi a new country facing immense problems of growth and development. - his total character. Failing to do so is to lose in the damage over-active students do to one of the g reat values of a college education. their own intellectual, development. Some THE AMERICAN people stru ck down both ec­ cannot keep their grades up—this is bad onomic and social b a rrie rs by providing th a t the HOWEVER, SOME stu d ents go too fa r in student a t public colleges should pay -tittle or enough.- Even sadder in the bright consis­ nothing for instruction, p er se. This w as a blow th e other direction. They are members of tent three point student who sacrifices extra struck in defense of th e A m erican philosophy honoraries, Union Board, AUSG, publica­ learning for extra-curricular activities. How th at m en, being created equal, should not suffer tions, professional organizations, W ater C ar­ m any of last term's three pointers have read by having artificial b a rrie rs placed across th eir nival, C a r e e n a r n iv a l,, ad infinitum . Such a good unassigned book since Christmas? individual roads of opportunity. persons are Bimply spreading them selves too The answer would be astonishingly low. Col­ Against this background, it can be said that thin. They cannot contribute much to any lege should challenge students to do extra any proposal that a student be required to pay group, b u t instead give surface talents to work,-to read more, to research interesting the greater part or all of the cost of his higher each. No stu d en t can serve well in an AUSG education stimulates both production and con­ projects. But it is the exceptional student sumption, and thus adds to the material well­ office while belonging to 10 o th e r organizat­ who does this. io n s and m aintain th e required grade aver­ being of the entire nation. Many students are totally inactive hr too age. I t is physically impossible. deeply involved in extra curricular functions IT IS HERESY because it controverts the mo­ ral philosophy-that every individual 4^-entitied These people are of little more value to to get the extra academic benefits. A ration­ to develop his personality, his character, and th e university th an th e f ir s t group since al balance of two or three activities against his intelligence constructively to their outer­ th e ir talen ts are widespread as to do ho one a~solid academic pattern is the answer. Aris­ most limits. — any actual good. - totle’s Golden Mean is applicable to the col­ ItOTC 1$ COMPULSORY — BUT IS THE BLOOD DRIVE?—** . . . . hup, two, It is heresy because it controverts an Ameri­ This problem is especially prevalent in lege student as well as everyone else. _ th re e . . . hup. two, th re e . . . it’s for a worthy cause, m e n . . . hup, two, three . . ,* can educational philosophy in that, if carried ta re rig h t. . . hup, hup . . ^ _ to the end- point, it really argues that the tax­ payer should be assessed nothing at all for the support of education at any level. Gives Reasons To pursue this last point a little further: If it Letters to the Editor can be said that college students should pay ^Operation A b o litio n ’ S h o u ld n ’t the larger or the full share of the -cost of their ^educations because that experience will give O n Cubans, Cowpaths Koch them greatly increased earning capacity, can­ not the same be said with equal validity of stu­ B e Shown in La n sin g Schools dents in high school and of pupils in elementary icy might further impair our is an absolutely crutiaJ prob­ school? — , Put Up Fences international stature by mak­ lem in the eyes of the aJta -is- Surely they, too, will earn higher incomes than if they had no education at all; is there any ing America appear hypocrit­ tration . By THOMAS C. WALS1L particularly the HUAC who are ostensibly Agbt- To the Editor: ical in light of tiie latest Cuban In the first place, the letter —logic in saying that society ceases to receive _ Lansing Attorney and ing Communists, or you will be labelled as a It appears that the aesthetic fiasco. has served to distort and mag­ dividends when it invests in education beyond Board of Education Member “Communist dupe” and unAmerican.” value of a beautiful campus is However, only by such a nify the importance of the prob­ high school? It is asserted that the pictures tell the real being disregarded by lazy, change in our attitude toward lem, and in doing so, reveals THE NEW FEDERAL loan program has been Basicallv 1 am for education and opposed to story. We should be clear as we view the Aim thoughtless, and inconsiderate propaganda. ‘X i Cuba and other revolutionary excessive fears on (his subpect. ' applauded, and properly so, as another blow at that while the film- shows Communists abusing students. —' governments can we in time Also it would seem from the rising financial barriers to equal educational As a layman. I conceive that in the area of "the Committee in the hearing room, it is the When I started a t MSU.we teaching ahout politics and the contemporary prove to the wqrid the sincerity publication of the letter that opportunity. But to those who hail this measure narrator who tells us. without benefit of any pic­ had a lot of u$y, OldfsnOW of our humanitarian concerns there are excessive fears con-_ as justification for raising tuition still more, let social or political scene, the foie of the public tures, about Communists making “dupes” of fences up all over the campus school education is to present as facts those as­ and efforts. cerning the public image of it be pointed out that'one provision lays bare students and inciting them to violence. to keep the kids, and other MSU, fears^hat the university sertions or statements which can be demonstrted, One illustration may suffice. The narrator M rfand Mrs, D. T. Miller a fallaey in their economic arguments. animals, off the lawns. After might gain a more, cosmopol­ It is the provision that for those who enter documented, or are generally agreed upon. Opinions, conclusions, views, philosophies or tells us that students leaped a barricade and began beating a policeman, and “ as the mob many letters to the editor about them the grounds de­ ★ * ★ _ itan. perhaps, reputation. the teaching profession, a portion of the loan Students can hardly feel will be forgiven. This says, in effect, what pro­ ideas should be presented for what they are, with their veracity or truth being admittedly surges forwad to storm the doors, a police inspec­ tor orders that the fire hoses be turned on.” partment took them down. This lasted about two years, then Sacrifice Truth? proud of-this letter. It appears ponents of low-cost education have been saying subject to proof or judgement, in an environ­ to be written in a university all along—that ail of us benefit from having in­ as the paths began to reappear -To the Editor: which is overly conscious of telligent young people educated for Socially use­ ment of free discussion in which the student THIS IS one of many narrafor allegations de­ the chain fences were put up. can develop or exercise a capacity for critical nied by students on the scene. In court when The-discussion regarding ac­ public feeling, to the point of. ful lives, and all of us shoiild share in paying the Obviously you students fail thinking. testimony is in conflict, we examine the objective to reason why thev were put ademic freedom which Leo fear, and tied to tradition. cost. Propaganda, a s I see it, is the selective com­ evidence. Apparently the only picture of this Koch’s visit aroused prompts Mickey Kelley One prominent economist who advocates high­ up. THEV WERE PUT UP TO er charges. Dr. Sewmour Harris, singles out my bination of fact with half-truth, untruth, opinion incident is in the May 23, 1960 issue of Life mag­ K EEP LAZY INTELLECTU­ the following question: or conclusion presented, often emotionally as & azine. taken right after the hose was turned on. If pursuit of truth wherever •k~ ★ ★ state and university irr his arguments by saying ALS OFF THE LAWNS. In as that his plan would be more democratic than particular point of view. it shows no mob storming the barricade, but it leads brings one to question ON MAY 5, 1960 I proposed to a meeting of the rather students seated near the erect barricade. much as the students cannot comprehend a- fence, I would or even to attack established Poor Tasle ^current practices “where, for example, the low- income Michigan farmer subsidizes the son of the Neither the film nor the J. Edgar Hoover re­ like to take this opportunity to social institutions (in the broad Lansing Board of Education that our schools sense of anything instituted Uy To the Editor: motor- executive.” port relates that a number of substantial c iv ic ' ask the grounds department to establish a course to teach o u r-students about groups were actively opposing the HUAC and its society—morals, values, gov­ Please register my protest communism and the world struggle we face to­ put the sn o w fences up again. TWO OR THREE things need t I HAVE A N Y OPINIONS O R PERSONAUTVOR CHARACTER? HAVE A N Y CHARACTER, A REFLECTION ON M E.'“ (AH.HAÜ) them about the nature of communism and its take that makes our future ABour... WHEN A WITNESS is proven to have deliber­ tactics, but win also develop the critical think­ course far more difficult. But ||| ately lied in the courtroom, I es an attorney, and ing capacity necessary to distinguish between we must begin to redirect our I believe most juries, tend to discount all of his truth and propoganda. Cuban policy toward an open testimony and question his motivation. - To me the issue is wether we use a one-shot acceptance and friendly co­ Thé Aim’s raesage, not only to students, but propaganda Aim or a well planned course at the operation with Castro’s revolu­ to all Americans who sac it, is that “thou had level of professional education to teach our tionary regime. We realize that better not criticize or oppose public officials, and students. socfa an abrupt change of pol­ ï f â è ¡pgfs¡ !I r O J F rid ay M orning, A pril 2 8 , 1 9 6 1 Michigan Slate News, Ea»t I jmwug, Michigan .1 ‘Life Begins Now9 False ID Gets Student rary H a n n a h Speaks Arraigned By ISABEL RACK! successful In fids task.” more optimistic about the pas­ may be seen as a study in thej petty schemes, their childish frustrations of several aged I delight in the disabilities and State News Staff Writer Baskett spoke a t length of sage of life in an existenialist A t A U S O Sem inar three m a j o r contemporary world than do their French characters. Their ebbing fires, the deaths of each other seems A warrant has b eat signed i t is possible to survey the writers—C. P. Snow, Lawrence counterparts. their quavering voices, their J a parody of all that is vital and by Ko-Ko Bar against a student scene of contemporary British Durell, and William Golding. Baskett also discussed Brit­ uncertain prosecutions of their meaningful. for using false identification. fiction'and came away with an ain’s famed “ Angry Young "Never has it been more im­ mented oirby Hannah. The student was under the impression of tawdriness — if DESPITE TH ETA CTSnow Men” who, he asserted, are not portant that bright young peo­ "Most legislators, like most legal age for purchasing alco­ on persists in looking in the is in current vogue, Baskett all angry, are rebellious in dif­ ple inform themselves, listen f itiw M of Michigan, have holic beverages. State statutes wrong places or in the wrong said that neither vision, tex- ferent ways, are not all young T he Chairm an and C oordinators to afl sides and recognize that given little thought to our prob­ say taverns may not serve such way,” Prof. Sam B itte tr to k i t u r e or technique stamps and are not all men. life doesn’t begin when they lems. The surprising filing is beverages topersons under the an in a lecture on Snow’s work with greatness. However, he said, there is j f of the leave the campus, but begins that no one during the debate defended higher education,” he legal age limit. contemporary British novels. DnreU’s m u c h-acdaimed certainly a considerable anger now,” President John A. Han­ State investigators were a t Baskett, an assistant profes­ "Alexandria Quartet,” Baskett connected with their work—a t ! nah said Wednesday. — H—M ir ai«fB««wi the role of the university student at a sem­ define said. The student must .... learn to Ko-Ko Bar when the student sor of English, said, however, said, characterizes Ids attempt least as much directed against I his role as a student, be­ presented false identification, that some current British writ­ to apply the concept of space­ them as they express. R.O.T.C. Blood Drive inar sponsored by AUSG. _ cause unless be can prove the and had been served because ers are enatin^w vigorous lit­ time to literature. The first GENERALLY, BASKET said, He said one of the reasfen university is a good social in­ h i s identification appeared erature which asserts a belief three novels—“Justine,” *fBalt- the "Angry Young M e n , ” Wish to Thank legitimate. in man’s creative potential, his hazer,” and “ Mount Olive” — though diverse, state the c a s e ! for die current fiscal crisis is wasted, Hannah said. money-Is vestment, taxpayers’ The investigators found him moral worth and his capacity portray the situation through forthe socially underprivileged, j the atrocious job universities have dome in selling their stu­ in possession of false proof of to make a moral choice. his age; He was under 21. three different points of-view They write rebelliously of class I There would seem to be no (three sides of space) while the EVERYONE dents . G erm an E xpert Management said the best future for a literature depicting fourth novel provides the side distinctions and related social “ If we are going to do what defense against losing his tav­ life as absurd, Prof. Baskett of time to the four-part space­ problems against a background F or T heir W onderful has to be done, we are going Here To Discuss ern license is to sign a warrant said, fo r if life is judged as in­ time structure. of the welfare state. to have to make certain stu­ Animal Behavior against violators. "They reject,” he Said, “ a i S upport in Making dents know what is in store for herently absurd then it follows Golding, he said, is not so way of life that "their prede­ Students do not realize the that are, too, wouuld be an ab­ much concerned with social re­ This the Most Successful them and that they reach their A German specialist on ani­ position they put the bar, or surdity—a desperate and event­ lations as many of the other cessors considered the good potential,” he said. mal behavior will speak to stu­ themselves in by falsifying ID, ually a futile effort to stave off writers. The distinctive thing life. In a sense their rebellion The discussions in the Senate dent groups on campus next they said. is but the perpetually repeated Blood Drive in during debate on the higher ed­ I week* the nothingness. about his four novels is his cre­ war of the generations.” _ The student has been ar­ M S U History ucation bill were also com­ | Dr. Martin Lindauer, of the raigned and is awaiting trial in r A NUMBER of current Brit­ ation of huge, distinctive meta­ In discussing John. Braine’s phors to make plain his view "Room at the Top,” Baskett Zoology Institute of the Un'ver- Ingham ^County Court. Maxi­ ish writers have succeeded in A T T C 'S ' O If 1sity of Munich, Germany, is a mum penalty for this violation avoiding this predicament, he of the human predicament. He said that he considered it a Special thanks to; places his characters in a second-rate novel which pro­ J \ O fft& ff noted expert on animal behav­ is $100 fine, 90 days in jail ,or said, and a t a result are creat­ primitive situation where the vided the basis for an excellent CampbelTs Suburban Shop ior, orientation and sense psy­ both. ing a literature of considerable problem is survival itself and chology. vitality. movie. Tom Johnson of th e Coral Gables Loans Due He will speak at the zoology Festival Cast Baskett went on to s a y , “ A then observes what happens. Muriel Spark is one of a number . of writers such as Lathrop P a re Oil S tation ~ All AUSG small loans that seminar, 304 Natural Science central problem for the con­ BASKETT SAID, “ All of Angus Wilson and Irish Mur­ were taken out between the be­ ¡Monday, noon. He will addiess temporary writer In this exist­ these writers have a dualistic doch who use the comic as a Flash Cleaners (F ran d o r) ginning of the term and April ¡the members of the Academic To Rehearse entialist world is to depict a view of the nature of man. basis for a serious interpreta­ V anD ervoorts Sport Shop 14 are due today. The loan of­ [Year Institute at 7 |>.m Tues- meaningful life -for the individ­ Man, to them, is at once evil tion of the world, Baskett said. fice in 336 Student Services i day in 252 Education. The International—Festival ual. It is the particular achieve­ and possesses moral worth.” . ^ fo r th e ir contributions. will be open from 2 to 5 p.m. I The Tuesday night talk, pos- will have a full cast rehearsal ment of a number of British Current , British novels, he THE PORTRAYAL in her t o d a y ^ and daily Monday Isibly dealing with behavior of Saturday, at 3 p.m. in the Un­ writers that they have been said, manage to be slightly book "Memento Mori,” he said, through Friday. — 1bees, is open to the public. ion Ballroom. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS D EA DLIN ES: 1 p.m. 4 )ay Before Publication^ for Tues., Wed., T hurs., and F ri. Editions. I)eadlir«e for Mon. E dition: 1 p.m. Fri. Phone ED 2-1511 Extensions 2643 and 2644 Free and Easy a u t o m o t iv e FOR SALE REAL ESTATE GOOD USED CLOTHING. G irls and EA ST LANSING !I Income. Only AUSTIN HEALEY. 1958. 100-fl over­ womens sw eaters, skirts, formats 918,500. - with term s. 5 bedroom drive. w ire wheels. 4 w ater. Radio- etc: to size 16. Boys and mens suits, spacious home. Top location. 9213 heater, whitewalls: all extras. SI.»»). shirts and etc. Evenings and week­ p er month "incom e from student ED 2-2679 afte r 8 p m. 1985 CHEVROLET. 2-door V-8. pow­ door. ends only. 210 South Clemons. Side rentals. Home In excellent condit­ Z2 ion. Would consider trad e fo r sm all home. Call R J . F rink. IV 4-7759. IV COORDINATES e r Clide. Radio, heater. Rood condit- HAMMARLUND HQ-100 comm un­ 2-4570. o r ED 2-6393, W alter NeUer lon. IV 5-1330 ~~ 22 ications receiver. Like new., Bruce Co., Realtors. Brookfield Plaza. 32 i960 CORWETTE, w hite. 245 h.p. 2-6551. Tanner, 134 West Shaw Hall. ED — 3* EAST LANSING!! Close to cam pus) 411 poe. traction. Radio an d heater. ¿ top*!« speed. ED 2-3476.________ « Sharp 3 bedroom fam ily hom e, e x ­ VINTAGE 1948. HILLMAN-MINX, tra large dining room . l',4 baths, full basem ent: 1attached garsxtr. large For the little g a ls ’ wardrobe “ MUST SELL IM M E D lA T ln-Y .19» good shape. Also. Men’s bicvcle re­ fenced-in y ard fo r children. Only Dodge convertible. P erfect condition. built. Call IV 5-4855 immediately. 22 912.000. Low down paym ent. Call H i . $400 Call r v * 7647______________ ” M.S.U. GRADUATION RINGS- See Frink. IV 2-4570, IV 4-7759. o r ED vie: A 1056 GREEN. Wire wheels. them at th e Card Shop, ¿ cro ss from 3-6393. W alter N eller Co.. Realtors. racfio^whUe walls. Car in sxcetlent Home Ec. Building. ED 2-6753. 46 Brookfield Plaza. 22 shape. Call ED 7-186L ________ J I 1TRAILERS EAST LANSING!) Look m e overt! 6 y ear old Cape Cod, ju st like new. IMn m GA RED convertible. A -l --------------------------- —_ B uilt fo r th e large family. 2 baths. condition w ire wheels, radio, heater ALMA TRAILER 36’ x 9’ good 32 x 13 recreation room, only $18.- 13 ooo miies. 91995. ED 9-3227. 1053 MG-TD. new top and tonneau [ Ung; . tf | condition^ Air-conditioned^ Priced 00. and th e term s a re right. Call R J . cover, heater, good condition. Please j ------- to sell. ED 2-0044 o r ED 2-6375. Shil F rink for appointm ent. IV 4-7759, __24 IV 3-4570. ED 2-6595. W alter NeUer Co.. Realtors. Brookfield Plaza. 22 98 95 call IV 5-3237.__ ________________ , 05* mG-TF. new tonneau and r a ­ FOR RENT EAST LANSING!) NEW listing! See th is m aintenance free, all stone to d io * tx > d heater, excellnt condition TO RENT 1 to 2 bedroom house in 3 bedroom ranch, today!) L arge fam ­ ED 2-29». - __ East- Lansing or east side Lansing. ily kitchen w ith loads of btrch cup B Full basem ent, centaral heat, garage, boards. Close to campus. 20 foot Uw “ ¡955 OLDSMOB1LE. 4-door o sedan, reasonable ren t. Reasponsible couple. Tng room, covered patio for th a t sum, Colorfnl, gay coordinates for the little miss who w a i t real good condition. Call TV 9-5264^ ED 2-3225. 33 m er living and carport. Only 917.500 Call R.J. Frink. IV 2-4570. iV 4-7759. FOR RENT WHITE dinner iacket I or ED 2-6595. W alter NeUer Co. Real- to look and keep up with spring fashions. Mix ’a match, 1955 PACKARD C U P P E R Pow er w ith all accessories, 96 Cnest size. | tors. Brookfield Plaza. 22 steering and brakes. Ne* •*> 38: Waist « size. 32. Call W arren. wear for play-time or dress-np time. AH are is easy care relined Motor in ex ce lent ra n htio . . 2 3g05 _ ! INDIAN HILLS - OPEN Sunday 2-5 | Needs transm ission work Will M , ------------------ - -s*--------- p m. Bv owner, lovely location. 3 bed- | cept reasonable offer Call ED 2 j ¿ ^ o j m ENTS- 1room ranch, 2 car garage, excellent i fabrics that wash in a wink. Each created and expresses after 6 p m . ; 1 _________I floor plan, large lot. screened In | »0«) PEUGEOT, black, whitewalls. J n ^ f^ o a n d ^ e a te r —ATTRACTIVE r: ■3 rooms w ith tile porch, : ~~ bath. Unfurnished except refrigerator 77T" ■ v fenced-in back 'yard. ED 7-7935. a. for young living. age. perfect condition. and stove. Adults. Close to campus, LEAVING MSU. M ust sell older I after 5 p.m. 23 ED 3-4886. tf hom e In Mason b y Ju n e. Lots of 1955 PLYMOUTH. 4 door rmdit, ROOMS space: fire rooms an d b a th down, heater, good tires. Reasonable. ED newly carp e te d .—and tile: th re e -j A. Arnel* triacetate crop top in wtaito room s and b ath (or ap artm ent up). 7-1815.,,— _______ TWO SINGLE. COLLEGE bus. Hear Modernize and in very good con­ with print appiique. Subteen sizes t Frandor. Comfortable, clean, good 1 9 » PLYMOUTH, red a n d , white, beds, parking. Call after 6. IV 2-3454. dition. N early new roof, gas fu r­ good tires, radio, heater, w hitew all^ nace. d ry heated basem ent, large | to 14 $SJI 33 p rivate y ard w ith m atu re shade. Call IV 5-8548- 84 Redwood -fence, five blocks from | 1957 PLYMOUTH four-door Savov. LOST and FOUND schools. Approxim ately- 813,000 N el- hbors w ho com m ute, to MSU, 15 B. Box pleated skirt In Arnel*. Print Six cylinder., atan^ard> 9450 In good condition. Call OX R > 30 minutie drive. OR 7-0642. 22 | and solid combinations in green/white, .4-8541. * LOST - BLACK FRAMED glas­ EAST LANSING. 1113 Lilac. 3 bed­ subteen sizes, 8-14 $7J5 ses in red case. Please call ED room home, full basem ent, garage. 1* 7 -TRIUMPH, yellow, good con» 7-6711, Sandy - 230. 33 Red C edar School. 91(500. caff own­ dition. Radio, and heater, overdrive, er. ED 2-6641. 36 I w ire wheels. Ext. 2868 o r after 5 LOST: WRIST WATCH. Rm. 109 C. White Arnel* Jamaicas to match A nthony Hall. M arvin. Black face. ED 7-2634. ~ Gold hand. Reward. Call Toch, Phy. rooms, 114 baths, 3 com partm ent fin­ I EAST LANSING. Cape Cod. 9 bed- with print applique. Subteen sizes 8 to 1*9 RENAULT, radio. ' electric Dept. 23 ished basem ent, garage, w alking dls- 14 8S J8 clutch. Call ED 7-9274 a fte r 5 p m. 22 LOST: POST SU D E RULE. Monday tance M.S.U. 316.500 ED 3-0777. 33 ! April 17. ED 7-1067. 23 40 WOODED ACRES NEAR MSU I EMPLOYMENT w ith 3 m odern homes, barn, rid ­ D. Checked Cotton skirt in bright PERSONAL ing area for ponies and h o rs * . Call IV 5-6138. Johanna Sargent. B roker. orange. Sizes 7 to 14 ~ $4.18 COLLEGE MEN WITH c a r. «25-850 per evening, can w ork to Ht v-.'ur KAREN KLUMPP and PAUL schedule. Can Mr. Ingram . ED 7-2155 DAUDEL1N please come to the State EAST LANSING-8 bedroom s. N ear or IV 3-0746. » Newa office, Room 347. Student Serv­ Senior High, campus an d stores. E. Crop top in bright (»range. Organ ices Bldg. for two free passes to the T here’s still th e smeU of fresh p aint grinder applique. Sizes 7 to 14 $3J 8 Crest Drive-In. In th is 9 room hom e suitable for the FOR SALE Vet's Association large fam ily or tncosne. Owners leav­ ing ' country w ill consider 82.000 ] down. Call Mrs. Rice. ED 2^802. F. Chino jamaica with organ grinder 30 WATT AMPLIFIER G arrard office. ED 7-1841. Hilley In c.. Real­ turntable 15” speaker In cabinet. tors. _ __________ IS I applique, in orange, 7-14 $3JS 883.35. CaH -ED 3-5830 before 11 a im SERVICE G. 'Checked cotton blouse in bright DRAPES. 3 PAIRS w ith valances apartm ent size gas stove. 2 small TYPIST OR SECIuHARY 18 years orange. Sizes 7-14 $2.96 drop leaf tables. 3 lounge chairs, j in thesis, term papers. Electric elite. davenport- Call IV 5-6040. 23 College graduate. ED 2- 5646.______24 j GRADUATING - MUST SELL: TYPING, ELECTRIC typew riter. * Registered Trademark 1957 Zundapp Motorcycle: 22 w att Call Sonia. IV 9-1166 after 5:20. P ick ­ hi-fi. P A . system^ draw ing-study u p and delivery if necessary. 23 | table w ith light IV i 8006 after 7 TYPING DONE In S partan Village o r 815 Prospect St. Lansing. 23 apartm ent. ED 7-6702. o r ED 7-96MM THIRD FLOOR - LANSING “ r O LUFLEX T ~ CAM ER A -H ard- GARDEN LEVEL - EAST LANSING ly used. Sells new for OlSO W d l^ c - EXPERT THESES and general typ­ cept 3139. Also 35mm MAMIYA ing. electric typew riter. »7 years Executive. Yeer old Excellent con­ dition- Cost 9110 new —979. Also 8mm experience, one block tra m Brodv. MOVIE camera. Revere, » tth tu rre n t ED 2-5548. tf I Ians. Magazine loading. Call TU 1* 4023 23 Reminder : Elections - Tuesday. May ». LEARN TO FLY. Spring is here, now 's a good timo to' sta rt enjoying mm ' US DIVERS TANK and 2-stage REAL ESTATE this exciting yet relaxing sport Drive ou t fo r-a free dem onstration ride. 2 i^-‘•’■i ¡SSfsÉUEí 1f"i: regulator, various other OiviM equipm ent. In excellent condition. and 4 place rentals. Reasonable rates. Sheren Aviation, N orth A bbot Road. ; ¿ S .- 'S S f g S f e R j mm 389 West Shaw. - 21 EAST lA M R N Q . BRAND new and ED attractively decorated in soft pastel 2-0124. tf ! * S B h - S S ? * ; '. « ® f e MEN’S BICYCLE. 3 months old, colors. Spacious 3 bedroom ranch TYPIST ANN BROWN New nhonc -R w w i 3 speed. Call ED 2-4915. 33 with 23’ living room, efficient built- num ber, ED 2-9384. Electric type­ tt tmmm m u » ,« .. KENMORE PORTABLE Washing m achine with hand rin g er. 825.00 in kitchen. 2 hardsom e fireplaces, w riter. T erm papers and theses, also | large 4 piece ceram ic bath plus half bath. Full basem ent, gas heat, attach ­ general tyntng. tf i ’ k n i i h i ífsüTü m ED 7-0284. 33 ed garage. Call Mrs. Rice, ED 2-4092, WONCH DUPLICATING - moved or office. ED 7-1041. Hilley Inc.. to 1 7 » E. Michigan. Lansing. Thesis I Wm ~ H A N D-KNTTTED NORWEICEN Realtors. 32 sw eaters fo r sale. 830 a piece- CaU 1 0 2-3820 .______ ■ . ■ «3 4 BEDROOM, tri-level. Two-car a rage On tan acres. I ' j baths. School TONNEAU COVER FOR 4 place bus pick-up nearby. p L 5-2750. 22 DOWNTOWN L A N S IN G ...O P E N TODAY FROM 9 :3 0 A.M. TO 9 P . M . . . . PHONE TV 9 ^ 5 5 1 A ustin-Healy 215 o r swap for. MGA TYPING. In my to m e, by secretary I accessory. Jack Fetreabend. ED EAST LANSING!! 820*0 - spacious w ith 19 years’ experience- TV 9-6798 | 7-2530 after 9. 39 1 bedroom. ell brick English colo­ nial W alk-in cedar cioml. I ts baths, EAST LANSING . . . OPEN TODAY FROM 9 : 3 0 A.M. TO 5 :3 0 P . M . . . .P H O N E ED 2-5006 WEDDING DRESS. SIZE 9-10. Worn carpeted living and form al dining 1last June bv happy Theta. Call ED room. Breakfast room - fireplace, WANTED 2-6101 after 8 p.m. 28 finished recreation room. Wou land­ scaped l a n e yard. “T srttflc ta r n s , _ 1*0 JOHNSON OUTBOARD Only C a l l R J Frink. IV 4-T79i‘ JV 2-4570 (ami)y need housing for 1st se s sio n '" one year * use. In excellent shape, or ED 3-06« W alter NeUer Go-. Beal- sum m er school. Call Adama. ED 7-19FT priced to sell. Call ED 7-1*1. 27 tors. Brookfield Plaza. 22 Michigan Sirte N ew , E trt tin g in g , Michigan Friday Morning, April 28, 1961' “The budget doesn’t recog­ Socialists to Haye Reunion Sunday Crossword Puzzle 3H 3Q EÜ3Z3 a o B ;4 - n a n □ a a u irju a LJO U iS iin o a a u a j U of M President Makes nize the growth of institutions, j If we don’t get an increase we ll lose one of the most important May 1 Festivities □□□□□□ □□□□□□ Church Celebrates Ac— as t. Equality 4teipawMk S I Com— H — y — □ a c ia D 3 J S D 'T ííi □ a a u i i n a a a m a a n a a n ao Plea for More Funds creative assets that is available to us,’’ Hatcher s a id r Chances are slim that the win The Young Socialists present a May Day Club Cele­ U 91 Tal RAM MARTINO Stale over last year’s $29,471,833 House committee will increase bration Monday, May 1. 11 lift Fo u rth Anniversay u u a a o a a a 3 c o a from <9.1 □□□ s a n a Stale News Staff Writer budget. - the budget over the suggested 14. Marie of rito —r □□□□□□ nanniia Hatcher said Hie university’s amount settled on by the Sen­ 3 to 6 p m on the south steps □ ñ au □ □ □ n a a a a Harlan A Hatcher. Universi­ of thé Union. 11 Balar I I P!t a t u ada »1 □ naa □□□ naaa ty at Michigan president, made board at regent’s is against any ate two weeks ago. T bs Fourth Anniversary of Featured in the afternoon Ms pitch to the House Ways increase in student fees. Han­ program will be Dr. James A. IT.Tima 41 la favor aC n an a a n a u u a j its foundation on April 2, 1967, 1 1— M l ; 4L Badiana and Means committee Thursday nah, backed by State’s board will be the occasion for cele­ williams, department of veter­ If. Ravaa’a - « rab el in an effort to pry more funds of trustees, also told the, com­ bration a t the E ast Lansing inary pathology, and his fam- sate away from the state to oper­ mittee State would not increase Methodist Church on Sunday. f l y . D r . and Mrs. Williams, SO.Donkay ate the university. tuition. who were charter members SL Badato Returning alumni, members, l i . Total ___ — m ad lA lo ag ( And, as it has done all week, “We re under pressure to in­ and the general public will and active in the development K fl— f t g to. Harald llO w aa the committee listened to the crease our undergraduate en­ worship together in services a t of the church, will be leaving n im ta o 41 to » who IL I— cries for more money . rollment but « e l l have to bold th e community soon. 98. Vnittaf t t . Ondai • : * a.m. and 11 a.m. and H Ja» awtoaM Hatcher was the .last of the it at 24.229 (the present enroll­ share in an anniversary reun­ parli tawBy the boa U ito to s to. Oroupt State’s Big Three university ment),“ Hatcher said. ion dinner at 12:30 p.m. at 1118 11 lim a i p resid en ts to bid for more mon­ “We need more money for 8outh Harrison rd., East Lan­ sing. Basketball to.Traathm j 90. Nota of thaaeala of players SO.CoaJaoc- Haltotoa — ihm 9L Finito e y , for th e 1961-62 fiscal year. science Sod technology in order The House Ways and Means to stave off the flow of indus­ Bishop Marshall Reed, pre­ tt.OOaai _ committee heard pleas from try geared to research to the siding Methodist Bishop of Michigan, preached that foun­ ders day service in the Red Scandal IL Orator M.—I— 9 1 P art oC night other state colleges and east and west coast. universities, including Michigan j State (Tuesday) and Wayne Cedar School with the Rev. Wilson M. Tennant presiding. Bishop Reed revealed plans for Uncovered 9t.Maaa.aapa auchta State (Wednesday), to increase j the education budget over the ! $166.5 million sum approved by At No a future Methodist Center at the corner of South Harrison NEW YORK UR—The spread­ 9L Prono— IL Amor. the Senate recently. " Extra ing scandal Thursday dragged The House Ways and Means Road and Sever Drive, serving committee has until tonight to j E ast Lansing and the 3,700 in 10 more players from six colleges as a fantastic attempt make recommendations for an i Charge... Methodist students at Michigan to fix 29 games, mainly in the increase in the education bill I State University. east and south, was disclosed 'by district attorney Frank S. before it is placed on the floor i Monday for voting approval, [ Servies UNDER THE ministry of 91 t r i b e toa Hagan. 4& Disamar The Senate trimmed a $37.1 Rev. Tennant, regular services million request the Governor’s ! were held both a t the Red Many of the fix attempts cov­ 4L Jawal ering the past two seasons 4L Broad o p e budget for Michigan to $35.37; Cedar School and the State million, $136,000 over cu rren t; Theater until September, 1960, were successful, Hogan said as Aaron Wagman, 29, a convicted spending. —— when services were moved into President John A. Hannah the new Wesley Student Foun­ football fixer from New York, was indicted on 37 counts of Tuesday asked the committee j dation. The Wesley Foundation to consider increasing State’» j with the Rev. George I. Jordan as minister to students was the corruption and one charge of conspiracy by the New York Nr 10 .Ua Af Htmtltwrntu budget over the- Senate’s re­ Fraudar Shopping Center MOM. THRU FBL TILL 9 MARILYN BROWN county grand jury-. commendation of $29.6 million.! second unit to be completed at The Senate has suggested; SAT. TILL 7 W ALW ICK, NEW JE R S E Y , SR . the Harrison Road-Sever dr. Hogan said the investigation, only a $205^84 increase fo r 1 site of the East Lansing Metho- dist Center. The parsonage was complet­ which was first broken open last March 27 with the arrest of Wagman and Joseph Hacken Performers Featured ALPHA GAMMA DELTA of New York, is continuing. ed ana occupied by the Ten­ nants in November, 1958. Plans are being readied for the con­ The term of the investigating grand jury was extended until At Republican Party ☆ LARGEST DISCOUNT IN TOWN * The Scotch H ouse-accents sim plicity in evening struction of the church sanctu­ The present probe threatens MUFFLERS — TAIL PIPES — EXHAUST PIPES wear. Marilyn models Florence W alsh’s spring tim e ary in the near future. to rival the 1951 scandals which Two former Michigan men team)' and the comedy team In four years, the member­ involved 33 players from 7 col­ who found success in show busi­ of Rowan and Martin and a 23- POLISHES — WAXES — PAINTS — BRUSHES separates. The sleeveless jack et and its m atching ship has grown from 28 to 352. leges, in a widespread scheme ness win be among the featur­ piece Hollywood orchestra. sk irt are made from 100 per ^ e n t Irish linen. The to rig points of games and ed performers a t the special Tickets for the two hourpro* COMPLETE LINE OF ACCESSORIES Attendance at Sunday services has mushroomed from 51 on beat the bookmakers. Some of Republican GO-Party May 12, gram are priced from $4 to |50 o u tfit is available in v ibrant colors, perfect fo r all the players went to jail. a fund-raising program to be each and may be purchased that first Sunday in 1957 to p arty occasions. Choose g, versatile o u tfit like 4his m o rr than 700 at the present Named in the -indictment to­ held at the Lansing Civic Cen­ from the Young Republicans, day were three players from ter. — o r Rodger Boevs, at Owen COMPLETE AUTO New & Rebuilt from th e Scotch House to dress up your spring time. _ SPRING a Starter* Special recognition to the St. Joseph’s College of Phila­ Leading the list of perform­ Hall, ED 7-1361, e x t 368. GLASS • Gene raters delphia, two from jthe Univer­ ers win be Edgar Bergen, SERVICE a r a r i Ew ans wardrobe, young church’s four years of E xpertly Installed sity of Connecticut, two from famous ventriloquist who U a P o r Can. a W afer . I n n accomplishments will be given a t each of the Sunday morn­ the University of Tennessee, former resident oI Decatur. K erner To Speak Tracks. Tractors While T oe W ait a Ctanck P late. ing services. _ and one each from Lasalle Col­ The m aster of ceremonies win lege of Philadelphia, Mississip­ be George Murphy, one-time At Colloquium GUESTS OF HONOR a t the pi State and University of North Michigan resident and'form er EXCLUSIVELY YOURS AT THÉ Dr. George C. Kerner, assist­ dinier In the Foundation fol­ Carolina. president Of the Screen Actors AUTO lowing the worship services will include those persons leav­ ing the university community In addition William Minnerly, Guild, said Harry E . Guysel- ant professor of philosophy, the co-captain of the University man, Ingham County Republi­ wUl speak to the Philosophy of Connecticut football team can finance chairman. Colloquium Friday a t 8 pan. in KRAMER PARTS at the close of this school year, new 1961 members and out-of- town visitors. from White Plains, N.Y.; two Other featured performers the Physics-Math conference former Alabama basketball wUl be singer Gordon MacRae, room. The subject 9 Ml talk players, Jerry Vogel and Dan­ Jane Powell, the Hi-Lo’s, -the wUl be “ Approvals and Moral ■ACHINE SHOP SERVICE Ufana* iel Quindazzi of Yonkers, N.Y., Four Step Brothers (a dance Reasoning/’ PHONE IV 4-1335 LAYAWAY CHARGE and Joseph Green, a New York­ 800 E. KALAMAZOO ST. er and close associate of Wag* C A M P B E L L ’ S SUBURBAN SHOP Placement man’s, were named in the in­ cu dictment as co-conspirators o_ CL, o Salem refreshes your taste but not defendants. All four From Bureau allegedely contacted basketball players, said Hogan. Hogan said the players men­ I I im » The D istaff Room X CQ Interviewing a t the Place­ Selected item s for her ment Bureau Wednesday, Ad­ tioned In the indictment alleg­ 155 z ditional information in the edely accepted or agreed to with his tailoring - accept sums ranging from 8750 < < Placement Bureau bulletin for to $1,500 each for shaving n « the week of May 1-5: Baron School District (New Boston, M ichigan). interview­ ing elementary education, Eng­ points. Night Staff « X CQ Gant Shirts Corbin Bermudas Gordon-Ford Skirts P n /air-softens" every puff lish and math and home econ­ omics. Assistant News Editor, Vic X p CQ -T o p -sid e» CQ Ctarancevifie Public Schools Rauch; Copy Editors, Sally (Livonia, Michigan) interview­ Derrickson, Marilyn Brown, ing elementary education, sec­ Sara Bacon, Brandon Brown, CQ CQ ondary math and science. Jim Hucka; Associate Sports Midway Realty (Lansing area) Editor, John Schneider; Photo­ •J P Interviewing all majors. grapher, Tom Crockett. X P W “W « « You can g et fU PH S THE STORE WITH THE RED DOOR. . . a DELIVERY«“* o CAMPBELL’S SUBURBAN S H O P < p day of the week! Eat here or order out this weekend. . . PRICES ARE THE SAME! T M T M t PIZZA PIT ; ■- - ; Milk & SOS M AC. (Downstairs) ED 2-0863 Ice Cream CASH A CARRY gQM L SABLES’ - au , _, . • ILFORNO • RESTAURANT • • Vi GaL G rade A Homogenized ‘the name that made PIZZA famous ini Lansing* NOW OPEN DAILY AT 11 AM . 37, 1 2 0 1 E. G rand River fo r Something Realty D ifferent-T r y Our /¿ A i, . Jturt aa springtim e E ast L am ing BAR-B-Q-RIBS 3 0 5 5 E. Mich. reawakens you to the beauty and soft greenness all a r o u n d . s o menthol fresh - every Salem reawakens and softly refreshes your taste. Salem, with Ju st W est o f S e e n ~ all ita rich tobacco taste, is a gentle, easygoing «moke. Spedai High rich tobacco taste ♦ PHONE ED 7-1311 * Porosity paper “air-softens” every puff, so that mora than ever, Salem COMPLETE TAKE OUT SERVICE L iK S M F A U m M O T S 0«. ftra s you tb s fmahnssa o f springtime. Amoks rcfoashott..«moka Salami modem filter, too Friday Morning, April 28, i m MSU press, June 30; Richard and landacnpe architecture, feaaor «I history and m i riate and related arts. Prefissar been employed by the univer­ Ang. 31; RubeeV. Austin, asso­ BoardofTrusteesOkays ri—« far thè humantties; James mtit>rn»««> has been k member H. McKay. to associate profes­ at the staff since O ct 1» 1930. sor of mathematica and asso­ Aloysios H e s s e , btdldiag ciate daan far thè «danese, and sity since S ept 16, 1910. Charlie E . Clark, truck driv­ e r ftnr the jtiumlteg department of bnlldinp and utilities. Mr. E. Bjork, instructor of social science, Aug. 31; Mary Lou Rosencranz, assistant profes­ sor of textiles, clothing and re­ ciate pcofsaior and assistant dean in th e College of Busines s and Public Service and coordi­ nator of the Vietnam project, Kenneth D. Boote, to professor m a i n t e n ance supervisor in Clark has been employed tor lated arts, Aug. 31. Aug. SIC Bad G. Harmon, in ­ 60 Faculty Changes of '~ecòoomfcs a n d ' associate Campbell Hall. Mr. Haase h at dean fôrthesocial sciences been employed by the univer­ The faBewtog r e ttr m eto» are sity since May 1.1991. effective July L 1961: Irvine B. Benton, assistant •s Merlan Hillhouse, associatif gym store manager in Jettison the University since July 6, 1943. Rcslgaatiaas and te rm iaa tlm : P a ri D. Bagwell, director of scholarships, March 31; John Dorothy Erler, assistant pro­ fessor (extension) of textiles, ftoUihtf and related arts, April 30; A. Donald Caven, assistant structor (reeearch) of animal husbandry, March SL and Jam as Walter Pelham, agricul- turoal agent for Huron County, Nineteen appointments, 16 economics agent of Clinton The following changes in title professer ai textiles, clothtng i Fieldhouse. Mr. Beaton has professor of urban planning April 22. F. Gallagher, managing editor, 1 e a v e t , 11 miscellaneous County, Oct. 1, 1961 to Nov. are made for staff members of changes, four retirements and 15, 1961, travel in F ar East; MSU-O, effective July 1, 1961; Sunday ten resignations and termina­ Marvin M. Eppenheimer, 4-H George T. Matthews, to pro- tions a t Michigan State Univer­ Club agent of Branch County, sity were approved Thursday afid Richard C. Lott, extension M i' (April Trustees: 27) by the Board of program consultant of -Huron County, to attend extension New appointments effective summer school at Colorado Monday, May 1 - 8 p.m. State University, June 19, 1961 Aqistsii Attend Church Sept 1,1961 are as follows: Paul E . Bader, admissions to July 7, 1961. counselor, admissions a n d scholarships; Robert E. Mors- nations: New assignments and desig­ \ CIVIC LANSING CENTER EAST I.ANSlNC CHURCHES 4 berger, assistant professor, E. E. Martin, associate pro­ Small Auditorium American thought and lan­ fessor of entomology, to the guage p Michael J- Harrison, Nigerian project as science ad­ Admission $1.00 assistant professor of physics viser, April 15, 1961 to July 31, and astronomy; Herbert H. Bol­ 1963; Robert G. Sidnell, assist­ Tickets available at otin, assistant professor of ant professor of music, change Musk Center EAST LANSING UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN PEOPLES CHURCH physics and astronomy; John from temporary to regular ap­ Wagner, associate professor of pointment subject to tenure B io m D o u t ! mathematics; DeWayne Ray rules, Sept. 1, 1960; Malcolm You may bu sshained of many thing» in your TRINITY CHURCH CHURCH V • EAST LANSING Triplett assistant professor of MacLean, Jr., associate pro­ " education; Richard John Julin, fessor of general communica­ Ufa. Yet God arrangoli through Jem* Christ luterdenaatinational assistant professor of urban tion arts, to acting director Of in make your Ufa daan and without Mama. In terd en o m in atio n al AND STUDENT CENTER planning and landscape archi­ the communications research UO Spartan Avenue 244 West G rand Elver a t Michigan tecture, and Michael E. De- center, June 1, 1961 to Feb. 28, Laarn of this wonderful mmHg» at our National Lutheran Council Prano, instructor of economics. 1963. 1 church this Sunday. " I am H t that blotttth Rev. B. EUGENE WILLIAMS Division and Ann Street, E. L. ' j Dr. Wallace Robertson, Pastor Additional new appointments Charles R. Hoffer, professor Pastor (2 blocks N orth of Berkev Hall) D r. P . Marion Simms of sociology and anthropology, out thy traiugrussions.” _' Isaiah 43:25 Rev. Roy I. Schramm are: to acting head of sociology and Parish Pastor: Chartes KUahstck Dr. N. A. MeCune, Czetong Thomas Song, assist­ anthropology, ' “May 16‘ ttoo JJuly i WORSHIP SERVICES Pastor Emerita* ant librarian at the library. 31, 1961; Jay W. Artis, associ­ MSU-O, July 1; Sol Schwartz, ate professor of sociology and assistant professor of psychol­ anthropology, Aug. 1 to Sept. MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL M J 4 a.m. “CONCEPT OF CHRISTIAN CHARACTER» - Campus W orker: Miss T tcla Sund ED 2-5571 or ED 2-4024 — Rev. Joseph P orter WORSHIP SERVICES ogy, MSU-O, Aug. 15; James 15, 1961, and Lyle Blair, direc­ C. Haden, associate professor tor of MSU press, given addi­ of philosophy, MSU-O, Aug. 15; tional title of associate profes­ & STUDENT CENTER _ Missouri * Wisconsin Synod 7JO p.m. “IN PROPER FOCUS’’ WORSHIP SERVICES g:40, 14:15, A 11:34 '4:34 A U a m . “THE UNBNOWN OOD” Rev. Joseph P orter Marvin RLCain, curator at'the sor, effective July 1,1961. OTHER SERVICES (N ursery available a t all services) Rev. Rugene Cars— Blafct !• museum and assistant profes­ Transfers: “ Honey, put a little of 4 4 4 Abbott Road - 3 Blocks N. o f Union preaching In th e sanctuary at * sor of history, July 1; Terrence this on, and I guarantee 0:4* a m . S aaday School Sunday School 4:44 A 14:15 p.m., under th e auspices of the Edward A. Grand, professor he’ll take you to The Wm. J. Britton. Pastor I .»„ring council c f churches. ' J Carey, admissions counselor, of marketing and transporta­ Claae to t U niversity Students LUTHERAN- STUDENT admissions and scholarships, tion administration, to profes­ Towne House for one of Chapel A PnnouMro Telephone ED M W Church School T rinity CoUeglate Fellowship ASSOCIATION their delicious meals.” Sunday W arship 4 J» . U O , 11:1* a m . and SOS p.m. t:M a m . * II a m . July 1; Margaret Dixon Reed, sor of marketing and transpor­ I : « p as. S u p p er 5:34 p.m. Crib room through high instructor (extension) - of tex­ tation administration and as­ Students Supper Program ( • to S pm.) school eg* ^.(here's thufs room ftrVOU/ 7:00 p.m. W ednesday Evening Program 4:13 p.in. tiles, clothing and related arts, sistant dean of the College of Providing ■ Campus Ministry for Married and Single Student« P ray er and Bible ktudy Movie: "OPERATION ABOLITION” July 1. - — ^ ~ . I Business and Publie^Service, William Robert Houston, Jr., April 3, 1961; John Mirohr, as­ assistant professor of educa­ sistant professor and acting as­ FIRST CHURCH OF , EDGEWOOD tion, Aug. 11; Daniel M. Slate, sistant dean of the College of assistant professor, marketing Business and Public Service, to CHRISTIAN _ ST. JOHN STUDENT METHODIST CHURCH OF and transportation administra­ assistant professor of business « ft tion, Aug. 1; Robert H. Hines, services, April 3,1961.' CHRIST, SCIENTIST PARISH EA S f LANSING PEOPLES CHURCH instructor—(extension) of ani­ STUDENT F t. R. R avaaaugh mal husbandry, June 15; Ray 327 M A C . Avenue and Edwin Howard, 4-H Club agent 327 ' M A C . Rev. Trum an A. Morrison for Newaygo County, July 1, ST. JOHN’S SUNDAY FORUM WESLEY FOUNDATION Rev. Robinson O. Lapp and William W. Beardsley, ticket manager, intercollegiate “ Your Host WithTheMost” FOUNDATION C hurch Service 11 A M . S:IS p m . . Student P a— 1 Discussion ' Interdenom inational Sunday School 11 A.M. “MIXED MARRIAGES” Wilson M. Tennant, athletics, April 1. 140 W. Grand River George I. Jordan 449 N. Hagadora Road Sunday School fur University Sunday Masses (3 blochs north of Grand River) Sabbatical leaves of absence: Students S;3f a m . Ministers Joseph A. Porter. M inister 7:30 .- 4:45 - 14:04 • 11:34 William Schwab, associate (Bab£_ sitting a t 4:45 f t ' SUNDAY SERVICES professor of English, MSU-O, t- Subject 14:44 Mosses) POPLARS Sunday. April 30 m 3s| Jan. 1, 1962 to March 31, 1962, Sunday, A pril M. 1001 Daily Masses 4:45 A 8:00 a.m., 3:39 a.m. A 11:44 a m. “ EVERLASTING FUNISRMENT” 12:14 p m . — Fulbright lecturer at Univer­ sity of Philippines; John N. T he 10:10 a n . M arried couples coffee and discussion a t College House W ednesday Evening Meeting I P.M. Saturday Masses 1:04 A 9:44 a.m. "METHODIST MIRACLE»” Rev. Wilson Tennant “HOW DO PEOPLE CHANGE?” Ward, assistant professor of lounge. Reading Room Confessions dally a t 134 pm . Rev. Truman A. Morrison natural science, Jan._l, 11962 S aturday 4-5:34 A 7:30-4:04 p.m. 1114 S. Harrison Road Topic: “THE NATURE OF GOD” 124 W. C ra n i River And a t all Maaaes except Sunday to March 31, 1962, writing in Church Services: 9:45 Sc 11:44 *• East Lansing; Elizabeth Rusk, CHARCOAL HEARTH Campus Vespers 7 JO p m . Mon. th ru Sat. t a m 5 pm . Mon., T ao s, Thurs * Fri. 7 p m . N ovsna Services Tues. 5:15 A 7:3* p.m. — Nursery for both Services Churrh School 4:14 a.m. A 11 a.m. professor of education and di­ » 4 p.m. Complin* A Benediction rector of improvement serv­ Sun. 7:3* p.m: Topic: “ RELIGION AND DRAMA“ ices, June 19, 1961 to Aug. 31, service fo r now officers Movie ovory Friday night a t S. Church School Edge wood Youth Fellowship AO a re welcome to attend C hurch 1961, research at University of U.S. 1 6 E. Lansing Services, and vielt and urn th e Dane* -ovory Saturday night— 4:45 a.m. College Class 1:15 p m . Illinois, and Randolph W. Web­ Room. 4 - 11:44 a m . A IL Ages ster, professor of health, physi­ Everyone Welcome Phone ED 7-977* cal education and recreation, Jan. 2, 1962 to March 19, 1962, study, research and travel. KIMBERLY DOWNS ALL SAINTS CENTRAL METHODIST EAST ULNSING Other leaves: Charles A. Rogers, associate EASTMINSTER professor of personnel and pro­ CHURCH _ UNITY CENTER duction administration and-as­ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 425 W. G rand Rlvor sociate director of the labor Roxle O. Miller, Pastor and industrial relations cen­ Runday~Worshlp 4:34 and H J g 'a m . ter, April 5, 1961 to April 30, CHURCH Ottawa at Capitol — "U nderstanding Brings Fulfillm ent” 1047 Kimberly Drive, Lansing 54* Abbott Road — ED 2-1313 Worship Services 4:45 A 11:15 am . Sunday School 11J 4 a m . 1961, ctrttapation of campaign Donald Clrel* — Soloist leave; R obert A. Jarnagin, in­ (1 blk. N. of WJIM C ountry H omo ) Rev. John F. P orter - Chaplain Paul Morrison, preaching Helen Clark — Organis t , 111* A bbott Rd., East Lansing Study Classes M onday-* Wednes­ formation specialist, informa­ TV *-7141 Rev. R obert G ardner Church School: 4:45 to 11:4* a.m. day evening* a t 1:44 P.m. tion services, April 16, 1961 to Rev. R obert L. Moreland. M inister Chaplain to M arried BtudenU Central is a -Friendly Church Affiliated with Unity *«*•«!„•* May 311, 196Î. forw on doctor­ Del L. W lninger, Minister Christianity. Lee's Snaunit, Mlo- M l W albridge Drive Rev. H oary Fukul. Aset. Minister — souri. ~ ate; John Useem, professor And head of sociology and anthro­ SUNDAY PROGRAM SUNDAY SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES pology, May 16, 19611 to Sept. 15, 1961, complete ' a manu­ 0:10 a.m. Church School, w ith 1:44 A.M. Holy Comfhuntoa S O a E T Y OF LANSING (ENTRAI FREE Morning Worship 11J 4 a m . script. N ursery, and A dult study, stu­ Anita Johnson Dean, assist­ dents included. - Bible Study 4:45 a m . 4:34 A.M. Morning Prayer or Holv FRIENDS METHODIST CHURCH ant professor (extension) of 10:10 a.m. Worship, w ith contin­ Communion, and C hurrh School (QUAKERS) Washington a t Jefferson foods and nutrition, Oct. 1. uing C hurch School for E ihder- Evening W orship 4 JO p m . Lansins _ garten end younger. - 1961 to Nov. 15. 1961. travel in MEETING AT 10:45 A.M. Morning W arship — 11 urn. F a r East, and Byron Van Roe- Wednesday evening Bible Study 11J 4 A.M. Morning P rayer or SUNDAY Sunday School — J * »«¡a. kel, professor of education, Sermon __ Y outh gory*#*,, — J.4J p m . “TO SELF-REALISATION” 7:34 p.m. Holy Communion. X eria— Rvosdng Worship — 7.44 p m . June 16, 1961 to June 30, 1961. WESLEY FOUNDATION Fam ily 4*rvtco Wed. E venlns-ftl* Church School direct workshop at University STUDENTS WELCOME For transportation Call ED 2-4234 141 PARK PLACE "The Church of the L ight and of Southern California. - I CANTERBURY CLUH E. LANS. . LU* Hour” Call ED 2-4SZ4 for transportation RD Thomas M a y e r , associate ED 7-1444 Mr 2-14C4 4:04 P.M. g u a d a r (For Transportation Call IV 4-4S5S) professor of economics, Sept. 1, 1961 to Aug. 31. 1962. teach a t University of California; FIRST CHRISTIAN OLIVET BAPTIST RAINOUTWINTER «“ mm Clifford G. Hildreth, professor of economics, Mav 6, 1961 to FIRST PRESBYTERIAN May 12, 1961 and May 22, 1961 H O W !] m u m m u m REFORMED CHURCH CHURCH O ttaw a and C hestnut to May 26, 1961, lecture at Uni; .«••4444444444444# 2215 E. Michigan North Magnolia Av*. a t E. Michigan Rev. William Hartaaaa. Factor versity of Minnesota; Frank C. Worahlp Sorvteos 4:2# * 11:44 t a 244 Marshall St. Lansing Child, associate professor of Rev. Georg* R. HUson — Minister Rev. John M. H ulm tn. Pastor SUNDAY spring s p e c ia l (N ursery Provided) economics, July 1,1961 to Aug. 14 a m . Sunday School Morning Worship . --4144 rmS—AM . 5 J4 L M . A Morning Pervie* 31, 1962. visiting prolessor at Sunday School — 4:45 A M . If If 7 p.m. llefw A»** Stanford University; Rolland Z. Morning Worship — 11J4 A.M. THE HAM) O f GOD Evening Service College Ace Fellowship Evening Service { PM . 4 P.M. Wheaton, instructor of agricul­ Those la need of transportation MID-WEEK SERVICE I Dtsin. flush and fill “ Dr. Morrow preaching rail the campus Religious Ad­ tural engineering, Sept. 1, 1961 0 radiator! * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * Youth fervioe — 4:00 P M . visor. Mr. Cornolios Korhorn al Thursday 131 p m . to Aug. 31. 1962, continue work Church hue routed on campus Chang* oil-S-gts. IV 5-7453 or Mr. B enrv Botch a t each Sunday #» «SH IV 2-541» 2 ALL FOB ONLY. . . Evening Sorvtao — 7 J 4 P M . Calvin Supper Club 134 p m . on PhD a t University of Cali­ Msbilotl! (Mobilsil t D 2-2225. for a rid*. (Ctasest Baptist church fornia— to Campus) Betty M. Ketchum.—heme * Special, eitrs) $088 (fo 3o carlubrication-pi»* intpacbon m 9 SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH GREEK ARCHMOSESE ST. ANDREWS Information DRIVE IH TODAY! SOUTH WA4JP N OTOW AT MOOHBS RIVER DRIVE. " ORTHODOX CHURCH EASIBHT ORTHODOX o o O • 0 -0 o o o o o o • LANSING Attend Some Catholic Student Organisation —9 p.m ./ St. Johns Student M o b il HOWARD r. SOODEN. ». P.. Pastor S. Washington a t Rim PARISH ifld Center, movie - “The Black BUD’S MOBIL DESMOND t . BELL. As**«. Pastor Morning WavaMp — -— guadar ««hoot: 14J0 a m . STUDENT CENTER . Church Shield of Fslworth,’’ square • 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 - 11:24 a m . “WHY HAVE A CHURCHT’ B M M Liturgy: 14J4 AM . dancing. ' Mobitgas Economy Run Swooptfate» Folk Dnactag—8 p.m. Forestry OCT ENTRY BLANK HERE SEBVICE B BJ* i shool i t JO a m . P a tt a r Rouklakls Officia Ong 124 N. Ponncytvania P lein » Liturgy t :30 a m . log cabin. gvsotna ' W orship 7 J 4 p a M odern Oroofc lan g u ag e School Th or*, a n i Fri., 4 - 4 p m • M O.y." M R HIT NO. (2) SHOWN ONCE AT t : drop and prices to the consu­ experiment station in MM, _ m er would rise because of the limited amounts of food avail­ Research will continue to be able for consumption, said necessary for any long-range agriculture program which will » TEMPTATION Turk. benefit all people, said Turk. "Research is an investment,” He said experiment stations said Turk. “ It benefits every­ must keep their research effort one—urban as wall as farm peo­ strong if American Agriculture 3E and TE110K ple. Funds for research are an is to move forward in the fu­ investment that pays in cheap­ ture. er better quality foods and fi­ P A Fun - Filled Show For paradiso bers, and a more satisfying “ I f is imperative that we have way of life.” a strong and progressive pro­ gram of agricultural research The purpose of the experi­ ta order to keep Michigan farm­ ment station is to do research ers ta a favorable competitive 3E The Whole Family Cinemascope & Color u m a m B -m a m t in agriculture and related fields position and' to keep agricul­ and to make the results avail­ ture in harmony with tile rest IKCMR CAUAI MCHM8 COITE able to people who can use of the economy,” said Turk. BOUT DARM SAMMY MIß Jr. the results in their work. JMMT iW T i B> IH «MM Turk said that there are over 2nd Science • Fiction T hriller Funds to operate the station 400 projects betag'carried on PERFORMANCES AT Shown a t 1:00 - 3:50 - 6:30 • 9:20 come from the state depart­ by staff members now. Some 1:00-3:35-9:20-9:19 ment, the federal government, of these projects have been Í ROT STIC and through gifts and grants carried on for 10 and even 25 Mat 1.00-Eve 1.25-Child 50c T erro r a t th e C enter of th e E a rth ! from industry. years. — . “ The Incredible P etrified W orld” Although the station is admin­ Examples of projects car­ STARTS WEDNESDAY! — istered by the College of Agri­ ried on during 1960 are the de­ R i c h a r d D E N N I N G • D non r iy O A K L A N D culture, it also functions with- velopment of a mechanical Produced and Directed tryS06E* COMMH.«A O m t h idarth e tree harvester for picking fruit, *n AmeticaB-lntaraatteaat Esses« IM the release o f new crop vari HIT NO. (3) GUEST FEATURE AT 19:31 PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED Z-5S17 ties, and the development of Starts al a mechanical tom ato harvester ADM. SUN. MON. Jerry Lewis 7 ML 75c in * 9 1 I E . * Box Office Ciaderfelta E A S T L A N S I N G • PHONE ED.2-2814 FEATURE AT 7:35 • 9:45 Congress -, MBurin JMKS SHWETA P V - m n * k m vmm m m mm ■t i n n ì I s . - « OPENS and Marriage Go-Round HOME OF FOREIGN FILMS — NIGHTS and SUNDAYS ADULTS 99c Officials tjQfilKO TAIA m MIY08HI UMEKI ^ h a s , VMVM6 BRECHER emtm teewd ta MMM n am 6:45 —T v a-Im i c o t o e " O n e o f t h e Y e a r 's B e a t ! ” Nominated »rottadir GEORGEMARSHALL — N. Y. Tmmi — H*rald THfaww— C m — N. Y. tot» — Satvrdoy Ib riam Officers for the newly elected CÄ ? r “ THE ALAMO iftNt'NCS "The best Russian movie since World War II. Brilliant, vehemently origina^beautiful, humorous sentimental journey. Surefire sense of comedy..,the theatre booms with an immense amen to life.” # ( v . is* fK Student Congress were nom inated a t Wednesday’s extra session ot Congress. J im Anderson, Sparta junior, STA R LITE SaJriO tlO W W SI. JOE- — * and Dale Warner, Eaton Rap­ Two Miles g e a t h w n t j f L a a u a i mm I - 7 I — —Tim* M o g o xiim I ids junior, were nominated for "Chukrai has truly composed a ‘ballad’. Lovely imagery...a I> speaker of Congress. HELD OVER picture poem that has tempo and feeling. It is humorous, Other nominations were: Gor­ exciting, tender and strong.”— o o w av . n.y . Tim. don Suber, Owosso freshman, FRIDAY - SATURDAY and Tom Bissell, Jackson soph­ CAST LANSING - omore, for speaker pro-tem and HIT NO. (1) SHOWN AT 7:45 P.M. AND LATE :★ ★ ★ ★ (£ £ )" Julie Bock, Baltimore, M.D. — Wondo Hole, N . Y. Daily Ntwt freshman for Congress secre­ ( 4) F eature Show! Reg. Adm. 75.c j Ballad a tary. Additional nominations can be made the night of elections, May 3. BtLIYtW FU n n y - S a d C ü m e dt A b o u t t h e t ic k l is h »iWILDEFfe FIRST SHOW SAT. & SUN. AT 1 P.M., Soldier Larry Campbell, Marshall junior, was sworn ta as AUSG president. 05EDICAMENT- w « —r C alled U f e ! COMING — TERRY THOMAS IN “ MAKE MINE MINK" Ptato horses pulled the char­ iots of ancient-Egyptians. S l i t ? fV_9SsG@ ® rp r. t w üpD m noÉ L HIT NO. 1 SHOWN FIRST AT 7:57 ¿ tek There's more comeOy-bounce Shirky ÊhcU h* to everything wtth FLUBBER (the goo dÖHNW/VYNE-DEAMMflRTIH Frsd ÊtêcMumy that tlew)...It mede the oempue flip... RICKY NELSONS M i 00 ede cheer..-end amm ja n Ham woawMN union « inorimw Ouecne «m ftodæM w hOwabo hawks TECHNICOi-Of»*| lia iiiM A M ti i HIT NO. (2) SHOWN O N Œ AT 19:19 P.M. flytit RIO BRAVO -SHOWN tND AT » :» IK BUS HIM! M ARTHAHYER HUMBENNETT O khUmmaHa. U>»n — DESIRE IN THE DUST 3RD AT 11:50 Added “SAGA OF WIND T H E IR O N WAGON SMITH’* SSTHERLINEGHARYKNIF F THE IRON SHERIFF SHOWN LAST AT LATE SHOW Sunday ju id Monday — 2 Color Hit» Fred MacMurray „ lW 0 ji IEÖNAMES• ELLIOTTR0D- EDWARDANDREWS/o - r c .. vai*»a¡w •«[W BB /.J f fiitö N f . « THU S a o . deanJAGGER-ArthurKENNEDY shrhJONES FOR PROGRAM INFORMATION DIAL STARTS TODAY NEXT ATTRACTION! PA TTIPAGE-r.ABRQOKS-nmSllIH eunkrttOEEPRMi-Enciman COLOR- Complete Shews At - L IF E * 1:09-3:09-5:09-7:99-9:10 Features At » 1:294:29-5:29-7:39-9:35 M T H E A T R E • P H O N E I V 2 - 7 3 II PAT BOONE ALL HANDS ON DECK PLUS — -THE MARRIAGE GO-ROUND” ftar, won the Ohio Relays broad jump champion­ LEXINGTON, Ky. «»—A 1) and then return to E ast Lan­ ship in 1960 and 1961. Beginners Golf Outfit! said Wednesday he hopes to Mabricio Ventura, Zack Ford, sing to host Western Wednes­ start the vaulting at 13 feet 6, and John Sharp will round out standout field of Kentucky day (May 3) a t 2:39 p.m. including. — instead of the usual 12-6. in an Coach Dittrich ’f team and par­ derby eligibles was entered A year ago MSU coach Stan ■fr Spaulding Special 8-pc. S ta rte r Set attempt to keep the talented ticipating in the javelin throw, today for the 125,000-added blue Drobac’s netters shot out Way­ F or men o r women trio fresh for an assault on the distance medley, 440, 880, mile grass stakes at Keeneland. ne 9-0 during a 15-match win­ relayk record of 15 feet */h inch. relay, and two mile run. 3-5-7-9 Irons — P u tte r — 1-3 Woodsr Among them are the winners ning skein a n d lost to Western J.D. Martin of Oklahoma, who As to sure winners, there can of the Louisiana and California 5-4 late in the s e a s o n . 2 C om partm ent Bag set the mark last year, will be | be little speculation. Many of BILLY REYNOLDS, captain of derbies, the Chesapeake stakes Going into the matches. State $74.00 Value challenged by George Davies! the schools sending teams to the track team, will anchor the and Santa Anita’s San Felipe owns an 9-2 won-tost record of Oklahoma State and Dexter the meet have not been scouted four mile relay team in the handicap. over-all. Elkins of Southern Methodist {and their strong and weak Drake Relays this weekend. If all 10 start, the race will -The Spartan’s most recent Saturday in the second day of spots in most cases are not Reynolds is among 12 Spartans gross 334,300, with $22,2% for the two-day meet. I known. victories have been over Notre participating in the Relays. the winner. Dame 5 3 and Detroit 99. Three of -their last fo u r-v in e have been 94) shut-outs. ^ Coeds Face Calvin Netters Drobac Is “very pleased” with the showing of Ins first six performers so ta r tins sea­ EMERALD-CUT The W om en’s Varsity tennis Kalamazoo there; M a y 13 son, although there may be HAMBURGER HEAVEN ; team will play host to Calvin Kingswood here; May 16 Kala-j slight position shifts within the j College Friday April 28, at mazoo here; and-May 19 West­ singles lineup, he say s. 2.00 p.m. The meet will con­ ern Michigan, there. Drobac’s singles lineup now DIAMOND Ref. 150.00 Now 3 Free Golf Balls w ith the S ta rte r Set You expect variety . . . sist of 6 single matches fol­ Practice is held every Mon­ has CapL Brian Eisner a t the 9 9 .5 0 lowed by 3 double matches. day through Thursday from 3 No. 1 position *-«-— » — — and you get it! This w ill 'B e State’s first meet to 5p.m. on the tennis courts. der by Dick HaB. ☆ also «Golf’Shoes, Moccasin type - only $ 9 .9 5 ‘of the season. During bad weather the team enbeef, Jack Damson. - | Ofhsr tennis m atahes—e » practices in the Women’s« In­ Henry and Bill Laa * - $2.00 Weekly Clippert S treet — Across From F randor tram ural building. T heteam is The doubles imeup figures j S ta te’s schedule a r e : M ay 4, I W estern M ichigan h ere; M ay 5 coached by Miss Lucille Dailey. set with Eisner and Hall at No. 1. Plageshoef and Damson at L arry Cushion SPORTINGWWW wkmmm*irW ii¿ai »»«cf »t=s» No. 2 and Henry an d Lau at MÍ SOUTHWASHWGTON 3020*Vine S t. (Vi Block W est of Sears) Golfers Risk No. 3. Five Meet Streak In Quadrangular The Spartan golf team, riding the crest of a five meet winn­ ing streak, will be on the road this weekend. T a m v to n d e liv e r s th e flavor. The golfers will be at Evan­ ston, 111., Saturday against Northwestern and Wisconsin and then Monday they move to Madison, Wis., to compete in a quadrangular meet against No­ tre Dame, Northwestern and Wisconsin. Coach Jack Brotzmann feels confident of his team ’s chan­ ces. He expects his toughest competition will come from No­ tre Dame. Brotzmann still has not found an outstanding num­ ber one man but relies on ex­ cellent team balance. The six members of the team on the traveling squad aré: Buddy Badger, Tod Schmidt, C.A. Smith (captain), Marty Kleva, Larry McMillan and Don Cochran.- FAMILY AFFAIRS: Both fathers and mothers ot Mich­ igan-State football players Art Brandstatter, John Colint. Ger­ ald Jellis and Doug Miller at tended MSU. SPECIAL IhtM or* tho pullover sport shirts mon of fashion enjoy PURCHASE for complete su m m er comfort and freedom in action—short sleeve cotton shirts with that handsome traditional button- Oxfani Cloth down collar, three-button front placket styling they prefer, Bdtea Dawa left: Textured solid color oatmeal doth shirt in hemlock green» 3 Balten - Placket blue, putty, bronze, gold or clay. Sizes S/M,L,XL. 5.98 Short Sleeve Reg. » 3 .9 5 V a h e H fit’s one fiber cigarette that’s really different! / Rire white Right: Batik print in assorted patterns. Sizes S,M^XL 5.98 filter The difference is this: Tareyton’s Dual Filter gives you a 0 to $ 2 J6 unique tamer -fille r of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL, definitely proved to Buy aud Save m ake toe teste oI a cigarette mild and smooth. It works together with , CHARCOAL a pore white outer fiber—to balance the flavor elements in the smoke. inner filter MEN’S SHOP Len Kositchek s r - th e b ea t U u te o f tkm bmat to b a c c o s . Varsity Shop 210 Abbott Rd. — E ast Lansing mmjt'AmUtyi.y 228 A bbott Rd. E ast Lansing, Mich. DUALFILTER ’JUmmémtmt/hmm O aa* a Michigan State Newa, East Laiming, Michigan THE SOCIAL SCENE Friday Morning, April 28, 1961 Red Cedar School Hectic Pace for College P in n in g s Alpha Epsflea Pi are hi the making fo r 112 new to have the final fitting for ber ALTHOUGH THE first three Bob Stewart, Detroit senior, to Sharon Sorensen, Detroit freshman. Student Flu ctu ation D u e By CATHIE MAHONEY T o M S U Term En ro llm e n t AscWaat Women's Editor units. But there is a waiting g o w n , h a w bridesmaids’ months’ activity can be done Delta Taa Delta gowns fitted, visit the photog­ on weekend visits ham t, the Bffl Jenkins, Flint junior, to Reams of material in the list of over 300 fo r faU 1961. rapher for the formal wedding wade before the wedding It is Karen Lundin, E ast Lansing form of magazines, booklets, Because of the turnover of stu­ portrait, select and order the almost impossible to direct ju n io r. ers are an important addition there are cub s c o u t and and even books have been dents graduating o r leaving, wadding cake, chock with the By CRIS GALANT planning procedures from col­ PM Delta Theta State News Wm h i ’i Writer to the normal staff. These in­ brownie meetings for tire chil­ written on the subject of plan* there will probably be enough caterer on reception menu. lege. This memis that tire Hank Visgor, Okemos senior, clude a nurse, vocal music ning and preparing a wedding. room to accommodate those on The bride-elect also must see dren, and expectant parents’ bride-to-be really should be to Barb Shutes, Tuscon, Ari­ The excessive number of stu­ teacher, librarian, and guid­ These are helpful for the many class for adults, and a city girls who are able to plan the presenT list; however, the the florist with her fiance to home. Most girls who are get­ zona sophomore. dents leaving and coming in ance counselor. waiting list is bound to in­ choose her bouquet mid other ting married as soon as vaca­ PM Kappa Taa to Red Cedar School each term Required or optional TV pro­ recreation night. The 13-acre while living at home but. what crease before fall. The earliest flowers for the wedding. Also tion comes leave themselves Ken Gregory, Plymouth sen­ is linked to the enrollment at grams are also part of tire third school property lends itself to about the hundreds of brides- fo r m ar­ to be tak*» care of a t this time a t least a week of vacation be­ ior, to Chris Birch, Pittsburgh) Michigan State University. such activities. to-be who must prepare for the ried bousing isapply a couple may three months is planning'mukic for the cere­ fore the wedding. ~ Pa. Sophomore; Dennis Shine, Will Herbst, principal, said and fourth-grade curriculum in A special five-week summer Great Day while attending col­ before the wedding date. m u s i c , social studies and mony, arranging for the re­ The week before the wedding Elgin, 111. freshman, to Ruth that his school must wait until science, although Herbst was school program is financed and lege? hearsal dinner, planning ac­ is filled with consulting all tire Muirbead, Plato Center, 111. university enrollment is com­ quick to point out that such ac­ operated by tire University. Campus m a r r i a g e s are How does a college girl go commodations for out-of-town people responsible for seeing freshman. pleted before he can take an About 20 .student teachers at-' tivities are not the mainstay of steadily increasing each year. about planning her wedding? guests, planning of the brides­ that the wedding and reception Psi Upeilon accurate count of his school’.; the teaching program. tend as a part of their teach­ At the present time there' are Preparations usually s t a r t maids’ luncheon, preparing the go smoothly; giving the brides­ Ned Harris, Mt. Pleasant sen­ students. DURING THE school year er’s certificate program. \ over a million married stu­ three months before the decid­ newspaper announcements. It maids’ luncheon; and holding ior, to Jean Fox, Mt. Pleasant dents in the U.S. ed date. She m u d decide is a good idea at this time to tire rehearsal. THIS IS Herbst’s first year whether to have a formal or take a check of itequ still Not many things can be done PI Beta Phi as principal. For tire past ten AT MICHIGAN State alone informal wedding; make a trip needed for the future home. there are three married hous­ home to buy her wedding dress The groom-to-be should have ing projects containing 1,940 and have it-fitted; plan the re­ selected the wedding ring. In­ while a girl is still in school— especially if it is to be a large wedding. However, she can Sis Shuster, Evanston fresh­ man, to Craig Fisher, freshman and Phi Gamma Delta. years he did speech-correction work in Lansing schools. Since about 70 per cent of the Staff Members to Discuss apartments—all filled. Plans ception; enrol] with the bridal vitations are mailed at least consultant for help in planning J three weeks prior to the wed­ a perfect wedding; choose the ding. shop for her trousseau and at­ tendants’ gifts; write thank- you-notes—it is simple to do Sigma Alpha Epsilon Bryce Plapp, DeKalb, '111. sophomore, to Rosemary Kuhn, -children attending the elemen­ tary school come from Univer­ sity housing, Red Cedar never UN at Civic Center Engagements attendants’ dresses; order in­ Two weeks before the B ig vitations and personal station- j Day involve checking on cloth­ this if her family keeps a rec­ Lansing junior . knows how many of its stu­ dents will return, or how many Three MSU staff members the table will be Mrs. Don Ste­ ord of the gifts and mails it to Theta Chi - will participate in discussions vens, Okemos, who will be as­ Gamma Phi Beta ery; make sure both mothers ] ing and accessories for tire her; and address invitations Richard Moll, Rochester .N.Y. new children there will be. Helen Arnold, Dearborn sen­ choose their dresses: _ wedding party, having a final Herbst said that there have on the United Nations when Ing­ sisted by other administration- and announcements. sophomore, to Barbara Stahl, ham County Democratic women board wives. Mrs. Kullervo ior,' to Paul -Burbage, New been 560 different students this Jersey junior and Beta Theta WHILE AT SCHOOL she can check with caterer, and ar­ There are numerous parties Wyandotte sophomore and Del­ year, and there have been 72 act as host for Democratic Wo­ Louhi, East Lansing, is in ranging for moving. also that must be attended. ta Zeta. men’s Day, Saturday, May 6 at charge of the morning pro­ Pi; Marianne Krenz, Saginaw draw up a basic guest list with Some are given at school by changes since last December. senior, to John Schwartje, Fer­ final additions and approval of the Lansing Civic Center. gram. X\ ^ her fiance and both seta of her college friends, but for. oth­ BUT HE added that this n s Institute senior. ers she must be home. Dr. Ralph Smuckler, associ­ Reservations must be made Alpha Chi Omega parents. The girl and h o 1flan- < Judy Sorenson, Grand Rap­ ce should make plans for their Reception THE BRIDE’S family pays Blood Drive changeover is probably of some advantage to the children, be­ ate dean, international p r o ­ in advance by contacting the grams; Dr. Donald Urquidi, po­ Michigan Federation of Demo­ cause they learn to associate ids junior, to Dale Sterum, Pid- future home—this is so much all wedding expenses; how litical science; and Dr. Georg cratic Women, 954 Book Build­ geon graduate. easier if they choose to live in university married bousing as Honors Coeds ever, the groom’s headache begins with the honeymoon. He Ends at 2 p.m. with others of an infinite varie­ ty of backgrounds and cultures. Borgstrom, food science and ing, Detroit 26, Michigan. Delta Zeta noted authority on world prob­ it cuts rent and furniture costs. President and Mrs. John A. also pays for. the license, (Continued from Page 1) For example, there have lems, will discuss specific prob­ \ Barbara Burda, Calumet sen­ been 112 foreign children there ior, to Wayne Sickler, North­ This is not too early to start Hannah held a reception in their home on Monday in honor bride’s flowers, mother's cor­ sages, ushers’ accessories and time percentage high for the dorms. this year, some of whom spoke lems facing the UN. The theme of this year’s program is “ Al­ Sorority Holds ern Michigan College senior; plans for the honeymoon—but of all college women who held Zeta Beta Tau has won the no English. Woodgie Smolik, St. Louis, Mis­ the groom has all the worries a 3.0 last term. gifts, clergyman’s fee, bride’s gift, bachelor dinner, and his trophy in the fraternity divi­ He said there is no special liance for Peace and Progress— the United Nations’’. Dr.'Pres- Annual State Day souri sophomore, to John Lo­ in that department as he Receiving were Pn. „ nt own wedding attire. sion but both Phi Sigma Kappa program set up for them, other gan, University of Michigan makes all the arrangements. ton Slosson, professor of history Delta Zeta sorority will hold junior. and M rs.'Hannah, Miss F ian­ These are the many details and Delta Upsilon have passed than to try to distribute them at the University of Michigan its annual State Day at Michi­ The bride-elect should start ces DeLisle, Gigi Gammon, a girl becomes involved in the 100 per cent mark. Farm ­ liberally throughout the rooms will give the keynote address, Phillips HaU shopping for her trousseau and president of Mortar Board, when she is planning her wed­ house hit 85 per cent today and so they will have contact with “ Labor’s Role in Foreign Pol- gan State on April 29 at Kel­ Eunice Brown, Clawson jun­ gifts for her fiance and her at­ senior women’s honorary, and ding. The planning is hectic Phi Kappa Sigma had 75 per the American children. He said icy"'WUl be the subject of the logg Center. ior, to William Bradley, Ply­ tendants. Nancy Simmons, AWS activi­ enough when she can prepare cent. Sigma Alpha Mu and Al­ there has been no major handi­ luncheon address to be given Mrs. Russel Costello, past mouth junior. Two months before the wed­ ties president. while at home but when she is pha Sigma Phi each had 67 per cap to their education. by Mrs. Ethel Peterson, as­ national president of DZ and North Williams HaU ding we see our bride-to-be go­ In toe second receiving line away at college, trying to keep cent. — RED CEDAR School has 18 sistant to thersecretary of labor. Panhellenic conference dele­ Donna Parrett, Tecumseh ing with her fiance to get Hie were Dean and Mrs. ..Tom up her grades and plan the Bower House is high for the classrooms and 16 regular In charge of arrangements sophomore, to David Kirkby, marriage license and making King, Mrs. Paul Miller, presi­ wedding by “ remote control” , co-ops with 75 per cent. Hen­ teachers. Two-thirds of the for the program is Mrs. Russell gate will be the main speaker. Lansing senior; Kathie Davies, a trip to the doctor. She must dent of Alpha Lambda Delta it is doubly difficult. drick House had 50 per cent children are on the kindergar­ Nye, East Lansing. A coffee ta­ Alumnae, actives, and pledg­ Pigeon freshman, to Kenneth also plan for the recording and